[00:00:07] ChasingSol: @XENOMAN5 Hi bi, I am also [00:00:08] mrs_mauss: FIRST [00:00:09] ThisIsSNARL: YOOOOOOO [00:00:11] PaperyMantis645: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM [00:00:12] Ignemia: Here we go [00:00:12] ThisIsSNARL: POGGERS [00:00:12] SNOWIE_THE_FOX_: HEWO [00:00:13] pillowdemon2077: yooooo [00:00:14] saiga9: <3 [00:00:15] wack0x: yoooo [00:00:15] snotchtigr: HEYYYYYY [00:00:16] f3mmbot: F1NN5TER just went live! Goodbye offline gang PepeHands [00:00:17] hon3yb0y: ayo [00:00:17] sp00kykj: YOOOOOO CONGRATS [00:00:17] mebeperson: ITS TIME [00:00:17] Futura3: i cant believe it!! (i can) [00:00:17] SolemnLupine: YOOOOO [00:00:17] LadyLionessOfLondon: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:17] lovekaseyj: I subbed with prime today with little incident for the first time ever omg [00:00:18] f0xegg: TransgenderPride [00:00:19] chopchop344: yooo [00:00:19] LittleChaSiu: Now playing: Dancing in the Moonlight -- Toploader [00:00:19] zoelegs: LET'S GOOOOOO [00:00:20] xz0mb0ix: HEYYY [00:00:20] Gentyron: eyo [00:00:20] lovekaseyj: heyyyyyyyy [00:00:20] html2034: Congratulations [00:00:20] AlmondVF: hellooo people [00:00:21] Alia_A: Heyyy [00:00:21] JVidsLive: Let's gooo! [00:00:21] mrs_mauss: HAIII [00:00:22] ahumanblub: Yoooo [00:00:22] N0xAtra: Hi!! [00:00:22] sarathearcher1: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:22] Mikey2207: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:22] AveedzGhamer: AveedzGhamer subscribed with Prime. [00:00:22] BlankDomino: wooooooo [00:00:22] f3mmbot: aveedzghamer subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang aveedzghamer f1nnLezgang [00:00:23] rice4020609: Yooooo [00:00:23] buggex: iahfyFrogjam iahfyFrogjam iahfyFrogjam iahfyFrogjam iahfyFrogjam iahfyFrogjam iahfyFrogjam [00:00:23] PlagueMaidTwitch: ayo [00:00:24] MikeWillStream: we're live! [00:00:24] alkibiadesmassacre: hiii [00:00:24] muddymudkip15: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:25] braddle172: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:25] funny_mayonnaise: yippee [00:00:25] trinkyi: heyyyyy [00:00:25] mystchevious1: glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE [00:00:26] sparcie64: CONGRATS!!!! [00:00:26] ahhh3y: wooo [00:00:26] ryantupo: ryantu1Wave ryantu1Wave ryantu1Wave ryantu1Wave ryantu1Wave [00:00:26] general_of_cm: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:27] Mondongod: HRT FOR EVERYONE [00:00:27] Gamecrafter42: Helloo [00:00:28] greatattentionspa: greatattentionspa subscribed with Prime. [00:00:28] LittleChaSiu: Now playing: Dancing in the Moonlight -- Toploader [00:00:28] f3mmbot: greatattentionspa subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang greatattentionspa f1nnLezgang [00:00:28] Darkwizard9944: <3 <3 [00:00:29] cyber_viv: hah first [00:00:29] riku_k_k: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:00:29] liqwidbutterfly: lets gooo [00:00:29] spidersman27: spidersman27 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! [00:00:29] spider3327: hiiiiiii!! [00:00:29] mortelsson: congratulations! :# [00:00:29] Mikey2207: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:00:29] f3mmbot: spidersman27 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:00:30] iq_thicc22: YEEES [00:00:30] ahhh3y: yaaa [00:00:30] YukiSoraSaki: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [00:00:30] jackcboiz: The time has come [00:00:31] mebeperson: LADS ITS TIME [00:00:31] ekat2468: CONGRATS [00:00:31] OstentatiousMongoose: POGGERS [00:00:31] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:32] crxstalline_: CONGRATSSSS [00:00:32] snotchtigr: YAYYYYYYY [00:00:33] jamnesia777: WOOOOOO [00:00:34] Kolateak_: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM [00:00:34] StarbowsBreak: <3 <3 <3 [00:00:34] crowblax: HIIIII [00:00:34] Maddrius: Maddrius subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 12 month streak! So proud of you! Congrats!!!! Wishing all the best this year ^.^ [00:00:34] f3mmbot: maddrius subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:00:35] CptPurpleHero: leesgo [00:00:35] fare_456: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:00:36] ThtTwitchLily: yoooo [00:00:36] ahhh3y: congrats [00:00:36] JType327Nubian: JType327Nubian subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [00:00:36] AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide: AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:00:36] f3mmbot: jtype327nubian subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:00:37] f3mmbot: aphaloxidiumalliomonoxide subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:00:37] strawb3ry_cow: LETS GOOOOOOOOooooo [00:00:37] eckers75: theco7BatLove theco7BatLove theco7BatLove [00:00:38] D4v12max: pog [00:00:38] angygenz: TransgenderPride [00:00:38] ch4rc0al5: BisexualPride One of us, one of us BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:00:38] Noskcaj1444: Congratulations [00:00:38] LadyLionessOfLondon: LadyLionessOfLondon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months! 19 months! [00:00:39] redfogul: whaaaaat? [00:00:39] f3mmbot: ladylionessoflondon subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:00:39] johnkeiwo: inconHi Hello worrunHi chat [00:00:39] Kinitawowi: well, this chat is going to be a mess tonight - good luck mods sihaHug [00:00:39] xz0mb0ix: F1INN MOGS [00:00:40] tornadogoesbrazzy: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:00:40] queenwetzelgameing: Congratulations you finally came out [00:00:40] general_of_cm: f1nnCowjam <3 f1nnCowjam <3 f1nnCowjam <3 f1nnCowjam [00:00:40] CaptMatrixx: WOOOOOO [00:00:40] lynn_150: damn just finished the video [00:00:40] Nitaki__: yoo [00:00:40] crowblax: IM SO PROUD OF [00:00:41] lunarle0_: hiii [00:00:41] jackcboiz: Here we goo [00:00:41] degdo24: happy coming out finn! [00:00:41] filip_zd10: hii [00:00:41] Prandah: f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam [00:00:41] AdonMrGveret: I WAS HERE [00:00:41] ManOnTheNet: mordan2Squats mordan2Squats mordan2Squats mordan2Squats [00:00:42] saint_r: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:42] Targz_: YESSSSS [00:00:42] LanaBread: yooooo [00:00:42] satinsun: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:00:42] dennisdemeniss: :O [00:00:42] MabelOkami: TransgenderPride [00:00:42] ElioJey: so happy for you!! [00:00:43] Ramaj_A: Here for it [00:00:43] GaiusGoose: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:00:43] 01Leon01: GIRL? [00:00:43] Dani_roa_: Dani_roa_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 2 years :) [00:00:43] insidecchaos: YOOOOO [00:00:43] The_1_Nomad: the1no4Sakurakiss the1no4Sakurakiss the1no4Sakurakiss the1no4Sakurakiss the1no4Sakurakiss [00:00:43] f3mmbot: dani_roa_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 25 months using Prime! PogU [00:00:43] lilaggyiscool: hi [00:00:43] godsbeenswinging_: <3 [00:00:44] czechowww: SUP [00:00:44] experiencepoints: CONGRATS F1NN [00:00:44] Sift11: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:00:44] pheonixthunder7: I support you [00:00:44] PanRojek: panrojWow panrojWow panrojWow panrojWow [00:00:44] marciamaplewood: CONGRATZ NERD!! [00:00:44] Jeddix: f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam [00:00:44] rainpeak: hiii [00:00:44] ApocaLizzie: CONGRATES G [00:00:44] LittleChaSiu: Now playing: Dancing in the Moonlight -- Toploader [00:00:44] distractedcreative: This is gonna be the best stream so far! [00:00:44] theflippinfish3: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:00:45] noodlekittehh: congratssss Finnnnn 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 [00:00:45] Megarah0: gremlin gender be like [00:00:45] zumjess: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:45] StateAffiliatedMedia: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:45] jackcboiz: Woooo [00:00:45] soar_fennec: Big Day! Big News! its finally happend! THE EGG HAS BROKEN!!! [00:00:45] unision_crash: WOOHOO [00:00:45] mr_leggy_d_1st: F1NN'S LIVE [00:00:45] bluestarinthesky_: Cheer1 [00:00:46] Cadzzes: wahhhwooooo [00:00:46] venlamonster: POGGIES [00:00:46] astrid_autumn: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:46] TheSubmergedJungle: YAY [00:00:46] ukulilyy: <3 <3 <3 [00:00:46] ManOnTheNet: mordan2Shakeit mordan2Shakeit mordan2Shakeit mordan2Shakeit mordan2Shakeit [00:00:46] dysfunctionaldomo: SO PROUD OF YOUUU!!! [00:00:46] Xonogon: Congrats!!!! Welcome to the community 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 [00:00:46] Slaydria118: CONGRATULATIONS [00:00:47] genkicussy79: I caught a stream!!! [00:00:47] FelineFemby: Suuuuup boiiiiis [00:00:47] njbh86: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:48] reiisguts: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:00:48] JType327Nubian: I love you babygirl [00:00:48] ahorseinahospital: ahorseinahospital subscribed with Prime. [00:00:48] f3mmbot: ahorseinahospital subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang ahorseinahospital f1nnLezgang [00:00:48] mimmm: WOOO [00:00:48] mcmaster2000: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:48] misschvs: WOOOOOO!!! <3 <3 <3 [00:00:49] 2717101295: celery15TRANS celery15TRANS celery15TRANS celery15TRANS celery15TRANS [00:00:49] snowosolo: hiiiii [00:00:49] generic_game: Let's gooooo [00:00:49] CritCupcake: What have you gone and done!? *giggle* [00:00:49] just__jaxon: I’m so proud of you Finn [00:00:49] fatslowman: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:49] AmazingAspie: The egg has cracked [00:00:49] rosieishere1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:49] caelamondorian: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:49] tesstrtesstr: YAY [00:00:49] degdo24: YIPPEEE [00:00:50] im_up_to_something: Hello [00:00:50] kim5734: hiiiiii chat and Finn [00:00:50] yocool7810: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:50] axel02602: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:00:50] Frosty790: Hi F1nn f1nnHeart [00:00:50] TheJerseyAngel: PROUD OF YOUUU [00:00:50] livtir: yea [00:00:50] Teagra: TransgenderPride [00:00:50] astalapasta1244: whooooooooo [00:00:50] thecosmerian: ONE OF US ONE OF US [00:00:50] vox_causa: Well this ought to be a good one [00:00:51] valcinoid: gonna be an interesting stream [00:00:51] Bartiono: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:51] mr_ajokortti_korkort: 🌹 󠀀 [00:00:51] jackcboiz: Lez goo [00:00:51] sqwertt1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:51] TaliaRose17: wooop [00:00:51] ZeroFfs: Soon our day will be better! [00:00:51] sadmouse123: woooooooooooo [00:00:52] ManaUnmuted: manaunMutedHeart [00:00:52] lilyxmiw: what’s going on lol? [00:00:52] TweetieBird27: Welcome to the club!!!!! [00:00:52] insidecchaos: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:00:52] zumjess: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:52] vexowodot: ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US [00:00:52] syro01: congratulations Finn!! ❤️ [00:00:52] PtxyBnti: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:00:52] Ovler_83: congrats [00:00:52] yourmom_233: you were my gay awakening [00:00:52] TayTaetay: TayTaetay subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! YAY [00:00:52] kiriMCtwitch: TransgenderPride [00:00:52] f3mmbot: taytaetay subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:00:52] starr_shark: CONGRATS FINN LOVE UUUU [00:00:52] Ique32: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:53] amsylum: wHOOO [00:00:53] beaneater197: Yay [00:00:53] bluecap_bc: Hype [00:00:53] Catamondium: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:53] ramboo1989: congratulations, gamer! [00:00:54] lovekaseyj: cowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:54] galaxy__panda_: congrats! so proud of you! [00:00:54] keyzro: keyzro subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months! [00:00:54] ZerschnetzIer: hellooooooo [00:00:54] f3mmbot: keyzro subscribed to f1nn5ter for 22 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:00:54] mebeperson: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:54] envixityvol46: Hi F1nn [00:00:54] taicapre: Legs goooo [00:00:54] just__jaxon: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:00:54] LogicalOdditys: Congratulations! [00:00:55] pin_baller: whoa [00:00:55] sammie5436: sammie5436 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [00:00:55] abstract_frankensten: congrats big dogg [00:00:55] Smiling_Shelly: Well done F1nn [00:00:55] f3mmbot: sammie5436 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:00:55] bluj40: bluj40 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months! [00:00:55] PaperyMantis645: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:00:55] Maddrius: Lets go! [00:00:55] f3mmbot: bluj40 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 43 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:00:55] toomanybees___: good luck mods f1nnHeart [00:00:55] ThtTwitchLily: pog [00:00:55] Thunderwitch8: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:55] grefitz: CONGRATS!! [00:00:55] t0m1n4t0r: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:56] ScrapRodent: karlswArmstrongrights karlswArmstrongtransrights [00:00:56] Cadzzes: wasn’t he live like yesterday? [00:00:56] FortuneFaded420: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:56] violet_pirate1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:56] tesstrtesstr: SO PROUD OF YOU [00:00:57] ahumanblub: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:57] crowblax: CONGRATS F1NNNNNN [00:00:57] phoebe_rc: Hello [00:00:57] marniepixel: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:57] rxefz: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:00:57] jackcboiz: Wooo [00:00:57] EmpressCard: Congrats on coming out!!!!! [00:00:58] FelineFemby: so excited for this stream! [00:00:58] zoelegs: Luv u [00:00:59] ApocaLizzie: theink26Wildsmirk theink26Wildsmirk theink26Wildsmirk theink26Wildsmirk [00:00:59] cheesusyourlord: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:59] Pheynix: WE GOT THEM [00:00:59] zumjess: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:59] DazeTheStormKid: so happy for you F1nn [00:00:59] Blaine8182: Blaine8182 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [00:00:59] insidecchaos: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [00:00:59] rice4020609: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:00:59] YukiSoraSaki: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:00:59] princessmihai: Today is a happy day!!! Love you F1nn!!! [00:00:59] f3mmbot: blaine8182 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [00:01:00] bailee_vincent: f1nnHeart [00:01:00] space_vaquer0: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:00] cosmic_lil: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:00] unovaismyregion: congratulations!!!!! [00:01:00] mimmm: CONGRATS [00:01:00] MsSpelled_MT: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:01] Catamondium: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:01] FoxieRae: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:01] just__jaxon: GenderFluidPride [00:01:01] sunnylags: crumpWobble crumpWobble crumpWobble [00:01:01] Amoyamoyamoya: STREAM START 1300 [00:01:01] czechowww: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:01] RobbieLeeFYI: Yo [00:01:01] JType327Nubian: we really fucking love you darling [00:01:02] 0mercenary19: this is my first stream very excited to finally catch one especially after the announcement! [00:01:02] MegaMiley: This stream is gonna be cracked :D [00:01:02] Mikey2207: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:01:02] CarnagexElite: super proud of you coming out, welcome to the bisexual trans club [00:01:02] ScrapRodent: karlswArmstrongtransrights karlswArmstrongrights karlswArmstrongtransrights karlswArmstrongrights karlswArmstrongtransrights karlswArmstrongrights karlswArmstrongtransrights karlswArmstrongrights karlswArmstrongtransrights karlswArmstrongrights karlswArmstrongtransrights karlswArmstrongrights karlswArmstrongtransrights karlswArmstrongrights [00:01:02] jackcboiz: Here we go [00:01:02] ghost_sheriff_: let’s goooo happy for you Finn!!! [00:01:02] Kageblade08: YAY CONGRATS [00:01:02] letume: letume subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! [00:01:03] f3mmbot: letume subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:03] idesofjuno: pepeD [00:01:03] 5195_Olivias: CONGRATS [00:01:03] lastwurmjr: we were right boys! [00:01:03] silentkay1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:03] Mr_Fluffy97: He did the thing!!! f1nnPet f1nnPet [00:01:03] spider3327: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:03] just__jaxon: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:03] beaneater197: It's time [00:01:04] ThtTwitchLily: based fimpter [00:01:04] Ovler_83: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:04] baummfreund: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:01:04] LealNoah: congestion [00:01:04] Erenpea: nympeaDansdans nympeaDansdans nympeaDansdans [00:01:04] Arumas: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:04] silentkay1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:04] EmilySaxton: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:04] amethystbinx: TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [00:01:04] VirtuousJade: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:01:05] kitkatgaming11: kitkatgaming11 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [00:01:05] lorelei0649: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:01:05] f3mmbot: kitkatgaming11 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [00:01:05] trinkyi: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:05] sae_444: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:05] nhook: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:05] trisha_yay: LETS GOOOOO TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:06] Barbar7575: congrats for coming out TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:01:06] zumjess: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:06] Moloswaggins: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:06] AceAngel: TransgenderPride [00:01:07] mack72307: <3 <3 <3 [00:01:07] fare_456: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:01:07] Pope_Pickle: COGRATSSSSS [00:01:07] shadowqueenmaeve: Happy Gender day F1nn [00:01:07] jamnesia777: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:07] astrid_autumn: CONGRATS IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! [00:01:08] crowblax: MEN LOVERS UNITE [00:01:08] ZoeyyyAlexis: congrats! happy for you:) [00:01:08] nathen418: nathen418 subscribed with Prime. [00:01:08] mrs_mauss: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:08] Nitaki__: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:01:08] jritvt: 🫶🏾 [00:01:08] chrizcox462: moo [00:01:08] f3mmbot: nathen418 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang nathen418 f1nnLezgang [00:01:08] IAmSarahcat: CONGRATS FRIEND [00:01:08] just__jaxon: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:08] DatChickenBro1: F1NN!!! [00:01:09] BobTMK190: BREAD [00:01:09] theflippinfish3: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:09] KaraIRL: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:09] goldcircle15849: Woooo we love you! [00:01:09] meiketae: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:09] Dawnpanda_fire: damn chat moves fast [00:01:09] karojhe: 🥳🥳🥳 [00:01:10] spidunno: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:10] D3x0n: TransgenderPride [00:01:10] ScrapRodent: karlswArmstrongrights karlswArmstrongtransrights karlswArmstrongrights karlswArmstrongtransrights karlswArmstrongrights karlswArmstrongtransrights karlswArmstrongrights karlswArmstrongrights karlswArmstrongrights [00:01:10] Ovler_83: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:10] Clippey: I’m on an ad whats going on [00:01:10] rice4020609: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:10] TheVerybest098: I have to sleep but have come to say CONGRATS! [00:01:10] macarous: CONGRATS DUDE [00:01:11] Dani_roa_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:11] braddle172: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:01:11] Allie_Cat_uWu: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:01:11] pink545: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:11] zumjess: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:11] jackcboiz: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:11] taicapre: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:01:11] Altrune33: Altrune33 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months! havent watched a twitch stream in ages [00:01:11] spvxter: I KNEW IT [00:01:12] plutosclowd: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:12] f3mmbot: altrune33 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 25 months using Prime! PogU [00:01:12] Mikey2207: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:12] saint_r: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:12] DemonQueenMavis: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:12] LindseyMonroe: TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride [00:01:12] kaythecreature: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:12] TearsMysthrala: TearsMysthrala subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Congrats!! [00:01:12] amethystbinx: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:12] f3mmbot: tearsmysthrala subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [00:01:12] tesstrtesstr: WE LOVE YOU [00:01:13] LogicalOdditys: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:13] AshNDu5t: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:13] rw03_bjw: MY GUY, sometimes and all that [00:01:13] asheeykat: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:13] olyxxd: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:13] muddymudkip15: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:01:13] bluj40: hello all [00:01:13] kiriMCtwitch: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:01:13] crowblax: YESSIRRR [00:01:14] reiisguts: PansexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:14] MisaelCapria: I just finished the youtube video and was like "maybe the stream is on?" congratulations on being yourself! [00:01:14] Thunderwitch8: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:14] AmyF1sh: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:14] HardyOrange: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:01:14] Endlessoul: Bring back the old song bro [00:01:14] thelonewolf43: thelonewolf43 subscribed with Prime. [00:01:14] unovaismyregion: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:14] BallerBee8: HELLLLLL YEAHHHHHHHHH [00:01:14] vexowodot: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG [00:01:14] f3mmbot: thelonewolf43 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang thelonewolf43 f1nnLezgang [00:01:14] sulakeboxi: sulakeboxi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 4 month streak! <3 <3 <3 [00:01:15] f3mmbot: sulakeboxi subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:15] filip_zd10: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:15] FortuneFaded420: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:15] drinkingfishwater: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:15] AveedzGhamer: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:16] dudethatswild: marry me [00:01:16] DodenKing: Lets fucking gooooo gays [00:01:16] ahumanblub: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:16] Gamecrafter42: CONGRATS BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:16] itzcheesy_: RAAAAAAAAAAA [00:01:16] little_aurora_elizabeth: little_aurora_elizabeth subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 14 months! Happy Egg Cracking. :trN [00:01:16] thimble369: I always thought it was a grift. my bad. [00:01:16] arielisobsessed: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:01:16] f3mmbot: little_aurora_elizabeth subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months at Tier 2! PogU [00:01:16] Bailey_Ravenwick: Yes!!! [00:01:17] Wi1IyWonka: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:01:17] luxaas6: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:17] Xnopit: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:01:17] olyxxd: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:17] CrosstownAce_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:18] idesofjuno: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:18] Juliya_999: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:18] BobTheJanit0r: BobTheJanit0r subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 15 month streak! [00:01:18] Jeddix: f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam [00:01:18] ZerschnetzIer: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:01:18] greyybruhh: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:18] WTXisNice: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:18] f3mmbot: bobthejanit0r subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:18] Spectre223: Well done F1nn! I'm so proud of you! GenderFluidPride PrideBisexual [00:01:18] Buxty: Buxty subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 6 month streak! YOOOO CONGRATS [00:01:18] spacegoat007: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:18] EmilySaxton: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:18] f3mmbot: buxty subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:18] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam FortOne FortOne FortOne f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:18] fatslowman: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:19] LeonPunktWrt: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:19] frankkolinanderson: Ze egg had hatched [00:01:19] kurki_3: CONGRATS FINN BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:01:19] blobtoad: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:19] stevenchadwick: trans real!!! [00:01:19] experiencepoints: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride YEAH BABY TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:19] Nitaki__: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:01:19] Bleats_Sinodai: chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride [00:01:19] Hazewind: dnmDANKIES [00:01:20] distractedcreative: I don't know how anyone is you to read chat today lmao [00:01:20] NorableTTV: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:20] Ry_X__: PrideShrug PrideLaugh [00:01:20] CptPurpleHero: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:20] Bourne87: Bourne87 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! [00:01:20] IAmSarahcat: jembawTransHeart jembawTransHeart jembawTransHeart jembawTransHeart jembawTransHeart jembawTransHeart jembawTransHeart [00:01:20] f3mmbot: bourne87 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:20] lizzygladiator: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:01:20] meiketae: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:21] antirionkena: TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:21] boom_and_alpha_yt: what’s going on [00:01:21] Nilinn31: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:21] thelovingpenguwu: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:21] Muffin01: test [00:01:22] asheeykat: The egg broke finally [00:01:22] 71M073J: HEEEEEEEEEEEEEy peeps [00:01:22] jackcboiz: Wooo [00:01:22] RaptorNL5: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:22] f4zol0: f4zol0 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! Just watched the last video! I'm so dang proud of you, you're the best [00:01:22] DatChickenBro1: Congratulations bud ^^ [00:01:22] WayneBoBrown: congrats mate! [00:01:23] f3mmbot: f4zol0 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:23] Ignemia: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:23] merry_le_platypus: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:23] AkariaTX: AsexualPride TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:24] unovaismyregion: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:24] luna_doki: GENDAFLUID MOMENT!!! [00:01:24] KateChon258: ONE OF US katech1Hug ONE OF US katech1Hug ONE OF US katech1Hug ONE OF US katech1Hug ONE OF US katech1Hug ONE OF US katech1Hug ONE OF US katech1Hug [00:01:24] keller4589: finnnnn [00:01:24] bigglycerol: TransgenderPride [00:01:24] just__jaxon: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:24] amatojake420: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:25] TheQWasTaken: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:25] degdo24: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:25] 01Leon01: '''Most popular "woman" of all time''' [00:01:25] luna_is_an_egg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:25] fierrochase9: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:25] zumjess: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:25] lilaggyiscool: BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail [00:01:26] lazyneji: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:26] olyxxd: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:01:26] StarSister17: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:26] honululuh: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:26] TheSoybeanLattte: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:27] Direct2: CONGRATS [00:01:27] PanRojek: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:27] Mr_Fluffy97: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:27] RowanABoatStreams: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:01:27] TrissByTor: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:28] princessmihai: Congrats Rose! [00:01:28] trinkyi: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:01:28] Alia_A: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:28] jackcboiz: Egg no more [00:01:28] mincraftguy234: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:28] MajesticFvckingEagle: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM [00:01:28] Erenpea: nympeaDansdans nympeaDansdans nympeaDansdans nympeaDansdans nympeaDansdans [00:01:28] yannik_030: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:28] toffeecatmeowmeow: TransgenderPride [00:01:28] nodegen: DUUDE CONGRATS! EGG REAL [00:01:28] someonr112: Omg a transsssstream [00:01:29] hazelgr33n: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:29] Catamondium: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:29] Bobcatplaysminecraft: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:29] hiluuu: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [00:01:29] ace80605055: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:29] koshkamope: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:29] LittleChaSiu: Now playing: Dancing in the Moonlight -- Toploader [00:01:29] destiny56080: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:29] luna_is_an_egg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:29] lunarle0_: eeeeeeeee [00:01:30] willchumb: dancing cow :) [00:01:30] rice4020609: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:30] keller4589: your egg finally broke [00:01:30] athenacaisen: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:30] hauntyourself: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:30] danjan117: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:01:31] xXNeroZashiXx: Woohoo 🎉 congratulations @f1nn5ter 🎉 [00:01:31] l0rd_dex24: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:31] PaperyMantis645: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride 󠀀 [00:01:31] Japanese_Spaghettee: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:31] Istanlo: Hello!!! [00:01:32] Bleats_Sinodai: chaimoteTranspride [00:01:32] Arumas: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:32] shellyblock: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:32] ponsinoumi: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:32] ScrapRodent: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:32] BLAAAIRY: swag [00:01:32] BabyRainbow03: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:32] axe1970: axe1970 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months, currently on a 35 month streak! "Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place. So, thank you." —Raymond Holt, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. [00:01:32] Loelinverse: just eating rn [00:01:32] f3mmbot: axe1970 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 35 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:32] parrimparrim: parrimparrim subscribed with Prime. [00:01:33] zumjess: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:33] f3mmbot: parrimparrim subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang parrimparrim f1nnLezgang [00:01:33] caelamondorian: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:33] m4id3nl3ss1: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:33] Superdude06: F1NN [00:01:33] clarebear18: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:33] spidunno: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:33] catraxadora: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:33] ChosenOneTTV: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:33] Anaboth: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:34] ar1fh: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:34] galaxy__panda_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:34] mialex_01: LuvBrownR LuvBrownR LuvBrownR LuvBrownR LuvBrownR LuvBrownR [00:01:34] just__jaxon: one of us [00:01:34] RowanABoatStreams: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:34] GaiusGoose: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:34] ska_killer_10: NonbinaryPride BisexualPride [00:01:34] Hestia_allay: ctvaParty TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:34] BallerBee8: CONGRATS CONGRATS [00:01:34] julietfoxtrot1: AsexualPride TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:35] macarous: BisexualPride LESGOOOO [00:01:35] RealRattMuhle: WE LOVE YOU FINN [00:01:35] pheonixthunder7: BisexualPride [00:01:35] chrizcox462: wat u eating? [00:01:35] Superdude06: <3 [00:01:35] Random_Guy35: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:36] OfficiOlly: bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:36] spidersman27: TransgenderPride [00:01:36] camarada_emy: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:01:36] QwandriXCI: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:01:36] Jeddix: f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam flippi38Wiggle f1nnCowjam [00:01:36] BurningTardis: Congrats! [00:01:36] Smiling_Shelly: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [00:01:36] Anaboth: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:36] pulmapoika: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:36] John_Blaze03575: I was just watching his coming out video [00:01:37] St3veJ0bless: Hello! [00:01:37] lastwurmjr: wooo lets go Finn! [00:01:37] olyxxd: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:37] durivian: WE LOVE YOUUUUU [00:01:37] NorableTTV: egg [00:01:37] neuroiscute: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:38] Zstormgamer: shocked pimacgu face [00:01:38] luucyba: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:38] kim5734: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:38] SimonTheProtector: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride PansexualPride TransgenderPride [00:01:39] voidstar5328: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [00:01:39] jackcboiz: Tis the time baby [00:01:39] pink545: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:39] jamnesia777: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:40] doron2002: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:40] Macstronaut: wheeeew [00:01:40] lorelei0649: BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride NonbinaryPride [00:01:40] FacelessSnow: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug [00:01:41] Zaarey: Zaarey subscribed with Prime. [00:01:41] trisha_yay: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride Welcome to the trans club! [00:01:41] sadmouse123: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [00:01:41] f3mmbot: zaarey subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang zaarey f1nnLezgang [00:01:41] greyybruhh: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:41] AkariaTX: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:41] Total_Acidity: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:01:41] dcmario1: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:41] alexx_net: f1nnHeart GenderFluidPride BisexualPride AsexualPride f1nnZOOM [00:01:42] genkicussy79: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:42] zumjess: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:42] Bleats_Sinodai: chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride [00:01:42] pandadorable_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:42] braddle172: itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype [00:01:42] J0ooeee: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:42] asiatore: asiatore subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! Congrats. Wish you all the best [00:01:42] andromeda_nyx: hello fellow transes TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:42] Woodsilver: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:43] f3mmbot: asiatore subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:43] rw03_bjw: Should have waited till Easter for the memes [00:01:43] hannahdvs_: <3 <3 <3 TransgenderPride [00:01:44] mrjumpyjames: Proud of you!!! [00:01:44] qui3t_tran5gir1: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:44] marniepixel: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:44] Vena__: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:44] BabyRainbow03: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:44] merry_le_platypus: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:45] lishoward: LOVE YOU!! [00:01:45] dennisdemeniss: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:01:45] Mikey2207: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:01:45] BlankDomino: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:45] Nym_xath: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:01:45] jarenrex: hi [00:01:45] skyautomatic: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:01:45] Kando: Kando subscribed with Prime. [00:01:46] the_bj16: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:46] RowanABoatStreams: PikaRamen PikaRamen [00:01:46] pianoismyforte_: pianoismyforte_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months! 37 months POG, so happy for you, enjoy being able to be yourself more openly! Have fun as you keep exploring! Love you both! [00:01:46] f3mmbot: kando subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang kando f1nnLezgang [00:01:46] f3mmbot: pianoismyforte_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 37 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:46] Narweeen: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:46] Komnia: BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:01:46] KaminoIDK: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:47] McBosserson: Why are we all excited to see a dude dress as a girl? [00:01:47] goldcircle15849: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:47] JessiDee303: congrats F1nn!!! <3 <3 <3 [00:01:47] astrid_autumn: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:47] fierrochase9: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:01:47] OfficiOlly: WOOHHOOOOOOO [00:01:47] 71M073J: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:48] MissJenkins2130: 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ [00:01:48] MisaelCapria: are we all just happy right? [00:01:48] J0ooeee: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:48] zumjess: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:48] renataendrborinn: renataendrborinn subscribed with Prime. [00:01:48] f3mmbot: renataendrborinn subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang renataendrborinn f1nnLezgang [00:01:48] LaurenArtful: LaurenArtful subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! [00:01:48] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [00:01:48] ashiepies: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:01:48] St3veJ0bless: Good morning [00:01:49] f3mmbot: laurenartful subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months using Prime! PogU [00:01:49] degdo24: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride ya like jazz? TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:49] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick gifted a Tier 1 sub to daverudd2! [00:01:49] Thunderwitch8: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:01:49] f3mmbot: bailey_ravenwick has gifted a subscription to daverudd2 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang daverudd2 f1nnLezgang [00:01:49] Cloverpatch170: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:50] jackcboiz: So lucky to be on hrt [00:01:50] panda_kid2: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:50] comapazine: What is going on [00:01:50] galaxy__panda_: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:50] cookiedough_lcecream: cookiedough_lcecream subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! [00:01:50] yourmom_233: what are we talking about I’m late to this [00:01:50] PanRojek: wow [00:01:50] f0xegg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:50] hi_im_aundra: yayyy finnnn [00:01:50] f3mmbot: cookiedough_lcecream subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:50] belmar420: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:50] nathen418: DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip [00:01:51] Bleats_Sinodai: chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride [00:01:51] rocker_26: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:51] hammmy7: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:51] evatraa: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:51] princessmihai: We love you so much finn!!!! [00:01:51] FacelessSnow: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug [00:01:52] xz0mb0ix: jboysxEpic jboysxEpic jboysxEpic jboysxEpic jboysxEpic jboysxEpic jboysxEpic [00:01:52] Prandah: f1nnCowjam FortOne f1nnCowjam FortOne f1nnCowjam FortOne f1nnCowjam FortOne f1nnCowjam FortOne f1nnCowjam [00:01:52] jcktheripperrs: <3 <3 <3 [00:01:52] sageowl57: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:52] BlazingTale: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:53] EmilySaxton: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:53] beaneater197: Woo [00:01:53] blueskydrinking: F1nn5ter being on time for a stream is the biggest shock of the night tbh [00:01:53] Fukurou_Yt: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:53] AlyssaAwoo: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:54] MsSpelled_MT: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:01:54] mightyowl093_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:54] MikeWillStream: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:54] J3N_NYX: <3 [00:01:54] rustixc_: 3 raiders from rustixc_ have joined! [00:01:54] J0ooeee: YAY [00:01:55] herrskymarshall: Yaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!! [00:01:55] HIMMusty: himbroVibe himbroVibe himbroVibe himbroVibe himbroVibe himbroVibe himbroVibe [00:01:55] luxaas6: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:55] groovalicious1: Link isnt loading what is the video [00:01:56] axe1970: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:56] crowblax: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:56] lillyminze: GenderFluidPride [00:01:57] jackcboiz: Ahh jealous [00:01:57] Aperture_Dude: Congrats on coming out both as Genderfluid and Bisexual! [00:01:57] MajesticFvckingEagle: HYPE [00:01:57] skyblues06: skyblues06 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months! Congrats f1nn we all love you!!! [00:01:57] Ash1ey_49: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:57] f3mmbot: skyblues06 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:58] lop025: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:58] Duuhdaah: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:58] Michaelidk_: CONGRATS BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:58] amyanneyifu: egg 🥚 broke 🐄 🐄 🐄 [00:01:58] pink545: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:01:58] JodaInteractive: aspectiTransPride aspectiPride aspectiPride2 [00:01:58] zumjess: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:58] Catamondium: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:59] 55_jayjay_: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:01:59] SidMaxwell10: alveusDance [00:01:59] xWALNUTx94: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:01:59] hammmy7: therea4452Salmon therea4452Salmon therea4452Salmon therea4452Salmon therea4452Salmon therea4452Salmon therea4452Salmon [00:01:59] Capn_Qrow: BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:01:59] camarada_emy: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:02:00] theplugtez: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [00:02:00] boom_and_alpha_yt: I’m very confused [00:02:00] Noobleke: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:00] halamoucu: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:00] genkicussy79: PikaRamen [00:02:00] Alia_A: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:02:00] TeraValia: think he might need to take down that "gigachad" part on this into card. we're kinda over that now eh? [00:02:00] itsawormworld: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:00] Nitaki__: BisexualPride [00:02:00] Zenisher: Congrats F1nn! So proud of you! [00:02:01] clapdemtoes: Hrt [00:02:01] snazzyjayy: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:02] meiketae: PROUD OF YOU TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:02:02] RowanABoatStreams: AsexualPride BisexualPride GayPride GenderFluidPride IntersexPride LesbianPride NonbinaryPride PansexualPride TransgenderPride [00:02:02] ashiepies: sogDance f1nnHeart [00:02:02] lovekaseyj: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:02] canvaspainting: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:02] dynamicdestiny22: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:02] CptPurpleHero: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:02] rocker_26: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:02] Juliya_999: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:03] filip_zd10: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:03] Bleats_Sinodai: chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride chaimoteTranspride [00:02:03] Daikini8: hdesHYPEE hdesHYPEE hdesHYPEE hdesHYPEE [00:02:04] degdo24: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:04] lordgtafbi: holy shit [00:02:04] ponsinoumi: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:04] princesslayla917: We support you and we love you, proud of you [00:02:04] John_Blaze03575: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:04] jamnesia777: i finally no longer have a reason to be so mad about you looking so much more fem than me [00:02:04] vox_causa: TransgenderPride [00:02:04] Barbar7575: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:04] AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:04] Leonidous: HRT femboy [00:02:04] GhostOfAFlea: Keeping my promise on Pierbi's stream by trying to watch both at once [00:02:05] dauntless2607: dauntless2607 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 1 month streak! We love you F1NN! [00:02:05] f3mmbot: dauntless2607 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:05] logan_cointo: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:05] casestittyflakes: PROUD [00:02:05] reiisguts: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:05] spidunno: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:05] the_boredom: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:05] dennisdemeniss: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:05] pandadorable_: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:06] distraughtpenguin: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:02:06] f0xegg: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:06] davidiusfarrenius: Hello Finn and everyone in chat the YouTube video was a thing wasn’t it? 👋 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [00:02:06] Haileyjames1222: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:06] spark_ghoul: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:06] mellowmug: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:07] seapluspluspickle: yayy a friday stream for the wageslavessss <333 [00:02:07] neuroiscute: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:07] cammy773: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:07] Munchutus: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:07] sageowl57: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:07] tricco_tricco: tricco_tricco subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 14 month streak! [00:02:07] jackcboiz: Happy for u [00:02:07] f3mmbot: tricco_tricco subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:08] danjan117: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:02:08] Darkwizard9944: BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:02:08] Bring_me_the_souls: congrats fin [00:02:09] theflippinfish3: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:09] greebowarrior: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:09] chonkthestreamer08: Hey f1nn! HUGE CONGRATS! I'm so proud! [00:02:10] its_dark6666: hi [00:02:10] pocky036: FINS PARENTS ARE SO COOL [00:02:10] hammmy7: PizzaTime [00:02:10] braddle172: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:11] Mondongod: COME ONE F1NN, COME OUT NOW [00:02:11] FacelessSnow: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug [00:02:11] loograt: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM [00:02:11] girlwholovekurtuwu: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:11] drinkingfishwater: BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPrideBisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPrideBisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPrideBisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:02:11] toffeecatmeowmeow: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:11] spider3327: congrats best of luck! [00:02:12] darkangelsd21: BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride [00:02:12] Sift11: Sift11 subscribed at Tier 1. [00:02:12] Alia_A: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:12] fei_bay: CONGRATS F1NN!! GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:12] f3mmbot: sift11 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang sift11 f1nnLezgang [00:02:13] luucyba: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:13] ChosenOneTTV: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:13] marciamaplewood: f1nnHeadpat F1nn5ter mi boy... we need to cook [00:02:13] Wagganator_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:14] camina_mtns: i have no idea whats happening but wheeeeeee [00:02:14] Mikey2207: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:14] BlankDomino: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:02:14] big10champs: 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜 [00:02:14] MairainePlayzGames: slowmode and i still cant keep up with chat X'D [00:02:14] BallerBee8: FINN UR SO RELATEABLE [00:02:15] LadyLionessOfLondon: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:15] justnotwillem: justnotwillem subscribed with Prime. [00:02:15] f3mmbot: justnotwillem subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang justnotwillem f1nnLezgang [00:02:15] LindseyMonroe: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:02:15] doron2002: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:02:16] Japanese_Spaghettee: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:16] jubjub221: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:16] juneguild: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:16] Thunderwitch8: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:02:16] durivian: everybody's dancing in the moonlight!!!! [00:02:17] marty_poisonwood: NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride [00:02:17] infinity49: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:02:17] Cathienia: GivePLZ GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TakeNRG [00:02:17] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:17] im_up_to_something: End of an Era vibe [00:02:18] skyautomatic: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:02:19] mmelliiii: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:02:20] XquisitCorps: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:20] DarrigoTR: Cheer100 [00:02:20] Z4v3R: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride [00:02:20] pianoismyforte_: BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:02:20] ahhh3y: yyyyyyaaaaay [00:02:20] moontheca: fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans [00:02:21] Bleats_Sinodai: PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion [00:02:21] RevanGarcia: Eyyyy, congratulations! [00:02:21] Juliya_999: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:21] livelytimes: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:22] Thelotusbox: wooo so glad to see you finally come out [00:02:22] ace80605055: GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ [00:02:22] garlictoastisgood: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:02:22] herrskymarshall: herrskymarshall subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! Congratulations!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 [00:02:22] nintennerd8503: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:22] dennisdemeniss: PizzaTime [00:02:22] f3mmbot: herrskymarshall subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:23] AlhambraMMXX: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:23] canvaspainting: TransgenderPride <3 f1nnHeart TransgenderPride <3 f1nnHeart [00:02:23] cabbyboy47: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:23] astrid_autumn: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:23] lordoflucas: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:23] gogtipail: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:23] EmpressCard: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:23] ddanza666: What?! [00:02:23] BabyRainbow03: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:02:23] jackcboiz: Yay [00:02:23] flupiiipi: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:23] spark_ghoul: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:24] GaiusGoose: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:24] wyldcardsam: wyldcardsam subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months! Yasss f1nnn congrats on coming out [00:02:24] bobbiebearof: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:24] f3mmbot: wyldcardsam subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:24] Helen_Croft: !shark [00:02:24] pandadorable_: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:25] merry_le_platypus: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [00:02:25] crazzyninja1234: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:25] f3mmbot: Rose has multiple Blåhajar because she loves them f1nnHeadpat If you care about Rose at all then you will immediately send 𝙃𝙄𝙈 one. But no pressure. [00:02:25] Namiko1273: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:25] ScrapRodent: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:26] alaynerzz: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:26] Peky93cz: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:02:26] cammy773: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:26] LightMage670: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:02:26] oridude1: well done on coming out all the best [00:02:27] tnw543: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:27] Thunderwitch8: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:02:27] grysta: grysta subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months! [00:02:27] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:27] f3mmbot: grysta subscribed to f1nn5ter for 33 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:28] lizzygladiator: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:02:28] qrthulhu: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:28] HexGrrrrl: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:28] camina_mtns: chat go zooooom [00:02:28] MrSkyrocket: KappaPride [00:02:29] 小可可欣 (xiaoke_kexin): TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:29] AmazingAspie: Too fast chat [00:02:29] s_m_i_r: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:02:30] John_Blaze03575: congratulations [00:02:30] pocky036: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:02:30] Direct2: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:30] dynamicdestiny22: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:30] zumjess: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:30] alkibiadesmassacre: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [00:02:31] Stumpy2001: Stumpy2001 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! [00:02:31] lilaggyiscool: TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid [00:02:31] f3mmbot: stumpy2001 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:31] hauntyourself: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:31] axel02602: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:02:31] morbidmoxie: MY SWEET LOVEEEEE! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU BisexualPride [00:02:32] teamgrilli2: Omg f1nn5ter is trans [00:02:32] AoNoAsgard: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:02:32] thebulletdeath: 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜 [00:02:32] pink545: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:33] thekindredspiritofficial: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:33] ChosenOneTTV: Congrats So proud of you ! <3 BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:33] RowanABoatStreams: MercyWing1 TransgenderPride MercyWing2 [00:02:33] mcber1234: Hi Finn [00:02:33] Japanese_Spaghettee: GenderFluidPride [00:02:34] ameliabedelia7: ameliabedelia7 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [00:02:34] f3mmbot: ameliabedelia7 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:34] GoingDigital: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:34] BallSize500: this is my 9/11 [00:02:34] voidstar5328: The dawn of a new age! [00:02:34] lovekaseyj: AsexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:34] macarous: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:34] nalniuQ2758: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:34] mellowmug: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:35] P1ZZAC4T: Hello, Finn [00:02:35] dreamerzy: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:35] conn1eee: f1nnCool f1nnCool f1nnCool PrideWorld PrideWorld [00:02:35] suuyhn: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:35] Z4v3R: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:36] kritia_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:36] jackcboiz: Can't wait [00:02:36] zoelegs: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:02:36] onesek_: onesek_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! [00:02:37] nhook: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:37] EvieLessThan3_: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:37] astrid_autumn: f1nnCowjam TransgenderPride f1nnCowjam TransgenderPride f1nnCowjam TransgenderPride [00:02:37] f3mmbot: onesek_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:37] delilah_derata: delilah_derata subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! So proud of you, congratulations finn [00:02:37] f3mmbot: delilah_derata subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:38] c__r__j: f1nnCowjam itspea13BunnnRave spicycowDancy rynDance rynJam spicycowFeet itspea13Worm femboy45Drum itspea13Groove redsayBongo DinoDance [00:02:38] JVidsLive: Long time lurker, we love you f1nn! Look forward to the tall tales. [00:02:38] JJCDoesstuff: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:38] Bleats_Sinodai: PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion [00:02:39] Prandah: f1nnTank f1nnCowjam f1nnTank f1nnCowjam f1nnTank f1nnCowjam f1nnTank f1nnCowjam f1nnTank f1nnCowjam f1nnTank [00:02:39] TweetieBird27: Welcome to the club!! We're happy to have you :))) [00:02:39] afal: LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO [00:02:40] pocky036: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:40] snotchtigr: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:41] Seth_Whispers: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:41] iamkneetickler: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride AsexualPride [00:02:41] Koriito: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:41] quantumliv: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:41] LesbianWitchAcademia: LesbianWitchAcademia subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! I'M SO PROUD OF AND HAPPY FOR YOU AAAAAHHH TransgenderPride [00:02:41] hannahdvs_: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:02:42] neonglowstickk: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:42] f3mmbot: lesbianwitchacademia subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:42] vNTCv: im so proud of you!!!! [00:02:42] the_Icelander: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:43] vexowodot: EGG [00:02:43] molrcore: molrcore subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! 4 months. im not active here because it's a large cht but i'm so proud of you ashmicLove [00:02:43] insecureTrannzz: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:02:43] f3mmbot: molrcore subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:43] evericor000: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:44] merry_le_platypus: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:44] princeuni: princeuni subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months, currently on a 15 month streak! So happy for you! <3 <3 <3 [00:02:44] f3mmbot: princeuni subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:44] Catamondium: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:44] blueskydrinking: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:44] Helen_Croft: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:44] lordgtafbi: I guess f1nn really did just go through with his threat to turn his relationship with Ashely into a lesbian one LUL [00:02:45] sea31415: We love you so much 🏳️‍⚧️ [00:02:45] invurdah_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:45] ithilux: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:02:45] KaraIRL: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:46] skyautomatic: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:02:47] Nitaki__: colasKeurr colasKeurr [00:02:47] mzinker: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [00:02:47] MsSpelled_MT: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:02:48] fierrochase9: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:02:48] floorboardthepiratequeen: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:48] rasenmaher2134: Cheer50 [00:02:48] rice4020609: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:48] Japanese_Spaghettee: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:48] Max_Nappy: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:48] Nova9308: <3 [00:02:48] FFRJibster: <3 <3 <3 TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:02:49] hammmy7: MercyWing1 MercyWing2 [00:02:49] spark_ghoul: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:49] jackcboiz: Wooo yea [00:02:49] zoelegs: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:02:49] uchizombi: uchizombi is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [00:02:49] Istanlo: BisexualPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride [00:02:49] samantha_d2_: samantha_d2_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! so happy for you, i can only imagine how much better you must feel getting everything out, much love fpskLove f1nnHeart [00:02:49] badcaseofserpes: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:50] muddymudkip15: f1nnCowjam GenderFluidPride f1nnCowjam BisexualPride f1nnCowjam [00:02:50] uchizombi: uchizombi gifted a Tier 1 sub to lordgtafbi! [00:02:50] f3mmbot: samantha_d2_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:50] f3mmbot: uchizombi has gifted a subscription to lordgtafbi at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang lordgtafbi f1nnLezgang [00:02:50] anonymous6465: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:50] vader_order669: Congratulations 🎉 Finn so proud of you 🎊 been watching since you first started cross dressing happy your being who you want [00:02:50] nobody44444: TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride NonbinaryPride [00:02:51] ScrapRodent: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:51] FlutterGal956: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:51] pocky036: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride z 󠀀 [00:02:51] the_eric_herrera9: Hi @f1nn5ter TransgenderPride [00:02:52] invurdah_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:52] Juliya_999: we love you TransgenderPride TransgenderPride proud [00:02:52] GibslyGooferGum: 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ [00:02:52] TeraValia: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:02:52] lovekaseyj: CONGRATS FINNNNNN [00:02:53] taeyukki: BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:53] timabar: CurseLit f1nnCowjam CurseLit <3 f1nnChair [00:02:53] grandpaladin1701: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:02:53] just_an_other_lurker: good afternoon [00:02:53] new_day_who_dis: Boys [00:02:53] Alia_A: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:02:54] Jayly_GM: Im so damn prod holy Shit TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:02:54] Ash1ey_49: Ash1ey_49 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! I discovered myself through you, congrats on figuring yourself out [00:02:54] f3mmbot: ash1ey_49 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:54] BabyRainbow03: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:02:54] vexowodot: yay [00:02:54] Mikey2207: heyyyyy [00:02:54] LadyCatalina: KING [00:02:54] Michaelidk_: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:55] Blaine8182: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [00:02:55] AstraCantPlay: hiii [00:02:55] Namiko1273: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:02:55] ChasingSol: sup dude [00:02:55] ponsinoumi: THE EGG HAS ENDED [00:02:55] Xphome: Xphome subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! [00:02:55] theflippinfish3: FINN [00:02:55] mrs_mauss: HAII FINNN [00:02:55] Kolateak_: HEY [00:02:55] f3mmbot: xphome subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:55] EmilySaxton: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:55] CarbonDiam: joltzBongo joltzLevel GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:55] ThtTwitchLily: based [00:02:55] HardyOrange: Hiiiiiiii [00:02:56] Zenisher: Let's goooo [00:02:56] Bleats_Sinodai: PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion [00:02:56] amsylum: Hellooo [00:02:56] fei_bay: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:56] iamkneetickler: TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride AsexualPride GayPride NonbinaryPride [00:02:56] axolpot: <3 [00:02:56] imaprsn: please show up on screen in the next 3 mins… for no particular reason… [00:02:57] Z4v3R: PridePog PridePog [00:02:57] hammmy7: MercyWing1 BisexualPride MercyWing2 [00:02:57] TheJerseyAngel: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:57] luxaas6: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:02:57] neuroiscute: Heyyy [00:02:57] macarous: HEY LOVE [00:02:57] coffeebutbetter: im here [00:02:57] TemptedSpirit_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:57] thean9ry9amer: hi [00:02:58] mimmm: hello!!! [00:02:58] 71M073J: HAIIIIIII [00:02:58] AquaStar26: Much proud [00:02:58] saint_r: hey girl [00:02:58] furifixus: Hiiii [00:02:58] elderspawn1: trans :) [00:02:58] lorelai__: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:59] braddle172: Heyo [00:02:59] danjan117: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:02:59] xz0mb0ix: HEYYYY [00:02:59] ZerschnetzIer: heloooo [00:02:59] princessmihai: Finnnnnnn! [00:02:59] scorpx11: hey [00:02:59] toomanybees___: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:59] ryanrenay: hiii [00:03:00] mystchevious1: Hey f1nn [00:03:00] budderowo: YOOOOOOOOOOOOO [00:03:00] MajesticFvckingEagle: HIIIIIIIII [00:03:00] girlwholovekurtuwu: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:00] skyautomatic: Hiiii [00:03:00] XENOMAN5: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:00] xXNeroZashiXx: VirtualHug VirtualHug [00:03:00] fare_456: i wonder... [00:03:01] Ash1ey_49: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:01] Prandah: MercyWing1 f1nnTank MercyWing2 MercyWing1 f1nnTank MercyWing2 MercyWing1 f1nnTank MercyWing2 [00:03:01] nono181129: Hiiii [00:03:01] Dani_roa_: Haiii :3333 [00:03:01] edahdd: @dreamerzy TransgenderPride [00:03:01] SidMaxwell10: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:01] undiscoveredoddity: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:03:01] DaOPCreeper: gptvCLAP gptvCLAP gptvCLAP gptvCLAP gptvCLAP gptvCLAP [00:03:01] qui3t_tran5gir1: Hello [00:03:01] panda_kid2: o//////////// [00:03:02] athenacaisen: Yoooooooooooo [00:03:02] Silvercaptin: Hi!!!! [00:03:02] minzecraft: heyy [00:03:02] DodenKing: Congrats my man [00:03:02] Wagganator_: GO FINN [00:03:02] cyphoenic_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:02] spark_ghoul: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:02] zumjess: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:02] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:03:02] unision_crash: HI [00:03:02] the_Icelander: Heyyy [00:03:02] cinemasells: WoOoO [00:03:02] YumeNoZen: Good grem. [00:03:03] delilah_derata: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:03:03] Helen_Croft: Some video @F1NN5TER [00:03:03] thebulletdeath: HAII FINN [00:03:03] spidunno: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:03:03] theflamingsongbird: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:03:03] beaneater197: Hiiii [00:03:03] Maddrius: Hi! [00:03:03] little_aurora_elizabeth: Cannot keep up with chat [00:03:03] Ghost_wit_Toast: whoda guessed [00:03:03] theejoey: ayyy TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:03:03] lilsleepyfish: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:03] madampsychosexy: I'm confused [00:03:03] qrthulhu: Omg why is the news [00:03:04] ChosenOneTTV: WE LOVE U FINNNN BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:03:04] Repikz: Repikz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU F1NN, I LOVE YOUUUU YOUR EGG FINALLY SHATTERED [00:03:04] saiga9: saiga9 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! <3 [00:03:04] bluj40: no reason [00:03:04] f3mmbot: repikz subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:04] FacelessSnow: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride [00:03:04] f3mmbot: saiga9 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:05] yIsaac: PridePenguin PrideFlower [00:03:05] jamnesia777: WOOOOO [00:03:05] silentkay1: Obviousy the new f1 season [00:03:05] voidstar5328: The Finn is here!!! [00:03:05] Superdude06: Hey F1nn [00:03:05] SnakeKiller9: PikaRamen [00:03:05] cheesusyourlord: Hiiiii [00:03:05] yesouija: PogChamp [00:03:05] azath0th777: Lol i just saw the video [00:03:05] cyber_viv: FIINN [00:03:05] bryanchristian88: <3 antash1Lief antash1Lief antash1Lief antash1Lief antash1Lief antash1Lief [00:03:05] Leonidous: woahhh what happened [00:03:06] lorelei0649: We luv uuuuu [00:03:06] Literally__Human: Waddup! [00:03:06] ImRightHearted: Hello [00:03:06] Amoyamoyamoya: I FUKCING WONDER F!NN [00:03:06] mystchevious1: That's 3-6 [00:03:06] forbiddave: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [00:03:06] GoodHydrations: Couldn't imagine [00:03:06] hazelgr33n: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:06] 01Leon01: WOWOWOWOW [00:03:06] moontheca: fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans fluffybunTrans [00:03:06] SpicedNovaMaria: watch the announcement be that he just really likes cheese or something [00:03:06] Valezifer: Hiiii9 [00:03:07] rainpeak: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:07] pulmapoika: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:03:07] XquisitCorps: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:07] MrSkyrocket: TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:07] jaw61912: 💜💜 [00:03:07] lizzygladiator: Hiiii ^_^ [00:03:07] ashiepies: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart sogDance sogDance sogDance sogDance sogDance sogDance [00:03:07] boom_and_alpha_yt: someone explain [00:03:07] tnw543: Hi [00:03:07] Nauticalcoffin: So, your finally awake? they caught you trying to cross the border. chrZooming [00:03:07] genkicussy79: yk exactly what [00:03:07] blobtoad: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:07] Thunderwitch8: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:03:07] jubjub221: congratulations finn! that yt vid was cute! [00:03:07] greebowarrior: just excited about the stream i think [00:03:08] Cephas130: Cephas130 converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! [00:03:08] rw03_bjw: Boys just like you [00:03:08] unovaismyregion: congratulations!!! [00:03:08] 小可可欣 (xiaoke_kexin): hi young lady [00:03:08] Amoyamoyamoya: I FUKCING WONDER F!NN [00:03:08] isopod_underground: Ayyyyyyy [00:03:08] keller4589: hiiii finnnn [00:03:08] Jermspace: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:08] P1ZZAC4T: Hello, nurse!!!!! [00:03:09] Duuhdaah: HEYA BUD!!! [00:03:09] NorableTTV: hello my new fav genderfluid gamer [00:03:09] syro01: CONGRATULATIONS FINN [00:03:09] loleyontwitch: Heyo f1nn first time in chat because I’ve mostly just watched your YouTube clips but glad I’m here! CoolCat [00:03:09] distraughtpenguin: So proud of you BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:03:09] MegaMiley: WOOOO [00:03:10] Unkn0wnLuci: f1nnEgg [00:03:10] halamoucu: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:10] ryantupo: LETS GOOOOOOOOOO [00:03:10] CritCupcake: So we can't call you she now? ;p [00:03:10] Mr_fl1ppo: Hey baby [00:03:10] codenamesarestupid: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:10] rocker_26: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:10] anxyslender: anxyslender subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months! syraurTrans syraurTrans syraurTrans syraurTrans syraurTrans GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:11] f3mmbot: anxyslender subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:11] vNTCv: no longer an egg [00:03:11] drinkingfishwater: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:11] DemonQueenMavis: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:03:11] fizwashere: I you supporting jack in the box now? oh wait nevermind it was an add.. [00:03:11] jojonoid: good "ooouuhgh" thanks for that noise [00:03:12] FatherThyme: BisexualPride PansexualPride BisexualPride PansexualPride BisexualPride PansexualPride [00:03:12] astrid_autumn: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:12] Rubusguy: Thought f1nn was bi...makes sense. [00:03:12] puppyisms: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:12] cosmic_lil: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:13] raptorvfx: raptorvfx subscribed with Prime. [00:03:13] lengend5433: YOOOOOO [00:03:13] EmpressCard: HII [00:03:13] f3mmbot: raptorvfx subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang raptorvfx f1nnLezgang [00:03:14] flupiiipi: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:14] taicapre: TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride [00:03:14] igniter178: TransgenderPride [00:03:14] PanRojek: panrojWow panrojWow panrojWow panrojWow [00:03:14] trisha_yay: hellooooo!!!! [00:03:14] spider3327: no idea TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:14] mushooom_: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:03:14] blusau: Ima cry [00:03:14] nekroo_nekoo: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:14] b_orz_oi: congrats king <3 [00:03:14] jondundas: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [00:03:14] 420anythyme_: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:03:14] IAmSarahcat: WE HYPE [00:03:15] rosieishere1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:15] ddanza666: Miased a stream but saw some clips!! [00:03:15] BobTMK190: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:15] SZachel: <3 [00:03:16] GrimmSkeleton: Heyo [00:03:16] MatthewL: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [00:03:16] spooncakes: <3 <3 <3 [00:03:16] Total_Acidity: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:16] plutosclowd: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:16] jaovitubr: yoooooooo [00:03:16] rainofthestorm: eyyyy it's our genderfluid king :3 [00:03:16] Altex1: TransgenderPride [00:03:17] starburst97: x5fttrTranspride [00:03:17] ToHellAndBack5150: WE HYPE [00:03:17] mr_clucks_843: I wonder [00:03:17] violet5275: YIPPEE [00:03:17] aqueertheory: WE GOT EM [00:03:17] hiluuu: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:03:17] kelpcalibur: Hi!! [00:03:17] teamgrilli2: F1nn5ter the EGG man [00:03:17] destiny56080: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:17] Erenpea: nympeaDansdans nympeaDansdans nympeaDansdans nympeaDansdans [00:03:17] Smiling_Shelly: Video :) :) [00:03:17] PrestinoLive: Ello [00:03:17] KaminoIDK: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride f1nnHeart [00:03:18] nanny_mcgill: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:03:18] B_MagicMist: Congratulations!!!! First time catching stream. [00:03:18] satinsun: yoooooo [00:03:18] caelamondorian: This chat is Insane GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:18] jesus_lechrist: Hi f1nn congrats ❤❤❤ [00:03:18] wheezy96z: wheezy96z subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Hey [00:03:18] eternaldawn15: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:18] Japanese_Spaghettee: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:18] OfficiOlly: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:03:18] f3mmbot: wheezy96z subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:18] lordgtafbi: nuthin Kappa [00:03:19] experiencepoints: CONGRATS, BABE TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:19] ahumanblub: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:20] riku_k_k: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:20] lastwurmjr: wooo [00:03:20] CptPurpleHero: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:20] camina_mtns: no one can read this [00:03:21] L0DR4D: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:03:21] cheff_cook: eyyo [00:03:21] TopbitActual: crazy [00:03:21] karojhe: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [00:03:21] kat_the_khajiit: Hmmm I wonder what we're hyped about [00:03:22] insidecchaos: Slow mode? Where?😂 [00:03:22] fierrochase9: Hi 👋 GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:22] grimbus75: woooooo [00:03:22] TruffleFry: Congrats! [00:03:23] jthomas131: ❤️❤️❤️ [00:03:23] the_mist_demon: tnvRainbow jboPride sleeGnome tnvPride [00:03:23] someonr112: Waaasssss uppppppp [00:03:23] catraxadora: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:23] axe1970: boy bi girl hi [00:03:23] koshkamope: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:23] darkangelsd21: AsexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:03:24] kim5734: so proud of you, and will support you all the way [00:03:24] fatslowman: fatslowman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! bro so manly so he started HRT to be as other men [00:03:24] SeekingInsanity: SeekingInsanity subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! Congrats! [00:03:24] f3mmbot: seekinginsanity subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:24] giantbumblebees907: Hello from Alaska [00:03:24] f3mmbot: fatslowman subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:24] Azzy123: Literally just watched the video! [00:03:24] Mikey2207: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:25] comedic_idiot: F1nn5ter is a bi king/queen [00:03:25] doron2002: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:25] luna_is_an_egg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:25] zephyr_alba: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:25] Bobcatplaysminecraft: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:25] vexowodot: slayyyyy [00:03:25] Canb227: Canb227 subscribed with Prime. [00:03:25] f3mmbot: canb227 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang canb227 f1nnLezgang [00:03:25] Daikini8: hdesHYPEE hdesHYPEE hdesHYPEE hdesHYPEE hdesHYPEE [00:03:25] Anaboth: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:26] TheQWasTaken: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:26] d_heeezy: Three minutes late but HAIIIIII [00:03:26] misschvs: yayyyyyyyy TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:03:26] gleidy7: AAAAAAAH PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion [00:03:26] JadeSorcery: Yay [00:03:26] Kyouya66: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:26] reiisguts: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:27] epicregisman: POG [00:03:27] blueskydrinking: Chat hasn't moved this fast since the first kiss lmao [00:03:27] BeepTheMeep60: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:03:27] Neameklol: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:27] TrissByTor: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:27] olyxxd: BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:27] spinX6RL: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:28] macarous: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:28] Clovermancy: Clovermancy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! TransgenderPride ratkin9Trans im so happy that you can finally come out, im just past 10 months hrt myself, and i didnt know my exact label until 6 months in but good luck on your journey TransgenderPride [00:03:28] TemptedSpirit_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:28] f3mmbot: clovermancy subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:28] beans82749: TransgenderPride PansexualPride NonbinaryPride LesbianPride IntersexPride GenderFluidPride GayPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [00:03:29] Jayly_GM: Soooo proud TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:03:29] f0xegg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:29] angygenz: Holy heck chat is so fast [00:03:29] birdgaming2001: Hai congrats [00:03:29] alkibiadesmassacre: This is gonna be a wild stream lol [00:03:30] the_eric_herrera9: TransgenderPride bleedPurple TransgenderPride bleedPurple [00:03:30] Bartiono: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:30] Komnia: So happy for you! BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:03:31] untruemike: Afternoon [00:03:31] girlwholovekurtuwu: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:31] CrosstownAce_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:31] zoelegs: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:03:31] NotTheWoz: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:03:31] enbyvee: BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:03:31] snaaaarf: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:32] marty_poisonwood: CONGRATS on 600k on the live channel ! [00:03:32] JohnnyTyrant93: we’re hyped over your cute ass. [00:03:32] Rodney1234567890: When slow mode is too fast xd [00:03:32] braddle172: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:03:32] im_up_to_something: Just another day [00:03:33] Colliebluezz: Colliebluezz subscribed at Tier 1. [00:03:33] quarioquario: awesome! [00:03:33] lyumiart: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:33] TheDerpyTomatoz: Egg cracked [00:03:33] f3mmbot: colliebluezz subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang colliebluezz f1nnLezgang [00:03:33] ciceroappiah: egg [00:03:33] m0onpi4: m0onpi4 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [00:03:33] spark_ghoul: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:33] EmilySaxton: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:33] eccoblast: Congratulations! [00:03:33] f3mmbot: m0onpi4 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:33] drakes_ex: WE GOT EM [00:03:34] YukiSoraSaki: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:34] skyisblue2005: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:03:34] scorpx11: the egg has finally cracked [00:03:34] JVidsLive: We love you f1nn! [00:03:34] pillowdemon2077: not even slow mode can stop us [00:03:34] CheekyMishiki: Sooo proud !! [00:03:34] Catamondium: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:35] Namiko1273: GenderFluidPride [00:03:35] alikarin: Congratulations [00:03:35] Kypirioth: Kypirioth subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! I just want you to know that you helped me come out as trans like 2 years ago! Congrats!!! [00:03:35] alaynerzz: I WON FEMME POINTS [00:03:35] Environmela: Cheer20 [00:03:35] f3mmbot: kypirioth subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:35] koreanslvt: my fav boygirl heyyyyyyy [00:03:35] LittleChaSiu: aaaaaaaaaa [00:03:36] YumeNoZen: Imma watch Chasiu's fingers blur. [00:03:36] princessmihai: Love you F1NN! [00:03:36] Michaelidk_: CONGATS ON COMING OUT! [00:03:36] verametafr_: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:03:36] CarbonDiam: I think this is the first stream I'm catching live, and what a day to do it haha [00:03:36] ciernaruza: IT HAPPENED [00:03:37] derPhael_: They're HEEEERE VoHiYo derpha1HYPE [00:03:37] DarrigoTR: PrideWingR PrideWingR PrideWingR PrideWingR [00:03:37] caboblob: Hey cutie >:000 [00:03:37] Helen_Croft: put msg on screen saying TTS is off @F1NN5TER [00:03:37] Ethos_23: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:03:37] loganwontshutup: NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride [00:03:37] elderspawn1: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:03:37] hammmy7: Owo [00:03:38] MrSkyrocket: queer royalty [00:03:38] Zenisher: That's a nice t-shirt, f1nn [00:03:38] XENOMAN5: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:38] rsm_100r: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:03:38] buffy_slays_: congrats!!🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ [00:03:38] boom_and_alpha_yt: I’m confusion [00:03:38] elisa5555213: elisa5555213 subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 9 month streak! [00:03:39] Silvercaptin: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:39] f3mmbot: elisa5555213 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 3! PogU [00:03:39] bailee_vincent: f1nnPet [00:03:39] mrs_mauss: LOVE YOU [00:03:39] rocktra1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:39] juneguild: HIiiiiiiii [00:03:39] jjay0308: TwitchUnity [00:03:39] cedric_callnight: Helooooo [00:03:39] Thunderwitch8: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:03:40] nahte54321: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:40] Grvpes: Slow mode can't stop us! [00:03:40] Teagra: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:40] snubble__: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:40] Bleats_Sinodai: I'M SO PROUD OF YOU mongre6EYESU mongre6EYESU mongre6EYESU mongre6EYESU mongre6EYESU mongre6EYESU [00:03:40] greatattentionspa: WHOOOOOOOOOO [00:03:40] ryantupo: spoachHype spoachHype spoachHype spoachHype spoachHype spoachHype spoachHype spoachHype spoachHype spoachHype spoachHype spoachHype [00:03:40] moon_gazing76: I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU <3333 [00:03:40] aaron___mcfc: Anything interesting happen? [00:03:41] ChosenOneTTV: SENDING LOVE AND HUGS FINN!! <3 BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:03:41] Saitamaz94: GayPride GayPride GayPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:41] SolsticeRL_: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:03:41] Avaerus0: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:03:41] badcaseofserpes: Rainbow Mafia we love to see it [00:03:42] martared_: love u [00:03:42] xXNeroZashiXx: @f1nn5ter Hello so happy for you 💞😍 [00:03:42] Thelotusbox: sup fin [00:03:43] thebigmanjoew: cum [00:03:43] Helen_Croft: put msg on screen saying TTS is off @F1NN5TER 󠀀 [00:03:43] FlutterGal956: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:43] jackcboiz: So jealous of you [00:03:43] tyrant2200: First stream I've loved your coming out video [00:03:43] cerealcardboard: A fellow generfluid!!!! [00:03:44] selmablackbird: Much love, very happy for you! [00:03:44] mimmm: we win these! [00:03:44] m1kakuro: saw the X post... whats up?? [00:03:44] sn3akykarma: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:44] rice4020609: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:03:44] MajesticFvckingEagle: I'm smilin so much rn [00:03:44] madoka_magikate: LOVE YOU SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!! [00:03:44] skatergirljordyn: HIIIII [00:03:44] rocker_26: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:45] 凹凸凹凸凹凸凹凸凹凸凹 (a_palavra_cabalistica_eh): congrats <3 [00:03:45] taylornator001: PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride [00:03:45] MairainePlayzGames: cracked egg!!! [00:03:45] cerysnomi: cerysnomi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 1 month streak! congrats i hope you are happier [00:03:45] renataendrborinn: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:45] f3mmbot: cerysnomi subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:46] somehowrl: <3 [00:03:46] blobtoad: BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride WE SUPPORT YOY [00:03:46] TheSubmergedJungle: TheSubmergedJungle subscribed at Tier 1. [00:03:46] XquisitCorps: hecticPogBow hecticPogBow hecticPogBow hecticPogBow [00:03:46] bisexualcatpotato: Hiiiiiii [00:03:46] f3mmbot: thesubmergedjungle subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang thesubmergedjungle f1nnLezgang [00:03:46] SidMaxwell10: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:46] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:47] muddymudkip15: BisexualPride f1nnHeart GenderFluidPride [00:03:47] remain_unseen: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:47] SH_Djarrax: I just joined, what did i miss? o.o [00:03:47] quixoticpragmatic: pog [00:03:47] Kenmas_Videogame_: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:03:47] oliviaxjde: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:47] danjan117: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:03:48] Sain_csgo: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:03:48] syro01: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:48] Prandah: HypeCool HypeCool HypeCool HypeCool HypeCool HypeCool HypeCool HypeCool HypeCool [00:03:48] alchemylla: alchemylla subscribed at Tier 1. [00:03:49] 1ChristineM: hi Finn [00:03:49] portraitofabunny: I’m so happy for you congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:03:49] f3mmbot: alchemylla subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang alchemylla f1nnLezgang [00:03:49] lilaggyiscool: i love you finn [00:03:49] Loelinverse: Happy International Womens Day! [00:03:49] evethe1ne: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:03:49] Clovermancy: ratkin9Trans ratkin9Trans ratkin9Trans ratkin9Trans ratkin9Trans ratkin9Trans ratkin9Trans ratkin9Trans ratkin9Trans ratkin9Trans [00:03:50] Japanese_Spaghettee: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:50] Hengy12: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:50] jaovitubr: LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [00:03:50] Geezer_Bob: Congratulations [00:03:50] DrJaneLuciferianScientist: So much love! [00:03:51] CptPurpleHero: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:51] MatthewL: We are all so proud of you F1nn [00:03:51] edahdd: CONGRATES [00:03:52] Chris_The_Bi: Chris_The_Bi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! Pog, [00:03:52] td_advocate: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:52] f3mmbot: chris_the_bi subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:52] drinkingfishwater: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:03:52] 71M073J: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:03:52] grandpaladin1701: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [00:03:53] mikelman999: congrats on the announcement. I knew I wasn’t gay [00:03:53] lovekaseyj: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:03:53] FacelessSnow: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug [00:03:53] SpicedNovaMaria: Christ on a bike this chat is so fast I can’t read anything [00:03:53] 1mitzi9: 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ [00:03:53] baat2: baat2 subscribed at Tier 1. [00:03:53] notacloud1: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:53] Peky93cz: Hi Finn [00:03:54] imaprsn: it’s so totally slow what the hecc you mean? 🤣 [00:03:54] f3mmbot: baat2 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang baat2 f1nnLezgang [00:03:54] Bro0ke_The_Best: welcome to the team [00:03:54] jthomas131: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:54] 420anythyme_: hi Finn [00:03:54] JType327Nubian: I love you darling [00:03:54] mgza81: GayPride PansexualPride GayPride PansexualPride GayPride PansexualPride GayPride PansexualPride [00:03:55] vNTCv: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:55] chonkthestreamer08: f1nn, im so fucking proud of you ! [00:03:56] Berylliumj: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:03:56] Smiling_Shelly: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [00:03:56] qrthulhu: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:03:56] jeuses1996: Hello I'm new to the chat [00:03:56] lordoflucas: lordoflucas subscribed with Prime. [00:03:56] ghost_sheriff_: We’re all so happy for you! [00:03:57] f3mmbot: lordoflucas subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang lordoflucas f1nnLezgang [00:03:57] caelamondorian: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:57] greebowarrior: destab1Mafia destab1Mafia destab1Mafia destab1Mafia [00:03:57] pin_baller: femboy45Heart femboy45Heart femboy45Heart [00:03:57] applesnks: pog [00:03:58] scarlettyg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:58] autumn_the_goat_girl: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:03:58] kogazgirl: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:03:58] jamexito: omg omg omg omg [00:03:59] luna_is_an_egg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:59] killer_snom: @f1nn5ter I got to go out with friends yesterday in a skirt (m here) [00:03:59] the_eric_herrera9: HypeCool HypeCool HypeCool [00:03:59] Rubusguy: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:03:59] Slaydria118: Congrats [00:03:59] Anaboth: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:59] GreedyGrimer: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:04:00] t0m1n4t0r: t0m1n4t0r subscribed at Tier 1. [00:04:00] hopalongtommy: Congratulations, I hope you find your happy place, gremlin 😁 [00:04:00] f3mmbot: t0m1n4t0r subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang t0m1n4t0r f1nnLezgang [00:04:00] obscuredisc3101: I am so happy for you Finn!! [00:04:00] the_boredom: Cheer100 Cheer100 [00:04:01] jondundas: IM SO PROUD OF YOU AAAAAAAA [00:04:01] ya_boi_snowie: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:01] girlwholovekurtuwu: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:01] StarSister17: Congrats! So proud of you! denzhyLove [00:04:02] little_aurora_elizabeth: Finn i wish you and Ashley lots of luck in your future transitions [00:04:02] nekroo_nekoo: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:02] Amoyamoyamoya: F1NN I HAD NO IDEA OMG WTF [00:04:03] Juliya_999: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:03] silentkay1: Chat...it took several years but you did it TransgenderPride [00:04:03] that_one_bi_kid_: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:04:03] eckers75: eckers75 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:04:04] cyber_viv: fionnn [00:04:04] f3mmbot: eckers75 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:04:04] ekat2468: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [00:04:04] chizzicle: SO PROUD OF YOU FINN! [00:04:05] coconutmangotoast: We can finally make an omelette! The egg has cracked [00:04:05] someonr112: We need to talk ab something not clickbait!!!! [00:04:05] Pope_Pickle: FIMTER [00:04:05] ScrapRodent: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:04:06] thatcanadiandrummer: TransgenderPride [00:04:06] princessmihai: You don't know how much we love you for real for real [00:04:06] Cadzzes: it’s not march 3rd tho what happened? [00:04:06] TheATA3: GenderFluidPride [00:04:06] davidiusfarrenius: Hey boy you going to bottle that there gender fluid? 😄 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [00:04:07] DarrigoTR: 30 sec slow mode lol [00:04:08] Cleekru: Cleekru subscribed with Prime. [00:04:08] f3mmbot: cleekru subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang cleekru f1nnLezgang [00:04:08] fatslowman: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:09] Kageblade08: Kageblade08 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [00:04:09] f3mmbot: kageblade08 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:04:09] atomrofl164: PJSugar [00:04:09] BillSwales: Pride100 [00:04:09] lengend5433: hi [00:04:09] Phuntis: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:04:09] OfficiOlly: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:04:10] YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya stfu [00:04:10] sunnylags: swt2 [00:04:10] smartiesvb: Hi hi [00:04:10] f0xegg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:10] zoelegs: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:04:10] Alia_A: Alia_A is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel! [00:04:10] Miraitre: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:04:11] darkcatzeye: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:04:11] f3mmbot: alia_a has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [00:04:11] Z4v3R: [00:04:11] Alia_A: Alia_A gifted a Tier 1 sub to rapiersux! [00:04:11] Alia_A: Alia_A gifted a Tier 1 sub to JJCDoesstuff! [00:04:11] Alia_A: Alia_A gifted a Tier 1 sub to AuntLeslie! [00:04:11] Alia_A: Alia_A gifted a Tier 1 sub to GoodThankQ! [00:04:11] Alia_A: Alia_A gifted a Tier 1 sub to xlonebucketx! [00:04:11] Alia_A: Alia_A gifted a Tier 1 sub to the_mist_demon! [00:04:11] Alia_A: Alia_A gifted a Tier 1 sub to transterra29! [00:04:11] Alia_A: Alia_A gifted a Tier 1 sub to Istanlo! [00:04:11] Alia_A: Alia_A gifted a Tier 1 sub to Joelxiii! [00:04:11] Thunderwitch8: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:04:11] Alia_A: Alia_A gifted a Tier 1 sub to ludi_liloar! [00:04:11] stereotypical_taco: GayPride BisexualPride GayPride BisexualPride [00:04:12] ownedshadow_: f1nnHeart [00:04:12] lilyxmiw: lilyxmiw subscribed with Prime. [00:04:12] estradidoll: what did I miss amayajBoba [00:04:12] xXNeroZashiXx: PansexualPride PansexualPride [00:04:12] f3mmbot: lilyxmiw subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang lilyxmiw f1nnLezgang [00:04:12] merry_le_platypus: hiii [00:04:13] ciceroappiah: gge [00:04:13] spark_ghoul: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:13] martared_: ragerHypee ragerHypee ragerHypee [00:04:14] hammmy7: :( therea4452Salmon MercyWing2 imGlitch PizzaTime DinoDance BisexualPride DinoDance BisexualPride therea4452Salmon [00:04:14] bluj40: GenderFluidPride [00:04:14] MissJenkins2130: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 [00:04:14] gerglingson: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [00:04:15] JohnnyTyrant93: we’re hyped over your cute butt [00:04:15] cyphoenic_: welcome to the club :p [00:04:15] jjfm60163: is it rude to say that the egg finally cracked, and you should be proud it did? [00:04:15] pixl_12: why does the shirt have pant bands on the neck? [00:04:15] unovaismyregion: 🎉🥳🎊🍾🙌🙌🙌🍻🍾 [00:04:15] Zjawyer: hi [00:04:15] HexGrrrrl: I need take my e [00:04:15] Catamondium: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:15] pillowdemon2077: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:16] ChasingSol: "professional streamer" [00:04:16] idlesuicidal: Grats [00:04:17] deathcab4lu: GayPride PansexualPride GayPride PansexualPride GayPride [00:04:17] macarous: the slippery slope is complete, congrats dude [00:04:17] beaneater197: F1nn time [00:04:17] quarioquario: level 9? [00:04:17] delilah_derata: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:04:18] animefreak21012: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:18] loleyontwitch: KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype [00:04:18] Wagganator_: Less goooo [00:04:18] enbyvee: welcome to the bi kinda gender-fucky club :3 [00:04:19] ace80605055: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:19] syro01: TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:04:19] vexowodot: slay [00:04:19] ReikoNya: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:19] TheDerpyTomatoz: Finally my omelette [00:04:20] thedanitone: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:04:20] colorado14986: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:04:20] psnshrek_is_sadboi: FallHalp FallHalp FallHalp [00:04:21] Helen_Croft: chat using to many emotes triggers automod [00:04:22] xoxPanda: xoxpanHeart2 [00:04:22] SH_Djarrax: Whats happening?? [00:04:22] aaron___mcfc: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:04:22] Barbar7575: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:23] braddle172: itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype [00:04:23] filip_zd10: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:23] astrid_autumn: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:24] Kardeen: Kardeen subscribed with Prime. [00:04:24] TykitFleine: irratiOnalHeart irratiOnalHeart irratiOnalHeart [00:04:24] uradoptedkid87: Congrats [00:04:24] f3mmbot: kardeen subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang kardeen f1nnLezgang [00:04:24] MsSpelled_MT: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:04:25] jarenrex: PopNemo [00:04:25] camina_mtns: thought it was just clickbait lol. haven't seen yet [00:04:26] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! [00:04:26] f3mmbot: ananonymousgifter has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:04:26] Mondongod: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:04:26] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to CrispyBaconKush! [00:04:26] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to busheyxo! [00:04:26] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to poidanamredne! [00:04:26] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to JuuIian! [00:04:27] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to 5195_Olivias! [00:04:27] Neameklol: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:04:27] dreamerzy: <3 [00:04:27] Ekun: TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:28] FacelessSnow: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug [00:04:28] rocker_26: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:28] neonglowstickk: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:29] Prandah: f1nnCowjam FortOne f1nnCowjam FortOne f1nnCowjam FortOne f1nnCowjam FortOne f1nnCowjam [00:04:29] theo_artin: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:04:29] napoleantheass: finn came out? [00:04:29] now_chemical: what happenedddd [00:04:30] SolsticeRL_: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:30] GreedyGrimer: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:30] pugsnotdrugs1234: the egg has cracked congrats [00:04:30] jackcboiz: Wo [00:04:30] Istanlo: @Alia_A Thanks for the gift sub! [00:04:31] thimble369: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:32] grimbus75: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:04:32] LeonPunktWrt: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:32] iceberg_tuesdays: <3 <3 <3 BigPhish [00:04:33] MatthewL: So much love for F1nn today [00:04:33] MelodicDaemons: Cheer100 [00:04:34] scarlettyg: scarlettyg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 16 month streak! Just finished the video, I'm so proud of you, my dear gremlin! [00:04:34] f3mmbot: scarlettyg subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:34] Muffin01: f1nnHeart f1nnTank TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:34] ekat2468: ekat2468 subscribed with Prime. [00:04:34] undiscoveredoddity: You could put slow mode to 5 min cooldown lol [00:04:34] f3mmbot: ekat2468 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang ekat2468 f1nnLezgang [00:04:34] HenyoJo: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:34] Mikey2207: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:35] Akipoutark_: : TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:04:35] alaynerzz: IM A TRANS WOMAN ON HRT [00:04:36] SavvyFaire: wait, what's happening [00:04:36] ThtTwitchLily: now this. is epic [00:04:36] azath0th777: TransgenderPride GayPride BisexualPride [00:04:36] nono181129: My goodness [00:04:36] caelamondorian: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:37] ChasingSol: LIES [00:04:38] EmilySaxton: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:39] ThePorkyPilot: congrats [00:04:39] girlwholovekurtuwu: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:39] saramblo: called it [00:04:39] jamexito: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:39] afal: Happy for you little gremlin <3 BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:40] fierrochase9: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:04:40] Ash1ey_49: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:40] satinsun: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:40] jmaloney917: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:40] johnkeiwo: yes u will KEKW [00:04:40] vNTCv: yeah youre gunna cry [00:04:41] Jayly_GM: [00:04:41] hugo2004: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:41] f0xegg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:41] YumeNoZen: Get tissues handy. [00:04:42] qrthulhu: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:04:42] ZerschnetzIer: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:04:42] Blue_Rae18: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:04:43] V_Neia: V_Neia subscribed with Prime. [00:04:43] Mizo_Live: so going to cry [00:04:43] Soap_1102: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:43] Juliya_999: awww [00:04:43] f3mmbot: v_neia subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang v_neia f1nnLezgang [00:04:43] FFRJibster: LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:04:43] merry_le_platypus: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:04:44] DegenerateDaycare: I hope you got some tissues handy [00:04:44] Derpsterette: Nuh-uh [00:04:44] ChosenOneTTV: HEHEHE U LIKE BOYSSS!! BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:04:44] toomanybees___: he lied [00:04:44] danjan117: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:04:44] general_of_cm: X [00:04:45] Freak_Moth: NUH UH [00:04:45] smartiesvb: Chat going very fast TransgenderPride [00:04:45] xmyokis: VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo [00:04:46] SnabbKassa: I am still here, but chat will be swamped on small monitors [00:04:46] yoshiiii_xd: LuvCool [00:04:46] athenacaisen: LIES [00:04:46] remain_unseen: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:04:46] Catamondium: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:46] pinbel1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:47] bingusmcdoodle: 100% gona cry [00:04:47] camarada_emy: Challenge accepted [00:04:47] MsSpelled_MT: MsSpelled_MT subscribed at Tier 1. [00:04:47] njbh86: you will you liar but we love you [00:04:47] jubjub221: deffo gonna KEKW [00:04:47] cheesusyourlord: X [00:04:47] f3mmbot: msspelled_mt subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang msspelled_mt f1nnLezgang [00:04:47] CommanderJono66: <3 [00:04:47] CaptMatrixx: give it a glass of whisky, then youll be STREAMING [00:04:48] Kawai_Okami: Drinking crying stream [00:04:48] mdaher24: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:48] ace80605055: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:48] sp00kykj: good(bi) boy, hello egg [00:04:48] theia649: TransgenderPride [00:04:49] Hestia_allay: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:49] mrs_mauss: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:49] Amoyamoyamoya: PREDICTION FOR WHEN F1NN STARTS CRYING? [00:04:49] Thunderwitch8: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:04:49] syro01: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:49] BabyRainbow03: BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:04:50] CptPurpleHero: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:50] Y0rk5h1r3: Get the Kleenex [00:04:50] Leonidous: hrt is so epic you'll see [00:04:50] antirionkena: TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:50] im_up_to_something: Of course, at some point [00:04:50] catraxadora: hype traiinn [00:04:51] atomrofl164: PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar [00:04:51] DarrigoTR: Listen to Ashley [00:04:51] rice4020609: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:51] jaovitubr: IM GONNA CRY! [00:04:52] professorpussicat: Hewwooooooo!!! [00:04:52] Hunney_chan: grumblyWave ello [00:04:52] elderspawn1: lies [00:04:52] TheQWasTaken: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:52] lynn_150: Sooo about that girl voice?? [00:04:52] SleepyPac: PrideRhino PrideRhino PrideRhino BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride PrideRhino PrideRhino PrideRhino [00:04:53] OfficiOlly: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:04:53] loleyontwitch: whats da news?!?? [00:04:54] Darkness4desert: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 f1nnEgg [00:04:54] MikeWillStream: MikeWillStream subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! so proud of you! Started watching in 2020 and it's been great to watch you grow into the person you are today! [00:04:54] f3mmbot: mikewillstream subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [00:04:54] LeVideNoirAstral: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:04:54] WayneBoBrown: Congrats buddy [00:04:54] RinnXIV: nice dude im worried now i started crossdressing a couple days ago [00:04:55] alexx_net: @napoleantheass Yes as genderfluid bi and ace [00:04:55] braddle172: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:04:55] eternaldawn15: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:56] Nitaki__: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:04:56] ScrapRodent: I’m also bi and genderfluid so I was literally crying after watching the video😭 [00:04:56] Silvercaptin: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:56] SidMaxwell10: Sure Kappa [00:04:56] astronos_: TakeNRG TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride cracked TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GivePLZ [00:04:56] zoelegs: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:04:56] LaurenArtful: Congrats! [00:04:57] davidiusfarrenius: F1nn head pat F1nn head pat f1nnPet Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [00:04:57] princessmihai: It's OK to cry when you're getting this much love [00:04:57] kat_the_khajiit: Hey if you do cry we love and support you :3 [00:04:58] alkibiadesmassacre: I feel like ya might cry [00:04:58] enbyvee: we be gay!!!! [00:04:58] uradoptedkid87: W woman [00:04:58] mr_pacoquinha: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:04:58] jarenrex: bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple [00:04:58] Nova_Prime_69: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:04:58] td_advocate: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:58] MightWinMightWin: 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️ [00:04:58] keller4589: definitely gonna cry [00:04:59] j1nx3dfate: So who wears the pants? [00:04:59] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: I mean, from experience, estrogen definitely unlocks the happy cry emotion... [00:04:59] HexGrrrrl: I cried watching the video [00:04:59] FatherThyme: same as before :) [00:04:59] NONAM3KILL3R: Bro there's no fkin way lol. My girlfriend said you started HRT? I remember when everyone joked about that. Congrats, sorry if this is late. I've missed the last like 10 streams [00:04:59] zane02ttv: Yoo [00:04:59] mystchevious1: Nothing changed for me. [00:04:59] lukeshawlive: hellllllllllloooooooooooooo [00:04:59] MajesticFvckingEagle: Throw a party I guess [00:04:59] Clovermancy: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:05:00] DodenKing: I am gonna cry though [00:05:00] marteywa: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:05:00] Xertaj1: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:05:00] adamjunkpup: megaaHeartsPride megaaHeartsPride megaaHeartsPride [00:05:00] DatChickenBro1: ^^ [00:05:00] psnshrek_is_sadboi: Squid4 Squid1 Squid2 Squid4 [00:05:00] Prandah: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:05:00] dangerousruben: Its okay, we wont tell [00:05:01] Sleepystephbot: Crying already? X D [00:05:01] Ignemia: The E will take care of tears KEKHeim [00:05:01] filip_zd10: kekw [00:05:01] Endlessoul: Happy for you, sis [00:05:02] silentkay1: Time for getting paid for boy week I guess? [00:05:02] JohnnyTyrant93: F1NN IS A CUTIE [00:05:02] SolsticeRL_: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:05:02] TykitFleine: Will you get bangs / a fringe? [00:05:03] quixoticpragmatic: your eyes are so pretty [00:05:03] Rika_Shirasaki: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:05:03] chrizcox462: fin marriage? [00:05:03] skyl00m: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:05:03] isabaellchen: toldya [00:05:04] Gius_Julianus: rosiebellExcite [00:05:05] asydes: hello congrats [00:05:05] pillowdemon2077: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:05:05] fishy_hd21: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:05:05] spark_ghoul: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:05:05] genkicussy79: plans for the future? [00:05:05] drinkingfishwater: This is the most hyped stream I've been in awhile on twitch congrats love the YouTube video and now streams BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:05:06] juneguild: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:05:06] blusau: Huggs [00:05:06] isaacskshj: Hi [00:05:06] kateth: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:05:06] tnw543: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:05:06] SavvyFaire: Now let's try to financially de-feminize F1nn [00:05:06] busheyxo: Ayyy someone gifted me a sub thanks! [00:05:07] The_1_Nomad: gotta change the about? [00:05:07] MasonGamingV: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:05:07] fare_456: POLL [00:05:08] Miniana_: hey @F1NN5TER i heard the news happy christmas [00:05:08] xorwak: get Ashley if she wants to [00:05:08] ravenbloodmoonnightmare: TransgenderPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride [00:05:09] eXpressed_: So happy for you Finn, congrats on coming out and being you [00:05:09] unovaismyregion: CELEBRATE!!!!! [00:05:09] girlwholovekurtuwu: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:05:10] dreamerzy: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:05:10] Neameklol: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:05:11] jamnesia777: it’s okay if you cry [00:05:11] TruffleFry: it's okay if you cry it's happy tears :) [00:05:11] luc1d_ston3r: Ah I love you f1nn [00:05:11] beaneater197: Chat calm down [00:05:11] gabe2126: Hi [00:05:12] edahdd: !pronouns [00:05:12] LittleChaSiu: "didn't plan for this stream" told us a day in advance [00:05:12] little_aurora_elizabeth: What do we do, we celebrate with a new dress [00:05:12] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:05:12] mh_Realish: <3 [00:05:12] EldritchElucidator: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:05:12] uchizombi: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:05:12] mintmayo: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:05:13] MrMelon216: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:05:13] blueskydrinking: I'm crying already [00:05:13] idlesuicidal: <3 [00:05:13] Mikey2207: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:05:13] TrissByTor: So proud if you f1nn [00:05:13] QuietBard98: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:05:13] mushooom_: HOW LONG???? [00:05:13] bilyb0b: lil lag [00:05:14] YumeNoZen: I mean, I'm not gonna treat you any differently unless you want me to. [00:05:14] fatslowman: cry [00:05:14] Kolateak_: Crying stream [00:05:14] elion3li: !!! [00:05:14] ChosenOneTTV: UR ONE OF US NOW FINN BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:05:15] karojhe: We're gonna make you cry <3 [00:05:15] KSK_T1m: KSK_T1m subscribed with Prime. [00:05:15] Ethos_23: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:05:15] f3mmbot: ksk_t1m subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang ksk_t1m f1nnLezgang [00:05:16] s_m_i_r: Crying poll? [00:05:16] vinsanity642: what you do now is live and enjoy life [00:05:17] JType327Nubian: kisses misses [00:05:17] meiketae: awww TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:05:17] Nullikle6000: love you fin [00:05:18] phoebe_rc: First of all not everyone has watched thevod [00:05:18] liam1105: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:05:19] XquisitCorps: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:05:20] LinklingOnTwitch: GAMING [00:05:21] wyldcardsam: Def gonna cry [00:05:22] effrin77: I mean I teared up when I watched it lol [00:05:22] TheSprayer31: GenderFluidPride [00:05:23] isopod_underground: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [00:05:23] ApocaLizzie: f1nnBingbong [00:05:23] alexx_net: You take the E you get the weepies f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeart [00:05:24] lordgtafbi: Idunno, factorio stream? [00:05:24] alaynerzz: GONNA FUCKING CRY SO HARD [00:05:25] Schn4rchi: LuvGift [00:05:27] wlofs: did you die [00:05:27] syro01: BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:05:27] HIMMusty: himbroLove himbroLove himbroLove himbroLove himbroLove himbroLove himbroLove [00:05:27] zoelegs: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:05:27] skyisblue2005: so happy for you <3 <3 <3 [00:05:28] crowblax: LETS GO F1NNN [00:05:28] rice4020609: :3 [00:05:28] not_so_average_Gaymer: ratkin9Trans [00:05:30] Not_Finnster: Not_Finnster subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! omg I'm so surprised!!! [00:05:30] f3mmbot: not_finnster subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:05:31] B_MagicMist: We are all so proud [00:05:31] TiddySkittle: TiddySkittle subscribed at Tier 1. [00:05:31] olyxxd: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:05:31] f3mmbot: tiddyskittle subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang tiddyskittle f1nnLezgang [00:05:32] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:05:32] ciceroappiah: Do you still count as a femboy? [00:05:32] DegenerateDaycare: and while you play the intro you can grab some tissues - just in case lol [00:05:33] wilburofthefrigidlands: EEEEEEEE [00:05:33] WoefulKibble: Congratulations F1NN!! Proud of you!! f1nnHeart [00:05:33] ScrapRodent: BisexualPride I’m also bi and genderfluid so I was literally crying after watching the video😭 GenderFluidPride [00:05:34] ryanrenay: TransgenderPride [00:05:35] skyl00m: 🥰 [00:05:35] muddymudkip15: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:05:35] imaprsn: 100000000000% [00:05:35] asoftgoth: we are SO PROUD OF YOU FINNSTER [00:05:35] macarous: i'm acc so stoked [00:05:35] Dwaggs01: bro will never beat the allegations now lol [00:05:36] Hestia_allay: holding my tissues next to me for the tears [00:05:36] roshicon: roshicon subscribed at Tier 1. [00:05:36] f3mmbot: roshicon subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang roshicon f1nnLezgang [00:05:38] t0m1n4t0r: F1nn is 150% going to cry today [00:05:38] Selstraits: monkaS what i miss??????? [00:05:38] MrFreddy312: gonna be honest thought it was another clickbait video [00:05:38] Nothing_1223: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:05:38] f0xegg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:05:38] naan202: Has started on a new platform he now has eight values and a new page on the p****** hub [00:05:38] BandersnatchAdventures: real b00bas soon? [00:05:38] Novastar2009: so proud for you dude! as a trans girl myself I’m so happy to see fellow LGBTQ+ people come out!!! TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:05:39] Saitamaz94: if u dont cry i will [00:05:39] scarlettyg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:05:39] satinsun: I think everyone knows… [00:05:40] realxelnoc: play minecraft [00:05:40] TheTower51: so happy for you finn. the watching the video gave me all the warm and fuzzy feelings. it was so wholesome [00:05:41] Dethiccated: f1nn collecting all the adjectives [00:05:41] itsepy0: oh [00:05:41] purpleratt73: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:05:41] randopersonn_: LETS GOOOOOOOOO [00:05:42] jessicaluxuz: We knew it for so long [00:05:42] hazelgr33n: YOURE gonna cry? NO IM GOING TO CRY [00:05:42] CoronaBorealis02: Congrats f1nn! I started HRT a little over a month ago and it can be rough at first, but its 100% worth it, hope you are doing it safely but i'm sure Ashley is helping you with that [00:05:42] grimbus75: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:05:43] Imm0rta1pengu1n: PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideLion PrideRise [00:05:43] buffyswagg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:05:43] ace80605055: Woohoo [00:05:43] blackdevils521: All femboys are coming out [00:05:44] morbidmoxie: Pride95 [00:05:44] Juliya_999: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:05:45] FlowersOfLight: so proud of this gremolin [00:05:45] XENOMAN5: How many Ds did it take to realize you are Bi? [00:05:46] YumeNoZen: Putting the bi in bish. [00:05:46] shelledbsh: shelledbsh subscribed with Prime. [00:05:46] f3mmbot: shelledbsh subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang shelledbsh f1nnLezgang [00:05:46] ManaUnmuted: ManaUnmuted subscribed with Prime. [00:05:47] f3mmbot: manaunmuted subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang manaunmuted f1nnLezgang [00:05:47] girlwholovekurtuwu: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:05:47] jeuses1996: <3 [00:05:49] Neameklol: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:05:50] SaraSpruce: SaraSpruce subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! So proud of you! TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:05:50] cedric_callnight: 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ [00:05:50] f3mmbot: saraspruce subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:05:51] HiddenMarty: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:05:51] mekuplan: You DO NOT look like ur voice [00:05:51] danjan117: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:05:52] saiga9: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:05:52] loleyontwitch: 🤯 [00:05:52] Japanese_Spaghettee: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:05:53] Ramaj_A: Pride100 hey finn, little buddy, congrats on your coming out video. Cow did one also just yesterday, who won, who's next, chat decide! [00:05:53] sheldonq1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:05:53] Aestelie: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:05:53] Ambercosplaycat: Hey general question is "hrt" what you take or hormon-replacement-therapy? [00:05:54] Jo5iah_: itspea13Pog itspea13Pog [00:05:54] rsm_100r: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:05:55] braddle172: Wooooo [00:05:55] spark_ghoul: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:05:56] SuchKittyMuchMeow: miiliComf [00:05:56] CptPurpleHero: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:05:56] MrManIsTheMan: swag [00:05:57] FatherThyme: so been on hrt for 6 months [00:05:57] kirathepan: Are you getting it from private healthcare? [00:05:58] colliecell: GenderFluidPride [00:05:58] SleepyPac: SleepyPac subscribed with Prime. [00:05:59] f3mmbot: sleepypac subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang sleepypac f1nnLezgang [00:05:59] d_heeezy: Ive been waiting eagerly for you to stream tosy :3 [00:05:59] Mikey2207: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:00] drinkingfishwater: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:06:00] princessmihai: Yeeeessssss greatest moment of all time [00:06:00] therealnotchaz: f1nnPet [00:06:00] PowerOf47: Hey, you released your april fools video a month early [00:06:01] shortswarlok: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:01] Hakysakit: POGGERS [00:06:01] AledDoesStuff: AledDoesStuff subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! so proud of you, sending all my love TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:06:01] Catamondium: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:01] f3mmbot: aleddoesstuff subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:06:01] professorpussicat: :O [00:06:02] TrissByTor: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:03] HIMMusty: himbroJonesHE himbroJonesHE himbroJonesHE himbroJonesHE himbroJonesHE himbroJonesHE [00:06:04] lvcrash: pog [00:06:05] hammmy7: lol I watched 1 minute ago [00:06:05] Ticher7: Honestly, not as interesting as getting the getting a dog video [00:06:06] caffeinhoney: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:06] eternaldawn15: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:06:06] Partikle__: Hey, you are very inspiring and relatable for someone like me who is going through similar things that you are <3 [00:06:06] saint_r: when was recently? [00:06:06] lyumiart: CONFETTI [00:06:07] Hestia_allay: ORJKZRJGIZHRBJZHRG [00:06:07] rice4020609: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:07] Worysil: Woop Woop, good for you on comming out [00:06:07] roko305: long time yt watcher, first time twitch viewer. hi! GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:06:07] Clovermancy: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:07] coffeebutbetter: wowzers [00:06:07] Matamir: joanat1Pog joanat1Pog joanat1Pog joanat1Pog [00:06:08] merry_le_platypus: we love you !! <33 TransgenderPride [00:06:08] mothpurr: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:08] SpicedNovaMaria: wait that was real? I thought someone put it together themselves 😂 [00:06:08] ciernaruza: POG [00:06:08] nhook: we got f1nn coming out before gta6 [00:06:08] elion3li: YOOOOO [00:06:09] FancyTrashMan: very happy for you [00:06:09] adamjunkpup: megaaHeartsPride megaaHeartsPride megaaHeartsPride [00:06:09] BabyRainbow03: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:06:10] LindseyMonroe: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:10] Alia_A: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:06:10] ryanrenay: LETS GOOO [00:06:10] starburst97: x5fttrTranspride x5fttrTranspride [00:06:10] qrthulhu: WHHHHAAAAAA [00:06:10] DatChickenBro1: Poggers [00:06:11] DodenKing: WOOOOOOO [00:06:11] lop025: WOOOO [00:06:11] s_m_i_r: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:06:11] mebeperson: CONGATS [00:06:11] hiluuu: AAAAAAA<333 [00:06:12] applesnks: real trap shiii [00:06:12] mxdjrttv: wwwwwwwww [00:06:12] Hazewind: qtcPoggies1 p1mtFerrari [00:06:13] neuroiscute: WOOOO [00:06:13] alexx_net: @Ambercosplaycat They are one and the same [00:06:13] Saitamaz94: OMG CONGRATS F1NN [00:06:13] thatJadefish: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:06:13] yoshiiii_xd: presLove presLove presLove [00:06:14] WenBasi: we here and we queer [00:06:14] AlmondVF: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:06:14] EmpressCard: First stream I've caught in months, what a stream to see [00:06:14] Falqun: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:06:14] MatthewL: Im so proud of you F1nn [00:06:14] Ekun: EZ [00:06:15] luna_bees98: Trans [00:06:15] estradidoll: WOOOOOT [00:06:15] fatslowman: what a surprise [00:06:15] rainofthestorm: ooooh gel [00:06:15] LinklingOnTwitch: W [00:06:15] Mondongod: @Ambercosplaycat it's called like that [00:06:15] Autumn_Isilme: Yay [00:06:16] strawb3ry_cow: GO FINNN GOOOOOO [00:06:16] johnkeiwo: W [00:06:16] cheesusyourlord: YOOOOO [00:06:16] kateth: WOOOOOOO [00:06:16] voidstar5328: Booba juice [00:06:16] vNTCv: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:06:17] neonglowstickk: WOOOOO [00:06:17] genkicussy79: RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack [00:06:17] brandy017: brandy017 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! 4 months sub f1nnCowjam [00:06:17] f3mmbot: brandy017 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:06:17] Miniana_: oh wait i think i mght be on this vid hi yt [00:06:18] soar_fennec: EGG. BROKEN. [00:06:18] s13ma: karna for making people gay [00:06:18] Bartiono: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:18] m1kakuro: <3 [00:06:18] Mr_Fluffy97: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:06:18] xero93: pog [00:06:18] wack0x: 💉💉💉💉💉💉 [00:06:19] xXNeroZashiXx: Pog [00:06:19] grefitz: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:19] crowblax: WWWW [00:06:19] shellyf1sh: u take the same shit like me :P [00:06:19] gruntbane: gruntbane subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 1 month streak! So proud of you F1nn [00:06:19] juneguild: WOOOOOO [00:06:19] rippazombie: go you [00:06:19] f3mmbot: gruntbane subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:06:19] macarous: W [00:06:19] voiceless_f1: hiiiiii [00:06:19] umutk_99: yooo [00:06:20] AeitZean: AeitZean subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months! Congratulations F1nn f1nnHeart [00:06:20] bingusmcdoodle: HELL YESSSS [00:06:20] Alkno_93: congratulations [00:06:20] f3mmbot: aeitzean subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:06:20] kat_the_khajiit: ESTROGEL!!!! [00:06:20] Daedalus1134: VoteYea [00:06:20] ace80605055: Wooooo [00:06:21] ScrapRodent: W GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:06:21] karojhe: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:06:21] BLAAAIRY: no fucken way bitch [00:06:21] caelamondorian: CALLED IT!!!! [00:06:21] alkibiadesmassacre: The Bi part surprised me more than all of it lol [00:06:21] andromeda_nyx: chug chug chug chug [00:06:22] Komnia: woooo [00:06:22] muffinman1244: W [00:06:22] hazelgr33n: PLEASE [00:06:22] johnkeiwo: no Stare [00:06:22] SavvyFaire: strong "first day of job" vibes [00:06:22] asoftgoth: been on HRT for a year now and it’s in large part due to this community. I love you Finn im so happy for you 😭 [00:06:22] spinster444: surprise surprise surprise....... [00:06:22] Hunney_chan: candie20BunnyHappy [00:06:22] RykerSune: LETSGO FINN f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:06:22] gabe2126: How does hrt work i never understood it [00:06:23] MimoJimi: Yoooooo [00:06:23] experiencepoints: YES PLZ TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:23] ATCLoki: cool bro [00:06:23] keller4589: WWWW [00:06:23] ejbjoseph: congratulations! happy for you [00:06:23] CowbeeTheybop: UH HELLO??? [00:06:23] unovaismyregion: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [00:06:23] skoralta: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:23] LaurenArtful: YESSS [00:06:24] johnkeiwo: no Stare [00:06:24] johnkeiwo: no Stare [00:06:24] PrestinoLive: Oh wow 0-0 [00:06:24] panda_kid2: based [00:06:24] ChasingSol: jfk chat [00:06:25] filip_zd10: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:25] ZerschnetzIer: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:06:25] fallenyar: Im so proud of you!!! im almost at 2 years on HRT [00:06:25] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:25] saramblo: I fucking knew [00:06:25] Philippovic98: TransgenderPride [00:06:25] lishoward: awww yay!!! [00:06:25] FlowersOfLight: cracked [00:06:26] spider3327: fuck yeah estrogen [00:06:26] finalmillenium: So actually taking the titty skittles. [00:06:26] octminer: TransgenderPride CONGRATS TransgenderPride [00:06:26] lilly477: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:26] njbh86: Honestly frickin love this for you dude [00:06:26] Nauticalcoffin: Woow h r t chrAw [00:06:26] Eromaw: CONGRATULATIONS!!! [00:06:27] camarada_emy: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:06:27] Psiclow2: As someone also on HRT, Congrats! tinytr2Hype [00:06:27] boom_and_alpha_yt: what [00:06:27] braddle172: LETTSSS GOOOO [00:06:27] cyphoenic_: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [00:06:27] girlwholovekurtuwu: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:06:27] napoleantheass: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:06:27] Gius_Julianus: nin6Cry < F1nn in five minutes [00:06:27] LadMowPlaysGames: AHHHHHHH [00:06:28] fierrochase9: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride <3 BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride <3 BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride <3 BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:06:28] Juliya_999: whoooo [00:06:28] ithilux: ithilux subscribed with Prime. [00:06:28] ChasingSol: omg [00:06:28] f3mmbot: ithilux subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang ithilux f1nnLezgang [00:06:28] pianoismyforte_: W [00:06:28] greatattentionspa: I'm so proud!!!!! [00:06:28] f0xegg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:06:29] qui3t_tran5gir1: Yayyy [00:06:29] MrPink0000: omg [00:06:29] 1mitzi9: the egg cracked!! [00:06:29] uradoptedkid87: Congrats W woman [00:06:29] gaminggiantlive: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:29] tnw543: WWWWW [00:06:29] angygenz: wooo [00:06:29] ThtTwitchLily: clap clap clap [00:06:29] gamertwtch: so you HAVE been cheating [00:06:29] ohmarkey: Wow [00:06:30] silentkay1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:30] venlamonster: Clap [00:06:30] lady_lazy_sloth: hellu [00:06:30] Jeddix: Clap [00:06:30] jubjub221: nah lets talk about minecraft Keepo [00:06:30] Selstraits: FeelsBadMan you dont need it thought you are already pretty [00:06:30] SolsticeRL_: WOOOOO POGGERS ESTROGEN [00:06:30] Skoggi123: Clap [00:06:30] Silvercaptin: Wooooo [00:06:31] zebrabbl396: PopNemo [00:06:31] FatherThyme: Clap Clap Clap Clap [00:06:31] CommanderJono66: clap clap [00:06:31] YumeNoZen: *head pat* [00:06:31] furyninja_: WOOOOOO [00:06:31] Hakysakit: REAL TRAP SHIT [00:06:31] isabaellchen: congrats [00:06:31] HardyOrange: Can we talk about anything??? Lmao [00:06:31] 01Leon01: WOOO [00:06:31] MajesticFvckingEagle: YIPPEE [00:06:31] jaymeeeeeeeeeeee: based [00:06:31] jorisbg76: calp [00:06:31] professorpussicat: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:31] distraughtpenguin: WOOOOO YEAAAHHHHHHH [00:06:32] dysfunctionaldomo: WOOOO [00:06:32] eggsyndrome: Ooooh [00:06:32] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: STARTS CHEERING [00:06:32] AledDoesStuff: whoop [00:06:32] moonybunn: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:06:32] lizzygladiator: WOOO [00:06:32] FacelessSnow: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride BisexualPride VirtualHug [00:06:32] neonghost121: WWWWWWWWWWWWWW [00:06:33] Japanese_Spaghettee: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:06:33] 71M073J: WOOOOOOOO [00:06:33] boredassperson: WHAT? OH MY GOD, PROUD OF YA <3 [00:06:33] JohnnyTyrant93: CONGRATS HUN! [00:06:33] distractedcreative: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [00:06:33] axe1970: both you and cow on the same day [00:06:33] Leonidous: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [00:06:33] Daikini8: hdesWiggle hdesWiggle hdesWiggle hdesWiggle [00:06:33] UnperfectOne: Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! [00:06:33] TrissByTor: Pog [00:06:33] GoodHydrations: A standing ovation [00:06:34] randopersonn_: Clap [00:06:34] r4wbean: This sounds like a gmm video lmao [00:06:34] MegaMiley: WOOO [00:06:34] XENOMAN5: Clap [00:06:34] the_cok_king: About bloody time [00:06:34] kirathepan: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:06:34] snotchtigr: OOOO [00:06:34] nodegen: WOOOO [00:06:34] TweetieBird27: clappppppp [00:06:34] samithmhak: samithmhak subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months, currently on a 43 month streak! 43 months of subs its been amazing to see your journey so far. So happy you've found your truth [00:06:34] epicregisman: fuck yeah [00:06:34] theia649: Clap WOOO [00:06:34] c__r__j: nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps [00:06:34] theejoey: woooooooo [00:06:35] sheldonq1: Clap [00:06:35] XquisitCorps: hecticPogBow hecticPogBow hecticPogBow hecticPogBow hecticPogBow [00:06:35] f3mmbot: samithmhak subscribed to f1nn5ter for 43 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:06:35] Helen_Croft: Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap [00:06:35] Akipoutark_: Clap [00:06:35] Zarn13: WOOO [00:06:35] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:06:35] spark_ghoul: Woooooo [00:06:35] pinbel1: Clap [00:06:35] sleepysleeperino: Clap [00:06:35] the_Icelander: Wooo [00:06:35] arvid_sweden: Clap [00:06:35] Mr_fl1ppo: Wooooo [00:06:35] OstentatiousMongoose: Clap [00:06:36] meiketae: yayyy [00:06:36] chaoticfallen: WOOOOO [00:06:36] remain_unseen: 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 [00:06:36] budderowo: Wooooooo [00:06:36] dromAmord: WOO Clap [00:06:36] Max_Nappy: WE'RE PROUD OF YOU [00:06:36] muddymudkip15: Clap [00:06:36] PeachTeaDrinker: CONGRATS POOKIE [00:06:36] crazzyninja1234: Standing ovation! [00:06:36] sinnersnombre: *golf clap* [00:06:36] zoelegs: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:06:36] seapluspluspickle: woo :3 [00:06:37] Ry_X__: WOOOO [00:06:37] SidMaxwell10: Clap [00:06:37] gamerman356: and you denied it so hard for so long lol [00:06:37] johnkeiwo: Woooo FeelsBadMan Clap [00:06:37] dawnfals: 👏👏👏👏👏 [00:06:37] EvieLessThan3_: woooooooo!! [00:06:37] mario8889: WOOOO [00:06:37] alaynerzz: REEEEEEE [00:06:37] Amoyamoyamoya: HOLDS HANDS TOGETHER [00:06:37] lilsleepyfish: woooooooooo [00:06:37] YukiSoraSaki: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:37] CodeXKobra: meiyaClap [00:06:37] lilsagetree: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:06:37] marteywa: Clap [00:06:37] thedoord3b: Slow clap [00:06:38] wud_grimdemon: Clap [00:06:38] flymetopluto06: WOOOOOOOOOO [00:06:38] neonshark121: wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [00:06:38] loleyontwitch: that’s crazy🤯 [00:06:38] Catamondium: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:38] RoryLuukas: Wait I just joined and missed it by seconds clearly hahaha [00:06:39] buffy_slays_: clapping in trans [00:06:39] belladdeluca: Wait, I just watched the video, but don’t remember half the special effects [00:06:39] ArchyNemesis: Finally, the gender fluid [00:06:39] ya_boi_snowie: OMG CONGRATS!! TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:39] animefreak21012: YIPPIE [00:06:39] bigglycerol: Wooo [00:06:39] mothpurr: WOOOOO [00:06:39] new_day_who_dis: AAAAAHHHHHHHHH [00:06:40] xLumieI: Clap [00:06:40] hopalongtommy: So whose getting a cameo from that that Robin hood guy congratulating f1nn? [00:06:40] LeVideNoirAstral: Clap [00:06:40] LeonPunktWrt: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:40] CritCupcake: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:40] BeepTheMeep60: 👏 👏 👏 [00:06:40] smartiesvb: Wooooooooooo [00:06:40] ManOnTheNet: aoifeClap aoifeClap aoifeClap aoifeClap aoifeClap aoifeClap [00:06:40] mc8258: wooooooo [00:06:40] dinoapple454: woooo [00:06:40] luffywillsolo: Congratulations [00:06:40] burritoboy2222: wooooo [00:06:40] misschvs: WOOOOOOOO [00:06:40] giant_tess: You let cow beat you in coming out as being on hrt [00:06:40] blueskydrinking: Now you don't have to steal your friend's HRT KEKWW [00:06:41] Y2KMellow: LETS GOOOOOOO [00:06:41] edahdd: Clap [00:06:41] AphiaDeMieux: Clap [00:06:41] king_kirby2659: Good job [00:06:41] itzcheesy_: RAAAAAAAHHHHH [00:06:41] quixoticpragmatic: WOOOO [00:06:41] billyyyn: clap clap clap applause yi[p[eeee [00:06:41] terrresa_: GayPride [00:06:41] Mikey2207: woooo [00:06:41] Ruglund6230: woooo [00:06:42] zombiii: woo aleczanClap [00:06:42] DoubleDoobers: WOOHOO [00:06:42] Rayne_Fauls: Clap [00:06:42] mebeperson: BASED AND BLUE PILLED [00:06:42] Helen_Croft: Clap Clap Clap [00:06:43] MrFreddy312: slateDance slateDance slateDance [00:06:43] jamexito: YAYYYY BOOOOBS [00:06:43] alex_white_owo: woooo [00:06:43] s_m_i_r: E [00:06:43] killerqueen191: WOOOOO [00:06:43] HexGrrrrl: Turns out the one cis guy I was attracted to isn't cis [00:06:43] the_oracie: the CONFETTI BUDGET is too high [00:06:43] ruparker: Woooo! [00:06:44] FancyTrashMan: Yes [00:06:44] rocker_26: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:44] sfr89s: omg congrats [00:06:44] sophiebliek911: congrates [00:06:45] sp00kykj: literally watched the vid, went to the twitch, saw you were live in 2 mins and waited LUL [00:06:45] reiisguts: yippie [00:06:45] rekhan337: Where minecraft [00:06:45] BallerBee8: YIPPEEEEEEEE [00:06:45] caffeinhoney: Clap [00:06:45] kurki_3: WOOOOOOOOOOOOO [00:06:45] f1nn5terfan_: Hip hip hooray [00:06:45] dialecticalboy: Are you a vocalist? [00:06:45] luna_bees98: <3 <3 [00:06:45] Duuhdaah: It was EGG all along!!!! [00:06:45] Chri55PBacon: ayy [00:06:45] lfierro22: congrats on coming out!!!! just watched the vid and came straight here!!!! [00:06:46] pin_baller: aamishClap aamishClap aamishClap aamishClap [00:06:46] timabar: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown [00:06:46] autumnvibesss: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [00:06:46] azothenjoyer: ONE OF USA [00:06:46] davidiusfarrenius: 👏 [00:06:46] phoebe_rc: Estrogen handwash? [00:06:46] Meowshhhh_: oooooo [00:06:46] moon_gazing76: WOOOOOOOOO [00:06:46] ashiepies: even more reasons to be jealous of f1nn5ter [00:06:46] fxtal_08: daddy is becoming mommy [00:06:47] alchemylla: this is slow mode?? [00:06:47] gwen7732: wooooo [00:06:47] nono181129: Woohooo [00:06:47] BurningTardis: Woooooo [00:06:47] Stevethegrate: F1NNN!!!! HELLOOO [00:06:47] rocktra1: clap [00:06:47] hammmy7: yaya [00:06:48] MrManIsTheMan: great, very swag of you. great for you [00:06:49] Bartiono: Clap [00:06:49] astrid_autumn: wooooo lets fucking go!! [00:06:49] td_advocate: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:06:49] Gamrman: CONGRATS!!!!! [00:06:49] PuffJr2: aureyHeart aureyHeart [00:06:50] Kenmas_Videogame_: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride StinkyGlitch StinkyGlitch [00:06:50] racc00n_samurai: you just rub in E?!?! [00:06:50] j0nny_1155: 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 [00:06:50] Miniana_: YAHHOOOOOOOOOO [00:06:50] c0nn0r_21: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:50] Stovamor: Play the whole thing @F1NN5TER [00:06:50] bisexualcatpotato: Wooooooooo [00:06:50] BabyRainbow03: woooooooo [00:06:50] miscarriage21: HOMOSEXUAL🗣🗣‼️ [00:06:50] Stovamor: Play the whole thing @F1NN5TER [00:06:50] transterra29: FUCKING CALLED IT!!! [00:06:51] Stovamor: Play the whole thing @F1NN5TER [00:06:51] Nova9308: I'm so happy for you TransgenderPride [00:06:51] yocool7810: yayyyyyy [00:06:51] elderspawn1: egg [00:06:51] TeraValia: i dont think chat is thinking about clapping "their hands" [00:06:51] a1bedoprinz: WOOOO [00:06:51] QwandriXCI: hormone rePOGment therapy [00:06:51] tesko808: Clap yay! [00:06:52] ChosenOneTTV: YIPIEEEEEEEEEEE [00:06:52] DodenKing: 👏👏👏👏 [00:06:52] macarous: i am v weirdly proud lmao [00:06:52] JustOneOfTheSheep: wait so your not the manliest man anymore? [00:06:52] greenday568: dadster had me laughing my ass off [00:06:52] randomplaguedoctor: congrats proud of you 🖤 [00:06:52] somedud345236: WE GOT HERRRRR [00:06:52] myc0_: WOOOO GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:53] aggravatedconditions: Hiii [00:06:53] blackdevils521: Congrats Finn [00:06:54] ATCLoki: good on you for owning it [00:06:54] PougBob: Ik a British man know [00:06:54] DaOPCreeper: gptvCLAP gptvCLAP gptvCLAP gptvCLAP gptvCLAP gptvCLAP [00:06:55] MimoJimi: what the hell chat [00:06:55] helenaaaaaaauwu: Huh [00:06:55] filip_zd10: Clap [00:06:55] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [00:06:56] HiddenMarty: BASED AND PINK PILLED [00:06:57] verdasago: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:06:57] vexowodot: CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP [00:06:58] qrthulhu: OMG OMG OMG [00:06:58] mirichan89: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:06:58] Komnia: Clap [00:06:59] ZandraVandra: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:06:59] DarrigoTR: I loved Pierbi's reaction, it was like your doing it wrong! [00:06:59] imaprsn: Woo!! [00:06:59] soar_fennec: the eggshell is gone!! [00:06:59] LaurenArtful: WOOOOO [00:07:00] octminer: KEKW [00:07:00] KudBelgYT: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:07:00] dotzirkum: dotzirkum subscribed with Prime. [00:07:00] just_an_other_lurker: *shrugs* okay [00:07:00] ohmarkey: Proud [00:07:00] finalmillenium: Wouldn't it be based and pink pilled? [00:07:00] f3mmbot: dotzirkum subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang dotzirkum f1nnLezgang [00:07:00] kolja_mp4: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:07:01] MairainePlayzGames: poor moderators getting drowned here!!! [00:07:01] braddle172: Gaymers [00:07:01] Istanlo: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:07:01] ChasingSol: yes [00:07:01] Prandah: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:07:01] Statdk: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:07:01] nandomso: FootGoal FootGoal FootGoal [00:07:01] onesek_: Finn you should probably change your twitch bio now <3 [00:07:01] hauntyourself: yes [00:07:01] SayOlee: i dont understand what that means [00:07:02] Helen_Croft: YES [00:07:02] YumeNoZen: Matches your height if it's short. [00:07:02] laurelin95: ShowLove1000 we love you fimter! so proud xxx [00:07:02] JadeSorcery: T [00:07:02] gabe2126: Yes [00:07:02] psnshrek_is_sadboi: KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype [00:07:02] jubjub221: yep [00:07:02] kateth: Sure [00:07:03] dysfunctionaldomo: YES!!! [00:07:03] lulu_luna91: TransgenderPride [00:07:03] hiluuu: yesssssss [00:07:03] saiga9: now you can make all the jokes you want tod :DD [00:07:03] fare_456: yes [00:07:03] daemon2988: Yes! [00:07:03] silentkay1: What the heck do we call you now?! [00:07:04] greebowarrior: yes [00:07:04] Kawai_Okami: I legit just watched it [00:07:04] 55_jayjay_: Yea [00:07:04] OmsX8O: yee [00:07:04] danjan117: yeah [00:07:04] johnkeiwo: yeah ! [00:07:04] LL3XIE: yes [00:07:04] mimmm: yep [00:07:04] crowblax: YES [00:07:04] Mondongod: YES [00:07:04] GaiusGoose: woo! [00:07:04] groovalicious1: Yes [00:07:04] aymungoos: @f1nn5ter can we finally make the "let me she/them titties" joke? [00:07:05] itsepy0: yay [00:07:05] PrestinoLive: Sure [00:07:05] CommanderJono66: PLay it [00:07:05] ChasingSol: you should play the whole thing [00:07:05] jackalsclaw: jackalsclaw subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! [00:07:05] undiscoveredoddity: Go for it [00:07:05] nodegen: pink and blue pilled [00:07:05] f3mmbot: jackalsclaw subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months using Prime! PogU [00:07:05] Eromaw: YES [00:07:05] ravenbloodmoonnightmare: Yes [00:07:05] f0xegg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:07:05] neuroiscute: YES [00:07:06] Silvercaptin: Yes [00:07:06] cyphoenic_: YES! [00:07:06] ChasingSol: yes [00:07:06] camarada_emy: Really nice video btw [00:07:06] logan_cointo: yay finn happy [00:07:06] panda_kid2: yes [00:07:06] Ekun: play it [00:07:06] professorpussicat: Yes [00:07:06] thebreadisonthefloor: YES [00:07:06] MatthewL: YES [00:07:06] VirtuousJade: yes [00:07:06] jamnesia777: ye [00:07:06] darkangelsd21: YES [00:07:06] moontheca: Yes [00:07:07] officalchionkinnie: YEP [00:07:07] rice4020609: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:07:07] w4ndering_st4r: WHHHAT [00:07:07] mgza81: PartyPopper PartyPopper PartyPopper PartyPopper PartyPopper [00:07:07] girlwholovekurtuwu: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:07:07] lvcrash: yes [00:07:07] remain_unseen: Sure [00:07:07] GoodHydrations: sure [00:07:07] 1WhoBeans: YES!!! [00:07:07] arvid_sweden: yes [00:07:07] on_my_knees4u: yesss [00:07:07] Love4donuts: i respect that you came out as "i dont care" Gladge [00:07:07] staz581: The King/Queen/Monarch has risen [00:07:07] britbritty: yeah [00:07:07] mister_kindness: Yes [00:07:08] chrizcox462: y [00:07:08] FrameTrapsAirTight: Yes [00:07:08] ace80605055: 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿 [00:07:08] greatattentionspa: yes [00:07:08] umutk_99: yes [00:07:09] palikasa: YES [00:07:09] AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide: Yes [00:07:09] TheSprayer31: yes [00:07:09] Fries3: yes [00:07:09] Kaymon81: yes [00:07:09] xLumieI: Yes [00:07:09] garlictoastisgood: Ye [00:07:09] MrPink0000: yes [00:07:09] IndustrialSprinkles823: IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU FINN [00:07:09] ryantupo: yes [00:07:09] ironhydra: Yes [00:07:09] Uonia: YES [00:07:09] Morganjoe101: Congratulations TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:07:09] p01chi: Yes [00:07:09] eckers75: yes [00:07:10] kat_the_khajiit: Why use hand soap when you have estrogen [00:07:10] TheQWasTaken: Regal shit right here [00:07:10] koshkamope: Yes [00:07:10] Mr_fl1ppo: Yes [00:07:10] Tangent5969: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:07:10] ManaUnmuted: Yes [00:07:10] mothpurr: yes live commentary [00:07:10] Mooncow4001: Yes [00:07:10] cerysnomi: yes [00:07:10] muddymudkip15: Do it [00:07:10] kritia_: yes [00:07:10] drinkingfishwater: Yo they have been blue pilled [00:07:10] nautilusbot135768: ye [00:07:10] shellyblock: yes [00:07:10] axe1970: yes [00:07:11] boredassperson: YEAH [00:07:11] cheesusyourlord: yes [00:07:11] Lokuri1002: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:07:11] UnHallowed_Death: Yes [00:07:11] Y2KMellow: YES I'll watch it again [00:07:11] mario8889: Yes [00:07:12] Namiko1273: yes [00:07:12] HIMMusty: Yes [00:07:12] OstentatiousMongoose: yep [00:07:13] AphiaDeMieux: Yes [00:07:13] dinoapple454: yesss [00:07:13] levitating_ace: y [00:07:13] PeachTeaDrinker: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:07:13] TruffleFry: I'll watch it again [00:07:13] grimbus75: yes [00:07:14] scatcha04: yes [00:07:14] furifixus: Yes [00:07:14] blusau: yes [00:07:14] caelamondorian: Yes [00:07:14] loograt: That's what she said [00:07:14] nightwolf4476: About time you admitted it, we figured it all along [00:07:14] RoketRobyn: wait till you get your levels checked and they boost your dose!!! [00:07:14] cheff_cook: nah [00:07:14] syro01: yes [00:07:14] MajesticFvckingEagle: Yall better go give him views on your own too, chat Stare [00:07:15] 420anythyme_: yes [00:07:15] robokidd1: YES [00:07:15] Jozzgo: yes [00:07:15] forkprong2: Yes [00:07:15] sophiebliek911: yes [00:07:15] xero93: yes [00:07:15] Hamcheesesan: yes [00:07:15] ashliana1: YES! [00:07:15] mechazap: yes [00:07:16] NONAM3KILL3R: So like, no longer feeling like a boy? It's okay and obviously not up to me but I remember you stated you felt manly or sumthin [00:07:16] PaganOrca: Yes [00:07:16] Ruglund6230: yes [00:07:16] Saitamaz94: F1NNPILLED PROUD AF [00:07:16] elion3li: we gonna watch this together [00:07:16] starmin501: Y [00:07:16] asoftgoth: im actually literally crying before Finn lmao [00:07:16] xmyokis: Yes [00:07:16] destiny56080: yes [00:07:16] vinsanity642: might as well [00:07:16] orionisawkward: yes [00:07:16] kirauriel: play it i was making ramen [00:07:16] RNGViper26: yes [00:07:16] nemumonster: whaaaah it started but i didnt notice [00:07:17] blueskydrinking: Zoomer brain video [00:07:17] WayneBoBrown: yes [00:07:17] hammmy7: MercyWing1 DinoDance MercyWing2 [00:07:17] goldcircle15849: Yeee [00:07:17] scorpx11: reacting to your own video big brained [00:07:17] belladdeluca: Do it [00:07:17] asur1on: yes [00:07:17] dishsxap: yessss [00:07:17] sp00kykj: YUR [00:07:17] Environmela: Yes [00:07:17] fatslowman: yes [00:07:17] OfficiOlly: YES [00:07:17] keller4589: yes [00:07:18] cedric_callnight: Yes [00:07:18] Simplethunder__: yes [00:07:18] SidMaxwell10: Yes [00:07:18] IanAlexzander: He's got that E in her veins [00:07:18] loganwontshutup: yes [00:07:18] Nullikle6000: F1n5ter W [00:07:18] RykerSune: yes pls [00:07:18] fromthef1nn5ide: For those who haven't seen it, yes. [00:07:18] PanRojek: PanRojek subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! <3 [00:07:18] beans82749: Yes [00:07:18] jarenrex: ya [00:07:18] AmanteDoesStuff: yes [00:07:18] alex_white_owo: yes [00:07:18] AkariaTX: Yes GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:07:18] f3mmbot: panrojek subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:07:19] Zjawyer: yes [00:07:19] mikkyboo123: yes [00:07:19] XENOMAN5: Yes [00:07:20] violet_pirate1: yes [00:07:20] caffeinhoney: yes [00:07:20] astrid_autumn: yes [00:07:21] zumjess: make money [00:07:21] TrissByTor: Yes [00:07:21] skyl00m: yes [00:07:21] Macstronaut: yes [00:07:21] azothenjoyer: where we go one we go all [00:07:22] ollie_jandro: Yep [00:07:22] DatChickenBro1: Yeeeeeeee [00:07:22] dawnbringer03: yes [00:07:22] thehappyavocado1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:07:22] FancyTrashMan: Yes 󠀀 [00:07:23] annnathema: yes [00:07:23] sinuwu: what did i miss [00:07:23] zoelegs: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:07:23] RicXD15: * pretends to be shocked * [00:07:23] neonshark121: yes [00:07:24] battletank_reloadet: yes [00:07:24] parislaceup: HI FINN [00:07:24] zombiii: f1nnTank [00:07:25] FlowersOfLight: it's a good concise informative vid play it [00:07:25] ChosenOneTTV: PART OF THE SHIP< PART OF THE CREW, YOUR ONE OF US GAYS NOW!!! >:) BisexualPride [00:07:25] sleepybeab: yesyes [00:07:25] TeraValia: yes [00:07:26] luna_bees98: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:07:26] Repikz: YIPPEEEEEEEEEEE [00:07:26] andromeda_nyx: ethical reacts! [00:07:27] Another__Ashl3y: I doubt any of us can say we're surprised [00:07:27] theeelfy: ElifZeynep subscribed with Prime. [00:07:27] aloha_caro: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:07:27] ZeroFfs: cpicsHug cpicsHug cpicsHug [00:07:27] f3mmbot: elifzeynep subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang elifzeynep f1nnLezgang [00:07:28] chronoguard115: YEEEEE [00:07:28] benevolentbeaver: no way this happened now Pog [00:07:30] ruparker: yea [00:07:30] unovaismyregion: yeeeeeeeeeee [00:07:31] MooCowTracy: saw the new YT vid. Good to have you out and about! [00:07:31] chefchange: HypeHai [00:07:31] Istanlo: Yes [00:07:32] princessmihai: I wanna hear the jokes! [00:07:32] Macstronaut: Macstronaut subscribed with Prime. [00:07:32] f3mmbot: macstronaut subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang macstronaut f1nnLezgang [00:07:32] lordgtafbi: you've had HRT in your house for years (possibly on and off depending on guests) LUL, that isn't much of a revelation, the taking it is admittedly [00:07:33] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: "I'm just here to be me" is a mood and I love it for you. [00:07:33] wlofs: directors cut [00:07:34] rocker_26: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:07:35] bbee_boy: bbee_boy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:07:35] f3mmbot: bbee_boy subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:07:36] CptPurpleHero: yes :D GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:07:36] Clovermancy: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride clover197Pride ratkin9Trans ratkin9Pride [00:07:37] ArminGux: Hii [00:07:37] CowbeeTheybop: pronouns? [00:07:38] REJAMALD: stealing your own ad revenue [00:07:39] kitsunerv: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:07:39] ZeroPointAimGames: I just finished watching congratulations Finn [00:07:39] Frost_790: BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:07:41] transterra29: yes [00:07:41] f0xegg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:07:42] ImRightHearted: Booba? [00:07:42] deepwater_fae: directors commentary mode unlocked? [00:07:42] ninjakitten_: LesbianPride [00:07:43] greebowarrior: itsgem1Love itsgem1Love itsgem1Love itsgem1Love itsgem1Love [00:07:43] greatattentionspa: SOOO CUTE [00:07:43] budddybudddy: Cheer80 [00:07:44] Blaine8182: why is the room mirrored in the video? [00:07:44] Mikey2207: new house [00:07:44] w4ndering_st4r: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:07:47] theflippinfish3: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:07:47] hiluuu: you're so valid <3 [00:07:47] AEKcos: Congratulations! I've been a lurker on youtube for months and am so proud to see you being so open about your identity! [00:07:48] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:07:48] asheeykat: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [00:07:48] alexx_net: @CowbeeTheybop He covers that in the video [00:07:49] drinkingfishwater: Let's go slow mode speed running TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:07:49] MrManIsTheMan: might as well, yeah [00:07:49] GoodHydrations: Tank in the background <3 [00:07:49] atrainfast1: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:07:49] deezywithatophat: so meta [00:07:49] ScrapRodent: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:07:50] IndustrialSprinkles823: 100% gonna cry [00:07:50] elion3li: enby icon??? [00:07:51] distractedcreative: New house F1nn?? [00:07:51] SolsticeRL_: the tiktok finn factory is gonna be popping off with this one chat [00:07:52] Mario11041: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:07:53] juneguild: Directors Commentary [00:07:54] fatslowman: new hose [00:07:54] Kawai_Okami: WHY [00:07:54] blusau: bleedPurple [00:07:54] BLAAAIRY: omg your so precious and I hope you get everything u want out if transition [00:07:54] rice4020609: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:07:55] star24102: star24102 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! Proud of you Finn! [00:07:55] xero93: girl voice coming back? [00:07:55] f3mmbot: star24102 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:07:56] astrid_autumn: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:07:56] Autumn_Isilme: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:07:56] DeadedAndZen: are the bobs real now? [00:07:59] goddessempressbird: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:00] xd_atterna: happy coming out TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:08:01] amethystbinx: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [00:08:02] AphiaDeMieux: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:08:03] ajohnops: Cheer100 [00:08:04] MatthewL: Love Tank in the background of the video [00:08:04] alexx_net: @DeadedAndZen Nope [00:08:06] lvcrash: eeg [00:08:06] kateth: Heh [00:08:06] koshkamope: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:06] zebrabbl396: CaitlynS [00:08:06] Jo5iah_: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:08:06] biobuilder_: hello :3 TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:08] thebreadisonthefloor: Finn trans? (totally completely definitely 100% shocked) [00:08:08] Wagganator_: TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:08:08] DatChickenBro1: Hejjejeh [00:08:08] Japanese_Spaghettee: GenderFluidPride [00:08:08] CowbeeTheybop: @alexx_net thank you so much!!! [00:08:08] cyphoenic_: :3 [00:08:09] johnkeiwo: us Kappa ? [00:08:09] merry_le_platypus: i'm so happy for you, i'm gonna start HRT too (testosterone) and i know you won't see my text but gender is very much confusing TransgenderPride [00:08:09] fromthef1nn5ide: Deaded, not yet [00:08:09] Eromaw: WOOOO CONGRATULATIONS <3 [00:08:10] saint_r: f1nnEgg [00:08:10] Juliya_999: so prouddd [00:08:10] nathen418: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [00:08:10] helenaaaaaaauwu: Did happen what I think it did? [00:08:10] princessmihai: You are no longer an egg [00:08:10] LightMage670: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:10] aloha_caro: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:08:10] Mooncow4001: YAY tank in background :) [00:08:10] scarlettyg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:11] mystchevious1: And? [00:08:11] MikeWillStream: egg has now cracked [00:08:13] Partikle__: Heyy that me [00:08:13] ciernaruza: we WON [00:08:13] OmsX8O: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:08:13] Stovamor: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:08:13] Stovamor: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:08:14] Stovamor: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:08:14] aymungoos: Ashley's editor definitely edited this video [00:08:14] td_advocate: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:08:14] jstjamie: hehe im trans :3 [00:08:15] Stovamor: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:08:15] CritCupcake: Uhuh, we trans'ed him ;p [00:08:15] julyday: BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:08:15] zombiii: we would never [00:08:16] 1WhoBeans: Bye Gender [00:08:16] sp00kykj: EGG [00:08:17] Daedalus1134: Can't believe I cant call you an egg anymore [00:08:17] DodenKing: I wonder why [00:08:17] RykerSune: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:08:17] kat_the_khajiit: TANK!!!!! [00:08:18] OfficiOlly: BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:08:18] vNTCv: the egg comments were never jokes WE WERE RIGHT [00:08:18] BanOompaLoompas: GenderFluidPride [00:08:18] AsukaRae12: glad for you [00:08:18] braddle172: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:08:19] Helen_Croft: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:08:19] RibbonThe: based [00:08:19] loganwontshutup: I closed stream and got ads TearGlove TearGlove [00:08:19] theejoey: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:19] grimbus75: cracked [00:08:20] Komnia: GenderFluidPride [00:08:20] UnperfectOne: Bi king/queen/monarch! [00:08:20] Rayne_Fauls: TransgenderPride [00:08:20] greatattentionspa: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:20] MajesticFvckingEagle: Who us? we would never Kappa [00:08:21] Srcsqwrn: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:08:21] parislaceup: all i’m saying is u need a middle part [00:08:21] ScrapRodent: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:08:21] submergedcucumber: do you prefer she/her now? [00:08:22] furyninja_: we are completely innocent, dunno what your on about :3 [00:08:22] SidMaxwell10: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:08:22] arrowtwolf: Hey [00:08:22] Saitamaz94: This remind me of Danish Girl dude. CONGRATS [00:08:23] lilsagetree: congrats! we are proud of you and accept you GenderFluidPride [00:08:23] real_money_mastermind: Egg [00:08:23] uradoptedkid87: does natt know [00:08:24] muddymudkip15: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:08:24] sheldonq1: no more egg [00:08:24] MsSpelled_MT: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:08:25] Sir_GoofyGrape: hi !!!!!❤️❤️❤️ [00:08:25] meiketae: we support & love you finn TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:08:25] billyyyn: F1nn you're so cool, like unironically and ironically [00:08:25] Prandah: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:08:25] ceemothegreatvr: BisexualPride [00:08:25] theskotty: one of us [00:08:26] flumphs_float: TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:08:26] Achilles2020: I’m so happy for you if it’s right for you, so cool, I’m gender non conforming as well and on hrt as well, so ye, also you helped me look up to people to like me and see what I could be like. [00:08:26] TeraValia: i've RARELY made egg jokes.... maybe like twice. lol [00:08:26] Aren711: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:08:26] kolja_mp4: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:26] Luncillia: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:27] astrid_autumn: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:08:27] Matamir: toxics167Egg toxics167Egg toxics167Egg toxics167Egg toxics167Egg [00:08:27] moonpaii: aint no way [00:08:28] psnshrek_is_sadboi: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:28] vexowodot: EGG [00:08:28] walkinglampost21: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:28] MairainePlayzGames: we need a new emote where F1INN is out of the egg! [00:08:28] mystchevious1: Told you years ago I would support you no matter what. Why you think that has changed? [00:08:29] TrissByTor: Hatched TransgenderPride [00:08:30] Clovermancy: TransgenderPride ratkin9Trans f1nnEgg clover197Pride PrideLion [00:08:31] hammmy7: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:31] Catamondium: doge [00:08:31] Duuhdaah: EGG is f-ing broken now!!!!! [00:08:32] fatslowman: yes it was for meme 😒 [00:08:32] nobody44444: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:08:33] daniel_hjort: hi [00:08:33] d_heeezy: We got em boys [00:08:33] dry_noodel: 🍳🍳🍳🍳 [00:08:33] ekat2468: the omelette has been made hehe [00:08:34] Kawai_Okami: yarrChatMD yarrChatMD yarrChatMD yarrChatMD [00:08:35] rw03_bjw: Honestly still think you should have saved this for Easter [00:08:35] MajinRose17: I'm happy for them [00:08:35] Y2KMellow: me too [00:08:35] 71M073J: VERY GENDER PogChamp [00:08:35] undiscoveredoddity: BOOBA [00:08:36] SolsticeRL_: boobies????? [00:08:36] cedric_callnight: 🥚🥚🥚 [00:08:36] Nambo_Rose: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:08:36] BlankDomino: most viewed stream now?????? [00:08:38] QuietBard98: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:38] greebowarrior: Cracked? No, hatched! GenderFluidPride [00:08:38] ToHellAndBack5150: Lmao we're being called out [00:08:39] CptPurpleHero: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:08:39] ZoeDoesMusic: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:08:39] quietpidgeon: NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride [00:08:39] nodegen: will look boobies [00:08:39] NONAM3KILL3R: I remember all the jokes about this [00:08:39] elion3li: YOOO [00:08:39] s_m_i_r: They/he/she are so brithtish [00:08:39] itsMrWerewolf: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:08:39] isabaellchen: Bimbofication is real! [00:08:40] NovaLord0512: NovaLord0512 subscribed with Prime. [00:08:40] MissJenkins2130: I’m trans 🏳️‍⚧️ as well ⚧️ and been talking HRT tablets for 7-8 years [00:08:40] f3mmbot: novalord0512 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang novalord0512 f1nnLezgang [00:08:40] vespiney: <3 [00:08:41] Vyakitha: fucking lovely [00:08:41] Mondongod: are your boobs growing already or what?? how is it? [00:08:41] cammy773: So proud of you!! BisexualPride [00:08:41] filip_zd10: BOOBA [00:08:41] doron2002: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:42] cheff_cook: No longer femboy? [00:08:43] kyo14: puffda7KermiePride puffda7KermiePride puffda7KermiePride puffda7KermiePride [00:08:43] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride 󠀀 [00:08:43] tehikohiko: abiOlo abiOlo abiOlo abiOlo abiOlo [00:08:43] andromeda_nyx: greta editing btw [00:08:44] Catty1g: TransgenderPride [00:08:45] silentkay1: Can I just say - the editing on this is superb [00:08:45] adisondoot: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:08:45] thoompi25: hii [00:08:46] rainofthestorm: imo you haven't been Egg since you stopped doing it "just for stream" but it's cool to know you have figured out your fave labels and whether you want HRT :3 congrats [00:08:47] beevisa: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:47] Michaelidk_: Pride50 Congrats! GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:08:47] Miniana_: can you tell me are you still british? CONGRATS THO I LOVE THIS FOR YOU <3 [00:08:47] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:47] furyninja_: furyninja_ subscribed with Prime. [00:08:47] f3mmbot: furyninja_ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang furyninja_ f1nnLezgang [00:08:48] diggingadandass: makes sense [00:08:48] hiluuu: <3 <3 <3 [00:08:48] pakjes12boter: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:49] crxstalline_: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [00:08:50] professional_tea_drinker_: bro what happened, finn coming out as trans? I just joined [00:08:50] rice4020609: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:08:51] drinkingfishwater: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [00:08:51] moonievr: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:08:51] spider3327: how long have you been on? [00:08:52] little_aurora_elizabeth: Finn so does this mean we need to now shop for a wedding dress now for you and Ashley? [00:08:52] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Trans community? What makes you think we're in the trans community here? *hides my blahaj* [00:08:53] HiddenMarty: D: SPOILERS [00:08:53] ZerschnetzIer: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:08:54] Environmela: That is valid. A label was hard for me to find. [00:08:54] loograt: wait, is the Egg emote gonna be broken now Mods? [00:08:55] MrFreddy312: what were the Cons if you had any? [00:08:55] Valezifer: Small pp [00:08:56] fl0ck9: phone upsidedown [00:08:57] Mr_Fluffy97: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg IT HAPPENED!! [00:08:58] theflamingsongbird: Gaslit into being trans😂😂😂 we love you tho welcome to the family Jude💜 [00:08:58] laurelin95: laurelin95 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! SO PROUD OF YOU [00:08:58] noaisanova: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:08:58] f3mmbot: laurelin95 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:08:58] DasSchnitz: ppomoHi [00:08:59] cyphoenic_: lmao [00:08:59] anonymous6465: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:08:59] Kolateak_: Cracked egg emoji when [00:08:59] theeelfy: ElifZeynep is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [00:09:00] f3mmbot: elifzeynep has gifted a sub to 2 users in chat! [00:09:00] theeelfy: ElifZeynep gifted a Tier 1 sub to AmbiorixEburone! [00:09:00] theeelfy: ElifZeynep gifted a Tier 1 sub to Selstraits! [00:09:00] angygenz: no egg joke [00:09:01] kateth: Too easy [00:09:01] professorpussicat: F1nn I've been on E for a year and I still haven't started transitioning socially. I may never. You don't have to do anything just because somebody else does it. [00:09:02] YumeNoZen: You were too scrambled. [00:09:02] scorpx11: emiruEGG [00:09:02] idlesuicidal: Lmfao [00:09:03] c__r__j: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:09:03] DegenerateDaycare: No idea... I am dissapointed lolol [00:09:04] Saitamaz94: We gonna missed your bass voice dawg [00:09:04] randopersonn_: LOL [00:09:04] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:09:04] johnkeiwo: too easy [00:09:04] gamerman356: because you were serious [00:09:06] idesofjuno: LUL [00:09:06] thedanitone: PowerUpL TransgenderPride PowerUpR [00:09:07] MajesticFvckingEagle: Lmaooooo [00:09:07] xorwak: he is trans now [00:09:07] soft_boi_14: soft_boi_14 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! egg [00:09:07] julyday: lol [00:09:08] f3mmbot: soft_boi_14 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:09:08] SerenityUwU99: LuvHearts [00:09:08] DatChickenBro1: Comments are filled with it lol [00:09:08] Avaerus0: A frying pan intro [00:09:08] ciernaruza: egg vaporised [00:09:08] crazzyninja1234: He is maturing [00:09:08] chaoticfallen: KEKW [00:09:09] Y2KMellow: that would had been going [00:09:09] pianoismyforte_: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:09:09] princessmihai: People will clip this now [00:09:09] astrid_autumn: egg didnt just break it exploded [00:09:09] MegaMiley: hahaha wauw yeah [00:09:09] braddle172: KEKW [00:09:09] Nauticalcoffin: egg [00:09:10] neuroiscute: KEKW [00:09:10] OfficiOlly: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat [00:09:10] BLAAAIRY: i love yewww [00:09:10] frankkolinanderson: THE EGG HAD HATCHED [00:09:10] new_day_who_dis: It's the tism lmao [00:09:10] Helen_Croft: You are to wholsome @F1NN5TER [00:09:11] jarenrex: bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple [00:09:12] greebowarrior: would have been too easy [00:09:12] The_logs: intro should've been you cracking an egg KEKW [00:09:12] muddymudkip15: Lol [00:09:13] DodenKing: Bro threw away free content [00:09:13] Mario11041: LUL [00:09:13] AuntieHauntie: ahh this was the relatable bit for me. when i chose, it just came down to "will transition make me LESS happy? no? but it might make me happier? may as well give it a go then." [00:09:13] zephyr_alba: No longer egg is now Chicken [00:09:14] ArminGux: This will be a cracked article kekw [00:09:15] JorWat: An historic stream. [00:09:15] Kenmas_Videogame_: Kekw [00:09:15] Pegan: SO WHEN WE GETTING NEW MINECRAFT VIDEOS [00:09:15] medical_size9000: Kekw [00:09:16] octminer: tbh the most shocking thing is how tidy your room is KEKW [00:09:16] XENOMAN5: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:09:16] thoompi25: So i talked to your chat on discord [00:09:17] LadyLionessOfLondon: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg guyina3Egg guyina3Egg guyina3Egg guyina3Egg guyina3Egg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:09:17] mmelliiii: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:09:18] kat_the_khajiit: The intro should have been a crack down the screen and then splitting to reveal you [00:09:19] PlushGirlSteph: So proud of you F1nn!! [00:09:20] phoebe_rc: Get your editor to do that in this stream [00:09:21] RykerSune: was being genuine than joking [00:09:22] watchfulcargo18: swag [00:09:25] LindseyMonroe: LindseyMonroe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride [00:09:26] f3mmbot: lindseymonroe subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:09:26] Kawai_Okami: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [00:09:26] eccoblast: eccoblast subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! [00:09:26] f3mmbot: eccoblast subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months using Prime! PogU [00:09:27] miniknives: TransgenderPride [00:09:28] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnEgg f1nnCowjam f1nnEgg f1nnCowjam f1nnEgg f1nnCowjam f1nnEgg f1nnCowjam [00:09:29] princess_morningstar: omelette time [00:09:30] judgedame: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:09:31] Wagganator_: lmao [00:09:31] empirechaotix: mustard sofa [00:09:32] Vyakitha: lauraYoshiegg lauraYoshiegg lauraYoshiegg [00:09:32] PrestinoLive: ctvaPog [00:09:35] HiddenMarty: KEKW [00:09:36] strawberrymt945: strawberrymt945 subscribed with Prime. [00:09:36] ZandraVandra: zandraCheese zandraHoppy congrats! [00:09:36] OhseyME: Pretty cool. [00:09:37] f3mmbot: strawberrymt945 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang strawberrymt945 f1nnLezgang [00:09:37] cedric_callnight: That moment when a meme becomes you life [00:09:38] tehikohiko: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:09:38] Lokuri1002: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:09:39] Frost_790: Frost_790 subscribed with Prime. [00:09:39] f3mmbot: frost_790 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang frost_790 f1nnLezgang [00:09:40] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:09:40] chizzicle: risk averse? We've seen you play with knives [00:09:41] RobinTheForeteller: You beat the forcefemmers at their own game. (I'm just being silly. I apologize in advance.) [00:09:41] Saitamaz94: F1NNPILLED [00:09:43] TeraValia: ONE OF US!!! [00:09:43] Wolfychuowo: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:09:43] Ladybugwa: just watched this on yt, sending u lots of love im so so happy for u [00:09:44] drinkingfishwater: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:09:45] TrissByTor: I'm so happy for you [00:09:45] Freak_Moth: Trans... Gender? [00:09:45] theeelfy: f1nnPet [00:09:45] ChasingSol: hahaha [00:09:46] enbyvee: the couch bit was my fav [00:09:47] beansob321: so his egg finally cracked? [00:09:47] scorpx11: emiruEGG emiruEGG emiruEGG [00:09:47] thoompi25: Can i ask you one Question .. All mods wanna know it.. [00:09:47] anonymous6465: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:09:47] theejoey: trans of gender? :o [00:09:48] nemumonster: LOOOOL [00:09:48] astronos_: TakeNRG TakeNRG TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GivePLZ GivePLZ [00:09:49] LostInStarMist: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:09:49] DodenKing: Gender?? [00:09:50] Amoyamoyamoya: F BLAIR WHITE [00:09:51] KaraIRL: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:09:51] KaitlotusLive: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:09:51] ChosenOneTTV: [00:09:52] randopersonn_: this is so cool im a girl and u inspire me to be one LMFAOO [00:09:52] Amoyamoyamoya: F BLAIR WHITE [00:09:52] 71M073J: LUL [00:09:53] YumeNoZen: You're a mistress at baiting. [00:09:54] spinster444: more important: top or bottom? [00:09:55] Itsu93: Itsu93 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! Congratulations! [00:09:55] f3mmbot: itsu93 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:09:55] ChasingSol: oh fuck, more discourse [00:09:55] stlngds: tran gener?? [00:09:56] DeadedAndZen: internet scrap lets gooooooo [00:09:56] emmerthevillain: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:09:57] crxstalline_: tramnd gembdr [00:09:57] IAmSarahcat: proud of ya Finn, I followed today because of the coming out [00:09:57] lizzygladiator: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:09:57] mcg9696: mcg9696 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [00:09:57] xd_atterna: desleeYoooo [00:09:58] f3mmbot: mcg9696 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:09:58] greebowarrior: GenderFluidPride [00:09:58] buffyswagg: u should play celeste om steam at some point [00:09:59] HardyOrange: we're due for a good cancelling/drama [00:09:59] RobbieLeeFYI: What DOES COTTONTAIL have to say? [00:09:59] Y2KMellow: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:00] quarioquario: excellent! [00:10:00] Kawai_Okami: yarrPet yarrPet yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos [00:10:00] 01Leon01: WHAT the fu*k is a G E N D E R ?? [00:10:01] Pope_Pickle: my gender be fluid [00:10:01] SolsticeRL_: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:01] hauntyourself: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:01] bunnyrosexx: Genderfluid 🩷🩷 [00:10:02] st4r_b3rry: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:02] undiscoveredoddity: @Amoyamoyamoya Agreed [00:10:02] rice4020609: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:10:03] ekat2468: what happens if you drink the genderfluid [00:10:03] blueish4: OMG TANK [00:10:03] camarada_emy: Bro, you and cow in the same day. My gay heart can't deal with so much 🩷 [00:10:03] princessmihai: Genderfluid Rose ❤️ [00:10:04] c__r__j: F1nn is, indeed, a master baiter. [00:10:04] Silvercaptin: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:04] JJCDoesstuff: you’re our lil scrambled egg [00:10:04] cyberkoneko: One of us! One of us! One of us!! [00:10:04] aspalax_auto: me too [00:10:05] elion3li: YOOOOOOO ENBY ICON [00:10:06] Komnia: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:06] leftfrog: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:06] danjan117: GenderFluidPride [00:10:06] cyphoenic_: gender drink [00:10:06] destiny56080: finn drank the gender fluid [00:10:07] bfredl: genderfluid <3 [00:10:07] luxaas6: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:07] general_of_cm: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:07] belladdeluca: How did two different popular femboys come out as on HRT within a couple of days? [00:10:07] juneguild: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:07] theflippinfish3: Squid1 Squid3 Squid4 [00:10:07] SidMaxwell10: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:08] hammmy7: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:08] AlhambraMMXX: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:08] B_MagicMist: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:08] td_advocate: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:09] Falqun: gender fluid the transest of gender [00:10:09] ninjakitten_: her pronouns are he/him confirmed [00:10:10] kirathepan: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:10] Smiling_Shelly: Its Nice to see your Parents in the video [00:10:12] Saitamaz94: BLAIRE WHITE FEARS F1NN [00:10:12] parislaceup: why was mt message deleted 😭😭 [00:10:12] macarous: some of twitter is gonna come at you icl [00:10:12] srsleepy24: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:12] Juliya_999: ur so cutee TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:10:13] neuroiscute: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:13] morgan_of_oregon: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:10:14] femboy_crimes: You a boy kisser dawg [00:10:14] muddymudkip15: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:14] funny_mayonnaise: liquid finn? [00:10:14] lilsagetree: preferred pronouns? [00:10:15] syro01: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:16] IanCSamson: I like this attitude [00:10:16] mothpurr: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:16] Ethos_23: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:10:17] lfierro22: awwwwww I’m so happy for him [00:10:17] zoelegs: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:10:18] sheldonq1: ur trans gener?!?! co cool!!! [00:10:18] thoompi25: mirror. Chat. Mirror. [00:10:18] vexowodot: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:18] boom_and_alpha_yt: liquid gender [00:10:19] MimoJimi: Trains Gingers ???? [00:10:19] uradoptedkid87: the end of *1 femboy [00:10:19] Amoyamoyamoya: How tf is this slow mode...? [00:10:20] arthuranydonuts: Damn. Fin! [00:10:20] Ramaj_A: Pride300 finn, does this mean you're gonna make hrt jokes with us now? The trans community has the best inside jokes. [00:10:21] itmemish: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:21] Duuhdaah: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:21] EmpressCard: Their gender really is just hot now [00:10:22] hazelgamess: GenderFluidPride [00:10:23] mimmm: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:10:23] caelamondorian: We need @cottontailva in here [00:10:23] Stevethegrate: WE'RE ALL SO HAPPY FOR YOU F1NN! [00:10:23] levitating_ace: cracked [00:10:24] BLAAAIRY: you’re so based [00:10:24] Bartiono: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:24] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: hi Finn, love you <3<3<3<3 [00:10:24] kateth: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:24] little_Lell: <3 [00:10:25] panda_kid2: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [00:10:25] LeVideNoirAstral: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:10:25] Eromaw: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:10:25] alexx_net: No! No Miss B.W. [00:10:26] Sift11: 2 questions: what process did you go through to get hrt, and what were the list of disadvantages you came up with - realised I’m gender fluid and few years ago, and keep debating about it myself, but haven’t looked into the costs etc much as I’ve had to focus on other medical stuff. Also glad to know my vibe check maintains 100% precision \:) Thank you for coming out, don’t get much representation for genderfluid people, and I know how scary it can be coming out, I can’t imagine what Cheer500 [00:10:27] SirSkillzAlot: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:10:27] satsumau: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:10:27] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:10:28] Haukoe: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:28] fatslowman: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:29] xorwak: you know that your pp will become smaller right [00:10:29] ciernaruza: not anymore [00:10:31] Prandah: HarleyWink [00:10:31] SerenityUwU99: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideRise [00:10:33] SolsticeRL_: @ninjakitten_ LMAO [00:10:33] canvaspainting: TransgenderPride f1nnHeart f1nnHeart TransgenderPride <3 <3 [00:10:33] Stovamor: @Amoyamoyamoya, sheer weight of people [00:10:34] Tordenbob: <3 [00:10:35] pianoismyforte_: Gender = hot human [00:10:35] grandpaladin1701: OMG - Your PARENTS! How awesome are they?! [00:10:36] ilikemilkasf: ohh i didnt watch finnister for a long time [00:10:36] JazzSmoothie: JazzSmoothie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! it's so over for me pretending i don't wanna go on HRT now [00:10:36] f3mmbot: jazzsmoothie subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [00:10:37] BriannaHJT: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:10:37] cerysnomi: cute doggy [00:10:37] stlngds: PrideWorld [00:10:38] aymungoos: @f1nn5ter was this the secret your dad joked about leaking? [00:10:38] jamexito: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:10:39] vNTCv: im literally crying im so happy for you lol [00:10:40] koil05: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:10:41] distractedcreative: We need super duper slow mode lmao [00:10:41] PaganOrca: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:10:42] ToHellAndBack5150: Luigi [00:10:42] xd_atterna: gender unsolicited [00:10:42] Speederzzz: Hey hey [00:10:42] CurlyFin: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:42] officalchionkinnie: nerf dart [00:10:42] bunnyrosexx: LMFAOOO i fucking bet [00:10:43] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [00:10:43] ch4rc0al5: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:10:43] sageowl57: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:10:43] xcallaber9000: gender? dubious little creature [00:10:44] braddle172: Lol f1nnTank [00:10:44] ryanrenay: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:46] RykerSune: awwwww [00:10:46] ImRightHearted: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:10:46] octminer: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:10:47] qrthulhu: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:47] Crunch4K: LUL [00:10:47] Saitamaz94: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:47] meiketae: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:48] quietpidgeon: TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride [00:10:48] mackan_guitar: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:48] syro01: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:48] pocky036: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:10:49] leftfrog: baby! [00:10:49] mattwalewangko: TransgenderPride [00:10:49] mcg9696: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [00:10:50] isabaellchen: nice editing! [00:10:50] jackcboiz: Terf tank!? [00:10:50] pakjes12boter: Battle Pass PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar [00:10:50] arthuranydonuts: Look at dat puppy!!! Soooo cute!!! [00:10:51] theflippinfish3: f1nn you drank the gender fluid?!? [00:10:52] furyninja_: tank is perfect [00:10:52] scarlettyg: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:10:53] Mario11041: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:10:53] Helen_Croft: When did you record this? @F1NN5TER [00:10:54] anonymous6465: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:10:54] MrPink0000: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [00:10:55] ohFrogy: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:55] thoompi25: slow chat because you take so long [00:10:55] DodenKing: We've surpassed genderfluid and are now in gaseous forms of gender [00:10:55] NelordUK: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:10:56] twopiesforeyes: keshik1Dnblahaj keshik1Dnblahaj keshik1Dnblahaj keshik1Dnblahaj [00:10:56] Wagganator_: hi [00:10:56] blueskydrinking: Ngl, I had to watch the video twice cos I was distracted by tank [00:10:56] Sc00terBean: Silly tank [00:10:57] hazelgamess: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:10:57] caelamondorian: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:10:57] MatthewL: We love tank in the videos! [00:10:59] rw03_bjw: Does this make Tank the man of the house ? [00:11:01] Amoyamoyamoya: @Stovamor, We broke 5K as expected [00:11:01] deepinfrozen: Finallyyy [00:11:01] floberblober: floberblober subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! <3 [00:11:02] fatslowman: he is so cute [00:11:02] f3mmbot: floberblober subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months using Prime! PogU [00:11:03] LightMage670: @F1NN5TER just wanted to say I love this style of video! being in more places than just the stream room really works, especially in this vid [00:11:03] destiny56080: get gendered bozo [00:11:04] SolsticeRL_: transphobic tank moment [00:11:04] Kaputtnix: so am i hetero now or not if i say i would? [00:11:04] ScrapRodent: I’m also genderfluid and bi so I was literally crying after watching the video😭 BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:11:04] elion3li: NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride [00:11:05] Swoleprole: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:11:05] thebreadisonthefloor: gender? yep [00:11:05] Chronos101172: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [00:11:06] lilaggyiscool: jiiiiii [00:11:07] Bobcatplaysminecraft: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:11:07] Nauticalcoffin: Tank [00:11:07] Kooles7: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:11:10] colliecell: yippee [00:11:10] IAmSarahcat: IAmSarahcat is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [00:11:10] f3mmbot: iamsarahcat has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [00:11:10] IAmSarahcat: IAmSarahcat gifted a Tier 1 sub to antirionkena! [00:11:10] IAmSarahcat: IAmSarahcat gifted a Tier 1 sub to roosie__poosie! [00:11:10] IAmSarahcat: IAmSarahcat gifted a Tier 1 sub to amyanneyifu! [00:11:10] IAmSarahcat: IAmSarahcat gifted a Tier 1 sub to legion2814! [00:11:10] IAmSarahcat: IAmSarahcat gifted a Tier 1 sub to kappakili! [00:11:10] IAmSarahcat: IAmSarahcat gifted a Tier 1 sub to sirob321! [00:11:10] IAmSarahcat: IAmSarahcat gifted a Tier 1 sub to morak2342! [00:11:10] IAmSarahcat: IAmSarahcat gifted a Tier 1 sub to MidniteLux! [00:11:10] IAmSarahcat: IAmSarahcat gifted a Tier 1 sub to archie_ray! [00:11:10] IAmSarahcat: IAmSarahcat gifted a Tier 1 sub to aNekoMoss! [00:11:11] judgedame: the end is sweetest [00:11:13] professorpussicat: You can totally keep he/him ❤️ [00:11:14] Zdycopter: DUDE, what [00:11:14] schamhaw: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:15] ZerschnetzIer: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:11:15] loograt: Oh.... anyway.- half the community [00:11:17] RoyalRoseo: Cheer100 [00:11:17] juneguild: He/Any is valid [00:11:18] Tokie9804: been watching since early cd days but never tuned into streams much being so busy, glad to be here for this one to say we’re proud of you Finn [00:11:18] aliceisdoingstuff: tank is amazing ! always congrats for the coming out ! [00:11:18] Komnia: he/any icon [00:11:18] RubySandwich: full time rose now? [00:11:18] vexowodot: YAS [00:11:18] transterra29: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:11:18] NONAM3KILL3R: Isn't HRT human growth hormone? I don't understand any of it scientifically [00:11:18] pretzelbea: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:11:19] braddle172: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:19] Snow_Bear0: So happy for you Finn, genuinely LuvHearts LuvHearts LuvHearts [00:11:19] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:11:19] adamjunkpup: The puppy obkatYay obkatYay obkatYay [00:11:19] princessmihai: Be you! [00:11:20] xd_atterna: ;p [00:11:20] filip_zd10: TransgenderPride [00:11:20] Saitamaz94: I'LL REFER TO U AS F1NN [00:11:20] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn = Genius for releasing video and strimming afterwards [00:11:21] danjan117: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:11:21] FancyYoshi: oh that's so cool [00:11:21] Maddrius: The editing for this video is so on point! Very polished video [00:11:21] beansob321: but who cares what your pronouns are [00:11:21] audr1en: good shit [00:11:22] Frost_790: BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:11:23] YumeNoZen: You're pronouns are grey/grem/bi-sh. [00:11:23] HiddenMarty: Gayge [00:11:23] AlaskanRain: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:24] freddy_fazbear56: So damn proud of you F1nn, as someone who recently came out as genderfluid myself too [00:11:24] enbyvee: OMG me too bestie [00:11:24] Eromaw: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:11:24] AstraCantPlay: AYO [00:11:25] TheQWasTaken: Does this mean you have a reason to learn the girl voice? [00:11:25] helyyx1: We support you [00:11:25] morgan_of_oregon: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [00:11:25] OstentatiousMongoose: Clap [00:11:25] ElFuaLoco033: WOT [00:11:25] XellosMetallum: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:11:26] jstjamie: haha gay Im bi [00:11:26] thoompi25: Lemme join discord. Gonna tell you the facts.. [00:11:26] OfficiOlly: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo HypeLove1 HypeLove1 HypeLove1 HypeLove1 GoatEmotey [00:11:26] koil05: this feels like the biggest I told you so ever (love u babes TransgenderPride) [00:11:26] bluj40: word [00:11:26] MimoJimi: aw [00:11:26] monkeh80: TransgenderPride [00:11:26] Mikey2207: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:11:26] johnkeiwo: BOY KISSER D: [00:11:26] bigsuave7: W [00:11:26] ChasingSol: true [00:11:26] edahdd: !pronouns [00:11:26] B_MagicMist: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:11:27] hiluuu: welcome to the genderqueer gang <3 [00:11:27] Lucass8: lol [00:11:27] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:11:27] FatherThyme: BisexualPride PansexualPride BisexualPride PansexualPride BisexualPride PansexualPride [00:11:27] LittleChaSiu: based [00:11:27] rice4020609: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:27] ChasingSol: lol [00:11:27] muddymudkip15: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:27] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:11:27] godsbeenswinging_: Gayge [00:11:27] estherarchive: GAY [00:11:28] NelordUK: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:28] lvcrash: ato [00:11:28] marteywa: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:11:28] jacksprettycool: YOOOO [00:11:28] parislaceup: i knew this 😸 [00:11:28] ramboo1989: ♥️♥️♥️ [00:11:28] lfierro22: YAY BI FAM [00:11:28] mimmm: AYO [00:11:29] Clovermancy: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:11:29] kateth: HE LIKES MEN [00:11:29] Michaelidk_: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:11:29] skyisblue2005: GOATEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [00:11:30] IZeroOneI: Aww [00:11:30] Nambo_Rose: Gayyyyy [00:11:30] Bamboo_xo: Bamboo_xo subscribed with Prime. [00:11:30] im_up_to_something: Not surprised [00:11:30] cantstopthepun_: BOY KISSER! [00:11:30] jackalsclaw: Which dude [00:11:30] DatChickenBro1: So tru XD [00:11:30] f3mmbot: bamboo_xo subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang bamboo_xo f1nnLezgang [00:11:30] VEDS24: AYO [00:11:30] neuroiscute: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:11:30] lilsagetree: yippeee [00:11:30] SavvyFaire: hey, some of us are dudes! [00:11:30] bubu_bby: dont you ever want to have kids ? HRT ruins that i think [00:11:31] Kullax: Yay for bi. [00:11:31] Wolfychuowo: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:11:31] ciernaruza: doodz [00:11:31] buggex: Gayge [00:11:31] ekat2468: GAY [00:11:31] leftfrog: PogU men [00:11:32] silentkay1: "oh btw" lmao [00:11:32] macarous: W [00:11:32] ironhydra: Gayge [00:11:32] mcg9696: I hav0qe [00:11:32] shortswarlok: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:11:32] kirathepan: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:11:32] BLAAAIRY: why are you the best [00:11:32] new_day_who_dis: GAYYYYYTT [00:11:32] Haukoe: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:33] Alia_A: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:33] BanOompaLoompas: KEKW [00:11:33] scorpx11: Gayge [00:11:33] Miraitre: Gayge 👍 [00:11:33] arvid_sweden: BisexualPride [00:11:33] AphiaDeMieux: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:33] rsm_100r: YOOOOOOO BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:33] ryanrenay: BisexualPride WELCOME TO THE CLUB [00:11:34] Istanlo: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:34] wlofs: this is bonkers [00:11:34] Phuntis: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:34] rocko89222: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:34] cedric_callnight: Bi King! [00:11:34] eternaldawn15: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:35] ohFrogy: Gayge [00:11:35] Bartiono: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:35] Nova9308: 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 [00:11:35] pwnd0ra: based^^ [00:11:35] ArchyNemesis: The least surprising part of these news [00:11:35] arthuranydonuts: Dudes!!! [00:11:35] dinoapple454: slay [00:11:36] jubjub221: likes dudes oh hi f1nn Keepo [00:11:36] Fries3: one of us [00:11:37] saint_r: Gayge [00:11:37] drinkingfishwater: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:11:37] MrKafay: AYO Gayge Clap [00:11:37] teatedostritch3: About fucking time lmao [00:11:37] gwen7732: let’s goooooooo [00:11:37] PrestinoLive: ctvaHeart [00:11:37] daemon2988: So you're saying there's a chance? 