[00:00:30] MajesticFvckingEagle: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:32] BIGBoris1962: LETS GOOOOOOO [00:00:34] Hay_Dinator: eyyyyyyy [00:00:34] braddle172: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:35] dennisdayton: w [00:00:36] j4nky2go: clicked so fast [00:00:36] mortis13ttv: courtn89Rave courtn89Rave courtn89Rave courtn89Rave courtn89Rave [00:00:37] FelineFemby: suuuuup everyone! [00:00:37] MeekoMoE: aye boy [00:00:37] s_keck: hi [00:00:37] the_living_noob_: GoodOne GoodOne GoodOne GoodOne GoodOne [00:00:37] SamTheSilversmith: Hello everyone! [00:00:37] ValoFears: Rawr [00:00:37] mykiebean: YESSS I MADE IT [00:00:38] surersheep: yoo [00:00:38] ethan1221femb: w [00:00:38] HardyOrange: oh weird, lyrics???? [00:00:38] Pandafire53: owo [00:00:38] xxjoyeusexx: hello [00:00:40] sebastianperez4: FINALLY [00:00:40] BrunoBeslag: eveingn [00:00:40] Elimn4tr09: yuh\ [00:00:40] fisky41: heyyyy [00:00:40] SeriousTTV: PartyParrot PartyParrot PartyParrot [00:00:41] ronin_5463: GecGecGec [00:00:42] mimipunny: Wat [00:00:43] 71M073J: Lol [00:00:43] jencity41: hey [00:00:43] ValoFears: Reeeeeeeeeeee [00:00:43] Blayde_K: FIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNN [00:00:43] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:44] arinotsry: hiii [00:00:44] new_day_who_dis: Let's gooooooooooooo [00:00:45] charlie_dear: hiiiii [00:00:47] xXNeroZashiXx: Hello Chat and Mods, 👋 Hope you're doing well today VirtualHug [00:00:47] now_chemical: a glitch [00:00:47] PEtEr5140: fin [00:00:47] FelineFemby: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:47] queen_ofravens: let’s go find stream to recover from my first ever interview [00:00:47] MeekoMoE: play with me F1nn [00:00:48] jacksprettycool: lyrics? [00:00:48] ValoFears: RAWRRRRR [00:00:48] nichalos2123: raggggghhhhhh [00:00:48] ChasingSol: professional streamer [00:00:48] Xatonym: Ayo ashyWave [00:00:49] Blayde_K: HIIIIIIIIIII FINNNNNNNN [00:00:50] OssomUmbra: Oh haaaai [00:00:50] logan_cointo: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:50] chungusisangry_1: Dookiefart [00:00:51] bunnybrawlerxo: Ayyyy [00:00:51] Avaerus0: I was wondering when they added lyrics [00:00:52] machin_link: danisaurBoom danisaurBoom danisaurBoom danisaurBoom [00:00:52] Blayde_K: HAIIIIIII [00:00:52] asher_the_bee: FEMBOYYYYY [00:00:53] CHILLLUPA: AYEEEEEEEE [00:00:54] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:54] gooseberry1ttv: Hi tank!! [00:00:55] braddle172: f1nnTank [00:00:55] DarkBanez: strimmer [00:00:55] kieranfl: Tank??? [00:00:55] MaxVershhhtappen: hi chatters [00:00:55] MrCookie_Floof: early chat [00:00:55] mimipunny: Haiii finnnnn [00:00:55] Blayde_K: FINNNNNNNNNNN [00:00:55] creationsbgayming: Hiii finnnn [00:00:56] 71M073J: Fiiiiiiiinn! [00:00:57] MeekoMoE: mention me senpai [00:00:57] falllive_: gik [00:00:57] a_very12: Hello gremlin [00:00:59] HardyOrange: only one with speaking prividges is our stremmer [00:00:59] filip_zd10: hii [00:00:59] Bobbikatt: Bobbikatt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! 17 months of fun and frolic [00:00:59] f3mmbot: bobbikatt subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:00:59] SnabbKassa: @Elimn4tr09 English please [00:01:00] Zettrex: Zettrex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! gremolin [00:01:00] f3mmbot: zettrex subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:00] Blayde_K: FINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN [00:01:01] gingrspacecadet: GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY [00:01:01] EternalLucia: sinfor5Spin [00:01:01] JustaBiiii: pog gay people [00:01:01] thatslipperyblobfish: i needed this today [00:01:01] speedsquirtle: hiii [00:01:02] medical_size9000: Hi tank [00:01:02] autosoft6483: hallo [00:01:02] surersheep: einfac479ROBBE [00:01:03] naomilove3: hiiii f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:03] ValoFears: RAWWWWWRRRRRRR [00:01:03] tinyalison420: FINNNNNNNNNNNN [00:01:03] Tsu_Closet: can’t watch right now, watching Summoning Salt. [00:01:03] FelineFemby: dead professional streamer [00:01:04] mrbb_55: offline? [00:01:04] gingrspacecadet: egg [00:01:04] furifixus: Hiiii [00:01:04] ChasingSol: do you remember? [00:01:05] draconic_gayming: :3 [00:01:05] t0nic101: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:05] cuddlebear187: I KNOW IT [00:01:06] general_of_cm: cakejuSharkjam cakejuSharkjam cakejuSharkjam cakejuSharkjam cakejuSharkjam cakejuSharkjam cakejuSharkjam cakejuSharkjam [00:01:07] Prandah: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:01:07] Maliik123: Maliik123 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months! Nice [00:01:08] f3mmbot: maliik123 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 31 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:09] slimebooger: most famous femboy [00:01:09] ragcsonthelow: hi [00:01:09] FemTRANSilvanian: hi!! guys guys what? I’m starting HRT soon!!! I’m so excited [00:01:09] ValoFears: RAWRRRWRWRRQWRW [00:01:10] Xatonym: DO YOU REMEMBER thepeachJAMa [00:01:10] AlwaysPogging: Yay! [00:01:10] thaumoshi: Why don't YOU sing instead? [00:01:10] ninjasquirtle6: Ayooo [00:01:11] general_of_cm: cakejuBounce cakejuBounce cakejuBounce cakejuBounce cakejuBounce cakejuBounce [00:01:11] RykerSune: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:12] HardyOrange: f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam [00:01:13] FelineFemby: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:14] Blayde_K: FINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAY [00:01:15] aGlitchinReality_: Mate not now I'm busy [00:01:15] Flippi_12: Flippi_12 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months! [00:01:15] f3mmbot: flippi_12 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 29 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:15] yfmstudios: DinoDance megaaWOO DinoDance [00:01:15] TimABar: Hey f1nn [00:01:16] gunslingerdillon: Hi I am officially a high school graduate [00:01:17] ValoFears: RAAAAAAAAWWWWWWRRRRRRR [00:01:17] david375u: Finn i got a dog yesterday even smaller than tank [00:01:18] muddymudkip15: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:18] youeboylpm: I’m about to bust [00:01:18] the_living_noob_: CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit [00:01:19] surersheep: SSSsssplode [00:01:19] gboast246: Hi F1n5ster!!!!! [00:01:19] ninjasquirtle6: Feckin ads [00:01:20] draconic_gayming: 🏳️‍⚧️ [00:01:21] girlasses: HEYYY FIN [00:01:21] badger_ben: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:22] Prandah: f1nnCowjam PopNemo f1nnCowjam PopNemo f1nnCowjam PopNemo f1nnCowjam PopNemo f1nnCowjam PopNemo f1nnCowjam [00:01:22] insidecchaos: <3 <3 [00:01:22] zephyr_alba: Hi Tank hi finally catching stream again [00:01:23] Zettrex: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM [00:01:23] notacloud1: notacloud1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! hiii [00:01:23] personalloansharking: Oop [00:01:23] f3mmbot: notacloud1 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:23] little_battenburg: FINNNN this is your first stream ive seen live 😊😭🤣 [00:01:24] thefoxmanlive: My first time watching live chat what can i expect? [00:01:24] soggyvector: hi finter [00:01:24] blindcube: 🎶✌🏼🌞 [00:01:24] letume: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:24] ChasingSol: @gunslingerdillon grats! [00:01:26] owlmity: DinoDance PopNemo [00:01:26] Marie_Nicole_: chrismelDance chrismelDance chrismelDance chrismelDance [00:01:27] MeekoMoE: I’ve never been able to watch you live! [00:01:27] TimABar: f1nnCowjam CurseLit f1nnCowjam CurseLit f1nnCowjam <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:01:28] RonnieSxl: PogChamp KomodoHype PogChamp KomodoHype PogChamp [00:01:28] Mikey2207: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:28] CaptRATZ: CaptRATZ subscribed at Tier 1. [00:01:29] Xatonym: dizzyJam dizzyJam dizzyJam dizzyJam dizzyJam [00:01:29] f3mmbot: captratz subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang captratz f1nnLezgang [00:01:29] basicallyserena: basicallyserena subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! Hi lovelys [00:01:29] f3mmbot: basicallyserena subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:29] girlasses: HEYYY FINN [00:01:32] strwbrrybtchh: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:32] CHILLLUPA: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [00:01:33] fisky41: wooooooooooooooooooooo [00:01:34] koil05: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:01:34] echowekko: tylko [00:01:35] Jayden_Reiko: f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnCowjam f1nnPet [00:01:36] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! 10 months!!! [00:01:36] f3mmbot: bailey_ravenwick subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:39] guitarbebop: greetings Fimter😎 [00:01:40] ChasingSol: @thatoxicnoob living up to your username [00:01:40] MrCookie_Floof: “September” by Earth, Wind & Fire is POG!!! [00:01:40] ninjasquirtle6: Only 2 ads letsgooo [00:01:41] julesarthurgoos: yooooo [00:01:44] FelineFemby: GoldPLZ [00:01:44] BrightLilThing: Hi all [00:01:45] Prandah: PopNemo f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam PopNemo [00:01:46] SavvyFaire: our streamer broke an entire convention [00:01:46] samithmhak: samithmhak subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months! 46 months [00:01:46] f3mmbot: samithmhak subscribed to f1nn5ter for 46 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:47] falllive_: Hello finn [00:01:48] Zettrex: f1nnChair RIP [00:01:48] suh_nih: om [00:01:50] MeekoMoE: Finn! play 76 with me 🫶🏼 [00:01:51] ValoFears: Rawr [00:01:52] shrumb0: TwitchConHYPE DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:52] couchphoenix: FINN LETS GO [00:01:52] EternalLucia: gymDance gymDance gymDance gymDance [00:01:52] 57ranma: aquí estoy, borracho y loco ( here i am, happy to be here) [00:01:53] Quackathulhu: let’sa gooo [00:01:54] Vanimal2118: Vanimal2118 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months, currently on a 7 month streak! Thanks to @Helen_Croft for my sub gift! Howdy Nerd, Ashley and Chat! [00:01:55] the_living_noob_: GoodOne GoodOne GoodOne GoodOne GoodOne GoodOne GoodOne GoodOne [00:01:57] Rubusguy: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:57] tehikohiko: abiOlo abiOlo f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam abiOlo abiOlo [00:01:57] Taranis_EXE: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM [00:01:58] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 12 in the channel! [00:01:59] f3mmbot: bailey_ravenwick has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:01:59] bikubee: yay [00:01:59] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick gifted a Tier 1 sub to 星海汐音! [00:01:59] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick gifted a Tier 1 sub to bearmodeguy! [00:01:59] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick gifted a Tier 1 sub to maidensteine! [00:01:59] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick gifted a Tier 1 sub to Az_Vamp! [00:01:59] Bailey_Ravenwick: Bailey_Ravenwick gifted a Tier 1 sub to barbie_secretstanner! [00:01:59] Alkno_93: Alkno_93 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months! 43 months lets goo am sick have puked most 9f the 3 past day am glad you live to brighton my day [00:01:59] Xatonym: emiruJAM [00:01:59] f3mmbot: alkno_93 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 43 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:00] popcatplays: 🏳️‍⚧️ [00:02:05] Xatonym: marisnRAVE [00:02:05] JessicaCaraKasey: I finally caught a stream again! Quick... Grap it and nail it down before it gets away! 😄😄😄 [00:02:06] Koglin: ELLO [00:02:08] girlasses: Can you set a counter to when you show yourself [00:02:08] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam PopNemo PopNemo f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam PopNemo PopNemo f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:09] whiskeyslim911: SeemsGood [00:02:09] chaneiro2003: F1nn out here curing me [00:02:12] thatoxicnoob: I legit said nothing wrong or offensive but ok [00:02:13] ninjasquirtle6: This is rhe first time joining this early, woah that pic looks so different [00:02:13] lifaen__: reminder he's gigachad [00:02:13] EternalLucia: dolphinPls dolphinPls dolphinPls dolphinPls dolphinPls dolphinPls dolphinPls dolphinPls [00:02:14] rainfallwall: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [00:02:16] bfredl: NonbinaryPride [00:02:16] taylorthingx: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:19] 71M073J: HEYO PEOPLE! [00:02:20] MaxVershhhtappen: MaxVershhhtappen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 3 month streak! hi Finn, i am happy to see also i am afraid to keep playing at an orchestra as i want to be genderfluide with HRT enough. happy streamz [00:02:20] f3mmbot: maxvershhhtappen subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:22] ValoFears: Rawrrr [00:02:22] viryl_lucas: hi babe [00:02:25] fisky41: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:26] lifaen__: reminder she's gigachad [00:02:28] SavvyFaire: @Alkno_93 drink fluids if you can! [00:02:28] zephyr_alba: 6 days from subbing to Finn for year [00:02:29] gasmccloud: KonCha [00:02:30] kandas_1: hewoooooo [00:02:31] nyllamalot: hi all [00:02:31] Harmonie_D: Hi ! [00:02:35] MrCookie_Floof: Where’s the Gremlin? [00:02:35] Prandah: PopNemo f1nnCowjam PopNemo f1nnCowjam PopNemo f1nnCowjam PopNemo f1nnCowjam PopNemo f1nnCowjam PopNemo [00:02:36] Hatcchi: heyyyy [00:02:37] biggreekmanish300bc: HungryPaimon HungryPaimon HungryPaimon HungryPaimon [00:02:37] asdpokemon: omg I only saw the pale of the title that said ‘We broke’ [00:02:38] z_llama28: Hey [00:02:41] t1mxdd: DinoDance DinoDance [00:02:42] owl__: NotLikeThis [00:02:43] biggreekmanish300bc: PoroSad [00:02:46] mrbb_55: !donate [00:02:46] f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. [00:02:46] SavvyFaire: @asdpokemon donations coming [00:02:46] FelineFemby: FelineFemby subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months, currently on a 28 month streak! f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:47] f3mmbot: felinefemby subscribed to f1nn5ter for 31 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:47] mannythatway: Adventure time w/ fin :3 [00:02:47] koil05: the gigachad nose would call me a slur [00:02:48] fisky41: !socials [00:02:49] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [00:02:50] MollyRzr: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:02:51] biggreekmanish300bc: Lechonk [00:02:55] anxiety_kitty21: Vibing [00:02:55] biggreekmanish300bc: TwitchConHYPE [00:02:55] smallcambot123: your the reason I could come out [00:02:55] XtraPunnyGamer: XtraPunnyGamer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! 1 year pog [00:02:56] boltorian: 13 raiders from boltorian have joined! [00:02:56] general_of_cm: f1nnTank f1nnCowjam f1nnTankhat f1nnCowjam f1nnTank f1nnCowjam f1nnTankhat f1nnCowjam f1nnTank f1nnCowjam f1nnTankhat f1nnCowjam [00:02:56] f3mmbot: xtrapunnygamer subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:57] FemTRANSilvanian: can’t wait when Finn gets here [00:02:58] Gchris164: <3 <3 TombRaid <3 <3 TombRaid BOLT RAID TombRaid <3 <3 TombRaid <3 <3 [00:02:58] pyrandname: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM [00:03:01] its_grey_fox1: First live stream in a long time [00:03:02] EternalLucia: bagelrJIVE bagelrJIVE bagelrJIVE bagelrJIVE [00:03:02] Jayden_Reiko: Thinking I should have bet on 4-7.. [00:03:06] zombiii: zombiii subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months! another one [00:03:06] f3mmbot: zombiii subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:08] MaxVershhhtappen: the stream is going crazy aaaah [00:03:08] Vanimal2118: mystch1Mystiheart mystch1Mystiheart mystch1Mystiheart mystch1Mystiheart mystch1Mystiheart mystch1Mystiheart [00:03:10] ChasingSol: welcome raiders [00:03:12] SavvyFaire: kurtCar1 kurtCar1 kurtCar1 kurtCar1 kurtCar1 kurtCar1 [00:03:12] happydaysgood: Lechonk Lechonk [00:03:14] Prandah: DinoDance TwitchConHYPE f1nnCowjam [00:03:14] sebfish: Cheer100 [00:03:16] oqu3p88: ballz [00:03:18] Marie_Nicole_: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:19] lilithvrc_420: criminal [00:03:19] bfredl: bfredl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! [00:03:19] f3mmbot: bfredl subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:21] s_keck: When it start?! [00:03:22] neingeben: i am early today, yay [00:03:23] gboast246: 🫛Bean🫛 [00:03:23] Void_cultist_: finnsterchad [00:03:24] dhakota2020: hi [00:03:25] sebastianperez4: f1nnPegChamp [00:03:26] ThatDeadBlade: finter [00:03:26] JaronaH_87: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:28] anxiety_kitty21: I love this [00:03:28] MeekoMoE: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ [00:03:28] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:28] kitneedsh3lp: Sup [00:03:30] speedsquirtle: TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati [00:03:31] thekingone10: Hallo [00:03:33] n1ghtcarrot: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:03:33] HuckleberryNess: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:33] koil05: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance NonbinaryPride [00:03:34] SavvyFaire: kurtCroft kurtCroft kurtCroft kurtCroft kurtCroft [00:03:36] TimABar: f1nnSmile2 [00:03:37] BlaireBearStare: f1nncowjam [00:03:37] Session1O52: WOOO I made it for the start of one! [00:03:38] MaxVershhhtappen: i heard him so probably soon [00:03:39] MeekoMoE: DinoDance PopNemo DinoDance [00:03:39] Xenon_Nah: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:40] whyusetwitchtho: wtf broke comic con?????? [00:03:41] gboast246: I like the cow [00:03:43] shaddouken: sogYeah [00:03:44] MeekoMoE: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:45] Xenon_Nah: torakoYippee [00:03:46] a_very12: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:03:46] basicallyserena: itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove [00:03:47] CaptRATZ: First time catching a stream live! Recent hyperfixation from youtube recommendeds xD [00:03:48] sebastianperez4: PowerUpL Mau5 PowerUpR [00:03:48] shrumb0: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:03:48] general_of_cm: !hug @ogrem_fanclan f1nnPet 🦦 f1nnHeart [00:03:49] f3mmbot: @ogrem_fanclan f1nnPet 🦦 f1nnHeart gets a big hug from general_of_cm <3 TwitchUnity f1nnLezgang ❤ [00:03:49] MeekoMoE: DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:49] MaxVershhhtappen: no way femboyuk is also live rn [00:03:49] StateAffiliatedMedia: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:50] themindscrambler: themindscrambler subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months! dirty months [00:03:50] f3mmbot: themindscrambler subscribed to f1nn5ter for 30 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:50] RonnieSxl: SSSsssplode SSSsssplode SSSsssplode SSSsssplode [00:03:50] yiff_: sup gays [00:03:50] happydaysgood: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [00:03:50] gboast246: It dancing lol [00:03:51] ninjasquirtle6: Dancey dance [00:03:52] EternalLucia: merryRAVE merryRAVE wrenwr2Wrave wrenwr2Wrave [00:03:52] Prandah: f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam [00:03:53] sebastianperez4: f1nnPegChamp [00:03:54] MaggieHeels: yooooooooooo [00:03:54] thefoxmanlive: Why is this so entertaining [00:03:54] ninjasquirtle6: noteas1Moo noteas1Moo noteas1Moo noteas1Moo noteas1Moo noteas1Moo [00:03:55] s_keck: bro finna get copyrighted [00:03:57] couchphoenix: Finn making me realize stuff about myself [00:03:57] a_very12: f1nnGremlin [00:03:58] simplejack42069: 🩰 [00:04:00] aidanrobel: yooooo [00:04:01] 57ranma: over a thousand viewers and Finn hasn’t even shown her beautiful face. [00:04:02] Xenon_Nah: torakoFront torakoMid torakoMid torakoMid torakoMid torakoMid torakoMid torakoMid torakoMid torakoBack [00:04:02] MeekoMoE: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:04:05] pakjes12boter: pakjes12boter is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 4 in the channel! [00:04:05] f3mmbot: pakjes12boter has gifted a sub to 2 users in chat! [00:04:05] pakjes12boter: pakjes12boter gifted a Tier 1 sub to blusau! [00:04:05] pakjes12boter: pakjes12boter gifted a Tier 1 sub to StrawberryCheescake25! [00:04:05] bloomurltercorn1999: bloomurltercorn1999 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! [00:04:05] f3mmbot: bloomurltercorn1999 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:05] Welcome_EggsBenedict: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:04:06] gboast246: 🐮 [00:04:07] MeekoMoE: CoolStoryBob [00:04:09] epic_gali: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:04:09] Stovamor: @s_keck, how? It's an 8bit cover [00:04:10] ValoFears: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [00:04:11] gboast246: Moo [00:04:12] davew2001: !time [00:04:12] f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 21:09 [00:04:13] delilah_derata: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:04:14] a_very12: NotLikeThis [00:04:15] ChasingSol: @s_keck nope, it's not the original [00:04:15] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:04:16] SavvyFaire: kurtBeacon kurtBeacon kurtBeacon kurtBeacon kurtBeacon femboy alert [00:04:17] Chri55PBacon: CowJAM CowJAM [00:04:18] Scrooge_McBong: PopNemo TwitchConHYPE DinoDance PopNemo TwitchConHYPE DinoDance PopNemo TwitchConHYPE DinoDance SingsMic TBAngel GlitchCat [00:04:19] CHILLLUPA: I want to be transitioned FILL ME WITH ESTROGEN AND CALL ME A GREMLIN [00:04:19] furifixus: Hiiiii Finn [00:04:21] ChasingSol: sup dude [00:04:22] thefoxmanlive: FINN [00:04:23] fisky41: wooooooo [00:04:23] Mikey2207: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:04:24] ninjasquirtle6: noteas1Moo DinoDance noteas1Moo DinoDance noteas1Moo DinoDance [00:04:25] ThatDeadBlade: CowJAM [00:04:25] a_very12: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:04:25] fisky41: Hello [00:04:26] general_of_cm: f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate [00:04:26] biggreekmanish300bc: TPFufun [00:04:26] slazoji: f1nnJAM [00:04:27] thatoxicnoob: DinoDance [00:04:28] thean9ry9amer: hi [00:04:28] Prandah: f1nnCowjam TwitchConHYPE PopNemo DinoDance f1nnCowjam TwitchConHYPE PopNemo DinoDance [00:04:29] Gutman_Floyd: Hi [00:04:31] ChasingSol: lolol [00:04:31] Taranis_EXE: sinder6PyroAloo F1nn [00:04:31] t0nic101: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride OSFrog OSFrog [00:04:31] MrCookie_Floof: Finn you’re draining my battery! do something entertaining! [00:04:32] Blayde_K: FIIIIIIIINNNNN [00:04:33] SavvyFaire: HUH [00:04:33] hey_its_ree: I am new to chat is that really what finn looked like before? [00:04:33] ajohnops: Cheer100 [00:04:34] creationsbgayming: Yooo 🤑 [00:04:35] BrightLilThing: Hi F1nn! [00:04:38] Captain_Soren: Captain_Soren subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Greetings and salutations. Hope you are doing well. [00:04:38] f3mmbot: captain_soren subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:40] Blayde_K: FFFFFFFIIIUUUUNNNN [00:04:40] simonesword: Hellooooo [00:04:40] baxter2k19: baxter2k19 subscribed with Prime. [00:04:40] f3mmbot: baxter2k19 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang baxter2k19 f1nnLezgang [00:04:41] ninjasquirtle6: HahaCat [00:04:41] chaneiro2003: So happy you’re live f1nnSad f1nnSad [00:04:42] Blayde_K: DJDKJSKSOSMSDLS [00:04:44] SamTheSilversmith: SamTheSilversmith subscribed with Prime. [00:04:44] shrumb0: i am convinced that GenderFluidPride emoji only exists because of F1NN [00:04:44] ronin_5463: Gec Gec Gec [00:04:44] f3mmbot: samthesilversmith subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang samthesilversmith f1nnLezgang [00:04:46] thatslipperyblobfish: yukkoeXhype [00:04:46] BlaireBearStare: Hi! [00:04:46] Inkyon_: Fs adds [00:04:46] MeekoMoE: notice me senpai [00:04:46] Cpu101: hiiii finnter [00:04:47] biggreekmanish300bc: VoteYea [00:04:47] braddle172: Heyo [00:04:47] lifaen__: hi [00:04:48] ValoFears: Rawr [00:04:48] CHILLLUPA: AYE [00:04:48] simonesword: Haiiiiii [00:04:48] viryl_lucas: switching to progesterone soon [00:04:49] Jens_LN: it's you ? [00:04:49] HardyOrange: hiiiiiiii!!!!!!! [00:04:49] neingeben: hiii [00:04:49] bunnybrawlerxo: 💜💜🩷🩷 [00:04:50] thefoxmanlive: Hiya [00:04:50] JustinPack: Cheer95 [00:04:50] yiff_: sup biches [00:04:51] pickelchip: pickelchip is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [00:04:51] f3mmbot: pickelchip has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [00:04:51] Chri55PBacon: @F1NN5TER Hi [00:04:51] simonesword: Hiii [00:04:52] pickelchip: pickelchip gifted a Tier 1 sub to epoxiiidharz! [00:04:52] pickelchip: pickelchip gifted a Tier 1 sub to the_living_noob_! [00:04:52] pickelchip: pickelchip gifted a Tier 1 sub to rootuz! [00:04:52] pickelchip: pickelchip gifted a Tier 1 sub to PrettiestBeardedLady! [00:04:52] pickelchip: pickelchip gifted a Tier 1 sub to ggwen_parker! [00:04:52] gboast246: Hiiiiiii [00:04:52] steakypresty: hey [00:04:52] lifaen__: hiiiiiiiii [00:04:53] davew2001: yeah [00:04:53] imaprsn: we are so back!! 👏 [00:04:53] rainfallwall: hiii [00:04:54] 71M073J: Hiiiii [00:04:54] strinx1120: Hiiii [00:04:54] TimABar: Hi [00:04:54] Mikey2207: haiiii [00:04:54] bensrob: hiii [00:04:54] oliviazbored: hiii [00:04:55] mystchevious1: mystch1Mystiheart mystch1Mystiheart mystch1Mystiheart mystch1Mystiheart mystch1Mystiheart [00:04:55] viryl_lucas: HII [00:04:55] new_day_who_dis: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 [00:04:56] taeyukki: hii f1nn [00:04:57] BrightLilThing: sup [00:04:57] koil05: gigachad nose would call me a slur [00:04:57] SavvyFaire: 'milord, I know you're eepy, but you have a castle to run [00:04:57] Session1O52: I wish I could use that time to play ads to give F1n money that way (I am too poor to sub or anything) [00:04:58] simonesword: Heiiiiiii [00:04:58] couchphoenix: hi finn [00:04:58] anxiety_kitty21: Hi finn [00:04:58] sebastianperez4: TIS THE FEMBOY [00:04:58] tehikohiko: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:04:59] boltorian: boltorIanRaid boltorIanlove boltorIanHype boltorIanHub boltorIanRaid boltorIanlove boltorIanHype boltorIanHub boltorIanRaid boltorIanlove boltorIanHype boltorIanHub boltorIanRaid boltorIanlove boltorIanHype boltorIanHub boltorIanRaid boltorIanlove boltorIanHype boltorIanHub [00:04:59] speedsquirtle: List of mental disorders: TransgenderPride PansexualPride LesbianPride NonbinaryPride IntersexPride GenderFluidPride GayPride BisexualPride AsexualPride [00:05:00] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:05:00] Avaerus0: The only person I can think of who's made more people rethink their sexuality is maybe David Bowie. [00:05:00] TheAMP1007: Hiiiiiiii [00:05:00] MaxVershhhtappen: is the music paused?!?! [00:05:00] Jens_LN: Who are you ? [00:05:01] furifixus: Hiiiii [00:05:01] amthemuffinman_27: hey [00:05:01] Blayde_K: NEW ROOM?? [00:05:02] ValoFears: RAWR [00:05:02] ninjasquirtle6: Haaaaaiii howdly doodly [00:05:02] tinyalison420: hiiiii [00:05:03] Koglin: SUB [00:05:03] fisky41: hey me I'm back its me dad [00:05:03] simonesword: Haiiiii [00:05:04] autosoft6483: weee [00:05:05] BrightLilThing: nice hat [00:05:05] MeekoMoE: 🤩🤩 [00:05:05] DarkBanez: DarkBanez subscribed at Tier 1. [00:05:05] ciberfreak: Evening [00:05:05] f3mmbot: darkbanez subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang darkbanez f1nnLezgang [00:05:06] MrCookie_Floof: lol hey F1NN! [00:05:06] a_very12: Hey pookie [00:05:06] HardyOrange: oooooops [00:05:06] biggreekmanish300bc: hi finn [00:05:07] ChasingSol: Comiccon [00:05:08] 57ranma: YOURE back, didn’t know you left [00:05:09] thefoxmanlive: Tipical finn [00:05:10] gboast246: Srry I only just got twitch [00:05:10] fisky41: NICE [00:05:11] packagum: comic [00:05:13] ogrem_fanclan: pwetty [00:05:13] Raddog315: Hey F1nn [00:05:13] the_living_noob_: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [00:05:14] thatoxicnoob: you confused everyone that’s why [00:05:14] RonnieSxl: KingWorldCup LUL [00:05:14] JasmeowTheCat: ComicCon... [00:05:14] FirehawkFrostbite: ComicCon, not twitchcon! [00:05:15] ValoFears: RAWRRRRWRWT [00:05:15] ArcanePlaysLIVE: hey gorgeous [00:05:15] MaxVershhhtappen: hi [00:05:16] CHILLLUPA: Its you're masculine energy [00:05:17] Helen_Croft: Rotterdam next, did you got your tickets? @F1NN5TER [00:05:17] tinyalison420: N I C E [00:05:17] Laughable29: the1dr1Uwu the1dr1Uwu the1dr1Uwu the1dr1Uwu [00:05:17] RykerSune: Twitch con YEP [00:05:18] Stovamor: YOu mean Comiccon [00:05:18] ninjasquirtle6: Haaaajjj [00:05:22] fisky41: YAY [00:05:22] thehellosweetie: im here for all the tea!! [00:05:23] dreams_so_real_: hey hey, nice to raid you [00:05:23] koil05: what did you do [00:05:23] scatcha04: twitch con? [00:05:23] general_of_cm: not twitchcon dummy [00:05:23] Landedmist: hey Finn. nice meeting you at comic con [00:05:24] anxiety_kitty21: Hi finn you look pretty [00:05:24] oliviazbored: oliviazbored subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 1 month streak! hi hi [00:05:24] f3mmbot: oliviazbored subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months using Prime! PogU [00:05:25] 71M073J: Too popular [00:05:26] gasmccloud: GayPride [00:05:28] oqu3p88: try to do a whole stream with only pg language [00:05:28] tinyalison420: TwitchCon LUL [00:05:29] fisky41: yes [00:05:34] HardyOrange: only with your reddit, not other stuff [00:05:35] 2xarctic: drink prime [00:05:36] BrightLilThing: i havn't heard anything about it [00:05:36] ciernaruza: you can bully twitchcon staff, they're just irl reddit moderators [00:05:37] ValoFears: RAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRR [00:05:42] ChallengerBoo: my brother saw you at Comic-Con with Icky and he was too scared to say hi lol [00:05:45] MrCookie_Floof: Tell them. PLEASE!!! We need stories!!! [00:05:47] slayer_god40: Hey, no pool today [00:05:49] Jayden_Reiko: About the lines and stuff.. yeah I saw those [00:05:49] CATSluvCATS: YAYY THE TIME HAS FINALLY COME I'M LIVE FOR A F1NN5TER STREAM :D:D:D [00:05:49] AlwaysPogging: A stream on my B day. BLESSED BE THE GODS [00:05:51] ChasingSol: we doing good [00:05:51] MiekaMarieHodson: And everyone loved you [00:05:52] rkanjl: rkanjl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months! 41 months where has the time gone [00:05:52] f3mmbot: rkanjl subscribed to f1nn5ter for 41 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:05:53] sjoeter_nl: devall3Trans [00:05:54] gboast246: Good, u? [00:05:55] AeitZean: f1nnHeart [00:05:55] ValoFears: RAWRRR [00:05:56] JessicaCaraKasey: I have a classic migraine, but finally around for a live stream. 🥳🤗 [00:05:57] BlaireBearStare: Burnout? [00:05:57] pakjes12boter: ( .( [00:05:59] MaxVershhhtappen: sorry Finn that distract u also my stream was glitching [00:05:59] HardyOrange: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:06:00] Helen_Croft: we are good [00:06:00] krovvy: poggg [00:06:00] SavvyFaire: ah, our femboy's first case of concrud [00:06:02] Cringe_Lars: Doing good [00:06:04] nak0_gaming: Fiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn say uwu [00:06:05] MeekoMoE: so good 😊 how are you!!!!? [00:06:06] biggreekmanish300bc: GivePLZ TakeNRG [00:06:06] extremeph: that’s such bottom behavior [00:06:06] jaco521j: f1nnTankhat [00:06:07] emily6218: emily6218 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! [00:06:07] Avaerus0: Oooooh [00:06:07] f3mmbot: emily6218 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:06:07] nicholasholmes2014: Hi [00:06:08] BlaireBearStare: Ooo [00:06:08] krovvy: I got a notification so I come [00:06:09] am37hy57: Fows f1mmster [00:06:09] johnkeiwo: Drink water dumb bitch [00:06:10] fisky41: ur hair looks incredible @F1NN5TER [00:06:10] BrightLilThing: I've also been feelign like shit for a bit so its ok [00:06:11] mykiebean: how do you keep your hair looking so beautiful and silky? I need to know [00:06:12] ciernaruza: bepis [00:06:13] Destruction_NRwastaken: WOW [00:06:15] YumeNoZen: Heya, you interuppted me showing a puppygirl Star Trek by a few minutes. =P jkjk [00:06:16] Panda_Tess: pepsi in a coka cola glass? [00:06:17] fisky41: It is [00:06:17] viryl_lucas: ayo wtf [00:06:18] HardyOrange: lmaoooooooooooooo [00:06:19] nyllamalot: I found my transness because of you and Nat [00:06:20] ogrem_fanclan: water is good for you skin [00:06:22] krovvy: peepoHappy [00:06:22] johnkeiwo: i hate u [00:06:23] viryl_lucas: no [00:06:24] SavvyFaire: @johnkeiwo sprite is even better than water! 'murica [00:06:24] Chri55PBacon: no [00:06:25] Cinciol: also 11% sugar [00:06:25] JazzNF_: jazznfWiggle jazznfWiggle jazznfWiggle jazznfWiggle jazznfWiggle jazznfWiggle jazznfWiggle [00:06:25] sunnytyy: So pretty [00:06:25] ChasingSol: haha [00:06:26] ValoFears: RAWR [00:06:26] zephyr_alba: Love desk lighters they are so swanky [00:06:26] nak0_gaming: No [00:06:27] viryl_lucas: carbobic acid [00:06:27] imaprsn: a Bunsen burner!? 🤣 [00:06:28] Helen_Croft: Helen_Croft gifted 3 months of Tier 1 to johnkeiwo. They've gifted 757 months in the channel! [00:06:28] f3mmbot: helen_croft has gifted a subscription to johnkeiwo at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang johnkeiwo f1nnLezgang [00:06:31] ciernaruza: pepsi max is basically spicy water [00:06:31] taeyukki: I don't think so lol [00:06:32] viryl_lucas: carbonic acid [00:06:32] gunslingerdillon: I'm glad to say as of 2 days ago I'm now officially a high school graduate [00:06:32] MrCookie_Floof: PEPSI IS ASS [00:06:33] BlightningBrightling: It's that other % that gets ya [00:06:33] nak0_gaming: Sprit🔥 [00:06:33] Raddog315: Pepsi and fire, best cure for everything [00:06:35] jaro15051996: heyy cutie! [00:06:36] Blayde_K: HAIIII FINNYYYYY [00:06:38] nicholasholmes2014: Gay soda [00:06:39] johnkeiwo: thx u helen [00:06:40] Stovamor: !english [00:06:41] f3mmbot: Te rugăm să scrii în engleză. Por favor, hable Inglés. Bitte sprich Englisch im Chat. Parlez anglais dans le chat s'il vous plait. Houd de chat in het Engels alstublieft. Por favor, fale em inglês no chat. Vänligen tala engelska. Per favore parlare inglese in chat. Lütfen sohbette İngilizce konuşun. Prosím mluvte v chatu anglicky. Пожалуйста, говорите по-английски. الرجاء التحدث باللغه الانجليزيه فقط. لطفا توی چت انگلیسی صحبت کنین 請說英文 채팅창에선 영어만 써주세요 チャットで英語を話してください。 [00:06:41] ronin_5463: Drink Monster Pipeline Punch like a real man! [00:06:42] ValoFears: RAWRR [00:06:42] CHILLLUPA: CHILLLUPA subscribed with Prime. [00:06:42] f3mmbot: chilllupa subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang chilllupa f1nnLezgang [00:06:43] braddle172: True [00:06:43] Avaerus0: There are people who legit won't drink water [00:06:43] am37hy57: So are people, so are you implying I can drink people? [00:06:44] MaxVershhhtappen: For real Finn, how are you doing recently fr fr?! [00:06:44] viryl_lucas: n9 [00:06:45] bunnybrawlerxo: VirtualHug [00:06:46] Chri55PBacon: just drink water [00:06:46] viryl_lucas: no [00:06:47] lyra_adeline: it has caffeine so it makes you dehydrated [00:06:47] neingeben: so health conscious [00:06:48] A_Fforrest: no [00:06:49] gooseberry1ttv: Ye [00:06:50] ArminGux: Hii [00:06:50] 71M073J: Nope [00:06:51] nerina____: !uptime [00:06:51] zephyr_alba: No [00:06:51] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 7m 1s [00:06:53] ArminGux: How are you [00:06:53] MollyRzr: I’m a scientist. Pepsi counts as water [00:06:54] YumeNoZen: Transatlantic accent hitting? [00:06:54] bfredl: trans-atlantic [00:06:54] nyllamalot: that is wildly incorrect lol [00:06:55] MaxVershhhtappen: echo aaaah [00:06:55] HardyOrange: it does, actually, all hydration counts! [00:06:56] ThatDeadBlade: so like an australian [00:06:56] SnabbKassa: woRRduRR [00:06:56] krovvy: keth00 [00:06:57] BlightningBrightling: wourdah [00:06:57] sasha_bucket: Hiiiii [00:06:57] tomb932: FYI. Too much redbull/ energy drinks will dehydrate you & screw up your kidneys [00:06:57] MeekoMoE: femboys are mostly water [00:06:59] CHILLLUPA: Woorterrr [00:06:59] ArminGux: Knifes again? [00:06:59] boom_and_alpha_yt: excuse me a Bunsen burner [00:06:59] imaprsn: wuattah [00:07:00] Blayde_K: HAAAAAAAIIII FINNNNNNNNNNNNN [00:07:00] rekce1s: when did you move to south sweden ? [00:07:00] greenikj: Hiiiii [00:07:00] krovvy: yes [00:07:01] AeitZean: It's more water than we are, it counts LUL f1nnHeart [00:07:02] BrightLilThing: except when ther'es alcohol or caffein in it [00:07:02] zephyr_alba: Needs to be more water than you are [00:07:03] slayer_god40: Pool streams [00:07:04] SanwarHossain: HALLOOOOOO [00:07:05] TopbitActual: depends what the other 7% is! [00:07:05] yiff_: you should be drinking monster ultra like a good girl [00:07:06] BrightLilThing: yes please [00:07:07] MrCookie_Floof: Wa(t)er [00:07:08] pakjes12boter: ( . ) (. ) [00:07:08] 0GM_: aint no way this guy is real [00:07:08] MeekoMoE: yes 🙌🏼 [00:07:09] 0GM_: never [00:07:12] Taranis_EXE: ctvaHmm [00:07:13] Kamikaze_Mami: emiruVIBE [00:07:14] jaro15051996: finn marry me🥰 [00:07:14] acid2202: Sea water is like 3% salt and not something to drink [00:07:15] krovvy: yes yes [00:07:17] johnkeiwo: adcvrNOTED PLACE YOUR BETS adcvrNOTED PLACE YOUR BETS adcvrNOTED [00:07:17] johnkeiwo: adcvrNOTED PLACE YOUR BETS adcvrNOTED PLACE YOUR BETS adcvrNOTED [00:07:17] johnkeiwo: adcvrNOTED PLACE YOUR BETS adcvrNOTED PLACE YOUR BETS adcvrNOTED [00:07:19] FRDRC_2192: The sugar and carbonation in soda pop is very dehydrating, tho [00:07:20] HardyOrange: yeah, you the facebooked her [00:07:20] SnabbKassa: F1nn is leet hacksaw [00:07:21] krovvy: you zuckered her [00:07:21] hey_its_ree: DRINK SLUGE [00:07:22] BlaireBearStare: Oh my god yes a part 3 to the clicker saga! [00:07:29] ronin_5463: You Eddisoned her lmao [00:07:29] ethan_eze: That's how my grandma died ,she only drank tea [00:07:31] johnkeiwo: Have some music chat ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPzf_4dcL28&list=RDRPzf_4dcL28&start_radio=1&ab_channel=HopelessRecords [00:07:36] sphynx_fn: i like cheese [00:07:38] jaro15051996: marry me please!🥰 [00:07:38] belovenares: Are we approaching the " Browsergame" Arc? [00:07:38] ChasingSol: wtf [00:07:39] viryl_lucas: femboy programming [00:07:42] Chri55PBacon: ooo [00:07:42] LittleChaSiu: AutoHotKey cringe Kappa [00:07:45] patrickmayonnaise: Wooow [00:07:45] krovvy: pog [00:07:45] sebfish: Lmao [00:07:45] greenikj: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:07:47] tinyalison420: femboy coding PogU [00:07:47] viryl_lucas: lmaooo [00:07:48] taeyukki: autism [00:07:49] SnabbKassa: IBM payment by lines of code [00:07:51] oliviazbored: that game is giving me flashbacks [00:07:51] Helen_Croft: where github link? @F1NN5TER [00:07:51] ChasingSol: haha [00:07:51] mystchevious1: That is freaking awesome [00:07:53] Helen_Croft: where github link? @F1NN5TER 󠀀 [00:07:53] ArminGux: Did you wear programming socks to make it [00:07:53] MollyRzr: don’t mess with trans programmers lol [00:07:54] krovvy: PogChamp damn nerd, nice job [00:07:54] shrumb0: femboy codes!?!!?! [00:07:55] sherlock_norris: Transfemme behavior [00:07:55] ry_drake_331: tism [00:07:57] YumeNoZen: I remember using AHK about... uh... two decades ago? [00:07:58] koil05: mods he's a bot [00:07:58] TS70_: TS70_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! [00:07:58] CATSluvCATS: SHES A PROGRAMME [00:07:58] f3mmbot: ts70_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:08:00] JustaBiiii: you are the stereotype [00:08:00] Landedmist: nice [00:08:01] lukksnar: femboy programmer? [00:08:02] mannythatway: Femboy protocol [00:08:02] rekce1s: cool keep doing [00:08:03] zephyr_alba: Estrogen unlocking coding powers [00:08:05] zxmon_: Seems somewhat overkill, but very cool [00:08:08] xLove_Lilithx: hiiiiiii [00:08:10] JessicaCaraKasey: Femboy programming! 😊 [00:08:11] AeitZean: Autohotkey is actually really powerful [00:08:11] a_very12: Most stereotypical trans person learning to code [00:08:11] tinyalison420: FEMBOY PROGRAMMER POGGERS [00:08:12] zero_polaris: lmao [00:08:12] know1_0: know1_0 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [00:08:12] CATSluvCATS: women in STEM for ya [00:08:12] f3mmbot: know1_0 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU [00:08:13] krovvy: @zephyr_alba xD' [00:08:13] rekce1s: @lukksnar how about programmer? :D [00:08:14] maleniascarlett: auto hotkey wizard [00:08:14] viryl_lucas: noice [00:08:17] hey_its_ree: CODING TRANS? [00:08:17] JustaBiiii: literally a walking stereotype [00:08:20] BrightLilThing: i'm in JS and GodotScript [00:08:21] Chri55PBacon: OnlyScript ? [00:08:22] tinyalison420: @a_very12 very true [00:08:23] billytehdragon1234: Hey f1nn [00:08:23] MeekoMoE: girls that program are hot [00:08:24] krovvy: you can do it, I believe in you [00:08:25] StrawberryCheescake25: @pakjes12boter thanks for the sub [00:08:26] ThatDeadBlade: which TwitchCon are you going to this year? [00:08:26] tricky2711: now programming? yeah you're trans 🏳️‍⚧️ [00:08:27] viryl_lucas: now get femboy reprogramming [00:08:30] fisky41: Fucking hell yeah so cool @F1NN5TER [00:08:30] ArminGux: 5 years ago is 200 years ago internet was [00:08:32] BlaireBearStare: Programmer socks and Amazon socks when? [00:08:34] rekce1s: how much in the best month ? [00:08:34] spadegraphene: glorp [00:08:39] ChasingSol: yes [00:08:39] vatri_x: femboy behavior... Only missing the programmer socks [00:08:40] HardyOrange: it's fun learning new stuff via watching you fall into different hyperfocuses [00:08:41] SnabbKassa: the socks did it ALL [00:08:41] MajesticFvckingEagle: Yes [00:08:42] Blayde_K: Cheer10 [00:08:43] taylornator001: taylornator001 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! [00:08:43] svirepy_: yes [00:08:43] f3mmbot: taylornator001 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [00:08:44] tinyalison420: yes LUL [00:08:44] the_living_noob_: yess [00:08:44] sherlock_norris: New mainchannel video??? [00:08:44] viryl_lucas: massive yes [00:08:45] OstentatiousMongoose: yep [00:08:45] Taranis_EXE: annytfPepeW chat [00:08:46] MollyRzr: I write off HRT because it makes me code better [00:08:46] Melody_Silverpaw: Yes raysQuake [00:08:47] ArminGux: Yes, u are all the stereotypes [00:08:48] Avaerus0: Yeah, but you're not alone [00:08:48] koil05: yes [00:08:49] Souless_beast: use an IDE [00:08:49] XC_COOP: and socks [00:08:49] BlaireBearStare: amazon skirt* [00:08:49] julesarthurgoos: how is the girl voice going [00:08:50] blindcube: ✌🏼🌞 [00:08:50] tinyalison420: MASSIVE YES LUL [00:08:51] bencttlln: Where are the yt videos [00:08:51] aether_hunter: yes [00:08:52] rashell101: autohotkey loser [00:08:52] zephyr_alba: Upload the video of the script bandi cam on your Minecraft channel for the meme [00:08:53] thefoxmanlive: How long did it take for u to gow ur hair??? [00:08:54] ronin_5463: Programming is stereotype numero uno lol [00:08:54] JustaBiiii: yes this is what i’m saying [00:08:55] Spaghetto_Depressi: Yes [00:08:55] krovvy: xDDD [00:08:55] Raddog315: coding? are you trying to be more trans? [00:08:56] SnoopyDog9086: I mean yes but same [00:08:56] viryl_lucas: Where are your socks [00:08:57] ProfaneCreation: ProfaneCreation subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! Where are the coding socks? f1nnStare [00:08:57] f3mmbot: profanecreation subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:08:57] yiff_: femboy programmer needs her programmer socks [00:08:58] tspenguin2008: yes [00:08:58] lukksnar: yes [00:08:58] ArminGux: Pierbi? [00:08:59] EldritchElucidator: lmao [00:08:59] KerbyC: sup F1nn [00:08:59] YumeNoZen: Abigail [00:09:00] viryl_lucas: KEKW [00:09:01] general_of_cm: stereotype now? always have been [00:09:02] mrbb_55: women in stem? i prefer women with stem! [00:09:03] tomb932: Or porn [00:09:04] blindcube: hiya Finn. I hope you’re doing well [00:09:04] Stovamor: You've always been a stereotype @F1NN5TER [00:09:05] stockie_uk: abi? [00:09:05] Stovamor: You've always been a stereotype @F1NN5TER [00:09:05] Stovamor: You've always been a stereotype @F1NN5TER [00:09:05] CHILLLUPA: Lel [00:09:05] Expired_Icecube: Code Bullet did a good video 2 years ago [00:09:06] Necnill: it’s the tism baybeeeee [00:09:06] mystchevious1: I mean... I don'tknow ish [00:09:07] nerina____: yeee, thats us babeeee [00:09:07] jaro15051996: f1nnGross i got this one twice🙃 [00:09:07] johnkeiwo: Ava tyson ? [00:09:07] BrightLilThing: its fine to be a stereotype as long as you're not doing stuff specifically to be a stereotype [00:09:08] MeekoMoE: BibleThump BibleThump [00:09:08] zaria32vath: It's because we smart [00:09:08] bencttlln: Where are the youtube videos [00:09:09] tricky2711: trans women are always so smart!! [00:09:10] sebfish: That's why it's a stereotype lol [00:09:11] oqu3p88: no outfit today? [00:09:12] extremeph: go take your gender fluid, gamer girl [00:09:12] n1ghtcarrot: Cheer1000 definitely a stereotype [00:09:12] simplejack42069: Needs "Programmer Socks" 🧦 [00:09:14] krovvy: the entirity of STEM is held up by the trans community [00:09:14] MrCookie_Floof: LOL. U are not a stereotype, you’re unique and amazing. [00:09:15] mimipunny: Cheer100 rlly needed this stream today. Thx for saving my day [00:09:15] dee_the_magical: would [00:09:16] nyllamalot: I also code for fun 🤣 [00:09:17] SamTheSilversmith: half cracked FTM egg here, am a programmer lol [00:09:17] Helen_Croft: Did you wear the programmer socks? @F1NN5TER [00:09:19] itsjustmist: itsjustmist subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 49 months! WoW i have been here for too long WoW [00:09:19] johnkeiwo: yet [00:09:19] f3mmbot: itsjustmist subscribed to f1nn5ter for 49 months at Tier 3! PogU [00:09:20] PlatypusWithCheese: all computers are bad [00:09:21] Avaerus0: Are transfemmes just smarter than everybody else? [00:09:22] gilradir: Abi from PhilosophieTube? [00:09:22] CATSluvCATS: trans girl here i’m a biophysical chemist :P :P [00:09:24] Purgatoran: You play minecraft, code, and are a femboy that's peak stereotype [00:09:26] Vanimal2118: (hide from Gremlin Queen) [00:09:28] mystchevious1: I'm trans and can't code a word. [00:09:28] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:09:28] rekce1s: how much you made ih the absolut best month [00:09:29] fisky41: yya [00:09:30] pogrow: hello [00:09:30] BallinArbiter: I’m an accountant lol. it sucks [00:09:30] ArminGux: Code bullet comes out as trans out of spite [00:09:31] YumeNoZen: Wasn't Abigail philosophy the whole time? And I don't think Juicy was a tech person? [00:09:31] julesarthurgoos: how is the girl voice [00:09:33] ThatDeadBlade: The trans ppl Ik are either music artists or editors [00:09:34] dreams_so_real_: im a trans woman and career scientist :p [00:09:34] Blayde_K: Cheer10 [00:09:35] raimu_desu: I have a degree in computer science and am litterrally cosplay astolfo this Week end [00:09:36] bfredl: programming is an equipment sport, you need socks and HRT to stay ahead [00:09:37] krovvy: kethHiss [00:09:38] moonlightbeech: am i the only dumb one? [00:09:38] SnoopyDog9086: SnoopyDog9086 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 1 month streak! [00:09:39] f3mmbot: snoopydog9086 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [00:09:41] ciernaruza: @gilradir still social science [00:09:42] pedrokojii: I came through YouTube, where is the video editing and visual effects?? [00:09:47] blindcube: laraMod laraMod laraMod laraClap laraClap laraClap laraClap [00:09:50] tomb932: Too much redbull/ energy drinks will dehydra you & jam up your kidneys [00:09:50] krovvy: ok [00:09:51] 0GM_: it only took u this long for u to do makeup [00:09:52] HardyOrange: always! [00:09:52] MajesticFvckingEagle: Bearing [00:09:52] rekce1s: nope [00:09:53] Avaerus0: Always [00:09:53] viryl_lucas: ye [00:09:54] ArminGux: Sure u do u [00:09:54] belovenares: I would also be fine with a "Femboy programming" Arc! [00:09:54] tilt_central: we can shake on it :D [00:09:55] johnkeiwo: if she is weird sure [00:09:56] MizukiDaarin: no [00:09:56] Helen_Croft: Did you wear the programmer socks? [00:09:57] acid2202: bear with finn [00:09:57] BrightLilThing: you're allowerd to be goof [00:09:58] yiff_: fuck, f1nn didnt do his makeup [00:09:58] theallmightytimelord: Omg it was so nice to meet you at comicon thank you finn [00:09:59] blackdevils521: Sure [00:10:00] MeekoMoE: CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob [00:10:00] mimipunny: Of course [00:10:01] sp00ny76: you are wierd tbh <3 [00:10:02] CHILLLUPA: Take your time specifically TAKE AN HOUR AND 20 MINUTES [00:10:02] Landedmist: it was awesome meeting you and Ashley [00:10:03] mrbb_55: !socials [00:10:03] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [00:10:04] eeveeveevee97: Weird is great [00:10:04] mannythatway: Today's a wierd day 😂 [00:10:05] tinyalison420: if she is being weird LUL [00:10:06] fisky41: I like ur outfit [00:10:07] Jens_LN: it's fine, be weird ... you'll be one of us then [00:10:08] Y0rk5h1r3: Is it your time of the month? [00:10:08] ronin_5463: Just Rotmaxing [00:10:08] Taranis_EXE: hannahOK no worries mate [00:10:09] vinsanity642: weird gremlin night for all of us? [00:10:11] bencttlln: Cope back on yr [00:10:12] ninjasquirtle6: GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG GlitchNRG [00:10:13] MeekoMoE: Ofc love [00:10:14] Nauticalcoffin: What has he done chrO [00:10:16] nerina____: f1nn being weird? how unusual… [00:10:16] Avaerus0: And yet he's still so pretty [00:10:20] AlwaysPogging: Code Bullet and Finn Collab sounds interesting haha [00:10:21] debdrup: Correction: F1nn5ter is a different kind of weird today, as opposed to the regular kind of weird. [00:10:22] krovvy: so [00:10:25] johnkeiwo: storytime sit down ! [00:10:26] AeitZean: HypePopcorn HypePopcorn HypePopcorn ill squirrel with you, best I can do LUL [00:10:27] Purgatoran: Ur room is so cozy [00:10:28] mannythatway: Fin looks so prefect even without makeup :o [00:10:30] ChasingSol: haha [00:10:30] ThatDeadBlade: I wanna see the TL of a F1nn5ter video [00:10:31] belovenares: Can you please do Makeup and then programming? [00:10:31] Helen_Croft: comicon [00:10:32] HardyOrange: honestly F1nn streams are the closest to the youtube edited versions of any streamer, imo [00:10:32] pogrow: i have to go soon D: (sad) cuz they turn off the wifi at 22:30 (sad(cry now)!!!! [00:10:32] krovvy: a little get together [00:10:32] braddle172: lol [00:10:34] gooseberry1ttv: XD [00:10:36] RykerSune: LUL [00:10:39] fisky41: Nice [00:10:39] johnkeiwo: UNGOOF U BRAIN BIMBO !!!! [00:10:39] johnkeiwo: UNGOOF U BRAIN BIMBO !!!! [00:10:39] krovvy: a smol meet & greet [00:10:39] johnkeiwo: UNGOOF U BRAIN BIMBO !!!! [00:10:39] bensrob: LUL [00:10:40] bencttlln: Cheer`10000 [00:10:41] YumeNoZen: Anthrocon? [00:10:41] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [00:10:44] Avaerus0: They all end in -con [00:10:45] ProfaneCreation: Brain not braining f1nnCowjam [00:10:46] pickelchip: it was amazing to meet you at comicon, thank you for signing my shirt! [00:10:46] Harper2020: finn broke [00:10:47] nicholasholmes2014: Don't worry f1nn grungy guy is here to support you [00:10:47] SamTheSilversmith: some convention, right? [00:10:48] imaprsn: you got this F1nn [00:10:48] ninjasquirtle6: LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:10:48] a_very12: Chronically online [00:10:51] daemon2988: Frolicon? [00:10:52] BrightLilThing: coma con [00:10:56] zxmon_: Finally got the right con [00:10:56] ninjasquirtle6: Words are hard its okie LUL [00:10:58] FayeEveRose: does not look like makeup is in that [00:11:00] Helen_Croft: And we pinned it on the reddit [00:11:02] sebfish: Just keep listing conventions, you'll get it eventually [00:11:03] hey_its_ree: JUST START CALLING IT THE CON [00:11:10] mystchevious1: I told you guys you would have tons of people. [00:11:12] gunslingerdillon: Finn keeps getting temporarily dementia [00:11:12] johnkeiwo: Kappa [00:11:13] ArminGux: was it 1k people? [00:11:13] fatslowman: why can’t I buy (flex) [00:11:13] krovvy: manuki8Surprise [00:11:17] ronin_5463: YEP [00:11:17] Landedmist: there was so many people hahaha it was a 3 hour wait [00:11:19] mystchevious1: Over and over again I told you lol [00:11:19] tilt_central: I wish :;( [00:11:20] pulledporknoodles: uh oh [00:11:23] coltofpip: yes [00:11:24] Avaerus0: I was thinking you were wrong about not many people showing up [00:11:24] fisky41: sadly no [00:11:25] krovvy: f1nnickycon [00:11:25] HardyOrange: that's one class of students for me [00:11:25] OliveTentacle: SSSsssplode SSSsssplode SSSsssplode [00:11:26] gooseberry1ttv: I wanted to be there [00:11:27] theallmightytimelord: I was there it was so nice to meet you [00:11:27] taylorthingx: i couldnt make it [00:11:27] johnkeiwo: 300+ [00:11:28] Landedmist: yes I was hahah [00:11:28] dee_the_magical: i wish [00:11:28] Ex0dia5: I was. didn't get to meet you and ashley. [00:11:32] Smiling_Shelly: sadly no [00:11:33] TopbitActual: long con [00:11:33] MeekoMoE: TableHere [00:11:33] nerina____: wrong country sadly [00:11:33] daemon2988: I wish I was there. [00:11:36] pickelchip: i was! you signed my shirt [00:11:36] anavillanelle: we were yes!!!! the engaged couple [00:11:38] IAmAlexC: no :( [00:11:39] BlaireBearStare: Nooo [00:11:41] Shockwavemecha: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [00:11:41] braddle172: f1nnHands [00:11:42] ChasingSol: Tank is 6 months old [00:11:43] MaatVarzsh: hiya all [00:11:43] noi4321: I was gonna go but the tickets sold out before I got any [00:11:44] munkgrey: Hey Finn, long time youtuber viewer. I desperately need to know when your girlfriend is going to teach you how to style your hair? [00:11:44] wulfy_hun: i missed out on the second line [00:11:44] peepod11: You know me keep a family friendly but Jesus Christ your sweat quite a lot because my little sister was in the room [00:11:46] HardyOrange: fashion by doggo [00:11:47] ronin_5463: U both were so nice :D [00:11:47] SamTheSilversmith: coding socks for tank, they should look cute on him [00:11:47] ArminGux: yeah we saw u fight over them [00:11:49] MeekoMoE: PokGengar PokGengar PokGengar PokGengar PokGengar PokGengar PokGengar [00:11:52] LightningKid07: LightningKid07 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! stop making me question my sexuality and gender... still after 18 months [00:11:52] f3mmbot: lightningkid07 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:11:53] lamlott: Today for pride month im doing rainbow hair! [00:11:53] koil05: koil05 subscribed with Prime. [00:11:53] oqu3p88: Kippa Kippa Kippa Kippa Kippa [00:11:53] f3mmbot: koil05 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang koil05 f1nnLezgang [00:11:54] simplejack42069: Needs new program socks [00:11:58] MeekoMoE: BOP BOP [00:11:59] lilithsspawn: You chewed them too [00:12:00] Morganjoe101: yeah, i was there [00:12:02] debdrup: Did you and Tank play tug-of-war with the programming socks? [00:12:03] MeekoMoE: GlitchNRG [00:12:04] thatslipperyblobfish: i wasnt able to go but i had a friend who went so i asked them if they saw u to take a pic lol [00:12:05] ArminGux: coding turns u trans confirmed [00:12:06] Blayde_K: Cheer10 [00:12:10] Zyrashana: lol I considered flying over from the NL just to meet you... you underestimate yourself big time [00:12:12] Avaerus0: It's better to expect nobody and be pleasantly surprised than the alternative [00:12:14] krovvy: they hid f1nn & icky [00:12:19] Valentaiyo: UwU [00:12:22] MeekoMoE: BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan [00:12:22] SavvyFaire: when F1nn gets to the con, it becomes the scam Kappa [00:12:23] KevinStandlee: I wish I could have been there, but Nevada is a long way from London. I will be at Worldcon in Glasgow this August, though. I wish you and Ashley would come. [00:12:33] 8urning_ash: where’d you get the new chair? [00:12:33] krovvy: KEKW [00:12:34] theallmightytimelord: theallmightytimelord subscribed at Tier 1. [00:12:34] f3mmbot: theallmightytimelord subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang theallmightytimelord f1nnLezgang [00:12:36] lukksnar: rip socks [00:12:36] beezyyeezy1: beezyyeezy1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak! MY NO.1 INSPIRATION TO BE A “BOTTOM” thanks Finn [00:12:36] f3mmbot: beezyyeezy1 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 11 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:12:37] 19iamsorrow87: Hey beautiful people [00:12:37] ChasingSol: haha [00:12:39] ChasingSol: who?!?! [00:12:41] painfulpan: painfulpan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months, currently on a 19 month streak! did no one go or something? [00:12:41] f3mmbot: painfulpan subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:12:43] ChasingSol: OUCH [00:12:43] krovvy: KEKW oh [00:12:44] ronin_5463: THE AUDACITY [00:12:45] Landedmist: yeah they really underrated just how many people [00:12:46] Green_J3di: oh [00:12:46] MajesticFvckingEagle: OOF [00:12:50] ArminGux: kekekek [00:12:52] MeekoMoE: KomodoHype KomodoHype [00:12:53] johnkeiwo: You're lucky you have some loving fans for so little advertising u did [00:12:53] bloodynosed: WH OMEGALUL [00:12:58] ArminGux: who are you who who [00:13:00] krovvy: lol [00:13:00] SeriousMental: ADHS brain [00:13:01] MeekoMoE: PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar [00:13:04] issadawaddles: fimmters [00:13:04] bunnybrawlerxo: TwitchUnity [00:13:04] Taranis_EXE: pmelOof [00:13:09] artificerazure: I was there, great to see you [00:13:12] SavvyFaire: twitch was like, "who?" [00:13:14] Landedmist: no onw was there. they all went to you hahah it was serial [00:13:20] krovvy: xD [00:13:26] austrian_tap_water: LUL [00:13:28] ManOnTheNet: redsayWave [00:13:28] ArminGux: f1nn>> movie stars [00:13:28] xochodie: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 RaccAttack Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:13:41] MrCookie_Floof: See y’all imma dip. if the stream is still going in about an hour, I’ll be back. otherwise,… have a great day! [00:13:41] Sp00kySpectre: they probably saw multiple femboys [00:13:44] mcg9696: SHE LIVES! [00:13:47] johnkeiwo: adcvrNOTED PLACE YOUR BETS adcvrNOTED PLACE YOUR BETS adcvrNOTED [00:13:47] peepod11: You should actually go as like cosplayers I would love safe in like some female cosplayers so many times you normally keep their PG [00:13:47] anavillanelle: hiii we were there we showed you our engagement rings :))) [00:13:47] johnkeiwo: adcvrNOTED PLACE YOUR BETS adcvrNOTED PLACE YOUR BETS adcvrNOTED [00:13:48] johnkeiwo: adcvrNOTED PLACE YOUR BETS adcvrNOTED PLACE YOUR BETS adcvrNOTED [00:13:53] krovvy: ooo [00:13:53] lamlott: So, my father died two days ago, we have not talked in 18 years and does not know im gay, im going to my old house and putting a pride flag in front! [00:13:55] MeekoMoE: R) R) [00:13:57] Tom__B: HeyGuys [00:14:03] veereal_: yo finn messi or ronaldo [00:14:06] TheOpIsTru: i woke up at 05:30 and when i got to the con i wasnt able to go to your panel because me and my friend had to go early to get his medications around like three [00:14:08] magnus0811: Hi Finn how are you [00:14:10] johnkeiwo: 8 minutes to bet [00:14:13] gunslingerdillon: I keep trying to get finn to see my comment on my graduation but this dang chat keeps going too fast [00:14:13] MeekoMoE: RuleFive RuleFive [00:14:13] krovvy: D: [00:14:13] ChasingSol: hahaha [00:14:19] bunnyfemboy18: Ummm hi I watch ur YouTube video all the time ur amazing [00:14:22] Landedmist: there was actually a line to get into the line [00:14:30] ArminGux: yeah people don’t recognise bell without pink hair [00:14:30] koil05: Choo Chooo GoblinJam [00:14:32] xXNeroZashiXx: xXNeroZashiXx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months, currently on a 11 month streak! Lol 2 years pog [00:14:32] f3mmbot: xxnerozashixx subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:14:33] YumeNoZen: I still need to go get laundry out. Dang it. [00:14:36] johnkeiwo: Helen !! [00:14:37] ProfaneCreation: CheersToThat [00:14:38] krovvy: oh that post was crazy, so many people [00:14:47] Helen_Croft: `Busy [00:14:47] Eromaw: Eromaw subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months! Finally got into my dream sector Cybersecurity today, now you are streaming and I am sad again. KEKW [00:14:48] f3mmbot: eromaw subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months using Prime! PogU [00:14:49] ronin_5463: They were lined up like cattle D': [00:14:54] Stovamor: @lllmrfish111, enjoy your 10 min timeout [00:14:57] johnkeiwo: i'll do it then [00:14:57] oqu3p88: why no outfit today? [00:15:00] general_of_cm: "helen type of person" LOL poor helen f1nnSad f1nnHeadpat [00:15:01] opqnda_: !size [00:15:01] f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 69" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 28" / Hips : 31" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 9 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34B (usually) / Dress size 12 UK size / Skirt size 10 UK size, Medium usually. Last updated in April 2024 - Latest from Barbie [00:15:02] krovvy: KEKW [00:15:06] AcheronToEros: AcheronToEros subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! Huh. When did that happen? [00:15:06] f3mmbot: acherontoeros subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:15:10] BlaireBearStare: LIke a horde [00:15:13] wiebe2006z: HI YT [00:15:22] MeekoMoE: no way she finishes her makeup [00:15:23] krovvy: KEKW oh no [00:15:23] ronin_5463: You have alerted the horde [00:15:26] ogrem_fanclan: You cutie [00:15:28] SavvyFaire: LUL [00:15:29] ProfaneCreation: KEKW [00:15:31] viryl_lucas: lol [00:15:33] Tom__B: elinaXD [00:15:34] ChasingSol: awww [00:15:35] viryl_lucas: so true [00:15:35] BlaireBearStare: I'm picturing the horde trigger sound from Left 4 Dead [00:15:36] ArminGux: cute sweater [00:15:38] Helen_Croft: https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d0fojh/a_lil_bit_of_people_showed_up_for_the_meet_and/ @F1NN5TER [00:15:40] xXNeroZashiXx: cute [00:15:42] brandonpaumen: Choosing to lose my F1nn5ter virginity today... [00:15:43] wolfianyt: Ello [00:15:45] stephthephobiaslayer: stephthephobiaslayer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! Thanks for what you and icky do. As a trans girl, both of your content has really helped me be more comfortable with myself. Sending much love to you both and Tank as well! [00:15:45] f3mmbot: stephthephobiaslayer subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:15:46] OstentatiousMongoose: FeelsBirthdayMan Clap [00:15:47] SN00ZE111: f1nnnn [00:15:51] LittleChaSiu: woof woof [00:15:51] Shockwavemecha: V o t e in prediction [00:15:52] MeekoMoE: you’re my favorite streamer I recommend you on my channel!! [00:15:54] anavillanelle: it was so cool to meet you thank you for signing our polaroid!! [00:16:01] ChasingSol: haha [00:16:03] Landedmist: i actually think Finn is taller then he looks [00:16:03] krovvy: KEKW what is that [00:16:04] oliviazbored: damn [00:16:06] krovvy: KEKW who [00:16:07] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [00:16:07] lukksnar: 8.5/10 burp [00:16:07] sarahvega404: Omg what kind of estrogen are you taking, ive been on hrt for like 3 years and a half and your boobs are bigger than mine [00:16:08] ArminGux: that’s a see of eggs [00:16:09] gasmccloud: So fun! [00:16:09] theallmightytimelord: I love that photo my forehead is on the right behind icky [00:16:09] Avaerus0: That is a lot of people [00:16:09] pickelchip: pickelchip subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! it was amazing meeting you, thank you so much for signing my shirt! [00:16:09] ogrem_fanclan: Hahaah! This is great! [00:16:09] oliviazbored: famous era frfr [00:16:10] f3mmbot: pickelchip subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months using Prime! PogU [00:16:10] SavvyFaire: "from star trek?" [00:16:11] packagum: understandable [00:16:13] ronin_5463: It was wild [00:16:13] legitimatelily: How DARE you f1nn [00:16:16] Chri55PBacon: nice [00:16:18] ninjasquirtle6: You guys are soooo cuttteeee [00:16:19] MeesterPythons: ggeeKiss [00:16:21] 200c0: crimson chin [00:16:21] painfulpan: WHAT!! [00:16:22] johnkeiwo: Idiot [00:16:23] music1105: Boob [00:16:25] grl_anachronism_: how do you not know who Rex is?!??? [00:16:29] Shockwavemecha: haanHeart haanHeart haanHeart [00:16:30] MeekoMoE: no PreP [00:16:34] ArminGux: no bottom prep? rip [00:16:34] Y0rk5h1r3: F1nn hasn't watched Clone Wars?!! [00:16:34] mimiplaysyt1221: hi [00:16:37] im_up_to_something: Not a bad turnout [00:16:40] Amoyamoyamoya: Goes to large, public event. Sees large numbers of people. [00:16:41] MeekoMoE: how did I miss that? :( [00:16:43] krovvy: whoa [00:16:48] mystchevious1: yeah. I don't get how you didn't know about it. I even tried to get you guys take a care package to survive. [00:16:52] Jayly_GM: Thats Insane [00:17:04] undead_bandit452: I wish I couldve gone but I live a few hours away [00:17:05] Nauticalcoffin: chrKekw chrKekw [00:17:06] mcg9696: the people have faith GET THE BLENDER OUT [00:17:10] Avaerus0: I hate when that happens [00:17:13] Landedmist: yeah there was so many they had to make a line to get in your line [00:17:14] MeekoMoE: will you be doing it again? [00:17:29] yung_neil__: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:17:30] lukksnar: f1nn famous [00:17:33] Avaerus0: Trans-colored cat ears? [00:17:34] music1105: F1NN [00:17:39] attemptsbot: what are trans cat ears? [00:17:40] ArminGux: you could try a panel at twitchcon [00:17:41] krovvy: monkaW [00:17:42] MeekoMoE: trans cat 👂 [00:17:48] MeekoMoE: 🤩🤩🤩 [00:17:50] music1105: Ever wish you were an eyelash? [00:17:51] BlaireBearStare: Oh did anyone bring their hormones to get signed? [00:17:52] johnkeiwo: @F1NN5TER, the post you responded to on reddit. https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d0kws1/3_hour_queue_for_f1nn5ter_what/ [00:17:53] arinotsry: i feel this [00:17:55] SamTheSilversmith: Some of those signings might turn into tattoos LUL [00:17:55] ballsofmolagbal: F1nn don}t poke ur eye out please [00:17:55] barkdrone: eyelashes prolly not the only one lol [00:17:58] MeekoMoE: Les do it [00:18:04] ChasingSol: ... [00:18:04] ArminGux: try water [00:18:04] music1105: Fuck you? Bet [00:18:04] viryl_lucas: ok [00:18:06] Helen_Croft: https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d0ot1m/the_saga_of_the_may_2024_mcm_london_meet/ @F1NN5TER [00:18:06] Stovamor: @ArminGux, far too late to submit for one at EU twitchcon this year [00:18:06] Helen_Croft: https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d0ot1m/the_saga_of_the_may_2024_mcm_london_meet/ @F1NN5TER 󠀀 [00:18:07] mcg9696: me n that eyelash? we have some stuff in comon... [00:18:08] viryl_lucas: yes pls [00:18:08] ChasingSol: AYO [00:18:09] krovvy: D: [00:18:10] wolfianyt: Been watching sense you played mc [00:18:12] MeekoMoE: YOULL POKE YOUR EYE OUT F1NN [00:18:14] rekce1s: aaaaaaaaaaaaaa [00:18:16] amorisela: eye drops [00:18:17] SavvyFaire: ewww eyeballs [00:18:20] Scrooge_McBong: is trans cat ears just dog ears in disguise?