[00:00:16] lilithsspawn: Where Music [00:00:16] M0rgan80: OIIIIIIIIIII [00:00:17] ChasingSol: cya on the other side Offline Gang [00:00:17] c__r__j: Aha - background noise! [00:00:18] Mikey2207: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:00:18] numeanor: boys! [00:00:18] kgober: mkoMute2 [00:00:19] Valezifer: yee [00:00:19] HardyOrange: DinoDance ? [00:00:19] aki6002: yoooooo [00:00:23] RynFromK2L: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:24] c__r__j: Music! [00:00:24] numeanor: fellas!!! [00:00:24] LittleChaSiu: great music [00:00:25] Mara__May: Hey [00:00:25] alexx_net: Game time! [00:00:25] braddle172: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:27] udonmari: meow [00:00:27] ninjacub2011: hi finn [00:00:28] jojoslices: hi [00:00:28] baileytrolls: yippe [00:00:28] SeriousMental: nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps [00:00:29] p0ikil3: eeeeyyyyyyy [00:00:29] elizabethpearlxo: fellas [00:00:30] PynkFryck: o/ [00:00:30] bart140298: Well hello there [00:00:30] Lucridis: Lucridis subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months! 3 years baby [00:00:31] f3mmbot: lucridis subscribed to f1nn5ter for 36 months using Prime! PogU [00:00:31] tayhognosesnake: hiii [00:00:31] DarthDerpy_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:32] letume: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:32] MarekLena: Hello [00:00:33] cherrylivestreams22340: Hiiii [00:00:33] Lucianthelord: BOOM, close enough [00:00:33] ronin_5463: yooooo [00:00:33] muddymudkip15: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:33] R4T_ttv: hiii [00:00:33] crissssssssy: hiii [00:00:33] c__r__j: spicycowDancy rynDance f1nnCowjam astra71Dance femukHeadsway rynJam spicycowFeet femboy45Drum redsayBongo DinoDance [00:00:33] lukksnar: YEAH [00:00:33] SidMaxwell10: CowJAM [00:00:34] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:34] asectrak: hola [00:00:34] LueRoux: suuuuuup gurlllls! [00:00:34] うんちナプキン (poopnapkin): could it please stop saying Finn is live and everytime I join he isn’t live [00:00:35] cr7tix: hii [00:00:35] HardyOrange: quiet for anyone else? [00:00:35] ThisWeebdoesart: Hii [00:00:36] RelaxedRacoon: Aye [00:00:36] xorwak: let’s go [00:00:37] GeneralHewett13: already Rick rolled [00:00:37] strinx1120: Hiiiiiiii [00:00:38] taquito_tim: yoooo [00:00:38] Smiling_Shelly: Hi Finn [00:00:39] rosezd_: Hi [00:00:39] ashrijayde: hiiii [00:00:40] elizabethpearlxo: wixelsCute [00:00:40] gigasmaz: Hiiiii [00:00:40] nascaristhebest2023: hello [00:00:40] letty2pretty: hiiii [00:00:40] OstentatiousMongoose: Evening folks f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:41] suh_nih: LETSGO [00:00:41] blueskydrinking: Professional Streamer ™ [00:00:41] luke_gaming0: hi [00:00:42] mr_goope: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:42] nitrudestroyer: sup boys. [00:00:43] dangerousruben: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:00:43] xorwak: rick roll [00:00:43] carboxulated: there’s my little eye candy 💋 [00:00:43] r00mbacat: hi [00:00:44] beeatrus: Hiii [00:00:45] Prandah: f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam [00:00:45] SillyMaddie: hio [00:00:46] quartark: hola [00:00:46] HardyOrange: DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance [00:00:47] whatsupsexyimlexi: what da sigma⁉️ [00:00:47] cheff_cook: hiii [00:00:47] nejamin3: heyyy girl [00:00:47] soggyvector: hiya [00:00:47] vivz0n_: omg finally finnster [00:00:49] pakjes12boter: Hi [00:00:49] M0rgan80: yipeeeeeee [00:00:49] forcekin092yt: hi [00:00:51] RykerSune: hello Finn f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:00:52] luke_gaming0: hiiii [00:00:52] f3mmbot: F1NN5TER just went live! Goodbye offline gang PepeHands [00:00:52] mentally_1lly: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:53] mrcooper2001: Sup [00:00:54] papanonfrancesco: YOOOOOOO [00:00:54] richarduk81: It's dentist person [00:00:54] Expired_Icecube: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:54] squ1ddy8ball5: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH [00:00:54] Cpu101: hiiii fimter [00:00:55] うんちナプキン (poopnapkin): Finn isn’t live false advertising [00:00:55] SidMaxwell10: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:55] 1fvcker1: HELLOOO [00:00:55] rkanjl: rkanjl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months! 39 months where does the time go [00:00:55] theyggdrasilarchives: omg fimter momet [00:00:55] f3mmbot: rkanjl subscribed to f1nn5ter for 39 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:00:56] imnotvirgin_: imnotvirgin_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:56] f3mmbot: imnotvirgin_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:00:56] thefzmoon: eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi eveygrHi [00:00:57] RynFromK2L: f1nnRotate My frickin' points... ah well. [00:00:58] its_tisfope: Cheer1 [00:00:59] 200c0: ohio sigma [00:01:00] DominicanInTheUK: DominicanInTheUK subscribed at Tier 1. [00:01:00] xXNeroZashiXx: Hello all hope you're doing well today 👍😁 [00:01:00] f3mmbot: dominicanintheuk subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang dominicanintheuk f1nnLezgang [00:01:00] mcber1234: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:01:00] juneguild: Hello! [00:01:01] jacksprettycool: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:01] OhmNomNom: gigachad hours [00:01:01] StateAffiliatedMedia: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:02] carboxulated: I expect a cute outfit finny [00:01:02] sobik110: Hiiii [00:01:03] sniffuo: nihmunDance nihmunDance [00:01:03] luvjojo_0: what’s a hype train [00:01:03] Chri55PBacon: CowJAM [00:01:04] peanutbudder445_: Erm what the sigma 🔥🔥 [00:01:04] peachy_claire: HENLO FINN [00:01:04] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam [00:01:04] StealthPeanuts: finns pc starting to sound like an ice cream fridge in a decrepid off license [00:01:04] EldritchElucidator: and people say the rick roll is dead spicycowDancy [00:01:04] student0810: student0810 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak! [00:01:04] f3mmbot: student0810 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:05] うんちナプキン (poopnapkin): false advertising he’s not live [00:01:05] idesofjuno: pepeD [00:01:05] mrangelfire: WHAT [00:01:06] Vanimal2118: f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate [00:01:06] ajohnops: Cheer60 [00:01:07] karojhe: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance SingsNote SingsNote SingsNote [00:01:07] savagelettuce1: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:08] shahar_san: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam \ [00:01:08] star_idkuhh: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:08] luke_gaming0: hi [00:01:08] gigasmaz: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:09] xern4: xern4 subscribed at Tier 1. [00:01:09] xXNeroZashiXx: PansexualPride [00:01:09] f3mmbot: xern4 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang xern4 f1nnLezgang [00:01:11] kia_lonewolf21: yes [00:01:11] weird_ldiot: aimseyPrime aimseyPrime aimseyPrime [00:01:11] jacksprettycool: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:01:12] vegito_blue2018: Funny F1nn live moment [00:01:12] imnotvirgin_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:12] blueskydrinking: elnYIPPEE elnYIPPEE elnYIPPEE elnYIPPEE elnYIPPEE [00:01:12] jspringle1: can you guys hear anything? [00:01:13] Hyaguss: no I missed the gambling [00:01:14] grewarex: POLISHcow [00:01:14] xx_bex_becca_xx: xx_bex_becca_xx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! 15months wow [00:01:14] f3mmbot: xx_bex_becca_xx subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:14] EdgeVerses: The polish cow syncs up perfectly [00:01:15] LittleChaSiu: @poopnapkin intro screen wdym [00:01:15] xorwak: guys it’s never gonna give you up [00:01:15] ChasingSol: @RynFromK2L only starts from when the stream starts, you're good for now [00:01:16] elizabethpearlxo: divinityHype divinityHype divinityHype [00:01:17] 123thatsenoughkitties: B) [00:01:17] lewdbirdnoises: Can't believe my ass just got rickrolled by a twink [00:01:18] ebic_dev: catJAM [00:01:20] nascaristhebest2023: hi Finnster [00:01:20] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam [00:01:22] ventusmaster77: He LIVES [00:01:22] Thescrubs_: Thescrubs_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! [00:01:22] f3mmbot: thescrubs_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:23] draiko60: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:24] MajesticFvckingEagle: WE BALL [00:01:25] Vanimal2118: vanima3Dance f1nnRotate vanima3Dance f1nnRotate vanima3Dance f1nnRotate vanima3Dance f1nnRotate vanima3Dance f1nnRotate vanima3Dance f1nnRotate [00:01:25] whyusetwitchtho: I wasn't here at all [00:01:25] Stovamor: @jspringle1, yes - refresh if you cannot hear the tunes [00:01:26] Noatsjs: hiiiiii [00:01:26] envixityvol46: Hi f1nn [00:01:27] eevee9d9: eevee9d9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 19 month streak! 19 months [00:01:27] EdgeVerses: @xorwak its also never gonna let you down [00:01:27] f3mmbot: eevee9d9 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:27] Pain_Rlkudou: hiho [00:01:28] grewarex: Polish cow [00:01:28] 1fvcker1: TwitchConHYPE [00:01:28] aki6002: fellas [00:01:29] iluvbows: hello finn <333 [00:01:30] im_up_to_something: SingsNote DinoDance SingsNote DinoDance SingsNote DinoDance [00:01:31] Kolateak_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:32] theyggdrasilarchives: i love getting rickrolled its my favourite hobby [00:01:33] ramboo1989: 🫡 [00:01:33] weeASHLEY1239876: helllo [00:01:33] bearpaw1970: Letssss Goooo, hey there Wholesome Chat'👋😐🫴💞 [00:01:34] xx_bex_becca_xx: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:34] batman29417: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:35] hayateiga: Hi!!!! [00:01:35] 13eey0u: Haha [00:01:36] peanutbudder445_: Erm what the sigma 🔥🔥💯💯💯 [00:01:36] Noatsjs: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:37] papanonfrancesco: cow broke [00:01:37] EnderRaptorGaming: woof [00:01:38] SomeGaeSloth: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:39] Srcsqwrn: PartyParrot PartyParrot PartyParrot [00:01:39] thelordbakon: Howdy F1nn! [00:01:40] human370: shoooo [00:01:41] mcber1234: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 hi Finn [00:01:41] ChasingSol: !never [00:01:41] red_dead_raine: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:41] f3mmbot: Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down! Never gonna run around and desert you! [00:01:41] Bytebak: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:41] GeneralHewett13: I swear I heard like things moving around in the background for a sec when I first loaded the stream [00:01:42] p0ikil3: !socials [00:01:42] SidMaxwell10: CowJAM f1nnCowjam CowJAM f1nnCowjam CowJAM f1nnCowjam CowJAM f1nnCowjam [00:01:42] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [00:01:42] ashrijayde: hiiiii [00:01:42] debdrup: i see that the dead brother of f1nn5ter is still on the intro screen [00:01:42] CarrotJunior: gotyaaDance [00:01:42] stealblockgaming: Hey F1nn! [00:01:42] Raddog315: gptvCAT DinoDance [00:01:43] theoperaghost1800: hiii [00:01:43] charlottelotved: hello [00:01:43] silentkay1: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:43] ChasingSol: !never2 [00:01:43] f3mmbot: Never gonna make you cry! Never gonna say goodbye! Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you! [00:01:44] JTSmanJ: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:44] DiaboloLisha: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood [00:01:45] human370: ppoooop [00:01:45] MirahImage: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:47] luke_gaming0: hiiii [00:01:47] PynkFryck: no more bloop time D: [00:01:47] axe1970: axe1970 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months, currently on a 36 month streak! 36 months o'my three years [00:01:48] f3mmbot: axe1970 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 36 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:49] Noatsjs: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:49] 1fvcker1: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [00:01:50] Ry21Gu: Real [00:01:51] mr_goope: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:52] EdgeVerses: @bearpaw1970 "wholeosome" yeah right [00:01:53] CarrotJunior: gotyaaDance gotyaaDance gotyaaDance gotyaaDance gotyaaDance [00:01:53] quartark: quartark subscribed with Prime. [00:01:53] f3mmbot: quartark subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang quartark f1nnLezgang [00:01:53] sadisticsailor: OR DESERT YOUUUUUUUU [00:01:53] Catboy_Snow: Catboy_Snow subscribed at Tier 1. [00:01:54] GStank08: What's up brother☝️ [00:01:54] f3mmbot: catboy_snow subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang catboy_snow f1nnLezgang [00:01:54] charlottelotved: shorkShyjj [00:01:54] Rheumour: Rheumour subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months! [00:01:54] highpadhunny: Pride1 [00:01:54] f3mmbot: rheumour subscribed to f1nn5ter for 22 months using Prime! PogU [00:01:55] lime6_: Wholesome chat w [00:01:55] Srcsqwrn: madefo2WOO madefo2WOO madefo2WOO [00:01:56] grandpaladin1701: S'up peeps! [00:01:56] Prandah: f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam [00:01:57] VerminTalks: AAAAAA [00:01:58] SomeGaeSloth: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:59] davidiusfarrenius: The title of the stream had me worried there! 😄 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [00:01:59] 1ChristineM: PopNemo [00:01:59] FelineFemby: Suuuuup gurlllls! [00:02:00] fiery1phoenix: hell yeah [00:02:02] Srcsqwrn: nanona1ChickenWalk nanona1ChickenWalk nanona1ChickenWalk [00:02:02] Elifighter: congrats on finallyy moving out [00:02:03] karojhe: DinoDance SingsNote DinoDance SingsNote DinoDance [00:02:03] Glarndude: MercyWing1 WutFace MercyWing2 [00:02:03] taquito_tim: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:02:03] Ry21Gu: altriveAnimal pspEat [00:02:03] Transrenata: sprixeDance sprixeDance sprixeDance sprixeDance [00:02:05] bearpaw1970: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance GalaxyUnpacked DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:02:05] Timothy_M_Stepanski: Timothy_M_Stepanski subscribed at Tier 1. [00:02:05] f3mmbot: timothy_m_stepanski subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang timothy_m_stepanski f1nnLezgang [00:02:06] DiaboloLisha: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:02:07] smellykid007: being rickrolled rn 😔 [00:02:08] sadisticsailor: <3 SeemsGood BibleThump Kreygasm BibleThump [00:02:09] jamnesia777: PopNemo [00:02:09] sarathearcher1: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:09] Srcsqwrn: papasp7Spin papasp7Spin papasp7Spin papasp7Spin [00:02:10] ninjapenguin161: Thanks for reminding me I need to get more E. lol [00:02:10] daxx600: hi [00:02:10] Glarndude: HungryPaimon [00:02:11] NUFC4life1979: NUFC4life1979 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months! 36 watching the legend that is F1nn5ter [00:02:11] f3mmbot: nufc4life1979 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 31 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:12] s4usagerolls: I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but anyone reading this you just lost the game thank you [00:02:12] VerminTalks: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:02:12] pikminfan: L rizz [00:02:13] axe1970: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:13] caelamondorian: Early! [00:02:14] Elifighter: Elifighter subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months, currently on a 3 month streak! hey everybody [00:02:14] f3mmbot: elifighter subscribed to f1nn5ter for 37 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:15] Prandah: MercyWing1 f1nnTank MercyWing2 MercyWing1 f1nnTank MercyWing2 MercyWing1 f1nnTank MercyWing2 MercyWing1 f1nnTank MercyWing2 MercyWing1 f1nnTank MercyWing2 [00:02:16] LeVideNoirAstral: yay [00:02:16] itz_just_a_girl: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:02:18] vegito_blue2018: Level 5 hype train alr [00:02:18] 1fvcker1: TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun [00:02:19] taicapre: Bye house [00:02:21] elizabethpearlxo: frost05FlexLS TehePelo frost05FlexRS [00:02:21] TotalShadow129: hi [00:02:21] taquito_tim: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:02:22] dmx908: Yo is this real? Finn stream [00:02:22] catgirlpeggerrrr: Balls 3 [00:02:23] realblerti: nibeas [00:02:23] comrade_asg: Omg hello everyone!! [00:02:24] sueridgewater: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:24] augiegames59: FINN!!! [00:02:25] undead_bandit452: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:25] Srcsqwrn: pretty22Maid pretty22Sway pretty22Maid pretty22Sway [00:02:25] CarrotJunior: gotyaaDance gotyaaDance gotyaaDance gotyaaDance gotyaaDance gotyaaDance gotyaaDance gotyaaDance [00:02:25] peachy_claire: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm [00:02:25] Pretty_Decent__: HIII [00:02:26] CrispTenderloin: crispt5Bongo crispt5Pop crispt5Bongo crispt5Pop crispt5Bongo crispt5Pop crispt5Bongo crispt5Pop [00:02:26] strawb3ry_cow: got RICKROLLED by a BOTTOM [00:02:26] johnkeiwo: yo chat [00:02:27] EdgeVerses: yoo level 4 hype train [00:02:28] Hanarchy0301: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:02:29] Flowwofl: f1nnGross [00:02:29] sadisticsailor: Doododo [00:02:29] guitarbebop: meow 😸 [00:02:29] ogtheimperial: hi [00:02:30] draiko60: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:02:30] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnCowjam [00:02:31] Endlessoul: Hey thanks for getting me into that old kuromi intro song [00:02:31] my_queues: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:31] ChasingSol: sup @johnkeiwo [00:02:32] rookytheghost: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:32] rooooooooosh: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:32] davidiusfarrenius: Hello Finn and everyone in chat 👋 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [00:02:32] SeriousMental: yo [00:02:33] highpadhunny: uni1 [00:02:33] nascaristhebest2023: sup Finn [00:02:34] Stovamor: @johnkeiwo, yo [00:02:34] noi4321: world record hype train??? [00:02:35] Timothy_M_Stepanski: f1nnPegChamp f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnTankhat [00:02:35] realblerti: bebe [00:02:36] DiaboloLisha: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:02:36] sadisticsailor: Ieieie [00:02:36] superawesomelad: GivePLZ f1nnCool [00:02:38] sobik110: Hiiiii [00:02:39] envixityvol46: Hiiiii [00:02:39] omgtiggeroni: th3bea1Ppdance th3bea1Ppdance th3bea1Ppdance th3bea1Ppdance th3bea1Ppdance th3bea1Ppdance th3bea1Ppdance [00:02:40] twitch_fish_123: moo [00:02:41] baileytrolls: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [00:02:41] Srcsqwrn: tinklesBounce tinklesTilt tinklesWiggle tinklesWobble tinklesBounce tinklesTilt tinklesWiggle tinklesWobble [00:02:43] matheuslr47: matheuslr47 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months! 1 year on hrt, its a slow process but im getting there [00:02:43] f3mmbot: matheuslr47 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:43] ventusmaster77: TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun [00:02:43] forcekin092yt: Squid1 Squid2 TwitchConHYPE Squid2 Squid4 [00:02:43] Juliya_999: hiii [00:02:43] SnabbKassa: rickrollin like it's 2021 [00:02:44] twitch_fish_123: DinoDance TwitchConHYPE [00:02:44] MirahImage: f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam [00:02:46] peachy_claire: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:47] lil_bow101: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:02:47] MnKoAviation2334: yoo hiii :3 [00:02:50] ashrijayde: Cheer100 [00:02:51] realzerobyter: guys this is my first finnster live stream! should i do a big dono for the lols? [00:02:52] EdgeVerses: @F1NN5TER oi [00:02:52] SidMaxwell10: @johnkeiwo hey. Was wondering where you where ModLove [00:02:53] 1fvcker1: ImTyping ImTyping [00:02:53] timabar: Here we go f1nnCowjam <3 CurseLit f1nnChair <3 CurseLit [00:02:53] bearpaw1970: Hey Stov 👍🎩🫴💞 [00:02:53] FelineFemby: buzzzing today! [00:02:54] idesofjuno: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM [00:02:55] zephyr_alba: f1nnHeart f1nnGremlin f1nnHeart [00:02:55] Jeddix: Cheer100 [00:02:55] DarthDerpy_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:56] DominicanInTheUK: watttsBounce watttsBounce watttsBounce TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [00:02:56] Flowwofl: f1nnGross f1nnGross f1nnGross f1nnGross f1nnGross f1nnGross f1nnGross f1nnGross f1nnGross [00:02:56] ChasingSol: @realzerobyter no [00:02:57] wackynaky: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:57] cr7tix: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:02:57] Prandah: f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam [00:02:58] MollyRzr: Yay! [00:02:59] kaleebug04: Heyy [00:03:00] rookytheghost: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:00] 1fvcker1: FallHalp FallHalp [00:03:00] twitch_fish_123: 🎶🎵 [00:03:00] IronWillowTree: f1nnCool f1nnCool f1nnCool [00:03:01] ashrijayde: Cheer100 [00:03:01] Stovamor: KappaInfinite [00:03:01] fromthef1nn5ide: fromthef1nn5ide subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months! 40 months. So much has changed and even more is about to. Here's to 40 more. [00:03:02] f3mmbot: fromthef1nn5ide subscribed to f1nn5ter for 40 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:02] aumetra: Hiii [00:03:02] c__r__j: spicycowDancy rynDance f1nnCowjam astra71Dance femukHeadsway rynJam spicycowFeet femboy45Drum redsayBongo DinoDance [00:03:03] noi4321: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [00:03:03] SomeGaeSloth: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:03] CrispTenderloin: @matheuslr47 Congrats!!! [00:03:04] stealblockgaming: Hello Finn and chat Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:03:05] sionaprice: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo willoCrab willoCrab willoFly willoFly PopNemo PopNemo [00:03:06] itz_just_a_girl: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:06] attnwert: Shush PizzaTime TheIlluminati copyThis pastaThat [00:03:07] 1fvcker1: CaitlynS CaitlynS CaitlynS [00:03:10] Gtaer222: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:10] 13eey0u: Wsg [00:03:11] im_up_to_something: SingsNote Lechonk SingsNote Lechonk SingsNote [00:03:12] sillylilterra: Can't believe I finally caught a f1nn stream [00:03:12] taquito_tim: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:13] omgtiggeroni: lilpee6Charmander lilpee6Charmander lilpee6Charmander lilpee6Charmander lilpee6Charmander lilpee6Charmander lilpee6Charmander lilpee6Charmander lilpee6Charmander [00:03:13] 1fvcker1: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:13] mugrootbeers: !socials [00:03:13] DiaboloLisha: DinoDance <3 DinoDance <3 DinoDance <3 DinoDance DinoDance <3 DinoDance <3 [00:03:14] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [00:03:14] VekkTheAsuran: VekkTheAsuran subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months! A full 18 months relationship and not a single argument, I am truly blessed at have a silent partner [00:03:14] f3mmbot: vekktheasuran subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:15] ashrijayde: Cheer100 [00:03:16] vegito_blue2018: If this WAS 2021, F1nn would still be doing mimecraft stuff xd [00:03:16] mcber1234: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 tank [00:03:16] strawbirose: hii Finn hi chat <3 [00:03:17] MysticalTurkey: MysticalTurkey is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [00:03:17] davidiusfarrenius: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:17] MysticalTurkey: MysticalTurkey gifted a Tier 1 sub to 8bitkoala_! [00:03:18] superawesomelad: HarleyWink HarleyWink HarleyWink [00:03:18] f3mmbot: mysticalturkey has gifted a subscription to 8bitkoala_ at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang 8bitkoala_ f1nnLezgang [00:03:18] Stovamor: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [00:03:18] Prandah: MercyWing1 f1nnTank MercyWing2 [00:03:18] akabounty_937: on my mom I was just watching all f1nns old vids cuz I was bored and missing the stream, then I get the noti for my favorite cracked egg is now live on twitch @johnkeiwo [00:03:19] clowncasie: clowncasie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! [00:03:19] f3mmbot: clowncasie subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:20] r3allowxx: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:20] carboxulated: I need them cheeks Finn [00:03:20] braddle172: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:21] omgtiggeroni: lilpee6Duckdance lilpee6Duckdance lilpee6Duckdance lilpee6Duckdance lilpee6Duckdance lilpee6Duckdance lilpee6Duckdance lilpee6Duckdance lilpee6Duckdance lilpee6Duckdance lilpee6Duckdance [00:03:22] ghostieliving: ghostieliving subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! Happy 10 monthsss [00:03:22] f3mmbot: ghostieliving subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:25] MirahImage: We've been let down [00:03:27] guitarbebop: f1nnTank f1nnTank it would be cool to have a tank background here [00:03:27] keller4589: hiii Finn congratulations on the new crib [00:03:28] pikminfan: f1nnSCAM [00:03:28] Kengiraffe: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [00:03:28] electric_cicada: f1nnHeart [00:03:28] Timothy_M_Stepanski: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:03:29] Kohal_Kesrin: Pride100 [00:03:29] davidiusfarrenius: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [00:03:29] bearpaw1970: Hey ☺️👋 C__r__j 🫴🥰 [00:03:30] 13eey0u: How y'all doin [00:03:30] melkorgoth: melkorgoth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! Still the only being who gets real money out of me on Twtch. [00:03:30] f3mmbot: melkorgoth subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:31] bristownator: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:31] johnkeiwo: @akabounty_937, nice [00:03:31] bigsuave7: I'm 3 minutes late what did i miss [00:03:32] just_an_other_lurker: good afternoon [00:03:32] EdgeVerses: @strawbirose wassup [00:03:32] axe1970: BisexualPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:32] oreoman5214: smolNut [00:03:33] lampshaderie: Ashley or we riot [00:03:33] nlulukna: yeah finn stream [00:03:33] twitch_fish_123: 🤘 [00:03:33] xxunkowngaming: Hi [00:03:34] Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER moving soon or stops streaming? [00:03:35] SeriousMental: yooo mofo [00:03:35] debdrup: hello, streamer [00:03:36] vegito_blue2018: cynder83Snom cynder83Snom cynder83Snom cynder83Snom cynder83Snom cynder83Snom [00:03:36] PolkaDotKittyKat: Hello little lady! [00:03:36] GeneralHewett13: hi [00:03:36] bart140298: Hello there [00:03:37] Lucianthelord: Ickys newest vid is amazing [00:03:37] Mikey2207: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:37] carboxulated: squeee [00:03:37] EnbyG: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:03:38] realzerobyter: hi [00:03:38] lukksnar: F1nn just made my day [00:03:38] heyimf1dg3t: howdy [00:03:39] ChasingSol: sup dude [00:03:39] EdgeVerses: helloooo [00:03:39] strinx1120: Hiiiii [00:03:39] ronin_5463: Hallooooo [00:03:40] comrade_asg: Omg hi F1nn! Long time no see [00:03:40] ArminGux: hiii [00:03:40] rollietoaster: Pog [00:03:40] ecstaticsense: watching on the bus going to school 😁 [00:03:41] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:41] katrinalynn_k: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:41] kassthegoated: my bf dumped me but at least i can still watch a REAL man [00:03:41] thean9ry9amer: hi [00:03:42] LeVideNoirAstral: hi [00:03:42] aporcelaingirl: Corgo100 Corgo100 [00:03:42] imaprsn: hello!!!! [00:03:43] enbyylogan: NonbinaryPride THEY’RE HERE NonbinaryPride [00:03:43] braddle172: Heyo [00:03:44] jacksprettycool: f1nnTankhat [00:03:44] bashfulrayray: Hi finn hi yt [00:03:44] sunnyandsmiling: Hiiiiiii [00:03:44] luke_gaming0: hiiii [00:03:44] theyggdrasilarchives: hiii [00:03:44] lilithwintour: HIIIII [00:03:44] klimmers_8: hiiii [00:03:44] choppedsalad_: heyaaaa [00:03:44] AustraLeah: Really just got rickrolled in 8bit style? [00:03:45] red_dead_raine: helloooo [00:03:45] nascaristhebest2023: sup Finn [00:03:46] ranboos_prefrontal_cortex: hi! [00:03:46] PynkFryck: yoo [00:03:46] distractedcreative: Audio peaking [00:03:46] CrispTenderloin: Sup stinky? [00:03:46] RynFromK2L: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:03:46] ArminGux: how is you [00:03:47] bearpaw1970: Grin..what's poppin' sweetness [00:03:47] marciamaplewood: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:03:47] pikminfan: f1nnCope [00:03:47] elizabethpearlxo: oye fellas [00:03:47] asectrak: hola hola [00:03:47] invinciblenuke: hi finn! [00:03:47] OLordPapyrus: shalom [00:03:47] Merobiba_: hiii fudgeHi [00:03:48] rskybiscuit19: Wagwan G [00:03:48] Ruglund6230: hiii [00:03:48] DarthDerpy_: hiiiiii [00:03:48] soggyvector: howdy [00:03:48] ventusmaster77: POPIN MY G [00:03:48] aLittleCalamarian: hiiiiii [00:03:49] ironhydra: hi what's up [00:03:49] loopyloopony_1208: heyyy [00:03:49] rene_das_gamer_kind: hiii queen [00:03:49] strawb3ry_cow: gremlin has spoke [00:03:49] SidMaxwell10: Hey f1nn [00:03:49] gavinthegromit: cutie alert [00:03:50] ogtheimperial: hii [00:03:50] JTSmanJ: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:50] Helen_Croft: Hi Finn [00:03:50] mr_ajokortti_korkort: 🌹 [00:03:50] papanonfrancesco: HIII [00:03:50] nascaristhebest2023: omg [00:03:50] Vertigo556: My F1nn waifu cup just got delivered at the same time you went live [00:03:50] s4usagerolls: You just lost the game [00:03:51] omgtiggeroni: little2678Exotic little2678Exotic little2678Exotic little2678Exotic little2678Exotic little2678Exotic little2678Exotic [00:03:51] enbyylogan: @lampshaderie agreed [00:03:51] itz_just_a_girl: HEllo [00:03:51] brodymc024: the gay is here [00:03:52] comrade_asg: Where have you been? [00:03:52] axe1970: there heer [00:03:52] Noatsjs: hey ytyyyyyyyyy [00:03:52] scarlettyg: Hiiiiii [00:03:52] sionaprice: quick hide the bodies, F1nn is back! [00:03:53] EdgeVerses: last stream in the house [00:03:53] VentoliN013: Hi finny! [00:03:53] elizabethpearlxo: a cutie appeared [00:03:53] VerminTalks: Hellooooooo [00:03:53] TwinbeeMk2: Hiya sweetface [00:03:53] MajesticFvckingEagle: Hiiiii [00:03:54] blueskydrinking: it's the bed pisser!!! [00:03:54] REDACTEDQueen: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride attacGay TransgenderPride TransgenderPride attacGay TransgenderPride TransgenderPride attacGay [00:03:54] EdgeVerses: i was here [00:03:54] taquito_tim: hiiiii [00:03:54] draiko60: Howdy princess [00:03:54] HardyOrange: New nails!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:03:54] M0rgan80: OOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII [00:03:54] Prandah: hola [00:03:54] jamnesia777: woooo [00:03:54] oliviazbored: hihi [00:03:55] Ry21Gu: Hello [00:03:56] stephsbigdrifts: Hello [00:03:56] karojhe: The time has come [00:03:56] ChasingSol: in that house [00:03:56] Helen_Croft: @F1NN5TER moving soon or stops streaming? [00:03:56] SnabbKassa: "thereupon" [00:03:56] foxxdonut: <3 [00:03:56] im_up_to_something: Hello there GoldPLZ [00:03:56] EdgeVerses: i wwas hereee [00:03:56] sniffuo: hii [00:03:57] VerminTalks: WHAAAA [00:03:58] comrade_asg: let's go [00:03:58] darkmew_10: Hi [00:03:59] redfogul: wooooo [00:03:59] Aurora_gey_: based [00:03:59] mrcooper2001: Nothing much just doing some laundry. [00:03:59] RynFromK2L: f1nnLaff [00:04:00] Jens_LN: Jens_LN subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months! [00:04:00] Lucianthelord: Baby boy! [00:04:00] DominicanInTheUK: sup bottom king [00:04:00] f3mmbot: jens_ln subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:00] ChasingSol: haha [00:04:00] VerminTalks: Scared me [00:04:00] grap3_s0da: Hey chat! [00:04:02] goja52: hello! [00:04:02] realzerobyter: moving boxes! [00:04:03] R4T_ttv: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:04:04] ArminGux: on time like British rail [00:04:04] pandadorable_: oof [00:04:04] zombiii: zombiii subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 12 month streak! one year. I don't think i'm cis anymore. i blame you [00:04:04] scarlettyg: Happy moving, Gremlin <3 [00:04:04] f3mmbot: zombiii subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:05] Krpto_: last stream woho [00:04:05] cookieeater212: HI YOUTUBE [00:04:05] EdgeVerses: is there a dead body in the box? [00:04:05] billyroan: first F1NN5TER stream [00:04:06] strawbirose: <3 <3 [00:04:06] LeVideNoirAstral: Clap [00:04:06] distractedcreative: Wut? [00:04:06] ironhydra: :D [00:04:07] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [00:04:07] bashfulrayray: Aye congratulations [00:04:07] Jens_LN: Finally moving ! [00:04:07] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [00:04:07] ShadowOfPetrichor: ShadowOfPetrichor subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! 15 months babeyyyyy [00:04:07] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [00:04:07] f3mmbot: shadowofpetrichor subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months using Prime! PogU [00:04:07] stealblockgaming: Level six or level seven hype train Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:04:08] c__r__j: What are you doing with this house once you've left? [00:04:08] Kolateak_: Jebaited [00:04:08] twitch_fish_123: the end is near [00:04:09] Noatsjs: hiiiii [00:04:09] alexx_net: Her pronouns are he/him ! [00:04:09] Srcsqwrn: nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO [00:04:09] RynFromK2L: Congrats! [00:04:09] farfatu: hiiii!!! [00:04:09] pikminfan: f1nnEmbarrassed [00:04:10] lukksnar: OMG NEW HOUSE POG [00:04:10] yee_celeste: hi finn [00:04:10] alexandrabee101: I have a hoody like that [00:04:11] marciamaplewood: WWAHAAHAHAH [00:04:11] bart140298: We're gonna miss the background [00:04:11] windsage561: End of an era [00:04:11] OLordPapyrus: wowowowowowowo didn’t ask [00:04:11] braddle172: o7 [00:04:11] VerminTalks: Bro🗿 [00:04:11] guitarbebop: dude GlitchCat [00:04:12] carboxulated: moving on up the housing ladder [00:04:12] LiquicityGames: I signed up on your onkyfans [00:04:13] elizabethpearlxo: 📦📦📦 [00:04:14] QuickestJadeTheDoge: Haiiii this is my first stream so hello [00:04:15] SidMaxwell10: Jebaited [00:04:15] aLittleCalamarian: goodbye room, you've done us good these years 💖 [00:04:15] NichtzNeues: The light is to bright [00:04:15] Elifighter: burn it [00:04:16] sourlemonzcos: good for u man [00:04:16] ChasingSol: set it on fire [00:04:16] taquito_tim: they she he back [00:04:17] xXNeroZashiXx: @F1NN5TER Hello PansexualPride [00:04:17] ManOnTheNet: redsayWave redsayWave redsayWave [00:04:17] silentkay1: Please tell me you have a box labeled BLÅHAJ [00:04:18] OLordPapyrus: 🤫🧏‍♂️ [00:04:18] sourlemonzcos: gal [00:04:18] SeriousMental: the end of an aera [00:04:19] saint_r: burn it [00:04:19] sourlemonzcos: idk [00:04:20] ventusmaster77: On the Up and Up!!!!! [00:04:21] JorWat: Please wait a couple of months before you dox yourself this time... [00:04:22] crasscarrot: F1nn I’m talking with my doctor to get hormones today!!! [00:04:22] GodOfKitsune: Burn it [00:04:23] Roninomi: Hey dude. been ages since I caught your live stream. Happy Moving day whenever that is. [00:04:24] papanonfrancesco: demolish it [00:04:24] yee_celeste: gimme the blahaj [00:04:24] PynkFryck: burn it [00:04:24] ranboos_prefrontal_cortex: woo! [00:04:25] Stovamor: @c__r__j, Hitch is moving in [00:04:25] lampshaderie: dude's moving back in with his parents [00:04:25] EdgeVerses: burn alll the blahaj's before you leave the house [00:04:25] Prandah: burn it [00:04:26] akabounty_937: @johnkeiwo best mod fs he is able to see me at him during the chaos that is the start of f1nns streams w mod fs [00:04:26] Lucridis: Bury it for satan [00:04:26] peanutbudder445_: Erm what the sigma [00:04:26] jamnesia777: no more f1nn house [00:04:27] EnderRaptorGaming: blow it up [00:04:27] baileytrolls: bushwhPIKA bushwhPIKA bushwhPIKA bushwhPIKA bushwhPIKA bushwhPIKA bushwhPIKA bushwhPIKA bushwhPIKA bushwhPIKA bushwhPIKA bushwhPIKA bushwhPIKA KappaPride bushwhPIKA bushwhPIKA bushwhPIKA [00:04:27] Jens_LN: BOX ! [00:04:28] bearpaw1970: So awesome your now on the journey you an Ashley and tank ..☺️🫴🥰 [00:04:28] SeriousMental: Yeet it [00:04:28] ricebowl75: ricebowl75 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! [00:04:28] f3mmbot: ricebowl75 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months using Prime! PogU [00:04:29] bigsuave7: Shoot it with flaming arrows LUL [00:04:30] strawb3ry_cow: BURN the BOX [00:04:30] DarrigoTR: BS, another delay will def happen [00:04:30] R4T_ttv: yeah burn it [00:04:30] alexx_net: I'll believe it when I see you in the new house [00:04:31] GeneralHewett13: blow it up on stream [00:04:32] m4id3nl3ss1: BURN IT!!!!! [00:04:32] CarrotJunior: moving sucks butt :( hope it’s going smoothly [00:04:33] 21novas: I would too after that article of the times [00:04:33] scarlettyg: Fumigate the box before burning it, just to make sure [00:04:33] freshdelipickles: dumpster fire [00:04:33] enbyvee: fire is always an option [00:04:36] SeriousTTV: SeriousTTV subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months! 20 months with this gremlin, Lets GO! [00:04:36] f3mmbot: seriousttv subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months using Prime! PogU [00:04:36] mcber1234: f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank [00:04:36] ecstaticsense: ecstaticsense subscribed with Prime. [00:04:37] f3mmbot: ecstaticsense subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang ecstaticsense f1nnLezgang [00:04:37] thanatoscar: leave it there for the next resident [00:04:38] majolicawhisker: majolicawhisker subscribed with Prime. [00:04:38] f3mmbot: majolicawhisker subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang majolicawhisker f1nnLezgang [00:04:38] Lucianthelord: Dump crate in a river lol [00:04:38] ArminGux: can we bet if a pipe will break during stream [00:04:38] agirlandherkitty90: your stream is way too busy. [00:04:39] elizabethpearlxo: make an altar out of it, a shrine [00:04:39] kassthegoated: im a cis girl but i saw ur tiktok abt the eyelashes and i haven’t gone back since getting them done [00:04:39] c__r__j: @Stovamor Oooh! [00:04:40] terryrussell84: Uh huh no reason [00:04:41] vegito_blue2018: jay3Punch [00:04:41] johnkeiwo: POGGERS [00:04:41] karojhe: Getting rid of the tissues [00:04:41] grap3_s0da: Boys, fellas [00:04:42] m1lkaxd: Right when I have to go to sleep [00:04:43] braddle172: Bol pog [00:04:45] S1lverFoxLive: smash [00:04:45] c__r__j: Bolognese! [00:04:46] sunnyandsmiling: Have a cisboy fin funeral by burying the box, lol [00:04:46] femboyhootey: femboyhootey subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months, currently on a 24 month streak! 2 years with the grem! please flip me off [00:04:46] f3mmbot: femboyhootey subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:46] Davecastle10: Davecastle10 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! I've been here a while, although I forget to sub most months. [00:04:47] f3mmbot: davecastle10 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU [00:04:49] electric_cicada: f1nnHeart finnHeart [00:04:50] twitch_fish_123: bye mess you will be missed [00:04:51] pikminfan: f1nnEmbarrassed fimter lesbob [00:04:51] Vanimal2118: Pour gas on it and shot with flaming arrows? [00:04:51] ogrem_fanclan: Feels good, doesn't it? [00:04:52] SnabbKassa: when are you selling the old house? [00:04:52] scarlettyg: His room is finally tidy-ish [00:04:52] ronin_5463: This looks wrong lol [00:04:53] HardyOrange: it's always shocking how close that one wall we never see is [00:04:53] realzerobyter: congrats fin!!! [00:04:53] MirahImage: Bury it as a toxic surprise for someone in 100 years [00:04:53] ChasingSol: clean for the first time since you've been there [00:04:54] johnkeiwo: the cleanest this room has been in years [00:04:55] Lydia_Fe: UHAULING!?!?!? [00:04:56] m1lkaxd: Goodnight [00:04:56] DarrigoTR: The only way to get Finn to clean [00:04:56] JustaguyTwitchTV: hiiii [00:04:57] alikarin: alikarin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 7 month streak! Hey f1nn, glad to hear you are moving finally. Must be exciting [00:04:57] f3mmbot: alikarin subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:57] blueskydrinking: That room hasn't been this clean since 2020 [00:04:58] S1lverFoxLive: why he kinda- [00:04:58] ArminGux: clap [00:04:58] foxxdonut: foxxdonut subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! I finally got your gamer sups cup!! Reppin it up at work [00:04:58] f3mmbot: foxxdonut subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:58] MrsPandamber: this is the cleanest its ever been [00:04:59] tagartine: Does it echo now? [00:04:59] bigsuave7: What's about under the desk though [00:05:00] strawb3ry_cow: and now the desk [00:05:00] noi4321: why do you have to stream during the chess candidates tournament [00:05:01] soggyvector: MBDTF SIGHTED [00:05:02] tagartine: Lol [00:05:02] grandpaladin1701: You seem all adult and shit! [00:05:02] sarathearcher1: F1nn5ter World Tour 2024 [00:05:02] Silensrunners: sup VoHiYo [00:05:02] taquito_tim: BloodTrail [00:05:02] debdrup: echo! [00:05:02] EdgeVerses: i don't hear the echo [00:05:04] GodOfKitsune: There is no saving the box, it needs incinerating [00:05:05] desertkingu: Smash [00:05:05] FelineFemby: that’s actually amazing! [00:05:06] boykss3r: he was listening to Kanye [00:05:06] imaprsn: the beginning of the end [00:05:06] loinletloose: Fortnite [00:05:07] carboxulated: it’s pretty bare in there damn, can hear the echo now [00:05:07] noi4321: idk which to watch [00:05:08] SavvyFaire: grinch clap [00:05:08] Noatsjs: omggggg [00:05:09] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER The Box is a Biohazard --- Burn the Box ! [00:05:09] EnderRaptorGaming: Can I have a bite of one of those furbrushes? [00:05:10] Galaxy_Wolf141: Finn its my B-Day today [00:05:12] johnkeiwo: adcvrSHOOK adcvrSHOOK [00:05:12] nikama6: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:05:13] JustaguyTwitchTV: wow it actually looks alright finally [00:05:13] MerksyVT: where are you goin to next? [00:05:14] kia_lonewolf21: good girl [00:05:14] ventusmaster77: Clap Tip Tap [00:05:14] themindscrambler: themindscrambler subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months! two squared times seven [00:05:14] bart140298: Physics working somehow [00:05:14] f3mmbot: themindscrambler subscribed to f1nn5ter for 28 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:05:15] SidMaxwell10: Clap [00:05:16] lilithsspawn: Ecco? [00:05:17] Noatsjs: omgggg [00:05:18] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter As I said to you, it's probably the cleanest this room has been since you moved in [00:05:18] alexx_net: Box? gas mask, then dump the content in the garden and burn it. Bleach the inside of the box. [00:05:18] ManOnTheNet: all empty rooms echo [00:05:19] davidiusfarrenius: Have you got donor messages on Finn? [00:05:19] LightningDesigner: LightningDesigner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! [00:05:19] f3mmbot: lightningdesigner subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:05:19] EdgeVerses: finn stop streaming, just let alfred stream [00:05:20] maddog5005085: it’s like my father, not there [00:05:20] saint_r: saint_r subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months! What do you do with the desk? Are you going to take it to the new house? [00:05:20] f3mmbot: saint_r subscribed to f1nn5ter for 37 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:05:22] lampshaderie: ⛽⛽⛽⛽⛽ [00:05:23] S1lverFoxLive: finn why u looking so cute today? [00:05:25] tilt_central: tilt_central subscribed with Prime. [00:05:25] f3mmbot: tilt_central subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang tilt_central f1nnLezgang [00:05:26] imaprsn: you mean Ecco is there? 🤣 [00:05:26] Jens_LN: Poor Alfred ! [00:05:27] FelineFemby: @galaxy_wolf141 happy birthday 🥳 [00:05:27] realzerobyter: domestic violence [00:05:27] HardyOrange: hey now, maybe he just had a fun night with the sharks [00:05:27] 13eey0u: a [00:05:29] Helen_Croft: noooooooooooo [00:05:31] enbyvee: @eccoblast is in the stream room???? [00:05:32] braddle172: f1nnTank [00:05:32] Noatsjs: DinoDance DinoDance [00:05:33] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter As I said to you, it's probably the cleanest this room has been since you moved in [00:05:33] smilingspace_: hello!! [00:05:34] bearpaw1970: That is interesting , your ceiling high dome shaped ? [00:05:36] suspiciouscoffeeman: suspiciouscoffeeman subscribed at Tier 1. [00:05:37] f3mmbot: suspiciouscoffeeman subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang suspiciouscoffeeman f1nnLezgang [00:05:37] noi4321: who does chat think will win the candidates tournament? [00:05:37] HexGrrrrl: I got my waifu cup today [00:05:37] s4usagerolls: Are staying in the UK? [00:05:38] DarthDerpy_: f1nnTank [00:05:38] Ry21Gu: altriveChair [00:05:41] CrispTenderloin: How’re you going to pack the Blåhaj’s? [00:05:42] c__r__j: Noooo! Poor Alfred! [00:05:43] m_chadha_: hi HeyGuys HeyGuys [00:05:43] akabounty_937: I can’t hear the echos, the best cracked egg is going delulu [00:05:44] fischfuttermaker: already moved all your dildo‘s [00:05:44] lukksnar: alfred the blahaj king [00:05:45] oliviazbored: oliviazbored subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 2 month streak! what’s the plan for moving the blahaj pile? [00:05:45] ashrijayde: do you go and get your lash extensions done or do you do them yourself? [00:05:45] f3mmbot: oliviazbored subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months using Prime! PogU [00:05:46] agirlandherkitty90: how do u do your lashes [00:05:47] ClaireTheMaid: ClaireTheMaid subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 4 month streak! I'm gonna send two tons of sand to you before you move [00:05:47] f3mmbot: clairethemaid subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:05:49] Elifighter: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [00:05:51] protocar2007: are you coming back soon? [00:05:52] HardyOrange: all of stream is rather quiet?? my speakers are turned way up [00:05:53] alexx_net: @s4usagerolls, yes, for now [00:05:58] Roninomi: what I forgot is you got one of those fast chats… chats… chats… chats…. cha… cha… cha… cha… ch ch [00:05:59] Hyaguss: Cheer1 [00:05:59] Lets_illuminatiHD: Nooooooooooooo we love your house!!! [00:05:59] Krpto_: Krpto_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Prime for the Princess [00:05:59] f3mmbot: krpto_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [00:06:01] bearpaw1970: Oh' my 😁👍 [00:06:01] Vanimal2118: vanima3PINK @clairethemaid [00:06:01] ArminGux: it’s a femboy legion [00:06:01] highpadhunny: Pride1 [00:06:02] pianoismyforte_: Yeah it's a bit quiet [00:06:02] EdgeVerses: theres no echo lol [00:06:04] carboxulated: I you moving to Poland where it’s femboy for days out there? lol jk [00:06:04] iamlordtuts: Can anyone recommend a basic eye makeup tutorial? [00:06:04] Furrfan47: there is no echo [00:06:05] c__r__j: @CrispTenderloin Can use the Blahajar to pack other stuff! [00:06:08] gaminggiantlive: Cheer1000 i remember when you moved into this room. i remember when you streamed from your bedroom [00:06:08] ClaireTheMaid: hi @Vanimal2118 [00:06:08] eine_baum: HYDRATE! [00:06:08] lampshaderie: microphones can't be too good to hear things lady [00:06:09] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [00:06:09] MysticalTurkey: Squeeek [00:06:10] enbyvee: WD40 is your friend [00:06:11] Ry21Gu: pspCatexplode [00:06:11] smilingspace_: how’s tank doing? [00:06:12] caelamondorian: Hi Finn! [00:06:12] marciamaplewood: hehe. balls :3 [00:06:14] Jens_LN: WD 40 will fix that [00:06:15] ZYRL0N: Hello beautiful!Greetings from Hamburg Germany! [00:06:15] mrcooper2001: It isn't at all. [00:06:16] johnkeiwo: PogU [00:06:18] Helen_Croft: Is it done? [00:06:19] ArminGux: a bit quiet yes [00:06:21] EdgeVerses: are you moving cause of the dox? [00:06:22] ChasingSol: yes [00:06:22] silentkay1: it is a bit quieter than usual but not a big deal [00:06:23] Jens_LN: YES ! [00:06:23] bigsuave7: ye [00:06:24] MaxVershhhtappen: yo Finnn/Rose/Judy, Whatever… Did you heard Nano Nano’s new girl voice [00:06:24] HardyOrange: YESSSSSSSSS [00:06:24] ogrem_fanclan: yes [00:06:25] hazeyorion: Yessss [00:06:25] LeVideNoirAstral: yes [00:06:25] msschvs: yess [00:06:25] ogtheimperial: ShowLove100 [00:06:25] comrade_asg: yes [00:06:25] braddle172: Yeah [00:06:25] alexx_net: @HardyOrange, F1nn is quiet for me [00:06:25] Krpto_: YESS! [00:06:25] EternalLucia: Yes [00:06:25] Zesaido: Are u staying in the uk? [00:06:25] god_of_0: hey [00:06:26] R4T_ttv: YEAH [00:06:26] Furrfan47: no [00:06:26] bearpaw1970: Need spray to the metal joints [00:06:26] anoorak77: Yes ! [00:06:26] magicallycake: yea [00:06:26] DarthDerpy_: yesss [00:06:27] PandroBroRainbow: Yes [00:06:27] jackyboy932: im getting a blahaj soon [00:06:27] human370: HELLOOO YEAHH [00:06:27] lord_kerias: yes [00:06:27] idesofjuno: YES [00:06:27] Transrenata: Sure [00:06:27] caelamondorian: Yes [00:06:27] Pretty_Decent__: YEAH [00:06:28] batman29417: yes [00:06:28] Roninomi: I can’t hear an echo echo echo echo echo [00:06:28] Chri55PBacon: hi [00:06:28] Ex0dia5: yes [00:06:28] c__r__j: Yes! yourlo57Yay [00:06:28] daguerreotypes: ye [00:06:29] rskybiscuit19: Nee House Location??? [00:06:29] PrimMorrisroe: PrimMorrisroe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! SHOW US LE HOUSE [00:06:29] ethan__sad: MY FAVORITE FEMBOY! [00:06:29] f3mmbot: primmorrisroe subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:06:29] smilingspace_: yessss [00:06:29] SnabbKassa: only the inside!! [00:06:29] zombiii: dont dox yourself pls [00:06:29] im_up_to_something: Yeah [00:06:29] judgedame: hello yes [00:06:31] DarkRaven007: is it a new house or old house ? [00:06:31] davidiusfarrenius: we can hear your microphone squeak! [00:06:31] protocar2007: yes [00:06:31] debdrup: that's a solid maybe [00:06:31] rene_das_gamer_kind: yesss [00:06:32] Lucianthelord: Adhd moments with finncess [00:06:32] Ry21Gu: House tour poggies [00:06:32] EdgeVerses: @F1NN5TER are you moving cause of the name dox? [00:06:32] ogtheimperial: yess [00:06:32] bearpaw1970: Yes please [00:06:33] M0rgan80: SQUEAKY MIC [00:06:33] Helen_Croft: We seen it in the fire video @F1NN5TER [00:06:33] xx_bex_becca_xx: yes [00:06:34] dmx908: Yes [00:06:34] Stovamor: GO for it [00:06:34] MIKAeo: yes [00:06:35] SidMaxwell10: Hell yeah [00:06:36] batman29417: YES [00:06:37] soggyvector: yes [00:06:37] thanatoscar: is there a room in the new house for us? [00:06:37] carboxulated: how many rooms in the new house? [00:06:37] GeneralHewett13: I guess we could have a look around [00:06:38] davidiusfarrenius: yes please 🙏 [00:06:39] SeriousMental: inb4 doxxed before moving in LUL [00:06:39] human370: YEEEE [00:06:40] tomer132414: F1nn when you get a 2 house can you rent one for me? [00:06:40] TrojanMcRib: TrojanMcRib subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:06:40] human370: UEUEE [00:06:40] f3mmbot: trojanmcrib subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:06:41] sniffuo: yes [00:06:41] reckgeek1: yes,please [00:06:41] MajesticFvckingEagle: Fuck yea dude [00:06:42] MrsPandamber: dont dox yourself tho [00:06:42] axe1970: do not dox your self [00:06:44] ArminGux: show us , doc it [00:06:44] Viquitones: f1nn is now doxxing himself? [00:06:45] kandas_1: halloooooo [00:06:45] winksyyy_: yessss [00:06:46] Useless__person: HOUSEEEEEEEEEEE [00:06:46] Roninomi: I’m happy to wait for a tour [00:06:47] DustertheDevious: This is my first time watching you live. [00:06:48] QuickestJadeTheDoge: Yessss [00:06:49] numeanor: you opened that can with one hand with those nails??? [00:06:51] melon_malefactor: going for the dox streak [00:06:51] marciamaplewood: Yeah F1nn5ters gonna dox themself! [00:06:51] ich_mag_frettchen: F1nnster I’m at the beach rn [00:06:51] 13eey0u: when my grandma died they did not know her blood type but when she died she told us all to be positive [00:06:51] injeborg: yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos yarrBongos [00:06:52] ethan__sad: You're literally the prettiest person I've ever seen [00:06:53] cookieeater212: Hello future me watching the stream vod! [00:06:53] bearpaw1970: Oh' 😁👍 [00:06:54] mcber1234: f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnRotate f1nnCancelled f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnLaff f1nnSad f1nnRun f1nnZOOM f1nnPegChamp f1nnBingbong f1nnHands f1nnHeart f1nnKnife f1nnEgg f1nnNomods f1nnMonka f1nnGross f1nnSCAM f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 f1nnCope f1nnChair f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnStare f1nnSideeye f1nnRaid f1nnCool f1nnBonk f1nnAshbonk [00:06:55] HardyOrange: I want an update on the kitchen pit, personally [00:06:55] sm0hzam: guess who’s raiding you [00:06:55] Canniboom: show dungeon [00:06:56] alexx_net: Don't doxx the new house! 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 [00:06:56] Jens_LN: @EdgeVerses Nah, he has been renovating the new house for a long time [00:06:57] taquito_tim: doxx [00:06:58] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [00:06:58] Dethiccated: Getting a cute little streamer room? [00:06:59] ArminGux: geoguessers gooo [00:07:00] MirahImage: Yes, just no doxxing yourself [00:07:00] ChasingSol: oh god, don't doxx yourself before you've even moved in [00:07:01] bigsuave7: LUL [00:07:02] anxyslender: anxyslender subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! [00:07:03] f3mmbot: anxyslender subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:07:03] Helen_Croft: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:07:03] bored2000_: buff [00:07:03] Jens_LN: Oh noes ! [00:07:04] freshdelipickles: oh jeez [00:07:04] braddle172: lol [00:07:04] RynFromK2L: Immediately DOXes himself before she even moves in. [00:07:05] GeneralHewett13: bruh [00:07:05] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [00:07:05] carboxulated: poggers [00:07:05] EdgeVerses: @Jens_LN ah ok thx [00:07:06] Elifighter: photoshop [00:07:07] axe1970: gunns [00:07:07] gaminggiantlive: MY EYES [00:07:08] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [00:07:09] lukksnar: so stronk [00:07:09] oxxyluv: damn [00:07:10] HardyOrange: quick read the tabs [00:07:11] kassthegoated: kassthegoated subscribed at Tier 1. [00:07:11] samithmhak: samithmhak subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months, currently on a 44 month streak! 44 months, how you've changed - congrats on finally getting into the new house! [00:07:11] f3mmbot: kassthegoated subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang kassthegoated f1nnLezgang [00:07:11] im_up_to_something: Used to be buff [00:07:11] f3mmbot: samithmhak subscribed to f1nn5ter for 44 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:07:11] zebrabbl396: LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:07:11] bearpaw1970: Lmao muscles mommy [00:07:11] LittleChaSiu: too unrealistic [00:07:12] magicallycake: oh jeez [00:07:12] SidMaxwell10: KEKW [00:07:12] you_betcha5: meow meow [00:07:12] sm0hzam: someone’s about to raid [00:07:13] EdgeVerses: ahh acciadentaly showed the image ahh [00:07:13] distractedcreative: Copium [00:07:13] steveevi: HUH [00:07:13] carboxulated: I didn’t screenshot or anything I swear [00:07:13] EternalLucia: Strong girl [00:07:14] filip_zd10: dayumm [00:07:14] Smiling_Shelly: Ha Ha [00:07:15] lilithwintour: whata twink [00:07:16] ronin_5463: Gigachad confirmed lmao [00:07:16] unovaismyregion: nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps [00:07:17] enbyvee: yeah [00:07:17] marciamaplewood: GYATT [00:07:17] peanutbudder445_: Ohh no how saaadd [00:07:17] debdrup: blinded by paleness [00:07:17] MaxVershhhtappen: pink paint for bedroom finn?!.! [00:07:18] rskybiscuit19: GYATTT [00:07:18] rene_das_gamer_kind: Giga F1nn [00:07:18] femboyhootey: tts plz [00:07:18] VentoliN013: Hey finn/Jude 🙂 [00:07:18] SavvyFaire: who was the stronk woman on the screen [00:07:18] draiko60: Such a princess [00:07:18] katrinalynn_k: f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate [00:07:19] ohneAware: Chupapi [00:07:19] akabounty_937: ain’t no way f1nn just recognized my chat… I can die a happy little weird creature (that is a quote as to which someone on the discord on my old account that I’ve since deleted has called me lol [00:07:20] loopyloopony_1208: DAMMM [00:07:20] last_saint: Hello PotFriend [00:07:21] caelamondorian: New gun rack? [00:07:21] human370: MUSLE MOMMY [00:07:21] alexx_net: How embarrasing [00:07:22] ArminGux: photoshop? [00:07:22] Muffin01: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:07:22] kia_lonewolf21: l [00:07:23] Vanimal2118: Where Muscles? [00:07:23] tinytina153: Wait, what I miss? [00:07:24] kia_lonewolf21: L [00:07:24] taquito_tim: yo [00:07:25] QuickestJadeTheDoge: Close call there [00:07:25] 13eey0u: my grandma just fell down stairs [00:07:25] Roninomi: oh what, so many bulges! [00:07:26] insomniac_384: kinda looks edited [00:07:26] Useless__person: finn, you's a bitch for that lmfao [00:07:26] elo_ween: lesgoo [00:07:27] silentkay1: chat super laggy [00:07:28] ranboos_prefrontal_cortex: anyway… [00:07:29] melodyrainxx: Finnnnnnn hiiii 🖤✨🩷!!! [00:07:31] Raddog315: All this time I thought you were remaking the movie The Money Pit [00:07:32] Jens_LN: @EdgeVerses np ... it's been an ongoing affair for like a year or so [00:07:32] johnkeiwo: If you want to bet points on the prediction, click your channel points down bellow and then vote [00:07:33] imaprsn: definition of “woah” !!!!!!!! [00:07:34] princess_mia03: haiiii [00:07:36] elizabethpearlxo: frost05FlexLS TehePelo frost05FlexRS [00:07:37] EdgeVerses: most masculine stream ever, working out and being transphobic like a true sigma [00:07:37] kandas_1: dem guns [00:07:37] godhatesme666: godhatesme666 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! Hey f1nn! Don't dox the new house lol [00:07:38] f3mmbot: godhatesme666 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months using Prime! PogU [00:07:41] agirlandherkitty90: too busy [00:07:42] fishtree_: HeyGuys HeyGuys [00:07:43] braddle172: braddle172 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months! 38 months o7 [00:07:44] f3mmbot: braddle172 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 38 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:07:47] MirahImage: f1nnZOOM [00:07:47] baileytrolls: drank upp [00:07:47] davidiusfarrenius: Cheer1 [00:07:47] thefitcheck: Omg ive been following on YouTube but this is my first stream omg [00:07:49] 13eey0u: my grandma fell down stairs [00:07:50] Maliik123: Maliik123 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months! Nice [00:07:50] f3mmbot: maliik123 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 29 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:07:51] NiaNal: The house is "staged" [00:07:54] R4T_ttv: PogChamp [00:07:56] LittleChaSiu: "boys" smh we're right here [00:07:56] princess_mia03: Cheer1 [00:07:57] braddle172: KomodoHype [00:07:58] ChasingSol: nice [00:07:58] audr1en: 36 raiders from audr1en have joined! [00:07:59] tomer132414: OMG [00:07:59] HardyOrange: WOWWWWWWW [00:07:59] estherarchive: oohh [00:07:59] Jens_LN: oh shit ! [00:08:00] DarthDerpy_: ooooo [00:08:00] pixxur: OOOO [00:08:00] ghost_inna_jarr: I love you finn [00:08:00] grandpaladin1701: WOW [00:08:00] Smiling_Shelly: NICE [00:08:01] ronin_5463: WHOAAAAAAAA [00:08:01] carboxulated: swanky [00:08:01] DarkRaven007: is a new house [00:08:01] LeVideNoirAstral: nice [00:08:01] sunnyandsmiling: Niiiiiiiice [00:08:01] LittleChaSiu: what the fuck that's so good [00:08:02] angler_uwu: :000 [00:08:02] imaprsn: house!!!!!! [00:08:02] bigsuave7: yooo [00:08:02] lukksnar: DAYUM [00:08:02] ArminGux: aI home [00:08:02] alone_404: Its my favorite peg boy [00:08:02] SeriousMental: looks posh af [00:08:03] cookieeater212: gaw damn [00:08:03] Dethiccated: faake [00:08:03] Lucianthelord: Space to breath and grow! [00:08:03] pianoismyforte_: Pretty [00:08:03] Mikey2207: damnnnnn! [00:08:04] ogrem_fanclan: bouge [00:08:04] jamnesia777: DAMN THATS NICE [00:08:04] johnkeiwo: ooo looks nice :) [00:08:04] bearpaw1970: Yes..so good [00:08:04] cheesusyourlord: Nice [00:08:05] Krpto_: o.o [00:08:05] davidiusfarrenius: nice 👍 [00:08:05] RynFromK2L: Fake! [00:08:06] AlhambraMMXX: daaaaaaamn [00:08:06] ogtheimperial: nicee [00:08:06] SnabbKassa: MTV Cribs [00:08:07] JustaguyTwitchTV: o: [00:08:07] blueskydrinking: GODDAMN [00:08:07] enbyvee: that is a very pretty living room [00:08:07] protocar2007: looks cute [00:08:07] comrade_asg: white people's house [00:08:07] EternalLucia: Nice size room [00:08:07] melodyrainxx: Ohh cute [00:08:07] jordieboi45: wow [00:08:07] SavvyFaire: it'll be covered in boxes and shoes in 2 days [00:08:07] crasscarrot: oooooh! [00:08:07] Jens_LN: a Grown up persons house ??? [00:08:07] Hanji66_: dammm [00:08:08] taquito_tim: ooooooooooo [00:08:08] lilithsspawn: girly [00:08:08] scarlettyg: "weird objects that look like AI" - he hase actual terminators in his house, beware [00:08:08] know1_0: nice [00:08:08] red_dead_raine: ooooo [00:08:08] HoteLover: Show me the money shoot !! [00:08:08] Helen_Croft: Nice [00:08:08] Vanimal2118: nice [00:08:08] unovaismyregion: nice!!! [00:08:08] bart140298: looks fancy [00:08:09] KRukus9: damn [00:08:09] noi4321: thats a house [00:08:09] muddymudkip15: Nice [00:08:09] baileytrolls: yippe [00:08:09] Juliya_999: looks really nicee [00:08:09] thanatoscar: it is like an adult house [00:08:09] cavanbuck: are you living there or in a hotel? I’m confused [00:08:09] im_up_to_something: Not bad [00:08:10] femboy__hooters__: AUDREY RAID evelyn118WOW evelyn118WOW evelyn118WOW evelyn118WOW evelyn118WOW evelyn118WOW [00:08:10] Useless__person: DUDE WHAT [00:08:10] ahumanblub: WOOWW [00:08:10] JustaguyTwitchTV: sick [00:08:10] marciamaplewood: GYATT [00:08:11] suspiciouscoffeeman: i just got called poor lmfao [00:08:11] peanutbudder445_: Thats crazy [00:08:11] Mr_Fluffy97: Daaaaaamn [00:08:11] eckers75: cool [00:08:11] qfeys: Nice [00:08:11] cr7tix: Poooound pho [00:08:11] Mikey2207: that shit cleannnn! [00:08:12] MajesticFvckingEagle: Dayyyiuuumn [00:08:12] QuickestJadeTheDoge: NOICEE [00:08:12] Total_Acidity: WHOAAAAA [00:08:12] silentkay1: Oh god, you're going to get that so messy [00:08:12] Nova_Prime_69: daamn [00:08:13] godhatesme666: Tank is gonna pee on the couch [00:08:14] ZeroStrand: Mommy F1nn5ter hitting the griddy live on stream? [00:08:14] Raddog315: woah [00:08:14] realzerobyter: HOLY SHIT POG [00:08:14] ranboos_prefrontal_cortex: oooo [00:08:14] Muffin01: faaancyyy [00:08:14] KRukus9: fancy house [00:08:14] Pretty_Decent__: WOAH [00:08:14] scarlettyg: looks like an ikea ad [00:08:14] winksyyy_: beautiful [00:08:15] oliviazbored: so aesthetic [00:08:15] fiery1phoenix: make it pink [00:08:15] HardyOrange: so much for Tank to wee on! [00:08:15] pianoismyforte_: Looks like a proper girls house! Not a gremlin! [00:08:15] Prandah: nice [00:08:16] lukksnar: NOWAYING [00:08:16] letume: That looks comfy [00:08:16] papanonfrancesco: that's nice [00:08:16] nikikoln: so girly [00:08:16] mr_goope: good luck if you fall on that table [00:08:17] MajesticFvckingEagle: that’s cute [00:08:17] LittleChaSiu: you do, what do you mean [00:08:17] Elindalyne: is that real? [00:08:17] human370: NICEEE [00:08:18] ahumanblub: Nice [00:08:18] xx_bex_becca_xx: nice [00:08:18] imaprsn: fancy 👏👏 [00:08:18] karojhe: Damn, looks rich [00:08:18] noi4321: you do have money [00:08:18] enbyvee: bit beige for me but very tasteful [00:08:19] galxy_2844: pog [00:08:19] Krpto_: jesus christ [00:08:20] Ekun: Like a film set [00:08:20] Bytebak: PIE! [00:08:20] elizabethpearlxo: poggers [00:08:20] EnderRaptorGaming: i need a bite of that lamp [00:08:21] Useless__person: FUCKING JEALOUS [00:08:21] rene_das_gamer_kind: Bro bought Mansion [00:08:21] winksyyy_: nicceee [00:08:21] braddle172: PogU [00:08:21] j4nky2go: omg you have to start vlogging in the house [00:08:22] savagelettuce1: Woah [00:08:22] pandadorable_: fancy lesbian house [00:08:22] vkdmitri: HEYYY FIN [00:08:23] kassthegoated: ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 [00:08:23] EdgeVerses: bubble lights go brr [00:08:23] rskybiscuit19: Tory [00:08:23] themindscrambler: ceiling lamp sucks [00:08:23] ArminGux: architecture digest ass house [00:08:23] malachi66666: CUTEEEE [00:08:24] ronin_5463: Boujeeee [00:08:24] phoebe_rc: this is your new house? [00:08:25] alexx_net: What the actual F? That looks nice! [00:08:25] TheGrinch89: audr1en raid! [00:08:25] bigbingman: Damn, seggsy house [00:08:26] ogtheimperial: ShowLove100 [00:08:26] melodyrainxx: Nice ☺️ [00:08:27] Krpto_: Wayy too clean [00:08:27] Roninomi: a proper house and shit [00:08:28] oliviazbored: obsessed with the light fixture fr [00:08:28] s4usagerolls: The noise you male sound like the squirrel from ice age 😂😂😂 [00:08:28] lampshaderie: got that fembag [00:08:29] taquito_tim: looks fake [00:08:29] marciamaplewood: Fshmancy [00:08:29] AlhambraMMXX: bro is living good [00:08:29] HardyOrange: it's nice! [00:08:29] johnkeiwo: marble ? [00:08:30] attnwert: We're in the corner [00:08:31] GeneralHewett13: is that table chainsawed in half I can’t tell [00:08:32] tilt_central: defo went over budget :O [00:08:32] snowwynai: That's awesome! [00:08:33] AustraLeah: That looks nice [00:08:33] TwinbeeMk2: @F1NN5TER can't be yours it's too clean :P [00:08:33] bearpaw1970: That looks so good 👍😊 you having a house warming 🥳🎉 [00:08:33] papanonfrancesco: "looks" [00:08:33] BlaireBearStare: how can you give me living room envy… [00:08:34] nejamin3: oh swag [00:08:34] Krpto_: Marmor= [00:08:35] carboxulated: i see someone starting a OF in that house, wait what?! [00:08:35] jrhainsworth: The best time to get doxxed is right before moving house anyway lmao [00:08:35] axe1970: cheese table [00:08:36] winksyyy_: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ [00:08:36] Vanimal2118: marble? [00:08:36] enbyvee: oh the light is my favourite [00:08:37] Helen_Croft: stone made of rock @F1NN5TER [00:08:38] alexx_net: It looks like a house for an adult [00:08:39] bucksben: Big white balls nightshade! [00:08:39] EdgeVerses: bubble light yoo [00:08:40] vkdmitri: how are u girls guys n gays [00:08:40] MysticalTurkey: Thanks, I came out as gender fluid after I found your content. Everything just clicked in my head. I appreciate you. [00:08:40] VentoliN013: Looks fantastic! [00:08:41] SeriousMental: coffeetable of loosing all your shit in the middle LUL [00:08:42] PandroBroRainbow: Gotta feel weird going from a normal house to obvious has money house [00:08:42] MaxVershhhtappen: MaxVershhhtappen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! Yo Finn… want to thank you for helping me with questioning myself and consider myself as genderfluide… all the love and support from Holland. [00:08:42] f3mmbot: maxvershhhtappen subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:08:42] unovaismyregion: It’s very white [00:08:42] melodyrainxx: The light is so cute!! [00:08:42] HardyOrange: chandelier of balls tbh [00:08:43] realzerobyter: i just came [00:08:44] Stovamor: I saw these last week - the house is really nicely done [00:08:44] Furrfan47: it looks… [00:08:44] Ekun: Where is the RGB [00:08:45] mrcooper2001: Nice [00:08:45] lukksnar: LOL [00:08:46] hotdogwatt3r: you’re going to have crap on every surface very soon [00:08:46] kassthegoated: Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 Corgo1 [00:08:47] bearpaw1970: Hell yeah [00:08:50] imyour_waifuuwu: gamerbroPay2win [00:08:50] alexx_net: Looks like a marbel table [00:08:50] bigsuave7: ??? [00:08:50] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [00:08:51] Dethiccated: imagine some Tank pee in the corners LUL [00:08:52] orphanmeatstovetop: hell yeah [00:08:52] stenkaka14: hi from sweden [00:08:53] bigbingman: It'll be a mess within a week [00:08:53] SidMaxwell10: Bet you it doesn't stay that cleen very long [00:08:54] akabounty_937: never thought I’d hear those noises out of a bio man, but then again the fact that he’s “hung like a mouse” makes it less surprising. [00:08:55] braddle172: f1nnTank [00:08:56] thanatoscar: manly man [00:08:57] Kengiraffe: it looks like a weird plug [00:08:58] ogrem_fanclan: LOL [00:08:58] cookieeater212: ASHLEYYY [00:08:58] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:08:59] LeVideNoirAstral: lmao [00:08:59] Kaymon81: ahh, the bed pisser ^^ [00:08:59] jaizo_theskeleton: you're moving?? [00:09:00] EdgeVerses: dog and spider look similar [00:09:00] 13eey0u: vf. fvfn bf [00:09:00] JinxyKittyVT: KEKW [00:09:00] tinylilhorse: finn posh era [00:09:00] davidiusfarrenius: u ok? [00:09:00] johnkeiwo: that's a big spider [00:09:01] sunnyandsmiling: HI ASHLEY!!!! [00:09:01] Raddog315: Tank jumpscare [00:09:02] Cyprohep: hello hello [00:09:02] Ekun: OMEGALUL [00:09:03] papanonfrancesco: tank [00:09:03] enbyvee: HI TANK [00:09:03] DarkRaven007: awwww [00:09:03] ogtheimperial: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:09:04] distractedcreative: distractedcreative subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Lmao [00:09:04] f3mmbot: distractedcreative subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [00:09:04] ChasingSol: TANK [00:09:04] cookieeater212: tonk! [00:09:05] DarthDerpy_: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:09:05] johnkeiwo: hello tank ! [00:09:05] Krpto_: KEKW [00:09:05] GeneralHewett13: Tank is here less gooo [00:09:06] crissssssssy: tank [00:09:06] ArminGux: loooks London level fancy [00:09:06] grandpaladin1701: TAAANK [00:09:06] comrade_asg: tank!! [00:09:06] AustraLeah: Tank!!! [00:09:06] bigbingman: TANK [00:09:06] KelloggsTacoBella: Spiderman and a Stanley Cup [00:09:06] axe1970: spider tank [00:09:06] alikarin: awwwww [00:09:07] ogrem_fanclan: hello bb [00:09:07] red_dead_raine: AWEEEE [00:09:07] vkdmitri: ASHSLAYYYY [00:09:07] SZachel: so biig [00:09:07] imaprsn: TANK [00:09:07] bigsuave7: 😂😭 [00:09:07] EldritchElucidator: tank!!!! [00:09:07] suspiciouscoffeeman: AWWW [00:09:07] dangerousruben: Hi tank [00:09:07] Lucianthelord: Dunno, light looks suggestive [00:09:08] mossbirbz: tank <3 [00:09:08] gypsy_83: Ash and tank!! [00:09:08] HardyOrange: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:09:08] c__r__j: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:09:08] taquito_tim: tank [00:09:09] realzerobyter: ashley! hello! [00:09:09] Useless__person: TANKKK!!! [00:09:09] cheesusyourlord: TANK [00:09:09] freshdelipickles: wee tonk [00:09:09] melodyrainxx: Hii Ashley!!! [00:09:09] karojhe: Taaaank!!! [00:09:09] Vanimal2118: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:09:10] richarduk81: Bork [00:09:10] aced_asher: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:09:10] R4T_ttv: aww [00:09:10] Mooncow4001: YAY tank! [00:09:10] cheff_cook: TANK [00:09:10] soggyvector: suddenly puppy [00:09:10] EdgeVerses: he already looks bigger then before [00:09:11] enbyvee: he's such a big boy!!!! [00:09:11] Mr_Fluffy97: moroni12Wigglr moroni12Wigglr moroni12Wigglr [00:09:11] msschvs: TANK [00:09:11] Prandah: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:09:11] kandas_1: the light looks like a ... toy [00:09:11] SidMaxwell10: f1nnTank [00:09:11] nejamin3: AAAAAWWW [00:09:11] muddymudkip15: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank [00:09:12] blueskydrinking: Hello little buddy!!!!! [00:09:12] debdrup: finally, the reason we're all here! [00:09:12] sniffuo: tonk [00:09:12] rookytheghost: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [00:09:12] vkdmitri: cute [00:09:12] pianoismyforte_: Awww [00:09:12] davidiusfarrenius: it’s Tank! [00:09:12] crissssssssy: TANNKKKKKK [00:09:13] protocar2007: YEY DOG [00:09:13] galxy_2844: tank [00:09:13] mrcooper2001: Puppy [00:09:14] braddle172: Awww [00:09:14] Jens_LN: DOGGEH !! [00:09:14] scarlettyg: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [00:09:14] Smiling_Shelly: Hi Tank [00:09:15] EldritchElucidator: <333 [00:09:15] BadJuJu503: DOGGGGGG [00:09:15] ranboos_prefrontal_cortex: tank! [00:09:16] Stovamor: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:09:16] ChasingSol: all hail Supreme Commander TANK [00:09:16] oliviazbored: awwwww [00:09:16] SavvyFaire: TANK TANK [00:09:16] bearpaw1970: Tank🥰🫴💞 [00:09:16] karojhe: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:09:16] MirahImage: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:09:17] Elifighter: spider tank fanarrt incoming [00:09:17] jordieboi45: awww [00:09:17] resurgenceguild: Ashley! Get Tank a spider costume! [00:09:17] html2034: It's Finn's replacement. [00:09:17] ArminGux: huuugeee [00:09:17] filip_zd10: TANK [00:09:17] 13eey0u: awwwwwwwwwwwwww [00:09:18] Ekun: crumpSocute [00:09:18] Jens_LN: f1nnHeart [00:09:18] bart140298: Spider-Tank [00:09:18] xxl_anti_lxx: <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:09:18] Helen_Croft: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnHeadpat [00:09:18] draiko60: It needs some knifes and spider man posters [00:09:18] ogtheimperial: tank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:09:19] MajesticFvckingEagle: it’s pisser! [00:09:19] VentoliN013: 🥺 [00:09:19] aced_asher: HES SO CUTEEEEEE [00:09:20] imaprsn: lil guy!!!! [00:09:20] al3xjX: BibleThump <3 [00:09:20] Pearl7sp: dog!!!! [00:09:21] snowwynai: PUPPY! ❤️ [00:09:21] elizabethpearlxo: PUPPERS [00:09:21] TwinbeeMk2: Tank5ter [00:09:21] davidiusfarrenius: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:09:21] fishcatcher03: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:09:22] MirahImage: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTankhat [00:09:22] Jens_LN: femukLove [00:09:22] La_ToisonDOr: HypeHai HypeHai HypeHai HypeHai [00:09:22] Cpu101: awww lil piss boy [00:09:22] alexx_net: f1nnTank f1nnHeart [00:09:22] DarkRaven007: such a cute little dog [00:09:22] tilt_central: f1nnTank [00:09:22] LuckyIceZ: dog [00:09:22] Itspandra: TANK [00:09:22] kentuky_fried_chickn: tank supremacy [00:09:22] Furrfan47: he wasn’t a real dog before? [00:09:22] Cyprohep: fking cute [00:09:22] melodyrainxx: Lol cute [00:09:23] bristownator: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [00:09:23] Chri55PBacon: awww [00:09:23] Hyaguss: tank [00:09:23] troithulu: Tank!! [00:09:23] KRukus9: dog jumpscare [00:09:23] suspiciouscoffeeman: PRECIOUS BABY [00:09:23] oreoman5214: TANK [00:09:24] c__r__j: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:09:25] ski3e: tanker? [00:09:25] blazingphoenex: are you sure your not just getting shorter [00:09:25] QuickestJadeTheDoge: AWWWWW [00:09:26] DarthDerpy_: TANKK [00:09:26] Mr_Fluffy97: moroni12Puppyluv moroni12Puppyluv moroni12Puppyluv [00:09:26] jrhainsworth: Finn almost got out the giant flyswatter [00:09:26] HardyOrange: and now it's on you! [00:09:26] bigsuave7: whoops [00:09:27] mentally_1lly: tankkkk [00:09:27] imaprsn: lil guy moment!! [00:09:27] enbyvee: he did a lil piss [00:09:27] adorkablewreck: f1nnTank [00:09:28] vkdmitri: how cute aaww [00:09:28] lethaldissonance: a Lakitu figure on the light we be cool [00:09:29] BadJuJu503: DOGGIE AAAAAHHHHH [00:09:29] dangerousruben: Bedpisser [00:09:29] crasscarrot: I might be starting on E today! [00:09:30] AustraLeah: He gonn piss [00:09:31] akabounty_937: this baby tankerton. best raid that’s happened in the history of this channel fs [00:09:31] elo_ween: hey Ashleyyy [00:09:32] MirahImage: f1nnTank f1nnHeart f1nnTank f1nnHeart [00:09:32] Rubusguy: imGlitch imGlitch imGlitch imGlitch [00:09:32] EdgeVerses: finn leave, its tanks turn to stream [00:09:33] jcktheripperrs: He's getting big. [00:09:33] adorkablewreck: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:09:33] kassthegoated: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [00:09:33] bearpaw1970: Hey cute little tank [00:09:34] Prandah: MercyWing1 f1nnTank MercyWing2 MercyWing1 f1nnTank MercyWing2 [00:09:34] imaprsn: the man of the house is here!!!! [00:09:34] elizabethpearlxo: a ginger [00:09:35] princess_mia03: he so cute [00:09:35] scarlettyg: not nice of you to blame Tank for the pee incident, F1nn [00:09:36] ArminGux: piss dick? [00:09:36] ninjapenguin161: cartoon puppy 🐶 [00:09:37] marciamaplewood: dog 👍 [00:09:37] muanowashu10: Hello [00:09:40] AnnikaNorr: hi [00:09:41] human370: CUTTTT [00:09:41] pixelilil: tankkk [00:09:42] mcmaster2000: Bedpisser? [00:09:42] kalzir6969: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:09:43] EdgeVerses: FRANK!! [00:09:44] Roninomi: he is a good boy, when not pissing the bed right? [00:09:45] thanatoscar: frank the tanik [00:09:45] BeboRaylordOwO: tink [00:09:46] s4usagerolls: Will tank have a big garden to run around in [00:09:46] ski3e: @crasscarrot yay!!!! [00:09:48] Pumpkin_Vice: frank the [00:09:48] zax_frost: tank pissed in the sink [00:09:49] mrcooper2001: How can anyone be mad at such a little puppy? [00:09:50] ranboos_prefrontal_cortex: He’s getting so big! [00:09:50] fireandskull: hey [00:09:50] Itspandra: TANKKK [00:09:51] audr1en: @F1NN5TER itspea13Awooga [00:09:51] femboy__hooters__: Bank [00:09:51] ronin_5463: HANK SCHRADER [00:09:51] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:09:51] marblehoney: emillio [00:09:53] Falqun: Tonk! [00:09:53] BittirSweeteer: 5 raiders from BittirSweeteer have joined! [00:09:54] blaykfx: f1nnTankhat [00:09:54] Ashpot1995: It's the man of the house [00:09:56] fireandskull: hallo [00:09:57] akabounty_937: @crasscarrot I am also starting on E today. LETTTSSS GOOOO!!! [00:09:58] insomniac_384: TwitchConHYPE [00:09:58] EldritchElucidator: oml i love him <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:09:58] braddle172: Lil guy [00:09:58] Timothy_M_Stepanski: you can trim the fur around his dick so he don’t get piss dick [00:09:59] Dethiccated: FrankerZ yeah, Frank [00:09:59] 13eey0u: hes cute [00:10:00] PandroBroRainbow: Spider tank spider tank dose whatever a spider tank dose [00:10:00] joenne: Bob the dog [00:10:00] DarkRaven007: janky [00:10:01] matthewmackerras: my headphones are on 69% [00:10:01] lukksnar: lank [00:10:01] Stovamor: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:10:03] Jens_LN: Cute ! [00:10:03] daguerreotypes: WANK ??? [00:10:04] EnJolTi: WHY DONE STREAMING [00:10:05] Raddog315: Don't eat the precious [00:10:06] Useless__person: TANKKKKKKK [00:10:06] EdgeVerses: ahh savenya [00:10:06] OmsX8O: OmsX8O subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months! [00:10:06] taquito_tim: lanky [00:10:06] phoebe_rc: The man of the house [00:10:07] f3mmbot: omsx8o subscribed to f1nn5ter for 45 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:10:07] EternalLucia: He's so big [00:10:08] spidercongaming: Hiiiiii f1nn and tank [00:10:09] MirahImage: 💍 f1nnTank [00:10:09] ScarlettFawx: I got your waifu cup in the mail yesterday. indoor13H indoor13H [00:10:10] fiery1phoenix: hank the cowdog [00:10:10] coolboy900013: GenderFluidPride [00:10:10] Krpto_: waltuh [00:10:10] HardyOrange: let him roll in the grass, he'll be hank green [00:10:11] peanutbudder445_: LANK!! [00:10:11] axe1970: my precious [00:10:11] suspiciouscoffeeman: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:10:11] bearpaw1970: Love the red fur colour [00:10:12] MajesticFvckingEagle: lanky boiii [00:10:13] DarkRaven007: cute [00:10:14] kassthegoated: faZe tank [00:10:14] ace_aesir: ace_aesir subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:10:14] scarlettyg: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:10:14] f3mmbot: ace_aesir subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:10:15] muanowashu10: Very cute dog [00:10:16] marblehoney: Jank [00:10:16] silentkay1: Good little asac schrader [00:10:16] DarkRaven007: so cute [00:10:16] peachy_claire: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:10:16] Jingiz_wow: what does the dot on his head do? [00:10:16] jaizo_theskeleton: @daguerreotypes wank is crazy [00:10:17] draiko60: He looks like a bob [00:10:17] 13eey0u: i sgarted [00:10:17] Vanimal2118: Cute f1nnTank [00:10:18] CrispTenderloin: Is that the Ashley I hear?! [00:10:18] lampshaderie: loooooooong [00:10:18] ArminGux: simba [00:10:18] karojhe: Gandalf, I lost the one ring. My dog ate it [00:10:19] LeVideNoirAstral: hi [00:10:20] Ex0dia5: raise him up like simba [00:10:21] lukksnar: tank should stream [00:10:21] enbyvee: hi boss lady! [00:10:22] Raddog315: Hi Ashley [00:10:22] Pumpkin_Vice: oooh he's ginger [00:10:23] johnkeiwo: yo Ashley [00:10:23] evericor000: TANK!!!!!!! [00:10:23] xxl_anti_lxx: Hi!! [00:10:24] human370: LOLL [00:10:24] gwen_the_ninth: Hiii [00:10:24] Cytox__: tank is the man of the house [00:10:25] insomniac_384: GoatEmotey [00:10:25] Prandah: MercyWing1 f1nnTank MercyWing2 MercyWing1 f1nnTank MercyWing2 MercyWing1 f1nnTank MercyWing2 [00:10:25] bearpaw1970: Hello Ashley [00:10:25] grandpaladin1701: He's SUCH a good boy! [00:10:25] noi4321: whos that? [00:10:25] Itspandra: TANK [00:10:25] ogtheimperial: FrankerZ100 [00:10:26] imaprsn: tank like “dad, what is this?” [00:10:26] DarkRaven007: adorable [00:10:26] alexx_net: No air jail for Tank! [00:10:28] axe1970: chaz [00:10:28] 13eey0u: i sharted [00:10:28] tomer132414: Look F1nn he makes you a lot of money so i call him Bank [00:10:29] VentoliN013: Is Ashley joining today? [00:10:29] unovaismyregion: ASHLEY [00:10:29] insomniac_384: p [00:10:30] numeanor: quiet stweam [00:10:32] nejamin3: puppy [00:10:33] theyggdrasilarchives: OUPY [00:10:33] jrhainsworth: Hi Ashley's arms [00:10:33] davidiusfarrenius: hi Ashley 👋 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [00:10:36] benner8888: TANK [00:10:37] EdgeVerses: #JusticeForSpiderman [00:10:38] DarkRaven007: puppy stream ! [00:10:38] Dolce013: Dolce013 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! Tank stream yeah! [00:10:39] f3mmbot: dolce013 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:10:39] carboxulated: bad dragon toys on the shelves [00:10:39] human370: HIII FURST TIME [00:10:40] melodyrainxx: Come decorate my house lol [00:10:41] Kaymon81: prety quiet [00:10:42] carboxulated: lmao [00:10:42] Keibear10: hiii [00:10:44] jaizo_theskeleton: WEIRD AND CRINGE! [00:10:46] distractedcreative: F1nn makes every room bad lmao [00:10:47] ArminGux: fancy as place [00:10:47] phoebe_rc: Did you have an interior designer? [00:10:47] bart140298: don't hide the cringe!! [00:10:48] Vanimal2118: Need puppy Kisses redeems! f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:10:48] HardyOrange: beige spiderman [00:10:50] gwen_the_ninth: Awww [00:10:52] 小可可欣 (xiaoke_kexin): he’s quiet [00:10:52] know1_0: orange dog [00:10:54] s4usagerolls: Can you speak up a bit my volume on full struggling to hear 😅😅 [00:10:55] ChasingSol: Hi Ashley! [00:10:55] KelloggsTacoBella: Why not both? KEKW [00:10:55] papanonfrancesco: w ashley [00:10:56] EdgeVerses: hold tank up like the lion king [00:10:56] brickmage554: Hiiii Finn [00:10:56] AustraLeah: Hi Ickyyy [00:10:57] karojhe: Spide4man not bad tho [00:10:57] alexx_net: Listen to Ashley! [00:10:58] R4T_ttv: aww [00:10:58] ArminGux: looks like fancy ikea [00:10:58] scott674: captai997SPEEDO captai997Usmf captai997SPEEDO [00:10:58] suspiciouscoffeeman: HELLO@ [00:10:59] EnderRaptorGaming: just put lingerie on the shelves [00:10:59] axe1970: who lives in a house like this [00:10:59] enbyvee: hey bosslady how ya doin' [00:11:00] 13eey0u: cute [00:11:01] braddle172: GivePLZ [00:11:01] melodyrainxx: Hey girl [00:11:01] gwen_the_ninth: Socuuuute [00:11:01] Jens_LN: HI ICKY !! itspea13BunnnWave [00:11:01] ronin_5463: Hi Ashely! [00:11:03] yee_celeste: cute tank [00:11:04] imaprsn: tank kisses!!! [00:11:04] insomniac_384: PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR [00:11:05] vkdmitri: kiss kiss [00:11:05] bigbingman: people are coming to stream to see tank rather than f1nn these days [00:11:06] ogtheimperial: he’s very cute [00:11:06] Elindalyne: tank is used to air jail [00:11:07] blueskydrinking: HUH [00:11:07] bearpaw1970: So cute tank..😁👍 [00:11:07] boom_and_alpha_yt: FLOOF [00:11:08] taquito_tim: why does it look fake the room don’t look real [00:11:08] stephsbigdrifts: Hi [00:11:08] Cpu101: omg ashley so PRETTY [00:11:08] Spook1es: They're all so adorable I'm crying [00:11:08] PlatypusWithCheese: colormatched spiderman toys [00:11:09] gwen_the_ninth: huh [00:11:09] brickmage554: Hiii Ashley [00:11:09] DarkAnemos: Hello Icky KonCha [00:11:10] ei13y: TANKKK [00:11:10] asraxs: tankster [00:11:10] Roninomi: such a Finn way of looking at things, weird and cringe [00:11:11] SeriousMental: looking good ash nanona1Claps [00:11:11] sephikirb: PogU Yoo my favorite "femboy" (after my boyfriend) [00:11:11] pianoismyforte_: So adorable [00:11:12] princess_mia03: awww [00:11:12] davidiusfarrenius: f1nnRotate [00:11:13] Vanimal2118: vanima3PINK Miss Ashley [00:11:14] Srcsqwrn: nanona1Flushed nanona1Flushed [00:11:14] ventusmaster77: 💚💚💚💚💚 [00:11:16] MirahImage: f1nnPegChamp [00:11:18] EternalLucia: Oh hey it's Ashley [00:11:19] ArminGux: cuuuuteeee [00:11:19] Raddog315: Fill the shelves with Spiderman figures and giant "toys" [00:11:19] melodyrainxx: She is pretty [00:11:21] suspiciouscoffeeman: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:11:21] kassthegoated: gulp [00:11:22] scarlettyg: Ashley indeed pretti [00:11:23] runningmistress: Pretty Ashley alert!! [00:11:23] CrispTenderloin: Tank’s living his best life lol [00:11:24] alexx_net: So cute and fluffy... and Tank's there too [00:11:25] Pumpkin_Vice: vry pretty [00:11:25] realzerobyter: ashley love ur glasses [00:11:25] jaizo_theskeleton: hey ashley! [00:11:26] boykss3r: my favorite lesbians [00:11:26] 13eey0u: finn can i tell you a sad story [00:11:26] NichtzNeues: will you have plastic over the cushions so that Tank does not pee on it? [00:11:26] EternalLucia: Hi Ashley [00:11:27] Firedell_10: 2 lesbian moms and their son [00:11:28] Cpu101: aw i wish [00:11:29] distractedcreative: We want Ashley not f1nn [00:11:30] HardyOrange: and is a great video creator!!! [00:11:31] sephikirb: O.O [00:11:32] annawoah1: the volume is low [00:11:32] gwen_the_ninth: LUL [00:11:32] Roninomi: love Ashley [00:11:32] undead_bandit452: Rode nemesis at alton towers yesterday and it was sick if you like rollercoasters [00:11:32] Lucianthelord: Just look at tanks lil beans [00:11:33] adamjunkpup: obkatMonkas [00:11:33] Ramaj_A: Tank and his two best girls [00:11:34] imaprsn: oop!! [00:11:34] SnabbKassa: Ashley has good taste in people and interiors [00:11:34] EdgeVerses: hold tank up like the cat in the lion king [00:11:34] karojhe: Hiiii Ashley /ickycord [00:11:35] ArminGux: save [00:11:36] ski3e: KappaInfinite [00:11:36] scarlettyg: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:11:37] Silraa: What's the thing you like most about the new place? [00:11:38] Shadow_Wave8511: yeeeeeet [00:11:40] suspiciouscoffeeman: Choo Chooo PrideFloat [00:11:42] Mr_Fluffy97: moroni12Wigglr moroni12Wigglr moroni12Wigglr moroni12Wigglr [00:11:42] kandas_1: Hi Ashley [00:11:43] MirahImage: f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:11:44] scarlettyg: puppy kiss <3 [00:11:45] ThePsyqwix: mic low? Or just me... [00:11:45] Emmy64_: Emmy64_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months! I just read the title, i skipped a heartbeat lol [00:11:46] f3mmbot: emmy64_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 38 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:11:47] akabounty_937: just started E today that my multi-thousand dollar American health care wouldn’t cover… I’m done with this bs I’m moving to Birmingham [00:11:47] BadJuJu503: living room needs to be homey and cozy not constantly instagram ready lol [00:11:47] sephikirb: Doggo [00:11:47] draiko60: Fin is simp for Ashley [00:11:47] melodyrainxx: 🩷✨🖤✨ [00:11:48] femboyhootey: Tøff-tøff PrideUwu [00:11:48] EdgeVerses: its not gambling if you win [00:11:48] daax38: Ashley is so pretty 🥹🥹🥹🥹 [00:11:49] ChasingSol: CS:GO boxes... [00:11:50] ArminGux: u gamble? [00:11:51] tilt_central: tell that to the csgo cases [00:11:51] suspiciouscoffeeman: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:11:51] lime6_: ,🌍 [00:11:52] orphanmeatstovetop: I luv your. channel [00:11:52] grandpaladin1701: TANK kissies!! [00:11:53] mrcooper2001: Pupper [00:11:53] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [00:11:54] bearpaw1970: Tank love you both so much [00:11:54] Aurora_gey_: why the boi so long Squid1 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:11:55] Roninomi: Finn got lucky [00:11:55] Helen_Croft: Reddit updated [00:11:57] adrianaeliana: FrankerZ [00:11:57] EdgeVerses: finn gambling stream when? [00:11:58] enbyvee: what do you think of the new pepsi design? [00:11:58] annawoah1: turn the mic up [00:11:58] ogrem_fanclan: Those ears are the cutest thing ever [00:12:04] gitrektitrekt: Tank [00:12:04] boom_and_alpha_yt: audio delay? [00:12:05] StarlaBeauty: Heyyyyyy [00:12:06] Kolateak_: Stream quiet today [00:12:06] perfersserderg: @F1NN5TER did Tank's parents have any of the typical cavvie problems with their heart valve? [00:12:08] StarlaBeauty: starla31Heart starla31Heart starla31Heart starla31Heart [00:12:10] s4usagerolls: Anyone else struggling to hear ? [00:12:12] EdgeVerses: @enbyvee i dont care what finnn says the redesign is fire [00:12:15] karojhe: We love tank more than you tho [00:12:17] ThePastorVan: Squid3 Squid4 HSCheers [00:12:17] aporcelaingirl: don't stub your toe or walk into that coffee table...you'll probably break your leg lol Choo Chooo RPGAyaya [00:12:18] insomniac_384: PowerUpL GoatEmotey PowerUpR [00:12:18] SnabbKassa: @EdgeVerses and in Jersey anythin's legal as long as u don't get caught [00:12:18] EdgeVerses: @s4usagerolls just turn ur volume up [00:12:19] suspiciouscoffeeman: f1nnPet f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:12:21] gwen_the_ninth: Awwww [00:12:24] chriscorrick08: Has tank peed in new house like he did in bedroom yet? @f1nn5ter [00:12:26] 13eey0u: can i tell you a sad story [00:12:26] kassthegoated: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:12:28] HardyOrange: ruuuuude [00:12:29] daax38: Ashley > f1nn5ter 😅😂 [00:12:30] theuman666: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [00:12:30] johnkeiwo: rude D: [00:12:30] Jens_LN: Who IS that ? [00:12:30] lu_sagna: lu_sagna subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months! 40 months lets go [00:12:31] f3mmbot: lu_sagna subscribed to f1nn5ter for 40 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:12:31] ThePastorVan: @aporcelaingirl heyo [00:12:31] s4usagerolls: @edgeverses i have [00:12:31] Xenon_Nah: NonbinaryPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:12:33] gwen_the_ninth: Ruuuude [00:12:33] EdgeVerses: @SnabbKassa you know what they say, it's not illegal if you don't get caught [00:12:34] axe1970: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [00:12:35] imaprsn: byyyeeee tank!!!!! [00:12:37] bart140298: Good night Tank <3 [00:12:38] sionaprice: little puppers [00:12:38] distractedcreative: [00:12:40] orphanmeatstovetop: we stan [00:12:41] aporcelaingirl: hey @ThePastorVan [00:12:41] malachi66666: 💀 [00:12:42] MirahImage: f1nnPet f1nnTank f1nnTankhat [00:12:42] HardyOrange: she's gonna make you sleep on the couch at the OTHER house even [00:12:45] ArminGux: it’s tanks maid kekw [00:12:46] adamjunkpup: bipsyFlopFlop bipsyFlopFlop bipsyFlopFlop [00:12:46] draiko60: I can't wait until tank will take over this chanal [00:12:47] comrade_asg: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride [00:12:48] EdgeVerses: who dat [00:12:48] alexx_net: @distractedcreative 100% true [00:12:48] suspiciouscoffeeman: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:12:48] vkdmitri: "gn... you?" [00:12:49] soggyvector: Cavs are so great [00:12:50] AliciaR23: @s4usagerolls yep max vol on my phone can hardly hear 🙈 [00:12:50] 13eey0u: can i pls tell you a sad story [00:12:51] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [00:12:52] Jens_LN: Tank MAid ! [00:12:52] catlove518: Bye Ashleyyy [00:12:53] my_queues: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:12:53] melodyrainxx: Hi [00:12:53] solarianv69: how’s it feel knowing a town in alabama has the same name as your town [00:12:56] aporcelaingirl: Tønk [00:12:56] daemon2988: I just got here can you start the stream over? Plz thnx. 😁 [00:12:57] XavienTC: hi [00:12:58] realzerobyter: that laugh! [00:12:59] Shadow_Wave8511: First stream lets gooooo [00:13:00] LeVideNoirAstral: hi 󠀀 [00:13:00] rootuz: Hi [00:13:01] james_arthur_whitaker: james_arthur_whitaker subscribed at Tier 1. [00:13:01] f3mmbot: james_arthur_whitaker subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang james_arthur_whitaker f1nnLezgang [00:13:01] Jens_LN: KEKW [00:13:03] 2ari2: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [00:13:03] EnderRaptorGaming: How long until Tank starts peeing in the sink? [00:13:06] the_inglorious_biohazard: suuuuuper low volume tho [00:13:07] sephikirb: Haii [00:13:08] Targz_: Twitch is being a whore and won't let me use my prime to resub >:( [00:13:10] avalon_ponline: Hey Hey. Good to see you at last F1NN [00:13:11] EdgeVerses: tank more like dank [00:13:11] distractedcreative: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [00:13:12] resurgenceguild: Was that Tank's nanny? [00:13:16] SamTheDemonFoxLord: hey Finn Just popping in before to say hi before I go and work on a 3D printed project(don’t want to be distracted and accidentally slice my hand open again) [00:13:16] Helen_Croft: Do we get house tour stream after the move? @F1NN5TER [00:13:17] VentoliN013: Hey [00:13:18] yee_celeste: ugly af [00:13:19] cookieeater212: that little thing is so cute! tank is cute too ig [00:13:19] GuitarGirlTS9: balls [00:13:20] Kaymon81: stream is to quiet :/ [00:13:21] Jens_LN: CUM BALLS ?! D: [00:13:22] Unit4to: balls [00:13:22] dysfunctionaldomo: It looks like bubbles [00:13:22] MaxVershhhtappen: damn… cuteness overload both from Tank and her other mommy [00:13:23] XavienTC: looks like caviar [00:13:23] luvedblue: spider eggs lamp [00:13:24] bigbingman: *balls* [00:13:25] zombiii: that is spider eggs light [00:13:26] adamjunkpup: Tanks dressing as a maid for Halloween confirmed [00:13:26] cheff_cook: Grapes chandelier [00:13:27] fishtree_: it does look like a cloud [00:13:27] silentkay1: BOBA! [00:13:27] Enberey: those are literally not real wdym [00:13:27] Krpto_: balloons? [00:13:27] aporcelaingirl: they look like spider eggs [00:13:27] theultramasterofnon: Tadpole eggs [00:13:28] Emmy64_: Ballsack lights Kappa [00:13:28] Raddog315: it's a cloud [00:13:28] davidiusfarrenius: davidiusfarrenius is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 8 in the channel! [00:13:29] davidiusfarrenius: davidiusfarrenius gifted a Tier 1 sub to godlessfemboy! [00:13:29] lilithwintour: there so good [00:13:29] enbyvee: I like the balls [00:13:29] MrsPandamber: fish eggs [00:13:29] f3mmbot: davidiusfarrenius has gifted a subscription to godlessfemboy at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang godlessfemboy f1nnLezgang [00:13:29] mystchevious1: Those lights look like an anal growth. [00:13:30] distractedcreative: Diffussed - good to me [00:13:30] kassthegoated: my bf dumped me but finn is forever [00:13:30] tim19862: upside down balloons [00:13:31] HowieTheLlammaa: it’s cute!! [00:13:31] lilithwintour: fire [00:13:31] Cringe_Lars: Testicluster [00:13:32] PynkFryck: I thought you liked balls? [00:13:32] Lucridis: Giant ping pong balls [00:13:32] em669746974: Theyre cute!! [00:13:32] billyroan: it looks like a cloud [00:13:33] aestheticbartender: fish eggs? [00:13:33] Vanimal2118: Looks head hitting height? [00:13:33] papanonfrancesco: ugly [00:13:33] DOCal8x57: It looks like balls [00:13:33] FloridaEnby: BOBAAA [00:13:33] zebrabbl396: Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 [00:13:34] nikama6: VoHiYo [00:13:34] blueskydrinking: it looks a fancy ballbag [00:13:34] miiamoons: paint the balls different colors [00:13:35] tilt_central: manly balls xD [00:13:35] Krpto_: Upside down baloons [00:13:35] Kalid0n: but we love balls [00:13:35] lethaldissonance: That light looks like clouds, something Lakitu would sit on [00:13:35] Furrfan47: looks like snail eggs [00:13:36] ArminGux: yes it looks like eggs [00:13:36] BallinArbiter: it looks like fish eggs [00:13:37] EternalLucia: Those are balls [00:13:37] cantree: Balls [00:13:37] brodymc024: the great collection of balls [00:13:37] XavienTC: white caviar [00:13:37] mcmaster2000: Seems like they're in the way of the TV... [00:13:37] realzerobyter: balls [00:13:38] szambonurek13ilf: haiiiiiiiiii [00:13:38] mrcooper2001: Those lights in that photo are not it. [00:13:38] Jens_LN: Are they Cum Balls ?? D: [00:13:38] ChasingSol: that's good [00:13:38] Lucianthelord: Alien ball sack tbh [00:13:38] DustertheDevious: Looks like a pain to dust those off. [00:13:38] bearpaw1970: ☁️ cloud [00:13:39] charlieokeefe420: balls [00:13:39] Nebula534: All those wires make it look ass [00:13:39] dysfunctionaldomo: I wouldn't have those lights [00:13:39] PandroBroRainbow: Nah they are extreme anal beeds [00:13:39] soggyvector: Tory house lmao [00:13:39] SnabbKassa: It's too modernist to be "Tory" [00:13:39] spacemcguffin: eggs [00:13:40] know1_0: dangle balls [00:13:40] EnderRaptorGaming: They’re just making me hungry [00:13:40] Mr_Fluffy97: Perfect [00:13:40] debdrup: is your mic turnt up??? [00:13:40] cantree: Balsa [00:13:40] james_arthur_whitaker: hi f1nn [00:13:41] distractedcreative: You see what you want to see [00:13:41] cookieeater212: good here [00:13:41] suspiciouscoffeeman: It's an ugly light tbh [00:13:42] bigbingman: you cant go wrong with the balls [00:13:42] brickmage554: Fish eggs [00:13:42] Gtaer222: looks like the old SkyDrive icon [00:13:42] papanonfrancesco: ugly af [00:13:43] alexx_net: White flying frogspawn [00:13:43] Prandah: frog spawn light .... [00:13:43] lukksnar: testilights [00:13:43] MajesticFvckingEagle: eggs [00:13:43] Hyaguss: balls and [00:13:44] gitrektitrekt: Id hit those with my head daily [00:13:44] cantree: Balls [00:13:44] strawb3ry_cow: fish egg lookin light [00:13:45] s4usagerolls: Much better 😌 [00:13:45] elizabethpearlxo: the wires are weird i admit [00:13:45] Merobiba_: thanks [00:13:46] Emmy64_: Caviar lights [00:13:46] mr_goope: they don’t have to be balls they could be sad balloons [00:13:47] Shadow_Wave8511: f1nnCowjam [00:13:47] cattypuss_1: snales [00:13:47] vkdmitri: this light is kind aaaaaa.... uhh i don´t like it srry [00:13:48] EdgeVerses: nice balls [00:13:48] kandas_1: eggs [00:13:49] papanonfrancesco: L [00:13:50] melodyrainxx: I LOVE it [00:13:50] crasscarrot: crasscarrot is paying forward the Gift they got from nitrudestroyer to the community! [00:13:50] crasscarrot: crasscarrot is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [00:13:51] crasscarrot: crasscarrot gifted a Tier 1 sub to Roxassanctuary! [00:13:51] f3mmbot: crasscarrot has gifted a subscription to roxassanctuary at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang roxassanctuary f1nnLezgang [00:13:51] charlieokeefe420: it’s kinda cute [00:13:52] elizabethpearlxo: deflated balloons [00:13:52] zax_frost: the only thing that bugs me that it looks like it blocks the tv [00:13:52] BadJuJu503: the balls are hanging too low tbh [00:13:53] Helen_Croft: It blocks the TV [00:13:54] tinylilhorse: its representive of the balls youve claimed in your name [00:13:54] HardyOrange: and y'all are not short [00:13:55] Kaymon81: finn has low hanging balls ^^ [00:13:56] axe1970: stylised cartoon cloud [00:13:56] boom_and_alpha_yt: you need a chandelier [00:13:56] imaprsn: can’t see the top of the tv [00:13:56] alexx_net: Sounds better [00:13:57] ChasingSol: your balls are hanging too low [00:13:59] sephikirb: BisexualPride [00:14:00] MirahImage: The light looks cool. I think it'll be awesome [00:14:01] thanatoscar: that is going to be a pain to clean [00:14:01] vkdmitri: lmao NOWAY [00:14:02] cantree: I want to play with the balls [00:14:03] MaxVershhhtappen: Finn that got that POSH caviar roof lightning [00:14:03] XavienTC: 4 cracked eggs [00:14:03] SkyroVenom: Finn are you going to TC Rotterdam? Would love to do potato signing part 2 peepoPls [00:14:03] imaprsn: accident WAITING to happen!!!! [00:14:03] Dethiccated: Gremlin [00:14:04] CarrotJunior: Is it blocking the tv while standing? [00:14:04] robbie11022: looks like the Devil's cloud [00:14:05] Vanimal2118: Ouch [00:14:06] cedric_callnight: Hello dude-girl [00:14:07] starduke83: classic [00:14:08] gitrektitrekt: The TV is taller than the balls [00:14:08] charlieokeefe420: oh yeah that IS head hitting height [00:14:08] enbyvee: your balls are very delicate [00:14:08] insomniac_384: MercyWing1 MercyWing2 [00:14:08] Hyaguss: is it covering the tv [00:14:09] ArminGux: looks like it will mess with the tv [00:14:09] vkdmitri: ouch [00:14:10] HardyOrange: @Kaymon81 CACKLING [00:14:11] s4usagerolls: Tea bagged by a light 😂😂 [00:14:12] zebrabbl396: Let your balls hang low LUL [00:14:12] EnderRaptorGaming: Nice job [00:14:13] the_edthered: hook it up to a ceiling fan motor [00:14:15] SidMaxwell10: I bet that wasn't cheep [00:14:15] papanonfrancesco: HOW [00:14:16] gitrektitrekt: Glass balls LUL [00:14:17] insomniac_384: MercyWing1 PowerUpL GoatEmotey PowerUpR MercyWing2 [00:14:20] vkdmitri: how [00:14:20] melodyrainxx: It reminds me of a cloud ☁️ [00:14:20] suspiciouscoffeeman: f1nnRaid f1nnRaid f1nnRaid f1nnRaid f1nnRaid [00:14:21] orphanmeatstovetop: AHHHHHH UR HEAD [00:14:23] corvidbones: frog spawn [00:14:25] bearpaw1970: Oh'; yeah good to get rid of it now [00:14:30] adamjunkpup: That looks like it's blocking the TV they would have to be raised or removed [00:14:30] lilithwintour: fire light love it [00:14:32] Targz_: Targz_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! :3 [00:14:32] f3mmbot: targz_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:14:33] hothuntressttv: hothuntressttv subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! Congrats for the new place [00:14:33] f3mmbot: hothuntressttv subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:14:33] aporcelaingirl: those are wonderful potato lights [00:14:34] audr1en: @F1NN5TER THE RAID ALERT WAS SO DELAYED LMAO [00:14:34] JustaguyTwitchTV: why the fuck have u and dougdoug gone live at the same time [00:14:36] trickyhunter404: Add [00:14:37] MrsPandamber: oof [00:14:38] lime6_: Are they a boy or girl? [00:14:40] JustaguyTwitchTV: curse youuuuu [00:14:40] sephikirb: Vr chat looking room [00:14:40] blvckparis_00: hi [00:14:41] avalon_ponline: Seems very 70s [00:14:43] axe1970: slug eggs [00:14:43] imaprsn: eggs that hatch into baby glass shards [00:14:44] ancientcaleb05: !socials [00:14:44] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [00:14:46] XavienTC: isn't that gonna be annoying to watch TV [00:14:47] CodeBulk: LUL [00:14:48] catlove518: The table is so cuteee and like eeee [00:14:50] cantree: Balls to the face [00:14:51] milk_of_amnesia: @lime6_ all [00:14:51] JustaguyTwitchTV: @lime6_ genderfluid :) [00:14:52] alexx_net: @lime6_ both [00:14:53] barkdrone: can you shorten the strings? [00:14:53] ChasingSol: @audr1en sorry, all caps gets automodded [00:14:55] MrsPandamber: oooh cloud lamp [00:14:56] RIOTMAKER3674: Good luck reinstalling a light bulb in all that [00:14:56] Elifighter: keep him distracted chat [00:14:57] shatterheart01: Idk why but I just wanna hold him, idk, he's just got that cuddly look to him [00:14:57] oliviazbored: owch [00:14:58] Emmy64_: Kappa [00:15:00] protocar2007: REMOVE IT, IT HURT MY QUEEN [00:15:00] boom_and_alpha_yt: oof [00:15:00] davidiusfarrenius: yes [00:15:00] Mr_Fluffy97: RIp to those light balls then KEKW [00:15:01] lime6_: Kk [00:15:02] EternalLucia: So, perfect for you? [00:15:03] 2ari2: I'm not twitch savvy when do I get rid of the egirl dream looking badge and get a finnster one again [00:15:03] BeboRaylordOwO: you are a teenage girl? [00:15:04] ArminGux: can you change the light [00:15:04] BadJuJu503: it does [00:15:06] realzerobyter: yes, u r a teenage girl [00:15:07] MajesticFvckingEagle: and? [00:15:08] MaxVershhhtappen: 5”8 confirmed [00:15:10] Collarito: blocks the tv [00:15:10] milk_of_amnesia: @ChasingSol @ChasingSol !modlove [00:15:10] audr1en: @ChasingSol lmao all good [00:15:10] papanonfrancesco: ur a teenage girl [00:15:11] melodyrainxx: Lol [00:15:11] catlove518: Whats in a teenage girls bedroom? Balls? [00:15:12] trickyhunter404: Roos looks great today [00:15:12] MirahImage: Are you not a teenage girl [00:15:14] gitrektitrekt: Could it just be higher like [00:15:14] vkdmitri: show it up [00:15:16] death_by_5nusnu: I'll disagree not better [00:15:18] CarverEBain: it looks like the light shine on the tv [00:15:19] kylo_rae: Hi daddy [00:15:19] padlowan: gorilla lamp only option [00:15:21] axing_: axing_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! almost a year, poggers [00:15:21] f3mmbot: axing_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:15:21] realzerobyter: rose i love ur hair btw [00:15:21] Raddog315: so... you want it in your bedroom instead then? [00:15:22] hawkeye_wt: my 6ft 4 ass could never, have trouble with too many doorways already, dont need the middle of the living room to be a health hazard too haha [00:15:22] EternalLucia: I thought "teenage girl" was your whole style [00:15:24] snowwynai: The lamp over our dining table is about head hight like that. I'm 6'2" and I've hit my head on that thing so many times. [00:15:25] canvaspainting: hi [00:15:26] DarthDerpy_: bless you [00:15:26] SeriousMental: bless u [00:15:26] mcmaster2000: Gesundheit [00:15:27] ChasingSol: bless you [00:15:27] freshdelipickles: gesundheit [00:15:27] distractedcreative: Gross [00:15:27] Furrfan47: GalaxyUnpacked [00:15:27] charlieokeefe420: not everyone in the chat calling fin a teenage girl [00:15:27] FloridaEnby: Bless [00:15:28] ThePastorVan: So are you actually going to bother's decorating your stream room? [00:15:28] ersetzbares_crewmitglied: Bless u [00:15:28] square_saffitz: Hello!! Congratulations on The Gender Announcement!! 