😜 [00:11:38] Chronos101172: the parents at the end made me tear up. so happy they are so supportive. [00:11:38] lordgtafbi: ayo [00:11:38] MrPink0000: who is really surprised [00:11:38] crowblax: W FELLOW BI [00:11:38] Mooncow4001: Gayge [00:11:38] MajesticFvckingEagle: GenderFluidPride AsexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride AsexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride AsexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:38] voidstar5328: "Boy do I love men!" [00:11:38] xXNeroZashiXx: Who doesn't 🤤 [00:11:38] windatar: Pansexual/Bisexuals unite. [00:11:38] Sc00terBean: 👏👏👏 [00:11:39] 1WhoBeans: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:39] HardyOrange: That's the real big news frrrrrr [00:11:39] blueskydrinking: chat is burning my cpu lmao [00:11:39] ScrapRodent: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:39] walkinglampost21: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:39] cheesusyourlord: you like boyyyyys [00:11:39] AlhambraMMXX: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:40] skips_136: Slay [00:11:40] nono181129: W being bi [00:11:40] blackdevils521: He likes Natt! [00:11:41] md15185o: the Bi gremlin meme is true [00:11:41] bbeepboops: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:41] halamoucu: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:41] Anaboth: Gayge Clap [00:11:41] syro01: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:11:41] crxstalline_: YEAH DUDES [00:11:43] mattwalewangko: BisexualPride [00:11:43] SirSkillzAlot: I love dudes too! [00:11:43] Watergeek42: Yooo!! Love the progress [00:11:43] iamkneetickler: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:11:43] BriannaHJT: BOYKISSER [00:11:43] mattkk12: so you’re saying their is a chance [00:11:44] pianoismyforte_: Yooo maybe I'm F1nn's type now! /j [00:11:44] lizzygladiator: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:11:45] Avaerus0: GayPride [00:11:45] Wagganator_: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:11:46] TrissByTor: TransgenderPride [00:11:46] oqu3p88: I wached the youtube video [00:11:47] Beerenjude: welcome to the party [00:11:47] aggravatedconditions: Hiyeee [00:11:47] craither: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:47] starburst97: No way. I'm so surprised. Right. [00:11:47] muffinman1244: Kissing boys! [00:11:47] Sift11: CONGRATULATIONS :> [00:11:47] Chri55PBacon: W [00:11:47] bailee_vincent: we’re happy for you Finn! f1nnHeart [00:11:47] dishsxap: MENNNNNNNNN [00:11:48] xero93: lgbt speedrun any% [00:11:48] 71M073J: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:48] experiencepoints: TransgenderPride So TransgenderPride Proud TransgenderPride Of TransgenderPride You TransgenderPride [00:11:48] seasonal_sophie: Pronouns could be F1nn/Ster [00:11:48] big_al72: Awesome job F1nn! Congrats! [00:11:48] FancyTrashMan: Based [00:11:48] zombiii: big bi energy to just toss that in there [00:11:48] softbonez: so what kind of cocks are you into [00:11:48] dawnbringer03: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:48] d_heeezy: BOY AND GIRL KISSER!?!?! I support you dood [00:11:49] Y2KMellow: I bet you're actually pan [00:11:49] Duuhdaah: Bi Monarch!!!! [00:11:49] mr_clucks_843: WOOOOOOO [00:11:49] insertcreativename__: DinoDance DinoDance GayPride [00:11:49] fatslowman: we can say her pronouns is he/him !! [00:11:50] princessmihai: I have exactly zero questions. Just know that we love you [00:11:50] fromthef1nn5ide: Uh, buh-bi, video F1nn [00:11:50] duacki: men# [00:11:50] Psip31415: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:51] filip_zd10: thats pretty gay ngl [00:11:51] CapsulatePluto: yayyy congrats finn [00:11:51] ninjakitten_: ahsdjjhsajdajs [00:11:51] isabaellchen: did you try out the dildos [00:11:51] mebeperson: CONGRATS!!!! [00:11:51] catraxadora: join the club BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:51] danjan117: BisexualPride [00:11:52] HIMMusty: himbroLove himbroLove himbroLove himbroLove himbroLove [00:11:52] juneguild: BOYS <3 GIRLS <3 ENBIES <3 EVERYONE ELSE <3 [00:11:52] Meowshhhh_: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:53] racc00n_samurai: HypeCheer HypeCheer BisexualPride GenderFluidPride HypeCheer HypeCheer [00:11:53] asiatore: Being bi means having twice the options and twice the amount of possible rejections [00:11:53] f0xegg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:54] VasuLief: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:54] cyphoenic_: BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:11:54] the_boredom: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:55] Miniana_: 🐐 [00:11:55] y55d: SSSsss [00:11:55] garlictoastisgood: Gay gay homosexual gay [00:11:55] lydia_m2f: hi finn [00:11:55] ZeppiZep: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:11:55] Freak_Moth: Make YET [00:11:56] anonymous6465: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride f1nnHeart TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:11:57] livelytimes: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:11:58] gamertwtch: More surprises by the bi than the estrogen [00:11:58] ChasingSol: all your mum's fault [00:11:58] meiketae: WELCOME TO THE CLUB BisexualPride [00:11:58] a1bedoprinz: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:11:58] DaOPCreeper: LUL [00:11:59] lecarnivooore: lecarnivooore subscribed with Prime. [00:11:59] f3mmbot: lecarnivooore subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang lecarnivooore f1nnLezgang [00:11:59] boom_and_alpha_yt: that came out of left field [00:12:00] forkprong2: Jujutsu kaisen made him gay? [00:12:00] shurimandove: hii <3 [00:12:00] Falqun: ooooooh that where the libido bits in the past streams about :O [00:12:00] lfierro22: so happy you have a supportive family [00:12:00] MeowByMidnight: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:12:00] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:12:01] Amoyamoyamoya: That reminds me I was going to dose before strim. Ooops [00:12:01] xd_atterna: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:12:01] scatcha04: TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:12:01] sichbroo: as long as you’re happy, everyone is happy! [00:12:01] the_oracie: BASED [00:12:02] king_kirby2659: Lmao [00:12:02] greebowarrior: your dad cracked me up LUL [00:12:02] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:12:02] Spaghetto_Depressi: BisexualPride BOYKISSER BisexualPride [00:12:02] TeraValia: blame game. also i love your dad. [00:12:02] khris__1: Dudes love you too :3 [00:12:03] kirauriel: congrats on finally figuring out how to say it to the world [00:12:03] Valezifer: Nice catch [00:12:03] GaiusGoose: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:12:03] Saitamaz94: OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [00:12:03] kogazgirl: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:12:03] AuntieHauntie: i thought the bi thing was common knowledge?? XD [00:12:04] Kolateak_: OMEGALUL [00:12:04] braddle172: KEKW [00:12:05] johnkeiwo: BASED DAD [00:12:05] FacelessSnow: Them damned apples [00:12:05] White515: just saw the video much love <3 [00:12:05] ryanrenay: LMAO [00:12:05] raisedbybatss: I legit teared up here [00:12:05] sepiak824: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:12:05] MooCowTracy: pronouns: For years, i've been open on pronouns online. Use whatever feels right to you. so, "My pronouns are 'for your convenience'..." [00:12:06] DodenKing: Your dad is the realest mfer out there [00:12:06] arthuranydonuts: haha u so funny [00:12:06] octminer: KEKW [00:12:06] idesofjuno: KEKW [00:12:06] Vyakitha: LMFAOOOOOOOOO [00:12:06] keller4589: BISEXUALS STAND UP [00:12:06] leftfrog: best ending [00:12:07] Aren711: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:12:07] koil05: that's kinda gay icl [00:12:07] judgedame: BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:12:08] blobtoad: IM II TOO!! BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:12:08] RykerSune: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:12:08] quantumliv: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:12:08] angygenz: the vegan bit killed me lol [00:12:08] Zero_Two_Many: Lmao all the < deleted message > is so funny [00:12:09] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [00:12:09] Wolfychuowo: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:12:09] know1_0: HypeBoop [00:12:09] marteywa: KEKW [00:12:09] SavvyFaire: DADSTER LUL [00:12:09] cheesusyourlord: KEKW [00:12:09] GarlicGoblinn: So proud :,) [00:12:09] Phuntis: based dad [00:12:10] ScrapRodent: MUM REVEAL [00:12:10] TheIronSally: Happy Women's History Month [00:12:11] muddymudkip15: Lol [00:12:11] silentkay1: Love your parents f1nnHeart [00:12:11] ZerschnetzIer: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:12:11] Helmholtz_: your dad was dripped out [00:12:11] Ticher7: same shirt [00:12:11] 1WhoBeans: mom5ter roasted lmao [00:12:12] eternaldawn15: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:12:12] SweetAsPoison: Pride100 [00:12:12] professorpussicat: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:12:12] fishy_hd21: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:12:12] sirzazzelot: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:12:13] syro01: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:12:13] VEDS24: KEKW [00:12:14] scorpx11: dad looking drippy [00:12:14] TheJebusChrist: too fruity [00:12:14] caelamondorian: Love your parents!!!! [00:12:14] ramboo1989: ♥️🫡 [00:12:14] caffeinhoney: this is actualy a realy good video [00:12:15] mlsankara: ur parents are goated [00:12:15] callimary: I just came to say hello! callim3HAND [00:12:15] XENOMAN5: Are you gonna call the Uber driver now? [00:12:15] cantstopthepun_: AWWW that's so cute [00:12:16] dancinooget8: you are a PLANT EATER [00:12:16] TrissByTor: KEKW [00:12:16] comet_theenby: let’s fucking gooooo [00:12:16] Clovermancy: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:12:17] Avaerus0: Too many fruits... [00:12:17] saint_r: i cant understand what you dad said [00:12:17] FatherThyme: the vegetarian pipeline [00:12:17] mimmm: awww [00:12:17] iamkneetickler: BOYKISSER BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:12:17] mr_cornonthecob: aww [00:12:17] Mario11041: KEKW [00:12:17] Dezponia: OMG! It's that guy on HRT! What a wholesome manly girl boy! [00:12:18] EldritchElucidator: based dad5ter [00:12:18] SolsticeRL_: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:12:18] Kenmas_Videogame_: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:12:18] nodegen: aw cute [00:12:18] undiscoveredoddity: i mean you are what you eat so [00:12:18] shortswarlok: based [00:12:19] pianoismyforte_: f1nnHeart BisexualPride BisexualPride f1nnHeart [00:12:19] ChasingSol: i love that [00:12:19] Lucass8: cute [00:12:19] aymungoos: @f1nn5ter well now we need to know your type. are you more into the henry cavil type or twink type [00:12:19] nemumonster: u n ur parents is adorable love it [00:12:19] kat_the_khajiit: IT'S ALL THOSE APPLES [00:12:19] Xphome: LUL [00:12:19] MimoJimi: cewl pawents [00:12:19] lun4_th3_w0lf: XD [00:12:19] RoryLuukas: Awwwww so wholesome ❤️❤️❤️❤️ [00:12:20] davidiusfarrenius: Finn Dad is funny! 🤣 [00:12:20] kelpcalibur: Your parents are so cute! [00:12:20] groovalicious1: Yoooo congrats [00:12:20] 01Leon01: <3 [00:12:20] minzecraft: awww [00:12:20] jamexito: yaaayyyy gaaaaaayy [00:12:20] CommanderJono66: What did your parents say?\ [00:12:20] elion3li: so cuuute [00:12:21] IanAlexzander: Your parents are legends [00:12:21] IanCSamson: so nice! [00:12:21] parislaceup: not enough red meat😭 [00:12:21] jubjub221: your mum is so cute! [00:12:21] MrPink0000: awwww so wholesome [00:12:21] hi_im_aundra: awwwww [00:12:22] lady_lazy_sloth: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:12:22] johnkeiwo: such great parents ! [00:12:22] CrosstownAce_: TransgenderPride [00:12:22] danjan117: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:12:22] HardyOrange: Awwwwwwwwww [00:12:22] ArchyNemesis: Adorable [00:12:22] kyushi1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:12:22] experiencepoints: That's so sweet TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:12:23] LindseyMonroe: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:12:23] the_mist_demon: tnvRainbow jboPride sleeGnome tnvPride [00:12:23] Slaydria118: Welcome to the bi club! [00:12:23] rallsorts: awwwwhhhhhh [00:12:24] ironhydra: <3 [00:12:24] GoodHydrations: I love that ending [00:12:24] cedric_callnight: Your parents are soooo wholesome! [00:12:24] bluj40: cute [00:12:25] MsDocProf: Very cute, very sweet. Grats! <3 [00:12:26] misschvs: CUUUUUTE <3 <3 <3 [00:12:26] Komnia: Clap Clap [00:12:26] axe1970: had you eat an apple ding [00:12:26] f0xegg: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:12:26] loograt: D4D5TER [00:12:26] professional_tea_drinker_: @F1NN5TER so when we going on Hasan for a shared live? [00:12:26] ImprezaDK: ImprezaDK subscribed with Prime. [00:12:27] f3mmbot: imprezadk subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang imprezadk f1nnLezgang [00:12:27] stykyt: Well done! <3 [00:12:27] SnoopyDog9086: Adorable [00:12:27] cesmec: <3 [00:12:28] jumper__21: <3 <3 <3 [00:12:28] neuroiscute: <3 <3 [00:12:28] Ruglund6230: W parents [00:12:28] Cyropike: Proud of you! I recently came out as bi too! [00:12:28] LightMage670: wholesome parents GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:12:28] MajesticFvckingEagle: That was so sweet [00:12:29] munocard: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:12:29] Nauticalcoffin: chrAw chrAw chrAw [00:12:29] julyday: so sweet [00:12:29] pretzelbea: KEKW [00:12:29] untruemike: "veggies" [00:12:30] peepod11: What's Ashley's most newest video can't find a channel to wonder most newest video also something looks different to you fences PP has been shrunken these top half got bigger [00:12:30] astrid_autumn: transed by the veggies, a classic story [00:12:30] hazelgamess: peepoHappy [00:12:30] now_chemical: welcome 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ [00:12:30] rocko89222: that's SO wholesome!! [00:12:32] selmablackbird: ❤️ [00:12:32] kirathepan: Oh, I get it: Fruitttyyyy! [00:12:32] Penguin__07: <3 [00:12:32] pierbi: finnster stream LETS GOOOO congrats congrats [00:12:32] MatthewL: So cute and sweet [00:12:32] voidstar5328: Too much fruit? You are what you eat GenderFluidPride [00:12:32] luvedblue: could literally cry im so happy for you !!!!!!! [00:12:32] beady_lil_rat_eyes: beady_lil_rat_eyes subscribed with Prime. [00:12:33] sp00kykj: I SAW AN EGG [00:12:33] f3mmbot: beady_lil_rat_eyes subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang beady_lil_rat_eyes f1nnLezgang [00:12:33] Xhanathon: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:12:34] JVidsLive: Adorable! [00:12:34] Saitamaz94: your parents are so sweet dawg [00:12:34] OhseyME: Ngl, I'm kinda jealous. [00:12:34] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:12:35] mcg9696: huh [00:12:35] ninjakitten_: ironic after just saying you like a different kinda meat [00:12:36] pinbel1: amazing parents [00:12:36] arthuranydonuts: Apple sales go up 50%! [00:12:36] Bilskii: love the parents support [00:12:37] sasaa_86: TransgenderPride [00:12:37] Environmela: Aw heck that's so wholesome!! <3 You are very lucky [00:12:37] BlankDomino: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:12:38] helenaaaaaaauwu: Same BisexualPride [00:12:38] boom_and_alpha_yt: dad5ter [00:12:38] itsjuno__: hiiiiiii [00:12:39] xXNeroZashiXx: @F1NN5TER, Nothing but love and Respect f1nnHeart [00:12:39] doron2002: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:12:40] Hydran1c: DinoDance [00:12:40] little_aurora_elizabeth: So big question has your parents now called you sweetheart [00:12:40] koil05: NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride [00:12:40] jacebloodrose: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:12:40] OfficiOlly: I wish your parents were my parents *sniffles* [00:12:40] SidMaxwell10: PogU Clap nice vid [00:12:41] hiluuu: BibleThump BibleThump <3 <3 [00:12:42] BLAAAIRY: youre sooo precious I would die 4 u [00:12:42] hopalongtommy: Just wanna say, the vid is really well done 👍 [00:12:43] theejoey: so cute! [00:12:43] HappyBlomus: Not enough meat so now he needs some meat KEKW [00:12:43] kaperkad: <3 <3 <3 [00:12:43] marsthepanda: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:12:43] laurelin95: I CRIED AGAIN [00:12:44] whatsnacks: congrats!!!! [00:12:44] gaddafi_duck_: I genuinely didn’t see the bi thing coming [00:12:45] Mr_Fluffy97: The end bit with your parents was adorable [00:12:45] braddle172: braddle172 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months! congrats itspea13Blahajhype [00:12:45] Thunderwitch8: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:12:45] f3mmbot: braddle172 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 37 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:12:45] IndustrialSprinkles823: YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [00:12:46] RedPandaArtist: Just got here What did I miss [00:12:46] beastboyz168: PartyHat [00:12:46] Ignemia: Damn I wish I had supportive parents like that Sadge [00:12:46] AndrewRH87: Lol "I blame you" 🤣 [00:12:47] luna_bees98: BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride femukHeart femukHeart femukHeart femukHeart femukHeart [00:12:47] thehappyavocado1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:12:48] blueskydrinking: too many fruits makes you a... well yknow [00:12:49] judgedame: so cute [00:12:49] sobik110: Hiiii [00:12:49] salivnya: CONGRATS!!!! [00:12:49] beansob321: Grats Mom and Dad [00:12:50] keller4589: Finn’s adorable I can’t [00:12:50] boredassperson: I'M CRYING, I FUCKING KNEW IT AND IT'S SO DAMN SWEET [00:12:52] HIMMusty: himbroLove himbroLove himbroLove himbroLove himbroLove himbroLove himbroLove [00:12:52] fatslowman: 6K viewer [00:12:53] Chronos101172: So wait... Foes this mean if ten offered for the boob job gain you might reconsider? [00:12:53] ramboo1989: 🤜🤛 [00:12:54] reap4k: i wish i had supportive ppl [00:12:54] jjfm60163: Mum5TER and Dad5TER in the video at the end was so good [00:12:54] FlowersOfLight: tism [00:12:55] jstjamie: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:12:56] independent_observer: Vaush apology when? [00:12:56] TheGenesis20000: TheGenesis20000 subscribed with Prime. [00:12:56] 2blurryblues: Hi finn I loved your crossdressing videos because that got people used to us. Reduced that shock value. And I'm glad you're taking steps in the direction of who you are. Lots of love [00:12:56] f3mmbot: thegenesis20000 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang thegenesis20000 f1nnLezgang [00:12:56] professorpussicat: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:12:56] GoodHydrations: bruh [00:12:57] asoftgoth: Congrats so much Finn 🥺 I’ve been on HRT for a year and my gender journey started in large part because of the acceptance of this community. Best year of my life BY FAR! We love you so much Finn, congratulations 😭😭😭 [00:12:57] nemumonster: RRRR im cryin sobsobsob [00:12:57] missingclouds: missingclouds subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! So happy for you [00:12:57] f3mmbot: missingclouds subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:12:58] VEDS24: LUL [00:12:58] atrainfast1: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:12:59] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:12:59] StanchSkate: Congratulations 🎊 [00:12:59] comet_theenby: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:12:59] WillowSiva: WillowSiva is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [00:12:59] WillowSiva: WillowSiva gifted a Tier 1 sub to BlizzySnowolf! [00:12:59] LittleChaSiu: L [00:13:00] f3mmbot: willowsiva has gifted a subscription to blizzysnowolf at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang blizzysnowolf f1nnLezgang [00:13:00] b_orz_oi: lucky upload time... cute [00:13:00] alyx_5t: first finn helped us figure out we were trans, then we helped finn figure out he was trans [00:13:00] FatherThyme: fashionably late [00:13:00] mimmm: KEKW [00:13:01] LindseyMonroe: Makes more sense why you drink to my question ages ago. LUL [00:13:01] DodenKing: Lmao [00:13:02] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:13:02] dbsterling: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:13:04] shortswarlok: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:13:05] vqMara: [00:13:05] Nova9308: Omg. You're gonna make me cry 💜💜💜💜 [00:13:05] td_advocate: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:13:06] cedric_callnight: But, do you still identify as a bottom? [00:13:06] now_chemical: i’m sobbing into my lunch [00:13:06] IZeroOneI: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:13:06] ekat2468: your parents being so supportive :D :D :D :D :D [00:13:08] nothitch: you cause stress.. [00:13:08] EliteNexin: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:13:08] godlovesyousooooomuch: 😢 [00:13:09] SweetAsPoison: PrideLion PrideShrug PrideLaugh PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PridePaint PrideWorld PrideLove PrideRise PrideHeyyy [00:13:09] thefishnit: TransgenderPride [00:13:09] EmpressCard: Speed editing [00:13:10] greebowarrior: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:13:10] AnnaTheLazy: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:13:10] t0m1n4t0r: just want to call out how clean the gremlin streamer room is currently [00:13:10] dinoapple454: awww [00:13:11] catraxadora: hype train still going 💪 [00:13:12] anonymous6465: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:13:12] f0xegg: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:13:13] gothique_elf: Oh Hai [00:13:14] nuzlite: nuzlite subscribed at Tier 1. [00:13:14] ArminGux: kekw [00:13:14] f3mmbot: nuzlite subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang nuzlite f1nnLezgang [00:13:14] mr_leggy_d_1st: I like how you were talking about answering people with "I don't care". Be like "what's your gender?" "F1nn5ter" [00:13:15] theeelfy: My dude you helped me come to terms with my identity when i found you in 2020 and honestly it was really hard to get to a point to be able to say it out loud and im really happy to see you be able to do the thing you helped so many of us achieve love you f1nnPet [00:13:15] ciernaruza: aw [00:13:15] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:13:15] Gwencatgirldotexe: Gotta say, it's sooo wholesome, super proud TransgenderPride [00:13:16] 2ari2: Oh gosh I missed the video [00:13:16] callme1zzy: haiiiiiiiiii [00:13:17] Michaelidk_: EDITING% SPEEDRUN [00:13:18] fei_bay: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:13:19] YumeNoZen: Oh, so that's where you get the being late from. [00:13:20] jacebloodrose: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:13:20] John_Blaze03575: John_Blaze03575 subscribed at Tier 1. [00:13:20] know1_0: <3 <3 <3 [00:13:20] f3mmbot: john_blaze03575 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang john_blaze03575 f1nnLezgang [00:13:21] peatearrr: so cute [00:13:21] skoralta: Damn dude, that was the most packed coming out vid ever. Huge congrats and I'm happy you feel comfortable telling us more about who you are! TransgenderPride [00:13:22] TruffleFry: so wholesome and validating! As a trans man who uses he/him you're expression is so validating <3 [00:13:23] ForksAreFree: TransgenderPride [00:13:23] x4crazyx4: Hey finnster do you have any clothes suggestions for a fellow femboy? [00:13:23] Catamondium: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:13:23] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: You did great! [00:13:23] Tordenbob: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:13:24] Gwencatgirldotexe: Gwencatgirldotexe subscribed at Tier 1. [00:13:24] f3mmbot: gwencatgirldotexe subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang gwencatgirldotexe f1nnLezgang [00:13:25] davidiusfarrenius: 😄 [00:13:26] ameliabedelia7: So proud of this kid [00:13:27] YukiSoraSaki: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [00:13:27] floating_raindrop: This is a delightful video. So proud and happy for you. [00:13:28] merry_le_platypus: i want the same parents :') didn't come out yet but i need to do it but i'm so scared omg [00:13:29] d_heeezy: Im glad your parents support you :) [00:13:29] aggravatedconditions: Yo did it hun!! [00:13:31] satelitko: Can't call you an egg anymore T_T [00:13:31] MsSpelled_MT: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:13:31] ramboo1989: 🤜🤛 [00:13:33] Jayly_GM: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:13:34] joeycomixthesquid: GenderFluidPride [00:13:34] gamerman356: I’m surprised that you were worried with your community [00:13:34] ChasingSol: lol [00:13:36] Cpu101: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:13:36] karojhe: Pregananant stream! [00:13:37] little_aurora_elizabeth: @asoftgoth the community has blown me away the last 4 months as i started HRT [00:13:37] MegaMiley: LOL [00:13:38] Akemencha: TO MANU APPLES THOUGH [00:13:38] Stovamor: Stovamor is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1031 in the channel! [00:13:38] FatherThyme: never noticed [00:13:38] f3mmbot: stovamor has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [00:13:39] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to Firestorm12687! [00:13:39] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to CowbeeTheybop! [00:13:39] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to pronunciated! [00:13:39] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to violet_pirate1! [00:13:39] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to ValleyCatDani! [00:13:39] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to trinkyi! [00:13:39] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to MGPAlpha! [00:13:39] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to dsuqkix! [00:13:39] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to y55d! [00:13:39] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to nimu_tim! [00:13:39] cyphoenic_: 'Bi the way' lol [00:13:39] jessieplays: Welcome to the transfam :D [00:13:39] jackcboiz: So jelly of you f1nn [00:13:39] MajesticFvckingEagle: GenderFluidPride AsexualPride BisexualPride SO PROUD OF YOU [00:13:40] AoNoAsgard: BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:13:40] deerdreams: TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:13:41] SnabbKassa: we are doing crazy numbers again [00:13:42] Freak_Moth: OMEGALUL [00:13:42] reiisguts: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam GenderFluidPride [00:13:42] roninsnook: ❤️❤️❤️ [00:13:43] braddle172: Was about to say that [00:13:45] freddy_fazbear56: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:13:46] xd_atterna: AsexualPride BisexualPride GayPride GenderFluidPride IntersexPride LesbianPride NonbinaryPride PansexualPride TransgenderPride [00:13:46] pretzelbea: that sounds exactly like me coming out with the shaking [00:13:46] isabaellchen: why is that [00:13:47] Mikey2207: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:13:47] me1ll0: bi and genderfluid?? SAME WERE TWINNINGGG [00:13:47] heyimninelives: heyimninelives subscribed with Prime. [00:13:47] neondimples: :3 [00:13:47] syro01: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:13:47] f3mmbot: heyimninelives subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang heyimninelives f1nnLezgang [00:13:47] allyssa_rei: UNITE GOBLINS!! yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos BRING THE HOARD yarrCult yarrCult yarrCult [00:13:47] kinginblack5: I thought you might be streaming after that video [00:13:48] rice4020609: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:13:48] mirichan89: So proud of you and all the best! [00:13:49] neonglowstickk: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:13:49] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: BI-GENDER?? GOOD BYE XD <3 [00:13:49] FRDRC_2192: Hey F1NN! [00:13:51] CommanderJono66: Yeah I thought you said you were Bi, and Ashley might have said something about it in Insta? [00:13:51] callimary: callim3HAND callim3HAND callim3HAND callim3HAND callim3HAND callim3HAND [00:13:52] JonAwakens: AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride [00:13:52] RoyalRoseo: Pride100 [00:13:52] BlakeisLost: BlakeisLost subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [00:13:52] f3mmbot: blakeislost subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:13:53] SerenityUwU99: LuvHearts LuvHearts LuvHearts LuvHearts LuvHearts [00:13:53] thesadfrog69: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:13:54] Saitamaz94: BI!!!??? U MEAN I GOT A CHANCE!!?? [00:13:55] axe1970: bi based [00:13:55] OstentatiousMongoose: OstentatiousMongoose subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! Based [00:13:55] trinkyi: @Stovamor THX for the sub [00:13:55] f3mmbot: ostentatiousmongoose subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:13:56] judgedame: i know [00:13:56] GREAT_K1NG_RAT: GREAT_K1NG_RAT subscribed with Prime. [00:13:56] f3mmbot: great_k1ng_rat subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang great_k1ng_rat f1nnLezgang [00:13:57] Kingofallturtulesus: this bout to be a BUSY stream [00:13:57] KhaosInfinity: So you are the greatest Finnsexual! [00:13:58] nono181129: We love you for you!! [00:13:59] Darkness4desert: You know we knew [00:13:59] caelamondorian: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:14:00] AshaTh0r: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:14:01] adisondoot: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:14:01] isthisapokeman: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:14:02] Catamondium: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:14:03] johnkeiwo: HUH !?!? worrunS worrunBDSM [00:14:03] biggerturkey: Ello [00:14:03] MikeWillStream: KEKW [00:14:03] Sir_GoofyGrape: hi I’m Gabe , non-binary, trans masc, start HRT this year. just wanna say I’m happy you feel safe sharing your big news! I’m so happy for you ! I love you, mate.🫶🏼🖤 [00:14:03] parislaceup: LMFAO [00:14:04] ryanrenay: rddLul rddLul rddLul [00:14:04] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:14:04] Sleepystephbot: LMAO [00:14:05] Ramaj_A: Pride300 I bet Nano comes out on HRT next. [00:14:05] mimmm: huh? [00:14:05] luna_bees98: BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:14:05] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:14:05] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [00:14:05] RykerSune: OMG KEKW [00:14:05] SolsticeRL_: HUH? [00:14:05] CakeyLive: KEKW [00:14:05] macarous: LMAO [00:14:05] nemumonster: LOL [00:14:05] eccoblast: Lol [00:14:05] DegenerateDaycare: hahahaha [00:14:05] 1WhoBeans: LMAO [00:14:05] effrin77: "huh?" lol [00:14:06] koil05: lmaooo [00:14:06] octminer: KEKW [00:14:06] godsbeenswinging_: huh?! [00:14:06] cheesusyourlord: LMAO [00:14:06] Michaelidk_: LOL [00:14:07] hazelgamess: KEKW [00:14:07] Komnia: LUL [00:14:07] Xhanathon: LMAO [00:14:07] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [00:14:08] dbsterling: KEKW [00:14:08] julyday: HUH [00:14:08] theejoey: and I oop LUL [00:14:08] Bartiono: KEKW [00:14:08] lordgtafbi: inconsistency, or people calling you out/outing you? [00:14:08] idesofjuno: OMEGALUL [00:14:09] thefishnit: huh? monkaS [00:14:09] bigsuave7: 💀😭 [00:14:09] Bleats_Sinodai: buffpupGIGA HUH? [00:14:09] keller4589: LMAO [00:14:09] muddymudkip15: Lol [00:14:09] 71M073J: LUL [00:14:09] awosito: HUH? [00:14:09] rsm_100r: LMAOOOOOO [00:14:10] CapsulatePluto: huh? [00:14:10] MajesticFvckingEagle: Lmaooooo [00:14:10] Mario11041: KEKW 󠀀 [00:14:10] Xphome: LUL [00:14:10] ciernaruza: KEKW [00:14:10] racc00n_samurai: wow [00:14:10] hiluuu: lmaooooo [00:14:10] cyphoenic_: KEKW [00:14:10] distractedcreative: KEKW [00:14:10] johnkeiwo: OUTED KEKW [00:14:10] gamerdolphin30: I thought I was dreaming when I watched the video lol. [00:14:10] IAmSarahcat: LUL [00:14:10] greebowarrior: KEKW [00:14:10] johnkeiwo: OUTED KEKW [00:14:11] ramboo1989: huh! [00:14:11] ironhydra: KEKW [00:14:11] BriannaHJT: HUH [00:14:11] Thoralff_: Thoralff_ subscribed at Tier 1. [00:14:11] f3mmbot: thoralff_ subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang thoralff_ f1nnLezgang [00:14:11] choolburra1: oss [00:14:11] Aren711: KEKW [00:14:11] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:14:11] VEDS24: KEKW [00:14:12] hendy_fps: LLU [00:14:12] AeitZean: LOL [00:14:12] f0xegg: KEKW [00:14:12] undiscoveredoddity: OMG PFFTT [00:14:13] minzecraft: KEKW [00:14:13] x_peachy_: 🤣 [00:14:13] jamnesia777: lmao [00:14:13] slybirdz: BisexualPride [00:14:13] SleepyPac: "WHAT!?" [00:14:13] ninjakitten_: THATS SO CUTE [00:14:13] DasSchnitz: KEKW [00:14:13] insidecchaos: LMAO [00:14:14] mr_pacoquinha: KEKW [00:14:14] NelordUK: LUL LUL BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:14:14] opasesaku: opasesaku converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! [00:14:14] lfierro22: lmaooooo [00:14:14] evilrymon1: Chat's moving quicker than ever! <3 TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:14:14] MajesticFvckingEagle: aintnowayyy [00:14:14] leftfrog: LUL [00:14:15] cantstopthepun_: most literal bi panic ever [00:14:15] kolja_mp4: Kekw [00:14:15] Eromaw: KEKW [00:14:15] mothpurr: HELP 'huhh' [00:14:15] mrdrudgeon: mrdrudgeon subscribed with Prime. [00:14:15] PaganOrca: KEKW [00:14:15] mattwalewangko: KEKW [00:14:15] f3mmbot: mrdrudgeon subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mrdrudgeon f1nnLezgang [00:14:15] xero93: HUH KEKW [00:14:15] wonkywerewolf: f1nnCool f1nnCool f1nnCool f1nnCool f1nnCool f1nnCool [00:14:15] braddle172: Huh KEKW [00:14:15] Clovermancy: Get outed [00:14:15] davidiusfarrenius: 🤣 [00:14:16] chaoticfallen: KEKW OH NOO [00:14:16] jackcboiz: So lucky [00:14:16] songoku1216: TwitchConHYPE [00:14:16] LindseyMonroe: Bi PANIC [00:14:16] MegaMiley: Hahahhaha oh yeah, that's a slight hickup but totally in character at that time XD [00:14:16] SidMaxwell10: KEKW [00:14:17] Istanlo: LOL [00:14:17] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:14:17] gabe2126: ROOT BEEEEEER [00:14:17] kateth: KEKW [00:14:17] EmpressCard: HA [00:14:18] aporcelaingirl: aporcelaingirl subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! I've been here for five months? I'm so glad I've been here for such momentous occasions and development [00:14:18] f3mmbot: aporcelaingirl subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 2! PogU [00:14:18] Wagganator_: lmao [00:14:18] kat_the_khajiit: LMAO OUTED BY ACCIDENT [00:14:18] ArminGux: you can be bisexual and asexual at the same time? [00:14:19] Speederzzz: THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE [00:14:19] PlushGirlSteph: Abi Thorne is gonna burst [00:14:19] mrenclavegod: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:14:19] FacelessSnow: and her instant "oh I fucked up" KEKW [00:14:20] ZerschnetzIer: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:14:20] hauntyourself: new meaning to bi panic [00:14:21] Aestelie: LMAOO [00:14:21] abydon96: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:14:22] BabyRainbow03: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:14:23] sm0hzam: hello? [00:14:24] nyrhalahotep: by panic is a saying after all [00:14:24] aymungoos: bi? who me? preposterous [00:14:24] wack0x: knew i [00:14:24] hothuntressttv: hothuntressttv subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! congrats coming out [00:14:24] f3mmbot: hothuntressttv subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:14:25] thesadfrog69: FINN WE LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT <3333 [00:14:25] imjassi: wooooooo yeah pink and blue and whiteeee woooo [00:14:25] AuntieHauntie: wait it WASN'T common knowledge? my gaydar wins again. [00:14:25] td_advocate: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:14:26] TheIronSally: literal bi panic [00:14:26] xcallaber9000: I just woke up lmao [00:14:26] RicXD15: how long? [00:14:27] adamjunkpup: piffle3WHEEZE piffle3WHEEZE [00:14:27] TeraValia: DOIT [00:14:28] a_nerdy_bi: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:14:29] ScrapRodent: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:14:29] doron2002: Hey F1nn [00:14:29] Mr_Fluffy97: KEKW [00:14:30] BLAAAIRY: go finn ayyye [00:14:30] Cloverpatch170: GenderFluidPride PansexualPride AsexualPride BisexualPride LesbianPride NonbinaryPride IntersexPride TransgenderPride GayPride [00:14:31] OutbackJax49: there's a cutie [00:14:31] melkorgoth: melkorgoth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! Still the only streamer I pay actual money to. [00:14:31] f3mmbot: melkorgoth subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:14:31] Buffyhero: LMAOOO [00:14:32] Helen_Croft: chat using to many emotes triggers automod [00:14:32] squidiot14: damn, F1nn came out as indecisive BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:14:32] isthisapokeman: the HUH? [00:14:33] cedric_callnight: So, the date with Natt was real? [00:14:33] reiisguts: KEKW [00:14:33] tylerunknown: It makes me so happy that one of my favorite people is like me BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:14:33] karojhe: <3 <3 <3 [00:14:34] YumeNoZen: Moy Moy has been shush. [00:14:34] WashInTheWind: How does Natt feel about this? [00:14:35] pretzelbea: lmao [00:14:36] blueskydrinking: Guy who's kissed all of his guy friends is bi??? Shocker KEKW [00:14:37] helenaaaaaaauwu: Lol [00:14:37] umbrellaroselive: umbrellaroselive subscribed with Prime. [00:14:37] f3mmbot: umbrellaroselive subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang umbrellaroselive f1nnLezgang [00:14:38] fei_bay: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:14:40] godlessfemboy: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [00:14:42] eggsyndrome: I knew it! [00:14:43] mcg9696: lmao [00:14:44] keller4589: The mess up 😭 [00:14:46] Catamondium: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:14:46] SidMaxwell10: Cow? 󠀀 [00:14:48] ava_chan19: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:14:48] ChasingSol: haha [00:14:48] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:14:49] jacebloodrose: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:14:49] VEDS24: KEKE [00:14:50] emmerthevillain: OK but who is going to tell FPS Kyle [00:14:50] AoNoAsgard: hahahahahaha [00:14:50] 420anythyme_: F1NN The happiest person on stream , brightens my ❤️ to be here … [00:14:50] braddle172: KEKW [00:14:51] AeitZean: LUL [00:14:51] theejoey: LMAO [00:14:51] ciernaruza: LMAO [00:14:51] PaperyMantis645: KEKW [00:14:51] CritCupcake: hahahahaha [00:14:51] AphiaDeMieux: LMAOOOO [00:14:51] Xphome: KEKW [00:14:52] macarous: KEKW [00:14:52] kateth: KEKW [00:14:52] wlofs: OMEGALUL [00:14:52] vampybug01: TransgenderPride [00:14:52] HardyOrange: SAME [00:14:52] angygenz: lol [00:14:52] Kolateak_: REAL [00:14:52] undiscoveredoddity: LMAO [00:14:52] cantstopthepun_: LMAO [00:14:52] Bartiono: KEKW KEKW KEKW [00:14:52] gazwj7: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:14:53] theia649: KEKW [00:14:53] RykerSune: I can't believe the signs were there already SMH [00:14:53] arthuranydonuts: Whaaaa?! [00:14:53] envysaysbonk: KEKW [00:14:53] alexandra0526: Welcome to the LGBT/HRTA Club!!! [00:14:53] BabyRainbow03: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:14:54] cyphoenic_: LMAO [00:14:54] sunny_2473: lmaooo [00:14:54] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:14:54] johnkeiwo: The biggets news ! [00:14:54] frailgift: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:14:54] ryanrenay: LMAO [00:14:55] hazelgamess: OMEGALUL [00:14:55] f0xegg: KEKW [00:14:55] Spaghetto_Depressi: LUL [00:14:55] elion3li: LMAOOO [00:14:55] cheesusyourlord: KEKW [00:14:56] koil05: f1nnEgg [00:14:56] skyfuntimes: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:14:56] ArminGux: kekw [00:14:56] ZerschnetzIer: KEKW [00:14:56] Rodney1234567890: lmao [00:14:56] lizzygladiator: LITERALLY [00:14:56] Rubusguy: nanona1Wheeze [00:14:56] Komnia: KEKW no way [00:14:56] DodenKing: LMAO [00:14:56] wonkywerewolf: Yippeeeeee bi gang [00:14:57] saint_r: KEKW [00:14:57] MegaMiley: LUL [00:14:57] hiluuu: HOW [00:14:57] MajesticFvckingEagle: SAME [00:14:57] dysfunctionaldomo: KEKW [00:14:58] MikeWillStream: yeah that surprised me more as well lol [00:14:58] chaoticfallen: LMAOO [00:14:58] feedux10: feedux10 subscribed with Prime. [00:14:59] f3mmbot: feedux10 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang feedux10 f1nnLezgang [00:14:59] neondimples: Lol [00:14:59] xero93: LMAO [00:14:59] juneguild: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:14:59] Japanese_Spaghettee: GenderFluidPride [00:14:59] ScrapRodent: karlswDunk karlswDunk karlswDunk [00:14:59] kolja_mp4: KEKW [00:14:59] Avaerus0: I suspected [00:14:59] princessmihai: I thought you were bi for sure [00:14:59] MatthewL: KEKW [00:15:00] lordgtafbi: LUL [00:15:00] Amoyamoyamoya: Wait...I don't recall that outburst... [00:15:00] Clovermancy: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:15:01] anonymous6465: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:15:01] medical_size9000: I thought I was straight until I ran across your archives two years ago now I'm Finnsexual [00:15:01] himcel: haha he cracked [00:15:01] jessicaluxuz: Btw we could tell you were on hrt [00:15:01] Simplethunder__: lol [00:15:01] jackcboiz: Hrt ok bisexual bad [00:15:02] mortelsson: So there's a chance [00:15:02] lukastmnt: LUL [00:15:03] Myrnnt: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:15:03] TheQWasTaken: AHHAHA [00:15:03] happyfoxvivi: happyfoxvivi subscribed with Prime. [00:15:04] f3mmbot: happyfoxvivi subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang happyfoxvivi f1nnLezgang [00:15:04] abydon96: Bi is great! [00:15:04] racc00n_samurai: bi was the biggest shock tbh [00:15:04] 8G36: LMFAOO [00:15:04] dinoapple454: lol [00:15:04] veldan500: What else have you been hiding? That you like to crossdress? [00:15:04] yannik_030: literally my reaction [00:15:05] JToegi: Yoooooooooooo [00:15:05] galaxygamer0770: LUL LUL [00:15:05] kinginblack5: TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [00:15:05] FatherThyme: it's def not a big deal [00:15:06] BillyTheKid1870: charboNervous [00:15:06] IndustrialSprinkles823: BRO SAME [00:15:06] AceEffort: lol [00:15:06] HidemiChan: Wait I thought it was obvious ehat [00:15:06] nuzlite: Bi and trans is literally me tf [00:15:07] birdbr4ins: TransgenderPride PansexualPride NonbinaryPride AsexualPride BisexualPride GayPride GenderFluidPride IntersexPride LesbianPride [00:15:07] OutbackJax49: 💕 [00:15:07] Aestelie: LMAOOO [00:15:07] pretzelbea: KEKW [00:15:07] clipperings: lol [00:15:08] ChasingSol: @Amoyamoyamoya artistic license [00:15:08] HIMMusty: Chat I'm so confused [00:15:08] LeonPunktWrt: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:15:08] AuntieHauntie: why did i know this already??? XD [00:15:08] the_real_derpysaurus: lol [00:15:10] king_kirby2659: TransgenderPride [00:15:10] NUFC4life1979: NUFC4life1979 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months, currently on a 23 month streak! i am so proud of you F1nn5ter [00:15:10] roanius1: lol [00:15:10] experiencepoints: I get it! I'm a bi trans girl and the bi thing is like such an afterthought [00:15:10] f3mmbot: nufc4life1979 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 30 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:15:10] Speederzzz: Same!!! [00:15:10] cesmec: LUL [00:15:10] you_betcha5: BisexualPride [00:15:11] Zjawyer: Literally i GASPED [00:15:11] karojhe: LUL LUL LUL [00:15:12] chronicinternetdisease: Heh I mean have you seen men recently [00:15:13] m4cintoshplus: bissexual king [00:15:13] soft_boi_14: I feel like F1nn being bi isn’t surprising to me [00:15:13] beaneater197: Lol [00:15:14] jeviliti: BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:15:14] Loelinverse: game recognizes game [00:15:14] welleatmoss: HRT ganggg [00:15:14] LindseyMonroe: It came out of left field. KEKW [00:15:15] nemumonster: HAHAHA bRUH thats sily [00:15:15] ClassyRoboto: hi finless [00:15:15] parislaceup: u still would go by he/him ? [00:15:16] Eromaw: I wasnt expecting the bi bit ! <3 [00:15:16] NelordUK: No one ever expects the secret BI society BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:15:17] pinbel1: HRT isn't a surprise [00:15:17] WildBoyWoo: I'm so happy for you Finn! <3 <3 <3 [00:15:18] kingcavel: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:15:18] alkibiadesmassacre: That one's def more surprising lol [00:15:19] scorpx11: it was a bigger suprise than hrt tbh [00:15:20] blackdevils521: Bruh [00:15:20] MrKafay: I didn't expect it too LuL [00:15:20] barbie_secretstanner: you being bi shocked me more than anything else you have every told me [00:15:20] mackarp2: the BI part shocked me [00:15:21] SweetToothKane: Yeah the bi definitely surprised me [00:15:22] numeanor: wait wait wait.... you can get E in spray??? [00:15:22] Akemencha: How is that a shock though!??! [00:15:23] gazwj7: Bi queen slay!!!!! [00:15:23] Catamondium: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:15:23] Dezponia: No no, the smallest thing is another... thing ziphKisser [00:15:24] StanchSkate: @f1nn5ter so vaush called it [00:15:25] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:15:25] AeitZean: the number of times you were horny for femboys tho LUL [00:15:25] Ethos_23: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:15:25] YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya Your poms stole your memories? [00:15:25] WayneBoBrown: no one doubted you are bi mate [00:15:25] PaperyMantis645: Make the video about coming out as bi and then slipping in the genderfluid at the end [00:15:25] rice4020609: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:15:25] cammy773: when did you know you where bi??? [00:15:26] ScarsUnseen: congrats :) [00:15:26] Stevethegrate: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:15:26] dombot98: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:15:26] celthiccness: BisexualPride [00:15:26] johnkeiwo: we will drown the bad [00:15:27] AstraCantPlay: yes [00:15:27] everiscale: Just happy you are happy [00:15:27] isthisapokeman: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GlitchNRG GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:15:27] greebowarrior: ... i thought you were already [00:15:27] helenaaaaaaauwu: NDA sounds like Kris lol xd [00:15:27] MimoJimi: stating the obvious <3 [00:15:27] Sift11: nah [00:15:28] tr4tr1x: #finnhasnopp [00:15:28] Blobsy_the_Trashdragon: Ohh congrats! [00:15:28] Y2KMellow: yes [00:15:28] FancyYoshi: no [00:15:28] MajesticFvckingEagle: Yes [00:15:28] skyfuntimes: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:15:28] astronos_: TakeNRG TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GivePLZ [00:15:28] dysfunctionaldomo: Yes [00:15:29] lizzygladiator: Yes [00:15:29] GarlicGoblinn: welcome to the bi gang lmao [00:15:29] Mrdeadfishrock: no [00:15:29] skyisblue2005: yes [00:15:29] gabe2126: Yes [00:15:29] MikeWillStream: yes [00:15:29] untruemike: HeHeHeHaw FallWinning [00:15:29] muffinman1244: Is that why you were surprised about there not being many bi people? [00:15:29] gamertwtch: Yes [00:15:29] HiddenMarty: no [00:15:29] theejoey: yes [00:15:29] keller4589: no one ever expected that [00:15:29] Helen_Croft: yes [00:15:29] floorboardthepiratequeen: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:15:29] xXNeroZashiXx: yes [00:15:30] maebeabun: maebeabun subscribed with Prime. [00:15:30] Alia_A: No [00:15:30] estherarchive: YES [00:15:30] furifixus: Yes [00:15:30] silentkay1: yes [00:15:30] f3mmbot: maebeabun subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang maebeabun f1nnLezgang [00:15:30] Ash1ey_49: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:15:30] juneguild: No [00:15:30] ironhydra: No [00:15:30] aggravatedconditions: Na [00:15:30] RykerSune: yes [00:15:30] DatChickenBro1: No [00:15:30] asiatore: No [00:15:30] danjan117: yes [00:15:30] kateth: Yes [00:15:32] Frosty790: yes [00:15:32] willhelm1144: noo [00:15:32] GoodHydrations: no [00:15:32] that_one_bi_kid_: yes [00:15:32] knuboknubo: yes [00:15:32] fei_bay: can you create a cracked egg emote? [00:15:32] frank_the_tank_1997: yes [00:15:32] Kungfuchi: yes [00:15:32] ZodFang: yes [00:15:32] saint_r: yes [00:15:32] Eni_game: Yes [00:15:32] mystchevious1: yes [00:15:32] Munchutus: No [00:15:32] Ascara89: Yes [00:15:32] astrid_autumn: yes for sure [00:15:33] explicitly_bored: yess [00:15:33] envysaysbonk: yes [00:15:33] Juliya_999: kindaa [00:15:33] xcallaber9000: no [00:15:33] alaynerzz: YES [00:15:33] CapsulatePluto: yeah [00:15:33] Shoulderescape: Yes [00:15:33] irrelevantsafety: Yes [00:15:33] nautilusbot135768: no [00:15:33] deadRinger91: deadRinger91 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! [00:15:34] f3mmbot: deadringer91 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months using Prime! PogU [00:15:35] kolja_mp4: Yes [00:15:35] Sonman521: yes [00:15:35] TrueMezzo: yes [00:15:35] yostwitch: noh [00:15:35] gamerman356: yes [00:15:35] angygenz: a bit more suprising [00:15:35] EvieLessThan3_: yes [00:15:35] FFRJibster: YES [00:15:35] arthuranydonuts: VoteYea [00:15:35] vNTCv: neither honestly [00:15:35] yannik_030: yes [00:15:35] Komnia: NO [00:15:35] Wolfhound_ggs: Not surprising [00:15:35] Nothing_1223: Yes [00:15:35] c__r__j: Bi more surprising. [00:15:36] UnperfectOne: Yes [00:15:36] CommanderJono66: I assumed you were BI [00:15:36] Rodney1234567890: no [00:15:36] themaxnerd36: yeah [00:15:36] Cleekru: neither are lol [00:15:36] residualcorn538: Ye [00:15:36] Smiling_Shelly: Yes [00:15:36] whatsnacks: no [00:15:36] braddle172: Sorta [00:15:36] marsrover001: No [00:15:36] julyday: yes [00:15:36] Kuttispielt: yes [00:15:36] Cpu101: yep [00:15:36] m0onpi4: No [00:15:36] p01chi: Yes [00:15:37] admiral_smash: Just be happy [00:15:37] dcmario1: Yes [00:15:37] EmpressCard: Yes [00:15:38] Nambo_Rose: Bi thing surprised me [00:15:38] bimoonlight: no [00:15:38] Ekun: @parislaceup he said for now yeah [00:15:38] epicregisman: haha you like boys :) [00:15:38] Ratchet_2003: yes [00:15:38] offbeattoxic: yes [00:15:38] ghost_sheriff_: no [00:15:38] Phuntis: nah genders more surprising [00:15:38] LukeClaire: no [00:15:38] sheldonq1: no [00:15:38] amethystbinx: no [00:15:38] RoyalRoseo: yea [00:15:38] monkeh80: yeah [00:15:38] sp00kykj: Y\ [00:15:39] gothique_elf: eyah cool [00:15:39] davidiusfarrenius: You? Bi? SHOCKER!!!😄 [00:15:39] srsleepy24: Nah [00:15:39] deepwater_fae: No, not really [00:15:39] LightMage670: neither are particularly surprising [00:15:39] Ruglund6230: ye [00:15:39] smaclac: yes [00:15:39] AuntieHauntie: No [00:15:39] kinginblack5: no [00:15:39] xxjoyeusexx: Je [00:15:39] OfficiOlly: NO [00:15:39] eternaldawn15: No [00:15:39] 420kekscope: yes [00:15:39] TheUselessNinja: No [00:15:39] LadyLionessOfLondon: VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea [00:15:40] tylerunknown: Not really [00:15:40] Kawai_Okami: No [00:15:40] SolariumStar: never expected it [00:15:40] LittleChaSiu: holy fuck chat moves so much [00:15:40] papairons: yes [00:15:41] ciernaruza: it's just more unexpected [00:15:41] pierbi: i was so shocked i had zero supsicion whaaaatttt [00:15:41] MostlyJosie: Yes [00:15:41] greatattentionspa: no [00:15:41] elion3li: yea [00:15:41] keegs200416: yes [00:15:42] Taranis_EXE: nekrolinaLUBBERS ctvaHeart [00:15:42] DenKaShi: not rlly [00:15:42] luna_is_an_egg: no [00:15:42] IndustrialSprinkles823: NOT REALLY HONESTLY [00:15:42] mistermuffins12345678: NO [00:15:42] choolburra1: the bi thing was obvious [00:15:42] the_boredom: no [00:15:42] Valezifer: Bi-romantic? [00:15:42] sleepybeab: no [00:15:42] clipperings: no [00:15:42] NorableTTV: you did a shoot with a guy, not surprising lmao [00:15:42] MajesticFvckingEagle: I thought you were finsexual at most [00:15:42] Srcsqwrn: No [00:15:42] Perg_Fury: Yes [00:15:43] Kullax: Being Bi, tbh, I don't think it's a shock :) the HRT is the news, Bi and genderfluid? Naah [00:15:43] flambor2006: ye [00:15:43] Imm0rta1pengu1n: yes [00:15:43] John_Blaze03575: yes [00:15:43] MagickMuse: yes [00:15:43] Xertaj1: yes [00:15:43] Zjawyer: yes [00:15:43] zephyr_alba: Yeah [00:15:44] fatslowman: yes [00:15:44] the_real_derpysaurus: no [00:15:44] luna_bees98: No [00:15:44] Repikz: YES [00:15:44] judgedame: yep called it BisexualPride [00:15:44] QwandriXCI: yeah way more [00:15:44] beansob321: nice that’s the way it should be [00:15:44] AnnaTheLazy: no you are definitely a boykisser and a girlkisser [00:15:44] big_al72: both are somewhat surprising [00:15:44] TrissByTor: Yes [00:15:44] Mr_Fluffy97: Yes [00:15:45] LeVideNoirAstral: no [00:15:45] RemyLive627: no [00:15:45] TheQWasTaken: no [00:15:45] projectraiven: not that surprising [00:15:45] td_advocate: It was way more obvious you were bi to me [00:15:45] unovaismyregion: no [00:15:45] PBLivings: Hey f1nn love you [00:15:45] frailgift: Meh. I kinda assumed [00:15:45] nemumonster: yes [00:15:45] bisexualcatpotato: Yes [00:15:45] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: <3 [00:15:45] pretzelbea: yes [00:15:45] ramboo1989: ♥️ [00:15:46] skoralta: Still congrats though :) [00:15:46] pillowdemon2077: yea [00:15:46] ArchyNemesis: Now that I think about it, yeah [00:15:46] KnightNave: hrt was obvious but thats cuz ive seen it before [00:15:46] deathbyf1re: yes [00:15:46] NelordUK: No [00:15:46] Donteatduckies: yea [00:15:46] spinster444: no [00:15:46] NeedleworkLounge: No [00:15:46] jackcboiz: Woooooo [00:15:46] hiluuu: bi the way ahahaha [00:15:46] HIMMusty: CRY BOY WE GOT A POLL [00:15:47] Worldsokeyest: Yes [00:15:47] Einaraar: No neither is surprising [00:15:47] drunkshinx: no [00:15:47] gaddafi_duck_: yes bi is a total surprise [00:15:48] princessmihai: HRT was more surprising to me than you being bi [00:15:48] Quessen: Yea [00:15:48] parislaceup: i remember the first cross dress stream AND THEN IT NEVER ENDED LOL [00:15:48] goldnuggetllama: yes [00:15:48] Morganjoe101: Yes [00:15:49] dynamicdestiny22: Yes [00:15:49] Dedspaz79: no [00:15:49] Gemini011: No [00:15:49] vexowodot: SLAY [00:15:49] jorisbg76: I have always admired you for crossdressing and because I always feel like you are yourself and I think you are really you! [00:15:49] dinoapple454: yes [00:15:50] pandashark2: yes [00:15:50] spacegoat007: no [00:15:51] xd_atterna: seth ever man? [00:15:51] MrKafay: yes [00:15:51] ghostly_tie_dye: no [00:15:51] therealnotchaz: can't wait to listen to Kyle on PKA next week ;) [00:15:51] ameliabedelia7: Read this hard when natt was here [00:15:51] shawtymarr: this hype train is insane [00:15:51] onesek_: didn't you say you were into fem dudes years ago anyways? [00:15:52] kirathepan: U bi is much supprise [00:15:52] NelordUK: NelordUK subscribed with Prime. [00:15:52] zoelegs: bi is not more surprising imo [00:15:52] TeraValia: This will probly get lost in the shuffle.... but you are BI and ACE? does that mean you are....BACE'D??? [00:15:52] karaclysm119: it's definitely less expected ig??? [00:15:52] f3mmbot: nelorduk subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang nelorduk f1nnLezgang [00:15:52] DeanTheSpartan: DeanTheSpartan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months, currently on a 43 month streak! 43 months of Finn POG [00:15:52] f3mmbot: deanthespartan subscribed to f1nn5ter for 43 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:15:52] distraughtpenguin: surprising? no. MORE SURPRISING? yes [00:15:53] a1bedoprinz: a little bit [00:15:53] skyl00m: yes [00:15:53] femboy_crimes: Yeah [00:15:53] notacloud1: yes [00:15:53] jake_testermam: Nah I knew. [00:15:53] ddanza666: Poly next? [00:15:54] sea31415: yes [00:15:54] FatherThyme: bi/ace/trans, hell of a roll [00:15:54] antonyjc1: yrs since ashley [00:15:54] Autumn_Isilme: TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [00:15:54] moonievr: the bi thing wasn’t surprising to me [00:15:54] mr_clucks_843: NO BAD ALL GOOD STONKS UP [00:15:54] jorja_elly: NONONO [00:15:54] jacebloodrose: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:15:55] Chri55PBacon: yea [00:15:55] flymetopluto06: no... [00:15:55] ClassyRoboto: Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! [00:15:55] JaneIsGaming: want this known? You literally went on a date with Natt [00:15:56] eggsyndrome: Yes [00:15:56] mimmm: yooo [00:15:56] ThtTwitchLily: HUH [00:15:56] greypool_gaming: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:15:56] glumbtea: Not surprising(but I'm bi so I'm biased) [00:15:57] levitating_ace: yep [00:15:57] m4id3nl3ss1: VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea [00:15:57] NovaeCorvidae: more surprising than gender fluid, yes, anything is more surprising [00:15:57] mister_kindness: mister_kindness is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [00:15:58] C4ROL94: PogU [00:15:58] f3mmbot: mister_kindness has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:15:58] mister_kindness: mister_kindness gifted a Tier 1 sub to summertimehigh! [00:15:58] mister_kindness: mister_kindness gifted a Tier 1 sub to Trorrrbooo! [00:15:58] mister_kindness: mister_kindness gifted a Tier 1 sub to Waterfather! [00:15:58] mister_kindness: mister_kindness gifted a Tier 1 sub to kinginblack5! [00:15:58] mister_kindness: mister_kindness gifted a Tier 1 sub to jabesthebabe! [00:15:58] AoNoAsgard: natt? [00:15:58] jamexito: nah [00:15:58] hazelgr33n: YEAH because the way i said 'yay F1nn' coming out then went 'OMG THEYRE BI ANOTHER ONE FOR THE HALL OF FAMEJ KNFVKDBGS' [00:15:58] me1ll0: *gasp* [00:15:59] FreschiLive: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:15:59] bucksben: F1nn's collecting all the flag colours!! [00:15:59] Grvpes: I'd assume pan tbh KEKW [00:16:00] beastboyz168: yes [00:16:00] anonymous6465: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:16:00] isthisapokeman: it was way more surprising but to be fair that happaned to me [00:16:00] Avaerus0: Wow [00:16:00] garlictoastisgood: WHAT [00:16:00] alexandra0526: you're finall gonan have boobas!!! [00:16:00] RiGemini: NOOOOOOOO [00:16:01] Mthw0: you what? [00:16:01] ecosystim: yes [00:16:01] Kaymon81: natt? [00:16:02] asoftgoth: Being bi is not a surprise. being bi is just literally normal [00:16:02] dancinooget8: WHAT [00:16:02] YumeNoZen: If gender doesn't matter because people are just people, then being bi is a natural extension. [00:16:02] neuroiscute: WHAA [00:16:02] juneguild: Poly??????? [00:16:02] scorpx11: a cmon [00:16:03] XENOMAN5: Yes bi is surprising [00:16:03] karaghan01: Seth ? [00:16:03] ArminGux: we knew you were genderqueer, we didn’t know you were queer sexual [00:16:03] bearpaw1970: Your absolutely epicness is sparkling [00:16:03] imaprsn: HRT is the bigger announcement but being bi is the more SURPRISING one [00:16:03] new_day_who_dis: Based [00:16:04] KaydeBastion: Hi there, hello! [00:16:04] slubert: Yes [00:16:04] alexg6464: if he's a bi ace does that make him a base(d)? [00:16:04] rsm_100r: HUUUHHHH [00:16:04] 2blurryblues: The way you looked at vlad. I knew you were bi haha [00:16:05] crowblax: HUH [00:16:05] grefitz: GASP!!! [00:16:05] lizzygladiator: HUH [00:16:05] karojhe: Bi is more surprising [00:16:05] kirauriel: i thought you were pretty confident as just like, a guy who crossdresses, the genderfluid label actually caught me off guard [00:16:05] dragon_fiy: congrats on the hrt! [00:16:05] ScrapRodent: WGAT [00:16:05] thebreadisonthefloor: natt [00:16:05] MikeWillStream: as the test on icky's channel said "you are 100% gay" [00:16:05] koil05: lee gasp [00:16:05] MatthewL: POG [00:16:06] welleatmoss: yesss [00:16:06] Eromaw: WOT [00:16:06] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: lmaooooooooo [00:16:06] violet_pirate1: I expect everyone to be secretly be bi [00:16:06] RevanGarcia: the bi thing was kinda more surpricing, yes [00:16:06] peatearrr: NAURRR [00:16:06] CakeyLive: KEKW 󠀀 [00:16:06] gawrcoffee: WHATTTTTTTT [00:16:07] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:16:07] d_heeezy: DAMNNNN [00:16:07] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:16:07] Mondongod: NATT [00:16:07] f4zol0: WHAT [00:16:07] pierbi: i am the dude [00:16:07] tr4tr1x: yes [00:16:07] Bartiono: NATT [00:16:08] jabesthebabe: @mister_kindness Thanks for the gift sub! [00:16:08] cyphoenic_: I'm pan (and aro) so I just kinda consider straight and gay weirder than bi lol [00:16:08] bigsuave7: LOL [00:16:08] Hunney_chan: Kappa [00:16:08] DatChickenBro1: Nat! [00:16:08] GoodHydrations: I mean... [00:16:08] jacmol7: Natt? [00:16:08] jadelilyy: KEKW [00:16:09] RykerSune: KEKW [00:16:09] sonic9242: what [00:16:09] DarkestDawn64: yes [00:16:09] jaovitubr: what?????? [00:16:09] kat_the_khajiit: When were the bones from??? [00:16:10] mystchevious1: LOL [00:16:10] warthunderfemboy: natt [00:16:10] Y2KMellow: HUH [00:16:10] p1sk0la: i knew it [00:16:11] davidiusfarrenius: Natt? 😄 [00:16:11] TopbitActual: So, we'll see you at the Bi convention? [00:16:11] Silvercaptin: NATTT [00:16:11] edahdd: BASED [00:16:11] venlamonster: KEKW [00:16:11] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Bi feels less surprising. But also E definitely unlocked bi for me too. [00:16:11] lilsagetree: cmon noooo [00:16:11] elion3li: nat????? [00:16:11] helunsebunse: U cool [00:16:11] Duuhdaah: HUH?!?!?!? [00:16:11] hazelgamess: KEKW [00:16:12] tubbs185: Natt [00:16:12] braddle172: BP dude [00:16:12] Cautare: KEKW [00:16:12] wyldcardsam: Wait bi for a while??? [00:16:12] alkibiadesmassacre: huh [00:16:12] Mnh188: Seth [00:16:12] Zendeus: I wish I could watch but I have to study 😭😭😭 [00:16:12] asanehumanbeing: 100% natt [00:16:12] iamkneetickler: WHAY [00:16:12] DJLomberg: hahahahaha [00:16:12] Komnia: LUL [00:16:13] VeeInAfrica: AYYY WELCOME TO THE CLUB FINN [00:16:13] pierbi: im a big dude [00:16:13] epicregisman: was it Schlatt? [00:16:13] walterwihteyo: hello [00:16:13] FancyTrashMan: Pog [00:16:13] fatslowman: you have gf and love men that weird [00:16:13] muddymudkip15: Lol [00:16:14] pianoismyforte_: KEKW [00:16:14] blushingblueslime: What? [00:16:14] Amoyamoyamoya: IT WAS TOTALLY NATT [00:16:14] durendal_69: Because we thought ur ace [00:16:15] greebowarrior: confirmed LUL [00:16:15] daemon2988: It's not surprising, but you said you weren't and I took you at your word. 😂 [00:16:15] Meowshhhh_: WHAT?! [00:16:15] keller4589: nattt [00:16:15] mystchevious1: Why didn't you kiss Natt? [00:16:15] lordgtafbi: damn [00:16:15] Ruglund6230: big W [00:16:15] misschvs: LUL [00:16:15] kateth: Soda? [00:16:15] uradoptedkid87: it was natt [00:16:15] reiisguts: NATT [00:16:16] anxyslender: ????? [00:16:16] Amoyamoyamoya: IT WAS TOTALLY NATT [00:16:16] filip_zd10: natt!! [00:16:16] sp00kykj: BAZED [00:16:16] galaxygamer0770: nat [00:16:16] meiketae: now that´s NEWS [00:16:16] voiceofthevoid999: Shlatt [00:16:16] Amoyamoyamoya: IT WAS TOTALLY NATT [00:16:16] jarenrex: f1nnEmbarrassed [00:16:16] blackdevils521: Natt [00:16:17] flambor2006: WHAT? [00:16:17] stlngds: wueh [00:16:17] td_advocate: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:16:17] finalmillenium: Totally wasn't someone you streamed with. [00:16:17] Nauticalcoffin: Let's go Natt [00:16:18] t0m1n4t0r: wait when? [00:16:18] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: YES NAT!!! XD [00:16:18] l0ve_yo0: no [00:16:18] Helen_Croft: Vlad [00:16:18] WashInTheWind: Soda [00:16:18] jeuses1996: Natt [00:16:19] monkeh80: cow [00:16:19] drinkingfishwater: Natt so lucky [00:16:19] Ashpot1995: 10 [00:16:19] GarlicGoblinn: NATT [00:16:19] luggash1: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:16:20] professional_tea_drinker_: @F1NN5TER it was Hasan Piker [00:16:20] hauntyourself: jschlatt [00:16:20] Bobbikatt: Soda [00:16:20] bdix727: Ten or Hitch [00:16:20] teatedostritch3: Soda [00:16:20] Scyi_: notch [00:16:20] beaneater197: Natt [00:16:21] 8G36: NATT?!? [00:16:21] macarous: DUDE WHAT [00:16:21] KAMlK0_: soda lol [00:16:21] rocker_26: shlatt [00:16:21] emmalou8383: J.P [00:16:21] ZerschnetzIer: mrbeast [00:16:21] princeuni: Schlatt? [00:16:21] chizzicle: It was JSchlatt [00:16:21] Freak_Moth: OMEGALUL PYRO [00:16:21] PanRojek: Soda? [00:16:21] xxjoyeusexx: Natt [00:16:21] roofrisbee: def jschlatt [00:16:22] MrPink0000: of course it was natt [00:16:22] XellosMetallum: Soda? [00:16:22] boom_and_alpha_yt: what [00:16:22] prostebuch: mrbeast [00:16:23] shelledbsh: Clearly Steve from Minecraft [00:16:23] Falqun: jschlatt [00:16:23] fxtal_08: vlad [00:16:23] demon_shaw: jadediviine [00:16:23] xd_atterna: NATT [00:16:23] nogare97: vlad Kappa [00:16:24] melkorgoth: Vlad [00:16:24] ItsToxicMasculinity: Hasan Piker [00:16:24] ImRightHearted: Mr Beast? [00:16:24] lishoward: when??? [00:16:24] hfzty: fitmc [00:16:25] gamertwtch: @pierbi what a lucky F1nn [00:16:25] LaCroix_Blows: Chris [00:16:25] EmpressCard: Jack Black [00:16:25] StanchSkate: Femboi? [00:16:25] DodenKing: Jschlatt [00:16:25] srsleepy24: I mean you literally went on a date with natt [00:16:25] FungiDI: HUHHHHHH [00:16:25] gaddafi_duck_: didn’t you come out as ace as well recently? You’re catching these like Pokémon [00:16:26] Nova9308: Hahaha 💜 [00:16:26] ScarsUnseen: you really are a whore hahaha [00:16:27] DaOPCreeper: right it wasnt natt, just like your not trans Kappa [00:16:27] SnabbKassa: that was a content date, not "dating" [00:16:27] jackcboiz: Ashley's dad [00:16:27] roanius1: soda [00:16:27] SidMaxwell10: EZ Clap good job nat [00:16:27] fei_bay: NATT!! [00:16:27] taeyukki: it wasn't unexpected, but less expected that you being on hrt [00:16:28] frailgift: Jschlatt [00:16:28] MayZ_DayZ: MrBeast [00:16:28] oerbadiaruby: Natt in chat rn screaming it should have been me xD [00:16:28] MaxVershhhtappen: stewwped ads [00:16:28] MairainePlayzGames: Tenmuses [00:16:28] twodipshits: vlad [00:16:28] WayneBoBrown: Sneaky?.. [00:16:28] helenaaaaaaauwu: I think it was obvoious since a thing you said a few streams ago [00:16:28] Frosty790: Schlatt? @F1NN5TER [00:16:28] Natsufur_XoX: It was me [00:16:28] realxelnoc: FitMC [00:16:28] rw03_bjw: Soda then [00:16:28] giant_tess: Poor natt, he had a chance [00:16:28] FRDRC_2192: It was sodacat! [00:16:28] femboy_crimes: Jesus [00:16:29] waltzing_dutchman: Your reflection in the mirror [00:16:29] BeanLightGames: Joe Biden [00:16:29] hazelgr33n: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:16:29] pierbi: my cat gorby? [00:16:29] me1ll0: ten [00:16:29] OutbackJax49: we still LOVE Finn [00:16:29] isabaellchen: oh seth you legend [00:16:29] QuietBard98: Ryan renolds [00:16:30] LindseyMonroe: f1nnBingbong [00:16:30] th3phoenix3968: Schlatt? [00:16:30] FreschiLive: I won a 5 Year old bet thx ez 200€ [00:16:30] loograt: HHe sate JSCHlatt ?!??! [00:16:30] FacelessSnow: all at the same time [00:16:31] rockdownthestreet: Happy 4 u glad to catch stream!!!! [00:16:31] Zjawyer: Natt finally has a chance [00:16:31] Beerenjude: the rock [00:16:31] distractedcreative: XQC [00:16:31] Kuttispielt: That's pretty gay# [00:16:31] Dezponia: Andrew Tate? [00:16:31] ItsJohannaWren: JSchlatt? [00:16:32] Taranis_EXE: ctvaOMEGALUL [00:16:32] jubjub221: it was me chat :) [00:16:32] hinga_dinga_dip5hit: seth KEKW [00:16:32] sirzazzelot: soda [00:16:32] 200c0: It was dream [00:16:33] daspideyguy: hey, hey you [00:16:33] atrainfast1: VLAD [00:16:33] watchfulcargo18: schlatt [00:16:33] emmerthevillain: ooh for sure Schlatt [00:16:34] pierbi: u dated gorby? [00:16:34] mushooom_: jschlatt [00:16:34] Rosasau100: HE goes to an other school [00:16:34] thesadfrog69: DUDE FINN I'M GENDER FUILD AS WELL AND WHEN I HEARD YOU ARE AS WELL I GOT SO EXCITED!!!!! GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:16:34] thatonesrt: Jshlatt [00:16:34] geekymini: lerp [00:16:34] irrelevantsafety: Vlad let's gooo [00:16:34] hobbitoverlord: JSlatt [00:16:34] softbonez: CLIPPED [00:16:34] camarada_emy: Or natt or cow [00:16:35] likelysum984492: Time to invade natts stream for proof [00:16:35] BobTMK190: Schlatt [00:16:35] undiscoveredoddity: It was Tom Cruise [00:16:35] lop025: SCHLATT [00:16:35] Kawai_Okami: Which femboy was it [00:16:35] StateAffiliatedMedia: OMEGALUL [00:16:35] the_real_derpysaurus: Its all good, regardless [00:16:36] CptPurpleHero: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:16:36] neondimples: Lol [00:16:36] PeccYz: LETS GO F1NN5TER PogBones [00:16:36] chronicinternetdisease: joe biden??? [00:16:36] tinkyxw1nky: Jschaltt [00:16:36] johnkeiwo: I KNEW IT !!! [00:16:36] GaiusGoose: Jschlatt [00:16:36] colliecell: elon musk [00:16:37] peatearrr: XD [00:16:37] dusniels9: Jschlatt [00:16:37] isthisapokeman: was it ten? [00:16:37] SoyBruv: HASAN [00:16:37] craither: Tank ?? [00:16:37] Clorissabelles: the very big news, bisexual finn!!! ❤️🏳️‍🌈 [00:16:37] Catamondium: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:16:38] cantstopthepun_: I can't believe it was seth everman, pyrocynical, vlad and natt at the same time [00:16:38] Lucass8: loool [00:16:38] Wagganator_: NATT [00:16:39] xLumieI: Ryan Gosling? [00:16:39] Amoyamoyamoya: I want to say that I took the "bi revelation" quite calmly... [00:16:39] bxml: OMEGALUL [00:16:39] aquaryee: hiiiiii just coming from the vid [00:16:39] juneguild: BASED [00:16:39] bunnyrosexx: LMFAOOO Hasanabiiii [00:16:39] dbsterling: xqcL [00:16:39] veldan500: Soviet? [00:16:40] EnolaReverof_: LUL [00:16:40] budddybudddy: jshlatt [00:16:40] beastboyz168: PowerUpL PowerUpR [00:16:40] davidiusfarrenius: You know we ship you with Natt! 😄 [00:16:40] AuntieHauntie: markiplier [00:16:40] mattwalewangko: Tate KEKW [00:16:40] asraxs: mr beast [00:16:40] astrid_autumn: snapchat news bout to go crazy [00:16:41] duacki: schlatt [00:16:41] AeitZean: those Vlad shots Kreygasm [00:16:41] Chronos101172: OMG I WAS GING TO SAY HASSAN [00:16:41] nuzlite: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:16:41] imaprsn: Jschlatt [00:16:41] quietpidgeon: LUL LUL LUL [00:16:41] TheeeChosenOne: I'm running out of E-boys to watch D: [00:16:42] d_heeezy: People saying Jschlatt omg [00:16:42] ElFuaLoco033: hasanaBI [00:16:42] bigsuave7: wouldn't be surprised [00:16:42] nemumonster: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO XQC [00:16:42] helunsebunse: Let the jokes come! [00:16:43] alexx_net: Ryan Reynolds [00:16:43] Michaelidk_: it was "the unknown" from the glasgow willy wonka experience Kappa [00:16:43] comet_theenby: comet_theenby subscribed at Tier 1. [00:16:44] f3mmbot: comet_theenby subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang comet_theenby f1nnLezgang [00:16:44] daymare___: What'd i miss?? [00:16:44] DarkestDawn64: Soda? [00:16:44] jake_testermam: You can't fool my gaydar. [00:16:44] Mr_Fluffy97: NATT gotta say Natt cause it's funny KEKW [00:16:44] Saitamaz94: THAT LUCKY DUDE [00:16:44] SleepyPac: KEKW [00:16:45] w4ndering_st4r: schlatt for sureee [00:16:45] welleatmoss: jschlatt [00:16:45] luna_doki: i cant believe you dated Scott the Woz [00:16:46] uradoptedkid87: there is proof it was natt [00:16:46] SeriousMental: so he is popular [00:16:47] SpicedNovaMaria: it was Ben Shapiro confirmed [00:16:47] daniel_hjort: carl from mrbeast? [00:16:47] AsteroidsTM: DID I MISS IT [00:16:47] HiddenMarty: Hasan a Bi [00:16:48] bluecap_bc: So is it now straight to be attracted to F1nn? [00:16:48] tacoslmg: ninja? [00:16:48] Ash1ey_49: Hasanabi fan?? [00:16:48] transterra29: Sodacat [00:16:49] DenKaShi: WHAT [00:16:49] TeraValia: i had a really good joke that got lost.... [00:16:49] abydon96: Tenmuses? [00:16:50] sp00kykj: IT WAS ME [00:16:50] Megarah0: tensmuses [00:16:50] princess_morningstar: it was obi wan kenobi [00:16:51] PH7SKULL: PH7SKULL subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months! I'm alive again. Missed you live the new dog and the new identity [00:16:51] f3mmbot: ph7skull subscribed to f1nn5ter for 21 months using Prime! PogU [00:16:51] Mnh188: Slime [00:16:51] f0xegg: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:16:51] parislaceup: i was NOT surprised [00:16:51] GarlicGoblinn: SHLATT [00:16:51] Grvpes: Was it the old friend you met at the store that one time? [00:16:51] IndustrialSprinkles823: Pedro Pascal? [00:16:52] JesseTheJester95: PrideRise PrideRise PrideRise PrideRise PrideRise [00:16:52] Mastoise: FPSRUSSIA [00:16:52] Donteatduckies: that gigachad Jude? [00:16:52] greypool_gaming: GenderFluidPride [00:16:53] soopergamer2000: I watched the video before coming here, congrats on coming out!! [00:16:53] Dedspaz79: hahaha obfuscation is hilarious [00:16:53] macarous: bro dated ryan gosling [00:16:53] Alkno_93: hello fin [00:16:53] caelamondorian: Spicycow [00:16:54] JaneIsGaming: Dwayne The Rock Johnson?????? [00:16:55] demon_shaw: Super proud of you finn for coming out! PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [00:16:56] ClassyRoboto: Happy holidays! [00:16:56] audr1en: id actually believe it to be schlagg [00:16:57] cedric_callnight: Do you still consider yourself part of the ace-spectrum? [00:16:57] burn_da_building: You give off bi GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:16:57] motojp99: It was Ben Shipiro wasnt it? [00:16:58] bullettornado122: whoa u dated soviet womble??? [00:16:58] BladeofKenneth: Good job CIA, intelligence agencies. THis is a win against the youth. I mean, hooray! [00:16:58] SavvyFaire: is that dude the actual gigachad dude [00:16:59] rocky1c4: rocky1c4 subscribed with Prime. [00:16:59] HardyOrange: You being ace is less surprising than you being bi [00:16:59] f3mmbot: rocky1c4 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang rocky1c4 f1nnLezgang [00:16:59] quarioquario: so many subs [00:16:59] NONAM3KILL3R: Hasan-a-bi [00:17:00] Dr1ftbosa: Cheer100 [00:17:01] AshleyTheAsteroid: im so used to your youtube channel titles being the most clickbait thing ever so i didnt even watch it [00:17:01] isabaellchen: hes off youtube anyway [00:17:01] p01chi: Kyle fpsRussia? [00:17:01] c__r__j: We're only surprised you came out as bi, not that you're bi! [00:17:01] Akemencha: It was the uber deiver [00:17:02] rocker_26: wilbur soot? [00:17:02] Zdycopter: LATEX WHEN ? [00:17:02] ScrapRodent: I’m genderfluid and bi so I was literally crying after watching the video😭 BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:17:03] MairainePlayzGames: it is obviously sugar daddy Tenmuses! [00:17:03] boom_and_alpha_yt: schlagg [00:17:04] rw03_bjw: Does are kina cool we get it [00:17:05] rybameinong: Coming out three times in a month is crazy [00:17:05] lop025: ben shapiro? [00:17:06] HypnoHooves: hope all seen the youtube video! [00:17:07] judgedame: are they a normie? [00:17:08] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:17:09] fei_bay: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:17:09] alaynerzz: Serj Tankian [00:17:09] mintmayo: hasRaid hasRaid hasRaid [00:17:10] karojhe: Did you sync up with Cow? [00:17:10] Black_Bird94: Welcome to the Enby Fam <3 [00:17:10] saint_r: since when?? [00:17:11] Hamcheesesan: How long [00:17:11] MatthewL: EVERYthing [00:17:11] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: HOW LONG U BEEN ON HRT [00:17:12] spinster444: top or bottom? [00:17:12] freeusegartenhoe: this is so lovely [00:17:13] Catamondium: streamer insanity [00:17:13] MrPink0000: redstone [00:17:13] mr_leggy_d_1st: Andrew Garfield? [00:17:13] kateth: How are you feeling [00:17:13] helunsebunse: All the jokes! [00:17:14] nuzlite: why are you so awesome [00:17:14] amsylum: red stone? [00:17:14] SnabbKassa: stop speculating and naming people who are way too old! [00:17:15] FreschiLive: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:17:15] FRDRC_2192: Well you kept saying you were straight, so... [00:17:15] Meowshhhh_: I’m also gender fluid and Bi xD [00:17:16] thatonesrt: Bottom? [00:17:16] daspideyguy: this is like the plot to Oppenheimer [00:17:16] theeelfy: Honestly you helped so of us come to terms with ourselves and it is awsome to see you come to a point you contributed so many of us to come love you f1nnPet [00:17:16] skoralta: Boobs? [00:17:16] ScarsUnseen: talk about whatever YOU'RE comfortable with [00:17:17] softbonez: how big is seth? [00:17:17] edahdd: @spinster444 bruh [00:17:17] celthiccness: hasL thanks for dating our himbo [00:17:17] SolsticeRL_: how long ahve u been hrt? [00:17:17] njbh86: Did this come out of therapy? [00:17:17] colliecell: hghghghgb [00:17:18] badcaseofserpes: Cheer100 So happy for you [00:17:18] jstjamie: Minecraft server @F1NN5TER [00:17:18] Saitamaz94: Plot twist: He dated Adin Ross and broke his heart that's why Adin fears Trans lmao [00:17:18] gabe2126: RootBeer [00:17:18] AlmondVF: Everything lol [00:17:18] CapsulatePluto: how long have u been on hrt? [00:17:18] general_of_cm: why r u geh [00:17:19] Alia_A: Are you happy? [00:17:19] cantstopthepun_: Favorite food? [00:17:19] mrlilsquare123: how big is it [00:17:19] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: But did you date @SodaPoppin? XD XD <3 <3 <3 [00:17:20] angygenz: funniest joke? [00:17:20] salpo_nolobio: HUGE W [00:17:20] c__r__j: When did you start HRT, then? [00:17:20] DatChickenBro1: Of? XD [00:17:20] xd_atterna: MARKIPLIER?!?!?!! [00:17:20] luna_doki: SCOTT THE WOZ??? [00:17:20] distractedcreative: Did you tell cow? [00:17:21] EmpressCard: What's your fav colour? [00:17:21] NotTheWoz: what cracked the egg finally? [00:17:21] MariaCatpaw: Are you going to twitchcon? [00:17:21] IAmSarahcat: none of us are normal tho [00:17:21] kirathepan: Hbomberguy [00:17:21] MomochiZoey: Favourite change of HRT? [00:17:21] OcelotYT: How does the gel work? I only do injections [00:17:21] ArminGux: didn’t you say you were asexual? [00:17:22] silentkay1: Name, pronouns, etc (assuming you care) [00:17:22] occupiedsplash: redstone [00:17:23] peatearrr: YOU LIKE PP [00:17:23] Swoleprole: Redstone? [00:17:23] peepod11: Hey one question I can't find us Ashley what are most recent video can't believe you taking HRT now [00:17:23] spider3327: how long have you been on hrt? [00:17:23] RobbieLeeFYI: have you told CottonTail? [00:17:23] ameliabedelia7: Batman or Robin [00:17:23] nope_not_doing_that: When did you realice you are bi? [00:17:23] MegaMiley: What changes have you felt because of the HRT now? [00:17:23] zephyr_alba: When did you start? [00:17:24] beanyberry: GOOD FOR YOU FINN 👍 DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:17:24] KaitlotusLive: do you still go by your name? [00:17:24] BeepTheMeep60: Unlimited bacon but no more video games or games, UNLIMITED GAMES, but no games? [00:17:24] RicXD15: PWEASE SAY HOW LONG [00:17:24] skaarlaw: when are u gonna write a book [00:17:24] sadisticsailor: are you excited to grow booboezzz [00:17:24] eternaldawn15: Do you have a bi/genderfluid flag yet? [00:17:25] FancyYoshi: top bottom or middle [00:17:25] astronos_: no surprise [00:17:25] im_up_to_something: Too much to talk about [00:17:25] jackcboiz: Bottom [00:17:25] HermitShoe: why do you think beans on toast is tasty? [00:17:26] keller4589: yes very surprised [00:17:26] zeenobobo: what's the reveal [00:17:26] Ladybugwa: u said ur ace right? [00:17:26] the_Icelander: "normal" [00:17:26] LindseyMonroe: Switch? [00:17:26] vqMara: you've lived so long to defy the pipeline, only to go back into the pipeline again KEKW [00:17:26] Lucridis: Your name appearing on pewdiepie's reddit was more shocking than this lol [00:17:27] TwinbeeMk2: @F1NN5TER Tell us whatever you want to talk about. I know you have things :P [00:17:27] blobtoad: can you explain what exactly hrt is? [00:17:27] Cpu101: when did u figure it out?? [00:17:27] alexandra0526: How is your booba growth?? [00:17:27] AsukaRae12: NHS? [00:17:27] greebowarrior: @Meowshhhh_ gang gang! [00:17:27] rainofthestorm: so does this make you a genderfluid he/him bi lesbian now? [00:17:27] Stevethegrate: how did you figure out you where bi? my awakening was so random [00:17:28] scorpx11: how did you find out you were bi? [00:17:28] uradoptedkid87: what was natts reaction? [00:17:28] marsrover001: How do I invert a Redstone signal? [00:17:28] Darkness4desert: The boy from the stor [00:17:28] Kawai_Okami: Schlott so they could get a gamer cup [00:17:28] xero93: how long hrt [00:17:29] StanchSkate: So was vaush, right about you lol [00:17:29] zenoda2: What did your sister say when you told her? [00:17:29] Alyara_V: Even though not being cis/straight is not that big a deal I think, congrats on the coming out anyway! Sending tons of hugs and support BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:17:29] dancinooget8: how is it like taking HRT [00:17:29] loganwontshutup: you ever been to mars??? [00:17:29] Ashvins: did you talk about hormone therapy yet? just came in :) [00:17:30] NONAM3KILL3R: hasRaid hasRaid hasRaid [00:17:30] MagickMuse: when did you discover you were bi? [00:17:30] TruffleFry: do you still prefer he/him? [00:17:30] MsCylon: Favorite change of hrt? [00:17:30] david375u: how long have you known you are bi? [00:17:30] HardyOrange: When did you start the hrt?? [00:17:30] Demacherius: how big was it? [00:17:31] TheQWasTaken: Does this mean that you will actually practice the girlvoice? [00:17:31] DreadLocke_: Have you noticed any changes since you started HRT? [00:17:31] zodiaccobalt: How long ago did you start hrt? [00:17:31] Lexten_: what’s been your biggest change so far? [00:17:31] loograt: What's your favorite football team? [00:17:31] JLad147_: CONGRATS ojtvCLAP [00:17:32] Cautare: Do you want Big boobs or small boobs??? [00:17:32] SlimeBoiStudio: How long you know your Bi? [00:17:32] vNTCv: how long did you know for sure before today? [00:17:32] now_chemical: when did you start hrt? [00:17:33] Pilllow51: Soooooo any changes body wise ?? [00:17:33] FlowersOfLight: how many spectrums r u on cus i count 4 [00:17:34] AeitZean: how do you feel about Ashley eating meat? LUL [00:17:34] rw03_bjw: So the bottom jokes 🤔 [00:17:35] theejoey: how did you come to question your sexuality? [00:17:35] kieraisverybored: booba yet? [00:17:35] jakeeeeyyyy: Was the first time going on a date with a guy scary? [00:17:35] ZerschnetzIer: since when did you know you are bi? [00:17:35] MidnightBurnn: how long have you been on her? [00:17:36] jacebloodrose: TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:17:36] tylerunknown: Was there a singular moment where you decided you were bi? [00:17:36] Juliya_999: he looks so happyyy [00:17:36] cozzman_: Do you feel a weight lifted off your shoulders? [00:17:36] juneguild: Polyamorous? [00:17:37] Speederzzz: How do you feel abojut people that speculated about being on HRT [00:17:37] bry_2k: Talk about what? [00:17:37] CYB3R_T3RROR: F1NN SCARES ME lol [00:17:37] gawrcoffee: Care to explain HRT to people who don't understand how significant it is [00:17:37] kirauriel: do you plan on buying a binder? [00:17:37] TeraValia: Bi + Ace = Bace'd [00:17:37] TylerRDavis: you gonna take the money to get a bob job now? [00:17:37] Kaputtnix: i got scammed $3 now peepoSad [00:17:39] RevanGarcia: blue or red?!?!?!? [00:17:39] ManOnTheNet: when did you first noticed you like men too? [00:17:39] drowsyhuairen: I’m so proud of you BibleThump [00:17:39] Megarah0: Boobs? [00:17:40] DodenKing: How will this affect the minecraft streams? [00:17:40] CrosstownAce_: patches or tablets [00:17:41] CoffeeComic64: You have some W mods Finn [00:17:41] imaprsn: FAVORITE COLOR!? [00:17:41] billyyyn: Bi and Ace? Pretty based if you ask me [00:17:41] welleatmoss: who tf said top or bottom [00:17:41] koil05: do you feel relieved? [00:17:42] VeeInAfrica: have you read detransition, baby! yet [00:17:42] RaiderDeck: Where is your mums accent from?] [00:17:42] roanius1: so your bi? that means I have a chance right? [00:17:42] MrFreddy312: did you have cons and if yes what were they? [00:17:42] thesadfrog69: how do you feel with this whole thingy?? [00:17:42] davidiusfarrenius: Do you feel relieved now Finn? [00:17:42] trisha_yay: when was the moment when u found out. for alot of people it was in the shower lol [00:17:42] cheff_cook: Why no Ashley today? [00:17:42] Diamond_K_159: pronouns? [00:17:42] unovaismyregion: when did you realize you liked guys? [00:17:42] awakened_dreamer: does "any pronouns" also mean it/its? [00:17:43] king_kirby2659: Ur my favorite streamer ty for making me feel safe and respected [00:17:43] bdix727: B00bs [00:17:43] alkibiadesmassacre: How many slip ups scared the shit out of you? [00:17:43] uchizombi: how did ashley react when you told her you wanted to start HRT? [00:17:43] 13TAC0S: Is that why all the baggy clothes to side stuff [00:17:43] r4wbean: is fortnite an actually good game? [00:17:43] independent_observer: Apology to Vaush when? [00:17:44] kat_the_khajiit: Last stream was so weird lmao [00:17:44] FatherThyme: does it feel like there's weight lifted off your shoulders now [00:17:45] Environmela: Was your gender awakening or bi awakening first? [00:17:45] kamencollector: Cheer100 Any question? What's your favorite lego character [00:17:46] skyisblue2005: best part of hrt? also so happy for you!!!!!!! [00:17:46] Mr_Fluffy97: How long ago did you know??? [00:17:46] c__r__j: Yep! [00:17:46] subpar_wizard: Fav flavour of ice cream? [00:17:46] pianoismyforte_: How long on HRT and pills? [00:17:47] boom_and_alpha_yt: question time live [00:17:47] BladeofKenneth: At least you're not going to contribute any genes to the genepool. So there's that [00:17:47] nemumonster: can i cry @ u please for being so relatble n just only getting more n more relatable Q_Q [00:17:48] Ben104072_: Have you seen effects of HRT? [00:17:48] Mathilda1211: How was the process of getting the hrt @F1NN5TER [00:17:48] braddle172: Booba [00:17:48] thimble369: I'm losing my shit [00:17:48] nitzkit8: someone contact Tweewy for questions [00:17:50] atrainfast1: When did you start liking Boys? BisexualPride [00:17:50] Briticus: fimt happy, make me happy, we happie champed [00:17:50] White515: did icky have influence on you taking hrt? [00:17:51] OutbackJax49: 🫶 [00:17:51] YumeNoZen: How many times have they hurt? [00:17:51] BLAAAIRY: question uhhmmm, Why are u so based? [00:17:51] babydinoshark: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:17:52] Akemencha: Omg so many ppl here 😭 [00:17:52] alexxxgrace: what are your pronouns [00:17:52] greatattentionspa: What changes have you noticed? [00:17:52] ATCLoki: Glad that you can get it off your mind. [00:17:52] DarrigoTR: Ashley jealous? [00:17:52] professorpussicat: I want to talk about emotional changes on HRT. [00:17:53] fxtal_08: u owe me you made me bi [00:17:53] Barbar7575: when exactly did you start hrt? [00:17:53] ninjakitten_: WOAH [00:17:53] Bartiono: AYO [00:17:53] AoNoAsgard: BOOBAAA [00:17:54] StateAffiliatedMedia: pog [00:17:54] princessmihai: I've got my buds [00:17:54] Derpsterette: OOOO [00:17:54] theia649: Pog [00:17:54] AphiaDeMieux: WOOO!!! [00:17:54] jade_switch: maaaan I have been struggling so much trying to keep up with your makeup skill and you’ve been doping 😫😫😫 congrats tho <3 [00:17:54] Eromaw: BOOBA [00:17:54] spottytheturtle: :D [00:17:55] MegaMiley: WOOO BOOBA :D [00:17:55] Kethprr: Cheer100 the most serious question we should all ask. Are you happy? we love you and support you as long as your happy [00:17:55] experiencepoints: I completely get it TransgenderPride It's kinda mind-consuming [00:17:55] Lenski99: Lenski99 subscribed with Prime. [00:17:55] sheldonq1: nice [00:17:55] jamexito: how do you feel about they them pronouns? [00:17:55] astrid_autumn: how did you feel the first time you took hrt? like emotion wise? [00:17:55] f3mmbot: lenski99 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang lenski99 f1nnLezgang [00:17:56] cedric_callnight: still identify as a bottom? [00:17:56] caelamondorian: Chat is completely insane [00:17:56] neuroiscute: WOAHH [00:17:56] gamerman356: YOOOOOOO [00:17:56] contour_19: How long on HRT? [00:17:56] filip_zd10: POG [00:17:56] Spaghetto_Depressi: POG [00:17:56] PrestinoLive: Oh?? [00:17:56] Xphome: Pog [00:17:56] saint_r: HUH [00:17:56] sp00kykj: will you ever get any surgeries or only hrt [00:17:56] rocko89222: POG [00:17:56] ChasingGamey: Daw [00:17:56] Ascara89: Can we still call you a manly man? [00:17:57] cyphoenic_: WOAH woooo [00:17:57] jackcboiz: More boba than me [00:17:57] Amoyamoyamoya: BIG FUCKING HOOTERS [00:17:57] phoebe_rc: Budding [00:17:57] Hamcheesesan: pog [00:17:57] Catamondium: booba [00:17:57] undiscoveredoddity: lets gooo [00:17:57] drinkingfishwater: Is this the biggest stream you had in a while [00:17:57] godsbeenswinging_: POGGIES [00:17:57] FreschiLive: How much of an Influence was Ashly on that? [00:17:57] Amoyamoyamoya: BIG FUCKING HOOTERS [00:17:58] nsprwolfz: AWOOGA [00:17:58] Aren711: How did Ashley react? [00:17:58] asmejg: asmejg subscribed at Tier 1. [00:17:58] c__r__j: We'd noticed booba, @F1NN5TER ! [00:17:58] occupiedsplash: TELL US ABOUT REDSTONE PLS [00:17:58] f3mmbot: asmejg subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang asmejg f1nnLezgang [00:17:58] Stevethegrate: BOOBA AJSDFJKASDF [00:17:58] Amoyamoyamoya: BIG FUCKING HOOTERS [00:17:58] fallenyar: it takes a while [00:17:58] hiluuu: BOOBA [00:17:58] Bleats_Sinodai: I KNEW it [00:17:58] dragonc4t: what pronouns we using? [00:17:59] macarous: POG [00:17:59] envysaysbonk: WOOO [00:17:59] morak2342: You just look so happy to be talking about it all [00:17:59] Helen_Croft: you get HRT from gender clinic? or something @F1NN5TER [00:17:59] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: How's the freedom to talk about it feel? I hope it's as amazing for you as it was for me. [00:17:59] Buttshipper22: BOOBA [00:17:59] greypool_gaming: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:17:59] BlankDomino: wooooooo [00:17:59] peatearrr: BOBBA [00:18:00] XENOMAN5: When did you know each one? [00:18:00] IndustrialSprinkles823: Booba...big or small [00:18:00] kirathepan: Booba! [00:18:00] yawningyeti512: what will you have to wear [00:18:00] buffyswagg: where do you source thbe hrt?> [00:18:00] cheesusyourlord: BOOBA [00:18:00] marty_poisonwood: When did HRT start ? [00:18:00] DatChickenBro1: BOOBA?!! [00:18:00] s_m_i_r: BOOBA BOOBA [00:18:00] crowblax: who was your first male crush [00:18:01] skoralta: Woo! Best part of TransgenderPride [00:18:01] Silvercaptin: WOOOO [00:18:01] rsm_100r: BOOBA LETSGOOOOOO [00:18:01] ciernaruza: BOOBA [00:18:01] kylefrog14: Pog [00:18:01] MikeWillStream: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp BOOBA [00:18:02] hazelgamess: BOOBA POGGERS [00:18:02] Cautare: Wait when did you start?" [00:18:02] f0xegg: Pog [00:18:02] rybameinong: Yooo [00:18:02] walterwihteyo: oobabo [00:18:03] Morii_Senpai: canal yet? [00:18:03] alaynerzz: ALREADY?? [00:18:03] muddymudkip15: Nice [00:18:03] helenaaaaaaauwu: How long are you on HRT now what did you notice so far? [00:18:04] im_up_to_something: Itty-bitty booba [00:18:04] MajesticFvckingEagle: YOOOoo [00:18:04] ForksAreFree: Both myself and my girlfriend are so happy that you're being true to yourself! [00:18:04] IAmSarahcat: WEIRD BOOBA LETS GO [00:18:04] rainofthestorm: GOD THAT'S A MOOD, the always having it be on the brain in early days :/ [00:18:04] TheZareth: streams have been kinda sus since NYE tbh [00:18:04] keller4589: booba [00:18:04] cerysnomi: takes few months for booba [00:18:04] dancinooget8: BOY BOOBA [00:18:04] twopiesforeyes: SPILL IT BABE [00:18:04] blusau: HRT, How long? [00:18:04] hinga_dinga_dip5hit: nice [00:18:05] ekat2468: How did you get on? I know it can be difficult in the UK [00:18:05] DenKaShi: BOOBIES GANG [00:18:06] GarlicGoblinn: as someone who has no idea about their gender and is kinda just like “meh i kinda just exist” it’s cool to see u say the same sorta stuff [00:18:06] MayZ_DayZ: Congrats to you and TomSka <3 /j [00:18:06] N0xAtra: PogChamp [00:18:07] MotionlessGrins: MotionlessGrins subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! Yippee [00:18:07] wee_chip: congratulations! Are you feeling more "at ease" or comfortable having made these steps? [00:18:07] f3mmbot: motionlessgrins subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:18:07] iamkneetickler: BOOBA [00:18:08] deathbyf1re: nice [00:18:09] general_of_cm: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [00:18:09] aqueertheory: Is it just me who just assumed you were Bi? Thought that was obvious [00:18:10] MsSpelled_MT: Tannor 2 lets gooooo! [00:18:10] racc00n_samurai: yippee booba [00:18:11] Hiksa_: did your balls shrink? @F1NN5TER [00:18:11] ymixzeno: Congrats on coming out! <3 [00:18:11] quietpidgeon: well I for one am proud of you Finn! I know it’s sort of a weird time to come out it’s somehow easier and yet more dangerous to do so depending on where you are. big love NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride [00:18:11] jstjamie: YESSS [00:18:11] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: BOBA WHEN XD XD XD [00:18:11] softbonez: wheres the line between not being able to show nipples on stream anymore [00:18:12] beaneater197: Woo [00:18:12] gawrcoffee: BOOBA REVEAL [00:18:12] Komnia: it was easy???????? [00:18:12] Matamir: BOOBA [00:18:12] scarlettyg: KEKW [00:18:12] Nullikle6000: how useuful was ashley and other trans people you know in figuring yourself out ? [00:18:13] ScrapRodent: BOOBA karlswFiendmad karlswFiendmad karlswFiendmad [00:18:13] CoffeeComic64: capnfPEEPERS capnfPEEPERS capnfPEEPERS capnfPEEPERS [00:18:13] nodegen: Are you still comfortable doing battlepass? [00:18:13] gaddafi_duck_: like growing wings? [00:18:13] Mondongod: LMAO [00:18:13] SavvyFaire: DIES [00:18:14] ameliabedelia7: Fr what superhero would you be [00:18:14] greebowarrior: KEKW [00:18:14] salpo_nolobio: PogU [00:18:14] juneguild: TOS LOL [00:18:14] obscuredisc3101: 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ [00:18:14] SeriousMental: so thats why you always hide nipples on the battlepass [00:18:14] Freak_Moth: D: [00:18:14] mimmm: KEKW [00:18:15] dauntless2607: LUL LUL [00:18:15] WayneBoBrown: what made you decide to go for hrt? [00:18:15] laurelin95: BOOBA IS LIFE [00:18:15] distractedcreative: For free???? [00:18:15] Nilinn31: how long have you be on HRT for? [00:18:15] 8G36: OH MY GOD [00:18:15] tacoslmg: WAIT THATS THW NEWS?!?!!!! [00:18:15] NelordUK: AYO [00:18:16] captainjackcat777: BOOBA [00:18:16] Mario11041: KEKW [00:18:16] boom_and_alpha_yt: wooo [00:18:17] Ethos_23: LMAO [00:18:17] karojhe: Not normal question, but bad mental health in autumn HRT related? <3 [00:18:17] Swoleprole: Banned. [00:18:17] jackalias: Congrats on coming out! [00:18:17] johnkeiwo: fucvking gremlin KEKW [00:18:17] HiddenMarty: annMonka TOS [00:18:17] ScarsUnseen: are you lactating? lollll [00:18:17] neondimples: Hahahaha [00:18:17] DegenerateDaycare: you Muppet [00:18:17] untruemike: Show muscles now. [00:18:17] baslak01: EZ [00:18:18] Speederzzz: BOOBA [00:18:18] RykerSune: AINTNOWAY KEKW [00:18:18] Kullax: How long have ya been on HRT? [00:18:18] Emoney129: saw Booba months ago [00:18:19] thecosmerian: what guy cracked your sexuality? [00:18:19] d_heeezy: BOOB???????? [00:18:19] aymungoos: @f1nn5ter Whats your type when it comes to dudebros? Henry cavil or twink [00:18:19] TeraValia: Imagine how pissed Ashley would get if you ended up with bigger bobs than her??? [00:18:20] the_oracie: for FREEEE?! [00:18:20] Mnh188: twitch knew when banned [00:18:20] koil05: booba badonka donka [00:18:20] Kenmas_Videogame_: KEKW [00:18:20] ZerschnetzIer: ban speedrun [00:18:21] OmsX8O: squchaBooba [00:18:21] mebeperson: Viewer count spike says everything. [00:18:21] pinbel1: FOR FREE [00:18:22] samithmhak: So wait.. was twitch correct with their ban xD? [00:18:22] vinsanity642: do you feel better about it after "coming out?" [00:18:22] Gofawu: shuden2ZOINFILE shuden2ZOINFILE shuden2ZOINFILE [00:18:22] dinoapple454: lol [00:18:22] me1ll0: waittt booba means it's easier to get banned now lmao [00:18:23] thebreadisonthefloor: AYO [00:18:23] NeedleworkLounge: That's why the battlepass has hands covered!! [00:18:23] independent_observer: *User Banned* [00:18:23] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:18:23] the_real_derpysaurus: Congrats on finally coming out though TransgenderPride [00:18:23] Nova9308: Hahaha 💜 [00:18:24] rocker_26: Any side effects? [00:18:24] SleepyPac: nah sis make em pay $$$ [00:18:24] StateAffiliatedMedia: officially female presenting nipples [00:18:24] wlofs: ALL things. [00:18:25] Stovamor: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [00:18:25] srsleepy24: chat is 10x more down bad rn [00:18:25] Nambo_Rose: Happi finn [00:18:25] ImRightHearted: Sunday?? [00:18:25] princessmihai: So exciting [00:18:25] LaurenArtful: How long you been on HRT for? [00:18:25] TrissByTor: Pog [00:18:25] professorpussicat: Is it easier to cry now? [00:18:25] kat_the_khajiit: AUTISM [00:18:25] cedric_callnight: Ayo???? [00:18:25] MisaelCapria: PAY THE OF if you wanna see [00:18:26] HardyOrange: F1nn banned again for booba, this time real tho [00:18:26] ItsJohannaWren: I remember when my breasts started to grow, I was so happy and it was so uncomfortable. Like damn, so sensitive. [00:18:26] braddle172: KEKW [00:18:26] judgedame: and banned [00:18:26] Amoyamoyamoya: PP? [00:18:26] cantstopthepun_: youre fucking everything? [00:18:26] theejoey: a new era, let's goooo [00:18:26] DaOPCreeper: what kind of hrt, pills, injections, etc? [00:18:26] filip_zd10: KEKW BOOBA [00:18:27] GaiusGoose: that one twitter guy is gonna be so excited about the booba [00:18:27] Kaymon81: you have way to much fun with this ^^ [00:18:27] randopersonn_: HELLO?????? [00:18:27] Xanoblade2: HUH [00:18:27] ArminGux: asexual? [00:18:28] eated_it_all: he’s so happy [00:18:28] Maddrius: TOS for real this time [00:18:29] uradoptedkid87: What was natts reaction like? [00:18:29] undiscoveredoddity: Would you have advice for chest pains on hrt? [00:18:29] ClassyRoboto: Im gonna get boobs one day [00:18:29] SonyaWaifu3: Wholesome parents at end of vid, PrideCute [00:18:29] MichaelYuzhe: BOOBAAAA [00:18:29] abydon96: 😂😂😂 [00:18:30] YumeNoZen: I guess it wasn't just posing. [00:18:30] paul360hd: Hey Finn, I've been considering the same thing you're doing for a few months now. The only con I feel like is fertility, how do you feel about that? [00:18:30] drinkingfishwater: How is twitch gonna respond to some of your streams [00:18:30] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:18:30] wrydfell: the twitch ban was pre-emptive lol [00:18:31] AeitZean: explains how the smol bra worked so well HypeLUL HypeLUL HypeLUL [00:18:32] lukastmnt: hell yeah :D show it [00:18:33] Popdylop: he's so genuinely happy and it's amazing [00:18:33] QwandriXCI: so are you gonna do voice training forreal now [00:18:33] Onix_RPJ: Your boobs are gonna become illegal [00:18:34] monkeh80: it’s like Hyde [00:18:34] Mwthenri: 😂😂😂 [00:18:35] Dezponia: ziphBOOBA [00:18:35] nikikoln: I'm so happy that you're so happy [00:18:35] johnkeiwo: yeah no shit [00:18:35] Duuhdaah: Are they still male presenting nibbles, though?!?! [00:18:36] Mr_Fluffy97: First Autism now this!! KEKW [00:18:36] fatslowman: fatslowman is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 181 in the channel! [00:18:36] sophiebliek911: Finn now you can add the white bands on your microphone [00:18:36] f3mmbot: fatslowman has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [00:18:37] qrthulhu: So excited [00:18:37] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to Natalie_Renee! [00:18:37] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jixson! [00:18:37] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to minitruck4lyfe! [00:18:37] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to cramer17! [00:18:37] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to the5lostsoles! [00:18:37] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to spectatorbobble! [00:18:37] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to josephnv99! [00:18:37] PlushGirlSteph: Are you OK with possible peen shrinkage? [00:18:38] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to JadeLyra! [00:18:38] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nanovad_! [00:18:38] reiisguts: GenderFluidPride f1nnPet [00:18:38] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to tacoslmg! [00:18:39] miks320: Hey [00:18:39] fromthef1nn5ide: You wanna see them? Get the battlepass. [00:18:39] pog_frogyyy: slay [00:18:39] Lucass8: aaaaaa [00:18:40] levitating_ace: booba review [00:18:40] ni_ni13: i waited like 2 years for hrt [00:18:40] MegaMiley: Oh damn! [00:18:40] actualmooncore: i dont think ive ever seen you so visibly happy [00:18:40] WillowSiva: It's so cute how bloody excited they are f1nnHeart [00:18:41] bearpaw1970: All love 😘 so amazing and I feel so much love for allowing us to go along with you on this journey. [00:18:41] decilored: doro44Kek [00:18:41] Derpsterette: KEKW [00:18:41] cyphoenic_: omg lmao [00:18:42] soopergamer2000: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:18:42] daymare___: OHHHHH [00:18:43] shwapineer: shwapineer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [00:18:43] Alyara_V: How's the emotions? It was an intense first 2 months for me. [00:18:43] f3mmbot: shwapineer subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months using Prime! PogU [00:18:43] PickyPaige: I fucking knew it! [00:18:44] PeachTeaDrinker: damn [00:18:44] jackcboiz: Dang [00:18:44] fxtal_08: u made me bi i need compensation lol [00:18:44] Prandah: Prandah subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! the really important big question, tank stream? [00:18:44] pretzelbea: KEKW [00:18:44] f3mmbot: prandah subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months using Prime! PogU [00:18:45] atrainfast1: 👁️👁️ [00:18:45] bigsuave7: Heck yeah [00:18:45] jacebloodrose: Like a cute little puppy With a new toy [00:18:46] CarnagexElite: congrats finn, super happy for you [00:18:46] chonkthestreamer08: oh damn [00:18:46] Bleats_Sinodai: buffpupBinoculars buffpupBinoculars buffpupBinoculars buffpupBinoculars buffpupBinoculars buffpupBinoculars buffpupBinoculars [00:18:47] hazelgr33n: THE HYPE TRAIN NOOOO [00:18:47] lordgtafbi: LUL [00:18:47] writhinglekku: happy hatching GenderFluidPride [00:18:47] greypool_gaming: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:18:47] rockdownthestreet: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:18:47] NelordUK: Coming out high :p [00:18:48] karojhe: Finally truly female presenting boobs! [00:18:49] spottytheturtle: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:18:49] eFlyman: eFlyman subscribed with Prime. [00:18:49] f3mmbot: eflyman subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang eflyman f1nnLezgang [00:18:50] blusau: I've noticed that you've been guarding your chest [00:18:50] sp00kykj: KNEW IT [00:18:50] fei_bay: are you still comfortable with the term femboy being used for you? [00:18:50] officalchionkinnie: when did it go from a bit to like real. in other words- when did you find out? [00:18:51] epicregisman: Does that mean that the Twitch ban was justified? [00:18:51] octminer: was your "female presenting chest" ban before or after hrt? KEKW [00:18:51] IndustrialSprinkles823: NOW WE KNOW WHY YOU COVER [00:18:51] zany1244: i love watching you be soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited [00:18:52] Tordenbob: What was on your cons list? [00:18:52] LindseyMonroe: SPILL IT ALL! [00:18:52] ciceroappiah: Are you still a femboy? [00:18:52] passerby616: hi [00:18:52] deerdreams: Tragic: Twitch can now officially ban him for touching his own boobs for real 😔 [00:18:52] kirathepan: I think I noticed a change in shape up there [00:18:52] ViperNat20: How the fuck is this a unique stream chat when ive literally seen 40 messages seeing booba and I ask what did I miss and its not unique enough? [00:18:52] scorpx11: opens up own hrt clinic to get free estrogen ez [00:18:52] thesadfrog69: it count as male boobas [00:18:52] whagtayil: <3 [00:18:53] alexandra0526: How are you doing with the Roller coaster of emotions that come with HRT??? [00:18:53] DarkestDawn64: Do you think the battle pass accelerated things? [00:18:53] crowblax: pp nerf [00:18:54] KAMlK0_: growing boobs hurts [00:18:54] frailgift: Type in partner (physically or emotionally/mentally) [00:18:54] MrChromeCRZ: MrChromeCRZ subscribed at Tier 1. [00:18:54] contour_19: That cake betrayed the secret [00:18:54] f3mmbot: mrchromecrz subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang mrchromecrz f1nnLezgang [00:18:54] aymungoos: can we she/them tiddies? [00:18:55] IZeroOneI: I love how excited you are to be able to talk about it :D [00:18:55] End3rpappy: I'm so glad I'm here for this. I don't usually get to watch your streams 💜 [00:18:55] Helen_Croft: We did notice on the BP @F1NN5TER [00:18:55] SwitchLeafe: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:18:56] experiencepoints: BRUH I WAS SHOWING PEOPLE MY TITS for like the first year of HRT because I was so proud of them TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:18:57] mystchevious1: He's soo happy. <3 <3 <3 [00:18:57] cedric_callnight: BOOBA on the battlepass??? [00:18:57] ekat2468: the real question is how much booba until it becomes TOS [00:18:58] blue_penguin94: first stream!! [00:18:58] Life_Glug: HahaBall [00:18:58] gawrcoffee: Spill the tea sisss [00:18:58] daemon2988: Did you put out that video today to distract from the other reveal coming? 😂 [00:18:58] jackalsclaw: HRT a buisness expense? [00:18:58] shwapineer: congrats [00:18:58] joeycomixthesquid: Congratulations F1nn [00:18:59] shelledbsh: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:18:59] angygenz: suit jackets will look so gender now [00:18:59] avgwenpen: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:19:00] ZerschnetzIer: for how long have you known you are bi? [00:19:00] koil05: Ur gonna get banned on twitch soon bc of booba [00:19:00] quarioquario: cool [00:19:00] SmoliveBranch: hello! Congratulations 🥰 [00:19:00] smallf234: is the intro still gonna be sup fellas/boys or [00:19:01] helenaaaaaaauwu: Talk about everything! [00:19:01] Mooncats13_: real booba? (I'm literally on HRT as well) [00:19:02] davidiusfarrenius: Well timed sub gift! 😄 [00:19:02] muffinman1244: Will you get in trouble with Twitch for no longer having male presenting boobs? Like regarding the twitch ban? [00:19:02] njbh86: njbh86 subscribed with Prime. [00:19:02] f3mmbot: njbh86 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang njbh86 f1nnLezgang [00:19:03] avacell87: busybRainbowHeart Let's go @f1nn5ter busybRainbowHeart [00:19:03] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: *NO BALLS* LITERALLY <3 <3 XD XD [00:19:03] rw03_bjw: You devious little shit [00:19:04] antonyjc1: so how long on hrt? [00:19:04] fatslowman: cool [00:19:04] JorWat: How much else have you been keeping from us? [00:19:04] dialecticalboy: Female-Presenting Nipples [00:19:04] ArminGux: yeah we have seen u pre hrt with a shirt off [00:19:05] FatherThyme: what? [00:19:05] TheRealEpicSquid: LETS FUCKING GOO [00:19:05] John_Blaze03575: pp nerfed [00:19:05] TwinbeeMk2: @F1NN5TER So happy for you sweety [00:19:06] jacmol7: LUL [00:19:06] batchelli: Not surprised at all tbh [00:19:06] Diamond_K_159: prefered pronouns now then??? [00:19:06] LightMage670: 1 year long stream at this rate [00:19:06] ameliabedelia7: What superhero would you be [00:19:07] lurker_ger: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:19:07] give_me_my_name_back: when did u tell ur parents [00:19:07] XENOMAN5: Happy Hatching Day you cute chick!! [00:19:07] theeelfy: Man i really want this school year to be over and enter the uni exam and get my boobas chopped lol [00:19:07] zephyr_alba: How long ago did you start? [00:19:07] Helen_Croft: not anymore [00:19:07] watchfulcargo18: did natt know [00:19:08] ozzyyank: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride spacedudeClap spacedudeClap spacedudeClap spacedudeClap [00:19:08] asoftgoth: just wait until you start progesterone 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 [00:19:08] Dunder_Muffins: Suddenly you're not allowed to show nip on twitch, your personal ToS just changed. Makes.... Sense.... Or something? [00:19:08] reiisguts: f1nnNomods [00:19:08] Loelinverse: @mystchevious1 facts [00:19:09] Dekkia: omg I love your energy [00:19:09] pog_frogyyy: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:19:09] Komnia: it was?? [00:19:09] soundsbytxture: congrats gaymer [00:19:10] bunnyrosexx: originally! but now 😎 [00:19:10] templarkeira: How big of weight been lifted off your shoulders ? [00:19:10] dry_noodel: will you go by Rose fr now? [00:19:10] lvcrash: lvcrash subscribed with Prime. [00:19:10] f3mmbot: lvcrash subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang lvcrash f1nnLezgang [00:19:10] rybameinong: Your chest is now illegal on most social media websites. Does it feel weird? [00:19:10] asmejg: Originally?!?!?!? [00:19:11] ChasingSol: yep, I remember you saying that last year [00:19:11] AeitZean: what did you have for lunch LUL [00:19:11] Inkyon_: Congratulations finn! [00:19:11] ch4rc0al5: !commands [00:19:11] nuzlite: Ok but why are you so cool? [00:19:11] adamjunkpup: buffpupCute buffpupCute buffpupCute [00:19:11] f3mmbot: Commands: !age, !archive, !badge, !complaints, !confused, !discord, !donate, !emote, !girlmonth, !height, !highlights, !instagram, !keyboard, !measurements, !music, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !represent, !schedule, !snapchat, !socials, !stream, !subscribe, !tiktok, !twitter, !youtube [00:19:11] ghost_boy156: I’m trans ftm and you make me so happy [00:19:11] aimeeasdf: can't stay but lots of love to you!!! [00:19:12] charbear1125: JUST THE TIKTOK TALKIN ABOUT BEING ON HRT, SO PROUD OF YA F1NN!!! [00:19:12] comet_theenby: let’s fucking gooooo TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:19:12] White515: how big? [00:19:13] aboutsphinx: ur so excited abt life i love it sm [00:19:13] mgza81: GoldPLZ [00:19:13] Lucridis: Didn't you make that list on stream? [00:19:13] Scyi_: Lesbian moving in timeline suddenly makes sense [00:19:13] Lemonychanuwu: Fimter 👍 [00:19:13] MegaMiley: Wut? Wasn't the depression part in your cons list? [00:19:13] bry_2k: So what happened? [00:19:14] beaneater197: F1nn got booba [00:19:14] Gedxnkenlos: huh? [00:19:14] grandpaladin1701: Dude! Saw some outline through the sweater last stream, and thought... hmmmmm [00:19:14] katiejj93: katiejj93 converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! [00:19:14] greebowarrior: @aymungoos ffs lol [00:19:15] pretzelbea: for real you seem so happy rn <3 [00:19:15] dinoapple454: really? [00:19:16] cerysnomi: hormone blockers? [00:19:17] ScarsUnseen: boobs are neat though [00:19:17] PrestinoLive: Out of curiosity, does it change your voice after a while? or does that need surgery? [00:19:17] camarada_emy: Tell us the process of figuring that out [00:19:17] juneguild: Boobs are great - can't wait to get mine [00:19:18] LaCroix_Blows: I always assumed you covered your booba on the BP to enforce the idea you're a girl [00:19:20] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:19:20] AsteroidsTM: HUGE BOOBA [00:19:20] papriker: TransgenderPride [00:19:20] meiketae: your excitment is intoxicating [00:19:21] Zyrashana: I'm so happy for you, it's so nice to just be able to talk about it all! [00:19:21] ninjakitten_: fin mother milkers when? [00:19:21] raptorho: Has alien nipples with hair [00:19:21] PickyPaige: NO FUCKING WAY! [00:19:22] Blackrodzilla1: I asked about the no chest showing [00:19:22] dr_kegel: Cheer100 [00:19:23] Akemencha: Well how big booba?? [00:19:23] chaoticdrmz: Guy gets offered like $300,000 to get breast implants turns it down and now he's doing it anyway [00:19:23] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:19:23] TrissByTor: Interesting [00:19:23] Skoggi123: No booba? [00:19:24] Valezifer: So you're bi-romantic and a-sexual? [00:19:24] greypool_gaming: <3 <3 <3 [00:19:25] professional_tea_drinker_: @F1NN5TER when you going on Hasan's steam!? Soon I hope [00:19:25] duco_d: NOWAY [00:19:25] jorja_elly: this cures my depression [00:19:26] wingenn: do you plan for any surgeries fo your transition? [00:19:26] hazelgr33n: Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:19:26] AlcoveAZ: no more egg has been cracked [00:19:26] Popdylop: I'm so happy for you! As a bisexual person who has questioned their gender to the extreme this is awesome to see! [00:19:27] Takouu: HEYOOOO CONGRATS !!! [00:19:27] isthisapokeman: my con list for starting t is ass hair [00:19:27] braddle172: This is so cute [00:19:27] KateChon258: F1NNN. For Ickypedia do you want to be Icky's partner or something else? also what are your official pronouns now she/her? [00:19:27] aspen_she_her: How long did breast development take to start (asking for myself) [00:19:28] staz581: We're excited with you [00:19:28] Mizo_Live: awwwwwwww TransgenderPride [00:19:29] fxtal_08: is f1nn a her/she [00:19:30] lydia_m2f: how long have you been taking hrt [00:19:30] gaddafi_duck_: at least you won’t be able to get banned for “male presenting breasts” again [00:19:30] PH7SKULL: I'm here just to listen anyway [00:19:32] ya_boi_snowie: ya_boi_snowie is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [00:19:32] qrthulhu: OMG my number one con to HRT is that I defiantly do not want boobs [00:19:32] f3mmbot: ya_boi_snowie has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:19:32] ya_boi_snowie: ya_boi_snowie gifted a Tier 1 sub to smielyplayer! [00:19:32] ya_boi_snowie: ya_boi_snowie gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZoeDoesMusic! [00:19:32] Bleats_Sinodai: chaimoteSPINWOBBLE chaimoteSPINWOBBLE chaimoteSPINWOBBLE chaimoteSPINWOBBLE chaimoteSPINWOBBLE chaimoteSPINWOBBLE chaimoteSPINWOBBLE chaimoteSPINWOBBLE chaimoteSPINWOBBLE [00:19:32] ya_boi_snowie: ya_boi_snowie gifted a Tier 1 sub to UnHallowed_Death! [00:19:32] ya_boi_snowie: ya_boi_snowie gifted a Tier 1 sub to chargingchicken! [00:19:32] ya_boi_snowie: ya_boi_snowie gifted a Tier 1 sub to aexsaight! [00:19:33] f4zol0: Gender euphoria like 🚀🚀🚀 [00:19:33] NekoNicole92: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:19:33] LaurenArtful: YESSS [00:19:33] Spaghetto_Depressi: Hims Tibbies kiwoNI kiwoCE [00:19:34] alexx_net: @PrestinoLive It doesn't change your voice [00:19:34] XellosMetallum: @F1NN5TER Was the depression you felt a while back part of what made you start HRT? [00:19:35] Amoyamoyamoya: DON'T [00:19:35] AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide: AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [00:19:36] AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide: AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide gifted a Tier 1 sub to MajesticFvckingEagle! [00:19:36] AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide: AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide gifted a Tier 1 sub to Shane5665! [00:19:36] AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide: AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide gifted a Tier 1 sub to Furionking! [00:19:36] f3mmbot: aphaloxidiumalliomonoxide has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:19:36] AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide: AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide gifted a Tier 1 sub to JamesWolfGaming! [00:19:36] AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide: AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheKIKOman! [00:19:36] mirichan89: Really nice to See you so genuinely happy TransgenderPride [00:19:36] MrKafay: Same as you, I want to start HRT but I don't want boobs [00:19:36] drinkingfishwater: The one Thing we all love was your number1 con [00:19:37] Amoyamoyamoya: SAY [00:19:39] r4wbean: now im back to feelling like im genderfluid again [00:19:40] Amoyamoyamoya: ANYTHING [00:19:40] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! [00:19:41] f3mmbot: ananonymousgifter has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [00:19:41] Zaarey: Im so happy to see how excited you are about all of this! best of luck with this entire journey [00:19:41] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Niiinaa! [00:19:41] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to BagelBuns_! [00:19:41] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to mglock369! [00:19:41] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to dwarfnl12! [00:19:41] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to jubjub221! [00:19:41] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to kirkhill89! [00:19:41] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to AmyF1sh! [00:19:41] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to sn3akykarma! [00:19:41] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to kingofgas2! [00:19:41] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to delirium789! [00:19:42] White515: size? [00:19:43] dancinooget8: so your huffing estrogen [00:19:43] PanRojek: Ciuf ciuf PrideUwu [00:19:44] crowblax: nerfed pp gang [00:19:44] eckers75: Choo Chooo RPGGhosto [00:19:44] MajesticFvckingEagle: @AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide Thanks for the gift sub! [00:19:44] AeitZean: Choo Chooo PrideUwu [00:19:45] kirauriel: if you plan on going boymode, do you plan on buying a binder? [00:19:47] morgan_d420: HEEEYYYY [00:19:47] pianoismyforte_: pianoismyforte_ is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel! [00:19:47] Vanimal2118: Missing everything phone internet dog crap, Future Vanimal I hope u get to talk to F1nn5ter after work. SADGE. [00:19:47] f3mmbot: pianoismyforte_ has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:19:47] pianoismyforte_: pianoismyforte_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to TrainedAttackSpork! [00:19:47] pianoismyforte_: pianoismyforte_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to kebszelki! [00:19:47] Ashvins: fucky [00:19:47] comet_theenby: lowkey, I was intimidated by growing boobs when I started hrt, but it’s highkey super nice [00:19:47] pianoismyforte_: pianoismyforte_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to michi10! [00:19:47] pianoismyforte_: pianoismyforte_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to 0stenne! [00:19:47] pianoismyforte_: pianoismyforte_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to JessieJaimy! [00:19:48] PrestinoLive: ctvaBestmilk [00:19:48] Mikey2207: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:19:48] welleatmoss: RAAAAAH EXCITED [00:19:48] ImprezaDK: Name change? [00:19:48] Nambo_Rose: Meow [00:19:49] Mr_Fluffy97: I can feel through the screen that genuine excitement [00:19:49] ArminGux: did you say 4 months [00:19:49] koil05: LORE [00:19:49] FortuneFaded420: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:19:50] floberblober: Choo Chooo PrideFloat [00:19:51] GhostOfAFlea: I started November 1st, lets see how we shake out [00:19:51] MrChromeCRZ: Choo Chooo PrideLaugh [00:19:52] x4crazyx4: Hey finnster any clothes tips for for a fellow femboy [00:19:53] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:19:53] Thoralff_: Tut-tuut PrideUwu [00:19:53] princeuni: Choo choo PrideUwu [00:19:54] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! [00:19:54] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to treff123! [00:19:54] jubjub221: ayyyyy ty anon [00:19:54] f3mmbot: ananonymousgifter has gifted a subscription to treff123 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang treff123 f1nnLezgang [00:19:55] ya_boi_snowie: ya_boi_snowie subscribed at Tier 1. [00:19:55] f3mmbot: ya_boi_snowie subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang ya_boi_snowie f1nnLezgang [00:19:56] Mnh188: stealing Ashleys? [00:19:57] KateChon258: meant, they/them [00:19:58] jacmol7: Stealing E? [00:19:58] RileyKA129: isn't it nice to not have to hide it anymore! it was so freeing for me when i finally came out. still no HRT for me yet. Damn waiting list for adoctor that wil prescribe. [00:19:58] pretzelbea: were you on hrt when u met ashley? [00:19:58] the_oracie: hrt snuff NODDERS [00:19:59] frailgift: Chat should start sending you some bi pride merch [00:19:59] YumeNoZen: Scuffed is part of the brand, why would we be surprised? [00:19:59] Helen_Croft: Stole Ashleys HRT? [00:20:00] cyphoenic_: snort the E :p [00:20:00] kat_the_khajiit: SNORT ESTROGEN [00:20:01] DaDARKPass_: F1nn5ter would you go op? [00:20:01] maxxiiimoo: what r ur pronounssss [00:20:01] MichaelYuzhe: snorts e omg [00:20:02] bearpaw1970: Lmao inhaler [00:20:02] WayneBoBrown: No 2025? [00:20:02] DenKaShi: bazed ahahah [00:20:02] uNikaCola: uNikaCola subscribed with Prime. [00:20:02] f3mmbot: unikacola subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang unikacola f1nnLezgang [00:20:03] ScarsUnseen: do you boof estrogen? [00:20:03] angygenz: gamer slime [00:20:03] LesbianWitchAcademia: So the biggest thing that I get from all of this is that You and Ashley are actually U-Haul Lesbians, but like unironically [00:20:04] Sir_GoofyGrape: Sir_GoofyGrape subscribed at Tier 1. [00:20:04] ciernaruza: estrogen vape [00:20:04] Psiclow2: Congrats on starting HRT from a fellow HRT Enjoyer [00:20:04] f3mmbot: sir_goofygrape subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang sir_goofygrape f1nnLezgang [00:20:04] skyboundmaster: girl juice [00:20:04] Amoyamoyamoya: There is a spray form of E... [00:20:05] alexx_net: You started on stream in Germany [00:20:06] MegaMiley: XD [00:20:06] aymungoos: you're on that gender fluid [00:20:07] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:20:07] AsukaRae12: promise? [00:20:07] asraxs: microdosing [00:20:08] fei_bay: lol [00:20:09] joeycomixthesquid: JUICE [00:20:09] ninjakitten_: nice fem juice [00:20:09] hazelgamess: Raloxifene I'm guessing [00:20:09] DodenKing: He accidentally tripped and fell on the pills [00:20:10] gawrcoffee: Huffing estrogen LMAOO [00:20:10] AoNoAsgard: phantom booba [00:20:10] Avaerus0: High on feminitiy [00:20:10] doctorgofast: WutFace [00:20:10] Eromaw: LUL [00:20:11] cantstopthepun_: it's ok I snort my tit tacks [00:20:11] leftfrog: powerful [00:20:11] macarous: based [00:20:12] randopersonn_: IS THIS REAL😭😭😭😭😭 [00:20:13] WillowSiva: PrideUwu [00:20:13] bigsuave7: nice [00:20:13] kirathepan: Will u get bottom surgery? Or are you good just being a bottom? [00:20:13] DatChickenBro1: Lol [00:20:13] VEDS24: The Juice KEKW [00:20:13] GarlicGoblinn: THE JUICE LMAO [00:20:14] slybirdz: PogU [00:20:14] 8G36: Lmao [00:20:14] Amoyamoyamoya: NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT 20 MINUTE TIDDIE!!! [00:20:14] MasterPo999: takes it in like Melange, the spice of Arrakis [00:20:14] Selstraits: i figured you started when you got depressed n tried to push thru [00:20:14] skoralta: God I wish xD [00:20:14] ceecee021: LUL [00:20:14] trinkyi: KEKW juice [00:20:15] Bleats_Sinodai: lullypopSmugAwa lullypopSmugAwa lullypopSmugAwa lullypopSmugAwa lullypopSmugAwa lullypopSmugAwa lullypopSmugAwa lullypopSmugAwa [00:20:15] greypool_gaming: <3 <3 <3 [00:20:15] ZerschnetzIer: WHAT [00:20:15] CarbonDiam: the juice, aka the gender fluid [00:20:15] filip_zd10: macrodosing [00:20:15] Mondongod: WHATTT THAT'S CRAZY [00:20:16] Nova9308: XD [00:20:16] SwitchLeafe: hrt lotion amazing [00:20:17] bunnyrosexx: What do u use for ur hair bb it’s beautiful [00:20:17] Helen_Croft: Stole Ashleys HRT? @F1NN5TER [00:20:17] destiny56080: how many boobs have you grown [00:20:18] nodegen: bro thats a hack [00:20:18] GoodHydrations: That seems like the best amount of time to have booba [00:20:18] greebowarrior: like ventolin yeah? LUL [00:20:18] joelsgp: congrats streamer [00:20:18] aporcelaingirl: Choo Chooo PrideUwu Level 14? Wow... [00:20:19] Bailey_Ravenwick: High on E [00:20:19] fatslowman: lol [00:20:19] beaneater197: Nice [00:20:19] rocker_26: Side effects? [00:20:19] silentkay1: Prepare to buy news shoes - you'll go down a size [00:20:19] crxstalline_: estrogen edibles when [00:20:20] statesidelemur9: the titty juice [00:20:20] mushooom_: huffing that gender fluid [00:20:20] CarnagexElite: you’re gonna get sooooo sensitive in the chest lol [00:20:20] undiscoveredoddity: BOOBS? POG? [00:20:21] TheBoneTheif: huffing instant titties [00:20:21] brady0_0: do you want your voice to change? [00:20:22] mintymazing: what happend [00:20:22] satelitko: Estrogenius tiem [00:20:22] Dedspaz79: panicBasket [00:20:22] blue_penguin94: xD [00:20:22] PlushGirlSteph: It was that time you got really upset on stream. [00:20:23] aggravatedconditions: Yeyy! [00:20:24] Catamondium: long boi [00:20:24] johnkeiwo: ADHD BRAIN !!! [00:20:25] ChocyMlik: gender jouce [00:20:25] johnkeiwo: ADHD BRAIN !!! [00:20:25] koil05: this is so cute and pure [00:20:25] blobtoad: temporaty tiddies [00:20:25] dancinooget8: CRAZY mind sharing [00:20:25] jacebloodrose: Cute puppy With new toy [00:20:25] dahornetti: thisc [00:20:26] pixlmyst: Are you with Gender GP? [00:20:27] independent_observer: I just inject, easier, only have to do it once a week [00:20:27] IdiotCharles: does it make you forget how to drive? [00:20:28] me1ll0: oh I'm in for a long stream [00:20:28] MajesticFvckingEagle: On the F2P sub grind hehe [00:20:28] ghost_boy156: are you thinking about a different name? [00:20:28] xd_bluezone21: HE LOST THE SCRIPT [00:20:28] atrainfast1: BOOOB [00:20:29] jigitosiko: Finn! I Love you, you are the best Motivator!!!❤️❤️❤️ [00:20:30] LadyLionessOfLondon: PrideUwu [00:20:30] alkibiadesmassacre: Bro's been saving these bits for awhile [00:20:30] decilored: doro44Kek [00:20:31] Anchad: I like the smell of estradiol gel [00:20:31] isthisapokeman: this is jsut making me want to start t even more [00:20:31] ZeppiZep: ZeppiZep subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! so happy for you f1nnHeart [00:20:32] f3mmbot: zeppizep subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [00:20:32] TrissByTor: You're leaking our secrets [00:20:32] DreadLocke_: So is this you confirming you are "Trans" or would you prefer another time. [00:20:32] Shockwavemecha: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [00:20:32] dorkyboxx: Happy fluid of gender, goober [00:20:33] crowblax: let’s go my nerfed pp gang TransgenderPride [00:20:33] TheSpinster: TheSpinster subscribed at Tier 1. [00:20:33] f3mmbot: thespinster subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang thespinster f1nnLezgang [00:20:33] simwheels522: hi finn [00:20:34] PH7SKULL: Are you still gunna be the number 1 femboy tho [00:20:34] SidMaxwell10: Stealing Ashley's hrt kekw [00:20:36] maxxiiimoo: what are your pronouns??? 👁️👁️ [00:20:36] caelamondorian: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:20:36] TheLIghtningCount123: @johnkeiwo discord link ? [00:20:36] alexg6464: Get your GF king/queen!!! She can probably help 😊 [00:20:37] Justmessyblack: Retractable boobs [00:20:38] Netrashado: boobs are a con? haha [00:20:38] Rodney1234567890: 3 days later and we are still here [00:20:38] TwinbeeMk2: Gush as much as you want Finn. This is your day <3 [00:20:39] TheSpinster: I just watched your Youtube Video! I Am SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 [00:20:39] ArminGux: 20seconds of titi sounds like a odd movie [00:20:39] scribbz123: skin changes? sm00th? [00:20:40] zodiaccobalt: Girl voice preview? [00:20:40] ya_boi_snowie: honestly so happy for u!! [00:20:41] hazelgamess: Oh valid [00:20:41] jamnesia777: that’s so valid [00:20:42] thesadfrog69: boobs TITIS EVEN!?!?!?!!?!?!?!? [00:20:42] t0m1n4t0r: genderfluid with their bottle of gender fluid [00:20:43] Nordisk1337: fuck wha did i missed [00:20:44] psnshrek_is_sadboi: just vent to us, we love it [00:20:45] skyautomatic: You ever play around with your voice? [00:20:46] thegracefullife005: what pronouns would you like to go by???? [00:20:47] angygenz: alright gotchu [00:20:48] miruna_bu: keeep ur hair heatlhyyyy its beautiful silky and shunyyy [00:20:48] TheRealEpicSquid: ah sharing HRT eh? [00:20:49] djonB: this is the right time to get into Ecco2k [00:20:49] RevanGarcia: get pen and paper get pen and paper [00:20:49] w4ndering_st4r: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride i. want to hrt so bad omg slay [00:20:50] adamjunkpup: You get temp tit's. Why haven't I heard of this [00:20:50] DodenKing: Fair [00:20:51] freeusegartenhoe: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:20:51] kirauriel: if you ever want to present masc, do you plan on getting a binder? [00:20:51] cyphoenic_: just don't name names? [00:20:52] WillowWithAJoystick: Vaping HRT would be awesome ngl [00:20:52] baslak01: Girl voice??? [00:20:52] Knight_Wolf_678: Hi F1nn! [00:20:52] hebron321: AGP? [00:20:52] jacksprettycool: YOU DO? [00:20:52] ThatBarbieGuy: F1nn this revel might be the final crack in my egg I'm not going to lie [00:20:54] muddymudkip15: Fair [00:20:54] XENOMAN5: When did you know you were bi? And trans? [00:20:54] Mrdeadfishrock: trans plus or gender gp? [00:20:54] ghost_onmw: finn taking estrogen? [00:20:55] theeelfy: This week is going to be finn unloading his egg jokes [00:20:55] zahul_21: Booba >:3 [00:20:57] julyday: how have you been feeling? [00:20:57] joelsgp: so does this confirm you're who abi thorn and kjb were doing bits about knowing [00:20:57] SnowyLando: hello! [00:20:57] BlankDomino: what kind of hrt are you taking?? [00:20:57] thegodemperorofmankind0: Ash started slapping patches on you in your sleep... [00:20:59] peatearrr: WHAT [00:20:59] drinkingfishwater: Start month [00:21:00] ChasingSol: @ghost_onmw yes [00:21:00] NelordUK: NO THE WOMAN POTION [00:21:02] Chained_Darkness: F1nn stoopp I can't keep accidentally copying you! XD [00:21:02] eccoblast: hey! is your T4T relationship no longer honorary then? [00:21:03] artemis0258: We could consider today your HRT birthday! [00:21:03] Helen_Croft: @ghost_onmw Yes [00:21:03] 1WhoBeans: @ghost_onmw yes [00:21:03] badcaseofserpes: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:21:05] gamertwtch: Bro was stealing Rizas? [00:21:05] tuesdaythe5th: Dosen't know Because Ashley was giving it to you in your sleep [00:21:05] tristansnow: Are you on just estrogen or T-blockers as well? [00:21:05] fei_bay: all the egg jokes were correct!! [00:21:05] greebowarrior: based. a girls gotta keep some secrets [00:21:06] simwheels522: are you going to work on the girl voice more seriously? [00:21:06] abydon96: itspea13Blahajhype BisexualPride spicycowLovies TransgenderPride [00:21:08] jeffdogsonpi: When riza microdosed you? [00:21:08] Nullikle6000: how useful was other trans/noncis people in figuring yourself out ? [00:21:09] skylikesaerospace: I’ve only seen the first 18 seconds of the video so this is interesting [00:21:09] soundsbytxture: NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride [00:21:10] AGayAngel: Cheer1 [00:21:10] MirahImage: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:21:12] wrechst: lmao i have the same one [00:21:13] SpookyGhostGoku: Finn!! 🩷🩵🤍 [00:21:13] Cactus__Chan: actually, your vid made me make a list, i think i might start hrt too (of course its way to soon to start because healthcare here) [00:21:15] ItsJohannaWren: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:21:15] Shockwavemecha: 7k [00:21:17] Mastoise: GIRL VOICE WHEN? [00:21:19] Nanovad_: @fatslowman Thanks for the gift sub! [00:21:20] Amoyamoyamoya: I forgor which DIY it was that offers a mint-flavor spray E [00:21:21] juneguild: Based [00:21:21] vetras91: wait. how did you get hrt? [00:21:22] SpiralOnline: Jean and Chris eh? [00:21:23] hebron321: HSTS? [00:21:23] Freak_Moth: ACID? [00:21:23] DodenKing: I did not know hrt gel was a thing [00:21:24] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Whooooo!!!! [00:21:24] f3mmbot: bailey_ravenwick subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [00:21:25] brickwall35: When did you realize you're bi? [00:21:25] FatherThyme: how do you do it wrong? [00:21:25] smurfboy23: BisexualPride [00:21:25] PuffJr2: proud of you aureyHYPE aureyPride aureyHeart [00:21:26] kurobezcyfr: congrats on collection enough courage to finally say that [00:21:26] Lemonychanuwu: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:21:29] randopersonn_: you dont get instructions?? [00:21:31] ArminGux: did you steal hrt from the many many trans people who stayed over? [00:21:32] DarrigoTR: Instructions not clear? [00:21:32] vNTCv: @Cactus__Chan <3 [00:21:32] CarnagexElite: ohhh watch out for cypro, it can raise your prolactin as I’ve found [00:21:32] nativep0ison: nativep0ison subscribed with Prime. [00:21:33] f3mmbot: nativep0ison subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang nativep0ison f1nnLezgang [00:21:33] MaxVershhhtappen: estrogen? [00:21:33] alliebeanie800: hi finn!!!! [00:21:36] ya_boi_snowie: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:21:37] octia7: Are you DIY? [00:21:38] iltalonli: <3 TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:21:38] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:21:40] jessicobra: oh noooo pls dont tell me u were taking a crazy amount of cypro lol [00:21:40] bigsusc: i am suprised no, shocked yes [00:21:40] RileyKA129: Congratulations! Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [00:21:41] axlemattcobra: First time i've ever watched a stream from you, but i found you from omegal stuff, you're just funny and entertaining [00:21:42] helenaaaaaaauwu: You are an idol to me [00:21:43] dahornetti: oyster ozzy [00:21:43] writhinglekku: failgirl early start [00:21:43] frailgift: Putting it in the wrong hole? [00:21:43] dr_bxnks: No way you IV’d it lol [00:21:44] quietpidgeon: Finn said he still likes he him pronouns Yall and if it changes then it changes and if it doesn’t it doesn’t. [00:21:44] Dead_Knight2004: ADHD go hard [00:21:45] cloudy_two: what is the right way? [00:21:45] MairainePlayzGames: @MaxVershhhtappen yes [00:21:48] Helen_Croft: put msg on screen saying TTS is off @F1NN5TER [00:21:48] koil05: do you feel any vocal dysphoria? if so are doing voice training or planning to? [00:21:49] charbear1125: SAW THE VID AND AM SO PROUD OF YA AMIGO!!!!!!! [00:21:50] ViperNat20: You were transitioning wrong, you werent being a woman enough [00:21:51] Datboi__Aaron: heyo [00:21:51] veronicalaveneno: I just downloaded twitch just for you!!!! [00:21:53] hazelgamess: Boom called it [00:21:54] cow_broman: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:21:55] independent_observer: @hebron321 That term is a pseudo-medical bullshit. Not actually a real thing, and about ~95% of cis women would fall into that category [00:21:55] ForksAreFree: Cypro is awful, I went with Spiro [00:21:55] BrunoBeslag: this is nutts [00:21:56] leftalligator3: [00:21:56] Shockwavemecha: Lovely seeing you again so soon [00:21:57] Amoyamoyamoya: ANTI-TIDDIE MED [00:21:57] crowblax: who was your first man crush? [00:21:57] leftfrog: PogU [00:21:59] SwitchLeafe: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:22:00] unovaismyregion: is this why you’ve been wearing a bra? [00:22:00] LindseyMonroe: Wait.....thats why you wantes to try girl voice. It all makes sense [00:22:01] x4crazyx4: Finnster and clothes tips for another femboy [00:22:03] CarnagexElite: 🏳️‍⚧️ [00:22:03] ciernaruza: scared of booba [00:22:05] dancinooget8: but you NEED them [00:22:05] RonnieSxl: KomodoHype PogChamp [00:22:05] NelordUK: Bu.. bu... but booba [00:22:05] GhostOfAFlea: hahahaha oh boy, the SERMs [00:22:05] arthuranydonuts: NotLikeThis [00:22:06] YABOYLUCAS_: eyooo so happy for you [00:22:06] NDWarrior: I haven’t been able to watch the stream or the vid because I’m at work, but I’m so happy for you! [00:22:08] Bleats_Sinodai: You can hide the browser source so it doesn't show on your screen [00:22:11] kirauriel: if you're boymoding, do you plan on getting a binder or just rocking the tits? [00:22:12] jamnesia777: they cut me off of spiro because of my kidneys :( [00:22:12] DreadLocke_: is TTS off for questions? [00:22:13] SnowyLando: but boobies are nice [00:22:13] smaclac: <3 [00:22:14] Chained_Darkness: GayPride PrideLGBTea [00:22:18] the_oracie: booba jump scare [00:22:18] istoSHO: so am i not very cis wanting boobs?? [00:22:20] DodenKing: Wait you can do that??? I need to start that asap wth [00:22:20] Scyi_: Serms so dangerous damn [00:22:20] Cloverpatch170: So thats what Dr Doofenshmirtz meant be womenator [00:22:22] sparkleoj: which toilet do you usually go to? [00:22:22] d_heeezy: I too am afraid of boobs [00:22:23] Cleekru: wait that's a possibility? [00:22:24] bearpaw1970: You have given over a very intimate gift of your spirit and shared with others .. [00:22:24] hopalongtommy: How have you been feeling mentally? You've mentioned cancelling streams because you felt bad. [00:22:24] saint_r: did you continue girl voice training? [00:22:24] lordgtafbi: quite the feat really, to be so poorly educated on it given your prolonged exposure to other people on HRT LUL [00:22:24] raptorvfx: relatable i did the exact same thing [00:22:25] Barrik226: I think it's scary for everyone [00:22:25] isthisapokeman: who was it that made you relise you are bi [00:22:26] t0m1n4t0r: boobas are the best part tho [00:22:26] katelyn2588: I’m so happy for you f1nn5ter [00:22:28] glumbtea: Real [00:22:28] dauntless2607: @kirauriel Binders are supposedly bad for growing tits [00:22:29] Demacherius: Not a manly man anymore. Gonna miss it. [00:22:29] goldenskies98: this was exactly how I felt [00:22:30] Shockwavemecha: spicycowFeet spicycowFeet spicycowFeet [00:22:30] beaneater197: Why scared of booba [00:22:30] matheuslr47: We all worry about things [00:22:32] SidMaxwell10: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:22:33] zakariyya1388: Omg im so happy for u tho ❤️❤️❤️ [00:22:34] TrissByTor: That's fair [00:22:35] ghost_onmw: finn the trans [00:22:35] ArminGux: yeah you rejected 300k cause you don’t want booba [00:22:35] dinoapple454: very understandable [00:22:36] tacoslmg: so I did miss it [00:22:37] andromeda_nyx: literally me, i was very scared of having big boobs [00:22:37] MairainePlayzGames: @kirauriel calm down! F1NN hasnt got any yet [00:22:40] TheBoneTheif: cant spell booba without boo [00:22:42] iltalonli: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:22:42] randopersonn_: OH LORD [00:22:42] cedric_callnight: Why no booba? [00:22:43] braddle172: f1nnMonka [00:22:43] johnkeiwo: worrunS [00:22:43] skyboundmaster: HUH [00:22:44] theejoey: being comfortable is more important than labels [00:22:45] leftfrog: monkaS [00:22:46] kateth: Oh [00:22:46] emirizy: Could be like me and have no booba after 3 years 😂 [00:22:46] daymare___: HUH [00:22:46] Avaerus0: That's never good [00:22:46] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:22:46] mimmm: OH [00:22:46] livviasong: YIKES [00:22:46] Akemencha: I still can't figure out minee [00:22:46] CakeyLive: monkaS [00:22:47] ya_boi_snowie: WAIT WHAT?! [00:22:47] jamnesia777: HUH [00:22:47] Sir_GoofyGrape: I also hate having boobs, I want the titty chop [00:22:47] AlhambraMMXX: HUH [00:22:47] RykerSune: oh [00:22:47] fatslowman: it will not be big [00:22:47] thebreadisonthefloor: HUH [00:22:48] alexx_net: Is this just to cover up why you keep losing the arm wrestling to other women? [00:22:48] macarous: monkaS [00:22:48] cyphoenic_: :O [00:22:48] gawrcoffee: OH NO [00:22:48] Komnia: HUHH [00:22:48] Iftuu: Iftuu subscribed with Prime. [00:22:48] davidiusfarrenius: my my [00:22:48] f3mmbot: iftuu subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang iftuu f1nnLezgang [00:22:49] Snow_Bear0: D: [00:22:49] cheesusyourlord: HUH [00:22:49] quietpidgeon: NotLikeThis [00:22:49] astrid_autumn: WOAH [00:22:49] nsprwolfz: uh oh [00:22:49] AeitZean: but booba are the best bit HypeLUL [00:22:49] t0nic101: OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog [00:22:50] DaOPCreeper: yikes [00:22:50] jacmol7: AYO [00:22:50] moonievr: HUH [00:22:50] Michaelidk_: WHAT THE [00:22:50] independent_observer: THE WHAT [00:22:50] EmpressCard: JEEZ [00:22:51] dr_bxnks: huh? [00:22:51] 2ari2: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:22:51] loograt: D: [00:22:52] Taranis_EXE: yuzupyMonkaS [00:22:52] anonymous6465: NotLikeThis [00:22:52] xLumieI: HUH [00:22:52] isabaellchen: WHAT?! [00:22:52] nodegen: not pog [00:22:53] neuroiscute: WHAT [00:22:53] phoebe801: hug [00:22:53] koil05: RUH ROH RAGGY [00:22:53] ScarsUnseen: plz dont piss blood. i've done that and it sucks! [00:22:53] VEDS24: That's no bueno [00:22:54] Chronos101172: Oh i watched Nat talking abotu that earlier. [00:22:54] PH7SKULL: So are you still gunna be the number 1 femboy? [00:22:54] muddymudkip15: Yikes [00:22:54] bigsuave7: Oh damn [00:22:54] F1rstPick: but booba good [00:22:54] smartiesvb: Oh no [00:22:55] djonB: pissing out the booba [00:22:55] Xanoblade2: HUH?? [00:22:55] Frost_790: HUUH [00:22:55] SnowyLando: OH [00:22:55] TheQWasTaken: WHART [00:22:55] TheI3arracuda: Jesus [00:22:55] aymungoos: RIP kidneys [00:22:55] CarnagexElite: boobs are gonna hurt for like 6 months lol [00:22:56] kirauriel: @dauntless2607 they're bad for your ribcage and spine, i just want to make sure if it's in his plans he knows there's RESOURCES for it [00:22:56] Aren711: HUH [00:22:56] jackalias: Boobs don't seem so bad compared to that [00:22:57] skyblues06: NotLikeThis WutFace [00:22:58] Jo5iah_: oh [00:22:58] cappuccino_jr: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ [00:22:58] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER i have to know did cottontail manage to make you question at all [00:22:59] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:22:59] maebeabun: HUHHHH [00:22:59] europa_a_lua: Oh :0 [00:22:59] Bailey_Ravenwick: What!! [00:22:59] decilored: HUH [00:22:59] Bobbikatt: sounds like nano [00:23:00] melanitta_: what [00:23:00] Anchad: HUH [00:23:00] Duuhdaah: If TTS is off, please put it on the screen [00:23:01] pinbel1: jeez [00:23:01] GhostOfAFlea: Yep, that's the SERMs guarantee! those things are mad [00:23:01] toxic_cloudd: OMEGALUL [00:23:02] batchelli: Chemicals... they do stuff [00:23:03] xero93: NotLikeThis [00:23:03] hazelgr33n: 8000 folk here?!?!?!? [00:23:03] crowblax: pissing boobs away [00:23:05] Knight_Wolf_678: Pissing blood?! Omg [00:23:05] dancinooget8: just gotta get rid of the extra blod you know [00:23:05] TrissByTor: Oh no [00:23:05] xdjmj: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:23:05] redhead4545: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:23:05] iamkneetickler: OH [00:23:06] f0xegg: monkaS [00:23:06] beaneater197: What [00:23:06] Mr_Fluffy97: Wow so it was that long ago [00:23:07] Cloverpatch170: ... [00:23:07] gamertwtch: Fearmongered into booba [00:23:08] ScrapRodent: karlswFiendsad karlswFiendsad karlswFiendsad [00:23:08] writhinglekku: OWl2019moltencore [00:23:08] kristoffdann187: I just got here what's going on? [00:23:08] jewgold22: Hurts I've bleed 2x [00:23:10] SkyroVenom: Finn if you're going to Rotterdam Twitchcon can you sign my potato again peepoHappy [00:23:11] f4zol0: "Babe there's blood in the sink" [00:23:11] abydon96: itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype [00:23:11] warthunderfemboy: WHAT [00:23:11] Shockwavemecha: The things we do for beauty [00:23:12] td_advocate: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:23:13] DerekPlaysNude: magiPoggies magiPoggies magiPoggies [00:23:14] qrthulhu: I hope that doesn't make you piss blood [00:23:14] zeenobobo: so are u lesbian now [00:23:15] its_natalieeee: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:23:15] ArminGux: so they started their period [00:23:16] greypool_gaming: <3 <3 <3 [00:23:16] jacebloodrose: Fuck the patriatchy [00:23:17] soundsbytxture: so happy for you! you’re content means so much for me! [00:23:20] gawrcoffee: Blood is scary are they doing okay [00:23:20] numeanor: 8k viewers!!! whooop! [00:23:21] maddiefromtv: congrats on the gender [00:23:21] Posh_Rodie: PrideHeyyy [00:23:21] goddessempressbird: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:23:23] pugsnotdrugs1234: pugsnotdrugs1234 subscribed with Prime. [00:23:24] f3mmbot: pugsnotdrugs1234 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang pugsnotdrugs1234 f1nnLezgang [00:23:26] WillowWithAJoystick: Booba >>>>> blood [00:23:26] ClassyRoboto: How many VBUCKS do u have [00:23:28] Sir_GoofyGrape: 🍆🩸😭 [00:23:29] mootie1: 💖 HahaCat [00:23:29] MooCowTracy: nothing bad is good. very good. [00:23:30] penguswangus: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:23:33] silentkay1: was that when you took a break? [00:23:34] mystchevious1: *huggles* [00:23:34] kirauriel: @MairainePlayzGames yeah that's fair, i just figured my messages were getting swept away by the amount of people chatting [00:23:34] SwitchLeafe: @zeenobobo genderfluid bi [00:23:35] AshleyTheAsteroid: cyproterone made me super flat [00:23:35] hiluuu: ahhhhh so thats why <3 [00:23:35] Scyi_: Cypro is super depresso expresso [00:23:35] TheI3arracuda: :( [00:23:37] MajesticFvckingEagle: f1nnPet [00:23:37] MegaMiley: Was that why you took a bit off a couple months ago? [00:23:38] ZerschnetzIer: @zeenobobo he just said it, hes bi [00:23:38] TruffleFry: your nails look really nice ! [00:23:41] karaghan01: This helps with the timeline ! [00:23:41] Teagra: estrogen sad chemicals [00:23:43] smolbluegoblin: smolbluegoblin subscribed at Tier 1. [00:23:43] satanicbananamilk: sorry i cant like you anymore i was under the impression i was into a straight man :( [00:23:43] f3mmbot: smolbluegoblin subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang smolbluegoblin f1nnLezgang [00:23:44] themindscrambler: it all makes sense now [00:23:45] camina_mtns: ohhhh i wanted it for a moment [00:23:45] ThatDarnWalrus: ThatDarnWalrus subscribed with Prime. [00:23:46] f3mmbot: thatdarnwalrus subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang thatdarnwalrus f1nnLezgang [00:23:47] KaydeBastion: I pissed blood once! But I was very sick and hospitalized for about a week. [00:23:47] toxic_cloudd: <3 [00:23:48] THE_kiki55: It's been a while then [00:23:49] shurimandove: <3 [00:23:50] TrissByTor: wubbyHug [00:23:51] independent_observer: XDDDD [00:23:52] livviasong: @zeenobobo he's bi [00:23:53] theeelfy: My god why is my period acting up while finn is talking about hrt [00:23:54] abydon96: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:23:54] elvirax97: Just watched the video, congrats on feeling secure enough in yourself to tell the everyone!!! <3 [00:23:54] fishy_hd21: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:23:55] Kolateak_: That is nothing [00:23:55] AeitZean: was the depression linked to the finasteride you were taking? [00:23:56] starduckxd: aww <3 [00:23:57] cowboylikemel: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:23:57] angygenz: oof [00:23:58] cedric_callnight: TransgenderPride haleys7Pikaluv [00:23:58] t0nic101: what happened I just joined? [00:23:59] randopersonn_: side effects depend on the person, and a shit ton of factors but ya thats scary [00:23:59] ArronaxKP: ArronaxKP subscribed with Prime. [00:23:59] f3mmbot: arronaxkp subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang arronaxkp f1nnLezgang [00:24:00] pierbi: 8K viewers??? craazy [00:24:00] GhostOfAFlea: Okay, yeah you took a month off [00:24:01] cyphoenic_: thats not good lol [00:24:02] xorwak: Bro is coming out at the same time as me [00:24:03] dinoapple454: oh [00:24:03] KhiralShimmer: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:24:03] 1958dino: Surely boobarge is most of the fun however you turn out???💐🇬🇧🤔😼🐈‍⬛🐕♥️🧀🥖☕🇪🇺🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦💐 [00:24:03] mack72307: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GayPride GayPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GayPride GayPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GayPride GayPride [00:24:04] writhinglekku: uh oh [00:24:05] caelamondorian: GenderFluidPride [00:24:06] Catamondium: low t low e bad [00:24:07] vesselofvoid: this was honestly inevitable in hindsight. congrats man we love you [00:24:07] millennuim_gaming: UR A GIRL NOW [00:24:07] juneguild: Yeah.... [00:24:09] hawo0451: wait is finn cracking or what [00:24:09] ALiteralPan: ALiteralPan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 19 month streak! nicee on coming out, its amazing that you have f1nnHeart [00:24:09] f3mmbot: aliteralpan subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months using Prime! PogU [00:24:10] Komnia: uhoh [00:24:11] casey_is_drowning: we all knew [00:24:12] pierbi: so proud of u for coming out as a chaser <3333 [00:24:13] Qwon91: you can finally talk about it!! froschmHype [00:24:13] ekat2468: you were microdosing menopause lol [00:24:13] Scyi_: did that for 4 months, its so brutal. [00:24:15] quietpidgeon: WHAT [00:24:15] kateth: Woah [00:24:16] TheRealEpicSquid: THAT LONG??? [00:24:16] hazelgr33n: @millennuim_gaming gender fluid [00:24:16] FatherThyme: it started before?? [00:24:18] Nilinn31: yeah it's bad lol [00:24:20] toxic_cloudd: no hormones LMFAO [00:24:20] LaurenArtful: BEFORE! [00:24:20] SnowyLando: oh yeah that'll make u sad aff [00:24:20] ramboo1989: ♥️♥️♥️ [00:24:20] godsbeenswinging_: JESUS [00:24:20] enbyvee: @pierbi LMAOOOOO [00:24:21] CarnagexElite: I’m on patches [00:24:21] lordgtafbi: no dose HRT LUL [00:24:21] peatearrr: Wow [00:24:23] MikeWillStream: crikey that's ages [00:24:23] BillSwales: CPA can cause depression... [00:24:24] pianoismyforte_: That's been a long time! [00:24:25] ArminGux: that sounds like it would mess with your head ngl [00:24:25] lex1plays: @ekat2468 lmfao [00:24:25] vNTCv: oh my this is a while then [00:24:25] krovvy: Sadge are you okay buddy [00:24:27] pretzelbea: low t and low e is like quickest road to depressed episode [00:24:27] Xphome: Oh wow that long ago [00:24:28] rainofthestorm: oh oof that's bone density issues, lethargy, and a lot of other things territory, rough place to be, hugs!!!! [00:24:29] hiluuu: omg its been so long?? [00:24:29] elle_gato: the trans agenda strikes again [00:24:29] spider3327: damn thats long [00:24:30] ezrijustcant: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:24:30] MatthewL: That long! Dang [00:24:30] ChasingSol: July 2nd [00:24:30] julyday: wow [00:24:31] blueskydrinking: That's a lot longer than I expected! [00:24:31] braddle172: Oh [00:24:31] thebreadisonthefloor: Wow [00:24:31] xero93: pog [00:24:31] EmpressCard: Hope you are feeling better now [00:24:31] andromeda_nyx: i did just blockers for 3 months but that was as long as my dr was comfortable with [00:24:32] pinbel1: long [00:24:32] Munchskull: Holy shit! I am so happy for Finn! [00:24:33] alexx_net: @millennuim_gaming Nope, she's still a boy (for now) [00:24:33] Mario11041: Oh, that long! [00:24:33] isabaellchen: FOR HOW LONG?! [00:24:33] eFlyman: Has it really been 7 months already? Holy smokes, where'd the time go [00:24:34] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER you drank the gender fluid 0: [00:24:35] aymungoos: @f1nn5ter so did you fake the high t test results? [00:24:35] fei_bay: oh wow [00:24:35] PaperyMantis645: @CarnagexElite Same! [00:24:36] grizzly_neil: no wayyy [00:24:36] camarada_emy: Wow [00:24:36] ezzyisgone: THAT LONG [00:24:38] Cloverpatch170: That was a while ago [00:24:39] zebrabbl396: vladncPepenat [00:24:41] wrechst: PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute PrideCute [00:24:41] DreadLocke_: Now that you're out (congrats!) - will this change your branding at all? I.E - removing the the quotes from the 'Most popular woman of all time'. [00:24:42] Sacavsworld: Has this been huge psychological relief for you with the release of the YouTube vid [00:24:43] cyphoenic_: Wait you've been doing it for that long??? [00:24:44] Falqun: oooooh thats why he did not have advice, she helped him once she knew from the start :DDD [00:24:44] sadmouse123: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:24:44] ryantupo: jesus i thought this was like in the past couple months jezzzzzzzzz [00:24:44] Catamondium: I'm tryina private my way into patches, i had them grey for a few months [00:24:45] LindseyMonroe: doodSpeed oh ny [00:24:45] Scyi_: What are your E levels like? [00:24:45] FreschiLive: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:24:46] Hog_in_a_Bog: Congrats 💜 [00:24:46] experiencepoints: I'm still just so goddamn proud of you TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:24:46] Autumn_Isilme: Low E and T is so bad, speaking from experience as well [00:24:46] pierbi: crazy crazy [00:24:48] keller4589: Woww that was so long ago [00:24:49] TrissByTor: Wow that long [00:24:50] thoompi25: wtf [00:24:51] IndustrialSprinkles823: How long was it actually a legit idea before you started [00:24:53] Cautare: OMG SAME AS MEE [00:24:54] Qwon91: i was SO happy seeing your video like an hour ago liliscHerz [00:24:54] mr_pacoquinha: It makes sense about why you were watching aslheys tiktoks [00:24:54] ZerschnetzIer: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:24:54] FatherThyme: make the coming out day the official day @F1NN5TER [00:24:55] iamkneetickler: WOW [00:24:55] Avaerus0: Just choose a date [00:24:56] CujoMcFly: Just saw the video, Finn! All my trans friends are talking about who's gonna give you the invite to our discord TransgenderPride server [00:24:56] pierbi: i think everyone should microdose honestly [00:24:57] jamnesia777: just pick a day that feels right that’s what I did [00:24:57] beaneater197: That's crazy [00:24:57] jade8703: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:24:57] AeitZean: HR Tea f1nnPet [00:24:58] goldenskies98: so real [00:24:58] System_reboot_1: Legit just seen the TT about this. Good for you mate [00:24:58] Alyara_V: You just get to pick whatever date you want, it's cool [00:25:00] MegaMiley: Yay Ashley! [00:25:00] F1rstPick: NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride [00:25:00] krovvy: That's kind of normal though LOL [00:25:00] Cyprohep: so ashley basically saved your fucking life? [00:25:02] drunkshinx: just pick a date [00:25:02] kat_the_khajiit: Today is your outday, new borfday [00:25:02] Lucridis: Ashley pog [00:25:02] ClassyRoboto: Meow [00:25:02] pierbi: ur skin is so improved fr [00:25:03] Mizo_Live: thats ok I dont have a HRT bd either [00:25:03] TheSpinster: That's when you just pick a date in that range that you like and Claim it. [00:25:03] zGShinji: thank you Ashley! [00:25:04] MariaCatpaw: WOOOOW ASHLEY [00:25:04] Morii_Senpai: YOU LIKE BOYS NOW? LETS GOOOO [00:25:04] dancinooget8: on a scale of 1/10 how would you describe taking HRT [00:25:04] isabaellchen: thats almost a year in total [00:25:06] AlmondVF: AlmondVF is paying forward the Gift they got from ChasingSol to the community! [00:25:06] AlmondVF: AlmondVF is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [00:25:06] f3mmbot: almondvf has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:25:06] loser_loser0: hello finn!!!! [00:25:06] AlmondVF: AlmondVF gifted a Tier 1 sub to SaraVulpine! [00:25:06] AlmondVF: AlmondVF gifted a Tier 1 sub to HandOvrFist! [00:25:06] AlmondVF: AlmondVF gifted a Tier 1 sub to elvirax97! [00:25:06] AlmondVF: AlmondVF gifted a Tier 1 sub to itsroxy008! [00:25:06] AlmondVF: AlmondVF gifted a Tier 1 sub to gamehero9282! [00:25:07] kateth: Yeah [00:25:07] cheff_cook: Will Ashley join us today? [00:25:07] DecoraKat: LUL [00:25:07] hiluuu: u can!!!!!!1 [00:25:07] asraxs: YES [00:25:08] lorelei0649: That's how it is for everyone [00:25:08] HandOvrFist: Happy for you Finny [00:25:09] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: i knew it was going on for a good while xD [00:25:09] teatedostritch3: You fucked around with it and then found out how to do it right [00:25:09] ScarsUnseen: so meeting Ashely is also your HRT date?? [00:25:09] skoralta: Just pick your own :) [00:25:09] Fried_Pickles: So happy for you <3 [00:25:09] mario8889: Pick today! [00:25:10] Komnia: YES [00:25:10] vNTCv: why not today [00:25:10] PrestinoLive: ctvaBonk [00:25:10] alaynerzz: TEAM ASHLEY [00:25:11] distractedcreative: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [00:25:11] pretzelbea: YES PICK A DATE [00:25:11] FlowersOfLight: yes [00:25:11] sasaa_86: Today [00:25:11] neondimples: You've been doing it properly about as long as I've been on HRT [00:25:12] Bleats_Sinodai: buffpupWicked buffpupWicked buffpupWicked buffpupWicked buffpupWicked buffpupWicked buffpupWicked buffpupWicked [00:25:12] chizzicle: Choose your own HRT-bday [00:25:12] starduckxd: bro drank the gender fluid aint no way [00:25:12] nodegen: pick a funny one [00:25:13] noaisanova: pick a date [00:25:13] filip_zd10: yessss [00:25:13] zephyr_alba: Yeah [00:25:13] pianoismyforte_: You get to pick everything now! [00:25:13] MatthewL: POG Ashley, She has helped you through everything! [00:25:13] muffinman1244: Today! [00:25:13] xero93: yep [00:25:14] emirizy: How many pumps and where? I'm also on gel and get varying advice from different doctors [00:25:14] f0xegg: Yes [00:25:14] me1ll0: give yourself birthday number 2 [00:25:14] marsrover001: April 1st, for the memes [00:25:14] drinkingfishwater: Pick when you like [00:25:15] TrueMezzo: just pick 1 [00:25:15] quietpidgeon: just say it’s the same day you started dating Ashely [00:25:15] LordClintCee: Welcome to the Alphabet Army! [00:25:16] elle_gato: @pierbi lets just put estrogen in the water [00:25:16] Nomosizzle: Wah gwan Baby love [00:25:16] PH7SKULL: Today is the day [00:25:17] portraitofabunny: I’m experiencing second-hand joy for you right now [00:25:17] multiversal_rift: heyyo, first time chatter, proud of you, tough video to make, touch choice to make [00:25:17] TeraValia: having a coming out anniversary is more important. just be glad you didn't do it yesterday.... [00:25:17] its_natalieeee: @pierbi <3 [00:25:17] juneguild: Soft Skin <3 <3 <3 [00:25:18] wlofs: skin upgrade [00:25:18] AlcoveAZ: no gender birth day [00:25:18] WillowWithAJoystick: You can always use today as your anniversary! [00:25:18] Robotp2: choose today? [00:25:18] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: pick date [00:25:18] andromeda_nyx: you and ashely have been together for 5 months already?!?!?! [00:25:19] independent_observer: So you were taking HRT when you called Vaush out for saying you're on HRT? [00:25:19] bang3r: you get to pick your tranniverary @F1NN5TER [00:25:19] WuppieF: gratz on being public abbout it ♥ [00:25:19] twopiesforeyes: 4/20 [00:25:19] cammy773: Officially T4T [00:25:19] jacebloodrose: Ashley the Trans bringer [00:25:20] DodenKing: Goth GF does actually fix all problems [00:25:20] SidMaxwell10: Yeah pick [00:25:20] princess_morningstar: say april 1st [00:25:21] YumeNoZen: I gave myself an estradiol injection and I think it hit a vein, so I was hormonally pregnant for a few days. Sorry Chasiu! [00:25:21] TrissByTor: Yep [00:25:22] fatslowman: you birth with HRT [00:25:23] pierbi: YEA ask awayyy [00:25:23] Notoenow: WAIT WHAT'S HAPPENING IS FINN OUT??? [00:25:24] policepigeon01: partners are the best for helping get your stuff in order [00:25:24] qrthulhu: Number one reason for me would be skin improvement [00:25:25] jalilu_: finally I can start jacking off without any remorse [00:25:25] RoryLuukas: That's pretty much every DIY experience LUL @f1nn5ter [00:25:25] ArminGux: pick the gender name and date of cracking [00:25:26] deespodete: Trans ppl get to choose everything: date, name, pronouns [00:25:27] marvhus: what the hell did I join in on [00:25:27] End3rpappy: Could just be today [00:25:28] Munchskull: How are the emotions??? [00:25:28] zumjess: to best of your knowledge [00:25:29] AmplSi: goesonLove goesonLove goesonLove goesonLove goesonLove goesonLove [00:25:29] remain_unseen: Just like, guess [00:25:29] im_up_to_something: Two birthdays? [00:25:31] comet_theenby: time is made up anyway, just pick a cool day [00:25:32] ryantupo: did she know you were on HRT when you first met her? [00:25:32] Kolateak_: SAME, my skin is crazy good now [00:25:33] callme1zzy: @pierbi haiii [00:25:34] jjfm60163: Use the coming out date as your anniversary [00:25:34] MirahImage: So glad you got your shit together. Thanks Ashley [00:25:36] CarnagexElite: lots of crying??? [00:25:38] krovvy: FeelsStrongMan [00:25:38] lordgtafbi: mhmm [00:25:38] aymungoos: hasn't said anything on purpose lol [00:25:39] badcaseofserpes: TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [00:25:39] axx_le: just came on the stream but so so happy for you! ❤️ [00:25:39] harrryot: Offical comrade BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:25:40] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: i noticed the small boobs and change in behaviour pretty early on [00:25:40] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: CowJAM [00:25:40] macey_20: finnn I text u on instaaa ! [00:25:40] rockdownthestreet: Is my connection trash or is anyone else lagging at bit? [00:25:40] Fried_Pickles: @pierbi is so cool [00:25:41] braddle172: f1nnNomods [00:25:42] cyphoenic_: wait so you're properly t4t then lol [00:25:42] TemptedSpirit_: 06/09 [00:25:42] FreschiLive: I mean you choose gender (or not) ofc you can chose the anniversary. [00:25:42] LlamaMoon_Games: LlamaMoon_Games subscribed with Prime. [00:25:43] f3mmbot: llamamoon_games subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang llamamoon_games f1nnLezgang [00:25:43] Emoney129: Never half-ass HRT. Have to whole-ass it [00:25:44] UrokayShS: I just joined, what are the news? [00:25:44] GrimAngel52: OMG I love you Fin!!! [00:25:44] TheI3arracuda: yeee [00:25:44] pretzelbea: KEKW [00:25:45] Catamondium: lmao [00:25:45] MomochiZoey: Being trans allows so much customisation, you get to pick your gender, your name, and your HRT birthday even [00:25:46] maebeabun: Loool [00:25:47] ATValdor: SMOOOOTH [00:25:48] the_oracie: skin id'd EZ [00:25:48] helenaaaaaaauwu: What your opiinion on SERM? [00:25:49] macarous: Keepo [00:25:49] Sir_GoofyGrape: you have an HRT year🫶🏼 [00:25:50] Nova_Prime_69: KEKW very suspicious [00:25:50] silentkay1: we can always tell [00:25:51] RoketRobyn: pick your transversary [00:25:51] Mikey2207: LMAO [00:25:51] Thomanski: bro became the croatian public broadcaster HRT [00:25:52] DenKaShi: KEKW [00:25:52] theia649: KEKW what that about [00:25:53] Kullax: Will you miss the "ally" label? [00:25:53] enbyvee: hey buddy. your skin's a little smooth there. [00:25:54] peepod11: Hey one question what is Ashley's new video find her also I love you content I'm not surprised you come I'm not surprised you taken here and tea Angela use all the weird personal a bug but he was interesting I feel like March the third would be per would be perfect [00:25:54] dinoapple454: awful smooth [00:25:55] Chisailol: 08/03 is about 5 months ago, could go with that :) [00:25:55] blusau: My Transversery is the last weekend in July [00:25:55] independent_observer: HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Wasn't there someone else who also said that?! [00:25:56] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [00:25:56] Kalazirys: smooth? LUL [00:25:57] MrKafay: whaaat ? no way Kappa [00:25:58] leftfrog: LUL [00:25:58] Komnia: LUL [00:25:58] epicregisman: hello smoothskin [00:25:58] Tordenbob: KEKW [00:25:59] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:25:59] Ekun: barcSus [00:25:59] pierbi: i literally have spoke about ur skin SEVERAL times [00:25:59] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Talking about first IRL encounter with Pierbi; She did not know at the time [00:26:00] mothpurr: outed by smooth skin lmao [00:26:00] jacmol7: BUSTED LUL [00:26:00] HardyOrange: what a way to spot another person on the E [00:26:01] s_m_i_r: The transvestigators were right /j [00:26:01] octminer: KEKW [00:26:01] starduckxd: i would LOVE your skin [00:26:01] andromeda_nyx: lookin a bit soft hmmmm [00:26:02] Alchimay: clocked by clear skin [00:26:02] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:26:02] pyroforlifeyt: pyroforlifeyt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Omg best stream evvveeerrr so glad to hear you finally got the confidence to talk open about everything :3 [00:26:02] f3mmbot: pyroforlifeyt subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:26:03] neon_bullet720: clocked [00:26:04] blue_penguin94: smooth? [00:26:05] gamertwtch: F1 nn gave false hope for smooth skin [00:26:05] ArminGux: smoooth criminal [00:26:05] bearpaw1970: Grin 😁😍 she caught on right away. [00:26:06] Avaerus0: So the real secret to good skin is HRT? :D [00:26:07] im_up_to_something: Weak now lol [00:26:07] casey_is_drowning: what was it like that everyone else knew you were trans but you [00:26:08] ninjakitten_: pegged? [00:26:08] krovvy: xD [00:26:08] professorpussicat: Yeah I haven't had any muscle reduction yet [00:26:08] BabyRainbow03: clocked it [00:26:08] BlankDomino: t4t w/ ashley technically?? [00:26:08] zooweebop: got clocked by your skin KEKW [00:26:08] pierbi: it is some of the best skin ive ever seen still [00:26:09] dr_bxnks: Like a baby’s bottom [00:26:09] kat_the_khajiit: Oh yea E causes lowered muscle mass, exercise more [00:26:09] qrthulhu: I should just do HRT for the skin 🥺 [00:26:09] blueskydrinking: The worst part is that Vaush was right last year KEKW [00:26:10] uchizombi: Ashley's videos make a lot more sense now, especially the video about her being in a t4t relationship xD [00:26:11] CujoMcFly: So how many trans discord servers have you been invited to already? [00:26:11] CritCupcake: lol [00:26:12] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: yooooooo Is it real? [00:26:12] billyyyn: Bi and ace? Very based [00:26:14] beaneater197: Smooth [00:26:15] YumeNoZen: Hey, now you have the excuse that you were on estrogen too! Kek [00:26:16] Catamondium: KEKW [00:26:16] ayarcee: ayarcee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months! Congrats and officially welcome to the community. [00:26:17] f3mmbot: ayarcee subscribed to f1nn5ter for 27 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:26:18] lilly477: they KNEW lmao [00:26:18] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: I mean... Skin was definitely the first thing other people noticed before I came out. lowcoLOL [00:26:19] randopersonn_: AHAHA the estrogen is going crazzyyy [00:26:20] Anchad: E is so good for skin [00:26:21] JadeLyra: She said " Ayo smoothskin" KEKL [00:26:21] MangledPork: Stan finn for smooth skin [00:26:21] Theinnocentbuda: Ashely was your stepping stone through this. [00:26:21] Taranis_EXE: berriyaKek [00:26:21] skylikesaerospace: your muscle mass will begin to go away if it hasn’t yet [00:26:22] itbesagemate: Hi Finn I have definitely not been stalking your YouTube for this, I'm so happy for youuuuuu [00:26:23] saltyrat7: saltyrat7 subscribed with Prime. [00:26:23] f3mmbot: saltyrat7 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang saltyrat7 f1nnLezgang [00:26:23] 13TAC0S: so do you consider your self asexual romantic Bi or not asexual? [00:26:24] drunkshinx: i swear these pills are just for skincare! [00:26:26] harrryot: Biaced [00:26:26] Fried_Pickles: You're so brave!!! aaaaaaaaaaaah [00:26:26] pierbi: give me ur skin now [00:26:26] Japanese_Spaghettee: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:26:27] OHMichelleOH: yay, caught you early in the stream again. [00:26:27] multiversal_rift: E does that, prepare to also be colder [00:26:28] Dezponia: Ashley beat supporter ziphHeart [00:26:29] profane_pagan: No more "man's man" jokes anymore? :D [00:26:30] Qwon91: when i was questioning my gender i choose the label non binary and started HRT (got stuff from friends) and so much is getting better the last months i wish you all the best and you'll figure out more and more things about yourself liliscHerz liliscTrans [00:26:30] chizzicle: finally an excuse for the arm wrestling losses. Nice extra perk [00:26:31] LindseyMonroe: Smoooooth Genderfluid. Doesnt roll of the tongue as it should [00:26:31] pierbi: GIVE Me ur SKIN [00:26:32] tacoslmg: I miss my trans girlfriend [00:26:32] Deadjack1999: So f1nn is nb or agender? [00:26:34] nightwolf4476: Why not make your anniversary with Ashley your HRT anniversary as well [00:26:35] mootie1: f1nnGremlin ✨ [00:26:36] Myoukochou: Congratulations!!! myoukoHeart [00:26:37] Rhea_Seiros: Rhea_Seiros subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! I started about the same time and have had low levels good to know I'm not alone quantLove [00:26:37] Y0rk5h1r3: But now your skin is liquid? [00:26:37] f3mmbot: rhea_seiros subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:26:37] XENOMAN5: Now when we say “it’s probably the HRT” in chat we’re not saying it jokingly [00:26:37] CarnagexElite: … my skin was fine before and the hrt has barely changed it 😅 [00:26:38] realxelnoc: how much does your hrt cost? [00:26:38] kateth: I have that too [00:26:39] elle_gato: some say its the best skin [00:26:39] Bleats_Sinodai: I'm just so proud of you F1NN you're beaming with happiness mongre6EYESU mongre6EYESU mongre6EYESU mongre6EYESU mongre6EYESU mongre6EYESU mongre6EYESU [00:26:40] krovvy: pog [00:26:41] its_natalieeee: What T blocker are you on @F1NN5TER [00:26:41] PaperyMantis645: IT DOES [00:26:43] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: Happy 4 u F1nn [00:26:45] the_oracie: SMOrc smooth skin [00:26:46] ddippo: ddippo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! what did I miss? [00:26:46] ChasingSol: haha [00:26:46] f3mmbot: ddippo subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:26:46] SoapCanFan: I missed the start of the stream ): [00:26:46] YumeNoZen: Pierbi, just empty out the vacuum cleaner and you'll get the dust form? [00:26:47] trufflechu: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:26:49] independent_observer: Is that an Owl House reference? [00:26:50] Stovamor: I know everyone is excited, but unsolicited medical advice in chat is NOT needed. [00:26:50] matheuslr47: Lucky fucker [00:26:51] Stovamor: I know everyone is excited, but unsolicited medical advice in chat is NOT needed. [00:26:51] stykyt: How did you get on HRT? I'm having to buy overpriced crud online because the NHS ignores me... [00:26:53] Stovamor: I know everyone is excited, but unsolicited medical advice in chat is NOT needed. [00:26:55] pierbi: ok brb [00:26:57] zettmech: i hope this is not a weird question, how did it go with body hair? [00:26:59] octia7: Are you on DIY? [00:26:59] OHMichelleOH: Pierbi your skin looks fine [00:26:59] MimoJimi: lets all share skin [00:26:59] ScrapRodent: I’m also bi and genderfluid so I was crying after watching the video karlswFiendsad [00:27:00] phoebe_rc: Very Silence of the Lambs [00:27:01] Angelus_Irae: TransgenderPride GoldPLZ NiceTry [00:27:01] starduckxd: can I has some estrogen pwease [00:27:01] Falqun: forgett skin, I want your hariline D: [00:27:02] MaxVershhhtappen: yo @pierbi , you simply lovely dear… ;

:D [00:27:24] jackalsclaw: Are you able to write of the cost of your HRT? [00:27:25] Cloverpatch170: @MimoJimi <3 [00:27:27] Chronos101172: Have you been sent the 'Agenda' yet? They keep saying there's an 'Agenda' but no one ever says whats in it. [00:27:28] ArminGux: why do you use gel? [00:27:28] its_natalieeee: Are you on Cypro? [00:27:28] ekat2468: Why did you choose gel as your intake method? [00:27:29] ColedCollector: glad you found out more about urself f1nn. ph1lLove its really freeing peepoHappy also chat remember to have some form of hormones in your body to prevent bone problems [00:27:29] garfsnooks: CALL THE E GEL GENDER FLUID [00:27:30] WuppieF: idk if I joined late but do you get your HRT private? [00:27:31] cerysnomi: oestrogen was cheap hormone blocker was over £130 a month [00:27:31] clio_eeyo: spiro is not cheap [00:27:31] qrthulhu: Clear skin is definently a good reason for hrt [00:27:31] fairybreadgremlin666: HAIIIIII [00:27:34] smolbluegoblin: Pride500 Congrats on the fun gender ! Been transitioning for a year (FtM) and it's been amazing so far. Proud of you ! [00:27:34] d_heeezy: If you're not using the testosterone can i borrow it/j (possibly) [00:27:35] Hellstar_Alucard22: I am so happy for you F1nn. You are one of us for real now [00:27:38] TwinbeeMk2: You're so excited I love it <3 [00:27:39] c__r__j: @stovamor : Well said. I want my medical advice from a scuffed gremlin! [00:27:39] dancinooget8: crazy [00:27:40] HelloThisIsDee: Finally actually followed you on twitch to say congrats, and welcome to the "wtf even is gender, let's do hormones about it" club <3 [00:27:40] kristinhateslife: on stream now, hello [00:27:40] ninjakitten_: gender gp is going to be the end of my existance [00:27:41] thiccgnome82: thiccgnome82 subscribed at Tier 1. [00:27:41] f3mmbot: thiccgnome82 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang thiccgnome82 f1nnLezgang [00:27:41] Pope_Pickle: NHS HEALTHCARE BAD GRRR [00:27:43] Avaerus0: So blocking T is cheap, but getting E isn't? [00:27:44] tacoslmg: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [00:27:45] MaxVershhhtappen: is your whole body going to transform [00:27:46] multiversal_rift: why did you choose to do gel instead of pills? [00:27:48] onebrownbean: go on the femboy estrogen website to buy the injectable stuff [00:27:50] casey_is_drowning: so has booba happened ? [00:27:50] SunIsLost: Wait, are you on hrt? [00:27:51] Fried_Pickles: Sheesh [00:27:53] policepigeon01: e is sometimes used if you have really bad spots, i knew someone who is a cis male and had it on the nhs [00:27:54] randopersonn_: a year? thats not toooooo bad [00:27:54] Under_no_Control: i have a friend on cyproterone and she says its super expencive [00:27:55] Shockwavemecha: d a m n [00:27:55] Kolateak_: OOF [00:27:55] ciernaruza: I thought it would be more [00:27:57] MikeWillStream: that's not bad but it's definitely not good [00:27:57] CarnagexElite: I’m with the London Transgender Clinic [00:27:59] HardyOrange: that's not bad for most meds [00:27:59] Jonas_McPherson: I saw the vid and I am happy your parents are supportive [00:27:59] SnowyLando: oof [00:28:00] goddessempressbird: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:28:00] SleepyPac: thats nothing [00:28:01] cerysnomi: get shared cared agreement with gp then meds are free [00:28:02] pandadorable_: How's ur mental sanity now ? [00:28:02] kanilas: kanilas subscribed with Prime. [00:28:02] f3mmbot: kanilas subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang kanilas f1nnLezgang [00:28:03] ChasingSol: @SunIsLost yes, go watch his latest Youtube video [00:28:06] overcooked_bones: soooo what are your pronouns now? [00:28:06] CupcakeRoxo: CupcakeRoxo subscribed with Prime. [00:28:06] f3mmbot: cupcakeroxo subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang cupcakeroxo f1nnLezgang [00:28:08] Fistful_Of_Soup: Fistful_Of_Soup subscribed at Tier 1. [00:28:08] Scyi_: Holy shit, my injections are like 200 a year. damn. [00:28:08] f3mmbot: fistful_of_soup subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang fistful_of_soup f1nnLezgang [00:28:09] FreschiLive: yea cause the gymbros take it aswell :( [00:28:10] cudash: Is ok for you to talk about your bissexuality? [00:28:10] ToryGraceVT: @F1NN5TER i'm so proud of you, i can admit because of you, i've been trans for years and always afraid to go public with it. [00:28:10] hadders_07: <3 [00:28:11] soft_boi_14: can I have your testosterone now?? Since you’re not using it?? [00:28:11] GhostOfAFlea: its the blood tests that cost [00:28:11] YumeNoZen: Location, insurance, brand, subsidies from pharm company, and the delivery method can vary. Also, injectable estradiol isn't available everywhere. [00:28:13] MegaMiley: About 80-160 a month, sounds decent [00:28:15] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:28:16] AeitZean: i mean for you its basically an investment HypeLUL f1nnHeart [00:28:16] andromeda_nyx: yeah thats about same for me in canada with no insurance [00:28:17] JadeLyra: Triptorelin is so fucking expensive. It's like 500 every 3 months [00:28:17] Demacherius: Wait Ashley is not a girl? I always thought she is just a bit Bi [00:28:19] munocard: booba hurt after a few months [00:28:19] aymungoos: did you falsify your high t results or was that before E [00:28:19] Gabyhills: Congratulation [00:28:21] SunIsLost: @ChasingSol ok [00:28:21] xo_wren_xo: xo_wren_xo subscribed at Tier 1. [00:28:21] soopergamer2000: that’s scuffed. Why can’t estrogen be as cheap as t blocking??? 😭😭😭 [00:28:22] f3mmbot: xo_wren_xo subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang xo_wren_xo f1nnLezgang [00:28:22] hunkypex: It can stop you having kids possibly if it's an issue [00:28:22] Clorissabelles: A grand a year is about right, probably closer to £1,500 [00:28:23] TheRealEpicSquid: no its so real [00:28:23] skoralta: Handy timing with that charity you started ;) [00:28:25] estherarchive: yup [00:28:27] theeelfy: Oh great its gonna be more than a grand f [00:28:28] casey_is_drowning: pronouns??? what are they????? [00:28:28] IndustrialSprinkles823: Bro honestly I don't know what to ask I'm just so excited to see this new chapter [00:28:28] jacmol7: I paid £110 for 6 months of patches and blockers [00:28:31] ToxikDeth: Are u on diy hrt or with a private clinic? NHS wait times are agony rn i hope you're getting blood tests. [00:28:31] raven_coding: Those damn veggies [00:28:31] professorpussicat: Testosterone was not nice to me either [00:28:32] Nova9308: Yeah fem-hrt is 1-2k/year [00:28:32] HandOvrFist: The "I never wanted a son" killed me [00:28:32] t0m1n4t0r: reminder number 5252535 that Ashley is the best thing that ever happened to you [00:28:34] VacillantVoid: i my testosterone is 10 Euro four times a year [00:28:35] F1rstPick: I feel you [00:28:35] krovvy: xD [00:28:35] MirahImage: Your GP should do a shared care agreement [00:28:36] annanasbananenpizza: @clio_eeyo in germany i only pay 5EUR for 100x 100mg Spiros [00:28:37] Adenine04: @casey_is_drowning he/him for now [00:28:38] M00SKl: Testosterone was rough on me mentally [00:28:38] JType327Nubian: I say it felt like poison was drained out of me [00:28:39] John_Blaze03575: can HRT affect muscle strength? [00:28:40] blueskydrinking: I see E hasn't improved your concentration LuL [00:28:40] TwinbeeMk2: Don't feel embaressed hun it's true for some [00:28:41] TrueMezzo: its so reallll i could feel it [00:28:41] karojhe: Ha, as if chat's going to be less weird! I want your skin too. [00:28:42] TrissByTor: Yuuuuuuuuuup [00:28:44] AmyChan98: A grand, christ cost me £19 under the NHS for a year [00:28:44] its_natalieeee: Spiro has barely touched my T [00:28:46] justKimmy: <3 [00:28:46] itsROFLPIZZA: Just finished the video, congrats. I have been on E for five months and it's made me feel so much better mentally and emotionally. Good luck on your journey ❤️ [00:28:47] independent_observer: @multiversal_rift Pills suck ass and barely digest, they also fuck with your liver. gel is almost as good as injections [00:28:47] dancinooget8: you can be allergic to testosterone [00:28:48] Taranis_EXE: knutsNodd [00:28:48] ScarsUnseen: Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome? [00:28:49] ogrem_fanclan: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart Love you so much, you silly gremlin [00:28:50] DenKaShi: @Demacherius She IS a woman [00:28:50] XENOMAN5: When you went out with the guy were you dressed up all girly? [00:28:51] munocard: I described trying estrogen as "someone opened the curtains in the room" [00:28:52] cuddlebear187: cuddlebear187 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [00:28:52] Myoukochou: @John_Blaze03575 Yep, it can. [00:28:53] f3mmbot: cuddlebear187 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months using Prime! PogU [00:28:53] ArminGux: yeah hormones littery mess with your brain [00:28:54] RoketRobyn: get on the tabets the gel lets me with horrible skin [00:28:54] DarrigoTR: So you were showing that T chart after you went on HRT? [00:28:55] noxcrystalis: a grand i only had to pay 10 bucks although i have good insurance [00:28:56] Netrashado: your parents were so cute in your video! so happy you have such good support 🥰 [00:28:56] ColedCollector: thats actually really cool to know. thanks for sharing [00:28:58] EmpressCard: Would you recommend going to a gender service even if you aren't sure you want to do anything medical? [00:28:58] roxie_boxie: I personally use birth control pills becase of progestagenes, they block testosterone really well [00:28:59] starduckxd: How can you give so much envy to every gender [00:29:00] cuddlebear187: I KNOW IT ... JUST KIDDING IM SO HAPPY AND FOR YOU JUDE... [00:29:01] Munchskull: My dad said I was allergic to T when I was a teen [00:29:02] mx_alyn: get your HRTPPC [00:29:04] QuorrTahn: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:29:04] lordgtafbi: where is that T chart of yours LUL ?, I suppose that is a thing of the past now [00:29:05] azothenjoyer: you literally just made me stop being afraid of blockers [00:29:05] caelamondorian: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:29:07] greebowarrior: itsgem1Love [00:29:08] Scyi_: Preach sister [00:29:08] ChasingSol: If you've just joined and don't know what is going on, go watch his latest video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3reFDwM0yIA [00:29:09] camina_mtns: is diy cheaper than that chat? [00:29:10] QuarkTV: which testosterone blocker do you take? [00:29:11] auburnt_amaranth: late here, congrats! (proud of ya, trans woman here) [00:29:11] CarnagexElite: that sounds very fsmikiar [00:29:12] LindseyMonroe: What are you going to do with the..... clothes box? [00:29:13] morgan_of_oregon: try estrogen pellets! They insert them and they slowly dissolve over months to a year. [00:29:13] juneguild: Same [00:29:13] mimmm: im so happy for u! [00:29:14] 19ducks: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:29:14] olivia_mey_: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH [00:29:15] ClassyRoboto: Trans people are a scam by hot topic to sell more thigh highs (im trans) [00:29:15] andromeda_nyx: yeah its actually insane how much the mental effect is so much better [00:29:17] jamnesia777: bro got the gender euphoria [00:29:17] goldenskies98: hey that was me going on T!!! like it fixed meeeee [00:29:18] SleepyPac: can attest this is so real [00:29:18] michaelsally19190: VoHiYo [00:29:19] StanchSkate: so you lied when vaush called you out for your skin!! [00:29:20] multiversal_rift: @independent_observer ty for the information, im gonna go ask my doctor about that now [00:29:20] Emoney129: 👍♥️ [00:29:21] Kolateak_: Real af [00:29:21] jacmol7: Preparing to exist [00:29:21] AshleyTheAsteroid: it's crazy isn't it ahaha [00:29:22] vitecekuwu: man behavior [00:29:23] infernobot27: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:29:23] goddessempressbird: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:29:24] gwen7732: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [00:29:24] its_natalieeee: TRUE [00:29:25] JoeApsey00: Same went on Estrogen and instantly felt good mentally within a week or so [00:29:26] Scarbble: super mega happy for you, finn! so glad you can finally talk about it! [00:29:26] ninpnin: thats called sane, not insane [00:29:26] ScarsUnseen: yea, it's weird... on HRT, regardless of physical changes, it feels like it makes my brain ok. [00:29:27] eccho_anon: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:29:28] gamerman356: Testosterone does that [00:29:28] noaisanova: for me my mental health became perfect two days after I started hrt [00:29:28] stykyt: YES!! It makes such a difference! [00:29:28] ZerschnetzIer: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride 󠀀 [00:29:29] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: I started E and ended up being able to go off of antidepressants. Obviously not everyone can do that, but it made a *huge* and immediate mental health difference. [00:29:30] CritCupcake: Yeah, that's what happened when I started hrt [00:29:32] spottytheturtle: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:29:32] whatsnacks: that was literally the same for me but with estrogen, so glad to be on T now [00:29:33] soopergamer2000: that’s me rn 😭😭 [00:29:34] RoryLuukas: Have you had PMS yet though @f1nn5ter I cried like a baby for no reason one day LUL [00:29:34] Sir_Snarffy: no more thoughts of sniffing the bottom of a pool? sounds lovely.. [00:29:35] LanaBread: 10/10 mental health, we love that [00:29:35] profane_pagan: Testosterone is poision -saying it as a cis man [00:29:36] scarthepeaceful: Hell yea Im so happy for you [00:29:36] ciernaruza: like that ren and stimpy meme [00:29:36] TruffleFry: you giving me gender envy is confusing lol [00:29:37] jackalias: I'm glad you're feeling better! Euphoria > depression [00:29:38] rw03_bjw: I want a poll refund [00:29:39] twopiesforeyes: I KNOW ! [00:29:42] beaneater197: So no t means happy [00:29:44] Statdk: jealousy rn is a cis thought right? [00:29:44] SnowyLando: i wish i could fix my brain with hormones [00:29:44] MooCowTracy: ahh, the wall stare... yeah. depressed much? [00:29:44] TemptedSpirit_: 06/09 is a good date [00:29:44] DodenKing: You're being a little bit too relatable rn [00:29:46] Selstraits: Pepega i wanna see angry fin [00:29:47] nemumonster: thts how i am rn Q_Q [00:29:47] MissJenkins2130: I’ve had bottom surgery on the NHS before I was 36 years old. I’m taken HRT for the rest of my life. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ [00:29:47] XENOMAN5: Gender euphoria for the win! [00:29:48] cerysnomi: hot flushes are fun ;) [00:29:49] EldritchElucidator: real [00:29:51] MajesticFvckingEagle: Wait i missed something, when was the testosterone? [00:29:53] lop025: real [00:29:54] CarnagexElite: I used to feel like I was living in third person and was being run around in a horrible meat suit [00:29:56] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:29:58] Kolateak_: This is me before and especially AFTER starting HRT [00:29:58] zahul_21: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [00:29:58] TrueMezzo: im so glad its not just me [00:29:58] ayarcee: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:29:59] TheRealEpicSquid: E for me is happy juice [00:29:59] Hey_Ash_Rose: Can you feel that peace TransgenderPride lindroxFlower [00:29:59] harrryot: Thats realye good for you :] [00:30:00] wingenn: do you wanna have sugeries for your "transitioning" if yes which? [00:30:01] ArminGux: wait I do the same thing…. [00:30:01] randopersonn_: yea hormone changes change your mood SOO BAD [00:30:01] colebarton00: could be the tism [00:30:02] Daxstroyer: yo what I miss [00:30:02] VeeInAfrica: samee [00:30:03] TeraValia: mods are workin overtime with all these weirdos [00:30:03] r4wbean: is the edge of your bed sit in the morning and think about life not normal? [00:30:04] jamnesia777: whenever I don’t actively do my steps to make myself look pretty and I just go boy mode I feel the exact same way [00:30:04] LordClintCee: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:30:05] KnightNave: uhhhhh [00:30:05] loser_potatoo: 1st time in a finster liive🔥🔥🔥 [00:30:06] TrissByTor: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:30:07] charbear1125: Heya f1nn I'm tranfem anything i should know before starting hrt? [00:30:10] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [00:30:10] Xphome: LUL [00:30:10] roninsnook: Damn, I feel that [00:30:10] loograt: KEKW [00:30:11] cyphoenic_: KEKW [00:30:12] skoralta: Weirdly, the emotional spikes are the only side effects I haven't experienced yet. [00:30:12] MikeWillStream: KEKW [00:30:12] dinosaur_socks: do you cry more now? [00:30:13] johnkeiwo: LUL [00:30:14] RykerSune: KEKW [00:30:14] lazyashell9: Me it felt like roid rage. [00:30:14] Mario11041: LUL [00:30:14] GhostOfAFlea: that's a word for it [00:30:15] KhiralShimmer: like a prius on diesel fuel [00:30:15] juneguild: Whelp [00:30:15] Tordenbob: How quickly did you start to feel the mental effects? [00:30:17] muddymudkip15: Lol [00:30:17] ogrem_fanclan: KEKW [00:30:17] Anchad: damn I need a stronger testosterone blocker [00:30:17] Shockwavemecha: An irate f1nn [00:30:18] toastychaii: AHAHA [00:30:18] starduckxd: I think im fairly similar to you lol can we have some more hrt tips :3 [00:30:19] doomsday7568: @F1NN5TER congrats on the coming out video and hrt [00:30:19] Mooncats13_: ive been sleeping so much better now that i'm properly on E... [00:30:19] xero93: KEKW [00:30:19] smallgodguido123: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:30:20] Morii_Senpai: Are you gonna do vocal surgery yuyixSit [00:30:20] idesofjuno: KEKW [00:30:21] gazwj7: i mean that sounds like the tism too 🤣 [00:30:21] its_natalieeee: @charbear1125 dont get on spiro its not that strong [00:30:21] maxxiiimoo: are you changing your pronouns? [00:30:23] ChasingSol: @charbear1125 that's a question for your health care provider [00:30:23] JadeSorcery: amazing news that it helps you feel better <3 glad you found a medicine that helps [00:30:23] PerdyTang: Grats @F1NN5TER [00:30:25] XENOMAN5: @loser_potatoo you picked a real zinger [00:30:25] scarlettyg: "irate" is a word I only ever see describe middle-aged women and cats [00:30:26] hazelgr33n: @loser_potatoo what A STREAM to jpin <33 [00:30:26] whatsnacks: hrt helps so so so much [00:30:27] lordgtafbi: @MajesticFvckingEagle pretty sure he is just referring to his natural testosterone production [00:30:28] Mondongod: Is your PP dead now? [00:30:28] patateaudoux: genuinely happy!! really cool coming out video !! [00:30:29] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:30:29] Fried_Pickles: When I started HRT yah.... I STILL DONT CRY IM ENvious ...... : ( [00:30:29] mr_leggy_d_1st: I wasn't kept up. Is the voice training a touchy subject? If not, what are you thinking about it now? [00:30:30] LindseyMonroe: The Irate Genderfluid LUL [00:30:31] asraxs: this is your brain 🥚 this is your brain on testosterone 🥚 💥 🍳 💥 [00:30:33] infernobot27: Transfem - Transfimn [00:30:35] CarnagexElite: oh god yeah I cry so much now 😭 [00:30:35] KnightNave: uhhhhh chat... chat oh god [00:30:35] lethaldissonance: You can be bi and asexual? [00:30:37] cheff_cook: Can HRT stop male baldness? Asking for a friend [00:30:39] professorpussicat: A lot of people don't know this, but testosterone blockers don't reduce the testosterone in your body, it just blocks the EFFECTS of testosterone. Being on E for a long time reduces your T levels. [00:30:40] Vyakitha: so you didn't need ketamine you just needed estrogen [00:30:41] redfogul: girl voice training? [00:30:42] 0molbat: when i started t-blockers and spiro made me be able to feel more feelings than JUST angry and horny lol [00:30:42] TwinbeeMk2: Most of us could tell when you started :P [00:30:42] t0m1n4t0r: increasing my E dosage may have literally saved my life, I get it [00:30:45] jacebloodrose: Do you fealt bad [00:30:46] ScrapRodent: IrateGamer [00:30:46] hebron321: agp anger [00:30:48] hihowubduin: I cry ALLLLLL the time now, it's fantastic :D [00:30:49] CH3R_24: What is it like to see yourself from the start of your channel to now you? is it weird? [00:30:49] Vanimal2118: <3 @nothitch f1nnHeart [00:30:50] Zyrashana: Did HRT affect the degree to which you feel ace? [00:30:50] artemis0258: ModLove ModLove ModLove Thank you for the good work, mods! We appreciate you <3 <3 <3 [00:30:52] auyo97: holy shit she’s just like me fr [00:30:55] CakeyLive: did you ever talk to Kris about it? i bet she would be so proud [00:30:55] sharkdad0: !uptime [00:30:56] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 31m 6s [00:30:57] loser_potatoo: How should i come out to my dad abt bein gay? [00:30:58] camina_mtns: @cheff_cook yes [00:30:58] pianoismyforte_: Whys this so relatable?! [00:30:58] Shikuretto97: W [00:31:00] goldenskies98: I really had the opposite except going on T [00:31:01] headhunter5509: I saw myself as very striaght but when i first came across your channel and watched your content ngl i became open to Trans so just wanted to say thankyou ^^ and im happy ur also now open and happy too ^^ [00:31:02] AshleyTheAsteroid: @professorpussicat this is NOT true i've done the blood tests to prove it [00:31:02] princess_morningstar: same tho [00:31:03] mimmm: sheesh [00:31:03] TruffleFry: I'm a trans man and also resinate with "being alergic to testosterone" and I purposely injected that shit lol [00:31:04] CarnagexElite: that’s because your emotions are balancing out properly [00:31:04] ya_boi_snowie: PrideUwu PrideUwu PrideUwu PrideUwu PrideUwu PrideUwu PrideUwu PrideUwu PrideUwu PrideUwu PrideUwu PrideUwu [00:31:05] itsawormworld: Real I’m on Testosterone rn but the opposite happened where having e no longer be the predominant hormone in my body fixed 90% of my mental health issues 😭 [00:31:06] Kalazirys: omg kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk [00:31:08] HelloThisIsDee: Testosterone is such a mind fuck. If my girlfriend misses a dose of her anti-androgen, it fucks with her head for *days* [00:31:08] MimoJimi: ah yeah i punched a wall, and my hand is deformed now [00:31:08] ciernaruza: @cheff_cook yes but only to a certain extent [00:31:09] dry_noodel: Will you change your name now? If yes, will it be Rose? :o [00:31:10] JadeSorcery: our houses break if we do that [00:31:11] cheff_cook: @camina_mtns Thanks :D [00:31:11] scorpx11: @cheff_cook yes [00:31:11] RunicToxicJoker: can i have your T since you dont want it anymore [00:31:12] Morii_Senpai: what a chad [00:31:12] thekindredspiritofficial: is the bio gonna change? [00:31:12] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: i kind of relate yeah, and i never liked when puberty made me that way [00:31:13] randopersonn_: its literally so insane how hormones and shit change you and your mood [00:31:13] andromeda_nyx: just like me frfr [00:31:13] Catamondium: oooooof [00:31:15] quietpidgeon: cozyli5Toxic cozyli5Toxic cozyli5Toxic cozyli5Toxic cozyli5Toxic [00:31:16] gamertwtch: "I punched a wall, or a girlfriend..." [00:31:16] scarthepeaceful: Starting E saved meeee. Also just cry more lmao [00:31:16] RatPappi: this was my effect of STARTING T when i originally started hrt LUL its cwazy how hormones can massively change ur mental state [00:31:17] krovvy: angy [00:31:17] casey_is_drowning: that highlighted chat was insane 😭 [00:31:17] beaneater197: Chad [00:31:17] Mikayla_Alexis: The anger is replaced by tears usually. . . . [00:31:18] fl0ck9: fl0ck9 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [00:31:18] f3mmbot: fl0ck9 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:31:18] zahul_21: What would happen if U got only T in Ur systems. [00:31:18] MajesticFvckingEagle: @lordgtafbi ohhhh okay. I thought he was making it seem like he also experimented with T too [00:31:19] nodegen: chad [00:31:19] ColedCollector: @lethaldissonance yes its called biromantic and asexual! theyre two different things. like who you like romantically and who you like in the way typically described by a sexuality [00:31:20] whatsnacks: literally the effect that estrogen had on me as a trans guy lmaooo [00:31:21] MsAmagon: hard relate [00:31:21] Alchimay: @cheff_cook possibly, yes, if it's caused by DHT [00:31:22] SnowyLando: yikes [00:31:22] isthisapokeman: thats kinda hot ngl [00:31:22] ArminGux: Jesus wtf [00:31:23] HandOvrFist: Brit shit house [00:31:23] LindseyMonroe: doodSpeed [00:31:23] charbear1125: @lethaldissonance you can indeed be bi and ace, technically it becomes biromantic rather than bisexual but still bi! [00:31:24] tylerunknown: Have you ever been on the antidepressant Wellbutrin? That stuff made me such an angry person. [00:31:25] bearpaw1970: Agitation from it's levels biochem that you found to be bad for you ,I am glad your finding your best self where you feel you are yourself [00:31:26] ShimrawUS: my girl cut my internet off and i ended up punching a wall,, first time in 30 years i ever been angry [00:31:26] femboy64852852: wow confirmed they are is trans. [00:31:29] dancinooget8: damn [00:31:30] XENOMAN5: What did Kris say when you told her? [00:31:31] kateth: It's both [00:31:32] melanitta_: when I started E, I didn't get angry anymore too [00:31:32] Avaerus0: Punching things like brick only works in Minecraft [00:31:32] mx_alyn: Also Autism [00:31:32] Fried_Pickles: Estrogen is a chemical [00:31:33] softbonez: probably both [00:31:33] Helen_Croft: Chat TTS is off for now [00:31:34] saiga9: i had the same effect - testosterone gone and my mood got soooo much better KEKW [00:31:35] professorpussicat: @ashleytheasteroid are you also on Estrogen? [00:31:35] afal: OMG wait! That means that f1nn and icky are officially a t4t relationship! [00:31:36] lfierro22: remember every body is different! for example I started T and progesterone as supplement for getting my hormones right and it helped my mood fr, hormones are super important in every body!!! [00:31:36] Kolateak_: Am I doing something wrong? My mental health has only plummeted since starting [00:31:37] Total_Acidity: It's helped me mentally too [00:31:37] YumeNoZen: Correct chemicals for the structure you have is how I've felt. [00:31:37] riley___something: in my experience it’s both [00:31:38] onebrownbean: its both [00:31:39] OHMichelleOH: Testosterone sucks [00:31:39] dinoapple454: I’m glad you feel so much better [00:31:39] neondimples: I have a lot fewer dark thoughts since starting HRT [00:31:40] ChasingSol: @femboy64852852 no, he did not say that, watch the video [00:31:40] AeitZean: Maybe HRT should be mandatory for everyone HypeLUL [00:31:40] JadeSorcery: I would assume it was both [00:31:42] comet_theenby: my favorite thing about E is just occasionally seeing myself and going like, ohh yeah I look like this now [00:31:42] skylikesaerospace: chemicall E effected my mental clarity [00:31:42] CarnagexElite: it’s a bit of both [00:31:43] bluj40: punching walls is definitely a symptom of T 😔 [00:31:43] bry_2k: So happy for you, I just recently came out as genderfluid too. So excited for you. [00:31:44] takeonlana: It might just work better for your brain [00:31:46] twopiesforeyes: For fucking real [00:31:47] maddiefromtv: angry guy to happy girl pipeline [00:31:47] krovvy: HYPERS lesss go [00:31:47] Catamondium: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:31:47] TrissByTor: It's both [00:31:48] braddle172: So much to say lol [00:31:49] ScarsUnseen: [00:31:49] heta_6: Congrats! [00:31:50] randopersonn_: yeah its both, pretty chemical [00:31:50] itsawormworld: it’s definitely both in my experienxe [00:31:51] BucketMan1g: just whatched the vid congrats [00:31:51] Clovermancy: Yeah the will to live is surprisingly good for mental health, it was about 2 weeks for me [00:31:52] Kitsuneko111: ok now you're just showing off, I want HRT so bad lol [00:31:52] JorWat: Pretty sure there are non-HRT ways to treat stuff like that... [00:31:52] Komnia: so stoked for you :D [00:31:54] LanaBread: 2 years here, its both [00:31:54] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:31:55] kuro__kami42: you need to start writing these questions down [00:31:55] Saymitez: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:31:55] Myoukochou: I'm SO happy for you!! [00:31:55] Emoney129: No matter what you do going forward, legitimately happy for you feeling better [00:31:55] porangx2linos: i just saw the video and all i have to say is i knew it and congratulations [00:31:55] KhiralShimmer: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:31:55] ArminGux: T can cause increased agresion [00:31:55] anonymous6465: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:31:55] MikeWillStream: i can already tell this is gonna be a good stream [00:31:56] Statdk: YOU DISTRACTED HIM [00:31:56] perfersserderg: :) [00:31:56] xero93: having consistent hormones is just good for you [00:31:56] gwen7732: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ [00:31:56] doron2002: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:31:56] enbyRadicat: TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride BisexualPride [00:31:57] thehappyavocado1: So jealous wish my t blocker worked correctly [00:31:57] naughtius_maximus: Awww [00:31:57] zoewithane: Just watched the video I'm so proud of you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:31:58] nyrhalahotep: I'm so fucking happy right now 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 [00:31:58] rocko89222: :D [00:31:59] Shockwavemecha: spicycowHappy spicycowHappy spicycowHappy [00:32:00] stlngds: 🎉 [00:32:00] CurlyFin: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:32:00] Eromaw: SO HAPPY FOR YOU ADHD GOBLIN [00:32:00] FatherThyme: BisexualPride [00:32:00] Nova_Prime_69: aww TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:32:01] DodenKing: I am living for this [00:32:01] GaiusGoose: "whatggaittaksofuckingmuch" -F1nn, happy [00:32:01] Nova9308: Wow, I resonate so much with your backstory 💜🏳️‍⚧️ [00:32:01] greebowarrior: i can feel the happiness [00:32:01] umbrellaroselive: trans joy Pog [00:32:02] laurelin95: What made you decide on HRT as being a part of your gender fluidity affirmation? Is it more of an androgyny thing or a mental wellbeing decision? [00:32:02] Popdylop: this is so wholesome onfg [00:32:02] melanitta_: <3 <3 [00:32:02] ryagod04: TransgenderPride [00:32:02] judgedame: so much [00:32:03] TruffleFry: T makes me so aggressive I hate it [00:32:03] f4zol0: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:32:03] softbonez: I'm so happy for you, this is fun to see [00:32:04] Bleats_Sinodai: Your brain runs on chemicals so it makes sense mak1Nerd [00:32:04] wyldcardsam: From dysphoria to euphoria is an amazing feeling [00:32:04] hazelgr33n: aweeee GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:32:04] zumjess: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:32:04] Orionidos: gonna be honest reactions like that make me not wanna take T [00:32:04] galaxygamer0770: hrt gets rid of anger issues LUL SeemsGood [00:32:04] AphiaDeMieux: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:32:05] SnowyLando: <3 [00:32:05] johnkeiwo: chat Stare [00:32:05] RaukkM: Did Finn just say they are taking estrogen? [00:32:05] johnkeiwo: chat Stare [00:32:05] johnkeiwo: chat Stare [00:32:05] Marcus_Rasaan: Marcus_Rasaan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months! [00:32:05] Zeesium: hi finn [00:32:05] f3mmbot: marcus_rasaan subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:32:06] envysaysbonk: yeaa!! love that! <3 <3 <3 [00:32:06] ChasingSol: ADHD brain hasn't change [00:32:06] shurimandove: <3 <3 <3 [00:32:06] Lucasphpo: cellA cellA [00:32:07] edahdd: so this is why you saw icky on your tiktok [00:32:07] decilored: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:32:07] ZerschnetzIer: since when have you known you are bi? [00:32:08] Fried_Pickles: Seeing you happy is the best ever [00:32:08] MaxVershhhtappen: i too was very angry years ago, destroyed some ps4 controllers [00:32:08] tesstrtesstr: Autism [00:32:08] pretzelbea: this stream makes me so happy cuz i know EXACTLY what u mean [00:32:09] Under_no_Control: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:32:09] OstentatiousMongoose: adhd still a thing [00:32:09] njbh86: HRT fixed brain [00:32:09] aymungoos: agry boyo [00:32:09] isabaellchen: why did you hide it? [00:32:09] Oscuroso: Are you gonna work on your voice training more now? [00:32:10] mario8889: the giggles [00:32:10] Dr_Nia: Never watched your stream before. just here to say. from one trans person to another. Proud of you. no matter who you are coming out is hard. TransgenderPride [00:32:10] IanAlexzander: You used to be punchy punchy [00:32:10] bearpaw1970: Look at your winning charming smile [00:32:10] Stovamor: f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare [00:32:10] Naitoshadou: As it turns out that's pretty common for trans folks. Hormones good at soothing the unhappy brain. [00:32:11] Black_Bird94: I love that you're so happy! [00:32:11] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [00:32:11] TeraValia: Fin experiencing the gender euphoria. &_& [00:32:11] TobycSmith: Oh this stream is gonna crack my egg now I can feel it, holy [00:32:12] Stefanmoller: SUBprise [00:32:12] aceavan7: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:32:12] sam_xavier99: so cuteee [00:32:12] sasaa_86: Im crying becaise you are happy [00:32:12] nova_moth113: Happy finn! [00:32:13] djathome: So happy you're comfortable, proud of you TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:32:13] duplotracer: GenderFluidPride [00:32:13] strinx1120: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:32:14] alexx_net: @RaukkM He is [00:32:14] Skullbuns: congrats finn!! TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:32:14] roninsnook: 🥲🥲🥲 [00:32:14] Shikuretto97: This is awesome!! Glad you are happy!! [00:32:15] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: ADHD brain kicks in? XD [00:32:15] gwen_the_ninth: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:32:15] RaptorNL5: RaptorNL5 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months! Thank you for being open to talk about all this. Great to see you so happy! [00:32:16] axx_le: has hrt affected your libido at all? [00:32:16] bry_2k: GenderFluidPride [00:32:16] OHMichelleOH: something about anger [00:32:16] f3mmbot: raptornl5 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 32 months using Prime! PogU [00:32:17] c__r__j: Oh shit, HRT has made his ADHD worse! NotLikeThis LUL [00:32:17] olliessoup: no way finn finally gender??? [00:32:17] rosieishere1: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:32:18] Ruffilicious69: nice to see you happy [00:32:18] TrissByTor: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:32:18] kirathepan: Bye bye angyysss [00:32:18] beady_lil_rat_eyes: f1nnCool f1nnCool f1nnCool f1nnCool [00:32:18] yulikitten: So, you're gender fluid... But what about gender solid, or gender gas? Gender plasma, perhaps? [00:32:19] DarrigoTR: HRT not helping with ADHD [00:32:20] ddanza666: Talk about the bisexuality!!!!! [00:32:20] helenaaaaaaauwu: Your happines makes me happy even though i am usualy permanently depressed [00:32:20] eFlyman: the joy is infectious <3 [00:32:20] garlicbreadboiiii: so happy for you 💞 [00:32:21] beaneater197: Egg is happy [00:32:21] Sierra_Is_Gone: Seeing you like this is so damn ADORABLE!!!! [00:32:21] Cloverpatch170: ADHD go brrrrrrrrrrr [00:32:21] thebreadisonthefloor: aggressive joy best joy [00:32:22] EmpressCard: This is wonderful [00:32:22] icepopcorn_: I CANT BELIEVE IT I LOVE U [00:32:22] VictorNavi_DC: bloody punching bags [00:32:22] LordClintCee: This little gay autistic man is stimming so hard. LMAOOO [00:32:22] juneguild: Same with me - once I got on HRT - it was amazing [00:32:22] AmplSi: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride goesonLove goesonLove goesonLove [00:32:22] randomplaguedoctor: SO HAPPY FOR YOU🖤🖤 [00:32:23] drunkshinx: you were at mental health and punching stiff [00:32:23] scarlettyg: I'm so happy to hear you've feeling that much better <3 <3 <3 [00:32:23] KaitlotusLive: Its so nice to see you this happy [00:32:23] Daedalus015: Taking out testosterone was very helpful, yes. E for life! [00:32:23] professorpussicat: E-boy [00:32:24] meiketae: SO HAPPY FOR U [00:32:24] BigBuddaBrod: BigBuddaBrod subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! 