🤔 [00:18:28] ArminGux: @stovamor le rip, hopefully next year [00:18:28] ballsofmolagbal: what an ashole [00:18:29] grl_anachronism_: fk me Jesus is the new Jesus take the wheel [00:18:29] peepod11: You should do some clawsplayer for girls [00:18:36] lamlott: does Finn like to get their eyeballs licked? [00:18:43] MeekoMoE: how wonderful that you were able to meet with your fans. 🫶🏼 [00:18:44] johnkeiwo: finish your damn sentence of get the eyelash !!!! [00:18:48] ArminGux: was it out whit whiskey [00:18:48] Helen_Croft: https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d0ot1m/the_saga_of_the_may_2024_mcm_london_meet/ @F1NN5TER [00:18:51] babyhuey23: Finn can you do heavy eyeliner today? [00:18:52] krovvy: we are here for it [00:18:55] music1105: Yymmt [00:18:56] viryl_lucas: @lamlott WTF [00:18:58] music1105: Yummy [00:18:58] mootie1: 💖 HahaCat [00:18:59] blindthirdeye: OMG, its a f1nncess! [00:19:01] MeekoMoE: no im listening CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob [00:19:02] SavvyFaire: ass movie [00:19:03] blindthirdeye: Hello finn, hello chat [00:19:03] butter_bb: Pull your eyelid over your eye and swirl it around to get eyelashes out of your eye [00:19:06] localfemboy2: Hi guys [00:19:12] krovvy: 5'9 lmao [00:19:14] pilot_3835: Hey [00:19:19] sadie1775: Pride100 [00:19:20] ronin_5463: I can see myself lol [00:19:21] matheo8213: Hi from France [00:19:24] theallmightytimelord: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 not sure if you remember me I was one of the first people my hands where shaking so much and I got you to sign my badge, you liked my insta post aswell thank you so much [00:19:24] music1105: Yummy f1nn [00:19:42] Avaerus0: How are you supposed to act? [00:19:45] ArminGux: what is a wrangler? [00:19:52] johnkeiwo: omfg ... [00:19:55] attemptsbot: someone to take care of the crowd [00:19:59] krovvy: LOL [00:19:59] johnkeiwo: it's supposed to go super fast ! [00:20:01] sadie1775: Cheer100 [00:20:03] finalmillenium: Say hi. Answer a question. photo. move on. [00:20:06] medical_size9000: My birthday was on that same Day as the comic con [00:20:07] SavvyFaire: F1nn was being too nice [00:20:09] johnkeiwo: U can't just have full on convos with people dude ! [00:20:11] bunnybrawlerxo: I wish I could went 😭 [00:20:15] krovvy: lmao [00:20:17] gboast246: lol [00:20:17] blindthirdeye: Finn being a person? Whaaaaat? [00:20:17] ogrem_fanclan: Awwww! Freaking cute [00:20:17] Mikey2207: KEKW [00:20:19] bfredl: imagine actually talking to people [00:20:20] krovvy: parasocial streamer [00:20:20] viryl_lucas: lol [00:20:21] SamTheSilversmith: Oh no, the horrors of being genuine [00:20:23] MaatVarzsh: OMFG [00:20:23] mimipunny: Aaww [00:20:24] Vanimal2118: F1nn5ter The Movie? [00:20:27] Avaerus0: That would have taken forever if you did it with everyone [00:20:29] be_humbl: How many tabs have you opened? Finn: all [00:20:31] sadie1775: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:20:36] simplejack42069: F1nn5ter went full autistic. Never go full autistic. [00:20:39] ciernaruza: banned for not being enough of an asshole [00:20:41] hey_its_ree: so the first in line became best friends hahah [00:20:43] ArminGux: 5min is way to long lol [00:20:44] wolfblue45: Hii fin [00:20:47] imaprsn: extrovert mode activated [00:20:48] attemptsbot: too friendly for a meet and greet [00:20:49] Landedmist: love you both. you was so nice [00:20:52] Alice_Kryze: NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom [00:20:52] MeekoMoE: omg so cute [00:20:55] viryl_lucas: leave some f1nn5ter for everyone [00:20:56] krovvy: who was it though [00:20:56] CzarinaChess: daramgKilluaLove daramgKilluaLove [00:21:01] HardyOrange: wowwwwwwww [00:21:06] attemptsbot: what was the movie? [00:21:09] krovvy: D: [00:21:13] rainfallwall: Borderlands movie? [00:21:13] SamTheSilversmith: rude though [00:21:16] BlaireBearStare: Wow [00:21:17] SavvyFaire: ADHD energy [00:21:17] MeekoMoE: lol [00:21:19] ronin_5463: You said you opted to stand?? :'( [00:21:22] MeekoMoE: wat [00:21:24] johnkeiwo: adcvrNOTED PLACE YOUR BETS adcvrNOTED PLACE YOUR BETS adcvrNOTED [00:21:25] johnkeiwo: adcvrNOTED PLACE YOUR BETS adcvrNOTED PLACE YOUR BETS adcvrNOTED [00:21:25] MeekoMoE: why [00:21:26] attemptsbot: gonna lower there rotten tomato scores [00:21:27] Amoyamoyamoya: Should have fought them [00:21:31] krovvy: D: what the fuck [00:21:32] gboast246: How many push ups can u do? [00:21:33] viryl_lucas: HUH [00:21:33] HardyOrange: ummmmm??????????? [00:21:34] Avaerus0: Okay that is rude [00:21:35] blindthirdeye: pen thief! [00:21:37] sadie1775: hey Finn I’m new here [00:21:38] wolfblue45: Huh [00:21:38] YumeNoZen: Nani the fuck? [00:21:38] RuthlessWelshy: LMAO [00:21:38] oliviazbored: oh [00:21:40] muddymudkip15: Wow [00:21:41] viryl_lucas: bruh [00:21:41] krovvy: D: call them out [00:21:41] Shockwavemecha: Right to Jail [00:21:42] oliviazbored: that’s fun [00:21:43] MeekoMoE: who Was it??? [00:21:44] ChasingSol: self entitled movie stars [00:21:45] BlaireBearStare: Well that's fucking rude [00:21:46] viryl_lucas: F him [00:21:46] MaatVarzsh: ???? [00:21:47] Merobiba_: wow, rude [00:21:48] MeekoMoE: BRUH [00:21:48] ArminGux: the table is long so u don’t have to touch the creeps lol [00:21:48] ciernaruza: was this a real movie or a shit tier movie [00:21:49] blindthirdeye: Straight to jail [00:21:51] taylorthingx: name and shame [00:21:51] opqnda_: BibleThump [00:21:52] krovvy: LMAO [00:21:52] Dubb0: LMAO [00:21:52] ArminGux: wtf [00:21:53] ChasingSol: haha [00:21:54] HardyOrange: lmaooooooooo [00:21:55] thatslipperyblobfish: bro what an ass [00:21:56] krovvy: WHAT MOVIE [00:21:56] viryl_lucas: KEKW [00:21:57] wolfblue45: Rude [00:21:58] pilot_3835: Lol [00:21:58] TheDuffed: sneaky ahhh [00:21:59] braddle172: KEKW [00:22:00] Taranis_EXE: ctvaOMEGALUL [00:22:02] johnkeiwo: WH OMEGALUL [00:22:02] muddymudkip15: Lol [00:22:03] MollyRzr: Randy Wrangler?! [00:22:03] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW 󠀀 [00:22:04] viryl_lucas: LMAO SKILL ISSUE [00:22:05] koil05: bruhhh [00:22:06] krovvy: KEKW [00:22:06] CHILLLUPA: Wow dickheads imagine treating people who treat fans like humans like they are beneath them [00:22:06] SavvyFaire: "what's a femboy?" [00:22:06] johnkeiwo: WH OMEGALUL [00:22:07] MeekoMoE: DUDETTE [00:22:08] viryl_lucas: HAHAHHAHAHHAHA [00:22:09] kandas_1: extra rude [00:22:09] ciernaruza: owned [00:22:10] wolfblue45: KEKW [00:22:11] viryl_lucas: LLLLLL [00:22:11] Shockwavemecha: Skill issue [00:22:11] blastbit_: blastbit_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:22:11] f3mmbot: blastbit_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:22:12] ChasingSol: KEKW [00:22:12] comrade_asg: Some famous people are really rude [00:22:13] krovvy: KEKW omg [00:22:15] the_blackldr: i'm 90% sure the guy who stole your pen is doing something weird with it [00:22:15] viryl_lucas: LLLLLLLL LL L LL L P [00:22:16] oliviazbored: should’ve said “I’m him” [00:22:16] the_living_noob_: f1nnCool f1nnCool f1nnCool f1nnCool f1nnCool [00:22:18] MeekoMoE: HOW [00:22:19] Shockwavemecha: Git GUD [00:22:20] krovvy: hahaha [00:22:22] viryl_lucas: KEKW LLLLL [00:22:22] eceliza: u pretty girl UwU [00:22:22] MajesticFvckingEagle: WH OMEGALUL [00:22:23] ArminGux: he is the femboy of femboys [00:22:24] goldenskies98: sooo rude [00:22:26] mystchevious1: Yeah that would make me super sad. [00:22:27] YumeNoZen: Real life ratio'd. [00:22:27] bfredl: KEKW [00:22:27] attemptsbot: movie's gonna get rating bombed [00:22:28] ronin_5463: That's crazy movie guy but no one asked [00:22:28] DoctorWhoMan93: Finn!!!!! I love your content [00:22:29] krovvy: KEKW someone tell me the movie please [00:22:32] Avaerus0: Your crowd was bigger so you won [00:22:33] noi4321: noi4321 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! I really enjoy your content, I wanted to meet you at comic con but the Saturday tickets sold out before I could get any [00:22:33] f3mmbot: noi4321 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:22:34] biggreekmanish300bc: GivePLZ [00:22:36] AristotleBetta: The femboy draw is POWERFUL [00:22:36] Alice_Kryze: PinkMercy PinkMercy [00:22:36] SavvyFaire: "I'm king of the femboys" [00:22:39] koil05: womp womp movie guy [00:22:39] Pandoricay: wait who was this? [00:22:40] Pohpourri: Should've said "Who the fuck are YOU?" [00:22:40] Amoyamoyamoya: @the_blackldr, Was it an "I love Jerusalem pen, by any chance?" [00:22:42] Stovamor: Name the movie so we can all avoid it [00:22:42] biggreekmanish300bc: TPFufun [00:22:42] ArminGux: king femboy commands a crowd [00:22:43] Landedmist: that’s the power you have ahhaah [00:22:45] theallmightytimelord: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:22:45] PlushGirlSteph: PlushGirlSteph subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months! how rude! [00:22:45] f3mmbot: plushgirlsteph subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months using Prime! PogU [00:22:49] thatweridosonama: Love ya Finn [00:22:52] BallinArbiter: this guy seems like a real prick [00:22:52] HardyOrange: "lifestyle, fashion, and makeup" [00:22:52] MajesticFvckingEagle: @Pohpourri based LUL [00:22:57] packagum: "welcome to the world of new media old man" [00:22:59] krovvy: xD [00:23:00] BlaireBearStare: Wow screw these guys a lil [00:23:01] SavvyFaire: @HardyOrange "and other... stuff" [00:23:05] hey_its_ree: lol we trans [00:23:06] HardyOrange: based [00:23:06] viryl_lucas: lmao [00:23:07] Avaerus0: Unironically F1nn's more famous than a lot of Hollywood actors [00:23:08] ronin_5463: Deserved lol [00:23:12] JustaBiiii: yeah they seem like slight assholes but idk [00:23:12] grandpa_juggernaut: grandpa_juggernaut subscribed at Tier 1. [00:23:12] f3mmbot: grandpa_juggernaut subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang grandpa_juggernaut f1nnLezgang [00:23:15] krovvy: KEKW [00:23:16] CHILLLUPA: Battlepass being better production than their movie is CRAZY [00:23:17] Shockwavemecha: You made them Jelly [00:23:19] Shockwavemecha: Good [00:23:19] SnabbKassa: "we do battlepass" "what's that" [00:23:26] johnkeiwo: donowalled KEKW [00:23:34] ArminGux: “we should start twitch streaming” [00:23:34] desdemona_13666: Greeting from Czech Republic TPFufun fastetChlipnik [00:23:38] krovvy: someone has to tell me the movie [00:23:43] bunnybrawlerxo: I need battle pass lol [00:23:56] keplersterra: come to uganda [00:23:58] ArminGux: glass still broken [00:24:08] viryl_lucas: lol [00:24:09] random4areason: not gonna lie but Finn you were better as a pool streamer [00:24:12] johnkeiwo: adcvrDINKDONK BETS ARE NOW CLOSED ! Get your points later adcvrDINKDONK [00:24:13] CHILLLUPA: Yes celebrities are fuckin OUT OF TOUCH [00:24:13] johnkeiwo: adcvrDINKDONK BETS ARE NOW CLOSED ! Get your points later adcvrDINKDONK [00:24:14] johnkeiwo: adcvrDINKDONK BETS ARE NOW CLOSED ! Get your points later adcvrDINKDONK [00:24:15] maiaka_: "entitled" in a way? [00:24:16] SamTheSilversmith: They're way more separated from regular folk [00:24:20] EternalLucia: I wonder if any of them are in stream [00:24:20] attemptsbot: imagine having talent [00:24:21] the5lostsoles: i forgot you were only there for the Saturday so i didn't go, second time i've missed you at a con. [00:24:22] ogrem_fanclan: You have the talent to make people smile [00:24:22] debdrup: They might have talent, but they don't know audience engagement. [00:24:23] ciernaruza: bet they weren't even real movie stars [00:24:24] sw_ch123: what movie was it? [00:24:24] compoter5: call out names [00:24:25] gromitandwallce: BibleThump BibleThump [00:24:26] RenaDrachen: connections doesnt equal talent KEKW [00:24:27] daemon2988: That's why you had a huge line and they didn't. You and Ashley are kind people, and they're rude dicks. Lol. [00:24:28] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:24:29] SnabbKassa: "You are too far above me(!)" -- Gene Kelly [00:24:29] Landedmist: there a lot more in contact with people while movies stars a very out of reach [00:24:30] krovvy: worth [00:24:33] ThePastorVan: Squid3 Squid4 thepas36Vanhavatentaclweirdo [00:24:35] viryl_lucas: oof [00:24:40] finalmillenium: I've waited 3 hours for a photo op. [00:24:40] ArminGux: being entertaining without a script is talent [00:24:43] MeekoMoE: 2hours worth it [00:24:45] evil_dr_fish: They may have had talent but they didn't have fans 😝😂 [00:24:46] Stovamor: !caps [00:24:46] f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! [00:24:48] ogrem_fanclan: Worth it [00:24:49] johnkeiwo: Hey katie !! [00:24:50] ronin_5463: Yeah it was like an hour forty five for me lmao [00:24:50] Amoyamoyamoya: @ThePastorVan, Fancy meeting you here [00:24:51] biggreekmanish300bc: PoroSad PoroSad PoroSad PoroSad PoroSad PoroSad PoroSad PoroSad PoroSad PoroSad [00:24:52] Landedmist: man I was in there for 3 hours. it was worth it [00:24:52] Stovamor: @obkatiekat, Hi Katie [00:24:54] viryl_lucas: if it's f1nn5ter then it is [00:24:55] BlaireBearStare: Worth it [00:24:57] Avaerus0: For some it might have been a once-in-a-lifetime thing [00:25:02] krovvy: KEKW [00:25:03] legitimatelily: lol [00:25:03] MeekoMoE: worth 24 [00:25:04] Shockwavemecha: haanStrongleft spicycowHappy haanStrongr [00:25:04] obkatiekat: don’t break everything finnnnn demeNYA [00:25:04] koil05: they wouldn't get it, never survived being a minecraft youtuber [00:25:04] mimipunny: @obkatiekat haii katieee [00:25:05] keplersterra: CowJAM [00:25:06] ballsofmolagbal: lmfao same [00:25:06] PlushGirlSteph: What film was it? [00:25:08] SamTheSilversmith: @evil_dr_fish if only they had fans LUL [00:25:08] a_rocky_penguin: Hiii [00:25:12] wolfblue45: KEKW [00:25:12] ThePastorVan: @Amoyamoyamoya imagine that [00:25:15] rw03_bjw: Next year, Finn&Icky tour ! [00:25:17] johnkeiwo: @F1NN5TER, here is the post to which u responded on reddit btw https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d0kws1/3_hour_queue_for_f1nn5ter_what/ [00:25:24] Morganjoe101: it was worth it [00:25:27] ArminGux: if I waited 3h i would have looked miserable in the picture lol [00:25:29] anatulabc: I would never wait THAT long for anything [00:25:30] Taranis_EXE: CEASE Kat henyaWaving zentreHeart [00:25:32] CHILLLUPA: Well Finn you put positive stuff out there that's what you'll get back [00:25:32] keplersterra: finn are u doing naxx tonight? [00:25:37] minimitchell07: minimitchell07 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! [00:25:37] f3mmbot: minimitchell07 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:25:39] krovvy: aw [00:25:40] obkatiekat: OmegaLUL oh god [00:25:48] Amoyamoyamoya: I'd wait that long to met @YumeNoZen , @F1NN5TER ? Not so much... [00:25:50] Landedmist: i waited 3 hours and got a girls instagram it was worth it [00:25:50] MeekoMoE: F1nn I love your nails [00:25:56] krovvy: lmaooo [00:25:58] johnkeiwo: @F1NN5TER, here is the post to which u responded on reddit btw https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d0kws1/3_hour_queue_for_f1nn5ter_what/ [00:25:59] debdrup: @Amoyamoyamoya KEKW [00:26:01] kandas_1: nice staff [00:26:01] BlaireBearStare: Wholesome [00:26:01] SuchKittyMuchMeow: SuchKittyMuchMeow gifted a Tier 1 sub to obkatiekat! They have given 132 Gift Subs in the channel! [00:26:01] f3mmbot: suchkittymuchmeow has gifted a subscription to obkatiekat at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang obkatiekat f1nnLezgang [00:26:02] HardyOrange: you could send them giftbaskets like your neighbors? [00:26:02] YumeNoZen: @Amoyamoyamoya, Neeeerd. <3 [00:26:03] viryl_lucas: RIP [00:26:05] Landedmist: @amoyamoyamoya heyyyy nice seeing you here [00:26:06] k1ngracer07: humans being cute [00:26:08] krovvy: you made them trauma bond xD [00:26:08] ThePastorVan: @Amoyamoyamoya you should ban me for being too awesome :P [00:26:12] SavvyFaire: LUL real life ratio [00:26:14] im_up_to_something: They want people to attend. Probably didn't mind it as much. [00:26:18] thegrandmasmuggler: if anything they probably like you for bringing such a big crowd [00:26:18] Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, Thanks, Mom [00:26:29] obkatiekat: @suchkittymuchmeow tyyyy xooxx [00:26:33] Amoyamoyamoya: @ThePastorVan, If I enjoy the ban it's immoral and I'm not allowed [00:26:34] MeekoMoE: wat [00:26:42] SuchKittyMuchMeow: ecatSmoresback ecatSmoresfront benjyvrMuwa [00:26:44] kitokuari_yeagar: TwitchUnity [00:26:45] ThePastorVan: @Amoyamoyamoya thepas36Reaperlove [00:26:45] ogrem_fanclan: <3 Yume <3 [00:26:48] MeekoMoE: the con was crazy [00:26:48] krovvy: it was insane [00:26:49] Avaerus0: Yeah isn't the point of conventions to get people to come? [00:26:50] gasmccloud: Finn is hotter than marvel now ? RyuChamp [00:26:53] mcg9696: so when crunchwrap stream? [00:26:54] DataBitMC: yeah con staffers work really hard, and usually are unpaid [00:26:54] war_crimes_awesome69: Mommy milkers [00:26:54] SnabbKassa: I would not have predicted it would be 3 hours [00:26:55] johnkeiwo: @F1NN5TER, here is the post to which u responded on reddit btw https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d0kws1/3_hour_queue_for_f1nn5ter_what/ [00:26:55] johnkeiwo: @F1NN5TER, here is the post to which u responded on reddit btw https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d0kws1/3_hour_queue_for_f1nn5ter_what/ [00:26:57] ronin_5463: Was it the douche complaining? [00:26:58] johnkeiwo: THIS ONE [00:26:59] MizukiDaarin: I read it [00:27:00] imaprsn: John sent it [00:27:06] SavvyFaire: my god this redditor [00:27:07] ArminGux: I mean u get 3k views when u don’t announce, so of course ur crowd is big [00:27:08] EllieTheJellye: MercyWing2 MercyWing1 [00:27:09] viryl_lucas: what? [00:27:10] bensrob: oh THAT thread [00:27:11] johnkeiwo: Holy parasocialist [00:27:13] krovvy: unhinged [00:27:17] MeekoMoE: FINNVERSE I’d watch every movie [00:27:18] viryl_lucas: let us see [00:27:22] HardyOrange: PLEASE ickycord made me feel insane for critiquing that person!!!!! [00:27:24] Landedmist: again it was worth the wait haha you and Ashley was worth 3 hours [00:27:25] Avaerus0: Nobody made them wait.... [00:27:25] obkatiekat: oh I think I read that LUL [00:27:26] random4areason: Not gonna lie Finn you were better as a pool streamer [00:27:27] SavvyFaire: "I wait three hours and didn't get to propose marriage to f1nn" [00:27:28] goldenskies98: oh I saw that [00:27:32] krovvy: so unhinged [00:27:36] ronin_5463: Bro was parasocial as hell big yikes [00:27:36] ChasingSol: only slightly parasocial [00:27:44] HardyOrange: they thought "comicon" was a comic book venue!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:27:49] YumeNoZen: This is so cringe. [00:27:49] oliviazbored: lmfao [00:27:50] goldenskies98: parasocial as fuck [00:27:53] johnkeiwo: CRIIIIIINGE [00:27:58] Stovamor: Feel free to read John's response and My response @F1NN5TER [00:27:58] Stovamor: Feel free to read John's response and My response @F1NN5TER [00:27:58] Stovamor: Feel free to read John's response and My response @F1NN5TER [00:28:03] krovvy: yikes [00:28:05] ronin_5463: EEEEEE CRINGE [00:28:06] RonnieSxl: NotLikeThis [00:28:07] MIKAeo: i mean, isnt that par for the course with famous people? [00:28:07] keplersterra: huh [00:28:07] Avaerus0: This even makes me cringe [00:28:09] krovvy: aw [00:28:11] SuchKittyMuchMeow: miiliSpin [00:28:11] fisky41: wow what a shame my favourite streamer is popular [00:28:12] bfredl: the mortifying ordeal of being popular [00:28:14] gasmccloud: U mean I can't eat a piece of my favorite celebrity BibleThump [00:28:14] CaroCanaro: KEKW [00:28:15] MizukiDaarin: read it didn’t even bother commenting on it [00:28:17] Shydagger: will you marry me [00:28:18] Shockwavemecha: spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies [00:28:20] MajesticFvckingEagle: Yikes f1nnMonka f1nnMonka [00:28:23] wandererimwalde: yikies [00:28:24] Stovamor: Feel free to read John's response and My response @F1NN5TER [00:28:25] oliviazbored: love them jus assuming y’all are gonna meet up n be besties [00:28:26] obkatiekat: parasocial in its finest f1nnLaff [00:28:28] krovvy: KEKW [00:28:29] CzarinaChess: f1nn enjoys the power-play [00:28:36] Taranis_EXE: ctvaParasocial [00:28:38] HardyOrange: every response to that post was a good one, very informative if you do wonder what cons or twitchcon specifically were like [00:28:39] ArminGux: those are small streamer things, those times have long passed [00:28:41] TimABar: TimABar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months! Wow. 22 months. Love your content. [00:28:41] f3mmbot: timabar subscribed to f1nn5ter for 22 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:28:44] MeekoMoE: 👉👈 [00:28:50] buggex: this is a little creapy [00:28:53] Jozzgo: Hi [00:28:58] johnkeiwo: Do not do this chat !! [00:29:00] RuthlessWelshy: werent those like your actual irl friends? LUL [00:29:03] obkatiekat: I still find me and you meeting last year both being like “hold on a sec…ITS YOU” being funny obkatLUL [00:29:03] krovvy: time to hire security [00:29:04] MollyRzr: You don’t even know how much it means for a lot of us [00:29:07] viryl_lucas: huh [00:29:07] clyhtsuriva: fr [00:29:10] sean_944: did that dono said he sign there budget [00:29:10] ArminGux: didn’t u eat with ur mods? [00:29:14] RuthlessWelshy: yeah lol thats wild [00:29:16] Avaerus0: The streamers are a little too busy to just hang out with randos [00:29:19] SuchKittyMuchMeow: nkoSus [00:29:21] ronin_5463: Bros Cringemaxxing [00:29:22] SavvyFaire: @sean_944 their badge [00:29:23] Aeluvium: Buying tickets to TCEU right now, can't wait to hang out [00:29:26] Amoyamoyamoya: Imagine going to TwitchCon [00:29:26] hey_its_ree: MODCHECK [00:29:28] SamTheSilversmith: mods moderating IRL? [00:29:29] johnkeiwo: Check my replies and stov's and there is yours right under [00:29:32] Stovamor: Feel free to read John's response and My response @F1NN5TER [00:29:33] ArminGux: mods irl modded [00:29:37] RykerSune: yeah, expecting to hang with a streamer like if you're buddies when going to cons is creepy and weird [00:29:41] packagum: Petthemods [00:29:51] thefuzzywalruz: I was there [00:30:02] pobles_xdd: my legal name is twitch con [00:30:12] Mrdeadfishrock: it was probobly just how videos were cut [00:30:12] SavvyFaire: uh oh [00:30:13] krovvy: FeelsWeirdMan stop being weird guys [00:30:19] AmayaSchemata: AmayaSchemata subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:30:19] f3mmbot: amayaschemata subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:30:19] QuartsKnight: QuartsKnight subscribed at Tier 1. [00:30:20] f3mmbot: quartsknight subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang quartsknight f1nnLezgang [00:30:20] MeekoMoE: high five FINN [00:30:23] SHiRKiT: omg f1nn looks so fucking cute nowadays [00:30:24] ArminGux: what the hell happened [00:30:26] obkatiekat: oh? PauseChamp [00:30:28] bontabulletz: I was going to see you at comiccon but the line was too long and i was to nervous [00:30:29] casualgammer554: what have i joined into XD [00:30:38] CzarinaChess: SQU15HTER [00:30:42] seven_wild: Hii [00:30:43] bunnybrawlerxo: 🩷 [00:30:48] SavvyFaire: uh oh [00:30:49] MeekoMoE: tell Ashley thank you for being so awesome [00:30:54] BlaireBearStare: Uh oh [00:30:59] SavvyFaire: oh no [00:31:04] general_of_cm: hmmmm [00:31:05] Hadokken: emaizaWot1 emaizaWot2 [00:31:07] krovvy: FeelsWeirdMan oh no [00:31:08] RykerSune: oh yeah that's creepy [00:31:11] goldenskies98: oh no [00:31:12] ArminGux: was he following? [00:31:12] general_of_cm: f1nnSmile1 f1nnStare f1nnSmile3 f1nnSmile3 [00:31:14] shrumb0: @danyalwaqar skill issue [00:31:17] CzarinaChess: "pizzer express" [00:31:18] ska_killer_10: hello [00:31:18] obkatiekat: ONO [00:31:19] BlaireBearStare: Oh lorde [00:31:22] braddle172: Hmmm [00:31:22] krovvy: KEKW [00:31:23] HardyOrange: oops, definitely a set up for a solid misunderstanding or a not good situation [00:31:24] ronin_5463: NOOOO [00:31:25] ColdFloat: KEKW [00:31:26] general_of_cm: f1nnSideeye [00:31:27] Avaerus0: Everyone in chat's already expressing how I feel [00:31:29] MeekoMoE: definitely looking for them digits👀👀👀 [00:31:30] viryl_lucas: stalker-san [00:31:32] andimax11: Damn, why are discord notifications soooo late?? [00:31:33] johnkeiwo: i'm guessing he was socially awkward and didn't get the clue ... [00:31:33] oliviazbored: oh! [00:31:34] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW i see where this is going [00:31:37] ArminGux: does he live up the hill? [00:31:41] n1ghtcarrot: f1nnStare [00:31:43] SamTheSilversmith: Was he the uber driver? [00:31:46] krovvy: please tell me he doesn't show up again [00:31:47] Natt: sup pookie [00:31:48] AmayaSchemata: FYI I wasnt that guy [00:31:48] SN00ZE111: genuine question: do you go to the mens or womans bathroom? [00:31:52] ChasingSol: heya @Natt [00:31:53] johnkeiwo: Hey natt [00:31:56] danyalwaqar: @shrumb0 you are done. Hold on. Know about me? [00:31:57] SavvyFaire: @krovvy narrator: he showed up again [00:31:58] RykerSune: creepy level of fan behavior [00:32:00] itsjustmist: hey natt [00:32:02] xXNeroZashiXx: Hello @Natt [00:32:03] Kainlycide: When your brain starts playing combat music before anything happens [00:32:05] krovvy: @SavvyFaire KEKW [00:32:07] Shockwavemecha: aoifeConcern aoifeConcern aoifeConcern [00:32:07] Amoyamoyamoya: OH HAI @Natt [00:32:10] anatulabc: hey natt [00:32:12] kinodovzhenko: kinodovzhenko subscribed with Prime. [00:32:12] f3mmbot: kinodovzhenko subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang kinodovzhenko f1nnLezgang [00:32:13] RonnieSxl: gnat [00:32:14] Stovamor: @Natt, Good evening Natt [00:32:15] RykerSune: Hey Natt [00:32:15] shrumb0: @danyalwaqar no [00:32:16] HardyOrange: @Natt tfw he calls you pookie instead of a slur [00:32:16] TayTaetay: TayTaetay subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! [00:32:17] f3mmbot: taytaetay subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:32:20] craigpp12: craigpp12 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months, currently on a 27 month streak! 40 something months pog [00:32:20] f3mmbot: craigpp12 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 49 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:32:20] iamthedutchy: Hey Natt [00:32:22] SavvyFaire: if only Natt had been there to defend F1nn [00:32:22] ArminGux: Hii nat [00:32:23] SnoopyDog9086: Natt! [00:32:25] krovvy: KEKW [00:32:29] wulfy_hun: hi natt [00:32:30] skylee1976: Heya everyone [00:32:30] viryl_lucas: KEKW [00:32:30] YumeNoZen: .... [00:32:31] OstentatiousMongoose: monkaS [00:32:32] braddle172: KEKW [00:32:33] W1NK5Y: is he gonna be your Uber driver next [00:32:33] BlaireBearStare: Oh jesus christ [00:32:34] Stegmimpe_LP: Stegmimpe_LP subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months! 49 Months POG [00:32:34] f3mmbot: stegmimpe_lp subscribed to f1nn5ter for 49 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:32:35] YumeNoZen: This is concerning. [00:32:36] RykerSune: KEKW [00:32:36] viryl_lucas: RUN [00:32:36] n1ghtcarrot: n1ghtcarrot gifted a Tier 1 sub to Natt! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [00:32:36] f3mmbot: n1ghtcarrot has gifted a subscription to natt at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang natt f1nnLezgang [00:32:37] obkatiekat: had something like that after the Paris one too chibidokiMonkaS [00:32:40] BlaireBearStare: OH NO [00:32:42] BrightLilThing: don't blink [00:32:45] Natt: @n1ghtcarrot ty ty :D [00:32:46] krovvy: monkaS [00:32:47] casualgammer554: ahh i see [00:32:49] ArminGux: brimi brings out knife [00:32:49] SavvyFaire: uh oh [00:32:52] Taranis_EXE: buffpupOHNO [00:32:54] wandererimwalde: i bet he is in chat now [00:32:56] thefoxmanlive: TransgenderPride [00:32:56] Shysle: Shysle subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:32:57] f3mmbot: shysle subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:32:57] AmayaSchemata: @Amoyamoyamoya hi [00:32:59] Amoyamoyamoya: Wait...the One Hand in Pocket guy? [00:32:59] pilot_3835: Had a rough day today. Thanks for brightening it up a bit [00:33:00] Quackathulhu: don’t even blink [00:33:02] thehollowguy0211: @Natt Tell finn to do the girl voice [00:33:02] krovvy: monkaS omg [00:33:04] n1ghtcarrot: @natt no problems qpineLeo [00:33:05] Zyrashana: *jaws music* [00:33:05] ChasingSol: oh damn [00:33:08] gasmccloud: Creeeepperrrsws [00:33:09] Avaerus0: If you remind people of the weeping angels... [00:33:09] RykerSune: oh shit [00:33:13] SavvyFaire: and then they shared the uber [00:33:13] RonnieSxl: WutFace [00:33:14] Amoyamoyamoya: @AmayaSchemata, Hello fellow TCVegas Badge Haver [00:33:15] ChasingSol: don't do that people [00:33:16] MeekoMoE: neck beard?????🧔 [00:33:28] andimax11: Awwwww lol [00:33:29] viryl_lucas: bruy [00:33:32] MajesticFvckingEagle: Awwww [00:33:32] MeekoMoE: lmao 😂 [00:33:33] thatslipperyblobfish: bro [00:33:34] viryl_lucas: bruh KEKW [00:33:34] yfmstudios: awwwww [00:33:36] RykerSune: I mean even so, dont ever do that [00:33:38] filip_zd10: KEKW [00:33:39] MaggieHeels: MaggieHeels subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months, currently on a 8 month streak! 4 years and 8 months of adoring you, because of you i came out as transgirl for my internet friends and planning HRT now thank you [00:33:40] viryl_lucas: chill bro [00:33:40] f3mmbot: maggieheels subscribed to f1nn5ter for 44 months using Prime! PogU [00:33:40] obkatiekat: nkoSweating phew [00:33:40] ArminGux: awww sweet but scary [00:33:41] krovvy: lol [00:33:41] MeekoMoE: Sorry F1nn [00:33:41] general_of_cm: average f1nn viever [00:33:42] goldenskies98: still don’t do that 😭 [00:33:43] ShigotoKowai: Nahhh that's not fine at all [00:33:44] viryl_lucas: KEKW [00:33:45] thatslipperyblobfish: oh makes sense now [00:33:49] Amoyamoyamoya: Damn...where are these people getting socialized...? Anime? [00:33:51] casualgammer554: XD [00:33:52] CapsulatePluto: yeah don't do that [00:33:56] thegodofall_powers67: i saw comic con I LOVE COMIC CON [00:33:57] ArminGux: don’t follow people [00:33:57] be_humbl: Naaah, that's creepy [00:33:58] RenaDrachen: so unfollow, got it Kappa [00:33:59] oliviazbored: valid response tbh [00:34:00] DataBitMC: follow streamers on twitch, not irl [00:34:01] thehollowguy0211: Average F1nn fit [00:34:01] MeekoMoE: that would have been so scary BibleThump BibleThump [00:34:01] MajesticFvckingEagle: Forgivable, but DON'T do that people [00:34:02] saogoespewpew: @MaggieHeels <3 [00:34:03] jambob165: ughh [00:34:03] Y0rk5h1r3: I follow F1nn... on Twitch [00:34:04] mimipunny: Poor dude [00:34:05] AmayaSchemata: @Amoyamoyamoya I talk to you on another persons stream [00:34:08] k1ngracer07: Kappa Kappa Kappa [00:34:10] HardyOrange: it can also be hard to not seem like you're following someone, but you are going the same place, so what exactly can you do? good for him for appologizing later [00:34:11] SavvyFaire: f1nn's audience is remarkably well-behaved if that was the weirdest thing that happened [00:34:14] attemptsbot: but where can I be cringe then? [00:34:15] sobik110: f1nnCool [00:34:17] obkatiekat: KEKW [00:34:21] CzarinaChess: no following [00:34:21] cc_dies: Fr [00:34:22] ninjasquirtle6: LUL LUL LUL [00:34:23] MollyRzr: You are an international treasure, we must protect you at all cost [00:34:24] johnkeiwo: PogU [00:34:25] EternalLucia: Don't follow? ok *unfollows stream* [00:34:25] graverobbed_maria: Classic example of social anxiety being worse than whatever you are anxious about [00:34:28] pobles_xdd: can this stream get the xdd emote? prayge [00:34:28] Helen_Croft: So did you get the Rotterdam tickets @F1NN5TER [00:34:29] CzarinaChess: unfollow all your faves [00:34:29] ChasingSol: POGGERS [00:34:29] SekkaOwO: aye finally catch a f1nn stream, you're such an icon Dx [00:34:30] general_of_cm: just dont be, easyest trick in the world [00:34:30] LittleChaSiu: travel game!! [00:34:31] k1ngracer07: i think im gonna loose the bet :< [00:34:31] blueskydrinking: but cringe is who I am [00:34:34] MaggieHeels: :) [00:34:35] viryl_lucas: omedetouuu [00:34:36] ninjasquirtle6: Noted dont follow anyone LUL LUL [00:34:38] MeekoMoE: yes thank you Finn [00:34:41] Amoyamoyamoya: @AmayaSchemata, Sorry, I have a hard time remember everyone I interact with. Your name does look familiar but I can't place it [00:34:42] Mrdeadfishrock: i wish i could of come i was busy the saturday id definatly of been there if youd come to the con sunday id definatly of been there [00:34:44] sobik110: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:34:44] yourboyfriedjerry: hii whats your pronouns? <3 [00:34:47] ChasingSol: no [00:34:48] viryl_lucas: KEKW [00:34:50] ChasingSol: no you can't [00:34:51] ArminGux: u going to Rotterdam to Rott? Kekw [00:34:53] tinyalison420: KEKW [00:34:53] blindthirdeye: Both [00:34:53] BlaireBearStare: No [00:34:54] Amoyamoyamoya: Wow. Imagine being on IckyCord [00:34:56] insidecchaos: KEKW [00:34:56] legitimatelily: lol [00:35:01] claysparrow: @yourboyfriedjerry !pronouns [00:35:03] HardyOrange: pay the mods if you want them to do something for you [00:35:03] Amoyamoyamoya: WHO IS THAT SO I CAN BAN THEM [00:35:03] MizukiDaarin: poll [00:35:04] thehollowguy0211: YES, SEND THE EMOTIONS TO F1NN! FOR THAT IS A WAY TO THE FEMININE SIDE ;) [00:35:05] Helen_Croft: So did you get the Rotterdam tickets @F1NN5TER 󠀀 [00:35:05] Shockwavemecha: Erm [00:35:05] ChasingSol: oh god [00:35:07] shrumb0: poll time [00:35:07] pin3soul: ayo [00:35:07] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [00:35:07] CyanoticJam: Evening all! [00:35:08] Shockwavemecha: Ayo [00:35:08] the_ham_uk: By the look of what I'm seeing - I guess the 'no' won the poll [00:35:08] packagum: huh [00:35:08] Odysseus_OW: erm [00:35:09] theS1LV3R_: KEKW [00:35:09] blindthirdeye: GDI f1nn [00:35:10] MaatVarzsh: what [00:35:13] RykerSune: uhh [00:35:13] yourboyfriedjerry: !pronouns [00:35:13] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:35:13] bensrob: Erm [00:35:15] Timothy_M_Stepanski: nikkikBlank nikkikBlank nikkikBlank nikkikBlank nikkikBlank nikkikBlank nikkikBlank nikkikBlank nikkikBlank [00:35:16] NEB135: What [00:35:16] RenaDrachen: me next Kappa [00:35:17] viryl_lucas: huh [00:35:18] Quackathulhu: going Rotterdam to rot [00:35:21] NEB135: spiralsWHAT [00:35:22] rashell101: honored [00:35:24] RykerSune: who tf made the poll KEKW [00:35:28] moon_gazing76: why was that the first sentence i heard [00:35:28] ArminGux: ball scratch is a honor [00:35:30] thefoxmanlive: KEKW [00:35:31] HardyOrange: short term memmory absolutely oblitterated [00:35:32] tinyalison420: KEKW 󠀀 [00:35:33] Session1O52: balls? Honored [00:35:36] SavvyFaire: why would anyone be offended if F1nn touched themself while saying your name [00:35:36] thehollowguy0211: Honored, truly an amazing sight [00:35:37] johnkeiwo: Gee who made that poll ... ? Kappa [00:35:38] johnkeiwo: Gee who made that poll ... ? Kappa [00:35:44] yourboyfriedjerry: are we allowed to ask gender questions [00:35:46] johnkeiwo: Rottmaxxing [00:35:48] AmayaSchemata: @Amoyamoyamoya maddies stream [00:35:50] RykerSune: John f1nnRotate [00:35:51] ronin_5463: Rotmaxxing [00:35:57] HardyOrange: you were in a loud room for hours, very understandable [00:36:00] SekkaOwO: girlrotting lets goooo [00:36:00] 57ranma: thank you Mods. you’re always on top of things [00:36:02] lualaby: OOOOOO [00:36:03] johnkeiwo: good [00:36:03] andimax11: Oh? [00:36:04] Helen_Croft: gender update incoming? [00:36:04] sora_slimecat: !pronouns [00:36:04] hey_its_ree: hey_its_ree subscribed at Tier 1. [00:36:04] f3mmbot: hey_its_ree subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang hey_its_ree f1nnLezgang [00:36:04] SavvyFaire: pronoun update [00:36:04] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:36:05] SnazzJaz4297: Hey F1NN! kazuka5Heart kazuka5Heart kazuka5Heart [00:36:05] tinyalison420: OOOOOOO [00:36:06] krovvy: interesting [00:36:07] LittleChaSiu: girl mode time Kappa [00:36:08] casualgammer554: egg [00:36:09] BlaireBearStare: Hell yeah [00:36:09] lualaby: EXCITING [00:36:09] CzarinaChess: O?? [00:36:09] matheuslr47: Apagender [00:36:10] HardyOrange: cooking up some new ones? [00:36:10] YumeNoZen: There's no rush. And, well, Judith Butler [00:36:10] sherlockshmoe: Going in the gender lab [00:36:11] OstentatiousMongoose: compiling gender [00:36:11] FelineFemby: gender update?!? [00:36:11] legitimatelily: Gender=F1nn [00:36:11] zephyr_alba: Ooooo gorl [00:36:12] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "Honored or offended ? ": Honored with 251 votes (92.72%) [00:36:12] tinyalison420: girl mode Kappa [00:36:12] billyyyn: computer, enhance gender [00:36:14] MajesticFvckingEagle: Oh? 👀 [00:36:14] ArminGux: u becoming gender solid? [00:36:15] medical_size9000: ModLove ModLove ModLove ModLove ModLove ModLove [00:36:16] EternalLucia: F1nn gonna be a tomboy now [00:36:19] autosoft6483: ope [00:36:24] SamTheSilversmith: @ArminGux LUL [00:36:26] FelineFemby: gender = fella 😹 [00:36:27] Nenkos: in the lab cookin up new gemders [00:36:29] family_toy: Don't cold turkey meds! [00:36:33] thehollowguy0211: F1nn going all out [00:36:33] yourboyfriedjerry: were you born with a deep voice? [00:36:34] casualgammer554: @EternalLucia yes [00:36:36] debdrup: Yea, I'm also feeling the side-effects of going off antidepressants. It's not great. [00:36:37] MollyRzr: gotta taper! [00:36:37] AuroraZane7: AuroraZane7 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! <3 f1nnPet [00:36:37] f3mmbot: aurorazane7 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:36:38] mrbb_55: mooood [00:36:39] babyhuey23: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:36:40] jcktheripperrs: Electic zapping is awful if you get them. [00:36:40] blueskydrinking: That SSRI wait period is insane [00:36:45] johnkeiwo: no [00:36:45] Helen_Croft: !voice [00:36:45] CzarinaChess: F1nn about to casually drop a she/her [00:36:45] f3mmbot: Rose learns the girl voice from https://www.tiktok.com/@seattlevoicelab [00:36:51] viryl_lucas: lol [00:36:52] jeffbadintern: Plot twist f1nn is cis [00:36:54] Avaerus0: It was more British before [00:36:58] ronin_5463: Frank Sinatra ahh voice [00:36:59] krovvy: it's true, f1nn is americanized [00:37:00] Stovamor: !gender [00:37:00] ChasingSol: mid-Atlantic [00:37:00] f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. Also, Finn is gender fluid. [00:37:00] CzarinaChess: Posh-cornish [00:37:00] ninjasquirtle6: 👉🏼👈🏼 [00:37:01] HardyOrange: rugby accident actually [00:37:01] casualgammer554: same XD [00:37:04] SnazzJaz4297: TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride BisexualPride [00:37:05] andimax11: "Vayglee Farin" [00:37:06] vinsanity642: lol true [00:37:07] CzarinaChess: cornish-posh f1nn [00:37:07] claysparrow: you sound canadian [00:37:08] 8urning_ash: you didn’t quit cold turkey right?! [00:37:08] waterbear80: American [00:37:10] LeafsMatrix: No you sound british [00:37:12] krovvy: a little [00:37:13] gasmccloud: Def British.. [00:37:14] RuthlessWelshy: its british as fuck to me lol [00:37:14] SavvyFaire: youtube video accent [00:37:14] Pumpkin_Vice: how so? [00:37:15] viryl_lucas: tru [00:37:16] pin3soul: you sounds brit [00:37:16] backtonoah: FINNNNN!!!! <3 <3 [00:37:17] de_geweldige: yes [00:37:17] hannahdoesntexist: i went on a journey to see your accent change and it was like 2 years ago [00:37:18] panbo_: ur brit [00:37:19] viryl_lucas: Yeahhhh [00:37:19] goldenskies98: yeah for sure [00:37:19] hey_its_ree: indeterminate accent @F1NN5TER [00:37:21] LittleChaSiu: yewchewb [00:37:21] Shockwavemecha: i understand [00:37:23] goldenskies98: yep [00:37:23] handscombchris: Kk so am ordering Chinese, got beef chow mein and egg fried rice, need 2 more things... suggestions!? [00:37:24] SavvyFaire: Language: Default [00:37:24] Serumaster: Mr Beast accent [00:37:24] viryl_lucas: I'm filipino [00:37:24] Valentaiyo: no? [00:37:25] dmx908: Finn are you wearing a bra ? If not you might want to [00:37:25] JackedRussell: you sound like you're from Birmingham [00:37:25] dashunde: still sounds british [00:37:26] extremeph: no, you sound like PewDiePie sometimes [00:37:26] ArminGux: u sound like a non native English speaker ngl [00:37:26] viryl_lucas: yeah [00:37:27] Mrdeadfishrock: im british you sound british just not birmingham like just like a london accent [00:37:28] attemptsbot: Canadian here, I don't hear it [00:37:28] LeafsMatrix: I'm not american, you sound british [00:37:29] fisky41: YES [00:37:29] AristotleBetta: LUL [00:37:29] babyhuey23: f1nnSmile2 [00:37:31] MollyRzr: You sound Canadian, halfway lmao [00:37:31] Jahkae: british people sound like doctor who lmaooo [00:37:32] casualgammer554: i understand yes [00:37:32] oliviazbored: I can’t tell if that’s a compliment or not [00:37:32] osgoodboxes: so true [00:37:32] BlaireBearStare: Ambiguously British [00:37:33] xXNeroZashiXx: @Peachy_Patches, why are you asking a stupid question ? [00:37:34] YumeNoZen: As long as you don't sound Canadian. [00:37:34] ronin_5463: New york too [00:37:34] emelizabeth_: that makes sense i get that [00:37:34] hillsidewestern12: Yep [00:37:35] babyhuey23: f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 [00:37:37] HardyOrange: hey, American kids are picking up accents from Peppa Pig [00:37:39] Nenkos: the mr. beastification of our dialect [00:37:40] ClaireDeLoooon: British? wHY DID i THINK YOU WERE FRENCH? [00:37:40] lydiatamales: As an American I thought you had an American east coast accent [00:37:40] Pumpkin_Vice: djgemi1Stanley1 [00:37:41] taylorthingx: I know what you mean haha [00:37:43] krovvy: lol [00:37:43] Quackathulhu: brit’ish m8.. tea n crumpets innit [00:37:45] AntiComposite: am american, I have a regional and a standard accent that I code switch between [00:37:45] casualgammer554: ohh god XD [00:37:46] creationsbgayming: You do NOT sound American gng 😭🫸🏿🫷🏿 [00:37:47] shortswarlok: KEKW [00:37:47] Avaerus0: Back when I was watching Doctor Who obsessivly I started to hear my own thoughts in a UK accent [00:37:48] thehollowguy0211: EVERYONE, feed F1nn with the emotions, for that is a way to the feminine side lol [00:37:50] Amoyamoyamoya: I grew up in SoCal...I don't sound like I'm from SoCal [00:37:51] AmayaSchemata: try being from West Virginia or Tennessee or North Carolina [00:37:52] claysparrow: jabba-slayer leia [00:37:52] popcatplays: hey Finn how tf did you get hrt so fast cause I live in the uk and it’s taken 4 fucking years [00:37:53] johnkeiwo: reminder : gender update [00:37:53] rhudezooka: people say im british all the time and I live in the middle of the US [00:37:53] nufan830: yes true [00:37:54] coltofpip: boo [00:37:55] maleniascarlett: you sound like an English mun to me [00:37:57] Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL [00:38:00] Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL [00:38:00] Amoyamoyamoya: VOTE POLL [00:38:00] daemon2988: To me you sound like a British person that has lived in America for like 5 years. [00:38:02] shrumb0: meeting an american 𝘪𝘴 like watching a movie [00:38:03] Amoyamoyamoya: *Yet [00:38:04] SillyMaddie: british canadian [00:38:05] lishoward: as an american that’s very interesting to hear lol [00:38:06] TheRubyDragon23: people from Iowa dont have a specific accent [00:38:08] yourboyfriedjerry: just get tits easy [00:38:11] ReiniYamato: @handscombchris crabmeat and sweetcorn soup, and salt & pepper squid!! [00:38:12] emelizabeth_: i just started a barista job and i get a lot of american customers and i always feel like im in a movie lmao [00:38:12] Shockwavemecha: LUL The Poll [00:38:13] general_of_cm: let me know if you need a jabba [00:38:17] backtonoah: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:38:17] johnkeiwo: reminder : gender update [00:38:17] Pumpkin_Vice: u hav the hips for it duckbo5Groove [00:38:17] CzarinaChess: @popcatplays TBH DIY IMO [00:38:21] DOCal8x57: I was talking to girl Finn [00:38:21] the_ham_uk: !poll [00:38:21] Amoyamoyamoya: @general_of_cm, Bruh [00:38:22] dr_wetsocks: As an american i can confirm im a walking add [00:38:25] CzarinaChess: Iowaccent [00:38:25] nufan830: yep Americans don’t sound real [00:38:27] ArminGux: there are no bras in space [00:38:28] crushingpenguin: Ayo, happy to catch a stream! [00:38:30] hatredslasher: if you dont have the tits for it, you can use that fake one you used back in the day right? [00:38:31] SavvyFaire: Astra has an Iowa accent [00:38:33] MollyRzr: Space buns based [00:38:35] lishoward: adhd moment [00:38:36] alikarin: What was the gender update? [00:38:36] k1ngracer07: welp [00:38:38] debdrup: If someone claims they don't have an accent, they absolutely do. [00:38:40] coltofpip: good luck [00:38:40] Amoyamoyamoya: [00:38:42] pianoismyforte_: pianoismyforte_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months! 40 months POG. So glad you had so many people turn up for your meet and greet! [00:38:42] backtonoah: LMAO [00:38:42] f3mmbot: pianoismyforte_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 40 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:38:43] Ninlilizi: My internet froze for 2 minutes... What was the update? [00:38:48] slipknotphilcollins: dew it! [00:38:48] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "Who made this poll?": John with 94 votes (51.09%) [00:38:48] ChasingSol: hahaha [00:38:49] general_of_cm: @Amoyamoyamoya KEKW [00:38:49] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [00:38:50] Shockwavemecha: and Ick [00:38:50] andimax11: lmao wild [00:38:50] CzarinaChess: @Amoyamoyamoya oh hi i remember you from Scosion [00:38:51] braddle172: KEKW [00:38:52] Shockwavemecha: KEKW [00:38:52] legitimatelily: lol [00:38:52] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:38:53] RenaDrachen: and HUH [00:38:53] RykerSune: ick KEKW [00:38:55] ronin_5463: Texans all talk like ford car voiceover ads [00:38:55] OstentatiousMongoose: KEKW [00:38:58] the_one_true_lemon: I’ve heard the Iowa accent, it’s just very midwestern [00:38:59] Merobiba_: KEKW [00:38:59] thehollowguy0211: We need to imbue F1nn with the emotions, for that is a true way, to the feminine side lol [00:38:59] greenikj: Which com a con? [00:39:00] Nenkos: anD ICK [00:39:03] RuthlessWelshy: KEKW [00:39:03] fisky41: brainrot [00:39:06] handscombchris: @reiniyamato not keen on squid ot crab, maybe on the soup though 🤔 [00:39:06] thatonestrangekid: I love Iowa [00:39:09] ArminGux: Americans talk well about corn bread grits and ribs [00:39:09] new_day_who_dis: I'm from the midwest and we have what's called "golden english" we're american but don't have an accent [00:39:11] pianoismyforte_: KEKW [00:39:11] mechtel: The Midwest does have an accent: source is that I live in the Midwest and my chorus teacher was fuming about the hard ours when trying to direct choral movements [00:39:11] Quackathulhu: who’s d!ck [00:39:13] johnkeiwo: KEKW [00:39:15] RykerSune: ahh a match made in heaven: Finn and dick OMEGALUL [00:39:15] krovvy: KEKW [00:39:16] johnkeiwo: reminder : gender update [00:39:16] HardyOrange: awwwww [00:39:18] richarduk81: You meet an dick wow [00:39:18] yourboyfriedjerry: sorry im just wondering but are you trans? <3 [00:39:18] be_humbl: As long as your accent isn't German 🤣 [00:39:18] CzarinaChess: @Amoyamoyamoya i mean socosion oops lol [00:39:20] billyyyn: I have a canadian friend and she just sounds like catherine ryan irl, it throws me off [00:39:24] mechtel: Hard r's** [00:39:25] viryl_lucas: lol [00:39:25] krovvy: the backup plan lol [00:39:26] TheCharlesTownsend: Perhaps we could get F1nn to do the classic Marilyn Monroe dress over the subway grate scene. [00:39:26] Avaerus0: There wasn't any chance of no-one showing [00:39:28] SnabbKassa: astroturfing [00:39:28] MajesticFvckingEagle: ah, I may have made the wrong bet LUL [00:39:28] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:39:31] SirCockingtonRoachbach3: Hey fin I was about to break my 1 month sober streak when I saw you go live and stopped myself. Thank you. [00:39:38] gunslingerdillon: Hi American here I've been trying to get you to extend your Walmart baskets extended warranty [00:39:38] HardyOrange: hey now don't bum F1nn out about it, not his fault! [00:39:40] BlaireBearStare: F1nnCon [00:39:41] popcatplays: hey Finn how did you get hrt so fast cause I live in the uk and it’s been 4 years and still not even got first aponment [00:39:42] yourboyfriedjerry: chat is she/he trans? [00:39:45] ChasingSol: HI JONAS [00:39:48] rashell101: when I meet my friends from Denmark for the first time they thought I was faking my very southern accent [00:39:49] LittleChaSiu: Jonas moment [00:39:50] johnkeiwo: rip Jonas [00:39:50] RykerSune: hey Jonas [00:39:50] Samurai_Tony: MCM Birmingham is later in the year. [00:39:51] gunslingerdillon: Also I'm now a high school grad [00:39:53] SnabbKassa: !gender [00:39:53] f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. Also, Finn is gender fluid. [00:39:54] AmayaSchemata: im going to twitchcon sandiego [00:39:55] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Wait, are they letting F1nn into the US for TwitchCon? [00:39:58] Amoyamoyamoya: @CzarinaChess, I understood who you meant. I think I recall seeing your name in her Chat [00:39:58] AdamNeverwas: Hi [00:40:00] barkdrone: any chance you’d cross the pond? [00:40:02] Helen_Croft: So did you get the Rotterdam tickets? @F1NN5TER [00:40:02] Nenkos: @F1NN5TER gender news? [00:40:02] mystchevious1: Gender Update [00:40:06] yourboyfriedjerry: !gender [00:40:06] ArminGux: that’s a nice makeup bag [00:40:06] f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. Also, Finn is gender fluid. [00:40:07] LittleChaSiu: @Cmdr_Sam_Vimes this was about Rotterdam [00:40:09] viryl_lucas: stress [00:40:11] Avaerus0: @Cmdr_Sam_Vimes Twitchcon in Rotterdam [00:40:11] MajesticFvckingEagle: gemder [00:40:12] backtonoah: @yourboyfriedjerry Genderfluid if im right, he did a coming out [00:40:14] ChasingSol: disaster [00:40:15] PrincessMaly: Hey Finn you're really pretty that's all \o/ [00:40:16] johnkeiwo: reminder : gender update [00:40:17] johnkeiwo: reminder : gender update [00:40:17] the_ham_uk: Gotta bounce, darts competition how manly [00:40:19] Alkno_93: you wear talking about your gender i belive [00:40:19] ronin_5463: Your legs were probs dying too [00:40:21] SavvyFaire: awwwww [00:40:26] ChasingSol: good doggie [00:40:26] debdrup: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:40:27] Shockwavemecha: Scratch scratch [00:40:30] AmayaSchemata: dog pads? [00:40:32] Shockwavemecha: OhMyDog [00:40:33] blindcube: hiya Finn I hope you’re doing well [00:40:33] Skkorm: You keep Jonas's name of your mouth [00:40:36] RykerSune: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:40:39] yourboyfriedjerry: wait so the deep voice is a medical condition? [00:40:41] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: Hi everyone [00:40:43] BlaireBearStare: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:40:43] Amoyamoyamoya: "The lighting was baaaaaddddd!" - F1mter, 2024-05-30 [00:40:44] Stovamor: Let him in! [00:40:44] Stovamor: Let him in! [00:40:45] Stovamor: Let him in! [00:40:45] Stovamor: Let him in! [00:40:46] ArminGux: does he still shit everywhere? [00:40:46] viryl_lucas: we got a retriever + aspin breed. [00:40:47] ronin_5463: The lighting wasnt great lmao [00:40:49] SHiRKiT: OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog [00:40:53] lilygothdevil: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:40:54] MajesticFvckingEagle: @yourboyfriedjerry something like that [00:40:56] AmayaSchemata: ive saw this lol [00:40:57] legitimatelily: Let the darn dog in finn [00:40:57] HardyOrange: @yourboyfriedjerry yeah, you could call it that [00:40:57] viryl_lucas: KEKW [00:40:58] Nenkos: @yourboyfriedjerry yes, technically [00:41:02] gasmccloud: Oh noo BibleThump [00:41:03] FrogoOgo: !socials [00:41:03] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [00:41:04] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: @LittleChaSiu @Avaerus0 Thanks! Sorry for being typical American and forgetting Europe is a thing. [00:41:06] Alkno_93: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [00:41:07] johnkeiwo: https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d0z14s/i_met_fin_i_was_super_shy_and_arkward_but_dang_it/ [00:41:07] johnkeiwo: https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d0z14s/i_met_fin_i_was_super_shy_and_arkward_but_dang_it/ [00:41:08] johnkeiwo: https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d0z14s/i_met_fin_i_was_super_shy_and_arkward_but_dang_it/ [00:41:09] andimax11: worth it honestly [00:41:11] Necnill: let him shit [00:41:11] bunnybrawlerxo: When Finns steaming while your driving so you stick him in the aux 🤣🤣 [00:41:12] pickelchip: stop you always look incredible [00:41:14] richarduk81: Comic nerds hate the light [00:41:14] johnkeiwo: this ? [00:41:15] CyanoticJam: Is it me or does F1nn sound lighter? [00:41:16] fisky41: so what we still want to see him [00:41:18] Ex0dia5: 25th [00:41:18] SnabbKassa: just search "met F1nn5ter" on X, recent tweets [00:41:19] SnoopyDog9086: @johnkeiwo F1nn really got completely sidetracked lol [00:41:20] imaprsn: let Tank in!! 👏🤣 [00:41:22] Havryl: Photos of gremlin, looks like gremlin [00:41:22] letume: 27 [00:41:25] rashell101: let the doggo in [00:41:28] BlightningBrightling: Let him inn! LET HIM INNNN [00:41:30] viryl_lucas: You look fine there [00:41:33] blindcube: good to see you Finn [00:41:37] lilithsspawn: 29th [00:41:37] horus95: What about gender update [00:41:42] viryl_lucas: meh. [00:41:44] yfmstudios: oooooo [00:41:45] fisky41: you still look great [00:41:47] Avaerus0: Yeah but you're still cute [00:41:47] viryl_lucas: it's just lkay [00:41:47] ArminGux: overhead lighting at cons is never good [00:41:47] SavvyFaire: @horus95 we added some more [00:41:47] extremeph: what’s your gender update, bottom boy? [00:41:47] Shockwavemecha: ick? [00:41:49] MajesticFvckingEagle: believers, we gotta get F1nn on track for the bet [00:41:51] blackjackcheese: PizzaTime PizzaTime [00:41:51] viryl_lucas: HEHEHE [00:41:55] AmayaSchemata: I might have dick on my tm [00:41:55] BlaireBearStare: Could be worse [00:41:59] slipknotphilcollins: ayoo [00:42:02] viryl_lucas: noiceee [00:42:04] gasmccloud: Screenshots ready boyss [00:42:06] krovvy: that's terrible lighting but we can't walk around with a ring light all the time [00:42:09] blackjackcheese: You look Chubby there [00:42:12] slipknotphilcollins: 🤜🏻🤛🏻 [00:42:16] HardyOrange: this is why cosplayers organize group photoshoots outside, because con lighting is so notoriously bad [00:42:18] BlightningBrightling: THAT'S the worst picture of you? [00:42:18] gasmccloud: BibleThump [00:42:19] Shockwavemecha: a wut? [00:42:26] Pumpkin_Vice: that angel [00:42:28] slipknotphilcollins: ! ! ! ! ! [00:42:28] SavvyFaire: scratch scatch scratch [00:42:29] SHiRKiT: OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog [00:42:29] legitimatelily: hes a very good boy [00:42:29] Landedmist: awesome haha. I look so awkward in my pic with you haha [00:42:30] Tom__B: KEKW [00:42:32] blindthirdeye: How dar you say tank is not a good boi! [00:42:33] satanwelcomesyou: Good morning Finn and chat [00:42:34] richarduk81: Tank goodest boy [00:42:38] legitimatelily: BegWan [00:42:39] krovvy: KEKW [00:42:40] Souless_beast: dude you literally have no clue how to focus? what’s the gender update? [00:42:41] Shockwavemecha: bellsm2MOG [00:42:42] Avaerus0: I've never actually seen a bad photo of F1nn [00:42:42] ninjasquirtle6: Wait how tall are you 2? I feel like id be so smol next to you. Im 4'11 LUL LUL LUL [00:42:43] PrincessMaly: rowr [00:42:45] viryl_lucas: lol [00:42:45] AmayaSchemata: its the one where the person had a look of excitement on their face [00:42:49] satanwelcomesyou: Chadster [00:42:49] debdrup: Where f1nnTank ? [00:42:50] johnkeiwo: reminder : gender update [00:42:50] slazoji: !disability [00:42:52] ArminGux: chad the mad [00:42:55] Skkorm: Tank abuse confirmed [00:42:56] k1ngracer07: 6.5?10 burp [00:42:59] blackjackcheese: Who took your pics?? They did a bad job with the angles [00:43:00] johnkeiwo: Classic [00:43:00] viryl_lucas: KEKW [00:43:03] mystchevious1: I hate that guy soo much. [00:43:05] bunnybrawlerxo: Cute [00:43:08] johnkeiwo: this guy is a constant KEKW [00:43:08] claysparrow: gender? [00:43:08] Gurglefrix: Gurglefrix subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 42 months, currently on a 42 month streak! [00:43:09] f3mmbot: gurglefrix subscribed to f1nn5ter for 42 months at Tier 2! PogU [00:43:10] AmayaSchemata: yes totally [00:43:12] attemptsbot: warehouse asethetic [00:43:14] cc_dies: Mewing update pog [00:43:14] Pumpkin_Vice: smol cutie [00:43:14] shrumb0: femboy in a warehouse pog [00:43:16] andimax11: That's my FAVORITE. Perfect meme potential [00:43:17] lilzoey22: hie eveeryone [00:43:17] blackjackcheese: The wholesome streamer band? [00:43:19] ArminGux: wasn’t that like 4 years ago [00:43:20] Havryl: Needs a ballpit [00:43:23] Amoyamoyamoya: OH HEY THAT'S ONE OF MY ALTS!!! [00:43:24] Nenkos: >"this you?" >hottest pic I've ever seen [00:43:24] AmayaSchemata: lol [00:43:25] braddle172: KEKW [00:43:26] k1ngracer07: @claysparrow yes [00:43:27] Shockwavemecha: aoifeConcern [00:43:28] BlaireBearStare: Girlfriend standing on the middle of a warehouse energy [00:43:28] krovvy: KEKW [00:43:30] reflectedrose: Oh hi finn! [00:43:31] Avaerus0: I can't even imagine [00:43:31] viryl_lucas: LMAO [00:43:31] pianoismyforte_: KEKW [00:43:32] subpar_wizard: Yes [00:43:32] fisky41: @F1NN5TER your hair looks incredible today [00:43:32] blueskydrinking: KEKW [00:43:33] clyhtsuriva: LMAO [00:43:33] idesofjuno: KEKW [00:43:33] krovvy: no [00:43:33] blackdevils521: Finish your makeup [00:43:33] Shockwavemecha: aoifeWOW [00:43:34] AmayaSchemata: hmmmm nope [00:43:34] blueskydrinking: no [00:43:35] lualaby: its giving 🧍‍♀️ [00:43:37] legitimatelily: Unsolicited mirror [00:43:37] SamTheSilversmith: Not really [00:43:37] richarduk81: No [00:43:38] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [00:43:38] gasmccloud: Relatable [00:43:38] subpar_wizard: It's relatable [00:43:39] ProfaneCreation: selphyStare [00:43:40] sora_slimecat: O.o [00:43:40] itvince: f1nnStare [00:43:42] legitimatelily: nope [00:43:44] AmayaSchemata: try twitter [00:43:45] viryl_lucas: yes [00:43:45] the_living_noob_: hhahaha no [00:43:45] grandpaladin1701: never [00:43:46] james23001: probably ..... [00:43:48] creationsbgayming: Naw gng😭🫸🏿🫷🏿 [00:43:49] pianoismyforte_: Yeah random nudes are oof [00:43:49] scarfmonsieur: YES [00:43:49] Shibbydoodles: yeah... [00:43:50] muddymudkip15: No [00:43:50] SamTheSilversmith: self flashing LUL [00:43:51] blackjackcheese: So he showed his D already, chat? [00:43:51] BeetleBlock6966: nope, not once ever [00:43:51] grandpaladin1701: Am wholesome [00:43:52] andimax11: Yeah, fun times [00:43:53] clyhtsuriva: no [00:43:53] claysparrow: TransgenderPride [00:43:53] cheff_cook: uhh… [00:43:53] rainfallwall: I have so many dick pics [00:43:53] itvince: Yeah [00:43:55] andimax11: Wait [00:43:59] ArminGux: yeah sometimes I hit my nudes and it’s akward [00:43:59] simplejack42069: Lol 😂 yes [00:44:01] MajesticFvckingEagle: that's what the hidden feature is for [00:44:02] Vanimal2118: All destroyed thankfully [00:44:04] OfficialToxins: too often... [00:44:05] viryl_lucas: uhmm no [00:44:05] quinntayo: i miss girl month goals… what can it be replaced with? …fluid flow goals [00:44:06] sora_slimecat: self flashbang lol [00:44:06] Amoyamoyamoya: Yuo can take photos on your phone? Wut [00:44:08] viryl_lucas: KEKW [00:44:08] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: When it's your own dick that's unsolicited that's just being transfemme. Kappa [00:44:08] ninjasquirtle6: Yes LUL [00:44:10] Helen_Croft: So did you get the Rotterdam tickets? @F1NN5TER [00:44:12] goldenskies98: I do that with old titty pics since I don’t have them anymore [00:44:12] attemptsbot: gotta head out but thanks for the stream [00:44:14] Avaerus0: I don't take pics of myself *shrugs* [00:44:21] blackjackcheese: Fill me in, I'm not following Finn. He showed pp? [00:44:25] owfii: !pronouns [00:44:25] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [00:44:27] JasmeowTheCat: @Helen_Croft In a minute ima use the TTS again haha last last time. [00:44:28] ArminGux: “wow it really is cute “ [00:44:30] Skkorm: Rotmaxxing [00:44:34] andimax11: A perk of the job lmao [00:44:35] viryl_lucas: hmmmm [00:44:36] clyhtsuriva: LUL [00:44:37] OstentatiousMongoose: "it's for work i swear" [00:44:37] shrumb0: @amoyamoyamoya WTF PHONE ARE YOU USING [00:44:39] richarduk81: Poor hitch [00:44:41] viryl_lucas: ayo? [00:44:42] 3PY0N: lucky guy [00:44:42] the_living_noob_: LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:44:43] Shal_Grace: KEKW [00:44:43] SavvyFaire: one phone is the "F1nn nudes phone" [00:44:44] ErinsEnigma: lolim sure hes suuuper upset about it ;) [00:44:45] 3PY0N: I mean poor guy [00:44:46] hikarimonosaga: one's own d1ck tends to hit different [00:44:46] demonfemboy02: trap phone [00:44:48] krovvy: work btw [00:44:50] SnabbKassa: burner phones [00:44:50] ronin_5463: "My boy's got his own F1nn phone" [00:44:51] arinotsry: hahaha [00:44:51] rainfallwall: poor guy [00:44:52] viryl_lucas: ez [00:44:52] daniel_peck: Lucky guy [00:44:54] NEB135: Moon mobile [00:44:54] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: I've never taken a NSFW pic of myself, even in private [00:44:57] viryl_lucas: lucky guy [00:44:58] MajesticFvckingEagle: @demonfemboy02 ppfffffttthahahhaa [00:45:00] Gentyron: For Academic Purpose Kappa [00:45:00] johnkeiwo: reminder : gender update [00:45:01] johnkeiwo: reminder : gender update [00:45:02] shrumb0: he has a W job [00:45:03] family_toy: Seeing your long time friend's dick for work [00:45:04] Amoyamoyamoya: @shrumb0, The phone AT&T gave me. Its one of those wall-mount phones with the 20ft handset cord [00:45:09] BlaireBearStare: "It should have been me!" -Everyone [00:45:10] AmayaSchemata: is there someone into there friends shit like that? [00:45:14] ArminGux: imagine having ur bosses nudes and it’s not even blackmailable [00:45:24] Inkyon_: Hitch is playing the long game [00:45:26] krovvy: the unhinged one or the one with photos [00:45:27] johnkeiwo: no because u keep switching topics u dumb bimbo !!! [00:45:31] ronin_5463: They lined them up by the wall like animals! [00:45:32] Helen_Croft: https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d0ot1m/the_saga_of_the_may_2024_mcm_london_meet/ @F1NN5TER [00:45:34] Helen_Croft: https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d0ot1m/the_saga_of_the_may_2024_mcm_london_meet/ @F1NN5TER 󠀀 [00:45:34] arinotsry: lmao just go find it in your history lazy [00:45:35] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: @demonfemboy02 "demon femboy" is like the best name ever [00:45:36] Landedmist: yeah. it was. literally a sub line for the main line [00:45:40] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn...closed a tab. Wut [00:45:40] shrumb0: @amoyamoyamoya 20ft seems excessive tbh [00:45:46] SnabbKassa: Ctrl Shift T [00:45:48] johnkeiwo: stay on one topic ! [00:45:52] blackjackcheese: @johnkeiwo I'm not up to date with Finn. He posted D already? [00:45:52] Avaerus0: Magneto [00:45:52] greenikj: Do you still have discord??? [00:45:53] gasmccloud: Protect this boy at all costs BibleThump [00:45:57] krovvy: average f1nnicky fan meet [00:45:59] arinotsry: damnnn [00:46:01] bxngii_: shaft [00:46:03] handscombchris: Ctrl, shift, t will re open closed tabs! [00:46:03] ArminGux: half the con was u lol [00:46:03] Amoyamoyamoya: @shrumb0, It has to reach to my bedroom from the kitchen [00:46:04] johnkeiwo: @blackjackcheese, yeah a while ago on his OF [00:46:11] blackjackcheese: @johnkeiwo CaitlynS [00:46:16] kolja_mp4: kolja_mp4 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! [00:46:16] f3mmbot: kolja_mp4 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months using Prime! PogU [00:46:17] lord_sirlucian: yo dude [00:46:20] shrumb0: @amoyamoyamoya ah ok that makes sense [00:46:25] blackjackcheese: @johnkeiwo merci mon pote [00:46:27] ProfaneCreation: haselWTF [00:46:30] bananaman025: do you have boobs [00:46:30] oliviazbored: that’s so iconic [00:46:32] pickelchip: theres me [00:46:32] braddle172: Gemder update? [00:46:34] johnkeiwo: reminder : gender update [00:46:35] johnkeiwo: reminder : gender update [00:46:36] SavvyFaire: easily 1000 people or more there for F1nn [00:46:37] bxngii_: shaft [00:46:41] blueskydrinking: @johnkeiwo I love ur optimism Kappa [00:46:41] Avaerus0: Sort-of [00:46:42] viryl_lucas: they're def mad [00:46:47] blackjackcheese: A full Line of fine people [00:46:47] Timothy_M_Stepanski: bussy brings em in [00:46:47] hannahdoesntexist: baby boobs lol [00:46:50] gasmccloud: They don't count yet but [00:46:50] SnazzJaz4297: Gender update what's the new identity patch [00:46:51] handscombchris: Everyone has books! [00:46:53] ArminGux: they hired someone to popular lol [00:46:54] slipknotphilcollins: 🤜🏻🤛🏻 noice! [00:46:54] handscombchris: Boobs [00:46:57] SnabbKassa: we're mammals. we all have them [00:46:57] legitimatelily: You know this is Britain cos people are actually queueing lol [00:46:58] krovvy: interesting [00:47:01] Shal_Grace: ready to freak out [00:47:01] andimax11: I'm prepared to freak out [00:47:01] neingeben: always here for some gender [00:47:02] slipknotphilcollins: ayooo [00:47:02] simplejack42069: BOOBA NEWS 👀 [00:47:03] ValeriethelovelyItalian: lumirHypers boobs [00:47:05] its_hawk89: do mascara on your other eye pls [00:47:07] VGutierrez967: I'm already freaking out [00:47:07] all_is_dustt: here we go [00:47:10] oddspartak: WOMAN NEWS? [00:47:10] rain_storm69420: same [00:47:10] krovvy: gurl, called it [00:47:10] SavvyFaire: uh oh [00:47:13] MajesticFvckingEagle: f1nnStare [00:47:16] viryl_lucas: yep [00:47:17] ronin_5463: Makes sense, girls are pretty [00:47:17] SnoopyDog9086: Cannon Event [00:47:17] MollyRzr: haha let’s go [00:47:19] AmayaSchemata: good insight [00:47:19] Quackathulhu: I’m the same [00:47:19] Helen_Croft: f1nnMonka [00:47:20] viryl_lucas: KEKW [00:47:21] ShyLittleButton: k9kuroSTARE k9kuroSTARE k9kuroSTARE [00:47:21] clyhtsuriva: f1nnNomods [00:47:22] ogrem_fanclan: You flex every chance you get. I already knew [00:47:22] FelineFemby: woohoo! ✨ pog gender 🩷 NonbinaryPride [00:47:22] braddle172: Nice [00:47:23] general_of_cm: @oddspartak f1nnLaff [00:47:23] krovvy: aw [00:47:24] blueskydrinking: the sirens are going off [00:47:25] alikarin: dang\\ [00:47:25] viryl_lucas: HAHAHA [00:47:26] Amoyamoyamoya: @legitimatelily, Americans queue up when there are sales on ammunition [00:47:26] allemon_: <3 [00:47:26] all_is_dustt: what about big stick? [00:47:27] HammerOfVenus: Let it go. [00:47:27] BlaireBearStare: That's some real shit [00:47:28] the_living_noob_: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [00:47:28] rain_storm69420: Ayo? [00:47:29] general_of_cm: f1nnSmile1 f1nnStare f1nnSmile3 [00:47:30] maxforkbeard01: saaammmeeee [00:47:30] blackjackcheese: The TRANSformation is complete, guys [00:47:31] marblehoney: Shush [00:47:31] Shal_Grace: THE PROPHECY ID COMING TRUE [00:47:34] ArminGux: trans girl Comfirmed? [00:47:36] matheuslr47: That was me for like 6 months of