💖 Love, a Norwegian enby [00:15:28] electric_cicada: bless you [00:15:28] cookieeater212: bless ya [00:15:28] CptProtato: bless you [00:15:28] Falqun: bless oyu [00:15:29] canvaspainting: f1nnHeart [00:15:29] em669746974: but brain damage is poggersssss [00:15:29] Vanimal2118: Teenage Girl arc? U moved on from Baby Phase? [00:15:29] zombiii: gesundheit [00:15:29] Cufaron: Bless u [00:15:30] blueskydrinking: Bless you [00:15:30] Kaymon81: gesundheit ^^ [00:15:30] bearpaw1970: Bless you [00:15:30] robbie11022: Devil cloud [00:15:31] Muffin01: bless you :3 [00:15:31] davidiusfarrenius: bless you [00:15:32] melodyrainxx: Finn just deal with it lol [00:15:32] mrcooper2001: Excuse you. [00:15:32] cheddarfella: Bless you [00:15:32] ronin_5463: gesundheit [00:15:33] braddle172: Bless u [00:15:33] milk_of_amnesia: !modlove [00:15:33] HardyOrange: bless you [00:15:33] distractedcreative: Cover your mouth gremlin [00:15:33] f3mmbot: The mod team is awesome! They never ban people who don't deserve it and help keep the stream running. [00:15:34] katrinalynn_k: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:15:34] MrsPandamber: gesundheit [00:15:35] know1_0: ew [00:15:35] gothmark666: bless you [00:15:35] Raddog315: Bless you [00:15:36] zax_frost: blush you [00:15:36] BadJuJu503: bless you [00:15:37] MajesticFvckingEagle: bless [00:15:38] enbyvee: i like the round [00:15:39] cornflakes_0: bless you [00:15:39] SidMaxwell10: Bless you [00:15:39] TweelWraith: Blessing your face [00:15:40] dysfunctionaldomo: OOO that's so much better [00:15:41] Moritzb2000: gesundheit [00:15:42] distractedcreative: Ugly [00:15:43] axing_: ooo [00:15:43] ChasingSol: that's cool [00:15:43] LeVideNoirAstral: very nice [00:15:43] SeriousMental: ah teh ring a classic [00:15:44] papanonfrancesco: bless you [00:15:46] mentally_1lly: the light looks like minetas head from mha [00:15:46] lilithwintour: ew [00:15:46] Kolateak_: Don't wanna hit your head on that one [00:15:46] cheddarfella: Gesundheit [00:15:47] DustertheDevious: Thats a halo [00:15:47] sephikirb: Ooh [00:15:47] XavienTC: stargate lamp POGGERS [00:15:47] elizabethpearlxo: wayyy better [00:15:48] yee_celeste: kinda ugly imo [00:15:48] strinx1120: Bless you [00:15:48] MaxVershhhtappen: bless you [00:15:48] katrinalynn_k: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:15:48] animefreak21012: nice [00:15:49] lilithwintour: no [00:15:49] Loelinverse: Imagine sampling a sneeze [00:15:50] Jens_LN: Well, plastic looking like stone [00:15:50] vkdmitri: what the fuck is this? [00:15:50] HardyOrange: you're gonna get yourself hung up in that I just know it [00:15:51] EdgeVerses: "lowerd and hired" [00:15:51] BadJuJu503: that’s SO much better [00:15:51] distractedcreative: Doesn't match the room [00:15:51] bearpaw1970: Ooh marbled [00:15:51] audr1en: im so done trying to send that message [00:15:51] tinylilhorse: keep the balls [00:15:52] Falqun: you could play like its your halo :D [00:15:52] DarthDerpy_: much better light [00:15:52] robbie11022: bless you [00:15:52] SnabbKassa: *raised [00:15:52] annawoah1: yessss [00:15:52] vkdmitri: no [00:15:52] silentkay1: Think I've seen that one in mcdonalds [00:15:53] debdrup: "lowered and highered"? [00:15:53] ChasingSol: yes, i like the round one [00:15:54] bearpaw1970: Yes [00:15:54] axing_: the balls are kinda cool tho [00:15:54] nikikoln: uh no [00:15:54] alexx_net: in 9 years time F1nn will be a teenage girl (has only been a girl for 4 years) [00:15:54] FloridaEnby: Love it [00:15:55] KelloggsTacoBella: Halo Light [00:15:55] catlove518: You gonna bonk the stone tho [00:15:55] mr_goope: Ring light [00:15:55] iridaceaeIris69: mismatched stone [00:15:56] cantree: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:15:56] LeVideNoirAstral: yes [00:15:56] davidiusfarrenius: that’s a better light 💡 [00:15:56] karojhe: Ouch [00:15:56] zero_is_spooky: honestly yah [00:15:57] electric_cicada: suits the table [00:15:57] adamjunkpup: The marbles sooo cool [00:15:57] lukksnar: yes [00:15:57] Jens_LN: better [00:15:57] sephikirb: Meh [00:15:57] daemon2988: Overhead light are garbo anyway. It's lamps or nothin'! Lol. [00:15:58] lilithwintour: garbage [00:15:58] ciernaruza: medieval torture device [00:15:59] papanonfrancesco: i love it [00:15:59] EnderRaptorGaming: Looks like it’ll taste even better [00:15:59] matthewmackerras: you’re clipping a little [00:15:59] melodyrainxx: Bless u [00:15:59] EternalLucia: Yes [00:16:00] brickmage554: Yees [00:16:00] xx_bex_becca_xx: that’s pretty yeah [00:16:01] mystchevious1: waay better. [00:16:01] vkdmitri: NO IT´S NOT [00:16:01] strawb3ry_cow: McDonald’s light? [00:16:02] zebrabbl396: Marble [00:16:02] steveevi: YES [00:16:02] enbyvee: LMAO that wasn't difficult [00:16:03] erinthetrans: A lamp has never killed anyone... Yet [00:16:03] Lucridis: I'd just get downlighters since I'm tall [00:16:03] seumafia: It's worst tbh [00:16:03] steveevi: 1 [00:16:04] Useless__person: ITS PRETTYYYYY [00:16:04] MaxVershhhtappen: Halo?!?! [00:16:04] boom_and_alpha_yt: literal marble lamp [00:16:06] cheff_cook: If rthe texture same as the table [00:16:07] HardyOrange: someone is gonna try and swing on it while drunk [00:16:08] papanonfrancesco: yes [00:16:08] Smiling_Shelly: Yes [00:16:09] tilt_central: that will be a pain in the butt though XD [00:16:09] Raddog315: you'll get a concussion [00:16:09] zombiii: the marbeling might not fit with the desk [00:16:10] SeriousMental: made from stone? extra crit damage [00:16:10] kgober: that's not stone, it's obviously plastic [00:16:11] papanonfrancesco: it matches the table [00:16:12] kassthegoated: that’s ugly [00:16:12] lukksnar: its perrty [00:16:12] ArminGux: those suck from my experience [00:16:13] Furrfan47: it is not… [00:16:13] MrsPandamber: it looks like the balls should spin [00:16:13] elorimori_: looks like my grandmas light [00:16:14] Vanimal2118: So ur returning the light fixture? [00:16:15] Lucianthelord: Bass woosh? [00:16:16] oliviazbored: is it the same colour as the table? [00:16:16] bearpaw1970: It is looking really good [00:16:17] XavienTC: huh [00:16:17] tokiwilks: You should get the one from IKEA that looks like the one from Starwars! [00:16:17] alexx_net: Lowered and raised < how it is said in English [00:16:17] kandas_1: not biblically accurate tho [00:16:19] judgedame: ring lights? [00:16:20] EdgeVerses: movies are overrated [00:16:20] death_by_5nusnu: @strawb3ry_cow I agree [00:16:20] lilithwintour: not at all its dog water ew [00:16:20] gitrektitrekt: Tbh fin probably would find a way to still hit your head on it [00:16:21] Kaymon81: so you get rid of the low hanging balls and in instead you geht a low haning stone ring? [00:16:21] melodyrainxx: Finn no the other one is cuter [00:16:21] padlowan: just get a big as all fuck fluorolescant light [00:16:22] matthewmackerras: lower it around someone’s head like a halo [00:16:22] MirahImage: No, it clashes with the table [00:16:23] realzerobyter: tvs are overrated [00:16:23] zombiii: yes he is [00:16:24] itamae_kimekomi: hi [00:16:25] Jens_LN: You connect the playstation to the TV ! [00:16:25] noi4321: Finn, a VERY important question, who do you think will win the candidates tournament? [00:16:25] tinylilhorse: your home your money our choice [00:16:26] imaprsn: who doesn’t watch tv and movies??? [00:16:26] bigbingman: he just binges your battle pass [00:16:27] phoebe_rc: I think that is stone effect glass [00:16:28] EdgeVerses: movies overrated [00:16:29] aporcelaingirl: you. give yourself a concussion if your hit your head on that [00:16:29] aced_asher: aced_asher subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! HEY FINN can believe its been 3 months already youve become my fav creator now i hope youre doing amazing, does the house have a yard for tank maybe? [00:16:30] SnabbKassa: for movies and "movies", yes. But not dumb UK panel shows [00:16:30] f3mmbot: aced_asher subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:16:30] starduke83: everything on the comp [00:16:31] enbyvee: YES. [00:16:31] axe1970: halo for ashley [00:16:32] Avaerus0: TV is so 2009 [00:16:33] strawb3ry_cow: movies? who’s that? [00:16:33] RicoSabroso: CowJAM [00:16:34] KelloggsTacoBella: Halo Light with changeable colors would be awesome [00:16:35] lime6_: Yes [00:16:35] Loelinverse: Projectors are the way [00:16:35] enbyvee: more please. [00:16:35] stephanie1701: horrible lights [00:16:35] bearpaw1970: Yes [00:16:36] alexx_net: You are just going to bang your head harder on the one that you want [00:16:36] VentoliN013: Did someone get banned just now? [00:16:36] realzerobyter: yes i am chat [00:16:38] lukksnar: wait people still watch tv [00:16:38] ArminGux: we only watch twitch femboys [00:16:38] Furrfan47: yes [00:16:39] sephikirb: Damn I wish I could do thst [00:16:39] blueskydrinking: I want to go back to broadcast media, this internet media stuff if awful Kappa [00:16:41] catlove518: Movies are boring sometimes [00:16:42] elorimori_: in what world do people not use tvs [00:16:42] james23001: boomer jk [00:16:42] sephikirb: that [00:16:44] vkdmitri: yes ma'am [00:16:45] draiko60: I agree with you, princess that lamp looks amazing [00:16:46] Krpto_: >v> [00:16:46] lilithwintour: no [00:16:46] SnabbKassa: Stone isn't translucent [00:16:47] SleepieEP: Correct Madam [00:16:51] blackjackcheese: It's weird knowing thay he likes men too now, after denying it for years [00:16:51] lime6_: Woah [00:16:51] dat_b0i_augi: Netflix is for not watching movies if you know what I mean [00:16:51] Valezifer: Gayming too [00:16:53] Loelinverse: Movies only work well with projectors [00:16:54] johnkeiwo: oooo [00:16:56] Furrfan47: how you going to see light through stone??? [00:16:58] johnkeiwo: pme likey [00:16:58] mrcooper2001: Wow [00:16:58] elorimori_: rich people house [00:16:58] nejamin3: woooo [00:16:59] Loelinverse: but thats just me [00:16:59] starduke83: very chic [00:16:59] realzerobyter: holy shittttttt [00:17:00] Vanimal2118: Pretty [00:17:00] MrsPandamber: fancy mofo [00:17:00] Lucianthelord: Where the magic happens? Witchcraft ofc [00:17:01] kyokel: Minecraft-core [00:17:02] lime6_: Love the aesthetic [00:17:02] LeVideNoirAstral: noice [00:17:03] sephikirb: Oooh [00:17:03] Juliya_999: its looks so cool [00:17:03] bearpaw1970: Ooh' those are nice [00:17:03] zaria32vath: I love those lights [00:17:04] EdgeVerses: ur of says ur online [00:17:04] Emmy64_: PogChamp [00:17:05] XavienTC: love me some accent lighting [00:17:05] enbyvee: the lights are really nice but can we just appreciate the bannisters? [00:17:05] davidiusfarrenius: they’re nice 👍 [00:17:06] thanatoscar: hotel lights [00:17:06] bart140298: Aesthetics [00:17:07] braddle172: Ooo [00:17:07] noi4321: wow, a light [00:17:07] vkdmitri: WOW yes, YES [00:17:07] Keula_: fancy [00:17:07] gitrektitrekt: Cute [00:17:08] Ramaj_A: Cute [00:17:08] ArminGux: nice [00:17:08] s4usagerolls: Dimmer switches on them bad boys [00:17:08] oliviazbored: woah [00:17:08] bigbingman: are we gonna get a full house tour soon? [00:17:08] tim19862: nice, except the railing [00:17:09] Juliya_999: its sickk [00:17:09] papanonfrancesco: cool [00:17:10] enbyvee: because those are super tateful [00:17:11] ogtheimperial: love the lights [00:17:12] HardyOrange: love a broad banister [00:17:13] enbyvee: tasteful* [00:17:13] VentoliN013: Why did someone just get banned? [00:17:14] strawb3ry_cow: Minecraft torches? [00:17:14] vkdmitri: hell yeah girl [00:17:15] distractedcreative: The lights??? There was only 1 lmao [00:17:16] MaxVershhhtappen: SHEEESH [00:17:16] em669746974: mid [00:17:17] erinthetrans: Finn, open your damned charity so I can give you money already! [00:17:18] enbyvee: @HardyOrange exactly [00:17:19] winksyyy_: fancyyyyy [00:17:19] mmaniania: coool [00:17:21] elorimori_: Pinterest has manifested [00:17:22] zaria32vath: they remind me of something from the game Spore though [00:17:25] scarlettyg: Are there colours other than white, grey and beige in this house? [00:17:26] nikama6: DinoDance viridyRave DinoDance viridyRave DinoDance viridyRave DinoDance [00:17:27] duacki: silverfish soundin [00:17:29] lime6_: Amazing [00:17:31] ArminGux: the sky gets blue in Britain} [00:17:31] judgedame: not gonna lie i would get that [00:17:34] boom_and_alpha_yt: varnish the railing [00:17:34] cookieeater212: end rod lights [00:17:35] elorimori_: beige mom vibes [00:17:36] Emmy64_: @ventolin013 Rules not followed i guess [00:17:38] elizabethpearlxo: wait did you build the house [00:17:38] XavienTC: accent lighting limesNodders [00:17:39] PynkFryck: Quarz pillar lookin aah [00:17:43] agoatedlama: Hii [00:17:44] daax38: did you see this streamer playing Minecraft using mind control? 😅😳😳😬😳😬😬😬😬 [00:17:46] vkdmitri: i would kiss this light (i love house design [00:17:46] enbyvee: it looks great [00:17:47] know1_0: betternice wood [00:17:47] SnabbKassa: !caps [00:17:47] oliviazbored: it’s very sleek n modern looking [00:17:47] f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! [00:17:48] bearpaw1970: That's your house child 😁 [00:17:48] ArminGux: that fence might break ez tho [00:17:48] its_willow_bby: who's house is this?] [00:17:50] gavinthegromit: @scarlettyg who cares textures are more important [00:17:50] bouyantu_haul: nice cock bro [00:17:56] Furrfan47: looks a bit like bi [00:17:59] Loelinverse: The soccer mom house to go with the soccer mom car and headboard [00:18:00] blackjackcheese: @bouyantu_haul SeemsGood [00:18:00] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER Please make sure to censor the name of the designer in the pics or videos [00:18:01] Furrfan47: no [00:18:01] lukksnar: minecraft home [00:18:01] VentoliN013: Finn said someone was banned lol [00:18:01] lime6_: Really Aesthetic [00:18:05] skylee1976: Heya [00:18:09] MaxVershhhtappen: Did you calibrated the light-count? [00:18:09] BlaireBearStare: F1nn’s evolved from gender envy to house envy [00:18:11] sunnyandsmiling: Fin, you should have a cisboy Fin funeral by burying that box. [00:18:11] Raddog315: @its_willow_bby F1nn and Ashleys new house [00:18:13] death_by_5nusnu: Just reminding me of a restaurant lighting [00:18:14] Vanimal2118: Does it smell like new house? [00:18:15] elorimori_: Finn is becoming a beige mom [00:18:16] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER Please make sure to censor the name of the designer in the pics or videos [00:18:19] Hawkeyemn: Hawkeyemn subscribed with Prime. [00:18:19] f3mmbot: hawkeyemn subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang hawkeyemn f1nnLezgang [00:18:20] SnabbKassa: some of those light fittings are 200 quid [00:18:20] rekce1s: you get homeless ? [00:18:23] MajesticFvckingEagle: fuck it, we ball [00:18:24] Jens_LN: It's the labour costs that is expensive anyways [00:18:26] ArminGux: u using the same table? [00:18:28] Furrfan47: looks like beige mom house [00:18:28] boom_and_alpha_yt: this isn’t Spanish or vanish [00:18:28] Cyprohep: donos off? [00:18:30] blackjackcheese: PEPSI LETS GO [00:18:35] aporcelaingirl: will you and Ashley share a room? [00:18:38] bearpaw1970: This house is F1nn's new child .. beeming with pride [00:18:39] VentoliN013: Why did they get banned Finn? Lol [00:18:41] elorimori_: beige mom era [00:18:42] cass5i3: Hey Finn, first time catching ur stream [00:18:44] Spamsel: Whoopie! [00:18:44] Helen_Croft: KEKW [00:18:47] rekce1s: you live on street from now on ? [00:18:47] johnkeiwo: SMOL KEKW [00:18:47] blueskydrinking: KEKW [00:18:48] Lucianthelord: I would have gone with red stone and not quartz for the house but eh [00:18:48] noi4321: short [00:18:48] johnkeiwo: SMOL KEKW [00:18:48] bigbingman: damn destroyed [00:18:48] PynkFryck: KEKW [00:18:49] johnkeiwo: SMOL KEKW [00:18:49] catlove518: SHORTTTT [00:18:51] adamjunkpup: bipsyCRY bipsyCRY bipsyCRY [00:18:51] iridaceaeIris69: 5'2 [00:18:51] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:18:51] death_by_5nusnu: Short king [00:18:51] sephikirb: KEKW [00:18:52] orphanmeatstovetop: orphan meat [00:18:52] HardyOrange: are you still 5'10" [00:18:52] braddle172: f1nnCope [00:18:52] Furrfan47: 💀 [00:18:52] papanonfrancesco: KEWK [00:18:52] Helen_Croft: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:18:53] Avaerus0: Tall-ish [00:18:53] debdrup: 5'9"? [00:18:53] Cufaron: Cufaron subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months! Can we get a indoor house tour video on youtube? [00:18:54] ArminGux: kekw [00:18:54] f3mmbot: cufaron subscribed to f1nn5ter for 22 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:18:54] sophiebliek911: yeah and im 6,11 [00:18:54] spidercongaming: YOUR NAILS ARE [00:18:55] CptProtato: SHORTY [00:18:55] distractedcreative: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:18:55] blueskydrinking: lol short [00:18:55] bigbingman: cope [00:18:55] lukksnar: TEENY LOL [00:18:55] XavienTC: dat copium [00:18:55] noi4321: haha, short [00:18:56] mystchevious1: 5'9" you said you shrank [00:18:57] grandpaladin1701: Cope [00:18:58] Pizzapuntz: I'm hearing smol people noises [00:18:59] Lucianthelord: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:18:59] fishcatcher03: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:18:59] padlowan: not taller than me bcuko [00:18:59] EdgeVerses: cap [00:19:00] Azzy123: not taller than me tho [00:19:00] ar_pray_wolf: Hello [00:19:01] OmsX8O: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:19:01] JudgeGold: "5'10 [00:19:01] s4usagerolls: Average height at best [00:19:01] LeVideNoirAstral: PepeLa [00:19:01] johnkeiwo: You are SHRINKING BROTHER [00:19:01] sephikirb: Schmol [00:19:02] Ruglund6230: cope [00:19:02] lukksnar: kap [00:19:02] draiko60: Smoll [00:19:02] aced_asher: you are the same height as a 16 yo girl- [00:19:03] RasputinofThrace: I thought ya were 5'5... [00:19:03] TearsMysthrala: TearsMysthrala subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! congrats on the moving [00:19:03] f3mmbot: tearsmysthrala subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU [00:19:03] Juliya_999: im 5,5 BibleThump [00:19:04] matjjes: i am 183cm [00:19:04] ArminGux: hrt will shrink you [00:19:04] c__r__j: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:19:04] goodplayer214: goodplayer214 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! 5 monds yeah [00:19:04] f3mmbot: goodplayer214 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [00:19:04] ghost_inna_jarr: 5'10 is short in america [00:19:04] its_willow_bby: @Raddog315 omg tats so cute [00:19:06] SnabbKassa: not in NL you are not [00:19:06] its_willow_bby: omg so cute they got a houseee [00:19:07] groovalicious1: Ur literally 5'9 [00:19:08] Alkno_93: cap [00:19:08] Emmy64_: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:19:08] MirahImage: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:19:09] EternalLucia: Do we get a house tour stream soon? [00:19:10] Elifighter: 5'10... in 6 inch heels [00:19:10] orphanmeatstovetop: 😅 [00:19:10] Gtaer222: *laughs in dutch* [00:19:11] cammythepunk: Hii finn :3 [00:19:12] distractedcreative: House is generated by AI [00:19:12] thatkimon: He is taller then you think XD [00:19:12] alexx_net: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeart [00:19:12] aestheticbartender: 5"10? absolutely not [00:19:13] ebmarsh25: I'm like 2 inches shorter than you and I'm in middle school [00:19:13] HardyOrange: kitchen pit update when?? [00:19:13] boykss3r: tall for a British person [00:19:14] Bytebak: Do not invite @enbyvee [00:19:14] nejamin3: true [00:19:14] catlove518: 75% of people are short 😭 [00:19:15] Cyprohep: congrats fr [00:19:16] elorimori_: 5’10 is average in America [00:19:17] AustraLeah: I'm 6'1 and Trans and I hate it [00:19:17] lilithwintour: you know hrt makes you shorter [00:19:18] cammythepunk: juicyb15PrideTrans juicyb15PrideTrans juicyb15PrideTrans juicyb15PrideTrans juicyb15PrideTrans juicyb15PrideTrans [00:19:18] papanonfrancesco: suuuure [00:19:19] blackjackcheese: Now you can flirt with dudes [00:19:21] Ditt0VT: 5'10 is barely average height [00:19:21] gwen_the_ninth: Peeps under 5'11" be like 'I'm tall, I promise' [00:19:21] xorwak: im shorter than you [00:19:21] ciernaruza: 5'10 isn't short anywhere in the world [00:19:21] cammythepunk: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:19:21] Lucridis: It's not big it's cute [00:19:22] HexGrrrrl: My gf is taller, she's so hot she's 6'2 [00:19:22] nejamin3: 5’5 I cry cry [00:19:23] SidMaxwell10: Is the bedroom pink? [00:19:23] JudgeGold: i get called a short king and im 5'10 [00:19:25] spidercongaming: YOUR NAILS ARE SO PRETTY!!!! [00:19:25] Hawkeyemn: why dont you ever part your hair evenly? its bothersome [00:19:25] ChasingSol: it's 3000 square feet, that's not a bad size [00:19:27] SuchKittyMuchMeow: Its not big - Finn 2024 [00:19:27] SeriousMental: "its not bit its cute" [00:19:28] gitrektitrekt: I'm 5'11... So I'm a smol bean [00:19:29] EdgeVerses: @cammythepunk stop with thte :3 [00:19:30] Emmy64_: It's tiny Kappa [00:19:30] lukksnar: *laughs in 5,11* [00:19:30] Dethiccated: yeah, it's cute [00:19:30] EternalLucia: 5'10" is definitely above average for a woman [00:19:31] eine_baum: CLIP THAT [00:19:31] VentoliN013: Glad I finally got to make it to one of your streams, as I'm a much newer fan 🙂 [00:19:32] elizabethpearlxo: perfect size [00:19:32] Juliya_999: @Gtaer222 im dutch and im 1,67 NotLikeThis [00:19:33] em669746974: Brain damage poggers tho [00:19:33] MysticalTurkey: We know it's not big 🤭 [00:19:35] XENOMAN5: I thought you said you shrank on HRT? Aren’t you like 5’ 6” now? [00:19:36] Kitten_Sophie17: Wait, I thought you were taller. Has the HRT already made you shorter? [00:19:38] zaria32vath: 5’10” is not short in the US [00:19:39] sunnyandsmiling: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:19:40] p0ikil3: @Hawkeyemn right???? [00:19:40] Furrfan47: tha [00:19:40] vkdmitri: guys, why u talk in feets ... [00:19:40] death_by_5nusnu: That's big [00:19:40] WiltedOhio: [00:19:40] Helen_Croft: Did you put ethernet in all the rooms in the wall? @F1NN5TER [00:19:43] drzoron: drzoron subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! [00:19:43] f3mmbot: drzoron subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:19:44] MrsPandamber: does it need to be big tho? [00:19:44] phoebe_rc: how many beds? [00:19:45] OmsX8O: @F1NN5TER, TTS seemed very low volume. Lower than before [00:19:46] Elindalyne: no its not [00:19:47] dreadcain: thats huge even for america [00:19:47] ArminGux: ur house has been in the making for years [00:19:48] dysfunctionaldomo: What? [00:19:48] Copypaste_93: Sup [00:19:49] keano243: In Britain thats big [00:19:50] EdgeVerses: @Helen_Croft most important thing [00:19:50] Avaerus0: Average home in America is dumb [00:19:53] Lucianthelord: "That's not a bad size" f1nn5ter [00:19:53] PynkFryck: How tall are you in cm? [00:19:55] mmaniania: nah [00:19:55] Helen_Croft: Did you put ethernet in all the rooms in the wall? @F1NN5TER [00:19:56] electric_cicada: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:19:56] bearpaw1970: It's bigger [00:19:56] noi4321: im sure it has a great personallty [00:19:58] melodyrainxx: 🩷 [00:19:59] XavienTC: in the UK thats way big [00:19:59] SeriousMental: yo thats big [00:20:01] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [00:20:03] Ramaj_A: Hello chat. How are you today? [00:20:05] davidiusfarrenius: yes [00:20:08] Jens_LN: It's big enough for a Gremlin !! [00:20:08] SnabbKassa: I haven't heard ANY TTS [00:20:08] debdrup: tank crawled on the mixer [00:20:11] aced_asher: tts for subs is off [00:20:13] ogtheimperial: did u put mood lighting in? [00:20:13] VentoliN013: It's really relaxing listening to you talk dude [00:20:15] xTrash_Boatx: no way that's an average american house [00:20:15] Kolateak_: Entire stream sounds lower honestly [00:20:16] Cyprohep: lmaoo [00:20:18] Vanimal2118: Congrats F1nn very nice house 4 ur family. f1nnHeart [00:20:18] karojhe: You loweres it a previous stream [00:20:19] ArminGux: you got no music [00:20:21] XavienTC: why not [00:20:22] adamjunkpup: U put up your mic not the ttS [00:20:23] ciernaruza: yeah but American homes are made of like balsa wood [00:20:23] matthewmackerras: I think it’s because you turned your mic up [00:20:25] Helen_Croft: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:20:25] johnkeiwo: stop screeching [00:20:27] robbie11022: how many bedrooms? [00:20:28] Stovamor: @aced_asher, iontentionally [00:20:28] medical_size9000: Depends where you live in America housing prices is different from state to state [00:20:28] HortonPT: owo whats going on :)? [00:20:30] distractedcreative: F1nn done messed up lmao [00:20:31] bucksben: My UK 4-bedroom house is only 940 Square feet [00:20:31] bigbingman: time to go buy a 50 meter long cable? [00:20:31] lime6_: 🎃 [00:20:33] MajesticFvckingEagle: oh noo [00:20:35] DaphneSak: It is, but an increasing smaller amount of Americans own their house— Many rent [00:20:37] ChasingSol: haha [00:20:38] xTrash_Boatx: unpossible [00:20:39] davidiusfarrenius: bits messages seem not to be playing [00:20:39] snikeyxo: 2700 feet is insanely big [00:20:40] Loelinverse: oof [00:20:40] orphanmeatstovetop: :3 [00:20:41] vkdmitri: breath [00:20:42] nikama6: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:20:42] strawb3ry_cow: what’s happened? my Wi-Fi cut out [00:20:42] ar_pray_wolf: Hello [00:20:42] Jens_LN: BREATHE F1nn ! [00:20:43] Reeiy: hello [00:20:44] Kitten_Sophie17: Kitten_Sophie17 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! [00:20:45] f3mmbot: kitten_sophie17 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU [00:20:45] Avaerus0: Well that sucks [00:20:50] SnabbKassa: TTS is VERY quiet [00:20:51] zebrabbl396: CaitlynS [00:20:52] catlove518: Hot [00:20:53] vkdmitri: LMAO [00:20:56] WeLoveDaHerb: GO IN! [00:20:57] lilithwintour: go off girl [00:20:58] alexx_net: @PynkFryck, I think that F1nn is about 176cm tall (on a good day) [00:21:01] gitrektitrekt: Fin is gonna do fiber in the walls [00:21:01] cattypuss_1: next to toilet [00:21:04] Raddog315: oh no! Did they forget them all" [00:21:05] Helen_Croft: I Have 10Gb/s ethernet in the walls [00:21:10] MajesticFvckingEagle: go off queen [00:21:14] Stovamor: Resub message readouts over tts is off intentionally [00:21:14] helsling3r: How do I convince my husband to become a femboy [00:21:15] Stovamor: Resub message readouts over tts is off intentionally [00:21:15] Stovamor: Resub message readouts over tts is off intentionally [00:21:16] Stovamor: Resub message readouts over tts is off intentionally [00:21:20] ChasingSol: 5?! [00:21:20] bearpaw1970: Absolute Gremlin 😁🫴☺️ [00:21:21] PynkFryck: @alexx_net laughs in 1.77 [00:21:23] snikeyxo: average danish house is like 1000 sqfeet [00:21:23] orphanmeatstovetop: :3 [00:21:25] HardyOrange: that is HALF; a QUARTER!!!! [00:21:25] sebastianperez4: f1nnGremlin [00:21:28] sephikirb: Bruh, 3Mb/s my connection is sooo bad [00:21:30] Raddog315: 5?!? [00:21:32] distractedcreative: Lmaoooo [00:21:33] ArminGux: what does that mean [00:21:37] lilithwintour: @helsling3r get a new one [00:21:37] Lucianthelord: Oh noes poor baby! [00:21:39] balphenor: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:21:40] Cyprohep: fuck [00:21:41] HardyOrange: it is 2024!!!!! EVERYONE needs more!!!!! [00:21:42] Allie_: Allie_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months! Hello daughter, your hair is so pretty! [00:21:42] r0b0twrangler: r0b0twrangler subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! When will you do some video game streams? You are my favorite 'E'-girl [00:21:42] f3mmbot: allie_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 28 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:21:42] f3mmbot: r0b0twrangler subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months using Prime! PogU [00:21:42] elorimori_: what is Ethernet [00:21:45] starduke83: Big L [00:21:45] bearpaw1970: Oh' crap [00:21:46] Raddog315: WTF??? [00:21:48] aspendevil666: Can you fix it [00:21:48] EdgeVerses: f1nnCope [00:21:49] Emmy64_: CaitlynS [00:21:50] distractedcreative: This is funny [00:21:51] judgedame: wtf [00:21:52] xorwak: L [00:21:54] OmsX8O: refund! Kappa [00:21:54] cackelcactus: L [00:21:56] EternalLucia: Make them snake more wires [00:21:56] MajesticFvckingEagle: bruhhh [00:21:57] MrsPandamber: wtf you pay them to make it how you want it [00:21:57] Helen_Croft: @elorimori_ network cable [00:21:57] davidiusfarrenius: 10 on top of the 20 you wanted? [00:21:58] alexx_net: @elorimori_ network cable [00:21:59] gitrektitrekt: I mean you could LUL [00:22:00] Avaerus0: 5?! [00:22:00] XavienTC: oh no [00:22:02] Timothy_M_Stepanski: lawsuit [00:22:02] bearpaw1970: Well extension boosts [00:22:04] ferrousfalcon: snaglist that shit [00:22:08] bigbingman: Oh no, 480p strewams [00:22:09] raccoonsloot: Just want to say day 6 on E [00:22:11] ecstaticsense: @sephikirb its oki bro I'm watching on school wifi [00:22:12] OmsX8O: L [00:22:12] Emmy64_: Get a mesh, those access are crap [00:22:13] Nekosrule2: No house? (Megamind meme) [00:22:13] MajesticFvckingEagle: Nah, fuck that, grill into them [00:22:13] Raddog315: @elorimori_ internet cable [00:22:13] alfynegev: 100' cables my beloved [00:22:15] HardyOrange: I mean, better to rip the walls back open now, tbh [00:22:15] Vanimal2118: Goofs [00:22:16] stubo70: Does it have urinals? With taps? [00:22:18] Silraa: You can try to replace the ethernet port in the wall with an in-wall unifi switch to get more ports in that room. [00:22:19] zebrabbl396: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:22:19] Helen_Croft: dont do WiFi @F1NN5TER [00:22:20] boom_and_alpha_yt: architect out the window [00:22:23] PynkFryck: I am also a 20m LAN cable user [00:22:24] camd4321: First time I caught the stream live! [00:22:24] ckyhalo76: ckyhalo76 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months! my trans friend from Colorado is going to visit me in exited for the 19th [00:22:24] nikama6: Cable managment Queen pop off [00:22:25] f3mmbot: ckyhalo76 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 26 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:22:25] oliviazbored: content house era [00:22:25] sephikirb: @ecstaticsense oh noo ToT [00:22:25] ArminGux: or just get 2 routers from the company [00:22:25] HardyOrange: but they didn't do what you asked!!! [00:22:27] Elifighter: do it yourself [00:22:27] cattypuss_1: day 6 yay [00:22:28] Vanimal2118: Welcome to home ownership [00:22:28] Wesadit: Yes you can [00:22:28] TrainedAttackSpork: They total can run more cables [00:22:30] XavienTC: streamers dont [00:22:31] c__r__j: Sue the installers for the cost of fixing their fuck-up! [00:22:31] EdgeVerses: wifi makes you gay [00:22:31] xXLonexWolfXxLw: I mean, yeah you can [00:22:32] handscombchris: get some of your money back!!! [00:22:33] thatkimon: Talk to the manager - Karen [00:22:33] ghostwolf1357: last stream in this house? :( [00:22:33] death_by_5nusnu: What type of crappie contractor did you get [00:22:33] distractedcreative: You don't have the paper walls like we do in America [00:22:33] dafdeddog: ethernet over power adapters [00:22:34] judgedame: buy a 100 foot cable i do. [00:22:34] bigbingman: Wifi is ot ok [00:22:35] Loelinverse: LTT Video Idea: Wifi5 [00:22:36] michaelmoses2004: Wassup finn5ter [00:22:36] ferrousfalcon: tell that electrician bitch to get his fish tape out [00:22:36] noi4321: wifi is wifi [00:22:36] Wesadit: No wifi [00:22:37] SnabbKassa: You can put it conduit [00:22:37] SHurriedImp: This is why electricians shouldn't do networking shit [00:22:38] beastboyz168: op [00:22:39] lamelama22: or just pay an electrician to come in & run an ethernet cable; or do it yourself; it's not difficult to do [00:22:39] SidMaxwell10: @Helen_Croft wifi 6 fine [00:22:40] beastboyz168: k, [00:22:40] xorwak: any1 Else Watching this on your tv [00:22:40] Loelinverse: Wifi7* [00:22:41] HardyOrange: how can they charge you when THEY messed up?? that sucks!! [00:22:41] beastboyz168: ,l [00:22:41] Avaerus0: Just get a really long ethernet cable [00:22:41] em669746974: UK Wifi tho [00:22:42] MajesticFvckingEagle: WiFi is ass [00:22:44] Timothy_M_Stepanski: sue em, you had it in the specs [00:22:44] gitrektitrekt: Fin tripping over the Ethernet cable would make some hilarious stream clips [00:22:44] DethCarp: was it in the scope of work for it be on specific wall? [00:22:45] stubo70: Does it have taps on the urinals [00:22:47] ThePastorVan: If they did it wrong to your plans you can absolutely make them redo it at their cost [00:22:48] OmsX8O: Don't try streaming over WiFi unless you want constant troubles [00:22:48] VentoliN013: Are your eyelashes real? [00:22:48] WeLoveDaHerb: time to sell the house and try again [00:22:48] mcmelon_tv: do NOT use fucking wifi [00:22:49] EternalLucia: It should come of their pocket to redo it, they messed up [00:22:50] SeaSqwib: Wifi is just OK [00:22:55] Loelinverse: Wifi7 is amazing [00:22:56] strawb3ry_cow: Wi-Fi streams suck ass of connection suddenly drops [00:22:57] b_024: Hi everyone [00:22:57] NSlaw: for steaming for sure get a network cable set up [00:22:58] karojhe: Professionals make weird choices building sometimes [00:22:58] Juliya_999: if you have a good wifiplan wifi is fine [00:22:58] snikeyxo: you get cat6 outlets at every power outlet in the office/gamer room? [00:22:59] bananasandwich6969: just run a long cable around the room [00:23:01] bart140298: a little below the average, you say? [00:23:01] EdgeVerses: @McMelon_TV wifi is turning the frogs gay [00:23:02] bigsuave7: run ethernet on the ground along the wall problem solved [00:23:03] moodasluht: wifi is crap...run a new cable [00:23:04] bearpaw1970: Indeed [00:23:05] orphanmeatstovetop: :3 [00:23:06] matjjes: my wifi is 5x faster than the old cables in the walls. wifi is fine [00:23:08] ogtheimperial: get called and make something to hide cables properly better idea [00:23:09] Lucianthelord: Bit below average lol [00:23:14] distractedcreative: Unsubscribing if you use wifi lmao [00:23:16] DethCarp: if it was in the scope of work you can absolutley make them redo it [00:23:16] alexx_net: Ladies, Gentelmen and those betwix & between: Pro streamer ... usinig wifi [00:23:16] ogtheimperial: cables.* [00:23:17] ArminGux: New York places are closets tho [00:23:17] elorimori_: are you American now [00:23:17] Cyprohep: nailed it [00:23:17] EdgeVerses: 9/10 throw [00:23:17] aspendevil666: thats not saying much new york city is very tight [00:23:18] HardyOrange: with the amount every UK minecrafter complains about wifi, I wouldn't trust wifi tbh [00:23:18] Makriev: Always with the "Its bigger than the average" talk huh Kappa [00:23:18] bearpaw1970: Lol [00:23:20] c__r__j: RIP lights. [00:23:24] lilithwintour: my wifi is like 700mbps [00:23:24] Ryan__Jamess: did you not already pay for the cables to be run? if you did then the contractors should be responsible for the cost of putting in the cables now [00:23:24] Jens_LN: Don't throwa the Estrogen !! D: [00:23:25] YABOYLUCAS_: heyy [00:23:26] yaman1011: Yo wassup [00:23:26] imaprsn: appreciate the confirmation 🤣 [00:23:28] Avaerus0: They even sell stuff to cover up the cables on the walls [00:23:28] Emmy64_: You can cut out wifi with the correct bluetooth device so that's fun [00:23:29] stubo70: Did you have urinals put in? With taps on? [00:23:29] furifixus: You can use your normal sockets as ethernet ports with an adapter [00:23:30] distractedcreative: Bro [00:23:30] EdgeVerses: wifi makes you transgender [00:23:31] lilithwintour: wifi fire [00:23:31] ronin_5463: Gremlin behaviour [00:23:31] Helen_Croft: latency @F1NN5TER [00:23:31] sageowl57: HI FINN [00:23:32] Ex0dia5: take it off and test the echo [00:23:32] Juliya_999: wifi is fineee [00:23:32] GiantmEmber: They make a plug in device that converts your power outlets to Ethernet. it’s called Powerline. [00:23:34] Lucridis: Boosters can limit the speed [00:23:34] enbyvee: @F1NN5TER if you've got Ubiquiti WAPs, have you also gone for PoE switches and their router? [00:23:35] noi4321: cause its UK wifi [00:23:36] bigsuave7: it's inconsistent [00:23:36] dreadcain: wifi is fine in a big house when you aren't competing with 15 other apartments wifi signals [00:23:36] ArminGux: imidietly breaks old house [00:23:39] ricardo3z: Yo [00:23:39] oliviazbored: wasn’t aware of the anti WiFi sentiment [00:23:40] Teambou: you can get wood things that go at bottom of the wall with a channel in them to be able to make easy runs @F1NN5TER [00:23:40] miya_lovely: WiFi 6 is more the capable to handle what fin does [00:23:44] AISOI: slow and unreliable [00:23:45] LittleChaSiu: it's probably not gonna be the Wi-Fi so much as the upstream that makes a difference [00:23:45] enbyvee: also the ubiquiti wifi stuff is pretty great [00:23:46] elorimori_: Wi-Fi takes an L [00:23:46] Emmy64_: LUL [00:23:46] NSlaw: super long cable its not that bad [00:23:47] noi4321: UK wifi is horrible [00:23:48] Loelinverse: Wifi7 is beast [00:23:48] nex0n__: real [00:23:48] xXLonexWolfXxLw: just run an Ethernet cable [00:23:49] ebic_dev: if its ubuqiuti access points i dont think using wifi will be an issue [00:23:49] boom_and_alpha_yt: laughs maniacally [00:23:49] ciernaruza: @noi4321 UK wifi isn't even that bad [00:23:49] yaman1011: Chicken nuggets make you trans fr [00:23:50] Elifighter: the bitrate is bad enough as it is [00:23:50] kalzir6969: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:23:51] new_day_who_dis: "Pro streamer" my ass [00:23:51] snowwynai: I've been wondering what thode was since [00:23:51] bigsuave7: TransgenderPride LUL [00:23:51] papanonfrancesco: long cable [00:23:51] enbyvee: it's not wifi boosters smfh chat [00:23:52] alfynegev: I live and die by ethernet [00:23:52] ghost_inna_jarr: I love when finn says chat randomly [00:23:52] ferrousfalcon: dommed by the electrician [00:23:52] imaprsn: that explains everything [00:23:53] mynameiswyvvernn: It's the 5g [00:23:53] im_not_dave1: no [00:23:55] DethCarp: no they dont [00:23:57] HardyOrange: was there no contract to enforce the 20 points you wanted? [00:23:58] ArminGux: you can just run a cable [00:23:58] VentoliN013: What about wifi? [00:23:59] elorimori_: Wi-Fi spreads the gay [00:24:00] karojhe: Sounds better to run a cable [00:24:02] Avaerus0: New conspiracy: Wifi transes you [00:24:02] Silraa: Just put a unifi switch onto the ethernet port in the room? [00:24:05] Elifighter: get a lon g cable [00:24:06] EdgeVerses: @ghost_inna_jarr chat [00:24:07] ferrousfalcon: modern boosters don't (dual frequency) [00:24:09] alexx_net: wifi collision due to neighbours [00:24:09] Nullikle6000: f1nnEmbarrassed [00:24:09] Helen_Croft: wire is always best [00:24:10] bigbingman: ewwwww [00:24:10] Lucridis: Do you have fiber or copper? [00:24:12] YumeNoZen: Ewwww [00:24:12] noi4321: @ciernaruza its very inconsistent [00:24:12] tylerlong1997: do you mean access points or boosters, there is a major difference [00:24:14] OmsX8O: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:24:16] elo_ween: wifi is usable as a 3d scan [00:24:16] johnkeiwo: Pog [00:24:16] newtdakota: finn: *pouts about wifi making her trans* [00:24:16] annawoah1: I didn’t know that there were other options than wifi [00:24:18] stubo70: Did you get urinals put in? With taps? [00:24:18] DethCarp: if you have it hooked up to a backbone you are goof [00:24:19] Lucianthelord: 5g made is trans confirmed [00:24:21] DominicanInTheUK: wifi is turning the frogs gay [00:24:21] DethCarp: good [00:24:21] DemiGodRetro: MAKE MINECRAFT VIDEOS [00:24:21] Teambou: @Lucridis 500 is fiber [00:24:21] distractedcreative: Ubiquiti is good, but can't compare to direct fiber or copper [00:24:21] nikama6: Wifi turn the frog gay [00:24:22] silentkay1: cheaper mesh networks cut the bandwidth, but it doesnt have to be that way its just how they've done it [00:24:23] snowwynai: I've been wondering what those blue things were since I started watching, lol. [00:24:24] nejamin3: giga chad [00:24:24] Raddog315: Raddog315 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months! 25 months subbed to this sub [00:24:24] ogtheimperial: do cables and just make things to hide cables Finn ShowLove100 [00:24:24] f3mmbot: raddog315 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 25 months using Prime! PogU [00:24:24] enbyvee: @tylerlong1997 ubiquiti don't make boosters [00:24:26] MaggieHeels: @Helen_Croft this [00:24:26] lilithwintour: wifi is fine [00:24:28] Timothy_M_Stepanski: I ran cat 6 throughout my house, have gigabit [00:24:28] BotricTv: saw you at the NEC [00:24:29] yaman1011: Wifi is the medium where most trans content is delivered to people [00:24:29] ChilaAurora: I can't believe this is F1nn's last stream ever [00:24:29] death_by_5nusnu: I use wifi for all my stuff because I don't feel like running cables 3 feet [00:24:30] alexx_net: @distractedcreative true [00:24:30] MajesticFvckingEagle: was there a contract for the original points you wanted? I’d say that’s worth fighting for [00:24:35] speckkatze: Wifi really sucks for anything stationary. Trust me, once you get a NAS you really wish your pc was on a 10g connection [00:24:36] EdgeVerses: gambling addict?1 [00:24:36] SeriousMental: cursed dono goal [00:24:39] im_not_dave1: you can get 1 gig wifi with ubiquiti [00:24:39] furifixus: You can use your normal house wireing as ethernet with an adapter [00:24:41] alfynegev: I need NASA 80gb/sec [00:24:42] EdgeVerses: f1nn gambling stream when [00:24:43] peanutbudder445_: Utilize it judiciously. [00:24:43] gitrektitrekt: WiFi makes pp smol [00:24:44] barkdrone: 1 year on hrt 🫶😘🫶 [00:24:44] boykss3r: if you have 500 Mb, it shouldn’t be a problem to use Wi-Fi [00:24:46] sephikirb: Gambling addiction [00:24:50] my_queues: Wifi causes 5G [00:24:51] bearpaw1970: Oh' that's fantastic [00:24:51] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:24:52] spidersman27: Powerline extention might be good [00:24:52] Avaerus0: Winners win [00:24:54] braddle172: Pog [00:24:56] ArminGux: you the devil on her shoulder [00:24:57] ronin_5463: BIG!!!!! [00:24:57] Jens_LN: POG [00:24:57] Targz_: WHAT [00:24:58] imaprsn: F1nn and Ashley gambling stream needs to happen [00:24:58] bigsuave7: nice [00:24:59] Kolateak_: That's amazing [00:24:59] ivy_liner: whaaaat [00:25:00] ferrousfalcon: gamba [00:25:00] DarthDerpy_: COOL [00:25:01] Emmy64_: PogU [00:25:01] Targz_: W [00:25:01] xXLonexWolfXxLw: all moneys into 00 on roulette [00:25:01] ghost_inna_jarr: Life is soup I am fork [00:25:01] SidMaxwell10: PogU big win [00:25:01] galxy_2844: gambleing 👍 [00:25:02] boom_and_alpha_yt: money man [00:25:02] ChilaAurora: Sometimes I can still hear her voice [00:25:02] PynkFryck: holy shit [00:25:03] bearpaw1970: Wow' feed the beast [00:25:05] Emmy64_: POGGERS [00:25:05] zephyr_alba: Minecraft clout [00:25:06] speckkatze: @im_not_dave1 yeah but its just 1 gig, which sucks when you have a nas and stuff [00:25:06] Teambou: who cares that light is aweful [00:25:07] davidiusfarrenius: well done Finn 👍 [00:25:07] tilt_central: Yeah insomnia is a big dev event too XD [00:25:08] lonely_goldfish: ME o7 [00:25:08] snowwynai: DOOD [00:25:09] papanonfrancesco: finn you should bet everything you have [00:25:09] PynkFryck: my fav modpack [00:25:10] lilithwintour: POGGERS [00:25:10] SeriousMental: LUL [00:25:10] zephyr_alba: Poggers [00:25:10] eine_baum: YOOOOOO [00:25:11] ArminGux: what is feed the beast? [00:25:12] blackcat11111111: pog [00:25:12] gitrektitrekt: What is Minecraft? Kappa [00:25:13] LucyxGoth: you cant lose gambling, just keep gambling and you're guaranteed to win [00:25:16] neosstuff: when is finn getting a ftb pack??? [00:25:17] melodyrainxx: Nice [00:25:17] DemiGodRetro: w [00:25:18] ivy_liner: thats crazy [00:25:22] lydia_m2f: was the mistake the contractor fault. if so they have to fix it free [00:25:23] nikama6: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:25:24] MaxVershhhtappen: 500 Mega bits is like 62,5 Mega Byte, so not bad at all [00:25:25] EdgeVerses: finn theres a spider on the chair behind you [00:25:28] DemiGodRetro: MAKE MINECRAFT VIDEOS AGAIN [00:25:28] Emmy64_: Ffs start makeup already KEKW [00:25:29] bigbingman: omg gambling mafia shoot for battlepass??? [00:25:29] bigsuave7: W [00:25:30] ZeroChuuuuuu: !discord [00:25:30] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:25:32] iridaceaeIris69: every gambler quits right before they win it all back [00:25:33] RynFromK2L: Feed The Beast... now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time. [00:25:34] VerminTalks: Crazy [00:25:35] yaman1011: nice nails bro 💅 [00:25:36] imaprsn: gamble on stream, and when you win the stream ends [00:25:42] vkdmitri: wifi made you trans? well i allways thought strange after internet gets globalizated trans people spowned a lot [00:25:45] ronin_5463: Always bet on black [00:25:47] ArminGux: kekw [00:25:48] Emmy64_: @dealwithitmanjustdoit WTF KEKW [00:25:52] braddle172: 😬 [00:25:54] Raddog315: he does.......aaahhhh [00:25:56] ivy_liner: @rynfromk2l very true haha [00:25:56] druchi2088: Minecraft to battlepass [00:25:57] a_cipher12: a_cipher12 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:25:57] f3mmbot: a_cipher12 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:25:58] nikama6: LUL LUL [00:26:00] sephikirb: KEKW [00:26:01] Jens_LN: -=!!! SPIDER !!!=- D: [00:26:03] Kolateak_: OH [00:26:05] lordgtafbi: stuff LUL [00:26:06] Helen_Croft: NotLikeThis [00:26:07] squ1ddy8ball5: SSSsss [00:26:08] johnkeiwo: OOF [00:26:09] Raddog315: ooof [00:26:10] LittleChaSiu: OMEGALUL [00:26:13] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter, oh you might wanna talk about your latest video because lots of folks probably think it's a stream highlight while it's important :) [00:26:14] zephyr_alba: Ooooof [00:26:14] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter, oh you might wanna talk about your latest video because lots of folks probably think it's a stream highlight while it's important :) [00:26:14] lord_kerias: LuL [00:26:14] bearpaw1970: Lmao [00:26:15] LittleChaSiu: FTB is cringe [00:26:16] alexx_net: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnLaff [00:26:16] Jens_LN: KEKW [00:26:17] SeriousMental: KEKW [00:26:18] EdgeVerses: ha got ya [00:26:19] ArminGux: kekw [00:26:19] muddymudkip15: Lol [00:26:20] Zettrex: Zettrex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! [00:26:20] f3mmbot: zettrex subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:26:20] Jens_LN: I may have lied [00:26:22] EdgeVerses: your welcome [00:26:22] VerminTalks: omg spider in the left box [00:26:22] noi4321: there IS a spider [00:26:23] yaman1011: 🕷️ [00:26:23] themindscrambler: shark!! [00:26:25] hugeairconditioner: holyyyy i made a strim 2020Rivalry [00:26:26] stubo70: Does new house have urinals with taps? [00:26:28] gayboyhalo556: Hi f1nn [00:26:28] elorimori_: JKanStyle [00:26:29] lewdbirdnoises: i see the spider [00:26:29] ashrijayde: spider [00:26:30] Timothy_M_Stepanski: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️ [00:26:31] BotricTv: @F1NN5TER you met slowpoke nice [00:26:33] ArminGux: u even dressed in beige nw [00:26:33] ChasingSol: only you can do that [00:26:33] Emmy64_: HypeOhDeer [00:26:34] xorwak: Spider! [00:26:34] Avaerus0: Now's he's gonna be paranoid about a spider all stream [00:26:35] lionhart786: Hello Boyzzzzzz [00:26:36] crucks528: there is a thing where you can get Ethernet through power plugs [00:26:37] Elifighter: modrinth launcher is better [00:26:37] nikama6: LUL NotLikeThis [00:26:37] Amoyamoyamoya: LAST STREAM? NICE... [00:26:37] dubetusboy: spider [00:26:38] ChasingSol: F [00:26:38] mg42_: there is always a spider [00:26:39] noi4321: there on the left [00:26:39] EdgeVerses: @F1NN5TER i was joking theres no spider lol [00:26:39] c__r__j: Only you can unmod people. f1nnLaff [00:26:39] Raddog315: You are leaving, the spiders will now reclaim the house [00:26:40] helsling3r: Help me convince my husband to take the femboy pill plz [00:26:40] SOVIETQUER117g: lol, big spoder [00:26:40] bearpaw1970: Lmao nooooo', not Sweetness [00:26:41] ashrijayde: spiderrrrr [00:26:41] distractedcreative: Why you so sensitive today? [00:26:41] noi4321: a sink [00:26:41] zax_frost: bro got Finn paranoid [00:26:42] Vanimal2118: Poor @littlechasiu [00:26:44] SnoopyDog9086: SnoopyDog9086 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 1 month streak! I really appreciate all your philanthropy work for the trans community, you are a legend 💖 [00:26:45] f3mmbot: snoopydog9086 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months using Prime! PogU [00:26:45] enbyvee: I love modrinth @LittleChaSiu [00:26:45] elorimori_: there’s a spider on your head [00:26:45] Amoyamoyamoya: Oh, wait. Last stream in this house. [00:26:45] blueskydrinking: "is ChaSiu a mod?" My streamer is a dummy [00:26:45] Stovamor: Give me editor rights and I will do [00:26:46] Amoyamoyamoya: OK [00:26:46] sophiebliek911: sink [00:26:47] bigbingman: come to australia you can experience real spiders [00:26:47] MarkiiSixx: Hi orchHi elinaShy [00:26:47] matthewmackerras: a sink [00:26:48] noi4321: they meant a sink [00:26:49] comrade_asg: Will F1nn piss in the sink of the new house? [00:26:50] Targz_: Urinals are cringe [00:26:50] yaman1011: B I D E T [00:26:51] noi4321: left [00:26:51] karojhe: "Is she a mod?" LUL [00:26:51] galxy_2844: right [00:26:51] LittleChaSiu: @enbyvee BASED [00:26:51] simplejack42069: I'm a boomer, no idea what that is [00:26:51] bigsuave7: next to the sink [00:26:51] zz_p0p: zz_p0p subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! ILY thank u sm for helping me gain the confidence in getting my hrt appointment. U do so much good <33 [00:26:52] lukksnar: SINK [00:26:52] f3mmbot: zz_p0p subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months using Prime! PogU [00:26:52] Funuzz: both [00:26:53] elorimori_: left [00:26:53] Juliya_999: left [00:26:54] iridaceaeIris69: top [00:26:54] blatant_fabrication: above [00:26:54] VerminTalks: All u need is a sink [00:26:55] freshdelipickles: yes [00:26:55] Lucridis: Yes [00:26:55] lewdbirdnoises: there's two [00:26:55] Helen_Croft: only girls live in the new house so why urinals [00:26:56] distractedcreative: Behind you [00:26:56] ashrijayde: LEFT [00:26:56] judgedame: you can [00:26:56] hand_hook_car_door: right [00:26:56] mg42_: above you [00:26:56] ProfaneCreation: yes [00:26:56] bigbingman: up [00:26:57] matthewmackerras: yes [00:26:57] LeVideNoirAstral: yea [00:26:57] Ryan__Jamess: up [00:26:57] EdgeVerses: @F1NN5TER THERES NO SPIDER I MADE IT UP [00:26:57] bart140298: on mic [00:26:57] maggiedoesart: By the blue panel on your left [00:26:58] vkdmitri: left [00:26:58] R4T_ttv: under. [00:26:58] Spook1es: Above [00:26:59] tilt_central: did you invest in a bidet??? [00:26:59] SeriousMental: above! [00:26:59] blueskydrinking: On your shoulder [00:26:59] LittleChaSiu: is the spider in the room with us right now [00:26:59] Targz_: Sink > Urinal [00:26:59] iridaceaeIris69: above [00:27:00] M0rgan80: left [00:27:00] Jens_LN: Above [00:27:00] MacProffit: yes [00:27:00] DarrigoTR: wtf [00:27:00] Kolateak_: Up [00:27:00] gitrektitrekt: Middle [00:27:00] Raddog315: over your head [00:27:01] lukksnar: leff [00:27:01] YumeNoZen: We'll take IckyCord with us. [00:27:01] owl__: its so big its left and right [00:27:01] peachy_claire: Squid1 Squid2 TehePelo Squid2 Squid4 [00:27:01] ArminGux: does it have double sinks [00:27:01] bigbingman: above [00:27:01] maggiedoesart: Spider [00:27:02] ChamPow1: on ur face [00:27:03] atomicspazz1: you are the spider now [00:27:03] zephyr_alba: Left [00:27:03] boom_and_alpha_yt: in the sink [00:27:04] ivy_liner: does the new house have a bidet? [00:27:04] maggiedoesart: On your left [00:27:04] Clueless_Canadian17: why would you need a urinal [00:27:06] VerminTalks: It's under your skin to the left [00:27:07] dubetusboy: left [00:27:08] matthewmackerras: your sleeve [00:27:08] c__r__j: @Stovamor Editors can't unmod. Only the streamer can. (Editors don't even have to be mods.) [00:27:10] barkdrone: puts urinal in the sink 😭😭😂😂😂😂 [00:27:11] xorwak: left [00:27:12] karojhe: How are you not getting the urinal with tap joke? [00:27:12] Timothy_M_Stepanski: Sinks are urinals [00:27:12] judgedame: what spider [00:27:12] bearpaw1970: Lmao [00:27:13] nikama6: Sink pisser once [00:27:15] BlaireBearStare: That’s actually a good question: you have 4 videos trolling “pretending” to be a girl and haven’t posted on the Minecraft channel in 8 months; what is your current content type that’s not battlepass? [00:27:15] galxy_2844: let [00:27:16] alexx_net: The other right [00:27:19] LucyxGoth: on the A of your chair headrest [00:27:19] cymphony_c4: Make up time Pog [00:27:19] gayboyhalo556: Hey f1nn [00:27:20] galxy_2844: left [00:27:21] bigsuave7: True [00:27:21] hugeairconditioner: finns coming out video came on mu youtube home page and finn literally changed my brain chemistry [00:27:22] ckyhalo76: no spider [00:27:22] basicallyserena: basicallyserena subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Hello you precious goober ^^ [00:27:22] f3mmbot: basicallyserena subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:27:22] TisiphoneValentine: hi finn im watching u in vr :3 [00:27:22] Stovamor: @c__r__j, know, but I want editor rights too [00:27:23] VerminTalks: Piss sink [00:27:25] melodyrainxx: There lieng finn [00:27:27] em669746974: ITS ON UR CHAIRRRRRRRR [00:27:31] TheWizdomWizard: Have you opted to replace all the toilets with sinks in the new house? [00:27:31] matthewmackerras: piss sink piss sink [00:27:31] c__r__j: @Stovamor They do be cool. [00:27:33] asiatore: asiatore subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months! [00:27:34] f3mmbot: asiatore subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:27:34] Lucridis: Your upstairs isn't [00:27:34] bigbingman: just tape the ethernet cables to the roof [00:27:34] VentoliN013: Is it annoying having long hair like that? [00:27:34] LittleChaSiu: @BlaireBearStare you're watching it right now [00:27:34] oliviazbored: why does ur wall say gullible? [00:27:35] bearpaw1970: Nice 👍🙂 [00:27:35] enbyvee: hide it in the skirting boards if you've got em? [00:27:36] BotricTv: you met slowpoke nice [00:27:37] ChasingSol: @Stovamor moar power [00:27:38] lilithwintour: have you peed in the sinks yet [00:27:39] VerminTalks: Chat voted piss sink [00:27:40] Cyprohep: im not american and my shit is concrete [00:27:40] EternalLucia: My first Minecraft Let's Play series was like, the original Feed The Beast mod pack [00:27:40] moodasluht: just tape a thick ass pink cable to the wall [00:27:42] MarkiiSixx: lol [00:27:44] cattypuss_1: carved from one brick [00:27:45] moodasluht: still better than wifi [00:27:46] Helen_Croft: hot glue it in the corner along the wall @F1NN5TER [00:27:48] elorimori_: that wall is too bricked up [00:27:50] Avaerus0: At least the big-bad wolf won't be able to blow your house down [00:27:50] distractedcreative: Bimbo [00:27:54] Amoyamoyamoya: LOL. Imagine Americans watching F1nn strems [00:27:54] Total_Acidity: KEKW [00:27:55] isabelleswenson2319: isabelleswenson2319 is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 7 in the channel! [00:27:55] isabelleswenson2319: isabelleswenson2319 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ArtAdAstra! [00:27:56] f3mmbot: isabelleswenson2319 has gifted a subscription to artadastra at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang artadastra f1nnLezgang [00:27:58] ArminGux: brick needs more then a fist to break [00:28:00] ashrijayde: the wall is bricked up [00:28:01] bigsuave7: You could just get a good WiFi extender tbh [00:28:02] Vanimal2118: Make a fake baseboard? [00:28:02] crasscarrot: Cheer1 [00:28:06] SeriousMental: i think i saw a bit brain floating around there LUL [00:28:06] yaman1011: Finn has covid 24 [00:28:06] Emmy64_: Who said gloryhole urinal WTF HypeOhDeer [00:28:08] alfynegev: NY gang [00:28:09] Lucianthelord: Himbo brain frfr [00:28:10] comrade_asg: based [00:28:10] EdgeVerses: L [00:28:10] johnkeiwo: PogU [00:28:12] atomicspazz1: Thats a ceiling not a wall [00:28:12] Jens_LN: The SPIDER is a LIE !! D: [00:28:14] anschofi: Brick and Morty [00:28:14] druchi2088: W [00:28:15] Ben104072_: CRINGE [00:28:15] axe1970: it's a brick house [00:28:15] bearpaw1970: Oh' [00:28:15] johnkeiwo: Letsgoooooo [00:28:16] brickmage554: Joo my house [00:28:16] comrade_asg: PogU [00:28:16] LeVideNoirAstral: lol [00:28:16] Juliya_999: libtard [00:28:17] bigbingman: What???? [00:28:17] b_024: Pog [00:28:18] FirstFireKeeper: letsgoo [00:28:21] realzerobyter: show us! [00:28:21] bigsuave7: LMAO [00:28:21] oliviazbored: yoooo [00:28:22] jcktheripperrs: Oh no [00:28:22] johnkeiwo: W [00:28:24] StreamrollerFunFun: LLLLL [00:28:24] lukksnar: just use a picaxe and replace the block [00:28:25] nikama6: Lets goo [00:28:27] lordgtafbi: yikes [00:28:27] realtalkchannel: L [00:28:28] spil_nu_slots_ikke_bingo: W [00:28:28] HexGrrrrl: That goes hard hasRaid hasRaid [00:28:30] ronin_5463: GOTTEM [00:28:30] Rheumour: W [00:28:30] oliviazbored: bro is fr living my dream [00:28:32] ArminGux: u a comie? [00:28:32] Cyprohep: nice [00:28:32] Ben104072_: Hasan is an idiot [00:28:32] MarkiiSixx: peepoHappy [00:28:33] theuman666: w [00:28:33] LittleChaSiu: it looks big [00:28:33] comrade_asg: Poggers [00:28:34] ManOnTheNet: wear it on the battlepass [00:28:35] judgedame: w [00:28:35] smallshrimpin69: WWW [00:28:36] lord_kerias: W [00:28:36] luvedblue: WWWWW [00:28:37] Loelinverse: I like this leftist review arc [00:28:37] HexGrrrrl: Union made bay bee [00:28:38] androidwall4680: why did bro sniff it [00:28:38] dmx908: Ew Hasan sucks [00:28:39] adamjunkpup: I want one [00:28:39] realzerobyter: damn, edgy [00:28:39] Chri55PBacon: W [00:28:40] starduke83: SeemsGood [00:28:40] spil_nu_slots_ikke_bingo: WW [00:28:40] xMezzy: Welll Thats Nice :-) [00:28:41] yaman1011: Capitalism is voluntary [00:28:41] climaanlage: W [00:28:42] iridaceaeIris69: get bred or get dead [00:28:42] bearpaw1970: Very capitalist [00:28:42] karojhe: Looks pretty big [00:28:42] lonely_goldfish: deciding my politics based off if finn looks cute in it [00:28:44] yaman1011: KEKW [00:28:45] MajesticFvckingEagle: Did you have in a contract how many ports you originally wanted? if so force them to make a solution [00:28:46] stubo70: Urinals with hot and cold taps to wash your fanny (sink) [00:28:49] realtalkchannel: Like the message not the person. [00:28:50] dubetusboy: itssss……. it’s see through [00:28:53] druchi2088: F1nn5ter full communism ark lets go [00:28:56] elorimori_: do urinals have bidets? [00:28:56] TheBrokenDeity: hasRaid hasRaid hasRaid hasRaid [00:28:57] Vanimal2118: Got ur Merch From Peachy! [00:28:57] enbyvee: cute [00:28:57] meaghanmostly: meaghanmostly is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 15 in the channel! [00:28:57] VentoliN013: Long hair looks hard to have lol [00:28:58] f3mmbot: meaghanmostly has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:28:58] meaghanmostly: meaghanmostly gifted a Tier 1 sub to thejhoney007! [00:28:58] meaghanmostly: meaghanmostly gifted a Tier 1 sub to eminies! [00:28:58] meaghanmostly: meaghanmostly gifted a Tier 1 sub to lvl1krook! [00:28:58] meaghanmostly: meaghanmostly gifted a Tier 1 sub to pandadorable_! [00:28:58] meaghanmostly: meaghanmostly gifted a Tier 1 sub to ginnyemiliasymonne94! [00:28:58] ChasingSol: pretty [00:28:58] distractedcreative: Not bad [00:28:58] HexGrrrrl: Pretty [00:28:59] Mikey2207: cuteeee [00:28:59] melodyrainxx: 🖤 [00:28:59] yaman1011: 💅💅💅 [00:29:00] denosynligahunden: no way last stream?? [00:29:01] HardyOrange: the blue returns! [00:29:01] Avaerus0: Pretty! [00:29:01] rdmhater: hasRaid hasRaid hasRaid [00:29:02] judgedame: cute [00:29:02] strinx1120: Cuteeee [00:29:02] Raddog315: cute [00:29:03] Juliya_999: nails are so cute [00:29:03] pandadorable_: soooo cute [00:29:04] VentoliN013: Noic3 [00:29:04] pussinagown: HI FINN [00:29:04] Bobbikatt: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:29:04] Eeowna: ahhh I love them! [00:29:04] FirstFireKeeper: @dmx908 damn chud fin watcher [00:29:05] PynkFryck: pwetty :3 [00:29:05] bearpaw1970: Love the sky blue baby blues [00:29:05] galxy_2844: w [00:29:05] LucyxGoth: hasan is a 2016 tumblr girl [00:29:06] c__r__j: Trans fingernails! redsayYay [00:29:06] Nullikle6000: f1nnEmbarrassed [00:29:07] R4T_ttv: oooh [00:29:07] nikama6: <3 SeemsGood <3 [00:29:08] axe1970: robis egg blue [00:29:08] La_ToisonDOr: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood [00:29:08] RuthlessWelshy: C U T E [00:29:09] snowwynai: Aww, dey purdy. [00:29:09] squ1ddy8ball5: Hey you are so beautiful [00:29:09] MajesticFvckingEagle: cuuuuteeee [00:29:10] dysfunctionaldomo: Cuteee [00:29:11] crucks528: i [00:29:11] ArminGux: yeah u talked about it last stream [00:29:14] benazure12: f1nnChair [00:29:16] TisiphoneValentine: cutd nails! [00:29:17] Helen_Croft: how many rooms ? [00:29:18] bigbingman: when next main channel upload? [00:29:18] melodyrainxx: Love them [00:29:19] troithulu: Ooh, love the nails! [00:29:20] blueskydrinking: KEKW [00:29:21] JustaguyTwitchTV: amazin [00:29:21] druchi2088: You own a house?!? How can you be leftist!!!!!!!!! [00:29:22] Raddog315: lol [00:29:22] MidnightDime: Hasan Abby. The real classically Abby [00:29:23] johnkeiwo: socialist [00:29:23] mystchevious1: 66 [00:29:24] SOVIETQUER117g: very nice [00:29:25] perfersserderg: cummunist? [00:29:25] oliviazbored: very spring themed [00:29:26] EdgeVerses: vaccines turn people communist proof [00:29:26] realzerobyter: commie [00:29:26] ChasingSol: commie streamer [00:29:27] bigsuave7: socialist [00:29:28] new_day_who_dis: Based [00:29:29] nejamin3: looove that color [00:29:31] alexx_net: That looks more duck-egg blue than baby [00:29:31] XENOMAN5: Will you wear a bunny outfit today since you missed Raster? [00:29:32] adiostoreadorable: HEYO [00:29:32] catlove518: Just finished setting up my Finn specific keyboard [00:29:33] SnabbKassa: i think it just means you're a PONCE [00:29:33] Amoyamoyamoya: Any Marxism? [00:29:33] lewdbirdnoises: cummunism [00:29:33] Valezifer: noice [00:29:33] adamjunkpup: Communism [00:29:33] oliviazbored: Marxist? [00:29:34] distractedcreative: You're anti-ethernet [00:29:34] ArminGux: big house, suv mayback, comie streamer time [00:29:35] dysfunctionaldomo: Anti capitalism is communism [00:29:36] ciernaruza: based??? [00:29:36] ronin_5463: CUUUUUTE [00:29:36] JustaguyTwitchTV: cummunist [00:29:36] lonely_goldfish: genderfluid [00:29:36] nicknicolat: Anticapitalim all the way [00:29:37] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [00:29:37] nex0n__: that’s communist [00:29:38] Emmy64_: NiceTry NiceTry NiceTry NiceTry [00:29:38] livjpk78: Will you get changed into a sexy outfit those beautiful nails deserve? [00:29:38] my_queues: Socialist [00:29:39] yaman1011: Anticapitalism making $$$ lmao [00:29:39] solarianv69: racist? [00:29:39] zodiac06x: he’s socialist [00:29:40] adiostoreadorable: Love chu finn!!!! [00:29:42] Lucianthelord: F1nn! Will they restock te gamersupps cup or is it all gone for good? :< [00:29:43] nikama6: Sinkpissist [00:29:43] dreadcain: left is best [00:29:43] HexGrrrrl: hasRaid hasRaid hasRaid [00:29:44] c__r__j: You're not a communist. You're the bourgeoisie! [00:29:45] catlove518: Cumunist [00:29:45] handscombchris: you can run the eithernet cable along the top of any skirting board and then put it in a "cable trunking" to hide the cables! i have it in my room! [00:29:46] DominicanInTheUK: a tori [00:29:47] ScarsUnseen: tsarist? [00:29:47] xMezzy: are yopu a Minimalist ??? :-) [00:29:48] HardyOrange: "it can look... okay" [00:29:48] sarahvega404: I bet you cant jojo pose [00:29:49] Helen_Croft: how many rooms ? [00:29:51] gitrektitrekt: Anarcho Femboy-inist [00:29:52] ComradeCosmonaut: champagne socialist [00:29:54] soggyvector: bourgeois anti capitalist [00:29:56] galxy_2844: blue nails, pink lips, and white skin. I’m sending something… [00:29:56] PynkFryck: @Lucianthelord is gone [00:29:57] judgedame: soc dem [00:30:00] Slajev: Are you marxist [00:30:01] yaman1011: The world is so capitalist you can even sell communism [00:30:02] axe1970: hi i'm uncle capitalist [00:30:02] Raddog315: F1nn-ist [00:30:02] Emmy64_: @lucianthelord gone for good, they said it on their website [00:30:06] EdgeVerses: did the vaccine turn you communist? [00:30:06] dmx908: Hassan is full of crap [00:30:07] spidercongaming: Hey i gtg walk my fish [00:30:11] EdgeVerses: @dmx908 fr [00:30:12] ScarsUnseen: i'm auntie capitalist [00:30:13] littlej8854: hello [00:30:13] ShadowVizsla: ShadowVizsla subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [00:30:14] f3mmbot: shadowvizsla subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:30:15] HardyOrange: woo gamersupps stuff arriving!!!! [00:30:15] elorimori_: f1nnZOOM f1nnZOOM f1nnZOOM f1nnZOOM f1nnZOOM [00:30:17] Helen_Croft: not mine? [00:30:19] PegasusB: Rich socialist test: would you ever be a landlord? [00:30:19] bigbingman: when merch store coming back, I need to restock on thigh highs [00:30:19] hugeairconditioner: social democrats are usually what the european continent is [00:30:20] SeriousMental: Still havent got it f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [00:30:23] bakedelephants: bakedelephants subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! [00:30:23] f3mmbot: bakedelephants subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months using Prime! PogU [00:30:23] 2022_subaru_outback: Hellooooo [00:30:24] maggiedoesart: I love your energy [00:30:26] EdgeVerses: finn why are you putting marker on ur face [00:30:27] Cautare: Hi princess how are you?!!! [00:30:27] PrimMorrisroe: so now you have the fancy house are you a proper battle pass girly like Belle? 😭 [00:30:30] Miss_Nova1986: Integrate it in the moodlightingon the ceiling [00:30:30] HexGrrrrl: hasL hasL hasL [00:30:30] Vanimal2118: I got sticker [00:30:30] new_day_who_dis: I got my cup and I'm scared to use it [00:30:30] Emmy64_: Good point i got one [00:30:31] sniffuo: they gave me 3 they're very swag [00:30:33] simplejack42069: Metal conduit on brick is legit [00:30:37] carrie1234567890: Hii [00:30:39] Cautare: HAHAH [00:30:39] HexGrrrrl: Based [00:30:41] bearpaw1970: So cool 👍😎 [00:30:41] Cyprohep: lmao [00:30:41] RynFromK2L: I need to find a gasket for mine; leaks a bit. [00:30:42] dat_b0i_augi: Sick [00:30:42] distractedcreative: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:30:44] yaman1011: Medication for what condition? [00:30:44] braddle172: Hell yeah [00:30:44] NuVanDibe: NuVanDibe subscribed at Tier 1. [00:30:45] f3mmbot: nuvandibe subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang nuvandibe f1nnLezgang [00:30:45] GroovyMistress: Just wanted to pop in and tell you your amazing and have a fabulous day [00:30:45] gitrektitrekt: Id buy a sticker [00:30:46] imaprsn: based crate [00:30:47] littlej8854: TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG [00:30:49] nikama6: PogChamp [00:30:53] oliviazbored: that’s so metal [00:30:53] ArminGux: that sounds adorable [00:30:53] RynFromK2L: I guess it's normal for a femboy on E to leak a bit. [00:30:56] LeVideNoirAstral: got my cup today looks great [00:30:57] alexx_net: @yaman1011 having too much T [00:30:58] em669746974: PLSSSS SHOW HRT BOX [00:30:59] thatkimon: Did you see the April fools gamer supp cup? [00:30:59] BlaireBearStare: based [00:30:59] papanonfrancesco: show us [00:30:59] NuVanDibe: omg it's the real fonennfiveter for real in real life [00:31:00] SOVIETQUER117g: war crimes??? [00:31:02] HardyOrange: didn't you talk about doing that ages ago??? doing stuff with the ammo box?? [00:31:02] StickyVic_: I keep sex toys in an ammo crate lmao [00:31:04] that_teaboylewie: hi there, im new here its nice to finally meet this community! [00:31:05] nex0n__: based [00:31:08] EdgeVerses: you WENT to insomnia? [00:31:13] ChasingSol: @that_teaboylewie welcome [00:31:15] medical_size9000: Did you prank Ashley on April fools [00:31:16] yaman1011: @alexx_net Finn? Too much T? Lmao [00:31:16] MaxVershhhtappen: @f1nn5ter I just read that the opposite of capitalism is actually communism, do we need 2 be concerned.! [00:31:17] ScarsUnseen: dysphoria hoodie? [00:31:18] johnkeiwo: @that_teaboylewie, welcome ! [00:31:20] HexGrrrrl: Gotta put a trans punisher logo on the hrt crate [00:31:23] dmx908: So finn what are you going to do with the boy clothes [00:31:26] CoronaBorealis02: one of my co-workers said he saw you at insomnia! [00:31:27] HardyOrange: tbh you should arrange for a re-release of the shirt, it's so soft and the colors are perfect [00:31:28] JustaguyTwitchTV: did u do anything for april fools [00:31:32] travis_maldonado: did you kiss pyro ? [00:31:37] ArminGux: all the trans girls went [00:31:39] ricardo3z: SeemsGood [00:31:47] catlove518: jh💕べへh [00:31:48] crucks528: i [00:31:50] galxy_2844: did you see pyro? [00:31:52] VentoliN013: Is your hair real? 👀 [00:31:52] ciernaruza: E3 is dead tho [00:31:53] alexx_net: @yaman1011 sadly F1nn had his Testosterone actually measured and it was high, (and he loved that,,, until he didn't.) [00:31:54] QuickestJadeTheDoge: I forgot about that convention [00:31:55] ProfaneCreation: E3 is dead [00:31:56] stahpx: stahpx subscribed with Prime. [00:31:56] Elifighter: e3 is gone now [00:31:56] f3mmbot: stahpx subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang stahpx f1nnLezgang [00:31:58] HardyOrange: it's good to have a smaller local con! [00:32:00] c__r__j: The Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar is hosted in Birmingham! nanona1Nodders [00:32:00] adamjunkpup: adamjunkpup subscribed at Tier 1. [00:32:00] f3mmbot: adamjunkpup subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang adamjunkpup f1nnLezgang [00:32:01] soggyvector: rip e3 [00:32:02] sunnyandsmiling: I feel like the opposite to capitalism is called intelligence [00:32:05] Lucridis: Yeah [00:32:06] Kolateak_: Yeah [00:32:07] SnabbKassa: Does your house move now clash with twitchcon? [00:32:08] ciernaruza: yeah [00:32:08] lordgtafbi: E3 is long dead LUL [00:32:08] ArminGux: e3 is cancelled forever [00:32:08] XENOMAN5: Not true.. Birmingham has lots of invitational knife fights. [00:32:08] Emmy64_: Yes [00:32:09] Raddog315: lol [00:32:09] larceny_queen: Finn NOT shitting on Birmingham??? Now that's new [00:32:10] ATValdor: yeah E3 dead [00:32:12] lewdbirdnoises: You didn't know E3 died? [00:32:12] johnkeiwo: E3 is gone YEP [00:32:13] PegasusB: Birmingham or West Midlands? [00:32:14] andre_narlisa: You don't feel in wrong body if you can buy fake boobs [00:32:15] snowwynai: Love a little shop. [00:32:17] Emmy64_: E3 is gone officially [00:32:18] DarthDerpy_: rip E3 [00:32:18] nikama6: LUL LUL nah who would do sucj thing as shting on Brummies [00:32:22] chriscorrick08: Well doing better than e3 is gone [00:32:23] Amoyamoyamoya: @c__r__j, Didn't we want to get F1nn to attend that years ago? [00:32:23] Loelinverse: yes e3 is ded [00:32:24] renfox1987: Finn is handsome man ❤️❤️❤️❤️ [00:32:24] alexx_net: @c__r__j corrupting pure F1nn ? [00:32:30] buberducky_: insomnia byoc is a scam [00:32:33] bearpaw1970: When you have two forces doing mechatte battles in Birmingham [00:32:34] xXTooGoodAtGamingXx: You're so sexy finn [00:32:38] melodyrainxx: Finn your so cute [00:32:40] c__r__j: @alexx_net Wait, there's a second person called F1nn? [00:32:42] VentoliN013: Sucks about E3. . . [00:32:43] enbyvee: he thought he was gonna get stabbed earlier lmao [00:32:44] tilt_central: Wooooh Insomnia is the one fo the bigger UK events worth going to if you are close. [00:32:47] catlove518: The opposite of capitalism is hrt [00:32:53] bigmike1851: first time in ur stream. but I see u a lot on tiktok and yt and [00:32:53] bearpaw1970: You know the week ends going to be lit [00:32:56] Emmy64_: E3 was trash to begin with LUL [00:32:59] c__r__j: @Amoyamoyamoya Talked about, but nothing ever came of it. Did we even mention it to F1nn? [00:33:00] handscombchris: @nikama6 everyone from the UK shits on Birmingham! ;) [00:33:00] kat_sindari: the two best peeps from Brum are f1nn and Ozzy Osborne [00:33:01] ArminGux: briny has a machete street [00:33:02] SOVIETQUER117g: @catlove518 based [00:33:03] ciernaruza: E3 but if it was at the NEC [00:33:03] ScarsUnseen: lol [00:33:04] imsomeguy418: you an ashley make my heart happy [00:33:06] SeriousMental: LUL [00:33:06] peanutbudder445_: London vibes [00:33:07] YumeNoZen: Someone send Hitch a UV Light. [00:33:12] bigsuave7: Kappa [00:33:12] adamjunkpup: adamjunkpup is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [00:33:13] f3mmbot: adamjunkpup has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:33:13] adamjunkpup: adamjunkpup gifted a Tier 1 sub to peachib! [00:33:13] adamjunkpup: adamjunkpup gifted a Tier 1 sub to viintu1! [00:33:13] adamjunkpup: adamjunkpup gifted a Tier 1 sub to mightstill! [00:33:13] adamjunkpup: adamjunkpup gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThisIsSNARL! [00:33:13] adamjunkpup: adamjunkpup gifted a Tier 1 sub to DixInfernus! [00:33:15] Vanimal2118: Stabbed? SMH [00:33:15] thethetheride: thethetheride subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! i finally got my cup from gamersupps, ive never been happier [00:33:16] f3mmbot: thethetheride subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:33:18] Jens_LN: !!! MACHETE !!! [00:33:18] Lucianthelord: F1nn is there any gender charity's people can go to that isnt gendergp? I'm desperate [00:33:20] Y0rk5h1r3: There probably are LUL [00:33:21] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: adamjunkpup W [00:33:22] OhMikeG: did you cosplay? [00:33:22] yaman1011: Are trans folks more socialist overall? [00:33:23] ogtheimperial: ogtheimperial is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [00:33:24] ogtheimperial: ogtheimperial gifted a Tier 1 sub to azertyfun! [00:33:24] f3mmbot: ogtheimperial has gifted a subscription to azertyfun at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang azertyfun f1nnLezgang [00:33:24] SidMaxwell10: f1nnCope it's not that bad [00:33:25] Raddog315: He knows you, your 5 minutes could be 5 days [00:33:27] Loelinverse: what a quote [00:33:27] JasmeowTheCat: TwitchCon Rotter :P [00:33:30] Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, He might get color from that tho [00:33:34] hopalongtommy: Not today, because it was raining [00:33:36] PegasusB: I'm from South London - Birmingham is 😬 [00:33:38] renfox1987: Buff masculine man frfr ❤️❤️❤️ [00:33:45] Lucianthelord: There is literally a road nicknamed machete street! [00:33:47] ArminGux: Canada when? [00:33:50] FirstFireKeeper: @yaman1011 probably [00:33:50] zapbee_: THE CLICKBAIT TITLE😭😭 [00:34:02] alexx_net: @PegasusB Those are identical pictures f1nnLaff [00:34:03] peanutbudder445_: Im surprised you don't live in Poland [00:34:06] realtalkchannel: All the good Minecraft gamemodes are gone. [00:34:07] Y0rk5h1r3: Why didn't you want to move to Brighton, the Meca of the Fruity ones in the UK [00:34:07] chriscorrick08: You could cosplay fin easy [00:34:08] miscnotes: You clickbaity hoe I respect it [00:34:12] realtalkchannel: Except Hypixel party games. [00:34:12] ghost_inna_jarr: Finn you're so beautiful [00:34:12] Stovamor: People do that @F1NN5TER [00:34:14] Stovamor: People do that @F1NN5TER [00:34:15] Stovamor: People do that @F1NN5TER [00:34:15] bearpaw1970: So awesome 👍😎 [00:34:15] adamjunkpup: Every time you say insomnia I can only think of the coffee company in Ireland dk if its in UK haven't seen it there b4 [00:34:19] noi4321: thanks mods [00:34:22] ConfuzzledVoid: there would be so many trolls on that server [00:34:24] VentoliN013: DinoDance [00:34:25] elizabethpearlxo: do you still play [00:34:26] QuickestJadeTheDoge: They should bring back Minecon [00:34:28] Emmy64_: !modlove [00:34:28] ArminGux: aren’t Minecraft conventions just after elementary school clubs kekw [00:34:29] f3mmbot: The mod team is awesome! They never ban people who don't deserve it and help keep the stream running. [00:34:32] Vanimal2118: What is stopping u? [00:34:32] ciernaruza: @Y0rk5h1r3 expensive [00:34:33] alexx_net: @Y0rk5h1r3 Too expensive and too far from his roots [00:34:34] lowdspeaker_: Ooof the title got me good lmao [00:34:37] imaprsn: I’m calling it now the YouTube video title for this stream will be like “My Final Stream” [00:34:37] Achilles2020: <3 :) B) >( :D <3 [00:34:38] LittleChaSiu: ew Bedrock [00:34:39] larceny_queen: larceny_queen subscribed at Tier 1. [00:34:39] f3mmbot: larceny_queen subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang larceny_queen f1nnLezgang [00:34:45] alexx_net: f1nnHeart @Emmy64_ [00:34:47] noi4321: have you been to dreamhack? [00:34:48] zsAlice: the GameCube was capable of LAN with many consoles [00:34:49] sunnyandsmiling: Is your name based on finsexual: a term for someone who is exclusively attracted to those who are feminine in nature... or was that just foreshadowing? [00:34:50] Shanenathin: Shanenathin subscribed with Prime. [00:34:50] lowdspeaker_: What’s the scoop on the new house? [00:34:50] f3mmbot: shanenathin subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang shanenathin f1nnLezgang [00:34:51] Stovamor: People do that @F1NN5TER - One year I went, there was a 4 day "Build whatever you want" competition. Each player had a server of their own on the local servers [00:34:52] Stovamor: People do that @F1NN5TER - One year I went, there was a 4 day "Build whatever you want" competition. Each player had a server of their own on the local servers [00:34:53] Amoyamoyamoya: Pierbi? Ewwww... [00:34:54] Woodisch: Woodisch subscribed at Tier 1. [00:34:54] f3mmbot: woodisch subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang woodisch f1nnLezgang [00:34:55] PrimMorrisroe: does having the expensive house make you a proper battle pass girly now? 😭 [00:34:56] Emmy64_: f1nnHeart [00:34:56] snowwynai: MC Java supremacy. [00:34:58] peanutbudder445_: Im still trying to get better at Minecraft [00:35:01] 13eey0u: How to hide femboy clothes [00:35:02] Emmy64_: HypePopcorn [00:35:02] neosstuff: solution: start the f1nn minecraft convention [00:35:05] handscombchris: handscombchris subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! yay 10 months but you still got to name the baby it's now 1 month old and still needs a name! [00:35:05] f3mmbot: handscombchris subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU [00:35:05] strawb3ry_cow: ROBIN [00:35:08] Y0rk5h1r3: I bet F1nn's got that Brighton money LUL [00:35:12] gitrektitrekt: Finn organizing? LUL [00:35:12] eine_baum: he knows baritone 😍😍 [00:35:18] zsAlice: port Minecraft to consoles that predate Minecraft [00:35:18] ArminGux: you can make it a fundraiser for the charity [00:35:19] 13eey0u: How to hide my femboy clothes [00:35:20] melodyrainxx: I wanna go [00:35:33] noi4321: have you seen the clip of pewdiepie singing Take On Me at dreamhack? [00:35:36] Lucianthelord: =Spiders back=!! [00:35:36] bearpaw1970: Lmao 🤣 [00:35:37] sephikirb: I'm gonna put my minecraft bed next to my boyfriend's [00:35:38] BlaireBearStare: Finn, have you tried the Create mod? [00:35:38] Unit4to: Remember you are weaker than most now [00:35:39] cattypuss_1: inside shark [00:35:40] ronin_5463: Start your own convention! With Femboys and Trans Girls!!! [00:35:44] tilt_central: jesus the this is getting violent [00:35:44] YumeNoZen: You would so lose. [00:35:44] pussinagown: Finn influencing violence :D [00:35:48] gitrektitrekt: Just unplug their PC [00:35:50] alfynegev: Me personally I'd be more motivated to [00:35:51] Y0rk5h1r3: You don't know me LUL LUL LUL [00:35:54] PynkFryck: @13eey0u under the bottom drawer of a shelf [00:35:55] HardyOrange: careful, "real life" has already been used for an smp [00:35:55] mcmelon_tv: you should do this lol [00:35:55] dakoninmytlupo: !gender [00:35:56] f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. Also, Finn is gender fluid. [00:35:57] QuickestJadeTheDoge: I play mostly bedrock because literally none of my friends have PCs [00:36:01] LittleChaSiu: IckyCon Kappa [00:36:03] ArminGux: imagine getting stabbed over Minecraft [00:36:06] Stovamor: TBH, It was interesting to beat some other team in a shotoer and then wnadering over and chatting to them in person with some beer [00:36:07] Targz_: I'm down for a femboy minecon [00:36:07] yaman1011: HRT giveaways [00:36:07] Stovamor: TBH, It was interesting to beat some other team in a shotoer and then wnadering over and chatting to them in person with some beer [00:36:10] Targz_: can we make this a thing? [00:36:11] oliviazbored: they all play Minecraft all day what is there to be scared of [00:36:12] Silraa: Inject at the door? [00:36:12] ogtheimperial: ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 ShowLove1 [00:36:14] moontheca: Oh that'd be awesome. Like three big tables that hold 50 people each and then have each table be like their own little like faction in a way [00:36:14] femboyhootey: @strawb3ry_cow what? [00:36:15] bearpaw1970: Punched to the head , creating serenity and happiness [00:36:15] ciernaruza: @Y0rk5h1r3 probably but still not worth [00:36:16] zsAlice: an estrogen breathysler [00:36:17] alfynegev: Performance enhancing drugs??? [00:36:19] MrsPandamber: do I have to show my butt then [00:36:21] Pizzapuntz: rude to trans people not on hrt yet [00:36:23] catlove518: But my medication is illegal 😭😭😭 [00:36:23] johnkeiwo: no :) [00:36:23] SeriousMental: f1nnLaff [00:36:24] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:36:24] boom_and_alpha_yt: no self governing autocracy for f1nn [00:36:25] ChasingSol: haha [00:36:26] ChasingSol: yes [00:36:27] frenchtoast9419: lol so I have to bring my whole kit [00:36:28] Jartrana: peachyFire [00:36:29] Jens_LN: Girl-voice ... Girl-voice ... Girl-voice ... Girl-voice ... Girl-voice ... Girl-voice ... [00:36:29] PynkFryck: Its been a minute KEKW [00:36:31] ArminGux: let’s gooo [00:36:32] imaprsn: and so it returns [00:36:32] HardyOrange: lmao wayyy off that girl voice threshhold [00:36:32] ScarsUnseen: that sounds very Big Brother... or Sister.... [00:36:32] peanutbudder445_: Girle voice goes crazy [00:36:32] nikama6: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:36:32] lovekaseyj: lmao [00:36:33] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [00:36:34] pussinagown: DO IT FINN [00:36:34] zebrabbl396: FootYellow [00:36:34] ronin_5463: Do it for old times sake! [00:36:36] soggyvector: KEKW [00:36:37] SHurriedImp: KEKW [00:36:38] elizabethpearlxo: nightp56LOVE nightp56LOVE nightp56LOVE [00:36:39] johnkeiwo: This chatter doesn't know KEKW [00:36:39] Raddog315: oh no, the flashbacks [00:36:39] noi4321: do it [00:36:39] NachosMB: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [00:36:41] Amoyamoyamoya: Just say normal voice is girl voice [00:36:41] sunnyandsmiling: GIRL VOIIIICE [00:36:42] YumeNoZen: Femme voice, not girl voice. [00:36:42] Mikey2207: do it! [00:36:42] johnkeiwo: No :) [00:36:43] Helen_Croft: burnout live on stream [00:36:43] melon_malefactor: do it [00:36:43] Elifighter: kekw [00:36:44] ogtheimperial: do it [00:36:44] SOVIETQUER117g: KEKW [00:36:44] catlove518: Girl voice girl voiceeeee [00:36:44] mmaniania: do it [00:36:44] ArminGux: girl voice time [00:36:44] DarthDerpy_: do it for the vine [00:36:46] IguanaramaAOE: Girl voice! Girl voice! Girl voice! [00:36:46] HardyOrange: not enough money tbh [00:36:47] Emmy64_: War flashbacks LUL [00:36:47] imaprsn: Vietnam moment [00:36:47] Lucianthelord: Oh darling <3 [00:36:47] debdrup: $200 is depreciation [00:36:47] funkeyaimes: would you be providing them so people that don’t have them yet can still enter? [00:36:48] MajesticFvckingEagle: do the roar [00:36:48] mystchevious1: Don't stress over it. [00:36:48] Jens_LN: DO IT !! [00:36:48] moonitoons: plz [00:36:49] furifixus: Do it!!! [00:36:49] c__r__j: You weren't out last time anybody asked. :) [00:36:51] elizabethpearlxo: do ittt [00:36:51] travis_maldonado: do it [00:36:51] andre_narlisa: Boobs is boobs, doesn't matter what they're made of [00:36:52] peanutbudder445_: DO IT [00:36:53] ATValdor: lol [00:36:53] new_day_who_dis: You can do it ❤️ [00:36:55] Stovamor: TBH, It was interesting to beat some other team in a shooter and then wandering over and chatting to them in person with some beer @F1NN5TER - that was one of the main draws of the Iseries [00:36:55] gitrektitrekt: Do it plz. [00:36:55] aestheticbartender: do it! [00:36:57] elhera: kekw [00:36:57] unovaismyregion: do it! [00:36:57] oliviazbored: first girl voice of 2k24 [00:36:57] sarahvega404: Doit for the lulz [00:36:58] catlove518: Lmao [00:36:58] lovekaseyj: do it for the plot [00:36:58] simplejack42069: Do it [00:37:00] ScarsUnseen: why is it a "girl voice" at this point? it's just a you voice. lol. [00:37:01] QuickestJadeTheDoge: That girl voice part came out of nowhere [00:37:03] unotopcros: di it [00:37:04] Boozy1: do an uwu? [00:37:04] snowwynai: Your voice is a girl voice, when you're in girl mode. ❤️ [00:37:06] Jens_LN: go for it [00:37:06] alfynegev: Voice training stream [00:37:07] ArminGux: yeah girl voice stopped a bit after Ashley [00:37:07] imthevalor: cake is cake no matter the batter [00:37:08] Amoyamoyamoya: @ScarsUnseen, That's what I'm saying [00:37:08] melodyrainxx: 🩷 [00:37:08] travis_maldonado: step out of the room practice [00:37:09] alexx_net: You do it! "Thank you for the donation" [00:37:10] AKingsRoar: <3 <3 [00:37:10] magemyi: do it [00:37:10] frenchtoast9419: frenchtoast9419 is paying forward the Gift they got from iamthedutchdude to the community! [00:37:10] frenchtoast9419: frenchtoast9419 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [00:37:10] f3mmbot: frenchtoast9419 has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:37:11] frenchtoast9419: frenchtoast9419 gifted a Tier 1 sub to jdmnodoubt! [00:37:11] frenchtoast9419: frenchtoast9419 gifted a Tier 1 sub to margot_vdn! [00:37:11] frenchtoast9419: frenchtoast9419 gifted a Tier 1 sub to athwolff98! [00:37:11] frenchtoast9419: frenchtoast9419 gifted a Tier 1 sub to snowwynai! [00:37:11] frenchtoast9419: frenchtoast9419 gifted a Tier 1 sub to RacingSlow! [00:37:11] FeFe: LAST STREAM OH NO [00:37:11] nikama6: A lil as a threat [00:37:12] unotopcros: Do it [00:37:13] YumeNoZen: Call people adorable. [00:37:15] imaprsn: do it for the character progression [00:37:17] enbyvee: whisky? which???? [00:37:17] xorwak: do it [00:37:18] lampshaderie: do the creeper voice [00:37:20] ArminGux: drink a egg lol [00:37:20] ScarsUnseen: it's just your voice at this point. [00:37:22] sephikirb: Adhd [00:37:25] MaxVershhhtappen: Hey @f1nn5ter ! Did you heard Nano Nano’s new girl voice?, [00:37:25] greentearules: Omg you scared meee lol [00:37:28] TenkoBerryofficial: IOoOI👍 [00:37:32] FeFe: nagPogu [00:37:35] ScarsUnseen: @Amoyamoyamoya witnessed :) [00:37:35] Amoyamoyamoya: Moving boxes? Props... [00:37:36] johnkeiwo: I remember the litteral psychological and physical pain voice training would do to us on stream please not again ... [00:37:36] catlove518: "Moving" [00:37:37] bearpaw1970: Hey Armin 😁🫴💞 [00:37:38] the_chiny_charm: You look so cute [00:37:39] xorwak: do the Girl voice [00:37:42] XENOMAN5: Didn’t you get a HUGE pile of cash to learn the girl voice? Did you refund it when you quit trying? [00:37:43] Jens_LN: She got surgery [00:37:43] Helen_Croft: yess [00:37:44] VentoliN013: You can do it [00:37:44] ATValdor: yeah nano got voice surgery [00:37:45] Jens_LN: yes [00:37:46] meaghanmostly: Yes she did! [00:37:46] bearpaw1970: Hey Amoya [00:37:47] SeriousMental: yeah its insanely hot [00:37:47] Y0rk5h1r3: Nano Sat Nav LUL [00:37:48] LittleChaSiu: "new girl voice" it's just her new voice smh [00:37:49] HardyOrange: that was NUTS it's so different [00:37:49] Amoyamoyamoya: Glotoplasty [00:37:50] ogtheimperial: yeah she did [00:37:51] bearpaw1970: She did [00:37:53] Raddog315: how to do girl voice, say i am now presenting as a girl in your normal voice [00:37:57] Cyprohep: theres voice surgery?? [00:37:58] ChasingSol: only 300 bits and up plays on TTS [00:37:58] sarahvega404: Make a prrrrr sound and play with the pitch [00:37:59] karojhe: Yeah, it's cool! [00:38:00] Helen_Croft: 300 bits for TTS [00:38:03] SnabbKassa: I have not. Please find a clip [00:38:03] lokas4563: hello Pricess [00:38:04] ArminGux: yes, she sounds mega girl now [00:38:04] bearpaw1970: Nano' voice .. [00:38:06] judgedame: what whiskey? [00:38:07] elle_gato: gyattoplasty [00:38:09] frenchtoast9419: frenchtoast9419 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [00:38:09] f3mmbot: frenchtoast9419 has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:38:10] yaman1011: one day, finn's voice will be replicated and modified by AI BEFORE HE CAN DO THE VOICE [00:38:10] frenchtoast9419: frenchtoast9419 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Captain_Emma_Snake! [00:38:10] frenchtoast9419: frenchtoast9419 gifted a Tier 1 sub to smallshrimpin69! [00:38:10] frenchtoast9419: frenchtoast9419 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dr_Kreuzer! [00:38:10] frenchtoast9419: frenchtoast9419 gifted a Tier 1 sub to alele_2puntos3! [00:38:10] frenchtoast9419: frenchtoast9419 gifted a Tier 1 sub to epiclol86! [00:38:11] johnkeiwo: @Cyprohep, yes, u can get surgery to feminize your voice [00:38:12] MajesticFvckingEagle: @raddog315 based LIL [00:38:13] zsAlice: voice surgery? [00:38:16] tilt_central: With the move etc will your PO Box still be the same and open ? [00:38:19] MajesticFvckingEagle: * LUL [00:38:29] TwinbeeMk2: yep you can get surgery for your voice [00:38:34] envycityy: the title scared the shit out of me [00:38:37] Helen_Croft: @tilt_central PO box wont change [00:38:38] Amoyamoyamoya: I linked a clip to her voice premiere a few weeks ago [00:38:39] TwinbeeMk2: it's super expensive though [00:38:39] annawoah1: did you just tweet? [00:38:42] Sekroy: Ooi [00:38:47] aporcelaingirl: @johnkeiwo how does that work? [00:38:48] elizabethpearlxo: divinityLove divinityLove divinityLove [00:38:51] yaman1011: Just do it ✅ [00:38:56] MaxVershhhtappen: it’s crazy, but i hope Nano gets a less whispering like tone because it’s quite getiing me you what…. [00:38:58] NichtzNeues: you have to listen to Nanos voice [00:38:59] QuickestJadeTheDoge: I kinda wanna get the voice surgery but I'm worried I'll sound stupid [00:38:59] Helen_Croft: chat get the clips ready [00:39:01] johnkeiwo: oh no [00:39:04] lilithwintour: yay im freeee [00:39:04] aerational: do it from the diaphram not the throat [00:39:05] debdrup: "This is a muscle I haven't worked".. Which muscle, F1nn5ter? [00:39:05] solen_shiner: meow a bit it helps! :) [00:39:06] Algapathy: mute to train a bit [00:39:06] MajesticFvckingEagle: if you ultimately don’t wanna do it, no stress [00:39:06] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [00:39:06] braddle172: f1nnCowjam [00:39:07] snowthesimp420: Hey finn [00:39:08] ArminGux: what you gonna say? [00:39:08] ChasingSol: !never [00:39:08] f3mmbot: Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down! Never gonna run around and desert you! [00:39:08] Emmy64_: FFS [00:39:10] AKingsRoar: LUL [00:39:10] ronin_5463: Hold for Clips!!! [00:39:10] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:39:11] TwinbeeMk2: it mostly involves scrapping away parts of the vocal cords to raise the voice [00:39:12] Kolateak_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:39:12] PynkFryck: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:39:13] scarlettyg: catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM [00:39:14] greentearules: Girl you really - GOT ME AGAIN UGHHH [00:39:15] unovaismyregion: we believe in you! [00:39:15] zebrabbl396: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:39:15] SHurriedImp: FFS [00:39:16] BlaireBearStare: Heat from fire fire from heat! [00:39:16] benazure12: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:39:17] sarahvega404: So shy [00:39:17] muddymudkip15: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:39:18] ArminGux: itspea13BunnnRave itspea13BunnnRave itspea13BunnnRave itspea13BunnnRave itspea13BunnnRave itspea13BunnnRave [00:39:18] Emmy64_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:39:20] SidMaxwell10: Jebaited [00:39:20] scarlettyg: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:39:20] DarthDerpy_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:39:20] imaprsn: r1ckroll [00:39:21] loomthekidd: jynxzi0x jynxzi0x [00:39:23] melodyrainxx: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:39:24] simplejack42069: 🥺 [00:39:24] barkdrone: F1nn how those stairs treating the girls? [00:39:24] moonitoons: FOK [00:39:25] Chri55PBacon: itspea13BunnnRave [00:39:26] andre_narlisa: Do lesbian voice [00:39:26] pussinagown: Finn do it :> [00:39:27] johnkeiwo: Chat, do you remember why we stopped the girl voice ? [00:39:27] johnkeiwo: Chat, do you remember why we stopped the girl voice ? [00:39:28] Mikey2207: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:39:28] johnkeiwo: Chat, do you remember why we stopped the girl voice ? [00:39:28] Juliya_999: bangerrr [00:39:28] abydon96: itspea13BunnnRave itspea13BunnnRave astra71Dance astra71Dance [00:39:29] braddle172: catJAM [00:39:29] jspringle1: people are pressed by wifi [00:39:29] unovaismyregion: nanona1Nodders nanona1Nodders nanona1Nodders nanona1Nodders nanona1Nodders nanona1Nodders nanona1Nodders [00:39:29] Speederzzz: I missed half an hour did I miss anything good? [00:39:30] xx_bex_becca_xx: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:39:31] HardyOrange: DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance [00:39:33] Vanimal2118: vanima3Dance vanima3Dance3 vanima3Dance vanima3Dance3 vanima3Dance vanima3Dance3 vanima3Dance vanima3Dance3 vanima3Dance vanima3Dance3 [00:39:34] IlPINElI: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [00:39:34] blueskydrinking: you stopped doing it because you felt cringy doing it, don't force it [00:39:35] hito1506: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:39:35] taeyukki: never gonna give you upp [00:39:36] Raddog315: I bet F1nn's gonna say "hey guys, whats up" [00:39:36] greentearules: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:39:36] sephikirb: Rick rolled [00:39:36] elswin08: loeyaHP loeyaHP [00:39:36] si7rus: hrt [00:39:37] ScarsUnseen: like... there's nothing to be embarrassed about.. you're just queer now lol. no one here will judge you or care. :) [00:39:37] ivy_liner: what a banger [00:39:37] merlin_3434: MOTHERFUCKER [00:39:39] lilithwintour: catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAMcatJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM [00:39:40] dangerousruben: Weren't muted [00:39:40] Vanimal2118: vanima3Miniondance vanima3Miniondance vanima3Miniondance vanima3Miniondance vanima3Miniondance [00:39:40] pinbel1: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:39:41] unovaismyregion: nanona1Cool nanona1Cool nanona1Cool nanona1Cool nanona1Cool nanona1Cool nanona1Cool nanona1Cool [00:39:41] PL3GGO: Hello, New here & shy [00:39:41] Algapathy: HypeCool HypeCool HypeCool HypeCool HypeCool HypeCool [00:39:41] ciernaruza: f1nnCowjam [00:39:42] scarlettyg: f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate [00:39:42] raimu_desu: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:39:43] nikama6: viridyRave viridySus viridyRave viridySus viridyRave viridySus viridyRave [00:39:43] Loelinverse: @johnkeiwo chat said full send fr [00:39:43] 1WhoBeans: f1nnCowjam strong217Clussy f1nnCowjam strong217Clussy f1nnCowjam strong217Clussy [00:39:44] bearpaw1970: That glance so sultry [00:39:44] Vanimal2118: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:39:45] alivilie1818: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:39:45] si7rus: i can't hear you [00:39:45] MirahImage: Rickrolled again f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:39:45] snowthesimp420: Cute as normal [00:39:45] funkeyaimes: did Finn just pull a gunther [00:39:46] adrianaeliana: 🕺 [00:39:47] erockyoutoo: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:39:48] taeyukki: we're no strangers to loovee [00:39:48] yaman1011: ☠️☠️☠️ [00:39:48] Emmy64_: Not really john, i missed so many streams LUL [00:39:48] unovaismyregion: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:39:48] ronin_5463: LMAOOOOOO [00:39:48] Kolateak_: Me af [00:39:49] solen_shiner: meow meow meow [00:39:49] Helen_Croft: brick house is bad for wifi, its not a wooden US house [00:39:50] Falqun: KEKW [00:39:50] alexx_net: MUSIC is too loud now! [00:39:50] abydon96: spicycowDancy [00:39:51] ArminGux: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:39:51] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:39:51] MajesticFvckingEagle: no worries [00:39:53] diablogal89: hey there F1nn I hope it is not k to say this but I think you and Ashley are a shining light in this this fucked up world. I’m trans in the US and can’t see my parents in the state they live in because of BS laws. You foster a community of love and support. much love to you and your community ❤️🏳️‍⚧️ [00:39:53] unovaismyregion: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [00:39:53] johnkeiwo: Then just don't do it [00:39:53] awesome0733: awesome0733 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months, currently on a 10 month streak! subbed for 10 months straight, well, not exactly straight [00:39:54] f3mmbot: awesome0733 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months using Prime! PogU [00:39:54] Speederzzz: What did I just walk into [00:39:55] ChasingSol: don't worry about it dude, it's not worth the stress [00:39:56] SHurriedImp: FUCK! [00:39:58] melodyrainxx: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:39:59] XENOMAN5: Welcome @pl3ggo [00:40:01] Plutoisn: tubboDance tubboDance [00:40:01] greentearules: I wanna be a pretty babe too 🥺 [00:40:02] VentoliN013: He's practicing big time lol [00:40:04] sarahvega404: Come on dont be shy [00:40:05] RubySandwich: !pronouns [00:40:05] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:40:06] Cytox__: do you think your voice in your head would be your old voice still after surgery [00:40:09] ArminGux: did it hurt ? [00:40:09] sephikirb: It's ok if you don't wanna do it [00:40:10] Shanenathin: I came out as GenderFluid in December and no one knew what it was. So happy that you also came out with it and now people are starting to understand what it is!!! <3 Thank you Finn! [00:40:14] Qubicx: Every time he has to do the girl voice, It ends up derailing the stream for 30 mins [00:40:17] LittleChaSiu: donos are cheaper than bits anyway [00:40:18] PynkFryck: So no dommy mommy joi anytime soon :( [00:40:22] Bobbikatt: You stress out soo hard doing girl voice [00:40:23] bigsuave7: @Cytox__ yeah prob [00:40:24] noi4321: her pronouns are he/him [00:40:24] Sachi_the_blueberryghost: never joining a f1nn stream again first thing I hear is a rickroll :( [00:40:26] HardyOrange: never trust twitch money [00:40:27] VentoliN013: Was loving the music at least! 