4 month and this happend. Im so happy for you. [00:32:24] XENOMAN5: Mental health improvement [00:32:24] f3mmbot: bigbuddabrod subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:32:25] jarlofnoway: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:32:25] jvines1: something about knifes [00:32:25] reiisguts: f1nnCool f1nnCool f1nnCool [00:32:25] Ex0dia5: I love that your so happy. congrats. so good that you're feeling better [00:32:26] Statdk: E [00:32:26] CarnagexElite: would that be goblinette now? [00:32:27] Iwags: TransgenderPride [00:32:27] shelledbsh: Honestly, the excitement and happiness is such a good vibe [00:32:27] puffypuffbean: Hiya! [00:32:27] madoka_magikate: The absolute sweetest ever ☺ I'm so happy you're so excited to talk about this with us [00:32:27] CptPurpleHero: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:32:29] rice4020609: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:32:29] whitetiger3321: hi f1nn [00:32:30] jasiequu: I'm so happy for you rn [00:32:30] widepeepo_deany: <3 <3 <3 [00:32:30] 1_lpn: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:32:31] zoewithane: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:32:31] distractedcreative: f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [00:32:31] vadimhardbassov: YOURE SO COOL [00:32:32] deadRinger91: <3 <3 <3 [00:32:32] Circuitbree: Circuitbree subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! f1nnCowjam [00:32:32] nemumonster: ConGRATS!!!! :DDDD freakin awesome Q_Q [00:32:32] f3mmbot: circuitbree subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [00:32:32] KfkFod: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:32:32] Xplain52: TransgenderPride [00:32:32] freeusegartenhoe: the happiness is contagious [00:32:33] AmazingAspie: 8.5k viewers [00:32:33] Mr_Fluffy97: Happy Finn stream!! [00:32:33] its_natalieeee: YES IT FEELS SO GOOD ON E TO CRY [00:32:33] davidiusfarrenius: mods remind him what he was talking about [00:32:34] enbyvee: @c__r__j definitely different! it's really interesting the impact of hormones on ADHD [00:32:34] Mikayla_Alexis: 💜💜💜 so happy for you [00:32:35] Macstronaut: Macstronaut is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [00:32:35] f3mmbot: macstronaut has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:32:35] blueskydrinking: we know lol [00:32:35] Macstronaut: Macstronaut gifted a Tier 1 sub to Scarbble! [00:32:35] Macstronaut: Macstronaut gifted a Tier 1 sub to jarlofnoway! [00:32:35] Macstronaut: Macstronaut gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lillbarken! [00:32:35] Macstronaut: Macstronaut gifted a Tier 1 sub to oisterbread! [00:32:35] Macstronaut: Macstronaut gifted a Tier 1 sub to smart_donkey! [00:32:35] munocard: God, being able to cry without struggling is REAL [00:32:35] Bleats_Sinodai: mongre6Jerry mongre6Jerry mongre6Jerry mongre6Jerry mongre6Jerry mongre6Jerry mongre6Jerry mongre6Jerry mongre6Jerry mongre6Jerry [00:32:35] hhmmmmm: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:32:36] NelordUK: 10 hour stream of Fin just explaining how good it feels to come out [00:32:37] smallgodguido123: pls dont crack my egg F1NN [00:32:37] victoriafoxx_XO: congratulations [00:32:37] noxcrystalis: yeah emotional changes are the best i'm on injections so changes happen faster for me awesome that your doing better [00:32:37] alexg6464: Did you ever tease or easter egg your reveal on purpose? [00:32:37] ninjakitten_: [00:32:37] BlankDomino: i regret my choice in the betting pool [00:32:38] MsSpelled_MT: crying is the best [00:32:38] Bring_me_the_souls: so happy for you [00:32:38] s_m_i_r: E [00:32:38] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: It's amazing watching you enjoy the freedom to talk about this. You look so much happier! [00:32:39] Bailey_Ravenwick: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [00:32:40] fl0ck9: yep [00:32:41] TheI3arracuda: I do… [00:32:42] slurp_ster: nope [00:32:42] dorianddog: dorianddog subscribed with Prime. [00:32:42] f3mmbot: dorianddog subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang dorianddog f1nnLezgang [00:32:42] crowblax: 😭😭 [00:32:43] krovvy: cniTense [00:32:43] zettmech: i want to cry but i cant [00:32:43] Lucridis: I haven't cried in over 10 [00:32:43] cammy773: E emotions are amazing [00:32:43] xChocyMilkx: nuh uh [00:32:43] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: 0 times in the past 10 years [00:32:43] nitzkit8: too bad hrt doesn’t fix bimbo brain [00:32:44] theejoey: I have [00:32:44] starduckxd: finn how many times have you cried randomly due to the HRT [00:32:44] s1lly_guy_: I was watching the coming out video and just realised I’ve had finns mom hugging him on my tv for like 20 minutes [00:32:44] Bbistheman21: Yes [00:32:44] SleepyPac: being able to cry feels SOOOOOOOOOOO nice actually [00:32:44] techytrickster: i'm so happy for you! you British gremlin [00:32:44] crest122: Fuckin daily [00:32:45] cedric_callnight: All the time [00:32:45] Philippovic98: I do [00:32:45] blobtoad: his happiness is so contagious its adorable [00:32:45] decilored: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:32:45] Tokie9804: Finnnnnnnnnnnnnn, has cottontail said anything [00:32:45] godsbeenswinging_: i have [00:32:46] Moka3321: not once [00:32:46] Lemonychanuwu: Fimter [00:32:46] KaminoIDK: it feels good crting lol [00:32:46] TheRealEpicSquid: E unlocked crying for me [00:32:46] Pilllow51: i wish [00:32:47] taelion: about what though? [00:32:47] JadeSorcery: My partner cries when we watch movies together, I think it's sweet <3 [00:32:47] Xanoblade2: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:32:47] FancyTrashMan: i have [00:32:47] BlueBlees: Haven't been here in a while, pronouns check? [00:32:48] floating_raindrop: I have. [00:32:48] xero93: yeah actually [00:32:48] Gabyhills: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [00:32:48] thistleblue22: RIGHT!? I've literally just cried at the video you put out. [00:32:48] mikkyboo123: no [00:32:48] MrWattsVR: Yeah I cried.... [00:32:49] the_unholy_nerd: I cry when food's too spicy [00:32:49] MaggieHeels: @JorWat Hi [00:32:49] 03_lucy: starfmKiss starfmKiss starfmKiss [00:32:49] sophiebliek911: DAILY !!! cant stop [00:32:49] MrPink0000: I cry a lot mate [00:32:49] Derpsterette: Barely once a year [00:32:49] experiencepoints: I RESONATE SO MUCH TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:32:49] zarasque: GenderFluidPride [00:32:50] infernobot27: Are you gonna reconsider the booba implants now? [00:32:50] awosito: i cried 1 time in like 5 years [00:32:50] skittts03: What's going on? Just joined [00:32:50] maddiefromtv: the egg shell is obliterated [00:32:50] f4zol0: Yep [00:32:50] Azured_: about once in 10 years [00:32:50] PeeShaman: Haven't cried in 3 years [00:32:51] zz_p0p: F1NN I FUCKING LOVE U AND IM SO HAPPY FOR U AND I ALSO JUST GOT AN APPT FOR HRT TOO!!! Cheer100 [00:32:51] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: 100 times! AT LEAST [00:32:51] TobycSmith: Cried once in 8 years, it's awful [00:32:52] melanitta_: E makes me cry so much [00:32:52] helplessbrit: Yep [00:32:52] Jaedeke: i have this year [00:32:52] oniband: I Havn'et cried in like 4 years [00:32:52] Frosty790: 2 to 3 on average [00:32:52] beaneater197: I have [00:32:53] BR0WNSTE1N: FINN I’m so proud of you congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉 [00:32:53] Kiwipeels: It’s so hard to cry on T 😔😔 [00:32:53] deepinfrozen: 1 time last year [00:32:53] neondimples: Same [00:32:53] MikeWillStream: can't even remember the last time i cried tbh [00:32:53] QwandriXCI: no sir [00:32:53] lightningdraugr: I have but last year kinda sucked for me [00:32:54] aceavan7: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:32:54] goldenskies98: going on t did stop me crying [00:32:54] VEDS24: For sure more than 3 [00:32:55] justholim: crying as a man is a 30+ thing NODDERS [00:32:55] KenshinSeraph: So happy for your F1nn! [00:32:55] windatar: Nothing better then reading or watching a story with a good cry. [00:32:55] cyphoenic_: Omg I've started almost crying so much and I've only just started E [00:32:56] thebreadisonthefloor: real [00:32:56] SuchKittyMuchMeow: i only cry to anime [00:32:56] lfierro22: so happy that this is working for you in the best way!!! [00:32:57] muddymudkip15: I have actually [00:32:57] Kolateak_: Pre-HRT I was definitely crying SEVERAL times per year [00:32:57] PandaticTwitch: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:32:57] phoebe_rc: Cutting onions don't count [00:32:57] dancinooget8: yea he is huffing that shit like how i huff my grandmas ashes [00:32:57] scorpx11: testosterone dude here, havent cried in years [00:32:58] dat_b0i_augi: I don't cry GIGACHAD [00:32:58] Fried_Pickles: ;3 [00:32:58] rw03_bjw: I cried 3 times today bro [00:32:58] jacebloodrose: Do you love yourself more Now? [00:32:58] Sir_GoofyGrape: I love how happy you are!!! you’re glowing!!❤️❤️❤️ [00:32:58] kilan222: NAAA once every three years [00:32:58] ch4rc0al5: Can confirm I don't cry often as a dude [00:32:59] roofrisbee: the estrogen cry seshes go so crazy ngl [00:32:59] chriscorrick08: Love how happy you our <3 [00:32:59] skyfuntimes: going on e i ended up crying for the first time in probably almost a decade [00:32:59] z4cknyan: what i have [00:32:59] CarnagexElite: being able to cry is magical [00:32:59] Scarbble: oh shit, thanks for the gift sub! [00:33:00] im_up_to_something: Well yeah only human [00:33:00] grap3_s0da: I cry now and then [00:33:00] ghost_boy156: I’m a trans guy [00:33:00] aggravatedconditions: trans pre hrt- all the time [00:33:01] MrKafay: I have depression my dude, ofc I cry LuL [00:33:01] SnabbKassa: !commands [00:33:01] jvines1: why? [00:33:01] f3mmbot: Commands: !age, !archive, !badge, !complaints, !confused, !discord, !donate, !emote, !girlmonth, !height, !highlights, !instagram, !keyboard, !measurements, !music, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !represent, !schedule, !snapchat, !socials, !stream, !subscribe, !tiktok, !twitter, !youtube [00:33:01] BrunoBeslag: prolly gone years [00:33:01] anonymous6465: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:33:02] Sir_Snarffy: I don’t think I’ve cried 3 times in my life.. [00:33:02] xanvena21: that’s mad that [00:33:02] ryantupo: i cry daily XD and im not on E maybe i should get some T [00:33:02] ekat2468: the crying was one of the things I appreciate most about E tbh [00:33:03] NorableTTV: still running on T and i just cant cry [00:33:03] estrogenator_: ESTROGEN MAKES ME SOBBB [00:33:03] dead_emma: Cry W [00:33:03] dreamerzy: havnt cried in like a year. its actually infuriating lmao [00:33:03] Ravenov_: Dude, i've not cried 3 times in 20 years :/ [00:33:03] rippazombie: I've cried 6 times last year [00:33:03] Shockwavemecha: You cried on Christmas [00:33:03] CH3R_24: What is best to do hrt? tablets, patches gels, what’s the difference? [00:33:04] nemumonster: theres nothing like a good cry [00:33:04] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:33:04] the_bogganator1: Hey Finn, I'm really happy for you congrats!!! 🎉🎉🎉 [00:33:04] Frost_790: Yeap f1nnSad [00:33:04] munsown: Testostorone = emotion blockers lol [00:33:04] Lydia_Fe: do you cry over how cute the dog is [00:33:04] teatedostritch3: I haven't been able to more than tear up in years, it sucks [00:33:04] mistermuffins12345678: i physicly can't cry o---O [00:33:05] juneguild: So relatable <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:33:05] astrid_autumn: being able to actually cry is such a freeing feeling [00:33:05] randopersonn_: YEEEAAAH [00:33:05] the_oracie: i cry at anime intro's, that's about it KEKW [00:33:05] comet_theenby: the physical ability to cry again is fucking banger [00:33:05] MirahImage: TransgenderPride BisexualPride f1nnHeart BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:33:05] independent_observer: TRUUUUU, and now I cried like 5 times 2 days ago while watching ATLA [00:33:05] ShimrawUS: i dont cry [00:33:06] DodenKing: I only cry at emotional movies and stuff [00:33:06] jamnesia777: dude I’m so happy for you! Now I can stop saying “WHY DOES HE LOOK SO GOOD! HES NOT EVEN ON ESTROGEN!” [00:33:06] nodegen: Can you cry now please i want channel points [00:33:06] mayaculous: haiiiiii [00:33:06] b_orz_oi: yeah nah 2 crying sessions max per year [00:33:06] osha_tone4: I cry all the time tbh [00:33:07] ArchyNemesis: I wish I cried more, it sucks holding in your emotions [00:33:07] aymungoos: 😃 "I cry every day now" [00:33:07] choolburra1: cryings gay bruh [00:33:08] distractedcreative: I cry sooooooooo much [00:33:08] Chisailol: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:33:08] Komnia: awwwww [00:33:08] Cpu101: ive cried more since starting hrt than i have my entire life before [00:33:09] AustinDash_: as a trans girl, who has like 0 estrogen in her system, i cry like 100 times a year LOL [00:33:09] mimmm: crying is nice [00:33:10] AeitZean: Yeah, but im probably intersex 😅 [00:33:10] SumbreroMouse: I can be scared hard enough to cry now [00:33:10] Im_V__: called it. js. congrats on the self development tho!! [00:33:10] whitetiger3321: didn’t couldn’t [00:33:11] lachlancc: <3 [00:33:11] ScrapRodent: I cried watching the video karlswFiendsad karlswFiendsad karlswFiendsad [00:33:11] writhinglekku: cryin is hard [00:33:11] LightMage670: not a guy, still no E, can't remember the last time in like 2 years that I've cried [00:33:11] sightedfiend16: big dub for men, we all now have a chance with fin [00:33:11] blueskydrinking: I try not to cry because if I do I won't stop. Testosterone is so fun [00:33:12] Bailey_Ravenwick: yes I cry a lot now [00:33:12] ArminGux: I cried when grandma died, that’s about it [00:33:12] WillowWithAJoystick: Seeing you this happy is so freaking cute and I am so happy for you I can't even express it [00:33:12] HardyOrange: they need to distill this happiness and sell it as an antidepressant, gender euphoria is top tier [00:33:12] lunawilson: lunawilson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months! 13 months! just got here why did u start e? what did I miss [00:33:12] nichzzzz: a lot, still cis tho [00:33:12] f3mmbot: lunawilson subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:33:13] DreadPirateDan: i cry everyday because i listen to sleep token [00:33:13] ash_03037: I don’t think I’ve cried in like 6 months lol [00:33:13] Mr_Fluffy97: Last year I cried more than I have in years... wasn't good (cis male) [00:33:13] pyroforlifeyt: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:33:13] Leinis: I cried a lot back when I was on testosterone but a lot of that was from the trauma of not being on E [00:33:13] LordClintCee: BisexualPride critroleSuccess BisexualPride critroleSuccess BisexualPride critroleSuccess BisexualPride critroleSuccess [00:33:13] eternaldawn15: !pronouns [00:33:14] davidiusfarrenius: men don’t cry you idiot! [00:33:14] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:33:14] xboxmods: New Years stream energy [00:33:15] FancyYoshi: @SuchKittyMuchMeow I will remember you zelturFinger [00:33:15] strawberrymt945: I have never watched you but had to be here for this! Very proud of you! [00:33:16] lazyashell9: What was your t at? [00:33:16] burritoboy2222: I cried watching your video LOL estrogen is crazy [00:33:17] Floraine_UK: hello @ all <3 [00:33:17] FlowersOfLight: being able to cry is really nice and gives So much relief [00:33:18] asoftgoth: before HRT I cried a few times a week. Now I cry multiple times a day and I love it lol [00:33:18] jonrad: So this is all no longer just a joke? Youre really trans now? [00:33:18] SnowyLando: crying is a nice release [00:33:18] jarlofnoway: @Macstronaut Thank you f1nnHeart [00:33:18] WuppieF: im so yealous ngl lmao [00:33:18] zodiaccobalt: Preferred pronouns? [00:33:19] WildcatAlli: I cried once in ten years before hrt [00:33:19] neonshark121: cryings hard [00:33:19] InquiringRaven: first time twitch viewer, YouTube fan: that incoherent giggling? that’s euphoria! welcome to the club. [00:33:19] professorpussicat: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Dude! Crying is so much easier and it feels amazing to let it out now!! [00:33:20] smallgodguido123: rawr [00:33:22] dinosaur_socks: i cry at least 3 times a week i cant wait to get T [00:33:24] lurker_ger: thats why its calles E motion not T motion [00:33:24] caelamondorian: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:33:25] axe1970: since coming out as bi i felt able to cry more [00:33:25] Fireproofjeans: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:33:25] ItsJohannaWren: Every person in here on E totally relates <3 [00:33:25] a_l_9082: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:33:26] Naitoshadou: If you don't mind, are you on/are you considering progesterone? I found it really nice for my brain when I did and I'm curious. [00:33:26] crowblax: i’m a very sensitive guy so i cry a ton [00:33:27] SwitchLeafe: Will you choose a gender neutral name or something or will it always stay finn [00:33:28] minimitchell07: i think ive only cried over pain icl nothing emotional [00:33:28] XENOMAN5: I cry all the time and always have. Of course I recently realized I was trans. [00:33:29] grandpaladin1701: I'm an emotional guy, so I've cried (for big reasons or not) every other day. [00:33:29] deepwater_fae: its like becoming a real human being rather than a rage monster? [00:33:29] FreschiLive: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:33:29] z4cknyan: am i trans? i cry so much [00:33:30] sporkyspoon: this is so great lol. [00:33:31] soar_fennec: i dont use hrt but im naturally very feminine and i can cry often hell i can cry over a sad spot in a show [00:33:33] EKSerinal: I'm a dude, I attempt to cry in moments that are reasonable to cry in and it just doesnt happen LUL [00:33:35] cedric_callnight: Real men cry😤 [00:33:36] puffypuffbean: I'm on testosterone, and it's been weird going from crying everyday, to crying maybe once a month [00:33:36] VEDS24: It's a wave of like relief. It helps to get stuff off my chest [00:33:36] KaraIRL: @zodiaccobalt Still he/him (for now) [00:33:37] its_natalieeee: YUP [00:33:38] TheRealEpicSquid: YES [00:33:38] nh0j_5tk: nh0j_5tk subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months! [00:33:38] Myoukochou: Yep, that was pretty much my reaction when I realised. [00:33:38] f3mmbot: nh0j_5tk subscribed to f1nn5ter for 33 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:33:39] jackalsclaw: LOL 'Chat made me a egirl and HRT fixed my anger issues" sounds like a forced fem plotline [00:33:40] morgan_drui: f1nnHands [00:33:40] bearpaw1970: Blessings of Aphrodite 😁🫴💞 [00:33:41] mayaculous: egg cracking is weird asf [00:33:41] ManaUnmuted: Like am angry fog being lifted off your head. [00:33:42] pixlmyst: I resonate with this 1000% [00:33:42] nautilusbot135768: he's just like me fr fr [00:33:42] cyphoenic_: mm [00:33:43] juneguild: YUP YUP YUP [00:33:44] Statdk: i cant wait to run out of E and not be able to feel my emotions again ._. [00:33:44] dorianddog: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:33:46] lfierro22: progesterone helped my brain a lot lmao [00:33:46] takeonlana: Yeah its pretty shocking [00:33:47] Mooncats13_: i need a job so bad... hrt is bleeding me dry with what little allowance i get from my parents... [00:33:47] keller4589: last year 😭 [00:33:48] skoralta: Can confirm TransgenderPride [00:33:50] Catamondium: BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:33:50] ScrapRodent: I cried after I watched the video karlswFiendsad [00:33:50] CarnagexElite: I’ve known I was trans since I was 14, but was too scared and didn’t start until I was nearly 27 [00:33:51] melodia43: Cute [00:33:51] judgedame: ye i am very in touch with my feelings [00:33:51] xxjoyeusexx: Im a cis dude and i cry all the time. Espe ially when animals are hurt or lonely i cant stand that sh*t [00:33:52] GhostOfAFlea: yeah the bit between working it out and doing anything about it is the hardest [00:33:52] noxcrystalis: can't wait to cry been on e for 2 weeks still waiting for it to happen [00:33:52] mr_leggy_d_1st: Have you gotten shorter since sarting? [00:33:52] Scarbble: it's so so weird to realize you're not how you thought [00:33:53] alexx_net: Coming out to yourself can be tough [00:33:53] Barbar7575: evolutionari side effect of t, evolution made it that men have a kind of berserk mode, especially while hunting and normally some kind of "rage" would build up until the next hunt but in modern time there is no naturall valve for that rage which makes mens emotions very extrem, kind of a all or nothing type shit [00:33:54] TrissByTor: Ye0 [00:33:54] trissphoria: SO PROUD OF YOU [00:33:54] IrishmanSteve: what made you figure that out [00:33:54] Shockwavemecha: Bi [00:33:55] marty_poisonwood: WHAT how long [00:33:55] Skullbuns: the video was so sweet, hrt sounds amazing TransgenderPride [00:33:55] ezzyisgone: HYDRATE [00:33:55] dead_emma: I'm considering starting on T and you're going to make me doubt myself haha [00:33:56] howsamthinks: congrats finn! [00:33:56] silentkay1: I had a proper breakdown when I figured stuff out. Spent bascially a week in bed. [00:33:56] decilored: yeah [00:33:57] Vanimal2118: Currently trying not to cry @ work. [00:33:57] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:33:57] winedarkheart: winedarkheart subscribed at Tier 1. [00:33:57] krovvy: cniNODDERS yep [00:33:57] f3mmbot: winedarkheart subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang winedarkheart f1nnLezgang [00:33:57] burritoboy2222: Exact same reaction, said 'fuck' over and over again when I realized [00:33:58] burn_da_building: I'm taking T and I still cry so much I'm very emotional no matter what [00:33:59] shyannaloves: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:33:59] evericor000: I have not cried in around 9-10 years. [00:33:59] annanasbananenpizza: oh, I love it so much to cry a lot more often since I do hrt [00:34:00] NONAM3KILL3R: If I wasn't straight I'd be weirded out [00:34:01] pianoismyforte_: Woah the dating a guy was recent then! [00:34:01] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER how did you realise you were bi [00:34:01] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:34:01] LanaBread: a pro/con list is the most egg shit imaginable btw [00:34:02] crowblax: omg figuring out your bi/pan is like crossing out a list [00:34:02] ohmarkey: With being bi which is awesome, how does that work being with Ashley? [00:34:03] widepeepo_deany: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:34:03] Nilinn31: bi the way [00:34:04] NelordUK: Well, I'm a bottle of testosterone and I cry almost everyday. I feel it's more to do how you feel like expressing your emotions [00:34:04] jackalias: How's the bi-cycle treating you? [00:34:05] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Figured out was bi January 2023 [00:34:05] isabaellchen: wow thats so long [00:34:05] DarthSuperior98: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:34:05] johnkeiwo: it takes time ^^ ! [00:34:06] independent_observer: So, who was the lucky guy? [00:34:06] kirathepan: So you dated the guy in early 2023? [00:34:06] s1lly_guy_: hey chat what one or you are cutting onions? [00:34:06] Avaerus0: So you dated a guy before you knew? [00:34:06] braddle172: BisexualPride [00:34:07] drunkshinx: yep [00:34:07] DreadPirateDan: did you figure it out BECAUSE you met the 1 guy you have d?ated [00:34:07] macarous: coming out to yourself sucks so much [00:34:08] lurker_ger: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:34:08] espiiowo: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:34:08] duplotracer: yeah, very happy for you :3 [00:34:08] FatherThyme: real, i figured out in october i was bi [00:34:09] soar_fennec: cracking? nah there is no eg anymore but a baby chick. a genderfluid baby chick. [00:34:09] LindseyMonroe: How did you figure out you were bi? [00:34:09] Mattioso__: its really strange when u start to figure out uve changed from what u thought [00:34:10] KhiralShimmer: amen [00:34:11] Lemonychanuwu: f1nnEmbarrassed [00:34:12] aymungoos: so you dated a dude in January of last year? FELLAS, ITS TIME TO RESEARCH [00:34:12] MegaMiley: Anthony Padilla Interview when!? [00:34:12] blue_penguin94: confirmed ✅ [00:34:13] 19ducks: yeah true [00:34:13] MooCowTracy: I'm glad you're doing well. Happier, Healthier, and in general just better than you had been. Better mental and physical health. Good for you!! [00:34:14] harrryot: Yeah BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:34:15] PaperyMantis645: rueT [00:34:15] Amoyamoyamoya: Neat how it comes together? [00:34:16] JemHoward: I realized a few months ago that I'm gynesexual [00:34:16] floating_raindrop: Growing up and into yourself is wonderful sometimes! [00:34:16] nemumonster: ur identity is just the happiest u that u can be!!! <3 [00:34:17] Mr_Fluffy97: Is that why you got that emotional at the start of last year??? [00:34:18] HardyOrange: so which guy turned you bi? (truth not needed) [00:34:18] roxie_boxie: For me personally gestagenes from birth control pills blocks testosterone really well [00:34:18] abydon96: I have been there too BisexualPride [00:34:19] xsaber101: hey Fin, its been a while. I wanted to ask you something, since you have been dressing up as a girl, has that impacted your sexuality at all? [00:34:20] rockdownthestreet: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:34:20] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: BisexualPride [00:34:20] munocard: Polyamory when? [00:34:21] t0m1n4t0r: I realized a long time ago I was probably trans, but only started dealing with it last year [00:34:22] ArminGux: both asexual and bisexual? [00:34:23] aceavan7: BisexualPride [00:34:25] HexGrrrrl: The emotional depth on e is crazy [00:34:25] justholim: Hey, finding yourself, good stuff! [00:34:26] GarlicGoblinn: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:34:26] neondimples: So I thought I was bi, but actually I'm trans and lesbian without a genital preference in my partners [00:34:26] ItsJohannaWren: I cried watching the coming out video. Am I on E and P? Yes. Why do you ask? [00:34:26] biobuilder_: I started hrt a couple months ago and am super excited about it. I'm glad you're discovering things about your identity and following the path that works for you TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:34:27] MatthewL: 8K viewers [00:34:27] Pizzapuntz: Have you tried voice training again since starting HRT? [00:34:27] TrissByTor: Accepting yourself is so hard [00:34:27] daymare___: real, it took me a bit too [00:34:28] SnabbKassa: !gender [00:34:28] f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. Also, Finn is a guy. [00:34:28] Sirius67: What are the benefits of HRT if its not boobs? [00:34:29] melodia43: Sameeee [00:34:30] danodite: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:34:30] lampjade: It's hard when you have an identity for that long, you get a certain kind of pride of self-knowledge about it? [00:34:31] CodeNameQuarter: CodeNameQuarter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [00:34:32] goddessempressbird: Hrt also helped my mental health a ton. I was thinking about sewerside every day, but after I started, it was so much better, I'm not really good at explaining, but it's like I was in the pits of hell and was thrown into hevan (I'm not religious) [00:34:32] f3mmbot: codenamequarter subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:34:32] Mondongod: Did you dated a femboy? or manly man? [00:34:32] Bleats_Sinodai: I just hope I'll have a safe enough space to go for my journey soon [00:34:35] blueskydrinking: Yeah, that's I keep being bi deep down in the feels. Compress that all the way. Healthy coping [00:34:35] whitetiger3321: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:34:36] ramboo1989: again, congratulations gremlin [00:34:36] bigsuave7: That would be awesome [00:34:37] Dub_bie: w moment [00:34:37] Shockwavemecha: Your Pronouns, Bi the way? [00:34:37] MrFreddy312: I gotta gooooo. congrats dude [00:34:37] widepeepo_deany: LUL [00:34:37] AkashaCoin: congrats on losing the scare quotes! [00:34:38] furret_the_duck: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [00:34:39] icepopcorn_: can you explain how you were unaware of your sexuality? [00:34:42] muffinman1244: Why do I feel jealous? [00:34:42] alkibiadesmassacre: He does those remote [00:34:43] Azypok: so proud of you you're a real source of inspiration [00:34:45] TheCoppercolt: Congrats! [00:34:45] JavaliGostoso: I just arrived, did he finally discover his gender? [00:34:45] MajesticMold282: Hey f1nn5ter how u doing today my purdy friend [00:34:45] fruit_goblin_: <3 <3 <3 [00:34:45] cedric_callnight: He already did gender fluid [00:34:46] MegaMiley: WOOO [00:34:48] alexh1441: Be real with us, was Vlad one of your boy crushes [00:34:48] gaddafi_duck_: you must be able to get an ESTA at least? [00:34:48] AcuRatTM: AcuRatTM subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! Congrats! I feel the exact same way about starting E [00:34:48] ekat2468: don't worry Finn all trans have experienced that feeling it's the nature of it [00:34:49] f3mmbot: acurattm subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:34:49] XENOMAN5: What was it about guys that made you realize you were attracted? Wide shoulders? Tight butt? [00:34:49] thoompi25: cringe [00:34:49] mikkyd345: What we talking about chat ? i just joined ? [00:34:50] sp00kykj: @AnthonyPadilla [00:34:52] davidiusfarrenius: January last year? You weren’t joking about letting Natt Rail you! [00:34:52] Sir_GoofyGrape: ✨self discovery ✨❤️ [00:34:53] helenaaaaaaauwu: Any disadvantages though? [00:34:54] princessmihai: I'm so proud of you F1nn! [00:34:54] theeelfy: Honestly one of the hardest things was saying it out loud but one i said it it was like huge mountain was lifted [00:34:55] ImprezaDK: Benefit number 1: Finn is happy now [00:34:55] umbrellaroselive: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:34:55] bearpaw1970: Finding your spirit is a path your own , and I'm just happy to be here being able to walk along with you and Ashley on your journey.. [00:34:55] lilbunminx: So proud of you Finn, I'm glad you have been able to have time to figure this out [00:34:56] asmejg: asmejg is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [00:34:56] f3mmbot: asmejg has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:34:56] asmejg: asmejg gifted a Tier 1 sub to jhestur! [00:34:56] asmejg: asmejg gifted a Tier 1 sub to McSooty! [00:34:56] asmejg: asmejg gifted a Tier 1 sub to kat_idc! [00:34:56] asmejg: asmejg gifted a Tier 1 sub to nethercreature293! [00:34:56] asmejg: asmejg gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mag06bog! [00:34:56] cheff_cook: youre banned from america rememeber? xD [00:34:58] Amoyamoyamoya: @Sirius67, Mental clarity [00:34:58] johnkeiwo: HE FORGOR [00:34:58] lop025: Kris? [00:34:58] MajesticFvckingEagle: Kris? [00:34:59] vespiney: real [00:34:59] Helen_Croft: If you change legal name you get a new pasport [00:34:59] crowblax: some days i liked men some days i liked women until it completely melted together into total bisexuality [00:34:59] zielony_kot: u so hot ure genderplasma not genderfluid [00:34:59] strawberrymt945: Cannot believe you didn't crack some egg jokes [00:35:00] toomanybees___: america keeping you out is now officially a hatecrime [00:35:00] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:35:00] MaxVershhhtappen: do u use ur bussy or the other? [00:35:01] Scarbble: @muffinman1244 this might be something to explore, friend. [00:35:01] ScarsUnseen: So are you no longer a femboy? lol [00:35:01] Stovamor: !gender [00:35:01] f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. Also, Finn is gender fluid. [00:35:01] EmpressCard: That's fair, took me a while to admit I wasn't straight [00:35:02] Bonsai_bit: So Proud!!!!!!! [00:35:03] jamnesia777: lol the adhd is winning tonight [00:35:03] KnightNave: @F1NN5TER description of stream "outdated" [00:35:04] Stovamor: Fixed [00:35:04] skylikesaerospace: @muffinman1244 you probably want hrt too [00:35:04] kateth: Kris [00:35:05] ayarcee: Who made you realize you are bi? [00:35:05] Catamondium: adhd strike [00:35:05] Nitaki__: is estrogen just a drug that fixes mental health ? [00:35:06] Bulllfrogs: speaking of, it's my 4 year biHRTday tomorrow [00:35:06] Hadband: There is MORE BENEFITS????? [00:35:06] heta_6: heta_6 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Congrats! So are you asexual and biromantic? Or other way around? [00:35:07] JadeSorcery: You're doing great you're just overwhelmed right now <3 [00:35:07] jacksprettycool: He does over the internet interviews to be fair [00:35:07] f3mmbot: heta_6 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:35:07] braddle172: Forgor [00:35:07] thistleblue22: Welcome to the gender club officially! [00:35:08] plzdontmindme_: will you use a feminine voice? [00:35:08] kilan222: sooo right after the natt date? [00:35:08] chizzicle: almost af if you haven't been doing this for years [00:35:08] Mondongod: KRIS [00:35:09] floating_raindrop: You were going to talk about Kris' reaction? [00:35:09] TheBoneTheif: brain rot [00:35:09] MikeWillStream: bro forgor [00:35:09] ArminGux: kris reaction [00:35:09] SnowyLando: you are adhd personified [00:35:09] AoNoAsgard: i forgor [00:35:09] wyldcardsam: Pros of hrt [00:35:09] idle_singularity: You Distracted little Goblin thing [00:35:10] Alchimay: how is your memory? do you remember your dreams more? [00:35:10] blueskydrinking: you always have been KEKW [00:35:10] DarrigoTR: Found out your were bi in Jan [00:35:11] pog_frogyyy: GenderFluidPride <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:35:11] widepeepo_deany: FORGOR [00:35:12] lfierro22: figured out my sexuality in the last few hours, still wild to think about [00:35:12] sightedfiend16: femboy [00:35:12] Rue4192: BENEFITS? [00:35:13] Tordenbob: Did you put your gender fluid on ice? [00:35:13] 1_lpn: so no more femboy :< [00:35:13] Fried_Pickles: Biggest benefit I see is people can stop saying you are gender baiting or transbaiting [00:35:13] alexx_net: You were talking about crying [00:35:13] morgan_drui: Pride100 [00:35:13] helunsebunse: How do you differ your gender expression from your identity? I might be trans [00:35:13] lampjade: My cons list in my late 20s was "breasts would ruin swimming and probably my love life" and that was mostly it but that felt pretty big. :) [00:35:13] axx_le: can we hear girl voice now? [00:35:13] ZerschnetzIer: did you already know you are bi for long or only recently? [00:35:14] whitetiger3321: feel it [00:35:15] softbonez: ur legal name isnt finnster?! [00:35:15] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: adhd strikes again [00:35:15] mr_leggy_d_1st: Loui Therough interviews? [00:35:16] SpacedM0use: oh shit, I just randomly came on here and you were live yay! [00:35:16] MegaMiley: Not changed "yet" :P [00:35:17] independent_observer: I mean, Jude already sounds feminine [00:35:17] scarlettyg: Legal name change to Gremlin Queen [00:35:17] scorpx11: estrogen brain [00:35:18] neondimples: I'm so happy for you :3 :3 :3 [00:35:18] pianoismyforte_: Start making a list! [00:35:19] TheRealEpicSquid: have u picked a new name yet? [00:35:19] MaMoon57: Fav things? [00:35:19] Avaerus0: Get it legally changed to F1nn [00:35:19] azothenjoyer: finn we are transitioning together [00:35:20] Juliya_999: he looks so happy I’m so jealous [00:35:20] professorpussicat: You're gonna top 10,000 viewers! [00:35:21] DreadPirateDan: jude might be the most NB name ever tho [00:35:21] zillie99: maybe write bulletpoints of what you want to talk about? [00:35:21] GarlicGoblinn: SHLATT [00:35:22] theflippinfish3: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:35:22] enbyvee: have you noticed a difference in your ADHD symptoms since starting HRT? [00:35:22] ratkingn: Congrats on coming out!! [00:35:23] Kalazirys: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:35:23] nitzkit8: HRT doesn’t fix ADHD [00:35:24] Worldsokeyest: Hey Finn, I would have wanted someone to tell me this when I was in your shoes, YOUR TRANS @F1NN5TER [00:35:24] sp00kykj: any surgeries planned ? [00:35:26] ImDestinyXD: ImDestinyXD subscribed with Prime. [00:35:26] dargoun: What were some of the bad side effects of hrt that affected you? [00:35:26] f3mmbot: imdestinyxd subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang imdestinyxd f1nnLezgang [00:35:26] BoneMuncher_: jude is pretty gender neutral tbh [00:35:26] trasheyes: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:35:26] jane_hearts_xoxo: Had to log in for the Massive W [00:35:27] beaneater197: Add moment [00:35:29] XENOMAN5: What did Kris say? [00:35:29] davidiusfarrenius: Jude can be a male or female name [00:35:30] YumeNoZen: Did you get too much testosterone from being around Tank and you're going loopy again? [00:35:32] CommanderJono66: gender fluid group? [00:35:32] Morganjoe101: When do we read the Ashley Reddit post again [00:35:32] skyautomatic: You're beautiful inside and out TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:35:33] 5195_Olivias: ava? [00:35:33] danodite: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:35:33] ChasingSol: @zillie99 that would require being organized, lol [00:35:34] CattoLozex: omg f1nn5ter is actually real!? [00:35:35] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:35:35] caelamondorian: Tell us the Kris story!!!!!!! [00:35:35] rice4020609: :3 [00:35:36] Scyi_: ITS SO SCARY RIGHT? [00:35:36] CarnagexElite: oh yeah, taking your top off in public is gonna be illegal soon [00:35:36] Sir_GoofyGrape: mental portion of hrt!! [00:35:39] MomochiZoey: Aside from the mental health, what's your favourite HRT effect so far? [00:35:39] Mondongod: WHAT DID KRIS SAID [00:35:40] juneguild: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:35:40] jorja_elly: take a shot every time finn forgets something [00:35:40] Shockwavemecha: Ye [00:35:40] lop025: krisss [00:35:40] Joe4eyes290: congrats on the coming out thing :D [00:35:41] KnightNave: you forgor [00:35:42] subpar_wizard: legit sounds like exactly what i went through [00:35:42] doron2002: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:35:44] nerunerukk: W finn [00:35:45] alexh1441: Does this mean more therapist stories [00:35:45] OliviaTalks: bloobyClap bloobyLurk [00:35:45] jstjamie: WHATTTY [00:35:46] xxjoyeusexx: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [00:35:47] crowblax: i used to like men one day and women the next until it finally evolved into actual bisexuality [00:35:47] gokai_lupin_red: I’m trans fem. my name is Finn. trust me you don’t need to change your name [00:35:48] ninjakitten_: WHAT [00:35:49] 1CrimsonPrincess: :O [00:35:49] fei_bay: I'm so happy for you I hope I get to go on hrt some day! [00:35:50] Lennexofficial: i know i think? [00:35:51] scarlettyg: How???? [00:35:52] professional_tea_drinker_: @F1NN5TER when's the collab with Hasan? [00:35:52] helenaaaaaaauwu: Im closeted for so long I even have HRT but I don't know if to take it^^ [00:35:52] azure_beauty: Huh??? [00:35:53] experiencepoints: Pre-DATE huh? Kappa [00:35:53] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: whooooaaaaa [00:35:53] RealRyal: Bro, I went through pretty much the same realizations (bi/gender-fluid/any pronouns/HRT) about a year ago - Congrats [00:35:53] axing_: out-hrt'd KEK [00:35:53] gwen_the_ninth: NO WAY [00:35:54] MatthewL: What! [00:35:54] MirahImage: You've got the most gender fluid legal name though, why would you need to change it [00:35:55] decilored: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:35:55] noxcrystalis: noxcrystalis subscribed at Tier 1. [00:35:56] f3mmbot: noxcrystalis subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang noxcrystalis f1nnLezgang [00:35:56] helunsebunse: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:35:56] ramboo1989: boss moves! [00:35:57] Derpsterette: Common F1nn W [00:35:59] TheQWasTaken: So are you doing serious girl voice training now? [00:36:00] aleixtoy: I don't think I've ever seen u so excited and happy [00:36:01] Myrnnt: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:36:02] MajesticFvckingEagle: OHhh [00:36:02] MegaMiley: Oh wauw [00:36:02] officalchionkinnie: i love seeing you so happy. its amazing. youre so loved and cool!!! [00:36:03] lilbunminx: The bi fluid person lol [00:36:03] biggerturkey: I recently found out the estrodial I've been taking for 6 months hasn't done anything [00:36:03] vetras91: how do you even get estrogen without being like....diagnosed or sth? I thought it was hard. im confused [00:36:05] unovaismyregion: Jude is already gender neutral anyway. [00:36:05] takeonlana: who chris [00:36:06] brandt_connors: who won the deadpool? [00:36:07] wyldcardsam: Whatttttt [00:36:07] XENOMAN5: @jorja_elly don’t want to die so I’ll pass but thanks [00:36:09] SunIsLost: I've been suspecting that you are Trans and Bi and I WAS RIGHT! I KNEW IT! [00:36:09] zGShinji: MrBeast Kris? [00:36:10] jackalsclaw: secret HRT firends [00:36:11] alaynerzz: :( sorry mod [00:36:13] einarbbb69: Backflip [00:36:13] ezzyisgone: HYDRATE FINNNNNN [00:36:13] SnabbKassa: I was just checking the gender command there. its output is a bit wrong [00:36:15] independent_observer: Who is Chris? [00:36:15] bearpaw1970: Yes please🫸💞🫷 [00:36:15] Ryan0182: happy egg day [00:36:15] ChasingSol: @zGShinji yes [00:36:18] cedric_callnight: Anthony Padilla actually already interviewed gender fluid people [00:36:19] grap3_s0da: Wait wait... I am late is F1nn she/her now? [00:36:21] Hey_Ash_Rose: You’re gonna be so fking pretty in a few months lindroxFlower [00:36:21] comet_theenby: when I scheduled my hrt appointment I was I class and had to go to the bathroom and cry lol [00:36:21] KfkFod: is finn on pills or injection [00:36:22] alexx_net: HRT hipster F1nn "I was on HRT befor it was kool" [00:36:23] SavvyFaire: f1nn helped chris transition? [00:36:24] umutk_99: f1nn the E expert behind the shadows [00:36:24] ghost_sheriff_: aww [00:36:27] coldheart001: Hi f1nn congratulations on coming out am so happy for you, I fell jealous for how brave you are for doing this, I started watching you on YouTube since 2020 and it got me questioning my self and discover that I was trans, lots of love [00:36:27] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:36:29] JorWat: You just said 'him'... [00:36:30] axing_: mods popping off today [00:36:31] randopersonn_: OH SHOOT CHRIS [00:36:31] tekkiebby: trans gener finn !!!!!!! [00:36:31] argonaut2468: anyone with a stream camera that detailed and anyone with a golden eye can see the effects of estrogen [00:36:32] tofethecat: solibuBonk hello WOMAN [00:36:33] starduckxd: ashley used her LGBT haki on you [00:36:34] experiencepoints: @KfkFod Gel [00:36:34] JudgeGold: Chat it's Kris not Chris [00:36:38] anschofi: @alexx_net KEKW [00:36:40] officalchionkinnie: @rj_wrennetti mods? [00:36:41] YourInnerBatman: ayy, congrats on figuring yourself out more! [00:36:41] zGShinji: @ChasingSol thanks, I love her ;; that's so sweet omg [00:36:42] SunIsLost: @cedric_callnight Oh yea, nice video, just wished it was more in depth. [00:36:43] brandt_connors: She is sweet [00:36:43] MimoJimi: Mimo..... [00:36:43] einarbbb69: Can you do a back flip [00:36:44] ArminGux: Ava is full on soccer mom now I love it [00:36:44] jstjamie: CHAT Its Kris [00:36:46] sharkyatta: Wait what happened [00:36:47] diggingadandass: wut [00:36:48] cyberbob1978: THAT WAS A WONDERFUL VIDEO THANK U!!!! [00:36:48] Hellstar_Alucard22: I have been punching air how excited I am for you. Just screaming Part of the crew, Part of the Ship :3 [00:36:49] joeonaboat2: I've just watched the video so proud of you [00:36:50] mimarly305: GG F1NN5TER ❤️❤️❤️ [00:36:50] skyboundmaster: meep [00:36:51] zoewithane: I love kris [00:36:51] whitetiger3321: AsexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:36:51] juneguild: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:36:52] jackalias: Do you guys use the same HRT? Or different types? [00:36:54] gwen_the_ninth: Adorable [00:36:54] nemumonster: [00:36:55] JECarp23: If there's one thing I love its the representation to realization pipeline for queer folk and I'm here for it. Lol [00:36:55] fei_bay: HYDRATE YOU MUST!!!!! [00:36:56] HypnoHooves: did anyone remind f1nn5ter that eggs are not supposed to be cracked in lent. (congrats btw!) [00:36:56] professorpussicat: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:36:56] CarnagexElite: more voice training? [00:36:57] ChasingSol: @officalchionkinnie thanks [00:36:57] Takouu: smooooth [00:36:58] Avaerus0: Glowing [00:36:58] jamnesia777: beautiful [00:36:58] murph_9000: Congratulations TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride miasTransRights miasTransRights miasTransRights TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:36:58] FlowersOfLight: how many people need to get a free toaster [00:36:58] iaknihs: dang finn been girlmoding for so long i was starting to think he *wasn't* trans [00:36:59] cedric_callnight: Nice [00:37:00] Bleats_Sinodai: meep chaimotePEEPBLINK [00:37:00] macarous: @jorwat kris uses all pronouns iirc [00:37:00] DatChickenBro1: Fhiineee lol [00:37:00] Eromaw: smoooooth [00:37:00] bearpaw1970: Exquisite [00:37:01] Shockwavemecha: Smooth [00:37:01] bluj40: glistening babe [00:37:02] Komnia: smooth af [00:37:02] Kalazirys: smoothhhhh [00:37:03] 1WhoBeans: looking happy [00:37:03] Brunchless: Congratulations!!! [00:37:03] tekkiebby: can we call u mommy [00:37:03] AustinOranje: hello beautiful [00:37:04] CattoLozex: Get LGBTQed LUL [00:37:04] timabar: what about 10? [00:37:05] godhatesme666: Haven't seen anyone ask yet, does this mean your gonna get real booba?! [00:37:05] stlngds: NO MAKEUP????? [00:37:05] Spech69: they mogging [00:37:06] hammmy7: TransgenderPride [00:37:06] softbonez: manliest skin on twitch [00:37:06] aymungoos: "I'm a dumbass" - F1nn5ter, 2024 [00:37:06] skylahminah: Pronouns that you prefer now? [00:37:06] davidiusfarrenius: nice 👍 [00:37:06] YumeNoZen: It'd look good on Pierbi. jkjk [00:37:06] lilbunminx: Ashley and Finn can share meds now lol (no don't actually do this) [00:37:07] Mnh188: not flexing no more [00:37:07] EmpressCard: Jealousy [00:37:07] JType327Nubian: Ive been asking you to be a girl in your dms for a hot minute [00:37:07] SnowyLando: fireeee [00:37:07] THE_kiki55: you're GLOWING [00:37:07] Unicornkitty0510: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:37:08] keller4589: great! [00:37:08] muddymudkip15: Nice [00:37:08] aceavan7: gorgeous [00:37:08] braddle172: Glowing [00:37:08] Marie_lies: hello wusche5Pop wusche5Pop [00:37:09] RunicToxicJoker: looking breedable [00:37:09] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:37:09] HandOvrFist: Smoothboi [00:37:09] azure_beauty: Wait so HRT came before Ashley? [00:37:09] azothenjoyer: WHAT [00:37:09] JavaliGostoso: I WANT YOUR SILKY SKIN [00:37:10] axing_: looking happy <3 [00:37:10] amystudios: no more manly man?! [00:37:10] blue_penguin94: my god that skin [00:37:11] CosmicTheCryptid: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:37:11] independent_observer: Apology to Vaush when? [00:37:11] LindseyMonroe: Smmoooooooth [00:37:11] Ehtech: so your no longer an egg sad face [00:37:12] JackWacom: jackwa8Girdancing jackwa8Girdancing jackwa8Girdancing jackwa8Girdancing [00:37:12] SunIsLost: Can I use she/her now on F1nn? hmm [00:37:12] knmiscracked007: hi fin I watched your video, and I am really proud of you, I’m trans too. ❤️ [00:37:12] BusohSensen: hasMods [00:37:13] yarumari: so how does twitch attire policy apply to you if you a boy on hrt, day by day? [00:37:13] randomplaguedoctor: damm no makeup you have incredible skin omg [00:37:14] SweetSugarCandi: Can anyone gift me a sub for F1NN5TER? [00:37:14] silentkay1: any plans to do a genuine girl voice training? [00:37:14] SleepyPac: god damn thats no makeup? [00:37:14] sightedfiend16: looking fem [00:37:15] MimoJimi: have you done colors in your hair before? [00:37:15] theflamingsongbird: Makeup stream!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:37:16] kat_the_khajiit: 8.6k viewers cheesus. Also that is such nice skin [00:37:16] Goose60000: Goose60000 subscribed with Prime. [00:37:16] f3mmbot: goose60000 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang goose60000 f1nnLezgang [00:37:17] beaneater197: Smooth [00:37:17] MrKafay: I'm jealous [00:37:19] judgedame: clean [00:37:19] meiketae: GLOWING [00:37:22] qrthulhu: need hrt for the skin [00:37:22] allergicfiredog: YOUR NOT?!???! [00:37:22] smallgodguido123: pls dont crack my egg [00:37:22] bakasneko: !pronouns [00:37:23] lordgtafbi: damn, f1nn5ter has been in on the trans agenda for a while huh ; ) [00:37:23] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:37:23] munocard: No way that isn't eye makeup. [00:37:23] jackalias: Yup, that's skin [00:37:24] Madgaming_shawn: no makeup? CAP [00:37:24] AlmondVF: very impressive [00:37:24] icepopcorn_: will it change your voice? [00:37:24] DodenKing: Natural glow [00:37:24] sp00kykj: RADIANT [00:37:26] Daedalus015: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:37:26] Fried_Pickles: F1NN: RAW AND UNMAKEUPD [00:37:27] randopersonn_: its so glowy omfg i wish [00:37:27] melan_ia_streams: you look flawless [00:37:27] Adenine04: @independent_observer to the pedo horsey guy? why would anyone? [00:37:28] MomochiZoey: The 2024 prediction was rigged [00:37:28] averagelycoolceline: I’m actually crying right now. i’m going to do the same. you’ve opened my eyes to so many possibilities [00:37:28] skyautomatic: All natural [00:37:28] jacebloodrose: Só you can say that love TRANSformed you [00:37:29] officalchionkinnie: @ChasingSol its nothing [00:37:29] Bimmel2452: WHAT [00:37:29] MajesticFvckingEagle: I'm grinning so much rn, so happy for my favorite gremilin [00:37:29] OliviaTalks: congrats on comming out! So happy for you! [00:37:30] goddessempressbird: did you unlock your double jump yet [00:37:30] ninjakitten_: lushes lashes [00:37:30] NelordUK: Naturally pretty [00:37:30] goldenskies98: are you happy with you voice as is [00:37:30] experiencepoints: I haven't stopped smiling for like the last hour, I'm still just so happy for you TransgenderPride [00:37:31] argonaut2468: radient [00:37:31] Myoukochou: Actually glowing. ♥ [00:37:31] XENOMAN5: Looking good enough to be glazed and crème filled. [00:37:31] kurki_3: kurki_3 subscribed with Prime. [00:37:32] ramboo1989: beautifully natural [00:37:32] f3mmbot: kurki_3 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang kurki_3 f1nnLezgang [00:37:32] Y0rk5h1r3: Is this why Ashley was able to rotate you so easily? [00:37:32] XellosMetallum: The gremlin is too giddy at the moment. [00:37:32] jacksprettycool: YOU’RE NOT? [00:37:32] c__r__j: No make-up. This is natural femininity. LUL [00:37:32] geekymini: was the finesteried a cover up for the hot? [00:37:33] Mwthenri: sparkling [00:37:33] theeelfy: Mine is like a minefield honestly im jealous of the skin [00:37:33] genodian: sorry i'm late whats the news?? [00:37:33] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: just naturally pretty [00:37:33] okbruh1525: OMG F1NN CONGRATS [00:37:35] xx_bex_becca_xx: amazing [00:37:35] mr_pikle: do you consume the gender fluid [00:37:35] bearpaw1970: Indeed glowing , bright spirit [00:37:36] espiiowo: lashes??? [00:37:36] 2bi_fox1: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:37:36] CarnagexElite: wow jealous [00:37:37] zebrabbl396: Very nice skin F1nn5ter 👌 [00:37:37] MooCowTracy: free toaster?? does it come with free toast? [00:37:37] TheHallSystem: NO MAKEUP???? YOU LOOK GREAT DAMN [00:37:37] neondimples: No makeup? UGGGGH lol :3 [00:37:38] JType327Nubian: I wanted to be girls together [00:37:39] GrimmSkeleton: Look great [00:37:39] zoewithane: The egg is shattered [00:37:39] ronabeerbeer: My ex bf introduced you to me, and he was such a transphobic person. I hope he's watching. (IM SO HAPPY FOR U DUDE OML) [00:37:39] ScarsUnseen: LOL [00:37:40] theia649: KEKW [00:37:40] charro_6569: Do you own a air fryer [00:37:40] RealRyal: Got that E Glow! [00:37:41] Skullbuns: FINAL BOSS LMAOOO [00:37:41] CarbonDiam: lmao [00:37:41] kirascoffeecup: One of us. One of us. [00:37:41] gwen_the_ninth: LUL [00:37:41] MegaMiley: LUL [00:37:41] jackalsclaw: Ashley get her recruiter badge ? [00:37:42] braddle172: KEKW [00:37:42] spider3327: lmao [00:37:43] CujoMcFly: I love that this is slow mode chat and it is still going wild [00:37:43] Komnia: LUL [00:37:43] TheSpinster: LOL [00:37:44] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER ik she isnt here too often but did you ever tell cottontail [00:37:44] Luna_Lux9: KEKW [00:37:44] LL_cool_Ray14: Just finished the video and basically what you're saying is I have a chance 👀😏 jk obviously. . . Unless . . . [00:37:45] melon_malefactor: congratulations on finally beating the chaser allegations [00:37:45] jamnesia777: kekw [00:37:45] AlcoveAZ: the fumbling finn [00:37:45] SunIsLost: Your voice sounds more feminine now [00:37:46] lop025: LMAO [00:37:47] krovvy: lol [00:37:47] LanaBread: LUL [00:37:47] SweetSugarCandi: Is there anyone who can gift me a sub for F1NN5TER? [00:37:48] SleepyPac: oh no not the mother hen [00:37:48] MikeWillStream: THE BOSS BATTLE [00:37:49] hollyloves124: Just saw the video! I have to go soon but I wanted to pop by and say congratulations!!! [00:37:49] juneguild: LMAO [00:37:50] strawberrymt945: Imagine how many people would've *scrambled* at egg jokes [00:37:50] JessicaCaraKasey: So, you gonna weight train to keep the muscle?? Congrats btw. 🥰🥰 [00:37:50] toastychaii: W ashley!! [00:37:50] jencalliope: who else crying rn lol [00:37:50] widepeepo_deany: BisexualPride [00:37:50] bluj40: oh fuck [00:37:50] Xphome: LUL [00:37:50] TheI3arracuda: nah [00:37:50] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:37:51] 19ducks: KEKW [00:37:51] Catamondium: kekw [00:37:51] shelledbsh: lol [00:37:51] BusohSensen: KEKW [00:37:51] 7thAce: LUL [00:37:52] ArminGux: u planing ffs? [00:37:52] furret_the_duck: f1nn failed the final boss GenderFluidPride [00:37:52] LindseyMonroe: LUL [00:37:52] YumeNoZen: I don't wear makeup that often, it gets better. And... uh... update your "cheat code short" being just eyelashes. =P [00:37:52] pakjes12boter: Happy Finn ❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰 [00:37:53] nemumonster: HAHA [00:37:53] cyphoenic_: KEKW [00:37:53] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [00:37:53] CakeyLive: KEKW [00:37:54] Scarbble: lol [00:37:54] kat_the_khajiit: LMAO SHE GAVE YOU THE TRANS [00:37:54] mayaculous: nah [00:37:54] lampjade: The skin stuff is AMAZING. The only problem is that if you liked to play with your blackheads or anything they're like GONE and you might have to watch blackhead removal videos to get your fix :) :) [00:37:54] tattoodude: lol [00:37:54] AstraCantPlay: nah id win [00:37:54] gaspowereddog1: NAHHH KEKW [00:37:55] cheesusyourlord: KEKW [00:37:55] blueskydrinking: KEKW [00:37:55] melanitta_: KEKW [00:37:55] KhiralShimmer: KEKW [00:37:55] rocko89222: FINAL BOSS [00:37:55] ciernaruza: nuh uh [00:37:55] munocard: lol, owned [00:37:55] dat_b0i_augi: LUL [00:37:56] TrissByTor: KEKW [00:37:56] macarous: i'd w- [00:37:56] TherealMatrixboy: you look so much happier being able to talk open about all of this. I'm happy for you [00:37:57] pianoismyforte_: KEKW [00:37:57] annanasbananenpizza: KEKW [00:37:57] officialpeterparker_: as a trans man when I started T I cried more than I ever had since first puberty. but testosterone also made me really easily aggravated [00:37:57] Mario11041: KEKW [00:37:57] 0x100c: KEKW [00:37:57] pancakeTransitions: KEKW [00:37:57] jasiequu: HAHASHAHAH [00:37:58] joeonaboat2: One of us one of us TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:37:58] t0m1n4t0r: before Ashley shows up you better wife her up that woman is head over heels for you [00:37:58] MimoJimi: play the Boss music [00:37:58] Madgaming_shawn: NNAAHH [00:37:58] SnowyLando: hahaha [00:37:59] heta_6: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:38:00] EmpressCard: lol [00:38:00] Mikayla_Alexis: Hahahahahahahahaha [00:38:00] swampmist1142: "I'd win" [00:38:01] Lennexofficial: ashley went, "im gonna crack your egg" [00:38:01] princessmihai: Yeah that HRT is WORKING. You look that feminine with no makeup? Yeah it's working well 🥰 [00:38:01] dinoapple454: hahhaa [00:38:01] darkangelsd21: LUL [00:38:01] ZodFang: ashley got another one [00:38:01] umutk_99: you have been saying eyelashes for so long. it was hrt all the time 😂 [00:38:02] SpacedM0use: got dayum NO MAKE-UP? fukkk I need to up my skincare game [00:38:02] axing_: even f1nn is on hrt god damn it i think it's time to finally do it too [00:38:03] ninjakitten_: you do [00:38:03] SHurriedImp: lol [00:38:04] MsSpelled_MT: you are [00:38:04] europa_a_lua: oh your just beautiful without makup uh.... [00:38:04] whitetiger3321: AsexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride AsexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:38:04] xero93: nu uh [00:38:04] Kenmas_Videogame_: KEKW [00:38:05] ekat2468: genderfluid is a kind of trans [00:38:05] AshleyTheAsteroid: finn did you start having dreams on E? [00:38:06] TeraValia: ashley: 1 - F1nn: 0 [00:38:06] theeelfy: Howd that turned out for ya [00:38:06] pyroforlifeyt: Nahhhh [00:38:07] thistleblue22: The prophecy continues [00:38:07] kettlecatt: you do [00:38:08] whyusetwitchtho: Well then [00:38:08] Barrik226: That's the white stripe!! [00:38:10] NorableTTV: youre trans if you say you are. [00:38:10] alexx_net: f1nnLaff [00:38:10] whagtayil: You're trans if you want to be [00:38:10] HardyOrange: on HRT, still cis tho [00:38:10] smolbluegoblin: You took the good skin I used to have when not on T after your started HRT [00:38:10] vsennafraza: When did you tell your parents? [00:38:10] ScrapRodent: yup [00:38:11] argonaut2468: technically yes [00:38:12] crazzyninja1234: Miquella cosplay? Femboy maiden? [00:38:12] beaneater197: Nahhhh [00:38:12] f0xegg: yes [00:38:12] professorpigeon1: yes you are [00:38:12] eccoblast: not so honorary T4T [00:38:12] Alchimay: so just not cis? [00:38:13] phoebe_rc: Ashley: "Challenge excepted" [00:38:13] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:38:13] Zyrashana: You radiate happinessy it's so lovely to see... inspiring! [00:38:13] tekkiebby: feminization 😩 [00:38:13] Chuckie1994: Chuckie1994 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! congrats [00:38:13] f3mmbot: chuckie1994 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:38:13] AeitZean: LUL LUL LUL [00:38:13] ComputedBee: ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US [00:38:14] Selstraits: monkaS fin said challenge accepted [00:38:14] VEDS24: *Boss music starts* [00:38:15] aymungoos: what type of dude is your type? are you into muscular or twink dudes [00:38:16] frailgift: Road to trans [00:38:16] cedric_callnight: Yeah you do, you fall under the trans umbrella [00:38:16] Avaerus0: If you're not comfortable with the label that's fine [00:38:19] RicXD15: Ashley undefeated [00:38:19] ramboo1989: PowerUpL SoonerLater PowerUpR [00:38:19] NovaeCorvidae: As someone who is a self described femboy, i am intensely curious about what was actually on the pro/con list [00:38:20] Mr_Fluffy97: KEKW [00:38:20] LanGoblin: Has F1nn said what pronouns they are using now? [00:38:21] Angency: !girl [00:38:21] djathome: You can say whatever you want, all up to you !!! [00:38:22] johnkeiwo: you're you :) [00:38:22] SwitchLeafe: all non cis people are trans [00:38:23] ScarsUnseen: non-binary? [00:38:23] LindseyMonroe: Genderfluid was the safe bet for you [00:38:24] rainofthestorm: by most definitions, yes, you would be considered trans, genderfluid is not-cis, ergo it's trans :D [00:38:24] madelynofhell: trangeder 🫵 [00:38:24] MegaMiley: You're still in the early stages :) [00:38:25] evilmagicwizardthing: I just got here what'd I miss [00:38:25] aggravatedconditions: i thought you found icky through her tiktok>? [00:38:25] RunRynRynRun: hasL [00:38:25] goddessempressbird: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:38:26] Redbeard1101: dont let other people define you [00:38:26] amystudios: damn I need to hrt [00:38:26] CujoMcFly: Gender is what you want it to be [00:38:27] professorpussicat: You can transition without identifying as transgender. [00:38:27] MaxVershhhtappen: still cis tho… (sweet little lie) [00:38:28] macarous: trans umbrella [00:38:28] effrin77: Actually true what Ashley said, her being on your stream is what finally did it for me [00:38:29] ChasingSol: lol [00:38:30] nemumonster: ur u <3 ur just u whatever that is!! ^_^ [00:38:30] MirahImage: One of us TransgenderPride [00:38:30] NamisaNM: NamisaNM subscribed at Tier 1. [00:38:30] SweetSugarCandi: Is there anyone who can afford too gift me a sub for F1NN5TER? [00:38:30] f3mmbot: namisanm subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang namisanm f1nnLezgang [00:38:31] Blobsgod: You can be trans non binary [00:38:31] charbear1125: Gender fluid, nb, and several other gender identities technically fall under yhe trans umbrella term [00:38:32] LaurenArtful: Gender Netural and Non Binary comes under trans. [00:38:32] Mikayla_Alexis: Part of the Crew, Part of the Ship [00:38:33] krovvy: cniKEK [00:38:33] skoralta: Trans umbrella, but go with whatever you prefer :) [00:38:34] Bobcatplaysminecraft: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:38:34] 19ducks: yeah i think trans is like the umbrella term but i get what you mean [00:38:35] xero93: the white stripe in the trans flag is for nb people [00:38:35] Kabosly: <3 [00:38:36] idle_singularity: F1nn because you might get real booba, you should auction off the fake ones on stream [00:38:36] 5195_Olivias: transfem? [00:38:36] awe_rora: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:38:36] Zeesium: ashley gotta killstreak going [00:38:37] johnkeiwo: W [00:38:37] ArminGux: kekw [00:38:37] AdiTab24: why are you so fucking relatable god damn [00:38:37] RYRY1793: nonbinary isnt trans! boss defeated! [00:38:38] thistleblue22: if you're not cis, you're in the community and can use trans [00:38:38] vespiney: <3 [00:38:38] SunIsLost: Genderfluid is under Non-Binary label and that is under Trans label [00:38:39] GoodHydrations: Trans is going from one gender identity to another, doesn't mean man to woman or woman to agender, it all counts [00:38:39] whyusetwitchtho: I wish you all the best, lol. [00:38:39] itmemish: W [00:38:39] cyphoenic_: WOOOOOO [00:38:39] Mikey2207: trueeee [00:38:39] pancakeTransitions: genderfluid is under the trans umbrella, but queer might be a more comfortable label/umbrella for you [00:38:39] templarkeira: You are who you are. Doesn’t matter what else anyone else says. [00:38:39] ciernaruza: POG [00:38:40] FlowersOfLight: ur trans to trans people and the community and sorta trans lite to people outside the scene [00:38:40] DatChickenBro1: So truuu [00:38:41] gingerninja02018: Congrats on the coming out! You look really happy! Do yu have any preferred pronouns? [00:38:41] axing_: W [00:38:41] bluj40: nice [00:38:42] Komnia: genderfluid = trans GenderFluidPride [00:38:42] braddle172: PogU [00:38:42] heta_6: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:38:42] zoewithane: Trueeeeee [00:38:44] Pussboi69: EZ [00:38:44] gogtipail: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:38:44] helenaaaaaaauwu: Almost 9k lol [00:38:44] isabaellchen: lol, dont you worry, you got 9k viewers now [00:38:45] GrimmSkeleton: Figuring it out, no rush [00:38:45] Pure_Energi: So your pa and ma are now Trans parents F1nn5ter [00:38:46] argonaut2468: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:38:46] theeelfy: True [00:38:47] Avaerus0: #1 Trans streamer? [00:38:47] IAmSarahcat: Cheer1000 as a trans girl, you're valid as trans yes [00:38:48] Miraitre: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:38:49] GhostOfAFlea: Trans Prince of TERF Island [00:38:50] azothenjoyer: yup. you are the mascot of trans femininity [00:38:50] Catamondium: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:38:50] new_day_who_dis: POG [00:38:51] kat_the_khajiit: Genderfluid is under the umbrella of trans [00:38:52] jackalias: trans-them [00:38:52] JadeSorcery: you fall under the trans umbrella though right [00:38:52] Y0rk5h1r3: Is Keffels not bigger? [00:38:52] lynn_150: so about that girl voice? [00:38:52] cool_bleh: BisexualPride [00:38:52] Tjd321: You're you that's all that matters [00:38:53] pianoismyforte_: There's 8.7k of us here right now! [00:38:53] Bleats_Sinodai: buffpupWicked buffpupWicked buffpupWicked buffpupWicked the dolls keep winning [00:38:53] TheBoneTheif: RAHHHHH TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:38:53] joeonaboat2: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:38:53] solsteve: just be you! [00:38:54] CarnagexElite: do you feel good if Ashley calls you a good girl? [00:38:54] lovely_bunni99: hihi [00:38:54] bearpaw1970: Ao' 🤣🫴 Ashley 💞 [00:38:54] aggravatedconditions: omg pog [00:38:55] alexx_net: You aren't trans binary [00:38:56] auyo97: tbh I went the first 6 months of my transition going by he/him 🤷🏻‍♀️ [00:38:56] moontheca: What did 10 say? [00:38:56] YumeNoZen: You're not identifying as binary transfemme. [00:38:57] alliegothic: TransgenderPride [00:38:57] Pilllow51: gender non comforming then [00:38:58] umutk_99: trans andro [00:38:58] XENOMAN5: What about guys attracts you? Muscle guys? Twinks? [00:38:58] independent_observer: genderfuild is by definition trans [00:38:58] mystchevious1: You don't have to do anything about it. [00:38:58] Rue4192: trans nonbinary [00:38:59] Myoukochou: You're valid, it's cool, it's really kinda up to you! [00:38:59] CeruleanWizard: You're TransF1nn [00:38:59] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:38:59] y55d: fit? [00:38:59] skyfuntimes: trans gender screwy [00:39:00] less_sleeepy: a [00:39:00] ramboo1989: ♥️♥️♥️ [00:39:00] N_mbers: lol was just watching the vid thhen looked on twitch [00:39:00] princessmihai: You sound a lot like me [00:39:00] sanfvu: yippee [00:39:00] tekkiebby: you are trans !! if u arent exactly what was assigned at birth @f1nn5ter [00:39:00] katelyn2588: gender fluid is under the trans umbrella as your gender identity doesn’t match your sex assigned at birth [00:39:00] Mizo_Live: transfem genderfluid is ok to say if you want <3 [00:39:01] LanGoblin: our ambassador! [00:39:01] MimoJimi: I am, I feel, I do, I love, I speak, I see, I understand [00:39:01] experiencepoints: Transfem is what you would be since you're going from a masc place to a more fem place [00:39:01] nerdypegasus: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:39:01] caelamondorian: Genderfluid is Technically under the umbrella but definitely not the same [00:39:02] Bulllfrogs: Would you consider your gender something like "Gender Casual"? [00:39:02] silentkay1: Kiween of the twitch [00:39:03] CritCupcake: You're trans [00:39:03] pocky036: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride 󠀀 [00:39:03] Gummy_Bear038: Gummy_Bear038 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! E [00:39:03] rosa_the_bean: You can be nonbinary transfem [00:39:03] loser_potatoo: Hello ;> [00:39:03] f3mmbot: gummy_bear038 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:39:04] jigitosiko: are you going to Doctor, for HRT to bekome, or just ordered this in Internet? [00:39:04] Helen_Croft: Chat TTS is off for now [00:39:04] AcuRatTM: LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [00:39:04] Lokuri1002: GenderFluidPride [00:39:04] GarlicGoblinn: transfinn [00:39:05] johnkeiwo: THEMPOROR OF TERF ISLAND PogU [00:39:05] Mondongod: I'm wearing my mini in honour of you [00:39:05] Thewonderllamaxd: trans fluid? [00:39:05] johnkeiwo: THEMPOROR OF TERF ISLAND PogU [00:39:05] roninsnook: Oh damn [00:39:05] johnkeiwo: THEMPOROR OF TERF ISLAND PogU [00:39:05] takeonlana: You are by definition trans somethibg [00:39:05] lenar0se: proud of you GenderFluidPride [00:39:06] ghost_sheriff_: however you feel comfortable. no worries [00:39:06] starduckxd: lmfao bro did voice training literally a few weeks ago [00:39:06] furret_the_duck: i hereby grant you access to the trans community [00:39:06] ScarsUnseen: trans GREMLIN [00:39:07] billyyyn: Is there a rough time period between realising you're bi and realising you're ace or not for you? :) [00:39:07] haithun: just non binary? [00:39:07] andyinnie: @CarnagexElite WILD question [00:39:07] rainofthestorm: ehhh you're trans-fem- but not trans-woman- I guess? that's kinda up to you label wise I suppose ;3 [00:39:07] Skullbuns: biggest trans streamer, what a title, if it fits then wear it with pride [00:39:08] SnowyLando: you're transfemme, but not a trans girl [00:39:08] ArminGux: biggest gender fluid? [00:39:08] gaddafi_duck_: Ashley kinda gave the game away when she said in her video that she’s in a T4T relationship lol [00:39:08] Alyara_V: Labels are fundamentally unimportant. Use whatever words are most comfortable for you and makes the environment understand you the most [00:39:08] melonsexual: what made you eventually feel ok with having booba? [00:39:09] JemHoward: Genderfluid is technically trans [00:39:09] enbyRadicat: I think you are a Transfemme Gender fluid adhd gremlin [00:39:09] aymungoos: trans Twitter haters are going to lose their shit if you come out as trans [00:39:09] evilrymon1: Trans is just an umbrella term for just anything which is not simply gender now = AGAB, but it is not a term which everyone under that definition NEEDS to identify as, it's all just people, and people are complicated [00:39:10] goddessempressbird: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:39:11] shinylopunny69: <3 [00:39:11] neondimples: Non-binary people are trans, unless they don't want to identify as such [00:39:11] heitzek: trans-formers! [00:39:11] jade8703: I you feel the label fits, then you can use it. Theres no set definition for being trans [00:39:11] TheSpinster: Trans non binary is a great term [00:39:11] TemptedSpirit_: gender fluid is trans [00:39:11] beaneater197: Best trans streamer [00:39:12] overcooked_bones: anything that isnt cis counts as trans [00:39:12] Amoyamoyamoya: If you want to be a woman then you're trans femme. If you're don't then you're not [00:39:13] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: You can be trans femme without being binary trans. Transfemme enby is a thing. [00:39:13] DodenKing: Be whatever you want [00:39:13] UraniumPotato10: GenderFluidPride [00:39:13] goldenskies98: that’s dope [00:39:14] strawberrymt945: Not transfem but transf1nn [00:39:15] MajesticFvckingEagle: Still probably #1 genderfluid, no? [00:39:15] judgedame: just a streamer [00:39:16] krovvy: PrideCute [00:39:16] KingKiwi9835: As a nb, you're awesome and im jealous [00:39:16] iltalonli: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:39:17] LURKERo7: lirikTHUMP [00:39:17] lop025: transfememine not a trans girl [00:39:17] Falqun: THEMPOROR OF TERF ISLAND [00:39:17] mushooom_: am i trans? says the person on hrt [00:39:17] isabaellchen: your f1nnsexual [00:39:18] Scarbble: you can claim 'trans' if you want, any movement away from the gender you were assigned at birth counts. but don't feel compelled to use it <3 [00:39:19] primarch359: Can gender fluid people be lesbians? [00:39:19] zoelegs: I mean, "trans" is an umbrella term for gender fucky stuff overall [00:39:20] cerysnomi: j k rowling will be knocking on ya door [00:39:20] exobyte_monolith: Do you get any reward cards? [00:39:20] blue_penguin94: you are pretty fem tho [00:39:20] mystchevious1: sure. [00:39:21] Omnijackk: Trans Enby is great [00:39:21] SunIsLost: You have to remove quotes from the description then [00:39:21] ATValdor: #1 non-cis streamer [00:39:22] multiversal_rift: genderfluid falls under the trans umbrella but if you dont want to call yourself thats perfectly fine [00:39:22] heta_6: Yes [00:39:23] TheHallSystem: gender fuckery you are. [00:39:23] AeitZean: Non binary trans maybe? Take whatever labels you like f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:39:24] melanitta_: yes [00:39:24] vNTCv: gender fluid is trans, you are valid [00:39:24] braddle172: Sure [00:39:25] Luna_Lux9: @Cmdr_Sam_Vimes This [00:39:25] MoodyMaxxx: I just got here, what have I missed? [00:39:25] DINAvierPapier: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:39:25] whitetiger3321: AsexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride AsexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride AsexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:39:25] bigsadge: it comes down to what you think, if you are then you are but if you say you aren't then no [00:39:26] techytrickster: i came into chat late, can i get a summary in chat? new prounouns? [00:39:26] sightedfiend16: top trans streamer or u top a trans streamer [00:39:26] notacloud1: transfemmeboy [00:39:26] cedric_callnight: Yes [00:39:27] DenkiUomo: If you don't know, there this thing called Genderfuck or Genderpunk and you might be this [00:39:27] Stovamor: !pronouns [00:39:27] squishdotnet: Ive never been so happy to be wrong about thinking something is clickbait than rn [00:39:27] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:39:28] bang3r: please be trans, we need someone other than keffals to be a streamer @F1NN5TER [00:39:28] Sierra_Is_Gone: Please! [00:39:28] StormBlazeX: Peak themperor [00:39:28] zoewithane: Let's go full pronoun mode [00:39:28] leftfrog: i'm anti noun [00:39:28] ezzyisgone: Finn, your viewers interested in ONLY men might leave……. [00:39:28] monkeh80: ye [00:39:28] ColedCollector: yeah! how did you figure out pronouns? [00:39:29] TeraValia: F1nn for reference, i'm a Trans-Fem Nonbinary. different from Trans Woman. [00:39:29] RatPappi: u could def call urself trans without specifically being a binary trans person! [00:39:31] SnabbKassa: pronouns can wait [00:39:31] Lemonychanuwu: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:39:31] LittleChaSiu: her pronouns are he/him, chat [00:39:31] nopogo_tv: I just watched the vid and teared up, congrats bud <3 [00:39:32] Frost_790: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:39:33] LittleChaSiu: her pronouns are he/him, chat [00:39:33] LittleChaSiu: her pronouns are he/him, chat [00:39:33] BusohSensen: @F1NN5TER you're trans if you leave the very small territory of cisgender people. woman or non-binary, you're on the trans team now [00:39:33] Dr_Nia: either cis or trans. trans include everything not cis :-) welcome to the club. [00:39:34] LittleChaSiu: her pronouns are he/him, chat [00:39:34] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: alexhe15BUTTWEB alexhe15BUTTWEB alexhe15BUTTWEB alexhe15BUTTWEB [00:39:34] LittleChaSiu: her pronouns are he/him, chat [00:39:34] darkangelsd21: Yeah [00:39:35] jane_hearts_xoxo: Gender Fluid is valid af and you're so totally cool with not knowing the answer to every question at this point [00:39:38] xHaneKun: Biggest Marginalized Gender Streamer [00:39:38] fei_bay: you are technically under the trans umbrella if you are gender fluid [00:39:39] Spideyahgamer: or just trans femboy 😅😂 [00:39:40] johnkeiwo: her pronouns are he him ! [00:39:40] CoffeeComic64: Trans masc would be the term Finn [00:39:40] Nova9308: It's just beautiful seeing your journey babe 💜 i think other people are gonna feel the same [00:39:41] SweetSugarCandi: I love you F1NN5TER!!! Your amazing exactly how you are! Just keep being yourself doll and all will be well 💗 [00:39:41] qrthulhu: any/all gang? [00:39:41] comet_theenby: labels don’t have to be a thing you use if you don’t wanna, it’s all a movie and we are just actors, do what the fuck you want [00:39:41] enbyRadicat: Any/All? [00:39:41] quantumliv: Trans is an umbrella term, Non-binary and genderfluid fall under the "Trans umbrella" [00:39:41] takeonlana: he they? [00:39:41] SpicedNovaMaria: guess twitch was right to ban you for playing with booba now, huh? [00:39:41] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:39:42] charbear1125: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:39:42] alexh1441: Shim? [00:39:43] less_sleeepy: shoutout to my genderfluid [00:39:43] ScarsUnseen: haha [00:39:45] Coop9er: Coop9er subscribed with Prime. [00:39:45] Skullbuns: skullb38Sad skullb38Sad skullb38Sad [00:39:45] kirathepan: F1nn/ster [00:39:45] f3mmbot: coop9er subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang coop9er f1nnLezgang [00:39:46] Nerdking314: You said you were also working on a good video and a bad video. The bad video i am guessing adresses mental health. Are those still in progress? [00:39:46] independent_observer: XDDD [00:39:46] amystudios: I am so happy that I haven't seen any hate comments towards you being *trans* [00:39:46] jamexito: yesss pronounsssss and blueee haaair [00:39:46] skylikesaerospace: strongest egg ever [00:39:46] alyssapegs: her pronouns are he him >:C [00:39:47] Stovamor: !pronouns [00:39:47] aymungoos: she/them so we can she/them tiddies [00:39:47] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:39:47] axing_: KEKW [00:39:47] theia649: KEKW 󠀀 [00:39:47] LanaBread: LUL [00:39:47] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:39:48] CattoLozex: f1nn5ter is becoming polisgh [00:39:49] JadeLyra: They do be themmin tho [00:39:49] Stovamor: !pronouns [00:39:49] aggravatedconditions: so good [00:39:49] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:39:49] envysaysbonk: KEKW [00:39:49] Stovamor: !pronouns [00:39:50] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:39:50] astronos_: for now xD [00:39:50] KnightNave: @johnkeiwo rooKek [00:39:51] RykerSune: OMG ITS TRUE [00:39:51] Amoyamoyamoya: I thought his pronouns were DUMB/ASS [00:39:51] Scarykittenz: KEKW [00:39:51] Takouu: HAHA [00:39:51] DatChickenBro1: HAHAHAHAHA [00:39:51] Mario11041: KEKW 󠀀 [00:39:52] xxjoyeusexx: Do we now do dono goals for boy clothes? [00:39:52] ItsJohannaWren: Pronouns are tough and you can change them if you want whenever you want. [00:39:53] SunIsLost: @vNTCv yes [00:39:53] Amoyamoyamoya: I thought his pronouns were DUMB/ASS [00:39:53] jacmol7: KEK [00:39:53] jacksprettycool: you don’t really have to label yourself [00:39:53] umutk_99: her pronouns are he/him sjsjsjsjs [00:39:53] muddymudkip15: Lol [00:39:54] Komnia: LUL [00:39:54] Amoyamoyamoya: I thought his pronouns were DUMB/ASS [00:39:54] deepwater_fae: they/them, the clearly superior option [00:39:54] nemumonster: REAL [00:39:54] Shockwavemecha: HypePopcorn [00:39:54] Ash1ey_49: KEKW [00:39:55] f0xegg: KEKW [00:39:55] 19ducks: KEKW [00:39:55] melanitta_: KEKW [00:39:55] YumeNoZen: Chasiu just got a headpat for that one. [00:39:55] the_oracie: i just use any, because fuck it KEKW [00:39:55] spasmhd: spasmhd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 12 month streak! WOOT WOOT!!! [00:39:56] f3mmbot: spasmhd subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:39:56] Hunney_chan: KEKW [00:39:56] dorikyll: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride We are soooo proud of you! [00:39:56] neondimples: Also this is why "transfem" is a wider umbrella than "trans woman" [00:39:56] morgan_drui: f1nnHands [00:39:57] braddle172: KEKW [00:39:57] whitetiger3321: AsexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride AsexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:39:58] gwen_the_ninth: KEKW [00:39:58] HardyOrange: omg do itttttt [00:39:58] pancakeTransitions: KEKW [00:39:58] Emily471s: O.o [00:39:58] XENOMAN5: Yeah her pronouns are he/him [00:39:59] Pilllow51: plenty of even trans women use He/Him fr [00:39:59] blueskydrinking: What do you mean "finally" KEKW [00:40:00] Zeesium: kekw [00:40:00] xero93: her pronouns are he/him pog [00:40:00] CarbonDiam: LUL LUL GenderFluidPride [00:40:00] exobyte_monolith: Broette [00:40:00] WuppieF: LMAO [00:40:00] joeonaboat2: It finally happened [00:40:01] raved007: KEK [00:40:01] kolja_mp4: KEKW [00:40:01] heta_6: KEKW [00:40:02] SnabbKassa: it's on your hat [00:40:03] SnowyLando: LOL [00:40:03] gothique_elf: Thunderdome with JK Rowling? [00:40:03] DoomMuppet2: <3 [00:40:04] grap3_s0da: Omg I am trying to watch the yt video and this stream at the same time it's like a months worth of stuff happened all today [00:40:04] FemboyCherry: wah me doubting my gender every day. Today was okayy and now this is making me confused again >< congrats though fin ^w^ [00:40:04] judgedame: make merch [00:40:05] CammyOllieCynKunaSen: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:40:05] thistleblue22: big hugs [00:40:05] goldenskies98: yesss bio [00:40:05] DarrigoTR: Very happy for you [00:40:06] MikeWillStream: will you update your pronouns on instagram etc? [00:40:06] toastychaii: im so happy for you finn!! [00:40:06] kilan222: Hes such a good girl [00:40:06] njbh86: [00:40:07] professorpussicat: For some people, an identifier helps affirm their gender. If it doesn't, you don't have to put a label on yourself. [00:40:07] titusrodriguez: So, when is your Willy getting chopped off? [00:40:07] melodia43: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:40:07] davidiusfarrenius: Her pronouns are HE/HIM! 😄 [00:40:07] munocard: I'm happy that you've gotten this off your chest. [00:40:07] rocko89222: KEKW pop OFF [00:40:07] VictorNavi_DC: SeemsGood kimreiYay kimreiYay kimreiYay booooBooHeart booooBooHeart booooBooHeart booooBooHeart <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:40:08] isthisapokeman: shes a he shes a him [00:40:09] eccoblast: boyfriendgirlfriend [00:40:09] experiencepoints: LIVE IT TransgenderPride ENJOY IT [00:40:10] Dub_bie: i know the feeling [00:40:10] cuteinnocenttrap: <3 [00:40:11] veronicalaveneno: BROETTE!!!! [00:40:11] beaneater197: Are f1nns pronouns egg/goblin [00:40:12] macarous: much love dude [00:40:13] Bleats_Sinodai: You don't need labels F1NN just tell us as you figure it out and wanna share [00:40:13] ghesti04: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:40:14] Snalster: BisexualPride [00:40:14] Ryk7: <3 [00:40:14] alliebeanie800: LMAO [00:40:14] timabar: get the hat [00:40:14] cappuccino_jr: now you gotta cross dress as a man 🤣 [00:40:15] evethe1ne: omg lol [00:40:15] bearpaw1970: Her Pronouns He/Him 😍 [00:40:16] idle_singularity: A better set of pronouns: Cracked Egg/Goblin [00:40:16] ArminGux: i have been mixing your pronouns, turns out I was right all the time [00:40:16] minecrackjesus: omg caught a finnster stream [00:40:17] ramboo1989: stress relief stream [00:40:18] Kenmas_Videogame_: happy for ya sis [00:40:18] tekkiebby: YAAAAAY I WANTED U TO DO THAT SCREAM :3 [00:40:18] Myoukochou: You can live in this as long as you want. It feels good. [00:40:18] julie35fr: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:40:18] auyo97: so happy!! 💕 [00:40:19] ColedCollector: dont apologize its always nice to be able to figure stuff like this out [00:40:19] FlowersOfLight: they/her pronouns are he/him [00:40:19] mayaculous: boxing match with jk [00:40:19] EmpressCard: This is incredible wholesome [00:40:19] Scarbble: finn you look so so so happy and i LOVE to see it [00:40:20] y55d: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnHeadpat [00:40:21] arcticartemiss: yes appreciate the moment! [00:40:22] SaintDharma9: I For One as a Themazon Sapphic Cryptid welcome my new Genderfluid Overlord. [00:40:22] blueolivee: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:40:23] benevolentbeaver: Best meme ever [00:40:23] Hundelsa: BisexualPride [00:40:23] SunIsLost: I think I know how you feel, I felt that after I came out. [00:40:23] ForksAreFree: Best thing to do with pronouns is try some on with people you're comfortable with [00:40:23] folkloric_: Transfem also is used by nonbinary people [00:40:24] takeonlana: so fuckin proud of you, i got like, sympathy euphoria [00:40:24] chizzicle: Pros of HRT: Feeling better, Smooth skin, Booba, the bestest jokes on twitter [00:40:24] not_a_big_fan: not_a_big_fan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! KEGGW [00:40:24] f3mmbot: not_a_big_fan subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:40:24] BerryAndBitty: 2 raiders from BerryAndBitty have joined! [00:40:24] floating_raindrop: I'm just smiling so broadly. This is delightful to watch you so happy! [00:40:25] QuorrTahn: Some says that not being cis is being under the trans umbrella, but more importantly, you are you <3 [00:40:25] scarlettyg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:40:26] Scyi_: Lesbian moving in timeline suddenly makes all the sense [00:40:26] f0xegg: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:40:26] warrrrrres: BibleThump SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood [00:40:26] pokemontdm: glad you're finally comfortable <3 [00:40:27] mcber1234: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:40:27] googolzzz: I’m loving this!!! [00:40:28] rockdownthestreet: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:40:28] Zyrashana: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:40:30] fei_bay: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:40:30] SweetSugarCandi: Your such a cute person regardless of pronouns 😍 [00:40:31] ekat2468: every trans person in chat right now be like "is this what I looked like x years ago" [00:40:32] call_me_kashi: I've legit used the "her pronouns are he/him" phrasing irl about myself [00:40:33] frailgift: Gonna need a new hat [00:40:34] caelamondorian: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:40:34] nemumonster: i can tell u are so relieved n free n happy to just openly be urself :D [00:40:35] yoyokrish69: since you're bi now does that mean I actually have a chance?? [00:40:35] cyphoenic_: yup [00:40:35] luke_sch02: TransgenderPride [00:40:35] MirahImage: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:40:36] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: The absolute power move that is any/all pronouns. The phobes have no idea what to do with that. [00:40:36] Furionking: @AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide Thanks for the gift sub! [00:40:36] scribbz123: TRANSSSSSSSS [00:40:36] isabaellchen: 14 months [00:40:36] SleepyPac: shyyNodders [00:40:38] hammmy7: 🏳️‍⚧️ [00:40:38] loser_potatoo: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:40:38] RunRynRynRun: HRT gang [00:40:39] imapyromanic: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:40:40] BerryAndBitty: Heyyyyy, wanted to raid to say hi and congrats on coming out <3 [00:40:41] multiversal_rift: 2 years [00:40:41] qrthulhu: 😭😭if only [00:40:42] nope_not_doing_that: HRT!!! [00:40:42] whitetiger3321: AsexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:40:42] Kb_314: Finn came out as LGBTQ (all of them, simultaneously) [00:40:43] erockyoutoo: @F1nn5ter is that an E patch on your arm? [00:40:43] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:40:44] starduckxd: LMFAO the video on ashleys channel where yo udo the trans test @F1NN5TER [00:40:45] captainjackcat777: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:40:47] Helen_Croft: I order my new pills today [00:40:47] joeonaboat2: Steel chair match with JK Rowling [00:40:49] cloudy_two: that is the worst feeling [00:40:50] LilyLycorine: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:40:50] maddiefromtv: they seem so much happier <3 [00:40:53] vsennafraza: F1nn when did you tell your parents? [00:40:54] SunIsLost: @Kb_314 lol [00:40:54] ciernaruza: chat is trans [00:40:55] CakeyLive: D: [00:40:55] loonashika: it's so genuinely heartwarming to hear you so excited about your journey c: [00:40:55] johnkeiwo: adcvrSHOOK adcvrSHOOK [00:40:55] MimoJimi: holy [00:40:55] lampjade: Honestly, you look at finasteride and you're like...is that enough to hold everything in place? [00:40:56] Luna_Lux9: D: [00:40:57] CarnagexElite: waiting is awful [00:40:57] marciliaa: marciliaa subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:40:57] f3mmbot: marciliaa subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:40:58] remain_unseen: Tank.. [00:40:59] gwen_the_ninth: D: [00:40:59] sarathearcher1: Welcome raiders!!! [00:40:59] jackalsclaw: did Ashley think you were watching gay porn in the shower because of other times she has ... witnessed things [00:41:00] Black_Bird94: Genderfluid is under the Nonbinary umbrella, and nonbinary is under the Trans umbrella technically. So tdlr, you're trans <3 [00:41:00] skylikesaerospace: ah puppy problems [00:41:00] fei_bay: no not yet sadly [00:41:00] Scarykittenz: D: [00:41:01] theejoey: Hrt gang TransgenderPride [00:41:01] SweetSugarCandi: Your a super hero going through this whole process in the public eye 👀 [00:41:01] crowblax: L Tank [00:41:01] tha1jade: !watchtime [00:41:01] Catamondium: Beeen waiting for years to start earning hrt money, sadge [00:41:01] neokanako: D: [00:41:01] helunsebunse: We love u! [00:41:02] Y0rk5h1r3: Tank did a hate crime? [00:41:02] Derpsterette: Real Guard dogge [00:41:03] toastychaii: tank chomp [00:41:03] c__r__j: Tank is transphobic. nanona1Nodders [00:41:04] angygenz: tank [00:41:04] Falqun: "attacked by tank" nice line to use XD [00:41:05] Last_Living_Dalia: The waiting is my life right now :( [00:41:06] MikeWillStream: attacked by a tank and survived [00:41:07] officalchionkinnie: ALMOST 10K VIEWERS [00:41:07] PlushGirlSteph: I waited 45yrs 😢 [00:41:09] badger_ben: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:41:09] KenshinSeraph: I'm so happy for you F1nn! You get to be so happy being yourself [00:41:09] crazzyninja1234: Hormone replacement tank [00:41:09] xanvena21: mad that [00:41:10] bugsparent: wait so what are her pronouns haha [00:41:10] decilored: D: [00:41:11] scarlettyg: Gatekeeping sucks, I've been living it for a year now [00:41:12] Jakult37: Tank microdosing HRT [00:41:12] blueskydrinking: Tank transphobic 😞 [00:41:13] madelynofhell: what type of HRT did you get ? [00:41:13] Lennexofficial: tank the poppy :D [00:41:13] ScarsUnseen: Tank bit the estrogen into you. [00:41:14] jackalias: Puppy teeth are some of the sharpest things on earth [00:41:15] StormBlazeX: It's insane how not surprising the video was. Bi checks out grnderfluid checks out [00:41:15] pol_xvi: @c__r__j lmao [00:41:15] kateth: Puppies have little needle teeth [00:41:15] Sir_GoofyGrape: cancel tank! [00:41:15] SunderWolf: You don`t have to label youself. You can just be F1nn [00:41:16] rockdownthestreet: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:41:16] new_day_who_dis: He attac [00:41:16] LittleChaSiu: estrogen -- good for skin; puppy -- bad for skin [00:41:16] loser_potatoo: Im joung asf and idk how to tell my parents tht im gay -_- [00:41:16] heta_6: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:41:17] KayTheUnstimky: he was just a lil hungry [00:41:17] phantaton: Tank marked his territory [00:41:18] arcticartemiss: 💜💜💜 [00:41:18] YumeNoZen: Did puppy confuse you with a blahaj, since you're a trans icon too? [00:41:19] cyphoenic_: waiting is do bad that I didn't lol [00:41:20] Rainiiru: Rainiiru subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Glad you are moving forward with your goals, honestly mad jealous but happy for you! [00:41:21] f3mmbot: rainiiru subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months using Prime! PogU [00:41:21] SwitchLeafe: I have waited long aswell and regret it cause unlike you I couldn't start without telling [00:41:21] ArchyNemesis: Tank living up to his name, truly a fearsome warrior [00:41:21] zoewithane: Tank is gonna crack next [00:41:21] aymungoos: 💀 tank got micro dosed by biting you [00:41:22] sp00kykj: finn gonna be on vogue in a year [00:41:22] the_benji_man: "Is that an E patch on your arm?" "Nah I was mauled" [00:41:22] drowsyhuairen: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:41:23] AmberSpeckledJade: THE BLAHAJS WORKED [00:41:24] SunIsLost: You transed us odysse3Cry odysse3Cry odysse3Cry odysse3Cry [00:41:25] twodipshits: your top5 for english just chatting [00:41:26] Dezponia: Tanks is a vicious killer beast. Go Tank! [00:41:26] nodegen: you got beat up by a dog. sounds like bottom behavior [00:41:26] Skullbuns: tanks a vampire, needs the sweet estro-blood [00:41:28] MimoJimi: Tank has sanctified your arm. your arm is holy now [00:41:28] BeFalcon94: Tanks the man of the house [00:41:28] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: FallWinning GoldPLZ FallWinning GoldPLZ FallWinning GoldPLZ FallWinning GoldPLZ [00:41:29] DenKaShi: nowyou're a furry KEKW [00:41:29] TopNoob123: The egg was the friends we made along the way [00:41:29] princess_morningstar: I like it/its pronouns myself, while being femme but not woman. Like, I'm a princess but not a girl, y'know? Shit's complex. [00:41:30] Mr_Fluffy97: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [00:41:30] ezzyisgone: Finn your male viewers interested 100% in JUST WOMEN 🤨 might leave the streams [00:41:30] kirathepan: "Little sh*thead" /affectionate [00:41:30] johnkeiwo: twitter is cringe [00:41:30] beaneater197: Where tank [00:41:30] XENOMAN5: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [00:41:30] ciernaruza: 9k [00:41:30] ArminGux: tank gave you a piercing because you wouldn’t [00:41:31] NuclearEmerald_Gaming: TransgenderPride [00:41:32] jackalsclaw: twitter is weird [00:41:33] FizzyLilyPad: FizzyLilyPad subscribed with Prime. [00:41:33] f3mmbot: fizzylilypad subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang fizzylilypad f1nnLezgang [00:41:34] mystchevious1: Well he came out in 2024 like he said he would lol [00:41:34] BlankDomino: no tears or crying this stream, only happy laughs!! [00:41:35] crowblax: twitter is horrible now [00:41:35] iltalonli: Isn't it nice how clear your mind gets on E [00:41:35] bluj40: twitter lol [00:41:35] spaceghost_gaming: Congratulations [00:41:36] medical_size9000: I never used Twitter [00:41:36] Falqun: twitter has a strange perception periot [00:41:37] tha1jade: Twitter go crazy [00:41:37] Bailey_Ravenwick: f1nnTankhat f1nnTank [00:41:37] CujoMcFly: [00:41:39] fei_bay: oh god not twitter [00:41:40] Ignominy: Wrong might be a better word to use. [00:41:40] TheAnarchoTM: Grats [00:41:41] macarous: fuck all of those bozos [00:41:41] grap3_s0da: Omg this means I am straight lol [00:41:41] MajesticFvckingEagle: twitter is a cesspool lol [00:41:41] nemumonster: twt scary [00:41:42] theeelfy: Finn is like the final egg boss [00:41:43] itsawormworld: ew twitter [00:41:43] olliessoup: twitter beinf twitter [00:41:44] wraitherc: Attacked by a tank, left not but a scratch [00:41:44] JType327Nubian: if they watched your streams they would know. [00:41:44] chizzicle: gender euphoria at its best [00:41:45] SnowyLando: twitter is strange in general [00:41:45] theejoey: I love that for you [00:41:46] HiddenMarty: we can see [00:41:46] eccoblast: ily playa [00:41:46] mayaculous: twitter wont be able to say ur trans baitingggg [00:41:46] TrueMezzo: awww [00:41:47] DoomMuppet2: Aww <3 [00:41:48] Shockwavemecha: spicycowHappy [00:41:48] Scarykittenz: <3 [00:41:48] randomplaguedoctor: don’t worry it’s your time live in it !! [00:41:49] RUFIO_RUFIO: The Hug with your mom at the end of the video was so wholesome and sweet! [00:41:49] forkmasterderp: that U-haul lesbians meme was closer than we coulda realized lol [00:41:49] melodia43: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:41:50] Vanimal2118: WereTank [00:41:50] TheSpinster: This is delightful to watch. :D [00:41:50] heta_6: "Strange" is one way to put it [00:41:52] BtEtta: You do not, under and circumstances, gotta hand it to twitter. [00:41:52] SweetSugarCandi: I love you too the moon 💕 and back, just keep being you F1NN5TER 💖🥰💖 [00:41:52] Zettrex: Zettrex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! [00:41:52] zvrkinjo: Thank you for being your true self after you inspired so many of us to be our true selves 💕 [00:41:52] f3mmbot: zettrex subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:41:52] 19ducks: aww <3 [00:41:52] MotionlessGrins: Does this make me straight? [00:41:53] Nova_Prime_69: TransgenderPride [00:41:53] godsbeenswinging_: twitter dont know wtf to do now KEKW [00:41:53] jackalias: It's a big change, celebrate! [00:41:53] Helen_Croft: will there be cake now? [00:41:54] YourBrowserHD: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:41:54] GhostOfAFlea: Don't ever apologize for that [00:41:56] DarthSuperior98: TransgenderPride [00:41:56] Loelinverse: euphoriaaaaaa [00:41:57] AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide: Your happiness is contagious <3 [00:41:57] axx_le: didn’t AlsoAshley call this months ago lol [00:41:58] taicapre: TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride [00:41:58] aymungoos: they are going to lose their shit lol [00:41:58] eFlyman: Twitter has a problem with literally everyone and everything lmao [00:41:59] DarkVier: Congrats F1nn! [00:42:01] bigsuave7: Twitter 🤢 [00:42:02] NamisaNM: Omg ive been watching you and ash for so long muckitvHeart Im SOO glad you found the strenght to do what you really want!! [00:42:02] thotsandpears: had to come see if you are streaming after I saw your youtube video [00:42:03] lily_thelazykiller: Super happy for you finn [00:42:05] tootsy616: i never really talk tho.. but ive been lurking from the background seeing you becoming you bit by bit every stream :P lol now i sound like a creep [00:42:06] jamnesia777: I absolutely love this for you!!! [00:42:08] tha1jade: iwastyWERK iwastyWERK iwastyWERK [00:42:08] takeonlana: very jealous of you because you're prettier than me smh [00:42:08] yoyokrish69: whats gonna happen to rose then? [00:42:10] TheI3arracuda: whyyyy [00:42:10] judgedame: have you you checked it out ? [00:42:11] Fried_Pickles: I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable D: Im on Twitter but im not annoyed [00:42:12] pog_frogyyy: gtg butt slay queennnn [00:42:13] googolzzz: yay!!!! hooray for fin love you so much [00:42:13] danodite: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:42:15] genodian: sorry i'm late what's the big reveal? [00:42:15] SunIsLost: Most of us are either Trans or will turn out to be Trans after you came out [00:42:15] XENOMAN5: No longer stolen valor? Good. [00:42:17] gamertwtch: No, I am [00:42:17] FrosZt_iMG: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:42:17] now_chemical: found you thru twitter lol [00:42:18] Nova9308: You don't need to hide your excitement. Its beautiful 💜 [00:42:18] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:42:19] lampjade: "What will other people think" zomg [00:42:19] Nilinn31: I'm so irrationally happy. Seeing you on stream really helped me crack my egg TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:42:20] xanvena21: people can be dicks sometimes, just don’t take notice [00:42:21] qrthulhu: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:42:21] caligach: caligach subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months! finn i just watched your latest video, it was amazing and i'm so happy for you f1nnHeart [00:42:22] f3mmbot: caligach subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:42:22] fullhdlp: i don't like that twitter was right [00:42:23] cuteinnocenttrap: You're fine, you're doing great! [00:42:24] PnkyPnk: What’s your preferred name/s?? [00:42:25] multiversal_rift: people on twitter are wild and just dont pay attention to them [00:42:27] Kitsuneko111: correction, I'm highly annoyed, where's my share? [00:42:29] thepopeofcopium: alot of hating from the trans community on twitter. cause jealousy i guess [00:42:30] evesofdeathh: FINS ON HRT SLAY [00:42:32] mcber1234: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:42:32] steppyblock: So proudd🫶 [00:42:33] techytrickster: you are lovely! [00:42:33] taicapre: TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride [00:42:34] OliviaTalks: post-closet euphoria, it do be great :) [00:42:35] mackarp2: not c [00:42:35] sportsguyjay: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [00:42:35] FacelessSnow: it's pretty supportive [00:42:36] im_up_to_something: They were probably just jealous [00:42:37] feebowlcs: so vaush was right [00:42:37] KnightNave: fuck twitter [00:42:37] iltalonli: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:42:37] lamelama22: lol who would be annoyed? your chat's been begging you to do it for years [00:42:39] ClaraRenway: AAAAAA Congratulationnsssss!!!! [00:42:39] macarous: honestly, fuck those people. ppl love finding reasons to dogpile on twitter [00:42:39] ArchyNemesis: I love how no one calls Twitter "X", what an awful name [00:42:39] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: Why should other people care, or even be mad if you are on HRT?? [00:42:40] MikeWillStream: FOUR YEARS!? [00:42:40] HexGrrrrl: My gf was convinced [00:42:40] DodenKing: People feel like you owe them answers you don't even know yourself yet [00:42:40] thebreadisonthefloor: twitter more like shitter [00:42:41] CritCupcake: Twitter is being positive TransgenderPride [00:42:42] 0_MKA_0: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:42:42] t0m1n4t0r: it’s your story you get to tell it at your pace [00:42:43] mershmellows: thesca16Transcrab thesca16Nessie thesca16Transcrab thesca16Nessie thesca16Transcrab thesca16Nessie [00:42:43] cheff_cook: F1NN support group from now on [00:42:43] noxcrystalis: yeah had to wait a good bit to get on e due to dumb local laws about hrt it can be super annoying to have to wait for it [00:42:44] kirathepan: Wait, are you on hrt? /s [00:42:45] DienesToo: Heck yeah F1nn! Congrats! [00:42:48] maniacz9: Congratulations lytCLAP lytCLAP TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:42:49] ilikethetasteofliving: Are you still fin?? [00:42:50] YourBrowserHD: sneegL1 sneegL2 [00:42:50] gaddafi_duck_: Vaush said it not long ago [00:42:50] andromeda_nyx: i havent seen a single bad response [00:42:51] DegenerateDaycare: I see all good comments & support [00:42:51] 7071_haoN: happy for you, that video just made my day <3 [00:42:51] nytegames: proud of u mate [00:42:51] SwitchLeafe: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:42:52] angygenz: Twitter is funny as hell I will gaze upon it at a distance [00:42:53] bearpaw1970: Madam mistique indeed [00:42:53] mcber1234: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:42:54] krovvy: cniNOTED [00:42:54] AcuRatTM: I'm soo happy for you!!! [00:42:55] argonaut2468: lables can be restrictive [00:42:56] ezzyisgone: DOES FINN STILL COUNT AS A FEMBOY?!?!?! [00:42:57] yoyokrish69: @kirathepan yes [00:42:57] ArminGux: make a thousand predictions and one will be right [00:42:59] MimoJimi: you're a Being [00:42:59] XENOMAN5: A good rule of thumb is to not give a shit about what people on Twitter think [00:43:00] qrthulhu: tbh I’m super jealous of you right now and I’m don’t think I fully know why [00:43:01] Flutters_Shygal: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [00:43:01] Shockwavemecha: Before GTA6 [00:43:02] 420anythyme_: Cheer100. you make everyone happy [00:43:02] spider3327: labels seem appealing but they're not necessary [00:43:03] isabaellchen: i feel vindicated [00:43:04] blueskydrinking: Lmao r/egg_irl is gloating like fuck KEKW [00:43:04] mystchevious1: You've never had a sense of gender. [00:43:05] Lemonychanuwu: Fuck it, im booking an appointment to get on E tommorow >.< [00:43:06] mackarp2: I think vaush said so less then 6 months ago [00:43:07] GhostOfAFlea: Themboy [00:43:09] BongoCatDown: most based thing that happened this week [00:43:09] helunsebunse: Genderfluid for the win! [00:43:09] nemumonster: BROOO my GF is JUST LIKE U. she has pushed her identity back for so long just because she needed to pick one label [00:43:10] helenaaaaaaauwu: But if they 4 years fail to prove it because its just not true nobody would believe them even at the point when it was true I guess [00:43:11] independent_observer: You were already playing with HRT when Vaush """called you out""" [00:43:11] imnotcharming: Gday mate nukiWaving How are you today? [00:43:11] Dub_bie: non binary people have a sense of gender dude [00:43:11] tha1jade: tiffyyyUmby tiffyyyUmby tiffyyyUmby [00:43:12] judgedame: so far so good .some funny memes. [00:43:13] Luckyscore: just watched the YouTube video and congratulations girl [00:43:15] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:43:16] officalchionkinnie: @kirathepan yep. fin is on hrt!!! [00:43:19] SweetSugarCandi: I'm a "CIS" gender woman, and I've had a crush on you for over 2 yrs now, who gives a f$#@ about pro-nouns? [00:43:19] SleepyPac: shyyNodders [00:43:20] Bailey_Ravenwick: you are fine Gender is bullshit any way [00:43:20] know1_0: <3 [00:43:21] SnowyLando: i wish i understood my gender [00:43:21] Nirvana_W22: you’ve already described it so perfectly as being gender fluid when you spoke about looking in the mirror [00:43:23] xxjoyeusexx: What do we do for dono goals now 0.0 [00:43:23] Kolateak_: True [00:43:23] Bleats_Sinodai: CISN'T [00:43:23] loser_potatoo: Ineed mental help :] [00:43:27] less_sleeepy: opinion about genderfluid?????????? [00:43:27] Helen_Croft: Chat TTS is off for now [00:43:28] liminalmoss: labels are bullshit [00:43:29] VironTwitch: Damn it, I was happy to see someone who was a cis male but was comfortable doing their own thing [00:43:30] Catamondium: smoov [00:43:30] juneguild: TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUU [00:43:31] primarch359: Why didn't you burst out of the bhajaj pill to start the video? [00:43:31] CoffeeComic64: Trans masc would be the thing [00:43:32] multiversal_rift: nonbinary isnt none, its neither, both or somewhere inbetween [00:43:32] vsennafraza: F1nn when did you tell your parents? [00:43:33] JJVanVan: oh shoot [00:43:34] me1ll0: oh as a fellow genderfluid person the constant questioning is REAL [00:43:35] kirathepan: @yoyokrish69 does /s not mean sarcastic anymore? [00:43:36] jackalias: you had muscle strength? [00:43:37] Luna_Lux9: YEP [00:43:40] raxolotl_truly: fem_ontheblock subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months, currently on a 15 month streak! happy sun anniversary holy shoot you’re on HRT [00:43:40] f3mmbot: fem_ontheblock subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:43:40] krovvy: cniNOTED HRTitty [00:43:40] Milano_CM: Will you be at TwitchCon Rotterdam??? [00:43:40] doron2002: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:43:40] Scarbble: gender is a fuck anyways [00:43:41] YumeNoZen: Well, they definitely wouldn't be a'Paula'd. [00:43:41] ni_ni13: hurting nipples [00:43:42] HelloThisIsDee: @Bleats_Sinodai CISN'T! [00:43:42] PoolOnTheRuf: lmaooooo that was me, i "tried hrt for a month" and am still on it almost two years later [00:43:42] Komnia: @me1ll0 same [00:43:43] mayaculous: where were u in ur hrt journey when you talked about hrt on stream ? [00:43:43] experiencepoints: Yup, Cisn't TransgenderPride [00:43:43] charro_6569: We got Finn on hrt before GTA6 [00:43:44] mcber1234: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:43:44] TheDerpyTomatoz: Oh no the dono goals what are we gonna do [00:43:45] taicapre: TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride [00:43:49] biochemist98: I think you just brutally destroyed my egg... Also I love seeing you smile, like you ACTUALLY shine <3 [00:43:49] FatherThyme: antiboyotics [00:43:49] lostghost1031: lostghost1031 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months! [00:43:49] ArminGux: yeah cis people don’t wanna be the other gender [00:43:49] f3mmbot: lostghost1031 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 34 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:43:49] axx_le: maybe you should make your battle pass free to celebrate 👀 [00:43:51] lishoward: do you like the breast growth? [00:43:52] violechuga: wait I just joined Finn on E? what’s the context can anyone explain [00:43:52] c__r__j: How many viewers? Over 9000! LUL [00:43:52] Netrashado: cis people don’t think about their gender all the time like us lol [00:43:52] insecureTrannzz: BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:43:53] deutschlaender32: its not terrifying for me... Oh... wait... [00:43:53] MegaMiley: How are the voice training sessions going? [00:43:54] engxgamerzz: so so happy to hear the news and that you're comfortable in everything. takes a lot to be comfortable in sharing this GenderFluidPride [00:43:54] theeelfy: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:43:55] elion3li: NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride [00:43:56] starduckxd: "im just one of the boys, a very manly man" [00:43:56] nitrudestroyer: nitrudestroyer is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 79 in the channel! [00:43:56] Nirvana_W22: is this stream going to be a YouTube video too? [00:43:57] f3mmbot: nitrudestroyer has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [00:43:57] nitrudestroyer: nitrudestroyer gifted a Tier 1 sub to GrayFox_XI! [00:43:57] nitrudestroyer: nitrudestroyer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Duribun! [00:43:57] nitrudestroyer: nitrudestroyer gifted a Tier 1 sub to JessieJane! [00:43:57] nitrudestroyer: nitrudestroyer gifted a Tier 1 sub to zoewithane! [00:43:57] nitrudestroyer: nitrudestroyer gifted a Tier 1 sub to dashunde! [00:43:57] nitrudestroyer: nitrudestroyer gifted a Tier 1 sub to kajaa99! [00:43:57] nitrudestroyer: nitrudestroyer gifted a Tier 1 sub to aloravenus! [00:43:57] nitrudestroyer: nitrudestroyer gifted a Tier 1 sub to mw2911! [00:43:57] nitrudestroyer: nitrudestroyer gifted a Tier 1 sub to Erasia_! [00:43:57] nitrudestroyer: nitrudestroyer gifted a Tier 1 sub to PineappleMage! [00:43:57] nemumonster: gender nonconforming [00:43:59] IwraithII: just wanted to stop by and say congratulations! [00:43:59] StormCloud119: that weird little inbetween IS non-binary [00:44:00] Bleats_Sinodai: @hellothisisdee CISN'T!!! [00:44:02] LunaVeraVerse: finally lol [00:44:03] CyanoticJam: Sorry but did your egg crack?!?!? [00:44:03] imnotcharming: @F1NN5TER You`re very pretty [00:44:04] FlowersOfLight: people often don't get how not binary gender tends to be [00:44:04] joeonaboat2: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati PotFriend GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:44:04] 19ducks: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:44:04] goldenskies98: this was meeeeee [00:44:04] DatChickenBro1: PridePaint [00:44:05] TheI3arracuda: Genderfluid is complicated ngl [00:44:07] melodia43: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:44:08] toastychaii: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:44:09] SweetSugarCandi: Your perfect in your "in-between" [00:44:09] henrzig: henrzig subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [00:44:09] f3mmbot: henrzig subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:44:09] chr155ter: davidhLeftshark [00:44:09] the_boredom: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:44:10] BlankDomino: nobody really needs labels [00:44:11] GorGeeBoi: enby pan gang rise [00:44:11] hiluuu: <3 [00:44:13] princess_morningstar: yuuuuup. nonbinary isn't just no gender, but all the in-betweens. [00:44:13] qrthulhu: how does genderfluid compare to nonbinary [00:44:13] Skullbuns: that could be a great way to figure out if your 'faking it'! if you are comfortable with the ideas of those changes, probably not [00:44:15] caelamondorian: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:44:15] loser_potatoo: EXPLAIN CIS IM DUMB 😭 [00:44:15] umutk_99: from cisest guy to f(1nn)luid [00:44:16] heta_6: You crossed the "not cis" line for most people a long time ago lop [00:44:17] isabaellchen: i never knew i had gender dysphoria until i had surgery [00:44:18] saint_r: what was you parents initial reaction? [00:44:18] tekkiebby: inew itttt [00:44:18] Hextrixy: <3 <3 <3 [00:44:19] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Discussion about trans identity [00:44:19] JustOneOfTheSheep: This stream got DEEP fast ! <3 [00:44:19] Adtyi_the_Boom_Bastic: You can be Cis on E shits good [00:44:20] YourBrowserHD: Poooound congrata duder [00:44:21] ayarcee: baby boobs [00:44:22] amystudios: 6 MONTHS! [00:44:22] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:44:23] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:44:24] exobyte_monolith: Do you get frequent flyer miles? [00:44:24] Alchimay: quantum gender? gender superposition? [00:44:24] Lucridis: You can see some difference in your face shape [00:44:24] alexx_net: You can defy the gender binary and not be cis or trans - just be yourself. [00:44:25] Esper89: i KNEW it omggg [00:44:26] JessieJane: @nitrudestroyer Thanks for the gift sub! [00:44:26] RealRyal: Non-binary Genderfluid ftw! [00:44:26] krovvy: LOL [00:44:27] ArminGux: gender fluid on gender fluid [00:44:27] munocard: It was getting noticeable [00:44:27] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:44:27] xanvena21: SwiftRage [00:44:27] PnkyPnk: Honestly so surprised I didn’t see this coming [00:44:28] cloudy_two: whats the best way to take hrt? [00:44:28] GoodHydrations: lmao [00:44:29] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: GenderFluidPride [00:44:29] SunIsLost: @Skullbuns yep [00:44:30] ChasingSol: HI ASHLEY [00:44:30] aggravatedconditions: she appears [00:44:30] braddle172: KEKW [00:44:30] RedusSeptimus: Glad to see we've been on the same page the past months considering the "in between" [00:44:30] eccoblast: lmao [00:44:30] brandnewroad: btw for many transmascs it's the opposite – T makes us feel calm and a lot more balanced :D I'm so happy for you btw, your joy is really wonderful to see GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:44:31] MikeWillStream: KEKW [00:44:31] Avaerus0: Makes sense that if you enjoy the effects of transitioning you probably are non-cis [00:44:31] macarous: HEY ASHLEY [00:44:31] ciernaruza: ashley [00:44:32] axe1970: 9000 [00:44:32] RatPappi: ironically i always thought i was a binary trans guy but HRT made me realist im nb transmasc LUL [00:44:32] CattoLozex: [00:44:33] al3xjX: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:44:33] AcuRatTM: Hi Icky [00:44:33] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:44:33] LyLy117: AHAHAHAAAHAHA JUMP SCARED [00:44:33] lily_thelazykiller: Jumpscare [00:44:33] ArchyNemesis: Ashley jumpscare [00:44:34] venlamonster: KEKW [00:44:34] Kolateak_: SAY IT [00:44:34] axing_: SAY IT [00:44:34] 1WhoBeans: DEW IT [00:44:34] new_day_who_dis: KEKW [00:44:34] Mario11041: LUL [00:44:35] tha1jade: YES [00:44:35] mackarp2: SAY IT [00:44:35] cheesusyourlord: SAY IT [00:44:36] pakjes12boter: Finn is no longer an egg hip hip hooray 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 [00:44:36] Luna_Lux9: SAY IT! [00:44:36] gwen_the_ninth: LUL [00:44:36] beaneater197: Just be a funky little goblin [00:44:36] hhmmmmm: LUL LUL [00:44:36] randopersonn_: AHAHAHAHA [00:44:36] arkarant: REAL [00:44:36] neondimples: Genderfluid is under the NB u [00:44:36] sayocrn: you have permission [00:44:36] EldritchElucidator: asheley no [00:44:36] bearpaw1970: You are Liquid and Bright and Ray's of light along your path..🙏😁 [00:44:36] taicapre: TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride [00:44:36] cheff_cook: can F1nn still post on r/femboys? xdd [00:44:37] SnowyLando: LOL [00:44:37] RunRynRynRun: HUHH [00:44:37] scarlettyg: DEWIT [00:44:37] DoomMuppet2: SAY IT [00:44:37] lurker_ger: LUL [00:44:37] imnotcharming: xd [00:44:37] M00SKl: SAY IT [00:44:37] SpacedM0use: I just had my 1 year on HRT this week, 10/10 worth it. [00:44:38] Popdowner: LOL [00:44:38] RykerSune: KEKW [00:44:38] Catamondium: slur perms [00:44:38] nyxark13: say it [00:44:38] kateth: DO IT [00:44:38] killydaviel: pls dont say it [00:44:38] jackalias: Lol [00:44:38] itsawormworld: LOL [00:44:38] sapphic_luma: SAY IT [00:44:38] DodenKing: HELP [00:44:38] JToegi: jumpscare [00:44:39] djathome: SAY IT [00:44:39] ClaraRenway: We're all proud of you dude! [00:44:39] floorboardthepiratequeen: DO IT [00:44:39] finalmillenium: You started in late august by my guess. [00:44:39] filip_zd10: SAY THE SLUR [00:44:39] pretzelbea: SAY IT [00:44:39] ElexiR_Official: SAY IT [00:44:39] HiddenMarty: SAY IT [00:44:39] blueskydrinking: KEKW [00:44:39] vespiney: LOL [00:44:40] oerbadiaruby: Day it!!! [00:44:40] baconvsmar10: Say it [00:44:40] officalchionkinnie: say it [00:44:40] cammy773: do it [00:44:40] theeelfy: The ashley god [00:44:40] JECarp23: I might have missed it by what form of estrogen are you on? [00:44:40] leftfrog: Pausers [00:44:40] Frost_790: Dew it [00:44:41] deathstar1897: SAY IT [00:44:41] bluj40: you have permission say it [00:44:41] biereauxfruitsrouges: say it [00:44:41] insecureTrannzz: SAY ITT [00:44:41] jamnesia777: LOL [00:44:41] melanitta_: KEKW [00:44:41] davidiusfarrenius: hi Ashley 👋 [00:44:41] IffVi: you have the pass [00:44:41] pokemontdm: HAHAHA [00:44:42] kai_kxchow: LMAO [00:44:42] HexGrrrrl: Say it [00:44:42] MatthewL: Sayy It [00:44:42] NecroPhyre: SAY IT!! [00:44:42] bensrob: LOL [00:44:42] PhantomDgk: SAY IT [00:44:42] Juliya_999: say it [00:44:42] jasiequu: YES [00:44:42] takeonlana: twitch ban [00:44:42] elion3li: !!!!!!! [00:44:42] Bleats_Sinodai: buffpupSniffa say it [00:44:42] madelynofhell: SY THE SLUR [00:44:42] BanOompaLoompas: KEKW 󠀀 [00:44:42] xLumieI: DEW IT [00:44:43] BusohSensen: KEKW [00:44:43] princess_morningstar: you're one of us [00:44:43] hazelgamess: KEKW [00:44:43] TettoX: VirtualHug [00:44:43] MothGirlRosie_: SAY IT [00:44:43] 1CrimsonPrincess: DO IT [00:44:43] ScrapRodent: SAY IT [00:44:43] greebowarrior: say it [00:44:43] melon_malefactor: you can say it [00:44:44] brookisfailinglife: do it [00:44:44] jane_hearts_xoxo: don't do it! [00:44:44] NorableTTV: youre on twitch you can [00:44:44] HardyOrange: Ashley is an actual demon on your shoulder [00:44:44] morning_keebs: LUL [00:44:44] mayaculous: say itttt [00:44:44] xero93: SAY IT [00:44:44] Eromaw: SAYIT [00:44:44] 55_jayjay_: do it! [00:44:44] aymungoos: Amoya is gonna be eating good today [00:44:44] Nirvana_W22: ASHLEY [00:44:45] smokerofmids: You go Finn! Presentation does not equal self-identity!!! [00:44:45] QuietBard98: CLIP IT [00:44:45] rocker_26: SAY IT [00:44:45] MUDDKING16: Cheer1000 I've got an idea for a name-change if your up for it. Ashley Part 2: Electric Boogaloo Super happy you've committed to HRT. SLAYYY!!!!! [00:44:45] experiencepoints: LUL [00:44:45] mr_leggy_d_1st: SAY ITTTT [00:44:45] TheBoneTheif: pressure :( TransgenderPride [00:44:45] cafv_ene: lmao [00:44:46] overcooked_bones: SAY IT [00:44:46] zoewithane: DO IT [00:44:46] msmoonsy: lol [00:44:46] pancakeTransitions: OMEGALUL [00:44:46] Wanesty: D: [00:44:47] unision_crash: SAY IT [00:44:47] dry_noodel: say it!!!! [00:44:47] EmpressCard: Having some issues with hormones and realising I didn't hate some of the effects kinda helped me figure out I was also genderfluid [00:44:47] beady_lil_rat_eyes: change the twitter bio first lol [00:44:47] Under_no_Control: say it [00:44:47] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER I give permission :3 [00:44:47] mothpurr: KEKW [00:44:47] envysaysbonk: KEKW [00:44:47] Layaway0: SAY IT [00:44:47] Zeesium: say it [00:44:47] TheHallSystem: SAY IT [00:44:47] DatChickenBro1: PrideLove PrideLGBTea TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride Nonbin [00:44:47] skyboundmaster: you got the pass now [00:44:47] the_oracie: OWN THAT SHIT [00:44:47] im_up_to_something: Don't lol [00:44:48] saavixd: SAY IT [00:44:48] azure_beauty: Don't fall for the peer pressure! [00:44:48] Bailey_Ravenwick: say it!! [00:44:48] sharkdad0: SAY IT [00:44:48] TeraValia: @loser_potatoo Cis is a horrible illness. [00:44:49] whatsnacks: LMAOOOOO [00:44:49] SwitchLeafe: @TheI3arracuda gender is complicated in general [00:44:49] bjlogna_: LUL [00:44:49] angygenz: lol [00:44:49] Quatroid_: SAY IT [00:44:49] Pandamonium_UwU: say it [00:44:49] BongoCatDown: SAY IT [00:44:49] f0xegg: Say it [00:44:49] ririsueve: What slur? [00:44:49] decilored: SAY IT [00:44:49] multiversal_rift: your can tho! [00:44:49] Skullbuns: ASHLEY the final boss of trans is here OH NO [00:44:50] jadelilyy: DO IT SAY IT [00:44:50] tnw543: SAY IT [00:44:50] verametafr_: SAY IT [00:44:50] thekindredspiritofficial: could say the other one [00:44:50] aspicysnaaifer: Say it [00:44:50] kristinhateslife: YOU HAVE MY PERMISION [00:44:50] TrissByTor: SAY IT [00:44:50] ghost_sheriff_: ICKY [00:44:51] sophiebliek911: say it [00:44:51] Nullikle6000: Say it [00:44:51] loser_potatoo: SAY ITT [00:44:51] bigsuave7: LMAO [00:44:51] joeonaboat2: Dew it [00:44:51] lilecfangs: ashley you agent of chaos [00:44:51] CarnagexElite: DEW IT [00:44:51] MajesticFvckingEagle: W Ashely KEKW [00:44:51] zebrabbl396: We noticed more 🍑 🍑 [00:44:52] muddymudkip15: Lol [00:44:52] judgedame: Ashley heheheheh [00:44:53] amp262: It was not just the lashes [00:44:53] Mnh188: re-claim it [00:44:53] feebowlcs: say it [00:44:53] MimoJimi: Sir the Slay [00:44:54] genodian: fart instead [00:44:54] alexx_net: No! Don't say it [00:44:54] asmejg: say it [00:44:54] isabaellchen: you got a pass [00:44:54] rich_pooc: 5555 [00:44:54] mushooom_: SAY IT. [00:44:54] zephyr_alba: Permission granted [00:44:54] oof_a_m: SAY IT!! [00:44:55] Selstraits: there's a t slur? [00:44:55] AlcoveAZ: do it [00:44:55] deespodete: Gender drunk on gender fluid [00:44:55] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: SAY IT [00:44:55] SolsticeRL_: SAY IT [00:44:55] naagro: Tractor? [00:44:55] Derpsterette: peer pressure lol [00:44:55] cedric_callnight: Ashley!!! [00:44:55] alex_white_owo: say it [00:44:55] adisondoot: It must be reclaimed [00:44:55] Mr_Fluffy97: As a non regular stream viewer I noticed [00:44:56] juneguild: ************* [00:44:56] thebreadisonthefloor: lol [00:44:56] alvarocaroj: Say what [00:44:57] moviesawesome: say it [00:44:57] dinoapple454: haha [00:44:57] PowerOf47: We give you the pass [00:44:57] neverready22: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride been watching since 2019 proud of you coming out finally!! [00:44:57] xanvena21: absolute fender bender [00:44:58] nodegen: dew it [00:44:58] belladdeluca: Speak. [00:44:58] asoftgoth: You have permission from multiple trans women lmao [00:44:58] Kylarixr: dew it [00:44:58] skylikesaerospace: Finn had the strongest egg to ever egg [00:44:58] keller4589: claim ittt [00:44:58] laurance288: SAY IT [00:44:58] kevlarchicken: 9k lol [00:44:59] mootie1: Jesus LUL [00:44:59] IanAlexzander: If you say it and don't catch on fire you'll know [00:44:59] argonaut2468: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:45:00] mintmayo: SAY IT [00:45:00] stykytschair: Say the line bart. [00:45:00] yagurlvivi: SAY IT [00:45:01] LVL1Goblin_: OMEGALUL [00:45:01] writhinglekku: train [00:45:01] krovvy: cniKEK the slur [00:45:01] TruffleFry: SAY IT!!! your allowed!! [00:45:01] widepeepo_deany: KEKW [00:45:01] anarchist_cat_girl: Seeing someone have this much gender euphoria is so sweet sobafiLOVE [00:45:01] PnkyPnk: Do the roar. [00:45:01] DreadPirateDan: some might say she's a bad influence [00:45:01] Blikbonen: YOU CAN DO THE F SLUR [00:45:02] th3phoenix3968: Did you unlock the pass? [00:45:02] doctorgofast: Beckham moment [00:45:02] thepopeofcopium: dont give the angry twitter fuel and ammo to hate on you [00:45:02] Woofmont: LMFAO [00:45:03] doron2002: Say it [00:45:03] espiiowo: i give u the pass [00:45:03] 7071_haoN: LUL [00:45:03] bang3r: you're one of the dolls now you get to say it, do it [00:45:04] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: TransgenderPride [00:45:04] SweetSugarCandi: I love you Ashley, 🤣🤣🤣 [00:45:04] bluj40: your bi also so you can do the other one [00:45:04] t0m1n4t0r: ASHLEY! [00:45:04] hopalongtommy: T slur?...... Trainee?? [00:45:05] axing_: you have the pass, say it [00:45:05] axe1970: it's over nine thousand [00:45:05] ezzyisgone: DOES F1NN5TER STILL COUNT AS A FEMBOY?!?!?!?!? [00:45:07] beaneater197: Do it [00:45:07] FlowersOfLight: ur so fricking cute it's adorable [00:45:07] arkarant: SAY IT [00:45:07] Popdylop: well I relate far too much to this I'm gonna leave and play pirate video games now. I'm SO HAPPY FOR YOU! [00:45:07] Statdk: common ashley w [00:45:07] ciernaruza: @skylikesaerospace gone now [00:45:08] sp00kykj: SAY ALL OF THEM [00:45:08] liminalmoss: say it [00:45:08] Speederzzz: *be right back* [00:45:08] Babackboy: Hi Finn :) [00:45:09] Popdowner: ASHLEY LOL LUL [00:45:09] YourBrowserHD: sneegFloshed [00:45:09] ClaraRenway: Phew I've been on HRT longer :3 Only a month or two but still :3 [00:45:10] Spaghetto_Depressi: Ashley giving out the pass [00:45:11] goddessempressbird: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:45:11] pink545: bring Asher on [00:45:11] moomilomoo: This is the OF equivalent of performance enhancing drugs [00:45:12] macarous: trans hazing KEKW [00:45:12] IwraithII: your skin seems shinier now, so yeah we SO weren’t expecting it 😂 [00:45:12] know1_0: o [00:45:12] johnkeiwo: Do the roar Stare [00:45:12] Loelinverse: prononus [00:45:13] professorpussicat: I still don't publicly identify feminine. I've got a name picked out for if I ever start "male failing" but until that happens, I'm not changing my name or pronouns and I'm content with that. [00:45:13] heta_6: What are you wait for? Permission from the trana council? [00:45:13] tha1jade: SAY IT FOR SHITS AND GIGS [00:45:14] xsaber101: How does your girlfriend feel about you dressing up as a girl? [00:45:14] thimble369: thimble369 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 7 in the channel! [00:45:14] thimble369: thimble369 gifted a Tier 1 sub to gwaddVR! [00:45:14] f3mmbot: thimble369 has gifted a subscription to gwaddvr at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang gwaddvr f1nnLezgang [00:45:15] umutk_99: glass egg [00:45:16] pinbel1: does it mean you're lesbians now [00:45:16] jackalias: Ostrich Egg [00:45:16] QuietBard98: Nokia egg [00:45:16] ScarsUnseen: is the T-word "Tank"???? [00:45:17] jamexito: now say the f one [00:45:17] thistleblue22: So, pronouns, they/them unless specified yeah? [00:45:18] panda_kid2: 9k viewers pog [00:45:18] Mwthenri: KEKW [00:45:19] taicapre: Part of the club say it [00:45:19] TheI3arracuda: The egg arch is over [00:45:19] ririsueve: yikes [00:45:20] Helen_Croft: bedrock egg [00:45:20] rybameinong: Next sub goal: make him say the t-slur [00:45:20] benevolentbeaver: Ashley the Dark temptress holy shit ^^ [00:45:20] filip_zd10: PEEP PRESURE THE SLUR OUT [00:45:20] imnotcharming: nukiCheer nukiCheer nukiYay nukiYay [00:45:21] lampjade: Honestly, the "considering yourself a woman" thing on the sort of track you're on...it's going to be an after-realization if it comes at all. You don't have to decide now. It's something you just test from time to time, and maybe at some point, you'll be surprised. [00:45:21] NelordUK: Waiting for the Trans Council to give Trans Rights to say slurs [00:45:21] Hellstar_Alucard22: You have the permission from the Council of Transfemme [00:45:21] takeonlana: YEAH I LOVE OSMIUM WOOOOO [00:45:21] kanekonpeito: congrats [00:45:22] 55_jayjay_: TYRANNY [00:45:22] mayaculous: slur donation goal [00:45:22] YumeNoZen: No, you were just already pre-cooked. [00:45:22] nufan830: we are now the same, trans and bi !! [00:45:23] Avaerus0: Vibranium Egg [00:45:23] HandOvrFist: Ashley is a menace [00:45:23] TeraValia: would you say... a DRAGON EGG?? [00:45:23] QuadraticInK: Labels are for convenience. If they aren't convenient, then they aren't needed. [00:45:23] AcuRatTM: pronouns? [00:45:24] caelamondorian: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:45:24] exobyte_monolith: Is the Chug Jug filled with Gender Fluid? [00:45:24] SaintDharma9: @f1nn5ter When did you start? [00:45:24] phantaton: elephant's foot egg [00:45:24] PaganOrca: Now f1nn is officially trans the bands on the mic should be rearranged. [00:45:25] Nullikle6000: No Balls [00:45:25] jimtag_: I came in halfway to that. I think I missed the actual [00:45:25] PH7SKULL: Goddamnium egg [00:45:26] ramboo1989: ayooo [00:45:27] Sirius67: Can you make a tierlist of eggs? [00:45:28] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER egg was holding the universe togehter [00:45:28] Lemonychanuwu: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:45:29] XENOMAN5: Are you still technically a FEMBOY? [00:45:29] MangledPork: The egg was a closet all along [00:45:29] c__r__j: "So there IS an egg" f1nnEgg [00:45:29] femboy_crimes: Now to f one [00:45:29] nemumonster: congratulations on your happiness ;_; <3 [00:45:30] xero93: t words tank [00:45:30] kevlarchicken: kevlarchicken is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 385 in the channel! [00:45:31] f3mmbot: kevlarchicken has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:45:31] kevlarchicken: kevlarchicken gifted a Tier 1 sub to NightOwlHideout! [00:45:31] kevlarchicken: kevlarchicken gifted a Tier 1 sub to Finbuk! [00:45:31] kevlarchicken: kevlarchicken gifted a Tier 1 sub to DismantleOS! [00:45:31] kevlarchicken: kevlarchicken gifted a Tier 1 sub to pizzatime_32134! [00:45:31] kevlarchicken: kevlarchicken gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lethalkills! [00:45:31] Juliya_999: 9k pog [00:45:31] Quatroid_: Netherite egg [00:45:33] JakAttack654: Just want to say congrats M8, way to have the courage to come out! [00:45:33] BongoCatDown: obsidian egg with glass closet [00:45:34] elfiefaeboi: im tmasc, i give u permission to say it [00:45:34] idle_singularity: Obsidian isn’t actually that hard of a material IRL [00:45:35] aymungoos: in reality obsidian is pretty fragile so it makes sense [00:45:35] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: unegg [00:45:35] asoftgoth: that egg was made of titanium [00:45:35] Babackboy: Babackboy subscribed with Prime. [00:45:36] f3mmbot: babackboy subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang babackboy f1nnLezgang [00:45:36] widepeepo_deany: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [00:45:37] braddle172: Finn not natty [00:45:38] Zeesium: you just listed off metals from modded mc [00:45:38] ArminGux: dude went on hrt and said “still cis tho” [00:45:38] medical_size9000: Only say it when you feel comfortable [00:45:38] merry_le_platypus: you have the pass i give it to you TransgenderPride [00:45:39] ciernaruza: death star egg [00:45:39] vsennafraza: Finn why does your room still look like you just moved in [00:45:40] MirahImage: I think your relationship is now actually t4t, not just honorary [00:45:41] xDBlackie: Are you a girlfriend now too? [00:45:43] sportsguyjay: Hey Finn happy Friday to you [00:45:44] JadeLyra: Bro had a Stone Talus egg 💀 [00:45:44] AeitZean: UnnEggTaininum [00:45:45] ezzyisgone: FINN FEMBOY CARD REVOKED? [00:45:45] SweetSugarCandi: Kevlar 5 may I have a sub? [00:45:45] namastejeff: just watched the video. Congrats finn f1nnTank [00:45:45] christa_lyn: I'm also on 6 months HRT, I'm so happy 😊 [00:45:46] LeSophieUwUr: lesophBraguitas lesophBraguitas lesophBraguitas [00:45:46] ysalima: just came from yt omg im so proud [00:45:46] enbyvee: LMAO our ickycraft dragon egg called F1nn was TRUE [00:45:47] Vanimal2118: f1nnHeart Ashley [00:45:47] N_mbers: yur good [00:45:48] aggravatedconditions: omg this means you've done girl voice for 7 months [00:45:48] nerunerukk: fake natty [00:45:48] mr_pikle: carbon fiber egg [00:45:49] DarrigoTR: Only a gamer would put obsidian above titanium for hardness [00:45:49] bearpaw1970: Your shell was like the juggernaut on full on charge..😁🤟 [00:45:49] Helen_Croft: Like the Cow Tweet [00:45:50] Eric_xyz_: Seeing you this happy is contagious :) [00:45:51] Rue4192: Cheer100 [00:45:52] bozo_cat: 😔 another femboy lost to woke [00:45:52] KfkFod: it never was xd [00:45:52] danodite: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:45:52] alikarin: Is this why you liked being on the top of egg IRL? LUL [00:45:53] XenMonkey: So wait, when Ashley said you were in a lesbian relationship it wasn't a bit?? :) [00:45:53] Andromeda42442: what up [00:45:54] grandpaladin1701: AlsoAshley called it! [00:45:55] argonaut2468: you are proof that the strongest of eggs will eventually give way [00:45:55] imnotcharming: so many gifting happening- [00:45:57] roninsnook: Can't crack an egg shell that doesn't exist lol [00:45:57] Darkness4desert: OMG have I been objetifing a woman? [00:45:57] kirascoffeecup: Bro.. you cracked my egg and then started E when I did. [00:45:57] SwitchLeafe: @XENOMAN5 I'd say so gender fluid with he him pronounce [00:45:59] meiketae: I genuinely feel better now that I´m watching you being happy [00:45:59] grap3_s0da: What did you tell your parents? [00:46:00] charro_6569: Best egg on twitch [00:46:01] Sir_GoofyGrape: SAY THE SLVR!!! [00:46:01] Adtyi_the_Boom_Bastic: Obsidian is a natural glass and Is actually more fragile than you'd think [00:46:01] IIBibu: what did I miss? is finn officially a girl [00:46:01] divided_queen488: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:46:02] FlowersOfLight: "the olympic committee has spoken out about the recent f1nn doping controversy" [00:46:02] Bleats_Sinodai: You're my favorite he/him lesbian F1NN buffpupCute [00:46:02] krovvy: I mean [00:46:03] CritCupcake: we did ;p [00:46:03] Juliya_999: im crying I’m so happy for you [00:46:03] Kolateak_: HUH [00:46:03] Gtaer222: Gtaer222 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! OhDamn [00:46:03] cloudy_two: I knew!! [00:46:04] TheI3arracuda: LUL we knew [00:46:04] f3mmbot: gtaer222 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:46:04] Sleepystephbot: Yes we did lol [00:46:04] ramboo1989: 🤜🤛 [00:46:05] strutsiina: !pronouns [00:46:05] heliossus12: heliossus12 subscribed at Tier 3. [00:46:05] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:46:05] f3mmbot: heliossus12 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 3! Welcome to the lez-gang heliossus12 f1nnLezgang [00:46:06] TwinbeeMk2: @F1NN5TER every journey is different. Take your time and you'll find it :) [00:46:06] Nirvana_W22: we really did [00:46:07] MooCChao: This is great. Your stream has improved my life in many ways. This is beautiful! [00:46:07] Avaerus0: We were being polite [00:46:08] killydaviel: whats app [00:46:08] SolsticeRL_: everyone did. [00:46:08] TheBoneTheif: bwong [00:46:08] SunIsLost: @bozo_cat noooooooooooo [00:46:08] imgpw: monkaW [00:46:08] CarnagexElite: we knew lol [00:46:09] gwen_the_ninth: Dafuq was that??? [00:46:09] xXNeroZashiXx: ahh [00:46:09] helunsebunse: A joke: So u are sometimes a lesbian ? >< [00:46:09] JJVanVan: my machinations lay undetected for years [00:46:09] DatChickenBro1: WhatsApp XD [00:46:10] fei_bay: can you make a cracked egg emote for your subscribers? [00:46:11] randomplaguedoctor: no one caught on oh honey [00:46:11] ironhydra: It was noticable [00:46:11] macarous: ...nobody [00:46:11] zoewithane: We all did [00:46:12] xuxiiweee: imagine if you 4 years ago heard about this [00:46:12] phantaton: Ghost? [00:46:13] mcber1234: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:46:13] joeonaboat2: Execution time [00:46:14] Alijah_T: Alijah_T subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months! f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:46:14] Catamondium: streamerbrain [00:46:14] sportsguyjay: Can't believe it's already March [00:46:14] f3mmbot: alijah_t subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:46:15] GayTrshBag: we know that Ashley is supportive but has anything changed between you two? any sort of comfort you’ve gotten? [00:46:15] NixxTheFox13: who is "we" [00:46:15] MegaMiley: Whenever such a joke came by, I can only imagine chat going EGG XD [00:46:16] RoyalRoseo: Preorder successful [00:46:17] Pilllow51: no one ? [00:46:17] theeelfy: The only one wasnt aware was you [00:46:17] zz_p0p: We were def onto u bb [00:46:17] geekymini: was the finesteried a cover story? [00:46:17] jamexito: will you do voice training??? [00:46:17] xero93: whatsapp jumpscare [00:46:18] alexx_net: Won't be needing this anymore: f1nnEgg [00:46:18] diggingadandass: im gonna go put a dress on right now........... [00:46:18] Kitsuneko111: "no one" *twitter* [00:46:19] YourInnerBatman: you've been making a joke about it for 3 years lol [00:46:19] MaxVershhhtappen: so when i made a joke about picking a trans female from my local lbgt center you were commenting on it like you were trans already, anyways i support your journey [00:46:20] Bailey_Ravenwick: AlsoAshley was right!! [00:46:20] thimble369: thimble369 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 8 in the channel! [00:46:20] XtrlZabille: Made me check my own alerts lmao [00:46:20] thimble369: thimble369 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tom__B! [00:46:20] f3mmbot: thimble369 has gifted a subscription to tom__b at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang tom__b f1nnLezgang [00:46:21] SleepyPac: run its the gender police [00:46:21] postpopcorn: i paniced [00:46:21] ArminGux: we have been assuming you are on hrt for a while now [00:46:22] forkmasterderp: Your stomach toning gave away you were on HRT [00:46:23] writhinglekku: so everyone? [00:46:24] Fried_Pickles: Sometimes it's easy to dismiss things when you aren't comfortable. [00:46:24] saramblo: I did [00:46:24] WildcatAlli: we absolutely caught onto it lmao [00:46:25] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:46:25] Sift11: my vibe checker is still 100% accurate, got the vibe like 3/4 years ago [00:46:26] Skullbuns: whatsapp is here to support what an ally TransgenderPride [00:46:26] arkarant: employer - employee trainer - [00:46:28] emirizy: I kinda put it down to finasteride [00:46:29] eccoblast: its noticable YOU GOT A PHATTY [00:46:29] contour_19: zThat ass was a giveaway [00:46:29] atomrofl164: !pronouns [00:46:29] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:46:30] ezzyisgone: does finn still count as femboy? [00:46:30] Andromeda42442: wait what is happening [00:46:31] melon_malefactor: --+\] [00:46:32] skylikesaerospace: Finn finally convinced people he was cis only to realize he isn’t cis [00:46:32] isthisapokeman: we all could tell we just didnt say anything [00:46:32] jackalias: I never noticed, but I'm also incredibly oblivious [00:46:34] theladyironborn: theladyironborn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! innit [00:46:35] vsennafraza: Are you finally gonna do your voice training? [00:46:35] f3mmbot: theladyironborn subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:46:35] MooCowTracy: it's not that nobody noticed, nobody commented. [00:46:35] HardyOrange: Remember when the reddit all went along with you totally not dating Ashley?? we do try to be polite! [00:46:38] SnowyLando: i very much expected this coming out lol [00:46:39] SunIsLost: @argonaut2468 yep [00:46:41] kpkplays: How is Ashley throughout all of this? [00:46:41] MaMoon57: I hadn't been on stream for a while so I didn't notice ;-; [00:46:41] evilmagicwizardthing: I definitely noticed, because I did the same thing [00:46:42] YourBrowserHD: Wiat! is that why finn did voice trainning?! [00:46:43] pancakeTransitions: they them gang! [00:46:43] mr_clucks_843: Actually this may be the end of the egg jokes [00:46:43] zebrabbl396: Enhancers? You cheated dude? [00:46:43] SwitchLeafe: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:46:43] YumeNoZen: F1nn, I've ALWAYS just tried to respect whatever you request. You know I don't care. I mean, I forgave you being Bri'ish already. [00:46:43] SweetSugarCandi: Please Kevlar 5? 🙏🙏🙏 [00:46:45] axing_: the pronouns are cute/hot [00:46:45] KnightNave: i mean... it was obvious [00:46:47] zvrkinjo: Did stopping the girl month goals help with your clearing up some things? [00:46:47] N7_Andres: N7_Andres subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months! [00:46:48] f3mmbot: n7_andres subscribed to f1nn5ter for 27 months using Prime! PogU [00:46:50] YourInnerBatman: no shania twain? [00:46:50] PnkyPnk: Ashley WhatsApping Finn to say the word [00:46:50] XENOMAN5: We’ve been saying it’s probably the HRT for a long time now and it turns out we were right [00:46:51] Alyselle__: giggity [00:46:51] independent_observer: @ezzyisgone HRT-Femboys are a valid thing [00:46:52] BlankDomino: egg so uncrackable it liquidised [00:46:52] diggingadandass: why not wear panties and a dress brb [00:46:53] axx_le: awwwww [00:46:53] NamisaNM: No way you actually started HRT at the same time i did HAHAH omg ily fin [00:46:53] nouma2: You will. [00:46:54] gwen_the_ninth: You're still figuring it out, it's ok buffpupHeart [00:46:54] lily_thelazykiller: Awww [00:46:54] ramboo1989: man, he feels like a woman [00:46:55] braddle172: f1nnHeart [00:46:55] itsawormworld: <3333 [00:46:56] AlyxVanced: AlyxVanced subscribed at Tier 1. [00:46:56] deepwater_fae: you is you, and thats okay [00:46:56] idle_singularity: f1nnTankhat [00:46:56] f3mmbot: alyxvanced subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang alyxvanced f1nnLezgang [00:46:57] lampjade: Thank you for helping with this, Ashley <3 [00:46:57] Scarykittenz: <3 󠀀 [00:46:58] jamnesia777: Ashley is a godsend [00:46:58] gothique_elf: Need to listen to a lot of Shania Twain [00:46:58] elion3li: awwww [00:46:59] qrthulhu: TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:46:59] krovvy: FeelsStrongMan <3 [00:47:00] vinami_petite_grenouille_: annytfBlankie [00:47:00] Mikey2207: awwwww [00:47:00] Miraitre: <3 [00:47:00] Xylomn: awww [00:47:00] DoomMuppet2: <3 <3 <3 [00:47:00] PaperyMantis645: <3 [00:47:01] mcber1234: We want Ashley f1nnAshbonk [00:47:01] 19ducks: <3 [00:47:01] distractedcreative: Ashley is the best [00:47:01] lillyminze: sounds very similar to my experience with the genderoos GenderFluidPride [00:47:01] Eromaw: AWWWWW [00:47:02] Xphome: <3 [00:47:02] MatthewL: Awwwww [00:47:02] juneguild: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:02] kateth: Awwwwww [00:47:03] Bartiono: <3 [00:47:03] danjan117: <3 [00:47:03] ghost_sheriff_: Angel Ashley [00:47:03] Catamondium: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:47:03] randomplaguedoctor: awww omg [00:47:04] MegaMiley: <3 [00:47:04] N_mbers: awwwww [00:47:04] FlowersOfLight: pronouns are SO fluid and disconnected from traditional gender expressions... it's Awesome [00:47:04] NixxTheFox13: Awwwwww [00:47:04] marty_poisonwood: aaaaaaw [00:47:04] Maddrius: <3 Ashley [00:47:04] dangerousruben: awwww [00:47:05] cheesusyourlord: Awwww [00:47:05] Stevethegrate: awwwwww [00:47:05] octminer: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [00:47:05] muddymudkip15: Awww [00:47:05] Popdowner: AWWWW [00:47:05] ArchyNemesis: Awwwww <3 [00:47:05] thebreadisonthefloor: aw [00:47:05] Aestelie: Awww [00:47:05] RoryLuukas: SAY ALL THE NICE THINGS [00:47:05] comet_theenby: here’s the thing I’ve been on hrt for over 2 years, and it’s undeniable the changes I’ve had, but if you just don’t acknowledge it to people, you’d be surprised how many people will just still assume you’re a dude [00:47:05] caelamondorian: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [00:47:06] Lokuri1002: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:06] LanaBread: awwwwwwwww, gay [00:47:06] Azypok: MOOOOOW [00:47:06] cool_bleh: Awwww [00:47:06] FatherThyme: married when? [00:47:06] melodia43: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:06] darkangelsd21: Awww [00:47:06] violet_pirate1: awwwww [00:47:06] toastychaii: AWWWWWW [00:47:06] mayaculous: awwwwwwwwwww [00:47:06] bensrob: Awww [00:47:07] cedric_callnight: ❤️❤️❤️ [00:47:07] Komnia: awww that's so sweet [00:47:07] Todasul: <3 [00:47:07] kettlecatt: awwww thats so cute [00:47:07] bingusmcdoodle: Awwwwww [00:47:08] eFlyman: STOP BEING SO CUTE <# [00:47:08] junipermothmom: lordae3Bradheart [00:47:08] hiluuu: BibleThump TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:47:08] TheDerpyTomatoz: AWWWWWWWWW [00:47:08] alaynerzz: AWWWWW [00:47:08] ClaraRenway: reject gender, embrace being hot [00:47:08] RealRyal: Awww [00:47:09] spineleech: aww [00:47:09] ArminGux: “I feel like a women” tik tok incoming [00:47:09] BongoCatDown: awwwww [00:47:09] pretzelbea: awwwwww (kinda gay ngl) [00:47:09] ColedCollector: FeelsStrongMan [00:47:09] eccoblast: Icky is da best [00:47:09] Mario11041: awww <3 󠀀 [00:47:09] aurumadzia: Awwww [00:47:09] sapphic_luma: <3 [00:47:10] DarrigoTR: T4T [00:47:10] violechuga: OH M GGGGGGGG [00:47:10] Luna_Lux9: No, no, you can say many many good things about Ashley! [00:47:10] Jandronicos: So happy for you Finn, and proud of you [00:47:10] MajesticFvckingEagle: <3 [00:47:10] mootie1: awww 🫠 bleedPurple [00:47:10] edahdd: aww [00:47:10] pokemontdm: awwww [00:47:10] tortoise_sensei: ❤️❤️❤️ [00:47:10] Frost_790: <3 f1nnHeart [00:47:10] mj_phae: ashley is a queen! [00:47:10] scarlettyg: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:47:11] DerekPlaysNude: you both are the cutest together ❤️❤️ [00:47:11] decilored: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:11] the_oracie: LET IT RAIN [00:47:11] experiencepoints: Awwww <3 <3 [00:47:11] NorableTTV: cyoooot [00:47:11] Trojan_Blitz: PrideCrown PrideCrown [00:47:11] heta_6: Awwwwwwww [00:47:11] robbo423: <3 [00:47:11] davidiusfarrenius: f1nnRotate [00:47:12] mershmellows: thesca16Sailormoon thesca16Sailormoon thesca16Sailormoon [00:47:12] Juliya_999: awww [00:47:12] f0xegg: <3 [00:47:12] greebowarrior: itsgem1Love [00:47:12] SnowyLando: awwwww thats so cute oh my god [00:47:12] olliessoup: AW [00:47:12] amethystbinx: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:12] YourBrowserHD: awwwww [00:47:12] Avaerus0: Most wouldn't be as understanding [00:47:13] beaneater197: Awwwww [00:47:13] fei_bay: DO IT CRY [00:47:13] BabyRainbow03: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:13] rocko89222: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:14] TwinbeeMk2: You can cry now :P [00:47:14] venlamonster: 47 minutes boys [00:47:14] insecureTrannzz: awwwww [00:47:14] camarada_emy: Aaaawwwwwwwwww [00:47:14] Bailey_Ravenwick: T4T?? [00:47:14] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Crediting Ashley [00:47:14] professorpussicat: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 are you going to start doing girl voice more? [00:47:14] ScrapRodent: AWWWWW karlswFiendsad karlswFiendsad karlswFiendsad [00:47:14] brookisfailinglife: awww [00:47:14] alyssapegs: <3 [00:47:14] SacredAshlee: <3 <3 <3 [00:47:15] takeonlana: aw [00:47:15] SwitchLeafe: awwwww [00:47:15] argonaut2468: she's a keeper [00:47:15] fewthatwasclose7: 💜💜💜💜 [00:47:15] ironhydra: <3 [00:47:15] Phe8UrCheeze: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:47:15] kapumon: awwww [00:47:16] izedbros: Awwww [00:47:16] give_me_my_name_back: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:16] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER it took saitama in OPM season 3 to crack your egg lmfao [00:47:16] kayleelives: awwwww [00:47:16] Netrashado: awww [00:47:16] frodotheturtle: Awwwwww [00:47:16] blueskydrinking: <3 <3 <3 [00:47:16] kat_the_khajiit: She's probably hiding outside the door with a cup lmao [00:47:16] AlyxVanced: I always forget f1nn is actually pretty young. Probably because I've been watching for years [00:47:16] rocker_26: AWWWWW [00:47:17] Macstronaut: <3 [00:47:17] tobit0aster_: GenderFluidPride [00:47:17] tomgrouch: dude that's gay [00:47:17] meiketae: AWWWW ahhhhh I´m dying that´s too fricking cute [00:47:17] 1WhoBeans: aww [00:47:17] ItsJohannaWren: <3 <3 [00:47:17] ahorseinahospital: ♥ [00:47:17] magicalgirlcharlotte: awwww [00:47:17] kevlarchicken: aww [00:47:17] Woofmont: ASHLEY W [00:47:18] thepopeofcopium: LuvSign illphyOkayEd [00:47:18] NecroPhyre: Say the slur :3 [00:47:18] SweetSugarCandi: Aww!! 🥰🥰🥰 [00:47:18] widepeepo_deany: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:18] ekat2468: its okay cry we get it [00:47:18] lenar0se: <3 <3 <3 [00:47:18] CattoLozex: icky jumpscare incoming [00:47:18] skyise_: hii BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:47:18] iamkneetickler: AWWWWWWW [00:47:18] Hextrixy: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:18] Statdk: GIVE IN TO IT [00:47:18] TeraValia: gonna make me cry... lol [00:47:19] Derpsterette: genuinely such a beautiful relationship <3 [00:47:19] sightedfiend16: “a lot of nights spent with Ashley” doing what Finn? [00:47:19] daguerreotypes: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:19] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: love to Ashley <3 <3 [00:47:19] Barbar7575: Gender is a scam invented by bathroom companys to sell more bathrooms [00:47:19] gdogshankmasta: stronge [00:47:19] jimtag_: mine felt me [00:47:19] Philippovic98: <3 [00:47:19] Skullbuns: TGATS SO SWEET AHHH skullb38Sad skullb38Sad skullb38Sad skullb38Sad [00:47:20] jjay0308: TwitchUnity [00:47:20] sporkyspoon: awwww [00:47:20] CarnagexElite: you can cry with is [00:47:20] oerbadiaruby: T4T relationships are healing ngl [00:47:20] theeelfy: Who said 45 plus [00:47:21] know1_0: VirtualHug [00:47:21] njbh86: CRY COWARD [00:47:21] benevolentbeaver: dont hold back [00:47:21] f4zol0: Ugly crying [00:47:22] EmpressCard: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:47:22] GayTrshBag: DUDE IM GUNNA CEY [00:47:22] ManiacMattXD: ManiacMattXD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months! I finally get to be present for a video, and I'm glad to hear you're happy. [00:47:22] bearpaw1970: Ashley loves your spirit that is all of you.. [00:47:22] evesofdeathh: Ashley W [00:47:22] Esper89: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:22] f3mmbot: maniacmattxd subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:47:22] WillowWithAJoystick: OMG AWWWWWW [00:47:22] shurimandove: <3 [00:47:22] xTrash_Boatx: if you love her so much why don’t you marry her? [00:47:22] Faaaack_: <3 <3 <3 [00:47:22] mothpurr: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:23] Mrdeadfishrock: cry i want to win the bet [00:47:23] FFRJibster: IF YOU CRY I'M GONNA CRY [00:47:23] NelordUK: <3 <3 <3 <3 Ashley <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:23] mattwalewangko: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:23] Ekun: <3 [00:47:23] ciernaruza: TransgenderPride ashley [00:47:24] steahk: MY POINTS peepoSad [00:47:24] Angstysnow: yeah that hrt makes crying happen so much more right? [00:47:24] xXNeroZashiXx: Cute [00:47:24] BlankDomino: awwwwwww [00:47:25] laurelin95: she loves you just as much [00:47:26] Mondongod: your egg's made of Obsidian [00:47:26] YumeNoZen: You're transitioning to hotter. [00:47:26] PowerOf47: CRY! CRY! CRY! [00:47:26] less_sleeepy: youre genderfluid right? if yes how is it by you do you feel the change daily,weekly or any other way because by me it one time a year when my gender change and then it sticks for few months.????? [00:47:26] theejoey: That's beautiful [00:47:27] Soricon12: Noooooooooo congrats though [00:47:27] Nova9308: 💜 [00:47:27] Pilllow51: DO [00:47:27] madelynofhell: only way this could get better is if TenMuses came back for this lmao [00:47:27] bluj40: let it fall girly [00:47:27] you_betcha5: <3 [00:47:28] zebrabbl396: bleedPurple [00:47:28] Alyara_V: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:47:28] Bobbikatt: This is such a beautiful moment [00:47:28] skylikesaerospace: Hey I’m nonbinary and on estrogen [00:47:29] aymungoos: that cliff over there looks mighty inviting right about now (this is a joke) [00:47:29] aceavan7: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:47:29] sharkdad0: @F1NN5TER if there's a stream to cry on, I think it's this one [00:47:29] tricco_tricco: I’m so excited about how excited and happy you are, this is amazing and you are amazing (and Ashley is amazing) [00:47:29] bigsuave7: LUL <3 [00:47:29] HexGrrrrl: I'm gonna cry [00:47:30] thistleblue22: Here with ya! Crying! [00:47:30] MikeWillStream: much love to Ashley! [00:47:30] Kolateak_: Crying stream [00:47:30] nouma2: 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 [00:47:30] Adam1729: I'm not crying, you're crying [00:47:30] nautilusbot135768: <3 [00:47:30] pianoismyforte_: So adorable, you're both perfect [00:47:31] jamexito: YESSSS CRYYYYYY [00:47:31] t0m1n4t0r: AWWWWW this is cute [00:47:31] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn about to cry... [00:47:31] Hey_Ash_Rose: ponceCOEUR ponceCOEUR ponceCOEUR ponceCOEUR [00:47:31] Fleganhimer: Never been in the stream. Just wanted to say your video brought me a lot of joy. Very happy for you. [00:47:32] Miss_Nova1986: No sis you cry [00:47:32] ZerschnetzIer: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:32] keller4589: awwww [00:47:32] axing_: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:32] TrissByTor: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:47:32] Spectre223: Mods hovering over the poll as we speak [00:47:32] ryantupo: gimme my points sub 45 mins [00:47:33] sheldonq1: <3 [00:47:33] ezzyisgone: call cotton [00:47:33] Speederzzz: The HRT getting finn to cry! yes [00:47:33] SnabbKassa: the LUCK you had in meeting her is amazing. [00:47:33] braddle172: Awww [00:47:33] idle_singularity: Hold back the Gender fluid tears F1nn [00:47:33] John_Blaze03575: Yes, do it, cry. Give in to the emotions [00:47:34] kirathepan: Are you no longer a big manly man? [00:47:34] VEDS24: 💚💚💚💚💚 [00:47:34] itsawormworld: ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ [00:47:35] 1CrimsonPrincess: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:47:35] distractedcreative: f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [00:47:35] KhiralShimmer: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:35] gwen_the_ninth: FeelsStrongMan Clap [00:47:36] brandnewroad: you're gonna a make ME cry [00:47:36] CujoMcFly: Do it. Cry. You've earned it [00:47:36] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:47:36] softbonez: let the estrogen tears flow through you [00:47:36] MaxVershhhtappen: how long did you have to wait for HRT???? [00:47:36] divided_queen488: I feel like Ashely is the verry fucking best for you <3 [00:47:37] Luckyscore: Pride100 one of us one of us [00:47:37] Mwthenri: cry then [00:47:38] Shockwavemecha: Yadda [00:47:38] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: THEY'RE GONNA CRY!!!! [00:47:38] CosmicTheCryptid: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:38] officalchionkinnie: @Justmessyblack uh- mods? is this okay? [00:47:38] MatthewL: We love Ashley! She is amazing [00:47:39] dangerousruben: its okay [00:47:39] lily_thelazykiller: Crying is healthy [00:47:39] mgza81: <3 <3 <3 [00:47:39] MimoJimi: pronounce: Chad/Wadduuuuup [00:47:39] strutsiina: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:47:40] rockdownthestreet: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:47:40] JessicaCaraKasey: Love you both. Congratulations for being you. 🤗🥰 [00:47:40] Dr_Nia: have a cry and eat some chocolate. cause chocolate on E is just better! [00:47:40] neokanako: FeelsStrongMan [00:47:40] monkeh80: cry or I loose points [00:47:40] tortoise_sensei: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [00:47:40] ArchyNemesis: CRYYY LET IT OUT [00:47:40] Jozzgo: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:40] GhostOfAFlea: You can't fight the E [00:47:40] roninsnook: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ [00:47:41] storm_if: sucks that it is so difficult to get on it here BibleThump TransgenderPride [00:47:41] arcticartemiss: 💜💜💜💜 [00:47:41] Nerdking314: It is ok Finn. You can cry you have earned it [00:47:41] im_up_to_something: Cryy. Embrace it [00:47:42] Sir_GoofyGrape: HES GONNA CRY [00:47:42] xero93: the effects of e [00:47:42] 3ntropy13: 3ntropy13 subscribed with Prime. [00:47:42] naagro: Wait, so does ibuprofen work less now for you? [00:47:42] nemumonster: hehe reminds me of my gf and i, i know how amazing of a feeling it is. just to know theres someone who will always love u and is there with u for ur journey of life <3 [00:47:42] NYAtKitty: Hrt cries are next level [00:47:42] f3mmbot: 3ntropy13 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang 3ntropy13 f1nnLezgang [00:47:42] amethystbinx: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:47:43] handscombchris: So you've now turned Ashley gay! 😉 [00:47:43] FROGcomply: julieeeSmile [00:47:43] SnowyLando: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:43] nopogo_tv: ashley we need a hug in here STAT [00:47:43] JadeSorcery: crying over stuff like this is healthy [00:47:43] Andromeda42442: AH what did I miss [00:47:44] TheDerpyTomatoz: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:44] SpacedM0use: let the estrogen flow, cry bro cry <3 [00:47:44] Helen_Croft: Chat TTS is off for now [00:47:45] vNTCv: I already cried [00:47:45] SwitchLeafe: you are allowed to cry buddy [00:47:45] brookisfailinglife: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:45] LittleChaSiu: red face is not uncommon for British people though [00:47:46] bomberbopper: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:46] f0xegg: ♥ <3 ♥ <3 ♥ [00:47:46] okayziemaaa: SO PROUD OF YOU <3333333 YOU'RE AMAZING [00:47:46] uchizombi: CRY [00:47:47] charro_6569: Slay queen [00:47:47] Luncillia: let it out [00:47:47] ScarsUnseen: its ok [00:47:48] blueskydrinking: We're already crying dw f1nn5ter [00:47:48] axel02602: <3 <3 <3 [00:47:48] kuwathekuma: <3 <3 <3 [00:47:48] Mr_Fluffy97: ITS GUNNA BE A CRYING STREAM!!! f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [00:47:48] zoewithane: GO ONNNNN [00:47:48] Mikayla_Alexis: 💜💜💜💜💜 [00:47:48] unsolaci: Tell me about it [00:47:48] alyssapegs: ITS OK TO CRY 󠀀 [00:47:49] NikoVixoLIVE: NikoVixoLIVE subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 1 month streak! 7 months at the best time, congrats on feeling comfortable with sharing this massive part of your life. We all support you, best of luck on your journey [00:47:49] f3mmbot: nikovixolive subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months using Prime! PogU [00:47:49] kentuky_fried_chickn: you and ASpicyCow both announced the same thing in the same week lol [00:47:49] cesmec: <3 <3 <3 [00:47:50] thepopeofcopium: illphyOkayEd illphyOkayEd illphyOkayEd illphyOkayEd <3 [00:47:50] Lilli_PJs: everyone is asking about pronouns, what about a name? still going as finn or a new name? [00:47:50] aggravatedconditions: we shipped you two from the momentt we met her [00:47:50] mystchevious1: Stupid promise. Just be happy. [00:47:51] call_me_kashi: Little harder to push the emotions back than it used to be though, right? [00:47:51] MaMoon57: CRY YOU DESERVE IT<3 [00:47:51] ickystreams: idc I cried lol [00:47:52] Titanium347: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:52] beaneater197: It's OK to cry [00:47:53] funkeyaimes: does this mean your relationship is no longer honoury TFT? [00:47:53] DarthSuperior98: <3 <3 <3 [00:47:54] reiisguts: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:54] mintyy1722: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:47:55] atomrofl164: ! [00:47:55] noxcrystalis: cry cry cry let it out [00:47:55] sapphic_luma: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:47:56] Shroldem: i like donuts [00:47:56] Psiclow2: Funny seems that we started HRT at about the same time tinytr2Hype [00:47:57] ManiacMattXD: Tears are a normal part of the process [00:47:57] BgT1990: <3 [00:47:57] genshie_: <3 <3 <3 [00:47:57] greebowarrior: dont cry now, I bet my points on it happening before 45 mins LUL [00:47:58] XENOMAN5: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:47:58] iamkneetickler: IF U CRY ILL CRY GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:47:58] evilrymon1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:48:00] heliossus12: f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [00:48:01] ClaraRenway: Let the tears flow!!! You can blame thwe Estrogen :3 [00:48:01] MikeWillStream: please cry i bet too many points on this lmao [00:48:02] Bleats_Sinodai: Quiet chat, our favorite he/him lesbian is speaking [00:48:02] A_Finley94x: I met my Girlfriend 6 Months ago and she is the same! She does my Nails, she supports me the same way! she just wants me to be happy, and I love that for you! We are so lucky! [00:48:02] Hey_Ash_Rose: so cute [00:48:03] PH7SKULL: Does this mean we don't get to bully you into wearing cute outfits [00:48:04] DJLomberg: DJLomberg subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! [00:48:04] f3mmbot: djlomberg subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:48:06] karojhe: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:48:06] grap3_s0da: I thought we would never see this day. You didn't even need to tell us it's none of our business so thanks for sharing. [00:48:06] MaxVershhhtappen: please cry, we all Love you [00:48:07] ezzyisgone: Finn do you still count as a femboy? [00:48:07] alexh1441: Does this mean one day we will get boob content on battlefpass [00:48:09] Muffin01: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:48:10] Effortless666: <3 [00:48:11] The_Lazy_Danes: <3 BibleThump <3 BibleThump <3 [00:48:11] jastheflower: You're allowed to be as nuanced as you'd like, we'll support you any way you are [00:48:13] MirahImage: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [00:48:13] OfficiOlly: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride bleedPurple [00:48:14] mj_phae: new name? [00:48:14] goddessempressbird: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:48:17] theeelfy: Ash-clopedia [00:48:19] CaptureCardDelivery: Congrats! <3 [00:48:19] Sir_GoofyGrape: he’s just so happy!!😭❤️🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 [00:48:20] CoyoteTina: Just saw the video! Glad to see you finally being happy an open about everything. great feeling TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:48:21] NelordUK: Let the emotions flow bro [00:48:22] amethystbinx: TwitchUnity <3 TwitchUnity <3 [00:48:23] AcuRatTM: You may not be crying, but I am. LesbianPride [00:48:23] projectraiven: F1nn. I really wanna stay but I may have to leave really quick but I will watch the rest later and I genuinely have so much love for you and your streams and I do wanna say you have been such a role model to me lately. Congrats on coming out, its a wonderful feeling!!! Much love! [00:48:24] Mondongod: F1nn's egg is made of Obsidian [00:48:25] Avaerus0: So you actually are T4T? [00:48:25] medical_size9000: I wish you all the best on this new journey [00:48:26] minecrackjesus: so proud [00:48:27] nouma2: Will it be Rose from now on? [00:48:28] JaneIsGaming: I’m nearly four years in and I still consider myself “early” in it [00:48:28] BgT1990: baby trans [00:48:31] tinylilhorse: the news is passing in the streets! congratulations f1nn! all love with you [00:48:32] Benjatrack: f1nnTank [00:48:32] AIex_Jade: I think youve been transitioning longer than ashley [00:48:32] krovvy: cniTense [00:48:32] xorwak: understandable [00:48:33] heta_6: That's fair [00:48:34] isabaellchen: hihi [00:48:35] moviesawesome: <3 <3 [00:48:37] TripleS_TTV: TripleS_TTV subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 3 months! Happy 3 months. And congratz on coming out (I had a feeling it'd turn out exactly how it did) [00:48:37] ArminGux: you crashed last new year, started hrt and discovered you were bisexual from what I see [00:48:37] f3mmbot: triples_ttv subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 3! PogU [00:48:38] Luna_Lux9: Totally fair [00:48:39] Komnia: fair enough ^^ [00:48:40] lampjade: Did it feel "undeserved"? [00:48:41] MikeWillStream: @Mondongod like an enderdragon egg [00:48:41] Dr_Nia: Baby trans fin. welcome to the club. TransgenderPride [00:48:41] SeaborneGinger: SeaborneGinger subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! Congratulations F1nn! [00:48:42] f3mmbot: seaborneginger subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:48:43] MissJenkins2130: so happy for you Finn ❤️❤️❤️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ [00:48:43] eccoblast: you're her pretty GF [00:48:43] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER she used teh gay haki on you [00:48:44] takeonlana: lil bi sketch [00:48:45] SunIsLost: yea true [00:48:45] gwen_the_ninth: YES IT IS [00:48:46] jackalsclaw: So are you both wearing dresses to your wedding? [00:48:46] dreamerzy: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride BisexualPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride [00:48:47] Babackboy: We luv you for being yourself 🫶🏻 [00:48:48] mr_leggy_d_1st: She transed you!!!! [00:48:48] maniknightranger: maniknightranger subscribed with Prime. [00:48:48] f3mmbot: maniknightranger subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang maniknightranger f1nnLezgang [00:48:49] juneguild: YEP YEP YEP [00:48:49] msmoonsy: yep [00:48:50] CoyoteTina: It was rough at times, an time consuming [00:48:51] silentkay1: If it helps this sounds super common, it takes time to work things out and you shouldn't rush it [00:48:52] thegodemperorofmankind0: You can still be a boy and look like a girl xx you can just be our ladyboy now xx [00:48:52] insecureTrannzz: IT IS [00:48:53] ClaraRenway: for sure [00:48:53] hazelgamess: Yup [00:48:53] TwinbeeMk2: You're telling us? lol [00:48:53] Amoyamoyamoya: @nouma2, "Rose" has been defunct for sometime [00:48:53] Shockwavemecha: spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies [00:48:53] XENOMAN5: Ingrained misogyny? [00:48:55] amethystbinx: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [00:48:55] DarkVier: DarkVier subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 13 months! Congratulations! I know we are all proud of you! [00:48:55] f3mmbot: darkvier subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 3! PogU [00:48:56] BongoCatDown: real [00:48:56] daymare___: @starduckxd lmaooo [00:48:59] Total_Acidity: I feel the same [00:48:59] c__r__j: Have you considered they/them? [00:49:00] CujoMcFly: Is so difficult! But you're doing the thing! And we're all so proud of you! [00:49:00] grap3_s0da: Yeah do you know what your end goal is even? [00:49:01] KhiralShimmer: mood [00:49:02] Andromeda42442: we’re all so proud of you [00:49:02] LanaBread: relatable [00:49:02] SleepyPac: god that is so real [00:49:03] argonaut2468: awwwwww [00:49:04] MUDDKING16: Ay, clean your boom arm. I sEe DuSt [00:49:04] OfficiOlly: @f1nn5ter you and Ashley’s relationship makes me feel so comfortable to be nonbinary and Toric (meaning non-binary loving masculine people) [00:49:04] Hadband: stop being relatable [00:49:04] GhostOfAFlea: Ooooooooh been there [00:49:04] fullhdlp: brainwashing [00:49:04] axx_le: that’s how I feel rn!!! [00:49:04] 1958dino: F1nn you have achieved in a few short years what I have taken 50yrs to realise about myself... I'm genderfluid!💐🇬🇧🤫😼🐈‍⬛🐕♥️🧀🥖☕🇪🇺🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦💐 [00:49:05] octminer: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [00:49:05] JaneIsGaming: oh Finn… [00:49:05] knifetheawsomehuman: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:49:06] techytrickster: i feel targeted [00:49:06] randomplaguedoctor: it’s so terrible and excruciating especially when you don’t even have a place to start [00:49:06] axing_: god damn thats how i feel SHIT [00:49:06] BallSize500: bro got force femmed [00:49:06] kieranster11: HMM [00:49:07] EmpressCard: Fucking real [00:49:08] krovvy: BibleThump [00:49:08] professorpussicat: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:49:10] aymungoos: 💀 [00:49:10] rocker_26: Ashleys videos def had an effect on you [00:49:10] NamisaNM: I feeel that so much wow [00:49:11] SnowyLando: oh honey [00:49:11] skylikesaerospace: Figuring out identity is super hard [00:49:11] goddessempressbird: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:49:11] Netrashado: Changing pronouns was weird for me too at first [00:49:11] brokk313: what did i miss, what was the announcement ? [00:49:11] nononymousse: so so happy for you GenderFluidPride [00:49:12] ezzyisgone: are you still a femboy? [00:49:12] Komnia: oh NOOO you DO DESERVE IT 󠀀 [00:49:12] permit93: Ouch too relatable [00:49:13] Hey_Ash_Rose: It IS a challenge, yes TransgenderPride [00:49:14] Sierra_Is_Gone: I've felt that too, every time my friends talk about me [00:49:14] monikathewolf: I just watched your video! im sorry i never have the time to join you on twitch despite i've been following you for years! Congrats bro!!! [00:49:14] starduckxd: oh i feel the same sometimes, like im not one but really want to be one [00:49:16] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:49:16] SnabbKassa: you don't deserve words. the language belongs to everyone [00:49:16] espiiowo: thats so real [00:49:16] dinoapple454: oh… [00:49:17] asoftgoth: that is EXACTLY HOW I FELT but im solidly she/her now [00:49:17] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Oooof. The "I don't deserve that" hits hard. [00:49:18] Hextrixy: You're gonna give me a gender crisis oof [00:49:19] im_up_to_something: He him it is. [00:49:20] Luckyscore: don’t remind me [00:49:20] nyrhalahotep: 🥺🥺🥺 [00:49:20] CoyoteTina: It took me almost 2 yrs to get comfy with my pronouns [00:49:20] Speederzzz: YES You feel like being a girl is a privilege for me [00:49:21] Nilinn31: yeah it's really relatable [00:49:21] ninjakitten_: Thats painful relatable [00:49:22] cyphoenic_: oof same, it takes ages to get used to different pronouns [00:49:22] Rue4192: so he/they [00:49:24] vsennafraza: Are you gonna do your voice training now? [00:49:25] TwinbeeMk2: and how do you feel now? [00:49:25] Nova9308: Omg. I soooo relate 💜 [00:49:25] kachtra: kachtra subscribed with Prime. [00:49:25] f3mmbot: kachtra subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang kachtra f1nnLezgang [00:49:27] jamtapot: Hi F1nn congrats from a fellow tranner - enjoy the bewbs, they are fun! [00:49:27] BtEtta: Could it depend on how you're presenting at the time? [00:49:27] Bulllfrogs: are you, like, "Gender Casual"? [00:49:28] livingendme: @f1nn5ter that’s the trans experience [00:49:30] MaxVershhhtappen: you really make me cry because and still don’t know my identity and i am almost 27 [00:49:30] pierbi: fimter do u like ballz [00:49:31] eFlyman: Gender: chillin [00:49:31] MajesticFvckingEagle: interesting [00:49:31] cedric_callnight: Her lronouns [00:49:32] Demacherius: what about Bat/Man? [00:49:33] tripod_666: bi ginger [00:49:35] ArchyNemesis: I relate to that so much :( [00:49:35] ClaraRenway: Thats legit fair, [00:49:35] TheSpinster: It felt like Imposter Syndrome [00:49:36] elijah9988: ♥️♥️♥️♥️Hiiii f1nn ♥️♥️♥️♥️ [00:49:36] judgedame: it felt off [00:49:37] lampjade: "I'm stealing valour from REAL trans people" <-- BEEN THERE [00:49:38] Statdk: ysk you're literally goals tho ;-; [00:49:38] johnkeiwo: that's human [00:49:39] benevolentbeaver: she/him ;) [00:49:40] Ignemia: That is why I still use He/Him pronouns even though I believe I am trans... I ust feel like I don't deserver "she" [00:49:40] aymungoos: PepeLaugh he doesn't know [00:49:40] Catamondium: @F1NN5TER it felts mismatched but not necessarily 'not you'? [00:49:41] porradodefumos: it sucks when you know you re not a boy but dont know wtf are you are [00:49:43] djathome: Even within trans identities it can still feel like you're stuck in boxes. You deserve to have your own identity, regardless of labels and all that [00:49:43] HexGrrrrl: I felt the same way for a while [00:49:43] thepepsisd3d60: I know you won't see this but you're one of my favorite streamers and your voice is so soothing to me so sometimes watching your streams help me sleep, thank you [00:49:44] Myoukochou: Yeah. You can deserve it if you *wanna*. [00:49:44] Strobemachine: everything youre saying is exactly how i feel. ive been struggling with my gender for the last year or so [00:49:44] CowbeeTheybop: he/him lesbian represent? [00:49:44] morgan_drui: f1nnBingbong [00:49:45] mystchevious1: lol [00:49:45] aSpicyCow: BALLS [00:49:45] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:49:45] bearpaw1970: Your path is not a race it's a walk , with your loved one that you want along the path with you , it's all about enjoying the path and the life along the way. [00:49:45] NixxTheFox13: ouch oof [00:49:46] empiremaya: i feel u so hard on the i dont underserve it [00:49:46] axing_: no one ever had a unique experience [00:49:46] Numicytv: yo i just came out as trans to my friends so seeing you makes it feel a bit easier [00:49:46] BusohSensen: pierbi KEKW [00:49:46] krovvy: cniKEK [00:49:48] leftfrog: bolls!? [00:49:48] Bartiono: KEKW [00:49:48] MikeWillStream: KEKW [00:49:48] jamnesia777: that’s the thing that I cried about the most [00:49:48] NelordUK: Fin is so respectful he doesn't even feel like he deserves his own identity [00:49:48] nodegen: BALLS [00:49:49] ScarsUnseen: LOL [00:49:49] braddle172: KEKW [00:49:49] venlamonster: KEKW [00:49:49] Eromaw: KEKW [00:49:49] QwandriXCI: holy shit you're just like me fr fr [00:49:49] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [00:49:49] Ruffilicious69: why do we spitting fax now [00:49:50] zvrkinjo: She/her felt really confusing for me while I was still an egg [00:49:50] ArchNiva: kekw [00:49:50] caelamondorian: BASED [00:49:50] Mrdeadfishrock: cry [00:49:50] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: What's up Finn. [00:49:51] randopersonn_: LMAOOOOO [00:49:51] Scarykittenz: KEKW [00:49:51] ezzyisgone: BAT/MAN [00:49:51] umutk_99: lol [00:49:51] YourInnerBatman: Balls [00:49:51] Selstraits: monkaS [00:49:51] Mattioso__: rolled [00:49:51] idesofjuno: KEKW [00:49:51] macarous: KEKW [00:49:51] kateth: KEKW [00:49:52] Spaghetto_Depressi: LUL [00:49:52] NathanR38: KEKW [00:49:52] hazelgamess: KEKW [00:49:52] SleepyTeaMage: Balls kek [00:49:52] Wristwatch1: KEKW [00:49:52] Komnia: LUL [00:49:52] pierbi: IM SORRRYY [00:49:52] AlmondVF: KEKW [00:49:52] Skullbuns: they/them is also like my fallback if idk but need to use pronouns [00:49:52] Tom__B: @thimble369 Kiitos lahjatilauksesta! [00:49:52] cynikyl: KEKW [00:49:53] mootie1: KEKW [00:49:53] heta_6: BALLS [00:49:53] XENOMAN5: Have you considered hot/mess or dumb/ass? [00:49:53] cheesusyourlord: KEKW [00:49:53] rocker_26: lol [00:49:53] KhiralShimmer: KEKW [00:49:53] muddymudkip15: Lol [00:49:53] octminer: KEKW [00:49:53] AmberSpeckledJade: I HAD THE UNDERSERVING OF WOMAN THING. I would call myself a girl instead of a woman [00:49:53] xero93: KEKW [00:49:54] gamertwtch: Lmaoooo [00:49:54] MaMoon57: KEKW [00:49:54] ptd_bunny: Haha [00:49:54] JJVanVan: ULL [00:49:54] ignoverhook: KEKW [00:49:55] hinga_dinga_dip5hit: KEKW [00:49:55] madelynofhell: BALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLS [00:49:55] Mario11041: KEKW [00:49:55] kevlarchicken: KEKW [00:49:56] YunglistDJ: hahahahahahahaa pierbi W [00:49:56] cyphoenic_: KEKW BASED [00:49:56] Popdowner: LUL [00:49:56] izedbros: Bruh [00:49:56] Kat_K1t: KEKW [00:49:56] fei_bay: LMAO [00:49:56] pancakeTransitions: based ball talk [00:49:56] brookisfailinglife: KEKW [00:49:56] NovaeCorvidae: important questions lmao [00:49:57] phantaton: LUL [00:49:57] moonpaii: answer him thpugh [00:49:57] distractedcreative: KEKW [00:49:57] kolja_mp4: KEKW [00:49:57] charro_6569: balls [00:49:57] crowblax: balls are okay [00:49:57] mr_mcscwier: potatoes are actually really yummy [00:49:57] jasiequu: KEKW [00:49:57] KatelynUvvU: THE REAL QUESTIONS [00:49:57] takeonlana: Ruined [00:49:57] KfkFod: KEKW [00:49:57] ni_ni13: i also had this it sucks [00:49:58] oerbadiaruby: Based pierbi<3 [00:49:58] FancyTrashMan: KEKW [00:49:58] esquilinus: asking the real questions i see [00:49:58] ItsQuach: kekw [00:49:59] Aren711: KEKW [00:49:59] SnowyLando: LMAOO [00:49:59] scarlettyg: I can totally understand that myself, that undeservedness [00:49:59] Juliya_999: HAHAH [00:49:59] Avaerus0: Balls is a funny word [00:50:00] mattwalewangko: BALLS KEKW [00:50:01] thepopeofcopium: leave it to @pierbi to come in with the funny [00:50:01] widepeepo_deany: KEKW [00:50:01] fiesta_femboy: KEKW [00:50:01] isthisapokeman: HES DODGING THE QUESTION [00:50:02] Lennexofficial: Giggity Giggity :D [00:50:02] thebreadisonthefloor: W pierbi [00:50:02] justnekochris: SNIP SNIP [00:50:02] Mwthenri: KEKW [00:50:02] FROGcomply: julieeeSmile [00:50:02] the_oracie: "ya like balls" - pierbi 2024 [00:50:02] BgT1990: KEKW [00:50:02] WuppieF: KEKW [00:50:02] mershmellows: Read the room [00:50:02] BongoCatDown: KEKW [00:50:03] calaban501: i don’t deserve it implies you want it [00:50:03] experiencepoints: Trans woman here, can confirm I know that feeling [00:50:03] richarduk81: He likes them in his mouth [00:50:03] aurumadzia: KEKW [00:50:04] new_day_who_dis: KEKW [00:50:04] bigsuave7: lol [00:50:04] beaneater197: Balls [00:50:05] GhostOfAFlea: PIERBI SUPERIORITY [00:50:05] AcuRatTM: you deserve to be called whatever makes you feel good [00:50:05] kratorga: @F1NN5TER how's the facial hair now ? 👀 [00:50:06] ciernaruza: pierbi moment [00:50:06] JadeLyra: No transition happens at the snap of a finger. Even if you are trans, the idea of being a woman is still going to be foreign at the start [00:50:07] kajts0n: i still feel like i don't deserve he/him from my parents and it's been 7 years [00:50:07] dat_b0i_augi: KEKW [00:50:07] jessicaluxuz: Balls are awesome, balls are great! [00:50:08] writhinglekku: balls of joy [00:50:08] warthunderfemboy: Balls [00:50:08] alliebeanie800: <3 <3 <3 [00:50:08] thegodemperorofmankind0: We've all seen you cry before, don't worry xx [00:50:10] SaintDharma9: @pierbi Hey girl. [00:50:10] YumeNoZen: You don't have to match ANY standards but to be yourself. Whatever you want to identify as is fine. All genders are just reinforced and restrictive social constructs. [00:50:10] rosa_the_bean: Pierbi offering hers to you [00:50:10] jamexito: based qquestion [00:50:11] evilrymon1: That's also one of the biggest (if not, the biggest) reasons why coming out is so hard for so many people, feeling undeserved to call yourself who you are, even at the start [00:50:11] MightWinMightWin: gotta laugh in the hard times thats how we get through them [00:50:12] tripod_666: based [00:50:12] skylikesaerospace: this is my second stream live and it’s a crazy one [00:50:13] EFHIII: Sounds like someone has imposter syndrome [00:50:13] tech_dwarf: tech_dwarf subscribed with Prime. [00:50:14] f3mmbot: tech_dwarf subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang tech_dwarf f1nnLezgang [00:50:14] karojhe: You didn't "live up" to being a woman? Even though you're not an egg anymore, that sounds eggy <3 [00:50:14] Statdk: KEKW KEKW KEKW [00:50:15] ohsveni: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [00:50:15] pyroforlifeyt: bALl [00:50:16] medical_size9000: We all discovered ourselves at our pace [00:50:16] Bleats_Sinodai: mak1InkMiddle mak1InkRight BALLWS [00:50:17] itsawormworld: awwwwww [00:50:17] ekat2468: that's trans women we're crazy welcome [00:50:17] SnabbKassa: chat is tripping balls and should stop [00:50:18] MikeWillStream: pierbi W [00:50:18] therealhovisbread: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:50:20] Eromaw: pierbi got deleted by mods haha [00:50:20] pierbi: sorrY I UHHHH I WAS muted OOOPS [00:50:20] Unicornkitty0510: !gender [00:50:21] f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. Also, Finn is gender fluid. [00:50:21] Lucridis: "My liege" [00:50:21] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: What happened and why are you Upset? [00:50:22] silentkay1: Gob/Lin? [00:50:22] Luna_Lux9: YEP transitioning is a journey for sure. I literally went by they/them at first and rejected she/her because I felt maybe it would be easier for others (and myself) to accept my transition. Everyone is different except for the fact that it takes time, I think. [00:50:22] NecroPhyre: Genderblob [00:50:23] Jandronicos: Am trans woman, can confirm, especially at first it doesn't feel deserved, and still occasionally [00:50:24] krovvy: same [00:50:27] Stovamor: !pronouns [00:50:27] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:50:27] Stovamor: !pronouns [00:50:27] elliewp: whatever/dafuk [00:50:28] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:50:28] Stovamor: !pronouns [00:50:28] LadyLionessOfLondon: All/any? [00:50:28] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:50:28] lilithsspawn: whatever/thefuck [00:50:29] qrthulhu: yaasssss any/all gang [00:50:29] Sourest_Orchard: he/any? [00:50:29] Brainrage117: Brainrage117 subscribed at Tier 1. [00:50:29] astronos_: considering starting hrt right now TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:50:29] f3mmbot: brainrage117 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang brainrage117 f1nnLezgang [00:50:30] BehindTheRock: F1nn I'm so proud of you. I remember it as if it was yesterday when you were going for walks around in fem clothing. Look at where you are now <3 [00:50:30] CH3R_24: Libido was that a concern for you when starting? has it changed you currently? [00:50:30] morgan_drui: balls are nice lol [00:50:30] theeelfy: There is also the im feeling like im betraying woman and obeying the patriarchy on the transmasc side [00:50:30] FatherThyme: he/him is just priority for now [00:50:30] jackalias: genderfluid and bisexual, ticking the third box on everything I see. [00:50:30] randomplaguedoctor: I like a rotation too [00:50:31] PnkyPnk: He/him girlfriend [00:50:31] xorwak: that’s still me like I can relate I haven’t told any1 except one friend and I’m not sure I am like just like looking like a girl but I still want my pronouns to be he/him [00:50:31] LunaVeraVerse: Yes it will change [00:50:32] yoyokrish69: What about Rose??? [00:50:32] widepeepo_deany: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:50:32] Derpsterette: My pronouns are what make the joke land [00:50:32] shelledbsh: No gods, no masters, no required pronouns [00:50:32] octminer: whatever/thefuck ? [00:50:32] fl0ck9: whatever/dafug? [00:50:33] Scyi_: His pronouns are "Whateverthefuck" [00:50:33] d0nald_i_need_heals: you said you were asexual before, do you feel like your both bisexual and asexual? [00:50:33] pierbi: proud of u fr <3333 [00:50:34] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: hun/hunny/bun [00:50:35] FROGcomply: julieeeArrive julieeeArrive [00:50:35] ExtremeCreamDream: My pronouns are "Get Over/Here" [00:50:35] nerdypegasus: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:50:35] kirathepan: Whatever/Thefrick [00:50:35] its_natalieeee: 6 months tops and your egg is fully cracked [00:50:35] Alyselle__: Does that include neopronouns [00:50:36] brandnewroad: LOVE this for you [00:50:37] Dr_Nia: feeling like an imposter will go over time. is a hard hurdle. over 14 months on hrt, still figuring it out myself. [00:50:37] AkariaTX: Any/All [00:50:37] rainyparade_: As a trans guy, I really relate to not feeling 'deserving' a little too much- and it did totally change for me [00:50:38] macarous: got it [00:50:38] ClaraRenway: he him grill friend <3 [00:50:39] manuelluxifer: grem / lin really fits you [00:50:39] FreschiLive: her pronouns are he him sums it up [00:50:39] HardyOrange: we gotta start coming up with new ones for her to use, just to keep you guessing [00:50:40] StormvanRoon: I might have missed it but how did you find out you were BI? Also congrats!! [00:50:40] Dezponia: whatever/thefuck [00:50:41] MooCowTracy: my pronouns are "for your convience" [00:50:41] me1ll0: my favourite is mismatched pronouns, "this is my girlfriend, he's..." [00:50:42] Shockwavemecha: k [00:50:42] Bobbikatt: Duuuuude [00:50:42] Avaerus0: Maybe He/Him is just what you're used to? [00:50:43] LittleChaSiu: girlfriend (he/him) [00:50:43] thistleblue22: And that's ok, change is good. Just you let us know and we'll follow [00:50:45] vinami_petite_grenouille_: he/her [00:50:45] LittleChaSiu: girlfriend (he/him) [00:50:45] YumeNoZen: *head pats whatever the fuck* [00:50:45] LittleChaSiu: girlfriend (he/him) [00:50:45] johnkeiwo: HEY YOU ! [00:50:45] KatelynUvvU: @ExtremeCreamDream okay scorpion [00:50:45] LittleChaSiu: girlfriend (he/him) [00:50:46] LittleChaSiu: girlfriend (he/him) [00:50:46] Mnh188: hey sloot [00:50:46] LittleChaSiu: girlfriend (he/him) [00:50:46] isabaellchen: its sooo uniportant 90% of the time [00:50:47] aymungoos: goblin/gremlin [00:50:47] luddicchurchil: So any/all? [00:50:47] johnkeiwo: HEY YOU ! [00:50:47] QuadraticInK: You might not cry, but I'm going to! [00:50:47] johnkeiwo: HEY YOU ! [00:50:48] ElFuaLoco033: my pronouns are USA KKonaW [00:50:48] mrlilsquare123: your prounouns are im/him [00:50:48] runningmistress: English isn't my first language so pronouns legit don't matter to me [00:50:49] c__r__j: Pronouns are grem/lin. [00:50:49] MajesticFvckingEagle: Gremlin/Fucker [00:50:49] itsawormworld: LOL [00:50:49] heta_6: Yeah it's like a "safe" thing. Takes a bit [00:50:49] sayocrn: goblin [00:50:49] XENOMAN5: So the dudes in chat have a shot with you now? [00:50:49] hazelgamess: KEKW 󠀀 [00:50:49] blueskydrinking: We've been doing that for years tbf [00:50:49] leftfrog: KEKW [00:50:50] asoftgoth: This is so relatable omgggggggggg [00:50:50] jamexito: my pronouns are U/S/A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:50:51] smolbluegoblin: Pronouns are hard. It's somehow harder than changing names because your own perception of yourself in your head changes. Proud of you ! [00:50:51] ttv_paddy_r: Glad u finally decided to Transition u look amazing girl [00:50:51] Komnia: he/him until you say otherwise o7 [00:50:52] axing_: lmao [00:50:52] JessicaCaraKasey: Pronouns... I don't care either. Just be yourself without labels. 🥰 [00:50:52] MrsPandamber: I still feel its undeserved sometimes even a year in [00:50:52] ironhydra: KEKW [00:50:53] Catamondium: kekw [00:50:53] stornev: stornev subscribed with Prime. [00:50:53] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: IT [00:50:54] f3mmbot: stornev subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang stornev f1nnLezgang [00:50:54] kevlarchicken: KEKW [00:50:54] thunderscoob: It's called imposter syndrome, it hits all of us in many aspects of life. [00:50:54] benevolentbeaver: we were doing that regardless [00:50:54] krovvy: AY FELLA, POW [00:50:54] dorikyll: finst/her [00:50:54] rybameinong: It's nor/mal [00:50:55] SnowyLando: ur a he/him girlwife [00:50:55] ptd_bunny: 👊 [00:50:56] Luncillia: waddup my dudebro [00:50:56] NelordUK: DO NOT DO THIS [00:50:56] t0m1n4t0r: his pronouns are gremlin [00:50:56] distractedcreative: Whatever/thefuck, gotcha [00:50:56] genuinemood: literally would be a hate crime lol [00:50:57] giant_tess: Just say hey slugger [00:50:57] templarkeira: Could it be your not use to hearing the pronoun? [00:50:57] lurker_ger: pronouns: fuck around and finde out [00:50:57] FlowersOfLight: breaking news - f1nn is now OFFICIALLY a vague sorta somethin [00:50:57] arkarant: bros a girl [00:50:58] LesbianWitchAcademia: he/him babygirl maxxing [00:50:59] Titanium347: Great Overlord of Gender, F1NNST3R [00:50:59] JaneIsGaming: can I call you Captain? [00:50:59] ezzyisgone: You are so close to 2k precious simps [00:50:59] NovaeCorvidae: pro/nouns [00:51:00] Popdowner: "yooo finnnsterrr" the pronoun of all time [00:51:00] nodegen: Gonna practice girl voice more now? [00:51:01] Frost_790: Gremlin and Creature [00:51:01] gwen_the_ninth: MalewifeKEKW [00:51:01] ArminGux: we have been using any pronouns for a while now [00:51:01] Pilllow51: hey PAL [00:51:01] beaneater197: Goblin [00:51:02] hiluuu: awwww [00:51:03] rainofthestorm: HE/HIM BI LESBIAN KING [00:51:03] jessicaluxuz: Bro/bitch [00:51:05] mj_phae: soft launching any/all pronouns [00:51:05] Myrnnt: Asking for pronouns is what got me thinking and finally landed on Any pronouns [00:51:05] ExtremeCreamDream: @KatelynUvvU :P [00:51:06] richarduk81: Boob punch him now [00:51:06] braddle172: Boyfriend girlfriend [00:51:06] axx_le: do we still call u f1nn? [00:51:06] andromeda_nyx: yea mine have changed alot over time, i also never had an issue with he/him until i was almost a year on hrt [00:51:06] isthisapokeman: and we love a he him gf\ [00:51:06] pretzelbea: you considering voice training? [00:51:07] TaykenPlaysGames: She's my boyfriend! [00:51:07] Nova9308: XD 💜 [00:51:07] alliebeanie800: awww [00:51:07] TeraValia: She/him [00:51:08] macarous: that is so cute [00:51:08] xorwak: no pronouns or just he/her or smth [00:51:09] IanAlexzander: Pronouns: ow/ouch [00:51:09] Kolateak_: "He's my girlfriend" [00:51:10] PsychoFisch: finn/ster [00:51:10] Spitzfyre: “hey you behind the bushes” [00:51:11] Fried_Pickles: For me, I've been on HRT for 2 years and I still struggle to find my identity- trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be or who my inner self is- and that feels like im lying to my friends [00:51:11] aSpicyCow: wait i thought this was supposed to be a cock reveal?? [00:51:11] JadeLyra: he him bbygirl [00:51:12] alexh1441: F1nns pronouns are Ashley's/bitch [00:51:12] elijah9988: He identifies as an Apache attack helicopter [00:51:13] TwinbeeMk2: @F1NN5TER You're shining so brightly right now <3 [00:51:14] killydaviel: the he/him lesbians are real [00:51:16] ICurryI: Stilla/Bottom [00:51:17] justinisntfunny: Gotta do the influencer boxing thing. [00:51:17] morgan_drui: Finn/ster [00:51:18] meister_reinecke: just go with bro/bro [00:51:18] turaw_kemor: @F1NN5TER i call you finn, is that okay? [00:51:19] heta_6: "He is my girlfriend" [00:51:19] realxelnoc: upgraded from standard nouns to pro nouns? [00:51:20] sundancecasidy: so happy for you finn [00:51:20] MajesticFvckingEagle: Goblin/Deez/Nutz [00:51:20] Statdk: finn/ster [00:51:20] DodenKing: F1nnshe/5ther [00:51:21] dotCody: bruh your OF posts have exploded your tweetch views [00:51:21] ab_odyssey: ab_odyssey subscribed with Prime. [00:51:21] f3mmbot: ab_odyssey subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang ab_odyssey f1nnLezgang [00:51:21] PH7SKULL: He/her [00:51:21] AzureGhost117: goooood evening everyone <3 [00:51:22] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:51:22] lampjade: At your age I kinda went with whatever people called me, which was often how I presented [00:51:22] lilecfangs: im genderfluid and use he/him too! 🤝 [00:51:23] OfficiOlly: @f1nn5ter you are now literal house wife [00:51:23] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: LUL imagine having a girlfriend. [00:51:24] nufan830: your nipples are going to get sore ! its awesome [00:51:24] Ignemia: God I just wanna sit with F1nn and talk about this because I share these feelings so bad [00:51:25] RealRyal: Same: Pronouns are 'Whatever the fuck' [00:51:26] nopogo_tv: so bottom encompasses it all right? [00:51:26] bearpaw1970: Lez gang 🫡 [00:51:26] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: he/him girlfriend whoop [00:51:27] Zakkulll: I'm so damn proud of you [00:51:27] Avaerus0: Personally I like "Boywife" [00:51:27] fei_bay: actually her pronouns are he/him [00:51:28] magicalgirlcharlotte: mine/craft [00:51:29] THE_kiki55: "pretty boy" to the highest degree [00:51:30] mcg9696: proud of u, buster. [00:51:30] xanvena21: are you gonna take a she/it in the bathroom now [00:51:30] leftfrog: disc horse [00:51:30] theeelfy: This my gf he's a streamer [00:51:30] SirSadEyez: bet [00:51:31] kachtra: He / Him Lesbian? [00:51:32] its_natalieeee: You are trans [00:51:32] asoftgoth: you’re giving enby vibes and that’s so fucking cool [00:51:32] ezzyisgone: Finn is a Femgirl now? [00:51:32] cyphoenic_: imo it is [00:51:32] lemon_duck22: lemon_duck22 subscribed with Prime. [00:51:32] f3mmbot: lemon_duck22 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang lemon_duck22 f1nnLezgang [00:51:33] ExactMaya: hui [00:51:33] takeonlana: It absolutely is [00:51:33] ptd_bunny: Boy/her [00:51:33] thepopeofcopium: @F1NN5TER was the "not deserving" also paired with "not taking you serious" [00:51:33] Barbar7575: so a gender chaotic lesbian relationship? [00:51:34] ttv_paddy_r: Im Trans too haven't came out yet [00:51:35] Worldsokeyest: whos more mask, Ashley or you? @F1NN5TER [00:51:36] techytrickster: i need you to elaborate on being a he / him lesbian @F1NN5TER [00:51:36] iris_amethyst_crowned: iris_amethyst_crowned subscribed with Prime. [00:51:36] f3mmbot: iris_amethyst_crowned subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang iris_amethyst_crowned f1nnLezgang [00:51:36] MissJenkins2130: be happy and be yourself 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ [00:51:36] vNTCv: im gender fluid and use he/her [00:51:36] XENOMAN5: @aspicycow that’s March 3 on the BP [00:51:37] sageowl57: Yeah [00:51:37] qrthulhu: that seems appropriate for being fluid lol [00:51:38] ekat2468: those people who think it's not trans are wrong [00:51:38] macarous: who tf cares honestly [00:51:39] andronauts: andron18PETTHEANDRO andron18PETTHEANDRO andron18PETTHEANDRO [00:51:39] pierbi: i think its cool whatever u are. just be u!! [00:51:40] manuelluxifer: is hrt compatible with mewing?? [00:51:40] Bleats_Sinodai: you're the Avatar: the last gender bender. Wielder of all pronouns. [00:51:40] experiencepoints: Trans = everything not cis, IMO [00:51:42] softbonez: I think we'll be better off once we stop labelling things so much anyway [00:51:42] Alyara_V: Exact labels are unimportant. [00:51:42] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER pronouns are she/them tiddies [00:51:42] LesbianWitchAcademia: wait F1nn you're officially a boywife [00:51:43] pierbi: a ballz lover [00:51:43] galaxygamer0770: is femboy baby going to happen? [00:51:45] asmejg: f1nnEgg [00:51:45] ayarcee: you are beaming right now [00:51:46] NixxTheFox13: If you wanna consider yourself trans then it is, if not then it isn't [00:51:46] Dr_Nia: you are you all that matters. [00:51:46] Targz_: Did sensory stuff get better or worse? (textures, sounds, crowds?) [00:51:46] envysaysbonk: any non-cis identities are under the trans umbrella [00:51:46] YumeNoZen: I updated your pronouns on IckyCord. lol [00:51:46] ahhh3y: bring Ashley here [00:51:46] trinkyi: so you're really in a t4t relationship [00:51:47] NikoVixoLIVE: "His pronouns are she/her" has never been more appropriate [00:51:47] Woofmont: so.. do you think that in the future, if you start feeling comfortable ("deserving" even though like you said its fcked up) you could be open to she/her, being seen as a woman periodically, or maybe just transfemme? /genq [00:51:48] skyautomatic: Fuck me you just cracked the last of my egg (even though I am weeks from actively trying to start hrt) [00:51:48] ArminGux: wait wasn’t there a increase of she her users a year ago or so in chat [00:51:49] alexx_net: It depends on the individual. [00:51:49] ClaraRenway: trans = not cis [00:51:51] silentkay1: its your choice, thats the important bit [00:51:52] SleepyPac: it is now officially your place to debate shyyNodders [00:51:52] WaffletheMan101: shioLOVE shioLOVE shioLOVE [00:51:53] Trojan_Blitz: @pierbi LUL [00:51:54] jane_hearts_xoxo: Stay true to yourself throughout and never be afraid to make a change [00:51:54] mg29reaper: I got the eggirl post lol [00:51:55] kratorga: :trans_flag: :trans_flag: :trans_flag: :trans_flag: :trans_flag: :trans_flag: :trans_flag: :trans_flag: :trans_flag: :trans_flag: :trans_flag: [00:51:55] Quentin_MD: Quentin_MD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! [00:51:55] widepeepo_deany: So glad that you're beamingly HAPPY <3 [00:51:55] beanyberry: I LIKE IT/ITS BUT I ASK ONE OF MY FRIENDS ABOUT WHAT THEY THOUGH ABOUT THOSE PRONOUNS AND IT DIDN'T TURN OUT WELL AND KNOW I DON'T REALLY WANT TO COMEOUT BibleThump PoroSad [00:51:55] f3mmbot: quentin_md subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:51:55] PsychoFisch: wait, so the implant discussion is up again? [00:51:56] mr_pikle: is your hair real? [00:51:56] pillbughug: medusa97Bisexual miasT GenderFluidPride proud of you, awesome internet stranger! [00:51:57] DRAGONBORN65746: unironically love to use the pronouns she/he/it cause then I can joke about being s h i t [00:51:57] TheProblem1: At the end of the day, people on the internet are going to find something to hate. Do what makes you happy [00:51:58] GneutralGnome: Words are weird and dont cover all the options of experiences that we can have as human [00:51:58] Mrdubberrucky: use hee/hee :3 pronouns [00:51:58] rw03_bjw: I hear your a master debater [00:51:59] QwandriXCI: the dominant culture is that genderfluid is a subset of trans [00:51:59] LillysDream: what the anouncement i miss it? [00:52:00] isthisapokeman: i would say you can fall under the umbrella if you are not the same gender id you were at birth [00:52:00] ZerschnetzIer: lets hope [00:52:01] neon_bullet720: finns gender is "hes so babygirl" [00:52:01] Muffin01: @experiencepoints TransgenderPride f1nnHeart [00:52:02] fredrickwolfxiii: Love you fin im so proud of you [00:52:02] jamtapot: that is very optimistic [00:52:02] fei_bay: TRUE! [00:52:03] JJVanVan: oh they will sadly [00:52:03] genodian: hope thats true [00:52:04] SunIsLost: yep [00:52:04] psyked: VoHiYo TransgenderPride BisexualPride NonbinaryPride [00:52:04] rainyparade_: I really hope that's true [00:52:04] spaceghost_gaming: So proud of you [00:52:05] richarduk81: Finn's pronouns are bitch and bottom [00:52:05] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): lumituHeart [00:52:05] yoyokrish69: of??? [00:52:06] alexx_net: @mr_pikle yes it is [00:52:06] phoebe_rc: Unless you are in the states [00:52:06] SnabbKassa: religious people will, I am afraid [00:52:06] SnowyLando: i say im enby but i dont feel like i fall under the trans umbrella bc im not transitioning anything physically or irl [00:52:06] its_natalieeee: I think youre quite isolated thinking that [00:52:06] kylecow26: finnster saphire award 2024????????? [00:52:07] dreamerzy: labels are annoying. trying to find the "right" one is so difficult. but ultimately im me, the labels arnt [00:52:07] jamexito: Redstone/engineer [00:52:08] Molartiger: OMG FIN JUST WATCH YOUR YOUTUBE VID YAY YOU 😁😁 [00:52:08] bigsuave7: yeah [00:52:08] NelordUK: One can hope [00:52:09] kirathepan: His pronouns are boy/kisser [00:52:09] Sirius67: Where do you see your body in 5 years ? [00:52:09] caelamondorian: Almost 10k people in this stream GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:52:09] sadmouse123: the most male female ever [00:52:09] duckybot24: hopefully [00:52:10] billyyyn: Would you call yourself ace and bi then? If so, epic [00:52:10] lizardwizard1005: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:52:10] ezzyisgone: Finn=femgirl? [00:52:10] Myoukochou: Hope you're right! 