hrt, than all woman [00:47:37] Saphemeral: That's definitely what I did for the first few months and I eventually caved when I realized I didn't have to keep that [00:47:38] krovvy: interesting [00:47:40] HextecNeko: surpriseing absoloutely no one [00:47:41] hillsidewestern12: Yep feel ya there [00:47:42] Quackathulhu: but what about sticks go brrrrrr [00:47:42] oddspartak: Who could have POSSIBLY thought that [00:47:42] miiamoons: PrideTrans PrideTrans [00:47:44] SavvyFaire: we did it SeemsGood [00:47:45] Volkid11: im finally out as trans LUL LUL [00:47:46] clyhtsuriva: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods [00:47:46] CATSluvCATS: 🥹🥹🥹 [00:47:53] lordgtafbi: what about the chest, do you prefer boos now, I recall that was a thing with respect you were unsure about? [00:47:53] ValeriethelovelyItalian: joanat1Peepo [00:47:55] PrincessMaly: I can relate to that, because I used to believe all masculinity was inherently satirical, I didn't think men ACTUALLY were like that, I thought it was a joke [00:47:55] slipknotphilcollins: installed new RAM huh? [00:47:56] BlaireBearStare: KEKW [00:47:56] Shockwavemecha: you drank it all [00:47:58] autosoft6483: TRANSporting to another gender [00:47:58] exspressoo: cnc [00:47:59] S2rtmc: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:47:59] ChasingSol: yeah, genderfluid thten [00:48:00] Avaerus0: Female bodies are like art [00:48:00] johnkeiwo: based [00:48:01] ValeriethelovelyItalian: bbbenDance2 GenderFluidPride [00:48:01] Helen_Croft: do the test again LUL [00:48:01] blackjackcheese: You can be femboy [00:48:03] andimax11: That's fair [00:48:04] TenkoBerryofficial: IOoOI👍 [00:48:06] gasmccloud: This is fine [00:48:07] SnabbKassa: "cake and eat it" [00:48:08] FelineFemby: kinda pog you’re digging this deep into your identity [00:48:10] Nenkos: is the fluid slowly freezing? [00:48:11] Amoyamoyamoya: Did he reload his OS again wut [00:48:11] vatri_x: hmmmm who could have predicted this... [00:48:11] BIGBoris1962: that's valid ! [00:48:12] maiaka_: tomboy? [00:48:12] PrincessMaly: I held onto being masculine for too long because I thought it was funny [00:48:12] blackjackcheese: Or you can be yourself [00:48:12] viryl_lucas: so femboy [00:48:12] BlightningBrightling: I think you call that "having your cake and eating it, too" [00:48:13] Phexgeweihter: understandable [00:48:14] matheuslr47: Dude, look apagender [00:48:15] johnkeiwo: You're just you :) [00:48:15] randyiii: Yeah totally get that [00:48:15] dmx908: Will you go full send into girl life [00:48:15] BlaireBearStare: True genderfluid moment [00:48:15] all_is_dustt: That’s valid tbh [00:48:16] legitimatelily: Looking feminine feeling masculine? [00:48:16] AmayaSchemata: you are yound you have a long time [00:48:16] goldenskies98: I’m the same but like ftm [00:48:17] viryl_lucas: or tomboy [00:48:19] OstentatiousMongoose: still compiling [00:48:20] ArminGux: I mean u can do guy things while being femme [00:48:20] Jens_LN: Nothign wrong with being GNC, F1nn5ter [00:48:20] MollyRzr: Women don’t have do act any specific way! [00:48:21] blackjackcheese: Who cares about labels. You're you [00:48:22] anxyslender: anxyslender subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! [00:48:23] f3mmbot: anxyslender subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:48:24] the_living_noob_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:48:24] bananaman025: that's very cute [00:48:24] CapsulatePluto: still any pronouns? [00:48:25] krovvy: f1nn checked all of the above [00:48:26] pival81: so disphoria but reversed? [00:48:27] slipknotphilcollins: attra boy......girl [00:48:28] numeanor: me 2 man, we need to make female look norm for guys [00:48:29] johnkeiwo: the voice is the last step [00:48:29] SavvyFaire: I wonder if the adoring fans at MCM did it [00:48:30] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: Oh my god was I the only one who saw there's a large Reddit community dedicated specifically to F1nn nsfw? this feels expected and yet awkward that it was recommended to F1nn specifically on stream [00:48:33] lishoward: love that for you [00:48:35] Pohpourri: Based as usual [00:48:35] braddle172: GenderFluidPride [00:48:36] Volkid11: damn [00:48:38] sherlock_norris: You do know that "girl" isn't a personality? [00:48:38] blackjackcheese: Labels are dumb [00:48:38] Mr_Turtlinator: Magical [00:48:39] CzarinaChess: meat-guy, screen-gorl [00:48:40] Jens_LN: GENDER GREMLIN !!! KEKW [00:48:40] ninjasquirtle6: Aye ads [00:48:41] Helen_Croft: girl will stay gremlin [00:48:41] slipknotphilcollins: dew it [00:48:42] ChasingSol: cringe [00:48:42] oliviazbored: it’s all a spectrum [00:48:43] pival81: just a little boy [00:48:44] all_is_dustt: Be omnigender [00:48:45] VGutierrez967: you can just be beautiful you [00:48:46] marsteider: Same here, experimenting with gender [00:48:49] SamTheSilversmith: What about being a guy do you like exactly, if you dont mind answering? [00:48:50] AmayaSchemata: thats not what icky said [00:48:50] taeyukki: life is about playing around honestly no need to figure everything out asap [00:48:50] johnkeiwo: if u manage past the cringe [00:48:50] ronin_5463: Voice actor arc [00:48:52] bunnybrawlerxo: Finn is Finn 🩷 [00:48:52] Glarndude: Still he/him? [00:48:52] RykerSune: it's fair to play around and find yourself. I'm doing that aswell. The only label for me is asexual and that's about it [00:48:53] slipknotphilcollins: gremlin [00:48:54] dawnfals: you could be a tomboy [00:48:54] krovvy: your hair is so nice [00:48:55] balsabasher: hey F1nn first stream, thanks for helping to break my egg [00:48:56] shrumb0: i dunno man, seems kinda genderfluid /j [00:48:58] MollyRzr: Heat from fire, fire from heat [00:48:58] hey_its_ree: the voice is so hard [00:48:58] Y0rk5h1r3: Gender needs a transfer deadline day like footie LUL [00:49:01] dr_wetsocks: i kinda feel like whether youre trans or cis gender is always a social thing and fundamentally we’re all both genders [00:49:02] nerina____: !uptime [00:49:02] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 49m 12s [00:49:02] the_warplayer: famkamLit [00:49:03] ArminGux: I try using all 3 cause it’s funny but u mentioned it’s annoying [00:49:04] SnoopyDog9086: Voice goals are so motivating, but the process is so rough [00:49:05] blackjackcheese: Don't bend to the gender lunacy mob [00:49:05] RykerSune: and even so, I'm not the biggest fan of labels [00:49:05] HammerOfVenus: The voice takes years. [00:49:06] miiamoons: You could voice train both ways [00:49:07] billytehdragon1234: You and natt? [00:49:07] krovvy: yes [00:49:08] itsJustNem: I've done both masculinising and feminising voice training just to fuck with people [00:49:09] viryl_lucas: do it alone at first [00:49:09] demonfemboy02: any charity updates? [00:49:10] beanme_up: voice training is awkward when you start and i cant get myself to do it often enough [00:49:12] PrincessMaly: Don't practice on stream and you won't feel that way xD [00:49:12] HardyOrange: it's good to hear your personal perspective! helps some of us refine how we feel about our genders, just hearing different perspectives [00:49:12] brilliantaddi: Voice dysphoria is a thing [00:49:13] viryl_lucas: it's cringe [00:49:13] Aurora_gey_: you watched the newest video u voiced for philosophy tube? [00:49:15] danielletg24: danielletg24 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months! It's my 21 month sub anniversary, and have enjoyed every stream. Thank you for being you, that's your super power. [00:49:15] f3mmbot: danielletg24 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 21 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:49:18] lydiatamales: You can just be yourself, you don’t have to constantly ruminate about a label [00:49:19] Moartea_lunii: Hi baby girl [00:49:20] Avaerus0: Your going to get stretchy powers? [00:49:21] Volkid11: well im out as trans and u helped me come out BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [00:49:21] maleniascarlett: just needs to watch Ickys YouTube video [00:49:22] viryl_lucas: sounds cringe but worth it [00:49:23] LittleChaSiu: @Aurora_gey_ that was like last stream [00:49:23] Moartea_lunii: kikaWiggle kikaWiggle kikaWiggle kikaMunch kikaMunch kikaMunch [00:49:23] Amoyamoyamoya: WHAT PART OF REED RICHARDS? [00:49:25] Helen_Croft: can of worm opened [00:49:27] TenkoBerryofficial: I^o^I [00:49:28] blueskydrinking: is that a yes? LuL [00:49:29] BlaireBearStare: I feel like once F1nn voice trains we all will no longer have excuses [00:49:33] slipknotphilcollins: yes I do [00:49:33] ArminGux: 80s hairstyles incoming [00:49:33] femboy64852852: what do you think about Rishi Sunak’s puberty blockers ban? [00:49:34] EternalLucia: doubters just trying to distract F1nn from makeup [00:49:34] johnkeiwo: sure [00:49:34] krovvy: lmao [00:49:34] AmayaSchemata: sure [00:49:35] ClaraRenway: Voice dysphoria is hard ;-: [00:49:35] minster586: the thing is just be you [00:49:37] ronin_5463: That hurt like a butcheek on a stick [00:49:37] OstentatiousMongoose: PogU [00:49:37] Skkorm: Bro Ashley JUST posted about this [00:49:39] Helen_Croft: looks like granma now [00:49:40] filip_zd10: grandma [00:49:40] Mr_Turtlinator: Elderly [00:49:41] cheff_cook: Hey F1nn great top…where did you get it? [00:49:41] Aurora_gey_: hot [00:49:41] CzarinaChess: Batiste <3 [00:49:43] taeyukki: why does that look good [00:49:43] Shockwavemecha: Silver Vixen [00:49:43] CyanoticJam: Aged F1nn [00:49:44] legitimatelily: ur elderly now [00:49:45] andimax11: yee [00:49:45] blueskydrinking: M1lf5ter [00:49:45] SuchKittyMuchMeow: benjyvrMuwa [00:49:46] Quackathulhu: why are you old now [00:49:46] B1ackW01f69: Have u read the Maga 'Inside Mari'? [00:49:47] OfficialToxins: i need an audio book of finnster reading the bible to fall asleep to [00:49:48] PrincessMaly: instant mom spray [00:49:49] RykerSune: girl has grey hairs already LUL [00:49:49] aKitchenKitty: hi It was very nice to meet you I was the person at the end of the line who had the 2hour 40minute timer at mcm *** [00:49:51] Nenkos: i am crazy or is f1nn's voice completely androgynous? [00:49:51] SavvyFaire: would you still love F1nn when he's 70 [00:49:51] viryl_lucas: waw [00:49:51] Landedmist: Finn in 30 years [00:49:51] HardyOrange: awwwww oh no! [00:49:52] yfmstudios: grandma F1nn [00:49:52] handscombchris: You need to do it all the time while alone with Ashley to get used to it with compliments and encouragement! [00:49:53] family_toy: Dr. Weird [00:49:55] shottalley: why is hair being sprayed white? [00:49:55] SeriousMental: gr4nd5ter [00:49:56] shrumb0: hey g r a n d m a [00:49:57] arinotsry: GRANDMA FEMOBI [00:49:57] johnkeiwo: The UK SUCKS [00:49:58] SnabbKassa: instant boomer spray snow [00:49:59] ArminGux: was it illegal? [00:49:59] sphynx_fn: your new name is ethle rose [00:49:59] Darkstar_j_: @beanme_up so true same [00:50:00] lualaby: finn milf confirmed [00:50:00] Stovamor: MILF arc? [00:50:00] viryl_lucas: GILF F1NN [00:50:02] Mr_Turtlinator: 30 years older [00:50:02] Dethiccated: F1nn cosplaying as MILF [00:50:03] krovvy: however [00:50:03] arinotsry: GRANDMA FEMBOI [00:50:04] dmx908: Old woman finn [00:50:05] TenkoBerryofficial: Old Finn [00:50:05] spookynemi: F1nn getting old [00:50:06] SHiRKiT: milk f1nn [00:50:07] e4d1i22: Your hair is so pretty <3 [00:50:10] BallSize500: here have a caramel lookin mf [00:50:10] hyenaWWW: its not good to breathe that stuff in [00:50:11] ValeriethelovelyItalian: lumirHypers grandma [00:50:11] AmayaSchemata: oh the temp ban [00:50:11] gunslingerdillon: Wow Finn you just aged a lot [00:50:13] blueskydrinking: Oh the emergency health order the govt just posted? [00:50:13] ArminGux: did the Tories pull one on ya? [00:50:15] MajesticFvckingEagle: uh oh [00:50:17] PrincessMaly: Finn's mom hair arc [00:50:18] BlaireBearStare: Dayum, don't think F1nn's gonna age out guys [00:50:18] slipknotphilcollins: She’s turning into Sindell from Mortal Kombat [00:50:19] SnazzJaz4297: GILF5TER [00:50:21] Volkid11: @Dethiccated thats crazy [00:50:24] Mr_Turtlinator: Oh dear [00:50:29] rain_storm69420: ruh roh raggy [00:50:30] vexowodot: Yay [00:50:31] painfulpan: free Palestine 🇵🇸 [00:50:32] SavvyFaire: time to mobilze femboy army [00:50:32] CyanoticJam: F1nnma Bittie [00:50:33] viryl_lucas: oof [00:50:35] Amoyamoyamoya: @slipknotphilcollins, She's hot [00:50:36] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: Is it weird that I associate hair spray more with killing wasps than with actual hair? [00:50:39] vexowodot: There's my favourate streamer [00:50:43] marblehoney: Talk yo shit queen [00:50:43] Avaerus0: Maybe you're just a tomboy? [00:50:45] SnabbKassa: @painfulpan please no politics [00:50:47] SN00ZE111: gender is stupid [00:50:54] BallSize500: Boss up, G [00:50:54] slipknotphilcollins: @amoyamoyamoya agreed! 🤜🏻🤛🏻 [00:50:55] ArminGux: what did the Tories do now [00:50:58] CapsulatePluto: terf island [00:51:00] bfredl: gender are fake and gay [00:51:00] legitimatelily: yup [00:51:03] Helen_Croft: the blocker stuff [00:51:04] AmayaSchemata: worse than bad [00:51:04] BlightningBrightling: We've watched Philosophy Tube, yes. [00:51:05] SavvyFaire: tories trying to fuck everything up on their way out [00:51:08] johnkeiwo: terf island doing terf island shit [00:51:08] ArminGux: terf isles [00:51:08] kpopvibez: stfu dono [00:51:09] YumeNoZen: Fuck them in ways they don't enjoy. [00:51:09] Mr_Turtlinator: Ah feck [00:51:09] legitimatelily: oh no [00:51:10] barrenchatt: F1nn I had the chat with one of my doctors about keeping my bits I said i was OK with being NB.. he sighed [00:51:11] viryl_lucas: dictator? [00:51:12] dr_wetsocks: i love the “gender is performative.”. [00:51:15] bxngii_: lord why'd i bet 1000 points that he'd be done with his makeup and outfit on time im coocked [00:51:15] CyanoticJam: NHS is making us illegal [00:51:19] RykerSune: the terfs at it again [00:51:23] YumeNoZen: @BlightningBrightling, Worth reading their stuff instead of just watching videos. [00:51:28] ArminGux: last week of Tories parlament [00:51:29] Avaerus0: The UK is actually outdoing the US in making trans people's lives difficult [00:51:30] ghoobie: fecking terfs [00:51:34] StealthPeanuts: trying to make as much mess as possible before we vote them out [00:51:35] Amoyamoyamoya: Is that the new law... [00:51:35] AmayaSchemata: its temporary [00:51:36] ClaraRenway: UK is hell [00:51:40] CzarinaChess: end of DIY? UGH [00:51:41] Helen_Croft: next week [00:51:42] zaria32vath: Has anyone seen Philosophy Tube's new video? F1nn is in it and ugh such a good video to explain gender [00:51:42] ShyLittleButton: k9kuroHMM k9kuroHMM [00:51:44] AmayaSchemata: but not likely [00:51:44] shrumb0: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:51:45] Valentaiyo: :( [00:51:47] rain_storm69420: OH [00:51:48] Mr_Turtlinator: D: [00:51:51] Bassti1337: Good [00:51:52] viryl_lucas: bruh [00:51:52] CzarinaChess: F_UK [00:51:52] LittleChaSiu: @zaria32vath yes we went over it last stream [00:51:53] andimax11: Jesus Christ. The government and/or world sucks [00:51:53] Cashewcreww: What's happening [00:51:53] idesofjuno: D: [00:51:53] Valentaiyo: oh noooo [00:51:53] MAELSTRONOMER: ??????? HUH [00:51:53] Cringe_Lars: WHAT [00:51:54] amthemuffinman_27: damn [00:51:54] notrlyjacob: umm [00:51:55] taeyukki: that's so wrong [00:51:56] ArminGux: wtf [00:51:56] NexIsTaken: ono [00:51:56] rain_storm69420: D: [00:51:56] Sourceless_: good [00:51:56] Jayly_GM: What????? [00:51:56] PenguinTrinity: How fucked is that? [00:51:56] ClaraRenway: It's a 3 month ban on puberty blockers [00:51:57] Shyzukani: Oh no :/ [00:51:57] AmayaSchemata: plus those on it can still stay on it [00:51:57] ballsofmolagbal: what the fuck [00:51:57] lifaen__: D: [00:51:57] Nenkos: wtf. [00:51:57] YNoki_DE: SabaPing [00:51:57] coldPhax: that really sucks [00:51:57] furifixus: WTF [00:51:58] SnazzJaz4297: NOOOO THE TRANS KIDS [00:51:58] Quackathulhu: damn what [00:51:59] Trojan_Blitz: @Bassti1337 stfu [00:51:59] BlaireBearStare: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:51:59] TenkoBerryofficial: 👀 [00:51:59] oliviazbored: yikes [00:52:00] Y0rk5h1r3: Parliament has been prorogued and was dissolved today [00:52:01] shrumb0: shite [00:52:01] Jayly_GM: Wtf [00:52:01] ballsofmolagbal: what the actual shit [00:52:01] oldMako: we loooooove western democracies /s [00:52:01] Ry60003333: 😭 [00:52:02] legitimatelily: I am very upset rn [00:52:02] foxycoop: good [00:52:02] Avaerus0: They've also talked about forcing under 18s to de-transition [00:52:03] OstentatiousMongoose: TERF island strikes again [00:52:03] Luciinya: dude what the fuck [00:52:03] Lightning_Shift: I think that's good [00:52:03] blueskydrinking: It's a statutory instrument, a bit like an executive order in the US [00:52:04] saba1324: bro what [00:52:04] kiwygal: Unfortunately France is taking notes from the UK's handling of trans healthcare and they're essentially Cass review-ing us [00:52:04] Landedmist: till the new end get in [00:52:04] Mr_Turtlinator: Overthrow the government [00:52:04] raeberry: D: WHAT [00:52:05] general_of_cm: wtf [00:52:05] subpar_wizard: So riot starting today? [00:52:05] bensrob: D: [00:52:06] SnoopyDog9086: TERF island strikes again, fucking hell [00:52:06] Ry60003333: that’s so messed up [00:52:07] CzarinaChess: STARMER YOU CURD [00:52:07] undefined_variables: wtf [00:52:07] MollyRzr: Sadge [00:52:08] tinyalison420: @foxycoop leave [00:52:08] ArminGux: fuck the tories [00:52:09] coolgooseboi: Thats cringe [00:52:09] Tuomarus: All gender affirming care? [00:52:10] Pohpourri: Motherfuckers [00:52:10] marblehoney: gremloeChop dsaUnity [00:52:10] johnkeiwo: because cruelty [00:52:11] rain_storm69420: That's fucked [00:52:12] BlaireBearStare: WTF [00:52:12] Amoyamoyamoya: @Y0rk5h1r3, Wait wut [00:52:12] thatslipperyblobfish: wtf [00:52:12] SillyMaddie: omg I'm so sorry that's fucked [00:52:13] Melody_Silverpaw: raysK [00:52:16] wolfie_75: But... I just started [00:52:17] osgoodboxes: what the hell [00:52:18] balsabasher: f the tories [00:52:18] Machidakin: so sad [00:52:19] furifixus: Why tho [00:52:19] klimmers_8: what [00:52:19] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Let me guess, they still let cisgender kids have access to blockers, don't they. [00:52:20] darkholeson: That's the "temporary" bill that they pushed through, it's going to last until September [00:52:21] AmayaSchemata: get it from spain [00:52:22] viryl_lucas: what are they gonna do? arrest the kid? [00:52:23] miiamoons: So fucking evil [00:52:23] maiaka_: so when and how can this be reversed? [00:52:23] bfredl: As a Swede I am genuinely scared how much our political class is influenced by the UK. [00:52:25] Ratulf: Sadge [00:52:25] ballsofmolagbal: that's torture [00:52:26] darkbluepaladin: Damn terf island doing bad things [00:52:27] thatslipperyblobfish: that is actually fucked up [00:52:28] RykerSune: therefore, charity is fucked now. great NotLikeThis [00:52:28] PaperyMantis645: Of course they push it through at the last second [00:52:28] oliviazbored: uk jus loves fucking with ppls lives [00:52:29] maxforkbeard01: The Tories are doing a shitty grab at the little remaining, furtherest right that they think they haven't fucked over yet. Fuck the Torries [00:52:29] spookynemi: The uk is just messed up recently [00:52:31] SavvyFaire: @Cmdr_Sam_Vimes of course [00:52:33] chuck__e: your hair is so majestic holy shit [00:52:34] rain_storm69420: well, sounds like crime time to me [00:52:35] p0l3rb3ars: Rishi is doing scorched earth before he loses power [00:52:35] blueskydrinking: I wonder if that is legal but it would takes months of court cases to sort out [00:52:37] t1mxdd: i dont live in the uk and thats sounds fuked [00:52:38] ArminGux: is there a shot labour will end the law [00:52:39] Amoyamoyamoya: The prohibition on private Rx surprised me [00:52:40] ronin_5463: I love living here NotLikeThis [00:52:40] lydiatamales: Isn’t is just specifically puberty blockers though [00:52:40] kpopvibez: amazing [00:52:40] dmx908: Thats actually good let people choose when their old enough [00:52:41] Cautare: HI Princess great to see you!!!! <3 [00:52:41] mcg9696: rishi sunak can suck my nus [00:52:42] alexander_the_tiny: Holy shit, now everyone has to go through the wrong puberty first [00:52:42] nochev2: ban all the Mfs saying ts good [00:52:42] Volkid11: but finn YOU helped me come out as trans BibleThump BibleThump [00:52:44] YumeNoZen: Time to call everything a hormone imbalance. [00:52:45] AmayaSchemata: its discrimination [00:52:45] andimax11: Wait whaaaat? [00:52:49] LittleChaSiu: saying the quite part out loud 😭 [00:52:51] primeschizoid: !uptime [00:52:51] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 53m 1s [00:52:51] SavvyFaire: @YumeNoZen bingo [00:52:52] SubstituteMyOwn: that's actually fucked [00:52:53] johnkeiwo: The cruelty is the point chat, if you are cis, this shit ain't gonna touch u [00:52:54] Machidakin: insane, why the F are these archaic laws being passed more and more [00:52:54] Skkorm: America and UK are the same [00:52:55] general_of_cm: rishi just foing anything to get alittle bit of votes back from the far right [00:52:59] blueskydrinking: @ArminGux with starmer & co.? doubtful [00:53:00] Ana_Stas1a: Hey everyone whatd i miss [00:53:00] Helen_Croft: discriminating law [00:53:01] Cringe_Lars: This is going to cause so much damage to trans youth [00:53:01] shrumb0: @viryl_lucas age of legal responsiblity in the uk is 10 [00:53:03] its_grey_fox1: OMG That's as bad or worse than the US [00:53:04] ArminGux: @yumenozen ding ding ding [00:53:04] wolfie_75: I live in scotland and trans... What the fuck [00:53:05] Vanimal2118: What is considered a legal adult in the UK? [00:53:05] PrincessMaly: so, free health care, but you can't actually get it [00:53:05] ErinsEnigma: time to get a chemistry and just make all this stuff in my basement... smh [00:53:05] grandpaladin1701: Damn tories - cant leave people alone [00:53:07] AmayaSchemata: we are working o workarounds [00:53:07] CyanoticJam: The segregation is starting [00:53:08] maxforkbeard01: The government never cares about her for straight people, but when it comes to us, we get fucked [00:53:11] thatslipperyblobfish: guess we gotta vote f1nn for prime minister once we can [00:53:17] daemon2988: Time to start rioting in the streets. [00:53:18] rain_storm69420: oh wow, they're not even dancing around it at this point, they're just saying "fuck you" [00:53:20] lofen03: A similar bill is passing in France right now [00:53:21] ballsofmolagbal: what are the chances the next government reverses this? [00:53:22] GormyGorm: i just joined, is this NHS shit? [00:53:23] Volkid11: yea thats fucked up [00:53:24] ArminGux: @vanimal2118 18 [00:53:24] ch4rc0al5: Literally targeted, that's insane [00:53:27] family_toy: Youth Unalive Promoters! BibleThump [00:53:28] ghoobie: porpoise [00:53:29] Avaerus0: Both the UK and US seem to be going backwards [00:53:30] AmayaSchemata: We think this can be challanged legally [00:53:35] thekingone10: Hallo [00:53:37] ChasingSol: scumbags [00:53:37] B1ackW01f69: B1ackW01f69 subscribed with Prime. [00:53:37] f3mmbot: b1ackw01f69 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang b1ackw01f69 f1nnLezgang [00:53:40] handscombchris: [00:53:40] RykerSune: Discrimination at its finest.....I despise the terfs [00:53:42] trap_lover68: Yes, that is good. I love you and a fan for years now, but let’s be honest it’s the safest choice considering how new it is and the lack of understanding long term effect [00:53:45] coolgooseboi: That's actually insane [00:53:46] w4ndering_st4r: yeah i hate it here TransgenderPride [00:53:46] the_warplayer: And they give olympic gymnists hormone blockers to stay small and win medals [00:53:46] andimax11: Human beings really just fucking suck [00:53:46] PynkFryck: PynkFryck subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months! Only slightly late Kappa , what did I miss? [00:53:46] f3mmbot: pynkfryck subscribed to f1nn5ter for 41 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:53:47] ArminGux: go and vote anti torie people [00:53:47] bfredl: legally mandated suffering [00:53:49] Nenkos: explicit targeting of transgender people. jesus. please let this politically radicalize people [00:53:49] maxforkbeard01: They are actively trying to kill kids [00:53:50] viryl_lucas: huh? [00:53:50] HardyOrange: lotta youth are going to have to lie to their doctors to get treatment [00:53:54] Shyzukani: uffff [00:53:54] viryl_lucas: WHAT [00:53:54] legitimatelily: true [00:53:55] taylorthingx: can we all sue the UK gov for discrimination? [00:53:56] claysparrow: @dmx908 @dmx908 you have no idea what you're talking about [00:53:58] johnkeiwo: So u gotta prove u ain't trans to get HRT [00:53:58] Origamini30: That's so twisted ... [00:54:00] CzarinaChess: "A bunch of kids are going to die" --Netanyahu [00:54:00] Quackathulhu: that’s rough [00:54:00] ronin_5463: whats new huh? [00:54:01] AmayaSchemata: Get it through the mail [00:54:01] Avaerus0: As they should be [00:54:02] SamTheSilversmith: @trap_lover68 ?????????? [00:54:03] SavvyFaire: remember: "the cruelty is the point" [00:54:03] isabaellchen: only if you have dysphoria? [00:54:03] maxforkbeard01: Rishi out here trying to just kill kids [00:54:04] Melody_Silverpaw: @trap_lover68 get bent, fuck you [00:54:04] RykerSune: oh shit [00:54:04] CyanoticJam: We need our own country [00:54:04] fisky41: direct action [00:54:05] furifixus: Thats so dumb [00:54:06] Volkid11: thats the dumbest shit [00:54:06] rain_storm69420: Woohoo imperialism (/s) [00:54:09] refuze4k: I just came into the stream and first thing I heard was. Bunch of kids will die... LOL [00:54:11] Dvoltik: wtf, they know that it exists and is a real problem. At this point it really is just about letting trans ppl alone and essentialöly killing them [00:54:11] W1NK5Y: its so scary [00:54:14] oliviazbored: that’s vile [00:54:14] Cekoti: Are there any exceptions for carrying on the care? [00:54:15] thatweridosonama: thats not good 0-0 [00:54:15] PynkFryck: Unfortunate timing I apologize [00:54:15] KevinStandlee: Unfortunately, the cruelty is the point. The people backing this _want_ suffering and death. [00:54:15] AmayaSchemata: they didnt out law testing [00:54:15] wolfianyt: Wow [00:54:16] Helen_Croft: human right volilation becase you have right for heatlthcare [00:54:17] ArminGux: diy on the rise [00:54:18] andimax11: Jesus, I'm so sorry to everyone that affects [00:54:19] Dvoltik: The UK is so fckd up [00:54:20] Saso_SW: put the parliament on trial for actual murder then [00:54:22] wack0x: the UK is doomed anyways, move abroad [00:54:24] general_of_cm: since when does they care about people under the voting age anyways [00:54:24] CzarinaChess: Jesus christ [00:54:25] Puffer_Fishh: just when i thought i had a slight chance... [00:54:25] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: So what I'm hearing is they're okay with puberty blockers but not for trans kids with dysphoria [00:54:25] aKitchenKitty: in the UK their making trans people supply a ton of evidence to be eligible [00:54:26] CzarinaChess: fuck [00:54:27] marblehoney: Fuck the conservatives [00:54:28] PilotChickMel: its fucking horrendous [00:54:28] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [00:54:29] Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnSad f1nnHeart aoifeLove cakejuSharko cakejuComfy [00:54:30] Eadthryth: Time to colonize the UK [00:54:31] general_of_cm: jesus [00:54:31] all_is_dustt: We need to pressure Labour to reverse this [00:54:34] family_toy: They want to save the kids from living a healthy and happy life because trans people make them feel icky [00:54:35] packagum: good grief [00:54:35] tnw543: jesus [00:54:38] RykerSune: f1nnRotate f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnRotate [00:54:39] xXNeroZashiXx: Bing Bong [00:54:41] Coop9er: How is Britain going down the bad path some US states are going to thats like the lowest of low [00:54:41] chris_itsa: My god [00:54:43] johnkeiwo: f1nnHeart hasL adcvrLOVE worrunLove [00:54:43] MaggieHeels: Bing Bing / 23x BUM [00:54:43] Smiling_Shelly: Absolute Freeking Scandal [00:54:43] chaneiro2003: Jesus fucking Chris [00:54:44] my_life_in_minnie_ears: You are still doing good work F1nn [00:54:44] Amoyamoyamoya: @Eadthryth, No because then you'd end up with...the UK [00:54:45] PaperyMantis645: I'm sure Labour will reverse it too /s [00:54:47] furifixus: Is your charity only in the UK? [00:54:49] SnazzJaz4297: vivich3Scared vivich3Scared [00:54:49] scarlettyg: Did you really have to come live while I was watching Star Trek? Shame. [00:54:49] GiantmEmber: I’m sure they won’t end up resorting to black market meds from Chinese sites… [00:54:50] alexander_the_tiny: Sadly That's all you can do F1NN [00:54:50] k1ngracer07: BING BONG [00:54:50] opqnda_: GlitchCat [00:54:51] BlaireBearStare: Makes sense unfortunately [00:54:52] rain_storm69420: you gotta find loopholes n' stuff to get around it [00:54:52] mimipunny: That's terrifying holy shit [00:54:53] braddle172: f1nnBingbong f1nnHeart [00:54:54] lydiatamales: Ok please don’t catastrophize [00:54:54] AmayaSchemata: rent a ship and prescribe it to people in international waters [00:54:55] ArminGux: can labour remove the law in July? [00:54:55] oliviazbored: so if your already on them do they just take them away all of a sudden? [00:54:56] aKitchenKitty: that's really smart honestly [00:54:56] Helen_Croft: look into human right volitional because you have right for healthcare @ f [00:55:00] taeyukki: that's still better than nothing, but it's so sad that it has come to this [00:55:03] maxforkbeard01: Labour aren't going to do shit about it unfortunately as they're too right at the moment, meaning we're still fucked no matter what [00:55:03] marblehoney: <3 faeeHeck [00:55:04] coldPhax: solution: trans-maoist uprising 🙏 [00:55:05] klimmers_8: this is so fucking sad [00:55:06] kpopvibez: what a dub [00:55:06] arinotsry: MOVE TO CANADA [00:55:06] AmayaSchemata: spain [00:55:06] Avaerus0: Leave the UK? [00:55:07] TheHungryEntry: We all know it will be the black market [00:55:07] Volkid11: what the hell is wrong with people [00:55:08] bfredl: TERF people in Sweden in both the right and "the left" are feeling inspired by the UK and it scares the fuck out of me [00:55:10] wyldcardsam: The uk government are evil [00:55:10] MollyRzr: MollyRzr subscribed at Tier 1. [00:55:10] f3mmbot: mollyrzr subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang mollyrzr f1nnLezgang [00:55:11] kalzir6969: kalzir6969 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak! [00:55:11] f3mmbot: kalzir6969 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months using Prime! PogU [00:55:13] ChasingSol: @Bassti1337 careful what you say next [00:55:13] ShadowBracken: That brought back memories of almost dying some 25 years ago.... [00:55:14] taylorthingx: Australia! [00:55:15] Helen_Croft: look into human right volitional because you have right for healthcare @F1NN5TER that is what is happening in the netherlands right now [00:55:16] gasmccloud: Crazy times [00:55:17] wolfianyt: What they take a away will only fuel underground markets i hope somehow it gets solved [00:55:18] RykerSune: much love and hope to those transgender kids in the UK f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:55:21] andimax11: Honestly... That was my first thought. GTFO [00:55:24] coolgooseboi: Thats insane [00:55:24] Eadthryth: Sounds rigged af. [00:55:26] t1mxdd: you do good work, still [00:55:27] AmayaSchemata: im tel you all spain is good [00:55:28] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:55:29] spookynemi: Being in the uk is pointless for doing what you want [00:55:31] pianoismyforte_: It's because the government are trying to do as much harm as possible before they leave [00:55:31] Ramstein: hmm [00:55:31] Y0rk5h1r3: Statutory Instrument, not a Bill [00:55:31] windatar: The UK is a shit hole, get out Finn. [00:55:31] opqnda_: go to canada [00:55:32] clockingout: Trevor Project for the UK [00:55:34] maxforkbeard01: Holy fuck [00:55:34] ArminGux: yeah they only have like 3 days left [00:55:34] rw03_bjw: What's the penalty for braking the new law ? [00:55:36] Avaerus0: Next time it could be all trans people\ [00:55:36] autosoft6483: insane [00:55:37] EternalLucia: Time to start prescribing them to trans kids but specifically saying it's some other acceptable diagnosed condition [00:55:38] Ramstein: move [00:55:39] Helen_Croft: look into human right volitional because you have right for healthcare @F1NN5TER that is what is happening in the netherlands right now [00:55:40] SnabbKassa: move to where? [00:55:40] MollyRzr: You are doing very important work here ❤️ [00:55:41] W1NK5Y: i fear the same thing here in america [00:55:42] Aeluvium: Aeluvium subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! Time to pivot to sending people out of country to get treatment there [00:55:42] f3mmbot: aeluvium subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:55:43] hikarimonosaga: Perhaps move to Finnland? pun intended [00:55:43] maxforkbeard01: Guess I need to get ready to pack my bags [00:55:44] Shockwavemecha: Vote for your representatives chat [00:55:45] thefoxmanlive: Move to belgium so i can randomly see u on da streets heeh [00:55:49] theflyingfungi: why are people going to lose their lives? [00:55:50] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: Passing a bill in 2 hours is absolutely insane [00:55:50] ArminGux: move to France? [00:55:51] redfogul: CANADA [00:55:52] Cekoti: @F1NN5TER As a junior doctor, do you think there's anything I/other junior doctors can do to help? [00:55:53] fisky41: tories are fucked after ge [00:55:53] Ramstein: why can't i say my state moderators>?!?>!?! LOL [00:55:54] rainfallwall: Come to America West coast [00:55:54] marblehoney: insane [00:55:55] danielletg24: I just love to see the middle part more often lately. I wonder if it's time for a middle part poll? VoteYea [00:55:55] legitimatelily: there arent even any good place sto move to [00:55:55] Lucridis: It would be illegal to ban it for adults due to European Human Rights court [00:55:56] shrumb0: holy fuck i'm cis and now i wanna move [00:55:57] furifixus: Germany? [00:55:57] babyhuey23: America's worse anyway [00:55:57] AmayaSchemata: go to spain [00:55:58] Quackathulhu: move to F1nn land [00:55:59] Avaerus0: America's going in the wong direction on this too though [00:55:59] viryl_lucas: Canada pld [00:55:59] substantialslip205: As if america is better [00:56:03] LaCroix_Blows: Ireland [00:56:03] SamTheSilversmith: Jesus, consider some european country first xD [00:56:04] rain_storm69420: Come to canada or something then. Flee [00:56:05] yossi1_: Hi it's my first stream... I'm thinking that I might be Trans wwhat recommendations do you have to know really? [00:56:05] viryl_lucas: Canada [00:56:06] OmsX8O: @F1NN5TER isn't amarica even worse anyway? [00:56:06] Melody_Silverpaw: @chasingsol hey mods can u ban this guy: @trap_lover68 [00:56:06] Eadthryth: HRT harder to get than weed. [00:56:07] sweet_rt1: Don't need visa for cansda [00:56:07] CzarinaChess: have guest bedroom in america [00:56:08] AmayaSchemata: I keep telling you this or germany [00:56:09] PaperyMantis645: But we also know the people pushing this want to expand those bans to adults too. That's the plan in the US as well it sucks [00:56:10] Pohpourri: Canada arc?? 👀 [00:56:11] demonfemboy02: how come you can't live in america? [00:56:12] Vanimal2118: Change starts with the individual. [00:56:12] marblehoney: Dip [00:56:13] CraySophie: om,gina [00:56:14] isabaellchen: and here we go, enjoy the view from the bowsprit [00:56:14] boom_and_alpha_yt: I just love statutory instruments where legislation just happens [00:56:15] skyler1g: come to Canada eh [00:56:17] CraySophie: hiii finnnn [00:56:17] AmayaSchemata: screw canada [00:56:18] all_is_dustt: all_is_dustt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! 1930’s Germany vibes [00:56:18] f3mmbot: all_is_dustt subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:56:18] notrlyjacob: !donate [00:56:19] Nenkos: consider using ur influence to organize politically. please. people need help [00:56:19] f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. [00:56:19] oliviazbored: that’s so scary [00:56:20] family_toy: Support Scottish and Irish Independence to weaken the empire [00:56:21] zombiii: i mean europe would take you. but its not looking great this year with all the elections [00:56:22] ArminGux: move to Amsterdam, legal everything and coom infrastructure [00:56:23] Avaerus0: Parts of America are [00:56:24] general_of_cm: whats the labours position on that, any chance they just revers that if they get power? [00:56:24] Ramstein: @F1NN5TER move to c.a.l.i.f.o.r.n.i.a. <3 [00:56:24] ArminGux: cool [00:56:25] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Yeah, definitely don't come to the US. We're just TERF island lite. [00:56:25] YumeNoZen: Canada is fine. [00:56:26] lilzoey22: glad i live in canada [00:56:26] AmayaSchemata: no america is not [00:56:26] Volkid11: move to spain [00:56:26] minitruck4lyfe: COME TO CANADA [00:56:27] Amoyamoyamoya: @demonfemboy02, He's had a visa application refused [00:56:27] SnabbKassa: some states are, some states are not [00:56:28] wolfianyt: sounds similar to how fast they past the tictok ban in usa [00:56:30] sweet_rt1: So does canada [00:56:30] lydiatamales: I mean most people over 18 have went through puberty already [00:56:30] swanee327: it really depends on the state and its still a fight [00:56:31] Jozzgo: move to Sweden? [00:56:31] MajesticFvckingEagle: Only parts of America has weed [00:56:32] my_life_in_minnie_ears: These thoughts are the same ones that I have gone through living in Florida F!NN [00:56:32] Allosaur26: You bugger off to Portugal [00:56:34] mcg9696: where DO you go [00:56:34] AmayaSchemata: dont move here for the weed [00:56:35] superiorhorizon: Christ, and I thought us in America were bad with trans laws [00:56:35] oliviazbored: only in some places [00:56:35] simplejack42069: Yes much weed [00:56:36] neingeben: very depending on state tho i think [00:56:36] Shockwavemecha: well, some states [00:56:38] RykerSune: America more progressive KEKW also, only few states legalize weed [00:56:38] Coop9er: WE LOVE CANADA [00:56:39] andimax11: It's because the Country itself is so big, it has very different groups of people [00:56:40] PaperyMantis645: Most of America is worse [00:56:41] mcg9696: europe? [00:56:41] fragwitz: The Netherlands has legal weed too [00:56:42] BlaireBearStare: It's so fucked how America is still somehow better, only by comparison [00:56:42] CzarinaChess: CAL1FORN1A [00:56:43] Ana_Stas1a: The dutch heve weed too [00:56:43] rain_storm69420: Come to Canada, some places here are ok! [00:56:44] family_toy: UK is the land of a royal empire [00:56:45] plopsmurf: being trans [00:56:45] pianoismyforte_: Right not to get shot [00:56:46] YumeNoZen: Depends on the state. [00:56:47] HardyOrange: funny plant is a plant therefore too healthy for Bri'ish cuisine [00:56:48] fisky41: abortion [00:56:49] andimax11: Abortion? [00:56:51] mcg9696: norway? [00:56:52] matthew10203: safety [00:56:52] gasmccloud: The right to tea [00:56:52] richarduk81: Abortion rights [00:56:52] Eadthryth: Move into JSchlatt's basement. [00:56:52] PynkFryck: Germany and Canada Are also pretty solid imo [00:56:53] Nenkos: healthcare [00:56:54] thefoxmanlive: Move to belgium we have a huge con once a year [00:56:54] CapsulatePluto: socialized healthcare [00:56:55] coolgooseboi: Abortion [00:56:55] Ramstein: posting memes :3 [00:56:55] SnabbKassa: @Jozzgo I thought of that, because I already did it, but he'll need a work visa [00:56:56] painfulpan: won’t it be reversed when the tories are out or does labour support it too? [00:56:56] zombiii: with money you can get most things in amerika at least [00:56:57] all_is_dustt: UK is circling the drain [00:56:57] Amoyamoyamoya: The US is 50 different mini-countries...the laws vary by State [00:56:57] fragwitz: GUNS [00:56:57] NEB135: Healthcare [00:56:57] MajesticFvckingEagle: Healthcare without being bankrupt [00:56:58] Avaerus0: Where I'm at weed is legal and we're a trans-refugee state, but elsewhere it's the exact opposite [00:56:59] xorwak: Germany (where I live) weed is legal [00:57:00] Starlight85: drinking age 18 rather than 21 [00:57:00] Sht1k: Healthcare [00:57:01] EternalLucia: US just recently started rescheduling weed to be more legal federally [00:57:01] zero_polaris: healthcare [00:57:02] matheuslr47: In brazil we have a lot of transphobia but this is soooo bullshit, i can have my hrt easely, is just expencive [00:57:02] Jahkae: freedom from getting shot. love it here [00:57:03] AmayaSchemata: whats the legal drinking age in the uk [00:57:03] wyldcardsam: Abortion and women's Healthcare [00:57:03] joshua2369: Tea time!!!! [00:57:03] gruntbane: universal healthcare [00:57:04] Agmoa: "at least oue skools are not a shooting gallery" [00:57:04] ArminGux: America has child marrige some places [00:57:04] PockiSocks: America is actually better in terms of those things but it's a constant political war [00:57:05] katielouwho888: When I studied abroad in England I remember walking down the street and smelling weed. I guess I never realized it's not legal there [00:57:05] FreePancakeMan: I would say free healthcare but that shit ain’t working right eother [00:57:05] Leinis: You do have universal healthcare for everything not trans... [00:57:05] PynkFryck: Yea [00:57:05] Dvoltik: move to germany lol, we got weed legalized in april and are luckily goign toward progression allthough it is slow [00:57:06] war_crimes_awesome69: Move to Amsterdam [00:57:06] ronin_5463: YES [00:57:07] orangethey: Gun safety [00:57:07] blindthirdeye: omg, yes [00:57:07] EldritchElucidator: what [00:57:07] substantialslip205: healthcare [00:57:07] Macash: yes [00:57:07] grandpaladin1701: YES [00:57:08] RykerSune: AINTNOWAY WHAT [00:57:08] Ratulf: no debt for cancer maybe [00:57:09] strawbugged: what [00:57:09] pianoismyforte_: Yes [00:57:09] viryl_lucas: yeah [00:57:09] johnkeiwo: Oh hell nahhhhhh [00:57:09] BallSize500: food with no cancer [00:57:09] Leinis: Yes [00:57:09] Mr_Turtlinator: WHAT [00:57:09] alexander_the_tiny: WHAT [00:57:10] AmayaSchemata: national health [00:57:10] Eadthryth: WHAT??? [00:57:10] substantialslip205: abortion [00:57:10] HardyOrange: no???? [00:57:11] Quackathulhu: yea lol [00:57:11] packagum: @fragwitz the netherlands just elected a right wing government unfortunately [00:57:11] hikarimonosaga: wtf [00:57:11] braddle172: Huh [00:57:11] CzarinaChess: sunak the jerk [00:57:11] Clovermancy: Wat [00:57:11] SnazzJaz4297: Like UNDER 18??? [00:57:12] ballsofmolagbal: SORRY WHAT [00:57:12] ProfaneCreation: Wat??? [00:57:12] raeberry: HUH?? [00:57:12] SnabbKassa: "to ze Russian front" [00:57:12] blindthirdeye: even in the US we've heard this [00:57:12] windatar: Mandatory conscription yep. [00:57:12] AntiComposite: the US has a 50% chance of becoming a fascist empire by the end of the year [00:57:12] BlaireBearStare: What?? [00:57:12] a_rocky_penguin: yeah [00:57:12] insidecchaos: I'm sorry WHAT [00:57:12] itsJustNem: that sounds illegal [00:57:12] Expired_Icecube: WHATTTT [00:57:12] fisky41: sooooo funny [00:57:13] mcg9696: horrendous [00:57:13] EternalLucia: wat [00:57:13] ArminGux: yes [00:57:13] maxforkbeard01: Squad up boiiiiissssee, where we dropping? [00:57:13] grandpaladin1701: What a scumbag [00:57:13] Merobiba_: wat [00:57:14] rain_storm69420: WHAT [00:57:14] goldengloryz: Nashy Serves [00:57:15] coolgooseboi: YES THATS ACTUALLY INSANE [00:57:15] pyrandname: oh, that shit [00:57:15] t1mxdd: wtf [00:57:15] the_living_noob_: yess [00:57:15] ukulelewolfeh373: wahhhh??? [00:57:16] muddymudkip15: Huh [00:57:16] marblehoney: Its Federally illegal in us still cooked [00:57:16] sweet_rt1: What a dickhead [00:57:17] zero_polaris: ????? [00:57:17] jasha_seryy: 1 [00:57:17] ballsofmolagbal: HUHHH????? [00:57:18] spookynemi: I don't care as u don't need to do it [00:57:18] legitimatelily: Dont worry it wont happen cos he wont be voted back in [00:57:18] miiamoons: Do not move to the US. Most states are terrible and there's the threat of national bans [00:57:18] Skkorm: Canada has fully legal weed and gay marriage and abortion? Come here [00:57:18] pianoismyforte_: Although the weekend volunteering option is slightly more reasonable [00:57:19] tomandil789: NOT HAPPENING LOL [00:57:19] family_toy: Sounds about right [00:57:19] andimax11: The Kinderguardians Program 2.0? [00:57:19] t1mxdd: WTF [00:57:19] Smiling_Shelly: he is a numpty [00:57:20] AwfullyOllie: WHATTT [00:57:21] W1NK5Y: omg [00:57:21] Valentaiyo: WHATTTT [00:57:22] AmayaSchemata: plus football players are exempt [00:57:22] oliviazbored: what is happening in the uk bro [00:57:22] Avaerus0: Oh yeah they want to re-start conscription [00:57:22] ArminGux: 30k paid spots lol [00:57:22] olsonexi: fuckin what? [00:57:22] yossi1_: Huh? [00:57:23] insidecchaos: WHAT DID HE DO THIS TIME [00:57:24] viryl_lucas: child labor wahaha [00:57:24] Amoyamoyamoya: Mandatory service...it's interesting [00:57:24] osgoodboxes: yeah holy shit [00:57:25] zombiii: big farting in the elevator while leaving vibes from rishi [00:57:25] Ramstein: child soldiers?! POGGERS the children yearn for the military [00:57:25] dr_wetsocks: you need to throw more tea in the ocean 😂 [00:57:25] war_crimes_awesome69: It's crazy even for me [00:57:26] questionably_rae: as a trans woman I've been watching your content for a long time and... the signs were there all along :3 [00:57:26] imaprsn: REPEAT THAT please!! [00:57:26] maya_quiet_storm: America has informed consent [00:57:26] billytehdragon1234: Wtf [00:57:26] hillsidewestern12: Yah hahaha [00:57:27] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: Kids... in the army...!? [00:57:27] TopbitActual: kids with guns - what could go wrong? [00:57:29] Cekoti: Weed has not been legalised due to it increasing the risk of schizophrenia when taken by under 18s [00:57:29] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Oh, yes, the plan to put poor kids in the army and let people with money buy their way out. [00:57:29] Tridstan: goin in with the child squadron [00:57:30] RykerSune: wtf drugs are the UK on?! [00:57:30] Dvoltik: Rishi sunak is such a rat, the mandatory service is so stupid [00:57:30] Session1O52: um.... as an American, we don't have uhhh the right to double-decker buses? [00:57:30] wulfy_hun: yup, time to vote him out [00:57:31] isabelleswenson2319: it’s mental [00:57:31] aether_hunter: yup……… [00:57:31] billyyyn: insanity [00:57:31] EternalLucia: @marblehoney getting rescheduled tho [00:57:32] mimipunny: WHAT IS HAPPENING [00:57:32] rw03_bjw: F1nn needs to buy a ferry so you can run shuttles to Northern Ireland [00:57:32] MajesticFvckingEagle: 15 MINUTES for the bet [00:57:33] klimmers_8: huh? [00:57:34] Amoyamoyamoya: SERVICE EARNS YOU CITIZENSHIP [00:57:34] Shockwavemecha: How is that better SMH [00:57:34] MaggieHeels: USA is weird... because there are still 51 states with separate law in them... like 51 sub-countries... and they still call themselves united... [00:57:35] PlatypusWithCheese: the children yearn for war [00:57:36] tylsnn: Victorian era 2.0 [00:57:37] gunslingerdillon: Geez this world is going to shit [00:57:37] panam4ster: hi yt [00:57:37] Amoyamoyamoya: WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN MORE [00:57:38] samurai4536: Many countries have conscription still [00:57:38] painfulpan: it’s gonna be only the trans kids just know it [00:57:38] balsabasher: so glad I just turned 18 already [00:57:39] Y0rk5h1r3: You can already join UK military at 16. My Brother did. [00:57:41] asdpokemon: I’m not going to war hen I’m 18 XD [00:57:42] SnabbKassa: conscription has been normal for ages in Scandinavia, Austria etc. [00:57:42] mechtel: Really sounds like they're determined to kill children one way or another? [00:57:42] ghoobie: a real facist uptick [00:57:43] rain_storm69420: Return of the British Empire? [00:57:43] notrlyjacob: lmaooo [00:57:46] viryl_lucas: KEKW [00:57:46] emmajhag: yeah, just give youth with little prospects gun training. that definitely won't result in a revolution [00:57:47] maleniascarlett: the tories just literally hate young people [00:57:47] GormyGorm: they decided to make labour worse lmao [00:57:47] England91: @f1nn5ter National Service is coming back??? [00:57:48] CzarinaChess: mandatory enrollment in the Sunak Youth [00:57:48] FrogoOgo: the slop master rishi at it again [00:57:48] maxforkbeard01: I swear rishi just doesn't want the job anymore [00:57:48] the_living_noob_: the video is just hell divers 2.0 [00:57:49] AmayaSchemata: Informed consent [00:57:51] W1NK5Y: yes, arm the generation that doesn’t like its leaders [00:57:52] legitimatelily: This is good cos it practically guarantees they wont be reelected [00:57:52] Quackathulhu: ‘starting to get cringed out’ [00:57:52] mscoldchickensoup: Rishi can suck a bag of dicks [00:57:53] Avaerus0: Several of the European governments seem to be slowly mentally preparing their people for a larger conflict [00:57:54] viryl_lucas: children are gonna die again [00:57:56] raeberry: the children yearn for the army [00:57:56] wolfianyt: No tf [00:57:56] GiantmEmber: England has an army? I thought you only had a navy. [00:57:56] Lucridis: They dropped in the polls after it so it wasn't even popular with their voters [00:57:56] Amoyamoyamoya: Imagine femboys in the UK military...oh, wait [00:57:57] ronin_5463: ITS A DRAFT [00:57:58] matheuslr47: You still have a conservative gov [00:57:58] hannahdoesntexist: so kids can go to war but can’t make decisions about their identity?? [00:57:59] andimax11: For the small price of your tax dollars, a First Grader, can become a First Grenader [00:58:00] handscombchris: Thought it was 17 years [00:58:01] viryl_lucas: draft [00:58:02] CzarinaChess: UK IDF [00:58:05] Quackathulhu: rishi just hates kids [00:58:06] oliviazbored: have you got the draft in the uk? [00:58:06] k1ngracer07: @MajesticFvckingEagle 15 mins till i profit 30k points >:) [00:58:07] Smiling_Shelly: Conscription [00:58:07] RykerSune: young voters=traumatized children YEP [00:58:07] ArminGux: military or volunteering mandatory [00:58:09] viryl_lucas: befause of russia [00:58:11] Amoyamoyamoya: It's mandatory civil service [00:58:11] fragwitz: the draft is coming back? [00:58:12] Eadthryth: Join army or die... [00:58:14] Bassti1337: So underage children aren't allowed to vote or drive cars but should be allowed to Can life-changing people make decisions that are not reversible? [00:58:16] FatherThyme: mandatory service [00:58:17] heyimbrey: and then jeremy clarkson suggested on twitter sending them to the farms KEK [00:58:18] richarduk81: National service was done to get old people vote [00:58:18] maxforkbeard01: I think rishi just wants to go America in time for the new school year to start for his kids [00:58:18] mgaming424242: they did this to sway the reform voters e.g the far right voters [00:58:21] wulfy_hun: not for his kids, obviously [00:58:21] maya_quiet_storm: Conservatives are perpetuity 100 years behind the times [00:58:22] Y0rk5h1r3: I know, I'm just saying it's not like we don't have under 18s in the military [00:58:22] YumeNoZen: I mean, that's one way to reduce population growth. [00:58:22] wolfie_75: SHIT [00:58:25] spookynemi: Tbh I would do the weekend thing as I want to do police one day [00:58:25] zombiii: austria had a vote about our conscription. all the old people voted to keep it. f ing joke [00:58:26] Leinis: I think there was also the option of joining the police or fighterfighting [00:58:26] Landedmist: yeah fuck that [00:58:28] TheHungryEntry: @f1nn5ter tbh our military is fucked atm and need to build before we have another world war [00:58:29] MajesticFvckingEagle: @k1ngracer07 f1nnHands [00:58:32] zero_polaris: HUH?????? [00:58:33] marblehoney: Mother fuck the conservative party [00:58:33] Amoyamoyamoya: Are meals provided tho [00:58:34] ArminGux: only 30k spots [00:58:34] thatslipperyblobfish: bro [00:58:35] maxforkbeard01: If Torries win, I am out of here [00:58:35] johnkeiwo: can they do it like the IDF? u go to the army or u go to jail [00:58:36] bfredl: yea it is not for the the rich kids [00:58:38] YumeNoZen: The US elected Trump. [00:58:38] fei_bay: WHAT? [00:58:38] Z1nma: @Bassti1337 what are you talking about? [00:58:39] dmx908: Because there might be world war 3 coming [00:58:40] rain_storm69420: That's so fucked! [00:58:40] barkdrone: it’s so obvious that a war is about to pop out openly [00:58:41] Lucridis: They have 20% of the votes latest polls [00:58:41] Addz_993: honestly i think it would do the youth some good [00:58:41] viryl_lucas: KEKW [00:58:42] mimipunny: It works like that here in brazil [00:58:43] SnabbKassa: they don't want to win [00:58:43] Ninlilizi: Yup, you're mature enough to sign up and die at 16, but not to consent to gender affirming care. [00:58:43] blueskydrinking: the tories are not going to win. it's not mathematically possible [00:58:44] taylorthingx: cant drink, cant smoke, cant vote, CAN go to war [00:58:44] fei_bay: I just joined thats crazy [00:58:47] pianoismyforte_: There's a choice between army or do one weekend per month of volunteering [00:58:47] TheHungryEntry: But Conservatives won't win [00:58:48] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: @maya_quiet_storm I feel like I should add "at best" [00:58:50] Amoyamoyamoya: The rich kids will find an "out" [00:58:51] windatar: South korea does that. [00:58:52] ch4rc0al5: Fortunate Son intensifies [00:58:52] Jake_Karma: Send the roadman to the front lines [00:58:53] Ratulf: ouch papa I have a bone spur [00:58:54] chaneiro2003: This shit is bumming me out :/ [00:58:55] Eadthryth: Military healthcare means free HRT. [00:58:56] Niruzo1: brexit went through as well [00:58:56] zypperella: Germany used to have this and it wasn't good. They were very undisciplined. Having an all-volunteer military is always better. [00:58:58] SnazzJaz4297: Wtf is unique chat mode [00:58:59] ArminGux: they trying to get reform uk votes with that [00:58:59] all_is_dustt: it’s designed to appeal to boomers [00:58:59] plopsmurf: It is to appease older voters @F1NN5TER [00:59:00] oliviazbored: worst way to get younger voters [00:59:00] mcg9696: F1nn can you speak in parliment pls [00:59:01] Avaerus0: That might actually motivate young people to vote [00:59:02] Tantark: So today's 16 and 17 years will be forced into this and these kids that will be affected can even vote on it [00:59:03] RykerSune: tf? no. just no [00:59:04] Bloodraven23: As a trans girl in the US I'm contemplating moving away because my state just passed the same almost overnight [00:59:04] spookynemi: Time to move [00:59:06] wyldcardsam: The Republicans are trying to do that in the us [00:59:07] demonfemboy02: one weekend a month I think [00:59:07] johnkeiwo: your country is fucked [00:59:08] soggyvector: I think Sunak is just trying to see how much they can loose by [00:59:09] boom_and_alpha_yt: well I’m off to the Cayman Islands for a year [00:59:09] legitimatelily: the other optioj is community service [00:59:10] maxforkbeard01: What's crazy is that some news sites are trying to sell this as a good thing for youth, the BBC made an odd article [00:59:10] PynkFryck: Oh yea you can escape the draft if your parents pay a fine, they just want the poor kids in war @f1nn5ter [00:59:10] NEB135: Community service [00:59:10] fei_bay: LMAO wtf [00:59:10] ClaireDeLoooon: Child Marriage with adults with parental permission is okay in certain states and the Governors of said states fight to keep the right for adults to marry minors. NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:59:11] taylorthingx: north korea vibes from rishi [00:59:13] furifixus: Why... [00:59:14] hopalongtommy: They're going for the Daily Mail reading Gammon vote NotLikeThis [00:59:14] opqnda_: aculy funny tbh [00:59:15] evnpol4r: how in the world do they think thats a good idea [00:59:17] aKitchenKitty: SeemsGood [00:59:19] zero_polaris: thats IOF shit [00:59:20] wolfianyt: Lowkey usa elections is shit rn [00:59:20] Smiling_Shelly: How dumb can they get [00:59:22] vexowodot: SSSsssplode [00:59:24] fisky41: they already fucked [00:59:24] zombiii: killing poor kids has been the torie platform for a while now [00:59:25] bucksben: Vote Count Binface!!! He's the sanest one around!! [00:59:25] ArminGux: weekend is for the volountering in like the fire department [00:59:26] Lucridis: They have no chance either way. Labour will win [00:59:28] general_of_cm: the weekend thing is about volintiring in your local comunity, sill fucked up but you have the option to not serve [00:59:29] RykerSune: wtf is with your country? And I thought American was more shit [00:59:30] W1NK5Y: the future is less flying cars and more, scary [00:59:30] SnabbKassa: Poland has been asking other countries to start doing that, to deter Russia [00:59:31] mystchevious1: God willing it will make all the youth vote them out. [00:59:31] MajesticFvckingEagle: F1NN, bet timer coming up, do you have an outfit planned? [00:59:32] AmayaSchemata: ok you cant drink in the united states until you are 21 in the uk is it not 18? [00:59:32] thatslipperyblobfish: that is genuinely insane [00:59:32] Amoyamoyamoya: Older votes? Wait 20 years. Problem solved [00:59:34] matheuslr47: Here we have mandatory but is rare to find people that get in without wanting it [00:59:34] viryl_lucas: You overestimate humanity [00:59:34] andimax11: Basic human rights, mental health, peace < military spending. Apparently [00:59:36] war_crimes_awesome69: I'm joining 16 but that's crazy and won't happen imao [00:59:36] HocksEvan: it to appease people who think gen z are lazy [00:59:37] HardyOrange: do older people really want a military full of their grandchildren?? [00:59:42] richarduk81: Send the kids to the mines [00:59:42] viryl_lucas: People will vote for that [00:59:43] vexowodot: PikaRamen [00:59:44] alexaspuds: old people fucking despise young people, those ancients wrinkly fucks need to stop being allowed to vote [00:59:45] madlordjv: we got conscription in norway [00:59:45] Lucridis: Apathetic [00:59:45] opqnda_: PrimeMe [00:59:46] SnabbKassa: @Amoyamoyamoya but there are NEW old people [00:59:46] tspenguin2008: my dad is now actually debating voting for them now [00:59:49] blueskydrinking: Unless they're older than 85, most older voters didn't do national service. They just like to pretend that they did [00:59:49] maya_quiet_storm: @359thAutisticMetalLegion True LUL [00:59:51] 71M073J: I swear i don't understand why people over like 60 have a right to vote [00:59:51] Ratulf: it usually works [00:59:52] Avaerus0: Most people don't pay that much attention to politics [00:59:54] painfulpan: anyone whose been in the military knows how much you don’t want people who don’t want to be there [01:00:00] vexowodot: CaitlynS [01:00:02] bakedelephants: Old people want it so old people will vote for them [01:00:02] TopbitActual: the youngest people to do national service in the UK are *82* years old. [01:00:02] fei_bay: HELL YEAH MERUICA [01:00:04] ronin_5463: Hi chair! [01:00:05] thatslipperyblobfish: We should get f1nn for PM [01:00:05] MajesticFvckingEagle: RIP my points I guess lol [01:00:06] coldPhax: f1nnChair [01:00:06] ArminGux: the British empire fell harder then humpti dumpti [01:00:06] the_inglorious_biohazard: well i mean... UK as a whole ended up voting in favor of brexit sooo i'd say voting against ones self interest isnt new or entirely out of the question at this point [01:00:06] coolgooseboi: CHAIR [01:00:07] pianoismyforte_: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:00:08] maxforkbeard01: Hi chair [01:00:09] AmayaSchemata: bro you can drink in the uk at 18 in the us 21 [01:00:09] HardyOrange: f1nnSmile1 f1nnChair f1nnSmile3 [01:00:11] all_is_dustt: It’s the trans police [01:00:12] nakatascatnap: There's 30k spots for paid army placement or infinite spots for UNPAID "volunteering" with police/ NHS/ other services [01:00:12] raeberry: wait come back imma lose this gamba [01:00:13] fei_bay: CHAIR POG [01:00:13] vexowodot: HungryPaimon TransgenderPride [01:00:17] fragwitz: ashley doing a booty call [01:00:17] handscombchris: The problem they've got is they've actually said of you refuse you won't go to jail (mainly because the prisons are overcrowded) [01:00:18] Amoyamoyamoya: Vegas is close to having Weed Bars...just sayin' [01:00:18] maxforkbeard01: Labour won't do shit, they don't care about us [01:00:18] Lucridis: Labour is full of Tories [01:00:20] opqnda_: CHAIR [01:00:20] bfredl: """labour""" [01:00:20] andimax11: Jeez, that's a hell of a time to stream if this just happened yesterday lol. He probably needed a break from what I imagine is a very stressful situation [01:00:20] shrumb0: F1NN FOR PM 2044 [01:00:20] osgoodboxes: military officials have called it “bonkers,” the tories are actually insane [01:00:20] AlmondVF: chair! [01:00:22] hannahdoesntexist: these old people aren’t old enough to remember the deaths from the last wars literally wiping out families [01:00:23] boringdepressedintrovert: No, Labour wont revoke it [01:00:25] AmayaSchemata: they could revoke it but the bill is temporary anyways [01:00:26] mgaming424242: the people it will affect are currently 13 so the people the tories want to vote for them don't care about it [01:00:26] CzarinaChess: all joining the Sunak Youth [01:00:26] Session1O52: well hope everything is alright there... [01:00:27] theorangepickmc: now this is what I came for. hello chair,, [01:00:29] imaprsn: chair moment [01:00:29] fei_bay: we love the chair [01:00:30] Session1O52: OH A CHAIR [01:00:31] PilotChickMel: Labour won't revoke it because they are just as transphobic as the tories [01:00:31] CraySophie: how is Ashly btw??? [01:00:31] Mr_Turtlinator: Stare [01:00:31] AlmondVF: chair chair chair f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [01:00:31] Amoyamoyamoya: Depends on how "Labor" Labor is... [01:00:32] Expired_Icecube: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:00:32] the_living_noob_: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:00:32] billyyyn: Nah they said they won't touch gender care stuff [01:00:32] maxforkbeard01: They've walked it back since it's become such a topical thing to shit on [01:00:33] opqnda_: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [01:00:33] ClaraRenway: No Labour will make it permanent [01:00:34] Smiling_Shelly: its not a bill just a propsal [01:00:34] general_of_cm: the question is if they even care about trans people [01:00:36] SnabbKassa: Labour will ignore it and do "more important" things [01:00:36] braddle172: f1nnChair [01:00:37] coolgooseboi: Chair goated fr [01:00:38] Leinis: Also, how the fuck are the Tories going to pay for it? [01:00:38] Avaerus0: I thought you could drink in the UK at 16? [01:00:39] pianoismyforte_: Labour should get rid of the ban, Starmer is personally supportive of trans rights, but hides it to appease the bigots [01:00:41] evnpol4r: i feel like only angry old people who hate the younger generations may love this idea [01:00:42] CapsulatePluto: labor is full of right wingers too lol [01:00:42] taylorthingx: labour are pretty much conservatives now anyway [01:00:43] bucksben: Vote chair for PM!! [01:00:45] fromthef1nn5ide: f1nnChair f1nnStare [01:00:46] BlaireBearStare: f1nnchair [01:00:49] AmayaSchemata: sorry im in the us but am working with others there in the uk to stop this [01:00:49] oculasorbus: Theyre trying to get the DM reader vote - the idiots who get a hate boner over teh idea of kids being "too soft" or "having it too easy these days" - as if tehy were storming Omaha beach or anything at the same age.... [01:00:50] bakedelephants: f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:00:51] TripleHelixSC2: ello PrideWave [01:00:51] HardyOrange: f1nnChair f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnCowjam f1nnChair [01:00:51] taylorthingx: F1nn for PM [01:00:53] soggyvector: No because Labour is evil too because Kier is basically a red tory [01:00:54] blueskydrinking: @notrlyjacob labour have moved so far to the right, they basically have the same policies the conservatives did in 2010. and they've been leaning into the anti-trans rhetoric themselves [01:00:54] maxforkbeard01: It is something that labour is now fucking split on somehow?!?!?!? [01:00:54] call_me_meme: Chair for PM [01:00:54] vexowodot: TPFufun TPcrunchyroll KonCha [01:00:55] FatherThyme: Stare [01:00:56] ClaireDeLoooon: I can't be drafted in the US military because because you can't be trans in the military. Stay winning [01:00:58] PlatypusWithCheese: labour wont do shit [01:00:58] Shockwavemecha: aoifeChair [01:01:00] maxforkbeard01: Gotta love polatics [01:01:01] RykerSune: so the UK is doing the equivalent of how Korea makes military training mandatory. Great.....just great NotLikeThis [01:01:01] barrenchatt: Good times on the chair stream [01:01:03] spookynemi: I don't think the military would handle lots of 18 year olds [01:01:04] boom_and_alpha_yt: not a chance that hill and the topic in general is the death of parties [01:01:05] ArminGux: hope greens get some votes in to repeal that law [01:01:08] de_geweldige: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:01:10] TheHungryEntry: Atm as much as I hate all the uk parties and I live here national service maybe the only way to save the country from war. As much as I hate to say it [01:01:12] maleniascarlett: these are also the same folk that wanted to force math all the way to 6th form [01:01:12] LaCroix_Blows: time to start the Transies party [01:01:13] Quackathulhu: finnster for PM [01:01:14] keplersterra: forsenPls [01:01:17] AmayaSchemata: you all can get it online [01:01:17] skylee1976: skylee1976 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [01:01:17] f3mmbot: skylee1976 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:01:19] wolfianyt: Ohio passed something that Next year in schools u Cant have a phone out unless lunch i think or medical [01:01:19] ruparker: chair! [01:01:19] pianoismyforte_: @Avaerus0 Can drink at home younger, theoretically can drink in restaurants at 16, but usually have to be 18 to buy alcohol [01:01:20] BlaireBearStare: f1nnChair [01:01:24] maxforkbeard01: I want to know where the Torries plan on getti g the money from [01:01:25] flosparrow: The Chair [01:01:27] coolgooseboi: Is chair running for office? [01:01:30] jenksy2000: labour are terrible teibltoo on trans rights at the mo... I'm Ia mmber and w are campaigning from within [01:01:30] doron2002: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:01:30] chaneiro2003: You shouldn’t be forced to go to war. Nor should you be forced out of being who you are. Basic shit that these cunts don’t seem to understand [01:01:32] pianoismyforte_: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:01:33] CyanoticJam: Hello chair my old friend..... [01:01:36] notrlyjacob: @blueskydrinking well they're not on the same level yet, but idk if they kick Diane Abbott