😍 [00:40:28] sunnyandsmiling: f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye [00:40:32] ArminGux: twitch is messing with everyone today [00:40:34] potatofemboy0: hello finnnnnnnn [00:40:35] Helen_Croft: !voice [00:40:35] f3mmbot: Rose learns the girl voice from https://www.tiktok.com/@seattlevoicelab [00:40:36] XENOMAN5: Bits have to be 300 or more [00:40:36] mystchevious1: Claire [00:40:40] Pumpkin_Vice: MercyWing1 DinoDance MercyWing2 [00:40:41] Jens_LN: BRAIN HURTS !!!! *Monty Python mode* [00:40:42] lampshaderie: her name is ashley [00:40:44] solen_shiner: @f1nn5ter have you tried meowing to find the tone [00:40:44] GwenXYZ: GwenXYZ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! [00:40:45] f3mmbot: gwenxyz subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [00:40:45] alexx_net: Welcome to the stream @Sachi_the_blueberryghost [00:40:48] climaanlage: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:40:51] Loelinverse: Claire? [00:40:53] Raddog315: "I see your bits" lmao [00:40:53] MajesticFvckingEagle: @pynkfryck it’s joever [00:40:53] bearpaw1970: Claire [00:40:54] SidMaxwell10: @PynkFryck f1nnAshbonk [00:40:56] Ramaj_A: Her name is Robert Paulson [00:40:58] pussinagown: GIRL VOICE [00:40:58] Helen_Croft: UwU [00:40:59] Jens_LN: LOL [00:41:00] andre_narlisa: Try lesbian voice, not girl [00:41:00] ChasingSol: KEKW [00:41:03] braddle172: KEKW [00:41:05] zebrabbl396: GlitchCat [00:41:06] aerational: I just like your normal voice tbh [00:41:06] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:41:07] HardyOrange: wrong kind of mewing lmao [00:41:07] Emmy64_: OMEGALUL [00:41:08] blueskydrinking: I beg your pardon [00:41:08] bigsuave7: LUL [00:41:10] Jens_LN: F1nn5ter doesn't know what meowing is. :D [00:41:10] ArminGux: have you been with Ashley for 10 months? [00:41:10] RonnieSxl: PogChamp KomodoHype PogChamp PogChamp [00:41:10] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:41:12] SeriousTTV: Choo Chooo PrideWingL [00:41:13] Jeddix: :3 [00:41:15] SeriousMental: rip ears [00:41:17] ChasingSol: NotLikeThis [00:41:17] oliviazbored: bro has not been mewing [00:41:17] moonitoons: :3 [00:41:18] yaman1011: PogChamp [00:41:19] mystchevious1: Please don't stress yourself out. [00:41:19] hiluuu: lmao [00:41:20] catlove518: When the gender dysphoria [00:41:20] elizabethpearlxo: KEKW [00:41:20] elo_ween: He's going insane lmao [00:41:21] ronin_5463: Here we go! [00:41:21] johnkeiwo: stop screaming [00:41:21] azath0th777: Instead of meowing try mewing [00:41:22] mystchevious1: This is happy day. [00:41:23] peanutbudder445_: BYE BYE [00:41:24] em669746974: Have you tried Mewing? [00:41:24] ashrijayde: YESSSS [00:41:25] nikama6: <3 TransgenderPride <3 TransgenderPride <3 TransgenderPride <3 [00:41:25] XENOMAN5: F1nn5ter checks out chatters bits. Good to know. [00:41:26] Vanimal2118: Give her some time chat! [00:41:26] simplejack42069: Please 🥺 [00:41:26] ScarsUnseen: everyone here knows you're experimenting with gender. no one cares. good luck. [00:41:28] crasscarrot: Any advice for someone just starting E? [00:41:34] braddle172: f1nnSideeye [00:41:35] ogtheimperial: ShowLove100 ShowLove100 ShowLove100 ShowLove100 ShowLove100 ShowLove100 ShowLove100 ShowLove100 ShowLove100 ShowLove100 [00:41:35] MaxVershhhtappen: KEKW [00:41:37] Ramaj_A: itspea13BunnnRave itspea13BunnnRave itspea13BunnnRave itspea13BunnnRave itspea13BunnnRave [00:41:38] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: i came back just intime for the miau [00:41:39] scarlettyg: KKW [00:41:39] estherarchive: LMAO [00:41:40] scarlettyg: KEKW [00:41:41] JinxyKittyVT: KEKW [00:41:41] Emmy64_: KEKW [00:41:41] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:41:41] Jens_LN: Astra Voice ??? [00:41:43] SnabbKassa: slower [00:41:43] braddle172: KEKW [00:41:44] jjfrob: Better than jelqing [00:41:44] ronin_5463: LET HIM COOK [00:41:45] Avaerus0: That wasn't bad [00:41:45] ScarsUnseen: tbh that wasn't bad until you cracked up [00:41:47] Falqun: kekw shots [00:41:47] yaman1011: Higher pitch [00:41:47] noi4321: @crasscarrot no [00:41:48] aerational: you are trying to do it from the throat... [00:41:49] Cactus__Chan: ow my ears [00:41:49] solen_shiner: 🩷 [00:41:49] foggychimera: YEAHHHHHH [00:41:50] bearpaw1970: 😁💞💞💅 [00:41:51] sarahvega404: Softer [00:41:51] BlaireBearStare: Not bad [00:41:51] Y0rk5h1r3: Damn, throwing shade at Nano LUL [00:41:52] pussinagown: ASK ASHLEY [00:41:53] furifixus: KEKW [00:41:54] PynkFryck: can't do nano like that [00:41:55] papanonfrancesco: HAHAHA [00:41:56] johnkeiwo: just be calmer u dumb bitch [00:41:57] Jens_LN: IT sounded Just like Astra !! [00:41:59] unovaismyregion: cute! [00:41:59] oliviazbored: nano catching strays [00:42:00] MaxVershhhtappen: what are you COOKIN honey [00:42:00] alexx_net: That was good enough [00:42:00] braddle172: Yep [00:42:01] Jens_LN: YES [00:42:02] mimmm: yep [00:42:02] Emmy64_: It does KEKW [00:42:02] vinsanity642: that was pretty good already [00:42:02] CeruleanWizard: WAIT, that one wasn't so bad [00:42:02] bigsuave7: hmmm [00:42:03] RynFromK2L: Wow! [00:42:03] Kaymon81: i like it :) [00:42:03] bearpaw1970: Yup [00:42:04] RonnieSxl: DinoDance DinoDance [00:42:04] snowwynai: That wasn't too bad! [00:42:04] MajesticFvckingEagle: oh shit [00:42:05] QuickestJadeTheDoge: WAIT THAT WASN"T THAT BAD [00:42:05] Y0rk5h1r3: Now they've said it LUL [00:42:05] Helen_Croft: KEKW [00:42:05] minzecraft: waow [00:42:06] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [00:42:06] HardyOrange: Astra is step one [00:42:06] Targz_: do it softer [00:42:06] SeriousMental: huh? astra has a nice voice tho [00:42:07] karojhe: Good girl! <3 <3 [00:42:07] Jens_LN: KEKW [00:42:08] badger_ben: KEKW [00:42:08] greentearules: Cutest voice ever omg [00:42:09] YumeNoZen: Damn [00:42:11] RonnieSxl: wow [00:42:11] ivy_liner: not as bad as I thought [00:42:11] ArminGux: British astra [00:42:12] catlove518: Go ask Ashley [00:42:12] TwinbeeMk2: That was good! [00:42:13] Algapathy: wasnt bad [00:42:13] imaprsn: A5tra [00:42:13] ChasingSol: hahaha [00:42:14] unovaismyregion: cute [00:42:14] daemon2988: Your voice has definitely gotten more feminine since the hrt. [00:42:14] SidMaxwell10: KEKW [00:42:16] aerational: trying to squeeze your throat to make it higher pitch will not sound good... you have to do it from the diaphragm [00:42:17] noi4321: thats a voice [00:42:17] SnabbKassa: don't be so American, then [00:42:18] Vanimal2118: astra71Dance astra71Dance astra71Dance astra71Dance astra71Dance astra71Dance [00:42:18] VentoliN013: So much visible anxiety lol [00:42:18] Stovamor: KEKW [00:42:20] sephikirb: :3 [00:42:20] XENOMAN5: Sounds 👍 [00:42:23] idesofjuno: KEKW [00:42:23] ArminGux: 100% Astra [00:42:23] realtalkchannel: Time to buy guns now [00:42:23] lilithwintour: actually getting better at it omg [00:42:25] Vanimal2118: astra71Monch astra71Monch astra71Monch astra71Monch astra71Monch astra71Monch [00:42:25] melodyrainxx: Cute [00:42:26] judgedame: hehehe [00:42:26] zebrabbl396: True [00:42:26] Raddog315: do whatever you did in that one audio clip you made in the shower a while back [00:42:27] furifixus: KEKW [00:42:28] AustraLeah: Try to do it [00:42:28] peanutbudder445_: Cuteness overload 🥰🥰 [00:42:28] davidiusfarrenius: Oh yes [00:42:28] Y0rk5h1r3: Just the tip? [00:42:28] scarlettyg: Start talking about guns [00:42:28] ronin_5463: Bros never losing the Astra allegations LUL [00:42:29] ClosetCutiepie: its not bad [00:42:29] hiluuu: finn doesnt wanna be like other girls [00:42:29] handscombchris: just the tips!? ;) [00:42:30] YumeNoZen: Like a Harbor Freight Astra. [00:42:30] elle_gato: slow down a bit? [00:42:30] ebic_dev: parklife sounds like its being sung by bradley walsh [00:42:30] Emmy64_: Scramble a egg then do it LUL [00:42:33] bearpaw1970: Say the summons [00:42:33] Ruglund6230: not bad though [00:42:34] Falqun: shes a motherfucker? annytfErmCat [00:42:34] Vanimal2118: astra71LUL astra71LUL astra71LUL astra71LUL [00:42:35] Sekroy: More breathy [00:42:35] GiantmEmber: you’ll improve plus the hormones can help heighten your voice [00:42:36] HardyOrange: uwu voice [00:42:37] oliviazbored: become more British when doing girl voice [00:42:37] ScarsUnseen: @F1NN5TER no one here cares. you're clearly experimenting with gender. it's just whatever. have fun. [00:42:38] Targz_: Do a patrick star voice -> make it higher -> Talk all girly/vibe femme [00:42:39] bigsuave7: I can only give 1 tip [00:42:40] Elifighter: let the brum flow through you [00:42:41] catlove518: Youre tip is Ashley dude [00:42:41] S1LCO: Hi [00:42:42] aerational: think of wear you say your H's from... [00:42:42] dangerousruben: Think like a girl [00:42:42] AustraLeah: Gulp three eggs before trying [00:42:42] alexx_net: @daemon2988 HRT doesn't change your voice [00:42:42] tokiwilks: Try on a posh voice...its helps 😅 [00:42:42] unovaismyregion: basic bitch voice [00:42:43] nikama6: Gender voice bender [00:42:43] padlowan: do karaoke for a spice girls song [00:42:44] TwinbeeMk2: @F1NN5TER the more you practice with it, the more you'll be able to make it soundlike your own [00:42:44] sunnyandsmiling: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [00:42:45] johnkeiwo: the problem was that u didn't take it seriously before [00:42:45] noi4321: maybe do girl voice in a british accent instead of an american one [00:42:46] lampshaderie: do it like ur angry [00:42:46] travis_maldonado: brooki32Hype brooki32Hype brooki32Hype [00:42:46] ArminGux: call Astra and copy her [00:42:46] Qubicx: Don't do it if it gives you so much cringe [00:42:47] silentkay1: I'd slow down [00:42:48] bearpaw1970: You know the phrase [00:42:48] greentearules: My tip is to drink some warm water and warm up your vocal chords with some choir practice exercises [00:42:48] realzerobyter: before speaking, take a breath, slow down [00:42:48] bart140298: Just chill, it's not that important. Relax and it will work [00:42:49] blackvvldow: relax the muscles and sing to a song sung by a female [00:42:49] Dani_roa_: imagine us in underwear [00:42:49] erockyoutoo: do the ang thing [00:42:49] boykss3r: Voice training on stream is crazy [00:42:49] aerational: RELAX YOUR THROAT [00:42:50] kenziekattpurr: slow down [00:42:51] judgedame: british asta [00:42:51] PrimMorrisroe: TWITCH JSHT TWEETED MEOW MEOW MEWO f1nnLaff [00:42:52] yaman1011: Achievement unlocked [00:42:52] mmaniania: uwu [00:42:52] RynFromK2L: f1nnEmbarrassed My tip... isn't really SFW. [00:42:53] Jens_LN: lets gooooooo mkoLETSGO [00:42:54] sephikirb: Just do it /j [00:42:54] snowwynai: I've heard trying to get the resonance in the front of your mouth sounds more feminine, too. [00:42:55] estherarchive: close [00:42:55] tim19862: PogU [00:42:55] Helen_Croft: !CLIP astra voice [00:42:56] Emmy64_: AYO [00:42:56] sarahvega404: That was so good [00:42:57] xXTooGoodAtGamingXx: Sounded good af [00:42:57] ChasingSol: that wasn't bad [00:42:57] ScarsUnseen: that wasn't bad at all, tbh [00:42:58] SeriousMental: eh not to bad [00:42:58] sunnyandsmiling: Talk from the back of the roof of your mouth [00:42:58] EternalLucia: I'll sub if nail it this stream [00:42:58] ronin_5463: Better! [00:42:58] SammiLaced: It’s actually better than expected! Well done! 💖 [00:42:58] ATValdor: closer [00:42:58] mimmm: yooo better! [00:42:58] neosstuff: thats actually really good [00:42:58] bearpaw1970: Thank you Daddy's [00:42:59] lordbagel42: when we getting captions [00:42:59] si7rus: wow [00:42:59] barkdrone: try closing the back of your throat [00:42:59] Emmy64_: Cloooose [00:42:59] MajesticFvckingEagle: oh shit [00:42:59] Avaerus0: That's really good [00:42:59] ashrijayde: CLOSE [00:42:59] VentoliN013: I honestly have no idea how to help with something like this lol [00:43:01] GiantmEmber: try a tiny bit of singing-ness [00:43:01] imaprsn: not bad!! [00:43:02] Kolateak_: That's like 50% of the way [00:43:02] scarlettyg: Sounded falsetto-like [00:43:02] aerational: what's wrong with your natural voice? [00:43:02] pussinagown: YES GOOD [00:43:02] tokiwilks: Try poshhh [00:43:03] SavvyFaire: CLOSE [00:43:03] silentkay1: That sounds way better [00:43:04] Valezifer: Call Natt for help [00:43:04] qfeys: That was pretty good [00:43:04] Y0rk5h1r3: You are weak LUL [00:43:04] lampshaderie: ur legit pretty good at it [00:43:04] HardyOrange: tbh you're doing way better than you ever did before [00:43:04] Jut6ukii: hol up BRO THAT WORKED [00:43:05] davidiusfarrenius: that was iok [00:43:05] Elindalyne: just keep practing [00:43:06] SavvyFaire: WE ARE SO CLOSE [00:43:06] braddle172: That was alright [00:43:06] TriBulated: better slower for sure [00:43:06] RonnieSxl: Omg [00:43:07] unovaismyregion: CUTE [00:43:07] OpalinePhantomQueen: Like, for 10 months without practice? It sounded good [00:43:08] Jens_LN: you ran out of breath ? [00:43:08] c__r__j: Sounded plausible, but maybe teenaged a little? [00:43:08] nikama6: Sound sweet tho [00:43:08] peanutbudder445_: You are weak [00:43:09] gitrektitrekt: Little quiet [00:43:10] ClosetCutiepie: call cotton for voice advice [00:43:10] Algapathy: sounded like puberty [00:43:10] snowwynai: It still sounds really good. [00:43:10] AustraLeah: Cute [00:43:10] elizabethpearlxo: wixelsCute wixelsCute wixelsCute [00:43:10] johnkeiwo: maybe project it forward a bit [00:43:11] elle_gato: not very gigachad of you [00:43:11] Dani_roa_: lower your pitch [00:43:12] papanonfrancesco: that's so bad [00:43:12] ScarsUnseen: try relaxing [00:43:12] p0ikil3: it was good! [00:43:13] pandadorable_: really nice gg [00:43:13] jamesahyoung: I mean that one kind of sounded like Ashley [00:43:13] Emmy64_: Try like talking to tank [00:43:13] meaghanmostly: Well, I would say squeeze yer balls, but HRT makes that far less effective (at least in my experience) KEK [00:43:14] ArminGux: sounded girly [00:43:14] meowwant: that's still astra [00:43:15] potatofemboy0: hi youtube [00:43:16] apolloskyline85: DUDE it sounds gooooood [00:43:17] SammiLaced: tarapuBat tarapuBat tarapuBat [00:43:17] CeruleanWizard: WAit, who's that guy that uses the girl voice in Valorant? Why not ask him? [00:43:17] PynkFryck: sounded slightly chokey [00:43:18] noi4321: dont make it american [00:43:18] azath0th777: Bro's better then me and i try it for like 3 months now [00:43:18] hugeairconditioner: you got this! [00:43:19] tokiwilks: Poshhh [00:43:19] boykss3r: soft [00:43:19] colverize_16: just do it [00:43:21] 6Foot3Inches: just take balls and throw it acrosds the room [00:43:21] JustaguyTwitchTV: that was rlly good [00:43:22] papanonfrancesco: lower ur pitch [00:43:22] travis_maldonado: try talking slower [00:43:23] snowwynai: Whoa. [00:43:23] silentkay1: Slightly breathy [00:43:24] aestheticbartender: doesnt sound too bad [00:43:25] VentoliN013: Just a new fan along for the ride 🙂 [00:43:26] alexx_net: Sounded excellent. Well done. Good girl f1nnHeadpat [00:43:27] Jens_LN: That's the voice ! [00:43:27] earth_boy_: no that one was good! [00:43:27] SnabbKassa: think what you are going to say first [00:43:28] SOVIETQUER117g: it was good ngl [00:43:28] potatofemboy0: hi botube [00:43:28] XENOMAN5: Imagine Vlad railing you [00:43:28] ScarsUnseen: just try relaxing dude [00:43:29] SonicXVe: SonicXVe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! that was good [00:43:29] f3mmbot: sonicxve subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:43:30] xXTooGoodAtGamingXx: Be soft it's good [00:43:30] hotdog_sauce1: why do they say better with an American accent [00:43:30] Y0rk5h1r3: You should sound like you LUL [00:43:30] balphenor: Try to do it like Natt [00:43:31] Targz_: Do patrick star (deep & airy) -> then make it high -> Raise larynx and vibe femme [00:43:31] lampshaderie: it is you [00:43:32] barkdrone: I like your natural voice [00:43:34] RicoSabroso: kaceyWendy [00:43:34] sunnyandsmiling: Contract your throat and talk from the back of the roof of your mouth [00:43:34] GiantmEmber: no, it didn’t sound like you [00:43:34] greentearules: No that was lovely your voice is literally precious [00:43:34] Kaymon81: you sound way more confident than 1 year ago and that makes it better :) [00:43:35] andre_narlisa: That's for week girls [00:43:35] RikaNyah: speek from your head not chest [00:43:35] snowwynai: I think you're too hard on yourself, F1nn. [00:43:36] kenziekattpurr: no that was good [00:43:36] Bimmel2452: Finally you´re doing it! [00:43:36] unovaismyregion: try talking like a chav [00:43:36] Jens_LN: That was YOU ! [00:43:36] VioletMused: the lower one sounded decent actually [00:43:36] MajesticFvckingEagle: but it IS you, that’s not a bad thing [00:43:36] Elifighter: you sound like you [00:43:37] Falqun: ask natt for advice [00:43:37] ATValdor: lower is fine [00:43:38] ronin_5463: It's more nasal i guess [00:43:38] OhMikeG: less confident [00:43:38] sarahvega404: Just relax and let it go [00:43:38] sychodivergent: full commitment, embrace the cringe [00:43:38] BrightLilThing: i can't do better than that, so i dont know how to help [00:43:38] vinsanity642: nah the higher pitch worked better [00:43:39] Vanimal2118: Ur doing good [00:43:39] zsAlice: how do you do that? [00:43:39] SavvyFaire: girl F1nn is american [00:43:39] apolloskyline85: F1nn my person, it sounded goooood [00:43:39] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter, what do you want your voice to sound like ? more high or more mommy ? [00:43:40] NichtzNeues: not bad [00:43:40] aerational: dude you need to project from the diaphragm and not try to clinch your throat to go higher [00:43:40] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter, what do you want your voice to sound like ? more high or more mommy ? [00:43:41] grandpaladin1701: Just go with it [00:43:41] daemon2988: You want it to sound like you, just higher pitch. Lol. [00:43:41] RynFromK2L: f1nnLaff How dare your girl voice sound like you! [00:43:42] catlove518: Me saying go get Ashley who just wants her on stream [00:43:42] Dani_roa_: IT is your voice ofcourse its gona sound like you>?>??? [00:43:42] h_r_buff_n_stuff: draw it out more you are trying to say it too quickly [00:43:42] chefchange: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [00:43:43] Y0rk5h1r3: You do an American accent in Boymode LUL [00:43:44] NV_Ping: It should sound like you ! Nothing wrong with that [00:43:44] esquilinus: MURICA Rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [00:43:44] VentoliN013: Your anxiety is giving me anxiety lol [00:43:45] realzerobyter: lower ur expectations, its ok if it sounds a little like u [00:43:45] em669746974: Have you tried putting on a collar for vibration reduction? [00:43:45] themindscrambler: lean into the accent [00:43:47] ArminGux: try sounding like ur sister? [00:43:49] fireandskull: Ja [00:43:49] dashunde: USA [00:43:49] NichtzNeues: say an entire sentence [00:43:49] Lucridis: Make sure your adams apple doesn't vibrate when you do it [00:43:50] destructiveisfun: Act like your about to swallow but dont [00:43:51] aporcelaingirl: you need to project...but the more you use those muscles the stronger and more natural it'll become [00:43:51] alexx_net: You sounded too much like yourself? f1nnLaff [00:43:52] M0rgan80: i was playing minecraft and the mf notes made by game lag [00:43:53] SeriousMental: do full english accent LUL [00:43:55] Jens_LN: Remember, you are an ADULT ... not a small girl [00:43:58] davidiusfarrenius: thats your cognitive americanism! :) [00:43:58] gay_femboy: Egegg [00:43:59] tokiwilks: Try it like Nat....Nats on a different level 😅 [00:44:00] sephikirb: Ur good at it tho [00:44:01] DrParkour_: DrParkour_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! My femboy cup has arrived yippee [00:44:01] f3mmbot: drparkour_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:44:02] aerational: PROJECT. FROM. YOUR DIAPHRAM. [00:44:02] MaxVershhhtappen: it’s good no matter if it’s sound like you [00:44:04] sarahvega404: When you stop is when you fail [00:44:06] onecleverfox: Slow your speech [00:44:11] floorboardthepiratequeen: voice training? [00:44:12] PynkFryck: The fitness gram pacer test... [00:44:13] kenziekattpurr: are your hands visibly shaking? [00:44:13] apolloskyline85: OOWOO [00:44:14] gay_femboy: Blayt [00:44:15] ConfuzzledVoid: @F1NN5TER have you ever thought of doing vocal exercises? i was in choir throughout high school and it really helps. [00:44:16] MajesticFvckingEagle: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog [00:44:17] Jens_LN: URU !! [00:44:17] QuickestJadeTheDoge: My girl voice sounds like the stereotypical dumb blonde voice [00:44:18] johnkeiwo: OvO [00:44:18] noi4321: uvu [00:44:18] handscombchris: try having a sentance already thought out that way you're not thinking of what to say while consentrating on the voice! [00:44:19] scarlettyg: UVU KEKW [00:44:20] braddle172: UvU [00:44:20] RuthlessWelshy: LOL [00:44:21] AustraLeah: Vlad style [00:44:22] looeesz: URRU [00:44:23] winksyyy_: watch a how to [00:44:23] vinsanity642: talk about how exciting you are for moving? [00:44:24] ArminGux: kekw [00:44:25] zebrabbl396: TehePelo [00:44:25] lampshaderie: uwu is permacringe [00:44:26] aporcelaingirl: @aerational diaphragm [00:44:26] boykss3r: i’m the most masculine man [00:44:27] bearpaw1970: " how much do I love HRT" [00:44:29] PynkFryck: cute [00:44:29] sunnyandsmiling: Awww Hunni [00:44:32] judgedame: how is your tongue [00:44:32] fireandskull: 👴🏻 [00:44:33] Silraa: You'd have a lot more success if you put on headphones on your audio interface, with the interface set to monitoring. That way you hear your actual voice not the voice in your head. [00:44:33] qfeys: It is not cringe [00:44:33] BlaireBearStare: What do you use for your warm up? Heat from fire, fire from heat? [00:44:34] scarlettyg: Uvu to yoo too, comrade [00:44:34] VioletMused: the most important thing is doing it A LOT. I went full time to get it right, it was the only way for me [00:44:35] gay_femboy: PogChamp [00:44:36] electric_cicada: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:44:36] lilithsspawn: Don't be you are doing good [00:44:36] Jens_LN: Remember, that you are an ADULT ... not a small school girl [00:44:36] VerminTalks: Crying I feel your pain [00:44:36] SeriousMental: f1nnEmbarrassed adorable [00:44:37] EternalLucia: We're supportive of you here [00:44:38] YumeNoZen: There is no rush, you're lovely no matter what. [00:44:38] ogtheimperial: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:44:38] bigbingman: you need that larynx training [00:44:38] TwinbeeMk2: Don't be nervous. You'll find your voice don't worry :3 [00:44:39] PynkFryck: KEKW [00:44:39] AliciaR23: Awww you're so fricking cute [00:44:39] AustraLeah: "Inner man" nice [00:44:40] moonitoons: “the missile know where it is at all times, it knows this because it knows where it isn’t” [00:44:40] puppypancwake: hi finn [00:44:40] RasputinofThrace: It's parkinson.... [00:44:40] pussinagown: I've been doing it for years and it takes practice [00:44:41] sephikirb: You're not cringe [00:44:42] Helen_Croft: So girl voice is harder than coming out? [00:44:43] johnkeiwo: getting a cap [00:44:43] aerational: @aporcelaingirl whatever you understand what I'm saying [00:44:44] Ruglund6230: chill dude dont stress [00:44:44] moontheca: Think of it is rain a bike. You don't go fast at the start but you can eventually learn how to go faster [00:44:45] furifixus: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:44:45] personuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiui: Thatll be difficult [00:44:46] CeruleanWizard: Channeling the man to get the woman out [00:44:46] c__r__j: @MajesticFvckingEagle That's firstly a typing test rather than a voice test, and secondly "jumps" rather than "jumped" so as to include an "s". [00:44:47] jwb1124: w [00:44:48] davidiusfarrenius: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:44:48] Embers_Falling: first time catching a stream. watched like 30 hours of vods, but have always managed to miss streams [00:44:49] imaprsn: he’s cosplaying Tank? [00:44:49] VentoliN013: Poor finn and his demanding fans 🥺 [00:44:50] braddle172: f1nnCowjam [00:44:51] unovaismyregion: go uwu [00:44:54] johnkeiwo: Oh no it's the hasan merch [00:44:54] ArminGux: imagine you talking to a big manly guy who is hot, boom girl voice [00:44:54] Valezifer: uru [00:44:54] SeriousMental: @Helen_Croft LUL [00:44:57] OhMikeG: you should set girl voice goals [00:44:59] peanutbudder445_: Channel your inner man to do a girl voice [00:44:59] jwb1124: first steam as well [00:45:00] GiantmEmber: your attempt was good. The more you do it, the more you can modify it even different. kinda like how the more you get used to knife spinning, the more you can add your own flair to it. [00:45:00] TriBulated: not cringe doing great [00:45:02] catlove518: Inside you are two wolves and one of them is a girl and one of them is a boy (the boy is weaker) [00:45:03] zebrabbl396: FBCatch FBCatch [00:45:03] Vanimal2118: vanima3YODAHEART vanima3YODAHEART vanima3YODAHEART vanima3YODAHEART [00:45:03] blueskydrinking: he's definitely gonna come back flexing, isn't she? [00:45:06] snowwynai: Ashley said annunciation carefully helped her when she started out. [00:45:08] bearpaw1970: Seth [00:45:09] AustraLeah: I've yet to start voice training tbh it's incredibly difficult [00:45:10] XENOMAN5: Welcome @embers_falling [00:45:11] skoralta: I feel you bro. I've been trying to train voice stuff for ages but I always feel cringe around people. You got this :) [00:45:13] lampshaderie: raise ur thighbrows [00:45:15] alexx_net: @OhMikeG we tried that for years [00:45:16] M0rgan80: minecraft crashed when he did the girl voice lmao [00:45:17] Chri55PBacon: CowJAM [00:45:18] MaxVershhhtappen: @f1nn5ter, Do the voice ! spongebobFish [00:45:19] ScarsUnseen: no one here cares if you stumble along the way. just relax. mistakes are ok and expected. [00:45:20] bearpaw1970: Bald wig [00:45:20] puppypancwake: UwU [00:45:21] karojhe: I love that you're taking this brave step. Not a joke <3 [00:45:27] ValkrenTheChosen: POOKIE! [00:45:27] bigsuave7: YEP [00:45:27] godmurky: its ok to have a hon voice at first [00:45:28] johnkeiwo: YEP [00:45:28] lordbagel42: Why f1nn disappear [00:45:29] erockyoutoo: it would probably help if you got rid of the dysphoria hoodie [00:45:29] noi4321: say something like this "oi bruv, pass me some crisps [00:45:29] oliviazbored: start dropping hot takes with girl voice [00:45:30] GiantmEmber: huh [00:45:30] PynkFryck: W drip [00:45:30] puppypancwake: UWU [00:45:31] SeriousMental: oh no not politics [00:45:31] enbyvee: omg those are my two favourite things?? [00:45:31] Nee268: Politwinks! [00:45:33] floorboardthepiratequeen: @F1NN5TER watch the transacademy vods [00:45:33] esquilinus: mfs be like "project from your diaphragm" like ppl know what diaphragm is [00:45:33] AmazingAspie: Politwinks [00:45:33] colverize_16: bigpuffJoel bigpuffJoel bigpuffJoel [00:45:33] AustraLeah: Man talk [00:45:35] melodyrainxx: Cute [00:45:35] RicoSabroso: LUL [00:45:36] Jens_LN: The TWINK Economy ??? D: [00:45:36] jwb1124: politics and twinks?? [00:45:37] Embers_Falling: @XENOMAN5 thank you < 3 [00:45:37] braddle172: Seems right [00:45:39] oliviazbored: yea pretty much [00:45:41] Vanimal2118: More like Astra LOL [00:45:41] Lucridis: Compared to F1nn we are [00:45:43] fay_squirtle11: will you and natt do another irl vid in the future [00:45:44] ArminGux: bf shirt [00:45:47] elle_gato: yeah you should be paying us [00:45:49] SnabbKassa: "get bread". other carbs are available [00:45:50] TwinbeeMk2: Considering how many of us are trans? I'd think so :P [00:45:51] radiant_accipiter: Is Finn moving [00:45:52] catlove518: The economy of trading twinks [00:45:55] sionaprice: voice training is cringe right up until it's not-- that's always how it is [00:45:56] Cpu101: can we please get a hasan collab for the battlepass [00:45:58] SonicXVe: LUL [00:45:58] ScarsUnseen: it's below your breastbone [00:45:59] Raddog315: You got this, the power of gender fluidity now flows through you, tap into it and let it flow into your voice. Use The Force F1nn [00:46:01] ProfaneCreation: selphyStare [00:46:02] mystchevious1: I gave good info... @LittleChaSiu :( [00:46:03] aerational: YOU CAN ACTIVATE IT BY MAKING THE H SOUND... [00:46:03] personuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiui: HAve you lifted you Eve's apple? [00:46:06] debdrup: Having a stroke is for the battlepass [00:46:06] alexx_net: @TwinbeeMk2 That's fair [00:46:07] lilithsspawn: lilithsspawn is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! [00:46:07] f3mmbot: lilithsspawn has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [00:46:07] lilithsspawn: lilithsspawn gifted a Tier 1 sub to smittenpp! [00:46:07] lilithsspawn: lilithsspawn gifted a Tier 1 sub to pocketjawa! [00:46:07] lilithsspawn: lilithsspawn gifted a Tier 1 sub to WillBarker_! [00:46:07] lilithsspawn: lilithsspawn gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kumakisu! [00:46:07] lilithsspawn: lilithsspawn gifted a Tier 1 sub to favour6! [00:46:07] lilithsspawn: lilithsspawn gifted a Tier 1 sub to YoshidaMares! [00:46:07] lilithsspawn: lilithsspawn gifted a Tier 1 sub to junomoons! [00:46:07] lilithsspawn: lilithsspawn gifted a Tier 1 sub to lilithwintour! [00:46:07] lilithsspawn: lilithsspawn gifted a Tier 1 sub to Magador! [00:46:07] lilithsspawn: lilithsspawn gifted a Tier 1 sub to Inkyon_! [00:46:08] VentoliN013: Do it at your own pace finn lol [00:46:08] johnkeiwo: @f1nn5ter, what do you want your voice to sound like ? more high or more mommy ? [00:46:10] HexGrrrrl: Get bred [00:46:12] bigsuave7: @Cpu101 lmao [00:46:14] ScarsUnseen: that's a good Dead Kennedys song [00:46:14] ValkrenTheChosen: LOVE YOU POOKIE! I hope everything goes well for you! [00:46:16] Helen_Croft: last stream in the house last girl voice to finish it [00:46:17] BlaireBearStare: It comes from cracking so many eggs, a bunch of us have googled how to voice change cause of you [00:46:18] ciernaruza: better bread than dead [00:46:18] VentoliN013: No rush mang [00:46:19] blueskydrinking: "I know what the diaphragm is!" Proceeds to not know what the diaphragm is KEKW [00:46:19] YumeNoZen: @littlechasiu You've given your own advice. Lol [00:46:19] kenziekattpurr: where’s that guy that you stole that shirt from lol [00:46:20] blackvvldow: TRY THIS. Interview yourself, male interviewer asking questions and the female answering them. [00:46:21] SeriousMental: ROBLOX CHAR [00:46:21] braddle172: f1nnGremlin [00:46:21] oliviazbored: Hassan merch goes so hard [00:46:21] noi4321: lol [00:46:22] bigsuave7: LUL [00:46:22] jwb1124: wait new house?? [00:46:22] tilt_central: But don't use up all that energy you'll need it for the move [00:46:22] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:46:24] mystchevious1: That looks like a sumo suit [00:46:24] Jens_LN: The diaphragm is is between your innards, and your lungs [00:46:25] sarahvega404: Now jojo pose [00:46:25] PynkFryck: I wish I got bread.. [00:46:25] Targz_: Get bred or get dead >_> [00:46:27] matthewmackerras: voice training is really murky. there are like 20 definitions for every term and none of them are correct [00:46:27] sunnyandsmiling: Contract your throat high up, and talk from the roof of your mouth at the back [00:46:28] Raddog315: misspelled bred [00:46:31] daemon2988: Much cuter than Hasan. Lol. [00:46:31] lilithwintour: @lilithsspawn Thanks for the gift sub! thats the first gift sub ive ever gotten woah [00:46:32] XENOMAN5: I imagine you in more of a “Get dick or get sick” sort of top [00:46:33] ArminGux: is that dobly logo [00:46:35] papanonfrancesco: UR BUFFED [00:46:37] barkdrone: nd make the e movement and slowly add airflow [00:46:40] Jens_LN: nice [00:46:40] Targz_: Get bred or get ded ;) [00:46:40] Helen_Croft: GOOOD [00:46:40] judgedame: i was gonna say some thing but you can not sing [00:46:41] TwinbeeMk2: :3 [00:46:41] colverize_16: have you thought about just getting good? [00:46:42] AustraLeah: That's not bad [00:46:43] grandpaladin1701: You look like Hanz and Frazs' daughter [00:46:43] ventusmaster77: Booba [00:46:44] bigsuave7: not bad [00:46:44] realtalkchannel: Finn has turned political as now even has a wide version. [00:46:44] ValkrenTheChosen: yassss [00:46:46] bigbingman: pretty good [00:46:47] richhdodger: Kreygasm [00:46:47] davidiusfarrenius: that was ok [00:46:47] zebrabbl396: HungryPaimon [00:46:48] dangerousruben: Almost [00:46:48] Emmy64_: Better but weird [00:46:49] floorboardthepiratequeen: Vocal weight [00:46:49] denosynligahunden: its good [00:46:51] zodiac06x: heads to big for has impression [00:46:51] jwb1124: close [00:46:51] faefemboi: faefemboi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:46:52] mystchevious1: Nasel is good. [00:46:52] f3mmbot: faefemboi subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:46:52] johnkeiwo: it does a bit [00:46:52] seumafia: That was goood [00:46:53] catlove518: Almosttt [00:46:53] sarahvega404: Dont staaap [00:46:53] sephikirb: Gud [00:46:54] Cyprohep: bertty good [00:46:54] daemon2988: I think the first attempt was better. [00:46:54] letume: not bad [00:46:54] aerational: you don't want your larynx to tighten.... [00:46:55] azath0th777: Thats sooooo good [00:46:55] c__r__j: Good, though. [00:46:55] justholim: still progress [00:46:55] SonicXVe: i mean youre out of practice, yeah? [00:46:56] RonnieSxl: KomodoHype [00:46:56] realzerobyter: its goood! [00:46:57] Jens_LN: it wasn't Astra though [00:46:58] XENOMAN5: Wow! [00:46:58] Elifighter: blow your nose try agian [00:46:59] bearpaw1970: That was in the tone direction [00:46:59] solen_shiner: thays very soft and cute :) [00:46:59] 123monkeyboy321: The one was good. Kinda freaky really. [00:46:59] Ruglund6230: better [00:46:59] ChasingSol: hahaha [00:47:00] ArminGux: sounds off [00:47:00] MaxVershhhtappen: Kreygasm [00:47:00] lilithwintour: f1nnPet [00:47:01] gay_femboy: The rock [00:47:01] ChasingSol: KEKW [00:47:01] bigbingman: do the "ung, key seriously" exrecise [00:47:01] catlove518: Breathy [00:47:05] scarlettyg: KEKW [00:47:05] fay_squirtle11: ?are you going to do another irl vid in the future with natt+ [00:47:05] CeruleanWizard: Maybe try insulting chat, but in the girl voice. Good motivation [00:47:05] unovaismyregion: keep trying [00:47:06] OpalinePhantomQueen: make the sound a bit more hollow [00:47:07] PynkFryck: louder [00:47:07] Bimmel2452: Do a flip [00:47:07] mmaniania: KEKW [00:47:09] VentoliN013: I would not have the balls to do that. . . Bravo 🙂 [00:47:09] CowbeeTheybop: its gonna sound nasally at first, you just gotta push through it [00:47:09] Sekroy: Your voice is naturally nasally [00:47:09] HexGrrrrl: actualjakeTranTrain actualjakeTrain [00:47:09] bearpaw1970: Smile when you say [00:47:13] SnabbKassa: it sounds like a character instead of just you [00:47:14] SonicXVe: bro is NOT relaxed [00:47:15] braddle172: lol [00:47:17] hopalongtommy: Bend your knees, [00:47:18] denosynligahunden: think of the most "the heathers" voice you can think of [00:47:18] seumafia: Dude, you're a woman [00:47:18] aporcelaingirl: intonation - go up in pitch a bit at the end of your sentence - it's a question [00:47:21] davidiusfarrenius: sit up straight man! :) [00:47:21] aerational: you will get a weird throaty nasally sound if you tighten your larynx to raise your vocal pitch [00:47:22] BrightLilThing: i only know jokes about how to make a voice girly lol [00:47:22] sarahvega404: You got it and you went back [00:47:23] noi4321: have you tried getting good [00:47:23] AustraLeah: So much girl voice today [00:47:23] karojhe: Less analysing, more talking! [00:47:23] handscombchris: keep going even if it's wrong that way you get more confidence [00:47:23] andre_narlisa: Sounds like week girl [00:47:25] karateboy_from_belair: Fri [00:47:25] ArminGux: that’s how they always look at me… is that bad [00:47:26] Targz_: Do a patrick star / cr1tikal voice (deep and airy) -> increase the pitch -> Raise larynx and vibe femme (alter vowels) [00:47:29] barkdrone: that gamer posture lololol [00:47:31] colverize_16: hit your nuts [00:47:32] dashunde: u look like u drive big truck [00:47:32] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [00:47:34] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:47:34] unovaismyregion: lift your arms above your head. [00:47:35] johnkeiwo: yeah because you are tone deaf [00:47:35] JinxyKittyVT: KEKW 󠀀 [00:47:36] bigsuave7: that sound LUL [00:47:38] RonnieSxl: LUL [00:47:38] ScarsUnseen: just improvise with the voice. you keep planning to say "hey chat whats up?"... just say whatever. [00:47:39] ATValdor: tone deaf confirmed [00:47:40] XENOMAN5: Are you done with makeup? [00:47:41] elle_gato: do a backflip [00:47:41] GuitarGirlTS9: I was taught to start with a Yoda voice which is heavy in the chest and then "move up" your speaking towards the chin [00:47:41] Emmy64_: Talk like someone hitted you in the nuts LUL [00:47:41] floorboardthepiratequeen: Lower your vocal weight!! Look at the transacademy vods!! [00:47:43] TheNelizz: TheNelizz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! I want myself a f1nnster where can i get one? [00:47:43] hopalongtommy: Arms out straight, address the ball.. [00:47:43] f3mmbot: thenelizz subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:47:43] Jens_LN: FUCK AROUND ?!!! D: [00:47:44] karateboy_from_belair: First twitch live [00:47:44] PynkFryck: Tonedeaf mfs be like [00:47:44] kenziekattpurr: voice tends to follow body [00:47:44] scarlettyg: More like gremlin posture [00:47:45] Y0rk5h1r3: That sounds like a distressed animal LUL [00:47:45] ArminGux: tone deaf? [00:47:45] YumeNoZen: Just think of how happy a good voice would make Ashley. [00:47:46] gay_femboy: It is time to get drunk [00:47:47] ATValdor: pat your head and rub your belly [00:47:49] matthewmackerras: I think you’re partially cringing because it doesn’t sound like you? I know that’s why I used to hate listening back to recordings of myself [00:47:49] Havryl: *wild goblin screeching* [00:47:49] meerkats626: meerkats626 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! [00:47:50] f3mmbot: meerkats626 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:47:50] mystchevious1: So fuck around. You get to be whatever person you want to be. [00:47:52] realtalkchannel: True gamer [00:47:54] hopebrightly: liluyeGHeart liluyeGHeart liluyeGHeart [00:47:55] Jens_LN: Strike a cute Pose !! D: [00:47:55] c__r__j: "It's more fun to just fuck around" -- F1nn life phiolosphy. [00:47:56] SnabbKassa: eye on the ball and follow thru [00:47:57] pussinagown: Do a handstand then speak [00:47:57] maggiedoesart: As a woman with a deep voice, relaxing your larynx is huge. [00:47:58] Stovamor: That#'s cos you're tone deaf as well as having a wonky eye [00:48:00] elle_gato: do a backflip, trust me [00:48:00] enbyvee: you said you have nice whisky [00:48:01] colverize_16: just hit your nuts really hard [00:48:02] HexGrrrrl: Praise the sun [00:48:02] SeriousMental: praise the sun \[T]/ [00:48:03] padlowan: you need to do a silly dance then it will work [00:48:03] TheNelizz: 0boo [00:48:04] gitrektitrekt: The voice of someone that comes up and asks if you want to see their insect collection [00:48:05] ichigo_reini: Hello there cutie patootie [00:48:05] enbyvee: please tell me about the whisky [00:48:06] HardyOrange: quit trying to pitch match a piano; your a gamer, go for matching that UWU gun [00:48:06] AustraLeah: Cha cha real smooth [00:48:06] VentoliN013: Definitely better to not be serious while trying to attempt the voice [00:48:07] ashrijayde: do you go and get your lash extensions done or do you do them yourself?😃😃 [00:48:07] jeffdogsonpi: Voice train by singing along to songs [00:48:10] voiceofthevoid999: "have you ever tried to relax? ITS A PARADOX" [00:48:11] catlove518: Voice training but the tips keep getting weirder [00:48:11] axe1970: wave them like you just dont care [00:48:11] xleroyjenkins: bourbon!!! [00:48:11] ArminGux: ask for uppies [00:48:11] judgedame: ugh [00:48:12] bearpaw1970: Twirls hair , tilt head to side [00:48:12] bigsuave7: vodka needs mixer or chaser lol [00:48:13] aAndrew3030: Y M C AAAAA [00:48:13] evericor000: put you legs behind your head [00:48:13] PynkFryck: vodka sucks [00:48:14] barkdrone: make the e movement but squeeze your throat closed. then slowly add air [00:48:14] gay_femboy: Vodka is Potato juice [00:48:15] Vanimal2118: Full send f&ck around! U have this girl. [00:48:16] oliviazbored: have you ever tried your voice on helium? [00:48:17] richarduk81: Squeeze your balls [00:48:17] SnabbKassa: castrati [00:48:17] iridaceaeIris69: f1nn5ter brand whiskey [00:48:18] SeriousMental: @HexGrrrrl \[T]/ [00:48:19] sarahvega404: Say a riddle in girl voice [00:48:21] Ruglund6230: arms in the air wave them round like you dont care [00:48:25] kenziekattpurr: what time is it there? [00:48:25] VerminTalks: Do it hit your nuts [00:48:26] karojhe: How to voice train: bend over [00:48:27] MajesticFvckingEagle: noooooo [00:48:27] Elifighter: they are onto us [00:48:28] sunnyandsmiling: Vodka mixes with energy drink so well though! [00:48:33] MajesticFvckingEagle: we would never [00:48:33] Amoyamoyamoya: !time [00:48:33] f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 21:53 [00:48:34] dawnfals: try hissing like a cat for lifting the larynx [00:48:38] OhMikeG: do you want it to be your natural voice or just a talent you have? [00:48:39] ScarsUnseen: read a paragraph from something in girl voice. idk. [00:48:41] XENOMAN5: Rum and coke is amazeballs good [00:48:43] ColinSpurr: you’re getting there! feel your throat when you swallow. squeeze less than that. [00:48:47] ArminGux: nah I prefer voice to winning a bet [00:48:48] aerational: The "H" sound will activate your diaphragm, literally just try to push all the air out of your lungs with by saying "hhuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh" [00:48:50] archieangle: archieangle is gifting 100 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 300 in the channel! [00:48:51] f3mmbot: archieangle has gifted a sub to 100 users in chat! [00:48:51] sephikirb: Wait, can you sing in girl voice ? :3 [00:48:53] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to dawnisbusty! [00:48:53] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to fyl_ned! [00:48:53] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to jolly_jedi_4490! [00:48:53] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to averagelycoolceline! [00:48:53] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to simplejack42069! [00:48:53] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to shikishik16! [00:48:53] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to giantsparrowbee! [00:48:53] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to gnattys! [00:48:53] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to TazSenpai! [00:48:53] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to BamALambi! [00:48:53] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to FergusonHD! [00:48:53] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to SeiReiJoku! [00:48:53] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to s4d4l0t! [00:48:53] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to zeldazocker02! [00:48:53] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to AleMogul! [00:48:54] Vanimal2118: Green [00:48:55] bigsuave7: yooo [00:48:55] ScarsUnseen: whoa [00:48:56] AustraLeah: Holy crap [00:48:56] YumeNoZen: I stopped betting points a long time ago. [00:48:57] maggiedoesart: You can go to a voice therapist [00:48:57] scarlettyg: Holy hell [00:48:58] looeesz: GIGACHAD [00:48:58] Havryl: Woah [00:48:59] MaxVershhhtappen: I guess you had to stop drinking all for HRT right, also i stopped and it’s better without tho….. [00:48:59] sarahvega404: Whoa [00:48:59] username1947_: wth [00:49:00] sephikirb: HUH [00:49:01] LaCroix_Blows: Always bet on black. [00:49:01] mimmm: wow [00:49:01] Embers_Falling: wtf [00:49:01] Silraa: WTF [00:49:02] bearpaw1970: Woah [00:49:02] megadoom20: holy [00:49:02] Jens_LN: oh wow [00:49:02] papanonfrancesco: holy [00:49:03] groovalicious1: Woah [00:49:03] Srcsqwrn: nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO [00:49:03] DarthDerpy_: whoa [00:49:04] elle_gato: wtf [00:49:04] johnkeiwo: POGGIES [00:49:04] blackvvldow: wow [00:49:05] ValkrenTheChosen: WTF [00:49:05] hirtsssss: GIGACHAD [00:49:05] bigbingman: HUH [00:49:05] ScarsUnseen: wtf lol [00:49:06] ryaninacastle: woahh [00:49:06] JustaguyTwitchTV: WOAAAHHH [00:49:06] bigsuave7: :O [00:49:06] braddle172: More muluh [00:49:06] ArminGux: bruv [00:49:06] hiluuu: niiiiiiiice [00:49:06] beastboyz168: @archieangle Bedankt voor het Cadeau-abonnement! [00:49:07] melodyrainxx: Dang [00:49:07] EternalLucia: Wat [00:49:08] Cyprohep: hugeeeeeeeee [00:49:08] zebrabbl396: Squid3 [00:49:08] MajesticFvckingEagle: where are you gonna put your new knife wall? [00:49:08] noi4321: wow [00:49:08] Mikey2207: POG [00:49:08] Qubicx: Holy [00:49:09] solen_shiner: cool [00:49:09] S1LCO: 1 [00:49:09] AliciaR23: Wtfff [00:49:09] Muffin01: profanity! [00:49:09] mytwitchusernameisthis: Wooow [00:49:10] Kolateak_: WHOA [00:49:10] LogicalOdditys: wow [00:49:10] barkdrone: ashley literally taught voice training😂😂😂😂 [00:49:10] electric_cicada: ayoooo [00:49:10] bearpaw1970: So epic [00:49:10] Amoyamoyamoya: Holeeeeee.... [00:49:11] bart140298: broo [00:49:11] overton_window: shiver my timbers [00:49:11] JeromeDatBoi: k [00:49:11] gay_femboy: Bro go across the nord sea to belgium [00:49:11] ogtheimperial: nice [00:49:11] AustraLeah: NotLikeThis [00:49:12] strinx1120: OMG [00:49:12] stockie_uk: BIG [00:49:12] artzy101: Holy [00:49:13] furifixus: Bruh... [00:49:13] breezy_sparrow: Whaaaat!!! [00:49:13] Furrfan47: nice [00:49:14] balphenor: pog [00:49:14] BIGBoris1962: YO [00:49:14] mmaniania: WOOAH [00:49:15] MajesticFvckingEagle: oh shit [00:49:15] SllentLive: damn [00:49:16] colverize_16: holy shit [00:49:16] midireinheart: Wow [00:49:16] Green_J3di: OMG [00:49:16] androidwall4680: holy moly [00:49:17] RynFromK2L: f1nnZOOM [00:49:17] oreoman5214: WOW [00:49:17] monday5671: Dang. [00:49:17] maggiedoesart: Get a voice therapist on stream rn [00:49:18] PegasusB: WTF?!? [00:49:18] XENOMAN5: Nice [00:49:18] JustaguyTwitchTV: UMMMM [00:49:19] Valezifer: wow [00:49:19] MysticEcho2: wow [00:49:19] holyrustbucket: damm [00:49:19] Hyaguss: dear lord [00:49:19] Ruglund6230: daaaamn [00:49:19] cheff_cook: <3 [00:49:19] godsbeenswinging_: dodged [00:49:19] bearpaw1970: Archangel [00:49:20] HardyOrange: is this what we're doing tnight?? [00:49:20] know1_0: yep [00:49:20] RonnieSxl: dman [00:49:21] Green_J3di: Dang [00:49:21] grandpaladin1701: Dang [00:49:21] Sekroy: Ejo [00:49:21] notaboris: f1nnStare [00:49:22] sephikirb: OMGGG [00:49:22] loomthekidd: jynxziSubHype [00:49:22] LaLeLu4you: Wow [00:49:22] pussinagown: OMGGG [00:49:22] strawb3ry_cow: w gifter [00:49:24] JustaguyTwitchTV: damn [00:49:25] elle_gato: ummm [00:49:25] archieangle: didn't ask [00:49:25] riku_k_k: damm [00:49:26] aporcelaingirl: 100? wow... [00:49:26] Helen_Croft: 100 subs happend [00:49:26] xXTooGoodAtGamingXx: Sexy boy fuck [00:49:26] davidiusfarrenius: wow! 100 subs! :) [00:49:27] loomthekidd: w [00:49:27] groovalicious1: All these gifted subs and i never get one lmao [00:49:28] pinbel1: Woah [00:49:28] Amoyamoyamoya: Archieangle Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap [00:49:28] zebrabbl396: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [00:49:29] Juliya_999: damn [00:49:30] ArminGux: big chad move [00:49:30] groovalicious1: W [00:49:30] MajesticFvckingEagle: W [00:49:31] Alkno_93: 500 buks [00:49:31] EldritchElucidator: bruh [00:49:31] c__r__j: f1nnStare [00:49:32] sarahvega404: f1nnCool [00:49:32] ashrijayde: WOAH [00:49:33] lovekaseyj: whoa [00:49:33] bigbingman: beeg [00:49:33] BlaireBearStare: Lowkey though Finn, a voice training stream/vid would be amazing [00:49:34] andyinnie: lets goooo thank u!!! [00:49:35] PurpleHexagon: bruh [00:49:36] alexx_net: POG @archieangle [00:49:37] Hyaguss: 500 $ [00:49:37] medical_size9000: W 100 subs [00:49:37] mightytomato2: just a few [00:49:38] MajesticFvckingEagle: casual W [00:49:39] QuickestJadeTheDoge: I remember seeing the vods a while ago when you first started dressing as a girl and I thought it was gonna be a temporary thing lmao [00:49:40] ronin_5463: Holy Moly [00:49:40] BTMag: Goodness [00:49:41] Jens_LN: Jeez, archieangle going hard ! [00:49:42] gay_femboy: Get some sleep so i can sleep [00:49:43] Furrfan47: how does gifting subs work [00:49:44] Raddog315: seriously though, no ones judging you, just do random voices until you like one [00:49:45] andre_narlisa: That girl is gigachad [00:49:46] CoronaBorealis02: nah dont deadname me like that [00:49:48] noi4321: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [00:49:48] zsAlice: 100 owo poggers [00:49:50] Srcsqwrn: Insane gifted frfr [00:49:53] blindthirdeye: blindthirdeye subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! I was just about to say something wholesome and cool, but archie here stealing the show, gyatt damn [00:49:54] f3mmbot: blindthirdeye subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:49:54] VentoliN013: You have been gifted 100 subs! 😱 [00:49:54] Amoyamoyamoya: @BlaireBearStare, Yeah, no [00:50:01] ReiniYamato: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeart [00:50:02] noi4321: KappaInfinite [00:50:03] Helen_Croft: !freesub [00:50:04] f3mmbot: helen_croft just subscribed! Welcome to the lez-gang helen_croft f1nnLezgang [00:50:07] johnkeiwo: HUH !?!? worrunS worrunBDSM [00:50:07] almostghand1: almostghand1 subscribed at Tier 1. [00:50:08] f3mmbot: almostghand1 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang almostghand1 f1nnLezgang [00:50:08] XENOMAN5: @quickestjadethedoge he thought so too. KEKW [00:50:08] braddle172: 🤨 [00:50:08] Clovermancy: Nice [00:50:09] zebrabbl396: LUL LUL LUL [00:50:12] Y0rk5h1r3: Just the tip? Kreygasm [00:50:12] MajesticFvckingEagle: heheheeh [00:50:13] thefelinedeity: knenGift knenGift knenGift knenGift [00:50:15] DrChaos2004: It's the femboy [00:50:16] axing_: ayo [00:50:16] ArminGux: yeah u need tone indicators}? [00:50:17] elle_gato: if u do a backflip the rest is easy [00:50:18] windowells: !freesub [00:50:18] f3mmbot: windowells just subscribed! Welcome to the lez-gang windowells f1nnLezgang [00:50:20] imaprsn: he said the thing [00:50:21] Loelinverse: huh? [00:50:21] gay_femboy: PogChamp [00:50:21] Achilles2020: missed it [00:50:22] xleroyjenkins: give you the tip? okay [00:50:23] notaboris: 2,9% of chat became subs [00:50:23] bearpaw1970: Wet pallet before speaking [00:50:25] makotoh_: @archieangle Danke für das Geschenkabo! [00:50:25] Stovamor: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [00:50:27] VentoliN013: Wish I had money like that lol [00:50:27] XENOMAN5: I’d love to give you the tip [00:50:28] axe1970: dont eat yellow snow [00:50:28] earth_boy_: finn give me tips for voice masculinization lol [00:50:28] barkdrone: 🍆 [00:50:28] TheWizdomWizard: KappaInfinite [00:50:29] cookieeater212: 👉👈 can i hav sub? [00:50:29] lampshaderie: is that a girl or a ghoul [00:50:30] Vanimal2118: @helen_croft f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:50:33] archieangle: F1nn cute. That's all I know [00:50:35] CowbeeTheybop: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [00:50:36] ventusmaster77: Bros Working on the Look [00:50:36] elizabethpearlxo: vicksyGift vicksyGift vicksyGift [00:50:41] noi4321: has anyone gotten the KappaInfinite yet? [00:50:41] hemeroidson: You are old licke Biden [00:50:43] MajesticFvckingEagle: step one: do a flip , step two: draw the rest of the fucking owl [00:50:43] Lucianthelord: I can haz sub? [00:50:44] VentoliN013: Being able to casually gift subs like that lol [00:50:44] JackWolf248: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [00:50:47] OmsX8O: KappaInfinite [00:50:49] bigbingman: attention span test? [00:50:49] Varen_grey: Varen_grey subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! F1nn needs a tuning fork [00:50:49] snowwynai: Do you plan to get an autism assessment? [00:50:49] f3mmbot: varen_grey subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [00:50:49] Dartheos: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [00:50:51] braddle172: Gn [00:50:53] johnkeiwo: goodnight ! [00:50:56] pussinagown: TANKKK [00:50:56] ATValdor: night tank [00:50:56] bu11c8ap: oh that's good [00:50:56] 6Foot3Inches: doge [00:50:57] imaprsn: gn tank!!!! [00:50:57] charo_charito: getting a gifted sub is sheer luck? [00:50:57] hiluuu: awweeeeeee [00:50:58] LittleChaSiu: puppyyyyy [00:50:58] blueskydrinking: night night little bro [00:50:58] scarlettyg: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:50:58] Clovermancy: Baby [00:50:59] Jens_LN: Goodnight Tank !! [00:50:59] dangerousruben: Bye tank [00:50:59] noi4321: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [00:50:59] ronin_5463: Goodnight! [00:51:00] 1WhoBeans: aww [00:51:00] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: aww tank [00:51:02] Jens_LN: itspea13BunnnWave [00:51:03] zebrabbl396: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:51:03] AmazingAspie: tank!! [00:51:03] oliviazbored: gn [00:51:04] DarthDerpy_: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:51:04] ventusmaster77: Adorable Dogo [00:51:05] Helen_Croft: goodnight [00:51:05] Green_J3di: gn [00:51:05] Amoyamoyamoya: [00:51:05] jobvering: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [00:51:06] soggyvector: aw baby [00:51:06] TwoDadsKissing: puppy! bottliHeart [00:51:06] davidiusfarrenius: f1nnTank [00:51:06] MirahImage: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:51:07] ArminGux: adorable [00:51:07] dangerousruben: Gn ashley [00:51:08] sniffuo: tonk [00:51:08] derekdoesmusic: F1NN I just finally got a prescription for HRT I could cryyyyyyyyy sjaneSob [00:51:08] adamjunkpup: nighty night [00:51:09] bearpaw1970: Here tank comes , [00:51:09] BrightLilThing: gn tank [00:51:09] kapumon: aww [00:51:09] AmazingAspie: gn tank! [00:51:10] sarahvega404: Work on the progress, dont stop when you feel like is not working [00:51:10] EldritchElucidator: tank <3 [00:51:10] Vanimal2118: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:51:10] DarthDerpy_: gn tank [00:51:10] daemon2988: The best tip I can give, is quit listening to all the "tips". The best attempts have been the ones where you just went for it and didn't overthink it. [00:51:12] lovekaseyj: test [00:51:15] gitrektitrekt: Sleepy Tank [00:51:15] LaCroix_Blows: Tanks for thememories [00:51:17] kapumon: gn [00:51:20] gay_femboy: autistic egg get some sleep plz [00:51:20] feelgames2: test [00:51:21] karateboy_from_belair: GayPride [00:51:21] Stovamor: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [00:51:21] XENOMAN5: Blurry Tank is still mega cute [00:51:24] aporcelaingirl: congrats @derekdoesmusic [00:51:26] RonnieSxl: OHIO [00:51:28] derluettetwitch: f1nnTank [00:51:28] barkdrone: public is awful [00:51:28] Valezifer: gn [00:51:29] realtalkchannel: As fellow ASD person on todays internet you cant tell if someone is joking or not. [00:51:32] bigbingman: do the test [00:51:33] noi4321: Where blåhaj? [00:51:35] rumista: Talk like you talk to Tank [00:51:37] SOVIETQUER117g: tank is cude [00:51:37] ivy_liner: @derekdoesmusic congrats, let's get it [00:51:38] aerational: @derekdoesmusic the hrt should not be the thing your happiness hinges on. [00:51:40] YumeNoZen: Lack of ADHD meds. [00:51:42] fireandskull: hh [00:51:42] ArminGux: gonna go back to voice training now? [00:51:43] cattypuss_1: its hardd everyone bad student at first [00:51:46] kapumon: good morning from the middle of the Pacific Ocean [00:51:47] VentoliN013: Do you have any bacon finn? [00:51:51] axing_: ??? [00:51:53] bigsuave7: wait what [00:51:54] new_day_who_dis: 🙌🏻 I hate it ❤️ [00:51:57] blueskydrinking: thanks for the image f1nn.... [00:51:57] kalamitykalgaming: Got my waifu cup!! [00:51:58] elle_gato: -2 [00:51:59] Green_J3di: HUH [00:52:01] snowwynai: Your girl voice really sounds okay to me, but I know it matters more of it sounds okay to you. [00:52:02] LaCroix_Blows: okay how about people who do like your voice can suck it :D [00:52:02] Lucianthelord: Huh!! [00:52:03] SOVIETQUER117g: *tank is cute* [00:52:03] MajesticFvckingEagle: I hate it now [00:52:03] catlove518: If that's the case then I don't like the voice lmao [00:52:04] karateboy_from_belair: GenderFluidPride BisexualPride [00:52:07] oerich999: new nailz? [00:52:09] lovekaseyj: lovekaseyj subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [00:52:09] f3mmbot: lovekaseyj subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months using Prime! PogU [00:52:09] Cyprohep: top kek [00:52:09] EternalLucia: I do hope you can perfect the voice training [00:52:10] gitrektitrekt: Raw balls? Don't tell the liver king [00:52:12] ScarsUnseen: dysphoria sweater [00:52:16] ArminGux: kekwk [00:52:18] zodiac06x: how does the merch feel I’m kinda interested in getting some [00:52:18] bearpaw1970: 😂 [00:52:18] bigbingman: truuueee, make em broke guys then we get some good content [00:52:19] ChilaAurora: Hah, bakls [00:52:20] lovekaseyj: yo lol [00:52:20] Bytebak: @kapumon The top of the ocean I hope [00:52:21] sychodivergent: The singer in one of my old bands used to literally grab his sack to sing higher, it worked. [00:52:24] Green_J3di: KEKW [00:52:27] VentoliN013: The philosophy of bacon replacement surgery [00:52:29] barkdrone: battle pass going crazy these days [00:52:30] thedigitalpixel: damn are you wearing that hasan merch? [00:52:34] gay_femboy: You Cant stop on a losing streak [00:52:39] jeffdogsonpi: That's the strat [00:52:40] oliviazbored: do you do real money or crypto? [00:52:45] Amoyamoyamoya: We're waiting for you here in Vegas, F1nn [00:52:47] noi4321: "free" [00:52:47] XENOMAN5: I’m so happy. Got kidney tests yesterday and I have benign cysts but NO kidney disease! I can start HRT now!! [00:52:49] bearpaw1970: Smart [00:52:49] laxeltande: how do I convince my bf to become a femboy [00:52:52] eine_baum: is tank spelt tank or t4nk [00:52:53] LaCroix_Blows: as someone who's gambled away paychecks, that's good [00:53:01] thecowpuncher3000: damn i actually caught a stream [00:53:06] Lucianthelord: Betty boo? [00:53:11] huachuca02: What's your game of choice [00:53:11] bigbingman: practice a stitch impression and you'll get the girl voice, that's how I got it [00:53:14] SonicXVe: literally just practice [00:53:16] lilithwintour: @laxeltande get a new one [00:53:20] QuickestJadeTheDoge: I heard somewhere that when you go on estrogen it's slightly easier to do a girl voice but I'm not 100% sure [00:53:21] unovaismyregion: think anime girl [00:53:21] VentoliN013: Get the bacon finn! [00:53:22] pussinagown: @laxeltande show them your love for finn [00:53:24] Vanimal2118: I just gamble with F1nn Redeems mostly lose them all on the regular. [00:53:28] zebrabbl396: Nice [00:53:28] alexx_net: @huachuca02 He used to be a pro Minecrafter [00:53:28] enbyvee: @F1NN5TER thoughts on Aberlour? [00:53:28] SeriousMental: the natt date video was so good [00:53:30] AmazingAspie: F1nn is lucky that he/she is pretty :D [00:53:31] noi4321: ill die [00:53:32] solen_shiner: booo [00:53:33] jeffdogsonpi: Get breed or get dead? [00:53:33] Y0rk5h1r3: Just try and speak French, they're all feminine LUL [00:53:34] bart140298: voice is just a social construct, it doesn't matter <3 [00:53:35] realtalkchannel: Finn has conquested Bread [00:53:35] barkdrone: ooof [00:53:37] johnkeiwo: imagination is the only wall, if u limit yourself, you won't get there :) dumb bich ! [00:53:37] gay_femboy: 1st time watching live [00:53:37] CoffeeComic64: clipped /j [00:53:38] xtk_mando: xtk_mando subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! [00:53:38] god_of_0: by [00:53:38] f3mmbot: xtk_mando subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:53:40] enbyvee: Speyside whisky [00:53:40] 1mitzi9: ballin [00:53:41] Targz_: Get bred or get dead ;) [00:53:42] aporcelaingirl: Tønk [00:53:46] soggyvector: Tory F1nn [00:53:48] kapumon: political stream [00:53:50] XENOMAN5: @laxeltande do sexy things for him after you put lingerie on him. He will associate the two. [00:53:52] dynamite0417: dynamite0417 subscribed with Prime. [00:53:52] f3mmbot: dynamite0417 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang dynamite0417 f1nnLezgang [00:53:53] livjpk78: What sexy outfit are you going to get on? [00:53:53] Lucianthelord: Guess I'll die lol [00:53:54] Unkn0wnLuci: f1nnEgg hey [00:53:54] Jens_LN: Tønk ? [00:53:56] gay_femboy: Q&A PLZ [00:53:56] Raddog315: F1nn, did you know that bbno$ made a song called Submissive and Breedable? [00:53:57] Judeao: Judeao subscribed with Prime. [00:53:57] f3mmbot: judeao subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang judeao f1nnLezgang [00:53:59] minzecraft: not voluntary as an individual, but voluntary as a society mabe [00:54:00] DaftFloki: F1nn? Anti-capitalist? Just when I thought he couldn't get any hotter. [00:54:01] noi4321: Tönk [00:54:05] XENOMAN5: Welcome @gay_femboy [00:54:07] RonnieSxl: tånk [00:54:07] johnkeiwo: sure [00:54:07] bearpaw1970: Yes [00:54:09] bigsuave7: yeahh [00:54:10] SonicXVe: having a script could help [00:54:10] melodyrainxx: Yess [00:54:12] ScarsUnseen: say whatever ya want [00:54:14] beastboyz168: f1nnRaid [00:54:17] laxeltande: @lilithwintour do you have a spare one I can borrow? [00:54:17] MajesticFvckingEagle: sure [00:54:19] XenMonkey: May be easier if you have a little script [00:54:19] ArminGux: yup [00:54:20] lilithwintour: do you have the james charles eye brush set? [00:54:21] noi4321: 30 minutes [00:54:24] l0s_n4ch0s: ive seen two blow a kisses now that have been ignored :( [00:54:27] lilithwintour: @laxeltande sadly no [00:54:28] SnabbKassa: @DaftFloki usually a pose [00:54:29] Loelinverse: whenever you feel like it [00:54:30] Jens_LN: @aporcelaingirl Tønk ? .. wouldn't it be Tænk ? [00:54:30] chriscorrick08: Explain redstone in girl voice :p [00:54:34] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 2 month streak! What should we name our baby? [00:54:34] f3mmbot: bailey_ravenwick subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [00:54:35] xanderismlgg: xanderismlgg subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Hello fin [00:54:35] f3mmbot: xanderismlgg subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:54:36] aporcelaingirl: @Jens_LN we don't have that letter in Finnish and I forget how to pronounce it [00:54:36] SeriousMental: ADHD brain cant handle a script [00:54:40] gay_femboy: I'm too poort to buy bits [00:54:41] dmx908: Capitalism has the most successful track record [00:54:41] laxeltande: @lilithwintour sadge :( [00:54:44] kapumon: dyslexic [00:54:45] medical_size9000: Finn never goes off from a script [00:54:45] snowwynai: You're better at improvisation. [00:54:45] elizabethpearlxo: oh ya the kisses redeem! [00:54:46] bearpaw1970: Improv [00:54:48] DaftFloki: @SnabbKassa a pose? [00:54:49] nightmarelol1234: new house soon? [00:54:50] ScarsUnseen: just improvise [00:54:51] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [00:54:52] Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnSad f1nnHeart cakejuSharko cakejuComfy [00:54:52] OmsX8O: Bing Bong! flippi38Love soluskLove flippi38Wiggle loopie1Wiggle hozzerWiggle deamhaWiggle f1nnBingbong [00:54:53] gay_femboy: My garage broke [00:54:55] HexGrrrrl: I always made up presentations in school [00:54:57] Raddog315: lol [00:54:58] MirahImage: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [00:54:58] Jens_LN: @aporcelaingirl ahhh ok ... I'm Danish, so we have it as standadr [00:54:59] lilithwintour: @laxeltande f1nnSad [00:55:00] FirstFireKeeper: @dmx908 in kill count yess [00:55:01] EldritchElucidator: girl voice redstone tutorial perhaps??? [00:55:02] c__r__j: f1nnBingbong [00:55:02] rogierbitterbal: rogierbitterbal subscribed with Prime. [00:55:02] Vanimal2118: f1nnBingbong f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnPegChamp [00:55:03] f3mmbot: rogierbitterbal subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang rogierbitterbal f1nnLezgang [00:55:04] RykerSune: f1nnTank f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnTankhat [00:55:06] nikama6: LUL LUL LUL [00:55:06] braddle172: Bing Bong f1nnBingbong [00:55:11] gay_femboy: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [00:55:12] realtalkchannel: I can concur ADHD makes you write scripts in your head [00:55:12] VentoliN013: Are we all just fucking around in the chat? [00:55:13] johnkeiwo: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang adcvrDINKDONK adcvrLOVE adcvrHYPE [00:55:13] SnabbKassa: @DaftFloki for poseurs [00:55:15] SonicXVe: yeah i mean the premise is if you have a line you intend to say itll be easier to commit the voice thru it than just saying random stuff idk [00:55:16] Loelinverse: Abby knew [00:55:19] realzerobyter: i understand what ur saying, u just dont wanna take girl voice too seriously and be casual/fun about it [00:55:22] huachuca02: Adlib is beat [00:55:23] noi4321: i do that [00:55:24] mmaniania: improv god [00:55:28] ArminGux: u can indicate pronaciation in writing if it helps [00:55:32] Elizabeth8626: Elizabeth8626 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! I saw you move into this house and I'm seeing you leave it [00:55:33] Jens_LN: @aporcelaingirl alternatively, it could be Tånk [00:55:35] ghost_inna_jarr: Say chat again [00:55:36] MoronicMoose: theeca10RaveSpooky theeca10RaveSpooky theeca10RaveSpooky [00:55:38] hiluuu: f1nnBingbong [00:55:39] realtalkchannel: I made up several presentations in the break before class based on the knowledge in my head [00:55:40] TamponWrapper: yooo [00:55:46] karateboy_from_belair: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:55:51] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:55:51] clockingout: clockingout subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! [00:55:52] f3mmbot: clockingout subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:55:52] aAndrew3030: Stare [00:55:53] ScarsUnseen: eyebrows are hard. mine are ass. [00:55:55] bigbingman: nooo chat we have to distract him [00:55:57] sarahvega404: Your voice is good, is weird for you because is a new feeling [00:55:57] Dynamek_: Almost 4 years on, nice f1nnCowjam [00:55:57] batchicken2134: I had to do a presentation in school. Pretty much everyone else had a script and a PowerPoint. I had neither and still got full marks [00:55:58] EternalLucia: When are you gonna do make-up tutorial videos [00:56:00] aporcelaingirl: @Jens_LN I know how to pronounce that in Swedish [00:56:02] gay_femboy: You can wipe it of btw [00:56:03] lilithwintour: facts [00:56:03] Embers_Falling: eyeliner is worse [00:56:04] timtrex19: HIIIII [00:56:05] bigbingman: cant let him get his makeup done in time [00:56:06] dmx908: @firstfirekeeper communism has killed 10x more people [00:56:07] alexx_net: @realtalkchannel I found that worked until got to University [00:56:08] HexGrrrrl: Streamer hardest job hasBaited hasBaited [00:56:14] noi4321: SPIDEEEEEEERRRRRR [00:56:17] kaay_denny: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:56:20] XENOMAN5: @ventolin013 pretty much [00:56:23] Jens_LN: @aporcelaingirl nice ! 😁 [00:56:26] papanonfrancesco: put eyeliner on [00:56:27] beastboyz168: f1nnAshbonk [00:56:27] bigbingman: gay ming [00:56:29] hiluuu: f1nnCowjam [00:56:30] axe1970: did you assume firefighter dont wear make up [00:56:30] gay_femboy: HELLDIVERS [00:56:30] stockie_uk: not hbomber guy? [00:56:31] ATValdor: wait, you haven't watched philosophy tube? [00:56:31] blatant_fabrication: summoning salt [00:56:32] zaria32vath: imagine having clear eyebrows because of chemo and then having to figure out how to draw your brows on [00:56:32] Lucianthelord: Omg Spider!! [00:56:35] charlottelotved: shorkShyjj [00:56:36] lampshaderie: tomatoanus! [00:56:36] ScarsUnseen: i liked watching those Tetris record breaking videos lol [00:56:36] tripod_666: pyro transition? [00:56:39] jade_lunaire: Pyro finally dressed as a gal. Based [00:56:39] skoralta: SummoningSalt? [00:56:40] kaay_denny: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:56:40] johnkeiwo: try it ! [00:56:40] kapumon: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 [00:56:40] Y0rk5h1r3: Is that the MC YouTuber who's starting down the pipeline? LUL [00:56:43] claydress: Karl Jobst [00:56:43] ventusmaster77: Speed Run Gamer [00:56:44] hiluuu: just draw a line [00:56:45] CowbeeTheybop: summoningsalt is so good [00:56:46] l0s_n4ch0s: DO IT [00:56:46] hiluuu: simple [00:56:47] RasputinofThrace: @realtalkchannel Are you the guy from asra's stream i talked ? Wide meme politican guy [00:56:47] RonnieSxl: Poooound [00:56:49] johnkeiwo: it's been so long since u tried :) [00:56:49] noi4321: SPIDER TO YOUR LEFT [00:56:50] Jadeine: the only way to learn eyeliner is to do it a lot [00:56:50] Cpu101: use tape!! [00:56:50] JayxLive_: summiningsalt [00:56:50] bigsuave7: do a thin one [00:56:52] evericor000: you got to watch wendigoon [00:56:52] oliviazbored: so ur not a true crime girlie? [00:56:52] maggiedoesart: I have caved and finally downloaded Fortnite [00:56:52] ArminGux: try wings once [00:56:54] JuakoHawk: You have to learn [00:56:56] melodyrainxx: Wing it [00:56:58] gay_femboy: RaccAttack [00:56:59] SOVIETQUER117g: there is a mega spoder [00:57:00] snowwynai: @jade_lunaire And he looked really good! [00:57:00] nikama6: Short attention span or tism [00:57:00] ScarsUnseen: egg [00:57:01] karateboy_from_belair: HeyGuys [00:57:02] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:57:02] moonitoons: tutorials are your new best friend [00:57:03] papanonfrancesco: you'd look so good [00:57:04] ProfaneCreation: Summoning Salt ftw [00:57:05] Helen_Croft: you need the eyeliner or you dont get your HRT certificate @F1NN5TER [00:57:07] bearpaw1970: This should be great [00:57:08] charlottelotved: egies [00:57:10] kapumon: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:57:12] sarahvega404: Nothing can ruin that face [00:57:13] mmaniania: eyeliner is the worst [00:57:15] MirahImage: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:57:16] Jens_LN: Cute ! [00:57:17] Vanimal2118: U have done eyeliner in the past. [00:57:17] daemon2988: We don't have time for experimentation. I've got channel points to protect. 😂 [00:57:21] Amoyamoyamoya: English only in Chat please. Te rugăm să scrii în engleză. Por favor, hable Inglés. Bitte sprich Englisch im Chat. Parlez anglais dans le chat s'il vous plait. Houd de chat in het Engels alstublieft. Por favor, fale em inglês no chat. Vänligen tala engelska. Per favore parlare inglese in chat. [00:57:22] MajesticFvckingEagle: “but” KEKW [00:57:23] Amoyamoyamoya: English only in Chat please. Lütfen sohbette İngilizce konuşun. Vær så venlig at tale Engelsk. Prosím mluvte v chatu anglicky. Пожалуйста, говорите по-английски. الرجاء التحدث باللغه الانجليزيه فقط. لطفا توی چت انگلیسی صحبت کنین 請說英文 채팅창에선 영어만 써주세요 チャットで英語を話してください。Anglicus in chat placet. [00:57:24] FirstFireKeeper: @dmx908 nope, your probably pointing at the starvation numbers, but capitalism is way worse [00:57:25] XENOMAN5: @atvaldor he’s been on a Philosophy Tube vid and they are friends. Look up the altruism vid [00:57:25] jade_lunaire: BASED [00:57:27] katrinalynn_k: f1nnChair f1nnEgg f1nnPegChamp TransgenderPride [00:57:29] OmsX8O: cakejuEgg cakejuEgg cakejuEgg cakejuEgg cakejuEgg [00:57:30] ArminGux: pyro is out today? [00:57:31] lordgtafbi: sounds about right LUL [00:57:32] kaay_denny: Bahahshhs [00:57:35] Amoyamoyamoya: Isn't Pyro just trying to get a bag? [00:57:39] VentoliN013: Have you always been this good at doing your makeup? [00:57:41] radiantcamillatv: Hi tysm for making my day better I have had an awful day [00:57:42] gay_femboy: Goddam stop posting porn on twitter [00:57:45] ScarsUnseen: egg [00:57:46] johnkeiwo: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:57:46] braddle172: f1nnEgg [00:57:47] EldritchElucidator: omg [00:57:47] Jens_LN: KEKW [00:57:47] Y0rk5h1r3: He was honest [00:57:48] Falqun: massive egg [00:57:48] melon_malefactor: egg [00:57:49] bigbingman: egg [00:57:50] SeriousMental: THAT LOOK LUL [00:57:50] RynFromK2L: It's only a matter of time... [00:57:50] a_rocky_penguin: egg [00:57:51] AmazingAspie: :D [00:57:51] moonitoons: egg [00:57:52] scarlettyg: Dark temptation? [00:57:52] Vanimal2118: Pipeline? [00:57:52] RonnieSxl: hmmmm [00:57:53] LeVideNoirAstral: egg [00:57:53] GreedyGrimer: egg [00:57:53] furifixus: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:57:53] xx_bex_becca_xx: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:57:53] Fred_the_Seagull: he jinxed it [00:57:53] Helen_Croft: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:57:53] noi4321: gge [00:57:53] catlove518: Egg [00:57:53] YumeNoZen: Uhhhhh.. [00:57:54] dysfunctionaldomo: Egg [00:57:54] Embers_Falling: egg [00:57:54] lampshaderie: 🥚🐣🍳🥚🐣🍳 [00:57:54] DarthDerpy_: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:57:54] moonitoons: :333333 [00:57:54] electric_cicada: egg [00:57:55] jade_lunaire: EGG [00:57:55] johnkeiwo: FIN NO [00:57:56] MajesticFvckingEagle: HMMMMMM [00:57:56] gitrektitrekt: Actual egg [00:57:56] Silraa: He can keep the voice. [00:57:56] c__r__j: "I'll be honest" - not something honest people say. [00:57:57] adamjunkpup: egg [00:57:57] bearpaw1970: Pipeline baby [00:57:57] charlottelotved: eggies [00:57:57] simba_ironside: egg [00:57:57] noi4321: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [00:57:58] ATValdor: lul [00:57:58] Jens_LN: The F1nn5ter-Pipeline !!! KEKW [00:57:58] MirahImage: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:57:58] SnabbKassa: wait 18 months and see [00:57:59] Total_Acidity: f1nnEgg [00:57:59] muddymudkip15: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:57:59] ArminGux: egg moment [00:57:59] catlove518: Gutatama [00:57:59] GuitarGirlTS9: tick tock tick tock tick tock [00:58:00] johnkeiwo: don't say it KEKW [00:58:00] SonicXVe: isnt that literally what f1nn went through [00:58:00] karojhe: Eeeeggggg! [00:58:00] dangerousruben: be wary of the pipeline [00:58:01] Elizabeth8626: I bet 1 year [00:58:01] hopalongtommy: The look said it all [00:58:01] ScarsUnseen: the tides have turned [00:58:01] 1WhoBeans: giga egg behavior [00:58:01] HardyOrange: you've literally said that line before [00:58:02] pianoismyforte_: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:58:02] Royal_Bean3: 2 years [00:58:02] aporcelaingirl: @Jens_LN in Finland we had to take Swedish but I just don't remember much of it, and it was only in primary school [00:58:02] XENOMAN5: Eggggggggggggggg [00:58:02] SeriousTTV: KEKW [00:58:02] MirahImage: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:58:03] Cyprohep: wew weeeeeeeeee [00:58:03] QuickestJadeTheDoge: EGGGG [00:58:03] karateboy_from_belair: PowerUpL EntropyWins PowerUpR [00:58:03] Raddog315: oh no, he jinked himslef [00:58:03] RasputinofThrace: He is about to fall into the rabbit hole... Let's make 3 years [00:58:04] SoftWorxBC: Very sus... LOL [00:58:05] JinxyKittyVT: KEKW [00:58:05] alexx_net: f1nnEgg 100% [00:58:05] zebrabbl396: Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 [00:58:05] moonitoons: :***:3:3:3:3 [00:58:05] kapumon: it’s a start lol [00:58:05] realtalkchannel: @alexx_net I found I can essentially still just listen to stuff while playing games and then pass a test. I aced the parts of my last American study test I thought I would fail and wrote the professor for extra help but then learned I got full points in his part. [00:58:05] sarahvega404: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:58:06] lordgtafbi: LUL [00:58:06] unovaismyregion: 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚 [00:58:06] fishcatcher03: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:58:07] MirahImage: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:58:09] oliviazbored: the egg accuse becomes the egg accuser [00:58:09] ciernaruza: bet [00:58:09] Loelinverse: Meta moment [00:58:11] Jpg_b: DAMN HAHAHAHAHHA [00:58:12] cookieeater212: thats an entire uncooked omelette meal for 6 [00:58:13] Kaymon81: we know ^^ [00:58:13] EldritchElucidator: i dont like calling people eggs but holy shit [00:58:13] comrade_asg: I don't like egg jokes, other people's genders is not a fun game to poke with [00:58:13] GreedyGrimer: KomodoHype [00:58:14] bearpaw1970: LMAO [00:58:15] electric_cicada: egg egg egg egg [00:58:15] kapumon: sounds familiar lol [00:58:17] Lucianthelord: Such an eggy boy [00:58:18] ScarsUnseen: this is some Matrix shit [00:58:19] 57ranma: it’s too late for Pyro [00:58:19] ArminGux: sounds like you 6 months ago [00:58:20] lampshaderie: egg tu, brute? [00:58:21] Jadeine: hey i said that too [00:58:24] RynFromK2L: Hey! Egg recognizes egg. [00:58:24] XavienTC: hes on the path, its gonna happen [00:58:24] kapumon: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:58:25] peanutbudder445_: Does everyone not love how they look as a woman [00:58:27] Helen_Croft: !egg [00:58:27] f3mmbot: Remember to not violate the Egg Prime Directive: Don't tell others if they are trans or not. Let them figure it out for themselves. [00:58:29] godof2existence: egg [00:58:29] Total_Acidity: You DID say that [00:58:31] realtalkchannel: @RasputinofThrace Yes [00:58:31] seasonal_sophie: The F1NN5TER pipeline!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [00:58:32] johnkeiwo: if the temptation is there .... I just wanna say ... kinda eggy [00:58:32] guybrushwoodthreep: you said way more than that [00:58:33] mystchevious1: So are you going to pay for "his eyelashes? lol [00:58:34] Cytox__: did you see the lowest percent video on mario Odyssey minimum captures%? [00:58:34] Loelinverse: WHERES THE CLIP [00:58:36] PynkFryck: yet [00:58:36] zebrabbl396: Famous last words [00:58:37] Loelinverse: THERES A CLIP [00:58:40] johnkeiwo: BUT [00:58:40] ScarsUnseen: ....yet [00:58:41] SonicXVe: respect [00:58:42] bearpaw1970: Pipeline Cannon [00:58:44] Wanesty: KEKW calling it a temptation is very eggy [00:58:45] dangerousruben: Butt [00:58:45] YumeNoZen: For now [00:58:47] Raddog315: You also didn't think you were..... [00:58:47] catlove518: Eggggggggg [00:58:49] katrinalynn_k: f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg f1nnEgg [00:58:49] pussinagown: You didn't either in the beginning [00:58:50] Helen_Croft: Clip it [00:58:51] scottynp: scottynp subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! [00:58:51] f3mmbot: scottynp subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:58:51] AvaLiversidge: you know how your chat felt for years [00:58:51] CowbeeTheybop: BUT [00:58:52] ArminGux: pyro is def eggy [00:58:52] princ3ssp3ach90: That's what you said [00:58:52] RynFromK2L: "Still cis tho" until proven egg. [00:58:53] sunnyandsmiling: Tip for a higher voice: start with Tweezers in your front pocket.... start pulling, lol [00:58:53] soggyvector: he should dress up more frfr [00:58:55] moontheca: You should start throwing money at him like 10 did to you [00:58:56] Jpg_b: Let's give it two years ?) [00:58:59] SoftWorxBC: Just let him cook, it will crack [00:58:59] Lucianthelord: He is an egg waiting to crack [00:59:00] gay_femboy: Do you ever sleep [00:59:01] noi4321: CLIP [00:59:02] MirahImage: Temptation is big f1nnEgg vibes [00:59:04] Cyprohep: KEKW [00:59:09] Srcsqwrn: Finn being based [00:59:09] SonicXVe: sus [00:59:09] bigbingman: the minecraft youtuber -> femboy -> fem pipeline is insane [00:59:11] c__r__j: CLIP CLIP CLIP "If he ever sees this" [00:59:11] sarahvega404: When the egg has cracked you can spot the younglings [00:59:13] minzecraft: f1nn making eggusations [00:59:13] UnicornReacharound: boop [00:59:14] bigsuave7: lol [00:59:14] alexx_net: Pyro is "still cis tho" f1nnLaff [00:59:17] aporcelaingirl: l'ouef accuse! An egg waiting to quack [00:59:20] stephsbigdrifts: BOP [00:59:22] hopalongtommy: To paraphrase what Greg Proops says "I'm not trans and I make no case for it" [00:59:23] XENOMAN5: Boil that egg!! [00:59:23] charlottelotved: can you turn up the mic. need to hear you better shorkShyjj [00:59:25] Helen_Croft: r/egg_irl [00:59:27] catlove518: 10 years after you come out looking back to remember the lesbian who said she was "pre ordering" be like [00:59:30] kapumon: Denial is first step in the F1NN5TER pipeline f1nnEgg [00:59:31] Y0rk5h1r3: There's only two options for male MC YouTubers and female is the better option. [00:59:34] radiantcamillatv: Hii [00:59:36] bearpaw1970: F1NN' buildings the pipeline cannons [00:59:39] Goobenshmertz: Goobenshmertz subscribed with Prime. [00:59:39] very_trustworthy: Men???🤨🤨🤨 [00:59:39] f3mmbot: goobenshmertz subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang goobenshmertz f1nnLezgang [00:59:40] sleeps_gg: 'its a hobby' ok sure 'its a temptation' HMM [00:59:41] SonicXVe: into what [00:59:44] enbyvee: Minecraft? [00:59:48] ronin_5463: Minecraft bro... [00:59:48] Lucianthelord: @helen_croft hush we dont talk about our secret reddit shame [00:59:49] Jadeine: modded minecraft [00:59:50] ArminGux: isn’t pyro the one who put the limit at 7 before gay too? [00:59:51] BlaireBearStare: Minecraft? [00:59:51] johnkeiwo: i mean, pyro has been called a lesbian for years at this point, wouldn't be a problem [00:59:51] brendabrownstain0: minecraft [00:59:52] looeesz: Factorio mentioned [00:59:52] oliviazbored: minecraft [00:59:55] jade_lunaire: PATHOLOGIC 2 [01:00:01] peanutbudder445_: Do you have insomnia [01:00:01] QuickestJadeTheDoge: Minecraft af [01:00:03] Cytox__: minecraft [01:00:03] mg42_: tfw playing factorio right now [01:00:04] ReiniYamato: With Autism? 🤔 Stardew Valley :P [01:00:06] PynkFryck: I have a 290 hour factorio world (: [01:00:06] MangledPork: THAT WAS ME LMAO [01:00:07] iridaceaeIris69: and she wifed you [01:00:09] XENOMAN5: Minecraft?? [01:00:11] Jadeine: me an autism playing minecraft right now [01:00:23] Lucianthelord: @mangledpork legend [01:00:24] darelissq: hi girl [01:00:29] charlottelotved: shorkNice [01:00:31] c__r__j: Have you been following their blog about Factorio 2.0 development, @F1NN5TER ? Looking good! [01:00:35] ArminGux: kekw [01:00:44] SnabbKassa: @darelissq yes but also no [01:00:47] Jens_LN: "I showed you mine, now shoe me yours" ???? [01:00:49] Helen_Croft: I like trains? [01:00:51] lampshaderie: trainsgendered [01:00:53] mg42_: SPACE AGE EXPANSION [01:00:54] charlottelotved: charlottelotved subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [01:00:54] f3mmbot: charlottelotved subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:00:55] tabaccaio61: Foot in mouth how much money do you want? [01:00:55] saint_r: dosh? [01:00:56] looeesz: SPACE [01:01:00] c__r__j: https://www.factorio.com/blog/ [01:01:03] noi4321: Im trains [01:01:03] GazTheCLown8: test [01:01:04] ArminGux: of course you watched trains [01:01:04] karojhe: Cool update coming! [01:01:04] VentoliN013: You play MK1 finn? [01:01:04] SonicXVe: that was posted publicly lol [01:01:05] peanutbudder445_: Traingender? [01:01:07] realtalkchannel: I feel like half the chat (including myself) are AudiHD Minecraft players and I love it. [01:01:09] Furrfan47: what [01:01:10] rhudezooka: Wait are we talking about dosh? [01:01:11] bigsuave7: awesome [01:01:12] Y0rk5h1r3: KSP? [01:01:15] c__r__j: Yeah, Earendil works at Wube now. [01:01:16] alexx_net: Likes trains and factorio ? "Tell me you have the 'tism without telling me" [01:01:19] bigsuave7: D: [01:01:19] bearpaw1970: That is awesome [01:01:20] johnkeiwo: adcvrSHOOK adcvrSHOOK [01:01:20] Wanesty: D: [01:01:22] ScarsUnseen: i play MK1 frequently :) [01:01:22] speckkatze: its not a new game but a new expansion DLC thing thats adds as much content as a new game [01:01:22] brendabrownstain0: I thought the stream froze omg [01:01:24] moonitoons: :0 [01:01:25] bigbingman: imagine someone who was a f1nn fan back in 2017 now wondering what f1nn is up to these days and checks out your strean [01:01:25] peanutbudder445_: "I hate trains" [01:01:26] noi4321: how dare you [01:01:27] Helen_Croft: D: [01:01:28] ebic_dev: they made trains better for 2.0 [01:01:28] Y0rk5h1r3: But love trains in real life? [01:01:28] c__r__j: They've been doing weekly teasers all year. [01:01:28] Kaymon81: you hate trans?...trains? [01:01:28] breezy_sparrow: Space Exploration mod [01:01:30] noi4321: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [01:01:31] LittleChaSiu: okay, just in Factorio at least LUL [01:01:31] thefelinedeity: knenHi [01:01:33] karojhe: They're effective though [01:01:34] pianoismyforte_: D: [01:01:35] johnkeiwo: someone autistic who doesn't like trains feels like a treason [01:01:35] Raddog315: F1nn is trainsphobic [01:01:36] ronin_5463: I'm not crazy abt them either tbh [01:01:36] MangledPork: I was Factorio shirt guy @F1NN5TER LUL [01:01:36] mr_goope: Trains are good if you use the LTN mod [01:01:37] xl0opx: I olay factorio for the trains LUL [01:01:37] Jpg_b: is factorio worth it? the developers made it so it's 20k in my country :/ [01:01:40] saint_r: they are easy [01:01:41] Embers_Falling: @Y0rk5h1r3 ksp is my autistic game [01:01:43] PynkFryck: Just spam 130k robots instead [01:01:43] alexx_net: F1nn is trainsphobic! f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [01:01:43] braddle172: f1nnCancelled [01:01:43] knickknachs: How come you never play it on stream??? [01:01:43] Lucianthelord: Trains gender hehe [01:01:43] Amoyamoyamoya: I think F1nn meant to say "trans" not "trains" [01:01:44] ArminGux: aren’t trains important in redstone [01:01:44] SnabbKassa: railfans [01:01:45] SonicXVe: D: [01:01:45] johnkeiwo: i knew it ! [01:01:45] HexGrrrrl: actualjakeTranTrain actualjakeTrain [01:01:45] all_is_dustt: why are trains an autism thing though? [01:01:46] realtalkchannel: Glacticraft? [01:01:48] catlove518: When you come out and "The Transcontinental Railroad" hits different [01:01:48] ScarsUnseen: do you hate conductors??? [01:01:49] Wanesty: D: 󠀀 [01:01:49] Helen_Croft: unsub [01:01:50] bigbingman: "I hate trains people" - F1nn 2024 [01:01:51] noi4321: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [01:01:51] KwartaPanduh: oh shit what we got going on today? [01:01:52] JinxyKittyVT: D: [01:01:53] smart_donkey: Train people like conductors [01:01:53] comrade_asg: clip this [01:01:53] Cytox__: do a factorio stream [01:01:55] mr_goope: Factorial is so worth it if that’s the sort of game that you like to play [01:01:56] bigsuave7: lol [01:01:56] peanutbudder445_: The "i like trains" kid is your biggest enemy [01:01:56] Melody_Silverpaw: raysThump [01:02:00] debdrup: chasiu being attacked [01:02:00] alexx_net: @knickknachs he sad "it's dull to stream" [01:02:01] gay_femboy: Cucumbernimbus [01:02:01] lampshaderie: "trans people, they confuse me" - f1nn [01:02:01] charlottelotved: you hate?? f1nnSideeye [01:02:02] Wanesty: e [01:02:03] Jens_LN: He CHEATS ! [01:02:03] brendabrownstain0: trainsphobic [01:02:03] LittleChaSiu: (it's the estrogen) [01:02:04] hawtlava1: I just watched ashley’s video on signs you might be trans and idk if I should be relieved or scared that it was so accurate [01:02:05] karojhe: You have to plan around trains, a bit of a pain [01:02:05] blackcat11111111: but they are so efficiant !!! [01:02:06] SnabbKassa: pantographs, bogeys... [01:02:06] mightytomato2: but trains [01:02:08] oliviazbored: reminds me of the one rupaul tweet when he said trans rights with a train flag [01:02:08] mg42_: i'm not one of those trains people but. multi-level rail crossings in the expansion. bruh [01:02:08] catlove518: Good questionnnnn [01:02:10] HardyOrange: how old were the clips???? [01:02:12] Y0rk5h1r3: Starvation? [01:02:12] LittleChaSiu: (it's the estrogen) [01:02:13] LittleChaSiu: (it's the estrogen) [01:02:13] LittleChaSiu: (it's the estrogen) [01:02:13] LittleChaSiu: (it's the estrogen) [01:02:13] LittleChaSiu: (it's the estrogen) [01:02:13] LittleChaSiu: (it's the estrogen) [01:02:13] YumeNoZen: @littlechasiu It was a good run. [01:02:15] AmazingAspie: young [01:02:15] Cyprohep: SAY T [01:02:16] gitrektitrekt: "I hate trains people" Fin 2024 [01:02:17] ArminGux: femboy kible [01:02:18] braddle172: It's the kibble [01:02:19] Kolateak_: He hates trains? Damn, well he CAN'T be autistic then [01:02:20] EldritchElucidator: i like trains D: [01:02:21] HardyOrange: you haven't eaten on stream in ages [01:02:22] catlove518: Estrogen [01:02:23] VentoliN013: @scarsunseen MK1 really needs quality of life improvements and it would be so much better [01:02:23] ScarsUnseen: Train Exclusionary Radical Feminist [01:02:25] peanutbudder445_: You always sound insane [01:02:25] XENOMAN5: I can spot trains people easily. [01:02:26] MajesticFvckingEagle: my streamer is a trainsphobe [01:02:26] Amoyamoyamoya: @LittleChaSiu, PLEASE DON'T SPAM IN CHAT [01:02:28] charlottelotved: f1nnStare hate? [01:02:30] CoolGeekPerson: CoolGeekPerson subscribed at Tier 1. [01:02:30] maddog5005085: trans women are such a vibe [01:02:30] f3mmbot: coolgeekperson subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang coolgeekperson f1nnLezgang [01:02:30] mystchevious1: Finn won't eat all day then eat trash. [01:02:31] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: food [01:02:34] claydress: Hey, F1nn, who was that friend of your's who stole a train. I've been looking for their YT [01:02:35] NecroPhyre: I've lost weight on E xD [01:02:37] zebrabbl396: TwitchUnity [01:02:37] johnkeiwo: the cheat day [01:02:39] ScarsUnseen: @VentoliN013 agreed, but it's waaaay better than MK11! [01:02:39] eine_baum: is factorio like satisfactory in 2d? [01:02:41] solen_shiner: there was this cool lecture at a functionla programming event that argued that factorio is a functional programming language lol [01:02:43] professional_baguette: PMS be like [01:02:46] ProfaneCreation: ProfaneCreation subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! I am just here to take space and be mute. f1nnCowjam P.S. Also give me fully automated luxury gay space communism or give me death! [01:02:46] f3mmbot: profanecreation subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:02:48] PynkFryck: just tism things [01:02:50] Y0rk5h1r3: Stop the cap [01:02:52] thefitcheck: froganSlay froganSlay froganSlay froganDRAMA froganDRAMA froganDRAMA [01:02:54] RonnieSxl: NotLikeThis [01:02:55] ArminGux: cheat day [01:02:56] alexx_net: @Kolateak_ no he probably has the ADHD (but we don't "diagnose" people online.) [01:02:57] axing_: relatable [01:02:57] johnkeiwo: eww [01:03:00] XENOMAN5: Cheat day? [01:03:00] BlaireBearStare: What is your usual diet? [01:03:01] Cyprohep: KEKW [01:03:02] sarahvega404: E makes fat go to nicer places [01:03:04] gay_femboy: If you're poor just buy more money😂 [01:03:04] kaay_denny: Damn [01:03:05] alexx_net: @eine_baum, yes [01:03:06] ArminGux: wtf [01:03:08] ebic_dev: i threw up to dominoes a few weeks ago too [01:03:09] ArminGux: ewwww [01:03:09] Nova_Prime_69: more room for pizza [01:03:10] charlottelotved: Finn said ''i hate trans women'' and started talking about food [01:03:10] Loelinverse: wait what? [01:03:12] Y0rk5h1r3: F1nn is Femboy Fois Gras? [01:03:13] moonitoons: Gosh Golly [01:03:15] peanutbudder445_: Probably because they are wood [01:03:15] Elindalyne: gremlin eating habits [01:03:17] SeriousMental: jesus [01:03:18] Trixx1985: dominos has that effect on people NODDERS [01:03:19] noi4321: did you die? [01:03:19] dfenderoftheuniverse: f1nn is on the butterfield diet plan [01:03:19] KwartaPanduh: still vip big W's [01:03:20] ArminGux: girl you need self control [01:03:22] kapumon: all the grease [01:03:22] amyoneelse: a bit of throw up, as a treat [01:03:27] buberducky_: i have the same thing [01:03:27] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: the trans pipeline [01:03:28] DIBZ1977_: DIBZ1977_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! Yippie [01:03:29] brendabrownstain0: that’s healthy advice [01:03:29] f3mmbot: dibz1977_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU [01:03:29] johnkeiwo: so eyeliner ? :) [01:03:29] johnkeiwo: so eyeliner ? :) [01:03:33] VentoliN013: @scarsunseen yes, but the combo system in 11, X and 9 was better in my opinion. [01:03:35] ronin_5463: You go for the veggie supreme? [01:03:36] Jens_LN: @charlottelotved "Trains People" ... not "trans people" KEKW [01:03:36] timedbot: did alcohol play a part? [01:03:38] KwartaPanduh: forever man [01:03:40] charo_charito: ngl it sounds pretty worrying :( [01:03:40] oliviazbored: guyliner? [01:03:42] Helen_Croft: yes [01:03:42] KaiserinMaddie: morning sickness, he’s pregnant [01:03:42] unovaismyregion: bulimic? [01:03:43] axing_: yes :) [01:03:44] handscombchris: how can you be sick of piza there's soo many types for variation [01:03:45] gay_femboy: Tf are fembucks? [01:03:46] bigsuave7: yesssssss [01:03:46] Embers_Falling: yes [01:03:47] johnkeiwo: yes [01:03:47] HexGrrrrl: Eyeliner [01:03:48] Alkno_93: yes [01:03:48] karateboy_from_belair: TwitchUnity BisexualPride GenderFluidPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride [01:03:49] azath0th777: YES EYELINER [01:03:51] alexx_net: Rose Bulimia nervosa arc? [01:03:51] ArminGux: yup [01:03:52] noi4321: THERES A SPIDER [01:03:52] johnkeiwo: give in to the guyliner ! [01:03:52] bigsuave7: Guyliner W [01:03:53] ScarsUnseen: @VentoliN013 i'm a very well-known Cyrax player from MKX. I loved those combos haha. [01:03:53] chrismightbe: CRUNCHWRAP? [01:03:54] airconditionerbrrr: bi-liner [01:03:54] ArminGux: both [01:03:54] BeboRaylordOwO: eyeliner [01:03:59] axing_: sounds good, do it [01:03:59] johnkeiwo: perfect :) [01:03:59] azath0th777: Even better [01:04:00] Jens_LN: DO IT ! [01:04:00] sarahvega404: Eyeliner [01:04:00] Helen_Croft: also tell us how to make femboykibble @F1NN5TER [01:04:00] Y0rk5h1r3: Can't believe F1nn hates trains people [01:04:01] Loelinverse: crunchwrap suprmeem, [01:04:02] Amoyamoyamoya: To be fair... [01:04:03] smart_donkey: Cooking stream [01:04:03] daemon2988: No time for eyeliner. [01:04:04] RushianVein: Do it [01:04:04] R4T_ttv: dooo iiittt [01:04:04] dangerousruben: well [01:04:05] axing_: DO IT [01:04:05] Embers_Falling: 1 in chat for eyeliner [01:04:06] karojhe: When don't you? [01:04:07] braddle172: Damn [01:04:08] Jpg_b: gayliner more like [01:04:08] ArminGux: crunch wrap eyeliner [01:04:09] charo_charito: 1 [01:04:09] Vanimal2118: More than usual? [01:04:09] MajesticFvckingEagle: bi-liner [01:04:10] melodyrainxx: Cute finn [01:04:11] hiluuu: do you actually exclusively eat femboy kibble [01:04:11] Stovamor: so, as per normal? [01:04:11] peanutbudder445_: You always look like an idiot so it doesn't matter [01:04:11] boom_and_alpha_yt: keep going [01:04:12] daemon2988: Get dressed! Lol. [01:04:13] Srcsqwrn: Do some realy basic eyeliner [01:04:13] adamjunkpup: 1 [01:04:14] elo_ween: GUYLINER [01:04:14] Lucianthelord: Can we talk about hrt effects? [01:04:14] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: EYELINER [01:04:14] sunnyandsmiling: You don't have to do one big solid line with eyeliner. go slow and steady [01:04:15] sarahvega404: A sexy idiot [01:04:15] RushianVein: To bad [01:04:16] Emmy64_: You done?!?! [01:04:16] axing_: D: [01:04:16] Jadeine: boooo [01:04:18] Emmy64_: YESSSS [01:04:18] Furrfan47: yay [01:04:19] xkickflip69x: i got my gamersupps cup yesterday 🙌 its so cute i love it [01:04:20] lilithwintour: 18 nibs till my gamba pays off [01:04:20] NachosMB: Eyeliner yes please and thank you [01:04:21] gayboyhalo556: Hiiii f1nn I absolutely love you [01:04:21] axing_: booo [01:04:22] Y0rk5h1r3: Eye Liner [01:04:22] all_is_dustt: F1nn why is your nose so cute [01:04:24] melodyrainxx: 🩷✨ [01:04:25] HexGrrrrl: He's so hot [01:04:25] MajesticFvckingEagle: dress? [01:04:26] aced_asher: YEAAAAA [01:04:26] Emmy64_: Points please TriHard [01:04:27] nichecelebrity: nichecelebrity subscribed with Prime. [01:04:27] f3mmbot: nichecelebrity subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang nichecelebrity f1nnLezgang [01:04:28] oliviazbored: dont do wings if you have low expectations [01:04:30] BeboRaylordOwO: eyes, line them [01:04:31] Furrfan47: no [01:04:31] mario8889: femboy kibble? [01:04:32] snowwynai: You could do like Amanda Palmer, shave your eyebrows and draw them back on. [01:04:34] Melody_Silverpaw: the guys call it guyliner in high school theatre to reassure themselves of their masculinity lmvooo [01:04:39] SonicXVe: "makeup is done" immediately pulls out more makeup [01:04:39] mystchevious1: Lipstick? It's been a while. [01:04:41] Bulldog85043: Bulldog85043 subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 46 months, currently on a 46 month streak! joining from work since our db crashed f1nnLaff [01:04:41] f3mmbot: bulldog85043 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 46 months at Tier 2! PogU [01:04:43] AustraLeah: Role model Finn honestly [01:04:43] QuickestJadeTheDoge: Fun fact: I dressed up as an E-Girl in 2021 for Halloween because of you and it was also the first time I ever cross dressed [01:04:45] catlove518: Very dom [01:04:46] professional_baguette: bro you look good, what are you talking about? [01:04:46] axing_: no, thanks [01:04:47] Wanesty: KEKW ??? [01:04:47] Valezifer: you already do [01:04:48] Srcsqwrn: LUL [01:04:49] AmazingAspie: f1nn will never look dom [01:04:49] Jens_LN: Submissive and Breedable ! [01:04:50] HexGrrrrl: LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride [01:04:51] dmx908: When ate you going to try eating real meat [01:04:52] catlove518: Yes mommy [01:04:52] scarlettyg: OMEGALUL MEGALUL [01:04:53] Jpg_b: sometimes simplicity is better tho so it's fine [01:04:55] charo_charito: i need finn to do a middle part with like sabrina carpenter fringe, i would just die [01:04:56] peanutbudder445_: Is f1nn a dommy mommy?? [01:04:56] suspiciouscoffeeman: why'd u sound canadian [01:04:56] gayboyhalo556: f1nnBingbong [01:04:57] moonitoons: on my knees [01:04:57] GenieGirl: I heard coffee color was in for Nails this year. [01:04:57] lampshaderie: can't dom on Twitch, they only let u sub [01:04:57] Collarito: Collarito subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months! 