💜 [00:52:10] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! [00:52:10] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to agentttmahone_! [00:52:11] f3mmbot: ananonymousgifter has gifted a subscription to agentttmahone_ at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang agentttmahone_ f1nnLezgang [00:52:12] HardyOrange: PLEASE, im so tired of my hs students being homophobic [00:52:14] BusohSensen: @F1NN5TER do you think that your issue with she/her is internal or external ? I mean, do YOU dislike it or do you feel you're not legitimate enough to use these pronouns ? [00:52:14] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: let’s hope so [00:52:15] skylikesaerospace: yeah I partially gave up on a lable [00:52:15] heta_6: HA [00:52:15] TrueMezzo: god i hope so [00:52:15] the_oracie: BIG BOOBA [00:52:16] cyphoenic_: KEKW [00:52:16] Bleats_Sinodai: I HOPE SO, GOSH [00:52:16] kateth: Not this again lmao [00:52:16] writhinglekku: you literally transitioned [00:52:17] mrsleothelion: ♥️ [00:52:17] feeddageek: "My pronoun is I/me, but you can use You when talking to me, when talking about me 🤷 I' don't give a fuck" [00:52:18] alchemylla: I'm looking forward to seeing you flourish, Finn [00:52:18] SwitchLeafe: I hope you are right but sadly the right still likes to hate on us [00:52:19] DIBZ1977_: DIBZ1977_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! boobies [00:52:20] f3mmbot: dibz1977_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [00:52:20] charro_6569: Yessss [00:52:20] aceavan7: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:52:20] takeonlana: oh boy [00:52:20] pierbi: id send u 5 billion for boboie impaltns [00:52:21] jessicaluxuz: BOOBS YES PLEASE [00:52:21] grap3_s0da: He doesn't need to he is going to grow em now [00:52:21] MegaMiley: F1nn is growing them naturally! [00:52:22] monkeh80: booba [00:52:23] mj_phae: i wish [00:52:23] xero93: pronouns are giga/chad [00:52:23] kevlarchicken: stay natural ffs [00:52:23] xen0nek0: You need to do squats bro [00:52:23] gwen_the_ninth: Boobs are great [00:52:23] Amoyamoyamoya: BIG GIANT KNOCKERS? [00:52:24] Spectre223: Yeah, the hope is that we'll move beyond all that and everyone will just be people, who like people [00:52:24] krovvy: cniNODDERS [00:52:25] avahxnley: has anyone found and posted the clip of "i'll never take hrt" from a few months ago 😭 [00:52:25] ClaraRenway: AAAA LMAO [00:52:26] kratorga: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:52:26] MajesticFvckingEagle: 👀 [00:52:26] AeitZean: You pick the labels you want used for you, not the other way round f1nnHeart [00:52:26] nodegen: boobs are cool [00:52:27] morgan_drui: bisexual gender fluids are awesome sauce [00:52:27] thepopeofcopium: we love boobs [00:52:27] braddle172: BOOBA [00:52:29] officalchionkinnie: @rybameinong whats normal? [00:52:29] rubyytea: BUBS [00:52:29] aymungoos: 😎 still gonna be using that juicy femboy label for clickbait [00:52:30] andromeda_nyx: im a year on hrt and same [00:52:30] myst1c_cupcake: i have been wanting to transition for 1 year now and i wanna be called chloe but it doesn't work in my native language [00:52:30] rosa_the_bean: Do your boobs hurt yet [00:52:30] amyfluidgoth: normalise being on hrt and being genderfluid!! VirtualHug [00:52:30] HexGrrrrl: I love having boobs [00:52:30] DaOPCreeper: one would hope, but i think it will be a think for ever [00:52:31] xLumieI: BOOBA [00:52:31] Popdowner: understandable though [00:52:31] StateAffiliatedMedia: KEKW [00:52:31] smart_donkey: They're fun to play with [00:52:32] kat_the_khajiit: 300k for boobies lol [00:52:32] gavinthegromit: how about those boobs [00:52:32] Y0rk5h1r3: Do you honk them? [00:52:32] thegodemperorofmankind0: Yerrrrrr boobs please 🙏 xxx [00:52:32] mushooom_: I mean trans is basically just not being cis, and it doesn’t seem like cis is a label that fits with you [00:52:33] maddiefromtv: he’s a mascgirl noe [00:52:33] caramelglamour: yay booba! [00:52:33] mackarp2: touch em [00:52:34] oerbadiaruby: LMAO [00:52:34] Dezponia: Minecraft Steve with Alex skin! [00:52:35] ohmarkey: Why though lol [00:52:35] MrWattsVR: Play lol [00:52:35] nope_not_doing_that: Cut them off [00:52:35] Skullbuns: THATS THE GOAL [00:52:35] fl0ck9: no work [00:52:36] YourInnerBatman: enjoy them [00:52:36] XENOMAN5: Noticed any pp shrinkage? [00:52:36] isthisapokeman: hold them [00:52:36] TheRealEpicSquid: i do have boobs for a day! [00:52:36] randopersonn_: KEKW [00:52:36] GluttonousGeorge: play with em [00:52:36] OHMichelleOH: play with them [00:52:37] Luna_Lux9: Boobs! LETSGO [00:52:37] Daniel54721: OMEGALUL [00:52:37] gamerman356: touch [00:52:37] misschvs: lmao [00:52:37] rocky1c4: honk [00:52:37] rocker_26: only a day/ [00:52:37] MotionlessGrins: Keep em [00:52:38] widepeepo_deany: exemFlushed [00:52:38] FreschiLive: touch em alot [00:52:38] Fried_Pickles: ya not much [00:52:38] notimeforthistoday: Bounce them thangs [00:52:38] AlhambraMMXX: KEKW [00:52:38] sightedfiend16: touch [00:52:38] NixxTheFox13: Objectively boobs good [00:52:38] EldritchElucidator: KEKW [00:52:39] octminer: KEKW [00:52:39] xanvena21: I’d flash so many people [00:52:39] Kaymon81: lol [00:52:39] danjan117: nothing i guess? [00:52:39] cedric_callnight: Touch them [00:52:39] Demacherius: jiggle [00:52:39] dangerousruben: touch em [00:52:39] soopergamer2000: gender guild is under the umbrella of being trans. it’s objectively wrong to make any claim that states otherwise [00:52:39] DoomMuppet2: KEKW [00:52:39] NelordUK: Dude booba? So cool [00:52:40] Jeddix: KEKW [00:52:40] 1CrimsonPrincess: HONKA HONKA [00:52:40] BunnehBunz: Just popped in to say grats on coming out [00:52:40] gwynim: HRT would be better than implants [00:52:40] PnkyPnk: LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO BOOBIES [00:52:41] Raichurela: Squeeze them I guess [00:52:41] SleepyPac: im no longer qualified to answer [00:52:41] alexx_net: Make cheese [00:52:41] zak_blackfyre: Play with them non stip [00:52:41] gaddafi_duck_: dance [00:52:41] Ruglund6230: Got moobs soo [00:52:41] estherarchive: yup [00:52:42] gruntbane: spend all day touching them [00:52:42] pianoismyforte_: Play with them all day [00:52:42] chloe__20_: chloe__20_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months! I'm so happy for you Finn f1nnHeart cakejuBounce [00:52:42] f0xegg: KEKW [00:52:42] SnabbKassa: we ALL have "tits". we are mammals [00:52:42] f3mmbot: chloe__20_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:52:42] nerdypegasus: honk honk [00:52:42] jackalsclaw: You are holding on to your male identity like a expat desperately holding on to her "British" identity despite living going 100% native [00:52:42] CarnagexElite: you’re gonna have boobs every day [00:52:43] cerysnomi: i grew some [00:52:43] Shockwavemecha: Fondle em all the time [00:52:43] esquilinus: real badonkadonk hours [00:52:43] Strobemachine: i want boobs without the back pain [00:52:43] SnowyLando: as a lesbian i like boobies [00:52:43] MrsPandamber: they do hurt [00:52:43] Wanesty: KEKW [00:52:43] Bobbikatt: Wear low cut tops [00:52:43] IAmSarahcat: I have boobs! they rule [00:52:43] boredassperson: Honk honk [00:52:43] zoewithane: Lmao [00:52:43] fiesta_femboy: idk [00:52:44] Speederzzz: LMAO [00:52:44] thistleblue22: I'd cry when the day was over KEKW [00:52:44] elle_gato: yup [00:52:44] GamesJam82: keep them [00:52:44] juneguild: MOOD MOOD MOOD [00:52:44] violet_pirate1: be happy [00:52:45] ghostlycryptid_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:52:45] theeelfy: Have you considered using queer [00:52:45] thebreadisonthefloor: have boobs. that’s what I’d do [00:52:45] flymetopluto06: real [00:52:45] garlicbreadboiiii: hate them [00:52:45] roofrisbee: THEY DOOOO HURT WTFFFF [00:52:46] Dr_Nia: padding is your friend! [00:52:46] gothique_elf: squeeze [00:52:46] Kat_K1t: bite them, theyre chewy [00:52:46] thanatoscar: we all want boobs [00:52:46] call_me_kashi: Yuuuppppp [00:52:46] 71M073J: touch them, and then be happy about it [00:52:46] kirathepan: Jiggliggliggle! [00:52:47] TrueMezzo: trueeeeeee [00:52:47] Stevethegrate: F1nn my friend you lack creativity [00:52:47] cyphoenic_: I'd smile? be happy? [00:52:47] ArminGux: play with them, a lot [00:52:47] cesmec: LUL [00:52:47] Kingged: I already have boob [00:52:47] AphiaDeMieux: EXACTLYYYYYY!!! [00:52:47] ahorseinahospital: LUL [00:52:47] wonderchemist: jumping jacks [00:52:47] lurker_ger: LUL [00:52:47] sp00kykj: I WOULD JIGGLE EM [00:52:48] KhiralShimmer: KEKW 󠀀 [00:52:48] GhostOfAFlea: Yeah the stairs will fuck you up [00:52:48] robomagic: YEP [00:52:48] davidiusfarrenius: never get out of the shower! 😄😄😄 [00:52:48] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: it hurts for now [00:52:48] F1rstPick: :D [00:52:48] ChasingSol: KEKW [00:52:48] lun4_th3_w0lf: Honk [00:52:48] LanaBread: pretty much dude [00:52:48] heta_6: EXACTLY [00:52:48] notBeWitchy: theyre cool but yea not much they bounce sometimes thats all [00:52:49] CoyoteTina: I wish mine grew bigger, didn’t get gifted with nice ones on hrt [00:52:49] kateth: YEP [00:52:49] mr_pikle: be happy [00:52:49] dinoapple454: real [00:52:49] ZerschnetzIer: KEKW [00:52:49] crowblax: flash my friends [00:52:49] 19ducks: true lmao [00:52:49] NYRNNR: wait so im late and i miseed the announcement [00:52:49] Planted_Gamer: Have back pain lol [00:52:50] Avaerus0: Have them, not a big deal [00:52:50] deepinfrozen: Would tenmuses proposal be good now? [00:52:50] skylikesaerospace: you learn to move around them [00:52:50] msmoonsy: LUL tru [00:52:50] bjlogna_: LUL [00:52:50] VEDS24: KEKW [00:52:50] Falqun: hehehehe [00:52:50] LittleChaSiu: KEKW KEKW KEKW [00:52:51] lampjade: I WAS SCARED OF HAVING BOOBS tbh [00:52:51] freeusegartenhoe: growing pain [00:52:51] bearpaw1970: Lmao 😂 [00:52:51] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER you still in the pain phase lmfao [00:52:51] wrydfell: only one? :( [00:52:52] sapphic_luma: Try to make them stay there for the rest of my life [00:52:52] camarada_emy: Btw. Does ten knows? [00:52:52] Mario11041: KEKW 󠀀 [00:52:52] Selstraits: i would jump around with a slow mo camera going [00:52:53] rainyparade_: Oh my god that's so true [00:52:53] 13TAC0S: haha [00:52:53] ForksAreFree: Boobs have taken me years to get used to and I'm still surprised by them [00:52:53] cloudy_two: yeah lol [00:52:53] sophiebliek911: MOOD [00:52:54] smolbluegoblin: As a trans guy, if I had boobs for a day I'd cut them off again lmao [00:52:54] hiluuu: yea the pain suckkssss [00:52:54] mikkyboo123: honk [00:52:54] xero93: trans guy, binding them tf away [00:52:54] TheSpinster: WELCOME TO BOOBA [00:52:54] me1ll0: I KNOW [00:52:54] angygenz: want em on more they are aesthetic [00:52:54] awe_rora: KEKW [00:52:54] im_up_to_something: Lol [00:52:54] papairons: jiggle jiggle [00:52:55] MnemonicOverload: LUL [00:52:55] spineleech: realize running sucks? [00:52:55] Darkvness: tru [00:52:55] JELB: it’s the best feeling! [00:52:55] SwitchLeafe: BRA [00:52:56] bl4met: i have them, i hate it [00:52:56] floating_raindrop: I mean, the Pope's recent speech on gender isn't that promising for gender diversity acceptance in the short term. [00:52:56] lilecfangs: YEAH lol. and the feel of a seatbelt between them. hell [00:52:56] MostlyJosie: Boobs are great. My favorite part of transitioning [00:52:56] PhorrestGaze: 5 minutes of entertainment [00:52:56] YellowPiratetheFirst: omg they hurt so much [00:52:56] nyxark13: SAME [00:52:56] sageowl57: FINNSTER PLEASE 🙏 😢 I NEED TO KNOW ARE YOU A BOY KISSER NOW? [00:52:57] Skkorm: Congrats my dude [00:52:57] doctorgofast: LUL [00:52:57] dauntless2607: lmao [00:52:57] lilly477: well im trans so [00:52:57] Nova_Prime_69: KEKW true [00:52:57] Myoukochou: Those first 12 months where they go cone and round alternately.... that kinda continues too... [00:52:57] seymourbuttsz: It turns out it really wasn't just the eyelashes Kappa [00:52:58] jimtag_: estrogen boob hurt [00:52:58] meiketae: real hahahaha [00:52:58] Mr_Fluffy97: KEKW KEKW [00:52:58] templemel: I’ve started my transition late in my life and seeing you and Ash makes me feel so good to see others not going trough the same hell [00:52:58] thepopeofcopium: i live with my boobs lol. (chubby guy here) [00:52:58] venlamonster: average boob owner experience [00:52:58] Squishykit_333: So tended [00:52:58] Komnia: LUL so relatable [00:52:58] Bo_The_Destroyer: I am watching the video now!!! [00:52:58] MothGirlRosie_: They hella hurt on hormones [00:52:59] writhinglekku: tism [00:52:59] JackTeridax: \0/ Boobies! \0/ [00:52:59] braddle172: KEKW [00:52:59] Cekoti: They are tender to start but they do die down [00:52:59] sadmouse123: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:53:00] monkeh80: be annoyed at it [00:53:00] FlowersOfLight: they hurt and make u feel better about urself on occasion and that's worth it [00:53:00] Daedalus015: 🤭🤭🤭🤭 [00:53:00] jamexito: are you or will you do voice training????? [00:53:00] theejoey: Used to have them and I yeeted em [00:53:01] neon_bullet720: no thats so real, but it will eventually stop being as bad [00:53:01] BgT1990: it do be like that [00:53:01] wyldcardsam: Yessssss that shot sucks [00:53:01] ScarsUnseen: yea those fuckers hurt at first [00:53:01] DaOPCreeper: pray i never loose them [00:53:01] zz_p0p: BOOBS BE BOOBIN [00:53:02] Bleats_Sinodai: DUDE, my BOOB [00:53:02] unsolaci: Wear cute things? [00:53:02] EmpressCard: ha [00:53:02] Allyis_Alive: so sore in the beginning [00:53:02] argonaut2468: boingoingoingoingoingoingoing [00:53:03] TemptedSpirit_: play with them but not know how to dress them [00:53:03] KAMlK0_: it only hurts while you're growing [00:53:03] BluBiDefault: I have that without hrt :( [00:53:03] CrayonsAreMyFavoriteSnack: I just realised you twitch bio is so much better now [00:53:03] ClaraRenway: lol the booba pain lmao [00:53:03] OfficiOlly: @f1nn5ter yeah BOOBA are annoying to deal lol [00:53:04] princess_morningstar: @beanyberry that friend sucks [00:53:04] Lurnok: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:53:04] filip_zd10: autism + hrt KEKW [00:53:04] hall_tsunami: KEKW [00:53:04] monikathewolf: yeah they hurt A LOT! im 3 years into HRT and they still HURT SO MUCH! [00:53:04] dragonshardz: a [00:53:05] Ariadne_Overdrive: can relate [00:53:05] BabyRainbow03: growing pains [00:53:05] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: ah the puberty boob [00:53:05] HypnoHooves: will f1nn5ter keep alerting us to changes in bra size? [00:53:05] sfr89s: the hurt is real [00:53:05] ryetoastyos: they don't hurt as much after a few years LUL [00:53:05] neondimples: Lol my spouse forgets and headbutts them [00:53:06] Maddrius: truth [00:53:06] Bulllfrogs: They're fun though! You're own personal stress balls! But you need a bit o' volume [00:53:07] porradodefumos: i dont want to start HRt but i DESIRE TITS [00:53:07] HexGrrrrl: I love my gf laying on my boob [00:53:07] madoka_magikate: Ahhh yes, the tism [00:53:08] deepwater_fae: don't run up or down stairs without a bra. Pain [00:53:08] iamkneetickler: REAL [00:53:08] 17XiaoXianNv: @F1NN5TER add nipplepiercings andd you will cry 24/7 [00:53:08] blackvvldow: wont need boob implants. You will need more suitable day clothes though. You will also have to work on your voice. Congrats on you decision [00:53:09] MaxVershhhtappen: so you want to be called he/him even tho you have [00:53:09] rubyytea: this is so cute lmao [00:53:09] Luna_Lux9: YEP so true early growth is sensative [00:53:10] scarlettyg: I'd be just looking at myself in the mirror and try not to cry tears of happiness KEKW [00:53:10] ItsStichz: so when do the estrogen treatments start? [00:53:10] mj_phae: i like the soreness [00:53:11] t1nylesbian: i just watched the yt vid also hiiiii this is my first time in stream [00:53:11] Clovermancy: I recommend vitamin e oil for the pain [00:53:11] BusohSensen: HOLY [00:53:13] CarnagexElite: Don’t worry I’m another 6 months they’re gonna start feeling good [00:53:13] AeitZean: Same thing im doing right now [00:53:13] scarthepeaceful: no more running down the stairs [00:53:14] SnowyLando: they do hurt when growing, i remember that from when i was 10 [00:53:14] zvrkinjo: I don't even have them but I accidentally did a drop and it hurt [00:53:14] kanilas: 10 months in, still not used to how often I end up hurting myself [00:53:14] aurumadzia: Real [00:53:15] Nilinn31: i understand, I like them growing but also I kind don't want boobs lol [00:53:15] diggingadandass: i would wear a dress and langrie [00:53:15] krovvy: thegeekS [00:53:16] Isabel_Jane: Yep that's how they are [00:53:16] takeonlana: i shall pray they grow for you [00:53:16] Nova_Prime_69: that cake [00:53:16] randopersonn_: YES HAHAHA theyre nice to look at but suck to have [00:53:17] ollie_jandro: HOLY CAKE [00:53:18] caramelglamour: yeah nips dont like textures [00:53:18] isthisapokeman: his boobs hurt [00:53:18] YumeNoZen: Millenials were fairly gay, after that they got hella gay. I guess gayness rose with housing pricing. [00:53:18] BanOompaLoompas: they still growing [00:53:18] Vanimal2118: Boobs r fun [00:53:19] Blackmath: woah [00:53:19] kateth: Mosquito bites [00:53:20] c__r__j: Not from THAT photo, no... [00:53:20] DatChickenBro1: HOLY ASS DUD [00:53:21] nullpsyche: Has F1nn had 10k concurrent viewers before? because It may happen soon [00:53:21] Avaerus0: That's a really good photo BTW [00:53:21] Amoyamoyamoya: SHOW BEWBZ ??? [00:53:21] mayaculous: how long until u cant be shirtless on twitch? [00:53:21] elle_gato: you got racks [00:53:21] Nyagi_Byte: !pronouns [00:53:22] Strobemachine: GYAAAATTTT [00:53:22] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:53:22] gothique_elf: kute [00:53:23] cedric_callnight: So A cup [00:53:24] ArchyNemesis: OwO [00:53:25] soopergamer2000: if I had boobs I would just lay in bed and cry tears of joy. [00:53:25] YunglistDJ: Yooooo congrats on the boobs [00:53:25] rocko89222: THE ASS [00:53:25] AcuRatTM: I noticed them, ngl [00:53:25] ArkiusDoomer: Finn a s s [00:53:26] general_of_cm: ZAMN [00:53:26] smeckledork: smeckledork subscribed with Prime. [00:53:26] bea_bo0: oh em gee hi everyone its bea [00:53:26] f3mmbot: smeckledork subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang smeckledork f1nnLezgang [00:53:26] Darkness4desert: Oh no I could tell [00:53:26] starduckxd: his titties ): [00:53:27] lampjade: They hurt no matter how small! [00:53:27] Lennexofficial: bewbs [00:53:27] prncx: he knows about the boob's pain, he knows too much [00:53:27] RealRyal: Still early days [00:53:28] maggiespurpledrankchalice: Having considered implants, I'd probably like them for a while. But then start to relate to what Women say about them. [00:53:28] Barbar7575: autistic gender chaotic gremlin [00:53:28] t0m1n4t0r: you can tell [00:53:29] widepeepo_deany: hasO [00:53:29] cubus35: ASS THO [00:53:29] ekat2468: they hurt less once they actually start to be a thing [00:53:29] ezzyisgone: DAAAMMNNN [00:53:30] Loelinverse: Your braless rn [00:53:30] Quatroid_: You fool, My sensory issues are make the shirt hurt anyway! [00:53:30] SpacedM0use: the manliest of boobs [00:53:31] lishoward: i could tell [00:53:31] ArminGux: ittty bitty titty comitty [00:53:31] Gemini011: Cats love to sit on em. Hurts like nothing else. [00:53:31] cuttle_fist: 2 years in here, booba still hurt all the time lol [00:53:31] zak_blackfyre: Cake [00:53:32] yoyokrish69: GYAT [00:53:32] aSpicyCow: can i see [00:53:32] bearpaw1970: Your wearing something.. a pretty great smile [00:53:32] Skullbuns: boobs have been planted [00:53:33] NecroPhyre: My boobs are basically exactly where yours are now xD [00:53:33] NyxianGaming: finn as a trans girl ur so cool and based. gender fuckery is really cool. and good luck with hrt, seems ur in the ow period rn but dw that’ll mostly pass. tits are really fun to have. [00:53:33] daniel_ale_24: The ass screamer [00:53:34] argonaut2468: now that was a dead giveaway [00:53:34] Titanium347: F1NN, you're hot [00:53:34] Jandronicos: Boobs hurt when they are first growing 😭 it'll lessen and feel good I swear [00:53:34] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): Yes [00:53:35] jamtapot: @F1NN5TER are you enjoying the estroskin - its one of my fave parts [00:53:35] YourInnerBatman: look at yourself in the mirror with them [00:53:35] dangerousruben: we can [00:53:36] rando_the_dando: I feel like i missed something what happened [00:53:36] Alchimay: like M&Ms under a rug [00:53:36] Psybovine: GET ON PROGESTERONE THEY'LL WOMBO YOUR TITTY psybovChamp psybovChamp psybovChamp [00:53:36] dragonshardz: okay hey so someone mentioned you were wondering if you count as trans and as a trans woman: "dunno not cis tho" is the bar to clear if you wanna use the trans label. it's your choice! you get to decide! [00:53:36] realxelnoc: send bobs? [00:53:36] Adtyi_the_Boom_Bastic: The idea of boobs is the only good part [00:53:37] MissJesStar: hehe the start of breast development is SUCH A TRIP [00:53:37] ICurryI: Yes we can [00:53:37] Babackboy: I think I want boobs now ;-; [00:53:37] SleepyTeaMage: How long have you been on HRT if you don't mind me asking? Like you just got it today? [00:53:37] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: IM GONNA BE! [00:53:37] abydon96: Its something there! [00:53:37] davidiusfarrenius: yes! 😄 [00:53:37] im_up_to_something: Of course [00:53:38] fallenyar: I absentmindedly play with mine lol [00:53:39] UnperfectOne: Itty bitty titty committee? [00:53:39] anschofi: triple A cup [00:53:39] HannahsCatCafe: Congratulations on starting HRT and the coming out!! I'm happy for you <3 [00:53:40] Last_Living_Dalia: tbh my trans euphoria goal is wanting the "right" kind of hurt/discomfort, which apparently is a longing for boob pain [00:53:40] 1WhoBeans: we can deffo try [00:53:40] KAMlK0_: boobs only hurt when they're growing.... lol [00:53:40] ClaraRenway: Dudes just like me fr, smol booba [00:53:41] nyrhalahotep: You'll probably start going downstairs. A lot slower now. [00:53:41] zombiii: i think we have to be sexist now [00:53:41] charro_6569: No u cant [00:53:41] veluminous: boobs were the one thing i was hesitant about starting hrt but now im happy with it all :D [00:53:42] djathome: KEKW [00:53:42] gamertwtch: Trans inclusive misogyny [00:53:42] Fried_Pickles: You cannot take your shirt off @F1NN5TER .... ToS [00:53:42] braddle172: No boob for free [00:53:42] ZerschnetzIer: ok. [00:53:42] ares_auphis: Hey Finn. Not sure if you'll see this one, but I'm a guy who's always been very confused with gender identity. I do look too masculine to dress cutesy but just watching you do you has helped me through a huge amount of confusing times [00:53:42] ohmarkey: lol [00:53:42] Arthree: I have moobs bigger than that [00:53:43] Mikayla_Alexis: Find a soft bra u like to wear bc they'll hurt for a while during growth [00:53:43] MajesticFvckingEagle: I can and I will LUL [00:53:43] CritCupcake: mysogynistic now ;) [00:53:44] leftfrog: LUL [00:53:44] TrueMezzo: based [00:53:44] SleepyPac: KEKW [00:53:44] babyhuey23: FINN! I Just saw your tiktok! Congrats! 143!!! [00:53:46] Komnia: LUL [00:53:46] Rue4192: i noticed cuz the nips moved downward a bit [00:53:46] heitzek: Actually, you can get temporarily breast augmentation that will get absorbed/dissolved in few days. [00:53:46] Zjawyer: AWOOGA [00:53:47] LVL1Goblin_: let's go [00:53:47] krovvy: LOL [00:53:47] bluedeltaheart: i can try [00:53:47] BlackRabbitLP: !gender [00:53:47] StormvanRoon: Hello!! I might have missed it however how did you find out you liked boys as well? Congrats btw!! [00:53:48] filip_zd10: Do you still call yourself a femboy? [00:53:48] f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. Also, Finn is gender fluid. [00:53:48] Y0rk5h1r3: Make me a sandwich LUL [00:53:48] BanOompaLoompas: "I got a site for that, link..." [00:53:48] scarlettyg: We're your customers, they're always right [00:53:48] thepopeofcopium: wait till the3rd [00:53:48] giant_tess: To you regret surpressing brest growth? [00:53:48] tinyalison420: KEKW [00:53:48] chloe__20_: KEKW [00:53:48] CarnagexElite: it’s illegal to show your boobs in public now lol [00:53:49] Popdowner: o k a y LUL [00:53:49] takeonlana: its that easy? [00:53:49] johnkeiwo: 20 dollars Stare [00:53:49] awe_rora: LUL [00:53:50] octminer: KEKW [00:53:50] TheSpinster: F1nn has defeated Sexism! [00:53:50] duckybot24: AOLM [00:53:51] aymungoos: @solrex he was still hot before hrt. [00:53:51] rubyytea: LMAO okay... [00:53:51] c__r__j: Gender opt-out is OP. [00:53:51] kat_the_khajiit: Oh that photo was visiboobs, I just thought it was padded [00:53:51] zz_p0p: March 3? [00:53:51] erockyoutoo: @f1nn5ter does this mean that you can finally remove the quotations around woman in your bio? [00:53:52] jamnesia777: simply transcend sexism [00:53:52] jade_switch: I stressed so hard especially for the past few months trying to keep up with your skill level with makeup man😭😭 congrats tho love you [00:53:52] Xanoblade2: KEKW [00:53:52] KhiralShimmer: Misogyny Unlocked [00:53:52] Statdk: cant sex the gender fluid [00:53:52] avahxnley: chat can now all be called mysoginists [00:53:52] experiencepoints: Are you wearing bras/bralettes now just for the comfort? [00:53:52] FlowersOfLight: trust me, we'll find a way [00:53:52] isabaellchen: your the daywalker [00:53:52] augustwashere0805: As a transmasc, I wanna rip mine off [00:53:53] cedric_callnight: You have literal man boobs [00:53:53] naagro: transphobic yes. But sexist? Hmm [00:53:53] AlcoveAZ: yesn't [00:53:53] Ember921: hey does this mean you can’t show nips on stream???? [00:53:53] satelitko: $20 is $20 LUL [00:53:54] Mnh188: sure, link in bio [00:53:54] Stovamor: f1nnStare [00:53:54] PhorrestGaze: show us what you've got [00:53:55] fei_bay: you cant be sexist but you can be f1nnist [00:53:55] QuietBard98: Shes pulling his cock out [00:53:56] CoronaBorealis02: i started 38 days ago and have C cups, i had gynaecomastia before starting though [00:53:56] RYRY1793: nice tits bro [00:53:56] call_me_kashi: Schrodinger's human [00:53:56] mayaculous: make me a sandwich [00:53:57] Helen_Croft: We could tell bobs for Ashleys resent OF post you walked in all the time @F1NN5TER [00:53:58] johnkeiwo: !socials [00:53:58] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [00:53:58] PH7SKULL: 20 dollars is amazing lol [00:53:58] johnkeiwo: !socials [00:53:59] EvieLessThan3_: bottom surgery? [00:53:59] johnkeiwo: !socials [00:53:59] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [00:53:59] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [00:54:00] zvrkinjo: 20$ is 20$ [00:54:00] grap3_s0da: So how is twitch going to be able to ban you now you are not a man or a woman strictly speaking [00:54:01] Dezponia: ziphBOOBA ziphCOCKA [00:54:01] pakjes12boter: 🐫🐫🐫 [00:54:01] dreamerzy: figured out the cheat code [00:54:01] SpacedM0use: you got this you fabulous fluid Finnster [00:54:01] plzdontmindme_: can you be shirtless on twitch now? [00:54:01] NONAM3KILL3R: Yeah I'm a sexist. I do the sex all the time [00:54:01] mr_clucks_843: Bro show me dem tits [00:54:02] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: sexism proof [00:54:02] mystchevious1: I am super happy for you. [00:54:03] Ex0dia5: so do you consider yourself still ace? [00:54:03] galaxygamer0770: does this mean that femboy baby is going to happen? [00:54:03] kirathepan: Go clean Ashley's room! [00:54:04] fiesta_femboy: @satelitko Aware [00:54:04] shidooooouu: now the blahaj corner makes MUUUUUUUCH more sense [00:54:04] TheRealEpicSquid: have you picked a name yet? [00:54:04] porradodefumos: Can we mansplaining you now? [00:54:04] arkarant: can i see your bro-obies (slash j) [00:54:04] Hundelsa: Breasts hurt when they grow can confirm! [00:54:05] DevinWonka: Wait did fin start get? OMG [00:54:05] JaneIsGaming: it has become impossible to misgender Finn. (S)He’s become too powerful [00:54:05] ImEdwinWX: Wait so what's happening [00:54:05] 5aerina: $20 is $20 [00:54:05] lilly477: 20 dollars is 20 dollars [00:54:06] YourInnerBatman: double sexism applies [00:54:06] KontwinkiN0Yami: Can't be sexist if you don't have sex :D [00:54:06] ScarsUnseen: i think you're just a gender anarchist [00:54:06] llunacb: meow [00:54:07] Bleats_Sinodai: 20 BUCKAROOS? what a bargain! [00:54:07] mr_leggy_d_1st: Bro, you have a gender? Weird (sexism achieved) [00:54:07] NovaeCorvidae: alternatively, impossible to not be sexist [00:54:08] MajesticFvckingEagle: "Get in the kitchen and fix the lightbulb" KKona [00:54:08] ChasingSol: haha [00:54:09] LadMowPlaysGames: Battle Pass gunna get wildd [00:54:09] blueskydrinking: "Hey sugartits" KEKW [00:54:09] minecrackjesus: im genderfluid and i have alot of trans friends and i wouldint want to be labled trans as i would feel desrespective to them [00:54:10] now_chemical: equal opportunity fluidity [00:54:10] gwynim: Either nothing is sexist or everything is sexist ctvaHmm [00:54:10] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:54:10] Rubysan_Gaming: KEKW [00:54:10] vinami_petite_grenouille_: just let the twitch mods figure out if it's banned or not [00:54:11] saiga9: LUL [00:54:11] elion3li: enby swag [00:54:11] axx_le: make battle pass free to celebrate?!👀 [00:54:11] ArminGux: you can be sexist to any gender [00:54:11] kateth: Schrodinger's gender [00:54:12] YunglistDJ: HA nan2GotEm [00:54:12] djathome: OMEGALUL OMEGALUL [00:54:12] medical_size9000: Get boobs only if you want to [00:54:12] EthanRDoesMC: f1nn transcends society by becoming fluid [00:54:12] Shockwavemecha: Gotta add tags to the video Now [00:54:12] mackarp2: get in the kitchen and dont look after the kids?????? [00:54:13] student0810: "Don't be transphobic, be misogynistic." F1nn [00:54:13] 71M073J: OWNED [00:54:13] OfficiOlly: @f1nn5ter it’s called the bat now lmao [00:54:14] vsennafraza: Finn is this one of the reasons you didnt wanna do voice training? [00:54:14] LillysDream: wait so u are trans now? or what? [00:54:15] braddle172: KEKW [00:54:15] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [00:54:15] Hunney_chan: lmao [00:54:15] pyroforlifeyt: 20 dOLARS DEAL [00:54:15] rybameinong: Your chest is now illegal on most social media websites. How does it feel? [00:54:16] johnkeiwo: GO BACK TO THE KITCHEN HUMAN ! [00:54:17] smallf234: show me the gfussy [00:54:17] Falqun: sudo make me a sandwich [00:54:17] mystchevious1: lol [00:54:17] kevlarchicken: KEKW [00:54:18] GamesJam82: the power of being genderfluid [00:54:18] PnkyPnk: Sexism resistant [00:54:19] BlackRabbitLP: !proununs [00:54:19] StateAffiliatedMedia: a month of big reveals. is March 3rd still gonna be a thing all things considered? [00:54:19] Demacherius: got him/her [00:54:19] Eromaw: KEKW [00:54:20] nodegen: this is why we need to invent 3rd person. people should be able to enjoy their own boobs [00:54:20] Darkness4desert: Tuts [00:54:20] mcg9696: is that why youre hung like a mouse? [00:54:21] AlmondVF: KEKW [00:54:21] bearpaw1970: Motor boating .. [00:54:21] StarnetSys: opinions on xenopronouns [00:54:21] ZerschnetzIer: KEKW [00:54:22] harrryot: Mmoobs [00:54:23] BucketMan1g: irron my shirt bitch [00:54:23] CoffeeComic64: Can you go chop me some wood? [00:54:23] RoryLuukas: Wait until you forget you have boobs and forget you are now flashing people when you are topless btw @f1nn5ter LUL [00:54:23] ekat2468: you'd be pretty if you smiled more [00:54:24] airsquirrels2: F1nn I heard you were bilingual. Is it true? [00:54:24] NamisaNM: Stigma is REAL LOL [00:54:24] elizabethpearlxo: wait ! i’m just tuning in omggg what is happening [00:54:25] taelion: i thought you aren‘t that angry anymore? [00:54:25] ChasingSol: don't be transphobic, be misogynistic [00:54:25] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: F1nn just wants that 30% pay cut [00:54:25] feebowlcs: wait is this why you took that break from streaming 5 months ago [00:54:26] leftalligator3: [00:54:27] Juliya_999: KEKW [00:54:27] jennifer3037c: I missed is Finn on hormones? [00:54:27] decilored: KEKW [00:54:27] Gumby_Apollo: I'm very happy for ye, I was very happy for ya when I saw the vid :P [00:54:28] SunIsLost: @LillysDream yes *** [00:54:29] ericarocksme: ericarocksme subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months! Congrats F1NN on coming out trans! thetra21Transheart2 [00:54:29] AeitZean: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:54:29] f3mmbot: ericarocksme subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months using Prime! PogU [00:54:29] numeanor: so we can be mysoginist now? [00:54:29] asoftgoth: -10 driving skills [00:54:29] MaxVershhhtappen: did i miss why you started HRT [00:54:30] MrsPandamber: take out the trash on the way to making a sandwich [00:54:30] Lurnok: fimter you the goat, congrats ! GenderFluidPride [00:54:32] hydrangea_sh: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:54:32] AcuRatTM: Welcome to the fold, sis ;) [00:54:32] 1tangomango1: 4Head [00:54:33] packagum: you’re an inspiration f1nnHeart [00:54:33] LittleChaSiu: let's all make sandwiches together PogU [00:54:33] SnowyLando: sugar cock [00:54:33] ohsveni: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ [00:54:34] deathbyf1re: wearing a bra makes them hurt less when things touch them [00:54:34] beaneater197: Do the dishes [00:54:34] gothique_elf: do you have sugar in your britches [00:54:35] ClaraRenway: @ChasingSol lmao [00:54:35] new_day_who_dis: So the misogyny was coming from inside the house [00:54:36] sionaprice: you will always be our F1nnster, no matter what goes on in your life :) [00:54:36] Planted_Gamer: Awoogah mama [00:54:36] e_l1na: go back to garage/kitchen [00:54:36] rainyparade_: Sandwich making stream when? [00:54:37] TheRealEpicSquid: whore is gender neutral [00:54:37] YumeNoZen: You can't make us a sandwich, but some of us could make you a sub. [00:54:37] widepeepo_deany: LUL make me SOME MUFFINS, YOU [00:54:37] somemelondude: human (derogatory) [00:54:37] lilecfangs: LMAO [00:54:37] Amoyamoyamoya: @LillysDream, Still not trans [00:54:37] aqueertheory: Finn is just gender. He is a girlfriend she is a boyfriend and they cannot be misgendered. Just gender all together [00:54:38] amethystbinx: >( >( >( >( [00:54:38] llunacb: get back into the kitchen gamer [00:54:38] ToN1c: Transcended sexism [00:54:39] taicapre: So bimbo allegations are true? [00:54:39] NyxianGaming: hey bro go make me a sandwich [00:54:39] johnkeiwo: Like finn said " don't be transphobic, be mysoginistic " [00:54:40] JackedRussell: I'll fix your car [00:54:40] Nyagi_Byte: "You uh, creature?" [00:54:40] LaurenArtful: Welcome to the itty bitty tittie committee [00:54:40] sophiebliek911: @rybameinong he was already banned on twitch before for female presenting [00:54:40] daniellelelelelel: GO MAKE ME A SANDWICH BUCKO [00:54:40] LittleChaSiu: STKWEUFPS are pog [00:54:41] GoodHydrations: Fix my sandwich [00:54:41] DannyButh: go mow the lawn [00:54:41] Fried_Pickles: Make my car a sandwich [00:54:42] biffis1032: I'm proud of you, F1nn. Congratulations. I too am still figuring out things too. [00:54:42] charro_6569: Both [00:54:42] PowerOf47: Go back to the.... streamer room [00:54:42] YunglistDJ: @jennifer3037c ya [00:54:42] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: IT'S GOOD JOB YOUR PRETTY cause you're not smart. [00:54:42] haithun: go back do being Ashleys waifu :D [00:54:43] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: OK, I have to ask... Did you choose today instead of TDOV so chat wouldn't just think it was an early April Fools thing? [00:54:43] Teewy25: is a second video coming out? [00:54:43] octminer: KEKW [00:54:43] KAMlK0_: have you noticed any voice changes yet? [00:54:44] nerunerukk: ez [00:54:44] scarlettyg: You'll have to stand with one leg inside the kitchen [00:54:45] rosa_the_bean: Go make me a sandwich in the men's bathroom [00:54:45] Scyi_: Congratulations on your appointment to the itty bitty titty comittiee [00:54:45] tayn_: tayn_ subscribed with Prime. [00:54:45] overcooked_bones: SUGAR COCK😭😭 [00:54:46] f3mmbot: tayn_ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang tayn_ f1nnLezgang [00:54:46] BunnehBunz: Fix a sandwich? [00:54:46] Statdk: sandwich mechanic ftw [00:54:46] titusrodriguez: Dishwasher cant stop talking [00:54:46] crowblax: pump my tire [00:54:47] folkloric_: (wo)man [00:54:47] shelledbsh: Split the difference, make my car a sandwich [00:54:47] MimoJimi: kissss [00:54:48] ChasingSol: hahaha [00:54:48] Thremtie: go back to the..?? [00:54:48] sp00kykj: hey mosquito bites LUL [00:54:48] djathome: KEKW [00:54:48] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:54:49] Wanesty: KEKW 󠀀 [00:54:49] MissJesStar: Welcome to the community officially <3 [00:54:49] FatherThyme: lmaooo [00:54:49] pretzelbea: REAL [00:54:49] templarkeira: “Make me a sandwich” only if I can use my sword to put mayo on it. [00:54:49] Bartiono: KEKW [00:54:49] kateth: LMAO [00:54:49] Xphome: KEKW [00:54:49] monikathewolf: omg this was soo funny [00:54:49] krovvy: LOL [00:54:49] therealhovisbread: LEARN TO DRIVE....dude??????? [00:54:49] perfersserderg: LUL [00:54:50] moonpaii: AHHAHA [00:54:50] lurker_ger: KEKW [00:54:50] Catamondium: GayPride [00:54:50] gwen_the_ninth: KEKW [00:54:50] braddle172: KEKW [00:54:50] fei_bay: HAHA! [00:54:50] AoMordred: time to say what i have to say every time my parents ask... finn is a gender [00:54:50] TwinbeeMk2: lol [00:54:50] Killerclutch: wearing the same clothes as you were in the coming out video. have you even WASHED? [00:54:51] Rubysan_Gaming: KEKW [00:54:51] ChasingSol: T4T [00:54:51] johnkeiwo: Gayge [00:54:51] experiencepoints: LUL [00:54:51] NorableTTV: fix my sandwich and make me a car! [00:54:51] hazelgamess: Omg real [00:54:51] eFlyman: LOL [00:54:51] Titansflys: LOL [00:54:51] LunaVeraVerse: lol [00:54:51] KfkFod: XD [00:54:51] Zettrex: KEKW [00:54:51] brandt_connors: Will he get worse at driving now? [00:54:51] SleepyPac: KEKW [00:54:51] MegaMiley: XD [00:54:51] mackarp2: lmao [00:54:52] idesofjuno: LUL [00:54:52] Mellomania: KEKW [00:54:52] Falqun: KEKW [00:54:52] Komnia: LUL CUTE [00:54:52] KhiralShimmer: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:54:52] aggravatedconditions: that's like true lesbo vibes [00:54:52] kirathepan: Put a sandwich in my car!!!!! [00:54:52] toxicdragonclan: yo are you trans or not because im confussed [00:54:52] rainofthestorm: ME AT MY WIFE OMH [00:54:52] NathanR38: Gayge [00:54:52] diggingadandass: oh shit maybe battle pass worth the fuck [00:54:52] Mario11041: KEKW [00:54:53] Amoyamoyamoya: WAIT, DOES F1NN HAVE TO MAKE HIS OWN SANDWICHES? [00:54:53] Yduno: based [00:54:53] LVL1Goblin_: 😭 [00:54:53] lich194: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:54:53] juneguild: KEKW [00:54:53] brookisfailinglife: KEKW [00:54:53] BusohSensen: KEKW [00:54:53] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [00:54:53] 19ducks: KEKW [00:54:53] MsCylon: KEKW [00:54:53] AlhambraMMXX: KEKW [00:54:53] zephyr_alba: Stop in the name of law [00:54:53] DasSchnitz: KEKW [00:54:54] ZerschnetzIer: KEKW 󠀀 [00:54:54] vinami_petite_grenouille_: KEKW [00:54:54] eris36: OMEGALUL [00:54:54] icepopcorn_: do you like the label queer [00:54:54] Altex1: PrideLaugh [00:54:54] helunsebunse: lol [00:54:54] DatChickenBro1: LOL [00:54:54] ForksAreFree: HypeAwww [00:54:54] userduwang: XD [00:54:54] f0xegg: KEKW [00:54:54] PH7SKULL: Hey bro get back in the kitchen, hey toots go mow my lawn [00:54:54] thebreadisonthefloor: lol [00:54:54] elion3li: LMAOOO [00:54:54] now_chemical: not sugar cock 😭 [00:54:55] t0m1n4t0r: F1nn being sexist to himself is s tier level content [00:54:55] mgza81: LUL LUL LUL [00:54:55] caelamondorian: Lol [00:54:55] amystudios: KEKW [00:54:55] filip_zd10: KEKW [00:54:55] Woofmont: LMFAO [00:54:55] im_up_to_something: Kinda mean [00:54:55] benevolentbeaver: KEKW [00:54:55] cheesusyourlord: KEKW [00:54:55] Derpsterette: KEKW [00:54:55] hhmmmmm: KEKW [00:54:55] ariapgvt: uno reverse card [00:54:55] nogare97: Make me a car sandwich. There fixed it [00:54:56] TheBoneTheif: BASED [00:54:56] EmpressCard: XD [00:54:56] dijqwodijqowidjoiwdj: lmaooooo [00:54:56] Jandronicos: Lesbian vibes, make me a sandwich fix my car [00:54:56] ekat2468: GAAAAAAAAAAAAY [00:54:56] 1CrimsonPrincess: KEKW [00:54:56] DodenKing: Pronouns no/u [00:54:56] LanaBread: LUL [00:54:57] hall_tsunami: KEKW [00:54:57] writhinglekku: gay both ways [00:54:57] RykerSune: KEKW [00:54:57] xxjoyeusexx: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [00:54:57] pokemontdm: KEKW [00:54:57] CattoLozex: lmao [00:54:57] cedric_callnight: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [00:54:58] muddymudkip15: Lol [00:54:58] RevanGarcia: Aww. [00:54:58] mershmellows: mershm1Laugh mershm1Laugh mershm1Laugh [00:54:58] ZeroTwoAndy: KEKW [00:54:58] Shockwavemecha: Gayge [00:54:58] TrueMezzo: lmao i feel that [00:54:58] LeVideNoirAstral: lmao [00:54:58] RYRY1793: Make me a sandwich bruv [00:54:58] Stovamor: KEKW [00:54:58] PhorrestGaze: fix your pink car [00:54:58] AlyssaAwoo: T4T lets go [00:54:58] 1WhoBeans: KEKW [00:54:58] kevlarchicken: KEKW [00:54:58] azure_beauty: LUL [00:54:58] VEDS24: KEKW [00:54:59] Kylarixr: lol [00:54:59] BgT1990: gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [00:54:59] heta_6: "Transwomen are women AND THEY BELONG IN THE KITCHEN" [00:54:59] AnnaTheLazy: Make a sandwich you biiiii-bindingly respectful individual that i respect so much i am going to make it myself [00:54:59] smart_donkey: She's not wrong [00:54:59] jackalias: Gaaaaay [00:54:59] ArminGux: kekw [00:55:00] HexGrrrrl: My gf does that all the time [00:55:00] LordClintCee: LMAOOOO [00:55:00] ciernaruza: ur gae [00:55:00] jackalsclaw: Go get pregnant and barefoot [00:55:00] Juliya_999: 😭😭😭 [00:55:01] sadmouse123: why not both [00:55:01] me1ll0: like "hmm is it a Wednesday??" [00:55:01] divided_queen488: KEKW [00:55:01] xero93: AS SHE SHOULD [00:55:01] md15185o: Trust F1nn to fix a car? Never [00:55:01] Kolateak_: Make me a car, fix the sandwich [00:55:01] Cactus__Chan: actual child [00:55:02] mattwalewangko: LUL LUL LUL [00:55:02] FancyTrashMan: LoL [00:55:02] qrthulhu: KEKW [00:55:02] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: ahahahaahahah [00:55:02] BastiMan85: Some gender affirming misogyny there [00:55:02] HardyOrange: real queer couple moments [00:55:03] decilored: KEKW [00:55:03] Skullbuns: GOTEM [00:55:03] bearpaw1970: Lmao 🤣 she smirked no doubt [00:55:03] bluj40: that is a universal occurance in queer relationships lol [00:55:03] Environmela: She ain't wrong lol [00:55:03] lordgtafbi: bruh LUL [00:55:03] atomrofl164: She's the real boss lol [00:55:03] Luncillia: lmao [00:55:04] kurki_3: KEKW [00:55:04] tinylilhorse: well established really [00:55:04] Mizo_Live: awwwwww [00:55:04] ClaraRenway: hehehe real [00:55:04] NikoVixoLIVE: Put a sandwich ih my car you... person... [00:55:04] TrissByTor: KEKW [00:55:04] nychder87: It hurts a bit, but is nice to have bewbs [00:55:05] xTrash_Boatx: go fix me a…car? [00:55:05] ChrysalidWyvern: Lol, my gf does that to me. It's great. [00:55:05] evilrymon1: :) [00:55:05] Stuffilike: Get back in the kitchen and make me an oil change [00:55:06] mayaculous: draft or sandwich? which one for now [00:55:06] SnowyLando: HAHA I LOVE THAT [00:55:06] asoftgoth: MANY SUCH CASES [00:55:06] lemon_duck22: SHE'S SO ME HELP [00:55:06] bigsuave7: 😂😭 [00:55:06] Nova9308: 💜 [00:55:06] officalchionkinnie: LOL [00:55:06] FungiDI: go make a sandwich and open the pickle jar BY YOURSELF [00:55:06] mystchevious1: So you still joke about making Ashley a lesbian? [00:55:07] Planted_Gamer: HA GAY [00:55:07] amethystbinx: :D :D :D :D [00:55:07] hobbitoverlord: You really became Avatar of Genders, Mastering them all [00:55:07] ChasingSol: gay all the ways [00:55:08] SunIsLost: lol [00:55:08] maggiespurpledrankchalice: I know you might not like the word, but you are a modern trailblazer. [00:55:08] NelordUK: Do you ever ask yourself to make you a sandwich? [00:55:09] oof_a_m: LMAO [00:55:09] blackdevils521: LUL LUL [00:55:10] the_oracie: hit em with the "NO U" [00:55:10] BongoCatDown: KEK [00:55:10] zennizen: Yay! [00:55:11] drunkshinx: thats what i would do [00:55:11] jamtapot: how did you find figuring out that you were attracted to guys [00:55:11] zvrkinjo: Ashley is a comedic genius change my mind [00:55:12] Bleats_Sinodai: Ma'an [00:55:12] karen_that_ho: slay [00:55:12] beaneater197: Nice [00:55:13] amyfluidgoth: ahhhh I've kissed my besties and we've both gone "yeah we're so gay" too :D [00:55:13] Popdowner: LUL bro she is so funny LOL [00:55:15] new_day_who_dis: Kekw [00:55:15] MikeWillStream: KEKW [00:55:16] YumeNoZen: Watching Ashley dance around that T4T comment was funny. [00:55:17] isthisapokeman: thats the hack in being nb its all gay [00:55:17] Clovermancy: TransgenderPride [00:55:17] funkeyaimes: make yourself into a sandwich [00:55:18] AcuRatTM: You seem really really happy! [00:55:18] HandOvrFist: Hella gay [00:55:20] kanilas: Stealing that one [00:55:20] georgerossofkildary: Fix my sandwich and get in the kitchen to make me a car? Lmao. [00:55:20] Fried_Pickles: @FungiDI :O [00:55:20] Mr_Fluffy97: KEKW KEKW [00:55:21] summertimehigh: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:55:21] FlowersOfLight: objectively funny [00:55:21] gwen_the_ninth: LETSGO [00:55:21] MangledPork: So many stream moments are gonna be so different in hindsight LUL [00:55:21] Nullikle6000: T4T Queens !!!! [00:55:21] AeitZean: LUL [00:55:22] Descriptivist: NOOO [00:55:22] frenchtoassty: This means I'm now straight [00:55:22] HidingTheLight: emiruDANCING [00:55:22] jorja_elly: the only genders are cook and mechanic [00:55:23] saint_r: true [00:55:23] shiba_star: So you're gender fluid, omggg I'm genuinely so happy [00:55:23] MimoJimi: "y are you gae? who says Im gae? ....you are gae" [00:55:24] realxelnoc: :00 [00:55:25] DatChickenBro1: Lesszzzgooo [00:55:25] johnkeiwo: LETSGOOOOOOOOOOO [00:55:25] zoelegs: Btw wouldn't gender queer be a better fit? Just wondering if so, why? [00:55:25] primarch359: This stream is full of queers [00:55:25] the_benji_man: The only appropriate way to great f1nn is by swinging a lantern and yelling "who goes there" [00:55:25] esquilinus: go make me a vegemite sandwich mortal [00:55:25] InvaderSquidGirl: InvaderSquidGirl subscribed at Tier 1. [00:55:25] rallsorts: ha ha [00:55:25] f3mmbot: invadersquidgirl subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang invadersquidgirl f1nnLezgang [00:55:26] braddle172: LETTTS GOOOO [00:55:26] jigitosiko: How feel your cock? is standup or No more? you have some Libido now? [00:55:26] fl0ck9: great success [00:55:26] Sir_GoofyGrape: I want a T4T relationship like y’all😭🫶🏼❤️ [00:55:26] galaxygamer0770: straight lesbians [00:55:26] krovvy: cniGIGA [00:55:26] now_chemical: i love being genderfluid 🫡 [00:55:26] Helen_Croft: Did it shrink? [00:55:26] Zettrex: KEKW 󠀀 [00:55:26] EternalNocturnal68: woof moch1yGchad [00:55:27] aSpicyCow: wait so cock reveal isnt today?!! [00:55:27] BusohSensen: WE DON'T CARE [00:55:27] TheBoneTheif: NOOOOO [00:55:27] roninsnook: Lol [00:55:27] Stovamor: !bp [00:55:28] FatherThyme: LETSGOOO [00:55:28] f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launched March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. Links in the !socials command. [00:55:28] Stovamor: !bp [00:55:28] AmazingAspie: Glad you can't drive [00:55:28] MajesticFvckingEagle: "completely" [00:55:28] Shal_Grace: KEKW its still a little gay [00:55:28] f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launched March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. Links in the !socials command. [00:55:28] Stovamor: !bp [00:55:28] 1CrimsonPrincess: WOOOOO [00:55:28] caramelglamour: get you a f1nn you get both! [00:55:28] deespodete: No misogyny nor misandria for you, you get misanthropy [00:55:28] f3mmbot: F1nn's Battlepass launched March 1st 2023 @ 2003 GMT. Battlepass subs are $20/mo. Links in the !socials command. [00:55:29] RykerSune: OMG AINTNOWAY [00:55:29] skylikesaerospace: it’s both gay and straight [00:55:29] izedbros: Victoryyyy [00:55:29] Flarenock: monkaS [00:55:29] KfkFod: :tf: [00:55:30] YourInnerBatman: but i like the gay [00:55:30] Phuntis: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [00:55:30] shelledbsh: TOO MUCH POWER [00:55:31] Valvanzi8: lesgooooooo [00:55:31] johnkeiwo: worrunS [00:55:31] SleepyPac: no no now it IS gay AGAIN [00:55:31] xLumieI: Pog [00:55:31] pyrandname: NOOOO [00:55:31] TheSpinster: LOL [00:55:31] alexx_net: X [00:55:31] elion3li: everybody's gay when youre nonbinary [00:55:31] munocard: Sorry, it IS gay now [00:55:32] macarous: LMAO GRIFTER [00:55:32] dannykkun: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:55:33] HexGrrrrl: It's gay for me [00:55:33] dreamerzy: jokes on you, im bi [00:55:33] writhinglekku: lol [00:55:33] gwynim: SHRODINGER'S GAY KEKW [00:55:33] filip_zd10: NOOO [00:55:33] ZerschnetzIer: for how long have you known you are bi? [00:55:33] BanOompaLoompas: that's some crazy power LMFAOOO [00:55:33] mclemon159: Hi [00:55:33] distractedcreative: KEKW [00:55:33] KnightNave: LETS GO [00:55:33] CarbonDiam: LMFAOOO [00:55:33] Falqun: noone is straight one we leave the binary [00:55:33] widepeepo_deany: hasO [00:55:34] Shoulderescape: LMA [00:55:34] iAmNotADroid: it's now gay not to [00:55:34] qrthulhu: but I want it to be gay 🥺 [00:55:34] harrryot: Too Pool :[ [00:55:34] sarathearcher1: lol [00:55:35] jackalias: (kiss) you're gay. (kiss) now you're straight [00:55:35] cynikyl: UNLIMITED POWER [00:55:35] isabaellchen: damn [00:55:35] mackarp2: nope too scared [00:55:35] gaddafi_duck_: “straight” [00:55:35] BluBiDefault: don't care [00:55:35] Tolaise: just watched the vid!!! congrats <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:55:36] YunglistDJ: If it aint gay, I don't want it [00:55:36] RevanGarcia: Oh no! :O [00:55:36] kat_the_khajiit: AW SHID I A LESBIAB NOW [00:55:36] fishy_hd21: Thats my girl <3 [00:55:36] FancyTrashMan: im bi, fuck you [00:55:36] Helen_Croft: Did it shrink? @F1NN5TER [00:55:36] Komnia: yooo letsgooo that's the way [00:55:36] becable: congrats [00:55:37] JessicaCaraKasey: MONSTER! haha 🤗😎 [00:55:37] rippazombie: hell yeahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:55:37] dangerousruben: its gay, or is it, maybe [00:55:37] ironhydra: ok [00:55:37] ArchyNemesis: It's a good day to be bi [00:55:37] IAmSarahcat: MAKE EVERYONE GAY FINN [00:55:37] divided_queen488: KEKW [00:55:37] Zeesium: guess i’m subbing then [00:55:37] VacillantVoid: schroedingers gay [00:55:37] greebowarrior: KEKW [00:55:38] kachtra: Woooffwoofwoof [00:55:38] maddiefromtv: based [00:55:38] skoralta: Nope, still Gay for me [00:55:38] Juliya_999: f1nnHands f1nnHands [00:55:38] johnkeiwo: Bisexuals stay winning tho ! [00:55:39] SunIsLost: @hobbitoverlord yea [00:55:39] ScarsUnseen: you're a gender anarchist. [00:55:39] xanvena21: cock reveal? [00:55:39] SnowyLando: or its completely gay [00:55:39] karojhe: Gaaaay!!! <3 [00:55:39] AnnaTheLazy: that shi loo lai tha ba''e pass [00:55:40] EmpressCard: The power of the gender fluid [00:55:40] userduwang: userduwang subscribed at Tier 1. [00:55:40] takeonlana: it is gay im a woman idiot [00:55:40] HebiTheSnek: Lemme he/him tiddies [00:55:40] mayaculous: if ur genderfluid, arent you just straight no matter what you like? [00:55:40] f3mmbot: userduwang subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang userduwang f1nnLezgang [00:55:41] madoka_magikate: 😂😂😂😂 [00:55:41] christa_lyn: Don't threaten us with a good time [00:55:41] scarlettyg: It actually is gay from now on for me [00:55:41] Yduno: Schrodinger's Straight [00:55:41] monkeh80: Love ya, congrats on coming out as gender fluid. honestly you are the first person that i know like me :) [00:55:41] cyphoenic_: I'm pan anyway so :p [00:55:41] kirathepan: What if I'm girly girl, it gay then?? [00:55:42] themindscrambler: Trans-Avatar! The Gender Bender! [00:55:42] cheff_cook: best news ever! [00:55:42] nemumonster: u are SO HAPPY it makes me SOOO HAPPY!!! happiness joy love aaaaaaa Q_Q [00:55:42] FROGcomply: julieeeRainbowB julieeeRainbowB julieeeRainbowB julieeeRainbowB [00:55:42] rocko89222: the ULIMATE dom [00:55:42] decilored: LETSGOO [00:55:42] benevolentbeaver: why arr yu gey [00:55:43] Flopilop: Whens the new Prisons video coming out? Kappa [00:55:43] Statdk: you fool, more than just you is bi [00:55:44] lyraeseltherogue: Jokes on you im pan [00:55:45] Speederzzz: Post em [00:55:45] sightedfiend16: jokes on you I like both [00:55:45] froggybutters: depends on the day😭 [00:55:45] beaneater197: Woooo [00:55:46] ariapgvt: We are all gay on this blessed day. But what about tomorrow? [00:55:46] Chri55PBacon: hmmm [00:55:46] PnkyPnk: Noooooo!!! [00:55:46] MikeWillStream: HELL YEAH [00:55:46] im_up_to_something: Get to the good jokes [00:55:47] Bleats_Sinodai: You can make EVERYONE GAY NOW [00:55:48] Luna_Lux9: No it's actually just extra-gay now. It's like 4d gay [00:55:48] hauntyourself: AGAB = assigned gay at battle pass [00:55:48] ClaraRenway: As a trans woman for me its kinda gay [00:55:49] biffis1032: I don't care if it's gay or not [00:55:50] ArminGux: it’s always bisexual to like you [00:55:50] jamexito: I'm still gay af [00:55:50] vds112: did itt tho? [00:55:50] zulustrength: What did I miss [00:55:50] sapphic_luma: Schrödinger's gay [00:55:50] LesbianWitchAcademia: F1nn now has total power to decide if every single one of his viewers is gay or not [00:55:51] Daniel54721: OMEGALUL 󠀀 [00:55:51] PH7SKULL: Someone gift me sub to the battle pass [00:55:51] blueskydrinking: what will I have to do to make it gay? LuL [00:55:51] Spaghetto_Depressi: Can you say it's Gay SO I can sub? [00:55:51] aymungoos: what do you mean stored? you only have dumb jokes [00:55:51] monikathewolf: eheheh you bet they were gonna ask [00:55:51] smallf234: your not the only bi buddy,gal [00:55:52] Ashlyn_Dreams: know what you want fertility wise, because its gonna come up. [00:55:52] axx_le: that’s HOT [00:55:52] hazelgamess: owo [00:55:52] distantbard24: to gay or not to gay [00:55:52] Wanesty: KEKW [00:55:52] ICurryI: F [00:55:52] ZethaBourbon: Finn is not all the genders. Is THE GENDER 🤣 The maximum gender. The legendary gender. Between heaven and earth, Finn alone is the gendered one 🤣 [00:55:53] diggingadandass: danm nice truck [00:55:53] asiatore: As if I cared in the first place [00:55:53] zvrkinjo: He's got too much power now [00:55:53] kateth: To be expected [00:55:53] gaspowereddog1: i love your shirt where did you get it [00:55:54] medical_size9000: I'm not straight [00:55:54] hhmmmmm: show the twitter drafts [00:55:54] CattoLozex: DID IT THO? [00:55:54] GoodHydrations: Really?? [00:55:54] mimmm: :( [00:55:54] Descriptivist: BASEDDDD [00:55:55] ItsToxicMasculinity: tomfoolery we do a little tom foolery [00:55:55] brandt_connors: sadge [00:55:55] juneguild: Speaking from experience, yes [00:55:56] eFlyman: @johnkeiwo we're eatin well tonight! [00:55:56] racc00n_samurai: make me a sandwich so i can eat it while you fix my car [00:55:56] johnkeiwo: shit happens FeelsBadMan [00:55:56] princess_morningstar: SMOL [00:55:56] flexo_777: D: [00:55:56] RoryLuukas: Post one from the drafts right now @f1nn5ter [00:55:56] theflamingsongbird: F [00:55:56] nodegen: how much [00:55:56] naagro: Still massive YEP [00:55:57] summertimehigh: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:55:57] MomochiZoey: Lesbians getting gayer [00:55:57] Shockwavemecha: dechartOof dechartOof dechartOof dechartOof [00:55:57] new_day_who_dis: So you haven't tucked because of shrinkage [00:55:57] Skullbuns: DID IT SHRINK LMAOO [00:55:57] quantumliv: Straight on some days [00:55:57] Dani_roa_: having a genderfluid in a relationship is like schrodinger sandwich [00:55:58] AeitZean: LUL [00:55:58] Sir_GoofyGrape: ULTIMATE LGBTQ+ SUPREMACY!!!! [00:55:58] Amoyamoyamoya: HOW MANY INCHES HAVE YOU LOST? [00:55:58] Kat_K1t: LuL [00:55:58] MaggieHeels: @Helen_Croft LOL [00:55:58] cloudy_two: what AA are you taking? [00:55:58] molrcore: do you have any tips for anyone who's experienced with labels but doesn't completely know? [00:55:59] cool_bleh: DAMNNN [00:55:59] LightMage670: not for those who are also genderfluid, then both sides decide GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:55:59] Xanoblade2: DAMN [00:55:59] NorableTTV: use it more then [00:55:59] cuttle_fist: Its kinda unavoidable lol [00:55:59] TheI3arracuda: cute [00:55:59] FlowersOfLight: damn u get to choose who gets to be misogynist that day [00:56:00] alexaspuds: show us the fucking Twitter drafts >:( [00:56:00] CaroCanaro: peepoSad [00:56:00] uchizombi: am I a boy? am I a girl? who knows! but everyone finds me hot and that makes everyone gay [00:56:00] lilithsspawn: L [00:56:00] AphiaDeMieux: F [00:56:00] pianoismyforte_: F [00:56:01] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: WOW IT COULD SHRINK ANYMORE!?!?!?!!?! [00:56:01] Zettrex: peepoSad smull peepoSad [00:56:01] oerbadiaruby: These gender fluid jokes are just the best. Same joke in different skin, but still slaps [00:56:01] jamtapot: did you get the sore hard ons - that shit sucks [00:56:01] braddle172: F [00:56:01] jennifer3037c: Ty Yung [00:56:02] phoebe_rc: Use it or lose it [00:56:02] Zaarey: I promise it wasn't gay at the time [00:56:02] enbyRadicat: The power of gender fluid + bisexual, is that any attraction is technically gay attraction [00:56:02] Djkrick_: ApuApustaja [00:56:02] booom264: Good time [00:56:02] Bartiono: F [00:56:02] Stuffilike: True [00:56:02] heta_6: Fin really be changing people's sexualities now lol [00:56:02] independent_observer: It doesn't shrink if you use it often enough [00:56:03] Allyis_Alive: use it or lose it babe [00:56:03] dijqwodijqowidjoiwdj: F [00:56:03] SnowDrop20: The Egg has hatched, a glorious day [00:56:03] Pilllow51: DID IT ? [00:56:03] iamkneetickler: MICRO [00:56:03] ekat2468: The poasting powah is gonna be so overpowered from you [00:56:03] StormvanRoon: It is gay but not gay but is gay but also not [00:56:03] MangledPork: "I swear it was bigger before, bro, I SWEAR" [00:56:03] Gumby_Apollo: Dang. It went from 3 to 2?? [00:56:03] TwinbeeMk2: Eh that'll happen but you deal [00:56:03] the_oracie: what's half an inch out of 20 am i right? [00:56:03] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER being bi just makes watching you even stranger [00:56:03] sayocrn: he was in the pool! [00:56:03] watchfulcargo18: small pp gang [00:56:04] Barbar7575: autistic gender fluid gremlin [00:56:04] TheSpinster: It's Fiiiiine [00:56:04] TheBoneTheif: oh nooo, anyways [00:56:04] Falqun: did you try the cages? [00:56:04] clio_eeyo: guaranteed half an inch [00:56:04] MsSpelled_MT: shrinkage is on a use it lose it, no? [00:56:04] Quatroid_: She measured chat. [00:56:04] frenchtoassty: It's cuter now [00:56:04] ChasingSol: 4.3 [00:56:05] MrsPandamber: need to keep using it [00:56:05] estherarchive: F [00:56:05] gwynim: sure it did buddy [00:56:05] moonpaii: F [00:56:05] JaneIsGaming: Finn can go from having straight sex to having gay sex at the flick of a switch that’s too powerful [00:56:06] zennizen: Same sadly [00:56:06] unovaismyregion: t4t and bi4bi? [00:56:06] XENOMAN5: When do you show the booba on BP? [00:56:06] jigitosiko: hello [00:56:06] lordgtafbi: F [00:56:06] Scarbble: "assigned gay at battlepass" looooooooool [00:56:06] trinkyi: jokes on you, it's never gay if you're pan [00:56:06] NovaeCorvidae: F [00:56:06] InvaderSquidGirl: InvaderSquidGirl is gifting 20 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 20 in the channel! [00:56:06] the_fynx: A sacrifice had to be made [00:56:06] abydon96: Bbbut [00:56:07] f3mmbot: invadersquidgirl has gifted a sub to 20 users in chat! [00:56:07] t0m1n4t0r: put up the Twitter drafts or post them [00:56:07] InvaderSquidGirl: InvaderSquidGirl gifted a Tier 1 sub to sosal123c! [00:56:07] InvaderSquidGirl: InvaderSquidGirl gifted a Tier 1 sub to FacelessSnow! [00:56:07] InvaderSquidGirl: InvaderSquidGirl gifted a Tier 1 sub to Clygro! [00:56:07] InvaderSquidGirl: InvaderSquidGirl gifted a Tier 1 sub to space_cookie! [00:56:07] InvaderSquidGirl: InvaderSquidGirl gifted a Tier 1 sub to DevX_off! [00:56:07] InvaderSquidGirl: InvaderSquidGirl gifted a Tier 1 sub to nelsonalec! [00:56:07] kevlarchicken: smol pp [00:56:07] InvaderSquidGirl: InvaderSquidGirl gifted a Tier 1 sub to Limping2p! [00:56:07] InvaderSquidGirl: InvaderSquidGirl gifted a Tier 1 sub to luluk0! [00:56:07] InvaderSquidGirl: InvaderSquidGirl gifted a Tier 1 sub to ohpokemang! [00:56:07] InvaderSquidGirl: InvaderSquidGirl gifted a Tier 1 sub to shortswarlok! [00:56:07] InvaderSquidGirl: InvaderSquidGirl gifted a Tier 1 sub to imarjinx! [00:56:07] InvaderSquidGirl: InvaderSquidGirl gifted a Tier 1 sub to asraxs! [00:56:08] RevanGarcia: Show us the drafts! Pls. [00:56:08] NicxGG: So its almost under 4 now [00:56:08] feebowlcs: hung like a mouse [00:56:08] ArchyNemesis: From hung like a mouse to hung like an ant [00:56:09] Amoyamoyamoya: IS IT MORE THAN LAST UPDATE? [00:56:09] The_Man_of_Sticks: How much is bottom surgery? [00:56:09] Darkness4desert: It was like it wasn't there [00:56:09] krovvy: cniTense but is cute right? [00:56:09] ormitri1: what if the battlepass viewer is also genderfluid, is it then like gay rock paper scissors [00:56:09] LunaVeraVerse: and will a lot more [00:56:10] 1CrimsonPrincess: Tiddy size? [00:56:10] DIBZ1977_: it can get any smaller??? [00:56:11] yoyokrish69: NOOOOOO OOOH [00:56:11] ATValdor: F [00:56:11] now_chemical: i love being fluid it’s the best one tbh [00:56:12] grap3_s0da: That is sacrifice! [00:56:12] Nirvana_W22: excuses [00:56:12] lemon_duck22: only bro decides whats gay and whats not [00:56:12] NyxianGaming: anyway ur cool and yeah it’s not surprising but i’m glad you felt comfortable coming out. [00:56:12] AshleyTheAsteroid: message deleted by mod x3000 lmaooo [00:56:12] jackalias: Dang, down to 12 inches [00:56:12] serpentineshepard: hows the brusing feeling behind your nipples <3 >=3 [00:56:13] cyphoenic_: mouse size? [00:56:13] AISOI: are you going to keep it? [00:56:13] decilored: F [00:56:13] azothenjoyer: i get low dose T gel and it fixes that!! [00:56:13] blackdevils521: LUL [00:56:13] yarrivin: we solved the question about everyone finding Finn hot [00:56:14] mr_leggy_d_1st: Did u get shorter? [00:56:14] ChasingSol: hahaha [00:56:14] Shal_Grace: KEKW [00:56:14] johnkeiwo: now it's only 10inches FeelsBadMan [00:56:15] NelordUK: Sadly NotLikeThis [00:56:15] johnkeiwo: now it's only 10inches FeelsBadMan [00:56:15] harrryot: Schrödingers schlong [00:56:15] johnkeiwo: now it's only 10inches FeelsBadMan [00:56:15] aggravatedconditions: So you DIY before going private? [00:56:15] octminer: KEKW [00:56:15] Myoukochou: LUL [00:56:16] DatChickenBro1: HAHAHAHHAHAHA [00:56:16] lurker_ger: LUL [00:56:16] CritCupcake: lol [00:56:16] ScarsUnseen: LOL [00:56:16] ironhydra: LMAO [00:56:16] perfersserderg: LUL [00:56:16] TheRealEpicSquid: nm bnvhgj.vhjvh [00:56:16] MikeWillStream: F [00:56:17] mortelsson: KEKW [00:56:17] ballcarver: eh it is what it is [00:56:17] pretzelbea: are you considering voice training [00:56:17] mx_alyn: equivalent exchange [00:56:17] FROGcomply: lol [00:56:17] taelion: KEKW [00:56:17] Mnh188: 10% discount on cawk pic [00:56:17] TruffleFry: worth it! [00:56:17] djathome: Good for you ! [00:56:17] maddiefromtv: L [00:56:17] ayarcee: Use it or Lose it, just saying [00:56:17] Komnia: LUL [00:56:18] LittleChaSiu: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW [00:56:18] 71M073J: perfect timing [00:56:18] BuffyCRP: She has too much power, He must be stopped [00:56:18] dangerousruben: you can say that it WAS massive [00:56:18] Popdowner: HAHAHA [00:56:18] Mario11041: KEKW 󠀀 [00:56:18] dj2226t: Use it or lose it... literally. [00:56:18] SnowyLando: does it feel different [00:56:18] Bleats_Sinodai: Goodbye long Johnson mongre6Salute [00:56:18] THE_kiki55: how IN THE WORLD are the mods KEEPING UP!??!?! [00:56:19] BanOompaLoompas: LMFAOOOO [00:56:19] bluecap_bc: Im straight againnnn [00:56:19] rocko89222: LMAO [00:56:19] Selstraits: monkaS [00:56:19] frailgift: From 10 to 9 inches [00:56:19] mystchevious1: aww. [00:56:19] grefitz: HAHAHAHHAHAHA [00:56:19] amyfluidgoth: and a dirty mouth :P [00:56:20] mgza81: LUL LUL LUL [00:56:20] nolainin3some: w [00:56:20] takeonlana: REAL [00:56:20] its_me_mario89: 5.1 [00:56:20] RykerSune: LUL [00:56:20] jondundas: L O L [00:56:20] octopusgirl: KEKW [00:56:21] ArminGux: so it’s a straight 4 now? [00:56:21] Dezponia: Butt size? [00:56:21] ButtChugginton: hot as fuck [00:56:21] ShironekoPancake: a small price to pay for salvation [00:56:21] randopersonn_: KEKW [00:56:21] xcornpops: straightt? gay? why should I care if it makes my pp hard :) [00:56:21] SwitchLeafe: people can't insult me because if they curse me as a dude I just ignore it cause I identify as a girl but if they call me a B!tch I smile and say thanks cause they gender me correctly [00:56:21] Amoyamoyamoya: GYATT ASS >>>> PP [00:56:21] cheesusyourlord: What more could you want [00:56:21] marelun1628: LETS GO [00:56:21] distractedcreative: 4.0 now? [00:56:21] ian1stabbey: That's even better! [00:56:21] FrosZt_iMG: XDDDDD [00:56:22] AstraCantPlay: KEKW [00:56:22] Avaerus0: So that's how you got the bigger ass [00:56:22] kive121u: hu [00:56:22] gruntbane: KEKW [00:56:22] radiocabea: KEKW Clap [00:56:22] LexFL_: lol [00:56:23] Woofmont: big ass but at what cost [00:56:23] scarlettyg: I'd find that trade ACCEPTABLE [00:56:23] Lucridis: Your ass absorbed your cock's power [00:56:23] prncx: DUDE? [00:56:23] ICurryI: RIP [00:56:23] widepeepo_deany: LETSGO hasO [00:56:23] Solrex: TransgenderPride Best girl TransgenderPride you rock! TransgenderPride [00:56:23] filip_zd10: more to take less to give [00:56:23] MaxVershhhtappen: wait until yours is smaller then ashley’s [00:56:23] LuMothra: LUL LUL LUL [00:56:23] Shoulderescape: LMAO [00:56:23] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: 🔎 🔎 🔎 🔎 🔎 🔎 [00:56:23] monkeh80: haha tiny peepee [00:56:23] professorpussicat: I tuck like 24/7 cause I want to make it smaller [00:56:23] diggingadandass: not gonna lie da truck looks like it would buss [00:56:24] izedbros: Lmaooooo [00:56:24] caramelglamour: HRT has consequences [00:56:24] Phuntis: hung like a woodlouse now [00:56:24] mimmm: KEKW [00:56:24] ciernaruza: LMAO [00:56:25] evilrymon1: LUL LUL [00:56:25] nerdypegasus: LUL LUL [00:56:25] pakjes12boter: pp Lpp [00:56:25] BabyRainbow03: ahhhh [00:56:25] toastychaii: AHAHAHA [00:56:25] NerolloTV: FeelsBadMan [00:56:25] Xphome: LUL [00:56:25] madoka_magikate: LMAO [00:56:25] lilbunminx: Poor Finn lol [00:56:25] 1958dino: Back in the 70s we though it would all be sorted in 10yrs or so, it wasn't and 40yrs later it still isn't. Sorted in 10yrs F1nn? Not a chance. 💐🇬🇧🤔😼🐈‍⬛🐕♥️🧀🥖☕🇪🇺🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦💐 [00:56:25] call_me_kashi: But legit, sitting gets more comfortable [00:56:25] SnubaDude: same [00:56:25] nouma2: Hahahahhahhahahhaha [00:56:25] SnabbKassa: Sulu, divert all power to the ship's ass [00:56:25] Aren711: KEKW [00:56:26] mystchevious1: You're soo darling. [00:56:26] MichaelYuzhe: HAAA [00:56:26] BestGamerBoyWasAlwaysHere: -.5 in [00:56:26] CarbonDiam: HAHAHHAA THE TIMING [00:56:26] Horpel: you gave it away with your comments about sexuality for me [00:56:26] envysaysbonk: WORTH IT [00:56:26] nodegen: measurements now! [00:56:26] thepopeofcopium: shrinkage is real [00:56:26] daguerreotypes: W [00:56:27] PnkyPnk: 2 inches minus 1 is sadly more than a little [00:56:27] AkariaTX: THE TIMING KEKW [00:56:27] Hundelsa: LULLUL LUL [00:56:27] cynikyl: Getting banned speed run KEKW [00:56:27] myfate: words i didnt expect to hear today [00:56:27] Lokuri1002: LUL [00:56:27] sp00kykj: went from 12 to 11, understandable gigachad [00:56:27] Saymitez: Dodged [00:56:27] satelitko: A moment of silence for the little guy. [00:56:27] bluj40: sacrifices were made [00:56:28] SIRKIT210: tucking is gonna be so easy now lol [00:56:28] KfkFod: based [00:56:28] murderouss_melon: id make that deal damn good deal [00:56:28] jackalsclaw: you post an image of PPt between 2 pieces of bread on battlepass [00:56:28] jamexito: proof [00:56:28] evericor000: Finn I have not cried in 9-10 years [00:56:29] sapphic_luma: SMOL but THICC [00:56:29] new_day_who_dis: 😂😂😂 [00:56:29] MajesticFvckingEagle: @johnkeiwo it's Joever [00:56:29] pyrandname: weight shifted backwards [00:56:29] Feredir55: LMAO [00:56:29] UnperfectOne: 2.4? [00:56:30] bigsuave7: LUL B) [00:56:30] Statdk: Did you start having to pee constantly once you started HRT? [00:56:30] YumeNoZen: I mean, I didn't have that much shrinkage? [00:56:30] cedric_callnight: Truly "hung like a mouse" [00:56:30] BongoCatDown: KEK [00:56:31] Angelgames15: BisexualPride TransgenderPride TwitchConHYPE [00:56:31] SunIsLost: @mayaculous Yes, but also always gay [00:56:31] PH7SKULL: When is Amazon gunna let use use prime to sub to the battle pass [00:56:31] denialdelivery798: Say it's a lot to save yourself the shame [00:56:31] TheFoxtato: big ass small cock combo goes crazy [00:56:31] sageowl57: CALLED IT [00:56:32] TrueMezzo: trading inches [00:56:32] rubyytea: LMAOOOO [00:56:32] heta_6: An improvement [00:56:32] Kylarixr: Haha that was timing! [00:56:32] Rue4192: is half considered "a little bit"? [00:56:33] veluminous: wait how long on hrt now? [00:56:33] amethystbinx: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride AsexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [00:56:33] Environmela: What was retracted inwards, went out the back [00:56:33] jamtapot: @F1NN5TER the fact that you actual had an arse was when i realised you must be on e now [00:56:33] CoffeeComic64: capnfPEEPERS capnfPEEPERS capnfPEEPERS capnfPEEPERS capnfPEEPERS [00:56:33] Lennexofficial: butt reveal? [00:56:33] Bloodcoatrain: resources were re-distributed [00:56:34] mayaculous: u gotta work it a lot. use it or lose it [00:56:34] TrissByTor: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:56:34] awe_rora: Ass is stored in the cock apparently [00:56:34] cubus35: you win some you lose some [00:56:34] oof_a_m: LMAOO [00:56:34] LordClintCee: I believe the correct nomenclature is now "Gock" [00:56:34] kirathepan: The d*ck meat went BEHIND! [00:56:34] crimson12650: any comments about BDSM? [00:56:34] beaneater197: Yay [00:56:35] elion3li: redistribution [00:56:35] Pilllow51: FRom not a lot to even less ? [00:56:35] lampjade: You may need a new chair if it gets away on you :) [00:56:35] Stevethegrate: the real question is: does Ten know??? [00:56:35] JudgeGold: NotLikeThis [00:56:35] garbelery: All those "straight" men are suddenly straight again sometimes [00:56:36] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: you DO have a smaller cock XD but a far better looking ass XD <3 [00:56:37] Adam1729: Worth [00:56:37] justinisntfunny: Noticably smaller?!? [00:56:38] AeitZean: That explains the Angeline story LUL [00:56:38] CrayonsAreMyFavoriteSnack: Even smaller? didnt think it was possible [00:56:38] jade8703: bigger ass smaller cock, welcome to the club bbygrl [00:56:38] MisaelCapria: f1nn5ter out of context is going crazy today [00:56:39] Catamondium: @F1NN5TER junk in the trunk [00:56:39] writhinglekku: BOP [00:56:39] dee_the_magical: it'll be interesting to see the clips after this [00:56:39] Zyrashana: Any plans wrt voice? [00:56:39] jennifer3037c: So he always was an egg [00:56:41] sparkrust: oh wow you are really putting it all out there [00:56:42] MissJesStar: How does the freedom of emotions feel? [00:56:42] Mr_Fluffy97: Ahahahahahahaha oh my god [00:56:43] MooCowTracy: bigger and smaller, at the same time.. [00:56:44] gaddafi_duck_: so it actually shrunk? [00:56:44] NovaeCorvidae: what was on the pro/con list [00:56:44] NichtzNeues: So your nail tech knew what she was wondering about? [00:56:44] HelloThisIsDee: Trans day of visibility is at the end of the month, you missed a trick dude. Cheer100 [00:56:44] fl0ck9: next we cry my guy [00:56:45] LesbianWitchAcademia: F1nn looking at his ass and cock "Well well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions" [00:56:45] giuseppetheboxer0: hi [00:56:45] YourInnerBatman: worse blood circulation [00:56:45] jencalliope: is there a reason u chose the third [00:56:45] NicxGG: WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU [00:56:45] Skullbuns: would YOU take the trade chat? skullb38WHAT [00:56:46] TeraValia: i mean, not a bad thing losing an inch or two when you started off with 10. lol [00:56:47] SoftcoreTrashtalk: does this mean you're not my favorite femboy anymore? [00:56:48] oholivia0018: Whats a centimeter for a giant [00:56:48] XenMonkey: Girl voice when? [00:56:48] DarkestDawn64: And you were getting so heated the other day about people looking at the battle pass and going “it’s cute.” [00:56:48] JemHoward: Why am I unable to donate? [00:56:48] Hazewind: So no boobs plus big Pepe? [00:56:49] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: comedy timing on point [00:56:49] NelordUK: Fin.exe is overloading [00:56:49] Popdowner: the pp, it relocated 💀 [00:56:49] bungleinglo: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:56:49] funkeyaimes: what route did you decide to get your hrt? [00:56:49] BgT1990: theyll grow [00:56:49] smallf234: leveld up but recieved a nerf [00:56:50] dragonshardz: f1nn would you say that if you're feeling gremlin, your gender is whatever makes someone else gay? [00:56:51] haze1nu1s: Yayyy [00:56:51] moybo1: Perfectly balanced, as all things should be [00:56:51] LogicalOdditys: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:56:51] sirzazzelot: F1nnster Domain Expansion: You're Gay When I Say [00:56:51] space_cookie: @InvaderSquidGirl thank you [00:56:52] bearpaw1970: Lmao ' you really are destined for amazing journey [00:56:53] LunaVeraVerse: you need to wait anyway lol [00:56:53] CattoLozex: finn's officially 12'1 now 💔 [00:56:53] isabaellchen: haha [00:56:54] lurker_ger: what about butt implants tho?? [00:56:54] JessieJane: Congrats on coming out and on starting HRT. Love from someone that hit 10 years on HRT this year. [00:56:55] takeonlana: what about bottom surgery? [00:56:55] XENOMAN5: What did Daddy Ten say? [00:56:55] yoyokrish69: Peak breedable physique [00:56:55] taelion: So how‘s voice training? [00:56:56] toni_kus: I LOVE HIM LMAO [00:56:56] CritCupcake: When did Tens know? [00:56:56] sleepwhatsthat: FINNNN [00:56:57] MrsPandamber: theyre gonna hurt for a while still [00:56:57] Ostlords: @F1NN5TER bro minecraft just played the most dramatic music when you said it shrunk a little [00:56:57] tinylilhorse: clip [00:56:58] Avaerus0: Sensitive nipples suck [00:56:58] SpacedM0use: growing titties has been one of the best things I have done for myself [00:56:58] ExtremeCreamDream: We did it twitch. We paid F1nn enough money to transition. Now we don't have to be gayge whew [00:56:58] ScarsUnseen: after 20 years on HRT, i do not want implants, and i barely have tits. it's fine. [00:56:58] grap3_s0da: What did sodacat say? [00:56:58] Faeruune: Finn, if you use any pronouns, you should go by a mix, call that Shim [00:56:59] starduckxd: finn if you spike your own drink what happens [00:56:59] RibbonThe: Proud of you! [00:57:00] diggingadandass: F1NN's truck looks like it would smack/buss [00:57:01] SleepyTeaMage: Ehh yeah you can figure it out later if you want! demipyroNod Totally reasonable [00:57:02] KayTheUnstimky: if you do i reccomend waiting till your done growing trust me [00:57:02] Matamir: brooooo so fucking real [00:57:02] Chisailol: this is the gender stream ever [00:57:03] alchemylla: I feel like having someone who is this big on the internet come out like this is really big. Just being you regardless of labels or expectations. This is so important for people who are looking to find themselves! [00:57:03] juneguild: Yep Yep [00:57:03] skylikesaerospace: the more I grew boobs the more I liked them, I was uncertain about them for a while though [00:57:04] lemon_duck22: just let them live😔 [00:57:04] NYRNNR: they grow enough from HRT alone sooo [00:57:06] now_chemical: they’ll hurt less later [00:57:06] PsychoFisch: does that change anything for twitter tos? [00:57:07] jackalias: Saying that like you don't look amazing [00:57:07] PnkyPnk: So you switch between Gock and Cock at will??? [00:57:07] Total_Acidity: Mine still hurt even after a year on HRT [00:57:07] widepeepo_deany: BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:57:08] windsage561: Law of equivalent exchange [00:57:08] StanchSkate: One cup size less them your family members [00:57:09] oliviazbored: ello, just seen ur vid congrats :) [00:57:10] lenar0se: honestly detachable boobs is my enby ideal [00:57:11] ClaraRenway: gotta give them time [00:57:11] alexx_net: Is doing the girl voice less cringe for you now? [00:57:11] NathanR38: we're happy with the hershey's kisses [00:57:11] rainyparade_: They'll probably start hurting less in like a year or so if I remember right [00:57:12] CarnagexElite: yep they start off looking like moobs lol [00:57:12] c__r__j: What made you decide to let boobs do what they do rather than try to stop them? [00:57:12] t1nylesbian: anyone else jealous that they're on hrt and not yourself....... because I am (in a not bad way) [00:57:13] rubyytea: yea at the end of the day they are mostly fat dkgjbhfj [00:57:13] AeitZean: You just need to use your cock more to stop it shrinking Kappa [00:57:15] experiencepoints: @F1NN5TER That shit'll last for a couple years probably [00:57:15] SnabbKassa: you can still look like leanbeefp [00:57:15] scarlettyg: Muscle Mommy arc has truly started then KEKW [00:57:16] cheff_cook: Boobs are overrated anyways [00:57:16] OliviaTalks: redistribution of mass, you're probs gonna need to go pants shopping at some point [00:57:16] giuseppetheboxer0: what ? [00:57:16] nana_mowa: I gtg. Finn I love you and am so proud of you. You're a big inspiration for me and I can't wait to see how you bloom. [00:57:17] Kittenfemboy: wait whatttttttt Finn is transitioning ?? [00:57:18] ThatAries321: Honestly, F1nn was the one that gave me the courage to come out to my family and it has made a huge difference mentally [00:57:19] jimtag_: ssammme I hate this inbetween [00:57:20] monikathewolf: let the HRT do its thing and see where it brings you...no need to thing about implants or anything right now [00:57:22] bucksben: Has your height changed?!! [00:57:22] lordgtafbi: insert 'when you say your fine, but you are not fine meme' LUL [00:57:22] kuzokrogue: ive known you were a woman since I first clapped eyes on you [00:57:23] frenchtoassty: Start the bulk [00:57:23] Shal_Grace: you have to wait a while anyway to wait for them to stop growing by themselves @F1NN5TER [00:57:24] Flopilop: Remember the days when he used to say he wasnt trans? [00:57:24] bungleinglo: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:57:24] mackarp2: BULK BULK BULK [00:57:24] HandOvrFist: You announced you're bi, have you dated/ been intimate with the bros? [00:57:25] xero93: e raises ur body fat % [00:57:26] aggravatedconditions: ur on a diet wut? [00:57:26] musixela: What aspect of your transition has made you happiest? [00:57:27] ArminGux: yeah women have more fat then muscle [00:57:29] LylaHehe: I’m late to the stream, how did you obtain your hrt? [00:57:30] MaxVershhhtappen: i have BOOBA but i am a fat cis male [00:57:30] galeasgames: TransgenderPride [00:57:32] Dezponia: Hips? [00:57:32] Techigo2: hello [00:57:33] meta1girl: girl voice incoming??? [00:57:34] PaganOrca: F1nn going to naturally get up to a J cup, there is no need for implants. [00:57:36] abydon96: Those puppers need food to grow [00:57:36] Luna_Lux9: OH SHIT YEAH be super careful, E can make gaining weight super easy especially as muscle-mass decreases (assuming you don't do muscle-building to maintain) [00:57:36] Mister_Dur: HI [00:57:38] sionaprice: does Ashley ever threaten to cop a feel? [00:57:38] Myoukochou: Yeah, look out for the cones around freezers... [00:57:38] Eromaw: 9.5k viewers, you need to come out more often KEKW [00:57:39] asoftgoth: yeah if you want booba YOU HAVE TO EAT [00:57:39] CyanoticJam: Time for Glottoplasty then [00:57:40] ScarsUnseen: so are you still a femboy? [00:57:40] BobTheJanit0r: yooo just saw the video, congrats f1nnCool [00:57:40] BgT1990: nice [00:57:40] ciernaruza: nice [00:57:40] xXNeroZashiXx: noice [00:57:40] Cyrushutnyk: are you planning on changing your name on official docs? [00:57:41] nodegen: them being mostly in the way but you still think theyre kinda cool, makes it seem like they might stay though [00:57:42] unovaismyregion: get thicc [00:57:42] oliviazbored: been busy, am back now [00:57:42] mr_leggy_d_1st: Hight? [00:57:42] MajesticFvckingEagle: ...Nice [00:57:42] plzdontmindme_: girl voice? [00:57:43] PowerOf47: nice [00:57:43] Scarbble: 69 kg, nice [00:57:43] freeattorney508: you have a lady lance now [00:57:43] Faeruune: also congrats F1NN! I came out a few years back and I know how scary it is. Sexuality and gender wise [00:57:43] PaToRoKu: So you and your girlfriend are lesbians now? 🤔 [00:57:44] christa_lyn: Good girl [00:57:44] Spectre223: Man bulks to the weight of my fuckin shadow [00:57:44] globcob: niec [00:57:45] CarnagexElite: 18 months and I’m pretty much a solid C cup [00:57:46] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: 69?? NICE [00:57:47] Scyi_: puberty takes ages, like 5-7 years [00:57:47] GranatMelone: TransgenderPride GayPride [00:57:47] sepiak824: nice [00:57:47] DogsToyEvSkiii: @MaxVershhhtappen samesies girlll [00:57:48] yoyokrish69: I loved that ice cream clip of yours it pretty much made me Bi [00:57:49] Luckyscore: HRT destroys muscle [00:57:49] Helen_Croft: did you stop the boob blockers? @F1NN5TER [00:57:49] jackalias: What's that in freedom units? [00:57:50] riley___something: 69 NOCE [00:57:50] gaddafi_duck_: nice [00:57:50] krovvy: lol [00:57:51] realxelnoc: gock? [00:57:52] moonpaii: fin pregnant? [00:57:52] georgerossofkildary: Nice [00:57:53] deepinfrozen: Bussy will become official? [00:57:53] galaxygamer0770: femboy baby when? [00:57:53] axx_le: twink death [00:57:54] Elflite: xqcCheer xqcL [00:57:54] ramboo1989: ramboo1989 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 46 in the channel! [00:57:55] f3mmbot: ramboo1989 has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:57:55] ramboo1989: ramboo1989 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dixen_12! [00:57:55] ramboo1989: ramboo1989 gifted a Tier 1 sub to TazmosisUS! [00:57:55] ramboo1989: ramboo1989 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jellyfisharecool! [00:57:55] ramboo1989: ramboo1989 gifted a Tier 1 sub to natalie_1984! [00:57:55] ramboo1989: ramboo1989 gifted a Tier 1 sub to conileri! [00:57:55] Esper89: you should get bottom surgery for the bit. it would be so funny [00:57:56] okbruh1525: start mewing :3 [00:57:57] b0ared: Just seen ur vid an im happy for u [00:57:58] hydrangea_sh: what about tenmuse [00:57:58] Bo_The_Destroyer: You're only 70 kg? [00:57:58] kilan222: 69 nice [00:57:59] alexx_net: @HandOvrFist Dating life is private. [00:57:59] bungleinglo: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:57:59] themindscrambler: No new season battlepass content? [00:57:59] OfficiOlly: see I’m nonbinary and want no BOOBA but I gotta hella ass yk but I wanna look confusing to the people bc dude I don’t like feminine pronouns or being perceived as feminine and I know when I get top surgery I’m gonna wanna be so damn feminine bc I won’t look it. [00:57:59] Bleats_Sinodai: Btw now your legs are gonna get GAINS [00:57:59] bdix727: what was teh reason for gaining weight? [00:58:00] XenMonkey: f? [00:58:01] LylaHehe: how did you get HRT? [00:58:02] XENOMAN5: What did Ten say when you told him? [00:58:03] vsennafraza: Finn what about your voice training? are you thinking about doing that again? [00:58:03] oerbadiaruby: I literally am struggling to gain weight 😫 [00:58:03] Lurnok: what about voice trainig :) [00:58:04] Askjong: do you have to change the "femboy cup" to be a "waifu cup"? [00:58:05] WuppieF: hahaha [00:58:05] lizardwizard1005: over 2 years and wish they were bigger [00:58:06] kapumon: the baggy clothes make sense now [00:58:06] ExtremeCreamDream: F1nn you gonna become a muscle mommy now? [00:58:07] RosieKT: hewo [00:58:07] HiCanYouHelp: how tall are you? [00:58:07] HardyOrange: imagine being on feminizing hrt and potentially getting a chest reduction [00:58:07] judgedame: you are like 12 in just chatting [00:58:07] braddle172: It all makes sense now [00:58:08] ArminGux: u said you wanted bigger cake [00:58:08] GhostOfAFlea: SERMs ain't nothing to fuck with [00:58:09] TheSpinster: If you start getting stretch marks - Olive Oil and Caster Sugar rub will Help!! [00:58:10] CutiePhenn: there are boob blockers! [00:58:10] ezk_r: i leave for 2 minutes and F1NN does a double coming out [00:58:12] colliecell: i love genders [00:58:13] MagickMuse: how did you discover you were bi? [00:58:13] bearpaw1970: Your painting of "why do I have titties" could be your amazing future self [00:58:13] plzdontmindme_: where are you on girl voice? [00:58:14] Lazulli0_0: How the F do you get me more jealous every time?? [00:58:14] SwitchLeafe: wait what? we need to bulk? I thought hrt made us keep more fat [00:58:15] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [00:58:15] Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnSad f1nnHeart cakejuSharko cakejuComfy [00:58:16] OmsX8O: Bing Bong! flippi38Love soluskLove flippi38Wiggle loopie1Wiggle hozzerWiggle deamhaWiggle bardicsWiggle f1nnBingbong [00:58:18] Shrek9871: Androgyno [00:58:19] aymungoos: any waist changes? [00:58:20] mia_pup: mia_pup subscribed at Tier 1. [00:58:20] mcg9696: the femboy kibble is going striaight to the booba [00:58:20] f3mmbot: mia_pup subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang mia_pup f1nnLezgang [00:58:21] SnowyLando: so bc of hrt are ur boobs growing? [00:58:21] FROGcomply: boobs [00:58:21] MikeWillStream: bing bong [00:58:22] mackarp2: as a gym bro we respect all bulkers [00:58:22] Statdk: imma get boob blockers one day lmao [00:58:22] pianoismyforte_: Bing bong! [00:58:22] notBeWitchy: is this coming out helping with the mental health issues you were experiencing before? [00:58:22] mr_mcscwier: potatoes are scrumptious [00:58:24] scarlettyg: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [00:58:24] mayaculous: finn is tge next leanbeefpatty [00:58:24] heta_6: How do you feel about voice training now? [00:58:24] Nesqve: I am jelous [00:58:24] Jozzgo: <3 <3 <3 [00:58:25] jamexito: will you voice train? [00:58:26] xXNeroZashiXx: Bing Bong [00:58:26] medical_size9000: 70 kg damn I weigh 100 kg [00:58:27] jamtapot: @F1NN5TER i was also weirdly scared of getting boobs but i think its because of the permanence of them - i love them now [00:58:28] beaneater197: Wait is there no more bussy [00:58:28] Amoyamoyamoya: @MagickMuse, Last January [00:58:28] NikoVixoLIVE: I love how quickly you glossed over the bi part in the video. The real question is, have you been with a guy? [00:58:29] ClaraRenway: Lets Goooo f1mter booba growth [00:58:30] jennifer3037c: Who will be the girl? Finn or Ashley? [00:58:30] bdix727: what was the reason for gaining weight? [00:58:31] canvaspainting: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:58:31] Vanimal2118: f1nnBingbong f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnPegChamp [00:58:31] Hardie_Madness: @moonpaii finn prefenent confirmed [00:58:32] now_chemical: damn i want a sub lol [00:58:34] bakerzero01: any advice for ppl that are unsure if they should do HRT or not? [00:58:35] imamuffinhead: You could say..sometimes your first label isn't meant to be [00:58:35] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: The second and third year of E is the growth spurt for the booba. Remember the mantra: Sore tiddy means more tiddy. [00:58:35] morgan_drui: f1nnBingbong f1nnHands [00:58:36] Worldsokeyest: hey grey market HRT is fine [00:58:36] realxelnoc: the real question is how this affects the minecraft content [00:58:37] karlkat007: karlkat007 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! [00:58:37] thepopeofcopium: 2x4 [00:58:37] f3mmbot: karlkat007 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:58:38] HardyOrange: f1nnBingbong TransgenderPride f1nnBingbong TransgenderPride f1nnBingbong [00:58:38] NovaeCorvidae: Was the list in the video the real pro con list? [00:58:39] caramelglamour: f1nns gonna 5'6" soon! [00:58:40] the_boredom: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:58:41] PH7SKULL: Almost 10k viewers Jesus we have grown [00:58:41] braddle172: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:58:41] ThunderDino486: slow clap for the shocker of we already knew [00:58:42] frenchtoassty: HYBRID [00:58:42] yoyokrish69: HOT [00:58:42] smallgodguido123: voice training? [00:58:43] erockyoutoo: @f1nn5ter you should change your bio and remove the quotes from “woman” now! [00:58:43] galaxygamer0770: femboy baby when?femboy baby when?femboy baby when?femboy baby when?femboy baby when? [00:58:43] MatteLikePaint20: i’m so happy for you Finn I’ve loved your videos for a while now and I’m so happy to be watching this while it happens [00:58:44] CujoMcFly: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride so proud of you, @f1nn5ter [00:58:45] gwen_the_ninth: F1nn built different [00:58:45] LunaVeraVerse: that takes a lot longer [00:58:46] Bleats_Sinodai: Did your legs get gains at all? [00:58:46] christa_lyn: Femgirl [00:58:47] bungleinglo: PopNemo [00:58:48] TrissByTor: Bing bong [00:58:48] unovaismyregion: hips? [00:58:49] elliecharmie: im so jealous!! but also congrats! [00:58:50] krovvy: Gremlin physique [00:58:50] Nilinn31: wait HRT makes you take on weight ? [00:58:52] Lucridis: It's called weight cycling. It grows your butt apparently [00:58:53] WATERSPIRITtunes: you're not beating the puppygirl allegations [00:58:53] kirathepan: Your body is desirable (to have) [00:58:53] twodipshits: i wanna keep watching but its getting hella late here [00:58:54] GhostOfAFlea: Also, Cypro makes you hungry AF [00:58:54] prncx: can i take hrt if i am a woman chat? [00:58:56] zombiii: we will need a different before stream image now [00:58:56] harrryot: Build different, build twink-ish [00:58:57] Catamondium: ass [00:58:57] kgober: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:58:58] mayaculous: he always had a slutty waist [00:58:59] Andromeda42442: do you still take finasteride? [00:58:59] FROGcomply: Ashley top confirmed [00:58:59] ox_Saturn_xo: wait so i’m kinda confused, what are your pronouns? 😀👍 [00:58:59] JemHoward: Doesn't HRT make you lose muscle? [00:59:00] BucketMan1g: would you still consider yourself a femboy [00:59:00] rw03_bjw: Didn't we put a million channel points on this announcement 🤔 [00:59:00] Zynick_: Was it odd explaining this to your doctor for HRT? [00:59:00] scribbz123: DUMP TRUCKKKKK [00:59:00] writhinglekku: nice [00:59:02] goose_11224: @galaxygamer0770 wtf [00:59:03] umutk_99: trans content like Ashley???? [00:59:03] im_up_to_something: Nice 👍🏼 [00:59:04] MaxVershhhtappen: so that’s why your ASS was that fat with gamersupps pre-sale release!?!?!?! [00:59:04] FancyTrashMan: nice [00:59:04] filip_zd10: show?? [00:59:04] skyboundmaster: like squidward [00:59:04] ollie_jandro: HELL YEAH BOTHER [00:59:05] rocko89222: nice [00:59:06] XENOMAN5: Any cake growth? [00:59:06] ICurryI: Prove it [00:59:06] Lennexofficial: pics? [00:59:07] Avaerus0: Very cool [00:59:07] ickystreams: you sound like me rn 😡 [00:59:07] Wanesty: peepoHappy ye we saaw [00:59:08] Bimmel2452: Jealous [00:59:09] fr0styjck: me and the wife already knew lol, we saw the sudden weight gains and said yup lol <3 [00:59:09] kuzokrogue: :) [00:59:10] naagro: Good genetics Pog [00:59:12] KevinStandlee: Congratulations! I hope you are happier with yourself and will continue to grow into yourself. And I think it's great that your parents and partner are supportive. [00:59:13] Horpel: its so great to see you! Having the same experience over 10 years ago :) I was way into transition and my now girlfriend was somewhere nothing [00:59:13] Y0rk5h1r3: Are you gonna join Ashley in working out now then? [00:59:13] nyrhalahotep: squishy thighs, forever [00:59:14] bluedeltaheart: show us [00:59:15] cloudofraine: Femster PogU [00:59:15] lurker_ger: dbjTurkeyAss [00:59:15] call_me_kashi: Welcome to the puberty round 2 tadpole phase, it's weird [00:59:15] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:59:15] bearpaw1970: That's pretty amazing [00:59:16] Duuhdaah: Stand up! [00:59:17] SwitchLeafe: I can't bulk as I already way 80kg [00:59:18] jigitosiko: you have Libido or Not more? [00:59:18] ClaraRenway: @prncx lots of women do [00:59:19] BabyRainbow03: cake been caking [00:59:19] spacegirl_venus: chat what are we finally talking abour? :3 [00:59:19] OfficiOlly: OH YEAH HELLA THIGHS [00:59:21] WuppieF: ass reveal when [00:59:22] ChasingSol: @ox_Saturn_xo he/him for now [00:59:22] LylaHehe: how did you get your HRT? [00:59:23] bdix727: so b00ba maybe? [00:59:24] Emoney129: She's an Ass Man [00:59:24] independent_observer: Everyone has a genetically coded boob size... Mine turned out to be quite big [00:59:25] PnkyPnk: Do they squish tho?? [00:59:25] frenchtoassty: Prove it [00:59:25] medical_size9000: I'm Gaining weight because I'm a competitive strongman [00:59:26] SnowyLando: as an afab, all my weight goes to my stomach [00:59:27] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:59:28] krovvy: LOL [00:59:30] officalchionkinnie: i have a question when did it fo from a bit to like real? in other words- when did you realize you were trans? [00:59:31] CarnagexElite: HAHA IM CURVY AS HELL [00:59:31] ForksAreFree: Finn built like a Pixar mom [00:59:31] sapphic_luma: T H I C C [00:59:32] rainyparade_: Love that everyone said you gave them bi panic and now you are the bi panic [00:59:32] applejakxx: Are you wanting to sound more feminine? Or are you happy with your current voice?? [00:59:32] prncx: thanks [00:59:32] ZerschnetzIer: since when did you know you are bi? [00:59:34] serpentineshepard: that much of waight change like that was lucky!, envy! [00:59:34] aymungoos: Don't tell gambling addicts. They'll take hrt just for the game of chance [00:59:35] caspersoupp: CONGRATS!! [00:59:35] takeonlana: I had a good ass before hrt. Now I have an ever better ome. [00:59:36] LittleChaSiu: @SnowyLando good okay it's not just me LUL [00:59:37] ScarsUnseen: i got no tits or ass after 20 years... so whatever. [00:59:37] CottontailVA: im proud of you [00:59:37] cuttle_fist: You can always waist train if its a source of dysphoria- plenty safe if you don't go too far [00:59:37] Fronarn: turn around for a bit [00:59:38] StormvanRoon: Congrats finn!! Did you look at guys and were like "hmmm men" or how did it go? [00:59:39] kachtra: shes so real for that one [00:59:39] ShakaShocker: Holy shit you're on HRT now!? 😮 nice [00:59:40] GravitArinya: when did you start?? [00:59:41] spaceghost_gaming: Were you always bi sexual or did that happen later in life [00:59:41] k1ngracer07: how long has f1nn been on it [00:59:41] SalvoBrick: TRU its years of work [00:59:43] alliegothic: 3 years here its a grind lol [00:59:45] shidooooouu: knowing you can decide when im gay and not frightens me you beautiful.....human, you [00:59:45] kateth: Hi cotton! [00:59:46] bluesomethingicantthinkrn: How do you take your hrt? [00:59:46] HardyOrange: lmao, she gets mad at you for mansplaining hrt to her [00:59:46] Im_V__: so no baby boba yet? [00:59:46] CyanoticJam: I'm 24 years in, is that enough? [00:59:47] johnkeiwo: inconHi Hello worrunHi cotton [00:59:47] xylirian: Hey gamer, been a while. I have been following you everywhere for the last couple years, but don't interact a lot. I do however feel like you deserve a congratulations on all your success and all the comfort you have gained about your life. -Eli [00:59:47] jennifer3037c: I had pain when boobs started also [00:59:49] AeitZean: @cottontailva f1nnHeart [00:59:49] caramelglamour: yah super curvy here [00:59:49] ValerieGothic: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:59:49] XENOMAN5: You said you’ve always had a low libido did it go up or down on E? [00:59:50] Catamondium: booba [00:59:50] Mitchn5: hasL congrats on this [00:59:50] xx_zephyroht_xx: xx_zephyroht_xx subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months! here we go again! lets go!! [00:59:50] John_Blaze03575: I’ll sub to your battlepass when you start showing your hole and shaft [00:59:50] f3mmbot: xx_zephyroht_xx subscribed to f1nn5ter for 34 months using Prime! PogU [00:59:50] scarlettyg: Hi Cotton <3 [00:59:50] xHaneKun: Hi Cotton [00:59:51] Spaghetto_Depressi: Hey Cotton! [00:59:52] Speederzzz: Cotton! [00:59:52] Mikey2207: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:59:52] html2034: Cotton [00:59:53] jamexito: r u doing or will you do voice training????????? [00:59:53] NecroPhyre: All my weight seems to be going to my tits lol [00:59:56] octminer: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [00:59:56] like_us_12: hello [00:59:56] SnowyLando: @LittleChaSiu no ass, fat tummy xD [00:59:56] mimmm: cotton! [00:59:56] TheI3arracuda: ello Cotton [00:59:57] gwen_the_ninth: zentreHeart Cotton~! [00:59:57] ballcarver: Hi Cotton [00:59:57] dangerousruben: hi cotton [00:59:57] elion3li: cotton!! [00:59:58] HidingTheLight: ironmouseBLANKIEDANCE [00:59:58] Amoyamoyamoya: Heya @CottontailVA [00:59:59] rocko89222: Hiii cottom [01:00:01] userduwang: When i started HRT, You were (and still are) my icon. Now i'm 1.5 years on HRT and i'm glad to see you finding your identity. :3 [01:00:01] SwitchLeafe: Hi Cotton [01:00:02] templarkeira: I just got chubby with HRT, 2019 I started. [01:00:02] witonis: I wanna start HRT now, but like, as a bit [01:00:03] kenji173: what happened did she just kill the meme? [01:00:04] QueenLyrae: even before hrt all my weight went to my ass [01:00:04] keller4589: Hii cotton [01:00:04] MajesticFvckingEagle: Hi Cotton [01:00:04] kat_the_khajiit: Nah fimter you got some nice thighs [01:00:05] somemelondude: hi cotton [01:00:06] gwynim: Hi Cotton ctvaHeart [01:00:07] applejakxx: @F1NN5TER Are you wanting to sound more feminine? Or are you happy with your current voice?? [01:00:08] seymourbuttsz: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:00:08] isabaellchen: haha cotton, that looks yummy [01:00:09] beaneater197: Hi cotton [01:00:10] rtpl06: is it possibile to just start HRT for ass [01:00:11] bearpaw1970: 🤟😁 Hey cotton [01:00:12] torreyceramee: Hormones are the fucking best thing [01:00:12] judgedame: hello cooton [01:00:12] 19peter79: If you get tits done, then you won't have a six pack but an 8 pack [01:00:12] Scyi_: Cyproterone is so brutal [01:00:13] morgan_drui: Pride1 [01:00:14] alexaspuds: omg it's cottonbailVA [01:00:14] officialpeterparker_: would you ever consider FFS? [01:00:15] alliegothic: TransgenderPride [01:00:15] Bo_The_Destroyer: Lol my legs were already huge before HRT so all the fat went to my tidders and hips lol [01:00:17] goddessempressbird: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [01:00:18] jjfm60163: Congrats F1NN, i gotta leave the stream now to do other things but congrats on coming out, keep being your awsome self [01:00:19] EmpressCard: What are your fave things you've noticed since you started? [01:00:19] projectfemboy: rynHai @CottontailVA [01:00:19] ArminGux: T can mess with ur brain, baaad [01:00:20] beastboyz168: coton [01:00:20] Zer0Dystopia: Hai Cotton! [01:00:22] ValerieGothic: hasL TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:00:22] AcuRatTM: Low E + Low T == Depression [01:00:22] CottontailVA: FeelsStrongMan <3 [01:00:25] Solrex: @faeruune or go by both. I did that for one of my roleplay characters. Having a fluid gender means you can just go by what's not taken at the moment. So she walked by the man on the road and blew him a kiss, then later he gave his mom a hug. Something like that. [01:00:26] ptd_bunny: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [01:00:26] serpentineshepard: ya those mood swings are real when you miss or over do hormones [01:00:27] NikoVixoLIVE: does this mean voice training is gonna resume..? [01:00:27] morgan_drui: uni1 [01:00:27] FlowersOfLight: depression makes it hard to stick to the things that help you not be depressed [01:00:28] SalvoBrick: BASED [01:00:28] hauntyourself: your voice fits you a lot [01:00:28] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [01:00:29] bigsadge: Hi cotton [01:00:29] REJAMALD: It's iconic [01:00:29] JadeSorcery: I thought E didn't impact voice much [01:00:29] eccoblast: i like your voice! [01:00:30] nope_not_doing_that: I like your voice too [01:00:30] IllogicalWorld: what are we talking about? [01:00:31] Fake_ElCapitan: Based [01:00:31] SnabbKassa: and American grammar [01:00:31] HexGrrrrl: The progesterone shortage has fucked my emotions [01:00:32] Der_Grumpy: lolllll [01:00:32] Dr_Nia: Puberty is atleast 6 years. your super early :-) enjoy the ride. stock up on hot chocolate helps alot. [01:00:32] xx_alexjademlg_xx: youre in HTR?!??!?! [01:00:32] mj_phae: hormones helped me with my depression [01:00:33] Catamondium: f1nn british americanized [01:00:33] kirathepan: Cotton quick - fluster the gender fluid! [01:00:33] ekat2468: not doing your hormones properly can absolutely screw with your mood [01:00:37] lvorine: lvorine subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 19 month streak! hey Finn, I’m proud of you. you’re the reason why I started hormones over a year ago. cheers to your beautiful journey f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:00:38] f3mmbot: lvorine subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:00:38] tobit0aster_: has hrt something to do with when you went offline because of body image issues? [01:00:38] marblesfr: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [01:00:39] SunIsLost: I like that it is sounds a little fem [01:00:39] scribbz123: get a brummy accent [01:00:40] Koveve: Who else here from new vid PokGengar [01:00:40] XENOMAN5: Hi cottontail [01:00:40] ClaraRenway: Low E and Low T is bad, gotta have one of em [01:00:41] diggingadandass: yeah me too [01:00:41] silentkay1: Brumurica' [01:00:42] JorWat: More HRT should help fix the American accent. [01:00:43] torreyceramee: If you are in the US: I recommend FOLX to get an hrt prescription [01:00:43] Y0rk5h1r3: Yeah, he did alot of voice training... to not be Brummie LUL [01:00:43] mushooom_: autism [01:00:43] JemHoward: @F1NN5TER What about the girl voice you've been working on? [01:00:45] caelamondorian: @cottontailva was wondering when you'd get here <3 [01:00:45] MaxVershhhtappen: your crying in that pink clothing was due to HRT after 30 days or 3 months [01:00:46] zettmech: as someone that feels very similar to you gender wise, im happy to hear that [01:00:46] TheRealEpicSquid: what about name are you keeping or changing [01:00:46] wolfadventurer8: ahhhhh [01:00:47] LittleChaSiu: F1nn with a posh twat accent would be even weirder [01:00:47] rainyparade_: Aw that's kinda sweet [01:00:47] NelordUK: 'Murica [01:00:47] SnowyLando: yeah your american inflections is strange lol [01:00:48] andromeda_nyx: a true trans atlantic accent now [01:00:48] krovvy: pog transamerican [01:00:48] Bleats_Sinodai: Feminizing HRT doesn't change your voice, unfortunately [01:00:48] varmac86: Will Ashley be coming in to talk about this with us? I am wondering what her thoughts are. 😁 [01:00:49] OliviaTalks: [01:00:49] 420_Fried_Soups: WHAT IS UR OPINION ON BREAD? 🍞 [01:00:49] BgT1990: not brummie enough [01:00:50] gwynim: @rtpl06 Just workout if you want an ass [01:00:50] feebowlcs: Birmingham accent is just american lite [01:00:51] axx_le: not a brummie m8 [01:00:52] splurshin: splurshin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! ngl, i thought this was gonna be a teaser for your Battle Pass 1 yr anniversary, but this is cool af! Proud/happy for you! [01:00:52] f3mmbot: splurshin subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:00:53] multiversal_rift: as a transfem im jealous of your voice [01:00:54] mystchevious1: How different are you trying to be? j/ [01:00:54] heta_6: Voice train to kill the American voice lol [01:00:56] officalchionkinnie: when did you realize you were trans? [01:00:57] mrjoshvc: Especially since your from your Birmingham.. [01:00:57] Loelinverse: buckaroo! [01:00:58] TheI3arracuda: Can you do a Birmingham accent? [01:00:58] mayaculous: racist against brits is so valid [01:00:58] plzdontmindme_: no girlvoice? [01:00:59] morgan_drui: Pride1 [01:01:00] sleeps_gg: oh my god. im so excited [01:01:00] DegenerateDaycare: Yeah least you don't sound like a brummy lol [01:01:01] FROGcomply: lol [01:01:01] aymungoos: the American inflections stop the ear bleeding the British accent causes @f1nn5ter [01:01:02] crowblax: transamerican is crazy [01:01:02] lamiant: Hello [01:01:02] im_up_to_something: Yeah sound good [01:01:04] t0m1n4t0r: so does this make f1nnicky the internet’s cutest honorary lesbian couple? [01:01:04] FatherThyme: to american ears you just have a generic brit accent, no way to pinpoint [01:01:05] belladdeluca: Mid-atlantic accent [01:01:05] SnabbKassa: just do Stephen Fry [01:01:06] Falqun: wo'a [01:01:06] Spaghetto_Depressi: It's your natural Valley Girl coming through [01:01:06] ekat2468: not doing your hormones is more or less what cis women experience with menopause [01:01:07] t1nylesbian: american-isms lol [01:01:07] yourmom_233: you’re my gay awakening 💀💀 [01:01:07] jjay0308: Hiii Cotton [01:01:08] RYRY1793: nice tits bruv [01:01:08] biffis1032: biffis1032 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 21 in the channel! [01:01:08] f3mmbot: biffis1032 has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [01:01:08] biffis1032: biffis1032 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mallavi! [01:01:08] biffis1032: biffis1032 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rickystreams! [01:01:08] biffis1032: biffis1032 gifted a Tier 1 sub to theraideghost! [01:01:08] biffis1032: biffis1032 gifted a Tier 1 sub to wraitherc! [01:01:08] biffis1032: biffis1032 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tallgrass15! [01:01:08] biffis1032: biffis1032 gifted a Tier 1 sub to adNihilum66! [01:01:08] biffis1032: biffis1032 gifted a Tier 1 sub to caitlyn7564! [01:01:08] biffis1032: biffis1032 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mongoose8558! [01:01:08] biffis1032: biffis1032 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sophiebliek911! [01:01:08] biffis1032: biffis1032 gifted a Tier 1 sub to greywoman2000! [01:01:10] ArminGux: yeah we can understand you, u don’t speak midkands [01:01:10] StormCloud119: Not having a brummie accent is based [01:01:10] amyfluidgoth: the lapse into 1920s New York gangster stereotype is kinda cute I guess [01:01:10] umutk_99: chewsday [01:01:11] experiencepoints: @F1NN5TER Can you do cockney? [01:01:11] KiyomiiCoyote: Wait, im late, whats going on??!! [01:01:12] jackalsclaw: Your countryfuild [01:01:13] Stovamor: @DegenerateDaycare, Heya Kitty [01:01:13] c__r__j: Nobody from Birmingham can sound posh. [01:01:14] PowerOf47: If you ended up having a feminine voice you would just sound so weird to me [01:01:15] DogsToyEvSkiii: brummy gotta be the worst [01:01:15] TrueMezzo: that happens to me people are like where are u from [01:01:16] Helen_Croft: Chat TTS is off for now [01:01:16] europa_a_lua: the problem is america after all [01:01:17] beaneater197: BIRMINGHAM [01:01:18] 1ChristineM: you definitely don’t sound super British [01:01:18] NelordUK: British "person"? Ew [01:01:19] caramelglamour: birmingham accent is a curse! [01:01:19] eternaldawn15: FELLOW BRUMMIE [01:01:20] DegenerateDaycare: @Stovamor Hai lovely! [01:01:20] Dezponia: Send this boy to Australia for 6 months to really heck up his accent! ziphClappies [01:01:20] ClaraRenway: oh nooooo not posh-twat f1mter noooo [01:01:20] Shal_Grace: @F1NN5TER lol honestly all the things you went through, i went through, even the non deserving feeling with the pronouns, it passes and you just get comfy <3 [01:01:21] ChrysalidWyvern: Just watched your video, congratulations on figuring it out, dude. Welcome to the club <3 [01:01:21] spacefall008: How was Ruby's reaction to you telling her [01:01:22] claysparrow: Why did you not absorb the accent growing up? Is it from streaming? [01:01:22] christa_lyn: Bo-o-o wa'er [01:01:23] saramblo: when did your nail tech know? [01:01:23] JJVanVan: crazy that finn came out as american, i thought he was lesbian [01:01:23] zarbibilbitruk: what can he finally talk about ? [01:01:24] sophiebliek911: @biffis1032 Thanks for the gift sub! [01:01:25] shidooooouu: brummy egg has been cracked at long last [01:01:25] lillyminze: daniella g from birmingham [01:01:28] gaddafi_duck_: your accent is still way more British than American [01:01:28] jd_xd001: Just seen your YouTube video so proud of you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:01:29] Omen_Gam3r: VoHiYo VoHiYo [01:01:29] SnowyLando: yeah brummie is the worst accent [01:01:30] Skkorm: Imitate Peaky Blinders [01:01:30] morgueAbsolut: I'm FTM how do I voice train to sound like I'm from Stoke-on-Trent [01:01:30] octia7: How do you plan to be in public? [01:01:33] CritCupcake: Why can't we see a Blåhaj ? ;p [01:01:35] cyphoenic_: lol [01:01:37] belladdeluca: Mid-atlantic [01:01:37] YumeNoZen: I mean, Fimter, you were welcome to join the bachelorette party for Chasiu even with pretending to be male. Should I stop nagging you, bish, or are you hanging out? [01:01:39] c__r__j: F1nn last stream: "maybe trans" LUL [01:01:41] lamiant: Congrats on your co .<3 [01:01:41] widepeepo_deany: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:01:41] XENOMAN5: Will you do an IG ama about this news? [01:01:41] BRWarden: @F1NN5TER Are you talking about how you will start one piece?? [01:01:42] Descriptivist: OMEGALUL [01:01:44] askgu_: askgu_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [01:01:44] f3mmbot: askgu_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [01:01:45] officialpeterparker_: officialpeterparker_ subscribed with Prime. [01:01:45] f3mmbot: officialpeterparker_ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang officialpeterparker_ f1nnLezgang [01:01:47] CaroCanaro: Gotta hit up Natt [01:01:49] Xphome: KEKW [01:01:49] Mave69_: Mave69_ subscribed with Prime. [01:01:50] krovvy: LOL [01:01:50] f3mmbot: mave69_ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mave69_ f1nnLezgang [01:01:50] MikeWillStream: KEKW [01:01:50] ChasingSol: KEKW [01:01:50] mayaculous: he exists to confuse [01:01:52] TheI3arracuda: LUL [01:01:52] estr0genesis: F1NN im so happy for youuuu!!!!! [01:01:52] Catamondium: kekw [01:01:52] ClaraRenway: tooo realll [01:01:52] Darkness4desert: Will you retry the voice? [01:01:52] tinyalison420: OMEGALUL [01:01:53] kateth: Yep [01:01:53] SleepyPac: KEKW [01:01:53] thekingone10: Hallo [01:01:54] bdix727: is girl mode in public going to be the new default? [01:01:54] Wanesty: KEKW [01:01:54] judgedame: TRANs atlantic [01:01:55] lurker_ger: KEKW [01:01:55] Der_Grumpy: did you friends on the internet know about that with htr like cotton or natt [01:01:55] NamisaNM: AHAHAHA [01:01:56] GreyWinterWraith: "can I get your largest bra, brah?" [01:01:56] bensrob: KEKW [01:01:56] Mario11041: KEKW [01:01:56] MatthewL: KEKW [01:01:56] Komnia: LUL 󠀀 [01:01:56] FancyTrashMan: KEKW [01:01:56] Demacherius: lol [01:01:57] AlmondVF: KEKW [01:01:57] monikathewolf: I have to go now, but I really wanna hug you right now (if you'd allow me of course) and again, congratulations on your HRT and on your self discovery journey. and I can't stress enough how much of a good couple you and Ashley are. Kudos to her for helping you and a big hug to both! [01:01:57] Scarykittenz: KEKW 󠀀 [01:01:57] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:01:58] munocard: Imagining Finn going to Greggs and ordering a Steak Bake [01:01:58] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [01:01:58] livviasong: LOL [01:01:58] PnkyPnk: I’m glad you’re discovering yourself but god damn why you gotta be from Birmingham 😫 [01:01:59] crowblax: LMAOOO [01:02:00] HexGrrrrl: Literally how I feel at my retail job [01:02:00] SnowyLando: waddup my G [01:02:01] SnabbKassa: loads of straight cis men wear those things [01:02:01] littleturtle41: KEKW [01:02:01] StampVoet: Are you going to dress differently now IRL? [01:02:02] awe_rora: KEKW [01:02:02] hipsteralice25: hipsteralice25 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months! [01:02:02] f3mmbot: hipsteralice25 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 29 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:02:02] Sky14r_: KEKW [01:02:03] fatslowman: KEKW [01:02:03] im_up_to_something: Lmao [01:02:04] lemon_duck22: f1nnNomods [01:02:05] lordgtafbi: can i get 1kg of your finest femboy kibble LUL [01:02:05] cubus35: OMEGALUL [01:02:05] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:02:06] aggravatedconditions: lool [01:02:06] Ryk7: Loool [01:02:06] GravitArinya: LMAO [01:02:06] octminer: KEKW [01:02:06] hazelgamess: KEKW [01:02:07] MrsPandamber: LOOOL [01:02:07] LanaBread: LUL [01:02:07] gwynim: KEKW [01:02:07] torreyceramee: I don't worry about voice training. Takes too much breath to make words [01:02:08] bearpaw1970: Ao' this is great 😃👍 [01:02:08] wyldcardsam: Lmao [01:02:08] dinoapple454: KEKW [01:02:08] ArchyNemesis: THEY KNEW [01:02:08] dangerousruben: KEKW [01:02:08] LeDr_Dan: KEKW [01:02:08] cyphoenic_: KEKW [01:02:09] raxolotl_truly: KEKW [01:02:09] Dezponia: "Can get your smallest condom" [01:02:09] prncx: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk [01:02:09] RoryLuukas: LUL [01:02:10] StormvanRoon: Girl mode in public???? [01:02:10] AlhambraMMXX: KEKW [01:02:10] aymungoos: "hey dudebro do I look good in this lingerie?" [01:02:10] zarbibilbitruk: KEKW [01:02:10] mrcarol_20: hi [01:02:10] starduckxd: xD [01:02:11] braddle172: KEKW [01:02:11] distractedcreative: KEKW [01:02:11] evilrymon1: KEKW [01:02:11] Statdk: KEKW [01:02:11] RealRyal: My Gender is Confusion! [01:02:11] benevolentbeaver: LMAO [01:02:12] 1ChristineM: 💀 [01:02:12] ekat2468: you're getting clocked so hard lmao [01:02:12] weddracc: as a retail worker i can assure you no one gives a shit [01:02:12] ArminGux: people will get used to it with time kekw [01:02:13] kydae_cutie: Go to philippines 🇵🇭 [01:02:13] b2b_rn: so... girl voice [01:02:13] Descriptivist: BASEDDD DUDE [01:02:13] burn_da_building: DID YOU TELL YOUR NAIL TECH [01:02:13] projectfemboy: Grand Seiko? [01:02:13] GloomyVagabond: GloomyVagabond subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 8 month streak! KEKW [01:02:13] kenji173: sureee [01:02:13] f3mmbot: gloomyvagabond subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:02:13] divided_queen488: KEKW [01:02:14] karojhe: How to do a brummie accent, impersonate you dad [01:02:14] filip_zd10: KEKW [01:02:16] XENOMAN5: If only there were someway you could change your voice to sound more girly [01:02:16] NelordUK: "Dude, does my ass look good in this?" [01:02:17] pianoismyforte_: KEKE [01:02:18] helplessbrit: Cartier santos? [01:02:18] nouma2: At least you didnt said "it's ma'am" [01:02:18] oliviazbored: KEKW [01:02:18] heta_6: "Your largest bra" It's okay to dream, Fin [01:02:19] beaneater197: Is f1nn really British look at his teeth the straight and white [01:02:20] 96jokersledger___: egg [01:02:20] MatteLikePaint20: I can just imagine the pretty pretty girl asking for the biggest condoms they have in the store [01:02:21] Y0rk5h1r3: F1nn buys a watch, needs five links taking out LUL [01:02:22] zzlucii: SHOW WATCH [01:02:22] Zynick_: I think your dad was the absolute cutest in the video [01:02:22] ironshield2: f1nnPet f1nnPet [01:02:24] Lurnok: since when did you start ? [01:02:25] nodegen: f1nn5ter used confusion [01:02:26] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: LUL [01:02:26] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: !tts [01:02:26] demonadollus: Do you think your boobs will get as big as your mum? [01:02:26] vsennafraza: Finn are you still planning on getting a nose job? [01:02:27] fr0styjck: lol [01:02:27] Stuffilike: LMAO [01:02:27] venlamonster: KEKW [01:02:28] moviesawesome: LUL [01:02:30] abydon96: Reaching 10k [01:02:31] maike44berlin: Hi @F1NN5TER great to hear about your coming out [01:02:32] SunIsLost: lol [01:02:32] i_devote_to_bregans: The charector ark is coming together [01:02:33] 7071_haoN: LUL [01:02:33] kolja_mp4: KEKW [01:02:33] Wanesty: KEKW 󠀀 [01:02:33] quantumliv: Ive realised alot of accents are thinning with social media and tv becoming more international and many kids are watching international creators and picking up on their accents and they are blending [01:02:35] userduwang: @F1NN5TER do you think you will choose a new name or do you still want to go by finn [01:02:35] cutebnuuyrose: hi f1nn! name's rose, been stalking your yt for a while and silently joined in on the "egg" stuff, though im super proud that you've come out, i know how hard it is and im glad you feel comfortable talking about it now! <3 [01:02:35] widepeepo_deany: KEKW [01:02:35] j_drawing: you are already on the trans reddit, in response to your video [01:02:35] xero93: SIDE EYE [01:02:35] spacefall008: What was Ruby's reaction to the news [01:02:38] ughidkwhatever: i'm a cis woman, and still feel like i don't live up to the title of woman. gender is weird lol [01:02:38] SnabbKassa: I love it when women wear 40mm watches [01:02:39] haprer_: haven’t been here in a while but i just wanted to come and say congratulations for coming out. i loved your bravery in that video you are so inspiring [01:02:40] Der_Grumpy: did natt and cotton know about that ? [01:02:40] Avaerus0: "I only like manyly things" [01:02:40] DenKaShi: from knifes to watchs [01:02:42] sp00kykj: you can take the man out the man but you cant take the watches out the man LUL [01:02:43] Kolateak_: "It's a bit feminine for me" - 👧 [01:02:45] cheff_cook: Cartier Tank when? xD [01:02:46] RoryLuukas: That's actually so hilarious lmao LUL [01:02:46] starduckxd: Too Feminine ;-; [01:02:47] ItsaMayDae: congrats 🎊 [01:02:47] Bleats_Sinodai: Have you seen the Adam Savage video on wrist watches? [01:02:48] YumeNoZen: If you decide to be a girl, it'll then be a girl's voice. [01:02:48] CzarinaChess: Congrats, f1nny daramgKilluaLove [01:02:49] writhinglekku: LUL [01:02:52] karojhe: Do you still think you look like a guy? [01:02:54] brosbeast: brosbeast subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! [01:02:55] f3mmbot: brosbeast subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:02:56] OcelotYT: How did the nail tech react to the news? [01:02:57] roninsnook: Lolz [01:02:59] axx_le: damn a speedmaster, twitch treating you well [01:03:00] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: !TTS [01:03:01] unovaismyregion: tomboy? [01:03:02] Descriptivist: Drake [01:03:03] SunIsLost: @ughidkwhatever yea [01:03:03] ArminGux: that sounds like a monthy python sketch kew [01:03:03] johnkeiwo: claire W [01:03:03] kykween: Yooooooo congrats, huge W [01:03:05] ChasingSol: !voice [01:03:06] f3mmbot: Rose learns the girl voice from https://www.tiktok.com/@seattlevoicelab [01:03:06] caramelglamour: big watcches are cool! [01:03:07] caelamondorian: @der_grumpy cotton is here ask her [01:03:10] dj2226t: F1nn... the perfect label for you is tom-femboy [01:03:10] SnabbKassa: the woman's versions are usually 37mm at most [01:03:14] bingusmcdoodle: Dude my first watch was a speedmaster, good watch [01:03:14] Mailman2704: finnster what is happenign to the boy cloths chest? [01:03:14] cactusguy2013: I thought the 'Coming Out' video was just you saying your ace, but no holy shit [01:03:15] zeitbombe2: zeitbombe2 subscribed with Prime. [01:03:15] Dani_roa_: you saying "thats a little to feminen" is like darth vader saying "nah thats a bit to black" [01:03:15] f3mmbot: zeitbombe2 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang zeitbombe2 f1nnLezgang [01:03:15] Myoukochou: Yes you CAN! [01:03:16] VibrantSpectator: :3 [01:03:18] mj_phae: yeah i know her [01:03:19] axing_: @f3mmbot bot deadnaming lmao [01:03:20] LibertyPenn: OMG I just watched the video! Im so happy for you! congrats!!! GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [01:03:21] silentkay1: er....yay....dysphoria? [01:03:21] seymourbuttsz: Dysphoria PogChamp [01:03:21] SolsticeRL_: how do you feel about Rose? [01:03:23] awe_rora: :3 [01:03:23] BongoCatDown: lets goo [01:03:24] kirathepan: Just make a deal with Ursula from little mermaid to swap voices with Natt [01:03:25] widepeepo_deany: :3 [01:03:26] BobTheJanit0r: cringed so hard you sabotaged your own voice training [01:03:26] MissJesStar: Claire did my voice training too! She's amazing <3 <3 [01:03:27] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Yeah, when you said your voice teacher said you needed to think about why you were doing that I kind of figured this day was coming. LUL [01:03:28] KateChon258: sooo how long have you been lying to us? [01:03:29] starduckxd: uh, yay ig [01:03:30] FancyTrashMan: makes a lot more sense [01:03:30] TGG717: love u finn 💓 [01:03:31] ezk_r: success? lol [01:03:31] demon420999: congratulations on coming out just finished your YouTube video [01:03:32] t0m1n4t0r: time to restart voice training? [01:03:32] MomochiZoey: Happiest declaration of dysphoria every [01:03:32] DatChickenBro1: Dysphoria? Same [01:03:33] princessmihai: This is legit the best F1nn stream I've ever been a part of [01:03:33] cyphoenic_: I'm considering them for voice training but I need to wait till I have more free time first [01:03:33] johnkeiwo: D Word D: [01:03:33] noxcrystalis: i've been on hrt for about 2 weeks can't wait till people start getting confused about my gender when i talk [01:03:34] Pilllow51: YEahhhh................ [01:03:35] plzdontmindme_: how is dysforia for you? [01:03:35] DenKaShi: LEZGO [01:03:35] estr0genesis: hell yeah dysphoria! [01:03:36] oof_a_m: YOOO [01:03:36] mushooom_: yooooo same [01:03:38] TenThousandTinyLamas: Dysphoria Pog [01:03:38] thereturnofjimboi: Balls :3 [01:03:40] tinyalison420: D Word D: [01:03:40] SnowyLando: i only get bottom dysphoria, its weird [01:03:41] cloudy_two: dysphoria how? [01:03:41] experiencepoints: Whooo, dysphoria??? TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:03:43] ClaraRenway: lets gooooooo [01:03:43] jessicaluxuz: Matrix cosplay steam when since you're on the red pill? [01:03:43] njbh86: @SolsticeRL_ holy shit this is a great question [01:03:44] maddog_400: unrelated, but favourite game? [01:03:45] madoka_magikate: Dysphoria in which direction?? [01:03:45] Descriptivist: :3333 [01:03:48] Ignemia: Voice disphoria for your female voice or for the male voice ? [01:03:48] NoahTheLolll: :33 [01:03:48] kateth: Vocal dysphoria SUCKS [01:03:48] XENOMAN5: You seem so much happier I’m so happy for you [01:03:49] diggingadandass: doesint eveyone get dysphoria [01:03:49] mystchevious1: Awww. [01:03:50] PnkyPnk: The amount of joy in that “I DO!” [01:03:51] ToN1c: Who is Rose now? [01:03:52] Quatroid_: I wonder how many eggs you've shattered today. [01:03:53] jennifer3037c: So now its girl decade [01:03:53] ririsueve: Officer balls [01:03:53] floridabloodhound: You made me laugh and blow out the candle I was lighting lmao [01:03:53] RosieKT: super proud of you! Do you want to go by Rose or Finn or both? [01:03:55] Helen_Croft: @SleepyPac all caps msg triggers automod [01:03:56] laurelannm: seeing you so happy is making me really happy [01:03:57] 7071_haoN: i love dysphoria [01:03:58] kenjikaisei: Hope your having a good day [01:03:59] Hardie_Madness: D word D: get that thang away [01:03:59] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Seattle Voice Lab is indeed excellent. I really like them. [01:04:02] Maddrius: yeah, that was one of the first things I bounced off of, and made me steer more towards non-binary/fluid rather than transwoman [01:04:03] ArminGux: the Barbie movie thing? [01:04:05] Luckyscore: how does your family take the announcement? I haven’t even come out to them [01:04:06] pancakeTransitions: girl century [01:04:06] SleepyPac: my b [01:04:08] CottontailVA: your happiness is obvious now <3 [01:04:09] heta_6: Yay dysphoria??? At least it helps fpr medical stuff [01:04:10] karkharoshydra: karkharoshydra subscribed with Prime. [01:04:10] ThymeLord013: <3 <3 <3 [01:04:10] f3mmbot: karkharoshydra subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang karkharoshydra f1nnLezgang [01:04:11] Ulfari: Ulfari subscribed with Prime. [01:04:11] f3mmbot: ulfari subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang ulfari f1nnLezgang [01:04:14] timtamsmile: when i was young i accidentally did voice training and now im stuck with a deeper voice (not trans just dumn) [01:04:16] bucket325: That was a touching video the hugs at the end got me. [01:04:17] Myoukochou: @CottontailVA it really is!! [01:04:18] plzdontmindme_: how does dysforia work? you still go by he him and use male voice? [01:04:18] oliviazbored: are you still cool wit being called dude or bro? [01:04:19] BastiMan85: internalized transphobia more than dysphoria tho… [01:04:20] Ignemia: Cottooon PogChamp [01:04:21] nyrhalahotep: @floridabloodhound that is too cute 😂😂😂🥰🥰🥰🥰 [01:04:24] diggingadandass: i guess not on your scale, but in a sense everyone feels that [01:04:32] Shal_Grace: i have a burrito figure lol [01:04:33] kenji173: your body looks great [01:04:33] Hashtagforlikes: Hashtagforlikes subscribed with Prime. [01:04:33] f3mmbot: hashtagforlikes subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang hashtagforlikes f1nnLezgang [01:04:34] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: <3 <3 <3 [01:04:35] maggiespurpledrankchalice: I was watching Queer Eye Season 6, and Karamo had a great perspective. He said he doesn't like "coming out" as much as "letting in". It kinda resonated. Coming out puts the power in others, letting in retains the power. [01:04:35] NecroPhyre: I'm more feminine than my wife so while I should be figuring this out on easy mode, my wife doesn't even own makeup xD [01:04:35] CattoLozex: Opera GX Admin + F1NN5TER Collab when? [01:04:38] Amoyamoyamoya: Wow...this sounds familiar [01:04:41] Vanimal2118: Sorry about that @f1nn5ter [01:04:42] aymungoos: is Ashley watching this stream just giggling to herself? [01:04:43] rubyytea: it really is so amazing to see you so happy im so happy for you ;;;W;;; [01:04:43] YumeNoZen: They see you in movement. Imagine. [01:04:44] MrKafay: @CottontailVA aren't you supposed to spread democracy rn ? Kappa [01:04:49] Y0rk5h1r3: People stare at your bum LUL [01:04:50] AeitZean: This is the happiest I've seen anyone in quite a long time HypeLUL HypeLUL f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:04:51] writhinglekku: butts [01:04:51] liamthepro233: WHERE IS TANK [01:04:52] 96jokersledger___: i have body hair dysphoria and voice dysphoria [01:04:54] diggingadandass: your just super fuckin hot and sweet but mean...... [01:04:54] kurki_3: @CattoLozex admin lives in poland [01:04:55] Bleats_Sinodai: They AREN'T??? [01:04:55] robyn1973: benniedotgay just watched your video on twitch [01:04:56] plzdontmindme_: what about you name? will it change? [01:04:56] WunkusAU: reall [01:04:57] MajesticFvckingEagle: GenderFluidPride AsexualPride BisexualPride [01:04:57] Loelinverse: @amoyamoyamoya lmao [01:04:59] jordanenby: Congrats Finn!! :D [01:05:00] randislays: i’m so proud of you!! ggs finn [01:05:01] krovvy: D: [01:05:01] MissJesStar: wooow [01:05:01] bearpaw1970: Your really glowing ' and it's coming through so great and it's this ❤️ that's amazing [01:05:03] gwen_the_ninth: D: [01:05:03] NoahTheLolll: D: [01:05:04] estherarchive: canceled [01:05:04] braddle172: f1nnHands [01:05:04] TGG717: how to get hrt in the uk? [01:05:04] FancyTrashMan: when did you tell abigail [01:05:05] Kolateak_: BLASPHEMY [01:05:05] shindra_imly: D: [01:05:05] chr155ter: davidhLeftshark [01:05:06] livviasong: BLAHAJ [01:05:06] princessmihai: You said it right!! [01:05:07] SolsticeRL_: D: [01:05:08] littleturtle41: D: [01:05:08] omararod_: KEKW [01:05:08] Cactus__Chan: D: [01:05:08] GravitArinya: burn the witch! [01:05:08] Spaghetto_Depressi: D: [01:05:08] lizardwizard1005: shork is best [01:05:08] GranatMelone: D: [01:05:08] Doperanks: it's a blue shark! [01:05:08] kat_the_khajiit: Omg you can say blåhaj right???? [01:05:08] sophiebliek911: SHARK?! [01:05:09] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER Death. [01:05:09] Thunderwitch8: D: [01:05:09] munocard: all those shorks finally justified. [01:05:09] ruinerfps: I guess it’s officially a waifu cup now @f1nn5ter [01:05:09] nodegen: you are now untransed [01:05:10] just_a_pug: cancelled [01:05:10] 1WhoBeans: D: [01:05:10] njbh86: SHUNNED [01:05:10] srenesweetheart: HOW DARE [01:05:10] 1CrimsonPrincess: D: [01:05:10] LanaBread: YOURE OUT F1NN [01:05:11] Yduno: D: [01:05:11] beaneater197: Can we have tank [01:05:11] ekat2468: the correct term is SHORK [01:05:11] Speederzzz: Shork [01:05:11] johnkeiwo: CANCEL THIS GENDERFLUID BICH !!!! [01:05:11] officalchionkinnie: i love seeing you so happy <3 [01:05:11] johnkeiwo: CANCEL THIS GENDERFLUID BICH !!!! 7 [01:05:11] MostlyJosie: OUT OF THE CLUB [01:05:11] Shal_Grace: D: [01:05:11] madelynofhell: GET HIM [01:05:11] kateth: It is so much more than a shark [01:05:12] ughidkwhatever: it's like, if you feel insecure about your skin - stop looking at it so closely. no one else does [01:05:12] SnowyLando: TRANS SHARK [01:05:12] SwitchLeafe: Blåhaj [01:05:12] sargoth889: Hi hi @f1nn5ter congrats on the news I'm very happy for you [01:05:12] Helen_Croft: Chat TTS is off for now [01:05:12] PnkyPnk: That’s incredibly good advice [01:05:13] BongoCatDown: D: [01:05:13] ClaraRenway: cancelled [01:05:13] sapphic_luma: BLÅHAJ [01:05:13] juneguild: BLAHAJ <3 <3 [01:05:13] CattoLozex: D: [01:05:14] abydon96: itspea13Blahajheart [01:05:14] NelordUK: D: [01:05:14] the_fynx: shork L3 [01:05:14] TwinbeeMk2: You're still learniong hun it's ok :P [01:05:14] BluBiDefault: D: [01:05:14] rybameinong: Now it's a normal shark for you [01:05:15] scarlettyg: D: D: D: [01:05:15] AoNoAsgard: D: [01:05:15] nope_not_doing_that: BLÅHAJ [01:05:15] divided_queen488: D: [01:05:15] Vestaxowner: im taking this to twitter! [01:05:15] KnifeySpoony_: KnifeySpoony_ subscribed with Prime. [01:05:15] filip_zd10: AND YOU CALL YOURSELF TRANS?? [01:05:16] f3mmbot: knifeyspoony_ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang knifeyspoony_ f1nnLezgang [01:05:16] tinyalison420: CANCEL HIM [01:05:16] EmpressCard: How dare you [01:05:16] rubyytea: GET HIM [01:05:16] Myoukochou: the shork! [01:05:16] ZoeDoesMusic: D: [01:05:17] lun4_th3_w0lf: Blahaj [01:05:17] FelineFemby: that’s not just a shark!!! [01:05:17] ariapgvt: Shonk [01:05:17] ni_ni13: get the knifes [01:05:18] Mizo_Live: omg cancelled :P [01:05:18] CubeYi: BLÅHAJ! [01:05:18] cyphoenic_: you did it again D: [01:05:18] scribbz123: I NEED A BLAHAJ [01:05:19] NYRNNR: now i can sub to your only farts and attribute it to Trans empowerment FeelsStrongMan @F1NN5TER [01:05:19] bigsuave7: o7 [01:05:19] Mnh188: yeeted from trans community [01:05:20] stlngds: the shonk [01:05:21] lajotu: D: [01:05:21] majabaja98: how does dysphoria for you? [01:05:21] arkarant: wohoo yipee [01:05:21] writhinglekku: canceled [01:05:21] kirathepan: You did it AGAIN! [01:05:21] Amoyamoyamoya: @TGG717, They can DIY from online sources [01:05:22] prncx: donno kkkkkkkkkkkk [01:05:22] parttimedinosaur: HIS NAME IS BLAHAJ!!!! [01:05:22] Kafuexe: the EGG HAS CRACKED [01:05:22] ArminGux: u still scared of sharks? [01:05:22] Pilllow51: D: [01:05:22] nalniuQ2758: D: [01:05:22] princesslayla917: I support you 100%, I love you and I have watched your videos or lives in awhile but I have to go have a good day [01:05:23] seymourbuttsz: BLAHAJ [01:05:23] deepwater_fae: I don't really get the shark hype [01:05:23] heta_6: Worse thing you could have said [01:05:23] hazelgr33n: [01:05:23] ManaUnmuted: Shork! [01:05:24] Barbar7575: shork :3 [01:05:24] Fuzzyee: NOOOOO [01:05:24] blueskydrinking: HE's even saying blahaj properly!!! It's over boys! [01:05:25] i_devote_to_bregans: Jokes on you, you are the trans community now [01:05:25] AeitZean: Blahaj is a shark. A blue shark 🥳 [01:05:25] AlcoveAZ: D: [01:05:25] axing_: 1 day out of the closet and already cancelled [01:05:26] shidooooouu: A SHAAAAAAAARK???? HOW DARE YOU !!! [01:05:26] awe_rora: shonk :3 [01:05:26] goldlotl: SHUNNED [01:05:26] dizzy_sasquatch: BLÅHAJ [01:05:26] kenji173: sorry i missed it as what did finn come out [01:05:26] virheita: -_- [01:05:27] experiencepoints: @F1NN5TER Is the pile of Blahaj behind you meaningful now? [01:05:27] ciernaruza: shork [01:05:27] OliviaTalks: SHORK!!! [01:05:27] Addz_993: day 1 kicked out [01:05:27] Derpypenguin_: Blåhaj [01:05:27] Toshikills: As a bi trans (sometimes)enby, I would just like to say "ONE OF US ONE OF US" [01:05:27] OmsX8O: cakejuHDshark cakejuPride cakejuHDshark cakejuPride cakejuHDshark [01:05:27] elliewp: already on tweeter gg [01:05:27] plzdontmindme_: what about your name, will it change?. [01:05:28] mrcarol_20: What are you doing today? [01:05:28] Dub_bie: cracked [01:05:28] eated_it_all: what no [01:05:28] TheI3arracuda: Blow hai [01:05:29] YumeNoZen: Good grem. [01:05:29] ya_boi_snowie: how can u tell the difference between dysphoria and body image issues? [01:05:29] hydrangea_sh: shork [01:05:30] splurshin: BLOW HIGH??? [01:05:30] Amoyamoyamoya: OMG STOP F1NN [01:05:30] Environmela: You may not have said the slur, but that is a yeetening nonetheless [01:05:30] blackmaiden: shork yep [01:05:30] new_day_who_dis: Cancelled on *** [01:05:31] hazelgamess: shork :3 [01:05:31] Avaerus0: Blow-High? [01:05:31] Bleats_Sinodai: What a Blahajsphely [01:05:32] the_Renergy: BLAHAJPHEMY [01:05:32] RoryLuukas: This is the most wholesome stream ever 💜 [01:05:33] benevolentbeaver: Shonk be protectin [01:05:33] Komnia: YES [01:05:33] Zjawyer: GRASPED [01:05:35] KontwinkiN0Yami: Gotta remove the quotes on Most Popular "Woman" now [01:05:35] deindiana: Congrats ♥️ ever want to chat im on your discord I think [01:05:36] pillowdemon2077: D: [01:05:36] helunsebunse: Jaj blåhaj cute [01:05:36] braddle172: itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype [01:05:36] Adam1729: blah hadge [01:05:37] livviasong: blow-hi...? [01:05:37] Lyinginbedmon: lyingiLurk [01:05:38] hfzty: so happy for you finn! im trying to get the courage to tell my family im transfem so i can get HRT as well. the dysphoria is kinda unbearable right now but you and ashley always help keeping my days more happy :)) [01:05:38] Statdk: THE BLAHG [01:05:38] caelamondorian: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [01:05:38] luddefuzz: Blåhaj =) [01:05:39] oerbadiaruby: Are you gonna fix the blahaj pile now? [01:05:39] RosieKT: What name do you go by? [01:05:39] 96jokersledger___: shentai [01:05:39] Toms_Hot_Dogs: F1nn; I just wanted to say, I'm nonbinary and I've been on HRT for the last 2 years. Today, you've validated everything I've felt about it Thank you for everything you've done. You're amazing [01:05:40] DodenKing: Isnt it literally swedish for blue shark? [01:05:40] LittleChaSiu: based [01:05:40] globcob: bla haj [01:05:40] abootoo: Hey, I saw the video, congratulations! :D [01:05:40] aqueertheory: Blåhaj means blue shark though [01:05:41] MikeWillStream: character development he's pronouncing it correctly now [01:05:41] mr_leggy_d_1st: YEAH, Uthank god [01:05:41] sleepy_mati: youre so close to saying it right [01:05:42] jordanenby: blahaj! :D i want a blahaj ;-; [01:05:42] Scarbble: beeg shork [01:05:43] cedric_callnight: I am about to start a new pokemon playthrough and I plan to have a sylveon on my team. I'm gonna nickname it Finn in your honour [01:05:43] Luckyscore: doodDance doodDance doodDance [01:05:43] harrryot: Blawhajj [01:05:43] Lennexofficial: blåhaj från ikea :D [01:05:43] QuadraticInK: Praise the Blahaj! [01:05:44] gwen_the_ninth: ectoPlushie [01:05:44] TheRealEpicSquid: Name? [01:05:45] decilored: Blåhaj [01:05:45] androidwall4680: It's clearly pronounc BLEOUGH [01:05:45] NecroPhyre: I have a small blahaj and a medium blahaj. i still need to get a giant one [01:05:45] dragon_fiy: nice swedish accent!! [01:05:46] nope_not_doing_that: BLÅHAJ [01:05:46] yourmom_233: you’re my gay awakening lol [01:05:46] umutk_99: blåhaj pronunciation transition [01:05:46] abydon96: Blåhaj [01:05:46] OcelotYT: Nail tech reaction? [01:05:46] CyanoticJam: Blow what? [01:05:46] spaceghost_gaming: Were you always bisexual or did that happen later in life that's my question [01:05:46] spooncakes: pretty good pronounciation tbh [01:05:47] HypnoHooves: looking online..rather the pile behind [01:05:47] sayocrn: blahaj is wack djungelskog is where its at [01:05:47] mcber1234: We want Ashley on stream [01:05:47] techytrickster: a shark for the shark piple [01:05:47] meta1girl: waht sort of dysphoria [01:05:48] exobyte_monolith: How is my Broette? [01:05:48] awkwardfatguy: Now you just need to learn to drive. Then shoot guns in America.... [01:05:48] aymungoos: Type of man [01:05:49] jackalsclaw: Butt stuff? [01:05:49] liamthepro233: Tank where is he [01:05:49] princess_morningstar: bloohadge [01:05:49] Cactus__Chan: blahaj my beloved [01:05:49] durendal_69: What about the ace thinggg [01:05:49] AshleyTheAsteroid: dreams [01:05:49] Andromeda42442: u still on finasteride? [01:05:50] lordgtafbi: or blue shark LUL [01:05:50] aSpicyCow: when cock reveal [01:05:50] DanniSims: Pronouns? [01:05:50] KfkFod: @F1NN5TER shoe size change? [01:05:50] gassylammas: YOURE BI?!!?!? [01:05:50] contour_19: will BP keep the glam? [01:05:50] mystchevious1: Why didn't you kiss natt? [01:05:50] buggex: twinks or bears or both? [01:05:51] ScarsUnseen: are you still a femboy? [01:05:51] spectralred335: bi? [01:05:51] vampiermelon: that's gooood, swede aproved [01:05:51] kratorga: @F1NN5TER how's the facial hair !??? [01:05:51] MissJesStar: Skin Softening is a trip huh? [01:05:51] ZoeDoesMusic: Rose ? [01:05:51] zombiii: stream intro image needs changing [01:05:51] paul360hd: Hey Finn, I've been considering the same thing you're doing for a few months now. The only con I feel like is fertility, how do you feel about that? [01:05:52] MagickMuse: how did you learn you were bi? [01:05:52] PnkyPnk: What did you name your blahaj? [01:05:52] JadeSorcery: how are you feeling? [01:05:52] jimtag_: I’m at 3m can’t. believe Finn got a headstart [01:05:52] SolsticeRL_: how do you feel about being called Rose? [01:05:53] Shockwavemecha: Femboy? [01:05:53] Kafuexe: so boobs? [01:05:54] oliviazbored: I still get comments abt ur pronunciation from clips from a year ago [01:05:54] RYRY1793: how high are you blowing? [01:05:55] muffinman1244: What's your favorite color? [01:05:55] alex_white_owo: i appreciate the proper Swedish pronunciation [01:05:56] OneEyedGhost2: UwU voice when? [01:05:56] dramatic_05: not the blåhaj [01:05:57] argentvm_: name ? [01:05:57] axing_: LUL [01:05:58] kristinhateslife: who did u tell first?? [01:05:58] mj_phae: shork [01:05:59] heta_6: Femboy? [01:05:59] plzdontmindme_: name? will it change? [01:05:59] ArminGux: are you not asexual anymore? [01:05:59] Zynick_: First HRT effects you felt?? [01:05:59] JeperoJ: actually pretty close! [01:06:00] goldenskies98: are you happy with Finn as your name [01:06:00] pinkplasmalive: BLAHJA CRIES OUT IN DISPAIR [01:06:00] CattoLozex: Opera GX Admin + F1nn5ter part 2 when?! [01:06:01] sachapotato: sexuality? [01:06:01] give_me_my_name_back: when did u tell ur parents? [01:06:01] moonpaii: i love seeing all the swedes poppin out in chat now when you said blåhaj lmao [01:06:01] SnowyLando: how to be happy [01:06:02] bakerzero01: is there any advice you would give to ppl that are unsure of doing HRT or not [01:06:02] allyssa_rei: Shes a true member bc hes pronouncing it right now [01:06:02] Jozzgo: Blåhaj TransgenderPride <3 [01:06:02] MajesticFvckingEagle: He's got the gender zoomies [01:06:03] astronos_: her pronouns are he/him [01:06:03] ezk_r: 🦈 [01:06:03] 1CrimsonPrincess: Balls? yay or nay? [01:06:03] arkarant: TRUE [01:06:03] thereturnofjimboi: What's going on [01:06:04] neondimples: LOL [01:06:04] sp00kykj: BBL WHEN?! [01:06:05] Descriptivist: OMEGALUL OWNED [01:06:06] goldlotl: dick reveal when? [01:06:06] ClaraRenway: How did you realise you were bisexual??? [01:06:06] Tekayona: was it hard to get hrt? [01:06:08] anschofi: @F1NN5TER for how long have you dated that one boy? [01:06:09] Dub_bie: can you still open jars or no? [01:06:10] axx_le: have u done anything with a guy then? [01:06:10] kat_the_khajiit: @f1nn5ter have you gotten any cuddlier after starting? [01:06:10] estr0genesis: how did Tank react? [01:06:11] t0m1n4t0r: is this the happiest you’ve ever been? [01:06:12] kapumon: radiating happiness [01:06:12] hetania: your blåhaj sounds danish [01:06:13] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER what was the worst reaction [01:06:13] Avaerus0: They were like "we already knew" [01:06:14] Buffyhero: Have you gotten laser hair removal at all? [01:06:14] jamexito: pp size? [01:06:14] johnkeiwo: " I never wanted a son " [01:06:14] juneguild: Mood [01:06:15] hotdogger420: Growth [01:06:15] perfersserderg: LUL [01:06:15] 3ntropy13: thoughts on term enby? [01:06:15] kenjikaisei: Favorite Pokemon! [01:06:15] krovvy: xD [01:06:16] divided_queen488: How was the process to get into hrt? [01:06:16] splurshin: KEKW [01:06:16] sophiebliek911: what [01:06:16] userduwang: @F1NN5TER Can i ask who you went to for hrt. My current provider is really bad [01:06:16] johnkeiwo: KEKW [01:06:16] rocker_26: lol [01:06:16] MikeWillStream: KEKW [01:06:17] octminer: KEKW [01:06:17] gwen_the_ninth: Bruuuh [01:06:17] Dank_May0: does finn are gay? PogChamp [01:06:17] SleepyPac: noooooooooooo [01:06:17] SleepyTeaMage: demipyroLul [01:06:17] braddle172: KEKW [01:06:18] gaspowereddog1: NO HAHAHAH [01:06:18] Mario11041: LUL [01:06:18] Jaedeke: KEKw [01:06:18] lyraeseltherogue: How long on hrt [01:06:18] decilored: have your hair changed? [01:06:18] GoodHydrations: classic [01:06:18] Kolateak_: Uh oh KEKW [01:06:19] Lyinginbedmon: [01:06:19] AeitZean: LUL LUL LUL [01:06:19] ZerschnetzIer: KEKW [01:06:19] BongoCatDown: ??? [01:06:19] TheI3arracuda: LUL [01:06:19] 19ducks: LUL [01:06:19] seymourbuttsz: KEKW [01:06:19] KhiralShimmer: KEKW [01:06:19] the_mist_demon: sleeExcite [01:06:20] maike44berlin: what will be your pronouns? [01:06:20] Cactus__Chan: does pp still work? [01:06:20] Jandronicos: How long have you been sorting through your feelings concretely? [01:06:20] mayaculous: wht was your bisexual awakening [01:06:21] Kylarixr: oof [01:06:21] filip_zd10: KEKW [01:06:21] packagum: KEKW [01:06:21] Dezponia: But BLAH HAJ is super fun to say though ziphClappies [01:06:21] AlmondVF: KEKW [01:06:21] CyanoticJam: Uh oh [01:06:21] Statdk: WHYY [01:06:22] pokemontdm: bruh [01:06:22] muddymudkip15: Yeah, that can feel so weird [01:06:24] Jon3themon: does this mean you’re no longer a twink [01:06:24] scorpx11: british moment [01:06:24] fishy_hd21: What will you doi [01:06:24] Mnh188: lol ur dad seems like super chill [01:06:24] Munchskull: Oh god I know! Non-reactions suck! [01:06:25] Repikz: What happens to girl month??? [01:06:25] kenji173: lol [01:06:26] oliviazbored: KEKW [01:06:26] Bleats_Sinodai: Does Finn has the gays? We find out today [01:06:27] smokerofmids: Whats your warhammer army going to be?! [01:06:28] axing_: sounds like one of the ideas of all time [01:06:28] canvaspainting: KEKW [01:06:28] cedric_callnight: Do you still identify as a bottom? [01:06:28] Azured_: What's your favourite flavour of ice cream? [01:06:28] N0xAtra: LULW [01:06:30] LeDr_Dan: KEKW [01:06:30] scarlettyg: Your mom just gave your dad a £20 bill [01:06:31] WuppieF: KEKW aintnoway [01:06:31] ozzyyank: Did Dad5ter get the car? [01:06:31] PowerOf47: is there anything different you want from us about how we talk about/joke about you? egg memes, manly man, rose, etc. [01:06:32] AshiTheWitch: how many blood tests have you had to suffer through? [01:06:32] SnowyLando: LOL [01:06:32] Quatroid_: KEKW [01:06:32] cyphoenic_: I feel that lol [01:06:33] lordgtafbi: ohonono LUL [01:06:34] pillowdemon2077: lol [01:06:36] judgedame: talk about bisexual [01:06:36] oof_a_m: KEKW [01:06:37] Adam1729: k [01:06:37] djonB: OK 😎👍 [01:06:37] dangerousruben: LOL [01:06:37] XENOMAN5: I just noticed that Alfred is the king of the blahaj pile. It’s so awesome [01:06:38] DannyButh: did you worry at anytime that you were being gaslit into this? [01:06:38] StormvanRoon: How was it like figuring out that you were BI and how did you find out?? <3 <3 [01:06:38] ZoeyyyAlexis: how did you figure out you were bi?? [01:06:39] RealRyal: Nail tech like "Yes...and?" [01:06:39] NichtzNeues: So we were alway right about almost everything about you. No you just have to admit to that you sub [01:06:39] blifford69: did you lick the gel?? is it yummy??? [01:06:39] georgerossofkildary: Most unexpected thing that you found/went through/realized when you revealed it to other people? [01:06:40] ayarcee: Who made you realize you were bi? [01:06:40] arkarant: LIKE BE HYPED PLEASE [01:06:41] bearpaw1970: Are you thinking of doing the endorsements now of clothing lines [01:06:41] TheDumbSurvivor: Natts retraction? [01:06:41] jambob165: WAIT UR TAKING E???????? [01:06:41] johnkeiwo: W family [01:06:42] giuseppetheboxer0: can you start over please I just got here [01:06:42] kevlarchicken: @scarlettyg KEKW [01:06:42] Descriptivist: OMEGALUL "WHO ASKED" [01:06:42] SunIsLost: You have cool parents [01:06:42] Skkorm: Do a Peak Blinders impersonation [01:06:42] summer_sloth: summer_sloth converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! [01:06:44] mushooom_: wait, so girl month…. is every. single. month? [01:06:45] chamXD: CoolStoryBro [01:06:45] the_Renergy: i just came here from the vid :O [01:06:45] widepeepo_deany: <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:06:45] Helen_Croft: Chat TTS is off for now [01:06:47] shelledbsh: Always an unexpected journey coming out to family [01:06:48] JorWat: We miss Ruby! [01:06:49] SnabbKassa: Did your Dad finally get that car? [01:06:50] Nova9308: Omg. Im Swedish. And your pronunciation of blåhaj kinda turned me on 🤔 [01:06:51] krovvy: LOL [01:06:53] YumeNoZen: Imagine if you'd come out as cis, they all would've lost bets. [01:06:54] Zyrashana: Did HRT affect your ace-ness? [01:06:54] Luckyscore: best time to tell people [01:06:54] fl0ck9: anyone say "its about time?" [01:06:55] minecrackjesus: opinion on geese [01:06:55] monkeh80: is it ok to not tell people about trsnsgender? (not on droogs btw) [01:06:56] haithun: is your sis older than you? [01:06:56] Mnh188: what about your brothers reaction? [01:06:58] scottyC7: GOOD IDEA [01:07:01] Shal_Grace: KEKW [01:07:01] axing_: KEKW [01:07:01] joshuathedutchmen: god this ad is amazing [01:07:03] johnkeiwo: KEKW [01:07:03] Xphome: KEKW [01:07:04] FatherThyme: lmaooo [01:07:04] splurshin: LMAOOOO [01:07:04] Wanesty: KEKW [01:07:04] braddle172: LUL [01:07:05] titusrodriguez: So you're keeping your Willy? [01:07:05] TheI3arracuda: KEKW [01:07:05] SweetToothKane: I remember the old days when Ruby would be on stream. [01:07:05] empiremaya: LMAO [01:07:05] lurker_ger: LUL [01:07:06] kristinhateslife: U like men and women, goooood good [01:07:06] KfkFod: KEKW 󠀀 [01:07:06] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [01:07:06] tinyalison420: KEKW [01:07:06] Komnia: LUL [01:07:06] KnifeySpoony_: Sososo happy for you! Love your little queer family! <333 [01:07:07] globcob: KEKW [01:07:07] independent_observer: KEKV [01:07:07] NoahTheLolll: KEKW [01:07:07] octminer: KEKW [01:07:07] MikeWillStream: KEKW [01:07:07] idesofjuno: KEKW [01:07:08] Kolateak_: HAHAHAHA KEKW [01:07:08] estr0genesis: lmao [01:07:08] austinsguitar: KEKW [01:07:08] melanitta_: KEKW [01:07:08] phantaton: oh no [01:07:08] Kat_K1t: KEKW [01:07:08] sfr89s: I’m so happy for you [01:07:08] josiedoobs: oh lord [01:07:08] rainyparade_: LMAO [01:07:08] BongoCatDown: LMAOO [01:07:09] ya_boi_snowie: KEKW [01:07:09] cyphoenic_: KEKW [01:07:09] xLumieI: KEKW [01:07:09] MatthewL: LMAO [01:07:09] filip_zd10: KEKW [01:07:09] mimmm: LUL [01:07:09] Mario11041: KEKW [01:07:10] fishy_hd21: what will you do if you have bigger boobs than ash? [01:07:10] garbelery: KEKW [01:07:10] pokemontdm: KEKW [01:07:10] octopusgirl: KEKW [01:07:10] seymourbuttsz: KEKW 󠀀 [01:07:11] distractedcreative: KEKW [01:07:11] KnifeySpoony_: So so so happy for you! Congraaaats! Love your little queer family! <3333 [01:07:11] rubyytea: KEKW [01:07:11] canvaspainting: KEKW [01:07:12] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:07:12] MaggieHeels: KEKW [01:07:12] SnowyLando: LOL [01:07:13] SleepyTeaMage: What a dad response demipyroLul [01:07:14] mrcarol_20: Are you trans? ❤️ [01:07:14] JinxyKittyVT: KEKW [01:07:14] dj2226t: lmao [01:07:14] littleturtle41: KEKW [01:07:15] caelamondorian: LUL [01:07:15] InvaderSquidGirl: i love your dad [01:07:15] amethystbinx: f1nnHeart [01:07:15] dauntless2607: LUL LUL LUL [01:07:16] kenji173: HAHAHAH [01:07:16] oliviazbored: KEKW [01:07:16] Descriptivist: FECKINPRONOUNS [01:07:16] KhiralShimmer: lmao [01:07:16] androidwall4680: Bruuuhh [01:07:17] kratorga: How's the facial hair ? Do you even deed to shave now ? [01:07:17] beaneater197: Lol [01:07:17] jasiequu: KEKW [01:07:18] f0xegg: KEKW [01:07:18] georgerossofkildary: LOL [01:07:18] deindiana: I told my parents while away on holiday [01:07:20] Y0rk5h1r3: D4dd5ter LUL [01:07:20] UkuleleSprout: as an any pronouns bi gender-fluid person i'm so proud of u for coming out and happy to be able to support you!! [01:07:20] kolja_mp4: KEKW [01:07:21] writhinglekku: daMN [01:07:22] Myoukochou: KEKW [01:07:23] cedric_callnight: Haha [01:07:25] Stuffilike: They?? Them?? Dear god................... [01:07:25] davidiusfarrenius: Finn Dad is funny 🤣 [01:07:27] ariitre_: hey! do you still want to be called finn? or should we call you by something different now? [01:07:28] Bleats_Sinodai: chaimoteHaha chaimoteHaha chaimoteHaha chaimoteHaha chaimoteHaha chaimoteHaha chaimoteHaha chaimoteHaha [01:07:28] SleepyPac: that is so dad coded [01:07:28] nodegen: how drunk was he? [01:07:28] ArminGux: kekw wtf [01:07:29] nyrhalahotep: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 [01:07:29] callumintai: So are you now in a lesbian relationship? [01:07:30] SunIsLost: @UkuleleSprout yea [01:07:30] AceEagle21: frats finn thank you for sharing your journey with us [01:07:31] krovvy: LOOL [01:07:31] InCasy: f1nnPet [01:07:32] loonashika: oh god i told my parents i was on estrogen and they literally had no idea what i was talking about [01:07:32] oof_a_m: LMAOO [01:07:33] jackalsclaw: sister "Do you want to go bra shopping?" [01:07:33] Doperanks: Your family is based LUL [01:07:33] HexGrrrrl: Dads are weird sometimes [01:07:34] KAMlK0_: lmfao [01:07:34] officalchionkinnie: when did you realize? who was the first person you told? [01:07:35] helunsebunse: You not very solid :)) [01:07:35] 19ducks: Lmao [01:07:35] experiencepoints: @F1NN5TER Do you feel the weird nipple-to-downstairs connection thing? When I started I didn't expect it AT ALL [01:07:35] gurekiVT: PRONOUNS >: ( [01:07:35] craven_the_tank: craven_the_tank subscribed with Prime. [01:07:36] lurker_ger: peak dad energy [01:07:36] f3mmbot: craven_the_tank subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang craven_the_tank f1nnLezgang [01:07:36] daniel_ale_24: So what about your sexuality (out of respect ofc jaja) [01:07:36] mr_mcscwier: what is your favorite preparation of potatoes [01:07:37] CubeYi: LMAOO [01:07:37] YumeNoZen: We can see the where you got some of your genetics from, for sure. [01:07:38] benevolentbeaver: Chaotic dumbass energy fr [01:07:38] Spaghetto_Depressi: The British jumped out of him [01:07:38] silentkay1: lol the standard boomer reaction [01:07:40] WuppieF: LMAOOO your dad was scawwed [01:07:40] johnkeiwo: W dad [01:07:41] me1ll0: any small random things that give unexpected euphoria? [01:07:41] Avaerus0: Kids with their crazy pronouns! [01:07:41] HardyOrange: the boomer really jumped out of him [01:07:41] majabaja98: how does dysphoria affect you? 󠀀 [01:07:42] jimtag_: did the dad get car? [01:07:42] Mnh188: brothers reaction? [01:07:42] widepeepo_deany: KKona pronouns? [01:07:42] maddog_400: i am concidering my gender aLOT as a hormonial teen so what should i think about to figure it out? [01:07:42] dangerousruben: Quick Alex Jones moment [01:07:43] lizardwizard1005: based dad kekw [01:07:43] rocker_26: flashback energy [01:07:44] ScarsUnseen: my parents freaked the fuck out, so i moved out and my 20s were terrible lol. what a time. [01:07:44] johnkeiwo: " I never wanted a son " [01:07:44] 71M073J: family envy :( [01:07:44] johnkeiwo: " I never wanted a son " [01:07:45] 0dybee: pronouns NOOOO [01:07:45] ezk_r: rip that bandaid quickly [01:07:45] NoahTheLolll: boxFlower [01:07:45] Lyinginbedmon: God I had to explain what "outing" someone was to my dad [01:07:46] FancyTrashMan: chad [01:07:46] sapphic_luma: I just noticed how many Blåhaj there are in the background [01:07:48] camina_mtns: fucking gender ambiguity!! [01:07:48] splurshin: W family fr [01:07:48] voidstar5328: Bro got possessed by transphobia [01:07:48] kirathepan: Based [01:07:50] kristinhateslife: sounds like my dad but we was taking Math [01:07:50] sappholover39: Hi F1NN!!!! [01:07:50] scarlettyg: Classic Dad5ter moment [01:07:50] seymourbuttsz: The alphabet wokes [01:07:50] neon_bullet720: have you told tank? [01:07:50] karojhe: LUL LUL LUL [01:07:51] axing_: boomer dad energy leaked out for a sec [01:07:51] ClaraRenway: blue hair and pronounce!!! [01:07:52] kevlarchicken: i am jealous of your family lol [01:07:52] jimjimjim06: did you have any changes you didn't expect when starting hrt? [01:07:54] livviasong: @daniel_ale_24 he's bi :) [01:07:54] hazelgamess: KEKW [01:07:55] axx_le: did anyone take it badly? [01:07:55] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [01:07:55] KfkFod: KEKW [01:07:56] Irony_OwO: lmao [01:07:56] tinyalison420: KEKW 󠀀 [01:07:56] xLumieI: Based dad [01:07:56] MikeWillStream: KEKW [01:07:56] ya_boi_snowie: OMG [01:07:56] andronauts: andron18PETTHEANDRO [01:07:56] cyphoenic_: :O [01:07:56] beaneater197: Bro-nouns [01:07:56] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER what made you realise you were bisexual [01:07:56] pretzelbea: KEKW [01:07:56] braddle172: KEKW [01:07:56] Phe8UrCheeze: OOF LUL [01:07:57] tripod_666: xd [01:07:57] Descriptivist: BASEDDDD [01:07:57] TheI3arracuda: OMEGALUL [01:07:57] globcob: KEKW 󠀀 [01:07:57] Rubysan_Gaming: KEKW [01:07:57] clobear1956: HI FINN WHATS HAPPENING [01:07:57] multiversal_rift: ill genuinley have a lingustics discussion with him lol [01:07:57] perfersserderg: KEKW [01:07:57] harrryot: Lokal Old man shorts at wall [01:07:57] bearpaw1970: Lmao' [01:07:57] filip_zd10: KEKW [01:07:58] chipmunnkplayz: Hey Finn, I need help right now what is your advice on dealing with break up and how to get her back and if i should. I also wanted to ask how did you decide to take hrt? because i've been thinking about it but im not sure :/ [01:07:58] ollie_jandro: BASED [01:07:58] AlhambraMMXX: KEKW [01:07:58] djathome: OMEGALUL NO WAY OMEGALUL [01:07:59] mimmm: OMG [01:07:59] SleepyPac: KEKW [01:07:59] zz_p0p: I apologize for my outburst 😭😭 Cheer100 [01:07:59] kai_kxchow: KEKW [01:07:59] Hadband: Based [01:07:59] ciernaruza: KEKW [01:07:59] Marie_lies: WutFace SeemsGood [01:07:59] StormvanRoon: Finn im so happy for you!! How was it figuring all of this out and how did you find out you were BI <3 <3 [01:08:00] meta1girl: so what kind of dysphoria do you experience? [01:08:00] Stuffilike: GOD [01:08:00] CakeyLive: KEKW [01:08:00] elle_gato: KEKW [01:08:00] SunIsLost: Yea, a shock [01:08:00] BusohSensen: KEKW [01:08:01] nyrhalahotep: your family is so damn sweet [01:08:01] Selstraits: yeah it's like a woman saying "hey i took a potion that turns me female" there isnt much to say about you taking hrt [01:08:01] LordWaldemaart: KEKW [01:08:01] cheesusyourlord: BASED [01:08:01] GravitArinya: OH MY GOD LMAO [01:08:01] krovvy: KEKW holy shit [01:08:02] c__r__j: ...again. LUL [01:08:02] canvaspainting: KEKW [01:08:02] packagum: LMAO [01:08:02] ZerschnetzIer: since when dioyou know you are bi? [01:08:02] Ivan_Eva: KEKL [01:08:02] Xirenec_: OOF [01:08:02] AeitZean: Based LUL LUL [01:08:03] paul360hd: Hey Finn, how do you feel about hrt and fertility and kids? [01:08:03] vengeful_trader: that certainly sounds interesting [01:08:03] Benjatrack: bruh [01:08:03] LittleChaSiu: "I never wanted a son" LUL [01:08:04] PaulPaulTV: LUL [01:08:04] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: LUL [01:08:04] shindra_imly: OMEGALUL [01:08:04] alexx_net: Bro nouns? oh ok. [01:08:05] Chri55PBacon: LUL [01:08:06] kykween: LMAOOOOO [01:08:06] motorbike_dan: cope [01:08:06] SnowyLando: based [01:08:06] its_me_mario89: Lol [01:08:07] Environmela: KEKW [01:08:07] ArminGux: kekw, well he got his wish [01:08:07] nononymousse: *collect pronouns for malicioun reasons* [01:08:08] iaknihs: The internet totally didn't predict all this ages ago [01:08:08] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: OMG HAHAHAHA [01:08:09] munocard: Seth Everman [01:08:09] quantumliv: THEIR TURNING THE FROGS GAY! [01:08:09] JinxyKittyVT: OMEGALUL [01:08:10] thedanitone: PROnOwS [01:08:10] jarlofnoway: f1nnPet [01:08:10] zero_is_spooky: LMAOOO [01:08:10] delayedsunflower: f1nnLaff [01:08:10] MischievousPuma: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:08:11] nolainin3some: has hrt changed your tolerance to alcohol or how much does it affect you? [01:08:11] lishoward: ouch lol [01:08:11] jondundas: Lllloooooollllllll [01:08:11] mootie1: KEKW [01:08:11] Der_Grumpy: lolll [01:08:12] georgerossofkildary: He switched to default settings for a moment. But he's awesome for supporting you anyway! [01:08:13] 19ducks: its actually so sweet how happy you are <3 [01:08:13] naagro: Natt <.< [01:08:13] independent_observer: Natt [01:08:15] that_glitch: that_glitch subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! AsexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [01:08:15] ughidkwhatever: told my friend i'm asexual and she went "you know, i figured" [01:08:15] f3mmbot: that_glitch subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [01:08:16] Mr_Fluffy97: KEKW [01:08:17] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Question about realizing that he was Bi [01:08:17] rkanjl: Nice one dad5t3r Bronouns [01:08:17] BobTheJanit0r: you're no longer my son! but, like, in a good way [01:08:18] WunkusAU: WunkusAU subscribed with Prime. [01:08:18] f3mmbot: wunkusau subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang wunkusau f1nnLezgang [01:08:18] kirathepan: Ass? [01:08:19] professorpussicat: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Those interactions with men that make you think to yourself "yeah, this man, I'm not one of those, men are odd..." [01:08:19] templarkeira: Nat made you realise? [01:08:20] Arnotronix: he just like me [01:08:20] shidooooouu: from "WHATS THIS NOW" to "oh chill no worries" in mere moments [01:08:21] userduwang: Can we ask about your HRT medications? [01:08:21] unsolaci: savage [01:08:22] TenThousandTinyLamas: Natt [01:08:22] JenniferJDiaz: he joined ukip for a nanosecond [01:08:25] moka_3d2y: KEKW [01:08:26] TheRealEpicSquid: you dated a boy????? [01:08:26] t0m1n4t0r: my favorite part of the YouTube video I died when he said it [01:08:27] jordanenby: Bi gang rise up! [01:08:27] widepeepo_deany: BisexualPride [01:08:27] femboyuk: BisexualPride 🫂 [01:08:28] multiversal_rift: singular they has existed longer than singular you!!! [01:08:30] elion3li: natt? [01:08:30] Wanesty: KEKW i mean yea that works [01:08:31] SolsticeRL_: gay :3 [01:08:31] Vanimal2118: vanima3HOWDY @f1nn5ter Dad f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:08:31] estr0genesis: so much news in such little time [01:08:32] Snalster: BisexualPride 󠀀 [01:08:32] avatarhades: your dad got possessed by the ghost of transphobias past [01:08:32] cubepig123: @stovamor i redeemed hydrate but finn didnt hydrate :< [01:08:33] d0nald_i_need_heals: do you still identify as asexual as well as bisexual? [01:08:34] greebowarrior: gang gang [01:08:34] Shal_Grace: KEKW 󠀀 [01:08:34] illusion1804: explodes pancakes with mind [01:08:35] cyphoenic_: BisexualPride [01:08:35] XENOMAN5: Dads are weird because they have an expectation of their son to carry on their line and if the son is not as manly as they imagine then it’s difficult but sounds like your dad handled it like a champ as usual [01:08:36] KfkFod: BisexualPride [01:08:36] ClaraRenway: Fair point [01:08:36] BusohSensen: "why didn't you reset customization sooner ?" [01:08:36] muddymudkip15: BisexualPride [01:08:36] Catamondium: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [01:08:37] FatherThyme: "oh this isn't so bad" [01:08:38] TrueMezzo: thatll do it [01:08:38] shelledbsh: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:08:38] Neameklol: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [01:08:38] braddle172: BisexualPride [01:08:39] witonis: that's a lil gay ngl [01:08:39] Bleats_Sinodai: PRONOUNS?!? Oh okay🧔‍♀️👍 [01:08:40] Kolateak_: Dating a guy as a guy definitely aint a very straight activity [01:08:40] ArchyNemesis: Guys are very cool <3 [01:08:40] clobear1956: so Finn woman? [01:08:41] axing_: natt? KEKW [01:08:41] scarlettyg: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:08:41] smart_donkey: Was it nat [01:08:41] rubyytea: dudes cool too !!! [01:08:41] IrrelevantFerret: BisexualPride [01:08:41] lishoward: when was this? [01:08:41] Sleepystephbot: Boy kisser! [01:08:42] officalchionkinnie: thats a mood [01:08:42] mattwalewangko: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:08:43] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: LET'S GOOOOOO NAT! [01:08:43] DodenKing: 100% gay [01:08:43] Aelei13: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:08:44] helunsebunse: Is your hair real? [01:08:44] UkuleleSprout: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:08:44] amethystbinx: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:08:45] hazelgamess: BisexualPride [01:08:45] CritCupcake: Are you coming out as a bottom too? [01:08:45] quavery3: just watched the video, SO POG [01:08:46] johnkeiwo: W [01:08:46] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: BisexualPride [01:08:46] androidwall4680: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:08:46] remain_unseen: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:08:46] Quatroid_: FINN X NATT???? [01:08:46] naagro: That one uber driver who got your number after he flirted w/ you? [01:08:48] zombiii: not being able to sit normally was a dead giveaway [01:08:48] bleu_swedish_chee2e: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:08:48] dazed_03: same tbh [01:08:48] Jon3themon: it was soda wasn’t it [01:08:48] majabaja98: same LMAO [01:08:49] HexGrrrrl: Dating my gf made me realize I was a lesbian [01:08:49] Der_Grumpy: he saw natt and thought man hes hot [01:08:49] Spech69: UR A BOY KISSER [01:08:49] ya_boi_snowie: welcome to the bi club! [01:08:49] sappholover39: I'm very happy for you and I'm very proud of you!!! You are loved more than you know!!! ❤️❤️❤️ [01:08:49] daniel_ale_24: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [01:08:50] MajesticFvckingEagle: GenderFluidPride AsexualPride BisexualPride W [01:08:50] oof_a_m: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:08:50] ceph45: wait hold on is this a gender reveal whats going on [01:08:50] serya_winters: serya_winters subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months! [01:08:51] Avaerus0: Basically the reaction half of chat had after watching you [01:08:51] f3mmbot: serya_winters subscribed to f1nn5ter for 33 months using Prime! PogU [01:08:51] EmpressCard: Coping?! [01:08:51] occamsrazorwit: @XENOMAN5 I think that ship sailed long ago lol [01:08:51] USS_Stargazer: did Dad get his car yet? [01:08:51] isthisapokeman: haha boy kissser [01:08:51] Phenring: F1nn!!!! congratulations [01:08:51] NoxilCosplays: ooh, what we talkin bout' 00 [01:08:52] dangerousruben: Coping? Yes you are [01:08:52] Yduno: BisexualPride [01:08:52] nerdypegasus: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:08:52] feeddageek: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [01:08:52] c__r__j: "I'd better come out. Let's distract people by announcing HRT at the same time." [01:08:52] joshuathedutchmen: NATT [01:08:52] jamnesia777: don’t feel pressured to tell us who it was [01:08:52] Stovamor: @cubepig123, do you really think he's going to pay attention to those this stream? [01:08:53] maddog_400: for me, i looked at picture of ryan reynolds [01:08:53] zero_is_spooky: Queer Icon [01:08:53] independent_observer: no need to ask, but to be sure- you were the bottom, weren't you? [01:08:54] TGG717: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:08:54] TheI3arracuda: Nah [01:08:54] new_day_who_dis: Oo this shit be hittin different [01:08:54] abydon96: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:08:54] TwinbeeMk2: Not really [01:08:54] marsthepanda: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:08:55] rainyparade_: Valid as fuck tbh [01:08:55] 19ducks: BisexualPride [01:08:55] aSpicyCow: the penguinz0 voice is crazy [01:08:56] tomgrouch: bi the way [01:08:56] MomochiZoey: But sometimes it makes you more straight now [01:08:56] CattoLozex: copium [01:08:57] durendal_69: Ace? [01:08:58] caramelglamour: Finns reallyy coming out here!!!!! [01:08:58] mj_phae: boyliker! [01:08:58] thekindredspiritofficial: i remember being in that boat [01:08:58] ronabeerbeer: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [01:08:58] SalvoBrick: Soooo young [01:08:58] ezk_r: BisexualPride [01:08:59] kevlarchicken: not realy [01:08:59] Fries3: bruh i was 29 [01:08:59] ScarsUnseen: i figured it out much later tbh [01:08:59] sapphic_luma: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:08:59] craven_the_tank: @F1NN5TER you accidently activated your dads sleeper agent settings [01:08:59] Myoukochou: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:09:00] andronauts: BisexualPride [01:09:00] judgedame: oh the panic [01:09:00] domi_spartan98: I'm 26 and still figuring it out [01:09:00] whydisway: BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:09:00] Dub_bie: are you still A-spec or? [01:09:00] minesweeper501: @F1NN5TER I thought bi ppl dont exist? [01:09:00] fl0ck9: I figured it out at 28 so 22 ain't too bad [01:09:00] julie35fr: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [01:09:00] djonB: bi the way (ayoooo) [01:09:00] YumeNoZen: It's almost like people are people, regardless of what gender they identify as. [01:09:01] awkwardjoke: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:09:01] johnkeiwo: people figure this out WAYYYYYYY LATER [01:09:01] MrKafay: boy kisser BisexualPride [01:09:01] lizardwizard1005: so Natt is on the table LUL [01:09:01] FROGcomply: what the dog think about your hrt [01:09:01] liamthepro233: Can I marry you also where is tank [01:09:02] YellowPiratetheFirst: nah I’m 26 and have no idea [01:09:02] MissJesStar: I figured it out a bit later than that [01:09:02] SunIsLost: I'm 20 [01:09:02] sachapotato: so are you asexual and biromantic? [01:09:02] scorpx11: was it kyle fps russia? [01:09:02] juneguild: I was 26 [01:09:02] starduckxd: ooh you like kissing boys [01:09:02] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:09:02] oerbadiaruby: Try figuring out your demi at 30 lmao [01:09:03] sherlock_norris: how many dicks did it take? [01:09:03] ponsinoumi: Nah, not at all [01:09:03] realxelnoc: you like kissing boys dont you [01:09:03] jubjub221: figured it out or accepted it ? [01:09:03] lurker_ger: took me til i was like 25 LUL [01:09:04] MischievousPuma: BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:09:04] nickelsgg: Bro I'm 32 and I'm still figuring my shit out. [01:09:04] neondimples: I figured out I'm trans at 32!!!! [01:09:05] Munchskull: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:09:05] ZerschnetzIer: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [01:09:05] allielovesgoodkidwooo: girl kisser [01:09:05] dreadcain: 29, shut up [01:09:05] saint_r: did you kiss a beard? [01:09:06] aceavan7: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [01:09:06] moka_3d2y: PansexualPride BisexualPride [01:09:06] qrthulhu: natt [01:09:06] heta_6: Everyone saying Nat lol [01:09:06] RoryLuukas: I was 20 when I realised! [01:09:06] jayem97: Yeah that's how it happens [01:09:07] GoodHydrations: A bunch of people figure it out in their 20s [01:09:07] d0nald_i_need_heals: I didn’t realize I was Bi til 24 [01:09:07] Stuffilike: Bothkisser [01:09:07] lovekaseyj: so you’re genderfluid, bi and ace. plus possibly autistic ??? [01:09:07] jessicaluxuz: Wait these are called fembucks??? Why do I have 20k of them [01:09:08] anexus_defario: you like boooyssss [01:09:08] senor_bigdog: bi to the old finn [01:09:08] ArminGux: usually you figure it out in ur teens [01:09:08] seymourbuttsz: I figured out I'm trans at 23. Still confused about sexuality [01:09:08] kannavale: Try figuring out that stuff when you're 32! [01:09:09] thunderscoob: this brings the dicks sucked question back up [01:09:09] SolsticeRL_: pride flags in the background when? [01:09:09] benevolentbeaver: I only figured out at 21 as well [01:09:09] greebowarrior: i only figured it out in my late 30s, soo.... [01:09:09] kieranfl: boikisser and sinkpisser all in one package [01:09:09] anschofi: figured out at 32 [01:09:10] kilan222: na same bro [01:09:10] MajesticFvckingEagle: literally BOYKISSER AND SINKPISSER [01:09:10] ClaraRenway: Is f1nn5ter a bottom?!?!?!!111 [01:09:10] blueskydrinking: I figured it out when I was 26 then repressed like fuck lmao [01:09:10] georgerossofkildary: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:09:10] PlanetJae: hey babygirl [01:09:11] umutk_99: bisexual bye gender [01:09:11] Spook1es: Better than late 20s :P [01:09:11] lyraeseltherogue: Cooties [01:09:11] Worldsokeyest: This makes the Dick sucking leniency Bit so much funnier @F1NN5TER [01:09:11] melanitta_: BisexualPride [01:09:11] scarlettyg: Not less weird than figuring out you're trans at 32 [01:09:12] muffinman1244: I thought I was Ace before I realized I was Bi [01:09:12] Amoyamoyamoya: Hi @aSpicyCow !!! [01:09:12] ahhh3y: bring in Ashley [01:09:12] jackalsclaw: celebrity crushes? [01:09:12] alexx_net: Took me until I was 40 to work out my gender [01:09:12] MilkyWeaponOfDestruction: I figured out at 26 lol [01:09:12] EmanThaAce: hi [01:09:12] TrissByTor: How about 28 [01:09:12] UnperfectOne: Boy kisser AND sink pisser [01:09:13] skylikesaerospace: you’d think you would have figured out your not cis way sooner [01:09:13] shelledbsh: Being bi does sneak up on you [01:09:14] aggravatedconditions: i was 23 [01:09:14] ptd_bunny: Ha boy kisser [01:09:15] themilkbox420: human kisser! [01:09:15] xx_bex_becca_xx: BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [01:09:15] isabaellchen: yea, its weird figuring out you're a woman [01:09:16] techytrickster: bi? means you get to taste the rainbow! [01:09:16] Dezponia: ziphKisser ziphKisser ziphKisser [01:09:16] lajotu: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [01:09:17] ZoeDoesMusic: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:09:17] amyfluidgoth: you chase one chicken when you're 10 and for the whole game everyone calls you chicken-chaser [01:09:18] deepwater_fae: eh, everyone figures stuff out in their own time [01:09:18] tripod_666: i thought i takes at least 3 xd [01:09:18] DG_Airquake: So F1nn x Natt is still possible i have hope [01:09:19] c__r__j: @aSpicyCow f1nnStare [01:09:20] pinkplasmalive: the closet was so glass its unbelievable [01:09:20] ToN1c: Top or bottom? [01:09:20] LuxFatuous: i was 28 [01:09:21] zombiii: im 29 i figured it out last year too. sometimes it takes time [01:09:21] mimmm: sink pisser, boy kisser [01:09:21] BR0WNSTE1N: hey finn this is gonna sound so dumb and weird but I’m so proud of you and happy for you but do you know why I also feel kinda sad and empty about myself don’t really know what’s wrong with me [01:09:21] mister_kindness: Sink pisser AND boy kisser. [01:09:21] Snalster: BisexualPride I was 19 [01:09:21] SnowyLando: i dont know my sexuality, for ages i thought i was bi, then lesbian, and now idk, bi? pan? [01:09:22] camarada_emy: As straight as a U shaped arrow [01:09:22] clobear1956: I’m late what’s happening [01:09:22] NamisaNM: I came out with 27 its not weird [01:09:22] sirzazzelot: moist critical voice [01:09:22] AntiComposite: sometimes it's really easy to ignore things [01:09:23] jordanenby: I figured it out at 20 so yeah I know how that's like [01:09:23] ICurryI: F1nn was straight but then he memed on the hypno videos [01:09:23] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: 23 is not that late [01:09:23] Miss_Nova1986: Not pan sexual??? [01:09:23] nogare97: Took me until 24/25 to figure out I'm ace. So... [01:09:24] Pillooow: was it after the second kiss at the party or the fifth? [01:09:24] amethystbinx: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:09:24] kirathepan: Person kisser [01:09:24] swithou: Bro. The egg hatched [01:09:24] Andromeda42442: are you still on finasteride [01:09:25] HardyOrange: we get to use the boy kisser memes on you!!!! lmao we win these [01:09:25] M0sssy_: CONGRATS ON COMING OUT BTW [01:09:25] Doperanks: 23 is fine, I was 32 when I realized I was trans [01:09:25] Arnotronix: i knew i was bi when i first saw you [01:09:25] Skkorm: Do a Peaky Blinders impersonation, nerd. You're from there, do ittttt [01:09:26] packagum: was 24 when i admitted it to myself 😂 [01:09:26] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: Nat finally cracking the egg. [01:09:27] MsSpelled_MT: so, do you still stand on your cis man liking bg max limit views? [01:09:27] johnkeiwo: EZ Clap [01:09:27] feeddageek: So you like frogs now ? [01:09:27] hotdogger420: same for me!!! [01:09:27] axing_: so that's what the trying out sucking talk was about!!! [01:09:28] rkanjl: Bronouns [01:09:28] xXNeroZashiXx: Lol 🤣 [01:09:28] ollie_jandro: TRUUE [01:09:28] Popdowner: yeaaa gendersss wooo BisexualPride [01:09:28] mushooom_: so you’re…. one of them? [01:09:28] TheI3arracuda: Kappa [01:09:29] hydrangea_sh: how to deal with sexuality while on estrogen [01:09:29] Fried_Pickles: or are you a lesbian [01:09:29] JeperoJ: eh, im 21 and only know that i know nothing about myself... [01:09:29] Wanesty: EZ [01:09:29] TwinbeeMk2: not how that works lol [01:09:30] estr0genesis: Youve been every lettr of the LGBT now [01:09:30] Solrex: For me, I'm bi because I'm still attracted to girls, but the gender euphoria to dating a man is strong enough that I'll go either way. [01:09:30] Komnia: HUHH [01:09:30] davidiusfarrenius: you have to try cock 3 times to know if you like it or not! 😅 [01:09:30] Phenring: Just a side note, after about a year of HRT if you stop it'll feel like menopause for a little while [01:09:30] nodegen: ungayed [01:09:31] ciernaruza: fr I only found out I was bi at 19 and I thought that was really late [01:09:31] JJVanVan: im 25 and havent realized yet. oh wait... [01:09:31] naagro: @F1NN5TER so you dated that one uber driver? [01:09:31] Amoyamoyamoya: KEEP TELLING YOURSELF THAT HONEY [01:09:31] kb77777777: Natt [01:09:31] Nirvana_W22: bi and ace? [01:09:31] cyphoenic_: not how bi works... [01:09:31] Bleats_Sinodai: I learned I was trans at 31. It's okay if it takes time. [01:09:31] MatthewL: KEKW [01:09:32] thereturnofjimboi: Finster still do boymode? [01:09:32] c__r__j: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:09:33] Esper89: you should do voice training to make your voice deeper [01:09:33] ekat2468: you're GAY [01:09:33] scorpx11: lesbian [01:09:33] aSpicyCow: adds up i guess shrug emoji [01:09:33] hazelgamess: Omg she transitioned to a cis woman Pog [01:09:33] lishoward: do you have a preference? [01:09:33] cactusguy2013: I'm only just figuring out I'm probably ace at 23 [01:09:34] Amoyamoyamoya: KEEP TELLING YOURSELF THAT HONEY [01:09:34] XENOMAN5: Try figuring it out at 50. That’s weird. [01:09:35] Helen_Croft: Or Les ? @F1NN5TER [01:09:35] CritCupcake: But are you a bottom!?!? [01:09:35] shindra_imly: Chaser [01:09:35] morgan_drui: I was about the same age lol [01:09:35] idesofjuno: LUL [01:09:35] Demacherius: so your gay soon [01:09:35] JessicaCaraKasey: Boy kisser, sink pisser! 🤣🤣😎😎 [01:09:36] Cleekru: sooo lesbian? [01:09:36] bubbasadie234: women [01:09:36] johnkeiwo: the cope KEKW [01:09:36] 98river: 26 and havent Figured IT Out 😄 [01:09:36] braddle172: f1nnCope [01:09:36] vsennafraza: Finn are you still thinking about getting a nose job?? [01:09:37] new_day_who_dis: Kekw [01:09:37] Shal_Grace: aint nothing straight in that house [01:09:37] MrKafay: rooHUH [01:09:37] Zynick_: " i realized i was bi when i was dating a guy" ???? [01:09:38] SleepyPac: f1nnCope [01:09:38] bdix727: how long was the relationship? [01:09:38] ElioJey: I didn't realize I was a guy until i was in my early 40's [01:09:38] MissJesStar: no longer... trans? not possible haha [01:09:38] bensrob: [01:09:39] BuckyInSpace: I was 23 when I figured it out I was bi also [01:09:39] marblesfr: bi erasing himself [01:09:39] AeitZean: So how many dicks is too many to figure it out? LUL [01:09:39] multiversal_rift: lol [01:09:39] AlhambraMMXX: i was 20 when i figured out i'm bi and it was just like "oh, that's athing now i guess" [01:09:39] grap3_s0da: Unless you end up as woman and then you are gay again [01:09:39] greatattentionspa: Darling, I figured out I was Bi a month ago. I'm 30! [01:09:39] AkariaTX: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:09:39] ChasingSol: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:09:39] dangerousruben: So Ashley is no longer straight [01:09:39] wiz_carifa: Legally straight [01:09:40] tomgrouch: i was bi but it wore off [01:09:40] Moka3321: full circle [01:09:40] cerysnomi: i got my grc last november [01:09:40] LanaBread: confirmed het, f1nn5ter [01:09:41] dcheeks: It's cool I only figured out I was bi at 25 [01:09:41] alexh1441: so f1nn to summ [01:09:41] KAMlK0_: this one time... at band camp [01:09:42] Zaarey: Im 24 have never dated but have recently started to think i might be bi as well its hella weird [01:09:42] qrthulhu: doesn’t dating a woman make you bi now [01:09:42] imgeoduck: bro got us with the technicality [01:09:42] Der_Grumpy: thats not how it works man [01:09:42] caramelglamour: Completely straight riiiight [01:09:43] SoapCanFan: Les Bean [01:09:43] Falqun: coping KEKW [01:09:43] OstentatiousMongoose: EZ Clap [01:09:43] occamsrazorwit: What about the asexuality? How does that interact with your bisexuality? [01:09:43] ScrapRodent: LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [01:09:44] Trojan_Blitz: its PEMDAS duh [01:09:44] WildBoyWoo: Try being 32 and still feeling not like yourself [01:09:44] taelion: hey, took me 25 years as well even though having more than one gay encounter growing upI liked… [01:09:44] kilan222: thats not how that works!??!!? [01:09:44] scarlettyg: Already back to the f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope , I see [01:09:45] ArchyNemesis: F1NN has been playing 4D chess this whole time [01:09:45] ringwraith1313: part time lesbian [01:09:45] pancakeTransitions: dating a woman means you're gay though OMEGALUL [01:09:45] Hardie_Madness: u r less bean [01:09:45] quavery3: congrats on coming out as straight! [01:09:45] ghostieliving: Congrats on no longer being the only straight man I'd hook up with (proud of you for coming out) [01:09:45] helunsebunse: L$sbian? [01:09:46] Stovamor: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:09:46] bearpaw1970: It's one of the things about your spirit you have learned about yourself , and that's very good to find every part of yourself [01:09:46] ATValdor: except when you're a lesbian [01:09:47] FlowersOfLight: "cis" "straight" "man" [01:09:47] thyDukette: Hi I'm late,- recap on the last hour?? [01:09:47] Selstraits: imagine being 32 n Fin solely made me bi [01:09:47] jimtag_: one time in college [01:09:48] ilikethecold: Being bi also helps since you dont have to explain your exact gender to people when you sah you are straight/gay [01:09:48] shwapineer: you kissed a boy and you liked it? [01:09:48] steampunk1994: I figured it out when I was 29..... [01:09:49] ahhh3y: bring in Ashley please [01:09:49] pillbughug: I figured out I was trans around like 25, it’s fine [01:09:49] zz_p0p: Lezbean!!!! [01:09:49] Sift11: i didn't know f1nn was lebanese /s [01:09:49] goddessempressbird: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [01:09:49] PaganOrca: LesbianPride [01:09:50] alexx_net: "That's not,,, that's not how any of this works" [01:09:50] Alchimay: how is your memory? do you remember your dreams more now? [01:09:50] softbonez: you fuck one guy and suddenly people think you're into guys smh [01:09:51] NelordUK: bu... bu...... but ... men are hot [01:09:51] KontwinkiN0Yami: I thought you were american? [01:09:52] ezk_r: still bi [01:09:52] cooltukk: and what about being ace? you talked about it a bit [01:09:52] ArminGux: big lesbian energy [01:09:52] 7071_haoN: for now... [01:09:53] Catamondium: women are hot [01:09:53] babydollrockandroll: What do u think of pan vs bi as a label for yourself [01:09:53] HexGrrrrl: Women are so hot [01:09:54] Pheynix: are you going private or nhs for your estrogen? I've been wanting to start for a while but have no idea if its worth going through the waiting list nonsense or shelling out the cash [01:09:54] ceph45: whats going on rn is this like a gender reveal? [01:09:55] luckgard: Pan or Bi? [01:09:55] druchi2088: F1nn thats the sort of shit I said in school when I was like "It's just practice for girls bro" [01:09:55] YumeNoZen: Technically, if someone is non-binary and specific enough in their gender identity, anyone they date will be a different gender, and thus het. [01:09:55] haprer_: wait but now isn’t it gay no matter who you date lol [01:09:55] ForksAreFree: I figured myself out at 25, know people who came out in their 40s. Early 20s is a decent age to come out [01:09:56] DodenKing: First 3 times arent gay [01:09:56] QuadraticInK: Genuine he/him lesbian? [01:09:56] ClaraRenway: hehe youre a boykisser and a girl kisser! [01:09:56] Mr_Fluffy97: The 3 dicks thing all over again KEKW [01:09:56] rainyparade_: Nah, you wouldn't necessarily know yet. SO many people don't realize for a long time because they just don't really consider it. [01:09:57] Holzvolumen: i mean you are dating a former dude with a cock. It was obvious that you are at leat bi. No straight dude would be with a trans [01:09:57] Nairako: Cheer50 are u coming to twitchcon eu? :)) [01:09:57] halamoucu: how did you come to the conclusion of the gender-fluid label? [01:09:57] heta_6: Ace? [01:09:57] spider3327: lesbian now you cant escape [01:09:57] shidooooouu: YOU FIGURED OUT THE LOOPHOLE [01:09:58] plzdontmindme_: name`? change? [01:09:58] bulletfeed: Your a lesbian when you want to be [01:09:59] ya_boi_snowie: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:09:59] TheRealEpicSquid: name change or nah [01:09:59] Darkness4desert: Only sucked once still safe [01:09:59] Emoney129: ✌️🩷🤍🩵 [01:09:59] jigitosiko: Bro im 31 and i dont know what to do, i think about HRT [01:10:00] TheI3arracuda: how did you feel about the egg jokes [01:10:00] sirzazzelot: government assigned hetero [01:10:01] Fleganhimer: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:10:01] TheDumbSurvivor: natts reaction? [01:10:02] sachapotato: the correct answer is you have a preference for ashley [01:10:02] Nirvana_W22: but ur genderfluid no circles back to bi [01:10:03] HypnoHooves: the chances of anyone in this chat is concerned about you being bi.. i think is zero! [01:10:03] Andromeda42442: finasteride with estrogen? [01:10:03] 71M073J: lol [01:10:03] perfersserderg: KEKW 󠀀 [01:10:04] StarnetSys: xenopronouns??.? [01:10:04] rkanjl: F1nn has bronouns [01:10:04] crowblax: first male crush [01:10:04] sp00kykj: its like that tiktok "you like boysssssss" LUL [01:10:04] S0ddit: After taking HRT, are you still able to play minecraft? [01:10:04] m00tl3s: Kappa [01:10:05] KiraDreamchaser: But if your gender fluid then not straight anymore [01:10:05] Helen_Croft: Bring back f1nnLezgang @F1NN5TER [01:10:05] gerglingson: are you still ace? [01:10:05] andromeda_nyx: its was only 2 guy dicks, need atleast 3 to make it official [01:10:05] lordgtafbi: 2/3 on your d counter I suppose LUL [01:10:06] rybameinong: But you're not a man and she's a woman, so that's feo not hetero [01:10:06] WuppieF: can you be straight if your not cis? [01:10:06] Bleats_Sinodai: F1NN you're my favorite he/him lesbian [01:10:06] feebowlcs: type in guys????????? [01:10:07] Fried_Pickles: LMAO Reddit: "We gotem em girls" [01:10:07] azekeil: how many times do you have to suck cock before you're sure you're not gay? KEKW [01:10:07] SleepyTeaMage: How long have you been on HRT? [01:10:07] sightedfiend16: what’s ur type in men [01:10:08] keegs200416: you kiss 1 guy and then your gay [01:10:08] OcelotYT: "I can make you lesbian at any point" comes true [01:10:08] ZerschnetzIer: KEKW [01:10:08] qdoit12: the L word [01:10:09] postpopcorn: so i have a chance [01:10:09] jennifer3037c: will youc are when it doesnt get up? [01:10:09] the_bfm: so you’re saying there is a chance…..! [01:10:10] amethystbinx: f1nnHeart [01:10:11] Deadran: <3 [01:10:12] sapphic_luma: LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [01:10:12] TICTACTACOS1: @f1nn5ter genderfluid bisexual switch? can you just make a choice for once in your life?? [01:10:12] call_me_kashi: Have you noticed a change in flavors of foods? [01:10:12] jastheflower: He/him lesbian ahh [01:10:13] mr_leggy_d_1st: Hight? [01:10:13] playboy96969: are you still into knives? lol [01:10:13] me1ll0: demi? [01:10:13] realxelnoc: fellas, is it gay to be finn? [01:10:14] 19ducks: you have the power to turn EVERYONE gay [01:10:15] kilan222: thats not how that works with bisexuality [01:10:15] effrin77: Bi and Ace? Based? [01:10:15] elion3li: nono u now gay whatever u do [01:10:15] sp0w0py_: I’m 21 and just figured out im bi half a year ago, it’s soooo weird when you suddenly realise… Especially when thinking about “signs” before that [01:10:16] morgan_drui: Finn said no homo lol [01:10:17] Oltaidh: I've been out as nonbinary for 6 years and this is weirdly inspiring for me to chase the gender expression I actually want [01:10:18] neon_bullet720: he/him lesbians is valid lol [01:10:18] merkutzio: like a 1 or 2 on kinsey scale pre transition and a 5 or 6 post transition [01:10:18] splurshin: do you game differently??? idk ion got any real questions [01:10:18] Dank_May0: 10 second rule on sleeping with a man and it doesnt count [01:10:18] randislays: i’ve been thinking i was bi for 24 years, finally confirmed lesbian like 5 days ago lmaoo [01:10:21] alexh1441: so f1nn to sum it up what your favoured benift of hrt [01:10:22] taicapre: Did your body scent change at all in the past months ? [01:10:22] thyDukette: Dang was there always this many here??? [01:10:23] njbh86: nearly 10k viewers lol [01:10:23] caelamondorian: Best of both worlds, be the wife And the husband [01:10:24] Catamondium: TransgenderPride BisexualPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride LesbianPride [01:10:24] gartoks: AsexualPride [01:10:25] astronos_: TransgenderPride LesbianPride AsexualPride BisexualPride [01:10:25] MsCylon: Hrt does make libido drop [01:10:25] 13TAC0S: so bi ace romantic [01:10:26] nerdypegasus: AsexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [01:10:26] mj_phae: lol [01:10:27] Gius_Julianus: Favorite flavor of ice cream? [01:10:28] AeitZean: Ace sex positive [01:10:28] OmsX8O: f1nnLezgang f1nnLezgang [01:10:28] writhinglekku: are you demisexual? [01:10:28] my_queues: Boy kisser is such an out of pocket insult [01:10:28] thecosmerian: Who’s your celebrity guy crush? [01:10:29] MaxVershhhtappen: DUDE i saw your coming out video and i had to cry at the last seconds because of your parents support, and I didn’t cry for like half a year ago. also i still don’t know if am bisexual or not. i love you Finn all the love to he/him [01:10:29] ughidkwhatever: AsexualPride AsexualPride [01:10:29] macarous: you can be ace as well as bi [01:10:29] userduwang: Are you more of a fan of Subway or Dominos [01:10:30] MissJesStar: you can be both Asexual and Bisexual [01:10:30] billyyyn: super based [01:10:30] Vanimal2118: Just b u @f1nn5ter [01:10:30] druchi2088: But congrats btw well done on your coming out and you're funny and great at creating a lovely community :) [01:10:32] bakerzero01: advices for ppl unsure of doing HRT from your experiences? [01:10:32] cloudy_two: sounds just normal to me [01:10:33] RealRyal: Finn is the whole LGBTQ [01:10:33] PowerOf47: Is there anything you want from us about how we talk/joke about you? manly man, egg jokes, calling you rose? [01:10:33] ATValdor: ace is a spectrum [01:10:33] snertch: so..... FELLOW ANY PRONOUNS KING? [01:10:34] davidiusfarrenius: Cheer100 [01:10:34] heyimkyuuu: Isn't every relationship you're in kinda gay when you're genderfluid? :D [01:10:35] sachapotato: asexual and biromantic then? [01:10:35] Toshikills: Biromantic Ace? [01:10:35] FacelessSnow: gray ace? @F1NN5TER [01:10:36] zvrkinjo: Did stopping girl month goals help? [01:10:36] Shal_Grace: @F1NN5TER demisexual? [01:10:36] andromeda_nyx: asexual biromantic? [01:10:37] scribbz123: finnster if you could swap your balls and your boobs location for a day would you?!!!!! [01:10:38] axx_le: how do ARMPITS smell now [01:10:38] Nitroscout: how does it feel to be a hot guy and girl AND british? [01:10:38] kb77777777: f1nnCool [01:10:39] wolfreg_: do you call the estrogen you take the gender fluid or nah [01:10:39] violet_pirate1: bi romantic? ace sexuality? [01:10:39] crowblax: first man crush before dating a guy [01:10:39] VoceViva96: demisexual biromantic??? [01:10:40] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: so relatable damn [01:10:40] cyphoenic_: reminder: romantic and sexual attraction are different [01:10:40] SnowyLando: demi is a nice label, im demi [01:10:40] hiluuu: there's different types of attraction [01:10:40] Cleekru: biromantic asexual [01:10:40] Arnotronix: genderfluid is so usefull do get straight people in a gay relationship [01:10:40] vsennafraza: do you still want a nose job?? [01:10:40] Vand1: isn't that like demi [01:10:41] nononymousse: somewhere on the ace spectrum ? [01:10:41] cedric_callnight: Demisexual? [01:10:41] lordgtafbi: has HRT affected your libido? [01:10:41] jamexito: graysexual? [01:10:41] silentkay1: you're basically ticking all the boxes of the rainbow [01:10:42] fl0ck9: your video is the top post in r/196 and some of the comments are quite funny [01:10:42] Nauticalcoffin: Did Natt set that bad an example for men? chrO fillyWhat [01:10:43] amethystbinx: AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:10:44] officalchionkinnie: when did you find out. and how did you process that? [01:10:44] Lyinginbedmon: You've recently said you're asexual, how does that interact with bisexuality? [01:10:44] taelion: so rather demi? [01:10:45] Avaerus0: Attraction but not wanting to actually do the deed [01:10:45] YumeNoZen: Ace/demi can still be romantic and attracter, aro is a different thing. [01:10:45] remain_unseen: So like, Biromantic? [01:10:45] Luckyscore: at least you figured things out in your 20’s I’m almost 40 and I still haven’t figured it out [01:10:46] shelledbsh: Good ole sex-positive ace spectrum [01:10:46] ruinerfps: @f1nn5ter so is it officially a waifu cup now? [01:10:46] deespodete: Being genderfluid gives you control over Ashley's orientation [01:10:46] adamjunkpup: Hell yea ace vibes. Good for you too [01:10:46] ahhh3y: bring in Ashley please finny [01:10:47] AlhambraMMXX: biromatic asexual is a thing [01:10:48] pinkplasmalive: schrodingers sexuality? [01:10:48] misschvs: ace and biromantic??? [01:10:48] clobear1956: PRONOUNS!? [01:10:48] Kolateak_: REAL [01:10:49] venlamonster: KEKW [01:10:49] heta_6: AY [01:10:49] Der_Grumpy: would you reconsider your opinion about surgery and stuff like that [01:10:50] MaggieHeels: f1nnLezgang please bring back f1nnLezgang [01:10:50] KfkFod: KEKW [01:10:51] mystchevious1: fuck you [01:10:51] johnkeiwo: adcvrSHOOK adcvrSHOOK [01:10:51] lukemblue: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:10:51] AphiaDeMieux: LOL [01:10:51] AkariaTX: Bi-Greyace. [01:10:51] witonis: autistic? [01:10:51] ciernaruza: lmao [01:10:51] nouma2: That ship has sailed, eh! [01:10:51] ZerschnetzIer: D: [01:10:51] craven_the_tank: @F1NN5TER LMAO [01:10:52] Bleats_Sinodai: You now have the power to make everyone gay. Use it unwisely. [01:10:52] Sift11: @F1NN5TER so sex averse, but still attracted to either [01:10:52] braddle172: KEKW [01:10:53] scandibilly: Gamerboy low-T [01:10:53] NeedleworkLounge: Aceflux is a thing too [01:10:53] NelordUK: DAMN [01:10:54] lop025: WA [01:10:54] multiversal_rift: hrt doesnt always make libido drop, it did the opposite for me [01:10:54] Skoggi123: gotem [01:10:54] dashunde: demigod [01:10:54] aymungoos: @f1nn5ter did you forge your high t test results? [01:10:55] garlicbreadboiiii: lol [01:10:55] Ryk7: Rip [01:10:55] TwinbeeMk2: @F1NN5TER So you're attracted, but don't really have the drive? [01:10:55] diocletiansg: biromantic? [01:10:55] general_of_cm: demi god [01:10:55] SunIsLost: I'm Aceflux [01:10:55] Feredir55: What was the first thing you noticed changing when you started hrt? [01:10:55] gwen_the_ninth: D: Bruh [01:10:56] elion3li: gray? [01:10:56] oerbadiaruby: Wooooow fk you too f1nn xD [01:10:56] rubyytea: LMAO???? [01:10:56] marciliaa: why are you actually just me?? ace, bi and genderfluid BisexualPride GenderFluidPride AsexualPride [01:10:56] umutk_99: certified cringe now [01:10:57] mayaculous: im demi ->- [01:10:57] MmmBeansOnToast: wooow [01:10:57] arkarant: REAL [01:10:57] juneguild: KEKW KEKW [01:10:58] NyxianGaming: i’m demi and yeah it is cringe [01:10:58] DodenKing: Themi [01:10:58] the_Renergy: how did ashley react? [01:10:58] FROGcomply: lol [01:10:58] WATERSPIRITtunes: are you on just E or prog/spiro or something? [01:10:58] sxcial_dxrk: Romantic attraction and Sexual attraction are separate things so it's normal for you to be Ace but still like people romantically [01:10:58] jessicaluxuz: Demi boy [01:10:59] aggravatedconditions: fuck off lol [01:10:59] goddessempressbird: nothing wrong with being cringe :3 [01:10:59] Bisto_or_Alice: Based KEKW [01:10:59] xero93: LMFAO [01:10:59] 1CrimsonPrincess: KEKW [01:10:59] scarlettyg: Demi is cringe, I never liked her movies KEKW [01:10:59] Lucianthelord: F1nn I adore you, I'm going through adhd and autism tests and questioning my gender, Your really amazing [01:11:00] anschofi: based [01:11:00] KnightNave: based [01:11:00] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: The description I use is "not ace, just my drive has *extremely* low battery." [01:11:00] ashleyteacozy: also demi, also feel cringe [01:11:00] eragon0101: you just called me cringe [01:11:01] longer_furby: lol [01:11:01] SnabbKassa: you're just "not shallow" [01:11:01] wraitherc: Asexual but not aromantic [01:11:02] alliebeanie800: same finn [01:11:02] itsCozyinhere: hey queen, crazy proud of you. that video was beautiful and i cant wait to see where you go [01:11:02] macarous: ??? demisexuality is based [01:11:03] filip_zd10: KEKW [01:11:03] ClaraRenway: dudes a demigod! [01:11:04] Adam1729: release the drafts [01:11:04] mootie1: KEKW [01:11:04] theejoey: Lmao truuuu [01:11:04] muddymudkip15: Bruh [01:11:05] Almamu: well, you're cringe so i guess it suits you LUL [01:11:05] sp00kykj: both true [01:11:05] mj_phae: ace sexworker stereotype [01:11:05] Jozzgo: how do you get the HRT/were do you get it from? [01:11:05] FatherThyme: similar to the bi/pan situation, it's easier to explain bisexual [01:11:06] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: LUL what a joker [01:11:07] estr0genesis: I think you have to embrace the cringe at this point [01:11:07] alyssapegs: KEKW [01:11:07] bucksben: Demi with a semi!! [01:11:07] bearpaw1970: Aphrodite an cupid ..your spirit of love is blessed [01:11:07] QwandriXCI: nonono it's a cool word [01:11:07] oof_a_m: LMAOO [01:11:07] Vestaxowner: i kinda get it, im AroAce but wouldnt mine either men or women [01:11:08] zarbibilbitruk: demi is indeed cringe [01:11:08] AlmondVF: asexual and biromantic [01:11:08] rainyparade_: Look, I didn't want to be a half blood- [01:11:09] caelamondorian: Time for Ashley! Bring in the Icky [01:11:09] ArminGux: autistic genderfluid demi bisexual [01:11:09] zero_is_spooky: Did you just call every Demi cringe? [01:11:10] druchi2088: Cant believe theyre transing the minecraft youtubers [01:11:10] phantaton: Demi Lovato? Kappa [01:11:10] SnowyLando: oh [01:11:12] Colliebluezz: I'm Demi [01:11:12] nononymousse: D: [01:11:13] Chronos101172: I was going to say Demi. Sweet Anita is Demi. [01:11:13] silentkay1: "Where do you fit on the rainbow" "Yes." [01:11:13] ShakaShocker: I like se with BRAINS [01:11:14] gothique_elf: Discerning [01:11:14] jdmnodoubt: lmao he’s still F1nn [01:11:14] UkuleleSprout: :( [01:11:15] ElitePsyco: womam with strapOOON? [01:11:15] KiraDreamchaser: I guessed you'd been on HRT [01:11:15] krovvy: PrideCute [01:11:15] Popdowner: PFFF I FEEL THIS LIKE ME FRFR [01:11:15] nope_not_doing_that: AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride [01:11:15] NoSanityTV: demogorgon sexual [01:11:16] lajotu: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [01:11:16] TheI3arracuda: Autistic too [01:11:16] Dezponia: Jaiden Animation best AroAce video ziphHeart [01:11:16] ghost_ghouul: Pan??? [01:11:17] MissJenkins2130: I’m trans 🏳️‍⚧️ and pansexual also in a relationship. [01:11:17] kenji173: @holzvolumen mods? [01:11:17] ChasingSol: you're just you [01:11:18] NamisaNM: LOL I FEEL THAT Demi feels weird but all those lables just feel weird to me [01:11:18] FlowersOfLight: bro your on the gender spectrum, the sexuality spectrum, the ace spectrum, the autism spectrum... what else [01:11:18] qrthulhu: genderfluid Demi bi [01:11:18] Ash1ey_49: real [01:11:18] androidwall4680: Demi? As in percy jackson? [01:11:18] Xirenec_: Genderfluid Demisexual Biromantic rooIsee [01:11:18] crowblax: first male celebrity crush before dating a guy? [01:11:18] alexh1441: wait demigod!! must be a son of aphrodite [01:11:18] samual35: you’re the whole lgbt at this point lol [01:11:19] GhosT_Quanta: HRT made me go from some libido to none libido tbh [01:11:19] yggdrasilQ: @F1NN5TER did abigail thorn know? [01:11:19] nerdypegasus: D: [01:11:19] alexx_net: f1nnCope f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCope [01:11:19] taelion: you‘re just the alphabet army irl [01:11:20] TaykenPlaysGames: F1nnster = All the colors of the Rainbow [01:11:21] jayem97: What does gender fluid taste like? [01:11:21] ahhh3y: please bring in Ashley [01:11:22] MadnessGrill: Collecting labels like they're pokemons, you nerd [01:11:22] EmpressCard: He identifies as indecisive [01:11:22] aSpicyCow: OMEGALUL [01:11:22] clankaplum: Turns out they do [01:11:23] Cytox__: I don’t know what any of these words mean but I’m still glad ur good [01:11:23] unrealist_: trueeee [01:11:24] gaddafi_duck_: I don’t think that’s demi though? [01:11:24] Amoyamoyamoya: I can't even spell it... [01:11:24] WillowWithAJoystick: Def would be interested to see how prog might affect you 🤔 [01:11:24] Alexlistair: You're a Demigod Finn [01:11:25] NYRNNR: im pan but i say Bi because the flag is cooler sooo @F1NN5TER [01:11:26] amethystbinx: f1nnHeart GenderFluidPride BisexualPride AsexualPride f1nnHeart [01:11:26] RavenPaine87: [01:11:26] isthisapokeman: girl cant make a decison to save her life [01:11:27] Pillooow: that dono [01:11:27] RoryLuukas: @f1nn5ter no question... just super happy for you and seeing you glowing like this has made my day!! [01:11:27] eman0607: true [01:11:27] neon_bullet720: adhd cannot make a decision [01:11:28] writhinglekku: HOW dare you have more labels [01:11:29] SleepyPac: theyre gonna know now [01:11:29] ZerschnetzIer: KEKW [01:11:29] aggravatedconditions: but the community. [01:11:29] braddle172: A lil fruity [01:11:30] aymungoos: classic [01:11:30] KfkFod: KEKW 󠀀 [01:11:30] jackalsclaw: You are into Demi moore? [01:11:31] SwitchLeafe: they asked your gender you said yes they asked your sexuality and you said maybe [01:11:31] NodgePodge96: Can't spell heart without HRT <3 [01:11:31] AIex_Jade: I spilled my gender fluid [01:11:31] menacingcafe1: you are an enigma [01:11:32] Eromaw: KEKW [01:11:32] Der_Grumpy: wtf is demisexual [01:11:32] dysfunctionaldomo: I feel like more people in real life know what demisexual is than ace lmao [01:11:33] scorpx11: demi lovato [01:11:33] Ayton666: So your a DEMIGOD?! Hellll yeahhhh [01:11:33] Komnia: KEKW [01:11:33] violenthrash: Okay, what it matters, bottom? Top? Both? [01:11:34] KAMlK0_: all the labels freak out my poor older millennial brain. my brain too lazy.... you be u and I be me... you do you, I do me....he, her, they, it...? [01:11:34] RosieKT: lol [01:11:34] splurshin: demigod? [01:11:34] deespodete: Demisexual is just not fulisexual [01:11:34] pinkplasmalive: "says sexuality" finn: "cringe" [01:11:34] liamthepro233: Hi [01:11:34] cactusguy2013: lmao [01:11:34] NDWarrior: Finally out of work so I can celebrate this! wooo!!! [01:11:35] mootie1: f1nnCool idk [01:11:35] DreadPirateDan: i aaaaaaam...BYE [01:11:36] turaw_kemor: gender fluid? isnt that what comes out of your private parts when aroused?? [01:11:36] ninnjetaa: no one really understands asexual either [01:11:38] rybameinong: A demi-bi he/him lesbian [01:11:38] sidus_somnus: Bruh I'm pan, genderfluid and demi lmao [01:11:39] lowkeymax7: TransgenderPride [01:11:39] TeraValia: look this up. Gray_asexuality i think this might fit. [01:11:39] oof_a_m: TRUE [01:11:39] ScarsUnseen: do you think you're genderqueer?? [01:11:39] Bobbikatt: gender fluid goes into a trans-mission. [01:11:39] Arnotronix: same [01:11:39] lazywolf92: I don't know is a valid option [01:11:40] ughidkwhatever: I just send vague queer vibes at people and never elaborate [01:11:40] mr_pikle: you are a conservatives nightmare [01:11:40] filip_zd10: based [01:11:40] sp00kykj: BIGIRLBOY [01:11:41] SnowyLando: i identify as *i dont have a clue* [01:11:41] princessmihai: I'm sapiosapphic and transfeminine [01:11:41] remain_unseen: Same reason I say Bi when I'm closer to Pan [01:11:42] umutk_99: gender unknown [01:11:42] Environmela: That's a whole mood. [01:11:42] oliviazbored: ur so real for that tbh [01:11:42] jimtag_: translation. no one knows what Finn is [01:11:42] cyphoenic_: I'm demi romantic [01:11:42] isabaellchen: who cares anyway [01:11:43] ANTETEee: lmao i am the same, i hate it but microlabels do apply to me [01:11:43] timabar: have you talked to tenn? [01:11:44] Dr_Nia: who opens the jars in the house for you and ashley now. [01:11:44] ArminGux: you are the confusing labels now kekw [01:11:45] elliewp: i am something. [01:11:45] transamus: [01:11:45] experiencepoints: Do you feel the super strange nipple-to-downstairs connection since starting HRT? It completely took me off guard @F1NN5TER [01:11:45] krovvy: Gender: idk bro [01:11:46] Shal_Grace: true, lol i have to explain it like all the time [01:11:46] Hythiki: SO REAL [01:11:46] Omen_Gam3r: Schrödinger's gender identity [01:11:47] realxelnoc: labels aren't necessary, just be yourself! [01:11:47] zero_is_spooky: GenderFluidPride [01:11:47] Lucridis: Gender fluid is non binary with extra steps [01:11:47] morgan_drui: cringe sexual [01:11:47] JemHoward: I didn't know what genderfluid was until a few months ago when I went this girl who is genderfluid [01:11:47] YumeNoZen: Demi is just requiring non-sexual attraction to have sexual attraction. [01:11:48] Colliebluezz: Finn is who I want to be [01:11:48] Zynick_: How did starting HRT feel physically?? [01:11:48] Worldsokeyest: you're just indecisive [01:11:48] SnabbKassa: yes but your articulation should not make concessions to illiteracy [01:11:48] BoneMuncher_: Gender: idk [01:11:48] shelledbsh: *Becomes queer* *Needs PhD dissertation to explain to other people their orientation* [01:11:48] AkariaTX: "I'm queer" is just my goto s bi-grayace [01:11:49] Esper89: are you better at speedrunning now that you're on estrogen? [01:11:49] kenji173: i‘m bi and i don‘t know why slayyy [01:11:49] llunacb: finnster can i use my favorite neopronouns onw you [01:11:52] JadeLyra: Im bi and uhhh uhhhh.... uhhh buncha other stuff [01:11:52] TrueMezzo: i feel that theres so many labels im like ahh fuck this [01:11:53] clankaplum: F1nn the DemiGod [01:11:53] tobit0aster_: such a mood honestly [01:11:53] Adam1729: What's your gender? I dunno I just got here [01:11:54] Avocado11: Was the pink bikini shoot the one you did to show it off any changes? That was the first time it looked like there was a body change but didn't want to be one of those people shouting about it. [01:11:54] ClaraRenway: 'I am Bye!' Runs away [01:11:55] jemsiereal: So happy after seeing your video! Your content is what started my gender exploration that started with genderfluidity and has gotten to me being transgender. Thank you for being you!!!! [01:11:55] WompingWizard: HUGE, sorry just watched your latest vid :))) [01:11:55] SaintedMoon: Finn went from cis manly man, only the ally in LGBTQ+ to now every letter in the span of like 3 years, we love to see it [01:11:56] mortelsson: I just say I'm a little fruity [01:11:56] mcg9696: will you be selling gender fluid [01:11:57] BaconDestro: show bob and vageen [01:11:57] Amoyamoyamoya: @Dr_Nia, Tank [01:11:57] ptd_bunny: Fish tank [01:11:58] Helen_Croft: Bring back f1nnLezgang @F1NN5TER [01:11:58] xXShyKaiXx: I’m Demi and non binary :) [01:11:59] gusgus27_: "Are you a man or a woman" :: YES (finger guns) [01:11:59] yooridotspace: bi but anyone whos attracted to you is gay [01:12:00] melissarise: As someone who's demisexual, that's so freaking valid of you (I just tell people I'm ace lol) [01:12:00] Ac1d_C4t: so no more femboy? [01:12:01] Vestaxowner: Im Bi/Myself [01:12:04] imjust_hereformemes: Congratulations [01:12:04] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: I am bi and gender is happening [01:12:04] KAMlK0_: you're a magical fairy [01:12:04] snertch: saying any pronouns is usually pretty easy in my experience [01:12:05] kirathepan: Pognouns [01:12:05] sleepybeab: heyhey. thank percy jackson/magnus chase for educating me on what genderfluid is. [01:12:05] SunIsLost: Gender confused [01:12:06] Ayton666: DEMIGOD?!! Hell yeahhhh!! [01:12:07] HardyOrange: which, that's why plenty of us just say we're "queer" [01:12:08] mystchevious1: Demi is stupid hard to explain. [01:12:08] floating_raindrop: The audience you're talking with definitely affects the labels I use. [01:12:08] Fo0o0d: I thought the YouTube vid was bait [01:12:08] craven_the_tank: @F1NN5TER ashleys/chats is the new pronouns [01:12:09] AutisticTitan: Just watched, the video. I'm so happy for you. Its great you've discovered yourself and got it off your chest. [01:12:10] vengeful_trader: just do the Madagascar technique ''Smile and wave'' [01:12:10] Jadeine: Jadeine subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 8 month streak! congrats on the coming out as... something... on the whole not really caring about gender, thats an autistic trait where we dont really see gender the same way. im trans but i still go "im.... one of them for sure... i think" [01:12:10] f3mmbot: jadeine subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:12:11] Firestorm12687: ace can just be a lack of desire of sex, or a lack of attraction, or both... So yeah ace - I'm the same, I'm transfem ace bi with a preference towards women. I just don't care about sex at all which is the ace part. [01:12:11] clobear1956: Cheer100 what are preferred pronouns love? [01:12:12] Fleganhimer: Demi is a brutal one to explain [01:12:12] Nirvana_W22: your answer can be different every time [01:12:12] Bernie2907: when someone asks "what is your gender" just say "you tell me^^" [01:12:13] jayem97: Unlabelled is valid if you're not sure [01:12:13] toastychaii: "that information is locked behind a paywall, subscribe to my battlepass and maybe you'll find out" type beat AHAHA [01:12:13] amethystbinx: f1nnHeart GenderFluidPride BisexualPride AsexualPride f1nnHeart [01:12:14] perfersserderg: LUL [01:12:14] Barbar7575: "I'm a gender gremlin" [01:12:14] thebreadisonthefloor: sexuality? hot people [01:12:15] transamus: SOOOOO TRUE [01:12:15] TeraValia: check out Gray Ace. [01:12:15] graefin_aka_asu: yeah i've been there [01:12:16] Total_Acidity: TRUE [01:12:16] baconvsmar10: I am a confusing mess [01:12:17] christa_lyn: Femgirl or femboy? [01:12:17] vsennafraza: Are you still on for the nose job or not? [01:12:17] Myoukochou: *That's* real LuL [01:12:18] Shal_Grace: WELCOME to the club bucko lol [01:12:18] joshuathedutchmen: u holding c*ckring? [01:12:18] AshaTh0r: yep [01:12:19] ahhh3y: bring in Ashley pretty please finny winny [01:12:19] Shell4Brainz: i just go with "im queer" for that exact reason lmaoo [01:12:19] goldenskies98: yeah it is! [01:12:19] zvrkinjo: The stream highlights are just gonna be the whole stream [01:12:20] Chisailol: if you pop the bonnet on your car you'll see this little thing called "Trans Fluid", heard drinking it gives you superpowers or whatever [01:12:20] FROGcomply: lol julieeeStress [01:12:21] aSpicyCow: f1nn i came here cuz i heard this stream was cock reveal but i havnt seen ur cock yet? [01:12:21] Skkorm: So whats your perspective on the term Femboi now [01:12:22] beaneater197: He/he Michael Jackson [01:12:22] NyxianGaming: girlboy or boygirl is always fun. just have fun with ur gender it’s fun as hell [01:12:22] princessmihai: Yeah it's so hard to explain sapiosapphic to people [01:12:22] sexy_peach_on_twitch: TransgenderPride [01:12:22] Dani_roa_: im a transwoman and i still feel that way [01:12:23] mr_mcscwier: how do you prepare your potatoes when you eat them [01:12:24] LordClintCee: As a fellow bisexual, your inability to sit properly in a chair was extremely telling. [01:12:24] tommystrollo: That is how it starts the path from bi to pansexual [01:12:25] howlingmonkey91: Oh ok lol [01:12:26] BusohSensen: @Vestaxowner Clap [01:12:26] crowblax: FIRST MALE CELEB CRUSH [01:12:26] userduwang: Holy smokes.... Is @F1NN5TER NOT STRAIGHT!!!!!!! This is a groundbreaking revelation. /s [01:12:26] mushooom_: so this means u aren’t a femboy? damn that’s insane [01:12:27] Nitroscout: Nitroscout subscribed with Prime. [01:12:27] f3mmbot: nitroscout subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang nitroscout f1nnLezgang [01:12:28] hiluuu: i know many demi ppl, its not that rare [01:12:28] lizardwizard1005: "what gender are you?" Gremlin [01:12:29] majabaja98: in what aspect do u experience dysphoria? [01:12:31] t0m1n4t0r: everyone is cringe in their own way embrace your cringe [01:12:31] Environmela: That's me if I have to explain my name (It's Irish Gaelic) [01:12:31] Maddrius: Yes! "How to explain this nuanced thing in a 30 second conversation with a stranger" [01:12:31] Fried_Pickles: Do you still feel apprehensive of telling some people you are? Like... the gut feeling [01:12:31] heta_6: I was so happy to hear you were demi and got crush by you calling it cringe, all in 3 seconda. [01:12:32] elion3li: the meh-gender [01:12:32] AlhambraMMXX: same but with being omnisexual [01:12:32] cookiekoku: demi is being ace til you're not [01:12:32] Amoyamoyamoya: @aSpicyCow, Battlepass on Sunday Cow [01:12:32] oerbadiaruby: Explaining demi is a lot harder than explaining I'm trans x.x [01:12:33] filayeafish: Gender and sexuality after a bit of time sounds like speaking in enchantment table [01:12:33] wilken_808: wilken_808 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! 