out...? [01:01:38] Amoyamoyamoya: @ClaireDeLoooon, We'd actually need a draft first [01:01:39] billytehdragon1234: So chair how was your day [01:01:41] fragwitz: chair is right! [01:01:42] maxforkbeard01: Chair would be a better PM than either party at the moment [01:01:44] opqnda_: noise [01:01:44] HardyOrange: iirc most American youth aren't mentally or physically fit by Army standards; I wonder how many British youth would actually make it in? [01:01:44] AmayaSchemata: then yhe uk has better drinking law then the us [01:01:45] wolfie_75: @chat didnt join till a few mins ago, what are the new uk shit again? [01:01:45] ArminGux: this is gonna be baaaad [01:01:45] lyllas_lives: F1nn! [01:01:47] BlaireBearStare: What is chair's stance on mandatory military service? [01:01:47] Stovamor: The national service thing isn't a law. It isn't a bill. It's something the tories have said they'll introduce if they get re-elected [01:01:48] zephyr_alba: Return? [01:01:48] maxforkbeard01: It could do nothing and be better [01:01:49] kolja_mp4: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:01:50] Stovamor: The national service thing isn't a law. It isn't a bill. It's something the tories have said they'll introduce if they get re-elected [01:01:51] RykerSune: wtf is that [01:01:51] Shockwavemecha: Hello [01:01:52] RuthlessWelshy: beep beep [01:01:53] claysparrow: hello? [01:01:53] SuchKittyMuchMeow: jackie230Trashcan [01:01:53] viryl_lucas: nani [01:01:54] SnabbKassa: incoming call? [01:01:54] aKitchenKitty: you up? [01:01:54] boom_and_alpha_yt: well we can always turn to count binface [01:01:55] Avaerus0: That's his alarm? [01:01:55] general_of_cm: huh [01:01:55] hannahdoesntexist: lol [01:01:55] all_is_dustt: hello? [01:01:55] viryl_lucas: beeep [01:01:58] viryl_lucas: beepepepepe0e [01:01:58] de_geweldige: beep [01:01:58] Darkstar_j_: call [01:01:58] JasmeowTheCat: Hello? [01:01:58] hopalongtommy: That may have to be the new direction of ghe charity. Pro trans advocacy. Kids hearing about other young ppls troubles is more likely to get them activated to vote than taxes or Hs2 [01:01:58] imaprsn: ?? [01:01:59] BlaireBearStare: The chair alert! [01:02:00] opqnda_: uh oh [01:02:01] general_of_cm: beep boop [01:02:01] Session1O52: thought that was my computer [01:02:01] Expired_Icecube: Hello? [01:02:01] AlwaysPogging: THST SCARED ME [01:02:01] Zelyphsis: hello [01:02:01] zephyr_alba: Beeeep [01:02:02] de_geweldige: beepbeepbeep [01:02:03] pobles_xdd: BEEP BEEP [01:02:03] BlightningBrightling: lolwut [01:02:04] AmayaSchemata: that what i think when someone calls me [01:02:05] ClaireDeLoooon: Hello!? [01:02:05] Dasdwarf: Tank needed walkies [01:02:05] Expired_Icecube: beep beep bepp [01:02:05] mrbb_55: ? [01:02:06] TheHungryEntry: This is all because of Russia and isreal wars [01:02:07] viryl_lucas: a booty call [01:02:07] spookynemi: At this point, Rishi is trying to get himself out [01:02:07] xXNeroZashiXx: Beep boop [01:02:07] rain_storm69420: yello [01:02:07] Ry60003333: beep [01:02:09] de_geweldige: beep [01:02:09] ProfaneCreation: Beep boop [01:02:10] chaneiro2003: Beepbeepbeep [01:02:10] Sarkatus: The top corners of the chair remind me of cat ears [01:02:10] Valentaiyo: CHAIR [01:02:10] JasmeowTheCat: This is pizza hut! [01:02:11] RonnieSxl: HEYYY [01:02:11] HardyOrange: all good? [01:02:11] the_living_noob_: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [01:02:11] andimax11: All good? [01:02:12] Shyzukani: Jonathan Apelt? [01:02:12] hannahdoesntexist: the char started talking shit about u [01:02:13] MajesticFvckingEagle: BET TIMER [01:02:13] zombiii: new start of stream banger? [01:02:13] Glarndude: Out of flair, just show the chair [01:02:13] ninjasquirtle6: Do do do do do do dodoodo [01:02:14] Tantark: They are like these young kids need to do service to our country and government and all the government has done is killed any sort of future the kids could of had. Like the cost of housing , cost of food and education [01:02:14] vexowodot: BEEO [01:02:14] thatslipperyblobfish: beep [01:02:16] Dvoltik: i thought i was tripping wtf [01:02:16] painfulpan: didn’t the tories polling go up after announcing national service? [01:02:17] Amoyamoyamoya: I can never tell where alert sounds are coming from... [01:02:18] maxforkbeard01: Booo, we want chair!!!! [01:02:18] Expired_Icecube: ring ring ring it’s national service time [01:02:18] all_is_dustt: heyyy [01:02:20] Bobbikatt: jesus called!?:! answer it!! [01:02:21] ArminGux: everything okay? [01:02:21] CzarinaChess: we'd like to call about your limited warranty [01:02:21] AcheronToEros: ....well, the bet is fucked 😂😅 [01:02:21] Royalbirhat: that woke me up [01:02:23] legitimatelily: I thought my headphones were dying [01:02:25] Expired_Icecube: Literal Femboy Army [01:02:26] the_living_noob_: all good ? [01:02:26] ClaireDeLoooon: The chair sold me fent [01:02:26] Volkid11: i hate living in TENNNESSEE bc im trans and there is only transphobic people here [01:02:27] claysparrow: people need to invest in underground hrt buying [01:02:30] viryl_lucas: huh [01:02:40] ronin_5463: Same tbh [01:02:48] logan_cointo: LUL LUL [01:02:50] tylsnn: aye bedrot me too me too [01:02:53] Lucridis: Vote Greens [01:02:55] zypperella: The United Kingdom needs to break up. [01:02:55] boringdepressedintrovert: nah, Labour are also tories now [01:02:57] SnabbKassa: 14, not 18 [01:03:00] Amoyamoyamoya: @claysparrow, That's kinda of how some of the DIY HRT supplies are set-up [01:03:01] Lucridis: They're mad but they'll do good LGBT stuff [01:03:04] Sht1k: I say let the IRA have a turn in charge [01:03:08] ClaraRenway: Labour are also Tories. Fuck Labour. [01:03:08] Mrdeadfishrock: hasan is a moron dont listen to that brainlet [01:03:08] AmayaSchemata: true [01:03:09] zaria32vath: @zypperella so does the US [01:03:12] johnkeiwo: reminder : rottmaxxing [01:03:13] Amoyamoyamoya: @zypperella, Who would take the Midlands? [01:03:13] Quackathulhu: labour also sucks too [01:03:14] pianoismyforte_: Vote for whoever has the best chance of beating the tories in your local area [01:03:15] legitimatelily: @lucridis if only they actually had a chance of winning [01:03:16] AmayaSchemata: thats conscrption [01:03:23] FatherThyme: selective service is in case of draft, and that'll never happen again [01:03:25] Volkid11: real [01:03:26] zypperella: @zaria32vath Agreed. All empires suck. [01:03:29] painfulpan: labour has gone bad but don’t blame those who tactically vote [01:03:31] PockiSocks: You age out of selective service at 26 [01:03:31] Avaerus0: Bed sores [01:03:31] family_toy: Labor are still terfs, but the UK is a duopoly like the US [01:03:32] AmayaSchemata: bedrit [01:03:33] Taranis_EXE: @Lucridis Green all the way mate nihmunThumbsup [01:03:34] Cpu101: Finn sounds so British when he says rotting 🤩🤩 [01:03:35] ArminGux: “no one will go to jail over it” [01:03:35] wolfianyt: Wait what [01:03:36] AmayaSchemata: bed rot [01:03:37] kyo_thiago: do you like more pepsi than coke? D: [01:03:38] DanStreams23: actaully u wont get sentenced if you dont do it [01:03:45] maya_quiet_storm: I'd rather go to jail frankly [01:03:46] zombiii: based and anarchy pilled [01:03:49] matheuslr47: What? [01:03:52] ronin_5463: Yeah freedom becomes a much more fragile concept [01:03:53] SnabbKassa: if you don't file your taxes, yes [01:03:53] imaprsn: how?? [01:03:53] Vanimal2118: Odds on that say no. [01:03:54] MajesticFvckingEagle: F1NN, bet timer! [01:03:56] TheHungryEntry: @zypperella scotland and Wales won't be able to stand up if they left the uk [01:03:57] blatant_fabrication: yep [01:03:58] the_living_noob_: yes [01:03:59] officialcrowleyjoker337: hey fine love your videos [01:04:00] daniel_peck: I'd go to jail before I die in a rich man's war [01:04:00] PynkFryck: yea [01:04:01] ruparker: yes [01:04:01] jcktheripperrs: Always has been [01:04:01] notrlyjacob: yep [01:04:02] ArminGux: why? [01:04:03] marblehoney: Poverty draft [01:04:04] oliviazbored: they will? [01:04:04] europa_a_lua: Yes [01:04:05] johnkeiwo: as always, it's to fuck the poor [01:04:05] viryl_lucas: wat [01:04:05] Sht1k: Historically yes [01:04:06] Avaerus0: They always send the poor people to fight the wars [01:04:06] alikarin: yes it is [01:04:06] Amoyamoyamoya: We have mandatory registration (males only) but we have no draft. It's a big step for Congress to reinstate a draft [01:04:06] Session1O52: yes 100% [01:04:09] eyeolair: Havent been here for a while... your room looks super nice now :-) [01:04:10] xtra_tori: yep [01:04:12] GiantmEmber: I call dibs on F1NN if he goes to prison. [01:04:13] BlaireBearStare: Picturing that scene from V for Vendetta where they raid the gay lady but it's F1nn in bed [01:04:13] taylorthingx: They said there will be "non criminal sanctions" [01:04:14] lyllas_lives: TwitchConHYPE [01:04:15] lamlott: Thank god they would never take me, im to old and had cancer to many times [01:04:15] notrlyjacob: ayyy Donald's just been convicted lmao [01:04:18] BallSize500: oi you got a license for rotting? [01:04:18] jenksy2000: Trump just found guilty [01:04:21] ChasingSol: @notrlyjacob ! [01:04:23] ArminGux: won’t u die of thirst [01:04:24] SnazzJaz4297: Unfortunately yes, if they're already gonna die bc of poverty then might as well go out in a bang [01:04:25] ruparker: any law with a fine is only a law for the poor [01:04:25] Dasdwarf: in the US you cant get a job if you don't register and you have to tell them what number you are in the draft order when you get job. [01:04:26] ChasingSol: !!!!!!!!!!! [01:04:26] viryl_lucas: oof [01:04:26] lamlott: With enough health problems they wont take you [01:04:27] andimax11: America's kinda the same way [01:04:29] gasmccloud: If u do nothing eventually u die BibleThump [01:04:30] richarduk81: Armed men are coming to save tank [01:04:30] ClaraRenway: It is very true [01:04:31] family_toy: "I'd rather not" homie irl [01:04:32] AmayaSchemata: you could lay in bed in a safe room tho [01:04:32] spookynemi: I'm pretty sure there is going to be a law where if you're under 16, you have less time online idk if its true [01:04:34] viryl_lucas: not here [01:04:35] England91: I'm probably too old for National Service [01:04:36] zypperella: @thehungryentry Scotland, Wales and Ireland should form a Celtic Union. England can rot [01:04:36] YumeNoZen: Making politics feel cringe is how the people in power stay in power. I hate it so much. [01:04:37] marblehoney: If your account dosnt file [01:04:41] PockiSocks: so never sleep again got it [01:04:41] billyyyn: If the punishment for a crime is a fine, then the law only exists for the poor ahh moment [01:04:42] boom_and_alpha_yt: well I can maybe afford to avoid this [01:04:43] MajesticFvckingEagle: 10 minutes left f1nnHands f1nnHands [01:04:45] all_is_dustt: they’d just tase you [01:04:46] CyanoticJam: What's the cut off age for national service [01:04:46] King_reuben99: trumps been found guilty btw [01:04:47] Volkid11: LUL [01:04:48] rat3056: £3000 fine for refusing national service I’m pretty sure [01:04:50] MelICrr: they would just pick one up and bring to jail [01:04:50] aKitchenKitty: wish someone would come 'kill' me in my bed empiSmug [01:04:55] painfulpan: the tv licence guy will break in first [01:04:55] BallSize500: guilty of what [01:04:58] DanStreams23: hearing f1nn notfication is throughing me off [01:04:59] wolfianyt: In ohio they passed a law that will probably take affect Next school year weere you Cant have phones out except f9r [01:05:00] handscombchris: Yay my Chinese has arrived! 😁 [01:05:02] ArminGux: rot in a bungee lol [01:05:02] maleniascarlett: good luck enforcing national service in Scotland we ain’t fighing for England [01:05:02] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: @king_reuben99 thank god [01:05:04] Amoyamoyamoya: @rat3056, So rich kids have nothing to worry about [01:05:06] sann112: Does this also count for girls? [01:05:07] mootie1: PoroSad [01:05:07] AmayaSchemata: cant you go to jail over not paying your bbc license [01:05:08] johnkeiwo: Yeah [01:05:10] ronin_5463: silver lining [01:05:10] Dasdwarf: yeah [01:05:13] lualaby: yeah [01:05:13] imaprsn: Rotmax until you rot [01:05:15] SavvyFaire: we got him, boys [01:05:16] Raddog315: They have guns, you have a Tank, they will not win [01:05:16] King_reuben99: guilty of falsifying buisness records to a pawnstar lol [01:05:17] Pohpourri: Bedpilled rotmaxxer [01:05:18] family_toy: Bartleby, the Scrivener [01:05:18] MajesticFvckingEagle: OH SHIT [01:05:18] marblehoney: AintNoWay [01:05:19] AmayaSchemata: trump lol [01:05:19] johnkeiwo: RIPBOZO [01:05:19] piras314: it's true [01:05:19] opqnda_: LUL LUL LUL LUL [01:05:19] omgluckyhere: RIPBOZO [01:05:20] johnkeiwo: RIPBOZO [01:05:20] johnkeiwo: RIPBOZO [01:05:20] W1NK5Y: yess [01:05:20] wolfie_75: @amayaschemata yep [01:05:24] dr_wetsocks: Thats why i dont like laws that apply to the entire world other than things like “No killing” [01:05:24] SnazzJaz4297: Femboy Politics with F1NN sounds fin [01:05:24] johnkeiwo: REST IN PISS [01:05:24] andimax11: Ayyy, let's go [01:05:26] bucksben: Guilty on all 34 counts! [01:05:27] SnazzJaz4297: Fun*** [01:05:27] lara_raawr: GG [01:05:27] notrlyjacob: lmaooooo [01:05:27] muddymudkip15: Awesome [01:05:29] tehproxy: even hasan isn't talking about this! [01:05:29] PrinceZukos_Honor: POG [01:05:29] HardyOrange: this is the best way to get all news tbh [01:05:30] emjaybe66: professional footballers will be exempt from national service so you know what you need to do [01:05:30] OmsX8O: littyParty [01:05:30] mootie1: RIPBOZO [01:05:31] LittleChaSiu: Chat coulda just shut the fuck up [01:05:31] Volkid11: finn, u helped me come out and now ur back to genderfluid BibleThump BibleThump [01:05:31] ronin_5463: Sucks to Suck [01:05:32] Translator_88: POG [01:05:32] Eadthryth: I feel like prison life would be so much simpler. No taxes, bills, etc. [01:05:33] zero_polaris: HOLY SHIT [01:05:33] ArminGux: eyooo [01:05:34] lualaby: HAHAHAHAHAHA [01:05:34] packagum: KEKW L orange man [01:05:34] PynkFryck: @rat3056 1 and a half months worth of rent? nah they'll want more [01:05:35] the_living_noob_: yesssssssss [01:05:35] gruntbane: YESSSSS [01:05:37] lualaby: YESSSSSSSSSSSS [01:05:37] all_is_dustt: nothing will happen [01:05:37] Ry60003333: LETS GO [01:05:37] matthew10203: wins [01:05:38] baslak01: POG [01:05:39] YumeNoZen: Fuck yeah. [01:05:40] lualaby: IM SO HAPPY [01:05:40] baslak01: YESS [01:05:40] W1NK5Y: 34 counts [01:05:40] substantialslip205: OBAMNA [01:05:40] braddle172: POG [01:05:40] oliviazbored: Finn in their hasan era [01:05:41] 0h_seven: womp womp [01:05:41] johnkeiwo: LETSGO RIPBOZO [01:05:42] Shyzukani: Hell yea KEKW [01:05:42] ArminGux: let’s gooooooo [01:05:42] johnkeiwo: LETSGO RIPBOZO [01:05:42] saint_r: lets GOOOO [01:05:43] ChasingSol: all 34?! [01:05:43] ronin_5463: Easy Clap [01:05:44] HardyOrange: but, does this actually do anything to him?? [01:05:44] freshdelipickles: RIPBOZO [01:05:44] Avaerus0: Yesssssssss [01:05:44] speckkatze: POGGGGG [01:05:44] notrlyjacob: pogggy [01:05:45] baslak01: GGG [01:05:45] windatar: RIPBOZO [01:05:45] viryl_lucas: L [01:05:45] retailescapeartist: hehehehe LUL [01:05:45] Amoyamoyamoya: Count 1? [01:05:46] Mr_Turtlinator: EZ Clap [01:05:46] compoter5: ggs [01:05:46] blatant_fabrication: PartyPopper [01:05:46] m00se2004: FINNALLY [01:05:46] thatweridosonama: POGGER [01:05:46] oddspartak: LLLLLLLLLLLL [01:05:46] taeyukki: big gg [01:05:47] OmsX8O: shrkParty [01:05:47] Smiling_Shelly: 34 counts of guilty [01:05:47] smolburrito_: wompwomp [01:05:47] thefoxmanlive: L bozo [01:05:47] oliviazbored: WWWWW [01:05:48] viryl_lucas: LLLLLL [01:05:48] t1mxdd: gg well played [01:05:48] acid2202: No F for that orange [01:05:48] general_of_cm: ez [01:05:49] King_reuben99: it dosent rlly matter tho :( [01:05:49] baslak01: EZZZ [01:05:49] MajesticFvckingEagle: SMOKIN ON THAT ORANGE PACK [01:05:49] AmayaSchemata: oh well [01:05:49] Session1O52: POG [01:05:49] BezowDooZipittyBopBopBop: guilty on all 34 wth [01:05:49] PaperyMantis645: RIPBOZO [01:05:50] SnabbKassa: the first of many trials [01:05:50] taylorthingx: F's in the chat [01:05:50] RonnieSxl: huhh [01:05:51] LadMowPlaysGames: Ratio [01:05:51] Femboy_Pope: yeeeaaaay [01:05:51] wifitech_: gg [01:05:51] captainoverland: POG [01:05:51] daniel_peck: Lmfao [01:05:51] TheAverageBoyfu: wow [01:05:52] W1NK5Y: gg [01:05:52] RykerSune: LET'S CELEBRATE [01:05:52] general_of_cm: gg wp [01:05:53] DanStreams23: Cant he still run tho? [01:05:53] ArminGux: piping champaing tonight [01:05:53] legitimatelily: Sentence: Sit in the corner Mr Trump [01:05:53] FreePancakeMan: we literally all knew this was coming, this is NOT shocking [01:05:54] LadMowPlaysGames: seethe [01:05:54] Chri55PBacon: POG [01:05:54] rain_storm69420: eat shit sad little orange man [01:05:56] wholeslaww: WWWWWW [01:05:56] crustyhashbrown: lul [01:05:56] painfulpan: rip no jail time [01:05:56] soggyvector: Guilty on all counts [01:05:56] shrumb0: W jury [01:05:56] autosoft6483: woooooo [01:05:56] viryl_lucas: LLLLLLLLLLLL)LL)LLLL [01:05:56] zypperella: HOE LEE FUCK [01:05:57] eyeolair: GGs lets freakin gooo [01:05:57] xXNeroZashiXx: Woohoo Clap Clap [01:05:58] SnazzJaz4297: He can still run for office so long as he's not charged with a felony [01:05:58] notrlyjacob: let's go lmaoo [01:05:58] AmayaSchemata: thats state prison [01:05:59] baslak01: Ah Victory [01:05:59] aKitchenKitty: he's done LUL [01:05:59] Eadthryth: L + RATIO [01:06:00] PadulaxAlt: Womp womo [01:06:00] eggsyndrome: W [01:06:00] andimax11: Fuck yeah [01:06:00] packagum: ALL OF THEM [01:06:00] crustyhashbrown: pog [01:06:00] osgoodboxes: GG YESSS [01:06:01] hannahdoesntexist: amazing [01:06:01] SnabbKassa: well DUH [01:06:03] marblehoney: He's not seeing jail I promise [01:06:03] viryl_lucas: NICEEEEE [01:06:03] Valentaiyo: rip bozo [01:06:03] Mrdeadfishrock: hes probably not going to prison unfortunantly [01:06:04] swanee327: HELL YA [01:06:04] RykerSune: LETS FUCKING GO [01:06:04] TheAverageBoyfu: kinda surprised [01:06:04] wellan7564: LUL [01:06:05] w4ndering_st4r: YIPPEE [01:06:05] OstentatiousMongoose: skill issue KEKW [01:06:05] adorkablewreck: GG [01:06:06] AmayaSchemata: tthats not federal priison [01:06:06] ArminGux: bro he is a felon now [01:06:07] HammerOfVenus: LMAO! [01:06:07] baslak01: ALL OF THEM BOYSSSS [01:06:08] hillsidewestern12: Yeeeeeee [01:06:08] blueskydrinking: what fucking dimension have I arrived where I'm getting breaking news from a f1nn5ter stream? KEKW KEKW KEKW [01:06:09] ronin_5463: GG no re [01:06:09] asur1on: l [01:06:09] freshdelipickles: KEKW [01:06:09] boopy6: POGGERS [01:06:10] autosoft6483: le fuckin go [01:06:10] Melody_Silverpaw: I'm so disillusiones i don't even care. like what are they gonna do, send him to prison? i wish [01:06:10] asur1on: L [01:06:10] Helen_Croft: big L [01:06:10] horus95: Yeeererrhaaaaaaaaa [01:06:10] thatslipperyblobfish: Ez skill issue [01:06:11] braddle172: RIPBOZO [01:06:11] puzelina: yesssss [01:06:11] furifixus: Gg [01:06:11] dmx908: Na hes going to appeal then walk free [01:06:11] mechtel: Chat I need to know: Will this actually keep him from running for president again? [01:06:11] thegrandmasmuggler: haha get rekt [01:06:12] substantialslip205: RIP BOZO [01:06:12] Firefrog21: wow [01:06:12] ArminGux: felon trump [01:06:13] notrlyjacob: prisoooon time [01:06:13] AliceliesePlatinum: Poggers [01:06:13] family_toy: No jail time, but he is offically a criminal now [01:06:13] Ry60003333: RIP!! [01:06:13] Raddog315: all of them, wow [01:06:13] HardyOrange: what happens next because of that? [01:06:14] coolgooseboi: WTF THATS CRAZY [01:06:14] DanStreams23: covering this shit live [01:06:15] katielouwho888: Yay!!!! [01:06:17] MajesticFvckingEagle: RIPBOZO [01:06:17] zombiii: lets go. thats what ive been wating for. that what its all about [01:06:18] viryl_lucas: WE DINE TONITE [01:06:18] Ramstein: @F1NN5TER sadly he won't see the inside of a jail cell, it's just gonna be fines :( [01:06:18] TekJansen01: TRUMP GUILTY [01:06:18] theorangepickmc: big w for the "blue-haired liberals" like me [01:06:19] Vanimal2118: It will be appealed. [01:06:19] PynkFryck: W [01:06:19] Ratulf: RIP BOZO [01:06:20] AmayaSchemata: dont worry my parents will vote for hi [01:06:20] W1NK5Y: orange is his color [01:06:20] YumeNoZen: Too much of this country will still vote for him. [01:06:21] Volkid11: LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOO [01:06:21] legitimatelily: There wont really be a punishment tho i bet [01:06:21] scqasch: Rip Bozo [01:06:21] daemon2988: Fuck yes! [01:06:21] SnabbKassa: his cult will just love and pity him more [01:06:22] viryl_lucas: imma sub [01:06:22] speckkatze: thats how I fucking find out, watching finn LUL [01:06:22] baslak01: We can be happy now [01:06:23] Amoyamoyamoya: WHELP. LOOKS LIKE CIVIL WAR FOR US... [01:06:24] Sht1k: He's just gonna fundraise off this [01:06:24] mcmaster2000: Sentencing will take another couple of weeks [01:06:24] FatherThyme: nothing [01:06:25] pobles_xdd: RIP BOZO [01:06:25] all_is_dustt: it means nothing [01:06:25] demonfemboy02: ratioed by the legqal system [01:06:25] rubicium: W [01:06:26] TheAverageBoyfu: oh business record. that makes sense [01:06:26] ElFuaLoco033: RIPBOZO TRUMP [01:06:26] Thanotos_247: @mechtel Unlikely. [01:06:27] ronin_5463: Bros cooked [01:06:27] zoe2324124124: epic W [01:06:27] windatar: Welp prison for trump. [01:06:28] TwinbeeMk2: Well..looks like we won't worry about the next election :P [01:06:28] handscombchris: Still gonna be able to run for the presidency! [01:06:28] zombiii: appeal. and nothing [01:06:28] bucksben: Prison Princess Trump!!! [01:06:28] Metalmeatman420: Yo wad up Finn PansexualPride [01:06:29] 200c0: L law enforcement #freetrump [01:06:29] RuthlessWelshy: good stuff i bet he still doesnt see the inside of a prison [01:06:29] rain_storm69420: feloneys donald [01:06:30] bahaboy: he is probably still gonna win presidency [01:06:30] Volkid11: HOLY SHIT YYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAHHH [01:06:30] piras314: he has to pay a bunch of money or something [01:06:31] ArminGux: LLLLLLLL [01:06:31] maya_quiet_storm: Trump Guilty President material right there LUL [01:06:31] AmayaSchemata: he can still run for president and appeal [01:06:31] lewdbirdnoises: Bro is cooked [01:06:31] GiantmEmber: I’m in the South. Folks are riding in the back of their pickups with guns held. wtf [01:06:33] gasmccloud: Civil War BibleThump [01:06:33] cookieeater212: womp womp [01:06:33] puzelina: he go to prison [01:06:33] hyenaWWW: the only thing I'm surprised about is the US justice system working [01:06:35] Nenkos: smokin that hush money pack RIPBOZO [01:06:35] SammyGee63: Chester Cheato finally got busted :) [01:06:36] baslak01: Jutice be good sometimes [01:06:37] dmx908: The trail was a sham [01:06:37] gunslingerdillon: Ok this stream is getting political I wish you would've have brought politics here [01:06:39] jcktheripperrs: Don't get your hopes up, He's a rich old man. [01:06:39] puzelina: for 4 years [01:06:39] formulacanvas: wait check multiple sources plz [01:06:39] Amoyamoyamoya: [01:06:39] BlightningBrightling: can't wait for "rigged jury" claims [01:06:39] hopalongtommy: Yeah! Suck on that ya big orange pissbaby! [01:06:40] Jayden_Reiko: Good.. soooo glad that happened for him. [01:06:42] Eadthryth: Is he getting prison or just under the table money? [01:06:42] W1NK5Y: im so glad you are talking about this haha [01:06:42] Cpu101: omg I love that I found this out from a femboy [01:06:43] ArminGux: he can’t vote but he can still run [01:06:44] lamlott: I am honored to find this out on your steam! [01:06:44] SnazzJaz4297: So now Democrats need to find someone else besides Sleepy Joe to run for office [01:06:45] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: What happens now is he still gets a ton of votes [01:06:45] RykerSune: I wish to be Jefferson in Hamilton singing 'well he never gonna be president now', but... [01:06:45] swanee327: today is a good day. [01:06:45] MaxWattage: Nothing happens now, he can still run for office and then just pardon himself. [01:06:46] opqnda_: why is my grampa spaming me about trump getting charged LUL [01:06:46] ronin_5463: womp womp [01:06:47] CyanoticJam: BREAKING NEWS.....HRT found on moon! [01:06:47] SnabbKassa: nothing [01:06:47] jdmnodoubt: LOCK HIM UP [01:06:48] andimax11: Oh shit, I didn't even think about that. Incoming riots [01:06:48] lukyhemee: can't believe I found out about this on F1nn stream lmao [01:06:48] FreePancakeMan: he pays a bunch of fines lol [01:06:48] BezowDooZipittyBopBopBop: no prison time, heavy fines [01:06:48] Glarndude: Prison president!!! [01:06:49] TheAverageBoyfu: now he goes to federal prison [01:06:49] mystchevious1: Saddy it doesn't change things as much as we would like. there is no law saying a criminal can't be the president. [01:06:49] Ratulf: his fine will be $100 [01:06:49] piras314: femboy hasan [01:06:50] general_of_cm: prison [01:06:50] sann112: This man belongs in jail [01:06:50] coldPhax: BOZO, now it's Biden's turn [01:06:51] hyena_gf: About time [01:06:51] windatar: Trump gets to campaign from prison. [01:06:52] matthew10203: we celebrate [01:06:52] NichtzNeues: yeSSSSSSSSSS [01:06:53] Ramstein: @gunslingerdillon LMFAO get out [01:06:53] richarduk81: A civil war [01:06:53] fatslowman: so Biden 2024 [01:06:53] afal: Fimter I want you to know the ad I got when I just joined this stream was the star wars thing your friend Abi is in [01:06:53] MrDJLICE: Just got the news too ... [01:06:54] daemon2988: Time to celebrate! [01:06:54] BezowDooZipittyBopBopBop: civil war [01:06:54] puzelina: i hope he die in the prison [01:06:55] Dasdwarf: Okay so first we have a small scale civil war breaks out over this, Trump triess to appeal to a higher court as a stall tactic, and they have to decide if he can run for President. [01:06:56] King_reuben99: no he dosent go to prision [01:06:56] itsJustNem: technically you can still be elected president from prison [01:06:56] AmayaSchemata: he can run for president while he appeals [01:06:56] Avaerus0: State charges can't be pardoned by the President too [01:06:57] forthehonorofgay: trump has been found guilty of MANY things but it hasnt dont jack shit. i hope to god he gets arrested [01:06:57] King_reuben99: just some fines [01:06:57] TheHungryEntry: Nothing as us can have people run for president even with a conviction [01:06:58] SeriousMental: outfit? [01:07:00] ArminGux: lock him up lock him up [01:07:00] daniel_peck: Lmfao Douche Cheeto deserves it [01:07:01] maiaka_: kill em? [01:07:01] rainfallwall: I am American and I am laughing my fucking ass off right now [01:07:01] the_deezel: Next thing is he'll appeal it [01:07:01] puzelina: i hate him [01:07:01] demonfemboy02: theres no way he goes to prison [01:07:01] BallSize500: nothing burger [01:07:01] SnabbKassa: he'll keep running and ramp up the self pity [01:07:02] aKitchenKitty: he can't run anymore right ? [01:07:04] kywozen: Now he appeals whatever sentence they give and it takes until after the election to settle [01:07:04] NichtzNeues: Finally !!! [01:07:04] princess_mia03: ohhh shiitty [01:07:04] oliviazbored: so can he still run? [01:07:04] reesshhh: nothing [01:07:05] daemon2988: Prison hopefully. [01:07:05] Amoyamoyamoya: WAIT UNTIL THE JUDGE IMPOSES A PENALTY [01:07:06] gunslingerdillon: Now everyone in the chat is gonna be divided and against each other [01:07:07] loograt: gotta go through appeal and sentencing [01:07:09] m00se2004: we get better presidents now [01:07:11] ronin_5463: yeah kinda lol [01:07:11] Skyr3zz: Rigged [01:07:12] Amoyamoyamoya: HE COULD GET HOUSE ARREST, NOT PRISON [01:07:12] painfulpan: he’s probs just got to pay a fine or pardon himself in presidency [01:07:13] TopbitActual: "only a crime if you're poor" [01:07:13] elle_gato: wait holy shit [01:07:14] mcmaster2000: Probably still gonna be probation [01:07:14] piras314: @aKitchenKitty prisoners can run but not vote [01:07:15] viryl_lucas: GG [01:07:15] GiantmEmber: we don’t know. how can the secret service be forced to live in a prison cell [01:07:16] TheAverageBoyfu: yep [01:07:16] Mr_Turtlinator: KEKW [01:07:16] mscoldchickensoup: 34 felonies goddam [01:07:16] ronin_5463: KEKW [01:07:17] johnkeiwo: KEKW [01:07:18] MrDJLICE: WOW [01:07:18] braddle172: KEKW [01:07:18] fisky41: deserved [01:07:18] general_of_cm: prison or since hes rich probably have to live in a big mantion f1nnSad [01:07:19] horus95: I'm crying of happiness [01:07:19] NichtzNeues: Put this fucker into jail [01:07:20] viryl_lucas: LLLLLL [01:07:21] RebelStigma: first president to become felon [01:07:22] Volkid11: GG [01:07:22] puzelina: nice [01:07:22] marblehoney: World not surviving this one [01:07:23] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Holy crap. [01:07:23] yfmstudios: ohhh snap [01:07:24] scarlettyg: OMEGALUL MEGALUL [01:07:25] opqnda_: kekw [01:07:25] all_is_dustt: it’s a big deal if you’re poor [01:07:26] viryl_lucas: LMAOOOO [01:07:26] extremeph: hopefully he just gets a slap on the wrist and can still win the election [01:07:27] demonfemboy02: passed and didnt have to study [01:07:27] WelovuJJ: lomaoi [01:07:27] W1NK5Y: roll out the red carpet, he is getting his orange overalls [01:07:27] taeyukki: guilty x 34 [01:07:27] dysfunctionaldomo: Felony charges are badddd, but since it's Trump, he probably won't even go to jail 😭 [01:07:28] viryl_lucas: L [01:07:28] Amoyamoyamoya: HE COULD GET HOUSE ARREST, NOT PRISON [01:07:28] SnabbKassa: maxxing the whitespace [01:07:29] RykerSune: it's beautiful. I could cry and smile at the same time [01:07:30] Yorunaa_: Yorunaa_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! guilty [01:07:31] f3mmbot: yorunaa_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months using Prime! PogU [01:07:31] TheAverageBoyfu: felonies are pretty severe in the states [01:07:31] soggyvector: Even if he goes to Prison he can still run for president just so y’all know [01:07:32] zypperella: HE AINT EVEN DONE YET. He still has another trial going on, right? [01:07:32] maleniascarlett: can you pardon yourself from felony charges? [01:07:32] ArminGux: yes felons often can’t vote or run for some offices [01:07:32] xtra_tori: he'll pay some money and stand trial in his other cases. [01:07:33] ronin_5463: Imagine a vine boom after each one lmaoooooooo [01:07:34] elriri______: YES GIGACHAD [01:07:34] Shockwavemecha: The Guilty TRUMP tower [01:07:34] Abbie939: he will never go to jail. I bet he is find and like house arrest for 3 months [01:07:35] chaneiro2003: BHAHAHAHAHA [01:07:37] GoddessMurky: can he still become president? [01:07:38] DevinWonka: Campaign finance fraud [01:07:39] BallSize500: $ 7 fine probably [01:07:39] MollyRzr: 😃😃😃😃😃 [01:07:40] Zelyphsis: hehe [01:07:40] Valezifer: He can still run for office I think [01:07:41] Ramstein: @F1NN5TER he's not going to see the inside of a jail cell, he's just going to get fines sadly [01:07:42] student0810: It means a prison sentence of AT LEAST 1 year and 1 day [01:07:43] AmayaSchemata: the worse ones are in dc and florida and thaose are fed time [01:07:45] MrDJLICE: This is so funny in a sad way ... this was a president [01:07:46] CheweyZ: LUL [01:07:46] Elindalyne: this is where i find out trump is guilty... [01:07:47] loograt: he's old af so no prison probs [01:07:48] maya_quiet_storm: He's rich so a fine and that'll be the end of it [01:07:49] eyeolair: Trump be like... ill just go to the supreme court [01:07:50] viryl_lucas: yes [01:07:50] AmayaSchemata: yes [01:07:50] all_is_dustt: he will just pardon himself [01:07:51] W1NK5Y: felony is the worst [01:07:51] hopalongtommy: Suddenly, the clouds have parted, the birds are singing [01:07:51] mcmaster2000: Yep [01:07:51] FatherThyme: yup [01:07:51] Volkid11: LETS GOO [01:07:51] the_living_noob_: yes [01:07:52] marblehoney: He can [01:07:52] viryl_lucas: YES [01:07:53] family_toy: Yes [01:07:53] TheHungryEntry: Yes [01:07:53] msmoonsy: yes he can [01:07:53] Elindalyne: he can [01:07:54] Skyr3zz: yes [01:07:54] Spook1es: Yes [01:07:54] oliviazbored: 130k is truely wild [01:07:55] EldritchElucidator: yes [01:07:55] DarthDerpy_: he can [01:07:56] blatant_fabrication: he can still become president yes [01:07:56] RykerSune: well yeah [01:07:57] FreePancakeMan: yeah [01:07:57] zodiac06x: yeah [01:07:57] swanee327: yeah.. he can.. [01:07:57] all_is_dustt: yes [01:07:57] AmayaSchemata: in the us [01:07:58] ajohnops: Guilty [01:07:58] Raddog315: now we find out how pale he really is because prison doesn't provide fake tan [01:07:58] MrDJLICE: Sadly yes [01:07:58] Vanimal2118: Yes [01:07:58] SavvyFaire: of course he can [01:07:59] taylorthingx: yep [01:08:00] scarlettyg: You can become president even if you're currently serving time [01:08:00] Volkid11: LFG [01:08:00] muddymudkip15: Yes [01:08:00] ronin_5463: unfortunately [01:08:00] jcktheripperrs: Gets a slap on the wrist.. [01:08:00] ArminGux: he can [01:08:01] strwbrrybtchh: Odds are he'll just get probation and pay a fine [01:08:02] bahaboy: yes [01:08:02] piras314: he can still be president [01:08:02] ChasingSol: haha [01:08:03] AmayaSchemata: hes going to appeal [01:08:04] general_of_cm: f1nn be like " IT could have been me!!!" [01:08:04] PaperyMantis645: Yes [01:08:05] Valezifer: Yes [01:08:06] viryl_lucas: TWITCHGPT [01:08:06] Translator_88: Yes [01:08:06] SnabbKassa: yes, he can. they never thought to make and rules [01:08:06] Helen_Croft: chatpt [01:08:08] SeriousMental: outfit when? [01:08:08] reesshhh: Yes [01:08:09] miiamoons: Unfortunately [01:08:09] notrlyjacob: yep [01:08:09] AmayaSchemata: and be kept out [01:08:10] zero_polaris: yes [01:08:10] W1NK5Y: yes unfortunately, a president in jail [01:08:10] fredi_live: yes [01:08:10] Shockwavemecha: UHmm [01:08:10] Mr_Turtlinator: 4? [01:08:11] windatar: He can, but man this will hurt him in the election. [01:08:13] mootie1: What if he becomes president from jail [01:08:13] MajesticFvckingEagle: 6 Minute until my points are gone [01:08:13] thatweridosonama: Pogger [01:08:13] Valentaiyo: sure [01:08:13] 21CS: We need regular Femboy News. [01:08:13] hamster_potato: sadly he can still be the president [01:08:13] taylorthingx: F1nnGPT [01:08:14] ajohnops: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:08:15] ArminGux: he can’t vote but he can be a president [01:08:15] viryl_lucas: appeal lmao [01:08:16] loograt: CHATFEMBOY [01:08:16] notrlyjacob: twitchgpt [01:08:17] richarduk81: Twitch lawyers [01:08:17] scarlettyg: Joe Exotic is literally campaigning from prison btw [01:08:18] SnazzJaz4297: F1NNGPT [01:08:18] ChasingSol: next is appeal, so nothing happens right now [01:08:19] FreePancakeMan: not hard to appeal [01:08:19] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: I fear it’s likely he will become president anyway [01:08:19] demonfemboy02: bro aced the test [01:08:20] HeyEmerald: There may be another Jan 6th but for prison [01:08:20] m00se2004: if he still can become president, then our country is the worst [01:08:20] Amoyamoyamoya: There's no prohibition against being a Felon AND President [01:08:21] DevinWonka: Eugene Debbs [01:08:21] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: You can't vote in most states if you're a felon, but you can still run for office. [01:08:22] claysparrow: chatGNC [01:08:22] eyeolair: GGpt [01:08:23] pianoismyforte_: He'll appeal based on biased jury to quash them all [01:08:23] dmx908: Its not over yet he can appeal [01:08:23] wellan7564: He can try [01:08:23] family_toy: Only the impeachment in 2020 could have blocked him from running [01:08:23] FreePancakeMan: hard to win the appeal [01:08:23] AmayaSchemata: oh he will till after the election [01:08:25] YumeNoZen: No one writing the Constitution thought the citizens would be dumb enough to vote for someone like that. [01:08:25] RykerSune: someone ran for president while in jail....love the US NotLikeThis [01:08:25] MajesticFvckingEagle: 5 MINUTES [01:08:29] elle_gato: you can be a felon president but you cant be a woman president [01:08:30] johnkeiwo: A felon president KEKW [01:08:30] LaMale411: TRUMP GUILTY ON ALL 34 COUNTS LUL [01:08:31] viryl_lucas: F1NNGPT is my ai girlfriend [01:08:31] Dasdwarf: It's not about appealing the guilty but about stalling the punishment until pardon. [01:08:33] B1ackW01f69: Yes and ionically makes it more likely he will be [01:08:34] slipknotphilcollins: 🫡 [01:08:34] the_deezel: He will definitely appeal [01:08:34] BallSize500: the appeal: “nuh uh” [01:08:35] Leinis: It will be harder to campaign though [01:08:36] Nenkos: probably just probation [01:08:36] swanee327: yeah.. its rough over here.. lol [01:08:37] Amoyamoyamoya: The Constitution doesn't proscribe convicted criminals from serving in office [01:08:37] ronin_5463: He's gonna put this on his presidential CV lets be honest [01:08:38] gasmccloud: U and Ashley look sooooo cute at comic con omg [01:08:40] PaperyMantis645: Still wanna come here? [01:08:40] AmayaSchemata: weve only got three more trials to go through [01:08:40] Avaerus0: I guess he should have taken the stand /s [01:08:41] Ramstein: i like how some rando was like "you're getting political now bye" ramste2Lol @F1NN5TER [01:08:41] W1NK5Y: he still has like 30 more trials like this one [01:08:42] SnabbKassa: the only impediment to being President is to be British [01:08:42] johnkeiwo: Politics frogs are eating today !! [01:08:42] johnkeiwo: Politics frogs are eating today !! [01:08:44] alikarin: Can they be the presidenent from jail though? [01:08:44] oliviazbored: love living here sm [01:08:46] MollyRzr: There’s still hope 😢 [01:08:46] zombiii: felons cannot vote, but can become president. hilarious [01:08:46] matheuslr47: Im hapy to live in brazil [01:08:47] eyeolair: 16 percent said they wouldnt vote for him. [01:08:47] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:08:48] Raddog315: ask chatgpt or us, its all the same, we are all AI anyway [01:08:50] taylorthingx: felon president before gta 6 [01:08:50] MrDJLICE: LUL [01:08:50] TheHungryEntry: Appeal against the not bias jury [01:08:50] ArminGux: Britain and America hand in hand going to shit [01:08:51] DUCCCCCKKKKKKKK: Hamilton reference? [01:08:51] andimax11: Lmao [01:08:51] marblehoney: He gonna get a fat fine and thas it [01:08:51] dysfunctionaldomo: KEKW [01:08:54] SnabbKassa: rescind their independence [01:08:54] aKitchenKitty: LMAOOOOO [01:08:54] Amoyamoyamoya: I'M MOVING TO HAWAII!!! Oh, wait... [01:08:54] blueskydrinking: He's still gonna win in November, the world is broken like that [01:08:55] Metalmeatman420: Europe is going to take a hit too if Trump wins [01:08:56] M41functi0n: Can't wait to see all the Trumpets go nuts over here... [01:08:56] sann112: A criminal mafia president [01:08:57] TwinbeeMk2: Damn right [01:08:58] autosoft6483: let him rot [01:08:59] andimax11: Yeah, I'm down to team out [01:08:59] Eadthryth: You can literally run for president while behind bars. [01:09:02] Amoyamoyamoya: YOU KEPT ALL THE FEMBOYS [01:09:02] student0810: Louisiana had a Governor removed because he committed a felony, he went to jail, got out, and was elected Governor again [01:09:02] viryl_lucas: lol [01:09:05] matthew10203: this is a good thing though [01:09:05] PynkFryck: ??? [01:09:05] opqnda_: what. [01:09:05] eggchancellor: That's so weird. In Germany u can't become a politician at all for at least 10 years even if u did something like stealing a snickers from a shop [01:09:05] Valezifer: Haha I'm from Germany [01:09:06] lamlott: Felons can vote in Florida AFTER they complete their sentance [01:09:06] Helen_Croft: noooo\ [01:09:06] LaMale411: LUL [01:09:08] FatherThyme: at least not at first, yeah [01:09:08] MajesticFvckingEagle: Fuck it, I should stop stressing over it, those points are gone. GGs LUL [01:09:08] iamthedutchy: He just can't vote in his home state as a convicted criminal XD [01:09:08] JackedRussell: GTA 6 is coming on PC a year later [01:09:09] slacker_24_: each charge is up to 4 years max they can charge him for each one concurrently [01:09:09] elle_gato: felon president before woman president [01:09:09] acid2202: Its sad how the most guilty person being guilty is something to celebrate... system F'ed up [01:09:10] Ramstein: it's going to come out on PC, just a year later [01:09:10] rain_storm69420: He can still be presidant with 34 felonies?! Christ the US is fecked [01:09:11] mrgoombo: 4th of July best day fr fr [01:09:12] YumeNoZen: We blow up our own country to celebrate getting rid of the UK. [01:09:14] TopbitActual: ... you set fire to one house in DC.... [01:09:14] viryl_lucas: rip [01:09:15] ronin_5463: Lets make our own country! [01:09:15] RuthlessWelshy: yeah it will just be a year later [01:09:16] braddle172: They always do that [01:09:19] swanee327: Nah, US and brit are buddys. we just like giving eachother greef. [01:09:19] ArminGux: 2 years after console [01:09:19] asur1on: coming out later on pc [01:09:20] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: This is going to make so many right wing people so much more weird... [01:09:20] speckkatze: it will come out later, no way r* will miss out on all the PC money [01:09:20] RykerSune: we fought a war against each other, yet both the US and UK equally suck ass [01:09:21] saint_r: they want that double dib [01:09:22] christian_bch: Imagine he's in prison and gets to be president and cleared himself of all crimes [01:09:23] xtra_tori: F1nnChat, would be a good AI. It just calls u an egg and asks to see moar chaair [01:09:24] PynkFryck: stg I'll commit warcrimes [01:09:24] TheHungryEntry: It's all about the coding [01:09:25] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: Suffice to say some people would rather vote for a convicted criminal than someone who doesn’t hate trans people [01:09:26] richarduk81: If he becomes president he can pardon himself [01:09:26] pozepounds: lol [01:09:26] viryl_lucas: they're waiting for Nvidia's 3D LLM [01:09:27] handscombchris: I think it's coming out on console first [01:09:28] Dasdwarf: Hey you give the US Cyprostate instead fo Spirolactine and I'll come back to the kingdom [01:09:28] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:09:29] ChorkenInTheSporcialSorce: Don't make me throw some more tea into a harbor😂😂 [01:09:30] Paul_Ski: GTA6 in 2030 PEPELAUGH [01:09:31] Mighty_Zote: they want people to buy it twice [01:09:31] W1NK5Y: our generation is united across all boarders [01:09:32] andimax11: It's so PC players are forced to buy it on console, and then AGAIN on PC [01:09:32] taeyukki: that's crazy [01:09:35] johnkeiwo: The US SUCKS [01:09:37] Elunith_: How hard is it to get hrt in england? [01:09:38] benedict_44: huge room !! 🤓🤓 [01:09:39] Metalmeatman420: Yep he's a felon and a sex offender awesome [01:09:41] MrDJLICE: Low standards [01:09:43] DevinWonka: I just want to see his breakdown [01:09:43] Raddog315: Found a new country and we can all be countrymen/women/people [01:09:43] clockingout: You have to be a criminal to be President here [01:09:44] mystchevious1: Ow John [01:09:45] viryl_lucas: lmao [01:09:46] AmayaSchemata: he has to get a security clearance though [01:09:46] gasmccloud: There is an age limit but not a felony limit! [01:09:46] Coffefishy: BibleThump [01:09:50] mechtel: But people who have been to prison can't vote? That doesn't make sense that he could still run for president as a felon [01:09:54] legitimatelily: over 35 is dumb. no max age but have to be 35? why? [01:09:55] johnkeiwo: 4 minutes left on the bet ! [01:09:55] general_of_cm: could he partdon himself [01:09:55] ArminGux: 10 more years [01:09:56] Avaerus0: This is only one of his trails BTW [01:09:58] SnabbKassa: US just doesn't care that its a laughinstock [01:09:59] isowen_: isowen_ subscribed with Prime. [01:09:59] f3mmbot: isowen_ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang isowen_ f1nnLezgang [01:09:59] Nenkos: @359thAutisticMetalLegion there's someone running who doesnt hate trans people? [01:10:02] spookynemi: My friends just send a snap filter to everyone of me being a girl. I'm screwed [01:10:03] itsJustNem: @Elunith_ incredibly difficult or surprisingly simple depending on if you have money [01:10:03] k1ngracer07: yes the ak guy [01:10:04] AmayaSchemata: yeah he cant vote for himself [01:10:05] W1NK5Y: vote for me in 2034 [01:10:06] benedict_44: Finn you are arround 25 yo? im 34 [01:10:06] legitimatelily: yeah gun guy running for govenor or smthn [01:10:06] Dasdwarf: you want the wild stuff in US there have been presidents who no one voted on and from the opposite party. [01:10:07] loograt: @F1NN5TER You'll get a visa by 35 Kappa [01:10:10] Avaerus0: @general_of_cm The President can't pardon state charges [01:10:11] Lennexofficial: he made a AK50 [01:10:11] gasmccloud: Over 35 but can have 34 felonies... BibleThump [01:10:12] slipknotphilcollins: what a gremlin [01:10:12] ronin_5463: Mr. Beast for president! [01:10:13] Y0rk5h1r3: You see the AK50? [01:10:14] wolfianyt: The usa constitution is mainly plagiarized from brt [01:10:15] reesshhh: He's a nut [01:10:16] wyldcardsam: Brandon is kinda a fascist [01:10:17] johnkeiwo: believers in shambles ! [01:10:18] The_Horrible_Gamer: President has to be natural born citizen [01:10:20] soggyvector: he came really close to winning actually [01:10:20] DarthDerpy_: he only lost by like 400 votes [01:10:20] ArminGux: f 20 points [01:10:20] eeveeveevee97: Not dressed? [01:10:20] zaria32vath: district of what? No clue [01:10:21] boom_and_alpha_yt: ak50 [01:10:22] TheHungryEntry: I'm going to vote count bin face for priminister [01:10:23] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: @nenkos Biden? [01:10:23] demonfemboy02: is ashley joining? [01:10:25] strwbrrybtchh: What's wild is he might get his right to vote taken away but he can still run for president [01:10:27] Sht1k: Quick! Someone distract him! [01:10:27] opqnda_: bruh [01:10:28] TwinbeeMk2: Trust me EU folks we Americans will be the first to admit the US is a hole [01:10:29] AmayaSchemata: mr beast lives like 100 miles from me [01:10:32] opqnda_: how long is it going to be before we r going to have a celebrity presedent [01:10:34] MajesticFvckingEagle: RIP points [01:10:35] general_of_cm: @general_of_cm interesting, thank you [01:10:37] thezerounit: Only way he couldn't be president is if he is found guilty of sedition, Treason, or giving aid and comfort to the enemy. [01:10:38] ReiniYamato: @johnkeiwo why would you tip him off?! 🤣 [01:10:39] DevinWonka: My biggest follower on Twitter is an US congressman [01:10:39] AmayaSchemata: shh dont tell anyone [01:10:42] thefoxmanlive: I knew he was gonna yap a lot [01:10:43] ninjasquirtle6: NAAAAUUUR LUL LUL LUL [01:10:45] LeksDee: sooo u going to eu elections next week or... oh [01:10:48] mootie1: NOO RIP points [01:10:49] EternalLucia: Rip all my fembucks [01:10:49] KerbyC: lmao gimme them points [01:10:50] thatslipperyblobfish: my pointssss [01:10:51] Valezifer: BibleThump [01:10:51] asur1on: good new bad points [01:10:51] Cpu101: Toronto sucks [01:10:53] AmayaSchemata: wow [01:10:53] Merobiba_: noo, my points [01:10:54] Raddog315: WTF [01:10:54] SnabbKassa: @Avaerus0 that's the problem. He'll need to end state law [01:10:55] MajesticFvckingEagle: oof [01:10:56] YumeNoZen: Me and Chasiu invited you. [01:10:59] YumeNoZen: =P [01:11:02] Landedmist: I gotta go so bye everyone and stay beautiful [01:11:04] family_toy: o7 for jury [01:11:04] mootie1: o7 [01:11:04] summerland132: sup homie [01:11:05] blueskydrinking: literally the first time I bet on him and he fails goddamit [01:11:05] sweet_rt1: Come to vancouver. [01:11:06] Quackathulhu: noooooo all my fembucks [01:11:07] AmayaSchemata: you dont get an option to opt out [01:11:08] mrmcfugginlurker: Toronto? worse city in canada [01:11:08] rain_storm69420: @Cpu101 the maritimes are worse [01:11:09] babyhuey23: heh "opt in" don't you know merica? [01:11:10] johnkeiwo: the january 6thers are gonna do some wild shit [01:11:11] oliviazbored: you don’t opt in [01:11:16] Raddog315: opt in? who's gonna tell him? [01:11:16] M41functi0n: People don't opt in for jury, haha [01:11:16] WelovuJJ: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [01:11:16] legitimatelily: he's marmite [01:11:16] BlightningBrightling: moreso infamous than revered, I'd say [01:11:18] the_inglorious_biohazard: reveered? youre kidding right ? [01:11:19] demonfemboy02: you get told you are on that jury [01:11:19] daniel_peck: In my county an Escóbar is running for office [01:11:20] SnabbKassa: @Cpu101 relative to most of the world, it doesn't [01:11:21] AmayaSchemata: yes people tried that [01:11:21] blatant_fabrication: some people did pull out [01:11:23] boom_and_alpha_yt: my bucks [01:11:24] Gtaer222: Gtaer222 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! 7 months time flies [01:11:24] f3mmbot: gtaer222 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:11:26] blueskydrinking: you don't have a choice, you'll get that jury summons one day [01:11:27] ArminGux: the jury must have balls of stewl [01:11:27] oliviazbored: jury duty isn’t optional [01:11:30] DevinWonka: I can't do this because I don't want death threats lol [01:11:31] themindscrambler: Democrat and Republican both suck [01:11:32] andimax11: "I frew up" [01:11:33] shelloverride: I see Trump is guilty on all 34 counts [01:11:34] ronin_5463: They're gonna storm the white house next i swear [01:11:35] legitimatelily: Trump = marmite i guess. Poor marmite [01:11:36] viryl_lucas: but my gag reflex is gone now [01:11:36] raeberry: puking on command [01:11:38] AmayaSchemata: you could have bad body odor [01:11:38] Ramstein: you could get out for your tweets [01:11:40] Nenkos: your honor, my tummy hort :'( [01:11:41] ArminGux: just say u hate trump and u are out [01:11:42] BallSize500: pee ur pants [01:11:42] mootie1: KEKW [01:11:45] family_toy: It would be easy to get off that jury in particular [01:11:47] Leinis: It's not opt in, but all you need to say is that you can't be unbiased because Trump is absolutely a horrible disgusting person and you're prejudiced against him [01:11:47] TheHungryEntry: Should of had an international jury in [01:11:47] taylorthingx: if you tell the court you are prejudiced they have to dismiss you [01:11:47] YumeNoZen: They can just look at my social media posts about someone and see I'm biased. Very biased. [01:11:48] Ramstein: jurors were vetted by their tweets against trump ramste2Lol [01:11:50] demonfemboy02: would have to say that you would be baised so cant be impartial [01:11:50] M41functi0n: My tummy hurts, judge. :3 [01:11:50] loograt: Just say you hate or love him, one of the lawyers will throw you out [01:11:51] blueskydrinking: piss yourself in the courtroom, always works for me [01:11:52] W1NK5Y: become pregnant to get out of jury duty [01:11:53] Mrdeadfishrock: just leak from somewhere and get a note from mummy [01:11:57] emmynemmycodes: To get out all you have to say is you have personal bias to what the happening so you cant make a fair judgement [01:11:57] viryl_lucas: :3 [01:11:57] oliviazbored: they had to find ppl who didn’t have bias so could jus become biased ig [01:11:57] Vanimal2118: U have an interesting take F1nn [01:12:01] aKitchenKitty: @viryl_lucas freaky ahh akiwooPeek [01:12:03] illegal_black_man: finn when will you release a drake diss track [01:12:03] goldengloryz: Tell them you know about jury nullification [01:12:04] DevinWonka: Just talk about jury nullification & you'll get out free [01:12:07] maleniascarlett: so puke and I get out of dury duty [01:12:07] Raddog315: the way out of this jury was to openly proclaim your love/hate for Trump [01:12:08] SnazzJaz4297: Is it illegal to start screaming out of nowhere [01:12:14] ArminGux: start snorting coke in front of the judge [01:12:18] W1NK5Y: I can’t say not guilty [01:12:18] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: I actually do know about nullification so [01:12:18] MouseOfSilver: I just dragged my two babies into the court room with me and they told me to go home [01:12:19] Ramstein: yeah both sides get to decide [01:12:19] HardyOrange: your accountant is about to start having questions about how you leave meetings [01:12:19] chaneiro2003: Stop making chat bulimic F1nn [01:12:19] johnkeiwo: brb chat [01:12:22] onah_vaykay: Yep, they looked through their social media [01:12:23] SnabbKassa: @SnazzJaz4297 it's contempt of court [01:12:23] YumeNoZen: They have some input. [01:12:24] AmayaSchemata: yes [01:12:25] hopalongtommy: F1nn using the "frew up" defence [01:12:28] zero_polaris: yes 󠀀 [01:12:30] Metalmeatman420: It's illegal to put ice cream in your back pocket in America somewhere [01:12:30] mystchevious1: The judge just let 50% of the jury leave because they decided they couldn't do the job. [01:12:32] DarrigoTR: They can only veto a limited numbers [01:12:33] Anubis2k15: SSSsssplode SSSsssplode SSSsssplode SSSsssplode [01:12:33] ArminGux: lawyers can decide on some jurors [01:12:33] freshdelipickles: nice [01:12:33] Amoyamoyamoya: I was ejected from the last court I started screaming in [01:12:35] blueskydrinking: they have four objections each [01:12:36] bucket325: I tell the judge that I'm an instant guilty verdict and that I don't believe in his judicial system [01:12:42] AmayaSchemata: you each get a certain amount of jury strikes [01:12:43] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Each side gets a certain number of exclusions that they don't have to explain to the judge. [01:12:45] bunnybrawlerxo: Lol [01:12:45] kadestransstuff: First stream I've gotten to watch :) [01:12:46] butter_bb: Eat a couple of raw chicken breasts on purpose, you're good lol [01:12:47] zodiac06x: kinda, it’s a pros ex called void deir [01:12:48] elle_gato: just do a stinky fart [01:12:48] baslak01: 69 [01:12:48] ronin_5463: If theres any blood in it probably [01:12:49] ChasingSol: lol Jonas [01:12:50] the_fifth_bean: "Honor, I frew up" [01:12:52] johnkeiwo: @gunslingerdillon, aint reading all that, nobody is fighting, you're a child [01:12:54] SnazzJaz4297: @snabbkassa I meant outside of court but thanks for the info [01:12:55] SamTheSilversmith: depends on who you hit with the vomit [01:12:55] CyanoticJam: Fain tourets [01:12:57] legitimatelily: they get to say no but not pick specific people out of everyone [01:12:57] babyhuey23: You should wear suspenders. They're superior [01:12:58] PaperyMantis645: Now that he's a convicted felon he also cannot vote for himself in the general election [01:12:58] oliviazbored: they’d probs kick you out [01:12:58] Raddog315: 3...don't ask how I know that [01:12:59] mcmaster2000: So could Trump get out of this by just puking in the court room? [01:12:59] lukyhemee: RIP to all thos jurors who will be unalived under T-boy's regime [01:13:00] Shockwavemecha: jail [01:13:00] babyhuey23: much superior [01:13:03] ninjasquirtle6: How am i finding out news on twitch LUL [01:13:03] demonfemboy02: just start crying they'll vvask you to leave [01:13:04] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: But they can challenge an unlimited number of jurors if they can articulate a reason. [01:13:04] legitimatelily: causes new problems tho [01:13:04] chris_itsa: Or be a cop [01:13:06] MajesticFvckingEagle: If he forgoes the dress, do we still win? [01:13:06] illegal_black_man: nobody wants to fight the guy who gets naked [01:13:07] lamlott: I once served on a murder trial as an alternate, had to do the entire trial but could not decide on the case [01:13:11] YumeNoZen: Well, it'll change a situation. Not always improve it, but change it. [01:13:13] loograt: don't try it with security [01:13:18] HardyOrange: you're gonna fail step one by not wearing pants [01:13:19] elle_gato: respect if you can pull down the pants of the person farthest away from you [01:13:22] BallSize500: after the case, the lawyers have to kiss [01:13:24] ronin_5463: like that guy who tackled his judge that one time [01:13:25] BallSize500: it’s law [01:13:26] the_deezel: How many waistbands have you jumped at Finn? [01:13:26] thegrandmasmuggler: I’ve helped with jury selection before as a law clerk and the lawyers will actually get rid of smart jurors because they want to be able to influence them more [01:13:27] oliviazbored: don’t try that in America haha [01:13:30] zombiii: but thats because you got no license [01:13:32] Helen_Croft: so wear a skirt? [01:13:32] PynkFryck: Reach for the officers gun [01:13:33] handscombchris: not when there's kids, ppl get twitchy when you do that sort of thing! [01:13:34] MouseOfSilver: if I cough enough I can make myself puke any time I want tbh. so I can keep going as long as they want [01:13:36] pyrandname: his wiki page is already updated [01:13:41] eyeolair: Or never leave your house... thats another option hahaha [01:13:43] DevinWonka: Victory actualjakePARTY actualjakePARTY actualjakePARTY actualjakePARTY [01:13:43] Amoyamoyamoya: There was dude running around naked on a airplane in Australia last week. IF ITS BOEING I AINT GOING [01:13:44] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:13:45] lil_gherkin: Traffic stop speedrun [01:13:45] raeberry: my points FeelsBadMan [01:13:45] ronin_5463: *gets shot* [01:13:45] piras314: can't pants me if I'm wearing a skirt [01:13:46] OstentatiousMongoose: classic [01:13:47] AmayaSchemata: everyone has a gun here [01:13:49] themindscrambler: and we lost [01:13:51] acid2202: wiki on point [01:13:54] ninjasquirtle6: RIP my points [01:13:55] piras314: wiki warriers [01:13:56] nerina____: !uptime [01:13:56] Metalmeatman420: LUL [01:13:57] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 1h 14m 6s [01:13:59] AmayaSchemata: they were waiting on it [01:14:01] ArminGux: Wikipedia works quick [01:14:01] flosparrow: We trusted you F1nn [01:14:01] DevinWonka: The twos have it [01:14:02] Shockwavemecha: They be on that [01:14:02] richarduk81: Also don't throw across at cop cars [01:14:03] krovvy: kethHiss [01:14:04] thatslipperyblobfish: ggs our points [01:14:05] piras314: never underestimate the wiki warriors f1nn [01:14:06] nerina____: time has passed :) [01:14:08] MajesticFvckingEagle: GGs [01:14:09] flame_wave66: Hi fin [01:14:10] nerina____: we winnnnn [01:14:11] krovvy: KEKW [01:14:13] PockiSocks: Sentencing on 11 july as of 1 minute ago [01:14:15] ArminGux: kekekekekeke [01:14:16] oliviazbored: wiki editors rly be working overtime [01:14:16] kadestransstuff: The Americans will very much shoot you if you try that- [01:14:17] AshleyAmb3r: You cant break comic con its not a physical thing weirdChamp @F1NN5TER [01:14:20] notrlyjacob: lmaoo [01:14:21] slipknotphilcollins: my And 1 briefs make me feel claustrophobic [01:14:26] eyeolair: Holy moly canoly [01:14:27] Vanimal2118: He can tie it up in the courts for decades. [01:14:28] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: Donald Trump is honestly just a horrific human being. But he supports Autism Speaks, so this shouldn’t be a shock. [01:14:29] YumeNoZen: He got sharpies specifically for signing stuff. [01:14:31] zero_polaris: i love my favorite political streamer F1NN5TER. hasan who? [01:14:33] AmayaSchemata: in fl and dc those are federal felony charges [01:14:34] ArminGux: because the signature is with a sharipw [01:14:35] oculasorbus: Thats a signature? Looked like a line ona cardiac machine.... [01:14:37] elle_gato: "working" [01:14:39] ArminGux: sharpie [01:14:40] Sht1k: Trumps signature is an EKG of a heart attack [01:14:41] Nenkos: bro prints out a barcode for his signature 💀 [01:14:42] AmayaSchemata: btw anyone can have a wikipage [01:14:43] DevinWonka: "researched" [01:14:45] oliviazbored: and genius editors [01:14:47] ronin_5463: There is NO margin for error [01:14:48] Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, He should just have a rubber stamp [01:14:48] SnabbKassa: I've been editing it since 2005 [01:14:51] loograt: some ar aholes tho [01:14:52] krovvy: smoking on the trump pack rip bozo [01:14:54] omgluckyhere: wikipedia editors must be getting paid huge [01:14:55] AmayaSchemata: I am a wiki editor [01:14:57] neingeben: they had an editor in the jury probably [01:14:57] acid2202: Outfit? [01:14:58] King_reuben99: south african elections? [01:14:58] taylorthingx: wikipedia editors need to audition for the chase [01:14:58] piras314: @AmayaSchemata it has to be approved tho [01:15:00] PaperyMantis645: He's not allowed to vote in the election now [01:15:01] ArminGux: judeabi [01:15:03] King_reuben99: opps on jacob zuma [01:15:03] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: I just got here, what did i miss? 