3 years, imagine coming out as trans/ genderfluid and bisexual, yet the most shocking thing is that you are finally moving out [01:04:58] f3mmbot: collarito subscribed to f1nn5ter for 36 months using Prime! PogU [01:04:59] johnkeiwo: PogU [01:04:59] Emmy64_: He said it, makeup is done PogChamp [01:05:00] Faaaack_: Much Dom [01:05:02] Helen_Croft: you dont want to be called dom in Dutch KEKW [01:05:02] VentoliN013: @scarsunseen nice, I'm a really good Scorpion and Mileena player. 🐉 [01:05:02] Raddog315: I have realized F1nn isn't a vegetarian, he's his own separate thing. Like a Fake-meat-aterian [01:05:03] Jadeine: sorry i dont take instructions from subs [01:05:03] alexx_net: @QuickestJadeTheDoge Probably not the last? [01:05:03] hiluuu: yeah dom as in domesticated [01:05:06] mystchevious1: Go for it. [01:05:07] gay_femboy: The most slutty [01:05:07] Embers_Falling: ye [01:05:09] Lucianthelord: Ok clip it for the audio chat [01:05:09] xkickflip69x: i love ur gamersupps cup 😭😭🫶🫶🫶😭 [01:05:09] daemon2988: Outfit go! [01:05:12] konovios: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:05:12] noi4321: 15 [01:05:13] Emmy64_: 20 minutes [01:05:13] Jens_LN: there's time [01:05:13] ArminGux: sure [01:05:14] professional_baguette: 15 [01:05:15] stephsbigdrifts: 15 [01:05:17] MajesticFvckingEagle: don’t worrry about it [01:05:17] ScarsUnseen: @VentoliN013 nice. :) [01:05:17] catlove518: 15 min [01:05:18] albertin101: albertin101 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! f1nn love yaa [01:05:18] idesofjuno: 16 min [01:05:18] f3mmbot: albertin101 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:05:19] gay_femboy: Lol [01:05:19] melodyrainxx: Fishnets and stilettos [01:05:19] Emmy64_: 15 [01:05:20] daemon2988: 15 [01:05:20] kapumon: dom as in domesticated [01:05:20] im_up_to_something: 15 [01:05:21] Wanesty: KEKW [01:05:21] XENOMAN5: 🐰 outfit today since you missed Easter? [01:05:21] XavienTC: tick tock [01:05:22] boom_and_alpha_yt: confirm with makeup my fembucks depend on it [01:05:22] RushianVein: How do I donate [01:05:22] brendabrownstain0: I’d watch a f1nn follow a makeup tutorial one time it’d be interesting [01:05:23] EternalLucia: 15 [01:05:23] Emmy64_: 15!!!! [01:05:23] Furrfan47: 17 [01:05:24] aced_asher: 15 [01:05:26] Stovamor: KappaInfinite 17 minutes @F1NN5TER [01:05:27] Stovamor: KappaInfinite 17 minutes @F1NN5TER [01:05:27] Stovamor: KappaInfinite 17 minutes @F1NN5TER [01:05:28] papanonfrancesco: 15 [01:05:28] ronin_5463: Go Go Go!!! [01:05:29] Furrfan47: NOOOOO [01:05:30] R4T_ttv: D: [01:05:31] Blu_Spy_: Flip a coin [01:05:33] bearpaw1970: Lmao [01:05:34] braddle172: f1nnChair [01:05:34] initialllyzen: Finally gor your Gamersupps cup and I'm in love with it [01:05:35] Mikey2207: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:05:36] gay_femboy: Noooooooo [01:05:36] gayboyhalo556: f1nnBingbong [01:05:37] VentoliN013: Finn needs to play some MK [01:05:39] XavienTC: perfect song [01:05:39] davidiusfarrenius: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:05:39] johnkeiwo: brbr chat [01:05:40] ghost_inna_jarr: No finn pls [01:05:40] jwb1124: pog [01:05:42] zebrabbl396: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:05:42] nikama6: viridySus viridySus viridySus viridySus viridySus viridySus viridySus [01:05:42] all_is_dustt: ctvaBonk ctvaBonk ctvaBonk ctvaBonk ctvaBonk [01:05:43] AustraLeah: AYOOO [01:05:43] davidiusfarrenius: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:05:44] RonnieSxl: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:05:45] FirstFireKeeper: sans monkaS [01:05:45] catlove518: WE WONNN lmao [01:05:45] professional_baguette: everyone says 15, he says 20 lol [01:05:45] rootuz: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:05:47] axing_: chair content chair content chair content chair content chair content chair content chair content chair content chair content chair content [01:05:47] eine_baum: @hiluuu 💀💀 [01:05:47] imnotvirgin_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:05:48] gay_femboy: BibleThump [01:05:48] chrismightbe: Chair time? [01:05:49] sarathearcher1: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:05:49] Bussy_monster: hii how are yall today [01:05:49] Jingiz_wow: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:05:49] kapumon: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:05:49] Stovamor: Dancing is mandatory! [01:05:50] reyalp4563: W [01:05:50] electric_cicada: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:05:50] Lucianthelord: Ahhh!! The pain!! [01:05:51] Embers_Falling: CHAIR STREAM [01:05:51] QuickestJadeTheDoge: @alexx_net Real although I wouldn't consider i cross dressing anymore lol [01:05:52] midireinheart: mswordVibe mswordVibe mswordVibe mswordVibe [01:05:52] Elifighter: yes finn gib me my money [01:05:52] muddymudkip15: f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnHeart f1nnCowjam [01:05:52] Plutoisn: tubboDance tubboDance tubboDance tubboDance tubboDance tubboDance [01:05:53] HexGrrrrl: actualjakePARTY actualjakeDance actualjakePARTY actualjakeDance actualjakePARTY actualjakeDance actualjakePARTY actualjakeDance actualjakePARTY actualjakeDance [01:05:53] JTSmanJ: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:05:53] EternalLucia: gymDance gymDance gymDance gymDance gymDance gymDance gymDance gymDance [01:05:53] AustraLeah: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:05:54] Emmy64_: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:05:54] karateboy_from_belair: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:05:54] kapumon: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:05:55] bearpaw1970: f1nnPet f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed [01:05:55] Vanimal2118: vanima3HOWDY vanima3PINK @f1nn5ter dad [01:05:55] Stovamor: coxJam shyyRave emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE shyyRave coxJam [01:05:56] davidiusfarrenius: PopNemo [01:05:57] gay_femboy: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:05:57] Stovamor: coxJam shyyRave emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE shyyRave coxJam [01:05:57] MajesticFvckingEagle: damn, might be over for the doubters [01:05:58] alexx_net: @VentoliN013 I think that's like handing an alcoholic the bottle [01:05:58] Furrfan47: :( [01:05:59] albertin101: CHAIR STREAAAMMM [01:05:59] XavienTC: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:05:59] naibaby48232: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:00] minfis249: Hello chair how are you doing today? [01:06:00] BlaireBearStare: f1nnTank [01:06:01] SnabbKassa: He still hasn't played the 8bit Aerosmith song [01:06:01] AustraLeah: pearlieOlive pearlieOlive pearlieOlive pearlieOlive [01:06:01] axe1970: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:03] HexGrrrrl: actualjakeDance actualjakePARTY actualjakeDance actualjakePARTY actualjakeDance actualjakePARTY actualjakeDance [01:06:03] AmazingAspie: all hail chair [01:06:03] NachosMB: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:06:03] monday5671: !song [01:06:03] eridani_art: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:04] ersetzbares_crewmitglied: joniBanger joniBanger [01:06:04] f3mmbot: 8bit songs are usually from 8 Bit Universe https://www.youtube.com/c/8BitUniverse/videos [01:06:05] Kolateak_: Sudden megalovania will never not make me laugh [01:06:05] VentoliN013: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:05] aporcelaingirl: Mandatory Fun stream [01:06:06] Stovamor: coxJam shyyRave emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE shyyRave coxJam [01:06:06] Alkno_93: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:06:06] TheWizdomWizard: HeyHeyGuys HeyHeyGuys HeyHeyGuys HeyHeyGuys HeyHeyGuys HeyHeyGuys HeyHeyGuys [01:06:07] idesofjuno: pepeD [01:06:08] tnw543: yourlo57Yay yourlo57Yay yourlo57Yay yourlo57Yay yourlo57Yay [01:06:09] Juliya_999: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:06:09] EternalLucia: dolphinPls dolphinPls dolphinPls dolphinPls dolphinPls dolphinPls dolphinPls dolphinPls dolphinPls [01:06:10] Jpg_b: did i really get sansed IN 2024???? best day ever frfr [01:06:11] XENOMAN5: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:11] all_is_dustt: nanona1LETSGOO f1nnPet f1nnPet nanona1LETSGOO f1nnPet nanona1LETSGOO f1nnPet nanona1LETSGOO [01:06:11] happygirl941: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [01:06:12] axing_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:06:12] ScarsUnseen: @VentoliN013 no one here can beat me in MK lol. although im very rusty in 9 at this point. [01:06:12] Mikey2207: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:06:13] gayboyhalo556: TwitchConHYPE [01:06:13] rootuz: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:06:13] midireinheart: jessra2BlobhajParty jessra2BlobhajPartyRev jessra2BlobhajParty jessra2BlobhajPartyRev [01:06:14] Vanimal2118: f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnPet [01:06:14] suspiciouscoffeeman: arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly [01:06:14] Stovamor: coxJam shyyRave emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE shyyRave coxJam [01:06:14] Raddog315: f1nnCowjam gptvCAT DinoDance [01:06:15] AustraLeah: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:06:15] theoperaghost1800: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:16] HexGrrrrl: hasChair hasChair hasChair hasChair [01:06:17] soggyvector: sans undrtal [01:06:17] kaay_denny: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:06:17] sarahvega404: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:06:17] jade_lunaire: mothDance mothDance mothDance [01:06:18] moonlit__rain: moonlit__rain subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Ayy less [01:06:18] peanutbudder445_: Lechonk [01:06:18] f3mmbot: moonlit__rain subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:06:18] NexusLock: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:19] XENOMAN5: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [01:06:21] FirstFireKeeper: TwitchConHYPE [01:06:21] aestheticbartender: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:21] ersetzbares_crewmitglied: joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger [01:06:22] MRStar2: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:22] reph1x_: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:22] lampshaderie: chair's arms are triple finn's [01:06:23] moonlit__rain: Oop [01:06:23] jcktheripperrs: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [01:06:23] Vanimal2118: jessic273Sendlove jessic273Sendlove jessic273Sendlove jessic273Sendlove [01:06:24] oliviazbored: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:06:24] furifixus: f1nnCowjam f1nnBingbong f1nnCowjam f1nnBingbong [01:06:25] HexGrrrrl: hasChair hasChair hasChair hasChair hasChair hasChair hasChair hasChair [01:06:25] axe1970: anitaJAM anitaJAM anitaJAM anitaJAM anitaJAM anitaJAM [01:06:25] Stovamor: coxJam shyyRave emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE shyyRave coxJam [01:06:26] AustraLeah: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:27] eridani_art: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:27] m4id3nl3ss1: ohneJeepers ohneJeepers ohneJeepers ohneJeepers ohneJeepers ohneJeepers ohneJeepers [01:06:28] catlove518: LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [01:06:29] karateboy_from_belair: PopNemo [01:06:29] im_up_to_something: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ [01:06:29] Dizzzyfoot: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:06:29] MochiFromMars: chonky32Dancie chonky32Dancie chonky32Dancie [01:06:29] suspiciouscoffeeman: arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly [01:06:30] gay_femboy: This chat is a dit with zoomies [01:06:31] happygirl941: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:06:31] eine_baum: @Stovamor ORCA DETECTED [01:06:31] Furrfan47: FallCry [01:06:32] AustraLeah: pearlieNugget pearlieOlive pearlieNugget pearlieOlive pearlieNugget [01:06:32] VentoliN013: @alexx_net what do you mean? Lol [01:06:33] Emmy64_: Im sweating so hard right now [01:06:33] princess_mia03: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:06:33] TheWizdomWizard: PopNemo DinoDance PopNemo DinoDance PopNemo DinoDance PopNemo DinoDance PopNemo DinoDance [01:06:34] peanutbudder445_: Lechonk Lechonk Lechonk [01:06:34] HexGrrrrl: LesbianPride actualjakePARTY actualjakeDance [01:06:35] furifixus: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:06:35] RonnieSxl: GoatEmotey DinoDance TwitchConHYPE PopNemo [01:06:36] XENOMAN5: PopNemo TwitchConHYPE DinoDance PopNemo TwitchConHYPE DinoDance [01:06:37] karateboy_from_belair: PopNemo DinoDance PopNemo DinoDance PopNemo DinoDance [01:06:37] Vanimal2118: vanima3Dancetroopers vanima3Trooperdance vanima3Trooperdance2 vanima3Trooperdance vanima3Dancetroopers vanima3Trooperdance2 vanima3Trooperdance vanima3Dancetroopers vanima3Trooperdance2 [01:06:37] k1llua_official: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [01:06:37] kapumon: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:06:38] Stovamor: coxJam shyyRave emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE shyyRave coxJam [01:06:38] elizabethpearlxo: vicksyFrumpy vicksyFrumpy vicksyFrumpy vicksyFrumpy vicksyFrumpy [01:06:38] naibaby48232: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance PopNemo DinoDance PopNemo TwitchConHYPE PopNemo DinoDance TwitchConHYPE DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:38] midireinheart: jessra2BlobhajPartyLights jessra2BlobhajPartyLightsR jessra2BlobhajPartyLights jessra2BlobhajPartyLightsR [01:06:38] EternalLucia: sinfor5BigSpinny sinfor5BigSpinny sinfor5BigSpinny sinfor5BigSpinny sinfor5BigSpinny sinfor5BigSpinny sinfor5BigSpinny sinfor5BigSpinny sinfor5BigSpinny [01:06:39] initialllyzen: shyyRave shyyRave shyyRave shyyRave [01:06:39] FirstFireKeeper: TwitchConHYPE 󠀀 [01:06:41] Dizzzyfoot: adoreWiggle adoreWiggle adoreWiggle [01:06:41] fer_flowzan: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:41] ersetzbares_crewmitglied: joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger [01:06:41] davidiusfarrenius: femukHeadsway femukHeadsway femukHeadsway [01:06:42] A_Fforrest: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:06:42] dwarfnl12: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:43] smittenpp: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:06:43] hiluuu: f1nnCowjam CowJAM [01:06:45] catlove518: AND THE CROWD GOES WILDDD [01:06:45] HardyOrange: f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam [01:06:45] Vanimal2118: blondi135k blondi135k blondi135k [01:06:45] MochiFromMars: chonky32Conga chonky32Conga chonky32Conga [01:06:46] moonlit__rain: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:06:46] Cri_Tj: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:46] ashrijayde: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:47] HexGrrrrl: LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride [01:06:47] adamjunkpup: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:06:47] RonnieSxl: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 [01:06:48] electric_cicada: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:50] happygirl941: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:06:50] princess_mia03: f1nnPet [01:06:50] davidiusfarrenius: f1nnCowjam [01:06:50] 65cadillacdude: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:51] chopchop344: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:51] Vanimal2118: wiggimHI wiggimHI wiggimHI [01:06:52] midireinheart: jessra2TransIt jessra2TransIt jessra2TransIt jessra2TransIt [01:06:52] gigasmaz: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:53] eine_baum: bigguyW bigguyW bigguyW bigguyW [01:06:53] ich_mag_frettchen: 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ [01:06:54] AustraLeah: ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza [01:06:54] kaay_denny: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:06:55] Hayduke555: execut17CringeFloss execut17CringeFloss execut17CringeFloss execut17CringeFloss execut17CringeFloss execut17CringeFloss execut17CringeFloss execut17CringeFloss execut17CringeFloss execut17CringeFloss execut17CringeFloss execut17CringeFloss [01:06:56] AmazingAspie: Chair is the real dom here...hes princess carried f1nn for years [01:06:58] HexGrrrrl: hasL hasRaid hasL hasRaid hasL hasRaid hasL hasRaid hasL hasRaid hasL [01:06:58] princess_mia03: f1nnRotate f1nnRotate [01:06:58] Elizabeth8626: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam puckBop puckBop [01:06:58] looeesz: daresiWiggle daresiWiggle daresiWiggle daresiWiggle [01:06:58] axe1970: sgreyDJ sgreyDJ sgreyDJ sgreyDJ sgreyDJ [01:07:00] Furrfan47: 🐺 [01:07:00] sarahvega404: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:07:02] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: Hello chair [01:07:02] Stovamor: emiruVIBE esfandPls shyyRave stovamJam coxJam stovamJam coxJam stovamJam coxJam shyyRave esfandPls emiruVIBE [01:07:02] aestheticbartender: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:07:04] ich_mag_frettchen: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:07:05] Srcsqwrn: IS Finn getting two outfits? [01:07:05] suspiciouscoffeeman: arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly [01:07:05] Vanimal2118: femukMegaAngry femukHeadsway femukMegaAngry femukHeadsway femukMegaAngry femukHeadsway femukMegaAngry femukHeadsway [01:07:06] ersetzbares_crewmitglied: joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger [01:07:07] HexGrrrrl: hasChair hasChair hasChair hasChair hasChair hasChair hasChair [01:07:08] ich_mag_frettchen: LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [01:07:09] Juliya_999: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:07:09] alexx_net: @VentoliN013, F1nn used to do Minecraft professionally [01:07:09] rootuz: f1nnCowjam f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 f1nnCowjam [01:07:09] moonlit__rain: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:07:10] XENOMAN5: Chair stream is best stream!! [01:07:11] furifixus: DinoDance DinoDance TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam DinoDance DinoDance TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:07:11] AustraLeah: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [01:07:13] RynFromK2L: thadesDance thadesDance thadesDance [01:07:13] Halketa: seasid3DuckDance seasid3Shake seasid3DuckDance seasid3Shake seasid3DuckDance [01:07:13] CarrotJunior: gotyaaHeadbang gotyaaHeadbang gotyaaHeadbang gotyaaHeadbang gotyaaHeadbang [01:07:13] EternalLucia: gymJam gymJam gymJam gymJam gymJam gymJam gymJam gymJam gymJam [01:07:13] sarahvega404: f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnCowjam f1nnChair [01:07:14] ich_mag_frettchen: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [01:07:15] jordi225xxx: carmieMonkey carmieMonkey carmieMonkey carmieMonkey [01:07:15] princess_mia03: HypeLurk [01:07:16] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [01:07:16] LaCroix_Blows: feels like the NES TMNT into song [01:07:16] kaay_denny: f1nnCowjam KappaPride f1nnCowjam [01:07:16] Vanimal2118: am37hyCatjam am37hyPewpew am37hyShake am37hyScroll am37hyHeart [01:07:17] rooooooooosh: f1nnCowjam [01:07:17] HexGrrrrl: LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride [01:07:19] noi4321: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [01:07:20] VentoliN013: @scarsunseen definitely would like to test that. I'm on ps5 and my username is VentoliN13 [01:07:20] ich_mag_frettchen: TransgenderPride LesbianPride BisexualPride LesbianPride LesbianPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [01:07:21] suspiciouscoffeeman: arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly arva69Wiggly [01:07:22] Qahnahrin: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [01:07:22] electric_cicada: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:07:22] noi4321: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [01:07:23] hiluuu: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:07:23] melodyrainxx: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance KonCha KonCha TwitchUnity VirtualHug GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning [01:07:24] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat GlitchCat KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride [01:07:24] axe1970: f1nnCowjam anitaJAM anitaDyarr DinoDance anitaTriggered [01:07:25] minfis249: SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss [01:07:25] moonlit__rain: ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza ph1lPopza [01:07:26] RonnieSxl: PogBones DinoDance DinoDance OhMyDog [01:07:27] noi4321: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [01:07:27] ich_mag_frettchen: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride LesbianPride LesbianPride <3 <3 <3 [01:07:28] gay_femboy: My chair is legit just a crate for tomatoes [01:07:28] moonitoons: TwitchConHYPE pumpotionSwing buffpupDance pumpotionWiggle snowfoxWiggle hazumiConfetti ctvaMeltdown impressRave [01:07:28] midireinheart: jessra2BlobhajTinyHearts jessra2BlobhajTinyHearts jessra2BlobhajTinyHearts [01:07:29] Vanimal2118: astra71Lik astra71Dance astra71Lik astra71Dance astra71Lik astra71Dance astra71Lik astra71Dance astra71Lik astra71Dance astra71Lik astra71Dance [01:07:29] PeterbiltAmsterdam: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:07:30] AustraLeah: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:07:31] QuickestJadeTheDoge: LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [01:07:32] googeradio: PopNemo TwitchConHYPE [01:07:32] Furrfan47: 💎👷👍 [01:07:33] kaay_denny: f1nnCowjam f1nnCool f1nnCowjam f1nnCool f1nnCowjam [01:07:34] Stovamor: emiruVIBE esfandPls shyyRave stovamJam coxJam stovamJam coxJam stovamJam coxJam shyyRave esfandPls emiruVIBE [01:07:34] Mwthenri: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:07:36] ersetzbares_crewmitglied: joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger [01:07:37] ich_mag_frettchen: LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [01:07:37] tnw543: yourlo57LaughRoll yourlo57LaughRoll yourlo57LaughRoll yourlo57LaughRoll yourlo57LaughRoll yourlo57LaughRoll [01:07:38] noi4321: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [01:07:38] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Kappa KappaPride KappaPride [01:07:39] themindscrambler: f1nnBonk f1nnBonk f1nnBonk f1nnBonk f1nnBonk f1nnBonk f1nnBonk f1nnBonk f1nnBonk [01:07:40] RyderGaming2842: PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees [01:07:40] yovansasic: TwitchConHYPE [01:07:40] timtrex19: Hey [01:07:41] Emmy64_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:07:41] RonnieSxl: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:07:41] fer_flowzan: seanvrRavesean TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:07:42] MochiFromMars: vedalCheer vedalCheer vedalCheer vedalDance vedalDance vedalDance [01:07:42] Vanimal2118: nelleiAngwy nelleiPat nelleiWhoop nelleiJump nelleiBRRR nelleiAngwy nelleiSparkle nelleiPat nelleiWhoop nelleiJump nelleiBRRR [01:07:42] goonieslol: i know what you are (an inspiration) [01:07:42] electric_cicada: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE DinoDance TwitchConHYPE [01:07:44] Cri_Tj: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:07:46] Stovamor: coxJam shyyRave emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE shyyRave coxJam [01:07:47] kaay_denny: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:07:49] Helen_Croft: catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM [01:07:50] lilithwintour: catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM [01:07:51] budder1987: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:07:51] catlove518: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:07:52] Vanimal2118: liitliNkRAID liitliNkLeia liitliNkgroove liitliMove liitliNkmwah liitliNkbulba [01:07:53] sarahvega404: f1nnZOOM f1nnCowjam f1nnZOOM f1nnCowjam f1nnZOOM f1nnCowjam f1nnZOOM [01:07:54] moonitoons: ctvaMeltdown [01:07:55] Clovermancy: mashiv1WIGGLY mashiv1WIGGLY mashiv1WIGGLY mashiv1WIGGLY mashiv1WIGGLY mashiv1WIGGLY [01:07:55] ciernaruza: f1nnChair [01:08:00] CarrotJunior: gotyaaHeadbang gotyaaHeadbang gotyaaHeadbang gotyaaHeadbang gotyaaHeadbang gotyaaHeadbang gotyaaHeadbang [01:08:01] lovekaseyj: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:01] furifixus: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:01] Vanimal2118: yourlo57Pogbow yourlo57Whaaat yourlo57LaughRoll yourlo57Pogbow yourlo57Whaaat yourlo57LaughRoll yourlo57Pogbow yourlo57Whaaat yourlo57LaughRoll yourlo57Pogbow yourlo57Whaaat yourlo57LaughRoll [01:08:02] melodyrainxx: FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning FallWinning PopNemo PopNemo TwitchUnity KonCha KonCha DinoDance DinoDance BegWan BegWan GalaxyUnpacked GalaxyUnpacked GalaxyUnpacked [01:08:02] AustraLeah: pearlieOlive pearlieNugget pearlieOlive pearlieNugget pearlieOlive [01:08:03] Srcsqwrn: nanona1ChickenWalk nanona1ChickenWalk nanona1ChickenWalk [01:08:05] axe1970: onetop2DinOT onetop2HumanRawr onetop2DinOT onetop2HumanRawr onetop2DinOT onetop2HumanRawr [01:08:05] princess_mia03: f1nnAshbonk f1nnAshbonk [01:08:06] imnotvirgin_: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:08:06] ersetzbares_crewmitglied: joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger joniBanger [01:08:06] suspiciouscoffeeman: arva69Silly arva69Silly arva69Silly arva69Silly arva69Silly arva69Silly arva69Silly [01:08:06] Kolateak_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:06] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: CHAIR STREAM 🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 [01:08:07] gay_femboy: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDanc DinoDance [01:08:09] Emmy64_: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:08:10] chrismightbe: f1nnChair [01:08:10] catlove518: HungryPaimon [01:08:11] Srcsqwrn: pretty22Maid pretty22Maid pretty22Sway pretty22Sway pretty22Maid pretty22Maid [01:08:11] happygirl941: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:08:11] midireinheart: jessra2TransIt jessra2TransIt jessra2TransIt jessra2TransIt [01:08:12] electric_cicada: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:08:12] moonlit__rain: GlitchNRG [01:08:13] medical_size9000: itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove [01:08:15] pellemedleppen: pellemedleppen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months! [01:08:15] f3mmbot: pellemedleppen subscribed to f1nn5ter for 41 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:08:15] peanutbudder445_: Now what [01:08:16] LaCroix_Blows: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [01:08:16] Vanimal2118: laflem1HYPER laflem1Dance laflem1HONK laflem1WAVE laflem1WIGGLE [01:08:17] bat_tard1472: hello there [01:08:17] cookieeater212: song ded [01:08:17] Emmy64_: f1nnChair [01:08:19] noi4321: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [01:08:19] xdjmj: f1nnCowjam [01:08:20] reph1x_: dead [01:08:21] all_is_dustt: he dead [01:08:22] catlove518: MercyWing1 MercyWing2 [01:08:23] reph1x_: awww [01:08:23] realzerobyter: quiet [01:08:23] bigsuave7: I love this song! [01:08:23] melodyrainxx: CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat [01:08:23] Gtaer222: suddenly silence [01:08:24] Cri_Tj: Noooo [01:08:24] axe1970: onetop2EggDance onetop2EggDance onetop2EggDance onetop2EggDance onetop2EggDance [01:08:25] Keibear10: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM [01:08:26] sarathearcher1: Rumoe has it, chair broke up with Taylor Swift, but is now in a secret relationship with Zendaya [01:08:26] Vanimal2118: femboy45Licka femboy45Peak femboy45Happy femboy45Huggies femboy45Drum femboy45Spin femboy45Spinny [01:08:27] brickmage554: Good night [01:08:27] VentoliN013: Song dedz [01:08:28] kaay_denny: LEAVE [01:08:28] princess_mia03: f1nnTank f1nnTank [01:08:29] xdjmj: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:30] realzerobyter: now what [01:08:30] jacksprettycool: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [01:08:32] medical_size9000: spicycowDancy spicycowDancy spicycowDancy spicycowDancy spicycowDancy [01:08:32] RonnieSxl: Kreygasm [01:08:32] bart140298: the voices are back [01:08:34] peanutbudder445_: YIPPEE [01:08:34] electric_cicada: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:08:34] furifixus: Can someone please break the silence? [01:08:34] realtalkchannel: Finally we can watch the chair. The character we are all here for. [01:08:35] kaay_denny: POOF [01:08:35] Halketa: seasid3DuckGo seasid3DuckGo seasid3DuckGo [01:08:36] reph1x_: YOU ARE MY FIRE [01:08:36] Juliya_999: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [01:08:36] Vanimal2118: redsayWave redsayBongo redsayWave redsayBongo redsayWave redsayBongo redsayWave redsayBongo redsayWave redsayBongo [01:08:37] ajohnops: f1nnChair f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnCowjam f1nnChair [01:08:37] princess_mia03: f1nnTankhat [01:08:38] hiluuu: f1nnTankhat [01:08:38] LaCroix_Blows: f1nnRotate f1nnRotate [01:08:39] Mwthenri: song dieded [01:08:39] MajesticFvckingEagle: 14 minutes. I believe! [01:08:40] AmazingAspie: @sarathearcher1 i mean shes cute but shes no chair [01:08:40] catlove518: Ooppssss he dieddddd [01:08:40] aestheticbartender: the silence is deafening [01:08:40] rootuz: Dead air [01:08:41] AustraLeah: The sound of Silence [01:08:41] Gtaer222: we irrationally scream i suppose [01:08:41] sussy_snipez: sussy_snipez subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 15 month streak! 15 months is Pog [01:08:41] f3mmbot: sussy_snipez subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months using Prime! PogU [01:08:42] karateboy_from_belair: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [01:08:42] RicoSabroso: Pausechamp [01:08:42] unbracingabyss: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:08:42] Srcsqwrn: 👁️ _👁️ Silence [01:08:43] Furrfan47: 🌌🔭🐄 [01:08:43] gay_femboy: SMOrc [01:08:43] peanutbudder445_: イッピー [01:08:44] axe1970: onetop2BeardDance onetop2BeardDance onetop2BeardDance onetop2BeardDance onetop2BeardDance onetop2BeardDance [01:08:45] mmaniania: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [01:08:46] furifixus: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:08:46] RonnieSxl: PoroSad [01:08:46] Faaaack_: I can hear my mind [01:08:46] Jeddix: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [01:08:46] Stovamor: Here chat - Have some more music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw1Mx8nXub4 [01:08:47] Juliya_999: the onee [01:08:47] muddymudkip15: f1nnStare [01:08:47] echo_waverly77: I just got here where is finn?? [01:08:47] Stovamor: Here chat - Have some more music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw1Mx8nXub4 [01:08:47] moonlit__rain: GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG [01:08:48] ajohnops: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:08:48] cookieeater212: MY ONE DESIRE [01:08:49] boom_and_alpha_yt: the one desire [01:08:49] reph1x_: HIIII [01:08:49] skylee1976: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:08:49] Stovamor: Here chat - Have some more music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw1Mx8nXub4 [01:08:49] Vanimal2118: guyina3Gun guyina3Jam guyina3Dealwitit guyina3Scroll guyina3Pet guyina3Egg guyina3Summon guyina3Derpspin [01:08:49] Furrfan47: SMOrc [01:08:49] Pancdarien: joshstLul [01:08:50] tnw543: yourlo57Hey yourlo57Hey yourlo57Hey yourlo57Hey [01:08:50] timtrex19: I'm new here chat [01:08:51] HexGrrrrl: hasChair hasChair hasChair [01:08:52] reph1x_: WHATS UP [01:08:53] Targz_: yay [01:08:54] Emmy64_: oh crqp [01:08:54] VentoliN013: Now we listen to the non-existent crickets lol [01:08:54] realzerobyter: ayyyye [01:08:54] melodyrainxx: VirtualHug VirtualHug [01:08:55] RonnieSxl: PogChamp KomodoHype PogChamp PogChamp KomodoHype [01:08:55] budder1987: no TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE :( [01:08:55] sethgamer420: Yoooooooo [01:08:56] Vanimal2118: juicyb15BongoCat juicyb15Dancecat juicyb15BongoCat juicyb15Dancecat juicyb15BongoCat juicyb15Dancecat juicyb15BongoCat juicyb15Dancecat [01:08:56] karojhe: Finally we're alone, chair [01:08:56] realzerobyter: he;s back! [01:08:56] gay_femboy: Yea betch [01:08:57] Emmy64_: Again [01:08:57] PynkFryck: blue [01:08:57] xdjmj: Chair stream is over [01:08:57] XENOMAN5: But why is the music gone?!? [01:08:58] bearpaw1970: Welcome back [01:08:58] princess_mia03: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [01:08:59] ProblemGolem: Rip music time to scream into the void [01:09:00] RushianVein: Do a backflip [01:09:00] Jens_LN: pog [01:09:01] Helen_Croft: RED [01:09:01] suspiciouscoffeeman: arva69YIPPEE arva69YIPPEE arva69YIPPEE arva69YIPPEE arva69YIPPEE [01:09:01] johnkeiwo: oh I like the checkers [01:09:01] bart140298: I'm scared [01:09:01] karateboy_from_belair: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [01:09:02] MoronicMoose: theeca10RaveSpooky theeca10RaveSpooky theeca10RaveSpooky theeca10RaveSpooky [01:09:03] realzerobyter: finn i missed u! [01:09:04] adamjunkpup: and then the sound of silence [01:09:07] ecstaticsense: I'm audio only and everything stopped I think thebstream ended 😭 [01:09:08] Cri_Tj: Yayy, just in time~ [01:09:09] Furrfan47: wowie zowie [01:09:10] VentoliN013: WHO DA MAN?! [01:09:11] livjpk78: How about your red pvc skirt with a leather jacket? [01:09:14] Emmy64_: QUICK CHOOSE ONE [01:09:14] moonlit__rain: ph1lWAIT ph1lWAIT ph1lWAIT ph1lWAIT [01:09:14] noi4321: noooo, i want chsir back [01:09:16] ArminGux: red is standard [01:09:17] SeriousMental: but from the bottom yes? [01:09:18] Emmy64_: HypeOhDeer [01:09:18] Hellbent38: 12 minutes F1NN [01:09:19] noi4321: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [01:09:20] Vanimal2118: Something wholesome? [01:09:20] benazure12: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:09:21] juni_carrion: sans undertale where r u [01:09:21] gay_femboy: The one that makes you look like a hooker [01:09:22] thekingone10: Hallo [01:09:26] XavienTC: you said red, im already sold [01:09:29] LittleChaSiu: LUL little [01:09:29] ArminGux: which shows more booba [01:09:29] Andromeda42442: f1nnPet [01:09:31] axing_: very lil [01:09:33] scarlettyg: You to careful, he is a big [01:09:33] Jens_LN: cute [01:09:34] SonicXVe: lesbian [01:09:36] johnkeiwo: cute [01:09:36] catlove518: Crop toppppppp [01:09:37] YumeNoZen: Lillll. [01:09:37] Emmy64_: That's tiny tf LUL [01:09:43] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [01:09:45] catlove518: Crop toppppp [01:09:45] Y0rk5h1r3: Cropped² [01:09:47] hiluuu: oooooooo [01:09:48] ArminGux: skater girl look [01:09:49] johnkeiwo: chekered PogU [01:09:49] themindscrambler: crop [01:09:50] AustraLeah: Guys what was the prediction again [01:09:51] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:09:51] adamjunkpup: oooo cute [01:09:54] SeriousMental: rock that crop [01:09:54] xx_bex_becca_xx: That [01:09:55] chrismightbe: Cropped together looks fine [01:09:58] reph1x_: Cute [01:10:00] catlove518: Crop toppp [01:10:00] Jens_LN: tiny top ! .. .cute [01:10:01] axing_: that top defo [01:10:01] johnkeiwo: hmmm , idk about that [01:10:02] furifixus: Tiktok girl [01:10:02] Srcsqwrn: Cute shirt [01:10:02] SonicXVe: 🤨 [01:10:03] themindscrambler: vote [01:10:03] Andromeda42442: crop [01:10:03] Lucridis: First [01:10:03] Cpu101: cuuuute [01:10:04] XavienTC: crop [01:10:04] Ryk7: YES [01:10:04] HexGrrrrl: Dva core [01:10:05] groovalicious1: 1 [01:10:05] gay_femboy: Red Red red [01:10:05] Jens_LN: last one [01:10:05] sethgamer420: Finn i wanna be a femboy got any tips [01:10:05] NeedleworkLounge: 2x Cropped!!! [01:10:05] blatant_fabrication: blue matches nails [01:10:06] Y0rk5h1r3: Lumberjack Top [01:10:06] skoralta: 2 [01:10:06] catlove518: Crop top [01:10:06] SonicXVe: cropcrop [01:10:06] xx_bex_becca_xx: 1 [01:10:07] hiluuu: ooo yesss baby tee [01:10:07] nikikoln: pale blue one [01:10:07] DarthDerpy_: cropped [01:10:07] bearpaw1970: First [01:10:07] themindscrambler: poll [01:10:07] livjpk78: red pvc skirt and a leather jacket [01:10:07] HardyOrange: I mean, nails matching power is pretty killer [01:10:08] groovalicious1: First one [01:10:08] Jens_LN: 3 [01:10:08] 9matthew8: 2 [01:10:09] Emmy64_: F1nn we got around 10 minutes just choose HypeOhDeer [01:10:09] stephsbigdrifts: 1 [01:10:09] sarahvega404: Crop [01:10:09] ronin_5463: Crop top! [01:10:10] EternalLucia: Blue [01:10:10] AliciaR23: Cropppp [01:10:10] MajesticFvckingEagle: matches nails [01:10:10] Mrcreepersface: Hey @F1NN5TER, thanks to you, I figured out I'm trans, and gave me strength to tell my friends! wanted to say thanks [01:10:10] daemon2988: 12 minutes left. No time to care. 🤣 [01:10:11] DarthDerpy_: first one [01:10:11] AmazingAspie: red red [01:10:11] aster_stella: top :3 [01:10:11] Vanimal2118: Yes [01:10:11] xdjmj: Crop [01:10:12] AustraLeah: cropp [01:10:12] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: crop top [01:10:12] ArminGux: crop [01:10:12] promisepotion: blue looks cute with your nails! [01:10:13] noi4321: pink [01:10:13] reph1x_: first one [01:10:13] AliciaR23: 1 [01:10:13] EternalLucia: 2 [01:10:13] bigsuave7: crop [01:10:13] Andromeda42442: cock top [01:10:13] mystchevious1: the black and white with a black leather skirt? [01:10:13] tnw543: baby top [01:10:13] BlaireBearStare: crop [01:10:14] catlove518: Crop crop crop top [01:10:14] HexGrrrrl: Flannel LesbianPride [01:10:14] johnkeiwo: MODS [01:10:14] Furrfan47: crop [01:10:14] shro0bi: what you movin out??? [01:10:15] groovalicious1: First [01:10:15] Jens_LN: last one ! [01:10:16] debdrup: you look great in red dresses though [01:10:17] moontheca: Baby t [01:10:17] Jens_LN: 3 [01:10:18] mmaniania: crop [01:10:18] blackcat11111111: crop [01:10:18] em669746974: Cropssssss [01:10:19] bearpaw1970: First one [01:10:19] aster_stella: crop >:3 [01:10:20] kandas_1: Blue [01:10:20] rootuz: The slutty one [01:10:20] ghost_inna_jarr: Reddd [01:10:21] midireinheart: Plaid [01:10:21] DarthDerpy_: crop [01:10:22] xdjmj: 1 [01:10:23] MajesticFvckingEagle: let’s see [01:10:24] adamjunkpup: 1 [01:10:24] lovekaseyj: blue [01:10:24] reph1x_: 1 [01:10:26] Emmy64_: Crop top [01:10:26] furifixus: Crop [01:10:26] qfeys: red [01:10:27] all_is_dustt: listen to Ashley [01:10:27] imnotvirgin_: 1 [01:10:29] reph1x_: 1. [01:10:30] MajesticFvckingEagle: let’s see the red [01:10:32] melodyrainxx: Crop top [01:10:32] VentoliN013: 1 [01:10:32] Emmy64_: FFS [01:10:33] kgober: blue nails, blue top [01:10:34] Loelinverse: Whore Vs Slutty? [01:10:34] Emmy64_: F [01:10:35] xdjmj: Crop [01:10:35] elizabethpearlxo: matched ur nails! [01:10:35] livjpk78: crop with red pvc skirt [01:10:35] carrie1234567890: no red [01:10:36] Ryk7: 2 me lord [01:10:36] ersetzbares_crewmitglied: The one with the thing on top [01:10:38] SeriousMental: nah [01:10:39] skylee1976: Crop top [01:10:39] em669746974: Secons Option [01:10:39] bigsuave7: clash for sure [01:10:41] SonicXVe: its casual [01:10:43] gay_femboy: No the red PLS😭 [01:10:43] noi4321: not many minutes [01:10:44] the_chiny_charm: Crop [01:10:44] daemon2988: Can't vote. [01:10:45] iridaceaeIris69: cowards [01:10:49] XavienTC: midriff always wins [01:10:49] Vanimal2118: Clash? [01:10:51] reph1x_: MUSIC??? [01:10:52] Y0rk5h1r3: I Love Democracy ❤️ [01:10:52] medical_size9000: Crop top [01:10:56] juni_carrion: baby tee [01:10:58] FirstFireKeeper: FeelsWeirdMan cough [01:11:00] AmazingAspie: people just want to see f1nn midrif [01:11:00] Nullikle6000: MORE than POKIMANE [01:11:05] themindscrambler: cant vote twitch effed again on mobile [01:11:06] Emmy64_: Democracy doesn't exists, are the parents [01:11:10] Emmy64_: HypeOhDeer [01:11:10] stabledweller2: chair [01:11:14] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "Which fit?": Crop top thing with 156 votes (68.64%) [01:11:14] jcktheripperrs: Polls not loading for me [01:11:18] catlove518: Democracy gets Finn hot ❤ [01:11:18] XENOMAN5: @y0rk5h1r3 so did Chancellor Palpatine [01:11:19] johnkeiwo: LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOO [01:11:19] thekingone10: Corset [01:11:25] SnabbKassa: @Stovamor It's F1nn's birthday soon. Surely it's better to send him presents after he has moved. [01:11:26] Jens_LN: WHAT IS LOVE ??!!!! SingsMic [01:11:27] johnkeiwo: in ashley we trust ! [01:11:30] bearpaw1970: Smart [01:11:31] Furrfan47: you missed it [01:11:32] alexx_net: @jcktheripperrs it was just a quick one (and it's over) [01:11:32] medical_size9000: I'm at the gym on my Mobile [01:11:35] hiluuu: @Jens_LN talk about dedication [01:11:36] realtalkchannel: Democracy is indeed hot [01:11:37] catlove518: No bra [01:11:38] Nanovad_: where it with a bro [01:11:38] chrismightbe: Bra [01:11:38] SeriousMental: @AmazingAspie "Shhhh!" [01:11:38] Clovermancy: Bra [01:11:39] Emmy64_: GG points [01:11:39] Jens_LN: no bra [01:11:39] tnw543: bra [01:11:40] bearpaw1970: Bra [01:11:41] furifixus: No [01:11:42] SonicXVe: dont ask us that lmfao [01:11:42] alexh1441: No bra [01:11:42] XavienTC: no bra [01:11:42] groovalicious1: No bra [01:11:43] megadoom20: is that even a question? [01:11:44] de_geweldige: no bra ofcourse [01:11:44] Nanovad_: wear it with a bro [01:11:45] BlaireBearStare: no bra [01:11:45] gay_femboy: My washer and dryer are turning into airplane engines [01:11:45] Furrfan47: no bra [01:11:45] betbet278: bra [01:11:45] ArminGux: no bra [01:11:46] adamjunkpup: bra [01:11:46] unovaismyregion: bra [01:11:46] rootuz: Baby dont hurt me [01:11:47] papanonfrancesco: no bra [01:11:48] themindscrambler: no bra [01:11:48] groovalicious1: Free the titties [01:11:50] idesofjuno: no bra [01:11:50] DarrigoTR: Don't unpack, lol [01:11:50] jcktheripperrs: No before it ended. Was just blank grey screen. [01:11:50] alexx_net: in Ashley we trust ! (as John sad) [01:11:51] Lucianthelord: Good heavens wnat did I miss and walk in on [01:11:51] lovekaseyj: no bra [01:11:52] QuickestJadeTheDoge: Braaa [01:11:52] permit93: don't ask chat that lol [01:11:52] Loelinverse: Thats a spicy question atp [01:11:53] Stovamor: @SnabbKassa, Send them to the po box - it'll get to his new house [01:11:53] FirstFireKeeper: half bra [01:11:53] imnotvirgin_: bra [01:11:54] sarahvega404: Bra [01:11:54] ScarsUnseen: Wear your bra, bro. [01:11:54] noi4321: bra on outside [01:11:55] furifixus: No bra [01:11:56] XENOMAN5: Padded bra [01:11:58] Nanovad_: wear it with a bro 󠀀 [01:12:00] betbet278: bra is important [01:12:01] judgedame: if you did not pack it [01:12:01] ry_drake_331: ry_drake_331 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 1 month streak! the best bottom top sub dom on twitch rydrakSailorMarsBae rydrakSailorMarsBae [01:12:02] f3mmbot: ry_drake_331 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:12:04] Furrfan47: SONG [01:12:07] AustraLeah: yeah bolognaise [01:12:09] LaCroix_Blows: Bolon-steam! [01:12:10] Jens_LN: @hiluuu eh ... I have so many point just sitting there [01:12:11] livjpk78: crop top and pvc skirt [01:12:12] sarahvega404: No nips for free gurl [01:12:13] AmazingAspie: Chair and Bolon! [01:12:15] Y0rk5h1r3: Look at me, I am the Captain now!!! [01:12:15] TheNelizz: shoot him [01:12:15] SnabbKassa: @Stovamor good point. [01:12:17] braddle172: f1nnChair [01:12:18] Nanovad_: that bunny belongs to me [01:12:18] Andromeda42442: NEW ANGLE f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 [01:12:20] claydress: Bologna [01:12:21] carrie1234567890: oh yay [01:12:22] blackcat11111111: so big [01:12:22] pellemedleppen: Topless [01:12:24] Wanesty: ayo [01:12:25] themindscrambler: 10 min [01:12:26] lovekaseyj: is bolognese drunk [01:12:26] EternalLucia: The things that bunny has seen [01:12:26] AustraLeah: where is smolognaise [01:12:27] aster_stella: O.O [01:12:28] realzerobyter: nakey finn! [01:12:29] reph1x_: Show something [01:12:30] Jens_LN: New Angle unlocked ! [01:12:32] electric_cicada: lol [01:12:33] Emmy64_: How many minutes left? CaitlynS [01:12:36] LittleChaSiu: @AustraLeah on the box behind pink chair [01:12:37] Nanovad_: bunny gets a free view, no fairrrrrrrrrr [01:12:37] ronin_5463: Yo??? [01:12:37] ScarsUnseen: 456453 [01:12:38] papanonfrancesco: 10 mins left [01:12:39] Stovamor: @AustraLeah, at the back [01:12:42] gay_femboy: Goddamn violent trow [01:12:42] kandas_1: seggsy [01:12:43] AmazingAspie: the sorrow in bolon's eyes, bolon has seen things [01:12:44] Jens_LN: @Emmy64_ 8 mins [01:12:44] Vanimal2118: Will the stripper Pole stay at the old house, asking 4 a friend? [01:12:45] karojhe: Bol, our baby boy <3 [01:12:46] lovekaseyj: nakey nakey [01:12:48] gay_femboy: Thicc [01:12:48] Allie_: Your Cat Ears are BaCKWARDS! [01:12:50] em669746974: 0_0 [01:12:50] call_me_kashi: It do be like that [01:12:52] iridaceaeIris69: willing the camera to slip [01:12:54] Emmy64_: @jens_ln Oh boy HypeOhDeer [01:12:56] AustraLeah: @Stovamor Oh I see them now thank you [01:12:56] Nanovad_: @lovekaseyj AWOOGA [01:12:57] Somber_Samurai: Somber_Samurai subscribed with Prime. [01:12:57] f3mmbot: somber_samurai subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang somber_samurai f1nnLezgang [01:12:59] bart140298: noice [01:13:00] chriscorrick08: Finn spider was on that top [01:13:02] aster_stella: 10 MINUTES LATER ... [01:13:03] thekingone10: BOP BOP [01:13:04] peanutbudder445_: Go into camera view [01:13:05] Jens_LN: @Emmy64_ 7 mins [01:13:05] Lucianthelord: If something hits the floor and causes an earth quake and power outage we know why [01:13:05] Raddog315: I forgot about the poll lol [01:13:05] EternalLucia: "because estrogen" [01:13:06] Y0rk5h1r3: More cushion for the pushin'? [01:13:06] BlaireBearStare: How’ve you been, chair? Ready for the move? [01:13:07] Loelinverse: ‘we move’ ashley-ism integrated well [01:13:12] Emmy64_: @jens_ln HypeOhDeer HypeOhDeer HypeOhDeer HypeOhDeer [01:13:14] SeriousMental: f1nnStare [01:13:19] LucidityVTv: manifesting the camera to move [01:13:25] suspiciouscoffeeman: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [01:13:25] SHurriedImp: fucking internet [01:13:25] Jens_LN: @Emmy64_ KEKW [01:13:26] ry_drake_331: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [01:13:26] Somber_Samurai: I used my prime to say i got my GS FInn cup its very cute [01:13:27] aster_stella: Estrogen :3 [01:13:28] Wanesty: D: [01:13:29] alexx_net: f1nnAshbonk @Nanovad_ [01:13:33] RonnieSxl: Mondeo crucible boniest [01:13:34] realzerobyter: sry finn i tried to catch it [01:13:34] sarahvega404: Come on psypowers move the camera [01:13:34] Furrfan47: the clock it ticking on my lottery winnings [01:13:35] professional_baguette: that throw was rather ass [01:13:36] Vanimal2118: I didn’t know the bunny stripped? [01:13:36] mine_that_hill: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [01:13:36] gay_femboy: f1nnStare [01:13:37] ronin_5463: Nice throw loser KEKW [01:13:37] SeriousMental: LUL [01:13:38] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:13:40] blackdevils521: LUL [01:13:43] noi4321: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [01:13:43] kandas_1: chat tried its best! [01:13:44] idesofjuno: LUL [01:13:49] robyn1973: Tea party [01:13:50] MajesticFvckingEagle: where’s smolognase [01:13:51] tallgrass15: What's with the stream title [01:13:54] mine_that_hill: @noi4321 lats goo [01:13:54] noi4321: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [01:13:56] em669746974: 0///_///0 [01:13:56] Stovamor: @MajesticFvckingEagle, back of the room [01:13:57] hiluuu: yesyessss [01:13:58] pellemedleppen: Chair the pinkstyle! [01:13:58] professional_baguette: yeeee [01:13:59] bearpaw1970: Yes [01:13:59] AmazingAspie: on the left [01:14:00] resurgenceguild: Bolognaise is great at catching, just prefers to pitch! [01:14:01] aster_stella: ready [01:14:02] mightytomato2: yees [01:14:03] realzerobyter: im readyyyyyyy [01:14:04] hiluuu: f1nnCowjam [01:14:04] kandas_1: ready [01:14:05] MoronicMoose: sammyp15Sadakobong sammyp15Sadakobong sammyp15Sadakobong sammyp15Sadakobong [01:14:07] gay_femboy: Checkered on checkered is wrong [01:14:07] alexx_net: @tallgrass15 he is moving house [01:14:07] chrismightbe: f1nnCowjam [01:14:08] EnderRaptorGaming: no [01:14:08] ronin_5463: ready! [01:14:08] VentoliN013: Let's all play MK! [01:14:08] SeriousMental: that giggle LUL [01:14:08] ArminGux: ready [01:14:10] RonnieSxl: OwO [01:14:10] noi4321: @mine_that_hill piratesoftware? [01:14:10] furifixus: Finn happy [01:14:10] adamjunkpup: buffpupHypeE buffpupHypeE buffpupHypeE [01:14:11] recktor: is finn allowed to use the f slur now? [01:14:13] Emmy64_: DONE STOP THE TIMER f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:14:15] Lucianthelord: Has the hrt made his throw worse? [01:14:15] peanutbudder445_: "Drumroll please" [01:14:17] TheWizdomWizard: KappaInfinite [01:14:18] mine_that_hill: @noi4321 yep [01:14:19] MajesticFvckingEagle: rip my points [01:14:21] MaxVershhhtappen: KreygasmKreygasm Kreygasm [01:14:22] em669746974: 88w88 (Spider Furry) [01:14:23] themindscrambler: cute giggle [01:14:24] SeriousMental: nanona1Claps nanona1Claps nanona1Claps [01:14:24] adamjunkpup: fins excited very good to see [01:14:24] vinsanity642: cute little giggle [01:14:25] Amoyamoyamoya: @Lucianthelord, Always was [01:14:25] noi4321: cool [01:14:26] realzerobyter: show us while standing! [01:14:28] SonicXVe: their excited giggles lol [01:14:28] AliciaR23: DON'T FORGET LIP GLOSS [01:14:29] unovaismyregion: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ [01:14:31] hiluuu: RareParrot [01:14:32] adamjunkpup: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:14:33] Nanovad_: Nanovad_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Roses are red, Violets are blue, I am jealous of this bunny, he gets a free view [01:14:33] f3mmbot: nanovad_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [01:14:34] mine_that_hill: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [01:14:34] Juliya_999: PogChamp PogChamp [01:14:36] noi4321: 3 min [01:14:37] alexx_net: @Lucianthelord it was never very good anyway [01:14:39] SeriousMental: cuute [01:14:40] hiluuu: wwoooooo CUUUTTE [01:14:41] aster_stella: wow [01:14:41] pianoismyforte_: Cutte [01:14:42] scarlettyg: cute tho [01:14:42] AvaLiversidge: omg [01:14:43] axing_: ooh god damn [01:14:44] Muffin01: cuuuutee [01:14:44] Nanovad_: pretty nice [01:14:44] aster_stella: WOW [01:14:44] Furrfan47: nice [01:14:45] imellion: niceeee [01:14:45] Tailor720: Too much plaid [01:14:45] Srcsqwrn: The other shirt is better [01:14:45] Jens_LN: hm [01:14:46] Muffin01: omg [01:14:46] professional_baguette: cuuuuuuuuuuute [01:14:46] idesofjuno: cute [01:14:47] soggyvector: cute [01:14:47] aced_asher: ITS CUTTTEEEEEE [01:14:48] YumeNoZen: I mean, scuffed is on brand. [01:14:48] groovalicious1: Awwww [01:14:48] iridaceaeIris69: was this worth the midriff you pervs [01:14:49] Rogue_i22: gptvLURK [01:14:49] realzerobyter: qoq [01:14:50] bearpaw1970: Still cute [01:14:50] melodyrainxx: 🥺 cute [01:14:51] aestheticbartender: cute [01:14:51] realzerobyter: wow [01:14:51] groovalicious1: Cuteee [01:14:52] HardyOrange: fully lumberjack for a second there lmao [01:14:52] SonicXVe: 😳 [01:14:53] ArminGux: cuuuuuteeeee [01:14:53] kandas_1: looks like a pajama kinda [01:14:53] Jens_LN: take off shirt ? [01:14:54] bart140298: well hello there beautiful [01:14:54] RonnieSxl: PogChamp KomodoHype PogChamp KomodoHype PogChamp [01:14:54] aster_stella: So pretty [01:14:55] QuickestJadeTheDoge: OOOOOUU [01:14:56] pellemedleppen: Schoolgirl! [01:14:56] alexh1441: Midriff so fine [01:14:56] hiluuu: grunge-y [01:14:56] dangerousruben: cute [01:14:56] Emmy64_: PogU DONE points please TriHard [01:14:56] ronin_5463: Cuuuuuuuuute [01:14:57] potatolord57709: KFC [01:14:57] oddinry: oddinry subscribed at Tier 1. [01:14:57] f3mmbot: oddinry subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang oddinry f1nnLezgang [01:14:58] FirstFireKeeper: ash fuming [01:14:58] Kaymon81: booba o-O [01:14:58] daemon2988: Super cute! [01:14:58] Y0rk5h1r3: So much plaid [01:14:58] davidiusfarrenius: looks nice [01:14:58] braddle172: f1nnHeart [01:14:59] robbielongschlong: Damn, you need to iron that shirt [01:14:59] realzerobyter: stand up! [01:15:00] melodyrainxx: Love u [01:15:00] im_up_to_something: Pretty cute. Need a spin 😊 [01:15:01] moonofyourlifee: The flanno works though [01:15:01] alexx_net: Teenage lesban fit. Nice f1nnLaff [01:15:02] hiluuu: mad cute [01:15:02] ArminGux: bobba so big now [01:15:03] WashInTheWind: This is an Ashley outfit [01:15:04] SeriousMental: i like it [01:15:04] adamjunkpup: ohhhhhhh cuteeee f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [01:15:04] Vanimal2118: So will the stripper pole stay with the house? [01:15:05] livjpk78: needs a leather jacket instead [01:15:05] debdrup: "I scuffed it" -- F1nn5ter, all the time. [01:15:06] MoronicMoose: 7 Minutes!!!!! nitskuCry nitskuCry nitskuCry [01:15:07] AvaLiversidge: beautiful [01:15:08] Dizzzyfoot: your top is so cute [01:15:08] thekingone10: Very schoolgirl [01:15:09] aestheticbartender: love the cropped flannel [01:15:09] finnfanman2: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [01:15:10] professional_baguette: show full fit [01:15:10] princess_mia03: xuteee [01:15:11] gay_femboy: No i seen this before on 🟧⬛ [01:15:11] noi4321: you kinda look like a gril ngl [01:15:11] sunnyandsmiling: transphobic lesbian flag???? THAT I want to know about. wth? [01:15:12] atlas_exmachina: both hands, chat [01:15:12] loveofnezuko: Hi finn [01:15:13] betbet278: is that a jellycat stuffed bunny? [01:15:14] blackdevils521: Wow [01:15:15] earth_boy_: idk about that double plaid [01:15:15] XavienTC: needs a bit of booba maybe [01:15:16] realzerobyter: stand! [01:15:16] Furrfan47: NOO [01:15:16] hiluuu: it doesnt [01:15:16] em669746974: 88///w///88 (Blushed Spider Furry) [01:15:16] Lucianthelord: Omg throw a poke ball at me cos I am stunned [01:15:17] Jens_LN: Much better ! [01:15:17] Mathilda1211: tie it [01:15:17] MajesticFvckingEagle: yes that one Kappa [01:15:18] SHurriedImp: cute tho [01:15:18] davidiusfarrenius: shirt looks big on you though [01:15:18] TwinbeeMk2: midriff is ALWAYS worth it [01:15:18] LaCroix_Blows: I love that top, isn't the shirt you were wearing when you first kissed Ashley on stream? [01:15:18] The_Tyranator: Congratulations to moving out. [01:15:19] sarahvega404: Yours are bigger than mine [01:15:19] moonofyourlifee: NO FLANNO COME BAXK [01:15:20] potatofemboy0: DAYUUUUUUM [01:15:20] Emmy64_: @moronicmoose More like 2 actually [01:15:20] Tailor720: different button up [01:15:23] VerminTalks: Bro I left for 5min and your in fully uwu cutie cat outfit [01:15:24] dangerousruben: its the croptop from when you kissed Ashley [01:15:26] mystchevious1: Much better without the flannel. [01:15:26] VentoliN013: Looks like some nice fem-swag [01:15:27] Loelinverse: actually works [01:15:27] gay_femboy: Meh [01:15:28] SonicXVe: the tops with pants would legit be cool [01:15:28] cookieeater212: woo i saw booba shape [01:15:29] potatolord57709: Aw it's cute [01:15:29] Nanovad_: MY EYES [01:15:29] Jens_LN: This is better, yes [01:15:31] ronin_5463: Maybe with a different shirt [01:15:31] melodyrainxx: Your so hot [01:15:31] Nanovad_: MY EYESSSSSSSSS [01:15:32] ArminGux: u got girl body now [01:15:34] gitrektitrekt: When you want to dress slutty but need to work the corn field later that day. [01:15:35] livjpk78: try a leather jacket [01:15:35] charo_charito: tidddies? [01:15:35] Nanovad_: BALD BALD BALD [01:15:36] blackdevils521: Good kitten [01:15:36] Emmy64_: DONE [01:15:36] AmazingAspie: eyes up here chat [01:15:37] kandas_1: better [01:15:37] AustraLeah: Very cute finn [01:15:38] alikarin: Looks good [01:15:38] melodyrainxx: 🩷🩷🩷✨✨✨🥺🥺🥺 [01:15:38] Furrfan47: I need my winnings [01:15:39] mmaniania: cute :D [01:15:40] daemon2988: Tie the flannel around the waist. [01:15:40] Emmy64_: YOU DID IT [01:15:40] betbet278: it’s cute [01:15:40] AvaLiversidge: boba [01:15:41] MsRiverRose: flannel is cute tho [01:15:41] wtfuxlolwut: Flannel is very lesbian [01:15:41] A_Fforrest: too many patterns, need a plain overskirt [01:15:42] kgober: the other top goes better with blue nails [01:15:42] unaffected95: It fits fine it just doesn't work with the skirt [01:15:43] Srcsqwrn: Maybe a necklace or choker [01:15:43] JessicaCaraKasey: Hiya you lovely lot... and Finn. 😄🤗 [01:15:44] sethgamer420: Hop on ow [01:15:44] meowwant: commercial [01:15:45] braddle172: f1nnSideeye [01:15:46] moonofyourlifee: You genuinely look great in the flanno [01:15:46] Wanesty: GAWD DAMN [01:15:47] Jens_LN: The Boobers be Boobering [01:15:47] RonnieSxl: )))) [01:15:47] alexx_net: Two different tartan clashes [01:15:47] The_Tyranator: Maybe you should have done it before you turned 40 @F1NN5TER [01:15:48] potatolord57709: OwO booba [01:15:48] bigsuave7: I think the crop flannel is a lil too big [01:15:49] BIGBoris1962: ok pay up now [01:15:49] mystchevious1: Yep you wore that shirt and the paradize pants. [01:15:51] DarthDerpy_: boba [01:15:52] thekingone10: Nice [01:15:52] Emmy64_: YESSS WE WOOON TwitchConHYPE [01:15:52] maddog5005085: smash [01:15:53] axe1970: don't like flannel you are going to lose your Bi card [01:15:57] ArminGux: b cupper [01:15:57] Furrfan47: my lottery winnings are waiting [01:15:59] papanonfrancesco: skirt spin? [01:16:04] the_Icelander: A bit of Finn and Booba [01:16:04] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: Finn [01:16:05] themindscrambler: pay the winners [01:16:07] MoronicMoose: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:16:12] catlove518: We wonnnnnn [01:16:13] Halketa: do a little spin? [01:16:14] peanutbudder445_: Yk its bad when he says "in theory" [01:16:16] ATValdor: a hint of booba [01:16:19] BIGBoris1962: gib money [01:16:20] catlove518: Victoryy [01:16:21] melodyrainxx: Damn fin ✨🩷 look at u [01:16:21] 1mitzi9: whoop whoop [01:16:22] dragonofark: Hello bitches [01:16:22] Kaymon81: side boob :) .....i'm so mature ^^ [01:16:22] AliciaR23: Guys we're not done [01:16:23] electric_cicada: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:16:27] The_Tyranator: Maybe you should have moved out before you turned 30 @F1NN5TER [01:16:27] potatolord57709: GlitchNRG [01:16:28] magicduckysplayhouse: TransgenderPride [01:16:28] AliciaR23: LIP GLOSS 💃💃💃 [01:16:31] hiluuu: ouuuuu light blue nails [01:16:32] MangledPork: LUL [01:16:33] ArminGux: no need for 300k I see [01:16:34] aqueousorca3148: factorio is great [01:16:35] pennyarcade777: pennyarcade777 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 1 month streak! hi I decided to come back [01:16:35] f3mmbot: pennyarcade777 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:16:35] noi4321: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [01:16:35] ronin_5463: Factorio stream when?? [01:16:36] judyorjude: tuning into the stream for the first time i saw that you came out a bit ago. congrats on that f1nn [01:16:39] bdix727: side b00b is legit. [01:16:39] livjpk78: you could change the skirt for a pvc one [01:16:42] Muffin01: crazy, i was crazy once [01:16:46] kgober: are those cat ears backwards? [01:16:46] professional_baguette: finn, you have 4 minutes of make up [01:16:47] banschiee: Come on wear big booba [01:16:48] mystchevious1: you have time [01:16:50] robbielongschlong: my father got addicted to factorio 3 years ago. I miss him... [01:16:51] alexx_net: @The_Tyranator He is 23 and moved out years ago [01:16:52] HardyOrange: that's what I said!!! [01:16:52] johnkeiwo: try it ? [01:16:53] unovaismyregion: LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [01:16:53] joshua1234aa: TransgenderPride [01:16:53] gay_femboy: No [01:16:53] Nanovad_: no [01:16:54] magicduckysplayhouse: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:16:54] snowwynai: Cutest girl I've seen all day. [01:16:54] Emmy64_: 1 minute ffs [01:16:56] mystchevious1: Please no. [01:16:56] davidiusfarrenius: yes [01:16:56] unaffected95: Yeah [01:16:56] rattuscattus: YEs [01:16:56] idesofjuno: no [01:16:56] eine_baum: crazy? [01:16:56] blatant_fabrication: try it [01:16:56] Nanovad_: orange would owrk [01:16:56] Furrfan47: NOOOOO [01:16:57] peanutbudder445_: Nah [01:16:57] loveofnezuko: Did u get my dungeon and dragons postcard @finnfanman2 [01:16:57] joshua1234aa: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:16:58] The_Tyranator: YES! [01:16:58] SonicXVe: no [01:16:59] aster_stella: TransgenderPride [01:17:00] gay_femboy: Nononono [01:17:00] chrismightbe: I think so [01:17:00] ghost_inna_jarr: Yessssss [01:17:00] em669746974: TAKE UR TIMEEEEE [01:17:01] reph1x_: nah [01:17:01] rattuscattus: Absoultly [01:17:01] hiluuu: i think they match [01:17:01] kandas_1: yes [01:17:01] Vanimal2118: yes [01:17:02] unovaismyregion: yes [01:17:02] unaffected95: Yesss [01:17:02] groovalicious1: Nah [01:17:02] braddle172: Hmmm prob no [01:17:03] belladdeluca: Yes! [01:17:03] johnkeiwo: it wont work tbh [01:17:03] ArminGux: niet [01:17:04] nikikoln: black and white is neutral [01:17:04] ghost_inna_jarr: Pls [01:17:04] kgober: yes [01:17:05] ATValdor: yes [01:17:05] rattuscattus: yesss [01:17:05] ersetzbares_crewmitglied: @muffin01 They locked me in a room [01:17:05] betbet278: yeah [01:17:05] Loelinverse: yes [01:17:06] johnkeiwo: idk /: [01:17:06] charlieokeefe420: yes [01:17:06] Emmy64_: Crap GG [01:17:06] hiluuu: look gud [01:17:07] muddymudkip15: Yes [01:17:07] bearpaw1970: Yes [01:17:07] Amoyamoyamoya: Hear me out: How about completely topless? [01:17:08] 1mitzi9: RAAA [01:17:08] ArminGux: no [01:17:08] kandas_1: yes yes yes [01:17:09] ZeroFfs: skymic2LovingSkymi skymic2LovingSkymi skymic2LovingSkymi [01:17:09] charo_charito: you can get away with anything babygirl [01:17:09] FirstFireKeeper: try [01:17:09] ghost_inna_jarr: Yessss [01:17:09] dawnfals: yes [01:17:10] aestheticbartender: only one way to find out [01:17:11] groovalicious1: White skirt [01:17:11] thekingone10: Yess [01:17:12] mystchevious1: White would be cute. [01:17:13] Furrfan47: PLEASE NO [01:17:13] Ruglund6230: Yesss [01:17:13] magicduckysplayhouse: VoteYea [01:17:14] hazelnutt_2pto: (kicks door open) I HAVE RISEN FROM THE DEAD man has it been a while since I’ve been here :D [01:17:16] daemon2988: FOCUS! 😂 [01:17:21] ArminGux: blue skirt? [01:17:24] XENOMAN5: It’ll work [01:17:24] SeriousMental: that mic NotLikeThis [01:17:25] aster_stella: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:17:25] The_Tyranator: You need a pastel blue skirt to match the shirt! [01:17:27] MoronicMoose: nitskuCry nitskuCry nitskuCry nitskuCry nitskuCry nitskuCry [01:17:28] Y0rk5h1r3: If you wanna be my baby it don't matter if you're black & white [01:17:28] Raddog315: mic blocked [01:17:28] hiluuu: mic saving the day [01:17:29] XavienTC: can think about it after makeup maybe [01:17:29] cookieeater212: gray crop hoodie? [01:17:30] charlieokeefe420: I like the plaid [01:17:30] ScarsUnseen: @Amoyamoyamoya bad mod hahaha :P [01:17:31] Furrfan47: YES [01:17:31] Nanovad_: black skirt would make it better [01:17:32] axing_: someone move the microphone telepathically [01:17:32] gitrektitrekt: Black and white goes with everything. [01:17:33] Valezifer: Yes [01:17:35] unaffected95: @amoyamoyamoya that would go well with a skirt for sure [01:17:36] charlottelotved: am i the only one confused by why Finn said they hate transwomen? just wondering [01:17:39] sarahvega404: For free? [01:17:39] eine_baum: bigguyW bigguyW bigguyW [01:17:41] magicduckysplayhouse: DoritosChip [01:17:43] SHurriedImp: That mic is angled convieniently [01:17:43] livjpk78: red pvc skirt and black leather jacket [01:17:44] gay_femboy: I'm Running on a singular brownee two gallons of coffee [01:17:45] Furrfan47: PLEASE, MY WINNINGS [01:17:47] RonnieSxl: woooo [01:17:47] betbet278: you have small knees [01:17:47] scarlettyg: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:17:48] Jens_LN: Top is cute [01:17:49] ArminGux: nice legs bruv [01:17:50] 1958dino: That shirt would be fine for a callab with Nichol Choen! 💐😌😼🐈‍⬛♥️☕🥖🧀🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇦🇵🇸🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💐 [01:17:52] ScarsUnseen: TRAINS [01:17:54] Amoyamoyamoya: @ScarsUnseen, Don't mind me, I'm irrelevant [01:17:54] VentoliN013: I like hamburger helper [01:17:57] charlottelotved: oh ups [01:17:57] rattuscattus: Didn't you have a dress that blue colour? [01:17:59] charlottelotved: mb [01:17:59] ScarsUnseen: lollll [01:18:00] charo_charito: DBLDJDLDNISBSLSJSD [01:18:00] noi4321: same thing [01:18:00] ArminGux: lip gloss? [01:18:00] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: [01:18:02] hiluuu: trains women [01:18:03] gay_femboy: Yea [01:18:06] FirstFireKeeper: NO JOKES [01:18:08] Stovamor: Whoever sent me the new versions of the Bing Bong emote, remind me where they put them [01:18:10] magicduckysplayhouse: f1nnBonk [01:18:11] TheBugMeister: its farting time [01:18:12] karojhe: Same thing LUL [01:18:12] Y0rk5h1r3: Hate Trains People, Autism Revoked LUL [01:18:12] Lucianthelord: Trains people suck [01:18:12] YumeNoZen: Poor Chasiu, getting attacked again. [01:18:13] hazelnutt_2pto: heheh, ‘trains’ [01:18:14] Furrfan47: My lottery winnings are about to go [01:18:16] magicduckysplayhouse: f1nnBonk f1nnBonk f1nnBonk f1nnBonk [01:18:16] iridaceaeIris69: the times are writing an article already [01:18:17] Jadeine: some people dont know its a bit [01:18:17] joshua1234aa: Lechonk [01:18:18] charo_charito: "i hate trains, woman" [01:18:19] charlieokeefe420: f1nn is just joking about things like that [01:18:19] charlottelotved: shorkShyjj I sorry [01:18:19] kalzir6969: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [01:18:20] MajesticFvckingEagle: LUL [01:18:20] ATValdor: trains ppl [01:18:21] zebrabbl396: Trains rights [01:18:22] RonnieSxl: NotLikeThis [01:18:23] ArminGux: time is up [01:18:24] robbielongschlong: Trains exclusionary Radical Factorio player [01:18:25] ScarsUnseen: F1nn is a Trains Exclusionary Radical Femboy [01:18:28] daemon2988: 4 minutes! [01:18:29] HardyOrange: why be careful, the times will jsut make up something out of nothing anyways [01:18:33] purple_scopion_levi: Hey finn [01:18:34] alikarin: trains people has a 1 letter difference to trans people [01:18:35] Kaymon81: do you hate trains woman and man equally? ^^ [01:18:35] Vanimal2118: vanima3EMPEROR vanima3EMPEROR vanima3EMPEROR [01:18:36] boom_and_alpha_yt: nearly cancelled [01:18:39] SnabbKassa: Americans can't ready deadpan dry humour [01:18:40] zodiac06x: does hasanabi impression once immediately get take. out of context [01:18:40] sunnyandsmiling: What's the deal with the lesbian flag being transphobic? [01:18:42] alexx_net: He was only 6 [01:18:44] ronin_5463: Some people are oblivious to sarcasm [01:18:45] radiantcamillatv: ctvaWheeze [01:18:48] mystchevious1: 100% I just believe what you say. [01:18:51] hema_1997_: Hello, lovely people! Hi, Finn! How're y'all doing today? VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [01:18:51] Lucianthelord: Don't worry folks, I'm a dyslexic with bad eye sight but even I got the joke [01:18:53] ATValdor: ... [01:18:53] megadoom20: autism levels go brr [01:18:53] aced_asher: 4 MINUTES [01:18:53] Amoyamoyamoya: He was only 6 [01:18:54] noi4321: lol [01:18:54] gitrektitrekt: Wait fin kills orphans on his free time? Kappa [01:18:55] mario8889: HUH? [01:18:56] Radiopools: yeah uh-huh [01:18:58] YumeNoZen: Riiiiiight. [01:18:59] steveevi: HUH [01:18:59] hiluuu: lmaoao [01:19:00] gay_femboy: I like my humor as i like my chocolat dark [01:19:01] RasputinofThrace: That clip will be trending on twitter soon i think, people are too fast [01:19:01] pennyarcade777: I remember when you decided to out yourself to your dad and he said oh that’s ok I’ve been following you for months on YouTube [01:19:02] RonnieSxl: LUL [01:19:07] charlottelotved: guess i just know the inside jokes yet. My bad f1nnStare [01:19:07] Amoyamoyamoya: @gitrektitrekt, Only orphan puppies [01:19:08] MajesticFvckingEagle: LUL [01:19:08] qfeys: 'I got these boobs as a joke' [01:19:09] AliciaR23: LIP GLOSS GIRL 💃💃💃 [01:19:09] SeriousMental: that would have been a good april fools video [01:19:09] VentoliN013: Goes right over their nipples [01:19:09] ArminGux: u missed by a month mate lol [01:19:10] ronin_5463: Who doesnt?! [01:19:12] alexx_net: @gitrektitrekt Sometimes he does it at work as well /jk [01:19:12] honeysquares: @sunnyandsmiling because of the creator [01:19:13] peanutbudder445_: You gaslight lots of people [01:19:14] LittleChaSiu: fuckin verbal tone indicators [01:19:15] mystchevious1: ... I wasn't 100% joking. [01:19:16] johnkeiwo: PLACE YOUR BETS inconSteal inconHype inconGreed [01:19:17] solarianv69: f1nn is it true that you kill train people? we might have to doxx u again [01:19:17] lilithwintour: 3 mins baby so close [01:19:17] jacksprettycool: isn't that normal? [01:19:17] MoronicMoose: theonl479PepStbR theonl479PepStbR theonl479PepStbR theonl479PepStbR [01:19:19] magicduckysplayhouse: 🐀 [01:19:20] karojhe: He doesn't. It's his job [01:19:22] johnkeiwo: The bet is almost done ! [01:19:22] em669746974: 88w88 [01:19:24] unaffected95: They definitely read as jokes some ppl are just not very bright [01:19:25] YumeNoZen: Q-tip that cleans both ears at the same time, just go through. [01:19:25] unovaismyregion: in Minecraft [01:19:26] Furrfan47: my winnings are waiting for me, please [01:19:29] catlove518: No he makes orphans not kills then lmao [01:19:29] Nanovad_: PINEAPPLE [01:19:30] Jadeine: you coulda released that video on april 1st and have the april fools joke be that you were serious. the community would have gone mental [01:19:30] SnabbKassa: !age [01:19:30] ghost_inna_jarr: I love you finn [01:19:30] f3mmbot: F1nn is 23 years old [01:19:32] moonofyourlifee: What do you have against orphans? You wouldn't finger one? Rude. [01:19:33] boom_and_alpha_yt: finish the bet [01:19:33] SonicXVe: 🍍 [01:19:34] SeriousMental: pineapple [01:19:34] Hannexada: what is your lip gloss? [01:19:35] Nanovad_: IT'S PINEAPPLE [01:19:35] dangerousruben: is it pineapple [01:19:35] groovalicious1: PINEAPPLE [01:19:36] blatant_fabrication: no [01:19:36] reph1x_: PINEAPPLE [01:19:36] hiluuu: no [01:19:36] HardyOrange: pineapple!!! [01:19:37] unaffected95: Promise [01:19:37] SnabbKassa: when is f1nn [01:19:37] SonicXVe: PizzaTime [01:19:38] cookieeater212: promise. im not subbed [01:19:39] alikarin: Yes? [01:19:39] claydress: 🙌 [01:19:39] tallgrass15: Yes [01:19:40] clockingout: No [01:19:41] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: remember when Finn said he'd never have a battlepass? such a liar SMH [01:19:41] Amoyamoyamoya: Am I even subbed? [01:19:41] gay_femboy: Are you going to top a pizza !!! [01:19:41] RvoMusic: hiii! hope you having a good day! congrats on moving, gl [01:19:41] EternalLucia: No deal [01:19:42] rattuscattus: No [01:19:42] Useless__person: why would i unsub?! [01:19:42] judgedame: no [01:19:42] mcg9696: no [01:19:42] Silraa: Pineapple?! [01:19:43] daemon2988: Only if you hurry up and call it! Lol. [01:19:43] axe1970: nothing goes over my head my reflexes are too good [01:19:43] SnabbKassa: 's birthday? [01:19:44] Elizabeth8626: Who doesn't kill orphans during their free time tho? [01:19:44] Reihar: PINEAPLE! [01:19:44] Srcsqwrn: I still think some wings would be fine with eyeliner [01:19:44] Elifighter: no [01:19:45] groovalicious1: I LOVE PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA [01:19:46] realzerobyter: deal [01:19:46] Kaymon81: no promises :) [01:19:47] earthwormgym69: earthwormgym69 subscribed with Prime. [01:19:48] f3mmbot: earthwormgym69 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang earthwormgym69 f1nnLezgang [01:19:48] ronin_5463: It's rlly not a big deal lol [01:19:49] mystchevious1: I Have 4 years invested. I'm not unsubbing over pizza toppings. [01:19:49] SonicXVe: its not like. peanut butter is it [01:19:49] hema_1997_: Un sub Un follow LUL LUL [01:19:50] handscombchris: Ham and Pineapple is the best! come at me bro!!! [01:19:50] QuickestJadeTheDoge: If it's pineapple I'm leaving /j [01:19:51] em669746974: Promise [01:19:51] magicduckysplayhouse: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [01:19:51] jeffdogsonpi: Pineapple is based topping [01:19:51] bearpaw1970: I plomise [01:19:52] lovekaseyj: no [01:19:52] Nanovad_: Finn we're the same age cap [01:19:53] krovvy: peepoHappy f1nn [01:19:53] gay_femboy: No [01:19:54] johnkeiwo: I like olives [01:19:54] MajesticFvckingEagle: jokes on you, I’m broke [01:19:54] VentoliN013: Thanx mate! [01:19:55] ogrem_fanclan: You too, oddinary [01:19:55] earth_boy_: :/ [01:19:56] SeriousMental: noice [01:19:56] HardyOrange: hell yeah!!!! [01:19:56] groovalicious1: W OPINION [01:19:56] magicduckysplayhouse: f1nnBonk [01:19:56] ronin_5463: OLIVES SLAP SO HARD [01:19:57] aestheticbartender: Have to be subbed to unsub LUL [01:19:57] charo_charito: unless its like anchovies and raw egg [01:19:57] rattuscattus: MOSTER [01:19:58] jacksprettycool: that's not so bad [01:19:58] Embers_Falling: unsubbed [01:19:58] charlottelotved: subbed 5 min ago. so i wouln't. I just have bad hearing xddd [01:19:58] SubstituteMyOwn: good choice [01:19:59] Total_Acidity: Blech [01:19:59] mystchevious1: Have you tried katamala Olives? [01:19:59] ArminGux: if it’s pineapple i am flying to brimi [01:19:59] magicduckysplayhouse: deal [01:20:00] DarthDerpy_: olives are good [01:20:00] 1WhoBeans: based [01:20:01] realzerobyter: WHAT I LOVE OLIVES [01:20:01] dangerousruben: thats great [01:20:01] boom_and_alpha_yt: ha [01:20:02] noi4321: I have a very funny joke. How does a non-binary person murder someone? They/them [01:20:02] hiluuu: yeeessssss [01:20:02] Elifighter: olives arent that bad [01:20:02] SonicXVe: cold take [01:20:02] blatant_fabrication: olives are awesome [01:20:03] ScarsUnseen: nooooooo [01:20:03] AustraLeah: I'm not subbed but I promise that I will not unsub [01:20:03] charo_charito: W OPINION [01:20:04] SeriousMental: based [01:20:04] newtdakota: I FUCKING LOVE OLIVES [01:20:04] Noelle_dB: same [01:20:04] know1_0: yup [01:20:04] moonofyourlifee: Olives ate grosssssss [01:20:04] PynkFryck: W choice [01:20:04] pinbel1: Based [01:20:04] unovaismyregion: Based on [01:20:05] Loelinverse: based [01:20:05] bearpaw1970: Black olives are epic [01:20:05] ArminGux: olives are tasty af [01:20:05] handscombchris: you missed a spot! [01:20:06] dangerousruben: their great [01:20:06] Radiopools: BASED [01:20:06] sunnyandsmiling: @honeysquares Oh shoot. Ok, I didn't know. ty. Always disliked that flag, I prefer the rainbow or new progressive [01:20:07] realzerobyter: w [01:20:07] hiluuu: classic topping [01:20:08] unaffected95: Based [01:20:08] krovvy: PrideCute [01:20:08] MoronicMoose: theeca10RaveSpooky theeca10RaveSpooky theeca10RaveSpooky [01:20:09] magicduckysplayhouse: f1nnBonk [01:20:09] gay_femboy: Slommy very smol [01:20:09] snr0n: Kalamata olives are better, but you're not wrong [01:20:10] realzerobyter: win [01:20:10] lilithwintour: i fck with olives [01:20:10] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: yesss [01:20:10] midireinheart: Yummy [01:20:10] Nanovad_: yeah its good [01:20:11] groovalicious1: BIG DICK OPINION [01:20:11] jakeyjakeyy: :3 [01:20:11] ReiniYamato: Black olives are eewww in general 😖 [01:20:11] ScarsUnseen: feta [01:20:12] ronin_5463: YES [01:20:12] daemon2988: W with 2 minutes to spare. [01:20:12] charo_charito: YES GOD [01:20:12] rallphie10: what lip gloss do u have on?? [01:20:12] ThatRedHead717: Yuckie [01:20:13] Furrfan47: yay. my gambling was successful [01:20:13] c__r__j: @Amoyamoyamoya You're a streamer. Of course you're submissive. [01:20:13] YumeNoZen: ... [01:20:13] johnkeiwo: HERE ARE YOUR POINTS f1nnGremlin ! Thanks for playing [01:20:13] judgedame: yes [01:20:13] lovekaseyj: unsubbed [01:20:14] pinbel1: Nvm not based [01:20:14] ColinSpurr: I though everyone here was a sub [01:20:14] groovalicious1: YESSSS [01:20:14] krovvy: PopNemo [01:20:15] SnabbKassa: Chevre is yuck [01:20:16] grandpaladin1701: Black Olives RULE [01:20:17] YumeNoZen: Unsubbed. [01:20:17] Cyprohep: fetta? [01:20:17] finnfanman2: EEEEEEWWWWW [01:20:17] MajesticFvckingEagle: GG [01:20:18] Helen_Croft: eew [01:20:18] A_Fforrest: good shit [01:20:18] Orgondor: olives, based [01:20:19] RvoMusic: my sister doesn’t like them so I always get hers, black olives are a tier [01:20:19] FirstFireKeeper: if its not meat its not on my pizza [01:20:19] muddymudkip15: Olives are alright [01:20:19] Kaymon81: f u, you could have waited 2 more minutes :/ [01:20:20] ronin_5463: BASED [01:20:20] bart140298: Olives?!?! My people <3 [01:20:20] ArminGux: olives are standard on pizza [01:20:20] dreadcain: goatse? on a pizza [01:20:21] mmaniania: EWWWW [01:20:21] peanutbudder445_: I like blue cheese [01:20:21] bearpaw1970: Yes , goat cheese is good [01:20:22] medical_size9000: Olives are gross [01:20:22] livjpk78: looking gorgeous now. just need a leather jacket [01:20:23] realzerobyter: we all love olives [01:20:23] lilithwintour: goat cheese SLAPS [01:20:24] Loelinverse: fair [01:20:25] karojhe: Goat cheese and black olives, yummm.... [01:20:25] DarthDerpy_: based pizza choices [01:20:26] jakeyjakeyy: im eating mushroom olive pizza rn [01:20:26] Embers_Falling: would prefer pinapple on pizza tbh [01:20:27] magicduckysplayhouse: lol [01:20:27] soggyvector: goat cheese is rad [01:20:27] charo_charito: GREEK MOMENT [01:20:28] a_rocky_penguin: goat cheese is Goated [01:20:28] Wanesty: sorry [01:20:29] Amoyamoyamoya: @c__r__j, DAMMIT CRJ (also mostly accurate) [01:20:30] snowwynai: Black olives are great on pizza. [01:20:30] Elizabeth8626: Goat cheese is so good [01:20:32] Lucianthelord: Goats cheese? Ew [01:20:32] Muffin01: 22.3K fembucks whoooweeee [01:20:32] HexGrrrrl: Goatse on pizza [01:20:32] Cyprohep: lube it up [01:20:33] unaffected95: I like blue cheese on pizza [01:20:33] mytwitchusernameisthis: You could say it's the goat [01:20:33] ArminGux: goat opinion [01:20:34] unotopcros: ewwww [01:20:35] claydress: Reminder that F1nn is technically European [01:20:35] electric_cicada: olives suck [01:20:35] aporcelaingirl: are you thinking of feta cheese? [01:20:35] joshua1234aa: olive 🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒🫒 [01:20:36] snowwynai: Fuck yes. [01:20:36] hema_1997_: It's haunted [01:20:36] Amoyamoyamoya: Raw anchovies on the side [01:20:37] peanutbudder445_: I love blue cheese [01:20:37] Raddog315: F1nn translator: if it sounds like he's joking hes serious, if it sounds like he's joking, if you can't tell if he's joking or serious, he's british [01:20:37] Srcsqwrn: People should be allowed to eat what they like how they like~ [01:20:37] betbet278: love green olives and goat cheese [01:20:38] YumeNoZen: Medium dick opinion. [01:20:38] nikama6: viridyRave viridyRave viridyRave viridyRave viridyRave viridyRave viridyRave [01:20:39] Blu_Spy_: Based opinion [01:20:40] jeffdogsonpi: I don't mind them when diced. I don't like the mouthfeel otherwise [01:20:41] magicduckysplayhouse: yaaaaa [01:20:42] TheBugMeister: i love black [01:20:42] Vanimal2118: Need lube? [01:20:43] theuman666: Hank hill? [01:20:44] ronin_5463: OLIVE SUPREMACY [01:20:46] krovvy: PrideCute [01:20:47] EternalLucia: Real men own WD-40 [01:20:49] HardyOrange: dang no lube in the office?? [01:20:50] LittleChaSiu: we're all girls here [01:20:50] solen_shiner: did you know they use squids to color the green olives blacl [01:20:51] eridani_art: black olives i dont know but goat chees i 100% agree [01:20:52] axe1970: lube will work [01:20:54] mario150502: mascarpone on pizza ftw [01:20:55] Cyprohep: u got lube tho [01:20:56] Y0rk5h1r3: Can we finally agree that calzone is the superior pizza format? [01:20:57] charlottelotved: are you packin?? [01:20:57] daemon2988: All olives are good except canned black olives. [01:20:57] AustraLeah: what is WD40 [01:20:57] gay_femboy: It supposed to Spawn in everybodys shed [01:20:57] ScarsUnseen: clip [01:20:58] SonicXVe: machine oil? [01:20:59] ThatRedHead717: Wow are those real? That's so exciting for you!! Congrats on your hrt progress babe 😘 [01:20:59] charlottelotved: xd [01:20:59] Gtaer222: HUH [01:21:00] ATValdor: hmm [01:21:01] gay_femboy: Me [01:21:01] Silraa: You don't have oil for your knife joints? [01:21:02] Helen_Croft: send WD-40 to po box [01:21:02] ColinSpurr: transfem salt cravings? [01:21:03] dangerousruben: ayo [01:21:05] gitrektitrekt: I love Artichokes on pizza. Avocado chefs kiss. [01:21:05] braddle172: f1nnSideeye [01:21:06] VentoliN013: You need bacon 🥓 [01:21:07] charo_charito: i am dying, you look so great [01:21:09] jakeyjakeyy: lost my toolbox in a move once, been a girl ever since [01:21:10] krovvy: keth00 [01:21:11] YumeNoZen: Bish, some of us actually do real work. [01:21:12] stephsbigdrifts: Just spit on it 😂 [01:21:12] h_r_buff_n_stuff: @Amoyamoyamoya tis true [01:21:14] FishFashFoch: just take olive oil [01:21:14] gay_femboy: I don't use live i rawdog it [01:21:14] ramboo1989: ayoo [01:21:16] Majdarkwolf: <3 [01:21:17] Amoyamoyamoya: Lube? Sure. I've got a couple gallons of motor oil in the garage [01:21:17] ArminGux: lube but no wc 40? I seee [01:21:18] noi4321: ayo? [01:21:18] HardyOrange: water based probably wouldn't work here, but others mihgt? [01:21:20] noi4321: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [01:21:20] rallphie10: what lip gloss do you have on?? [01:21:20] midireinheart: Lol [01:21:22] EternalLucia: I have a small general lubricant for hinges and such [01:21:22] Kaymon81: food safe lube? [01:21:23] ArminGux: olive oil? [01:21:23] SeaSqwib: you arent a machine in bed? [01:21:24] VampireSnacks: lube works actually [01:21:24] bart140298: what for [01:21:25] Helen_Croft: WD-40 is not lube @F1NN5TER [01:21:26] Amoyamoyamoya: @h_r_buff_n_stuff, BAN [01:21:26] Y0rk5h1r3: I've got spit, what more do you need? LUL [01:21:27] charlottelotved: Finn be packin [01:21:28] Treeseconds: lidl pizza bread with goats cheese is firrrre [01:21:29] winterwolf197789: hello [01:21:30] JessicaCaraKasey: So, what poppin'? What did I miss? 🤗🤗🤗 [01:21:31] ATValdor: 🤔 [01:21:31] Istanlo: Hello [01:21:33] YumeNoZen: F1nn is good at packing. [01:21:34] alexx_net: The good water based lube would not be good for the chair [01:21:35] Vanimal2118: U own how many knives and no lube? SMH [01:21:39] Lucianthelord: Do you think AI robots in the future will use wd40 for lube? [01:21:40] Loelinverse: WD-40 is a solvent [01:21:40] snowwynai: You need some 3-in-1 oil. [01:21:41] oddinry: pesto on pizza is based [01:21:42] ScarsUnseen: banana peppers on pizza! [01:21:42] karateboy_from_belair: 🐈‍⬛️🫒🐈‍⬛️🫒🐈‍⬛️🫒🐈‍⬛️🫒 [01:21:42] livjpk78: you look really pretty now. just need a leather jacket [01:21:45] ghost_inna_jarr: I won 9 fem bucks life complete [01:21:45] mytwitchusernameisthis: WD-40 is not a substitute for machine lube/grease [01:21:45] Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, WHAT THE FCUK [01:21:46] kalzir6969: bruh i redeemed blow kiss u didnt do it :< [01:21:47] LittleChaSiu: I fuckin love pesto [01:21:47] VampireSnacks: silicon lube works great [01:21:50] keegangames0505: wd-40 is not a lubricant it’s a degreaser [01:21:53] VentoliN013: I just had little ceasars earlier lol [01:21:55] AustraLeah: Isn't WD40 like for engines or smt [01:21:57] XENOMAN5: WD -40 is NOT lube or oil. It’s a water dispersant! [01:21:57] chocob00k: Store bought pesto is nasty [01:21:59] Cyprohep: NotLikeThis [01:22:00] bearpaw1970: 🤣 [01:22:01] tacticalshott: "i have lube... just not machinery lube.." Well there are some certain machines out there isnt there? [01:22:01] em669746974: Olive and Onion pizza SLAPS [01:22:02] xdanibp: pizza is overrated [01:22:03] charlottelotved: are you excited to move? [01:22:05] hiluuu: why did u buy it if u didnt like it [01:22:06] SeriousMental: @Helen_Croft somebody will find something like a 15Litre WD40 can and sent it Kappa [01:22:08] jwb1124: waht [01:22:10] phantaton: yessss! I had a store pizza like that before and almost spit it out [01:22:10] ArminGux: why eat that [01:22:11] thatkimon: if you visit cyprus I will show you a cool pizza placeeee [01:22:12] alexx_net: @VampireSnacks but not good for toys and condoms [01:22:14] kalzir6969: @F1NN5TER bruh i redeemed blow kiss u didnt do it :< [01:22:16] Y0rk5h1r3: A Sloppy Giuseppe though Kreygasm [01:22:16] nikama6: LUL [01:22:17] betbet278: I hate pesto [01:22:17] ScarsUnseen: We can all agree that WD-40 is delicious. [01:22:18] pianoismyforte_: Texture tism moment [01:22:18] ghost_inna_jarr: Finn say pasta [01:22:19] snowwynai: I like pesto and goat cheese together on pizza. [01:22:19] krovvy: LUL [01:22:23] Gtaer222: this chat monkey brain moment [01:22:23] moontheca: You should see if the lube works [01:22:23] the_deezel: Wd 40 ain't lube [01:22:24] danielletg24: danielletg24 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months! It's my 19 month sub anniversary, and I've enjoyed each and every day. I'm so impressed with the quality of the streams, and I want to thank F1nn for being such a genuine and thoughtful person. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and life with us [01:22:24] f3mmbot: danielletg24 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:22:24] ronin_5463: Do robots use WD40 for lube? [01:22:24] SnabbKassa: everyone thinks WD40 is oil. It is not, but it does contain petrol [01:22:26] airconditionerbrrr: all lube is wd40, but not all wd40 is lube [01:22:27] charlottelotved: that looks great [01:22:27] Cyprohep: anything is lube of you're brave enough [01:22:28] XenMonkey: now you're in a girl fit will you do the girl voice? [01:22:29] Kaymon81: everything is lube if you are brabve enough >.< [01:22:29] LittleChaSiu: white dress pog [01:22:31] mystchevious1: Suit? huh? [01:22:33] Helen_Croft: WD-40 also comes in oil drum size [01:22:35] ThatRedHead717: WD-40 is my favorite pizza topping 😊 [01:22:35] LaCroix_Blows: that's a Karen living room [01:22:36] Lucianthelord: Ears are backwards [01:22:36] peanutbudder445_: Same bro [01:22:38] Loelinverse: Fits your car though [01:22:38] snowwynai: LMAO [01:22:38] SOVIETQUER117g: i have been trying to get E for the last 8 yrs f1nn [01:22:40] RykerSune: oooo white summer dress sounds cool [01:22:41] ArminGux: how big do you have to be to use wd 40 in bed, jesus [01:22:42] MsRiverRose: I am so excited my orchi was approved by insurance [01:22:42] alexx_net: Or you could grow into the house. [01:22:42] betbet278: a suit [01:22:42] permit93: you could wear the dress or the suit though [01:22:43] Furrfan47: adds :( [01:22:44] johnkeiwo: maybe i'll grow on you [01:22:45] hema_1997_: The man knows his tools Kappa Kappa [01:22:46] HardyOrange: gotta wear beige striped thigh highs now [01:22:48] Raddog315: didn't you design it? [01:22:48] hiluuu: not surprising [01:22:50] smittenpp: maid outfit in the new house [01:22:50] pianoismyforte_: It works with you. You're hot so suit anything. [01:22:51] alexx_net: The house should be goals [01:22:51] Y0rk5h1r3: A skirt suit? [01:22:52] stephsbigdrifts: Its awsome [01:22:53] gay_femboy: Lube is something that you woud rub on you're pp [01:22:54] DarrigoTR: Spend many thousands on a house, Immediately change everyhting after moving in [01:22:56] gavinthegromit: SadgeBusiness [01:22:56] eine_baum: ears are inside out [01:22:56] em669746974: Paint a room pink for funsies [01:22:57] ArminGux: fancy Prada dresses? [01:22:57] friendzonedguyhere: HeyGuys [01:22:57] Miniepaws: Will you still be finnster? [01:22:59] aestheticbartender: house too beige Kappa [01:22:59] Helen_Croft: so when are you selling E @F1NN5TER [01:22:59] MsGreen352: @MsRiverRose whatifHype [01:23:01] Amoyamoyamoya: Aren't you smoller than when you had a suit as a teenager? It should be big for you now [01:23:02] Vanimal2118: Ur house should reflect u? [01:23:04] moonofyourlifee: Get a pencil skirt suit [01:23:04] timedbot: do middle part hair [01:23:04] MaxVershhhtappen: @f1nn5ter Do u actual know the name of the alien like lube goo?!?, [01:23:05] sarahvega404: You want the upgrade to milf? [01:23:06] sunnyandsmiling: Omg, get a lesbian boss bitch suit and stilettos!!! HOT [01:23:07] ScarsUnseen: pesto sauce lol [01:23:07] TheGamingWriterNL: you are looking cute <3 [01:23:09] noi4321: no [01:23:10] Jens_LN: don't worry .. your gemlinness will scuff that new home right quick ! [01:23:10] boom_and_alpha_yt: wd-40 is water displacement [01:23:11] mystchevious1: Going to be real with you. The Business fit you wore for your boss lady battle pass would be amazing for business purposes. [01:23:12] Amoyamoyamoya: Pesto is a engine lubricant [01:23:12] ishire_117: samuri armor maybe [01:23:12] raya_ren: Hi F1NN [01:23:13] axe1970: suits can be feminin fits [01:23:21] HardyOrange: cuuuttteeee [01:23:21] krovvy: stop lol [01:23:21] braddle172: itspea13Awooga [01:23:23] bearpaw1970: Cute [01:23:23] Andromeda42442: jesus [01:23:24] FirstFireKeeper: @keegangames0505 well i googled it and it says its a blend of lubricants so shrug [01:23:24] johnkeiwo: looking nice gremlin [01:23:25] stephanie1701: when's the house warming party [01:23:25] ronin_5463: THE HAIR IS HAIRING!! [01:23:25] chriscorrick08: You look like teenage girl of parents of that house @f1nn5ter [01:23:26] cookieioswhosh: what the gnarp gnarp [01:23:26] banschiee: Last time i was at my female friend's place she did makeup on me and i look almost exactly like you i'm actually proud of myself [01:23:26] betbet278: you would also look so hot in a suit [01:23:26] Y0rk5h1r3: Hair is getting long [01:23:26] ScarsUnseen: LOL [01:23:26] moonofyourlifee: Suit with a pencil skirt and heels though [01:23:28] MsRiverRose: @MsGreen352 PrideHeartL PrideHeartR TransgenderPride [01:23:28] bang3r: if anyone needs DIY help send me a DM [01:23:28] unaffected95: Damn she's cute [01:23:29] ATValdor: lul [01:23:30] AustraLeah: Wowza [01:23:30] 1958dino: Get a girl suit!💐😌😼🐈‍⬛♥️☕🥖🧀🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇦🇵🇸🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💐 [01:23:31] ArminGux: u finally making the Femboy factory [01:23:31] friendzonedguyhere: hottie [01:23:32] SonicXVe: tumy [01:23:32] Helen_Croft: cute [01:23:32] SeriousMental: sweet lord [01:23:33] YumeNoZen: I got a new skirt suit fit that goes hard. [01:23:33] Furrfan47: smsh [01:23:34] karojhe: Pretty little thing <3 [01:23:34] amelia25782: hot [01:23:35] lovekaseyj: woman [01:23:35] MajesticFvckingEagle: gahdayumn [01:23:35] cookieioswhosh: what the gnarp gnarp (2) [01:23:36] thejack_ofspades: clip that [01:23:36] 57ranma: beautiful [01:23:36] groovalicious1: Soooooo cute [01:23:37] AmonGH_: fin in a suit with a sword? [01:23:37] owHorus: cute [01:23:38] mystchevious1: You look adorable. [01:23:39] ATValdor: cute [01:23:39] strinx1120: Cute [01:23:39] MaxVershhhtappen: @f1nn5ter Wots the alien goo lube called?! [01:23:39] hema_1997_: Cute check = done [01:23:39] oddinry: pesto is based [01:23:40] blackdevils521: Nice poses [01:23:41] hand_hook_car_door: yes? [01:23:41] oshbosh6001: Smash [01:23:42] debdrup: you're cute, bitch (complimentary) [01:23:43] Ex0dia5: nice mighty breedable [01:23:43] claydress: 🔥🔥🔥 [01:23:43] argentvm_: pretti [01:23:43] ArminGux: cute kittyy [01:23:44] LaCroix_Blows: F1nn and Ashley's olde tyme E...for what ails ya [01:23:44] 57ranma: beautiful, hermosa [01:23:44] hiluuu: pretty [01:23:44] thekingone10: Lovely [01:23:44] newtdakota: finn voguing periodically is so based [01:23:45] ThatRedHead717: Fucking hot [01:23:45] Vanimal2118: Nice wig [01:23:46] mmaniania: very pretty ;3 [01:23:47] earth_boy_: the house [01:23:47] themindscrambler: pine nuts, gross [01:23:47] bart140298: beautiful <3 <3 <3 [01:23:47] ronin_5463: Humans can have a little pesto as a treat [01:23:47] meowwant: you got me craving pesto pasta at 11 pm [01:23:47] midireinheart: You’re beautiful [01:23:48] mystchevious1: Vibe of house [01:23:48] MajesticFvckingEagle: cutest gremlin on twitch [01:23:48] charlottelotved: would you ever have a viewer choose your Nail design?? shorkShyjj [01:23:48] Ruglund6230: Lord almighty cuuuutw [01:23:48] sunnyandsmiling: Please get a power lesbian suit and stilettos!! Jacket, no shirt, tie.... YES [01:23:49] GGWolfChick: ggwolfCute ggwolfCute ggwolfCute [01:23:49] johnkeiwo: u were gonna talk about selling E [01:23:49] SeriousMental: kek [01:23:49] professional_baguette: no, it's for italians only [01:23:49] johnkeiwo: u were gonna talk about selling E [01:23:50] johnkeiwo: u were gonna talk about selling E [01:23:50] alexx_net: Feeling cute F1nn? Does that make your voice better? [01:23:50] Lucianthelord: Praise kink showing lol [01:23:51] gay_femboy: Stob PLS my dad walked by [01:23:51] SeriousMental: KEKW [01:23:52] hiluuu: meow [01:23:52] gitrektitrekt: Finnster branded E sounds hilarious for some reason to me. Idk why [01:23:52] 57ranma: cute [01:23:53] VentoliN013: Major Kevin Bacon vibes! 🙂 [01:23:53] charo_charito: you are beautiful [01:23:54] stephsbigdrifts: Bimbo mode on [01:23:54] ATValdor: cute just drained it out your head [01:23:55] Jadeine: wait i didnt see that video. someone give me the TL;DR. GenderGP bad? [01:23:55] 414pseudo: It's unfair how cute you can get [01:23:57] cookieeater212: would abadon you at the first date [01:23:57] Ruglund6230: Cute [01:23:58] unaffected95: Don't match the vine [01:23:58] ArminGux: estrogen [01:23:58] MajesticFvckingEagle: Eeee [01:24:00] akutanio: furry [01:24:01] skylee1976: Love it [01:24:02] timedbot: middle part hair [01:24:02] MaxVershhhtappen: @f1nn5ter asking for an friend tho… [01:24:02] Loelinverse: estrodiol [01:24:04] charo_charito: a pretty girl and a pretty femboy at the same time [01:24:05] moonofyourlifee: You want a suit with a pencil skirt [01:24:05] ThatRedHead717: Finn are you planning to change your name? [01:24:05] ArminGux: pizza [01:24:06] SeriousMental: he blanked out admiring himself LUL [01:24:07] RonnieSxl: E [01:24:11] Lightning_Shift: Bussy lub [01:24:15] AmazingAspie: f1nny [01:24:15] Helen_Croft: fired up another atomic clock for work tomorrow [01:24:16] HardyOrange: okay, but merch that looks like f1nn branded e?? [01:24:17] alexx_net: F1nn5t-E-r brand [01:24:17] ronin_5463: ICK-E [01:24:19] Jens_LN: F1nn5ter is now an E-Pusher ? [01:24:22] Wanesty: f1nn bathtub E when ? [01:24:26] SeriousMental: LUL [01:24:27] Furrfan47: medieval mma [01:24:30] ArminGux: f1nnesteral [01:24:35] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn = Drug King/Queen? [01:24:35] Lucianthelord: Need a patient zero? [01:24:36] pennyarcade777: There you go giving that sexy look with the half turned head 💖💖💖 [01:24:36] LucidityVTv: Pushing E [01:24:37] honeysquares: 😁😁 [01:24:38] alexx_net: @ronin_5463 Good brand idea. (You win.) [01:24:38] whyusetwitchtho: omg [01:24:42] gay_femboy: I am a third weel in everybodys relationships [01:24:45] evesmith2129: No matter the size of your audience, whether you're pulling 1 or 1,000+ viewers you are making a difference. Thank you for bringing joy and just know that even when you feel like you're not doing much you could potentially be making someones day a lot better by just being yourself. Never give up and just know that you can achieve anything if you put in the hard work and time, and there are people out there that appreciate you. [01:24:45] c__r__j: @Helen_Croft If your work uses atomic clocks, F1nn's timekeeping must be seriously triggering to your OCD. [01:24:45] ScarsUnseen: ok im gonna work on music, byeeee. have fun. [01:24:46] Emmy64_: POGGERS [01:24:50] krovvy: PrideCute [01:24:50] HardyOrange: my god you're a start up investor [01:24:51] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:24:51] Loelinverse: This is huge [01:24:52] johnkeiwo: nice ! [01:24:52] Kaymon81: patient zero? ask pyro ^^ [01:24:53] smart_donkey: The rose evergreen foundation? [01:24:53] ATValdor: POGGERS [01:24:53] ronin_5463: @alexx_net ty lol [01:24:56] honeysquares: is it public? [01:24:56] alexx_net: @Amoyamoyamoya Drug Monarch [01:24:58] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: OMG FINN UR AMAZING [01:24:59] groovalicious1: Yippee!! [01:25:00] axe1970: fin branded E [01:25:01] Vanimal2118: Very Cool [01:25:03] SonicXVe: then dont [01:25:05] HardyOrange: you know, this might be cooler than the gas station [01:25:06] AmonGH_: so is Finn going to be on a add for health insurance? [01:25:06] MajesticFvckingEagle: let’s goooo [01:25:06] SnabbKassa: @evesmith2129 very good, but a bit too long for chat [01:25:07] Juliya_999: uk only? [01:25:07] Kumge_T: !socials [01:25:07] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [01:25:08] ArminGux: yay [01:25:08] gay_femboy: Are drugs [01:25:09] ATValdor: yeah be careful [01:25:11] Ruglund6230: Pog [01:25:15] solarianv69: did we lose the bet [01:25:20] ArminGux: is it a fund or is it yours [01:25:24] Helen_Croft: @c__r__j we have multiple and its also linked with CERN [01:25:26] groovalicious1: Allegedly possibly maybe might [01:25:26] aporcelaingirl: pesto is a paste that traditionally consists of crushed garlic, European pine nuts, coarse salt, basil leaves, and hard cheese such as Parmesan or pecorino sardo (cheese made from sheep's milk), all blended with olive oil. [01:25:32] gay_femboy: f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare [01:25:37] Emmy64_: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [01:25:37] krovvy: kethHiss o shit [01:25:39] johnkeiwo: PogU [01:25:40] Amoyamoyamoya: HWHAT?!?!?! [01:25:41] ronin_5463: O SHIT [01:25:42] peanutbudder445_: "F1nn5ter vs hydraulic press" [01:25:42] sarathearcher1: F1nn5trogen... [01:25:42] braddle172: PogU [01:25:44] HardyOrange: oooohhh!!!!!!!! [01:25:44] hiluuu: oooo shiiiii [01:25:44] Juliya_999: PogChamp PogChamp [01:25:44] ronin_5463: BIG [01:25:45] moonofyourlifee: You need a suit with a pencil skirt and heels [01:25:46] hiluuu: awesome [01:25:48] BlaireBearStare: woah [01:25:48] johnkeiwo: HUUUUUUUGE [01:25:50] YumeNoZen: Woooo! [01:25:51] ArminGux: let’s goooooo [01:25:51] melodyrainxx: Finnn [01:25:53] Emmy64_: Sheeeesh [01:25:53] lovekaseyj: oh wowwwwwwww [01:25:53] groovalicious1: Would be awesome if true [01:25:55] seduzu: Sorry I feel dumb but what is this "E" [01:25:57] burntbimbo: hi f1nn, i just got doxxed by my ex i feel ur pain [01:25:59] Raddog315: F1nn5ter brand estrogen, F1nn5ogen™ coming soon [01:25:59] melodyrainxx: I was disconnected 😭 [01:26:01] gay_femboy: OMG my friends are spamming me it's annoying [01:26:02] stephsbigdrifts: @sarathearcher1 😂 [01:26:02] Fuzzyee: Will it only be a UK thing? [01:26:04] tnw543: yourlo57Pogbow yourlo57Pogbow yourlo57Pogbow yourlo57Pogbow yourlo57Pogbow yourlo57Pogbow [01:26:06] aporcelaingirl: just in England or entire UK [01:26:06] thatkimon: Gyros for life [01:26:06] pianoismyforte_: Woah injectable?, pogggg [01:26:07] Helen_Croft: what about EU people ? [01:26:11] XENOMAN5: @seduzu it’s Estrogen [01:26:14] EternalLucia: I have trans friends in England, I know they'd be super excited [01:26:17] c__r__j: Any estrogen is injectable if you're brave enough. [01:26:18] HardyOrange: exctasy, f1nn's pivoting to crime [01:26:18] Andromeda42442: as an American that's wild to me, feel for y'all [01:26:22] Furrfan47: England exclusive? [01:26:24] ThatRedHead717: @seduzu girl juice🥰 [01:26:25] ArminGux: what about t suppressors? [01:26:25] seduzu: Yeah im in Merica so lol [01:26:25] pennyarcade777: Pog and poggers are words that are born on twitch [01:26:32] Emmy64_: Yeah don't say it but PogU [01:26:34] lovekaseyj: can you PLEASE name the place “Rose’s House”? [01:26:36] Loelinverse: First started crossdressing, now changing healthcare this wild [01:26:39] MrsPandamber: im listening [01:26:39] karojhe: Well, I'm poor, sign me up! [01:26:39] AustraLeah: tomato soup [01:26:39] thatkimon: I got pinned XD [01:26:41] alexx_net: No more slapping on the gel (and subby girls like F1nn get "the good" stabbed?) [01:26:44] burntbimbo: are you suing the times? [01:26:45] casualgammer554: casualgammer554 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! hey fin [01:26:45] f3mmbot: casualgammer554 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:26:46] moonofyourlifee: Inject your pills LIKE A MAN! [01:26:48] twitschlol: so you're running a drug ring? [01:26:48] judgedame: wild [01:26:52] sabrinaair: ive been injecting since 2010 great stuff [01:26:52] thefelinedeity: If you do it fast enough you can do it twice I guess [01:26:58] ronin_5463: You're literally a hero [01:27:01] Helen_Croft: get your Finn HRT starter pack Soon™ [01:27:01] Y0rk5h1r3: F1nn in his Breaking Bad arc? [01:27:02] LittleChaSiu: @radiantcamillatv thanks, don't care [01:27:04] Stovamor: @radiantcamillatv, we don't care [01:27:06] krovvy: kethLove [01:27:08] ArminGux: congratulations, and tyvm [01:27:18] pussinagown: Finn where did the cat ears suddenly get there TvT [01:27:19] MiniTuxedo: MiniTuxedo subscribed at Tier 1. [01:27:19] f3mmbot: minituxedo subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang minituxedo f1nnLezgang [01:27:20] johnkeiwo: W [01:27:21] xboxmods: femboy hooters confirmed [01:27:23] oddinry: based [01:27:26] sunnyandsmiling: PLEASE get a power lesbian pinstripe suit and tie, with stilettos..... that look is so hot [01:27:26] AntoCanNeverPickaGoodName: progesterone is an injectable too [01:27:29] ArminGux: so it’s a non profit [01:27:31] johnkeiwo: Socialist Finn [01:27:33] gitrektitrekt: No venture capitalist. Based [01:27:34] seduzu: Bro I work there. I get to dress fem and serve men. Say less [01:27:35] tnw543: nice [01:27:35] biggerturkey: I never want to do injections, I hate getting shots [01:27:36] realtalkchannel: Independent non profit. Nice. [01:27:38] 1958dino: I'm in England and I need estrogen and T blockers etc, I was going to use gendergp but the controversy. I'm 66 I don't time for the NHS and other private clinics are too expensive.