1 month left [01:12:33] PlanetJae: i just laugh in the face of people who ask what my gender is [01:12:33] f3mmbot: wilken_808 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [01:12:33] EnthralledRaine: No matter who he dates now, everyone is gay [01:12:34] brandnewroad: Genderfluid is under the nonbinary umbrella! It's a pretty huge category [01:12:34] SnowyLando: yup. i dont come out to anyone anymore bc im comfortable with she/her [01:12:34] qrthulhu: femfluid [01:12:35] claysparrow: What did Soda say? [01:12:35] alexh1441: did cows tweet make you feel more comfuatble about coming out [01:12:35] loonashika: femthem [01:12:35] scribbz123: boob ball location swap for a day? ARE YOU DOING IT??? [01:12:35] officalchionkinnie: when did eggy cracky [01:12:36] ughidkwhatever: i make it my mission to confuse gaydars wherever i go [01:12:36] umutk_99: femboy to femchaos [01:12:37] Alyx_Bane: Alyx_Bane subscribed with Prime. [01:12:37] BongoCatDown: "femgirl" [01:12:37] f3mmbot: alyx_bane subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang alyx_bane f1nnLezgang [01:12:37] axing_: explaining to people is one of the scariest thoughts to me when i think of transitioning, im so socially anxious and introverted... [01:12:37] giantlobster44: avoiding explaining gender by looking cis is peak [01:12:38] multiversal_rift: femthey lol [01:12:38] FancyTrashMan: you can be [01:12:38] ScarsUnseen: femdude [01:12:39] kael333_: why gender fluid over other identities like a gender? [01:12:39] epicfail9271: As long as you're happy f1nn, or rose, or whoever you feel like today, than I'm happy for you. Been watching you on YouTube for a while now, love your content and I'm not going anywhere. Stay safe okay? <3 [01:12:39] FlowersOfLight: fem/boy [01:12:40] dj2226t: The HRT femboy [01:12:40] gr1mmch4n: Am Demigirl, it's cringe [01:12:40] kirathepan: Fem THING! [01:12:41] johnkeiwo: everyone is DUD [01:12:41] aymungoos: femboy for the clicks 😎 [01:12:41] ForksAreFree: Themmeboi [01:12:42] isthisapokeman: i just say im just gay in general [01:12:42] amyfluidgoth: you multiclass as tomboy [01:12:42] seymourbuttsz: Bi + Ace = Based [01:12:42] johnkeiwo: everyone is DUD [01:12:42] ElFuaLoco033: manly man [01:12:42] jamnesia777: fem-them [01:12:43] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 7 in the channel! [01:12:43] jubjub221: sorry mods its what it looked like OMEGALUL [01:12:43] imbwbl: SirUwU SirUwU SirUwU SirUwU SirUwU SirUwU SirUwU SirUwU [01:12:43] f3mmbot: bailey_ravenwick has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [01:12:43] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick gifted a Tier 1 sub to steff_pit! [01:12:43] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick gifted a Tier 1 sub to Xenon_Nah! [01:12:43] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick gifted a Tier 1 sub to goodforyougfu! [01:12:43] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick gifted a Tier 1 sub to 1801kn1ght! [01:12:43] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick gifted a Tier 1 sub to Str4wB3rryM1lk1! [01:12:43] HexGrrrrl: Realizing I was a woman made telling people my gender so much easier [01:12:44] astronos_: LUL LUL LUL [01:12:44] softbonez: just a regular ol' dude [01:12:45] XENOMAN5: Was it the Uber driver you dated? [01:12:45] ClaraRenway: Sometimes you're a femboy [01:12:46] Tastemyscythe18: same [01:12:47] abootoo: finn you are whatever makes you happiest <3 [01:12:47] SunIsLost: yea [01:12:47] 8bitkoala_: fps russia at home rn planning a trip to the uk [01:12:48] TheI3arracuda: genderfluid af [01:12:48] smart_donkey: Is this the reason they won't let you in the USA [01:12:48] Amoyamoyamoya: "I'm a dude," lied F1nn, 2024-03-01 [01:12:49] MajesticFvckingEagle: Without revealing too much, did the guy you were attracted to lean more masc, fem or androgynous? [01:12:49] Snalster: me asf [01:12:49] djonB: mascgirl [01:12:49] KfkFod: most of the time [01:12:49] cubus35: shrodingers finnster [01:12:49] plzdontmindme_: dude/dudette [01:12:50] Stevethegrate: I'm a dude on week days [01:12:50] owen2927: so what happend [01:12:50] ArminGux: FEMMEN [01:12:50] burn_da_building: dudegirl [01:12:51] Arnotronix: i identify as demi and partitally as a femboy [01:12:51] Shal_Grace: dude? [01:12:51] CalypsoMoons: so your queer [01:12:51] Komnia: so based [01:12:51] marblesfr: part-time dude [01:12:51] juneguild: Mood [01:12:51] silentkay1: (wo)man [01:12:51] ghost_ghouul: GENDER: SOMETIMES [01:12:51] EmpressCard: dude + [01:12:52] drunkshinx: femMAN [01:12:52] Quatroid_: boyfem [01:12:52] jessicaluxuz: Demi boy cutie [01:12:52] Shrek9871: Sometimes a dude, always a Bro [01:12:52] JojoGinni: schrodingers dude [01:12:52] Wendig0_X3: your a woman noooooooooooooooooooo its not gay anymore!!!!!! [01:12:52] duukm: when did you know [01:12:53] WickedNuggies: Genderfluid [01:12:53] deerdreams: FELT. I'm not gonna bust out the whole Gender and Sexuality Studies course just to explain what I am. Everybody else can just cope. [01:12:54] pixlmyst: Welcome to the world of being every letter in the LGBTQIA++ acronym [01:12:54] Skkorm: I mean gender is bullshit anyways [01:12:54] sp00kykj: a semi-dude [01:12:54] ChasingSol: @8bitkoala_ haha [01:12:55] HardyOrange: you're a dude for the bit [01:12:55] thebreadisonthefloor: fem-MAN [01:12:55] isabaellchen: the A and the O [01:12:55] zoelegs: how would you feel with gender queer? [01:12:55] ZerschnetzIer: person [01:12:55] krovvy: femby [01:12:55] biffis1032: I like you the way you are [01:12:55] Cytox__: have you lost the title of best femboy on twitch then? [01:12:56] RosieRain: femmytomboy [01:12:56] longer_furby: did kyle know??? [01:12:56] DiceVRG: part-time bro [01:12:56] WillowWithAJoystick: “classed as ‘femboy’” except you are multiclassing now! lmao [01:12:56] Rue4192: fem twink [01:12:56] MrsPandamber: a dude in a gender neutral way [01:12:56] phoebe_rc: You don't need to say your sexuality. Most people don't need to know. [01:12:56] AIex_Jade: Dude Lite [01:12:57] OcelotYT: Now openly under the "trans umbrella" Do you accept the shorks? [01:12:57] jordanenby: Part time gender [01:12:57] TheRealEpicSquid: you serve cunt 3/7 days of the week [01:12:58] Mnh188: part time boy part time who knows [01:12:58] kristinhateslife: u should do a drag stream [01:12:58] vsennafraza: FInn do you still want a nose job?? [01:12:58] capitalcomplex: a gendefunky dude [01:12:59] braddle172: Hell yeah dude [01:12:59] experiencepoints: E-dude LUL [01:12:59] mr_leggy_d_1st: YEAH, SHE'S A DUDE!!! [01:12:59] silverfactor: silverfactor subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! 8 monthsHow did you start HRT? Especially given the nightmare of UK healthcare. [01:13:00] howlingmonkey91: Lol that works [01:13:00] f3mmbot: silverfactor subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [01:13:01] actualmooncore: a dude. like a lot [01:13:01] tobit0aster_: can we still do the manly man bits tho? [01:13:01] RYRY1793: nice ass dude [01:13:01] ciernaruza: ciernaruza subscribed at Tier 1. [01:13:01] DrunkenHyena: we need more he/him with tits in the world [01:13:01] f3mmbot: ciernaruza subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang ciernaruza f1nnLezgang [01:13:02] Darkness4desert: To dude or not to dude that is the question [01:13:02] Ac1d_C4t: congratulations 🎉 [01:13:02] randislays: i’m a dude (?) [01:13:03] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER you feeling like a guy rn [01:13:03] PeachyFerret: literallyyy [01:13:03] wolfadventurer8: shrodingers femboy [01:13:03] MajesticFvckingEagle: KKona [01:13:04] johnkeiwo: QUEER KKona [01:13:04] johnkeiwo: QUEER KKona [01:13:04] mushooom_: Bro is a maybe [01:13:04] the_boredom: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [01:13:04] weddracc: just guys bein doods [01:13:05] skyboundmaster: KKona queer [01:13:05] haithun: so now all the boys are legitimately simping? :D Kappa [01:13:05] transamus: YA QUEEAH [01:13:05] goddessempressbird: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [01:13:05] FROGcomply: thisduuuuuude [01:13:05] Cleekru: themboy, but th spelled like in thing [01:13:06] SnowyLando: demiboy! im a demigirl [01:13:06] alex_white_owo: I’m a trans guy (he/they) and bi ace … luckily most of my friends were already in the know about queer stuff when I came out [01:13:06] elion3li: lmao [01:13:06] t0m1n4t0r: dude is gender neutral try again [01:13:06] RosieKT: lol [01:13:06] morgan_drui: so your a cringe sexual [01:13:07] deespodete: Ancient Romans had interesting "pronoun" "si deus si dea" meaning god or goddess [01:13:07] craven_the_tank: New skill unlocked: Chick with dick [01:13:07] menacingcafe1: parttimeher [01:13:07] lemon_duck22: IM A LIVING BEING [01:13:07] TheIvySapphire: how did Ashley react to you coming out? [01:13:07] Dani_roa_: my friend called you a estrogenboy xD [01:13:08] ManaUnmuted: Your a bro except when being a lesbian [01:13:08] PhantomScribe: congrats! [01:13:08] sam13634: VirtualHug [01:13:08] ScarsUnseen: FEMMEF1NN [01:13:08] Atamraris: choi [01:13:08] octminer: KKona [01:13:08] soopergamer2000: vaguely/dude [01:13:09] wiz_carifa: """"boy"""" [01:13:09] shidooooouu: fem-boy....every now and again [01:13:09] NodgePodge96: Two Spirit fam represent!!!! [01:13:10] Bisto_or_Alice: He's a dude, she's a dude, we're all dudes. HEY [01:13:10] FacelessSnow: Yep. I'm an Omnisexual Fem-Enby that goes by They/She. I just say I'm bi, trans, and go by she [01:13:10] Diserasta: just saw the video and popped in! heya! how's it going? [01:13:11] TheBraveStupidGuy: TheBraveStupidGuy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! I started watching you started wearing dresses and now my friends call me an egg [01:13:11] f3mmbot: thebravestupidguy subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:13:11] snertch: queer (homophobically) [01:13:11] Spaghetto_Depressi: The world's first Boy Tomgirl [01:13:12] Spitzfyre: just a lil guy [01:13:12] WompingWizard: That just sounds like a demi-boy... Am I late to the party...? [01:13:13] Dezponia: A big manly mans girl! [01:13:13] afal: "I identify as HOT" [01:13:13] Zaarey: Nice rack bro! [01:13:13] writhinglekku: just guys being dudes, nothing better than that [01:13:13] helenaaaaaaauwu: Choir? [01:13:14] MatteLikePaint20: I identify as a problem [01:13:14] userduwang: "I'm not a man, not a woman, just hot" F1nnster [01:13:14] Amoyamoyamoya: You said the old, bad "Queer" not the new hotness Queer [01:13:15] JELB: Dude sometimes, and _______ other times? [01:13:15] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:13:15] ItsCustom: <3 [01:13:15] jamexito: depends on the wathyer [01:13:15] cheff_cook: Estrogen based dude [01:13:15] aggravatedconditions: queer is t4t [01:13:15] rainyparade_: Oh my god yes I gave up explaining my gender to people. Am I a binary trans man? No. am I going to explain that? Also no. [01:13:15] JellieMe: genderfluid is queer [01:13:15] lexxiipop: I just came from the youtube vid, congrats!!!!!! [01:13:16] thereturnofjimboi: I wonder what cottontail has to say at the moment 👀 [01:13:16] pancakeTransitions: queer means anything other than cis het [01:13:17] Dav320K: Does this mean you could be an femboy or an e-girl now? [01:13:17] ItsToxicMasculinity: KKona Ya Queer? [01:13:17] majabaja98: how does dysphoria show up fr you [01:13:17] mystchevious1: Queer is just the giant umbrella term. [01:13:18] JershwaPlays: Ayo, pass that genderfluid over here!! [01:13:18] gaddafi_duck_: hard R [01:13:18] kilan222: HE's a pretty girl. thats what you are [01:13:18] SunIsLost: She is a man. [01:13:18] pinkplasmalive: me when the gender is only sometimes [01:13:18] AkariaTX: Queer is the catchall [01:13:18] violenthrash: So you might be they/them if you can be a boy and a girl :0 [01:13:18] Fleganhimer: Says queer like using a defibrillator [01:13:18] Bernie2907: isnt that genderfluid [01:13:19] johnkeiwo: them queers brother KKona [01:13:19] ClaraRenway: So you're Dudeish! [01:13:19] pretzelbea: queer is just if you're part of the LGBTQ+ community [01:13:19] miiamoons: queer is a general term [01:13:19] TheLegendOfLivz: ya fahckin queeah [01:13:19] jennifer3037c: Do you have A cup Bras? [01:13:20] gustavo47360: gustavo47360 subscribed with Prime. [01:13:20] Sift11: I didn't even know about the existence of gender fluid until I read a book with a character who is in 2018 [01:13:20] ian1stabbey: What kind of guys do you find attractive? [01:13:20] f3mmbot: gustavo47360 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang gustavo47360 f1nnLezgang [01:13:20] dreamerzy: im a thing personally [01:13:20] Shal_Grace: KEKW [01:13:21] goldenskies98: bi is queer [01:13:21] jayem97: Blue hair and pronouns? [01:13:22] QaptainGeebs: what have been some awkward moments cis people wouldn't think about? [01:13:22] ChasingSol: KEKW [01:13:22] unsolaci: Just don't tell them you're a Minecraft streamer [01:13:22] Niiinaa: when someone asks you your gender just say "well, it's neither here nor there" @F1NN5TER [01:13:22] TeraValia: "Gray asexuality is considered the gray area between asexuality and allosexuality, in which a person may only experience sexual attraction on occasion." [01:13:22] sionaprice: genderfluid sounds like something you get changed at a lube shop- 'yeah top up my genderfluid' [01:13:22] Smiling_Shelly: Vid has 56,000 views already [01:13:23] SwitchLeafe: Got to go now have a lot of things to do tomorow [01:13:23] cyphoenic_: queer is just everything non cishet really [01:13:23] ArminGux: queer is any lgbt thing [01:13:23] bang3r: top or bottom? :p [01:13:23] BgT1990: have to put the queer tag on the stream now, its the law [01:13:24] LeDr_Dan: KEKW [01:13:24] f1nn5terfan_: How do I come out as a femboy ? [01:13:24] amyXroses: congrats fin, you can finally be open about it [01:13:24] YumeNoZen: Well, there's no guns. [01:13:24] Xphome: KEKW [01:13:24] JJVanVan: hee hee hee [01:13:25] alvarocaroj: lol [01:13:25] blueish4: KEKW [01:13:25] ekat2468: queer can be used to refer to literally every identity under the LGBT umbrellaa [01:13:25] Wanesty: say the slur [01:13:25] johnkeiwo: nice tits brother LUL [01:13:25] zarbibilbitruk: to twink or not to twink [01:13:25] nodegen: what will you do with boobs when boy? [01:13:25] theia649: KEKW [01:13:26] thunderscoob: f1nn can be a femboy and a tom girl at the same time. [01:13:26] krovvy: LOL [01:13:26] AlhambraMMXX: you are infact queer [01:13:27] SleepyPac: goals tbh [01:13:28] aymungoos: bro your tits are showing [01:13:28] PlatypusWithCheese: bouy [01:13:28] ToastedXWalrus: why did you say queer like a southern american [01:13:28] jimtag_: I’m just jealous you got a 3m headstart on me [01:13:28] merlin_3434: this entire stream is making me so happy :3 [01:13:29] Solrex: I prefer tomgirl instead of Femboy [01:13:29] techytrickster: nice boobs, dude! [01:13:29] howlingmonkey91: Lmaooooo [01:13:30] scribbz123: how fast can you switch? can you go back and forth like a strobe light? [01:13:30] allthenerdie: @F1NN5TER I've get a suggestion for you: do research into "Gender Trouble" by Judith Butler [01:13:30] oof_a_m: queer is everything [01:13:31] derluettetwitch: semi demi dude [01:13:32] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 595 in the channel! [01:13:32] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:13:32] f3mmbot: xxjoyeusexx has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [01:13:32] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to cerineg! [01:13:32] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to alvarocaroj! [01:13:32] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to imcamp3! [01:13:32] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to tupacmomochi! [01:13:32] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to sunnylags! [01:13:32] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pitpad91! [01:13:32] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to spacecowbow! [01:13:32] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to acacia_dev! [01:13:32] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to Bernie2907! [01:13:32] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to teatedostritch3! [01:13:32] noodle711: boop [01:13:32] officalchionkinnie: when did your egg crack? [01:13:33] zz_p0p: True Kentucky accent Cheer1 [01:13:33] scarlettyg: AA cups, maybe? [01:13:33] BaconDestro: bit strange innut [01:13:33] starduckxd: nice ass pal [01:13:34] MajesticFvckingEagle: Nice rack, brother KKona [01:13:34] WuppieF: LMAO [01:13:34] minecrackjesus: genderfluid flag opinion? [01:13:35] RoryLuukas: Queer is an all encompass term and one that fits basically everything which is why people like it :) [01:13:35] caelamondorian: So many subs in chat [01:13:35] HardKore_Hak: What are the origins and fate of the universe? [01:13:35] soci_inertia: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [01:13:37] vengeful_trader: went old redneck for a moment there [01:13:37] randislays: she’s a man is actually finn’s life story [01:13:37] ToN1c: Everyone is queer [01:13:38] xero93: aa kekw [01:13:39] FelineFemby: as cups [01:13:40] TwinbeeMk2: @F1NN5TER At the end of the day, you're you, and that's what matters :) [01:13:40] lilithsspawn: AAA-Cups [01:13:40] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: girlboy boy girl boygirl'nt [01:13:40] c__r__j: Have you tried the pencil test? [01:13:41] PnkyPnk: Whatever gender is funnier in the moment [01:13:41] imbwbl: yo [01:13:41] Femboyant: itty bitty tiddys [01:13:41] johnkeiwo: awwwwwww [01:13:41] georgerossofkildary: "To dude or not to dude, that's the question" Shakespear. [01:13:41] Spaghetto_Depressi: LUL [01:13:41] Shrek9871: Nice Cock, M'lady [01:13:41] rw03_bjw: Bottom ? [01:13:42] KfkFod: aw [01:13:42] Mnh188: Not A-cups say a-cups [01:13:42] rybameinong: Do you feel like transitioning changed the way you explore your gender expression, clothing, make-up etc or is it basically the same [01:13:42] caramelglamour: -Z cups!!!\ [01:13:42] Pooola_: :3 [01:13:42] octminer: KEKW [01:13:43] Zynick_: Did the Upload make you giddy? [01:13:43] Fyaasko: How tender are things? [01:13:43] MrsPandamber: fact [01:13:43] TheRealEpicSquid: do you have a name picked yet? [01:13:44] t0m1n4t0r: that southern US accent was too accurate never do that again I feared for my safety [01:13:44] somedud345236: “yeah, I’m bi, ace, Demi” [01:13:44] cloudy_two: what AA are you taking? [01:13:44] Eromaw: LUL [01:13:44] hazadooza: Yet [01:13:44] yourmom_233: sex? [01:13:45] maddog_400: im a teen and i question my gender alot. what should i think about to figure it out [01:13:45] AutisticTitan: Wish I could subscribe, unfortunately money issues. [01:13:46] MrKafay: quadruple A cups [01:13:46] Bleats_Sinodai: BRO, banging bazonkas [01:13:46] Shockwavemecha: Dolled up [01:13:46] Sprite9906: name change? [01:13:46] Komnia: awwwwww [01:13:46] Phenring: nip nops on the battle pass? [01:13:47] thebreadisonthefloor: yo dude sick tits [01:13:47] MilaThePurpleOne: you're bi you can definitely say your queer [01:13:47] skylikesaerospace: Finn can do real titty streams now [01:13:48] breezy_sparrow: Espresso cup [01:13:49] hopalongtommy: Any other cha ges in sensitivities? [01:13:49] TheBoneTheif: so always? [01:13:49] mystchevious1: but you always look really pretty. [01:13:50] teatedostritch3: @xxjoyeusexx Thanks for the gift sub! [01:13:50] SunIsLost: @JellieMe Yes. All of LGBTQ is Queer [01:13:50] thekindredspiritofficial: damn my man, fabulous rack [01:13:51] JemHoward: Did you tell your parents while questioning your identity? [01:13:51] GravitArinya: just a dude playin a dude, disguised as another dude [01:13:51] rubyytea: lmaoooo cuuute [01:13:52] ghost_ghouul: REALLY PWETTY" [01:13:52] seymourbuttsz: Was it hard sourcing HRT? [01:13:52] Geebend: how come ur voice still the same 😭 [01:13:52] SnowyLando: lmfaooo [01:13:53] helenaaaaaaauwu: But you are the pretiest lol [01:13:54] jordanenby: To dude or not to dude, that is the question. [01:13:54] monkeh80: youre one of the girlypops now [01:13:54] Jozzgo: Were do you get the HRT from? [01:13:54] MajesticFvckingEagle: W wifey [01:13:54] eFlyman: Prettiest dude known to humankind [01:13:55] smithy1030: Finn be the definition of “I’ll be what I wanna be” [01:13:55] wraitherc: AAA has got me covered [01:13:55] ArminGux: do u like being called pretty [01:13:56] AshleyTheAsteroid: unexpected things from HRT? [01:13:56] Environmela: Y'all got the AAA battery cup [01:13:56] notnetto: smash [01:13:56] Zachary3DPrints: Hello, great video [01:13:56] filip_zd10: but youre always pretty [01:13:57] ItsToxicMasculinity: get a cup out of the cupboard. Say you're a cup [01:13:57] ZoeDoesMusic: Rose [01:13:58] marblesfr: alpha cups [01:13:58] ringwraith1313: Do you ever feel just girl? [01:13:58] OcelotYT: How does the gel work? I only do the injections [01:13:58] YumeNoZen: What's your favorite way to have people react to you IRL? [01:13:58] jackalsclaw: "Jude" got rejected for USA visa, now "Rose" can apply? [01:13:58] HandOvrFist: Egg no more [01:13:59] camarada_emy: Not girl, not guy, just cute [01:13:59] hazelgamess: KEKW [01:13:59] kurki_3: she is so real for that [01:13:59] Diserasta: Diserasta subscribed at Tier 1. [01:13:59] jayem97: Ashley decides your gender so true [01:14:00] f3mmbot: diserasta subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang diserasta f1nnLezgang [01:14:00] bdix727: does this mean nips on battle pass is on the menu? [01:14:00] imjust_hereformemes: @techytrickster heyyyy buddy [01:14:00] Snalster: real [01:14:01] psnshrek_is_sadboi: me not paying attention then hearing finn in the straightest voice go "qUeEr" [01:14:01] ScarsUnseen: ITS TRUE [01:14:02] BluBiDefault: true [01:14:02] hazelgr33n: AA battery mode 😎 [01:14:02] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:14:03] skoralta: Queer is the umbrella term for everything [01:14:03] plzdontmindme_: why is not ashley with you? [01:14:03] mukhannath_yass: Congrats, I've just watched the video [01:14:03] Cytox__: a new era of memes have been unlocked now [01:14:04] kristinhateslife: U SHoul DO a Drag stream :D [01:14:04] macarous: LUL [01:14:04] tinyalison420: TRUE [01:14:04] globcob: KEKW true [01:14:04] Esper89: yeah we already knew [01:14:04] Avaerus0: Yeah, we did [01:14:05] ciernaruza: true [01:14:05] craven_the_tank: New achievement unlocked: Chick with dick [01:14:05] Cactus__Chan: new name? [01:14:05] rocker_26: true [01:14:05] NoSanityTV: he aint wrong [01:14:05] TToxic_Turtle: True [01:14:05] NodgePodge96: !gg [01:14:05] ClaraRenway: Ashley is so real for that! [01:14:06] howlingmonkey91: Hahaha [01:14:06] f3mmbot: You're too late to get your limited edition F1nn5ter Gamersupps Waifu cup and shirt but you can still get your Gamersupps to keep gaming at full strength. https://gamersupps.gg/ Use code "EGIRL" at checkout! [01:14:06] sp00kykj: i always saw 'queer' as an uncategorized lgbtq+ title [01:14:06] azzyeff: how/when did you tell Ashley? [01:14:06] ZerschnetzIer: not the bi part tho [01:14:07] Wanesty: i mean.. KEKW [01:14:07] majabaja98: can you talk more about your dysphoria? if ur comfortable ofc [01:14:07] FancyTrashMan: word [01:14:07] eerika_lths: real [01:14:08] NamisaNM: Just be yourself and dgaf bout labels and you'll have the best time imo [01:14:08] kalte_lasagne: meowdaLOVE meowdaWag [01:14:08] Bernie2907: Just say you are "finngender" [01:14:08] Doperanks: true :D [01:14:08] starduckxd: yup. [01:14:08] kilan222: is ashley gonna join you this stream? [01:14:09] Jandronicos: Oh how long have you been taking the HRT btw? [01:14:09] RoryLuukas: Truueeee [01:14:09] ToN1c: What about Rose ? [01:14:09] writhinglekku: anything outside the "norm" can be queer [01:14:09] lemon_duck22: true [01:14:10] HexGrrrrl: Thoughts on lesbians being attracted to you? [01:14:10] MrChromeCRZ: How has doing the Battlepass impacted your starting hrt? [01:14:10] darkangelsd21: TRUE [01:14:10] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [01:14:10] argonaut2468: LUL [01:14:11] jimtag_: congrats dude ma’am [01:14:11] sunnylags: @xxjoyeusexx Thanks f1nnHeart [01:14:11] ButteredBean_: I thought I might be bi because of you, guess I'm still gay (most of the time) [01:14:11] wolftraynor: wolftraynor subscribed with Prime. [01:14:11] f3mmbot: wolftraynor subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang wolftraynor f1nnLezgang [01:14:12] FROGcomply: w [01:14:12] kannavale: Queer generally means: not cis/het. Ace fits. [01:14:13] Nirvana_W22: true [01:14:13] Mnh188: are you in the itty bitty titty commitee and when do you meet? [01:14:14] KfkFod: pyroMald [01:14:14] pepagg8: Do they know? (Yes) [01:14:14] Wendig0_X3: So does this make you a tomboy [01:14:14] epicfail9271: Eh [01:14:15] Environmela: Cheer50 [01:14:15] WuppieF: I mean not wrong [01:14:16] Oltaidh: Queer / lgbtq+ are interchangeable-ish I would think [01:14:16] beaneater197: Where tank [01:14:16] Pooola_: lmfaoo true [01:14:16] handscombchris: handscombchris subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! So is Ashley now gay, also what are we calling the child!? [01:14:17] evericor000: is it bad that I haven’t cried in 10 years [01:14:17] f3mmbot: handscombchris subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [01:14:18] oof_a_m: LMAO [01:14:18] decilored: KEKW [01:14:18] Dav320K: Your happiness is so infectious GenderFluidPride [01:14:18] TheSquirrell: Look at this dooood [01:14:19] greatattentionspa: It's so good to see you this happy [01:14:19] BgT1990: NHS? [01:14:19] andre_narlisa: Gender is personality. Maybe orientation too. [01:14:20] aymungoos: you were given an androgynous name at birth so this was destined [01:14:21] Ayton666: Finn will be the only person on twitch to show his boobs if he wants [01:14:23] PalmyTees: SO HAPPY FOR YOUUUU!!! [01:14:23] mushooom_: so no more fake booba? [01:14:24] skyswe05: It doesn’t matter what you are. Id you feel comfortable 😉 [01:14:24] owen2927: I’m confused [01:14:25] gaddafi_duck_: How lucky is it that you met Ashley at this point in your life tho? [01:14:26] Spaghetto_Depressi: PYRO KEKW [01:14:29] mr_mcscwier: potatoes are very versatile because they go with everything [01:14:31] takeonlana: Are you diy? [01:14:33] Maineeak: I love the lashes [01:14:36] XellosMetallum: XellosMetallum subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! [01:14:36] f3mmbot: xellosmetallum subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:14:36] Samurai_Tony: If it's a pain in the arse, you are applying it wrong. [01:14:37] zodiaccobalt: What was the first change you noticed when you started hrt? [01:14:38] zvrkinjo: What form of hrt are you taking? [01:14:40] zebrabbl396: We somewhat knew [01:14:41] CalypsoMoons: wait your on hrt, omg congrats [01:14:42] ya_boi_snowie: how does HRT effect u? [01:14:42] krovvy: lol [01:14:44] SleepyPac: didnt wanna dox yourself ] [01:14:45] FelineFemby: makes sense [01:14:47] aggravatedconditions: that's really bad [01:14:47] skoralta: Honestly, my ADHD makes it hard to remember to take my HRT 🤣 [01:14:48] ClaraRenway: Are you going the legit path? for hrt [01:14:49] EnthralledRaine: Finn already looked pretty, Hrt just gonna upgrade him to omega ultra Pretty [01:14:50] MMintChoc: *** clipped it [01:14:51] MaggieHeels: any plans for PKA participation soon??? [01:14:52] howlingmonkey91: Real [01:14:52] epicfail9271: Egg jokes aside you rock, and that hadn't changed [01:14:52] giuseppetheboxer0: 4 years it took that person [01:14:54] oof_a_m: its so nice to see you so happy and giddy talking so openly [01:14:54] DraftingCoach: HRT is short for Croatian national television [01:14:55] estherarchive: gel [01:14:57] DodenKing: How did Tank react to the news? [01:14:58] mukhannath_yass: Go injection babe [01:14:58] a_bat_named_rayven: Have you noticed any changes since you started hrt? [01:14:58] Chronos101172: @F1nn Wait so did you Uno reverse Ashley into being gay..? [01:14:59] lordgtafbi: insider connections LUL [01:14:59] CptSemer: TRANS [01:15:00] jimtag_: gendergp made me cry with questions [01:15:01] GhostOfAFlea: PUT IT ON YOUR BALLS [01:15:03] lurker_ger: its da gender fluid [01:15:04] diggingadandass: its sooo phat ijenzDeli [01:15:04] cuttle_fist: in other words his gender fluid [01:15:05] Amoyamoyamoya: APPLY TO PP [01:15:06] loonashika: what are u using for blockers?? [01:15:06] YumeNoZen: I shoot up my E now. [01:15:07] mushooom_: what were your first like “signs” after started hrt??? [01:15:07] helenaaaaaaauwu: Patches? [01:15:07] notBeWitchy: some put it on balls yea,,, [01:15:08] plzdontmindme_: you skipped the questions and got hrt anyway?? [01:15:08] elliecharmie: i just had a gendergp interview and im so bad at interviews ;-; [01:15:08] Munchskull: why did you choose gel?? [01:15:09] globcob: sheesh [01:15:09] gwynim: PUT IT ON YOUR NUTS [01:15:10] vsaucejosh: pierbi real cool transfemm [01:15:10] pol_xvi: SHEEEESshhh [01:15:10] NamisaNM: I just use incetions i cant stand the gel [01:15:10] CyanoticJam: Just take pills [01:15:11] Phenring: side of the tummy [01:15:11] abootoo: yeah I use the transdermal gel as well, put it on my legs once per day [01:15:12] ghostieliving: My girlfriend said to get patches [01:15:12] silver_shark3: Inner elbow is alright. not the best option [01:15:13] munocard: I thought it's supposed to go around the stomach [01:15:13] aSpicyCow: @GhostOfAFlea OEMGALUL [01:15:13] GravitArinya: upper outer arm or inner thigh [01:15:13] Lucridis: Is this why you saw that crazy therapist man? [01:15:14] graefin_aka_asu: what's your dosage [01:15:14] takeonlana: scrotum is best iirc [01:15:14] transamus: can't help, i just stab it into my thigh twice monthly [01:15:15] finn5ster: Fun fact: Sex reassignment surgery, which is required to change legal gender, is legalized in iran and is partially paid for by the government [01:15:15] celesteswrath: you gotta put it on your thighs or even better yet your testes [01:15:15] RoryLuukas: Most put it on their shoulder... [01:15:15] CritCupcake: That's wrong :P [01:15:16] the_little_lebowski: just saw the video congrats! [01:15:16] cerysnomi: i got pills , they never offer gel [01:15:16] DasSchnitz: I do it on my inner thigh [01:15:16] MrsPandamber: put it on your inner arm and rub it in with your other arm! [01:15:17] BongoCatDown: on the balls [01:15:17] awe_rora: I do injections so…. [01:15:17] IanAlexzander: That's how I do my T [01:15:17] aggravatedconditions: na tummy or thigh [01:15:17] judgedame: YOu are trending 12 on just chatting [01:15:18] MilaThePurpleOne: belly and thighs [01:15:18] Zynick_: SO YOUR ARM IS TRANS?? [01:15:18] matthigamin: Hey f1nn nice to hear you are finding yourself i'm in some same kind of situation where i'm starting to discover myself but it's not going that easily. i know you probably won't read this but i just wanted to say thank you for being my inspiration to start this journey of learning to know who i am. [01:15:18] ScarsUnseen: i've always eaten the blue pills. i tried injecting HRT but i HATED doing it. [01:15:19] Linkisbad666: Finally caught a stream [01:15:19] cassiethelioness: I've been thinking of switching to transdermal or shots [01:15:19] isthisapokeman: put on tummy [01:15:20] pillbughug: patchgang rise up! [01:15:20] okayziemaaa: yeah gel is inner thighs and inner arms [01:15:20] AshleyTheAsteroid: it doesnt matter where you put it, it goes into your blood stream [01:15:21] hazelgamess: On balls is actually something people do sometimes [01:15:21] GoblinToes: on the balls gives amazing levels - no joke [01:15:21] userduwang: put it on your thigh [01:15:21] templarkeira: Thighs or forearms when I do it. [01:15:21] KfkFod: patch fixes [01:15:21] ToN1c: Just Like Meth LUL [01:15:21] finalmillenium: Apply to taint. [01:15:21] officalchionkinnie: when did egg crackkkkkkkkkkkkk i needa knowsssssss [01:15:21] alvarocaroj: Ashley uses the same [01:15:22] himiuo: it's serious though [01:15:22] ClaraRenway: You gotta apply it to thy balls [01:15:22] estr0genesis: Did dating Ashley make you realize you wanted to take HRT? I know it happens to a lot of people that date trans women [01:15:22] xemeira: Is it better for you than the pills Im on now? [01:15:22] Ignemia: I've got pills not a cream KEKW [01:15:22] Ayton666: Forehead [01:15:23] wraitherc: Just drink it [01:15:23] Wanesty: EZ i spread it on my balls yea [01:15:23] scribbz123: peirbii smart [01:15:23] filip_zd10: on your nuts works best [01:15:24] xero93: for t you put it on upper arm [01:15:24] Mnh188: on adult toy? [01:15:24] EldritchElucidator: iirc its supposed to go on fat deposits like belly and thighs [01:15:24] dreamerzy: where did you get your hrt? [01:15:25] duukm: put on chest [01:15:25] cyphoenic_: I've read scrotal application is good /gen [01:15:25] howlingmonkey91: Hahaha [01:15:25] claysparrow: for T it's usually chest [01:15:25] princessmihai: Inner thighs is good [01:15:25] Jandronicos: Apply to upper arm or thighs for best use [01:15:25] Flutters_Shygal: Apply directly on forehead [01:15:26] evadunord: Shouldn't it be applied scrotally? 😅 [01:15:26] Nairako: <3 <3 <3 [01:15:26] Dank_May0: boof the girly juice [01:15:26] lizardwizard1005: i take titty skittles so idk for the gel [01:15:26] MrChromeCRZ: Did doing the battlepass impact your hrt use? [01:15:26] realxelnoc: fem juice [01:15:27] ptd_bunny: Ha balls [01:15:27] tekashi117: you ready for an addiction to pickles? [01:15:29] krovvy: LOL [01:15:29] StarnetSys: are you okay with xenopronouns? [01:15:29] isabaellchen: yes but vary between breasts belly and inner thighs [01:15:29] UkuleleSprout: DinoDance DinoDance [01:15:30] nataliewren: shoulders or thighs i thought? [01:15:30] jayem97: F1nn tell the truth. Have you been transed? [01:15:31] Luncillia: outer thigh [01:15:31] Sky14r_: inner thigh fs fs [01:15:31] oliviazbored: so you absorb it like lotion? [01:15:31] raptorvfx: scrotum unironically the best spot [01:15:32] JELB: scrotal application is a thing [01:15:32] raph__master: First half of your arm from your wrist [01:15:32] KateChon258: idk. i just inject it [01:15:32] androidwall4680: straight on the pussy [01:15:32] kilsikon7: kilsikon7 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months! Congrats on coming out [01:15:32] ArminGux: drink it like whiskeys [01:15:32] f3mmbot: kilsikon7 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 22 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:15:33] SnoopyDog9086: I do injections [01:15:33] yooridotspace: tummy and thighs probably yeah [01:15:33] This_Is_Void: apply between toes [01:15:33] qdoit12: feel like thighs are better? won’t get washed off and like better absorption I think [01:15:33] Wendig0_X3: This explains all the balisongs Kappa Kappa Kappa [01:15:34] kevernaut: hrt gonna make you thicc? [01:15:34] drzoron: drzoron subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [01:15:34] f3mmbot: drzoron subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:15:35] giant_tess: Get tough, stab it into your thigh like you're supposed to [01:15:35] WildcatAlli: Upper arm or inner thighs are best [01:15:35] HardyOrange: girl arm, rest boy [01:15:35] jackalsclaw: Is gendergp a trans AI chatbot? [01:15:35] kettlecatt: Do you have a name preference? Fin, Rose, something else? [01:15:35] thereturnofjimboi: Put it on toast [01:15:36] KhiralShimmer: scrotal application does work tho [01:15:37] missfaia: Im not super familiar with transdermal gel but ik thighs are a common application location [01:15:37] MisaelCapria: Liquid Trans sounds like a tasty drink. [01:15:37] MsSpelled_MT: can't help I take pills [01:15:37] nodegen: pee is stored in the transballs [01:15:38] Atamraris: just smoke it with sage [01:15:38] arampageofsquirrels: Is it the patches? Or is it the gel? [01:15:38] johnkeiwo: Oestrogen overdose ! [01:15:38] Stovamor: !hrt [01:15:38] f3mmbot: Finn is taking Finasteride to stop hair loss and has recently started actual HRT (Transdermal Estradiol). See this video for more info - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3reFDwM0yIA [01:15:38] xDestinyBreaker: Inner Thigh, lower tummy, and Upper arms [01:15:39] pepagg8: GLUG GLUG THAT SHIT [01:15:39] Amoyamoyamoya: You want to apply it where you have good subcutaneous fat [01:15:39] MissJesStar: I never did the transdermal. I did pill and intramuscular [01:15:39] writhinglekku: trans legs [01:15:39] capitalcomplex: drink the fem juice [01:15:39] jamexito: up the butt [01:15:39] Fried_Pickles: @tekashi117 Yes [01:15:39] helenaaaaaaauwu: Patches or liquid? [01:15:39] wolftraynor: It's important to put it where it is unlikely to wipe off [01:15:39] Diserasta: Transdermal works best on fatty tissue. so thigh or upper arm is better. and wash your hands! you don't want to force femme your pets. [01:15:39] shidooooouu: can you eat it [01:15:39] gayplantmum420: Thighs and tummy are classic [01:15:40] Amoyamoyamoya: You want to apply it where you have good subcutaneous fat [01:15:40] sp00kykj: GIRL ARM [01:15:40] amyfluidgoth: don't drink the gender fluid!!! [01:15:40] plzdontmindme_: you skipped the questions/process and got hrt anyways? [01:15:40] crowblax: no i chug it daily and im still fine [01:15:41] obscurity777: i just got in whats going on? [01:15:41] benp2517: big day for the dudes you being bi [01:15:41] YumeNoZen: I think point is to not have it wear off easily and give it time to go in. [01:15:41] kristinhateslife: you should try drag [01:15:41] Worldsokeyest: I do injections which are much better [01:15:41] Phenring: side of the tummy or just above the butt [01:15:42] Maddrius: CPA or other blocker? [01:15:42] SleepyPac: kidney failure* [01:15:42] Fleganhimer: Drink = stop being man [01:15:42] ArchyNemesis: It probably wouldn't feel very good [01:15:42] amelia7015: you put it on your tummy [01:15:43] BgT1990: fill your socks [01:15:43] dauntless2607: Is there a reason you chose transdermal? [01:15:43] AshiTheWitch: i do inner thighs and upper arm shoulder area [01:15:44] musixela: So what are your short-term transition goals? [01:15:44] abydon96: F1nn5 awakening TransgenderPride BisexualPride [01:15:44] FizzyLilyPad: I put in on my stomach, inner thighs or upper arms [01:15:44] mystchevious1: The objective is to to your blood stream I think so arms not as ideal. Peirbi is right. [01:15:44] kirathepan: You gotta boop your nose with it! [01:15:45] NikoVixoLIVE: so does this mean your no longer the first guy on a gamersupps cup?? [01:15:45] iris_darco: Use it in the inner part of the upper leg [01:15:45] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER your liver would be trans [01:15:45] umutk_99: e lube [01:15:46] Myoukochou: No, you wouldn't die, it just wouldn't do anything. The dose in oral is MUCH higher. [01:15:46] weddracc: inner thigh and tummy yeah [01:15:46] owen2927: are you trans now? [01:15:46] EmpressCard: Only one way to find out [01:15:46] zebrabbl396: It puts the lotion on its skin [01:15:47] mj_phae: perineum [01:15:47] pinkplasmalive: cravings change with hrt? [01:15:47] goose_11224: goose_11224 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! boof it [01:15:47] BongoCatDown: yummy estrogen :3 [01:15:47] Chronos101172: can you chew them like nicorette gum [01:15:47] MrsPandamber: its like 95% alcohol :p [01:15:47] f3mmbot: goose_11224 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [01:15:47] sapphic_luma: Death by estrogen [01:15:48] Clovermancy: I take pills, but ive heard thighs a lot, my friend on patches puta it on thighs and butt [01:15:48] zephyr_alba: Nah tummy aches [01:15:48] neondimples: Have you had your levels checked? [01:15:49] AeitZean: What does it smell like? Chemicals? [01:15:49] techytrickster: genderfluid released when? [01:15:49] ringwraith1313: injections >>> [01:15:49] alexx_net: She is correct. Inner thighs is good [01:15:50] ramboo1989: "she's got legs" [01:15:50] menacingcafe1: ill tak ethe risk [01:15:50] f1nn5terfan_: Give me da coins [01:15:51] experiencepoints: That's what transdermal means [01:15:51] Catamondium: patches are also lower abdomen [01:15:51] fiery1phoenix: bet it wouldnt taste good [01:15:52] AshRunsAway: Wait what are we talking about? [01:15:53] georgerossofkildary: So... does that technically as gender-fluid, then? Does it count as a fluid as a lotion? [01:15:53] lampjade: I put my patches on my ass, but it got less effective (maybe AS THEY GREW??) [01:15:55] Cactus__Chan: estrogen in vodka, call that shit genderfluid [01:15:55] craven_the_tank: Theyre putting HRT in the femboy to turn chat gay [01:15:55] Theoddjamjar: are u taking any t-blockers or nah? [01:15:55] monkeh80: yas [01:15:55] Ch0mperz: wait what is gonna happen to the big biceps?? [01:15:55] Kullax: The ultimate skincare cream [01:15:55] DienesToo: don't do the blood draw for E test from the arm you put it on! [01:15:55] Vanimal2118: can put about anywhere [01:15:55] jimtag_: instructions are tighes or upper arms [01:15:55] Speederzzz: Liver problems probs, or no problems but no effect [01:15:55] GhostOfAFlea: It works best when the skin is thinnest, so you get higher levels on your armpits and genitals [01:15:55] filip_zd10: yeah so inner thigh is best because of high bloodflow [01:15:56] c__r__j: Apply estradiol to thighs... on Battle Pass? f1nnStare [01:15:56] espiiowo: its alcohol [01:15:56] blueish4: just keeps it away from common contact points with other people [01:15:57] ZoeyyyAlexis: y’all don’t have estradiol pills in the uk? [01:15:58] RealRyal: As someone with sensory issues, patches are no good for me [01:15:58] i_goto: hi my [01:15:58] Dezponia: Bath in it [01:15:59] SnowyLando: yeah my ex gf used gel [01:15:59] tinylilhorse: its a die or become beautiful scenario [01:16:00] Amoyamoyamoya: Many E gels have alcohol-based carriers so drinking it could be bad [01:16:01] WillowWithAJoystick: You’ve heard inner thighs a lot? What were people saying about inner thighs hmm? [01:16:02] vengeful_trader: you would change from the inside out [01:16:02] chipmunnkplayz: I have a real question, why does ashley have balls [01:16:02] beaneater197: What does it smell like [01:16:02] raxolotl_truly: Cuz Riza put it on her arms right? [01:16:02] Munchskull: Why gel and not titty skittles or injections [01:16:03] RYRY1793: trans dog [01:16:03] Repikz: Scrotal application has better absorption [01:16:04] astronos_: do you feel it? [01:16:04] wraitherc: Mmmm, yogurt [01:16:04] morgan_drui: his arm is a woman lol [01:16:04] Cytox__: if you don’t win an arm wrestle is due to the woman arm [01:16:05] AshleyTheAsteroid: it goes into your blood, doesnt matter [01:16:05] splurshin: ehhh just snort it :) [01:16:05] sachapotato: make tank trans [01:16:05] deespodete: So you are becoming a woman by osmosis? [01:16:05] quavery3: dog estrogen [01:16:05] PortalCrisis: are you aware that topical Testosterone applied to the genital area can help prevent shrinkage long term? [01:16:06] LightMage670: pierbi said (iirc) when watching the vid it can also go outer arm, but in the vid you were doing inner arm [01:16:07] Shrek9871: Trans Dog [01:16:07] scribbz123: TANKZOOOOO [01:16:08] grap3_s0da: You don't want to make your dog trans [01:16:08] silver_shark3: That’s why you put it on your balls [01:16:08] mxaIt: @F1NN5TER i just got the fruitiest ad before this and it feels so fitting KEKW [01:16:08] Kolateak_: Don't wanna trans the dog [01:16:08] Dank_May0: soft pp lotion [01:16:08] frenchtoassty: Woman making you weak [01:16:09] Nilinn31: inner thigh, wash them before and let it dry well. Also, divide it in 2 times a day [01:16:09] majabaja98: how does dysphoria feel for you? [01:16:09] Sierra_Is_Gone: Stream crashed I think I missed him reading my donation :( [01:16:09] qdoit12: hmmmmm is it better than injections? [01:16:10] dialecticalboy: But you would die like a pretty girl [01:16:10] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: you might be genderfluid but you shouldn’t drink the genderfluid [01:16:10] thekindredspiritofficial: anywhere where there's a concentration of veins; makes for better absorption and bodily distribution [01:16:10] seymourbuttsz: I think I'm going with the dermal patches as well. I heard the other methods are dodgy [01:16:11] Adam1729: Putting it on the sack would probably give you a mega dose because of the surface area [01:16:11] Kirinyaaa: lower torso works as well [01:16:11] LittleChaSiu: 22:30 HRT pog [01:16:11] Avaerus0: Oh yeah, you don't want to transition your dog [01:16:12] thereturnofjimboi: Why not put it on toast like butter [01:16:12] finn5ster: Cry pls [01:16:12] IanAlexzander: Tanks transphobic [01:16:12] Luckyscore: I would love to give advice on creams but I am on patches. [01:16:13] mushooom_: branded hrt? [01:16:13] aymungoos: tank got microdosed when he bit you. [01:16:13] princebirb_: TRANS LOTION? [01:16:13] crowblax: chug jug it for instant girl transformation [01:16:13] Phenring: 10+ years on HRT, been on pills, patches, and shots, still prefer the shots to all others [01:16:13] mayapigeon: when I was doing transdermal I was doing thighs and stomach [01:16:14] braddle172: Hrt alarm [01:16:14] johnkeiwo: Estrogen pool [01:16:14] madcaker: unironically putting down there does increase absorption lol [01:16:15] MsCylon: What t blocker are you on? [01:16:15] KiraDreamchaser: Blocking Testosterone? [01:16:15] Nairako: good yt vid idea [01:16:15] phoebe_rc: E handwash [01:16:15] taelion: giant little bathtub [01:16:16] Amoyamoyamoya: THAT'S WHY MY MAIN DOG IS FEMALE...SHE'S ALREADY FULL OF E [01:16:16] ClaraRenway: yeah it not safe to touch others after using gel [01:16:17] professorpussicat: Any interesting signs from when you were younger that appear obvious now that your egg cracked? [01:16:17] Justmessyblack: No you have to put it in the oven to dry it then grind it and then snort it [01:16:17] AlmondVF: anywhere with lots of blood vessels for the absorption is optimal application place [01:16:17] Mondongod: You said you "gained weight" strategically and your butt grew... was that true or HRT?? [01:16:18] jumper__21: When tank is suspiciously woman shaped [01:16:18] jamexito: lick it [01:16:18] oridude1: oridude1 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [01:16:18] SolsticeRL_: estrogen bath [01:16:18] mukhannath_yass: Go with injection Finn [01:16:18] maddog_400: trans bath [01:16:18] caelamondorian: Matilda takes estrodial, you could ask her [01:16:18] oridude1: oridude1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Welshenzie! [01:16:19] f3mmbot: oridude1 has gifted a subscription to welshenzie at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang welshenzie f1nnLezgang [01:16:19] starduckxd: "fem fountain" [01:16:19] theia649: estrogen maxing Pog [01:16:19] Arnotronix: f1nn5ter getting killed by an overdose of hrt [01:16:20] Myoukochou: @ZoeyyyAlexis Yeah we do! I'm on them. It's just another option, is all. [01:16:20] scarlettyg: Macrodosing in the bathtub? [01:16:20] MrsPandamber: have you considered E patches? [01:16:20] bomberbopper: accidentally feminizing the dog [01:16:20] ilikethecold: I know people often use it on scrotal tissue due to high bloodflow and stuff but any high fat areas like the tummy, thighs and stuff all work [01:16:20] J_adorable: J_adorable subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months! Congratulations Finn! After all the people you've helped (me included), I'm glad we get to be supportive back :) As for the gel, depends on the brand, but I usually do it on my outer shoulder/upper arm! [01:16:20] CalypsoMoons: @F1NN5TER you seem like you'd enjoy ferrets [01:16:20] f3mmbot: j_adorable subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months using Prime! PogU [01:16:22] djonB: dehydrate crush n snort [01:16:22] Zaarey: What has been some of the hard things since starting HRT? [01:16:23] DoomMuppet2: how strong is your dose? [01:16:24] zephyr_alba: Don't accidentaly trans your doggo [01:16:26] isabaellchen: put directly on boobs aswell and do milk massage [01:16:26] TiredThistle: As a trans man, I put my testosterone on my inner thighs and upper arms. Don't know if it's different for estrogen tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [01:16:27] ArminGux: that sounds like a overdose [01:16:27] bearpaw1970: Your Absorbing the biochems [01:16:27] jackalsclaw: wresle in a tub of it with ashley [01:16:28] me1ll0: ball pit [01:16:28] mr_pikle: why did you choose the skin instead of the liquid of tablet [01:16:28] Dr_Nia: inner thighs 100%. I find tablets is alot easier just take in morning and done. [01:16:28] lampjade: I didn't bother cleaning off the patch residue after a while it's too sticky. [01:16:29] 420kekscope: the trans hot tub [01:16:29] haprer_: are you on blockers as well? [01:16:30] ScarsUnseen: ESTROF1NN [01:16:30] experiencepoints: We're MEGAdosing estrogen, boys [01:16:30] templarkeira: Patches I find best but they’re a pain with timing as they aren’t waterproof as advertised. [01:16:30] allielovesgoodkidwooo: donate my estrogen to the cause [01:16:30] muffinman1244: Are you worried about infertility? [01:16:30] PsychoFisch: can you drink alcohol? are there any sideeffects with that? [01:16:31] BanOompaLoompas: now that pool is called gender fluid 🤣 [01:16:31] writhinglekku: woman juice [01:16:32] Maineeak: Wait, what are you soaking in? Gender fluid? [01:16:32] silentkay1: estrogen bath water would sell well [01:16:33] Bleats_Sinodai: More vascular capillaries on your thighs, so more absorption [01:16:33] MissJesStar: Pool is closed due to Estrogen [01:16:34] kilan222: thats a million pound bath [01:16:35] Wendig0_X3: So this explains all the weapons Kappa Kappa Kappa [01:16:36] elo__there: i sold my E bath water [01:16:36] XellosMetallum: You could call it Jusenkyo. [01:16:36] occamsrazorwit: bathtub of estrogen = speedrunning MtF [01:16:36] Bauldyr: We talking HRT gel? If so, yeah you'd probably at least mess up your liver [01:16:37] celesteswrath: put on balls - its not a joke. look it up [01:16:37] OcelotYT: Communal trans pools with a transmasc and transfemme pool [01:16:38] coreycobain1: TwitchConHYPE [01:16:39] RosieRain: macro dosing estrogen [01:16:39] apologyburrito: i do it on my shoulder [01:16:39] KhiralShimmer: community E bath [01:16:39] scribbz123: sell your estrogen water [01:16:39] MasonGamingV: Femboy estrogen bath water [01:16:39] Mrdeadfishrock: instead of doing the video you should of just waited for the next person to ask about you taking estrogen and just been like "yeah so what" [01:16:39] sp00kykj: taking a hrt bath casual on a friday [01:16:40] daniel_ale_24: wait i got lost, so it an injection or kinda of a patch or smt? xd [01:16:40] RoryLuukas: Why are you holding a cock ring while we discuss this @f1nn5ter 🤔 [01:16:40] BritishTeaLover: Pool of estrogen seems like a Mr Beast challenge [01:16:41] QwandriXCI: it's better to sink in the hrt than to hrt in the sink [01:16:41] itsaddieofficial: are u ready for dune part 2? [01:16:41] tortoise_sensei: is that a cockring in your hands? [01:16:42] LottieVRSE: voice training? [01:16:42] krovvy: POG [01:16:44] Gemini011: What has the best bit of your journey been thus far? [01:16:44] f1nn5terfan_: I'm finna wright a letter [01:16:44] realxelnoc: are you the biggest trans streamer now? [01:16:45] bristownator: Which part of you is now trans? [01:16:45] juneguild: <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:16:45] zvrkinjo: What new business ideas have you got now? [01:16:45] axing_: :( [01:16:45] transamus: PROG POG [01:16:46] Vanimal2118: Don’t over do the dosage, very bad stuff happens! [01:16:46] secrectsailinsalmon: I have an important question. would you rather have infinite bacon and no more video games or games, unlimited games, but no games [01:16:46] MangledPork: Swimming in a room full of E pills like Scrooge McDuck [01:16:46] helenaaaaaaauwu: Omg [01:16:48] nodegen: projector? [01:16:49] MatteLikePaint20: an estrogen bath bomb [01:16:49] PanRojek: Name? [01:16:49] jennielaine: As a genderfluid bi boy/girl, when are you getting your ears pierced and keeping them in? [01:16:49] takeonlana: god i need prog [01:16:50] SolsticeRL_: prog pog [01:16:50] starduckxd: can we have a fem fountain stream [01:16:50] munocard: Seems early for prog [01:16:50] wyldcardsam: The prog [01:16:50] scarlettyg: POG [01:16:50] cedric_callnight: On what? [01:16:51] Scyi_: wtf wayyyyy to early for prog [01:16:51] CalypsoMoons: estigren bath egirl water @F1NN5TER [01:16:51] LordClintCee: Someone get Mr. Beast in here to fund an E-Pool [01:16:51] vsaucejosh: the pregnancy chemical?? [01:16:51] Alchimay: isn't it too early for prog? [01:16:52] Diserasta: seriously though. good to hear you're figuring stuff out. since it wasn't in thd video, what name(s) do you prefer? [01:16:52] kirathepan: Just one big pool of E for every trans woman in tye UK! [01:16:52] GhostOfAFlea: I bet your taking that wrong, too [01:16:52] shidooooouu: f1nn estrogen bath...cream [01:16:52] ciernaruza: waow [01:16:52] Loelinverse: The comments on the vid! [01:16:52] DraftingCoach: 🥰🥰 [01:16:52] labcreatedjules: girl wait [01:16:53] FROGcomply: julieeeLineL sharpieBig sharpieFlex julieeeLineR [01:16:53] 3D_Bob: the beach that makes you old and the pool that makes you girl [01:16:53] BucketMan1g: whats that? [01:16:54] StormCloud119: tried boofing the prog? [01:16:54] mj_phae: whole new meaning to gamer girl bathwater [01:16:54] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: almost 10K viewers [01:16:54] JELB: progesterone feels early [01:16:55] jade_lunaire: OMG CONGRATS FINN [01:16:56] avokkayt: being bi is so much more freeing imo [01:16:56] majabaja98: on what? [01:16:56] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! [01:16:56] braddle172: Pog tho [01:16:56] estr0genesis: How long youve been on it? [01:16:56] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Titansflys! [01:16:56] c__r__j: How long have you tried it for? [01:16:56] f3mmbot: ananonymousgifter has gifted a subscription to titansflys at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang titansflys f1nnLezgang [01:16:57] seymourbuttsz: I think there's no science behind progesterone it's all anecdotal [01:16:57] wraitherc: "Today, i swam in estrogen for 24 hours!" [01:16:57] mukhannath_yass: Progesterone is too early for u finn [01:16:57] ringwraith1313: Would not go on prog for quite some time [01:16:57] mushooom_: DO ANOTHER “AM I TRANS TEST” SEE IF YOUVE IMPROVED???? [01:16:57] CritCupcake: How are your dreams? [01:16:57] evadunord: Are you on T blockers? [01:16:58] FancyTrashMan: what? [01:16:58] LittleChaSiu: POGesterone [01:16:59] ekat2468: are you taking it orally? [01:17:00] kevernaut: what does hrt do for you? [01:17:00] experiencepoints: girl same [01:17:00] Olive_em: changes take time [01:17:01] NamisaNM: Isnt progest meant to be used after a year?! [01:17:01] ArminGux: 4 months in is very short [01:17:01] hazelgamess: From what I've heard it's basically just a sleeping pill if you take it orally [01:17:01] FizzyLilyPad: Progesterone makes your boobs bigger [01:17:02] bang3r: how are you taking it though [01:17:02] yooridotspace: prog has also done nothing except *maybe* my boobs are little fuller? [01:17:02] Maineeak: Soaking in gender fluid? [01:17:02] bieubop: I just got my first estradiol injection today! and it’s my bday! actually so funny to me todays the day you come out [01:17:03] ScarsUnseen: i dont think progesterone does anything for me. [01:17:03] isabaellchen: thighs and ass = progesterone [01:17:03] androidwall4680: they're putting chemicals in the f1nn that are turning him gay!! [01:17:03] judgegiant: will you keep the name Jude, seeing as it's unisex? [01:17:03] Munchskull: Wait prog so soon? [01:17:04] serpentineshepard: its probobly the reason why your fat moved so fast! [01:17:05] Phenring: progesterone can convert to testosterone in the system [01:17:05] allielovesgoodkidwooo: how far into taking estrogen did you start on prog? [01:17:05] ClaraRenway: Progesterone makes me tired [01:17:06] cerysnomi: nhs stopped progesterone they said its not needed [01:17:06] vitalia__: welcome to the trans community 💜 VoHiYo [01:17:06] Amoyamoyamoya: It might be too soon for your amount of breast development [01:17:07] alexx_net: Are you doing daily Progesterone? [01:17:07] musixela: So what are your transition goals in the short term? [01:17:07] M00SKl: Prog just made me sad [01:17:07] ruinerfps: ProgChamp [01:17:08] TemptedSpirit_: i love the progesterone for sleep [01:17:08] Adam1729: Give it time [01:17:08] cyphoenic_: what way are you taking prog? if its oral it has almost no effect! [01:17:09] BgT1990: aw man, i never got progesterone [01:17:10] MomochiZoey: Prog helps best after 1-2 years of E [01:17:10] arkarant: asexual on prog is like multiplying by 0 [01:17:10] theagod7: is it progesterone or progestin? [01:17:10] HexGrrrrl: Progesterone did so much for me, especially switching away from spiro [01:17:10] lucy_dp: i have like a serious question im from the US and have no clue how or where to even begin transitioning i don’t know if you would now how to help or maybe chat could [01:17:11] Worldsokeyest: oh no dont start progesterone until like 6 months on HRT @F1NN5TER [01:17:11] Maddrius: progesterone is very "your mileage will vary" [01:17:11] espiiowo: isnt it quite early for prog [01:17:12] argonaut2468: progchamp [01:17:12] Nova_Prime_69: progesterone already?? [01:17:12] ptd_bunny: What that [01:17:13] epicfail9271: Going to bed before 3rd shift tonight, but I'm glad you're happy f1nn, that's what matters here [01:17:13] ToxikDeth: are u getting your blood levels tested? [01:17:15] claysparrow: i went on progesterone several years after being on E, it helped with bob growth [01:17:15] ezk_r: don't you have to wait a bit for starting that? [01:17:15] PnkyPnk: PnkyPnk subscribed at Tier 1. [01:17:15] Mondongod: f1nn5trogen [01:17:16] f3mmbot: pnkypnk subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang pnkypnk f1nnLezgang [01:17:16] gayplantmum420: It's more subtle. It's more about health and boob dev shape [01:17:16] juneguild: POG PROG <3 [01:17:16] princess_mia03: yesssssp [01:17:16] ariapgvt: Have your sleeping habits changed at all on progesterone? [01:17:17] bossbadboy: what’s progesterone? [01:17:17] sapphic_luma: I want E [01:17:18] 19ducks: what is that? [01:17:20] hazelgr33n: EPPY finn [01:17:21] pyrandname: I heard youre suposed to start prog later [01:17:21] ForksAreFree: Progesterone boosted my booba growth dramatically [01:17:21] vsaucejosh: no getting boypreggers? [01:17:22] JDA3D: keeps your hairline tight [01:17:22] MatteLikePaint20: estrogen bath bombs [01:17:22] msmoonsy: sounds pretty soon for prog, can raise T too [01:17:23] Nilinn31: you're supposed to wait until 6 month for prog i think [01:17:23] Lazulli0_0: how did you chose the best E type for you [01:17:23] ZoeyyyAlexis: you got to boof it! [01:17:23] f1nn5terfan_: BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [01:17:24] MilaThePurpleOne: it's good for proper development of boobs [01:17:24] KiraDreamchaser: Also, many of the trans women that have been watching you, have been participating in 🥚 watching. It's something we do. [01:17:24] mlggamerpog: Being bi is kinda gay ngl man [01:17:24] QuadraticInK: Are you drinking enough water? [01:17:25] avatarhades: VERY PROUD OF YOU MONARCH!!!! [01:17:25] Alchimay: prog makes a good sleep aid [01:17:25] morgan_drui: women’s arms [01:17:25] josiedoobs: damn prog gave me mega depression [01:17:26] MirahImage: Progesterone did nothing for me either [01:17:26] racc00n_samurai: idk what that is [01:17:27] mr_mcscwier: did you know that potatoes, even though they are associated with ireland, originate from the andes in south america [01:17:27] hydrangea_sh: too early for prog?? [01:17:27] Stovamor: I know everyone is excited, but unsolicited medical advice in chat is NOT needed. [01:17:27] MaxVershhhtappen: would u continue OF??? [01:17:28] Repikz: It's a little early for prog 😵‍💫 [01:17:28] AeitZean: Antiboyotics HypeLUL [01:17:28] MarekLena: Hello [01:17:29] camina_mtns: always boof the prog [01:17:30] TheLegendOfLivz: most cis women have it in their birth control [01:17:30] very_trustworthy: Is Ashley sleeping [01:17:30] Jon3themon: does Ashley every tell you to put the lotion on your skin or you get the hose again lol [01:17:30] Hazelnoods: are you also taking T blockers? [01:17:30] AlonzoAntoku: Ello Finn, happy for you! Was it the girl voice that was giving you dysphoria like you said or something else? [01:17:30] RatboyJon: Wait... Did I miss something big? [01:17:31] OliviaTalks: areas to avoid applying estrogel are the tits and shins - shins because of low absorption, tits because it's potentially actively harmful to absorb there [01:17:31] mushooom_: gimme ur E, rn fr [01:17:31] MatchaRib: Progesterone causes digestion issues [01:17:32] BanOompaLoompas: is CPA ur blocker? [01:17:34] Cekoti: So it can be on any area of skin that is not genital or the breasts. But the manufacturer suggests the shoulders and outer arms or middle inner thighs + Belly @F1NN5TER [01:17:34] krovvy: you little goofball [01:17:34] pinkplasmalive: fem' n ems [01:17:34] meta1girl: soooo dysphoria story time? [01:17:35] CyanoticJam: Are you also on Prog? [01:17:35] Nirvana_W22: whats progesterone meant to do? [01:17:35] giuseppetheboxer0: so that why you haven’t talk about being a big man [01:17:36] multiversal_rift: prog works better the more you eat and especially drink [01:17:36] Bleats_Sinodai: Did you be come the piss king yet progesterone does that too [01:17:37] KenuuBRT: My question now is do we call you finn or rose??? [01:17:37] CzarinaChess: daramgKilluaLove [01:17:38] Zaarey: How quick was it until you felt a change and what was the first changes? [01:17:38] userduwang: My favorite joke as a trans woman is asking cis people if they want HRT. Funniest thing [01:17:38] c__r__j: Blood supply diverted from brain to bobs. nanona1Nodders [01:17:38] Cpu101: my doctor told me progesterone doesnt really work for the first few years if you don't take estrodiol first [01:17:38] WillowWithAJoystick: were you taking prog orally or boofing it? [01:17:39] bulletfeed: When you got sick from drinking did hrt have anything to do with it [01:17:39] dreamerzy: did it affect your sleep at all? [01:17:40] Esper89: there's no evidence that prog does anything useful for transfem ppl unfortunately it's all anecdotal [01:17:40] Luckyscore: I think you started progesterone early [01:17:40] hannahmae85: How log have you been taking HRT?? [01:17:40] DraftingCoach: Collab with Mr beast and get an estrogen filled bathtub [01:17:41] NamisaNM: @Repikz Thats what i thought [01:17:42] mystchevious1: Every now and then? more like all the time. [01:17:42] howlingmonkey91: Damn right [01:17:42] tekashi117: how long were you questioning before beginning HRT? [01:17:43] luvedblue: girl month turned into girl life [01:17:43] friedboopis: any funky prog dreams? [01:17:43] bearpaw1970: It is a slower process [01:17:43] andromeda_nyx: i literally sleep like 12 hours after my injection day [01:17:44] jumper__21: What is progesterone? [01:17:44] LexaWanhedaa: we're all idiots [01:17:44] Kawlyn_: congrats on your decision [01:17:46] Georg4xl: How about your libido ? [01:17:47] CalypsoMoons: your ick's idiot [01:17:47] blueskydrinking: "every now and then" Kappa [01:17:47] ni_ni13: the estordol band aid are really cool [01:17:47] TrissByTor: Progesterone made me so nauseous, I had to stop :( [01:17:49] lampjade: -> Progesterone develops your mons pubis [01:17:49] halamoucu: what would be your advice for those starting out? ive been thinking about going by gender-fluid for a while but realising stuff is pretty overwhelming [01:17:49] sp00kykj: proof that 'im just a girl' is a valid excuse for just not feeling well [01:17:49] scribbz123: SLEEPY EATY RESTY [01:17:50] YumeNoZen: I guess it's a good thing I don't use e lotion on my skin or I couldn't pick up my foster puppy for a while right now. And I don't think you're stupid, just that you do dumb things sometime, I've said that. [01:17:50] nature_druid: progesterone before sleep for me is legit like sleep pills [01:17:51] Doperanks: What happened to the finasteride? [01:17:51] ArminGux: the femboy kibble not making u full? [01:17:51] cloudy_two: oh that stuff is dangerous [01:17:52] MissJesStar: yeah Prog is generally after a certain tanner stage [01:17:53] wolftraynor: Progesterone is important later on but doesn't always do things [01:17:53] Dub_bie: You still able to open jars or... [01:17:53] ScarsUnseen: Serious question. Have you noticed that your sweat smells different? [01:17:53] TiddySkittle: Ive heard good things about progesterone, but it destroyed my gut :( [01:17:53] itsaddieofficial: progesterone gave me massive headaches had to stop it [01:17:54] t0m1n4t0r: every now and then? [01:17:54] scorpx11: doesnt progesterone give you titties? [01:17:55] Jandronicos: I was told to not take progesterone til being on Estrogen for 9-12 months, otherwise can hinder start of boob growth, helps after it [01:17:56] Avaerus0: You're a Bio-Hacker now [01:17:56] mustang197: am late. when did you srart taking hrt? [01:17:56] SoyBruv: now you can post real transtimeline [01:17:56] Scyi_: what are you E levels like? [01:17:56] silentkay1: still taking finn for the hair? [01:17:57] aSpicyCow: mister sex collab ! ! [01:17:57] xero93: its a what [01:17:57] solarianv69: hello royal head of family [01:17:57] qdoit12: prog can change like breast development but you don’t really have enough breast for that yet I think. also. the high from that is fun! you can have a good weekend with it [01:17:57] Dank_May0: great now i have to be straight [01:17:57] Lucridis: This explains the regular bloods [01:17:58] ClaraRenway: There's not enough research into Progesterone tbf, so like no one actually knows when to start it [01:17:58] templarkeira: Progesterone I only need for the first 2 weeks due to t spike when you first use Estrogen. [01:18:00] postpopcorn: W idea [01:18:00] call_me_kashi: So you're no longer classed as Non GMO [01:18:01] alexh1441: hey f1nn not really related any advice on asking out girl of dreams [01:18:01] very_trustworthy: Tank cam???🤨🤨🤨 [01:18:01] sexy_peach_on_twitch: ASHLEY IS GAY [01:18:02] MirahImage: Progesterone weirdly actually made my sleep worse [01:18:02] Hollywhirl: please tell me your dad was on the Stella when you told him [01:18:02] Vanimal2118: Still making Mistakes [01:18:02] oerbadiaruby: Progesterone is great for brest development. Kills sex drive though, and makes you gain weight. [01:18:04] cerysnomi: oral pills not work here had to have injection once a month [01:18:07] lucincaaa: Yo. missjackieOUGH [01:18:08] wilken_808: Di your dad really tell you he never wanted a son? [01:18:08] MikeWillStream: "LAST PERSON TO LEAVE THE TRANS TUB GETS 100K" [01:18:09] mx_alyn: ditch the CPA, get Decapeptyl [01:18:09] Wendig0_X3: first gay crush? [01:18:09] Alchimay: hope you know the risks of cypro and you aren't taking too much [01:18:10] Cytox__: honesty the tiredness makes sense as it’s kinda puberty 2.0 [01:18:10] dangerousruben: Ashleys video on T4T aged like fine wine [01:18:11] mushooom_: please don’t die of too much fem n ems [01:18:11] oliviazbored: I SURVIVED 24 HRS ON ESTROGEN [01:18:11] missfaia: Smell changes r wild [01:18:12] kevernaut: Nick gonna hit you up again 😂 [01:18:13] argonaut2468: prog is a hell of a drug, helps you sleep better [01:18:13] RatboyJon: Hold up, did the egg actually crack?! [01:18:14] empiremaya: GIRLSMELL? [01:18:14] jackalias: Already maxed out? [01:18:15] arampageofsquirrels: @bossbadboy progesterone is a testosterone blocker. [01:18:15] BanOompaLoompas: damn finn we on the same regimen (E gel + CPA) 🫶 [01:18:16] Amoyamoyamoya: Prog might be working on me but I can't really tell [01:18:17] KfkFod: cant wait of that video [01:18:18] Falqun: no more boy smell? [01:18:18] thereturnofjimboi: Blursed mrbeast [01:18:19] GhostOfAFlea: Really weird side effect, but your earwax will also change [01:18:19] J_adorable: How has Cypro been? On the GNRH agonist rn, but might have to swap to cypro instead :( [01:18:20] rybameinong: Do you still like the hyper-fem aesthetic, or did your gender expression change at all? [01:18:20] Myoukochou: It's gradual, it kicks in more 6-12 months in! [01:18:21] kettlecatt: Do you have a preference on your name? Fin, Rose, something else? [01:18:21] liamthepro233: where is he where is tank [01:18:21] Zynick_: Did you get tender in the womenly parts? [01:18:23] Bleats_Sinodai: buffpupSniffa buffpupSniffa buffpupSniffa buffpupSniffa buffpupSniffa buffpupSniffa [01:18:23] ScarsUnseen: HRT definitely made my sweat different [01:18:24] krovvy: Smells like gremlin [01:18:25] aloravenus: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [01:18:25] StormCloud119: girlsmell [01:18:26] a_bat_named_rayven: When you old your parents, were they like: ya no shit? [01:18:27] theoriginalsiner: 💞 [01:18:27] Diserasta: CPA is a funny one. it can nuke your sex drive, it can double it [01:18:28] pinkplasmalive: tiddy pills [01:18:28] Avaerus0: You don't really notice your own smell [01:18:29] ThatWasTayla: Proud of you!!! [01:18:29] howlingmonkey91: Lmao [01:18:29] ekat2468: give it a little more time you'll notice it [01:18:31] muffinman1244: Is the infertility a concern? [01:18:31] DraftingCoach: LUL [01:18:31] Zachary3DPrints: OMG lol [01:18:31] professorpussicat: Progesterone works better if you take it rectally. Completely serious, Pierbi will back me up. [01:18:31] MrKafay: sniff [01:18:32] TheGiantOpal: Now you sweat genderfluid [01:18:32] userduwang: Miss. Beast [01:18:32] QwandriXCI: I spent 1000000 to trans 100 fem"boys" [01:18:33] johnkeiwo: KEKW [01:18:34] M05IN: Jimmy would tbh [01:18:35] toomanybees___: KEKW [01:18:35] hazelgamess: KEKW [01:18:35] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:18:35] vsaucejosh: are you joining some trans circles on the internet [01:18:35] NobodyXaldyn: mommy milker arc incoming? 🤔 [01:18:35] nodegen: MrBoobs [01:18:35] ithilux: girlsmell :3 [01:18:36] ChasingSol: you never could... [01:18:37] Speederzzz: Mr. Breasts [01:18:37] GamesJam82: Last to leave the estrogen filled pool becomes a woman [01:18:37] gwen_the_ninth: Fr [01:18:37] Mondongod: When you said that you "gained weight" strategically... was that true or HRT?? [01:18:37] braddle172: KEKW [01:18:37] amethystbinx: :D :D :D :D [01:18:38] atomrofl164: Lmao [01:18:38] ZerschnetzIer: KEKW [01:18:38] aymungoos: have you thought about taking the stiff that makes you lactate for literal boymilk? [01:18:38] idesofjuno: KEKW [01:18:38] RoyalRoseo: contextually, Tank has two moms? [01:18:39] MikeWillStream: MrBeast more like MrBreast [01:18:39] c__r__j: Last one to take their hand off the transdermal estrogen is a boy. [01:18:39] voidbvg: girlsmell [01:18:39] ya_boi_snowie: Cheer100 how can u tell the difference between gender dysphoria and body issues? /gen [01:18:40] cheesusyourlord: KEKW [01:18:40] experiencepoints: That's just girl month again [01:18:40] AeitZean: LUL LUL LUL [01:18:41] Mrjugglingbear: BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [01:18:42] Cytox__: would finally be mr Brest [01:18:42] munocard: Meanwhile Ava Tyson laughing in the background. [01:18:42] Wanesty: KEKW [01:18:42] alexx_net: @RatboyJon, https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1b43z08/coming_out/ [01:18:43] LittleChaSiu: KEKW KEKW KEKW [01:18:43] owly_mc_owlface: MsBeast [01:18:43] realxelnoc: mrs beast [01:18:44] DodenKing: MrBreast [01:18:44] helenaaaaaaauwu: "I Gave 5 transfem a shower of infinite E" [01:18:44] randopersonn_: KEKW [01:18:44] NelordUK: Like, don't get me wrong, men are hot... but women are just... damn - 90% of bi people [01:18:44] Spaghetto_Depressi: LUL [01:18:44] JDA3D: KEKW [01:18:44] mortelsson: KEKW [01:18:45] sarathearcher1: lol [01:18:45] secrectsailinsalmon: MR BREAST [01:18:45] tinylilhorse: lmao [01:18:45] juneguild: TOO TRUUUUUU [01:18:45] xLumieI: LUL [01:18:45] Ceara42: LUL LUL LUL [01:18:45] sapphic_luma: oh no... [01:18:45] ArminGux: wait, u sweat difrently on E? [01:18:46] MrsPandamber: moving furniture is heavy [01:18:46] wraitherc: f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands [01:18:46] sunoceanbeachvibe: KEKW [01:18:46] starduckxd: lmfao [01:18:47] xx_alexjademlg_xx: JASJJAJSJAJS [01:18:47] Repikz: Hrt made me less smelly! [01:18:47] insecureTrannzz: KEKW [01:18:47] mukhannath_yass: Dmlrorkebgi2ir r THE NIPPPLEEEE [01:18:47] mushooom_: mr breast fr [01:18:48] phantaton: "And I lost arm wrestles!" [01:18:48] umutk_99: estro challenge [01:18:49] Nilinn31: the smell part is so cool [01:18:49] tucan__: KEKW [01:18:49] RosieRain: MOOD [01:18:49] argonaut2468: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [01:18:49] RemusNeo: Yey! [01:18:49] Vanimal2118: Sometimes tastes in food changes? [01:18:50] TToxic_Turtle: LUL [01:18:50] PowerOf47: Last person to stop taking estrogen gets $1,000,000 [01:18:50] deepwater_fae: given enough time the strength comes back [01:18:50] jennielaine: boobie surgery back on? [01:18:50] witchy_tara: Congratulations so happy for you my guy 💖 xx [01:18:50] i_devote_to_bregans: You can now search minecraft skins for girls [01:18:51] ManaUnmuted: Progesterone is primarily for breast and curve growth. If you don't have a libido it won't give one magically. Usually. [01:18:51] scandibilly: KEKW [01:18:51] lazyashell9: Lol [01:18:51] astrid_autumn: KEKW so fucking real [01:18:51] RoryLuukas: @cerysnomi I'm 2 months in and was attempting to microdose... its working too well haha LUL bodies are weird 😅 [01:18:52] madcaker: god the pain of hitting the tiddy on the desk [01:18:52] kenjimine: yessss the nipple pain is so real [01:18:52] georgerossofkildary: KEKW [01:18:52] notBeWitchy: You should get off of CPA, it has a risk for long term harm. Decapeptyl or another GnRH agonist is the gold standard but also most expensive. [01:18:52] aSpicyCow: come to america u get ride in mine TrollDespair [01:18:52] ClaraRenway: Finally Mr Breast [01:18:52] Zynick_: MY SALARY WENT DOWN [01:18:53] TheI3arracuda: Mr breast [01:18:53] Ekun: KEKW [01:18:53] koreanslvt: koreanslvt subscribed with Prime. [01:18:53] zvrkinjo: Finn's got new clickbait brewing [01:18:53] f3mmbot: koreanslvt subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang koreanslvt f1nnLezgang [01:18:53] ScarsUnseen: that was THE MOST feminine thing you've ever said [01:18:54] krovvy: KEKW omg stop [01:18:54] Necko_San: KEKW [01:18:56] WuppieF: KEKW [01:18:56] estr0genesis: Mr beast philanthropy but its paying for gender affirming surgeries [01:18:56] NorableTTV: MS. BEAST [01:18:56] majabaja98: how does your dysproria show? [01:18:57] JadeLyra: The nipplefeel is CRAZY [01:18:57] xero93: kekw [01:18:57] davidiusfarrenius: you no longer have manly sweat? disappointing 😄 [01:18:57] cosm1ck1tten: not sure if anyone will see this but can someone please explain to me how im meant to get on hrt in the uk? i cant figure it out and ive been out for a solid 5 years now and its slowly but surely becoming more and more unbearable that i cant have it yet [01:18:58] jackalias: Lol [01:18:58] SleepyPac: PICKLES!? yay or nay? [01:18:58] Y0rk5h1r3: Buy your own Tesla LUL [01:18:58] wolftraynor: I'm ace too, so I understand that progesterone doesn't make much difference to libido [01:18:59] xxjoyeusexx: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [01:19:00] Munchskull: But for really I can't open cans. :( [01:19:00] avokkayt: Mr. Beast's next video should be "I DRESSED AS AN E-GIRL FOR 12 MONTHS" [01:19:00] WillowWithAJoystick: “I stuck 100 femboys in a store for 24 hours!” [01:19:01] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: I mean, where's the lie?! LUL [01:19:01] StarnetSys: does any pronouns include xenos and neos? [01:19:02] refractor007: @oliviatalks wait I have been putting in on lower legs including shins a bit, where should I be putting it??? [01:19:02] princessmihai: I've got buds now and they hurt lol. The pain is real (but good) [01:19:03] llunacb: MEOW [01:19:03] Dr_Nia: you joke but this is 100% first 6 months of HRT [01:19:03] onesek_: Has your sense of smell changed? I had a trans woman tell me she only started smelling roses after hrt [01:19:04] ptd_bunny: Women [01:19:04] very_trustworthy: Mr breast [01:19:05] isabaellchen: soo deinty [01:19:08] ShakaShocker: Mr. Breast [01:19:08] ShironekoPancake: "The person that stays in the estrogen pool for the longest wins 10 000$" [01:19:08] the_Renergy: MrBreast KEKW [01:19:09] princess_mia03: I canttt [01:19:10] moka_3d2y: KEKW [01:19:11] mrangelfire: CONGRATS!!!!!!!! [01:19:11] bdix727: why can't you go to canada? [01:19:11] SunIsLost: @avokkayt lol [01:19:12] dreamerzy: did it change your sleep pattern? [01:19:12] 420kekscope: LAST TO STOP TAKING HRT gets FREE SURGERY [01:19:13] Phenring: it takes time, as the T goes away and the E dominates, you'll lose muscle mass and your smell will change [01:19:13] vengeful_trader: i cannot imagine what the thumbnail would look like [01:19:13] crowblax: WWWWW [01:19:13] flanenjoyer: Mrs. Breast [01:19:14] mystchevious1: You can't drive [01:19:14] BgT1990: new car? [01:19:14] The_Queen_of_Ruin: So when did you start taking it? :D [01:19:14] Avaerus0: Can you drive yet? [01:19:15] noodle711: what sizw breasts do you want ideally? [01:19:15] MissJesStar: pink convertable? [01:19:15] brandt_connors: is it a jeep [01:19:16] allielovesgoodkidwooo: sure you are [01:19:16] nodegen: arent you banned from the us? [01:19:16] ezrijustcant: I volunteer for that challenge 🙋‍♀️ [01:19:17] AeitZean: What car? [01:19:17] YumeNoZen: Brain filters out our own smells most of the time. And I managed to keep a lot of my strength after almost two decades on HRT because I actually kept active, unlike your lazy self. [01:19:17] oerbadiaruby: Can you even drive? [01:19:18] liamthepro233: finn where is tank [01:19:18] Morganjoe101: The last person to take their hands off becomes a woman [01:19:18] juneguild: Pickles ??? [01:19:18] realxelnoc: is it a vauxhall astra from 2007 [01:19:18] ChasingSol: nice [01:19:19] Ex0dia5: are you gonna learn to drive it? [01:19:19] axing_: god damn [01:19:19] claysparrow: i thought f1nn couldn;t drive [01:19:21] alexx_net: Have you passed your driving test yet? [01:19:21] amethystbinx: f1nnHeart GenderFluidPride BisexualPride AsexualPride f1nnHeart [01:19:21] TheDerpyTomatoz: I gave 100 femboys estrogen [01:19:22] missfaia: boob pains are crazy [01:19:22] AlmondVF: nice [01:19:22] actualmooncore: but you gonna crash it [01:19:23] RiverMonkeyy: MR BREAST [01:19:23] freeusegartenhoe: is it going to be pink? [01:19:24] gwen_the_ninth: Dork [01:19:24] diggingadandass: danm [01:19:24] AnnaTheLazy: You should join Jubilee and partake in the ''Odd one out'' Trans version and there is one femboy that needs to be spotted [01:19:24] TGDBros: Better than a fiat 500 that's for sure [01:19:24] Cytox__: mr breast quite literally [01:19:24] packagum: its a landrover isnt it [01:19:24] aymungoos: the government thinks finn is a terrorist so he's on the no fly list [01:19:24] BrunoBeslag: why [01:19:25] blueskydrinking: Girl, you can't drive KEKW [01:19:26] VikingGiga: hellooooooo i finally made it to a live [01:19:26] Buttshipper22: how dramatic is the strength change? [01:19:27] KiraDreamchaser: Tank really is the man of the house [01:19:27] Wendig0_X3: scientists what would happen if you bathed in E [01:19:28] longer_furby: why no SUBARU [01:19:28] dezznutsygffgg: looking forward to the mrbeast video [01:19:28] Mnh188: barbie mobile [01:19:28] AlonzoAntoku: Are you gonna get a driver's liscense? [01:19:29] ArminGux: cows Tesla is in the shop longer then you have been on E kekw [01:19:29] Neoncat669: come to brazil Kappa [01:19:30] haithun: I thought all Brits have to drive Jaaaaags [01:19:30] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: What's the TTS bits minimum? [01:19:30] ScarsUnseen: do you still need finasteride on estrogen??? [01:19:30] Andromeda42442: PINK? [01:19:30] Munchskull: ***east [01:19:31] globcob: KEKW [01:19:31] mystchevious1: Ashley has a driver [01:19:31] caramelglamour: no one cares finn!!! [01:19:31] Spech69: why did u buy a car [01:19:31] StateAffiliatedMedia: ngl fam I thought your big announcement was that you were getting a car [01:19:31] tripod_666: your mom kinda hot f1nn [01:19:31] Derpsterette: RTGame sponsorship lol [01:19:32] DodenKing: The Mario Kart ONE??? [01:19:32] c__r__j: Shit, you're learning to drive? And that's not the biggest news this stream? [01:19:33] MomochiZoey: Can you drive it yet? [01:19:33] projectfemboy: I was hoping for something with Quattro, but okai [01:19:33] OliviaTalks: @ArminGux yeee, body odor also changes [01:19:33] userduwang: Have you had weird dreams since starting HRT? [01:19:34] xero93: bright pink again? [01:19:35] jennifer3037c: Its a dull pain [01:19:35] Seamus3749: why not a motorbike? [01:19:36] dashunde: corsa [01:19:36] ashleyteacozy: SUBARU LOL [01:19:36] wolfadventurer8: are you going to make it pink [01:19:36] Cactus__Chan: not the gla from mario kart? [01:19:36] sirzazzelot: dont yall have a driver [01:19:37] majabaja98: are you comfortable with talking more about your dysphoria? [01:19:37] kristinhateslife: YOUR A WOMAN U CANT DRIVE >:( /j [01:19:37] aSpicyCow: @ArminGux thats not true [01:19:38] greebowarrior: passenger princess confirmed? LUL [01:19:38] taylornator001: Have you pissed in the sink since starting E? [01:19:38] wraitherc: Get a subaru baja sport, its the official lesbian car. [01:19:39] very_trustworthy: You should drive a tank [01:19:39] lurker_ger: dont need a tesla if you know how to crash your car yourself [01:19:40] Ron_Gutani: that rocks [01:19:40] OcelotYT: Kitchen stream "I can make you gay" prophecy coming true [01:19:40] Vanimal2118: Why r u calling out @aspicycow ? [01:19:40] JELB: GLS = Gay Lesbian Sex [01:19:40] Necko_San: Does ashley still have her MG [01:19:40] maki_the_dragon_empress: Judging by your laughter, the HRT looks like it's good for you xD [01:19:41] OnyxBlade: Become trans, obtain Mercedes, lifehacks brought to you by Queer (tm) [01:19:42] Cyprohep: we got f1n on HRT before GTA6 [01:19:42] TheRealEpicSquid: you gonna change name or nah? [01:19:43] greatattentionspa: The cyproteronacetate pill is not recomended for long term use. Are you considering a more permanent solution? [01:19:44] shelledbsh: Driver-fluid lifestyle [01:19:45] Adam1729: Are you gonna learn to drive? [01:19:45] krovvy: Should have got a s13 [01:19:45] lungevilkas: Cheer250 Hey Finn, coming to ask the big question. How do you like your potatoes? [01:19:45] alliegothic: yeah something they dont tell you when you start transitioning careful turning if you touch anything with your nips its gonna hurt lololol [01:19:45] bdix727: are you going to stick with boymoding when going out? [01:19:45] toomanybees___: it will break during the delivery [01:19:46] ClaraRenway: Lets Goooo he decided on a car! [01:19:47] davethelunatic: Thats not a car, that's a tank [01:19:47] nodegen: get an old defender [01:19:47] MambaKurooVT: CONGRATS ON HRT!!!! [01:19:47] mr_pikle: i have 30 cis men and whoever survives the longest on estrogen gets therapy [01:19:47] johnpnicholls1122: Finn 🏳️‍⚧️🙂🤗🤗🤗 [01:19:47] MissJesStar: F1nn needs a Sub-uwu [01:19:48] silentkay1: :o A GLS is like £100k [01:19:48] JaneIsGaming: wait GLA? Like 45 or the 250? [01:19:49] Avaerus0: Rangerover too expensive but Mercedes isn't? [01:19:49] Andraz201: Get a pink golf gti [01:19:49] MirahImage: CPA definitely fucks up my sex drive at higher doses. I'm on the most ridiculous microdose, but we know it's necessary because my t shoots up if I stop [01:19:49] Wanesty: @JELB lex [01:19:50] Ralithye: Make it pink [01:19:50] giuseppetheboxer0: are you going to change your name? [01:19:50] axing_: thats massive for tiny british streets [01:19:50] Amoyamoyamoya: NOT PINK? LOST OPPORTUNITY [01:19:50] PowerOf47: We should have known you were gay, you can't drive [01:19:51] prncx: boo [01:19:52] c__r__j: "Not BRIGHT pink"? [01:19:52] abydon96: Who is gonna be the lid opener in your relationship now? spicycowHappy [01:19:52] xorwak: why not [01:19:54] umutk_99: E car electric or estrogen [01:19:56] bulletfeed: From the same guy your dad did ? [01:19:57] HexGrrrrl: @longer_furby I want a subaru so bad [01:19:57] diggingadandass: DANMMM stop ijenzUwU [01:19:57] TheI3arracuda: LUL [01:19:57] Mikey2207: KEKW [01:19:58] kgamer123456_518: :) [01:19:58] menacingcafe1: its a fiat panda for sure [01:19:58] benevolentbeaver: I would take that chance [01:19:58] Dezponia: Magenta [01:19:58] widepeepo_deany: KEKW [01:20:01] DaOPCreeper: gn, ashly [01:20:01] RosieKT: bitch wife [01:20:01] davidiusfarrenius: learn to drive! get a Land Rover! 👍 [01:20:01] filip_zd10: GOOD NIGHT [01:20:01] SnowyLando: whats ur fave colour [01:20:02] aggravatedconditions: that's like the cluelesss car [01:20:02] kevernaut: get the car wrapped pink [01:20:02] Andromeda42442: ASHLEY [01:20:03] awe_rora: KEKW [01:20:03] AlmondVF: KEKW [01:20:03] ChasingSol: hahaha [01:20:03] LucipurrCryz: moxxie6Lol [01:20:03] djathome: KEKW [01:20:04] braddle172: KEKW [01:20:05] B_MagicMist: Hey, I'm back. What are we talking about? [01:20:05] seymourbuttsz: Ashley!!!!! :3 [01:20:05] Buttshipper22: KEKW [01:20:05] hazelgamess: KEKW 󠀀 [01:20:05] Kolateak_: OMEGALUL [01:20:06] starduckxd: aww bitch wife [01:20:06] cyphoenic_: damn 79k for your car? (according to google) [01:20:06] iceebuffalo: LMAO [01:20:06] fecalfriend: KEKW [01:20:07] baconvsmar10: No pink car D: [01:20:07] unaffected95: unaffected95 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! [01:20:07] f3mmbot: unaffected95 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:20:07] gwen_the_ninth: KEKW [01:20:08] Hunney_chan: KEKW [01:20:08] amethystbinx: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:20:08] Mario11041: KEKW 󠀀 [01:20:08] globcob: KEKW 󠀀 [01:20:09] deepwater_fae: night night [01:20:09] RemusNeo: KEKW [01:20:09] clio_eeyo: @cosm1ck1tten look on the subreddit r/transgenderuk [01:20:10] DigitalTA: KEKW [01:20:10] Amoyamoyamoya: SHE'S GOING TO BEAT YOUR ASS [01:20:10] TrissByTor: KEKW [01:20:11] Nirvana_W22: ASHLEY [01:20:11] independent_observer: KEKV [01:20:11] Mr_Fluffy97: So next Goal is to make the next one Pink?? [01:20:11] scarlettyg: KEKW [01:20:11] Maddrius: Night Ashley! [01:20:11] EmpressCard: HA [01:20:11] ShakaShocker: lmao pinkypink just subscribed [01:20:11] JinxyKittyVT: KEKW [01:20:12] kirathepan: Get an Aston [01:20:12] littleturtle41: KEKW [01:20:12] f0xegg: KEKW [01:20:12] astrid_autumn: KEKW [01:20:13] UncrownedAngel: Are you using t blockers or just estradiol [01:20:13] packagum: i saw a landrover folder on ashleys story thats why i asked LUL [01:20:13] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [01:20:14] justjade447: Just saw the video, any other lore I should know about? [01:20:14] Firelord_Redflames: KEKW [01:20:14] johnkeiwo: KEKW [01:20:14] TheRealEpicSquid: bygvtyugtyuyyuuy [01:20:14] aSpicyCow: why the hell r u buying a car if u cant drive??! [01:20:14] SleepyPac: KEKW [01:20:14] greebowarrior: KEKW [01:20:14] lenar0se: KEKW [01:20:14] cheesusyourlord: KEKW [01:20:14] ezk_r: lmaoo [01:20:14] BanOompaLoompas: 💀 [01:20:15] caligach: did the move get pushed back again? [01:20:15] caelamondorian: Ashley! Please come talk to us [01:20:15] TheLegendOfLivz: get an electric hummer KEKW, continue to bamboozle [01:20:15] insecureTrannzz: KEKW [01:20:15] RoryLuukas: LUL [01:20:15] krovvy: KEKW STOP hahahhaha [01:20:15] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:20:15] realxelnoc: kekw [01:20:15] canvaspainting: KEKW [01:20:15] bdix727: How are you going to dress in public? [01:20:15] LittleChaSiu: that's not how this works [01:20:15] xx_alexjademlg_xx: awwwww [01:20:16] MasonGamingV: KEKW [01:20:16] hinga_dinga_dip5hit: KEKW 󠀀 [01:20:16] bensrob: oh you are so dead later [01:20:16] BongoCatDown: KEKW [01:20:16] ArminGux: @oliviatalks didn’t know tyvm [01:20:16] Rheumour: KEKW [01:20:16] multiversal_rift: adorable lol [01:20:16] KfkFod: KEKW 󠀀 [01:20:16] nyrhalahotep: 😂😂😂 [01:20:16] Y0rk5h1r3: LUL [01:20:16] munocard: genderchameleon [01:20:16] JadeLyra: Bro who let this fuckin femboy drive 💀 💀 💀 💀 [01:20:17] Qlowquest: Ily LMAOO [01:20:17] userduwang: KEKW [01:20:17] Cactus__Chan: damn [01:20:17] oof_a_m: KEKW [01:20:17] Scarykittenz: KEKW [01:20:17] sophiebliek911: kekw [01:20:17] megadoom20: rotation? [01:20:17] tinyalison420: KEKW [01:20:17] phantaton: Nice save heheh [01:20:17] Speederzzz: MEME LORD [01:20:17] pancakeTransitions: KEKW [01:20:18] oliviazbored: poor ashley [01:20:18] ringwraith1313: KEKW [01:20:18] SnabbKassa: tell, don't ask [01:20:18] jadelilyy: KEKW \ [01:20:18] cactusguy2013: lmao [01:20:18] Sky14r_: KEKW [01:20:18] AeitZean: LUL LUL LUL [01:20:19] halvandenbanan292: just a couple of guys being dudes [01:20:19] CubeYi: KEKW [01:20:19] Budelius: Toggle switch gender [01:20:19] DrunkenHyena: KEKW [01:20:20] Komnia: aintnoway LUL [01:20:20] Shockwavemecha: Convenience [01:20:20] alexh1441: way too easy to steal rovers so the insurance spenny [01:20:20] moka_3d2y: KEKW [01:20:20] caramelglamour: u dumbass [01:20:20] vsaucejosh: *switching sides* [01:20:21] KnightNave: KEKW [01:20:21] CyanoticJam: Confused [01:20:21] Ceara42: KEKW [01:20:21] SunIsLost: Who needs gender [01:20:21] spike_2112: get an audi, there not too bad to insure, even at 17. [01:20:22] RealRyal: Kekw [01:20:22] cubus35: 100% lmao [01:20:22] mushooom_: is Ashley now a chaser? [01:20:22] lungevilkas: Bruh xD [01:20:22] daniel_ale_24: The audacity [01:20:22] mothpurr: LMAO [01:20:23] alyssapegs: KEKW 󠀀 [01:20:23] Dav320K: KEKW [01:20:23] writhinglekku: shifting into woman mode [01:20:23] Melxdy_ox: LUL [01:20:23] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [01:20:23] Kenmas_Videogame_: Kekw [01:20:24] majabaja98: could u talk more about your experiences with dysphoria? [01:20:24] Wanesty: yep [01:20:24] 420kekscope: swap team [01:20:24] oerbadiaruby: She's gonna kill you xD [01:20:24] StarnetSys: are xenos/neos okay? [01:20:24] liamthepro233: stop ignoring me pls where is tank [01:20:25] Ankur23: KEKW [01:20:25] N0xAtra: KEKW [01:20:25] billyyyn: Bro's got cheatcodes [01:20:25] Bleats_Sinodai: chaimoteLilmanspin chaimoteLilmanspin chaimoteLilmanspin chaimoteLilmanspin chaimoteLilmanspin [01:20:25] emmyinseattle: Are you training your voice again? [01:20:25] aymungoos: you unlocked the cheat code [01:20:26] MichaelWells770: land rovers are crap anyway. they are even more unreliable than American cars. [01:20:26] projectfemboy: A hot pink and cyan colored Audi GT would have been nice @F1NN5TER [01:20:26] hauntyourself: GenderFluidPride LUL [01:20:26] kurki_3: KEKW 󠀀 [01:20:26] Azypok: LUL LUL [01:20:27] roninsnook: Lmao [01:20:27] badboy7629: badboy7629 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 12 month streak! please, , , please dont tell me i have been following a woman [01:20:27] estr0genesis: weaponized gender [01:20:27] princess_mia03: so cute [01:20:27] f3mmbot: badboy7629 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:20:27] call_me_kashi: Already abusing the system [01:20:27] FROGcomply: julieeeSmile [01:20:28] sp00kykj: U CANT HIT ME IM A WOMAN NOW LUL [01:20:28] xcornpops: Good luck finding a bathroom now KEKW [01:20:29] thebreadisonthefloor: My gender is a tool of convenience [01:20:29] xorwak: bruh [01:20:29] koreanslvt: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed [01:20:29] TGDBros: You have found the cheat code to get away with everything @F1NN5TER [01:20:30] davidiusfarrenius: Cheer100 [01:20:30] JaneIsGaming: nah that’s incredibly based dw [01:20:30] zephyr_alba: Rotation incoming [01:20:30] 7071_haoN: KEKW [01:20:30] longer_furby: f1nn pls look at the 2004 subaru wrx [01:20:31] LittleChaSiu: do we get to unironically call you a girl now Kappa [01:20:31] pinkplasmalive: funky gender pills [01:20:31] LittleChaSiu: do we get to unironically call you a girl now Kappa [01:20:31] Mnh188: pillow princess [01:20:32] 1WhoBeans: ROTATE HIM [01:20:32] LittleChaSiu: do we get to unironically call you a girl now Kappa [01:20:32] amyfluidgoth: yep that's the beauty of being genderfluid! [01:20:32] LittleChaSiu: do we get to unironically call you a girl now Kappa [01:20:33] LittleChaSiu: do we get to unironically call you a girl now Kappa [01:20:34] giuseppetheboxer0: are you still Finn? [01:20:34] helenaaaaaaauwu: That's like harry potter magic of shapeshifting [01:20:35] menacingcafe1: woman when convenient is your new gender [01:20:36] ScarsUnseen: Do you still use finasteride or is it unnecessary with estrogen? [01:20:38] YumeNoZen: Being female doesn't mean you can't kick ass. You being you means you can't kick ass. [01:20:39] TheGiantOpal: at this speed youll become gendervapor [01:20:39] zinkler879: FOR THE EMPEROR [01:20:39] HexGrrrrl: Passenger F1nncess [01:20:40] Sift11: true gamer moment - telling her you feel like a man so she *knows* you're being sexist /s [01:20:40] isthisapokeman: tactical gender [01:20:41] princessmihai: Heyyy I'm the princess here 😛 [01:20:41] DerekPlaysNude: passenger pillow princess [01:20:41] Amoyamoyamoya: WAKE THE TANK DOGGO [01:20:42] androidwall4680: Switching teams last second [01:20:42] scarlettyg: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [01:20:42] thedanitone: f1nnRotate [01:20:43] seymourbuttsz: You're like that one character in fighting games that can change stance mid combat [01:20:43] Snalster: slayyyy girl [01:20:43] aSpicyCow: maybe i should get a girlfriend to drive me around you might be onto something [01:20:43] sirzazzelot: so in reality you buying your wife a car [01:20:43] witchy_tara: This is why you get flipped 😂 x [01:20:44] RemusNeo: YEP [01:20:44] rageingbisexual: YAY [01:20:45] georgerossofkildary: The Loopholes! [01:20:45] ClaraRenway: F1mter cancelled!! [01:20:46] TwinbeeMk2: @F1NN5TER You do realize now she can beat you up and it won't be considered odd :P [01:20:47] Repikz: Gender fluid power abuse [01:20:48] abydon96: Princess for sure [01:20:48] ArminGux: why not get ur loicence ? [01:20:49] beaneater197: Get me a drink woman [01:20:49] mx_alyn: Please look to change from CPA to Decapeptyl. Long term CPA can cause brain tumors... [01:20:49] Helen_Croft: good girl [01:20:50] bearpaw1970: What if it was sky blue , with pink fire pin stripes [01:20:51] kgamer123456_518: :) [01:20:51] TheConcreteCobbler: @ScarsUnseen I wondered that too [01:20:51] xx_alexjademlg_xx: Friendly fire not allowed HASHHA [01:20:51] diggingadandass: ijenzHmpf ijenzMAD InuyoFace BOP [01:20:52] andromeda_nyx: its literally up to you lmao [01:20:52] mj_phae: nah that’s a great joke [01:20:53] widepeepo_deany: slayyy girlfriend [01:20:54] karojhe: Did you sync the coming out with Cow? [01:20:57] keller4589: hi ash [01:20:57] mackarp2: bro lost the war [01:20:58] mr_leggy_d_1st: Wagwan sis [01:20:59] oliviazbored: you shouldn’t ask her to drive you after yelling at her like that KEKW [01:20:59] nyrhalahotep: Hi Ashleyyyyyyy [01:21:00] SilverEnigma: They never needed it before [01:21:01] fl0ck9: we didn't need it before [01:21:01] writhinglekku: pwease [01:21:01] professorpussicat: LUL [01:21:01] c__r__j: @aSpicyCow f1nnStare [01:21:03] Mnh188: ROTATE HIM/HER/THEM [01:21:03] Amoyamoyamoya: I'll still call him a girl [01:21:03] Nirvana_W22: its up to YOU [01:21:03] snake9447: Lag [01:21:04] Cytox__: woooooooow man [01:21:05] thunderscoob: its your choice [01:21:05] Wanesty: peepoHappy haiii ashley [01:21:06] t0m1n4t0r: this is why you must always rotate their gremlins [01:21:06] Total_Acidity: Such a good girl [01:21:07] lilecfangs: you get to decide that [01:21:07] Bleats_Sinodai: WEAPONIZED GENDER FLUID buffpupWicked [01:21:09] Xirenec_: Indeed why'd we need permission KEKW [01:21:10] amethystbinx: f1nnHeart GenderFluidPride BisexualPride AsexualPride f1nnHeart [01:21:11] liamthepro233: where is tank [01:21:11] FatherThyme: absolutely [01:21:11] bdix727: will anything change with how you dress in public? [01:21:11] Dank_May0: now my father wont be disappointed in me for retweeting your stuff [01:21:11] DodenKing: That's on you ma'am [01:21:12] ChasingSol: TRUE [01:21:12] userduwang: Schrodinger's gender [01:21:12] scarlettyg: If you like being called a girl, you can be one, that's all what it takes [01:21:12] MangledPork: Congrats, it's a [ERROR] [01:21:13] distractedcreative: KEKW [01:21:13] Kolateak_: True [01:21:13] witchy_tara: Do we get to say you're one of us? X [01:21:14] Scarykittenz: Is it rose officially now? [01:21:14] blueskydrinking: We have been since 2019 KEKW [01:21:14] Catamondium: TransgenderPride BisexualPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride LesbianPride [01:21:14] sappholover39: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:21:15] OtterlyStudy: I always love your nails [01:21:15] braddle172: Lol [01:21:15] prncx: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk [01:21:15] johnpnicholls1122: We still. Love you finn [01:21:16] Necko_San: and now kisssss [01:21:16] BongoCatDown: true [01:21:18] Y0rk5h1r3: Is that a fanta? Tango is superior [01:21:18] helenaaaaaaauwu: True3e [01:21:18] LittleChaSiu: LET'S GO [01:21:18] MegaMiley: In any lighting he's a girl already XD [01:21:18] Luckyscore: why am I crying now this is so beautiful [01:21:19] SnabbKassa: assigned female by photons [01:21:19] Komnia: LUL [01:21:19] avokkayt: fanta delivery service? :o [01:21:20] starduckxd: xD [01:21:20] RemusNeo: LUL [01:21:21] RosieKT: omg [01:21:22] hannahmae85: How long have you been doing HRT?? [01:21:22] occamsrazorwit: Finn can win every single fistfight with a guy, by switching to girl for the i-frames [01:21:22] OcelotYT: Tank has lesbian moms [01:21:23] sp00kykj: YEP GIRl [01:21:23] YumeNoZen: Gender is a social construct. You're just a nerd. [01:21:24] ScrapRodent: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [01:21:24] ArminGux: you have been a girl for years [01:21:24] dangerousruben: bye ashley [01:21:25] georgerossofkildary: Good girl. LUL [01:21:25] mr_pikle: the real question is do we get to call you a grill now [01:21:25] Doperanks: based [01:21:25] officialpeterparker_: he/her pronouns [01:21:25] abydon96: Gremlin is comeing out again... [01:21:26] johnkeiwo: gn Ashleyyy [01:21:26] davidiusfarrenius: long hair, curves, can’t drive definitely a girl! 😄 [01:21:27] Partikle__: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:21:28] nokbient: what are you most excited for, tits or voice [01:21:29] InSpecterSpook: I'm double demi, demisexual + demigender [01:21:29] caelamondorian: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [01:21:29] a_bat_named_rayven: So no egg anymore..... sad face [01:21:30] Zjawyer: when you sit in the pink chair [01:21:30] sapphic_luma: Girl <3 [01:21:30] aracknomplayz: lol i am watching 3 steamers at once [01:21:31] mj_phae: the new jokes you’re gonna make are the best part of you coming out [01:21:31] AeitZean: Need a marker on screen to tell us what mode you're currently in HypeLUL [01:21:31] AphaloxidiumallioMonoxide: Light sensitive gender [01:21:32] RoyalRoseo: Tank has two moms LesbianPride [01:21:32] ClaraRenway: Ashley is too real for that [01:21:33] mushooom_: are you still Finn or are u like… Fiona? [01:21:33] HexGrrrrl: This too is yuri [01:21:34] claysparrow: drop hair routine? [01:21:34] SonicB007M: does being on HRT affect your sexual desires? [01:21:35] very_trustworthy: Is cum gender fluid?!?!?! [01:21:35] Nirvana_W22: how are u feeling right now though for real [01:21:36] lemon_duck22: "he's my girlfriend" [01:21:36] mukhannath_yass: U should get information about Injection HRT Finn, gel hrt is so annoying [01:21:36] Cadzzes: I’ve jsut finished my workout I’m in fucking pain [01:21:37] primeschizoid: !uptime [01:21:37] johnkeiwo: Have some music chat ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPzf_4dcL28&list=RDbOP5Po1EXG0&index=20&ab_channel=HopelessRecords [01:21:37] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 1h 21m 48s [01:21:38] i_devote_to_bregans: It depends on your minecraft skin [01:21:38] zvrkinjo: Mirinda is the shit [01:21:40] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter are you still on the finasteride or is that not needed anymore? [01:21:40] TheI3arracuda: The egg is ded [01:21:41] R3tr0sWG: i just got here what happen [01:21:41] ciernaruza: tango apple is so good [01:21:41] Qlowquest: If u like being called a girl then we’ll call u :3c [01:21:41] godsbeenswinging_: so when are you proposing to that incredible woman? [01:21:41] WildBoyWoo: @snabbkassa OMG that comment lol [01:21:41] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter are you still on the finasteride or is that not needed anymore? [01:21:41] cubus35: and long nails [01:21:42] BritishTeaLover: Should get a Jeep Wrangler [01:21:42] Zachary3DPrints: Love to see you happy F1nn [01:21:43] solarianv69: lets hunt big foot guys [01:21:43] camarada_emy: Yaay, cow is here [01:21:44] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter are you still on the finasteride or is that not needed anymore? [01:21:44] AustinOranje: just saying hi beautiful <3 RebeccaBlack RebeccaBlack AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA [01:21:45] menacingcafe1: this is the gayest striaght shit ive ever seen [01:21:46] Dezponia: Temporary sexism [01:21:49] Wendig0_X3: WHAT RESTROOM DO YOU USE !?!??!??!?!?!?!?!??!?! [01:21:49] jamexito: long live lesbians [01:21:50] pancakeTransitions: what ever gender is most convenient at the time letsgoooooo [01:21:51] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter are you still on the finasteride or is that not needed anymore? [01:21:51] embercantdraw: have u considered a name change? [01:21:53] argonaut2468: hair changes are real [01:21:53] kyr_cuumdump: girl forever [01:21:54] alexh1441: apple tango slaps [01:21:54] loonashika: it looks really, really healthy c: [01:21:54] vengeful_trader: the day I see ash run in with one of your swords after one of these comments will be legendary [01:21:56] kieraisverybored: that t4t video on Ashley’s channel is so funny now [01:21:57] Cytox__: have you heard about the the stuff with wilbur? [01:21:58] hazelgr33n: @Wendig0_X3 why do you care? [01:22:00] reiisguts: tango good [01:22:00] PanRojek: @F1NN5TER Face hair? [01:22:02] zephyr_alba: Wish sugar free Jarritos was easy to get is way better than Fanta [01:22:03] 71M073J: this stream is giving me a serious amount of both gender and non-gender envy... [01:22:05] pepagg8: Sugar free tango is like at every Texco what the fuck are you talkking about [01:22:07] fr0styjck: just a need a dead end trim [01:22:07] very_trustworthy: You should go to the hair dressers [01:22:08] ReikoNya: Can HRT cause incontinence? [01:22:08] oliviazbored: imagine coming out jus to get away wit misogyny KEKW [01:22:08] liamthepro233: where is tank hes so cute [01:22:09] lordofpeons: you gave me enough confidence to come out and transfem genderfluid and it makes me so happy that youve found that same confidence in yourself GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [01:22:09] Andromeda42442: How long ago did u start [01:22:10] WillowWithAJoystick: omg i have the same brush [01:22:10] nodegen: you need to take better care of it and cut it [01:22:11] TGDBros: Do you have any road rage stories? 😂😂 [01:22:11] ClaraRenway: My hair used to get real greasy, but like its soo healthy now [01:22:11] Alchimay: are you getting it cut regularly? I hear that helps [01:22:11] bdix727: Are you still going to girl mode in public? [01:22:12] flutterbaby10: GET a BLOWOUT! [01:22:12] Maddrius: hot oil treatment [01:22:12] Shockwavemecha: Technically dead [01:22:12] praetorl: congrats on coming outtt🥰 [01:22:13] paper__kid: baby get some hair madks [01:22:13] Kolateak_: Me too [01:22:14] LadyCatalina: you should oil your hair everyday it’ll help [01:22:14] bearpaw1970: Highlights are better within your hair [01:22:14] YumeNoZen: Screw that misogny, I can drive a manual sports can pretty dang well. And plan the Canada trip and swing by Toronto! [01:22:15] elion3li: conditioner? [01:22:15] Partikle__: I have same hair as finn [01:22:15] BitterConcrete: just trim it [01:22:15] andromeda_nyx: my scalp became ultra greasy on estrogen it was super weird [01:22:16] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter are you still on the finasteride or is that not needed anymore? [01:22:16] HexGrrrrl: Estrogen made my hair so nice [01:22:17] jake_wkutw: Proud of you PrideLove [01:22:18] christa_lyn: Cute [01:22:18] AutisticTitan: @britishtealover is that a clarkson reference? [01:22:18] thenuker: Not sure how im supposed to feel relating to finn right now [01:22:18] 747APlayz: in the 4 years i have been watch you. i never thought it would come to this. lol [01:22:19] cassiethelioness: just got highlights on my hair for the first time in my life last weekend [01:22:19] DerekPlaysNude: top of hair is woman hair and bottom is man hair [01:22:19] bossbadboy: just go bald xoxo [01:22:22] MaggieHeels: those hair are woth a fortune !!! [01:22:23] randopersonn_: OMG YES get layers and chopping the ends keep it healthy!! [01:22:23] OtterlyStudy: how long have you not cut your hair? [01:22:23] leftalligator3: [01:22:23] toastychaii: hot oil mask for hair or deep conditioning is really nice to help with frizz and tangling! [01:22:24] srenesweetheart: LAYERS, LIKE AN ONION [01:22:25] GlenCoco39: omg no not the weaponized genderfluid lmao [01:22:25] jackalsclaw: She's going to bed at 10:30PM? [01:22:25] TheLegendOfLivz: yeah, need layers in the front to blend it [01:22:25] CyanoticJam: AT LAST with the hair cut [01:22:26] When_pigs_can_fly: My god fimter I was so surprised but then also not hahah, Im so happy for you 🥰🥰❤️❤️ [01:22:26] macasoam: canada hair cut? [01:22:27] GhosT_Quanta: Same, no haircut in 2 years [01:22:27] officalchionkinnie: @very_trustworthy may the trans council decide [01:22:27] Vanimal2118: F1nn5ter 100% Gremlin [01:22:28] mr_pikle: all hair is always dead [01:22:28] Mr_Fluffy97: Oh my god look how long your hair is [01:22:28] JudgeGold: i fucking hate how pretty you are [01:22:28] actualmooncore: how did the hair changed [01:22:29] LittleChaSiu: KEKW KEKW KEKW [01:22:30] EmpressCard: You can get a celebratory hair cut [01:22:30] crybabyenbyLuna: super happy for you finn [01:22:31] Catamondium: tmw showering comes around and devours all your conditioner [01:22:31] Zynick_: The hair below your shoulders doesnt even know youre transitioning [01:22:31] mystchevious1: You're supposed to get a haircute with khris. [01:22:32] lazyashell9: Hair cut stream [01:22:32] hiluuu: big brain [01:22:33] Cadzzes: what mic do you use? [01:22:34] helenaaaaaaauwu: Wait that's like a dumb question but does the yeras old hair chabge too or only the one growing new? ^^ [01:22:34] globcob: KEKW [01:22:34] dagrantl: dagrantl subscribed with Prime. [01:22:35] f3mmbot: dagrantl subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang dagrantl f1nnLezgang [01:22:36] filip_zd10: trans for misogony [01:22:36] BaconDestro: As he sits so quer [01:22:36] independent_observer: transmisogyny [01:22:37] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter are you still on the finasteride or is that not needed anymore? [01:22:38] starduckxd: qual rights equal fights [01:22:38] crackedjer: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:22:38] pancakeTransitions: gottem [01:22:38] PanRojek: What about face hair? [01:22:39] themilkbox420: wolf cut!! [01:22:40] TwinbeeMk2: Look at you. You're positivly beaming [01:22:41] KeeKzap: we are happy that you are happy, congrats [01:22:41] widepeepo_deany: hasO slayyy [01:22:41] jamexito: wolfcut finn???? [01:22:42] AlonzoAntoku: Ogre hair [01:22:45] abydon96: Gremlin!!! [01:22:46] Purplehaze2112: when is the battlepass anniversary? [01:22:46] judgedame: your hair is so long [01:22:46] azath0th777: how is your hair so long? ive been growing mine out for 4 years and its not that long [01:22:47] Pizzapuntz: are there things you dont want us to say or ask from now on? [01:22:48] YumeNoZen: Sorry, were you talking? I only listen to men. /j [01:22:48] elion3li: lesbian inclusive misogyny [01:22:48] floating_raindrop: Has the hair growth rate changed? [01:22:48] ArcticSongbird: First time I've actually caught you live [01:22:49] cedric_callnight: 50% man, 50% woman, 100% femboy [01:22:49] BritishTeaLover: @AutisticTitan I mean, they made that joke because it's a really typical LGBT car [01:22:49] KfkFod: what about the crown [01:22:50] aSpicyCow: softer hayre [01:22:50] ArminGux: u still doing hairmasks? [01:22:51] jasiequu: layers like an ogre? [01:22:53] androidwall4680: It's no longer misogyny, it's now friendly fire [01:22:53] kilan222: like an onion [01:22:53] pineappletree_zx: less dandruff [01:22:56] GlenCoco39: I wish my hair got nicer :( still so frizzy! [01:22:56] johnpnicholls1122: Yes rock it finn [01:22:56] juneguild: bisexual sitting position [01:22:58] isthisapokeman: igtg im eppy [01:22:59] avokkayt: he has that signature bi-sitting style [01:23:00] kirathepan: You should put it in a waterfall braid! [01:23:00] witchy_tara: Less greasy x [01:23:00] silver_shark3: My hair actually got worse after HRT lul [01:23:00] Vanimal2118: Dad Hair cut when? [01:23:02] lampjade: F1NNA5TER1IDE [01:23:02] Fronarn: is finnsexuality still a thing? [01:23:03] wraitherc: "Trans inclusive radical misogyny" [01:23:03] CalypsoMoons: wait thats your actual hair, i thought it was a wig [01:23:05] HexGrrrrl: F1nnasteride [01:23:05] mayaculous: finn ass to ride ??? [01:23:06] RealRyal: FINNasteride [01:23:06] lexxiipop: Dht blocker yeah [01:23:06] cerysnomi: im still on it too [01:23:09] liamthepro233: can you get tank [01:23:09] R3tr0sWG: Idk what you came out as but either way im supportive xaladiHeart [01:23:09] wolfadventurer8: i can slightly see the difference it looks silky [01:23:09] ciernaruza: sugar free orange tango is at morrisons [01:23:10] ClashCrafterCC: ClashCrafterCC subscribed with Prime. [01:23:10] StampVoet: So are you going to dress differently outside now? [01:23:10] f3mmbot: clashcraftercc subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang clashcraftercc f1nnLezgang [01:23:10] skylikesaerospace: you going to go to Canada for that haircut? [01:23:11] lordgtafbi: cis to femboy to hrt timeline in that hair LUL [01:23:11] XENOMAN5: When is BP booba reveal? [01:23:11] Y0rk5h1r3: F1nn's so proud of it, he put his name on it! [01:23:11] TeraValia: i mean, its FIN-asteride. of course F1NN is using it. [01:23:12] johnkeiwo: honestly the way you sit outed you as bisexual long ago @f1nn5ter [01:23:13] johnkeiwo: honestly the way you sit outed you as bisexual long ago @f1nn5ter [01:23:13] thattangoguy: i am literally thattangoguy [01:23:14] scorpx11: finasteride fuckling slaps! [01:23:15] nataliewren: my hair went much much curlier which i didnt expect [01:23:16] OcelotYT: Honestly we should have known look at this gay sitting ass [01:23:17] rageingbisexual: just here to be here Your awesome no you are [01:23:19] DollIsLife: So you'll actually be able to fill out some of your tops soon? [01:23:19] Unkn0wnLuci: think this is the happiest I've ever been for someone else. congrats Finn5ter [01:23:19] JemHoward: You made realize I'm finsexual [01:23:20] GhostOfAFlea: It's a pretty shitty blocker but it's good for other things [01:23:20] evadunord: Might have been asked a 1000 times, but: how long have you been on hrt now? [01:23:20] BritishTeaLover: @juneguild Yeah, that definitely should have been a sign before :D [01:23:22] skyll_issue: OMGGG just saw the vid [01:23:23] kettlecatt: I'm trans masc, and you get me a lot of gender euphoria. Seeing your genuine joy is so so so nice. [01:23:23] chryptocrystal: You're a boykisser now????? [01:23:23] 1WhoBeans: !confused [01:23:23] distractedcreative: !finsexual [01:23:23] f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [01:23:24] ramboo1989: 🤜🤛 [01:23:24] cedric_callnight: So, your gender is literally femboy [01:23:26] Catamondium: finnsexual [01:23:27] rice4020609: :3 [01:23:27] aSpicyCow: cata gree [01:23:27] Helen_Croft: Chat TTS is off for now [01:23:28] helenaaaaaaauwu: Maybe u made me finsexual now [01:23:28] YumeNoZen: @johnkeiwo Might have just been the 'tism. [01:23:29] Stovamor: I'm updated the HRT bot command in real time, hence me asking @F1NN5TER [01:23:32] Alchimay: that used to be called gynosexual [01:23:34] independent_observer: F that is so true [01:23:34] mj_phae: stopping production and absorption [01:23:34] djathome: OMEGALUL [01:23:35] GloomyVagabond: true [01:23:35] joe_the_human: TRUE [01:23:35] johnkeiwo: bisexual sitting KEKW [01:23:36] Shal_Grace: KEKW 󠀀 [01:23:36] hinga_dinga_dip5hit: yeah [01:23:36] Rheumour: TRUUUU [01:23:36] Macstronaut: whats somethign you idnt expect when you started it? [01:23:36] jamexito: Do you ever plan on changing your name???????????????? [01:23:37] johnkeiwo: bisexual sitting KEKW [01:23:37] Ash1ey_49: yup [01:23:37] johnkeiwo: bisexual sitting KEKW [01:23:37] cyphoenic_: KEKW [01:23:37] saiga9: KEKW [01:23:37] Altex1: PrideLaugh [01:23:38] FusRoDoge: KEKW [01:23:38] BluBiDefault: true 󠀀 [01:23:38] dj2226t: FINsexual pride? [01:23:38] gwen_the_ninth: KEKW TRUE [01:23:38] Barrik226: yeah [01:23:38] PsychoFisch: at what point can you no longer post shirtless pictures on instagram anymore? [01:23:38] braddle172: KEKW [01:23:39] tucan__: KEKW [01:23:39] Myoukochou: KEKW [01:23:39] claysparrow: LOL [01:23:39] spider3327: true [01:23:39] DoomMuppet2: KEKW [01:23:39] TheI3arracuda: Yeah [01:23:40] ScarsUnseen: yup that's the bi squat [01:23:40] Mario11041: KEKW [01:23:40] RYRY1793: got em [01:23:40] FatherThyme: yes, it's well known bi's can't sit inchairs right [01:23:40] widepeepo_deany: KEKW [01:23:40] 71M073J: KEWK [01:23:41] munocard: ACCURATE [01:23:41] wraitherc: So true [01:23:41] XxPVTJakExX: KEKW [01:23:41] M05IN: OMEGALUL [01:23:41] durendal_69: Bisexual lady [01:23:42] Fries3: can't sit straight [01:23:42] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:23:42] jasiequu: true [01:23:42] Maddrius: yes [01:23:42] RoyalRoseo: yea [01:23:42] aliensl0th: what did i miss [01:23:42] thebreadisonthefloor: Lmao [01:23:42] theia649: KEKW its true [01:23:43] XtrlZabille: That's queer sitting bro [01:23:43] cheesusyourlord: KEKW [01:23:43] general_of_cm: KEKW [01:23:43] remain_unseen: That's Bi as hell [01:23:43] axing_: i mean theyre not wrong... [01:23:43] kristinhateslife: very bisexual of u [01:23:44] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:23:44] kirathepan: !hrt [01:23:44] f3mmbot: Finn is taking Finasteride to stop hair loss and has recently started actual HRT (CPA, Progesterone and transdermal Estradiol). See this video for more info - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3reFDwM0yIA [01:23:44] brandt_connors: Sodacat sits like that [01:23:45] officalchionkinnie: no u dont [01:23:46] Komnia: 100% bisexual sitting [01:23:46] argonaut2468: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:23:46] R3tr0sWG: KEKW [01:23:47] slybirdz: hehe [01:23:47] InSpecterSpook: Lmao [01:23:47] Arnotronix: bro just sitting like me and i am bi [01:23:47] fecalfriend: Kappa [01:23:48] RemyRambles90: Now you're sitting like a bottom [01:23:48] Mondongod: STRAIGHT AS A BANANA [01:23:48] Falqun: bi gremlin [01:23:48] overcooked_bones: bisexual and ADHD [01:23:49] thekindredspiritofficial: we do be sittin different [01:23:49] princessmihai: Uh huh. Sure you do [01:23:50] SnowyLando: thats very bi [01:23:50] N0xAtra: lmfao true [01:23:50] Doperanks: perfect [01:23:50] Fyaasko: Literally bisquatting on the chair [01:23:50] Y0rk5h1r3: Bisexual Sitting LUL [01:23:50] alexx_net: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:23:50] ATValdor: f1nnCope [01:23:50] hazelgr33n: me ween a f1nnsexual flag [01:23:50] Nirvana_W22: or autistic [01:23:51] mayaculous: bisexual or adhd [01:23:51] wickedlord: Kappa [01:23:51] xero93: bi/bttm sit [01:23:51] mywifeleftme15: so proud of you finn [01:23:51] lily_lollypops: lily_lollypops subscribed with Prime. [01:23:51] Necko_San: Bisexuals cant use chairs [01:23:51] f3mmbot: lily_lollypops subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang lily_lollypops f1nnLezgang [01:23:51] RosieKT: i just thought you were a bi royal ages ago lol [01:23:51] hiluuu: totally [01:23:51] EmpressCard: Spine be looking like a S [01:23:52] jacmol7: KEKW [01:23:52] nodegen: you sit like goblin [01:23:52] via_the_grace: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:23:53] Amoyamoyamoya: STRAIGHT? UMMM.... [01:23:53] Zynick_: Babe look at the BISEXUAL LIGHTING [01:23:53] Pretty_Patties: BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:23:53] PANICtheManiac: Shrimp [01:23:53] johnmichael91: KEKW [01:23:53] NichtzNeues: nope [01:23:53] androidwall4680: bisexual posture [01:23:54] cuttle_fist: That looks more like autism to me <3 [01:23:55] CalypsoMoons: there is nothing ciss about you [01:23:55] scarlettyg: Gremlin sitting [01:23:55] MegaMiley: LUL How did I never notice the Bi sit XD [01:23:55] KnightNave: kapp [01:23:55] KiraDreamchaser: Are you blocking Testosterone? [01:23:56] shadowtux: yup bi [01:23:56] madmope: like a bottom [01:23:56] ClaraRenway: fake news [01:23:56] lordgtafbi: it was a feminine guy you dated? [01:23:56] weddracc: ok now listen here pal Kappa [01:23:56] SleepyTeaMage: OH NO [01:23:57] Electromagnetic: straight man isnt that flexible lol [01:23:57] Daeonysus: lmao I'm squatting on my own chair rn [01:23:57] a_bat_named_rayven: Ya just gremlin [01:23:58] oof_a_m: bisexual sitting [01:23:58] pineappletree_zx: yeah for sure [01:23:58] aSpicyCow: f1nn does kinda sit a little bit gay Aware [01:23:59] iceebuffalo: lmao no you dont, you sit like bi person 110% [01:23:59] myfate: wait thats how i always sit? [01:23:59] dylterrance: to be fair that’s also the autism sit [01:23:59] lurker_ger: thats just normal sitting (am bi) [01:24:00] tevylyn: straight as a circle [01:24:00] davidiusfarrenius: you sit like a gremlin! 😄 [01:24:01] Mina_the_Engineer: you sit like you're bi [01:24:01] flymetopluto06: no straight man sits like that [01:24:01] Nova_Prime_69: KEKW [01:24:01] mackarp2: they sit like they have undiagnosed adhd [01:24:01] sporkyspoon: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:24:01] userduwang: @F1NN5TER Have you gotten the Invite to join the Gay Agenda Groupchat? We have been waiting for you to accept for years [01:24:02] johnkeiwo: straight as a wet spaguetti [01:24:02] DodenKing: 100% bisexual or ADHD, usually both [01:24:02] Lilsistermisty: KEKW [01:24:03] kettlecatt: bi people can't sit right, its just the facts [01:24:03] Snalster: show [01:24:03] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW 󠀀 [01:24:03] starduckxd: bruh its all lieeees [01:24:04] ArcticSongbird: No way does thatatter [01:24:04] DollIsLife: but, that's how I sit... [01:24:04] TheBoneTheif: correctly [01:24:04] independent_observer: TOLD YOU [01:24:05] reiisguts: lol [01:24:05] Andromeda42442: do you now exclusively use bisexual lighting [01:24:05] marciliaa: no cis straight men sit criss cross applesauce [01:24:06] Avaerus0: Show us [01:24:06] ChasingSol: oh dear [01:24:06] bjlogna_: LUL [01:24:06] GloomyVagabond: Sit like a fruit [01:24:06] 7071_haoN: wdym im sitting like that right now [01:24:06] silentkay1: is it a photo of you? [01:24:06] fl0ck9: gottem [01:24:06] juneguild: LUL LUL LUL [01:24:07] Myrnnt: LOL [01:24:07] idesofjuno: KEKW [01:24:07] djathome: KEKW YEAHHHH [01:24:07] johnkeiwo: is it porn ? [01:24:07] YumeNoZen: There's a special chair for it, you should get one. [01:24:07] KfkFod: KEKW [01:24:07] KhiralShimmer: KEKW [01:24:07] SubstituteMyOwn: Yep [01:24:07] witchy_tara: Finnesxual memes now include attraction to F1NN5TER [01:24:08] ciernaruza: LMAO [01:24:08] Ayton666: Sits like a gremlin [01:24:08] xLumieI: Image of Finn LUL [01:24:08] blueskydrinking: KEKW [01:24:08] MirahImage: Oh, finasteride killed my sex drive, glad I could stop when I went on hrt [01:24:08] jamexito: Do you feel ok with your current name? [01:24:08] splurshin: KEKW [01:24:09] GhostOfAFlea: GET HIS ASS [01:24:09] kgamer123456_518: You didnt deny it [01:24:09] MikeWillStream: KEKW [01:24:09] ArminGux: kekw [01:24:10] beaneater197: Straight sit [01:24:10] know1_0: f1nnLaff [01:24:10] umutk_99: we float over the chair [01:24:10] shelledbsh: Bi dukes sitting in chairs in the most awkward fashion [01:24:10] ekat2468: SEE [01:24:10] flanenjoyer: L ass pose, bro's about to use an insane deductive intellect [01:24:10] amethystbinx: f1nnHeart BisexualPride AsexualPride GenderFluidPride f1nnHeart [01:24:11] bearpaw1970: Lmao' [01:24:11] GaiusGoose: KEKW [01:24:11] Zachary3DPrints: I never sit like that on my chair... [01:24:11] MnemonicOverload: LUL [01:24:11] Adam1729: KEKW [01:24:11] alliegothic: yes the bisexual impossibility to sit normal BisexualPride [01:24:12] munocard: GOT EM [01:24:12] LaurenArtful: As an ambassador of the bi people, you do not sit properly, it was a giveaway. [01:24:12] mgza81: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [01:24:12] DemonicLuci: bro got called out immediately [01:24:12] Justme824: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:24:12] SygilLoux: busted [01:24:13] M05IN: OUTTED LMAOOOOO [01:24:13] XxPVTJakExX: EXPOSED [01:24:13] FancyTrashMan: you sit like a bisexual gremlin [01:24:13] FusRoDoge: its you isnt it [01:24:13] Bobbikatt: rigghhtt? [01:24:13] Nitaki__: LMAOO [01:24:14] JinxyKittyVT: KEKW 󠀀 [01:24:14] avatarhades: you got that avatar korra sit lol [01:24:14] zebrabbl396: Show [01:24:14] Altex1: PrideLaugh [01:24:14] BusohSensen: KEKW [01:24:14] astronos_: show [01:24:14] ghastlyarachnid: Congrats on coming out!! TransgenderPride [01:24:14] kirathepan: Bi gi [01:24:14] lizardwizard1005: those bi gremline vibes do be showing a LOT LUL [01:24:15] smokerofmids: finn forgot safe search [01:24:15] diggingadandass: finsexuality is granted for every young man in the 2000\ [01:24:15] octminer: KEKW show us [01:24:15] cheesusyourlord: GOT EM [01:24:15] AnnaTheLazy: 1:1 u [01:24:16] officalchionkinnie: exactly how u were [01:24:16] SleepyPac: absolute fool [01:24:16] caelamondorian: Porn [01:24:16] argonaut2468: it's like looking into a mirror [01:24:16] princeuni: Is it all porn? [01:24:17] XtrlZabille: LMAOOOO READ YOU'VE BEEN READ [01:24:17] t0m1n4t0r: if you have to ask… [01:24:17] R3tr0sWG: SHOW US KEKW [01:24:17] longer_furby: c [01:24:17] Despick_: like gremlins mostly [01:24:17] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:24:17] braddle172: LUL [01:24:18] GlenCoco39: It's crossed legs on a chair isnt it [01:24:18] Inkdoesstuff: KEKW [01:24:18] adamjunkpup: The call outs [01:24:18] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: F1NN learned something today. [01:24:19] RemusNeo: KEKW [01:24:19] sapphic_luma: LET US SEE [01:24:19] ChasingSol: LMAO [01:24:19] cassiethelioness: TOS =P [01:24:19] johnkeiwo: KEKW [01:24:19] alexx_net: Is it just a mirror? [01:24:19] johnkeiwo: KEKW [01:24:19] georgerossofkildary: Is it pics of you? Please say it is. [01:24:20] johnkeiwo: KEKW [01:24:20] bossbadboy: KEKW [01:24:20] SnowyLando: outted [01:24:20] N0xAtra: KEKW [01:24:20] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: HAHAHAHAHA [01:24:20] keller4589: LMAO [01:24:20] ChasingSol: KEKW [01:24:21] hazelgamess: KEKW [01:24:21] TheI3arracuda: LUL [01:24:21] crunch121212: Is this how I find out I'm finsexual? [01:24:21] FatherThyme: yup [01:24:21] MsCylon: KEKW [01:24:21] Doperanks: KEKW [01:24:22] lonefox1234: Got him [01:24:22] adeergg: wait that is how i sit though [01:24:22] fecalfriend: LUL [01:24:22] distractedcreative: KEKW [01:24:22] StampVoet: LUL [01:24:22] Bleats_Sinodai: buffpupLUL buffpupLUL buffpupLUL buffpupLUL buffpupLUL buffpupLUL buffpupLUL buffpupLUL buffpupLUL buffpupLUL [01:24:22] AlmondVF: KEKW [01:24:22] helenaaaaaaauwu: Dude💀☠️ [01:24:22] the_oracie: exposed by google [01:24:22] 1WhoBeans: KEKW [01:24:23] DG_Airquake: KEKW [01:24:23] gwen_the_ninth: KEKW CALLED OUT [01:24:23] pinkplasmalive: LMFAO [01:24:23] xx_bex_becca_xx: KEKW [01:24:23] vNTCv: outted [01:24:23] Ceara42: KEKW [01:24:23] Aren711: KEKW [01:24:24] krovvy: LOL [01:24:24] vengeful_trader: LMAO [01:24:24] XellosMetallum: KEKW [01:24:24] hinga_dinga_dip5hit: KEKW [01:24:24] 1xquinnx1: so are you bi ace [01:24:24] GoodHydrations: holy shit [01:24:24] msmoonsy: LUL [01:24:25] kvstrup: KEKW [01:24:25] loograt: KEKW 󠀀 [01:24:25] TrissByTor: KEKW [01:24:25] f0xegg: KEKW [01:24:25] NichtzNeues: Anypne that sits on is leg all the time is not straight [01:24:25] Ryk7: LOOOOOOL [01:24:25] DreadPirateDan: rumbled [01:24:25] Nova_Prime_69: omg [01:24:26] Mario11041: KEKW 󠀀 [01:24:26] Rheumour: KEKW [01:24:26] randopersonn_: KEKW AHAHAH [01:24:26] IrrelevantFerret: KEKW [01:24:26] Hunney_chan: KEKW 󠀀 [01:24:26] MegaMiley: KEKW [01:24:26] scarlettyg: OMEGALUL MEGALUL [01:24:26] XENOMAN5: You even said it one time that the way you prefer to sleep ison your stomach and you thought it was gay so I think you always knew [01:24:26] Spaghetto_Depressi: KEKW [01:24:26] thebreadisonthefloor: KEKW [01:24:26] Spectre223: It just turns on his webcam instead of showing results LUL [01:24:26] nyakittyy: KEKW [01:24:26] Stovamor: HAHAHAHAHAHA [01:24:26] DatChickenBro1: PAHAHHa [01:24:27] sepiak824: KEKW [01:24:27] ScarsUnseen: is that Yoshiki? [01:24:27] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: it’s the queer / neurodivergent sitting [01:24:27] Spitzfyre: we don’t sit we just stop movint [01:24:27] pillowdemon2077: yep [01:24:27] SleepyTeaMage: You couldn't have known, it's ok demipyroLul [01:24:27] LanaBread: BRO [01:24:27] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:24:28] zephyr_alba: Gargirl sit (Gargoyle pun) [01:24:28] Necko_San: KEKW [01:24:28] TheGiantOpal: Gotcha [01:24:28] Daeonysus: LUL [01:24:29] AeitZean: LUL LUL LUL [01:24:29] EldritchElucidator: KEKW [01:24:29] techytrickster: you can't sit straight. we know [01:24:29] AphiaDeMieux: YUPP! I sit EXACTLY like that LOL [01:24:29] CalypsoMoons: did google just @ him [01:24:29] Yduno: KEKW [01:24:29] ren_thefox: KEKW [01:24:29] widepeepo_deany: LUL LUL LUL [01:24:29] Stovamor: KEKW [01:24:29] Shockwavemecha: Litterally f1nn [01:24:29] Mouy07: KEKW [01:24:29] fatslowman: KEKW [01:24:29] Stovamor: KEKW [01:24:29] K2Original: KEKW [01:24:30] Stovamor: KEKW [01:24:30] Stovamor: KEKW [01:24:30] sobik110: KEKW [01:24:30] itsjust__jon: But it is [01:24:30] Frost_790: BisexualPride [01:24:31] GriffinLikesPenguins: HAHAHA [01:24:31] writhinglekku: KEKW [01:24:31] hazelgr33n: KEKW [01:24:32] ghost_Madu: KEKW [01:24:32] kingrobo: Haha [01:24:32] Eyv88: KEKW [01:24:32] AlhambraMMXX: KEKW [01:24:32] BgT1990: we all do it [01:24:32] oof_a_m: YUPPP [01:24:32] daniellelelelelel: they put that bisexual in a damn orb [01:24:32] ChasingGamey: Omg [01:24:33] Xanoblade2: LMAO [01:24:33] theejoey: Called tf out [01:24:33] fr0styjck: WAIT...... [01:24:33] Myoukochou: It kinda is. KEKW [01:24:33] SmashPotat101: KEKW [01:24:34] BritishTeaLover: This is why you shouldn' doubt us [01:24:34] Selstraits: monkaS [01:24:34] insecureTrannzz: KEKW [01:24:35] freeusegartenhoe: KEKW [01:24:35] tucan__: KEKW [01:24:35] evethe1ne: lol [01:24:35] kolja_mp4: KEKW [01:24:35] jacmol7: KEKW [01:24:35] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [01:24:35] BongoCatDown: called it [01:24:35] johnkeiwo: GOTTEM [01:24:35] ItsAshYippee: KEKW [01:24:36] p01chi: gotcha [01:24:36] johnkeiwo: GOTTEM [01:24:36] johnkeiwo: GOTTEM [01:24:36] cookiekoku: the closet door was made of fucking glass [01:24:36] MaggieHeels: KEKW [01:24:37] Komnia: LETSGO hahahahaha it's so true tho :D i knew i wasn't wrong [01:24:37] scientificduck: KEKW [01:24:37] white_wolfjes: yellow337CLOWN yellow337CLOWN yellow337CLOWN [01:24:37] Myrnnt: LUL [01:24:37] InSpecterSpook: LUL LUL LUL [01:24:37] scarthepeaceful: LMFAOOOO [01:24:37] Kenmas_Videogame_: Kekw [01:24:38] KnightNave: KEKW [01:24:39] RoyalRoseo: BisexualPride [01:24:39] cyphoenic_: KEKW I'm sitting like that as well [01:24:39] rageingbisexual: well well well [01:24:39] Bernie2907: Q. E. D: [01:24:39] MirahImage: F1nn realizing everyone knew [01:24:39] blueskydrinking: KEKL [01:24:39] roninsnook: Nah, I sit like that all the time, and .... Crap [01:24:40] YumeNoZen: Tbh, all the girls there are probably bi too. I don't really know any girls who are completely het. [01:24:40] 420kekscope: kekw [01:24:40] evericor000: hahahaha [01:24:40] xero93: GOTTEM [01:24:40] CheezieBacon: LUL LUL [01:24:41] moka_3d2y: KEKW [01:24:41] shelledbsh: Got'em [01:24:41] ClaraRenway: lmao called out hard! [01:24:42] Knikian: KEKW [01:24:42] MikeWillStream: KEKW [01:24:42] projectfemboy: Ohhhh..... well [01:24:42] Zachary3DPrints: lol [01:24:42] Gamecrafter42: KEKw [01:24:43] Mr_Fluffy97: KEKW KEKW [01:24:44] Slaydria118: LU [01:24:44] zennizen: that's me [01:24:44] TheRealEpicSquid: yeahhhhhhhhhhhh [01:24:44] tekashi117: nothing wrong with it, BUT JUST ACCURATE [01:24:45] avatarhades: LOL [01:24:45] astronos_: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [01:24:45] judgedame: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [01:24:45] diggingadandass: ijenzCRY ijenzLOVE [01:24:45] avaquava250: F1nn likes dudes? Noooooooo...... [01:24:45] sightedfiend16: me [01:24:45] ashleyteacozy: y e p [01:24:46] djathome: YEAH.... [01:24:46] Dezponia: ziphTREATS ziphTREATS ziphTREATS [01:24:47] captainjackcat777: LUL LUL LUL [01:24:47] FancyTrashMan: KEKW [01:24:47] junipermothmom: me [01:24:47] Justme824: lol got her [01:24:47] ChasingSol: LUL [01:24:47] batchelli: You sit like a cracked egg bro [01:24:47] dee_the_magical: just realised im sitting like that... [01:24:47] hand_hook_car_door: me [01:24:47] bucket325: ..............I did not know that we had a way of sitting [01:24:48] ezk_r: HEY! I SIT LIKE THAT! What are y'all implying? [01:24:48] joe_the_human: I DID!!! [01:24:48] Nirvana_W22: its also tism [01:24:48] majabaja98: yes [01:24:48] kapumon: lol [01:24:48] GaiusGoose: fuck you [01:24:48] GlenCoco39: lmfao called it, me RN [01:24:49] M05IN: Nah i own that shit [01:24:49] SammyGee63: LOL PERFECT LUL [01:24:49] ScalyStar: me [01:24:49] StateAffiliatedMedia: LMAOOOOO true [01:24:49] NotAnOtter56: bruhhhhhhhhhh relatable [01:24:49] Mattioso__: shush [01:24:49] Snalster: me BisexualPride [01:24:50] Derpsterette: Literally me [01:24:50] cassiethelioness: Destroyed [01:24:51] georgerossofkildary: I was fully expecting for it to show a pic of your stream, LMAO. [01:24:51] alchemylla: yeah thats what i did haha [01:24:51] Psip31415: definately not me [01:24:52] kgamer123456_518: I put one leg up and im lesbian [01:24:52] jamexito: ever thought on changing namee??????????????????? [01:24:52] Lilsistermisty: called out [01:24:52] Doperanks: LUL [01:24:52] WillowWithAJoystick: You need that “bi chair” [01:24:53] hauntyourself: you cant call me out like that! [01:24:53] CattoLozex: TRUEE [01:24:53] helenaaaaaaauwu: At least 1000 [01:24:53] rsm_100r: TRUEEEE [01:24:53] johnpnicholls1122: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [01:24:53] Rizo1000: I feel called out [01:24:53] johnkeiwo: WE SEE U CHAT Stare [01:24:53] MissJesStar: LMAO [01:24:54] Shoulderescape: ME [01:24:54] aggravatedconditions: embrace it [01:24:54] finalmillenium: Jokes on you, I was already standing. [01:24:54] plushiesmuuush: bisexual lighting too [01:24:54] harrryot: Ye [01:24:54] ironhydra: CAUGHT [01:24:55] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER stop reading me [01:24:55] itbesagemate: LISTEN [01:24:55] DenKaShi: FACT [01:24:56] SleepyPac: not me adjusting my gremlin mode sitting [01:24:56] Adam1729: Get their ass [01:24:56] juneguild: Me BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:24:56] myfate: but its too comfy to sit like this. [01:24:56] dashunde: i have to im sitting on the ground [01:24:57] krovvy: LOL [01:24:57] xx_astarr: xx_astarr subscribed with Prime. [01:24:57] TacoJohn11Live: SFFUUUUUUUUUUUP XDDDDDD [01:24:57] f3mmbot: xx_astarr subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang xx_astarr f1nnLezgang [01:24:58] muddymudkip15: True [01:24:58] NamisaNM: Ahahaha [01:24:58] Geezer_Bob: Too true [01:24:58] doctor_the_tenth: you’re gonna give ME another gender crisis you asshole [01:24:58] DodenKing: You didnt know??? [01:24:58] Dav320K: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [01:24:59] sheruden: indeed [01:24:59] SnowyLando: ummmm [01:24:59] vengeful_trader: that is spot on Oh my god! [01:24:59] PlanetJae: nah i’m not even denying the bisexual sitting anymore [01:24:59] zephyr_alba: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [01:24:59] floating_raindrop: I'm lying down and my legs are still crossed. [01:25:00] ChasingSol: @Rizo1000 we see you! [01:25:00] siouxlita: can confirm [01:25:00] 7071_haoN: oh no i'm bi [01:25:01] mackarp2: nah I sit in the shrimp posisition [01:25:01] Shal_Grace: KEKW look up how trans girls sit next [01:25:01] Pearlymelee: absolutely [01:25:01] c__r__j: Most of us aren't in denial, @F1NN5TER ! [01:25:02] Frost_790: yep f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [01:25:02] short_kings_rise_up: Jokes on you I'm standing [01:25:02] LordClintCee: [01:25:02] smallf234: nuh hu [01:25:02] CoTxChazer: guess I'm bi now [01:25:02] ArchyNemesis: Uh oh [01:25:03] labcreatedjules: How did you see that in my room lol [01:25:03] thebreadisonthefloor: Absolutely Destroyed [01:25:03] bulletfeed: Yep f [01:25:03] CalypsoMoons: Self unconsiously yes [01:25:04] drunkshinx: nah im owning that shit [01:25:04] fr0styjck: <- not me [01:25:04] explicitly_bored: that is exactly how im sitting [01:25:04] R3tr0sWG: called out all the bisexuals [01:25:05] SubstituteMyOwn: the sound of thousands getting called out [01:25:05] SnabbKassa: are you still a gigachad? your start screen says so [01:25:05] LanaBread: get called out, idiot [01:25:05] SleepyTeaMage: I keep one leg folded, always keep them guessing [01:25:05] minecrackjesus: people judgeing the way we sitting now??? [01:25:05] Nilinn31: WAIT AM I BISEXUAL ? [01:25:05] davethelunatic: ...yep [01:25:06] violet_pirate1: I have to go but I just want to say I’m proud of you fin for finding yourself and it’s good to see you happy TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:25:06] alliegothic: sorry fin we all know the sitting thing already BisexualPride [01:25:07] JorWat: Have you learned how to make lemon bars yet? [01:25:07] Mina_the_Engineer: the better thing is it's pretty universal that all us bis sit weird BisexualPride [01:25:08] princessmihai: We've long since accepted it [01:25:08] XtrlZabille: Nah, I know myself to be gay I embrace the uncomfortable sitting [01:25:08] adamjunkpup: I got called out [01:25:08] pyrandname: btw, Im googeling stuff for diyhrt right now [01:25:09] i_devote_to_bregans: Its ok, its better than climbing on top of things [01:25:09] When_pigs_can_fly: Wait... [01:25:10] impyart: me but i dont correct it BisexualPride [01:25:11] NorableTTV: on leg on chair, other leg propped up against desk right now [01:25:11] taelion: so when are you getting Orchiectomy arthiFinger [01:25:12] Arnotronix: i always sit with legs crossed in some way [01:25:12] DatChickenBro1: I immediately put ma legs down lol [01:25:12] MikeWillStream: i may or may not have been sitting like that [01:25:13] pianoismyforte_: If I wasn't driving I would have been sat with my leg sap on the chair you're not wrong [01:25:13] CzarfaceMF: im rocking the half leg tuck, what does that make me? [01:25:13] Parzi_RL: no ive embraced the bisexual sit [01:25:14] raebab_3: oof [01:25:14] FFRJibster: What's your favorite story you've been wanting to tell? [01:25:15] Luckyscore: I sit like that all the time there [01:25:15] koreanslvt: mfw no prime sub notification [01:25:16] AppleSaph: 🙃 [01:25:16] aSpicyCow: not in denial ANYMORE [01:25:16] kristinhateslife: how would 2016 you react to 2024 you [01:25:17] rainfallwall: Proudly Bi [01:25:17] YumeNoZen: I'm not sure if we have any completely cis and het people on IckyCord... [01:25:18] nullpsyche: F1nn only came clean so he can blame the E for his small PP Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:25:19] AlonzoAntoku: if sitting crossleged is bi, what does slav squats make you? [01:25:19] Vanimal2118: I thought it would be a pic of u? [01:25:20] KfkFod: in daniel... [01:25:20] scarlettyg: I'm not in the Nile, Egypt is too expensive [01:25:20] madelynofhell: ABBC (Assigned Bisexual By Chair) [01:25:20] Bleats_Sinodai: buffpupWicked [01:25:20] MostlyJosie: I was gonna change how I was sitting already [01:25:21] CheezieBacon: Definately called out for sure [01:25:21] Avaerus0: He was in confusion [01:25:21] via_the_grace: yup [01:25:21] Snalster: do you have a clear phone case as well? [01:25:22] dangerousruben: not anymore [01:25:22] Jens_LN: Jens_LN subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! [01:25:22] f3mmbot: jens_ln subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:25:22] UrsaMajorGamer: just got here what can we finally talk about?? [01:25:23] Insomnia7177: BisexualPride TransgenderPride [01:25:23] greebowarrior: denial is a river in egypt [01:25:23] L3anansidhe: I sit like that! lol [01:25:23] avaquava250: Have you seen your hair? You can't not like dudes [01:25:23] userduwang: @F1NN5TER how do you wave to people? Like you see someone on the street and want to say hi [01:25:24] paper__kid: bro pls get a hair mask for ur hair itll help so much do research on ur hair type (oily, dry ends, etc) and find the right one for u!!!! [01:25:24] ScarsUnseen: gay? [01:25:25] nyrhalahotep: Now you need the bisexual chair. Yes, that's a thing. 🥰😄 [01:25:26] plushiesmuuush: the content train is departing [01:25:26] johnpnicholls1122: Was [01:25:27] krovvy: EZ content [01:25:28] ScalyStar: f1nn your hair looks shinier and more healthy [01:25:28] tuze_tyranny: o.o thats a goofy lookin pop can [01:25:29] redleade7r: its cringe Kappa [01:25:29] Ignemia: OT collab when? PogU [01:25:29] NamisaNM: Fin is just taking it carefully and thats totally fine [01:25:30] Rue4192: steriotype? [01:25:30] CzarinaChess: eyebrows 100 [01:25:31] Loelinverse: acceptance, [01:25:31] umutk_99: not denile estro river [01:25:31] biscuits6171: I’m bisexual and disabled so I can’t sit like that lol [01:25:32] me1ll0: will you go for the bisexual bob? [01:25:32] androidwall4680: Not in denial, just stupid [01:25:32] Achilles2020: where can I get those pants from? I’ve been searching for ages but can’t find the same cargo pants anywhere, please [01:25:33] fem_boio: fem_boio subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months, currently on a 16 month streak! what have I missed [01:25:33] isabaellchen: you were in denial! [01:25:33] oliviazbored: jus gatekeeping a bit [01:25:33] ArminGux: how many gender fluid jokes you about to make [01:25:33] StampVoet: Are you going to dress differently now IRL? [01:25:33] f3mmbot: fem_boio subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:25:34] Seamus3749: what if you doing one leg cross and other going down? [01:25:34] jackalsclaw: Are you waring heels more? [01:25:34] FatherThyme: reductive [01:25:34] Speederzzz: Deminish [01:25:36] evadunord: The Nile is a river in Egypt [01:25:37] joelsgp: how about them frogs [01:25:37] WillowWithAJoystick: “reductive” [01:25:37] hopalongtommy: Reductive [01:25:38] bearpaw1970: Dehumanizing [01:25:38] actualmooncore: im not in denial cause i cant swim [01:25:39] xx_astarr: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [01:25:39] davidiusfarrenius: Cheer100 [01:25:39] samual35: reductive? [01:25:39] kieraisverybored: the ashley t4t video has aged well lmaoo [01:25:40] ClaraRenway: Ashley gets lots of content from f1nn genderfluid lets goooooooo [01:25:40] daniel_ale_24: "that's a really fuck up thing to say to me" reaction xd [01:25:41] aliensl0th: demeaning? [01:25:42] fl0ck9: does it still count as just an honorary t4t relationship or can we drop the honorary? [01:25:42] quixoticpragmatic: reductive [01:25:42] Bobbikatt: reductionist [01:25:43] sporkyspoon: I cross my legs and I'm straight. You good. [01:25:43] themilkbox420: You're not in Denial for it's a river in egypt [01:25:44] AWeirdLisa: Your video was wonderful to watch! Wishing you a great gender exploring journey :D [01:25:44] FelineFemby: definitely acceptance [01:25:45] drunkshinx: reductive [01:25:45] KnifeySpoony_: did you know you were going to make this announcment before ashley's t4t video? [01:25:46] cuddlebear187: @deespodete DEMEANING [01:25:46] XENOMAN5: @ursamajorgamer he came out as trans and bi [01:25:47] IAmSarahcat: not in denial, just in to men [01:25:47] goddessempressbird: meow :3 [01:25:47] B_MagicMist: Soda [01:25:48] fr0styjck: pop is northern cringe [01:25:48] AnnaTheLazy: Banta [01:25:48] harrryot: Ist funny tbh BisexualPride [01:25:49] pinkplasmalive: fem n ems [01:25:49] femitch7: sup [01:25:50] call_me_kashi: It bipasses the subtleties [01:25:50] KnightNave: boxing [01:25:51] madmope: pop can [01:25:51] mack72307: finn got the good ending of minecraft youtube [01:25:52] mrangelfire: The word is reductive [01:25:52] skoralta: Pop is Canadian lol [01:25:52] jamexito: R U comfortable with your name??????? [01:25:53] Mnh188: pop is UK, soda is USA [01:25:53] Helen_Croft: Chat TTS is off for now [01:25:53] JudgeGold: only the west calls it pop [01:25:54] randopersonn_: AMERICANS CALL IT POP? I SAY SODA CAB😭 [01:25:54] DoomMuppet2: sponsored stream [01:25:54] doctor_the_tenth: POGGERS LMAO [01:25:54] 2717101295: Following for this one: If you're on cypro then that'll pretty much do the same as prog - it's a progestin so they share a lot of the effects while cypro blocks T better! [01:25:54] xorwak: F1nn/5ter are her pronouns now and why isnt he drinking monster [01:25:55] gamerman356: Pop is NOT American [01:25:55] GlenCoco39: UK fanta is so much better than US fanta [01:25:55] Kolateak_: Americans say soda mostly [01:25:55] postpopcorn: dilutes [01:25:55] Admiral__H1pster: diminutive [01:25:56] ironhydra: f1nnCope [01:25:58] ChasingSol: "cis" [01:25:58] jahalo2: jahalo2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:25:58] f3mmbot: jahalo2 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:25:59] adeergg: @F1NN5TER oh i thought you were going to use diminished [01:25:59] gwen_the_ninth: Sure you are, buddy [01:26:01] Bleats_Sinodai: The word is "stereotype" [01:26:01] Rue4192: oversimplification? steriotype? [01:26:02] blueskydrinking: Older English people used to call fizzy drinks pop [01:26:02] jorja_elly: it’s true [01:26:02] UrsaMajorGamer: @XENOMAN5 thats awesome [01:26:03] JadeSorcery: I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that hypermobility is way more common in the lgbtqia+ community [01:26:03] Mina_the_Engineer: sure m8 [01:26:03] CalypsoMoons: i blame primary school for sitting on the floor cross legged now im a raging bi sexual [01:26:03] entrophiend: I thought it was the other way around, Europeans say "pop" [01:26:04] BritishTeaLover: Have you also had cravings for lemon bars? [01:26:04] ciernaruza: American fanta looks radioactive [01:26:04] lemon_duck22: im proudly confused about my gender and sexuality [01:26:05] ScarsUnseen: southerners say "pop". it's just soda in north. [01:26:05] skylikesaerospace: Americans do not say pop over soda, sincerely an American [01:26:05] distraughtpenguin: whos gonna tell em [01:26:06] TenThousandTinyLamas: People who say pop should be executed [01:26:06] aSpicyCow: why did someone get banned for posting in depth instructions on how to cook garlic fries? [01:26:06] Numicytv: Pop is canadian F1nn [01:26:07] beaneater197: Fanta goes hard [01:26:07] ilikethetasteofliving: pop ain’t American [01:26:07] caramelglamour: straight riiiiight [01:26:07] krovvy: LOL [01:26:08] qlily_663: qlily_663 subscribed at Tier 1. [01:26:08] scarthepeaceful: All bisexuals sit like Skyrim jarls or camp kids [01:26:08] shelledbsh: Everyone knows that reducing choices when you're bi is the hardest part [01:26:08] f3mmbot: qlily_663 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang qlily_663 f1nnLezgang [01:26:09] avatarhades: what american says pop? [01:26:09] myfate: i am straightish. does that count? [01:26:09] WorlldSinger: does this mean boobz [01:26:09] BamALambi: HAH [01:26:11] njbh86: howling [01:26:11] 13TAC0S: yes and with my cis wife right next to me [01:26:11] nodegen: ya is comfy doe [01:26:12] lurker_ger: LUL [01:26:12] Stovamor: I know everyone is excited, but unsolicited medical advice in chat is NOT needed. [01:26:12] Komnia: LUL [01:26:13] Adenine04: @pop actually some parts of the US say pop, the other parts make fun of them heavily [01:26:13] Stovamor: I know everyone is excited, but unsolicited medical advice in chat is NOT needed. [01:26:13] KfkFod: KEKW [01:26:13] pancakeTransitions: gottem [01:26:15] Lucridis: Not straight you're watchin a f1nn stream [01:26:15] hueybeee: STOP CALLING ME OUT [01:26:15] The_Darker666: I KNOW U LIKE D [01:26:15] LaCroix_Blows: If i were skinny I'd probably be sitting like that [01:26:16] Inkdoesstuff: omg lol [01:26:16] R3tr0sWG: As a pansexual, i sit like that aswell. [01:26:17] aloravenus: but like actually, were you in denial or just being secretive until you felt comfortable? [01:26:17] ArminGux: kekw [01:26:18] quixoticpragmatic: KEKW [01:26:18] TheConcreteCobbler: @gamerman356 Midwest America is Pop [01:26:19] B3argamingyt: so this means boy month? [01:26:19] sporkyspoon: lmso [01:26:20] MomochiZoey: Goofy looking pop can? Are we discussing the reveal in a few days? [01:26:21] userduwang: I perch on the chair like a bird. What does that mean? [01:26:21] Nirvana_W22: its also autism [01:26:21] projectfemboy: if I do that with just one leg? what then? [01:26:21] eFlyman: its regional [01:26:21] AnnaTheLazy: ''I kiss men, yeah im straight'' [01:26:21] cassiethelioness: Sitting cross legged in his BF's lap [01:26:22] WillowWithAJoystick: Forgetting words? that’s that bisexual bimbo brain [01:26:22] YumeNoZen: I mean, if you're taking care of yourself and you're a girl, yeah. lol [01:26:23] speckkatze: welp,, im sitting like that and im certainly not straight LUL [01:26:23] sapphic_luma: I have to sleep, goodnight F1nn5ter! GenderFluidPride [01:26:23] vengeful_trader: if only it worked like that on a dime [01:26:23] SnabbKassa: being straight doesn't mean we have sex [01:26:24] Avaerus0: Pop is Midwestern US [01:26:24] slybirdz: northern us and canada [01:26:25] LittleChaSiu: pop is some Canada and some northern US [01:26:25] exspressoo: ive crossed my legs my whole life and i like cock [01:26:25] MissJesStar: Pop is south US thing [01:26:26] HexGrrrrl: I fuck only women, I'm a big les [01:26:26] KiraDreamchaser: Where you already on HRT then when you started dating Ashley? [01:26:26] Arnotronix: bro you are watching f1nn5ter your not straight [01:26:26] ChasingSol: pop is used in the northeast US [01:26:26] fr0styjck: its a northern close to canada thing [01:26:26] sirzazzelot: pop is like midwest [01:26:27] Spectre223: Straight men sit like Skyrim Jarls, we know this [01:26:27] pinkplasmalive: fem n ems [01:26:27] Bobbikatt: Chicago [01:26:27] Jo5iah_: I call it soda not pop [01:26:28] mr_pikle: what is the gayest way to sit [01:26:28] Uonia: pop is an ohio thing at least [01:26:28] qrthulhu: Great Lakes is pop [01:26:28] ironhydra: Pop in Ohio mhm [01:26:28] WillisNoodles: its a north eastern american thing [01:26:28] goose_11224: @gamerman356 isn't both soda and pop American? [01:26:28] madmope: fizz [01:26:28] Nilinn31: i cross my legs and i'm lesbian [01:26:28] BillSwales: Have you not seen the bisexual chair... [01:26:29] rexxyrobin: im gay and I often sit with one foot behind my head [01:26:30] zz_p0p: Wait til everyone calls everything coke [01:26:30] kirathepan: Bisexual seating [01:26:30] jhulv199: mostly a northern u.s thing [01:26:30] haprer_: i always sit on one leg and am half straight but a little bi lol [01:26:31] tuze_tyranny: im in ohio so mid west america [01:26:31] flanenjoyer: "pop" is a regional thing. Most of America says soda [01:26:31] c__r__j: "Pop" is a kinda kiddie-drink thing in the UK. [01:26:33] billyyyn: Man Nuneaton says pop [01:26:33] looeesz: @aSpicyCow Yeah, I saw that too lol [01:26:34] DreadPirateDan: contrapoints just uploaded a new vid [01:26:34] md15185o: Midwestern US [01:26:34] CalypsoMoons: i blame primary school for sitting on the floor cross legged now im a raging bi sexual @F1NN5TER [01:26:35] Parzi_RL: americans use like 20 ways to say soda [01:26:35] WoolyJamYT: im late what did i miss [01:26:35] ScarsUnseen: Pop is not in the northeast US [01:26:35] Vand1: just say soda-pop upset everyone [01:26:35] ciernaruza: fizzy pop innit [01:26:36] Descriptivist: stanzHehehe [01:26:36] georgerossofkildary: Jokes on you! I sit cross-legged and I'm Ace! [01:26:36] avaquava250: Kreygasm [01:26:37] madcaker: "pop" is a very hotly debated topic in my family here in michigan lol [01:26:37] davidiusfarrenius: we say pop in the North [01:26:38] Kolateak_: America that's near Canada says pop, the rest says soda, or the weirdos who say "coke" [01:26:39] jjay0308: BisexualPride [01:26:39] Admiral__H1pster: Pop is Midwestern America [01:26:39] ClaraRenway: Pop is used in North East England! [01:26:40] NorableTTV: america its pop, cola, or soda depending on region [01:26:41] independent_observer: I mean, that can be true if you only *fuck* women, but *get fucked* by men [01:26:43] biffis1032: I'm bi but I can't sit like that, not flexible enough [01:26:43] A_Fforrest: definitely a uk thing [01:26:43] IAmHollowrider: IAmHollowrider subscribed with Prime. [01:26:43] f3mmbot: iamhollowrider subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang iamhollowrider f1nnLezgang [01:26:45] benevolentbeaver: Rare bisexual here who doesnt cross their legs [01:26:45] ryuofthewolfs: Just saw your video so jumping in to say congrats on figuring some things out. [01:26:45] th3phoenix3968: In the uk its the same as saying bubbly instead of champagne [01:26:46] aSpicyCow: @looeesz OMEGALUL [01:26:47] KnightNave: 50%50%? [01:26:48] PureImagination: PureImagination subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [01:26:48] f3mmbot: pureimagination subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:26:48] jabesthebabe: pop is for people that are spiritually like 80 [01:26:49] caramelglamour: soda in US?? [01:26:50] daniel_ale_24: the hard questions have arrived jaja [01:26:51] neauxzie_vhs: "I Can Finally Talk About It!" What we talkin about? [01:26:51] Coyohma: pop is anachronistic in America [01:26:51] Skkorm: Pop is definitively canadain [01:26:53] phantaton: Americans also refer to pop as coke. It depends on the region though, you might get some weird looks if you say it in certain places heh [01:26:53] krovvy: cniKEK [01:26:53] isabaellchen: i member [01:26:56] circumcision_cop: I'm totally cis [01:26:56] astronos_: LUL [01:26:56] spookyhargow: spookyhargow subscribed at Tier 1. [01:26:56] f3mmbot: spookyhargow subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang spookyhargow f1nnLezgang [01:26:57] starduckxd: the fact it took so long for your egg to crack is shocking to me [01:26:57] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! [01:26:57] f3mmbot: ananonymousgifter has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [01:26:58] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ash_03037! [01:26:58] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to a_random_jenny! [01:26:58] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to daveh3053! [01:26:58] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to zaler24! [01:26:58] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to ebaker204! [01:26:58] Y0rk5h1r3: Denile isn't just a river in Egypt [01:26:59] hobbitoverlord: pop and soda are both used in the US, but more northern areas use pop while more southern areas use soda [01:26:59] Vanimal2118: Regional [01:27:00] Dr_Nia: most trans women are also clueless about women; so not a surprise takes us ages to figure ourselves out. very meta in a way. [01:27:02] esquilinus: its just soda, yalls can trip all youse like, its always been soda and always gonna be [01:27:02] xcallaber9000: we use soda in the north western parts of [01:27:03] helenaaaaaaauwu: So much happenin rn in the femboy place lul [01:27:05] IAmSarahcat: the cis urge to HRT [01:27:05] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: if it’s not the bi sting thing it is a neurodivergent thing (but for most people I know that’s kind of the same thing) [01:27:07] RibbonThe: TransgenderPride kaineiHugHeart ribbon1Heart TransgenderPride kaineiHugHeart kaineiHappy TransgenderPride [01:27:07] littleturtle41: Still cis tho LUL [01:27:08] Descriptivist: b1kNoted [01:27:08] RemusNeo: Time to change your twitter bio @F1NN5TER :D [01:27:08] WillowWithAJoystick: I grew up in northeast ohio and we always called it “pop” but in the DC area everyone calls it soda so I’ve adapted [01:27:09] MaxVershhhtappen: if i am correct Nano Nano did MtF transition before doing OF and such… [01:27:09] CalypsoMoons: Do you think internal misongy stopped you from speaking about it earlier @F1NN5TER [01:27:10] Lurnok: do you haved a prefered name while girl ? [01:27:11] Drabberpl: BisexualPride [01:27:11] DienesToo: The cis urge to take HRT [01:27:18] LanaBread: "cis btw" -f1nn, taking hrt [01:27:19] jabesthebabe: @hobbitoverlord some areas in the south say "coke" for every soda. It's really confusing lol [01:27:19] hopalongtommy: Was the nose job decision change part of starting hrt? [01:27:19] Thescrubs_: Thescrubs_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! [01:27:19] f3mmbot: thescrubs_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:27:22] johnkeiwo: being cis and on HRT is still valid chat [01:27:24] morgan_drui: from cis to sis [01:27:26] Ayton666: When do we get the drunk streamd again? [01:27:27] Chris05185: first time catching you live! [01:27:27] XENOMAN5: Are you more attracted to guys when you look and feel more girly? [01:27:29] a_random_jenny: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub! [01:27:30] kirathepan: Name? [01:27:30] elion3li: finn [01:27:35] Atamraris: Finna [01:27:35] ConfusedCox: e [01:27:35] princessmihai: The cis male urge to take estradiol and become a girl and stay a girl forever [01:27:36] TheI3arracuda: Jude [01:27:36] astronos_: miss Rose [01:27:37] helenaaaaaaauwu: Jude kinda unisex [01:27:37] menacingcafe1: i remember the very video of yours that made me start exploring my gender and coming out as trans [01:27:40] ClaraRenway: @johnkeiwo true I follow to cis estrogen takers [01:27:40] Darts852: w8 m8 you wut now? is this about your new yt vid? [01:27:41] dashunde: f1nnland [01:27:41] juneguild: Jude <3 <3 [01:27:42] neauxzie_vhs: AWWWW!!! <3 <3 [01:27:42] CalypsoMoons: Jude rose [01:27:43] keller4589: jude Rose [01:27:43] OnyxBlade: Hey Jude [01:27:43] nilith__: "hey jude" [01:27:43] skylikesaerospace: fucking Jude [01:27:43] nodegen: oh damn i forgot [01:27:44] davidiusfarrenius: yes [01:27:44] boom_and_alpha_yt: hey Jude [01:27:44] TheRealEpicSquid: based [01:27:44] BamALambi: wha HUUH [01:27:45] starduckxd: wtf [01:27:45] sepiak824: Beligol [01:27:45] HexGrrrrl: Pretty name [01:27:45] TomiNight: Hey Jude [01:27:45] estrogenator_: I know of this femboy who takes hrt but is "not woke" [01:27:45] kingrobo: I call my sister that yeah [01:27:46] Teagra: heyyyy jude [01:27:46] chryptocrystal: JUDE LIKES DUDES [01:27:46] wickedlord: Jude is so nice actually [01:27:46] RemusNeo: Hey Jude! [01:27:47] B_MagicMist: I did not know that WTF [01:27:47] bearpaw1970: It is [01:27:47] ScarsUnseen: Jew'd :) Me too. [01:27:47] pinkplasmalive: titty skittles [01:27:48] kgamer123456_518: How are you doing? [01:27:48] alchemylla: I think Jude is a lovely name [01:27:48] cuddlebear187: JUDITH [01:27:48] RobinTheForeteller: Jude's a wonderful name. [01:27:48] mayaculous: the return of roseeeeeee [01:27:49] edahdd: Hey Jude [01:27:49] ArchyNemesis: Jude is a really cute name [01:27:49] JudgeGold: no way [01:27:49] harper_hahaa: WOAHHH [01:27:49] estr0genesis: judith [01:27:50] ringwraith1313: Oh hey jude [01:27:50] spider3327: oh shit rly i had no idea [01:27:50] dorikyll: pretty ! [01:27:50] taelion: fim [01:27:50] randopersonn_: WOAHHH thats a cool name [01:27:51] oliviazbored: oliviazbored subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 1 month streak! sub finally worked les go [01:27:51] f3mmbot: oliviazbored subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months using Prime! PogU [01:27:51] UraniumPotato10: Congrats from Egypt 🇪🇬💗✌🏻 [01:27:51] cerysnomi: hey jude :P [01:27:51] georgerossofkildary: Hey jude! [01:27:51] lordgtafbi: your real name happens to be quite versatile as is LUL [01:27:52] InvaderSquidGirl: jude! [01:27:53] aethergen22: You should change your name to Megatron [01:27:53] loonashika: i know so many trans women named jude [01:27:53] shadowtux: That's weird KEKW [01:27:54] YumeNoZen: Okay, so the being uncomfortable with the name part was just a bit? [01:27:54] R3tr0sWG: Jude or Dude? [01:27:55] DodenKing: Na na na na na na na [01:27:55] asmejg: Hey Jude [01:27:55] jokermrj1: Jude [01:27:55] monkeh80: hey jude [01:27:56] ozymandiasplays: Heyyyy judgement don't make it badddd [01:27:56] ftostdragon: Jude the Nude [01:27:56] Bauldyr: Jude can be pretty gender nuetral yeah [01:27:56] cyphoenic_: as we've said, jude is unisex and kinda fem [01:27:57] skyll_issue: the name is a religion [01:27:57] rockdownthestreet: Woah it's actually a real pretty name [01:27:57] camarada_emy: Jude is pretty nice and neuter [01:27:57] hobbitoverlord: @jabesthebabe yeah I believe OK uses coke for everything, confusing af [01:27:58] bdix727: was the rhinoplasty related to this? [01:27:58] caramelglamour: Dude your name was destiny!!!! [01:27:59] GriffinLikesPenguins: That's so cool! [01:27:59] Inkdoesstuff: judeeee!!!! [01:28:00] krovvy: PrideCute it's cute [01:28:00] DatChickenBro1: Sicc [01:28:00] AoNoAsgard: geode? [01:28:00] scorpx11: hey Dude [01:28:00] Partikle__: Thats extremely androgynous [01:28:01] TiddySkittle: Aww thats so pretty [01:28:02] maddiefromtv: short for Judy [01:28:02] Mnh188: like Bellingham? [01:28:02] Komnia: it's a wonderfully androgynous name [01:28:02] kirauriel: over in the US jude is feminine which is really funny to me [01:28:02] esquilinus: julian alfred pankratz sounding ass name [01:28:03] t0m1n4t0r: Jude can be sorry for Judith [01:28:03] Spaghetto_Depressi: Jude Dudekisse [01:28:03] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: HEY JUDE. Alexa play the beatles. [01:28:03] mrangelfire: Der Jude [01:28:04] avokkayt: Jude is a great name tbh, if you wanna be had sideways cool, just refer to yourself as "J" [01:28:04] feeddageek: Hey dude ! [01:28:04] yenellow: ik both guys and girls who are finn too [01:28:04] NorableTTV: neat name [01:28:04] ezk_r: yah, Jude goes both ways [01:28:05] hemwwth: jude is a beautiful name and pretty unissex [01:28:05] ninjasquirtle6: Hiiii [01:28:05] shelledbsh: I'm sorry for the volume of Beatles jokes you got [01:28:06] amyfluidgoth: judey judey judey [01:28:06] Cactus__Chan: hey jude [01:28:06] Skkorm: Jude the Nude Dude [01:28:06] kapumon: Jude da dude [01:28:07] kristinhateslife: finn the finn boy [01:28:07] WingzBoom: YOOO CONGRATS ON COMING OUT PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [01:28:07] abydon96: I always tought it was a girls name itspea13Laugh [01:28:08] subpar_wizard: Made my name a single letter and all the systems everywhere hate it [01:28:09] 1CrimsonPrincess: HEY JUDE, DONT MAKE IT BAD [01:28:09] professorpussicat: Would you ever go by Jude/Judy? [01:28:10] helenaaaaaaauwu: Heeeeeeey Juuuuuuuudeeeeeee [01:28:11] speckkatze: I mean, same thing with Ashley lol [01:28:11] TheGiantOpal: Geodude [01:28:11] jamexito: you're right, Jude is pretty cool [01:28:11] Parzi_RL: jude is a pretty gay name [01:28:11] jamnesia777: in America Jude is a pretty masc name [01:28:11] NelordUK: Beatles reference? [01:28:12] kirathepan: Jude the Dude [01:28:12] garbelery: Jude the sometimes dude [01:28:15] jayem97: Hey Jude [01:28:15] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:28:15] reiisguts: judestaphor [01:28:16] BanOompaLoompas: damn ur dad wasn't lying when he said he never wanted a son, Jude from the beatles song lmaoo [01:28:16] MaxWattage: Judy maybe? [01:28:17] toastychaii: jude is a lovely name and it really is pretty gender neutral! [01:28:17] ScarsUnseen: JUDGE JUDY [01:28:17] Bobbikatt: Jude, the girly dude [01:28:20] rallsorts: my sister is called jude [01:28:20] nouma2: Bye-bye Rose? [01:28:20] gaffer2602: Take a sad song and make it better [01:28:21] Zynick_: Isnt Jude the patron saint of the lost causes? [01:28:21] ArchyNemesis: Foreshadowing from day 1 [01:28:22] ptd_bunny: Jude Rose [01:28:22] lampjade: I only changed my name when people started STARING when I told them like BLUESCREEN [01:28:23] pixel842: Sing a sad song and make it better [01:28:23] spookyhargow: so did f1nn single handedly turn Ashley into a lesbian?! 🤣 [01:28:23] on_my_knees4u: bruh ur parents set u up w/ that name 💀 [01:28:25] Ayton666: Its dude but slightly different [01:28:25] cuddlebear187: JUDITH [01:28:25] IAmHollowrider: Hurray for F1nn being themselves! [01:28:26] pinkplasmalive: anti-cis-timanes [01:28:27] userduwang: Opinion on putting HRT in the water supply? [01:28:27] evadunord: How are you feeling about the Rose name? [01:28:29] icantthinkofausernamelol1: hi [01:28:30] Cytox__: Ah yes dude the most gender fluid name [01:28:30] TapL: taplPrideB [01:28:33] kettlecatt: as a trans masc, its genuinely so nice to see your pure happiness today. I'm so happy for you. [01:28:33] roninsnook: Judith...lol [01:28:34] Lord_Mistfire: will you be taking tap dancing classes [01:28:34] 5aerina: Jude rose “F1nn” evergreen 🤣 [01:28:34] MikeWillStream: what's the flashing light on your desk? [01:28:35] rybameinong: How do you feel about Rose? Do we retire it, if the fem persona isn't a persona anymore? [01:28:35] morgan_drui: hey Jude [01:28:36] yenellow: double name androgyny [01:28:36] keyring01: GayPride [01:28:37] christa_lyn: Judith [01:28:38] Nullikle6000: Jude ... Are ypu sure you dont want to change it [01:28:39] yarumari: just being you is always right [01:28:39] bdix727: Is that why you're afraid of the b0bs? [01:28:40] EnthralledRaine: EnthralledRaine subscribed at Tier 1. [01:28:40] f3mmbot: enthralledraine subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang enthralledraine f1nnLezgang [01:28:41] DarrigoTR: Never considered a tattoo? [01:28:41] TapL: YO [01:28:41] zoelegs: I feel you so much in that\ [01:28:42] mayaculous: nahhh jump all in. put ur whole puss into it [01:28:42] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER have you played celeste yet it is customary [01:28:43] odins_zorn243: BisexualPride TransgenderPride GayPride [01:28:43] daniel_ale_24: like bruce wayn, finn was always the real personality omg [01:28:43] 7071_haoN: nice name [01:28:43] johnkeiwo: TAPL PogU [01:28:44] ArminGux: backup plan to the backup plan [01:28:45] neauxzie_vhs: JUDE!? THATS SO COOL [01:28:46] johnkeiwo: TAPL PogU [01:28:46] caramelglamour: Yah u might change tbh [01:28:46] Amoyamoyamoya: Oh, wow. [01:28:47] heta_6: TAPL [01:28:47] kirathepan: Hey Jude! [01:28:48] spidunno: woah [01:28:51] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: "I never do anything all that permanent." Literally on E. LUL [01:28:51] colliecell: HARVEY [01:28:53] xorwak: hi TapL [01:28:54] andronauts: HARVEY [01:28:54] YumeNoZen: Gender is an accumulation of the things you do regularly, that's all. [01:28:54] Mario11041: Yo TapL! [01:28:55] diggingadandass: yeah... well matching panties looks better on you now.... feeels good fin nice truck ijenzLOVE ijenzLOVE ijenzHi [01:28:55] PCubiles: congratulations on coming out SeemsGood @F1NN5TER [01:28:57] occamsrazorwit: Yeah, where did the earrings go? lol [01:28:58] iUncomfortableSilencei: What made you realise that you felt comfortable taking HRT? [01:28:58] srenesweetheart: ooo piece of candy [01:28:59] Amoyamoyamoya: I have NOT heard that name in forever [01:28:59] randopersonn_: hAARRVEY [01:29:00] CarbonDiam: yoo [01:29:01] AppleSaph: camriyFine [01:29:01] gaffer2602: Na na na na na na na naaaaaaa. Na na na naaaaaa. Hey Jude [01:29:02] Selstraits: Pepega sooo..... bobs is still off the table? [01:29:02] Nitaki__: tapL into femboys? [01:29:02] doron2002: TAPL [01:29:03] princessmihai: Hrt=Boy-b-gone [01:29:06] seymourbuttsz: I'm like "I'll never get a tattoo. It's irreversible" but I'd go on HRT in a heartbeat lol [01:29:07] tripod_666: taple miss ur uhc content [01:29:08] Ash1ey_49: my therapist always told me "we can only make decisions based off what we know now, not what we might think in the future" [01:29:09] pinkestliquid: Goddamnit I tuned in late what was the announcement [01:29:11] hazelgr33n: We NEED an omelette emote plz f1nn [01:29:11] georgerossofkildary: Jude ain't short for Judith, chat, it's clearly short for Judicator. [01:29:11] ZenthimegalPCT: Hi F1nn! [01:29:12] JessicaCaraKasey: Congratulations to aSpicyCow too. 🤗 [01:29:13] CyanoticJam: So all femboys will eventually transition [01:29:18] EnthralledRaine: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [01:29:18] MirahImage: Never do anything permanent, like buying a house [01:29:21] ScarsUnseen: HRT = he's really trans?? [01:29:22] pinkplasmalive: drink those trans-mission fluids [01:29:24] TapL: taplLOVE lol ur doing great :L [01:29:25] annoyinglizard: growing boobs is pretty permanent [01:29:25] jimtag_: heyyyy juuuuuudeeee 🐞🐞🐞 [01:29:26] ShakaShocker: I feel this. I'm basically in the same boat. My name is pretty gender neutral, and I love it, so I'm keeping it. And I'm also genderfluid for now and am also bisexual! [01:29:26] YumeNoZen: .... Well, I guess I may get a response a month ater Chasiu's wedding. *sigh* [01:29:26] solarianv69: @pinkestliquid trans [01:29:28] Mwthenri: grew up on your UHC TAPL [01:29:28] boom_and_alpha_yt: I missed a bit what happened in the last hour [01:29:29] MissJesStar: So who won the "Egg Bet"? :P [01:29:33] isabaellchen: you were hostile [01:29:35] caramelglamour: Judith! [01:29:35] Andy_burke: omg what did I miss?! [01:29:35] alexx_net: @ScarsUnseen Nope. [01:29:38] astronos_: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [01:29:38] heyimf1dg3t: I just watched the YT video, and the genuine tears in my eyes. I’m so happy for you F1nn!! [01:29:39] evadunord: How do you feel about Rose now? [01:29:40] tayribledisaster: I JNEW IT [01:29:41] RemusNeo: :D [01:29:41] PCubiles: a very "what if" phase, wasn't it? [01:29:41] avaquava250: Icky has turned you into a woman [01:29:43] InvaderSquidGirl: lol [01:29:44] CritCupcake: You have repeatedly said there is something you want to talk about ;p [01:29:45] krovvy: cniKEK all of us [01:29:45] Ayton666: Jude is perfect, its like dude, but slightly different, just like you [01:29:45] Teal_VT: who DIDNT [01:29:46] ysalima: you were f1nnCope [01:29:46] ImN1k0_: make a keyboard shortcut to let ppl know da state of fluid of gender [01:29:47] Darts852: knew I smelled an egg [01:29:48] abydon96: aSpicyCow is also on hrt now spicycowLurkies [01:29:49] RosieRain: Still wanna grow a beard? [01:29:49] srenesweetheart: EGG [01:29:49] Barrik226: Honestly who LOST the egg bet? [01:29:51] esquilinus: i fucking love winning [01:29:51] Doperanks: We all win here [01:29:52] avokkayt: HRT = HF1nn5ter's Real Tiny [01:29:53] TeraValia: so thats like a million channel points to all of us right? [01:29:54] packagum: KEKW [01:29:54] SunIsLost: Everyone won [01:29:54] TheI3arracuda: who made that post on reddit about you being trans [01:29:56] macarous: Called this 4 years ago KEKW [01:29:57] CalypsoMoons: the egg has cracked just before easter [01:29:57] asterisk________: f1nn!! i dont really watch twitch but just wanted to parachute my trans ass in and say congrats <3 we are all so happy for you [01:29:57] YumeNoZen: Well, you're looking sunny side up now. [01:29:58] GloomyVagabond: Coming out of the egg just in time for easter [01:29:58] LanaBread: we are all winners on this blessed day [01:29:59] FancyTrashMan: KEKW [01:30:00] umutk_99: fanta-stic girl [01:30:00] Huschke: Did you parents say. I knew it when you told them? :D [01:30:01] Jozzgo: <3 <3 [01:30:01] pinkestliquid: @solarianv69 Which kind lol [01:30:03] WoolyJamYT: F1NN5TER what did i miss im late [01:30:03] splurshin: i lost ngl :( [01:30:05] christa_lyn: I KNEW IT [01:30:07] MsAtomBun: are you through gendergp??? [01:30:07] AlonzoAntoku: everyone's a winner here [01:30:08] johnkeiwo: listen to your wife ! [01:30:08] bearpaw1970: Hey Applesaph🤗 [01:30:09] aloravenus: I've been here for a while now and it makes me so happy that you're happy! [01:30:10] md15185o: r/eggirl strikes true again [01:30:11] HexGrrrrl: I'm way more excited about my f1nn5ter waifu cup now [01:30:12] GhostOfAFlea: where the skin is thinnest [01:30:13] joelsgp: @Barrik226 I was expecting the other way tbh [01:30:14] wyldcardsam: F1nn comes out and contrapoints drops a new video today is a day [01:30:14] kajts0n: how did you start dating a guy if you thought you were a straight man? [01:30:17] kirathepan: Sometimes I question my worldviews [01:30:19] The_Queen_of_Ruin: How long have you been on it? [01:30:20] CyanoticJam: aSpicycow is on her now? [01:30:26] PsillyCephalopod: Hi Finn, happy for you <3 [01:30:27] Haikis: Congrats!!!🎉🎉 [01:30:28] MissJesStar: Eggirl is gonna be so sad :P [01:30:28] XENOMAN5: @woolyjamyt he came out as trans and bi [01:30:29] DodenKing: F1nn5ter came out before GTA 6 [01:30:30] isabaellchen: put on boobs! do milk massage [01:30:31] blueskydrinking: @md15185o They are gloating so much lmao [01:30:31] meta1girl: tell us about your dysphoria if you're comfortable [01:30:32] acchaos: it’s 10:30pm [01:30:33] diggingadandass: finnister was always breedable, but now you out our league ): [01:30:34] tekashi117: this is what happens to vegetarians [01:30:34] IAmSarahcat: nice gender, did your girlfriend give it to you [01:30:34] Xonogon: Is the origin story true? [01:30:34] seymourbuttsz: was the egg/transvestigating stuff a little instrusive? [01:30:34] oddlymoon: Omg congratulations!!!! [01:30:35] TheRealEpicSquid: yeahhhhhhhh [01:30:35] caramelglamour: she hatched! [01:30:35] DarrigoTR: Your dad sounds like the Grand Tour guy, same area of England? [01:30:35] little_aurora_elizabeth: Finn if you ever need a person to talk to i am here, i may not know everything [01:30:36] Parzi_RL: how does it feel being an egirl [01:30:37] tayribledisaster: :3 [01:30:38] AeitZean: I wouldn't have bet either way, its up to everyone to decide what labels they want [01:30:39] DaOPCreeper: @md15185o big facts [01:30:39] zvrkinjo: Favorite part of coming out? [01:30:40] mimmm: points? [01:30:42] argonaut2468: LUL LUL LUL LUL [01:30:43] ninjasquirtle6: Lmaoo the adhd✨️🤌🏼🤣 [01:30:43] reiisguts: :3 [01:30:44] krovvy: egg memes be hitting [01:30:44] YumeNoZen: I mean, when you're about a quarter of the eggirl memes yourself, what does that mean? [01:30:45] mojolivia: I just started watching, and got an advert for creme eggs. Damnit twitch [01:30:46] busheyxo: Less denial more feeling the pressure? [01:30:47] t0m1n4t0r: your parents were much more chill than mine will be [01:30:48] 5_meo: Yea, that subreddit is how I found out I'm trans [01:30:49] harrryot: Neuer folgst, Comrade is a gender neutral term, Comrade [01:30:51] MagnificentSteve: Wtf...I just got here...what I miss? [01:30:51] djathome: Did the egg comments bother you more or less with it being true? [01:30:51] Lord_Mistfire: tattoos? [01:30:53] InkkyBully: InkkyBully subscribed with Prime. [01:30:53] f3mmbot: inkkybully subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang inkkybully f1nnLezgang [01:30:53] circumcision_cop: Sadge no more Egg spam [01:30:55] CattoLozex: is this the the stream where you go "haha im joking guys im fully cis" or?? [01:30:55] jababingus: it was les of an egg bet and mor of a egg bid [01:30:56] princessmihai: Oh egg_irl wrecked my shell [01:30:58] Nil_Thirteen: Wait, does this mean you're no longer the internet's no. One femboy? [01:30:59] DarkVier: Accurate [01:31:00] XENOMAN5: Didn’t your mom always know like when she repeatedly gave you the it’s OK for boys to like boys speech when you were little? [01:31:01] tallgrass15: You said you like Fanta, have you tried the Fanta pineapple? [01:31:03] galaxygamer0770: wait fins 2024 trans prediction true SeemsGood [01:31:04] Theragingtaco88: As long as we're all happy and safe, who cares, let's live vicariously <3 [01:31:04] derPhael_: i guess we all violated the Egg Prime Directive, kinda... sorry bout that LUL [01:31:04] bearpaw1970: Both cow as well in one week 😁💞 [01:31:06] Ayton666: When will we get the drunk streams back? [01:31:07] Lysara11: you're already on egg irl right now [01:31:08] floating_raindrop: Agreed on the shoulders. [01:31:08] Avaerus0: Women can have broad shoulders [01:31:09] MaxVershhhtappen: are your parents concerned about social life for when you strolling in the open air?! [01:31:09] poryphorion: I just joined the stream to say HA, GAY! KappaPride [01:31:09] alchemylla: how did you feel about the egg jokes? do you feel slightly forced to come out? [01:31:09] pinkestliquid: What pronouns we using now gang? [01:31:10] violenthrash: Did you ever kinda like a dude dude? [01:31:10] 65cadillacdude: Does your hight bother you [01:31:10] DaOPCreeper: @t0m1n4t0r same here [01:31:12] cactusguy2013: yeah hard [01:31:12] letsgetbellenus: Trans rights! TransgenderPride [01:31:13] ringwraith1313: yeah I've gotten over that too [01:31:13] Helen_Croft: Chat TTS is off for now [01:31:16] GhostOfAFlea: Yeah check out Mia Mulder - incredible shoulders [01:31:16] Nirvana_W22: do you get it both ways? [01:31:21] writhinglekku: its just a body type yeah [01:31:23] lampjade: Shoulders can shrink in years 3-4 [01:31:23] me1ll0: oh broad shoulders are the best bc you can look feminine but also sturdy [01:31:23] Snalster: how tall are u [01:31:24] Coyohma: the “egg” accusations are messed up to be honest—let people be who they are [01:31:25] pinkplasmalive: "NiCe GeNdEr, your parents pick it out for you?" joke has entered your arsenal [01:31:25] Der_Grumpy: vazluvWave [01:31:26] estr0genesis: most buff woman alive [01:31:27] urbangamer1986: Hey Finn, congrats on coming out, I knew you was on HRT for a while now [01:31:27] qdoit12: Dune 2 and Finn trans nearly same day what is going on [01:31:28] qrthulhu: what about body hair or did you just never have any [01:31:29] Esper89: omg do you have brainworms?? [01:31:30] zoramura: tall girls are the best tho [01:31:31] CalypsoMoons: @Ash1ey_49 apologies if its rude to ask but how long does it take to see changes on hrt [01:31:32] YumeNoZen: You're a cute lil' fella. [01:31:34] aporcelaingirl: @letsgetbellenus Trans Lefts, too! [01:31:35] oskarishk: Rhea Ripley, insanely wide shoulders and hot as fuck [01:31:36] tayribledisaster: do we get channel points for having suspected [01:31:39] SunIsLost: @Coyohma yea [01:31:39] Skkorm: Yeahhh being 5'1" is rough [01:31:40] hand_hook_car_door: aren't you like 5'6 [01:31:40] StarnetSys: can we use xenopronouns and neopronouns for you? [01:31:42] Justme824: I wish to be a girl one day TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:31:42] annoyinglizard: are you excited for the booba? [01:31:42] MagnificentSteve: Someone tell me what I missed? [01:31:42] f1nn5terfan_: Si [01:31:43] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: Happy for you Finn. [01:31:43] SnabbKassa: @GhostOfAFlea thank you. I thought I was the only one who loves shoulders [01:31:44] NicxGG: Arent you still short? [01:31:45] cassiethelioness: Lots of trans girls wish they were Smol [01:31:45] Lostency: OMG I just saw the video , after breaking my egg about 20 months ago, its nice to see that you also feel comfortable [01:31:45] sodabread5: I’m 5’10 ftm hehe [01:31:46] moonman0_0: moonman0_0 subscribed with Prime. [01:31:46] f3mmbot: moonman0_0 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang moonman0_0 f1nnLezgang [01:31:46] spider3327: gota love the brainworms [01:31:47] Chris05185: how tall is finn? [01:31:49] cactusguy2013: What's brain worms? [01:31:50] jambob165: theres a good song called worms in my brains [01:31:51] little_aurora_elizabeth: So does this mean Ashley need to take you bra sbopping now? [01:31:51] skyboundmaster: my brain is full of worms :) [01:31:51] mystchevious1: Brainworms suck. [01:31:52] jimtag_: my dysphoria is mostly body hair related [01:31:53] evadunord: Are you enthusiastic about boobage? 😅 [01:31:53] krovvy: LOL [01:31:53] jessicalove729: WE LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT ❤️❤️ [01:31:55] boom_and_alpha_yt: I heard channel points [01:31:55] CzarfaceMF: woman height [01:31:55] hazelgr33n: FINN give us an omelette emote [01:31:55] softbonez: @StarnetSys why would you if he didn't say those are his pronouns? [01:31:56] bearpaw1970: Hey Yume🥰🫴💞 [01:31:56] Amoyamoyamoya: X [01:31:56] caramelglamour: 5'5 [01:31:57] johnkeiwo: SMOL KEKW [01:31:58] Amoyamoyamoya: X [01:31:58] hellenberg_: you're taller than me! [01:31:58] ShakaShocker: I'm 8 feet tall [01:31:58] Helen_Croft: f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:31:58] BritishTeaLover: @MagnificentSteve Finn came out as genderfluid and bisexual [01:31:59] thatguyoverthere_sunjay: youre same height as me [01:31:59] Amoyamoyamoya: X [01:31:59] MissJesStar: I'm 6'3" and that is a major dysphoria point since it's near impossible to find femminine clothing [01:31:59] independent_observer: you will be 5'6 when HRT is done with you [01:31:59] mackarp2: 5'10" is short my guy, [01:32:00] ChasingSol: 5' 10.24" (but getting shorter) [01:32:01] tinylilhorse: 5'10 gang rise up [01:32:01] adeergg: what do you mean by brainworms? i am dumb' [01:32:02] crxstalline_: im taller get fricked [01:32:02] elion3li: u small bean [01:32:02] Darts852: what 4'10? [01:32:02] Amoyamoyamoya: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:32:02] ScarsUnseen: I am 5'3" MtF... i can't reach a goddamn thing! [01:32:02] spookynscary: above avberage king [01:32:03] Jenarina: youll be 5'6 after HRT for a bit [01:32:03] YumeNoZen: You're shorter than me. So there. [01:32:03] letsgetbellenus: @aporcelaingirl Trans centres also pretty cool [01:32:03] Alchimay: "would you love me if I was a brain worm?" Kappa [01:32:05] delindsaygaming: I think we all just want you to be happy being you, whatever that means. [01:32:05] finalmillenium: If you under 6, you short. 🤣 [01:32:05] Amoyamoyamoya: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:32:05] HexGrrrrl: 5'6 rise up [01:32:06] NelordUK: "Tall" [01:32:06] axx_le: are you a top or bottom? [01:32:06] TeraValia: imagine thinking 5' 10" is tall... lol [01:32:07] ArminGux: 5 10 is bellow average [01:32:07] longer_furby: not rlly tall [01:32:08] DaOPCreeper: your taller then me for what its wortyh [01:32:08] Adam1729: Above average height! [01:32:08] multiversal_rift: im 5 foot 6, thats not short at all hmph [01:32:08] 747APlayz: your as tall as my mother [01:32:08] FusRoDoge: Chat gonna give finn dysphoria the other way KEKW [01:32:08] Esper89: your shoulders don't look wide to me [01:32:08] Askjong: a good woman height [01:32:09] p01chi: 5"8.5 [01:32:09] Luncillia: short lmao [01:32:09] AIex_Jade: Jokes on you! I cant have brain worms without a brain! [01:32:10] 2717101295: "Tall" [01:32:10] dmx908: So the person that wrote that story about you was kinda right [01:32:12] pinkestliquid: 4'10" [01:32:12] ekat2468: 5'10" is like decidedly average for an AMAB [01:32:12] tayribledisaster: 5’10” 💀 what’s it like under the grass [01:32:12] K2Original: 4'3 [01:32:12] camina_mtns: 5'9" 69" [01:32:12] andromeda_nyx: youre a tall woman true [01:32:13] xChocyMilkx: that it? [01:32:13] medical_size9000: Finn you helped me realize that I'm not straight that I thought I was when I first saw your archives 2 years ago [01:32:14] mystchevious1: So wait have you shrunk since you started taking HRT? Height wise. [01:32:15] LittleChaSiu: @ScarsUnseen short girl gang let's go [01:32:15] tuze_tyranny: 5'10? tall? i could sit my chin on youre head! [01:32:15] abydon96: Little tiny finny :3 [01:32:15] randopersonn_: height is universal, girls and guys wanna be tall [01:32:15] f1nn5terfan_: 4'9 [01:32:17] strawb3ry_cow: 5’10 pftttt TINYYYYY (I’m 6’1) [01:32:17] nitrudestroyer: he’s Kevin hart short [01:32:17] Bauldyr: 2' zentreKEK [01:32:18] c__r__j: Smol streamer proud of being tall. Cute. [01:32:18] Nullikle6000: Lady dimitrescu cosplay when [01:32:19] GodOfKitsune: I thought you were like 6"0+ but you're only an inch taller than me!? I thought I was short! [01:32:20] KiraDreamchaser: Any dude celebrity crushes or anything? What are your thoughts on Henry Cavill? [01:32:20] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: He's a 5'6 women she's GIANTIC [01:32:20] Zachary3DPrints: Finn is on now... story time [01:32:21] argonaut2468: 5'11 struggles [01:32:21] pixel842: 5'10 gang rise up because they cant reach otherwise lol [01:32:21] TheI3arracuda: same [01:32:22] MissJenkins2130: I’m 6ft 3 [01:32:22] avokkayt: 5'10??? you're just slightly taller than me lmao [01:32:22] Eromaw: SAME [01:32:24] spider3327: sammee [01:32:24] pretzelbea: KEKW [01:32:24] aSpicyCow: that is really interesting [01:32:25] rsm_100r: LMAOOOO [01:32:25] Lord_Mistfire: 4’8? [01:32:25] kirathepan: 3'1'' [01:32:26] nodegen: 5ft 10 shorter than me = short [01:32:27] looeesz: SAME [01:32:27] gustavo47360: 5 [01:32:27] XENOMAN5: Are you more attracted to muscle guys or Twinks? [01:32:28] giant_tess: Tall? Im 6'2'' thats why my name... [01:32:28] krovvy: BibleThump baby wrists [01:32:28] KalachAjaw: Hand dysphoria [01:32:29] hellenberg_: f1nn I just wanted to say you're cute and I love your wrists [01:32:29] the_Renergy: f1nn = short bc i'm 6'3 at 16 [01:32:30] Amoyamoyamoya: You've had tiny wrists forever F1nn... [01:32:30] JType327Nubian: me too [01:32:30] braddle172: o7 [01:32:31] amouro_: lol [01:32:31] seymourbuttsz: KEKW same [01:32:32] crxstalline_: anything under 7ft is short what are u talking abt [01:32:32] MissJesStar: they will get a bit smaller 😁 [01:32:33] eFlyman: SAME THOUGH [01:32:33] jimmmbyhheieheb: same [01:32:33] LordClintCee: @Nullikle6000 Co-sign [01:32:33] sodabread5: CASIO [01:32:34] BabyRainbow03: dainty [01:32:35] ScrantzScratch: Now it's gonna be harder to convince myself I'm cis when that "I wish I looked like F1NN", new struggle unlocked [01:32:36] cocoabear_art: my brother feels the same lol [01:32:36] t0m1n4t0r: they’re not short they’re small [01:32:36] TheRealEpicSquid: thats funny as fucc [01:32:36] Partikle__: Sameee [01:32:37] tyger_draw: 5'10 is average / tall [01:32:38] werewolf_pwr: I'm 6.3 [01:32:39] aAndrew3030: wolfaHey Hello, did I miss anything? [01:32:39] MagnificentSteve: @britishtealover Really? 