😅😅♥️ [01:15:03] Wardenboo: Wardenboo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months! Thanks to @Helen_Croft for my sub gift! [01:15:05] slipknotphilcollins: Don’t cry – Guns N’ Roses [01:15:06] BallSize500: Israel [01:15:07] demonfemboy02: piss in the court sink [01:15:09] kadestransstuff: O_O [01:15:09] AllowOunet: wtf [01:15:09] peepod11: You should cause player as a girl on twitch stream [01:15:10] onah_vaykay: Question: what color nail polish do you not like? [01:15:10] mechtel: What is your favorite flavor of candy any candy [01:15:10] ruparker: penises! theyre fun to talk about lol [01:15:11] Nenkos: they kill you [01:15:12] aKitchenKitty: @ashleyamb3r why was this how long the last person in line waited then *** [01:15:12] BlaireBearStare: What IF you just started crying? [01:15:12] gigasmaz: Hey F1nn can we talk about the Canadian housing market? [01:15:12] AmayaSchemata: trump already does that [01:15:13] doggcatt: mistrial [01:15:13] alexx_net: Did you talk about arm wrestling at Comic Con ? [01:15:14] Amoyamoyamoya: CryingF1nn? Ummm... [01:15:14] mcdogester: cum into court [01:15:14] piras314: KEKW [01:15:14] Wardenboo: its my 30 month sub :V [01:15:14] Dvoltik: what if someone shat in the corner of the court room? [01:15:15] richarduk81: Not anything hard so Finn's penis then [01:15:16] ronin_5463: Having a seizure probably would hold things up [01:15:16] taeyukki: guess they clean it lol [01:15:17] fisky41: we had that exact conversation about exams [01:15:17] SnabbKassa: call a proctologist? [01:15:17] oliviazbored: the court will make you do therapy if it’s too traumatizing [01:15:17] boom_and_alpha_yt: Jacob rees mog [01:15:18] sherlock_norris: What if you cum into court? [01:15:19] hopalongtommy: Trump tried that every day [01:15:19] viryl_lucas: Y tf f1mn [01:15:20] loograt: that's why Trump wore diapers [01:15:21] gruntbane: contempt of court [01:15:22] PynkFryck: You'd be a great meme [01:15:23] painfulpan: the billionaire who’s was executed [01:15:24] Pohpourri: They're contempt of court surely [01:15:28] debdrup: If you're in the US or UK, mention "jury nullification" and you'll get out of jury, because it's an incredibly controversial legal presedence. [01:15:29] Vanimal2118: So ur getting Tank? (Shitting) [01:15:31] AmayaSchemata: trump wears a adukt diaper [01:15:32] AllowOunet: edging in court [01:15:32] ArminGux: u go to jail “contempt of court” [01:15:33] lukyhemee: probably a good idea if you want them to think you're insane [01:15:38] SnazzJaz4297: Goon Court [01:15:38] ronin_5463: Just got wet pants now [01:15:42] taeyukki: it could be an accident [01:15:43] elle_gato: how would they know if you came?? [01:15:44] Lucridis: Only one way to find out [01:15:44] CaptRATZ: New kinks unlocked xD handsfree orgasms in court [01:15:44] maleniascarlett: what if your plug falls out [01:15:44] boom_and_alpha_yt: ooh single transferable vote [01:15:46] Shockwavemecha: come again [01:15:46] johnkeiwo: i'm back [01:15:46] omgluckyhere: u can as long as u dont get caught [01:15:47] legitimatelily: medical accident [01:15:48] 21CS: public indecency [01:15:48] kadestransstuff: What if the judge was like really sexy and it wasn't your fault [01:15:48] the_living_noob_: f1nnAshbonk f1nnAshbonk f1nnAshbonk f1nnAshbonk f1nnAshbonk [01:15:49] demonfemboy02: perma mew so they cant get your answer [01:15:49] slipknotphilcollins: jizz in my pants- lonely Island let’s go! [01:15:50] boopy6: womp womp [01:15:50] BallSize500: if ? [01:15:51] AmayaSchemata: they would remove you and make you go somewhere else [01:15:52] Helen_Croft: f1nnHeart @Wardenboo [01:15:52] PockiSocks: He's getting sentenced on july 11 [01:15:53] rev_yellow: its always illegal to perform sex acts in public [01:15:53] zayne_pot: What happenes when you hit the hidrate button [01:15:56] coolgooseboi: Can i not Jelq in court? [01:15:56] andimax11: What if you don't touch at all and it just happens? [01:15:56] ace0887: I will test this for us F1nn [01:15:57] blueskydrinking: There was a judge about 20 years ago who got convicted for jerking it in court [01:15:57] arinotsry: ong [01:15:57] debdrup: Rubber plug. [01:15:58] pianoismyforte_: Silicon one is ok [01:15:58] beam_oh_four: I wouldn't hold back on farting in court, better out than in your honour [01:15:59] MaMoon57: 3d printed [01:16:00] lukyhemee: plastic plugs exist [01:16:00] taylorthingx: silicone plug [01:16:00] gruntbane: glass plug [01:16:01] Pohpourri: "Your honour, *cums*" [01:16:01] k1ngracer07: silicone [01:16:02] viryl_lucas: then a silicone plug [01:16:02] omgluckyhere: yeah silicone [01:16:02] Shockwavemecha: plastic [01:16:02] loograt: ceramic plug [01:16:03] 3PY0N: glass [01:16:03] ArminGux: wait u can jerk off in British court? [01:16:04] OmsX8O: Glass [01:16:06] zaria32vath: glass [01:16:06] BallSize500: gooners are the most oppressed group [01:16:07] hyenaWWW: sorry your honor but the prosecution was degrading me publicly [01:16:08] W1NK5Y: sorry judge , the fabric rubbed me [01:16:09] cheff_cook: lawyers dont go through metal detecor though [01:16:10] bucksben: Just pop out the Monster can and watch their faces!! [01:16:10] AmayaSchemata: no he didnt [01:16:11] Nenkos: the US justice system is goon-phobic 😔 [01:16:11] boom_and_alpha_yt: but this is England we use first past the post [01:16:11] Vanimal2118: LOL [01:16:13] RuthlessWelshy: oh god no [01:16:13] ronin_5463: who had to cavity search trump [01:16:14] oliviazbored: def blacklisted from us visa [01:16:14] Expired_Icecube: your honor, if my client were a liar, why aren’t his pants on fire [01:16:15] blueskydrinking: why would you say that? [01:16:15] TazSenpai: AYO [01:16:16] HocksEvan: probably xray machines too [01:16:16] viryl_lucas: I'm gonna nut if they do that [01:16:17] alexx_net: Glass plugs exist [01:16:17] legitimatelily: chess cheating plug in court [01:16:17] ChasingSol: not a mental image I wanted today [01:16:18] rev_yellow: no [01:16:19] billyyyn: google trump ruling 34 for more information [01:16:24] debdrup: Fun fact: Supposedly Trump farted a lot in court. [01:16:25] taylorthingx: squat and cough donald [01:16:25] general_of_cm: someone had to pat down his diper than [01:16:25] its_tisfope: Then u hear the plop [01:16:26] rev_yellow: cos he has secret serivce [01:16:28] SamTheSilversmith: surely they wouldnt feel up his butt enough to detect a plug [01:16:28] viryl_lucas: don't let them pat me down [01:16:28] Sht1k: Apparently he sleep-farted through the trial [01:16:29] YumeNoZen: Well, make sure there's no metal, someone found that out the hard way in a MRI. [01:16:31] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:16:33] legitimatelily: @billyyyn noooo [01:16:33] johnkeiwo: Goonmaxxing [01:16:34] viryl_lucas: GOONERR [01:16:35] piras314: @billyyyn this sounds like a very bad idea [01:16:37] andimax11: I learned the word "goon" from his stream lol [01:16:38] acid2202: trump rule 34 oh no [01:16:39] johnkeiwo: gooners in !! [01:16:40] policepigeon01: but even the silicone ones there was a guy who got it launched through his insides because it turned out to have a metal core and wore it to an MRI [01:16:40] AmayaSchemata: I get them daily [01:16:42] demonfemboy02: incoming goon ban in the uk [01:16:42] lualaby: @billyyyn omg no [01:16:43] LiteGem: Btw we won the prediction =) [01:16:44] Amoyamoyamoya: I go through security check-points regulary to avoid being touch starved [01:16:45] DarrigoTR: Beware the silicone plug, someone took one to an MRI and got a metal surprise [01:16:47] viryl_lucas: now sissygooners [01:16:48] TheLofiGamer: what is gooner [01:16:48] emmerthevillain: emmerthevillain subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! [01:16:49] f3mmbot: emmerthevillain subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [01:16:50] omgluckyhere: HUH [01:16:50] elle_gato: woah thats me [01:16:50] general_of_cm: lol [01:16:50] slipknotphilcollins: ayoo [01:16:51] RuthlessWelshy: you mean its not an Arsenal fan? [01:16:53] oliviazbored: your vocabulary over the past like3 years has expanded in all the worst ways [01:16:53] ArminGux: yeah soda is ….. muted [01:16:55] general_of_cm: based [01:16:56] richarduk81: Gooners arsenal FC fans [01:16:57] Vanimal2118: Gooners? [01:17:00] rain_storm69420: based [01:17:00] ronin_5463: Wholesome lol [01:17:00] OmsX8O: LUL [01:17:02] coolgooseboi: Actually based [01:17:04] kadestransstuff: I watched a Tommyinnit video and was traumatized by Slimecicle's dramatic reading of the word 'Goon' [01:17:04] Pohpourri: I'll be here does [01:17:05] lukyhemee: I still don't and I'm happy [01:17:07] freshdelipickles: NOOOO [01:17:09] Mr_Turtlinator: D: [01:17:09] ChasingSol: uh... fuck that [01:17:10] ronin_5463: EEEWWWWWW [01:17:11] cuddlebear187: GET DRESSED PRINCESS [01:17:11] HocksEvan: ew [01:17:11] andimax11: Yikers [01:17:11] Metalmeatman420: Ewwwwwwwww [01:17:11] Stovamor: Did you hear about the guy who sued a buttplug manufacturer? @F1NN5TER They claimed that it was 100% silicone, but it had a metal core. The guy got seriously injured in an MRI [01:17:11] RuthlessWelshy: yikes [01:17:11] SamTheSilversmith: yikes [01:17:11] braddle172: wtf [01:17:11] johnkeiwo: ohhhhh nooo nononono [01:17:12] general_of_cm: yikes [01:17:14] LiteGem: EWWW [01:17:14] lualaby: oh hell no [01:17:14] nakatascatnap: Ew. [01:17:15] littileimp: finn do you like Ranch? [01:17:16] coolgooseboi: HUH [01:17:16] AllenTheEpi: Oh no.... [01:17:16] TazSenpai: yikes [01:17:17] ReiniYamato: Eewww [01:17:17] ZoeDoesMusic: EWW [01:17:17] YumeNoZen: .... Goddamn. [01:17:17] Techy_Sketchy: SabaPing [01:17:18] ArminGux: ewwwww [01:17:18] TheAMP1007: yokes [01:17:18] flosparrow: eww [01:17:18] rain_storm69420: OOOOOOOOOOOH [01:17:19] princess_mia03: oh [01:17:19] oliviazbored: ick [01:17:19] MajesticFvckingEagle: Chat, if you don't know, don't look it up, stay pure LUL [01:17:20] soggyvector: yucky [01:17:20] princess_mia03: um [01:17:21] its_tisfope: Gonna take a hit every time they say gooner [01:17:21] arinotsry: tfff [01:17:22] pin_baller: ahem no [01:17:22] AmayaSchemata: gooners [01:17:23] 3PY0N: ewww send him to jail with Trump [01:17:23] slipknotphilcollins: gross bro [01:17:23] zaria32vath: report too??? [01:17:24] RonnieSxl: hell nah [01:17:25] demonfemboy02: wildly problematic [01:17:25] beam_oh_four: f1n right now projecting on a gooner, as if he isn't one [01:17:25] alikarin: yuck [01:17:26] olsonexi: yikes [01:17:26] HardyOrange: gooners need to be opressed more so that my high school students stop talking about jelking in class [01:17:27] Metalmeatman420: Glad he's on their side [01:17:29] TheAMP1007: people were a mistake [01:17:29] princess_mia03: ew [01:17:29] Expired_Icecube: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [01:17:30] A_Fforrest: report [01:17:30] Session1O52: BibleThump [01:17:30] Stovamor: Did you hear about the guy who sued a buttplug manufacturer? @F1NN5TER They claimed that it was 100% silicone, but it had a metal core. The guy got seriously injured in an MRI [01:17:31] boom_and_alpha_yt: excuse me [01:17:31] vatri_x: uhhhh [01:17:31] onah_vaykay: Humanity is down down fast [01:17:32] rev_yellow: I'm on the internet and I'm lovely [01:17:33] namastejeff: namastejeff subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! [01:17:34] f3mmbot: namastejeff subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [01:17:34] debdrup: The issue with the internet is the people on it. [01:17:36] TwinbeeMk2: All I knew the word "goon" for was like a henchperson, like the kinds of people you beat up in a video game [01:17:36] AmayaSchemata: ranch with bbq wings [01:17:37] mystchevious1: You had ranch in the PO box from peach [01:17:37] Expired_Icecube: f1nnGross f1nnGross f1nnGross [01:17:38] maleniascarlett: ranch sauce is sooooo good [01:17:41] coldPhax: ram ranch?? naked cowboys?? [01:17:42] Amoyamoyamoya: YOU CAN BLAME A BRIT FOR THE World Wide Web...just sayin' [01:17:42] AmayaSchemata: no [01:17:42] the_living_noob_: f1nnBonk [01:17:42] Eadthryth: Ram Ranch? [01:17:42] andimax11: "The Younger the Better" -UK Government [01:17:42] MaMoon57: Cum in a nutshell [01:17:42] lualaby: @AmayaSchemata HEAVEN. [01:17:44] balsabasher: everything is wrong with the internet [01:17:44] viryl_lucas: no [01:17:45] 3PY0N: Finn looks like the type of person to enjoy ranch with everything [01:17:46] Shockwavemecha: "normal" [01:17:46] littileimp: @AmayaSchemata no. you have sinned [01:17:48] baslak01: Yes [01:17:49] kadestransstuff: Thought you were about to say it tasted like autism [01:17:49] viryl_lucas: literally not normal [01:17:50] AmayaSchemata: different [01:17:52] bfredl: some, I assume, are good people [01:17:52] oliviazbored: there’s no way to describe ranch to someone who’s not had it [01:17:52] ronin_5463: As normal as addicts can be [01:17:53] ArminGux: the internet is everyone’s opinion and most people’s opinions shouldn’t be heard [01:17:54] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: What about The Goonies? ♥️😂😂😂 [01:17:56] Expired_Icecube: what about wendigoon [01:17:58] packagum: near to none accountability is wrong with the internet [01:17:58] pobles_xdd: @Stovamor who wears that during an MRI tho [01:18:00] YumeNoZen: There are days when I want to drink because of the internet... [01:18:01] Amoyamoyamoya: Normal for specific quantities of "normal" [01:18:01] SpaceCadetL0u: f1nn what football club do you support [01:18:02] MsJeanJacket: No, but they deserve the love they can't seem to truly find. May they get help <3 [01:18:02] SnabbKassa: it's a skill to aspire to, not just a lifestyle [01:18:06] mechtel: I have a co-worker who's so obsessed with ranch that she debated getting one of those diamonds made out of carbonized ranch but decided that 15K was a little excessive for an obsession. She does have a 6 ft tall inflatable ranch bottle for her yard as decor [01:18:06] Raddog315: my twitch tab crashed as soon as the buttplug was mentioned lol [01:18:08] Muffin01: xD [01:18:14] Quackathulhu: ram ranch [01:18:14] BallSize500: the war between edgers and gooners is as old as time [01:18:14] SamTheSilversmith: @Stovamor I think I heard about that, philip defranco, years ago maybe? [01:18:16] SuchKittyMuchMeow: zizSHAKE [01:18:17] ronin_5463: "I just wanna talk to him..." [01:18:18] coltofpip: boooo [01:18:19] johnkeiwo: HERE ARE YOUR POINTS f1nnGremlin ! Thanks for playing [01:18:24] spookynemi: Bye, F1nn gotta deal with this fake info my friend sent to everyone in my school [01:18:26] LiteGem: yipee [01:18:26] ArminGux: yeah I saw some sis edits and it wasn’t nice [01:18:28] alexx_net: F1nn doesn't follow any football team @SpaceCadetL0u [01:18:32] LittleChaSiu: https://twitter.com/IGN/status/1796288075859157230 [01:18:34] rainfallwall: Just watched the news here in America and I am laughing and cheering [01:18:35] 200c0: w 105% profit [01:18:36] flame_wave66: Bruh the Internet is fucked up tho and so is YouTube half the time [01:18:39] AmayaSchemata: yes [01:18:39] Stovamor: Did you hear about the guy who sued a buttplug manufacturer? @F1NN5TER They claimed that it was 100% silicone, but it had a metal core. The guy got seriously injured in an MRI [01:18:41] viryl_lucas: oof [01:18:42] johnkeiwo: oof [01:18:42] slipknotphilcollins: ayooo wtf [01:18:44] ChasingSol: oh no [01:18:44] Raddog315: oof [01:18:44] viryl_lucas: MRI [01:18:46] freshdelipickles: oh no [01:18:47] braddle172: oof [01:18:48] andimax11: Oh noooo [01:18:48] viryl_lucas: yeah [01:18:48] Metalmeatman420: Ouchies [01:18:48] ronin_5463: I HEARD ABT THAT [01:18:49] DUCCCCCKKKKKKKK: Bruh [01:18:49] legitimatelily: VERY seriously injured [01:18:49] zaria32vath: why [01:18:50] Mrdeadfishrock: nice [01:18:50] blatant_fabrication: jfc [01:18:51] esquilinus: un*ted k*ngdom [01:18:51] YumeNoZen: I saw the xray after that. [01:18:51] blueskydrinking: you didn't hear about the buttplug railgun????? [01:18:52] OmsX8O: oof [01:18:53] ChasingSol: OW [01:18:53] coltofpip: for a win [01:18:53] zaria32vath: why an mri [01:18:53] perfersserderg: LUL [01:18:53] rain_storm69420: I heard about that [01:18:53] ZoeDoesMusic: Yeah [01:18:53] PynkFryck: I saw that [01:18:53] coolgooseboi: NAH LMAO [01:18:53] rev_yellow: TMI [01:18:54] Y0rk5h1r3: The bussy rail gun [01:18:54] CapsulatePluto: BUT PLUG IN THE MRI??? [01:18:54] RuthlessWelshy: magneto [01:18:55] elhera: Yeouch [01:18:56] ArminGux: mri got him fucked up [01:18:56] doggcatt: why would you even [01:18:56] ruparker: ...ow [01:18:57] viryl_lucas: out the stomach [01:18:57] arinotsry: EL O EL [01:18:57] MAELSTRONOMER: why are you doomscrolling ahhh [01:18:58] onah_vaykay: Nooooooooooooo [01:18:58] BlightningBrightling: ohhhh no [01:18:59] aKitchenKitty: I'd try that empiDespair [01:18:59] legitimatelily: it basically turned into a bullet [01:19:00] kadestransstuff: SCUSE ME? [01:19:00] Jayden_Reiko: Why the hell would you wear a butt plug to an MRI test in the first place.. [01:19:00] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:19:00] AmayaSchemata: they tell you to remove everything [01:19:00] andimax11: Same dude [01:19:02] pyrandname: the butt plug railgun [01:19:03] 3PY0N: why would you wear one to a doc's appt anyway [01:19:04] kizza_05: ouch [01:19:04] policepigeon01: bussy blaster 9000 [01:19:05] zayne_pot: Hi finn are you wearing a skirt rn [01:19:05] TwinbeeMk2: poor bastard [01:19:05] johnkeiwo: For those unaware, an MRI PULLS THE METAL ! [01:19:05] johnkeiwo: For those unaware, an MRI PULLS THE METAL ! [01:19:06] Sht1k: That's a rough way to go lmao [01:19:06] johnkeiwo: For those unaware, an MRI PULLS THE METAL ! [01:19:06] HardyOrange: I'm SURE the core metal was disclosed in the packaging [01:19:07] soggyvector: yeah the anal railgun [01:19:07] doggcatt: railgun is crazy [01:19:07] DUCCCCCKKKKKKKK: Weird kink but okay [01:19:08] Amoyamoyamoya: There was another person who went in armed. The weapon fired which killed him [01:19:08] demonfemboy02: ratioed by the butt plug [01:19:08] SamTheSilversmith: just to clarify, heard about ON philip defranco show, not that it happened TO philip de franco LUL [01:19:09] piras314: who brings a butt plug into an MRI [01:19:12] OstentatiousMongoose: isn't there a metal detector thingie for MRIs? [01:19:12] mootie1: MRI magnets are no joke [01:19:14] extremeph: f in the chat for that poor man’s butthole [01:19:14] SamTheSilversmith: Oh my god [01:19:15] elle_gato: LUL [01:19:15] ArminGux: yeah 3 inch bullet [01:19:15] Metalmeatman420: LUL [01:19:16] Mrdeadfishrock: he would [01:19:18] viryl_lucas: LMAO [01:19:20] chrischey: darwin award [01:19:22] Expired_Icecube: f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnEmbarrassed [01:19:24] arinotsry: YUP [01:19:25] MaMoon57: The MRI embarrassing stories should be sleeping not having a plug go through your body out of skill issue [01:19:26] RuthlessWelshy: they Magneto his insides? [01:19:27] mootie1: KEKW [01:19:27] Cpu101: imagine going to a medical procedure with a buttplug in [01:19:29] demonfemboy02: I feel its kind of on him [01:19:29] SnabbKassa: we've seen House MD [01:19:29] andimax11: "MAGNETIC Resonant Imaging" [01:19:30] viryl_lucas: noice [01:19:30] freshdelipickles: MRI magnets produces a GIANT magnetic field [01:19:30] emmerthevillain: Made a railgun out of that human rectum [01:19:32] Raddog315: he was really Philled in [01:19:33] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:19:33] Helen_Croft: MRI = Magnetic resonant imaging [01:19:35] SirJoealot: uwu [01:19:41] autosoft6483: it a big magnet [01:19:44] slipknotphilcollins: 🤷‍♂️ [01:19:44] viryl_lucas: RIP [01:19:44] general_of_cm: femboy physisks budget edition [01:19:44] asbestosss: no spin [01:19:44] taylorthingx: mri videos are cool to watch [01:19:45] mystchevious1: Yes [01:19:45] leslie773: i love magnets [01:19:46] DUCCCCCKKKKKKKK: What would that even do [01:19:46] omgluckyhere: sounds even more fun [01:19:46] ChasingSol: OMG [01:19:46] elle_gato: ??? [01:19:47] tau_1s: is the "toy" in mri story ? [01:19:47] AmayaSchemata: id rather not imagine that [01:19:47] littileimp: bro imagine going in with peircings [01:19:48] BallSize500: oopsie :3 [01:19:48] teatedostritch3: "You spin me right round baby right round" [01:19:48] mystchevious1: He did not cum [01:19:48] Lucridis: Can't sure them dead [01:19:48] viryl_lucas: yes [01:19:49] Amoyamoyamoya: HOW DO MAGNETS EVEN WORK?!?!?! [01:19:49] johnkeiwo: FINN !! [01:19:49] slipknotphilcollins: ayooo [01:19:50] blueskydrinking: he did live, surprisingly [01:19:50] boringdepressedintrovert: pls do not get inside a giant magnet with a metal arse plug in [01:19:50] Raddog315: both [01:19:50] Mrdeadfishrock: human blender [01:19:50] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:19:52] asbestosss: it no spin [01:19:52] SirJoealot: both [01:19:52] legitimatelily: pfft [01:19:52] blueish4: i think the xray of the injury showed the plug up by his lungs [01:19:52] mootie1: o7 [01:19:52] Vanimal2118: Cooled spinning super magnet! [01:19:53] blueskydrinking: KEKW [01:19:53] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: HE CAME [01:19:54] OstentatiousMongoose: actual superconducting magnet [01:19:54] Shockwavemecha: Come now [01:19:54] viryl_lucas: WTF F1NN [01:19:55] elle_gato: Simultaneous [01:19:55] onah_vaykay: Cum to death??? [01:19:55] ChasingSol: you degen [01:19:55] BallSize500: go on [01:19:56] AmayaSchemata: no [01:19:56] emmerthevillain: No, I'm pretty sure they died [01:19:56] tau_1s: yes [01:19:56] blueskydrinking: TRUST YOU [01:19:57] just_elliot_: just joined what! [01:19:57] braddle172: That's a bad time [01:19:57] TwinbeeMk2: thank goodness but still...poor guy [01:19:57] ChasingSol: hahaha [01:19:58] loograt: got adamantium wolverined [01:19:58] itsJustNem: that man was shot through the arse with a buttplug [01:19:58] omgluckyhere: bro [01:19:58] andimax11: A, a classic chicken and egg scenario [01:19:59] demonfemboy02: turned vibrating [01:19:59] W1NK5Y: hahahahaahahhaa [01:20:00] PynkFryck: It was a vibrating plug which he didn't know had metal in it even though it was on the packaging @F1NN5TER [01:20:00] ZoeDoesMusic: KEKW [01:20:00] creationsbgayming: Diddy live?🤑 [01:20:01] Jayden_Reiko: Oh no it tore thru him [01:20:01] Mrdeadfishrock: nice [01:20:01] arinotsry: nah something fucked must have happened [01:20:01] tau_1s: he is suing them [01:20:02] ProfaneCreation: And HEAT UP [01:20:02] mystchevious1: It did not stay in the same place. [01:20:03] PockiSocks: He came to the mri then he came before he left [01:20:03] acid2202: would it not also get hot [01:20:03] pickelchip: ass rail gun [01:20:03] johnkeiwo: FeelsBadMan My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan [01:20:04] Helen_Croft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLajmU4TQuI @F1NN5TER [01:20:04] BlaireBearStare: it’d heat up of god [01:20:04] legitimatelily: it def did not stay still [01:20:04] bensrob: KEKW [01:20:04] viryl_lucas: CUM IN DISGUISE [01:20:04] elle_gato: the mri scan aint free lil bro [01:20:05] ronin_5463: New perpetual motion machine [01:20:06] BlightningBrightling: I guess just depends on which direction it went once the machine turned on [01:20:07] Helen_Croft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLajmU4TQuI @F1NN5TER [01:20:07] mythical_uwu: IT DOESNT SPIN THAT FAST [01:20:08] ChasingSol: !john [01:20:08] f3mmbot: Their streamer is a whore... [01:20:09] YumeNoZen: Does it count as finishing if the fluids are made to leak internally? [01:20:09] mootie1: OMEGALUL [01:20:11] ArminGux: he lived but he isn’t the same [01:20:11] bluedle: WHICH WAY DOES IT GO THOUGH, COULD IT GO FURTHER IN :( [01:20:11] viryl_lucas: YOUR CUM WON'T LAST [01:20:12] THE_kiki55: Definitely got stretched out [01:20:12] mystchevious1: He lived but he was seriously inured. [01:20:13] Dvoltik: but its a big magnetic field and his ass wasnt the part in the MRI [01:20:13] de_geweldige: friction burn [01:20:13] Eadthryth: Sounds like it would make the metal thing vibrate and gyrate in a pleasing way. [01:20:13] oliviazbored: mris are rly nifty but I dunno how you’d manage with any amount of metal on you [01:20:14] alexx_net: Nope it would tear it out [01:20:15] martian64: it superheats metal [01:20:15] quinntayo: I think it also heats up the metal… [01:20:15] Raddog315: lol [01:20:15] NichtzNeues: There is an x-ray online about this [01:20:17] tau_1s: the doctors called it an a*nl railgun [01:20:18] Metalmeatman420: Lube would help [01:20:19] 3lrd: most MRI machines have a 2 metric ton magnet in them (4400 lbs) [01:20:20] cuddlebear187: No it would stick to the wall of the mri [01:20:22] AmayaSchemata: thats not how elctro magnetic fields are [01:20:24] legitimatelily: It was a VERY serious injury [01:20:24] ppengu1nzz: ppengu1nzz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! One year and going strong [01:20:24] f3mmbot: ppengu1nzz subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:20:24] OstentatiousMongoose: no [01:20:24] balsabasher: he lived, it almost reached his liver [01:20:25] Origamini30: The Magnet is not actually spinning, in older machines, the Sensor array was spinning, bur newer machines don't have moving parts. [01:20:26] W1NK5Y: metal super heats under magnets [01:20:26] makromaniac: it tore through him [01:20:27] asbestosss: it literally says ct [01:20:27] Dvoltik: arent they often used to scan the brain [01:20:28] OstentatiousMongoose: CT scanner [01:20:28] guitarbebop: he came and went at the same time [01:20:28] arinotsry: damn [01:20:29] ClaireDeLoooon: Metal heats up in MRIs [01:20:30] esquilinus: i woulda lived [01:20:30] maleniascarlett: spinning that fast it would heat up the metal in it [01:20:30] blueskydrinking: that's not an MRI [01:20:32] Xirenec_: That's not a MRI, it's a CT [01:20:33] ronin_5463: Tech gore [01:20:33] SnabbKassa: large collider [01:20:34] Ninlilizi: That's a CT, not an MRI [01:20:35] AmayaSchemata: wh do they have to be so fing loud [01:20:35] Romcomm_: WAIT WERE YOU AT MCM?????????? [01:20:39] andimax11: Oh jesus, I didn't realize the whole thing spun [01:20:40] richarduk81: The metal polo [01:20:40] hopalongtommy: My guess is cross the Lawnmower move with the Xmen Kevin bacon coin scene 💀 [01:20:42] ArminGux: 5090 crammed in there [01:20:42] clockingout: The magnets are so strong that you feel them [01:20:43] asbestosss: MRI doesnt spin [01:20:46] mechtel: There appears to be some metal tools on the table [01:20:48] family_toy: SOOO COOOL! [01:20:48] Origamini30: The Video actually is a CT and not an MRI, that one works with X-rays [01:20:49] HardyOrange: F1nn5ter is my favorite medical science streamer [01:20:49] legitimatelily: iron man chest be like [01:20:50] ChasingSol: that's a CT scanner, but point applies [01:20:50] 420kekscope: not an mri [01:20:50] AmayaSchemata: thats a hard drive [01:20:51] omgluckyhere: i looked it up wtff [01:20:54] packagum: thats a ct [01:20:54] 420kekscope: this is a ct [01:20:55] outdoorbeenexus: sorry as someone who just joined what the fuck are we talking about [01:20:56] BlightningBrightling: stahhhhhp [01:20:57] freshdelipickles: that's a CT scanner [01:20:57] taylorthingx: thats a ct scanner [01:20:58] paech1z: dude it's about time you aint streamed forever [01:20:59] mcg9696: you have never seen " diamonds are forever" with pierce brosnan [01:20:59] scarlettyg: AAAAAAAAAAA [01:21:00] commanderredpanda: For the first time in months I'm here, live. And the first line I hear??? Free vibrator. [01:21:00] viryl_lucas: ct [01:21:01] Amoyamoyamoya: I wonder how many tire weights they have to attach to balance that sucker... [01:21:02] Valentaiyo: oh dear [01:21:03] viryl_lucas: scan [01:21:05] SirJoealot: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! [01:21:05] Raddog315: the forbidden fvckmachine [01:21:05] oliviazbored: good thing they put a cover on that cuz there’s no chance anyone would chose to do that [01:21:05] mootie1: empiSpin [01:21:05] Ephemeral_001: magnetos bussy [01:21:06] scarlettyg: It hurts to even look at [01:21:07] tau_1s: I think mri [01:21:07] onah_vaykay: You spin me right round baby right round [01:21:08] Mrdeadfishrock: that seems fun [01:21:09] slipknotphilcollins: butt plug no spark plug [01:21:09] coldPhax: help stepbro, i'm stuck in the CT scanner machine [01:21:12] MajesticFvckingEagle: oh no [01:21:13] Pohpourri: I should call her [01:21:14] Taranis_EXE: sinder6PyroSpin fillySpin [01:21:16] ArminGux: mri go spinny [01:21:16] Amoyamoyamoya: STICK YOU D*CK IN IT [01:21:17] jangmi05: it’s insanely loud too [01:21:18] zero_polaris: monkaW [01:21:20] elle_gato: ive done tons of those [01:21:20] johnkeiwo: I don't like being in one of those [01:21:21] legitimatelily: TwitchConHYPE [01:21:21] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: @outdoorbeenexus we’re talking about MRIs causing buttplugs to turn into guns [01:21:22] AlmondVF: someone send him a video of people throwing a chair into an mri [01:21:23] ChasingSol: omg [01:21:25] Romcomm_: WERE YOU AT MCM?????? [01:21:25] demonfemboy02: they are loud in there [01:21:25] Bulletmarshin: magine if you had something metal on you [01:21:26] Vanimal2118: The magnetic fields extend ~10 feet outside the room. [01:21:26] AmayaSchemata: yes you can be given sedation [01:21:28] family_toy: They have open MRI machines [01:21:29] xtra_tori: Is that where they scan the cats? [01:21:31] esquilinus: coolest fuken thing ever i stg [01:21:31] HammerOfVenus: They have headphones now. [01:21:32] mystchevious1: Yeah They have tried to get me to take one but I can't lay on my back. [01:21:32] dashunde: dont want to get caught in that [01:21:33] tau_1s: and the noise [01:21:33] organic_rust: I replaced a wifi bridge in one of these once, it was used to communitcate witth he spinning part [01:21:34] Tom__B: HypeLUL [01:21:37] YumeNoZen: I don't know what to get you to sign. [01:21:38] taylorthingx: I had an mri on my head and they had to put it in a cage for the scan [01:21:39] ArminGux: yeah the radiologist are trained to handle panic attacks [01:21:40] skylee1976: I have issues with MRI's [01:21:40] Y0rk5h1r3: They should just take the guard off, there'd be more space then [01:21:41] johnkeiwo: oki ! [01:21:42] acid2202: Thanks for showing that i need to get into an MRT on monday :( [01:21:43] FayeEveRose: transfems when they first wear a skirt [01:21:44] rev_yellow: There was a bloke who died when he was depressurizing after a dive and he was on the toilet when the the pressure opened in the chamber he was in and he left rectum first [01:21:45] Amoyamoyamoya: I felt claustrophobic in the last CT machine I was in. [01:21:49] slipknotphilcollins: 🌡️ [01:21:50] SeriousMental: so the bets are off? [01:21:50] cheggthemegg: They're LOUD as hell too. I was in a clinical trial and had 5-6 mris and it is deafening [01:21:50] neingeben: lipstick [01:21:50] Helen_Croft: pink [01:21:51] littileimp: they look the same [01:21:51] Jayden_Reiko: redish pink [01:21:51] johnkeiwo: redish ! [01:21:52] CapsulatePluto: 1 [01:21:52] AmayaSchemata: lip gloss [01:21:52] hopalongtommy: I saw a pic of and MRI machine with a hospital bed sucked into it [01:21:52] mcg9696: are u wearing a bra or booba be boobing?????? [01:21:53] ronin_5463: RED [01:21:53] ChasingSol: lipstick [01:21:53] Atrice: 2 [01:21:54] lamlott: Look into PET scans, you have to drink a barryum drink and get injected with radioactive glucose. [01:21:54] DUCCCCCKKKKKKKK: Red [01:21:54] Valentaiyo: RED [01:21:54] HardyOrange: redish lip [01:21:55] legitimatelily: Very pink [01:21:55] dafdeddog: whats an IBS card? [01:21:55] MajesticFvckingEagle: redish [01:21:55] HammerOfVenus: Lipstick [01:21:55] tomandil789: red [01:21:55] europa_a_lua: Reddish [01:21:55] pianoismyforte_: Which one lasts longer? [01:21:55] Metalmeatman420: Pink [01:21:56] piras314: lipgloss [01:21:56] arinotsry: redish [01:21:57] BlaireBearStare: pink [01:21:57] Violetkitty09: 1 [01:21:57] lenrik1589: redish [01:21:57] k1ngracer07: pink [01:21:57] claysparrow: gloss [01:21:58] udjade: lipgloss [01:21:58] lualaby: pink [01:21:58] ArminGux: gloss [01:21:58] nakatascatnap: Lipstick [01:21:58] onah_vaykay: GLOSSSSDdsssss [01:21:58] BensEZGamin: pink [01:21:58] Helen_Croft: poll [01:21:58] hyenaWWW: redish [01:21:58] RDM_NSA: red [01:21:59] Session1O52: gloss [01:21:59] folo29: redish [01:22:00] Hundelsa: gloss [01:22:00] W1NK5Y: pink [01:22:00] aimeeasdf: red [01:22:00] SHiRKiT: lipstick [01:22:00] hillsidewestern12: Gloss [01:22:00] 7gh7st7: 2 [01:22:00] Ms_Moirai: RED lip stick [01:22:00] bensrob: gloss [01:22:01] ZoeDoesMusic: Lipstick [01:22:01] Expired_Icecube: gooss [01:22:01] princess_mia03: gloss [01:22:02] letume: stic [01:22:02] DUCCCCCKKKKKKKK: Redgloss [01:22:02] littileimp: bith [01:22:02] dysfunctionaldomo: Reddish [01:22:02] oliviazbored: lip gloss [01:22:03] ninjapenguin161: I’m a gloss fan [01:22:03] piras314: gloss [01:22:03] viryl_lucas: Big [01:22:03] strwbrrybtchh: Gloss [01:22:03] lexibear_18: Gloss [01:22:03] Ex0dia5: poll [01:22:03] paul360hd: lip gloss [01:22:04] xtra_tori: show sample of each [01:22:04] lenrik1589: poll! [01:22:04] LaMale411: red [01:22:04] AmayaSchemata: gloss [01:22:04] MajesticFvckingEagle: redish 󠀀 [01:22:05] neingeben: 1 [01:22:05] PynkFryck: poll [01:22:05] imPerennial: gloss [01:22:05] Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, I HAVE SUGGESTIONS [01:22:05] blueskydrinking: I've been scared of MRIs since that episode of Hannibal where his doctor got eaten while he was having the scan [01:22:05] legitimatelily: poll? [01:22:06] klimmers_8: 1 [01:22:06] rainfallwall: pink [01:22:06] elle_gato: geen [01:22:06] littileimp: both [01:22:06] the_bogganator1: Gloss [01:22:06] Jens_LN: BLUE !! [01:22:06] BlaireBearStare: poll? [01:22:06] ReiniYamato: Green [01:22:07] hyenaWWW: red [01:22:07] Hawke9491: Red [01:22:07] alexh1441: lip stick [01:22:08] claysparrow: gloss2 [01:22:08] arinotsry: red [01:22:08] ArminGux: glosss [01:22:08] SillyMaddie: red [01:22:08] piras314: poll [01:22:08] dashunde: flashback from lathe accident [01:22:09] areshydra8: green [01:22:10] paul360hd: gloss [01:22:11] babyhuey23: Foundation lipstick [01:22:11] AntonyJC1: lipstick for a change [01:22:11] Quackathulhu: gloss [01:22:11] balsabasher: lip gloss [01:22:11] TwilightCloak: pink [01:22:12] zayne_pot: I would die just going soldier mode in that spinning death ray [01:22:12] 14k_trinn: rED [01:22:12] johnkeiwo: DONE [01:22:12] AmayaSchemata: pet scans are better [01:22:13] itsJustNem: raddish [01:22:13] alexh1441: lip stickred [01:22:13] tilt_central: no lip products ? [01:22:13] Session1O52: POLL [01:22:14] beam_oh_four: didn't hear the question, blue [01:22:14] BlaireBearStare: gloss [01:22:16] alexh1441: red [01:22:16] johnkeiwo: Way ahead of u [01:22:17] 14k_trinn: RED [01:22:17] Valentaiyo: RED IS BASED [01:22:19] alexx_net: Pick the colour that goes with a big L in arm wrestling [01:22:20] barrenchatt: I had a nasal CT scan and they did my tiddies at the end 😋 [01:22:20] davidiusfarrenius: Hello Finn I am glad you’re feeling better 👋 Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:22:23] ballsofmolagbal: what are we doing [01:22:23] Shockwavemecha: v o t e [01:22:25] Amoyamoyamoya: I don't know how to do polls [01:22:27] legitimatelily: so close [01:22:31] 14k_trinn: red makes you look good [01:22:33] 14k_trinn: RED [01:22:34] demonfemboy02: what colour do you want to see in the edits is the answer lmao [01:22:34] onah_vaykay: Gloss [01:22:36] DanStreams23: look at baby mri scans [01:22:38] davidiusfarrenius: Hello everyone in chat 👋 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:22:40] ronin_5463: u sound like an auction guy [01:22:41] 14k_trinn: 😭😭 [01:22:44] lewdbirdnoises: GLOSS W [01:22:50] viryl_lucas: viryl_lucas subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! Muwahahahha [01:22:51] f3mmbot: viryl_lucas subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:22:54] Quackathulhu: gloss ftw [01:22:54] Session1O52: WOW [01:22:54] onah_vaykay: OH, do both?! [01:23:01] dysfunctionaldomo: Both?! [01:23:01] viryl_lucas: lol [01:23:01] piras314: IT WAS 360-360 [01:23:02] BlightningBrightling: perfectly balanced [01:23:02] Session1O52: COME ON GLOSS!! [01:23:02] SirJoealot: 50/50 [01:23:02] littileimp: thats what i've been saying [01:23:03] ArminGux: next year big meet and greet [01:23:05] onah_vaykay: Lipstick and then gloss [01:23:05] SirJoealot: 50/50!! [01:23:06] YumeNoZen: Might be worth trying to organize one still? [01:23:07] Shockwavemecha: Look at the amount of people voting [01:23:08] SirJoealot: cmon 50/50 [01:23:08] fayflora: Gotta do both I guess. [01:23:10] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "Lipstick": gloss with 470 votes (49.21%) [01:23:10] mcg9696: do a meet and greet in birmingham in smegworth [01:23:11] mario8889: Do one on the top lip and one on the bottom lip [01:23:12] folo29: one lip each [01:23:13] piras314: HOLY SHIT [01:23:13] AmayaSchemata: oh noo [01:23:14] nakatascatnap: Half n half it? [01:23:14] SirJoealot: YAHHHHHHHHH [01:23:14] Session1O52: YOOO!!!! [01:23:16] MajesticFvckingEagle: LETSGOOOOOO [01:23:16] neingeben: nooo [01:23:17] SirJoealot: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [01:23:17] MIKAeo: NOOO [01:23:17] piras314: 5 VOTES [01:23:17] lewdbirdnoises: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW [01:23:18] Jayden_Reiko: Oh come on.. [01:23:18] the_living_noob_: noooooo [01:23:19] legitimatelily: bro [01:23:20] Metalmeatman420: Top lip red though [01:23:20] AmayaSchemata: wtf [01:23:21] Y0rk5h1r3: 5 votes [01:23:21] Nenkos: i love democracy [01:23:21] SirJoealot: WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO [01:23:22] Session1O52: LETS GO GLOSS!! [01:23:23] autosoft6483: ah [01:23:24] Ry60003333: lets goooo [01:23:24] johnkeiwo: SCAMMED [01:23:25] viryl_lucas: NICE [01:23:25] OstentatiousMongoose: do both [01:23:25] debdrup: BOTH! [01:23:26] ballsofmolagbal: 5 damn votes [01:23:27] elle_gato: 5 votes [01:23:28] Aurora_gey_: i spent 4k points on red [01:23:28] viryl_lucas: Do both [01:23:28] AmayaSchemata: flip a coin [01:23:29] scarlettyg: Upper lip red, lower lip gloss KEKW [01:23:29] littileimp: both [01:23:29] organic_rust: gloss has more votes [01:23:29] SirJoealot: Fem deluxe [01:23:29] zombiii: gloss won by 5 [01:23:29] onah_vaykay: Do both DsO BOTH [01:23:29] mythical_uwu: NO [01:23:30] piras314: @F1NN5TER GLOSS WINS BY 5 VOTES!!!!!!!! [01:23:30] tilt_central: neither ? [01:23:30] tehproxy: wait i just joined can i vote [01:23:30] andyinnie: common gloss W [01:23:30] notrlyjacob: glosss [01:23:31] strwbrrybtchh: WOOT WOOT [01:23:31] quqqa: GLOSS [01:23:31] ronin_5463: flip a coin ig [01:23:31] dysfunctionaldomo: 5 more votes on lipstick!!! [01:23:31] BIGBoris1962: SCAM [01:23:32] SamTheSilversmith: upper lip lipstick, lower gloss LUL [01:23:32] Eadthryth: HELEN STOP CHEATING [01:23:32] BlightningBrightling: I SEE 470 vs 465!!! [01:23:32] TwinbeeMk2: Continue being adorable? [01:23:32] thatweridosonama: gloss won!! [01:23:33] coolgooseboi: 5 VOTES [01:23:33] Vanimal2118: Both [01:23:33] legitimatelily: Answer: both. like two face [01:23:33] acid2202: red and glossy [01:23:33] megadoom20: top half different from bottom [01:23:34] family_toy: BOTH! [01:23:34] BradyRosetta: red gloss [01:23:34] neingeben: both is good ig [01:23:34] cuddlebear187: Deal [01:23:34] quinntayo: Pink on the top red on the bottom [01:23:34] johnkeiwo: ASHLEY TIE BREAKER ! [01:23:35] taylorthingx: gloss by 5 [01:23:35] a_rocky_penguin: 5 votes for gloss [01:23:35] Jess_Tyr: I hate democracy [01:23:35] Jens_LN: DO IT ! [01:23:36] student0810: Gloss won by 5 votes [01:23:36] Ms_Moirai: stick then gloss [01:23:36] AntonyJC1: both [01:23:36] thanatoscar: half red half gloss [01:23:37] loolnood: why is the thumbnail an mri scanner? [01:23:37] ninjapenguin161: there was a winner [01:23:37] ArminGux: gloss has 5 more votes [01:23:38] NichtzNeues: both [01:23:38] ManOnTheNet: gloss has more total votes [01:23:39] doggcatt: gloss won [01:23:39] ProfaneCreation: Stop the count! KEKW [01:23:39] alexx_net: Stop the count! [01:23:40] letume: 5 votes more for the gloss [01:23:40] SnabbKassa: ask the Supreme Court? [01:23:40] nerina____: left right split [01:23:40] Session1O52: gloss won! but both would be fun [01:23:41] ruparker: 470 vs 465 [01:23:41] W1NK5Y: top and bottom [01:23:41] elle_gato: wtf is this [01:23:41] xorwak: it says gloss for me [01:23:42] AmayaSchemata: wear purple lipstick/. [01:23:43] pyrandname: 5 votes difference [01:23:43] larsen0302: Gloss wonnnnnn [01:23:43] xxjoyeusexx: f u @Helen_Croft [01:23:43] Valentaiyo: HalfnHalf [01:23:43] davidiusfarrenius: both! 😄 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:23:44] mcg9696: you almost made history there [01:23:44] eyeolair: Its 470 to 465? [01:23:44] opqnda_: glos had 6 more votes [01:23:44] grandpaladin1701: History made in the US. Former Prez T is a convicted felon [01:23:45] slipknotphilcollins: This is why democracy sucks [01:23:45] BlaZeStar6262: More votes on gloss [01:23:46] peepod11: When was 56 7 and 1 was literally 570 and that was the red lip gross [01:23:46] Acedia42: both is good [01:23:46] onah_vaykay: ALL THE MAKEUP [01:23:47] richarduk81: Top lip one colour bottom the other one [01:23:48] alexx_net: Gloss got more votes [01:23:48] BellaRose2005: gloss won [01:23:48] blueskydrinking: CHEATED this was a stolen poll, you don't concede when there's theft involved! [01:23:49] aspenlog: i thought you died Finn [01:23:50] Amoyamoyamoya: PINK LIP STAIN [01:23:51] smart_donkey: Get the lip stain [01:23:51] Valezifer: Third option [01:23:52] miiamoons: Gloss has more!! [01:23:52] tomandil789: HI [01:23:53] zombiii: rigged election [01:23:53] alexx_net: You could wear them both! [01:23:54] barrenchatt: Hi [01:23:54] Shockwavemecha: mikami13Howdy mikami13Howdy mikami13Howdy [01:23:55] mittfh: Gloss won, with a little help from Helen.... [01:23:55] omgluckyhere: HandWaving [01:23:56] piras314: hasHi [01:23:56] SeriousMental: bonjwaHi [01:23:57] Valentaiyo: Hiiii [01:23:57] leslie773: hi! [01:23:58] RuthlessWelshy: gloss won 470 to 465 stop the count! [01:23:59] arinotsry: hi [01:23:59] Mrdeadfishrock: top lip gloss bottom lip redish [01:24:01] felixstreamr: Hi [01:24:01] eeveeveevee97: One for upper lip and one for the lower one? [01:24:02] SeriousMental: hello [01:24:02] legitimatelily: Helen spent 34k points on it lol [01:24:03] olsonexi: Gloss has 5 more total votes [01:24:03] thatweridosonama: Gloss won ny 5 points [01:24:04] richarduk81: Hello tts lady [01:24:04] LaMale411: Hi [01:24:04] ProfaneCreation: holladHi [01:24:04] loograt: f1nnSCAM [01:24:05] ballsofmolagbal: HandWaving [01:24:05] SuchKittyMuchMeow: nkoHi [01:24:05] anatulabc: HI [01:24:06] the_sentient_cheese: BOTH [01:24:07] Samurai_Tony: I need you to find me 6 votes. [01:24:07] PynkFryck: Every lipstick you have combined [01:24:08] swanee327: thats not how voting works! gloss won! lol [01:24:08] bfredl: we can do both [01:24:08] Helen_Croft: I cliked the button LUL [01:24:09] Raddog315: Of all the thing that have changed I'm the most surprised by how much F1nn unironically likes the color pink now [01:24:10] bulletfeed: Half and half [01:24:11] ballsofmolagbal: HeyGuys [01:24:12] quinntayo: 50:50 splitstick [01:24:13] MarWokeUp: mix them [01:24:14] Metalmeatman420: We don't die we multiply PansexualPride [01:24:15] BellaRose2005: option number three, use BLOOD! [01:24:16] ManOnTheNet: gloss won with more total votes [01:24:16] Quackathulhu: gloss won more votes [01:24:16] ballsmcwalls: gloss won tho [01:24:17] yurisenpa1: Heyy [01:24:17] alexx_net: @eeveeveevee97 I like your idea! [01:24:18] randyiii: Upper one color lower the other [01:24:18] legitimatelily: @f1nn5ter do a TwoFace look [01:24:19] nakatascatnap: Split down the middle two-face style???? [01:24:21] Stovamor: CHAT - don't complain about people spending points to rig votes. That's what happens in democracy [01:24:21] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: REDDISH 💋♥️ [01:24:22] Stovamor: CHAT - don't complain about people spending points to rig votes. That's what happens in democracy [01:24:22] Stovamor: CHAT - don't complain about people spending points to rig votes. That's what happens in democracy [01:24:25] shilheen: one top one bottom lip [01:24:28] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:24:30] xtra_tori: I used to be indecisive. I don't think I am anymore. [01:24:34] PynkFryck: @Stovamor real [01:24:36] tomandil789: one top lip one bottom lip [01:24:39] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: Reddish ♥️♥️♥️ [01:24:42] EmpressAdria: It's been sooooo long since I've been able to see your stream! Congrats on coming out :) [01:24:43] opqnda_: red won tho [01:24:44] ArminGux: @stovamor the sistem is rigged by design [01:24:47] mcg9696: i know you wear odd socks but it never ceases to cattle prod my brain i hate it [01:24:48] handscombchris: so i was at work the other day and happened to see a bit of fur hanging from the bottom of thier skirt! [01:24:49] Helen_Croft: you be asleep by that time [01:24:51] zayne_pot: Is sub only chats enabled? [01:25:01] leslie773: @zayne_pot no [01:25:04] acid2202: mix them [01:25:06] the_living_noob_: ruby red [01:25:06] ArminGux: 6h sounds like a pain to remove [01:25:08] zaria32vath: MRI's do vibrate your molecules and heats up the body. So metal violently vibrates because their bonds are too strong and it can heat up if not altogether move. PET/CT scans just send a high frequency radiation through your body to gain imaging, they need a contrast otherwise you see nothing in them. Also in PET you have to receive an irradiated sugar since cancer eats all those sugars [01:25:14] Mrdeadfishrock: go green [01:25:14] smart_donkey: Go for some of Ashley's [01:25:16] viryl_lucas: yes [01:25:18] Valentaiyo: ye [01:25:18] darth_jalos: F1nn hi hello!!! [01:25:23] Stovamor: @the_real_hecker, get fucked [01:25:27] Quackathulhu: pink makes the boys wink [01:25:27] quinntayo: I think, black lipstick [01:25:29] ArminGux: pink is nice [01:25:29] viryl_lucas: @the_real_hecker go to hell [01:25:30] Jens_LN: Experiment !! femukHeart [01:25:31] W1NK5Y: trump being sentenced to prison July 11th [01:25:35] mcg9696: since when does pink bother you [01:25:40] mimiplaysyt1221: !size [01:25:40] f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 69" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 28" / Hips : 31" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 9 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34B (usually) / Dress size 12 UK size / Skirt size 10 UK size, Medium usually. Last updated in April 2024 - Latest from Barbie [01:25:44] commanderredpanda: You experiment? never! [01:25:46] davidiusfarrenius: You silly man Finn, thinking no one would turn up for your meet and greet 😄👍 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:25:47] mechtel: @w1nk5y If they'd only do it a week earlier I could finally celebrate 4th of July with some spirit [01:25:48] AmayaSchemata: I have to have pet scans 2 times a year [01:25:50] PenguinTrinity: I had a red panty heat up in an mri. that wasnt fun at all [01:25:55] Raddog315: 6 hours of Ashley calling you pretty. oh no, how will you survive [01:25:56] Eadthryth: Sounds like a nice ass warmer. [01:25:56] darth_jalos: @stovamor Woah stop swearing dude, come on now! [01:25:57] crustyhashbrown: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [01:25:57] mcg9696: find a freddie in there [01:26:02] piras314: @W1NK5Y might not be prison [01:26:06] YumeNoZen: I'm impressed. Which is scary. [01:26:07] PynkFryck: @the_real_hecker You're the weird kid in class aren't you [01:26:07] tomandil789: no [01:26:08] onah_vaykay: Maybe maybe... [01:26:09] darth_jalos: Freddie Mercury!! [01:26:09] MaMoon57: There's no summer in England let's be honest [01:26:10] Valentaiyo: NO [01:26:11] ArminGux: is that all the dresses u have? [01:26:12] blueskydrinking: you organised your clothes????? wel I never [01:26:12] richarduk81: Hello bum cam [01:26:13] DanStreams23: Babys having MRI scans just cute and funny [01:26:14] W1NK5Y: @mechtel haha right! [01:26:15] johnkeiwo: Wow today u so pretty girl Kappa [01:26:16] Stovamor: @darth_jalos, fuck no [01:26:17] lamlott: Ive had PET scans every few years to see if I relapse for my rare kind of cancer. I had Shwanomaneurofibromasarcoma [01:26:17] zaria32vath: Perks of going through cancer treatment f1nnCool [01:26:20] eeveeveevee97: We'll be super super nice [01:26:21] ace0887: Bring back yellow dress plz [01:26:24] alikarin: alikarin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! 10 month of following you :) [01:26:24] f3mmbot: alikarin subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:26:26] Valentaiyo: NOT HAPPENING [01:26:28] chriscorrick08: Your buff boy :p [01:26:29] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 606 in the channel! [01:26:29] f3mmbot: xxjoyeusexx has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [01:26:29] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to redfogul! [01:26:29] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to dsg_patriots! [01:26:29] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to jcktheripperrs! [01:26:29] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to skydrowwww! [01:26:29] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ca11MeKya! [01:26:30] captain_scarlet_rose: but boobs <3 :P [01:26:30] xtra_tori: Big walkin closet and has to have an extra rack for dresses. [01:26:31] Avaerus0: Have I ever mentioned how pretty your eyes are? [01:26:33] 3PY0N: we love you, you're so pretty, you're so nice, we're all nice guys, gals, and nonbinary pals [01:26:34] darth_jalos: I thought this was Family Friendly [01:26:35] onah_vaykay: I. Never had that many dresses, wow [01:26:44] mcg9696: you and icky are like spiderman and venom [01:26:48] zayne_pot: You have been a good girl this stream [01:26:49] lenrik1589: chem is like, okay [01:26:50] ArminGux: chemistry is fun [01:26:52] viryl_lucas: I loved chemistry [01:26:52] MaMoon57: But breaking bad :( [01:26:52] Raddog315: dresses in the room, closet probably empty [01:26:53] acid2202: This room is a walk in closet [01:26:56] oliviazbored: chemistry was so hard but fun [01:26:56] mcg9696: I am a chemistry phd [01:26:58] notrlyjacob: you're out of it now [01:27:03] theplayfuldead: F1nn, we have to cook [01:27:03] ArminGux: get 2 racks [01:27:05] Nenkos: walter white gonna beat yo ass [01:27:07] mechtel: I had the option to pursue physics or chemistry in high school, but I chose chemistry because the teacher was fun and started fires a lot when he got bored and I vibe with that [01:27:08] Amoyamoyamoya: Wat [01:27:08] DanStreams23: would you ever sell old clothes? [01:27:09] alexx_net: I did chemistry at Uni [01:27:09] isabelleswenson2319: isabelleswenson2319 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 22 in the channel! [01:27:09] f3mmbot: isabelleswenson2319 has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [01:27:09] isabelleswenson2319: isabelleswenson2319 gifted a Tier 1 sub to spudboy_! [01:27:09] isabelleswenson2319: isabelleswenson2319 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Slaydria118! [01:27:09] isabelleswenson2319: isabelleswenson2319 gifted a Tier 1 sub to KoreeluStromboli! [01:27:09] isabelleswenson2319: isabelleswenson2319 gifted a Tier 1 sub to QualiDeadInside! [01:27:09] isabelleswenson2319: isabelleswenson2319 gifted a Tier 1 sub to HeyGibbles! [01:27:11] viryl_lucas: I can cook :) [01:27:11] PeterFanley: i swear im the only person that likes chemistry edybotCRYBABY [01:27:13] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn is back in the closet? [01:27:18] bucksben: Chemistry at degree level was hard!!!! [01:27:20] vaureo2d: I'm a physics major and I hated chemistry [01:27:22] Tom__B: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp [01:27:23] TheAverageBoyfu: chemistry is so cool though [01:27:32] mechtel: I also like chemistry! I like watching mad scientists on YouTube doing dangerous chemistry lol [01:27:33] xxjoyeusexx: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [01:27:39] W1NK5Y: you are so pretty Finn [01:27:39] tomandil789: so [01:27:40] Stovamor: I started a Chemistry degree and then changed to a Physics MSci cos Chem at uni was just cookery [01:27:40] ruparker: and? [01:27:42] extremeph: your closet is 5 foot 9 and only big enough for you to fit in [01:27:43] fatslowman: fatslowman is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 191 in the channel! [01:27:44] f3mmbot: fatslowman has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [01:27:44] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to perfersserderg! [01:27:44] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to PleasurePony! [01:27:44] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to fabotond! [01:27:44] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to corb0n_! [01:27:44] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to waltzing_dutchman! [01:27:44] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to akyiho! [01:27:44] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to BeFalcon94! [01:27:44] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to lenrik1589! [01:27:44] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to ahedgewitch! [01:27:44] fatslowman: fatslowman gifted a Tier 1 sub to shenanigansteal! [01:27:47] taylorthingx: taylorthingx is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! [01:27:47] f3mmbot: taylorthingx has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [01:27:47] taylorthingx: taylorthingx gifted a Tier 1 sub to zeesisaboss! [01:27:47] taylorthingx: taylorthingx gifted a Tier 1 sub to chasethefemboy! [01:27:47] taylorthingx: taylorthingx gifted a Tier 1 sub to thereisnoroot! [01:27:47] taylorthingx: taylorthingx gifted a Tier 1 sub to natedog69429! [01:27:47] taylorthingx: taylorthingx gifted a Tier 1 sub to dommie_26! [01:27:48] numeanor: coctail dress??? [01:27:49] ArminGux: cocktail dress? [01:27:49] notrlyjacob: yooo [01:27:50] tilt_central: not even summer yet the weather has been pissin with rain as of lately xD [01:27:51] peepod11: If it's half 10 where you put makeup on you sort of doing your skincare for the night time [01:27:51] viryl_lucas: it's morning here [01:27:53] Raddog315: @Amoyamoyamoya he goes in and out of it periodically lol [01:27:54] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: PogU [01:27:55] asdpokemon: woo [01:27:58] fatslowman: fatslowman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! are we nice enough [01:27:58] f3mmbot: fatslowman subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:27:58] war_crimes_awesome69: Hello just joined [01:28:01] CaptRATZ: Just got off the phone scheduling my first HRT consultation with an Endo!! [01:28:09] Avaerus0: I had a chemistry set as a kid but I was afraid of making poison gas by accident [01:28:12] alexx_net: So you don't want us to be nice to you? Shall I mention the mod that you met at Comic Con ? [01:28:13] zayne_pot: Do you live in uk bc where i live it is 23:33 [01:28:13] ramil4tune: Nice 16 inch 540 Hz Mirror 🪞 [01:28:13] johnkeiwo: true, aunty is the nicest ! [01:28:14] viryl_lucas: noice [01:28:15] mcg9696: what you know abou nucleophilic substitution [01:28:16] DarkStarArrives: use the back of the room as dress display and storage with lights [01:28:19] Amoyamoyamoya: @CaptRATZ, OMG you just reminded me that I have to call my endo... [01:28:24] lenrik1589: i've been scammed, i got a sub! [01:28:26] SnabbKassa: @zayne_pot yes he does [01:28:27] krovvy: PridePog [01:28:27] nakatascatnap: I have a physics exam at 9 tmrw why am I here lol [01:28:30] AmayaSchemata: lol [01:28:30] CaptRATZ: @Amoyamoyamoya Haha, you are welcome!! [01:28:31] johnkeiwo: Have some music chat ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRCEK2x6bSA&list=RDRPzf_4dcL28&index=24&ab_channel=PureNoiseRecords [01:28:32] SirJoealot: Where people get this money geeez? [01:28:37] SnabbKassa: !time [01:28:37] notrlyjacob: @avaerus0 I did that using one of the kits, it was not ideal [01:28:37] f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 22:34 [01:28:39] johnkeiwo: Chat is love bombing the gremlin !! [01:28:39] darth_jalos: @johnkeiwo John?? What are you doing here? I didn't know you were into this stuff too. Uhh you never saw me here bro 👀 [01:28:41] Helen_Croft: @SirJoealot work [01:28:45] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 611 in the channel! [01:28:45] f3mmbot: xxjoyeusexx has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [01:28:45] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to grazie____ragazzi! [01:28:45] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to Stamina_Jay! [01:28:45] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to IISpineII! [01:28:45] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to giant_tess! [01:28:45] xxjoyeusexx: xxjoyeusexx gifted a Tier 1 sub to brilliantdrink! [01:28:48] bmh1712: dang [01:28:48] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: I, uh, haven’t interacted exceptionally much here, but I’d like to think I’m okay. [01:28:52] Quackathulhu: wowwww [01:28:52] war_crimes_awesome69: Damn [01:28:53] quinntayo: what do you take off your makeup with? micellar? [01:28:56] notrlyjacob: @mcg9696 that's trauma ngl [01:28:59] Helen_Croft: that was angry girl look [01:29:00] mcg9696: is it rude to say you look the same [01:29:01] johnkeiwo: @darth_jalos, idk who u are sorry KEKW [01:29:04] SirJoealot: @Helen_Croft I got barely enough to live on lmao [01:29:04] leslie773: @Helen_Croft thanks mr obvious lmao [01:29:10] EmpressAdria: That's a really good color on you [01:29:16] krovvy: BibleThump [01:29:17] Raddog315: aw [01:29:18] davidiusfarrenius: some folks competing to be top gifter? [01:29:19] ChasingSol: yeah, that was nice [01:29:20] johnkeiwo: yes it made a lot of people cry ! [01:29:21] pianoismyforte_: Silra (the donator) made it [01:29:23] Silraa: So sorry not sorry [01:29:24] Silraa: :D [01:29:25] zayne_pot: Good we do good we are your good slaves [01:29:27] xxjoyeusexx: im just beeing nice no pressure... [01:29:29] mystchevious1: That was soo beautiful. Silra needs a callout. [01:29:29] Helen_Croft: did you see the new cookie art on the reddit? [01:29:30] johnkeiwo: @Silraa, W [01:29:33] mechtel: Is there a link? I want to see [01:29:35] YumeNoZen: @Silraa, you did a great job with that. [01:29:35] Silraa: \o/ [01:29:37] johnkeiwo: We won ! [01:29:38] Stovamor: I summon a link! [01:29:39] BlightningBrightling: YOU DID IT [01:29:40] johnkeiwo: yellow [01:29:41] yaboialexxx69: PopNemo [01:29:41] taylorthingx: good girl [01:29:44] shrumb0: Red [01:29:44] Silraa: *** [01:29:44] BradyRosetta: black works with red [01:29:44] numeanor: PINK! [01:29:45] Stockiing: Pink [01:29:45] Einhiria: dark green [01:29:46] Eadthryth: I request teacher look [01:29:46] europa_a_lua: Yellow!!! [01:29:46] mcg9696: pink [01:29:47] autosoft6483: wee [01:29:47] tomandil789: yellow [01:29:47] viryl_lucas: literal F1NNDOM [01:29:49] piras314: PINK!!! [01:29:49] Jens_LN: Slower dress ? [01:29:49] ArminGux: yellow [01:29:50] SHiRKiT: white [01:29:50] aimeeasdf: floraly? [01:29:50] tilt_central: blue ? [01:29:51] MaMoon57: Yellow [01:29:51] simplejack42069: Pink or yellow 💛 [01:29:52] barrenchatt: White [01:29:52] extremeph: brown dress [01:29:52] packagum: pastel blue [01:29:52] kolja_mp4: Pink [01:29:53] Silraa: Cannot link the URL unfortunately [01:29:54] ReiniYamato: Green [01:29:54] AwfullyOllie: purple [01:29:54] thepepsisd3d60: Blueeeee [01:29:54] Valentaiyo: Black!! [01:29:55] Jens_LN: Flower dress ? [01:29:55] Amoyamoyamoya: THE PINK ONE [01:29:56] johnkeiwo: Yellow ! [01:29:57] commanderredpanda: blue [01:29:57] scarlettyg: ALL [01:29:58] blueskydrinking: glad to know we can still bully you into wearing pretty dresses KEKW [01:29:59] Firefrog21: greeeeen [01:29:59] ArminGux: backlesss [01:29:59] udjade: green [01:30:00] Zelyphsis: blue [01:30:00] Valezifer: black [01:30:01] princess_mia03: blue [01:30:01] NexIsTaken: urple [01:30:03] subpar_wizard: Red! [01:30:05] skylee1976: Red [01:30:05] alexx_net: Which one matches your makeup? [01:30:06] isabelleswenson2319: poll [01:30:07] SamTheSilversmith: colour poll? [01:30:07] Stockiing: Pink 🩷🩷🩷🩷 [01:30:09] Raddog315: blue summer dress [01:30:09] rain_storm69420: red [01:30:10] war_crimes_awesome69: Is it bad to use black paint to give myself a tan [01:30:10] opqnda_: pink [01:30:13] livjpk78: pink [01:30:15] wolfianyt: Pink [01:30:15] gasmccloud: Oh chat is just so mean making you try on all the pretty dresses BibleThump [01:30:18] zayne_pot: Pink [01:30:21] BlightningBrightling: new poll? [01:30:21] livjpk78: red pvc skirt? [01:30:24] Stovamor: https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1cwt8gj/the_f1nnicky_saga/ [01:30:25] Stovamor: https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1cwt8gj/the_f1nnicky_saga/ [01:30:29] alexx_net: @blueskydrinking subby girl going to submit f1nnLaff f1nnHeart [01:30:33] mittfh: 🎼Red or yellow or pink or green, orange or purple or blue? [01:30:36] slipknotphilcollins: 🫡 [01:30:37] OriginalName286: OriginalName286 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months, currently on a 24 month streak! two years [01:30:37] f3mmbot: originalname286 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:30:39] davidiusfarrenius: wardrobe rack needs to be on castors [01:30:41] scarlettyg: the octarine one [01:30:41] RDM_NSA: Wear one made out of wool [01:30:43] gasmccloud: No some color [01:30:46] blueskydrinking: @alexx_net true [01:30:46] johnkeiwo: yellow ! [01:30:47] cuteoctopusshark: short [01:30:47] slipknotphilcollins: omg the red🤷‍♂️ [01:30:48] ArminGux: white with flowers? [01:30:50] elhera: Cute! [01:30:51] cuddlebear187: The RED ONE YES [01:30:51] mechtel: Ty for link, mods VirtualHug [01:30:52] Amoyamoyamoya: SOCKS? Really? [01:30:52] CyanoticJam: Poor chair [01:30:54] Helen_Croft: clean the foor [01:30:58] SirJoealot: Why mod delete my msg bruh. [01:30:59] acid2202: white! [01:31:02] Eadthryth: YES [01:31:03] tomandil789: yes [01:31:06] MajesticFvckingEagle: Yellow [01:31:07] SHiRKiT: yes [01:31:07] kolja_mp4: Yes [01:31:09] alexh1441: fire [01:31:10] johnkeiwo: oooo [01:31:10] Raddog315: HEY! that's chair abuse! [01:31:11] kissmekissmekissmekiss: fucking ugly dress [01:31:15] rainfallwall: last one my vote [01:31:16] cuteoctopusshark: yes [01:31:16] AeitZean: AeitZean subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! f1nnHeart [01:31:17] f3mmbot: aeitzean subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:31:17] acid2202: white or riot! [01:31:17] Jens_LN: YES !! [01:31:17] Firefrog21: yes brickWIFE brickWIFE brickWIFE [01:31:18] notrlyjacob: YES [01:31:19] blueskydrinking: the gilf dress! [01:31:20] zayne_pot: Old classic [01:31:20] bu11c8ap: bu11c8ap is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 25 in the channel! [01:31:20] Eadthryth: Granny dress [01:31:20] f3mmbot: bu11c8ap has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [01:31:20] bu11c8ap: bu11c8ap gifted a Tier 1 sub to laird_chris! [01:31:20] bu11c8ap: bu11c8ap gifted a Tier 1 sub to garbage_teir! [01:31:20] bu11c8ap: bu11c8ap gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tzahrr! [01:31:20] bu11c8ap: bu11c8ap gifted a Tier 1 sub to CharlottesConstellation! [01:31:20] bu11c8ap: bu11c8ap gifted a Tier 1 sub to weblesswebcam! [01:31:20] bu11c8ap: bu11c8ap gifted a Tier 1 sub to spaghettibaum! [01:31:20] bu11c8ap: bu11c8ap gifted a Tier 1 sub to ashterfergaming! [01:31:20] bu11c8ap: bu11c8ap gifted a Tier 1 sub to ManOnTheNet! [01:31:20] bu11c8ap: bu11c8ap gifted a Tier 1 sub to purplebot_exe! [01:31:20] bu11c8ap: bu11c8ap gifted a Tier 1 sub to Queen_of_Undead! [01:31:21] elhera: Poll! [01:31:21] skylee1976: White [01:31:21] taylorthingx: Yes! [01:31:22] balsabasher: omg gender envy [01:31:23] Avaerus0: I like the last ones colors [01:31:25] EmpressAdria: Your camera is autofocusing on the microphone lol [01:31:26] wolfianyt: Pink is a better dress collar [01:31:26] Quackathulhu: eyyyyyy [01:31:27] princess_mia03: aww [01:31:27] mechtel: That's so cute! [01:31:29] alexx_net: f1nnHands f1nnHeadpat f1nnEmbarrassed @Amoyamoyamoya Does that count as a "sock-block" f1nnLaff [01:31:29] laird_chris: @bu11c8ap Thanks for the gift sub! [01:31:30] viryl_lucas: ayo? [01:31:30] rain_storm69420: AYO!!! [01:31:32] viryl_lucas: so many [01:31:37] Stovamor: https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1cwt8gj/the_f1nnicky_saga/ @F1NN5TER Put it on stream while you get changed [01:31:37] oliviazbored: flowers are cute [01:31:38] FatherThyme: flower one is cute [01:31:39] CyanoticJam: Yes flowers [01:31:41] Helen_Croft: so remove the dick? [01:31:43] baslak01: I also like color short [01:31:44] davidiusfarrenius: black with roses 👍 [01:31:46] zayne_pot: Flowercprint thing [01:31:54] baslak01: Short is my favorite color [01:31:57] Raddog315: @Helen_Croft best solution [01:31:57] mechtel: Oh I just realized are the all caps messages auto deleted? [01:31:58] Avaerus0: Too many options [01:31:59] viryl_lucas: blue looks good [01:32:02] ranboo_goddessz: cutie [01:32:02] xtra_tori: @Helen_Croft Dono goal? [01:32:04] Aurora_gey_: woah [01:32:04] ciberfreak: dress 3 imo [01:32:05] kadestransstuff: My mom just told me that Trump was arrested and forced me to stay there as she lectured me about some 1920's mafia boss [01:32:06] Amoyamoyamoya: @mechtel, YES [01:32:07] SirJoealot: gonna go put the fem fit on ngl you got me in the fem mood :D [01:32:08] ace0887: do u still have yellow dress its so pwetty [01:32:11] mechtel: Ty haha [01:32:16] AntonyJC1: @F1NN5TER Jude whats this that you've been wearing a cage since 2017 in the video [01:32:16] Shockwavemecha: C u t e [01:32:16] alexx_net: That light blue one went surprisingly hard [01:32:18] bunnybrawlerxo: Ash [01:32:18] skylee1976: White [01:32:19] xxjoyeusexx: @baslak01 <3 [01:32:21] bearpaw1970: bearpaw1970 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months! Hello sweetness, how fabulous are you sweet short cake of Ashley's love Femboy [01:32:21] lualaby: @kadestransstuff 😭 [01:32:21] f3mmbot: bearpaw1970 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 37 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:32:23] BlightningBrightling: BLACK W PINK ROSES [01:32:23] princess_mia03: blue [01:32:23] BIGBoris1962: light blue [01:32:25] Stovamor: https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1cwt8gj/the_f1nnicky_saga/ @F1NN5TER Put it on stream while you get changed [01:32:25] matthew10203: blue with pink flowers [01:32:26] ranboo_goddessz: the last one [01:32:26] Jens_LN: The classic black dress with flowers !!! [01:32:27] AntonyJC1: baby blue [01:32:28] wolfianyt: Thr baby blue one [01:32:29] ranboo_goddessz: blue [01:32:29] MajesticFvckingEagle: Light blue, yellow [01:32:33] BIGBoris1962: blueeee [01:32:33] MaMoon57: White Spanish esque dress [01:32:34] ranboo_goddessz: baby blue dress [01:32:35] johnkeiwo: who makes the poll ? [01:32:36] lofen03: Red [01:32:39] notrlyjacob: bluuu [01:32:43] hannahdoesntexist: ooh the blue [01:32:43] Stovamor: I'll do it [01:32:44] cuddlebear187: Poll really??? PixelBob [01:32:47] mechtel: I'm going to queer adult prom with my friends in a week and I thought about getting a suit fitted but frankly we thrift so much that I've got a lot of real funky pieces. I'm excited to have a sort of genderqueer vibe with my full thrifted outfit lmao just full queer mood [01:32:48] Raddog315: Hair looking pog [01:32:51] BlightningBrightling: oh BLUE w FLOWERS [01:32:51] bunnybrawlerxo: Blue finn [01:32:52] blueskydrinking: wasn't the blue dress last year's birthday dress [01:32:56] SillyMaddie: no i already spent all my bucks noooooo [01:32:57] rainfallwall: that one [01:32:57] Jens_LN: Blue with flowers !! [01:32:58] Eadthryth: RED LEAVES [01:33:01] slipknotphilcollins: red!!! please oh fucking please! [01:33:01] baslak01: Red [01:33:01] Jayden_Reiko: RED [01:33:02] MaMoon57: Leavesss [01:33:02] elhera: RED [01:33:03] cuddlebear187: Red [01:33:04] baslak01: RED [01:33:05] xxjoyeusexx: red [01:33:05] OHMichelleOH: Blue [01:33:06] johnkeiwo: poll is coming ! [01:33:06] pianoismyforte_: Can we watch that video without the music getting DMCAed? [01:33:07] bunnybrawlerxo: Reddd [01:33:07] mechtel: I think a blue dress would look nice with your current lipstick and neutral makeup! [01:33:07] richarduk81: Blue [01:33:07] SirJoealot: RED [01:33:07] that_one_garden: red or blue [01:33:08] oddstruck: Red! [01:33:08] acid2202: red leaves akak white [01:33:08] Darkstar_j_: red [01:33:08] rainfallwall: red [01:33:08] MajesticFvckingEagle: Black and yellow [01:33:08] rain_storm69420: Red [01:33:09] johnkeiwo: just be patient !! [01:33:10] subpar_wizard: Yellow! [01:33:11] cuddlebear187: RED [01:33:11] Avaerus0: You'll look good whatever chat chooses [01:33:11] princess_mia03: blue [01:33:12] packagum: blue! [01:33:12] marblehoney: 3 n 5 for me [01:33:12] Stovamor: We can only have 6 options [01:33:13] Valentaiyo: Red [01:33:14] Sht1k: Bluuuueee [01:33:14] oddstruck: Red [01:33:14] pyrandname: black w/ flowers [01:33:15] prequelle_ghoul: BLUE [01:33:15] karojhe: Blue [01:33:15] ace0887: YELLOW! [01:33:17] oddstruck: RedRed [01:33:19] EmpressAdria: blue [01:33:19] bunnybrawlerxo: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️red [01:33:21] arinotsry: cutee [01:33:21] livjpk78: How about wearing your black denim jacket with a dress? [01:33:23] c__r__j: @Stovamor 5? [01:33:24] cuddlebear187: Redredredted [01:33:24] lilithsspawn: YELLOW [01:33:25] baslak01: Red short [01:33:26] ZoeDoesMusic: blue [01:33:28] kadestransstuff: i looked away ;-; [01:33:30] TwinbeeMk2: you look nice with this darker shade :3 [01:33:31] Shockwavemecha: i VOTED [01:33:31] M41functi0n: You should get one of those fancy privacy screens so you can dress in the room while talking... could have a mic set up over there too. Spitballing, lol [01:33:34] bearpaw1970: Blue🎩🫴 like the sparkle of your Minecraft avatar [01:33:35] sunkie_gg: 2 raiders from sunkie_gg have joined! [01:33:41] ace0887: I'm doing my part! [01:33:45] fragwitz: trump is a felon! [01:33:48] rev_yellow: Makes a change for red to be behind blue in the polls [01:33:51] SHiRKiT: yes red short [01:33:51] HardyOrange: yes the red on white looks so cute!!!!! [01:33:53] matthew10203: does anyone have a link to the blue one with flowers [01:33:53] YumeNoZen: Donowalled again. Dang. [01:33:54] lynn_150: is the red one actually that short or is it a perspective thing? [01:33:56] Your_Daily_Meme_Dealer: BLUE [01:33:58] CaptRATZ: Gotta go play some magic, have a good stream F1NN! [01:33:58] Avaerus0: Red is shorter so it should win [01:34:06] danyalwaqar: RED [01:34:06] SirJoealot: no the other red [01:34:06] zephyr_alba: Black with flowers creeping up [01:34:07] SirJoealot: bruh [01:34:08] davidiusfarrenius: You know red short is going to win! 😄 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:34:09] Raddog315: no, other red is the short one [01:34:10] shrumb0: @fragwitz we've been over this [01:34:10] thatweridosonama: I liked the black wit hflowers [01:34:11] baslak01: NO IT BE THE SHORT RED, not short red and white [01:34:11] fidaxity: lol [01:34:13] FatherThyme: ayo? [01:34:14] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "Dress": Red (short) with 238 votes (32.47%) [01:34:14] slipknotphilcollins: ayoo [01:34:15] HocksEvan: this poll better not be an analogy for the election [01:34:16] livjpk78: How about your red pvc skirt? [01:34:18] Eadthryth: YEET [01:34:18] thatweridosonama: RED [01:34:19] hannahdoesntexist: the other red lol [01:34:19] packagum: frick [01:34:20] viryl_lucas: NOOOOO [01:34:22] numeanor: knees? bottom confirmed!!! [01:34:22] ChasingSol: red won [01:34:23] SirJoealot: THE OTHER SHORT [01:34:23] baslak01: Wrong ooneeeeee [01:34:24] wellan7564: No [01:34:25] HardyOrange: the black straps were a real choice be the disgner, but the main dress is really nice [01:34:25] xtra_tori: other red [01:34:25] wolfianyt: Noooooo [01:34:26] rain_storm69420: YEEEEH [01:34:27] BlaireBearStare: THe short one! [01:34:27] taylorthingx: wrong one [01:34:27] kadestransstuff: redb [01:34:28] bunnybrawlerxo: Red short ❤️ [01:34:28] Coop9er: The other one [01:34:29] SirJoealot: THE OTHER ONE [01:34:29] baslak01: OTHER SHORT [01:34:31] rev_yellow: red always wins now [01:34:31] Valentaiyo: I think they meant the other red? [01:34:32] grandpaladin1701: blue [01:34:32] asur1on: wrong one [01:34:33] ace0887: NOOOOO Wrong one! [01:34:33] BIGBoris1962: scan [01:34:33] SirJoealot: CMON [01:34:34] redfogul: other red [01:34:34] gasmccloud: The pink and blue [01:34:36] Helen_Croft: the other red [01:34:36] SirJoealot: OTHER RED [01:34:36] pianoismyforte_: We meant the other red one [01:34:37] Jens_LN: The red you hang up was the one that won [01:34:39] Jahkae: RECOUNT [01:34:39] asur1on: WRONG ONE [01:34:39] xtra_tori: other red is the short one [01:34:39] fragwitz: whichever is dhoter [01:34:40] bunnybrawlerxo: Lol [01:34:41] piras314: SHORT red!!!!!!! @F1NN5TER [01:34:41] abel_tcp: SCAM [01:34:42] BlaireBearStare: Noooo [01:34:42] pianoismyforte_: The really short red one [01:34:42] Jayden_Reiko: Thats the wrong one! [01:34:42] elhera: The other red short! [01:34:43] zephyr_alba: Run off election [01:34:43] HardyOrange: yay new dres!!! [01:34:43] hannahdoesntexist: ahahaha [01:34:44] CptProtato: WRONG ONE [01:34:44] taylorthingx: other red one [01:34:45] SirJoealot: SCAM [01:34:46] johnkeiwo: red short means the short red one u dummy !!! even thought I didn't vote for this ! [01:34:49] Valentaiyo: wrong one bozo [01:34:51] wolfianyt: Scam [01:34:51] ChasingSol: yes [01:34:51] elhera: YES [01:34:52] Stovamor: It was the other red one @F1NN5TER [01:34:52] Stovamor: It was the other red one @F1NN5TER [01:34:52] 414pseudo: Y'all got played [01:34:52] SirJoealot: LMAO [01:34:53] asur1on: wrong one [01:34:54] cuddlebear187: Yes [01:34:54] baslak01: YES [01:34:55] SirJoealot: YES [01:34:55] Alkno_93: yes [01:34:56] Session1O52: yeah [01:34:56] Avaerus0: Red vs Blue feels like I'm playing Halo again [01:34:56] SirJoealot: SHORT [01:34:56] hannahdoesntexist: yes [01:34:56] Valentaiyo: ye [01:34:56] rain_storm69420: YES [01:34:56] Eadthryth: HELL NAH [01:34:56] bunnybrawlerxo: Yes [01:34:57] SHiRKiT: no [01:34:57] arinotsry: yes [01:34:58] Munchutus: yes [01:34:58] SirJoealot: RED [01:34:58] rainfallwall: no [01:34:59] lexibear_18: Yes its short and red [01:34:59] HardyOrange: noooooo [01:35:00] cuteoctopusshark: yes [01:35:00] nyx_royal: Yeah [01:35:00] SirJoealot: SHORT RED [01:35:01] catart10574: yes [01:35:02] babyhuey23: no wtf. new poll [01:35:02] tomandil789: no [01:35:02] slipknotphilcollins: fuck yeah!! [01:35:02] viryl_lucas: ohh hehe [01:35:03] Raddog315: lol [01:35:03] xxjoyeusexx: yes [01:35:03] balsabasher: wrong one [01:35:04] Quackathulhu: yes [01:35:05] baslak01: yesss [01:35:05] puzelina: look nice with your lips [01:35:05] asur1on: yes [01:35:06] acid2202: no [01:35:10] SamTheSilversmith: is that long enough to be a dress? [01:35:11] tomandil789: no that one was just red [01:35:12] Eadthryth: NO [01:35:12] claysparrow: new poll [01:35:14] Firefrog21: no [01:35:14] SHiRKiT: no I voted for the white and red one! SCAM [01:35:14] wolfianyt: Yes [01:35:14] babyhuey23: I wanted the other one [01:35:14] SirJoealot: Nah the red red [01:35:15] Avaerus0: Both are cute [01:35:15] johnkeiwo: Have some music chat ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhG-vLZrb-g&list=RDRPzf_4dcL28&index=25&ab_channel=FallOutBoyVEVO [01:35:15] BlaireBearStare: Oh dayum [01:35:16] baslak01: tHE FIRST red [01:35:16] Munchutus: nooo [01:35:17] babyhuey23: noooo [01:35:18] Raddog315: omg [01:35:18] HardyOrange: oooh hearts one is cute! [01:35:19] acid2202: white with leaves [01:35:21] BlightningBrightling: yo that's a top [01:35:21] bearpaw1970: 😲 wow what a sheer red dress [01:35:21] SirJoealot: bright red [01:35:21] Munchutus: new one [01:35:21] davidiusfarrenius: I know chat! 