💐😌😼🐈‍⬛♥️☕🥖🧀🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇦🇵🇸🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💐 [01:27:38] burntbimbo: yooo no way i have the same gray chair as u [01:27:39] Ex0dia5: poggers [01:27:39] moonofyourlifee: Inject E pills right into your bloodstream LIKE A MAN [01:27:42] BlaireBearStare: Fingers crossed it includes estradiol cypionate [01:27:42] ArminGux: is it ur non profit? [01:27:43] Kaymon81: so we should give you more money? ok.... :) [01:27:44] ThatRedHead717: Exactly how charities should be! [01:27:45] Jens_LN: F1nn5ter is an injectable too ? [01:27:47] peanutbudder445_: You finally go outside [01:27:49] johnkeiwo: based gremlin [01:27:49] cattypuss_1: you're a beautiful person [01:27:49] Y0rk5h1r3: Why would the owner have to be a guy, pretty patriarchal of you LUL [01:27:51] debdrup: trans parent [01:27:52] ivy_liner: is transmasc hrt legally more difficult because T is kinda a controlled substance [01:27:53] Lucianthelord: F1nn since nhs wait times are bonkers and I cant wait any longer I'll volunteer for it like now [01:27:54] Emmy64_: @jens_ln AYO [01:27:55] solarianv69: how we feel about skibidi toilet chat [01:27:55] dangerousruben: TRANSparent [01:27:55] Silraa: TRANSparent? [01:27:56] VentoliN013: I've just been fucking with you about the bacon finn lol [01:27:57] HardyOrange: ideal; do let it make money at market rates, trying to fund it only on donations would probably kill it or you eventually [01:27:59] fewwan: TRANSparent [01:28:03] HappyBlomus: TRANSparent LMAO [01:28:05] ciernaruza: common England L [01:28:06] Amoyamoyamoya: TRAINSparent [01:28:07] Jens_LN: @Emmy64_ What ? ... it's True ! KEKW [01:28:07] lilithwintour: Your money would be best spent on starting Femboy Hooters [01:28:08] blueskydrinking: *trans*-parent ayyyy [01:28:10] LexiSZN77: ill be getting my HRT from F1NN5TER Poggers [01:28:10] Bobbikatt: If we raise money can we donate? [01:28:12] evesmith2129: What are you taking [01:28:13] Cpu101: so buying the battlepass is technically donating to this org? [01:28:14] caelamondorian: Good luck Finn! Amazing if it works [01:28:16] gitrektitrekt: Trans parent LUL [01:28:20] Emmy64_: @jens_ln I guess yeah Kappa [01:28:20] ArminGux: f? [01:28:22] bart140298: transparent? you mean png? [01:28:24] Helen_Croft: frames NotLikeThis [01:28:25] VampireSnacks: finn mommy? trans parent [01:28:26] phoebe_rc: Company limited by Guarantee? [01:28:26] idesofjuno: f [01:28:27] Jens_LN: F [01:28:27] Dani_roa_: i know you said doctors in the video but would web developers in the EU be helpful for the non profit? [01:28:29] braddle172: F [01:28:29] Allie_: WIFI [01:28:29] ry_drake_331: oof [01:28:30] johnkeiwo: oh ok it's not just me [01:28:31] Amoyamoyamoya: @ThatRedHead717, That's not his name [01:28:32] johnkeiwo: mini F [01:28:33] LexiSZN77: will it just be england or all UK? @F1NN5TER [01:28:33] BIGBoris1962: f [01:28:33] ronin_5463: When are you going to establish the first Trans Nation? TransgenderPride [01:28:34] debdrup: Big F [01:28:34] Helen_Croft: the times [01:28:34] strawb3ry_cow: where can I sign up? PLEASE [01:28:35] RonnieSxl: F5 [01:28:36] Furrfan47: Wi-Fi [01:28:37] MajesticFvckingEagle: it’s back for me [01:28:37] krovvy: BibleThump [01:28:37] scarlettyg: Extreme lag [01:28:37] alikarin: glitching out [01:28:38] Ex0dia5: F [01:28:39] balphenor: F [01:28:39] Emmy64_: Hiccup F again [01:28:39] Stovamor: Stream is F-ing @f1nn5ter [01:28:40] SonicXVe: frames keep dropping [01:28:40] Stovamor: Stream is F-ing @f1nn5ter [01:28:40] Venellie: Hey Finn! Just got my Gamersupps cup of you! :3 [01:28:40] furifixus: F [01:28:40] LittleChaSiu: lots of lag LUL [01:28:41] rhegogralyte: f [01:28:41] Jens_LN: stream cutting out [01:28:41] emmalou8383: Wifi 🙄 [01:28:42] Y0rk5h1r3: F [01:28:43] sarahvega404: F [01:28:43] Silraa: RIP stream [01:28:43] cucumbercoast: F [01:28:43] blueskydrinking: oh noooooo [01:28:43] HappyBlomus: F [01:28:43] adamjunkpup: F [01:28:43] Targz_: Wifi moment [01:28:43] honeysquares: f [01:28:43] KarstenK: F [01:28:43] jesepyy: F [01:28:44] SonicXVe: twitch pls [01:28:44] hiluuu: f [01:28:44] MajesticFvckingEagle: nvm [01:28:45] idesofjuno: F [01:28:45] Altex1: F [01:28:45] EldritchElucidator: F [01:28:45] dull_scythes: F [01:28:45] sogalogan: f [01:28:45] axing_: F [01:28:46] imbadatusernames26: F [01:28:46] em669746974: f [01:28:46] Emmy64_: F [01:28:46] Collarito: is it lagging [01:28:46] alikarin: f [01:28:46] thepopeofcopium: twitch dying [01:28:46] AustraLeah: Nice internet [01:28:46] ramboo1989: Let me punch the media in the face [01:28:46] mystchevious1: oh no... [01:28:47] muddymudkip15: F [01:28:47] Amoyamoyamoya: Is that on his end? [01:28:47] Nanovad_: bruh [01:28:48] pennyarcade777: my gender clinic makes me use Estrogel. Estrogen you dollop on your shoulders [01:28:48] pussinagown: F [01:28:49] Cpu101: f [01:28:49] Amoyamoyamoya: F [01:28:50] rene_das_gamer_kind: L [01:28:50] groovalicious1: Naurrrr the lag [01:28:51] braddle172: f1nnHands [01:28:51] 1WhoBeans: rip strim?? [01:28:52] jeffdogsonpi: getting ddossed for being based [01:28:52] Lucyra519: Oh noo [01:28:52] ry_drake_331: THE TIMES ARE STRIKING AGAIN [01:28:53] YumeNoZen: stream go buffering. This iss why we want you to stick it in, to an ethernet port. [01:28:53] Furrfan47: he has entered 8-bit [01:28:54] Lucianthelord: Babe stream nu! [01:28:54] akyiho: Ahoy hoy [01:28:54] handscombchris: good i thought it was my stream again! [01:28:55] XENOMAN5: F [01:28:55] em669746974: stream lagging [01:28:56] biggerturkey: Finn you should chew up the estrogen and feed it into people's mouths like baby trans birds [01:28:57] Targz_: "what's wrong with wifi" [01:28:59] HardyOrange: twitch being transphobic against the stream [01:29:00] gay_femboy: You're Mic is grashing up [01:29:03] Elifighter: internet check [01:29:04] imnotvirgin_: the WIFI f1nnRotate [01:29:04] karateboy_from_belair: Literally wore a capitalism t-shirt. Says the good thing is there's no capitalist structure. Jk. [01:29:05] Jens_LN: I think we have stabilized [01:29:05] SonicXVe: its normal for me again [01:29:05] ArminGux: 3 frames a minute [01:29:05] Andromeda42442: thought it was my internet lmao [01:29:05] LeVideNoirAstral: better now [01:29:07] mystchevious1: I'm not leaving because of a few bad frames. [01:29:07] MajesticFvckingEagle: this is why no WiFi [01:29:07] Bobbikatt: Big time lag [01:29:08] medical_size9000: Damn you twitch [01:29:09] SubstituteMyOwn: seems ok now [01:29:12] AustraLeah: Wait it's not just me? Awesome [01:29:12] imnotvirgin_: f1nnBonk f1nnBonk f1nnBonk f1nnBonk [01:29:13] ArminGux: we back [01:29:13] SnabbKassa: lots of pauses there [01:29:15] derluettetwitch: they are trying to take you down [01:29:16] Jens_LN: We're back [01:29:16] krovvy: PrideCute <3 back [01:29:17] johnkeiwo: it's back for me [01:29:19] oddstruck: It's the wifi [01:29:19] medical_size9000: We back [01:29:20] Cpu101: okay its back [01:29:20] johnkeiwo: f5 chat [01:29:20] Raddog315: the government is blocking the stream [01:29:21] XENOMAN5: You’re back now [01:29:22] Helen_Croft: and this is why you dont use WiFi @F1NN5TER [01:29:22] phoebe_rc: Have you got fibre going to your new house? [01:29:23] ArminGux: big lag [01:29:23] groovalicious1: Back!! [01:29:24] honeysquares: chat replay got really messed up/slow [01:29:25] blueskydrinking: we back [01:29:26] hiluuu: f5 [01:29:26] pussinagown: YAY WELCOME BACK [01:29:27] Lucyra519: Oh, we're back [01:29:27] phantaton: the wifi wants it to be the last stream haha [01:29:29] Hellbent38: We back [01:29:30] axing_: we're so back chat [01:29:32] imnotvirgin_: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:29:33] johnkeiwo: WE BACK [01:29:34] strawb3ry_cow: where can I sign up? I need the help for hormones [01:29:34] Bobbikatt: @majesticfvckingeagle i know, right? [01:29:34] AustraLeah: Ship some to me too thanks [01:29:35] timedbot: its a write off anyway [01:29:37] zpfran: back [01:29:38] melodyrainxx: I thought you threw me out of chat lol [01:29:41] groovalicious1: Bro is in the lab mixing up girl juice [01:29:42] Helen_Croft: and this is why you dont use WiFi @F1NN5TER [01:29:46] ishire_117: your selling it then [01:29:48] ArminGux: u need fiber [01:29:51] mightytomato2: fin the local dealer [01:29:52] caligarelinquo: I Love you ♥ [01:29:52] alexx_net: E isn't a drug it's a hormone. (The "drug E" is something else.) [01:29:52] PynkFryck: bamboo cables [01:29:54] Dani_roa_: boris johnsen himself is pulling down the stream [01:29:58] ColinSpurr: Ashley said you’re breaking up if you pee in the sink… [01:29:59] gitrektitrekt: I mean you did more work covering gender gp than the dollar store version of The NY Times [01:30:11] moontheca: The sharks are attacking the internet again [01:30:11] Furrfan47: damn [01:30:14] LexiSZN77: will it just be in england or all UK? @F1NN5TER [01:30:17] lampshaderie: gender gpt* [01:30:21] gay_femboy: I'm watching a Documentury about racism [01:30:21] SeriousMental: good night f1nn, good night chat bonjwaHerz bonjwaHerz bonjwa8Uhr [01:30:22] johnkeiwo: yume experiecne the female RAGE [01:30:22] bucksben: Breaking Egg, the Brum-based TV show homebrewing crystal estrogen! [01:30:27] YumeNoZen: I think I accidentally put it into a vein. [01:30:35] wtfuxlolwut: Power to you for using your fund's for something positive rather than a crippling cocaine habit [01:30:38] debdrup: @YumeNoZen ooof [01:30:40] ArminGux: testosterone is sometimes ilegal sometimes tho [01:30:40] Helen_Croft: also what to do with biohazard box? @F1NN5TER [01:30:42] smittenpp: your generosity is awesome [01:30:47] ivy_liner: testosterone is though right? [01:30:47] SnabbKassa: medicines still have to be licenses [01:30:47] PinkestLiquid: hormones? i sure hope they do [01:30:48] VentoliN013: I thought ethernets were supposed to have a more secure connection? [01:30:53] LucidityVTv: I go into the back alley of some street and see F1nn there approaching me with Estrogen in hand [01:30:54] moonofyourlifee: Just put the gel in a needle and bam, injectable. [01:30:55] ronin_5463: E Macrodosing [01:30:56] Wanesty: :( no f1nn bathtub estrogen [01:30:57] Nauticalcoffin: Interpretation is hard chrHm [01:31:02] melodyrainxx: Your cat ears are so cute 🐱 [01:31:03] Y0rk5h1r3: I thought we left the EU LUL [01:31:06] LittleChaSiu: @VentoliN013 sure but the ISP can a little bit suck too [01:31:10] honeysquares: YAY [01:31:12] Juliya_999: im going to get f1nn E [01:31:12] casualgammer554: I'm surprised someone hasn't redeemed the walk for a while [01:31:14] akyiho: Can I ask a question? [01:31:15] LexiSZN77: W [01:31:17] SilverFox_8: haiiiiiii [01:31:19] karojhe: Where do you sign up? [01:31:19] EternalLucia: Transmasc support too? [01:31:21] gay_femboy: Drink the estrogen thing al at once [01:31:21] Furrfan47: 160p [01:31:21] Skyteks: sadly testosterone can be used to dope in sports, which is why its highly regulated [01:31:21] debdrup: so wait, people who get in the charity thing won't be showing up at f1nns house to take a bath in the e bathtub???? [01:31:23] SnabbKassa: is NHS devolved in Scotland? [01:31:27] biggerturkey: Dump your T into a bath for the trans men [01:31:29] krovvy: kethHiss sick [01:31:29] megadoom20: f1nnjectables [01:31:31] DarkStarArrives: What about sending IP over mains, could that be the answer? [01:31:32] steveevi: crys [01:31:33] ciernaruza: @SnabbKassa yes [01:31:34] Mathilda1211: cant wait to leave ireland and finally get E [01:31:38] PynkFryck: W [01:31:38] Y0rk5h1r3: F1nn gonna supply us them trenbologne sandwiches? [01:31:39] alexx_net: @SnabbKassa It is (mostly) [01:31:39] LittleChaSiu: FTTH let's goooo [01:31:40] p0ikil3: you should wear braids sometimes [01:31:46] ArminGux: that’s fucking awesome [01:31:46] Cautare: BUSINESS [01:31:47] thgfthh: watch pan’s labyrinth [01:31:47] pennyarcade777: I have Leuprorelin injections in my lower part by my belly button as a steroid blocker [01:31:48] wtfuxlolwut: Testosterone is hard because of Wada [01:31:50] melodyrainxx: Yes piggy tails [01:31:51] Helen_Croft: I also have my own 2 fibers [01:31:51] pianoismyforte_: Fttp is poggers [01:31:52] debdrup: FTTH instead of FTTB [01:31:53] enbyvee: I have FTTH. It's residential. [01:31:53] GTman199: sup? [01:31:53] phantaton: 500up? I can only get 10up out here RIP [01:31:58] krovvy: oof that upload [01:31:59] ronin_5463: FTTH GANG RISE UP [01:31:59] SnabbKassa: @alexx_net so "England and Wales" has a policy, and Scotland could be different [01:32:01] axing_: oof [01:32:01] blueskydrinking: @SnabbKassa yes, it's the responsibility of the scottish government. However, the UK government controls the Scottish government's overall budget [01:32:06] SonicXVe: 500 MB? [01:32:06] Jadeine: we just need white monsters with E infused [01:32:08] alexx_net: @alexx_net correct [01:32:10] pianoismyforte_: Yeah I have that at 900/900. It's so good. [01:32:11] emmalou8383: Fttp is sweet 1gb symmetrical [01:32:11] sp00kq: We have gigabit up and down here lol. Not a business connection either [01:32:11] c__r__j: Domestic fibre to the premises is a thing in the UK. Doesn't have to be for businesses. [01:32:13] Raddog315: dedicated line, every gamers dream [01:32:13] LittleChaSiu: god that is awful how do you stream on that [01:32:16] ArminGux: let’s goo no more lag [01:32:16] Gtaer222: gig down 100 up gang [01:32:20] alexx_net: NOOO! Don't google Sisters of D! [01:32:21] furifixus: Only 500? [01:32:23] gay_femboy: My phone raakt even make a screenshot [01:32:23] radiantcamillatv: Hi [01:32:24] AustraLeah: jeez that's terrible [01:32:26] qfeys: Not on wifi, it won't [01:32:28] AustraLeah: How are you even live [01:32:30] XenMonkey: @Gtaer222 fo sho! [01:32:30] Einhiria: rip [01:32:32] Cyprohep: thats damn low [01:32:33] Amoyamoyamoya: WCGW [01:32:33] ramboo1989: Mediacom has entered the chat [01:32:33] Juliya_999: i have 1gbit and its really nice [01:32:36] Cyprohep: how are u live [01:32:37] Kartoff: 500/500 is decent :) But the more the better :) [01:32:38] EternalLucia: I can get 2TB symmetric where I'm at, surprised they can only do 500 there [01:32:38] Jens_LN: @LittleChaSiu only need abou 6-8Mbit to stream in 1080 p [01:32:40] enbyvee: 500/500 is honestly enough and yet I have 1G/1G [01:32:41] pennyarcade777: I have injections as a Testosterone blocker [01:32:41] YumeNoZen: 1000up/1000down was great. [01:32:42] vulpesmyrca: Having 300 on a old Coax cable xD [01:32:43] Stovamor: @LittleChaSiu, you need about 5 up to stream 1080P Anything more is gravy [01:32:43] Helen_Croft: just dont pay tax Kappa [01:32:43] c__r__j: You can't measure uplink accurately while streaming! [01:32:44] a_rocky_penguin: i get like 20 up and 100 down [01:32:44] tylerlong1997: 500 for a business connection kinda seems a bit low, i have gigabit up and down on a residential connection [01:32:46] evelyn_bat_rivka: @alexx_net why not :) [01:32:48] Mrcreepersface: @F1NN5TER wanted to say thanks, you helped me figure out I was trans, and then tell my friends about it! [01:32:48] Gtaer222: @XenMonkey hell yes! [01:32:51] Y0rk5h1r3: Charities have merch [01:32:53] phoebe_rc: @Gtaer222 same [01:32:54] karateboy_from_belair: Lol. Like the game. [01:32:55] VentoliN013: @littlechasiu thanks for the explanation lol [01:32:56] Dani_roa_: just ignore the law >:3 [01:33:01] johnkeiwo: !pobox [01:33:01] f3mmbot: Hey Chat! Do you want to send things to Rose? Here is the PO BOX address: Rose Evergreen, Po box 17839, Oldbury, B69 9GN, United Kingdom. NOTE: Finn lives in the UK so if you want to send clothes it will be easier if you send them from www.amazon.co.uk Otherwise they could be stuck at customs. [01:33:05] ivy_liner: @skyteks definitely a good reason to make health care less accesible lol, as if there are more professional sports people than trans people [01:33:06] enbyvee: ah you get into the beautiful legalities of charitable trading subsidiaries [01:33:07] SnabbKassa: charities are heavily regulated for good reason [01:33:09] Jadeine: your GF wants to make a fashion brand. just sell merch through that eavNod [01:33:09] loooosah: 4 [01:33:09] electric_cicada: what about raloxofine? [01:33:11] ronin_5463: p l e a s e [01:33:18] alexx_net: @evelyn_bat_rivka, We have a lot of children that watch this stream and the VoDs [01:33:19] PynkFryck: 420, nice [01:33:21] Gtaer222: @phoebe_rc its fast! [01:33:22] pi_master_2016: schlattCat [01:33:24] ryanthepig06: egg [01:33:25] melodyrainxx: 🥳🧁🎁 [01:33:26] Helen_Croft: new house birthday stream [01:33:28] ryanthepig06: 🥚 [01:33:28] ArminGux: is the P.O. Box the same after move? [01:33:31] krovvy: keth00 I see them [01:33:32] Kartoff: I have over 100 G here, but just have it since I can't saturate it LOL [01:33:33] ronin_5463: Careful! Don't touch! [01:33:35] radiantcamillatv: ctvaSMILE [01:33:35] LogicCore: 500up? F1NN will be streaming in 4k with a buttery 144fps. SeemsGood [01:33:38] Dartomic: blblblblblbl devozG [01:33:39] Stovamor: @ArminGux yes [01:33:40] Skyteks: @ivy_liner politics dont care tho, sadly [01:33:40] bigsuave7: nice bobs bro [01:33:40] Jens_LN: @tylerlong1997 yeah, but you have to share the backbone connection from the box to the central .. a business connection is a solo connection all the way to the central. [01:33:42] EternalLucia: 4 20? [01:33:42] PynkFryck: @ryanthepig06 we're wayy past egg stage here [01:33:43] alikarin: when is in time? [01:33:43] c__r__j: @ArminGux I would expect so. [01:33:45] SnabbKassa: but you won't have moved by then [01:33:46] ColinSpurr: I’ve got 1500 down and about 900 up with the fibre in my apartment for about $80 CAD a month after tax [01:33:49] ryanthepig06: bleedPurple bleedPurple [01:33:51] charo_charito: 100% you do [01:33:52] ishire_117: can i send weed [01:33:54] VentoliN013: So us your female name Rose or Jude? I'm confused lol [01:33:54] thgfthh: thgfthh subscribed at Tier 1. [01:33:54] f3mmbot: thgfthh subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang thgfthh f1nnLezgang [01:33:55] Dani_roa_: why are people saying egg? he is sunny side up now [01:33:55] evelyn_bat_rivka: @alexx_net Ah, forgot about that but Finns booba talk is not very PG-13' [01:33:56] gitrektitrekt: My b day is the 19th lol [01:33:58] fenris442: as someone who just started HRT, how long did it take for booba to show up? [01:33:58] ryanthepig06: 🥚 [01:34:02] ArminGux: @c__r__j tyvm [01:34:08] ohsveni: <3 [01:34:12] axing_: LMAO [01:34:15] allenmiddle: Nice ring finger [01:34:18] kinthewolf: i just got F!NN5TERS waifu cup in the mail today it looks soo good [01:34:18] mcber1234: f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnRotate f1nnCancelled f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnLaff f1nnSad f1nnRun f1nnZOOM f1nnPegChamp f1nnBingbong f1nnHands f1nnHeart f1nnKnife f1nnEgg f1nnNomods f1nnMonka f1nnGremlin f1nnHeadpat f1nnGross f1nnSCAM f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 f1nnCope f1nnChair f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnStare f1nnSideeye f1nnRaid f1nnCool f1nnBonk f1nnAshbonk [01:34:19] moiragamble: YESSSS [01:34:20] EternalLucia: @fenris442 anywhere from 1 month to 3 years [01:34:21] caelamondorian: Watch party! [01:34:22] Helen_Croft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE7FBfkYIGA [01:34:23] HardyOrange: it's cute and funny! [01:34:24] balphenor: I saw [01:34:24] aster_stella: I wish I had the same tits [01:34:26] johnkeiwo: PogU react streamer ! [01:34:27] braddle172: Yep [01:34:28] AustraLeah: yes [01:34:28] HardyOrange: what?? [01:34:28] karateboy_from_belair: Is this a rd [01:34:28] phoebe_rc: @Gtaer222 except when I use the vpn to work and it drops but that is their network. [01:34:29] ronin_5463: no? [01:34:29] johnkeiwo: YES [01:34:30] braddle172: f1nnStare [01:34:31] Jens_LN: Yes ! [01:34:32] johnkeiwo: I did [01:34:33] ohsveni: ?? [01:34:33] Furrfan47: no [01:34:34] AustraLeah: Absolutely [01:34:34] HardyOrange: airplane? [01:34:34] AmethystDX: are those hairs real? if not, absolutely impressive extensions / wig [01:34:34] ArminGux: no [01:34:35] phantaton: I haven't kept up with her in like two years lol [01:34:35] lampshaderie: what is a bell dolphin [01:34:35] melodyrainxx: Yeahh [01:34:35] ohsveni: no [01:34:36] letume: no [01:34:36] c__r__j: Twitch has 4K streaming in BETA TEST, for people with GeForce 40*0 graphics cards. [01:34:37] muddymudkip15: No [01:34:40] 360gotime: ? [01:34:41] Y0rk5h1r3: What she do? [01:34:41] Jens_LN: What ? [01:34:41] furifixus: Yeah [01:34:41] hand_hook_car_door: lol yes [01:34:41] johnkeiwo: she is a fucking marketing fiend [01:34:42] Dartomic: hey i wanted to try to decrypt those egyptian hyroglyghics [01:34:43] judgedame: no [01:34:44] bigsuave7: nope [01:34:44] ciernaruza: oh god what now [01:34:45] rhett11plays: oh god that thing [01:34:45] AustraLeah: ADHD Finn strikes again [01:34:45] fenris442: @EternalLucia thank you [01:34:48] somedud345236: oh god shes back [01:34:48] Helen_Croft: with the gun? [01:34:48] ArminGux: is it something wierd again [01:34:51] johnNihil: oh [01:34:52] davidiusfarrenius: pop [01:34:55] twitchxyz0: Is change more exciting or scary O.o [01:34:55] phantaton: blukit1Sweat [01:34:56] daemon2988: Yeah. I haven't seen it yet either. [01:34:57] imbadatusernames26: What did she do this time?? [01:34:58] killingmyego: what she up to [01:34:59] Amoyamoyamoya: Belle Delphine? Face reveal? [01:35:01] CeruleanWizard: You mean Bell DOLL-phine? [01:35:01] alexx_net: @evelyn_bat_rivka, Breats are for feeding babies. I can't think of anything more PG-13 [01:35:01] SilverFox_8: @Dartomic frog frog frogg [01:35:01] Y0rk5h1r3: Damn Daniel [01:35:02] moiragamble: Why are we Talking about Belle We should be talking about Icky [01:35:03] SonicXVe: pls be careful [01:35:03] Mikey2207: the doll [01:35:03] PynkFryck: monkaS [01:35:05] Silraa: Oh the doll? [01:35:05] SnabbKassa: careful [01:35:06] pussinagown: CAREFUL SPONGEBOB [01:35:09] judgedame: careful [01:35:09] honeysquares: … lmao [01:35:09] SparklyKitten5555: are you moving because you gt doxed in the papers ? [01:35:09] Lets_illuminatiHD: whats it [01:35:11] XavienTC: she did... a thing... [01:35:14] krovvy: neffImGonnaCrumb [01:35:16] melodyrainxx: Oh shit [01:35:17] MajesticFvckingEagle: careful [01:35:18] ohsveni: HUHHHH [01:35:18] phantaton: WutFace [01:35:18] johnkeiwo: Have some music chat ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9Pv589uCB0&list=RDMMZpB3WaIcVQ4&index=29&ab_channel=MetroBoomin-Topic [01:35:19] blueskydrinking: That.... thing looks not unlike you tbh [01:35:19] rhett11plays: it's certainly... a thing [01:35:20] Silraa: She uh.. Sells.. ... [01:35:21] johnNihil: wow [01:35:21] Lucianthelord: Will it be just the hrt or will you be helping people through the stages pre hrt ? [01:35:21] braddle172: f1nnMonka [01:35:22] sp00kq: God damm [01:35:22] macdragon45: What do you mean last stream [01:35:23] ronin_5463: W H A T ? ? ? [01:35:23] HardyOrange: her on herself is WILD [01:35:24] delta4o: no way... [01:35:24] Jens_LN: Looking ?? Respectfully ?? [01:35:24] charlottelotved: f1nnSideeye don't get banned please [01:35:24] oddinry: ...eugh [01:35:24] alexx_net: @pussinagown exactly! f1nnLaff [01:35:26] Dartomic: looks like an 8 year old [01:35:26] Jens_LN: POG [01:35:28] SonicXVe: HUH [01:35:28] necrofeline: bruh [01:35:28] Cyprohep: waoh [01:35:29] bigsuave7: omg [01:35:30] honeysquares: please I don’t have twitter fin [01:35:31] seduzu: How much [01:35:31] killingmyego: yooooo [01:35:32] Darts852: wut [01:35:32] Cautare: EWWWWWW [01:35:32] gay_femboy: Zooming in goddamn [01:35:32] lampshaderie: deep power move [01:35:32] BRUISES: she is a marketing GENIUS [01:35:33] sp00kq: @macdragon45 last stream in this house [01:35:33] mystchevious1: How does that surprise you? [01:35:34] ohsveni: BUY IT [01:35:35] SoftWorxBC: Jesus... [01:35:37] scarlettyg: uhm [01:35:37] YumeNoZen: That's... uh.... [01:35:37] pennyarcade777: @fenris442 from 6 to 12 months for most. Finnster does not take anything yet [01:35:37] steveevi: YOOOO [01:35:38] CeruleanWizard: He's looking, RESPECTFULLY [01:35:38] lupiacubens: lupiacubens subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! [01:35:38] f3mmbot: lupiacubens subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:35:39] ArminGux: yeah that’s pretty standard for corn stars [01:35:39] ProfaneCreation: selphyChrist [01:35:41] pussinagown: HUHH [01:35:41] smolgoddessal3x: shes gonna make money [01:35:42] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: Seen it [01:35:43] scarlettyg: ... But why? [01:35:43] 1958dino: My birthday is on the 19th April, I'll be 66! 💐😌😼🐈‍⬛♥️☕💐🧀🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇦🇵🇸🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💐 [01:35:43] YumeNoZen: She's gonna make so much money. [01:35:43] SoftWorxBC: That is weird [01:35:43] a_rocky_penguin: WOT [01:35:44] EternalLucia: That's hot [01:35:44] mystchevious1: And when are you buying yours? [01:35:45] melodyrainxx: Omg lol [01:35:45] SonicXVe: the entire concept of this is borderline TOS tbh [01:35:46] davidiusfarrenius: yes [01:35:46] biggerturkey: WOAH [01:35:47] SnabbKassa: it's smaller, tho [01:35:48] johnkeiwo: that shit is gonna SELML [01:35:48] ohsveni: BUY IT FOR YOUR ROOM [01:35:48] karateboy_from_belair: Is this normal stream timeing? It's super late here. [01:35:49] GothicVulture: GothicVulture subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! f1nnHeart [01:35:49] f3mmbot: gothicvulture subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:35:50] evelyn_bat_rivka: PG 13 eh? [01:35:50] neosstuff: this doesnt suprise me [01:35:50] johnkeiwo: SELL [01:35:51] XavienTC: she really does love herself huh [01:35:51] honeysquares: 😧 [01:35:52] XenMonkey: f1nn sexdoll when? [01:35:53] andromeda_0209: I need it [01:35:53] zpfran: it's not the craziest thing she's done tbf [01:35:53] SilverFox_8: I want one [01:35:54] sarahvega404: She is the goat [01:35:54] esquilinus: smash, next question [01:35:54] MajesticFvckingEagle: BRUH [01:35:54] A_Fforrest: creepy [01:35:55] sunnyandsmiling: So when do we get the FinDoll? [01:35:55] ciernaruza: nah that's weird [01:35:55] all_is_dustt: h-how much? [01:35:55] Kaymon81: how expesinve? asking for a friend >.> [01:35:57] VentoliN013: Not disturbing at all. . . [01:35:57] Amoyamoyamoya: When does your sample arrive? [01:35:57] tnw543: damn [01:35:57] rhett11plays: well someone's gonna buy it I guess [01:35:57] Jadeine: so where are these for sale? for.... research [01:35:58] Furrfan47: how much? [01:35:59] akyiho: It looks so real [01:36:01] melodyrainxx: Is she selling them lol [01:36:01] blatant_fabrication: based [01:36:01] ArminGux: a lot of corn stars did it [01:36:02] SOVIETQUER117g: Bruh [01:36:02] gitrektitrekt: I'm honestly surprised that she didn't come out with this sooner. Kappa [01:36:03] c__r__j: Sodacat claims to know a good cheap place for such dolls. [01:36:04] ohsveni: How much? [01:36:04] cursetheroad: What a Chad entrepreneur [01:36:04] alexx_net: So when are you going to do the same? [01:36:04] atlas_exmachina: gross [01:36:04] Cpu101: f1nnster sex doll when? [01:36:05] witchesfire: goddamn [01:36:05] necrofeline: its a first for a non corn star [01:36:05] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: virgins are gonna be so happy [01:36:05] Helen_Croft: it comes in a coffin @F1NN5TER [01:36:06] Lets_illuminatiHD: nuts indeed [01:36:06] MaxVershhhtappen: @f1nn5ter How much does it cost, asking for an friend.! [01:36:08] ramboo1989: when the bath water runs out..... [01:36:08] johnkeiwo: lots of people have made molds of their genitls for this [01:36:09] numeanor: business idea? [01:36:10] blackdevils521: SeemsGood [01:36:10] rootuz: Finn doll when? [01:36:13] ohsveni: HUH [01:36:15] honeysquares: yarrFear [01:36:16] ohsveni: WHAT [01:36:16] realtalkchannel: Not shocking at all from Bell Delphine tbh [01:36:17] Colour_Splat: me :) [01:36:18] pussinagown: Bro she sold BATH WATER im not surprised [01:36:19] LogicCore: Sorry, had my headphones off. Is that a Belle Delphine REALDOLL? [01:36:21] oddinry: ??? [01:36:21] davidiusfarrenius: Her army of simps will buy it! 😄 [01:36:22] krovvy: neffImGonnaCrumb ordering 2 [01:36:22] abowlofmay0: looks like a realistic anime girl, if anime went live action [01:36:22] scarlettyg: Should've come in a bathtub instead [01:36:22] SonicXVe: WHAT [01:36:22] ArminGux: pinned tweet has fools face [01:36:23] hugeairconditioner: finn doll when PogO [01:36:23] QuickestJadeTheDoge: One miss click and it's over [01:36:24] axing_: say what u want about delphine but she does fucking know how to milk money out of horny people [01:36:25] seduzu: Finn doll please [01:36:26] player2johnny: so when are yall getting one [01:36:26] mittfh: Drooling at your new house's bandwidth - here I am, elsewhere in Brum, and the fastest I can get (except via Virgin) is 12 Mbps down, 1 Mbps up (FTTC - FTTP isn't due here for another year or two). [01:36:28] mystchevious1: Whittney cummings had a sex doll made of her and took it on her comedy tour. [01:36:28] ramboo1989: DONT DO IT F1nn [01:36:29] MajesticFvckingEagle: always has been [01:36:29] XENOMAN5: When is yours available? [01:36:30] Dartomic: Or like a my size barbie [01:36:30] RonnieSxl: careful [01:36:30] phoebe_rc: The doll is one thing but of yourself...WTF!!! [01:36:31] ohsveni: BUY IT [01:36:31] blueskydrinking: BRO [01:36:34] sunnyandsmiling: FInDoll! FinDoll! FinDoll!!!! [01:36:35] Jadeine: shes such a business woman [01:36:36] SonicXVe: sus [01:36:38] johnkeiwo: ask her for one, she'll give it to u for free [01:36:39] Raddog315: D0ll6ter [01:36:40] smolgoddessal3x: can i get a finn 1 [01:36:41] Furrfan47: I need that [01:36:41] SoftWorxBC: I mean in this day and age its brilliant LOL [01:36:42] bigsuave7: for research [01:36:46] noi4321: ayo [01:36:46] mystchevious1: She's gonna make a ton. [01:36:48] JessicaCaraKasey: F1nn Dooley only a matter of time! 🤣 [01:36:48] killingmyego: mass produce [01:36:48] bigsuave7: LUL [01:36:48] karateboy_from_belair: Lots actually. She has the money ,no. [01:36:49] SnabbKassa: of course she is going to make a lot [01:36:50] andromeda_0209: Do it [01:36:50] daemon2988: I mean Susu has her own AI. Your own doll is the logical next step. Lol. [01:36:51] rebecca724: Hello0 all [01:36:52] LordChefMage: Collab with @Paymoneywubby and get one [01:36:52] BRUISES: guessing around $1500 [01:36:53] Cyprohep: more [01:36:53] ArminGux: those are 40k often [01:36:54] SnabbKassa: thousands [01:36:54] Gtaer222: probably alot, never underestermate? [01:36:55] melodyrainxx: I'll buy you one lmao [01:36:55] hugeairconditioner: thousands [01:36:55] gigasmaz: LUL [01:36:55] Dartomic: she's probably going to sell more than that [01:36:56] ohsveni: huh [01:36:56] rootuz: a lot [01:36:57] judgedame: they are [01:36:57] lampshaderie: 5k, 4 to u [01:36:57] Jadeine: 1000s easy [01:36:57] Captain_Soren: That just opens so many questions. [01:37:00] HardyOrange: even 50 or 100 seems high for buyer numbers [01:37:00] zebrabbl396: Take my money [01:37:00] krovvy: Just buy one, for the background decor [01:37:01] gay_femboy: I'm holding a gun with a silencer so i don't disturb my neighbours [01:37:01] mmaniania: LUL [01:37:01] XENOMAN5: Marketing chad right there [01:37:03] CeruleanWizard: I wonder who makes more off OF, her or Amouranth. I imagine it's a competition at this point [01:37:03] Kaymon81: ask soda about the doll [01:37:03] steveevi: 2k [01:37:04] Jens_LN: Now we just need the doll to be AI controlled then ? [01:37:05] melodyrainxx: Millions [01:37:05] Loelinverse: LMOA [01:37:06] deerdreams: they're thousands even not that customized [01:37:06] ramboo1989: $2,999.89 [01:37:07] Silraa: Those types of dolls are 2-3k for the better chinese ones. [01:37:07] Lucianthelord: 2g easy [01:37:07] Jadeine: people will take out bank loans for these things [01:37:08] Loelinverse: LMAO [01:37:09] Raddog315: D0ll5ter when? [01:37:09] vescufi: if I had money I would unironically get one [01:37:09] zpfran: google has you now [01:37:10] flufflesnugglez: 5k [01:37:10] hugeairconditioner: belle will easily sell tens of thousands of those [01:37:11] ohsveni: buy it [01:37:11] LaCroix_Blows: just ask her [01:37:12] carwyn79: So like....how many boxes were used for all the blahajs? [01:37:13] ohmarkey: it's $1,600 ouch [01:37:13] bigsuave7: F1nn doll when? [01:37:14] MajesticFvckingEagle: she can mark it up for a lot [01:37:14] realtalkchannel: 10.000s she has massive reach [01:37:15] grandpaladin1701: Soda mentioned that dolls like that cost a couple K [01:37:16] ArminGux: ask soda [01:37:17] tayhognosesnake: what did I miss 😭😭😭 [01:37:17] rhett11plays: they're like 5k each afaik so if she sells a hundred thats half a mill [01:37:17] resurgenceguild: She will sell thousands [01:37:18] c__r__j: You know Sodacat has someone who regularly buys their used sex dolls? [01:37:20] alexx_net: Yes, they would be thousands [01:37:21] blueskydrinking: there's worse things in your search history f1nn, lbr [01:37:23] jakethesnake564873: A doll like that is worth way more then 3k [01:37:24] gitrektitrekt: $69,420 [01:37:25] honeysquares: … search history lmao [01:37:26] ramboo1989: yeah ask soda [01:37:26] Cyprohep: lmaooo [01:37:27] Lucianthelord: F1nn5ter sex doll when? [01:37:28] SnabbKassa: it [01:37:28] ciernaruza: @CeruleanWizard isn't Amouranth #1 worldwide? [01:37:29] liltreytrey32: god your nails are so pretty [01:37:29] XENOMAN5: Base real dolls are $10,000 [01:37:29] thetuaschtee: just ask belle :D [01:37:31] killingmyego: xD [01:37:31] mystchevious1: You are nuts. [01:37:32] gay_femboy: Cap Cap you already nuts [01:37:33] sarahvega404: Damn thats a good idea [01:37:34] ohsveni: Ask for a free one [01:37:34] grandpaladin1701: grandpaladin1701 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! [01:37:34] gavincraftone: i hear a new sub goal [01:37:34] f3mmbot: grandpaladin1701 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:37:35] cursetheroad: Likely in the 5 figures [01:37:35] Furrfan47: I NEED one [01:37:35] SnabbKassa: it's way too childlike. creepy [01:37:37] austrian_tap_water: Do ittt [01:37:37] SonicXVe: HUH [01:37:38] Dartomic: Put motos in the mouth and make Alexa talk through it [01:37:40] zebrabbl396: LUL doll5ter [01:37:40] RaukkM: Partner with the company that makes them [01:37:40] melodyrainxx: Yes [01:37:40] Vanimal2118: f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare [01:37:40] Elifighter: use it to fake your death for tax reasons [01:37:41] Cyprohep: hahahaha [01:37:41] mightytomato2: you mean you arn't nuts? [01:37:41] Wanesty: soda will congratulate you KEKW [01:37:41] Darts852: you should buy one for the meemee [01:37:41] knownprisoner: buisness expence [01:37:42] Amoyamoyamoya: Do you have the tracking number for the doll? [01:37:42] Stovamor: She says on the twitter post that to buy it, you have to message her on OF - @f1nn5ter [01:37:43] Gtaer222: that cursed lmao [01:37:43] Stovamor: She says on the twitter post that to buy it, you have to message her on OF - @f1nn5ter [01:37:43] necrofeline: im confused, the face genuinely does not look like her [01:37:43] Stovamor: She says on the twitter post that to buy it, you have to message her on OF - @f1nn5ter [01:37:43] Dartomic: motors* [01:37:43] h_r_buff_n_stuff: Ashely will think you are cheating [01:37:44] AustraLeah: That's even worse [01:37:44] kinroyde: How many sharks [01:37:44] davidiusfarrenius: yes 😄 [01:37:45] pussinagown: FINN NO [01:37:45] Gazzalinga: Yo can you send me one of those fake bodies of yours? [01:37:45] dangerousruben: Well [01:37:45] oddinry: why'd she make it so small [01:37:46] braddle172: KEKW [01:37:46] rootuz: nuts gigity [01:37:46] Avaerus0: Your doll's name is "Nuts"? [01:37:46] lampshaderie: get the Ashley doll [01:37:48] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: do it [01:37:48] melodyrainxx: Just do it!! [01:37:49] dangerousruben: to be fair [01:37:50] HardyOrange: @c__r__j which isn't Soda also a massive Belle fan? [01:37:52] SnabbKassa: you've kissed the real thing [01:37:53] Lets_illuminatiHD: why not [01:37:53] krovvy: I would say sure buddy [01:37:54] ArminGux: not like you haven’t colabed before [01:37:55] Elizabeth8626: Do it coward [01:37:56] ramboo1989: ayoo [01:37:57] Helen_Croft: you already made content with the real deal [01:37:59] killingmyego: lolol [01:37:59] Mikey2207: KEKW [01:38:00] Falqun: I mean you could trade [01:38:00] smolgoddessal3x: ayoo [01:38:01] gitrektitrekt: Just ask Bell to send you one. [01:38:01] CeruleanWizard: @ciernaruza Oh, is she really? I always thought that was just an exaggeration, LUL [01:38:02] necrofeline: it doesnt even look like her [01:38:02] SoftWorxBC: Oh man, now we are entering the void LOL [01:38:03] unbracingabyss: 20k custom made maybe 15k depending on supplier [01:38:03] Jens_LN: She'd be into that ! [01:38:03] SonicXVe: do you think she would be offended you didnt ask for her instead [01:38:04] hugeairconditioner: its for RESEARCH I STG [01:38:04] moontheca: I need it for a science project [01:38:04] delta4o: found a knockoff for 1.5k [01:38:05] bearpaw1970: LMAO 🤣 [01:38:05] sunnyandsmiling: Make a Finn doll, but when you flip it over it's Ashley. f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 [01:38:05] ohsveni: LMAO [01:38:06] crymson_vega: crymson_vega subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Greetings Kindred. Even if you are feckin nuts you are still lovable. Hope all is well. [01:38:06] f3mmbot: crymson_vega subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:38:06] Cyprohep: bro its belle you know you can ask [01:38:07] axing_: LMAO DONO [01:38:07] smart_donkey: Get one of you [01:38:07] ronin_5463: Ayo? [01:38:07] PhilipMooney: Just get it used for a discount [01:38:07] Jadeine: id say why do you want a doll? lets do this [01:38:08] johnkeiwo: OOF KEKW [01:38:08] melodyrainxx: Lmao so [01:38:08] judgedame: you could ask [01:38:10] Hyaguss: it’s a business expense [01:38:10] hiluuu: oof [01:38:10] YumeNoZen: I mean... I've slept with enough of my friends. So... whatever, as long as I get a cut. Heh. [01:38:11] charlottelotved: make one yourself haha [01:38:11] XENOMAN5: Real dolls start at $10,000 before customization [01:38:12] Jens_LN: KEKW [01:38:13] charlottelotved: jk [01:38:13] TwinbeeMk2: Knowing her, she'd probably say yes lol [01:38:13] blueskydrinking: KEKW [01:38:14] ArminGux: u kissed the real thing sooo…. [01:38:15] ramboo1989: !!!!!!! [01:38:17] honeysquares: … [01:38:17] mystchevious1: Bell is the queen of that. She sold bath water. BELL WOULD LOVE IT!!! [01:38:19] Kaymon81: KEKW [01:38:20] ohsveni: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:38:20] mmaniania: lmfao [01:38:23] gitrektitrekt: Totally normal question. Kappa [01:38:23] ronin_5463: KEKW [01:38:24] zephyr_alba: Live studio audience it's just 3 Belle Delphine [01:38:27] 1958dino: It would look good in the corner!💐😌😼🐈‍⬛♥️☕🧀🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇦🇵🇸🌈🏳️‍⚧️💐 [01:38:29] moiragamble: Please Please Please go to ashely and confess your sins!!! [01:38:32] blackdevils521: Finn you can afford it [01:38:34] EternalLucia: Also add in like $3k+ for the coffin [01:38:34] AlhambraMMXX: it's a business expense if you make content with it [01:38:35] ramboo1989: SeemsGood [01:38:36] Furrfan47: I have to stars saving my pennies [01:38:36] c__r__j: @XENOMAN5 Sodacat has a company he reckons is cheaper and betterthan RealDoll. [01:38:36] Avaerus0: Sex dolls are for rich degens [01:38:37] calhoun_0: new sub goal [01:38:39] johnkeiwo: reminder : ashley video post delphine doll talk [01:38:41] cursetheroad: I'll bet she'd even be willing to do a collab with you [01:38:41] sunnyandsmiling: FINDOLL!!!!! [01:38:41] melodyrainxx: Ashley will pop it 😂 [01:38:41] lordgtafbi: pretty good LUL [01:38:42] dmvenberg: !time [01:38:42] f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 22:43 [01:38:43] ArminGux: they can be over 40k [01:38:45] SonicXVe: waiting for ashley to bust down the door [01:38:47] neosstuff: i mean looking at them boxes, he isnt packing very much [01:38:48] biggerturkey: Jesus [01:38:49] rallphie10: who are we talking about?? lol [01:38:49] jababingus: the one ring [01:38:50] dmvenberg: !live [01:38:50] RonnieSxl: !!?? [01:38:50] MaxVershhhtappen: @f1nn5ter How much does the doll cost? asking for an friend tho… [01:38:52] ishire_117: your turning into moistcritikal [01:38:52] andromeda_0209: LUL [01:38:53] Silraa: 2-3k for the silicone chinese ones. No way did she get realdoll to do it, that's throwing money away [01:38:54] PSP1G: 1554 raiders from PSP1G have joined! [01:38:55] maunoasd: pspCatexplode [01:38:56] krovvy: LOL [01:38:57] Embers_Falling: plus markup for who it is [01:38:57] johnkeiwo: OOF KEKW [01:38:58] SnabbKassa: Chinese ones are cheap. Branded ones are a lot, for much more realism [01:38:59] bons_s: HAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIII [01:38:59] braddle172: Ayo [01:38:59] Spluad: catboy raid pspCatexplode catboy raid pspCatexplode catboy raid pspCatexplode catboy raid pspCatexplode catboy raid pspCatexplode catboy raid pspCatexplode catboy raid pspCatexplode catboy raid pspCatexplode [01:39:00] NewbyBooby: SUMMIT1G RAID pspCatexplode [01:39:01] melodyrainxx: Fuk ya [01:39:02] gitrektitrekt: That's like a car [01:39:03] cherryshush: femboy raid haiii [01:39:04] Helen_Croft: raid [01:39:04] SoftWorxBC: Oh, there are some rich folks who would absolutely buy this LOL [01:39:04] blueskydrinking: Hey raiders [01:39:04] Loelinverse: lmao [01:39:05] alexx_net: But Bell is small, so it might be cheaper to make [01:39:05] johnkeiwo: RAID POG [01:39:05] maiklangel0: pspCatexplode [01:39:05] Ry21Gu: psp raid pspCatexplode [01:39:06] Loelinverse: YUME [01:39:07] ramboo1989: naw I'm good bro [01:39:07] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: AYO [01:39:07] hiluuu: wowie huge raid!! [01:39:08] blackdevils521: Think about it as a "business expense " [01:39:08] annokiplik: pspCatexplode [01:39:09] ronin_5463: DID IT GO INWARDS??? [01:39:10] gWay07: pspYipiee [01:39:10] PSP1G: buh [01:39:11] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: 1515 [01:39:11] TJ_grapejuice: FEMBOY RAID pspL pspL pspL pspL pspL pspL [01:39:12] Felksss: pspCatexplode [01:39:12] Oggibib: pspCarexplode [01:39:13] honeysquares: woah [01:39:13] Jens_LN: WELCOME RAIDERS !!! [01:39:13] Cpu101: omg pay me 10k instead ugh [01:39:14] Epicparsa: femboy raid pspCatexplode [01:39:14] biggerturkey: HUGE RAID JEEZ [01:39:14] Kaymon81: hi raiders [01:39:14] johnkeiwo: Hey raiders welcome to the stream ! [01:39:14] Ap0llo11: pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode [01:39:15] AustraLeah: Those boxes be looking kinda empty tbh [01:39:15] S0up13: buh [01:39:15] Deogen01: pspCatexplode catboy raid pspCatexplode catboy raid pspCatexplode catboy raid pspCatexplode catboy raid pspCatexplode catboy raid pspCatexplode catboy raid pspCatexplode catboy raid pspCatexplode catboy raid pspCatexplode catboy raid [01:39:15] csgo_micheal: pspCatexplode femboy raid [01:39:15] drjamali: yo [01:39:15] GOODESTEREST: buh [01:39:15] bigsuave7: RAID [01:39:16] Ry21Gu: buh [01:39:16] bigfrogggg: buh [01:39:17] eskibroyo: PSP1G raid KPOPheart [01:39:17] PSP1G: haiiiii [01:39:17] levante22t: pspCatexplode [01:39:17] sunflowerrr8: pspCatexplode [01:39:17] Kjaerman: buh [01:39:17] fast_and_cosy: buh [01:39:18] ImTheSnack: buh [01:39:18] bub1g: pspEat [01:39:18] no3oPHuK: buh [01:39:19] SHurriedImp: hello raiders! [01:39:19] KONYY: buh [01:39:19] RyanPotat: buh [01:39:19] dangerousruben: what a dono [01:39:19] cherryshush: buh [01:39:20] kryaboutitlol: buh [01:39:20] blobs14: pspCatexplode buh [01:39:20] Teskotienpl: buh [01:39:20] Ap0llo11: pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode [01:39:20] rayhatesbugs: pspCatexplode [01:39:21] timedbot: have u seen movie love object?? [01:39:21] xSunreiz: buh [01:39:21] drjamali: buh [01:39:21] annokiplik: buh [01:39:21] vic_n1: buh [01:39:21] ricardo_with_clothes: psp raid [01:39:21] casta__g: buh [01:39:21] Emad_Maged: BUH [01:39:22] wencytheintern: buh [01:39:22] benadryl_pill: pspCatexplode [01:39:22] levante22t: buh [01:39:22] shallowkhal: buh [01:39:22] hiluuu: f1nnRaid [01:39:22] planetical_: pspCatexplode [01:39:22] Disgrace_cs: buh [01:39:23] Ry21Gu: pspBuh [01:39:23] Bananaman6: buh [01:39:23] silas98765: buh [01:39:23] pugpals: buh [01:39:23] Ap0llo11: pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode [01:39:24] axing_: pspDonk pspDonk pspDonk pspDonk pspDonk pspDonk pspDonk pspDonk pspDonk pspDonk pspDonk pspDonk pspDonk pspDonk pspDonk pspDonk pspDonk [01:39:24] G9_9V: buh [01:39:24] Frostu_: pspBuh [01:39:24] johnkeiwo: I'm just disabling follow only for a second [01:39:24] Me_howw: buh [01:39:24] SandwichSundays: pspCatexplode buh raid pspCatexplode buh raid pspCatexplode buh raid pspCatexplode buh raid pspCatexplode buh raid pspCatexplode buh raid pspCatexplode buh raid pspCatexplode buh raid pspCatexplode buh raid [01:39:24] Emad_Maged: buh [01:39:24] TheJumiFilm_: buh [01:39:24] slezyorla: pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode [01:39:24] SuperKurre: pspCatexplode [01:39:24] Zielik312: buh [01:39:25] Teskotienpl: buh 󠀀 [01:39:25] Yuri_R6: buh [01:39:25] Makarov_cs: buh [01:39:25] levante22t: pspBuh [01:39:26] destr0yer72: buh [01:39:26] S0up13: pspCatexplode [01:39:26] Gorzy04: pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode [01:39:26] kuben3202: buh [01:39:26] K3V3L: pspL Love raid pspL Love raid pspL Love raid pspL Love raid pspL Love raid pspL Love raid pspL Love raid [01:39:26] deryaza4: pspCatexplode [01:39:27] Felksss: pspCatexplode 󠀀 [01:39:27] Yonesuu: buh [01:39:27] Okayge_: pspCatexplode [01:39:27] iffjfidn: buh [01:39:27] YumeNoZen: I didn't go on a date, he was an asshat just chatting on Tnder first. [01:39:27] TikrasAsilas: femboy raid pspCatexplode femboy raid pspCatexplode femboy raid pspCatexplode femboy raid pspCatexplode femboy raid pspCatexplode femboy raid pspCatexplode femboy raid pspCatexplode [01:39:28] Suprcream: buh [01:39:28] csgo_micheal: buh [01:39:28] hangupp: bruh [01:39:28] Spluad: buh pspCatexplode [01:39:28] Reiinz_: pspCatexplode yippee [01:39:28] magma_012: buh [01:39:28] ramboo1989: ayoo [01:39:29] 5x5_5_5_5_5: buh [01:39:29] Ry21Gu: retroraBuh [01:39:29] L4NTZ: buh [01:39:29] gWay07: pspCatexplode [01:39:29] leoisbaba: pspL [01:39:29] gothpunch: buh [01:39:29] TheScarletDevil: zoilFloof [01:39:30] TJ_grapejuice: buh [01:39:30] gay_femboy: Raid DxCat [01:39:30] Jens_LN: Catboy ! [01:39:31] radiantcamillatv: KEWK [01:39:31] Emad_Maged: pspCatexplode [01:39:31] Muegle: buh [01:39:31] angus_lpc: buh [01:39:31] levante22t: buh [01:39:31] pine4pplepizz4: buh [01:39:31] Mikey2207: f1nnRaid [01:39:31] dgtal8: BUH [01:39:32] SnabbKassa: 4,400 people [01:39:32] G9_9V: pspBuh [01:39:33] jhonttu: buh [01:39:33] annokiplik: pspBuh [01:39:33] gWay07: pspL [01:39:34] honeysquares: WELCOME RAIDERS ^^ [01:39:34] csgo_micheal: pspBuh [01:39:34] Oggibib: buh [01:39:34] Robotic_Hamster: buh [01:39:34] SL3ID3R: he is [01:39:35] onlydoomfist21: not bruh is buh [01:39:35] S0up13: pspBuh [01:39:35] vic_n1: buh 󠀀 [01:39:35] KONYY: buh raid [01:39:35] VivetMuri: pspCatexplode [01:39:35] hangupp: sennykBUH [01:39:35] PSP1G: WAIT [01:39:36] akyiho: Cat raid [01:39:36] Spluad: buh [01:39:36] r_edman: pspCatexplode [01:39:36] bub1g: pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode [01:39:37] Epicparsa: pspBuh [01:39:37] Emad_Maged: pspCatexplode pspCatexplode [01:39:37] 808stinker1: he is dont worry [01:39:37] nintendoswitch1g: pspBuh [01:39:37] faal_lazarino: pspBuh [01:39:38] CubeDude20: he is a femboy [01:39:38] benadryl_pill: pspBuh [01:39:38] Spike99i: pspBuh [01:39:38] Y33e__: buh [01:39:38] kuben3202: pspBuh [01:39:38] JEMs______: pspCatexplode [01:39:39] Deogen01: pspCatexplode femboy raid pspCatexplode femboy raid pspCatexplode femboy raid pspCatexplode femboy raid pspCatexplode femboy raid pspCatexplode femboy raid pspCatexplode femboy raid pspCatexplode [01:39:40] vrlc96: buh [01:39:40] furifixus: Buh [01:39:40] buddyjare: I bought a fake ass for like $200. not full sex doll [01:39:40] Spluad: pspBuh [01:39:40] EmiOk: haiiii [01:39:40] clueies3: pspBuh [01:39:41] annokiplik: pspBuh 󠀀 [01:39:41] slezyorla: femboy raid deemaBLANKIES deemaBLANKIES deemaBLANKIES [01:39:42] amelia25782: raid [01:39:42] Emad_Maged: pspBuh [01:39:42] EmiOk: PSP IS SO COOL [01:39:42] blobs14: pspBuh [01:39:42] killingmyego: xD [01:39:42] JeseFS: pspBuh [01:39:43] mapali1: pspBuh [01:39:43] likethedash: FINN some of us are just women now [01:39:43] Silense03: pspBuh [01:39:44] melodyrainxx: Raidddddf [01:39:44] PP1xell: He is a femboy @F1NN5TER [01:39:44] K3V3L: buh [01:39:44] MajesticFvckingEagle: hi raiders [01:39:44] Spike99i: pspBuh 󠀀 [01:39:45] fast_and_cosy: @psp1g uuh [01:39:45] clueies3: pspBuh 󠀀 [01:39:46] Ap0llo11: HAII [01:39:46] Spluad: xdd [01:39:47] BrightLilThing: Hey raider [01:39:48] Deogen01: pspBuh [01:39:49] TheMeatball: pspBuh [01:39:49] Jackleet: buh [01:39:49] vic_n1: xdd [01:39:49] Tamnyr: HAIII pspHappy [01:39:49] sarahvega404: f1nnRaid [01:39:49] Colaha1: xdd [01:39:50] annokiplik: pspBuh [01:39:51] Yonesuu: pspBuh [01:39:51] moiragamble: Go Confess Your Sins To Ashley [01:39:51] zahna4: zahna4 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! Thanks for helping me get the motivation and courage to finally start taking estrogen. TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:39:51] ramboo1989: boost [01:39:51] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:39:51] f3mmbot: zahna4 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months using Prime! PogU [01:39:51] bigsuave7: lmao.... [01:39:51] kyushi1: YOO ITS PSP [01:39:51] Micholous: his chat just calls him femboy he hasnt shown anything like that @F1NN5TER KEKW [01:39:52] Muegle: xdd [01:39:52] Stovamor: @EmiOk, Evening Emi [01:39:52] vrlc96: pspBuh [01:39:52] Zielik312: buh 󠀀 [01:39:53] adv1ce_0: pspBuh [01:39:53] andromeda_0209: Femboy ride [01:39:54] TJ_grapejuice: pspCatexplode [01:39:54] Emad_Maged: ITS PSP [01:39:54] pine4pplepizz4: xdd [01:39:54] vic_n1: buh [01:39:55] heknawdud: @PSP1G UF FUCKED BUDDY [01:39:55] peanutbudder445_: would you rather have unlimited bacon but no games or.. or games.. unlimited games.. but no games..? [01:39:56] clueies3: pspBuh [01:39:56] S0up13: pspBuh 󠀀 [01:39:56] SandwichSundays: pspHaii [01:39:57] Emad_Maged: pspCatexplode [01:39:57] PSP1G: PSP1G subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! oh god please dont [01:39:57] ArminGux: wtf [01:39:57] f3mmbot: psp1g subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:39:57] axing_: @F1NN5TER dont worry psp1g is cool af, very femboy [01:39:58] MijenCS: oh boy smooching time -Link [01:39:58] flunke_: pspBuh [01:39:58] PP1xell: Psp is a femboy [01:39:58] wencytheintern: he makes femboy noises [01:39:58] Spike99i: pspBuh [01:39:59] Gorzy04: FRAUD pspCatexplode FRAUD pspCatexplode FRAUD pspCatexplode FRAUD pspCatexplode FRAUD pspCatexplode [01:40:00] EmiOk: psp is rly cool :) [01:40:00] ricardo_with_clothes: top clip [01:40:00] Emad_Maged: pspEww [01:40:01] Tamnyr: pspBuh buh [01:40:02] vigor__: clips @F1NN5TER [01:40:03] mystchevious1: I mean Potastic P bought one and they just mess with it. [01:40:03] Elizabeth8626: Welcome to finn buying a sexdoll [01:40:04] K3V3L: Closet femboy [01:40:04] FKZ_CH: pisspee1g [01:40:04] annokiplik: pspBuh 󠀀 [01:40:05] Emad_Maged: pspCatPls [01:40:05] ArminGux: am I high [01:40:06] Deogen01: yes [01:40:06] ger_PyR0manE: hallo - psp send me here pspDespair - stop beeing weired U will be banned pspPeace [01:40:07] Micholous: yes [01:40:07] wencytheintern: he makes femboy noises @F1NN5TER [01:40:07] Ext3ncy: buh [01:40:08] Zielik312: pspBuh [01:40:09] eskibroyo: nightbot says I'm not a femboy [01:40:10] krovvy: lol [01:40:11] PSP1G: YEA I LOVE CS2 pspHappy [01:40:11] hotusecsnearyou: click on my avarage psp enyojer [01:40:11] BrightLilThing: buh [01:40:13] Jadeine: f1nn hears femboy and goes internet stalker mode [01:40:16] Ecksehrin: watch top clips [01:40:16] Yonesuu: he is cs2 player yezxs [01:40:16] KONYY: buh [01:40:17] Yonesuu: yes [01:40:17] SL3ID3R: not a cs streamer anymore PepeHands [01:40:19] Captain_Soren: I'm still just trying to figure out myself. [01:40:21] SandwichSundays: xdd [01:40:21] Spluad: xdd 󠀀 [01:40:22] vic_n1: buh 󠀀 [01:40:24] kryaboutitlol: xdd [01:40:25] eskibroyo: sdd [01:40:26] axing_: @F1NN5TER he's a BIG cs player [01:40:27] vic_n1: xdd [01:40:27] hangupp: watch his clips [01:40:28] slezyorla: aware no cs2 today wtf [01:40:28] Spluad: pspBuh [01:40:28] vic_n1: sdd [01:40:28] cherryshush: its smileybs [01:40:30] bittybbydreamer: f1nnTank [01:40:31] ger_PyR0manE: wait [01:40:31] Zielik312: xd [01:40:31] leoisbaba: open a case [01:40:32] ronin_5463: False advertising smh [01:40:32] flunke_: pspTWEAK [01:40:33] krovvy: it was fun tho [01:40:33] Muegle: Tweak [01:40:35] bartohehe: TWEAK CASE? [01:40:35] pine4pplepizz4: W [01:40:35] B_manhello: pspLs [01:40:36] hotusecsnearyou: open a case TWEAK [01:40:37] Felksss: pspTWEAK [01:40:37] PP1xell: Aware [01:40:37] Ap0llo11: Same as psp [01:40:38] KONYY: TWEAK [01:40:38] Dartomic: damn [01:40:39] flunke_: CASE? [01:40:39] Spluad: TWEAK [01:40:39] slezyorla: pspHappy [01:40:39] annokiplik: shieet [01:40:40] levante22t: pspTWEAK [01:40:40] faal_lazarino: pspTweak [01:40:40] Makarov_cs: SHIIEEEEEE [01:40:41] Yonesuu: syncth3PredictGamble pspDespair [01:40:42] SuperKurre: pspTWEAK [01:40:42] calhoun_0: wanna do it again [01:40:42] RenYipp: pspEww [01:40:42] PSP1G: classic KEKW [01:40:43] zemonstrcs: psp played for TSM [01:40:43] Muegle: TWEAK SHIEEEEEEEEE [01:40:43] ohsveni: L gambler [01:40:45] gay_femboy: Lol [01:40:45] zahna4: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:40:45] levante22t: pspTWEAK 󠀀 [01:40:46] killingmyego: sheesshhh [01:40:47] K3V3L: pspTWEAK [01:40:47] hangupp: watch his top clips [01:40:48] ArminGux: did steam release you from jail [01:40:49] phantaton: I wonder how much money they make off of those crates LUL [01:40:49] Emad_Maged: pspTWEAK [01:40:51] vic_n1: open a case pspTweak [01:40:52] nipa692: olvariUwU olvariUwU olvariUwU [01:40:52] sashamogus: TransgenderPride [01:40:52] Ap0llo11: dud [01:40:52] Frostu_: open more pspTWEAK [01:40:52] BrightLilThing: we were given lies [01:40:52] Emad_Maged: pspTWEAK CASE [01:40:54] blobs14: pspTWEAK [01:40:55] ohsveni: If you spent more you could've won [01:40:57] ogrem_fanclan: That was wild [01:40:57] PP1xell: dud [01:40:57] Dartomic: You won nothing? [01:40:58] bons_s: real [01:40:58] esquilinus: 99% if gamblers quit right before winning big [01:40:59] alkibiadesmassacre: alkibiadesmassacre subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! 11 months woo [01:40:59] f3mmbot: alkibiadesmassacre subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:40:59] benadryl_pill: pspPickle [01:40:59] B_manhello: he did play for tsm [01:40:59] Tamnyr: pspTWEAK [01:41:00] kuben3202: pspTWEAK [01:41:00] axing_: this crossover of communities is so unexpected for me and its so funny LMAO [01:41:01] PP1xell: He did [01:41:02] johnkeiwo: ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢟⣛⣛⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢀⣠⣶⣿⣿⣷⣶⣿⡄⠄⠄⢨ ⣿⣿⣿⠿⣛⣃⡾⣶⣶⠇⢿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿⣿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣀⣠⢠ ⣿⣿⢡⣿⣿⣿⠷⣶⣶⣿⣦⣍⡛⢿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠌⠉⣿⢖⣙⣿⣽⣾⣿⣿⢸ ⣿⠏⣼⣿⠿⣿⣦⡈⠻⠿⢉⣿⣿⡌⣷⡀⠄⠄⡀⠄⣿⣿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⢸ ⡟⣰⣿⣿⣦⡈⢻⣿⣷⠄⣼⡟⢿⠇⣿⣷⠄⠈⡇⠄⢻⣿⣷⡼⣿⣿⣿⣇⠈ ⡁⣿⣯⣌⠻⣿⣦⣌⡙⠄⢻⣿⢄⣼⣿⣿⡄⠄⢵⡀⢠⣷⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠄ ⣷⣜⢿⣿⣷⣬⣙⣛⠛⣩⣴⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠁⢫⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠄ ⣿⣿⣷⣶⣭⣙⣛⣭⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠛⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠉⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠄ ⣿⠛⠙⢿⠉⡙⢻⠉⣉⡏⠹⡏⣿⣿⡟⠋⢻⡟⠹⣿⠛⠙⣿⠉⣉⡿⠋⢻⣿ ⣿⠰⡇⢸⠄⣁⣼⠄⣭⡇⠄⠁⣿⣿⠄⣿⣿⠃⠄⢿⣄⡉⢿⠄⣭⣧⣈⠹⣿ ⣿⣤⣤⣾⣤⣿⣿⣤⣭⣧⣼⣤⣿⣿⣧⣤⣼⣤⣧⣼⣤⣤⣿⣤⣭⣧⣤⣴⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠉⢿⠉⣿⣿⠛⠋⠛⢿⡏⢹⠏⢹⡏⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠄⡈⠄⣿⡇⠰⣿⠇⢸⣧⠈⢀⠄⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣤⣷⣤⣿⣿⣤⣤⣤⣿⣿⣤⣼⣦⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ 󠀀 [01:41:02] ger_PyR0manE: monkaS @PSP1G are u sirius rn [01:41:02] bittybbydreamer: nice cat ears [01:41:03] matko_aoe: gg [01:41:05] Emad_Maged: watch psp playy cs2 [01:41:05] Kjaerman: He played for TSM real [01:41:06] Deogen01: he did lol [01:41:06] TJ_grapejuice: pspMobilityScooter [01:41:08] slezyorla: yea psp is an ex tsm pro [01:41:09] ohsveni: 99% of gamblers quit before winning [01:41:09] faal_lazarino: pspMobilityScooter [01:41:10] Stovamor: @johnkeiwo, john..... [01:41:11] johnkeiwo: I had to repost it [01:41:12] v0yra: @F1NN5TER psp is actually a femboy btw not kidding [01:41:13] Spluad: his brother is smileybs [01:41:13] K3V3L: pspREAL [01:41:14] flunke_: real [01:41:15] johnkeiwo: I'm sorry KEKW [01:41:15] Ap0llo11: REAL [01:41:16] bons_s: ral [01:41:16] flunke_: pspREAL [01:41:16] Yonesuu: pspREAL [01:41:16] PP1xell: He played with tsm for a while [01:41:17] csgo_micheal: pspREAL [01:41:17] benadryl_pill: pspREAL [01:41:17] alpadex_rim: real [01:41:19] bons_s: real [01:41:19] JEMs______: pspREAL [01:41:19] Ap0llo11: xdd [01:41:20] axing_: pspREAL [01:41:20] rainfallwall: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:41:20] blobs14: pspREAL [01:41:21] faal_lazarino: @v0yra hesRight [01:41:21] CubeDude20: pspREAL [01:41:22] flunke_: pspREAL TSM PRO [01:41:22] Tamnyr: pspREAL [01:41:22] fast_and_cosy: He played for TSM with Kjaerbye and everyone [01:41:22] pine4pplepizz4: REAL [01:41:23] annokiplik: pspREAL [01:41:23] blueskydrinking: JOHN KEKW [01:41:24] JeseFS: pspREAL [01:41:24] kuben3202: pspREAL [01:41:24] NewbyBooby: ITS pspREAL [01:41:25] vic_n1: pspReal [01:41:26] TheNelizz: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [01:41:26] Amoyamoyamoya: BAN? [01:41:27] faal_lazarino: pspReal [01:41:27] slezyorla: pspMobilityScooter [01:41:28] alexx_net: @johnkeiwo promoting gambling? [01:41:28] kaspu222: pspREAL [01:41:28] flunke_: pspREAL [01:41:28] PSP1G: ID BE DOWN pspHappy NO I WASNT A PRO [01:41:28] hiluuu: KEKW [01:41:29] coldlikx: xdd [01:41:29] Emad_Maged: pspMONKA [01:41:30] VivetMuri: pspREAL [01:41:31] RenYipp: pspREAL [01:41:31] cherryshush: search smielybs on youtube [01:41:32] TheJumiFilm_: pspREAL [01:41:33] medical_size9000: John kekw [01:41:33] Emad_Maged: pspMONKA in game? [01:41:34] faal_lazarino: pspREAL [01:41:34] Tamnyr: pspMONKA [01:41:34] PP1xell: Search smileybs @F1NN5TER [01:41:35] radiantcamillatv: KEWK [01:41:37] gypsy_83: Fin You are very cute!! :3 [01:41:37] pine4pplepizz4: MONKA [01:41:38] blueskydrinking: @Amoyamoyamoya ban that awful chatter KEKW [01:41:38] johnkeiwo: @alexx_net, we going to kick.com ! [01:41:39] K3V3L: xdd [01:41:39] vic_n1: MONKA [01:41:44] Deogen01: KEKW [01:41:45] monnay1g: @PSP1G stop lyinggg [01:41:45] JeseFS: pspSwag #1 TSM pro [01:41:46] ger_PyR0manE: how @PSP1G [01:41:47] vic_n1: HELP [01:41:48] PP1xell: Search smileybs on YouTube @F1NN5TER [01:41:48] XENOMAN5: John did ascii art! Wtf? [01:41:49] ImTheSnack: NAUR [01:41:49] slezyorla: pspGAGAGA pspGAGAGA pspGAGAGA [01:41:49] faal_lazarino: NAUR [01:41:49] radiantcamillatv: KEKW [01:41:49] drjamali: NAUR [01:41:50] annokiplik: NAUR [01:41:50] Amoyamoyamoya: [01:41:51] hangupp: NAUR [01:41:51] vic_n1: NAUR [01:41:52] S0up13: NAUR [01:41:52] Jackleet: NAUR [01:41:53] pine4pplepizz4: xdd [01:41:53] heknawdud: NAUR [01:41:53] esquilinus: quitting is for the weak never quit gambling king [01:41:54] v0yra: NAUR [01:41:54] Spike99i: NAUR [01:41:55] Silense03: NAUR [01:41:55] Deogen01: NAUR [01:41:55] Spluad: NAUR [01:41:57] B_manhello: NAUR [01:41:58] Emad_Maged: NAUR [01:41:58] axing_: NAUR [01:41:58] TheJumiFilm_: NAUR [01:41:59] K3V3L: NAUR [01:41:59] bigfrogggg: NAUR [01:41:59] bigsuave7: CLM [01:41:59] benadryl_pill: NAUR [01:42:00] flunke_: 🇳🇷 [01:42:01] Elizabeth8626: @johnkeiwo Mods delete the spam pls [01:42:04] slezyorla: slezyoNaur [01:42:05] Disgrace_cs: NAUR [01:42:05] kylerangelp: Naur [01:42:05] hangupp: check his top clips [01:42:06] pine4pplepizz4: W [01:42:07] bearpaw1970: Lmao [01:42:08] Yonesuu: pspXd [01:42:09] krovvy: :) [01:42:09] bub1g: pspGiftHidden [01:42:10] flunke_: pspScared [01:42:11] killingmyego: get emmm [01:42:12] faal_lazarino: pspXd [01:42:12] RenYipp: NAUR [01:42:13] Emad_Maged: pspXd [01:42:13] JeseFS: pspXd [01:42:14] slezyorla: new meta [01:42:14] Spluad: watch some of his top viewed clips for good cs content [01:42:14] PSP1G: k4yPag [01:42:15] hotusecsnearyou: pspSmile [01:42:16] alexx_net: @johnkeiwo, I don't know kick.com [01:42:17] coldlikx: Scared [01:42:17] johnkeiwo: new chatters are scary monkaS [01:42:18] vic_n1: pspXD [01:42:18] Felksss: pspXd [01:42:18] Tamnyr: pspXd [01:42:19] KillemFast303_HD: Don't be scared lol [01:42:20] fast_and_cosy: PSP is a Velcuz affiliate! :) [01:42:20] Emad_Maged: pspCatexplode [01:42:21] Micholous: yoooo PogBones [01:42:21] JeseFS: pspPsp [01:42:21] pine4pplepizz4: xdd [01:42:21] bigsuave7: LUL [01:42:22] flunke_: pspXd [01:42:24] Deogen01: ohnePOGGERS [01:42:25] ImTheSnack: the lack of emotes compared to psp is making us raiders crazy [01:42:25] slezyorla: pspXd [01:42:25] axing_: @PSP1G <3 [01:42:26] ger_PyR0manE: no bye pspSmile [01:42:26] Zielik312: pspXd [01:42:26] kuben3202: pspXd [01:42:26] brendabrownstain0: let’s all breathe a sigh of relief that f1nn isn’t a fifa fan [01:42:27] Frostu_: pspXd [01:42:29] Emad_Maged: pspCatexplode welcome to the psp pspCatexplode [01:42:29] vic_n1: xdd [01:42:31] Ap0llo11: pspCatexplode [01:42:33] faal_lazarino: pspXd pspREAL [01:42:33] Hardodododo: pspL [01:42:34] Deogen01: it is true [01:42:36] JEMs______: pspXd [01:42:36] PP1xell: He is [01:42:36] PSP1G: ok that is true [01:42:36] flunke_: pspCatexplode [01:42:36] Chino_Kafu: Wait finny is moving???? [01:42:37] johnkeiwo: oh that makes so much sense KEKW [01:42:37] Deogen01: pspREAL [01:42:37] VivetMuri: pspCatexplode [01:42:37] Tamnyr: no for real psp has realy good cs2 clips [01:42:38] B_manhello: pspCatexplode [01:42:38] slezyorla: velcuz pspHorror [01:42:39] alexx_net: @brendabrownstain0 100% [01:42:39] manianic_: pspCatexplode [01:42:39] JeseFS: pspDespair velcuz [01:42:39] Yonesuu: its true [01:42:40] faal_lazarino: pspCatexplode [01:42:41] Zielik312: pspCatexplode [01:42:42] axing_: pspREAL [01:42:43] johnkeiwo: reminder : ashley video post delphine doll talk [01:42:43] Micholous: PSP is wholesome brainrot streamer xD @F1NN5TER [01:42:43] ronin_5463: @brendabrownstain0 so true [01:42:44] vic_n1: pspCatexplode [01:42:44] gay_femboy: Funny get drunk PLS [01:42:44] csgo_micheal: pspCatexplode [01:42:46] krovvy: gurul [01:42:46] titanbobzz: pspCatexplode pspCatexplode pspCatexplode [01:42:48] RonnieSxl: DinoDance DinoDance [01:42:48] Amoyamoyamoya: @Chino_Kafu, Yes, finally [01:42:51] Suprcream: pspCatexplode [01:42:52] johnkeiwo: reminder : ashley video post delphine doll talk [01:42:52] TheJumiFilm_: pspCatexplode [01:42:53] johnkeiwo: reminder : ashley video post delphine doll talk [01:42:53] peanutbudder445_: Fifa is bad [01:42:55] mystchevious1: real doll [01:42:56] bub1g: pspCatexplode [01:42:56] bigsuave7: sex dolls [01:42:56] Silraa: Dolls. [01:42:59] pine4pplepizz4: catJAM [01:42:59] Jadeine: rocket league is the only good "sport" game [01:43:01] Helen_Croft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE7FBfkYIGA @F1NN5TER [01:43:01] ArminGux: belle [01:43:01] XavienTC: belle [01:43:01] johnkeiwo: u were talking delphine doll [01:43:01] Helen_Croft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE7FBfkYIGA @F1NN5TER [01:43:02] AlhambraMMXX: the sex doll [01:43:02] melodyrainxx: Doll [01:43:02] alexx_net: @peanutbudder445_ It is, in every way [01:43:04] Amoyamoyamoya: NOT IN SPORTSBALL? I'M SO SHOCKED F1NN. SHOCKED [01:43:04] Ap0llo11: huh [01:43:05] adv1ce_0: pspUuh [01:43:05] Mikey2207: FIFA trash [01:43:05] kaspu222: pspUuh [01:43:06] TheJumiFilm_: pspUuh [01:43:06] SoButtery: huh [01:43:06] Ap0llo11: uuh [01:43:07] JeseFS: pspHuh [01:43:07] baslak01: Are you winning Daughter? [01:43:08] Deogen01: pspUuh [01:43:08] Loelinverse: video [01:43:08] diditwitcher: There are so many good memories from this house <3 [01:43:08] mystchevious1: And again Potastic P bought one. [01:43:08] KillemFast303_HD: Oooo [01:43:08] pine4pplepizz4: uuh [01:43:08] Hardodododo: huh? [01:43:08] Ap0llo11: pspUuh [01:43:09] YumeNoZen: I had dating story, but only talked with guy instead of going out with him. [01:43:09] Tamnyr: pspUuh [01:43:09] vic_n1: uuh [01:43:10] mapali1: uuh [01:43:10] sunflowerrr8: pspUuh [01:43:10] S0up13: pspUuh [01:43:10] nintendoswitch1g: pspUuh [01:43:10] fast_and_cosy: The what ? uuh [01:43:11] kuben3202: pspUuh [01:43:11] VivetMuri: pspUuh [01:43:11] VentoliN013: Those ears 🔥 [01:43:11] realtalkchannel: As a FIFA Manager nerd I am disappointed [01:43:12] bub1g: pspUuh [01:43:12] K3V3L: pspUuh [01:43:12] Felksss: pspUuh [01:43:12] AustraLeah: Ashley video! [01:43:12] Spike99i: pspUuh [01:43:12] bigfrogggg: uuh [01:43:13] KONYY: uuh [01:43:13] B_manhello: pspUuh [01:43:13] phantaton: It's not even called fifa anymore. I think it's FC now [01:43:13] ohsveni: PLEASE [01:43:14] monnay1g: pspUuh [01:43:14] csgo_micheal: pspUuh [01:43:14] hotusecsnearyou: pspUuh [01:43:14] slezyorla: pspUuh pspUuh [01:43:15] SuperKurre: pspUuh [01:43:15] destr0yer72: uuh [01:43:15] TikrasAsilas: pspUuh [01:43:15] vic_n1: uuh 󠀀 [01:43:16] Amoyamoyamoya: OMG NO F1NN [01:43:16] norrreason: pspUuh [01:43:16] nikama6: NotLikeThis LUL [01:43:16] KillemFast303_HD: Months [01:43:17] Spike99i: pspUuh a sex what??? [01:43:17] honeysquares: @johnkeiwo thank you 🥹 [01:43:17] mapali1: pspUuh [01:43:18] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: HELL YEAH [01:43:18] realtalkchannel: Ashley vid [01:43:19] annokiplik: pspUuh [01:43:19] pussinagown: FINN WHAT [01:43:20] benadryl_pill: pspUuh [01:43:20] zebzzub: pspUuh [01:43:21] SnabbKassa: they allow you to drive in the 2+ lane! [01:43:21] YoPeGo: pspUuh [01:43:22] purphill: pspUuh [01:43:22] PP1xell: pspUuh [01:43:22] ohsveni: INSNTANT BUYY [01:43:23] Yonesuu: pspUuh [01:43:23] flunke_: pspUuh [01:43:24] Jens_LN: F1nn5ter Femboy Real doll ... when ? [01:43:24] v0yra: pspUuh [01:43:24] vic_n1: uuh what [01:43:25] judgedame: it is custom [01:43:25] alexx_net: BASED F1nn! me and all of mine hate FIFA [01:43:25] axing_: confusing the raid LMAO [01:43:25] XENOMAN5: FIFA is corrupt af [01:43:26] moiragamble: Go Confess Your Sins To Ashley Please....Please [01:43:26] gravynewt: THEY LACK THE CRITICAL LORE [01:43:27] Spluad: pspUuh [01:43:28] leoisbaba: pspUuh [01:43:28] kuben3202: pspUuh uuh [01:43:29] peanutbudder445_: How much to buy ( for a friend) [01:43:29] kaspu222: pspUuh uuuuuuhhh [01:43:30] Lucianthelord: Princess cant evencstand quiddich [01:43:30] zebzzub: pspUuh 󠀀 [01:43:30] Amoyamoyamoya: HOLY SHIT [01:43:32] annokiplik: pspUuh 󠀀 [01:43:32] vic_n1: uuh what? [01:43:32] packagum: packagum subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months, currently on a 37 month streak! [01:43:32] f3mmbot: packagum subscribed to f1nn5ter for 37 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:43:33] Cpu101: id buy one [01:43:34] benadryl_pill: no [01:43:35] Helen_Croft: chat is poor @F1NN5TER [01:43:36] nintendoswitch1g: pspUuh 󠀀 [01:43:36] ArminGux: you can probably contact them and get it in a month [01:43:38] ohsveni: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [01:43:38] melodyrainxx: I would buy one lol [01:43:38] Havryl: Omg yes, F1nn. Yes [01:43:38] YumeNoZen: Sell one of just feet for Amoya. [01:43:38] Furrfan47: I’d be your first customer [01:43:39] gay_femboy: Gett drunk PLS make it better for us [01:43:40] Amoyamoyamoya: You would monopolize the production capacity [01:43:40] KillemFast303_HD: I would buy one right now [01:43:40] zephyr_alba: More like 40 [01:43:42] sashasilly77: f1nnPegChamp [01:43:42] slezyorla: deemaOh [01:43:42] hangupp: sennykToilet [01:43:42] pine4pplepizz4: lore pog [01:43:42] Cyprohep: is soda one of them? [01:43:45] purphill: pspUuh how to buy [01:43:46] Elifighter: 4? [01:43:47] pennyarcade777: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [01:43:48] nikama6: They would thik we're weirdo [01:43:50] ronin_5463: Sex doll lore??? [01:43:51] killingmyego: lol [01:43:51] B_manhello: pspSAJ [01:43:51] PynkFryck: Mods get a free doll as a holiday bonus [01:43:52] kylerangelp: Id save up money to buy it [01:43:53] SnabbKassa: there's only 4 lonely men in the world? [01:43:55] XavienTC: lore dump limesPoggers [01:43:55] zebrabbl396: 15 minimum [01:43:57] benadryl_pill: pspUuh [01:43:58] krovvy: worth [01:43:59] kylerangelp: jay3Derp [01:43:59] annokiplik: pspUuh [01:43:59] JeseFS: pspUuh [01:44:01] monnay1g: pspUuh 󠀀 [01:44:01] flunke_: deemaLook [01:44:01] Tamnyr: pspUuh [01:44:01] Spike99i: pspUuh [01:44:01] ImTheSnack: psp1g what did you do KEKHeim [01:44:01] zebzzub: pspUuh [01:44:02] forcekind: pspUuh [01:44:02] MrFe__: pspUuh [01:44:02] vic_n1: uuh [01:44:02] gay_femboy: Not ok [01:44:02] ohsveni: W COFFIN [01:44:03] krovvy: take out a loan chat [01:44:03] S0up13: pspUuh 󠀀 [01:44:03] MajesticFvckingEagle: Ony 4? [01:44:03] VivetMuri: pspUuh [01:44:04] norrreason: pspUuh 󠀀 [01:44:04] mopek_: uuh [01:44:04] johnkeiwo: HUH !?!? worrunS worrunBDSM [01:44:05] PSP1G: pspUuh [01:44:05] Deogen01: 💀 [01:44:05] DreadPirateDan: would it have pee or vee [01:44:06] mapali1: pspUuh 󠀀 [01:44:06] Lets_illuminatiHD: 10 [01:44:06] bigfrogggg: uuh 󠀀 [01:44:06] Jadeine: i wonder if tenz would buy one for shits and giggles [01:44:07] alexx_net: @PynkFryck No thank you. HARD pass [01:44:07] Amoyamoyamoya: That's not weird at all [01:44:08] Jens_LN: cool [01:44:08] zephyr_alba: Why a Coffin? [01:44:08] oddinry: unsettling [01:44:08] K3V3L: pspUuh 󠀀 [01:44:08] fast_and_cosy: ????? [01:44:08] bub1g: pspUuh 󠀀 [01:44:09] kuben3202: pspUuh [01:44:09] killingmyego: xD [01:44:09] Silraa: Those ... uh... [01:44:09] Deogen01: NAHHH 💀 [01:44:10] ohsveni: Coffin is cute [01:44:10] Hayduke555: COOL??? [01:44:10] B_manhello: pspStare [01:44:10] hiluuu: get that bag belle [01:44:11] zebzzub: pspUuh 󠀀 [01:44:12] slezyorla: pspErm [01:44:13] TheMeatball: pspUuh [01:44:13] YumeNoZen: Thanks, I hate it. [01:44:13] TheJumiFilm_: pspUuh 󠀀 [01:44:13] Spike99i: pspUuh 󠀀 [01:44:14] braddle172: f1nnSideeye [01:44:15] blueskydrinking: *Sigh* at least she knows her market but chriiiist [01:44:15] PsillyCephalopod: KEKW ships in a coffin [01:44:16] muddymudkip15: That's crepy [01:44:16] RasputinofThrace: You are underrestimating chat's thirst Finn, I'm sure there would be more [01:44:16] flunke_: deemaLook deemaLook [01:44:16] MrsPandamber: the pink coffin oh god [01:44:17] Elifighter: i just wan the coffiin [01:44:18] sp00kq: I am massively sick this sucks [01:44:18] bittybbydreamer: wild [01:44:18] packagum: that is scary [01:44:20] vic_n1: uuh 󠀀 [01:44:20] Chris_The_Bi: Chris_The_Bi subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! Getting a doll of someone definitely isn't for me lol [01:44:20] f3mmbot: chris_the_bi subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months using Prime! PogU [01:44:21] VentoliN013: I'm not gay or bi, I just think you're pretty cool. Nothing wrong with either 🙂 [01:44:22] gay_femboy: DxCat DxCat DxCat DxCat [01:44:22] imperialgold01: 26 [01:44:23] Furrfan47: I’d get one instantly [01:44:23] zephyr_alba: I think 40-200 [01:44:24] fenris442: its already a bit much, but the used panties included is over the edge for me [01:44:24] brendabrownstain0: I’d just have the coffin [01:44:24] Amoyamoyamoya: @PynkFryck, Yeah, no unless I could immediately sell it [01:44:25] slezyorla: deemaLook deemaLook [01:44:25] krovvy: LOL [01:44:25] flunke_: pspXd [01:44:26] Lucianthelord: Will it be anatomically correct and to scale?... [01:44:26] axing_: KEKW [01:44:26] bearpaw1970: Wow [01:44:28] blueskydrinking: NotLikeThis [01:44:28] ohsveni: YEAH [01:44:29] Tamnyr: pspXd [01:44:29] DarrigoTR: was it announced on the first? [01:44:29] Toon_Dudette86: hey @f1nn5ter [01:44:30] sarahvega404: Dude you dont know how many people would buy [01:44:32] sp00kq: I'd cop [01:44:33] ohsveni: PLEASE [01:44:33] leoisbaba: pspBusiness [01:44:34] mapali1: deemaLook deemaLook [01:44:34] KillemFast303_HD: It's most likely real , and you would sell a lot [01:44:34] moiragamble: Is It an April fools Joke?? [01:44:34] ArminGux: maxes out credit card [01:44:38] Amoyamoyamoya: Cock and balls is kinda sus F1nn [01:44:39] YumeNoZen: Wouldn't take much material. [01:44:39] scarlettyg: What are caulkenballs? [01:44:39] delta4o: the packaging alone is embarrassing enough [01:44:39] Dyxnii: LMFAO [01:44:41] Gtadicto1: creepy [01:44:41] Furrfan47: I’ll save my pennies [01:44:42] AustraLeah: cock, balls, AND tits? What a score [01:44:42] PynkFryck: @alexx_net I'd take it off your hands.. for collection purposes :) [01:44:43] Kaymon81: a trans doll? you can change sex? ^^ [01:44:44] bucksben: After 3400 dollars for a pillow, 10,000 for a doll is cheap!!! [01:44:44] Avaerus0: Imagine if it were modular... [01:44:46] dull_scythes: Ships inside a real coffin? thats fucking wild [01:44:48] Silraa: No, chinese ones are 2-3k. [01:44:48] hiluuu: where do u hide that COFFIN when ppl come to visit u [01:44:48] oddinry: you gotta give it a PP if you make one [01:44:49] jesepyy: April fools? [01:44:50] Stovamor: @DarrigoTR, @moiragamble it was announced today [01:44:50] mystchevious1: Wait would you're have hot swapable parts?? [01:44:51] unbracingabyss: was this released on April 1st? [01:44:51] SnabbKassa: they are mostly "convertible" yes [01:44:52] AcheronToEros: AcheronToEros subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! I have not paid for a sub to this channel, possibly ever. I think. I'm not sure. [01:44:52] hiluuu: oh right....- [01:44:52] f3mmbot: acherontoeros subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:44:57] killingmyego: im broke xD [01:44:58] wyldcardsam: wyldcardsam subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months! Damn almost two years subbed happy last day in old house stream [01:44:58] f3mmbot: wyldcardsam subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months using Prime! PogU [01:44:59] Chris_The_Bi: Cost depends a lot [01:45:03] gitrektitrekt: Imagine trying to explain this package to your neighbor [01:45:05] B_manhello: pspPsp [01:45:05] KillemFast303_HD: Yes [01:45:06] melodyrainxx: Sweet [01:45:07] ArminGux: they run higher then 10k [01:45:07] ronin_5463: If you buy one you immediately go on a list lmao [01:45:10] gay_femboy: PLS stop torturing us with sextoys [01:45:11] krovvy: modular sex dolls lmao [01:45:11] CeruleanWizard: @hiluuu pffff, if you're buying that thing, you ain't hiding NOTHING LUL [01:45:11] SnabbKassa: and heads etc. [01:45:13] evericor000: ask soda he has one [01:45:14] Kaymon81: finn is hooked >.< [01:45:14] flunke_: pspUuh [01:45:15] Jackleet: uuh [01:45:15] Cpu101: at least a f1nn body pillow!! [01:45:16] KillemFast303_HD: Nom nom [01:45:17] CoffeeComic64: The double [01:45:17] XENOMAN5: Interchangeable genitals for the win [01:45:18] Havryl: Chat will pool money together for just one [01:45:18] moiragamble: Right I feel like it is Probably an April Fools Joke [01:45:19] pussinagown: Transdoll moment o7 [01:45:20] PP1xell: pspUuh [01:45:20] hotusecsnearyou: pspPsp [01:45:20] SnabbKassa: you have to be able to clean the orifices, obviously [01:45:21] bub1g: pspEat [01:45:22] coldlikx: uuh [01:45:22] ArminGux: yes u can do pp on whatever you want [01:45:23] SacksoGaming: Cost depends on if it's used or not :) [01:45:23] judgedame: ask soda [01:45:25] brendabrownstain0: true genderfluidity [01:45:25] SonicXVe: boy this is not a conversation to have on twitch [01:45:26] AlhambraMMXX: the woke mob transed the sex dolls [01:45:26] slezyorla: yea its like 10 grand 100% [01:45:26] YumeNoZen: Could swap them to a good size, eh? [01:45:26] faal_lazarino: pspUuh [01:45:27] Amoyamoyamoya: Ohhhhhh....soft pp would be a problem F1nn [01:45:28] cookieeater212: imagine having a glittery pink coffin delivered to your doorstep [01:45:31] B_manhello: pspPickle [01:45:33] KillemFast303_HD: Lol [01:45:33] Starlight85: @F1NN5TER When the UK votes in May, you have to show ID. How bad is your ID photo? [01:45:34] ArminGux: probably 25k [01:45:34] SoftWorxBC: Finn has entered a rabbit hole LOL [01:45:41] blueskydrinking: Can't believe I missed the wholesome segment but started watching just in time for this NotLikeThis [01:45:42] 1958dino: Sell the mouldy items in your box on dolls!💐🤔😼🐈‍⬛♥️☕🥖🧀🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇦🇵🇸🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💐 [01:45:45] zebrabbl396: Doll very different from pillow [01:45:46] VentoliN013: You better know there will be a good bit of people buying them. . . 😓 [01:45:47] johnkeiwo: truuuue [01:45:49] Chris_The_Bi: Cost basically depends on materials. As well as likeness, and whatever you want to eat it at [01:45:49] Lucianthelord: Huh! [01:45:50] johnkeiwo: HUH !?!? worrunS worrunBDSM [01:45:50] B_manhello: @PSP1G pspGlorp [01:45:52] PP1xell: eww [01:45:52] digitalnothingx: i'm confused, since the coming out do you now go from femboy to certified babe or what? [01:45:53] kpkplays: since it will only be a tiny addition it should only ad a few bucks extra. [01:45:55] Avaerus0: "used sex doll"??? [01:45:56] brendabrownstain0: on the bright side you won’t need much silicone for the boy parts if you do make one [01:45:57] johnkeiwo: how do u know monkaS [01:45:57] Cautare: We can't talk about soda anymore monkaS [01:45:58] ArminGux: is it u? [01:46:00] PynkFryck: free money [01:46:01] Embers_Falling: 15-20k+ the coffin and her celebrity markup [01:46:01] Kaymon81: wild story of soda ^^ [01:46:01] Wanesty: yea we know [01:46:02] hiluuu: @CeruleanWizard yeah realised that aint nobody coming to visit u if u r buying shit like that KEKW [01:46:02] Gtadicto1: this is a rabbit hole [01:46:02] Gazzalinga: A doll in a coffin with clothes that have dna on them, surely you get put on a list buying that [01:46:03] bearpaw1970: Ryan gosling played aan who was in love with a sex doll [01:46:04] handscombchris: they start at about 2k for a pre built [01:46:05] hotusecsnearyou: pspGlorp [01:46:06] ciernaruza: costa coffin [01:46:06] QuickestJadeTheDoge: Wait are we still talking about this LMAOOO [01:46:08] nikama6: Sus [01:46:12] Furrfan47: I checked, it’s like 10/15k [01:46:14] JeseFS: pspGlorp [01:46:16] Helen_Croft: !CLIP belle [01:46:17] gay_femboy: If my math isn't mathing it Will be lots bout 25-29k [01:46:17] AustraLeah: Naaa Brenda KEKW [01:46:17] VivetMuri: pspGlorp [01:46:18] killingmyego: xD [01:46:18] KillemFast303_HD: LUL [01:46:19] melodyrainxx: Lolll [01:46:20] ohsveni: ????? [01:46:20] johnkeiwo: KEKW [01:46:20] krovvy: :) [01:46:20] ronin_5463: KEKW [01:46:21] Jens_LN: MaxLOL [01:46:23] braddle172: KEKW [01:46:23] MAKROLANIUM7: cmonBruh [01:46:23] mootie1: glorp [01:46:23] moiragamble: Doing it on April First would at least give her Plausible Deniability [01:46:23] zephyr_alba: Lmao [01:46:24] claydress: Would you give your doll 🍆? [01:46:24] YumeNoZen: Hahahahahahahahaha. [01:46:24] SoftWorxBC: LOL! [01:46:24] sp00kq: KEKW [01:46:24] Amoyamoyamoya: @Furrfan47, USERNAME NOTED [01:46:24] XENOMAN5: $10,000 is the BASE model. They go way up after that [01:46:24] TheNelizz: KEKW [01:46:25] johnkeiwo: With the doll ! [01:46:28] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: jinxed it [01:46:29] the_deezel: M [01:46:29] packagum: KEKW [01:46:29] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [01:46:29] XavienTC: dew it [01:46:30] Cyprohep: content! [01:46:30] Avaerus0: Send him the doll... [01:46:31] ArminGux: please send it now kekw [01:46:31] YumeNoZen: Little death isn't fun. [01:46:32] krovvy: Do it, f1nns birthday [01:46:34] mido7700: Hi my love 😛 [01:46:34] ramboo1989: send it to me instead [01:46:34] know1_0: lol [01:46:34] Elifighter: do it it would be funny [01:46:36] Y0rk5h1r3: F1nn using reverse psychology LUL [01:46:37] Jadeine: just give ashley first dibs [01:46:38] HardyOrange: BASED [01:46:38] ohsveni: Chat send the doll [01:46:38] johnkeiwo: It will be doll on doll violence ! [01:46:39] bart140298: revers psychology? [01:46:40] ArminGux: reverse phycology [01:46:40] packagum: now you’re getting one 😂 [01:46:40] ramboo1989: ayoo [01:46:41] hugeairconditioner: worth it LUL [01:46:41] neosstuff: what about a picture??? [01:46:42] mootie1: 🟢 CoolCat [01:46:42] judgedame: good joke [01:46:42] zombiii: but you'd have the coffin, if she kills you [01:46:43] Raddog315: so Bell, send two [01:46:44] alexx_net: Coffins are cheap to make, (huge markup). [01:46:45] pennyarcade777: My ID when I vote will be my Bus pass. [01:46:45] krovvy: ok [01:46:45] johnkeiwo: yes ! [01:46:45] Helen_Croft: yessssss [01:46:46] the_deezel: Mxrplays has a sex doll [01:46:46] melodyrainxx: Yeah lets [01:46:48] zebrabbl396: Sending doll [01:46:48] oddinry: ye! [01:46:49] HardyOrange: yeah! it's a great video! [01:46:49] Jens_LN: yes ! [01:46:49] all_is_dustt: reverse psychology [01:46:51] braddle172: Yes [01:46:53] AustraLeah: YES [01:46:54] Jens_LN: watch video ! [01:46:55] killingmyego: yass [01:46:58] ReiniYamato: It's fine, it comes in a coffin, already have something to bury you in when she dies kill you! 🤣 [01:47:00] sunnyandsmiling: Yessss [01:47:01] oddinry: i haven't seen it yet [01:47:02] daemon2988: Yes! [01:47:02] gay_femboy: Ok [01:47:04] Helen_Croft: Fucus [01:47:04] annokiplik: pspHappie vidya [01:47:05] Raddog315: of course [01:47:05] ramboo1989: I am a........ [01:47:05] leoisbaba: !socials [01:47:05] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [01:47:06] brendabrownstain0: I think I watched it earlier [01:47:09] bearpaw1970: Yes [01:47:10] Amoyamoyamoya: Imagine watching other streams [01:47:11] Helen_Croft: Focus [01:47:16] radiantcamillatv: ctvaHandsUp [01:47:17] c__r__j: @alexx_net Coffins where it doesn't matter so much if they break will be even cheaper. [01:47:18] MajesticFvckingEagle: huhhhh [01:47:19] KillemFast303_HD: LUL LUL [01:47:19] Stovamor: @hyuko11, no [01:47:21] Loelinverse: fuck whatever the podcast [01:47:24] axing_: KEKW [01:47:24] SpeckyNation: PKA [01:47:25] killingmyego: xD [01:47:25] johnkeiwo: adcvrSHOOK adcvrSHOOK [01:47:27] scarlettyg: KEKW [01:47:27] LucidityVTv: can i get upies? [01:47:28] ohsveni: xD [01:47:28] itstranexd: and i just tuned in at a weird moment [01:47:28] elizabethpearlxo: ashleyyy wixelsCute [01:47:29] XENOMAN5: You sure Icky wouldn’t use the doll on her BP? [01:47:31] gay_femboy: It is very quistionable stream tonight [01:47:31] AustraLeah: KEKW [01:47:33] brendabrownstain0: hold up next owns a sexcdoll that feels like cursed knoledge [01:47:35] daemon2988: MXRPlays doll is pretty much exclusively on their Patreon though. [01:47:36] ronin_5463: KEKW [01:47:37] KillemFast303_HD: Lmao [01:47:38] killingmyego: mary lolol [01:47:41] ohsveni: LMAOOOOO [01:47:41] annokiplik: KEKW [01:47:41] PsillyCephalopod: OMEGALUL [01:47:42] nurodev: KEKW [01:47:42] axing_: LMAO [01:47:43] krovvy: omg it's an elf [01:47:43] slothboi45: Yo f1nn whats the new house gonna be [01:47:44] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:47:45] PSP1G: OMEGALUL [01:47:47] ArminGux: ew whatever podcast [01:47:47] fenris442: KEKW [01:47:48] ohsveni: PYRO LMAO [01:47:48] AlhambraMMXX: bro KEKW [01:47:50] hotusecsnearyou: @PSP1G demeJ [01:47:51] HardyOrange: lmaoooooooo [01:47:53] krovvy: or maybe a hobbit [01:47:53] ch4rc0al5: That podcast looks mega cringe [01:47:53] oddinry: KEKW [01:47:55] bigsuave7: lolll [01:47:56] ramboo1989: ahhh the old bait rage podcast [01:47:56] CeruleanWizard: @daemon2988 Isn't their's just a sex doll of Tifa though? [01:47:57] RonnieSxl: KEKW [01:47:57] Loelinverse: KKEW [01:47:58] bittybbydreamer: f1nnRun [01:47:58] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [01:48:01] Jadeine: f1nn doesnt see women. only dolls. cancelled [01:48:01] SpeckyNation: is this AI? [01:48:02] Coolcalcacol: get mf hitch to mf stop mf ignoring me @mods [01:48:05] ronin_5463: You don't need a doll F1nn youre already a doll [01:48:10] johnkeiwo: adcvrSHOOK adcvrSHOOK [01:48:14] ramboo1989: ayooo [01:48:16] gay_femboy: Go sleep you're yawning [01:48:17] Cautare: WHAT [01:48:17] itstranexd: f1nn being a coomer for his gf [01:48:20] Cautare: monkaS [01:48:20] krovvy: LOL [01:48:21] debdrup: good comment, john [01:48:24] sunnyandsmiling: She's so beautiful [01:48:26] Stovamor: !caps [01:48:26] f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! [01:48:26] Stovamor: !caps [01:48:26] f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! [01:48:27] ArminGux: that’s just how u sit normally [01:48:33] the_deezel: Just watched her video earlier today [01:48:34] Raddog315: new lore, F1nn can't tell a real woman from a doll [01:48:37] Coolcalcacol: I know :( [01:48:38] daemon2988: @ceruleanwizard I don't know if it was modeled after Tifa, or they just made her to look like it, but yes. [01:48:39] Coolcalcacol: poor boy [01:48:40] XENOMAN5: @speckynation F1nn is real. Real weird. [01:48:48] delta4o: ADHD strikes again [01:48:48] KillemFast303_HD: Any cool new knives lately? [01:48:50] peanutbudder445_: Im going to sleep [01:48:52] Lucianthelord: F1nn will your charity exclusively sell hrt or will it help those into being diagnosed and begin transitioning? [01:48:55] krovvy: getting addicted to knives, together [01:48:59] TheCodyCZ: Hello Everyone :D [01:49:03] blueskydrinking: @delta4o ironically it strikes in the video too KEKW [01:49:04] hotusecsnearyou: pspBuh [01:49:06] unixguru71: I was worried when I saw “last stream”, relaxed when I saw “in this house” [01:49:07] theanonymoussword: get an ug tools [01:49:10] Its_JayNyxx: Knife talk again LUL [01:49:10] daniel_peck: CRKT is my favorite knife brand [01:49:16] ArminGux: get a good Japanese chefs knife [01:49:19] krovvy: I keep buying balisongs, help me [01:49:21] gay_femboy: I would die for just meeting Finn in person [01:49:23] randyiii: I got my F1nn5ter shaker cup this week [01:49:23] ramboo1989: derailed [01:49:28] seibaby: did you get engaged? [01:49:29] XENOMAN5: @daniel_peck I love CRKT [01:49:31] kaname870: kaname870 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! One more for two whole years subbed here's to another month! [01:49:31] f3mmbot: kaname870 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months using Prime! PogU [01:49:39] daemon2988: You can get a top of the line Civivi for around $300. [01:49:39] brendabrownstain0: nerd but respectfully [01:49:40] rebecca724: Zero Tollerance makes a good blade in that price range [01:49:40] KillemFast303_HD: @its_jaynyxx sorry haven't been here in a while lol [01:49:41] evericor000: kershaw live wire otf knife [01:49:42] gigasmaz: Derailed NotLikeThis [01:49:44] casualgammer554: !lurk [01:49:44] f3mmbot: No lurking! We're all OUT in this channel... [01:49:45] TheNelizz: f1nn doesnt exist wym? [01:49:46] rxdnxck19th: ADHD moment [01:49:47] Stabstalker: Stabstalker subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! [01:49:47] f3mmbot: stabstalker subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [01:49:48] gay_femboy: I fucking live in belguim [01:49:49] lampshaderie: everyone who has met f1nn in person has died [01:49:49] Jens_LN: ADHD > F1nn5etr ! [01:49:51] AerynParty: F1nn I got your cup Finally!!! [01:49:51] alexx_net: @gay_femboy He should be at the next EU twitchcon [01:49:52] Tareah: Is that Ring for Engagement? [01:49:55] esquilinus: knife mfs when i take a rusty piece of scrap metal to a belt sander (it's sharp now) [01:49:56] DarkKnight13224: yuyixWave [01:49:59] tylerlong1997: benchmade 940 goes hard though they are like 240 now, i paid 140 for mine, fuck inflation. [01:50:00] theanonymoussword: Spyderco with Their K390 is excellent [01:50:07] randyiii: @aerynpartyyay me too [01:50:07] evericor000: that’s my edc [01:50:10] johnkeiwo: Stare [01:50:10] NekoHasAimbot: PDW does the SPD line with the terravantium cobalt [01:50:11] LittleChaSiu: don't be weird, just talk to the gremlin /j [01:50:13] SpeckyNation: @XENOMAN5 I meant the video he/she was watching earlier. xD [01:50:15] biggerturkey: Mmmm burrito sounds really good right now [01:50:17] mystchevious1: ... ... [01:50:19] Jens_LN: ADHD winning ! [01:50:28] sunnyandsmiling: I want to hang out and do shots with Fin and Ash [01:50:29] XENOMAN5: @speckynation ok [01:50:31] Loelinverse: Lmao Knives over notes [01:50:32] daniel_peck: @xenoman5 my CRKT is missing some hardware and it's a discontinued model so I haven't been able to find replacement screws for the handle xngelSAD [01:50:32] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: @F1NN5TER are u going to comic con [01:50:33] krovvy: the new kershaw bel air interesting [01:50:36] handscombchris: @Tareah it's from lord of the rings! [01:50:36] KillemFast303_HD: LUL [01:50:39] mystchevious1: @LittleChaSiu it's easier for some than others. A lot of us have social anxiety. [01:50:44] debdrup: @LittleChaSiu gremlin didn't go outside for 3 years, so that reduces the chances [01:50:45] jspringle1: benchmade 940 is like indestructible [01:50:47] EldritchElucidator: tom scott vibes [01:50:48] krovvy: PrideCute [01:50:51] Raddog315: yeet [01:50:52] TheNelizz: Bless ya [01:50:52] AustraLeah: KEKW [01:50:53] cookieeater212: bless [01:50:54] ronin_5463: Gesundheit [01:50:56] axing_: video is pretty quiet [01:50:58] ArminGux: bless [01:51:01] Chri55PBacon: hmmm [01:51:02] XENOMAN5: @daniel_peck that sucks. Have you contacted them? [01:51:03] puppyboy_ash69: I got the # f1nnster cup today :3 [01:51:05] blueskydrinking: what jkr thinks actually happens [01:51:06] oddinry: ashley is so pretty TransgenderPride [01:51:12] sp00kq: 10 Megabit down and up goes truly hard rn [01:51:13] KillemFast303_HD: You are one lucky person [01:51:16] LeVideNoirAstral: hmm [01:51:16] Amoyamoyamoya: @LittleChaSiu, Imagine talking to F1nn like he's a real person [01:51:17] ronin_5463: KEKW [01:51:27] ArminGux: twink death is 25… [01:51:28] AerynParty: Ashley is so cute [01:51:29] mystchevious1: You won't have twink death you bum [01:51:30] HardyOrange: at 40 Ashley's just gonna transition to a milf tbh [01:51:38] ohsveni: ADHD [01:51:38] ronin_5463: L ignorant transphobe [01:51:38] KillemFast303_HD: Ooooo [01:51:42] Helen_Croft: not the knife talk NotLikeThis [01:51:42] krovvy: PrideCute nice [01:51:43] gay_femboy: I Will die before i'm 40 [01:51:43] Jens_LN: Women take HRT after MEnopause [01:51:44] axing_: get adhd'd [01:51:45] alexx_net: @ronin_5463 true [01:51:47] AustraLeah: ADHD is seizing the day [01:51:50] sp00kq: Bro got knife tism [01:51:53] Y0rk5h1r3: Is Twink death why you started HRT? LUL [01:51:53] XavienTC: so easily distracted [01:51:53] blueskydrinking: the brain on this girl i stg [01:51:57] johnkeiwo: @rebecca724, I think you tried to post a link, links are allowed only to mods and VIP's ^^ ! [01:52:00] packagum: knoife brained [01:52:01] brendabrownstain0: I say again, nerd [01:52:04] rebecca724: Sorry. Same message, no link. Zero Tolerance 0450 for $232 USD is a knife I have and use daily. Great steel [01:52:05] debdrup: @blueskydrinking which brain? [01:52:06] p0ikil3: you never hydrate yourself [01:52:07] axing_: (yes) [01:52:08] Yoelair: more good shit on the battlepass pls [01:52:10] Amoyamoyamoya: tfw way past 40 already [01:52:10] Bytebak: @gay_femboy I died 48 years ago [01:52:10] elizabethpearlxo: ashley is adorable ! [01:52:14] ohsveni: xD [01:52:16] blueskydrinking: @debdrup TRUE [01:52:18] Its_JayNyxx: Video is kinda low volume wise [01:52:20] RonnieSxl: block comido [01:52:23] KillemFast303_HD: Is the knife heavy? Looks Smooth af [01:52:23] oddinry: twink death at 23??? [01:52:28] ArminGux: my twink death was before puberty kekw, bear moment kekw [01:52:29] Dani_roa_: Twink thriving [01:52:29] Helen_Croft: you also take T blocker? @F1NN5TER [01:52:29] Valezifer: Good night [01:52:30] johnkeiwo: W [01:52:30] ramboo1989: 🤣🤣🤣 [01:52:32] andyinnie: twinkmaxxing [01:52:37] bfredl: with HRT it is more like twink evolution than twink death [01:52:37] Cautare: Get prettier HELL YEA [01:52:38] hiluuu: *prettier [01:52:40] ohsveni: TwinkMaxxing W [01:52:42] sionaprice: F1nn went out on a high note :P [01:52:43] HardyOrange: you twink locked in (jkjk) [01:52:44] ramboo1989: god she is beautiful [01:52:44] nikama6: Twink° [01:52:49] k3lvin8or: lmao [01:52:50] ArminGux: no more handsome , only pretty [01:52:52] killingmyego: twinkle twinkle little star lol [01:52:52] zephyr_alba: Twink Senzu Beans [01:52:55] da1lasisc0olh: hi lol [01:52:59] alexx_net: @ramboo1989 true. [01:53:03] knickknachs: Wait Vaush was even more close to being correct!!!!???? [01:53:03] ohsveni: booba [01:53:03] KillemFast303_HD: VirtualHug VirtualHug [01:53:06] Lets_illuminatiHD: he bacame sus [01:53:07] mystchevious1: HRT was wonderful for you mentally and you get to keep being girl. But people should realize that you won't have twink death because you are girl nao. [01:53:07] oddinry: booba [01:53:08] AerynParty: F1nn you have the cutest girl in the world [01:53:08] brendabrownstain0: I’m looking forward to being an old wise trans person [01:53:09] CoffeeComic64: I think you may like to know I am on minecraft rn :3 [01:53:15] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: show roots [01:53:20] TwoDadsKissing: yup. i think lol [01:53:21] HardyOrange: how good do they think wigs are????????? [01:53:23] johnkeiwo: don't give vaush a W [01:53:23] Avaerus0: That would be a really realistic wig [01:53:24] johnkeiwo: NO [01:53:25] krovvy: don't [01:53:27] ohsveni: N(O [01:53:28] ohsveni: NO [01:53:29] tnw543: yes [01:53:29] HardyOrange: ooops [01:53:30] solarianv69: f1nn root reveal?? [01:53:30] Y0rk5h1r3: A man with long hair, Unpossible!!! [01:53:31] ArminGux: why? [01:53:32] gay_femboy: iMagine Arnold swarschenegger blinde the stream [01:53:32] AlhambraMMXX: the v man doesn't miss [01:53:32] Jens_LN: nope [01:53:32] bigsuave7: Vaush NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [01:53:33] krovvy: don't do it [01:53:34] Sillphiee: yes [01:53:34] seumafia: Takoma wept [01:53:36] cookieeater212: show n tell [01:53:36] Goobenshmertz: DONT APOLOGIZE TO VAUSH [01:53:37] amelia7015: oh hello I watched this vid earleir [01:53:37] oddinry: not vaush bro [01:53:37] johnkeiwo: noooooooooo ! KEKW [01:53:40] Cpu101: nononon vaush badbad [01:53:42] TwoDadsKissing: He does not miss lmao [01:53:42] woodcrawl: omg. just browsed on just chatting to listen to a woman.. [01:53:42] bfredl: Waush [01:53:43] ramboo1989: need context [01:53:43] axing_: @AlhambraMMXX he constantly missess [01:53:44] nikama6: nah u good [01:53:44] courtneyisaseagull: His ego doesn't need it lmao [01:53:45] ArminGux: isn’t vaush a nonce [01:53:47] fjano_: HE WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG [01:53:47] HotGamerDudeCS: heyyy wassup [01:53:47] c__r__j: Are you also going to apologise to Ashley Barron? f1nnLaff [01:53:47] realtalkchannel: Can Vaush for once not have a correct take? [01:53:47] Dani_roa_: Worst man on earth was right once [01:53:47] bananasandwich6969: surely you hadn't been on HRT for long back then [01:53:49] Catilya: probably bald men comments wig xd [01:53:50] KillemFast303_HD: Lol [01:53:51] Lucianthelord: Dont [01:53:53] HotGamerDudeCS: how you doing [01:53:53] knickknachs: Hahahahahhaha [01:53:54] tnw543: woosh [01:53:55] MajesticFvckingEagle: wait, I thought the timeline didn’t match up [01:53:56] muddymudkip15: Close don't cut it [01:54:00] k3lvin8or: hahaha [01:54:05] XENOMAN5: @woodcrawl welcome [01:54:06] alexx_net: I HATE that Vaush was correct [01:54:06] Avaerus0: He said your skin was too smooth to not be on E. :p [01:54:09] RonnieSxl: who? [01:54:09] krovvy: pog cellular [01:54:13] ohsveni: boi [01:54:15] tangowulf: Vaush screws himself sometimes, but I generally agree with him [01:54:20] Raddog315: Ashley literally looks like a supermodel [01:54:21] biggerturkey: vaush? More like stinky poo poo [01:54:23] BaBouBoBau: ur a great streamer [01:54:23] VentoliN013: Have a good stream you guys! I must now take my nephew to baseball practice 🤘 [01:54:33] oddinry: w editing [01:54:35] ohsveni: @Raddog315 Fr <3 [01:54:37] mystchevious1: Ashley is gorgeous. [01:54:38] XavienTC: limesNoted [01:54:38] gitrektitrekt: Vaush LUL [01:54:39] TheNelizz: @VentoliN013 WISH EM GOOD LUCK!!! [01:54:48] CeruleanWizard: F1nn allergic to SCHOOL [01:54:49] dangerousruben: ugh learning [01:54:49] SonicXVe: is that a problem 🤨 [01:54:51] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [01:54:51] Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnSad f1nnHeart cakejuSharko cakejuComfy [01:54:52] gay_femboy: That's a first [01:54:52] krovvy: smol brain [01:54:53] mystchevious1: Shouldn't you know all of this already? [01:54:54] Darts852: we can't have that [01:54:56] ArminGux: yes [01:54:56] Goobenshmertz: no learning allowed [01:54:57] KillemFast303_HD: Just learn lol [01:54:57] packagum: whats bad about that [01:54:58] charlottelotved: really good video [01:55:00] realtalkchannel: Vaush has 80% agreeable takes which is for me a lengendary ratio for a content creator lol [01:55:02] Stovamor: yes. you're a bad student [01:55:03] Y0rk5h1r3: Quick, turn it off before we learn!!! [01:55:04] killingmyego: focus [01:55:05] VentoliN013: @thenelizz thanks! [01:55:10] parissoda: DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip [01:55:12] sunnyandsmiling: Just focus on her pretty [01:55:12] ArminGux: do you have studing so much [01:55:12] blueskydrinking: F1nn, you're pretty. No need for being smart [01:55:17] taeyukki: I'm trans and been on hrt for like 2 years and I always learn something from Ashley's videos tbh [01:55:19] YumeNoZen: You're unmedicated and that's mething you up. [01:55:23] mako7274: may it be they are learnning something for the first time?? [01:55:26] VentoliN013: Latah 🫡 [01:55:27] woodcrawl: i am also a testostreone level ameba. male boobes, check. [01:55:29] nikama6: Im just girl too much words [01:55:32] aster_stella: TransgenderPride [01:55:33] ramboo1989: thick ass is 🫡 [01:55:35] alexx_net: Yes you are that bad. This is good practice learning for you F1nn [01:55:36] jayem97: Ashley is a great teacher [01:55:45] butter_bb: Her describing it makes me jealous lol [01:55:49] rainfallwall: I want the long thick hair bonus [01:55:51] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:55:55] oddinry: woag [01:55:56] axing_: D: [01:55:56] KillemFast303_HD: WutFace [01:55:57] Helen_Croft: Did you read that PDF? @F1NN5TER [01:55:58] YumeNoZen: If life begins at conception, all men are trans anyways. [01:55:59] johnkeiwo: worrunS [01:55:59] CeruleanWizard: Sounds metal as fuck [01:56:00] hand_hook_car_door: monkaS [01:56:00] MaxVershhhtappen: @f1nn5ter I think you have to get an Trans class from Professor Lando!!! [01:56:01] bigsuave7: bro LUL [01:56:01] SpeckyNation: uhhhhhh [01:56:04] ArminGux: what [01:56:07] TheBugMeister: pee [01:56:07] gay_femboy: Teachers during corona [01:56:10] alvarocaroj: If you do diy [01:56:11] Furrfan47: could you theoretically transition a hamster? [01:56:12] de_geweldige: red sink [01:56:12] ArminGux: I am sorry what [01:56:13] ramboo1989: atta boy [01:56:14] butter_bb: They say that about any medication for legal reasons [01:56:15] krovvy: lmao [01:56:15] blueskydrinking: f1nn's piss kink is getting out of control NotLikeTHis [01:56:15] SonicXVe: ???? [01:56:16] YumeNoZen: Or the gender dysphoria bible? [01:56:19] phantaton: I read the pdf. It was very informative [01:56:22] KillemFast303_HD: Lol [01:56:23] Darts852: f [01:56:25] ramboo1989: sure....... [01:56:27] cookieeater212: well yeah no shit [01:56:27] ohsveni: F [01:56:28] Helen_Croft: no the PDF is good [01:56:28] krovvy: stop learning nerd [01:56:31] ArminGux: what pdf? [01:56:31] oddinry: learning is cringe [01:56:32] notrlyjacob: F [01:56:32] SonicXVe: bruh youre watching her youtube videos why cant you read her PDF [01:56:33] axing_: KEKW [01:56:33] killingmyego: xD [01:56:33] handscombchris: shame! [01:56:34] ramboo1989: a what!? [01:56:35] alexx_net: @Furrfan47 yes, but it would be unethical due to lack of consent [01:56:37] brendabrownstain0: that’s rude [01:56:39] idesofjuno: KEKW [01:56:40] YumeNoZen: TradWife for TradWife? [01:56:42] smolgoddessal3x: ur the trad wife [01:56:43] HardyOrange: you gotta have her read it to you like a bedtime story [01:56:44] AustraLeah: mosogynist f1nn [01:56:46] Jens_LN: Become the Trad Wife ??? [01:56:46] Furrfan47: that’s insane [01:56:47] SonicXVe: more cringe tbh [01:56:48] teatedostritch3: F1nn you are the trad wife [01:56:49] blackcat11111111: rude [01:56:51] ramboo1989: finn you are the girlfriend [01:56:51] Helen_Croft: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:56:53] gay_femboy: I personaly Cant spell for shit [01:56:53] estherarchive: man ?? [01:56:54] kobi_sol: Shelly Duvall [01:56:55] krovvy: as is traditional [01:56:57] packagum: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:56:58] KillemFast303_HD: Hahahaha [01:56:58] jcktheripperrs: F1nn, i think that ship has sailed. [01:56:59] alvarocaroj: Alpha male f1nn [01:56:59] ArminGux: I think u just hate learning [01:56:59] ohsveni: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:57:00] killingmyego: flex [01:57:00] nikama6: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [01:57:03] johnkeiwo: f1nnCope [01:57:03] ChilaAurora: The T in T4T is for Trad-Wife [01:57:05] k3lvin8or: LUL [01:57:05] SnabbKassa: Andy Capp [01:57:05] Gurglefrix: f1nnPegChamp [01:57:06] alexx_net: Never cringe to learn. Get brains boi! [01:57:06] Darts852: what' the effect of hrt on goblins? [01:57:06] SonicXVe: Stare [01:57:07] mcmelon_tv: lmfso [01:57:07] SpeckyNation: Since when are you the man? [01:57:08] blackcat11111111: just read it [01:57:09] MaxVershhhtappen: wait… Ashley BP?!?,? [01:57:09] EldritchElucidator: back from the redstone mines :| [01:57:10] kingwill2018: copium [01:57:10] brendabrownstain0: “I wear the cat ears in this house” [01:57:10] blueskydrinking: The second tiktok you did together, you were making HER a sandwich [01:57:12] sapphiccatgirl6: F1NN u are both the girlfriends [01:57:14] unbracingabyss: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:57:15] WuppieF: O,o [01:57:18] gay_femboy: Was this in france [01:57:18] ronin_5463: Based and sandwichpilled KEKW [01:57:19] HardyOrange: she's gonna order that Belle doll just for the coffin to put you in it for that one [01:57:19] alexx_net: Tank is The Man of the house [01:57:25] numeanor: coping? you can't do that as bottom! [01:57:25] judgedame: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:57:25] sarahvega404: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:57:26] ramboo1989: ayoo [01:57:31] KillemFast303_HD: You are awesome, back to work I go .much love yall VirtualHug [01:57:33] Raddog315: wait......... were the "cooties" girls had in school, that all the guys said we would catch if we hung out with them, just estrogen? [01:57:34] Lucianthelord: f1nnCope [01:57:35] claysparrow: what did i miss chat [01:57:36] the_deezel: I want to watch you tell her to make you a sandwich, lol [01:57:37] Gurglefrix: your now straight? Kappa [01:57:40] delta4o: f1nn mansplaining femme&ms to his trans gf... [01:57:47] gracefully_insane74: @YumeNoZen yea gender dysphoria bible is so good [01:57:47] woodcrawl: god damn, youth of today. you are all crazy [01:57:49] alexx_net: @Gurglefrix Sometimes [01:57:49] bigsuave7: Oh I didnt know that [01:57:53] ChilaAurora: @alexx_net Our Overlord! [01:58:01] CrutchMcgee: @raddog315 yes [01:58:01] jayem97: Can you both be trad wives? [01:58:04] Y0rk5h1r3: When you identify as female, do you ignore your own opinions? LUL [01:58:05] ArminGux: u layed the brinks? [01:58:05] gay_femboy: Trans People are basically gay if you know what i'm saying [01:58:07] krovvy: LOL [01:58:09] Miniepaws: Last stream!? [01:58:12] ramboo1989: !? [01:58:13] Raddog315: lol [01:58:20] radiantcamillatv: @gay_femboy 😭 [01:58:21] Elifighter: woodworking [01:58:25] ohsveni: xD [01:58:26] jesepyy: Yeah...... [01:58:26] axing_: @Y0rk5h1r3 LMAO KEKW [01:58:27] Elifighter: aint no way [01:58:29] MyViewLIVE: Not always....Catlyn Jenner is a WENCH...no compassion, no kindness. And that's OK....compassions IS NOT synonymous with femininity [01:58:29] XENOMAN5: A literal homemaker [01:58:29] ramboo1989: 🕺🏼 [01:58:30] butter_bb: Working some wood lol [01:58:31] blueskydrinking: @Miniepaws In this house - he's moving! [01:58:34] c__r__j: Well, did SOME of what you said to do. [01:58:34] Helen_Croft: you distracted the builders [01:58:34] brendabrownstain0: how is any of this traditional [01:58:35] biggerturkey: Great boss [01:58:37] ChilaAurora: You "Delegated" [01:58:40] alvarocaroj: Booba [01:58:43] ArminGux: sounds like me wife [01:58:43] Y0rk5h1r3: You took slooty pictures on the mini digger [01:58:44] gay_femboy: @radiantcamillatv lol i have dark humor [01:58:49] Rami_XXVII: Traditional usually work because its safer, its a receipe [01:58:51] Miniepaws: Moving? Goodluckkn [01:58:54] mystchevious1: You were already on finasteride. [01:58:56] Raddog315: you posed on the equipment [01:58:58] radiantcamillatv: @gay_femboy me too [01:59:00] DarrigoTR: Terrible camera [01:59:03] ohsveni: no [01:59:04] ramboo1989: your going bald [01:59:10] braddle172: Huh [01:59:10] XENOMAN5: You wrote the checks and supervised. That’s very manly. [01:59:12] killingmyego: xD [01:59:15] axing_: pspUuh [01:59:17] twitchybruh69: someone tell me what’s going on with f1nster [01:59:17] alexx_net: but they didn't put in the Cat5 properly, (prooving that F1nn is submissive) f1nnLaff [01:59:19] ohsveni: You have a nice hairline LOL [01:59:22] DarrigoTR: 3cm hairline [01:59:25] hiluuu: im jealous, my forehead takes 50% of my face [01:59:26] jacewolf: aww [01:59:28] ronin_5463: Jealous tbh [01:59:28] krovvy: lol 2 head [01:59:28] SnabbKassa: I plucked the outliers [01:59:28] johnkeiwo: 2Head [01:59:28] BirdNina_ovo: @gay_femboy some but not all and there are many intersex ppl in the world like 9% of all humans have a chromosome thing or so so yeah many females are bioloical males that have an Androgen receptor defect those have not much to d with being trans but we just have a lot of variance in society [01:59:29] jemchi: I panicked for a sec, the notification only showed the first half of the title 🤣 [01:59:29] professional_baguette: i grew a hair on my fuckin g forehead [01:59:31] anonymous60482: Rogue follicle [01:59:31] HardyOrange: are you sure it wasn't a wild eyebrow?? [01:59:32] butter_bb: Some girls have hair on their forehead LUL [01:59:32] Y0rk5h1r3: When you get older, hair starts growing everywhere LUL [01:59:34] debdrup: so you'd have a twohead? [01:59:35] AustraLeah: Your hair is great finn dw [01:59:35] Its_JayNyxx: So you'd have a cute fringe? [01:59:36] jeffdogsonpi: You can get random hairs anywhere [01:59:36] oddinry: growing random hairs like that is pretty normal [01:59:36] ramboo1989: ayoi [01:59:37] alvarocaroj: No forehead [01:59:37] claysparrow: f1nn's hair said oh i was WAITING for these hormons [01:59:41] QuickestJadeTheDoge: Wait ig I didn't know as much about E as I thought lol [01:59:41] realtalkchannel: great hairline [01:59:41] Rami_XXVII: negative forehead [01:59:46] ArminGux: u already have 3 head tho [01:59:48] Super_Serious: would be cousin itt [01:59:53] ohsveni: O [01:59:54] twitchybruh69: ok good glad f1nn5ter [01:59:55] derek_ztem: I had a hair grow in the middle of my forehead like a unicorn. That was weird. [01:59:58] blueskydrinking: I might ask my doctor about finasteride cos I've had long hair since I was 14 and I'm not sure I want to give it up [02:00:00] ramboo1989: not for the F1NN5TER 🤜🤛 [02:00:02] Raddog315: F [02:00:03] YumeNoZen: If you exercise enough, you don't have to get as weak as Fimter, though. [02:00:03] Mnh188: uh oh finn weaker and shorter [02:00:06] gay_femboy: Long hair is better not just for concerts But also for transitioning [02:00:10] ohsveni: 5'4? f1nn [02:00:14] Y0rk5h1r3: So you're 69" tall now then? [02:00:15] plasmalily: easier to flip [02:00:17] sporkyspoon: Yes when you take hrt your farts smell like mangos [02:00:17] QuickestJadeTheDoge: You can shrink?! Yayyyy [02:00:19] ChilaAurora: hrt scawwy [02:00:22] HardyOrange: colors will get more vibrant, but you can't see detail? wild [02:00:26] ArminGux: 5ft - 11 inches [02:00:29] snowwynai: I kinda wonder how much shorter I'd get on E. I'm 6'2" now. [02:00:30] moiragamble: Gotta Get the Surgery to get rid of that Nasty Gross Destructive Testosterone "Bleh" [02:00:30] Y0rk5h1r3: Trans dermal [02:00:30] hiluuu: ashley's hair looks extra good in this video [02:00:31] SleepyNekoSoul: fimter [02:00:34] Miniepaws: So, are you still gonna be Finnster on socials? [02:00:34] johnkeiwo: omfg !! KEKW [02:00:39] johnkeiwo: brotheeeeeeeer [02:00:40] Halkun: Oh! have a sub! [02:00:40] unovaismyregion: I’m a cis woman and I have a stray hair that grows lower than the rest of my hair line. [02:00:44] oddinry: i'm thinking of going on T and scared of the balding part of it [02:00:44] gay_femboy: Finn is 12 inches long [02:00:47] kenji173: wait estrogen fixes my vision? time to become a woman!!!! LETSGOOO [02:00:50] mystchevious1: Finn is 5'9" (admitted he shrank an inch) and lost a shoe size (is now size 8/9 UK) [02:00:51] hugeairconditioner: fellow??? ayo [02:00:51] ChilaAurora: @gay_femboy *tall [02:00:52] AustraLeah: wife beater naaaa [02:00:55] jesepyy: F1nn went from 5'1" to 5'3" [02:00:55] cybergothfruits: Ashley!! 