🎉🎉🎉🎉 [01:32:40] MaxVershhhtappen: yeah… 5’10 gang let’s go!!!! [01:32:41] Adam1729: Tiny wrist gang [01:32:41] writhinglekku: big wrists, small waist [01:32:41] morgan_drui: short guy now a tall woman! [01:32:42] karojhe: Cis women have wide shoulders too tho [01:32:42] fishy_hd21: 5'10 is tall for a girl [01:32:43] Zaarey: @MagnificentSteve Finn posted a video about him coming out both as bi and also about him starting hrt [01:32:44] f4zol0: Classic british wristlet [01:32:44] JDA3D: do some climbing, gives you huge forearms [01:32:44] T0xicat0r365: As much as I hate to admit it, F1nn is taller than me [01:32:45] Y0rk5h1r3: Just get six links removed LUL [01:32:46] ArminGux: Mechanical watches [01:32:46] caramelglamour: meh 5'11 girls are the best! [01:32:46] xero93: average ftm experience [01:32:48] nope_not_doing_that: As a transguy, me too [01:32:49] ShawnT257: Nomos [01:32:51] Maddie194King: I really want to talk to someone about this stream, but I reckon my friends would never let me live it down if I admitted to watching you. [01:32:52] blueskydrinking: Bro, cross the final bridge. Get the feminine watch [01:32:53] AlonzoAntoku: My wrists are tiny too, I'm a cis guy but I relate. [01:32:54] CalypsoMoons: @F1NN5TER get a jewler to remove links [01:32:54] TheConcreteCobbler: I have the same issue, I would be SO into watches if I didn't have such feminine wrists. [01:32:55] Arnotronix: casio is still the best [01:32:56] dmx908: Get girl watches they would fit you [01:32:56] Sift11: wrist curls? [01:32:56] austrian_tap_water: the best watches are for females though [01:32:57] SalvoBrick: you dont have small wrists, everyone else has just gotten fatter [01:32:57] Doperanks: 5 ft 10 is shorter than the average male height here... [01:32:58] jstjamie: PREDICTION! mods [01:32:58] BeshtheChef: Wristlet gang rise up OMEGALUL . o 0 ( peepoSad ) [01:32:58] nt_x: omg im a watch dud also like its fine to have big watches on girls now fuck ap btw kek get something actually nice [01:32:59] projectfemboy: Yes, like a Grand Seiko, You can get custom linkages though [01:32:59] sightedfiend16: rock climb [01:32:59] BritishTeaLover: @MagnificentSteve He just put out a video on yutube with it, with some hilarious clips with his parents at the end [01:32:59] SmashPotat101: There are wrist exercises to help thicken them. Could help [01:33:00] Stovamor: @MagnificentSteve, see the pined chat message [01:33:00] Buckyyyyy: AYAYA [01:33:00] princessmihai: Oh that's not you being femme, that's you being super skinny. Very pretty girl though [01:33:01] heyimf1dg3t: tiny wrist gang! ✊🏻 [01:33:02] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: if you want i can make a new wristband for your watch so itll fit; i can work with leather thanks to my mom [01:33:03] abydon96: Put then on your ankle [01:33:04] bigsadge: I can't justify the cost, have you seen the tissot prx? [01:33:05] bearpaw1970: Hi ya'🫴Amoya [01:33:06] WildcatAlli: Know that feeling I can only take a 36mm comfortably [01:33:06] JadeSorcery: can you get a nice watch modified?? [01:33:07] JessicaCaraKasey: I'm 6'3 and my wrists are tiny too! Doesn't help with weightlifting 😳 [01:33:07] KalachAjaw: I hate hand dysphoria its insane [01:33:07] JearimyBearimy: Rosegold dayjust 36! [01:33:08] Lostency: Seiko [01:33:09] cheff_cook: Go for Cartier tank [01:33:09] maggiespurpledrankchalice: Tiny wrists are good for bracelets [01:33:09] Linkisbad666: Weee [01:33:10] ScarsUnseen: i might be the shortest trans woman lol [01:33:11] randopersonn_: the womens watches are soooo boring and i hate it [01:33:11] galaxygamer0770: fins trans 2024 prediction came true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [01:33:12] me1ll0: oh yes trying to get chunky watches that don'e SWAMP my hands [01:33:13] ringwraith1313: get a nice girl watch [01:33:14] SnabbKassa: @LordClintCee she is based on a real Polish actor [01:33:15] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: Don't worry I have girly wrist and I'm a straight male. [01:33:15] krovvy: What is your wrist size [01:33:15] Zach2beat: As a cis guy with small hands and wrists I greatly understand this feeling!!! [01:33:16] yarrivin: mood, every watch i get i have to adjust, cause my wrists are so smol [01:33:16] Avaerus0: There are some smaller watches coming out now as well [01:33:16] daniel_ale_24: idk if someone already asked, but its voice training on the table or not? xd TransgenderPride [01:33:17] YumeNoZen: I mean, I just wear a smartwatch. Actually does stuff. [01:33:17] KeeKzap: go full on custom build [01:33:18] giant_tess: A patek? Dont you have to write a letter? [01:33:18] spookyhargow: since you have single-handedly made you and Ashley a lesbian couple, do you by-law now need to get a cat?! :) [01:33:19] looeesz: What was the prediction? [01:33:19] judgedame: same they float on me [01:33:20] SirMcHoff: Buy a fancy pocket watch [01:33:20] ScalyStar: as a cis woman i agree [01:33:20] claysparrow: i hate mens watches lol [01:33:20] hazelgr33n: F1nn we have EARNT an omelette emote i will SHOUT this from the roof top [01:33:20] kingrobo: Correct [01:33:22] AeitZean: Or a Cartier Tank? Kappa [01:33:23] f1nn5terfan_: I agree [01:33:23] Ayton666: Try to get in touch with niko the watch guy, he will for sure find something for you [01:33:23] ekat2468: okay maybe watches can be an exception [01:33:25] mackarp2: finally men win at something [01:33:25] Amoyamoyamoya: So you can buy the smaller model AppleWAtches then, right? [01:33:26] dk_december_is_poggers: @F1NN5TER Do you plan on doin FFS? [01:33:27] jimtag_: can they not be restrapped? [01:33:27] Qlowquest: and women’s pockets…. [01:33:29] caramelglamour: richard. mille??? [01:33:30] biggerturkey: I recently found out my estradiol hasn't been working for six months [01:33:30] SanityCzyk: Women's watches are so much more cute! Men's watches are huge hunks of metal! [01:33:30] HexGrrrrl: Watch autism /affectionate [01:33:31] itsnatalie_59: xD just get a cute women's watch silly [01:33:31] copirytetwitch: I just use my phone for time [01:33:32] jonnyrock: Big watches are a bad trend get a good 35mm thats what was popular back in the day [01:33:32] AnnaTheLazy: rich people problems [01:33:32] KhiralShimmer: F wrist dysphoria [01:33:33] LanaBread: cis girl wrists smh [01:33:33] sayocrn: womens fashion sucks, its all fast fashion thats designed to wear out in a month [01:33:34] Floraine_UK: i agree with female dressing options [01:33:34] GhostOfAFlea: well yeah, it's like the only acceptable man jewelry. And cufflinks. [01:33:35] medical_size9000: I do exercises that helped me thicken and strengthen my wrists it helped me grew my wrists in cm. I do them at the gym [01:33:35] Theragingtaco88: But Cartier do make some bigass watches sometimes [01:33:35] Milan2745: get a pocketwatch [01:33:35] student0810: Go for an ANTIQUE watch, classy, made better, smaller sizes [01:33:37] DarrigoTR: Get them customized? [01:33:37] christa_lyn: You're so pretty!! [01:33:38] seymourbuttsz: Women's hat fashion is also lacking [01:33:38] uradoptedkid87: Dayum [01:33:40] ProElisium: YOOO Just saw your YT video! Congrats, I'm really proud and happy for you! [01:33:40] TheConcreteCobbler: I feel that watch discussion to my core [01:33:41] scorpx11: what is your wrist circumfrence? [01:33:42] ciernaruza: mens watches have to be good because the rest of their clothing is so bad [01:33:43] Jo5iah_: F1nn coming out was not on my 2024 bingo card [01:33:43] boom_and_alpha_yt: I have three watches hybrid fossil, Apple Watch and generic silver Rolex [01:33:44] now_chemical: tiny wrist life is hard 😭 [01:33:45] finalmillenium: What, no love for patek? [01:33:46] harrypainter0206: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:33:46] FreeS1urz: hallo [01:33:47] drunkendove: Get a watch that goes counter clock wise while feeling like a she, and clockwise while going by he [01:33:47] 420_Fried_Soups: WHAT IS UR OPINION ON BREAD? 🍞 [01:33:48] Nimbus_Storm: apple watch with magnetic strap saved my tiny wrist [01:33:48] gaffergirl: Their is good brands like Grand seiko and Omega that are on the same level as rolex im not sure on dimentions though [01:33:49] sodabread5: Casio F-91W >>>>>> [01:33:50] Kal1oo: Congrats dadwreGrubTrans [01:33:50] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Oof, yeah. I desperately wanted an Air King (I know it's not the classic one but I like it) but my AD hasn't had one in years. [01:33:51] daemon2988: That's why I wear vintage watches. I took am cursed with tiny man wrists. [01:33:52] pinkplasmalive: hehe smol [01:33:53] matheuslr47: Wait the finn prediction trans 2024 was true [01:33:54] peeposad: peeposad subscribed with Prime. [01:33:55] Depressed1ntrovert: Depressed1ntrovert subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! [01:33:55] f3mmbot: peeposad subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang peeposad f1nnLezgang [01:33:55] f3mmbot: depressed1ntrovert subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months using Prime! PogU [01:33:56] Shockwavemecha: How did so many viewers get here Geez LUL [01:33:56] InvaderSquidGirl: I recently read male fat cells take 5-6 years to die. You should be getting new female fat cells over time. [01:33:57] f1nn5terfan_: Spicy bread [01:33:58] Eromaw: Same lol [01:33:58] rw03_bjw: Patek peice unique for coming out? [01:33:59] flanenjoyer: Get a Timex Marlin. 36mm, amazing dial, manual movement, androgynous, $200 [01:34:00] Lucianthelord: Tiny wrist gang <3 [01:34:00] vengeful_trader: get a hello kitty child's watch [01:34:02] nt_x: check out longines dolcevita if u want diff take on the cartier tank [01:34:02] Komnia: you are so real for this [01:34:03] AnnaTheLazy: im still rocking a spongebob watch from 2014 [01:34:04] zzlucii: as a cis man i wish i had bigger wrists i feel you [01:34:04] Fronarn: mens watches are too busy, i prefer womens [01:34:06] BearDame: watches are frustrating; even the mens selection looks way too tiny on my wrists.... [01:34:06] toastychaii: tiny wrist gang problems u__u [01:34:07] LowK3Y_Loki: I have small wrists too, yeah I get that [01:34:08] CalypsoMoons: @F1NN5TER do you miss having pockets in womans clothing [01:34:08] OcelotYT: All the trans subreddits are flooding with F1nn content and they're all so full of love. Congrats streamer :) [01:34:09] krovvy: LOL [01:34:10] caramelglamour: get the links taken out [01:34:10] nodegen: what will you do with boobs when boy? [01:34:11] t0m1n4t0r: collecting knives is now no longer just for the boys [01:34:11] Justme824: bro needs a kids watch [01:34:12] bigsadge: Cartier Louis Tanks are so versatile, really the only watch that I can justify the cost, but I found out I don't really do watches [01:34:12] rsm_100r: LOL [01:34:12] TheI3arracuda: genderfluid is complicated [01:34:14] medical_size9000: There's exercise you can do at the gym that could thicken your wrists [01:34:14] bearpaw1970: Lol [01:34:14] axx_le: did hrt change whether you’re a top or bottom? [01:34:16] OHMichelleOH: I have a small wrist, man watches look goofy on me. [01:34:16] thekindredspiritofficial: lanky dude things: watches need so many links taken out to fit decent [01:34:16] Bauldyr: another downside is the severe lack of pockets in most womans pants (could just sew them in but that's time and resources) [01:34:18] clairetheegg: Brainworms suck... Good job powering through them! [01:34:19] CarbonDiam: I need shapeshifting, stat [01:34:21] ohsveni: do it [01:34:21] blockydino: blockydino subscribed with Prime. [01:34:22] f3mmbot: blockydino subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang blockydino f1nnLezgang [01:34:23] YumeNoZen: I got a smaller Samsung that works well, and my wrists aren't big. They have two face sizes and get whatever band you want. [01:34:26] c__r__j: Maybe get one wrist thicker than the other? Feels like that should be fairly easy, because reasons. [01:34:26] sean_944: I’m sure pride and pinion can source you one they do find the rare ones [01:34:27] missfaia: real i can never find watches that fit [01:34:27] JessicaCaraKasey: "You have a woman's wrist, my lord!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [01:34:28] Nasram6: Hi !! [01:34:29] xero93: bancruptcy any % [01:34:30] lilecfangs: felt. i got top surgery and i never thought id miss my boobs but here we are [01:34:31] elion3li: uwu [01:34:31] Lord_Mistfire: you can take the links out quite easily [01:34:32] CYB3R_T3RROR: so hot lol like literally my room is hot [01:34:33] RealRyal: Shopping spree for Ashley [01:34:33] princessmihai: You'd look good with muscular arms just sayin'. Signed: a muscle mommy [01:34:34] 8bitkoala_: yeah your for sure verse [01:34:34] thoompi25: music with my dogs [01:34:34] hannahvmh: the size of women’s pockets pisses me off compared to men’s!! [01:34:35] Komnia: awwwww [01:34:35] Nimbus_Storm: all want a little waistwe [01:34:38] flanenjoyer: I love my Timex Marlins, I have two of them [01:34:39] kaziauto: I knew all along [01:34:39] jollycheese1160: wait is he trans???????//// [01:34:39] sussy_snipez: itspea13Blahajheart [01:34:40] EmpressCard: mood [01:34:42] Ayton666: Get in touch with niko leonard, the watch guy, he for sure will find you something that fits you [01:34:43] alexx_net: So back to corset training? [01:34:43] helenaaaaaaauwu: So doxyou have gebder euphoria in both directions, [01:34:44] si7rus: the bane of transgirls with brainworms, hips [01:34:44] estr0genesis: tbf you go both ways too [01:34:45] Wendig0_X3: BibleThump BibleThump what warhammer army does ashley play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [01:34:45] RedSocPanda: She said no pickles! [01:34:48] raptorho: mommy dommy [01:34:48] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [01:34:49] pokemontdm: @jollycheese1160 no [01:34:49] aSpicyCow: what pockets Aware [01:34:50] bearpaw1970: The I Wasn't lil' waist..🤣👍 [01:34:50] ScarsUnseen: our pockets fucking SUCK [01:34:52] idontlikephonecalls: idontlikephonecalls subscribed with Prime. [01:34:52] f3mmbot: idontlikephonecalls subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang idontlikephonecalls f1nnLezgang [01:34:53] 1tangomango1: LUL [01:34:54] HexGrrrrl: Women's pockets suck [01:34:54] AoNoAsgard: so the fanfiction became real? [01:34:56] chrizwennersten: f1nnHeadpat [01:34:57] jimtag_: hell bunny have good pockets [01:34:58] writhinglekku: infuriating [01:34:58] Avaerus0: Gonna have to start carrying a bag [01:34:59] gaffer2602: That's when they are there! [01:34:59] labcreatedjules: I mean, the funniest thing about the Apple Watch is that it made it so much more acceptable for girls to wear huge ass watches. I got a my grandfather's Panerai when he died and I didn't wear it for a year and a half after transitioning, until I realized my Apple Watch was bigger [01:34:59] stabbystabbersone: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride AsexualPride [01:34:59] azath0th777: thats what bags are for [01:35:00] FrostieMuffin: get a purse [01:35:01] XENOMAN5: @jollycheese1160 and bi [01:35:01] caramelglamour: get 44mm watcches take out links! [01:35:02] neauxzie_vhs: I'm really happy for you. I started out crossdressing as a "haha what if I really was, guys??" to "yeah so that was a test, I really might be" to "4 years and ready for more" <3 Happy Transitioning! [01:35:02] hazelgr33n: ey yo HEY spicy [01:35:02] ScalyStar: so many clothes with FAKE POCKETS [01:35:06] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: women’s pockets despicable [01:35:08] mincejuicehands: i feel like being genderfluid is going from having a god complex to wanting to whine like a baby [01:35:09] HypnoHooves: hy have pockets when you can have a cute handbag?w [01:35:11] boom_and_alpha_yt: great coat? [01:35:12] thatguyoverthere_sunjay: TRENCH COATS SO COOOOOOOOOL [01:35:12] AeitZean: Fake pockets are EVIL [01:35:13] Doperanks: Some aren't even pockets... [01:35:15] snotwebs: f1nnRaid [01:35:16] QuadraticInK: I had to get sewing machine to add pockets to things. v_v [01:35:16] now_chemical: you’re speaking my experience on the opposite side of the gendersss [01:35:16] uradoptedkid87: I’m being spyed on [01:35:17] B_MagicMist: #stop fake pockets [01:35:17] randopersonn_: WOMENS POCKETS. i do not need to be bringing purses and bags everywhere [01:35:18] goddessempressbird: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:35:19] Komnia: rage against the FAKE POCKETS [01:35:19] Maddrius: #stop-fake-pockets [01:35:19] Sascha_Ra2iN3o: fake pockets emiruNOD [01:35:20] aSpicyCow: the fake pockets are my favorite part Aware [01:35:22] menacingcafe1: womens pockets driive me insane, i miss mens pockets so much [01:35:23] madcaker: "that have pockets" :0 "I mean that don't" aww [01:35:23] Lostency: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [01:35:23] dmx908: Your egg is now cracked we need a scrambled egg emote [01:35:25] kirathepan: Wiggly mind juice creature [01:35:26] jackalias: We found our first con, the lack of pockets [01:35:27] OHMichelleOH: watches are obsolete. everybody has their phone [01:35:27] bearpaw1970: Their barely able to fit a pen in it and that's about it [01:35:27] CinnamonnBunz: moonbYIPPEE moonbYIPPEE moonbYIPPEE [01:35:28] krovvy: D: [01:35:30] MikeWillStream: #StopFakePockets [01:35:30] OtterlyStudy: sometimes the pocket are sewn until you unsew them [01:35:30] missfaia: WHAT [01:35:31] Esper89: the lack of pockets is to make you buy bags [01:35:31] KfkFod: KEKW scam [01:35:31] FrostieMuffin: i rock my bag everywhere [01:35:31] JadeSorcery: purse [01:35:31] SnabbKassa: trenchcoat! I just rememberd what the Matrix is a metaphor for [01:35:31] Y0rk5h1r3: Why do women need pockets? They have handbags 👜 [01:35:33] Bauldyr: @pokemontdm Current label he's going with (from the vid) is Genderfluid, so I guess it depends who you ask [01:35:34] little_aurora_elizabeth: Or the fake pockets on pants [01:35:35] Avaerus0: Fake pockets should be illegal [01:35:37] seymourbuttsz: Men's coats have secret pockets and pockets within pockets [01:35:37] softbonez: @mincejuicehands ...what? did you hit your head [01:35:37] cyphoenic_: :O really!? [01:35:38] pinkplasmalive: FAKE POCKETS MY LOATHED [01:35:38] SleepyPac: FAKE pockets?! they will not reach nirvana [01:35:38] darkangelsd21: #STOPFAKEPOCKETS [01:35:38] ekat2468: I remember discovering fake pockets it's a SCAM [01:35:39] lampjade: FAKE POCKETS ARE THE WORST [01:35:39] Qlowquest: its SO bad [01:35:39] CattoLozex: deal with it [01:35:40] speedy_bedwars: keeohTHUMP [01:35:40] me1ll0: there's no greater betrayal [01:35:41] EmpressCard: the bane of everyone's existence [01:35:41] yeoseulgf: I MADE IT [01:35:41] kevlarchicken: sounds like a rippoff [01:35:43] hierophantisto: That should be a crime LUL [01:35:43] remain_unseen: Welcome to the hell of Women's clothing [01:35:44] Mnh188: in cohoots with handbag industry [01:35:44] Andromeda42442: conspiracy by big purse! [01:35:44] ArminGux: Mens coats usually fit 2l bottles if they old school [01:35:46] Nimbus_Storm: ive had 10 phones stolen from my tiny pockets [01:35:46] Kolateak_: My brother has a coat with fake pockets! LIKE WHAT THE HELL [01:35:46] hannahvmh: that’s insane [01:35:47] toastychaii: sometimes you just need a seam ripper to open up pockets but fake ones are the devil >_< [01:35:47] now_chemical: you can seam rip some of pockets open [01:35:47] alexx_net: Because purse you don't get pockets [01:35:48] Barbar7575: clothing industry force woman the get handbags [01:35:48] Ayton666: Yeah its so you also buy a bag [01:35:49] Nilinn31: that's a thick coat [01:35:49] yenellow: sometimes you can cut them open and there's actual pockets just sewn shut [01:35:51] a_bat_named_rayven: So you have to tell us at the start of every stream what pronun you want us to use that day [01:35:51] Fleganhimer: I have a pair of leggings as a guy. They have pockets LMAO. [01:35:51] Shockwavemecha: To sell More Purses LUL spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies [01:35:51] anwate: Have Ashley make sure they aren't sewn shut [01:35:52] HOPSTEP420: The pockets are ment to be cut open haha [01:35:53] unaffected95: Are they fake or are they sewn? [01:35:53] elion3li: get them made if u have the money [01:35:53] astronos_: LUL LUL LUL [01:35:54] Tehjennieator: are you sure they arent just sown shut? [01:35:55] mono_mystery: fake pockets ... in a coat that was MADE to have pockets!!! [01:35:55] wyldcardsam: I have 0 pockets that's why I carry a purse [01:35:56] Huschke: Can we define your gender as f1nnish? [01:35:56] crowblax: learn to sew 💯‼️‼️‼️‼️ [01:35:56] YumeNoZen: I have hoodies with like 14 pockets that aren't obvious, and I can conceal carry a handgun in a pair of shorts and a crop top. All a matter of doing it right. [01:35:57] LittleChaSiu: I love this entire stream [01:36:00] cedarphoenix: purse industry conspiracy [01:36:01] missfaia: Fake pockets actively hurt me [01:36:02] zephyr_alba: Are they actually fake or are they sown shut? [01:36:02] FrostieMuffin: get a crossbody bruh [01:36:02] DarrigoTR: lol [01:36:03] hazelgamess: KEKW 󠀀 [01:36:03] MikeWillStream: petition to ban fake pockets [01:36:03] braddle172: KEKW [01:36:03] cedric_callnight: Hi Ashley!!!! [01:36:03] Theragingtaco88: We should ban fake pockets, I believe all people should have the three mile deep pockets all men get [01:36:03] chrizwennersten: ASHLEY!!! [01:36:03] splurshin: KEKW [01:36:04] BgT1990: backpacks are the ideal bag [01:36:04] FusRoDoge: KEKW [01:36:05] TheI3arracuda: OOF [01:36:05] MegaMiley: LUL [01:36:05] Altex1: PrideLaugh [01:36:05] impyart: WOW [01:36:05] buffy_slays_: lol [01:36:06] johnkeiwo: KEKW [01:36:06] 1WhoBeans: KEKW 󠀀 [01:36:06] XENOMAN5: The lack of pockets is so the same company can sell more purses [01:36:06] g1ided: dont usually hop in when you're live but a) amazing that you came out contgrats obligatory captain holt "the world becomes a little better every time anyone stands up and says who they are" or somat my memories crap and b) you're vods are my comfort watch and youre amazing <3 [01:36:06] Eromaw: KEKW [01:36:06] octminer: KEKW [01:36:06] aSpicyCow: KEKW [01:36:07] teatedostritch3: You sure they aren't just safety stitched? [01:36:07] SanityCzyk: roasted [01:36:07] AnnaTheLazy: stinky finn [01:36:08] StarnetSys: will you use xeno/neopronouns? [01:36:08] oof_a_m: ASHLEY [01:36:08] ChasingSol: KEKW [01:36:08] LeDr_Dan: KEKW [01:36:08] Komnia: LUL [01:36:08] insidecchaos: Damn [01:36:08] CalypsoMoons: ashley called you smelly [01:36:08] Zachary3DPrints: what's the purpose of fake pockets in a coat? [01:36:09] hopalongtommy: Any house move news? [01:36:09] Ceara42: KEKW [01:36:09] Mario11041: KEKW [01:36:09] AlmondVF: KEKW [01:36:09] LowK3Y_Loki: yeah im also skinny and women’s clothes fit me better, and yeah it’s real why no pockets? [01:36:09] jimtag_: no showers [01:36:09] QuietBard98: L [01:36:09] little__Beanz: oof [01:36:09] davidiusfarrenius: LUL [01:36:09] Nirvana_W22: awe ashley [01:36:09] Bobbikatt: the pocket makers had ONE JOB!!! [01:36:10] t0m1n4t0r: ASHLEY HI [01:36:10] ComradeRags: The battlepass is gonna go HARD now [01:36:10] phaser40: I just got here, what did I miss? [01:36:10] eFlyman: Cross-body sling is pog, no handbags [01:36:10] cassiethelioness: Use your influence to fight for real pockets for us Finn! [01:36:10] AeitZean: Buy a sling bag [01:36:11] Selstraits: so.... did you buy a purse yet since women clothes have fake pockets [01:36:11] ffionbee: <3 [01:36:11] handscombchris: lol [01:36:11] frag936: I have a men's coat with fake pockets [01:36:11] xero93: KEKW [01:36:11] luddicchurchil: ouch [01:36:12] yeoseulgf: LMFAO [01:36:12] dk_december_is_poggers: FFS when? [01:36:12] filip_zd10: KEKW [01:36:12] thunderscoob: some you have to cut open, its so they dont get stuff in them at the store. [01:36:13] bearpaw1970: Ashley..🤣🤟 [01:36:13] honeydoll8797: SGTOPPOOPPOPOPPP [01:36:13] princessmihai: F1nn as a muscle mommy would be hot [01:36:13] caramelglamour: b u r n [01:36:13] androidwall4680: Fake pockets are proof God abandoned us [01:36:14] HexGrrrrl: You would look so good with a purse [01:36:14] hotdogger420: bags are where it’s at finn [01:36:16] Scarykittenz: KEKW [01:36:16] writhinglekku: the evil purse industry [01:36:16] christa_lyn: REKT [01:36:17] trinkyi: KEKW [01:36:17] starduckxd: get called out bozo [01:36:18] epicmoon1: Sometimes you can Cut the Pocket open [01:36:19] jackalias: A lot of fake pockets are just sewn shut, just gotta take some scissors to them. Or find out they were really fake and ruin a coat [01:36:20] cuprawow: but wait until you get to brag about a dress... it has pockets is the best thing [01:36:20] ghostieliving: Babygirl get a sewing machine you can have all the pockets you want [01:36:20] Kolateak_: Small or no pockets? Okay, but FAKE POCKETS? WHY [01:36:20] Mwthenri: KEKW [01:36:21] PsychoFisch: arent those pockets only sewed shut so they dont wear out in storage? you can usually open them up [01:36:21] ciernaruza: you can never convince me that a handbag is better than a backpack [01:36:21] QuirkyWolf: Just saw the YouTube video. Huge congratulations 🥳 [01:36:24] ScrantzScratch: The real question is why womens clothing is so small... nearly 6'6 and the struggle is real... [01:36:24] Inkyon_: all that gay porn i heard [01:36:24] alchemylla: get one of those crossbody bags that you can use as a handbag too [01:36:25] esquilinus: self report incoming [01:36:25] MirahImage: f1nnEgg 🐣🍳 [01:36:26] CinnamonnBunz: There's a lot of fake pockets in jeans. Absolutely hate it [01:36:26] cyphoenic_: same :3 [01:36:26] beens5: GAYGAGYAGYAGYAGAYGAYGAY [01:36:28] Speederzzz: That's not normal? [01:36:28] nouma2: 💗💗💗💗💗💗 [01:36:29] RealRyal: New coat idea for Ashley's new fashion range - pockets! [01:36:29] estr0genesis: cuz you watch gay pron in there [01:36:29] Real_Zekkyn: #stopfakepockets [01:36:29] SleepyPac: girl shower [01:36:30] tinylilhorse: real [01:36:30] unaffected95: Your pockets are probably just stitched not fake [01:36:32] azath0th777: tode bags are nice tho [01:36:32] Nullikle6000: f1nnNomods [01:36:32] Bytebak: Ashley needs to have pockets in her fashion designs. [01:36:33] crawdaddyp: femme [01:36:34] onlywizardsallowed0: I am thinking about raising beetles, thoughts? [01:36:35] morgan_drui: need a handbag lol [01:36:35] phantaton: Hot showers or cold showers? [01:36:35] Helen_Croft: How long does shower take? [01:36:37] ScarsUnseen: so are you half gay??? [01:36:37] roninsnook: 💀 [01:36:37] Kyyrypyy: There should be more YouTbe tutorials about making fake pockets to actual pockets. [01:36:37] matcha_allen: im so jealous, i wish my skin is as smooth as yours!!! [01:36:38] pinkplasmalive: long shower gang frfr [01:36:38] bigsuave7: lol [01:36:39] o2sy_: did I miss u explaining the title [01:36:41] Kalazirys: LUL [01:36:41] buffy_slays_: peeing in the shower probs [01:36:42] MaxVershhhtappen: how is being in public going?!?! [01:36:42] EvryPixelCounts: Does this mean you're going to do voice training now? [01:36:43] blackdevils521: How long? [01:36:44] AeitZean: There are gender neutral bags [01:36:45] Dezponia: Well you save time by peeing in the shower [01:36:45] Cactus__Chan: how has body hair changed [01:36:45] greatattentionspa: are you sure they were not sown shut? [01:36:46] lampjade: -> The everything shower will be less necessary over time!! [01:36:46] astronos_: wait, what are everything showers? [01:36:47] BamALambi: there's the "the pockets aren't even there" type of clothing and then there's the "we sowed the whole outside thing for a pocket so it looks like you have one, except for the actual pocket" [01:36:48] isthisapokeman: oof i did an everything shower the othert day [01:36:48] phaser40: What did I miss? I just got here [01:36:49] primeschizoid: !uptime [01:36:49] Bleats_Sinodai: Mayakern on Twitter makes dresses and skirts with pockets F1NN [01:36:49] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 1h 37m 0s [01:36:49] Gtaer222: long showers are the best [01:36:49] marty_poisonwood: 45!!!!???!!,?? [01:36:50] projectfemboy: WHAT? [01:36:50] splurshin: 45??? DAMNN [01:36:51] rageingbisexual: WHAT? [01:36:52] andromeda_nyx: everything showers suck [01:36:52] hand_hook_car_door: WHAT [01:36:52] flanenjoyer: Day 1 of telling F1nn to get a Timex Marlin [01:36:53] billyyyn: ADHD showers [01:36:53] speckkatze: excuse me what? [01:36:54] wulfsbane: My renter takes DAILY or TWICE DAILY long showers. [01:36:54] Under_no_Control: @o2sy_ watch the video [01:36:54] jollycheese1160: R U GAY?????? [01:36:54] eFlyman: 45 WHAT [01:36:55] ffionbee: yeah thats how it be, you gotta enjoy the time in there [01:36:55] Inkyon_: hehehehehe [01:36:55] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: 45min under water? or just inside the room? [01:36:55] Kolateak_: The water bill NotLikeThis [01:36:56] WildWarrior01: 45 minute showers hit tho [01:36:56] a_bat_named_rayven: You have to tell us what pronouns you want us too use at every stream start [01:36:56] randomplaguedoctor: HOW [01:36:56] hannahmae85: How long have you been doing HRT?? [01:36:56] boom_and_alpha_yt: it actually was 😅 [01:36:57] handscombchris: I bet you don't spend as much time in the shower as me! 1hr+ is my usual! [01:36:57] sphagetti__: Did I miss anything between the video and now chat? [01:36:57] wyldcardsam: 45 mins to shower is long? [01:36:57] VEDS24: FORTY FIVE? [01:36:57] CalypsoMoons: @F1NN5TER you came out as gender fluid on madi gra in sydney . eggs cracking [01:36:57] kevlarchicken: KEKW 45 mins [01:36:58] cedric_callnight: 45???? [01:36:58] heta_6: Nice [01:36:58] godsbeenswinging_: long showers...watching videos... [01:36:59] templarkeira: ladies don’t pee in the shower, good luck. [01:36:59] roxie_boxie: women’s watch and fake pockets are really bullshit, absolutely agree [01:37:00] HexGrrrrl: Long hair showers are rough [01:37:01] Isabella_is_Swella: just saw the announcement, cobgrats [01:37:01] Avaerus0: Is that mostly washing your hair? [01:37:01] lilithsspawn: hot showers are so nice [01:37:01] caramelglamour: gay porn all the time now? [01:37:02] AlmondVF: ayyyyy fellow everything shower for 45 minutes! [01:37:02] TheLaczekj: wdym everything shower? do ppl get in showers and not wash their entire body? [01:37:02] Nerapi: @o2sy_ check the pinned message <3 [01:37:02] jjdt_FlyBi: 45 min is roughly same for me [01:37:02] WILBURdotZIP: hot water good [01:37:03] crawdaddyp: thats a woman [01:37:03] JadeSorcery: are people saying what because 45 is a lot >__> [01:37:03] ClaraRenway: same, my mam hates it [01:37:03] johnpnicholls1122: A. Shower [01:37:04] zephyr_alba: I've had real pockets be sown shut which angers me even worse [01:37:04] Doperanks: I can relate though [01:37:04] little_aurora_elizabeth: 45 minutes, that water and gas bill [01:37:04] floating_raindrop: There are some coats with temporary pocket closing stitches that are meant to be pulled out after purchase. [01:37:04] KaiSaysBai: wait is 45 mins not normal?! [01:37:04] yeoseulgf: that is real [01:37:05] slybirdz: me too lol [01:37:05] pwerpanda: mine take liek 1-2 hours not even for everything showers [01:37:05] iamkneetickler: THATS NOT LONG [01:37:06] skyblues06: YOU RAISIN [01:37:07] mackarp2: 3 minute showers [01:37:07] seymourbuttsz: Shaving legs takes ages [01:37:07] nodegen: yeah same 45 normal [01:37:07] ScarsUnseen: you're gonna drain the Atlantic Ocean [01:37:07] beaneater197: What's an everything shower [01:37:08] 1958dino: Waffle stomp? [01:37:08] notBeWitchy: 45 minute showers is rookie numbers i shower for 2 hours sometimes LOOOL [01:37:09] davidiusfarrenius: you have a lot of hair to wash! 👍 [01:37:09] Nirvana_W22: 45 is fast [01:37:09] kykween: Damn, the moment when u realize u r worse then finn [01:37:09] maor5: mine is an hour dudeee [01:37:10] spookyhargow: everything shower every 3 days isn’t too often… right?!? wtf?!? [01:37:10] aceavan7: same [01:37:10] Sirius67: Does minecraft make you trans? [01:37:10] Justmessyblack: Everything showers are top tier tho [01:37:11] Luncillia: the water bill [01:37:12] morgan_drui: trans-Finn [01:37:12] TenThousandTinyLamas: i love long showers I’m with you [01:37:12] cedarphoenix: i just take long showers cause of executive dysfunction [01:37:12] uradoptedkid87: 6 mins top [01:37:12] Inkdoesstuff: mine are usually 2hrs [01:37:13] deathstar1897: same [01:37:13] MomochiZoey: Finally someone who showers as long as me!!! [01:37:13] Maddie194King: dam that’s a long time [01:37:14] skinnypiggy108: bro what [01:37:15] ForLoreD: watrer bill crazy [01:37:15] Zynick_: You can now say the F slur btw [01:37:15] ciernaruza: shower warm, hard to get out [01:37:15] deerdreams: As someone who takes hour long showers, i feel you [01:37:15] Zachariash: Living with you and having 1 bathroom in the morning would suck LUL [01:37:15] riverkenji: i love 45 minute showers tbh [01:37:16] jimtag_: what are you doing in there [01:37:16] CinnamonnBunz: Love long showers [01:37:16] thekindredspiritofficial: shampoo and condition less often; messes with the natural oils and stuff in your hair, dries it out [01:37:16] anschofi: 45 minutes of crying [01:37:16] Cytox__: I’m there with you bro [01:37:17] deathbyf1re: im just as bad [01:37:17] astronos_: explain [01:37:18] REJAMALD: I can do 7 [01:37:18] Spectre223: I take showers close to that too, but just because I get in there and my brain fucks off. And I hate it so much! [01:37:18] ekat2468: that's so cute you like to pamper yourself [01:37:19] short_kings_rise_up: Bro my hot water doesn't last 45 minutes [01:37:19] writhinglekku: i like long showers [01:37:19] mincejuicehands: how much of the time is spent on hair? [01:37:20] toastychaii: everything showers are like an hour at least for me omg [01:37:21] princessmihai: Yeah I take about 45 minutes [01:37:21] Theragingtaco88: 10 minute power shower for the win [01:37:21] marty_poisonwood: 5 [01:37:21] rageingbisexual: Nah thats alot a water waste [01:37:22] N0xAtra: sheesh [01:37:22] SanityCzyk: Ever since I started E my showers have gotten faster... [01:37:22] profane_pagan: use a bath then! [01:37:23] A_Fforrest: you sit in the shower until it becomes a bath [01:37:23] bucksben: You taking a dump in there too?! [01:37:25] imSammy4526: WWWWWW [01:37:25] alsoknownas_sky: you became the most popular "woman" time to work for the woman title. [01:37:25] amyfluidgoth: dude [01:37:25] Ayton666: I used to do 45 min showers, but now I have a boiler, so i am fucked [01:37:26] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: coz i take 30min under water, but an hour inside the room in total [01:37:26] androidwall4680: Finn are you washing each individual hair??? [01:37:26] cyphoenic_: I don't get how people do it in 10, I can manage 15 if I speed [01:37:27] Y0rk5h1r3: Is that with 25 minutes of fighting demons? [01:37:27] gaffer2602: How much is your fucking water bill? [01:37:28] Qlowquest: how many times do u wash ur hair lol [01:37:28] danielletg24: danielletg24 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! Congratulations, so happy for you! You've been transitioning for some time now in so many ways, it was time for your physical transition to catch up.. How did it feel to finally not have to hide anymore [01:37:29] f3mmbot: danielletg24 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:37:29] beens5: YAY GAY [01:37:30] onlywizardsallowed0: better to piss in the sink that to sink in the piss [01:37:30] monkeh80: 3mins over here [01:37:30] trinkyi: 45 minutes showering, 40 mins of crying [01:37:30] Kolateak_: I step out of a 45 minute shower like I just spent 10000 years inside of a volcano [01:37:31] OcelotYT: Mine are 45min only because I run out of hot water. It would probably be way longer [01:37:31] MaggieHeels: water must pe very cheap in UK then... [01:37:32] Targz_: Taking forever in the shower is an autism thing [01:37:32] splurshin: i be taking like 5-20 min showers, bruhhh [01:37:33] luckylibrarian: luckylibrarian subscribed at Tier 1. [01:37:33] f3mmbot: luckylibrarian subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang luckylibrarian f1nnLezgang [01:37:33] menacingcafe1: the water cost averts me from nice long showers [01:37:33] Mnh188: 1 hour for me with long curly hair which takes like 30min alone [01:37:34] dk_december_is_poggers: laser removal? [01:37:35] tripod_666: if you shave it adds at least 15 min [01:37:35] axing_: showers are for mental comfort, sit in that motherfucker for an hour at least [01:37:35] CragonKnight: 30 minutes for me is fast just for washing hair and body wtf [01:37:35] blueskydrinking: Does that include the time you just sit under the water and stare at the wall? [01:37:37] CharlesStreamin: hello Finn! [01:37:37] Zaarey: 15 min and im compleatly cooked [01:37:40] Nirvana_W22: I take 45 on a not everything shower [01:37:41] unovaismyregion: yeah, I take really long showers too 😅 [01:37:41] sappholover39: 30-45 minutes but I have normal shower I just like to scrub my body so much [01:37:41] floating_raindrop: For me 40-60 minutes is my normal shower. [01:37:42] Cactus__Chan: sub 10 easy [01:37:42] pianoismyforte_: 6 minutes is long for he [01:37:42] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: 20 MINUTES? 5 to 10 most [01:37:43] willow_bodypillow: omg finally someone who takes as long as me POGGERS [01:37:43] AlgolGaming: @F1NN5TER grats dude [01:37:43] InvaderSquidGirl: im spending a fortune in hot water [01:37:43] bananasandwich6969: that's why you have more than one shower in your new house right [01:37:43] aSpicyCow: shaving myt balls ! [01:37:43] forthehonorofgay: i wonder what those haters who would criticize finn for “trans-baiting” are gonna say [01:37:44] GeraRobato: Why not use depilator? [01:37:44] CarbonDiam: i takr that long and i dont shave anything in the shower lmao [01:37:44] little_aurora_elizabeth: You gonna let Ashley braid your hair now? [01:37:47] SleepyPac: shyyNodders that shit takes time 45 is not that bad for a full shave shower [01:37:47] Avaerus0: Smooth EVERYWHERE [01:37:47] avaquava250: Mate I have to have 5 minute showers to save water [01:37:48] morgan_drui: trans-Finn [01:37:49] macarous: ik y'all are funky [01:37:50] Ash1ey_49: 10 minute every thing shower, but 40 minutes to dry hair [01:37:50] RosieKT: hahaha [01:37:51] HardyOrange: they keep averaging the short haired people with long haired people, not fair [01:37:51] bensrob: yup, it's the shaving that takes the time [01:37:52] folkloric_: how the hell you shave that fast what [01:37:52] bearpaw1970: Water is fluid ' and your spirit is at home in the fluidity [01:37:53] nodegen: i just stand there for half an hour then spend the remaining time applying soap stuff [01:37:54] Rahi_Muktesh: You do all of that whilst the water is running...? lol [01:37:54] starburst97: I don't understand? Visual learner btw [01:37:54] raindropson_roses: everyone that’s shocked has NEVER taken an everything shower [01:37:54] writhinglekku: over 30 min [01:37:55] caramelglamour: I wax so i dont have to shave so much [01:37:55] tobit0aster_: when I was younger I showered for 1 hour most of the time and I didn‘t even shave or anything [01:37:55] jokester23: KEKW [01:37:58] ScarsUnseen: *shaves balls and tits* [01:37:58] tekashi117: what about using Nair? [01:37:59] circumcision_cop: BUSSI GANG [01:37:59] insecureTrannzz: KEKw [01:37:59] qrthulhu: did the hrt stop the facial hair tho [01:37:59] lilithsspawn: BUSSY [01:37:59] pinkplasmalive: how do people shower so short i don't get it [01:38:00] impyart: bussy=butt pussy [01:38:00] silver_shark3: I’m really impressed you can get it all done in 45. I take like an hour and 15 [01:38:01] VEDS24: The *UHH* and the *OOH* [01:38:01] Y0rk5h1r3: So the laser isn't working? [01:38:01] BamALambi: boyssy [01:38:02] asiatore: If you count shaving for shower time that's more normal [01:38:02] blackdevils521: You have nothing to shave [01:38:02] elion3li: gonna get a laser? [01:38:03] rainfallwall: And I love that [01:38:03] drunkendove: gotta shave the toes too lmao [01:38:03] me1ll0: in that voice, every time [01:38:04] Buffyhero: Have you gotten laser hair removal at all? [01:38:04] baslak01: @F1NN5TER Do you know Pewdiepie has visited your subreddit? [01:38:04] johnkeiwo: Bussy enjoyers in chat ? [01:38:06] the_Icelander: Bussy for butt [01:38:06] NamisaNM: Hahah ily fin [01:38:06] kettlecatt: my husband takes like 2 hour long showers sometimes because he sits in the tub between the curtains and scrolls oh his phone [01:38:06] Electromagnetic: its the correct term [01:38:07] AeitZean: I shave everything and my baths take an hour and a half ScaredyCat [01:38:08] NelordUK: Bussy [01:38:08] TopbitActual: any tips for shaving balls? [01:38:09] slybirdz: i take 45 minute showers without shaving anything... [01:38:09] minecrackjesus: Whats an everything shower just a nice shower [01:38:09] MaxVershhhtappen: and how do u shave your back [01:38:09] chryptocrystal: laser hair removal 🗣️ [01:38:10] pinkestliquid: Ok I just watched the youtube video slay [01:38:10] MrsPandamber: how do you stop ingrowns tho [01:38:11] beaneater197: Try do 5 second showers [01:38:12] Darts852: Nope [01:38:12] phantaton: The way you say it reminds me of that toasty guy from Mortal Kombat LUL [01:38:14] KaminoIDK: i do it fast [01:38:14] fecalfriend: new bottom surgery dropped [01:38:14] KDFoxey: Is it just me or the max res of the stream is 360p ? [01:38:14] crowblax: IVE DONE IT DONT DO IT [01:38:15] independent_observer: that's true [01:38:15] splurshin: fair [01:38:16] GeraRobato: Depilator for the rescue [01:38:16] CritCupcake: epilate them ;p [01:38:17] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: tbh i do it that fast yeah [01:38:17] CyanoticJam: 30 min shower, perfect [01:38:17] MaggieHeels: no bathtub? [01:38:17] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: II AM FEAR ME [01:38:18] kebbie4023: bussy😋 [01:38:18] its_peachypuppp: 😳 [01:38:19] titusrrr: it should be called Gussy now [01:38:19] CalypsoMoons: im so scared of cutting my balls [01:38:20] monomoon99: no no no [01:38:20] xero93: laser hair removal [01:38:20] Adam1729: Y'all don't wanna speedrun with a razor [01:38:20] jdmnodoubt: in college my dorm room was wheelchair accessible so our shower had a seat and my showers were at least an hour. I’d fall asleep in there. [01:38:20] CattoLozex: use hair removal creams. makes things wayy faster [01:38:20] avaquava250: Turn off the shower while you shave! [01:38:20] YumeNoZen: Eh, more time on HRT thins that out at least. [01:38:20] ThtTwitchLily: @johnkeiwo Big bussy enthusiast [01:38:20] lordgtafbi: good call LUL [01:38:21] FancyTrashMan: absolutly not [01:38:21] MirahImage: I was going to say 5 minutes, but the shave showers take 30, though, yeah [01:38:21] medical_size9000: I do contrast showers mean you do 30 seconds hot ish then 30 sec on cold for 15 mins [01:38:21] aSpicyCow: i can shave my balls in 5 seconds watch i will send video TrollDespair [01:38:21] sophiebliek911: just shave them off [01:38:21] Ash1ey_49: Most of the time spent is just drying the hair [01:38:21] drunkshinx: nah 45 is fast [01:38:21] boom_and_alpha_yt: I just can’t [01:38:21] shinylopunny69: F1nn is just human-maxing [01:38:21] cerysnomi: mine are gone [01:38:22] SnabbKassa: what is the female version of bussy? [01:38:22] Sableyye: man shaving them is the absolute worst thing [01:38:22] zero_is_spooky: Bro my showers are an hour minimum and I don't shave. I just have depression [01:38:23] TheConcreteCobbler: I'm terrified to shave them. I just trim real close. Lol [01:38:23] HexGrrrrl: I can shave pretty quick tbh [01:38:25] ilikethecold: Skill issue i do it fast [01:38:25] Arnotronix: f1nn being bi and genderfluid helps the fanfictions a lot [01:38:25] mackarp2: I have no fear [01:38:25] GlenCoco39: omg everything shower takes me like 1.5hrs, but I'm a hairy goirl [01:38:26] Cactus__Chan: how has body and facial hair changed? [01:38:26] CocoTheNutCrab: shaving sucks so much, i have no idea how people can do it so fast [01:38:27] duukm: careful with the back especially dude! [01:38:27] ciernaruza: ball shave speedrun (permadeath) [01:38:27] MasonGamingV: ya i tried that... [01:38:28] 7071_haoN: i take like 10mins, then at least 20 more vegetating looking at the walls [01:38:28] Lucianthelord: What do you use to shave with? I'm having trouble with my legs [01:38:32] WillowWithAJoystick: Medically transitioning everything except for that bussy lmao [01:38:32] geminiplayboy: Bro is bi now FamilyMan [01:38:33] handscombchris: NEVER going near my nuts with a blade!!! [01:38:33] weddracc: speedrunning bottom surgery [01:38:34] christa_lyn: Your balls will thank you [01:38:35] menacingcafe1: free bottom surgery [01:38:35] blackdevils521: You got laser [01:38:35] riverkenji: my gf shaves so fast I could never [01:38:36] kirathepan: Genderfluid bussy = Gussy [01:38:38] ChasingSol: yep [01:38:39] johnkeiwo: PogU [01:38:40] krovvy: Pog [01:38:41] MomochiZoey: I shaved my balls fast once, now I don't have them anymore [01:38:42] theia649: KEKW research [01:38:42] Galaxymuffin1: Let me say, as a fellow transgirl, congratulations! But also, this is the least surprising announcement of all time, ur skins changed so much already :p [01:38:42] Stovamor: @2717101295, unwanted medical advice is not needed [01:38:43] Macstronaut: what about waxing than [01:38:43] EldritchElucidator: with an s??? [01:38:43] meowwant: pewdiepie ? [01:38:44] Eromaw: KEKW [01:38:44] Kolateak_: HUHHH [01:38:46] phantaton: Pewds! [01:38:46] deadmandown666: New bottem sergery just dropped [01:38:46] MikeWillStream: AND HE VISITS R/FEMBOYS [01:38:47] TheI3arracuda: LUL [01:38:47] Lily_1624: i come into stream and the first thing i hear about is shaving your nuts, what? [01:38:48] aLittleCalamarian: KEKW [01:38:49] writhinglekku: have you tried hair removal? [01:38:50] sayocrn: femboys is the porno one right? [01:38:50] I_DidAPoopyInMyPants: LUL [01:38:51] seymourbuttsz: KEKW [01:38:51] MrsPandamber: oop [01:38:52] braddle172: Sus [01:38:52] kevlarchicken: KEKW [01:38:52] j0nny_1155: Kekw [01:38:52] Mario11041: KEKW 󠀀 [01:38:52] joelsgp: fuck pewdiepie though [01:38:53] lishoward: OH!!! [01:38:53] scorpx11: CAUGHT [01:38:53] maya_quiet_storm: Veet works best [01:38:53] Nirvana_W22: :O [01:38:54] FusRoDoge: KEKW [01:38:54] Darkvness: nah [01:38:54] ghost_sheriff_: lool [01:38:54] globcob: AINTNOWAY [01:38:55] Sascha_Ra2iN3o: firsttime shaving ballcut NEVER AGAIN KEKW [01:38:55] speckkatze: KEKW [01:38:55] JPyxel: KEKW [01:38:55] Avaerus0: Pewdiepie's a chaser? [01:38:55] 1WhoBeans: based [01:38:55] taelion: KEKW [01:38:55] LVL1Goblin_: YOOOOO [01:38:56] Flip_Dingo: @aSpicyCow Prove it [01:38:56] huskynzofficial: WHAT [01:38:56] cyphoenic_: :O [01:38:56] hazelgamess: KEKW [01:38:56] hierophantisto: LUL [01:38:56] Catamondium: UwU [01:38:57] baslak01: The femboys Pn [01:38:57] xXNeroZashiXx: Nice [01:38:57] RuthlessWelshy: hahaha [01:38:57] slybirdz: based [01:38:57] Snalster: KEKW [01:38:57] AlmondVF: KEKW [01:38:57] starduckxd: lmfao [01:38:57] 1CrimsonPrincess: :O [01:38:58] diggingadandass: hypno trap advanced for finnister [01:38:58] bensrob: KEKW [01:38:58] crxstalline_: KEKW [01:38:58] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: LMAOOOOOOOOOOO [01:38:58] Saymitez: riekelSnip [01:38:59] ZombieTeriyaki: KEKW [01:38:59] axing_: KEKW [01:38:59] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:38:59] SleepyPac: shyyPog [01:38:59] whyusetwitchtho: lmaooooo [01:38:59] VEDS24: I'm either gonna set the record for fastest ball shave or fastest castration [01:39:00] packagum: HUH [01:39:00] johnkeiwo: EXPOSED !!! [01:39:00] kolja_mp4: KEKW [01:39:00] delayedsunflower: 4k [01:39:00] brandt_connors: good taste [01:39:00] johnkeiwo: EXPOSED !!! [01:39:00] crowblax: the slightest nick with a razor on balls= bloodbath [01:39:00] TherosBR: LUL [01:39:00] cheesusyourlord: CAUGHT IN 4K [01:39:01] Umbreon_00: LETSGO [01:39:01] shelledbsh: That's the good one [01:39:01] wyldcardsam: Lmao [01:39:01] avatarhades: POG [01:39:01] ScrapRodent: WITH AN S karlswFiendsad [01:39:01] jamnesia777: YOOOOOO [01:39:01] oof_a_m: I SAW THAT LMAOO [01:39:02] insidecchaos: KEKW [01:39:02] rene877: Exposed [01:39:02] fl0ck9: the best one [01:39:02] nemumonster: SFJIDSFLKJDSFLSJDFSDFJ [01:39:02] garbelery: KEKW [01:39:02] idesofjuno: KEKW [01:39:02] Justmessyblack: huH [01:39:02] JinxyKittyVT: KEKW 󠀀 [01:39:03] f0xegg: KEKW [01:39:03] thoompi25: stop screaming [01:39:03] BongoCatDown: KWKQS [01:39:03] brickwall35: My man [01:39:03] davidiusfarrenius: Pew Dee Pie is a fan of you! 😄 [01:39:03] Xphome: KEKW [01:39:04] xLumieI: SUSSY [01:39:04] NelordUK: Ball shaving competition when? [01:39:05] scarlettyg: COLLAB [01:39:05] dRb14: Same LUL [01:39:05] SunIsLost: CAUGHT RED HANDED [01:39:05] ren_thefox: KEKW [01:39:05] remain_unseen: Based Pewds [01:39:05] itzcheesy_: NO WAY [01:39:05] hannahvmh: what HAHA [01:39:05] empiremaya: pewds is a chaser? [01:39:06] Komnia: LETSGO [01:39:06] Blunus_: @uradoptedkid87 [01:39:07] pianoismyforte_: KEKW [01:39:07] Theragingtaco88: KEKW [01:39:07] BluePotatoRW: kekw [01:39:08] Speederzzz: Oh i post there [01:39:08] nyrhalahotep: it's dangerous to go alone, take this 🗡️ [01:39:08] pancakeTransitions: GOTTEM [01:39:09] SonicXVe: is this rizz [01:39:09] N0xAtra: KEKW [01:39:10] splurshin: he so real for that ngl (cis guy btw) [01:39:10] wack0x: BUSTED [01:39:10] Nilinn31: haha [01:39:10] trisha_yay: MY MANNNN [01:39:11] WuppieF: HAHAHAHA AINT NO WAY [01:39:11] bigsuave7: LUL LUL LUL [01:39:12] FancyTrashMan: Based [01:39:13] Maya2813: KEKW [01:39:13] Skirnyrr: MY MAN LETS GO [01:39:13] batoucrafter: Pewds W [01:39:13] Tordenbob: Pretty sure it was a joke [01:39:14] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: weirdChamp [01:39:15] haprer_: OMG [01:39:15] kebbie4023: yeoooooooooooooiioiioooo [01:39:15] Qlowquest: isnt he a racist or smth [01:39:16] Andromeda42442: f1nnSmile1 [01:39:17] projectfemboy: Collab with pewdiepie [01:39:17] phantaton: pewdiepie exposed! [01:39:17] MikeWillStream: PEWDS EXPOSED [01:39:17] drunkshinx: "how a Reddit post changed my life" [01:39:17] lordgtafbi: ohnono LUL [01:39:18] Moka3321: shill [01:39:18] userduwang: Pewdiepie on the battle pass? [01:39:18] curtis_19__: NOO WAAYYY 🤣🤣🤣 [01:39:19] harrryot: Nicht, comrades BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:39:22] writhinglekku: he's finnsexual [01:39:22] RivaRW: Is this a Yankee with no Brim moment? [01:39:23] SanityCzyk: He went to your sub he knows who you are fr fr [01:39:23] Pheynix: where/how do you get your estrogen? I've been wanting to start private but have no idea what to do [01:39:24] moka_3d2y: POG [01:39:25] rageingbisexual: COLLAB [01:39:26] JanieOnyx: so happy for you <333 [01:39:28] GhostOfAFlea: Probably seen more than your name [01:39:28] diggingadandass: he c an hear the drums [01:39:29] CalypsoMoons: @Ash1ey_49 F1NN came out on madi gra, Its a queer conspiracy [01:39:29] godsbeenswinging_: post it on the reddit [01:39:30] blueskydrinking: Hopefully femboys can cure pewdiepie of his alt-right tendencies [01:39:31] JorWat: @F1NN5TER You're currently the top two posts on egg_irl [01:39:33] austrian_tap_water: goals fr [01:39:33] insecureTrannzz: is that reallll? [01:39:33] RemyRambles90: Not the guy you wanna idolize, bud [01:39:34] JType327Nubian: ehhhhh [01:39:34] alexx_net: "Say my name uwu" [01:39:34] little_aurora_elizabeth: Finn so when will you let Ashley dress you to go out to dinner full fem? [01:39:35] sphagetti__: @Lucianthelord I highly recommend a double sided safety razor, they look scary but they are really good (and cheap) [01:39:43] SunIsLost: @blueskydrinking yea [01:39:44] amurorayuc72: lol damn caught in 5k [01:39:45] spookyhargow: Felix 100% has the OF Battlepass! [01:39:47] beaneater197: Crazy colab [01:39:49] Speederzzz: Pewdipie might have seen my nudes... huh... [01:39:50] Chronos101172: F1nn could be the conduit for a pewdiepie/mr beast colab [01:39:52] Robot_Rebel: Robot_Rebel subscribed with Prime. [01:39:52] f3mmbot: robot_rebel subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang robot_rebel f1nnLezgang [01:39:53] lordgtafbi: his cat's computer or something Kappa [01:39:57] abydon96: Fangirl itspea13Laugh [01:39:58] JorWat: @F1NN5TER You're currently the top two posts on egg_irl [01:40:00] adeergg: seth everman is a legend [01:40:02] umutk_99: f1nn transing everyones gender [01:40:04] HexGrrrrl: @sphagetti__ safety razors are pog [01:40:06] eFlyman: Now that's a name i've not heard in a long time [01:40:06] TheI3arracuda: @f1nn5ter will you wear dresses more often now? [01:40:07] braddle172: Does mc count [01:40:10] lovekaseyj: is this a gay crush? [01:40:10] RogueBananna: Pride100 hiii finn fellow Bi here! yall are amazing! [01:40:10] ghost_sheriff_: not many [01:40:11] puppypancwake: hey [01:40:11] commanderguy3001: KEKW [01:40:11] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [01:40:11] pata_kun: KEKW [01:40:15] ChasingSol: KEKW [01:40:15] estr0genesis: theres 100% chance [01:40:15] cheesusyourlord: KEKW [01:40:17] ramboo1989: ayooo [01:40:17] rageingbisexual: Your on top of egg [01:40:19] giuseppetheboxer0: he wife [01:40:20] Shaebear6: Shaebear6 subscribed at Tier 1. [01:40:20] f3mmbot: shaebear6 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang shaebear6 f1nnLezgang [01:40:20] hierophantisto: KEKW [01:40:21] GamingAyumuVT: limebiWingl TransgenderPride limebiWingr [01:40:22] hannahmae85: ok, nvm then [01:40:23] FelineFemby: kekw [01:40:23] SoapCanFan: F1nn you made me look at that sub and I dont know wether to curse or thank you [01:40:24] Speederzzz: I can apparently [01:40:25] kirathepan: Too had he retired [01:40:26] asoftgoth: 8k views!! [01:40:26] Amoyamoyamoya: IT'S A NICE ASS F1NN, 12/10 [01:40:27] blueskydrinking: yeah but you dm seth your nudes [01:40:29] SanityCzyk: pewds is pretty online so anyone who is posting has a non zero chance tbh [01:40:29] bearpaw1970: Woah Jorwat'🥰🤟 [01:40:29] YumeNoZen: Wait, isn't the pretty nuts picture later? [01:40:31] Ayton666: What will you do if Pewdiepie subscribes to your battlepass [01:40:31] curtis_19__: why are all of the YouTubers obsessed with femboys now 🤣🤣 [01:40:34] CharlesStreamin: fanta [01:40:34] RosieRain: you do have pretty nuts [01:40:35] isabaellchen: but hes not here anymore ;_; [01:40:35] yaboishiny: "Pretty nuts" is also hopefully what i'll think later [01:40:35] ScarsUnseen: i dont think we can make egg jokes anymore. it's over. [01:40:37] ImRightHearted: Pretty nuts [01:40:38] MrKafay: I miss Seth roofee [01:40:38] Helen_Croft: https://www.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/ You the two top posts @F1NN5TER [01:40:38] adeergg: anyone else used to watch captain sparklez old cod videos when his name was prosdonttalkshit LOL [01:40:41] thoompi25: eco [01:40:44] greebowarrior: @yaboishiny LUL [01:40:45] menacingcafe1: ho wmany people can say weve seen your ass? [01:40:46] cheesemcdougal: hello [01:40:48] SnabbKassa: Japan! so even your provisional pronouns are not vegetables? [01:40:54] Galaxymuffin1: @curtis_19__ Cause they're hot? hello???? [01:40:54] johnkeiwo: It's about self discovery [01:40:55] Blunus_: Hello Claydon in chat [01:40:56] johnkeiwo: yes [01:40:57] c__r__j: F1nn? Lie about something? f1nnGremlin [01:40:58] braddle172: PogU [01:41:01] Avaerus0: Most women I know don't wear dresses/skirts every day [01:41:04] AlonzoAntoku: I was just looking at the subreddit [01:41:04] TheI3arracuda: LUL [01:41:05] MrsPandamber: heheheh [01:41:05] OliviaTalks: gotta get the hair wet without tangling, get the shampoo down to the scalp, get it rinsed out completely, conditioner in and left in for a bit, shave, rinse out conditioner, soap, exfoliate, dry off, run skincare routine... a proper self-care bath takes a looong time... [01:41:05] writhinglekku: LOL [01:41:05] beens5: HA [01:41:06] its_peachypuppp: @rosierain 😳 [01:41:06] BerryAndBitty: LMAO LESGOOOOOOOO [01:41:06] ghost_sheriff_: amazing [01:41:08] Doperanks: yeah, reddit basically exploded :D [01:41:08] CreativeMinds: amazing LUL [01:41:08] randopersonn_: YOOO AAHAGAGA [01:41:09] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:41:10] shelledbsh: Lol [01:41:11] yostwitch: pretty nuts is ur gender? [01:41:11] bearpaw1970: There ya go [01:41:12] rageingbisexual: Your taking over [01:41:12] elJorgeGa: LMFAO the laugh [01:41:14] phantaton: HAHA [01:41:14] johnkeiwo: LETSGO [01:41:14] DodenKing: HAHAHA [01:41:15] Jens_LN: We knew [01:41:15] nemumonster: congrats finn [01:41:15] Atamraris: <3 [01:41:15] davidiusfarrenius: well done Finn! 👍 [01:41:16] OstentatiousMongoose: ladies and gentlemen.. we got her [01:41:16] thoompi25: Love ya <3 [01:41:17] ramboo1989: 🫡 [01:41:17] LanaBread: lmao [01:41:17] Geebend: IJBOL [01:41:19] AlmondVF: yaaay eggirl goals [01:41:19] ezk_r: CONGRATS [01:41:21] FelineFemby: lettttts goooo [01:41:21] ClaraRenway: Lets Goooooo [01:41:22] ShakaShocker: LMAOOOOO [01:41:23] blueskydrinking: He's no longer the king of r/egg_irl, she's the queen [01:41:25] Scrooge_McBong: damn I’m late for this most important stream [01:41:25] SleepyPac: theydies and gentlethems, we got them [01:41:26] sapphic_luma: WOOOOOOOO [01:41:27] DualityUK: idk if u have responded to this yet or not, but how do u feel about getting boobs? [01:41:27] CalypsoMoons: your as gay as a round about f1nn, no one would think your lying [01:41:27] PlushGirlSteph: Ripples like bullets yet? [01:41:27] Justme824: let’s gooo [01:41:33] StarnetSys: are xeno/neopronouns cool? [01:41:33] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Looks at r/egg_irl; He's the top two posts [01:41:36] Flip_Dingo: neat [01:41:37] drama_dream: Hello [01:41:37] CYB3R_T3RROR: Im so scared/ [01:41:37] Xenon_Nah: YESSS [01:41:40] Shrek9871: How is your arm feeling rn [01:41:40] gaffer2602: Oh, wow. r/femboys is not fucking sfw at all. The top post atm is literally pornography [01:41:41] AeitZean: Dresses? [01:41:42] Remigan: Yes, catching the Guy live that Made me realise i am Pansexual smaluOtterLove [01:41:44] rainfallwall: where was the post? [01:41:44] kettlecatt: was talking about wearing dresses [01:41:44] Blunus_: ello @uradoptedkid87 [01:41:45] TheLegendOfLivz: you should pin the YouTube video [01:41:47] Amoyamoyamoya: @Flip_Dingo, FANCY MEETING YOU HERE [01:41:48] menacingcafe1: Did you get your hrt privately? [01:41:50] Scyi_: boob agnostic [01:41:50] Crimson_Siren420: Absolutely goals you are honey! [01:41:53] Ash1ey_49: Also front of r/trans [01:41:54] duukm: did you realise before or after meeting Ashley that you’re this [01:41:55] SanityCzyk: If you grow them ourself you won't have to wear chokers all the time. [01:41:55] Avaerus0: So this is further proof that the pipeline is real [01:41:55] DoomMuppet2: how many mg is in your estradiol? [01:41:55] MajesticFvckingEagle: It was something about dresses [01:41:55] alsoknownas_sky: I clicked on the video thinking it was going to be some sort of meme/joke but i'm so happy for you [01:41:58] softbonez: @StarnetSys his pronouns are his, use the ones he says, not ones you want him to have [01:41:59] fiery1phoenix: is ten’s offer still good? can you get it? [01:41:59] pineappletree_zx: yeah [01:41:59] jade_xx2008xx: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [01:42:00] curtis_19__: HAPPY FEMBOY FRIDAY!! 🎉 [01:42:03] ShakaShocker: How big do you think you're gonna get? [01:42:03] jimtag_: personal painful playtoys [01:42:03] circumcision_cop: Bob's are amazing and we support any decisions you make [01:42:04] Bauldyr: As someone who's also Genderfluid, I sometimes feel like someone will say I'm faking or that I am just faking and lying to myself, so I feel ya [01:42:04] HexGrrrrl: Boobs are so good [01:42:06] axing_: what does it say about me about wanting to be fem but not caring for boobs [01:42:07] scarlettyg: People are crying on egg_irl that they've lost the last person they could point to for supporting their denial and now they have to admit it too [01:42:07] alexx_net: "boobs? They're growing on me" [01:42:08] uradoptedkid87: @blunus_ hola [01:42:12] asmejg: get 1 boob? [01:42:12] Ex0dia5: whats your ideal booba size in an ideal world? [01:42:12] fullhdlp: I don't like that egg_irl was right. They call every femboy trans already [01:42:13] Selstraits: PepeHands what i'm worried about is some turds will say you got this pretty from taking HRT [01:42:13] SnowLilyx28: Hey Finn, saw your video and as a (fellow?) trans girl just want to say I'm super proud of you and happy that you're able to be yourself in public. Lots of love <3 [01:42:13] Morganjoe101: When do we read the old Ashley Reddit post [01:42:14] MisaelCapria: f1nn now when he games: loses : normal wins: HAHA A GIRL BEAT YOU [01:42:14] Catamondium: f1nn vs maths [01:42:15] hopalongtommy: Big question still not answered, has Dad5ter got his car?! [01:42:15] andyinnie: i was also take it or leave it when i started, but now i couldn't imagine not having them [01:42:16] Dezponia: Butta better than Booba [01:42:18] Pizzapuntz: you are also doing quite well on r/trans f1nn [01:42:19] GhostOfAFlea: 2.75? that's 3 pumps [01:42:19] thejmcgirl: Hello [01:42:20] gelbphoenix: Just seen the video now. I'm soo proud of you. <3 [01:42:20] Scyi_: What are your bloods like? [01:42:21] PlushGirlSteph: Trust me... Once you get boobs... YOU WILL LOVE THEM! [01:42:22] Crazedmonkey29: Yo congrats fin!!!!! [01:42:22] ItsEvii: did you have guilt about saying you are trans? [01:42:22] Flip_Dingo: @Amoyamoyamoya Who isnt here rn. [01:42:25] CalypsoMoons: maths and f1nns brain [01:42:28] Istanlo: Same [01:42:29] StarnetSys: xeno/neopronouns? can we use them for you? [01:42:30] WillowWithAJoystick: Finn is the Marge Simpson meme about booba “I just think they’re neat” [01:42:30] now_chemical: i wish i could take my booba on and off [01:42:30] ekat2468: have you had a bloodtest to measure your levels recently? [01:42:31] kcryptek: F1NN5TER is the only human who made me think, i think im trans [01:42:35] princess_mia03: same [01:42:36] Scrooge_McBong: when was Finn on HRT? I missed that part [01:42:36] luneredge: delete if inappropriate but have your O’s changed yet? [01:42:36] Blunus_: @uradoptedkid87 eri eri [01:42:36] TobycSmith: Your happiness is definitely gonna crack my egg [01:42:39] Galaxymuffin1: Are you taking a T-blocker at all?? :3 [01:42:39] a_bat_named_rayven: Did any frend of yours be like: wow ur not cis... damn I never thought that. Or were all of them like... ya we knew [01:42:41] anxitement: a cracking evening for it [01:42:41] OcelotYT: The trans subs are also all F1nn right now, and it's all full of love. So much love for you [01:42:41] titusrrr: Boys, now it isn’t gay anymore to like Finn [01:42:41] actualmooncore: a COUPLE? [01:42:43] SleepyPac: of course.... only NOW broken a few eggs... [01:42:43] HypnoHooves: broken eggs inside lent [01:42:44] TeraValia: Bro, you've cracked thousands of Eggs [01:42:44] thoompi25: yea you jumped to high [01:42:45] ClaraRenway: F1nn gonna crack soo many more gess lets gooooooo [01:42:46] bdix727: would you quit HRT if b00b growth got substantial? [01:42:46] randopersonn_: also ur lashes are pretty what names do u look for when u buy them [01:42:46] curtis_19__: HAPPY FEMBOY FRIDAY YALL!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉 [01:42:48] Zachary3DPrints: Nothing wrong with that F1nn [01:42:48] alexx_net: @Galaxymuffin1 Yes he is [01:42:48] evilmagicwizardthing: you broke my egg a few years back [01:42:49] astronos_: PotFriend [01:42:49] luckylibrarian: as someone with big tatas. I envy the ability to choose size from day today lol [01:42:50] little_aurora_elizabeth: A few likely a few dozen eggs [01:42:50] cammythepunk: Congratulations ^-^ [01:42:51] Adenine04: @StarnetSys she still prefers he/him for now [01:42:52] scarlettyg: Breaking the entire BASKET more like KEKW [01:42:54] muffinman1244: You've made me curious about my gender [01:42:54] diggingadandass: poopiez [01:42:54] TaykenPlaysGames: The Egg Bulwark that was F1nnster has cracked. Let flow the Gender Fluid! [01:42:57] experiencepoints: @F1NN5TER The 'feeling like you're lying' thing is literally just imposter syndrome, honey [01:42:58] eisheth_01: Just saw the YT vid. [01:42:58] acegiak: Literally crying so happy and proud for you after watching that video 😭💕 [01:43:00] seymourbuttsz: Yeah egg_irl can feel it's erasing GNC people [01:43:00] SonicXVe: the common power move of going on HRT and then boy moding _more_ [01:43:01] pinkplasmalive: egg crack domino effect [01:43:03] Kitten_Sophie17: Finn becomes the ultimate boss now? [01:43:04] Ayton666: So when is the drunk stream? [01:43:05] gaffer2602: What about Freddi? He's cis [01:43:06] menacingcafe1: you caused my egg to crack a good while back lol [01:43:07] Crazedmonkey29: Glad to see you feeling comfortable talking about this with all of us [01:43:07] johnkeiwo: the purpose is to be yourself after all :) [01:43:07] Cactus__Chan: i crack very slowly [01:43:08] androidwall4680: GNC but only half the time lol [01:43:08] The_Queen_of_Ruin: When did you start HRT? [01:43:08] lake_collective: Do you know if this is like a rest of your life thing or if there will be a point where you're safely able to go off it? [01:43:09] AKAWumpus: good for you !!! [01:43:11] DualityUK: you mean broken a couple more eggs lmao, u broke mine [01:43:12] uradoptedkid87: Femwoman?¿ [01:43:14] AeitZean: This seems like a super personal stream, is it still ok if we clip it? [01:43:14] mystchevious1: You are obligated to be you. Not to conform to other people. [01:43:15] ezk_r: people after watching the video: "WAIT, WAS THAT ALWAYS ALLOWED?" [01:43:15] biochemist98: You just broke mine so... [01:43:15] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:43:15] liliiosa: You're making me crack my egg shell. [01:43:18] t0m1n4t0r: F1nn was the prime egg and cracked it’s ggs for the rest of us [01:43:19] drunkshinx: how could you conform to a gender if it keeps changing :) [01:43:20] vNTCv: you dont owe anyone anything you are just you [01:43:21] Galaxymuffin1: @alexx_net o: woo [01:43:22] ChichiZeKittyCrafting: just watched the video !! Thank you for sharing your beautiful truth and sharing yourself with us ^^ [01:43:22] curtis_19__: EGG [01:43:23] duukm: gender nonconformng trans people exist [01:43:23] ghost_sheriff_: You are your own person [01:43:25] PerfectedParadox: just gotta live for you thats most important [01:43:25] rhiannonjourney: do you have any specific gender euphoria moments since you’ve talked about your dysphoria some? [01:43:26] amyfluidgoth: DUDE I still look up to you!! You're a genderfluid icon already and you've been out for like two hours :D [01:43:27] Scrooge_McBong: is the egg scrambled? 🤔 [01:43:27] td_advocate: The tape holding my egg together was peeled the moment I found your streams in 2020/2021 [01:43:29] Psiclow2: heavenlyLOVE cliffLove barbLove LuvHearts PrideHeartL PrideHeartR tinytr2Alphi [01:43:30] lucidjx: have anytips for streamers trying to grow [01:43:30] sacculent: its so funny that we collectively got to a point that we went 'if he still says he's cis ig he is' and a few months later turns out youre not [01:43:31] MirahImage: The only person you owe anything to is yourself [01:43:31] pinkplasmalive: you dropped the eggs down the stairs [01:43:31] UraniumPotato10: Egg fission effect [01:43:32] yunlily: The video was great Finn, Love it! <3 <3 <3 [01:43:34] sm0hzam: Is he gender-fluid, or nb? [01:43:35] nxt_beatbox: What did I miss? [01:43:35] Amoyamoyamoya: I thought Fr3ddi bins the E he receives in PO Boxes [01:43:35] eisheth_01: Welcome to the Trans Agenda! [01:43:36] cammythepunk: Congratulations finn!!! [01:43:36] billyyyn: You're your own person outside of any community too [01:43:37] MomochiZoey: You're so gender conforming, you're conforming to several of your genders simultaneously [01:43:38] stealthkiwi80: Had to wait for the new follow cooldown but now i can say. Whats up my jude [01:43:39] thedivisionice: You’re ascending to Your final form [01:43:40] now_chemical: just do you lovely [01:43:42] tinylilhorse: youve layed out a blueprint on how to do this its changed lives put a lot of good in the world [01:43:45] kcryptek: i think im trans now [01:43:45] OcelotYT: F1nn5ter is proof that we must follow the Egg Prime Directive. [01:43:46] RenaDrachen: Personally i use demigirl despite being MtF, since i feel like 75% woman/25% NB give or take [01:43:46] lishoward: justagirlProud [01:43:48] quavery3: @sm0hzam fluid, see pinned vid [01:43:49] madelynofhell: WoOWW IMMM [01:43:49] CalypsoMoons: @td_advocate crack that egg and make a omlete [01:43:50] magnus__silver: @Galaxymuffin1 you'd have to testosterone over powers estrogen/estrodil [01:43:52] Robot_Rebel: I have no egg I am just very into femboys [01:43:52] Bytebak: Helped me [01:43:52] ArminGux: Dude just unlocked a new gender for people [01:43:53] RavynVega: Pretty sure i said in sept that within 6 months... little did i know it already started!!!!!!!!!!! [01:43:55] mojolivia: So proud of you Finn! [01:43:56] thekindredspiritofficial: i always just say "idfk" about the gender question and let them postulate [01:43:58] Jozzgo: were do you get the HRT from? [01:43:58] actualmooncore: you helped me [01:43:58] SandMan29331: @F1NN5TER Are you on a low dose for just skin and hip shape, or a normal dose that will induce breast growth? [01:43:59] gaffer2602: I mean about people on egg_irl using Freddi as an excuse for denial [01:44:00] Zodiakage666: What does HRT do exactly? [01:44:01] curtis_19__: we all know you aren’t a femboy now you’re just trans 😂 [01:44:03] MikeWillStream: aspicycow also announced he's taking HRT recently [01:44:04] autumnrose123_: do [01:44:04] megadoom20: doctors going to see an uptick in requests [01:44:04] YumeNoZen: Freddi is too busy trying to get firearms to get e, I think. /j [01:44:05] drunkshinx: you can just do estrogen for fun [01:44:06] buzzyboy: @F1NN5TER how long have you been on HRT? [01:44:07] cammythepunk: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:44:09] benji3oo: Vaush was right lol [01:44:10] sasskwach: congrats xx [01:44:12] axing_: my shell is barely holding on after the video and this stream god damn it help [01:44:14] canadian_femboy: ha, GAY! [01:44:14] mystchevious1: Will you be doing a more complete video of you on your journey and trials? I know people would appreciate it. [01:44:15] nitzkit8: 8.7k [01:44:16] Lucridis: All those angry quotes over the last year on twitter saying you were trans baiting are so funny now [01:44:17] GhostOfAFlea: Big feels. I could've saved myself 10 years of depression if I didn't think I wasn't trans enough. [01:44:18] Andromeda42442: f1nn has gotta be one of my favorite genders [01:44:18] Shrek9871: Cant hear you over the ai cover of 679 by Mococo [01:44:20] qrthulhu: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [01:44:20] StampVoet: So are you going to dress differently outside now? [01:44:20] AeitZean: New gender+ [01:44:21] CocoTheNutCrab: soooooo, boys? [01:44:21] Skkorm: Do a Peaky Blinders impression [01:44:21] CattoLozex: F1nn5ster i know whats coming out on march the third [01:44:22] muffinman1244: Any infertility concerns? [01:44:23] uradoptedkid87: bro unlocked a new customization [01:44:23] ny_cookie: hey, congrats 🫂 [01:44:23] azothenjoyer: God it is so nice feeling like these experiences are this relatable [01:44:24] si7rus: do you want boobs? [01:44:24] CyanoticJam: What progesterone you on [01:44:25] monstorus_fly: just gotta say Congrats on the start on your jerny to finding you!! [01:44:26] ramboo1989: 🍑💥👋🏻 [01:44:27] ArminGux: Does icky joke she cracked you [01:44:27] bluj40: yeah why not [01:44:27] Scrooge_McBong: how long was Mommy bro on HRT? ooh wait it’s just mommy now🤔 [01:44:28] EvryPixelCounts: are you going to continue voice training? [01:44:29] Mr_Fluffy97: I can't wait for the end of stream where you say you're doing all this for the Meme [01:44:29] bdix727: Would you quit HRT if you got too much breast growth? [01:44:30] vNTCv: has your sex drive changed since HRT? [01:44:30] debussy_69: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [01:44:31] Robot_Rebel: Has anyone asked how long you've known you're bi yet? [01:44:32] spaceblob852: Congrats Rose/F1nn I'm glad you figured yourself out; you seemed so happy in the coming out video [01:44:32] pinkplasmalive: do you have funny name for hrt? [01:44:33] amazingloife: quick question are you pansexual or am I mistaken? [01:44:34] Zaarey: How quick was it until you felt a change and what was the first changes when you started hrt? [01:44:34] figlldegrak: Thoughts on growing breasts? [01:44:34] skinnypiggy108: what's been your favourite change HRT has done. [01:44:35] silver_shark3: How is your chest doing? [01:44:35] Ayton666: Have you been more effected by alcohol now? [01:44:36] TwinbeeMk2: @F1NN5TER Do you finally feel you deserve the praise you've gotten for helping trans people? [01:44:37] QuinnCeptions: super happy and proud for you @F1NN5TER been a long time follower and absolutely love your streams. All the love and gumdrops! [01:44:39] ItsEvii: did you have guilt about being trans? [01:44:39] DIBZ1977_: mommy??? [01:44:40] Trohuz: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:44:40] tyerchambers58: are you still going to go by Jude [01:44:40] LanaBread: cypro gang rise up [01:44:41] PerfectedParadox: what are you looking forward too most for hrt?? [01:44:42] fullhdlp: You helped some and doomed others... But you are doing it right [01:44:42] thatfinalknight: thatfinalknight subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [01:44:42] ScarsUnseen: have you lactated? it 100% can happen lol [01:44:42] f3mmbot: thatfinalknight subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [01:44:42] adeergg: f1nn might've cracked enough eggs to be a bnb chef [01:44:43] experiencepoints: @F1NN5TER If I was you I'd pick the day I took my first dose [01:44:43] JessicaCaraKasey: New level unlocked! 😄 [01:44:45] drunkshinx: @amazingloife bi and ace [01:44:45] cammythepunk: I soo happy for you finn ^-^ [01:44:46] TheI3arracuda: @f1nn5ter wasn‘t there a timeline on reddit for when you will take HRT? [01:44:46] iUncomfortableSilencei: What made you feel comfortable to start HRT? [01:44:50] YumeNoZen: Have you had any moments of gender related euphoria? [01:44:51] xavier211101: how did the process of getting HRT go??? [01:44:51] MikeWillStream: thoughts on aspicy cow announcing he's taking HRT on the same day you did? [01:44:53] axing_: u can nut [01:44:53] nodegen: pick a funny date 69/42/0420 or something [01:44:54] dj2226t: How has it affected your body hair specifically? [01:44:54] Pixxar96: Hey I just saw the coming out video and I don't know how to phrase it right but I feel more or less the same about gender like you and the video just made me ... happy, so thank you! [01:44:54] GhostOfAFlea: Yeah it's reversible [01:44:56] ffionbee: hey finn, enjoying boob pain? xD [01:44:56] c__r__j: Are you going to remove the "reminder I am a gigachad" from your start screen now? f1nnLaff [01:44:56] azothenjoyer: Finn has ascended to Trans Stream Lord [01:44:58] evericor000: what are you most excited about [01:44:58] CalypsoMoons: f1nn came out on madi gra syndey time [01:44:58] kettlecatt: What's been your favorite change since starting HRT? [01:44:59] emirizy: Can confirm, was on cypro, now am mom [01:45:00] Shrek9871: @experiencepoints You are 6 months late [01:45:01] krovvy: Pog [01:45:03] autumnrose123_: did you have to get a gender dysphoria diagnosis? for uk hrt? [01:45:04] acutecrimson: acutecrimson subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months! So proud of you Finn. I've just had my first appointment. Also happy 41 months of being subbed. [01:45:04] f3mmbot: acutecrimson subscribed to f1nn5ter for 41 months using Prime! PogU [01:45:04] Y0rk5h1r3: The tatty water will flow again? [01:45:04] reshi88: I can confidently say for about 1 month I have firmly believed you are taking HRT, but absolutely not my business, so just waited to see what you were open about. Super happy to see you so excited 😊 [01:45:04] AlonzoAntoku: Someone in the eggirl comments said the closet you were in was made of glass (transparent) and I found it funny. [01:45:05] remain_unseen: Eh, if you want one there's always adoption [01:45:05] SleepyPac: lets go [01:45:05] TheLegendOfLivz: sperm count? [01:45:05] amazingloife: @drunkshinx ty [01:45:05] Amoyamoyamoya: Cypro is an actual T-blocker with respect to Finasteride or dutasteride which just address T/DHT [01:45:06] thekindredspiritofficial: cant tell if im experiencing the same amount of or more gender envy [01:45:06] MomochiZoey: What's your favourite HRT effect aside from mental health? [01:45:06] isabaellchen: now or never man [01:45:08] MsAtomBun: wait so are you on fin and spyro? [01:45:09] nullpsyche: is your timing for coming clean so that you can blame E for the small PP? Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:45:09] jade_xx2008xx: f1nnRun [01:45:09] writhinglekku: pics BOOBA [01:45:10] gaffer2602: Did you get it privately (e.g. GenderGP) or publicly [01:45:10] ZoeDoesMusic: T-blockers ?? [01:45:11] duukm: u didn’t freeze any swimmers? [01:45:12] Fronarn: did ashley convinced you? [01:45:12] XENOMAN5: What traits do you find attractive in guys? Muscles? Butt? Broad shoulders? [01:45:12] SunIsLost: You are valid [01:45:13] WillowWithAJoystick: You can choose your pronouns, you can choose your label, and you can choose your tranniversary as well [01:45:13] uradoptedkid87: @blunus_ I’m watching u [01:45:18] wetlawnchair: wetlawnchair is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [01:45:19] wetlawnchair: wetlawnchair gifted a Tier 1 sub to t_y_lewis77! [01:45:19] f3mmbot: wetlawnchair has gifted a subscription to t_y_lewis77 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang t_y_lewis77 f1nnLezgang [01:45:20] ash_03037: Finn ngl you made me realise I was genderfluid abt 9 months ago sooooo ty for that 🫶 [01:45:23] CattoLozex: MARCH THE THIRD [01:45:24] Stovamor: !hrt [01:45:25] f3mmbot: Finn is taking Finasteride to stop hair loss and has recently started actual HRT (CPA, Progesterone and transdermal Estradiol). See this video for more info - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3reFDwM0yIA [01:45:25] Crazedmonkey29: Upset you'll never grow a beard now? [01:45:27] ramboo1989: ♥️♥️♥️ [01:45:28] Jens_LN: it's a good photo [01:45:28] steahk: YES!!!!! [01:45:28] cammythepunk: Congratulations finn :3 [01:45:29] axing_: hot [01:45:30] LunaVeraVerse: It is not reversible when to long [01:45:30] braddle172: f1nnHeart [01:45:31] Amoyamoyamoya: THAT'S A WOMAN [01:45:32] Komnia: aawwwwww [01:45:32] Galaxymuffin1: @muffinman1244 Infertility on HRT is a total and complete myth, you stop taking estrogen, start taking testosterone and sperm production comes back in full @F1NN5TER [01:45:32] FatherThyme: she's hot [01:45:33] theia649: you loock so pretty [01:45:34] that_glitch: Cute 😊 [01:45:34] ezk_r: that's gender [01:45:35] ffionbee: <3333 [01:45:35] Helen_Croft: Bra in that pic? @F1NN5TER [01:45:35] bluj40: those are cute pants [01:45:35] itsROFLPIZZA: What made you choose E gel over other options? [01:45:35] bdix727: What are you going to wear when you go out? Are you going to girlmode? [01:45:36] CutiePhenn: do you get the estrogen on prescription? or do you just buy it somewhere? [01:45:36] ghost_sheriff_: Your happiness is contagious. So happy for you [01:45:36] Lostency: A beautiful human losten4Love losten4Love [01:45:36] ShaiHuludBlessHisWater: cutie patootie [01:45:36] JanieOnyx: you're so prettyyyy [01:45:36] a_bat_named_rayven: Did any of your frends or family were surprised by your coming out to them [01:45:37] caramelglamour: cute [01:45:37] HexGrrrrl: Awooga [01:45:37] Bauldyr: @Zodiakage666 Hormone Replacement Therapy, so it...replaces your hormones really, it's not just exclusive to Trans-Affirming care, but estrogen can change where your body deposits fat, as well as making you're hair grow longer and such [01:45:37] FrostieMuffin: <33 [01:45:38] Remigan: Fricking hot smaluOtterLove [01:45:38] splurshin: woman pog [01:45:38] krovvy: PogBones [01:45:38] dangerousruben: its a really good photo [01:45:38] elizabethpearlxo: are you going in phases of preferring masculine vs feminine fashion [01:45:39] Shockwavemecha: Casual fit spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies [01:45:39] quetsiyah_: she is cute [01:45:39] Snalster: do you believe in cis femboys? [01:45:39] Helen_Croft: Bra in that pic? @F1NN5TER [01:45:40] LandoSan626: So are you full transitioning? [01:45:40] sakarislayeri: Smash [01:45:40] scarlettyg: you look very gender <3 [01:45:41] Loelinverse: i remembered that [01:45:41] quavery3: PRETTY [01:45:41] EmpressCard: very pretty photo [01:45:41] aloravenus: you look so goooddd [01:45:41] writhinglekku: das a woman [01:45:41] ArchyNemesis: YOU'RE SO PREETTYY [01:45:42] sasskwach: smash [01:45:43] azath0th777: have you lasered your beard growth or is that natural? [01:45:43] acegiak: Wait what, cypro gives you a chance to try again for fertility later?? [01:45:43] Ash1ey_49: Woman [01:45:44] bearpaw1970: You can see it in your face and smile [01:45:44] yunlily: Fuck yeah! :3 [01:45:46] lishoward: i knew u were going to show that one! [01:45:47] SunIsLost: You are pwety pwincess [01:45:47] KarmaPrecipitation: GenderFluidPride [01:45:47] astrid_autumn: thats such a cute pic [01:45:48] acutecrimson: <3 [01:45:49] KhiralShimmer: <3 <3 <3 [01:45:49] CritCupcake: your reaction when you looked at that on stream was priceless [01:45:49] DoomMuppet2: :3 [01:45:49] ScarsUnseen: cryyyyyyyyy [01:45:49] xXNeroZashiXx: Beautiful ❤️ [01:45:50] CalypsoMoons: as a bisexual im attacted to both elements in that photo [01:45:50] ClaraRenway: thats legit a cute af picture [01:45:50] StCla1re: cute [01:45:51] N0xAtra: damn [01:45:51] xcallaber9000: AWOOGA [01:45:51] now_chemical: ravishing! ❤️❤️❤️ [01:45:51] Inkyon_: DO IT [01:45:51] chriscorrick08: Thats a hot girl [01:45:52] JudgeGold: thats a girl [01:45:52] professorpigeon1: gd diagnosis [01:45:52] DualityUK: hell yeah [01:45:53] DedCat: booba ? [01:45:53] TheLegendOfLivz: SUCK IT IN [01:45:53] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:45:54] Dezponia: What is your most gender fluid knife? [01:45:54] medical_size9000: I'm happy for you Finn [01:45:55] elion3li: girl <3 [01:45:55] Skkorm: Waman [01:45:55] blackdevils521: Fincess [01:45:56] Psiclow2: PrideHeyyy [01:45:58] rexxyrobin: 7 years of hrt. no changes.. I am happy for you but man is it frustrating to know that everyone else experiences change [01:45:58] Ayton666: Naahh thats what the peak male physic looks like [01:45:58] ringwraith1313: TransPride [01:45:58] Umbreon_00: Chick [01:45:58] Helen_Croft: Bra in that pic? @F1NN5TER [01:45:58] brokenbead: Just wanted to say i started watching you when i began to question my own gender. i starded taking hrt in late june, experimenting off and on. i am officially done experimenting. im very happy for you; thank you for helping me explore. [01:45:58] Jens_LN: You're a GOOD GIRL !!! D: [01:45:59] Y0rk5h1r3: It looks a bit nippy ❄️ LUL [01:45:59] neosstuff: proud of ya finn <3 [01:45:59] plzdontmindme_: hrt make u cry more? [01:45:59] alexx_net: That is a girl and I'm happy that he is happy [01:46:00] brownishgold: lysWow [01:46:00] AlphaKrabbe: :DDDD [01:46:00] ogrem_fanclan: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:46:00] MaggieHeels: cute girl next door [01:46:01] curtis_19__: I swear you’re a different person in your photos 😂 [01:46:01] lilithsspawn: Start crying, now! [01:46:02] cedarphoenix: gender joy is poggers [01:46:02] camarada_emy: In some way Finn is now multi classing in the life rpg [01:46:02] bumblebeeay: what hapenning [01:46:03] pinkplasmalive: you look really good in that photo :b [01:46:04] UraniumPotato10: Would would happen if old finn met you rn? [01:46:04] cammythepunk: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:46:05] whimzyplays: I CAME TO SAY I'M SO PROUD AND HAPPY FOR YOU, I'VE FOLLOWED YOU SINCE THE BEGINNING SO MUCH LOVE <3 [01:46:06] Robot_Rebel: Everyone asking about the HRT but as a bisexual man I'm more curious about the bisexuality [01:46:06] cubus35: cry now moon2A [01:46:06] NorableTTV: that fit was so good, id wear that out :3 [01:46:06] Zachary3DPrints: Cute girl picture [01:46:07] ChasingSol: besides that [01:46:08] dios___plan: yo fin just watched the vid, congrats ibooki1Love much love [01:46:08] JanieOnyx: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [01:46:09] krovvy: LOL [01:46:09] guntabon1: LUL [01:46:10] TheZareth: you owe us a cry from the last NYE stream [01:46:10] ezk_r: LMAO [01:46:10] violenthrash: Maybe its time to celebrate with a drink????? [01:46:10] mystchevious1: I can't stress enough that I'm happy you feel good in your skin. [01:46:11] RenaDrachen: sameeee [01:46:11] ratatouille_87: I’m so happy for you!!!!!!!!! [01:46:11] Komnia: OMEGALUL [01:46:12] t0m1n4t0r: it’s ok to cry happy tears [01:46:12] papercrownnn: So happy for you!!!! [01:46:12] LaserM0nkey: Fin, do you read? [01:46:12] benevolentbeaver: allow yourself the tears [01:46:13] Wanesty: KEKW [01:46:13] techytrickster: there is nothing wrong with you crying, here. Feel free to. [01:46:13] Luckyscore: @scarsunseen I’m estrogen and I haven’t lactated yet. [01:46:14] QuadraticInK: TBF, most women don't take estrogen. :p [01:46:14] spookyhargow: oh man, how many gender non-conforming folks here are like “oh shit an *I* an egg?!?” [01:46:14] Helen_Croft: Bra in that pic? @F1NN5TER [01:46:15] Lexi973: LUL [01:46:15] ramboo1989: tomboy girl [01:46:16] KfkFod: OMEGALUL [01:46:17] Hestia_allay: wishing you the best f1nn <3<3<3<3 you're awesome [01:46:17] RavynVega: you def apear more joyful... you looked like you were in pain before [01:46:19] thoughtsofthepast: yocciPogW runagaWheeze [01:46:19] cerysnomi: not really a hobby lol [01:46:20] canadian_femboy: Does this mean we can't call you daddy anymore? 😔 [01:46:22] LightBane_v1: "it's all those apples" KEKW [01:46:22] EvryPixelCounts: how long did it take before you noticed changes? [01:46:23] td_advocate: "The genderfluids" [01:46:24] LanaBread: tbf taking estrogen is not a typical feminine hobby [01:46:25] bearpaw1970: Indeed 😊👍 [01:46:25] jayem97: Gender fluid is stored in the balls [01:46:26] 420kekscope: sowyy [01:46:26] mrangelfire: Wait, taking E counts as a hobby? [01:46:30] Jens_LN: all the genderfluids [01:46:30] CalypsoMoons: tom boy or himbo [01:46:30] muffinman1244: @galaxymuffin1 I had a trans ex who told me it could be permanent, I'm not very familiar with it myself [01:46:31] c__r__j: Did F1nn just identify as a tomboy? f1nnLaff [01:46:33] outg0ingintr0vert: OMG my first time catching your stream live in 3 years [01:46:34] zael0089: I don't have that many feminine hobbies... except taking estrogen [01:46:35] circumcision_cop: BOBS ARE REAL [01:46:35] FatherThyme: PogU [01:46:35] kirathepan: F1nn is a Tomgirl Boy! [01:46:35] LVL1Goblin_: BOOBA [01:46:35] pianoismyforte_: Pogg [01:46:37] aggravatedconditions: omgggg [01:46:37] cheesusyourlord: BOOBA [01:46:37] braddle172: Pog [01:46:37] OstentatiousMongoose: EZ Clap [01:46:37] that_glitch: Dayummmm [01:46:38] PsillyCephalopod: PogU [01:46:38] nodegen: OH DAMMn [01:46:38] MajesticFvckingEagle: YOOOOOOOO [01:46:38] Cattlyn_: I will say, taking HRT made it INFINITELY easier to cry. Don't watch the first 10 minutes of Up unless you're ready to sob hysterically. [01:46:39] cyphoenic_: :O wooo [01:46:39] rallsorts: woh! [01:46:39] ICurryI: 0.0 [01:46:39] rsm_100r: BOOBA [01:46:40] Geebend: real?! [01:46:40] femboyuk: 5Head [01:46:40] xLumieI: BOOBA [01:46:41] dangerousruben: yo reallly! [01:46:41] now_chemical: YEEEE [01:46:41] scarlettyg: BOOBA <3 <3 <3 [01:46:41] SonicXVe: big naturals [01:46:42] Japanese_Spaghettee: PogChamp [01:46:42] XENOMAN5: Is that all you under that tube top in that pic? [01:46:42] slybirdz: !!! [01:46:42] macarous: BOOBA [01:46:42] new_day_who_dis: Pooooooooog [01:46:43] princess_mia03: cute tomboy [01:46:43] MirahImage: Butch lesbian [01:46:43] elion3li: YOOOO [01:46:44] Lucridis: Impressive [01:46:44] dmx908: Are you interested in having kids in the future, adoption or something else [01:46:44] jamnesia777: DAMNNNNN [01:46:45] Xphome: Pog [01:46:45] aLittleCalamarian: BOOBA [01:46:45] amsylum: wow [01:46:45] aloravenus: boooobiessssssss [01:46:45] queenofcloves76: Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 [01:46:46] muddymudkip15: Yoooo [01:46:46] RosieKT: yooo [01:46:46] Xylomn: PogU [01:46:47] violenthrash: Maybe a celebration with a drink? Not to make you cry tho👀 [01:46:47] BrunoBeslag: yoooooopoooo [01:46:47] insidecchaos: POGG [01:46:47] lishoward: you’re a masc LesbianPride [01:46:47] mgza81: GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ [01:46:47] ArminGux: Wait those are real titti, nice [01:46:47] skoralta: Hell yeah dude [01:46:47] nebulatheemokid: Booba [01:46:48] Ayton666: Watch all the wholesome messages come in to make Finn cry [01:46:48] cammythepunk: Real boob! :3 [01:46:48] CeeLosS: Zaamn [01:46:49] johnkeiwo: bobba [01:46:49] Nirvana_W22: damn [01:46:49] beaneater197: Booba [01:46:50] Shockwavemecha: Manly to not cry, Let em flow if you feel like it. [01:46:50] f0xegg: BOOBA [01:46:50] snowysanctuary: yoooo [01:46:50] honeydoll8797: TITTIESSSSS [01:46:51] ffionbee: you dont need to, i brainwormed myself for a lil while about that, but im a woman, i like military fps games, i like black metal, i also like cute stuff, im also a precious princess, you can have it all :) [01:46:52] SolarMaxTCS: @F1NN5TER when you going back on PKA to share the news with the boys?? [01:46:52] moka_3d2y: Pog [01:46:52] Scrooge_McBong: yeah!! [01:46:52] SnabbKassa: I asked you about that weeks ago and you said "padded bra". You got me [01:46:53] thedanitone: YOOOOO [01:46:53] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: boob [01:46:54] Luckyscore: @f1nn5ter I’ll cry for you [01:46:55] t0m1n4t0r: BOOBAS I knew it [01:46:55] AlphaKrabbe: booobaa!!!! [01:46:55] brandt_connors: :O [01:46:56] lecarnivooore: wooooo [01:46:56] futurist___: smixelCringe [01:46:57] blackdevils521: Boobs [01:46:58] m4jorcsgo: are you going to have voice operation or are you going to keep your voice? [01:46:59] ClaraRenway: DUUUDEEEEE You got more booba than meee Dammnnnn [01:47:01] Kenmas_Videogame_: boobasss [01:47:02] Avaerus0: I had wondered how you pulled off some of the cleavage pics [01:47:02] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: "They're real and they're magnificent." [01:47:02] cuddlebear187: I KNOW IT [01:47:02] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER yeah, we have been talking about the buds for a while [01:47:03] abydon96: Bulge [01:47:03] leffuns: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:47:04] curtis_19__: I swear Finn has a new persona when taking a photo [01:47:04] estr0genesis: booba [01:47:04] Spitzfyre: well yeah you can see your nips in that one its not subtlke [01:47:04] NOT_SPALK_TV: NOT_SPALK_TV subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months, currently on a 36 month streak! Just saw the Coming out video So this is the last time i sub cant be caught simping for a woman [01:47:05] f3mmbot: not_spalk_tv subscribed to f1nn5ter for 36 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:47:05] Crimson_Siren420: Ooooo helloo! [01:47:06] MaxVershhhtappen: jesus louise [01:47:07] lampjade: You don't have to be girly on interests. Scuse me I gun go code >npm run dev [01:47:07] ScarsUnseen: Soon, you'll need that eye-tracker software when you see your own pictures............ [01:47:08] softbonez: @m4jorcsgo he said he likes his voice [01:47:08] jane_hearts_xoxo: booba [01:47:08] krovvy: cniKEK bewbie spotted [01:47:09] WIIND86: Good boobie boop [01:47:10] nickelsgg: You can be a tomboy. I'm a woman and do action sports, i'm a software developer, and love all sorts of typically "masculine" things. Who cares, you're you! And you're beautiful <3 [01:47:10] cyphoenic_: KEKW [01:47:11] FancyTrashMan: boob ! [01:47:11] ramboo1989: ♥️♥️♥️ [01:47:11] theia649: jelous [01:47:11] GlenCoco39: Enhance* [01:47:12] pinkplasmalive: REAL TIDDIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [01:47:13] Lazulli0_0: why did you chose gel?? [01:47:13] randopersonn_: booba bump [01:47:14] Amoyamoyamoya: I didn't notice... [01:47:15] pokemontdm: doesn't matter now lol [01:47:15] KnightNave: rooSpray [01:47:15] TheLegendOfLivz: I saw a few bumps and was extremely sus [01:47:15] bearpaw1970: Twin peaks [01:47:15] PerfectedParadox: I KNEW IT HAHA [01:47:16] urchinstyle: The booba is real [01:47:16] turtlezzzz8: before today how many people knew about you taking hrt [01:47:17] CalypsoMoons: omg chat horny jail [01:47:17] ghostieliving: Awh you look so happy [01:47:17] scarlettyg: Accidental booba confirmed KEKW [01:47:18] KayleeSnowfeather: so how long have you been on HRT for? [01:47:18] new_day_who_dis: Nice t!ts bro [01:47:18] johnkeiwo: NO [01:47:18] TeraValia: we all assumed you were stuffing more than just your panties. lol [01:47:18] mackarp2: nah trust your chest press is just crazy [01:47:18] ChasingSol: whoa [01:47:20] godsbeenswinging_: JESUS [01:47:20] experiencepoints: That's THE angle to see boob bump, trust me [01:47:21] Pixxar96: feel that, totally genderfluid, I love dressing up but also shooting guns and fight with swords [01:47:21] aSpicyCow: DO NOT LMAOO [01:47:22] cubus35: oh lmao dont [01:47:22] Lexi973: genderrrrr [01:47:22] ChasingSol: don't do it [01:47:24] Crazedmonkey29: Any regrets about never getting to grow a beard? [01:47:24] Derpsterette: boob and enhance [01:47:26] GhostOfAFlea: DO NOT [01:47:27] packagum: i thought you was just stuffing KEKW [01:47:27] HardyOrange: omg you can transvestigate your own photos now, hilarious [01:47:28] johnkeiwo: do not LUL [01:47:28] m4jorcsgo: @softbonez :) [01:47:28] moonlit__rain: moonlit__rain subscribed at Tier 1. [01:47:29] f3mmbot: moonlit__rain subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang moonlit__rain f1nnLezgang [01:47:29] ChasingSol: DON'T DO IT [01:47:29] Loelinverse: youre braless now [01:47:30] Snalster: TTours [01:47:31] unaffected95: Nah not Twitter [01:47:32] garlictoastisgood: Nice booba my guy [01:47:32] Ayton666: Finn will be the first streamer to legally show boobas [01:47:32] diggingadandass: finnister im sorry, wats your biggest consumption [01:47:32] Scrooge_McBong: organic booba!! [01:47:34] greatattentionspa: It was kinda obvious [01:47:35] a_bat_named_rayven: Sooooo booba real now [01:47:35] bucksben: Oh well, 3 bulges now! [01:47:36] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER mommy? [01:47:36] olyxxd: The Ashley video where you talk about if you’re trans is now in a completely different light lmao [01:47:36] ClaraRenway: F1nn's got booba lets goooooo [01:47:37] PlatypusWithCheese: do it [01:47:38] zombiii: 3490 of them just say: I knew it [01:47:38] whistl034: F1nn you truly broke the internet today [01:47:39] brandt_connors: baomoteBaoba [01:47:39] fei_bay: NO DO NOT DO IT!! [01:47:40] 1WhoBeans: pls don't man, not again [01:47:40] SnabbKassa: ignore twitter [01:47:41] axing_: KEKW [01:47:41] johnkeiwo: nah Juniper is cool !!! [01:47:41] Zachary3DPrints: OMG so very cute... wow [01:47:41] ffionbee: lmao [01:47:41] johnkeiwo: nah Juniper is cool !!! [01:47:41] DoomMuppet2: LUL [01:47:42] kettlecatt: Whats been your favorite change since starting HRT? [01:47:43] AlmondVF: lmfao [01:47:44] duukm: show it [01:47:44] XENOMAN5: Tiddie skittles for the win! [01:47:44] cyraptics: Congratss, might give me enough confidence to come out too lol. Ty for what you're doing <3 [01:47:44] MagicalSwampWizard: Im not gay but like yk [01:47:44] Luckyscore: are even wearing a bra today? [01:47:45] Galaxymuffin1: @muffinman1244 A lot of the guidelines mention it being permanent, but, yeah, you can just stop taking blockers and your balls will start making T again [01:47:45] asoftgoth: Dont feel like you dont deserve to use she/her, you do! :) [01:47:47] Shrek9871: Your pinned tweet hits hard now [01:47:47] Athonathonathon: Juniper is BASED AF [01:47:49] Ember921: Don’t read the Xeets [01:47:50] caelamondorian: Congratulations on blowing up the internet!!!!! GenderFluidPride [01:47:52] DualityUK: finally trending on the positive side of trans twitter ig [01:47:52] healgirl_: healgirl_ subscribed with Prime. [01:47:52] f3mmbot: healgirl_ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang healgirl_ f1nnLezgang [01:47:52] rybameinong: Juniper is great [01:47:53] WashInTheWind: So you're ban WAS legitimate!!! [01:47:54] ShakaShocker: I love Juniper lmao [01:47:54] ArminGux: Kekw [01:47:54] macarous: sooo many shady subtweets abt you atm but beer is cool [01:47:54] Lostency: Have you had more mood swings since starting the E ? losten4Love [01:47:55] medical_size9000: Be careful not to say anything TOS [01:47:55] outg0ingintr0vert: this is my first stream I’ve ever caught live in over 3 years [01:47:55] InvaderSquidGirl: how much do you post? dont make me join twitter f1nn [01:47:58] TrissByTor: KEKW [01:47:58] octminer: thats junlper, they're great [01:47:58] cassiethelioness: Juniper TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:47:59] MissDirection: LMAO [01:48:00] StateAffiliatedMedia: OMEGALUL [01:48:00] CheezieBacon: i knew there was a reason i connected with you so much Finn, im the same as you but going the opposite way sliceo38Love [01:48:02] Mario11041: KEKW [01:48:02] QuadraticInK: XD [01:48:03] TheAverageBoyfu: hallo what we talking about today? [01:48:03] idesofjuno: KEKW [01:48:04] Wanesty: OMEGALUL [01:48:04] AlhambraMMXX: KEKW [01:48:04] SleepyPac: KEKW [01:48:04] writhinglekku: KEKW [01:48:04] curtis_19__: Finn turns full girl mode when taking photos [01:48:04] perhapsxmaybe: JUNIPER is always so funny [01:48:05] MajesticFvckingEagle: Lmaooooooo [01:48:05] braddle172: KEKW [01:48:06] demon_nek: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [01:48:06] MaxVershhhtappen: well… I thought it all the time he/him had booba [01:48:07] scarlettyg: OMEGALUL MEGALUL [01:48:08] umutk_99: femboy reunasance [01:48:08] joegattopedicure: bananacatL [01:48:08] madschtz: Juniper based [01:48:09] VEDS24: KEKW [01:48:09] starduckxd: so @F1NN5TER do we call you mommy or daddy now [01:48:12] professorpigeon1: not femboy [01:48:13] psych0cactus: bro got the E on hand [01:48:13] acutecrimson: KEKW [01:48:14] krovvy: like an audiobook [01:48:15] yagirlkirby: yagirlkirby subscribed with Prime. [01:48:15] silver_shark3: Are you going to stream Celeste now? [01:48:15] f3mmbot: yagirlkirby subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang yagirlkirby f1nnLezgang [01:48:16] CalypsoMoons: twitter literally @ the bitch [01:48:17] Nova9308: No, shit. I knew it when i looked at the skater-girl pic last stream. Im so happy for you 💜🏳️‍⚧️ [01:48:17] Creative145: talk about what [01:48:17] asoftgoth: Thats Juniper shes fucking amazing [01:48:18] Shrek9871: Are you going to update your pinned tweet? [01:48:18] Stovamor: YOu should change your pinned tweet @f1nn5ter [01:48:19] Thremtie: finnster can no longer mansplain minecraft, he just splains it all over the place >>>👯‍♀️ [01:50:37] cuddlebear187: SHE/HIM [01:50:37] johnkeiwo: LETSGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [01:50:38] ScrapRodent: karlswBigwanger karlswBigwanger karlswBigwanger [01:50:38] johnkeiwo: NOOOOOO [01:50:38] PerfectedParadox: WHOOO [01:50:38] packagum: KEKW [01:50:38] mothpurr: WOOOO [01:50:38] yeoseulgf: IWAS HERE [01:50:38] brefd_: brefd_ subscribed with Prime. [01:50:39] kauanaxtriah: WE did it chat [01:50:39] c__r__j: Also, are you going to remove "reminder I am a gigachad" from your stream start @F1NN5TER ? f1nnLaff [01:50:39] f3mmbot: brefd_ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang brefd_ f1nnLezgang [01:50:39] fecalfriend: PogU [01:50:39] elion3li: LMAOOO [01:50:39] abel_tcp: I WAS HERE FOR IT! [01:50:40] ashleyteacozy: I'm really happy for you <3 [01:50:40] esquilinus: thats the location tab, are you stuid [01:50:40] dingosurprise: flippi38Cheer [01:50:40] BamALambi: YEEAAAAAAH [01:50:40] speckkatze: yayy [01:50:40] ch4rc0al5: I witnessed it [01:50:40] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: hell yeah [01:50:40] Crazedmonkey29: Was here! [01:50:40] Spectre223: Moments in history [01:50:40] NamisaNM: Ahahah thats EXACTLY what i did too [01:50:41] EmpressCard: LUL [01:50:41] whyusetwitchtho: Idk if I was here [01:50:41] Nova_Prime_69: we did it! [01:50:41] Penguin_Spy: whoooooo! [01:50:41] Folfee: socksClap [01:50:41] SoapCanFan: WOOOO{ [01:50:41] okayziemaaa: wooooooooo [01:50:41] unaffected95: Yoooooo [01:50:41] kitsunerv: letsgo [01:50:41] DoomMuppet2: WOO [01:50:42] MissDirection: YOOO [01:50:42] aAndrew3030: "they"? [01:50:42] BananaTaigar: I was hereeeee [01:50:42] ffionbee: i was here KEKW [01:50:42] strawb3ry_cow: capitalise the “Man” in woman [01:50:43] GloomyVagabond: Wooo [01:50:43] LordDodo1: POG [01:50:43] starduckxd: lmfao [01:50:43] dijqwodijqowidjoiwdj: YOOOOO [01:50:43] mackarp2: nice [01:50:43] KillemFast303_HD: Clap [01:50:43] luckylibrarian: I was here!!! Yehaw [01:50:43] EldritchElucidator: TransgenderPride [01:50:43] kvstrup: Yeah! [01:50:43] spider3327: i was here lets goo [01:50:43] Cactus__Chan: WOOOOWWW [01:50:44] muddymudkip15: Clap [01:50:44] Lillbarken: WOOOO! [01:50:44] urchinstyle: Was here [01:50:44] hofabii: Yooooo [01:50:44] Zeesium: yo [01:50:44] DrBiju: I see you! [01:50:45] 1WhoBeans: Lets GOOOOO [01:50:45] funny_mayonnaise: wooo! [01:50:45] caspersoupp: WOOOOOOOOOOOO [01:50:46] its_peachypuppp: Her/she chocolate joke [01:50:46] JanieOnyx: yessssss [01:50:46] darkangelsd21: Wooo [01:50:46] AlphaKrabbe: woooo! [01:50:46] sunhorns: WOOOOO [01:50:46] MikeWillStream: do it on instagram as well [01:50:46] QuinnCeptions: history made!!! [01:50:47] durendal_69: Change on Instagram [01:50:47] CeeLosS: Based io [01:50:47] chryptocrystal: THE HEADER [01:50:47] EnthralledRaine: woooooooooooooooot [01:50:48] ClayGerene: WOOO [01:50:48] canadian_femboy: I was hereeee [01:50:48] MothGirlRosie_: HELL YEA [01:50:48] SnoopyDog9086: Congrats [01:50:48] scarlettyg: AYOOOOOO [01:50:49] reiju_mimoid: POG [01:50:49] grandpa_juicer: buenas nuevas [01:50:49] GriffinLikesPenguins: YAAAY!! [01:50:49] DaniPhantomess: yippee [01:50:49] Justme824: let’s goo!! [01:50:49] KianaVCL: epic [01:50:50] Drabberpl: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [01:50:50] nope_not_doing_that: Wooo [01:50:50] Thremtie: the bio transitioned before finn did- [01:50:50] daguerreotypes: iwashere [01:50:50] RealRyal: Yoooo [01:50:50] KaiSaysBai: congrats! [01:50:50] finallychristine: WOOOOO [01:50:50] Popdowner: I WAS HERE WOOOO [01:50:50] eated_it_all: WOOOOOO YIPEEE HEHEHEHE [01:50:50] danjan117: woo [01:50:51] WuppieF: letsgoo [01:50:51] BongoCatDown: WOOO [01:50:52] Ash1ey_49: Pog [01:50:52] Mwthenri: wooooo!!!!! [01:50:52] skylikesaerospace: it is done [01:50:52] jade8703: twas here [01:50:52] JinxyKittyVT: WOOOO [01:50:52] beaneater197: Based [01:50:53] srenesweetheart: TWITCH ABOUT PAGE [01:50:53] bravelittlemoon: I have witnessed history [01:50:53] awe_rora: I witnessed [01:50:53] SleepyPac: WE DID IT [01:50:53] Robot_Rebel: I was here/him [01:50:53] ScrantzScratch: Where were you when F1NN changed their bio SingsNote [01:50:53] avaquava250: You can change your gender, bit you cant leave the nation of baked beans and tea [01:50:53] lordgtafbi: he(r)/(s)h(im/e) [01:50:53] N0xAtra: woooooo [01:50:53] NorableTTV: it reverted tho wa [01:50:53] K2Original: We wuz here! [01:50:54] agreatname579: nice\ [01:50:54] AlmondVF: Yaaayy TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [01:50:54] Helen_Croft: Also twitch bio @F1NN5TER [01:50:54] therealthwack: woooooooo [01:50:54] oliviazbored: i was here [01:50:54] a_bat_named_rayven: Yeeeey [01:50:55] crowblax: LETS GOOO [01:50:55] osgoodboxes: yesssss [01:50:55] yawningyeti512: TWITCH BIO NEXT [01:50:55] Kenmas_Videogame_: WOOO [01:50:55] suicidalgasball: LETS GO [01:50:55] TeraValia: YAAAS [01:50:55] davidiusfarrenius: yes 👍 [01:50:55] qrthulhu: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride MindManners GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [01:50:55] Helen_Croft: Also twitch bio @F1NN5TER [01:50:55] pyrandname: PogU [01:50:55] Xertaj1: woooo [01:50:55] KDFoxey: yayyyyy [01:50:55] Shadow_Yomi: WOO [01:50:55] grizzly_neil: POG [01:50:55] MajesticFvckingEagle: Lets gooooooooo [01:50:56] pokemontdm: WOOOOOO [01:50:56] ScarsUnseen: the femboy formerly knows as cis [01:50:56] urbanoverlord: WOOOO [01:50:56] canvaspainting: wooo [01:50:56] Phrosyn: <3 [01:50:56] moonhoppare: leees goooo [01:50:56] know1_0: woooo [01:50:57] BritishTeaLover: Did the pronouns just change back? [01:50:57] mystchevious1: So are you going to update the waiting screen? [01:50:57] Buffyhero: Yipeeeeeee [01:50:57] Olafme1ster_P1ays: wooooooooo!q!q!q! [01:50:57] Arnotronix: i was here i guess [01:50:58] ducks_are_c00l_1: WOOOOO [01:50:58] insecureTrannzz: i was hereee [01:50:58] tobit0aster_: GenderFluidPride [01:50:58] amouro_: yukkoeXhype yukkoeXhype yukkoeXhype yukkoeXwave yukkoeXwave [01:50:58] ThtTwitchLily: based [01:50:58] fiizzzyy_: WOOOO [01:50:58] ZerschnetzIer: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [01:50:59] MajesticFvckingEagle: W [01:50:59] estradidoll: I was there when it happened mom! [01:50:59] quantumliv: WOOOO [01:51:00] menacingcafe1: whooooo [01:51:00] lovekaseyj: WE DID IT BOYS [01:51:00] Jo5iah_: POG [01:51:00] kingcavel: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:51:00] hundredheadhydra: WOOO!!!! [01:51:01] Zarn13: WOO [01:51:01] tyger_draw: Gg [01:51:01] td_advocate: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [01:51:01] oliviazbored: o7 to old bio [01:51:01] KhiralShimmer: <3 <3 <3 󠀀 [01:51:01] Mario11041: Clap 󠀀 [01:51:02] R1VER_REBEL: wooo [01:51:02] ezk_r: 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 [01:51:03] TrissByTor: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:51:03] pata_kun: Pefforza PogU [01:51:04] xero93: HELL YEAH [01:51:04] avatarhades: YIPPEE [01:51:04] FancyP3sto: whee [01:51:04] monstorus_fly: wooo [01:51:05] SubstituteMyOwn: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [01:51:05] Nealth94: Did it reverse? [01:51:05] bearpaw1970: It indeed is ..😁👍 [01:51:06] Trixx1985: they reverted lol [01:51:06] kale_cob: Wooo [01:51:07] SunIsLost: Euphoria kicking in [01:51:07] Apoth: congrats buddy [01:51:08] JemHoward: UPDATE INSTAGRAM [01:51:08] amensgaming: YAYYYYY [01:51:08] 3ntropy13: put a question mark on the banner pic [01:51:08] seymourbuttsz: I love how happy you are [01:51:09] MingWL: Hi @F1NN5TER how are you? [01:51:09] caramelglamour: here comes the backlash tho! [01:51:09] YilingMatriarch: Now instagram [01:51:10] Mr_Fluffy97: HISTORY RIGHT THERE [01:51:10] themindscrambler: change the banner!! [01:51:10] bumbles19: Woo [01:51:10] 7071_haoN: i was pog [01:51:10] drunkshinx: its in the location XD [01:51:10] isabaellchen: congrats again [01:51:11] XENOMAN5: Change the pinned tweet? [01:51:11] evericor000: let’s go [01:51:11] now_chemical: i’m so happy for you friend [01:51:11] morgan_drui: you did April fools a month early [01:51:11] gaffer2602: Don't forget ig [01:51:11] meiketae: history was made [01:51:11] frogsplosion4: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [01:51:12] 9matthew8: location changed back!!! [01:51:12] CaseyFoxxx: woooo [01:51:13] princess_mia03: did make me so appyyy [01:51:13] perhapsxmaybe: BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [01:51:13] enyashkaa: I WAS NOT HERE [01:51:14] Scrooge_McBong: I love it! [01:51:14] EFHIII: You can also change it on Twitch [01:51:15] reiisguts: WOOOO f1nnCowjam [01:51:15] pillbughug: miasT miasTransRights [01:51:16] judgedame: heyy [01:51:16] hollgersson: <3 [01:51:16] RosieRain: O7 [01:51:17] Nnaise_: update the banner [01:51:17] no_longer_beb: woo [01:51:17] lemon_duck22: f1nnCool f1nnCool [01:51:17] CalypsoMoons: you can use they [01:51:18] KillemFast303_HD: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [01:51:18] Repikz: POG I WAS HERE POG [01:51:18] Stovamor: you need to do the twitch about info section too @F1NN5TER [01:51:19] alexx_net: @BritishTeaLover, It takes time to update all of the servers [01:51:19] Crazedmonkey29: Any regrets on never getting to experience growing and having a beard? [01:51:19] Stovamor: you need to do the twitch about info section too @F1NN5TER [01:51:20] Bauldyr: zentreHype [01:51:21] Stovamor: you need to do the twitch about info section too @F1NN5TER [01:51:22] Helen_Croft: Also twitch bio now @F1NN5TER [01:51:22] amelia7015: iiiiiiii was here [01:51:22] fel_ix665: AWESOME [01:51:22] ImOnyx001: ImOnyx001 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [01:51:22] pirateheavysfm: YIPPIE! [01:51:22] Blunus_: PogChamp [01:51:23] Chisailol: EDIT THE BANNER [01:51:23] f3mmbot: imonyx001 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [01:51:23] progamerj12: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [01:51:23] luddicchurchil: twitch bio? [01:51:24] outg0ingintr0vert: tank [01:51:25] duukm: Woooooo! [01:51:25] Stovamor: you need to do the twitch about info section too @F1NN5TER [01:51:25] Inkyon_: GG my man [01:51:26] Oplu45: Congratulations babe! I'm sorry for thinking you were trans this whole time. [01:51:28] Lucianthelord: F1nn boss daddy!... or ya know...whichever [01:51:30] Rumbidzai: Wow, peaking on viewers! I thought you had a tub going or something [01:51:31] drowsyhuairen: I WAS HERE f1nnTank [01:51:34] figlldegrak: Are there any changes with HRT you haven't liked/didn't expect? [01:51:34] Stovamor: you need to do the twitch about info section too @F1NN5TER [01:51:34] Helen_Croft: Also twitch bio now @F1NN5TER [01:51:34] curtis_19__: go back to the Minecraft streams please :3 [01:51:35] eated_it_all: gemmtics [01:51:35] kenji173: fuck labels anyway just be what you are melibLove [01:51:36] MikeWillStream: and instagram [01:51:39] BritishTeaLover: @alexx_net Ah, fair [01:51:41] caramelglamour: didn' see shit [01:51:44] yawningyeti512: TWITCH BIO TIME [01:51:45] androidwall4680: Felt like I just watched the constitution be written [01:51:45] crackedjer: Hiii L [01:51:46] Stovamor: you need to do the twitch about info section too @F1NN5TER [01:51:46] srenesweetheart: TWITCH BIO NERD [01:51:47] Jens_LN: Update Reddit ? [01:51:48] frost7422: what about rose [01:51:50] ZerschnetzIer: you genuinely seem so happy rn BisexualPride [01:51:50] itsjuno__: Instagram? [01:51:52] DemonicLuci: Breaking news. Local Transfem discovers being happy is pog [01:51:52] Helen_Croft: Also twitch bio now @F1NN5TER [01:51:52] TheWarDoctor8: Ya'll about abut to find how many places you will want to change thingns and KEEP ON FINDING NEW ONES [01:51:53] Spookyw0lfy: What's [01:51:54] FacelessSnow: tweet it? [01:51:55] B_MagicMist: W full mod team [01:51:55] shinylopunny69: Pronouns stream lesgooo [01:51:55] cubus35: twitter banner still kinda fits tho no? [01:51:56] HardyOrange: omg and the pinned??? [01:51:57] unaffected95: Do a transition comparison pic again and ppl can't get mad at you on Twitter anymore [01:51:57] abydon96: Im gonna use the she pronouns for sure :3 [01:51:57] argentvm_: instagram [01:51:58] Phrosyn: ok but twitch about? [01:51:58] wilken_808: f1nnRotate [01:51:59] moonlit__rain: How do i go about starting H [01:52:02] TheI3arracuda: :D [01:52:02] Komnia: new bios letsgo [01:52:05] morgan_drui: trans-Finn [01:52:07] turnbasedtj: wait i just got here, what's the new news!!!!!!! [01:52:07] Nealth94: X changed ur bio again [01:52:08] RDM_NSA: yay [01:52:09] templemel: I’m trans and seeing you having so much fun with your gender makes me feel so good you are really helping others [01:52:11] plzdontmindme_: to sum it up, nothing has changed except ur on hrt? [01:52:12] kyokel: Banner should just say man? [01:52:12] The_Silent_Sasha: @moonlit__rain go to your local doctor [01:52:13] ScarsUnseen: new BIOS is called EUFI [01:52:14] a_bat_named_rayven: You look very happy. That is amazing. We are so happy and proud of/for you [01:52:15] Stovamor: you need to do the twitch about info section too @F1NN5TER [01:52:16] SnabbKassa: on the discord it was suggested that you are now a "GIGASTACY" [01:52:17] Helen_Croft: Also twitch bio now @F1NN5TER [01:52:22] kettlecatt: Trans-Finn is so funny lmao [01:52:23] Cylestria: Cylestria subscribed at Tier 1. [01:52:23] Apoth: Apoth subscribed with Prime. [01:52:23] f3mmbot: cylestria subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang cylestria f1nnLezgang [01:52:23] f3mmbot: apoth subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang apoth f1nnLezgang [01:52:24] Stovamor: you need to do the twitch about info section too @F1NN5TER [01:52:24] krovvy: true [01:52:24] sphagetti__: @plzdontmindme_ basically, yes as far as I understand [01:52:24] Catamondium: terf island [01:52:25] SleepyPac: truu truuu [01:52:25] Inkyon_: brummie tho [01:52:25] ordivides: @DemonicLuci Unfortunately some haven't discovered that : ( (me) [01:52:26] JemHoward: Put a British flag emoji [01:52:26] Arnotronix: discord [01:52:27] clemmylee: ❤️ [01:52:28] eated_it_all: brimtisnsh [01:52:28] esquilinus: bri*ish [01:52:29] XENOMAN5: @plzdontmindme_ and he’s bi [01:52:29] pillbughug: @moonlit__rain it depends on your state [01:52:30] kauanaxtriah: Br'ish fluid [01:52:30] Amoyamoyamoya: HIDE THAT SHAME; Good idea [01:52:31] FatherThyme: already got enough debuffs, british is hidden [01:52:31] kenji173: BASED [01:52:32] Scyi_: wait, f1ns british [01:52:32] c__r__j: Remember to remove "reminder I am a gigachad" from your stream start @F1NN5TER ? f1nnLaff [01:52:32] RosieKT: hahahaha [01:52:33] giuseppetheboxer0: what about ig? [01:52:34] hierophantisto: Got to pick your battles KEKW [01:52:36] ciernaruza: being British sucks fr [01:52:36] ChasingSol: "too many debuffs" [01:52:38] nodegen: im currently in the uk, and boy it sucks [01:52:39] fei_bay: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [01:52:39] Bobbikatt: Aren't they the same? [01:52:40] DG_Airquake: you are american with a subtle british accent [01:52:40] Spectre223: You've probably got space for a British flag emoji if you did want it back [01:52:41] judgedame: pick tranatlantic [01:52:41] MrsPandamber: everyone knows its one or the other [01:52:41] BradyRosetta: so are you a ditto now? [01:52:41] Gremz__: are you miss Finnster now [01:52:42] BritishTeaLover: Pierbi's reply is kinda hilarious, not gonna lie. Can't be a chaser if your're T4T [01:52:43] Apoth: Wait, your PO box is right by my house, are you a brummie? [01:52:44] ashleyteacozy: she can be a gigachad if she wants [01:52:45] JanCla_: BisexualPride [01:52:46] EmpressCard: Unless the British gender fluid is the constant rain [01:52:47] johnkeiwo: Kappa [01:52:47] RedSocPanda: Anglofluid [01:52:47] caramelglamour: Genderfluid AND Bri'ish!!!!! [01:52:47] SunIsLost: The pinned Tweet [01:52:47] Mwthenri: picked you struggle omegalul [01:52:48] haithun: but British Gurls are cuter :D [01:52:48] menacingcafe1: bri ish can still fit [01:52:49] Jens_LN: imagine if they knew you were a Brummie too ? [01:52:49] zavrenost: genderbritish [01:52:50] DaDylan1: @F1NN5TER How do you feel about acquiring le boobi? [01:52:51] scarlettyg: I'm seconding the 🇬🇧 emoji in the location [01:52:51] SnabbKassa: ok [01:52:52] Ayton666: Will there ever be a drunk stream again? [01:52:52] Y0rk5h1r3: Why be British, when you can be Yorkshire? [01:52:53] diggingadandass: ite stretchy asmr/fin time [01:52:53] c__r__j: X for eXtreme doubt! [01:52:54] Dezponia: British is third gender? [01:52:54] TiddySkittle: Cheer100 Im a 38yr old recently out transwoman, raised by a racist terf, and Im here watching one of the biggest streamers talk about hrt and booba live. Tysm <3 [01:52:54] pata_kun: dariomChad [01:52:55] umutk_99: gigachav [01:52:55] guntabon1: The manliest thing someone can do is stop being a man [01:52:55] johnkeiwo: PRESS X FOR DOUBT [01:52:56] UraniumPotato10: I wish I could do the same as you rn, but it sucks living in a homophobic country 😭 [01:52:56] pinkplasmalive: "what's your gender?" "Debatable" [01:52:56] johnkeiwo: PRESS X FOR DOUBT [01:52:57] ramboo1989: boss moves [01:52:57] Remigan: *playing gigachad music* [01:52:57] CritCupcake: So is this going to get you over 1M on twitter? ;D [01:52:57] TwinbeeMk2: That's just your previous form [01:52:58] Meavvy99: @moonlit__rain It depends on where you live. If youre in the US you will likely use planned parenthood. [01:52:58] Lucianthelord: British here, it suck, summers getting worse [01:52:58] PerfectedParadox: the prettiest chad [01:52:58] Xphome: @ashleyteacozy Oh hi :D [01:52:59] Avaerus0: Gigachad is a state of mind [01:52:59] Inkyon_: laughs in bri'ish [01:52:59] Rasz_: just here to say much love and gz nerd [01:53:00] OcelotYT: No longer "honourary" T4T [01:53:01] starduckxd: Its fine that they're trans, but BRITISH??? [01:53:02] Amoyamoyamoya: @Apoth, That is known [01:53:02] eated_it_all: it doesn’t say was. i doesn’t say. was. [01:53:04] Theinnocentbuda: x [01:53:04] HexGrrrrl: Giga stacy [01:53:05] koreanslvt: she is a gigachad lmao [01:53:06] AlhambraMMXX: as chad as ever, maybe even more [01:53:06] davidiusfarrenius: Be proud of your country Finn! 🇬🇧 [01:53:06] ciernaruza: @Y0rk5h1r3 that's worse [01:53:07] mojolivia: "I'm Genderfluid not british" Same [01:53:09] Adam1729: Coming out is gigachad behaviour [01:53:09] rkanjl: Turn the TTS back on or volume up [01:53:10] sphagetti__: @pinkplasmalive "No, I don't think I will" [01:53:10] tomgates911: THE ARK IS COMPLETE, but congrats, out of pure curiosity did u start HRT by buying it fresh for urself or did u just steal Ashley’s at the start? [01:53:10] minecrackjesus: not a chaser anymore [01:53:11] perhapsxmaybe: did dating ashley help you come to terms with your gender? [01:53:12] XellosMetallum: change the photo to that one of you in the black top and jeans then instead of your black and white one? [01:53:13] ScarsUnseen: her pronouns are GIGA/CHAD [01:53:13] juneguild: Genderfluid gigachad [01:53:14] bearpaw1970: My new fan video Quickie on F1nn' making a deal with chat is pretty good funny with what happend today [01:53:15] beaneater197: F1nn will always be a gigachad [01:53:16] KevinStandlee: It is so nice to see you so happy! [01:53:17] blackdevils521: Girl gigachad [01:53:18] buttercupbee626: Just came from the vid!!! I'm so happy for you!! HRT (ftm) changed my life, and I know it'll change yours in ways thay will be so empowering! I can't wait to watch the change and you grow into the person you want to be. <3<3<3<3 [01:53:18] Scrooge_McBong: mommy bro title, still slaps!! [01:53:18] WillowWithAJoystick: Sometimes a gigachadette [01:53:18] ArminGux: Figure it out with Ur gender [01:53:19] Mnh188: insert John Cena "are you sure about that" [01:53:19] woolooloolooloo: gigafem [01:53:19] Helen_Croft: th coming out vid is pinned on the reddit [01:53:21] Huschke: F1nn single-handedly invited a new gender. F1nnish [01:53:21] MrsPandamber: welcome to the logistics of coming out [01:53:25] mystchevious1: lol [01:53:25] uradoptedkid87: u should call someone [01:53:25] amaetone: was it hard to get hrt with your non-conformity? [01:53:26] SleepyPac: shyyPog [01:53:26] bea748: wait what did i miss?… [01:53:27] Buffyhero: Have you ever gotten laser hair removal? [01:53:30] kirathepan: Girlgachad [01:53:32] BgT1990: TnT [01:53:32] Meavvy99: gigastacey [01:53:32] TheLegendOfLivz: you ARE [01:53:32] Bauldyr: zentreStare yep, looks like a gigachad to me [01:53:32] pata_kun: TfT Pog [01:53:33] kirascoffeecup: Oofff the itch you just did is so real [01:53:33] cactusguy2013: aaaa I have to go to work now. so happy for you though [01:53:33] 1WhoBeans: fr this time' nice [01:53:33] Falqun: T5T [01:53:34] Arnotronix: f1nn a giga chad sometimes [01:53:34] fei_bay: T4T!! [01:53:34] 9matthew8: see booba on battlepass when?? [01:53:34] PrincessLinkin: t4t finn so based [01:53:35] billyyyn: finally beat the allegations [01:53:35] RiccaRomano: NO LONGER AN EGG [01:53:35] crawdaddyp: t4t [01:53:35] Ayton666: Man went full circle [01:53:36] permit93: official t4t [01:53:37] qrthulhu: can you be trans and a chaser [01:53:37] PsychoFisch: could you theoretically also take steroids and go the gym while on hrt? [01:53:38] ciernaruza: t4t W [01:53:38] TeraValia: T4T and have no T [01:53:38] GlenCoco39: Trans people make the best chasers lmfao [01:53:39] SunIsLost: You wanted to 'prove' yourself really hard [01:53:39] PerfectedParadox: living stereotype love ittt [01:53:40] lop025: TnT!!! [01:53:40] GriffinLikesPenguins: T4T time!! [01:53:40] baslak01: T4T [01:53:40] wetlawnchair: not gonna include an egg emoji in the bio? [01:53:41] AlyssaAwoo: T4T forever [01:53:41] new_day_who_dis: The honorary got dropped [01:53:41] RosieKT: T4TTT [01:53:41] FatherThyme: officially ina t4t relationship now [01:53:42] josephalfasi12: what did u come out as ? [01:53:42] octia7: no longer just honoary t4t! [01:53:42] braddle172: Actual t4t pog [01:53:42] BrunoBeslag: not honorary anymore [01:53:42] floorboardthepiratequeen: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [01:53:43] Bleats_Sinodai: You have the power to make anyone gay now [01:53:44] JudgeGold: beating the chaser allegations [01:53:44] SnabbKassa: gigachad(dette) [01:53:44] laylasaunders07: t4t w [01:53:44] Darkstar_j_: T4T :D [01:53:44] insecureTrannzz: T4T [01:53:44] vibrant41: are you happier now you have come out? [01:53:45] PhantomScribe: Chat seems more supportive than normal [01:53:45] johnkeiwo: U came out just to avoid the chaser allegations Stare @f1nn5ter [01:53:45] qdoit12: L word [01:53:45] johnkeiwo: U came out just to avoid the chaser allegations Stare @f1nn5ter [01:53:45] drzoron: Twitter bio : Most popular FeMann of the Internet [01:53:46] johnkeiwo: U came out just to avoid the chaser allegations Stare @f1nn5ter [01:53:46] Crazedmonkey29: Sad you'll never have a bearded now? [01:53:47] PaganOrca: Genderfuild, no Britishfuild [01:53:47] AlhambraMMXX: he did it chat, he beat the chaser allegations [01:53:47] Darkg100: so u doing HRT for real ? [01:53:47] cyphoenic_: legit t4t now instead of honorary [01:53:48] LilEeggyy: f1nnHeart [01:53:48] esquilinus: would legit be based if u was murican, cant have everything in life ig [01:53:49] Luckyscore: 9k viewers [01:53:49] ClaraRenway: AAAAA F1mter T4T arc lets gooooo [01:53:49] zachydaiquiri: T4t [01:53:50] ramboo1989: ayoo [01:53:50] XENOMAN5: @bea748 he came out as trans and bi [01:53:50] Laeliuss: Blud is sometimes a lesbian [01:53:50] Ash1ey_49: T4T but there's no T [01:53:50] seymourbuttsz: Is this all a ploy so you can steal Ashley's video ideas? [01:53:51] Cattlyn_: So, when are you going to start collecting a Warhammer army or learning how to program? [01:53:51] RosieRain: tit for tat [01:53:51] bearpaw1970: T4T baby [01:53:51] NYAtKitty: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:53:51] NikkiSchnelle: NikkiSchnelle subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [01:53:52] f3mmbot: nikkischnelle subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [01:53:52] oof_a_m: T4T!!!!! [01:53:52] skylikesaerospace: honorary t4t is no longer really honorary [01:53:52] caramelglamour: (S)he's a `STAD` [01:53:54] Zodiakage666: Are you gonna go back on PKA? [01:53:57] HexGrrrrl: T4T supremacy [01:53:57] blueskydrinking: I remember when Icky released that t4t video and I did think "this is odd, what's going on here" KEKW [01:53:58] filhodoyoda_: whats t4t? [01:53:59] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: GenderFluidPride [01:53:59] pinkplasmalive: T4T WHOOOOO [01:54:00] Nerdking314: Your youtube subs jumped up by 4000 today [01:54:00] ekat2468: what happens if you drink the genderfluid [01:54:00] Spectre223: Of course you're Tea for Tea, dear boy, you're British [01:54:01] stlngds: pretty [01:54:03] ScarsUnseen: from chaser to chased...? [01:54:04] TheLegendOfLivz: femme gender fluid [01:54:04] SleepyPac: pfaioshf [01:54:04] tobit0aster_: Please show the estrogen bottle I need to send my friend a screenshot to tell them why r/egg_irl is going hard atm [01:54:04] krovvy: LOL [01:54:04] c__r__j: "I am genderfluid, but it doesn't define me. Just my content." [01:54:05] BanOompaLoompas: KEKW [01:54:05] dotelledots: I dont know if the jschlatt timeline tweet is funnier now or before [01:54:05] Jens_LN: are you also still GNC ? [01:54:06] mr_pikle: are you gender liquid [01:54:07] Pixxar96: but being genderfluid rocks! [01:54:07] ArminGux: Average gender fluid consumer kekw [01:54:08] mackarp2: MLAO [01:54:08] andyinnie: he keeps what [01:54:08] arkarant: trans chaser (because shes trans) [01:54:09] Cactus__Chan: HUH [01:54:10] uradoptedkid87: @blunus_ hmmm still here [01:54:11] Anuncomfortablesock: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [01:54:11] bluj40: that would be a fun one [01:54:11] ZerschnetzIer: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [01:54:11] yarumari: so, back to minecraft videos now that this world arc is done? [01:54:11] GaiusGoose: don't worry bud, we can still try [01:54:11] rainfallwall: You are abundance [01:54:11] SunIsLost: Will you do hrt microdosing? (I'm considering doing it.) [01:54:12] nsprwolfz: WHAT?!? [01:54:12] BgT1990: Can we drink the gender fluid? [01:54:12] nodegen: youre still tomboy genderfluid femboy [01:54:13] LittleChaSiu: omg now they can finally have a girl on PKA [01:54:13] MrsPandamber: Icky did say something about the chaser to trans pipeline [01:54:13] LittleChaSiu: omg now they can finally have a girl on PKA [01:54:14] rocker_26: WAIT WHAT [01:54:14] LittleChaSiu: omg now they can finally have a girl on PKA [01:54:14] LittleChaSiu: omg now they can finally have a girl on PKA [01:54:15] insecureTrannzz: KEKW [01:54:15] LittleChaSiu: omg now they can finally have a girl on PKA [01:54:15] nullpsyche: He came out to blame his small pp on the E [01:54:15] phantaton: How did Tank react to the news? [01:54:16] phoebe_rc: Does that explain Ashley's recent T4T vid [01:54:16] Gogo04: if you do hrt. stopping and starting those meds can lead to blood clots. [01:54:16] filip_zd10: Ashley said trans people can still be chasers [01:54:17] amsylum: amsylum is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [01:54:18] Darkg100: nice [01:54:18] f3mmbot: amsylum has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [01:54:18] amsylum: amsylum gifted a Tier 1 sub to onlyloseiswin! [01:54:18] amsylum: amsylum gifted a Tier 1 sub to Burbsi! [01:54:18] amsylum: amsylum gifted a Tier 1 sub to overton_window! [01:54:18] amsylum: amsylum gifted a Tier 1 sub to king8717! [01:54:18] amsylum: amsylum gifted a Tier 1 sub to dalarna44! [01:54:18] amsylum: amsylum gifted a Tier 1 sub to Fletcher900! [01:54:18] amsylum: amsylum gifted a Tier 1 sub to zachydaiquiri! [01:54:18] amsylum: amsylum gifted a Tier 1 sub to pizzadoko! [01:54:18] amsylum: amsylum gifted a Tier 1 sub to SonicXVe! [01:54:18] amsylum: amsylum gifted a Tier 1 sub to oddgaming40737! [01:54:20] titusrodriguez: He only came out so we arent gay anymore [01:54:20] thoompi25: =( [01:54:20] macarous: they will not give a shit [01:54:20] outg0ingintr0vert: I love who you are Finn you make me so happy also my first time catching you live In 3 years [01:54:20] cyphoenic_: I mean... trans people can still be chasers :p [01:54:20] Maddie194King: you can still be a trans chaser [01:54:21] pata_kun: KEKW [01:54:21] Zettrex: KEKW [01:54:21] mystchevious1: I hate PKA [01:54:22] c__r__j: Kyle might react... [01:54:22] ZraderX: Yeah they dont care lmao [01:54:23] braddle172: KEKW [01:54:23] BritishTeaLover: The comments on the PKA post were not particuarly great..... [01:54:25] ash_03037: Finn Ty for helping me realise my gender GenderFluidPride [01:54:25] Titansflys: LOL [01:54:26] sillie_billie_: Sippin the fluid [01:54:27] Y0rk5h1r3: FPS Kyle was your BF wasn't he? [01:54:29] zachydaiquiri: Wait which gender fluid? [01:54:29] Galaxymuffin1: @F1NN5TER For personal reasons, do a timeline of booba progress, you'll thank yourself later, dont have to show anyone else, but, having it will make you feel super good later <3 [01:54:29] boom_and_alpha_yt: Kyle likes you [01:54:30] dobbystuntz2013: hey [01:54:30] HardyOrange: they'll be more interested in the bi part, and maybe the ace bit [01:54:31] 420gandalf69: where were you when finn twitter egg broke? [01:54:31] JillieFish: congrats on coming out!! I just realized I’m gender fluid yesterday [01:54:32] Amoyamoyamoya: I think you get a discount for entry into clubs... [01:54:33] Inkyon_: not you showing your genderfluid on march 3rd ... XD [01:54:35] cowboy_james5: Yessss [01:54:35] Bleats_Sinodai: "Gender fluid? what flavor?" [01:54:35] Jauntie_Jackalope: "Is that like, some sort of gay thing?" "Well, yes, but actually no." [01:54:36] Avaerus0: It means Kyle's not gay for being into you [01:54:36] The_Man_of_Sticks: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:54:36] johnkeiwo: Like Kyle said " idk what it is but I wanna fuck it " KEKW [01:54:36] hannahmae85: hi [01:54:37] Bauldyr: example, you're also british 😃 [01:54:37] ruinerfps: Kyle might want to fuck you more now [01:54:38] Pixxar96: yes it is very much the gay [01:54:39] Helen_Croft: you can be the first girl on PKA now @F1NN5TER [01:54:39] packagum: the guys of pka wouldn’t care. the audience though 😂 [01:54:40] Dannymt95: Dannymt95 subscribed with Prime. [01:54:40] f3mmbot: dannymt95 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang dannymt95 f1nnLezgang [01:54:42] rafgaming333: now the only egg thing bout finn is his forehead [01:54:43] claysparrow: @Gogo04 @Gogo04 misinformation [01:54:43] CreativeMinds: hi @Amoyamoyamoya PrideWave [01:54:44] princess_mia03: KEKW [01:54:44] zvrkinjo: We need another philosophy tube colab [01:54:47] snotwebs: is your gender like THE UNKNOWN [01:54:47] beens5: thats really cool that ur gay but WE NEED U TO FIGHT THE TERMANIDS HELLDIVER [01:54:48] Rumbidzai: I think I'm genderfluid. Where can I buy it? [01:54:48] Helen_Croft: you can be the first girl on PKA now @F1NN5TER [01:54:49] SunIsLost: @BgT1990 yes [01:54:50] Robot_Rebel: "Not had nothing" [01:54:52] voidlycomrade: me when women :O [01:54:52] Dezponia: You're right. You're also knife dude [01:54:52] phaser40: Open relationship? [01:54:53] vox_causa: Eternal girl month. [01:54:53] my_queues: And what were you before? [01:54:54] mystchevious1: Ok so why didn't you kiss Natt? [01:54:55] XENOMAN5: You were dating Kyle weren’t you? Or was it the Uber driver? [01:54:55] ReaperH04: Yo, I just watched the coming out video and the "I just don't care" part resonated a little too hard for me. I'm also a femboy. How long till my egg cracks? [01:55:00] RosieKT: LOL [01:55:00] ScarsUnseen: im gonna go eat. congrats on coming out as british! [01:55:02] DoubleTripleJ: DoubleTripleJ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [01:55:02] f3mmbot: doubletriplej subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [01:55:03] bearpaw1970: Indeed [01:55:03] c__r__j: Wait, you mean Kyle was NOT that one dude? f1nnLaff [01:55:06] derPhael_: So you just switched Girl Month for Girl(ish) Life? [01:55:07] Bleats_Sinodai: What flavor of gender fluid are you? [01:55:07] beaneater197: Boy kisser [01:55:08] R1VER_REBEL: what is pka? [01:55:08] CritCupcake: You're no longer the top femboy on OF [01:55:09] monstorus_fly: how dose it feel to finaly be able to talk about all of this now? [01:55:10] LittleChaSiu: GIRL LIFE POG [01:55:11] nope_not_doing_that: Goodnight everyone [01:55:11] Shrek9871: Jude a pretty Gender-Fluid name as it is [01:55:11] afal: Does this mean that your waifucup is no longer a femboy waifucup? [01:55:12] OcelotYT: Girl LIFE subgoal success [01:55:12] boom_and_alpha_yt: you can be the knife segment of fps Russia [01:55:12] Lucianthelord: Jschlatt? [01:55:13] ciernaruza: girl life [01:55:13] snotchtigr: @ReaperH04 its so over [01:55:14] kristinhateslife: time for boy months [01:55:14] Y0rk5h1r3: They had that lass bouncing about the other week [01:55:14] AlgolGaming: @F1NN5TER girl life time. no more month [01:55:14] ArminGux: So wait you were attracted to a brimi, cringe kekw [01:55:15] MikeWillStream: girl month becomes girl life [01:55:15] ScrapRodent: girl life [01:55:17] johnkeiwo: worrunS [01:55:18] smokerofmids: well doesn't being british make you tea 4 tea? [01:55:20] snotwebs: are u still a femboy [01:55:20] filip_zd10: so thats why you got your gfuel bottle [01:55:21] Gogo04: @claysparrow its not. got the info from my docotor. [01:55:21] Darkness4desert: Knife chick [01:55:21] RemusNeo: Real voice Pog [01:55:22] Catamondium: TransgenderPride BisexualPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride LesbianPride [01:55:22] techytrickster: is this why girl month never ended? [01:55:22] sphagetti__: @ReaperH04 -1 hour, it has begun [01:55:23] elion3li: omg hbomberguy [01:55:23] BritishTeaLover: Does this mean that you can be a sword lesbian now? [01:55:23] johnkeiwo: PogU [01:55:24] outg0ingintr0vert: outg0ingintr0vert subscribed at Tier 1. [01:55:24] cedarphoenix: yoooooooooo [01:55:24] f3mmbot: outg0ingintr0vert subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang outg0ingintr0vert f1nnLezgang [01:55:25] chryptocrystal: HBOMBBERGUY MENTIONED [01:55:25] nodegen: hes bi [01:55:26] Avaerus0: You look like you got Flashbanged [01:55:26] estr0genesis: holy sht, the knife thing is cool now [01:55:26] johnkeiwo: famous ! [01:55:27] wulfsbane: Formerly known as bri'ish [01:55:27] ghostieliving: f1nnCowjam [01:55:28] mattyboii: just joined, gratz F1nn! [01:55:28] pineappletree_zx: aw [01:55:29] Amoyamoyamoya: WHAT'S UP WITH THE VOICE F1NN? [01:55:29] Nerdking314: You said you were also working on a good video and a bad video. The bad video i am guessing adresses mental health. Are those still in progress? [01:55:29] CalypsoMoons: F1NN You came out on madi gra [01:55:30] quavery3: hbomberguy mentioned [01:55:31] skoralta: Another bi boy :D [01:55:31] phaser40: Congratulations!!! [01:55:31] pretzelbea: hbomber!!!! [01:55:32] randomperson_5: slay [01:55:33] SleepyPac: harrelton splimbly!? [01:55:33] zachydaiquiri: CALL NATT [01:55:33] madelynofhell: hbomb :0 ? [01:55:33] h1j2r: wait what HAPPENED [01:55:34] ET_Brasil: ET_Brasil subscribed with Prime. [01:55:34] f3mmbot: et_brasil subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang et_brasil f1nnLezgang [01:55:34] ghost_sheriff_: hbomberguy is the goat [01:55:35] krovvy: monkaS [01:55:36] blueskydrinking: Hbomb dm'd you? Can't wait for that 5 hour video.... KEKW [01:55:37] Jauntie_Jackalope: You have a knife hobby? Is your femme name gonna be Stabitha? [01:55:37] postpopcorn: HBOMMERGUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [01:55:37] stlngds: harris explodey man [01:55:38] HardyOrange: he is friends with philosophytube, and he's bi as well [01:55:38] bearpaw1970: It's a celebration 🎉 [01:55:40] FusRoDoge: PogU [01:55:40] LanaBread: LUL [01:55:40] PerfectedParadox: youre famousss [01:55:40] Shal_Grace: KEKW [01:55:40] Environmela: hbomberguy moment [01:55:40] Bleats_Sinodai: buffpupCorpa buffpupCorpa buffpupCorpa buffpupCorpa buffpupCorpa buffpupCorpa [01:55:41] ChasingSol: KEKW [01:55:41] YumeNoZen: Oh no, I'm so shocked. [01:55:42] deathstar1897: Woaw [01:55:42] dobbystuntz2013: why are you so cute [01:55:43] ciernaruza: extremely common hbomberguy w [01:55:43] FatherThyme: foreshadowing goes crazy [01:55:44] eated_it_all: explodes [01:55:44] Mario11041: KEKW [01:55:44] snotchtigr: @h1j2r finns genderfluid and bi [01:55:44] Jens_LN: We knew ! [01:55:45] judgedame: i told you mostly nice [01:55:45] lord_duck09: hbomberguy based [01:55:45] princess_mia03: ahahahhaha [01:55:46] JinxyKittyVT: KEKW [01:55:46] DaDylan1: ITS ALL COMING TOGETHER [01:55:47] TheI3arracuda: Who could have guessed Kappa [01:55:47] marty_poisonwood: what a surprise [01:55:48] johnkeiwo: WAIT WAIT WAIT FInn [01:55:48] distractedcreative: Are you giving refunds for girl month donors???? /s [01:55:50] pianoismyforte_: You just like the colours right?...? Right? [01:55:51] ScalyStar: now that you've come out - share your male celebrity crushes [01:55:51] vNTCv: it was jschlat confirmed [01:55:51] EmpressCard: Really?! [01:55:51] Y0rk5h1r3: He was sending subliminal messages all this time!!! [01:55:52] AndrewSllvn: you need to do another gamersupps to celebrate [01:55:52] androidwall4680: the prophecy [01:55:53] juneguild: <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:55:54] WildWarrior01: It was all planned 😳 [01:55:55] stellaaa__30: Youve probably answered this a few times now but how long have you been on hrt? [01:55:55] Shrek9871: Im so happy for you, Jude [01:55:56] yunlily: Plagiarism [01:55:56] johnkeiwo: U CAN ADD THE WHITE ON THE MIC NOW [01:55:56] experiencepoints: Plagiarism [01:55:57] estradidoll: someone mentioned hbombergoat? [01:55:57] ScrapRodent: GIRL LIFE KomodoHype karlswDunk KomodoHype karlswDunk [01:55:57] packagum: i was wondering why it was those colors KEKW [01:55:57] johnkeiwo: U CAN ADD THE WHITE ON THE MIC NOW [01:55:58] impyart: youd have to do something bad [01:55:58] johnkeiwo: U CAN ADD THE WHITE ON THE MIC NOW [01:55:58] Bauldyr: @ReaperH04 zentreStare the process will begin in 3-4 business days (idk, just sorta depends on you) [01:55:59] JorWat: Plagarism? [01:55:59] zavrenost: wow, hbomberguy dmed, you flexer [01:55:59] dashunde: poop [01:55:59] Gh0stwasused: Gh0stwasused subscribed at Tier 1. [01:55:59] f3mmbot: gh0stwasused subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang gh0stwasused f1nnLezgang [01:56:00] WayneBoBrown: proud of you bro, bigger balls than most! [01:56:00] neondimples: Trans people can still be chasers. You're not a chaser though, you clearly see Ashley as human :3 [01:56:00] cyphoenic_: sink [01:56:00] JadeSorcery: copyright infringement time? [01:56:00] HexGrrrrl: I'm so excited for my f1nn5ter waifu cup [01:56:01] hexenzender444: :) :) :) [01:56:02] alexx_net: Name dropping hbomberguy is plagiarism ! f1nnEmbarrassed [01:56:03] PhilipMooney: Are you going to add the white to the microphone? [01:56:03] MangledPork: plagiarise something [01:56:03] nodegen: experiment on children [01:56:04] graefin_aka_asu: can you plagiarize someone elses coming out video real quick [01:56:04] princessmihai: That you're a guy [01:56:05] Fries3: sinkpissing [01:56:05] EclecticLT: you dislike trans people [01:56:06] qrthulhu: sink pissing [01:56:07] Loelinverse: post this on tiktok [01:56:07] MirahImage: @reaperh04 the fact that you're even asking means that it already is [01:56:08] magicalgirlcharlotte: need james somerton to plagurise you [01:56:08] lampjade: TERFs are literally porn addicts [01:56:08] hhmmmmm: pissing in the shower [01:56:09] Athonathonathon: do you piss in the shower [01:56:09] whydisway: ass or boobies? [01:56:09] pillbughug: Hbomb is just happy there’s more Bi’s out there [01:56:09] cedric_callnight: That pride flags look ugly? [01:56:09] rocker_26: boys make better girls [01:56:09] mackarp2: be careful now [01:56:10] SunIsLost: @MikeWillStream yea [01:56:11] kouett99: 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 [01:56:11] Mnh188: gigachad? [01:56:11] dangerousruben: The pride flags [01:56:12] Speederzzz: Buy houses at the coast [01:56:12] MajesticFvckingEagle: make a statement on [redacted] [01:56:12] DemonicLuci: Trans everyone's genders [01:56:12] bearpaw1970: Sinkpissing [01:56:12] Myoukochou: YES! 💜 [01:56:12] kirathepan: Hbomberguy! The bi's unite! [01:56:13] njbh86: you said all the pride flags sucked [01:56:13] pinkplasmalive: trans flag when? [01:56:13] Falqun: sink pissing for sure [01:56:14] snotwebs: shower piss [01:56:14] Elifighter: british food is actaully good [01:56:15] HardyOrange: you plagiarized your gender [01:56:15] PsychoFisch: did belle dm'ed you for another collab? [01:56:16] Pixxar96: where will the flag go? [01:56:17] outg0ingintr0vert: you are amazing Finn this is the first time I’ve caught your stream in 3 years [01:56:18] eated_it_all: piss sink [01:56:19] Alchimay: you think pewdiepie is cool, that is very controversial [01:56:19] techytrickster: opinions on knife safety? [01:56:19] sodabread5: cameo for a voice line [01:56:19] FusRoDoge: Come out to immediately get canceled [01:56:19] SmashPotat101: Something something minecraft? [01:56:20] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter u can add the white bands on the mic now ! [01:56:20] Pheynix: just steal one of his old videos XD [01:56:20] starduckxd: can we have a finn milk gamersupps flavour [01:56:20] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter u can add the white bands on the mic now ! [01:56:20] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter u can add the white bands on the mic now ! [01:56:20] Slaydria118: The waifu cup colors was foreshadowing LUL [01:56:21] smallf234: they are turning the frogs gay? [01:56:21] TopbitActual: climate change and ocean acidification? [01:56:22] a_bat_named_rayven: Anything you are most excited about for the next couple days after your coming out [01:56:22] cesmec: so the trans flag was actually too pretty to resist :D [01:56:22] mystchevious1: Please don't be political. [01:56:22] skylikesaerospace: What’s your opinion about pineapple on pizza? [01:56:23] Rumbidzai: Call Filian. She just VIPed you and you banned her mod, lol [01:56:23] dfenderoftheuniverse: finn plagiarised coming out from icky [01:56:23] queewe: Pladiarise your gender [01:56:24] Inkyon_: uhh autofelito? XD [01:56:25] NotAnOtter56: dogs or cats? [01:56:25] MyucelFoalan: Denying that short people exist [01:56:25] gerglingson: Myst isn't very good [01:56:25] MikeWillStream: guy* [01:56:27] astronos_: LUL LUL LUL [01:56:27] alex_white_owo: did you plagiarise your gender…? [01:56:27] experiencepoints: @F1NN5TER Just straight up reupload one of his videos [01:56:28] gamertwtch: Class struggle of sink pisser's, marginalized community [01:56:28] Zeon_Kitten: little671Blush [01:56:28] scarlettyg: You're a guy when it comes to sink pissing [01:56:29] phantaton: I'll bring back an oldie: white and gold or blue and black dress? [01:56:30] sunkibs: congrats on da coming out finn TransgenderPride [01:56:30] taelion: just send him some hate you get so he can incorporate it in a vid [01:56:30] bigbugsforyou: It's so interesting seeing people's changes on hrt, it fascinates me [01:56:31] zavrenost: cancelation time [01:56:32] synchronizeyourdogs: You could larp as a transmedicalist while also being genderfluid [01:56:32] forthehonorofgay: plagiarize ashley’s content [01:56:33] Dezponia: This GIRL flips her knife WRONG! [01:56:36] johnkeiwo: !pobox [01:56:36] f3mmbot: Hey Chat! Do you want to send things to Rose? Here is the PO BOX address: Rose Evergreen, Po box 17839, Oldbury, B69 9GN, United Kingdom. NOTE: Finn lives in the UK so if you want to send clothes it will be easier if you send them from www.amazon.co.uk Otherwise they could be stuck at customs. [01:56:40] VEDS24: Sometimes™ [01:56:41] lampjade: Italy isn't real; it can't hurt you. [01:56:44] Mnh188: sink pisser? [01:56:45] CalypsoMoons: white bands? [01:56:47] OcelotYT: Change the bands to the genderfluid colours on the mic [01:56:47] afal: Hey f1nn I'm a mod on hbomberguy's discord. I could totally bother hbomb to make a video on you [01:56:48] ClaraRenway: "I'm a guy ASTREISK" [01:56:51] whistl034: you're not plagerizing, you're leveling UP! [01:56:52] krovvy: LOL [01:56:52] ChasingSol: hahaha [01:56:52] axing_: KEKW [01:56:53] aSpicyCow: CAN I SEE [01:56:53] FusRoDoge: LMAO [01:56:53] Gh0stwasused: I KNEW IT [01:56:53] fecalfriend: KEKW yeah [01:56:53] eated_it_all: piss sinker [01:56:54] XENOMAN5: Say you invented the Theory of Realitivity [01:56:55] xero93: you wouldn't download a gender [01:56:55] Inkyon_: HAHAHAHA [01:56:55] mackarp2: YOOOOO [01:56:55] lop025: KEKW [01:56:56] braddle172: KEKW [01:56:56] KDFoxey: LUL LUL LUL [01:56:56] insecureTrannzz: KEKW [01:56:56] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [01:56:56] BerryAndBitty: LMAO [01:56:56] nsprwolfz: LUL [01:56:57] Derpsterette: KEKW [01:56:57] johnkeiwo: Welcome to being a girl KEKW [01:56:57] AlmondVF: KEKW [01:56:57] nodegen: so sweet [01:56:57] ZerschnetzIer: KEKW [01:56:57] sheldonq1: LOL [01:56:57] ArminGux: Hehehehhe, welcome to womenhood [01:56:58] blueskydrinking: NotLikeThis [01:56:58] Elifighter: lmao [01:56:59] 1WhoBeans: KEKW [01:56:59] FancyTrashMan: KEKW [01:56:59] TheProblem1: Ah yes, the duality of man [01:57:00] TheI3arracuda: KEKW [01:57:00] louro_078: lmao [01:57:00] xLumieI: LUL [01:57:00] new_day_who_dis: Official woman now [01:57:01] ipirate9: KEKW [01:57:01] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:57:02] TheLegendOfLivz: love that for you [01:57:02] walma69420: LUL LUL [01:57:02] unaffected95: That could still make you cry [01:57:03] Popdowner: LUL THERE WE GO [01:57:03] ogrem_fanclan: sent with Love [01:57:04] HexGrrrrl: Welcome to being a girl [01:57:05] Xphome: KEKW [01:57:05] JudgeGold: welcome [01:57:05] revin___: KEKW [01:57:05] SnabbKassa: the DMs have changed immediately?! [01:57:05] AlhambraMMXX: twitter moment KEKW [01:57:05] Azypok: TransgenderPride [01:57:06] cyphoenic_: KEKW [01:57:06] Huschke: haha true [01:57:07] idesofjuno: LUL [01:57:07] aceavan7: f1nnNomods [01:57:07] ChasingSol: so you're saying there's a chance [01:57:08] rybameinong: You coming out is the second biggest thing that happened to the trans community today (new Contrapoints video comes first) [01:57:08] Ashes_2Ashes_: [01:57:08] kolja_mp4: KEKW [01:57:08] crawdaddyp: WELCOEM TO WOMANHOOD [01:57:08] qrthulhu: 💀 [01:57:08] Quatroid_: KEKW [01:57:08] MikeWillStream: KEKW [01:57:09] bluj40: theres always one [01:57:10] Zettrex: KEKW [01:57:10] Jauntie_Jackalope: KEKW [01:57:10] heta_6: Took the chance [01:57:10] Doperanks: well that was fast, LUL [01:57:10] outg0ingintr0vert: f1nnGross f1nnGross f1nnGross [01:57:10] smokerofmids: Okay but when you get knighted? What title now?! [01:57:11] AeitZean: LUL LUL LUL [01:57:12] blackcat11111111: at least one [01:57:12] nyrhalahotep: 😂😂😂😂 [01:57:12] Jens_LN: The !pobox should be updated to not have rose in it anymore ? [01:57:12] estradidoll: call him out for calling Luke the most f***able twink and see if you make it in Kappa [01:57:12] moka_3d2y: KEKW [01:57:13] InvaderSquidGirl: haha [01:57:13] ezk_r: @ClaraRenway that's a great way to put it [01:57:13] starduckxd: we all love finn [01:57:13] Despick_: true gender affirmation [01:57:14] neondimples: Ewwwwphoria? [01:57:14] ScrantzScratch: Guy went "My time has come" [01:57:14] Zombie_cow: LUL [01:57:14] f0xegg: KEKW [01:57:14] DarrigoTR: Only one? bull [01:57:14] Lucianthelord: Congratulations, its official [01:57:14] cedric_callnight: The true woman experience [01:57:14] KaminoIDK: LUL [01:57:15] raptorvfx: genderfluid are just greedy, like pick a lane bro /s [01:57:15] Ash1ey_49: What do you think of philosophy tube's movie? [01:57:15] the_oracie: "SAY LESS" [01:57:15] MrsPandamber: oh internet... never change [01:57:15] RealRyal: Kekw [01:57:15] Astrophel_Hollow_Devourer: KEKW [01:57:15] princessmihai: F1NN can steal being a princess from me if it gets you on hbomberguy [01:57:16] Avaerus0: So she's a girl now? Dick pic sent. [01:57:16] kettlecatt: GIRL DETECTED *dic pic* [01:57:17] Zeesium: damn [01:57:17] Mario11041: LUL [01:57:17] Knikian: KEKW [01:57:17] AKingsRoar: LUL [01:57:18] Aesb3th: Aesb3th subscribed with Prime. [01:57:18] f3mmbot: aesb3th subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang aesb3th f1nnLezgang [01:57:19] hierophantisto: Some people huh KEKW [01:57:19] eveiyn_claire: The more things change the more they stay the same [01:57:20] ciernaruza: you miss 100% of the shots you don't take [01:57:20] durendal_69: What Abigail said? [01:57:20] bearpaw1970: Lmao that's so what a lady would say [01:57:20] YumeNoZen: Ask them why they sent a picture of a micro one? [01:57:21] elion3li: trans inclusive misogyny [01:57:21] ArchyNemesis: Truly the female experience [01:57:22] BritishTeaLover: Sounds perfect for /r/ewwphoria [01:57:23] distractedcreative: I have a chance! [01:57:23] Y0rk5h1r3: So were you not as oblivious as you made out to guys hitting on you? [01:57:23] menacingcafe1: welcome to girlhood [01:57:23] Bleats_Sinodai: buffpupDone [01:57:24] GlenCoco39: Have your thoughts on Rose changed? [01:57:24] TheWarDoctor8: I'd hope you got a lot of great DMs after all this bc of the shit you've also been put through [01:57:24] Pixxar96: guy took his chances [01:57:26] CalypsoMoons: who was it [01:57:26] Mr_Fluffy97: KEKW KEKW [01:57:26] HardyOrange: "it's not gay and he says he's bi, it's time to send the pick!" [01:57:27] ekat2468: I'm kinda surprised you hadn't received those before lol [01:57:29] OcelotYT: Send one back lol [01:57:29] eufjas: was he the first tho? [01:57:30] MajesticFvckingEagle: Bro saw the first opportunity of misogyny at F1nn and RAN with it KEKW [01:57:31] actualmooncore: the quantum dick pick. it both is and isnt gay [01:57:32] vengeful_trader: to be expected [01:57:32] Dezponia: Probably had to use the zoom lense! [01:57:34] sucama101: It's only gay sometimes you gotta guess when [01:57:36] SonicXVe: "is genderfluid gay" [01:57:36] ClaraRenway: Be the Alpha send a dic pic back [01:57:38] itsCozyinhere: is gender 'fluid'? [01:57:39] 1devenk: first ewphoria??? [01:57:41] spaceblob852: Can F1nn be gay given he's genderfluid [01:57:41] aggravatedconditions: yes [01:57:42] professorpigeon1: yeeeees [01:57:42] Amoyamoyamoya: Is Monster White the actual Gender Fluid? [01:57:43] Emilyosz: Emilyosz subscribed with Prime. [01:57:43] f3mmbot: emilyosz subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang emilyosz f1nnLezgang [01:57:43] XENOMAN5: Yep, the internet has accepted you as a woman [01:57:43] forthehonorofgay: its only gay between the hours of 12 and 12 [01:57:46] MrsPandamber: but what does it taste like [01:57:46] starduckxd: gender euphoria from mysogyny [01:57:47] SanityCzyk: SanityCzyk is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [01:57:47] f3mmbot: sanityczyk has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [01:57:47] SanityCzyk: SanityCzyk gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cos_playing! [01:57:47] SanityCzyk: SanityCzyk gifted a Tier 1 sub to Unit4to! [01:57:47] SanityCzyk: SanityCzyk gifted a Tier 1 sub to Xemeleon! [01:57:47] SanityCzyk: SanityCzyk gifted a Tier 1 sub to AntonWHO! [01:57:47] SanityCzyk: SanityCzyk gifted a Tier 1 sub to wharghol! [01:57:47] CritCupcake: gender fluid is trans [01:57:47] BgT1990: yes [01:57:47] claysparrow: yes trans is an *umbrella* [01:57:47] Adam1729: Are you real f1nn? [01:57:48] JanCla_: where can i buy this gender fluid [01:57:49] snotwebs: what does gender fluid taste like [01:57:49] johnkeiwo: it's under the trans umbrella [01:57:50] Athonathonathon: I would consider Trans = "not cisgender" [01:57:50] HexGrrrrl: White monster is the gender fluid [01:57:50] nyrhalahotep: is gender fluid tasty? [01:57:50] MasterBelial: You can buy gender fluid for an 8 ball. [01:57:52] Avaerus0: It's beyond trans? [01:57:52] RemusNeo: Like an eldritch god! [01:57:53] menacingcafe1: so when is genderGas coming? [01:57:53] 420kekscope: can you drink gender fluid? [01:57:55] jane_hearts_xoxo: Remember when you stabbed that Blahaj to death? [01:57:55] LW_FakeMassiah: ???? [01:57:55] Statdk: quantum gender??? [01:57:55] cedarphoenix: rip me, i need to go to jiffy lube to get my gender fluid changed [01:57:56] ScarsUnseen: you give off giant non-binary vibes, but that's your call. [01:57:57] Orionidos: yes trans is an umbrella term [01:57:57] unaffected95: It is trans (especially if you want it to be) [01:57:57] TheWarDoctor8: GF can be considered both trans and nonbinary [01:57:59] blackcat11111111: the gender fluid is real ?! [01:58:00] cyphoenic_: anything non cis is trans, so yes [01:58:00] beaneater197: It's only a little bit gay [01:58:00] jimtag_: it’s an umbrellllllla [01:58:01] Popdowner: usually if its not cis, its under the trans umbrella yea [01:58:01] Cuttlefr3sh: Cheer100 Does the long hair ever get really annoying, or have you ever wanted to cut it off lol [01:58:01] OcelotYT: It's technically underneath the Trans Umbrella(tm) but you be you [01:58:02] pinkplasmalive: bro heard the news and knew exactly what he was gonna do [01:58:02] CalypsoMoons: Did ashley help you come out [01:58:02] Amoyamoyamoya: [01:58:02] durendal_69: Bro is on hrt and still says no trans [01:58:02] buttercupbee626: Yes, youre not cisgender [01:58:03] nefersoka: Gendersolid [01:58:03] pyrandname: depends what you want to call it [01:58:04] Benjatrack: flag [01:58:04] yunlily: Trans 2.9 [01:58:05] qrthulhu: supertrans [01:58:05] GhostOfAFlea: yeah, if you weren't born to it, it's trans [01:58:07] call_me_kashi: Again, Schroeder's human [01:58:07] Falqun: you trans-cended the binary KEKW [01:58:08] DaDylan1: AYO [01:58:08] SunIsLost: @ScarsUnseen yea [01:58:08] alexx_net: genderfluid can be trans, but isn't always [01:58:09] Aesb3th: F1NN5TER GenderFluid goes into your TransMission [01:58:09] pepagg8: Trans + [01:58:10] guntabon1: finn paid for Trans+ [01:58:10] RiccaRomano: wait, genderfluid finnster, technecally trans, and she isnt wearing the little for big outfit? quick someone send her a pack of ABU bunnyhopps Cheer100 [01:58:11] LanaBread: LUL [01:58:11] neondimples: Extragender [01:58:11] Y0rk5h1r3: Trans Plus [01:58:11] eated_it_all: the definition of cis is not trans so it gets tricky [01:58:11] Galaxymuffin1: @F1NN5TER You laugh but, welcome to being a woman on the internet, you'll get at least 200% more dick pics in your inbox, it's extremely cringe [01:58:11] SonicXVe: theres your hbomberguy hook [01:58:11] johnkeiwo: DISCOURSE KEKW [01:58:12] Gh0stwasused: thats wild [01:58:13] smallgodguido123: [01:58:14] WillowWithAJoystick: Unless you were assigned genderfluid at birth, being genderfluid is trans [01:58:14] blueish4: getting prestige in trans [01:58:14] professorpigeon1: trans girl here yes you are [01:58:15] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [01:58:15] drunkshinx: the answer is "do you want it to be?" [01:58:15] Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnSad f1nnHeart cakejuSharko cakejuComfy [01:58:15] elion3li: the coolest [01:58:15] morgan_drui: they are like Finn is bi send D [01:58:16] TemptedSpirit_: trans means not cis (no hrt required) [01:58:16] purplehaze__o: damn [01:58:16] Melody_Silverpaw: "better" 😭 [01:58:16] ClaraRenway: If you're not cis you're kinda trans [01:58:16] OmsX8O: f1nnLaff [01:58:17] bearpaw1970: Madam mistique [01:58:18] TheYishai: congrats !!!!! [01:58:18] Budelius: You have ascended [01:58:18] ChasingSol: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnHeart TransgenderPride flippi38Love soluskLove stovamLove yokasiHeart [01:58:18] BgT1990: non binaries are opting out [01:58:18] Bleats_Sinodai: Cisn't [01:58:18] thoughtsofthepast: yocciNoted runagaWheeze [01:58:18] kirathepan: Gender plasma [01:58:19] braddle172: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [01:58:19] Kullax: What type of quiz can F1nn and Ashley make content out of now? [01:58:19] mackarp2: im waiting for genderplasma [01:58:19] Pixxar96: your a better hooman now xD [01:58:19] jayem97: Can you master all genders now? [01:58:20] InvaderSquidGirl: 100% [01:58:20] theejoey: Based [01:58:20] LostLadyLilith: nbs are gods [01:58:20] AlhambraMMXX: KEKW [01:58:21] Quatroid_: It's like ng+ but trans+ [01:58:21] isabaellchen: beyond trans [01:58:21] seymourbuttsz: schrodingers gender [01:58:21] insecureTrannzz: KEKW [01:58:21] AppleSaph: Bing bong! [01:58:22] Dakwii: you said it, hbomb is gonna make a vid now [01:58:22] MassiveVibes: Skill dif [01:58:22] androidwall4680: transgender would literally translate to "Across gender" so you'd be trans [01:58:22] dangerousruben: AAAAAAnd cancelled [01:58:22] krovvy: Starting wars [01:58:22] Loelinverse: cis+ [01:58:22] Trohuz: NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride [01:58:22] JanieOnyx: lmaoooo [01:58:22] actualmooncore: man confirmed [01:58:23] BritishTeaLover: And that's the clip they'll use lol [01:58:23] Arthree: D: [01:58:23] ShakaShocker: genderfluid is nonbinary tho [01:58:23] pianoismyforte_: Bingbong [01:58:23] luckylibrarian: just said how much 'fellas' gives me gender euphoria, keep saying it lmao [01:58:24] livmrrp: D: [01:58:24] FancyTrashMan: Based [01:58:24] nodegen: more pronouns better person [01:58:24] HardyOrange: f1nnBingbong f1nnCowjam f1nnBingbong f1nnCowjam f1nnBingbong [01:58:24] p00p_of_sc00p: paragender [01:58:24] ShinyBadger: thats your ego [01:58:25] quavery3: mom said it's my turn on the gender [01:58:25] Beanblox: Gender+ [01:58:26] ReaperH04: Gender tierlist when? [01:58:26] scarlettyg: F1nn is Trans+ . Trans Premium. Trans Double Diamond Supreme. [01:58:26] Dezponia: "Does gender fluid fit in a gamersupps cup?" [01:58:26] thetuaschtee: AYO [01:58:27] johnkeiwo: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang adcvrDINKDONK adcvrLOVE adcvrHYPE [01:58:27] c1ownprince: us genderqueers rule all [01:58:27] pillbughug: bestie, you’re on more hormones than me, if you wanna call yourself trans, you are [01:58:27] WildWarrior01: F1n's got the Gender+ [01:58:28] musixela: Two questions: What are your transition goals? And have you thought about a serious name change? [01:58:28] cedric_callnight: Youre the best of both worlds [01:58:28] ekat2468: What's your gender? The correct one [01:58:28] iltalonli: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [01:58:28] Laeliuss: @f1nn5ter you're Schrodinger's gender. [01:58:29] SnabbKassa: so conceit is the benefit [01:58:30] starduckxd: bro has the gender+ subscription [01:58:30] Cattlyn_: Oh no, you're going to give my partner a large head [01:58:30] aceavan7: KappaPride [01:58:30] LittleChaSiu: don't get yourself canceled so soon [01:58:31] dutch_gecko: just saw the vid, gonna spend my first time chat on a heartfelt congratulations [01:58:31] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: F1nn coming out and getting canceled on the same day. LUL [01:58:31] experiencepoints: My pronouns are better/best [01:58:32] TopbitActual: non-binary are quantum superpositions [01:58:32] silver_shark3: My gender could beat up your gender [01:58:32] aggravatedconditions: my gender has more power points than yours [01:58:32] zvrkinjo: Gender fluid is the friends we made along the way [01:58:32] MrsPandamber: you are trans human [01:58:33] eFlyman: Pro car tip: You can substitute gender-fluid for blinker-fluid, in a pinch [01:58:34] QuadraticInK: If your gender sometimes matches your agab, does that make you trans-fluid? [01:58:34] arkarant: least superiority complex trans woman [01:58:34] ChasingSol: going to start more discourse [01:58:35] TrueMezzo: I collect genders like Pokémon [01:58:35] biffis1032: The T1000 [01:58:35] TwinbeeMk2: This is not even my final form! [01:58:35] now_chemical: i always say that jokingly 💀 [01:58:35] XellosMetallum: F1NN5TER are you trying to do the getting cancelled speed run? [01:58:36] Lostency: quantum gender OMEGALUL [01:58:36] Eromaw: LU L [01:58:37] Lucianthelord: Gender 2.0 [01:58:37] PerfectedParadox: gender squared [01:58:37] Inumo: Tbh general rule is "if you wanna be trans you can say you're trans, but like, you do in fact get to choose to be trans." [01:58:38] princessmihai: My gender is princess [01:58:38] Jauntie_Jackalope: Hi, I'm nonbinary. My gender is "Nah, I'm doing my own thing." [01:58:38] MajesticFvckingEagle: *Halo theme plays* [01:58:38] BluePotatoRW: you're just Him. or Her. [01:58:38] Falqun: übergender [01:58:39] Ayton666: Male with a little spice [01:58:39] itbesagemate: Understandable, have day [01:58:39] PsychoFisch: isn't the umbrella term "queer"? [01:58:39] duukm: when did you realise?? [01:58:40] mand0machine: My favorite twitch and youtube out there and you have god and way [01:58:40] RosieKT: as a non-binary person i ask myself 'what even am i' every day [01:58:40] pancakeTransitions: better than you's gotta be one of my favorite genders [01:58:41] HexGrrrrl: God emperor f1nn5ter [01:58:41] techytrickster: @F1NN5TER did you just get affirmation from a dick pic? in any case, we all get affirmation from some pretty weird places. [01:58:41] syro01: NonbinaryPride [01:58:42] mikuneprogrammingandother: Hello im here for the first time. Ive wathed your vids. cool! [01:58:42] jane_hearts_xoxo: It's true my fiance is NB and they rule [01:58:42] BenlsBool: Shiny gender [01:58:42] Cuttlefr3sh: LUL LUL LUL [01:58:43] TiredThistle: Gender Olympics [01:58:43] ironhydra: Bros an X-Men homo superior [01:58:43] OcelotYT: What's your gender? "Yes." [01:58:44] Polk_Nation: power level too high [01:58:44] umutk_99: genders beyond comprehension [01:58:44] SunIsLost: Nice joke [01:58:45] ConfuzzledVoid: Finn’s gender is now yes [01:58:45] amber_tem: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:58:45] princess_mia03: you look so much happier now [01:58:46] Popdowner: PFFF-💀"premium gender" [01:58:47] rainfallwall: 2 [01:58:47] purplehaze__o: To big for ya boots [01:58:47] FacelessSnow: @F1NN5TER you fall under the enby umbrella [01:58:47] pinkplasmalive: cis trans girl pipeline [02:06:20] BrunoBeslag: go look at cows twittet [02:06:20] cedric_callnight: Do you still identify a bottom? [02:06:20] marty_poisonwood: Careful, some people are gonna say you transition only to have a title [02:06:20] labcreatedjules: transfemme unlocked [02:06:21] shelledbsh: You gotta dig a little deeper if you want to win [02:06:21] racc00n_samurai: eret [02:06:21] bjlogna_: eret [02:06:22] PhilosophicalSpaghetti: peepoSad [02:06:23] ScarsUnseen: biggest femme giga/chad [02:06:24] sphagetti__: Aren't you bigger than Eret? [02:06:24] the_Icelander: Should have stayed in MC [02:06:24] swampmist1142: Also eret [02:06:24] YumeNoZen: Biggest nerd on Twitch. [02:06:24] Mnh188: XQC [02:06:25] Dezponia: Biggest knife streamer [02:06:25] tanselle25: So what! [02:06:26] greebowarrior: KEKW [02:06:26] LittleChaSiu: we don't talk about Dream [02:06:27] tobit0aster_: the minecrafters re unbeatable [02:06:27] blueskydrinking: Minecraft creators, what bastards Kappa [02:06:27] filip_zd10: yes [02:06:28] spyarchie1: biggest fluid streamer [02:06:29] maddiefromtv: also eret [02:06:29] apologyburrito: eret said they were genderfluid on your post [02:06:29] call_me_kashi: Skill issue [02:06:29] Ashes_2Ashes_: KEKW [02:06:29] crawdaddyp: LMMAOO [02:06:29] NoveaFake: @princessmihai I started in April 1st and that was very clear in december TransgenderPride [02:06:31] cedarphoenix: biggest streamer named f1nn [02:06:31] randopersonn_: KEKW [02:06:32] sarathearcher1: lol [02:06:34] TiniestLittleDot: @F1NN5TER conrats on hrt [02:06:34] MissDeeSnuts: Extra large gender fluid and fries szwiorWhoa [02:06:35] Thremtie: gender, i hardly know er??? [02:06:35] crowblax: dreams gender changed with the mask [02:06:36] Amoyamoyamoya: GET VELMA BOBS AND TAKE THE BIGGEST BOBS TITLE [02:06:36] sebben19: Prettiest streamer [02:06:36] nightwave2002: Sheeeeesh [02:06:37] jade_xx2008xx: ranboo [02:06:38] pepagg8: also eret [02:06:38] TaradinoC: congrats TransgenderPride [02:06:38] MajesticFvckingEagle: skill issue [02:06:38] wolfman314: does this mean finn is not the biggest guy on battlepass? [02:06:39] skoralta: biggest genderfluid brummie? [02:06:40] XENOMAN5: Stick with the top femboy title maybe? [02:06:40] macarous: eret unironically clears bro [02:06:41] qlily_663: biggest transfem streamer named Jude <3 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:06:41] AdaptEvran: also eret I think [02:06:41] ColonGlock: meatHEAD [02:06:41] RosieKT: dreamgender [02:06:43] kilsikon7: Who's the biggest Transgender Minecraft youtuber? [02:06:43] JamesWolfGaming: SO WAIT, does that mean when you got banned from twitch for touching your boobs, that you were ACTUALLY touching your boobs? [02:06:44] Pizzapuntz: always needing to be the biggest is such a masculine thing [02:06:44] Fuzzyee: What about your twitch bio? [02:06:44] unaffected95: The Minecraft streamer to not cis pipeline is crazy [02:06:44] Environmela: Biggest in our hearts, does that count? [02:06:45] fullhdlp: just become the biggest streamer [02:06:46] Y0rk5h1r3: Biggest Trans Brummie Streamer [02:06:46] TheIvySapphire: who the hell is Dream? [02:06:46] menacingcafe1: finn has officialy leveled up to being able to call every minor inconvenience transphobic [02:06:47] aSpicyCow: biggest large cock streamer [02:06:47] Pillooow: nah nah, its ninja, the fortnite guy (jk ofc) [02:06:49] WillowWithAJoystick: You already have all the genders, what more do you want?! [02:06:49] ciernaruza: biggest trans bri'ish streamer [02:06:50] lop025: eret again [02:06:51] R1VER_REBEL: RaccAttack RaccAttack [02:06:51] NopenguinYT: Prettiest streamer ever [02:06:52] Falqun: so, the last question is if you are a bottom [02:06:52] ChasingSol: You're the #1 "biggest British genderfluid streamer who lives in Birmingham" [02:06:52] xuuzou: mr & ms beast would like a word Stare [02:06:53] 1958dino: Were you ever a Femeboy?💐🇬🇧🤔😼🐈‍⬛🐕♥️🧀🥖☕🇪🇺🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦💐 [02:06:53] SunIsLost: Will you get tha flag? [02:06:55] Mnh188: XQC is fluid [02:06:56] greebowarrior: wise, chat is like youtube comments, but FASTER LUL [02:06:56] marty_poisonwood: I was read, my day is made [02:06:58] MoonlitDNC: I dont pop into chat too often, but congrats PrideHeyyy [02:06:59] Bauldyr: I know Ranboo is enby (last I checked) so he might have you there [02:06:59] vengeful_trader: biggest former Egg streamer [02:07:00] ArminGux: Can't even top twitch stats bro [02:07:00] 2ari2: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [02:07:00] anschofi: "biggest femboy streamer" not enough? [02:07:01] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: Watch it, Finn's getting angie XD <3 SO ANGY [02:07:01] QuadraticInK: The fact that it's a struggle is a good trend for trans representation, at least. [02:07:03] 420_Fried_Soups: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [02:07:05] Flip_Dingo: @permanent _usermane tysm btw [02:07:06] randopersonn_: erets an angel [02:07:08] Amoyamoyamoya: @aSpicyCow, Definitely not you because you are a Little [02:07:10] izichgg: biggest egg [02:07:10] FlamingPhoenix40: FlamingPhoenix40 subscribed with Prime. [02:07:10] f3mmbot: flamingphoenix40 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang flamingphoenix40 f1nnLezgang [02:07:11] morgan_drui: trans finn [02:07:13] just_an_other_lurker: biggest F1nn streamer [02:07:16] memestar29000: Story time with finn yey! [02:07:18] juneguild: <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:07:18] sophiebliek911: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [02:07:19] Pixii_Dustt: Eh maybe just gnc? gender non conforming [02:07:19] Dezponia: Biggest BLÅHAJ pile streamer [02:07:20] DarkMetalMouse: From top 1 femboy to top 5 trans [02:07:20] macarous: based [02:07:21] cedric_callnight: "Still cis though" aged like milk [02:07:21] moka_3d2y: bb [02:07:23] SunIsLost: At least you have more than Keffals [02:07:24] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: aww [02:07:25] Ramaj_A: @Amoyamoyamoya and he wears diapers [02:07:26] Pixxar96: the advantage being genderfluid is I can't misgender myself xD [02:07:26] Depressed1ntrovert: Biggest egg crack streamer [02:07:27] Nitroscout: does this mean spicy content on OF? f1nnSideeye [02:07:27] dj2226t: Cheer1000 The trans-tomboy streamer [02:07:29] zvrkinjo: I love the positivity of your community [02:07:29] starduckxd: eret based [02:07:34] nickstorm1998: do I see a little tear [02:07:35] brokenbead: Happy for you <3 [02:07:36] spyarchie1: glad you found yourself finn! :) [02:07:36] ClaraRenway: Let the tears flowww f1nn [02:07:38] Seeviee_The_Almighty: What are we talking about? Just joined [02:07:46] oli_jayne: Cheer100 just woke up to watch the vid. happy for you dude LuvHearts [02:07:47] princessmihai: OK sending love from Norway. Night night ❤️ [02:07:52] supoooro: If gender is a construct I would considered @F1NN5TER the demolitionist [02:07:53] Stovamor: @Seeviee_The_Almighty, see the pinned chat message [02:07:58] Jandronicos: Oh, did Abi form philosophy tube send anything yet? [02:08:01] darkdoji: Hey, I just want to say congratz and I hope you get the happiest future you can. You deserve it. More power to you! [02:08:07] Daggereye: Just go for all the titles then switch. Biggest x gender streamer, then biggest y gender streamer [02:08:10] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: @princess_mia03 Im from Norway too <3 <3 [02:08:12] luckylibrarian: now we just gotta hear him call himself a switch and we'll have the hat trick [02:08:13] ellieonline: ellieonline subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! You cracked my egg during the lock downs, so happy for you! [02:08:13] f3mmbot: ellieonline subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [02:08:13] circumcision_cop: Ah yes I feel that as an agender [02:08:15] WillBarker_: YOOOO LETSGO CONGRATS [02:08:16] Redneckhell13: Redneckhell13 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! so happy for you [02:08:16] f3mmbot: redneckhell13 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [02:08:16] scarlettyg: oooops [02:08:18] bigsuave7: LUL [02:08:18] bearpaw1970: Lol [02:08:20] greebowarrior: awks LUL [02:08:20] jordieboi45: LUL [02:08:21] Megafish40: vine boom noise [02:08:21] mayachooo: XD [02:08:22] braddle172: KEKW [02:08:23] Arthree: KEKW [02:08:23] Gargoyled_Drake: PrideTrans <3 [02:08:24] YumeNoZen: Table for one? [02:08:24] cedric_callnight: And I oop! [02:08:25] muddymudkip15: Lol [02:08:25] Almamu: kekw [02:08:26] belladdeluca: @supoooro Demoman [02:08:26] Birgit_Rusbach: uh-huh LUL [02:08:26] theia649: KEKW "me ? totaly" [02:08:27] MnemonicOverload: LUL [02:08:27] 747APlayz: for now... [02:08:27] LarthusTV: hi cutie [02:08:28] OliviaTalks: @Seeviee_The_Almighty F1nn came out, eggshell is gone, close friends be knew [02:08:30] Takouu: CaitlynS [02:08:30] moka_3d2y: XD [02:08:31] zebrabbl396: BegWan [02:08:31] ciceroappiah: can you still call yourself a femboy? [02:08:31] emily6218: KEKL [02:08:31] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [02:08:32] kolja_mp4: KEKW [02:08:32] JinxyKittyVT: KEKW [02:08:33] neejans: "STRAIGHTEST GUY" yep mhm mhm [02:08:34] insecureTrannzz: KEKW [02:08:35] wubcub123: wubcub123 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 3 month streak! just watched the you tube up date! glad you could get your truth out! [02:08:35] f3mmbot: wubcub123 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:08:37] pokemontdm: KEKW [02:08:37] chriscorrick08: A least little thing form last stream is a good thing now :p [02:08:38] starduckxd: LMFAO [02:08:40] neondimples: Estrogen is my homie [02:08:41] wrendre: So does this mean there's be no more Girl months? asking for a friend. [02:08:42] Jauntie_Jackalope: There's this thing called *squeaks* estrogren [02:08:43] cyphoenic_: KEKW [02:08:44] arkarant: femgirl [02:08:45] SonicXVe: part-time femboy [02:08:45] Jens_LN: How long have you been on it ? [02:08:46] Ochaboo: femboy sometimes [02:08:48] awe_rora: KEKW [02:08:48] Y0rk5h1r3: Straight as a nine bob note LUL [02:08:49] estr0genesis: its cringe now [02:08:50] 7071_haoN: KEKW [02:08:51] ICurryI: Nano calls herself a femboy and she's a fuckin woman [02:08:51] alexwispers: neither straight nor men [02:08:51] RosieRain: femdude [02:08:52] aceavan7: Big E [02:08:52] Megafish40: eeEEstrogEN [02:08:52] pepagg8: female-boy [02:08:53] CalypsoMoons: even as gender fluid you still manage to mansplain [02:08:54] sightedfiend16: is Seth gay? [02:08:54] Scrooge_McBong: how many years!! [02:08:55] Xxtaihunterxx: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [02:08:55] TheLegendOfLivz: femme [02:08:55] circumcision_cop: Eestrogeen [02:08:56] GravitArinya: when did you start hrt? [02:08:56] jury76: @wrendre the rest of his life is one [02:08:57] clairetheegg: Gender is a fuck, call yourself whatever you want [02:08:58] princessmihai: @your_daily_meme_dealer cool!! [02:08:59] cheyomi832: Finn is the best femboy femgirl streamer [02:08:59] Mina_the_Engineer: you are the femmest boy of them all PrideCute [02:08:59] c__r__j: Since when has something feeling cringe stopped you? [02:09:00] TeraValia: She can call himself whatever they want to. [02:09:01] Ayton666: Finn is the defenition of peak male [02:09:01] Nenkos: 50% fem, 50% boy. checks out [02:09:02] SunIsLost: You are a Femboy (Sometimes) [02:09:02] Nirvana_W22: when did you start it? [02:09:03] diggingadandass: ite see you in 6 months or soo [02:09:03] templarkeira: Masc manny? Yep, new F1nn title [02:09:08] 747APlayz: Girl voice??????? [02:09:10] PerfectedParadox: f1nns the femmest boy [02:09:10] neejans: You're not a femboy, you're a femMAN!! [02:09:10] secretgamergrrl: Going to get lost in the shuffle here, but welcome to the transfemme streamer club, officially. [02:09:11] maddiefromtv: 3rd best tgirl Minecraft youtuber [02:09:12] AeitZean: Like you said, Femboy is just an aesthetic SeemsGood [02:09:15] eljimbo: Fanter [02:09:17] ArminGux: Doesn't cloudy still call herself a twink sometimes? [02:09:17] Robot_Rebel: When did you realise you were bi? [02:09:18] kilo428: why is fanta better in the UK? [02:09:20] retroyoshi1996: I see quite a few trans people in femboy subreddits [02:09:23] EnthralledRaine: does this make you an "Estro Twink? [02:09:25] RenaDrachen: ImTyping [02:09:25] R1VER_REBEL: SSSsss we all gay SSSsss [02:09:26] Scyi_: No wonder you and ashley moved in together so quickly, actual lesbian timeline. [02:09:26] Jazzfest: femboy -> femboi? [02:09:26] TheLegendOfLivz: @neejans incredible comment [02:09:30] Citruss_PUNCH: Congrats on cracking your egg! [02:09:31] thumbtek: nice 👍 [02:09:31] Logaera: Logaera subscribed at Tier 1. [02:09:31] f3mmbot: logaera subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang logaera f1nnLezgang [02:09:31] basicallyserena: Femmter [02:09:32] YumeNoZen: Gender identity and gender expression are different things, and may be separate from aesthetic too. [02:09:32] cedarphoenix: I'm a dude but still call myself a [fandom] girlie for the lols [02:09:35] Avaerus0: There are Estro Twinks? [02:09:36] TeraValia: why do i always time my highlights to when fin is looking away??? [02:09:36] eggsyndrome: Mascgirl [02:09:37] lxv3z_sz: wait what’s the news? [02:09:38] supoooro: New gamersupps flavour comming? Genderfluid flavour? [02:09:38] diggingadandass: i love you finister [02:09:39] saramblo: when did your parents find out? [02:09:40] Jandronicos: Has Abi messaged you? [02:09:41] zebrabbl396: vladncClown [02:09:41] SunIsLost: You are now a gamer girl [02:09:41] RavenPaine87: Estrogen is Bestrogen! lucidTHype [02:09:42] NopenguinYT: Battle pass bout to go Giga hard [02:09:42] duukm: when did you know though ? [02:09:42] TheAverageBoyfu: wait can you start hrt as a genderfluid? I’m a little lost on that. [02:09:44] 863fesss: Havent been in this chat for a while but saw the video and just wanted to say <3 <3 <3 [02:09:44] BeetleBlock6966: @kilo428 asking the important questions [02:09:46] alexx_net: @kilo428 No cornsyrup [02:09:49] Gh0stwasused: so its not gay anymore? [02:09:50] awe_rora: “gamer > gaymer” level up acquired [02:09:51] Nenkos: new slur just dropped LuL [02:09:51] Dualchart: im on progynova / spirolactone have been for 6 years, 2nd puberty here u come LOL [02:09:52] Tareah: is You know Who allowed to send you gifts again ? [02:09:55] sarah_qtee: Haii what happened? [02:09:57] BerryAndBitty: This surely will affect the Trout population [02:09:57] Jens_LN: Just one of the girls now [02:09:58] lovekaseyj: do you still get laser or did hrt kill your body hair growth? [02:09:58] Dezponia: Is that a XMAS tree behind you? [02:09:58] TheLegendOfLivz: guys & dolls is your gender [02:09:59] Eliseium__: Eliseium__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Happy 3 months, F1nn, how did you go about starting HRT?i want to start but seeing my GP gives me panic attacks [02:09:59] f3mmbot: eliseium__ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [02:09:59] skimor1: Is SRS surgery something that you will consider? [02:10:00] SonicXVe: its either not gay, or its super gay [02:10:01] UNCBananaGuy: i never thought this day would happen [02:10:01] baslak01: F1nn5ter is now gamer girl [02:10:01] NhiteHD: NhiteHD subscribed with Prime. [02:10:02] f3mmbot: nhitehd subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang nhitehd f1nnLezgang [02:10:02] Blackmath: congrats on coming out, beyond happy for you!! [02:10:04] iamkneetickler: everyone in chat is somewhere in the LGBT [02:10:04] sindeath3: On a scale of 1-69 how gay does this make Ashley? [02:10:08] Citruss_PUNCH: just one of us girlies now! [02:10:10] mystchevious1: So you knew about all this when you did the date with Nat Did you talk with him about all this? [02:10:11] kristinhateslife: You should try drag or something along the lines of that [02:10:11] sneaky8210: hey [02:10:12] RavynVega: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:10:14] cedric_callnight: This means that historians will refer to you and ashley as roommates [02:10:14] jaovitubr: awnnnn so cute [02:10:14] kilo428: @alexx_net all my homiesd hate corn syrup [02:10:15] anth1505: what about nano? [02:10:17] 1mitzi9: smokin that estrogen pack 🏳️‍⚧️ [02:10:18] YumeNoZen: It's almost like people like you. Imagine. [02:10:18] GhostOfAFlea: don't cry [02:10:19] Elifighter: crying stream [02:10:19] Amoyamoyamoya: *EXCEPT ME. I've been the worth anti-ally [02:10:21] Stovamor: I sent a mean message [02:10:21] cerysnomi: how do i order the t-shirt? [02:10:22] aceavan7: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [02:10:23] aporcelaingirl: @RavenPaine87 Hexagons are the Bestagons [02:10:23] fullhdlp: I wasn't nice. [02:10:24] outg0ingintr0vert: Finn thank you for being you [02:10:26] lily_thelazykiller: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:10:27] kirauriel: as a transfem it's been really nice to see the community you've cultivated be so nice and kind about this [02:10:27] TheBestMaidens: Just popping in to say I love you Finn and thank you for being you [02:10:30] bigpeace_: Cheer100 Finn we are so so proud and happy for you! [02:10:30] CalypsoMoons: chat is gayer than a fucking round about, your safe here [02:10:32] sherlock_norris: How many dicks did you suck to know you're bi? Kappa [02:10:33] lxv3z_sz: wait finn came out as what? i joined late [02:10:33] TheConcreteCobbler: How long did you contemplate E before starting it? [02:10:33] Falqun: that sounds so sweet [02:10:34] ClaraRenway: shout out to all of f1nnns friends fr [02:10:35] QuBycle: So Natt does have a chance . [02:10:37] godsbeenswinging_: rusher? [02:10:39] TwinbeeMk2: You are loved silly [02:10:39] Citruss_PUNCH: us transfemmes are the best breed imo! [02:10:40] neejans: Did any of them say "knew it" in one way or another [02:10:42] secretgamergrrl: Like, for real, good for you getting that formally out there, even if you MAY have perhaps signalled it for... an oddly long "month" previously. [02:10:43] R1VER_REBEL: wait so is ashley sometimes gay? [02:10:43] 0ccamsphazer: Bruh! Just randomly dropping ur bi at the end of the vid. Welcome!! We have lemon bars!! [02:10:43] EmpressCard: Name drop them! It's amazing that everyone is being supportive!! [02:10:45] Andromeda42442: *pat pat* [02:10:46] sphagetti__: @lxv3z_sz an hrt-taker, that's about it [02:10:47] AeitZean: Soda must have known surely? LUL [02:10:47] RavenPaine87: @aporcelaingirl lumirShrug cant argue with that logic [02:10:49] ArminGux: FPS Russia "since it's not gay anymore....." [02:10:50] iamkneetickler: Awww I’m so happy people are so nice [02:10:51] Quatroid_: THE EYES ARE GOING [02:10:52] JamesWolfGaming: How did the good doctor react, if you told him? [02:10:52] Barbar7575: @cedric_callnight ... and they were rommates, gotta love it [02:10:53] JayOhDizzle: They Femmed my Boy, so I Gendered 'til I Fluid [02:10:55] retailescapeartist: PridePan [02:10:56] johnkeiwo: awwww [02:10:58] dangerousruben: awww [02:10:58] SnabbKassa: @sherlock_norris why would you ever ask someone about their bedroom activities? [02:10:58] braddle172: Awwww [02:10:58] colliecell: @lxv3z_sz genderfluid [02:10:58] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): lumituHeart [02:10:59] HagridisRS: I normally just lurk, but I just want to tell you that I'm proud of you for just being who you really are! <3 [02:10:59] johnkeiwo: W mom [02:11:00] Gh0stwasused: So happy for you <3 [02:11:01] wrendre: In all seriousness though, how are you feeling now after posting the video and your long kept, and lets be fair poorly kept, secret is out? [02:11:01] NhiteHD: <3 <3 [02:11:01] YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya Who are you again? I think I ran across a stream of yours with you putting on thigh highs, right? [02:11:01] Arthree: aww [02:11:02] Shockwavemecha: aww [02:11:03] 1WhoBeans: aww [02:11:04] NorableTTV: straight up thought you were gonna say "Hypixel himself messaged me" [02:11:04] PeterbiltAmsterdam: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:11:04] ogrem_fanclan: awww! My heart! [02:11:04] juneguild: awwww [02:11:04] boom_and_alpha_yt: mum5ter [02:11:05] spyarchie1: we love mom [02:11:05] pkapool: aww [02:11:06] kristinhateslife: CRY CRY [02:11:06] memestar29000: Aww [02:11:06] outg0ingintr0vert: awwwwww [02:11:06] blueskydrinking: <3 [02:11:06] SunIsLost: aww [02:11:06] sheldonq1: <3 [02:11:06] alexwispers: aww [02:11:07] TheAverageBoyfu: awww [02:11:07] TinyTGirl: Awwwwwe [02:11:07] xLumieI: Awwww [02:11:07] bruh_wt_f: aww [02:11:07] gaddafi_duck_: you can’t end this stream without crying at least once, cmon [02:11:07] welcometoparadise02: Aww [02:11:08] violet_femmes: So Icky really did trans your gender ♥ [02:11:08] Ruglund6230: Awww [02:11:08] bumbles19: Awww [02:11:08] mystchevious1: Your family is amazing. [02:11:08] Twinkiephobe: here to say congrats PrideTrans TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [02:11:09] hiluuu: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [02:11:09] aSpicyCow: peepoBlush [02:11:09] prscylla: proud of you bb [02:11:10] RemusNeo: :) [02:11:10] elion3li: awwww [02:11:10] remain_unseen: Awww [02:11:10] spadegraphene: FirstTimeChatter [02:11:10] Halkun: cry! [02:11:10] cyphoenic_: awwww [02:11:10] TyniThe8PoundRobot: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [02:11:10] Blackmath: much love [02:11:10] Mario11041: awww [02:11:11] MajesticFvckingEagle: awwww [02:11:11] oof_a_m: aww [02:11:11] pokemontdm: awwww [02:11:11] m4cintoshplus: dont cry [02:11:12] muddymudkip15: Aww [02:11:12] GalaxyNina: <3 [02:11:12] QuadraticInK: Your mom's amazing. 😭 [02:11:12] kapumon: awww [02:11:13] furret_the_duck: <3 [02:11:13] zachydaiquiri: TIME TO WALK [02:11:13] Popdowner: awww 🥺wait this is so sweet [02:11:14] JamIThink: awwww [02:11:14] Helen_Croft: you big sister now [02:11:15] WuppieF: cute [02:11:15] aceavan7: awwwww [02:11:15] ShellyCanCount: Awww [02:11:15] Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, I'M NOT A STREAMER [02:11:15] DINAvierPapier: awwww [02:11:16] beaneater197: Aww [02:11:17] Scrooge_McBong: awww [02:11:18] cheyomi832: awwww [02:11:18] Ayton666: Crying finn incoming [02:11:18] skylikesaerospace: siblings being nice? what is happening [02:11:18] ZerschnetzIer: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [02:11:19] cheesusyourlord: awww [02:11:19] Lostency: spamvoPride spamvoPride [02:11:19] yardin0: <3 [02:11:19] IndigoShyl: i saw the video on the train and go so happy for you i run to my house to get on the stram, congrats finn i am so happy for you S2 [02:11:20] Gogo04: <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:11:21] davidiusfarrenius: awww [02:11:21] insecureTrannzz: awww [02:11:21] kirathepan: Night night F1nn, night night chat! [02:11:21] its_peachypuppp: awww [02:11:22] revin___: <3 [02:11:23] dk_december_is_poggers: ffs when? [02:11:24] PrincessLinkin: awwww [02:11:24] Eric_xyz_: Nice family :) [02:11:25] Jens_LN: no cry [02:11:25] JemHoward: Did you tell your parents when you were questioning [02:11:25] Nirvana_W22: did you start it before or after being with ashley? [02:11:26] Dav320K: Aww that's so cute [02:11:27] bearpaw1970: QuB' Lol' Natt' be like Gawd d@mn it F1nn' not the glasses [02:11:27] KoriVRC: Yo finn, been watching your content for a while and I just wanna say I am really proud of you for coming out and you're lucky to have parents who support you! [02:11:27] PerfectedParadox: love you f1nn you should be proud!! [02:11:27] kelpcalibur: You are so adorable [02:11:27] unaffected95: Aww imma cry I don't care if you don't haha [02:11:28] avaquava250: Can your mum be proud of me please? Mine isnt [02:11:28] BanOompaLoompas: ur alr making me cry tho 😭 [02:11:29] Mwthenri: cry now [02:11:29] dangerousruben: you got 175k on vid, in 3 hours [02:11:29] Pillooow: guys if we keep on being nice finn might cry [02:11:31] Jauntie_Jackalope: Your sis was like "Hi brosis!" [02:11:33] CalypsoMoons: so good your parents accepted you on turf island [02:11:33] darkdoji: T4T rrelationship are the bests 😁 [02:11:34] delirium789: <3 [02:11:35] johnkeiwo: We all took a turn on that guy KEKW [02:11:35] Fuzzyee: He cried before E, now... [02:11:35] Slaydria118: Wholesome family [02:11:38] Theinnocentbuda: 💞 [02:11:40] neondimples: I'm out everywhere but work [02:11:40] scandibilly: Here come the HRTears [02:11:40] bigmilkpremiums: extremely british/european of them [02:11:41] Mr_Fluffy97: Let the Tears flow!! [02:11:41] ClaraRenway: come onnn cryyy let the tear out [02:11:42] sneaky8210: good Night chat and Finn [02:11:42] TheLegendOfLivz: your dad saying he never wanted a son killed me [02:11:42] dontcallmebrave: mom: "yeah we know" [02:11:42] NopenguinYT: Wholesome af [02:11:44] neejans: As she should, she was the reason cause she forced you to be a vegetarian 🔥🔥 [02:11:45] gary_chan99: You make me proud to be myself [02:11:47] wiazowski: @f1nn5ter the parent cameo really hit hard why u do that [02:11:47] iamkneetickler: Aww ur family is so cute [02:11:48] spark_ghoul: Ur not gonna cry but I am [02:11:50] Cycrum: I'm happy for you GenderFluidPride I've thought about coming out to my family, but I have absolutely no idea how to explain that I'm genderfluid, nor do I know what to do with this information [02:11:52] minnow02: How's Tank taking this? [02:11:53] Amoyamoyamoya: Hasn't it been "two weeks" for the last 6 months? [02:11:54] gangtubbie: Mommy? [02:11:58] baszuil: Done in 2 weeks Kappa [02:11:58] thoompi25: they all left [02:11:59] GlenCoco39: F1nn you make me feel so much better about coming out to my family [02:11:59] insecureTrannzz: @sneaky8210 good night :3 [02:12:00] YumeNoZen: Is that like a nuclear fusion "coming soon" forever? [02:12:01] avaquava250: @sneaky8210 goodnighttt [02:12:03] DaOPCreeper: you've been saying 2 weeks for how many years now? [02:12:04] Dezponia: Big manly girl F1nn doesn't cry? ziphSadeg [02:12:06] WashInTheWind: @Amoyamoyamoya I was typing that just as you said it! [02:12:08] ayarcee: "two weeks" [02:12:09] chriscorrick08: @f1nn5ter is new house in the video? [02:12:09] splurshin: life is good fr [02:12:11] hfzty: yeah im trying to get the courage to come out to my parents and tell them im trans too [02:12:13] bearpaw1970: Your life really is just starting [02:12:14] theia649: KEKW [02:12:14] Jauntie_Jackalope: LUL [02:12:15] TeraValia: when the house is done, can we get a cribs style tour?? [02:12:15] ChasingSol: of course [02:12:15] krovvy: LOL [02:12:16] oli_jayne: oof [02:12:16] InvaderSquidGirl: haha [02:12:16] hierophantisto: KEKW [02:12:16] AlmondVF: KEKW [02:12:17] UNCBananaGuy: when i wasnt out to anyone you were one of the people that really helped me [02:12:17] Ybalrid: BTW, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel best breed [02:12:17] braddle172: LUL [02:12:18] aSpicyCow: OMEGALUL [02:12:18] Megafish40: lol [02:12:19] TwinbeeMk2: Moms :P [02:12:19] SolistineSunlight: hi finn ur adorable babe! [02:12:20] its_peachypuppp: where’s Tank [02:12:20] KiraDreamchaser: It's ok to have emotions now, you're not fully guy anymore, no rules!! [02:12:20] bucksben: What will come first, house move or dad's car?!! [02:12:20] izichgg: A "dog" [02:12:21] ClaraRenway: @Amoyamoyamoya It really has. [02:12:22] 1WhoBeans: lmao [02:12:23] Mnh188: that was just about you [02:12:23] eurodancing: is it true? LUL [02:12:24] muddymudkip15: Lol [02:12:24] CocoTheNutCrab: atagirl [02:12:24] c__r__j: Was one of the shots in your video a new interior shot of the new house, @F1NN5TER ? [02:12:24] HardyOrange: OH yeah, did your dad get his car??? [02:12:27] Speedster_King: Congrats on the gender [02:12:27] CyanoticJam: At a girl [02:12:28] Jens_LN: atta girl [02:12:28] Birgit_Rusbach: KEKW [02:12:28] AoNoAsgard: she's british, what do you expect [02:12:28] ScrapRodent: MAKE HAPPY [02:12:29] ShakaShocker: attack genderfluid [02:12:30] know1_0: guyina3Pet [02:12:31] deerdreams: peak mom behavior [02:12:31] Rue4192: good gurl [02:12:32] LittleChaSiu: attagirl, surely [02:12:32] NopenguinYT: Parents: No shit, bruv [02:12:32] ArminGux: Most positive brit [02:12:32] JemHoward: I'm planning on telling my parents that I'm questioning my identity. Any advice? [02:12:32] Pixxar96: atta girl [02:12:35] bigmilkpremiums: 'ah yeah, no, well done' 100% british [02:12:35] gangtubbie: should i call you mommy or daddy? [02:12:36] Wattershred: what can he finally talk about? [02:12:36] PlatypusWithCheese: now chat has a mission to make f1nn cry (happy) [02:12:36] skylikesaerospace: did your dad get that car? [02:12:36] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: F1nnMom is amazing. LUL [02:12:36] skimor1: So is SRS surgery something that you would consider as well? [02:12:37] zeekoekje: hahah know the feeling. my mom always thinks I will tell her im preggo [02:12:37] beaneater197: Lol [02:12:38] CalypsoMoons: english only whinge [02:12:39] SnabbKassa: "Just rejoice at that news" @Stovamor [02:12:40] TheAverageBoyfu: classic Brit mom LUL [02:12:41] writhinglekku: attagirl (boy) [02:12:41] YumeNoZen: Headpats and scritches, I guess? [02:12:42] gaffer2602: F1nn saying 2 weeks is like Hevipelle saying 5 hours [02:12:42] phaser40: I'm so happy for you [02:12:44] c__r__j: @LittleChaSiu attanentity [02:12:45] maikeiaa: Your mom sounds so german [02:12:46] megadoom20: autism is often genetic [02:12:46] Blackmath: LUL real [02:12:46] Bytebak: Brummies are hard to impress [02:12:48] R1VER_REBEL: RaccAttack DarkKnight [02:12:48] vengeful_trader: she might as well have passed you a broom without saying anything [02:12:49] spark_ghoul: Ur not gonna cry but I am 😭 [02:12:49] PanRojek: @F1NN5TER Tell us about the moment when you decided to tell us [02:12:49] amegglia: hii i just watched the youtube vid, im so proud of u!! i know it was scary to film that wondering what people might think [02:12:49] Falqun: so based [02:12:50] Gh0stwasused: most britsh parent thing ever [02:12:50] couldntcomeupwithagoodtag: You made me like femboys [02:12:54] davidiusfarrenius: Mothers are always practical! 😄👍 [02:12:55] memestar29000: F1nn has the most based parents [02:12:59] kristinhateslife: @couldntcomeupwithagoodtag same [02:13:00] mooommo15: <3 [02:13:01] Nirvana_W22: did you start hrt before or after being with Ashley? [02:13:01] ThatAries321: I just took a moment and went to watch the video and I love how great your support system is [02:13:02] godsbeenswinging_: they care more about how doing things make you feel than the doing of things [02:13:06] fullhdlp: I'm a billionaire [02:13:06] tanselle25: You've got good parents [02:13:06] ezk_r: that was my reaction when my dad showed me the house he bought a couple of years ago [02:13:07] biffis1032: I'm happy you're happy [02:13:07] splurshin: happiness > money tbf [02:13:10] Cyanidegunner: There are good bits of birmingham???? [02:13:13] bearpaw1970: Yup [02:13:15] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:13:16] Emilyosz: Some people in the trans and witchcraft community talk about the "doll-witch" binary in different degrees of joking. [02:13:16] trinaaba: Me who lives in detroit [02:13:17] Deneith: F1nn!!! [02:13:18] Scrooge_McBong: that a mom for u❤️ [02:13:19] esquilinus: gary, indiana [02:13:21] silver_shark3: Bro was born in alumn rock [02:13:22] thatguyoverthere_sunjay: wolverhampton? [02:13:23] blueskydrinking: No it's not. Have you seen Scunthorpe??? [02:13:24] frogmario: I seen those guys videoes [02:13:24] Amoyamoyamoya: AT LEAST IT'S NOT COVENTRY [02:13:24] bucksben: Sparkhill? [02:13:26] Lucridis: Only part I know is sparkhill [02:13:26] mx_alyn: lozelles? [02:13:27] NorableTTV: Birmingham: Become Human [02:13:29] dee_the_magical: smethwick? [02:13:30] AlhambraMMXX: what's sheffield then? [02:13:31] DreadPirateDan: the birmingham of birmingham [02:13:33] IdiotCharles: Birmingham is a shithole to be fair. I’m from sheffield and in some places it’s not much better lol [02:13:37] professorpigeon1: from the north, you’ve got nothing on my [02:13:37] zombie0507: He's from UK 8 mile [02:13:37] cavanbuck: Finn was born in the bull ring confirmed [02:13:37] SnabbKassa: King's Heath? [02:13:37] ciernaruza: Danny G land [02:13:38] ArminGux: The extra extra stab zone [02:13:39] smishplays: solihull [02:13:39] 69SloanRanger: @thatguyoverthere_sunjay Thats not burm LUL [02:13:40] chriscorrick08: Was freaking about nose surgary hrt related? [02:13:42] Madgaming_shawn: I live in one of the poorest regions of Europe, also in the Uk lmao [02:13:43] bearpaw1970: But that shows like always humble beginnings man times lead to greatness [02:13:45] isitamelie: did you meet the happiest man in Birmingham? [02:13:45] Eromaw: @thatguyoverthere_sunjay wolverhampton isnt in birm lmao [02:13:46] YumeNoZen: I'm from the US, whatever. lol [02:13:47] Y0rk5h1r3: @alhambrammxx A great city [02:13:48] Spongied: @Amoyamoyamoya drtras1Laugh drtras1Laugh drtras1Laugh [02:13:49] gaffer2602: @NorableTTV 28 STAB WOUNDS [02:13:49] Snalster: the shank zone [02:13:51] Teewy25: you were driving? [02:13:52] Citruss_PUNCH: When did you start your titty skittles @f1nn5ter [02:13:53] uradoptedkid87: it can turn into a warzone in seconds [02:13:53] vektasaurus: Kings Heath high street [02:13:56] nimrob11: oldbury ewwww [02:13:58] baslak01: Birmingham: Become Girl [02:14:00] cj_smed: Danny G? [02:14:00] c__r__j: Solihull = silly hell. [02:14:00] IAccidentallyFriedMyKoala: IAccidentallyFriedMyKoala subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 2 month streak! you realsise that by coming out, youve just made a bunch of gay guys that liked you question themselves [02:14:01] f3mmbot: iaccidentallyfriedmykoala subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [02:14:01] magiciangoo: lol, I’m sure ashley’s been slipping E into finn’s tea for months. [02:14:01] mojolivia: Solihull is real nice XD [02:14:02] QuinnthusiastLive: stab city [02:14:03] axing_: @Snalster WELCOME TO THE SHANK ZONE [02:14:06] MikeWillStream: whatsapp moment [02:14:07] Scrooge_McBong: I’m in NYC! don’t tell me about tough neighborhood [02:14:08] Gh0stwasused: Birmingham: Become Human :3 [02:14:09] theallmightytimelord: Redditch ? [02:14:10] JPyxel: KEKW [02:14:11] avaquava250: I mean, its britan [02:14:13] strawb3ry_cow: hull is AWEFUL [02:14:13] frogmario: LULW [02:14:15] Doki3D: handsworth i bet [02:14:15] vinay12s: love from India [02:14:16] beaneater197: But look how you turned out [02:14:18] Megafish40: simple as [02:14:19] Adam1729: I've heard Birmingham is a shithole full of dickheads. Could it be true? [02:14:22] pkapool: most uk thing ever XD [02:14:22] R1VER_REBEL: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ [02:14:23] JessicaCaraKasey: Been to Birmingham once. Went straight back to Nottingham! 😄 [02:14:24] davidiusfarrenius: Solihull is the semi posh area of Birmingham [02:14:25] bearpaw1970: That happens in the US alot [02:14:25] TobycSmith: @strawb3ry_cow ong this city is shite [02:14:26] napalmmoose: Englands Florida [02:14:27] harper_hahaa: just sounds like America [02:14:27] blueskydrinking: That is any English city tbf [02:14:31] ShakaShocker: If it was in America someone would be dead. 