😄 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:35:21] Eadthryth: NEITHER [01:35:21] blu_yeti: New poll [01:35:22] lualaby: lighter one [01:35:22] wellan7564: Finally [01:35:22] Darkstar_j_: who made that confusing red poll [01:35:22] baslak01: RIGHT [01:35:22] the_deezel: Read with leaves [01:35:22] ShigotoKowai: The first one [01:35:22] babyhuey23: redo the poll! [01:35:23] elhera: The shorter one! [01:35:23] RykerSune: the bright red one better [01:35:23] ciberfreak: not what i voted for but alright [01:35:23] alikarin: The poll was confusing [01:35:23] MajesticFvckingEagle: Short [01:35:24] ChasingSol: omg [01:35:24] zayne_pot: Night foun [01:35:24] SHiRKiT: none of those [01:35:25] Stockiing: The red and white [01:35:25] Jens_LN: 1 [01:35:25] floatymatcha: hearts [01:35:25] CyanoticJam: Vote!!! [01:35:25] acid2202: bring back the white one [01:35:25] coltofpip: short [01:35:25] rainfallwall: the flower one [01:35:26] the_bogganator1: Short [01:35:26] DUCCCCCKKKKKKKK: The red one [01:35:26] hannahdoesntexist: pole number 2 lol [01:35:26] baslak01: Short red [01:35:28] viryl_lucas: try it [01:35:28] danyalwaqar: SHORT RED [01:35:28] amthemuffinman_27: short [01:35:28] shrumb0: YESS [01:35:28] baslak01: short [01:35:29] zayne_pot: Goun [01:35:29] Avaerus0: Longer one is more see-through so that one [01:35:29] cuteoctopusshark: hearts [01:35:29] Valentaiyo: Dark one [01:35:30] Quackathulhu: red with hearts [01:35:30] oddstruck: Short! [01:35:31] Dasdwarf: your right hand [01:35:31] hannahdoesntexist: left [01:35:32] viryl_lucas: try both [01:35:32] AntonyJC1: red short [01:35:32] amthemuffinman_27: SHORT [01:35:32] mittfh: Red and white. [01:35:33] zayne_pot: Gown [01:35:33] Jens_LN: first one [01:35:33] notrlyjacob: wait [01:35:34] blatant_fabrication: dark red [01:35:34] danyalwaqar: SHORT [01:35:34] madi_rayz: nightgown [01:35:35] ciberfreak: the middle one [01:35:35] DUCCCCCKKKKKKKK: Red one [01:35:35] SirJoealot: right one [01:35:35] bunnybrawlerxo: The short one Finn it's prettier [01:35:36] babyhuey23: new poll! [01:35:36] balsabasher: both are nice [01:35:37] ace0887: short [01:35:37] randyiii: Your left hand one [01:35:37] aimeeasdf: left [01:35:38] Valezifer: short [01:35:38] nyx_royal: Short [01:35:38] bearpaw1970: One is sheer red [01:35:39] xtra_tori: Get to trying them on [01:35:40] notrlyjacob: shoooort [01:35:40] that_one_garden: omg not 3 reds [01:35:40] baslak01: Right [01:35:41] 414pseudo: Pretty sure one is see through [01:35:41] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: left [01:35:42] asur1on: short [01:35:44] simplejack42069: Spend less on curtains and more on sundresses silly girl. [01:35:44] slipknotphilcollins: my right your left [01:35:44] acid2202: bring back the white [01:35:46] BlaireBearStare: Left [01:35:48] rainfallwall: I didn't vote for either of those [01:35:49] HardyOrange: red flowers vs hearts vs old red [01:35:52] ace0887: Wow boobs [01:35:53] SHiRKiT: white and red flowers [01:35:59] the_deezel: Red & white [01:36:00] SirJoealot: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:36:01] ManOnTheNet: @bu11c8ap thanks for he sub [01:36:02] ace0887: Booba woaw [01:36:03] SirJoealot: shinic19Headpet shinic19Headpet shinic19Headpet [01:36:03] Avaerus0: The shiny lip look goes so hard [01:36:05] hyenaWWW: short vs short short [01:36:05] bearpaw1970: Semi see through [01:36:08] acid2202: white need to be back in poll [01:36:08] Raddog315: poor mods [01:36:10] SirJoealot: sirjoe5Gamergirlloveheart [01:36:10] ZDRhana: hey [01:36:14] baslak01: Right red short dress = good [01:36:14] taylorthingx: cute! [01:36:16] zayne_pot: Night gown [01:36:16] cuddlebear187: Poll [01:36:19] TwinbeeMk2: Looking beautiful <3 [01:36:20] druchi2088: This vote had better options than the UK General Election [01:36:22] Alkno_93: good [01:36:22] zayne_pot: Gown [01:36:22] Avaerus0: 10/10 [01:36:22] Shockwavemecha: Looking POG [01:36:23] scarlettyg: Kyoot <3 [01:36:23] TheNelizz: TheNelizz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:36:23] SirJoealot: hot girl [01:36:23] f3mmbot: thenelizz subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:36:23] danyalwaqar: RED [01:36:23] mechtel: Getting dressed isn't going to ruin the makeup right? [01:36:23] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: nice lips dear [01:36:24] bunnybrawlerxo: Beautiful [01:36:24] ZDRhana: ZDRhana subscribed with Prime. [01:36:24] f3mmbot: zdrhana subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang zdrhana f1nnLezgang [01:36:25] viryl_lucas: booba [01:36:26] pyrandname: cute [01:36:27] baslak01: Poll plz [01:36:27] HardyOrange: the fabric on the just red dress isn't spinny :/ [01:36:27] rainfallwall: lovely [01:36:29] CyanoticJam: You always look good [01:36:29] mystchevious1: I think you're gorgeous and I'm jealous. [01:36:32] ManOnTheNet: f1nnPegChamp [01:36:32] claysparrow: include the white and red! [01:36:32] amorisela: good [01:36:34] wolfianyt: Give the mods bread [01:36:34] bearpaw1970: Baslak01 [01:36:34] strinx1120: Soo Cuteee [01:36:37] oliviazbored: I’ve got that exact makeup mirror lmao [01:36:43] TwinbeeMk2: that shade looks good with your skintone [01:36:44] SirJoealot: :D [01:36:45] scarlettyg: It has "short" in the name, of course we're choosing that [01:36:47] HardyOrange: long red makes no sense! [01:36:47] mechtel: Also it's nice to see you taking care of yourself and so I felt like doing the same so I'm painting my nails! I have a cute nail polish that looks like sprinkles and smells like a donut for some reason lmao [01:36:48] SirJoealot: LMAO [01:36:50] SirJoealot: :D [01:37:06] hannahdoesntexist: yes [01:37:07] Avaerus0: Wow [01:37:07] ShigotoKowai: *Banned* [01:37:08] livjpk78: Wear a leather jacket with the cute dress [01:37:08] notrlyjacob: no [01:37:09] simplejack42069: I vote short and sassy [01:37:09] slipknotphilcollins: 🤔 [01:37:09] johnkeiwo: u are boobing too much for no bra finn [01:37:09] tilt_central: you will need one for the short xD [01:37:10] baslak01: @bearpaw1970 ? [01:37:10] SirJoealot: na get bra [01:37:12] bearpaw1970: Longer red was sheer semi see through [01:37:15] statesidelemur9: u need one [01:37:15] Amoyamoyamoya: Bobs? [01:37:17] pianoismyforte_: Itty Bitty Titty Committee FTW [01:37:19] Session1O52: no bra [01:37:22] mounty_man42: all the OGs pick the sluttiest stuff [01:37:25] bulletfeed: You need one f1nn [01:37:26] Stovamor: Stovamor subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months, currently on a 46 month streak! We're out of practice because you only stream twice a month. / / / / Also, this is my 46th month subscribed. [01:37:26] f3mmbot: stovamor subscribed to f1nn5ter for 46 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:37:26] Raddog315: short red might be too wide [01:37:26] bearpaw1970: 😁👍 [01:37:27] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "Which red": Short red with 303 votes (57.91%) [01:37:30] acid2202: looking cute [01:37:30] Shockwavemecha: S tier Makeup @F1NN5TER [01:37:30] mystchevious1: You do have a red bra [01:37:32] ukulelewolfeh373: the one with hearts is so cute thoughhh [01:37:33] cuteoctopusshark: try both on ? [01:37:35] viryl_lucas: (sluttier) [01:37:36] baslak01: Victory [01:37:37] Valentaiyo: yea [01:37:38] hannahdoesntexist: how thick is the fabric? [01:37:41] Darkstar_j_: ultra cute rn [01:37:41] andimax11: Lol [01:37:42] Shockwavemecha: spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies [01:37:44] johnkeiwo: Thx uncle stov KEKW [01:37:45] amorisela: haha [01:37:50] ChasingSol: thank you Stov [01:37:51] the_living_noob_: Lets go [01:37:55] bxngii_: shaft [01:37:56] bunnybrawlerxo: ❤️ [01:37:57] Shockwavemecha: This Makeup goes Hard [01:37:58] bugboi2319: the gender envy is insane [01:37:59] BlaireBearStare: Loving the lipstick, giving good sass energy [01:38:00] numeanor: we need herelws too!!!111 [01:38:01] johnkeiwo: im 47 month [01:38:02] RykerSune: now put on the finnicky saga vid [01:38:02] the_living_noob_: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [01:38:02] bearpaw1970: Congratulations on the 46month [01:38:02] Amoyamoyamoya: WAIT Bobs or pokies? [01:38:03] slipknotphilcollins: 🙌🏻 [01:38:08] bunnybrawlerxo: Ok [01:38:09] campostheiind: Hi [01:38:09] SirJoealot: HNADY DANDY [01:38:10] johnkeiwo: Play the video !! [01:38:10] johnkeiwo: Play the video !! [01:38:10] johnkeiwo: Play the video !! [01:38:11] numeanor: heels* [01:38:12] ballsofmolagbal: WAIT THIS MF ONLY STREAMS TWICE A MONTH??? DID I CATCH A F1NN5TER STREAM FIRST TRY???? [01:38:13] dracnought: f1nnEgg [01:38:14] ballsofmolagbal: LETS GOOO [01:38:16] slipknotphilcollins: bare ass [01:38:17] xxjoyeusexx: i got 47 [01:38:17] Shockwavemecha: cheap plastic [01:38:19] ciberfreak: You guys listen to much UB40 [01:38:21] Stovamor: Finn has been subbed for 1 more month than me of the current mods [01:38:22] johnkeiwo: U DUMB BICH [01:38:22] Amoyamoyamoya: @ballsofmolagbal, THIS IS PRE-RECORDED [01:38:23] bfredl: clumsy femboy representation [01:38:26] dmvenberg: dmvenberg subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! wow 3 months, I can’t believe I’ve watched Finn 3 months almost religiously. [01:38:26] f3mmbot: dmvenberg subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [01:38:29] acid2202: chair you are so far *cry [01:38:29] viryl_lucas: dumm bich [01:38:30] xtra_tori: No Chair???? [01:38:31] notrlyjacob: ooof [01:38:32] johnkeiwo: Play the video while chat waits !! [01:38:32] mechtel: Wait were you going to play the video while you got changed? [01:38:34] slipknotphilcollins: Phil Collins versus everybody [01:38:35] YumeNoZen: That's what happens when you handle wood too roughly. [01:38:36] mystchevious1: lol John lol [01:38:36] Silraa: Easily distracted streamer is easily distracted [01:38:37] Stovamor: Play the video! [01:38:37] AntonyJC1: PLAY THE VIDEO FINN [01:38:38] amorisela: poor hanger [01:38:38] richarduk81: Boobs [01:38:38] BlaireBearStare: Doing alright chair? [01:38:38] debdrup: Quick, say something cute! Good job, chat *headpats* [01:38:40] cuddlebear187: Cheap hanger [01:38:41] itsjustmist: 49 months on tier 3 [01:38:41] baslak01: Hi myselves [01:38:44] ronin_5463: Hows u guys day goin...? [01:38:44] Raddog315: ok, everyone get bare with F1nn... [01:38:45] randyiii: Now just need some red fishnets [01:38:45] RykerSune: play the finnicky video [01:38:45] mystchevious1: I kinda want to watch the video with Finn. [01:38:46] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: When TTS said “you only stream twice a month” I heard it as “strip” instead of “stream” [01:38:48] Shockwavemecha: Poor carpet floor [01:38:49] rev_yellow: I watch finnster religiously [01:38:49] elhera: Chair is so close, yet so far [01:38:49] Valezifer: The floor getting messier [01:38:50] Valentaiyo: BRING FORWARD THE CHAIR [01:38:51] acid2202: has chair forsaken us? [01:38:56] mystchevious1: Her take on the video will be much more wholesome. [01:39:01] BlightningBrightling: Look at this mess. [01:39:04] tomandil789: bring the chaid back [01:39:05] balsabasher: chair? [01:39:09] baslak01: Y does chair not want to look at us? [01:39:09] CJKDB: Maid outfit is called for. [01:39:09] Shockwavemecha: so much room for activities [01:39:11] tomandil789: chair [01:39:13] miya_lovely: Is that stains on the carpet already 😳 [01:39:16] slipknotphilcollins: do it jiggle like nursing home Jell-O? [01:39:18] acid2202: maybe we need a maid service stream to clean all this up [01:39:18] Eadthryth: constant fear....that you'll show your yolked abs? [01:39:18] powhahowha: I love how the gray and black sweatshirt/pants are a universal androgynous outfit [01:39:19] bearpaw1970: Ashley's video craves your attention F1nn' watch her magic [01:39:20] ronin_5463: This feels like a room in the backrooms [01:39:22] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:39:23] johnkeiwo: I HATE U !!!! [01:39:24] tomandil789: still [01:39:27] pianoismyforte_: What about a corset over it? [01:39:28] baslak01: I see no problem [01:39:28] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:39:29] lualaby: good enough [01:39:30] tomandil789: better [01:39:33] viryl_lucas: NAKEY F1NN FREW [01:39:33] bfredl: 😳 [01:39:35] asur1on: @acid2202 yes [01:39:37] pianoismyforte_: Leg! [01:39:39] livjpk78: Cute. Why not try a leather jacket with it? [01:39:40] bunnybrawlerxo: Ayeeee [01:39:41] alexx_net: Chair forgive us! Come back please? [01:39:42] Darkstar_j_: this room is starting to look like a proper f1nn stream room trash everywhere [01:39:42] SirJoealot: need to clean up that mess [01:39:42] pianoismyforte_: Cute! [01:39:42] undefined_variables: cute [01:39:42] ChasingSol: looking good [01:39:42] TwinbeeMk2: merudesuHearts [01:39:42] baslak01: Nice [01:39:43] notrlyjacob: damn [01:39:43] Jens_LN: Cute ! [01:39:43] Session1O52: yoo [01:39:43] Shockwavemecha: c u t e [01:39:45] Avaerus0: But the socks are cute [01:39:45] braddle172: itspea13Wow [01:39:45] CptProtato: cute [01:39:45] viryl_lucas: HNGGGG [01:39:45] elhera: Cuuuuuuuute [01:39:46] taylorthingx: Wow! [01:39:46] barrenchatt: Gorgeous [01:39:47] opqnda_: LUL LUL LUL [01:39:47] numeanor: heels? [01:39:47] Jens_LN: femukHeart [01:39:47] Munchutus: ayo [01:39:48] Jayden_Reiko: Eeeeeee.. so cute. [01:39:48] BensEZGamin: boba [01:39:49] bensrob: Cute! [01:39:49] phi_21bit: Cute! [01:39:49] bunnybrawlerxo: Cute [01:39:50] randyiii: Need red fishnets [01:39:50] Amoyamoyamoya: I need caffeine rn [01:39:50] strinx1120: Cutee [01:39:50] Shockwavemecha: aoifeLove aoifeLove aoifeLove [01:39:50] opqnda_: TPFufun TPFufun [01:39:50] bearpaw1970: Nak'ed [01:39:51] EmpressAdria: cute! [01:39:51] ClaraRenway: Cuuuuute :3 [01:39:51] arinotsry: DAMNNN [01:39:52] BradyRosetta: cute [01:39:52] BurntOutMan: legggg [01:39:52] ShigotoKowai: Careful lol [01:39:52] viryl_lucas: cleavage [01:39:53] AKa_47: POGGERS [01:39:53] pianoismyforte_: Very pretty [01:39:53] W1NK5Y: so cute!! [01:39:54] Quackathulhu: super pretty [01:39:54] olsonexi: CUTE!!! <3 [01:39:54] muddymudkip15: Cute [01:39:55] SirJoealot: CUTIE PATOOTIE [01:39:55] rainfallwall: cute [01:39:55] Ramstein: you're gonna make a man so happy one day :') [01:39:55] bearpaw1970: Cute [01:39:56] Valentaiyo: it's cute! [01:39:56] Jens_LN: We like ! [01:39:56] bunnybrawlerxo: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ [01:39:56] StrawberryRime: PogChamp PogChamp [01:39:57] kapumon: cute [01:39:57] alexh1441: would [01:39:57] akakittay: ?!?!?! [01:39:57] oliviazbored: that’s cute [01:39:57] andimax11: cute [01:39:58] Session1O52: cute [01:39:58] the_living_noob_: Cute [01:39:58] cuddlebear187: GET AND SPINN [01:39:58] RuthlessWelshy: omg u babe [01:39:58] autosoft6483: wow [01:39:58] hannahdoesntexist: very nice [01:39:58] princess_mia03: cuttteeee [01:39:58] Equal_ibrium: Absolutely killing it [01:39:58] nyx_royal: Damnnn [01:39:59] Freeburger97: woof woof [01:39:59] Shockwavemecha: mikami13Pog mikami13Pog mikami13Pog [01:39:59] knightpuddin: SO CUTE!!!! :3 [01:39:59] ronin_5463: Clubbing outfit [01:39:59] opqnda_: red fishnets [01:39:59] AcheronToEros: Get ICKY'S opinion. [01:39:59] lexibear_18: Oooo its so cute [01:39:59] mothpurr: cute!! [01:40:00] dafdeddog: smashing [01:40:00] notrlyjacob: cute [01:40:00] SeaElite: Cute! [01:40:00] elhera: Leggies [01:40:01] SirJoealot: :3 [01:40:01] sherlock_norris: That's lingerie [01:40:01] Avaerus0: I think you look incredible as always [01:40:01] Jens_LN: itspea13Blahajheart [01:40:01] coldPhax: super cute [01:40:01] Xxjeff1989xX: yes [01:40:02] lilithsspawn: cuteeee [01:40:02] SirJoealot: nya [01:40:03] theplayfuldead: zamn [01:40:03] Valezifer: Cute [01:40:03] SirJoealot: uwu [01:40:04] RykerSune: very cute....now finnicky vid [01:40:04] tomandil789: leggings [01:40:04] ninjasquirtle6: YES [01:40:05] zayne_pot: Poggers [01:40:05] nlulukna: cuuuute [01:40:06] TwilightCloak: Very cute! <3 [01:40:06] notrlyjacob: smash [01:40:06] skylee1976: Love it [01:40:06] wolfianyt: Cute [01:40:07] viryl_lucas: s m a s h [01:40:07] Jens_LN: femukHeart femukHeart femukHeart femukHeart [01:40:08] Amoyamoyamoya: [01:40:08] blueskydrinking: I'm feeling shy now FLUSH [01:40:09] elhera: Chair! [01:40:09] hamster_potato: cute F1nns3ss [01:40:09] opqnda_: fishnets [01:40:09] TwinbeeMk2: @F1NN5TER I'd totally ask you out [01:40:10] crustyhashbrown: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [01:40:10] karojhe: Damn babe [01:40:11] HocksEvan: kinda boring needs a belt [01:40:11] the_deezel: You're a beautiful mess [01:40:12] amorisela: very cute [01:40:13] ciberfreak: Like the UB40 song...Lady in Red [01:40:13] pianoismyforte_: Different socks needed though [01:40:13] bearpaw1970: And it's Slinky [01:40:14] im_up_to_something: Quite cute 😍 [01:40:14] asur1on: smash [01:40:14] bunnybrawlerxo: Smash [01:40:14] NichtzNeues: Cant ignore the socks [01:40:15] jamboos_: HeyGuys [01:40:15] Raddog315: the new stream room is almost messy enough to really feel like it's F1nns now [01:40:15] klimmers_8: cute [01:40:15] nyx_royal: Stunny [01:40:15] aimeeasdf: red suits you [01:40:15] Amoyamoyamoya: CHAIR IS SOOOOOO BIG [01:40:16] cuddlebear187: HEELS [01:40:17] BallSize500: my god, chat [01:40:17] Shockwavemecha: hi [01:40:18] AKa_47: peepoHappy [01:40:18] livjpk78: Needs your over the knee boots [01:40:19] lordhermit_for_ages: cute [01:40:19] braddle172: 😍 [01:40:19] mothpurr: Hi!!! [01:40:20] that_one_garden: the socks are bit weird but love [01:40:21] handscombchris: nearly flashed as you sat down there! [01:40:21] Jens_LN: hi ! itspea13BunnnWave [01:40:22] BurntOutMan: leggg [01:40:22] Ephemeral_001: cute!! [01:40:22] HarlowAwo: Cheer100 HII [01:40:25] Dasdwarf: honestly what dress size is that? [01:40:25] Valezifer: Thigh highs [01:40:26] viryl_lucas: hngg [01:40:26] opqnda_: healfs and fishnets [01:40:27] BlightningBrightling: that is heckin cute [01:40:27] NichtzNeues: Socks, so bad .. needs heels [01:40:27] cookieeater212: lil cutie patootie [01:40:27] scorpiorock: very nice [01:40:27] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: Date night with Fimter [01:40:28] meowriio: your hair is so gorgeus [01:40:28] acid2202: when is the maid stream to clean the mess in the room? [01:40:29] xemnohearts: why you all so thirst [01:40:32] BallSize500: “Why aren’t you in uniform?” [01:40:35] akakittay: QTTTTTTTTTTTTT [01:40:36] mechtel: I'm getting more comfortable wearing stuff that shows more skin but I still haven't figured out how to be comfy in things that ride up when I sit down. Does anybody have tips [01:40:37] bearpaw1970: In the limelight at convention stops [01:40:38] Shockwavemecha: Looking like a snack and a half [01:40:45] slipknotphilcollins: slipknotphilcollins is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 51 in the channel! [01:40:45] cuddlebear187: RED HEELS 👠 PLZ [01:40:45] f3mmbot: slipknotphilcollins has gifted a sub to 5 users in chat! [01:40:45] raycid74: Wow you look great [01:40:46] slipknotphilcollins: slipknotphilcollins gifted a Tier 1 sub to RoarkeEveDallas! [01:40:46] slipknotphilcollins: slipknotphilcollins gifted a Tier 1 sub to thean9ry9amer! [01:40:46] slipknotphilcollins: slipknotphilcollins gifted a Tier 1 sub to dadinhotwitch! [01:40:46] slipknotphilcollins: slipknotphilcollins gifted a Tier 1 sub to SwyfteWinter! [01:40:46] slipknotphilcollins: slipknotphilcollins gifted a Tier 1 sub to TransArkPlayer! [01:40:46] ciberfreak: yaaay chair is back [01:40:47] johnkeiwo: need a bra to avoid accidents [01:40:48] oliviazbored: I like ur bracelet [01:40:49] YumeNoZen: Arm? Where? [01:40:50] Stovamor: !caps [01:40:50] viryl_lucas: scam arm [01:40:50] f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! [01:40:58] TwinbeeMk2: Hi Rev! [01:40:59] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: now the other side [01:41:02] OHMichelleOH: conjuring up my best Joey impression "How you doin" [01:41:05] bearpaw1970: 👍😁 [01:41:11] Shockwavemecha: blondi13Noic [01:41:21] aimeeasdf: maybe a necklace? [01:41:22] blueskydrinking: don't... don't put that in the sermon KEKW [01:41:25] lcschwarze: imagine being this absolutely gorgeous, holy crap T_T [01:41:26] opqnda_: red fishnets and heals would add to this fr [01:41:27] Avaerus0: It's a really pretty bracelet [01:41:27] Equal_ibrium: Wait did he [01:41:28] YumeNoZen: @rev_yellow, <3 [01:41:31] Shockwavemecha: Hair trim when [01:41:31] notrlyjacob: do put that in the sermon... [01:41:33] HarlowAwo: HarlowAwo subscribed at Tier 1. [01:41:33] f3mmbot: harlowawo subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang harlowawo f1nnLezgang [01:41:38] sovereign_sketches: Was lovely meeting you at MCM London [01:41:41] Trixx1985: i bet that'd chafe [01:41:43] ChasingSol: @lcschwarze all caps gets auto deleted [01:41:43] Amoyamoyamoya: DOUBT [01:41:45] bearpaw1970: Ashley knows her Femboy kitten [01:41:48] Silraa: \o/ [01:41:53] Coop9er: Coop9er subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Are you hyped for rainbow month [01:41:53] f3mmbot: coop9er subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [01:41:56] ChasingSol: @Silraa [01:41:57] johnkeiwo: Just cry and go ffscreen ! [01:41:57] RykerSune: it's a lovely vid [01:41:57] ArminGux: that gender fluid is looking pink [01:41:57] cuddlebear187: Can you put on some RED HEELS 👠 [01:42:01] curtis_19__: haven’t seen any of your streams for a while lol [01:42:03] Silraa: So happy you liked it [01:42:03] Equal_ibrium: Same [01:42:04] pianoismyforte_: It was on ickycord first! [01:42:07] taylorthingx: i loved that video! [01:42:09] ChasingSol: @f1nn5ter @Silraa is who made it [01:42:12] Eadthryth: cue the you got a friend in my song [01:42:13] ChasingSol: @f1nn5ter @Silraa is who made it [01:42:13] TwinbeeMk2: <3 [01:42:13] ChasingSol: @f1nn5ter @Silraa is who made it [01:42:13] karojhe: Silra <3 [01:42:14] Avaerus0: Happy tears aren't a bad thing [01:42:15] slipknotphilcollins: !! [01:42:15] YumeNoZen: @Silraa, Did so goooood. [01:42:19] curtis_19__: I have a similar thing of that cercumstance happening to me. [01:42:22] tilt_central: xD [01:42:22] bunnybrawlerxo: Saw that on discord it's cute [01:42:26] viryl_lucas: hngg [01:42:27] scarlettyg: KEKW [01:42:28] medical_size9000: LUL LUL LUL [01:42:28] Shockwavemecha: KEKW [01:42:30] FatherThyme: LUL [01:42:30] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:42:31] gwen7732: 💜 [01:42:33] ArminGux: kekw [01:42:34] idesofjuno: KEKW [01:42:35] slipknotphilcollins: 🤜🏻🤛🏻 [01:42:35] viryl_lucas: LMAOOOOOOOO [01:42:37] braddle172: KEKW [01:42:39] Raddog315: spoiler, she killed him. r.i.p F1nn [01:42:43] the_living_noob_: so cutee [01:42:47] viryl_lucas: ????? [01:42:48] stephthephobiaslayer: Awww you two are adorable. But what.....you shower her how to WHAT? lol [01:42:50] Equal_ibrium: God my heart [01:42:51] alexx_net: Manyly man, except when arm wrestling someone twice your age? [01:42:52] Shockwavemecha: Best movie this summer [01:42:53] curtis_19__: :3 [01:42:53] bucksben: Baba o'riley?! [01:42:53] bearpaw1970: The Who' made it that much more epic, you know [01:42:54] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:42:56] lifaen__: awww [01:42:57] phi_21bit: <3 <3 <3 [01:42:59] krovvy: BibleThump [01:43:01] alikarin: awww [01:43:01] LaMale411: LUL [01:43:02] viryl_lucas: Gayge [01:43:03] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: OK, this is adorable. [01:43:04] oliviazbored: awww [01:43:04] stephthephobiaslayer: This is so heckin cute [01:43:06] ArminGux: adorbs [01:43:07] andimax11: Aww [01:43:08] xXNeroZashiXx: Cutest 🥰 [01:43:08] Shockwavemecha: This is an S tier Rom COM [01:43:09] johnkeiwo: f1nnHeart hasL adcvrLOVE worrunLove [01:43:10] BlaireBearStare: I need this movie holy shit [01:43:10] mothpurr: aww [01:43:11] slipknotphilcollins: 🫡 [01:43:11] FatherThyme: <3 [01:43:13] viryl_lucas: UwU [01:43:13] badger_ben: aww [01:43:14] curtis_19__: y’all so cute [01:43:14] RykerSune: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:43:15] Natsufur_XoX: Awwww [01:43:15] TheGalaco: f1nnally caught a stream live!! [01:43:16] Avaerus0: This is really well done [01:43:18] drophis: penpuinAAA [01:43:18] Jens_LN: d'awww [01:43:18] HocksEvan: so cute <3 [01:43:20] lcschwarze: Oh my god, I can't believe I'm here for this! [01:43:22] badger_ben: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:43:22] viryl_lucas: SoFUCKIN cuteeee [01:43:22] ciberfreak: This is so cute [01:43:24] curtis_19__: 💜💜💜 [01:43:27] Firefrog21: brickWIFE brickWIFE brickWIFE brickWIFE brickWIFE brickWIFE brickWIFE [01:43:27] braddle172: f1nnHeart [01:43:28] barrenchatt: Aww babe I'm gonna cry [01:43:29] Jayden_Reiko: LUL [01:43:30] ClaraRenway: Cuties :3 [01:43:30] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:43:31] scarlettyg: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:43:31] marblehoney: <3 <3 [01:43:33] theorangepickmc: f1nnHeart [01:43:35] notrlyjacob: lmaooo [01:43:36] RonnieSxl: <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:43:37] princess_mia03: awwwe this is so cute omggg [01:43:38] Shockwavemecha: i followed this Journey aoifeLove [01:43:39] viryl_lucas: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:43:41] Avaerus0: ❤️ [01:43:43] Trixx1985: i was there ! [01:43:43] viryl_lucas: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:43:43] the_living_noob_: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:43:44] ChasingSol: I'm being so normal [01:43:45] MillennialChaos: MillennialChaos subscribed with Prime. [01:43:45] f3mmbot: millennialchaos subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang millennialchaos f1nnLezgang [01:43:46] SeaborneGinger: proposal when? [01:43:47] BlaireBearStare: This is so gay I love it [01:43:48] bensrob: Awww <3 [01:43:49] Jens_LN: femukHeart femukHeart femukHeart [01:43:49] jamboos_: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [01:43:50] massachusetsguy: awwwww [01:43:50] theorangepickmc: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:43:52] ZoeDoesMusic: FeelsStrongMan FeelsStrongMan FeelsStrongMan [01:43:52] ArminGux: w riz [01:43:52] blueskydrinking: that kiss still makes me squee [01:43:52] Zyrashana: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:43:53] Shockwavemecha: c u t e [01:43:53] viryl_lucas: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:43:54] thigh_highs_on_toast: so sweet [01:43:54] RonnieSxl: aaaaaww [01:43:55] scarlettyg: That first on-screen kiss was so cuuute <3 <3 <3 [01:43:56] LaMale411: spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies [01:43:57] rebornuser38: rebornuser38 subscribed with Prime. [01:43:57] jayem97: Crying [01:43:57] f3mmbot: rebornuser38 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang rebornuser38 f1nnLezgang [01:43:58] ClaraRenway: aaaawwwww [01:44:00] RykerSune: Im not crying you're crying f1nnSad [01:44:00] alikarin: Such a great video [01:44:00] Shockwavemecha: daramgColonThree1 daramgColonThree2 [01:44:03] bearpaw1970: Power couple indeed!!! [01:44:03] Quackathulhu: so goddam cute [01:44:03] queeninblack5: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:44:04] Natsufur_XoX: THIS IS TOO FUCKING CUTE [01:44:04] formulacanvas: favorite internet couple [01:44:04] TheAMP1007: aawwwwwwwww [01:44:04] nyx_royal: SeemsGood [01:44:05] viryl_lucas: omg [01:44:06] SnabbKassa: Brum is a teenage wasteland [01:44:07] bunnybrawlerxo: You guys are adorable icky is perfect for you [01:44:07] void_7274_: Yooooo the cutest couple on the Internet ! [01:44:08] lifaen__: awww 😭 [01:44:08] that_one_garden: nhaa I feel so single [01:44:08] W1NK5Y: im sobbing!!!! this is so sweet [01:44:08] Shockwavemecha: femboy45Heart femboy45Heart femboy45Heart [01:44:10] TheGalaco: goddd the way he looks at her [01:44:11] taylorthingx: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:44:14] HarlowAwo: You've been such an inspiration on my path to accepting myself for who I am and learning about self-love. Keep doing your thing! Cheer100 [01:44:15] viryl_lucas: it's been so long [01:44:16] AwfullyOllie: omggggg this is sooooo cuteee [01:44:16] jamboos_: BibleThump [01:44:16] Trixx1985: dont you tell me not to cry zaqAngy [01:44:16] Raddog315: my heart [01:44:16] slipknotphilcollins: two sexy women wowsers! [01:44:19] Shockwavemecha: blahaj Dealer [01:44:20] xXNeroZashiXx: Cutest couple 😍❤️ [01:44:21] Avaerus0: Looking like he's right out of The Matrix [01:44:21] lcschwarze: "I wouldn't be trans if it wasn't for your" <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:44:24] Ember921: this is your Jim and Pam montage video [01:44:25] Ms_Moirai: finny [01:44:27] fugoliath: this is so good [01:44:30] Jens_LN: It's adorable. :) [01:44:31] alexx_net: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:44:33] Firefrog21: brickSUES brickSUES brickSUES [01:44:34] FatherThyme: the start of it all PogU [01:44:35] mystchevious1: So smitten [01:44:36] viryl_lucas: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:44:38] xtra_tori: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug shedding a few water dropplets [01:44:38] RykerSune: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:44:39] ArminGux: this is so sweet [01:44:39] barrenchatt: Oof stop cutting the onions please [01:44:41] YumeNoZen: You nerds make me happy. [01:44:42] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: The best thing about this is that F1nn in the little box in the corner watching the video is so obviously happy just looking back on all the highlights. [01:44:42] the_living_noob_: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:44:45] puzelina: i love you 2 [01:44:46] viryl_lucas: this was the banger idea [01:44:51] bunnybrawlerxo: Finnicky [01:44:53] ace0887: You're my favourite internet couple BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump oh my god [01:44:56] curtis_19__: you’re life is so good [01:44:56] AwfullyOllie: soooooooo cute!!!! [01:44:59] ronin_5463: Im too single for this istg [01:45:00] gasmccloud: The music lol [01:45:00] Ana_Stas1a: Omgg [01:45:01] blueskydrinking: The "I think I made a friend" is my favourite moment watching f1nn's streams [01:45:01] bearpaw1970: 🫡🫴Yume [01:45:03] Aeluvium: Love the way that your mouth syncs up with the lyrics starting [01:45:04] lara_raawr: cute ahhh [01:45:04] void_7274_: @ace0887 Same :) [01:45:05] viryl_lucas: wholesome chat [01:45:08] FatherThyme: <3 [01:45:08] GiantmEmber: I told myself I wasn’t gonna cry… [01:45:08] phi_21bit: So wholesome [01:45:09] mechtel: Shut up you two are so cute that's just terrible how adorable that was [01:45:09] ChasingSol: that was so cute [01:45:09] Silraa: Glad you liked it :D [01:45:09] johnkeiwo: Tears ! [01:45:10] braddle172: f1nnHeart [01:45:10] Natsufur_XoX: That was adorable [01:45:10] andimax11: Damn [01:45:11] Tom__B: nymnOkay [01:45:11] RykerSune: awwww f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:45:11] SamTheSilversmith: that was so damn cute, holy shit [01:45:13] aLittleCalamarian: so cute omg [01:45:14] acid2202: cute boy [01:45:14] coldPhax: cute ahh video [01:45:14] ArminGux: kekw [01:45:15] johnkeiwo: NOW CRY WOMAN !!! [01:45:15] johnkeiwo: NOW CRY WOMAN !!! [01:45:15] mystchevious1: Yep I'm crying [01:45:15] pillbughug: cuties 🥺 [01:45:15] void_7274_: They're so fucking cute OMF non existing GOD [01:45:15] oliviazbored: y’all are litterally the cutest omg [01:45:17] olsonexi: <3 <3 <3 [01:45:17] notrlyjacob: omgggg [01:45:18] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: <3 [01:45:18] maleniascarlett: that was a banger video [01:45:18] lifaen__: <3 <3 <3 [01:45:19] pyrandname: aww [01:45:19] Avaerus0: Wholesome [01:45:19] ClaraRenway: adorable :3 [01:45:19] livjpk78: Do you still have that long pvc coat? [01:45:19] Shockwavemecha: And the Academy award goes to [01:45:20] muddymudkip15: Aww [01:45:21] RykerSune: John KEKW [01:45:21] claysparrow: awwww [01:45:22] bensrob: that was just so cute <3 <3 [01:45:22] the_living_noob_: so cute [01:45:22] notrlyjacob: <3 <3 <3 <3 [01:45:23] YumeNoZen: YOU'RE so fucking cute. [01:45:23] tomandil789: cry now [01:45:23] ninjasquirtle6: Sooooo cute [01:45:23] viryl_lucas: cry [01:45:23] ballsofmolagbal: that is so fucking adorable [01:45:24] Jens_LN: yes, you two are cute [01:45:24] Silraa: :D [01:45:24] Shockwavemecha: aoifeLove aoifeLove aoifeLove [01:45:25] SeaborneGinger: SeaborneGinger is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [01:45:25] f3mmbot: seaborneginger has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [01:45:25] BlaireBearStare: Too wholesome [01:45:26] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:45:26] SeaborneGinger: SeaborneGinger gifted a Tier 1 sub to originalgengar! [01:45:26] SeaborneGinger: SeaborneGinger gifted a Tier 1 sub to gabe378! [01:45:26] SeaborneGinger: SeaborneGinger gifted a Tier 1 sub to RedAutumn47! [01:45:26] SeaborneGinger: SeaborneGinger gifted a Tier 1 sub to FairyMamaLlama! [01:45:26] SeaborneGinger: SeaborneGinger gifted a Tier 1 sub to iridaceaeIris69! [01:45:26] SeaborneGinger: SeaborneGinger gifted a Tier 1 sub to bigkingredflah! [01:45:26] SeaborneGinger: SeaborneGinger gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mimmuka! [01:45:26] SeaborneGinger: SeaborneGinger gifted a Tier 1 sub to Korin_e! [01:45:26] SeaborneGinger: SeaborneGinger gifted a Tier 1 sub to victory_2211! [01:45:26] SeaborneGinger: SeaborneGinger gifted a Tier 1 sub to Pewpewsyd! [01:45:26] blueskydrinking: <3 [01:45:26] Ephemeral_001: <3333 [01:45:26] princess_mia03: BibleThump1 [01:45:27] LaMale411: sooooo cute spicycowLovies [01:45:27] MajesticFvckingEagle: Awwww [01:45:27] Raddog315: why are my eyes sweating? [01:45:28] stephthephobiaslayer: That was so goddamn adorable [01:45:28] BallSize500: play it again ! [01:45:28] kgober: pink chair so adorable [01:45:29] thechris2103: 💜 [01:45:29] ProfaneCreation: holladLove holladLove holladLove [01:45:29] davidiusfarrenius: F1NN and Ashley ❤️ Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:45:30] bearpaw1970: It is F1nn [01:45:30] gasmccloud: Literally cutest couple [01:45:30] Xxjeff1989xX: TransgenderPride [01:45:31] thekingone10: Cute [01:45:31] ballsofmolagbal: I absolutely love that [01:45:31] W1NK5Y: i am sobbing [01:45:31] ArminGux: sniff sniff [01:45:32] Shockwavemecha: aoifeSad [01:45:32] zombiii: so cute. thats the good tears [01:45:32] Quackathulhu: I’m crying [01:45:35] GiantmEmber: Army of Ninjas cutting onions.. [01:45:37] W1NK5Y: that’s so sweet [01:45:38] skylee1976: Awe, so cute [01:45:39] johnkeiwo: Kappa [01:45:41] gruntbane: I'm tearing up [01:45:42] thekingone10: VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea [01:45:43] ArminGux: no women no cry [01:45:44] belovenares: manly men don't cry! [01:45:44] Ephemeral_001: ayyyo [01:45:45] Darkstar_j_: f1nnSad [01:45:46] Shockwavemecha: Hmm [01:45:46] the_living_noob_: f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [01:45:47] baslak01: Had the "this is how I meet your mother" vibes [01:45:48] notrlyjacob: onions in the next room [01:45:48] dafdeddog: was very good [01:45:48] scorpiorock: wholesome [01:45:49] thigh_highs_on_toast: was that the news [01:45:50] wolfianyt: So cutr [01:45:50] viryl_lucas: f1nnSad [01:45:51] handscombchris: we have video evidence!!! [01:45:53] billytehdragon1234: Clip him crying [01:45:53] Silraa: Poll for how many in chat cried? [01:45:53] NichtzNeues: December 2022 [01:45:54] barrenchatt: BibleThump [01:45:55] viryl_lucas: f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [01:45:56] void_7274_: Last time I watched your stream your room was 10x smaller [01:45:57] Amoyamoyamoya: I've never seen F1nn cry [01:45:57] zaria32vath: I'm trying not to cry f1nnSad f1nnSad [01:45:57] W1NK5Y: text ash you love her or something [01:45:58] extremeph: sappy bimbo [01:45:59] bananasandwich6969: no woman no cry [01:45:59] asdpokemon: I’m autistic so it’s hard to cry but god damn it [01:45:59] akakittay: shots [01:46:00] mantle_manokit: Was rly cool Meeting u at MCM!! thanks for signing my minecraft copy lol [01:46:00] tilt_central: big lies crying internally XD [01:46:00] void_7274_: What an upgrade [01:46:00] karojhe: We've made you cry before, you know! [01:46:02] crymson_vega: You're not familiar with the word "fucking hell"??? LIAR!!! [01:46:02] wolfianyt: also hi yt [01:46:03] SKYFIGHTERX112: SKYFIGHTERX112 subscribed at Tier 1. [01:46:03] f3mmbot: skyfighterx112 subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang skyfighterx112 f1nnLezgang [01:46:04] Shockwavemecha: LUL [01:46:06] ArminGux: you look happy together [01:46:11] ballsofmolagbal: not woman no cry [01:46:11] numeanor: real men wear dresses [01:46:16] johnkeiwo: Awww [01:46:17] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:46:18] RykerSune: KEKW [01:46:22] notrlyjacob: KEKW [01:46:22] Diziouf: DUh [01:46:23] axe1970: axe1970 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months, currently on a 38 month streak! manly men [01:46:23] f3mmbot: axe1970 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 38 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:46:23] Valezifer: Chimps don't cry (the boys) [01:46:25] AlwaysPogging: Aww [01:46:25] Shockwavemecha: after all this time [01:46:26] Raddog315: she just noticed lol [01:46:26] ArminGux: kekw [01:46:30] blueskydrinking: you get used to it lmao [01:46:30] alexx_net: Yes! Yes y'all are cute together [01:46:31] TheGalaco: now you know how everyone feels lmao [01:46:32] ronin_5463: Brum voices dont match anything lol [01:46:35] FatherThyme: june [01:46:36] pillbughug: icky’s video yesterday gave me the energy to try voice training again [01:46:37] Dasdwarf: june [01:46:38] viryl_lucas: June [01:46:38] crymson_vega: next month [01:46:40] bensrob: june [01:46:41] W1NK5Y: now [01:46:41] strawb3ry_cow: F1nn f1nn look in the art channel, I drew you and icky, I think you’d like them!! DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:46:41] aLittleCalamarian: June [01:46:41] ballsofmolagbal: june [01:46:41] Mrdeadfishrock: WAS THAT A PH TAB [01:46:42] viryl_lucas: my birthdayyy [01:46:43] Ephemeral_001: saturday lol [01:46:43] crymson_vega: JUNE [01:46:44] ArminGux: june [01:46:45] grape2: tomorrow [01:46:45] originalgengar: SeaborneGinger thanks for the sub ckwanLOVE [01:46:46] bfredl: KEKW [01:46:46] oliviazbored: 2 days [01:46:47] johnkeiwo: reminder : same thing when met freddie ' voice not match ' [01:46:47] mystchevious1: Do it!!! [01:46:48] johnkeiwo: reminder : same thing when met freddie ' voice not match ' [01:46:49] ArminGux: it’s tomorrow [01:46:49] davidiusfarrenius: Heartwarming video, I was smiling all the way through that! 👍 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [01:46:50] Jahkae: its in like 2 days lolll [01:46:50] pianoismyforte_: Do it! [01:46:52] blueskydrinking: dew it pussy [01:46:53] the_living_noob_: do it [01:46:54] Valentaiyo: tomorrow [01:46:58] alexx_net: True. You didn't even cry why I beat you in the arm wrestle f1nnLaff [01:46:58] mystchevious1: Celebrate pride [01:47:03] ClaraRenway: do it! [01:47:03] mechtel: Next month, do you mean June in 2 days? [01:47:04] mebeperson: just joined what did i miss [01:47:08] viryl_lucas: qhy are ypu defensive [01:47:09] johnkeiwo: reminder : same thing when met freddie ' voice not match ' [01:47:12] Avaerus0: Even if it had been it's nbd [01:47:13] andimax11: Lol it's a rockstar tab? [01:47:14] Trixx1985: cosmic10Bino [01:47:14] crymson_vega: JUNE begins on Saturday not Tomorrow [01:47:15] DeanTwistedForce: My god so beautiful [01:47:15] RDM_NSA: you people know how to cry? BibleThump [01:47:15] demonfemboy02: tommorow [01:47:17] LittleChaSiu: LittleChaSiu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months, currently on a 41 month streak! 41 months, let's go, greetings from your new head moderator et cetera [01:47:17] f3mmbot: littlechasiu subscribed to f1nn5ter for 41 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:47:17] ProfaneCreation: Go to Brighton and meet up with Womble KEKW [01:47:19] BlaireBearStare: But what's behind your cam... [01:47:19] Amoyamoyamoya: YOu can just walk in the parade (I assume they'll have a parade) [01:47:19] SeaborneGinger: @originalgengar np ❤️ [01:47:21] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted 3 months of Tier 1 to Silraa. They've gifted 1039 months in the channel! [01:47:21] f3mmbot: stovamor has gifted a subscription to silraa at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang silraa f1nnLezgang [01:47:22] Bobbin4Giblets: that isnt Xvideos, its just X [01:47:24] captain_scarlet_rose: @F1NN5TER our pride month\week festival opening is tomorrow <3 [01:47:28] johnkeiwo: reminder : same thing when met freddie ' voice not match ' [01:47:29] johnkeiwo: reminder : same thing when met freddie ' voice not match ' [01:47:29] Natsufur_XoX: Lol clicker heroes [01:47:30] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "did you cry": n with 86 votes (55.56%) [01:47:33] oliviazbored: clicker heroes gives the biggest nostalgia [01:47:37] Silraa: Oooh thanks for the sub stovamor [01:47:38] ArminGux: hyperfixation [01:47:41] valeciathrallwyn: Cheer300 heeey fin how is your fancy look going is it going as planned? [01:47:42] miiamoons: Do you guys not have pride in England? [01:47:49] Raddog315: don't trust him, he has multiple pages of tabs [01:47:49] Silraa: @Stovamor Yay [01:47:51] david375u: david375u subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! hello [01:47:51] Shockwavemecha: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [01:47:51] f3mmbot: david375u subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:48:01] johnkeiwo: reminder : same thing when met freddie ' voice not match ' [01:48:02] ChasingSol: yes [01:48:05] akakittay: BibleThump [01:48:05] ArminGux: i remember cookie clicker [01:48:06] Riggedierekt: cheese [01:48:07] johnkeiwo: Chasiu is new headmod yes [01:48:07] ChasingSol: @LittleChaSiu is new head mod [01:48:09] TheGalaco: just CASUALLY playing w the rolex [01:48:12] xtra_tori: missed voting on cry... my eyes leaked [01:48:12] YumeNoZen: Best puppygirl. [01:48:14] Amoyamoyamoya: @LittleChaSiu is new head mod [01:48:15] Natsufur_XoX: Finn what area are you in clicker heroes [01:48:18] ArminGux: u can go to brimiham pride [01:48:20] Designated_Films: There’s no gay people in England [01:48:22] Amoyamoyamoya: @LittleChaSiu is my boss [01:48:25] ShigotoKowai: There's not much to be proud about in England lol [01:48:26] Stovamor: I stepped down @F1NN5TER - Chasiu is in charge [01:48:27] Stovamor: I stepped down @F1NN5TER - Chasiu is in charge [01:48:34] mystchevious1: Congrats Chasiu!!! [01:48:34] pobles_xdd: im the boss [01:48:36] Avaerus0: It's actually prettier than some Rolex's [01:48:38] piras314: congratulations [01:48:43] bananasandwich6969: you missed Brum pride as you were in London lol [01:48:47] mebeperson: congrats [01:48:47] acid2202: the amount of adhd in that room where woble and finn meet could break the fabric of reality [01:48:48] ArminGux: clap chasiu [01:48:48] alexx_net: Does @Stovamor get a pension now that ChaSiu is head mod? [01:48:51] johnkeiwo: SHEEEEESH [01:48:53] slipknotphilcollins: damn [01:48:54] ChasingSol: omg [01:48:54] ProfaneCreation: Wasnt Clicker Heroes like the second clicker game after Cookie Clicker? selphyThink [01:48:56] Shockwavemecha: ok now [01:48:58] johnkeiwo: that uncle ass woddling around [01:49:00] Amoyamoyamoya: @alexx_net, THERE'S A PENSION!?!?!?! [01:49:01] SeaborneGinger: Peculiar, I am not Stov lol [01:49:02] mystchevious1: He didn't quit being a mod [01:49:03] viryl_lucas: workplace harrasment [01:49:04] debdrup: equal oppotunity sexism? [01:49:05] bearpaw1970: 😁🫴 Adorable voice for an Adorable 🥰 [01:49:07] Raddog315: @LittleChaSiu congrats/I'm so sorry [01:49:09] Amoyamoyamoya: OMG STOVTWERK? [01:49:10] blueskydrinking: sexual harassment from the boss smdh [01:49:11] blueish4: sexual harassment in the workplace smh [01:49:11] YumeNoZen: Goddamn fimter.... [01:49:12] slipknotphilcollins: "uncle ass" 😆😆 [01:49:16] LittleChaSiu: I will be going to Rotterdam, yes [01:49:19] Stovamor: I'm just really fucvking busy IRL @F1NN5TER [01:49:21] blueskydrinking: @blueish4 snap lmao [01:49:21] LittleChaSiu: also Birmingham [01:49:24] mechtel: Do we do anything to recognize mods here? Kofis or m for mods or anything? [01:49:26] jb4255: jb4255Shake jb4255Shake jb4255Shake [01:49:27] strawb3ry_cow: F1NN I drew both you and icky and posted them into the art channel In discord, hopefully you like them! [01:49:28] bearpaw1970: Congratulations LittleChaSiu [01:49:34] johnkeiwo: cringe [01:49:40] Raddog315: lol [01:49:44] johnkeiwo: oh wait [01:49:44] viryl_lucas: lmao [01:49:45] ChasingSol: @mechtel we get paid, no need for that [01:49:46] gaddafi_duck_: Good lord f1nn looking good [01:49:46] johnkeiwo: not cringe !!! [01:49:53] t0m1n4t0r: work trip or twerk trip? [01:49:55] johnkeiwo: I thought it was a random [01:49:57] barrenchatt: Omg i finally recovered from the video [01:49:58] johnkeiwo: PogU [01:50:03] alexx_net: Sexual harrasment in the work place? [01:50:04] YumeNoZen: Yellow is lovely. [01:50:06] Designated_Films: !discord [01:50:06] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:50:11] ArminGux: clap [01:50:15] mechtel: @chasingsol excellent! I'm so glad to hear that! Still want you to know that you're appreciated for keeping this a nice community lilyli11Luv [01:50:16] peepod11: Onomats 2 of the Australians but I forgot enjoy Western Unite Nelson next time I wonder why you don't do your night skincare [01:50:17] viryl_lucas: lol [01:50:22] viryl_lucas: I wanna get that [01:50:22] Mrdeadfishrock: im buying it [01:50:25] johnkeiwo: reminder : same thing when met freddie ' voice not match ' [01:50:25] Raddog315: is F1nn really gonna buy his own autograph [01:50:26] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:50:28] Amoyamoyamoya: 18 Pounds?!?!?! [01:50:29] ArminGux: wow that’s insane [01:50:30] acid2202: but no body pillow listings??? [01:50:31] oliviazbored: resale value goes crazy [01:50:35] rainfallwall: Damn, selling my cup soon [01:50:36] Amoyamoyamoya: I've got a spare sticker and cup... [01:50:38] tilt_central: they actually auctioning it XD [01:50:38] BallSize500: nah it’s Ashley actually selling you [01:50:40] Shockwavemecha: Buy it [01:50:40] LaCroix_Blows: The Waifu Sticker currently adorns my PS5 [01:50:42] bearpaw1970: Worth every inch [01:50:48] Avaerus0: The Waifucup collectors are a little crazy [01:50:48] ChasingSol: hahahaha [01:50:49] mechtel: LMAO [01:50:52] peepod11: Lol [01:50:52] oliviazbored: I wonder how much you could make as a reseller of your own merch [01:50:53] bensrob: LMAO [01:50:54] LittleChaSiu: oh god [01:50:55] mechtel: Excellent [01:50:56] xXNeroZashiXx: Lol [01:50:57] viryl_lucas: LOL [01:50:59] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:51:00] bearpaw1970: 🤣🫴💞 [01:51:01] ArminGux: hehehege [01:51:03] Shockwavemecha: bid on it [01:51:09] ArminGux: wtf is a ibs card [01:51:12] Raddog315: family heirloom lol [01:51:13] tomandil789: do it [01:51:15] gaymergirl24: yeah i couldnt get a waifu shirt sadgers [01:51:16] bucksben: Oh shit...literally!! [01:51:17] pianoismyforte_: KEKW [01:51:18] YumeNoZen: Oh no. [01:51:20] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, Chasiu is coming to Bristol too when she does her UK tour. I'm going to get her drunk on Cider and hopefully see Barbie then too [01:51:22] YumeNoZen: Oh noooooooo. [01:51:25] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, Chasiu is coming to Bristol too when she does her UK tour. I'm going to get her drunk on Cider and hopefully see Barbie then too [01:51:25] numeanor: gotta hit the sack, good night F1nn <3 [01:51:26] PlatypusWithCheese: hot girls have ibs [01:51:30] kant_sqell: oh [01:51:31] coldPhax: 🧐 [01:51:32] freshdelipickles: it's fine [01:51:32] t0m1n4t0r: Ashely coded the autoclicker IIRC [01:51:32] pianoismyforte_: If you have comments you're better than most of the people I work with [01:51:32] Zen0001S: Oohhh [01:51:33] Dasdwarf: You help me get started as a streamer and I'll help you code. [01:51:33] HannaCommitsTaxEvasion: i've seen worse [01:51:35] tilt_central: you are a grug brain ! [01:51:37] lara_raawr: 10/10 NASA-Grade [01:51:38] undefined_variables: lol [01:51:39] tilt_central: its amazing [01:51:40] balsabasher: we need your transcript [01:51:41] Shockwavemecha: ask Chat GPT [01:51:41] notrlyjacob: AHHH [01:51:42] krovvy: neat [01:51:43] mebeperson: We all had to start somewhere [01:51:44] Ninlilizi: Code so bad it could have been written by ChatGPT. [01:51:46] lethaldissonance: maybe add some comments, so when you look at it in a month you will have some idea of what you were trying to do [01:51:47] FatherThyme: how much of it was from stack overflow [01:51:47] notrlyjacob: that's horrible [01:51:47] stephthephobiaslayer: I am the transcoder and I will give you lessons if you want F1nn LUL [01:51:48] ronin_5463: If it work it work [01:51:48] andimax11: What is this for? [01:51:49] RDM_NSA: Sleep is a really bad function [01:51:50] bluenebula_8: wtf [01:51:50] omgluckyhere: my eyes [01:51:52] taylorthingx: the bracket usage is driving me insane [01:51:52] piras314: just use vscode... [01:51:53] andyinnie: someone show this guy vscode [01:51:53] bluenebula_8: why [01:51:54] bearpaw1970: Notepad baby😁🫴💞 [01:51:54] derbazii: yeah its alright... not great but... [01:51:54] undefined_variables: you use notepad++?? [01:51:55] viryl_lucas: ask chatgpt to make it efficient [01:51:56] coldPhax: you know syntax highlighting exists right? [01:51:56] mebeperson: ALSO WHY ART THOU LIGHTMODE [01:51:56] mittfh: We need an update of his Programmer Socks spiel... [01:51:57] tilt_central: vs code XD [01:51:57] ScrungusObungus: plEASE use VSCode it is so much better [01:51:57] Avaerus0: *Nods head* (I understand none of that) [01:51:58] pianoismyforte_: Npp has dark yes [01:52:03] Jens_LN: Ultra Edit [01:52:04] blatant_fabrication: vim ftw [01:52:04] kant_sqell: god, that’s horrible [01:52:05] freshdelipickles: time to get her to use Neovim [01:52:06] sovereign_sketches: Yeah theres a darkmode in notepad++ [01:52:06] Amoyamoyamoya: IF ONLY YOU KNEW PROGRAMMERS F1NN?!?!?! [01:52:07] andimax11: I love VS code [01:52:07] YumeNoZen: @Stovamor I'm so sad I can't join her Euro tour earlier. [01:52:08] omgluckyhere: vscode [01:52:09] Aurora_gey_: still better than yandere simulator [01:52:09] SamTheSilversmith: preferences somewhere? [01:52:10] piras314: notepad++ is illegal you must use vscode [01:52:10] thechris2103: use vscode [01:52:10] Helen_Croft: notepad++ has dark mode in settings [01:52:11] Raddog315: it has a dark mode [01:52:11] cdewoozy: vscode [01:52:12] ArminGux: could have just recorded a mouse program and done the same shit [01:52:13] paul360hd: use VIM [01:52:14] radcom123: its great.... for a autohotkey script [01:52:15] Spook1es: VS Code is the same, just better [01:52:15] asdpokemon: my video bit imaging is t working well so I can’t tell [01:52:16] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: I use Notepad++ on light mode to code… [01:52:17] falconeray: I've reviewed worse code, today. [01:52:17] alexh1441: been out bid on the ibs car :( [01:52:21] matthewl202: sadly I have to get my wisdom pulled out [01:52:21] alexh1441: card [01:52:21] lexibear_18: Its like looking at a language i dont speak lol [01:52:21] mebeperson: If you use ++ it hs darkmode [01:52:21] RDM_NSA: Oh yeah no programming socks [01:52:22] pianoismyforte_: Settings > Preferences > Darkmode [01:52:22] mrbb_55: vscode [01:52:23] Valezifer: Sleep 10000 [01:52:26] piras314: @paul360hd do not tell f1nn5ter about vim [01:52:29] stephthephobiaslayer: Use vim in a Linux terminal you coward [01:52:30] debdrup: Notepad++ Dark Mode: Settings > Style Configurator > DarkModeDefault as Theme [01:52:30] johnkeiwo: the most scuffed code ( says the dude who doesn't know shit ) [01:52:31] Spook1es: Please! [01:52:32] tau_1s: its so much batter [01:52:33] YumeNoZen: I use notepad++ to quickly check a few things all the time. It's fine. [01:52:34] FatherThyme: Brackets >> [01:52:36] ronin_5463: It aint much but it work [01:52:37] buggex: the best editor is the one that works for you [01:52:38] BallSize500: “It just works.” [01:52:38] ChasingSol: @paul360hd EMACS [01:52:39] Lenie45: PLS use Visual Studio Code its way better [01:52:39] freshdelipickles: neovim supremacy [01:52:41] Amoyamoyamoya: @piras314, vim? vi. return to monke [01:52:44] handscombchris: "I'm learning... man" lol [01:52:44] ChasingSol: @paul360hd [01:52:44] Havryl: Use ChatGPT [01:52:46] stephthephobiaslayer: But I do like Notepad++ [01:52:46] grape2: you should install arch linux exclusively so you can write autohotkey scripts [01:52:46] Raddog315: back up you went too deep [01:52:49] YumeNoZen: Easier sometimes than trying to open up an IDE. [01:52:53] letsmeetinspace: Vscode [01:52:54] alexx_net: AutoHotkey is always like that. Notepad++ is good enough for AHK [01:52:55] Helen_Croft: in the left of setting it has dark mode option [01:52:55] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: netbeans :-) [01:52:55] sm0hzam: what’s this about programming? [01:52:57] mittfh: My weapon is T-SQL (learning DAX)... [01:53:01] tilt_central: look you triggered so many programmers/coders [01:53:02] SHiRKiT: I use NP++ daily stop trashing it [01:53:06] Kronegade22: What you use to write code doesn't matter, if it works it works [01:53:08] johnkeiwo: all the coding frogs in chat are now activated [01:53:09] piras314: oh god the programmers are waging war [01:53:10] SubstituteMyOwn: is it updated? there's a builtin dark mode nowadays [01:53:11] pianoismyforte_: notepad++ is good at formatting huge json files. Also you can just get a dark-mode add in for NPP [01:53:14] megadoom20: needs more visual studio [01:53:17] YumeNoZen: Tabs or spaces, chat? [01:53:17] SamTheSilversmith: we have been summoned [01:53:19] debdrup: It's up at the top [01:53:19] alexx_net: I'm a VIM diehard and even I've used Notepad++ [01:53:23] Mrdeadfishrock: the cards up to £30 [01:53:23] debdrup: Told you. [01:53:24] Amoyamoyamoya: NEEDS MORE FORTRAN [01:53:25] JasmeowTheCat: Settings > Style Configurator [01:53:26] ChasingSol: vi vs emacs, two editors enter, one leaves [01:53:26] BloodRose6908: SSSsssplode [01:53:27] JasmeowTheCat: It's along the top. [01:53:28] bunnybrawlerxo: Yay [01:53:29] mechtel: Lmao Are people really bidding on the IBS card? I need to know how high it gets lol [01:53:30] johnkeiwo: WAYTOODANK [01:53:30] viryl_lucas: nice [01:53:31] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: I love Notepad++ [01:53:32] Ana_Stas1a: I wanna know what the price on the ibs card is atm [01:53:34] Avaerus0: That's easier on the eyes [01:53:36] ArminGux: nice [01:53:37] maleniascarlett: aww yeah dark mode [01:53:37] taylorthingx: try vscode [01:53:38] SHiRKiT: ofc VSCode users need to go to sleep please [01:53:39] isabelleswenson2319: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [01:53:40] BlightningBrightling: DARK MODE EVERYTHINGGG [01:53:42] Raddog315: I can read it now lol [01:53:43] zayne_pot: Hi finn [01:53:43] Amoyamoyamoya: Now I can see it [01:53:43] coldPhax: Neovim supremacism 💪 [01:53:44] debdrup: You're welcome, chat. [01:53:48] ClaraRenway: hell yeah :3 [01:53:48] ladyyuna2000: Hey F1NN5TER love your lipstick color [01:53:48] Helen_Croft: setting> preference > left menu has the real dark mode @F1NN5TER [01:53:50] SHiRKiT: NeoVim or nothing [01:53:50] bearpaw1970: Hey Armin 😁👍 [01:53:59] johnkeiwo: Coding time PogU [01:54:03] piras314: guys f1nn5ter is not using neovim [01:54:03] freshdelipickles: @SHiRKiT based [01:54:07] lara_raawr: Just say you use "VIM" and you're an instant god-level dev [01:54:09] omgluckyhere: cheating program?? wtf [01:54:11] megadoom20: wasnt there a plugin to change the text to rainbow colours? [01:54:12] tilt_central: also surely that breaking T&S classed as botting ? [01:54:12] ArminGux: @bearpaw1970 f1nnHeart f1nnHeart femboy45Heart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart femboy45Heart f1nnHeart femboy45Heart femboy45Heart [01:54:19] maleniascarlett: Finn back game streaming [01:54:20] ace0887: Another trans stereotype confirmed [01:54:20] Loelinverse: Aye! Hey F1nn5ter Long time I guess. [01:54:26] YumeNoZen: Genocide simulator? [01:54:26] TYLERxSWIFTSWORD: Cheer100 Did you know in some countries its illegal to name your kid BULLET because when those kids get older they cant keep their jobs because they always get FIRED [01:54:27] viryl_lucas: nice [01:54:28] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [01:54:29] Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnSad f1nnHeart aoifeLove cakejuSharko cakejuComfy [01:54:29] Dvoltik: VisualStudio code could be easier to work with as it shows you different things in diffeerent collors [01:54:30] piras314: @tilt_central no snitches [01:54:36] bearpaw1970: 😁🫴 absolutely epic F1nn' [01:54:48] johnkeiwo: 5Head [01:54:50] TYLERxSWIFTSWORD: Oooh clicker heros thats a throwback [01:54:50] Loelinverse: Loelinverse subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months, currently on a 18 month streak! [01:54:51] f3mmbot: loelinverse subscribed to f1nn5ter for 32 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:54:53] Helen_Croft: set stream to science and technology for code review [01:54:57] bearpaw1970: Those deaths 😂 [01:54:57] beam_oh_four: @Ana_Stas1a It's at £18 [01:55:08] johnkeiwo: time to call vedal and software pirate to talk code [01:55:10] Amoyamoyamoya: [01:55:12] Havryl: Cheater [01:55:13] Hiksa_: cheat coder f1n wtf [01:55:14] Havryl: LUL [01:55:19] Austo101: Your looking really pretty today i mean pasty white like really really never go putside white but your face and makeup 💄 looks really pretty today 😍 [01:55:20] hey_its_ree: EGG IRL haha [01:55:23] quinntayo: and, you needed a private psychologist for the recent informal diagnosis? [01:55:28] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:55:29] ArminGux: seems like u will never buy the highest value items [01:55:29] Raddog315: why play a game when you can program it to play itself lol [01:55:29] kant_sqell: beater [01:55:32] SnazzJaz4297: Is F1NN programming an auto clicker [01:55:33] Avaerus0: It seems like the actual game is writing the script [01:55:34] viryl_lucas: KEKW [01:55:34] ScrungusObungus: @johnkeiwo Codebullet did a video on this exact game lmao [01:55:35] mrbb_55: WITH ASHLEYS HELP! [01:55:37] Amoyamoyamoya: "The hard bit" - Fimter, 2024-05-30 [01:55:38] BlaireBearStare: No I'm enthralled [01:55:40] Loelinverse: lmao [01:55:42] wolfblue45: KEKW [01:55:43] Amoyamoyamoya: Is this a Code Review... [01:55:44] Loelinverse: F1nn is that girl [01:55:45] coldPhax: use a for-loop for repeated actions 😭 [01:55:46] xhidden4v: hi 👋 [01:55:48] omgluckyhere: finn programmed cheats [01:55:48] pilot_3835: Ah yes computer [01:55:52] megadoom20: we need to teach f1nn how to make a neural network [01:55:56] debdrup: @Amoyamoyamoya Seems like it [01:55:56] johnkeiwo: I don't understand this but i'm invested [01:55:58] BlaireBearStare: Discovering I'm really into pretty girls info dumping lol [01:55:59] piras314: @megadoom20 oh god [01:56:02] neptuni_polypus: perfect stream for sleepy time [01:56:07] piras314: f1nnAI [01:56:09] stephthephobiaslayer: @tilt_central listen just because half of chat here has shit taste in editors......lol jk DONT KILL ME CHAT [01:56:09] ClaraRenway: @BlaireBearStare welcome to the club :3 [01:56:12] TwinbeeMk2: @F1NN5TER and did he code it while wearing a super cute dress? Don't think so :P [01:56:12] lenrik1589: bimbo coding stream [01:56:15] Amoyamoyamoya: [01:56:19] mittfh: F1nn as the British answer to Code Bullet? [01:56:27] Selstraits: pretty long ad Pepega [01:56:28] W1NK5Y: this is getting me interested in code again [01:56:28] FatherThyme: what is this girl talking about [01:56:30] piras314: oh yeah [01:56:31] 4149kat: What's up f1nn, hope you're having a great stream ^^ [01:56:37] FemTRANSilvanian: I literally fell asleep I was so exhausted ffrom work and then not getting any sleep I finally crashed. [01:56:37] ArminGux: oh they made it random to prevent bots [01:56:41] johnkeiwo: PogU [01:56:44] oliviazbored: no idea what ur saying but I love the enthusiasm [01:56:44] amthemuffinman_27: nerd [01:56:44] piras314: @ArminGux o [01:56:47] piras314: KEKW [01:56:55] Amoyamoyamoya: Barbie? [01:56:56] johnkeiwo: @oliviazbored, same ! [01:57:07] Stovamor: @Amoyamoyamoya, she's from brizzle [01:57:17] zayne_pot: Hi F1nn [01:57:17] YumeNoZen: @Stovamor, I'm getting @LittleChaSiu drunk on cider flavored sake tonight then, I guess. lollll [01:57:18] sovereign_sketches: Finn try and use tesseract OCR [01:57:27] Avaerus0: Did you whip a a GUI in Visual Basic? /s [01:57:29] SamTheSilversmith: smart! [01:57:33] ihtsambruhley: do you ever play on switch ?? [01:57:33] esquilinus: is this bloons td 7 [01:57:39] viryl_lucas: genius [01:57:42] freshdelipickles: nice [01:57:44] amthemuffinman_27: damn [01:57:45] grape2: win [01:57:48] amthemuffinman_27: good job [01:57:49] Helen_Croft: Proper Notepad++ dark mode https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/777688341948268554/1245859893899038790/image.png?ex=665a48f1&is=6658f771&hm=cbe0ac0d404f0a8ad2eb47662da78ed9ffc4da21848970e9dd36d03ac6fbdf0b& @F1NN5TER [01:57:49] blatant_fabrication: love a brute force solution [01:57:49] queenstealer: I'm a dev and that's well played [01:57:50] viryl_lucas: nerd [01:57:50] W1NK5Y: you are so smart [01:57:51] Amoyamoyamoya: @Stovamor, I knew that but she moved to Brum so isn't always in town [01:57:53] oliviazbored: how many characters have you got left to unlock [01:57:55] thechris2103: not the most efficant way of doing it but if it works it works [01:58:00] ihtsambruhley: do you ever play on the switch ?? [01:58:01] XENOMAN5: forced bi bottom? kinky [01:58:03] tilt_central: you wlll be joinin the grug brain cult in no time :D [01:58:03] sherlock_norris: The tism is strong with this one [01:58:04] Designated_Films: What is bro yapping about? [01:58:04] mittfh: I must save up for TwitchCon EU 2025... [01:58:05] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: why not just cheat and sniff ram and change it that way [01:58:05] commanderredpanda: good girl [01:58:07] Raddog315: big brain time [01:58:07] beam_oh_four: Use sublime text, it's better than notepad++ [01:58:07] ronin_5463: "Profounly Autistic" [01:58:08] rev_yellow: what is it written in? [01:58:10] piras314: hate on f1nn all you want this kind of automation is one of the best ways to run into a bunch of things to learn and overcome in coding [01:58:11] ArminGux: sounds like you just implemented the worst possible solution to achieve the least [01:58:14] SHiRKiT: now you should try to play The Farmer Was Replaced [01:58:14] Stovamor: @Amoyamoyamoya, I know - I asked her though. I'll remind her to check if she can make it [01:58:14] ShigotoKowai: Visual assertion chad Vs beta code monkey scripts [01:58:15] megadoom20: tism, what tism :kekw: [01:58:16] ihtsambruhley: can I see your nail??!!! [01:58:19] MollyRzr: Are you wearing thigh highs? cuz that’s a +20% [01:58:21] bluecav: bluecav subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! [01:58:21] f3mmbot: bluecav subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:58:23] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: I want to see F1nn become a Paradox modder and mod femboys into CK3 [01:58:27] Stovamor: @zayne_pot, links get auto-modded [01:58:28] themilkman097: Is it just me or is the audio cutting out for anyone else [01:58:29] maleniascarlett: games devs be checking out the stream to build new anti cheat [01:58:31] ihtsambruhley: can we see the nails ?? [01:58:34] bearpaw1970: There is a freaking ton of characters 🫡 [01:58:34] SHiRKiT: The Farmer Was Replaced is a really nice programming game [01:58:41] Loelinverse: naturally going into a girl cadence does help voice train [01:58:43] Stovamor: @themilkman097, just you [01:58:43] Raddog315: proof our streamer is only a bimbo by choice [01:58:44] johnkeiwo: reminder : same thing when met freddie ' voice not match ' [01:58:44] johnkeiwo: reminder : same thing when met freddie ' voice not match ' [01:58:44] BallSize500: who ordered the yappuchino [01:58:45] SamTheSilversmith: @themilkman097 seems fine to me [01:58:49] the_anasty: donald trump was convicted of 34 counts, I know finn isn't political but super hype!!!! [01:58:53] viryl_lucas: sittin pretty [01:58:54] BananaPancakes42: You should try out Visual Studio Code [01:59:00] zayne_pot: Nice nails [01:59:02] YumeNoZen: Chasiu is making it to Rotterdam, you shouldn't be confused about that, nerd. *sigh* [01:59:03] megadoom20: omg, we need a coding with f1nn stream [01:59:04] amyazure: @themilkman097 yea me too [01:59:05] falconeray: Half? [01:59:05] acid2202: pride nails for pride month? [01:59:05] ihtsambruhley: do you like long or short nails better [01:59:06] otterdudette: What langauge do you code in? [01:59:07] Dwarfs441: cuuute [01:59:07] Shockwavemecha: French tip [01:59:07] SnazzJaz4297: @the_anasty we already went over that [01:59:13] piras314: @megadoom20 yes [01:59:13] ihtsambruhley: also what shape do you ask for I love them !! [01:59:13] ArminGux: aren’t u natural nails now? [01:59:15] SHiRKiT: VSCode is garbage, at least use VSCodium if you are into that [01:59:17] oliviazbored: are you gonna do pride themed nails? [01:59:19] strinx1120: So cutee [01:59:19] piras314: f1nn coding challenge [01:59:19] Shockwavemecha: New Thumbnail [01:59:19] johnkeiwo: You were saying that both Freddie and Ashley were tellin g u the voice wasn't matching the person :) [01:59:20] johnkeiwo: You were saying that both Freddie and Ashley were tellin g u the voice wasn't matching the person :) [01:59:20] viryl_lucas: damn momma [01:59:21] livjpk78: Could you try a leather jacket with that cute dress? [01:59:21] ArnaudMeresse: so kissable [01:59:23] BlaireBearStare: Preeettyyy [01:59:24] amthemuffinman_27: You are looking mighty cute today [01:59:25] wraitherc: The irony of F1nn5ter learning to code. Wheres the "programmer socks" when you need them. [01:59:26] the_anasty: @SnazzJaz4297 OH WORD [01:59:27] acid2202: <3 [01:59:34] extremeph: twink [01:59:35] zayne_pot: Try maybe doing something interesting with your hair pwease [01:59:35] scorpiorock: coding stream maybe? [01:59:36] SonicXVe: Was that Code [01:59:37] viryl_lucas: DANGWE [01:59:37] johnkeiwo: Get a bra u bimbo ! [01:59:38] Quackathulhu: so pretty my word [01:59:38] tilt_central: did ashley forgive you for staying up till 6 am the other morning xD :D [01:59:38] Eadthryth: Bisexual nails [01:59:38] Shockwavemecha: Dress want's off [01:59:39] themilkman097: Idk if this is a good thing but you made me question my sexuality and idk how to feel about it [01:59:44] piras314: @SHiRKiT ok but f1nn is literally doing notepad++ one step at a time [01:59:47] xtra_tori: do not tell [01:59:48] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: tighten the strap dude [01:59:50] ArminGux: I thought it was on purpose [01:59:50] oliviazbored: pastel rainbow would be so cute [01:59:51] YumeNoZen: I still remember doing full pride hair last year, it was fun. This year my hair is gonna look scuffed. [01:59:51] ihtsambruhley: almond thank you Hahah BI NAILS [01:59:53] ArminGux: f? [01:59:53] FatherThyme: real, bi flag is kinda mid [01:59:54] bearpaw1970: Almond shaped [01:59:55] johnkeiwo: You were saying that both Freddie and Ashley were tellin g u the voice wasn't matching the person :) @f1nn5ter [01:59:57] xtra_tori: snitches get stitches [01:59:57] SnazzJaz4297: I might do bisexual and trans nails this year [01:59:58] viryl_lucas: trans nails are fire [01:59:58] wraitherc: Do both [01:59:59] alexx_net: Those were the ones you had a Comic Con? [01:59:59] EternalLucia: I do trans nails all the time [02:00:03] ronin_5463: There are five colours on the flag too [02:00:05] XENOMAN5: Looking mighty breedable today my guy [02:00:06] omgluckyhere: do an ombre [02:00:06] Helen_Croft: need to fix mic band order [02:00:07] thechris2103: trans flags is the best looking flag of the pride onces [02:00:08] amthemuffinman_27: trans nails is good 🏳️‍⚧️ [02:00:09] EternalLucia: it's my favorite pattern [02:00:10] karojhe: That was not a british "almond" [02:00:13] MollyRzr: True [02:00:17] Halketa: pan flag is nice [02:00:17] strawb3ry_cow: the trans flag fits PERFECTLY on each hand too [02:00:17] skylee1976: Just did my nails for pride month [02:00:18] TheGalaco: where does f1nn get hormones from? or is that not public info? [02:00:20] ihtsambruhley: Where is Ashley ? [02:00:20] oliviazbored: pastel trans nails would go crazy [02:00:24] LaNicoleH: hello @F1NN5TER gatibePoohdance gatibePoohdance gatibePoohdance [02:00:28] johnkeiwo: u and ur caps [02:00:30] AshenLeFemme: When I was in the psych ward I colored my ring finger with the trans flag like a ring [02:00:33] FatherThyme: works [02:00:34] Loelinverse: Brittney spears! [02:00:37] ihtsambruhley: where do you shop at ?? [02:00:37] taylorthingx: I just noticed I have a trans flag colored vape before I knew I was trans [02:00:39] SHiRKiT: @piras314 I still use NP++ after 10 years of coding when I'm at Windows... [02:00:39] piras314: every time i join your stream for the first 5 minutes it feels weird because your voice doesn't match your face KEKW [02:00:40] Leinis: @F1NN5TER When are you going to put those bands around the bottom of your mic in the right order? [02:00:40] TwinbeeMk2: ever worn it backwards @F1NN5TER ? [02:00:40] LaCroix_Blows: needs a transflag on the front [02:00:40] Helen_Croft: where is the he/him cap? [02:00:41] SnazzJaz4297: Pastel bi nails would look so pretty BisexualPride [02:00:42] viryl_lucas: supa bimbo [02:00:42] ArminGux: Wimbledon fit [02:00:44] LaNicoleH: love u [02:00:46] BallSize500: Fredward [02:00:47] CyanoticJam: What, no him/he hat? [02:00:48] bearpaw1970: Cuteness Adaptation unlocked [02:00:59] zero_polaris: youre too pretty f1nnHeart [02:00:59] Radiopools: Love a cap + slooty dress combo [02:00:59] ihtsambruhley: I’m taking a coding class this semester !! [02:01:01] FatherThyme: linux nerds try not to mention linux for 5 minutes [02:01:01] amthemuffinman_27: TransgenderPride [02:01:01] alexx_net: @piras314 Same! (Unless I'm using Code::Blocks for C++) [02:01:01] EternalLucia: yet [02:01:06] LittleChaSiu: based [02:01:07] viryl_lucas: same [02:01:07] NexIsTaken: skissue [02:01:08] MollyRzr: omg she’s one of us [02:01:08] taylorthingx: vim is cursed [02:01:10] Loelinverse: m5stack got mini computers that do all sorts of things [02:01:14] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn5ter Developer Arc? [02:01:16] zayne_pot: I do maybe agree with ashley i was confused the first time i watched a stream [02:01:18] ArminGux: Linux is the best, but drivers are shit [02:01:19] YumeNoZen: Fimter, you're still doing better than most of the people in my data science courses. [02:01:21] cursetheroad: what distro u used? [02:01:21] lenrik1589: WSL is ass [02:01:22] nerina____: doom emacs fl [02:01:22] pival81: next provision a kubernetes cluster with a blindfold [02:01:23] SamTheSilversmith: Oi, your linux experience will vary wildly depending on which distro you tried [02:01:23] piras314: ive actually only used linux [02:01:28] SonicXVe: Vs code is fine too [02:01:30] Loelinverse: nano gang [02:01:32] blatant_fabrication: penguin gang [02:01:34] johnkeiwo: comiccon [02:01:35] johnkeiwo: comiccon [02:01:35] Helen_Croft: comicon [02:01:36] maleniascarlett: you can use Linux through the wsl on windows 11 [02:01:38] SonicXVe: Learn rust [02:01:38] NexIsTaken: linux is user friendly, its just picky with its friends [02:01:39] mittfh: Arch, BTW! 