🥰💕 [02:00:57] ramboo1989: the bisexual pose [02:01:06] axing_: @kenji173 or ruins it, a coin flip tbh [02:01:08] QuickestJadeTheDoge: Wait Ashley is transition goals fr [02:01:11] ramboo1989: liar [02:01:12] wolfblue45: what finn last steam in this house [02:01:13] ronin_5463: Triptorelin lol [02:01:16] butter_bb: Apparently it's only pills that cause blood issues idk [02:01:17] blueskydrinking: It wasn't right KEKW [02:01:23] kenji173: @axing_ monkaLaugh [02:01:25] BirdNina_ovo: decapeptyl is an gnar antagonist [02:01:26] CeruleanWizard: The editing is quite clever here [02:01:27] gay_femboy: The wifey wife beater [02:01:27] realtalkchannel: Wasnt that what they did in the French revolution? [02:01:28] BirdNina_ovo: apuberty blocker [02:01:31] AustraLeah: decapeptyl sounds like you have to chop off the doctors head [02:01:31] MrsPandamber: decapeptyl is the one Im on [02:01:31] derek_ztem: Love the new stream format. Mostly Ashley with F1NN on the corner. Perfect!!!! lol [02:01:33] LittleChaSiu: it's the same thing, Decapeptyl is a brand name [02:01:35] Y0rk5h1r3: That's nothing like what she just said LUL [02:01:36] Helen_Croft: you also take T blocker? @F1NN5TER [02:01:40] radiantcamillatv: KEKW [02:01:41] Natsufur_XoX: Stare [02:01:47] ramboo1989: again Ashley is incredibly beautiful🫡 [02:01:47] BirdNina_ovo: ppl taht have money use decapeptyl or are young to stop puberty [02:01:52] johnkeiwo: Have some music chat ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdYWuo9OFAw&list=RDMMZpB3WaIcVQ4&index=27&ab_channel=GooGooDolls [02:01:56] ohsveni: Milk? [02:01:58] sporkyspoon: I can't get over how adorable all of Ashley's mannerisms are. She just moves cute. [02:01:58] radiantcamillatv: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:02:02] ohsveni: O YAH [02:02:03] WyldAntic: OMG, it's so sensitve when it starts [02:02:04] mx_alyn: Decapeptyl FTW [02:02:06] sp00kq: Stair incident [02:02:08] ArminGux: genuine question: does one need a t blocker after surgery? [02:02:09] Gtadicto1: you have effects from them you become a woman XD [02:02:10] johnkeiwo: yeah thin skin [02:02:10] kenji173: now who would want to be more feminine that would be terrible Kappa [02:02:12] aster_stella: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:02:14] BirdNina_ovo: but the best alternative to decapeptyl and so on is Bicalutamide thats affordable halfway [02:02:16] A_Fforrest: same [02:02:16] mystchevious1: Oh yeah. Same. I had a bruise for 10 years. Not even a joke. [02:02:17] c__r__j: Oh! That bruise you got last year! [02:02:18] ChilaAurora: Yknow what hurts? My boobs [02:02:19] zebrabbl396: 🍑 [02:02:19] claysparrow: i get paper cuts so much more after E [02:02:20] kenji173: awww [02:02:21] MrsPandamber: Same but Ive always had that [02:02:23] radiantcamillatv: That's just being a woman my friend [02:02:23] ronin_5463: Yeah imma have to say goodbye to falling outta trees sadge [02:02:24] moiragamble: No T blockers after Bottom surgery [02:02:25] alvarocaroj: That's why you where bruising [02:02:26] jayem97: Cute [02:02:27] Mnh188: do you not know the Natasha Bedingfield song "I bruise easily" [02:02:28] Y0rk5h1r3: So Ashley needs to be more careful not to leave marks? [02:02:30] CrutchMcgee: Hook me up with the estrogen i need [02:02:30] BirdNina_ovo: and very bad and risky is androcur (cpa) [02:02:31] wolfblue45: :O [02:02:32] blatant_fabrication: might be worth getting your iron levels checked? [02:02:37] oddinry: as an AFAB, yea that happens [02:02:38] ArminGux: @moiragamble tyvm [02:02:38] killingmyego: fr fr [02:02:38] chriscorrick08: Because your a peach <3 [02:02:38] EternalLucia: Didn't you already bruise easily before because of anemia or whatever? [02:02:38] cybergothfruits: real [02:02:38] honeysquares: f1nn ur at a disposition [02:02:41] gay_femboy: Chicken fingies and the slommy [02:02:42] moiragamble: Which is why it helps to stop side effects of the harmful blokers [02:02:43] dangerousruben: your a pillow princess [02:02:44] Lucianthelord: Will your charity help people into transitioning like pre hrt? [02:02:47] MrsPandamber: and they take like 2 months to go away [02:02:47] johnkeiwo: LUL [02:02:47] nikikoln: is that related to your autoimmume things [02:02:48] LittleChaSiu: LUL [02:02:50] numeanor: F1nncess [02:02:51] ohsveni: KNEE [02:02:53] Rami_XXVII: goddamit, you are exploding [02:02:54] LittleChaSiu: getting manhandled by Hitch [02:02:56] Melody_Silverpaw: there's a site somewhere that lists all possible effects of HRT [02:02:57] ramboo1989: for Free!? [02:02:57] blueskydrinking: FLUSH [02:02:57] LeVideNoirAstral: worse than a bannana [02:02:58] lordthirdeye: F1nnicky [02:02:59] davidiusfarrenius: you’re a delicate flower! 😄 [02:03:01] delta4o: that does not found good? [02:03:01] alvarocaroj: Handle with care [02:03:02] furyvirus: Why are your knees bruised [02:03:03] cybergothfruits: awwwe such a delicate thing [02:03:04] bigsuave7: Knee Kreygasm [02:03:04] sarahvega404: I have a bruise in my butt for that [02:03:05] kenji173: that happens to men too tho [02:03:05] wolfblue45: :O [02:03:05] cybergothfruits: 💕💕 [02:03:07] sp00kq: I already wake up with random ass bruises and I'm a dude that as far as I'm aware doesn't have hormonal problems [02:03:11] ChilaAurora: I think you need armour [02:03:11] delta4o: maybe get that double checked? [02:03:11] rainfallwall: you poor baby [02:03:12] Srcsqwrn: Hitch [02:03:13] betbet278: you should get that checked out by your doctor [02:03:13] ArminGux: that’s a lot of bruses [02:03:14] nikama6: Delicate dudess [02:03:15] aporcelaingirl: that comes with being pale [02:03:15] unbracingabyss: that's not good [02:03:15] SnazzJaz4297: F1NN so dainty & delicate foxyjoOHOHO [02:03:17] zebrabbl396: Don't fall down stairs again [02:03:17] alexx_net: Don't worry F1nn your body will adapt and over time you won't bruise. (Don't ask how I know.) [02:03:23] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: CANECL??? [02:03:25] plasmalily: glass bones and paper skin [02:03:25] blazingphoenex: oh lord my heamophilliac ass gonna suffer when I get HRT [02:03:25] radiantcamillatv: Hey there gorgeous how are you [02:03:26] LeVideNoirAstral: poke bruise [02:03:28] TheNelizz: we know [02:03:33] honeysquares: we are not beating the dm allegations [02:03:35] xXLonexWolfXxLw: F1nn is so delicate [02:03:35] gay_femboy: I'm bruisend after friday night [02:03:36] HardyOrange: that's a you-on-e thing I think; weren't you already anemic? [02:03:37] sp00kq: We know, we've seen the arm wrestles [02:03:42] XENOMAN5: When your bottom fills out it will be more padded and bruise less when sitting [02:03:42] kenji173: FeelsWeakMan [02:03:42] ChilaAurora: New dono goal: Buy F1nn a suit of armour [02:03:42] AustraLeah: way weaker" so you can't open a jar anymore [02:03:45] ramboo1989: Ah! nerd! [02:03:45] ArminGux: isn’t that a symptom of some desise, like that’s not normal [02:03:46] CrutchMcgee: Give me the estrogen please i neeeed it [02:03:46] jesepyy: Don't see how finn could get weaker tbh [02:03:47] TheNelizz: finn you have penny wise lips [02:03:48] Y0rk5h1r3: You've nerfed your own stats LUL [02:03:49] sunnyandsmiling: You need like world of warcraft sexy chick armour though [02:03:59] spartan162547: you were strong? [02:04:03] sp00kq: Apparently [02:04:03] Elifighter: finn you just have a skill issue [02:04:04] blueish4: vegetarian moment [02:04:05] aporcelaingirl: pernicious anaemia [02:04:06] snowwynai: Start working out with Ashley. She seems like she's pretty strong. She can pick you up. [02:04:08] StrawbzieStreams: FINNNNNNNN [02:04:09] karateboy_from_belair: 🪖🪖🪖 [02:04:11] YumeNoZen: You probably need to vary your femboy kibble more. [02:04:18] ArminGux: b12 is the vegan anemia right? [02:04:20] MaxVershhhtappen: @f1nn5ter Did you had bruises before or after hrt. i missed that part probably [02:04:20] betbet278: easily bruising usually has to do with your blood [02:04:21] Y0rk5h1r3: (X) Doubt [02:04:25] laceholic: TransgenderPride [02:04:27] thgfthh: thgfthh is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [02:04:27] thgfthh: thgfthh gifted a Tier 1 sub to Naouka! [02:04:28] f3mmbot: thgfthh has gifted a subscription to naouka at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang naouka f1nnLezgang [02:04:29] XENOMAN5: Wait.. when we’re you strong!? [02:04:29] sloffking: How did you get this video of an angel? [02:04:32] mystchevious1: @YumeNoZen she could eat a salad. [02:04:34] sp00kq: @armingux yes im pretty sure it is [02:04:34] mystchevious1: lol [02:04:37] hand_hook_car_door: I forget, how long has ashley been on hrt? [02:04:42] blatant_fabrication: put nutritional yeast in femboy kibble to boost B12 [02:04:43] MyViewLIVE: Unless....sources of testosterone a removed... [02:04:43] leesa0802: Aww, she's such a sweetheart...❤️❤️ [02:04:45] nickpk77: Hola [02:04:55] Bytebak: @hand_hook_car_door 3+ years [02:04:55] alvarocaroj: Adiós [02:04:57] butter_bb: I take B12 tablets [02:04:57] thgfthh: thgfthh is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 2 in the channel! [02:04:58] thgfthh: thgfthh gifted a Tier 1 sub to ArushBhargav! [02:04:58] f3mmbot: thgfthh has gifted a subscription to arushbhargav at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang arushbhargav f1nnLezgang [02:04:59] melodyrainxx: 🩷 [02:05:01] gay_femboy: Finnnnnnnnnnnnnnn do you have tattoos [02:05:06] ChilaAurora: I think I'm already getting bobs, I'm losing weight (unrelated) but my tibbies are getting bigger I think [02:05:07] ohsveni: <3 [02:05:07] RonnieSxl: serio [02:05:08] cybergothfruits: TransgenderPride [02:05:09] Srcsqwrn: nanona1Sad [02:05:09] Rayavakgames: L ads [02:05:13] mystchevious1: She doesn't realize that she was always cute. Even in those early days. [02:05:15] M0rgan80: hello finn hello digital ashley [02:05:20] StrawbzieStreams: @f1nn5ter love youuuuu been following for a while, all support for you both [02:05:22] Raddog315: F1nn, imagine if your bobs grow at the current rate for 10 years lol [02:05:23] Stovamor: @gay_femboy, no, he doesn't [02:05:23] krovvy: okie [02:05:24] Turtlmatic: ok [02:05:25] ohsveni: ILY 2 so much <3 [02:05:25] EternalLucia: I already do [02:05:26] ramboo1989: so finn ........? [02:05:26] lunassolarsystem: My first live 😄 [02:05:26] sp00kq: Girl juice??? [02:05:28] LittleChaSiu: girl juice is just milk tea Kappa [02:05:29] TheNelizz: Where does one find girl juice? [02:05:29] blueskydrinking: ..... ok [02:05:30] sunnyandsmiling: I am a fan of girl juice! [02:05:31] ronin_5463: THE SMOOTH-E [02:05:34] cybergothfruits: I love girl juice [02:05:35] ArminGux: antidepressants can cause easy bruising? [02:05:35] hugeairconditioner: ok [02:05:36] hiluuu: only genderfluid for me [02:05:39] CeruleanWizard: This was a poggers breakdown [02:05:39] ChilaAurora: Anticistimines [02:05:40] mnaid3: Got a referral for girl juice soon [02:05:40] Lucridis: Made from 100% freshly squeezed girl [02:05:42] packagum: f1nnStare [02:05:44] ChilaAurora: Titty Skittles [02:05:49] ChilaAurora: Breast Mints [02:05:52] elo_ween: So that's what G FUEL stands for [02:05:53] XENOMAN5: @lunassolarsystem Welcome! [02:05:54] packagum: x [02:05:56] M0rgan80: is girl juice from concentrate [02:05:59] Miniepaws: I love that her voice is so natural [02:06:00] braddle172: f1nnEgg [02:06:03] Lets_illuminatiHD: okok [02:06:04] Lucianthelord: But what if it's taking to long? To get the meds :< [02:06:04] LeVideNoirAstral: lol [02:06:07] ArminGux: kekw [02:06:08] Mnh188: true [02:06:09] phantaton: "don't fuck with the final boss!" [02:06:12] Jens_LN: f1nnEgg [02:06:12] YumeNoZen: I've done same. lol [02:06:12] johnkeiwo: Clap [02:06:14] scarlettyg: Progenitor of the Shattered Egg <3 [02:06:15] Y0rk5h1r3: I Must Break You [02:06:17] Srcsqwrn: Her videos are so good [02:06:19] packagum: Clap [02:06:19] cybergothfruits: she’s too cute [02:06:21] Y0rk5h1r3: Ivan Drago [02:06:26] butter_bb: Little Icky <3 [02:06:28] ronin_5463: Big sis energy [02:06:30] sunnyandsmiling: Cheer100 Can you talk sometime about what it is to you to be ace while being a spicy creator with a GORGEOUS girlfriend? Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:06:30] blueskydrinking: f1nn both hands on the table [02:06:31] hugeairconditioner: ickys youtube vids are the best [02:06:32] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [02:06:34] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:06:35] braddle172: KEKW [02:06:36] sporkyspoon: awwww BisexualPride BisexualPride [02:06:37] AustraLeah: KEKW [02:06:37] idesofjuno: KEKW [02:06:37] alikarin: lol [02:06:37] mystchevious1: Lies [02:06:38] TheNelizz: our gf so pretty [02:06:38] YumeNoZen: lol [02:06:39] atlas_exmachina: i'm still in [02:06:39] axing_: pspUuh ayo [02:06:39] Jens_LN: F1nn5ter = aunt ? D: [02:06:39] johnkeiwo: Can't have shit FeelsBadMan [02:06:39] alexx_net: @ronin_5463 True [02:06:41] Mnh188: just mute it [02:06:41] ArminGux: kekw [02:06:41] daemon2988: @phantaton the Rock only thinks he's the final boss. The real final boss is Ashley [02:06:41] Gurglefrix: LUL [02:06:42] kingwill2018: dont point the camera down.... [02:06:43] ramboo1989: F1nn is so damn lucky😫 [02:06:44] packagum: HUH [02:06:47] sp00kq: @armingux HOLY SHIT that's why I bruise easy I've been in SSRIs for years. Which I just looked into, and yes they do make you bleed/bruise easier it's weird [02:06:47] ArminGux: some people are into that [02:06:49] 1kennybostoen: F1nn do you have tattoos? [02:06:54] flixdog_: bye house :( [02:07:00] krovvy: lol [02:07:03] hiluuu: cute [02:07:04] johnkeiwo: awww [02:07:04] StrawbzieStreams: Hiiiiii [02:07:05] Mnh188: cos ur a brat [02:07:06] handscombchris: nothing wrong with aunts, just as long as it's someone elses aunt! ;) [02:07:08] gay_femboy: Sad [02:07:09] Darts852: I mean she rotates you on the daily [02:07:10] ArminGux: @sp00kq glad to be of help [02:07:10] alvarocaroj: lmao [02:07:11] TheNelizz: get a forhead tatto [02:07:11] thgfthh: watch pans lab mate [02:07:18] AustraLeah: a creeper [02:07:18] blueskydrinking: She looks intimidating next to you [02:07:20] mystchevious1: Succubus tramp stamp? [02:07:22] johnkeiwo: just get somethign that has meaning for you [02:07:22] ramboo1989: I’m getting a tattoo of metal gear solid [02:07:23] EternalLucia: Tramp stamp [02:07:25] oddinry: tattoos are such a commitment [02:07:27] Furrfan47: jjba tattoo? [02:07:28] sp00kq: Get the femboy tummy tattoo [02:07:29] guntabon1: are your ears pierced? [02:07:29] cookieeater212: does hydrate not do anyting? [02:07:30] butter_bb: I seen a video of you in that house a couple of years ago right? Seems like the end of an era [02:07:31] LittleChaSiu: don't get suspended again [02:07:32] teatedostritch3: Womb tattoo lmao [02:07:32] SuchKittyMuchMeow: womb tattoo [02:07:32] ArminGux: get a womb tatto [02:07:33] Y0rk5h1r3: Get a tramp stamp [02:07:34] Raddog315: Ashley is the second least intimating person in your house [02:07:39] ventusmaster77: Booba Crop Top!!!! [02:07:39] atlas_exmachina: @handscombchris BORING [02:07:39] Pubathed0g: Tramp stamp, humm??? [02:07:40] johnkeiwo: i miss getting tattoos [02:07:42] erockyoutoo: Get a catgirl tattoo, that’ll match [02:07:43] retroknifes_yt: Gift a sub please [02:07:48] flixdog_: yo f1nn!! whats the thing you get done to your eyebrows called??? [02:07:48] betbet278: a heart [02:07:50] c__r__j: Possibly for the best you didn't get the Minecraft tattoo? [02:07:50] YumeNoZen: Bottom juice. [02:07:51] killingmyego: ayeee [02:07:52] Gtadicto1: minecraft steve in the ass XD [02:07:52] bucksben: Did Samuel the Dutch guy ever get the rose tattoo? [02:07:54] Avaerus0: They have tattoo ink that fades after like a year now [02:07:54] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: pespi max w [02:07:56] sp00kq: A knife through the heart on your arm? [02:07:56] floppytubeman: sword tattoo on the spine [02:07:58] 81dovahkiin: knife garter tattoo lol [02:07:58] ecstaticsense: someone is gonna jump u and give u a forehead tattoo [02:08:00] alexx_net: @cookieeater212 it does not do anything (most of the time) [02:08:00] Miniepaws: Pepsi changed their logo. [02:08:01] mx_alyn: got my first tattoo today <3 [02:08:02] cybergothfruits: bepis [02:08:02] scarlettyg: Have "PUNCH" tattooed on your knuckles [02:08:03] lifesizeddinonuggies: wait ashley is trans???????? [02:08:03] NXRZL: Hey F1nn it was great having a quick meet at Insomnia btw! I was the blonde idiot wearing a red bull jersey [02:08:04] oddinry: booba tatt [02:08:05] hiluuu: they're cute [02:08:05] Super_Serious: get an eyelid tattoo like in elden ring Kappa [02:08:06] ramboo1989: SoonerLater SoonerLater SoonerLater [02:08:07] ArminGux: 3 in a row said womb tatto lol [02:08:08] ronin_5463: Knife sheathed in the booba [02:08:09] M0rgan80: pepsi bottom juice [02:08:10] Cpu101: get a tank tattoo!! [02:08:11] sp00kq: ASHLEY [02:08:11] melodyrainxx: I want that [02:08:11] Y0rk5h1r3: Knife between the booba [02:08:12] johnkeiwo: chest tattoos HURT ! [02:08:13] ManoDoTingly: tattoo a white monster can [02:08:14] XENOMAN5: 🌹 tramp stamp? [02:08:15] toonymelon: I want to get a tattoo of my rabbit that died sometime before new years [02:08:15] blueskydrinking: Night Ashley!!! [02:08:16] johnkeiwo: GN ashley [02:08:17] daemon2988: Tattoo on the sternum SUUUUUCKS. [02:08:17] Cautare: That sounds slutty HAHA [02:08:19] killingmyego: lolol [02:08:20] ramboo1989: ayooo [02:08:20] j4nky2go: get an under b@@b faf [02:08:20] melodyrainxx: Lol [02:08:21] leesa0802: Nooo, no tattoos, awful [02:08:22] ronin_5463: KEKW [02:08:22] cybergothfruits: awwe [02:08:22] johnkeiwo: LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOO [02:08:22] sniffuo: real [02:08:23] j4nky2go: *at [02:08:23] AustraLeah: ololol [02:08:23] oddinry: KEKW [02:08:24] k3lvin8or: KEKW [02:08:24] medical_size9000: You can get finncess tattoo [02:08:25] blueskydrinking: my guy.... [02:08:26] braddle172: lol [02:08:26] Lucianthelord: Spider!! Left box! [02:08:28] xdbongo: KEKW [02:08:28] packagum: Bedge [02:08:28] Furrfan47: yay [02:08:28] axing_: ayo pspUuh [02:08:28] muddymudkip15: Lol [02:08:30] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [02:08:30] moiragamble: CONFESS YOUR SINS TO YOUR WIFE!!!! [02:08:32] andimax11: lmao [02:08:33] spartan162547: lol [02:08:33] notrlyjacob: KEKW [02:08:33] sp00kq: LOLOLOL [02:08:33] Raddog315: busted [02:08:34] handscombchris: @atlas_exmachina lol [02:08:34] blueskydrinking: KEKW [02:08:34] phantaton: LUL caught [02:08:34] ogrem_fanclan: You couldn't even lift one! You silly billy [02:08:35] Radiopools: KEKW [02:08:35] johnkeiwo: ABORT [02:08:37] idesofjuno: OMEGALUL [02:08:37] ramboo1989: ha ha! [02:08:39] wtfuxlolwut: Chest tats huet [02:08:40] cookieeater212: caught in 4k [02:08:41] know1_0: kekw [02:08:41] Jingiz_wow: KEKW [02:08:41] sunnyandsmiling: Hahahahahahaha [02:08:42] killingmyego: runnnnn [02:08:42] AustraLeah: Caught in 4 dB [02:08:42] debdrup: Oh, by the way F1nn5ter, nice NFT bro. (This message brought to you by me making a calendar event for a joke I added like a year ago) [02:08:43] judgedame: knife tattoo would be sick [02:08:43] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: 4K [02:08:43] k3lvin8or: LUL [02:08:45] radcom123: How did you start HRT, did you speak to your GP for advice first or just went directly to a private Gender specialist? [02:08:45] bearpaw1970: LMAO [02:08:46] hiluuu: NotLikeThis [02:08:46] nurodev: KEKW [02:08:46] ArminGux: the doll will live in the basement [02:08:46] Super_Serious: LULE [02:08:46] blueish4: TERRAIN [02:08:46] Helen_Croft: KEKW [02:08:49] spartan162547: kekw [02:08:49] Furrfan47: 823 [02:08:50] flixdog_: sealeo2SealPog erm [02:08:50] cybergothfruits: TransgenderPride [02:08:51] packagum: KEKW [02:08:53] braddle172: KEKW [02:08:53] scarlettyg: KEKW [02:08:53] LittleChaSiu: OMEGALUL [02:08:53] killingmyego: xD [02:08:54] oddinry: LUL [02:08:54] RonnieSxl: LUL LUL [02:08:54] tilt_central: maybe an ashley doll ? hmmm [02:08:54] CeruleanWizard: QUEUE THE BELLE DOLL-PHINE [02:08:55] krovvy: lol [02:08:55] nikikoln: thicker walls in the new place? [02:08:55] mystchevious1: F1nn sell it as a replacement for you till you go to bed. It's a sleep aid not a sex doll. [02:08:56] camd4321: She's so cute lol [02:08:56] YumeNoZen: Heh [02:08:56] axing_: KEKW [02:08:56] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:08:56] AustraLeah: KEKW [02:08:57] ronin_5463: KEKW [02:08:58] sunnyandsmiling: PMSL [02:08:59] Helen_Croft: KEKW [02:08:59] medical_size9000: LUL LUL LUL [02:08:59] Jens_LN: KEKW [02:08:59] SnazzJaz4297: Imagine seeing the tip of a knife tattoo poking out from F1NN's shirt [02:09:00] Hardodododo: pspHehe [02:09:00] ProfaneCreation: KEKW [02:09:00] cybergothfruits: naughty [02:09:01] Raddog315: ROFLMAO [02:09:02] blueskydrinking: KEKW KEKW KEKW [02:09:03] johnkeiwo: She is always watching ! [02:09:04] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [02:09:05] M0rgan80: the walls- th- g- b- i love you -finn 2024 [02:09:05] taeyukki: icky jumpscare [02:09:05] jesepyy: MY FUCKING EARS [02:09:06] know1_0: lol [02:09:06] k3lvin8or: LUL LUL [02:09:07] ArminGux: caught in 4 frames a second [02:09:08] moiragamble: ICKY!!!!!! [02:09:08] medical_size9000: The walls are thin Finn [02:09:09] davidiusfarrenius: LUL [02:09:11] StormOf98: 🎶I think we're alone now🎶 😂😂 [02:09:11] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [02:09:12] Ex0dia5: OMG im dying of laugther here [02:09:13] AustraLeah: LUL [02:09:13] scarlettyg: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [02:09:14] Noelle_dB: KEKW [02:09:15] moiragamble: CONFESS!!! [02:09:15] bearpaw1970: Pen 🖊️ pop [02:09:16] Gtadicto1: she watches you dolt XD [02:09:17] alexx_net: @radcom123, Talk to your GP first. [02:09:18] spartan162547: LMAO [02:09:19] killingmyego: lolol [02:09:19] Mikey2207: KEKW [02:09:21] cybergothfruits: Ashley come here [02:09:22] butter_bb: Watching the stream and fucking with you lol [02:09:24] YumeNoZen: Just get one made of you so Ashley has someone to cuddle while you're awake. [02:09:25] scarlettyg: f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate [02:09:26] sporkyspoon: she's in the walls lol [02:09:27] Artorosa: f1nnMonka [02:09:32] packagum: get stalked KEKW [02:09:34] HardyOrange: Ashley scaring the hoes [02:09:36] krovvy: neffLost [02:09:36] atlas_exmachina: @sporkyspoon she's in the goddamn walls! [02:09:36] bart140298: Ashley's in the walls [02:09:37] judgedame: is it the echo? [02:09:40] bearpaw1970: Metal gear solid [02:09:41] Jens_LN: staaahp .... you're scaring meeh ! .... *tehee* [02:09:41] oddinry: KEKW [02:09:42] scarlettyg: OMEGALUL MEGALUL [02:09:43] ogrem_fanclan: I do like that skirt [02:09:44] Helen_Croft: just also go to bed with her [02:09:44] ronin_5463: GOTTEM [02:09:45] thgfthh: f1nnPet 💩👀 [02:09:45] pr0ndirectorbriangriffin: RPGGhosto KappaInfinite [02:09:45] Runs_With_Scissors17: Owned, lol [02:09:46] blueskydrinking: icky don't give us hope [02:09:46] braddle172: LUL [02:09:46] Raddog315: saw that coming [02:09:47] SnabbKassa: ou can have privacy OR a girlfriend [02:09:48] packagum: KEKW [02:09:48] johnkeiwo: awww KEKW [02:09:49] ramboo1989: ayooo [02:09:50] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: hahah [02:09:51] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:09:52] Radiopools: LOL roasted [02:09:52] Gurglefrix: hahaha [02:09:52] EldritchElucidator: ashley jumpscare [02:09:54] ricardo3z: MrDestructoid [02:09:55] axing_: LUL [02:09:55] cookieeater212: ashley jammies! [02:09:56] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: queero [02:09:58] krovvy: lol [02:09:58] leesa0802: Loving the socks F1nn... [02:09:59] Drak0th: LUL [02:10:00] ramboo1989: Ashley come say hi [02:10:00] RonnieSxl: Haaaa [02:10:01] Mikey2207: KEKW [02:10:01] Melody_Silverpaw: awwww such a cute skirt [02:10:02] killingmyego: xD [02:10:02] AustraLeah: lil gay [02:10:04] johnkeiwo: instead of F word she called u queer KEKW [02:10:05] YumeNoZen: CYUTEST! Super Sapphic Moments! [02:10:07] bearpaw1970: 🤣 lmao [02:10:09] StormOf98: I love that 😂😂😂 [02:10:09] k3lvin8or: LMAO [02:10:09] axing_: ashley got the pre-bed zoomies LUL [02:10:10] Bobbikatt: Point the mirror to see behind you [02:10:11] sarahvega404: f1nnRotate [02:10:11] aced_asher: omg [02:10:12] blueskydrinking: Icky homophobic arc KEKW [02:10:13] esquilinus: ha queer [02:10:13] zebrabbl396: LUL [02:10:14] A_Fforrest: W [02:10:14] bart140298: cuteeeee [02:10:18] killingmyego: dommi mommy [02:10:18] copyzoli: I love the chaos you two make :D [02:10:19] cybergothfruits: Finn queerio [02:10:21] XENOMAN5: She knows when you are sleeping. She knows when you’re awake. She knows when you’re bad or good. Prepare for the rotate. [02:10:22] sp00kq: I'm putting the clip of belle delphine doll in the clips channel [02:10:25] Helen_Croft: just also go to bed with her [02:10:27] Mikey2207: LMAOOOO [02:10:35] mies_miss: Wow. Estrogen has been hitting hard since last time I watched [02:10:35] Y0rk5h1r3: Cat ears are on backwards [02:10:41] LittleChaSiu: F1nn go bed [02:10:44] alexx_net: Ashley helping you with your girl voice. [02:10:45] Furrfan47: queerios [02:10:46] axing_: KEKW [02:10:47] Radiopools: LOL [02:10:50] retroknifes_yt: Lol what [02:10:59] braddle172: f1nnHeart [02:11:01] delta4o: @Y0rk5h1r3 they almost always are... lol [02:11:04] scarlettyg: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:11:09] flixdog_: f1nn!! what do you have done to your eyelashes to make them look like that??? [02:11:11] Tareah: Has a Ring F1nn Fidgets with .. soo sweetie with baby and i love you ... hmmmm [02:11:12] nikama6: Ashley in her tradwife era [02:11:16] ramboo1989: 🤜🤛 [02:11:16] thgfthh: you have to answer to god [02:11:18] debdrup: The Fairly Odd Couple? [02:11:18] butter_bb: I watched a video of you almost getting kidnapped by a van lol [02:11:19] blueskydrinking: @Y0rk5h1r3 they're lopsided too KEKW [02:11:24] YellowPiratetheFirst: YellowPiratetheFirst subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! I guess you were wrong, Ashley can be intimidating when she wants LUL [02:11:24] f3mmbot: yellowpiratethefirst subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:11:27] sp00kq: We're talking about Belle's doll and how Finn is considering getting it [02:11:28] alexx_net: @flixdog_ they are false [02:11:29] brendabrownstain0: bell delphine sex doll [02:11:30] ArminGux: we talking about how you are cute [02:11:31] Furrfan47: 🌌🔭🐄 [02:11:36] XENOMAN5: @flixdog_ they are professional eyelash extensions [02:11:43] AeitZean: AeitZean subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! 15 months of this cutie pie f1nnHeart [02:11:43] f3mmbot: aeitzean subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:11:54] flixdog_: @alexx_net i know, thats why im asking what its called lol [02:11:54] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [02:11:56] HardyOrange: Ashley making more money of F1nn just by emptying his pockets before doing laundry than by him watching her videos [02:11:58] johnkeiwo: OOF [02:11:59] flixdog_: @XENOMAN5 oh ty :D [02:11:59] Jingiz_wow: KEKW 󠀀 [02:11:59] killingmyego: final boss appears lol [02:12:00] braddle172: KEKW [02:12:00] oddinry: KEKW [02:12:00] axing_: KEKW KEKW exposed [02:12:01] YumeNoZen: Hahahahahaha. [02:12:02] Helen_Croft: KEKW [02:12:04] sporkyspoon: hahaaah [02:12:05] blueskydrinking: Look how red he's getting KEKW [02:12:06] braddle172: Exposed [02:12:06] moiragamble: Exposed [02:12:06] axing_: LMAO [02:12:07] Avaerus0: He got quiet [02:12:08] ArminGux: kekeke [02:12:11] Plutoisn: KEKW [02:12:12] biggerturkey: LMAO HAHHA [02:12:13] Raddog315: fear [02:12:13] ramboo1989: blackmail [02:12:13] Harmony619: blitzerNotes [02:12:13] QuickestJadeTheDoge: woahhhhh [02:12:17] sporkyspoon: oh my gaaahh [02:12:19] rootuz: off [02:12:19] tilt_central: the fear of death is real [02:12:20] Coolcalcacol: yapper [02:12:22] UnperfectOne: The panic KEKW [02:12:24] hugeairconditioner: throwing finn under the bus [02:12:26] Furrfan47: 🕵️‍♂️🔪❔❔❔💀 [02:12:27] packagum: 4k! [02:12:27] the_deezel: Caught! [02:12:27] bart140298: someone's in troubleeee [02:12:33] sp00kq: If we don't hear from him after this stream we know why [02:12:36] SnazzJaz4297: MODS you're doing great btw foxyjoMODS foxyjoMODS foxyjoMODS [02:12:39] debdrup: Private Browsing reporting for duty! [02:12:40] bearpaw1970: So Amazon wish list..arch [02:12:41] elo_ween: finn't [02:12:43] the_deezel: Come say hi [02:12:44] HardyOrange: about to get to real life for us parasocials in chat [02:12:45] Helen_Croft: just also go to bed with her [02:12:49] gavin_J_13: PopNemo [02:12:50] ArminGux: asexual..exept for dolls [02:12:53] m3l0dy_str3aming: what!? [02:12:54] the_deezel: Go to bed! [02:12:56] AeitZean: Joke offence that isn't also really offensive is a skill LUL [02:12:56] melodyrainxx: Lmao [02:12:58] LittleChaSiu: it's true we're not real [02:12:58] axing_: wait im not? [02:12:59] SonicXVe: bruh [02:12:59] ramboo1989: No, go to bed [02:13:01] LittleChaSiu: go the fuck to sleep [02:13:02] NLParadox: someone TTS NOW [02:13:02] notrlyjacob: hihi [02:13:02] medical_size9000: Finn you are caught in 4K [02:13:03] AustraLeah: liar [02:13:03] RenovatioX1: Kappa [02:13:04] Cpu101: go to bed f1nn [02:13:04] braddle172: f1nnSideeye [02:13:06] sp00kq: Bottom dviperDink [02:13:06] xxjoyeusexx: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [02:13:06] tnw543: go to bed Finn [02:13:06] Helen_Croft: just also go to bed with her [02:13:07] Eeowna: I met Ashly at insomnia and it was the best :') [02:13:08] Cpu101: bedtime [02:13:08] melodyrainxx: Busted [02:13:08] moiragamble: Poor Icky Gonna Cry In Bed.... Shes Gonna Be in Dispair [02:13:09] kingwill2018: only 50/50 we're real [02:13:09] sirmongatron2000: go to her [02:13:10] the_deezel: Go to bed with her [02:13:10] blueish4: chattergpt [02:13:11] bart140298: you can go fam, we get it [02:13:11] Y0rk5h1r3: Gooning LUL [02:13:11] CoffeeComic64: Go sleep with your girl [02:13:12] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:13:12] animefreak21012: Go to bed [02:13:13] princess_mia03: nini [02:13:15] handscombchris: playing with a sx doll! [02:13:15] thaat1guy_: F1nn end stream [02:13:17] sirmongatron2000: go [02:13:19] AmazingAspie: f1nn you have been called...go to the icky! [02:13:20] AeitZean: I'm definitely not real, and you can't prove i am [02:13:21] thgfthh: I shit my pants drunk the other day [02:13:21] mystchevious1: Not real? That's soo mean. [02:13:21] elo_ween: f1nnTankhat [02:13:22] killingmyego: get the flogger lol [02:13:24] the_deezel: Go¡!!!!! [02:13:24] Halkun: awwwwww [02:13:24] tnw543: go now [02:13:25] johnkeiwo: byyye Ashley [02:13:27] AustraLeah: F1nn go get her we love lesbians [02:13:29] sunnyandsmiling: Do bit/cheer messages not get tts? [02:13:29] jesepyy: Finn is just schizophrenic [02:13:30] ronin_5463: oof [02:13:30] kingwill2018: 20mins long time for F1nn [02:13:31] JayOhDizzle: You have been summoned [02:13:31] melodyrainxx: What time is it there [02:13:32] ArminGux: u can last 20 minutes [02:13:33] killingmyego: xD [02:13:34] Coolcalcacol: new poll, will stream end within 20 mins [02:13:34] sp00kq: Don't lie [02:13:35] oppymuffin: what are you drinking [02:13:35] n3onpixl: n3onpixl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! [02:13:36] jade_lunaire: Huh [02:13:36] f3mmbot: n3onpixl subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:13:36] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: noooooooooooo i wanna give finn more money for ashley i get paid at midnight [02:13:36] SonicXVe: no [02:13:38] johnkeiwo: no [02:13:38] ramboo1989: oh yeah [02:13:39] Plutoisn: no [02:13:40] axing_: not really? [02:13:40] retroknifes_yt: Cap [02:13:40] LogicalOdditys: no [02:13:41] AmazingAspie: no [02:13:41] MrsPandamber: its not fun [02:13:41] notrlyjacob: no don't [02:13:41] YumeNoZen: no [02:13:42] lampshaderie: have you shat other people? [02:13:42] justholim: that's a jinxing... [02:13:43] Radiopools: no [02:13:43] Furrfan47: yea you have [02:13:43] know1_0: no [02:13:43] oddinry: i don't recommend it [02:13:43] blatant_fabrication: no [02:13:44] Cyprohep: nah [02:13:45] Plutoisn: same [02:13:45] Helen_Croft: poll [02:13:45] melodyrainxx: Not me lol [02:13:45] undead_bandit452: Cap [02:13:45] johnkeiwo: I did when I was very very sick [02:13:45] blueish4: WHAT [02:13:45] k3lvin8or: ..... [02:13:46] bearpaw1970: Oh' [02:13:46] ArminGux: no [02:13:46] nikikoln: no [02:13:46] AeitZean: No [02:13:46] seibaby: everyone that lives past 70 [02:13:46] nikama6: no [02:13:47] realtalkchannel: no [02:13:48] all_is_dustt: cute [02:13:48] tufo0: ye [02:13:49] grandpaladin1701: God no [02:13:49] Targz_: Now I need to hold it for 20 minutes [02:13:50] professional_baguette: babys [02:13:50] AeitZean: Yuk [02:13:51] animefreak21012: no [02:13:51] Embers_Falling: wouldnt reccomend [02:13:51] alexx_net: @flixdog_, Professional eyelash extensions - he has had them done on stream before. [02:13:51] biggerturkey: I've never shut [02:13:51] packagum: no its horrible [02:13:51] SonicXVe: itll happen one day when youre sick and you arent being careful [02:13:54] Cpu101: f1nn theres weird people in chat [02:13:55] kalzir6969: me\ [02:13:55] bearpaw1970: Wow' [02:13:56] Tareah: ShowLove500 What's the Ring represent ? [02:13:57] Tailor720: ADHD moment [02:13:57] Jens_LN: No ... shit in someone ELSES pants !! [02:13:57] kingwill2018: she can prob here u say that [02:13:58] the_deezel: Keep bottoming and you'll find out [02:13:58] retroknifes_yt: jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK jynxziPACK [02:13:58] oppymuffin: no [02:13:59] biggerturkey: I've never shot [02:14:00] lampshaderie: so u don't watch her videos? [02:14:00] ramboo1989: ayooo [02:14:00] k3lvin8or: I don't think you need that one lol [02:14:00] blueskydrinking: No, I would rather if I'd hadn't had that experience [02:14:01] killingmyego: lol [02:14:01] lunassolarsystem: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [02:14:03] clevedonsteamer: I've known people follow through when sneezing [02:14:04] spartan162547: lol [02:14:05] ArminGux: it feels like shit [02:14:06] oddinry: try having norovirus if you want to shit your pants [02:14:07] honeysquares: SAME I’ve never had a nose bleed [02:14:09] brendabrownstain0: it’s a thing to ask someone [02:14:09] johnkeiwo: FUCK U [02:14:10] ramboo1989: Yeah, let’s move on [02:14:10] Stovamor: @Tareah, a gift from a viewer [02:14:11] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:14:12] Arcunas: i trusted a fart once [02:14:13] handscombchris: I shit myself while passing out from being soo de-hydrated while sick! [02:14:13] StormOf98: I have in the back of an Uber once. Please let me remain anonymous 😂😂 [02:14:14] realtalkchannel: I did as like a kid [02:14:14] MrsPandamber: there is no other feeling to compare it to... its not fun [02:14:14] mcmelon_tv: i get freqquent nosebleeds [02:14:15] oppymuffin: lmao [02:14:18] sp00kq: @oddinry norovirus fucking SUCKS [02:14:18] azath0th777: Ate raw meat by accudent and yeah... [02:14:18] nikikoln: colon cancer will do things... [02:14:19] AeitZean: So if you're genderfluid do you only poop in boymode? [02:14:20] RevolvingKills: Never sharted???? [02:14:21] temporaryautonomouszoo: one time i shit my pants at the fair [02:14:21] bart140298: I never shat myself accidently. Always by choice [02:14:21] kenziekattpurr: y’all are so cute together lol [02:14:22] moiragamble: Finnn Lasts 5 Minutes At Best [02:14:23] sporkyspoon: i shit myself on a mountain in switzerland when I was 11 [02:14:23] Tareah: @Stovamor thank you mylovely !!! huggles [02:14:23] delta4o: chat when to shit (budum tsss) [02:14:25] TheHolyFire: Chat we arent real :( [02:14:26] oddinry: LUL [02:14:28] Allie_: I did in the 3rd grade and had to ride the bus home [02:14:31] oppymuffin: ewww [02:14:32] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: Do ya'll put your pop tarts in horizontal or vertical in the toaster? [02:14:36] blueskydrinking: I had norovirus once and thought I was going to die of dehydration [02:14:36] SoftWorxBC: LOL [02:14:37] pastelgreendog: ALL of them? jk jk lol [02:14:39] andimax11: damn I swear you always stream two hours before I get off work, and by the time I get home there’s like 15 minutes left [02:14:40] Miniepaws: Fuckin norovirus. Been there done that 0/10 would not recommend [02:14:40] aporcelaingirl: Corgo100 [02:14:41] temporaryautonomouszoo: shit myself while sledding too [02:14:41] medical_size9000: You brought it up [02:14:42] zodiac06x: babies shit themselves [02:14:44] the_deezel: Go to bed with your girl [02:14:44] k3lvin8or: WHAT DID YOU THINK?! [02:14:44] handscombchris: actually passed out 3 or 4 times and even landed on the toilet roll holder and bent it! [02:14:46] LittleChaSiu: probably good tbh, real life kinda sucks [02:14:49] Embers_Falling: @CatBoi_Finnbjorn vertical [02:14:54] dafdeddog: i shit myself in a sleeping bag wjen i was very sick [02:14:56] debdrup: @LittleChaSiu truth [02:14:56] scandibilly: F1NN: "I have to poop." *switches to girlmode* "Nah, I'm good now." [02:14:56] AmyKitsuCubing: AmyKitsuCubing subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 9 month streak! love u f1nnHeart [02:14:57] f3mmbot: amykitsucubing subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months using Prime! PogU [02:15:02] Furrfan47: I did it in a church car park and I could see my front door from it too :( [02:15:04] Stovamor: You stream once a week at most @f1nn5ter [02:15:12] LittleChaSiu: it's not gonna posh for very long LUL [02:15:12] ArminGux: office reveal next stream [02:15:13] Hellbent38: Are you leaving the desk? @F1NN5TER [02:15:16] coyote_36815: Hiii! [02:15:19] blueskydrinking: Well, you can show us next stream! [02:15:20] SnazzJaz4297: @xenoman5 uhhhhh [02:15:21] oppymuffin: I am not going to read chat for the next five minutes [02:15:26] YumeNoZen: @LittleChaSiu Real life isn't that bad, I get to hang out with a cute girl every few months. [02:15:26] Furrfan47: sad times [02:15:27] Vanimal2118: The office will be a pleasant Surprise? [02:15:27] sp00kq: Is the blahaj pile going to be in the new office [02:15:30] LittleChaSiu: @Hellbent38 that desk is built into the house so yeah it's staying [02:15:32] clevedonsteamer: I nearly shat myself a year or so ago. Serious cramps on the bus. Didn't manage to get home, but projectiled up a wall and later blamed it on a fox. [02:15:33] sporkyspoon: chatters all gathering round the fire sharing shitting stories lol [02:15:35] montysam13579: montysam13579 subscribed with Prime. [02:15:35] f3mmbot: montysam13579 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang montysam13579 f1nnLezgang [02:15:38] Stovamor: Once you get moved in, you should do a vlog video - don't do it live, so you can edit out identifying things @f1nn5ter [02:15:38] Stovamor: Once you get moved in, you should do a vlog video - don't do it live, so you can edit out identifying things @f1nn5ter [02:15:38] AeitZean: Maybe write a list om your phone of stuff that happens, and clear it after each stream [02:15:39] Stovamor: Once you get moved in, you should do a vlog video - don't do it live, so you can edit out identifying things @f1nn5ter [02:15:39] moiragamble: The Office Is also a Secret sex Dungeon as well! [02:15:40] HardyOrange: fingers crossed! [02:15:40] bliod44: TwitchConHYPE [02:15:41] WhaleM1lker: D: [02:15:42] ArminGux: @littlechasiu yeah it’s gonna be girl room messy in a minute [02:15:44] Raddog315: Don't forget to add christmas lights to the new office [02:15:45] lunassolarsystem: OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog [02:15:46] alexx_net: Laughs in London POSH, "sure it is" [02:15:46] Hellbent38: LUL Figured [02:15:48] Re_In_Car_Nation: you have a bidet at your new house? [02:15:49] filip_zd10: When can we expect a stream? [02:15:50] Furrfan47: do it [02:15:50] princess_mia03: excited [02:15:50] Amoyamoyamoya: I could move it [02:15:56] rainfallwall: I need a better desk [02:15:56] thetuaschtee: u damn tease [02:15:57] jesepyy: Ayo [02:15:58] Coolcalcacol: 4cm desk pog [02:15:58] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: made of femboy unobtanium [02:15:58] oppymuffin: Axe kick the desk [02:15:59] HardyOrange: lmao grab a chain saw and rip it out (BAD idea) [02:16:01] Amoyamoyamoya: (I wouldn't be able to move it) [02:16:01] jayonok: your just weak [02:16:01] jayem97: You look cute ngl [02:16:02] AeitZean: Overengineered LUL [02:16:03] ramboo1989: that's what she said [02:16:06] Cyprohep: THICK [02:16:06] Vanimal2118: F1nn5ter original Desk! [02:16:09] ImRightHearted: wall nut? [02:16:09] bananasandwich6969: would need 5 guys to move it [02:16:11] Samurai_Tony: Yeah, right, don't believe you could stand on that [02:16:11] krovvy: monkaS [02:16:13] debdrup: You have stood on the table, f1nn5ter [02:16:13] ArminGux: yeah that ain’t lifting [02:16:15] bart140298: is 4cm a lot? (asking for a friend) [02:16:20] Coolcalcacol: you mean you're leaving hitch a lovely desk? [02:16:21] juurane: heheh... wal-nut table... [02:16:21] Y0rk5h1r3: Cap [02:16:23] Amoyamoyamoya: LOL. Imagine F1nn having testosterone [02:16:25] gitrektitrekt: That desk is part of the house now. [02:16:29] packagum: hah my desk is 7 cm thick get out thicked [02:16:29] Embers_Falling: @bart140298 average [02:16:32] debdrup: You had 4 guys and you to lift the table. [02:16:34] Re_In_Car_Nation: what does the toilet look like at the new house? [02:16:34] notrlyjacob: top? [02:16:35] AustraLeah: sounds good [02:16:39] Gurglefrix: LUL [02:16:39] ramboo1989: ayoo [02:16:39] Jens_LN: 5 men .. and you ? [02:16:39] ry_drake_331: girl arms [02:16:40] YumeNoZen: I mean, we know you can't move tops. [02:16:41] oppymuffin: Stand on it [02:16:41] AeitZean: Heavy WutFace [02:16:41] Amoyamoyamoya: Four dudes (none of which were F1nn) [02:16:41] bigsuave7: nice [02:16:41] rainfallwall: LUL [02:16:42] 81dovahkiin: LUL [02:16:42] sp00kq: My dumbass lives in a heavily earthquake prone area and I have nothing bolted down LUL [02:16:42] k3lvin8or: LUL [02:16:42] nurodev: KEKW [02:16:42] AustraLeah: self report [02:16:42] student0810: Are you keeping the old house? [02:16:43] braddle172: LUL [02:16:43] Cautare: HAHAHAAHA [02:16:43] Cyprohep: lmaooo [02:16:43] bittybbydreamer: f1nnCool [02:16:45] pastelgreendog: KEKW [02:16:47] zebrabbl396: 4 femboys [02:16:48] ArminGux: kekw [02:16:48] krovvy: keth00 [02:16:49] WhaleM1lker: awww mangh [02:16:49] Y0rk5h1r3: Try lifting stone worktops [02:16:51] honeysquares: lmao [02:16:51] medical_size9000: LUL LUL LUL [02:16:51] Hellbent38: Clap GG Joke Kappa [02:16:53] oppymuffin: LUL [02:16:53] Stovamor: f1nnCool f1nnCool f1nnCool [02:16:53] Vanimal2118: Amoya? [02:16:53] MajesticFvckingEagle: FOUR BIG GUYS [02:16:54] sunnyandsmiling: How many bits do u need to cheer for a tts message? [02:16:54] pastelgreendog: aww lmao [02:16:57] spartan162547: lmao [02:16:58] clevedonsteamer: Could build a guitar out of that desk. [02:16:59] esquilinus: *drowns in self cringe* [02:17:03] bearpaw1970: Lol [02:17:09] Sekroy: Good night [02:17:10] SnazzJaz4297: @majesticfvckingeagle THREE BIG BALLS 🏀🏀🏀 [02:17:10] sp00kq: Is the blahaj pile coming with you to the new house [02:17:12] dmx908: Rent this house out [02:17:13] ArminGux: u renting it ? [02:17:13] HardyOrange: you'd bruise a hand lifting too much! [02:17:14] Jens_LN: I remember you saying "5 men ... and me" KEKW [02:17:14] Munchutus: Do you have a sink in every room in the new house? [02:17:14] AustraLeah: Four guys one desk [02:17:15] brendabrownstain0: femboy landlord [02:17:15] ramboo1989: atta boy [02:17:17] notrlyjacob: tbh fridge are heavy [02:17:20] AeitZean: I thought hitch was borrowing the old house for a bit? [02:17:21] YumeNoZen: At least you don't read, books are heavy. [02:17:25] Amoyamoyamoya: Does F1nn have a 10lbs weight limit now? Muy interesante [02:17:27] krovvy: That looks light [02:17:29] YumeNoZen: LG Styler, I only sold like one. [02:17:32] XENOMAN5: @sunnyandsmiling 300 and up but I think it’s off for some reason [02:17:35] thgfthh: moved my heart mate [02:17:36] Furrfan47: clothes fridge [02:17:37] ronin_5463: What in the cyberpunk?? [02:17:37] melodyrainxx: That's cool lol [02:17:37] delta4o: the fuck [02:17:41] Raddog315: clothing fridge? [02:17:44] Cyprohep: the fuck is that [02:17:44] Re_In_Car_Nation: seriously? [02:17:44] clevedonsteamer: Wtf do you need to refrigerate your wardrobe? [02:17:45] killingmyego: fancyy [02:17:45] Vanimal2118: Nice [02:17:46] tallgrass15: Wait is f1nn5ter British [02:17:48] debdrup: F1nn should get Hitch a UV light for when he moves in. [02:17:48] HardyOrange: genuinely an interesting idea [02:17:48] Cyprohep: thats a thing? [02:17:48] Coolcalcacol: if you wear clothes, then you wear clothes [02:17:48] lunassolarsystem: Fancy femboy [02:17:49] beetlejooce01: it's you the "guy" from the videos [02:17:51] AustraLeah: "Ashley" wanted it [02:17:53] Amoyamoyamoya: @tallgrass15, IKR [02:17:53] medical_size9000: You can train with Ashley [02:17:58] blueskydrinking: That's an airing cupboard, every british has one [02:18:00] sunnyandsmiling: @XENOMAN5 Thank you. I did a 500 bit one and don't know what happened. [02:18:02] sp00kq: @tallgrass15 unfortunately [02:18:02] YumeNoZen: 172lbs. [02:18:06] packagum: thats the most posh thing ive seen all week [02:18:06] oTabbyo: Ice clothes [02:18:07] XENOMAN5: @delta4o he’s a crossdresser. Welcome [02:18:08] ArminGux: that looks great for suits [02:18:08] Tumi90: this is the type of shit that fixes a problem i am too poor to ever consider KEKW [02:18:13] Oberst2k: I got one myself because of you. Love it [02:18:22] ozeantj: sometimes i think f1nn is being used and not in a sexual way lul [02:18:24] HardyOrange: lmaoooooooooo [02:18:27] WhaleM1lker: how is ur dad? [02:18:29] krovvy: oh nooo [02:18:32] krovvy: LOL [02:18:37] braddle172: oof [02:18:37] lunassolarsystem: Bro, but you keep flexing your muscles [02:18:37] sp00kq: LMAO [02:18:37] pastelgreendog: KEKW [02:18:37] Jens_LN: KEKW [02:18:37] LittleChaSiu: men [02:18:38] AustraLeah: weaksauce [02:18:38] XavienTC: this sounds like an intro to certain types of films [02:18:40] Helen_Croft: KEKW [02:18:40] Radiopools: KEKW [02:18:40] deerdreams: Humbled [02:18:41] handscombchris: lol [02:18:41] Raddog315: lol [02:18:41] the_deezel: Lol [02:18:41] crafty_geek: LUL [02:18:42] k3lvin8or: Lol [02:18:42] blueskydrinking: Oh no LuL [02:18:42] Vanimal2118: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [02:18:42] muddymudkip15: Lol [02:18:42] tufo0: lmao [02:18:42] know1_0: ha [02:18:42] ArminGux: kekw [02:18:43] Furrfan47: sad [02:18:44] Stovamor: KEKW [02:18:45] Stovamor: KEKW [02:18:45] DariusHasDogs: LUL [02:18:45] Stovamor: KEKW [02:18:46] Silraa: Flex. [02:18:46] killingmyego: lol [02:18:46] notrlyjacob: lol [02:18:46] packagum: KEKW [02:18:48] filip_zd10: KEKW [02:18:48] unbracingabyss: ha [02:18:49] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:18:49] ArminGux: kekekekek [02:18:49] EternalLucia: KEKW [02:18:50] furifixus: KEKW [02:18:50] Mikey2207: KEKW [02:18:50] delta4o: that sounds like a top 0.1% OF problem [02:18:51] GoldenJoolz: Cheer100 hi Finn, subbed to your battle pass, your noodles are on point, I appreciate you [02:18:51] blueskydrinking: w3ak5ter [02:18:52] xxjoyeusexx: my wife and i are almost done with our house and want to start movingsoon too ^^ [02:18:52] spartan162547: KEKW [02:18:52] tnw543: awwwww [02:18:52] Amoyamoyamoya: I used to be able to shift our kitchen refrigerator...not anymore [02:18:53] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [02:18:53] tufo0: KEKW [02:18:53] ronin_5463: Thats an oof chief [02:18:54] bittybbydreamer: have you ever carried a wooden pallet? i hate those so much [02:18:54] andimax11: aww lil f1nn [02:18:56] furifixus: LUL LUL LUL [02:18:56] courtneyisaseagull: Welcome to womenhood! [02:18:57] unbracingabyss: LUL LUL LUL [02:18:57] MrsPandamber: its honestly insane how weak I got after E [02:18:58] BlaireBearStare: peak fem experience [02:18:58] debdrup: Rekt, streamer [02:18:59] UnperfectOne: So weak LMAO [02:19:00] ArminGux: bottom moment [02:19:00] axing_: LMAO [02:19:00] Davecastle10: that's funny [02:19:01] the_deezel: Welcome to womanhood [02:19:01] know1_0: lol [02:19:01] AustraLeah: old lad [02:19:02] tufo0: f [02:19:02] AeitZean: The fit is super cute [02:19:03] Y0rk5h1r3: LUL [02:19:04] alexx_net: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [02:19:04] LittleChaSiu: it's the estrogen [02:19:04] pastelgreendog: LUL LUL LUL [02:19:05] notrlyjacob: F [02:19:05] twitschlol: rip [02:19:05] ImRightHearted: he's a man tho [02:19:05] honeysquares: emasculated [02:19:06] Amoyamoyamoya: You're a Girl now F1nn [02:19:06] gitrektitrekt: LUL [02:19:06] Jens_LN: astra71LUL [02:19:07] BrightLilThing: that's so funny [02:19:08] medical_size9000: LUL LUL LUL [02:19:09] johnkeiwo: weak Girlie [02:19:10] Allie_: Welcome to Womanhood [02:19:10] andimax11: dayum [02:19:10] HardyOrange: got nearly the strength of a retiree [02:19:11] nejstn: your build like a women thats why [02:19:11] ramboo1989: ayoo [02:19:11] sp00kq: Truly one of the woman moments [02:19:11] 81dovahkiin: hes manlier too [02:19:11] LightBane_v1: old man strength is real [02:19:12] killingmyego: same boat xD [02:19:13] lunassolarsystem: Sucks to be you I guess [02:19:13] ogrem_fanclan: Old Man Strength [02:19:14] sunnyandsmiling: Fin, are your bit/cheer messages off? [02:19:14] ronin_5463: ISILDUR [02:19:16] Furrfan47: lmo [02:19:16] XavienTC: well you didn't have much muscle before [02:19:16] medical_size9000: Kekw [02:19:16] clevedonsteamer: Did he mansplain how to move it to you too? [02:19:18] bart140298: aww don't worry [02:19:18] Lucridis: My dad is 63 and stronger than me and I'm a cis guy [02:19:19] anonymous60482: Weak [02:19:19] yoitsday: LOL [02:19:20] butter_bb: Some old men are strong af [02:19:21] mittfh: Party314 Anyone for a slice of π? [02:19:21] ARedPanda_: KEKW [02:19:21] bigsuave7: lmao [02:19:23] Vanimal2118: It's OK my dad is strong than me now. [02:19:23] HardyOrange: we remember the jar on stream [02:19:23] unovaismyregion: girl power [02:19:23] XENOMAN5: It’s probably the HRT [02:19:24] unbracingabyss: girls have other powers [02:19:25] MrsPandamber: JARS! [02:19:27] andimax11: huh? [02:19:27] Furrfan47: loma [02:19:30] dangerousruben: isn't that because of the nails [02:19:31] ramboo1989: 🫡 [02:19:31] Captain_Soren: Well it's bed time for me good night. [02:19:32] killingmyego: dayummm [02:19:32] sp00kq: Remember the cooking stream when you had to have Ashley open somethin [02:19:32] smittenpp: you had high T once [02:19:33] Melody_Silverpaw: ooh owo [02:19:33] ArminGux: u really are a girl now [02:19:34] AeitZean: Btw are notifications off permanently now? Am late 👉👈😳 [02:19:34] alikarin: Have you still now watched lord of the rings? [02:19:34] killingmyego: lolol [02:19:34] Helen_Croft: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [02:19:34] bittybbydreamer: dad strength is crazy [02:19:34] blueskydrinking: You've always struggled with cans! Don't blame the estrogen KEKW [02:19:35] WhaleM1lker: oOo [02:19:36] medical_size9000: Finn has girl arms [02:19:36] mystchevious1: So you've not worn that pink outfit I sent then? [02:19:37] Amoyamoyamoya: "Muscle" [02:19:37] LittleChaSiu: baaabe can you open this for meee 🥺 – F1nn in a few months [02:19:38] frood_42: cohhMy [02:19:38] AustraLeah: All show and no tell [02:19:40] zebrabbl396: Low hp F1nn5ter [02:19:40] judgedame: finn maybe work out [02:19:42] delta4o: spongebob arms [02:19:43] lunassolarsystem: Lol, catfish muscles [02:19:43] XENOMAN5: Yeah but soon you’ll have booba [02:19:44] Targz_: ANCHOR ARMS [02:19:46] alexx_net: I look forward to Arm wrestling you F1nn [02:19:46] ronin_5463: The spongebob arms LUL [02:19:47] axing_: LUL [02:19:47] PineappleMage: Bro's got Anchor Arms [02:19:48] Y0rk5h1r3: You can use the bottom of one can to open another [02:19:48] stephanie1701: photoshop [02:19:52] mad_kow: E reduces muscle mass [02:19:52] andimax11: camera warping? [02:19:52] debdrup: Pointy elbows [02:19:53] ArminGux: u have lack of fat I think [02:19:54] dangerousruben: I meant that you can't open cans [02:19:55] AmazingAspie: F1nn has submissive strength :D [02:19:59] realtalkchannel: I can't open cans and I am not on E lol I just have no muscles. [02:20:00] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: tbh, ive been working out for 5 days for more thigh and ass, and it already has an effect UwU [02:20:00] butter_bb: God damn pop eye over here LUL [02:20:01] mystchevious1: Your dad is awesome. [02:20:04] medical_size9000: Finn you can train with Ashley [02:20:04] HardyOrange: it's fine, you can be Ashley's trophy boywife [02:20:05] neronotnero: are you gonna join the SDMP server at any point? [02:20:07] wilmawilmaa: Omg hiiii [02:20:08] Tripped5296: Tripped5296 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months! [02:20:08] f3mmbot: tripped5296 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:20:15] bearpaw1970: Your a gloriously bright sparkley and bubbly [02:20:15] sunnyandsmiling: Does Ashley have to open your pickle jars? [02:20:16] skylee1976: I have noticed I lost some strength after being on E [02:20:18] ramboo1989: atta boy [02:20:18] Amoyamoyamoya: Ashley's stronger than you isn't she, F1nn? [02:20:20] Vanimal2118: True @medical_size9000 [02:20:21] numeanor: next cooking stream with opening jars when? [02:20:22] AustraLeah: So is Ashley stronger or weaker than u now [02:20:24] spartan162547: My grandad is buff despite being in his 70's [02:20:26] mystchevious1: I lost like 40% of my ability to lift things when I went on E. [02:20:26] lunassolarsystem: Boss dad [02:20:27] krovvy: xD [02:20:29] AmazingAspie: amoya is right isnt she f1nn [02:20:31] princessmihai: Heyyyy [02:20:32] wilmawilmaa: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:20:35] Y0rk5h1r3: LUL [02:20:37] ArminGux: wow [02:20:37] alexx_net: @AustraLeah She is stronger than F1nn [02:20:39] Stovamor: KEKW [02:20:45] AeitZean: Are you still anemic ma? [02:20:45] Vanimal2118: @amoyamoyamoya 1 @f1nn5ter 0 [02:20:46] ArminGux: that’s really messed up [02:20:46] wilmawilmaa: I follow you on insta [02:20:48] killingmyego: oh boyy lol [02:20:49] AeitZean: Maybe [02:20:51] tilt_central: Hiring the strong men to do the work is the perks of your job xD [02:20:52] crafty_geek: legit, I intentionally only partially block my T in my HRT because, being disabled as well, I'm already enough of a weakling. Nonbinary as well, but maintaining musculature is a bigger part [02:20:53] krovvy: guys do be strong [02:20:54] johnkeiwo: yes [02:20:56] lunassolarsystem: It's just stamina [02:20:58] AustraLeah: @alexx_net lol [02:20:59] Mnh188: gym stream [02:21:00] johnkeiwo: u are weak and its ok :) [02:21:00] MaxO2O1: thats a side effect dude [02:21:00] Amoyamoyamoya: Ashley was stronger than F1nn when they met [02:21:03] lunassolarsystem: 👀 [02:21:03] Jens_LN: Just weak, is all [02:21:03] jeffdogsonpi: You are [02:21:04] k3lvin8or: Poor f1nn [02:21:05] brendabrownstain0: yes [02:21:08] mystchevious1: I feel like we've been telling you that forever. [02:21:09] ArminGux: well u don’t use ur muscles [02:21:11] archieangle: archieangle is gifting 100 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 400 in the channel! [02:21:11] student0810: Rule #1 of moving is HIRE MOVERS [02:21:11] f3mmbot: archieangle has gifted a sub to 100 users in chat! [02:21:14] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to igy_xd0! [02:21:14] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to LunarSpaceAgent! [02:21:14] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to Electron_Avenue! [02:21:14] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to lynndkam! [02:21:14] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to mr_m1s1x! [02:21:14] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to fruittuitella! [02:21:14] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to cupram! [02:21:14] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to winter_merkava426! [02:21:14] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to itslucielove! [02:21:14] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to GarbageGremlinn! [02:21:14] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to jess_5o2o! [02:21:14] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to GhostOfJupiter3242! [02:21:14] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to bubblesthecats! [02:21:14] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lucyra519! [02:21:14] unbracingabyss: it's OK your sexy [02:21:15] HardyOrange: strap?? [02:21:15] Y0rk5h1r3: What you deadlifting nowadays? [02:21:16] axing_: holy shit [02:21:18] hiluuu: hoollyyyyyyy [02:21:19] EternalLucia: Didn't you lose in arm wrestling against Ashley's mom? [02:21:20] LittleChaSiu: ah yes, resident appliance salesperson [02:21:20] MaxO2O1: yoo [02:21:21] lunassolarsystem: It's just practice [02:21:22] Coolcalcacol: subs? [02:21:22] AustraLeah: Jeez [02:21:22] Vanimal2118: POG [02:21:22] axing_: god damn [02:21:22] notrlyjacob: wtfff [02:21:23] ronin_5463: OH DAMN [02:21:23] boom_and_alpha_yt: ooh [02:21:23] scarlettyg: Oh my gawd [02:21:23] Coolcalcacol: ok [02:21:24] ogrem_fanclan: Don't worry! You are strong in mind . .. um nevermind [02:21:24] gigasmaz: Yoooo [02:21:25] 81dovahkiin: ayo hundo [02:21:25] SnazzJaz4297: HOLY SHEEEEESH [02:21:25] Crakzy2: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [02:21:25] MrsPandamber: my dad keeps expecting me to still be able to help him lift stuff and I jsut die every time [02:21:25] NekoHasAimbot: holly [02:21:26] AmazingAspie: lawl [02:21:26] Mikey2207: POG [02:21:26] braddle172: PogU [02:21:26] krovvy: pog [02:21:27] smittenpp: wow [02:21:27] Lenie45: wtf [02:21:27] AustraLeah: POG [02:21:27] Cyprohep: bro?? [02:21:28] bearpaw1970: What you loose in strength , you gain in accuracy [02:21:29] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: PogChamp [02:21:29] SxHards_: ayoo [02:21:29] tnw543: damn [02:21:29] alexx_net: Start working out! Just do the same as your girlfriend [02:21:30] notrlyjacob: wtf [02:21:31] bittybbydreamer: woahhhh [02:21:31] crafty_geek: wow [02:21:31] thefelinedeity: knenGift knenGift knenGift [02:21:32] spartan162547: DA.> [02:27:35] inplega: dodged all [02:27:37] deerdreams: putting testosterone and estrogen in a cocktail shaker before injecting The Concotion for Ultimate Gender [02:27:37] bigsuave7: Kreygasm [02:27:38] QuickestJadeTheDoge: I can do that voice [02:27:39] k3lvin8or: Dew it [02:27:39] hiluuu: genderfluid rizz [02:27:39] bittybbydreamer: it's like whispering kinda [02:27:41] bearpaw1970: House warming Gift [02:27:42] lunassolarsystem: *deep voice* listen to mommy [02:27:43] YumeNoZen: Doubt it. You're too much of a brat to be a good girl. [02:27:45] realtalkchannel: Talk like a southerner that just entered a bar. [02:27:45] dangerousruben: parkour [02:27:46] notrlyjacob: yass [02:27:46] ArminGux: can u be a top? [02:27:48] ersetzbares_crewmitglied: joniHearts joniHearts joniHearts joniHearts joniHearts joniHearts joniHearts joniHearts joniHearts [02:27:49] the_deezel: Hands over your head [02:27:50] MaxVershhhtappen: ara ara [02:27:52] Vanimal2118: Gifted subs are random [02:27:52] krovvy: give it a go [02:27:53] SnazzJaz4297: RNG skipped me over but I'm hoping foxyjoWIGGLY [02:27:53] killingmyego: action [02:27:54] Gtadicto1: coming back without nails means you are coming to fight [02:27:54] Re_In_Car_Nation: you should try learning the mommy voice. [02:27:55] maddog5005085: I’m locked in [02:27:56] imellion: give us soccer mom voice pls !!! [02:27:58] alexx_net: @ArminGux Nope he can't [02:27:59] misspelted: Slay [02:28:01] YumeNoZen: I mean, I can show you the mommy voice later... Hehj. [02:28:08] vauldrus: hello [02:28:08] froggyhoppins: is there a makeout with chat emote here, asking for a friend [02:28:08] Chris05185: listen to mummy, good kitty [02:28:08] medical_size9000: It's random who gets a gifted sub [02:28:10] gigasmaz: I got one f1nnPet [02:28:10] honeysquares: ^^ [02:28:10] Coolcalcacol: 2020Suspicious <-- f1nn rn [02:28:11] PinballGraham: I think gift subs are biased toward people not currently in the stream, so they'll be induced to come back [02:28:12] ArminGux: @alexx_net kekw [02:28:13] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to sp00kq! They have given 601 Gift Subs in the channel! [02:28:13] f3mmbot: xxjoyeusexx has gifted a subscription to sp00kq at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang sp00kq f1nnLezgang [02:28:14] krovvy: LOL [02:28:15] killingmyego: xD [02:28:16] johnkeiwo: My guess is talk in a calm voice, yoru natural voice could be fem if you don't go " hyper ADHD " [02:28:16] WhaleM1lker: _(oOo)_ [02:28:16] blackcat11111111: noooo let us hearrr [02:28:17] notrlyjacob: KEKW [02:28:17] axing_: KEKW [02:28:17] Vanimal2118: f1nnStare @yumenozen [02:28:17] Mikey2207: KEKW [02:28:18] ohsveni: O [02:28:18] Mr_Turtlinator: LUL [02:28:19] braddle172: lol [02:28:19] Hayduke555: WOW [02:28:20] pastelgreendog: HAHAHAHA [02:28:21] ronin_5463: KEKW [02:28:21] itstranexd: finn, it's always going to sound weird to you until you know what you are listening for [02:28:23] Runs_With_Scissors17: KappaInfinite KappaInfinite KappaInfinite [02:28:23] Nintendofan4000: LULLULLIU [02:28:23] XavienTC: keep going [02:28:23] GenieGirl: Thing is if you try to do a girl voice it sounds like you tried [02:28:23] AustraLeah: oh my [02:28:24] itstranexd: ya derp [02:28:26] blueskydrinking: please dont do this to me.... [02:28:27] charlottelotved: that was good tho [02:28:27] ramboo1989: Kept you waiting, huh? [02:28:27] Furrfan47: loma [02:28:28] 416hobbit: This brings back memories [02:28:28] Raddog315: lol [02:28:28] sunnyandsmiling: KEKW [02:28:29] packagum: KEKW [02:28:30] AppleChips_theVideoGame: It's nice being in the biggest trans stream on twitch [02:28:32] bittybbydreamer: HELP [02:28:32] the_deezel: Pretend like you're whispering in Ashley's ear [02:28:33] WuppieF: LMAO [02:28:33] johnkeiwo: Calm down ! you're fucking your voice up KEKW [02:28:33] s0m30n33l53: Carry on [02:28:33] spartan162547: KEKW [02:28:34] chriscorrick08: Do u think @f1nn5ter getting 10 flash backs :p [02:28:34] Nintendofan4000: I'm literally crying! LOL [02:28:34] ozeantj: f1nnStare [02:28:36] CoronaBorealis02: probably gonna leave stream now, too many mentions of my deadname for my liking [02:28:39] TambiaHook: Wasn't bad at all [02:28:41] notrlyjacob: 10👀 [02:28:45] andimax11: that’s crazy how much more comfortable you seem trying it now compared to before [02:28:46] simplejack42069: OMG 😱 I got a free sub. Thanks! [02:28:47] bearpaw1970: 😲 wow [02:28:48] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: you taking classes? [02:28:48] GenieGirl: It helps if you hear the voice in your head first and just copy it/ [02:28:48] esquilinus: im metaphorically crying [02:28:51] Vanimal2118: Can u beat Peachy's Mommy Voice? @f1nn5ter ? [02:28:51] honeysquares: mute and try its okay [02:28:52] sp00kq: @xxjoyeusexx thank you mate f1nnHeart [02:28:53] LittleChaSiu: CoronaBorealis02 what the fuck are you on about [02:28:53] SubliminalCorruption: use that voice without trying to sound seductive [02:28:54] ohsveni: YES [02:28:55] krovvy: KEKW [02:28:56] kgober: kgober is gifting 7 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 550 in the channel! [02:28:56] alexx_net: "Hey Archie, Mummy is so proud of you." [02:28:56] f3mmbot: kgober has gifted a sub to 7 users in chat! [02:28:56] gigasmaz: f1nnStare [02:28:56] kgober: kgober gifted a Tier 1 sub to ahaggblade! [02:28:56] kgober: kgober gifted a Tier 1 sub to JennBurleton! [02:28:56] AustraLeah: oh god [02:28:56] kgober: kgober gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZeroHearts! [02:28:56] kgober: kgober gifted a Tier 1 sub to indiscription95! [02:28:56] kgober: kgober gifted a Tier 1 sub to realkrob! [02:28:56] kgober: kgober gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sascha_Ra2iN3o! [02:28:56] kgober: kgober gifted a Tier 1 sub to rubinkind3! [02:28:56] pastelgreendog: LMFAOO [02:28:57] ArminGux: u used to charge 1k for this [02:29:00] bigsuave7: ok [02:29:00] johnkeiwo: just talk soft [02:29:01] radziriko_25: You gotta learn the voice [02:29:01] krovvy: pog more [02:29:02] Coolcalcacol: pfft [02:29:03] AeitZean: Trying stuff is better than not trying stuff SeemsGood [02:29:04] archieangle: say less [02:29:05] mystchevious1: pull up your recording from when you did the good one in the shower. [02:29:06] pastelgreendog: yooo? [02:29:07] StreamrollerFunFun: don't try to make it soft, just keep it flowing [02:29:07] MajesticFvckingEagle: LUL [02:29:08] froggyhoppins: 7 is so specific [02:29:09] vaureo2d: YESS [02:29:09] biggerturkey: aahhhhh [02:29:11] bigsuave7: LUL [02:29:11] Andromeda42442: mommy sorry mommy sorry [02:29:11] k3lvin8or: LUL [02:29:11] andimax11: why do you turn southern? [02:29:12] axing_: kgober competing KEKW [02:29:14] Its_Sky02: Heyy [02:29:15] dukeskunk: If you want to practice the Mommy voice go to stuff like Gone Wild Audio on reddit where people post scripts, try recording some of those even if you don't share the result. [02:29:19] CoronaBorealis02: @LittleChaSiu Archie is my deadname [02:29:28] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:29:29] stanky_frankee: @ArminGux archie sent 200 subs so that adds up lol [02:29:29] Vanimal2118: Keeping my cool sub # [02:29:31] Coolcalcacol: @F1NN5TER remember you were off in 20 mins? [02:29:31] blueskydrinking: KEKW [02:29:32] ronin_5463: KEKW [02:29:33] honeysquares: @dukeskunk yes yes! [02:29:36] Radiopools: KEKW [02:29:37] andimax11: lol [02:29:38] SOVIETQUER117g: hi f1nn, should I go to the GP because I get period like cramps and pains every single month? I’m not sure what to do [02:29:39] bittybbydreamer: it's the siri voice but breathy [02:29:41] Loelinverse: lmaoo [02:29:45] ArminGux: @stanky_frankee true [02:29:50] the_deezel: You said 20 minutes, Ashley's waiting for you [02:29:50] Coolcalcacol: @SOVIETQUER117g probs speak to your GP LOL [02:29:52] SexMug: KEKW [02:29:55] Loelinverse: F1nn based anarchy: get mad at all of tem [02:30:03] Coolcalcacol: 20 mins be like [02:30:04] SnabbKassa: @bittybbydreamer I always use Siri set to Irish, because it's hotter [02:30:05] EddieBlackFlag: Hey Finn! love the nails! PopNemo PopNemo woodla11Quack [02:30:05] johnkeiwo: so u were on the voice [02:30:06] GenieGirl: I went to a vocal trainer and once I relized it is all in your head I stopped going. and can just do a female voice now. [02:30:06] johnkeiwo: so u were on the voice [02:30:08] YumeNoZen: Weekly, and solo. =P [02:30:12] p0ikil3: Try WD-40 for the squeaking. [02:30:16] Tomoki_999: 20 minutes [02:30:17] lunassolarsystem: Bros avoiding his duties [02:30:18] rweb05: I never type but I'm here [02:30:19] YumeNoZen: Mommy voice attempt. [02:30:20] MajesticFvckingEagle: something about Woody [02:30:22] froggyhoppins: @gay_femboy based name [02:30:23] lunassolarsystem: Stop stalling [02:30:23] sp00kq: 3 mins until 20 mins have passed are you keeping your promise to Ashley [02:30:24] Jens_LN: You said you'd go to bed. [02:30:25] Loelinverse: voice stuff [02:30:27] MajesticFvckingEagle: or voice attempt [02:30:30] johnkeiwo: you were on mommy voice attempt [02:30:31] johnkeiwo: you were on mommy voice attempt [02:30:31] daemon2988: Trolling Woody [02:30:32] ArminGux: truck like lorry? or like f150 [02:30:34] wtfuxlolwut: Ur hot gf is waiting for you in bed TF are you doing? [02:30:37] spartan162547: girl voice attempt [02:30:38] archieangle: ur cute and I think that makes me gay XD [02:30:39] SnabbKassa: Woody's roundup? [02:30:40] k3lvin8or: That's fun [02:30:41] Hedgy908: Lechonk [02:30:46] YumeNoZen: @ArminGux Honda Ridgeline. And appliances. [02:30:47] LittleChaSiu: "this one's sod it" is what I heard just then [02:30:49] stevethemoof: stevethemoof subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! working on a doc about trans healthcare, the gender gp stuff is...weirdly timed f1nnEmbarrassed [02:30:49] f3mmbot: stevethemoof subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [02:30:51] AmazingAspie: @archieangle just a smidge :D [02:30:53] esquilinus: lotr lore [02:30:54] XENOMAN5: Mommy dommy voice? [02:30:55] Y0rk5h1r3: You pulled Woody up on his pronoun game, but gave him no guidance LUL [02:30:55] ramboo1989: ayooo [02:30:59] Radiopools: LOLOL [02:31:00] killingmyego: xD [02:31:00] leoderich: leoderich subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! yaaaaaay [02:31:00] YumeNoZen: It makes me a little gay, since I'm a girl. [02:31:00] f3mmbot: leoderich subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [02:31:00] AustraLeah: gay in either way [02:31:02] notrlyjacob: KEKW [02:31:02] sp00kq: dviperClap [02:31:02] k3lvin8or: Only if you want, lol [02:31:03] archieangle: LETS GOOO [02:31:04] stanky_frankee: LULW [02:31:04] Hayduke555: LUL [02:31:04] ArminGux: @yumenozen tyvm [02:31:05] Coolcalcacol: you a glass of water now? [02:31:05] the_deezel: You're straight until I tell you you're not, the hottest thing you've ever said [02:31:06] Mr_Turtlinator: The horror [02:31:06] Stovamor: !confused [02:31:06] stanky_frankee: KEKW [02:31:06] f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [02:31:07] Cantbreakme: yes mommy [02:31:07] Stovamor: !confused [02:31:07] f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [02:31:07] johnkeiwo: LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOO [02:31:07] Stovamor: !confused [02:31:07] ramboo1989: the power [02:31:08] f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [02:31:09] 416hobbit: F1nn has control of the gayness [02:31:09] PhilipMooney: Your sexuality is at my command [02:31:09] XavienTC: he has too much power now [02:31:10] sp00kq: I accept these terms [02:31:12] LaCroix_Blows: MAKE ME GAY MOMDAD! [02:31:12] charo_charito: but im gay tho [02:31:13] synthetic_Ivy: pls let me be gay finnster mommy [02:31:14] lunassolarsystem: Finn is the boss before the final boss [02:31:20] bart140298: best of both worlds [02:31:20] realtalkchannel: Fin suddenly turning dom [02:31:21] Avaerus0: And then he can switch you back to straight again [02:31:21] notrlyjacob: umm... [02:31:22] bearpaw1970: All love 🫴Yume🥰 [02:31:22] emmerthevillain: the real power bottoming [02:31:23] sporkyspoon: I kinda love that. [02:31:25] Y0rk5h1r3: I liked when Kyle said you being genderfluid makes it more gay LUL [02:31:26] SonicXVe: HUH [02:31:27] davidhurrell: Hi [02:31:27] dukeskunk: As a GQ myself I always get so goddamn jealous of how pretty you are. [02:31:28] Jens_LN: Nah, it's just cringe [02:31:28] spartan162547: well I'm bi so go for it [02:31:31] krovvy: pretty good logic [02:31:31] the_deezel: When did you become a Dom? [02:31:32] blueskydrinking: WHERE did that come from???? [02:31:33] EternalLucia: To me, you look like a woman, and that makes me gay [02:31:34] sp00kq: When did you gain this dom energy [02:31:35] YumeNoZen: Hiya @bearpaw1970 <3 [02:31:37] SnabbKassa: "jengafluid" [02:31:37] Kronegade22: shrodingers gay? [02:31:38] Furrfan47: wow [02:31:40] Pizzapuntz: bi people in chat: you have no power here [02:31:40] jeffdogsonpi: sadsexual [02:31:41] ArminGux: it would be objectsexual [02:31:41] axing_: the real power is becoming genderfluid yourself so that f1nn can never make u gay [02:31:42] ramboo1989: ayooi [02:31:42] bearpaw1970: Hey Jens💅💕 [02:31:42] Vanimal2118: Instructions unclear? Error Error [02:31:43] ronin_5463: Fellas, its ALWAYS GAY [02:31:44] amouro_: yukkoeXcope [02:31:45] Coolcalcacol: @mods is the voice command around anymore? [02:31:46] TheHolyFire: bros saying "looks female enough" [02:31:46] Andromeda42442: he dramk the gemmer fluid [02:31:46] crymson_vega: At this point I don't care what it makes me, you are cuddly material. [02:31:46] BirdNina_ovo: !socials [02:31:47] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:31:49] notrlyjacob: how much asking for a friend? [02:31:50] archieangle: F1nn is now my wife [02:31:53] blueskydrinking: please do not the Belle doll [02:31:54] kenziekattpurr: your orientation is at Finn’s whim [02:31:57] GenieGirl: I been on HRT for over 2 years and yeah it has ups and downs but mostly Ups. [02:31:58] ProfaneCreation: selphyChrist [02:31:58] Furrfan47: cray cray [02:32:00] Loelinverse: jengafluid? [02:32:00] XavienTC: @Pizzapuntz you're god damn right [02:32:01] melkorgoth: Bonus of being bi, no matter how you identify I get to enjoy. [02:32:03] SOVIETQUER117g: @coolcalcacol I’ll get an appointment if I remember lol [02:32:05] windsage561: Bisexuals are immune [02:32:08] gitrektitrekt: Shodinegers gay. [02:32:11] sp00kq: @melkorgoth REAL [02:32:11] Lets_illuminatiHD: please to not do the doll [02:32:13] tilt_central: Wait Finn is in control now :O [02:32:14] lunassolarsystem: Kappa [02:32:15] mystchevious1: Their take on the trans girl in the bathroom was L [02:32:17] CadenceOfLife: CadenceOfLife subscribed with Prime. [02:32:17] f3mmbot: cadenceoflife subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang cadenceoflife f1nnLezgang [02:32:18] Y0rk5h1r3: There were long segments where you were just sat there quiet looking pretty LUL [02:32:19] SnazzJaz4297: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [02:32:19] johnkeiwo: NotLikeThis [02:32:23] charlottelotved: there is no genderfluid bathrooms [02:32:24] Loelinverse: jenga fluid sounds like a slur. [02:32:25] alexx_net: @Coolcalcacol it is long gone [02:32:25] daemon2988: Them talking about bottom surgery was pretty awkward and weird. [02:32:31] Coolcalcacol: @alexx_net shame [02:32:34] axing_: gotem [02:32:36] ronin_5463: BASED [02:32:38] killingmyego: lol [02:32:39] esquilinus: kitsuragi????? disco elysium reference????? [02:32:42] Radiopools: lmaoooo [02:32:43] realtalkchannel: based answer [02:32:43] ArminGux: yeah which bathroom do you use now? [02:32:43] axing_: THE DUALITY OF MAN [02:32:44] Furrfan47: no [02:32:47] bulletfeed: What podcast [02:32:48] Furrfan47: way [02:32:49] bigsuave7: I left comments on that video lol LUL [02:32:49] 416hobbit: LOL [02:32:49] blueskydrinking: KEKW [02:32:50] braddle172: Let's gooo [02:32:51] johnkeiwo: SUS [02:32:51] Jens_LN: Cool [02:32:51] SonicXVe: ayo? [02:32:51] archieangle: shiiiii XDDD [02:32:52] YumeNoZen: heh [02:32:52] ramboo1989: !!! [02:32:52] Raddog315: uno reverse! lol [02:32:52] UtopiaOfChaos: From Minecrafter to gnc super sloot, your younger self would go what happened, answer you found yourself [02:32:52] ronin_5463: BIG WINS [02:32:52] notrlyjacob: YOOOO [02:32:52] amouro_: LUL [02:32:53] CadenceOfLife: Yay! I actually get to catch you live today! [02:32:53] ciernaruza: KEKW [02:32:54] daemon2988: Hey! That was me! Lol. [02:32:54] realtalkchannel: lol [02:32:54] k3lvin8or: NOICE [02:32:54] mystchevious1: lol [02:32:54] charlottelotved: shorkNice [02:32:55] Cantbreakme: printing money [02:32:55] judgedame: got em [02:32:55] s0m30n33l53: Wow [02:32:55] Cautare: HAHAHAH [02:32:57] pastelgreendog: YOOO ?? [02:32:57] DarthDerpy_: nice [02:32:57] HardyOrange: mhmmmmmmm telling on themselves [02:32:57] muddymudkip15: Hmmm [02:32:57] Vanimal2118: Interesting [02:32:58] k3lvin8or: Less gooooo [02:32:58] Loelinverse: lmaoo [02:32:58] andimax11: hahahaha [02:32:59] synthetic_Ivy: we win these [02:33:00] emmerthevillain: ayoooo [02:33:00] mystchevious1: you are soo rich. [02:33:01] ArminGux: wow [02:33:01] rootuz: W [02:33:04] HotAutism: I am pansexual. So unless your fluidity includes being a cooking pan, you have no power over me [02:33:05] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: WOW!!!!!!!!! [02:33:05] johnkeiwo: A lot of lying fuckos in their audience ! [02:33:06] Furrfan47: battle pass pricey [02:33:06] MajesticFvckingEagle: interesting… [02:33:08] adamjunkpup: Yoooo f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck f1nnMakeupcheck [02:33:10] RynFromK2L: Oh no, chat! The conservatives have discovered femboys! [02:33:12] bandorasniper43: Hi sweeting [02:33:12] alexx_net: @alexx_net That's inflation for you. (And f1nn finds it too hard - it became distracting.) [02:33:13] Y0rk5h1r3: Why's Kyle subscribing 400 times? LUL [02:33:14] Sascha_Ra2iN3o: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp [02:33:17] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: thats insane [02:33:19] ArminGux: self hating gay usually [02:33:20] Re_In_Car_Nation: Comment F1nn W. [02:33:20] honeysquares: @sovietquer117g If you have other professional options i’d try that. If you can’t afford it there are forums but if it’s urgent you should try getting the care. As long as you are sure you can get in touch with a human from gp it should be alright. [02:33:24] 416hobbit: PKA is your new promotion tool [02:33:26] Furrfan47: but I’ll pay when I can [02:33:26] Jens_LN: Kyle subscribed 400 times ?? D: [02:33:26] bandorasniper43: Äh am [02:33:27] sp00kq: HUHH [02:33:29] XENOMAN5: Coincidence? I think not [02:33:31] Avaerus0: Right-wing but watches certain types of content secretly [02:33:32] bigsuave7: whattt [02:33:36] Mr_Turtlinator: ?? [02:33:37] bearpaw1970: Kyle likes you because you bring sweetness to the stream [02:33:37] archieangle: who's bricked up rn? XDDD [02:33:42] Vanimal2118: Kyle is too chad [02:33:44] Re_In_Car_Nation: Alex Jones would love your content. [02:33:45] lunassolarsystem: Sometimes you're quite like a girl [02:33:45] RonnieSxl: whatt?? [02:33:47] Furrfan47: me [02:33:51] ronin_5463: KEKW [02:33:52] Lucridis: People were confused that Kyle knew what egg_irl was [02:33:52] Furrfan47: no [02:33:52] XENOMAN5: They secretly love the girl D [02:33:54] Airsick: calling egg irl a cult lul [02:33:57] Furrfan47: noo [02:33:58] bandorasniper43: PowerUpL <3 PowerUpR MercyWing1 <3 MercyWing2 [02:34:00] purpleysounds: nah thats finland /j [02:34:01] dashunde: waht is teh world coming 2 [02:34:03] SnabbKassa: Poland is so white and so Catholic [02:34:03] AeitZean: Trans adult material is the most popular type in the very right wing parts of America [02:34:05] radziriko_25: I'm now realizing that you have a new account. All this time I was watching on your old account watching minecraft videos [02:34:05] esquilinus: slovenia [02:34:07] snowwynai: Someone pointed out that you only talked for like 3-4 minutes in the first half hour, and it was mostly them talking. [02:34:07] lhsidn: it is, I'm from Poland [02:34:07] ciernaruza: yeah that's Slovenia [02:34:08] wtfuxlolwut: Repression and projection is a thing [02:34:09] Willow_Withers: But... I know femboys from poland... [02:34:10] axing_: it's true they're all just hidden scared for their lives [02:34:10] bart140298: Poland mentioned!! [02:34:11] tilt_central: Poland is a scary place [02:34:12] bandorasniper43: I love u rl [02:34:13] alexx_net: Protesting F1nn in the streets; subbing to F1nn's Battlepass in the sheets < is very common [02:34:14] debdrup: There's an obvious joke about F1nn being told to be quiet before the stream, because he's a girl now. [02:34:17] thgfthh: get on the Henry Weston’s [02:34:19] Raddog315: Kyle is on T, that's like transitioning to MAN+ [02:34:22] AeitZean: @wtfuxlolwut very much [02:34:23] YumeNoZen: Hahahahaha. Sent Fimter a mommy voice recording. [02:34:23] HotAutism: Slovenia on the other hand... [02:34:25] bandorasniper43: <3 SeemsGood [02:34:27] blueskydrinking: I remember F1nn's chav look [02:34:28] Vanimal2118: I know 1 femboy in Poland. @Audr1en? [02:34:29] smutsigaheroin: poland's trash [02:34:30] ArminGux: Poland is most anti lgbt place in eu? [02:34:35] bandorasniper43: DarkMode DarkMode [02:34:36] Furrfan47: vid name [02:34:38] bigsuave7: Haters [02:34:38] Avaerus0: Hoop earrings is how you lose an ear [02:34:38] SnabbKassa: @tilt_central only the driving, but then I am cis/het [02:34:39] realtalkchannel: To be fair a certain controversial polish politician once had a femboy in his hands on a convention. I will never forget this fact. [02:34:41] sp00kq: Hoop earings are a good way to rip an ear off [02:34:43] bandorasniper43: PowerUpL ticknaHype2 PowerUpR [02:34:47] handscombchris: please please please don't ever do hooped earings! [02:34:50] zombiii: i think someone moderated the comments a bit. it was worse at the start [02:34:51] AeitZean: Don't read the comments WutFace [02:34:53] johnkeiwo: the reddit is worse [02:34:54] DegenerateDaycare: hmmmm [02:34:59] boom_and_alpha_yt: some of the comments on the clips were worse at the start [02:34:59] DegenerateDaycare: what a time to come on in lol [02:35:00] bandorasniper43: Ur best of begining [02:35:00] Mr_Turtlinator: KEKW [02:35:01] Y0rk5h1r3: I liked when you had the loop earrings for that chavette fit [02:35:02] notrlyjacob: bro [02:35:02] pastelgreendog: KEKW [02:35:04] Helen_Croft: 20min is up [02:35:05] SonicXVe: self report [02:35:05] k3lvin8or: Male fail [02:35:05] Radiopools: KEKW [02:35:06] 416hobbit: Reply to it! [02:35:07] WhaleM1lker: which one? [02:35:08] tilt_central: @SnabbKassa I mean i love poland but i have heard some scary stuff but Sadly EU > UK xD [02:35:10] Willow_Withers: What a compliment [02:35:10] seumafia: Make it you x bio [02:35:11] dashunde: they dont even know what trans is, that was just crossdressing [02:35:12] Mnh188: nope Hungary probably is [02:35:13] grandpaladin1701: the casual racism and sexism wS upsetting [02:35:13] bandorasniper43: Real love [02:35:15] johnkeiwo: no don't ! [02:35:17] SnabbKassa: you can't fail to be a man if you aren't trying to be one. [02:35:18] mystchevious1: I'm glad you made 8k off these jerks. [02:35:18] YumeNoZen: Heh. [02:35:18] ArminGux: who, f1nn or the pka boys? [02:35:19] the_deezel: We love you, but it's been 20 minutes [02:35:19] bigsuave7: NotLikeThis [02:35:20] DegenerateDaycare: oh boy you are brave lol [02:35:21] Vanimal2118: vanima3PINK @degeneratedaycare hope u r well! [02:35:22] axing_: @SnabbKassa once u drive in italy, especially in the middle of some big cities, poland is suddenly very civilized lol [02:35:22] Lucridis: I hate the redesign [02:35:23] unbracingabyss: failed man 👨 hot woman 👩 [02:35:24] Stovamor: @DegenerateDaycare, heya Kitty [02:35:25] Helen_Croft: new.reddit.com @F1NN5TER [02:35:26] sp00kq: Bless you [02:35:27] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: reddit is so over [02:35:27] AustraLeah: gesundheit [02:35:28] daemon2988: I mean transphobes aren't exactly known for their originality [02:35:28] DegenerateDaycare: @Vanimal2118 Doing well hun hows you? [02:35:28] dangerousruben: new reddit is so terrible [02:35:28] blueskydrinking: oh this is gonna be awful [02:35:28] ciernaruza: reddit sux [02:35:28] MissNomia: bless you! [02:35:28] ronin_5463: Gessundheit [02:35:29] HardyOrange: I thought it was just mine! [02:35:31] LittleChaSiu: sneezing like a girl LUL [02:35:31] DarthDerpy_: bless you [02:35:32] cursetheroad: REVOLTING [02:35:33] xXNeroZashiXx: Bless you [02:35:34] bandorasniper43: U say IT but Ur lie [02:35:34] pastelgreendog: f1nn your gf is probably waiting! [02:35:36] SxHards_: bless you [02:35:38] Helen_Croft: try new.reddit.com @F1NN5TER [02:35:38] dashunde: le reddit [02:35:38] andimax11: uh oh, I’m scared for this lol [02:35:39] archieangle: excuse you [02:35:41] TunnelRatXIII: godzilla [02:35:41] professional_baguette: bless you [02:35:42] Raddog315: F1nn=masochist [02:35:43] Vanimal2118: I'm good @degeneratedaycare [02:35:43] Furrfan47: Mexico [02:35:47] TheBugMeister: bless you [02:35:47] Loelinverse: “Reddit is Reddit” [02:35:47] alexx_net: How cruel to say that Kyle is a failure! [02:35:49] SnabbKassa: you need to go to more of them [02:35:49] aAndrew3030: mkoHmm but were they talking about you? [02:35:49] DegenerateDaycare: @Vanimal2118 Glad to hear [02:35:54] snowwynai: Aww, you even sneeze cute. [02:35:56] zombiii: sort by controversial. get that hate [02:36:02] Kaymon81: what? [02:36:02] axing_: X to doubt [02:36:08] bandorasniper43: Hmm Ur not [02:36:09] esquilinus: name one architectural style [02:36:12] kenziekattpurr: yeah total failure. you only have two houses and a hot gf [02:36:14] ronin_5463: Hmmmmmmm [02:36:15] O_o_Herbert_o_o: insane take [02:36:16] DegenerateDaycare: Some just smell less shitty than others [02:36:16] k3lvin8or: OOF [02:36:17] AlhambraMMXX: ??? [02:36:17] notrlyjacob: hot take [02:36:19] ciernaruza: nah [02:36:19] ArminGux: have you been in more then 2 cities wtf [02:36:19] mowgreens: The smell [02:36:20] p0ikil3: there's a meme about it [02:36:25] bandorasniper43: BibleThump ticknaLove twitchRaid bleedPurple [02:36:26] SnabbKassa: Berlin is nothing like Paris. One was bombed to bits [02:36:26] Avaerus0: I imagine the post-soviet cities look different [02:36:26] 416hobbit: Try American cities - they're all the same [02:36:27] axing_: i cant believe im siding with the redditor on this one lmao [02:36:28] Furrfan47: googie [02:36:28] Lucridis: Gothic is the obvious one [02:36:28] unbracingabyss: that's so true [02:36:28] wandererimwalde: yeah because you went there as a tourist [02:36:31] MrsPandamber: theres 3 versions... North, central and south... every area looks the same [02:36:31] blueskydrinking: Our streamer is a bimbo [02:36:32] dashunde: eh [02:36:33] professional_baguette: Paris is overrated [02:36:33] SOVIETQUER117g: @honeysquares I know, it’s just something I have had since puberty and has just been something I have dealt with for years [02:36:34] Helen_Croft: but all cars in Paris are dented @f [02:36:34] Jahkae: reminder to end stream after 20 minutes f1nnCowjam [02:36:37] Helen_Croft: but all cars in Paris are dented @F1NN5TER [02:36:38] clevedonsteamer: Madrid is very different. Krakow is very different. [02:36:43] mystchevious1: No they aren't. what? [02:36:43] Carviinn: You don't Haussmanian architecture outside Paris [02:36:43] loveroseslove: Not the same [02:36:45] ronin_5463: Rome and Paris are VERY different lol [02:36:47] alexx_net: That's a you thing F1nn [02:36:47] ScarsUnseen: New Orleans is quite different from NYC lol [02:36:48] amelia7015: the same with north america tho [02:36:52] EMinc: DansGame dafuq [02:36:53] axing_: LMAO [02:36:54] tilt_central: Can never go to USA so that's off the cards [02:36:55] axing_: HAHAH [02:36:57] lunassolarsystem: Bro just sees buildings and thinks they all look the same [02:36:57] cursetheroad: Despite the size, they are pretty homogeneous architecturally. Maybe in the details [02:36:58] purpleysounds: KEKW [02:37:00] blueish4: double slur comment PogU [02:37:01] unbracingabyss: Caribbean was the same apart from weather [02:37:05] bandorasniper43: I raided u and now Ur famos and i am be now Nottingham grr bleedPurple [02:37:05] EMinc: why is it all bloody [02:37:09] axing_: double word bingo [02:37:14] DrTaboo_: What are we reading [02:37:16] Coolcalcacol: @bandorasniper43 who are you? [02:37:17] gl1tch1xisme: da fucc goin on [02:37:21] archieangle: archieangle is gifting 100 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 600 in the channel! [02:37:21] f3mmbot: archieangle has gifted a sub to 100 users in chat! [02:37:24] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to kameron813! [02:37:24] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to rileyyy69420! [02:37:24] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to daisydisabledanddysphoric! [02:37:24] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to gothic_0724! [02:37:24] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to JTSmanJ! [02:37:24] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to ancientcaleb05! [02:37:24] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to Macash! [02:37:24] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to bumbles19! [02:37:24] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pumpkin_Vice! [02:37:24] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to nicki121212! [02:37:24] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to fishdogthemusical! [02:37:24] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to WWII_SPORTS! [02:37:24] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to CorndogEsq! [02:37:24] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to tinkyxw1nky! [02:37:24] archieangle: archieangle gifted a Tier 1 sub to slimenex! [02:37:27] ronin_5463: ARCHIE [02:37:27] notrlyjacob: FFS [02:37:27] sp00kq: There it is again [02:37:29] ubiqueer: paris has a lot of imperial style buildings, white front with bue-grey roof [02:37:30] Hayduke555: WWW [02:37:30] crymson_vega: Is it really like bumfuck nowhere? [02:37:30] krovvy: pog [02:37:30] Coolcalcacol: only 400 [02:37:30] Mr_Turtlinator: rtgameMadman [02:37:31] cursetheroad: Hoooly [02:37:31] pastelgreendog: HOLY SHIT [02:37:31] LittleChaSiu: Jesus fuck Archie [02:37:31] axing_: ARCHIE CHILL [02:37:32] AustraLeah: Archie damn [02:37:32] diehellebarde: isnt Birmingham like the 2nd largest city in England? [02:37:32] bang3r: DODGED AGAIN 󠀀 [02:37:32] SonicXVe: STOP [02:37:33] handscombchris: ain't Birmingham the 3rd biggest city in the UK!??? [02:37:33] TheNelizz: holy shit [02:37:33] k3lvin8or: AGAIN?!!! [02:37:33] killingmyego: xD [02:37:34] gl1tch1xisme: WTF" [02:37:34] ArminGux: brimi is the bad part of town