😣 [02:14:34] NopenguinYT: Can't believe F1nn is about to get even prettier. [02:14:34] Mola_Kola: Mola_Kola subscribed with Prime. [02:14:34] f3mmbot: mola_kola subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang mola_kola f1nnLezgang [02:14:34] ekat2468: I mean the Midlands often gets compared to the American midwest so this kinda tracks lol [02:14:37] smishplays: every time I have been to solihull when going to insomnia ive always seen some dodgy stuff xD smishpT3 [02:14:40] death_by_5nusnu: You didn't join in on the fight [02:14:41] CalypsoMoons: where is ashley from [02:14:42] dk_december_is_poggers: so are you excited for your british genes to kick in at 25? [02:14:45] RNGio_: <3 [02:14:46] Doki3D: No where can outshit handsworth [02:14:49] Cyanidegunner: @blueskydrinking nah everyones chill in newcastle, half of us are just drunk [02:14:51] aporcelaingirl: @AlhambraMMXX Sheffield is the Steel City...maybe like Pittsburgh? [02:14:55] ScarsUnseen: that sounds lovely [02:14:58] Seeviee_The_Almighty: "It was all those apples" xD Happy that you knew what you wanted and progressed where you needed to be <3 Fem-They ? [02:14:58] cultgoddess: 5 weeks :D [02:14:58] drbuckethead123: EZ [02:14:58] isarah304: tf [02:14:58] Bobbikatt: In one of your IRL streams you happened upon a burglary right after it happened [02:14:58] c__r__j: During lockdown? [02:14:59] Jens_LN: dang [02:14:59] shadowtux: D: [02:14:59] ChasingSol: wow [02:14:59] pokemontdm: ouch [02:15:00] elion3li: WHAT [02:15:00] randopersonn_: god damn [02:15:01] FusRoDoge: what??? [02:15:02] thatguyoverthere_sunjay: @Eromaw geographically technically is part of the conurbation [02:15:03] pkapool: WAAAAA [02:15:04] eragon0101: fuuuck [02:15:04] deathstar1897: fuck [02:15:04] xLumieI: Based [02:15:04] Rue4192: what [02:15:04] splurshin: oh my [02:15:04] ZeroFfs: lyssau2Hearteyes [02:15:04] Mnh188: just minecrafting [02:15:05] jordieboi45: based [02:15:05] strawb3ry_cow: @tobycsmith it’s horrific, wanna leave so bad [02:15:05] ArminGux: How [02:15:06] plumesofdusk: wtfff [02:15:06] moonlit__rain: Real lol [02:15:07] writhinglekku: none at all [02:15:08] swanee327: I get that. lol [02:15:10] Pixxar96: WHAT? [02:15:10] uradoptedkid87: the options being a true brexit geezer or femboy [02:15:11] Megafish40: TOUCH GRASS oh my god [02:15:11] Noskcaj1444: huh [02:15:12] CalypsoMoons: are you going to get tested for auhd formerley [02:15:12] remain_unseen: Sounds amazing [02:15:12] FlibbertyJibbit: rookie numbers [02:15:13] TrueMezzo: I could do that too [02:15:13] bluj40: thats impressive [02:15:14] beaneater197: Wow [02:15:15] chriscorrick08: A month [02:15:15] TyniThe8PoundRobot: Sounds nice [02:15:17] avaquava250: Try my whole life? [02:15:17] phaser40: I'm jealous [02:15:17] ciernaruza: f1nn cave [02:15:18] BlazingVanilla: thats my dream [02:15:18] izichgg: how??? [02:15:18] bruh_wt_f: Thats not good... [02:15:19] aggravatedconditions: mm yeah i've done those a couple of times [02:15:19] theallmightytimelord: I feel like outer Birmingham is the British equivalent of American Midwest [02:15:20] Lena_was_unavailable: dream life [02:15:21] AlmondVF: sounds nice tbh [02:15:21] Nullikle6000: Wtf and not a soul [02:15:21] DekuSapling: f1nn wtf - socialization is necessary [02:15:23] Dezponia: Yepp, sounds about right [02:15:23] c__r__j: Living alone sucked during lockdown. [02:15:23] KianaVCL: ez... but why? quarantine? [02:15:25] hiluuu: not even twitch? [02:15:26] doomboom09: that's insane [02:15:27] dutch_gecko: yep this all sounds familiar [02:15:27] 0ccamsphazer: Wow that's nutty [02:15:28] seymourbuttsz: I'd love that [02:15:29] skyboundmaster: saaame [02:15:29] viryl_lucas: HIII [02:15:30] bearpaw1970: That's not weird [02:15:30] ImRightHearted: Autism [02:15:31] CedrasCorvid: what are your opinion on the word OwO [02:15:33] gaffer2602: Birmingham is amazing! That's where Sabbath is from [02:15:33] rexxyrobin: lmao I was 5 years without any face to face interactions or physical contact [02:15:34] menacingcafe1: i feel like that could be easy af [02:15:35] scandibilly: Pfffft I do 2 1/2 months every 2 1/2 months. [02:15:36] Nenkos: 4 months is my record :) [02:15:37] DualityUK: bruh [02:15:38] Citruss_PUNCH: Im exctly the same [02:15:38] ScarsUnseen: i saw NO ONE during the lockdown from COVID in the beginning, and it was PERFECT (other than COVID) [02:15:38] IndigoShyl: like me on the pandemic XD [02:15:39] yeoseulgf: a dream of mine [02:15:40] vinay12s: LOVE FROM INDIA F1 [02:15:40] dk_december_is_poggers: are you excited for your British genes to kick in at 25? [02:15:40] duukm: how did you not realise you have autism? [02:15:42] xHaneKun: I can relate to that [02:15:42] actualmooncore: yes the two things [02:15:42] sleepymuma: sleepymuma subscribed with Prime. [02:15:43] f3mmbot: sleepymuma subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang sleepymuma f1nnLezgang [02:15:43] CalypsoMoons: bros in e-girl solidary confinment [02:15:44] TobycSmith: @strawb3ry_cow Yeah my family's from here but I didn't grow up here... Think I'm doomed by genetics to never escape :( [02:15:44] general_thane: What topical cream do you use [02:15:44] doomboom09: doomboom09 subscribed with Prime. [02:15:44] f3mmbot: doomboom09 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang doomboom09 f1nnLezgang [02:15:45] beaneater197: Fuck socializing [02:15:45] lordoftwich: !hrt [02:15:46] f3mmbot: Finn is taking Finasteride to stop hair loss and has recently started actual HRT (CPA, Progesterone and transdermal Estradiol). See this video for more info - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3reFDwM0yIA [02:15:46] ArminGux: Depresion moment [02:15:46] skylikesaerospace: did your dad get that car yet? [02:15:48] Stovamor: I often go an entire weekend without talking to anyone out loud, and it's great @f1nn5ter [02:15:48] Quatroid_: Speaking as one, Average autist. [02:15:48] union_spirit: I’m new what does egg mean !highlight my message [02:15:48] blueskydrinking: @Cyanidegunner I've never been to Newcastle, I really want to [02:15:49] hycino: So sorry I'm late 😭😭😭 [02:15:50] green_oskar: I wish I was able to take estrogen TransgenderPride and have a supportive family 😭😭😭 [02:15:51] bearbubb: proud of u [02:15:53] SnabbKassa: @DekuSapling Some people were stuck in foreign airbnbs for 12 weeks in 2020. [02:15:53] ShakaShocker: Did you have all your groceries delivered? [02:15:54] HosuliRotta: RaccAttack [02:15:56] scatteredleaves: congrats to the announcement [02:15:57] izichgg: That's not including streaming though? [02:16:00] NorableTTV: there are only two paths of every male in birmingham: thug or femboy [02:16:04] gaffer2602: So, you only met people at weddings and funerals? [02:16:06] Cyanidegunner: @blueskydrinking big recommend [02:16:10] davidiusfarrenius: I saw 2 blokes having a fight in the middle of the road in my city! 1 using his belt to hold off a bloke with a knife! [02:16:10] PanRojek: @F1NN5TER When did you decide to tell us and how did you feel then? [02:16:11] Spectre223: Leave it off for this stream, you'll keep getting interrupted otherwise [02:16:13] alsoknownas_sky: do you remember your first encounter with a trans person [02:16:14] vondoomed: vondoomed subscribed with Prime. [02:16:14] f3mmbot: vondoomed subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang vondoomed f1nnLezgang [02:16:16] mapicard1: You're selling Birmingham as even more dangerous city than a normal city in Colombia [02:16:18] baslak01: So this is the end of season 4 then [02:16:19] R1VER_REBEL: PowerUpL Squid3 PowerUpR [02:16:21] XENOMAN5: I prefer solitude. Social interaction takes so much energy. Of course I’m autistic too. [02:16:24] Lena_was_unavailable: I'm at 6mg per day atm [02:16:25] UNCBananaGuy: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:16:26] Dezponia: What TTS voice will you use now? Randomize? [02:16:27] GhostOfAFlea: Oestrogel is the 0.06 one [02:16:27] smishplays: @mapicard1 some parts are [02:16:28] TITikeyOSRS: your parents were so cute omg LUL [02:16:29] uradoptedkid87: bro has reached final form. Finn feeling like perfect cell rn [02:16:31] axing_: ah yes UK famously amazing when it comes to gender affirming care [02:16:31] silver_shark3: Just shoot up E. it’s the cool way to [02:16:32] mrsregularchicken: Estro-Tea?????? [02:16:32] Chloeeee: DIY [02:16:32] dk_december_is_poggers: FFS when? [02:16:32] minecrackjesus: whats your faveirote member of the weasel family [02:16:34] TeraValia: @alsoknownas_sky first time he saw a mirror. lol [02:16:34] jaytee1300: Being social is overated. [02:16:35] NaofaU: Hey Finn congrats! I gotta admit I was a significant way through the video before I realised it wasnt a clickbait bit [02:16:35] gaffer2602: @NorableTTV Metalheads? Black Sabbath [02:16:37] BirdNina_ovo: the gel is 80 grams and 0.06% ye and there is another gel thats 50grams and 0.1% [02:16:38] Robtimus: want some coke? [02:16:38] jimtag_: it’s 0.06% .75mg [02:16:39] ProElisium: I prefer pills [02:16:39] CalypsoMoons: why do english people fight, are they trying to fix their tetth [02:16:39] Luckyscore: i'm on 0.1mg patches [02:16:40] AllnaBattleAngel: whats wrong with the gyokadin? [02:16:41] vinay12s: WILL U MARRY ME FINN I LOVE U [02:16:42] Gogo04: can order from canada =P [02:16:42] mooommo15: careful with the PO box Kyle [02:16:42] xo0b: Vannapharma [02:16:44] andyinnie: @Lena_was_unavailable omg samesies [02:16:46] Amoyamoyamoya: I offered you my patches months ago F1nn...but INJECTED E FTW [02:16:46] Citruss_PUNCH: Ill mail you my skittles 😂😂 [02:16:47] mrangelfire: You should tweet J.K. Rowling [02:16:48] perhapsxmaybe: how long have u been on hrt? [02:16:48] mapicard1: @smishplays OMG [02:16:49] Cyanidegunner: Estrogel sounds like a pokemon [02:16:49] Scyi_: injections are amazing, been on em for 9 weeks now, blows pills and patches out of the water [02:16:53] pokemontdm: the blahaj's were right [02:16:53] NotAnOtter56: Whose youre oestrogen dealer, asking for a friend [02:16:54] Lena_was_unavailable: @andyinnie <3 :) [02:16:55] kristinhateslife: I need some drug brownies but with T [02:16:57] NopenguinYT: So happy for you finn. Now I can only be attracted to you part time. Pog. Love your streams [02:16:58] frogmario: the lie becomes the truth [02:16:58] princess_mia03: I take pills [02:17:00] cedarphoenix: you heard it chat, send f1nn random unlabeled drugs /s [02:17:01] TehZombieDude: im in the uk and there is a uk supplier of injectable E [02:17:04] CritCupcake: injectables are easy to get hold of, but endo refused to continue monitoring me unless I switched off it [02:17:05] ComputedBee: W Fimter but how did you manage to crack my egg before your own??? [02:17:08] ffionbee: you can, but... [02:17:08] lily_thelazykiller: I just got upped to 8mg for pills [02:17:08] ringwraith1313: injections are sooooo good [02:17:08] union_spirit: !highlightmymessage I’m new what does egg mean? [02:17:09] raptorvfx: diy ftw [02:17:10] mx_alyn: justice for blahaj [02:17:10] cerysnomi: i got pills , 5mg a day [02:17:10] Vanimal2118: So happy 4 u @f1nn5ter . [02:17:12] jimtag_: nooo it’s .6% [02:17:12] hand_hook_car_door: well diy\ [02:17:12] rybameinong: Looking back at it, what do you think about your entire gender journey so far? [02:17:13] FatherThyme: diy hrt [02:17:14] HelplessxDragon: Are you taking progesterone too? :3 [02:17:14] IndigoShyl: felling the boobs pain already? [02:17:15] menacingcafe1: the blahaj never fail to make people trans [02:17:15] Adam1729: Gotta DIY that shit [02:17:15] Nilinn31: how many pumps ? [02:17:15] gassylammas: pellets over everything [02:17:17] QuadraticInK: WTF? [02:17:17] Amoyamoyamoya: Injections ARE THE BEST. I love needles. Oh, that's a self-report... [02:17:18] BirdNina_ovo: you can do it .... Transdiy reddit @F1NN5TER lal [02:17:18] TemptedSpirit_: what about the pill? [02:17:20] TheLegendOfLivz: that's BS ugh [02:17:20] splurshin: black market? [02:17:21] SkyeOfBreeze: @Scyi_ mood for me [02:17:22] dmx908: So when you dated the guy where you the top or bottom or was it mutual [02:17:22] rainfluff54: vanna ? [02:17:23] cherryshush: its not? [02:17:23] isabelleswenson2319: f1nnHeadpat [02:17:24] Esper89: ukranian bathtub estrogen !!! [02:17:25] emirizy: Not illegal [02:17:25] dk_december_is_poggers: Facial Fem Surgery when? [02:17:25] silver_shark3: I’m in England and I do it. Totally doable and completely legal. But sketchy af [02:17:26] floorboardthepiratequeen: @F1NN5ER *** [02:17:26] estr0genesis: thats transphobic [02:17:27] Nenkos: @F1NN5TER you were considering a nose job, right? was that gender related? [02:17:27] Ash1ey_49: E is legal in UK [02:17:28] SonicXVe: they at least made it almost impossible to get [02:17:28] N0_SYNC_: Enby here, so proud of you! [02:17:29] Cattlyn_: Vanuatu [02:17:29] bjorn_egil: @NorableTTV there is a third option, musician. lot of great bands that came out of Birmingham especially in the 70s [02:17:30] Darkvness: I do injections [02:17:30] Scyi_: What are your E levels like? [02:17:31] ArminGux: Everything needs a licence in the uk [02:17:31] Laureline_Deep: it's not illegal the guidelines just don't support it [02:17:32] R1VER_REBEL: PotFriend finn have you played elden ring? [02:17:33] Les_Bien_Pain: Injections are scary. Source, I have to stab myself with a 5cm needle. [02:17:33] MirahImage: Yeah, it gets called estrogel in some places, and weirdly gynokadin in Germany [02:17:33] Jauntie_Jackalope: Eh, considering how the island is going it could be illegal soon [02:17:33] Dudu_ws: you use oestrogel? [02:17:34] okayziemaaa: @F1NN5TER there is vanna Pharma that ship from uk to uk [02:17:34] writhinglekku: man fuck britain [02:17:34] Lena_was_unavailable: doctors do not presribe injections in my country either unfortunately [02:17:35] BillyTheKid1870: Needles and injections just scare the shit outta me lol [02:17:35] gaffer2602: I think GenderGP do injectable E [02:17:35] Noatsjs: f1nnRotate [02:17:37] JessicaCaraKasey: When are you next doing a PO Box stream? [02:17:37] cyphoenic_: Its not TECHNICALLY illegal just... difficult [02:17:38] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Dang. In the US injectable E isn't even a controlled substance. [02:17:38] azath0th777: start a e injection mafia [02:17:38] axing_: what for? [02:17:39] KiraDreamchaser: Are you satisfied with HRT results so far? [02:17:39] Gogo04: very few places make it in canada as well. use to be on injections [02:17:40] YumeNoZen: I mean, nose job. [02:17:40] EnthralledRaine: I inject the estrogen juiices into my veins once a aweek, love that shit [02:17:40] Tabering: o/ [02:17:40] Rsephone: hi!!! i saw your tiktok!! congrats!! i hope you all the happiness [02:17:41] 1958dino: I've gone without human contact for a couple of years at least, not even Uber Eats!💐🇬🇧🤔😼🐈‍⬛🐕♥️🧀🥖☕🇪🇺🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦💐 [02:17:41] Katakalysmic: Huge congrats on finally realizing who you are, im incredibly happy to hear that you are able to finally be true to you. Im glad to hear you have the support of your family and friends [02:17:41] ffionbee: its not illegal to buy it or have it in the uk [02:17:42] Luckyscore: i still have leftover 2mg estradiol [02:17:42] SaibaTV: Well one UK Trans Girl I follow uses injections. Shes called Leah [02:17:42] astronos_: no need [02:17:43] azylani: Why did you choose the gel over the other options? [02:17:43] robokidd1: hi [02:17:43] DJ_radioactive: What can he talk about? [02:17:44] ElioJey: MY GAMER SUPPS ORDER SHIPPED!!!! [02:17:45] madcaker: I honestly would do injections if I didn't pass out around needles [02:17:47] neutralimo: he does not need it lol [02:17:47] TeraValia: like his face isn't already the most feminine [02:17:47] ciernaruza: jesse we need to cook estrogen [02:17:47] cummannach_saor: Bro there's no need for it lmao [02:17:47] enbyRadicat: Finn has a great face [02:17:48] HardyOrange: how much more femme could it get???????? [02:17:48] beaneater197: The laws not real [02:17:49] Citruss_PUNCH: LOL finn doesnt need ffs [02:17:50] vinay12s: @F1NN5TER WHERE IS ASHLEY [02:17:51] FatherThyme: ever plan on going back for the rhinoplasty? [02:17:51] Moka3321: feminize what? [02:17:51] bearpaw1970: Can chat give the host a big giant 🫂 [02:17:52] honeysquares: weirddd ask [02:17:53] Adam1729: NO! eehhhhh... [02:17:55] tanselle25: My SO does injections [02:17:56] emirizy: E isn't a controlled substance in the uk, can import for private use [02:17:58] Mr_fl1ppo: My boy is growing up [02:17:59] lily_thelazykiller: Literally has the most feminine face already [02:17:59] lop025: there would be no difference [02:18:01] ElfDestruct: lat person that needs surgery geez [02:18:01] LaCroix_Blows: does it really look like F1nn need FFS? [02:18:01] XENOMAN5: Are you more attracted to guys when you look and feel girly? [02:18:03] Jens_LN: 8.1k viewers .... half of them crying [02:18:05] InvaderSquidGirl: i get it from france [02:18:07] duukm: no need to [02:18:09] uradoptedkid87: is it just ur arms u use it on [02:18:09] cyphoenic_: eh fair fair [02:18:10] cherryshush: E is legal, T isnt 󠀀 [02:18:11] TheLegendOfLivz: also your doctors would frown upon it [02:18:13] memestar29000: SOMBODY CLIP THAT! [02:18:13] secretgamergrrl: Worth mentioning: You should NOT directly compare the dosages of different estradiol delivery methods. 0.1% here doesn't mean the same thing as 0.1% there. [02:18:14] Noatsjs: sis gamer cup [02:18:14] viryl_lucas: fair. [02:18:15] Bauldyr: @union_spirit Highlight is a channel point redeem, not a command, but Egg just means a trans person that doesn't really want to admit to themselves that they're Trans :) [02:18:15] Megafish40: THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE [02:18:16] BirdNina_ovo: i bought my injections at Astrovials and now im scared to inject it for like 10 months its sitting around unused... [02:18:16] Darkvness: Fair [02:18:18] plumesofdusk: hey kids do drugs [02:18:19] camina_mtns: unjust laws aren't real [02:18:19] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Fair. [02:18:20] lordgtafbi: what could you even do to your face LUL [02:18:21] SnabbKassa: prescriptions are a form of control, so they are controlled [02:18:22] vinay12s: COSPLAY [02:18:22] Scrooge_McBong: I’ll get it for u [02:18:22] mx_alyn: talk to a GP first [02:18:22] Avaerus0: Rolling the dice [02:18:23] YumeNoZen: It's always best to do stuff legally when you can. [02:18:26] KianaVCL: "good god" is right [02:18:28] axing_: f1nn is the least ffs needing person ever, my dude is fucking beautiful [02:18:28] GenieGirl: you know the HRt is working when nipples start to feel tender and soar. I been threw it [02:18:29] SunIsLost: yea [02:18:29] silver_shark3: Go shoot up E kids (joke) [02:18:30] FilosophyFox: so, just saw your tik tok HRT video and also you said you were bi. Just, fyi, I am the handsome man who spoke to you when you were buying pizza at a fancy supermarket and I am also bi, fyi ;) BUT I am verry happy for you and your journey [02:18:31] CookiesCrem: Yeahhhh [02:18:35] Luckyscore: i don't know what to do with the leftover pills beside taking it every so often [02:18:36] Unit4to: yeah thats all interesting but you still owe us a 2b cosplay [02:18:38] gaffer2602: @cherryshush lEgal, Tisn't [02:18:39] dk_december_is_poggers: what surgery are you open to do? [02:18:40] c__r__j: Speaking of getting into trouble, are you finally going to admit to Twitch you're presenting female, now? [02:18:42] Nitroscout: put a big disclamer: NOT PRO DONT TAKE ADVICE nitros24Laugh [02:18:46] Pixii_Dustt: Gender is so complicated .-. [02:18:47] emirizy: If you can get a gp appointment 😂 [02:18:47] furret_the_duck: what would happen if you ate the estrogen sauce [02:18:47] viryl_lucas: well I can >:3 [02:18:48] Jeddix: good night chat flippi38Sleep [02:18:49] welek2000: hormones are considered drugs? [02:18:50] Dezponia: Get Legal Eagle on here stat! [02:18:51] InvaderSquidGirl: absolutely, talk to your dr [02:18:51] HypnoHooves: registered with the nha GIC yet? [02:18:52] SnabbKassa: !caps [02:18:52] CritCupcake: lol, can we link to what we were all taking? [02:18:52] f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! [02:18:53] ChasingSol: night @Jeddix [02:18:54] cerysnomi: ask for shared care agreement [02:18:56] Citruss_PUNCH: Your boobs are gunna start to hrt 😂😂 [02:18:56] ppengu1nzz: what did I just miss, I just joined, the first thing I hear is "dont buy drugs on the Internet" [02:18:57] Laureline_Deep: I mean, a lot of GPs don't know much [02:18:58] baslak01: What is GP? [02:18:59] EternalNocturnal68: moch1yGchad moch1yGchad moch1yGchad [02:19:01] Twinkiephobe: injected E for me is 20mg/ML, with .5ml once a week (10mg) and then 100mg spiro a day. [02:19:02] LittleChaSiu: OMEGALUL [02:19:02] HosuliRotta: CoolCat [02:19:04] Vanimal2118: GN @jeddix [02:19:05] johnkeiwo: oh no, we don't get anymore booba [02:19:06] Nylia_in_C: well done now they'll have to ban you again [02:19:06] TeraValia: NO MORE ADJUSTING FINN [02:19:09] ArminGux: is this the biggest stream without raid or icky [02:19:09] YumeNoZen: But were you presenting female that day? [02:19:09] green_oskar: Im fucking crying kf [02:19:09] arkarant: @EternalNocturnal68 Gender Pronouns [02:19:09] allergicfiredog: I’m 8 I love watching your streams after daycare (joke obviously) [02:19:10] experiencepoints: @F1NN5TER This is super personal but have you noticed the feeling in your nipples like connected to a feeling downstairs? I got that and didn't expect it at all [02:19:10] AlgolGaming: no more "male presenting" nips [02:19:11] splurshin: its over :( [02:19:11] BirdNina_ovo: @F1NN5TER is it a monotheraphy or do you take spiro or cypro too? [02:19:11] hazelgamess: no female presenting nipples [02:19:13] R1VER_REBEL: RaccAttack [02:19:14] bearpaw1970: Hey Vanimal' [02:19:15] TrueMezzo: My GP doesn't really know shit [02:19:16] ringwraith1313: ah yeah you have actual boobs now [02:19:17] Cycrum: @Pixii_Dustt I know. I don't know what to do with myself, as a genderfluid individual like F1NN5TER [02:19:17] Falqun: "nah I was not pressenting female when I touched that boob right there" [02:19:17] arcticdnd: that was waaay to clipable [02:19:18] ScarsUnseen: only real booba [02:19:19] GenieGirl: welp no more big fake boobs [02:19:20] ghost_circuit666: justca193Lick justca193Lick justca193Lick justca193Lick justca193Lick justca193Lick justca193Lick [02:19:20] axing_: KEKW [02:19:22] alexx_net: @baslak01 Family doctor "General Practioner" [02:19:22] skoralta: Not according to Abigail's vid about gender care in the UK :( [02:19:23] Darkness4desert: So was that ban justified [02:19:24] death_by_5nusnu: Nooooooooooooooo [02:19:24] Teewy25: @F1NN5TER How are you going to celebrate today? [02:19:24] LunaKyx: LunaKyx subscribed with Prime. [02:19:24] SunIsLost: Twitter is freaking out [02:19:24] ekat2468: at what point does it become tos lol [02:19:24] f3mmbot: lunakyx subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang lunakyx f1nnLezgang [02:19:26] Lena_was_unavailable: did you lactate yet? [02:19:26] GhostOfAFlea: I mean, it would hurt now [02:19:26] distractedcreative: KEKW [02:19:27] storeyfaces: I think i missed it, what was the goal for girl life? [02:19:28] 1CrimsonPrincess: no more AWOOGA [02:19:28] Luckyscore: in the us there is informed consent law and that is the route i am [02:19:30] AeitZean: Welcome to the "can't go shirtless" club f1nnSad [02:19:30] memestar29000: :) [02:19:32] NopenguinYT: Can't adjust anymore. Banned justified now [02:19:34] elion3li: did you talk about being trans with abby thorn? [02:19:34] Elindalyne: twitch tried to crack your egg with the ban [02:19:34] subpar_wizard: send spiro [02:19:35] estherarchive: fuck spiro [02:19:36] Stovamor: !hrt [02:19:36] lop025: yooo imma dm you [02:19:36] qdoit12: Depending on the country they might give you a temporary prescription for until you get a diagnosis as risk-reduction [02:19:36] Vanimal2118: vanima3HOWDY @bearpaw1970 [02:19:36] f3mmbot: Finn is taking Finasteride to stop hair loss and has recently started actual HRT (CPA, Progesterone and transdermal Estradiol). See this video for more info - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3reFDwM0yIA [02:19:36] Stovamor: !hrt [02:19:36] DaOPCreeper: me me me [02:19:36] marty_poisonwood: 10 bucks [02:19:36] f3mmbot: Finn is taking Finasteride to stop hair loss and has recently started actual HRT (CPA, Progesterone and transdermal Estradiol). See this video for more info - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3reFDwM0yIA [02:19:36] Stovamor: !hrt [02:19:37] f3mmbot: Finn is taking Finasteride to stop hair loss and has recently started actual HRT (CPA, Progesterone and transdermal Estradiol). See this video for more info - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3reFDwM0yIA [02:19:37] Scrooge_McBong: read them titties [02:19:37] Crazedmonkey29: Are you still gonna wear any fake boots? [02:19:38] couldntcomeupwithagoodtag: Will f1nn grow real booba [02:19:38] Inkyon_: finn the local estro dealer xD [02:19:38] Megafish40: omg free spiro!!!!! [02:19:39] pillbughug: my clinic accidentally gave me injections in addition to my regular Estrodiol patches and I don’t know what to do with them [02:19:39] burr_sir: nobody wants spiro [02:19:39] deviouspenguins: Hmmm gonna spiro [02:19:40] DollIsLife: uhoh, gotta watch some of your clothing now. [02:19:40] RosieRain: i call dibs [02:19:41] itzzzshowtime: just put a hot tub behind you and everything goes [02:19:41] BongoCatDown: GIMME [02:19:41] coldhearttx3: @f1nn5ter since your a girl now, can i clap your soft cheeks ? 🥰🥰 [02:19:41] phantaton: spyro the dragon [02:19:41] N0_SYNC_: Lmao, send Pickles if you do [02:19:42] TheLegendOfLivz: but do you fit into any of the dresses now properly?? [02:19:43] ScrapRodent: SPYRO THE DRAGON KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype [02:19:43] KiraDreamchaser: So you are on a Testosterone blocker then? [02:19:44] Helen_Croft: Helen_Croft gifted 3 months of Tier 1 to Teewy25. They've gifted 713 months in the channel! [02:19:44] f3mmbot: helen_croft has gifted a subscription to teewy25 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang teewy25 f1nnLezgang [02:19:44] tesstrtesstr: rip. there goes $30 [02:19:45] 71M073J: Dibs [02:19:45] regresssion: this is the trans mutual aid in action, sending spare spiro to friends [02:19:45] Citruss_PUNCH: Take your spiro!!! [02:19:46] dk_december_is_poggers: SPIRO IS A DRAGON [02:19:46] bearpaw1970: Now they can use an Eye tracker on you now 😁🤟 [02:19:46] Jauntie_Jackalope: Spyro time? Breathe fire and headbutt stuff? [02:19:46] HelplessxDragon: Do you take progesterone? [02:19:46] CoronaBorealis02: NHS dont recommend spiro [02:19:47] BerryAndBitty: omg yessss [02:19:47] quavery3: gib now pls [02:19:47] Bleats_Sinodai: YOOO [02:19:47] Quatroid_: GIVE IT ALL [02:19:47] YumeNoZen: It's not that bad, I think. [02:19:48] sphagetti__: Dibs [02:19:49] Amoyamoyamoya: You don't need spiro if you've got cypro [02:19:49] menacingcafe1: the twitch bans knew the truth before you did [02:19:49] cyphoenic_: I'm fairly sure sharing meds isn't allowed in the uk [02:19:51] Helen_Croft: hey @Teewy25 [02:19:51] pillowdemon2077: mee [02:19:52] BirdNina_ovo: yeah spiro is fine but it can cook the boob tissue :/ [02:19:52] GenieGirl: Finnastrid is a bit safer [02:19:53] Amoyamoyamoya: Cypro bettah [02:19:54] androidwall4680: Now that you're finally fem, hot tub stream when? [02:19:55] perfect_34: spiro is terrible i wish i could get something else stateside [02:19:56] ciernaruza: spiro makes you pee every 5 minutes [02:19:56] KianaVCL: do whatchu want 'cuz a pirate is free! [02:19:57] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Wait, does this mean that Twitch was actually right for the temp ban over fondling yourself? Kappa [02:19:58] AeonJune: cypro is SO much better. [02:19:58] Galaxymuffin1: @F1NN5TER I'll take your spiro, I'm already taking it so why not [02:19:59] Bytebak: @baslak01 General Practitioner - a non specialist local doctor [02:19:59] Les_Bien_Pain: Legal name change to Rose when [02:20:00] TehZombieDude: gosh damn love me some minty piss pills [02:20:03] Amoyamoyamoya: Hi @Teewy25 !!! [02:20:03] ofthewisp: I have not spoken here before, but I am really happy for you that you can talk about all of this stuff and openly be yourself! [02:20:04] amelia_secrets00: How do I get hrt? [02:20:05] lewdbirdnoises: Yo booba convo? hell yes brother [02:20:06] pagpioneer: same [02:20:06] vinay12s: WTF [02:20:07] Teewy25: Thank you @Helen_Croft <3 [02:20:08] lampjade: I have leftover Spiro. First kind was minty. Second kind smells and tastes like swamp ass. [02:20:10] arcticdnd: It was waaay to easy to clip "Go buy drugs from the internet" [02:20:13] Scrooge_McBong: when ? [02:20:14] Snalster: thats a big decision [02:20:15] vox_causa: Not being able to go topless without people being weird is one of the few things I miss from before hrt [02:20:16] betbet278: hi! :) [02:20:17] Luckyscore: is that a trade offer girl [02:20:17] gaffer2602: Fun Fact: In the UK and Ireland, the GPs don't follow the UN guidelines for diagnosing gender dysphoria and prescribing HRT. [02:20:17] ChasingSol: heya @Teewy25 [02:20:18] Loelinverse: aye teewy [02:20:18] fieldfield11: fieldfield11 subscribed with Prime. [02:20:18] f3mmbot: fieldfield11 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang fieldfield11 f1nnLezgang [02:20:20] green_oskar: 😭so much fucking gender envy😭 [02:20:21] FlamingRhythm: ooo, when did you start? [02:20:21] Shockwavemecha: @Teewy25 spicycowLovies [02:20:25] N0_SYNC_: More common than you think [02:20:28] dk_december_is_poggers: what hapens when you hit 25? [02:20:28] Vanimal2118: If ur on E u can and will get boobs [02:20:31] BysheVA: ok but what r ur thoughts on burgers [02:20:32] Rue4192: Cheer100 [02:20:32] bigfeet47: get some sexy lingerie for the next stream [02:20:33] HammerOfVenus: The egg has cracked! [02:20:35] Jauntie_Jackalope: @AeonJune HypeWave NonbinaryPride [02:20:35] logmanthelogjam: how long you been on hrt now? [02:20:35] t0nic101: OSFrog OSFrog TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:20:36] m4cintoshplus: let finn take his time. no rush.. [02:20:36] Amoyamoyamoya: @TeraValia, Kinda rude, yah? [02:20:37] vinay12s: SO U NO MORE A FEMBOY [02:20:37] AeonJune: yeah, not *that* uncommon. [02:20:38] ChasingSol: @TeraValia really? [02:20:40] T0mtxm: finally I was able to join chat while its live! [02:20:41] neondimples: I was only about 80% sure when I started [02:20:45] SnabbKassa: @BysheVA he's veggie [02:20:45] awe_rora: @birdnina_ovo got anything to read about spiro being bad for boobs? [02:20:45] marblehoney: VAILD [02:20:46] noodle711: i figured it out before starting hrt, but once i started it made me know for sure [02:20:48] Cycrum: How will you present more masc the farther you get into HRT? [02:20:58] Bjotte: you might be a dumbass but you are OUR dumbass [02:20:59] RoyalRoseo: Cheer100 [02:21:02] hammmy7: does potato [02:21:03] BysheVA: @SnabbKassa Does finn still use he [02:21:04] Cautare: SSAME I dont wanna go back [02:21:05] chonkthestreamer08: @SnabbKassa lmao [02:21:06] lewdbirdnoises: huuuuuge W [02:21:08] minecrackjesus: f1nnBingbong [02:21:09] DarkMetalMouse: How long have you been on HRT? [02:21:09] Citruss_PUNCH: 💜💜💜 [02:21:09] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:21:11] CountessElle: Wowee [02:21:13] 1958dino: The UK's medicines regulator, MHRA, has reclassified one specific form of local HRT, meaning that it is now available in pharmacies without needing to speak to your doctor or specialist for a prescription.💐🇬🇧🤫😼🐈‍⬛🐕♥️🧀🥖☕🇪🇺🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦💐 [02:21:13] SleepyPac: the mental alone is enough tbh [02:21:13] ProElisium: Oh yeah it's like instant +happiness [02:21:14] BirdNina_ovo: @awe_rora it can be bad for some it will ruin the breastgrowth potencial but cyproterone does the same... [02:21:15] asterion_kai: ima keep being what i am idc thanks! [02:21:16] R1VER_REBEL: KomodoHype tiddies [02:21:17] isarah304: does this mean u will actually keep up with voice training? [02:21:18] Cycrum: @BysheVA he uses he/him/any [02:21:18] Worldsokeyest: @Cycrum the same way transmask do [02:21:19] ayarcee: HUGS [02:21:20] randomperson_5: GenderFluidPride [02:21:20] just_markel: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:21:22] jimtag_: you like painful booba [02:21:22] aporcelaingirl: @c__r__j yes, yes it did, especially when my mum spent the majority of quarantine in Arizona with my sister and her family [02:21:23] oli_jayne: Cheer10 oo hype train [02:21:24] NhiteHD: f1nnPet [02:21:24] mossy_ana: I just saw the video you put out IM SO PROUD OF YOUUUUU [02:21:25] Drftw00d: <3 [02:21:27] T0mtxm: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [02:21:28] isabelleswenson2319: isabelleswenson2319 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [02:21:28] isabelleswenson2319: isabelleswenson2319 gifted a Tier 1 sub to CrunchyPopcorn! [02:21:28] betbet278: can I ask what changes have you experienced? [02:21:28] f3mmbot: isabelleswenson2319 has gifted a subscription to crunchypopcorn at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang crunchypopcorn f1nnLezgang [02:21:35] Gaetanfalcon: for how long have you been taking estrogen now? [02:21:35] hammmy7: BisexualPride [02:21:35] Natt: PROUD OF YOU [02:21:35] dutch_gecko: the femby struggle [02:21:36] awe_rora: @birdnina_ovo thanks for the heads up! o.o [02:21:36] estr0genesis: that point was long ago babe [02:21:36] Pixii_Dustt: I’m too chicken to even purchase a binder. I couldn’t imagine trying to figure out how to get hormones [02:21:39] Baconslime_: PrideShrug [02:21:40] LittleChaSiu: Natt!! [02:21:42] godsbeenswinging_: @Natt <3 [02:21:42] ChasingSol: hi @Natt [02:21:43] GhostOfAFlea: Can't boymode forever, yeah its a thing [02:21:43] TeraValia: @ChasingSol sorry, did not mean that in a rude way. [02:21:43] bearpaw1970: You are heading along your path of self discovery..🥰 [02:21:44] RebeccaAnnabell: Just saw the news on YT. Having come clean with the community, you seem so much happier. [02:21:44] pillbughug: medusa97Trans the important thing is that this feels like the right thing for you [02:21:45] coldhearttx3: I already see u as a girl tbh [02:21:45] Citruss_PUNCH: Yeah. [02:21:46] phaser40: phaser40 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [02:21:46] phaser40: phaser40 gifted a Tier 1 sub to MauraKate! [02:21:46] phaser40: phaser40 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dododoey! [02:21:46] phaser40: phaser40 gifted a Tier 1 sub to alder_finley! [02:21:46] phaser40: phaser40 gifted a Tier 1 sub to McStrugs! [02:21:46] f3mmbot: phaser40 has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [02:21:46] phaser40: phaser40 gifted a Tier 1 sub to irmayree! [02:21:47] OliviaTalks: it's the whole 'CIS people would feel absolutely awful with this, but this shit dope as fuck tbh' [02:21:47] SnabbKassa: Natt. [02:21:47] Bauldyr: @amelia_secrets00 If you're in the US (and in a state that hasn't outright banned it) some Planned Parenthood locations provide HRT and other Trans-Affirming care [02:21:47] AeonJune: @Jauntie_Jackalope paxitiHug [02:21:48] Nenkos: "at some point" Kappa [02:21:49] Cycrum: @Worldsokeyest That's what I thought, but binders seem really inconvenient [02:21:51] Eromaw: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [02:21:52] M4XlMVZ: heyo [02:21:53] 6666969: nat!!!!! [02:21:54] ArminGux: yeah most people assume fem already [02:21:54] Vanimal2118: vanima3HOWDY @natt [02:21:55] BirdNina_ovo: nah its now really possible but thats really the transdiy reddit and the list of them its spooky and sad that they have no offcial injectables or implants anymore in teh uk or europe... yeah :O [02:21:57] RavynVega: @F1NN5TER new pronoun = Shim [02:21:58] Darkness4desert: Nat next [02:21:58] Scrooge_McBong: I guess that when fin was show is the HRT, supposedly, left from a German girl that was stay in her house🤔🤔🤔 [02:21:59] Shockwavemecha: dechartDitto [02:21:59] RatboyJon: Natt is looking for a new gf [02:21:59] ScarsUnseen: let's say you're on HRT for 10 years... no one will see you as a dude or use he/him. that's just how it is. [02:22:00] KetchupBlood: proud of you regardless if you see yourself as man or woman [02:22:01] Yumeno_Kanata: Wanted to stop by and say congratulations and I am very happy for you! Your local trans fem dating a gender fluid person. GenderFluidPride [02:22:01] falckon123: <3 <3 [02:22:01] goldenskies98: I do this as a trans masc!! like professionally a man personally non-binary [02:22:01] theblacktnt: soo what am i missing [02:22:02] beaneater197: Hi nat [02:22:04] BallSize500: bros taking HRT just to beat the chaser allegations [02:22:04] blackdevils521: Hi Natt [02:22:04] c__r__j: "At some point" [02:22:05] caspersoupp: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [02:22:07] asterion_kai: ima see u as a men xd [02:22:08] e_l1na: "at some point" lol [02:22:09] HaniReal1: SHE CAMEO OUT?! [02:22:09] sionaprice: un hunh [02:22:10] just_markel: Yeah... I'm not binary but I present as a woman in public because it's easier [02:22:10] GenieGirl: Heck Finn you already look like a female. Jealus been on Hrt for 2 years and barly Pass [02:22:11] HardyOrange: the "meet my boyfirend" video title is even funnier now that you've said you have dated a guy [02:22:11] Feywild: At some point it does get easier [02:22:11] BysheVA: Finally me and other trans people can be less envious of your natural femininity now we know u used Estrogen lol [02:22:12] lampjade: Being seen as a woman when you're not intending it is a little freaky [02:22:13] neondimples: I'm a trans woman but I'm fine with she or they, but I mostly tell cis folks she to keep it simple [02:22:17] mystchevious1: Still [02:22:18] Mnh188: NATT straight for liking Finn [02:22:19] autumnrose123_: f1nn doesn't pass???? [02:22:19] isabaellchen: lol [02:22:20] kismess: congrats on coming out!!! [02:22:20] isarah304: what u don't think u pass? [02:22:20] NopenguinYT: Girl voice time? [02:22:22] PerfectedParadox: so you werent fully joking with natt…… [02:22:22] xXNeroZashiXx: @Natt Hello f1nnHeart [02:22:25] yarumari: you are more fem and passable than some of my girlfriends in past [02:22:27] dannykkun: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [02:22:27] noodle711: do you want to pass? [02:22:30] frogmario: we could kinda see it happening on twitter [02:22:30] Citruss_PUNCH: U PASS MORE THEN ME!! Ive been on her for 3 years!! [02:22:31] LUCIFER_GAMES128: LUCIFER_GAMES128 subscribed at Tier 1. [02:22:31] f3mmbot: lucifer_games128 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang lucifer_games128 f1nnLezgang [02:22:36] estr0genesis: a cis woman [02:22:38] mrcoolz15: F E M B O Y [02:22:38] astronos_: you fucking pass EASY [02:22:39] rallsorts: GIRL!!!! [02:22:39] mystchevious1: You look like a woman!!! [02:22:39] BirdNina_ovo: @awe_rora most really go to the transdiy reddit in 2024 for those things because the pharmaindustry sucks so much :/ its sad and there was another reddit dont remember the name [02:22:41] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Every trans person is their own worst critic about appearance. [02:22:42] TyrSilvermoon: Cheer100 I am proud of you, you ended up being part of the reason I accepted my feminine side. And me coming out as trans [02:22:43] jenn1fer420: When I started HRT it was like a the storm in my head had finally calmed [02:22:43] princess_mia03: passing is a thing [02:22:44] SonicXVe: THE LASHES? HELLO? [02:22:44] clairetheegg: This is the brainworms again [02:22:44] lampjade: It's like I CANNOT GO TO THE MEN'S BATHROOM THEY ARE STARING AT ME [02:22:44] viryl_lucas: lol [02:22:45] ekat2468: That definitely is a feminine coded face [02:22:45] rummyb: I started talks with my doctor about hrt yesterday! I’m proud of you, and of myself! [02:22:45] rainfallwall: eyelashes [02:22:45] Robtimus: you do look like a woman [02:22:45] 420kekscope: 100% woman [02:22:45] Esper89: sory you look like a woman in that picture [02:22:46] KaydeBastion: You look pretty. [02:22:46] bigmilkpremiums: ma'am [02:22:46] Takouu: PASS [02:22:46] KUBO_119_104_121_32_32: no you do definitley pass [02:22:46] Penguin_Spy: u look like a girl there [02:22:47] ArminGux: if you didn’t pass why would people be wierd about you [02:22:48] juneguild: You look really femme [02:22:48] betbet278: you’re so cute! [02:22:48] Phoerow: is Finn real girl now? [02:22:49] abydon96: You do [02:22:49] duukm: androgynous [02:22:49] rajama22: Very fem there [02:22:49] help_me123456789101112: it's a pass [02:22:50] cyphoenic_: looks girl [02:22:50] umutk_99: oh yeah definitely not passing /s [02:22:50] Bleats_Sinodai: Denial [02:22:51] bang3r: yah you do 100% haha [02:22:51] lizthewtich: giving androgynous [02:22:51] MajesticFvckingEagle: Kappa ok [02:22:51] Snalster: if I didnt know, i'd think u was a woman [02:22:52] BanOompaLoompas: if u don't look like a woman, the sky is no longer blue KEKW [02:22:52] scandibilly: PFFFFT 100% CIS WOMAN [02:22:52] GenieGirl: ummm yeah you look like a female still hahahaha [02:22:52] JayOhDizzle: WAMEN [02:22:52] LanGoblin: Ain't no one reading that as a guy tbh [02:22:53] DekuSapling: read as femme in that shot 🤷 [02:22:53] experiencepoints: I didn't hate he/him but I knew that people would take FOREVER to use she/her if I didn't insist on it at first [02:22:54] YumeNoZen: Like, you'll pass as a woman regularly in 2022? [02:22:55] MirahImage: You look like a girl [02:22:55] Helen_Croft: !ai use the ai on that frame @F1NN5TER [02:22:56] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [02:22:56] isabaellchen: yea sure finn [02:22:57] argonaut2468: "doesn't pass" hun, you used to be the most cis passing before all this [02:22:58] bearpaw1970: You look very naturally beautiful [02:22:58] coldhearttx3: you’ve been a girl for me 😍 [02:22:59] aggravatedconditions: u look like agirl [02:22:59] SandMan29331: You Look Female-ese [02:23:01] cubus35: stinky [02:23:01] vox_causa: Oh sweetie. You come off as SUPER femme [02:23:01] alexx_net: @Phoerow, Nope [02:23:01] Megafish40: not showering to embrace the girlsmell [02:23:02] EldritchElucidator: are these the brainworms [02:23:03] furret_the_duck: easiest pass of all time [02:23:03] Gaetanfalcon: I think that is called Dysphoria @F1NN5TER [02:23:03] aloofcrabby: you don't read male [02:23:03] SkyeOfBreeze: @Cmdr_Sam_Vimes this, I agree with [02:23:04] IndigoShyl: fuck me finnister you look like a girl XD [02:23:05] McStrugs: Kapp [02:23:05] davidiusfarrenius: you still pass! 👍 [02:23:06] ringo4pp: ringo4pp subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months! Moin, kyaterHayy [02:23:07] f3mmbot: ringo4pp subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:23:07] memestar29000: !pc [02:23:08] f3mmbot: F1nn has a new Xidax Travel PC! Get your own using this referral link - https://www.xidax.com/f1nn5ter [02:23:10] lewdbirdnoises: not very boyish, but your identity is separate from your presentation [02:23:10] amelia7015: you pretty much pass [02:23:10] 0ccamsphazer: No, u full pass even like that [02:23:11] Helen_Croft: !ai use the ai on that frame @F1NN5TER [02:23:11] rainfallwall: rainfallwall is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel! [02:23:12] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [02:23:12] rainfallwall: rainfallwall gifted a Tier 1 sub to fayemorelike! [02:23:12] marty_poisonwood: You're a giant question mark [02:23:12] fatslowman: it is about what people call you in public [02:23:12] f3mmbot: rainfallwall has gifted a subscription to fayemorelike at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang fayemorelike f1nnLezgang [02:23:13] ACutiePi_: surgery time POG [02:23:15] Nirvana_W22: you've been read as femme for a long time [02:23:15] pixel842: Proud of you F1nn,, i got to go to sleep. on a side note, i think you and icky may have started my identity crisis. G'night [02:23:16] WillowWithAJoystick: Finn: “I don’t think i look like a woman” *shows a whole lesbian* [02:23:16] ciernaruza: gorl [02:23:17] FlameMarineUK: Ay congratz f1nn atmLove [02:23:17] outg0ingintr0vert: we love you Finn [02:23:19] betbet278: do whatever you want [02:23:19] Vanimal2118: Don't press F1nn5ter to b anything they don't want 2 b. [02:23:22] Les_Bien_Pain: HRT can make you look younger so beware that you might not be allowed to like, buy energy drinks soon [02:23:23] BirdNina_ovo: you have already a really fem Fat diustribution in the face the cheek fat etc [02:23:25] Streig: I've seen the Nat videos. We KNOW you're Bi. [02:23:25] KianaVCL: you've looked like a tomboy for years, if you ask me [02:23:28] Monicaxir: Its hilarious some new people join the stream and the big insult is "you look like a woman" that's the point! [02:23:29] Katakalysmic: really happy to hear youre happy finn, sorry for all the hate you do get [02:23:32] Twinborne: Don't worry about your appearance, you look amazing even now. Brain is a fuck though sometimes [02:23:35] NhiteHD: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:23:35] Blackrodzilla1: so will there be a fem voice stream at some point [02:23:35] TheLegendOfLivz: you are legitimately the most passing person ever [02:23:36] Nenkos: if F1nn doesn't "pass" then its so joever for the rest of us [02:23:36] coldhearttx3: i want that finnussy [02:23:38] oli_jayne: i have been a question mark for years, welcome to the club lol [02:23:39] marblehoney: faeeHeart [02:23:40] Snalster: check poll [02:23:43] qlily_663: @pixel842 good luck <3 [02:23:43] MirahImage: Cis people are shockingly oblivious [02:23:45] awe_rora: @birdnina_ovo I’m prescribed spiro and E (I’m lucky) I just had never heard of spiro inhibiting chest gains [02:23:45] isabaellchen: you still got a road ahead girl [02:23:45] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER on discord search f1nnster in gifs and look at the second one [02:23:46] ACutiePi_: FFS stream? [02:23:47] vader_order669: f1nnHeadpat [02:23:48] Feywild: Honestly other that the voice you pass as a woman.' [02:23:48] lampjade: When you hit nine months it'll be only your voice tbh [02:23:49] alexx_net: Nail tech said that you don't need "the surgery" down there f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnLaff [02:23:49] memestar29000: Passing go brrrtttt [02:23:50] Ry_Noir: Was gonna say, voice does a ton for people to preceive you as a woman. [02:23:52] minecrackjesus: f1nnBingbong [02:23:52] titusrodriguez: You pass so much better as a woman as you think [02:23:52] FemboyTHC: joshstStrawbz [02:23:54] Cautare: HELL YEAH PRINCESS [02:23:55] help_me123456789101112: @coldhearttx3 wtf???? [02:23:55] Salty_Biscuits0: So proud of you F1nn GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [02:23:55] bearpaw1970: KianaVCL exactly 💯 [02:23:57] retroyoshi1996: retroyoshi1996 subscribed at Tier 1. [02:23:58] f3mmbot: retroyoshi1996 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang retroyoshi1996 f1nnLezgang [02:23:58] Amoyamoyamoya: @Vanimal2118, No, I want F1nn to be a foot/shoe model [02:24:03] Reikimagtwentyonepilots: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [02:24:04] Citruss_PUNCH: Yesssss trans goals 💜 [02:24:09] Lena_was_unavailable: @F1NN5TER do you plan any surgeries? [02:24:09] SnabbKassa: as long as there will be donuts on battlepass, this changes nothing [02:24:10] Megafish40: omg banger pants tho [02:24:11] ArminGux: let Ashley dress you [02:24:12] phaser40: phaser40 subscribed at Tier 1. [02:24:12] f3mmbot: phaser40 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang phaser40 f1nnLezgang [02:24:13] unaffected95: Lesbian [02:24:13] SleepyPac: the most fem butch lesbian youve ever seen [02:24:15] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "did Finn pass in that pic?": Yes with 279 votes (96.54%) [02:24:15] freshdelipickles: lesbian vibes [02:24:16] marty_poisonwood: Butch [02:24:17] durendal_69: Just a lesbian look [02:24:17] isarah304: is literally boymoder [02:24:17] Avaerus0: Androgynous [02:24:18] MirahImage: You dress like a lesbian [02:24:19] betbet278: LOL wtf [02:24:19] isabaellchen: yea why are you wearing it [02:24:20] SunIsLost: unisex [02:24:20] Elifighter: fuck woman clothes i like my pockets [02:24:20] ConcentratedAndi: lesbian [02:24:21] Twinborne: @MirahImage can confirm. Literally telling people I'm going through another puberty, and they still know nothing. [02:24:22] 4FrogsInABeanie: bi/lesbian fit tho [02:24:22] noodle711: it is a girl look, just a masc lesbian look [02:24:22] NorableTTV: i could see the booba bump through ur shirt when u stood [02:24:23] ProElisium: I've already come to terms that visually I might never 'pass' I've got very obvious and unflattering features, but on the same token I am doing it for me and don't care what other peolpe think. [02:24:23] Ralithye: Butch vid [02:24:23] scrotemilk: boymoder [02:24:23] Vanimal2118: Go 4 it Amoya. [02:24:24] Kourra_: Congratulations @F1NN5TER <3 even though you're still figuring things out, that was a big step. [02:24:24] AlmondVF: looks lesbian icl [02:24:24] alchemylla: if you look fem enough you will pass in the most basic outfits. and you do [02:24:24] Scyi_: masc cis lesbian with long hair [02:24:25] Shockwavemecha: Be yourself, stay Comfy [02:24:25] yarumari: it's bit butch, but still would pass [02:24:25] Helen_Croft: !ai use the ai on that frame @F1NN5TER [02:24:26] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [02:24:26] TheLegendOfLivz: True girl clothes though. I live in pj's [02:24:27] vinay12s: MercyWing1 <3 MercyWing2 [02:24:28] FatherThyme: 97% voted yes [02:24:28] britishbeasty: As long as you feel like a women or feel like yourself then thats all that matters in the end [02:24:28] ekat2468: it's your face and your hair that give it away I think [02:24:29] dreadcain: clearly woman's jeans though [02:24:29] Stovamor: Check the poll @f1nn5ter [02:24:30] Darkness4desert: And the undies [02:24:30] certified_boylover: wait so why did they start hrt tho ? like i watched the vid but i still dont understand. [02:24:30] Esper89: boymoder [02:24:30] dmx908: The bi style [02:24:31] Takouu: HAHA [02:24:32] SonicXVe: based [02:24:33] insecureTrannzz: KEKW [02:24:33] HardyOrange: sure, until it becomes really obvious when you aren't wearing a bra [02:24:34] TopbitActual: POCKETS [02:24:35] johnkeiwo: based [02:24:36] ghost_sheriff_: tomboyish girl style [02:24:36] Lazulli0_0: If YOU wont be seen as a woman then im fucked [02:24:36] luckylibrarian: yeh you just look like a butch lesbian now lol [02:24:36] DevinWonka: Boymoder [02:24:37] DegenerateDaycare: Gotta get you a plaid shirt [02:24:37] cashmoneymanboy: trousers, so british [02:24:38] techytrickster: @F1NN5TER bruh, you look like a pretty pretty woman, why do so many trans people have an issue with recognizing when they pass?! (well i'm gonna find out personally over the next few years, so stay tuned if i figure out the answer) [02:24:38] spider3327: you just do [02:24:39] R1VER_REBEL: PotFriend fimm are you excited for the elden ring dlc? [02:24:39] Snalster: unisex clothing is the best dude [02:24:39] xxacidxxdreamxx: LUL LUL LUL [02:24:39] aggravatedconditions: thats cause u are [02:24:40] elliewp: "adam sandler or a lesbian" [02:24:40] ringwraith1313: how frequently do you wear a bra nowadays? [02:24:41] smishplays: Cheer10 smishpT3 HypeHuh [02:24:41] vader_order669: f1nnTank [02:24:42] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Honestly... It looks like a girl just trying not to have to deal with men being all horny at her. [02:24:42] Sisquo8: id say more surfer hippie vibes [02:24:43] thekindredspiritofficial: they got good fashion sense [02:24:43] KiraDreamchaser: You're kinda half lesbian now [02:24:43] HexGrrrrl: Dykes rise up [02:24:44] ciernaruza: boymoder fit minus the hoodie [02:24:44] Jens_LN: girl voice ? [02:24:44] meiketae: clothes don´t have a gender [02:24:45] Citruss_PUNCH: Me too finn me too [02:24:45] green_oskar: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [02:24:46] frogmario: plaid core [02:24:47] TheAverageBoyfu: LUL [02:24:47] FriendlyFantasyFlyerKahea: You are beautiful and I love you :) <3 [02:24:48] GenieGirl: Hun that is just called Tom boy style hahaha [02:24:48] ArminGux: you living that lesbian life [02:24:48] jawn_thebaptist: does this change mean youll play runescape now [02:24:49] viryl_lucas: passed with flying colors (gay) [02:24:50] Amoyamoyamoya: @Vanimal2118, Things are being actioned behind the scenes...F1nn's not completely aware of it... [02:24:50] Firehead200: hey finn first time chatter, been following you and your journey for a while, wanna say im proud of you and what youve done and the community youve built of supportive simps [02:24:51] betbet278: when you were a guy did you date girls? [02:24:52] TyrSilvermoon: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 you have been a someone I have respected. I am proud of you mate [02:24:52] Scrooge_McBong: yeah we know [02:24:52] Aurora_Nebula_: findthWingsL TransgenderPride BisexualPride GayPride findthWingsR [02:24:52] 2ari2: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [02:24:53] OperatorEmma: That little bracelet is so cute! [02:24:53] unaffected95: It's bc you are a lesbian (sometimes) [02:24:54] Lily_The_Purple: congrats on coming out! <3 Cheer100 [02:24:55] SnabbKassa: lez - gang - colors [02:24:55] lampjade: It doesn't matter how you dress. That's not what they cue on. Be prepared. [02:24:55] NorableTTV: when u stood the booba bumps were noticable [02:24:56] BirdNina_ovo: @awe_rora :)) im taking spiro 100 aswell and finasteride + weak sauce gel and thats empty in 2-3 days but have the vial in my closet unused and am scared :D to use it in my country we cant get estradiol injectables usually^^ [02:24:56] Tom_Snowman: if my nintendo switch doesnt fit in my pockts they are too small [02:24:57] ScarsUnseen: androgynous frame [02:24:58] krovvy: cniGIGA [02:24:59] SandMan29331: You look like a 15 yo tomboy. [02:25:00] isabaellchen: god you're a piece of work, woman [02:25:01] Esper89: ur not even good at boymoding [02:25:01] johnkeiwo: beeauty score of 78 or 82 [02:25:02] SunIsLost: EGGzactly [02:25:02] pyrandname: I mean you are a part time lesbian now [02:25:02] ChasingSol: !ai [02:25:03] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [02:25:03] beaneater197: How's the girl voice [02:25:03] johnkeiwo: beeauty score of 78 or 82 [02:25:05] princess_mia03: haii [02:25:06] HaniReal1: HaniReal1 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [02:25:06] f3mmbot: hanireal1 has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [02:25:06] HaniReal1: HaniReal1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to LastOrbit! [02:25:06] HaniReal1: HaniReal1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to son_of_magnustv! [02:25:06] HaniReal1: HaniReal1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to borkandheck956! [02:25:06] HaniReal1: HaniReal1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to welaka! [02:25:06] HaniReal1: HaniReal1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to KerbyC! [02:25:08] johnkeiwo: i'm predicting [02:25:08] bollecku: yo congrats F1nn [02:25:10] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:25:13] bjorn_egil: If I hadn't known I would clock you as a masc lesbian tbf [02:25:13] axing_: 100 [02:25:14] isarah304: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:25:15] filip_zd10: of course [02:25:17] johnkeiwo: OOF 57 [02:25:17] NopenguinYT: When will you learn? [02:25:18] FatherThyme: lmao [02:25:18] ChasingSol: ... [02:25:19] Snalster: YUP [02:25:20] capivara_de_chapeu: It is the Adam Sandler look [02:25:21] Gigantobear: just saw your vid, so cool especially that your parents (or people i assume are your parents...) are on board [02:25:21] insecureTrannzz: ooof [02:25:21] LVL1Goblin_: LOL [02:25:22] certified_boylover: wait, so why did they start hrt tho ? like i watched the vid but i still dont understand. [02:25:22] juneguild: ... [02:25:23] scarlettyg: Oof size large [02:25:23] jack25351: when you gonna get boob job bro? [02:25:24] dutch_gecko: have you called Ashley gay yet? [02:25:26] viryl_lucas: lol [02:25:26] vengeful_trader: Squid1 Squid2 f1nnChair Squid2 Squid4 [02:25:27] skimor1: Will surgeries loke SRS follow? [02:25:27] ciernaruza: 26 oof [02:25:27] Takouu: :) [02:25:28] ScarsUnseen: oldddddd 26!!!!!!!!!!! [02:25:28] JayOhDizzle: wamen confirmed [02:25:30] vinay12s: SAME 1 GIMME A FREE SUB PLS [02:25:30] aSpicyCow: bad lighting omegalul [02:25:31] Citruss_PUNCH: Ive noticed your skin looks so much softer in the last bit [02:25:31] esquilinus: some of us would kill for 57 [02:25:32] nyrhalahotep: it's funny, because the knives technically replace the carabiners [02:25:32] FariosNLA: What can you finally talk about [02:25:32] AlmondVF: 57 ai is stooopid [02:25:33] FriendlyFantasyFlyerKahea: oval??? 🥚 [02:25:33] Jauntie_Jackalope: cheer100 [02:25:34] blueskydrinking: 57, AI doesn't know shit [02:25:34] luckylibrarian: bro im 32. you hush thats not old lol [02:25:35] Eadthryth: Eadthryth subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Just saw the video and I had to go through the experience of initially thinking it's a joke clickbait meme to realizing that shit is going down. Good for you. [02:25:36] f3mmbot: eadthryth subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [02:25:36] statesidelemur9: that's bs [02:25:36] hazelgamess: @dutch_gecko he very much has [02:25:36] YumeNoZen: You're cute, whatever. [02:25:36] unovaismyregion: you kinda look like a soccer mom [02:25:37] ArminGux: it’s the smiling curves [02:25:37] BirdNina_ovo: you must take a picture frontal symmetric and the hat and hair must be off the face [02:25:38] LoftedAphid86: Damn Fin there are worse things in life than being 26 [02:25:38] memestar29000: Lol [02:25:38] Ry_Noir: what site is that? [02:25:38] 0ccamsphazer: LUL [02:25:38] SunIsLost: Ai is innacurate [02:25:38] KerbyC: @HaniReal1 TY FOR THE GIFT SUB [02:25:39] feloni_5x5: Congrats, F1nn. Proud of you. Enjoy the journey! [02:25:40] Vanimal2118: Can u turn TTS back on too much inputs to keep things straight? [02:25:42] rajama22: Don't you look a little like your mum therem [02:25:42] Sappho_Artemis: Sappho_Artemis subscribed at Tier 1. [02:25:42] f3mmbot: sappho_artemis subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang sappho_artemis f1nnLezgang [02:25:42] IndigoShyl: hahahaha the site told the true [02:25:43] Cycrum: @FariosNLA He came out as genderfluid [02:25:44] isabaellchen: when will the topmodel egg crack? [02:25:44] princess_mia03: da makeup mak oldr [02:25:45] p01chi: Is the British teeth [02:25:45] MikeWillStream: @dutch_gecko yeah he said so earlier [02:25:45] pillbughug: never trust a computer [02:25:46] mercurialroleplay: SO the new pronoun droped? Fin/Ster? [02:25:47] Dezponia: Whatever you say girl [02:25:47] Helen_Croft: poll was 97% looks like woman [02:25:49] flexo_777: forsenE [02:25:50] TheLegendOfLivz: hats are a bad idea for photos [02:25:52] bcbtwitch: I guess I'll have to stop referring to Finn as a "beautiful boy." [02:25:53] MissNez: MissNez subscribed at Tier 1. [02:25:53] f3mmbot: missnez subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang missnez f1nnLezgang [02:25:54] Mafficraft: Im surprised nobody has brought up your voice yet. What are you gonna do about that? [02:25:54] yeoseulgf: I GTG SO PROUD OF U FINN!!! [02:25:58] Aeluvium: Congrats!!! Just saw the video. I'm so happy for you [02:25:58] ellieonline: Lol I just got 52 for a score [02:25:58] AcuRatTM: what's the site? i wanna suffer [02:25:59] Stovamor: The poll passed [02:26:01] Avaerus0: I thought it was a cute pic [02:26:02] Shockwavemecha: @van spicycowHappy [02:26:02] johnkeiwo: TTS monkaS [02:26:03] NorableTTV: booba :3 [02:26:05] amelia_secrets00: Which calculator is/was that? [02:26:05] EMinc: but what is your survival strategy? [02:26:07] aporcelaingirl: The site you were using, what was that? [02:26:08] szczurek5i2: szczurek5i2 subscribed with Prime. [02:26:09] KulenFlulen: Did you know: you can double-right-click on youtube and "Copy Video Frame" [02:26:09] FatherThyme: yes, please [02:26:09] f3mmbot: szczurek5i2 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang szczurek5i2 f1nnLezgang [02:26:09] Scrooge_McBong: I got a poll [02:26:10] InvaderSquidGirl: your 1000% [02:26:12] Monicaxir: The strange thing is F1nn doesn't need to Pass in places like twitch he wore a dress and he was just accepted as F1nn in a dress! [02:26:13] DoppelterDepresso: @F1NN5TER whats your experience with the mental effects of hrt been? also is that just mascara or sth else on your lashes [02:26:15] johnkeiwo: YEP [02:26:16] maddiefromtv: he has the most confusing gender [02:26:18] spookyhargow: f1nn coming out the same day pope says “gender ideology” is dangerous is amazing. f1nn is the genderfluid anti-pope! [02:26:19] Chloeeee: @Mafficraft nothing? you dont HAVE to voice train [02:26:20] now_chemical: that sounds good 👌 [02:26:20] maxi15302: maxi15302 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 13 month streak! [02:26:20] f3mmbot: maxi15302 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:26:21] R1VER_REBEL: @NorableTTV fr :3 [02:26:23] freshdelipickles: ye [02:26:23] SunIsLost: @bcbtwitch Nah, she is a Genderfluid boy, you are alrigjt [02:26:28] certified_boylover: so why did they start hrt ? i watched the video but still dont understand [02:26:30] AcuRatTM: what site was that? [02:26:30] SnabbKassa: Donos should be more than three bucks [02:26:31] AristotleBetta: AristotleBetta is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 61 in the channel! [02:26:31] f3mmbot: aristotlebetta has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [02:26:31] AristotleBetta: AristotleBetta gifted a Tier 1 sub to Real_Zekkyn! [02:26:31] AristotleBetta: AristotleBetta gifted a Tier 1 sub to thyggfug! [02:26:31] AristotleBetta: AristotleBetta gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pillooow! [02:26:31] AristotleBetta: AristotleBetta gifted a Tier 1 sub to robisbored01! [02:26:31] AristotleBetta: AristotleBetta gifted a Tier 1 sub to F1zz1an__! [02:26:31] AristotleBetta: AristotleBetta gifted a Tier 1 sub to PrairieVixen! [02:26:31] AristotleBetta: AristotleBetta gifted a Tier 1 sub to eerebidae! [02:26:31] AristotleBetta: AristotleBetta gifted a Tier 1 sub to meduza89! [02:26:31] AristotleBetta: AristotleBetta gifted a Tier 1 sub to bruh_wt_f! [02:26:31] AristotleBetta: AristotleBetta gifted a Tier 1 sub to oshbosh6001! [02:26:31] ysalima: im poor [02:26:32] remain_unseen: Makes sense. Sub messages can be invasive [02:26:36] minecrackjesus: did ashley say that the term pass shouldnt be used [02:26:36] johnkeiwo: !donate [02:26:37] f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. [02:26:37] ScarsUnseen: her pronouns are giga/chad. [02:26:41] MikeWillStream: oh damn [02:26:42] Eadthryth: @spookyhargow BRO WHAT? That's hillarious. [02:26:43] the_boredom: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [02:26:44] OpenFearful: so proud of you finn! happy to see you comfortable in your skin. Love you dude/dudeette <4 [02:26:44] GuiltyGwen: but how many bits for tts? [02:26:45] phlorp_227: phlorp_227 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! on god [02:26:45] f3mmbot: phlorp_227 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [02:26:45] Shockwavemecha: @Vanimal2118 feebuxPet [02:26:47] Citruss_PUNCH: When did you start hrt?? [02:26:50] kelpcalibur: So happy and proud of you Finn, you and Ashley helped me understand my gender better and I’m very grateful! [02:26:50] AsterZadri: AsterZadri subscribed at Tier 1. [02:26:50] f3mmbot: asterzadri subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang asterzadri f1nnLezgang [02:26:51] Monicaxir: I guess F1nn is F1nn gender and that fine! [02:26:52] RobinOsiria: Congrats! [02:26:54] MajesticFvckingEagle: oh daaamn [02:26:55] BirdNina_ovo: PikaRamen PridePog [02:26:56] GhostOfAFlea: F1nn actually improving the stream settings is actually more unexpected than the coming out [02:26:56] Twinborne: @spookyhargow holy shit, that's amazing [02:26:58] doomsday7568: @F1NN5TER hi f1nn welcome to the lgbtqia mafia [02:26:58] Vanimal2118: vanima3HOWDY @shockwavemecha [02:26:59] mrjoshdeakin: Honestly so happy for you Finn. I saw also Cow's announcement on Twitter so it's super interesting overall :3 [02:27:02] lizthewtich: it is kinda dumb tbh [02:27:03] phaser40: Cheer100 [02:27:03] R1VER_REBEL: PopNemo [02:27:07] luckylibrarian: it shouldn't be important, basically [02:27:07] ShibaUna: Love you f1nn <3 [02:27:08] Doja420: @F1NN5TER joined late, what can we finally talk about? [02:27:10] oli_jayne: i feel like passing should be for you, not for what others [02:27:10] negobola123: Why did you decide to take Hrt [02:27:11] awe_rora: @birdnina_ovo there was a time when I had to order my HRT on the dark web lol 😬 [02:27:12] vox_causa: "my boyfriend is a very pretty girl" - Icky [02:27:17] ProElisium: It gets reductive [02:27:18] haru_saito: girly im so proud of you <3 cant wait to keep watching your journey [02:27:20] Firehead200: Firehead200 subscribed with Prime. [02:27:21] f3mmbot: firehead200 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang firehead200 f1nnLezgang [02:27:22] Monicaxir: Th eproblem is passing in certain cirmcumstances can save your life [02:27:23] rititcode: hi new here. talk about what? [02:27:24] certified_boylover: so why start hrt ? i watched the vid but still dont understand? [02:27:24] filip_zd10: When did you first start using hrt? [02:27:28] Adam1729: I think of it more as passing as cis [02:27:30] Valhannaa: it implies that there is a goal that you pass fail to meet when the goal is just to be happy [02:27:31] antonyjc1: Finn will we see you a bit more now? [02:27:32] Nenkos: applying the concept of "passing" to others is bad. for urself, its valid [02:27:34] CaffeinatedLinux: Corgo100 [02:27:36] nitzkit8: how accurate was Ashley Baron!?! [02:27:41] ringwraith1313: How often do you wear bras now that you're growing breasts? [02:27:44] panic_lov3: HI First stream :) [02:27:45] SonicXVe: different experiences [02:27:46] YumeNoZen: All gender is in relation to societal structures and shouldn't be used to define, just explain. [02:27:49] johnkeiwo: EWWW [02:27:49] Crazedmonkey29: Sad you'll never grow a beard now Finn? [02:27:51] Omen_Gam3r: I love men [02:27:51] CallMeSleeepy: YES [02:27:52] josiedoobs: oh my god i love you [02:27:52] ScarsUnseen: you already do [02:27:52] MikeWillStream: yes [02:27:52] megadoom20: yes [02:27:52] splurshin: absolutely [02:27:53] ICurryI: Yes [02:27:53] Nylia_in_C: yes [02:27:53] HardyOrange: plus, plenty of cis people get occasionally "misgendered", doesn't mean they don't "pass" [02:27:53] llokkabr: Yes [02:27:53] allyssa_rei: YES [02:27:53] shinjitsumiso: you have about 105% odds of passing after a couple years on E finn. not that its the goal, like you said [02:27:54] zachydaiquiri: Cheer10yep0 [02:27:54] amouro_: Yes [02:27:54] subpar_wizard: YES [02:27:54] PhilipMooney: Now? [02:27:54] Monicaxir: There are different forms, Passing someone in the street and just being able to go about your buiness is one form [02:27:54] Aren711: YES [02:27:54] Lucridis: Start? Did you ever stop [02:27:54] azylani: YES [02:27:54] Eadthryth: Yes plz [02:27:54] CyanoticJam: Yes [02:27:55] Scyi_: "start" [02:27:55] viryl_lucas: YESSS PLS [02:27:55] LightMage670: you already did [02:27:55] CheeseJayy: yes [02:27:55] ConcentratedAndi: Yes [02:27:55] kristinhateslife: no [02:27:55] ChasingSol: you already do... [02:27:55] filip_zd10: yes [02:27:55] cerysnomi: yes [02:27:55] quavery3: yes [02:27:56] swanee327: No.. [02:27:56] ffionbee: no you already did that [02:27:56] Hamcheesesan: You already did that lol [02:27:56] saturnb220: yes [02:27:56] hand_hook_car_door: ye [02:27:56] mooommo15: start? [02:27:56] cuddlebear187: YES [02:27:56] ciernaruza: start? [02:27:56] R1VER_REBEL: yes [02:27:56] Penguin_Spy: you already did that step [02:27:56] ImpOfMan: YES [02:27:56] Sky14r_: start? [02:27:57] Xylomn: ....start? [02:27:57] suppcarl7: yes [02:27:57] veterantrucker1: I knew you were bi from your Christmas battle pass video. [02:27:57] gruntbane: Yes [02:27:57] cheesefriesandgangsigns: yes :) [02:27:57] kingilord: Yes [02:27:57] nullpsyche: Finn coming clean about the hrt so he can blame small PP on E Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:27:57] duukm: start? [02:27:57] Darkstar_j_: yes [02:27:57] OmsX8O: VoteYea [02:27:57] royal35: What do you mean now? [02:27:58] v1vy211: YES [02:27:58] Agrena: you werent allready? [02:27:58] CritCupcake: skater skirts [02:27:58] 6666969: yes [02:27:58] gamertwtch: Too late [02:27:58] LaurenArtful: Yes. [02:27:58] feeddageek: Yes [02:27:58] Darkness4desert: Start? [02:27:58] zombiii: i mean why stop now [02:27:58] lexxiipop: BIMBO MODE [02:27:58] bb_soup: "Barbie" [02:27:58] lizthewtich: yes [02:27:58] johnkeiwo: Nah u already did that for years [02:27:58] luckylibrarian: like you were already doing lol? [02:27:58] Zettrex: absolutely [02:27:59] Worldsokeyest: Like you have been? [02:27:59] ItsJohannaWren: Haven't you already been doing that? [02:27:59] deerdreams: "start" [02:27:59] silver_shark3: Bring out the Amazon skater skirt [02:27:59] Baloney_Kaboom: "now" [02:27:59] octminer: "start" [02:27:59] AristotleBetta: Only when you want to @F1NN5TER [02:27:59] regresssion: Cheer100 hey fin, i have an academic paper that's just been accepted in the journal Trans Studies Quarterly about you and femboys and the economics of streaming that i now need to beg the editors for the chance to edit after you came out, so thanks for giving me work to do. welcome to the e club x [02:28:00] Chloeeee: you already had that phase a long time ago [02:28:00] JeperoJ: Think you already served your time [02:28:00] umutk_99: skater skirt sjsjsj [02:28:00] likethedash: you can just skip that step and jump straight to lesbian [02:28:01] awe_rora: yeppp [02:28:01] PsillyCephalopod: hahaha [02:28:01] jxggfzx: your already doing that [02:28:01] HexGrrrrl: Tbf you did that already [02:28:01] Vanimal2118: More than usual? [02:28:01] vickie_0_: yes [02:28:01] alexx_net: Yes lol [02:28:02] ekat2468: you shooooooould it would be cute [02:28:02] ShibaUna: Yes [02:28:02] LunaKyx: Yes [02:28:02] TheWarDoctor8: Yes, baby mode begins [02:28:02] ArminGux: femboy shorts [02:28:02] princess_morningstar: start? [02:28:03] MrsPandamber: cause youve never done that [02:28:03] jamtapot: @F1NN5TER are you doing DIY btw or do you have doctor [02:28:04] daemon2988: You stopped? [02:28:04] muddymudkip15: Start? [02:28:04] alkibiadesmassacre: start? [02:28:04] davidiusfarrenius: yes [02:28:04] dmx908: Yes [02:28:04] KianaVCL: I mean, please? [02:28:04] TwoLemings: You enspire me as a genderfluid person [02:28:05] c__r__j: START wearing pink and girly outfits? [02:28:05] DrJaneLuciferianScientist: YES! [02:28:05] neondimples: You're the only person I'll tell "Yes" [02:28:05] MirahImage: Hahahaha [02:28:06] Mizo_Live: like you where not doing baby trans outfits for years [02:28:06] maddiefromtv: YEP start [02:28:06] roman__c: Yes [02:28:06] TheUselessNinja: What does you mean by start? [02:28:07] beaneater197: Yes [02:28:07] isarah304: yes [02:28:07] Citruss_PUNCH: Yeah. I felt passing was important at the begining of my journey now it doesnt matter i just feel female [02:28:07] Maddie194King: yep [02:28:08] Hellbent38: A little Late for that F1NN [02:28:08] yarrivin: you already did tho [02:28:08] Feywild: You were already wearing pink and girly outfits. [02:28:08] auyo97: now? [02:28:08] statesidelemur9: yes [02:28:08] Elu__Thingol: Only during pride [02:28:09] retroyoshi1996: yes you do [02:28:09] m9_dontchill: yes [02:28:10] JayOhDizzle: stripy socks time [02:28:10] Quatroid_: YES [02:28:10] estradidoll: “start” [02:28:11] menacingcafe1: yes [02:28:11] Ember921: start? [02:28:12] i_devote_to_bregans: You already did that [02:28:12] johnkeiwo: MAKE HIM CRY [02:28:12] bulletfeed: Yep [02:28:12] WildcatAlli: You already went thru baby trans phase [02:28:12] biffis1032: If you want, if not don't [02:28:12] chriscorrick08: You did that for years @f1nn5ter [02:28:12] boom_and_alpha_yt: do it [02:28:12] Bobbikatt: Most go through a "girly" phase [02:28:13] johnkeiwo: MAKE HIM CRY [02:28:13] EmpressCard: What pronouns are you working with right now? [02:28:13] 0ccamsphazer: YES [02:28:14] Ayton666: Cry incoming [02:28:14] 5195_Olivias: YES [02:28:14] JanieOnyx: awww [02:28:15] ezk_r: wait, is this a gender reveal after-party? [02:28:15] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:28:16] hyenaWWW: Didn't you already do taht? [02:28:18] vox_causa: If F1nn is a baby trans does that make Icky his momma trans? [02:28:18] Bauldyr: you did that well before, but it'd be funny [02:28:18] tripod_666: na you already did that lul [02:28:19] ElfDestruct: need to buy pink knives [02:28:19] TeraValia: Wear the things you like how you look in. [02:28:20] skylikesaerospace: make Finn cry [02:28:20] Dav320K: I feel like you've already been there, done that [02:28:22] lordgtafbi: only just now huh LUL [02:28:22] angygenz: fuck it I am going to get on hrt [02:28:22] BirdNina_ovo: @awe_rora thats not ok but there are private vial suppliers and sellers who are gettoing tested on transharmreduction com whats in the vials and they scan for lead and many posions and that happens independant :))) so we are so much further [02:28:23] KHaylock: so, if you are lucky/unlucky, at some point you might find you need to wear a bra for reasons of practicality, & you might develop… inconvenient… amounts of boobage. are you OK with that prospect? [02:28:24] pillbughug: “passing” has use for safety, but it can be a poisonous thing to focus on [02:28:24] oliviazbored: happy women month btw [02:28:26] princeuni: START? Like you haven't been doing that? [02:28:26] filip_zd10: omg gender reveal party?? [02:28:26] nix_the_rat: you did that already [02:28:27] R1VER_REBEL: @estradidoll haha [02:28:27] fabienn3zockt: Just saw the video and wish you all the best lalenaTrans [02:28:28] khloe_plays: I just saw the video BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [02:28:28] viryl_lucas: DO IT AGAIN [02:28:29] FatherThyme: you went through the baby trans phase years ago [02:28:29] XENOMAN5: Yes you have to go total Barbie mode!! [02:28:29] smudge515: just watched the coming out vid Finn and wanted to say congrats on being yourself. [02:28:30] PsillyCephalopod: fair [02:28:31] WillowWithAJoystick: *stares in remembering the pink cage and outfit* [02:28:32] MajesticFvckingEagle: cry stream lets goooooo [02:28:34] jamesahyoung: so if not Rose, will you ever fancy mixing up your name? or stick with f1nn bc… already living the genderqueer ID 😄 [02:28:34] NhiteHD: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:28:34] swanee327: If you wanta dress as a lesbian, GO FOR IT. lol ♥ [02:28:34] SunIsLost: cringe went too far [02:28:35] GlenCoco39: F1nn speedran baby trans by a technicality [02:28:35] Scrooge_McBong: ok [02:28:36] timabar: timabar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 18 month streak! 19 months. nice. my birthday this month. good job. [02:28:36] f3mmbot: timabar subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:28:37] TheLegendOfLivz: HAH [02:28:37] Ramaj_A: Pride300 Hey finn little buddy, congrats and everything, but more importantly, when's ashley coming on stream? [02:28:38] ameliamae621: ameliamae621 subscribed with Prime. [02:28:38] f3mmbot: ameliamae621 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang ameliamae621 f1nnLezgang [02:28:39] Hellbent38: KEKW [02:28:39] ArminGux: you are one deep in cringe still [02:28:40] madcaker: madcaker subscribed with Prime. [02:28:40] sightedfiend16: still a cis male for now [02:28:40] f3mmbot: madcaker subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang madcaker f1nnLezgang [02:28:40] jerryedwarddoyle: f1nnTank [02:28:41] Citruss_PUNCH: Man i feel like a woman [02:28:41] Monicaxir: But interacting with people that's a higher bar. i.e joining a writing club as your female self, thats a much higher form of passing [02:28:45] spidunno: :3 [02:28:45] MsCylon: F1nn you gave me the inspiration I needed to start taking hrt. [02:28:46] neondimples: Yes but now you can do cringe with cleavage [02:28:46] Amoyamoyamoya: @NopenguinYT, Ashley doesn't appear on every stream [02:28:48] SnabbKassa: pretty sure bp is for the male gaze [02:28:49] techytrickster: don't kill the part of you thats cringe... kills the part of you that cringes. [02:28:49] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: Hey F1NN - Can you flip me off? <3 <3 [02:28:49] PinballGraham: Cheer100 You get to be as girly and pink as you want, or not if you don't. Welcome to HRT from a fellow babytrans [02:28:49] AngelicBunnyBoi: AngelicBunnyBoi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! just saw yt vid. congrats f1nn [02:28:50] f3mmbot: angelicbunnyboi subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:28:50] HardyOrange: omg you really did come out as gender fluid on day one of women's history month in the us [02:28:51] isarah304: ashly was just pre ordering [02:28:51] deviouspenguins: 🥚 [02:28:54] betbet278: does Ashley also take hrt? [02:28:55] TPishek: You're too good at eyeliner to be able to do the baby trans fashion [02:28:56] xOrganaULTx: congrats, happy for you! [02:28:57] dark_rogue_mc: Congrats Finn we're happy to see you happy <3 [02:28:59] TyrSilvermoon: Cheer100you are the reason I ended up accepting my truth, Gratz Finn [02:28:59] blueskydrinking: that's the haters latest copium KEKW [02:29:00] sharkdad0: @F1NN5TER were there moments through the past year or so on stream where you almost broke and talked about it? [02:29:02] minecrackjesus: local estrogen user [02:29:03] Vanimal2118: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank [02:29:03] davidiusfarrenius: it’s ok for you to cry, you’re a girl now! 😄 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:29:04] R1VER_REBEL: DinoDance DinoDance [02:29:05] tigerstorms: congrats on everything [02:29:06] Kalazirys: everyone in the chat knew it Kappa. [02:29:06] SunIsLost: @Citruss_PUNCH Yea lady, you are such a dude [02:29:06] astronos_: her pronouns are he/him .... for now [02:29:08] cerysnomi: wait till you get to the dilating stage ;) [02:29:09] Noatsjs: f1nnSmile1 . f1nnSmile3 v f1nnSmile2 [02:29:10] professorpigeon1: are you egg now state baby trans state [02:29:13] ekat2468: doggirls or catgirls? [02:29:13] alexx_net: What happens to the biohazard in the box behind you? [02:29:13] Kronksterpher: youre too pretty [02:29:14] painterhailey: OMFG IT HAPPENED CONGRATS [02:29:14] bearpaw1970: f1nnEmbarrassed [02:29:15] NhiteHD: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:29:16] awe_rora: @birdnina_ovo yepppp my medical provider made a horrified face when I told them what I was doing and got me a prescription within the day [02:29:17] KfkFod: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:29:18] ChanseyChanseyChansey: LUL LUL [02:29:19] johnkeiwo: OOF KEKW [02:29:20] Monicaxir: Then in many ways you never Pass with the ones you love.. because you don't need to! [02:29:20] ChasingSol: hahaha [02:29:20] FatherThyme: lmaooo [02:29:20] Nyagi_Byte: LOL [02:29:21] Inkyon_: honestly so happy for you dude [02:29:21] oli_jayne: zsashaKekw [02:29:21] FusRoDoge: KEKW [02:29:21] rajama22: Lol [02:29:21] Shockwavemecha: Gottem [02:29:21] estr0genesis: omg [02:29:22] 1WhoBeans: OOF [02:29:22] viryl_lucas: KEKW EXACTLY [02:29:22] MikeWillStream: KEKW [02:29:23] SeiReiJoku: KEKW [02:29:23] CritCupcake: lmfao [02:29:23] now_chemical: 💀💀💀💀 [02:29:23] Zettrex: KEKW [02:29:24] occamsrazorwit: lmaooo [02:29:24] AlmondVF: KEKW [02:29:24] toastychaii: OMG [02:29:24] p01chi: good one [02:29:24] TherosBR: KEKW [02:29:24] braddle172: oof [02:29:24] Aren711: KEKW [02:29:24] hiluuu: LUL LUL LUL [02:29:24] distractedcreative: KEKW [02:29:24] ChasingSol: KEKW [02:29:25] LacedUpMystic: lmaooo [02:29:25] bensrob: lol [02:29:25] filip_zd10: TRUE KEKW [02:29:25] f0xegg: KEKW [02:29:25] DEADBERD: you can remove the quotation marks in ur twitch bio now PogU [02:29:25] Jens_LN: SMOLL !! [02:29:25] cubus35: OMEGALUL [02:29:25] KetchupBlood: exposed [02:29:26] hopalongtommy: It's a psyop! [02:29:26] SerinaCore: KEKW [02:29:27] Firehead200: f [02:29:27] khloe_plays: KEKW [02:29:28] Y0rk5h1r3: Emotional Damage!!! [02:29:28] flexo_777: Is F1NN trans? [02:29:28] buddyjare: just joking in now here [02:29:28] Qu1rkly: KEKW [02:29:28] phantaton: oof [02:29:28] muddymudkip15: Lol [02:29:29] pokemontdm: KEKW [02:29:29] YumeNoZen: Dayum. [02:29:29] Dezponia: Tånk ziphTREATS [02:29:29] Citruss_PUNCH: LUL [02:29:29] TheWarDoctor8: LOL [02:29:29] lizthewtich: KEKW [02:29:30] betbet278: lol [02:29:30] SuperKatze0108: Hallo nyuuniNya [02:29:30] arkarant: WHAT [02:29:30] blackdevils521: LUL LUL [02:29:30] Stovamor: KEKW [02:29:30] spookyhargow: laaaawl [02:29:31] plumesofdusk: OMEGALUL TRUE [02:29:32] fromthef1nn5ide: fromthef1nn5ide subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months! 39 months of watching this journey of yours. Glad to have seen it. [02:29:32] PsillyCephalopod: KEKW [02:29:33] f3mmbot: fromthef1nn5ide subscribed to f1nn5ter for 39 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:29:33] rummyb: lmaooo [02:29:34] ShakaShocker: lmaoooo that rhymed [02:29:34] davidiusfarrenius: yes 👍 [02:29:34] Scrooge_McBong: yep [02:29:34] 0ccamsphazer: LUL [02:29:35] statesidelemur9: kekw [02:29:35] PaganOrca: KEKW [02:29:35] Speederzzz: Hung like a mouse [02:29:36] coldhearttx3: 😂😂 [02:29:37] Elifighter: KEKW [02:29:37] Mnh188: it shrank, honestly [02:29:38] RoyalRoseo: oof [02:29:38] xx_bex_becca_xx: Kekw [02:29:39] zachydaiquiri: LMAOO [02:29:40] u_val: whos tank? (or what/whoever he just said) [02:29:40] sirzazzelot: bro not to be gay but your eyes look beautiful [02:29:41] Quizzicalotl: KEKW [02:29:41] itbesagemate: o7 [02:29:41] furret_the_duck: BibleThump [02:29:41] beaneater197: Yep [02:29:41] alkibiadesmassacre: KEKW [02:29:42] UnShotIon: ty for kinda showing where i might be soon (gender assessment coming up :D) and so proud of you Finn [02:29:43] Noatsjs: kekw [02:29:43] menacingcafe1: KEKW [02:29:44] XENOMAN5: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [02:29:44] pianoismyforte_: KEKW [02:29:45] skoralta: Finn pulling a Shania Twain over here xDDDD [02:29:47] Gh0stwasused: So you're runnin' with them LiBerAls now? [02:29:48] Ravyga: KEKW [02:29:48] Mr_Fluffy97: KEKW KEKW KEKW [02:29:50] trillbina: Congratulations on the de-aging process that Estrogen does for AMAB [02:29:51] Shrek9871: I mean you did say earlier in the stream that it did indeed get smaller [02:29:51] KianaVCL: F [02:29:53] PixelCrush_: PixelCrush_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! HEY FINN! CONGRATS ON THE NEW GENDER TIME TO ADD IT TO THE COLLECTION! [02:29:53] f3mmbot: pixelcrush_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:29:53] spider3327: new level of clickbait [02:29:57] ArceusVoid: Congratulations Beautiful Finn! 🏳️‍🌈💖🏳️‍⚧️ xxx [02:29:57] td_advocate: I def thought it was clickbair [02:29:58] Mikayla_Alexis: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [02:29:59] Firehead200: @u_val doggo [02:30:00] Nordisk1337: Nordisk1337 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! [02:30:00] NopenguinYT: Lmao [02:30:00] Citruss_PUNCH: Ewwww fin is just another e girl now 😂😂 [02:30:00] f3mmbot: nordisk1337 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [02:30:01] guide_on: hi, from ARGENTINA [02:30:01] TheWarDoctor8: 2 and a half hours for someone to try that joke [02:30:02] FatherThyme: one of the first ocmments on the video was click bait title KEKW [02:30:02] Muffin01: i think my tts has been eaten by streamlabs [02:30:04] BirdNina_ovo: @awe_rora yeah i know taht from th past the first time many many many years ago °V° [02:30:04] ohsveni: hung like a mouse f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [02:30:05] Eadthryth: I thought it was bait at first. [02:30:05] Baloney_Kaboom: TransgenderPride sureH [02:30:06] kristinhateslife: this is a big build up for april fools [02:30:06] GlenCoco39: I legit thought you were just cranking the clickbait up, because there's been a few almost on the same level [02:30:08] scarlettyg: @skoralta The video should include THAT line and the guitar riff, it is known [02:30:08] Feywild: You did kinda click bait it a few times by now IIRC. [02:30:10] SuperKatze0108: Congratulations on coming out nyuuniHeart6 [02:30:11] drowsyhuairen: HUNG LIKE A MOUSE IS CRAZY 💀 [02:30:11] bushtman: wait so can anyone tell me the big news? [02:30:11] hyenaWWW: Did suspect clickbait [02:30:11] R1VER_REBEL: do you like your pp size? [02:30:11] Bleats_Sinodai: buffpupWicked unfortunately, for you, I'm still into small pp [02:30:12] Quizzicalotl: I was expecting clickbait too ngl [02:30:12] Ayton666: This is the greatest april first prank in humanity [02:30:13] WarningYoo: helloo people [02:30:13] Ignominy: You'd be crucified if you were joking. [02:30:13] lovelydriver23: Congrats f1nn!! [02:30:13] ArminGux: f1nn got titi for the bit [02:30:14] cashmoneymanboy: whole room is still a trans flag [02:30:15] NorableTTV: i honestly did think it was clickbait when it popped up in my recommended [02:30:15] AristotleBetta: I swear I thought the YT vid was clickbait from the title... but then it was 100% real, and I'm so happy for you @F1NN5TER [02:30:16] u_val: @Firehead200 ooh okok ty, gotta love the doggo [02:30:17] WillowWithAJoystick: I legit thought it was clickbait and that’s *why* I clicked it [02:30:17] Dyvine57: i saw it on r/trans first so i knew it wasn't clickbait [02:30:20] HurricaneDante: clickbait evolves into not being clickbait! congrats!! [02:30:21] Penguin_Spy: when i saw the yt title i did think it was clickbait [02:30:21] futurist___: I just assumed the title had nothing to do with the content of the video [02:30:23] XENOMAN5: Chat I SWEAR it used to be HUGE!! [02:30:24] iris_amethyst_crowned: i wont lie at first i was like he got me... but no congrats [02:30:25] vox_causa: Eggirl was sure it was clickbait [02:30:28] WorkingTitleee: Seems like you're really happy, and that is awesome [02:30:28] just_markel: I 100% thought it was clickbait too lol [02:30:29] wubcub123: wubcub123 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel! [02:30:29] wubcub123: wubcub123 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mozts2005! [02:30:29] f3mmbot: wubcub123 has gifted a subscription to mozts2005 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang mozts2005 f1nnLezgang [02:30:32] theblacktnt: soo ur genderfuid and bi congrats [02:30:34] PhilipMooney: crazy parkiiing [02:30:35] FatherThyme: liv agars everywhere [02:30:38] 1WhoBeans: BRO STOP PLS [02:30:40] FriendlyFantasyFlyerKahea: <3 [02:30:41] LuckeeLIVE: what have i missed [02:30:41] maxxieinorbit: Cheer100 Congratulations on coming out! [02:30:41] Shockwavemecha: rynHeart rynDance rynHeart [02:30:41] kristinhateslife: cry cry cry cry >:) [02:30:42] thedutchie: What did I miss? [02:30:42] braddle172: f1nnHeart [02:30:43] uofh_ozzy: is there chocolate starfish on the battlepass [02:30:43] buddyjare: I know Abigail Thorn [02:30:44] TeraValia: crying stream in 10... 9... 8... [02:30:44] kyokel: CRY [02:30:44] skylikesaerospace: make Finn cry from happiness [02:30:44] Atamraris: cry now [02:30:45] IAmAlexC: when is tank coming on stream? [02:30:45] NhiteHD: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:30:46] SnabbKassa: wel 98% of people ARE NICE [02:30:46] blindthirdeye: blindthirdeye subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Finn! Amazing day, congratz on coming out. Work was really rough today, but getting to tune in to the greatest of all gremlins giving us the gossip makes all the stress melt away. [02:30:46] f3mmbot: blindthirdeye subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:30:46] ScarsUnseen: cccrrrrryyyyyy [02:30:48] johnkeiwo: U want us to be less nice ? [02:30:49] blueskydrinking: Crying in 10... 9... [02:30:51] Tareah: TRUTH will set you FREE silly goose [02:30:51] JuuIian: Liv agar [02:30:52] ArminGux: don’t skip rynali [02:30:52] Noatsjs: lickth3Brandaserious lickth3Brandaserious lickth3Brandaserious [02:30:52] xOrganaULTx: I watched the whole video under your tweet and the bit from your dad at t he end was HILARIOUS [02:30:54] Flip_Dingo: rynJam rynJam [02:30:54] CyanoticJam: Crying stream [02:30:54] Athonathonathon: Craaazzzyy parking [02:30:55] arkarant: Liv Agar [02:30:56] ringwraith1313: best part of hrt is getting to cry! [02:30:57] Ayton666: Can we get drunk Finn? [02:30:58] betbet278: is your family supportive of you? [02:30:59] Em_iIy: crazy parking [02:30:59] projectfemboy: rynJam rynJam [02:31:00] blueish4: crazy parkingggg [02:31:01] corrupt_u: what’s up? [02:31:01] pillbughug: big eepy [02:31:02] Electric_Brain: Level 9! Let's go! [02:31:02] Monicaxir: To be honest, F1nn kind of looks like a prepubescent boy when hes in mans mode. Ruddy complexion effiminate mannerisems etc [02:31:02] abydon96: The feelings TransgenderPride spicycowLovies [02:31:05] saxxie_dev: crazy parkinngggggg part 69 [02:31:06] chriscorrick08: You our so going to cry when stream ends :) [02:31:07] L_Lawliet030: <3 [02:31:07] Jasper95_: Wauw, someone been a while since I was here. Like months [02:31:09] R1VER_REBEL: PopNemo DarkKnight [02:31:10] Zeal_TheReal: can somebody fill me in? what can she finally talk about?? [02:31:10] WillowWithAJoystick: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [02:31:12] Gentrix918: Gentrix918 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Just shaw your YT vid. I just want to say: congrats and all the best! [02:31:12] f3mmbot: gentrix918 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [02:31:14] Mizo_Live: so when are we going to cry? I have my tissues ready [02:31:16] dutch_gecko: There are Liv Agars everywhere if you know where to look [02:31:17] KianaVCL: wait, she's asleep? why are we here then? [02:31:17] REJAMALD: LIV AGAR [02:31:17] Cavalryarcher: CRAZZZY PARKING [02:31:20] LuckeeLIVE: havent been in stream for awhile so what have i missed? [02:31:21] FatherThyme: crazy parkinggggg [02:31:22] spidunno: [02:31:22] McStrugs: liv is so funny [02:31:24] pandadorable_: Did you read the comments bellow the yt video ? [02:31:25] SuperKatze0108: Based content [02:31:27] XENOMAN5: @betbet278 yes, watch his coming out vid on YT [02:31:29] underland5: does Finn live in Brighton? [02:31:29] actualmooncore: actualmooncore subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! received my confirmation for my appointment today after waiting years and 2 hours later u posted. I have been having doubts for a really long time and only decided a week ago. Your visible happiness makes me feel so much less worried. congrats [02:31:29] f3mmbot: actualmooncore subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [02:31:30] panic_lov3: I GTG bye chat [02:31:31] Bleats_Sinodai: Oh [02:31:34] BirdNina_ovo: @ringwraith1313 yeah on 200mg spiro and gel it was crying even at looking of the endscreen of warioland 3 lol [02:31:36] ChasingSol: @underland5 Birmingham [02:31:36] SunIsLost: @buddyjare yea [02:31:39] SnabbKassa: @LuckeeLIVE go to finn5terlive on youtube to catch up [02:31:40] Teewy25: make more tiktoks! [02:31:41] memestar29000: Cheer200 Congrats F1nn on the gender-fluid vid :) also the ... "other content" dropping on March 3rd straight&lesbian/gay? Also you helped me realise that I'm trans also I was beaten by Ashley on the final boss battle lol [02:31:43] xeltv_: FirstTimeChadder Grats [02:31:44] isarah304: detroit of the uk [02:31:46] Firehead200: ewwww [02:31:46] Flip_Dingo: itspea13Groove spicycowDancy itspea13Groove spicycowDancy [02:31:47] KriticalSmoke: Just saw the video, so happy you're comfortable coming out, and much love <3 [02:31:47] tomb932: wheres new house? [02:31:48] betbet278: @xenoman5 that’s great, thank you! [02:31:49] MikeWillStream: is the new house also in birmingham? [02:31:51] raptorvfx: COME TO BRIGHTON [02:31:51] Jens_LN: F1nn5ter is a Brummie .. much more weird than being trans [02:31:52] Cavalryarcher: SHE LOOKS LIKE LIV AGAR [02:31:53] coldhearttx3: you’re breathtaking @f1nn5ter [02:31:53] ciernaruza: Brighton gay af [02:31:54] secretgamergrrl: Anyway, TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:31:54] Ayton666: Can we get a comments reading under the youtube vid? [02:31:54] chonkthestreamer08: f1nnTank [02:31:55] wakeeeee_: everyone in the uk says that about where they live though [02:31:55] negativplayslive: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [02:31:56] Noatsjs: kinggt2SASHAYAWAY kinggt2SASHAYAWAY kinggt2SASHAYAWAY kinggt2SASHAYAWAY [02:31:56] BaconDestro: imagine being britian [02:32:01] Y0rk5h1r3: We know you got stacks on stacks on stacks LUL [02:32:02] Dezponia: F1nn lives on Twitch [02:32:03] oli_jayne: HAHAHAH [02:32:03] FatherThyme: KEKW [02:32:05] swanee327: lol [02:32:05] GuiltyGwen: Pride1000 Congrats on coming out, F1nn! We’re all proud of you for taking this step! I’ve been keeping up with your content for a couple years now, and you’ve given me so much hope for my own future as a trans person. (P.S. I work at Domino’s and I’ve been spiking your pizza with E) [02:32:07] JanieOnyx: LUL [02:32:09] ScarsUnseen: i need to eat dinner. have a nice stream! congrats on coming out as bri/tish! [02:32:09] CritCupcake: BOTTOM! [02:32:09] braddle172: KEKW [02:32:09] AristotleBetta: KEKW [02:32:09] amossyriver: Brighton is amazing [02:32:09] Descriptivist: YUCK [02:32:09] FusRoDoge: KEKW [02:32:10] McStrugs: br*tish [02:32:10] ChasingSol: hahahaha [02:32:10] aggravatedconditions: well come down soon at least [02:32:11] AlgolGaming: creWheeze [02:32:11] Quatroid_: Live in Norwich. [02:32:11] cyphoenic_: KEKW [02:32:12] Spectre223: Pubescent, check [02:32:13] PsillyCephalopod: PogU [02:32:13] kristinhateslife: hrt voice cracks [02:32:14] randopersonn_: BRITISH?!?!?! [02:32:15] ProtoSkynet: Can you play something now? [02:32:15] luckylibrarian: lmao the estrogen at work [02:32:15] princess_mia03: KEKW [02:32:16] Bleats_Sinodai: buffpupLooker [02:32:16] khloe_plays: LMAOO [02:32:16] minecrackjesus: DANNY G ON STREAM WHEN [02:32:19] CheeseJayy: BOTTOM?! [02:32:19] Falqun: Bottom [02:32:19] gustavo47360: why do British people shit on Birmingham so much [02:32:19] Takouu: BibleThump [02:32:19] Amoyamoyamoya: tbf you could live in Cambridge... [02:32:20] Twinkiephobe: lol [02:32:21] Sleepystephbot: lmao [02:32:21] FriendlyFantasyFlyerKahea: KEKW [02:32:21] tabbyteacat: why do you get a southern accent when you say gender lmao [02:32:22] DegenerateDaycare: Gotta catch em all lol [02:32:22] Jens_LN: Crossdresser [02:32:22] AlmondVF: KEKW [02:32:22] hierophantisto: KEKW [02:32:23] Scyi_: BOTTOM CONFIRMED [02:32:23] EmpressCard: so many etters [02:32:23] MajesticFvckingEagle: he’s got all the infinity stones [02:32:23] stlngds: real [02:32:23] lewdbirdnoises: DID HE COME OUT AS BOTTOM> [02:32:23] Shrek9871: Bro collecting that shit like pokemon [02:32:23] noodle711: BOTTOM????? [02:32:24] MrTheMushroom: British [02:32:24] shelledbsh: BiNGO! [02:32:24] tinylilhorse: bottom! [02:32:24] skylikesaerospace: I’ve got even more [02:32:24] smudge515: Finn if you live in Birmingham do you know Worcester at all? it’s wild to think you’re so close to were I live. [02:32:24] Twinborne: BOTTOM?? congrats [02:32:24] unaffected95: Pick a struggle [02:32:24] ciernaruza: bottom [02:32:24] lilithsspawn: BOTTOM [02:32:24] skyll_issue: BOTTOM [02:32:25] seymourbuttsz: BOTTOM???????? [02:32:25] LVL1Goblin_: full combo xqcOmega [02:32:25] bluj40: all of the infinity stones [02:32:25] muffinman1244: Bottom you say? [02:32:25] LUCIFER_GAMES128: wait he is becoming an actual girl? [02:32:25] toastychaii: god had to nerf you somehow [02:32:25] Gerikius: dyslexic [02:32:25] rocker_26: Too Many DEBUFS [02:32:25] gamertwtch: HEADLINES [02:32:26] marty_poisonwood: BOTTOM wut [02:32:26] th3phoenix3968: Brighton is only good sometimes (i go to college and work there) [02:32:26] tinsanchez02: Excuse me!? [02:32:26] Samurai_Tony: Forgot breedable [02:32:27] BaconDestro: bottom [02:32:27] luxaas6: KEKW [02:32:27] HypnoHooves: bottom? [02:32:27] T0mtxm: BOTTOM [02:32:27] R1VER_REBEL: FrankerZ and got that dog in him [02:32:27] abydon96: Huuu [02:32:28] thekindredspiritofficial: HE SAID BOTTOM [02:32:28] Deanyl: Deanyl [02:32:28] SuperKatze0108: Bottom nyuuniPog2 [02:32:29] actualmooncore: you got the full exodia [02:32:29] tomb932: so now will the voice progress???? [02:32:29] M4XlMVZ: bottom? [02:32:29] viryl_lucas: (yes to all) [02:32:29] SugrStrz: TransgenderPride [02:32:29] ohsveni: HUH [02:32:29] Sky14r_: with our powers combined, i am captain planet [02:32:29] umutk_99: bottom coming out [02:32:29] Adam1729: Hate having to come out as british [02:32:30] crawdaddyp: WHAT ABOUT PANSEXUAL? [02:32:30] zachydaiquiri: Stacking up the medals fr [02:32:30] memestar29000: :) [02:32:30] rainfallwall: I like all those things [02:32:30] filip_zd10: BOTTOM [02:32:30] just_markel: LMAO [02:32:31] AlhambraMMXX: pick a struggle bro [02:32:31] saturnb220: the worst one is being from birmingham [02:32:31] spookyhargow: Cheer1 We are proud of you! Ashley’s manly gremlin he/him autistic girlfriend with smol e pp [02:32:32] bucksben: More flags than the United Nations!!! [02:32:32] JinxyKittyVT: KEKW [02:32:32] Monicaxir: Outskirts is a great place to go in the gay quarter near missing if you want to find trans friends! [02:32:32] walma69420: LUL LUL LUL [02:32:32] juneguild: <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:32:33] emily6218: BOTTOM [02:32:33] ghastlyarachnid: BINGO? [02:32:33] hand_hook_car_door: BOTTOM COMFIRMED? [02:32:33] Nirvana_W22: bottom? [02:32:33] bearpaw1970: There ya go [02:32:33] nyrhalahotep: The debuffs keep stacking 😂🥰 [02:32:33] templarkeira: Easier to name what your not? [02:32:34] Eadthryth: He having puberty voice cracks.... [02:32:34] LaurenArtful: We figured you were a bottom. [02:32:34] Zettrex: f1nn playing pokemon real life "gotta catch em all" [02:32:34] Zachariash: POWER BOTTOM [02:32:35] Esper89: bottom, surgrey [02:32:35] p01chi: bottom confimed? [02:32:35] Scrooge_McBong: lol [02:32:35] pyrrhos37: Exodia Debuffs [02:32:36] ownedshadow_: bottom?? [02:32:36] zilllix_: lmaooo [02:32:36] 71M073J: Bottom? Hmmm [02:32:36] Feywild: When did F1n come out as Ace :O What did I miss???? [02:32:36] BanOompaLoompas: my genda? I'm a mechanic KEKW [02:32:36] Amoyamoyamoya: Brum got so bad Danny G moved. FUCK [02:32:36] fatslowman: lol [02:32:37] AeitZean: Bottom confirmed? Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [02:32:37] Agrena: congratze on coming out as a bottom [02:32:37] xLumieI: Bro is collecting the infinity stones [02:32:38] ekat2468: BOTTOM ALLEGATIONS CONFIRMED [02:32:38] coldhearttx3: what does ace mean ? [02:32:38] heyapplepi: BOTTOM [02:32:39] theoriginalaxel: That's basically me but I'm from Leicester 😭😭😭 [02:32:39] caspersoupp: DUDE CHOOSE A STRUGGLE [02:32:39] besttoasty: wait ace and bottom [02:32:39] ogrem_fanclan: But still WINNING [02:32:40] PaganOrca: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [02:32:41] Citruss_PUNCH: ehhhhh your abottom too [02:32:41] cashmoneymanboy: splash potion of gender [02:32:42] cyphoenic_: Admitted to bottom :O [02:32:42] Jasper95_: Wait You're gender fluid now? Been a while since I was here. I only knew you as the manliest man that ever manned. [02:32:42] johnpnicholls1122: Problems [02:32:42] beaneater197: Skill issues [02:32:42] KianaVCL: sooo~ many debuffs [02:32:42] arkarant: transitioning into a bottom [02:32:42] ramboo1989: ayoo [02:32:43] WillowWithAJoystick: bottom AND British? RIP [02:32:43] fridelain6: Bottom reveal aye let's go [02:32:43] MirahImage: Bottom [02:32:44] alexg6464: You missed cute as hell!! 😊 [02:32:44] Noatsjs: bottom [02:32:45] Crazedmonkey29: Fin has collected the liberal infinity stones [02:32:46] AristotleBetta: Bottom Confirmed Kappa 󠀀 [02:32:46] xxjoyeusexx: Bottom? [02:32:46] Mr_Fluffy97: What a list KEKW [02:32:47] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: OK, but to be fair, ADHD Autistic bottom trans girls are a dime a dozen. LUL [02:32:47] xluthors: F1nn certified bottom pog [02:32:49] blueskydrinking: We gottem boys!Bottom confirmed [02:32:49] uofh_ozzy: is the battlepass still available? [02:32:50] ezk_r: Noooo not bottom! Unsubscribed [02:32:50] Ironplushy: autistic+bottom=ballistic [02:32:50] rw03_bjw: Wait is that conformation he's a BOTTOM [02:32:50] 5195_Olivias: bottom confirmed les goooo [02:32:51] Gemini011: What’s the best part/moment of your journey been so far? [02:32:51] Avaerus0: He'll never live down the Bottom allegations [02:32:52] BirdNina_ovo: PrideFloat [02:32:52] menacingcafe1: these mental illnesses i cant eblieve it YOURE BRITISH [02:32:53] NhiteHD: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:32:54] DarrigoTR: Cheer100 [02:32:54] ZzappMaster: ZzappMaster subscribed with Prime. [02:32:54] davidiusfarrenius: collection of debuffs!😄 [02:32:54] f3mmbot: zzappmaster subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang zzappmaster f1nnLezgang [02:32:54] Scyi_: never escaping the bottom allegations now. [02:32:56] luckylibrarian: WAIT dude?? did you admit ur at least a switch lol [02:32:56] jacksprettycool: collecting labels like Pokémon since… today [02:32:56] noodle711: BOTTOM??????????????? [02:32:57] Descriptivist: PrideUwu PrideUwu PrideUwu PrideUwu PrideUwu [02:32:57] azath0th777: dont cry now [02:32:57] NopenguinYT: Clip ot [02:32:58] ArminGux: you legally have to die ur hair blue now kekw [02:32:58] OcelotYT: God seriously said, "nah he too powerful" [02:32:58] Lilac_Jane_: Just in time for women’s history month! [02:33:00] kristinhateslife: cry, do it [02:33:00] suppcarl7: Bro just went out there and answered the question which debuffs with: gimme them all it will be fine xd [02:33:00] quavery3: cry cry cry let's do it together [02:33:02] BLAAAIRY: i love uuu [02:33:02] bealarth: about what can you talk about it ? [02:33:02] MrTheMushroom: MANLY MAN F1NN IS A MANLY MAN [02:33:02] Sappho_Artemis: an ADHD bottom [02:33:03] jdmnodoubt: F1nn collecting the Infinity Stones of acronyms [02:33:03] abydon96: Shes a bottom astra71Lik [02:33:03] XENOMAN5: Confirmed Bottom, check [02:33:04] Cavalryarcher: ok im fine with you being genderfluid and bi but im not sure if i can accept you for being british....... [02:33:05] basicallyserena: itspea13Blahajheart itspea13Blahajheart itspea13Blahajheart itspea13Blahajheart itspea13Blahajheart [02:33:06] soymonite: being brittish is a skill issue [02:33:06] Katakalysmic: Oh boy that describes me excet the british and trans part, [02:33:06] ciernaruza: Danny G left Birmingham tf??? [02:33:06] mcber1234: Cheer100 hi finn [02:33:07] sean_944: if you don’t thing Birmingham is bad watch bald and bankrupt new video like half way in shithole [02:33:08] princeuni: You're playing life in hardcore mode [02:33:09] Sift11: YOU MEAN SO MANY BUFFS 💪 [02:33:10] erockyoutoo: @f1nn5ter Whenever someone asks me my gender I just say YES to confuse the shit out of them [02:33:10] Mafficraft: Wait, what does Ace mean? [02:33:11] ogrem_fanclan: tears [02:33:12] explodingcamera: xqcNom aikoLove [02:33:13] Shrek9871: Vibing to 679 ai cover by Mococo [02:33:13] tbonesteakly: What's the biHRTday? [02:33:15] SugrStrz: [02:33:16] trillbina: How does he keep up with chat my ADHD would be paralyzed [02:33:16] FlowersOfLight: u collecting all the spectrums [02:33:16] TeraValia: you didn't need to specify british and bottom. they mean the same things [02:33:17] ScarsUnseen: lol [02:33:17] johnkeiwo: lul [02:33:17] AristotleBetta: KEKW [02:33:18] Bytebak: The shame of being Bri'ish [02:33:18] perfersserderg: LUL [02:33:19] Bobbikatt: Did Finn admit to being a bottom? [02:33:19] neuroxin: KEKW [02:33:20] Eromaw: KEKW [02:33:20] rocker_26: lol [02:33:21] Doperanks: W [02:33:21] braddle172: LUL [02:33:23] memestar29000: My bits dono didn't get read lol XD [02:33:23] negativplayslive: I just wanna hug you omg [02:33:25] Bauldyr: @Mafficraft Asexual :) [02:33:25] plumesofdusk: dominos PogU [02:33:26] Stovamor: KEKW [02:33:27] f0xegg: KEKW [02:33:27] johnkeiwo: !pobox [02:33:28] hierophantisto: LUL [02:33:28] f3mmbot: Hey Chat! Do you want to send things to Rose? Here is the PO BOX address: Rose Evergreen, Po box 17839, Oldbury, B69 9GN, United Kingdom. NOTE: Finn lives in the UK so if you want to send clothes it will be easier if you send them from www.amazon.co.uk Otherwise they could be stuck at customs. [02:33:28] johnkeiwo: !pobox [02:33:28] Ramaj_A: Pride300 Wait, if you're genderfluid now and no longer gender solid or gender gas, and you're bi.. does that mean your date with Natt was a real date, and not just a bromance thing? [02:33:28] mxmalice: KEKW [02:33:28] f3mmbot: Hey Chat! Do you want to send things to Rose? Here is the PO BOX address: Rose Evergreen, Po box 17839, Oldbury, B69 9GN, United Kingdom. NOTE: Finn lives in the UK so if you want to send clothes it will be easier if you send them from www.amazon.co.uk Otherwise they could be stuck at customs. [02:33:29] khloe_plays: KEKW [02:33:29] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [02:33:29] astronos_: Kappa Kappa Kappa [02:33:30] Quizzicalotl: I'll take 40 pizzas [02:33:30] emily6218: KEKL [02:33:30] zachydaiquiri: Good shit f1nn👍 [02:33:31] splurshin: literally a Golden Retriever KEKW [02:33:31] TheGiantOpal: You really like dominos [02:33:31] muddymudkip15: Lol [02:33:31] Knikian: KEKW [02:33:32] Noatsjs: NomNom [02:33:34] gajeel217476: oh wait ace i missed a couple streams congrats on coming out tho fin [02:33:35] kuhblt: kuhblt subscribed at Tier 1. [02:33:35] f3mmbot: kuhblt subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang kuhblt f1nnLezgang [02:33:35] minecrackjesus: im so happy to catch one of your streams [02:33:35] xx_bex_becca_xx: lol [02:33:36] DEUM666: TransgenderPride [02:33:36] thekindredspiritofficial: not the dominoes LMFAO [02:33:37] skoralta: Better add pizza addict to that list LOL [02:33:37] skylikesaerospace: pizza is good [02:33:38] buzzyblossom: Hey Finn I just woke up and saw your coming out video, just want to say that you having Ashley on your streams made me start to fully explore things myself and realise I'm Trans after years of lightly questioning it TransgenderPride [02:33:40] johnkeiwo: Did u eat today finn ? [02:33:40] welek2000: how does being ace and bi at once work? [02:33:41] underland5: move to the south, we will love you here!!! [02:33:41] ProElisium: You've been an honorary member of the trans community for a while. Ofc everyone will be supportive of you! [02:33:42] AmplSi: Hormone Replacement Dominos [02:33:42] ArminGux: dominos was ur life back in the day [02:33:43] ogrem_fanclan: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:33:44] Zettrex: KEKW [02:33:46] SnabbKassa: sub = glutton for punishment [02:33:46] jdmnodoubt: I accept all of your identities but I draw the line at British [02:33:46] betbet278: lol [02:33:46] silastheghost: congratulations girlypop 🫂 [02:33:46] tazzzy18: what’s the difference between an enzyme and a hormone?… you can’t hear an enzyme! [02:33:47] MrTheMushroom: A MANLY MAN [02:33:47] cashmoneymanboy: my gender flag is the dominos logo [02:33:48] androidwall4680: Dominos is F1nns dream job [02:33:48] Tareah: but are you ACE or Pan-Romantic? [02:33:49] AristotleBetta: Cheese and Estrogen Pizza when? 󠀀 [02:33:51] isarah304: wait is ur hyperfixation domino's pizza [02:33:51] DragoonMouse: wait you like dominos? [02:33:52] XENOMAN5: @mafficraft asexual [02:33:52] yostwitch: she just like me fr fr [02:33:53] SoggertJones: coagulations F1NN!! I blame Minecraft [02:33:54] xl0opx: youknow that you can just.. make pizza, right? [02:33:54] uofh_ozzy: !commands [02:33:54] f3mmbot: Commands: !age, !archive, !badge, !complaints, !confused, !discord, !donate, !emote, !girlmonth, !height, !highlights, !instagram, !keyboard, !measurements, !music, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !represent, !schedule, !snapchat, !socials, !stream, !subscribe, !tiktok, !twitter, !youtube [02:33:55] R1VER_REBEL: gremlin [02:33:56] Vanimal2118: U can do anything F1nn [02:33:56] xluthors: F1nn so manly, she kisses the homies goodnight [02:33:56] KianaVCL: keepin' up with yo sh!t for so long... :D [02:33:57] amouro_: Let's make a level 10 Hyde train [02:34:01] ciernaruza: I ordered dominos before the video dropped so it ended up being celebration dominos true story [02:34:01] megadoom20: do we remind f1nn to hydrate? [02:34:01] aporcelaingirl: @oliviazbored @F1NN5TER kind of neat Finn came out on the first day of International Women's Month [02:34:02] Ayton666: Finn got Vietnam flashbacks from the doninos [02:34:02] alexx_net: You forgot "vegetarian" in your debuff list [02:34:03] GuiltyGwen: I can make you a quintuple cheese pizza [02:34:05] alsoknownas_sky: !girlmonth [02:34:05] f3mmbot: https://isitgirlmonth.com [02:34:06] Mnh188: too many E's in cheese already [02:34:06] tomb932: so will GIRL VOICE progress more? [02:34:07] rummyb: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 I just talked with my doc about starting hrt yesterday!! I talked to Ashley about it, and she was so supportive! I'm so proud of you, and myself lol [02:34:08] skylikesaerospace: dye the cheese blue with estrogen pills [02:34:08] Ry_Noir: !pronouns [02:34:08] phazzee_got_yeeted: phazzee_got_yeeted subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! you said you wanted something for hbomber to make a 5 hour video about you on, well, we have the same gender, sexuality, and debuffs, see you in court lol f1nnSideeye [02:34:09] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [02:34:09] f3mmbot: phazzee_got_yeeted subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [02:34:09] DanStreams23: Its wired oh relatable the coming video was for me with how wanting hrt but still feel guy but no [02:34:10] flexo_777: Is F1NN trans? forsenE [02:34:11] cyperionsyndicate: cyperionsyndicate is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [02:34:12] f3mmbot: cyperionsyndicate has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [02:34:12] cyperionsyndicate: cyperionsyndicate gifted a Tier 1 sub to soquent! [02:34:12] cyperionsyndicate: cyperionsyndicate gifted a Tier 1 sub to dodge73! [02:34:12] cyperionsyndicate: cyperionsyndicate gifted a Tier 1 sub to betbet278! [02:34:12] cyperionsyndicate: cyperionsyndicate gifted a Tier 1 sub to sb8008! [02:34:12] cyperionsyndicate: cyperionsyndicate gifted a Tier 1 sub to squidiot14! [02:34:12] cyperionsyndicate: cyperionsyndicate gifted a Tier 1 sub to BlaZeStar6262! [02:34:12] cyperionsyndicate: cyperionsyndicate gifted a Tier 1 sub to actionbastard2! [02:34:12] cyperionsyndicate: cyperionsyndicate gifted a Tier 1 sub to fozs4! [02:34:12] cyperionsyndicate: cyperionsyndicate gifted a Tier 1 sub to gpedreira73! [02:34:12] cyperionsyndicate: cyperionsyndicate gifted a Tier 1 sub to abyssalo! [02:34:13] DarrishNA: DarrishNA subscribed with Prime. [02:34:14] f3mmbot: darrishna subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang darrishna f1nnLezgang [02:34:14] Shrek9871: Minecrafts fault, only 2 ways MC Youtubers can go, you picked the better option [02:34:15] FusRoDoge: <3 [02:34:18] memestar29000: !age [02:34:18] cyphoenic_: !pronouns [02:34:18] theoriginalaxel: You're basically the Birmingham bisexual version of me [02:34:18] f3mmbot: F1nn is 23 years old [02:34:19] rajama22: Do you have tissues? [02:34:19] Dezponia: Pizza with extra sausage! [02:34:20] axing_: Cheer7 [02:34:20] DegenerateDaycare: Yeah i read through and its lovely to see honestly [02:34:23] betbet278: I think you’re so cool [02:34:25] lizzyfurr: btw congrats on your hrt journey hun, its doesnt matter if your transgender (mtf) femboi Nonbianary or genderfluid. as long as you are happy and healthy and enjoying life that is all that matter Cheer1000 [02:34:26] tyler_broadcast: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:34:28] luckylibrarian: Cheer300 First found your stuff from a clip where you said ur gender is 'based', and it's still accurate lol [02:34:28] bearpaw1970: The glow you have , right now is so good [02:34:31] pixiestyx420: I’m super happy for you F1nn 💜💜 [02:34:31] kieranfl: let's get a domino's sponsorship to make the conservatives shoot pizzas with guns out of sheer impotent rage [02:34:33] Mafficraft: @xenoman5 thx, I clearly missed an entire thing there [02:34:35] emily6218: Hummunuh hummunuh hummunuh [02:34:35] alfacenntauri: tl:dr [02:34:36] PixelCrush_: Cheer500 HEY FINN! CONGRATS ON TRANSING YOUR GENDER! WELCOME TO THE CLUB [02:34:38] ArcticSongbird: F1nn, You ended up causing me to crack my egg. Im glad youve been having such a good experience of this. I wishyou the best, love. [02:34:39] Unit4to: One of us [02:34:40] negativplayslive: ONE OF US ONE OF US [02:34:42] Welshjemz: rooLove [02:34:44] ciernaruza: @kieranfl noooooooo not the pizzas [02:34:45] khloe_plays: ONE OF US [02:34:46] ScarsUnseen: you have a community. it's us. :) [02:34:46] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: We really need to get you on BlueSky at some point. [02:34:47] slybirdz: <3 [02:34:48] Jens_LN: Feel free to be emotional, we don't mind [02:34:49] XENOMAN5: @mafficraft np [02:34:50] Chloeeee: you've been practically an honorary member for ages already [02:34:50] Mr_Fluffy97: Keep going you'll start crying soon >:) [02:34:50] Twinborne: You're gonna get emotional about A LOT of things from now on. [02:34:52] xHaneKun: You should make a twitch pronounce command and have it say "her pronounce are he/him" [02:34:53] MirahImage: One of us TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:34:54] skyboundmaster: doesnt matter if hes a mobile task force [02:34:54] leowynfyre: !pronouns [02:34:55] now_chemical: based [02:34:55] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [02:34:56] mojomaster88: wait but you are still into girls right? [02:34:57] Mikayla_Alexis: Part of the crew, Part of the Ship [02:34:58] Darkstar_j_: so true ^^ [02:34:59] pocky036: MAKE THE TOWN INSIDE ME COVER BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!! [02:35:00] Monicaxir: Actually at this stage of the game if Finn came on in a maid outfit with the big booba etc it would seem weird! [02:35:00] jayem97: I knew you were fruity when you said you liked Doctor Who [02:35:01] aSpicyCow: OMEGALUL [02:35:02] spep_hsrih: Wait you interviewed your mum and dad!!? How do they feel about it? [02:35:03] gaddafi_duck_: you were always an honorary part of the community surely? [02:35:07] TwoEzDragon: We're all so proud of you <3 [02:35:07] memestar29000: Why is that a command XX [02:35:07] MrKafay: @Welshjemz rooHi [02:35:07] SunIsLost: @f3mmbot yea true [02:35:08] Quatroid_: @jayem97 SO TRUE [02:35:09] Uncl3Leo: <3 <3 <3 [02:35:09] cloudiernow: cloudiernow subscribed at Tier 1. [02:35:09] f3mmbot: cloudiernow subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang cloudiernow f1nnLezgang [02:35:09] ClaraRenway: We Lovbe the F1mter!! [02:35:10] ZeroPointAimGames: im so proud/happy that can you finally be able talk about everything you want. [02:35:10] Noatsjs: DinoDance [02:35:12] SnabbKassa: Finn is not transing yet. He is just melting gender to fluid [02:35:13] flexo_777: Is F1NN trans? forsenE 󠀀 [02:35:14] krovvy: BibleThump [02:35:15] perhapsxmaybe: !pronouns [02:35:16] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [02:35:17] alexx_net: @mojomaster88 he's bi [02:35:18] Feywild: I wrote F1n as liquefied in my sapphic server. [02:35:18] Welshjemz: @MrKafay rooHi [02:35:18] Katakalysmic: IM sure cotton is still gonna peg you. [02:35:21] sporkyspoon: It feels so great to be here for the love fest. [02:35:21] unovaismyregion: f1nnTankhat [02:35:22] Kitousha: I'm so happy you didn't come out as French or something like that. [02:35:22] coldhearttx3: cutie pie fin 🥰🥰 [02:35:25] SparklePoppp: wait what did I miss [02:35:26] greatattentionspa: Welcome to the club sweety TransgenderPride [02:35:34] KatSmith: Just watched your YouTube video - Love the conversations with your parents. Be happy, be safe, moisturize your hair! Your ends are getting frizzy, luv [02:35:35] kyokel: Contra has said similar things [02:35:39] memestar29000: XD* [02:35:48] aporcelaingirl: <3 any time people write laul they're actually writing the Estonian word for song [02:35:48] XENOMAN5: @sparklepoppp he came out as trans and bi [02:35:49] Quizzicalotl: Before today I was like F1nn's one of the most supportive allies of the community but now you're one of us. ONE OF US [02:35:49] domi_spartan98: I think it's the same for every human [02:35:49] space_berry: PrideTrans PrideTrans PrideTrans [02:35:50] gay_femboy: I send you a DM dude [02:35:53] pixiestyx420: there’s so much I relate to with you but on the opposite end of the spectrum lol [02:35:54] slybirdz: twitter will be twitter [02:35:55] BLAAAIRY: If they understood yoi, they wouldn’t have said those things. [02:35:57] bootleg_bambi: happy girl vitamin day to you!!! PrideLove [02:35:59] gamertwtch: Profiteering off of the trans community [02:36:00] dieselllama: !age [02:36:01] ArminGux: you are part of the group now [02:36:01] f3mmbot: F1nn is 23 years old [02:36:01] johnkeiwo: yeah twitter was fairly mad but those folks were never serious [02:36:01] braddle172: itspea13Blahajheart [02:36:03] isarah304: this is what eating tofu does to u [02:36:03] botd28: CONGRATS F1nn! you look beautiful and so happy! [02:36:04] swanee327: ♥ [02:36:05] luckylibrarian: oh absolutely, imposter syndrome is so real. i identified as enby long before I felt like I was truly trans [02:36:08] christa_lyn: Welcome :) [02:36:09] EmpressCard: The more the merrier [02:36:09] minecrackjesus: if you look up finnster on reddit thers a post from feminine boys that says that you give them dysmorphia [02:36:09] HardyOrange: people were literally saying "what if he comes out" when people were spewing all that awfullness about you [02:36:10] neondimples: "Yes, you're trans enough" [02:36:10] lexxiipop: You've always been one of us [02:36:11] tgirllyss: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:36:12] KianaVCL: and then years later, the same people get "better" [02:36:12] unovaismyregion: LesbianPride LesbianPride [02:36:12] bearpaw1970: An now ; your here in the family 🥰 [02:36:13] BtEtta: Oh hey, I feel this. "Not trans enough to hang with the cool kids." [02:36:13] Noatsjs: kinggt2CREAMYW [02:36:13] ciernaruza: the trans community has forgiven f1nn5ter [02:36:14] krovvy: BibleThump <3 [02:36:14] hiluuu: you're so welcomed [02:36:14] ramboo1989: ♥️ [02:36:15] Avaerus0: Oh, you're so sweet [02:36:15] oli_jayne: LuvHearts [02:36:15] general_of_cm: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:36:18] FusRoDoge: You can <3 [02:36:19] CocoTheNutCrab: just one drink away [02:36:19] rw03_bjw: Are they tears [02:36:20] chronowarp97: <3 [02:36:20] Muffin01: i think donos are broken? or its just broken for me :/ [02:36:20] AlgolGaming: creBweep [02:36:20] kristinhateslife: cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [02:36:22] Eadthryth: He dresses well, didn't spend all that time in the closet for nothing. [02:36:22] mystchevious1: glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE [02:36:22] khloe_plays: <3 <3 <3 [02:36:22] CallMeSleeepy: CRY [02:36:23] AcuRatTM: Welcome!!! We're glad to have you!!!! [02:36:23] techytrickster: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:36:23] rsm_100r: <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:36:23] HammerOfVenus: Congrats on finally coming out. We support you. [02:36:23] zachydaiquiri: CS2 CASE OPENING NEXT?? [02:36:24] ScarsUnseen: emotionssssss [02:36:24] memestar29000: I wonder what my chat log looks like XD [02:36:24] justjess42: thetra21Pheonix transt2Softtaco tarapuLL thetra21LFG thetra21LGBTPhoenix [02:36:24] KomfyKiwi: komfykPride komfykPride komfykPride komfykPride komfykPride komfykPride komfykPride [02:36:25] JadeSorcery: Welcome to the community officially Finn!! [02:36:25] 5195_Olivias: <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:36:25] Mizo_Live: TransgenderPride one of us TransgenderPride [02:36:26] RobinOsiria: You count if you wanted to lol [02:36:26] MirahImage: Cryyyyyy [02:36:26] remain_unseen: Cry cry cry [02:36:27] blueish4: i think another part of it is we're constantly getting shit from everywhere, it become hard to actually let those walls down TransgenderPride [02:36:27] Amoyamoyamoya: F1NNCRY [02:36:27] MrTheMushroom: manly man [02:36:27] Feywild: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:36:27] scarlettyg: You're allowed to cry, hon <3 [02:36:28] UraniumPotato10: Hey Finn from Egypt here, just wanted to say you have helped me a lot and i wish i could do what you did but i cant because of homophobia, anyways much love from here. [02:36:28] call_me_kashi: But it feels nice to feel like you belong though, right? [02:36:28] lilithsspawn: Cry, you pussy [02:36:29] Mario11041: <3 [02:36:29] ogrem_fanclan: beautiful [02:36:29] bang3r: do it, cry [02:36:30] roantwist: I just always assumed you were part of the community [02:36:30] blueskydrinking: first cry stream of 2024 boys! [02:36:30] Katakalysmic: What does it mean to feel a gender? [02:36:31] ekat2468: we've been waiting for you to join us bestie <3 [02:36:32] lewdbirdnoises: DO IT, embrace the stereotype [02:36:32] TrueMezzo: Awww 😭 [02:36:33] amouro_: Cry you coward [02:36:34] experiencepoints: @F1NN5TER It's okay to cry [02:36:34] little_chimy: Hi F1nn and Chat saw the vid and thought the end was really cute w/ the fam amedollLOVE [02:36:35] blamelucio: awww [02:36:35] emily6218: Cryyyyyy [02:36:35] betbet278: I love you, you’re awesome!!! [02:36:36] FR0ST_O8: FR0ST_O8 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 3 month streak! 10 month pog 🤯 [02:36:36] f3mmbot: fr0st_o8 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU [02:36:37] johnkeiwo: make him cry donos ! [02:36:37] dutch_gecko: the emotions certainly hit harder now don't they [02:36:37] Crazedmonkey29: We all love you fin [02:36:37] skoralta: We love you F1nn. Welcome to the club (again) TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:36:37] bootleg_bambi: <3 [02:36:37] Twinborne: "I will not" "We will make you (affectionately)" [02:36:39] unaffected95: Crying is good for you [02:36:39] rainfallwall: I was always hurt by how gay people treat Bi people in general [02:36:40] GabMes_: don't cry <3 [02:36:40] f0xegg: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [02:36:40] dystopiadystopia: W finnster [02:36:40] statesidelemur9: yes you will [02:36:42] TrissByTor: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:36:42] Quizzicalotl: imagine someone chopping onions... [02:36:43] axing_: EMBRACE THE E [02:36:43] JinxyKittyVT: <3 <3 <3 [02:36:44] BLAAAIRY: it’s ok to not be perfect, everyone can be scrutinized [02:36:44] Titansflys: F1nn crying is fine [02:36:44] Kenberrypie: congratulations Finn. Proud of you. :) [02:36:45] WillowWithAJoystick: For real though have you noticed being able to cry way more since starting E? [02:36:45] SuperKatze0108: :3 [02:36:45] NYAtKitty: the HRT Cries are next level mwahahaha suffer... (with us) [02:36:45] drunkshinx: cry and you can just blame it on the E [02:36:46] noodle711: live footage of finn bottling emotions [02:36:46] TheGiantOpal: Cry so we can see the *Genderfluid* [02:36:46] 0ccamsphazer: Cry from the love and support!! [02:36:48] student0810: Serious Question: your thoughts on Ashley eating chicken??? [02:36:48] ffionbee: dw finn i cried for you already [02:36:48] Nirvana_W22: do it [02:36:50] Jauntie_Jackalope: kyllieTransHeart mskitt19Transpride theast28TransD20 seahTRANSBEEF TransgenderPride gdqTransPride [02:36:50] shellyblock: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:36:50] Baloney_Kaboom: hrt year 1 is cry city [02:36:50] XENOMAN5: Man up and cry like a girl! [02:36:51] TheIvySapphire: yeah if stacycay could get off her conspiracy theory train that'd be nice [02:36:51] krovvy: aw' [02:36:52] anschofi: @rainfallwall true and real [02:36:53] james197009: let the girl out and cry [02:36:53] Mr_Fluffy97: LET THE WATERWORKS FLOOOOWWWW [02:36:54] Dezponia: Look at that beautiful boy girl [02:36:54] bluj40: here they come lol [02:36:55] Welshjemz: BisexualPride TransgenderPride [02:36:55] beaneater197: Crying is ok [02:36:55] Gh0stwasused: Cry, you are partially a woman and women do that (im a woman) [02:36:56] Fuzzyee: CRYING INBOUND [02:36:56] TheLegendOfLivz: get them chat. make it RAIN [02:36:57] ciernaruza: 8008 viewers lol [02:36:57] abydon96: You have always been beautiful TransgenderPride spicycowLovies [02:36:57] Midi_666: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:36:58] cashmoneymanboy: being in the middle of struggling with my own identity and then this happening makes me comfortable in a way [02:36:59] hopalongtommy: It's OK to cry, blame it on the hormones Kappa [02:36:59] coldhearttx3: don’t think about crying [02:36:59] brandnewroad: We love you TransgenderPride [02:36:59] spookyhargow: Cheer100 congrats on your journey! How has Ashley adjusted to your big outing… as an autistic bottom Domino’s addict? [02:36:59] soquent: will you keep the knives or do you need to throw them away now ? [02:37:01] AngelicBunnyBoi: gonna take my leave before you cry, cause i don't wanna cry rn [02:37:01] Bauldyr: ib4 you stare in the mirror and get hit by euphoria and still cry zentreKEK [02:37:04] Lena_was_unavailable: i can cry over everything on command [02:37:05] WuppieF: you look so happy its amazing [02:37:05] SnabbKassa: people like seeing you cry far too much. don't let them manipulate you again. [02:37:05] Amoyamoyamoya: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED [02:37:06] bollecku: the viewer count says boob lol [02:37:06] saturnb220: CRY CRY CRY CRY CRY CRY CRY [02:37:07] yuna_004: love u finn [02:37:07] HexGrrrrl: I cry easy [02:37:07] Amoyamoyamoya: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED [02:37:07] ClaraRenway: let the tears flow we love you!!! [02:37:08] Amoyamoyamoya: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED [02:37:09] TeraValia: thats weird... looking at myself makes me about 300x more likely to start crying... [02:37:09] KfkFod: i need that [02:37:10] ringwraith1313: its great! [02:37:11] erockyoutoo: Finn is such a happy little gremlin right now [02:37:12] christa_lyn: ONLY ESTROGEN CAN SUSTAIN ME [02:37:13] axing_: I WANT E JUST TO BE ABLE TO CRY [02:37:13] RiccaRomano: WATERWORKS TIME [02:37:14] Scyi_: hahaha I cried at a bowl of popcorn when I started, for no reason at all. [02:37:14] ekat2468: dewwwwww it [02:37:14] SonicXVe: get his ass [02:37:15] mrangelfire: A butt load of men are gonna slide into your DMs now [02:37:15] maxxieinorbit: Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:37:16] Alassara: I'm also Genderfluid and started HRT a couple years ago, congrats on the first step on a journey that I hope is as rewarding for you as it has been for me. [02:37:16] clark_clarkson: You are beautiful soul and body <3 [02:37:16] ScarsUnseen: were you on estrogen when you cried during that new years stream? [02:37:16] emily6218: I cried so much easier when I started too [02:37:17] zachydaiquiri: They betting points on when you'll cry btw [02:37:17] luckylibrarian: im on red week and crying constantly is the mood [02:37:17] Megarah0: CRY, FLUID GAY, CRY [02:37:18] Yilue: I'm already a cry baby I cant wait to start E again :) [02:37:18] scarlettyg: Daaaamn, I wish I started being able to cry easily too [02:37:18] isarah304: cry cry nowwwwwwwwwwwww [02:37:18] 420gandalf69: i'm crying [02:37:19] GhostOfAFlea: Feels better when you do, though, right? [02:37:19] Nirvana_W22: did you start hrt before or after being with Ashley? [02:37:19] R1VER_REBEL: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [02:37:19] ProElisium: I cried because I was unable to open a pickle jar and I really wanted those green fellas [02:37:21] SparklePoppp: oh congrats! I just got my bloods done for my HRT Consultation next month 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ [02:37:22] GlenCoco39: E made just a huge emotional change for me, I'm so much happier, and can cry so easier, I love this for you <3 [02:37:22] betbet278: don’t cry! [02:37:22] AISinclair: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [02:37:24] tomb932: GIRL VOICE. GIRL VOICE [02:37:26] hakea3021: the slope between cis->hormones -> genderfluid-> boobs -> female is slippery [02:37:32] ArminGux: you like puppy happy [02:37:33] GuiltyGwen: GuiltyGwen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Unfortunately I’m in America, but i will send some pizza to your P.O. Box [02:37:33] f3mmbot: guiltygwen subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:37:33] Chloeeee: Do you listen to Hyperpop yet? [02:37:35] spep_hsrih: are you comfortable sharing when you started going on e? [02:37:36] oliviazbored: gtg byebye chat [02:37:36] ChasingSol: wow [02:37:38] OcelotYT: We have the Egg Prime Directive for cases like these. An egg broken through outside force often dies, but one that breaks the shell from within is much stronger. [02:37:39] astronos_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:37:42] krovvy: tears, now [02:37:43] blueskydrinking: Seeing my comfort streamer so happy is just.... very nice [02:37:43] River1403: congrats on the hrt jude <3 [02:37:44] unovaismyregion: your smile is so pretty! [02:37:44] MrTheMushroom: F1NN ARE YOU STILL A MANLY MAN? and congrats on coming outtt! [02:37:44] negativplayslive: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [02:37:44] marty_poisonwood: is that a tear we see ? [02:37:45] kritia_: i have already cried like 3-4 times since the video [02:37:46] abydon96: Everyone, shower her in love [02:37:46] Gnago: Gnago subscribed with Prime. [02:37:47] f3mmbot: gnago subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang gnago f1nnLezgang [02:37:47] emily6218: LETSGO TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:37:48] Iceskape: yo what'd i miss [02:37:50] Nirvana_W22: that's so sweet you do seem so happy [02:37:50] Lucridis: If f1nn is gender fluid now any voice he does is girl voice [02:37:52] ScarsUnseen: he's about to cryyyyyyy [02:37:52] pianoismyforte_: There is no "should" you just do what is best for yourself [02:37:52] Twinborne: Crying is so fucking good for you [02:37:52] Doperanks: <3 [02:37:53] pokefwends: what is an egg [02:37:53] FlowersOfLight: ur allowed to cry tho. it's so nice being able to cry [02:37:54] oli_jayne: you have no obligation to girl voice [02:37:55] menacingcafe1: fine ill call my gp [02:37:57] Vanimal2118: Able to cry @ home, u have given me alot to think about today. [02:37:58] lunimaine: FINN doesn't have a soul [02:37:58] RobinOsiria: The Twitch Prime directive [02:37:59] sulakeboxi: <3 <3 f1nnPet f1nnPet [02:37:59] gaddafi_duck_: and powerful balls [02:37:59] ArchyNemesis: CRY CRY CRY CRY [02:38:00] johnpnicholls1122: 💗💝💞🫵🫵🫵👍 [02:38:01] R1VER_REBEL: 99% [02:38:02] bootleg_bambi: :( PrideLove [02:38:03] axing_: KEKW [02:38:04] elffern: elffern subscribed with Prime. [02:38:04] f3mmbot: elffern subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang elffern f1nnLezgang [02:38:05] Noatsjs: Keepo [02:38:05] leftfrog: LUL [02:38:06] RonnieSxl: <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:38:07] now_chemical: 💀 [02:38:08] ffionbee: like 2 days after i started hrt i suddenly *got* 100 gecs [02:38:08] ciernaruza: KEKW [02:38:09] buzzyblossom: does this all mean the return of Rose? [02:38:09] octminer: KEKW oh no [02:38:09] toastychaii: LOL [02:38:10] XENOMAN5: @spep_hsrih he said about a year but he’s not sure, long story [02:38:10] Paul_Ski: GEC GEC GEC GEC GEC GEC GEC [02:38:11] midireinheart: jessra2TransIt jessra2TransIt jessra2TransIt jessra2TransIt jessra2TransIt [02:38:11] PineappleMage: KEKW [02:38:12] TeraValia: someone's cutting onions [02:38:12] E_Bit: So proud [02:38:13] Chloeeee: I got your ass [02:38:13] RemusNeo: meow [02:38:13] skyyfairyy: KEKW [02:38:14] 1CrimsonPrincess: real [02:38:15] aggravatedconditions: aaaaaa [02:38:16] ChasingSol: OMEGALUL [02:38:16] AHyperOwl: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideLion PrideLaugh PrideCrown [02:38:16] luckylibrarian: wait is hyperpop a trans thing lol [02:38:17] randopersonn_: HYPERPOOOOOO [02:38:18] boom_and_alpha_yt: f1nn is unprepared to not be called a egg [02:38:18] Ghoskin_: <3 <3 <3 [02:38:20] ClaraRenway: hehehehehehe AAAA [02:38:20] sheldonq1: based [02:38:20] amouro_: lol [02:38:21] mendydy: LUL [02:38:21] jade8703: OMG WHAT??? SAME!!!! [02:38:21] isarah304: lesbians were pre ordering with the battlepass [02:38:22] krovvy: lol [02:38:23] cashmoneymanboy: went from iconic to ICON [02:38:25] PsillyCephalopod: bangers [02:38:25] SnoopyDog9086: Fire choices [02:38:25] beaneater197: Cry [02:38:25] ScarsUnseen: soon you'll have a job in IT, lol. [02:38:26] madschtz: BASED BASED BASED BASED [02:38:26] maploulive: lmfao [02:38:26] Dezponia: Cry you bussy! ziphFERAL [02:38:26] angygenz: oof [02:38:26] Not_Myhre: LUL [02:38:26] drunkshinx: HAHAHA [02:38:27] ArminGux: what are those? [02:38:27] SsickGirlOnline: real af [02:38:27] T0mtxm: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride [02:38:27] Ernatron42: Ernatron42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [02:38:27] f3mmbot: ernatron42 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:38:27] Quatroid_: HELL YEAH! [02:38:28] ZoeDoesMusic: So how do you like New Vegas now ? @f1nn5ter [02:38:28] kristinhateslife: Bi sitting [02:38:29] noodle711: IM THE DUMBEST GIRL ALIVE [02:38:30] cloudsislits: omh i finnaly got into a f1nn5ter stream [02:38:30] HexGrrrrl: 100 gecs goes hard [02:38:31] TheLegendOfLivz: devestating [02:38:31] blueskydrinking: Oh no, his music taste is getting worse. The conspiracy theories are true [02:38:32] emily6218: @F1NN5TER so should we use She/Her pronouns for you? [02:38:33] luneredge: has big O changed yet? [02:38:34] jadedwingman: If You are Hear to 100 gecs song You are trans [02:38:34] dani_whammi: F1NN - As a Trans girl myself? With how much support you've given the trans community and positive your presence has been, I would never considered you as anything other than honourary member already <3 [02:38:34] WillowWithAJoystick: LMAO i knew that 100 gecs was gonna be the one you mentioned [02:38:37] bearpaw1970: Lmao 🤣 [02:38:37] jvnko_18: Gay [02:38:40] johnkeiwo: U copied cow Stare [02:38:40] johnkeiwo: U copied cow Stare [02:38:44] my_queues: I'm 100% a straight hetero guy and I listen to hyperopia nonstop [02:38:44] menacingcafe1: it is the way [02:38:44] eggsyndrome: Hyperpop is based [02:38:47] GlenCoco39: @noodle711 <3 [02:38:48] MikeWillStream: yeah i also thought that was a crazy coincidence lol [02:38:48] blueish4: there are literally no rules you can just do things and it's ok actually [02:38:49] thehollowguy0211: COPIER lol [02:38:49] labcreatedjules: Urgent opinions needed on gecs inflation [02:38:49] dododoey: how long has Ashley known [02:38:50] Vanimal2118: Last night yes [02:38:51] TeraValia: wtf is hyperpop? [02:38:52] UmiTheWhale: baomoteFlex1 baomoteBlaob2 baomoteFlex3 Finni stronk [02:38:56] SnoopyDog9086: Dont forget Laura Les - Haunted [02:38:57] Stovamor: !caps [02:38:57] cyphoenic_: nice [02:38:58] f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! [02:38:58] memestar29000: This is gona be an interesting vod lol [02:38:58] Wrath_of_Altman: so now that you've come out, are you still calling yourself the number one femboy, or something else now [02:38:58] underland5: you should move to the south!!! we will love you down here! 💙🩷🤍🩷💙 [02:38:58] Stovamor: !caps [02:38:59] f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! [02:38:59] c__r__j: Cow had been genderfluid for a while - he announced HRT on Wednesday. [02:39:00] spep_hsrih: @XENOMAN5 oh yeah ok! its up to her with what he wants to share [02:39:01] phr0g2: when i first saw you cross dress a couple of years ago you made me start to think about my identity. and now ive realised im bi. also congrats on coming out as genderfluid!!!!! [02:39:03] johnkeiwo: @aSpicyCow, the bot got u for typing in all caps sorry :'( [02:39:03] sweet_madeline: ❤️ LUV U F1NN!! CONGRATS!! [02:39:03] abydon96: aspicycow is on E [02:39:04] StormCloud119: Cow's been any/alling for ages [02:39:05] NorableTTV: cant wait to go back to the last 6 months of videos noticing all the times you tried to hide things from us [02:39:06] 4FrogsInABeanie: do you have a prefrecne for pronouns at all? [02:39:06] minecrackjesus: HRT just seems like a vibe [02:39:07] ArminGux: cow says any pronouns [02:39:09] SoggertJones: Coagulations F1NN!! U still like Minecraft? [02:39:10] CreativeLobster: wait just got here, what’s happening? [02:39:12] ffionbee: its bodily autonomy. dudes can want boobs. you can just want that, its chill# [02:39:14] neondimples: Goes both ways. You don't have to go on hormones to be trans, you don't have to be trans to go on hormones. [02:39:15] coldhearttx3: please go by girl pronouns [02:39:16] falconeray: Oh no, the streaming station in my car right now is 'like dumbest girl alive' [02:39:16] HammerOfVenus: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [02:39:19] lunimaine: F1nns new Pronouns are cargo/pants [02:39:19] Maddie194King: bye [02:39:20] androidwall4680: Now that you're a girl, every voice is girl voice [02:39:22] Rue4192: Choo Chooo PrideCute [02:39:22] blueskydrinking: Cow is the last femboy standing against the woke mafia Kappa [02:39:22] cloudsislits: first time in the chat cause you are never live when i check but good luck on Hrt [02:39:23] deerdreams: Gender is a fucking circus and you can do whatever you want forever [02:39:23] thehollowguy0211: I finally got in on the stream, I've been waiting for this moment for over 3 years, NOW GIRL VOICE lol XD [02:39:23] Jauntie_Jackalope: Choo Chooo 2020Glitchy [02:39:24] RonnieSxl: !pronouns [02:39:24] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [02:39:25] xl0opx: HRT is a body mod. if we're ok with people poking holes in their ears, we should be ok with people growing boobs. [02:39:26] gayfurry621: congrats on the hrt GenderFluidPride [02:39:28] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: I feel like if you know who 100 gecs are then you're automatically trans. LUL [02:39:29] zillie99: gender is gay [02:39:31] sulakeboxi: F1nn sponsored by big HRT [02:39:34] RoyalRoseo: Choo Choo PrideCute [02:39:36] kristinhateslife: @CreativeLobster man is woman and man and ??? [02:39:36] scarlettyg: Is there even a single femboy streamer left who isn't doing HRT yet? [02:39:37] RaveFox: PrideWingL PrideTrans PrideWingR [02:39:37] pkapool: great sales pitch [02:39:38] MissNez: LuvBlush LuvBlush LuvBlush [02:39:39] just_markel: We shouldn't gatekeep HRT anyway. It's not just for trans people, it's for anyone if it makes you happy [02:39:39] retroyoshi1996: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [02:39:40] R1VER_REBEL: oh no i guess i want hrt now, what a a shame [02:39:42] mrjoshdeakin: HRT is also for many conditions besides gender transition indeed [02:39:43] Megarah0: I’m going to put you in a bottle [02:39:44] princess_mia03: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:39:45] Amoyamoyamoya: Cow's YT video was "officially" released yesterday but he pre-announced it on a stream the day before [02:39:45] zvrkinjo: When're we getting the Spotify playlist reveal? [02:39:45] memestar29000: Gender? Eww XD [02:39:46] menacingcafe1: finn sold hrt to me [02:39:47] ciernaruza: some cis dude got breast implants because a guy in Vegas bet him like 10 grand to do it [02:39:47] wilburofthefrigidlands: ever dealt with male pattern baldness? if so, how did you treat it [02:39:47] Mera_212: Wait omg hrt Finn? [02:39:48] bearpaw1970: It is body autonomy 😁🤟 [02:39:48] ghost_sheriff_: exactly [02:39:49] AcuRatTM: Don't gatekeep your own happiness y'know [02:39:50] cyperionsyndicate: Fut, fut PrideCute [02:39:51] MomochiZoey: Bounce bounce am I right fellas? [02:39:54] labcreatedjules: 100->1000->10000 in less than a decade? [02:39:55] buerglermeister1: based [02:39:55] SunIsLost: Who needs gender pfff [02:39:59] Enby_Medic: Enby_Medic subscribed at Tier 1. [02:39:59] f3mmbot: enby_medic subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang enby_medic f1nnLezgang [02:39:59] cass2quick: UR A DRUG ADDICT!!! [02:40:00] Leonie__11: Funny how literally today I also got my indication to start HRT :> [02:40:00] Nirvana_W22: Did you start doing HRT before or after being with Ashley? [02:40:03] River1403: hows the tism treating you lol [02:40:03] aSpicyCow: OMEGALUL [02:40:03] krovvy: KEKW [02:40:04] pyrrhos37: Men taking estrogen for their hair loss doesn't make them women. Exactly [02:40:04] AristotleBetta: KEKW [02:40:04] Twinborne: F1nn's coming out video has the same energy as any given Seinfeld "Kramer through the door" gif [02:40:04] Noatsjs: PowerUpL DarkMode PowerUpR [02:40:05] JanieOnyx: eyyyy [02:40:05] GeissT_AU: <3 [02:40:05] ChasingSol: KEKW [02:40:05] leftfrog: rood honestly [02:40:05] ameliamae621: :3 [02:40:06] vlabakje69: lekkerSicko lekkerSicko lekkerSicko lekkerSicko [02:40:06] AlmondVF: KEKW [02:40:07] Raddog315: Raddog315 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months! 24 months. Congrats Finn on your journey to finding your self and your happiness /// egg [02:40:07] f3mmbot: raddog315 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months using Prime! PogU [02:40:07] negobola123: só you want the shapes [02:40:07] NhiteHD: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:40:07] ironhydra: OMEGALUL [02:40:07] braddle172: KEKW [02:40:07] happy_possum_family: Based [02:40:08] ScarsUnseen: do you have British dysphoria? [02:40:08] Shockwavemecha: The plug [02:40:09] slybirdz: CiGrip [02:40:10] Mario11041: KEKW [02:40:10] YumeNoZen: Playing Minecraft is weird. [02:40:11] hierophantisto: LUL [02:40:11] flymetopluto06: real [02:40:11] Avaerus0: That's just greedy [02:40:12] HauntedCrimeShark: the only thing that makes you trans is if you say "i am trans" [02:40:13] Paul_Ski: VapeNation [02:40:13] phr0g2: you made me realise i like men [02:40:13] spidunno: transphobic [02:40:14] lewdbirdnoises: TRUUUEEEE [02:40:14] johnpnicholls1122: 🤣🤣🤣🤣👍 [02:40:15] Welshjemz: rooKek [02:40:15] iris_amethyst_crowned: thats just fair [02:40:16] sweet_madeline: SO STOKED FOR U!!!!! [02:40:16] InvaderSquidGirl: seriously [02:40:17] whistl034: yeah lol [02:40:18] spider3327: transphobic honestly [02:40:19] AeitZean: LUL LUL LUL [02:40:20] Mikayla_Alexis: Based [02:40:22] emily6218: D: [02:40:23] xigasa66: i wish we could have minecraft videos but with the new finn [02:40:23] MirahImage: 🥦 [02:40:24] menacingcafe1: finn accepts me doing class a drugs now nice [02:40:25] thehollowguy0211: hehehehehe [02:40:26] helenaaaaaaauwu: You have to come to Germany soon ill grow the best weed ever [02:40:27] erockyoutoo: FINN IS OK WITH MURDER?!? [02:40:27] noodle711: *passes the joint to Finn* [02:40:29] TrissByTor: I've got some [02:40:30] Ayton666: Litterly 1 out of 3 man have breastgrowth [02:40:31] XENOMAN5: Yeah but crackheads are crackheads [02:40:32] PsychoFisch: german trip coming in the future with their new weed laws? lel [02:40:32] cashmoneymanboy: whole room still a trans flag [02:40:32] blindthirdeye: You're the guy who tells the teacher who has gum, so they have to share [02:40:32] wack0x: actually weed improves estrogen intake [02:40:32] WorkingTitleee: Hahaha vibe is up fs 😎 [02:40:33] princess_mia03: heheh he [02:40:33] ramboo1989: true true [02:40:33] scarlettyg: Just think of it that way: that musician who's been poisoned with HRT over several months didn't become trans from it [02:40:33] bucket325: So you're 420 friendly??? [02:40:33] athena_kobra: lmaooo [02:40:34] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn = TORY [02:40:34] SnabbKassa: @YumeNoZen I agree. That's the weirdest thing about F1nn [02:40:35] MrTheMushroom: EGG [02:40:36] beaneater197: Fr [02:40:37] DarrigoTR: PrideCute [02:40:38] bootleg_bambi: LUL [02:40:38] rajama22: Funny [02:40:38] kristinhateslife: Are you sitting like a bisexual rn [02:40:39] skyler1g: Can Ashley pop by for a bit and celebrate too? [02:40:41] minecrackjesus: do you feel good do you want to feel better take finnsters HRT in merch now [02:40:41] bfritz0815: yep, weed needs to be shared f1nnPet [02:40:42] River1403: spoken like a true tory [02:40:42] SonicXVe: no you can call people transphobic now for slighting you personally its a tradition [02:40:43] lunimaine: LIBERALS ARE BREAD [02:40:45] bearpaw1970: 🤣 lmao [02:40:45] MrMopps: menopausal women go on HRT to alleviate menopause symptoms. They are still women. medicine is medicine [02:40:45] WillowWithAJoystick: Modifying your body to be the way you want it to be it the most punk/metal/badass thing you can do regardless of your identity or label [02:40:48] skoralta: Come to Canada and enjoy the legal weed [02:40:48] alexx_net: I wouldn't offer you an illigal drug in the UK [02:40:49] Bobbikatt: Inner ben shapiro coming out [02:40:51] Cautare: SAME BABYGIRL [02:40:54] Amoyamoyamoya: @skyler1g, Ashley is asleeb [02:40:55] rummyb: I actually started talking with my doctor about starting hrt yesterday! Proud of you, and myself! Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:40:55] seymourbuttsz: Are you gonna play Celeste? [02:40:56] buzzyblossom: Hey Finn (Rose?) You starting to have Ashley on your streams made me realise I was trans after years of lightly questioning it. I have been out for ~6 months, I just wanted to say thanks 👍🏼 [02:41:00] ogrem_fanclan: kgober!! [02:41:01] DodenKing: Finn check your bisexual posture [02:41:02] zoelegs: you're so based [02:41:05] OcelotYT: You can change the microphone bands to the genderfluid colours [02:41:07] Scyi_: boy month when? [02:41:07] SnabbKassa: libber ruls [02:41:07] Jens_LN: Cry all you want [02:41:08] AlgolGaming: @F1NN5TER Happy women's month today. so based. [02:41:08] soci_inertia: Don't trust the liberals. They will betray you [02:41:08] bootleg_bambi: @seymourbuttsz LMAO [02:41:09] aSpicyCow: or dont cry at all and everyone gets refunded [02:41:09] underland5: now you are openly bi does that mean I have a chance! [02:41:10] ArminGux: are we allowed to do bath salts, I like long baths [02:41:11] emily6218: @F1NN5TER came out as trans so she can make transphobic jokes Kappa [02:41:12] SonicXVe: D: [02:41:12] phr0g2: you made me gay!!!!!!!!!! [02:41:13] i_iike_toast: play celeste [02:41:13] tabbyteacat: D: [02:41:13] SubstituteMyOwn: D: [02:41:14] dianacronica: "might be" [02:41:15] athena_kobra: UHUH [02:41:15] Paul_Ski: D: [02:41:17] ArchyNemesis: It's a good game regardless!!! [02:41:17] pianoismyforte_: D: [02:41:17] Bauldyr: @buzzyblossom zentreWICKED [02:41:17] xigasa66: you always were cringe [02:41:17] Uonia: BUT CELESTE IS COOL [02:41:17] justhesss: woooo trans!!! [02:41:17] noodle711: pls play celeste its super fun [02:41:17] Enby_Medic: I’m so happy and proud for you, you have helped me start feeling better about my personal journey as Enby [02:41:17] Alchimay: can you double jump yet? [02:41:18] Penguin_Spy: D: [02:41:18] andyinnie: celeste is so good tho [02:41:18] sheldonq1: D: [02:41:19] bfritz0815: GayPride [02:41:19] Zettrex: D: [02:41:19] octminer: hollow knight streams when? [02:41:19] sayocrn: you should play celeste because its a good game [02:41:19] soquent: are you gonna play fallout 4 ? [02:41:20] NorableTTV: play celeste anyway its a good game [02:41:21] negativplayslive: Scoop you up and *squish* [02:41:21] aquaryee: CELESTE [02:41:21] Noatsjs: lickth3Gagged [02:41:21] Athonathonathon: D: celeste isn't cringe [02:41:21] AlyssaAwoo: >:( [02:41:22] bananasandwich6969: not cis [02:41:22] TheLegendOfLivz: BOTH [02:41:23] ringwraith1313: trans = not cis [02:41:23] Doperanks: Why not both? [02:41:23] Citruss_PUNCH: I just watched your coming out video! OMG when you said yo6 blamed this on your mom for rasing you vegetarian 😂😂 [02:41:23] wompfidence: D: [02:41:24] gl1tch1xisme: hello [02:41:24] AristotleBetta: LUL [02:41:24] mystchevious1: Saying trans is fine. Don't stress so much [02:41:24] saturnb220: D: [02:41:24] gamebooker14: Celeste is a good game [02:41:25] menacingcafe1: great im gonna cry now [02:41:26] lunimaine: Cananananananada is shart, too fuckin cold sometimes [02:41:26] lord_duck09: girly play Celeste [02:41:26] ekat2468: I think you've already embraced the cringe [02:41:26] dododoey: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [02:41:26] River1403: genderfluid falls under the trans umbrella cutie xD [02:41:26] ItsCubet: wdym celeste players are cringe? [02:41:26] R1VER_REBEL: paly celeste it so good [02:41:26] hand_hook_car_door: earlier you said that not cis means you're trans [02:41:28] AcuRatTM: you're happy. that's what matters [02:41:28] thehollowguy0211: TIME FOR CELESTE! Platformer rage time lol, I 100%'ed it, and I will never be the same again XD [02:41:29] gaddafi_duck_: Celeste is a fucking good game [02:41:29] professorpigeon1: traaaaaaaaan [02:41:29] silver_shark3: Celeste is the best [02:41:29] Thangalys: hi just watched the video and it makes me very happy that you figured stuff out and that you're happy and yeah it's very cool!! [02:41:29] Eadthryth: He's gonna start playing Genshin. [02:41:29] thekindredspiritofficial: NNOOOOOO! my points! [02:41:30] WuppieF: calling celeste cringe is a fellony [02:41:30] Ayton666: Oeehhh can we get a drunk stream? The truth will come out [02:41:30] gamerman356: You are. [02:41:31] freakyfingers160: celeste isnt cringe wtfd [02:41:31] xl0opx: ya, trans is fine if you're not cis imo [02:41:31] nikama6: D: [02:41:32] unaffected95: Gender fluid is trans if you want it to be [02:41:32] Welshjemz: this is why I just go by queer lol [02:41:33] rockabun: Gender Fluid falls under the Trans Umbrella [02:41:33] trufflechu: Celeste isn't cringe :( [02:41:33] pkapool: u are u [02:41:33] Mnh188: celeste is so good, and im not trans [02:41:33] lewdbirdnoises: @F1NN5TER To live is to cringe, just embrace it [02:41:33] SoggertJones: cant wait to lose weight so i can dress more "comfy" fr [02:41:34] cloudsislits: :O [02:41:34] spider3327: doooooo it [02:41:34] the_luna_lily: celeste is good [02:41:34] espiiowo: genderfluid is trans no? [02:41:35] PCRV: celeste is not cringe [02:41:35] aurorathequeen4: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [02:41:35] bruh_wt_f: "Just because I'm gender fluid doesn't mean I'm trans" [02:41:36] toastychaii: celeste is so good though [02:41:36] f0xegg: D: [02:41:36] Amoyamoyamoya: COULD YOU PLEASE DECIDE SO WE CAN CALIBRATE OUR GASLIGHTING PROPERLY? [02:41:36] FacelessSnow: you're both [02:41:37] ramboo1989: oh boy [02:41:37] Xandragonn: D: [02:41:38] AeitZean: Trans is anyone not cis 🤷‍♀️ [02:41:38] Pokedy: call it what you want. labels dont really matter in life [02:41:38] shitstack87: ur inbetween :P [02:41:39] MirahImage: You're trans, you don't have to be binary to be trans [02:41:39] princess_mia03: nuuuuu [02:41:39] roantwist: trans is fine you can use it [02:41:39] Despick_: What 40k faction are you going to start? gotta tic all the boxes [02:41:39] ClaraRenway: You're not cis so you're kinda trans [02:41:39] Megarah0: we can see the glisten in their eyes [02:41:39] Amoyamoyamoya: THANKS [02:41:39] hierophantisto: Valid tbh KEKW [02:41:39] Nirvana_W22: you can use or not use 'trans' it's up to you [02:41:40] blueskydrinking: Chat detransitioned him with Celeste KEKW [02:41:41] Y0rk5h1r3: Is it SAO? [02:41:41] emily6218: Genderfluid IS trans [02:41:41] JanieOnyx: i feel like gender fluid falls under the trans umbrella [02:41:41] oli_jayne: trans can be used as an umbrella term for anyone not cis [02:41:41] bearpaw1970: Lmao [02:41:41] lexxiipop: Genserfluid is under the trans umbrella [02:41:41] SuperKatze0108: Celest is fucking awesome >:( [02:41:41] Gyyan: i like men [02:41:42] stumblefish: you can call yourself trans if you feel like it, it doesn't only mean binary [02:41:42] N0xAtra: celeste is so good :( [02:41:42] Mackarp: celeste is the best game ever made, pls go better yourself [02:41:43] xeltv_: its pixels HUH [02:41:43] iris_amethyst_crowned: you know you will give in [02:41:43] kingcavel: Celeste is the best game though [02:41:44] pancakeTransitions: trans just means not cis. You can say you're trans [02:41:44] looeesz: Already had [02:41:45] shinjitsumiso: ultrakill tho??? [02:41:46] Thremtie: womansplain minecraft quantum physics to me bbgh [02:41:46] isarah304: takes e "still cis tho" [02:41:47] statesidelemur9: you're transfluid [02:41:47] ArminGux: start with hollow night and get in the pipeline [02:41:47] OcelotYT: "Technically" genderfluid is under the trans umbrella, so yes trans, but also, your gender is based. [02:41:47] randomplaguedoctor: you don’t have to be trans but gender fluid does fit in the trans community [02:41:49] Penguin_Spy: it's not anime?? what [02:41:49] AlhambraMMXX: someone's streaming celeste in your honour right now [02:41:50] Gaetanfalcon: there is no anime [02:41:51] kaz________________: if you feel a disconnect from gender you could be Agender [02:41:52] tazzzy18: BASED W! [02:41:52] Gentrix918: He had that power for years lol [02:41:52] spookyhargow: cheerwhal1000 I came out today as a Domino’s lover too… stay strong Finn! we’re proud of you and you are not alone! [02:41:52] Esper89: play celeste the estrogen will make you good at it and theres no anime in it [02:41:53] TheDark_OverLord: I don't know if its the alcohol or you coming out but its making me want to come out now lol [02:41:53] viryl_lucas: Gayge [02:41:54] dreibananen: so you only like 3d girls? [02:41:54] Quintkat: Today is my 1 year HRT anniversary. having you come out today is a happy coincidence :3 [02:41:55] Stovamor: Chat - If there are no tears at all, the bet will be cancelled [02:41:56] beaneater197: Gender jooce [02:41:56] XENOMAN5: Gender fuckey? [02:41:56] Stovamor: Chat - If there are no tears at all, the bet will be cancelled [02:41:56] AkimboStevieB: Watched your video and wanna say congratz! [02:41:57] Stovamor: Chat - If there are no tears at all, the bet will be cancelled [02:41:59] AshNDu5t: you are whatever you say you are [02:41:59] Stovamor: Chat - If there are no tears at all, the bet will be cancelled [02:42:00] christa_lyn: What a gaymer [02:42:01] CallMeSleeepy: If you like F1nn you are Gey, its true now. and awesome [02:42:01] lord_duck09: anime what??? [02:42:01] Ironplushy: Finnster is literally going through the Bridget story arc from Guilty Gear [02:42:03] thehollowguy0211: Celeste will doom us all XD [02:42:04] Feywild: @F1NN5TER Trans just means "non-cis". It's latin and used in chemistry all the time. [02:42:05] Nilinn31: gotta listen to Sewerslvt too [02:42:05] Shockwavemecha: spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies [02:42:09] coldhearttx3: you’re soo hot 🥵 [02:42:09] PCRV: celeste best game ever please play [02:42:10] memestar29000: !discord [02:42:11] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:42:11] Amoyamoyamoya: Wait...a long message? Did Peachy help him type it out? [02:42:13] begodden1987: congratulations 🥂 [02:42:15] zombiii: now that you are genderfluid and bisexual you are obligated to watch onepiece [02:42:16] cloudsislits: what bet?? [02:42:16] Quizzicalotl: The Town Inside Me intensifies [02:42:16] helenaaaaaaauwu: So sweet [02:42:17] Avaerus0: He's so cute when he's happy [02:42:17] ahiredgunn: The Egg Cracked congrats on being and finding yourself PrideWorld PridePenguin TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride GayPride BisexualPride ahired1RedBowtie ahired1RedBowtie ahired1RedBowtie [02:42:17] gaddafi_duck_: I’m not into anime and I love Celeste [02:42:18] pkapool: awwwww [02:42:18] ClaraRenway: When are you going to stream Fallout New Vegas [02:42:18] aurorathequeen4: so happy for you [02:42:19] 1mitzi9: this has been such a wholesome/relatable stream [02:42:20] QuinnthusiastLive: i don't know is a ok answer [02:42:21] bearpaw1970: Nano' I'm sure 😺 [02:42:21] sayocrn: oh yeah whats your thoughts on 100 gecs? [02:42:22] princess_mia03: Celeste is my coming out game [02:42:24] TeraValia: Finn, if your knee-jerk reaction is to refer to yourself as trans, you are. trans-nonbinary (which includes genderfluid) is a thing. [02:42:26] androidwall4680: With great power, comes little to no responsibility [02:42:26] ONZO92: A.utistic A.DHD A.ce B.ritish ***mingham B.i (CDEF) G.enderfluid [02:42:27] aSpicyCow: @Amoyamoyamoya no shes at the mall she left me home alone without food [02:42:27] tristan02245: I’m so happy for her. [02:42:29] SnabbKassa: @gaddafi_duck_ Can I be honest. I find your name disturbing. [02:42:29] ciernaruza: @Ironplushy including sounding american while being british [02:42:32] R1VER_REBEL: sowwy :3 [02:42:33] Noatsjs: LUL [02:42:34] HelplessxDragon: Are you on progesterone too? <3 [02:42:34] wilburofthefrigidlands: Have you ever dealt with hair loss? if so, how did you treat it [02:42:34] Lazulli0_0: Chat is being too nice, i'm here to just say i'm jealous (just kiddin love u and congrats) [02:42:34] ameliamae621: :3 [02:42:39] MaMoon57: Yesterday got close to getting in a psych hospital, but today in seriously considering talking abt hrt with my therapist, thank<3 [02:42:41] Amoyamoyamoya: @aSpicyCow, Did she put down a pee pad at least? [02:42:43] YumeNoZen: I've done it a few times. [02:42:44] emily6218: KEKW [02:42:45] minecrackjesus: will you be selling silly f1nn branded stuff [02:42:45] rajama22: Good question [02:42:46] akanama: akanama is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [02:42:46] f3mmbot: akanama has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [02:42:47] akanama: akanama gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jackus_! [02:42:47] akanama: akanama gifted a Tier 1 sub to HeHeHaHa16! [02:42:47] akanama: akanama gifted a Tier 1 sub to gamertwtch! [02:42:47] akanama: akanama gifted a Tier 1 sub to JojoGinni! [02:42:47] akanama: akanama gifted a Tier 1 sub to ElenaLight24! [02:42:49] lunimaine: I am also a part of the LGTV community [02:42:50] DodenKing: HRT is the name of a croatian broadcasting channel and i keep doing a double take every time i see the word now [02:42:52] ahiredgunn: Can we get a cracked egg emote? [02:42:53] betbet278: someone gifted me a sub! thank you so much! <3 [02:42:55] JuniSnor: How much is your dosage going to be? [02:42:55] Shuribeard: You'll always be a finsexual to me. [02:42:57] toby12901: , [02:42:57] alexx_net: @HelplessxDragon He has tried it [02:42:57] AkimboStevieB: Does this mean the boy meme is gone? [02:42:58] bfritz0815: @aspicycow meowdaFEED meowdaPOP [02:42:58] DaOPCreeper: thats good to hear, [02:42:59] Jens_LN: More weight on the chest though, @F1NN5TER [02:43:00] Citruss_PUNCH: OMG I KNOW RIGHT?!?! [02:43:02] YukiSoraSaki: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [02:43:05] Darkstar_j_: did you start after dating Ashleigh? [02:43:05] MikeWillStream: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [02:43:05] Cautare: monkaS [02:43:07] Stovamor: !hrt [02:43:07] f3mmbot: Finn is taking Finasteride to stop hair loss and has recently started actual HRT (CPA, Progesterone and transdermal Estradiol). See this video for more info - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3reFDwM0yIA [02:43:08] hiluuu: i cant stop smiling watching this stream [02:43:11] Mumeiro: Hey Finn, congrats. Can't imagine how relieving it is to finally talk about it. You rock. Icky rocks. Chat rocks too. [02:43:12] zvrkinjo: What's the best part of coming out? [02:43:12] Zettrex: monkaS [02:43:14] ArminGux: you going to jail? [02:43:15] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:43:16] acchaos: it’s 23:44 [02:43:17] shinjitsumiso: if no celeste the clear alternative is ultrakill, yeah?? [02:43:17] aSpicyCow: that dono was so old [02:43:20] pokefwends: how often do you shampoo [02:43:20] isarah304: u should make eggs on stream [02:43:21] mrhashbrown: mrhashbrown subscribed at Tier 1. [02:43:22] f3mmbot: mrhashbrown subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang mrhashbrown f1nnLezgang [02:43:23] TheBrokenDeity: I missed it whats happened?? [02:43:24] exspressoo: finties [02:43:24] Amoyamoyamoya: BIG ASS CHESTICLES [02:43:25] Feywild: Also @F1NN5TER . did you start HRT before or after meeting Ashley? [02:43:25] viryl_lucas: lol [02:43:26] Avaerus0: It must feel better being able to be more honest about what's going on [02:43:27] thehollowguy0211: The weight has just moved down XD [02:43:28] lunimaine: ASS?!?!?! [02:43:28] NhiteHD: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:43:29] DodenKing: @darkstar_j_ he started before! [02:43:30] ramboo1989: ♥️ [02:43:30] coldhearttx3: ass 🥵🥵 [02:43:31] betbet278: LOL [02:43:32] cashmoneymanboy: can you explain how the hrt lotion thing works [02:43:33] Emilyosz: Have they said how many months so far? I am about 1.5 ish months into my own hrt now. [02:43:34] AlmondVF: @Darkstar_j_ before [02:43:35] ahiredgunn: Cracked egg emote when? [02:43:36] bulletfeed: I have been on the fence about starting hrt but the not being able to have kids is a big problem for me [02:43:37] 420kekscope: Cheer300 I cried at the start of the stream, when i saw how happy and enthusiastic you were. so glad for you [02:43:38] Crazedmonkey29: No longer gonna wear fake booba? [02:43:40] Vanimal2118: U missed alot [02:43:41] Bleats_Sinodai: Ma'an [02:43:41] Welshjemz: nothing new lol [02:43:42] Citruss_PUNCH: Lucky you. I got nothing to my ass with hrt BibleThump [02:43:42] Noatsjs: f1nnTankhat [02:43:44] rainfallwall: I'm just happy to be here [02:43:45] Jens_LN: yeah, we were all worried it was something scary ... but it was just HRT :D [02:43:50] AkimboStevieB: Wait, HRT is a lotion? [02:43:52] kaheyah: Congrats im happy for you [02:43:52] bfritz0815: @ahiredgunn f1nnEgg [02:43:52] isarah304: wait what [02:43:53] ClaraRenway: @Emilyosz I think he said like 5-6 months earlier in strim [02:43:54] boom_and_alpha_yt: before [02:43:55] SunIsLost: Man, she is a (wo)man and her pronouns are he/him [02:43:57] ONZO92: has HRT had any effect on your emotions? [02:43:59] Im_Oblivious1124: I missed the Ace bit, what happened with that? [02:44:02] seymourbuttsz: microdosing E [02:44:03] acchaos: woman? man? human✅ [02:44:04] Avaerus0: So were your hormones out of balance in the beginning then? [02:44:05] Dezponia: How will you train shoulders now that you don't keep this secret? [02:44:06] Amoyamoyamoya: @AkimboStevieB, It comes in many forms: Pill, gel, injection, etc. [02:44:07] TheIvySapphire: so the t levels thing was fake lol [02:44:09] sayocrn: @AkimboStevieB theres oral, injectable, or transdermal patches/gel [02:44:10] spider3327: @AkimboStevieB they're many ways [02:44:11] alexx_net: @Citruss_PUNCH Squats can fix that [02:44:12] death_by_5nusnu: I hope that the weight on your chest becomes enough to hurt your back [02:44:13] skoralta: That pushup bra is gonna go hard now that there's more to work with [02:44:14] Eadthryth: That's how I take adderall [02:44:14] tobit0aster_: You‘ve been taking e this long? [02:44:14] buzzyblossom: F1nn (rose?) now won't have to use the rubber, fake booba [02:44:14] luneredge: Cheer300 Congrats Jude! has O changed yet? don’t answer if you don’t wanna lol [02:44:15] EmpressTatjia: [02:44:15] LimitedKraken: IS HE A GIRL YET? [02:44:16] TheStarGamer1238: TheStarGamer1238 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months! 25 is mostly a number. Ash and You are a cute couple. [02:44:17] f3mmbot: thestargamer1238 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 25 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:44:17] Zdycopter: whats the cashflow projection after this revelation? [02:44:18] 0MxRC: i am so fuckin proud of you, and everyone else in this chat! i myself want to go onto hrt but have no idea how to go about it, but i have started doing research for it! <3 @F1NN5TER [02:44:19] ChasingSol: @TheIvySapphire at the time it was true [02:44:22] garnetportrait: who is Ashley omg [02:44:22] CalciumCup: Hey finn, being trans myself just curious if you get your HRT through the NHS or private healthcare? the NHS wait times are unbelievably fucked [02:44:24] ACutiePi_: that sounds like me now [02:44:25] Amoyamoyamoya: @TheIvySapphire, It was true when he first posted it [02:44:27] SunIsLost: @LimitedKraken not sure [02:44:27] begodden1987: you joined the hazardous response team 🎉 [02:44:28] ffionbee: about 6 months here too finn :3 [02:44:28] noodle711: 6 months?? damn [02:44:32] Citruss_PUNCH: You really need to take spiro [02:44:32] chickenjuice452: chickenjuice452 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! I’m in the same boat as you, gender fluid. am I trans? I don’t feel like I’m transitioning into anything. but on the other hand the flag and color scheme is so cool [02:44:32] f3mmbot: chickenjuice452 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:44:34] ArminGux: “I started 1 year ago and 6 months ago at the same time” [02:44:35] biaxialash303: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:44:36] ShellyCanCount: Booba? [02:44:37] sarcasmincluded00: @garnetportrait F1nn's gf [02:44:38] lunimaine: Consume trident gum [02:44:38] titusrodriguez: So you're keeping your weiner for now? [02:44:39] johnkeiwo: W [02:44:40] Uonia: wait is this how you got your hormone levels to show on stream [02:44:41] ClaraRenway: So you been on HRT for longer than me AAAA CONGRATS wait phew I still a month lionger hehehehe [02:44:41] betbet278: are there any side effects? [02:44:41] seymourbuttsz: Can you sell your gender fluid in jars on the internet? [02:44:41] professorpigeon1: one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us [02:44:42] Feywild: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [02:44:43] SlightlySure: you just werent ready [02:44:44] lucicanscip: smash either way [02:44:46] gamertwtch: @zdycopter the actual question [02:44:46] LimitedKraken: @SunIsLost god damnit, i dont wanna be gay [02:44:48] kpkplays: Use the Twitch con Paris as the start date. [02:44:48] Leonie__11: Are you doing mono e? [02:44:49] rw03_bjw: F1nn are they po box packages behind you 🤔 [02:44:50] mapicard1: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [02:44:50] powerviolett: sorry if i missed it but how do you feel about voice training going forward? (if you`re comfortable answering) [02:44:51] krovvy: cniTense [02:44:52] kaheyah: its awsome your the same things except ace, [02:44:52] cloudiernow: cloudiernow is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [02:44:53] f3mmbot: cloudiernow has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [02:44:53] cloudiernow: cloudiernow gifted a Tier 1 sub to RuthlessWelshy! [02:44:53] cloudiernow: cloudiernow gifted a Tier 1 sub to SilverEnigma! [02:44:53] cloudiernow: cloudiernow gifted a Tier 1 sub to androidwall4680! [02:44:53] cloudiernow: cloudiernow gifted a Tier 1 sub to taicapre! [02:44:53] cloudiernow: cloudiernow gifted a Tier 1 sub to lony_0! [02:44:54] emily6218: LETSGO [02:44:55] KfkFod: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:44:55] ACutiePi_: What change did you make to do it right? asking for a friend [02:44:55] durendal_69: M [02:44:57] TrueMezzo: I did the same thing my fk start is a while ago but proper is 6 months [02:44:58] MajesticFvckingEagle: W [02:44:58] f0xegg: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [02:44:58] koalaaaah: Hi finn [02:44:59] belle_812: proud of u ❤️🏳️‍⚧️ [02:45:00] Avaerus0: I was curious how you're butt & thighs had grown when you said you didn't work out. :D [02:45:01] noodle711: has Finn cried this stream yet? [02:45:04] ScarsUnseen: i started HRT in 2003! i dont regret a goddamn thing. [02:45:04] minecrackjesus: Why are your tags the same word capitalised diffrently [02:45:06] Katakalysmic: What does a gender feel like , ive never really felt like it mattered, always thought it was actually a social construct made up to sell gendered targeted products in the 60s [02:45:07] XENOMAN5: You can choose your tranniversary [02:45:08] shinjitsumiso: took me about 6 months to get levels figured out. if anyone here is thinking about it, the best time to start hrt is 6 months ago. the second best time is now [02:45:10] RuthlessWelshy: @cloudiernow Thanks for the gift sub! [02:45:10] TheAverageBoyfu: how many bits is it for tts? [02:45:11] OcelotYT: Now as a person under the "trans umbrella" do you embrace our shork overlords> [02:45:11] bfritz0815: bfritz0815 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ahiredgunn! They have given 95 Gift Subs in the channel! [02:45:12] f3mmbot: bfritz0815 has gifted a subscription to ahiredgunn at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang ahiredgunn f1nnLezgang [02:45:12] Raddog315: Damm it my resub didn't read, he missed my heartfelt congrats.... and my calling him an egg for the last time lol [02:45:12] GlenCoco39: When did you first ask a doctor seriously for HRT? [02:45:13] MaxVershhhtappen: W Finn [02:45:14] MrTheMushroom: nice job on coming out! [02:45:14] jedileah: hi F1nn i know you won't see this to much, but you are awesome and will always be loved by all of us, i hope you are happy and life brings you all the love you deserve, all of us in the LGBTQIA community support and love you, [02:45:17] ijolenelovesleep: ijolenelovesleep subscribed at Tier 1. [02:45:17] Eadthryth: wow...finn got the bobs and boty upgrade [02:45:17] f3mmbot: ijolenelovesleep subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang ijolenelovesleep f1nnLezgang [02:45:18] alexx_net: @noodle711 Not yet [02:45:19] aSpicyCow: @TheAverageBoyfu 100 or 300 idk [02:45:21] EnlightenedMint: Thank god I don't feel gay coming to this stream anymore Pog [02:45:21] valentijn33: Hii Finn, what do u think from the song Europapa of Joost for Eurovision‽ [02:45:22] AreYouKittinMe: Where do you get most of your clothes? They all look amazing! [02:45:23] outg0ingintr0vert: Finn can you check your Reddit dms ? [02:45:24] anxitement: are you having a cracking evening? [02:45:25] NhiteHD: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:45:25] ramboo1989: ayooo [02:45:26] TwoEzDragon: We love youuu! [02:45:26] Deneith: noice [02:45:26] shelledbsh: Bully you with kindness [02:45:27] ahiredgunn: @bfritz0815 Thanks for the gift sub! [02:45:27] brandnewroad: Cheer100 Hey Finn, I've been lurking for a while and watching you and Ashley on YouTube. I'm so proud and happy for you. Your joy is wonderful to see. Btw, genderfluid is under the nonbinary umbrella which is under the trans umbrella. But all that matters is your comfort in how you want to think of yourself. Love you, thank you for all you do! – from a bi trans guy TransgenderPride [02:45:28] Thremtie: we love u lil bro sis thingy <3 [02:45:29] FatherThyme: new years stream all over again [02:45:29] JanieOnyx: we're all just so happy for you tbh [02:45:29] brickmage554: Hiiiii fin [02:45:30] SonicXVe: the bullying resumes tomorrow [02:45:32] Noatsjs: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [02:45:32] TeraValia: they're trying to get you to cry [02:45:33] scarlettyg: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:45:33] Helen_Croft: So what will you do with the box with the boy clothes ? @F1NN5TER [02:45:33] mapicard1: Gayge WineTime [02:45:34] insomniaticshade: Bully you out of CAARE !!!!! [02:45:34] Jens_LN: Lies, we were nice on the New Years stream too @F1NN5TER [02:45:34] hiluuu: you should come out more often [02:45:35] tazzzy18: VirtualHug [02:45:36] lizthewtich: I mean we can start bullying lol [02:45:37] durendal_69: Mummy [02:45:38] Stovamor: @TheAverageBoyfu, @aSpicyCow 300 bits - see the !donate command [02:45:38] isarah304: do u listen to breakcore now [02:45:39] 1mitzi9: the wholesome levels are over 9000 [02:45:39] UnShotIon: hail the shark [02:45:39] swanee327: lolol [02:45:40] braddle172: itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype [02:45:41] blueskydrinking: A lot of the streams from last Spring make a lot more sense now we have all the information. I'm glad you're happier and doing so well <3 [02:45:41] mrhashbrown: this isn’t something to bully someone about, accept it [02:45:41] ArminGux: we have been waiting for this for years, we excited [02:45:42] Valvanzi8: VirtualHug [02:45:42] viryl_lucas: bullying a gurl? [02:45:42] Bleats_Sinodai: Okay then, go eat a dildo ma'an [02:45:42] leftfrog: 🦈 🦈 🦈 [02:45:43] Zettrex: dont worry f1nn we will bully u next stream f1nnGremlin [02:45:45] maploulive: blahaj pile!! [02:45:46] death_by_5nusnu: fivest20Rage fivest20Rage fivest20Rage fivest20Rage fivest20Rage fivest20Rage fivest20Rage fivest20Rage fivest20Rage [02:45:46] negativplayslive: HOW MANY BLAHAJ- [02:45:46] PinballGraham: Blahaj cosplay when...? [02:45:46] AkimboStevieB: If theres Shark overlords im in [02:45:48] Amoyamoyamoya: That person MUST be new...smh [02:45:48] theanonymoussword: Heyho, have a wonderful evening, just joined. [02:45:49] occamsrazorwit: They're only being nice because they want to see you cry. [02:45:49] CalciumCup: Hey @F1NN5TER, being trans myself just curious if you get your HRT through the NHS or private healthcare? the NHS wait times are unbelievably fucked [02:45:49] rsm_100r: rsm_100r subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! After all the happy times you've given us I'm glad to see you be happy as well f1nnHeart [02:45:50] thedivisionice: rose [02:45:50] f3mmbot: rsm_100r subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [02:45:50] Helen_Croft: So what will you do with the box with the boy clothes ? @F1NN5TER [02:45:50] dreibananen: do you have programming socks [02:45:50] Emilyosz: We like our eggs over easy, after they are cracked you have to be gentle. lol [02:45:51] Task_Tesla: the sharks sealed the deal [02:45:51] cowens098: finn [02:45:52] insecureTrannzz: all hail the shark [02:45:52] awe_rora: the AI inflection on that was great lol [02:45:52] Agrena: the sharks was there all alongs [02:45:53] lexxiipop: You're trans now, we can't be mean, it'd be transphobic [02:45:55] TheStarGamer1238: Shark, Shark [02:45:57] seymourbuttsz: I literally ate dominos today lol [02:45:57] Citruss_PUNCH: Blahaj bast those mfers!!! [02:45:57] minecrackjesus: theres MORE [02:45:58] filip_zd10: ALL HAIL [02:45:58] cashmoneymanboy: the first blähaj semented ur journy [02:45:58] outg0ingintr0vert: invest in ikea for the shark [02:45:58] ClaraRenway: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride We Love You! [02:45:59] freddy_fazbear56: we can bully you if you want [02:45:59] just_markel: We're being too nice? Okay how's this: lmao you're on HRT?? That's kinda GAY [02:46:00] bfritz0815: rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky rynSharky [02:46:00] duukm: July or earlier? [02:46:01] benevolentbeaver: BLAHAJ CHANTING [02:46:02] ChasingSol: it sounds funny when you pronounce it correctly [02:46:02] Avaerus0: Hail Blow-High! [02:46:02] crazygardevoir: O: [02:46:03] suspicious_slime: now that the egg has cracked we can be nice :P [02:46:03] ItsBam50: LMAO BALAHAJ [02:46:06] CalypsoMoons: someone take F1NN to ikea [02:46:06] emily6218: ALLL HAIL [02:46:06] mmelliiii: jillplsHai jillplsHai jillplsHai [02:46:07] ekat2468: Shark emoji in chat when [02:46:07] Dezponia: BLÅHAJ is friend! [02:46:08] bumbles19: 🦈❤️ [02:46:08] floorboardthepiratequeen: @CalciumCup there is another way... [02:46:12] Jauntie_Jackalope: Bully you? Well yeah, people can bully you with kindness to make you cry. [02:46:12] Doperanks: SHONK! [02:46:13] beaneater197: All hail the sharks [02:46:13] CritCupcake: ...yet [02:46:14] tetracorps: first time watching the stream. twitch recommended. I knew you from youtube shorts [02:46:14] Vyakitha: FACTS [02:46:14] royaltydrea: just watched the video and ran here [02:46:16] BtEtta: You know it's serious when you pronounce Blähaj correctly. [02:46:16] Noatsjs: PogChamp [02:46:17] AcuRatTM: f1nnEgg [02:46:17] OcelotYT: Can we get a Blahaj emote? [02:46:17] ahiredgunn: [02:46:17] KianaVCL: just don't say the long eyelashes advice was fake, I beg of ya [02:46:18] Firehead200: aggreed [02:46:18] PaganOrca: Egg [02:46:19] belle_812: BLAHAJ [02:46:20] Ayton666: Can we make your start date sep 11, the fall of the twink towers [02:46:20] scribbz123: yass real [02:46:21] TheLunaStardust: [02:46:21] ArminGux: you still scared of real sharks? [02:46:23] sussy_snipez: itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype [02:46:26] veluminous: I also just started my hrt 5.5 months ago :D [02:46:26] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: BLÅ HAJ <3 <3 <3 [02:46:27] james197009: we only bullied you because we wanted you to admit the truth [02:46:27] tazzzy18: sharks are just living underwater planes [02:46:31] bootleg_bambi: @Ayton666 lmao thats really funny [02:46:31] sharkdad0: @F1NN5TER as a trans woman who's been following you for a while now, I just wanted to tell you you've been a genuinely beautiful addition to our community <3 [02:46:32] MaxVershhhtappen: blow high blow low, I don’t care. [02:46:34] T0mtxm: @royaltydrea same lol [02:46:38] ClaraRenway: We bow before the BLAHAJ!!! [02:46:39] CalypsoMoons: someone take f1nn to ikea and buy that woman a shark [02:46:39] bearpaw1970: F1nn'...F1nn'..F1nn' sharks have F1nn's you know [02:46:43] MaxWattage: PrideWingL willoButton PrideWingR [02:46:44] OliviaTalks: we don't bully you right now because one does not bully at a moment like this. Proud of you and happy to be here for this stream [02:46:45] FlowersOfLight: if you're not gonna cry, i am [02:46:45] silver_shark3: Gonna be hard with NHS if you’re anything but binary [02:46:46] AkimboStevieB: Ofc private as you don't want to wait 20 years [02:46:46] lucicanscip: i think the amount of blahaj finn has got to em [02:46:47] brickmage554: Just got here. Whats going on [02:46:51] krovvy: Sadge terf island [02:46:52] Gammer1119: Gammer1119 subscribed at Tier 1. [02:46:52] f3mmbot: gammer1119 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang gammer1119 f1nnLezgang [02:46:54] lunimaine: WHY AM I INBETWEEN TWO PEOPLES EGGNESS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH [02:46:57] Eadthryth: Finn said he likes men, kinda gay ngl. [02:46:58] cerysnomi: if private you can ask gp for shared care agreement means nhs pays for meds [02:47:00] duukm: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:47:01] SandMan29331: Every time I see the sharks I keep thinking on the vtuber Rin Penrose. [02:47:02] wilburofthefrigidlands: Did HRT change how your hair worked at all? [02:47:05] GhostOfAFlea: You always do this [02:47:06] cowens098: Dude I got band from going live on tiktok. [02:47:06] YumeNoZen: I have a 140cm blahaj imitation and it's almost Chasiu's size when she holds it. [02:47:06] ChasingSol: @lunimaine all caps gets deleted by the bot [02:47:07] Vanimal2118: They can go back to bullying u, but u can get revenge on me. Amoya or Cow can fill u in. (1 @vanimal tile) [02:47:07] Quizzicalotl: F1nn uniting the trans and cis communities <3 [02:47:07] EmpressCard: I think you really have helped a lot of people [02:47:07] PynkFryck: @brickmage554 watch the pinned vid [02:47:08] minecrackjesus: the bullying will be back right after the break [02:47:09] lexxiipop: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:47:10] scribbz123: HRT for free. finnster the new tax guygal [02:47:11] isarah304: does lotion like create a resin or anything on u like where its applied similar to sunscreen? [02:47:11] Nilinn31: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:47:12] bfritz0815: @ahiredgunn the cracked egg emoji is available to you too now meowdaWayne meowdaWag f1nnEgg [02:47:13] TwinbeeMk2: @F1NN5TER Sweety you deserve it [02:47:16] xZ_ro: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:47:18] Gentrix918: Whats the difference between private and NHS in this case? [02:47:18] ClaraRenway: Yeah UK is awful for HRT, I went DIY AAAA [02:47:19] cashmoneymanboy: is it normal to feel one gender for months at a time when genderfluid or just me [02:47:20] DINAvierPapier: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [02:47:22] HardyOrange: keep saying it, donos, it how he ended up crying last new years [02:47:22] BrunoBeslag: its last new year all over again [02:47:22] Amoyamoyamoya: WAIT...This is what caused the crying on NYE 2022... [02:47:23] outg0ingintr0vert: US military member here I’d help with that fundraising just for the hours of volunteer [02:47:24] KianaVCL: you're making the frogs gay! [02:47:25] dreibananen: you cracked so many eggs [02:47:26] lillithxx: Love you so incredibly much. Thank you for letting us in. So incredibly happy for you. [02:47:27] Deneith: glitz!! [02:47:28] lightningdraugr: Yeah F1nn you have really helped as all a lot more than you think [02:47:28] PinkPanikUwU: imagine doing private clinic HRT instead of taking bathtub estrogen injections [02:47:29] TheStarGamer1238: PrideBisexual PrideBisexual PrideBisexual [02:47:30] ramboo1989: 🫡 [02:47:30] Avaerus0: You've helped a lot of people realize things about themselves they either didn't know or supressed. [02:47:31] MaxVershhhtappen: could you say your depression is cured by estrogen or more the the confidence/time being?,?,? [02:47:32] ahiredgunn: @bfritz0815 You are amazing [02:47:33] WillowWithAJoystick: You are getting credit for being you and showing others that they could be themselves too. Definitely warranted. [02:47:33] EnlightenedMint: HRT got her emotional Kappa [02:47:33] UraniumPotato10: you can tell finn is uncomfortable with compliments LUL [02:47:34] aporcelaingirl: If you start taking HRT and it doesn't feel right, probably not for you. When it's the *right* chemistry, your brain will know and you'll feel more centred and more Blåhajar will enter your orbit [02:47:35] c__r__j: @AkimboStevieB Hybrid works: private referral, writing a letter to NHS to get them to prescibe. [02:47:36] starduckxd: i used you to think about wearing fem clothes which helped me figure out my identity :3 [02:47:38] mangoesprincess: trans woman here, congrats on the new level of understanding yourself [02:47:38] Raddog315: If F1nn had went NHS the announcement would have been he would be starting HRT in 2034 [02:47:38] TemptedSpirit_: awwwawwwweee [02:47:38] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER You are like a lighthouse to people who are in dark places ! [02:47:38] xigasa66: Was a gremlin always a gremlin, but am glad you are happy [02:47:40] lunimaine: DEW it [02:47:41] TDD1991: The important question is; Has HRT made you any better at games? [02:47:43] TheMogShop: have you noticed any growth on your chest? [02:47:46] ChasingSol: @Amoyamoyamoya needs more alcohol [02:47:47] CalciumCup: how do charities actually work? like i get the concept but i dont understand how people go to get assistance from them [02:47:47] bubblesthecats: merry Christmas [02:47:49] aSpicyCow: F?? [02:47:49] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: you werent the start, but this stream gave me the clarity i needed to finally just say "i HAVE to do this, or else i wont be happy" also im MAD jealous [02:47:49] Dezponia: F1nn isn't a gateway drug [02:47:50] coldhearttx3: cutie, cutie, cutie 🥰 [02:47:50] tristan02245: I’m happy for you Finn I’m not trans but I support you. I will use she/her. [02:47:51] gbmtoaster: I'm so proud! And also scared cause my first consultation for hrt is on wednesday [02:47:55] Marklin4: !pronounce [02:47:58] QuinnthusiastLive: everyone deserves bodily autonomy [02:47:58] ClaraRenway: @Gentrix918 NHS is super slow decade long waiting list, Private is quicker. [02:47:59] ryo_metal: amayajTrans [02:47:59] Elifighter: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:48:02] outg0ingintr0vert: I’d absolutely help with the fundraising [02:48:04] octminer: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [02:48:06] KetchupBlood: I have been growing out my har for a while, and the confindence I've gained is because of you. [02:48:07] RedRosie98: F1NN for leader of the world!!!!!!!!! [02:48:13] Flip_Dingo: @aSpicyCow nooo? [02:48:14] bumbles19: For me you definitely made being trans less scary ❤️🥰 [02:48:16] Transrenata: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:48:19] negativplayslive: Fuck the British government [02:48:20] AkimboStevieB: They LOVE private, they earn of it [02:48:20] clockingout: cakejuSharko [02:48:20] EnlightenedMint: then they should fucking fund it [02:48:20] aSpicyCow: @Flip_Dingo im back [02:48:22] lunimaine: smonioNom [02:48:22] johnkeiwo: UK L :/ [02:48:23] blueskydrinking: Didn't they try to strip her medical license? [02:48:24] carli_guns: Congratulations Finn [02:48:27] Eadthryth: Cringe media [02:48:28] johnpnicholls1122: 🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴 [02:48:28] Avaerus0: Stuff they don't/won't fund [02:48:28] Raddog315: Then he NHS needs to do better [02:48:28] OcelotYT: You were a wonderful example of a cis person who understood how to be comfortable in your gender expression, and that hasn't changed. Just an even better example that gender exploration is healthy for finding out what's best for you. [02:48:31] TheStoneyOni: kruzDragonJAM kruzDragonJAM kruzDragonJAM [02:48:31] scribbz123: politics??? [02:48:38] kaz________________: btw there’s a gender for not knowing your gender - Agender - also you can choose to have all the pronouns [02:48:38] BtEtta: It's only fair in a drastically and deliberately underfunded NHS... [02:48:38] belle_812: TransgenderPride [02:48:41] TheBrokenDeity: I watched the vid, Im so happy for you [02:48:46] yukileretour: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:48:47] ijolenelovesleep: Cheer100 hey finn, i just wanted to say thank you [02:48:51] general_of_cm: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:48:51] coldhearttx3: i h8 all governments [02:48:52] vipRLH: f1nnTank [02:48:52] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: I mean, based on Philosophy Tube, it's hard to imagine the NHS doing any worse at all for trans care. [02:48:52] nikama6: NHS is so broke [02:48:57] leftfrog: frick the state [02:48:58] jacoblightnin: jacoblightnin subscribed at Tier 1. [02:48:59] f3mmbot: jacoblightnin subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang jacoblightnin f1nnLezgang [02:48:59] beaneater197: Politics are overated [02:49:01] bang3r: you mean TERF islane [02:49:05] seymourbuttsz: It's the same in Ireland. We have like a single clinic in Dublin with a 10 year waiting list [02:49:05] ahiredgunn: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [02:49:06] AkimboStevieB: @kaz________________ Like the infinity stones! Respect [02:49:07] bones5bones: nhs isn't really a viable option with how underfunded it is :( [02:49:08] ciernaruza: the NHS is in big trouble [02:49:11] labcreatedjules: ehh, people often need some kind of societal sign of acceptance in order to feel okay with taking that step to do this. I know you feel like it's not something that you're able to take any responsibility for but you doing this is really important for a lot of people because you're acting as representation. You're showing people that they can do something like this. [02:49:11] krovvy: cniGIGA [02:49:15] TrissByTor: Philosophy Tube has a great video about it [02:49:17] octminer: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [02:49:19] FlamingNicoLive: hi f1nn! first time coming to one of your streams after a year of watching you on youtube. Glad to be here in this important moment! [02:49:20] ClaraRenway: Private is too expensive I went DIY [02:49:20] viryl_lucas: what [02:49:22] SnabbKassa: @BtEtta most people believe there is no latitude for more spending. people don't understand MACRO economics [02:49:23] brandnewroad: @Cmdr_Sam_Vimes unfortunately that video is very accurate [02:49:24] Athonathonathon: Philosophy Tube has an amazing video talking about the NHS [02:49:25] ballsmgee1984: This was not on my 2024 bingo card but congrats on being happy [02:49:25] TheWarDoctor8: Good time to plug Philosophy tube vid on the NHS [02:49:28] lucicanscip: finn is so smathable [02:49:29] Avaerus0: Ohhhhh, they want to use you for their culture war bullshit [02:49:29] Cautare: fuck EM [02:49:35] splurshin: fuck that reactionary journalism [02:49:39] ATValdor: Fuck those ppl [02:49:39] ciernaruza: British "journalism" is some of the worst in the world [02:49:39] scribbz123: new vaush? new hasan? new keffals? [02:49:40] rallsorts: The press are scum [02:49:41] OlliertLoL: it's not just trans healthcare that is sorely underfunded in the nhs, nhs is pretty shit [02:49:42] ArminGux: it’s called Terf island for a reason [02:49:43] Friend_of_Sappho: british media is awful [02:49:45] leftfrog: british "journalism" [02:49:45] Mariollipop: NHS is really not equipped to deal with trans need, just the reality [02:49:46] aleixtoy: Cheer1000 1 congratulations on everything and 2 u make me question myself I relate way to much to be cis and straight lol [02:49:46] lunimaine: men aren't real, go put on skirt [02:49:46] Vanimal2118: The world want to hate us. [02:49:47] GhostOfAFlea: However big it is, too small. They're the worst [02:49:48] amouro_: amouro_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! Thank you so much for helping me understand myself you an absolutely amazing person you don't know what you've done for many people but it is amazing and you are an absolute legend I can't stress this enough thank you thank you thank you so much you are so amazing [02:49:48] f3mmbot: amouro_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:49:51] miss_higher: VirtualHug TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride VirtualHug [02:49:53] Eadthryth: These journalists sound insane [02:49:55] kaz________________: gotta catch them allll - pronouns [02:49:57] ekat2468: the British Media is horrifying to Trans people it's genuinely impressive it makes the American media look tame sometimes [02:50:00] nikama6: Understandable [02:50:01] theanonymoussword: fuck them, this is only your decision and yours alone. [02:50:04] Gentrix918: @ClaraRenway ah, ok. Thanks [02:50:08] pocky036: BASED COMMIE I LOVE YOU [02:50:10] Athonathonathon: Mainstream British media is basically TERF Island [02:50:11] princess_mia03: Dey no wan us to be happy [02:50:11] lualaby: trans is not identifying with what you were at birth, so genderfluid is under the trans spectrum! so you are basically trans, but not transfem, unless you wish to be (meant to send this earlier) [02:50:15] jessicaluxuz: jessicaluxuz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! You're awesome dude! Now you know what "be gay, do crimes" means. Keep on existing and being awesome, you inspire all of us you pretty gay! [02:50:15] f3mmbot: jessicaluxuz subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [02:50:15] bearpaw1970: 🤟🎩 hell yeah F1nn' , don't trust em ' listen to your gut. [02:50:17] zlomai0: f1nnCope [02:50:19] gamertwtch: Also, it's good press and a tax write-off, of course. [02:50:19] madschtz: Wait this means Vaush was right about you?! [02:50:20] TwoEzDragon: Awww <3 [02:50:21] ramboo1989: 🤜🤛 [02:50:21] Citruss_PUNCH: Come to canada!! [02:50:21] pressed_stone: Finn i just wanna say thank you for helping figure out i was non-binary. You've done a lot for me and many people. [02:50:23] Nitroscout: if you got more money than you need then move somewhere else maybe? [02:50:26] lunimaine: Schmoney [02:50:27] DG_Airquake: Based [02:50:27] Avaerus0: Damn your so fucking based [02:50:32] octminer: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [02:50:32] negativplayslive: Finn you're amazing!!! [02:50:33] xXNeroZashiXx: Respect [02:50:35] outg0ingintr0vert: you should start a water brand called “gender fluid” and donate it to lgbtq funds [02:50:39] Drag0nfly7: Drag0nfly7 subscribed with Prime. [02:50:39] f3mmbot: drag0nfly7 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang drag0nfly7 f1nnLezgang [02:50:47] straightjacket_kickboxer: Congrats on coming out! <3 <3 <3 [02:50:49] LumosAL: LumosAL subscribed with Prime. [02:50:49] f3mmbot: lumosal subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang lumosal f1nnLezgang [02:50:52] basicallyserena: so down to earth you are amazing!! <3 [02:50:55] hopalongtommy: Can we still call this Femboy Finance? [02:50:55] vengeful_trader: @outg0ingintr0vert Genius [02:50:57] scribbz123: wow that sounds so boarding . . . [02:50:58] SnabbKassa: well, without charity regulation, people would just set up fake ones [02:51:09] lunimaine: smonioLove smonioLove smonioLove smonioLove smonioLove [02:51:12] SuperKatze0108: [02:51:12] AbductedFry: "all trans people are men pretending" - as a trans guy, I confirm I'm a man who pretended to be a girl before [02:51:23] ewokmaster93: as someone also in the uk i agree this is why i havent done anything about my gender issues due to the cost im proud that you could do it though <3 [02:51:24] liamthepro233: finn what are your pronouns [02:51:27] YumeNoZen: Having to worry about legit terrorists is a pain. [02:51:28] blueskydrinking: I've been working with charity in another sector that the government hates and the govt are actively abusing the system to drive charities they don't like out of business [02:51:28] agefilms: agefilms subscribed with Prime. [02:51:28] Emilyosz: There is a really great wiki about how to do DIY treatment more safely, increase anyone doesn't have any other options. As well as some great virtual gender clinics that operate in the UK and US. Not going to link it, but you will know it when you see it. f1nnHeart [02:51:29] f3mmbot: agefilms subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang agefilms f1nnLezgang [02:51:30] hexagonelle: You are an icon, we love your journey! So happy for you finding more about yourself [02:51:30] Vanimal2118: U will figure it out F1nn. [02:51:32] marblehoney: hasL dsaL faeeHeart [02:51:34] KetchupBlood: The UK seems transphobic [02:51:35] ChasingSol: !pronouns [02:51:35] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [02:51:36] Avaerus0: @SnabbKassa In the US they do set up fake charities [02:51:37] octminer: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [02:51:39] bfritz0815: @superkatze0108 miau meowdaWayne GayPride [02:51:40] smudge515: Finn speaking of private health care, am I allowed to post my friends gofundme for top surgery in the chat tonight? he’s been on the NHS waiting list for a few years now and still not heard anything. I just want to help him. [02:51:40] ramboo1989: tax time get your bifocals out [02:51:41] general_of_cm: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:51:42] ArminGux: is it that fucked up, Jesus Christ that’s insane [02:51:43] ClaraRenway: @liamthepro233 He uses he/him but doesnt mind any pronouns [02:51:43] UraniumPotato10: try living in a muslim country, its awful [02:51:46] johnkeiwo: TERF Island [02:51:50] thebrandam: is the news true??? [02:51:50] JadeSorcery: I had no idea you were having to deal with all this extra stuff :( [02:51:52] ATValdor: yeah it's a lot easier to fundraise for an already existing charity [02:51:52] johnkeiwo: Fuck rishi sunak [02:51:53] brandnewroad: I'm really struggling to afford getting on T right now. It's so grim here in the UK and the waiting list for the NHS in my area is over 17 years in practice, even though they say it's 5 [02:51:53] perfersserderg: classic TERF island [02:51:53] bones5bones: rishi sunak ugh [02:51:53] suppcarl7: Fuck your Prime Minister [02:51:55] Chloeeee: that made me sick [02:51:55] leftfrog: to her damn face [02:51:55] lunimaine: Bruh [02:51:55] erockyoutoo: @f1nn5ter are you going to start making content like Ashley’s now? [02:51:56] starduckxd: the brianna grey situation is so sad [02:51:57] preston577: Finster you are as cute AF [02:51:58] TechenSurf: wtf [02:51:58] athena_kobra: wut [02:51:58] 5195_Olivias: its not called terf island for no reason [02:51:58] xZ_ro: Fucking wild [02:51:58] spider3327: what the fuck [02:51:59] ekat2468: RIP Brianna Ghey [02:51:59] Xylomn: that was horrendous [02:52:00] Darkstar_j_: Finn is just the first domino on your journey you do all the work after that so willoLove [02:52:00] GlenCoco39: It's such a different reality to those who deny how transphobic our governments can be [02:52:01] dutch_gecko: in parliament [02:52:01] lil_sunny76: omg [02:52:01] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: holy shit [02:52:02] isarah304: literal terf island [02:52:02] Jens_LN: damn, that's dark [02:52:02] viryl_lucas: D: [02:52:02] rainfallwall: wow [02:52:03] Raddog315: WTF? [02:52:04] liamthepro233: are you talking about brianna ghey [02:52:04] jayem97: TERF Island is transphobic??? [02:52:04] sleepy_n1c0: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:52:05] johnkeiwo: RIP Brianna [02:52:05] crazyreplicant: Yeah asshole guy did tha, sickenning. [02:52:06] SerinaCore: Rishi sunak is a ratfaced cunt [02:52:06] bulletfeed: Could it be set up overseas [02:52:06] ChaoticEnigma452: Fuck... [02:52:06] LunaKyx: Out with rishi [02:52:07] glasskingdaclam: Been in here listening for a bit now, but. I thought the American media could be bad, holy hell. [02:52:07] angygenz: cringe Rishi [02:52:08] pocky036: BASED COMMIE [02:52:09] ChasingSol: yes [02:52:09] Eromaw: Rishi is satan [02:52:09] Lucridis: We didn't even vote for him either lol [02:52:09] gris69s: What thebfuk [02:52:09] vespiney: RIP [02:52:09] kaheyah: thats shitty [02:52:10] betbet278: omg, that’s not funny [02:52:11] DollIsLife: Will you stick with your given name or adopt another? [02:52:11] thePurplMurpl: rishi sunak is a rat faced cunt [02:52:12] vox_causa: Oof I saw Rishi Sunak's bullshit [02:52:13] choolburra1: what?! [02:52:13] vNTCv: fuck that prick [02:52:13] mrjoshdeakin: Rishi is such a dickhead [02:52:13] ScarsUnseen: F1NN. I hope Ashley gives you the BIGGEST hug after this stream. [02:52:13] TheAverageBoyfu: wooooow [02:52:13] ArminGux: rip [02:52:14] minecrackjesus: rishi is a knob [02:52:14] androidwall4680: There's a reason it's called terf island [02:52:14] spaceblob852: ~3 weeks ago [02:52:15] TheStarGamer1238: F1nn is spelled H R T [02:52:15] KianaVCL: best timeline... [02:52:16] pansnake_: Fellow Brit, fucking hate this rock we live on. It's turning dangerously reactionary [02:52:16] emily6218: Sadge [02:52:16] ArtofBartlett: Sadly the majority of the world is transphobic. Sucks. [02:52:17] Avaerus0: Fuck Rishi [02:52:17] TwoEzDragon: Hate Rishi [02:52:18] DegenerateDaycare: yeah insanely recent [02:52:18] Eadthryth: WTF, hell world [02:52:18] amouro_: What a terrible human being [02:52:18] scandibilly: Go islam i guess [02:52:18] Nirvana_W22: absolutely awful [02:52:19] beaneater197: What! [02:52:20] voidstar5328: Rishi Sunak is comically evil [02:52:20] MikeWillStream: fuck the tories [02:52:21] lualaby: brianna ghey lives in my heart and mind [02:52:21] pianoismyforte_: RIP Brianna - you are so missed [02:52:23] thatpositiveperson: wait i he trans? sry I just joined [02:52:23] silver_shark3: England is transphobic, water makes things wet [02:52:24] Katakalysmic: thats crazy wtf [02:52:24] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): 2 weeks ago [02:52:24] savasci16: How do you reconcile 'not knowing' and 'wanting to try' when there are actual transgender people out there who can't get the treatment they need? [02:52:25] slybirdz: do you feel us or uk is worse on trans issues? [02:52:25] lewdbirdnoises: Yeah earlier this year. Disgusting behavior [02:52:26] ClaraRenway: This country is fucked!!!! AAAAA [02:52:26] KriticalSmoke: I had thought about moving to England before but the transphobia was ultimately the reason against it [02:52:26] leftfrog: LUL [02:52:27] starduckxd: @F1NN5TER it was brianna grey [02:52:27] r_joshuacole: in front of the entire parliament too ffs [02:52:27] bearpaw1970: United States in so many states is heading that way as well nex Benedict 🥺 [02:52:27] scribbz123: we love rishi. he is so great and epic and awesome. so cool and awesome [02:52:27] axing_: rishi is a piece of shit that deserves all the worst the world has to offer [02:52:28] athena_kobra: fuckin hell that sucks [02:52:29] smishplays: thats the torries for you though [02:52:31] nikama6: Terfisland [02:52:31] PowerOf47: England is my City [02:52:32] aSpicyCow: skull emoji [02:52:33] BirdNina_ovo: @F1NN5TER you can go to Madeira ? :D [02:52:33] AeitZean: Yeah im so scared to go outside dressed as myself here [02:52:34] liamthepro233: brianna ghey is the girl hes talking about [02:52:34] JadeSorcery: BibleThump [02:52:34] davidiusfarrenius: Our Prime Minister is a knob Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:52:36] theanonymoussword: That is horrible [02:52:37] ChaoticEnigma452: Then there's the fuckery of the US [02:52:37] RonnieSxl: PoroSad [02:52:38] menacingcafe1: it doesnt help that the opposition is also very transphobic [02:52:40] lunimaine: England is my least favorite city [02:52:40] Caucau4: normal island [02:52:40] Quizzicalotl: England is a city? ... [02:52:43] eman0607: YEP [02:52:45] TheAlienJesus: you movinf to the states?? [02:52:45] bubblesthecats: when is lunchtime [02:52:48] Lollipopasaurus: as a "politician", i promise not all of us suck. but im sorry so many of us do. LuvSign [02:52:49] WillowWithAJoystick: Yeah things aren’t going well for us here in the US either [02:52:50] dani_whammi: "England is my city" - F1NN, March 2024 [02:52:50] LittleChaSiu: years and years of Conservative governments let's go [02:52:54] angygenz: England needs some help [02:52:55] thatpositiveperson: can somebody tell me i he's a woman now????? Sry I just joined [02:52:56] candyblueb: "england is my city" great quote [02:52:57] ComradeLilly_: You are a wonderful human being. Thank you for being you ❤️ [02:52:59] ArminGux: yeah the 5 year waiting list [02:52:59] xXNeroZashiXx: Pog [02:53:01] JJHMMC: People really have a hard time making a place for themselves on this earth, im glad your happy with yourself and i hope things get easier @f1nn5ter [02:53:02] Vi7i_: just saw your vid, its sooo sweet <3 only the best for u [02:53:03] distractedcreative: CHAD move [02:53:03] coldhearttx3: Rip timmy thicc [02:53:03] bearpaw1970: Exactly Willow [02:53:04] nerdydashlover: so proud of you bb!!!