😜 [02:01:40] ArminGux: white dress white hat [02:01:40] amyazure: micro gang [02:01:41] SHiRKiT: trashing on linux, coders gonna riot [02:01:41] piras314: f1nn was probably using raspberry pi os on a raspberry pi sooo [02:01:42] i_cant_even22: look into bucket hats, they kinda work with everything [02:01:42] XENOMAN5: If you learned the girl voice you would pass 100% now. Could be worth it. [02:01:45] AwfullyOllie: Just noticed your subreddit wasn’t marked as t-friendly in shinagami eyes, had to change that real quick [02:01:48] amyazure: arch ftw [02:01:49] lenrik1589: @maleniascarlett *no* [02:01:52] ihtsambruhley: what’s your fave game rn [02:01:52] ronin_5463: It was a nice outfit [02:01:53] kissmekissmekissmekiss: im going to work, fellas. I luv u all ♥️ [02:01:54] Helen_Croft: did you get the twitchcon tickets? [02:01:56] bananasandwich6969: have you got your passport sorted for Twitchcon? [02:01:58] simplejack42069: Baby girl I'll Ubuntu you so soft and well [02:02:02] LaNicoleH: [02:02:05] ArminGux: have u tried women’s hats [02:02:07] alexh1441: f1nn we ever see u in latex again? [02:02:10] aimeeasdf: cl [02:02:11] skyhunter0501: @amyazure fellow person of culture [02:02:11] Eadthryth: Corsets go hard on Finn. [02:02:14] TheGalaco: where does f1nn get estrogen from? or is that not public lol [02:02:18] Amoyamoyamoya: Terminals are fun wdym [02:02:21] Hawkeyemn: at this rate u may have implants by TC [02:02:22] GormyGorm: just rejoined, heard linux, you should try linux mint [02:02:23] x_xneophyte: fawwq I wanna succ em dry [02:02:25] nerina____: yea school royally fucks linux experience [02:02:26] viryl_lucas: bigger head? [02:02:28] Avaerus0: There's those fancy one's they wear to Royal Ascot [02:02:31] oliviazbored: I spent like 3 semesters in coding classes n learned nothing [02:02:31] i_cant_even22: BUCKET HATS [02:02:32] superdupernova47: I use linux mint, its so much better than windows [02:02:32] W1NK5Y: i like your voice, the not matching is very genderfluid and cool [02:02:34] ihtsambruhley: no theirs no woman’s hat lol [02:02:34] cursetheroad: Nowonder you hate it if you started with mint [02:02:35] SnowwyAI: I'm glad you and Ashley had a great turnout at MCM! 😊💖 [02:02:35] johnkeiwo: GET IT [02:02:35] Amoyamoyamoya: They say "WOMAN" on them [02:02:36] johnkeiwo: GET IT [02:02:36] wraitherc: Get a big ass sunhat [02:02:37] SonicXVe: Bruh everything is gendered it sucks [02:02:40] MollyRzr: Prada is so good [02:02:42] scarlettyg: Wh [02:02:43] viryl_lucas: show that to icky [02:02:44] scarlettyg: Why [02:02:44] karojhe: There's been women's hats for at least centuries... [02:02:44] A_Fforrest: 500 fuck off [02:02:47] johnkeiwo: Ashley would not judge u [02:02:47] oliviazbored: that’s so cute [02:02:48] viryl_lucas: GET [02:02:49] piras314: mods should do a poll on if chatters use linux its crazy how many chatters are talking about it lmao [02:02:49] Gtaer222: do it [02:02:49] bearpaw1970: A summer dress and summer hat fit.. [02:02:50] omgluckyhere: get it for icky [02:02:51] ArminGux: icky would buy it [02:02:52] LaNicoleH: lanico5TransPride lanico5TransPride lanico5TransPride lanico5TransPride lanico5TransCat lanico5TransCat lanico5TransCat [02:02:53] tilt_central: just remember what ashley has been teaching you quality clothing :D [02:02:55] amthemuffinman_27: what the fuck 😭 [02:02:56] Drumbz: ask Ashley for it [02:02:56] HannaCommitsTaxEvasion: rust ftw [02:02:58] BallSize500: Where’d you get that hat, the gender store?? [02:02:58] SnowwyAI: It's Prada, what do you expect? LOL [02:02:58] aimeeasdf: do you search fit inspo? [02:02:59] davidiusfarrenius: Women’s hats with veils slap 👍 [02:03:01] MollyRzr: RUST [02:03:03] Avaerus0: That is a nice looking hat, but no cap is worth that much [02:03:03] SonicXVe: Get a fishing bucket hat [02:03:04] ArminGux: matching Prada girls [02:03:05] Shockwavemecha: maybe [02:03:06] Hiksa_: you can get that from a turkish guy on the corner for 5 bucks [02:03:06] piras314: C [02:03:06] SHiRKiT: no [02:03:08] andimax11: Ewww rust? [02:03:10] ClaraRenway: Get it for Ashley :3 [02:03:13] asdpokemon: get a knock off [02:03:13] constantlycaustic: Visual studio code [02:03:13] FirehawkFrostbite: can *you* pay attention to a lession of yours? :D [02:03:13] lynn_150: come on Im sure you have paid for mor stupid stuff [02:03:14] theseventhdarklord: risc-v assembly [02:03:14] ArminGux: Nike has great hats [02:03:15] amyazure: C ftw [02:03:15] wraitherc: "Python" *flexes* [02:03:15] SonicXVe: Rust is the future of low level languages [02:03:16] EternalLucia: how about a lesson in makeup [02:03:17] galacticstarslayer: I love haskell :) [02:03:19] oliviazbored: I don’t think you could pay attention to a lesson of yours [02:03:19] ronin_5463: s c r a t c h [02:03:20] sm0hzam: I love C# [02:03:21] cuddlebear187: You should look into doing hand modeling and picture modeling as well [02:03:22] Alkno_93: if you get that for ashley she will freak out in happiness [02:03:22] ihtsambruhley: you’re so entertaining 😂😂 [02:03:22] the_living_noob_: cobol [02:03:23] M4YL0DY: If you hate Rust, you must've never used C [02:03:24] viryl_lucas: lol [02:03:24] zayne_pot: Yes i. Would i would just get confused on the voice [02:03:25] taylorthingx: C# for me [02:03:26] mittfh: T-SQL [02:03:27] EternalLucia: when are we getting femboy academy [02:03:27] scorpiorock: ask icky, she’ll buy it for you without a doubt [02:03:29] ArminGux: R is pretty ez for statistics [02:03:29] SnazzJaz4297: Are that talking about the game Rust [02:03:32] LittleChaSiu: omg hard agree [02:03:32] megadoom20: C++ :D [02:03:35] Eadthryth: I code in 6502 Assembly [02:03:35] piras314: I use C/Python usually [02:03:35] SnazzJaz4297: Are they*** [02:03:36] coldPhax: written over 3000 lines rust the last few weeks best language [02:03:37] bearpaw1970: Oh' gawd cobol [02:03:37] lenrik1589: i just kotlin, it's *fine* [02:03:38] NexIsTaken: kotlin is the best programming laguage [02:03:39] freshdelipickles: oh man that's gonna rustle some jimmies [02:03:40] Helen_Croft: https://atmelcorporation.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/bob-pease_my-favorite-programming-language-is-solder.jpg best language [02:03:41] maleniascarlett: Haskell is MVP [02:03:42] taylorthingx: PowerShell scripting is fun too [02:03:42] YumeNoZen: Python is easy, but annoying AF. [02:03:42] SonicXVe: Rust over C [02:03:43] blueish4: i've been told that using rust gest easier if you take estrogen [02:03:46] zombiii: every coder does that though. complaining is half the game [02:03:49] YumeNoZen: Better than Matlab. F that S. [02:03:51] Drumbz: @SnazzJaz4297 its a code language [02:03:52] Pillooow: search up uwuify library on github. This is what rust was made for [02:03:52] SnowwyAI: @wraitherc Python is the most egregious example of "It works on my machine." [02:03:55] SHiRKiT: ok now we should call ThePrimeagen and do a joined stream [02:03:55] piras314: @zombiii exactly [02:03:55] hugeairconditioner: finn kinda lookin.... kinda lookin.... fine asf [02:03:56] Loelinverse: Python is charades, C just calculates. [02:03:58] SamTheSilversmith: @freshdelipickles Rust-le some jimmies? LUL [02:04:01] Bobbikatt: java made me crazy [02:04:02] Valezifer: mc command block [02:04:04] ArminGux: python is annoying, c++ is best [02:04:05] freshdelipickles: @SamTheSilversmith KEKW [02:04:06] james23001: Java is the best [02:04:08] EternalLucia: write scripts in computer craft to program the robots [02:04:15] Amoyamoyamoya: Developer complaints ---> Birth of new programming language [02:04:15] Leinis: Had someone make the joke "Oh you're trans? How many years do you have in Rust?" And then I checked in on my Rust friend I hadn't talked to in a few years... [02:04:15] taylorthingx: do it [02:04:17] funkeyaimes: matlab sucks [02:04:17] Stovamor: SO, in the games industry, using C++, C# and RUST is very normal especially for the big console developers @F1NN5TER - Source, I work for Playstation [02:04:18] lenrik1589: @Bobbikatt try kotlin lol :3 [02:04:19] Stovamor: SO, in the games industry, using C++, C# and RUST is very normal especially for the big console developers @F1NN5TER - Source, I work for Playstation [02:04:19] arinotsry: yes minecraft redstone gameplay pls [02:04:22] jaggon01: assembly is insanity [02:04:28] alexx_net: I enjoy writing in Rust [02:04:29] nerina____: Minecraft Pi Edition ftw [02:04:31] SonicXVe: The US government recommends Rust now so it's good Kappa but I do think it's going to carry some job security [02:04:33] BlaireBearStare: Minecraft would slap [02:04:35] EternalLucia: I will sub for more minecraft streams [02:04:35] mittfh: Surely the best language is brainf*** 😈 [02:04:40] Amoyamoyamoya: Toe? [02:04:41] piras314: @nerina____ lmao [02:04:41] Amoyamoyamoya: Ayo? [02:04:44] alexx_net: 🤮 Java [02:04:46] Drumbz: Or do a collab with Thor and talk gamedesign [02:04:47] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: My favorite gaming company uses C++ iirc [02:04:48] M4YL0DY: New series where you follow the full CS50x course f1nnLaff [02:04:48] ThisTinSoldier: don't start talking about your toes. bud [02:04:49] mrbb_55: lua isnt too bad [02:04:49] TheGalaco: what hormone provider does f1nn use? is that public info? [02:04:51] lenrik1589: do not the Pascal [02:04:51] Stovamor: yup [02:04:52] YumeNoZen: I may have to learn Fortran. [02:04:54] aimeeasdf: are there any clothes styles you haven't tried you'd like to? [02:04:54] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:04:56] SHiRKiT: how many developers we have in chat here omg [02:04:57] johnkeiwo: SNIFFA [02:04:57] Stovamor: It's been 6 years now [02:04:58] piras314: pascal... [02:05:02] SnabbKassa: Python is a better starting lang than Pascal [02:05:05] SnowwyAI: LOL [02:05:05] Avaerus0: Nice guns [02:05:05] blueskydrinking: someone get the hose for amoya KEKW [02:05:06] Helen_Croft: some of my code is running at cern making the black holes [02:05:06] taylorthingx: Have you seen that Sethbling has made a minecraft programming language and a physics engine Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:05:06] oculasorbus: Oh blimey pascal ....we programmed in that in school... [02:05:06] viryl_lucas: toesniffa [02:05:07] rev_yellow: yeah there are vicar's present [02:05:09] Valezifer: Pressure [02:05:09] Loelinverse: I'm every woman [02:05:10] FatherThyme: POGGERS [02:05:11] lenrik1589: Turbo Pascal or Pascal ABC, it's the worst [02:05:11] johnkeiwo: Typical flexing of no muscles [02:05:12] viryl_lucas: feetsucka [02:05:12] Amoyamoyamoya: I'M STARVING HERE F1NN [02:05:13] mittfh: BASIC 😜 [02:05:13] piras314: HOLY [02:05:14] XENOMAN5: You might be good at Minecraft. You should try it. [02:05:16] SnazzJaz4297: annytfBleh annytfBleh annytfBleh annytfBleh annytfBleh [02:05:16] pilot_3835: Yes sir [02:05:17] omgluckyhere: no :) [02:05:17] BallSize500: He played the Mandalorian [02:05:17] SnowwyAI: Muscle Mommy Finn [02:05:18] LaMale411: SNIFFA [02:05:19] Shockwavemecha: haanStrongleft spicycowHappy haanStrongr [02:05:20] SonicXVe: It's a trans streamer chat we're all developers [02:05:20] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: I’m not a developer but I have done game modding [02:05:20] tort3rra: Gawd damn [02:05:22] Dasdwarf: for real thoughwhat do you do if you have freckles on your arm? [02:05:23] furifixus: You look like vlad kinda when yoh flex [02:05:25] zayne_pot: Bye Finn ima go to bed its 00:10 [02:05:25] hugeairconditioner: SHEEEESH [02:05:26] deezywithatophat: @armingux python is a great gateway drug to get into coding though, it’s why i started…i was like wow this is so easy and now i’m learning c++ [02:05:26] EternalLucia: yeah, still looking [02:05:26] my_queues: my_queues subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! Mommy? [02:05:26] LaCroix_Blows: Doesn't pascal predate C++? [02:05:27] f3mmbot: my_queues subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:05:28] blueskydrinking: yeah, know where we can find one? LuL [02:05:29] bearpaw1970: D@mn Fortran , long time Yume [02:05:29] DollIsLife: hrm, interesting bob [02:05:30] lynn_150: where did you learn how to code? [02:05:33] fatslowman: oh daddy [02:05:34] letume: I only write in lolcode [02:05:34] arinotsry: minecraft programming languange, you mean java? lmao [02:05:38] handscombchris: yeah and still looking!!! ;) [02:05:39] Vanimal2118: Where is @yumenozen ? (Muscle Mommy) [02:05:40] Loelinverse: anyone here know cobol? [02:05:47] billytehdragon1234: Sure [02:05:50] gr33nberet96: I Love You F1nn although I am jealous How pretty u are though and skinny [02:05:52] ciberfreak: look strong but ain't...u cute [02:05:53] piras314: @LaCroix_Blows pascal was released just before C so yeah [02:05:58] Avaerus0: Shoulder strap... [02:06:00] arinotsry: FIX DRESS STRAP [02:06:01] SonicXVe: The oldest language I know is QBasic [02:06:03] Bobbikatt: muscle mommy, no. Need your mommy, yes. [02:06:04] viryl_lucas: hmmmm [02:06:05] hello_kitty_love7: hello_kitty_love7 subscribed with Prime. [02:06:05] Raddog315: family drama, back soon [02:06:05] f3mmbot: hello_kitty_love7 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang hello_kitty_love7 f1nnLezgang [02:06:07] viryl_lucas: bimbo [02:06:08] johnkeiwo: Have some music chat ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak_zGEhRlzE&list=RDRPzf_4dcL28&index=27&ab_channel=MGKVEVO [02:06:09] gothmark666: Hi finn how are you and you are so cute [02:06:14] alexx_net: @lynn_150 F1nn learnt Python in high school [02:06:14] ClaraRenway: Muscle mommy, sorry, mommy, sorry, muscle mommy, sorry :3 [02:06:17] mittfh: Shellscript FTW 😁 [02:06:17] viryl_lucas: uhuh [02:06:17] onah_vaykay: I gots a Question.... What colors of nail polish do you NOT like? [02:06:19] acid2202: Eeeeeeeeetho! [02:06:20] ArminGux: looks cool af [02:06:21] johnkeiwo: u are a bimbo ! [02:06:25] SonicXVe: LUL [02:06:29] ArminGux: 12yo me would have loved that [02:06:30] Eadthryth: Cheer300 I mainly program in 6502 Assembly language. It's very fun and I highly recommend. [02:06:30] Valezifer: A dude made tetris in vanilla just with commands [02:06:32] Avaerus0: That's not why you're a bimbo :D [02:06:35] the_living_noob_: ahahahahah xd [02:06:39] ArminGux: rusty programer [02:06:39] blueskydrinking: that's not why we call you a bimbo [02:06:39] Vanimal2118: True @johnkeiwo [02:06:40] Unit4to: Cute as usually [02:06:41] ronin_5463: redstone tutorial stream [02:06:41] SnazzJaz4297: Is there an uwucode and how can I learn it [02:06:42] SonicXVe: gonna start calling anyone who only knows JS or Python a bimbo [02:06:45] Helen_Croft: https://youtu.be/DhCBCudKJTs @F1NN5TER [02:06:46] zayne_pot: Bye F1nn ima sleep its :00:20 [02:06:47] SnowwyAI: Did Ashley teach you any of that? [02:06:48] Bobbikatt: o.o.p. programming [02:06:52] lynn_150: where did you learn? [02:06:57] FailEMT: Ashley did all that [02:06:58] Dasdwarf: Hey I'd trade all my school skillz for what you got. [02:07:03] ArminGux: wtf [02:07:05] RDM_NSA: I have a coding degree and would say you did a good job [02:07:06] SHiRKiT: ebay listing for the card [02:07:07] amthemuffinman_27: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:07:07] Loelinverse: what the [02:07:07] ArminGux: wrong chat? [02:07:08] Ann_Onimouse: looool [02:07:09] arinotsry: damn you cute [02:07:11] phi_21bit: LUL [02:07:11] Loelinverse: Assembly? [02:07:12] Avaerus0: I can't tell if that was a joke or not [02:07:12] tilt_central: Assembly language you machine [02:07:13] Dvoltik: never do assembly [02:07:13] viryl_lucas: lol [02:07:13] maleniascarlett: while (femboy) { print(“look cute”)} [02:07:14] bensrob: LUL [02:07:16] Loelinverse: Straight bus? tf? [02:07:17] SnabbKassa: 8 bit [02:07:19] piras314: oh yeah f1nn5ter assembly is the most user friendly programming language you should learn it [02:07:25] SnowwyAI: The part looks pretty decent today. Less chaotic than usual. [02:07:25] Helen_Croft: I did x86 assembly in a hexeditor [02:07:25] Ann_Onimouse: they chose pain [02:07:28] gothmark666: Cute outfit [02:07:31] a_rocky_penguin: bro'on that oldschool sh*t [02:07:33] HannaCommitsTaxEvasion: 6502 is fun for making nes games [02:07:35] SonicXVe: Rust has a native wasm target [02:07:36] RDM_NSA: i agree with that guy [02:07:41] SnowwyAI: Your hair in general looks really nice today, to be honest. [02:07:43] ArminGux: assembly is fun, but like it’s torture for anything compared to c [02:07:49] Loelinverse: "slightly" [02:07:50] blueskydrinking: that's a damming indictment of your data science class yume KEKW [02:07:53] zayne_pot: F1nn love the stream but bye ima sleap [02:07:54] freshdelipickles: omfg [02:07:56] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:07:56] SonicXVe: Bruh [02:07:57] W1NK5Y: hahahahahaa [02:07:58] viryl_lucas: RIP [02:07:58] johnkeiwo: inconRee My streamer is a BIMBO inconRee !! [02:07:59] LaMale411: LUL [02:07:59] ThisTinSoldier: They/Thembo? [02:07:59] FailEMT: KEKW [02:08:00] esquilinus: im scared of computers [02:08:02] blindthirdeye: Shame [02:08:03] bensrob: KEKW [02:08:03] viryl_lucas: ARF WOOF [02:08:04] omgluckyhere: git good [02:08:04] alexx_net: Get ahead of the game and learn Zig rather than Rust [02:08:04] hello_kitty_love7: lol [02:08:05] pilot_3835: Hah [02:08:05] blindthirdeye: SHAME [02:08:05] Zen0001S: KEKW [02:08:06] PsychedelicGranny: Lost in the sauce [02:08:06] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:08:06] Helen_Croft: she only does svn [02:08:07] RDM_NSA: you don't need git for that [02:08:07] OstentatiousMongoose: time to learn [02:08:07] piras314: git was pretty easy to learn tbh [02:08:08] SonicXVe: Finn about to whip out SVN [02:08:08] b05femke: @maleniascarlett while(***Femboy()) {Human.lookCute(true);} [02:08:09] stephthephobiaslayer: OH SHIT [02:08:10] extremeph: pretty dress [02:08:10] Ravenov_: i like how i know a dono is from @YumeNoZen by what it says, without looking up [02:08:11] ronin_5463: "Im just a giiiirl" [02:08:12] YumeNoZen: I have anger towards a lot of people in my major. [02:08:13] themilkman097: How do I stop liking femboys [02:08:13] 416hobbit: Hello all [02:08:14] blindthirdeye: Source control is the source of all goodness [02:08:16] johnkeiwo: She's just a gworl [02:08:16] mittfh: Perl! [02:08:16] fatslowman: their boss [02:08:17] freshdelipickles: git pull [02:08:19] freshdelipickles: git push [02:08:20] sm0hzam: hahahaha [02:08:21] braddle172: 👉👈 [02:08:23] LittleChaSiu: she's just a little guy [02:08:23] SnabbKassa: a goyle [02:08:23] ArminGux: u are just agirl [02:08:26] debdrup: git gud [02:08:27] oliviazbored: jus a girl [02:08:27] blatant_fabrication: git checkout gurl [02:08:27] amthemuffinman_27: I’m a trans dude and I love watching you bc I like doing eyeshadow and eyeliner even tho somedays it makes me feel too fem 🏳️‍⚧️ TransgenderPride [02:08:28] thordon_: git is great [02:08:28] Eadthryth: Stop feeding the dumb bitch stereotype. [02:08:29] ArminGux: wee little girl [02:08:31] frezlotte: i just came here, why are they talking about GIT ??? [02:08:31] JugemuJugemu: himbimbo [02:08:32] TheGalaco: hes just a girl [02:08:32] ruparker: @themilkman097 that's the neat part. ya don't :) [02:08:34] ihtsambruhley: LMAO [02:08:34] balsabasher: you’re better at programming than most people [02:08:35] MollyRzr: Baby trans coder…! Yr like a kitten, we love you and will halp [02:08:35] SnowwyAI: LOL, Chasiu... [02:08:35] Roninomi: did they say bimbo? [02:08:36] bearpaw1970: Gwen ' I'm just a girl [02:08:36] YumeNoZen: My vid was fun. *pout* [02:08:36] b05femke: @freshdelipickles git reset --hard for the win [02:08:37] BallSize500: brain: smooth [02:08:38] ArminGux: good little girl [02:08:39] blindthirdeye: SHE's just a little guy. KEKW [02:08:42] scorpiorock: skill isue [02:08:43] ihtsambruhley: IM JUST A GORL [02:08:43] GormyGorm: finn you took the gembder pills, the technical knowledge is one of the last effects [02:08:44] thanatoscar: guy? where? [02:08:45] polynesian_taco_shell: WATCH GANG [02:08:46] viryl_lucas: lmao [02:08:47] Jens_LN: F1nn5ter is just a lil' baby boi ? [02:08:47] JugemuJugemu: Gorl [02:08:47] blueskydrinking: don't worry, I haven't done any coding since Gordon Brown was prime minister [02:08:50] SonicXVe: GitHub [02:08:51] Vanimal2118: x416hoHobbitlongpipe x416hoGollumprecious x416hoShallnotpass x416hoOrc1 Howdy @416hobbit [02:08:53] stephthephobiaslayer: git pull git push tit pull tit push [02:08:54] W1NK5Y: oh i missed the gender part, are you genderfluid or a guy? [02:08:54] piras314: sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root [02:09:02] FriendlyFantasyFlyerKahea: 50% boi 50% grill 100% perfect 😻 [02:09:02] freshdelipickles: @b05femke git push --force f1nnStare [02:09:02] megadoom20: ahh yes, the femboy pipeline [02:09:04] SHiRKiT: @piras314 safe to execute [02:09:04] maleniascarlett: cli warriors in chat in force [02:09:06] gothmark666: Good girl [02:09:07] Bobbikatt: that trick is only gonna work for so long, you know. [02:09:09] sm0hzam: I’m pretty there are women out there who know about fit [02:09:11] 416hobbit: @Vanimal2118 I'm in Montreal :) [02:09:12] mittfh: A woman was the lead developer of the Apollo 11 mission... [02:09:12] johnkeiwo: chat don't forget your hrt and drink water !! [02:09:13] johnkeiwo: chat don't forget your hrt and drink water !! [02:09:14] viryl_lucas: lol [02:09:14] Avaerus0: Windows just added Sudo [02:09:16] gr33nberet96: how long did it take for your hair to get that long [02:09:20] viryl_lucas: water forgot [02:09:20] freshdelipickles: LMAO [02:09:22] GormyGorm: we're all massive fucking nerds [02:09:22] ArminGux: abi still doesn’t know what a graphics card is lol [02:09:22] viryl_lucas: uhhhhh [02:09:22] NexIsTaken: autism [02:09:23] jamieclipse: we're trans [02:09:23] blindthirdeye: The PIPELINE [02:09:23] Gtaer222: its work [02:09:23] Helen_Croft: sodo makes stuff work [02:09:24] taylorthingx: i wonder why [02:09:24] OstentatiousMongoose: remember kids, always use --force-with-lease [02:09:24] themilkman097: @ruparker but I'm straight idk why I'm attracted to them 😭 [02:09:24] Loelinverse: autism [02:09:24] SonicXVe: It comes with the gender [02:09:24] freshdelipickles: she doesn't know [02:09:25] FriendlyFantasyFlyerKahea: LOOL [02:09:25] viryl_lucas: UHHHHHHH [02:09:25] TekJansen01: who do you think your fanbase is [02:09:26] onah_vaykay: Just a normal guy, the one making other guys question their sexuality [02:09:27] BananaPancakes42: 90% of programmers are furries [02:09:27] simplejack42069: Sudo is life 🤗 [02:09:28] TheGalaco: the programmer path [02:09:28] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:09:28] TrueMezzo: hmmm [02:09:28] amthemuffinman_27: I want to learn to code as a trans man [02:09:28] will_vybin: autism [02:09:29] blueish4: pickle289Trans hmm i wonder [02:09:30] Roninomi: can’t be a bimbo AND be a good girl though, right? [02:09:30] ronin_5463: didnt go outside [02:09:30] FirehawkFrostbite: ebcause they're all nerds. [02:09:30] Avaerus0: It's the autism [02:09:31] W1NK5Y: autism [02:09:31] SamTheSilversmith: I think programming cracks eggs [02:09:31] Coatduck: asks a chat full of trans women why they know about programming [02:09:31] a_rocky_penguin: bunch of nerds [02:09:31] ArminGux: we program [02:09:31] galacticstarslayer: we are here from minecraft days [02:09:31] viryl_lucas: lmao [02:09:32] ciberfreak: autism thats why [02:09:32] Agmoa: Autism [02:09:32] bensrob: it's a stereotype for a reason... [02:09:33] qtAzerie: programming is a special perk of being trans [02:09:33] 71M073J: Trans bias i guess [02:09:34] YumeNoZen: Data Science and Philosophy nerd here. [02:09:35] zombiii: i get paid a lot for it [02:09:36] piras314: we are all living stereotypes [02:09:36] wraitherc: We all got "THE SOCKS" [02:09:37] Bobbikatt: swirling in the pipeline... [02:09:37] Cat_Pause: TransgenderPride Hmmm [02:09:37] thanatoscar: must be the thigh highs [02:09:38] ShigotoKowai: You know why [02:09:39] ClaraRenway: transgender autism [02:09:39] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Only half of us? [02:09:40] amthemuffinman_27: we all be TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:09:40] viryl_lucas: TransgenderPride [02:09:40] lynn_150: common ground between the fem boy community [02:09:41] afal: I'm trans [02:09:42] Vanimal2118: 1 year of Computer Science in college [02:09:43] SonicXVe: Programmer socks [02:09:44] MollyRzr: that’s offensive, I’m only a senior programmer for Bethesda [02:09:44] Eadthryth: Stop complaining about linux. It's better than you think. [02:09:44] balsabasher: autism and trans [02:09:44] Dasdwarf: Because programming is a way to get a job where they don't care about appearance, so you can work in solitude. [02:09:45] czarna0skarpetka: we trans [02:09:46] blu_yeti: The venn diagram is a single circle [02:09:46] alexx_net: @F1NN5TER, https://git-scm.com/doc for version control [02:09:47] ballsofmolagbal: we're trans thats why we're knowledgable abt programming [02:09:47] viryl_lucas: Kappa KappaPride [02:09:48] stephthephobiaslayer: Why hate the sudo command? Admin rights separation is one of the things that makes Linux more secure than Windows [02:09:48] johnkeiwo: autism, transgender or both [02:09:49] omgluckyhere: only half? [02:09:49] Andromeda42442: Trump found guilty big W fellas [02:09:49] ballsofmolagbal: also autism [02:09:51] SHiRKiT: only now you noticed that a lot of us are trans [02:09:52] ihtsambruhley: I’m just a straight up bi girl [02:09:52] Valezifer: Nerds [02:09:53] Zen0001S: We nerds i guess [02:09:54] tilt_central: wait am i a nerd ? [02:09:55] SnowwyAI: The only code I know is HTML that is like 15 years out of date. [02:09:56] TheNeverShow: Got caught using the the Ladies room when the mens room Only star wars being used as drug den [02:09:56] davidiusfarrenius: They Femboy nerds! 😄 [02:09:58] captain_scarlet_rose: assembly, cause who dont wanna write 60 pages to execute one command :P [02:10:00] alikarin: GenderFluidPride [02:10:01] GormyGorm: lmfao [02:10:02] Loelinverse: lmao [02:10:02] amthemuffinman_27: chat just sped up so much 😭 [02:10:03] TopbitActual: Grug is a HTMX CEO [02:10:04] asdpokemon: trans + programming + autism [02:10:05] brycethe_best1: Hmm [02:10:07] LaNicoleH: lanico5TransCat lanico5TransCat lanico5TransCat lanico5TransCat [02:10:09] viryl_lucas: f1nnEmbarrassed [02:10:09] ArminGux: this chat is trans programmers, but some don’t wanna admit it [02:10:13] Avaerus0: I recently asked someone whether I was just autistic or "profoundly autistic" [02:10:15] oliviazbored: transvestigating at ur own meet n greet is insane [02:10:16] stephthephobiaslayer: Well that sucks lol [02:10:16] TheGalaco: f1nn couldnt suspect his own egg much less others [02:10:19] Session1O52: I know Java, html, and C# [02:10:19] medical_size9000: The only you did to me is making me bi when I first watched your archive [02:10:20] butter_bb: I'm a software engineer and work with a couple of girls that are hot shit at programming lol [02:10:21] 416hobbit: How are you @F1NN5TER ? [02:10:25] tilt_central: how do you prove that you are not a nerd then > ? [02:10:26] SHiRKiT: @asdpokemon basically a lot of us here [02:10:28] MaxWattage: willoButton We keep all the IT systems running. 😆 [02:10:28] johnkeiwo: tired gorls [02:10:28] MollyRzr: eepy girl [02:10:31] SnowwyAI: I thought you were gonna sneeze for a second. [02:10:31] Helen_Croft: half of chat has the programmer socks [02:10:32] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:10:33] Ann_Onimouse: lol that was exceedingly girly [02:10:33] Loelinverse: @oliviazbored lmaoooo [02:10:36] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER https://preview.redd.it/ly309l4k5bjb1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=6839851877e2ed4c33531f5790bbd77bea98887d [02:10:37] piras314: we are all trans linux programming nerds fighting about vim and c++ [02:10:37] BlightningBrightling: wow that was the girliest yawn I've heard [02:10:37] Ninlilizi: Trans, Autism, and 3 decades experience as a Software Engineer. :D [02:10:38] FatherThyme: OMEGALUL [02:10:39] amthemuffinman_27: that’s your fault [02:10:42] SnowwyAI: Some of you just don't know it yet. [02:10:43] alexx_net: Because many programmers are autistic and society forces us to introspect [02:10:43] bearpaw1970: Hey Hobbit'🥰🫴💞 [02:10:45] ihtsambruhley: “ I didn’t make the rules “ [02:10:45] BlaireBearStare: kekw [02:10:46] amthemuffinman_27: lmao [02:10:46] Bobbikatt: the more the merrier [02:10:47] hugeairconditioner: NOOOO :( Okay [02:10:48] extremeph: bimbo [02:10:50] handscombchris: think i ate too much chinese, can feel a food coma coming on! :( [02:10:52] sivartfarmer: Oh hey, it's one of the people that cracked my egg [02:10:52] OliveTentacle: F1nn getting tired? lunyCOMFY [02:10:52] LaMale411: HypeShock [02:10:53] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: I’m autistic [02:10:53] ZoeDoesMusic: TransgenderPride [02:10:54] YumeNoZen: @416hobbit, Hiya Hobbit! Last stream was so much fun. [02:10:56] zypperella: All of you poor programmer fucks are going to lose your jobs to AI. I'm transfem and I operate CNC machines. ...I don't know how to program them though so I'm poor lol [02:10:56] johnkeiwo: idk if Jonas is joking anymore [02:10:57] hugeairconditioner: im not an egg :( [02:11:01] davidiusfarrenius: Not me! I’m not transgender! [02:11:01] ihtsambruhley: bahahahahha [02:11:02] Vanimal2118: Quit calling out chat @helen_croft ! LOL [02:11:02] Roninomi: not all of us tho [02:11:04] czarna0skarpetka: lmao [02:11:04] 416hobbit: @YumeNoZen It was! [02:11:05] amthemuffinman_27: delayed processing [02:11:05] afal: Wait... Is fimter forcefemming US now? [02:11:07] viryl_lucas: f1nnEgg [02:11:08] Stovamor: That's from the community census we took [02:11:10] Stovamor: That's from the community census we took [02:11:11] bearpaw1970: Hey Vanimal' [02:11:16] mittfh: rm -rf *, Doo dah, doo dah. rm -rf *, Doo, doo dah day! [02:11:21] bearpaw1970: It was Yume [02:11:23] amthemuffinman_27: all of us be trans nerds that are nowhere near neurotypical [02:11:24] alexx_net: I'm not trans, (but I'm not entirely cis either.) [02:11:24] ArminGux: cis man in cope [02:11:28] SnowwyAI: @hugeairconditioner I'm not, either. Finn cracked my genderfluid egg something months ago, lol. [02:11:35] ihtsambruhley: it’s true I’m bi [02:11:37] TheGalaco: can confirm, trans and pan [02:11:41] Eadthryth: The "Not 100% cis" gender is funny [02:11:42] EternalLucia: I'm trans and les [02:11:43] Stovamor: That's from the community census we took [02:11:49] rainfallwall: Bi [02:11:52] ChasingSol: eepy [02:11:52] taylorthingx: i feel personally called out by that graph [02:11:54] johnkeiwo: A lot of those heterosexual CIS men are LYING !!! [02:11:54] johnkeiwo: A lot of those heterosexual CIS men are LYING !!! [02:11:54] captain_scarlet_rose: bi but prefer girls XD and yea trans fem XD [02:11:54] piras314: fuckin ell bruv [02:11:55] oliviazbored: ace representation! les go [02:11:56] viryl_lucas: epp [02:11:56] Vanimal2118: Nice @stovamor [02:11:57] ciberfreak: I love that the graph is right [02:11:57] MaxWattage: BisexualPride [02:11:58] amthemuffinman_27: my sexuality is being mean to be [02:11:59] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: I’m not 100% cis and bi… [02:12:00] ChasingSol: EARLY?! [02:12:01] ballsofmolagbal: im also trans and les [02:12:01] quinntayo: i think this fit needs a delicate silver necklace no? can we get that chat [02:12:01] Helen_Croft: when is the new census? [02:12:03] Amoyamoyamoya: Imagine being trans and bi [02:12:04] afal: (always sunny theme) Fimter Forcefems The Chat [02:12:05] viryl_lucas: eep now so I can journey home [02:12:06] medical_size9000: I'm cis male who is Bi/Pan [02:12:06] TheFrozenFemboy: Genderluid is aaaaall bi or pan xD [02:12:06] ArminGux: yeah cis man in cope is most of the demographic [02:12:06] tilt_central: 9.30am jesus [02:12:08] acid2202: cant wait to see that trans count go up in 2 years [02:12:12] cookieeater212: I'm on that graph and I don't like it [02:12:12] GormyGorm: how is the pupper? [02:12:13] mrbb_55: lol the cis-questioning [02:12:13] piras314: only gay for jesus [02:12:15] gothmark666: Aww bless you are tired [02:12:15] cuddlebear187: Did you eT [02:12:16] 416hobbit: I have to be up at 5:30am [02:12:17] alexx_net: @Eadthryth, That was quote from F1nn a few years ago [02:12:18] Tantark: i woke up before you an i was working night shift last nigth [02:12:18] ClaraRenway: You helped me realise I'm probably bi tbf :3 [02:12:18] ihtsambruhley: can we talk about belle Del. [02:12:22] johnkeiwo: I was thinking of doing a new census now that we can include the discord servers [02:12:22] Vanimal2118: Vanimal2118 gifted a Tier 1 sub to MaxWattage! They have given 81 Gift Subs in the channel! [02:12:22] f3mmbot: vanimal2118 has gifted a subscription to maxwattage at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang maxwattage f1nnLezgang [02:12:26] TheGalaco: "cisgender" "heterosexual" "man" lmaoooooo [02:12:26] balsabasher: ace trans girls we exist [02:12:29] 359thAutisticMetalLegion: Yep as a “not 100% cis” “bi/pan” combination I’m weirdly normal aren’t I [02:12:29] johnkeiwo: EEpy gworl [02:12:35] mittfh: Cis-ish ♂️, ♠️. [02:12:36] amthemuffinman_27: I be trans and (aroace probably) [02:12:36] ChasingSol: go eep [02:12:36] viryl_lucas: eepy bimbo [02:12:38] Avaerus0: Oh so cute [02:12:39] Gtaer222: EEP [02:12:40] Helen_Croft: go sleeps @F1NN5TER [02:12:40] YumeNoZen: @johnkeiwo, We're sorta mixed on surveys for IckyCord, tbh. [02:12:41] amthemuffinman_27: EEPY [02:12:42] pilot_3835: Eepy [02:12:42] ArminGux: eep [02:12:42] Nisakaru: you know bridget? [02:12:43] czarna0skarpetka: eepy [02:12:43] SnazzJaz4297: Cis Bi Woman with a Transfem AuDHD Bi GF here [02:12:43] Gtaer222: go sleep [02:12:45] ShigotoKowai: Breath [02:12:45] coltofpip: How do you open the door in Minecraft? [02:12:45] SHiRKiT: @TheGalaco I don't trust a single one of those [02:12:45] tilt_central: go to sleep jajaja [02:12:48] TheNeverShow: My kilt wearing , and Dressing like Velma dinkley found punk rock Had a slight accident is all your fault F1nn [02:12:49] ArminGux: she has the eep [02:12:50] tort3rra: Yawning makes your voice go high [02:12:50] OliveTentacle: aruSleep [02:12:50] Cat_Pause: All this yawnin makin me tired [02:12:51] YumeNoZen: *pouts* My video was cute. [02:12:52] Havryl: Eepy time [02:12:52] johnkeiwo: @YumeNoZen, why is that D: ? [02:12:53] arinotsry: Play Minecraft!!! [02:12:53] ArminGux: go to bed [02:12:53] amthemuffinman_27: She just an eepy little guy [02:12:53] DUCCCCCKKKKKKKK: Come back to comic con? [02:12:54] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn sleeby? [02:12:55] XENOMAN5: Nothing worthwhile ever happens in the morning [02:12:55] wraitherc: WOOO BI,🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥 WHAT THE HECK IS SINGLE GENDER ATTRACTION!!!??? [02:12:56] mimiplaysyt1221: @acid2202 wich trans count? [02:12:57] johnkeiwo: we just hanging out [02:12:57] 416hobbit: "stream notes" [02:12:58] bearpaw1970: It's a fun game [02:12:58] MaxWattage: @Vanimal2118 Thanks kupotaHeart [02:12:59] Valezifer: Go to bed [02:13:00] Re_In_Car_Nation: go to ep [02:13:02] megadoom20: are you even playing clicker heroes, when youre automating it????? [02:13:02] LaCroix_Blows: Rita Repulsa Cosplay [02:13:03] Loelinverse: we here for the yap [02:13:05] Amoyamoyamoya: IT'S THE ESTRADIOL [02:13:06] BlightningBrightling: something about Freddie's voice not matching how he looks? [02:13:06] YumeNoZen: Yeah. [02:13:06] BlaireBearStare: Any more to the gender update? [02:13:07] ArminGux: f1nn sleepy before dawn? [02:13:08] amthemuffinman_27: 🏳️‍⚧️ [02:13:10] YumeNoZen: Spent weekend there. [02:13:14] Roninomi: I wouldn’t understand any of this, I set my s.p.e.c.i.a.l intelligence stat to 1 t [02:13:16] bearpaw1970: Grin [02:13:17] ihtsambruhley: WHAT IS HAPPENINF [02:13:18] viryl_lucas: ayo [02:13:18] toozled: Ive seen your PP 🗿 [02:13:19] acid2202: @mimiplaysyt1221 in the survey [02:13:20] SnowwyAI: Maddie is smol [02:13:20] viryl_lucas: AYOOO [02:13:22] ChasingSol: damn Paula [02:13:22] YumeNoZen: Heh. [02:13:25] SnabbKassa: doublteaming [02:13:25] hello_kitty_love7: what? [02:13:25] Avaerus0: Did she just pick up both of them? [02:13:26] johnkeiwo: Strong [02:13:26] viryl_lucas: 3some [02:13:27] ArminGux: they only streamed together once [02:13:28] Amoyamoyamoya: "THREE-WAY" [02:13:29] bearpaw1970: Muscle mommy [02:13:30] johnkeiwo: Strong mommy [02:13:30] phi_21bit: Hehehe [02:13:31] Loelinverse: YUMEEEE!!! [02:13:35] YumeNoZen: They're sorta smol, tbh. [02:13:35] c__r__j: Maddie is tiny, but Soco isn't. [02:13:36] viryl_lucas: tiny tiny 3some [02:13:36] zeus2326: zeus2326 subscribed with Prime. [02:13:36] f3mmbot: zeus2326 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang zeus2326 f1nnLezgang [02:13:37] Nisakaru: pro lifter [02:13:38] blueskydrinking: UM [02:13:39] SnowwyAI: I think Maddie might be smaller than Freddi. [02:13:39] Amoyamoyamoya: SO WHOLESOME [02:13:39] Quackathulhu: omg [02:13:40] ArminGux: yume is a fughter [02:13:40] Helen_Croft: Did you see the new art @F1NN5TER https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d46ytr/contour_art_famous_f1nns_cookies_mr_beast_has/ [02:13:41] acid2202: Strong girl farm? [02:13:41] Helen_Croft: Did you see the new art @F1NN5TER https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d46ytr/contour_art_famous_f1nns_cookies_mr_beast_has/ [02:13:41] freshdelipickles: well then [02:13:42] piras314: wow. [02:13:45] Jens_LN: Maddie is TINY, and Soco is slender [02:13:45] Amoyamoyamoya: YUME = STRONK [02:13:45] sivartfarmer: Why would you only be attracted to one gender? and why the fuck would that one be men? [02:13:47] alexx_net: @wraitherc, Single gender attraction is easier with compulsory monogamy [02:13:49] LucipurrOwO: astra71Lik [02:13:51] Bobbikatt: I'm completely straight. Except for sex. I'm gay af with that. [02:13:55] 416hobbit: She clipped me and showed my FEET [02:13:55] ArminGux: maddie is 5 2 [02:13:59] Roninomi: freeway based [02:13:59] Vanimal2118: The Professional Streamer @amoyamoyamoya ? [02:14:03] YumeNoZen: And then Hobbit visit was great. [02:14:04] handscombchris: has Maddie said what's happened with her parents since yesterday? [02:14:08] hello_kitty_love7: f1nnCowjam [02:14:09] Jens_LN: Hobbit Feet ! [02:14:10] SnowwyAI: Did you see she got a DDR pad? [02:14:10] Helen_Croft: Did you see the new art @F1NN5TER https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d46ytr/contour_art_famous_f1nns_cookies_mr_beast_has/ [02:14:11] ShigotoKowai: The Olympic tripple trans lift [02:14:13] LaMale411: To be fair Maddie is a baby girl [02:14:17] c__r__j: narc1ss1st1c5ter [02:14:19] Avaerus0: You do look good [02:14:19] Loelinverse: awww [02:14:22] viryl_lucas: like a doll? [02:14:24] ArminGux: peachy opened a patreon [02:14:28] johnkeiwo: Countour W [02:14:28] AntonyJC1: @F1NN5TER YOU DON'T STREAM ENOUGH TO CLIP FINN!!!! [02:14:30] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:14:32] SnowwyAI: Aww, that's awesome! [02:14:35] viryl_lucas: LMAO [02:14:37] braddle172: lol [02:14:38] bearpaw1970: So good ..😂👍 [02:14:40] daxx6000: Hey F1NN! [02:14:41] baylisonc: AYO [02:14:42] xXNeroZashiXx: So cool 😎 [02:14:49] Bobbikatt: mommy finn?? [02:14:49] polynesian_taco_shell: REDDIT [02:14:49] tilt_central: Have you checked the auction of the card its doing well xD [02:14:52] polynesian_taco_shell: TANK [02:14:53] 416hobbit: Contour is AWESOME [02:14:55] ArminGux: Ava will be in mcc pride, will u go together? [02:14:55] LittleChaSiu: should be tea biscuits, surely [02:14:56] alexx_net: @F1NN5TER have you seen the video of your arm wrestle at Comic Con? [02:14:57] Amoyamoyamoya: CLIP CLIP CLIP "F1nn doesn't stream enough to clip" [02:14:59] johnkeiwo: Don't forget to dump ur biscuits in femboy milk chat [02:14:59] Vanimal2118: Cookies? vanima3HOWDY vanima3PINK vanima3HOWDY vanima3PINK vanima3HOWDY [02:15:00] polynesian_taco_shell: ITS TANK [02:15:01] c__r__j: Those look like Custard Cream [02:15:01] baylisonc: boy wife goals [02:15:01] tilt_central: custard cream [02:15:02] blatant_fabrication: they look kinda like custard creams [02:15:02] ballsofmolagbal: shortbread?? [02:15:03] Mrdeadfishrock: custard creams [02:15:03] piras314: cookie [02:15:04] TheNeverShow: Sandwich cookies [02:15:05] ChasingSol: custard creams [02:15:06] bananasandwich6969: never seen those in my life [02:15:06] SnowwyAI: I already said it on one of your accounts, but that dress suited you really well IMO. [02:15:07] Bobbikatt: lady fingers [02:15:07] Marianamystery: Top tier art [02:15:08] YumeNoZen: Estrogen biscuits? [02:15:08] B1ackW01f69: look like a Bourbon [02:15:09] Ana_Stas1a: @tilt_central where do i find it lmao [02:15:10] Loelinverse: Amoya bringing back up clipping [02:15:10] Avaerus0: The mistake was calling them "cookies" [02:15:12] viryl_lucas: lol [02:15:13] Loelinverse: lmao [02:15:13] OliveTentacle: Tradwife F1nn? lunySUS [02:15:15] virtual_core_: bowl as empty as head [02:15:15] Stovamor: Custard Creams and yes, you're not a good Brit [02:15:18] Valezifer: british oreos [02:15:19] strawbugged: those are custard creams?? [02:15:22] LEGENDofWRATH: Salutations! Gratz on your liquidity! [02:15:22] asdpokemon: custered cream [02:15:23] tilt_central: Ebay [02:15:24] Vanimal2118: Funny @yumenozen [02:15:25] Mrdeadfishrock: malted milks are elite [02:15:26] Amoyamoyamoya: F1nn has too much American in him now [02:15:26] CJ_SMED: the goat [02:15:30] johnkeiwo: Have some music chat ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzPQ_jA00bk&list=RDRPzf_4dcL28&index=27&ab_channel=PostMaloneVEVO [02:15:31] zombiii: homemade cream... im sorry [02:15:32] JugemuJugemu: The Birmingham Bombshell art was sick too [02:15:33] sm0hzam: tank!!!!!!!!! [02:15:36] tort3rra: Estrogen cookies?! [02:15:36] taeyukki: that's such a cool artwork tbh [02:15:36] mrbb_55: custurd cream x ritchtea finger? [02:15:37] viryl_lucas: genetics [02:15:37] tilt_central: @Ana_Stas1a ebay type ibs card finn [02:15:37] ArminGux: citizenship taken away [02:15:38] Roninomi: trad wives are sick of being trad wives… CUSTARD CREMES! [02:15:38] Dasdwarf: E only gave me tits no ass, it sucks. [02:15:40] YumeNoZen: I work out and don't have an ass. *sigh* [02:15:41] taylorthingx: its the hrt [02:15:43] johnkeiwo: If u did, your ass would be better [02:15:43] ArminGux: ur cake is very cute [02:15:43] Shockwavemecha: Natural cake [02:15:46] ciberfreak: e I think?? [02:15:46] Eadthryth: Cheer300 The only thing we need now for a video is you nearly showing "the goods" so that Jonas can make it into a meme. [02:15:46] SnowwyAI: The secret ingredients are progesterone and estradiol. [02:15:48] slipknotphilcollins: 😈 [02:15:49] Amoyamoyamoya: SHOW A... [02:15:51] ArminGux: underbutt [02:15:52] ronin_5463: same reason you have a nice face: genes [02:15:53] Marianamystery: You are what you eat: thicc cake. [02:15:58] Avaerus0: The cake is still baking [02:16:00] SamTheSilversmith: Is the blue and pink t-shirt that you have in the description going to be available for purchase / pre-order again? [02:16:00] cuddlebear187: Imagine if you did workout your butt [02:16:02] alexx_net: Custard Cream? [02:16:04] c__r__j: Like most people, you have an ass so you can move your legs and do poops. [02:16:09] Amoyamoyamoya: WELCOME TWITCH STAFF [02:16:11] OliveTentacle: lunyNOCAKE lunyNOCAKE lunyNOCAKE [02:16:12] wraitherc: "Each biscuit contains enough estrogen to level a small nation" [02:16:15] Vanimal2118: Vanimal2118 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Shockwavemecha! They have given 82 Gift Subs in the channel! [02:16:15] f3mmbot: vanimal2118 has gifted a subscription to shockwavemecha at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang shockwavemecha f1nnLezgang [02:16:16] freshdelipickles: Year of the Linux Desktop™ [02:16:18] viryl_lucas: HMMM [02:16:18] 416hobbit: @YumeNoZen Are you sure you work out? We had a draw in arm wrestle [02:16:19] pilot_3835: Damn [02:16:23] gothmark666: Cute [02:16:23] freshdelipickles: omg [02:16:24] Avaerus0: Those thighs... [02:16:24] BlaireBearStare: Oh damn [02:16:24] Session1O52: GYAD [02:16:26] viryl_lucas: nice ass [02:16:26] ProfaneCreation: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka [02:16:27] rainfallwall: yum [02:16:29] OstentatiousMongoose: f1nnStare [02:16:30] viryl_lucas: gyatt [02:16:30] OliveTentacle: Cake! [02:16:31] Shockwavemecha: @Vanimal2118 Thanks for the gift sub! f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:16:32] Radiopools: booty! [02:16:32] YumeNoZen: @416hobbit, I mean, arm strength is my weakness. [02:16:33] BlaireBearStare: It does [02:16:33] Jens_LN: True [02:16:33] braddle172: itspea13Awooga [02:16:34] Session1O52: daaaamn [02:16:34] FatherThyme: underbutt is underrated [02:16:35] bunnybrawlerxo: Nice [02:16:36] taylorthingx: damn! [02:16:36] taeyukki: slay [02:16:36] lnsanecomett: Damn, nice ass [02:16:37] Stovamor: That pic was from a year ago though [02:16:37] themilkman097: Erm [02:16:37] Cat_Pause: Give me your gender NOW [02:16:38] Stovamor: That pic was from a year ago though [02:16:38] toozled: Mm mm mmmm [02:16:39] 0h_seven: GYAT [02:16:39] SnazzJaz4297: annytfShy annytfShy annytfShy annytfShy annytfShy [02:16:45] Amoyamoyamoya: Underboob >>> Underbutt [02:16:51] ArminGux: booty shorts time [02:16:52] YumeNoZen: F1nn, hobbit is calling me out, we tied on an arm wrestle. [02:16:52] Helen_Croft: this is the first battlepass post [02:16:52] TheFrozenFemboy: Gayge [02:16:54] vatri_x: woof woof wofwoof bark [02:16:54] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER isn't underbutt TOS on Twitch ? [02:16:56] themilkman097: I um i [02:16:56] mittfh: Party314 Arch, BTW 😜 [02:16:56] Ana_Stas1a: @tilt_central not showing up sadly but ty anyway [02:16:56] BlaireBearStare: F1nn do Strongcurves dangit [02:16:56] toozled: Woman would be malding [02:16:59] viryl_lucas: my butt grew after HRT [02:17:00] Avaerus0: Well then not working out is working [02:17:05] blueskydrinking: 16-17 months ago [02:17:07] johnkeiwo: so if u started u would have banger thighs, listen to Ashley ! [02:17:19] ArminGux: u have been on e for a while [02:17:27] polynesian_taco_shell: isnt there a kind of HRT that allows you to still get hard? [02:17:31] Jens_LN: *whew* [02:17:33] SnowwyAI: @johnkeiwo I keep saying she should join Ashley in her workouts. [02:17:36] cuddlebear187: DAAAAAAMN [02:17:40] Bobbikatt: sit around, eat bon-bons and stream, getting nice azz [02:17:45] slipknotphilcollins: Damn, you look sexy as hell [02:17:47] Helen_Croft: you mess it up during sleep anyway [02:17:50] Jens_LN: shake hair ? [02:17:53] themilkman097: What does it mean when I like men's butthole but not woman's vagina [02:17:54] zephyr_alba: Am 4 months in on HRT and Cialis is all I use for maintenance [02:17:54] Shockwavemecha: f1nnMakeupcheck [02:17:56] synesthelia: Did Ashley book you a haircut yet? [02:17:56] slipknotphilcollins: *not a simp* [02:17:59] johnkeiwo: stop touching it ! [02:17:59] Havryl: Havryl is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel! [02:17:59] Havryl: Havryl gifted a Tier 1 sub to BensEZGamin! [02:18:00] f3mmbot: havryl has gifted a subscription to bensezgamin at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang bensezgamin f1nnLezgang [02:18:00] xiontheslime: you’re underwear is absolutely out in that pic [02:18:02] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:18:02] tilt_central: actual good one [02:18:06] ArminGux: ponytail? [02:18:07] ChasingSol: f1nnKnife KEEP BOTH HANDS ON YOUR KEYBOARD WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM f1nnKnife [02:18:07] OliveTentacle: Do not mess up your hair. it was just fine! [02:18:08] Quackathulhu: ooooo [02:18:08] Valezifer: nearly good it's perfect [02:18:10] YumeNoZen: There's sources, it's fine. [02:18:14] ChasingSol: chat slowed down... [02:18:14] bearpaw1970: That lip colour your wearing is popp'in [02:18:14] Havryl: Choo choo on the train [02:18:19] Shockwavemecha: Looks good regardless [02:18:20] Dasdwarf: I gotta figure out how to get my hair that good. [02:18:20] Amoyamoyamoya: I'm sorry, SHOW what now? [02:18:20] Vanimal2118: No @chasingsol [02:18:21] Roninomi: looked like it was looking nearly good to one side [02:18:22] griffin__c11: i m hungry, i d like some snack now :3 [02:18:25] Dasdwarf: Im a curly mess. [02:18:26] Amoyamoyamoya: TWO HANDS ON KEYBOARD CHAT [02:18:27] Amoyamoyamoya: TWO HANDS ON KEYBOARD CHAT [02:18:28] Amoyamoyamoya: TWO HANDS ON KEYBOARD CHAT [02:18:29] zephyr_alba: Finn learns to braid when? [02:18:32] gothmark666: bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple [02:18:33] medical_size9000: You say that but you can't help yourself to show ass [02:18:34] SnowwyAI: @ArminGux Finn does look good with a ponytail. [02:18:38] Shockwavemecha: @Amoyamoyamoya Nah LUL [02:18:39] SonicXVe: Profoundly? [02:18:39] Bobbikatt: stream is glitching [02:18:40] hello_kitty_love7: ???? [02:18:42] extremeph: pigtails [02:18:44] freshdelipickles: same day? [02:18:44] ihtsambruhley: WHAT DIDNTHEY SAY [02:18:45] freshdelipickles: how [02:18:45] Avaerus0: Multiple?? [02:18:46] debdrup: @Amoyamoyamoya What about three hands? [02:18:47] 416hobbit: You saw a shrink [02:18:47] ArminGux: @snowwyai agreed [02:18:48] Roninomi: so comb over when? [02:18:49] Marianamystery: I haven't been here in a while, so I figure it's only polite to ask. What pronouns does our streamer go for nowadays? [02:18:50] alexx_net: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff Chat almost totally stopped when F1nn showed that photo f1nnLaff [02:18:52] ciberfreak: BAM awake again hahahhaa [02:18:52] OliveTentacle: what hair care do you use? [02:18:53] medical_size9000: Why multiples??? [02:18:55] Xxjeff1989xX: what’s the dono link [02:18:56] virtual_core_: profoundly??. [02:18:59] ArminGux: u did the 5h thing [02:19:03] johnkeiwo: !dono [02:19:04] Amoyamoyamoya: @debdrup, ET ALIEN SPOTTED IN CHAT [02:19:06] Shockwavemecha: f1nnPet [02:19:06] johnkeiwo: !donate [02:19:06] f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. [02:19:07] ShigotoKowai: Profoundly is a wild assesment lol [02:19:07] Stovamor: !pronouns @Marianamystery, [02:19:07] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [02:19:08] handscombchris: they all said the same thing... GET OUT! :) [02:19:16] SnowwyAI: I've wanted to get an assessment, but I heard they're expensive AF. [02:19:20] alexx_net: !hair @OliveTentacle [02:19:20] f3mmbot: Finn's hair treatment is Olaplex shampoo and conditioner and then the Joico K-Pak Intense Hydrator hair mask. [02:19:22] ArminGux: autistic to a core [02:19:22] c__r__j: It takes UP TO six hours. Sometimes it's obvious. LUL [02:19:23] Marianamystery: Thank you! [02:19:29] TekJansen01: LUL [02:19:29] beam_oh_four: !socials [02:19:30] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:19:31] debdrup: @Amoyamoyamoya More Zaphod Beeblebrox vibes [02:19:31] Quackathulhu: yes autism [02:19:32] YumeNoZen: @c__r__j, Really? lol [02:19:38] Avaerus0: It doesn't have to be either or, it can be both [02:19:41] phi_21bit: KEKW [02:19:42] ChasingSol: haha [02:19:44] scottcarter40: has he tried a shock collar? [02:19:51] alexx_net: You got the 'tizem ? (Like me?) [02:19:52] YumeNoZen: Better than "can we use you as a case study?" [02:19:53] SonicXVe: LUL [02:19:56] Amoyamoyamoya: "I'm going to make SO MUCH money off this one" [02:20:01] SwitchLeafe: Hi Finn [02:20:04] seibaby: You told him about redstone, didn't y ou? [02:20:08] alexx_net: @scottcarter40 yes, a few years ago [02:20:10] FatherThyme: valid [02:20:13] freshdelipickles: "gorgeous" [02:20:13] SonicXVe: Amazing [02:20:14] Jens_LN: KEKW [02:20:15] xtra_tori: @Amoyamoyamoya This [02:20:15] viryl_lucas: true [02:20:16] Shockwavemecha: Gorgeous [02:20:16] SwitchLeafe: I am enjoying a horror add [02:20:16] bearpaw1970: Hey Amoya 🎩💞 [02:20:18] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:20:18] Leinis: Aww he called you gorgeous! [02:20:19] YumeNoZen: Oh. That tracks. [02:20:19] braddle172: KEKW [02:20:21] ArminGux: intelligent is kinda generous [02:20:23] xddarkowl: hello [02:20:26] Ephemeral_001: thats a new amount of adhd [02:20:28] rebeleclipse: told you [02:20:29] bearpaw1970: Gorgeous.. you indeed are [02:20:35] SwitchLeafe: good thing I am not scared of horror [02:20:36] ChasingSol: don't give advice, chat [02:20:38] ChasingSol: please [02:20:38] Roninomi: yeah, gorgeous [02:20:39] BallSize500: ayo [02:20:42] YumeNoZen: I reiterate, you are the reason I decided to get medicated. [02:20:43] xdanibp: hey [02:20:48] balsabasher: neurospicy as anything [02:20:49] W1NK5Y: talk about it all you want, i deal with it too [02:20:50] SnowwyAI: @ChasingSol o7 [02:21:00] bearpaw1970: Neurological divergent [02:21:00] Roninomi: fabulous meds [02:21:01] SonicXVe: Neurosalad [02:21:02] YumeNoZen: I get eepy midday if I don't take my meds. [02:21:02] mrbb_55: wooo AuDHD club! [02:21:03] Stovamor: Unwarrented Psych advice will catch people a timeout. Do not test us, Chat [02:21:12] Avaerus0: ADHD can cause depression? [02:21:12] johnkeiwo: do not donate about it chat as well, I will ban uou [02:21:13] Shockwavemecha: mikami13Howdy mikami13Howdy mikami13Howdy [02:21:14] mrbb_55: and depression club yay! [02:21:14] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:21:16] alexh1441: ADHD mood swings are real, didn't realise until I stoped my meds lol. [02:21:16] zephyr_alba: You function high neat [02:21:17] johnkeiwo: do not donate about it chat as well, I will ban you [02:21:18] ArminGux: adhd medication? [02:21:19] CatGirlHomelander: hellooo cutries [02:21:19] Ephemeral_001: f1nn does not function [02:21:20] Shockwavemecha: KEKW [02:21:20] BlaireBearStare: Gorgeous ADHD [02:21:22] druchi2088: Our fav high functioning femboy [02:21:24] tilt_central: dam he had rizz [02:21:24] Shockwavemecha: smort [02:21:25] MoMadNU: I'm into High Functioning [02:21:27] ChasingSol: KEKW [02:21:28] c__r__j: Wait, was that high functioning, or functioning and high? [02:21:28] bearpaw1970: I'm also high functioning Neurological divergent [02:21:29] viryl_lucas: praise kink [02:21:30] SonicXVe: You won at therapy nice [02:21:31] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:21:31] Jens_LN: he also called you gorgeous ! D: [02:21:31] Amoyamoyamoya: Is she flexing being "high functioning?" [02:21:32] 416hobbit: Highly functional [02:21:32] Quackathulhu: I’m high functioning too [02:21:35] FainFawn: hi Finn [02:21:36] maleniascarlett: the Sherlock homes of autism [02:21:37] ArminGux: good girl [02:21:37] SnowwyAI: Yeah, you do. xD [02:21:39] Cautare: Youre soooo cUTE [02:21:40] SwitchLeafe: I thought they werent allowed to call us highfunctioning anymore [02:21:41] Drumbz: you liked that [02:21:46] Nierninwa: I'm sorry what? low mood with adhd? I gotta check on that oof [02:21:46] YumeNoZen: You're a good grem anyways. [02:21:46] synesthelia: "I'm very smart and I function highly." [02:21:46] tilt_central: non functioning ? [02:21:47] Vanimal2118: U r smarter than the average Bimbo. [02:21:49] debdrup: Does high-functioning mean that you "function" when high? [02:21:50] Shockwavemecha: Clever girl [02:21:51] taylorthingx: I love the use of "profoundly" [02:21:51] ArminGux: high function girly [02:21:51] 416hobbit: "clever girl" [02:21:52] BananaPancakes42: It sounded like 'Profoundly high functioning Autistic' not 'High functioning profoundly Autistic' [02:21:53] cuddlebear187: Your confusing it with high maintenance [02:21:54] LaMale411: Good girl [02:21:54] blatant_fabrication: high functioning rottmaxxer [02:21:55] blueskydrinking: I thought I just had depressions and anxiety for over a decade but medication only worked so much. Then I realised just how many symptoms of ADHD I've had throughout my life and it was probably that all along [02:21:56] scorpiorock: adhd and autism. I call it double trouble [02:21:56] CatGirlHomelander: finn is a smart high functioning bean [02:21:57] hugeairconditioner: smort & high functioning [02:21:59] DocBurN: I am HIGH.. and i am functioning [02:22:00] Roninomi: I can’t see Finn right now he’s so high up in the functioning clouds [02:22:01] SnowwyAI: You got called clever? Oh, I am jealous. [02:22:05] W1NK5Y: also with autism there are paradoxical reactions to medications, usually with antidepressants, but there is a test to help pre check for paradoxical reactions [02:22:12] Axellerat1on: "high functioning" is a myth it's just harder for others to notice your struggles lmao [02:22:12] viryl_lucas: 7 e33 0r7 3 [02:22:15] Helen_Croft: I got a similar autism diagnosis [02:22:21] gothmark666: Finn good girl and you are blushing [02:22:24] bearpaw1970: You are [02:22:24] Eadthryth: Same, I'm a moron and people say the same thing about me. [02:22:32] maleniascarlett: same [02:22:33] Jens_LN: Smart people [02:22:36] mittfh: High functioning autism is effectively what used to be called Asperger's Syndrome, but it's not disfavoured due to who Hans Asperger worked for... [02:22:36] SnowwyAI: You're smarter than most of the people I interact with, LOL. [02:22:37] ReiniYamato: @axellerat1on YES!! THIS!! [02:22:38] mystchevious1: In part your friends are very smart. IE Abbigale THORN!!! [02:22:38] bearpaw1970: Your not stupid.. [02:22:38] megawu: @axellerat1on real [02:22:39] alexx_net: Be careful F1nn you can get cancelled for talking about "high functioning" in the ASD community. [02:22:41] synesthelia: Smart people know how clueless they are. Dumb people don't know they're dumb [02:22:44] ArminGux: u thought mushrooms were vegetables [02:22:44] tubbs185: smart ass [02:22:44] sm0hzam: the latter [02:22:45] viryl_lucas: The fact that you recognize it, means you are above average [02:22:45] daisyorpeach: I feel like High functioning just means "really good at masking" murkeyLUL [02:22:49] SnabbKassa: you are ignorant, but smart. you overestimate the intelligence of an average person [02:22:51] CyanoticJam: A stupid millionaire?? [02:22:51] Avaerus0: You overestimate the intelligence of the average person [02:22:51] balsabasher: you’re smart enough to know what you don’t understand [02:22:54] tilt_central: I think someone who surround themselves with people smarter than them is actually smart right. [02:22:56] lishoward: that sounds like a self-esteem issue [02:22:58] zachydaiquiri: Smart ppl who call themselves smart r not smart [02:22:58] fatslowman: autistic people seem smart [02:23:01] viryl_lucas: That what the mask is [02:23:04] xHaneKun: I feel dumb until I see americans [02:23:07] johnkeiwo: Elon Musk exist chat [02:23:09] alexx_net: "high functioning" === "good at masking" [02:23:09] blatant_fabrication: lol elon [02:23:10] Shockwavemecha: Name one [02:23:11] druchi2088: E*lon [02:23:12] Shockwavemecha: LUL [02:23:12] Helen_Croft: Elon here? [02:23:14] braddle172: LUL [02:23:15] Quackathulhu: Elon musk [02:23:15] Jens_LN: sometimes people just need to hear the truth from someone else ! [02:23:15] SnowwyAI: LMFAO [02:23:16] SnazzJaz4297: Trump exists chat [02:23:16] MoMadNU: Ummm Elon [02:23:17] LaMale411: Elon [02:23:18] 416hobbit: There are a FEW stupid billionaires [02:23:19] viryl_lucas: ml0n [02:23:19] Radiopools: KEKW [02:23:19] Amoyamoyamoya: Elon is an idiot [02:23:20] ArminGux: Elon is a nimwit [02:23:24] c__r__j: The National Lottery makes stupid millionaires every week! [02:23:25] jamieclipse: the majority of well known billionaires are in fact stupid [02:23:25] Roninomi: omg Finn you so smarrt at looking pretty and alcoholism [02:23:26] SnabbKassa: you could be a stupid billionaire and felon president [02:23:28] cuddlebear187: Self depreciating narcissist....WOW [02:23:28] YumeNoZen: You're not stupid. Like, your head mod is smarter, but you're not dumb. [02:23:29] synesthelia: Truuuue, high functioning does equal good at masking [02:23:29] tilt_central: did you just admit to being a "millionaire" [02:23:30] bearpaw1970: Exactly viryl! [02:23:30] FainFawn: y’know… for the amount of people here, chat sure is slow… [02:23:30] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Ah, the "gifted kid" section of the Dunning Kruger curve where you're actually smart but convinced you're slightly above average at best. [02:23:31] alexx_net: @Amoyamoyamoya Correct [02:23:32] Dasdwarf: You want my job I do the maths? [02:23:32] ProfaneCreation: LUL [02:23:35] zephyr_alba: True high functioning label is super just washing Asperger's of name and not problematic basis [02:23:36] freshdelipickles: KEKW [02:23:37] SonicXVe: LUL [02:23:38] MoMadNU: Elon is a low functioning [02:23:39] BlaireBearStare: Oh god someone edit that alongside F1nn when they said they wouldn't do BP [02:23:41] ChasingSol: LUL [02:23:41] jamieclipse: economic oppression does not take intelligence [02:23:41] ArminGux: trump is dumber then a crisp sandwich [02:23:41] mystchevious1: You're much smarter than you give yourself credit for. [02:23:42] gasmccloud: Smart is as smart doesss [02:23:43] Mrdeadfishrock: thats a shame [02:23:45] Worangar: i have autism and ADHD as well, high functioning, high IQ, Depression and also gender questioning / transfemale. i understand you very well^^ [02:23:45] Ephemeral_001: kek [02:23:46] DocBurN: Your pretty, u dont need to be smart... [02:23:46] Jens_LN: :sniffa [02:23:46] johnkeiwo: FeelsbBadMan [02:23:46] sm0hzam: hahaha [02:23:47] Avaerus0: I didn't know that was a thing [02:23:47] GormyGorm: finn all im saying is, im a musician, they never taught us to count past 4 [02:23:47] druchi2088: It must be hard to know how much can fit, that takes a lot of your brain power I'm sure. LUL [02:23:48] tomandil789: awh :( [02:23:51] TekJansen01: sad [02:23:52] heldenautie: Stupid millionaire (Trump has entered the chat) [02:23:52] sm0hzam: I knew he was gonna say that [02:23:53] Shockwavemecha: unhinged [02:23:54] johnkeiwo: FeelsBadMan can't have shit [02:23:54] just_luna420: just look at the ex US president [02:23:54] Loelinverse: gotta add the end disclamer to every bit atp [02:23:55] Amoyamoyamoya: JAJAJAJAJA...I understood that hoke [02:23:56] c__r__j: You mean BATTLE PASS, @F1NN5TER [02:23:56] the_b1ack_lotus: Hey Finn, new to your channel. Just wanna say you’re very pretty, and I’m Incredibly jealous of your hair. I feel you hard on the depression. I wish you the best! Cheer100 [02:24:01] lishoward: there is different types of intelligence, and not everyone can excel in all of them [02:24:01] synesthelia: Don't insult a crisp sandwich that sounds bomb [02:24:01] pilot_3835: Wha- [02:24:02] OliveTentacle: You are a smart Minecraft Pro! lunyPROGAMER [02:24:02] kylerangelp: I would smell urs [02:24:04] mwr1990: Donald Trump guilty [02:24:06] HelpherBlue: pretty > IQ [02:24:07] Mrdeadfishrock: and i was just about to sub to it [02:24:09] Roninomi: Fart prawn? [02:24:11] mittfh: Another example: a certain author whose own family have told her to tone down her prejudices... [02:24:12] Zephylon360: ayo [02:24:12] bearpaw1970: That's the unique part of neurological divergency [02:24:13] aur0ra_graph: aur0ra_graph subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! Finn give me something to cheer me up, lost someone close to me [02:24:13] cuddlebear187: JUST BE BLOND [02:24:13] f3mmbot: aur0ra_graph subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:24:16] YumeNoZen: Pretty and smart is a fun way to break the game. [02:24:20] PissChamp: i'm a stupid hundredaire [02:24:22] viryl_lucas: lol [02:24:22] bahaboy: jake paul [02:24:22] ItsCustom: sodapoppin didn't know how to boil water [02:24:24] 416hobbit: That's insane [02:24:26] mwr1990: Donald Trump found guilty on all charges [02:24:26] Avaerus0: Being born into the right family explains some of them [02:24:27] ArminGux: there is stupid millionares in ur neighbourhood [02:24:28] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:24:30] EternalLucia: How to become a stupid millionaire: Get born to a rich person [02:24:31] polynesian_taco_shell: awwww [02:24:34] polynesian_taco_shell: o7 [02:24:35] LittleChaSiu: bruh dono [02:24:36] heldenautie: @mwr1990 praise be [02:24:36] polynesian_taco_shell: F [02:24:40] johnkeiwo: @aur0ra_graph, <3 [02:24:42] SnabbKassa: they are too stupid to have a savings account? [02:24:43] alexx_net: It's a good thing s/he's pretty f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeart [02:24:44] chonkthestreamer08: aye f1nn! [02:24:45] OliveTentacle: Did minecraft make you more intelligent? [02:24:45] tilt_central: Nooooooooooo :( [02:24:47] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: america happy? [02:24:47] acid2202: Hey this game people play by clicking a lot... I have hyperfocussed and scripted a solution that plays it for me... jet still im not smart [02:24:48] hemeroidson: Yea doo Drugs [02:24:49] viryl_lucas: same [02:24:51] CyanoticJam: How do I be a stupid millionaire? [02:24:51] FatherThyme: monkaS [02:24:55] Vanimal2118: U ever go shooting? While letting the world passes u bye? [02:24:55] W1NK5Y: sammmmeeeeee [02:24:56] viryl_lucas: autistic be hard [02:24:56] M4ccy: WutFace [02:24:56] Drumbz: same [02:24:57] chonkthestreamer08: whats up! havent caught a stream in a bit... [02:24:57] BlaireBearStare: Mood [02:24:57] TrueMezzo: felt [02:24:59] qAlexandr1a: hii!! seen some of your videos finn and holy me i feel envy of you lol, anyways how are you? [02:24:59] alexh1441: Best wishes f1nn [02:24:59] organic_rust: same [02:24:59] EldritchElucidator: same [02:25:01] burbielol: just play bedwards [02:25:01] balsabasher: you’re doing plenty to cheer us up [02:25:02] ReiniYamato: Same [02:25:02] bearpaw1970: Sorry to hear that , just remember their spirit , your carrying them with you [02:25:03] ronin_5463: same [02:25:03] polynesian_taco_shell: insane [02:25:03] viryl_lucas: yeah [02:25:05] PaganOrca: same [02:25:05] 416hobbit: One day at a time [02:25:06] chonkthestreamer08: oh that... felt that hard [02:25:07] zombiii: happy thoughts chat [02:25:09] Loelinverse: integration is the meta [02:25:11] LittleChaSiu: chat please let's not [02:25:13] LittleChaSiu: happy thoughts, chat [02:25:18] slipknotphilcollins: ❤️🙏🏻 [02:25:19] viryl_lucas: exactlu [02:25:21] daisyorpeach: Ive just started trying to work out investing stuff. we had over 30k sitting in our transaction account with no interest for many years murkeySadge murkeySadge i didnt no it was 0% [02:25:21] SnowwyAI: Mask no Jutsu! [02:25:21] ShadowBracken: This sounds so familiar [02:25:22] Stovamor: Unwarrented Psych advice will catch people a timeout. Do not test us, Chat [02:25:23] acid2202: "blend in" being finns strong point [02:25:24] ArminGux: just keep busy and it can slowly pass (for me) [02:25:27] ladyoflongodds: all love and hugs, day one of my new anti depressents and im so goddamn happy, i love the fucking placebo effect [02:25:33] lnsanecomett: You and me both, always under a ton of stress [02:25:34] LucipurrOwO: floofNikkiPetSlow [02:25:40] ArminGux: to u go out and touch grass? that helps [02:25:40] Vanimal2118: Congrats @littlechasiu [02:25:41] Avaerus0: It's very shiny (in a good way) [02:25:43] lishoward: i respect the transparency [02:25:45] Jens_LN: Finasteride, right ? [02:25:47] hemeroidson: Dam it whas a jocke :c [02:25:50] Helen_Croft: !hrt [02:25:50] f3mmbot: Finn is taking Finasteride to stop hair loss and has recently started actual HRT (CPA, Progesterone and transdermal Estradiol). See this video for more info - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3reFDwM0yIA [02:25:50] piras314: my hair takes so goddamn long to grow [02:25:51] FatherThyme: same [02:26:00] LaMale411: Like use soap? [02:26:01] Stovamor: !hair [02:26:01] polynesian_taco_shell: shampoo every day? [02:26:01] f3mmbot: Finn's hair treatment is Olaplex shampoo and conditioner and then the Joico K-Pak Intense Hydrator hair mask. [02:26:03] alexx_net: Should I have let you win? [02:26:03] 416hobbit: F1nn's Hair Care™ tips [02:26:06] Stovamor: !hair [02:26:07] f3mmbot: Finn's hair treatment is Olaplex shampoo and conditioner and then the Joico K-Pak Intense Hydrator hair mask. [02:26:08] SnowwyAI: I've got a lot of male pattern balding, so I think I'd need a miracle from the trans gods to grow it back if I went on HRT. [02:26:08] SonicXVe: Yes yes yes do NOT over Rinse conditioner. You can strip it all out by over rinsing. [02:26:09] balsabasher: you’re keeping us alive here [02:26:09] Eadthryth: Top surgery when (I mean the nose btw) [02:26:10] CyanoticJam: Have you sorted your split ends yet??? [02:26:10] tilt_central: Yo a group of uni friends want me to join a modded minecraft server is it worth it i watched them grind 100 hours in like 8 days ? [02:26:11] Drumbz: the waves are fire [02:26:11] c0zi_1: october comic con?? [02:26:12] taeyukki: conditioner does a lot tbh [02:26:14] Vanimal2118: Shave what? [02:26:16] ChasingSol: @toozled f1nnStare [02:26:17] ArminGux: no regenerator? [02:26:17] virtual_core_: ppl with straight hair have it so easy [02:26:18] youri041202: Hello [02:26:20] Havryl: All hair from the ears down? So chest hair, leg hair, etc? [02:26:20] SnazzJaz4297: YES PLZ leave conditioner to soak in your hair, thank me later [02:26:21] Vulpennido: marina58Cozy [02:26:21] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: After conditioner in I rub my hands on top of head too [02:26:22] EternalLucia: hair mask? [02:26:23] mystchevious1: Do you have a silk sleeping cap? [02:26:24] idontknowanymore3344: Cheer100 same I pretty much do small things. take a mental health day, try and take advantage of sunlight and seeking help from a professional if I feel it would be a good idea [02:26:27] viryl_lucas: drinking estrogen made me so fucking happy [02:26:34] JugemuJugemu: hair masks slap [02:26:35] SwitchLeafe: I myself have an IQ of 130 which basicly ballances out my autism and adhd [02:26:35] Helen_Croft: Did you unpack al the moving boxes? @F1NN5TER [02:26:37] Lyoko_Is_Great: any tips to stop facial hair growing back fast [02:26:38] End3rpappy: I'm trying to grow my hair out. it's at least below my shoulders now [02:26:41] viryl_lucas: literally only some episodes of sadge [02:26:42] OliveTentacle: You daily shave 20 minutes? [02:26:43] Roninomi: I’d be more jealous of his lack of hair [02:26:44] the_b1ack_lotus: Male pattern baldness is my bane… ): Cheer100 [02:26:44] polynesian_taco_shell: DO A BARREL ROLL [02:26:44] Amoyamoyamoya: Estrogen? Ewww... oh, wait [02:26:49] 416hobbit: Nice dress [02:26:51] viryl_lucas: CAREFUL [02:26:51] chonkthestreamer08: dont get banned [02:26:54] polynesian_taco_shell: wait do you go commando f1nn? [02:26:55] Amoyamoyamoya: NO COCKA [02:26:55] ArminGux: black [02:26:56] wraitherc: Chair spin? [02:26:57] 416hobbit: very cute [02:26:57] WaffletheMan101: cheekKiss cheekKiss cheekKiss [02:26:58] SnowwyAI: Aww, that's cute! [02:27:00] Jens_LN: nice thighs btw [02:27:00] CyanoticJam: Butt you love it [02:27:01] slipknotphilcollins: 🌡️ [02:27:01] Helen_Croft: Did you unpack all the moving boxes? @F1NN5TER [02:27:02] bearpaw1970: E' the nectar of of goddess [02:27:03] Vulpennido: marina58Kitsusip [02:27:05] gothmark666: Cute dress [02:27:06] medical_size9000: rIp vod [02:27:06] Eadthryth: Only wearing socks......no undergarments. How salicious. [02:27:06] qAlexandr1a: im actually trying to grow out my hair, but god forsaken hair takes like 50 years to grow naturally [02:27:07] bensrob: very cute <3 [02:27:07] RDM_NSA: add a skirt [02:27:08] Vanimal2118: Nice Chat u got her to show cake! A+ [02:27:10] XENOMAN5: cute! [02:27:10] johnkeiwo: oooo [02:27:11] slipknotphilcollins: 🍑💥👋🏻 [02:27:12] FatherThyme: yes [02:27:12] BellaRose2005: !skin [02:27:12] ArminGux: black? [02:27:12] f3mmbot: Finn's skincare routine is Cerave hydrating cleanser, Cerave moisturiser and HRT. [02:27:12] BlightningBrightling: "do a spin." "no....well, okay." [02:27:13] FatherThyme: do it [02:27:13] mr_ajokortti_korkort: 🌹 [02:27:13] MoMadNU: Noooo [02:27:14] johnkeiwo: interesting [02:27:14] zachydaiquiri: Do it [02:27:15] Avaerus0: Shoulder lenth? [02:27:16] braddle172: Ooo [02:27:16] SamTheSilversmith: @F1NN5TER Is the blue and pink t-shirt going to be available for purchase / pre-order again? [02:27:17] kylerangelp: No [02:27:17] SuchKittyMuchMeow: nooo [02:27:18] chonkthestreamer08: noooooo [02:27:18] pilot_3835: YES [02:27:20] c__r__j: NotLikeThis [02:27:20] Ephemeral_001: omg [02:27:21] rainfallwall: nonono [02:27:22] Eadthryth: YES [02:27:22] johnkeiwo: oooo [02:27:22] pianoismyforte_: Cute [02:27:22] Jens_LN: D: [02:27:22] 416hobbit: Yes! [02:27:23] acid2202: freak out ! [02:27:24] yyyyuuuu123123: cute armpits 😝 [02:27:24] synesthelia: Cute [02:27:24] MoMadNU: OK [02:27:24] grandpaladin1701: Yes [02:27:25] alikarin: noooo [02:27:25] johnkeiwo: Why not ! [02:27:25] Unit4to: Damn the side part looked a lot better [02:27:25] ChasingSol: yes, good [02:27:25] Jens_LN: ARRGH [02:27:26] gothmark666: Nooo [02:27:26] mystchevious1: *sad* [02:27:26] BlaireBearStare: Ooo [02:27:27] miya_lovely: Noooooo [02:27:27] filip_zd10: no! D: [02:27:27] blueskydrinking: bald f1nn when? [02:27:27] toozled: Nooo [02:27:28] Jayden_Reiko: rooD [02:27:28] Shockwavemecha: f1nnStare [02:27:28] pilot_3835: Yes [02:27:29] c0zi_1: YESS !! [02:27:29] chonkthestreamer08: nooooo [02:27:30] polynesian_taco_shell: so long as you donate the hair you cut off [02:27:30] taeyukki: that would be cute [02:27:31] pianoismyforte_: But you can't cover the boobs with it [02:27:31] quickgroth: Hi girl [02:27:31] Valezifer: how [02:27:31] TrueMezzo: go for it [02:27:31] bearpaw1970: Shorty Short cake [02:27:31] FatherThyme: absolutely do it [02:27:32] NichtzNeues: Noooo [02:27:33] lnsanecomett: NOOOOOOO [02:27:33] cookieeater212: I dare you not to [02:27:33] RykerSune: now that would be cute tho [02:27:33] Roninomi: WTF! [02:27:35] LaMale411: D: [02:27:35] Cat_Pause: Slay [02:27:36] lost_in_transiton: OMG YESSSSA [02:27:36] Avaerus0: You're hair was really cute when it was medium length [02:27:36] ciberfreak: You do you man [02:27:36] polynesian_taco_shell: donate the hair you cut [02:27:37] thanatoscar: maybe lets do some photoshops [02:27:37] jamieclipse: go for it [02:27:38] ClaraRenway: yeeeeeeee [02:27:38] grandpaladin1701: Perfect [02:27:38] A_Fforrest: it grows back [02:27:39] ArminGux: wow u really in a bad mood [02:27:40] lishoward: yes!!! [02:27:40] hemeroidson: Its your choice [02:27:40] sm0hzam: as long as you don’t go tomboy mode [02:27:41] MaxWattage: You will do that, and then immediately regret it. [02:27:41] XENOMAN5: NO! [02:27:41] lost_in_transiton: That be so cute! [02:27:43] SwitchLeafe: if you feel like that is beter for you that is what you should do [02:27:43] Roninomi: NOOOOO! [02:27:43] pilot_3835: Dew it [02:27:43] taeyukki: and easier to take care fo [02:27:43] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: a lil now and a lil later [02:27:44] Prandah: number 1 [02:27:44] johnkeiwo: dew it girly [02:27:44] osgoodboxes: that would be sick [02:27:46] DekiitJota_: Nooo [02:27:46] qAlexandr1a: up to you finn! [02:27:46] OliveTentacle: Try it [02:27:49] EmpressAdria: I've done that. It came back in a year lol [02:27:49] virtual_core_: early femboy era retvrn [02:27:50] asdpokemon: mmmmm [02:27:50] YumeNoZen: Whatever you like, have fun with it. [02:27:51] 416hobbit: But... how could you cover your.... modesty?? [02:27:51] Sin_Phi: Go for it, get healthy hair [02:27:54] Hiksa_: what if you cut it rly short and do extentions @F1NN5TER [02:27:54] DenOsynligaHunden: always ok to get rid of split ends [02:27:55] bahaboy: definitely do it [02:27:55] monaponadrona: layers [02:27:56] slipknotphilcollins: do whatever makes you happy G! [02:27:57] Axellerat1on: Honestly think it would look pretty good [02:27:58] quinntayo: DEWITT [02:27:58] taylorthingx: f1nnStare [02:27:59] Re_In_Car_Nation: shorter is good. [02:28:01] idontknowanymore3344: I agree, i have long hair and cutting it short is very good for it and easier to wash [02:28:02] Shockwavemecha: Try a large braid [02:28:02] jamieclipse: if you regret it just grow it again, ez pz [02:28:03] bearpaw1970: Alstopho look [02:28:05] Drumbz: i hair cuts are good for mood [02:28:05] Avaerus0: Pasties [02:28:05] MajesticFvckingEagle: go for it! [02:28:06] desno03: you can sell the hair [02:28:07] SnowwyAI: Girls in general seem to regret it when they get their hair cut, at least at first. [02:28:10] GormyGorm: tbf ive been needing to do the same, ive got split ends to hell [02:28:15] lost_in_transiton: I recall a 5 min rant about cutting hair for summer and getting extensions.... [02:28:16] lordhermit_for_ages: You'll look fine [02:28:16] YumeNoZen: Straightest thing here. [02:28:16] yyyyuuuu123123: cute armpits 😝😝😝 [02:28:16] CyanoticJam: Don't cut your hair, you'll regret it [02:28:16] XENOMAN5: Do it if you want [02:28:16] medical_size9000: You can curl your hair with curler [02:28:16] Roninomi: I dunno, it’s very worrying [02:28:21] collinalcide05: only one yea?? [02:28:22] Helen_Croft: Or just show the goods on the ballepass [02:28:23] Valezifer: Donut [02:28:23] slipknotphilcollins: skills [02:28:24] collinalcide05: year [02:28:26] callieware: LMAOO [02:28:26] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:28:29] ChasingSol: hahaha [02:28:29] Shockwavemecha: who dis [02:28:31] Eadthryth: WHO TF is that [02:28:32] polynesian_taco_shell: KEKW [02:28:32] monaponadrona: layers really help with volume [02:28:33] ArminGux: do a braid? [02:28:33] polynesian_taco_shell: LUL [02:28:34] hemeroidson: It isent? [02:28:35] Lyoko_Is_Great: lol [02:28:35] SnowwyAI: @bearpaw1970 Including the pink hair dye? [02:28:36] blueskydrinking: KEKW [02:28:42] Avaerus0: Google's been getting worse [02:28:43] ClaraRenway: lol [02:28:46] johnkeiwo: there was a blue dress look [02:28:46] Roninomi: that’s funny [02:28:47] Vanimal2118: F1nn5ter imposters? [02:28:50] Amoyamoyamoya: Shor-ish? [02:28:50] bearpaw1970: Yup SnoweyAi [02:28:52] ArminGux: f1nn housewife [02:28:53] medical_size9000: Finn you can curl your hair with a curler [02:28:55] slipknotphilcollins: where's waldo [02:28:57] SnabbKassa: add 2020 or 2021 to the search [02:28:57] sm0hzam: Angel dust level short? [02:29:02] Loelinverse: Look up catboy F1nn5ter [02:29:02] chonkthestreamer08: we saw those tabs [02:29:03] SnowwyAI: @Avaerus0 I think their AI goofed the whole thing up. [02:29:04] Helen_Croft: https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2gs3k7/styles/image_widget_g2j8q6f0wvo51.png @F1NN5TER [02:29:04] ArminGux: f1nn housewive is short [02:29:05] PlatypusWithCheese: pixiecut f1nn? [02:29:05] Radiopools: okay that pic was INSANE though :O [02:29:05] Helen_Croft: https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2gs3k7/styles/image_widget_g2j8q6f0wvo51.png @F1NN5TER [02:29:08] slipknotphilcollins: 🤘🏻 [02:29:10] SwitchLeafe: how lond did it take from shoulder length to this for you? [02:29:10] LaMale411: Yeah google is getting worse [02:29:11] FatherThyme: yess [02:29:14] Altephfour: Thats the first photo because thats a warning of what watching f1nn will do to you. [02:29:16] acid2202: that look slaps [02:29:17] EmpressAdria: noice [02:29:19] ChasingSol: good look [02:29:20] zombiii: left or right? [02:29:20] c__r__j: Whatever you do, go to a hairdresser not a barber! [02:29:20] Eadthryth: YES [02:29:20] lishoward: it’ll look so cuteee [02:29:22] bearpaw1970: Yup [02:29:22] johnkeiwo: yep seems good [02:29:23] 416hobbit: Go for it! [02:29:23] tilt_central: Ye looks aight [02:29:23] Jahkae: slays [02:29:24] braddle172: I like [02:29:25] ArminGux: that’s good [02:29:25] slipknotphilcollins: google goes hard [02:29:26] Sin_Phi: Yes [02:29:26] BlaireBearStare: Nice [02:29:28] WaffletheMan101: yaaass [02:29:28] pilot_3835: Good [02:29:28] CyanoticJam: That's MY hair length [02:29:28] SnowwyAI: Totally! [02:29:29] SamTheSilversmith: Looks nice, and way more manageable [02:29:29] SnazzJaz4297: I like your long hair better tbh [02:29:30] Re_In_Car_Nation: This was a good look. [02:29:30] quinntayo: bye bye testosterone hair, estrogen hair only [02:29:31] Vanimal2118: Ur hair Professional Streamer [02:29:31] Valezifer: ok nice [02:29:31] ArminGux: me like [02:29:31] emily6218: Yessss [02:29:32] virtual_core_: would you consider bangs? [02:29:34] rainfallwall: I love your long hair [02:29:34] just_luna420: yay [02:29:35] thatperson987: how is tank? [02:29:35] SwitchLeafe: looks good [02:29:35] taeyukki: and if you also alyered it it would also suit you nicely [02:29:36] paech1z: I like it much better longer [02:29:37] bahaboy: i see the vision [02:29:38] gothmark666: Yes [02:29:38] skylee1976: The longer the better [02:29:38] scorpiorock: poll???? [02:29:38] Dasdwarf: okay how much of that is mewing and how much of that is weight loss on the jawline? [02:29:38] Drumbz: good [02:29:39] dracnought: I like it [02:29:39] Radiopools: I love that look [02:29:41] Roninomi: Polka dot dress look [02:29:41] Inkyon_: cant believe you got that boob reduction [02:29:42] bearpaw1970: Strawberry dress [02:29:43] BallSize500: tit length [02:29:43] Re_In_Car_Nation: This was an all time good fit. [02:29:44] 416hobbit: Sell your cut hair for profit and fun [02:29:44] viryl_lucas: BARBERS SUCK [02:29:46] mystchevious1: I mean please wait at least? [02:29:47] paech1z: keep it long [02:29:47] grandpaladin1701: Perfect length for you [02:29:48] sm0hzam: back when you were manly [02:29:50] zachydaiquiri: So good [02:29:50] scorpiorock: do a poll [02:29:51] balsabasher: you’ll look pretty with any hair [02:29:52] slipknotphilcollins: dew it -YOLO [02:29:53] Helen_Croft: get hair dresser on stream [02:29:53] OliveTentacle: lunyThumbsUp lunyThumbsUp lunyThumbsUp [02:29:54] Xxjeff1989xX: yes [02:29:55] ArminGux: f1nn dad cut? [02:29:57] Ex0dia5: I agree its a good look at the old length [02:29:58] alexx_net: Do a Lady Godiva shoot before you cut your hair [02:29:58] BlightningBrightling: r/transtimelines [02:30:00] qAlexandr1a: how many tabs do you have open, god dang [02:30:00] BlaireBearStare: Transition timeline energy as always [02:30:00] vatri_x: i think we're just attached to the long hair [02:30:01] rainfallwall: I have left women over hair cuts [02:30:03] bearpaw1970: With shoulder length [02:30:04] chokeabeau: Honestly the longer hair is more femme to me and I like it better. LuvHearts But you should do whatever you like, it grows back [02:30:04] viryl_lucas: hairdresser ok [02:30:08] M4ccy: this explains a lot [02:30:08] Zakkulll: Lock down did some interesting stuff to us [02:30:11] slipknotphilcollins: 🫡 [02:30:15] SnazzJaz4297: If you're gonna cut your hair donate it to ppl who need wigs ex. cancer patients [02:30:20] Vanimal2118: mystch1Mystiheart mystch1Mystiheart mystch1Mystiheart mystch1Mystiheart [02:30:20] Avaerus0: The shorter hair goes hard [02:30:22] BallSize500: that vaccine did sumn crazy [02:30:23] ArminGux: let dad do ur hair [02:30:27] viryl_lucas: gay [02:30:29] viryl_lucas: wahahhaha [02:30:29] SnowwyAI: Would you get your dad to do your hair now? [02:30:31] LEGENDofWRATH: lol. bah-ba [02:30:31] Roninomi: I woulda thought hair stylist would be port of call. [02:30:33] slipknotphilcollins: 😫 [02:30:34] tilt_central: lockdown legit saved my life xD [02:30:35] Drumbz: turkish barbers are incredible for beards [02:30:36] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:30:36] galacticstarslayer: haircut stream? [02:30:41] 416hobbit: Autocorrect [02:30:43] viryl_lucas: googl trans [02:30:49] jamieclipse: google trans, the new transitioning service from google [02:30:54] slipknotphilcollins: 👂🏻 [02:30:54] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "Is the hair length idea good?": yup with 156 votes (82.87%) [02:30:58] Lyoko_Is_Great: i have been getting my hair done at my college for cheep [02:31:02] AntonyJC1: you don't really do anything special with your current hair lenght [02:31:04] SnowwyAI: @galacticstarslayer That could be cool, and get Finn's dad to cut her hair. [02:31:08] tilt_central: march [02:31:08] johnkeiwo: yeah [02:31:09] viryl_lucas: 2016 [02:31:19] filip_zd10: trump [02:31:19] johnkeiwo: SJW compilations ? [02:31:21] megadoom20: trump? [02:31:21] PissChamp: 2016 election? [02:31:21] wraitherc: Harambe got shot [02:31:22] Eadthryth: US elections were heated af [02:31:23] Dasdwarf: Caitlin jenner? [02:31:23] ItIsReDD: pride became a thing [02:31:24] wack0x: try HRT [02:31:24] viryl_lucas: the sissy hypnos [02:31:25] Nanovad_: 2016 was the year Trump got elected I think [02:31:26] Acedia42: trump? [02:31:26] Leinis: Caitlyn Jenner [02:31:26] ArminGux: 2016 was election [02:31:27] Avaerus0: I think the uptick is politicians fear-mongering about Trans people [02:31:28] Roninomi: Brexit? [02:31:28] ChasingSol: Caitlyn Jenner [02:31:28] lara_raawr: Biden D: [02:31:29] Radiopools: Trump elected - transgender hate and panic [02:31:29] stormcrow80: Jenner [02:31:29] ChasingSol: ? [02:31:30] 416hobbit: F1nn5ter BP [02:31:30] virtual_core_: is that trumps inaugeration? [02:31:31] paech1z: everythingg after 2001 is a blur [02:31:31] Vanimal2118: Was Transgender before ur graph. [02:31:31] bearpaw1970: The election results [02:31:31] W1NK5Y: trump [02:31:32] billytehdragon1234: How is tan doing [02:31:34] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:31:36] Noobtellatoast: is this my browser history? [02:31:36] GormyGorm: 2016? maybe caitllyn jenner? [02:31:37] SnabbKassa: The T''''p administration [02:31:37] emily6218: trump [02:31:37] BlightningBrightling: now search @F1NN5TER [02:31:38] toozled: June hit different [02:31:38] B1ackW01f69: 2016 was a big change. Brexit time [02:31:40] EmpressAdria: I dunno, but I began my transition in 2016 [02:31:41] bahaboy: trump america laws [02:31:42] BallSize500: Harambe was trans [02:31:42] PanRojek: @F1NN5TER You happen xD [02:31:43] Eadthryth: Do sissy hypno [02:31:43] Nierninwa: oitnb? [02:31:45] taylorthingx: April 2023 was when I first questioned it haha [02:31:46] viryl_lucas: Leyendecker happened [02:31:47] lilithsspawn: April 23 was you [02:31:51] Drumbz: american conservatives herad of it for the first time [02:31:51] c__r__j: The searches in April 2023 were all by you. [02:31:51] megadoom20: estrogen [02:31:57] HocksEvan: should try am i trans? [02:31:58] M4YL0DY: What if you look up "diyhrt" [02:31:58] viryl_lucas: type in Leyendecker [02:32:00] ArminGux: try trans sexual for older things? [02:32:01] Roninomi: !lurk [02:32:02] f3mmbot: No lurking! We're all OUT in this channel... [02:32:02] 416hobbit: @c__r__j LOL [02:32:04] mystchevious1: To be clear Trump Put forth a bill to ban trans people from the military. So it was a huge deal [02:32:04] B1ackW01f69: u will see 2016 a lot [02:32:07] emily6218: estrogen [02:32:09] JELB: SRS [02:32:12] OWEN1912HD1: what’s the hair length idea chat? [02:32:14] BlaireBearStare: "Estrogen buy near me" [02:32:15] emily6218: ayo, I get 10 pills for 100 [02:32:16] GormyGorm: "puberty blockers" is probably the search term that would show a spike, fuck conservatives [02:32:18] viryl_lucas: 2016 was my highschool [02:32:21] Nanovad_: You [02:32:22] alexh1441: you [02:32:24] vintagediino: elliot page ? [02:32:24] 416hobbit: The BP [02:32:24] acid2202: Buy E for me [02:32:25] PanRojek: @F1NN5TER type F1NN5TER [02:32:27] Drumbz: now look up femboy [02:32:31] Helen_Croft: april 2023 was when you started the battlepass [02:32:32] alexh1441: battlepass? [02:32:34] polynesian_taco_shell: @mystchevious1 it was an executive order, and it went through until Biden revoked that executive order [02:32:34] emily6218: fuck caitlyn jenner [02:32:34] BlightningBrightling: Dylan Mulvaney [02:32:35] megadoom20: ahh yes femboy [02:32:35] alexzevallos: yeah same time [02:32:39] c0zi_1: the water is making the people trans [02:32:41] Jens_LN: oh, look up F1nn5ter [02:32:43] SwitchLeafe: new elections right [02:32:47] johnkeiwo: KEKW [02:32:47] FatherThyme: lmaoo [02:32:47] viryl_lucas: search Leyendecker (2016) [02:32:48] princess_mia03: Dylan mulvaney bud light [02:32:48] BlightningBrightling: Pretty sure its Dylan Mulvaney, Bud Light [02:32:49] Loelinverse: lmao [02:32:52] Jahkae: NYT says trans ppl banned from sports in america april 023 [02:32:53] XENOMAN5: it was bud light controversy [02:32:56] Radiopools: ok yep THAT was lockdown hahaha [02:32:56] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:32:57] Shockwavemecha: i blame f1nn LUL [02:32:57] Avaerus0: Oh yeah there was the "contraversy" over Dylan Mulvaney [02:32:57] Dasdwarf: Lockdown is when Astolfo was first seen [02:32:57] c0zi_1: KEKW [02:32:58] BallSize500: tf is a gender [02:32:58] johnkeiwo: And envetually those femboys became trans [02:32:58] BlaireBearStare: Lockdown awoke something lol [02:32:59] lishoward: that’s hilarious [02:33:00] turkeylegguy: lmao [02:33:00] 416hobbit: The femboy revolution [02:33:00] ArminGux: lockdown made it go boom [02:33:01] bearpaw1970: Woah' look at that moon shot [02:33:03] Lyoko_Is_Great: omg [02:33:04] taylorthingx: change it to UK [02:33:04] SnabbKassa: lockdowns were April onwards [02:33:04] Vanimal2118: Femboys? Never touched the stuff. [02:33:04] PissChamp: investing in femboy stocks asap [02:33:05] skylee1976: I came out during lock down [02:33:05] TheFrozenFemboy: DAAAAAAA:D HI [02:37:00] polynesian_taco_shell: WERE BARACK [02:37:00] Jens_LN: we back! [02:37:00] GormyGorm: we back [02:37:00] lenrik1589: litttle gremlin when wifi [02:37:00] taylorthingx: refresh [02:37:00] piras314: hasHi [02:37:00] Havryl: We're back. Can hear and see you [02:37:01] robbie11022: BANG [02:37:01] TheFrozenFemboy: The good girl was too powerful [02:37:01] ryanrenay: hiii [02:37:01] SyntheticCinnamon: hi fimpter [02:37:02] SnabbKassa: low-functioning internet [02:37:02] AntonyJC1: 📗 📗 📗 [02:37:03] emily6218: hey [02:37:03] polynesian_taco_shell: WERE JOE FUCKING BACK [02:37:03] Caitlin7142: OhMyDog [02:37:05] the_living_noob_: SeemsGood [02:37:05] ArminGux: bit of a delay but fine [02:37:05] laird_chris: twitch F'd it [02:37:05] Mrdeadfishrock: bruh my internet crashed at the same time [02:37:06] Drumbz: time to go sleep [02:37:07] Zelyphsis: yay [02:37:07] 416hobbit: @YumeNoZen ethernet cables rule [02:37:07] asur1on: not back yet [02:37:08] czarna0skarpetka: hai :3 [02:37:08] Eadthryth: Finn, your google trends is wild. [02:37:09] delilah_derata: We back [02:37:10] dafdeddog: woo hoo back [02:37:10] quinntayo: random [02:37:10] bearpaw1970: How cute are you ..😁🫴💞 [02:37:11] coollcookie09: poopoo [02:37:12] SonicXVe: America [02:37:12] SassyCatboy: ooooop [02:37:13] sonic9242: we back [02:37:14] barrenchatt: To much chest for the internets [02:37:14] ChasingSol: you said "America" [02:37:15] blatant_fabrication: "america" [02:37:15] braddle172: America [02:37:16] slipknotphilcollins: your just too hot [02:37:16] quinntayo: Rich ppl internet no good [02:37:17] Avaerus0: You always look cute [02:37:18] omgluckyhere: u said america and it went offline [02:37:18] virtual_core_: connection dipped like budweiser stock [02:37:19] logan_cointo: Wifi internet [02:37:19] emily6218: America [02:37:19] SnazzJaz4297: There was a blip in the system it seems [02:37:20] Loelinverse: Murica [02:37:20] YumeNoZen: I mean, you always look cute. [02:37:20] Shockwavemecha: you said america and then F [02:37:21] emily6218: Always [02:37:21] taylorthingx: You should do a battle pass calendar Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:37:21] BlaireBearStare: British deepstate finally had to silence F1nn cause they made too many people trans [02:37:21] grandpaladin1701: YOUR STRAP [02:37:23] Jens_LN: Looked cute, confirmed [02:37:23] Zelyphsis: america [02:37:23] ClaraRenway: you did [02:37:23] czarna0skarpetka: "america" [02:37:25] Valezifer: That's the problem with not ethernet [02:37:26] EmpressAdria: You were kinda shit talking america lol [02:37:27] lnsanecomett: Always looking cute fin [02:37:28] asur1on: i dont have the stream back yet [02:37:29] XavienTC: you always look cute but your strap has dropped again [02:37:29] robbie11022: can u smell smoke? [02:37:29] ArminGux: coultural war in America [02:37:30] RykerSune: well, not only you broke comic con, but your own stream too [02:37:31] Re_In_Car_Nation: Camera says time to end stream [02:37:31] acid2202: F5 [02:37:31] sammy_bi: So many closeted gays in this chat [02:37:31] emily6218: 'murica [02:37:31] asur1on: nooooooooo [02:37:32] omgluckyhere: who [02:37:32] lilithsspawn: f1nn your strap [02:37:32] wraitherc: "Oh my gawd, America war" on repeat [02:37:33] balsabasher: dress strap [02:37:34] Shockwavemecha: i seen it [02:37:36] Vanimal2118: Jonas was going to elaborate on the kinky part? [02:37:37] machin_link: danisaurSwoon danisaurSwoon danisaurSwoon danisaurSwoon danisaurSwoon danisaurSwoon [02:37:37] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Abbi Pulling. [02:37:38] Eadthryth: Danica Patrick? [02:37:40] Avaerus0: I saw that, she's cute too [02:37:41] FatherThyme: oh yeah, saw that one LuL [02:37:44] SwitchLeafe: so what did budwiser do to dylan [02:37:45] SnowwyAI: I saw that on the Reddit. [02:37:50] le_skrub_: le_skrub_ subscribed with Prime. [02:37:50] f3mmbot: le_skrub_ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang le_skrub_ f1nnLezgang [02:37:51] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Abbi is super talented. [02:37:53] DarrigoTR: Other shoulder too [02:37:55] ArminGux: yeah they look like u but more British [02:37:56] omgluckyhere: LOL [02:37:56] slipknotphilcollins: F1 driver [02:38:05] viryl_lucas: lemme see [02:38:08] Amoyamoyamoya: Was that the F4 driver? [02:38:09] Shockwavemecha: twins [02:38:10] OliveTentacle: Racing Driver? Are you a good driver btw? [02:38:11] johnkeiwo: I see it [02:38:13] tilt_central: F4 driver xD [02:38:13] ryanrenay: omg [02:38:13] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:38:14] FatherThyme: f4 [02:38:15] MajesticFvckingEagle: F1-nn Academy [02:38:15] HocksEvan: ew alpine [02:38:16] ChasingSol: F4 [02:38:16] ronin_5463: F1-nn [02:38:17] SwitchLeafe: omg [02:38:17] emily6218: KEKW [02:38:17] SnowwyAI: That Britney Spears one was nuts, too. [02:38:18] commanderguy3001: SUS [02:38:19] Amoyamoyamoya: NOT F1 [02:38:20] linkica: fr* [02:38:20] ArminGux: f4 [02:38:23] linkica: F4 wdym [02:38:24] barrenchatt: barrenchatt subscribed at Tier 1. [02:38:24] f3mmbot: barrenchatt subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang barrenchatt f1nnLezgang [02:38:24] michaelafton21: hi guys [02:38:24] Amoyamoyamoya: Definitely not F1 [02:38:25] alexx_net: F4 driver [02:38:25] b05femke: @ChasingSol f1 academy [02:38:25] 416hobbit: F1 nn driver [02:38:26] weyes_: she's pretty good too [02:38:30] johnkeiwo: https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d1vu3h/f1nn_is_apparently_auto_racing_now_who_knew/ [02:38:30] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: First woman to win an F4 race IIRC. [02:38:32] johnkeiwo: https://new.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/1d1vu3h/f1nn_is_apparently_auto_racing_now_who_knew/ [02:38:32] commanderguy3001: is that finn? [02:38:34] gothmark666: You are so cute [02:38:34] XavienTC: didn't know you did F1 [02:38:35] AntonyJC1: yes she looks more like your sister [02:38:35] GormyGorm: ok, its time for you to reach out to mercedes to drive f1 [02:38:42] tau_1s: its f1 academy [02:38:43] cnapple_1: cnapple_1 subscribed with Prime. [02:38:43] f3mmbot: cnapple_1 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang cnapple_1 f1nnLezgang [02:38:44] 416hobbit: If you get a nose job you can race cars [02:38:45] lishoward: woah wtf [02:38:45] blueskydrinking: you just scrolled past one on the left that looked just like you [02:38:46] Hiksa_: isnt this the avrg uk girl [02:38:47] emily6218: LJUL [02:38:48] emily6218: LUL [02:38:49] BallSize500: “if me and my sister had a child” [02:38:50] RaukkM: You should do a racing cosplay [02:38:51] sammy_bi: Finn looks better [02:38:52] FatherThyme: formula driver, f1 is the highest division [02:38:52] OWEN1912HD1: didn’t realise you were a racing driver [02:38:53] fatslowman: ruby [02:38:53] davidiusfarrenius: Wow! I didn’t know you drove F1 F1nn Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:38:54] emily6218: F1 nnster [02:38:54] AntonyJC1: F4 car racer [02:38:55] barrenchatt: Yeah finally subbed [02:38:55] slipknotphilcollins: ayoo [02:38:55] Vanimal2118: Pretty Girl the F1 driver is nice 2. [02:38:56] tau_1s: its ment to get women into F1 [02:38:56] trashelk: looks like starcraft scarlet [02:38:57] ArminGux: she has them muscles tho, cause f4 needs them [02:38:58] Tonichu: alt + f4 [02:38:59] ClaraRenway: F4NN5TER [02:38:59] YumeNoZen: F4nn [02:39:00] benevolentbeaver: F4NN5TER [02:39:03] Drumbz: pretty similar [02:39:05] Shockwavemecha: c u t e [02:39:08] lordgtafbi: she's got some forehead on you, but hair and facial features partially match. Resemblance isn¨'t that extreme tho [02:39:09] gasmccloud: Twinn [02:39:09] viryl_lucas: f1nn is more feminine [02:39:11] EternalLucia: F4NN5TER [02:39:11] taeyukki: someone in my uni literally looks like you when you were younger but if you had already been on hrt [02:39:13] tau_1s: ahh my bad [02:39:16] SwitchLeafe: fannster [02:39:16] viryl_lucas: F1 F1NN [02:39:18] Loelinverse: F1 stands for racing [02:39:18] PynkFryck: looks lika a mix of you and tubbo [02:39:21] SnowwyAI: The angle of your jaw from the front is steeper than hers. [02:39:23] Re_In_Car_Nation: Nah, you’d win. [02:39:24] Dasdwarf: You mew to get that face line? [02:39:25] bearpaw1970: Yup Abbi is clone #2 [02:39:28] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:39:28] bittybbydreamer: aaaaaaa i'm late [02:39:29] commanderguy3001: f4nn5ter [02:39:29] lnsanecomett: F4NNSTER [02:39:30] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: F1NN racing sponsorship when? [02:39:31] viryl_lucas: nah [02:39:32] 416hobbit: @EternalLucia I'm a F4nn5ter Fan [02:39:35] viryl_lucas: the jawline [02:39:35] DekiitJota_: F1 stands for more than racing where I live [02:39:38] ArminGux: do u even need fss? [02:39:39] weyes_: i actually watch their series and now i'll never unsee that [02:39:47] david_wavid: Formula Femboy [02:39:49] virtual_core_: i drive [02:39:51] bananasandwich6969: there was a battlepass sponsored car in British GT last year [02:39:54] SnabbKassa: "that's me, if I could drive" [02:39:55] gasmccloud: GlitchNRG [02:39:57] mystchevious1: Why aren't you asking for a Monster Ultra conract? [02:39:58] seymourbuttsz: Monster probably fits the brand better [02:40:02] ArminGux: monster is up for it probably [02:40:02] de_geweldige: i feel called out [02:40:03] Ana_Stas1a: Get monster to sponsor maybe they want to [02:40:04] SwitchLeafe: but we already drink it [02:40:05] zombiii: jump out of a plane in a skirt [02:40:06] commanderguy3001: KEKW [02:40:07] DekiitJota_: Not redbull come on [02:40:08] gasmccloud: I'll drink it ! [02:40:10] blueskydrinking: there were people (who were admittedly high) who thought an old pic of Britney Spears throwing iced coffee over paparazzi was you KEKW [02:40:10] Re_In_Car_Nation: Superfree redbull vs Sugerfree Monster? [02:40:12] piras314: clip it and ship it chat [02:40:14] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Red Bull introduces new Extreme Gender Sports series. Kappa [02:40:15] Amoyamoyamoya: UNFOLLOW UNSUB [02:40:16] OliveTentacle: Do some racing and RedBull will accept you! [02:40:17] BlaireBearStare: So, how's everyone doing? Don't forget to drink some water [02:40:18] Drumbz: have you asked monster? [02:40:18] Vanimal2118: Femboy Juice? [02:40:20] bearpaw1970: 😂🫴💞 [02:40:22] tilt_central: yeah too scared to try energy drinks xD [02:40:22] BlightningBrightling: Welp, we know what to do. Let's make it happen, chat [02:40:22] phi_21bit: LUL [02:40:23] SwitchLeafe: lol [02:40:24] Tonichu: nice [02:40:25] ClaraRenway: Not at the prices of RedBull you wont [02:40:25] davidiusfarrenius: Red Bull? surely you should be sponsored by Monster! 😄 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:40:27] the_living_noob_: LUL LUL LUL [02:40:28] le_skrub_: f1nnHeadpat [02:40:28] DekiitJota_: Monster or even Mercedes are more trans (also you drive a MErc) [02:40:29] Avaerus0: Monster actually sells canned water now [02:40:31] SonicXVe: Don't say that lol [02:40:33] polynesian_taco_shell: monster coming out with the gender fluid [02:40:33] ArminGux: u pay he drinks [02:40:33] Bytebak: Sacrilege, Monster Ultra is gender fluid [02:40:33] spookynemi: Estrogen redbull [02:40:34] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:40:36] SonicXVe: Huh [02:40:36] Shockwavemecha: Uhm [02:40:37] ChasingSol: omg [02:40:39] Shockwavemecha: Aye [02:40:39] braddle172: KEKW [02:40:39] blueskydrinking: HUH [02:40:40] snappytenshi: try to sneak and drive on F4inn car [02:40:41] piras314: uh [02:40:41] Re_In_Car_Nation: Superfree redbull vs Monster Ultra? [02:40:42] Ana_Stas1a: Wow [02:40:42] viryl_lucas: ayo? [02:40:43] Loelinverse: ohhhh [02:40:43] galacticstarslayer: shill for the lemonade monster [02:40:44] scarlettyg: ayoo [02:40:45] Shockwavemecha: f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare [02:40:45] ChasingSol: KEKW [02:40:46] XavienTC: uhm [02:40:46] FatherThyme: lmaooo [02:40:46] piras314: KEKW [02:40:47] slipknotphilcollins: 🤜🏻🤛🏻 [02:40:48] inuyasha_t5rg: astrom57Excite astrom57Excite [02:40:49] Amoyamoyamoya: LOL [02:40:49] Ana_Stas1a: Huhh [02:40:49] pival81: HUH [02:40:49] linkica: KEKW [02:40:50] c0zi_1: Gamersupps femboy liquid [02:40:50] commanderguy3001: ayoo [02:40:50] polynesian_taco_shell: AYO [02:40:51] johnkeiwo: U mean CUTE right !? KEKW [02:40:51] Avaerus0: I'd believe it [02:40:51] johnkeiwo: U mean CUTE right !? KEKW [02:40:51] polynesian_taco_shell: LUL [02:40:51] Stovamor: !socials [02:40:52] Amoyamoyamoya: Tiny Monstah [02:40:52] GormyGorm: huh [02:40:52] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:40:52] Stovamor: !socials [02:40:52] lordgtafbi: LUL [02:40:52] Stovamor: !socials [02:40:52] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:40:52] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:40:53] debdrup: What, like drank from it? [02:40:53] Shockwavemecha: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [02:40:53] Drumbz: HUH [02:40:53] Eadthryth: Don't you have a gamer supps code? Sounds like you are betraying Big Guy. [02:40:53] piras314: HUHH [02:40:53] PlatypusWithCheese: i prefer sugar full cheap energy drinks [02:40:53] Tonichu: monkaS [02:40:53] taylorthingx: its cute [02:40:53] SonicXVe: HUHH [02:40:54] polynesian_taco_shell: KEKW [02:40:54] ozz564: ayo? [02:40:54] scarlettyg: Some monster caulk [02:40:54] mystchevious1: You could get a lifetime supply of Monster Ultra for free. [02:40:55] Josy_CD: Ayo???? [02:40:56] SnazzJaz4297: AYOOOO [02:40:56] floorinspect: Do tell [02:40:57] ArminGux: mini monster [02:40:57] wraitherc: Huh [02:40:57] viryl_lucas: hmmm [02:40:57] HocksEvan: go turn the red bull drivers to femboys [02:40:57] polynesian_taco_shell: huh [02:40:57] slipknotphilcollins: ayooo [02:40:58] Amoyamoyamoya: TRY ME [02:40:59] polynesian_taco_shell: HUHH [02:41:00] Havryl: Need video proof [02:41:00] jjfrob: 🤔🤔🤔 [02:41:00] godawfulapples: fair [02:41:00] Vanimal2118: 07 Redbull Can [02:41:01] balsabasher: monster vs red bull poll? [02:41:01] clockingout: LUL [02:41:02] BlightningBrightling: MCSCUSE ME [02:41:02] Drumbz: ..... [02:41:03] SwitchLeafe: whoever gets finn first will dominate the market [02:41:03] Radiopools: it's very cute :) [02:41:04] le_skrub_: hawt [02:41:04] jerrypl0x: HUH [02:41:05] 416hobbit: Suspending disbelief [02:41:05] ArminGux: 25ml monster [02:41:05] Shockwavemecha: heck07 [02:41:06] HappyHamPlays: if you started racing you'd get that sponsorship [02:41:07] ZoeDoesMusic: HUH [02:41:08] polynesian_taco_shell: 1 f1nn 1 red bull can [02:41:10] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Done things "with" a Monster can or "to" a Monster can? Kappa [02:41:12] johnkeiwo: yeah chat it's cute [02:41:13] DekiitJota_: Monster condom for yout Magnum dong [02:41:14] funkeyaimes: the monster is to compensate, the cuteness [02:41:16] baretruss: It's that smol to fit? [02:41:16] Pohpourri: speak on that 🤔 [02:41:17] linkica: Monster-shot tiny bottle [02:41:17] tilt_central: What would you do though a minecraft redbull server collab ? [02:41:17] slipknotphilcollins: 🤔 [02:41:18] Shockwavemecha: goodbyeTurtle [02:41:19] wraitherc: So the poll, poll boy [02:41:20] lishoward: will you advertise it as multipurpose? [02:41:21] ChasingSol: cute [02:41:23] johnkeiwo: U ASKED [02:41:25] debdrup: cute [02:41:25] polynesian_taco_shell: cute [02:41:25] viryl_lucas: comin? [02:41:26] slipknotphilcollins: 🤷‍♂️ [02:41:27] johnkeiwo: U litteraly asked ! [02:41:27] GormyGorm: do people keep calling it cute? [02:41:28] EternalLucia: Cute [02:41:28] hugeairconditioner: NO [02:41:29] barrenchatt: Rockstar owns a piece of my ❤️ [02:41:29] godawfulapples: thats a scentence lol [02:41:30] Radiopools: HAHAHA [02:41:32] mystchevious1: People are soo nice... [02:41:32] Loelinverse: They just keep coming and they dont stop coming [02:41:32] Drumbz: monster cans are too big for that [02:41:32] Shockwavemecha: Hmm [02:41:34] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: you mean like butt stuff? [02:41:35] c__r__j: The comments keep coming. Unlike your PP? [02:41:35] SwitchLeafe: who keep comming? [02:41:35] le_skrub_: lol gottem [02:41:36] rev_yellow: dicks...keep coming! [02:41:37] Re_In_Car_Nation: off course they do [02:41:38] virtual_core_: hehe [02:41:40] mystchevious1: And YOU ASKED!!! [02:41:41] viryl_lucas: KEKW [02:41:42] gothmark666: cute [02:41:44] piras314: hasSilly hasSilly hasSilly [02:41:46] ArminGux: looks like it never saw the sun kekw [02:41:48] johnkeiwo: people are nice about it ! [02:41:48] braddle172: Strap falling [02:41:49] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: The comments just keep coming, but the E will take care of that after a while. Kappa [02:41:52] YumeNoZen: Damnit, if you wanted me to stop, I would. [02:41:53] johnkeiwo: STRAP [02:41:53] Vanimal2118: Wow @c__r__j [02:41:54] floorinspect: I got a new tattoo chat! I got old school fat pikachu! [02:41:57] balsabasher: dress strap is still off btw [02:41:59] Shockwavemecha: British Telecom? [02:42:00] gasmccloud: I thought finn had some clevage.. it was just a hair strand... [02:42:05] gasmccloud: BibleThump [02:42:08] SnabbKassa: @Shockwavemecha yes [02:42:09] Loelinverse: oh [02:42:12] Shockwavemecha: oh [02:42:14] PaganOrca: F1nn with the most cute [02:42:14] Loelinverse: thats nice [02:42:14] handscombchris: yeah it sticks in my memory too, i didn't know they came in such a small size (outside of a child!) [02:42:17] barrenchatt: Lawl [02:42:17] johnkeiwo: Last stream o7 [02:42:20] virtual_core_: BT stands for big telecom [02:42:23] rev_yellow: night chat [02:42:26] lychbayne: nah [02:42:28] gasmccloud: LUL [02:42:28] slipknotphilcollins: can't hear you over all that pretty [02:42:31] ArminGux: nip slip in t-5minutes [02:42:32] ImRightHearted: facts [02:42:34] ronin_5463: Pipeline punch too [02:42:37] Dasdwarf: what about Ghost? [02:42:37] robbie11022: you're with BT?? [02:42:37] Josy_CD: Very pretty dress!!! [02:42:38] ChasingSol: @rev_yellow goodnight rev [02:42:38] Eadthryth: Stop showing shoulders and ankles. Only hoes do that. [02:42:39] Loelinverse: Dude just shrugged off a downed internet line [02:42:39] alexx_net: Strap drop do be looking cute [02:42:40] lychbayne: monster reserve peaches and cream [02:42:41] Avaerus0: I only ever drank it with vodka mixed in so I wouldn't know [02:42:42] BlaireBearStare: Imagine if F1nn came back in like an hour or something lol [02:42:43] emmerthevillain: nothing wakes you up in the morning like the battery acid [02:42:43] SnazzJaz4297: I don't really drink energy drinks, can't have too much caffeine [02:42:43] YumeNoZen: Just drink Bawls with Guarana, so much better. [02:42:46] FatherThyme: monster rehab is great [02:42:46] Vanimal2118: @yumenozen which creator u hitting up next? LOL [02:42:46] Ana_Stas1a: Monster is banned in the stores where i live sadly so redbull is all i got [02:42:48] Drumbz: redbull is gummybear juice [02:42:49] mystchevious1: Aspertine may be an aquired taste but I"M ADDICTED!!! [02:42:50] Nauticalcoffin: Yes the d comments just keep coming and they stick in your memory chrO [02:42:50] SwitchLeafe: I like redbull cause how watery it is [02:42:51] bearpaw1970: Battery acid taste..😂 [02:42:52] joshua2369: OG energy drink FTW [02:42:53] lychbayne: ?? [02:42:54] ArminGux: pipeline is pretty tasty [02:42:55] tilt_central: BT own everything [02:42:59] YumeNoZen: @Vanimal2118, None planned, tbh. Probably. [02:43:00] Re_In_Car_Nation: unfortunately your contractors didn’t install the Ethernet ports. [02:43:00] tilt_central: they rent em to everyone else [02:43:02] c__r__j: That's BT OpenReach, not BT @F1NN5TER . Important difference. [02:43:03] BallSize500: hol up rind ding, ding ding da-ding da-ding [02:43:04] DekiitJota_: Sugar free monster is better [02:43:05] Helen_Croft: Not even fiber to the home? [02:43:05] SnowwyAI: You'd probably like Grippo's BBQ potato chips, too. A friend of mine described it as tasting like battery acid, LOL. [02:43:07] megadoom20: good ol monopoly [02:43:07] 200c0: my gf is on talktalk 💔 [02:43:08] PynkFryck: mango loco, pipeline punch and bad apple monster are amazing @F1NN5TER [02:43:11] pianoismyforte_: Openreach is a separate company from BT now [02:43:11] tilt_central: but they dont always have the best speeds unsure why [02:43:11] ClaraRenway: Virgin Media has the good fiber in my area [02:43:11] slipknotphilcollins: 😆 [02:43:12] ronin_5463: Pipeline kinda goated tbh [02:43:13] MattKi: Except Virgin Media / O2 [02:43:13] billytehdragon1234: Pipeline punch is mid [02:43:14] YumeNoZen: Vanna, I try to only bug people I know though. [02:43:17] ArminGux: why do private companies own lines? [02:43:18] lychbayne: we have options they just all suck in their own way. we just get by lmao [02:43:19] JugemuJugemu: nooo. Openfibre [02:43:21] Avaerus0: Whatever it is it's better than your old internet [02:43:23] SnabbKassa: under 21CN, yes [02:43:23] aspect_iscracked: this is my first time in your live I’ve been watching from YouTube [02:43:24] medical_size9000: I don't drink monster energy anymore [02:43:24] Gumby_Apollo: potatoes [02:43:25] JugemuJugemu: I mean community fibre [02:43:25] Amoyamoyamoya: @YumeNoZen, Whew. I'm safe then [02:43:27] Pillooow: Community Fibre [02:43:30] pianoismyforte_: Virgin Media have their own cables [02:43:32] dafdeddog: virgin own there own lines [02:43:34] johnkeiwo: Hey @aspect_iscracked welcome to the stream ! [02:43:36] c__r__j: No - BT OpenReach was made a separate company precisely to avoid monopolistic behaviour. [02:43:36] lishoward: pipeline punch … for those who experienced the pipeline [02:43:36] blatant_fabrication: Virgin media are the only ones with their own lines not BT [02:43:37] Stovamor: Mine isn't owned by BT - theres a new fibre provider in the bristol area, that doesn't use BT's local stuff [02:43:37] call_me_meme: BT used to be a government monopoly until they were privatized, and still own Openreach, which owns most the lines [02:43:37] Helen_Croft: I have 2 fibers [02:43:39] Re_In_Car_Nation: It’s unfortunately your contractors didn’t install the Ethernet ports you planned. [02:43:40] pianoismyforte_: BT Openreach is one network but there are other options too. [02:43:41] handscombchris: mate of mine is just about to get 2.6gb! down and up! [02:43:43] robbie11022: Big Thief [02:43:44] alexx_net: Virgiin Media have some of their own fibre [02:43:45] nerina____: virgin is the one other one that doesnt use bt lines [02:43:49] SnabbKassa: like The Fly [02:43:53] blueskydrinking: Virgin Media have been digging up my street all week. They missed our road when putting in the Cable TV 30 years ago [02:43:54] ArminGux: fusion reactor [02:43:55] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: broadband or 5G? [02:43:59] Dasdwarf: Okay so big science, we got brain activity in a dead brain back. [02:44:00] pianoismyforte_: @Stovamor Same in my area near manchester - getting 900MB for under £30 now [02:44:00] Avaerus0: There's a pill going into trial later this year that's supposed to regrow teeth [02:44:01] virtual_core_: thats fake sorry [02:44:01] c__r__j: @Stovamor I hope it's not GigaClear. [02:44:03] ClaraRenway: Not really According to Open Reach we have up to 30mbps but Virgin has up to gigabit [02:44:04] bahaboy: starlink [02:44:04] JugemuJugemu: If it's tik tok it's probably clickbait lol [02:44:06] Eadthryth: Just because we can, doesn't mean it's cheap or easy. [02:44:07] FirehawkFrostbite: are you still super into sour foods? [02:44:10] nerina____: virgin has their own [02:44:16] Vanimal2118: (Hide teleport prototype) [02:44:17] Stovamor: @c__r__j, Truespeed - they're only in the Bristol area [02:44:20] ArminGux: yeah innovation is expensive [02:44:21] BlightningBrightling: remember the room-temp superconducter hype? [02:44:22] oliviazbored: they gate keep everything [02:44:24] JugemuJugemu: I mean it's heavily misrepresented from the actual research [02:44:24] GormyGorm: ngl, being non binary is cool, im just tryna be a secret third thing catJAM [02:44:24] baslak01: Yes [02:44:28] WizurTV: u should use talktalk and get 1 bit per hour [02:44:30] barbar_64: !socials [02:44:30] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:44:31] viryl_lucas: the lady gaga song? [02:44:31] galacticstarslayer: quantu. teleportation is old news [02:44:31] Drumbz: yeah but the gear to mass produce that is like 20 years away [02:44:32] PanRojek: that with with internet? [02:44:34] mrbb_55: Yeah, that's all ai bullshit Finn lol [02:44:39] extremeph: maybe they’ll invent technology to make your pp big [02:44:39] Helen_Croft: that new fiber stuff is what they develop at where i work [02:44:41] JELB: The science is real, but taking it to market and selling are different things [02:44:44] mittfh: Around my way, Brsk will be installing brand new FTTP within the next year or so, while BT Openreach haven't committed yet. [02:44:45] Avaerus0: The media tend to do a poor job on science reporting [02:44:45] robbie11022: we were supposed to all have flying cars by 1970 [02:44:46] ChristinaGaymes: Cute Dress F1nn [02:44:48] SwitchLeafe: I am still convinced virgin media cut their wires for R6 esports cause they knew their team was loosing so they needed the other team to loose by default [02:44:48] SnowwyAI: Could be worse. In 20 years I'll be 62 [02:44:50] baslak01: The teleport thing, is not real [02:44:50] medical_size9000: Teleportation won't happen in 100 years because it's hard to make sure all the atoms return in the same place as before [02:44:54] BlightningBrightling: Friggin Howard Stark. [02:44:55] SwitchLeafe: jk [02:44:55] Memaxcool086: good day all how goes it [02:44:56] 416hobbit: Hard to implement until they secure funding [02:45:01] dafdeddog: the rate of change in science and technology is getting faster [02:45:01] Loelinverse: Narrator: Shes playing clicker heroes [02:45:04] Avaerus0: The automation is the game [02:45:05] Drumbz: how dare you :D [02:45:05] Luna_Rust: Hey Finn thanks for helping me get da confidence to come out been watching since your first prisons videos love you babes [02:45:08] SnowwyAI: LMFAO [02:45:10] YumeNoZen: It's almost like you could write a program instead. [02:45:10] Helen_Croft: girl go to bed you have to weak up early tomorrow [02:45:17] trashelk: thats the game tho [02:45:17] Drumbz: ah factorio [02:45:21] Amoyamoyamoya: OMG...that's the Factorio Pipeline right there [02:45:21] HocksEvan: way to live to the trans programmer stereotype [02:45:24] ArminGux: why not use a mouse recording program [02:45:26] BlaireBearStare: Holy shit's there's still over 2k people just hanging now [02:45:28] Re_In_Car_Nation: time to eep [02:45:28] debdrup: eepygremlin [02:45:28] SnowwyAI: Reminds me of modding Skyrim. I spent more time modding it than playing it. [02:45:28] tilt_central: yeah nightnight :D [02:45:29] undefined_variables: hasL [02:45:30] Ana_Stas1a: Night night finn [02:45:32] zombiii: go deeper. make an ai to automate for you [02:45:32] YumeNoZen: Damnit, and we just ordered delivery instead. [02:45:33] ArminGux: night night boyo [02:45:33] Weez_World101: therea2358Dancingcat therea2358Dancingcat therea2358Dancingcat [02:45:33] ChasingSol: thank you for the stream [02:45:33] angygenz: go to sleep gremlin [02:45:33] bearpaw1970: Lmao Goddess Of the Femboy Cake [02:45:34] taylorthingx: goodnight! [02:45:34] ogrem_fanclan: Goodnight [02:45:34] Tooniu: nite nite [02:45:34] Shockwavemecha: k [02:45:35] HackerAIDS: this is the first stream i've ever caught been following you for a while tho :) [02:45:35] Vanimal2118: GN Miss @f1nn5ter [02:45:36] viryl_lucas: byeeeeeee [02:45:36] johnkeiwo: Kiss n love gremlin ! [02:45:36] sadboi1029: Bye bye [02:45:36] scorpiorock: eepy time [02:45:37] s0m30n33l53: G'night [02:45:37] EternalLucia: You always look pretty [02:45:38] barrenchatt: Night babe [02:45:38] blatant_fabrication: adios [02:45:38] SwitchLeafe: byez [02:45:38] DarrigoTR: Good night [02:45:39] FatherThyme: gngn [02:45:39] YumeNoZen: Nyah. [02:45:39] oliviazbored: goodnight [02:45:39] SnazzJaz4297: Gnite F1NN [02:45:39] ArminGux: have a nice rest [02:45:39] piras314: Lmao you call yourself a f1nn5ter fan? I'm fucking loaded on channel points bro. I highlight every message because I'm just that jacked. Try talking in chat again when you're a true fan [02:45:39] pianoismyforte_: GN F1nn [02:45:40] keatonium654: bye f1nnnn [02:45:40] slipknotphilcollins: ❤️🙏🏻 [02:45:40] RykerSune: night Finn f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:45:40] Re_In_Car_Nation: good night gremlin [02:45:40] le_skrub_: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:45:40] strinx1120: Good night Finn [02:45:41] Drumbz: night F1nn [02:45:41] viryl_lucas: goodnyte [02:45:41] Quackathulhu: goodnight ❤️ [02:45:42] ronin_5463: The rest of the week ur only a 9/10 [02:45:42] HardyOrange: Have a good night!! [02:45:42] oliviazbored: bye bye [02:45:42] dafdeddog: night night f1n [02:45:43] tomandil789: byeee [02:45:43] braddle172: f1nnHeart [02:45:44] notacloud1: GN [02:45:44] blueskydrinking: nighty night strimmer and chat <3 [02:45:44] bensrob: night night f1nn <3 [02:45:44] lnsanecomett: Nighty night [02:45:44] johnkeiwo: Bye girl <3 ! [02:45:44] medical_size9000: Night [02:45:44] alikarin: goodnight [02:45:44] lordgtafbi: gn [02:45:45] muddymudkip15: Gn f1nnHeart [02:45:45] c__r__j: redsayWave redsayWave redsayWave redsayWave redsayWave [02:45:45] judgedame: damn i just got here [02:45:45] MajesticFvckingEagle: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:45:45] lychbayne: awww love you fellow human [02:45:46] IsItPluggedIn: Bye F1nn [02:45:46] bulletfeed: Goodnight [02:45:46] spookynemi: Bye f1nn [02:45:47] Ana_Stas1a: Baii [02:45:47] belladdeluca: Byeee [02:45:47] davidiusfarrenius: Good night Finn 😘 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 [02:45:48] OstentatiousMongoose: good night folks [02:45:48] mittfh: Goodnight. Time to head that way myself as well. [02:45:48] M4YL0DY: f1nnHeart [02:45:49] Re_In_Car_Nation: Raid [02:45:49] Stovamor: GN Gremlin! @F1NN5TER [02:45:50] basilleaf13: goodnight [02:45:50] tomandil789: nighttt [02:45:50] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: come round more often babe [02:45:50] Loelinverse: byee [02:45:50] lilithsspawn: Sleep tight, sloot [02:45:50] Stovamor: GN Gremlin! @F1NN5TER [02:45:50] Avaerus0: Get your beauty rest, we'll see you next time [02:45:51] chriscorrick08: Night fin [02:45:51] Helen_Croft: Goodnight Finn [02:45:51] xiontheslime: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [02:45:52] strinx1120: <3 <3 [02:45:52] CATSluvCATS: GOODNIGHT F1NN ILY [02:45:52] XavienTC: Goodnight f1nn [02:45:52] piras314: hasL [02:45:52] balsabasher: bye! thanks for my first stream [02:45:52] BlightningBrightling: baiii~~ [02:45:53] thean9ry9amer: goodnight [02:45:53] astheriel: gn [02:45:54] braddle172: Byeee [02:45:54] Tooniu: BibleThump [02:45:54] Bobbikatt: ighty night finnster, love ya chat! [02:45:55] Stovamor: !socials [02:45:55] daemon2988: Night gremlin! ♥️ [02:45:55] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:45:55] Stovamor: !socials [02:45:55] swanee327: byeeeee [02:45:55] selah_cat: goodnight [02:45:55] Stovamor: !socials [02:45:55] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:45:55] tomandil789: byes [02:45:55] cuddlebear187: take cell pics [02:45:55] brickmage554: Good night Finn and chat [02:45:56] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:45:56] scorpiorock: gnigt [02:45:56] pilot_3835: Night [02:45:56] grandpaladin1701: G’night F1NN and all [02:45:56] OstentatiousMongoose: raid? [02:45:56] Shockwavemecha: bya [02:45:57] Lyoko_Is_Great: Bye [02:45:57] Weez_World101: Gn bestea [02:45:57] SwitchLeafe: have a good one finn [02:45:57] strinx1120: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:45:57] spookynemi: Bye [02:45:58] Helen_Croft: Goodnight Finn [02:45:58] simplejack42069: Night [02:45:59] Vanimal2118: itspea13BunnnWave itspea13BunnnWave itspea13BunnnWave itspea13BunnnWave itspea13BunnnWave itspea13BunnnWave [02:45:59] Stovamor: !reset [02:45:59] mystchevious1: mystch1Mystiheart mystch1Mystiheart mystch1Mystiheart mystch1Mystiheart mystch1Mystiheart [02:45:59] 416hobbit: Good night @F1NN5TER [02:45:59] f3mmbot: Set the stream info to Unknown [02:45:59] bearpaw1970: Hey C__R__j [02:46:00] OmsX8O: Thanks for stream <3 [02:46:00] Weez_World101: therea2358Dancingcat [02:46:00] Re_In_Car_Nation: are we raiding? [02:46:00] DekiitJota_: Bye f1nn [02:46:00] Slaydria118: Bye [02:46:00] tomandil789: nighttt [02:46:00] braddle172: Bye bye [02:46:00] gasmccloud: GayPride GayPride KonCha KonCha [02:46:00] Silraa: Night [02:46:01] wandererimwalde: byeeeee [02:46:01] Shockwavemecha: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:46:01] Coop9er: gn [02:46:01] scorpiorock: bye [02:46:01] Amoyamoyamoya: Okee Bai. This was my first stream and it was fun [02:46:02] ArminGux: sleep thight [02:46:02] princess_mia03: bye [02:46:02] SnowwyAI: Have a good night, Finn! [02:46:02] Avaerus0: You're so sweet BTW [02:46:02] SnazzJaz4297: annytfHeart annytfHeart annytfHeart annytfHeart annytfHeart annytfHeart annytfHeart [02:46:02] mrbb_55: Niiiight [02:46:03] Stovamor: !socials [02:46:03] Havryl: Good night good night! [02:46:03] slipknotphilcollins: God just give me one chance *not a simp* [02:46:03] flosparrow: bye [02:46:03] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:46:03] viryl_lucas: goodnite pretty [02:46:04] supernova197o: bye [02:46:04] Stovamor: !socials [02:46:04] scarlettyg: Good night <3 [02:46:04] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:46:04] MaxWattage: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:46:04] Helen_Croft: Goodnight Finn [02:46:04] johnpnicholls1122: Finn just. Sexy [02:46:04] Darkstar_j_: night [02:46:04] scorpiorock: gn [02:46:04] RykerSune: bye bey [02:46:05] oddstruck: Goodnight! [02:46:05] lychbayne: night [02:46:05] CATSluvCATS: MY FIRST F1NN STREAM SO FUN [02:46:06] tomandil789: byeee [02:46:06] Valezifer: GN [02:46:06] call_me_meme: GN [02:46:06] virtual_core_: goodnight [02:46:06] lenrik1589: nini gremlin [02:46:06] ArminGux: was fun [02:46:07] keatonium654: missed most of this to math homework :( [02:46:07] Stovamor: !socials [02:46:07] ProfaneCreation: GN8 at all f1nnHeart [02:46:07] undead_bandit452: Goodnight fimter [02:46:07] lychbayne: kinda [02:46:07] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:46:07] dirt__bag: VirtualHug VirtualHug Gn :3 [02:46:07] piras314: hasL hasL hasHi [02:46:08] IsItPluggedIn: gn [02:46:08] pianoismyforte_: Goodnight! [02:46:08] Cmdr_Sam_Vimes: Goodnight. Thanks for making a femmboy stream the way I heard about Trump being guilty. [02:46:08] Helen_Croft: Goodnight Finn [02:46:08] lychbayne: lol [02:46:08] gasmccloud: GayPride GayPride <3 <3 KonCha KonCha [02:46:08] Shockwavemecha: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [02:46:09] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: byeee [02:46:09] Stovamor: !socials [02:46:09] viryl_lucas: byee [02:46:09] braddle172: f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat [02:46:09] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:46:09] theedgydisc: Goodnight [02:46:09] cookieeater212: love u [02:46:09] ZoeDoesMusic: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:46:10] gothmark666: bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple [02:46:10] strinx1120: Byeee [02:46:10] shellyblock: night!!!! [02:46:10] brielated: night [02:46:11] scarlettyg: So kyoot <3 [02:46:11] oliviazbored: bye bye [02:46:11] judgedame: good night iwill watch the vod [02:46:12] Helen_Croft: Goodnight Finn [02:46:12] Eadthryth: That bye sounded like mario [02:46:12] Weez_World101: Mother. [02:46:12] SnabbKassa: we lov u [02:46:12] Valezifer: Bye [02:46:12] Jahkae: gnight [02:46:12] kritia_: bye [02:46:12] SnowwyAI: 💖 [02:46:12] Loelinverse: bye [02:46:13] Ephemeral_001: <3 [02:46:13] the_b1ack_lotus: Love!!!!! [02:46:13] slipknotphilcollins: 🥰 [02:46:13] tomandil789: byee [02:46:13] Zelyphsis: Bye [02:46:14] Shockwavemecha: cute [02:46:14] alikarin: bye [02:46:14] SnazzJaz4297: BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride [02:46:14] Weez_World101: therea2358Dancingcat [02:46:15] theplayfuldead: night [02:46:15] Amoyamoyamoya: Gay? [02:46:15] Helen_Croft: Goodnight Finn [02:46:15] jar_jar_binks3472: bye [02:46:15] alexx_net: Night Night F1nn [02:46:15] hemeroidson: LUL [02:46:16] slimenex: Byeeee [02:46:16] Vanimal2118: More Cake [02:46:16] Stovamor: !socials [02:46:16] BallSize500: later, G [02:46:16] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:46:16] B1ackW01f69: Night. tc and best wishes ya ll [02:46:16] Kristanie_: shksWave shksWave shksWave [02:46:16] bearpaw1970: Still gorgeous cute [02:46:17] pianoismyforte_: Sleep well chat! [02:46:17] hamster_potato: night f1nnsess [02:46:17] bensrob: cute [02:46:18] Sleepystephbot: byeeeee [02:46:18] pilot_3835: Bye bye [02:46:19] johnkeiwo: !reset [02:46:19] f3mmbot: Set the stream info to Unknown [02:46:19] sonic9242: bye [02:46:20] xiontheslime: GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride [02:46:20] Pohpourri: byeeeeee [02:46:20] TheRubyDragon23: goodnight [02:46:21] jarres23: <3 BibleThump [02:46:21] gasmccloud: BibleThump [02:46:22] barrenchatt: Night all [02:46:22] gothmark666: Cute [02:46:22] ronin_5463: byebye [02:46:22] MaxVershhhtappen: stream finally works and done [02:46:23] judgedame: peace [02:46:24] johnkeiwo: bye bye chat ! [02:46:24] scarlettyg: What a cute smile to end on <3 [02:46:25] c__r__j: !offline [02:46:25] ChasingSol: thank you, chat [02:46:25] f3mmbot: Offline gang is the most wholesome gang [02:46:25] MaxVershhhtappen: faaaaaaack [02:46:27] f3mmbot: f1nn5ter just went offline! Welcome back offline gang FeelsGoodMan [02:46:29] Lyoko_Is_Great: GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride [02:46:30] ukulelewolfeh373: byeeee [02:46:30] lychbayne: bye chat have a good day hope you guys get some smiles and laughs [02:46:31] BlaireBearStare: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [02:46:31] johnkeiwo: check the socials etc etc ! [02:46:32] keatonium654: time to watch the vod again from the beginning [02:46:32] RykerSune: and stream over Clap mods [02:46:33] johnkeiwo: !socials [02:46:33] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:46:33] SnowwyAI: Bye, chat! [02:46:33] USS_Stargazer: !modlove [02:46:34] f3mmbot: The mod team is awesome! They never ban people who don't deserve it and help keep the stream running. [02:46:34] johnkeiwo: !socials [02:46:34] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:46:35] RykerSune: offline gang time