of every city [02:37:35] esquilinus: "brit" so true [02:37:35] DegenerateDaycare: that reddit will roast you lol [02:37:36] erikanatwittles: Incredible [02:37:36] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: WHAT [02:37:36] bandorasniper43: Sry [02:37:36] Furrfan47: damn [02:37:37] VEDS24: BRO [02:37:37] notrlyjacob: dodged [02:37:37] gl1tch1xisme: WHAT [02:37:39] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: 100 SUBS? [02:37:40] 81dovahkiin: dodge dip duck dive and dodge [02:37:40] ch4rc0al5: Yooooooooooo [02:37:40] XENOMAN5: More subs!? [02:37:41] Srcsqwrn: nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO nanona1LETSGOO [02:37:42] thefelinedeity: knenSip knenGift [02:37:43] JTSmanJ: hey i got one! [02:37:43] dangerousruben: new sugar daddy [02:37:44] colonel_egg: Damnn [02:37:44] SxHards_: can I dodge a third time [02:37:44] braddle172: KomodoHype [02:37:44] SnabbKassa: Archie is spraying use with money [02:37:44] sp00kq: The new 10 [02:37:45] CadenceOfLife: Wow [02:37:46] Spongied: oh damn [02:37:46] godof2existence: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:37:47] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER That's because most cities grew around the same time ... ie. the population explosion in the late 19th century and forward !! [02:37:47] GenieGirl: for real he robbed a Bank [02:37:47] AmazingAspie: has to be a keyword [02:37:48] bandorasniper43: Wrong button [02:37:48] King_Coyote: dodgers ww@ [02:37:49] soggyvector: Archie going off [02:37:49] Vanimal2118: Guessing they want Mommy voice? Bad? [02:37:49] s0m30n33l53: They've a high bar, lol [02:37:49] lunassolarsystem: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [02:37:50] tilt_central: @F1NN5TER how do you rate the Scottish cities hmmm [02:37:50] archieangle: my dads credit card XD [02:37:50] evelyn_bat_rivka: What? [02:37:50] 416hobbit: The subs are coming fast [02:37:52] inplega: Ha dodged again [02:37:52] XavienTC: heavy duty money laundering [02:37:53] bmh1712: dang [02:37:54] blueskydrinking: straight up just crashed my laptop with that last gift jfc [02:37:54] spartan162547: DAMN [02:37:57] Avaerus0: He swiped JK's credit card [02:37:57] permit93: waow that is a lot of subs [02:37:57] SnazzJaz4297: foxyjoPog foxyjoPog foxyjoPog foxyjoPog foxyjoPog [02:37:57] SnabbKassa: Saudi prince in the house [02:37:57] cuprawow: wow! 100!!! [02:37:58] axing_: @archieangle BRO KEKW [02:37:58] Helen_Croft: but all cars in Paris are dented @F1NN5TER [02:37:59] Coolcalcacol: Shook [02:38:00] p0ikil3: wooo [02:38:03] realtalkchannel: Archie is spending half of San Marinos GDP. [02:38:03] Embers_Falling: 4 dodges POG [02:38:04] godof2existence: f1nnKnife f1nnKnife f1nnKnife [02:38:06] honeysquares: @sovietquer117g Wait I thought you were trans, do you mind if I whisper you? [02:38:06] TherosBR: all those subs.. im unlucky LOL [02:38:06] andimax11: damn… I think these are “you can’t stop streaming” donations [02:38:07] DegenerateDaycare: I love the pka sub reddit, for the most part they tollerate me [02:38:07] k3lvin8or: How loaded are you @archieangle? [02:38:07] bandorasniper43: ticknaHype2 ticknaHype2 ticknaHype2sry wrong buton [02:38:07] medical_size9000: He found that money gliyc [02:38:08] ScarsUnseen: like you [02:38:09] aSpicyCow: bals [02:38:09] SnazzJaz4297: @avaerus0 KEKW [02:38:09] Schutta_Boshtet: kearsgCatkiss <3 [02:38:09] johnkeiwo: they just have a bigoted audience, not much more to say LUL [02:38:09] DrTaboo_: Bro is using the governments funds [02:38:12] aSpicyCow: ball sack [02:38:12] MadDogJono: RaccAttack RaccAttack [02:38:14] smutsigaheroin: @archieangle my oh my [02:38:14] beastboyz168: f1nnCowjam f1nnPet [02:38:14] bearpaw1970: House warming 🥳 [02:38:17] lunassolarsystem: Jebasted [02:38:18] Srcsqwrn: Rawr xD [02:38:18] PynkFryck: same [02:38:19] King_Coyote: imagine using your dads creditcard only to find out he already bought the battlepass [02:38:19] FirstFireKeeper: xdd is better [02:38:19] bandorasniper43: Xdxdxdxdxd [02:38:19] gigasmaz: f1nnCool [02:38:20] beastboyz168: f1nnRun f1nnRun [02:38:20] medical_size9000: Glitch* [02:38:20] Coolcalcacol: @aSpicyCow accept [02:38:20] bigsuave7: yo Cow [02:38:21] Sascha_Ra2iN3o: xD [02:38:22] AustraLeah: infinite money glitch [02:38:23] EMinc: Why are you wearing cat ears xD [02:38:23] sporkyspoon: F1nn do not accept any offers to go to Dubai... [02:38:24] Embers_Falling: :3 [02:38:24] hiluuu: its so common in Finland [02:38:25] archieangle: No it's mine don't worry XDD [02:38:26] vauldrus: hello [02:38:27] brendabrownstain0: I use lol [02:38:27] ArminGux: xd is so msn messenger [02:38:28] scribbz123: xD [02:38:29] realtalkchannel: I will continue to use XD Forever. [02:38:29] JTSmanJ: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:38:29] snowwynai: Hi Cow! [02:38:29] hiluuu: everyone uses it [02:38:30] DegenerateDaycare: They are nice when they write about me [02:38:31] Furrfan47: , [02:38:33] butter_bb: 90% of the internet is a congregation of absolute idiots [02:38:33] xXTooGoodAtGamingXx: I need this to be a topic of discussion. Why can't we allow chasers?!?! [02:38:33] zero_is_spooky: all these sub, I better get one [02:38:34] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: Robin Hood, stealin from the bank and giving to Finnster [02:38:34] nikikoln: night night chat [02:38:34] Artorosa: f1nnCowjam [02:38:35] explicitly_bored: x3 [02:38:36] Embers_Falling: hi @aSpicyCow [02:38:37] SnazzJaz4297: Rawr XD [02:38:37] axing_: XD and xdd is extremely common in Poland [02:38:37] killingmyego: i'll stop lol [02:38:38] Furrfan47: loma [02:38:38] Targz_: @archieangle did you win the lottery? [02:38:38] baslak01: XD = Good [02:38:38] bandorasniper43: MercyWing1xd PowerUpR [02:38:39] MajesticFvckingEagle: They said it’s theirs lol [02:38:39] Vanimal2118: vanima3PINK @aspicycow [02:38:40] KelloggsTacoBella: Thanks @archieangle for subby f1nnHeart [02:38:41] Avaerus0: What about the :3 emote? [02:38:43] hiluuu: cowwww [02:38:43] sussy_snipez: @aspicycow pisss [02:38:46] alexx_net: XD uwu ? [02:38:48] dashunde: rawr xD [02:38:48] gitrektitrekt: :3 [02:38:51] bandorasniper43: No and wy? [02:38:52] bearpaw1970: Hey cow [02:38:53] explicitly_bored: :3 [02:38:54] Pumpkin_Vice: djnigh13Witch djnigh13Witch djnigh13Witch djnigh13Witch djnigh13Witch [02:38:54] Tomoki_999: i thought ashly was waiting for u [02:38:55] beastboyz168: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [02:39:00] Y0rk5h1r3: Based [02:39:01] Gtadicto1: Dodge once again [02:39:02] ronin_5463: Based take [02:39:12] joolyfoosh: DinoDance [02:39:15] Pumpkin_Vice: love Slow Mo Guys [02:39:19] bandorasniper43: U know it now ach shit [02:39:22] jamnesia777: Gavin from rooster teeth [02:39:22] XENOMAN5: Hey cow! It’s udderly nice to see you [02:39:22] snowwynai: @aSpicyCow How was dinner with Peachy the other night? [02:39:23] gl1tch1xisme: cakadyAMONGUS [02:39:24] DegenerateDaycare: yeah they dont read their reddit lol [02:39:26] blueish4: coxWha [02:39:26] O_o_Herbert_o_o: wrong Gavin lol [02:39:27] Furrfan47: SMOrc idk [02:39:27] axing_: god i love reddit what a shit hole [02:39:29] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:39:29] bandorasniper43: BibleThump NotLikeThis [02:39:30] k3lvin8or: LMAO [02:39:31] krovvy: sissy hypno LOL [02:39:32] braddle172: KEKW [02:39:33] duckybot24: LMAO [02:39:33] notrlyjacob: jessi [02:39:33] SnazzJaz4297: Not the Sissy Hypno allegations [02:39:34] k3lvin8or: LUL [02:39:34] scarlettyg: OF COURSE they immediately come with the Keffals stuff, yikes [02:39:34] Mr_Turtlinator: D: [02:39:35] crymson_vega: Cheer300 I know you're not lying when I search your spot and the first thing that pops up on Google is "The 15 Most Dangerous Areas In Birmingham" [02:39:35] ronin_5463: Oh reddit.... [02:39:35] Embers_Falling: KEKW [02:39:35] blueskydrinking: KEKW [02:39:37] HardyOrange: someone read the times "article" clearly [02:39:38] notrlyjacob: LMAO [02:39:41] Falqun: "as well?" is the commenter also? [02:39:41] Avaerus0: F1nn got hypno'd [02:39:42] O_o_Herbert_o_o: McGuinness [02:39:42] blueish4: vioGAY look at the gay spiral vioGAY [02:39:42] johnkeiwo: these people are so brain broken they think sissy hypno is real real KEKW [02:39:43] spartan162547: LMAO [02:39:45] Tumi90: sissy Hypno is my favorite pokémon [02:39:45] honeysquares: oh… [02:39:46] Pumpkin_Vice: Top is cute as hell [02:39:46] Y0rk5h1r3: Sissy Hypno LUL that's a blast from the past LUL [02:39:46] SonicXVe: f1nn only knows one gavin [02:39:51] SnabbKassa: hypno does not work like that [02:39:51] Helen_Croft: don't let Ashley wait Finn [02:39:51] Aurora_gey_: sissy hipno based as hecc [02:39:51] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:39:51] johnkeiwo: no please no KEKW [02:39:54] AustraLeah: Not the sissy hypno [02:39:55] TwinbeeMk2: Commenters acting like the Hypno Hustler is going after people lol [02:39:56] kan3k1s2: Sissy hypno omg [02:39:56] bart140298: Hypno? So we're all being in trans? [02:39:56] JerryJ_CH: thanks for the sub archieangle, guess you're not stopping until all watchers are subbed? [02:39:56] joolyfoosh: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [02:39:58] lunassolarsystem: Sissy hypnosis from Ashley [02:39:59] Suto: Suto subscribed with Prime. [02:39:59] krovvy: isn't that a porn category [02:39:59] f3mmbot: suto subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang suto f1nnLezgang [02:40:00] blueskydrinking: Chat, it has been a pleasure sending f1nn sissy hypno via emotes with you [02:40:02] Mr_Turtlinator: KEKW [02:40:02] 416hobbit: Say it with a BLANK FACE [02:40:03] HardyOrange: nahhhhh it's genuinely cringe it's so bad [02:40:04] snowwynai: The femboy hypnotoad. [02:40:05] Falqun: do it, they have to look it up afterwards KEKW [02:40:05] hiluuu: oh god [02:40:05] Loelinverse: rip rooster teeth [02:40:05] amouro_: Dammit that exposing our secrets LMAO [02:40:08] bandorasniper43: Ur are Nemesis from tft2 [02:40:09] killingmyego: lolol [02:40:10] mr_goope: 20 minutes was about 5 minutes ago [02:40:10] alexx_net: On behalf of Sissy Hypno I'm offended f1nnLaff [02:40:12] debdrup: No, that can't be the new lore. [02:40:13] Cautare: SPIRAL HAHAHA [02:40:14] notrlyjacob: yeh same [02:40:16] snowwynai: *The trans hypnotoad. [02:40:18] jeffdogsonpi: Don't they'll believe it [02:40:21] MajesticFvckingEagle: dude go blow your nose [02:40:21] AustraLeah: I knew those videos were bad [02:40:23] brendabrownstain0: Ashley did it [02:40:23] GenieGirl: nah be like I watched Sponge bob and just woke up a girl hahaha [02:40:24] hiluuu: 100% happened to me [02:40:24] tabhitagreen: F1nny, come to Bali lets SeemsGood go [02:40:26] ronin_5463: A trans woman bit me, now I'm trans [02:40:27] bearpaw1970: Exactly Hobbit 🤣🫴💕 [02:40:28] Vanimal2118: Everyone? This explains alot! [02:40:29] Avaerus0: It's just a viral discord video, we solved the mystery! [02:40:32] bittybbydreamer: can confirm [02:40:32] Xiseiesjudges: pretty much that [02:40:32] gitrektitrekt: Tank did it [02:40:32] higildypiggldy: so that's how I got here [02:40:32] BernardBertrand: Dude blow your nose, you're stressing me [02:40:33] ramboo1989: I thought trans people get a VHS tape sent to tehm [02:40:33] bandorasniper43: Ringel rose [02:40:34] Sascha_Ra2iN3o: vereHappy [02:40:35] 416hobbit: Close your eyes - don't look [02:40:35] Raddog315: we turned off the sissy hypno in your house like year and half ago [02:40:36] deerdreams: people kept sneaking in to play youtube subliminals while you sleep [02:40:39] beastboyz168: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun f1nnRun [02:40:40] Furrfan47: huh [02:40:40] jeffdogsonpi: They would 100% believe it [02:40:41] alexx_net: Nice meme f1nn but that would go horribly wrong [02:40:41] k3lvin8or: The sissy hypno went in reverse for transmascs [02:40:41] kenziekattpurr: it’s all cottontails fault [02:40:42] Willow_Withers: F1nn solved trans, now how do i reverse this... [02:40:43] isabaellchen: transwomen doing bimbofication okay tho? [02:40:43] xXTooGoodAtGamingXx: So hot [02:40:44] MajesticFvckingEagle: it’s all that one guy specifically on discord [02:40:45] QuickestJadeTheDoge: That's what happened to me [02:40:47] ArminGux: ah that explains the guy with a clock who follows me around [02:40:48] kan3k1s2: That's why there were no trans ppl before sissy hypno came along [02:40:49] Furrfan47: what [02:40:49] hiluuu: ooooooo [02:40:49] Sascha_Ra2iN3o: f1nnCowjam [02:40:50] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [02:40:51] YumeNoZen: Hahahahahahahaha. [02:40:52] Gtadicto1: be carefull with the jokes F1nn they will belive it XD [02:40:52] JTSmanJ: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:40:53] braddle172: f1nnCowjam [02:40:53] bearpaw1970: The Pipeline hypnosis cannon [02:40:54] erikanatwittles: Oh okay [02:40:54] bucksben: Say it was gaylien abduction that made you do it!!! [02:40:55] sp00kq: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:40:55] hiluuu: im intrigued [02:40:56] elizarxses: cow [02:40:56] lunassolarsystem: Fake gigachad [02:40:57] bittybbydreamer: f1nnCowjam [02:40:58] Furrfan47: what happened [02:41:01] scarlettyg: Gigachad hypno? [02:41:02] gigasmaz: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:41:03] bandorasniper43: PowerUpLups PowerUpR [02:41:03] sp00kq: f1nnCowjam [02:41:03] Cactoony: They already have it [02:41:04] clevedonsteamer: I thought sissy hypno required a pendulous dong? [02:41:04] adamjunkpup: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:41:05] NekoHasAimbot: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:41:05] notrlyjacob: already exists [02:41:06] Chri55PBacon: CowJAM [02:41:07] snowwynai: Butch hypno? [02:41:07] Falqun: wait. let me check if thats already a thing. [02:41:07] Cactoony: It's called forcemasc [02:41:08] blatant_fabrication: Chad Hypno [02:41:08] honeysquares: f1nnCowjam [02:41:08] ryaninacastle: force masc hypno [02:41:09] colonel_egg: Chad hypne [02:41:10] MajesticFvckingEagle: @bucksben that’s a bar LUL [02:41:10] TheNelizz: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:41:10] 416hobbit: De-sissify [02:41:11] thgfthh: I am a reporter from the sun [02:41:11] erikanatwittles: Andrew Tatew [02:41:11] Lucridis: Tomboy hypno [02:41:12] duckonquack407: ALREADY A THING LMAO [02:41:13] MrMopps: BUILT FORD TOUGH [02:41:13] Hedgy908: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:41:13] axing_: THE FORD F150 [02:41:14] LaCroix_Blows: Isn't that Andrew Tate content? [02:41:14] Cautare: ALPHA MALE HYPNO [02:41:14] noctis_ee: lmaoo [02:41:14] Only_Oliver_: Gavin Mcinnes? [02:41:14] KelloggsTacoBella: Spiral is so outdated. Podcasts are the new thing KEKW [02:41:14] Furrfan47: hu [02:41:15] zombiii: that just what andrew tate tiktoks are [02:41:16] PynkFryck: u mean conversion therapy [02:41:16] archieangle: "gigachad" sure bud [02:41:16] Elifighter: sigma mail video [02:41:16] Furrfan47: h [02:41:19] SnabbKassa: but being transmasc is not about being "alpha" [02:41:19] notrlyjacob: in the g wagon [02:41:22] bandorasniper43: Clean 1 moment [02:41:23] axing_: BUILT FORD THICC [02:41:23] colonel_egg: Cheems Hypno [02:41:23] blueskydrinking: mascy hypno? lmao [02:41:24] Mnh188: CANNYANERO [02:41:24] AppleChips_theVideoGame: Himbo hypno [02:41:25] MattKi: Wait.. is this the start of the end, the end of the beginning... [02:41:26] DegenerateDaycare: oh god... [02:41:26] ArminGux: isn’t that the 18k boot camp [02:41:26] Targz_: Sigma male affirmations [02:41:27] LittleChaSiu: thanks I hate it [02:41:27] the_deezel: That is the absolute worst American accent I have ever heard [02:41:27] andimax11: YOU are built ford tough [02:41:27] ramboo1989: "LIKE A ROCK!" [02:41:29] medical_size9000: Hypnosis doesn't work on every one [02:41:29] scarlettyg: Manmaker [02:41:29] Furrfan47: yes [02:41:30] 1958dino: You need a hanky!💐😌😼🐈‍⬛♥️☕🥖🧀🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇦🇵🇸🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💐 [02:41:33] holotron_: a dip can and a dream [02:41:33] Avaerus0: drinking the "good stuff" [02:41:34] sapphiccatgirl6: theres already its andrew tates content [02:41:35] Jens_LN: Nah, they'd just wanna bank the exhaust tube. [02:41:35] Sascha_Ra2iN3o: joshbelBudlight joshbelBudlight joshbelBudlight [02:41:35] bucket325: They have those already [02:41:38] Furrfan47: wow [02:41:38] the_deezel: Please never do that American accent again [02:41:38] lampshaderie: sissy rohypnol [02:41:38] 416hobbit: Country music [02:41:38] MrMopps: So any Country Music song by a dude [02:41:39] higildypiggldy: reverse sissy hypno is a bottle of jack daniels in the cupholder in a lifted dodge truck [02:41:40] ciernaruza: can't do bud light anymore [02:41:41] blueskydrinking: @AppleChips_theVideoGame that's amazing [02:41:41] cm1younggun: no reverse sissy hypno is just Andrew Tate podcasts [02:41:42] bandorasniper43: Oja u on my site [02:41:42] Xiseiesjudges: Sleep listening to chainsaw asmr [02:41:43] Pumpkin_Vice: omfg thanks @archieangle djnigh13Heart [02:41:43] lunassolarsystem: Bros a trucker [02:41:43] realtalkchannel: Masc hypno is random speeches from chad 1910s American politicians . [02:41:44] ajohnops: Efron 50 lol [02:41:44] Hedgy908: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [02:41:44] DegenerateDaycare: ... I hate it [02:41:45] SnazzJaz4297: foxyjoSTRONK foxyjoSTRONK foxyjoSTRONK foxyjoSTRONK foxyjoSTRONK [02:41:45] Raddog315: lol [02:41:46] stockie_uk: Simpsons canyero advert [02:41:46] Vanimal2118: Did take the Raptor Mudding, but still more Girl. [02:41:46] kan3k1s2: Andrew tate is reverse sissy hypnoing ppl [02:41:46] gutzo: are ya moving??? [02:41:48] Loelinverse: @mattki First Stream? [02:41:48] tabhitagreen: Bali bali bali bali bali [02:41:49] butter_bb: I seen reverse sissy hypno, then it laughed at me and turned into sissy hypno like nah, you aren't manly LUL [02:41:50] AustraLeah: AYO [02:41:50] FR0ST_O8: FR0ST_O8 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 4 month streak! 11 months f1nnTank love your streams [02:41:50] phoebe_rc: Presented by men with huge beards [02:41:51] aporcelaingirl: Like A Rock is Chevy [02:41:51] f3mmbot: fr0st_o8 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months using Prime! PogU [02:41:52] the_deezel: Oh my god you're a horrible American redneck [02:41:52] brendabrownstain0: cowboy hipno [02:41:53] pegthefemboy: heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [02:41:55] ronin_5463: Narrated by Sam Eliott [02:41:57] lunassolarsystem: Finnster rebrand [02:41:57] chriscorrick08: You must miss that one fin you brought mommy car [02:41:58] Falqun: search for "alpha male hypno" LuL [02:41:58] axing_: weren't u supposed to go to sleep like 20 minutes ago? just saying LUL [02:41:58] 416hobbit: You TOO can be a trucker [02:42:00] colonel_egg: Brings a whole new meaning to "be a man" [02:42:01] archieangle: you got that f350? [02:42:01] duckybot24: natural selection LMAO [02:42:01] dashunde: yeehaw [02:42:02] bandorasniper43: MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 [02:42:03] dukeskunk: @realtalkchannel You mistyped 2020 [02:42:04] FirstFireKeeper: castle doctrine on the road [02:42:05] s0m30n33l53: Pitch up a touch and get your girl voice [02:42:05] Stev_27: what happened to 20 minutes? [02:42:06] gutzo: Andrew tater-tot can eat shit [02:42:06] umtic: KKona [02:42:06] Furrfan47: huh [02:42:08] Furrfan47: what [02:42:08] DegenerateDaycare: Never have i wanted to reach through a slap a streamer so much lol [02:42:09] clevedonsteamer: Coors lite and Speed. Class. [02:42:09] SnazzJaz4297: YEE YEE 🤠🤠🤠 [02:42:10] braddle172: f1nnPegChamp [02:42:10] gitrektitrekt: The manly desire to drive a truck with a Road beer [02:42:11] SonicXVe: AYO [02:42:12] Jens_LN: Peg the Femboy !! ... nice [02:42:12] k3lvin8or: Have you ever wondered what it would be like to shoot a gun at a barn while drunk? [02:42:14] hopalongtommy: Make them watch that "every country song these days" video [02:42:15] DevinWonka: jftiHYPE2 jftiHYPE2 jftiHYPE2 [02:42:15] axing_: f350 [02:42:15] bandorasniper43: Love me [02:42:17] LittleChaSiu: RAM 2500 [02:42:17] the_deezel: 350 is bigger [02:42:18] Raddog315: redneck hypno [02:42:19] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: 650 too [02:42:19] jayem97: Just listening to Sam Elliots voice turns you masc [02:42:21] lampshaderie: got that trans am [02:42:22] axing_: theres an f650 [02:42:22] NekoHasAimbot: f650 [02:42:22] sp00kq: There's F550s [02:42:22] Furrfan47: 150 ON TOP [02:42:22] gigasmaz: It must have been 20 minutes [02:42:23] Skyr3zz: 750 [02:42:24] Catboy_Snow: hi Finn [02:42:25] vaureo2d: Ayo [02:42:26] ch4rc0al5: It goes up to F650, IIRC [02:42:26] BirdNina_ovo: HahaTurtledove [02:42:26] pegthefemboy: good to see you BrokeBack [02:42:26] Jens_LN: bigger number = bigger truck [02:42:29] killingmyego: country voiceee [02:42:29] teddy_bear_1978: Hello beautiful [02:42:32] bandorasniper43: V5000ugly [02:42:32] the_deezel: Bigger the number bigger the truck [02:42:32] packagum: theres a f750 [02:42:33] axing_: F650 [02:42:34] alexx_net: @DegenerateDaycare welcome to a day in the life of a f1nn mod [02:42:35] MajesticFvckingEagle: bigger number bigger truck [02:42:36] Furrfan47: O [02:42:37] lunassolarsystem: Trans truck [02:42:37] blueskydrinking: @kan3k1s2 then why did adin ross do that to his chair? KEKW [02:42:37] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: 650 is just silly [02:42:39] TheBugMeister: f350 is bigger [02:42:40] archieangle: got that cummins turbo diesel? [02:42:40] gracefully_insane74: F350 > F150 [02:42:40] Jens_LN: go up to 750 I think ?= [02:42:41] Re_In_Car_Nation: There is a f650 [02:42:42] ArminGux: when you load up the truck with 2 cows and drive up a hill, then make a bbq [02:42:43] crymson_vega: Nice Redneck Accent - don't do that again. Your natural voice is more sexy. As an American I have no shame in saying that. [02:42:45] xXTooGoodAtGamingXx: F150 is the 2nd lightest truck [02:42:45] Sascha_Ra2iN3o: buy 1 [02:42:46] gutzo: trucks suck [02:42:46] Vanimal2118: 150 < 250 < 350 < 450 < 550 < 750 [02:42:48] Targz_: 2006 Honda Civic [02:42:49] TunnelRatXIII: 350 is bigger, and you really want the Dually with the step sides, the towing package and the big chrome smokestacks. [02:42:49] Skyr3zz: LUL [02:42:49] YumeNoZen: The highest numbers are silly custom jobs. [02:42:49] sp00kq: F350 and up is massive diesel engines only [02:42:49] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: he chomk [02:42:51] medical_size9000: Survival of the fittest [02:42:52] scarlettyg: Why? [02:42:53] axing_: f750 is just a literal truck at that point [02:42:54] k3lvin8or: LEL [02:42:55] AustraLeah: wwhat the hell [02:42:56] blueskydrinking: that's a lorry [02:42:57] packagum: KEKW [02:42:57] ownedshadow_: hello [02:42:57] scarlettyg: America, why? [02:42:57] thgfthh: thgfthh is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 7 in the channel! [02:42:58] f3mmbot: thgfthh has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [02:42:58] ronin_5463: What is that?? [02:42:58] lampshaderie: lolol 6 doors [02:42:58] TheNelizz: thats nutttssss [02:42:58] johnkeiwo: hell yeah BROTHER KKona [02:42:58] thgfthh: thgfthh gifted a Tier 1 sub to ArcticFoxMOCs! [02:42:58] thgfthh: thgfthh gifted a Tier 1 sub to YagDesu! [02:42:58] thgfthh: thgfthh gifted a Tier 1 sub to itsmaau! [02:42:58] thgfthh: thgfthh gifted a Tier 1 sub to cok1304! [02:42:58] thgfthh: thgfthh gifted a Tier 1 sub to lollierot89! [02:42:59] Elifighter: you need it finn [02:42:59] notrlyjacob: wtf [02:42:59] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: chomfk [02:42:59] Vanimal2118: Yes [02:43:00] KelloggsTacoBella: Size don't matter, it's the motion of the ocean that counts f1nnStare [02:43:00] Furrfan47: that’s huge [02:43:01] xXTooGoodAtGamingXx: The raptor is the lightest pickup truck [02:43:01] kenziekattpurr: there is an f650 and it does not look the same [02:43:01] purpleysounds: thats half truck at that point [02:43:01] Y0rk5h1r3: The Super Truck [02:43:01] RonnieSxl: LUL [02:43:01] adamjunkpup: buffpupGIGA buffpupGIGA buffpupGIGA [02:43:02] 416hobbit: That's to pull the BIG trailers [02:43:02] SalvoBrick: Tank [02:43:02] johnkeiwo: YEE YEE [02:43:03] MrsPandamber: thats a boat [02:43:03] SparkThatBled: Big truck [02:43:03] LittleChaSiu: with just as much space in the back as all the other ones [02:43:04] aporcelaingirl: Dodge Ram [02:43:04] Elifighter: oaint it pink [02:43:04] archieangle: wtf [02:43:05] ThermalRichard2: mines bigger [02:43:06] freshdelipickles: MURRCA [02:43:06] ArminGux: wtf is a that [02:43:07] tilt_central: Might aswell just buy a bloody train at that point [02:43:09] ProfaneCreation: That is a tank [02:43:09] Chromatic_Crow: Chromatic_Crow subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [02:43:10] f3mmbot: chromatic_crow subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [02:43:10] VioletPXL: GTA Sandking LUL [02:43:10] the_deezel: Please dear God never do that American accent again. You're a horrible redneck [02:43:10] a_rocky_penguin: it's parking spaces long [02:43:10] SnabbKassa: weighs about 4 tons? [02:43:11] YumeNoZen: Dude is only about an inch long. [02:43:12] blatant_fabrication: that makes me feel ill [02:43:12] Furrfan47: wow [02:43:12] dashunde: Built TOUGH [02:43:13] rainfallwall: I only have an F-250, I feel so inadequate... [02:43:13] ArminGux: how is that legal [02:43:13] Master_Gunner: The F350 and up are usually used as the basis for custom vehicles - food trucks and the like. [02:43:14] Amoyamoyamoya: @Vanimal2118, I could totally see F1nn being unable to drive any Ford F- or E-series truck or van. [02:43:15] MrMopps: perfect for driving around the UK [02:43:15] kenziekattpurr: America baby!!!! [02:43:15] thaat1guy_: DOES IT COME IN PINK [02:43:18] handscombchris: just get a lorry at that point! [02:43:18] deerdreams: it's so sad that trucks are being bred for their size instead of their health anymore 😔 [02:43:18] Plastic_V8: f5 and 7 series are comercial trucks [02:43:19] bearpaw1970: Yup [02:43:19] SnazzJaz4297: 3 DOOR TRUCK YEE YEE 🤠🤠🤠 [02:43:20] Loelinverse: Its judt ram no dodge [02:43:20] Y0rk5h1r3: It has two fuel tanks [02:43:21] Plastic_V8: typically [02:43:22] ArminGux: looks like a inbreed dog [02:43:24] breezy_sparrow: So many subs tonight! [02:43:24] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: Mary Kay Pink as well [02:43:24] Cyprohep: what gender is a cybertruck? [02:43:26] Furrfan47: gta aah car [02:43:26] gracefully_insane74: the numbers have more to do with the vehicle load ratings [02:43:27] lunassolarsystem: Truckboy [02:43:27] xXTooGoodAtGamingXx: Look up the F750 [02:43:29] ronin_5463: America is not a real place [02:43:29] packagum: and the ranger next to it is the one they sell in the uk [02:43:29] snowwynai: The F350 is gargantuan, but it has the same size bed as an Isuzu Elf. [02:43:30] lampshaderie: the F stands for fem [02:43:30] TunnelRatXIII: That has a 5th wheel in the bed for hauling trailers. [02:43:30] axing_: this would obliterate london's width restrictors KEKW [02:43:31] ajohnops: Shelby f150 [02:43:31] bang3r: for men with tiny dicks [02:43:31] davidiusfarrenius: our American friends be compensating! [02:43:31] pegthefemboy: Would you buy one????? [02:43:31] 416hobbit: That's the size of my bus but carries only 6 people [02:43:31] wtfuxlolwut: You would really want a duel axle for something that long [02:43:32] k3lvin8or: Oh yeah, check out my flatbed that can fit one table [02:43:32] kenziekattpurr: Finns new truck [02:43:33] bulletfeed: That car radiates small Pp energy [02:43:35] PynkFryck: what are those lug nuts [02:43:35] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: not in USA KKona [02:43:36] JayOhDizzle: entirely too much truck [02:43:37] tripod_666: needs more doors [02:43:37] the_deezel: I would love to see you try to drive that [02:43:37] gitrektitrekt: God that is so fucking American [02:43:38] clevedonsteamer: That truck is so over compensating [02:43:38] Mnh188: turning circle of the Titanic [02:43:40] hopalongtommy: The F-masulinity [02:43:41] ramboo1989: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [02:43:41] Avaerus0: Big truck makes up for other things [02:43:43] Jens_LN: You would need a CDL license [02:43:43] sp00kq: Nope you don't need a different license to drive that [02:43:44] packagum: in america you dont [02:43:45] ArminGux: it has 2 steps [02:43:45] Y0rk5h1r3: In the UK you would [02:43:48] johnkeiwo: so ugly [02:43:48] 416hobbit: I SAW a cyber truck just LAST WEEK! [02:43:51] 81dovahkiin: its fully digital, it has to be binary [02:43:53] Re_In_Car_Nation: the cybertruck is legal in US [02:43:53] purpleysounds: nb bc its just smooth down there [02:43:54] the_deezel: Cybertruck has no gender it's a robot [02:43:54] daemon2988: Big trucks are like HRT for rednecks. The bigger the truck, the smaller your penis gets. Lol. [02:43:57] purpIIl: yep [02:43:57] sp00kq: YOU'RE RIGHT HUH [02:43:57] LaCroix_Blows: cybertruck is genderfluid [02:43:58] archieangle: that's a 350 with an extra shit in the cab [02:43:58] 416hobbit: Angles [02:43:58] DrSchepper: beautiful car [02:43:58] gitrektitrekt: Nah [02:43:58] blueish4: -2 [02:43:58] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: Is it tho? [02:43:58] adamjunkpup: I am now a cybertruck buffpupHypeE buffpupHypeE buffpupHypeE [02:43:59] SonicXVe: its true [02:44:00] TheNelizz: dope [02:44:01] YumeNoZen: Most Enbys have taste. [02:44:01] madschtz: dont slander us like that [02:44:02] ArminGux: it has neon pronouns [02:44:02] Jens_LN: Asexual [02:44:02] lampshaderie: cyber truck is non-quadinary [02:44:02] snowwynai: If you put balls on the back of your cybertruck, does that make it trans? [02:44:03] thefelinedeity: YESSS [02:44:03] k3lvin8or: TBF, yes [02:44:03] Cantbreakme: enby goals [02:44:04] Raddog315: NB and bi [02:44:04] AustraLeah: what. It doesnt even have headlights [02:44:05] zombiii: bad take [02:44:05] ScarsUnseen: that gender is brutalist [02:44:06] squirtlerfrompokemen: poorly made tho [02:44:07] honeysquares: YEP [02:44:07] nyrhalahotep: of course, they're all resting now [02:44:08] Y0rk5h1r3: @416hobbit I've never seen one IRL [02:44:09] ciernaruza: the cybertruck is extremely gay [02:44:09] sp00kq: I unironically love the cybertruck [02:44:09] XENOMAN5: Compensating much? [02:44:10] nyrhalahotep: 😂😂😂 [02:44:11] HardyOrange: ur not wrong but as an nb I'm still mad about it [02:44:11] killingmyego: modern buggy [02:44:12] crymson_vega: That looks like something from ROBOCOP [02:44:12] johnkeiwo: the enbys are gonna come for you NotLikeThis [02:44:12] lollierot89: @thgfthh Thanks for the gift sub! [02:44:12] ink_splotch: Agender [02:44:13] scarlettyg: Cybertruck is non-eucleidan [02:44:13] notrlyjacob: ANBAB [02:44:13] johnkeiwo: the enbys are gonna come for you NotLikeThis [02:44:14] furifixus: Front looks like blaha [02:44:15] TheNelizz: haha cyberpunk car go brrr [02:44:15] courtneyisaseagull: Don't lump that monstrosity in with us! [02:44:15] EMinc: Goes from place A to B [02:44:15] Beanblox: Low poly Lara Croft [02:44:15] jakethesnake564873: Looks like a retro 3d game [02:44:16] elle_gato: pronouns: any [02:44:16] phoebe_rc: Look up "Giant Hummer" [02:44:17] SonicXVe: its a horrible horrible vehicle but its true [02:44:18] isabaellchen: oooooh i see [02:44:18] MattKi: That car vibes PS1 to me. [02:44:19] Avaerus0: Low-poly truck [02:44:20] jaovitubr: agreed [02:44:20] freshdelipickles: really? this is giving divorced middle aged man [02:44:20] SmashPotat101: all transformers are nonbinary mhmm [02:44:21] Furrfan47: wow [02:44:21] Jens_LN: It's looks Asexual to me [02:44:21] Vanimal2118: I haven't seen her drive Amoya? So she can't drive mine, until I see her drive. [02:44:22] jeffdogsonpi: Sad it's made by elongated muskrat [02:44:23] scottyC7: aren't they called light trucks and require the same license? [02:44:23] s0m30n33l53: It tries too hard [02:44:23] Targz_: Our cars are absolutely massive. If you put this next to european cars you'd shit yourself. Even the little cars next to it are massive. [02:44:23] Mnh188: nah its giving Rammstein music video [02:44:24] axing_: @AustraLeah it does, in the lower 'slit' [02:44:24] thgfthh: thgfthh is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 8 in the channel! [02:44:25] thgfthh: thgfthh gifted a Tier 1 sub to LevelOneBrain! [02:44:25] f3mmbot: thgfthh has gifted a subscription to levelonebrain at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang levelonebrain f1nnLezgang [02:44:25] dashunde: robocop [02:44:25] XenMonkey: fucking dangerous to pedestrians is what it is [02:44:25] alexx_net: If F1nn buys a cybertruck I would resign as a mod [02:44:25] YumeNoZen: Like, if the quality control was less shit, and it was a bit smaller, matte black would go hard. [02:44:26] QuickestJadeTheDoge: Elon's gonna be so happy lollll [02:44:27] ArminGux: the car gaps could fit a gap store [02:44:27] AustraLeah: where are the safety specs [02:44:28] ronin_5463: It's not finished loading [02:44:30] 416hobbit: I have prettier stainless steel cookware [02:44:32] BrightLilThing: i"d get one if it wasn't trash [02:44:32] BernardBertrand: look at that stupid long wiper [02:44:32] lampshaderie: belongs in the Driver tutorial level [02:44:33] snowwynai: Wait... does Elon need to tell us something? [02:44:34] freshdelipickles: PT Cruiser [02:44:34] LittleChaSiu: omg it's Lara Croft's car [02:44:34] Mnh188: micra [02:44:35] Muffin01: Miata [02:44:35] TheNelizz: fiat multipla [02:44:36] purpleysounds: fiat panda [02:44:36] clevedonsteamer: Fiat 500 [02:44:36] johnkeiwo: Finn just lost his enby audience ! [02:44:38] emmerthevillain: PAvement Princess trucks are Gender Affirming Care [02:44:39] tilt_central: hmm get a custom Finn livery [02:44:39] HrisiStavreva: looks like an old game [02:44:39] lunassolarsystem: The new mascot [02:44:39] ink_splotch: Slug bug [02:44:40] archieangle: ford focus [02:44:41] TheBugMeister: how about the f100 [02:44:43] EvilCutiexo: I agree [02:44:43] ArminGux: miata [02:44:43] Furrfan47: MINI [02:44:43] dukeskunk: With self driving cars how long till someone writes a country song about their truck running away? [02:44:43] ProfaneCreation: Breaking down and rusting is non-Binary? [02:44:44] blueskydrinking: I've been waiting for f1nn to get cancelled again KEKW [02:44:44] lethalchimken: New VW Beetle [02:44:45] PynkFryck: kia soul is NB [02:44:45] thgfthh: bimmer [02:44:45] Real_Zekkyn: fiat multiplat [02:44:46] scarlettyg: It looks like the small-LOD placeholder model that appears before the high-poly is loaded in [02:44:47] TheNelizz: nissan gtr [02:44:47] Re_In_Car_Nation: Lara Croft Truck [02:44:47] Y0rk5h1r3: Aston Martin Cygnet LUL [02:44:47] EMinc: @F1NN5TER corvette is female IMO [02:44:48] hopalongtommy: Cybertruck vibes incel [02:44:48] velveteenjackalope: I heard someone say it would be cryberpunk of covered in graffiti [02:44:48] ScarsUnseen: any car with a trans... mission... ;) [02:44:49] k3lvin8or: Convertible, right? [02:44:49] awkwardfatguy: Automotive autism=cybertruck [02:44:49] dafdeddog: pink audi? [02:44:51] FirstFireKeeper: the vibe is elon is my adopted father, plz notice me [02:44:51] xXLonexWolfXxLw: Porsche 911 [02:44:51] Gtadicto1: its nb the same as being named brick or something [02:44:51] lampshaderie: Subaru sedan is gender fluid [02:44:52] the_deezel: Jeep [02:44:53] jakethesnake564873: Probably a 2 seater truck [02:44:53] jayem97: Reliant Robin [02:44:53] andimax11: el Camino is a gender fluid car [02:44:53] Muffin01: Miata 󠀀 [02:44:53] Jens_LN: Mazda Miata ? [02:44:53] zebrabbl396: I see those getting delivered all the time [02:44:53] killingmyego: transformer style [02:44:54] gitrektitrekt: It has both curves and strait line. [02:44:54] sp00kq: Did you just shit talk the Fiat 500 [02:44:54] scottyC7: cybertruck looks chode to me [02:44:55] Mnh188: Nissan Micra [02:44:57] freshdelipickles: Nissan Altima [02:44:57] axing_: Aston Martin Cygnet lmao [02:44:57] ciernaruza: the fiat 500 a lil fruity [02:44:58] clevedonsteamer: Skoda roomster [02:44:58] blindthirdeye: ford focus DEEZ NUTS [02:45:00] snowwynai: I want an electric Delorean, lol. [02:45:00] LaMale411: Hummer [02:45:00] HyphenCJ: corolla? [02:45:01] thug_bird1: Suzuki Swift? [02:45:01] XenMonkey: fiat 500 abarth for genderfluid [02:45:01] policepigeon01: Yellow fiat panda, goes anywhere [02:45:01] PhorrestGaze: but it's an angry fiat 500 [02:45:01] gay_femboy: Make him sleep lsl [02:45:03] gregorami: That car from thunderbirds that has machine guns and flies [02:45:05] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: Mazda Miata m8 [02:45:05] adamjunkpup: mazda Miata = gender fluid [02:45:05] TheNelizz: srt viper [02:45:06] aporcelaingirl: @jayem97 lol! [02:45:06] Only_Oliver_: Toyota Supra [02:45:06] juurane: Old-style beetle? everyone loves it, after all [02:45:07] bittybbydreamer: beetlebug [02:45:08] crymson_vega: The big question is - do gender fluid cars still require gas? [02:45:08] wtfuxlolwut: Mercedes Maybach [02:45:08] sp00kq: Ohhh [02:45:10] teatedostritch3: Porsche 914 [02:45:13] ronin_5463: Audi R8? [02:45:13] Darktomato124: Kia soul [02:45:14] LaCroix_Blows: Miata [02:45:15] aAndrew3030: Any hybrid [02:45:15] mr_goope: 20 minutes was 10 minutes ago [02:45:16] TunnelRatXIII: the Prius is gelded. [02:45:16] Furrfan47: huh [02:45:16] sp00kq: Abarth 500 is peak femboy car [02:45:17] TheNelizz: @F1NN5TER ABARTH 500 [02:45:17] Loelinverse: 911 isthe iphone of cars [02:45:19] tilt_central: but what about the abrath version !!!! [02:45:19] AustraLeah: femmobile [02:45:20] SonicXVe: no its not [02:45:20] HardyOrange: 9-1-1, not 9-11 my guy [02:45:21] 416hobbit: Cinco-centi [02:45:21] gitrektitrekt: Gender fluid car.... A VW beetle or one of those Kei trucks [02:45:21] aestheticbartender: fiat 500 is perfect for you finn [02:45:22] Bytebak: Owning a Miata was a clue that I was trans [02:45:22] GenieGirl: deffently a Bettle [02:45:22] HrisiStavreva: in bulgaria the word Car is feminine so all cars are female [02:45:22] TheNelizz: YESSSSS [02:45:22] axing_: i love the fiat 500 so much [02:45:23] uKnowMister: and unriable also kekw [02:45:23] Muffin01: Mazda mx5 [02:45:26] Re_In_Car_Nation: Subaru forester is Lesbian. [02:45:26] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: I own a miata. It was inevitable. LUL [02:45:26] ArminGux: ford focus is the most popular car for guys who fix their own car [02:45:26] notrlyjacob: old beetle? [02:45:27] lampshaderie: abarf [02:45:28] 1958dino: I had an original British Ford P150, It was based on the old Ford Cortina! 💐🤔😼🐈‍⬛♥️☕🥖🧀🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇦🇵🇸🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💐 [02:45:28] bearpaw1970: Vibe of techno cybertech [02:45:29] Furrfan47: FORD F150 [02:45:29] the_deezel: Harley-Davidson is gender fluid [02:45:30] freshdelipickles: it's a lunchbox on wheels [02:45:31] Y0rk5h1r3: The Audi TT [02:45:31] sp00kq: I love the Abarth 500 [02:45:32] colonel_egg: Stupid sexy finnster got me shaving my legs [02:45:32] lethalchimken: lego car [02:45:33] SonicXVe: abarf [02:45:33] Real_Zekkyn: Fiat MuLTIPLAT is weird [02:45:33] archieangle: if you wanna be a man you need a F250 at least [02:45:33] taeyukki: that's barbie's car [02:45:34] HardyOrange: no they don't? not american guys [02:45:35] pegthefemboy: paint one pink and the 500 is the perfect barbie mobile [02:45:36] MrsPandamber: i will never understand [02:45:36] WhaleM1lker: can u be sexist?? [02:45:36] Loelinverse: Yeeeeessssss [02:45:36] the_avocado_general: MR Bean vibes [02:45:36] dull_scythes: Fold multipla [02:45:37] packagum: its a sleeper [02:45:38] LaMale411: I had 2 fiat 500 PrideUwu [02:45:38] xXTooGoodAtGamingXx: What was that about the ford mustang? [02:45:38] killingmyego: cooper for men [02:45:39] dreadcain: egg car [02:45:39] ArminGux: it smol, it fast [02:45:40] hopalongtommy: Nissan Cube [02:45:40] gregorami: FAB-1 is funny [02:45:42] princess_mia03: mercedes Benz girl [02:45:42] EMinc: That is like early 19s cartoon japaense cartoon vehicle [02:45:42] PhorrestGaze: I have one, it's fun [02:45:42] deerdreams: my gender is a 1999 toyota corolla. boring as hell but it's dependable and will last you until the stars blow out [02:45:42] KelloggsTacoBella: Fiat vs Beetle girlybellaKEKW [02:45:42] TheNelizz: MIATAAAA [02:45:42] sp00kq: Abarth is for the femboys [02:45:43] JayOhDizzle: Nissan Juke [02:45:43] ancientcaleb05: thats a mister bean car [02:45:44] TheBugMeister: how about the fiat 126 [02:45:44] krovvy: rx-7 [02:45:45] axing_: I KNOW A FEMBOY AND HE OWNS AN MX5 KEKW [02:45:45] uKnowMister: #NA [02:45:46] thedanitone: Honda Fit [02:45:46] Falqun: also called a miata [02:45:46] SnazzJaz4297: My mom currently has a Ford Focus foxyjoDead [02:45:47] Re_In_Car_Nation: Subaru forester is quintessential Lesbian. [02:45:47] pin_baller: suburu - girl car [02:45:48] Y0rk5h1r3: Cow has an MX5 LUL [02:45:49] skylee1976: I am a girl and have a Mustang and a F150 [02:45:50] bearpaw1970: It's cute [02:45:50] TheNelizz: AWESOME [02:45:51] crymson_vega: I SEE MEN HERE IN THE U.S DRIVE THIS - Even I don't get this shit. [02:45:52] ArminGux: Subaru Impreza [02:45:52] sussy_snipez: !play [02:45:52] snowwynai: Would you get one of each, @F1NN5TER? [02:45:53] joolyfoosh: that’s the belle delphine car [02:45:53] TheNelizz: MY DREAM CAR RIGHT THERE [02:45:54] Loelinverse: ForTwo? [02:45:54] HrisiStavreva: nissan best! [02:45:54] jcktheripperrs: Hairdressers car [02:45:55] johnkeiwo: Ewwww [02:45:55] packagum: i have a mx5 na! [02:45:56] clevedonsteamer: The new mx5 is far less hairdresser [02:45:56] lunassolarsystem: Finnster coded [02:45:57] lampshaderie: Lamborghini LM002 [02:45:57] the_deezel: Honda Element [02:45:57] Gtadicto1: like the mini [02:45:57] johnkeiwo: brother ewwww [02:46:00] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: :) [02:46:01] EMinc: LOL [02:46:01] Halkun: Oh you can't see/hear teh donoas anymore :( [02:46:01] zombiii: cow has one of those [02:46:02] dashunde: needs eyelashes [02:46:02] sp00kq: Hairdresser car [02:46:03] pegthefemboy: NOT A GIRL CAR!!!!!!!!!!!! [02:46:03] xXLonexWolfXxLw: Miata is girl [02:46:04] aporcelaingirl: the nyan-car! [02:46:04] Despick_: That car says UwU [02:46:04] 416hobbit: now THAT looks feminine [02:46:04] notrlyjacob: eww [02:46:05] Bytebak: I had that in blue [02:46:05] c__r__j: @aspicycow has one of those. yourlo57Giggle [02:46:06] alexx_net: F1nn on E; has a real girlfriend; but is stll being sexist about cars [02:46:06] tilt_central: noooooooooooo [02:46:06] a_rocky_penguin: such a happy little car [02:46:07] AustraLeah: the blinking car [02:46:08] XavienTC: what big eyes you have [02:46:08] TwinbeeMk2: oh that's cute [02:46:08] Sir_Abstract: Is that Chase! [02:46:08] Y0rk5h1r3: Cow has an MX5 [02:46:09] Elindalyne: midlife crisis car [02:46:09] zebrabbl396: Og girl car [02:46:09] texdragon: texdragon subscribed at Tier 1. [02:46:09] f3mmbot: texdragon subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang texdragon f1nnLezgang [02:46:10] MeatsackGamer: it looks so happy [02:46:10] student0810: Cow owns one [02:46:10] coldPhax: massive cock if you own this car [02:46:11] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: I own a red 99 Miata [02:46:12] Furrfan47: ew [02:46:12] Vanimal2118: @aspicycow is being called out? [02:46:12] ArminGux: cow owns that [02:46:12] jakethesnake564873: I've seen men drive it [02:46:12] EMinc: Scuffed lightning mcqueen [02:46:12] holotron_: car is surprised [02:46:13] TheNelizz: bmw isseta perfect femboy car [02:46:13] Re_In_Car_Nation: It can wink. [02:46:13] Falqun: search for the mx with a v8 engine in it, sounds funny [02:46:13] HardyOrange: no way, 50 year old excessively tanned rich guy car [02:46:14] medical_size9000: I would get a super car if I had enough money [02:46:14] dashunde: LOTS of guys drive em [02:46:15] PynkFryck: I'm gonna buy one of those as soon as I got the money xD [02:46:15] LittleChaSiu: I've been told if I had a car it would be a Miata LUL [02:46:16] DrTaboo_: Trust me, get a volvo semi and just rule the road [02:46:16] lunassolarsystem: OSFrog [02:46:16] LaMale411: Love the Mx5 [02:46:17] bittybbydreamer: what is tgirl car [02:46:17] killingmyego: jdm [02:46:17] Can0fBr3ad: blinky car! [02:46:17] isabaellchen: whats it looking at? [02:46:19] lampshaderie: that car looks so surprised [02:46:20] thefelinedeity: knenLOOK <3 [02:46:20] blueish4: finn have you heard of the nissan s-cargo elnSnan it looks like a snail [02:46:20] Furrfan47: ain’t no way [02:46:20] MattKi: A car with a very shocked face. [02:46:20] ronin_5463: Aliceinwonder1and car [02:46:20] higildypiggldy: that miata looks baffled [02:46:22] axing_: pspUuh [02:46:22] jakethesnake564873: Wink car [02:46:24] scottyC7: OuO the car [02:46:24] lunassolarsystem: OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog [02:46:25] micknaughty0080: Not that gen. [02:46:25] deerdreams: my grandpa owns a miata lmao [02:46:25] johnkeiwo: HUH !?!? worrunS worrunBDSM [02:46:25] Sir_Abstract: I swear that’s the one that the dude had sex with [02:46:25] DrTaboo_: the miata is sexy [02:46:26] awkwardfatguy: V8 miata is a thing though. [02:46:27] the_deezel: You're 20 minutes promise to Ashley is way past [02:46:27] packagum: i have one its great! [02:46:27] brendabrownstain0: I’m zoning out of this conversation I don’t know shit about cars [02:46:28] jayem97: The car from Brum [02:46:29] sp00kq: The first generation mx5 from factory drives awfully. The body roll is crazy [02:46:29] LaCroix_Blows: miata with barndoor lights up=ick [02:46:29] pegthefemboy: Miatas are fucking insane.... all 50bhp will go soooo fast [02:46:30] chief_nita: Donut Media cash dump car? [02:46:31] emmerthevillain: Miatas are just fun. they handle well and are just generally a great driving experience on the cheap [02:46:31] lilspider9079: You look nice [02:46:31] andimax11: oh boy [02:46:32] erockyoutoo: that my grandmas car [02:46:32] xXLonexWolfXxLw: Off-road miata though is less girl [02:46:32] omoniki: reminds of those cars from the movie Cars [02:46:32] Raddog315: genderfluid car =Chevrolet SSR convertible truck [02:46:33] archieangle: I've never seen more gay shit in my life [02:46:35] bearpaw1970: Head lights need lashes [02:46:36] bucksben: Mx5 looked like an updated frog-eyed Sprite!! [02:46:36] gay_femboy: Mods why always silence me ,hy [02:46:37] Amoyamoyamoya: You know aSpicyCow LOVES Miatas [02:46:37] spartan162547: Miata is for either old guys or teen girls [02:46:39] Furrfan47: miata looks lost [02:46:40] Storm_Ryder: hey f1nn I didn't get a chance to say this but congrats on coming out as genderfluid! welcome to the club :) [02:46:41] lethalchimken: mx5 is hairdressers car [02:46:42] alexx_net: That is a midlife crysis car [02:46:42] johnkeiwo: HUH !?!? worrunS worrunBDSM [02:46:43] axing_: pspREAL [02:46:43] kan3k1s2: that is so cool [02:46:45] XENOMAN5: Add he eyelashes to the flip up lights. It’s sick [02:46:46] MaxVershhhtappen: well.. i might be genderfluide aswell [02:46:48] LittleChaSiu: ... performed it or received it? [02:46:48] Furrfan47: no [02:46:49] Mnh188: he's immune [02:46:50] ArminGux: kekw [02:46:50] Starlight85: Whats a lesbian car then? [02:46:52] SnazzJaz4297: What would a Kia Soul would represent [02:46:53] 416hobbit: You have to BELIEVE it [02:46:53] jayem97: Brum is gender fluid [02:46:54] johnkeiwo: the CIA would never get that out of me [02:46:55] Mr_Turtlinator: HMMM [02:46:56] zombiii: torture would not get that information out of me [02:46:59] ancientcaleb05: it's 11:52 PM, go to sleeeeep [02:47:01] lampshaderie: own it [02:47:02] alexx_net: @Starlight85 Subaru [02:47:02] hopalongtommy: Daihatsu Copen [02:47:02] freshdelipickles: @Starlight85 Subaru Outback [02:47:02] PynkFryck: @Starlight85 Subaru forester [02:47:02] LaCroix_Blows: @Starlight85 Subaru Brat [02:47:03] Bytebak: @Starlight85 Subaru [02:47:03] deerdreams: @Starlight85 subaru [02:47:03] ArminGux: I mean they are here [02:47:06] davidiusfarrenius: KEKW [02:47:06] tella7414: Citroën sm [02:47:06] gitrektitrekt: O.O [02:47:12] Mnh188: he's the cure, like Ellie in Last of Us [02:47:12] Psychyo96: My favourite vehicle is the Volvo A60H [02:47:14] krovvy: NOOOO [02:47:15] ciernaruza: waterboarding couldn't get that outta me [02:47:16] aSpicyCow: i heard u were talking about miatas [02:47:16] courtneyisaseagull: lesbian car is the Subaru Outback! [02:47:17] papairons: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:47:17] jayem97: 1954 Ford Popular 103E [02:47:18] purpleysounds: KEKW [02:47:18] pegthefemboy: maloooooooooooooo [02:47:19] smutsigaheroin: @Raddog315 hell yes [02:47:19] johnkeiwo: wtf is that [02:47:19] dashunde: STRAYA [02:47:19] 416hobbit: NB car [02:47:20] lampshaderie: skinny Aztec [02:47:21] SonicXVe: based [02:47:21] gracefully_insane74: yea utes [02:47:22] isabaellchen: i do bimbofication hypno for years and it wasnt a scam from day one [02:47:22] Moonkip: i feel called out [02:47:22] umtic: KEKW [02:47:22] Cantbreakme: it’s so confused [02:47:22] krovvy: RX-7 [02:47:23] aSpicyCow: i happen to own a 1992 miata Aware [02:47:25] tilt_central: Its an aussie thing the ute [02:47:25] Avaerus0: It's like the mullet of cars [02:47:26] bearpaw1970: Hey littleChaSiu🤣💕 [02:47:27] 81dovahkiin: ozzy raging rn [02:47:27] TwinbeeMk2: Gender fluid? More like gender confused car lol [02:47:27] sp00kq: It can't decide if it wants to be a sedan or a pickup [02:47:27] Muffin01: Toyota aristo turbo with the 2jz gtt [02:47:28] ArminGux: that looks sad [02:47:29] Amoyamoyamoya: F1NN YOU CAN'T DRIVE ANYTHING [02:47:30] TheBugMeister: why not get a road boat? [02:47:34] Avaerus0: Subaru [02:47:36] azestycow_: up the commo [02:47:37] TheNelizz: Bmw Issetta perfect Femboy car [02:47:37] Muffin01: subuwu [02:47:37] jakethesnake564873: 2 seater pickup truck [02:47:37] bittybbydreamer: soob uwu [02:47:37] archieangle: oh that's a lowrider [02:47:38] SonicXVe: everybody knows it [02:47:38] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:47:38] killingmyego: lol [02:47:39] dukeskunk: A lesbian car is a u-haul van. [02:47:39] Amoyamoyamoya: SubUwU [02:47:41] notrlyjacob: KEKS [02:47:42] sp00kq: Subaru forester is peak lesbian [02:47:42] blueish4: it's not wrong [02:47:43] ronin_5463: KEKW [02:47:43] pegthefemboy: subaru outback is a major lesbo mobile [02:47:43] 416hobbit: Subaru is def lesbian [02:47:44] lampshaderie: my wife drives a Subaru :( [02:47:44] notrlyjacob: KEKW [02:47:44] idesofjuno: KEKW [02:47:44] pin_baller: suburu [02:47:45] ZipyZR: Nothing wrong with a subaru Impreza, [02:47:45] EMinc: What's a lesbian car in a row? A car crash.. [02:47:46] courtneyisaseagull: Everyone knows that lolol [02:47:48] Moonkip: i feel called out for the holden commodore ute [02:47:49] spartan162547: KEKW [02:47:51] 81dovahkiin: subUwU outback specifically [02:47:52] zebrabbl396: Forester [02:47:52] snowwynai: Yeah... I agree. Subaru is a lesbian car, lol. [02:47:53] jakethesnake564873: Subuwu [02:47:53] Green_J3di: KEKW [02:47:55] ancientcaleb05: f1nnRotate [02:47:55] HardyOrange: they were the first car company to include lgbtq folks in their commercials in the US [02:47:55] Vanimal2118: Poor Maddie [02:47:56] TheNelizz: bmw isseta [02:47:56] Storm_Ryder: no it's the 2008 honda ridgeline [02:47:56] Furrfan47: no [02:47:57] dashunde: nissan 350z or 370z [02:47:57] Cpu101: subaru literally markets to lesbians [02:47:57] gracefully_insane74: subaru intentionally cultivated the lesbian demo [02:47:58] Tumi90: everyone knows the lesbians own subaru. It's just a fact at this poitn [02:47:58] td_advocate: Sub-uwu [02:47:58] ventusmaster77: VROOM VROOM UBER [02:47:58] WhaleM1lker: "oobu" [02:47:58] Falqun: what about a SX 240 ? [02:47:59] ArminGux: Subaru outback probably [02:47:59] lilspider9079: Ford explorer in the lesbian flag colours [02:47:59] alexx_net: When are you going to pass your driving licence? [02:48:00] NekoHasAimbot: genderfluid knife?? [02:48:00] hugeairconditioner: pls my little brother drives a subaru [02:48:00] aBardNamedLily: cow [02:48:01] gay_femboy: Mods still silencing me [02:48:03] Amoyamoyamoya: SubUwU are for flannel-wearing lesbians tho [02:48:03] LucipurrCryz: UwUbawu [02:48:03] aBardNamedLily: hi cow [02:48:03] KelloggsTacoBella: Uber f1nnLaff [02:48:04] aAndrew3030: KEKW [02:48:04] LittleChaSiu: Alstom Flexity [02:48:05] FlynnRyder251: What about Jeeps? [02:48:05] Allie_: I went against the Lesbian meme and bought a Toyota 4 Runner [02:48:06] hopalongtommy: Nissan Figaro [02:48:06] dmx908: Subaru is lesbian car [02:48:09] pin_baller: sub-uwu [02:48:09] theofficialval: theofficialval is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [02:48:09] f3mmbot: theofficialval has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [02:48:10] DarkMage152: what abt pubic transport [02:48:10] theofficialval: theofficialval gifted a Tier 1 sub to xXLonexWolfXxLw! [02:48:10] theofficialval: theofficialval gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sahkret! [02:48:10] theofficialval: theofficialval gifted a Tier 1 sub to offscot3! [02:48:10] theofficialval: theofficialval gifted a Tier 1 sub to ChristianWestonChandIer! [02:48:10] theofficialval: theofficialval gifted a Tier 1 sub to Merlin_cat_! [02:48:10] theofficialval: theofficialval gifted a Tier 1 sub to scarletdemoness22! [02:48:10] theofficialval: theofficialval gifted a Tier 1 sub to mounty_man42! [02:48:10] theofficialval: theofficialval gifted a Tier 1 sub to mitttykitty! [02:48:10] theofficialval: theofficialval gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nifty_Lettuce! [02:48:10] the_deezel: Camarillo [02:48:10] theofficialval: theofficialval gifted a Tier 1 sub to saitilu! [02:48:11] emmerthevillain: a pinkk motorcycle helmet with cat ears on the back of the bike is the genderfluid car [02:48:16] Falqun: SX 240 [02:48:18] ventusmaster77: VROOM VROOM [02:48:19] grandpaladin1701: Dude the Subaru Baja [02:48:20] rallphie10: Bugatti?? [02:48:21] azestycow_: hi aspicycow pisss [02:48:21] Muffin01: famous last words [02:48:21] SubstituteMyOwn: Subara actually did marketing based on that [02:48:22] scottyC7: u-haul van LUL [02:48:24] isabaellchen: oh dear [02:48:25] johnkeiwo: No, I believe it, it just depends on the person [02:48:25] krovvy: sissy hypno is more of a porn category than a real thing [02:48:25] DevinWonka: jftiPoptart [02:48:26] LaMale411: Ford F150 lesbian truck [02:48:27] PynkFryck: I stand by kia soul as nb car [02:48:29] sunnyandsmiling: Isn't a bouncing mom car a lesbian car??? [02:48:30] NeoBoost_: niiii-san °w° [02:48:30] ArminGux: @flynnryder251 usually for guys who are insecure, and their wifes [02:48:30] SxHards_: so many subs today [02:48:31] mr_goope: sub goal time? [02:48:33] Furrfan47: wow [02:48:34] sp00kq: Bro says thank you for 10 subs but not 100 [02:48:34] mystchevious1: You said you'd do a hypno stream one day. Still waiting. [02:48:35] andimax11: that’s kind of the belief I share as well [02:48:36] zebrabbl396: TwitchConHYPE [02:48:36] ventusmaster77: Wait A Minute VROOM VROOM [02:48:36] vaureo2d: what ABOUT TOMMY HUH? [02:48:38] clevedonsteamer: You were supposed to be finished in 20 mins [02:48:38] aBardNamedLily: @aSpicyCow hiiiiii [02:48:41] Furrfan47: lots of subs [02:48:42] alexx_net: @DarkMage152 The only correct answer! [02:48:43] daemon2988: Hypnosis only works if you believe it works. [02:48:43] SnazzJaz4297: I WOKE UP IN A NEW BUGATTI [02:48:45] hugeairconditioner: finn is topping today with all these subs [02:48:45] FirstFireKeeper: hypno is bullshit but conditioning is not [02:48:46] jayem97: The Whomobile is a gender fluid car [02:48:48] Vanimal2118: Funny how streaming will do that, Streamer. [02:48:49] gay_femboy: Can you buy a knife tattoo [02:48:50] TheNelizz: finn look up the bmw isseta is the perfect femboy car iswtg [02:48:52] XENOMAN5: Pontiac Aztek is ugliest car ever made [02:48:52] SaraScorpion: hypnosis is an excuse [02:48:52] azestycow_: @aspicycow piss boi [02:48:52] AustraLeah: I have no car knowledge for this [02:48:53] medical_size9000: There's not much evidence that hypnosis actually works [02:48:55] jade_lunaire: Hypno by health specialists can turn traumatic memory into normal memory. Help ptsd [02:48:55] DominicanInTheUK: bus is gender fluid [02:48:56] mystchevious1: Yes [02:48:56] isabaellchen: its led meditation [02:48:57] KelloggsTacoBella: Hypnosis only works on people that doesn't believe that it works that's so you won't know if your in trance. [02:48:57] QuickestJadeTheDoge: I gotta get going so byeee [02:48:57] alexx_net: @F1NN5TER, Don't make me turn up and show you! [02:48:57] johnkeiwo: For therapy it works [02:48:59] gigasmaz: JUSTICE FOR ASHLEY f1nnAshbonk [02:49:00] andimax11: that would be dope [02:49:01] nezzzie: hello i'm new here [02:49:01] alexh1441: Talk to shibby [02:49:05] ancientcaleb05: TransgenderPride [02:49:05] MaxVershhhtappen: FIAT multipla for dual spirited [02:49:06] aBardNamedLily: @aSpicyCow [02:49:07] ArminGux: what gender is mayback suv [02:49:07] Hedgy908: f1nnAshbonk [02:49:08] deerdreams: regression hypnosis therapy has been proven multiple times to be pure suggestion and wildly prone to cause false "memories" [02:49:09] blueish4: if you want to be hypnotised it can work, if you're like "i'm not gonna lose control" you won't [02:49:09] lilspider9079: Do it [02:49:10] krovvy: s2000 is sick [02:49:12] aSpicyCow: but miatas are cuter [02:49:14] isabaellchen: show hypnosis is different [02:49:15] miamieps: hypnosis works if you actually want it to work. That's all there is to it. [02:49:15] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: Them's fightin words [02:49:15] bananasandwich6969: ask Derren Brown [02:49:17] johnkeiwo: but the hypnosis / therapy is very patient dependant tbh [02:49:19] ratboi69696969696969: @aSpicyCow [02:49:19] Amoyamoyamoya: @aBardNamedLily, F1nn's not THAT gay [02:49:21] alexh1441: Shibby is a hipnodom [02:49:22] Moonkip: i waltz in here and immediately get called out for being genderfluid and owning a holden commodore [02:49:25] kan3k1s2: Probably ut it weas staged [02:49:25] PynkFryck: @MaxVershhhtappen granny car [02:49:28] crymson_vega: I don't know if anyone's told you this - But I love the way you laugh [02:49:28] sp00kq: S2000 is a better Miata in every way [02:49:29] jeffdogsonpi: You can get hypnotized easier if you want it to work [02:49:31] heylistenlook: a lot of platforms are super weird about any kind of hypno [02:49:32] sapphiccatgirl6: secret subject she can hypnotize u [02:49:32] DarthDerpy_: actual hypnosis is real, it just depends on the person [02:49:33] a_rocky_penguin: s2000 is Poggers [02:49:35] isabaellchen: not a tist but i know people [02:49:38] ancientcaleb05: GenderFluidPride [02:49:40] Furrfan47: wow [02:49:42] Storm_Ryder: Stage Hypnosis has GOT to be fake [02:49:44] ArminGux: a miata with a w12 sounds fun [02:49:44] DangerXIII: @F1NN5TER hypnosis is 100% real [02:49:44] aBardNamedLily: @Amoyamoyamoya maybe [02:49:45] krovvy: s2000 is beautiful [02:49:47] jade_lunaire: Secret subject collab? [02:49:48] gracefully_insane74: @yumenozen S2000s are great! i'm also too tall for the MX5 [02:49:50] alexx_net: It is NOT legal to perform a hypnosis induction on television in the UK [02:49:50] johnkeiwo: it probably won't work on you since you don't believe in it at all ^^ [02:49:50] KelloggsTacoBella: All hail Hynotoad f1nnSideeye [02:49:51] handscombchris: 2000 Jeep TJ Sport gives the "girl" vibe! [02:49:52] archieangle: Doesn't own an f350. Garbage day [02:49:55] snowwynai: According to Google, autistic people are more susceptible to hypnosis. [02:49:58] 416hobbit: Still waiting for my cup [02:50:00] brendabrownstain0: is this a self report from f1nn [02:50:00] packagum: s2000 is better but also 20k more [02:50:01] PynkFryck: s2000s are dope [02:50:01] Furrfan47: it is [02:50:03] kitkatgaming11: what is your favorite knife finn [02:50:05] Amoyamoyamoya: Waiting for my second cup [02:50:06] sp00kq: Like the handling is way better, it can fit tall people, it makes more power, etc etc [02:50:06] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter read Alex's message [02:50:07] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter read Alex's message [02:50:08] YumeNoZen: A bit bigger, WAY more horsepower, better handling, way faster nurburgring times... [02:50:08] debdrup: @snowwynai Welp, F1nns fscked, then. [02:50:08] DevinWonka: Hypnosis only works if you already believe it works [02:50:09] mario8889: They did hypnosis at my high school for graduation with 20 random people [02:50:09] isabaellchen: youd hope [02:50:10] Muffin01: @416hobbit mine is shipping right now [02:50:12] andimax11: exactly! [02:50:13] HeyZeeq: s2000 is a sportier miata [02:50:13] isabaellchen: it is [02:50:14] ozeantj: Its interesting if f1nnn talks about cars and got like the merc thing going :D [02:50:15] Stovamor: @f1nn5ter read Alex's message [02:50:16] isabaellchen: in tv [02:50:16] tilt_central: You can get hypnotized out of addiction but its easy to relapse [02:50:17] PynkFryck: @packagum battlepass money (: [02:50:17] bittybbydreamer: i don't believe in hypnosis either [02:50:18] ronin_5463: They have, you just don't remeber cos theyre good lol [02:50:18] Andromeda42442: it's placebo, which means it's real enough if you believe it [02:50:18] futurist___: !time [02:50:18] f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 23:55 [02:50:21] ArminGux: hypnosis is real if you let it effect you, it’s used in therapy [02:50:21] alexx_net: @snowwynai that is my experience. ADHD are more work [02:50:23] azestycow_: @aspicycow miata is …. [02:50:24] snowwynai: I'm not sure I believe in hypnosis, though. [02:50:25] hopalongtommy: RX8 has the Dorito motor [02:50:26] Avaerus0: Imagine if pick-up artists could use hypnosis [02:50:26] isabaellchen: i give up [02:50:26] isekai0taku: dont do hypnosis f1nn you'll end up a chicken forever! [02:50:28] petethigpen2134: A hyundai is a gender fluid car tho [02:50:29] isabaellchen: hf gl [02:50:31] Furrfan47: wow [02:50:32] tripod_666: i mean if marketing works hypnosis might too [02:50:32] MajesticFvckingEagle: hypnosis only works if you purposely go into it wanting it to work.. which means it doesn’t [02:50:32] Thorium19: Toyota GT86/Subaru BRZ is a genderfluid car [02:50:34] butter_bb: S2000 is 2.0 VTEC, very quick [02:50:35] am37hy57: Hi fin hope you are well [02:50:36] bittybbydreamer: f1nnTank [02:50:37] mystchevious1: Also this isn't TV [02:50:37] 416hobbit: The POWER of the BBC [02:50:38] imnotvirgin_: [02:50:39] dreadcain: they just know how to spot the thearer kids that will yes and them [02:50:40] Furrfan47: cray cray [02:50:41] miamieps: it's a trust thing tho, tried to make it work for years but I just don't trust anyone so I can't really let go. [02:50:45] krovvy: johnny tran drove a s2000 in fast and furious [02:50:45] bearpaw1970: Buick Roadmaster is F1nn' soccer mom story arc car [02:50:47] undead_bandit452: Do you like rollercoasters [02:50:47] packagum: @pynkfryck i don’t think homie is interested in driving tho lol [02:50:51] adamjunkpup: Facts people would 100% hypnosis some to do crime for them and forget about it [02:50:51] kan3k1s2: omg yeah tom scott did a video on that [02:50:52] NekoHasAimbot: ????????? [02:50:52] SnabbKassa: yes, paternalistic ones [02:50:53] lampshaderie: you have a queen, queen [02:50:53] sp00kq: WHAT [02:50:54] Stovamor: It wouldn't be legal on stream in the UK either [02:50:56] NeoBoost_: wtf why [02:50:56] Helen_Croft: online live stream is not television [02:50:56] viridianstwitchaccount: F [02:50:57] blob_4489: f1nnTank f1nnTank [02:50:58] Stovamor: It wouldn't be legal on stream in the UK either [02:50:59] alikarin: why? [02:50:59] snowwynai: @imnotvirgin_ Nighty night! [02:51:00] zombiii: what. what if i want to get a knive [02:51:01] blindthirdeye: BASED [02:51:01] butter_bb: @krovvy that shit was dope [02:51:01] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: Not allowed to cross the street wearing 2 wellington boots while whistling God save the King [02:51:02] HotAutism: It apparently only works on less than 20% of the general population [02:51:02] gay_femboy: Finn Finn Finn Finn Finn Finn Finn Finn Finn Finn Finn Finn Finn Finn Finn Finn get the f-ing knife tattoo [02:51:03] Re_In_Car_Nation: Would love to own a lotus Elise. [02:51:03] MeepsKitten: been a second since I have watched live! I see we are talking hypnosis meepskittyHypno ? [02:51:03] ventusmaster77: The Lore [02:51:03] LaMale411: what LUL [02:51:03] Raddog315: saying again cause F1nn missed it. genderfluid = Chevrolet SSR convertible truck [02:51:04] 416hobbit: What if you were to spell it z*mbie? [02:51:07] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn SovCit Arc when? [02:51:07] anonymous60482: That's so dumb [02:51:08] krovvy: @butter_bb fr [02:51:08] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn SovCit Arc when? [02:51:09] debdrup: Every country has weird dumb laws. [02:51:09] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn SovCit Arc when? [02:51:09] ArminGux: hypnosis is the ketamine therapy of subsetable people [02:51:09] hopalongtommy: Yeah, they always "put them under" off screen [02:51:10] Avaerus0: They don't seem to like the word "Ninja" either [02:51:11] notrlyjacob: yeh it would be legal [02:51:12] EvilCutiexo: wwwwhhaaattt [02:51:13] clevedonsteamer: Zombie knifes don't have say zombie on them [02:51:15] snowwynai: Can they not air Shaun of the Dead on TV in the UK, then? [02:51:15] isabaellchen: why is that ?!?!?!?! [02:51:19] notrlyjacob: it's for BBC purposes [02:51:20] lilspider9079: GenderFluidPride [02:51:21] archieangle: dude I'd bring a gun a blicky some people [02:51:22] bearpaw1970: That's strange [02:51:22] Stovamor: Same law applies [02:51:22] azestycow_: ello @meepskitten [02:51:22] Helen_Croft: stream from rotterdam Kappa [02:51:23] phoebe_rc: That is dumb way of defining a type of knife in law [02:51:23] blob_4489: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [02:51:25] crymson_vega: DID THAT LAW EXIST BEFORE OR AFTER "SHAUN OF THE DEAD"??? [02:51:29] brendabrownstain0: toris are allergic to zombies got it [02:51:29] Vanimal2118: Cancel knife with zombie on for F1nn b-day. Noted [02:51:31] sunnyandsmiling: Is the name Fin based o finsexual: a term for someone who is exclusively attracted to those who are feminine in nature, or was that just foreshadowing? Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:51:31] NekoHasAimbot: do you know of McCoy bladeworks??? his knives are dope [02:51:31] jade_lunaire: Secret subject [02:51:31] alexx_net: But we can do all of the rest of the Hypnosis on stream, (just the induction has to be offline) [02:51:32] EvilCutiexo: travel to the us to do it 😅 [02:51:33] tilt_central: wait that can not be right as its done all the time for magic shows no ?> [02:51:35] aerational: i mean it's pretty heavily studied... [02:51:36] gregorami: tom scott did a video about it [02:51:37] alexh1441: Shibbysays [02:51:38] johnkeiwo: it probably won't work on you since you don't believe in it at all ^^ [02:51:41] Stovamor: @crymson_vega, it's been around for decades [02:51:48] blueish4: you 100% know people who know people who do stuff with hypno [02:51:49] SnabbKassa: @EvilCutiexo He is banned from the US [02:51:49] ArminGux: most therapist know how to hypnotise [02:51:53] jade_lunaire: Secret subject do hypno [02:51:56] heylistenlook: it's not magic is the thing. it's more like guided meditative suggestions I think [02:51:57] alexh1441: Shibbysays is a Hypno Dom's [02:51:59] anonymous60482: Tories are allergic to making good decisions [02:52:01] snowwynai: Like that zombie survival shovel thing? [02:52:01] Axellerat1on: someone has to be willing to participate/not resist for it to work properly. It’s more like a suggestion where you’re like “yeah, why not” and then your body/brain just does it [02:52:03] NovaAlba: in the uk it’s still an honorary law that in York you can kill a Scotsman for being an nuisance [02:52:05] honeysquares: cod zombies? [02:52:08] DevinWonka: actualjakeDoot actualjakeDoot [02:52:11] lex1plays: uk knife laws are wild [02:52:12] blueskydrinking: we just can't stop stabbing each other on this island [02:52:13] FirstFireKeeper: @ArminGux holy, i just pulled that out my ass [02:52:15] johnkeiwo: No [02:52:16] Furrfan47: no [02:52:17] viridianstwitchaccount: Where I am, hats are banned in schools because they "could have curse words or something confrontational on them." Maybe there's another reason, but that's the one that sticks out to me. [02:52:18] EvilCutiexo: @snabbkassa oh I didn’t know that lmao [02:52:18] johnkeiwo: they can keep it [02:52:18] archieangle: The US is stopping "zombie guns" [02:52:20] jeffdogsonpi: nope [02:52:21] jade_lunaire: No thank [02:52:21] Cautare: NOPe [02:52:24] muddymudkip15: No [02:52:24] clulabell: what it do Krusty Krew [02:52:26] gay_femboy: ResidentSleeper go sleep [02:52:30] gracefully_insane74: @amoyamoyamoya oh gosh not the sov cit arc! the law nerd in me died a little at the thought [02:52:31] HardyOrange: no, the sissy people are... al lot [02:52:33] stephsbigdrifts: They should ban the BBC then for the other acronym [02:52:34] radcom123: from what I understand hypno requires a willing participant if you resist the suggestions it won't work [02:52:39] Loelinverse: based answer [02:52:40] unbracingabyss: sissy for life [02:52:42] YumeNoZen: High-femme works for someone who doesn't do it as a play thing. [02:52:42] undead_bandit452: F1nn do you like rollercoasters I rode nemesis at alton towers yesterday and it slaps [02:52:43] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: Ridgeline is so useless [02:52:44] isekai0taku: You talking about sisi? The president of egypt? [02:52:46] johnkeiwo: the trans community has enough problems, they don't wanna be lumped in with the porn brained sissies KEKW [02:52:47] Vanimal2118: Zombie Gun > Zombie knife [02:52:50] thgfthh: my mate just firmed my nasty ass fart im in shock [02:52:50] Loelinverse: No to the word sissy [02:52:53] irmayree: wait online live stream doesn’t count as live tv?? so why they keep sending me letters for not paying the tv tax btw? [02:52:53] Furrfan47: huh [02:52:54] gurthypizza: gmornin qt strumer PETPET [02:52:56] MaxVershhhtappen: I thought of Call of Duty Zombies Bowie knife? [02:52:56] Amoyamoyamoya: @gracefully_insane74, F1nn sometimes skews libertarian so a SovCit phase wouldn't surprise me [02:52:56] Furrfan47: DAMN [02:52:58] jade_lunaire: Peak lesbian truck [02:52:59] isekai0taku: :L [02:52:59] XENOMAN5: I’m proud to be a sissy! [02:52:59] alexx_net: And each time you say "it isn't real" I wonder how much Ashley will pay me to make you a better girlfriend with hypnosis [02:52:59] ArminGux: @firstfirekeeper I mean There is edms or something, basically medical hypnosis [02:53:03] Amoyamoyamoya: Honda Ridgeline? [02:53:03] snowwynai: F1nn helped me figure out I was genderfluid. Everything he said in his coming out video had me like, "Wait... WAIT... ummm... FUCK." [02:53:04] YumeNoZen: My truck was the newer version... lol [02:53:04] blueish4: mom truck [02:53:05] SparkThatBled: Autozam [02:53:05] sunnyandsmiling: That's gorgeous [02:53:06] purpleysounds: KEKW [02:53:06] notrlyjacob: KEKW [02:53:06] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: has no truck bed to speak of [02:53:08] sp00kq: Ugly ahh "truck" [02:53:08] AustraLeah: what are cars, anyway [02:53:09] Amoyamoyamoya: Definitely a lesbian truck [02:53:09] Falqun: eh, depends on the social circly, sissy is still used derogatory [02:53:12] Furrfan47: lesbian truck energy [02:53:12] Namiko1273: KEKW [02:53:13] crymson_vega: i MEAN LOOK AT THE EDGES [02:53:13] clulabell: anything curvy is a lesbian car [02:53:13] Vanimal2118: Nice truck [02:53:16] ArminGux: lesbian who fixes her cat herself [02:53:17] clevedonsteamer: Those are very lesbian wheel arches [02:53:17] k3lvin8or: Hahaha [02:53:17] brendabrownstain0: the doc Martin of cars [02:53:19] ArminGux: car [02:53:20] alikarin: that's pretty dead on [02:53:24] YumeNoZen: But yeah, my S2000 isn't genderfluid, it's just hot. Oh. I have the jokes... [02:53:25] am37hy57: It's an SUV with a bed [02:53:27] MeepsKitten: I have lots of first and secondhand hypnosis experience. I even had a section on it in University. It's very real [02:53:27] Storm_Ryder: I genuinely drive this truck and I LOVE IT [02:53:28] archieangle: chat puppy has no power [02:53:29] isekai0taku: what about the cybertruck? [02:53:31] BrightLilThing: Daren Brown hypnotist [02:53:34] rabidtqm: its fender fluid [02:53:34] Allie_: I don't claim it [02:53:40] grandpaladin1701: Dude - Totally Subaru Baja is a genderfluid vehicle [02:53:40] daemon2988: Kia Soul is non-binary. Lol. [02:53:42] viridianstwitchaccount: Fair [02:53:43] johnkeiwo: oh god ! [02:53:43] gurthypizza: sissy hypno lmfao [02:53:44] frodotheturtle: Truly gender fluid Truck [02:53:44] Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, I would like to be driven around in your S2000. [02:53:47] SnabbKassa: @F1NN5TER MeepsKitten is here!! [02:53:50] provincial_life: I wish I could be as famous as you 😭🫡 [02:53:51] lampshaderie: like ur search history is so innocent [02:53:52] Vanimal2118: The tailgate will confuse u on the Ridgeline. [02:53:52] SnazzJaz4297: BASED incognito mode [02:53:53] stressedoutfatkittyblair: honda ridgeline is the mom truck [02:53:54] johnkeiwo: i'm scared chat [02:53:55] YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya She has a loooot of work to do. [02:54:01] XENOMAN5: PT Cruiser is gender fluid [02:54:02] archieangle: thats an f150 at best [02:54:02] lunassolarsystem: VoHiYo [02:54:05] SnabbKassa: @MeepsKitten hey spaceman [02:54:06] Furrfan47: I must reside in my sweet area of slumber, farewell [02:54:08] AustraLeah: im scared of what he is going to show us [02:54:09] aAndrew3030: KEKW [02:54:09] gracefully_insane74: @amoyamoyamoya fair! idk how things work in the uk not its never advisable in the US tbh. not that it stops folx [02:54:10] Cpu101: streamer is watching sissy hypno live [02:54:13] Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, Honestly, we could just sit quietly in the garage if she's not running [02:54:13] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: @YumeNoZen My Miata is in perfect working order (lie) [02:54:13] johnkeiwo: there is no way you find sissy material SFW [02:54:17] isekai0taku: turns volume up [02:54:27] MeepsKitten: @SnabbKassa meepskittyRabid [02:54:30] mazapancitoouu: i cant get over how good you look ughhhhh [02:54:31] lex1plays: @CatBoi_Finnbjorn its a miata, its never in perfect working order [02:54:39] Amoyamoyamoya: OMG WHAT CHAT AM I IN [02:54:41] CalypsoMoons: where is Ashley , only here for the queen b [02:54:42] 416hobbit: Sissy hypno TikTok? [02:54:42] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: @lex1plays FallCry [02:54:48] isekai0taku: mmm no thats no it f1nn [02:54:51] c__r__j: @johnkeiwo Just some dude in a sissy dress would be TOS-safe? [02:54:51] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [02:54:51] Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnSad f1nnHeart cakejuSharko cakejuComfy [02:54:52] aporcelaingirl: What name should we address post to you for your PO Box? [02:54:54] Stovamor: @CalypsoMoons, asleep [02:54:54] LittleChaSiu: @CalypsoMoons asleep, also bit rude tbh [02:54:55] notrlyjacob: SLEEP TIME [02:54:56] 416hobbit: You have to talk over it [02:54:57] Re_In_Car_Nation: Gender fluid car is a Audi A4 convertible. [02:54:57] M4XlMVZ: im on my trip to japan and im stuck in canada atm, still love that i can tune jn [02:54:58] viridianstwitchaccount: Hypnosis background? [02:54:58] DangerXIII: @F1NN5TER sissy hypno is not real obvious regular hypnosis is\ [02:54:59] braddle172: Bing Bong f1nnBingbong [02:54:59] kgober: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [02:55:01] isekai0taku: as someone whos seen lots of it that aint it [02:55:02] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: 20 mins [02:55:03] dudeperson3: what is a transgirl vehicle? [02:55:05] ShigotoKowai: Finn shows a sfw Hypno and gets banned for a 0.5 second donger [02:55:06] ronin_5463: I like the one that makes your skin look bubbly [02:55:07] SnazzJaz4297: It's the spirals AND flashing images AND word repetition [02:55:08] ArminGux: Isn’t it usually intercepted with corn [02:55:10] gurthypizza: ah yes, my favourite type of meme, sissy hypno memes LUL [02:55:10] YumeNoZen: Fimter. [02:55:11] Master_Gunner: The hypno stuff I've seen is mostly just roleplay. It's fun. [02:55:13] gay_femboy: Go to sleep now! Icky Will get mad [02:55:16] alexx_net: @aporcelaingirl F1nn5ter [02:55:17] Stovamor: !pobox [02:55:17] f3mmbot: Hey Chat! Do you want to send things to Rose? Here is the PO BOX address: Rose Evergreen, Po box 17839, Oldbury, B69 9GN, United Kingdom. NOTE: Finn lives in the UK so if you want to send clothes it will be easier if you send them from www.amazon.co.uk Otherwise they could be stuck at customs. [02:55:18] snowwynai: Damn, I just realized it's almost midnight for you. [02:55:18] k3lvin8or: "You will become a dommy mommy for stream..." [02:55:18] Stovamor: !pobox [02:55:19] f3mmbot: Hey Chat! Do you want to send things to Rose? Here is the PO BOX address: Rose Evergreen, Po box 17839, Oldbury, B69 9GN, United Kingdom. NOTE: Finn lives in the UK so if you want to send clothes it will be easier if you send them from www.amazon.co.uk Otherwise they could be stuck at customs. [02:55:19] am37hy57: F1nshly [02:55:21] gitrektitrekt: The Chevy SSR is some kind of gender car. [02:55:22] p0ikil3: fishley [02:55:22] mr_goope: 20 minutes passed about 20 minutes ago [02:55:25] rallphie10: what is a femboy car?? [02:55:26] derluettetwitch: pls end this… go cuddle Ashley [02:55:27] Hedgy908: @calypsomoons sleeping lol [02:55:28] Plutoisn: what would bi be [02:55:29] gracefully_insane74: @yumenozen is your s2k mostly stock or so? [02:55:29] Vanimal2118: Become Girl! I think it worked or maybe the F1nn5ter T-shirt? [02:55:31] jaggon01: Plymouth prowler is a pretty weird one [02:55:37] snowwynai: Yup. [02:55:37] sp00kq: Wait so you like cars? I have been trying to figure it out now [02:55:38] LittleChaSiu: hm let's change the name on the PO box command [02:55:38] AustraLeah: F1nnicky [02:55:39] chief_nita: finicky [02:55:41] k3lvin8or: very f1nnicky [02:55:41] mystchevious1: Yeah I have it listed as Mysti finn now I'm too lazy to change it. you can figure it out. [02:55:44] AtaxifyVT: i just got a british army ad [02:55:51] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:55:51] jeffdogsonpi: Big5ter [02:55:54] YumeNoZen: @dudeperson3 I've had an S2000, newer Honda Ridgeline, and driving an EV now. [02:55:55] Helen_Croft: !pobox [02:55:56] f3mmbot: Hey Chat! Do you want to send things to Rose? Here is the PO BOX address: Rose Evergreen, Po box 17839, Oldbury, B69 9GN, United Kingdom. NOTE: Finn lives in the UK so if you want to send clothes it will be easier if you send them from www.amazon.co.uk Otherwise they could be stuck at customs. [02:55:57] XENOMAN5: PT Cruiser for gender fluid car [02:55:59] Amoyamoyamoya: @AtaxifyVT, They have an army? [02:55:59] Re_In_Car_Nation: I am become girl. [02:56:06] ???: dam lookin good today papa rose [02:56:06] Shuribeard: Didn't you tell Ashley 20 minutes? [02:56:07] QuBycle: There is a subreddit called tgandsissyrecovery for a reason maybe [02:56:07] Avaerus0: Destroyed of worlds [02:56:09] sora_doki: Omg this is the first time I'm not asleep during your steam. Ahhh can't believe I am present today [02:56:09] brendabrownstain0: @ataxifyvt those things are so aggressively marketed [02:56:09] gay_femboy: Finn PLS it's one in the morning [02:56:13] chief_nita: is tony stank here? [02:56:13] clevedonsteamer: Oldbury. How depressing. [02:56:13] judgedame: how about the daewoo matiz [02:56:15] AtaxifyVT: @Amoyamoyamoya lol [02:56:15] am37hy57: Damn [02:56:15] ScarsUnseen: LOL [02:56:17] viridianstwitchaccount: Is a Badonkadonk (tiny, weaponless, recreational tank) worthy of a mention for gender vehicle? [02:56:17] k3lvin8or: <.< [02:56:19] MeepsKitten: My Psychology 101 class in Uni had a section about Hypnosis. It's heavily reliant on open-mindedness [02:56:20] h7dw: CAN I GET A HI? [02:56:20] AustraLeah: admitted [02:56:22] YumeNoZen: @gracefully_insane74 Bore, stroke, built with higher compression, custom tune... so NA putting out 258whp. [02:56:22] ahallstr: !size [02:56:22] ArminGux: quadroporte is the ultimate closet car [02:56:22] f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 70" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 27" / Hips : 36" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 9 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34B (usually) / Dress size 12 UK size / Skirt size 10 UK size, Medium usually. Last updated in July 2023 - Cleanup [02:56:23] gitrektitrekt: @xenoman5 I still miss mine... [02:56:23] scottyC7: i only know the podcast of "that name" [02:56:24] Stev_27: "20 minutes" btw [02:56:25] braddle172: !time [02:56:25] f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:01 [02:56:27] Viva_: ThankEgg [02:56:27] ScarsUnseen: that was funny as shit btw [02:56:27] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: lol [02:56:28] ???: its 9 am for me pls dont hurt me [02:56:29] realtalkchannel: @Shuribeard ADHD moment [02:56:29] c__r__j: I delivered googly eyes to "Chair" at the PO box just fine. f1nnLaff [02:56:32] snowwynai: @chief_nita LMFAO [02:56:33] NeoBoost_: its 1 in CET [02:56:35] DrTaboo_: how does that work? [02:56:35] 416hobbit: Just mailed your gift to the PO Box today [02:56:36] Helen_Croft: so you just lat Ashley wait? [02:56:39] SnabbKassa: but it's B 69 [02:56:41] Starlight85: @F1NN5TER you have to show ID to vote in may. How bad is yours? [02:56:46] johnkeiwo: not really [02:56:48] Stovamor: I fixed it @f1nn5ter [02:56:48] snowwynai: So, if you don't believe in it, it doesn't work? [02:56:49] Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, I want you to show me your stick(shift) [02:56:51] gay_femboy: I live across the sea in Belgium it's half An hour further [02:56:51] Re_In_Car_Nation: don’t you have a GF waiting for you in Bed? [02:56:54] clulabell: tiny brain [02:56:54] ventusmaster77: Open Mindedness [02:56:54] johnkeiwo: yes you have so it won't work on you [02:56:55] Stovamor: !pobox [02:56:55] f3mmbot: Hey Chat! Do you want to send things to Finn or Ashley? Here is the PO BOX address: Finn, Po box 17839, Oldbury, B69 9GN, United Kingdom. NOTE: Finn lives in the UK so if you want to send clothes it will be easier if you send them from www.amazon.co.uk Otherwise they could be stuck at customs. [02:56:55] Amoyamoyamoya: THAT'S TRUE CHAT [02:56:56] mystchevious1: Hey Finn can I ask a question. You frequently say you feel like boy. And you do Boy things. What is it you do that makes you feel like girl? Aside from dress up. [02:56:58] lunassolarsystem: Bros just autistic [02:56:58] ???: cant wait for sketch to click on ur stream with no volume and start beating it [02:57:01] chief_nita: its based on acceptance [02:57:02] Stovamor: I fixed it @f1nn5ter [02:57:02] ArminGux: hypnosis is like ketamine but for the open minded [02:57:05] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: Can I suggest you get sleep? [02:57:06] GenieGirl: It started with Nah never going to take HRT to Yeah I been on HRT to gender fluid, next it will be... yeah I am a girl now :p [02:57:06] SaraScorpion: consent [02:57:06] Amoyamoyamoya: THAT'S ACTUALLY SOOOOOOO TRUE [02:57:06] lex1plays: @YumeNoZen you plan on tracking it? or is it just a fun cruiser [02:57:07] brendabrownstain0: is this your life sized belle delphine sex doll mam [02:57:09] kenziekattpurr: you have to be receptive to it [02:57:10] snowwynai: @Re_In_Car_Nation Ashley's probably asleep by now. [02:57:11] johnkeiwo: good question mysti ! [02:57:12] gay_femboy: Adhd chat [02:57:12] Loelinverse: self awareness rn [02:57:13] gracefully_insane74: i think you can actually do it yourself [02:57:14] Vanimal2118: Nice @c__r__j maybe the new office comes with killer gaming chairs? [02:57:17] lunassolarsystem: Tism [02:57:20] TheBugMeister: a gender fluid car can be the Citroen Xara Sedan [02:57:21] boom_and_alpha_yt: EU elections [02:57:23] ventusmaster77: Shun the None Believer of candy mountain [02:57:23] alexx_net: You are. Very Taurus? [02:57:23] johnkeiwo: Tism brain [02:57:24] Raddog315: F1nn's name is Finnlay McKrafter and no on can change my mind [02:57:27] ???: imagine the people that have never watched u watched u with no volume and thought u were a girl \ [02:57:31] MeepsKitten: @snowwynai Pretty much! [02:57:32] ArminGux: traumatised to the core? [02:57:33] Cautare: you're a brat [02:57:42] YumeNoZen: @lex1plays She needs the transmission rebuit, and pretty much everything now. It's a future project car for after school is done. [02:57:43] Gtadicto1: the tism i believe it protects you from those things [02:57:44] bananasandwich6969: the question about ID is basically have you updated your passport photo [02:57:45] kenziekattpurr: Bruh! You need to go join your gf in bed!!!!!! [02:57:45] isekai0taku: :L [02:57:46] clulabell: Brainn’t [02:57:48] lunassolarsystem: OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog [02:57:48] Loelinverse: ND feelings [02:57:51] hopalongtommy: Change is scary [02:57:53] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn sometimes chooses the wrong hill to die on [02:57:53] c__r__j: Wow, it takes a whole 30s to prove F1nn wrong? [02:57:56] Gtaer222: i drive a jazz blue mk4 golf, that's also a.. car [02:57:57] thgfthh: got the sky forge treatment [02:57:59] realtalkchannel: true legends admit when they are wrong [02:58:00] alexx_net: @Streamywyd happened more in the early years [02:58:02] Vanimal2118: Kitty ear r backwards [02:58:04] am37hy57: meowdaFRIDGE [02:58:08] honeysquares: YEP same [02:58:09] bearpaw1970: F1nn' is definitely on girl time [02:58:10] YumeNoZen: @lex1plays Daily drove sports car for about a decade. [02:58:14] Stovamor: You know what - This explains why you don't respond to my DMs @F1NN5TER [02:58:15] k3lvin8or: Molehill time [02:58:15] johnkeiwo: you did that to chat so many times and it's so frustrating [02:58:15] LittleChaSiu: cringe dono [02:58:16] realtalkchannel: Me too [02:58:16] sp00kq: I want an ND generation Miata really bad. NA is a massive nope for me [02:58:19] Starlight85: @bananasandwich6969 yeah, was just thinking if going to vote is going to be very weird for the clerk :D [02:58:19] AustraLeah: lowest hill in the world to fall off of tbh [02:58:20] lunassolarsystem: You're like my brother [02:58:24] YumeNoZen: ... [02:58:26] ramboo1989: wow brother [02:58:27] johnkeiwo: excuse me what ? [02:58:27] Cpu101: wow [02:58:28] scarlettyg: KEKW [02:58:29] sir_pyromacer: I got an add and thought finn was playing elderscrolls for a half second [02:58:33] gitrektitrekt: @raddog315 wait I thought fin's names were Mommy and Daddy? Kappa [02:58:34] gay_femboy: PLS i'm Tired go to sleep and get the knife tattoo [02:58:34] Stovamor: You know what - This explains why you don't respond to my DMs @F1NN5TER [02:58:35] MajesticFvckingEagle: just like me fr fr [02:58:35] bearpaw1970: Lmao [02:58:35] scarlettyg: I was expecting a php [02:58:39] Loelinverse: Would you cut off your hand and throw it over to say you touched the land first? [02:58:41] SnazzJaz4297: They actually sent a link as a dono KEKW [02:58:42] ArminGux: why die on hill when u can live and grow 2 hills [02:58:42] ScarsUnseen: which hill? :( [02:58:43] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: no you won't [02:58:43] erockyoutoo: @f1nn5ter What do you think about the Good Girl Drug? [02:58:43] dashunde: not on my hill [02:58:46] ramboo1989: I have to change my twitch name [02:58:46] lex1plays: @YumeNoZen ah i get ya, gonna rebuild it yourself or send it off somewhere when it gets to that point? [02:58:47] LittleChaSiu: someone tried really hard to send a link over TTS [02:58:48] AmazingAspie: its almost like your autistic :D [02:58:49] MrsPandamber: Im trying to not be like that anymore but its so hard when youre right :p [02:58:51] Vanimal2118: Poor @stovamor [02:58:51] am37hy57: catast50Uwuu am37hyBlush [02:58:51] ch4rc0al5: @sp00kq Same, I don't understand the love for pop-up headlights [02:58:52] YumeNoZen: @Stovamor I feel that pain. [02:58:56] Re_In_Car_Nation: Was this trait worse before estrogen? [02:58:58] k3lvin8or: OOF [02:59:02] viridianstwitchaccount: 💀 [02:59:07] thaat1guy_: what modpack/packs have you been played recently. [02:59:07] lunassolarsystem: Tismtismtismtismtismtismyismtismtismtism [02:59:11] Bytebak: I will die on the flat plain, not climbing any hill [02:59:11] thgfthh: jaco [02:59:15] CeruleanWizard: I'm learning...quite a lot of things today [02:59:18] realtalkchannel: I have once debated my highschool history teacher on an obscure US history fact and defended my position to the point he later googled and apologized to me. Greatest compliment I have gotten in my life. [02:59:18] Amoyamoyamoya: @Stovamor, My last Donowall lasted 30 days [02:59:23] gurthypizza: LUL [02:59:25] Vanimal2118: Back of truck [02:59:25] clevedonsteamer: Boot [02:59:28] gay_femboy: Bit ... Bit sleepy when i get sleepy i get silly [02:59:28] tilt_central: its the back of the bed [02:59:29] ownedshadow_: ;p; [02:59:31] tilt_central: like a boot [02:59:31] ScarsUnseen: the ass of the car [02:59:31] ownedshadow_: lol [02:59:31] sp00kq: @ch4rc0al5 yea it just seems like you'd just destroy any mileage with the lights up in the night [02:59:32] clulabell: bruh [02:59:32] c__r__j: @LittleChaSiu I own a 5-digit FQDN for when I want to say things over the phone. [02:59:33] snowwynai: I think that must be an autism thing, because I'm the same way. And then I'll realize I've upset someone doing that and I'll have to apologize. [02:59:34] rabidtqm: the bit that folds down [02:59:34] YumeNoZen: @lex1plays a lot of money and work, we'll see how I feel then. [02:59:35] 416hobbit: F1nn: "what's a tailgate" [02:59:35] Raddog315: the back foldy downy thingy [02:59:36] bearpaw1970: Hey Amoya 🫴💞 [02:59:37] SnazzJaz4297: @realtalkchannel Clap Clap Clap [02:59:37] andimax11: F1nn… [02:59:37] EvilCutiexo: it’s the back that opens [02:59:39] ???: hey f1nn im going to fine and and force testosterone inside ur body until u go to tilted towers and hit the griddy [02:59:45] gay_femboy: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [02:59:45] gitrektitrekt: Yeah [02:59:48] ScarsUnseen: death metal voice [02:59:49] Stovamor: @Amoyamoyamoya, He actually responded last week to a few things, but nothing since [02:59:50] rabidtqm: its the foldy bit [02:59:51] gitrektitrekt: Also yeah [02:59:51] LittleChaSiu: cringe dono [02:59:52] vintermynt: @snowwynai Same [02:59:53] gracefully_insane74: it's interesting that utes have started to gain popularity here. surprised the baja hasn't come back [02:59:54] YumeNoZen: The liftgate opens both ways. Swings out or drops down. [02:59:54] bearpaw1970: Back of the truck bed [02:59:55] sp00kq: Not to mention how much better the ND miata handles from factory compared to the NA @ch4rc0al5 [02:59:58] lex1plays: @YumeNoZen thats fair, when ya get to that point i wish ya luck [03:00:00] roboslim747: I just saw the headline for the stream. Is everything alright? [03:00:01] Amoyamoyamoya: @Stovamor, One week donowall is pretty good [03:00:03] EvilCutiexo: “no” 😂😂 [03:00:04] lunassolarsystem: Trans rigs [03:00:04] BrightLilThing: 'whats a tailgate' LUL [03:00:08] Vanimal2118: True @yumenozen [03:00:09] ArminGux: @stovamor put some femboy kibble on the dm, he will follow the sent [03:00:10] ciernaruza: trans lefts [03:00:11] AustraLeah: @roboslim747 Finn is moving house [03:00:13] SxHards_: bro i argue in that way, i also don’t realise arguments are happening [03:00:13] blueish4: i support trans wrongs too [03:00:15] MajesticFvckingEagle: “no” LUL [03:00:16] sp00kq: @roboslim747 he's moving [03:00:19] stressedoutfatkittyblair: honda ridgeline is definitely a mom truck [03:00:23] SnabbKassa: @BrightLilThing Europe is all hatchbacks and saloons [03:00:23] bigsuave7: lol exactly [03:00:24] rabidtqm: its kinda written on the tin [03:00:24] mely_estradiol: mely_estradiol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! [03:00:24] f3mmbot: mely_estradiol subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:00:27] k3lvin8or: "I support Trans Wrongs!" [03:00:28] lunassolarsystem: Say trans rigs [03:00:29] SnazzJaz4297: You really don't have to if you already are tbh [03:00:29] ScarsUnseen: wooooooow [03:00:31] SxHards_: based [03:00:32] clulabell: So brave [03:00:33] mystchevious1: Words without works are dead. Finn walks the walk already. [03:00:34] gurthypizza: so inspirational [03:00:35] jayem97: Can't believe F1nn hates trans rights /j [03:00:35] viridianstwitchaccount: 🍿 [03:00:35] notrlyjacob: based [03:00:36] MrsPandamber: youre such a good person [03:00:37] esquilinus: flag wavers when they wave them flags and shi [03:00:40] LeVideNoirAstral: mhm [03:00:41] clulabell: shaking and crying right now [03:00:41] am37hy57: Wow, I never would have thought [03:00:42] ScarsUnseen: ***blessed*** [03:00:43] jeffdogsonpi: Trans wrongs, rights, and lefts [03:00:43] ronin_5463: wow I never knew! [03:00:44] YumeNoZen: You're "This Much Ally" sticker goes on forehead. [03:00:44] Loelinverse: actions speak louder than words? what? [03:00:45] Avaerus0: He's our hero :p [03:00:45] snowwynai: Yeah, dating a trans girl and being trans yourself pretty obviously means you support trans rights. [03:00:45] ArminGux: in the uk that is a jailable offence kekw [03:00:45] Narangeee: I was here [03:00:47] zebrabbl396: PartyHat [03:00:47] EvilCutiexo: 😂😂😂 [03:00:48] lunassolarsystem: Trans.rigs. [03:00:50] gay_femboy: Lisent to me i am terrible at spelling go to sleep it GETTING out of hand [03:00:50] mazapancitoouu: Finn for president [03:00:50] Vanimal2118: U r very cool @f1nn5ter . [03:00:52] ScarsUnseen: i was here and still am [03:00:56] roboslim747: Oh. Okay. Whew. Thought it was Finn's final stream forever. [03:00:56] hugeairconditioner: Clap [03:00:56] alexx_net: You do not have to say it [03:00:57] XENOMAN5: @roboslim747 it’s a troll. The full title includes “at the old house” but it doesn’t always show [03:00:58] c__r__j: F1nn doesn't support trans rights because he has a degradation kink. nanona1Nodders [03:00:59] killingmyego: yes yes yes lol [03:00:59] brendabrownstain0: the cis straights getting praised for the bare minimum [03:01:02] professional_baguette: you are destroyer of transphob [03:01:02] ramboo1989: atta boy [03:01:04] Amoyamoyamoya: @mazapancitoouu, In the US? Wut? [03:01:05] Loelinverse: Lmao [03:01:06] Re_In_Car_Nation: Was your trait when arguing worse before you took estrogen? [03:01:06] esquilinus: wait, you have principles now? [03:01:07] braddle172: lol [03:01:07] MrsPandamber: be brave stay wild [03:01:07] k3lvin8or: yes [03:01:08] chodgins: we knew you were brave when you willingly posted that lil sawsage [03:01:08] jayem97: Say trans wrongs [03:01:09] dashunde: le mao [03:01:09] thaat1guy_: What modpack/packs have u played recently. Ive been playing the steampunk pack by lunapixel [03:01:10] YumeNoZen: You'd lose. [03:01:12] ventusmaster77: Finster is the God and the perfect [03:01:14] alexx_net: I prefer "Trans liberation now!" [03:01:14] Amoyamoyamoya: Is he choosing a new hill to die on? [03:01:15] SaraScorpion: i think you're misunderstanding a little [03:01:15] bananasandwich6969: can you get The Times to write that in an article so wikipedia can reference it [03:01:16] snowwynai: F J. K. Rowling, though, right? [03:01:16] ArminGux: trans wests and easts [03:01:16] lunassolarsystem: Trans rigamortis [03:01:22] AustraLeah: speech is deteriorating rapidly here [03:01:22] Amoyamoyamoya: Is it a new hill or one of the old ones [03:01:24] EvilCutiexo: the stubbornness is showing for sure lmao [03:01:25] sunnyandsmiling: Did you see Mercury Stardust and AlluringSkull's gender affirming care tiktokathofundraiser last weekend? [03:01:25] hand_hook_car_door: finn you have money, you should put on a trans boxing competition [03:01:26] sp00kq: Someone could give you a tap and you'd bruise to the point you can't move [03:01:28] blueish4: you would lose a boxing match to the average retirement home tenant and you'd lose [03:01:28] ciernaruza: trans royal rumble to determine who is the most trans [03:01:28] callmewtty: f1nn will just stab u fuck it [03:01:32] AmazingAspie: Ashley needs to rotate you to bring your ego back down f1nn :D [03:01:34] dukeskunk: If being trans automatically meant you supported Trans rights how do explain Blaire White and Caitlyn Jenner? [03:01:34] Raddog315: Trans battle royal when? [03:01:37] hopalongtommy: Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave [03:01:40] thgfthh: Finn vs Dorathy [03:01:45] Raddog315: lol [03:01:45] LittleChaSiu: uh? [03:01:50] LeVideNoirAstral: lol [03:01:51] ArminGux: did I dubz invite you? I annoyed him in chat about it? [03:01:53] undead_bandit452: Ashley vs f1nn boxing match [03:01:54] gurthypizza: lmao [03:01:55] alexx_net: @snowwynai, I just ignore her. [03:01:57] ramboo1989: !!!? [03:01:58] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: @dukeskunk great question [03:02:01] HardyOrange: too real [03:02:02] ScarsUnseen: lol [03:02:02] gracefully_insane74: @amoyamoyamoya it does kind of seem like there's always a hill 😅 [03:02:04] k3lvin8or: Squee [03:02:04] handscombchris: lol [03:02:05] Viva_: lacFlush [03:02:05] mcmelon_tv: Cheer100 Hey Finn, I was messing with a voice AI thingy and I made it dub your coming out video into fr*nch... for some reason. You should check it out in the discord media channel lol [03:02:06] PynkFryck: aww [03:02:06] AustraLeah: cat tiktoks makes sense [03:02:08] mystchevious1: @johnkeiwo *huggles* [03:02:08] Avaerus0: So doing girly things [03:02:08] Raddog315: so existing? [03:02:08] Viva_: meow [03:02:10] 416hobbit: Cat TikToks are so enthralling [03:02:12] p0ikil3: that's so sweet [03:02:16] lunassolarsystem: Bros a girl [03:02:17] Cautare: AWWWWW <3 [03:02:19] gay_femboy: Let's talk about chrunch wrap supremes [03:02:20] ramboo1989: Dogs rule! [03:02:21] johnkeiwo: @mystchevious1, <3 [03:02:24] locklan_atg: House your? [03:02:24] EvilCutiexo: yesss cat tiktoks [03:02:25] Stovamor: @Re_In_Car_Nation, no [03:02:25] ArminGux: cute af [03:02:26] andimax11: aww, that’s actually cute af [03:02:27] Viva_: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [03:02:28] LittleChaSiu: oh my fuckin god [03:02:30] ScarsUnseen: estrogen? [03:02:32] sunnyandsmiling: Is there a way to do domo messages that doesn't involve bits? [03:02:36] killingmyego: crunvhy wrap supreme is my trigger word dayumm youuu [03:02:37] locklan_atg: House tour? [03:02:38] snowwynai: Do those things give you gender euphoria? [03:02:41] YumeNoZen: *head pat* You're still adorable. [03:02:41] ScarsUnseen: YES lol [03:02:41] SnazzJaz4297: @dukeskunk we don't claim them, simple foxyjoDisgust [03:02:42] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: pog [03:02:43] ramboo1989: no way [03:02:43] Falqun: mommy fin? [03:02:46] Avaerus0: Like a Dommy Mommy? [03:02:48] ArminGux: kekw [03:02:50] lunassolarsystem: BibleThump [03:02:51] crymson_vega: How tall are you again??? I'm 6'1 [03:02:53] jayem97: Cute [03:02:56] LittleChaSiu: "love" cute [03:02:56] lunassolarsystem: Piss n love [03:02:58] Vanimal2118: Still didn't get a proper Mommy voice? SMH [03:02:58] ArminGux: the headpats? [03:02:59] AustraLeah: more things make you feel like a girl than a man from the sound of it [03:02:59] XENOMAN5: @sunnyandsmiling !donate [03:03:01] krovvy: PrideCute <3 [03:03:01] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: nice [03:03:04] isekai0taku: lol [03:03:06] purpleysounds: do you get your hrt through nhs? [03:03:06] gurthypizza: its okay lov [03:03:06] k3lvin8or: ja [03:03:06] alexx_net: @crymson_vega you are taller than F1nn [03:03:06] ciernaruza: owned [03:03:10] andimax11: lol [03:03:10] notrlyjacob: nice [03:03:11] bananasandwich6969: awright duck [03:03:11] zebrabbl396: W man [03:03:11] ArminGux: yay [03:03:11] DrTaboo_: Finn, Do you still do factions? What do you do now. Its been too long [03:03:12] Cautare: AWWWWW [03:03:13] alikarin: listen love [03:03:14] reintheoretisch: people calling your package „cute“ LUL [03:03:14] sunnyandsmiling: @XENOMAN5 Thank you! <3 [03:03:14] jayem97: What an ally [03:03:14] hopalongtommy: My tiktok suggestions are all cat vids, am I in danger? [03:03:17] XENOMAN5: !donate [03:03:17] ArminGux: clap [03:03:17] f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. [03:03:20] honeysquares: KEKW [03:03:22] Viva_: Processing... [03:03:22] Vanimal2118: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [03:03:22] wandererimwalde: tell us exactly about your thoughts [03:03:25] Loelinverse: its happening [03:03:28] gay_femboy: I'm turning into a wendigo sleep no, [03:03:29] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: you boymoded [03:03:29] debdrup: Mainsplained at [03:03:30] LaMale411: f1nnCope [03:03:32] blueskydrinking: they just think you're an american girl KEKW [03:03:34] dios___plan: the copium is insane [03:03:34] dashunde: oh come on [03:03:35] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: xx_hayleydrawz_xx is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! [03:03:35] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: xx_hayleydrawz_xx gifted a Tier 1 sub to PassionFM89! [03:03:35] snowwynai: To be fair, some guys say "love" to everyone, don't they? [03:03:35] f3mmbot: xx_hayleydrawz_xx has gifted a subscription to passionfm89 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang passionfm89 f1nnLezgang [03:03:36] LittleChaSiu: BRUH shut the fuck up dono [03:03:37] ArminGux: they thought u we’re a lesbian [03:03:40] honeysquares: Boymoded [03:03:42] blueish4: vioCHATTING be normal it's not hard [03:03:48] gurthypizza: they support the ones that benefit them LUL [03:03:50] mitchbre1: 🏳️‍⚧️ [03:03:53] zombiii: money, that how you explain those [03:03:54] isekai0taku: trans rights an trans rights in womens sports are two different things i think [03:03:57] Avaerus0: They support trans rights for just one person [03:04:01] clevedonsteamer: Are Transit vans very trans? [03:04:02] SnazzJaz4297: foxyjoOHOHO foxyjoOHOHO foxyjoOHOHO [03:04:02] zebrabbl396: LUL LUL LUL LUL [03:04:02] scarlettyg: They're like "I've already got what I wanted so I'll pull up the ladder behind myself" [03:04:03] k3lvin8or: Fuahaha [03:04:03] cuprawow: Its like if I have to deal with mechanics, I send my evil twin brother along [03:04:05] SaraScorpion: "rights for me but not for thee" [03:04:06] ScarsUnseen: and lefts [03:04:07] krovvy: LUL [03:04:07] lunassolarsystem: How dare they [03:04:07] xnzibar: caitlyn jenner a villain fr [03:04:09] Vanimal2118: Rights r nice [03:04:12] judgedame: what happened? [03:04:13] johnkeiwo: PogU [03:04:13] Amoyamoyamoya: They are "close-the-door-behind-them" trans women. Very not cool [03:04:13] ArminGux: did she kill you lol [03:04:14] just_an_other_lurker: hasn’t it been more than twenty minutes? [03:04:16] the_deezel: 20 minutes [03:04:16] johnkeiwo: individualism KEKW [03:04:22] sp00kq: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [03:04:22] mystchevious1: Thanks for answering. You filled my heart to bursting. glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE glorLOVE [03:04:25] jayem97: Gatekeeping trans rights [03:04:27] lex1plays: @xnzibar true, just yanked the ladder up right behind her [03:04:28] melodyrainxx: <3 [03:04:31] gay_femboy: Can we get out the basement [03:04:32] ramboo1989: ayooo [03:04:38] ArminGux: kekw [03:04:38] xnzibar: @lex1plays, so sad [03:04:40] ItsComicKid: ItsComicKid subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months, currently on a 19 month streak! [03:04:41] f3mmbot: itscomickid subscribed to f1nn5ter for 21 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:04:42] killingmyego: lolol [03:04:44] tilt_central: what does it mean if of your listed things i do like 3/4 out 7 is my male life over xD [03:04:44] k3lvin8or: LUL [03:04:46] sleepy_boy4281: NO RIGHTS FOR YOU ONLY ME [03:04:47] ramboo1989: The power [03:04:50] misspelted: you need better catears [03:04:51] bananasandwich6969: sent Jude to speak to the mechanics [03:04:51] freshdelipickles: LUL [03:04:52] Vanimal2118: vanima3EMPEROR vanima3DREVIL1 twin brothers? [03:04:53] 416hobbit: The gender fluidity comes in use [03:04:53] AdamR0ck: so F1nn when are you and ashley gonna come tour the US like a bunch of other brits have been doing. :P [03:04:54] Viva_: lacM [03:04:55] TwinbeeMk2: @mystchevious1 it was a good question to ask. Made me feel good as a transwoman <3 [03:04:57] Falqun: f1nn hacked society [03:04:57] aporcelaingirl: it gives your brain subtle permission to do something by helping you remove whatever is in your mind that is holding you back or what's in your way, but that's only with an open mind and a willingness to believe it's possible. Who knows if it really works? [03:04:59] SaraScorpion: put on a chin strap [03:05:03] realtalkchannel: I stopped taking Blaire serious once she changed her political compass test and forgot to clear her search history in the video. That was funny lol [03:05:05] ramboo1989: Seven Deadly Sins [03:05:07] ImbaHorst: @f1nn5ter how long will u grow ur hair? [03:05:08] freshdelipickles: you dont have to dude [03:05:08] dashunde: fembro [03:05:12] isekai0taku: you dont need to f1nn [03:05:13] Bytebak: Didn't your evil twin brother die a few years ago? [03:05:13] ramboo1989: anime [03:05:13] Stovamor: @AdamR0ck, he can't due to having been denied a visa in the past [03:05:14] mystchevious1: @TwinbeeMk2 PrideWingL glorLOVE PrideWingR [03:05:17] jakethesnake564873: Don't get ride of dude [03:05:19] Avaerus0: What would you replace them with? [03:05:19] LaCroix_Blows: dude should be gender neutral [03:05:20] isekai0taku: but thats what makes you you f1nn [03:05:21] SonicXVe: you just need to learn to say it in a femme way [03:05:21] tilt_central: naaaa its one the best parts of you! [03:05:23] lunassolarsystem: You gotta hydrate [03:05:23] ArminGux: boymoding for respect is so sad ngl [03:05:23] krovvy: saaaaamw [03:05:24] AustraLeah: hay gurlll [03:05:25] maiaka_: why? [03:05:25] mystchevious1: Yeah bro hurts. [03:05:26] lunassolarsystem: By law [03:05:26] Viva_: Kissahomie [03:05:27] MeepsKitten: I feel EXACTLY the same [03:05:27] ScarsUnseen: i call a lotta people dude, but basically everyone from my generation/region does that. [03:05:29] bittybbydreamer: sir ashley is waiting [03:05:30] snowwynai: Hell, I know cis girls that use those terms. [03:05:30] krovvy: same [03:05:35] mytwitchusernameisthis: My sister uses bro a ton [03:05:37] isekai0taku: you can have female bros dude and mates [03:05:39] roboslim747: Out of curiosity, what workouts did you do to get your kind of figure? I want to transition, but I want to get ready for it before I start. [03:05:39] cookieeater212: wait you're still here? left an hour ago and you said you would end the stream in 15 mins [03:05:39] clulabell: Did you just say man 0.O [03:05:40] gay_femboy: Finn it's two of three hours you've been streaming go to sleeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppm [03:05:40] krovvy: Cat sat on my hand [03:05:43] isekai0taku: its all gender neutral [03:05:45] crymson_vega: When you did that shoot in a business suit - YOU SCREAM ANIME VILLAIN [03:05:46] thgfthh: pans lab [03:05:50] tilt_central: Don't lose your gamer culture :'( [03:05:51] SaraScorpion: i'm so glad the bro speak never reached me [03:05:51] juliawoberts: My 20yr anniversary for HRT is this month. Want to say I've enjoyed lurking and watching your journey of self-exploration. Keep up the charitable work. You're a positive Influence for many, especially in a country full of conservative ideals. [03:05:52] NekoHasAimbot: "Bro" is def gender neutral [03:05:52] kenziekattpurr: Ashley is waiting on you [03:05:53] reintheoretisch: we need to make „fembro“ a thing. femboys, just evolved LUL [03:05:53] Starlight85: just call everyone 'love'. problem solved :D [03:05:55] alexx_net: You know what would be perfect to remove "dude" from your speach? HYPNOSIS ! [03:05:56] Viva_: !time [03:05:56] f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:11 [03:05:57] LittleChaSiu: my best friend and I call each other bro KEKW [03:05:57] ArminGux: men bro and dude are unisex [03:06:00] EvilCutiexo: im telling you girls say dude and bro allllllot [03:06:01] bittybbydreamer: rip 20 minutes [03:06:01] ramboo1989: ooof [03:06:03] SnazzJaz4297: "I'm a dude, he's a dude, she's a dude, WE'RE ALL DUDES!" [03:06:04] mr_goope: 20 minutes was about 30 minutes ago [03:06:08] pineapplepizzahere: DarkKnight [03:06:12] steampunk1994: I've always kind of used the term dude gender-neutrally [03:06:13] hugeairconditioner: everyone says dude tho [03:06:13] Raddog315: by now your long term fans expect dude man and bro as gender neutral from you [03:06:13] Vanimal2118: Used to ur typical Gremlin Queen greetings. [03:06:13] AdamR0ck: @Stovamor Thats some BS i didnt know about that... Where do i sign to sponsor the visa [03:06:13] bittybbydreamer: f1nnRotate [03:06:14] XENOMAN5: @roboslim747 lots of leg workouts to grow bottom [03:06:15] Wardenboo: why dont you just say "mate"? youre bri'ish [03:06:17] YumeNoZen: Hah. [03:06:18] EvilCutiexo: bro and dude is for everyone [03:06:20] Amoyamoyamoya: Some trans femmes react poorly to gendered greetings like that independently of one's intent [03:06:22] scandibilly: Instead of "Hey bro" you should try "What are you doing, stepbrother?" [03:06:23] thgfthh: pan’s labyrinth [03:06:23] snowwynai: I'm not saying one shouldn't try to correct for that. I just think you should cut yourself some slack. [03:06:26] ramboo1989: again the power [03:06:27] hugeairconditioner: warden knows whats up [03:06:28] kenziekattpurr: Bed [03:06:31] LittleChaSiu: "female privilege" is fuckin not a thing lol [03:06:33] gay_femboy: Can we get sleep in the finnster basement mate! [03:06:33] johnkeiwo: yo @Wardenboo ! [03:06:35] isekai0taku: hes bri'ish not aussie mate is our thing [03:06:36] PraetorKyiv1: Comrade is gender neutal [03:06:36] insectuncle774: Honestly, you can replace the terms, like say buddy instead of bro [03:06:38] YumeNoZen: Bro and dude aren't for everyone if it makes someone uncomfortable. [03:06:38] Re_In_Car_Nation: love? [03:06:40] joolyfoosh: OSFrog KomodoHype [03:06:40] PineappleMage: I use "boss" all the time [03:06:42] ArminGux: u got called love, ur male privilege is gone [03:06:43] oldsoho: heyooo everyone how are you guys [03:06:45] blueskydrinking: in yorkshire, men used to call each other 'love' [03:06:46] mazapancitoouu: wrong [03:06:47] johnkeiwo: @LittleChaSiu, getting paid less oh wait ... [03:06:48] GenieGirl: I think your still not use to being seen as a girl yet. trust me that goes away [03:06:48] clulabell: @littlechasiu free drinks at a bar [03:06:49] amouro_: Australians would have to disagree [03:06:51] c__r__j: @LittleChaSiu F1nn NEEDS doors held open for him! [03:06:51] YumeNoZen: Hahahahahaha. [03:06:52] undead_bandit452: You needs to say cheers not thanks to be bri'ish [03:06:54] echo_waverly77: I say bro, in the gender neutral way. bro is just… ✨bro✨ [03:06:54] cookieeater212: uh oh [03:06:56] amelia7015: m*te is my least favourite word in the owrld [03:06:57] johnkeiwo: oh no NotLikeThis [03:06:58] blueskydrinking: F1nn back on his ben shapiro arc KEKW [03:06:58] gay_femboy: D [03:06:58] daemon2988: I've always used dude interchangeably for men and women. [03:06:59] Amoyamoyamoya: OH GOD HE'S PICKED A NEW HILL TO DIE ON [03:07:00] Amoyamoyamoya: OH GOD HE'S PICKED A NEW HILL TO DIE ON [03:07:00] MeepsKitten: I honestly just sometimes forget gender is a thing and say "bro" just because i like the word and forget people specifically think its a gendered term [03:07:00] ramboo1989: oh it's on [03:07:01] Amoyamoyamoya: OH GOD HE'S PICKED A NEW HILL TO DIE ON [03:07:01] Amoyamoyamoya: OH GOD HE'S PICKED A NEW HILL TO DIE ON [03:07:02] seibaby: UH OH [03:07:02] freshdelipickles: OH NO [03:07:02] brendabrownstain0: replace it with babes it’s very British and gender neutral [03:07:02] EldritchElucidator: hot take time lmao [03:07:02] Amoyamoyamoya: OH GOD HE'S PICKED A NEW HILL TO DIE ON [03:07:04] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: here comes the misogyny [03:07:07] krovvy: here we go [03:07:08] clulabell: uh oh [03:07:08] johnkeiwo: new hill here we go [03:07:08] nikama6: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [03:07:08] HardyOrange: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [03:07:11] notrlyjacob: uh oh [03:07:12] braddle172: f1nnHands [03:07:13] SaraScorpion: what do you mean "mate"? why do you want to mate with them?! freirehKappa [03:07:13] isekai0taku: :L [03:07:14] debdrup: oh dear [03:07:14] LightBane_v1: uh oh [03:07:14] jcktheripperrs: True [03:07:15] androidwall4680: F1nn5ter cancelled RIP it's been good knowing y'all [03:07:16] LittleChaSiu: girl about to get canceled KEKW [03:07:17] Vanimal2118: Her @c__r__j astra71LUL astra71LUL astra71LUL [03:07:17] sapphiccatgirl6: LUL LUL LUL LUL [03:07:17] jayem97: STOP [03:07:17] Pl4sm4_Ro4ch_jtv: looking at the new hill monkaS [03:07:19] Melody_Silverpaw: wait your outfit is so cute raysB [03:07:20] k3lvin8or: F1nn story time [03:07:23] ArminGux: this will end up on the times ..l [03:07:25] isekai0taku: Bout to get the wrath of females [03:07:25] zebrabbl396: BegWan [03:07:27] rxdnxck19th: bro's about to get canceled [03:07:31] gay_femboy: PLS sleep now some of us have jobs [03:07:31] Bytebak: Not a new hill, its a valley [03:07:31] Amoyamoyamoya: I need the grid square reference for this hill so I can mark it on the map [03:07:31] jaovitubr: white girl [03:07:32] Bimmel2452: Fimter based? No way [03:07:32] clulabell: time to get cancelled [03:07:35] bittybbydreamer: ⛰️ [03:07:38] HardyOrange: that's not female privlege, that's pretty privlege [03:07:38] ShigotoKowai: Clipped, posting on Truth social [03:07:41] SaraScorpion: white woman privilige [03:07:42] XENOMAN5: Pretty privilege is very real but it’s for guys and gals [03:07:43] Loelinverse: lmao [03:07:43] krovvy: lol [03:07:45] EvilCutiexo: there is girl privilege but only when you’re attractive lmao [03:07:45] honeysquares: pretty girl**** [03:07:45] gurthypizza: thats fun LUL [03:07:45] alexx_net: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled F1nn about to get HARD f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [03:07:47] Melody_Silverpaw: owo [03:07:48] mazapancitoouu: lol true [03:07:48] jayem97: Do you get the powers and weaknesses of all genders? [03:07:48] SeiReiJoku: Based [03:07:49] GenieGirl: this will be youtube tonight [03:07:50] wwiinns: :) [03:07:51] beastboyz168: f1nnMakeupcheck [03:07:51] Jahkae: that’s pretty privilege tho [03:07:52] johnkeiwo: nah finn it's not woman privilege, it's PRETTY privilege [03:07:52] JearimyBearimy: Pretty Privledge! [03:07:53] realtalkchannel: Thats dope [03:07:57] tripod_666: they want in ur pants [03:07:57] kenziekattpurr: white girl privilege [03:07:57] 416hobbit: Last step to female privilege - make yourself blonde [03:08:00] k3lvin8or: XD [03:08:00] YumeNoZen: @LittleChaSiu Well, we had a talk about how the language is specifically constructed to make women by definition as less in every other way than men. Which also means being treated like we're helpless and harmless. [03:08:00] Falqun: thats a mix of female and pretty privilege [03:08:01] killingmyego: xD [03:08:02] Avaerus0: So they're actually being sexist to you? [03:08:03] isekai0taku: I meanannnnnn.....>.> [03:08:05] XENOMAN5: Pretty privileged [03:08:05] Viva_: lacSmug [03:08:05] gay_femboy: BUT YOU ARE [03:08:06] CeruleanWizard: Assume? LUL [03:08:06] SnabbKassa: @EvilCutiexo but he is pretty, so he won't know the difference [03:08:06] AmazingAspie: It's pretty privileged [03:08:08] ArminGux: Kekw [03:08:08] Bimmel2452: Are you not? [03:08:08] hugeairconditioner: pretty privilege tbh [03:08:09] Stovamor: You are though [03:08:10] EvilCutiexo: pretty privilege at its finest [03:08:10] LittleChaSiu: yeah I'm not sure I'd consider that privilege [03:08:10] blueskydrinking: we don't assume, we know it's a fact! [03:08:10] Viva_: KonCha [03:08:10] HardyOrange: they're guiding you so you don't brak more stuff [03:08:10] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: chasers [03:08:13] gay_femboy: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [03:08:13] SnazzJaz4297: Pretty white girl privilege YUH foxyjoCool [03:08:14] crymson_vega: With Female Privilege - You felt dominant at that point didn't you? [03:08:14] NeedleworkLounge: I call that pretty privilege, but the same thing. [03:08:15] c__r__j: Sets realistic expectation! [03:08:15] GenieGirl: deffently this will be on youtube [03:08:15] KariFox77: aww cute [03:08:15] PrincessPolyhedra: Oh Finn, we don't assume... [03:08:15] azrael1611312: yeah, women are systematically discriminated against in society, but that doesn't mean they can't have advantages in *specific* things [03:08:17] Elifighter: they arent wrond [03:08:17] jayem97: That's just white privilege [03:08:17] Vanimal2118: @johnkeiwo u adding this to the bingo cards? (Die on this hill) [03:08:18] Viva_: TehePelo [03:08:18] mazapancitoouu: thats because you are white [03:08:18] ArminGux: I mean u are openly dumb [03:08:19] LaMale411: bimbo privilege LUL [03:08:19] martinnice: Very correct [03:08:20] 416hobbit: Aww such a cute baby [03:08:20] alexx_net: @johnkeiwo 100% true. (And being a privilage he isn't aware of it.) [03:08:20] debdrup: They're not wrong [03:08:21] kenziekattpurr: bed [03:08:21] hopalongtommy: F1nn using the "Tee hee, I'm just a girl" defense, let's see how this pans out [03:08:22] brendabrownstain0: bimbo brain [03:08:23] evelyn_bat_rivka: Mate you've confuse pretty privilege with female privilege . [03:08:28] stephsbigdrifts: Lol [03:08:31] bearpaw1970: It's the pretty Girl status 😜 [03:08:33] SnazzJaz4297: @azrael1611312 you are so real foxyjoLOVE [03:08:34] mystchevious1: Your career is based on privilage. [03:08:34] Re_In_Car_Nation: Bimbo Privilege [03:08:36] ramboo1989: ayoo [03:08:39] 416hobbit: Just A Girl [03:08:39] p0ikil3: I agree but there's two sides of one coin [03:08:39] YumeNoZen: Being treated as less isn't a plus overall. [03:08:40] colonel_egg: Estrogen giveaway when? [03:08:40] dukeskunk: Come to Canada everyone holds open the door for everyone [03:08:42] EMinc: @F1NN5TER Or because your trans they're afraid your gonna go into Karen mode and cause trouble [03:08:42] snowwynai: @HardyOrange I'd agree with this. If I dressed fem in public, I absolutely wouldn't get that, because I couldn't pass in a room full of blind deaf people. [03:08:44] notrlyjacob: @azrael1611312 yes well said [03:08:48] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [03:08:48] anonymous60482: Relatable [03:08:49] EternalLucia: Being able to openly comment women and not have them think I'm comming onto them [03:08:50] tilt_central: But still get to skip the queue at the toliets out and about ? XD [03:08:51] alexx_net: Well doors are heavy for you now [03:08:53] gay_femboy: GETTING sleep is now a privelege in britain [03:08:53] ry_drake_331: you get more penne pics in DMs? [03:08:55] ArminGux: do you get more scared walking in night [03:08:57] Bobbikatt: Def pretty privilege [03:08:58] undead_bandit452: Having help installing equipment [03:08:58] 416hobbit: They hold the door [03:09:03] EvilCutiexo: we are literally just girls 💁🏻‍♀️💅 [03:09:05] gurthypizza: gotta be more careful about drinks being spiked tho [03:09:07] bearpaw1970: Yup [03:09:08] viridianstwitchaccount: Yeah, absolutely [03:09:13] stephsbigdrifts: Because your awesome [03:09:14] Amoyamoyamoya: LOL. I'd probably hold the door open for F1nn...not sure what to do with that [03:09:15] AustraLeah: making friends with women is easier because you are woman [03:09:16] mazapancitoouu: yep [03:09:16] bearpaw1970: Exactly Hobbit [03:09:16] EldritchElucidator: thats cuz youre pretty tho [03:09:17] GenieGirl: Have you had guys holding the door for you yet [03:09:18] Darts852: far quicker to back stab you [03:09:18] p0ikil3: I got yelled at just for being a woman in a public place [03:09:18] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: god this is all making me so jealous xD [03:09:21] TheBugMeister: have you ever been bought a drink? [03:09:22] YumeNoZen: Well, okay, that's fair. Once you get boobs and lean forward in a low cut top, drinks come out way faster. [03:09:22] honeysquares: @f1nn5ter black female composer with the name Brittney always abbreviated it to avoid stigma!! [03:09:22] johnkeiwo: " invading female spaces reeeeeee " [03:09:22] Loelinverse: F1nn learning intersectionality.. [03:09:22] KiyomiVR: f1nn im tryna get a new camera for smth what kinda shi u got [03:09:24] lime6_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:09:28] crymson_vega: You're not a threat - UNTIL YOU DO THE BLANK STARE [03:09:31] zebrabbl396: One of the girls [03:09:31] tilt_central: F1nn "threat" the destroyer of worlds [03:09:32] mitchbre1: 🏳️‍⚧️💕🏳️‍⚧️💕 [03:09:33] daemon2988: Yeah that's not because of female privilege, that's just because you're gorgeous. Lol. [03:09:36] HardyOrange: *pretty privlege [03:09:37] ScarsUnseen: "people assume i am nice" hahaha [03:09:39] AustraLeah: uh oh [03:09:41] hugeairconditioner: finn literally the prettiest in the room privilege [03:09:41] SaraScorpion: why did you start laughin [03:09:42] LittleChaSiu: 💀 [03:09:42] alexx_net: you aren't a threat. You never were [03:09:43] ramboo1989: ayooo [03:09:45] Silraa: You've retained male privilege? You have bodily stepped outside of the patriarchy like no one else! ;) [03:09:45] k3lvin8or: XD LUL [03:09:45] gurthypizza: @Amoyamoyamoya and then let it close too early and smack finn in the back LUL [03:09:48] ArminGux: kekw [03:09:48] clulabell: LMAO [03:09:49] gay_femboy: My garage door thingy broke and Destroyed my car😡 [03:09:51] EternalLucia: Like yeah, when I'm presenting more femme women compliment me on my hair, nails, etc. and I can make those compliments as well and not be a creep [03:09:51] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [03:09:54] mcmelon_tv: meow [03:09:55] taeyukki: hrt makes transmascs dumber but ppl treat them as if they were smarter and transfems smarter but ppls trat them as if they were dumber lmaooo [03:09:56] jayem97: Hot, white privilege [03:09:59] Vanimal2118: U and Vlad need a talk? SMH [03:10:00] undead_bandit452: As a woman at night you should be scared now [03:10:00] AustraLeah: x_x [03:10:05] deerdreams: may you one day experience the transcendence of "meeting a bunch of drunk girls in the club bathroom and immediately pack-bonding" [03:10:10] 416hobbit: The days of you being a male threat are OVER [03:10:11] Amoyamoyamoya: @gurthypizza, I would just smack F1nn's but by hand [03:10:13] k3lvin8or: FAIR [03:10:13] Falqun: the whole dynamic is fucked up [03:10:13] isekai0taku: uhhhh [03:10:15] LittleChaSiu: X [03:10:16] ramboo1989: psssh [03:10:16] Helen_Croft: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [03:10:16] undead_bandit452: Cap [03:10:18] Loelinverse: yes [03:10:18] lynn_150: hmm??? [03:10:19] alexx_net: @Vanimal2118 They have made videos together [03:10:20] know1_0: lol [03:10:21] AustraLeah: twink [03:10:22] dTheMouseb: Cap [03:10:22] melodyrainxx: Cute [03:10:22] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: as a big fella, I run AWAY from women going to my car in a parking garage [03:10:23] Stovamor: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [03:10:23] gay_femboy: Yea Tell yourself that [03:10:24] AmazingAspie: Debatable [03:10:24] Stovamor: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [03:10:25] ogrem_fanclan: Cute [03:10:25] Stovamor: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [03:10:25] jcktheripperrs: mid [03:10:25] killingmyego: dawww [03:10:25] YumeNoZen: Most female privilege is predicated on being a dumb object whose existence is for the utility of others, not a person. [03:10:25] 416hobbit: NOT threatening [03:10:25] lime6_: Yes [03:10:25] Stovamor: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [03:10:26] crymson_vega: DUDE You're Whiter Than Conan O Brian [03:10:26] sp00kq: Twink fin [03:10:26] Darts852: twink [03:10:26] kan3k1s2: kan3k1s2 subscribed with Prime. [03:10:26] estherarchive: mhhm [03:10:27] f3mmbot: kan3k1s2 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang kan3k1s2 f1nnLezgang [03:10:27] snowwynai: Cute twink priviledge. [03:10:27] mystchevious1: He was cute. [03:10:27] ramboo1989: yikes [03:10:27] k3lvin8or: smash tbh [03:10:27] Nova_Prime_69: cute [03:10:28] sp00kq: Cutie [03:10:28] undead_bandit452: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [03:10:28] Loelinverse: hot white privilige [03:10:28] Runs_With_Scissors17: Adorable [03:10:28] stevethemoof: twink [03:10:29] ArminGux: u are mega hot now tho [03:10:29] MrsPandamber: thats just a lesbian [03:10:29] 3kommaeinsvier: Twink [03:10:30] PrincessPolyhedra: Solid 3 [03:10:30] androidwall4680: Twink [03:10:30] valeuba: too young back then [03:10:30] seibaby: Yeah I can see that guy having female privilege as well [03:10:30] angrb0da007: yeah [03:10:30] HardyOrange: you weren't guy hot, you were guy cute, it's different [03:10:30] TwinbeeMk2: I mean you've always been cute [03:10:31] dreaming_dolce: peepoCute [03:10:31] alikarin: ehh... [03:10:31] EternalLucia: Always pretty [03:10:31] p0ikil3: yeah you were cute af [03:10:31] yfmstudios: ngl [03:10:32] MarioWolfBroa: Twink [03:10:32] Avaerus0: Cute [03:10:32] Halkun: Is that your brother? [03:10:33] twitschlol: would stalk [03:10:34] theuman666: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [03:10:34] scandibilly: Lesbian 80s alt rocker [03:10:34] Foritus: twink privilege [03:10:34] GenieGirl: Twink hahaha [03:10:35] jayem97: Gamer [03:10:35] melodyrainxx: Finn I'm not laughing [03:10:35] isekai0taku: >.> [03:10:36] SnazzJaz4297: Handsome fellow [03:10:36] handscombchris: that's cute/ pretty not hot! [03:10:37] lime6_: White privilege [03:10:37] mazapancitoouu: kkkkkkkkkk [03:10:37] blueish4: i mean fluffy hair gamerboy gets some people ig :/ [03:10:38] bittybbydreamer: f1nnPegChamp [03:10:38] EternalLucia: Twink energy [03:10:38] thaat1guy_: lil hottie [03:10:38] hugeairconditioner: hear me out [03:10:39] alexx_net: It can be. [03:10:39] misspelted: would [03:10:40] nikama6: Twink privileges [03:10:41] boom_and_alpha_yt: that photo makes you look like tubbo [03:10:42] xnzibar: quirky bri'ish boy [03:10:42] godof2existence: mid [03:10:43] rabidtqm: easy 8 [03:10:43] kenziekattpurr: the evil brother [03:10:43] sir_pyromacer: I'd more descibe yo uas cute before [03:10:43] Re_In_Car_Nation: you look like a young James May. [03:10:43] heefeteig: smash, next question [03:10:43] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: yes [03:10:44] kiionohi_: hi [03:10:46] AustraLeah: not ugly but not handsome [03:10:46] axing_: that's cute twink vibes [03:10:46] Loelinverse: hwite logic [03:10:46] debdrup: Your dead brother was cute [03:10:47] BrightLilThing: You were hot and now you're hot [03:10:47] heyimf1dg3t: adorbs [03:10:47] ShigotoKowai: Sixth form looking ass [03:10:47] erockyoutoo: still looks super fem [03:10:47] ogrem_fanclan: What am I, if that is a mid face? [03:10:47] ArcticFoxMOCs: I definitely miss the passing priv when I was trans [03:10:47] Penguinfication: The femboy you order off wish? [03:10:49] Kaymon81: looks like someone who is 5.4 [03:10:49] alexx_net: That's a child [03:10:49] sunnyandsmiling: But you looked like 80% of lesbians even then [03:10:50] XENOMAN5: You were a Twinkie [03:10:50] jayem97: Typical minecraft player [03:10:50] ArminGux: eh it’s British [03:10:50] Bobbikatt: Twink [03:10:51] ramboo1989: ha! [03:10:51] xnzibar: twink neergy fr [03:10:51] professional_baguette: hair looking smooth [03:10:54] GamesJam82: I would smash [03:10:56] judgedame: twink [03:10:56] rabidtqm: you could see it [03:10:58] Vanimal2118: Why r we laughing? [03:10:58] ArminGux: brit twink [03:11:00] MarioWolfBroa: That's a Twink [03:11:01] gay_femboy: You made An post on twitter saying you're out you're own league [03:11:01] MaxVershhhtappen: a true lesbian right there [03:11:02] johnkeiwo: Stare [03:11:04] Gtadicto1: twink [03:11:04] Storm_Ryder: when they compare themselves to their teenage self [03:11:04] lime6_: Boy you looks like rfk jr [03:11:05] isekai0taku: its giving constipated [03:11:06] MoveFasterr: hot [03:11:07] xnzibar: secret twink [03:11:08] snowwynai: You were adorable then and adorable now. Just in different ways. [03:11:09] kan3k1s2: Huge twink energy [03:11:09] anonymous60482: You're cute [03:11:10] HardyOrange: you look 12 [03:11:13] GenieGirl: you make a arkward guy but a pretty women [03:11:13] axing_: i love james may so it sounds like a compliment [03:11:14] hopalongtommy: Is that your evil twin? [03:11:14] bearpaw1970: Yes , understandable but as you are right now , Aphrodite blessings [03:11:16] Amoyamoyamoya: This looks like a male version of F1nn [03:11:17] mitchbre1: twink? [03:11:18] SaraScorpion: mid what? [03:11:18] alexx_net: I wouldn't laugh at a child [03:11:19] Darts852: 4 [03:11:20] hi_dillon: its a cute face [03:11:20] dyerass: :3 [03:11:20] RuthlessWelshy: still would [03:11:21] crymson_vega: Looking at you now - fuckable - but seeing your old pic reminds me too much of my younger brother [03:11:21] sp00kq: Adorable in both forms [03:11:21] melodyrainxx: Your cute no matter what [03:11:22] rabidtqm: thats an 11 [03:11:22] rh3maji: mid? bruh that's still an adorable picture [03:11:22] thatold_guy: it's been more than 20 min [03:11:24] lynn_150: does this count as dysphoria? [03:11:24] ArminGux: 4-6 depending on how many tequilas [03:11:25] MrsPandamber: you look like a tomboy [03:11:25] mrrich_2: HAII F1nn [03:11:25] falconeray: You were always pretty [03:11:26] rowil07: it’s young Abercrombie [03:11:27] k3lvin8or: HUH [03:11:27] steggo223: My first stream I've caught [03:11:28] soundsbytxture: rich white woman privilege [03:11:28] kenziekattpurr: The evil older brother [03:11:29] undead_bandit452: F1nn have you done anything to your hair at the hairdressers or have you just let it grown [03:11:29] mrrich_2: @crymson_vega LMAO [03:11:29] honeysquares: if u were a lesbian 100% would go [03:11:30] 416hobbit: No you CAN'T buy any alcohol [03:11:30] Avaerus0: It does look like his little brother [03:11:31] rabidtqm: id cut off my arm to look like that [03:11:32] isekai0taku: :L [03:11:34] Teddyvz7: early teenage phase face [03:11:35] tilt_central: Is that F1nn brother ? [03:11:35] ScarsUnseen: u look 12 in that [03:11:36] Darts852: yeah a child [03:11:37] am37hy57: Hmmm. This took a turn [03:11:38] androidwall4680: You look like you got bullied for playing Yugioh lmao [03:11:39] isekai0taku: I think i looked older at 15 [03:11:40] YumeNoZen: She looks a bit butch. [03:11:42] sunnyandsmiling: You looked like a lesbian, but also sweet and innocent af. such a cutie [03:11:44] XENOMAN5: @steggo223 welcome! [03:11:44] the_deezel: Your little brother is mid [03:11:45] axing_: @F1NN5TER i just watched a 20 minute video and you're still here, just saying [03:11:45] SnazzJaz4297: YOU WERE 20??? [03:11:46] LaMale411: No way you was 20 [03:11:46] Muffin01: DONOS [03:11:46] Bobbikatt: U look 15 [03:11:47] alexx_net: @SaraScorpion, mid as in "middle" not top, not bottom. [03:11:47] synthetic_Ivy: i can believe like 16 [03:11:47] Storm_Ryder: you're WHAT [03:11:49] snowwynai: That's the brother you put the iron mask on and put in a tower. [03:11:50] soundsbytxture: karen privilege [03:11:51] ShigotoKowai: 20 months to 18 maybe [03:11:51] p0ikil3: lol that's what my firts ex told me: "you look like a good 6/10" after the break up like wtf lol [03:11:52] jayem97: Who's your little brother? [03:11:52] gay_femboy: I laugh at People GETTING Hurt i'm zoinked in the head [03:11:53] RuthlessWelshy: lmao [03:11:54] sp00kq: It's gonna say girl [03:11:54] Helen_Croft: !ai [03:11:54] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [03:11:59] ArminGux: u look like u drove a jag [03:12:00] johnkeiwo: !ai [03:12:00] lime6_: Wait that used to be finn are they trans??? [03:12:00] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [03:12:01] stevethemoof: damn thats a lot of tabs [03:12:02] Avaerus0: It'll say 15 [03:12:02] kalzir6969: kalzir6969 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! [03:12:03] f3mmbot: kalzir6969 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [03:12:03] SnazzJaz4297: 4 years younger than me in that pic HOLY [03:12:04] Helen_Croft: !ai 󠀀 [03:12:05] melodyrainxx: 🩷 [03:12:06] Amoyamoyamoya: @Helen_Croft, ???? [03:12:07] Serumaster: I looke dlike that when I was 12 [03:12:10] rhainy33: <3 <3 <3 [03:12:12] bearpaw1970: Lmao [03:12:13] snowwynai: That was a great photoshoot. You were really cute in it. [03:12:13] Stovamor: !ai [03:12:13] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [03:12:14] Stovamor: !ai [03:12:14] zebrabbl396: Weeeee [03:12:14] Stovamor: !ai [03:12:14] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [03:12:14] Stovamor: !ai [03:12:14] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [03:12:14] Stovamor: !ai [03:12:14] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [03:12:14] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [03:12:16] crymson_vega: the way you said wee was cute [03:12:16] ambrose1977: female privilege barely exists for fat and disabled women [03:12:17] SaraScorpion: @alexx_net freirehLol [03:12:17] ScarsUnseen: yup u do [03:12:19] johnkeiwo: it's gonna say 26 [03:12:20] mcmelon_tv: !commands [03:12:21] f3mmbot: Commands: !age, !archive, !badge, !complaints, !confused, !discord, !donate, !emote, !girlmonth, !height, !highlights, !instagram, !keyboard, !measurements, !music, !pobox, !pronouns, !reddit, !represent, !schedule, !snapchat, !socials, !stream, !subscribe, !tiktok, !twitter, !youtube [03:12:21] twitschlol: 12 [03:12:21] dashunde: ayy eye [03:12:22] GenieGirl: Yeah you made a Arkward guy but a Pretty women. [03:12:23] johnkeiwo: OOF [03:12:24] axing_: 35 KEKW [03:12:25] krovvy: LOL [03:12:25] johnkeiwo: KEKW [03:12:25] EvilCutiexo: straight 10😍 in that pic [03:12:25] ScarsUnseen: 35!!!!! [03:12:26] Muffin01: @F1NN5TER donos? [03:12:26] snowwynai: LMFAO [03:12:26] Falqun: KEKW [03:12:26] Nova_Prime_69: KEKW [03:12:26] Amoyamoyamoya: 35?!?!?! [03:12:27] killingmyego: xD [03:12:27] sp00kq: THIRTY FIVE??? [03:12:27] SubstituteMyOwn: KEKW [03:12:27] stephsbigdrifts: 😂 [03:12:27] isekai0taku: uhh no [03:12:27] Vanimal2118: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [03:12:28] alexx_net: @lime6_ F1nn doesn't identify as trans. He is genderfluid [03:12:28] Serumaster: lol [03:12:28] dreaming_dolce: Oof [03:12:28] notrlyjacob: KEKW [03:12:28] blueskydrinking: KEKW [03:12:28] sunnyandsmiling: KEKW [03:12:29] braddle172: oof [03:12:29] melodyrainxx: No way [03:12:29] ronin_5463: 35????? [03:12:29] dashunde: oldie [03:12:30] idesofjuno: KEKW [03:12:30] EldritchElucidator: KEKW [03:12:30] ogrem_fanclan: oof [03:12:30] valeuba: KEKW [03:12:30] blueish4: KEKW [03:12:30] tilt_central: hahahahaha [03:12:31] SnabbKassa: 35 years of age! [03:12:31] Avaerus0: What??? [03:12:31] LightBane_v1: KEKW [03:12:31] professional_baguette: loooool [03:12:31] k3lvin8or: 35 woman LUL [03:12:31] Silraa: RIP [03:12:31] scarlettyg: KEKW KEKW KEKW [03:12:31] AustraLeah: gender FEMALE I'm bawling [03:12:31] Amoyamoyamoya: WHAT THE ACTUAL FCUK [03:12:32] viridianstwitchaccount: Hehehe [03:12:32] HardyOrange: .....ai VERY broken wtf [03:12:32] Falqun: damn what a milf [03:12:32] LittleChaSiu: more importantly, still female [03:12:32] taychosis: OHNO [03:12:32] crymson_vega: HA!! [03:12:32] Elindalyne: look at the gender [03:12:32] MrsPandamber: 35 year old lesbian [03:12:33] ArminGux: u don’t really look ur age [03:12:33] BlaireBearStare: Serious pre transition energy [03:12:33] LevelOneBrain: KEKW [03:12:33] xnzibar: dang [03:12:33] clulabell: time to retire [03:12:34] ScarsUnseen: whatttttt [03:12:34] SnazzJaz4297: foxyjoOHOHO foxyjoOHOHO foxyjoOHOHO foxyjoOHOHO foxyjoOHOHO foxyjoOHOHO [03:12:34] LeVideNoirAstral: lmao [03:12:34] mrrich_2: 35 LMAOO [03:12:34] Srcsqwrn: madefo2Ez madefo2Ez madefo2Ez [03:12:34] muddymudkip15: Lol [03:12:34] coldPhax: 💀 [03:12:34] ShigotoKowai: Female [03:12:34] ch4rc0al5: LUL [03:12:35] realtalkchannel: lol [03:12:35] mitchbre1: huh? [03:12:35] misspelted: 35 female LOLLL [03:12:35] AustraLeah: KEKW [03:12:36] NeoBoost_: KEKW [03:12:36] honeysquares: LMAOOOOO [03:12:37] RonnieSxl: LUL LUL LUL [03:12:37] Runs_With_Scissors17: BibleThump [03:12:38] fenris442: KEKW [03:12:38] dangerousruben: no way [03:12:38] packagum: KEKW [03:12:38] Nova_Prime_69: face too covered i guess [03:12:38] mcmelon_tv: !donate [03:12:39] ramboo1989: dang-Joe Dirt [03:12:39] f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. [03:12:39] Bobbikatt: That's a 4 [03:12:39] ArminGux: kekw [03:12:40] Stovamor: KEKW [03:12:40] hugeairconditioner: holyy [03:12:40] 416hobbit: That's a little OFF [03:12:40] SonicXVe: yeah i can see it [03:12:40] Stovamor: KEKW [03:12:40] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [03:12:40] rabidtqm: BRUH [03:12:40] Stovamor: KEKW [03:12:40] sp00kq: LOLOLOLOLOL [03:12:40] rootuz: KEKW [03:12:40] YumeNoZen: Damn. I don't think I score that high on age, and I'm older than that. [03:12:41] eleanormcd: It's the haircut [03:12:41] rh3maji: ain't no way [03:12:41] ciernaruza: female huh [03:12:41] xnzibar: cooked fr [03:12:41] crymson_vega: LMFAO [03:12:42] all_is_dustt: lmao [03:12:42] dyerass: about right [03:12:42] AustraLeah: Certified self-report [03:12:42] ShaiHuludBlessHisWater: oof [03:12:42] Cpu101: honestly i see it now [03:12:43] Loelinverse: female [03:12:43] axing_: 35 YEAR OLD LESBIAN KEKW KEKW [03:12:44] LaMale411: kaceyWendy [03:12:44] EvilCutiexo: 😂😂😂😂 [03:12:44] scandibilly: FACTS [03:12:44] hand_hook_car_door: no I see the 35 lesbian woman [03:12:44] ScarsUnseen: the AI broke [03:12:44] stevethemoof: are you ok??? xD [03:12:45] NeoBoost_: football mom energie [03:12:45] twitschlol: trash AI [03:12:45] snowwynai: I mean... if a 35 year old woman looked like that, she'd be pretty good looking. [03:12:45] Elifighter: ooof [03:12:46] anonymous60482: Milfield energy [03:12:46] SnazzJaz4297: I CAN SEE IT I CAN SEE 35 [03:12:46] angrb0da007: ope [03:12:46] brendabrownstain0: it’s the hair [03:12:47] Re_In_Car_Nation: see a young James May. [03:12:47] andimax11: oh no… [03:12:47] sunnyandsmiling: You do NOT look 35 there, lol, but deff still a gay girl [03:12:47] packagum: that bot is broken [03:12:47] HardyOrange: tbf, as a lesbian, sure [03:12:47] Muffin01: @F1NN5TER what about the donos? [03:12:48] know1_0: friday31FF [03:12:48] Srcsqwrn: nanona1Wheeze nanona1Wheeze nanona1Wheeze nanona1Wheeze [03:12:48] rabidtqm: can you buy me alcohol [03:12:48] ArminGux: I see it [03:12:48] Loelinverse: there it is [03:12:49] Vanimal2118: Get Rekt! LOL [03:12:49] vaureo2d: ACTUALLY [03:12:49] SonicXVe: 30 tops tbh [03:12:50] Avaerus0: And it still thinks female [03:12:50] SnabbKassa: millennial [03:12:51] bearpaw1970: Lmao [03:12:51] GenieGirl: see always ment to be a women hahaha [03:12:51] Kaymon81: thats finn in 10 years >.< [03:12:52] p0ikil3: epic [03:12:52] clulabell: the years haven’t been kind [03:12:52] holotron_: rigged [03:12:53] scottyC7: bullcrap [03:12:54] MoveFasterr: OMG [03:12:54] ecstaticsense: 35 cs of the side part fr [03:12:54] mitchbre1: 🤭 [03:12:55] SaraScorpion: THE EYES [03:12:55] angrb0da007: rekt [03:12:56] Storm_Ryder: it's mistaking the hair on your face as wrinkles [03:12:56] alexx_net: and still female [03:12:56] Serumaster: a very beautiful 35 lesbian [03:12:57] Silraa: Maybe it counts the hand [03:12:58] lime6_: That's a girly haircut [03:12:58] aAndrew3030: KEKW [03:12:58] melodyrainxx: That's way off lol [03:12:59] tubbs185: Hello you sexy beast [03:12:59] heyimf1dg3t: fucked. you look a solid 18. [03:13:00] undead_bandit452: It's the nails [03:13:01] ArminGux: the long hair did it [03:13:02] letume: It got confused by the nails [03:13:02] rabidtqm: thats like parent age [03:13:02] kenziekattpurr: now do a current pic [03:13:03] nikama6: Chat was bullying a granny [03:13:05] sunnyandsmiling: I mean, as a lesbian I;d do you now, lol [03:13:07] Stovamor: You don't look a day over 30 there @f1nn5ter [03:13:08] ogrem_fanclan: eepy [03:13:10] phoebe_rc: Screenshot tyourself and use that. [03:13:12] alexx_net: Did the computer just call you a lesbian? [03:13:13] stephsbigdrifts: Screenshot now and see what age it says now [03:13:14] XENOMAN5: Massive milf energy [03:13:15] rowil07: ok I can see the Ellen in the picture now lol. [03:13:16] HardyOrange: !time [03:13:16] f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:18 [03:13:17] LittleChaSiu: that's fuckin rude I like side parts [03:13:17] k3lvin8or: lOL [03:13:19] misspelted: side part supremacy [03:13:20] Slaydria118: Oof [03:13:22] bearpaw1970: You were destined for the blessings of Aphrodite [03:13:22] QuickestJadeTheDoge: I'm back [03:13:22] MaxVershhhtappen: i would say 40 [03:13:24] Loelinverse: oh? [03:13:25] frank_the_great: The ears are backwards [03:13:25] johnkeiwo: so nowadays you go out as both dude and girl :) ? [03:13:27] feefo_W_o: henlo [03:13:28] SnabbKassa: @Stovamor 2020 was a rough year [03:13:32] LittleChaSiu: KEKW [03:13:34] Nova_Prime_69: KEKW [03:13:34] k3lvin8or: NOICE [03:13:35] isekai0taku: 0.0 [03:13:35] ownedshadow_: lmfao [03:13:36] notrlyjacob: YOOO [03:13:36] johnkeiwo: CAKE [03:13:36] valeuba: drgrLewd [03:13:36] Srcsqwrn: nanona1Flushed nanona1Flushed nanona1Flushed [03:13:36] kenziekattpurr: do a current pic now [03:13:37] Vanimal2118: f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare [03:13:37] blueskydrinking: AYO [03:13:38] Darts852: lol [03:13:38] R4T_ttv: lol [03:13:38] HardyOrange: lmao [03:13:39] braddle172: KEKW [03:13:39] Titansflys: LOL [03:13:39] ShigotoKowai: 😩 [03:13:40] LightBane_v1: LUL [03:13:40] nikama6: KEKW [03:13:40] SnazzJaz4297: ASS foxyjoGASM foxyjoGASM foxyjoGASM foxyjoGASM [03:13:40] AmazingAspie: Ohy [03:13:40] ramboo1989: 🤤 [03:13:40] Elifighter: cake [03:13:41] zebrabbl396: Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 [03:13:41] GenieGirl: funny thing Finn has to find a guy pic [03:13:41] crymson_vega: BOOTIFUL!!! [03:13:41] ArminGux: kekw [03:13:41] Kayver_: XD [03:13:41] Runs_With_Scissors17: Oh my [03:13:41] hUNbl00: HIII [03:13:41] alikarin: wuuuo\p [03:13:42] notrlyjacob: KEKW [03:13:43] QuickestJadeTheDoge: Woahhh [03:13:43] the_deezel: Ashley is waiting for you [03:13:44] LaMale411: f1nnStare [03:13:45] misspelted: I missed it [03:13:45] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: OMEGALUL [03:13:45] snowwynai: I'm guessing you'd feel weird doing it, since Ashley already has them. But now I'm wondering how you'd look with blunt bangs. [03:13:46] hi4th: hnnnnnnnnnnnnng [03:13:46] heyimf1dg3t: #teamsidepart [03:13:47] colonel_egg: 👀 👀 👀 👀 [03:13:47] Re_In_Car_Nation: nice [03:13:47] yfmstudios: slipped up [03:13:47] hugeairconditioner: UHM [03:13:48] axing_: i looked away for a sec what did i miss [03:13:48] KelloggsTacoBella: f1nnStare [03:13:48] professional_baguette: the ban is coming [03:13:48] ramboo1989: wait go back [03:13:48] kalzir6969: KEKW [03:13:48] lime6_: Woaaah [03:13:49] Loelinverse: bp leak [03:13:49] crymson_vega: NICE CAKE [03:13:50] EvilCutiexo: 👀👀👀 [03:13:50] spartan162547: WAOH [03:13:50] grandpaladin1701: hot damn [03:13:51] SnazzJaz4297: foxyjoPog foxyjoPog foxyjoPog foxyjoPog [03:13:51] blueskydrinking: Poor ashley not getting any sleep KEKW [03:13:51] ShaiHuludBlessHisWater: ello there [03:13:52] stephsbigdrifts: 😏 [03:13:53] That_MilkBox: AWOOGA!!! [03:13:54] bearpaw1970: Can you test the blue flower pic [03:13:55] beastboyz168: f1nnBingbong [03:13:55] erkgurk: !balls [03:13:55] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: the shirt LUL [03:13:56] SnabbKassa: we all aged 10 years in 2020 [03:13:56] alexx_net: F1nn ! ToS ! [03:13:56] jcktheripperrs: Baby finn [03:13:58] Amoyamoyamoya: GIGANTIC NERD [03:13:59] cookieeater212: banned [03:13:59] Amoyamoyamoya: GIGANTIC NERD [03:13:59] MoveFasterr: emadKEKW emadKEKW [03:13:59] ArminGux: le rip no streams for a months lejw [03:14:00] Amoyamoyamoya: GIGANTIC NERD [03:14:02] jayem97: Gender: gamer [03:14:02] SnazzJaz4297: Ok so this is the ACTUAL CHILD pic [03:14:03] derPhael_: Hello princess derpha1Hello derpha1EnbyLove [03:14:03] Re_In_Car_Nation: no chin [03:14:03] beastboyz168: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [03:14:03] Dani_roa_: that shirt xD [03:14:05] Vanimal2118: R u actively trying to get banned? SMH [03:14:05] isekai0taku: yeah looks it hahaha [03:14:08] notrlyjacob: BRO [03:14:08] mystchevious1: Star wars? [03:14:08] undead_bandit452: Does twitch not allow that? Is that how strict they are [03:14:09] all_is_dustt: 1 month on T face [03:14:09] alexx_net: So actual child [03:14:11] SonicXVe: sure [03:14:11] snowwynai: Try not putting a gender in the file name. [03:14:11] ecstaticsense: eat sleep game shirt is crazy [03:14:12] Storm_Ryder: you look 12 there [03:14:13] MajesticFvckingEagle: what happened lol [03:14:15] Joghem: That's victor from despicable me [03:14:16] snowwynai: See if it's cheating. [03:14:17] LittleChaSiu: one off from a nice score [03:14:18] isekai0taku: what is that haircut f1nn [03:14:19] lime6_: Looks like rfk jr [03:14:21] blueish4: i know a trans guy who looked like that at about that age [03:14:23] MoveFasterr: still hot [03:14:24] 416hobbit: lol [03:14:24] blueskydrinking: that might be the first time I've seen that AI call you a guy KEKW [03:14:25] Avaerus0: I think this might just be random numbers [03:14:25] GenieGirl: do it now [03:14:25] purpleysounds: KEKW [03:14:25] notrlyjacob: admire the fit [03:14:26] k3lvin8or: You passed guy mode... in that pic [03:14:26] johnkeiwo: KEKW [03:14:28] c__r__j: So F1nn started looking female somewhere between ages 15 and 18? [03:14:28] m4cintoshplus: twink [03:14:29] LaMale411: f1nnLaff [03:14:29] A_Fforrest: haha old bitch [03:14:30] nicolelorrayne: Love the eat sleep game shirt [03:14:30] ArminGux: ekkekekeke [03:14:33] zombiii: problematic shirt [03:14:33] AustraLeah: naaaa [03:14:35] MrsPandamber: these things always think Im 10 years older than I actually am [03:14:35] purpleysounds: eat sleep game [03:14:35] 416hobbit: That shirt tho [03:14:36] ch4rc0al5: Holy shit LUL [03:14:37] RPG_Dan: traps [03:14:39] Amoyamoyamoya: NOT [03:14:39] johnkeiwo: traps [03:14:39] Bobbikatt: Weren't you a Shapiro fan then? [03:14:41] ronin_5463: Traps [03:14:43] Storm_Ryder: this website doesn't seem too reliable [03:14:43] Amoyamoyamoya: COPE [03:14:43] kaleebug04: How did you lose weight? [03:14:44] AmazingAspie: 35-year-old autistic lesbian [03:14:45] YumeNoZen: Or you're just slouching. [03:14:46] ScarsUnseen: u did drugs [03:14:46] alexx_net: @all_is_dustt, lol f1nnLaff [03:14:48] ShigotoKowai: Estrogen [03:14:48] HardyOrange: I mean, you were having a t based puberty at the time [03:14:49] Amoyamoyamoya: STILL COPING [03:14:49] sunnyandsmiling: E baby, lol [03:14:52] brodykillaon7: i don’t like ads [03:14:52] c__r__j: Definite meerkat vibe to that photo. [03:14:52] rowil07: 22 possibly bc of the wine/alcohol in the background [03:14:53] SaraScorpion: lads lads lads [03:14:55] mystchevious1: You traded muscle to be hot and rich. [03:14:55] johnkeiwo: smol [03:14:55] feefo_W_o: pull ups is a back lats and bicep work out ahahah [03:14:58] andimax11: estrogen lol [03:14:58] blueskydrinking: @Bobbikatt It is glaringly obviously LuL [03:14:58] kalzir6969: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp [03:14:58] ArminGux: lats are bellow shoulders [03:14:58] MrsPandamber: yes [03:14:59] Re_In_Car_Nation: Upgrades [03:15:03] kan3k1s2: Estrogen [03:15:05] Elifighter: you stopped working out finn [03:15:07] mitchbre1: lol [03:15:07] HardyOrange: i mean shout out to he/him lebians [03:15:08] kenziekattpurr: try current photo [03:15:10] isekai0taku: f1nn with a bowl cut lmao [03:15:11] lime6_: Estrogen [03:15:13] viridianstwitchaccount: Trapesius muscles? I definitely misspelled that [03:15:13] Avaerus0: Did your neck get thinner? [03:15:13] tilt_central: that is the happiest a nerd has ever looked out in public [03:15:15] scottyC7: next stage: buff finn? [03:15:17] johnkeiwo: almost nice [03:15:18] SnazzJaz4297: @zombiii how is Eat Sleep Game a problematic shirt [03:15:18] ArminGux: Kristen Stewart in 2 years [03:15:20] aAndrew3030: You didn't have muscle then! KEKW [03:15:22] twitschlol: if you train traps you'll be an ambush [03:15:23] 416hobbit: lol [03:15:23] derPhael_: it's not 69 tho Kappa [03:15:23] SnabbKassa: @rowil07 the UK drinking age is not 21. It's 5 [03:15:24] crymson_vega: So F1NN is basically Aubrey Plaza now? [03:15:24] axing_: @ArminGux LMAO [03:15:24] frank_the_great: Finn has been fem for so long, she can't do a recent before and after [03:15:24] bearpaw1970: You gained Goddess blessings [03:15:25] XENOMAN5: Went from having traps to being a trap [03:15:27] MsAnJel: I think you look great 😃 [03:15:28] spartan162547: check what it says about you now [03:15:28] brodykillaon7: F1NN [03:15:28] willisamazing99: HolidaySanta [03:15:28] m4cintoshplus: it would be perfect if it was 69 [03:15:29] stevethemoof: ok now i gotta see what it says about me [03:15:32] snowwynai: What does it do with a current photo of you? [03:15:33] mrrich_2: LMAO [03:15:33] k3lvin8or: You have always had good facial features [03:15:33] ScarsUnseen: LOL [03:15:33] feefo_W_o: CEASE [03:15:34] blueskydrinking: BUDDY [03:15:34] Re_In_Car_Nation: Estrogen = Upgrades [03:15:35] axing_: HOLD UP pspuuh [03:15:35] SonicXVe: bruh [03:15:36] honeysquares: good male photo of u [03:15:37] HardyOrange: put that into the ai? [03:15:38] notrlyjacob: HOL UP [03:15:38] QuickestJadeTheDoge: Whattt [03:15:39] rabidtqm: wubby7 [03:15:40] GenieGirl: Try one of right now to see what it says [03:15:40] scarlettyg: 69 years, score 69 [03:15:43] braddle172: f1nnSideeye [03:15:46] ThothFrogg: You can show it its your last sstream [03:15:57] gay_femboy: I need to get going i have a meeting at 8 in the morning [03:15:57] Amoyamoyamoya: !ai [03:15:57] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [03:15:58] zebrabbl396: Kappu [03:16:00] stevethemoof: it gave a uh...interesting race... [03:16:03] axing_: damn [03:16:03] sp00kq: Cutie [03:16:04] notrlyjacob: bro [03:16:04] ScarsUnseen: 27 [03:16:06] aAndrew3030: Stare [03:16:06] killingmyego: lolol [03:16:07] xnzibar: got dman [03:16:08] snowwynai: @Re_In_Car_Nation "Hmm... upgrades." - Neo, The Matrix Reloaded [03:16:08] isekai0taku: still pretty [03:16:09] ArminGux: kekkeke [03:16:11] jcktheripperrs: I think the AI is a little derp... [03:16:12] XENOMAN5: @thothfrogg last stream in old house [03:16:13] UnnamedTransGirl: sup lads, I'm late what did I miss [03:16:13] m4cintoshplus: still not 69 damn [03:16:14] SonicXVe: ÁI has a poggers bias [03:16:14] know1_0: HA! [03:16:15] xnzibar: sheesh [03:16:17] rabidtqm: looks like abbey from love on the spectrum [03:16:18] frank_the_great: You're white [03:16:19] snowwynai: Still prettier than I was at that age. [03:16:20] KelloggsTacoBella: F1nn accidentally took the estrogen shake instead of the protein shake before workout f1nnStare [03:16:20] alexx_net: Perfect photo for the "Real doll" to be made from [03:16:22] clulabell: are ya winning son? [03:16:22] gurthypizza: screenshot a photo of you today and get that score surely [03:16:24] AustraLeah: gorgeous tho unlike me [03:16:24] SxHards_: do a hot one [03:16:24] packagum: this ai just prefers girls [03:16:26] ramboo1989: see pretty privilege problems [03:16:30] ArminGux: do current look [03:16:31] undead_bandit452: F1nn you're just trying to boost the ego too much [03:16:32] QuickestJadeTheDoge: Wait what site is this? [03:16:33] zebrabbl396: Open mouth [03:16:33] EvilCutiexo: because you’re a 10 babes a 10 [03:16:35] Helen_Croft: Do one of this set @f1nn5ter https://twitter.com/F1NN5TER/status/1774532299813486858 [03:16:38] Avaerus0: Do you have an actual bad photo to test it? [03:16:41] rowil07: @snabbkassa it’s not about where he is from. it’s about the software. [03:16:43] lime6_: 19938837 tabs [03:16:43] sp00kq: !ai @quickestjadethedoge [03:16:43] AustraLeah: @packagum me [03:16:44] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [03:16:49] Vanimal2118: Maybe @kelloggstacobella [03:16:51] johnkeiwo: oh yeah I see this guy all the time ! [03:16:54] lunassolarsystem: Angol [03:16:59] sunnyandsmiling: Probably higher score because ur mouth is open, lol . it's a mans world [03:16:59] MsAnJel: So the algorithm is sexually biased. [03:16:59] johnkeiwo: he escaped from 4chan indeed [03:17:01] blueskydrinking: Oh not those fucking hate replies with the bad screenshots [03:17:03] SnabbKassa: @rowil07 i don't think it's that clever [03:17:05] snowwynai: I'm afraid to try this in a photo of me. [03:17:06] Ique32: Ique32 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months! [03:17:06] f3mmbot: ique32 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:17:09] ArminGux: Twitter is where people to lazy for 4 chan go now [03:17:11] alexx_net: F1nn looks more Saxon than Angle [03:17:12] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER try the pic with the blue dress and the strawberries [03:17:15] inplega: my right side is male and masculine but left side is female and soft like 1.5 size breast [03:17:16] johnkeiwo: https://twitter.com/fl69101987/status/1776023913291747770 [03:17:17] johnkeiwo: https://twitter.com/fl69101987/status/1776023913291747770 [03:17:17] johnkeiwo: https://twitter.com/fl69101987/status/1776023913291747770 [03:17:19] johnkeiwo: GOT IT [03:17:22] isekai0taku: this app seems more like artifical dumb than intelligence [03:17:28] lime6_: 🎃 Pumpkin says trans rights [03:17:29] snowwynai: I'm 42, AMAB, and look 10000000000% AMAB. [03:17:30] johnkeiwo: CIA EZ Clap [03:17:31] LittleChaSiu: common John W [03:17:35] boom_and_alpha_yt: maybe a bit of Norman [03:17:40] YumeNoZen: All the pics of myself I'm trying are age 31-33 [03:17:41] feefo_W_o: GAH [03:17:42] xnzibar: daaammmmnnnn [03:17:43] spartan162547: Party in the CIA [03:17:43] Lunaticwannabe: charboShake [03:17:43] johnkeiwo: yes he does it to the new ones [03:17:46] hopalongtommy: Has F1nn ever put a pic into Face app? [03:17:48] YumeNoZen: @johnkeiwo Good girl. [03:17:49] feefo_W_o: losing the hetero war [03:17:54] bananasandwich6969: 1 view lol [03:17:54] blueish4: vioCLASSIC hatefollower [03:17:54] ArminGux: ngl wish that was me [03:17:58] mitchbre1: I was 🥚 but now = 🏳️‍⚧️ [03:17:59] SnazzJaz4297: PRETTY FLY KITE GUY KEKW [03:18:00] mystchevious1: I genuinely HATE that guy. [03:18:06] blueskydrinking: @johnkeiwo how many tweets at that guy that would have got you banned have you got in your drafts? LuL [03:18:08] notrlyjacob: yooo [03:18:09] johnkeiwo: @mystchevious1, they are just sad cunts :) [03:18:10] killingmyego: xD [03:18:13] axing_: GOT THAT LEAFY JAWLINE LUL [03:18:14] Avaerus0: So he posts on all of F1nn's tweets? That's a bit weird. [03:18:15] SonicXVe: bro photoshopped it to make your face longer lmfao [03:18:18] eggshellyolk: F1nn can you choose the color of my braces? [03:18:18] johnkeiwo: @blueskydrinking, too many [03:18:18] Falqun: thats pixel soup not an image [03:18:19] Arson101: What is this title!? [03:18:20] infiniticaster: I cant belive im catching a real fin stream [03:18:22] jeffdogsonpi: 12 pixel images [03:18:23] HardyOrange: the side profile one IS warped, tho, you were too close to peirbi's camera [03:18:25] ArminGux: side looks like Ryan f9 [03:18:27] lime6_: I wish I was trans [03:18:29] am37hy57: F1n photo with motion blurr [03:18:30] ThothFrogg: theyre so obssessed with you [03:18:34] notrlyjacob: huhhhh [03:18:35] mystchevious1: @johnkeiwo I blocked them and I regret it because I want nothing more than to keep calling him a damn cunt. [03:18:36] johnkeiwo: I spend too much time with the brain rotted people [03:18:36] LittleChaSiu: LLLLLL [03:18:36] QuickestJadeTheDoge: I just got Violated by that site [03:18:39] gay_femboy: I lost my mind [03:18:39] SnabbKassa: Some punk trying to convince you that you are ugly when you are raking in BP cash [03:18:40] mcmelon_tv: lol [03:18:40] infiniticaster: is that a crop top? [03:18:41] AlhambraMMXX: wow i can't believe f1nn looks like... a normal person [03:18:43] isekai0taku: 30 year old crack addict [03:18:45] jeffdogsonpi: @lime6_ I got good news. You probably are [03:18:46] dyerass: i mean its above average technically [03:18:47] GenieGirl: yep always ment to be a female [03:18:47] notrlyjacob: F [03:18:50] johnkeiwo: @mystchevious1, spare yourself the pain ^^ ! [03:18:54] packagum: omg no one has all perfect angles what a bs argument [03:18:57] ArminGux: Lerip [03:18:58] gay_femboy: Smol [03:18:59] johnkeiwo: they are like " big torso LMAO " [03:18:59] seumafia: Hitbox [03:19:01] isekai0taku: is that a suit or pajamas? [03:19:03] QuickestJadeTheDoge: Apparently my race is yellow [03:19:07] ArminGux: bobba ? [03:19:08] Avaerus0: Long arms?? [03:19:09] johnkeiwo: these people think anime girls have realistic proportions [03:19:10] Vanimal2118: Batters box? [03:19:11] undead_bandit452: F1nn can you just buy finasteride or do you need a prescription [03:19:13] mcmelon_tv: !ai [03:19:13] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [03:19:14] sunnyandsmiling: DOMO's still paused? [03:19:16] Arson101: Jailbait [03:19:16] SonicXVe: cheesy hitbox when stanced [03:19:18] A_Fforrest: sleep paralysis demon [03:19:18] zombiii: complaining about hitboxes in a videogame [03:19:20] notrlyjacob: BROOO [03:19:22] johnkeiwo: W [03:19:22] SnazzJaz4297: Square/rectangle torso haha *points & laughs* [03:19:24] mystchevious1: @johnkeiwo Yeah I saw you picking the fight so I bowed out the first time. [03:19:27] viridianstwitchaccount: I got 23, female as its first guess; it was pretty close there [03:19:27] SnabbKassa: triangle [03:19:28] SnazzJaz4297: ICANT [03:19:28] ArminGux: kekekeke [03:19:29] blueskydrinking: objectively wrong, you look hot in a suit [03:19:30] 416hobbit: Just who programmed that anyway [03:19:32] professional_baguette: triangle??? [03:19:32] valeuba: 25 draconAware [03:19:35] AustraLeah: AFBA = Assigned Female By AI [03:19:36] Vanimal2118: F1nn breaks AI? [03:19:36] Havryl: "surely!" [03:19:36] isekai0taku: i think it sees long hair and says female tbh [03:19:37] androidwall4680: AI wasn't a fan of that picture huh [03:19:37] judgedame: hehehehe [03:19:37] tilt_central: The AI knew before anyone did [03:19:38] spartan162547: 25 [03:19:39] explodingcamera: moon2SPIN [03:19:39] crymson_vega: uh oh [03:19:40] alexx_net: Not so fluid now, it seems [03:19:40] Re_In_Car_Nation: don’t you have a male shirtless pic? [03:19:41] GenieGirl: nope 40 female [03:19:42] ArminGux: assigned female by ai [03:19:42] WizardBarley: woman [03:19:44] Storm_Ryder: Joanne Wick [03:19:45] gay_femboy: My laptop screen is Busted i am angurd [03:19:45] aAndrew3030: wolfaGiggle [03:19:45] dangerousruben: I think the AI sees long hair and thinks female [03:19:45] johnkeiwo: If I hang around 4chan again i'll ask them to give me the most unflattering angles for next time [03:19:47] crymson_vega: OH THIS I CAN'T WAIT [03:19:48] kalzir6969: !ai [03:19:48] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [03:19:49] dyerass: what website is this? [03:19:49] ecstaticsense: maybe its just the long hair = women [03:19:50] johnkeiwo: they are your biggest fans [03:19:53] beastboyz168: f1nnRotate f1nnPet f1nnCowjam f1nnSad f1nnKnife [03:19:55] notrlyjacob: hehe [03:19:55] johnkeiwo: PogU [03:19:56] LittleChaSiu: very old photo though [03:19:56] scarlettyg: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [03:19:57] isekai0taku: fake ai [03:19:57] spartan162547: Jude Wick [03:19:58] Lunaticwannabe: charboDumb [03:20:02] WyldAntic: LUL [03:20:02] callmewtty: f1nn been mewing [03:20:03] jcktheripperrs: It's learning [03:20:03] gay_femboy: f1nnStare SeemsGood [03:20:03] frank_the_great: Do the double chin image from your profile pic [03:20:04] ArminGux: kekek [03:20:05] skbillz_: tickle me till i fart [03:20:05] krovvy: LUL [03:20:05] LaMale411: f1nnCope [03:20:05] Re_In_Car_Nation: Standard Brummie [03:20:06] crymson_vega: It says 24 [03:20:08] ferrousfalcon: Fake news [03:20:09] know1_0: LOL [03:20:10] Amoyamoyamoya: COPE CONTINUES [03:20:10] phoebe_rc: Use current Screen [03:20:10] ogrem_fanclan: Only have to go back 7 years to be seen as a Male [03:20:10] pogrow: this is a woman moment [03:20:11] mystchevious1: So you haven't been boy since 17? [03:20:13] bearpaw1970: You really have the blessings of Aphrodite and eros [03:20:15] undead_bandit452: Jude Howick [03:20:15] nikama6: Rigged [03:20:16] androidwall4680: Misinformation [03:20:16] WyldAntic: UWU [03:20:17] cornflakes_0: @skbillz_ dude what [03:20:17] phoebe_rc: Use current screenshot [03:20:20] SnazzJaz4297: Looksmaxxing [03:20:22] c__r__j: OK. So you started looking female between ages 17 and 18? [03:20:22] 416hobbit: lol [03:20:23] Arson101: “That girl is poisonnnnnn’ [03:20:33] aAndrew3030: wolfaClap first time ever [03:20:33] kalzir6969: !ai [03:20:34] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [03:20:34] Vanimal2118: Shush Amoya just go with it. [03:20:34] EvilCutiexo: I think it’s just the hair [03:20:39] mitchbre1: 🍔 [03:20:40] snowwynai: It guessed my age and AGAB exactly. It also gave me a 20 beauty score. Apparently I'm FUCKING UGLY. [03:20:41] Ry_Noir: Its the long hair, I put my hair back and put on a baseball cap and suddenly I'm male. [03:20:41] ArminGux: you had more neck fat back then [03:20:44] infiniticaster: whats in the box????? [03:20:47] jeffdogsonpi: It practically assumes female with long hair [03:20:48] zebrabbl396: Gremlin poses [03:20:52] lime6_: @jeffdogsonpi I know I'm not trans because I don't use reddit that much [03:20:53] Helen_Croft: Do the blue dress one now [03:20:53] HardyOrange: you grew your hair out, which the ai seems to focus on [03:20:54] infiniticaster: can fin go in the box? [03:20:57] ogrem_fanclan: f1nnLaff [03:20:59] rallphie10: do the picture for the waifu cup [03:21:02] dukeskunk: I was AFK, where do you find that tool? [03:21:04] Lunaticwannabe: He just said... [03:21:05] am37hy57: Huh is that a thing? [03:21:08] LittleChaSiu: guys appear in one photo ever [03:21:12] Stovamor: Do the blue dress one now as a contrast [03:21:16] MrsPandamber: I would steal peoples cameras so they couldnt take pictures of me [03:21:16] AustraLeah: Oh yeah I don't have photos of me from age 13 to age 18 or smth [03:21:16] isabaellchen: i regret not having taken more [03:21:17] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: i also really didnt like pictures of myself around that time... [03:21:18] frodotheturtle: Bigfoot core [03:21:18] ArminGux: egg [03:21:20] cattypuss_1: use current screenshot BibleThump [03:21:22] ogrem_fanclan: Bingo! [03:21:24] blueskydrinking: i take a photo of myself about once eveyr 3 or 4 years [03:21:24] honeysquares: yearbook? [03:21:27] Re_In_Car_Nation: smae [03:21:29] johnkeiwo: lesbian [03:21:29] viridianstwitchaccount: I went through a phase like that too- avoid all pictures [03:21:30] lex1plays: autism not wanting to be perceived fr [03:21:31] Bloodcoatrain: 27 F [03:21:31] purpleysounds: i got a beauty score of 35 but i got female so its a win [03:21:32] c__r__j: Turns out "I'm a guy" was one hell of a hill to die on. f1nnCope [03:21:32] HardyOrange: 100% lesbian [03:21:33] k3lvin8or: hot [03:21:33] mitchbre1: Ye use current screenshot [03:21:33] hand_hook_car_door: that's another 35 lesbian [03:21:34] hugeairconditioner: dude i do that [03:21:34] axing_: its gonna be so female lmao [03:21:41] SonicXVe: 30yo female coded [03:21:42] krovvy: BibleThump [03:21:45] lampshaderie: when you secretly hope that it results in female [03:21:46] Storm_Ryder: Yeah, I realized that I never take any photos of myself unless I'm girlmoding [03:21:46] ArminGux: I can see why ur gfs were lesbians [03:21:46] honeysquares: older female [03:21:49] Vanimal2118: True @c__r__j [03:21:51] alexx_net: You hit everything but missed your egg shell for years. f1nnLaff [03:21:53] jeffdogsonpi: @lime6_ tf does that have to do with anything? [03:21:54] bearpaw1970: Female [03:21:54] woutieoutie: Are you trans, becuase ive been knowing you from the beginning and this is all you do now [03:21:54] Re_In_Car_Nation: I remember thinking the same thing [03:21:56] lime6_: You can wish your trans without being trans [03:21:56] eleanormcd: Actively avoiding taking photos of yourself......... [03:21:57] Avaerus0: It'll say 26 year old woman [03:22:01] Arson101: Stud muffin [03:22:01] TheWhiteWolves: think only photos i take are for my driving license LUL [03:22:02] Amoyamoyamoya: "Older" [03:22:03] RubySandwich: !gender [03:22:03] AustraLeah: no never [03:22:03] f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. Also, Finn is gender fluid. [03:22:04] notrlyjacob: shushh [03:22:04] undead_bandit452: I don't like photos taken of me but my mates constantly try to get ugly mugs of me [03:22:05] MrsPandamber: i dont think you have [03:22:09] 416hobbit: You needed a string of photos for a timelapse [03:22:11] axing_: hahah [03:22:13] zebrabbl396: What rhymes with clear? [03:22:14] ArminGux: u do that a lot [03:22:17] Knikian: KEKW [03:22:18] SnabbKassa: @jeffdogsonpi I think it's a silly meme [03:22:21] andimax11: that’s sooo fem lol [03:22:22] isabaellchen: yea that darn competition thing [03:22:22] blueskydrinking: this is ai is dogshit bro [03:22:24] GenieGirl: you do not need to be strong that is what a man is for :p [03:22:25] Stovamor: Do the blue dress one now as a contrast [03:22:26] Stovamor: Do the blue dress one now as a contrast [03:22:27] Helen_Croft: Do the blue dress one [03:22:28] Vanimal2118: Can still have a 6 pack will just take work. [03:22:29] alexx_net: @lime6_ technically possible, but very rare [03:22:30] axing_: T timeline vibes [03:22:31] Kitten_Sophie17: Even the AI knew you were an egg [03:22:31] mitchbre1: 🍳 [03:22:32] know1_0: teehee [03:22:33] gay_femboy: B€€R RHYMES WITH CLEAR [03:22:34] jayem97: It knew before you did [03:22:34] BlaireBearStare: Would you get a suit? A fitted suit would be fire for boy moding [03:22:34] 416hobbit: Blue dress [03:22:36] callmewtty: guess you've always been sorta fem [03:22:38] ScarsUnseen: male fail [03:22:38] Jahkae: f1nn finds out he’s a pretty girl, 2024 [03:22:39] froqgy_: @zebrabbl396 nothing sorry [03:22:42] ArminGux: at least you looked like a top as a lesbian [03:22:42] sunnyandsmiling: Your domo's still muted? [03:22:42] xdWingman: @zebrabbl396 beer [03:22:47] Arson101: Facial hair breaks it [03:22:47] snowwynai: If I got a wig, did makeup, and maybe a nice outfit, I might score as a woman in her 50s... 😭 [03:22:48] gay_femboy: Sleep [03:22:48] Re_In_Car_Nation: AI can tell how smooth your skin is [03:22:49] dukeskunk: What is the name of this site/tool? [03:22:49] Stovamor: Do the blue dress one now as a contrast [03:22:52] mitchbre1: 🐣🐣🐣 [03:22:56] kenziekattpurr: go to bed [03:22:57] spartan162547: Do one of you now [03:22:57] Storm_Ryder: Dono's are still muted [03:22:59] aporcelaingirl: !ai [03:22:59] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [03:22:59] gay_femboy: Sleep plw [03:23:00] ecstaticsense: abs is where all the muscle went that's why finn cant win arm wrestles anymore [03:23:03] gay_femboy: No, [03:23:04] lime6_: I am cis [03:23:06] AustraLeah: Finn discovers that he might be an egg, 2024 [03:23:07] bearpaw1970: The AI; was modded by Ashley [03:23:09] gay_femboy: Sleep nwo [03:23:10] PhilipMooney: Gender oobleck: fluid when you don't stress it, solid when stressed [03:23:12] braddle172: PogU [03:23:13] notrlyjacob: yoooo [03:23:13] LevelOneBrain: Pog [03:23:14] melodyrainxx: Lol [03:23:15] scarlettyg: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:23:15] jeffdogsonpi: @SnabbKassa I know, but I'm not going to entertain it [03:23:16] johnkeiwo: Sheeeeesh [03:23:16] killingmyego: ayeee [03:23:18] GenieGirl: dang [03:23:18] YumeNoZen: Oh, donos still off? [03:23:20] AustraLeah: slay [03:23:21] dnsmcbr: Gender: Female Drake [03:23:21] AlhambraMMXX: daamn [03:23:21] Aziz_26: Hiiiii [03:23:21] ronin_5463: PB [03:23:21] 416hobbit: Very femme [03:23:22] isekai0taku: this ai sucks dude thats a 100 [03:23:22] Vanimal2118: Pretty Dress [03:23:22] monsterslegacy12: as expected [03:23:23] ArminGux: let’s goooo [03:23:23] blueskydrinking: It was a good photo [03:23:24] ramboo1989: 🏆 [03:23:24] Kaymon81: the most acurate :) [03:23:24] YumeNoZen: Or did mine get blocked? [03:23:25] Avaerus0: It's a good photo [03:23:28] spartan162547: letsgo [03:23:29] alexx_net: @lime6_ ... for now f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeart [03:23:29] k3lvin8or: That pic goes hard [03:23:29] Arson101: I look 6 years younger lol [03:23:30] tilt_central: dam solid 8/10 [03:23:30] ogrem_fanclan: I'd be happy to score a 21 [03:23:30] YumeNoZen: I had a cute one! [03:23:33] SnazzJaz4297: foxyjoLUBBERS foxyjoLUBBERS foxyjoLUBBERS foxyjoLUBBERS [03:23:34] texdragon: Cute [03:23:34] mitchbre1: 💯 [03:23:35] ArminGux: well deserved [03:23:35] jeffdogsonpi: Trad wife outfit [03:23:38] honeysquares: pretty woman good photo [03:23:38] YumeNoZen: And, well, we know it's wrong, you're cuter than that. [03:23:39] Gtadicto1: donos of i believe [03:23:40] jjbestist: HUBBA BUBBA WOULD [03:23:43] thug_bird1: BeautyMaxxing [03:23:43] isekai0taku: thats a solid 100 [03:23:45] bearpaw1970: Wow' that's is high [03:23:45] 416hobbit: That photo is so good [03:23:46] melodyrainxx: Cute pic [03:23:46] freshdelipickles: gesundheit [03:23:47] johnkeiwo: bless u [03:23:49] freshdelipickles: i think [03:23:50] mitchbre1: 10/10 [03:23:51] snowwynai: I wish I had been exposed to content like yours in my early 20s. My egg might have cracked when I could have done something about it. [03:23:52] johnkeiwo: next time ! [03:23:52] saiki_kei16: bless you [03:23:53] Kayver_: bless you [03:23:53] LittleChaSiu: F1nn remember when you told your gf you'd be in bed like an hour ago [03:23:54] MsAnJel: Very good score indeed [03:23:54] aAndrew3030: wolfaRoses [03:23:55] Avaerus0: That is a cute outfit [03:23:56] xnzibar: now ur cookin' [03:23:57] mootie1: Bless you [03:23:57] MrsPandamber: my personal best is like 73 on an 8 year old photo [03:23:58] madschtz: prosit [03:23:58] TheBugMeister: bless you [03:23:58] alexx_net: You do look cute in that [03:23:59] texdragon: Bless you [03:24:01] undead_bandit452: F1nn do you enjoy resident evil? [03:24:03] kenziekattpurr: you need to sleep [03:24:03] YumeNoZen: More "get railed in a sundress" meme comes to mind. [03:24:03] Bloodcoatrain: new Bio line "81 scored" [03:24:03] Storm_Ryder: I gotta copy that fit [03:24:03] know1_0: stwabewee [03:24:04] BLazy_45: Silly's are among us... [03:24:04] debdrup: "New personal best in fucking" -- F1nn5ter [03:24:05] xnzibar: mindblown [03:24:07] hugeairconditioner: finns a 100 tho ai on some shit [03:24:11] AlhambraMMXX: competitive looksmaxxing [03:24:19] blindthirdeye: Do the eeps [03:24:20] Vanimal2118: f1nnBonk @yumenozen [03:24:21] mootie1: f1nnSideeye bombastic [03:24:24] DrTaboo_: Finn, Do you still do factions? What do you do now. Its been too long [03:24:25] mnaid3: eepy time [03:24:25] EvilCutiexo: trad wife’s can’t show their ankles [03:24:26] mitchbre1: sweepy [03:24:27] jeffdogsonpi: @lime6_ Do you want to be though? [03:24:35] jjbestist: FIN FIT ICL [03:24:37] YumeNoZen: @Vanimal2118 Heh. I have no regrats. [03:24:37] Stovamor: yes [03:24:39] lime6_: @alexx_net thanks but I only want to be a girls when I think about it and I am completely fine being a male so I'm not trans but still thanks [03:24:44] mitchbre1: 🌙 [03:24:51] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [03:24:52] undead_bandit452: The amount of people claiming hydrate and f1nn don't care lol [03:24:58] Storm_Ryder: @lime6_ Genderfluid mode [03:25:04] Storm_Ryder: mood [03:25:05] alexx_net: @lime6_ Same as me! [03:25:17] braddle172: !time [03:25:17] f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:30 [03:25:20] mystchevious1: Ace is a spectrum. You don't have to fit a mold. [03:25:21] SnabbKassa: you don't HAVE to tell us anything [03:25:22] YumeNoZen: Hrm. Demi is an interesting spot. And, well, libido and hormones and how life is all get weird sometimes. [03:25:23] BLazy_45: Next cookie Monster Minecraft Stream? [03:25:23] nanofair: Almost spat out my ramen bc ace talk? :0 [03:25:26] SonicXVe: finn thats totally fine. theres variety in ace stuff. its a spectrum too. [03:25:27] PynkFryck: @gay_femboy it is [03:25:30] ScarsUnseen: you're allowed to experiment and learn. it's fine. have fun. [03:25:31] blatant_fabrication: asexuality is a spectrum [03:25:33] SnazzJaz4297: foxyjoLOVE foxyjoLOVE foxyjoLOVE [03:25:35] johnkeiwo: Get detailed on the battlepass PogU [03:25:37] alexx_net: You don't have to talk about anything that you don't want to. [03:25:37] bananasandwich6969: need a spicy site stream to explain it... [03:25:38] Kosmoose: the progesterone is working its magic [03:25:39] blueskydrinking: there's things like demi- and graysexual. The thing about spectrums is they can be divided infinitely [03:25:40] Origamini30: Being ace is about attraction, not action [03:25:42] Bytebak: That's the definition of Ace - Not super interested [03:25:42] imellion: ace is spectrum [03:25:45] johnkeiwo: battlepass stream when Stare ? [03:25:49] AeitZean: Ace is a spectrum, and an academic interest in sex still counts LUL [03:25:50] Kosmoose: OMEGALUL [03:25:50] A_Fforrest: it fluctuates [03:25:50] dangerousruben: Labels don't have to be permanent [03:25:51] snowwynai: You work on it, sweetie. It's your journey. [03:25:54] HardyOrange: and that's completely fine, to change labels over time! [03:25:54] lime6_: @alexx_net are you trans how did you know, what if I'm just want to be a girls and am just a weird guy [03:25:55] YumeNoZen: I'll support you in damn near anything as long as you're not Bri'ish. [03:25:56] SonicXVe: you are allowed to change lol [03:26:03] simuItaNEOusly: being ace is not the amout of sex drive, itÄs about the (non) attraction [03:26:04] debdrup: As long as you're having fun, that's what's important. [03:26:04] MrsPandamber: getting more comfortable in your own body can change some stuff too sometimes [03:26:05] BlaireBearStare: It’s ok to be ace some of the time too [03:26:05] alexx_net: @lime6_ I am not trans [03:26:06] jeffdogsonpi: @lime6_ You'll find out the truth soon enough. Boys generally don't want to be girls [03:26:09] ArminGux: waiting for the hearth stickers to drop [03:26:10] undead_bandit452: For [03:26:11] blueskydrinking: @YumeNoZen I have some bad news, I'm so sorry... [03:26:11] AlhambraMMXX: it really is a second puberty huh? [03:26:16] LittleChaSiu: got nothing in you, eh LUL [03:26:21] kgober: maybe you're just easily distracted [03:26:27] heyimf1dg3t: doodoo [03:26:30] YumeNoZen: I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if on a rare occasion some of my comments check boxes for you. lol [03:26:32] ColinSpurr: lower abdominal hunger? [03:26:34] aAndrew3030: What is ace??? [03:26:40] undead_bandit452: For hrt do you take oestrogen and progesterone or am I just stupid [03:26:40] ColinSpurr: asexual [03:26:42] YumeNoZen: @blueskydrinking Heh. [03:26:44] mcmelon_tv: @aAndrew3030 asexual [03:26:46] HardyOrange: I love the effort you put into lighting/contrast/composition [03:26:48] LaCroix_Blows: feet are ugly [03:26:49] mr_x320: Yo [03:26:50] SnabbKassa: you like them because you are narcissistic [03:26:51] TwinbeeMk2: Everyone is different [03:26:53] johnkeiwo: like in a " I don't see why it's hot " kinda way ? [03:26:54] andimax11: hmm… interesting [03:26:56] callmewtty: take a shot with me before bed dude! [03:26:56] ArminGux: it’s personal preference [03:26:58] mitchbre1: I’m so ready for HRT! [03:26:58] c__r__j: You spent three years being a woman "for content" before coming out, and now you'll spend three years being a sex maniac "for content" before coming out? [03:27:02] Stovamor: !hrt [03:27:03] f3mmbot: Finn is taking Finasteride to stop hair loss and has recently started actual HRT (CPA, Progesterone and transdermal Estradiol). See this video for more info - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3reFDwM0yIA [03:27:03] darkmew_10: <3 TransgenderPride [03:27:04] luiza_stn: heey finn [03:27:05] Bytebak: @aAndrew3030 ASexual [03:27:07] Helen_Croft: !hrt [03:27:07] lime6_: But most cis people still wish they were born differently that's just how humans work [03:27:14] aAndrew3030: thanks chat [03:27:16] rabidtqm: you take hormones like i take hallucinogens [03:27:21] snowwynai: God... I tried an image of me where I wasn't smiling and I got an 18.... [03:27:27] snowwynai: I'm quasimodo.... 😭 [03:27:29] 416hobbit: The gender slider on character creation [03:27:30] BLazy_45: @rabidtqm rofl [03:27:32] isekai0taku: gender fliud is hitting the randomizer in character creation and being happy with whaterver [03:27:39] PrincessPolyhedra: What shop do you go to when you need to get your gender fluid changed though??? [03:27:43] YumeNoZen: Uh... surrrre. Okay. Sure. Prime DIRECTIVE [03:27:44] honeysquares: ……… what? [03:27:45] MiskatonicRich: F1nn is the DEAN from Community....with all the outfites [03:27:51] skylee1976: Progesterone helps with breast growth [03:27:52] looeesz: Oooo I got a 71 with a current photo Pog [03:27:53] LittleChaSiu: cis people don't tend to wish to be born the opposite* gender [03:27:54] Stovamor: @gay_femboy, stop asking [03:27:56] viijour: viijour subscribed at Tier 1. [03:27:56] f3mmbot: viijour subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang viijour f1nnLezgang [03:27:57] thewanderingplaneswalker: @lime6_ most cis people dont want to be the opposite gender [03:28:06] debdrup: "The gender thing" KEKW [03:28:07] jayem97: If you wish you were something and you can change that to make you happy then do it [03:28:08] RavingWithTheDemon: Hiiii [03:28:11] pinkbarbie_brat: beepboop [03:28:15] UnnamedTransGirl: It was weird, for me estrogen just completely squashed my drive for a couple years [03:28:15] aAndrew3030: 🦶 aicLICK [03:28:18] undead_bandit452: The amount of people clipping and running with f1nn saying gender is just a concept [03:28:18] MrsPandamber: most cis men dont want their own set of mommy milkers tho [03:28:23] am37hy57: am37hyFoot [03:28:27] YumeNoZen: Just use y'all. [03:28:31] YumeNoZen: All y'all. [03:28:33] Vanimal2118: f1nnHeart Mysti [03:28:34] ScarsUnseen: *bud [03:28:37] ScarsUnseen: buddy [03:28:42] HardyOrange: tbh gamer works for you [03:28:42] packagum: pal [03:28:42] Helen_Croft: What words do Ashley use? [03:28:42] LittleChaSiu: LUL [03:28:42] viridianstwitchaccount: Yeah.. that's a bit of a struggle [03:28:42] wtfuxlolwut: Hun [03:28:43] SnazzJaz4297: Y'all 🤠🤠🤠 [03:28:43] mitchbre1: 🥥🥥 [03:28:43] Hiimcarl_8: i use gamer [03:28:44] sir_pyromacer: friend [03:28:44] insectuncle774: Buddy, friend, mate, pall [03:28:45] blueish4: KEKW [03:28:45] johnkeiwo: OOF KEKW [03:28:46] isekai0taku: lol [03:28:47] heyimf1dg3t: y’all means all [03:28:48] higildypiggldy: I call people buster [03:28:48] noctis_ee: "gamer" is just non-cowboy for "partner" [03:28:50] jeffdogsonpi: fam [03:28:50] honeysquares: gamer!!!!! [03:28:53] andimax11: pal? ehh idk [03:28:54] jeffdogsonpi: honey [03:28:55] ScarsUnseen: everyone is buddy lol [03:28:57] snowwynai: I'm a 2 at most. 😭 [03:28:58] BLazy_45: But then there are people who say they aren't human and put a bad imagine on everyone else [03:29:00] undead_bandit452: I'm pretty sure I'm trans but have no clue how to 100% verify it [03:29:00] hasslelad: amigos [03:29:00] ScarsUnseen: HUMAN [03:29:01] honeysquares: partner [03:29:01] Tumi90: @F1NN5TER i try to use fam because it works in most situations i'd use dude in [03:29:02] taeyukki: fellas? [03:29:02] ArminGux: skater [03:29:03] RavingWithTheDemon: Cheer1 [03:29:07] jeffdogsonpi: folks [03:29:08] ramboo1989: I say fella alot to everyone [03:29:11] darkmew_10: Hey first stream just came out as bi [03:29:11] johnkeiwo: AGREED ! [03:29:12] YumeNoZen: Y'all works. And bish for queer people works tos.. [03:29:14] sunnyandsmiling: That's a great idea [03:29:19] lime6_: @thewanderingplaneswalker one time my cis friend told me that they wish they were a girl and they were amab and cis so I can be cis and wish to be born a girl [03:29:19] johnkeiwo: Cuz Ashley did that and it was pretty tame [03:29:25] am37hy57: Yo [03:29:25] gracefully_insane74: @yumenozen y'all is a good go to. i also sometimes use folx [03:29:26] johnkeiwo: it was chill [03:29:29] soundsbytxture: GEMDER [03:29:30] aporcelaingirl: 14 is alkaline - 7 is neutral - 1 is acidic [03:29:31] SnazzJaz4297: As long as it's not something super cringey like "Chat" [03:29:35] ArminGux: whipersnapper [03:29:35] HildarTheDorf: How are you always so pretty. @F1NN5TER 🥚 [03:29:36] HardyOrange: tbh, how many questions would be too spicy for twitch without being fully cringe?? [03:29:36] callmewtty: dude take a shot with me before bed! 😂 [03:29:39] ergonomicc: @darkmew_10 nice [03:29:40] viridianstwitchaccount: I've heard "guys, gals, & enby pals" used before [03:29:44] thewanderingplaneswalker: @lime6_ hehe that's very eggy of you both [03:29:44] mystchevious1: It was very nice. [03:29:45] 1958dino: F1nn you are doing just fine, I wish you all the best for the future!💐😌😼🐈‍⬛♥️☕🥖🧀🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇦🇵🇸🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💐 [03:29:46] blueskydrinking: Yeah, you put your poor mods throuhg a lot of stress KEKW [03:29:47] YumeNoZen: Most of it was chill, too. [03:29:48] MiskatonicRich: If you did that On OF ppl could expect some DETAILS [03:29:51] RubySandwich: !hrt [03:29:51] f3mmbot: Finn is taking Finasteride to stop hair loss and has recently started actual HRT (CPA, Progesterone and transdermal Estradiol). See this video for more info - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3reFDwM0yIA [03:29:52] dafdeddog: yes it was [03:29:53] johnkeiwo: it was, just talking and chilling on battlepass was cool [03:29:55] k3lvin8or: Lovense stream when? [03:29:56] 416hobbit: BP stream would be… interesting [03:29:57] zombiii: it was. we gossiped about you a lot [03:29:58] undead_bandit452: F1nn is 7 on the pH scale neutral [03:30:03] johnkeiwo: HUH !?!? worrunS worrunBDSM [03:30:03] Nova_Prime_69: KEKW [03:30:03] LittleChaSiu: KEKW timing [03:30:04] braddle172: Huh [03:30:04] freshdelipickles: whoa [03:30:04] 416hobbit: lol [03:30:05] gurthypizza: speaking of subtle questions lmfao [03:30:05] alexx_net: @blueskydrinking we get used to it [03:30:05] thewanderingplaneswalker: KEKW [03:30:06] viridianstwitchaccount: What? [03:30:06] mystchevious1: Like that. [03:30:07] YumeNoZen: It's just nice to NOT have to worry too often. [03:30:10] ramboo1989: ayoo [03:30:10] johnkeiwo: AYO !? adcvrSWEAT [03:30:11] mcmelon_tv: lmfao [03:30:11] purpleysounds: KEKW [03:30:11] ArminGux: wtf [03:30:11] blueish4: FINN [03:30:11] ciernaruza: well [03:30:11] undead_bandit452: Cap [03:30:12] HildarTheDorf: WHAT [03:30:12] kemalh9: Ayoooo [03:30:12] ShigotoKowai: LIES [03:30:12] MrsPandamber: well... lol [03:30:12] Titansflys: KEK [03:30:12] k3lvin8or: LUL [03:30:13] killingmyego: huh [03:30:13] braddle172: LUL [03:30:13] vaureo2d: WELLL [03:30:13] am37hy57: Yes you do, we all do [03:30:13] LL_cool_Ray14: BRUH [03:30:13] mifepristones: ayo [03:30:13] ronin_5463: KEKW [03:30:13] Vanimal2118: Well? [03:30:13] PynkFryck: KEKW [03:30:14] Falqun: but(t) its fun [03:30:14] luiza_stn: kekw [03:30:14] ShiraNine: no lol [03:30:15] idesofjuno: LUL [03:30:15] viijour: puppyKEKW [03:30:16] dashunde: toilet paper [03:30:16] LittleChaSiu: OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL [03:30:16] notrlyjacob: AYOO [03:30:16] c__r__j: f1nnCope [03:30:17] AlhambraMMXX: KEKW [03:30:17] isekai0taku: Then you're just a top f1nn [03:30:17] taeyukki: LMAO [03:30:18] 416hobbit: “well” [03:30:18] jjbestist: igaG igaG igaG igaG igaG igaG igaG igaG igaG igaG igaG igaG yarrLick yarrLick yarrLick yarrLick yarrLick yarrLick yarrLick [03:30:18] SnabbKassa: that was a bit sudden [03:30:18] packagum: KEKW HUH [03:30:18] NeoBoost_: Litteral first femboy to say that [03:30:20] notrlyjacob: NO WAYYY [03:30:20] MiskatonicRich: creampied...oh my [03:30:20] zebrabbl396: LUL LUL LUL LUL [03:30:21] luiza_stn: that 'well' [03:30:22] HardyOrange: see?!?! why do we need a battlepass stream?????? [03:30:22] TheBugMeister: KEKW [03:30:23] luiza_stn: lol [03:30:24] notrlyjacob: LMAO [03:30:24] NekoHasAimbot: self report f1nnSCAM [03:30:25] EvilCutiexo: 😂😂😂😂 [03:30:25] EternalLucia: kEKW [03:30:25] soggyvector: well? [03:30:26] YumeNoZen: HAHAHAHAHAHA. Well, Fimter has owned up to being bi, and we know he ain't gonna top. [03:30:26] Bytebak: KEKW [03:30:27] minihiclive: LMAO [03:30:27] foxycoop: bro said BUSSY [03:30:28] SxHards_: ayoo [03:30:31] sir_pyromacer: sorry, had to go for a second, but for a gender neutral term to replace dude, I find "friend" works rather well, but that doesn't work for random people I suppose [03:30:32] EvilCutiexo: WELL [03:30:33] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [03:30:33] lime6_: I'm pretty sure I am faking euphoria when called a girl because I want to be trans but am cis [03:30:33] blueskydrinking: @alexx_net That's called Stockholm Syndrome LuL [03:30:34] mystchevious1: So? [03:30:34] felidae21: what are your pronouns?? [03:30:34] SeiReiJoku: that sounds like a lie LOL [03:30:36] ramboo1989: 👍🍑 [03:30:36] luiza_stn: LMAO [03:30:37] lex1plays: same i take pills at night, too much work otherwise [03:30:37] mitchbre1: 🍑🍑🍑🍑 [03:30:39] johnkeiwo: ask Ashley [03:30:40] ftiss: GoatEmotey [03:30:41] espiiowo: ?? [03:30:41] Almamu: KEKW [03:30:42] steggo223: Cheer45 have a good night F1nn [03:30:42] bearpaw1970: Lmao 🤣 well' [03:30:43] Kitten_Sophie17: I have nails too and boof it [03:30:43] MrsPandamber: wait what are we putting up our ass? [03:30:43] Vanimal2118: Keep digging F1nn [03:30:43] bang3r: you can get progesterone cream!! @F1NN5TER [03:30:44] c__r__j: If only you had things you could use as an insertion aid. [03:30:44] tilt_central: Ashley can do it for you [03:30:44] soundsbytxture: but its so fun [03:30:44] foxycoop: wat [03:30:45] braddle172: KEKW [03:30:45] jeffdogsonpi: @lime6_ You can do what you want. If you want to be trans you can be it. [03:30:45] andimax11: lol oof [03:30:46] notrlyjacob: 👀👀👀👀 [03:30:47] jamnesia777: hell yeah you did [03:30:47] SnabbKassa: you can wear gloves [03:30:47] johnkeiwo: adcvrSHOOK adcvrSHOOK [03:30:47] LL_cool_Ray14: LMAO [03:30:48] killingmyego: xD [03:30:49] inplega: FeelsStrongMan FeelsStrongMan [03:30:49] SonicXVe: what, suppositories? do they not make tools that help with that [03:30:50] HardyOrange: oh???? [03:30:50] ArminGux: that sounds like a pain [03:30:51] YumeNoZen: If we see the first two nails end up shorter, we understand. [03:30:51] dangerousruben: ..... [03:30:51] johnkeiwo: I am shocked D: [03:30:52] UnnamedTransGirl: It is a bit annoying but worth it imo [03:30:52] k3lvin8or: Lovense stream, lovense stream! [03:30:52] NeoBoost_: BOTTOM CONFIRMED!!! [03:30:53] mystchevious1: OMG!!! QUEEN!!! [03:30:54] alexx_net: @blueskydrinking, f1nnLaff [03:30:54] notrlyjacob: FFFF [03:30:55] LittleChaSiu: oh hey I've also dated a dude [03:30:55] foxycoop: we know finn [03:30:56] Kosmoose: KEKW [03:30:57] tilt_central: oh the birds and the bees [03:30:57] mcmelon_tv: Cheer100 ayo [03:30:57] ShigotoKowai: Just sit on the pill [03:30:58] EternalLucia: He dated a dude, and he's definitely a bottom [03:30:58] notrlyjacob: LETS GOO [03:30:58] ramboo1989: 🫡 [03:30:59] mystchevious1: I soo want details [03:31:00] 416hobbit: did the thing [03:31:01] p0ikil3: SKIRT SPIN [03:31:01] michaelm_l_m: Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited [03:31:02] Avaerus0: What did he just admit? [03:31:02] SnazzJaz4297: I've thought of saying "boys girls & nonbinary pearls" [03:31:03] Falqun: bottom lul [03:31:03] BLazy_45: 0:36 [03:31:07] soggyvector: F1nn bottom confirmed [03:31:07] zombiii: Do a raid. share the love [03:31:08] hugeairconditioner: UHM [03:31:08] SxHards_: BOTTOM [03:31:08] Kitten_Sophie17: Are the bottom allegations now confirmed? [03:31:09] Vanimal2118: itspea13BunnnWave vanima3PINK vanima3HOWDY [03:31:10] Stovamor: Caught in 4k [03:31:10] johnkeiwo: @mystchevious1, dirty ! [03:31:11] thatkimon: Best of luck with the move! [03:31:12] thewanderingplaneswalker: @jeffdogsonpi yeah it's just cis people dont want to be the opposite gender. but people should do waht they feel they wanna do :3 [03:31:12] MrsPandamber: Good luck with the move! [03:31:12] the_deezel: Give Ashley a hug for us [03:31:13] ogrem_fanclan: goodnight Finncess [03:31:13] YumeNoZen: And house tour BP Stream? [03:31:13] undead_bandit452: Is if still in Birmingham [03:31:13] snowwynai: You mentioned it briefly, in context with figuring that you are bi. [03:31:14] am37hy57: Ok later [03:31:14] notrlyjacob: BOTTOM [03:31:14] alexx_net: The french are right: sometimes suppository is more effective [03:31:14] just_an_other_lurker: sleep well and wake [03:31:14] kan3k1s2: this is gonna be a fun yt video [03:31:14] mitchbre1: makeup vids? [03:31:15] mystchevious1: Would you tell us on a baattle pass stream? [03:31:15] Gtadicto1: the nails is the only thing i believe XD [03:31:15] Aziz_26: ARSE [03:31:15] ScarsUnseen: AWKWARD [03:31:15] thgfthh: 28 more [03:31:16] Re_In_Car_Nation: clip [03:31:16] SnabbKassa: look at "Enema of the State" album cover, @F1NN5TER [03:31:16] EternalLucia: You can imagine the rest from there [03:31:17] andimax11: what a way to end the stream lmao [03:31:17] bearpaw1970: "well" was such good timing [03:31:18] HardyOrange: oops! [03:31:18] ScarsUnseen: lolll [03:31:18] callmewtty: quick shot!! before u leave [03:31:18] YumeNoZen: That'd be a great mix. [03:31:19] AustraLeah: cheers man [03:31:19] NekoHasAimbot: favorite custom knife maker atm?? [03:31:19] ArminGux: bottom prepped [03:31:19] dafdeddog: nn [03:31:19] johnkeiwo: gn gremlin ! [03:31:20] viridianstwitchaccount: 🍿 [03:31:20] longneckedfur: bye old setup :] [03:31:20] isekai0taku: :L [03:31:20] sp00kq: Only an hour after you told Ashley you'd be going [03:31:21] nat6942069: by [03:31:21] luiza_stn: good thing you're moving, after the times incident [03:31:21] Slaydria118: Bye [03:31:22] MajesticFvckingEagle: casual lore drop [03:31:22] notrlyjacob: what an end xx [03:31:23] BLazy_45: Legs do Till 1am [03:31:23] blueskydrinking: yeah, just drop that information and leave why don't you [03:31:23] thean9ry9amer: goodnight [03:31:23] Helen_Croft: goodnight Finn [03:31:24] sp00kq: Bye princess [03:31:24] luiza_stn: see ya finn [03:31:24] dTheMouseb: move to dubai great idea [03:31:25] Vanimal2118: Thanks 4 the cool Stream [03:31:25] mystchevious1: @johnkeiwo I don't care. it's tea.. TEA!!! [03:31:25] k3lvin8or: Goodnight f1nn! [03:31:27] TwinbeeMk2: So anal insertion is the topic to make him go to bed lol [03:31:28] luiza_stn: <4 [03:31:28] lilithsspawn: Good night you fucker <3 [03:31:28] EvilCutiexo: byyyyeeee [03:31:28] realtalkchannel: Finn bottom confirmed [03:31:28] Aziz_26: You got a boner ? [03:31:29] am37hy57: am37hyFoot am37hyFoot am37hyFoot [03:31:30] cattranomicatt: micheleHug micheleGuns [03:31:31] looeesz: Bye [03:31:31] Re_In_Car_Nation: bye [03:31:32] ecstaticsense: goodbye finn:3 [03:31:32] Bobbikatt: Mighty night finnster and crew [03:31:32] NekoHasAimbot: valid [03:31:32] ArminGux: bye bye good night [03:31:33] Stovamor: Talk about when next stream @f1nn5ter [03:31:33] nat6942069: Bye [03:31:33] Stovamor: Talk about when next stream @f1nn5ter [03:31:33] Stovamor: Talk about when next stream @f1nn5ter [03:31:34] amelia7015: merry sleep [03:31:35] amelia25782: goodbye [03:31:36] zebrabbl396: Scared my boy f1nn [03:31:37] thaat1guy_: f1nn go sleep:) [03:31:38] daemon2988: Nite! ♥️ [03:31:39] ramboo1989: hope the rest of the move goes well! have a great weekend everyone [03:31:39] XENOMAN5: GN F1nn [03:31:40] tilt_central: Night night [03:31:40] 416hobbit: next stream [03:31:41] undead_bandit452: Is the house still in Birmingham I meant [03:31:41] rallphie10: goodnight [03:31:42] thgfthh: pan [03:31:42] killingmyego: tc tc <3 fun time [03:31:42] hopalongtommy: I guess we crossed over the 80% question threshold [03:31:43] johnkeiwo: @mystchevious1, i am curious too but I have to remain the controlled one KEKW [03:31:44] amelia25782: bye [03:31:44] HeavyDuty240240: gn [03:31:44] yfmstudios: bu byeeeeeeeee [03:31:45] BurningTardis: Bye [03:31:45] soundsbytxture: bye [03:31:46] Avaerus0: Good night everybody [03:31:46] Hedgy908: Adios [03:31:47] aAndrew3030: wolfaHey byeeeee [03:31:47] Gtadicto1: byeeeeeee [03:31:48] YumeNoZen: House tour BP stream next? [03:31:49] Stovamor: !reset [03:31:49] ducks_are_c00l_1: byeeee [03:31:49] f3mmbot: Set the stream info to Unknown [03:31:50] nikama6: byyyye [03:31:51] Aziz_26: Bye donkey [03:31:52] callmewtty: damn :/ sleep tight [03:31:52] AustraLeah: Next stream when? I need to check my schedule [03:31:52] texdragon: Night F1nn [03:31:52] Cpu101: thats called sapphic [03:31:54] mitchbre1: bye bye ✌️ [03:31:55] sphagetti__: I just joined damn [03:31:55] LeVideNoirAstral: bye [03:31:55] ducks_are_c00l_1: byeeeee [03:31:56] BLazy_45: Bye Minecraft Cookie Monster [03:31:59] thgfthh: are you not untreated. [03:32:00] zebrabbl396: Gn chat [03:32:01] MoronicMoose: theeca10RaveSpooky theeca10RaveSpooky theeca10RaveSpooky theeca10RaveSpooky theeca10RaveSpooky [03:32:01] AqasiaX: @f1nn5ter it’s cute and small and pink [03:32:01] rallphie10: byeee Rose [03:32:02] isekai0taku: stole his identity [03:32:02] blackfire6690: Bye yoshimiWave [03:32:06] Stovamor: Talk about when next stream @f1nn5ter [03:32:09] MiskatonicRich: Identy theft is not a joke jim [03:32:09] mcmaster2000: Are you still friends with that Finn? [03:32:10] gurthypizza: jesus price [03:32:10] Aziz_26: i wanna put them in ur butt [03:32:10] mystchevious1: @johnkeiwo Controlled? Really? John. [03:32:11] Helen_Croft: Bye Finn [03:32:11] mistykalassassin1: Finns last stream? [03:32:14] androidwall4680: Identity theft 😭 [03:32:14] SnabbKassa: expensive [03:32:14] jayem97: Identity theft is not a joke [03:32:15] Vanimal2118: Next stream new house! femboy45Hype femboy45Hype femboy45Hype [03:32:15] lex1plays: What about benchmade? [03:32:16] zebrabbl396: Gn f1nn [03:32:20] NekoHasAimbot: ive had 2 of them. they are the very nice [03:32:22] heyimf1dg3t: night, all! [03:32:23] Helen_Croft: @mistykalassassin1 In this house [03:32:24] hopalongtommy: Cheers F1nn, always fun. Bye chat, much luv [03:32:25] bearpaw1970: Take your sweet heart something , like a hot chocolate or something sweet. [03:32:31] foxycoop: real life csgo [03:32:31] johnkeiwo: @mystchevious1, SHUSH !!! I'm resisting my impulses stoooooop KEKW <3 [03:32:32] PushingButtonsDoc: Collab with them [03:32:34] rainfallwall: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:32:36] braddle172: GN [03:32:36] aporcelaingirl: <3 nice stream - sleep well and good night [03:32:39] RonnieSxl: byeee house <3 <3 <3 [03:32:39] johnkeiwo: adcvrSHOOK adcvrSHOOK [03:32:40] dTheMouseb: didnt know that f1nn was real thats wild [03:32:40] Helen_Croft: goodnight Finn [03:32:41] callmewtty: ready to stab your ass at all times lol [03:32:41] twitschlol: just get some rockstead knives LUL [03:32:41] Darts852: Boo [03:32:42] jeffdogsonpi: @lime6_ It's not that complicated. If you want to be trans because it makes you happy, you can just be trans. No gatekeepers [03:32:42] GaiusGoose: o7 [03:32:42] HardyOrange: is that allowed??? [03:32:43] notrlyjacob: omg [03:32:43] blueskydrinking: No more chair? Sadge [03:32:44] boom_and_alpha_yt: @jayem97 small bit of James Randall [03:32:44] Helen_Croft: Bye Finn [03:32:44] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: goodbye room [03:32:45] zombiii: Raid? [03:32:45] johnkeiwo: Bye room peepoSad [03:32:45] c__r__j: Bye bye room! [03:32:45] Falqun: baaaai room [03:32:45] notrlyjacob: byee [03:32:46] ogrem_fanclan: Wow [03:32:46] MrsPandamber: goodbye old friends [03:32:46] sp00kq: Bye old office [03:32:46] dashunde: bye [03:32:46] wolfblue45: byeeee [03:32:47] Darts852: same chair [03:32:47] Vanimal2118: Bye room [03:32:47] braddle172: o7 [03:32:47] BLazy_45: Gn8 Cookie Monsters room [03:32:47] Stovamor: Talk about when next stream @f1nn5ter [03:32:47] looeesz: I was here [03:32:48] YumeNoZen: BP stream tour?!?!?! Please? [03:32:48] thaat1guy_: bye old roooom [03:32:48] Aziz_26: MercyWing1 LuvSnooze MercyWing2 [03:32:48] mightytomato2: bn [03:32:49] stephsbigdrifts: Fun as always, enjoy the new home, love you bye 👋 [03:32:50] dangerousruben: bye room [03:32:50] Stovamor: Talk about when next stream @f1nn5ter [03:32:50] NekoHasAimbot: Jake McCoy also does excellent work [03:32:50] isekai0taku: cya [03:32:50] Santi_cotignola: o7 [03:32:50] SlinkySlonkyWoffle: bye <3 [03:32:50] ducks_are_c00l_1: okey [03:32:51] LeVideNoirAstral: bye room [03:32:51] braddle172: Byeee [03:32:51] 3kommaeinsvier: Bye [03:32:51] steggo223: Cheers finn bye👍 [03:32:51] mightytomato2: *gn [03:32:52] alikarin: No not chair f1nnChair [03:32:52] ciernaruza: bai F1nn and room [03:32:52] MoronicMoose: xxshor3Hugs xxshor3Hugs xxshor3Hugs [03:32:52] ArminGux: bye room [03:32:53] Helen_Croft: Bye Finn [03:32:53] undead_bandit452: Buh bye F1nn and old house f1nnBingbong [03:32:53] YumeNoZen: Aww... [03:32:53] 416hobbit: the PINK chair is gone?! [03:32:53] Re_In_Car_Nation: we will continue your stories on male dating next stream [03:32:54] dangerousruben: gn [03:32:54] SnabbKassa: bye [03:32:54] EldritchElucidator: byeeee [03:32:54] killingmyego: biyeeee [03:32:54] ronin_5463: Bye room its been real [03:32:54] kalzir6969: BYEEE [03:32:55] AeitZean: Night f1nnHeart [03:32:55] wolfblue45: bye old chair [03:32:55] Cpu101: bye fimter!! [03:32:55] YumeNoZen: ninini! [03:32:55] looeesz: Bye [03:32:55] lara_raawr: byee [03:32:55] KariFox77: byebye stream room [03:32:55] quartark: adios [03:32:55] johnkeiwo: bye gremlin ! [03:32:55] chief_nita: we will call u that anyway [03:32:55] NekoHasAimbot: byr [03:32:55] thgfthh: that’s a no go [03:32:55] Helen_Croft: Bye Finn [03:32:55] Avaerus0: Bye [03:32:55] HardyOrange: have a good night!!! [03:32:56] amouro_: No not the chair [03:32:56] alikarin: bye [03:32:56] ducks_are_c00l_1: BYEEEEE [03:32:56] neingeben: byeee [03:32:56] grandpaladin1701: bye room [03:32:56] muddymudkip15: Gn f1nnHeart [03:32:56] Kosmoose: crumpWave [03:32:56] Aziz_26: gn donkey [03:32:57] slazoji: bye [03:32:57] 416hobbit: bye [03:32:57] Altex1: bye <3 [03:32:57] viridianstwitchaccount: Bye [03:32:57] Stovamor: Talk about when next stream @f1nn5ter [03:32:57] callmewtty: bye bro <3 [03:32:57] MajesticFvckingEagle: goodbye [03:32:58] kalzir6969: BYEE POOKIE [03:32:58] MoronicMoose: Byeeeeeeee [03:32:58] TheBugMeister: bye bye old setup!! [03:32:58] Tekayona: bye bye [03:32:58] know1_0: Goodnight [03:32:58] notrlyjacob: yeeee [03:32:58] mistykalassassin1: @helen_croft that makes sense. Finn back with the bad thumbnails [03:32:58] Helen_Croft: Bye Finn [03:32:58] SnazzJaz4297: Buh bye eeeee [03:32:59] johnkeiwo: !socials [03:32:59] rainfallwall: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:32:59] princess_mia03: bueee [03:32:59] 1mitzi9: adios [03:32:59] ShaiHuludBlessHisWater: toodles [03:32:59] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [03:32:59] ronin_5463: BYE F1NN [03:32:59] dTheMouseb: rip chair [03:32:59] snowwynai: G'night, F1nn! [03:32:59] Davecastle10: Night, see you next stream. [03:32:59] alexx_net: ok, will yell gently [03:33:00] mystchevious1: @johnkeiwo We all know you're my favourite. We can drink and listen to Finn spill tea together. [03:33:00] Cpu101: love you!! [03:33:00] amelia25782: bye [03:33:00] texdragon: Bye [03:33:00] AustraLeah: cheers [03:33:00] neingeben: <3 [03:33:00] smittenpp: bye [03:33:00] mcmaster2000: Bye room [03:33:01] Muffin01: byeeeeeeee [03:33:01] Verinka_: Byee [03:33:01] Aurora_gey_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:33:01] joolyfoosh: bye room [03:33:01] kalzir6969: POOKIE DONT GO [03:33:01] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: bye [03:33:01] LeVideNoirAstral: <3 [03:33:01] notrlyjacob: byee [03:33:01] handscombchris: nighty night [03:33:01] dafdeddog: bye [03:33:01] vaureo2d: Byeee [03:33:01] professional_baguette: byeeeee [03:33:02] steggo223: Bye [03:33:02] bart140298: goodbye room, bye F1nn! <3 [03:33:02] mcmelon_tv: baii [03:33:02] A_Fforrest: night [03:33:02] grandpaladin1701: bye all [03:33:02] Re_In_Car_Nation: goodnight [03:33:02] xx_hayleydrawz_xx: GN [03:33:02] redfogul: byeeee [03:33:03] rallphie10: how many knives do you have in total?? [03:33:04] nat6942069: Bye [03:33:04] echo_waverly77: bye [03:33:04] kalzir6969: BYEEEEEEW [03:33:04] taeyukki: good bye room! good bye finn!!