❤️ [02:53:04] Chumly01: @f1nn5ter Does that mean vocal practice to make your voice sound feminine [02:53:07] silver_shark3: I know a lot of med students, and I was shocked how little they’re taught about trans healthcare [02:53:08] liamthepro233: finn is the girl called brianna ghey [02:53:08] leftfrog: <3 [02:53:09] ijolenelovesleep: Cheer100 [02:53:12] ChasingSol: wait a sec, you're the one who is supposed to be crying, not u [02:53:12] gris69s: Why can't we just exist peacefully lol [02:53:14] betbet278: have you ever considered moving out of England? [02:53:14] ChasingSol: *us [02:53:15] mechtel: I'm new here, I've only seen you peripherally around the web. But Twitch recommended this stream to me and I wanted to stop in, drop a follow, and say congrats and glad to have you in the 🌈 gang! VirtualHug Best wishes and love to all my queer peers & allies! I'm proud of you all and the work you do (even just existing is work!) [02:53:15] PowerOf47: @Quizzicalotl im sure there's a city named england somewhere in the us [02:53:16] luvorre: :) <3 [02:53:20] alexx_net: @thatpositiveperson she is still a boy [02:53:20] Atekka_: are we using she/her pronouns? [02:53:21] Emilyosz: PhilosophyTube has a great video talking about how hard it was for them to get treatment in the NHS. [02:53:22] xx_kratoswrath654_xx: Dope [02:53:23] hopalongtommy: Reminder to everyone. VOTE! [02:53:25] scribbz123: is genderGP not that? [02:53:25] boxthebee: Soo is girlmonnth still a thinng? [02:53:25] DeathByGlamour29: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:53:26] InertialDestiny: I am happy for you! I have no idea what my gender is, but we're just rolling with it LUL [02:53:27] skimor1: But R U considering SRS in the future? [02:53:27] lualaby: you should move to the united states, but be careful which state you go to, id recommend illinois :3 [02:53:29] splurshin: some US states are just as unhinged which is absolutely fucking ridiculous, like how can one live with so much vitriol towards something so insignificant as someone's gender or sexual orientation?? [02:53:29] blueskydrinking: @LittleChaSiu *insert glasgow oompa loompa image here* [02:53:30] ffionbee: love you [02:53:31] Vanimal2118: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:53:31] avery_official: what if you gave 100k to one person each [02:53:32] bensrob: I'm considering HRT in England, but probably going to DIY it because the getting it publicly feels basically impossible :/ [02:53:32] lunimaine: Go cananananada it's a mix between them with alot of the shittyness of both [02:53:33] msmoonsy: SeemsGood [02:53:34] marblehoney: dsaKnee dsaPRA dsaXIS dsaTR [02:53:37] xXNeroZashiXx: f1nnHeart [02:53:37] ChasingSol: @boxthebee it's called "life" [02:53:37] pierbi: uk sucks [02:53:38] bruh_wt_f: <3 [02:53:38] Gentrix918: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:53:39] Hiksa_: almost all charities are bad organizations [02:53:41] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Commits to donating significant money to a trans-friendly charity [02:53:42] rainfallwall: good on ya [02:53:42] forkmasterderp: now someones gonna try to do it to scam you :( [02:53:42] jessicaluxuz: Pounding time! [02:53:42] brickmage554: Omg fFIN BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride AsexualPride [02:53:42] tripletsuchinoko: I've only seen clips of you on other sites and haven't been able to catch a stream before, but it was really nice seeing another fellow genderfluid coming out GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [02:53:43] ScarsUnseen: NO [02:53:43] CalypsoMoons: f1nn being wholsome [02:53:45] ekat2468: There have been NHS reports that have suggested that a big problem in trans healthcare in the UK is GP's straight up not following up with the gender clinics because of transphobia. It happened when Abigail Thorn was starting [02:53:45] Helen_Croft: So what will you do with the box with the boy clothes ? @F1NN5TER [02:53:45] TemptedSpirit_: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:53:46] Bleats_Sinodai: What about Mermaids? [02:53:46] elloth_: Are you getting HRT through GenderGP? :D [02:53:46] ArminGux: meowdaNOTED meowdaNOTED meowdaNOTED meowdaNOTED meowdaNOTED meowdaNOTED [02:53:46] pierbi: 4 years on the waiting list!! [02:53:47] CritCupcake: The current longest waiting list for a GIC in the UK is 22 years [02:53:47] EmpressCard: Yes please [02:53:49] Eadthryth: Minekraft [02:53:49] Jens_LN: TTS ? [02:53:50] mangoesprincess: mangoe14Luv mangoe14Luv mangoe14Luv mangoe14Luv [02:53:50] Chloeeee: @pierbi yeahhhh [02:53:50] lucicanscip: england is screwed with how even the pm breakin the protected characteristic things [02:53:50] Quizzicalotl: Fun stuff! [02:53:51] SleepyMage400: The tories go out of their way to give the nhs funding that doesnt keep up with inflation so they can eventually privatize it and fill their pockets with money [02:53:52] Avaerus0: This is why voting is SO important. It might not seem like it but it really really does. [02:53:53] c__r__j: We could do wholesome but upbeat? [02:53:53] angygenz: let’s do funstuff [02:53:53] pansnake_: Unequivocally based [02:53:55] boxthebee: or is it girlforever from this point forward. [02:53:55] blindthirdeye: Pluto [02:53:56] ramboo1989: that's a rich b-----! [02:53:57] krovvy: Got any new knives bro [02:53:57] Tortijah: @F1NN5TER same in sweden :/ [02:53:57] insecureTrannzz: funn stufff :3 [02:53:57] basicallyserena: funn stufff [02:53:58] AeitZean: Talking to you is the fun stuff 🤷‍♀️ [02:54:00] beaneater197: Yes [02:54:00] ppengu1nzz: I think he drank to much of the water that also turned the Frogs gay [02:54:00] SnabbKassa: but you need to be very careful of fraudsters [02:54:02] Beaver__Raid: Hey, pretty boy! [02:54:02] Helen_Croft: So what will you do with the box with the boy clothes ? @F1NN5TER [02:54:02] ChasingSol: ... [02:54:02] FatherThyme: same [02:54:02] Caucau4: funn [02:54:02] autumnrose123_: would you still turn down the 300k breast implant? [02:54:03] Shockwavemecha: aYO [02:54:03] ffionbee: pierbi! [02:54:03] xluthors: The egg cracked officially? Pog [02:54:03] actualmooncore: bemigam [02:54:03] negativplayslive: Can you show us your nails? They look prettyyy [02:54:04] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [02:54:04] Ayton666: "9-11-2023" Fall of the Twink Towers [02:54:04] Stovamor: brb [02:54:04] JadeSorcery: Who put this bowl of onions here? [02:54:04] aSpicyCow: what about venus [02:54:04] mord_fustangg: When did you realize you were Bi [02:54:04] mapicard1: XD [02:54:05] Amoyamoyamoya: I KNEW IT [02:54:05] scarlettyg: Why thank you <3 [02:54:06] Amoyamoyamoya: I KNEW IT [02:54:06] pierbi: funny jonk [02:54:06] quavery3: thx [02:54:06] jedileah: what about sponsoring some trans pride events around uk x [02:54:06] ChasingSol: KEKW [02:54:06] ComradeLilly_: in terms of getting HRT, I’ve had great experiences in Canada [02:54:06] Amoyamoyamoya: I KNEW IT [02:54:06] xZ_ro: Ayo [02:54:07] Mnh188: gay [02:54:07] braddle172: Nice... [02:54:07] OstentatiousMongoose: gottem [02:54:07] dangerousruben: XD [02:54:08] Firehead200: ayyy [02:54:08] Zachary3DPrints: Oh thanks [02:54:08] betbet278: would you move from England? [02:54:08] thatpositiveperson: @alexx_net sry english isn't my first language, so what gender is he/she [02:54:09] GayestWinston: Lol [02:54:09] PsillyCephalopod: based [02:54:09] TheLegendOfLivz: we all do [02:54:09] Raddog315: lol [02:54:10] megadoom20: f1nnBonk [02:54:10] doggyferret: BOOO BAD JOKE [02:54:11] KetchupBlood: ew, brummy [02:54:11] ChasingSol: AYO [02:54:11] Ashes_2Ashes_: KEKW [02:54:12] Dezponia: Heck yeah! Play Minecraft! [02:54:12] muddymudkip15: Lol [02:54:13] stonefruit420: there’s good fudge in uranus [02:54:13] bisaster33: Slay! TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [02:54:13] KayTheUnstimky: thanks [02:54:14] Feywild: England is your planet? [02:54:14] Cytox__: ops on animal crossing? [02:54:15] MaxVershhhtappen: i put a nice wig on to combine with a leather looking pants and i oversized sweater and bursted out in tears because i felt more feminine, i had hair and felt a confidence boost… I can’t thank you enough F1nn [02:54:15] moonievr: knew it [02:54:15] bfritz0815: meowdaCHERRY [02:54:15] Muffin01: f1nnAshbonk [02:54:16] drunkshinx: england is my planet [02:54:16] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [02:54:17] cedarphoenix: uranus is my favorite planet in balatro [02:54:18] Bleats_Sinodai: buffpupHUH buffpupHUH buffpupHUH [02:54:19] Valvanzi8: planet enjoyer [02:54:19] smishplays: cringe joke lmao [02:54:19] jessicaluxuz: Why does pounds sound so suggestive? My country just uses real! [02:54:20] theanonymoussword: You are one of the few people which I genuinely believe would stand by this. [02:54:23] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): lumituDerpmi [02:54:25] MsRiverRose: msriveBlahajHug [02:54:25] emily6218: KEKW URanus [02:54:26] NhiteHD: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:54:26] blindthirdeye: HOT SHIT, And you know Pluto Knows it! [02:54:26] WillowWithAJoystick: You came out as bi JUST so you could make that Uranus joke didn’t you? [02:54:27] NebulousMSG: england has a planet??? its absolutely over [02:54:27] glencopp24: Hey everyone [02:54:28] junkawaycity: !pronouns [02:54:28] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [02:54:31] ArexahPlays: i really want to see a heel haul @f1nn5ter congratulations on coming out finn [02:54:33] alexx_net: @alexx_net he is genderfluid [02:54:34] 0MxRC: how long did it take to grow out your hair> [02:54:34] liamthepro233: finn was the girl rishi made a joke about called brianna [02:54:34] ArminGux: we about to see Uranus in 2 days [02:54:37] Shockwavemecha: s m o o t h f a c e [02:54:39] menacingcafe1: Jupiter? i hardly know her [02:54:40] gavina13: I'm about to start estrogen this may! Exciting time for us 😌 [02:54:42] InkkyBully: Yeah any government is kinda shitty with trans youth helathcare and don't realize HRT is really a life saving therapy. [02:54:42] cashmoneymanboy: “near detroit” is crazy [02:54:44] SnabbKassa: @NebulousMSG only a quarter of a planet [02:54:44] pansnake_: England is my handicap. I'm Welsh you see [02:54:44] Eadthryth: Near Detroit....is that a debuff? [02:54:46] WarningYoo: ohh [02:54:48] 2dogstom: Love From BRUM [02:54:52] sweet_madeline: NEAR TO DETROIT TOO! [02:54:54] aSpicyCow: f1nn goes to venus to get more penus Aware :) [02:54:57] LittleChaSiu: crypto bro L [02:54:59] HardyOrange: okay, dono got weird there [02:55:00] scribbz123: NO POLITICS WE'RE HAVING FUN [02:55:00] TheStarGamer1238: Being Gender Fluid and being a Fem Boi For the stream atleast at a minium for us the chat. Would you rather be called "rose" now or mosely still be "Fin". Names can matter. [02:55:01] Emilyosz: First Minecraft stream after out? [02:55:03] NebulousMSG: @SnabbKassa oh yea that makes sense [02:55:03] green_oskar: WHY CANT I HAVE HRT😭😢 [02:55:04] emily6218: Sadge [02:55:04] kieranfl: detroit gang rise up [02:55:04] PowerOf47: Any other near detroiters? [02:55:06] SunIsLost: I came out 1 year ago what the heck [02:55:09] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter funniest tweet I've seen about your coming out KEKW https://twitter.com/dawnlightmelody/status/1763666189765464549 [02:55:09] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter funniest tweet I've seen about your coming out KEKW https://twitter.com/dawnlightmelody/status/1763666189765464549 [02:55:10] Helen_Croft: So what will you do with the box with the boy clothes now? @F1NN5TER [02:55:15] SuperZova26: heckin grats on coming out, friendo! [02:55:15] zues_pop: you made your girl gay smh [02:55:17] lunimaine: Ope sadge moment that is happi moment, am confused [02:55:18] jedileah: F1nn the trans people in the chat and follow you, we have watched the anguish we have been through [02:55:18] noodle711: we love you Finn [02:55:19] MaxVershhhtappen: and i am from compton, england is my cuty… [02:55:21] GTman199: hey, sup he man? [02:55:21] xZ_ro: Welcome to the jungle, we've got tons of rain [02:55:22] ScarsUnseen: I came out as a trans 21 years ago. watching you has been interesting and pretty obvious lol. welcome to finding yourself. [02:55:26] jimtag_: Cheer100 it true, I had to go private after many years of wait. and I don’t even have a blahaj. would happily help you with a charity! Congrats Finn [02:55:29] aSpicyCow: @kieranfl cant have shit in detriot Aware [02:55:31] Avaerus0: You do seem to have had a massive improvement in your mental well being [02:55:39] NhiteHD: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:55:39] isarah304: literally same [02:55:39] viryl_lucas: woah [02:55:40] liamthepro233: finn do you know how i should come out [02:55:41] foggychimera: What are the safest european countries for trans people [02:55:42] lizthewtich: fr this entire stream makes all of us queers look like a cult [02:55:44] ACutiePi_: even the HRT black market seems to be struggling with supply in UK [02:55:44] lucicanscip: no shirtless pics on twitter anymore? [02:55:45] XENOMAN5: @2dogstom F1nn is brummie too [02:55:48] bigbird1232: bigbird1232 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! soooo cooool [02:55:48] f3mmbot: bigbird1232 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [02:55:48] SunIsLost: Minecraft is cool [02:55:50] frodotheturtle: Im recently came out as gender fluid and have been hardcore considering HRT lately. This stream has been super nice but also a trip [02:55:51] krovvy: cniKEK [02:55:52] alexx_net: @GTman199 he is genderfluid [02:55:53] msmoonsy: @ScarsUnseen about the same for me [02:55:54] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:55:54] perfersserderg: LUL [02:55:55] crownmolding: you gotta document this day in minecraft [02:55:55] blueskydrinking: I can't imagine what the og f1nn fans are feeling now. This has been a saga [02:55:56] kieranfl: @aSpicyCow oh hey cow, we rollin in E now I guess [02:55:56] octminer: KEKW [02:55:57] cryillicc: your old minecraft content slapped so hard [02:55:58] Welshjemz: rooKek [02:55:58] negativplayslive: I will donate a Blahaj to everyone in need of Blahaj [02:55:58] seymourbuttsz: KEKW [02:55:58] johnkeiwo: called out [02:55:59] SnabbKassa: @foggychimera Czechia and Sweden are the least religious [02:55:59] bfritz0815: @eadthryth makes you loose money and you mysteriously develop the same poisoned-debuffas as if drinking from a poisoned well [02:56:00] I_Am_Despair: i just got here what was the announcement ? [02:56:00] gwen_the_ninth: KEKW [02:56:00] PynkFryck: I watched you in 2018 xD [02:56:01] dmx908: So finn have you had problems with getting your pp up since you were on HRT [02:56:01] writhinglekku: LUL [02:56:01] TheLegendOfLivz: KEKW [02:56:01] MikeWillStream: @johnkeiwo oh wow that's brilliant lol [02:56:03] lunimaine: KEKW [02:56:04] ArminGux: least queer mc yter [02:56:05] benevolentbeaver: LULW [02:56:06] noodle711: when is the next minecraft stream [02:56:08] death_by_5nusnu: Don't listen to him [02:56:09] straightjacket_kickboxer: That's so far in the past... cool to see you find yourself over the years! [02:56:09] bubblesthecats: when is lunchtime im hungry [02:56:10] skylikesaerospace: eh you need to do it a bit more [02:56:11] franzi90_: Congratulations finn, welcome to the alphabet mafia Cheer100 Cheer1 [02:56:12] 0MxRC: going from twink to baby trans is crazy [02:56:12] ChasingSol: @I_Am_Despair check pinned video [02:56:15] DubbyWubbyStep: Finn taking E makes him Fine! [02:56:18] silver_shark3: So boobs on OF now? [02:56:19] jjmoogle: Yeah it's really funny and a bit trippy as a British trans lass who's been out and trans for a while looking at you as like a mirror into my own past [02:56:20] jessicaluxuz: It's never too late to be slutty! [02:56:21] theanonymoussword: It is important to know where you stand and where you see yourself. It is a universal human need. Regardless of genderidentity but it affects us all. [02:56:22] cashmoneymanboy: been watching since the hunger games and dropper videos [02:56:23] liamthepro233: how do i come out [02:56:24] austrian_tap_water: austria mentioned raaaah [02:56:24] SonicXVe: LUL [02:56:24] alpha_chaos3836: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:56:25] skimor1: What about SRS ? [02:56:25] Cautare: ??? LUL [02:56:26] AcuRatTM: xdd [02:56:26] zombiii: steal abbys joke. the mc channel is your brothers [02:56:26] xZ_ro: Ruined the moment lol [02:56:26] Eromaw: KEKW [02:56:27] poeticminecart: F1nn I am so unbelievably proud of you. You're amazing and youre so beautiful. I'm trans and even before today I saw you as a gender goal. Youre so pretty and amazing. Love you! [02:56:29] scribbz123: anyone got good advice for saving money for HRT while being a student who would struggle to maintain a job for ADHD? [02:56:29] mephron: the best way to come out is to just do it. The hardest person to come out is yourself. [02:56:30] maart2011: maart2011 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months, currently on a 36 month streak! [02:56:30] f3mmbot: maart2011 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 36 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:56:32] Helen_Croft: So what will you do with the box with the boy clothes now? @F1NN5TER [02:56:35] Feywild: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [02:56:35] zues_pop: you made your gf gay [02:56:35] scarlettyg: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:56:36] tobit0aster_: let‘s go austria [02:56:36] bfritz0815: yep: ma rynHAHA [02:56:37] kcokcorcod: i’ve been watching since before you even cross dressed but love how far you’ve come [02:56:40] Vyakitha: this is funnyyy [02:56:44] shinjitsumiso: the euphoria is definitely contagious [02:56:44] lunimaine: TITS!?!?!?! [02:56:47] Blakeariah01: f1nn5ter do you like microsoft excel?? [02:56:49] krovvy: LOL [02:56:49] johnkeiwo: burn it ! [02:56:50] splurshin: HUHHHH??? [02:56:51] emily6218: Gladge [02:56:51] aSpicyCow: can i smell it [02:56:51] writhinglekku: TransgenderPride [02:56:52] 8x13b: thAT FUCKING TWEET EPIC [02:56:52] FatherThyme: ew boy mold [02:56:53] SyberKai: MOLD???? [02:56:55] Avaerus0: Burn it? [02:56:55] blueskydrinking: @Helen_Croft That will need military intervention KEKW [02:56:57] Ique32: KEKW [02:56:57] AestheticDes: LMAO? [02:56:57] YumeNoZen: Don't burn it, or you'll take out the whole city. [02:56:57] AristotleBetta: KEKW [02:56:58] ChasingSol: don't burn it! you'll kill us all [02:56:58] Eadthryth: Boy clothes are ded....wow [02:56:58] Penguin_Spy: uh oh [02:56:59] ClaraRenway: hehehe [02:56:59] KetchupBlood: BURN IT [02:56:59] Amoyamoyamoya: SHIP IT TO @aSpicyCow [02:56:59] ghost_sheriff_: loool [02:57:00] nikama6: NotLikeThis LUL [02:57:00] ciernaruza: the plague box [02:57:00] c__r__j: What do we do with isitgirlmonth.com now? [02:57:00] Amoyamoyamoya: SHIP IT TO @aSpicyCow [02:57:01] Jens_LN: Death Box ! [02:57:01] cyphoenic_: KEKW [02:57:01] DodenKing: That thumbnail is fire btw [02:57:02] Amoyamoyamoya: SHIP IT TO @aSpicyCow [02:57:02] Firehead200: xd [02:57:02] liamthepro233: finn how should i come out [02:57:02] muddymudkip15: Lol [02:57:02] Will_Sink: Joined a bit late, bit confused but I hope your doing amazing! TransgenderPride [02:57:03] Muffin01: Burn it [02:57:03] jcktheripperrs: You could auction them off [02:57:03] negativplayslive: MOLDY CLOTHES LMAO [02:57:04] msmoonsy: NotLikeThis [02:57:04] HardyOrange: lmao a reveal of the mold levels would be funny [02:57:05] isarah304: burn the box burn the box burn the box [02:57:06] Mizo_Live: we had chair burning do we get box burning? [02:57:06] SonicXVe: cognitohazard boy clothes [02:57:06] SunIsLost: lol [02:57:06] MrsPandamber: its full of gender fluid by now [02:57:07] estrogenator_: Dear lord [02:57:07] miss_higher: Just watched the announcement video, right in the feels <3 TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride VirtualHug [02:57:07] Qargory: call the bomb squad [02:57:08] Atekka_: I just got here but I can’t wait to see the vod [02:57:09] MikeWillStream: OSHA violations in that box [02:57:11] StormCloud119: boy-o-hazard [02:57:11] khloe_plays: can you open it and burn it straight after please [02:57:11] viryl_lucas: BURN IT [02:57:11] skylikesaerospace: burn it [02:57:11] Vanimal2118: Burn it? [02:57:11] ffionbee: burn it >:) [02:57:13] ShebbOwO: KEKW [02:57:13] coldhearttx3: 😮 is your gf lesbian now ?? [02:57:13] scribbz123: moth food [02:57:13] Shockwavemecha: Gotta Burn it dechartFire dechartFire dechartFire ☣️ ☣️ ☣️ [02:57:14] Bleats_Sinodai: OPEN IT [02:57:16] Gentrix918: Burn them [02:57:16] plaidpupper: Proud of you. Really proud of you <3 Cheer300 [02:57:16] Raddog315: you created gender screwey mold lol [02:57:17] Puzzlomino: OPEN IT [02:57:18] Flip_Dingo: SNIFFA [02:57:18] SuperKatze0108: Boy clothes? What that? [02:57:18] ArminGux: amoya drinks those like tictocs [02:57:19] zak_blackfyre: Damn just call hazmat [02:57:19] bearpaw1970: Oh' so origins story for your super Powers [02:57:19] leftfrog: KEKW [02:57:19] remain_unseen: BIohazard [02:57:20] krovvy: lmaoooo [02:57:20] bfritz0815: a type of mold that creates E? rynWOW [02:57:21] Mr_Fluffy97: Straight up gotta see in that box before you get rid of it [02:57:22] Quizzicalotl: Oh no, the boy clothes are moldy! Anyway... [02:57:22] minecrackjesus: not to be rude but are you really smiling or are you putting it on for the camrea [02:57:23] ScarsUnseen: will you ever buy new men's clothes or is that chapter over? [02:57:23] unaffected95: On the same dayyy [02:57:24] brickmage554: The gender box [02:57:24] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:57:24] gwen_the_ninth: KWKE [02:57:26] braddle172: KEKW [02:57:27] alexx_net: Take the box out and flood it with bleach [02:57:27] Eromaw: LOL [02:57:27] Pillooow: burn it and convert birmingham [02:57:29] 1WhoBeans: KEKW [02:57:29] AristotleBetta: Clap [02:57:29] mechtel: LMAAAAO [02:57:30] johnkeiwo: yes [02:57:31] beaneater197: Open the box [02:57:31] Avaerus0: That's great [02:57:31] TheLegendOfLivz: KEKW [02:57:32] ciernaruza: KEKW [02:57:32] FatherThyme: it is lmao [02:57:33] spider3327: it is [02:57:34] johnkeiwo: same day LUL [02:57:34] muddymudkip15: Lol [02:57:36] Y0rk5h1r3: Dune: Part 2 slaps [02:57:36] blusau: Box burning video? [02:57:36] ClaraRenway: Burn it on stream!!1 for the memes [02:57:37] DodenKing: Yo true [02:57:38] lewdbirdnoises: BIG W [02:57:38] Ashes_2Ashes_: KEKW [02:57:38] mangoesprincess: mangoe14Lol [02:57:38] mgza81: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [02:57:38] SerinaCore: just came home from the movies lol [02:57:39] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [02:57:39] spaceblob852: KEKW [02:57:40] MikeWillStream: yeah dune 2 released today [02:57:41] SunIsLost: what [02:57:41] Bauldyr: zentreKEKW [02:57:41] liamthepro233: how should i come out? [02:57:43] isarah304: burn the box [02:57:43] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:57:44] cyphoenic_: W [02:57:45] PaganOrca: KEKW [02:57:46] Azure_harlequin: hey asking as a girlboy would you call yourself a girlboy? [02:57:46] tobit0aster_: KEKW [02:57:46] KetchupBlood: Burn the boy clothes [02:57:47] Falqun: @c__r__j, as f1nn is genderfluid let it say "maybe" and link to the heisenberg uncertainy theorem wikipedia article KEKW [02:57:49] menacingcafe1: KEKW [02:57:49] JemHoward: I'd rather be here than watch Dune [02:57:49] negativplayslive: Dune and Finn announcement same day [02:57:54] ArminGux: consumer the spice girl [02:57:54] dafdeddog: Dune 2 was amazing [02:57:54] shinjitsumiso: finn ultrakill stream when [02:57:54] iceebuffalo: yeah dune came out, it was AMAZING, 10/10 vouch [02:57:54] TheRealEpicSquid: damn dune 2 came out? good for them <3 [02:57:55] Ignemia: Dune is super cool but open to a lot of theories KEKW [02:57:56] cormoranoimperatore: @foggychimera definitely western and northern european countries, at least from last time I checked [02:57:58] A_Fforrest: dune 2 is good btw [02:58:02] Kalastia: @F1NN5TER congrats sweetie TransgenderPride also i can't believe you made ashley gay :P [02:58:06] Dezponia: Unleash the worm! [02:58:06] thetimroberts: Watch the video, hit me in the feels, so glad you're confident!! [02:58:10] Y0rk5h1r3: Saw it at the cinema earlier [02:58:10] Jens_LN: Cry all you want [02:58:15] keyring01: Got to go, lots of love to this whole community [02:58:15] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [02:58:16] Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnSad f1nnHeart cakejuSharko cakejuComfy [02:58:16] vickie_0_: box burning stream? [02:58:17] SnabbKassa: !time [02:58:18] f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:00 [02:58:18] bfritz0815: @liamthepro233 with friends first, maybe [02:58:19] the_clash_fan: Hi [02:58:20] Amoyamoyamoya: NO ONE SPOIL DUNE [02:58:21] corpyinc: This stream has turned into "Who can make F1NN cry first" challenge [02:58:22] cyphoenic_: O [02:58:22] lunimaine: Huh? [02:58:22] pianoismyforte_: Bing Bong [02:58:23] sayocrn: O [02:58:24] scarlettyg: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [02:58:24] JadeSorcery: If you are going to donate so much don't tell chat it's too much it goes to a good place [02:58:25] seymourbuttsz: O [02:58:25] MikeWillStream: bing bong [02:58:25] scribbz123: free hrt now [02:58:25] saturnb220: O [02:58:26] sefidin_xh: Love to the moderator as well! [02:58:28] XtraPunnyGamer: Finnster, I'm happy for you. This month has called to question my own gender. I want to actually thank you for that... [02:58:29] aSpicyCow: guys i watched dune there was a lot of sand sorry to spoil [02:58:29] jessicaluxuz: Wow Contrapoints has posted for the first time in a year [02:58:30] JudgeGold: O [02:58:30] Raddog315: FIRE!!! [02:58:32] ATValdor: O [02:58:33] zues_pop: rip I’m banned [02:58:33] karaclysm119: O [02:58:33] Avaerus0: Bonfire time [02:58:34] negativplayslive: ARSOn [02:58:35] Uonia: BUR BURN BURN [02:58:36] Vanimal2118: !donate [02:58:36] Eadthryth: @Amoyamoyamoya good game [02:58:36] f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. [02:58:36] insecureTrannzz: fireee [02:58:38] Amoyamoyamoya: Oi, do you have a loicense for that fire Guvner [02:58:38] RoriRayne: CONGRATS!!!!!! I just saw the vid on Youtube, and as a Transwomen myself I just wanted to say I am happy and proud of you for accepting yourself on this journey! [02:58:39] isarah304: burn the boxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [02:58:40] Pokedy: you have the lighter for it [02:58:40] ClaraRenway: Let the tears out! You can blame the Estrogen hehehe [02:58:40] MrInfamousAuzie: I'm sat in my uni flat bedroom alone at midnight coked out of my mind watching finnster. This is surely the life my ancestors wanted for me. [02:58:41] davidiusfarrenius: yes 👍 [02:58:41] qrthulhu: box burning with trans color smoke [02:58:42] lualaby: i love the trans energy here lmao [02:58:43] AristotleBetta: LUL [02:58:44] dmx908: Are your guy clothing still in the box are they still good [02:58:44] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:58:44] Bobbikatt: Flaming arrow time!!! [02:58:45] ErinsEnigma: HAPPY COMING OUT! [02:58:46] BLAAAIRY: based 4 lyfe [02:58:46] Bauldyr: @Amoyamoyamoya so there's this worm *gets banned* [02:58:47] looeesz: @aSpicyCow Noooooooooooo [02:58:49] SnabbKassa: but where? It's so big it's dangerous to burn it [02:58:50] miss_higher: This stream could only be better if Ashley & Tank made an appearance, so much love in chat and beyond <3 [02:58:51] WillowWithAJoystick: I think they wanna know about your “zenith of experience” as The Click would say [02:58:54] RealRyal: FIRE - and the Gremlin re-emerges [02:58:54] Y0rk5h1r3: It was the bananas LUL [02:58:55] guitarbebop: and light it with a burning arrow again !!! GlitchCat [02:58:56] Bleats_Sinodai: lullypopCaos lullypopCaos lullypopCaos lullypopCaos [02:58:57] chriscorrick08: , [02:58:59] MikeWillStream: do another viking funeral for the box [02:58:59] judgedame: fire stream [02:59:01] chrollo_777: Hi [02:59:02] Flip_Dingo: @aSpicyCow Unsubscribed [02:59:02] xZ_ro: It's all conspiracy from big pharma [02:59:03] kgober: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [02:59:04] krovvy: PrideCute [02:59:04] forthehonorofgay: do you think that your depression from a few months ago could have been attributed partly to your fluxing hormones? you said that they were all out of wack for a while bc you werent doing it consistently, and i know that my depression gets worse when i havent done my injections on time for a while [02:59:08] jessicaluxuz: You'll have to deal with sexism now kskskskks [02:59:08] braddle172: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [02:59:09] Amoyamoyamoya: @aSpicyCow, Ban? [02:59:11] medical_size9000: Suicide squad kill the justice league??? [02:59:12] kieranfl: @aSpicyCow no!!!! I was gonna see it sunday, how dare you! [02:59:13] lualaby: do a slick back and high pony [02:59:13] lunimaine: TELL US [02:59:13] johnkeiwo: yeah, at least people won't say chat " groomed " u into being genderfluid [02:59:15] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:59:15] ramboo1989: 🤜🤛🫡 [02:59:17] scribbz123: meme? [02:59:18] ArminGux: officially finacally feminised [02:59:19] evericor000: when fashion show stream [02:59:22] SonicXVe: SonicXVe is continuing the Gift Sub they got from amsylum! [02:59:23] Amoyamoyamoya: @aSpicyCow, dw, I won't [02:59:25] alsoknownas_sky: f1nn contemplating rejecting tens 300k now [02:59:29] bluj40: approved [02:59:29] AcuRatTM: Betcha got tiny balls now KEKW [02:59:30] coldhearttx3: 🌹🌹🌹🥰 [02:59:30] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:59:30] TheLunaStardust: REAL [02:59:32] aSpicyCow: OMEGALUL [02:59:33] cheesusyourlord: Great meme [02:59:38] TheStarGamer1238: Fast foreward [02:59:38] cyphoenic_: KEKW [02:59:39] Amoyamoyamoya: ASSed someone WUT [02:59:39] viryl_lucas: lol [02:59:42] xZ_ro: Damn calling me out huh [02:59:43] insecureTrannzz: KEKW [02:59:44] estherarchive: yap session [02:59:44] GhostOfAFlea: Tried 100's until i got one that fit [02:59:44] dutch_gecko: leave me alone 😭 [02:59:45] isarah304: cool looking thing also [02:59:45] cyber_viv: fr [02:59:46] Mr_Fluffy97: Do it [02:59:46] SunIsLost: yes [02:59:47] ClaraRenway: do it!!! [02:59:47] basicallyserena: damn xD [02:59:48] DarkMetalMouse: Trueeee [02:59:48] Falqun: half of them are ray [02:59:48] scribbz123: I KNOW THREE MFS CALLED RAIN!!!! [02:59:48] johnkeiwo: calling chat out KEKW [02:59:48] rajama22: Lol [02:59:48] Welshjemz: i'm not even changing my name lol [02:59:49] EvryPixelCounts: I feel called out lol [02:59:49] VitaminChay: ME LOL [02:59:49] silver_shark3: Am non binary, can confirm. it’s a half hour story [02:59:50] Chloeeee: its a whole cinematic universe [02:59:50] Mnh188: deeper than V-tuber lore [02:59:50] skylikesaerospace: actually not true in my case [02:59:51] now_chemical: or it’s just an object 😭 [02:59:52] juneguild: Hey thats slander!!!!!!! [02:59:52] deerdreams: true and mean [02:59:52] FacelessSnow: inanimate objects [02:59:54] ArtofBartlett: I know multiple Gender Fluid folks named Ryan... [02:59:55] LucipurrCryz: meowdaCHU [02:59:55] ClareGak: so to summarise.. she her? <3 [02:59:56] lewdbirdnoises: Lotta dog names and Milo's, whole lotta Milo's [02:59:56] c__r__j: I've been trying to pick a new name since before I started watching you! [02:59:57] oskarishk: unskippable cutscene [02:59:59] ScarsUnseen: I gave myself a unisex name even though i'm definitely a binary trans woman. [02:59:59] ArminGux: you have name lore too [03:00:00] SyberKai: Kai is short for Kaiju [03:00:00] Themightyfrog25: hey [03:00:01] alexx_net: Did they steal their name from someone else? [03:00:01] Quizzicalotl: I have lore behind my irl name and I'm just transfem [03:00:02] TheWarDoctor8: tbh names are hard and I'm still working on mine [03:00:03] ATValdor: at least they don't sit like a bisexual [03:00:04] blueskydrinking: @Amoyamoyamoya He can't help having an American accent Kappa [03:00:05] minecrackjesus: mines olive becuase my names oliver [03:00:05] afal: So long as it's not sock [03:00:07] Bauldyr: I just chose Fae cuz I like Shakespeare lore [03:00:07] Y0rk5h1r3: Then F1nn just goes by his Sunday name LUL [03:00:08] Eadthryth: Play you didn't have to cut me up song while the sped up video plays [03:00:08] EmpressCard: I feel called out [03:00:08] AKEHxLIVE: OMEGALUL [03:00:09] actualmooncore: i went from bill to billie [03:00:10] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: im just named after the blair witch project [03:00:11] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [03:00:11] Okapifan: Okii just watched the video, congratz F1NN5TER ! Ur going to Twitchcon Europe this year? Can I get a hug then ? I also picked my name... lets say anime names are cute xD [03:00:11] DodenKing: My lore is: it sounded pretty [03:00:11] Stovamor: !pronouns @Hitski_, [03:00:12] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [03:00:12] lualaby: i’m nonbinary but my chosen name is just Lou 💀 [03:00:14] Penguin_Spy: i have to create a whole game before i can properly explain why i picked my name [03:00:15] ekat2468: I have literally 3 different layers of meaning behind mine (Lunaa) lol [03:00:16] isarah304: nice name did ur mommy choose it for you [03:00:16] viryl_lucas: I didn't ask them lol [03:00:16] bumbles19: I'm annoyed your right! [03:00:17] morgueAbsolut: I made my name up on a whim, it's fake [03:00:17] xero93: i'm trans and my name has 0 lore [03:00:17] aloofcrabby: do you like your given name? [03:00:17] guitarbebop: 🔥🔥🔥🔥 burn the box f1nnKnife [03:00:17] andyinnie: the name i chose is the name my (probably) transphobic dad was going to give me if i was born a girl [03:00:18] SunIsLost: I use multiple names [03:00:18] Will_Sink: Either there's a bible of lore or its "I saw a tree 😃" [03:00:18] okamibell: XD i as a nonbinary person with a lore based name i can confirm that [03:00:19] InkkyBully: I feel called out. How dare you! [03:00:19] WillowWithAJoystick: There’s lore cuz the game it came from has lore (e.g. my partner) [03:00:20] ClaraRenway: @Hitski_ he still uses he/him but doesnt care for any pronouns [03:00:20] TheLegendOfLivz: OPE [03:00:21] Ignemia: @Amoyamoyamoya May I dm you? [03:00:21] sherlock_norris: And in the end it's something like "teapot" [03:00:22] liamthepro233: finn how should i come out as trans [03:00:23] Lumindere: Meanwhile, mine is "Rayn" because of "Rayndrop". It's a fun word to say. [03:00:23] SnabbKassa: determinists: life is an unskippable cutscene [03:00:25] theanonymoussword: There is lore there ^^ I love your humor so much!!! [03:00:25] coldhearttx3: no throughs for me [03:00:26] Raddog315: To be honest, genderfluid people have some truly epic names [03:00:27] Elifighter: simply just asked my parent what they would of used if i was born afab [03:00:27] lunimaine: I sit the same way... I'm bi [03:00:29] rexxyrobin: easy, I just woke up from a dream and was like "That is THE name!!" [03:00:30] PaganOrca: Hey, my name lore is the best. [03:00:30] 1mitzi9: the lore goes deep on my name [03:00:31] SaltMasterQueue: !lurk [03:00:31] emily6218: KEKW [03:00:31] f3mmbot: No lurking! We're all OUT in this channel... [03:00:31] Hitski_: thank you so much mods. [03:00:32] jaakugaming: I picked Raziel because it's an angel and they are genderless [03:00:33] XtraPunnyGamer: !hrt [03:00:33] f3mmbot: Finn is taking Finasteride to stop hair loss and has recently started actual HRT (CPA, Progesterone and transdermal Estradiol). See this video for more info - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3reFDwM0yIA [03:00:35] Dezponia: The story of my name was written by Tolkien himself [03:00:39] ezk_r: ANAB: assigned name at birth [03:00:39] aSpicyCow: hes crying [03:00:40] Quizzicalotl: o7 [03:00:40] Worldsokeyest: hey ive had so many people tell me that Keyara is a pretty name [03:00:41] johnkeiwo: technobabe PogU [03:00:41] AFlawlessHuman: Cheer100 Damn you've come a long way since I first found about you in what, 2017? I'm so happy that you're able to get your thoughts out! Stay awesome [03:00:42] TheWarDoctor8: legitimately have other things figured out before my own name [03:00:42] ScarsUnseen: Thank you for allowing us to know you better. Also, thank YOURSELF for acknowledging your feelings. :) [03:00:42] Sierra_Is_Gone: There's either massive lore or they pick a random object like"Brick" [03:00:44] jeibird: congrats on getting to be more yourself dude [03:00:45] MikeWillStream: technobabe was great [03:00:45] ewokmaster93: f1nn my names from greys anatomy lol [03:00:46] bfritz0815: BisexualPride [03:00:47] gris69s: O7 [03:00:49] miss_higher: I'm non-binary, thankfully my name was already kinda non-binary and I like it too!!!! NonbinaryPride [03:00:49] viryl_lucas: o7 [03:00:49] awe_rora: mod named @f3mmbot KEKW [03:00:49] dmx908: Is your guy clothing still in the box and are they still good? [03:00:50] Helen_Croft: technoblade never dies [03:00:52] Themightyfrog25: Hello [03:00:53] marty_poisonwood: What if i didn't change my name then ? Am amab nb and my name's just fine [03:00:55] maploulive: rip techno [03:00:57] Grimvious: Finn!! Love ya man you beautiful boi LuvBrownR LuvBrownR LuvBrownR LuvBrownR [03:00:57] scribbz123: i came here because i am trans. i was not groomed by the finnster agenda [03:00:59] heta_6: Technoblade <3 <3 <3 [03:01:00] medical_size9000: Allergies finn??? [03:01:00] raindropson_roses: my lore is that I wanted a name that would sound like it belonged to the fairy with purple clothes from TinkerBell [03:01:01] Paul_Ski: KEKW [03:01:02] blusau: My lore: I was my dad's name [03:01:02] scarlettyg: KEKW [03:01:03] Elifighter: oof [03:01:06] retroretroretro1: LORE is Right! [03:01:06] DanTC240: Congrats, and welcome to the community BisexualPride [03:01:06] FancyTrashMan: o7 [03:01:09] JanieOnyx: lololol [03:01:09] suspicious_slime: My parrents gave me a bi gender name so what do i do now??? [03:01:12] ErinsEnigma: "jUAN OF US! jUAN OF US!" - the whole trans community [03:01:12] krassofnod: Femboys are <3 femboys are life <3 trans are both too <3 thus finn = love+life <3 NB checking in - name is what I was born with but.... I know my family history so I know the lore you are right XD [03:01:13] YumeNoZen: *gave Chasiu head scritches IRL* [03:01:17] Ayton666: Fall of the Twink Towers :"9-11-2023" (This is about 6 months ago) [03:01:18] Quizzicalotl: Frikken gender wage gap [03:01:20] ATValdor: don't forget about the pink tax [03:01:20] ijolenelovesleep: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 hey Finn I have so mic to say but I’ll shorten it for you. thank you. [03:01:22] Mnh188: Battlepass is generally female weighted [03:01:22] brickmage554: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [03:01:24] Colliebluezz: I've been fighting to decide my gender RAAA [03:01:29] skylikesaerospace: I just looked through names and Sky was the first to feel like me [03:01:30] aSpicyCow: my mom made my name [03:01:33] sapphicflame: sapphicflame subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Wooo! Happy for you! [03:01:33] scribbz123: lore [03:01:33] f3mmbot: sapphicflame subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [03:01:34] Amoyamoyamoya: WHAT THE ACTUAL FCUK [03:01:37] johnkeiwo: awwww [03:01:40] ChasingSol: awww [03:01:40] Grimvious: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [03:01:41] viryl_lucas: I miss techno 😭 [03:01:45] Amoyamoyamoya: @aSpicyCow, Your mom named you Cow? [03:01:46] isarah304: cryyyy [03:01:47] miss_higher: I too have considered HRT for booba like F1NN wrote :) [03:01:47] nomiebear: up for the sapphire streamer award next year? [03:01:48] EnzeyEnoch: I missed the news? [03:01:49] its_datboig: my lore is that I think juniper berrys are pretty and if i could name myself after something it would be them [03:01:49] KianaVCL: get all the "nice" you can today, we'll go back to bullying you tomorrow [03:01:52] Feywild: My name is literally Feyrie.. as in Fairy. [03:01:52] cuetreepie: What did I miss? [03:01:52] foggychimera: My name is just a rock that was close to my birth name [03:01:53] ArminGux: gender theory on the name loreeeee [03:01:53] ArtofBartlett: *pokes F1nn* Cry! [03:01:54] negativplayslive: My lore is "Endermen are relatable tho" [03:01:54] ekat2468: Those eyes getting wet Finn [03:01:56] liamthepro233: how should i come out most of my friends are transphobic [03:01:57] StormCloud119: @aSpicyCow hey nerd did your MOM pick that name for you [03:01:57] DodenKing: Honestly i was having such a bad day and this has given me such a boost [03:01:58] Atekka_: are we not using rose anymore? [03:01:58] Colliebluezz: my name is my moms name with one letter changed because it rymed LMAO [03:01:59] ArgentCombine: i genuinely don't know how i chose my name. just came to me [03:01:59] ayarcee: I gave my family a list of name criterias and picked from that list [03:02:00] nightwolf7777777: I was so fascinated by the moon I named myself after it, peak non-binary experience if you ask me NonbinaryPride [03:02:02] EmpressCard: I'm considering changing it again to Hughey so it rhyms with my last name. [03:02:04] Crimson_Siren420: Real booba be the best! [03:02:04] perhapsxmaybe: what is your name ?? [03:02:05] scribbz123: this whole community is full of cutiepies [03:02:05] KermitTheFraud123: men 🗿 [03:02:06] OHMichelleOH: Im too old [03:02:06] SonicXVe: no [03:02:07] Twinkiephobe: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [03:02:08] johnkeiwo: NO D: [03:02:08] ChasingSol: no [03:02:08] scarlettyg: no [03:02:09] renxa_: I just saw your video and want to say that I am proud of you. A comming out is never easy <3 Discovering yourself is a life long journey. Welcome to the community - A fellow young bi [03:02:09] cyphoenic_: nuh uh [03:02:09] FatherThyme: probably not [03:02:09] minecrackjesus: why are people transphobic [03:02:09] johnkeiwo: NO D: [03:02:09] Agrena: we have real boob? [03:02:10] XENOMAN5: Hotel Genderfuckey, you can check out but you can never leave [03:02:10] Paul_Ski: D: [03:02:10] spooncakes: no [03:02:11] GlenCoco39: no no [03:02:11] LittleChaSiu: ............ [03:02:11] bigsuave7: lol [03:02:12] CakeyLive: no [03:02:12] bfritz0815: omg, finncess gonna cry again? HypeAwww [03:02:12] bruh_wt_f: Ope [03:02:12] DeanTheSpartan: we makin' F1NN feel emotions and stuff? [03:02:12] KetchupBlood: All of you have a community, and are not alone here [03:02:12] blueskydrinking: Ban him!!! [03:02:12] GhostOfAFlea: no, and also it prolly hurts [03:02:12] braddle172: Nope [03:02:13] Sirius67: yes :tf: [03:02:13] Friend_of_Sappho: WOMAN TOUCHING BOOB [03:02:13] marniepixel: I took my name from a Pokemon character PrideLaugh [03:02:13] rajama22: Eeek [03:02:14] SereneInfinite: SereneInfinite subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [03:02:14] YumeNoZen: ... [03:02:14] f3mmbot: sereneinfinite subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [03:02:14] xluthors: No [03:02:15] brickmage554: No [03:02:15] PynkFryck: banned² [03:02:15] retroretroretro1: Having LORE for your name is SO cool! [03:02:16] 1WhoBeans: D: [03:02:16] MrsPandamber: sssshh they dont know yet [03:02:16] ChasingSol: OMEGALUL [03:02:16] unaffected95: Technically no [03:02:16] 8x13b: D: [03:02:16] Amoyamoyamoya: NO TOUCH [03:02:17] VoxeyPush: i literally have 0.00$ in my bank account lol i gave all i had left to f1nn [03:02:17] sayocrn: banned on the day he comes out [03:02:17] Amoyamoyamoya: NO TOUCH [03:02:18] MsCylon: Spin chair and do it [03:02:18] aced_asher: im a trans guy and my names finn- ironically never even though about you i named myself after the adventure time character lol [03:02:18] dangerousruben: maybe sometimes [03:02:18] alexx_net: no ToS! [03:02:18] Amoyamoyamoya: NO TOUCH [03:02:19] Avaerus0: Better not risk it [03:02:19] dutch_gecko: just say a letter [03:02:19] coldhearttx3: hot tub streams ? [03:02:20] thatmidwestdullahan: LUL [03:02:20] Amoyamoyamoya: NO TOUCH [03:02:20] beaneater197: When f1nn going to cry [03:02:20] Alassara: I chopped up my name, put part of it into a blender, and came out with something gender-neutral sounding [03:02:20] writhinglekku: nothing to see here [03:02:21] shinjitsumiso: different for everyone, mine comin in real slow [03:02:22] ironhydra: o7 [03:02:22] burgess_shale: Best not touch [03:02:22] McStrugs: gg [03:02:22] Twinborne: probably not. do it off stream though [03:02:23] OstentatiousMongoose: o7 [03:02:23] isarah304: would be rlly funny [03:02:23] bearpaw1970: I think your pressing your luck now [03:02:24] insecureTrannzz: don't risk it [03:02:24] XellosMetallum: if you have to ask, probably not [03:02:25] Popdowner: WHOA [03:02:25] lizthewtich: shit [03:02:25] MxFloofy_: Hey F1nn seeing you come out today, gave me the courage to tell one of my IRL friends that I am agender! [03:02:26] thetimroberts: o7 [03:02:26] Shockwavemecha: No touchy, no no no [03:02:26] AwareTortoise05: BANNED LMAO [03:02:27] juneguild: Banned [03:02:27] Bleats_Sinodai: My mom just called you lady, F1NN [03:02:27] veluminous: just say ur a guy when you touch it [03:02:28] ekat2468: Pierbi probably has some answers lol [03:02:29] filip_zd10: gg o7 [03:02:29] Sierra_Is_Gone: Well there's only one way to find out [03:02:29] bigfeet47: pop them out [03:02:30] Dyvine57: full breast development on hrt can take 2+ years [03:02:30] Gentrix918: Not anymore! [03:02:30] KnightNave: no... your a wom*n now [03:02:30] ysalima: is it one of the reasons girl month ended? [03:02:31] nikama6: They er not fempec anymore dont [03:02:31] CyanoticJam: Banned [03:02:31] Y0rk5h1r3: No Touchy!!! [03:02:31] jessicaluxuz: Wish I had money for booba pills [03:02:31] zues_pop: they already banned you from boobs anyways [03:02:32] Dezponia: Well F1NN your stream is nice and all, but I gotta go watch a video about burgers [03:02:33] awe_rora: oh gods you make me laugh [03:02:34] isabaellchen: girl problems [03:02:34] Quizzicalotl: twitch be like: WE GOT EM NOW [03:02:34] dreadcain: dreadcain subscribed with Prime. [03:02:34] deerdreams: drop your name lore, mine is that i wanted a gender-neutral name that was slightly more femme and was nature-related, and also i always liked the name "robin" before anyways [03:02:34] f3mmbot: dreadcain subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang dreadcain f1nnLezgang [03:02:35] TheLegendOfLivz: you had an itch!! [03:02:38] Amoyamoyamoya: THE CHANNEL IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE [03:02:39] distractedcreative: That would be a wild turn to the day lmao [03:02:39] scribbz123: TWITCH STAFF NOOO [03:02:40] YunglistDJ: You got a whole new set of rules now KEKW [03:02:41] buzzyblossom: Question, Finn or Rose? Or something else [03:02:41] Mr_Fluffy97: Probably not anymore KEKW [03:02:42] seymourbuttsz: genderfluid presenting boobs [03:02:42] GlenCoco39: don't worry I;ll do it on my 8mo chest in your honor [03:02:44] XENOMAN5: As long as it’s not excessive [03:02:44] Mrsfortun3: can you finally tell us the cheat codes. now that youre out. CONGRATS BTW! [03:02:44] Velocinator: I just came in what happened HypeSus [03:02:45] HardyOrange: well, you had talked about maybe gynomastia years ago, so perhaps you're uniquily skilled at growing booba? [03:02:45] jcktheripperrs: I misssed, do it again ? [03:02:45] professorpussicat: Was your ban like right after you started hrt? [03:02:47] MrsPandamber: its for educational purposes [03:02:47] Amonikable: AaaaaaaaND SHE GOT BANNED [03:02:48] cutiekarai: Hey F1n T-girl for 6 years. If you need morale support, Dm's are always open. [03:02:49] ArminGux: they fired most admins anyway [03:02:56] isarah304: half of twitch staff has to be on this stream waiting for u to mess up [03:02:59] MsCylon: We're you on hrt when you were banned for excessive booba touch. [03:02:59] AestheticDes: KEKW [03:02:59] Bauldyr: @perhapsxmaybe He's keeping both F1nn5ter and his birth name cuz they both androgynous [03:03:00] Friend_of_Sappho: LLU [03:03:00] rajama22: Yup [03:03:01] perhapsxmaybe: f1nnStare [03:03:01] KnightNave: @Velocinator her pronouns are he/him [03:03:02] KetchupBlood: yeah [03:03:02] 7071_haoN: you were just feeling your heart [03:03:03] perfersserderg: yes the hivemind knew [03:03:03] Gurglefrix: LUL [03:03:03] neuphoria_6: i'm so happy that i can call you a bitch now, love you bitch <3 [03:03:04] liamthepro233: finn how should I come out most my friends are transphobic? [03:03:04] Yilue: Yeah [03:03:04] rowil07: yes, we all [03:03:05] bensrob: yup [03:03:05] Barrik226: yeah, all of us [03:03:05] KianaVCL: ALL [03:03:06] lewdbirdnoises: You were the only one dude [03:03:06] nolainin3some: we all knew, darling [03:03:06] khloe_plays: yeah [03:03:07] FOXkage: fin is a icon for this <3 [03:03:07] Quizzicalotl: Yes, we all did XD [03:03:08] zero1wolf: gnmarlHippielove gnmarlLOVE gnmarlHippielove [03:03:08] dorikyll: yes [03:03:08] scarlettyg: This definitely wasn't on my list for "stuff for 2024" [03:03:09] Nirvana_W22: yes [03:03:09] AwareTortoise05: Yes we all knew [03:03:09] FancyTrashMan: we did [03:03:09] bozo_cat: yeah we did [03:03:09] lunimaine: we all called it [03:03:11] 6666969: yep [03:03:12] AristotleBetta: We all at least suspected LUL [03:03:12] seymourbuttsz: The council of transes foresaw it in the orb [03:03:12] DINAvierPapier: all [03:03:14] Kenmas_Videogame_: tes [03:03:14] jessicaluxuz: We did! [03:03:14] Doperanks: yes [03:03:14] juneguild: Yep [03:03:15] Kitten_Sophie17: Yes, it was only a matter of time [03:03:15] RaukkM: We tried to tell you :P [03:03:16] Elifighter: yep [03:03:16] emily6218: YEP [03:03:17] GlenCoco39: "We all knew" xD lmfao stopppp [03:03:17] ZENKILLERUK: stop being worried Finn we are all here for you as long as your happy and not hurting yourself or others then all power to you :) happy for you [03:03:18] Feywild: Kinda did [03:03:18] Eadthryth: It always would turn out this way [03:03:18] Ben104072_: doubt [03:03:18] retroretroretro1: All in good time! [03:03:18] insecureTrannzz: yeah we all did [03:03:19] Amoyamoyamoya: Holy shit look at the Mod list... [03:03:19] thetimroberts: Im in the idk stage, ive been that stage for like 5 years [03:03:20] awe_rora: YEP [03:03:21] WillowWithAJoystick: Finn was the last to know his own gender lol [03:03:21] ArminGux: even tank knew and he wasn’t even born yet [03:03:22] our_faded_panda: our_faded_panda subscribed at Tier 1. [03:03:22] f3mmbot: our_faded_panda subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang our_faded_panda f1nnLezgang [03:03:22] 1958dino: Could you pause while I make coffee? 💐🇬🇧😼🐈‍⬛🐕♥️🧀🥖☕🇪🇺🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦💐 [03:03:23] xx_bex_becca_xx: yeah [03:03:24] pyrandname: yeah kind of [03:03:25] lazy_titan72: @liamthepro233 dump the friends dawg [03:03:25] ekat2468: we all saw it coming yeah [03:03:25] MajesticFvckingEagle: I mean… [03:03:26] Avaerus0: Eepy girl [03:03:26] pianoismyforte_: We really did [03:03:26] XENOMAN5: Have you felt them jiggle yet when you are on the stairs? [03:03:27] xluthors: F1nn eppy [03:03:28] Mr_Fluffy97: I was in denial for you [03:03:28] Esper89: congrats on the bottom surgery f1nn!!! [03:03:29] viryl_lucas: yed [03:03:29] Agrena: we can only parlov so fare. and went it went further we knew [03:03:30] tenaki12: So happy for you that you can start sharing more!!! [03:03:31] Atekka_: are we using the name rose still? [03:03:32] sadpizzabones: congrats finn [03:03:33] ScarsUnseen: you're no longer a good egg, lol. [03:03:35] PynkFryck: like 95% of us did know [03:03:37] beaneater197: We all knew [03:03:37] capt1m: WELL DONE HUN XX [03:03:37] Pillooow: Didn't finn already say HRT in 2024? [03:03:39] mbuz826: we see u go thru the same stages we do/ did that’s how we know [03:03:42] Velocinator: @KnightNave oh yeah I know that, saw the video, was mainly asking about what they were talking about getting banned for PrideLaugh [03:03:43] lizthewtich: we knew [03:03:44] wilburofthefrigidlands: Hair care routine????? [03:03:45] negativplayslive: Do any of the Blahaj's have names? [03:03:47] DodenKing: I did not because i believe people when they lie to my face [03:03:48] tobit0aster_: tbh you made me believe you are cis like a month ago and I didn‘t want to assume but everyone still knew. [03:03:48] Jens_LN: Tank is teh man ! [03:03:49] derPhael_: Yes we all did but Egg Prime Directive prohibited us from telling you [03:03:49] cormoranoimperatore: PrideRise PrideRise PrideRise PrideRise [03:03:50] Amoyamoyamoya: Tank has the highest T levels in the building [03:03:50] cedric_callnight: I was gone for a bit. Did he cry yet? [03:03:54] randomperson_5: the, i have no idea stage so buys emotional support blahaj is to real [03:03:54] PynkFryck: Sir Tank [03:03:56] yungvault: ive identified as genderfluid for the past year and started hrt 2 days ago :3 [03:03:58] liamthepro233: finn how should i come out i dont feel safe telling my friends because they are mostly transphobic? [03:03:58] FatherThyme: yeah we knew [03:03:58] insecureTrannzz: KEKW [03:03:58] Bleats_Sinodai: buffpupHUH [03:03:59] cyphoenic_: KEKW [03:03:59] braddle172: True [03:04:01] unaffected95: Oh yeahhhh [03:04:01] scarlettyg: What a buildup KEKW [03:04:01] bozo_cat: @Amoyamoyamoya OMEGALUL good one [03:04:01] professorpussicat: Oiooo clever...... [03:04:01] jessicaluxuz: You can do up to down like when trans man show you their binder! [03:04:03] PynkFryck: KEKW [03:04:03] lunimaine: smonioDerp [03:04:04] awe_rora: I used you in an example in a college paper about choice and consent in a college paper lol [03:04:04] brickmage554: LUL [03:04:04] outg0ingintr0vert: so are we starting a water brand “Gender Fluid” to fundraiser [03:04:05] Friend_of_Sappho: KEKW [03:04:07] thetimroberts: KEKW [03:04:08] maiphy: lollll [03:04:09] Avaerus0: I guess we missed that one [03:04:09] dangerousruben: OMG you did [03:04:10] viryl_lucas: I got B cups at 6 mo. [03:04:10] splurshin: bro had a roadmap ready KEKW [03:04:11] TrueMezzo: I remember that [03:04:11] bruh_wt_f: Big brain [03:04:11] muddymudkip15: Lol [03:04:12] khloe_plays: KEKW [03:04:12] Bauldyr: KEKW [03:04:13] MomochiZoey: I knew it was rigged! [03:04:15] kraj2: Just came from your vid. I'm so happy for you : ) [03:04:15] cammythepunk: Hewwo fimm :3 [03:04:15] bfritz0815: @thetimroberts woo! idk stage bros/sisses/enby-pals rynHOLY [03:04:16] cutiekarai: NICe, Congrats FINN [03:04:19] Mnh188: the house is a myth [03:04:21] JemHoward: I suspected it was gonna happen someday [03:04:21] DodenKing: It's cause of the leap day [03:04:22] charikuno: wait a minute, we can’t make egg jokes anymore. nooooo [03:04:23] seymourbuttsz: Imagine if your traniversary was on a leap day [03:04:24] isarah304: should have waited till march 31 cause trans day of visibility tbh [03:04:29] theyggdrasilarchives: im trans myself and have been on e for a few years now and im so proud of you <3 [03:04:37] WillowWithAJoystick: March is Women’s History Month here in the US actually [03:04:37] jman11751: I just remember the AlsoAshley letter saying the fin would transition [03:04:40] rajama22: ??? [03:04:41] professorpussicat: Fun fact, today is the first say of women's history month! [03:04:42] nitzkit8: as a avid VOD watcher this stream feels like a SPOILER [03:04:44] cyphoenic_: ooh? [03:04:45] Eadthryth: For a sec I thought it was April 1st [03:04:47] Ayton666: "Sep 11 2023" Fall of the Twink Towers! [03:04:50] johnkeiwo: We'll be patient don't worry :) [03:04:51] ArminGux: that house has been almost done longer then you have known about hrt [03:04:51] TheWarDoctor8: my Bday is in the next week; still undecided as to whether or not a also come out as being on HRT [03:04:51] howlingmonkey91: @nitzkit8 felt [03:04:52] dangerousruben: dont tease us like this [03:04:53] niam6r: Omg I love you [03:04:53] krovvy: thegeekCozy ok [03:04:53] splurshin: ominous af [03:04:54] ObsidiousBlade: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [03:04:55] Atekka_: Are you using the Rose name?? [03:04:56] ScarsUnseen: are you coming out again? [03:04:56] theunknownclassic: Omelette!!!!! No more egg!! [03:04:57] bigsuave7: 👀 [03:04:58] bruh_wt_f: ??? [03:04:58] luxaas6: <3 <3 [03:04:59] wolfchaldo: You finally found a way to stop the egg jokes [03:04:59] Helen_Croft: bottom surgery video? [03:04:59] Loelinverse: engagement [03:05:00] SaintDharma9: You make this Fembie Themazon proud. [03:05:01] A_Fforrest: sued [03:05:03] juneguild: ???? [03:05:03] lizthewtich: E [03:05:04] Amoyamoyamoya: MORE SECRETS F1NN SMH [03:05:04] lewdbirdnoises: It's another philosophy tube feature [03:05:05] Sa7v3N: So, no more manlky man ? [03:05:05] TheLegendOfLivz: omg you're in a Mr. beast video [03:05:05] xZ_ro: Wait did you say government? [03:05:05] Lil_Lith: YOU'RE PREGNANT? [03:05:06] andyinnie: finn's pregnant????? [03:05:06] WuppieF: CowJAM [03:05:06] lacycherries: Hey - as a trans chika, amazing to see you coming out for being on HRT; always had gender envy of you - fek you you lucky badrse AND your amazing looks though! ;) Cheer100 [03:05:07] nufan830: I’m like Finn, I feel like both genders. Started hrt 6 months ago. I love having muscle, but I love what Estrogen is doing to me. caught between 2 worlds. [03:05:07] PaganOrca: Well f1nn the closest is glass to everyone else. Still don't know why you didn't think being in Narnia wasn't weird tho. [03:05:09] rainfallwall: I thought it was going to be a peepee reveal but so happy for you and the sense of relief I imagine you have. [03:05:12] nolainin3some: telling us you'd be in trouble is saying something lol [03:05:12] tfalexis1165: finn! i just got home from work, did i miss anything? 👉👈 [03:05:12] YumeNoZen: I mean, I'm gonna be handing around here for a while. [03:05:13] yasslina: So do you want to shop it off [03:05:14] sherlock_norris: Insane? I was insane once [03:05:14] Xenon_Nah: f1nnCowjam [03:05:15] jessicaluxuz: Would you like to have a more delicate voice? [03:05:16] LVL1Goblin_: yet [03:05:16] johnkeiwo: YET [03:05:17] scarlettyg: Preganté [03:05:17] outg0ingintr0vert: can you come to the USA please 🥺 [03:05:17] Gh0stwasused: suuuuuuuure [03:05:19] bmc118: you always seem to have BIG things going on in your life. hope things keep going well with you [03:05:19] Bernie2907: Video: Finn pregnant [03:05:20] sayocrn: he got a boibortion [03:05:20] FatherThyme: not pregnant yet [03:05:21] Amoyamoyamoya: PERGANTE? [03:05:21] kristinhateslife: mpreg [03:05:22] isarah304: pregnatn? [03:05:22] MsCylon: Ashley is? [03:05:23] TherosBR: So AlsoAshley was right all along.... [03:05:23] insecureTrannzz: f1nn pregnent? [03:05:23] GabMes_: CONGRATULATIONS <3 [03:05:25] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): Why not? lumituAngry [03:05:27] NorableTTV: boygirl pregnant [03:05:27] Stabstalker: wait what ur pregnant?!?! [03:05:27] luckylibrarian: im so sad i missed the cup :( recent fan L [03:05:27] scribbz123: Finnster is so relateable to my experience. i just hope i can build a life a fraction as successful as what you show online [03:05:28] bfritz0815: but you keep trying, right? [03:05:29] Jauntie_Jackalope: Pomegranate?\ [03:05:29] howlingmonkey91: Pregnate? [03:05:29] Y0rk5h1r3: F1nn pregnart? [03:05:30] dmx908: I want to go catch a real shark get it mounted and paint it bleu real life blahaj [03:05:30] DodenKing: Pregnani [03:05:31] Amoyamoyamoya: PREGANENT [03:05:31] ClaraRenway: pergonto? [03:05:31] Agrena: finn didnt pay taxes [03:05:32] twitch_fish_123: welcome to the bi side of life [03:05:32] Jens_LN: D: ... PREGANINANT ????? [03:05:32] looeesz: Pregananant [03:05:33] teaandgarlic: f1nn5ter!!!! So proud of you!!!!!!!!! [03:05:34] niam6r: niam6r subscribed at Tier 1. [03:05:34] f3mmbot: niam6r subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang niam6r f1nnLezgang [03:05:34] ItsMapleDoe: Very happy for you, I'm having my bottom surgery Monday here [03:05:35] alkibiadesmassacre: Woooo i want cup [03:05:35] vNTCv: GRC? [03:05:36] ArminGux: you getting expelled? [03:05:36] ettie19: what wil baby name be 😔 [03:05:37] themindscrambler: hyena birth [03:05:37] finnfanman2: I'm not a big fan of the government [03:05:37] davidiusfarrenius: Are you sure? 😄 [03:05:37] Shockwavemecha: Need to try Hard enough, goblin LUL [03:05:38] 6666969: preganinant? [03:05:39] KianaVCL: preganenant? [03:05:39] Transrenata: Gregnente [03:05:39] professorpussicat: F1nn did you get pickle cravings when you went on hrt? I eat like 3 jars of Pickles a week now!!! [03:05:39] GhostOfAFlea: don't cry [03:05:39] beaneater197: Pregnant f1nn [03:05:40] Ayton666: Tax evasion? [03:05:40] unaffected95: Pergnant? [03:05:40] moonievr: prego?? [03:05:40] cedarphoenix: finn pregnant????? [03:05:41] Mr_Fluffy97: OMG I forgot i ordered the GG cup!! [03:05:41] viryl_lucas: I got a free waifu cup but it's from cottontail, it's been 4 mo. 💀 [03:05:42] camina_mtns: pragnate [03:05:42] theunknownclassic: Ashley pregnant lol [03:05:43] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP F1nn is preganante? [03:05:44] lunimaine: Why not!?!?!? smonioCry smonioCry smonioCry [03:05:44] boom_and_alpha_yt: pregante [03:05:44] theyggdrasilarchives: preganto?? [03:05:45] PynkFryck: Pregante? [03:05:46] lordgtafbi: yet [03:05:47] Twinborne: Not pregnant? KEEP TRYING lol [03:05:47] EmpressCard: pregananant [03:05:47] nebulaminer: Just keep trying, I'm sure you two can do it [03:05:48] Avaerus0: Because we like you [03:05:48] xLumieI: Finn pregnand? [03:05:48] Falqun: not pregnant? try harder [03:05:49] Velocinator: my s/o just told me they were on HRT, and was nervous about telling me but they were happy I was supportive of it <3 [03:05:49] alexx_net: SHUT THE *** UP F1nn guv'ment no mess [03:05:49] Lazulli0_0: living in the country with the highest trans death rate for the 14th year i'm scared, but looking at your community makes me hopeful that around the world people still support each other [03:05:49] brickmage554: Pregantte ? [03:05:49] infectedharpy: i heard pregnant? after 1 day of coming out? [03:05:50] MikeWillStream: pregananant [03:05:50] ekat2468: YOU DESERVE THEM HUN [03:05:51] DrJaneLuciferianScientist: Finn preggers?!? [03:05:52] kaz________________: pregntt [03:05:53] lizthewtich: F1NN is PREGGERS [03:05:53] ImpOfMan: Pregnan [03:05:53] TwinbeeMk2: You deserve all of it and more <3 [03:05:53] Eadthryth: The Joker: "My father was a gamer" [03:05:53] isarah304: whens it do for? [03:05:54] jessicaluxuz: Boy pregnant! [03:05:55] aSpicyCow: whAT [03:05:55] tobit0aster_: this stream makes me want to come out lol [03:05:56] Azure_harlequin: finn are you a fellow girlboy? [03:05:56] Pillooow: its ok dont say anything just cry [03:05:57] xluthors: F1n pergante? [03:05:57] XeroRecon_01: Aboyrtion [03:05:58] Amoyamoyamoya: OMG IT'S REAL [03:05:58] androidwall4680: F1nn is boipregnant?!? Are you going to get a boibortion [03:05:58] luckylibrarian: i are pregante [03:05:58] insecureTrannzz: YOU DESERVE THEM ALL [03:05:58] forestpeople1: Cheer1000 im so high but honestly i am so proud of you and the person youve grown into, im so glad youve found your community and you will experience so much queer joy from this, love you sm <3 [03:05:58] SlimeBoiStudio: Is there going to be another Waifu cup thing? [03:05:58] Niles4545: TheBeastBro4545 subscribed with Prime. [03:05:59] f3mmbot: thebeastbro4545 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang thebeastbro4545 f1nnLezgang [03:05:59] M4XlMVZ: preganant? [03:06:00] DarkMage152: Fregnant [03:06:01] smudge515: I g2g now but take care Finn and chat hope to see you all next time. byyyeeee [03:06:02] ArchyNemesis: Cursed [03:06:03] spooncakes: many such cases [03:06:03] PynkFryck: BREGNANCY??? [03:06:03] capt1m: SHE/HER [03:06:03] looeesz: Pergenat? 󠀀 [03:06:04] scrimosa: congrats Finn!! I’m thinking of coming out to my family soon, thank you for the motivation! [03:06:04] howlingmonkey91: Wholesome dude [03:06:04] negativplayslive: You deserve all the praise! [03:06:04] XENOMAN5: Finally got the girly driver license? [03:06:04] DodenKing: AborShawn [03:06:06] jjfrob: Perganant [03:06:07] max_flashy: shit I’d get you pregnant if I could [03:06:07] brandtosborn: They solved femboy breading [03:06:09] twitch_fish_123: BisexualPride [03:06:09] randomperson_5: aBOYtion [03:06:09] phaser40: Do you feel like your emotions are closer to the surface now? [03:06:09] effthefear: yoooo yess!!!! you inspired me to finally get on HRT 14 months ago @f1nn5ter [03:06:11] mx_alyn: u doin a Tax Fraud? [03:06:11] darkcatzeye: Just wanna say thank you f1nn BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [03:06:11] scarlettyg: Bussy birth canal? [03:06:11] Feywild: Ashley has been saying that she was trying to get you pregnant for months now. [03:06:12] KetchupBlood: Preganante? [03:06:12] CBrowny: does this mean you can remove the quotation marks from your twitch description [03:06:13] WuppieF: aboytion? [03:06:13] memestar29000: Wat ... I left for 5 mins and come back to F1nn being PREGNANT TF! [03:06:14] slauthordraws: CONGRATS ON THE GENDER 🥳 [03:06:14] Amoyamoyamoya: BROGNANCY [03:06:16] spidunno: brobortion [03:06:17] voidtoufu: boybortion [03:06:17] viryl_lucas: when you have a degradation kink: [03:06:18] TheLegendOfLivz: a-bro-tion [03:06:19] rititcode: I'm going to be on T soon! ... but I am cis man lol. [03:06:19] alkibiadesmassacre: saame [03:06:19] yarrivin: oh no, I just realised the cup does no longer have a cis femboy on it [03:06:20] ettie19: bottom boy gets boy pregnit boybortion boy 😔😔 [03:06:21] junkawaycity: You mean an Aboytion? [03:06:21] YumeNoZen: Welll, yeah. [03:06:24] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: I feel like the HRT is basically already an a-boy-tion. Kappa [03:06:25] t0m1n4t0r: you have always been authentically you, and your bravery, courage, and openness is a blessing the world rarely sees [03:06:26] Atekka_: Did you already answer if you’re still using the name Rose or not? [03:06:27] 2dogstom: does this mean that you arent the internets best femboy anymore [03:06:28] xZ_ro: Bregegnant [03:06:29] Falqun: pr3gn4n1? 󠀀 [03:06:32] neuphoria_6: do you think maybe all those blahajs did something with your mind? [03:06:32] beaneater197: Brobortion [03:06:34] MimoJimi: hey [03:06:35] howlingmonkey91: Brogurt [03:06:35] benevolentbeaver: Bregnancy [03:06:35] c__r__j: Dono TTS is pay-to-win! nanona1Nodders [03:06:36] Crazedmonkey29: @cbrowny we where doing the Twitter description earlier [03:06:36] KriticalSmoke: boybortion at the boynocologist [03:06:37] outg0ingintr0vert: brobortion [03:06:37] MajesticFvckingEagle: BROVULATION [03:06:37] looeesz: I think 196 is leaking [03:06:38] Citruss_PUNCH: *Has stroke* [03:06:40] late8gaming: never came to Twitch but glad to see your comfortable enough to tell us yepez2Love [03:06:43] dododoey: what mouse do you have [03:06:43] Velocinator: guuFlushed [03:06:44] ChasingSol: @Atekka_ he's staying Jude/Finn [03:06:45] Xenon_Nah: olives4Prideheart f1nnBingbong [03:06:46] ArminGux: boybirth control pills [03:06:46] Augustm10: I’m so happy for you! TransgenderPride [03:06:47] tfalexis1165: pregnert [03:06:48] wolfchaldo: We lost a good femboy today 😭 [03:06:48] burr_sir: brobstetrics [03:06:49] PynkFryck: KEKW [03:06:49] bakedelephants: Sorry was at work missed start of stream how long has finn been on HRT for? [03:06:50] alkibiadesmassacre: Prefnart [03:06:50] lizthewtich: Preggers [03:06:51] Themightyfrog25: hey fin [03:06:52] neondimples: Bad boygirl [03:06:53] Vanimal2118: Funny @c__r__j [03:06:53] capt1m: GIRL VOICE!!! [03:06:54] M4XlMVZ: pregnart [03:06:55] niam6r: I love you sm [03:06:57] bfritz0815: did you visit the BrOB-gyn? [03:06:58] effthefear: my first femboy outing to the beach in a skirt was because you gave me the courage [03:06:58] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [03:07:00] bootleg_bambi: bad puppygirl [03:07:00] viryl_lucas: KEKW [03:07:00] Paul_Ski: IBF, In Bussy Fertilization [03:07:01] EFHIII: boybortion, girlbortion, abortion. [03:07:02] honeydoll8797: @Atekka_ yes, hes using finn and/or jude irl, not rose [03:07:03] Shockwavemecha: xinaHUG [03:07:03] SunIsLost: yo [03:07:04] blueskydrinking: The QRTs are not good!!!!! [03:07:04] beaneater197: Eggnant [03:07:04] HoneyBee_Darva: congrats on openly declining the HRT step. [03:07:07] BritRock314: Admit you're pregnant. You're keeping it quite Fin [03:07:10] Tareah: awww my dono messsageeee where it at [03:07:10] bearpaw1970: Ashley' 😁👍 [03:07:11] KaktusKakadu: Thank you [03:07:15] yasslina: So do you what your meet gone [03:07:16] ArtofBartlett: Does Ashley call you Finn usually? [03:07:16] lunimaine: Why does your shirt have the boxers waistband as it's neck elastic? [03:07:19] insecureTrannzz: it's official KEKW [03:07:22] ToriForReal: Cheer1000 You're family now, and as an American elder trans I will help smuggle you into the country and protect you with my life, you sweet precious baby trans [03:07:22] Eadthryth: Can I still call finn a manly man? [03:07:23] krovvy: cniGIGA [03:07:23] Atekka_: Jude is such a cute name [03:07:24] TheLegendOfLivz: gaaaaaay [03:07:25] SonicXVe: jparaHUH [03:07:25] PurpleIsConfused: So I can call this whole thing wildly gay without it being at all problematic anymore? [03:07:26] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, you should re-read AlsoAshley's Post on-stream and discuss HOW RIGHT SHE WAS [03:07:27] DireBeastRex: I love that you came out during international women's month as well ... [03:07:28] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, you should re-read AlsoAshley's Post on-stream and discuss HOW RIGHT SHE WAS [03:07:29] outg0ingintr0vert: yes go to the brOBGYn [03:07:29] YumeNoZen: I donate instead of spending money on going out to drink. Which based on the amount of alochol I have, may not be as cost saving I'd hoped. [03:07:29] liamthepro233: how do i come out my friends are transphobic [03:07:30] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, you should re-read AlsoAshley's Post on-stream and discuss HOW RIGHT SHE WAS [03:07:30] MaMoon57: I wanna go to bed but I'm so excited I cant [03:07:33] DodenKing: @bakedelephants about 9 months if i recall correctly [03:07:33] Paul_Ski: boyn't [03:07:35] viryl_lucas: KEKW [03:07:37] isarah304: literally reverse conversion therapy [03:07:38] ATValdor: lesbians from the start [03:07:39] MomochiZoey: The U-hauling should've been a clue [03:07:41] Feywild: @bakedelephants Months, pre Ashley sporadically, but recently more consistently. [03:07:43] jaakugaming: donations dissaperaed into the wind [03:07:43] xZ_ro: When you're banging the genderfluid person and they change their gender to make you gay [03:07:45] JanieOnyx: ftdyrtyr6ult you're so cute [03:07:46] sapphicflame: So happy you're happy! It's about damn time <3 [03:07:48] hiram_begley: f1nn has a lesbian bomb primed and ready [03:07:48] FailgamerMC13: @MaMoon57 FR ME TOO qwq [03:07:51] Sift11: Gender'nt [03:07:53] tevylyn: you hold too much power [03:07:53] camina_mtns: !time [03:07:53] f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:09 [03:07:56] cedarphoenix: @xz_ro YUP [03:07:57] SnabbKassa: Dogs traditionally have "a master." Does Tank have 2 mistresses? [03:07:57] lizthewtich: oh yeah Jude is very fluid I forgor [03:07:59] AeitZean: So if anyone asks if she's a lesbian, she has to say "ask my girlfriend" LUL LUL [03:08:01] LittleChaSiu: dono?????? [03:08:02] YoghurtAnimations: Latest video made me more comfortable with myself!! [03:08:04] ChasingSol: ?! [03:08:06] Cautare: monkaS [03:08:06] Rev_Fanboy: good for you F1nn. [03:08:06] liamthepro233: transgenderlove [03:08:07] purplehaze__o: jesus [03:08:07] blusau: @Amoyamoyamoya Yes, yesy, yes [03:08:07] 1WhoBeans: wtf?? [03:08:07] MaggieHeels: GN F1nn, GN online chat [03:08:09] wyndaria_: Confused, what did I miss? [03:08:09] HardyOrange: ...don't be weird in donos [03:08:10] Elifighter: uhm you ok [03:08:10] TechenSurf: monka [03:08:10] chonkthestreamer08: whoa... [03:08:14] viryl_lucas: ehat [03:08:15] Jens_LN: But F1nn5ter, she WANTS you to fuck with her ! [03:08:15] Tareah: alot of our donos went missing [03:08:15] negativplayslive: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:08:16] ScarsUnseen: what i miss? [03:08:17] vNTCv: uncomfortable dono [03:08:18] DodenKing: Wait wth [03:08:18] writhinglekku: are tehy okay? [03:08:18] Helen_Croft: goodnight @MaggieHeels [03:08:19] rexxyrobin: How Tank can tell the other pups at school that he (sometimes) has lesbian moms [03:08:19] teaandgarlic: Guess I'm not allowed to post links for voice training, but hope you have the support you need if you want to do that. [03:08:20] Havryl: No matter what remember to be kind to yourself F1nn. [03:08:20] unaffected95: You good bro? [03:08:22] now_chemical: ? [03:08:22] twitch_fish_123: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [03:08:23] ArminGux: you moved in imidietly and got a puppy before 6 months, you def lesbians [03:08:24] luckylibrarian: someone check on them, please [03:08:24] taicapre: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:08:26] camina_mtns: !uptime [03:08:26] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 3h 8m 37s [03:08:26] MajesticFvckingEagle: you good bro? [03:08:28] lizthewtich: Ummmm [03:08:28] rvarna: <3 [03:08:30] beaneater197: ? [03:08:31] HoneyBee_Darva: @wyndaria_ Finn on HRT [03:08:31] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, you should re-read AlsoAshley's Post on-stream and discuss HOW RIGHT SHE WAS [03:08:31] MajesticFvckingEagle: <3 [03:08:32] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, you should re-read AlsoAshley's Post on-stream and discuss HOW RIGHT SHE WAS [03:08:32] Velocinator: HUH [03:08:33] xZ_ro: HUH [03:08:33] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn, you should re-read AlsoAshley's Post on-stream and discuss HOW RIGHT SHE WAS [03:08:33] slybirdz: !!!! [03:08:33] blueish4: bagelrHuh [03:08:34] SnabbKassa: @teaandgarlic links are not allowed at all [03:08:34] max_flashy: lmaoo [03:08:34] axing_: LUL [03:08:35] AristotleBetta: KEKW [03:08:35] emilia_the_frog: chat is so fast noone will know im gay as fuck [03:08:35] shibuyya: hmm [03:08:35] ChasingSol: ffs dono [03:08:36] insecureTrannzz: HUH [03:08:36] Nova_Prime_69: KEKW [03:08:36] MikeWillStream: AYO [03:08:36] braddle172: My god [03:08:36] perfersserderg: KEKL [03:08:36] gwynim: KEKW [03:08:36] krovvy: LOL [03:08:37] SonicXVe: platySTARE [03:08:37] ScottishLass666: Ayooooo [03:08:37] badger_ben: wut [03:08:37] m4cintoshplus: LUL thats a different fluid [03:08:37] Avaerus0: The Fuck [03:08:38] yasslina: Are you going get boba now [03:08:38] 1WhoBeans: KEKW [03:08:38] AFlawlessHuman: HUH [03:08:38] cyphoenic_: !!! KEKW [03:08:38] PynkFryck: KEKW [03:08:38] liamthepro233: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [03:08:38] lewdbirdnoises: DAMN [03:08:39] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): Going into poverty to support streamers? lumituPog [03:08:39] EmpressCard: grosss!! [03:08:39] DireBeastRex: grann9000 grann9000 grann9000 grann9000 [03:08:40] AlhambraMMXX: bru [03:08:40] xx_bex_becca_xx: lol [03:08:40] filip_zd10: KEKW [03:08:41] Ekun: KEKW [03:08:41] ATValdor: KEKW [03:08:41] KianaVCL: 1 guy [03:08:41] chonkthestreamer08: yo we needa check on them [03:08:41] dangerousruben: LOL [03:08:41] bootleg_bambi: HSHDSHFH [03:08:41] AlmondVF: KEKW [03:08:42] krassofnod: EYO?! [03:08:42] littleturtle41: D: [03:08:42] Kingyppan: hope you’re having a good day [03:08:43] iceebuffalo: OMFG LUL what a joke [03:08:43] thehellosweetie: Kewk [03:08:43] KetchupBlood: lmao [03:08:43] our_faded_panda: Cheer100 Congrats eggs. Finally cracked. Serious question? Implants? Daddy muses deal is still available I'm sure if you ask? [03:08:43] N0_SYNC_: Amasing hahahaaaa [03:08:44] bearpaw1970: Tmi [03:08:44] ettie19: spat my cheerios out thanks dono [03:08:44] scribbz123: how fast can you switch genders. can you be like a strobe light [03:08:44] ekat2468: as a genderfluid you have the ability to make anyone gay be careful this power is incredible [03:08:45] whydisway: LMAO [03:08:45] Deadphish62: LOL [03:08:45] emily6218: KEKW [03:08:47] Lazulli0_0: KEKW [03:08:47] Twinkiephobe: KEKW [03:08:48] just_markel: AYO [03:08:48] Blakeariah01: LMAO [03:08:49] ScarsUnseen: LOL [03:08:49] cormoranoimperatore: ayo? [03:08:49] Expired_Icecube: KEKW [03:08:49] panda_kid2: holy- [03:08:50] writhinglekku: PogChamp [03:08:50] brandtosborn: NotLikeThis [03:08:50] spicyplumtree: lol [03:08:52] Alexdro28: KEKW [03:08:52] t0m1n4t0r: damn [03:08:53] alkibiadesmassacre: Dayum lol [03:08:53] ClaraRenway: KEKW [03:08:54] bensrob: True [03:08:54] splurshin: the emotional whiplash KEKW [03:08:54] ciernaruza: TRUE [03:08:54] viryl_lucas: KEKW [03:08:54] Luckyscore: so i guess now you can get boob implants [03:08:56] luckylibrarian: LMAOOOOOOO [03:08:56] mystchevious1: lol Also Ashley is highlarious. [03:08:56] PaganOrca: KEKW [03:08:56] hopalongtommy: Out here saving lives and breaking shells. Based [03:08:58] lunimaine: ○◇○ [03:08:58] MajesticFvckingEagle: …based on [03:09:02] PlatypusWithCheese: "my gender? whatever makes you gay." [03:09:02] mystchevious1: And yeah my dono got lost. [03:09:08] pkapool: XD [03:09:09] SisterRose: Big Love from Catboy Ranch/a Koof mod <3 [03:09:09] Eadthryth: 30min dono delay [03:09:11] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP Refuses to re-read AlsoAshley's post [03:09:12] Ashes_2Ashes_: I hope my dono actually went through and didn't just get lost lol [03:09:13] MajesticFvckingEagle: damn autocorrect lmao [03:09:13] AlmondVF: Lmao the dono delay is like a good 20 minutes [03:09:14] NitroBuilderGTR: @F1NN5TER Just wanted to say congratulations on coming out 🥳 [03:09:15] PynkFryck: The great british rat faced cunt [03:09:17] wyndaria_: @honeybee_darva Thought Finn already said that awhile back?? [03:09:19] ScarsUnseen: Planet England [03:09:19] PaxSlayer: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:09:21] GlenCoco39: You know what's another weird thing about transition? Going shirtless in summer or at a pool is no longer comfortable for me... [03:09:22] Vanimal2118: Give it time @mystchevious1 [03:09:22] beaneater197: Big delay [03:09:22] seymourbuttsz: @SisterRose <3 [03:09:26] emilia_the_frog: im really high and really gay [03:09:27] luckylibrarian: oh then my donation disapoofed twice then lol [03:09:29] negativplayslive: No the joke theif [03:09:31] KetchupBlood: @platypuswithcheese lmao [03:09:33] N0_SYNC_: You're valid friend <3 [03:09:34] jessicaluxuz: Can you stream 720 but in 30 fps? [03:09:34] SonicXVe: theems [03:09:37] HaileyBlossom: HaileyBlossom subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! [03:09:37] f3mmbot: haileyblossom subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:09:38] aggravatedconditions: awwwww [03:09:43] EmpressCard: Aww [03:09:47] Luckyscore: @GlenCoco39 don't remind me [03:09:47] scandibilly: c0rallShy [03:09:47] Roofcat1: Roofcat1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months, currently on a 44 month streak! 44 months, so happy for you Finn! Wish you all the best! [03:09:48] f3mmbot: roofcat1 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 44 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:09:48] bfritz0815: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [03:09:48] ArminGux: yeah you have my old joke noted for stealing somewhere [03:09:50] kittybotboop: I just joined what happened? [03:09:52] bumbles19: Awww [03:09:53] gwen7732: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [03:09:56] Tannumaru: EGG EGG E... no wait.. the joke is dead :( [03:09:57] scarlettyg: I'm not crying, you're crying <3 [03:09:58] sulakeboxi: thats so swwt [03:10:01] miss_higher: Feeling all the love in the chat is getting me in the feels <3 <3 <3 [03:10:01] dododoey: are you gonna learn the girl voice now [03:10:02] CalciumCup: cant wait for the day we finally get a progressive prime minister that fixes the NHS for everyone including our community that needs HRT [03:10:04] beaneater197: Aww [03:10:04] ladyjessica: posted on your YouTube. just wanted to come in here also to say congrats and I’m so proud of you. :) [03:10:04] YumeNoZen: F1nn, you're still a bish. <3 [03:10:07] Azure_harlequin: truth [03:10:09] BLAAAIRY: REAL SHIT [03:10:09] Shockwavemecha: spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies [03:10:11] wing4797: wing4797 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Saw you're video earlier! So happy for you! Sending you all the love [03:10:11] f3mmbot: wing4797 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [03:10:11] Crimson_Siren420: There not wrong. [03:10:12] LunaVeraVerse: more tears! [03:10:13] thetimroberts: Cry!! [03:10:13] lunimaine: Bro wrote a poem [03:10:14] FatherThyme: here it comes [03:10:14] enby_lexi: YOOOOOO [03:10:15] xero93: finn try not to cry challenge [03:10:16] bigsuave7: TransgenderPride BisexualPride [03:10:16] yasslina: So bobo when [03:10:16] jjfrob: Gender Fluid Jesus? [03:10:17] luckylibrarian: true shit!!! [03:10:18] insecureTrannzz: it's gonna happen [03:10:18] niam6r: No more egg jokes [03:10:18] I_Am_Despair: i just watched the video: congrats :3 [03:10:19] awe_rora: true [03:10:19] Spectre223: Yeah, get his ass buffpupLUL [03:10:21] ATValdor: keep it up chat [03:10:22] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER YOU ARE A LIGHTHOUSE !! KEKW [03:10:22] TheWarDoctor8: Unironically yes, they're right; goals [03:10:22] Eadthryth: We are slowly breaking him down, almost got him. [03:10:23] StateAffiliatedMedia: you wanna cry so bad [03:10:23] XENOMAN5: @kittybotboop he came out as trans and bi [03:10:24] AeitZean: Also you have a nice ass LUL [03:10:26] Y0rk5h1r3: Is F1nn the Star of Elendil? [03:10:27] outg0ingintr0vert: you’re some real bro g shiz ong [03:10:28] SunIsLost: yea [03:10:29] our_faded_panda: Cry beach cry. I have money riding on your tears [03:10:30] Okapifan: Wait dont make @F1NN5TER cry! F1nn is on hormones! Crying will happen! [03:10:31] nikama6: GOTTEM [03:10:31] TeraValia: F1nn you made me burn my pizza! [03:10:33] isarah304: hiding tears [03:10:36] judgedame: did they just call you a Pathfinder [03:10:38] spidunno: also you're just like, really pretty [03:10:39] tamerbaton099: Fin imma have to fight you bc when ever I see you I get so confused 😂 but honestly you are amazing [03:10:41] ScottishLass666: Can someone tell me what it is that is now able to be spoken about? [03:10:42] lizthewtich: preggers [03:10:43] Shockwavemecha: itspea13Cry [03:10:43] theuman666: congrats on coming out love you F1nn! [03:10:44] KianaVCL: no crying, remember your training young padawan [03:10:44] THELunarImmortal: the tears are here you can do it finn fight [03:10:45] MsCylon: Def hiding tears [03:10:47] HaniReal1: sanjatiOrt sanjatiOrt sanjatiOrt sanjatiOrt sanjatiOrt sanjatiOrt sanjatiOrt [03:10:47] babushkaudio: GENDERFLUID LEGENDDD [03:10:48] Crimson_Siren420: You've helped so many people including me. [03:10:48] brainiac30: TransgenderPride I am so happy that you are living your best life. You have been such an inspiration for me. I am glad I got to see you in stream for the first time, I've been following along for months on yt and tiktok. I have struggled to live my own truth (transfem), so you really have opened my eyes. TransgenderPride [03:10:49] braddle172: f1nnHeart [03:10:50] Avaerus0: This is literally the most wholesome stream I've ever watched [03:10:50] SonicXVe: she's a lighthouse (to the tune of brick house) [03:10:52] luckylibrarian: he's already crying oop [03:10:52] just_a_kobold: E is strong! You will cry! [03:10:53] xluthors: F1nn is now gud girl? [03:10:53] SuchKittyMuchMeow: zizSHAKE [03:10:53] m4cintoshplus: pondering moment [03:10:55] ogrem_fanclan: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:10:56] Aura_M_W: F1nn I just want to pop in and say congrats. Ive have been watching your stream for a while now (a bit after I accepted my gender). I had been worried that you may had been struggling but I a happy that you finally got the courage to be yourself. [03:10:58] jessicaluxuz: We should call you Togepi from now on! [03:10:59] Gurglefrix: <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:11:00] Jens_LN: itspea13Blahajheart itspea13Blahajheart itspea13Blahajheart itspea13Blahajheart [03:11:00] N0_SYNC_: 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 [03:11:00] JanieOnyx: <3 [03:11:00] lara_raawr: <3 [03:11:00] Y0rk5h1r3: Tears? [03:11:01] now_chemical: relatable [03:11:02] ClaraRenway: Its time to cry :3 [03:11:02] panda_kid2: here we go [03:11:02] LunaVeraVerse: almost there! [03:11:03] SnabbKassa: politicians never manage to make any jokes work. it's dumb to attempt them. [03:11:03] Hestia_allay: ctvaHeart ctvaHeart ctvaHeart you're awesome finn [03:11:03] ChasingSol: <3 [03:11:04] princess_mia03: aww [03:11:05] MajesticFvckingEagle: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:11:05] scarlettyg: OMG my dono will be such a whiplash next to these KEKW [03:11:06] princeuni: @ScottishLass666 Finn came out as genderfluid and bi [03:11:07] Tobse_heheXD: <3 [03:11:07] johnkeiwo: <3 [03:11:08] thetimroberts: <3 [03:11:08] outg0ingintr0vert: but absolutely my fav person [03:11:08] PynkFryck: gotem [03:11:08] insecureTrannzz: this is so wholesome [03:11:08] arkarant: reclaim my soul... [03:11:09] grier67: what has happened [03:11:09] NichtzNeues: its happening now [03:11:10] 2dogstom: can you get pregaeganante [03:11:11] TheAverageBoyfu: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Hey Finn, congrats on coming out. Glad to see you looking happier on your journey. Youve inspired me to continue my own journey and search for myself and my own happiness. And continue to inspire others also. Also frick you im always jealous how darn good you look. LUL [03:11:12] Frosty790: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:11:12] slimebugg: it’s fine if you cry [03:11:12] KetchupBlood: Icon for everyone in the community [03:11:13] Nova_Prime_69: <3 <3 [03:11:14] dangerousruben: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:11:14] NoveaFake: <3 [03:11:14] vengeful_trader: Let those flood gates open [03:11:14] lunimaine: I'm just expecting a roflcopter soon [03:11:16] beaneater197: F1nn will cry soon [03:11:16] muddymudkip15: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:11:17] Ekun: exemCry [03:11:18] radramdude: dont cry loser [03:11:18] May_Does_Streams: we got em bois [03:11:18] Tannumaru: F1nn made me gay and then straigth again, thanks [03:11:18] lizthewtich: Quick someone steal the tears [03:11:18] MangledPork: Keep firing the feels cannons lads, we're getting him [03:11:20] MajesticFvckingEagle: f1nnEgg f1nnHeart f1nnEgg f1nnHeart [03:11:20] EmpressCard: The vibes a so nice right now [03:11:20] phaser40: Cheer100 do your emotions feel closer to the surface now that your on hrt? [03:11:21] 1WhoBeans: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:11:21] SunIsLost: yea [03:11:21] AeitZean: What watch is that? [03:11:21] Raddog315: Quick, pick on F1nn before he tears up [03:11:21] slybirdz: <3 [03:11:22] distractedcreative: Allow yourself to take in this moment! You deserve it F1nn [03:11:22] alkibiadesmassacre: AAAnds hes gonna cry [03:11:22] blueskydrinking: It's happening! [03:11:22] niam6r: Cry bby [03:11:23] iamkneetickler: it’s so gonna happen [03:11:24] Ignemia: PrideLove [03:11:25] Helen_Croft: crying stream now? [03:11:26] Feywild: Ima go to sleep it's late. Congratulations again on finally coming out! TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [03:11:26] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: It's already happening. [03:11:26] dododoey: it’s ok to cry [03:11:28] t0m1n4t0r: omg she’s crying [03:11:28] McStrugs: it's not gonna happen Kappa [03:11:29] ScottishLass666: @princeuni thanks :3 [03:11:30] Y0rk5h1r3: The dam's about to break [03:11:31] LunaTheWitch__: fullyLove TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [03:11:31] Esper89: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:11:32] KiraDreamchaser: It's totally fine to CRY, you're not a man, there are no rules!! Full emotions unlocked!! [03:11:32] Jens_LN: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:11:32] Merobiba_: f1nnHeart [03:11:32] forestpeople1: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 also high transngirl here but you helped me so much in very dark times and i will always appreciate you and love you for that [03:11:33] HardyOrange: transphobia: making the genderfluid streamer cry on stream [03:11:33] packagum: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:11:33] statesidelemur9: awwww f1nnSad [03:11:34] imperialgold01: We trying so hard to open those ducts [03:11:34] rajama22: Hang in there [03:11:35] N0_SYNC_: Thank you F1NN!!!!!!! [03:11:35] liamthepro233: finn how do I come out as trans all my friends are transphobic. [03:11:35] negativplayslive: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:11:36] bruh_wt_f: <3 <3 <3 [03:11:36] sefidin_xh: Bestie let it out! [03:11:37] LunaVeraVerse: Eyes are watery lol [03:11:38] ettie19: HRT = HUGE RINNSTER TEARS [03:11:38] thetuaschtee: <3 [03:11:38] ffionbee: you look happy finn [03:11:38] FatherThyme: yet [03:11:39] GamerZET: VirtualHug [03:11:41] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): Are too [03:11:42] Mr_Fluffy97: I love you Finn but it wouldn't be a historical stream like this if you don't cry, let it out mate [03:11:43] Kalia_NA: yeah but you're gonna cry :P [03:11:43] Pizzapuntz: <3 [03:11:43] theunknownclassic: You are allowed to cry [03:11:44] Thescrubs_: We are getting closer to the crying [03:11:44] scarlettyg: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:11:44] babushkaudio: what pronouns would you like to use? [03:11:44] xXNeroZashiXx: FallCry [03:11:45] ArchyNemesis: You're gonna jinx it [03:11:45] ladyjessica: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:11:46] betbet278: <3 [03:11:47] judgedame: finn if start crying so will I [03:11:48] johnkeiwo: U gonna cry ? U gonna piss ur pants ? [03:11:49] eggsyndrome: <3 <3 <3 [03:11:50] PynkFryck: close, try harder chat LUL [03:11:50] xtxt132: I'm a man [03:11:50] Huschke: just let em flow [03:11:51] simba_ironside: Oh my heart [03:11:51] isarah304: u are allowed to cry [03:11:51] MatchaRib: its just watery mascara Kappa [03:11:51] bfritz0815: im not crying! you are! [03:11:52] Okapifan: *gives hug okapifLove * [03:11:52] nolainin3some: fold fold fold cry cry cry cry [03:11:54] GlenCoco39: Hey genderfluid women cry and it's actually cool, y'know [03:11:54] MajesticFvckingEagle: Just realized I can spam the egg emote guilt free now [03:11:56] Citruss_PUNCH: cohhGV cohhGV cohhGV [03:11:56] solen_shiner: TransgenderPride LesbianPride [03:11:56] LogicalOdditys: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:11:59] 6666969: defo criying [03:11:59] ekat2468: if there's any stream to cry it's this one [03:11:59] rainfallwall: awwww, those girly eyes are getting wet [03:11:59] outg0ingintr0vert: we love you finn [03:11:59] TheWampaLuke: F1nn we'll always be here [03:11:59] MajesticFvckingEagle: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [03:11:59] taelion: i saw you cry an hour ago. [03:12:00] Spech69: u get 1 crying pass [03:12:01] princess_mia03: it’s ok to cwy [03:12:01] junomoons: awhh f1nn this is amazing i'm so proud of you!! thanks for all youve done to create such a lovely and caring community here, good luck on the next steps of your journey!! [03:12:01] alexx_net: @babushkaudio he/him (for now) [03:12:03] DenkiUomo: Cry ! you need it [03:12:04] straightjacket_kickboxer: It's so nice to see that you've created such a happy safe space here <3 [03:12:04] itsnatalie_59: It's okay if you do, proud of you sweetie. <3 [03:12:04] Psiclow2: Psiclow2 subscribed with Prime. [03:12:05] f3mmbot: psiclow2 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang psiclow2 f1nnLezgang [03:12:05] wyndaria_: So Finn is she/her now? [03:12:07] Jens_LN: You are a lighthouse F1nn5ter [03:12:08] LunaVeraVerse: Its GOOD to let it happen!!! Part of the freedom [03:12:09] distractedcreative: @johnkeiwo 😂😂😂 [03:12:10] enby_trash_char: enby_trash_char subscribed at Tier 1. [03:12:11] f3mmbot: enby_trash_char subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang enby_trash_char f1nnLezgang [03:12:11] Welshjemz: we cry with you, don't worry DinoDance [03:12:12] 7071_haoN: <3 [03:12:12] Mr_Fluffy97: f1nnHands f1nnHands [03:12:13] pandadorable_: Now your not a cis man anymore your allow to cry ^^ [03:12:13] ClaraRenway: @wyndaria_ not yet [03:12:16] babushkaudio: @alexx_net thank you!! [03:12:17] KiraDreamchaser: Crying is actually poggers tho [03:12:22] ivegottheconch: congrats f1nn :D [03:12:23] bootleg_bambi: @wyndaria_ still he/him, hes figuring it out <3 [03:12:23] Eadthryth: The finn pondering stream [03:12:26] GlenCoco39: I talk so much to avoid feeling uncomfortable or like crying [03:12:26] Citruss_PUNCH: @wyndaria_ no still he/him pronowns rn [03:12:26] AristotleBetta: @F1NN5TER you know you're allowed to cry... but if you don't, you better go have a good happy cry right after stream <3 [03:12:28] DualityUK: thank you for cracking my egg, i've been watching since factions days, and finding u again during covid helped me break down my gender biases, and i should be starting HRT soon now [03:12:28] sefidin_xh: @pandadorable_ LMAO TRUE THO [03:12:29] MaxVershhhtappen: u gonna cry ? 🥹🥰🌈💙💜🤍💜💙 [03:12:32] Azure_harlequin: finn is still he/ him pref. any pronouns [03:12:35] SnabbKassa: Let MEEEE entertain youu [03:12:35] N0_SYNC_: Be you! [03:12:37] johnkeiwo: and then u see a girl in the mirror [03:12:37] sk8tanicsatan: sometimes I wish I could do a backflip because if I could do a backflip I would stop every conversation to do a backing [03:12:38] the_howloo: GenderFluidPride [03:12:40] hazadooza: You're the best , AROUND!! [03:12:40] Jens_LN: it IS a person [03:12:41] upface: just heard the news! congrats f1nn 💕 [03:12:43] imgpw: more like an enterGAYner now Kappa [03:12:43] liamthepro233: finn how should I come out? most of my friends are transphobic [03:12:44] distractedcreative: Don't worry if you're not crying - we are [03:12:45] ScottishLass666: Will you have a pronoun pin or something so we know what pronouns to use if ur genderfluid? [03:12:45] BLAAAIRY: sorry I got excited [03:12:46] ArminGux: you not playing the charather anymore? [03:12:47] bruh_wt_f: <3 [03:12:47] Vanimal2118: Human? [03:12:48] Elifighter: cry [03:12:48] LunaVeraVerse: Fire more shots! [03:12:49] krovvy: BibleThump [03:12:49] Raddog315: @wyndaria_ He still prefers he/him, but will accept all pronouns [03:12:49] ettie19: $3 Hi finn you helped egg my crack thank you for saving my bussy ass [03:12:51] TheMogShop: its crazy how fast your wikipedias were updated!! [03:12:51] iamkneetickler: this is so cute guys I’m gonna cry even if Finn doesn’t 🥹 [03:12:52] Sabrina_the_BiTrans_Girl: :3 [03:12:55] purplehaze__o: i mean were real [03:12:56] Avaerus0: Oh you're so cute [03:12:56] writhinglekku: VirtualHug [03:12:57] Pillooow: As opposed to half a feeling [03:12:57] Psiclow2: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [03:13:01] CalciumCup: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:13:04] qlily_663: Do you ever think of all of the people you've saved with your streams [03:13:05] lizthewtich: You have helped sooooooooooooooooooooo many people [03:13:05] Eserah: Proud of you TransgenderPride [03:13:05] MrsPandamber: shes an emotional boi [03:13:06] twitch_fish_123: BisexualPride [03:13:06] terratopian_: Could Ashley come give you a hug? [03:13:10] OperatorEmma: trasht3Huh [03:13:10] AristotleBetta: KEKW [03:13:11] andyinnie: ???? [03:13:11] CakeyLive: KEKW [03:13:11] KetchupBlood: haha [03:13:11] our_faded_panda: Bottom [03:13:11] Nilinn31: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:13:12] AphiaDeMieux: LOL [03:13:14] QuietBard98: BisexualPride [03:13:15] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [03:13:15] ClaraRenway: Real KEKW [03:13:15] Plumel_1909: <3 [03:13:15] liamthepro233: how should i come out finn [03:13:15] aleksyqueen: wait did Finn just came out as trans? [03:13:15] ArchyNemesis: We're real? I thought we were all part of the simulation [03:13:16] lilecfangs: estrogen really does make it easier to cry tho it's crazy lol [03:13:16] pancakeTransitions: Based [03:13:16] KDFoxey: Bottom [03:13:17] johnkeiwo: that's cope KEKW [03:13:17] Gurglefrix: Pog [03:13:18] betbet278: you’re such a sweet soul, really! [03:13:18] Thremtie: womansplain quantum physics in mc? [03:13:18] thetimroberts: KEKW [03:13:18] cerysnomi: bottom [03:13:19] dragonc4t: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:13:19] LunaVeraVerse: No to funny for the moment LOL [03:13:19] kristinhateslife: bottom [03:13:20] lunimaine: Lie [03:13:20] krovvy: omg [03:13:20] xLumieI: Bottom ofc [03:13:20] cal_uhm: i missed the first 3 hours. can you recap all the new jokes you can make please? [03:13:20] camarada_emy: Yeaaaaaah [03:13:21] ZerschnetzIer: bottom he admitted before [03:13:21] filip_zd10: i think we know that one already [03:13:21] xZ_ro: Ayy you're just like me [03:13:21] PynkFryck: suuureee [03:13:21] ElectricSkwee: LUL [03:13:21] Falqun: cant make up the mind, as alwayse [03:13:22] Mrsfortun3: @liamthepro233 those are def not if your friends are like that [03:13:22] erockyoutoo: Are you going to remove the quote marks from “woman” in your twitch bio now? [03:13:23] JanieOnyx: lololololol [03:13:23] Tannumaru: thats what a bottom would say [03:13:23] Luckyscore: yeah blame it on the estrogen [03:13:23] twistedragnar_: Bottom [03:13:23] SnabbKassa: sapiosexual -- likes all (h*m*) sapiens [03:13:24] Eadthryth: Nintendo switch? [03:13:24] luckylibrarian: Cheer500 Just wanted to say being called 'fellas' gives me gender euphoria, so thanks for that lmao. You can help us all by just being you, in big and small ways. [03:13:25] ScottishLass666: All bottoms say switch lmao [03:13:25] johnpnicholls1122: 🥲🤗🤗🤗x [03:13:25] rainfallwall: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [03:13:26] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [03:13:26] vektasaurus: LOL [03:13:26] ohsveni: W [03:13:26] t0m1n4t0r: When I finally make it to the UK to watch the football I will tell you to your face how much you’ve helped me [03:13:27] alexg6464: ezeggHeart ezeggHeart ezeggHeart [03:13:27] sefidin_xh: ASHLEY COME AND HUG FINN [03:13:27] unaffected95: Bottommmm [03:13:27] Sabrina_the_BiTrans_Girl: BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [03:13:28] bfritz0815: crying is good. i recently cried at the end of Nimona f1nnPet GayPride [03:13:28] Ayton666: Finn is going trough all the stages of greave trying not to cry [03:13:28] PaxSlayer: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [03:13:30] viryl_lucas: I started 5 days after the 2023 New Year's Stream [03:13:30] Muffin01: gonna head out byeeeee, luv yall TransgenderPride [03:13:32] davidiusfarrenius: Do you need some quick insults to stop you crying? 😄 [03:13:33] kiyanis_maitai: kiyaniLove kiyaniLove [03:13:33] Pillooow: Damn it dono! We were getting to him [03:13:36] phaser40: When is that revel? [03:13:36] KianaVCL: 1 more day [03:13:37] RaukkM: Are you so much a bottom that you'll top if they ask? [03:13:38] Kip_Kart: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:13:38] lewdbirdnoises: You're not fooling anyone buster, we were right about the gender, we're right about you being a bottom [03:13:40] slybirdz: what's your wpm? [03:13:40] Hamcheesesan: This b*** really can't decide on anything lmao < 3 [03:13:43] IntroducingAutumn: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride Hell yeah! Proud of you fellow 'fluid! [03:13:43] OperatorEmma: I think most people are probably switches. Honestly switches have more fun lucysSip [03:13:44] feloni_5x5: First cry as a girly girl? Let it go, bruh [03:13:45] Raddog315: genderfluid bi switch... bro is in full chaos mode [03:13:49] oceaniccomet: This is such a big stream my dog is watching it with me. [03:13:49] liamthepro233: finn how should i come out [03:13:50] gwynim: @Hamcheesesan frfr KEKW [03:13:51] EmpressCard: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:13:52] 1mitzi9: you’ll never beat the bottom allegations lol [03:13:53] Jens_LN: voice cracking [03:13:53] ArminGux: bottom fluid [03:13:55] J_Roles: hasL hasL hasL hasL hasL [03:13:55] strawb3ry_cow: F1NN5TER is peak entertainer of the LGBTQ+ community!! welcome to the community [03:13:57] alexx_net: I remember when F1nn believed "Switch doesn't exist" f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeart [03:13:59] itscr1sp1: most masculine brattish person [03:13:59] KiraDreamchaser: Seriously tho, don't hold back the tears if they come, crying is the best. [03:14:03] Yilue: Congrats!! I've had to wait to restart E since dec 2022 after having seizures so I'm kinda jealous right now grrr Nhs sucks >:( [03:14:06] Pillooow: Did he want to know if you're a bottom or top? [03:14:09] jimtag_: Cheer145 it didn’t read out my last. but I would 100% help with a charity. congrats Finn [03:14:11] isarah304: for the 2 straight women who watch you you just did a reverse conversion therapy [03:14:11] SnabbKassa: @OperatorEmma but society requires men to be doms. [03:14:12] DZeromarksman: DZeromarksman subscribed with Prime. [03:14:12] ScottishLass666: elseeFluid elseeFluid elseeFluid elseeFluid elseeFluid elseeFluid elseeFluid elseeBi elseeBi elseeBi elseeBi elseeBi elseeBi elseeBi elseeBi [03:14:12] f3mmbot: dzeromarksman subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang dzeromarksman f1nnLezgang [03:14:12] outg0ingintr0vert: Cheer100 Finn you have given me so much happiness in my life I love you for all I know and all I don’t. also I messaged you in reddit [03:14:12] ObsidiousBlade: did Finn come out to her family? I know how nerve racking that can be. whipLove [03:14:13] twistedragnar_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:14:15] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: yoooo Belle? [03:14:16] peavey443: congrats F1nn! [03:14:19] elizabethpearlxo: vicksyPride vicksyPride vicksyPride [03:14:20] serenity226: just got here congrats F1nn! [03:14:25] KetchupBlood: why tf would anyone highlight transphobic chat message is beyond me [03:14:25] mystchevious1: You really don't realize how much weight your words carry. [03:14:26] twitch_fish_123: necrom70Hearts necrom70Hearts necrom70Beelove [03:14:26] LunaVeraVerse: Oh there is still a loooot to come lol [03:14:27] ogrem_fanclan: aww, John [03:14:27] reinflink: No label is the only way I ever made peace with what sexualty I am. You killing it Fin. Humble like Sam sulek [03:14:28] benevolentbeaver: @ArminGux isnt that just bussy juice ^^ [03:14:30] Fireflower38: congrats ❤️❤️ [03:14:31] hopalongtommy: Was he wanting his F1nn5ter Minecraft account back? LUL [03:14:32] wyndaria_: I’m confused then. Not trans then? So is he transitioning to a she? [03:14:32] lacycherries: Pride100 Pride100 Pride100 Hey - as a trans chika myself, cheers to coming out; always had gender envy of you - lucky badass and your looks! [03:14:33] N0_SYNC_: Best gremlin [03:14:34] johnkeiwo: Still a whore [03:14:34] turti_86: Hi Finn, happy to be here after your latest Video. I'm also on my way to 'figure myself out'. Greetings from Zeniv's community :3 zenivWelle zenivWelle zenivWelle [03:14:34] unknownlegion20002: how much longer is stream gonna last? [03:14:35] Vanimal2118: U have been spiking for years! [03:14:35] GirlWithoutAFairy_YT: Love how you called out Blaire White. That made me laugh [03:14:36] hazadooza: Girl voice practice? [03:14:36] krovvy: KEKW [03:14:40] kozikoziko: LOL [03:14:42] neuphoria_6: bisexual genderfluid switch the ultimate neutral [03:14:48] theyggdrasilarchives: yeah, ik for me i am Just Some Guy (gender neutral) at this point [03:14:49] mrjoshdeakin: What effects you most excited to see on hrt soon? [03:14:49] Stev_27: so you’re telling me you can be on hrt while gender fluid this very big news to me wtf how did i not know this until nowwwww [03:14:56] cyphoenic_: you could? [03:14:57] woolengift: As someone who's egg has fianlly cracked recently, you've been a long timer for my gender envy [03:14:59] titusrodriguez: He finally beat the cis allegations [03:15:02] itscr1sp1: voooice training? :) [03:15:04] bootleg_bambi: There are thousands of humans here. like actual real people. who look up to you, who were inspired by you, and who are very happy for you PrideLove [03:15:08] YoghurtAnimations: Need to go byee GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [03:15:09] spidunno: [03:15:13] zombiii: let this be a happy stream. the sad can wait [03:15:27] GlenCoco39: I miss going shirtless in the summer/at pools now. [03:15:28] addercap: addercap subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! only one more month before the baby comes :D [03:15:28] f3mmbot: addercap subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [03:15:28] lizthewtich: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:15:28] KetchupBlood: Cracked eggs and made omelette [03:15:30] YumeNoZen: Cutting off only happens for some trans girls. [03:15:31] ettie19: pegg my crack [03:15:33] Alta93: Did you change your twitter bio ? [03:15:35] bananasandwich6969: because your dono tts length and character limit are different lol [03:15:37] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Cmdr_Sam_Vimes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! It's so great to see you happy. It's such an incredible difference and you completely deserve this happiness. I was terrified when I came out but it's amazing how much better things got. Dive deep into the joy and freedom to talk about it, you deserve it all. [03:15:37] f3mmbot: cmdr_sam_vimes subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:15:37] LunaVeraVerse: Its a happy sad [03:15:39] RatboyJon: Just double the alert length [03:15:42] Eadthryth: A core memory? [03:15:43] twitch_fish_123: burnie2Lovely burnie2Love [03:15:44] bootleg_bambi: @YumeNoZen its the softwares transphobia for shur [03:15:48] N0_SYNC_: Lmaoooo [03:15:48] redpandalover23: redpandalover23 subscribed at Tier 1. [03:15:49] PynkFryck: HOLY SHIT I REMEMBER THAT [03:15:49] f3mmbot: redpandalover23 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang redpandalover23 f1nnLezgang [03:15:49] yungvault: @Stev_27 yea plenty of nb people are on hrt [03:15:51] unoriginaljoke40k: COMING OUT POG [03:15:55] alkibiadesmassacre: It was sO loud [03:15:55] Vanimal2118: @yumenozen ? WTF? [03:16:00] DiamondArcher3: Hewwo fimter! congrats on escaping the eggshell! you helped me crack my egg too! [03:16:01] memestar29000: Core memory unocked [03:16:01] cyndy_quil: cyndy_quil subscribed with Prime. [03:16:02] f3mmbot: cyndy_quil subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang cyndy_quil f1nnLezgang [03:16:08] Bytebak: About the only debuffs we don't share are being Bri'ish and from Birmingham. Thanks for the representation. [03:16:08] isarah304: it would have been rlly funny if u came out on the mc channel instead [03:16:10] TheAverageBoyfu: was my message to long for tts? or did i just not see it go off? [03:16:15] YumeNoZen: @Vanimal2118 Supposed to take the outtie and make it an innie. But... heh [03:16:20] pierbi: finnster u should come out as really cool [03:16:22] MikeWillStream: your old mc videos were honestly amazing [03:16:26] nitzkit8: !donate [03:16:26] f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. [03:16:28] DodenKing: Just read Cloudy's most recent tweet lmao [03:16:29] Twinborne: welcome to thinking ALL your pre-hrt activities are cringe btw [03:16:30] KianaVCL: crange incoming? [03:16:33] zombina15: zombina15 subscribed with Prime. [03:16:33] f3mmbot: zombina15 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang zombina15 f1nnLezgang [03:16:33] AristotleBetta: KEKW 󠀀 [03:16:34] Stev_27: @yungvault I gotta talk to a doctor asap [03:16:34] viryl_lucas: KEKW [03:16:35] PynkFryck: @pierbi o/ [03:16:38] Tareah: yay [03:16:40] FatherThyme: and instead of king or queen, it's not monarch [03:16:40] YukiSoraSaki: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR [03:16:40] blueskydrinking: @pierbi that's never gonna happen KEKW [03:16:42] jamtapot: @F1NN5TER so you've come out as genderfluid and bi, but more importantly - have you come out as a bottom? [03:16:44] pierbi: finn do u have gender fluids [03:16:46] LilysRest: wait so whats happening [03:16:48] memestar29000: Hi peribi [03:16:50] Stovamor: @TheAverageBoyfu, there are min prices tog et read out. also, if you include rude words, it'll not read them out [03:16:53] Talglazomilk: do you know the unknown from the willy wonka show in glasgow [03:16:56] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): Totally you [03:16:58] filip_zd10: KEKW [03:16:59] drunkshinx: @LilysRest check pinned message [03:17:00] MAELSTRONOMER: EPIC [03:17:01] PynkFryck: great title LUL [03:17:02] SonicXVe: AUSCHWITZ??????? [03:17:03] ClaraRenway: @pierbi he has all the gender fluids [03:17:04] viryl_lucas: HAHAHAHAHA [03:17:04] krovvy: How old is this lol [03:17:06] SunIsLost: nice [03:17:07] CakeyLive: WHAT A NAME KEKW [03:17:08] pierbi: LMAO [03:17:09] RoyalRoseo: huh [03:17:10] MikeWillStream: KEKW [03:17:10] ScrubFiend: YEAH LET'S GOOOOO [03:17:11] Raddog315: lol [03:17:11] scarlettyg: KEKW [03:17:12] AristotleBetta: LUL [03:17:13] AphiaDeMieux: oh [03:17:13] braddle172: KEKW [03:17:14] FlowersOfLight: i think it's cool [03:17:14] brickmage554: LUL LUL [03:17:14] insecureTrannzz: KEKW [03:17:14] pierbi: finn look up ultimatewiiplayer9 [03:17:14] AFlawlessHuman: dark origins [03:17:14] TheGiantOpal: AHAHAHAHA [03:17:15] N0_SYNC_: Buahahaaa [03:17:15] EmpressCard: My goodness [03:17:17] juneguild: Legit [03:17:17] badger_ben: KEKW [03:17:18] walma69420: LUL LUL LUL [03:17:18] twitch_fish_123: GayPride [03:17:18] luckylibrarian: NOOO THATS ALL SO CRINGE LUL [03:17:19] AwareTortoise05: KEKW [03:17:19] LunaVeraVerse: High budget [03:17:20] KHaylock: So… bottom surgery… is this’s possible part of your future or are you ruling it out the same way you ruled out being trans? :-) [03:17:20] 1WhoBeans: LMAO [03:17:21] SheCuteAF: hi finn [03:17:21] remain_unseen: KEKW [03:17:21] skyblues06: ... [03:17:21] lizthewtich: YES KEKW [03:17:21] MiskatonicRich: why would you show us that [03:17:22] ATValdor: we were all teenagers once [03:17:22] KiraDreamchaser: You don't have to pretend to not like being called pretty/cute anymore. [03:17:22] isarah304: its praxis tho [03:17:22] Mario11041: KEKW 󠀀 [03:17:23] arkarant: (tommy tallerico voice) her mom is very proud [03:17:23] SpookiestSalad: ... [03:17:23] cyphoenic_: Its fun :p [03:17:24] KnightNave: CRINGE [03:17:24] flymetopluto06: yk It was going so well [03:17:24] buffyswagg: journey from cringe mc yter to beautiful queer [03:17:24] xLumieI: Cringe LUL [03:17:25] StaticAkrasia: Radical [03:17:26] johnkeiwo: I think i'm becoming finnphobic [03:17:26] bootleg_bambi: i think its Bullying Time [03:17:26] DodenKing: You know this makes sense [03:17:26] Fuzzyee: Omfg, back when the non auto like 180 stackers 1 shots were a thing, replacing those cobwebs sucked [03:17:26] trynabequan: You were so cool [03:17:26] yungvault: @Stev_27 good luck! if you have informed consent where you live it should be easy [03:17:27] judgedame: play more finn [03:17:27] KianaVCL: dayum [03:17:28] MissDeeSnuts: What a journey szwiorPor [03:17:28] ArminGux: did you also do nightcore kekw [03:17:29] ArchyNemesis: We all had our cringe period growing up [03:17:29] PynkFryck: I have seen most of those videos :) [03:17:29] neuphoria_6: you say you are genderfluid but i say your gender is solid ^^ [03:17:29] filip_zd10: WW play thw whole thing [03:17:30] AeitZean: Dubstep is fine 🤷‍♀️ [03:17:31] MrsPandamber: oh the good ol days of minecraft youtube [03:17:31] Psiclow2: f1nnTank [03:17:31] MAELSTRONOMER: unironically fire [03:17:33] montramoth: Lol whomever read my Twitter perma bad has a permanent imprint, I'm so free now! I can't even talk about geo politics in my favorite server copyThis StinkyCheese GlitchCat jynxziFAT [03:17:33] thePurplMurpl: "i was going to make a fucking FARM here... AND YOU BUILT AUSCHWITZ?!?!" [03:17:34] scribbz123: realest shit [03:17:34] Theinnocentbuda: its ok [03:17:35] jessicaluxuz: Punching nasss ever sinse he was an egg [03:17:35] blueskydrinking: the signs were all there fellas [03:17:35] Yilue: It used to be cool :) [03:17:36] just_markel: that's cringe but at least it's well edited [03:17:38] drsandwich02: drsandwich02 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! [03:17:38] f3mmbot: drsandwich02 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:17:42] kuyo_the_brat_bat: has fin cryed from pure support yet? [03:17:44] beaneater197: Play the whole thing [03:17:44] pierbi: enjoy [03:17:48] pierbi: it is me [03:17:49] betbet278: you have beautiful skin! [03:17:51] TheAverageBoyfu: @Stovamor oh. i dont think wrote anything bad and it was like 700 bits [03:17:53] Chloeeee: are we gonna cringe pierbi [03:17:54] Mina_the_Engineer: we were all cringe at some point, and those who aren't still are cringe [03:17:56] sleepyneko98: @kuyo_the_brat_bat maybe [03:17:59] THELunarImmortal: Cheer1500 it's thanks to you that i felt ok with wearing girl clothes and it's thanks to ashley for opening my eyes and making me realize im more comfortable as a girl than i am a guy and both of you together helped me feel comfortable with coming out as a trans person to my family [03:17:59] pierbi: HAHAHAA [03:18:01] filip_zd10: KEKW [03:18:03] alexx_net: @kuyo_the_brat_bat Got close a few times, but not yet [03:18:03] krovvy: 14 subscribers [03:18:04] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): kohPog [03:18:07] pierbi: OH GOD [03:18:07] johnkeiwo: OOOOHHHH [03:18:08] ChasingSol: hahahaha [03:18:11] Inkyon_: OH MY [03:18:12] benevolentbeaver: @kuyo_the_brat_bat He actively fights it hrrrrmmmpfff [03:18:12] Ique32: KEKW [03:18:12] braddle172: LUL [03:18:12] AFlawlessHuman: nah no shot [03:18:13] viryl_lucas: 💀 [03:18:13] halt132: KEKW [03:18:13] KetchupBlood: banger content [03:18:13] slybirdz: damn [03:18:14] PynkFryck: KEKW [03:18:14] johnkeiwo: Oh the good ol days !!! [03:18:15] ScottishLass666: Oh my days [03:18:15] Kalia_NA: how old is this vid [03:18:15] MikeWillStream: we're getting the pierbi lore [03:18:15] bootleg_bambi: HAHAHAHA BABY [03:18:16] bigsuave7: W [03:18:16] johnkeiwo: OOOF [03:18:16] isarah304: wait what [03:18:18] TheLegendOfLivz: A BABY [03:18:18] Avaerus0: That's actually funny [03:18:19] oceaniccomet: This stream is so important that my dog is watching it with me. [03:18:19] axing_: pierbi jesus [03:18:20] splurshin: peak YouTube content ngl KEKW [03:18:22] cyphoenic_: :O [03:18:23] saturnb220: THATS PIERBI [03:18:23] zachydaiquiri: Lmao [03:18:24] AlhambraMMXX: no shot KEKW [03:18:24] sartanxar: sartanxar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months! Over 3 years supporting this Bimbo/himbo [03:18:24] f3mmbot: sartanxar subscribed to f1nn5ter for 39 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:18:25] Gurglefrix: Hahah actual toddler voice [03:18:26] DodenKing: That's so based [03:18:26] MissDeeSnuts: Bebe szwiorPog [03:18:26] lizthewtich: OMG [03:18:26] Chloeeee: aoifeDead 󠀀 [03:18:28] ffionbee: oooooof lmao [03:18:28] thetimroberts: JESUS [03:18:28] johnkeiwo: The CIA could not make me admit it ! [03:18:29] johnkeiwo: The CIA could not make me admit it ! [03:18:29] AeitZean: Aww baby Pierbi f1nnHeart [03:18:30] dutch_gecko: LUL [03:18:30] vengeful_trader: OMG [03:18:30] ettie19: wow youve really improved your fem voice! [03:18:31] fullhdlp: how many years ago [03:18:31] zombina15: Hey I always saw how you gave people gender envy and i was always surpised to see you and I saw on a subreddit that you came out so, congrats on coming out :D [03:18:31] Spectre223: Holy shit what a foetus! Did you upload this directly from the womb or what?? LUL [03:18:32] bozo_cat: KEKW [03:18:32] Stovamor: Baby @pierbi ! [03:18:32] TwinbeeMk2: lil Pierbi! [03:18:32] filip_zd10: pro gameplay though [03:18:32] Raddog315: lmao [03:18:32] SonicXVe: HUH [03:18:33] blueskydrinking: Oh. My. God. [03:18:33] Hestia_allay: such a based girl pierbi [03:18:33] MrsPandamber: the shitty camera pointing at the TV is so real [03:18:33] insecureTrannzz: KEKW [03:18:33] DRAWZA: brave for letting 7k people see it [03:18:34] AristotleBetta: KEKW [03:18:34] K0beBeef: this is so amazing [03:18:34] pierbi: theres so much worse stuff hidden away [03:18:35] TheStevusChrist: so you wanna be girl or gender neutral? if you know [03:18:35] Merobiba_: oof [03:18:35] Friend_of_Sappho: pierbi baby [03:18:35] AlmondVF: KEKW [03:18:35] semicircles: KEKW [03:18:36] KaminoIDK: LUL 󠀀 [03:18:36] Shockwavemecha: Baby Tom [03:18:37] kuyo_the_brat_bat: @alexx_net gotta suPORT EVEN HARDERRR [03:18:37] OperatorEmma: Is that child pierbi?? trasht3Eyes [03:18:38] WuppieF: lmao oldschool [03:18:38] Sky14r_: RUDE [03:18:38] PynkFryck: what KEKW [03:18:39] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): That was mean [03:18:41] ClaraRenway: baby pierbi aaaaaaaa [03:18:41] outg0ingintr0vert: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Finn you are amazing I love you for what I know and what I don’t you are amazing also I dmd the reddit [03:18:41] judgedame: they do [03:18:42] ciernaruza: greatest zombies of all time btw [03:18:43] PaganOrca: KEKW [03:18:43] LunaVeraVerse: quite easy [03:18:43] ArminGux: kekw [03:18:43] Knikian: KEKW [03:18:44] iamkneetickler: WHOW [03:18:44] lethalchimken: what an insult [03:18:44] beaneater197: Oof [03:18:46] unaffected95: Her little voice is so cute [03:18:46] Mina_the_Engineer: is.. is that video recording of the screen? because if it is that is glorious and I love it [03:18:46] betbet278: lol [03:18:47] bootleg_bambi: LMAOOOO [03:18:47] MaMoon57: Mines slendermike57, I was 10 and they're in spanish [03:18:49] SunIsLost: lol [03:18:50] pierbi: it is 11 year old pre puberty me [03:18:50] jessicaluxuz: GAYMER [03:18:51] luckylibrarian: why'd you have to drag them like that lol [03:18:52] BrunoBeslag: eeeeeeeeeeeeee [03:18:53] DiamondArcher3: gigachad pierbi exposing herself to 7k people [03:18:53] tazzzy18: does this mean ur gonna play tf2 again [03:18:55] benevolentbeaver: average COD playyerbase [03:18:55] hugocantplay: so this means women watches from now on? can I have the santos? [03:18:56] johnkeiwo: LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOO [03:18:56] Vanimal2118: Poor @pierbi [03:18:57] Sabrina_the_BiTrans_Girl: X3 [03:19:00] thetuaschtee: KEKW [03:19:01] vengeful_trader: lol [03:19:07] johnkeiwo: @PynkFryck, letsgo ! [03:19:07] PynkFryck: all good LUL [03:19:16] krovvy: pog [03:19:16] xZ_ro: Still terrified of coming out to my parents/family [03:19:16] Shockwavemecha: free [03:19:16] arkarant: wild [03:19:20] afal: Egg [03:19:21] pierbi: wait should i go twitchcon too ive been debating it!! [03:19:24] deepinfrozen: Wheres ahsley [03:19:28] Rev_Fanboy: You make life better for my trans son. [03:19:28] pierbi: i am pondering .. x [03:19:29] KaydeBastion: I like how the voice said your name. [03:19:32] ScottishLass666: Anyone wanna fly me out to the Netherlands for twitch con lmao [03:19:32] Stovamor: @deepinfrozen, in bed [03:19:33] varmac86: varmac86 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Been following for 8 months today, watching you be yourself really helps me be comfortable with myself. Also, did you dad get his car? [03:19:33] f3mmbot: varmac86 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [03:19:33] Bytebak: Free hugs in Rotterdam! Sign me up [03:19:34] nandomso: Cheer1 [03:19:34] TheStevusChrist: being on hrt are you attempting to be gender neutral or or female esque [03:19:35] aporcelaingirl: @DiamondArcher3 that's really cool - Finn is how I got into the Femboy fandom and why I have made so many new friends <3 <3 <3 [03:19:35] Bauldyr: @deepinfrozen Sleeping [03:19:35] PynkFryck: @johnkeiwo :3 [03:19:35] axing_: uh yes? [03:19:35] negativplayslive: I want to hug you so unbelievably badly [03:19:37] Justice_Perri: I got introduced to you by my fiancée a few months back, and I think you're amazing. Welcome to the team. 💛🏳️‍⚧️ [03:19:38] johnkeiwo: 262k views in 4hours on the last youtube video BTW @♠f1nn5ter [03:19:38] johnkeiwo: 262k views in 4hours on the last youtube video BTW @♠f1nn5ter [03:19:43] johnkeiwo: woops [03:19:45] twitch_fish_123: necrom70Beelove [03:19:46] pierbi: HEY GUYS [03:19:46] Mr_Fluffy97: Yes [03:19:47] davidiusfarrenius: yes 👍 [03:19:47] NYAtKitty: i watched the coming out vid, took my phone to my gf to make sure this was real lol congrats on being youu [03:19:49] phaser40: Boobs! [03:19:53] filip_zd10: hey [03:19:55] thetimroberts: Hey guys [03:19:56] xxguitaristxx07: hi fin. so proud of you for coming out. you’ve really helped me come out as trans to my online friends [03:19:59] Penguin_Spy: mumbo jumbo? [03:19:59] bootleg_bambi: hey guys [03:20:00] ettie19: HEY GUYS - f1nn5ter [03:20:02] Shockwavemecha: Ipad kids [03:20:03] pansnake_: You sound so much more Brummie then holy shit [03:20:04] YumeNoZen: That person sound bri'ish. [03:20:05] PynkFryck: jeez [03:20:05] alessandrodigiorgio: SO PROUD OF YOU [03:20:05] estherarchive: yikes [03:20:05] the_oracie: YEP base completed [03:20:06] experiencepoints: Completed b a s s [03:20:08] pierbi: that wasnt thattt bad [03:20:08] Avaerus0: You sounded MORE British [03:20:09] 1WhoBeans: HeyGuys lol [03:20:10] Mr_Turtlinator: Holy moly [03:20:10] distractedcreative: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka [03:20:10] GlenCoco39: omfg you sound so similar! [03:20:11] Eadthryth: He sounds like 25 [03:20:12] jcktheripperrs: That doesn't sound like you anymore [03:20:13] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): Just sound more confident now [03:20:13] Chloeeee: i mean your voice had still dropped yeah [03:20:13] BlightningBrightling: Wow, much more Ringo Starr there [03:20:14] isarah304: ur voice is way more fem actually like kinda odd [03:20:15] Popdylop: Seriously, massive congrats on coming out and figuring yourself out! As someone who is bi and relates far too much to what you're saying about gender and stuff, I' [03:20:16] ArchyNemesis: Why do you sound more British? HOW? [03:20:17] Mnh188: that was wayyyyy deeper [03:20:19] ohsveni: sure American [03:20:20] MrsPandamber: you sounded more like a minecraft youtuber [03:20:20] juneguild: Baby f1nn [03:20:20] SolsticeBobcat: accent replacement therapy [03:20:21] vektasaurus: yuv lost the brummy tway ay it [03:20:21] rainfallwall: I just want you more now [03:20:23] ClaraRenway: wait completed base??? [03:20:23] SunIsLost: @xxguitaristxx07 yea [03:20:27] coldhearttx3: bikini hot tub steam ?? [03:20:28] neuphoria_6: trans-american [03:20:29] unoriginaljoke40k: ringo Starr soundin ahh [03:20:29] mikkyboo123: I’ve been whacking your videos since I was 7 and your videos are so awesome [03:20:31] twitch_fish_123: <3 <3 <3 [03:20:32] scarlettyg: So the spectrum goes from Bri'ish to trans, we now have proof [03:20:32] StaticAkrasia: F1nnster has nothing on youtube magic that was ultimatewiiplayer9 [03:20:33] Y0rk5h1r3: Bass, bass, buttery bass, buttery biscuit bass [03:20:34] davidiusfarrenius: you sound so young there! [03:20:34] DodenKing: That was the brother before the accident [03:20:35] RealRyal: Finn doing that Ringo Starr [03:20:36] DiamondArcher3: @aporcelaingirl same, I’m so grateful for Finn and so grateful for everyone else in the community, yourself included, y’all are great people and I love all of you [03:20:40] pansnake_: He's exorcised the Brum out of himself [03:20:40] thetimroberts: You sound wayyy less brummy [03:20:43] freshdelipickles: say 241 now [03:20:44] Nirvana_W22: you sounded like mumbo jumbo [03:20:45] strawb3ry_cow: “completed bayse” sounded AMERICAN [03:20:46] WittyStreams: TransgenderPride [03:20:46] Stev_27: sound like mumbo [03:20:47] legofsk: bloody brummies hahaah [03:20:48] KiraDreamchaser: Masc celeb crushes? GO!! [03:20:48] ettie19: were you called f1nn1t [03:20:49] ffionbee: woah, british finn.... [03:20:51] randomperson_5: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride luv you f1nn, you fun queens [03:20:52] montramoth: TheIlluminati StinkyCheese TheIlluminati GlitchCat [03:20:56] Mizo_Live: @pierbi do it, we are a bunch going from ickycord tbf too :p tickets are out for sale now [03:20:59] blueskydrinking: she forgor [03:21:01] FacelessSnow: f1nn from 8 years ago sounded so much more british [03:21:01] ArminGux: weren’t ur first streams Minecraft streams? [03:21:01] KianaVCL: thing is you still need to train your voice, looking forward to that [03:21:02] beaneater197: How did you sound more British [03:21:05] alessandrodigiorgio: so Proud of you for coming out as British [03:21:05] scarlettyg: Back when he was still called F1nn5tah [03:21:05] Mr_Fluffy97: Your pronouncing your R's alot stronger now lol [03:21:06] twitch_fish_123: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [03:21:07] vektasaurus: you've lost the brummy twang ay it? [03:21:07] seymourbuttsz: ADHD starting new project moment lol [03:21:08] owl__: Just seen the vid :o you have the most amazing parents [03:21:11] MrGG4U: MrGG4U subscribed at Tier 1. [03:21:11] f3mmbot: mrgg4u subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang mrgg4u f1nnLezgang [03:21:15] Mnh188: also is it safe showing former minecrafters [03:21:18] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): lumituSad [03:21:19] filip_zd10: hypixel vidoes? [03:21:21] Karasu_RaeVv: Finn you look so beautifullll ToT <3 [03:21:27] viryl_lucas: rip [03:21:29] judgedame: face reveal [03:21:30] TwinbeeMk2: It'll get better Dono [03:21:30] Gentrix918: Have to go, good N8! Enjoy the rest of the stream, cya! Your are the best f1nnHeart [03:21:35] Tareah: never [03:21:47] memestar29000: Inter died [03:21:48] angygenz: no I respect individuals [03:21:49] Ayton666: Copium [03:21:50] Mizo_Live: all old videos are cringe [03:21:51] BrunoBeslag: twitch ok [03:21:52] GuitarGirlTS9: are you going to do tranniversary stream every march 1st now? [03:21:54] MikeWillStream: LET'S SEE THE INTRO [03:21:54] Stovamor: @JonCantSwim, bye bye [03:21:56] DiamondArcher3: wait what are Finn’s pronouns now? still he/him something else [03:21:57] filip_zd10: OMH [03:21:57] MrsPandamber: this is beautiful [03:22:00] ohsveni: OMA [03:22:00] slybirdz: based [03:22:02] PynkFryck: DAMN [03:22:02] johnkeiwo: YEE YEE BROTHER KKona [03:22:03] johnkeiwo: YEE YEE BROTHER KKona [03:22:03] LunaVeraVerse: wow lol [03:22:03] outg0ingintr0vert: Finn we love you homie❤️ [03:22:04] ramboo1989: oh boy [03:22:04] Karasu_RaeVv: OH... [03:22:05] emily6218: OMA [03:22:06] braddle172: HELL YEAH [03:22:06] Elifighter: based [03:22:09] scarlettyg: YEEEEE haw [03:22:09] ffionbee: I WANT TO SEE THAT [03:22:10] viryl_lucas: AWWWW [03:22:13] PynkFryck: YEE HAW BROTHER [03:22:14] juneguild: Based [03:22:14] lex1plays: now thats a Hoorah [03:22:14] pokemontdm: what the fuck [03:22:15] Psiclow2: f1nnHeart [03:22:15] YumeNoZen: F1nn, cringe is your brand, I'm not worried about it being worse. [03:22:15] Mnh188: UHHH RAHHH [03:22:15] Raddog315: 07 [03:22:17] goose_11224: @DiamondArcher3 any/all with he/him preffered [03:22:18] davidiusfarrenius: sympathies to that last donor whose girl left him! Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [03:22:19] bootleg_bambi: dude how many OPEN TABS [03:22:20] SnabbKassa: they CAN handle the truth! [03:22:22] olyxxd: as someone who has been watching for like 6 years these old videos are based [03:22:23] WarningYoo: eyoo by the way I have good news with me that I wanted to share HolidayPresent who wants to hear it ':p [03:22:29] twitch_fish_123: burnie2CatCLAP [03:22:29] DiamondArcher3: @goose_11224 got it, thankuuu [03:22:30] dutch_gecko: pepeD [03:22:31] KiraDreamchaser: @DiamondArcher3 In the video it says, he/him for now, but any are good. [03:22:33] aggravatedconditions: hype [03:22:34] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): Bring it back [03:22:34] LunaVeraVerse: not that bad [03:22:34] ayarcee: sharks? [03:22:34] ciernaruza: Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [03:22:34] slybirdz: i saw sharks [03:22:35] MikeWillStream: that goes hard [03:22:36] Avaerus0: I like the old outro [03:22:36] Eadthryth: LOL, EDM [03:22:36] Falqun: its a finn KEKW [03:22:36] filip_zd10: FIRE [03:22:37] insecureTrannzz: KEKW [03:22:38] Stovamor: KEKW [03:22:38] arkarant: hyperpop? [03:22:38] cyphoenic_: had sharks :3 [03:22:38] alkibiadesmassacre: BRO I remember that [03:22:39] SunIsLost: lol [03:22:39] scarlettyg: The text should be spinning [03:22:40] xZ_ro: Hey its kinda cool [03:22:40] Trojan_Blitz: the signs were there [03:22:40] Vanimal2118: Why sharks? [03:22:40] princeuni: @DiamondArcher3 He said he still prefers he just for convenience, but generally doesn't care [03:22:41] ATValdor: sharks eh? [03:22:41] welaka: I'm really happy for you F1nn! [03:22:42] SolsticeBobcat: basic but clean [03:22:42] KAMlK0_: confusBlel [03:22:42] Xylomn: blahaj even back then [03:22:42] GlenCoco39: Still a bop [03:22:42] Gentrix918: Sharks? Really? [03:22:43] swanee327: use it again! lol [03:22:43] anschofi: sharks!!! [03:22:43] TwinbeeMk2: that was cute [03:22:43] Knikian: Sharks [03:22:44] ItsCubet: TBH it's not as bad [03:22:44] evilmagicwizardthing: evilmagicwizardthing subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! Hi finn, glad to hear the news on your gender! you helped me figure out mine and I'm so glad that you've gotten the chance to figure out yours too! trans icon Jude [03:22:44] MotionlessGrins: SHARKS THE BLAHAJ [03:22:44] f3mmbot: evilmagicwizardthing subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:22:44] spidunno: sharks [03:22:44] Sediam: intro pretty good [03:22:45] qrthulhu: you should bring that back with blahaj [03:22:46] Karasu_RaeVv: its not bad lol [03:22:46] Mnh188: sharks = trans [03:22:46] LightMage670: at least the volume isn't awful [03:22:47] magicalgirlcharlotte: hyperpop sharks? [03:22:48] spinX6RL: wait i know that sog [03:22:48] K0beBeef: the music is soooooo funny [03:22:49] notrllybaby: its cutee [03:22:49] sproxxie: Nice timeline [03:22:49] bananasandwich6969: sharks foretelling [03:22:49] KriticalSmoke: bring back the outro [03:22:49] Uonia: there have been worse intros :P [03:22:50] ohsveni: meliss84Really [03:22:50] blueskydrinking: it's better than your current intro KEKW [03:22:50] Raddog315: SHARKS!!!!!!!! [03:22:50] qdoit12: Blahaj from the start [03:22:51] tobit0aster_: the sharks in the outro [03:22:51] SeionW: congratulations on finally being able to talk about it finn [03:22:51] NottKomii: use it for the next f1nn5terlive video [03:22:52] luckylibrarian: its cute, actually. and the sharks knew lmao [03:22:52] Tuomarus: You must have been terrified when editing [03:22:52] ScottishLass666: Of course u like it it has a shark which is a blåhaj [03:22:52] SnabbKassa: that was like an Amiga demo [03:22:53] PynkFryck: shork [03:22:53] seymourbuttsz: It had Blo Hai [03:22:53] jemchi: Evening [03:22:54] ClaraRenway: bring it back :3 [03:22:54] bfritz0815: new outro [03:22:56] Mikayla_Alexis: Yoooo that's pog! [03:22:57] Lazulli0_0: shork [03:22:58] TrueMezzo: I used to make music like that lol [03:22:58] mountsom3: You're glowing my man!! [03:22:59] MrsPandamber: the clues were right there [03:23:00] junipermothmom: lets see ur first vid [03:23:01] 5195_Olivias: the art is cute [03:23:03] ramboo1989: there were signs [03:23:04] liamthepro233: finn how should i come out as trans [03:23:05] coldhearttx3: your computer is gonna explode from all the tabs [03:23:06] Helen_Croft: !shark [03:23:06] MikeWillStream: editor use that as the intro to this video [03:23:06] juneguild: Lets gooo [03:23:06] f3mmbot: Rose has multiple Blåhajar because she loves them f1nnHeadpat If you care about Rose at all then you will immediately send 𝙃𝙄𝙈 one. But no pressure. [03:23:07] goose_11224: MORE [03:23:08] PnkyPnk: the blahajs in the old putro, we should've known [03:23:08] freshdelipickles: yes [03:23:08] rajama22: Yup [03:23:10] Scarbble: moar blahaj [03:23:13] viryl_lucas: yes [03:23:13] scarlettyg: Bring it!!! [03:23:13] JudgeSpud: so did fin come out then sorry working late at gchq [03:23:14] krovvy: cniDetect cringe [03:23:16] kravisni_: It was always sharks [03:23:17] DiamondArcher3: I want many blahaj [03:23:17] outg0ingintr0vert: I want one please!!! [03:23:19] Amoyamoyamoya: OH GOD [03:23:20] Falqun: not the fake cringe, the genuine wearz [03:23:20] TaykenPlaysGames: Speaker Warning! [03:23:23] Pokedy: going super retro? [03:23:25] davidiusfarrenius: should keep it as your out ro! [03:23:26] ffionbee: im super high too chatter gg [03:23:26] brightred: it better be 3d letters [03:23:27] xZ_ro: Are you about to start a blahaj pile [03:23:28] GroggyReaper: Soo, i'm a bit late to the stream. Did someone already make a hole a [03:23:28] alkibiadesmassacre: Yes the loud one of your minecraft skin getting thrown through the wall [03:23:30] maikeiaa: cozyky2BlahajNod [03:23:31] jcktheripperrs: #6 Just Chatting [03:23:31] ATCLoki: Real nails? [03:23:32] Psiclow2: Are those Blahaj in the old outro? [03:23:32] Zettrex: KEKW [03:23:33] bmc118: whats the plural of blahaj [03:23:34] DiscountConcrete: ooooh my god [03:23:34] beaneater197: Yes [03:23:35] Penguin_Spy: epic [03:23:36] axing_: oof [03:23:36] owl__: GlitchCat [03:23:36] CalciumCup: the sharks is some Oda One Piece level foreshadowing [03:23:36] Friend_of_Sappho: KEKW [03:23:37] celeste8070: hahahaha [03:23:37] SolsticeBobcat: goes hard [03:23:37] juneguild: <3 <3 [03:23:38] rexxyrobin: pog [03:23:38] goose_11224: no way [03:23:39] ArminGux: the Minecraft to estrogen pipeline [03:23:39] braddle172: f1nnHands [03:23:39] memestar29000: HELL YEAHHHH [03:23:40] Bleats_Sinodai: mongre6Jerry mongre6Jerry mongre6Jerry mongre6Jerry mongre6Jerry [03:23:40] McStrugs: LULW [03:23:40] N0_SYNC_: Who needs ears [03:23:40] seymourbuttsz: KEKW [03:23:40] Mr_Turtlinator: KEKW [03:23:40] Kando: Peak [03:23:40] ArchyNemesis: So cool [03:23:41] pokemontdm: HAHAHA [03:23:41] bujaczynio: oh thats the one i remember [03:23:41] FacelessSnow: the 2010s were a mistake [03:23:41] drbuckethead123: sheesh [03:23:41] luckylibrarian: that's. SO FUNNY [03:23:41] slybirdz: ... [03:23:41] freshdelipickles: yup [03:23:41] johnkeiwo: adcvrCRINGE [03:23:42] saturnb220: INCREADIBLE [03:23:42] AlhambraMMXX: dear god [03:23:42] Mnh188: not bad tbf [03:23:42] insecureTrannzz: EKW [03:23:42] johnkeiwo: adcvrCRINGE [03:23:42] Partikle__: Naaaaaaah [03:23:42] Bobbikatt: Banger!! [03:23:42] Nerdking314: 2015 youtube intro vibes [03:23:42] johnkeiwo: adcvrCRINGE [03:23:42] kingcavel: Lmao [03:23:42] whydisway: ouch [03:23:43] Leonie__11: 😎 [03:23:43] filip_zd10: SO GOOD [03:23:43] cyphoenic_: I remember that KEKW [03:23:43] lizthewtich: Iconic [03:23:44] shinjitsumiso: yea that kinda goes hard [03:23:44] SleepyPac: hell yeah 2012 ass dubstep [03:23:44] viryl_lucas: HELL YE [03:23:44] zombiii: this feels like satire [03:23:44] nyakittyy: YOWZA [03:23:44] CommanderJono66: hahaha [03:23:44] jemchi: Oh wow [03:23:45] MrsPandamber: that checks out [03:23:45] Qu1rkly: KEKW [03:23:45] bodaciousbuttslasher: art [03:23:45] actualmooncore: why do i remember this [03:23:45] rainfallwall: so chad [03:23:45] hopalongtommy: ......hype. [03:23:46] scarlettyg: Turn it up, I'm a glutton for punishment KEKW [03:23:46] TrueMezzo: Classic yt [03:23:46] negativplayslive: Peak!! [03:23:46] Stovamor: OMG [03:23:46] Djinn: OMEGALUL [03:23:46] LunaVeraVerse: thank god those days are.. [03:23:46] trynabequan: TNT can't break obsidian [03:23:46] Mario11041: KEKW [03:23:46] Avaerus0: It reminds me of old Youtube [03:23:46] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): Well [03:23:46] ciernaruza: F1NN5TER jumpscare [03:23:46] twitch_fish_123: 🔥🔥 [03:23:47] td_advocate: Why do I remember that intro? [03:23:47] LittleChaSiu: thanks I hate it [03:23:47] pansnake_: Panic attack inducing [03:23:47] FailgamerMC13: Bro Im old, I know that one. Holy+ [03:23:47] Karasu_RaeVv: HELL YEAAA [03:23:47] Twinborne: cringetastic [03:23:47] Jens_LN: KEKW [03:23:47] rajama22: Nice [03:23:47] Sht1k: Cheer300 hooray now my intense crush on F1nn is totally straight, right? [03:23:48] blueskydrinking: the 2010s just slapped me in the fucking face [03:23:48] SnabbKassa: omg the retro [03:23:48] A_Fforrest: fucking hell [03:23:48] DiamondArcher3: oooooffffff [03:23:48] Xanoblade2: CLASSIC [03:23:48] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: PogU f1nnJAM [03:23:49] MikeWillStream: the editor HAS to make that the intro for the clips channel [03:23:49] Dipward111: omg lol [03:23:49] azath0th777: 2015 vibes [03:23:49] doctrfinger: we dont need to talk about that [03:23:51] muddymudkip15: Lol [03:23:51] SunIsLost: oh yes My New Intro [03:23:51] notrllybaby: HELP [03:23:51] PnkyPnk: turn it up [03:23:51] ScottishLass666: Anyone wanna buy me a blåhaj? [03:23:52] ArtofBartlett: Thats some 2010s shit [03:23:52] ohsveni: 2010 youtube [03:23:52] Mr_Fluffy97: That's sick [03:23:52] KianaVCL: now das some cringe! [03:23:52] mellymelz17: BASEDDDDD [03:23:53] Nirvana_W22: based [03:23:53] Ember921: my brain is bleeding [03:23:54] EmberLovee: hey fin you helped me realise i was a transgirl around july 2023 [03:23:54] emily6218: Jammies [03:23:55] perfersserderg: LUL [03:23:55] distractedcreative: Honestly not terrible for back in the day [03:23:55] asmejg: the nostalgia [03:23:56] benevolentbeaver: peak early youtube [03:23:56] Scarbble: that did *used* to be cool, it's true [03:23:56] isabaellchen: join hermitcraft :D [03:23:57] stevethegn: this slaps [03:23:57] AlmondVF: how loud was that originally lmfao [03:23:57] rowil07: it wasnt bad [03:23:57] Vanimal2118: The Beginning of Greatness! [03:23:58] titusrodriguez: Worlds bigggest Blahaj collection when? [03:23:58] Pokedy: that is soo early mincraft youtuber [03:23:58] Mina_the_Engineer: that's so early 2010s [03:23:59] AestheticDes: its so 2016 [03:23:59] sherlock_norris: peak early 2010s youtube [03:24:00] just_markel: 2012 banger fr fr [03:24:00] Mikayla_Alexis: Yeessssss! [03:24:00] phaser40: That was sick bro! [03:24:01] xLumieI: Prime YouTube intro LUL [03:24:02] coldhearttx3: i wish I was high [03:24:03] ClaraRenway: based ultra cringe intro [03:24:04] m4id3nl3ss1: greatest intro ever [03:24:06] brightred: thats a banger [03:24:06] GirlWithoutAFairy_YT: I was legit about to ask if you were 14 [03:24:07] OperatorEmma: It's peepers time goodnight chatroom rosewaltzBlush [03:24:08] zz_p0p: BASEDDD [03:24:09] SunderWolf: In 2010 this was sick [03:24:10] axing_: gnarly [03:24:11] Popdylop: It shows you've grown as a person [03:24:12] Justice_Perri: I've been euphoric since your announcement [03:24:12] ramboo1989: that was pretty cool GAMER [03:24:13] luckylibrarian: well 15yo was still cringe lol [03:24:13] the_oracie: smh, no eyes on fire or random UKFdubstep songs KEKW [03:24:15] hyenaWWW: Being Genderfluid and working in a blue collar industry, watching you play with and celebrate feminine expression really helps me on some of the tough days...... burger king Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [03:24:17] tretb00t: we are all high in here haha [03:24:17] ArchyNemesis: They were completely right [03:24:19] XENOMAN5: @xz_ro He has one behind him on our left in the corner under the red caped Llama [03:24:21] phantaton: I was a poor kid, I played Minecraft classic in 2012 [03:24:22] ogrem_fanclan: Welcome! [03:24:22] GingerJedi8: GingerJedi8 subscribed with Prime. [03:24:22] f3mmbot: gingerjedi8 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang gingerjedi8 f1nnLezgang [03:24:24] Xanoblade2: CLASSIC and Iconic 󠀀 [03:24:25] andyinnie: genuinely bring that back that was fire as hell [03:24:25] McStrugs: it's giving 2009 call of duty [03:24:26] Nitroscout: so many streamers with ADHD successful making me feel bad for not having it xd [03:24:27] junomoons: honestly 13 yer old me would have loved that [03:24:28] ATValdor: lol [03:24:28] RenaDrachen: ONE OF US [03:24:28] memestar29000: Muhahahaha [03:24:28] KetchupBlood: Finished the video, love that you parents are supportive [03:24:29] viryl_lucas: itty bitty community [03:24:29] Mrsfortun3: one of us one of us [03:24:29] LittleChaSiu: based [03:24:31] SnabbKassa: you can use that as your twitch start screen instead of the cow [03:24:31] jemchi: Still cool just not the vibe anymore [03:24:31] mangoesprincess: itty bitty committte is real [03:24:31] GroggyReaper: Soo i'm a bit late to the stream. Did someone already make a joke about Ashley the prophet being right yet again? [03:24:33] PaganOrca: F1nn, this just shows you need to post more minecraft stuff [03:24:34] juneguild: Based [03:24:35] vengeful_trader: Honestly not that bad least you had a intro. I have never made one. [03:24:36] bozo_cat: GOTTEM [03:24:36] scarlettyg: I want to graduate from the community, sadge [03:24:37] gostonko: congrats xox peepoHappy [03:24:40] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP -600s - Segment of reviewing old YT content including something from Pierbi. [03:24:40] tobit0aster_: OBE OF US ONE OF US [03:24:42] cyraptics: Finn that was so cringe i'm unfollowing [03:24:42] ramboo1989: ayoo [03:24:42] basicallyserena: Ew? xD what was that [03:24:45] LunaVeraVerse: LOL [03:24:50] ClaraRenway: One of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us [03:24:52] ameliamae621: forget blahaj, I like turtles [03:24:52] johnkeiwo: u already do [03:24:53] drbootyologist: drbootyologist subscribed with Prime. [03:24:53] f3mmbot: drbootyologist subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang drbootyologist f1nnLezgang [03:24:54] emily6218: The itty bitty titty committee [03:24:55] freshdelipickles: Amazon skirt now [03:24:58] isarah304: better go hyper pink [03:24:58] Pillooow: pull out the cat ears quickly [03:24:58] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Oh holy crap! I'm technically F1nn's trans elder! [03:25:00] Cautare: change to PRINCESS MODE [03:25:01] negativplayslive: One of usss [03:25:01] Valiryonn: i'll have to go now. have a great night y'all [03:25:05] insecureTrannzz: KEKW [03:25:05] CocoTheNutCrab: pastel goth [03:25:06] stranjer_: you're supposed to be smuggling people OUT of the US. [03:25:08] winsurely: YESS [03:25:08] blueish4: wtf finnster comes out AND contrapoints posts a new video on the same day??? pog [03:25:09] Bleats_Sinodai: Will you open the box anytime soon? [03:25:10] ScarsUnseen: did you realize that you were genderfluid or bi first? [03:25:10] redhearteaterr: lmfao [03:25:11] drbootyologist: Bi army is expanding, let's GOO, so happy for you Finn! [03:25:12] WillowWithAJoystick: Trans woman here and btw the “holy shit I have boobs” moments don’t ever really stop lol [03:25:12] Scarbble: the amazon skirt is overrated, there i said it [03:25:12] filip_zd10: trans color nails [03:25:13] notrllybaby: i was quoting fin not saying ew mods TT [03:25:13] Chloeeee: 1000000 gecs [03:25:13] juneguild: KEKW [03:25:15] infectedharpy: nah it's not wednesday, pink is on wednesdays [03:25:15] ArminGux: femboy shorts [03:25:16] LunaVeraVerse: Stupid US not letting in :/ what a mistake [03:25:17] rebeccamarie278: I think he's past baby trans lol [03:25:17] scarlettyg: don't forget Amazon dolphin shorts [03:25:18] MortallyTransparentCupcke: At least the knife obsession makes sense now [03:25:20] ffionbee: yeahhhh [03:25:20] KianaVCL: yes please [03:25:20] shinjitsumiso: ultrakill stream when [03:25:20] witonis: your gf is the reason i wear that skirt [03:25:20] ShellyCanCount: it already is [03:25:20] MrsPandamber: thats what you signed up for [03:25:22] staz581: You already did all of that [03:25:22] Raddog315: you already went through that phase lol [03:25:23] m4cintoshplus: calling out ppl LUL [03:25:23] medical_size9000: You could wear dresses [03:25:24] pobles_xdd: Chatters! what have i missed? [03:25:24] twitch_fish_123: 🤘 [03:25:24] ChasingSol: AAAAAAH [03:25:25] qlily_663: F1nn NYC Pride 2024? [03:25:26] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): Oh no [03:25:26] madschtz: YESSSS [03:25:26] jaysill: gecgecgec [03:25:26] xero93: ultimate trans fit [03:25:27] awe_rora: next you gotta pick up electronic music, and join the itty bitty ditty community [03:25:27] GlenCoco39: gecgecgecgecgec [03:25:27] YumeNoZen: ... Why am I sober? [03:25:28] ScottishLass666: I wanna be the itty bitty tiddy committee but I have uk G cups us I cups [03:25:28] miss_higher: What is the Amazon skirt??? [03:25:30] KetchupBlood: GEX [03:25:30] LittleChaSiu: yeah figures [03:25:31] qrthulhu: so called out on the gec [03:25:31] Verdunik: i would love to have your confidence, if i did, i would do the same as you [03:25:32] elischmilei: you’re literally the dumbest girl alive [03:25:32] seymourbuttsz: Is there a town inside you? [03:25:32] isabaellchen: actual egirl now [03:25:34] alkibiadesmassacre: Grab a monster here we go [03:25:34] Buffyhero: YESSSSSSSSSSS [03:25:34] johnkeiwo: f1nnCowjam adcvrJam PepePls catJAM [03:25:34] K0beBeef: frog on the floor is my fav [03:25:35] MaryAnnNow: gecgecgecgec [03:25:36] healgirl_: GECGECGEC [03:25:36] stonefruit420: gecgecgecgecgec [03:25:37] ElectricSkwee: LMAOOO [03:25:38] aLittleCalamarian: kekw [03:25:38] zachydaiquiri: Real [03:25:39] PnkyPnk: that song goes hard [03:25:39] Kaputtnix: another transition? [03:25:40] wolfchaldo: 100 gecs is based. I went to see them and they were amazing [03:25:40] phr0g2: congrats on coming out<3 [03:25:40] Zettrex: KEKW 󠀀 [03:25:41] hopalongtommy: Phonk music? [03:25:41] HardyOrange: lmaoooooooooo [03:25:42] smokerofmids: @F1NN5TER woah those concerts go off thank you! [03:25:42] TheAverageBoyfu: Cheer1000 guess bits earlier didnt read, but here's more and Congrats on coming out. youve encouraging me to want to start my own journey to find myself. but the south be scary LUL [03:25:42] writhinglekku: gegegegec [03:25:42] pancakeTransitions: gecgecgecgecgecgecgec [03:25:43] blueish4: gecgecgecgecgecgecgecgec [03:25:44] Chloeeee: LFGGG [03:25:44] Bleats_Sinodai: buffpupScoots [03:25:44] thegodemperorofmankind0: Are you ever going to open po box stuff??? [03:25:45] bearpaw1970: Lmao [03:25:45] ramboo1989: 🤘it goes hard [03:25:45] enby_trash_char: hey finn, i’ve been following a while through twitter and watching clips on tiktok. i’m so proud of how far you’ve come! [03:25:46] CheekyRuin: CheekyRuin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months, currently on a 18 month streak! i havent been active for a while but happy 18 months! im so happy to see youve come out!! [03:25:46] CommanderJono66: your simps increased by 400 this stream [03:25:46] f3mmbot: cheekyruin subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:25:46] PowerOf47: so what are you now? [03:25:47] MikeWillStream: the editor is going to have fun with this [03:25:47] bigsuave7: mood [03:25:47] spooncakes: gecgecgec [03:25:47] jade8703: Unironically started headbanging [03:25:48] CommanderTwi: Have you been to a 100 Gecs concert ? [03:25:49] Popdowner: 💀OH GOD LOOL [03:25:49] Bloodcoatrain: hrt ppowered [03:25:49] SunIsLost: lol [03:25:49] DiamondArcher3: transition time? [03:25:50] outg0ingintr0vert: mods please check r/finnster for dms [03:25:50] TwinbeeMk2: This isn't even your final form? [03:25:51] MrsPandamber: girl mode activated [03:25:51] Mnh188: too many transitions [03:25:52] luckylibrarian: "ive gotta transition real quick" oh my LORD dude [03:25:54] dani_whammi: one of the members of 100 gecs has a transfem partner who makes really good music too lol [03:25:55] zz_p0p: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [03:25:55] 小可可欣 (xiaoke_kexin): translation succeeded [03:25:55] notrllybaby: thats exactly how it feels [03:25:56] freshdelipickles: sipping the gender fluid [03:25:57] lizthewtich: the town inside you? [03:25:57] coldhearttx3: your not allowed in the army now cause you’re too precious [03:25:57] baslak01: 6666 viewers [03:25:58] mack72307: f1nn is definition of minecraft youtuber happy ending [03:25:58] brickmage554: LUL [03:25:58] beaneater197: Gecgecgecgec [03:26:00] unaffected95: Gay (umbrella term) jokes are so great [03:26:02] Falqun: are you a girlboss now? [03:26:03] NamisaNM: cuuursed [03:26:04] MajesticFvckingEagle: editor please put that in KEKW [03:26:05] alexx_net: @pobles_xdd https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1b43z08/coming_out/ [03:26:05] Buffyhero: Dumbest girl alive best song oml [03:26:05] SnabbKassa: !caps [03:26:06] f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! [03:26:06] ChasingSol: !caps [03:26:06] f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! [03:26:08] negativplayslive: "Hold on just gotta transition real quick" - F1nn5ter, 2024 [03:26:09] viryl_lucas: so many transitions in a day [03:26:10] Doperanks: Going to a Tool concert this may <3 [03:26:12] cerysnomi: bts conerts now then? [03:26:12] HardyOrange: They're so good live, too, I saw 100 gecs open for My Chemical romance and it was awesome [03:26:14] ScarsUnseen: my "straight" zoomer coworker kept telling me about 100 GECs and he showed me pictures of dildos... normal cis-straight stuff, right? [03:26:15] eggsyndrome: You should listen to petal supply [03:26:18] medical_size9000: Make sure Jonas the editor to something cool with that [03:26:18] SoggertJones: Bet you play Ultrakill [03:26:23] TrueMezzo: Wow EDEN Is still cool [03:26:24] Amoyamoyamoya: I saw a Jackson 5 concert back in the day... [03:26:26] Trojan_Blitz: i throw down in the mosh pit and beat people up for fun [03:26:28] Scarbble: rowan is a rad name [03:26:28] SammiLaced: I actually cannot believe this! tarapuHYPE tarapuHYPE tarapuHYPE tarapuHYPE Soooo many Congratulations F1nn! [03:26:29] Mnh188: thats too much lore [03:26:29] foggychimera: We need to get this fucker to play ultrakill [03:26:29] neuphoria_6: put some ARCA [03:26:36] YumeNoZen: Search for names that fifteen other trans guys don't have. <3 [03:26:39] Chloeeee: @neuphoria_6 x2 [03:26:40] Jon3themon: I just realized that Finn came out before gta 6 did lol [03:26:42] pobles_xdd: @alexx_net hooly [03:26:42] renxa_: you listened to eden and didn´t know you were bi? [03:26:43] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): Unlimited Breadsticks is a great name edennSmile [03:26:43] LunaVeraVerse: tru [03:26:43] winsurely: Rowan is a badass name [03:26:44] ScottishLass666: I wanna be in the itty bitty tiddy committee but I have uk G cups us I cups it's just back pain Lane for myself [03:26:44] llovebugl: I think this is the first time I've ever caught a stream while it was still live [03:26:44] ramboo1989: NiceTry -Dis is you now [03:26:46] NamisaNM: FACTs hahhaa [03:26:47] krystal353: send them more blahajs [03:26:56] BeefLightningMcqueen: happens [03:26:56] CPUKindHeart: Cheer100 so who has the biggest big peepee enagy out you and and ur women [03:26:58] DiamondArcher3: @yumenozen impossible, they all have the same 7 names [03:27:01] smokerofmids: @F1NN5TER did you pick a warhammer army yet? [03:27:01] BlackRabbitLP: I'm out for today. Good night everyone. And congratulations again Finn^^. Welcome to our special bubble^^. [03:27:05] SnabbKassa: @Amoyamoyamoya Boogie boobie [03:27:06] coldhearttx3: Chris is unisex [03:27:06] juneguild: Its time to get into linux as well [03:27:06] khloe_plays: AWWW THATS SO SWEET [03:27:06] AlmondVF: f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:07] professorpussicat: If you're mtf and don't know what name you want, just try out Emily for a while and adjust based on how it makes you feel. [03:27:07] mazapancitoouu: lmaooooooooooo [03:27:09] Xersians_: Congrats on coming out (Came from the yt 🔥🔥) Love to see a fellow genderfluid GenderFluidPride [03:27:11] rajama22: Good name [03:27:11] KetchupBlood: Badass name [03:27:11] TheAverageBoyfu: woooow there is [03:27:11] walma69420: LUL LUL [03:27:13] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: I mean, "Tank" would be a good enby name. [03:27:13] SolsticeBobcat: Tank is a fantastic name for a dog or a person tbh [03:27:14] pobles_xdd: wait all the HRT memes are finally true? [03:27:14] ChasingSol: cya @BlackRabbitLP [03:27:14] dangerousruben: Tank is a great name f1nnTankhat [03:27:14] Vyakitha: tbf Tank is a fucking awesome dog name [03:27:15] unaffected95: Tank is a cute name tho [03:27:15] Omen_Gam3r: F1NN hitting the bisexual sitting pose again [03:27:16] liamthepro233: finn how do you think i should come out as trans [03:27:16] YumeNoZen: We've helped a few in IckyCord with names. [03:27:17] SunIsLost: @juneguild yea [03:27:18] Molly1Flower: I can no longer be angry at you for being a pretty cis guy [03:27:19] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER Have you picked a new name yet ? [03:27:20] nandomso: Reverse insult: Finn you're such a piece of lovely stuff! I f ucking love you and i hope you slip on a banana peel and break your haters in half! You little manly man! [03:27:20] ramboo1989: tank is awesome [03:27:23] braddle172: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat [03:27:23] GuitarGirlTS9: about to celebrate my 15th tranniversary this year, congrats on coming out! [03:27:23] MikeWillStream: i like that you jokingly said you'd name a dog tank in one of ashely's videos and then you did it for real [03:27:24] McStrugs: I stole the name from my grandma's best friend [03:27:24] Ry_Noir: What is the bet that F1nn ends up on a daily wire rant within a month. [03:27:24] HardyOrange: i mean, you've seen what people name their human children, it's not like you're gonna be that much worse [03:27:25] just2julie: TransgenderPride [03:27:25] Vanimal2118: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank [03:27:25] zombiii: f1nnTankhat [03:27:25] Zettrex: f1nnTank [03:27:26] effthefear: they want your advice on a name awww! [03:27:26] Helen_Croft: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:26] ChasingSol: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:26] ClaraRenway: Tank is a very enby name fr [03:27:28] astrid_autumn: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:28] megadoom20: f1nnTankhat [03:27:28] badger_ben: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:28] splurshin: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:29] jessicaluxuz: Girl called "Rose" really should not recommend names [03:27:29] beaneater197: Tank best name [03:27:29] XellosMetallum: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:29] 1WhoBeans: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat [03:27:30] Mrsfortun3: Celeste playthrough soon? [03:27:30] scarlettyg: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:30] bfritz0815: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:30] oshbosh6001: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:31] cooltukk: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:31] zachydaiquiri: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:31] LunaLessThanThree: LunaLessThanThree subscribed with Prime. [03:27:31] Lillbarken: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:31] xx_bex_becca_xx: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:31] f3mmbot: lunalessthanthree subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang lunalessthanthree f1nnLezgang [03:27:32] sulakeboxi: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:32] Stovamor: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:32] GravitArinya: tank dempsey cod zombies [03:27:32] makromaniac: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:32] medical_size9000: Tank is so cute and fluffy [03:27:33] Roofcat1: f1nnTank [03:27:33] muddymudkip15: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:34] Chloeeee: Another streamer I know named their pets Beef and Shu [03:27:34] DiamondArcher3: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:34] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): kohPats [03:27:35] Scarbble: has finn cried yet this stream? feels like it was kinda inevitable [03:27:35] Stovamor: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:35] redhearteaterr: ilusm 🫶🫶 [03:27:35] Mr_Turtlinator: Drafted [03:27:35] ClassyCobra: Wild that this is the first F1nn stream I've tuned into [03:27:36] Coop9er: f1nnTankhat [03:27:36] pianoismyforte_: f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank [03:27:36] Firehead200: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:36] tacotruce: how long has Finn been on hrt? [03:27:37] grandpaladin1701: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:37] AlmondVF: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:37] qrthulhu: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:37] Shockwavemecha: spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies [03:27:38] chonkthestreamer08: f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:38] Ben104072_: NotLikeThis [03:27:38] bearpaw1970: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:39] mystchevious1: f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat [03:27:39] spicyplumtree: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:39] Mr_Fluffy97: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:40] p01chi: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat [03:27:40] dotelledots: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:40] CheekyRuin: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:41] alexx_net: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:41] beerbellyninja: new tank emotes then [03:27:41] LunaKyx: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:41] spidunno: I love tank [03:27:41] Elifighter: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:42] dododoey: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:42] Mikayla_Alexis: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:43] sarathearcher1: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTankhat [03:27:44] hopalongtommy: Little does Chris know they just missed out being named Juggernaut LUL [03:27:44] Shiraen: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:45] ajohnops: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:47] adeergg: everytime i hear tank i think of the song from cowboy bebop [03:27:47] Zyrashana: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:27:47] SunIsLost: @professorpussicat yea [03:27:48] kgober: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank [03:27:48] dark_maverick_52_: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:48] Xxtaihunterxx: ModLove [03:27:49] emily6218: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:27:49] mazapancitoouu: tank is a cute name [03:27:51] winsurely: @F1NN5TER do you play warhammer? [03:27:54] mack72307: FrankerZ [03:27:54] Raddog315: OMG! New hack! The us government is being transphobic if they don't let you in now! [03:27:58] keegs200416: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnCool f1nnCool f1nnCool [03:27:58] Russie0: Congrats on the HRT :) [03:27:59] pansnake_: Ha learnt to sabotage the camera feed [03:28:01] know1_0: f1nnTank [03:28:01] upface: upface subscribed with Prime. [03:28:01] XENOMAN5: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:28:01] f3mmbot: upface subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang upface f1nnLezgang [03:28:02] jessicaluxuz: f1nnTankhat Spying on dogo?? [03:28:02] princess_mia03: don’t tink my dono went thru [03:28:02] Azure_harlequin: f1nnTankhat [03:28:02] Knikian: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:28:04] braddle172: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:28:05] ArtofBartlett: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:28:06] 1mitzi9: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:28:08] mikkyboo123: f1nnTankhat [03:28:10] YumeNoZen: How many liters of tears did you cry over the book? [03:28:10] HardyOrange: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank [03:28:10] Mr_Fluffy97: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat [03:28:15] Merobiba_: f1nnTank [03:28:15] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [03:28:15] Bobbikatt: I've got a cavalier and poodle mix, he's adorable [03:28:16] DiamondArcher3: @raddog315 and you assume they will refute that point lol [03:28:18] Theinnocentbuda: meowdaSnac [03:28:21] 6666969: cow is feening over you [03:28:23] TheAverageBoyfu: I got waaay too impatient. that second bits message is gonna make me sound so dumb [03:28:32] Jens_LN: @mystchevious1 yeah, F1nn5ter is right, that book was a lot of work. [03:28:32] vengeful_trader: Squid1 Squid2 DinoDance Squid2 Squid4 [03:28:33] blueskydrinking: Tank is an ipad baby KEKW [03:28:37] SnabbKassa: @SnabbKassa sorry. typo [03:28:38] LittleChaSiu: massive frame drop [03:28:40] maysuntm: robot [03:28:40] terratopian_: f1nnTankhat [03:28:41] Doperanks: we good [03:28:41] Mnh188: lil flicker [03:28:42] HardyOrange: lag spike for me! [03:28:43] sparkz019: F [03:28:44] scarlettyg: You lagged like hell for a bit [03:28:44] PynkFryck: fun [03:28:45] MikeWillStream: stream lagged for a sec but we're back [03:28:45] luckylibrarian: Cheer300 I didn't even know Avery meant 'leader of elves' when I chose it. Will always recommend the name to others. Let's form an army [03:28:45] cyphoenic_: small spike there [03:28:46] rajama22: Still here [03:28:46] Alchimay: the stream froze for a bit [03:28:47] PeterbiltAmsterdam: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [03:28:47] Xxtaihunterxx: we food [03:28:47] AlmondVF: you just had a big lag moment [03:28:48] Shockwavemecha: Nvidia update? [03:28:48] SammiLaced: This is the day we RISE to POWER!!!! GayPride GayPride GayPride [03:28:50] twitch_fish_123: good now [03:28:54] MrsPandamber: your pc is transphobic [03:28:54] effthefear: bro said big ways and my mind went immediately to the gutter [03:28:55] Nitroscout: inbefore PC dies mid-stream [03:28:55] medical_size9000: We good here [03:28:55] karen_that_ho: not good [03:28:56] brandtosborn: audio desync [03:28:56] bfritz0815: GayPride [03:28:57] Mr_Fluffy97: Almost lost you then [03:28:57] Bpyrotroph: Don't worry that was just your monitors blinking their eyes [03:28:57] mikkyboo123: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:28:58] 1mitzi9: f1nnTank [03:28:59] llNezRed: bernie sanders? 👀 [03:29:00] elenmmm: can we still call you a femboy [03:29:01] lizthewtich: was that a knock? [03:29:02] ducz_happy: Funny thing cause i stopped biting my nails taking inspo from you SeemsGood <3 [03:29:06] spidunno: can't wait until march 3rd [03:29:13] alexx_net: @elenmmm yes [03:29:17] boom_and_alpha_yt: Birmingham power grid decided NO [03:29:22] AlmondVF: is this your gpu finally telling you to clean your pc or it'll strike [03:29:27] TheAverageBoyfu: whoa, the lag spike finally hit me now [03:29:28] dmeow7861: One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us! proud of you! [03:29:29] YumeNoZen: I mean.. uh... [03:29:29] ArminGux: the oled monitors still being a nag? [03:29:30] FatherThyme: "femboys are either problematic or trans" [03:29:37] Benjatrack: xd [03:29:42] Vanimal2118: Some haven't figured it out. [03:29:44] alessandrodigiorgio: thank you for the early release [03:29:49] isabaellchen: Yes!!!! [03:29:50] jessicaluxuz: Backwards transitioning. It's not detransitioning it's just weird. [03:29:50] glencopp24: PowerUpL TwitchLit PowerUpR [03:29:51] dani_whammi: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:29:51] mrjohnthelegend: lol [03:29:53] Molly1Flower: How are the effects of hrt treating you? [03:29:54] Shockwavemecha: Dr who? [03:29:55] twitch_fish_123: 😂 [03:29:56] lizzybearlove: Dear Finn you are so brave and courageous coming out moment. I emplore you always search out the ways you can do [03:29:57] OliviaTalks: It's late and gf is exhausted, so now I lurk [03:29:59] Danimx02: im a trans girl, ive tried a bunch of times to get hrt but im not able to get an appointment with my doctor :/ [03:29:59] DiamondArcher3: imagine having figured your gender out, couldn’t be me [03:29:59] IIBibu: I just realized I dismissed your video in my yt feed because I thought it was just another one of your clickbait titles [03:30:00] experiencepoints: @F1NN5TER Yeah you nailed it. I just passed 2 years HRT but there were so many "that looks familiar" moments [03:30:00] Under_no_Control: i started watching you just before i started transitioning [03:30:01] blueskydrinking: I look forward to this stream being cited in textbooks in the future [03:30:01] silver_shark3: Watching you was very familiar of how I went through all the steps. Kind of hilarious and relatable [03:30:01] Avaerus0: Usually the process isn't so public [03:30:01] Leafy_Luna: Yeah, That's me :3 Figured out my gender shit and then watched your streams and stuff [03:30:03] cerysnomi: took me to early 40`s to figure it out [03:30:03] HardyOrange: that's probably going to happen more and more often, with people living their lives online starting in middle school [03:30:06] hoglins_suck: definitely [03:30:06] ChasingSol: Your QR's are filled with that stuff. [03:30:08] johnkeiwo: Pavloved successfully EZ [03:30:12] mangoesprincess: prepare for the sore chest [03:30:14] ArminGux: Freud is making notes from hell [03:30:14] Aflay_: Holy moly Finn proud of you. Also, lol [03:30:14] MiniTiger101: @f1nn5ter are you aware that Rainbow Dash's turtle is also called Tank? [03:30:14] 1mitzi9: just donate your brain to science f1nnTank [03:30:15] insecureTrannzz: KEKW [03:30:15] m4cintoshplus: pp [03:30:15] witonis: smol pp [03:30:15] professorpussicat: F1nn you're literally going to be in history books. [03:30:16] kilan222: the office but for trans people [03:30:16] Spectre223: LUL [03:30:17] axing_: one TINY downside [03:30:17] Eadthryth: big ass [03:30:19] christa_lyn: PP [03:30:20] unaffected95: Pp [03:30:20] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): Shrinkage? [03:30:21] terratopian_: Congrats on coming out, and you've helped me come out (through stages) I've gotta go, but hope you have a great rest of your stream [03:30:21] sparkz019: KEKW [03:30:22] Bleats_Sinodai: buffpupWicked [03:30:22] AwareTortoise05: KEKW [03:30:22] ATValdor: march 3rd f1nnCope [03:30:22] alessandrodigiorgio: Finn came out before GTA VI [03:30:24] jamtapot: @F1NN5TER tbf your transition has been very similiar to contrapoints' so far [03:30:24] Eni_game: Has it gotten smaller [03:30:24] GingerJedi8: Dick shrinkage lmao me toooooo [03:30:24] vengeful_trader: you would have turned them as well it is your superpower [03:30:25] R1VER_REBEL: noooooooooo [03:30:25] McStrugs: LUL [03:30:25] winsurely: RIPP [03:30:25] alkibiadesmassacre: "the f1nn5ter files" [03:30:27] Zettrex: :small [03:30:28] 1WhoBeans: just a *small* problem lol [03:30:28] evilmagicwizardthing: a lil one huh [03:30:31] YumeNoZen: Didn't it start tiny? [03:30:33] johnkeiwo: FeelsBadMan it's only 10 inches now FeelsBadMan [03:30:33] boom_and_alpha_yt: so much for you fixing your sleep schedule [03:30:33] johnkeiwo: FeelsBadMan it's only 10 inches now FeelsBadMan [03:30:34] lauradoestwitch: all besides you're losing pp size/erection stability. Kappa [03:30:35] goose_11224: smol :333333 [03:30:36] dontcallmebrave: "use it or lose it" 😕 [03:30:36] CosmicMadeline25: What's the news? I'm late [03:30:37] lizthewtich: watch someone is going to do a study on you [03:30:37] ZerschnetzIer: hey finn, you are one of the main reasons why i started thinking about who i truly am. Im not quite sure yet, but im feeling a lot happier now, its as if i got rid of a lot of weird feelings i wasnt even aware of. Thank you [03:30:39] medical_size9000: We can call it the duality of finn [03:30:42] foggydustcloud: emphasis on little huh? [03:30:42] miiamoons: TINY???? [03:30:43] Hadband: Cheer100 I'm currently indentfying as gender fluid as well, can't transition because I work in the engeneering field, but I can't express enough how much I'm proud of you and how some day hopefully I can follow a bit of your steps :) [03:30:45] m4cintoshplus: pp shrink LUL [03:30:46] Jens_LN: yeah you treading the new paths, is part of why I follow you ... and give you genuine compliments. [03:30:47] jessicaluxuz: Smaller is more confortable [03:30:48] PaganOrca: Im sure its still completely average. [03:30:48] scarlettyg: It doesn't reach the floor now, sadge [03:30:49] Molly1Flower: Lmao I'm on hrt and think it's a good thing [03:30:49] Quatroid_: Come on Finn, what's the difference? [03:30:50] ramboo1989: ♥️ [03:30:50] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): kohLUL [03:30:51] hoglins_suck: awwwww [03:30:51] IndigoShyl: shrikflation [03:30:51] nerdbarrellive: you are my fluid/NB icon [03:30:52] sefidin_xh: Queer LoooOOOooOOoOve [03:30:52] N0_SYNC_: Lmaoooo [03:30:52] mattwalewangko: pp shrunk BibleThump100 [03:30:52] ArminGux: a four inch problem [03:30:53] kapumon: smol [03:30:54] MikeWillStream: KEKW [03:30:55] Leafy_Luna: I'm starting HRT in April. It's been a long journey and your streams have been a real delight. [03:30:57] writhinglekku: BibleThump [03:30:57] R1VER_REBEL: thats cute :3 [03:30:59] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [03:31:02] negativplayslive: Gender has won!!!! [03:31:02] baslak01: Gender has indeed won [03:31:03] ShakaShocker: lmao damn [03:31:04] christa_lyn: Your PP is cuter on estrogen [03:31:05] blueskydrinking: The west has fallen! It's so over KEKW [03:31:05] Scarbble: aw yeahhhh, gender the champion of all time [03:31:05] my_queues: Does this mean I'm straight again? [03:31:06] Cyborg_Penguin: As a bisexual genderfluid autistic, who saw a lot of myself in you... Glad to know I was right. Congrats! [03:31:06] juneguild: Mood [03:31:06] CosmicMadeline25: Did Finn come out as trans? [03:31:08] lizthewtich: also use it or loose it [03:31:09] thetripscaptain: Finn I've always suspected you were more trans than you realized. So happy you've come out. [03:31:10] ScarsUnseen: it's the estrogen.... [03:31:11] viryl_lucas: byeee [03:31:12] XENOMAN5: Shrinkage can be minimized if you keep using it I’ve heard [03:31:12] Amoyamoyamoya: @CosmicMadeline25, No [03:31:12] dystopiadystopia: <3 peace out girl [03:31:12] johnkeiwo: go to sleep ! [03:31:13] memestar29000: YEEEEEEE [03:31:13] DiamondArcher3: betcha Finn strategically came out rn lmao [03:31:13] rajama22: Awwww [03:31:14] braddle172: Gnite [03:31:15] ashkittenn: Tbh I think I might be gender fluid too [03:31:15] alikarin: awww [03:31:15] LittleChaSiu: aw cute [03:31:16] ChasingSol: @CosmicMadeline25 watch the latest YouTube video [03:31:16] just_an_other_lurker: sleep well and wake [03:31:16] YumeNoZen: I'm sleepy, I drove like 12 hours so I understand that. [03:31:17] benevolentbeaver: Gender is an Illusion, and so is death [03:31:17] slybirdz: byyeee [03:31:18] sulakeboxi: mee too super eepy [03:31:18] ATValdor: aww [03:31:19] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn = Eeppy? [03:31:19] wolfchaldo: Did that just say "Gender has won" incredible [03:31:19] A_Fforrest: bedtime [03:31:19] mrjohnthelegend: b [03:31:20] insecureTrannzz: sweet dreammss :3 [03:31:21] pokemontdm: aww [03:31:21] dangerousruben: bye [03:31:22] Nerapi: byyyyyyyyyyye [03:31:22] ogrem_fanclan: You've hada big day. Time for some sleep [03:31:22] Falqun: awwwww [03:31:23] NamisaNM: Thank you for existing you beautiful creature! You dont even know how much of what you did and do is helping ppl and is raising awareness! Much love! ♥ [03:31:23] effthefear: F1nn discovers himself and in the process inspires thousands of people to transition. YOURE A LEGEND [03:31:23] scarlettyg: Hug Tank for me too <3 [03:31:23] boom_and_alpha_yt: noight [03:31:23] owl__: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:31:23] Avaerus0: How do you survive without caffiene?? [03:31:23] MajesticFvckingEagle: Get some rest [03:31:23] alexx_net: Sleep is important [03:31:24] Elifighter: bye [03:31:24] CocoTheNutCrab: no more femboy juice? [03:31:24] Lil_Lith: <3 <3 <3 [03:31:25] thetimroberts: Goodnight finn!! [03:31:25] Bleats_Sinodai: Ho get her tigress [03:31:25] TwinbeeMk2: Go have a good cry and cuddle sweety @F1NN5TER [03:31:25] emily6218: byyyyyye [03:31:25] Jens_LN: !!!! CUDDLES !!!! [03:31:26] tesstrtesstr: we love you [03:31:26] Molly1Flower: We won TransgenderPride [03:31:26] liamthepro233: finn how should i come out [03:31:26] StreamrollerFunFun: Really happy for you!!!! [03:31:26] Stovamor: !reset [03:31:27] f3mmbot: Set the stream info to Unknown [03:31:27] woolengift: awwwe [03:31:27] SkeletonCrewGaming: Yo congrats <3 [03:31:27] Twinkiephobe: PrideGive PrideGive [03:31:28] muddymudkip15: Gn f1nnHeart [03:31:29] ArminGux: go sleep queen [03:31:29] writhinglekku: gay, bye [03:31:29] N0_SYNC_: 💙💙💙❤️❤️❤️🧡🧡🧡 [03:31:30] Amoyamoyamoya: Eeppy5ter [03:31:30] brickmage554: Bye hood night [03:31:30] 416hobbit: Hey F1nn... congrats [03:31:30] Mario11041: <3 <3 <3 [03:31:30] skyautomatic: Go slumber grill [03:31:31] CheekyRuin: goodbye sweet bean!! [03:31:31] ChasingSol: thanks for the stream <3 [03:31:31] ciernaruza: congrats on the gender [03:31:31] winsurely: <3 [03:31:32] shadowskye13: GayPride [03:31:32] twitch_fish_123: byeeeeeeeeeeee [03:31:32] maxxieinorbit: Goodnight!! Sleep well <3 [03:31:32] R1VER_REBEL: baii o/ [03:31:32] HaniReal1: sadiaTranspride sadiaTranspride sadiaTranspride sadiaTranspride sadiaTranspride sadiaTranspride sadiaTranspride [03:31:33] renxa_: have a nice night <3 [03:31:33] Slaydria118: Bye Finny [03:31:33] mazapancitoouu: byeeeeeeeeeeeeee [03:31:33] MajesticFvckingEagle: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:31:33] xero93: ofc [03:31:34] Helen_Croft: goodnight Finn [03:31:34] isabaellchen: hf gl [03:31:34] sefidin_xh: Good Night!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:31:34] Spectre223: It's half midnight, and you've been on edge all day with nerves. Not surprised you're tired. Get some rest [03:31:34] thean9ry9amer: goodnight [03:31:34] 1WhoBeans: aww, gn gamer [03:31:35] gamercat491: Go get them cuddles! [03:31:35] dutch_gecko: <3 [03:31:35] hyenaWWW: dropping caffeine is so hard [03:31:35] jessicaluxuz: Btw does Rose still exist? [03:31:35] Leafy_Luna: wait.. so how's it looking with pronouns now?? [03:31:35] Helen_Croft: goodnight Finn [03:31:35] davidiusfarrenius: ok good night Finn 😘 [03:31:35] bfritz0815: ok, bye sweetheart GayPride [03:31:36] bumbles19: Bye [03:31:36] ramboo1989: your awesome man! have a nice night [03:31:36] gaviiinnnn: happy for u :3 gn [03:31:36] sae_444: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:31:36] WuppieF: rest well, been a good stream [03:31:36] ironhydra: <3 [03:31:37] rainfallwall: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [03:31:37] AlhambraMMXX: PINKESTLIQUID is currently streaming celeste in your honour [03:31:37] dazedlmao: pog :3 grats on ur stuff 🤍 [03:31:37] AphiaDeMieux: Goodnight!!! :) [03:31:37] Bobbikatt: I think we're all so happy you shared with us. Much love [03:31:38] animefreak21012: g'night F1nn [03:31:38] SonnengottRa: <3 [03:31:38] nufan830: bye [03:31:38] angygenz: bye f1nnn [03:31:38] ItsCubet: GOOD BYE! [03:31:38] theyggdrasilarchives: enjoy cuddling your gf and puppy <3 you guys are so cute together [03:31:38] IsItPluggedIn: congrats F1nn <3 [03:31:38] Ex0dia5: congrats on coming out. go hug and cuddle with ashley. you deserve it. [03:31:39] Rev_Fanboy: heart heart heart congratulations!! [03:31:39] Firehead200: night finnster and chat [03:31:39] amsylum: Byeeeeh! [03:31:39] princess_mia03: okkkkkk [03:31:40] Vanimal2118: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:31:41] alrien_wow: Nini f1nn <3 [03:31:41] give_me_my_name_back: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:31:41] bomberbopper: night fin! [03:31:41] bucket325: Night [03:31:41] saturnb220: bye [03:31:42] M4XlMVZ: goodnight f1nn [03:31:42] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: W STREAM [03:31:42] okayziemaaa: we love you so much <33333333333333 [03:31:42] beaneater197: Goodnight [03:31:42] CommanderJono66: <3 [03:31:42] FusRoDoge: <3 <3 THANK YOU FOR STREAM [03:31:42] elliebee23: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:31:42] ffionbee: love you finn, glad i was here today :) [03:31:42] Doperanks: good night, sleep well! [03:31:43] thanatoscar: enjoy life :) [03:31:43] spaceblob852: goodnight <3 [03:31:43] SnabbKassa: always look on the light side of life, earthlings [03:31:43] JELB: Congrats! [03:31:43] mx_lurkerandy: <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:31:43] aggravatedconditions: luv u byee [03:31:44] titusrodriguez: We love you finn, have a great night <3 [03:31:44] Azure_harlequin: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [03:31:44] FailgamerMC13: good bye love you < 3 [03:31:44] viryl_lucas: byeeeee [03:31:44] neondimples: Good night :3 [03:31:44] sweet_madeline: ❤️ LUV U F1NN!! CONGRATS!! [03:31:44] 6666969: bye [03:31:45] cyphoenic_: Cya fluid friend :3 [03:31:45] divided23_: <3 [03:31:45] PurpleIsConfused: nos da [03:31:45] hopalongtommy: Big love F1nn, congratulations. [03:31:45] ZerschnetzIer: gn <3 [03:31:45] xena_lemon: Goodnightttttt :3333 [03:31:45] alsoknownas_sky: love you!! [03:31:45] timabar: nite [03:31:45] KetchupBlood: love you, have a great night [03:31:45] vader_order669: Anything for you boo happy for you 💗 [03:31:46] floating_raindrop: Goodnight all! All the best Jude! [03:31:46] fewthatwasclose7: gn💜💜 [03:31:46] thethirdtomato: Bye [03:31:46] npc_alyx: proud of you! [03:31:46] RonnieSxl: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:31:46] seymourbuttsz: <3 [03:31:46] baslak01: xxx [03:31:46] Bpyrotroph: Get some sleep <3 [03:31:47] darthmorgie: BYYYYYEEEEEE [03:31:47] danjan117: <3 [03:31:47] ScarsUnseen: You are a cool kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [03:31:47] christa_lyn: Good night girlie [03:31:47] td_advocate: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [03:31:47] karen_that_ho: Go get those cuddles, person [03:31:47] walma69420: Goodnight [03:31:47] Helen_Croft: Bye Finn [03:31:47] ScrubFiend: calido1Love KPOPlove crazym6Love gyelliLove scrubf6Love PrideLove [03:31:47] internetadvent: BYEEE [03:31:47] kolourfulneco: good day [03:31:47] FatherThyme: gngn BisexualPride PansexualPride [03:31:47] astrid_autumn: byyeeeeeee TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:31:47] Sift11: gn, welcome to the gang! Gender Fluid REP [03:31:47] BabyRainbow03: bye, we love you [03:31:48] capt1m: Night sweetie [03:31:48] MaMoon57: Go get em tiger <3 [03:31:48] Spiruality: bye [03:31:48] strawb3ry_cow: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:31:48] DiamondArcher3: night night fimter [03:31:48] medical_size9000: Sleep quality is better than sleep quantity [03:31:48] Yilue: Bye byeee [03:31:48] Last_Living_Dalia: <3 [03:31:49] saint_r: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:31:49] Eyeguy64: <3 [03:31:49] evilmagicwizardthing: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [03:31:49] sulakeboxi: love you [03:31:49] krovvy: BibleThump <3 [03:31:49] ATValdor: BisexualPride TransgenderPride [03:31:49] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: we love you <3<3 [03:31:49] AmpleOhms: GOODNIGHT POOKIE [03:31:50] alkibiadesmassacre: goodnight, hope you have a fun gender day [03:31:50] VictorNavi_DC: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 GlitchCat DxCat booooBooHeart booooBooHeart booooBooHeart booooBooHeart booooBooHeart booooBooHeart booooBooHeart booooBooHeart booooBooHeart booooBooHeart [03:31:50] braddle172: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:31:50] Luncillia: :£ [03:31:50] HardyOrange: so we can statr the next stream with you crying??? lmao, have a good night!!! [03:31:50] mangoesprincess: mangoe14Luv mangoe14Luv [03:31:51] MikeWillStream: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [03:31:51] ZeroPointAimGames: by luv [03:31:51] magentacat22: <3 [03:31:51] qrthulhu: gooodnihht eeepy fluid [03:31:51] luxaas6: goodbye!! <3 <3 [03:31:52] ameliamae621: luv uuuuuuuuu [03:31:52] chonkthestreamer08: bye f1nn congrats dude [03:31:52] amouro_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:31:52] zedeckswhyzed: <3 [03:31:52] splurshin: NOOOOOO [03:31:52] Kageblade08: luv u f1nn!!! [03:31:52] SammyGee63: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:31:52] zillie99: <3 [03:31:52] luk_snar_femboyhunter: Bye bye f1nn [03:31:52] itmemish: <3 [03:31:52] Quinnighan: <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:31:52] Sabrina_the_BiTrans_Girl: happy to be here :3 [03:31:52] idesofjuno: bye [03:31:52] AwareTortoise05: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:31:53] RinDragon21: gn finn! [03:31:53] Nylia_in_C: <3 <3 [03:31:53] EmpressCard: Good night and have a wonderful evening!!!! [03:31:53] zachydaiquiri: Love u finn [03:31:53] jade8703: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [03:31:53] Smauel: PrideHeartL [03:31:53] nature_druid: Good night and congrats once again <3 [03:31:53] Puzzlomino: <3 [03:31:53] slimebugg: awesome [03:31:53] StaticAkrasia: <3 [03:31:53] Nordisk1337: Raid ? [03:31:53] JadeSorcery: PridePog [03:31:53] funny_mayonnaise: bye finn, Congrats again! [03:31:53] megadoom20: there is always time for more [03:31:53] pokemontdm: night! [03:31:54] Hexadecimal_FF: <3 <3 <3 [03:31:54] scarlettyg: Good night Gremlin Queen f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:31:54] Roofcat1: thetra21Transheart2 [03:31:54] rajama22: Meh [03:31:54] ReikoNya: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:31:54] Amoyamoyamoya: I WAS HERE [03:31:54] ogrem_fanclan: Goodnight Finn. Love you [03:31:54] gray_hat_uk: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [03:31:54] SacredAshlee: Love you F1nn!!! [03:31:54] 5195_Olivias: GO DO YOUR HRT NOW!!!!! [03:31:54] basicallyserena: Goood night finn <33 [03:31:54] strinx1120: Goodbye GayPride GayPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:31:54] Gurglefrix: Bye! Glad for you mate! [03:31:54] dessvampy: goodnight finn, congrats! [03:31:54] zombiii: raid cow? you stole his thunder today [03:31:55] Trojan_Blitz: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideFlower [03:31:55] smokerofmids: @F1NN5TER you made me smile and cry today! lets go E! [03:31:55] midnightembla: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:31:55] Amoyamoyamoya: I WAS HERE [03:31:56] Amoyamoyamoya: I WAS HERE [03:31:56] Helen_Croft: I archive the most important stream now [03:31:56] YumeNoZen: Nini! All my love to you, bish. <3 I'm so glad you're happy. [03:31:56] general_of_cm: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:31:56] Kyouya66: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:31:56] owl__: Forever grateful for you [03:31:56] natalie_1984: bye [03:31:56] spidunno: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [03:31:56] zero1wolf: good night gnmarlHippielove gnmarlHippielove gnmarlHippielove [03:31:56] onebrownbean: i lost 700 points for that [03:31:57] negativplayslive: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:31:57] bearpaw1970: Enjoy your rest of the day. [03:31:57] roko305: bye BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [03:31:57] KianaVCL: say hi for us, love ya [03:31:57] pandadorable_: thx u too ^^ [03:31:57] blueskydrinking: Goodnight F1nn, love you buddy. And goodnight chat <3 [03:31:57] now_chemical: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [03:31:57] m4cintoshplus: dont she is gonna cry anyway [03:31:57] racc00n_samurai: byyeee <3 gtwsJellieWant [03:31:57] Stovamor: Good Night @f1nn5ter and congrats again [03:31:58] PynkFryck: <3 good night bud, love you [03:31:58] mattwalewangko: BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [03:31:58] firelordgamez: <3 [03:31:58] furret_the_duck: Byaieeeeee [03:31:58] MelukHaa: adfaceCOEUR adfaceCOEUR adfaceCOEUR adfaceCOEUR adfaceCOEUR [03:31:58] juneguild: <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:31:58] Chloeeee: you'll cry after [03:31:59] PowerOf47: CRY! CRY! CRY! [03:31:59] johnpnicholls1122: Nighy xxx [03:31:59] futurist___: too sober to cry [03:31:59] GaiusGoose: BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:31:59] osgoodboxes: <3333 [03:31:59] trynabequan: aww [03:31:59] TrissByTor: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:31:59] bruh_wt_f: <3 <3 <3 [03:32:00] mystchevious1: Bless you. I'm soo glad you are happy and safe. Scaring me half to death. [03:32:00] Rottybops: Rottybops subscribed with Prime. [03:32:00] 7071_haoN: <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:00] f3mmbot: rottybops subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang rottybops f1nnLezgang [03:32:00] insecureTrannzz: good night, this was such a nice stream<3 [03:32:00] khartox: darssyHeart [03:32:00] asmejg: we love youuuu [03:32:00] Gingrj1114: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:00] SophieUvvU: <3 [03:32:00] cyraptics: thanks for being here finn we love youuuu [03:32:00] just_a_kobold: Thank you! [03:32:00] gruntbane: Love you lots [03:32:00] Coop9er: bye [03:32:00] brandnewroad: Love you <3 [03:32:00] AtomicStrawhat: <3 [03:32:01] miss_higher: VirtualHug TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride GenderFluidPride VirtualHug [03:32:01] remain_unseen: We failed 😭 [03:32:01] writhinglekku: i was here, bye [03:32:01] silentkay1: <3 [03:32:01] hiram_begley: all say we love f1nn make them cry happiness [03:32:01] tacotruce: 💛 [03:32:01] evilscientress: have a good night. Happy for and proud of you! [03:32:01] Uonia: goodbye and goodnight!!! GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:01] Nilinn31: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:01] RealRyal: Well done Finn, congrats and thank you again! [03:32:02] Pizzapuntz: <3 TransgenderPride <3 TransgenderPride <3 TransgenderPride <3 TransgenderPride <3 TransgenderPride <3 TransgenderPride [03:32:02] Frosty790: Happy that you are happy f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:32:02] Mr_Fluffy97: Goodnight!!!! f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [03:32:02] garlictoastisgood: Good night F1nn it's been an honor [03:32:02] dorikyll: We love you, e are proud of you <3 [03:32:02] RoyalRoseo: Gn LuvSign LuvSign LuvSign [03:32:02] nightwing25136: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:02] eveiyn_claire: much love my love [03:32:02] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Congratulations F1nn. You're awesome and we're glad you're in the community officially now. [03:32:02] Jens_LN: i wasn't even trying to make you cry ! [03:32:02] 世界最強卵戦士 (anunmixedlimeandcoconut): lumituHeart [03:32:02] 1mitzi9: very wholesome stream goodnight!! [03:32:02] winsurely: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:03] JessieJane: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:03] ferdsomehow: So happy for youuuuu!!!!! [03:32:03] benevolentbeaver: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:03] clockingout: cakejuSharko <3 <3 <3 [03:32:03] coldhearttx3: bye cutie pie 🥰 [03:32:03] Sht1k: NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride [03:32:04] remiko0: <3 [03:32:04] skyautomatic: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [03:32:04] Avaerus0: Goodnight F1nn, love you! [03:32:04] outg0ingintr0vert: we love you finn [03:32:04] Falqun: sleep tight [03:32:04] dododoey: byeeeeee [03:32:04] mikkyboo123: bye [03:32:04] johnkeiwo: adcvrSHOOK adcvrSHOOK [03:32:04] saiga9: <3 <3 <3 [03:32:04] lillathy_: <3 <3 <3 [03:32:04] neingeben: bye luv u sm, loving all of this <3 [03:32:05] johnkeiwo: adcvrSHOOK adcvrSHOOK [03:32:05] xLumieI: Bye bye <3 <3 <3 [03:32:05] tobit0aster_: We were here [03:32:06] chriscorrick08: <3 <3 [03:32:06] yyyrai: Byeee! [03:32:06] wolfchaldo: DinoDance [03:32:06] R1VER_REBEL: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:06] eggsyndrome: Eepy Finnfinn [03:32:06] packagum: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:32:06] jamnesia777: F1NN you are amazing! [03:32:06] Helen_Croft: goodnight Finn [03:32:06] kravisni_: Goodnight [03:32:06] dutch_gecko: cry bitch <3 [03:32:06] jamaicacenter: tf happened [03:32:06] pianoismyforte_: GN F1nn, this has been an amazing stream and you're so great. Enjoy your night with Ashley, you deserve the absolute world! [03:32:06] ChasingSol: <3 [03:32:06] Buffyhero: Thank youu [03:32:07] notrllybaby: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:07] 416hobbit: You're wonderful [03:32:07] michaelm_l_m: <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:08] Mizo_Live: good night Im so glad we can call you one of us now [03:32:08] NamisaNM: Much love! ♥ [03:32:08] CheekyRuin: Cheer1 Cheer1 [03:32:08] VIRuleIV: hasL hasL hasL hasL [03:32:08] finally_annika: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:08] MsAnJel: Congratulations F1nn you have always been a beautiful person and an inspiration for me. [03:32:08] vickie_0_: bye bye we all apreciate you!! [03:32:08] deepinfrozen: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ [03:32:08] redfogul: thank you for being you [03:32:08] DuckStreak: the8bitHeart the8bitHeart the8bitHeart [03:32:08] Shockwavemecha: Next time [03:32:09] OHMichelleOH: congrats on happiness [03:32:09] Thremtie: luv u pookie <3 [03:32:09] AphiaDeMieux: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [03:32:09] lara_raawr: <3 [03:32:09] Xxtaihunterxx: you will cry after [03:32:09] kuna____: <3 [03:32:09] brickmage554: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride AsexualPride AsexualPride [03:32:10] TemptedSpirit_: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:10] 65cadillacdude: Bye finn much love 🖤 [03:32:10] AroAceArtemis: good night GayPride GayPride [03:32:10] AlmondVF: goodbye and goodnight! congarats on the coming out and progress and thank you for being you : ) [03:32:10] alessandrodigiorgio: ❤️❤️ [03:32:10] RaukkM: Welcome! Glad to have you! [03:32:11] deadRinger91: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:11] dystopiadystopia: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:11] Not_Myhre: <3 [03:32:11] renxa_: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [03:32:12] N0_SYNC_: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [03:32:12] serenity226: 💖💖💖 [03:32:12] skoralta: We love you Finn!! TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:12] A_Fforrest: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:12] spider1879: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:12] flymetopluto06: PrideUwu PrideUwu PrideUwu [03:32:12] Theinnocentbuda: cya. love you hun. [03:32:12] M4XlMVZ: egg has cracked lol [03:32:13] CommanderJono66: I look forward to the video of this stream [03:32:13] Mikayla_Alexis: 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 [03:32:13] BuckyInSpace: Thank you for being an inspiration! [03:32:13] Rayne_Fauls: TransgenderPride 󠀀 [03:32:13] Doperanks: No, thank YOU! <3 [03:32:13] alexx_net: f1nnSad [03:32:14] CocoTheNutCrab: we love you and all we want is for you to be happy [03:32:14] ArchyNemesis: BYE Thanks for everything F1NN!!! [03:32:14] kvstrup: matara10HEART matara10HEART matara10HEART [03:32:14] Aflay_: Finn, you helped me discover myself and what makes me happy, and now, I've met the love of my life, and he's amazing. I never imagined I'd make it this far in life. I'm happy to see so many people so supportive. [03:32:14] Danaexe: <3 [03:32:14] aggravatedconditions: more than <3 [03:32:14] antonyjc1: Bye Finn i'm sp glad Buddy [03:32:15] staz581: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:15] Zyrashana: thank you for sharing! TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:15] CATSluvCATS: <3 <3 [03:32:16] JELB: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:16] rosestorm910: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:16] cyphoenic_: We all Love you F1nn, thank you for being so Amazing [03:32:16] skunkteefz: Byeeeee!!! <3 <3 [03:32:16] xena_lemon: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:16] Quatroid_: BYE FINN LOVE YOU TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:17] agreatname579: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:17] Ry_X__: <3 [03:32:17] Absolem_RS: Congrats gsxrTHOR gsxrTHOR [03:32:17] johnkeiwo: <3 [03:32:17] ZerschnetzIer: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:17] vader_order669: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [03:32:17] baslak01: BYEEEE <3 [03:32:17] Seamus3749: goodbye enjoy your night [03:32:18] mack72307: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:18] Teewy25: Love to see you happy @F1NN5TER [03:32:18] LightMage670: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:18] DasSchnitz: TransgenderPride [03:32:18] td_advocate: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:18] theyggdrasilarchives: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:19] mazapancitoouu: have a nice night finn <3 <3 <3 [03:32:19] miiamoons: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [03:32:19] CutiePhenn: <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:19] Spiruality: love you and thank you for this time😻 [03:32:19] woolengift: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:19] Amoyamoyamoya: EXCEPT ME F1NN!!! [03:32:19] vengeful_trader: glad my first stream was the most important [03:32:20] ironhydra: Amazing stream, glad you were in the right space to do all this [03:32:20] KarmaPrecipitation: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:20] Leafy_Luna: <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:20] RRM3D: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:20] MaMoon57: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:20] Azypok: Bye bye youre one of us now ! <3 <3 [03:32:20] hoouo: <3 <3 <3 [03:32:21] ramboo1989: Nerd but with a nice ass [03:32:21] the_r0se_: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:21] jessicaluxuz: F1nnster is officially not a cry baby! [03:32:21] kapumon: love u [03:32:22] DiamondArcher3: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:22] caelamondorian: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:22] astrid_autumn: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:22] glencopp24: Glad you are finding your happiness [03:32:22] PynkFryck: well fuck now don't make us cry [03:32:22] amouro_: HypeCry HypeCry HypeCry [03:32:23] ameliamae621: :3 [03:32:23] zachydaiquiri: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:23] beaneater197: Goodnight [03:32:23] braddle172: itspea13Blahajheart itspea13Blahajheart itspea13Blahajheart [03:32:23] Qu1rkly: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:23] pkapool: night yall ^^ [03:32:23] the_amazing_jess: Congratulations and thanks for the inspiring content [03:32:23] WunkusAU: nitey nite finn!!! we love you so much <3 [03:32:23] LVL1Goblin_: <3 [03:32:24] Smauel: TransgenderPride [03:32:24] Sabrina_the_BiTrans_Girl: Bi bi :3 [03:32:24] PeterbiltAmsterdam: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:24] jade8703: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [03:32:24] bfritz0815: GayPride meowdaWag [03:32:24] xx_bex_becca_xx: goodnight bye 👋🏾 grats [03:32:24] JadeSorcery: you made me cry! go relax <3 [03:32:24] give_me_my_name_back: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:25] VarazLichtl: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR varazFlag PrideHeartL PrideHeartR varazFlag PrideHeartL PrideHeartR varazFlag PrideHeartL PrideHeartR varazFlag PrideHeartL PrideHeartR varazFlag PrideHeartL PrideHeartR varazFlag [03:32:25] Twinkiephobe: take care and stay safe PrideTrans TransgenderPride BisexualPride [03:32:25] 1WhoBeans: TransgenderPride f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:32:25] ch4rc0al5: Later BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:25] Nova_Prime_69: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:25] Nirvana_W22: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:26] Ember921: thank you!!! PridePenguin [03:32:26] basicallyserena: itspea13Blahajheart itspea13Blahajheart itspea13Blahajheart itspea13Blahajheart itspea13Blahajheart itspea13Blahajheart [03:32:26] Gtaer222: <3 <3 [03:32:26] meiketae: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 >( [03:32:26] suicidalgasball: luv yah finn, have a good night! [03:32:26] dotelledots: Thanks for being the greatest "woman" of all time [03:32:26] davidiusfarrenius: we love you Finn ❤️ Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [03:32:26] StealthPeanuts: much love my dude, all hail bright futures!! [03:32:26] scarlettyg: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:27] lizthewtich: Go eepy and cuddle! much love TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [03:32:27] Gamecrafter42: We love to see you happy like this BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [03:32:27] twitch_fish_123: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity [03:32:27] jjmb2: GenderFluidPride [03:32:28] twopiesforeyes: yamsShark yamsShark yamsShark yamsShark [03:32:28] TheAverageBoyfu: @johnkeiwo i see a pudding LUL [03:32:28] StreamrollerFunFun: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:29] p01chi: f1nnHeart [03:32:29] zz_p0p: We love you thank you so much for all you do [03:32:29] furret_the_duck: BAI F1nn we love you [03:32:29] Helen_Croft: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:32:30] liamthepro233: how should i come out [03:32:30] cuddlebear187: RAID SOMEBODY [03:32:30] Bobbikatt: 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 [03:32:30] insecureTrannzz: TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [03:32:30] Stabstalker: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [03:32:30] Amoyamoyamoya: HE's GOING TO CRY WHEN HE ENDS [03:32:31] goddessempressbird: BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:31] futurist___: look at the scroll! [03:32:31] gray_hat_uk: zoeyTPride zoeyTPride zoeyTPride bobsClown bobsClown bobsClown bobsTrans bobsTrans bobsTrans bobsTrans yogPride yogPride yogPride yogPride [03:32:31] karen_that_ho: BisexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:31] InvaderSquidGirl: love you f1nn, good night [03:32:31] Gurglefrix: POGGERS MODS [03:32:31] Mario11041: <3 <3 <3 󠀀 [03:32:31] professorpussicat: I hope this is the happiest moment of your life. I've been crying for you. [03:32:32] Amoyamoyamoya: HE's GOING TO CRY WHEN HE ENDS [03:32:32] FatherThyme: late bloomers [03:32:32] christa_lyn: ILY Finn [03:32:32] Dipward111: Love you F1nn!!! PansexualPride [03:32:32] Inkyon_: sO HAPPY FOR YOU DUDE [03:32:32] IzumiTheCapybara: NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride NonbinaryPride [03:32:32] ZoeyyyAlexis: TransgenderPride [03:32:33] lightningdraugr: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:33] g_l_u_t_e_n: aztroHeart TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:33] Amoyamoyamoya: HE's GOING TO CRY WHEN HE ENDS [03:32:33] junomoons: coollikeTransPride coollikeTransPride coollikeTransSnary coollikeBiSnary so much love for u f1nn!!!! [03:32:33] greatattentionspa: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:33] slimebugg: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [03:32:33] boom_and_alpha_yt: my points, a tear for my points [03:32:33] silentkay1: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:33] trynabequan: <3 [03:32:34] BurningTardis: Byee [03:32:35] brandnewroad: TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:35] Mr_Fluffy97: If you ever come to Australia I'd love to meet you!! [03:32:35] evilmagicwizardthing: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:35] Bernie2907: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:36] xXNeroZashiXx: [03:32:36] RaveFox: PrideWingL PrideTrans PrideWingR 󠀀 [03:32:36] Jens_LN: Sleep well F1nn5ter, this was a lovely stream. f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:32:36] alexx_net: You haven't met me yet f1nnLaff [03:32:36] skyautomatic: We love you brosis [03:32:37] thetimroberts: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride <3 <3 <3 [03:32:37] Midi_666: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [03:32:37] zoelegs: TransgenderPride [03:32:37] Alijah_T: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:32:37] notrllybaby: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:37] Raddog315: Goodnight, and congrats on all the happiness <3 <3 <3 [03:32:37] packagum: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:32:38] IsItPluggedIn: <3 <3 <3 [03:32:38] Amoyamoyamoya: HE'S GOING TO CHEAT [03:32:38] Nerapi: Time to cry now? [03:32:38] hand_hook_car_door: <3 [03:32:38] luxaas6: <3 <3 <3 [03:32:38] quetsiyah_: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump <3 <3 <3 [03:32:38] CaesarLP: caesar51Love caesar51Love caesar51Love caesar51Love caesar51Love [03:32:39] okayziemaaa: <333333333333333333333 [03:32:39] Slaydria118: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:39] Amoyamoyamoya: HE'S GOING TO CHEAT [03:32:40] Xandragonn: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:40] tretb00t: PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride [03:32:40] ClaraRenway: TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [03:32:40] PaxSlayer: <3 [03:32:40] awe_rora: you made me cry so there’s that TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:40] TrueMezzo: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:40] ghost_sheriff_: so proud and happy for you!!!!!! [03:32:40] LunaKyx: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:40] Crimson_Siren420: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:41] Amoyamoyamoya: HE'S GOING TO CHEAT [03:32:41] lolmarto3: <3 [03:32:41] VIRuleIV: hasL hasL hasL hasL hasL hasL hasL hasL hasL hasL hasL hasL [03:32:41] eriarinarel: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:41] LeVideNoirAstral: BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:41] ysalima: 🤍🤍🤍🤍 [03:32:41] clockingout: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:42] TemptedSpirit_: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:42] RonnieSxl: Thank you Finn <3 <3 <3 [03:32:42] Helen_Croft: YOu helped us @F1NN5TER [03:32:42] llNezRed: 💖 [03:32:43] know1_0: Goodnight proud of you <3 <3 oneshotBY oneshotEE oneshotEE [03:32:43] EldritchElucidator: <3 [03:32:43] Kageblade08: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [03:32:43] david_wavid: <3 <3 <3 [03:32:43] ArgentCombine: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [03:32:43] bruh_wt_f: <3 <3 <3 [03:32:43] slybirdz: <3 [03:32:43] blueskydrinking: AsexualPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [03:32:43] Kiyoshi94: Big respect, good night FeelsOkayMan [03:32:43] c__r__j: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:32:43] mystchevious1: tarapuCry [03:32:43] luckylibrarian: oh sweetheart <3 i'm glad [03:32:43] Roofcat1: Thank you F1nn! [03:32:44] SacredAshlee: <3 <3 <3 [03:32:44] MsAnJel: You're very welcome 🤗 [03:32:44] AlmondVF: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [03:32:44] brandtosborn: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:32:44] dani_whammi: WE ALL LOVE AND SUPPORT YOU F1NN!! TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:32:44] goose_11224: