[00:00:05] SpawnInsane: LETS GOOOO [00:00:06] amsylum: Whoooooo [00:00:06] ChasingSol: and away we go [00:00:08] OstentatiousMongoose: POGGERS [00:00:23] FatesHarmony: OwO [00:00:25] YumeNoZen: Oh. Yes. [00:00:26] Avaerus0: It's time [00:00:27] sarathearcher1: @ChasingSol We're going away? [00:00:28] general_of_cm: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:28] muddymudkip15: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:29] f3mmbot: F1NN5TER just went live! Goodbye offline gang PepeHands [00:00:29] Farbse: heyyy [00:00:30] johnkeiwo: f1nnCowjam adcvrJam PepePls catJAM [00:00:31] cdewoozy: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:32] Bulldog85043: Bulldog85043 subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 51 months, currently on a 51 month streak! [00:00:32] f3mmbot: bulldog85043 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 51 months at Tier 2! PogU [00:00:32] fromthef1nn5ide: Q.E.D [00:00:34] oofcomplex: LEGGO [00:00:35] AceAngel: feliciaBottle OSFrog [00:00:36] Stovamor: coxJam shyyRave emiruDANCE coxJam esfandPls coxJam esfandPls coxJam emiruDANCE shyyRave coxJam [00:00:37] c__r__j: itspea13BunnnRave f1nnCowjam spicycowDancy juicyg19Dancecat maddiDrum itspea13Groove spicycowFeet juicyg19BongoCat itspea13Worm DinoDance [00:00:39] wingerdoodlez: joebartLongneck joebartLongneck joebartLongneck [00:00:39] ChasingSol: @sarathearcher1 yes, to looney bin [00:00:40] coolkid25151445: Bugus [00:00:41] CandyCuber1: YOO ELLO [00:00:41] ronin_5463: yoyoyooo [00:00:41] zebrabbl396: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:41] wingerdoodlez: joebartLongneck joebartLongneck [00:00:42] acrashot567: off we go again [00:00:42] wingerdoodlez: joebartLongneck joebartLongneck joebartLongneck [00:00:43] taylorthingx: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:43] exkstacy: monkey [00:00:44] autosoft6483: ello [00:00:44] SpawnInsane: catJAM [00:00:45] tommy_1110: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:00:46] xae_x4: YOOOO [00:00:47] blaxfruitgrinding: yooooo [00:00:47] NyxGoneRogue: NyxGoneRogue subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:00:47] ShuitOnDiscord: hola [00:00:47] f3mmbot: nyxgonerogue subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:00:49] CjAurora: moroni12Earz moroni12Wagz [00:00:49] f1nnster01: MEOWWW [00:00:49] freezja: Nyaa [00:00:49] likethedash: oh hai [00:00:49] wingerdoodlez: joebartLongneck joebartLongneck joebartLongneck joebartLongneck [00:00:49] YumeNoZen: The bar for being smarter than a Fimter is lower than a Fimter's height. [00:00:50] n3bulahhh: I Have Arrived [00:00:50] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnCowjam f1nnPet [00:00:50] loleyontwitch: celest555AREUFRRRR [00:00:51] AviationAdri: top of t mornin to ya [00:00:51] blueskydrinking: ayyy i got here right on time [00:00:52] wingerdoodlez: joebartLongneck joebartLongneck joebartLongneck [00:00:52] gaminggiantlive: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:53] MadAmber06: yay weekend stream when im not at work [00:00:54] Scrooge_McBong: yooo! [00:00:55] Nitzkit8: wtf [00:00:56] dillon1380: finally made it to stream [00:00:56] Chri55PBacon: Yooooo [00:00:57] brickmage554: Hiiiii [00:00:58] Bytebak: Turkish ad for soda [00:00:58] Zila0124: septiembre 🗣️🗣️🗣️ [00:00:58] sarathearcher1: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:00:59] helluvaboss696: hi [00:01:00] gaminggiantlive: tipste4Torpaspin tipste4Torpaspin tipste4Torpaspin [00:01:02] f0rrest_f1re: Bro sis is live now [00:01:02] jaime1qj: Helooooooooo696969 [00:01:02] Speederzzz: the Lord has blessed us with another F1nnpter strem [00:01:02] Rubusguy: Ayyylmao [00:01:03] hawkbigguy: woah first time actually catching a stream :3 [00:01:06] thealexisproject20: Yaasaay [00:01:07] Sht1k: Hi chat! My day just improved significantly ☺️ [00:01:07] Prandah: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [00:01:08] dudeitsdanielfr: FIIIIIIIINNNNNN [00:01:08] exkstacy: w don’t [00:01:08] grandpaladin1701: S’up chat! [00:01:10] falconeray: falconeray subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! [00:01:11] f3mmbot: falconeray subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months using Prime! PogU [00:01:11] zebrabbl396: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [00:01:12] Prandah: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:01:12] HardyOrange: yayyyy [00:01:13] lunar_the_furry: @hawkbigguy skill issue [00:01:15] eris_tran: Yayy [00:01:16] dancevictordance: Haiiii [00:01:16] exkstacy: w song [00:01:16] my_queues: On a Saturday?? [00:01:16] enbyvee: I mean. Yes. [00:01:16] stxrz1313: BangbooBounce BangbooBounce BangbooBounce BangbooBounce BangbooBounce BangbooBounce BangbooBounce BangbooBounce BangbooBounce BangbooBounce BangbooBounce BangbooBounce BangbooBounce BangbooBounce [00:01:17] Dreemurr2: Hallo finnster! [00:01:17] gunflow: heeelloo [00:01:17] indrty: uwu [00:01:18] tommy_1110: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:18] Lucasphpo: Hi from Brasil! cellOI [00:01:18] Vanimal2118: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:19] dudeitsdanielfr: HELLOOOOO [00:01:19] simplejack42069: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:01:20] Prandah: f1nnCowjam SSSsssplode f1nnCowjam SSSsssplode f1nnCowjam SSSsssplode f1nnCowjam SSSsssplode f1nnCowjam SSSsssplode f1nnCowjam SSSsssplode f1nnCowjam SSSsssplode f1nnCowjam [00:01:20] lilygothdevil: lilygothdevil subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! jesus these 7 months have flown by [00:01:20] f3mmbot: lilygothdevil subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months using Prime! PogU [00:01:23] genderenjoyer666: heyhumSmolstarion heyhumSmolstarion heyhumSmolstarion heyhumSmolstarion heyhumSmolstarion [00:01:23] elisa5555213: elisa5555213 subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 15 month streak! [00:01:23] Free_H2o: hi [00:01:23] its_raven__: hewwo [00:01:23] f3mmbot: elisa5555213 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months at Tier 3! PogU [00:01:25] lillifer44: Hello [00:01:25] HardyOrange: whomst??? [00:01:28] Lucridis: Random Stov [00:01:28] funny_mayonnaise: Yippee f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:29] N7_Andres: N7_Andres subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months! [00:01:29] johnmichael91: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:01:29] leesa0802: Many minutes later...!!!??? [00:01:29] f3mmbot: n7_andres subscribed to f1nn5ter for 31 months using Prime! PogU [00:01:30] theorangepickmc: day significantly better [00:01:32] Tinkergy: Hello! [00:01:32] YumeNoZen: Rawr? [00:01:33] DrowninInPoison: Finn goes live right after the wwe PPV is this a Coincidence??? [00:01:33] bearpaw1970: 👋 hello everyone..🫴🎉 [00:01:34] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnCowjam [00:01:34] Volcaine777: f1nnJAM f1nnJAM f1nnJAM [00:01:35] rng_ruben5020: yooo [00:01:35] Bobbikatt: Bobbikatt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months! 20 months!! Yoo hoo! [00:01:35] f3mmbot: bobbikatt subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:01:37] leodezenne__: helloooooo [00:01:42] liz_8626: I heard a Stov there [00:01:44] MrCookie_Floof: hey y’all. I’m finally here! I made it to a stream!!! FUCK YEAH!!! [00:01:50] Vanimal2118: vanima3PINK itspea13BunnnWave [00:01:50] atlasmars_: i finally caught a stream wow [00:01:50] regular_enbymoth: A [00:01:51] olivia_1998_norway: Hello 😇 [00:01:53] i_yoyoyo: Yooooo [00:01:53] TheGlowingHedgehog: let’s gooooo [00:01:54] blueskydrinking: is that stov on discord? LUL [00:01:55] Sht1k: ❤️ [00:01:56] ronin_5463: Stov sighting?? [00:01:59] NyxGoneRogue: Our Friendly Neighborhood Femboy! [00:01:59] Stovamor: No [00:01:59] teacheraj: Lets goooooo [00:02:00] simplejack42069: Cow is dancing TwitchConHYPE [00:02:02] itsMrWerewolf: Heyyy [00:02:02] Stovamor: ... [00:02:03] Hedgy908: swetLEAVE swetRUN swetLEAVE swetRUN [00:02:04] MHarold83: MHarold83 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! One year of gremlin watching [00:02:04] f3mmbot: mharold83 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 12 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:05] aleryon__: aleryon__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:02:05] f3mmbot: aleryon__ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:08] rng_ruben5020: GoldPLZ [00:02:11] Bobbikatt: Whaddup finn, ashley, tank and chat? [00:02:15] leesa0802: Come on F1nn, ain't got all night....??. [00:02:16] Shiznita: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:02:17] Jayden_Reiko: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:17] genderenjoyer666: heyhumSnomOT heyhumSnomH1 heyhumSnomOT heyhumSnomH1 heyhumSnomOT heyhumSnomH1 heyhumSnomOT heyhumSnomH1 heyhumSnomOT heyhumSnomH1 [00:02:18] bakedelephants: bakedelephants subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! 15 months f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:18] f3mmbot: bakedelephants subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months using Prime! PogU [00:02:19] kamato_j: f1nnTank [00:02:19] rng_ruben5020: GayPride [00:02:20] Vanimal2118: vanima3YIPPIE2 @stovamor is here! [00:02:20] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: HEYA CHAT [00:02:20] Mikayla_Alexis: YAY [00:02:21] kgober: @Bobbikatt you forgot pink chair [00:02:21] popgoesbobi: greetings gamers [00:02:23] BlaireBearStare: Let’s fucking gooooo [00:02:24] rng_ruben5020: PogChamp [00:02:24] agoodbean_123: Hey yall [00:02:25] leodezenne__: @drownininpoison the ppv was mid tbh, except Rhea and Damian match, the Gunther and Randy one was good but not that much [00:02:25] ChasingSol: @leesa0802 don't lie, yes you do [00:02:27] harmlesshenanigans: Good I need this pick me up [00:02:27] lillifer44: Hiiiiiiii [00:02:28] zebrabbl396: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:02:31] Mikayla_Alexis: itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove [00:02:31] teacheraj: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:02:35] rng_ruben5020: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:02:38] Jeffed_Proto: hey! >:D [00:02:40] Colonel_Egg: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [00:02:43] ogshaylahstone: nezArrive [00:02:43] alex_5r1: finCowjam [00:02:45] rng_ruben5020: >:3 [00:02:46] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: melink3Popcat melink3Popcat melink3Popcat [00:02:46] itsMrWerewolf: Me being awake for F1nn5ter stream for the first time in a year!??? Let's fucking gooooo [00:02:47] Mikayla_Alexis: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:47] ogshaylahstone: nezBongos [00:02:48] f0rrest_f1re: astra71Monch [00:02:49] Smiling_Shelly: Hello [00:02:49] Y0rk5h1r3: TwitchConHYPE DinoDance TwitchConHYPE DinoDance TwitchConHYPE DinoDance TwitchConHYPE [00:02:49] floriroro: hi finally caught a stream [00:02:51] leesa0802: Still waaaiiiting......? [00:02:52] eriesworld: Why does he kinda look like young sheldon [00:02:53] i_yoyoyo: Hello [00:02:53] aShyeRose: :3 [00:02:54] Bobbikatt: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:55] alex_5r1: f1nnCowjam [00:02:57] Ique32: Ique32 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months! [00:02:57] ronin_5463: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:02:58] f3mmbot: ique32 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:02:58] rng_ruben5020: :33 [00:02:59] Helen_Croft: to many emotes get removed chat [00:02:59] jules897_: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:03:00] hawkbigguy: finally in a fimmter stream <]:3 [00:03:02] blueskydrinking: f1nnJAM f1nnJAM f1nnJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM [00:03:02] Prandah: PopNemo DinoDance TwitchConHYPE PopNemo DinoDance TwitchConHYPE PopNemo DinoDance TwitchConHYPE PopNemo DinoDance TwitchConHYPE PopNemo DinoDance TwitchConHYPE PopNemo DinoDance TwitchConHYPE [00:03:06] blazingphoenex: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:06] poop1ngfenyx: i am smaort [00:03:08] enbyvee: enbyvee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months, currently on a 26 month streak! two and a bit years. woah. wow. damn. goodness gracious me. [00:03:08] f3mmbot: enbyvee subscribed to f1nn5ter for 26 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:09] simplejack42069: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance TwitchConHYPE DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:11] Bobbikatt: f1nnTank TwitchConHYPE f1nnTankhat f1nnTank TwitchConHYPE f1nnTankhat f1nnTank TwitchConHYPE f1nnTankhat f1nnTank TwitchConHYPE f1nnTankhat [00:03:12] jules897_: Squid4 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid1 [00:03:14] lillifer44: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:15] bfredl: bfredl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! 13 months, just another lucky number [00:03:15] f3mmbot: bfredl subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:17] Nordisk1337: Nordisk1337 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! UwU [00:03:17] horus95: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:17] f3mmbot: nordisk1337 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months using Prime! PogU [00:03:19] distractedcreative: Ooh, YouTube upload?? [00:03:22] Vanimal2118: Vanimal2118 is paying forward the Gift they got from Helen_Croft to Y0rk5h1r3! [00:03:22] Vanimal2118: Vanimal2118 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Y0rk5h1r3! They have given 92 Gift Subs in the channel! [00:03:23] f3mmbot: vanimal2118 has gifted a subscription to y0rk5h1r3 at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang y0rk5h1r3 f1nnLezgang [00:03:23] edo_0_: hey [00:03:24] Bobbikatt: vanima3Dance vanima3Dance vanima3Dance [00:03:24] XENOMAN5: @floriroro welcome [00:03:24] blueskydrinking: pepeD pepeD pepeD [00:03:26] drake_j0sh: F1mter stream lets goo [00:03:26] kilikater: Hi :3 [00:03:27] ogshaylahstone: nezHop nezHop nezHop [00:03:30] jules897_: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:03:31] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: oo new fin vid [00:03:31] genodian: i am indeed not smarter than a femboy easiest question i've ever been asked [00:03:32] Ique32: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:03:32] ogshaylahstone: nezHappy [00:03:32] Dreemurr2: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:03:32] enbyvee: c'mon F1nn, 30 seconds to make me a wealthy (in points) enby [00:03:33] aShyeRose: :33 [00:03:34] rng_ruben5020: ello [00:03:37] rng_ruben5020: :333 [00:03:39] ogshaylahstone: nezPeek [00:03:39] PlatypusWithCheese: PridePog [00:03:40] Bobbikatt: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:03:42] its_kriv: ello ello :3 [00:03:43] DawnProd_VT: i am not, for i am trans... thus i am dumber then a femboy. but smarter then chat! love you chat [00:03:44] ronin_5463: Yay no awkward silence f1nnLaff [00:03:47] rng_ruben5020: elloooooo :3 [00:03:49] TayTaetay: TayTaetay subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! [00:03:49] f3mmbot: taytaetay subscribed to f1nn5ter for 18 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:03:50] simplejack42069: Squid1 Squid2 TwitchConHYPE Squid2 Squid4 [00:03:51] happybiscuitfr: PowerUpL EntropyWins PowerUpR [00:03:51] blueskydrinking: you would not believe your eyes... [00:03:52] keatonium654: hiii [00:03:56] electric_cicada: fimmter [00:03:56] xygam1ng: PopNemo PopNemo DinoDance DinoDance [00:03:58] ogshaylahstone: nezSip [00:04:00] Prandah: f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam [00:04:01] AeitZean: AeitZean subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months! Hi, Great to see you all again f1nnHeart [00:04:02] f3mmbot: aeitzean subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:02] Nordisk1337: Cheer100 [00:04:05] zebrabbl396: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:04:06] muddymudkip15: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:04:07] jules897_: TwitchConHYPE [00:04:08] autosoft6483: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ GoldPLZ [00:04:10] rng_ruben5020: GivePLZ TakeNRG [00:04:11] blaxfruitgrinding: PogChamp [00:04:12] hawkbigguy: hawkbigguy subscribed with Prime. [00:04:12] f3mmbot: hawkbigguy subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang hawkbigguy f1nnLezgang [00:04:12] surfers_: wassup my very manly bro [00:04:13] fireman156b: Omg, I havent been online in like 5 years and my favourite minecraft youtuber is live? Lets see what he's up to [00:04:15] Rubusguy: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:04:15] chickenjuice452: I miss the old chair [00:04:17] rng_ruben5020: OSFrog [00:04:19] legion2814: :( my points [00:04:20] hawkbigguy: :3 [00:04:20] olivia_1998_norway: olivia_1998_norway is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! [00:04:21] f3mmbot: olivia_1998_norway has gifted a sub to 10 users in chat! [00:04:21] olivia_1998_norway: olivia_1998_norway gifted a Tier 1 sub to sag3brush! [00:04:21] olivia_1998_norway: olivia_1998_norway gifted a Tier 1 sub to tinyalison420! [00:04:21] olivia_1998_norway: olivia_1998_norway gifted a Tier 1 sub to Merobiba_! [00:04:21] olivia_1998_norway: olivia_1998_norway gifted a Tier 1 sub to swole_duo! [00:04:21] aShyeRose: Lechonk Lechonk [00:04:21] olivia_1998_norway: olivia_1998_norway gifted a Tier 1 sub to stevecuff! [00:04:21] olivia_1998_norway: olivia_1998_norway gifted a Tier 1 sub to family_toy! [00:04:21] olivia_1998_norway: olivia_1998_norway gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ruglund6230! [00:04:21] olivia_1998_norway: olivia_1998_norway gifted a Tier 1 sub to RiiYENNA! [00:04:21] olivia_1998_norway: olivia_1998_norway gifted a Tier 1 sub to fartmoan! [00:04:21] olivia_1998_norway: olivia_1998_norway gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kuhnerbaste! [00:04:21] just_isla6: first stream, i didnt see the “reminder i am a gigachad” and thought it was a memorial for masc f1nn. [00:04:21] nubicakes: ShowLove100 [00:04:22] ashleyisidk: YOOOO MY FIRST STEAM WITH FIN [00:04:26] strinx1120: Hiiiii [00:04:27] chickenjuice452: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [00:04:28] varmac86: I had no idea this stream was happening [00:04:28] msbricklayer: almost matching bob ross' view count [00:04:28] ogshaylahstone: nezBinoculars [00:04:29] simplejack42069: TwitchConHYPE DinoDance TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE DinoDance [00:04:29] leesa0802: Wouldn't mind, you can't use getting ready as an excuse, you do all that on stream...jeez... [00:04:33] thedanitone: smixelSpin smixelSpin smixelSpin [00:04:33] keatonium654: yoooooo [00:04:33] Rubusguy: PogChamp PogChamp [00:04:35] f0rrest_f1re: Who's that dude in the picture LUL [00:04:36] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam [00:04:36] c__r__j: Bye bye 4,300 channel points. [00:04:37] ChasingSol: @fireman156b um, well, you're gonna have an interesting time [00:04:38] ogshaylahstone: nezBlush [00:04:40] ashleyisidk: haiiiii everyone [00:04:41] F1NN5TER: whhaaaaaaaaat tf olivia thankyou!! xD [00:04:41] sapphicflame: sapphicflame subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 3 month streak! [00:04:41] f3mmbot: sapphicflame subscribed to f1nn5ter for 8 months using Prime! PogU [00:04:44] alex_5r1: what's up chat [00:04:46] BoFueg0: empiHop empiHop empiHop empiHop empiHop empiHop empiHop [00:04:49] chickenjuice452: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:04:50] eriesworld: GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride [00:04:50] jojoboy_yes: over throw the femboy stream [00:04:51] BoFueg0: empiHop empiHop empiHop empiHop [00:04:53] hwg_hannah: hwg_hannah subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! [00:04:54] f3mmbot: hwg_hannah subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:04:54] BoFueg0: empiHop empiHop empiHop empiHop empiHop empiHop [00:04:56] ConorJayy: conorj4Dance conorj4Dance conorj4Dance conorj4Dance conorj4Dance conorj4Dance conorj4Dance [00:04:56] MaybeEmmaline: MaybeEmmaline subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Oh cool, it's a f1nn and co! Love you nerds! TransgenderPride [00:04:57] f3mmbot: maybeemmaline subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:04:59] olivia_1998_norway: olivia_1998_norway is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel! [00:05:00] zebrabbl396: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:05:00] olivia_1998_norway: olivia_1998_norway gifted a Tier 1 sub to threeshrew! [00:05:00] conradwithak: what’s up guys [00:05:00] f3mmbot: olivia_1998_norway has gifted a subscription to threeshrew at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang threeshrew f1nnLezgang [00:05:03] distractedcreative: @fireman156b you should see his new world! [00:05:03] fireman156b: @chasingsol what? He no longer plays minecraft? BibleThump [00:05:04] BoFueg0: empiThighs [00:05:05] ogshaylahstone: nezClap [00:05:06] Prandah: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [00:05:11] jules897_: SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss [00:05:12] ChasingSol: @fireman156b he does play Minecraft [00:05:12] shack_baggerdly: Polish cow? [00:05:15] ogshaylahstone: nezRun [00:05:15] bearpaw1970: Hey C_r_j🫴💕 [00:05:23] aShyeRose: TPFufun [00:05:24] theorangepickmc: fireflies! [00:05:26] Vanimal2118: Block Game [00:05:26] ogshaylahstone: nezRoll [00:05:27] fireman156b: @chasingsol owh, cant be that bad then [00:05:29] ashleyisidk: !discord [00:05:30] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn's community has a Discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:05:32] theoriginalsiner: Meow 💛 [00:05:33] Prandah: f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate f1nnCowjam f1nnRotate [00:05:34] ogshaylahstone: nezSpin [00:05:39] simplejack42069: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance TwitchConHYPE [00:05:39] gibbon66: not polish....just shiney [00:05:42] bearpaw1970: Hey Vanimal' 🎩🫴💕 [00:05:42] ogshaylahstone: nezJail [00:05:44] drake_j0sh: Minecraft Redstone quiz stream? [00:05:46] Vanimal2118: vanima3Miniondance vanima3Miniondance vanima3Miniondance vanima3Miniondance [00:05:46] hawkbigguy: @theorangepickmc i thought it didnt have wings? [00:05:48] BoFueg0: empiHop aggreg1VibE [00:05:53] freezja: Nya? 😺 [00:05:55] fireman156b: @distractedcreative I hope he shows it this stream, excited to see my favourite minecraft youtuber after so long [00:05:56] ChasingSol: @drake_j0sh oh god, stream would last for days [00:05:56] wellan7564: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:05:59] Vanimal2118: itspea13BunnnWave @bearpaw1970 [00:06:00] MaybeEmmaline: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:06:00] blipblorpb: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:06:00] Bobbikatt: f1nnBonk f1nnCool f1nnBonk f1nnCool f1nnBonk f1nnCool f1nnBonk [00:06:01] scarlettyg: What's this title? Does F1nn expect to be smarter than any of us? [00:06:02] nyrhalahotep: joanat1Yippee joanat1Yippee joanat1Yippee joanat1Yippee [00:06:03] ibabywillow: HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys [00:06:04] hatredslasher: Cheer100 im not sure if im smarter than a femboy, look at this stream, atleast this certain one is smart enough to earn money by being one [00:06:09] jules897_: MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 [00:06:10] rose_tea1812: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:06:11] alex_5r1: f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance f1nnCowjam DinoDance [00:06:11] soupformycoldsoul: Finn your streams make doing chem work more fun [00:06:12] scarlettyg: catJAM catJAM catJAM catJAM [00:06:21] LyssieXD: damn i got 0 fembuck [00:06:21] djsketch87: Hello femboy [00:06:29] zebrabbl396: f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare [00:06:30] SLN_Game: hiiiiii [00:06:31] e1oxdbu9ol: yo who the cock-haver? [00:06:31] lunarle0_: haaaai [00:06:32] aShyeRose: f1nnHeadpat [00:06:34] BlaireBearStare: Fell juked there [00:06:35] ronin_5463: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:06:35] gamerjake166728: Hiiii [00:06:37] blaxfruitgrinding: the chase theme??? [00:06:40] thedanitone: DinoDance TwitchConHYPE DinoDance TwitchConHYPE DinoDance TwitchConHYPE DinoDance [00:06:40] AviationAdri: dam [00:06:40] rng_ruben5020: meeeee [00:06:41] muddymudkip15: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:06:42] leesa0802: Need to pee now....🙄 [00:06:43] HidingTheLight: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:06:45] lmk203: lmk203 subscribed with Prime. [00:06:45] f3mmbot: lmk203 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang lmk203 f1nnLezgang [00:06:46] hawkbigguy: pepeJAM [00:06:49] rng_ruben5020: GayPride [00:06:49] ChasingSol: OW [00:06:51] spimes8804: Lvl 7 Hype Train and the stream ain't even started??? [00:06:51] Kolateak_: FELLAS [00:06:53] SLN_Game: hiiiiiii [00:06:53] enbyvee: chad [00:06:53] lillifer44: Hello [00:06:53] Coop9er: f1nnCowjam [00:06:54] orangejuice1912_: We playing the chase???? [00:06:54] ashleyisidk: YIPPEE [00:06:55] blueskydrinking: Damn fade out? DJ F1nn in the house [00:06:56] BoFueg0: femboys stomp me [00:06:56] lilithsspawn: FUCK [00:06:56] AviationAdri: CHADS [00:06:56] hawkbigguy: CHAT [00:06:56] heyimf1dg3t: GAYMERZ [00:06:57] alex_5r1: hi [00:06:57] dudeitsdanielfr: HELLOOOOOOOOOO [00:06:57] leesa0802: Ffs, at last [00:06:58] ronin_5463: Rip heaphone users [00:06:58] braddle172: Heyo [00:06:58] schauperl: femboy [00:06:59] TransRenata: Henlo [00:06:59] general_of_cm: AAAAA [00:07:00] blaxfruitgrinding: YOOOOOOO [00:07:00] thean9ry9amer: hi [00:07:00] zebrabbl396: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [00:07:01] lilithsspawn: I lost [00:07:01] Sht1k: 💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️ [00:07:01] electric_cicada: aaaah [00:07:02] imaprsn: FELLAS! [00:07:02] eris_tran: Hi [00:07:02] hatredslasher: AAAAAAAAAAA [00:07:03] bearpaw1970: bearpaw1970 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months! Just Checking on your delishous Cuteness Check , for our 40th month sweetness [00:07:03] BlaireBearStare: Hi! [00:07:03] mrs_mauss: HIIIIIIIII [00:07:03] f3mmbot: bearpaw1970 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 40 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:07:03] chloel6x: chloel6x subscribed with Prime. [00:07:04] f3mmbot: chloel6x subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang chloel6x f1nnLezgang [00:07:04] Valezifer: Wazzup [00:07:04] hawkbigguy: :3 [00:07:04] SadgeSocks: I shit myself then christ [00:07:04] general_of_cm: you scared me [00:07:04] melostack: nice drip [00:07:05] mrs_mauss: HEYYYYYY [00:07:05] UnnamedTransGirl: omg baseball [00:07:05] bySkeelio: hihi [00:07:05] Kolateak_: You changed your camera angle [00:07:06] drake_j0sh: Overwatch stream??? [00:07:06] Unit4to: Damn [00:07:06] electric_cicada: haiii [00:07:07] mrs_mauss: HIIIIIIIIII [00:07:07] conradwithak: YOOO [00:07:08] Flamestorm592: oh I forgot I was here lol [00:07:08] ashleyisidk: FEBOYYYYYY [00:07:09] mrs_mauss: HEYYYYYYYYYYYY [00:07:09] CutiePhenn: hihi [00:07:09] blipblorpb: HI [00:07:09] SmilesLikeKreizy: Heyyyoo [00:07:09] popgoesbobi: wassup gang [00:07:10] brickmage554: Yoooooo [00:07:10] YumeNoZen: You look like a nerd no matter what. [00:07:10] bfredl: owo cutie [00:07:11] mrs_mauss: HIIIIIIIIIIIII [00:07:11] jaovitubr: Hiiiii [00:07:11] braddle172: Pog [00:07:11] djsketch87: Hello Fin [00:07:11] Jens_LN: RIP Hearphone fellas [00:07:12] conradwithak: haiiii [00:07:12] macyeeter07: eeyyyy [00:07:12] Vanimal2118: Vanimal2118 gifted a Tier 1 sub to LyssieXD! They have given 93 Gift Subs in the channel! [00:07:12] f3mmbot: vanimal2118 has gifted a subscription to lyssiexd at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang lyssiexd f1nnLezgang [00:07:13] alex_5r1: you look good ! [00:07:13] mrs_mauss: HEYYYYYYYYYY [00:07:13] just_isla6: shock [00:07:13] Jayden_Reiko: Hi F1nn [00:07:14] SLN_Game: Cute shirt! 🩷 [00:07:14] drake_j0sh: FIMTER YEAAAAAHHHH [00:07:14] funkr4t: camera angle looks good! [00:07:14] cookiedough_lcecream: cookiedough_lcecream subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months! [00:07:15] f3mmbot: cookiedough_lcecream subscribed to f1nn5ter for 24 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:07:15] lillifer44: Heeyyyyy [00:07:16] Mikayla_Alexis: Hiii fimter [00:07:16] mrs_mauss: HEYYYYYYYYY [00:07:17] ronin_5463: Lighting lookin good [00:07:17] Flamestorm592: Cheer1 [00:07:17] HidingTheLight: emiruSUBS [00:07:17] nilith__: reminder to our friends (cuz my alarm just went off) it might be HRT time for you too ! [00:07:17] hwg_hannah: You have my chair!!!!! [00:07:17] olivia_1998_norway: Hhhiiiiiiiiiii ❤️❤️❤️❤️ [00:07:17] AeitZean: Looking great hon f1nnHeart [00:07:17] DarrigoTR: House guest left? [00:07:18] barrenchatt: Oh my I was playing on reddit now Jude shows joy TransgenderPride [00:07:18] mrs_mauss: HEYYYYYYYYYY [00:07:18] Ephemeral_001: hiiiiii [00:07:19] happybiscuitfr: Rare moments in Finn history [00:07:20] simplejack42069: LETS GO [00:07:20] mrs_mauss: HEYYYYYYYYYYHEYYYYYYYYYY [00:07:20] fireman156b: WHAT?? I WAS GONE FOR 5 YEARS, WHO IS THIS WOMAN? WHERE IS F1NN???? [00:07:20] phoenix_30998: hey [00:07:21] liz_8626: CAp [00:07:21] xXLonexWolfXxLw: Is that a New camera Angle? [00:07:21] mrs_mauss: HEYYYYYYYYYY [00:07:22] BeeBeeBumblin: Gender gang~ [00:07:22] gibbon66: hey gamer [00:07:23] shack_baggerdly: cute moe gap [00:07:23] Kolateak_: Gaymers [00:07:24] honeysquares: it’s nice [00:07:24] Nitzkit8: chats so SMOL [00:07:25] atlasmars_: HELL0 [00:07:25] Falstaff1984: how did you prep? [00:07:25] Vanimal2118: What? [00:07:25] ogshaylahstone: woop woop police just past by caseyk3Parrot [00:07:26] drake_j0sh: Gyat [00:07:26] ChristinaGaymes: christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love [00:07:26] mrs_mauss: HEYYYYYYYYYY [00:07:26] bearpaw1970: So awesome [00:07:27] aleryon__: nice outfit! [00:07:27] blueskydrinking: more shrill tbh KEKW [00:07:27] NyxGoneRogue: Super cute shirt!!!!! [00:07:28] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: HEYA GAEMER [00:07:28] Scrooge_McBong: nice!🥰 Mommy Bro!😎 [00:07:28] macyeeter07: there was a drag thing in my city and it was fun [00:07:28] popgoesbobi: TransgenderPride [00:07:30] surfers_: yooo wassup my very definately manly bro [00:07:31] LyssieXD: @Vanimal2118 Thanks for the gift sub!!!! WHAAAA [00:07:31] ashleyisidk: NO GENDER HAHAHAHAH [00:07:31] SwitchLeafe: hi dude how ya doing [00:07:32] Stovamor: No you didn't, you liar @F1NN5TER [00:07:32] ronin_5463: Cute fit [00:07:33] lillifer44: Heyyyyyyyy [00:07:34] leesa0802: Neatly yea [00:07:34] Stovamor: No you didn't, you liar @F1NN5TER [00:07:34] NyxGoneRogue: 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ [00:07:34] Stovamor: No you didn't, you liar @F1NN5TER [00:07:36] Flamestorm592: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:07:38] scarlettyg: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [00:07:38] zombiii: zombiii subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! got an appointment about gender things this week. i blame you [00:07:38] f3mmbot: zombiii subscribed to f1nn5ter for 17 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:07:39] johnkeiwo: lying whore ! [00:07:40] SmilesLikeKreizy: What are we doing todayyy [00:07:40] redprismey: Cool fit [00:07:40] autosoft6483: ello [00:07:40] BlaireBearStare: It works [00:07:42] Mikayla_Alexis: Looks good ♡ [00:07:42] Vanimal2118: Prepare 4 a Stream? [00:07:43] olivia_1998_norway: Hello from norway ❤️❤️ [00:07:44] MadAmber06: love the look and the room [00:07:44] alex_5r1: prepared, yeah [00:07:45] TimABar: TimABar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months! 25 months. Neat [00:07:45] f3mmbot: timabar subscribed to f1nn5ter for 25 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:07:46] xXNeroZashiXx: Hello Chat and Mods, 👋 Hope you're doing well today VirtualHug [00:07:46] minitruck4lyfe: This month girl month? [00:07:46] djsketch87: How's tank [00:07:47] drake_j0sh: Great choker [00:07:47] liz_8626: I can smell your lies from Spain [00:07:47] gibbon66: Fixed computer? [00:07:49] The_Riptide_System: The_Riptide_System subscribed at Tier 1. [00:07:50] f3mmbot: the_riptide_system subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang the_riptide_system f1nnLezgang [00:07:50] happybiscuitfr: LUL [00:07:51] NyxGoneRogue: BisexualPride BisexualPride GenderFluidPride GenderFluidPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride GayPride GayPride [00:07:51] jules897_: f1nnTankhat [00:07:52] BlaireBearStare: Hell yeah! [00:07:53] hatredslasher: Cheer100 [00:07:53] rng_ruben5020: hiiiii finally in the streammmmmm [00:07:54] scarlettyg: The gremlin is a lying liar who lies KEKW [00:07:55] electric_cicada: finn being professional [00:07:55] jaovitubr: Nice jobs finn [00:07:56] bfredl: not great, not terrible [00:07:57] general_of_cm: who are you and what did U do with f1nn [00:07:58] leesa0802: Took you 5 hours to start [00:07:58] f0rrest_f1re: What's going on bro sis? [00:08:02] Lucasphpo: The hair looks so beautiful cellD cellA [00:08:02] simplejack42069: Based [00:08:03] zebrabbl396: f1nnMakeupcheck [00:08:03] gibbon66: Fuuuuuuuck [00:08:06] XENOMAN5: @rng_ruben5020 welcome [00:08:06] SLN_Game: bro I literally got an ad straight away idk what you said [00:08:07] electric_cicada: lol [00:08:07] ronin_5463: Is that a new shirt btw? [00:08:10] Vanimal2118: U look pretty [00:08:11] AeitZean: Even 10 mins before counts as preparing LUL LUL [00:08:15] eris_tran: I need to buy myself a collar like yours [00:08:15] dudeitsdanielfr: I LOVE UR CHOKER!! [00:08:17] Nitzkit8: messed with CHAT [00:08:19] chloel6x: chloel6x converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! [00:08:20] hatredslasher: hatredslasher subscribed with Prime. [00:08:20] f3mmbot: hatredslasher subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang hatredslasher f1nnLezgang [00:08:24] distractedcreative: I always tap the push notification right away, but am always too late to do the prediction. How early do you have to be? @chasingsol [00:08:25] UnnamedTransGirl: quiz show? [00:08:29] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:08:34] binkleofficial: binkleofficial subscribed with Prime. [00:08:34] f3mmbot: binkleofficial subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang binkleofficial f1nnLezgang [00:08:35] ChasingSol: @distractedcreative 30 minutes usually [00:08:35] Y0rk5h1r3: Mod Games? [00:08:39] hollow_xar: hollow_xar subscribed at Tier 1. [00:08:39] f3mmbot: hollow_xar subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang hollow_xar f1nnLezgang [00:08:41] Y0rk5h1r3: Wahoo [00:08:44] DefinitelyNotASlug: claire’s choker [00:08:46] Razor_Edge84: Finn vs modds chat wins [00:08:49] chippyshouseparty: i love your outfit [00:08:50] Merobiba_: Thanks for the sub! [00:08:50] ChasingSol: yes, we approve [00:08:50] grandpaladin1701: Ohh yeaaahh…. Mod Games! [00:08:51] JackWolf248: JackWolf248 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months, currently on a 20 month streak! [00:08:51] regular_enbymoth: Wahoo [00:08:51] f3mmbot: jackwolf248 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 22 months using Prime! PogU [00:08:51] Vanimal2118: Pay Mods? [00:08:52] Stovamor: YOPu lost everytime anyway @F1NN5TER [00:08:52] eris_tran: You look amazing [00:08:52] johnkeiwo: otherwise we would riot and unionize ! [00:08:52] Stovamor: YOPu lost everytime anyway @F1NN5TER [00:08:52] general_of_cm: f1nnKnife [00:08:56] drake_j0sh: Stop being cheap and pay yer mods [00:08:56] blueskydrinking: who doesn't love a mod battle royale? [00:08:59] electric_cicada: we need gambles [00:09:03] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER You came prepared ? ... Who are you, and what did you do to our Gender-Gremlin? [00:09:04] Y0rk5h1r3: You're gonna play them in Civ VII? [00:09:04] ronin_5463: Smh old F1nn would enter them in the hunger games [00:09:05] johnpnicholls1122: Hello finn. People too [00:09:06] scarlettyg: For any game he loses, F1nn has to take another dose of E [00:09:08] particle_zero: mod gladiator pit goes hard though [00:09:08] lunar_the_furry: make them battle to live [00:09:10] bearpaw1970: Love the flowing over top [00:09:11] leesa0802: Ooo, I'll pee my pants in a mo [00:09:12] minitruck4lyfe: Is this Girl Month? [00:09:14] BlaireBearStare: Mods Squidgame? [00:09:15] hatredslasher: you got a nice outfit today [00:09:16] gibbon66: gimble [00:09:16] liz_8626: Mod Union when? [00:09:18] blackangelgodrod: you gay [00:09:22] justanotherpiccplayer: evening fellas i hope everyone is well [00:09:22] Jayden_Reiko: f1nnNomods Mods.. gamba? [00:09:23] bfredl: @scarlettyg lmao such "punishment" [00:09:23] olivia_1998_norway: You are so pretty ❤️❤️😇 [00:09:24] Razor_Edge84: If the mods win do you finally have to feed them? [00:09:24] montocandy: Oh no [00:09:24] Bobbikatt: Mod mud wrestling? [00:09:24] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: INTO THE ROMAN ARENA [00:09:26] MrCookie_Floof: “September” by Earth, Wind & Fire | “Dancing in the Moonlight” by Jübel & NEIMY | “Fireflies” by Owl City all remind me of F1nn. [00:09:28] hawkbigguy: am i smarter than a femboy? what if i am a femboy? [00:09:29] ashleyisidk: YIPPEE [00:09:29] atlasmars_: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [00:09:30] distractedcreative: @chasingsol thanks! [00:09:31] blindcube: good morning. I hope you’re doing well 🌞✌🏼 [00:09:31] Vanimal2118: Battle 2 the death Mods? [00:09:33] blaxfruitgrinding: Firts stream ive chimed into in a little while epic so far xd [00:09:34] SpawnInsane: jway happens if u lose [00:09:35] ronin_5463: f1nnMonka [00:09:36] SeriousMental: lilimaRuzzz [00:09:38] BlaireBearStare: The mods have to play Squid Game confirmed [00:09:38] SpawnInsane: what* [00:09:38] NyxGoneRogue: @f1nn5ter Hey you! how’s Tank doing? [00:09:40] tennessee_tuxeedo: plan12Hi [00:09:42] drake_j0sh: 1£ mod vs 1 000 000£ mod [00:09:43] theoriginalsiner: oh nooo [00:09:44] olivia_1998_norway: I LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️ [00:09:44] undead_bandit452: What is up with me getting twitch notifications minutes later than I should [00:09:46] Ephemeral_001: Ephemeral_001 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! if you lose the game you lose the estrogen heh [00:09:46] f3mmbot: ephemeral_001 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:09:53] hwg_hannah: If they get fired, can I apply instead? [00:09:54] blackangelgodrod: research [00:09:55] Y0rk5h1r3: Imagine if F1nn loses and gets fired from his own channel LUL [00:09:55] leesa0802: What's your version of a mod..? [00:09:55] VezraTV: i love you but you give me extreme disphoria [00:09:56] neingeben: i love the outfit rn [00:09:59] atlasmars_: Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:10:01] my_queues: Jeopardy? [00:10:02] tommy_1110: Hey mods did you know you guys have rights. The constitution says you do [00:10:06] endanabanananana: cu-ntrys ppl 💕 [00:10:07] Vanimal2118: So @nothitch did all the work? Got it. [00:10:08] fae_the_luna_moth: Hay f1nn first time catching a stream, how ya doing? [00:10:13] Dethiccated: Cool, like name a country starting with B? [00:10:14] FirstFireKeeper: @drake_j0sh i love seeing people put the £ behind the number LUL [00:10:14] RazzberriShadow: OMG IT FIMTER!! HIII yocciAyaya yocciAyaya yocciHi yocciHeart [00:10:14] brett54k: FallHalp FallCry FallWinning [00:10:15] lillifer44: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:10:18] Stovamor: @tommy_1110, we're not all in the US, so that doesn't work [00:10:19] ashleyisidk: DinoDance [00:10:20] Vanimal2118: vanima3YIPPIE2 [00:10:20] ronin_5463: And I said "Promise?" [00:10:21] ZFJinxed: Morning lil cunt [00:10:26] infinate_love972: I’ve been watching you for a while and I’ve been wondering if I should start being a femboy?? [00:10:29] Shiznita: Cheer100 Hello! What's the difference between the english tag and the English tag o.o? [00:10:29] kirpoop: itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype itspea13Blahajhype [00:10:31] drake_j0sh: F1NN game show??? [00:10:35] distractedcreative: That laugh tho [00:10:36] fireman156b: F1nn has become a woman? Damn, time flies, I've been gone for like 5 years or so and this happened, I hope smpearth is still around [00:10:36] bunnyyybrawler: Hiiiiiiiii [00:10:38] hwg_hannah: I'm adhd, I'm game [00:10:39] duserikkjedennamelinge: ur anoing [00:10:42] ChasingSol: $5,000 [00:10:43] teagan_989: this is my fist time in chat [00:10:43] Vanimal2118: Vanimal2118 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZFJinxed! They have given 94 Gift Subs in the channel! [00:10:43] f3mmbot: vanimal2118 has gifted a subscription to zfjinxed at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang zfjinxed f1nnLezgang [00:10:43] ZFJinxed: How's life!!! [00:10:45] ahornalpaka: oh hey. this chat time is nice [00:10:46] YumeNoZen: @ZFJinxed, Biiiitch. <3 [00:10:46] enbyvee: @ZFJinxed hehe hi bitch [00:10:47] VezraTV: a prize for what [00:10:49] ronin_5463: 500 cigarettes [00:10:50] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: battlepass pics [00:10:52] lara_raawr: xbox [00:10:53] mrs_mauss: 10 gifted [00:10:53] Darkstrikenet: £1000 [00:10:53] SymhDG: 100$ amazon card [00:10:53] ZFJinxed: @Vanimal2118 LOOK AT ME, IM COOL! [00:10:53] Helen_Croft: You send them a blahaj [00:10:53] Smiling_Shelly: Hi Warden [00:10:53] ashleyisidk: YOUR SOUL [00:10:54] mintymazing: 1 million beers [00:10:54] UnnamedTransGirl: a really big cake [00:10:56] bearpaw1970: So awesome 👋 hi there Warden [00:10:56] 81Batman: f1nnGremlin [00:10:56] BlaireBearStare: Free sub [00:10:57] monkegainmg: are you gayer than a femboy [00:10:57] DarrigoTR: Cheer100 [00:10:57] Dethiccated: Body pillow as price? [00:10:59] distractedcreative: Winner holds the key to the containment unit [00:10:59] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: why eco lol [00:10:59] Ruglund6230: @ZFJinxed demure bitch [00:10:59] endanabanananana: uhm a custom engraved trophy from local shop [00:11:00] WuppieF: a pebble [00:11:01] xXLonexWolfXxLw: @ZFJinxed Morning Brat [00:11:01] V3t3r4n69: yeeLurk crumpHypertap [00:11:01] Nitzkit8: tiny voice [00:11:01] ZFJinxed: @YumeNoZen yume <3 [00:11:01] imaprsn: money feels like the easy prize to give [00:11:02] VezraTV: sup warden [00:11:02] thealexisproject20: thealexisproject20 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Yay [00:11:02] f3mmbot: thealexisproject20 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [00:11:03] blueskydrinking: Wardy! [00:11:03] hawkbigguy: pog omg [00:11:03] Sht1k: Battle pass for life? [00:11:04] leesa0802: Where's Ashley [00:11:04] ChasingSol: hiya @wardenboo [00:11:04] mrs_mauss: free lunch [00:11:04] enbyvee: lmao jinx isn't a VIP [00:11:05] johnkeiwo: warden W [00:11:06] blackangelgodrod: @ronin_5463 hey nah we want blunts [00:11:06] f0rrest_f1re: Your femboy make ups? [00:11:07] hwg_hannah: Femboy makeover [00:11:07] ZFJinxed: @enbyvee veee <3 [00:11:10] pro_gamer10069: Hi @f1nn5ter I'm kinda questioning if I'm a femboy or not and I'm just curious how do you know if you are one [00:11:11] johnpnicholls1122: Finn fit check. I was late in [00:11:13] brett54k: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:11:14] rev_yellow: hi all! [00:11:14] Darkstrikenet: Hi jinx [00:11:14] YumeNoZen: @enbyvee, I'm not a VIP either. Sadge. [00:11:16] Y0rk5h1r3: Warden, are Mods in prison? [00:11:17] n3bulahhh: lmao 500 cigarettes [00:11:18] ZFJinxed: @Darkstrikenet hiiii [00:11:19] liz_8626: Is Warden in a cathedral? [00:11:21] MrCookie_Floof: hai Warden! [00:11:23] djsketch87: cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 [00:11:24] Silraa: Hi Jinx [00:11:25] XENOMAN5: 9 head pats? [00:11:26] ahornalpaka: nice fit [00:11:26] trans_carolyn: Doll of F1nn5ter [00:11:30] bunnyyybrawler: <3 <3 [00:11:30] V3t3r4n69: your make up is great as always yeeLove crumpLove [00:11:31] Hedgy908: swetWIGGLE swetWIGGLE [00:11:31] undead_bandit452: F1nn trying so hard to find a sub then [00:11:33] toolaenima: toolaenima subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! pattyLove [00:11:34] f3mmbot: toolaenima subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:11:34] bearpaw1970: What type ' meatball's BLT? [00:11:35] ironhydra: ironhydra subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months! 19 months woo, btw cute fit [00:11:35] f3mmbot: ironhydra subscribed to f1nn5ter for 19 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:11:35] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: 20 GIFTED AS REWARD [00:11:37] UnnamedTransGirl: I waxed my face today. it did not hurt as bad as I expected [00:11:37] fireman156b: Also, where is the gunky old minecrafter room? What have I missed? [00:11:38] MaybeEmmaline: PowerUpL MercyWing1 TransgenderPride MercyWing2 PowerUpR [00:11:41] ronin_5463: Five. Hundred. Cigarettes [00:11:42] Y0rk5h1r3: Thanks @vanimal2118 f1nnHeart [00:11:42] ChasingSol: @littlechasiu is head mod now [00:11:46] YumeNoZen: Chasiu is your head mod now, nerd. [00:11:46] Vanimal2118: Kind of? [00:11:49] ashleyisidk: SUBtember [00:11:51] ZFJinxed: What.. Of all the mods... Stov is your top mod!? [00:11:53] ImYuki_san: questioin how can i be smarter then a femboy if i am a femboy [00:11:54] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: LOL [00:11:54] Bulldog85043: Nice fit F1NN :) [00:11:55] bearpaw1970: Hey Yume [00:11:55] atlasmars_: LMAO [00:11:56] m3talfirebreath2k21: Hii finn [00:11:56] YumeNoZen: @Stovamor, is still gonna kick your ass. [00:11:57] johnkeiwo: wait a minute ! [00:11:58] Aedthryth: Aedthryth subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! [00:11:58] f3mmbot: aedthryth subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [00:11:59] AISOI: Cheer200 do you know about the cs2 tournament scam? [00:12:02] leesa0802: I think your version of a mod is different to mine, look it up ... [00:12:03] hawkbigguy: loser becomes wamen KEKW [00:12:04] sonic9242: hi Finn [00:12:06] johnkeiwo: but sara is already on E § [00:12:07] MrCookie_Floof: @fireman156b you’ve missed A LOT [00:12:07] VezraTV: yea [00:12:09] Falqun: @ZFJinxed, jinx! you brat! :3 [00:12:10] MrKafay: cute [00:12:12] Ephemeral_001: cute! [00:12:12] barrenchatt: Put them on blockers for 30 days [00:12:12] ChasingSol: @hawkbigguy that's not losing... [00:12:13] distractedcreative: Not bad! [00:12:13] MaybeEmmaline: Oh man, Loser has to take E? Can I play???? [00:12:14] mrs_mauss: WWWWWWW [00:12:14] ashleyisidk: SOUL YOUR SOUL [00:12:15] zebrabbl396: Yes [00:12:16] OHMichelleOH: yay! did I catch one early! [00:12:16] kitynh: cute [00:12:16] mrs_mauss: cutie [00:12:18] bearpaw1970: Cute [00:12:18] d4t33n: d4t33n subscribed with Prime. [00:12:18] ZFJinxed: @Falqun zfjinxLoading zfjinxLoading [00:12:18] f3mmbot: d4t33n subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang d4t33n f1nnLezgang [00:12:18] bfredl: the cis male urge to punish yourself with estrogen [00:12:19] BlaireBearStare: Niice [00:12:19] lillifer44: Cute [00:12:19] Stovamor: well done to the people who voted for 4-8 minutes [00:12:20] charcharcharliee: so cute!! [00:12:20] olivia_1998_norway: 😍😍😍😍😍 [00:12:21] Stovamor: well done to the people who voted for 4-8 minutes [00:12:21] VezraTV: where did you get that overshirt [00:12:22] braddle172: itspea13Wow [00:12:22] ashleyisidk: YOOOOOOO [00:12:22] m3talfirebreath2k21: m3talfirebreath2k21 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Fuck yeahhh [00:12:22] muddymudkip15: Cute [00:12:22] f3mmbot: m3talfirebreath2k21 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:12:23] SaviorKnightLive: sexy [00:12:23] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: adam sandler + estrogen [00:12:23] YumeNoZen: Fimter is dumbbbbbb. [00:12:23] V3t3r4n69: is it a Jersey? [00:12:23] yossi1_: Hi [00:12:24] dudeitsdanielfr: LMAOAOAO [00:12:24] DarrigoTR: inside out [00:12:24] bigrigga234: cutieeeee [00:12:25] alex_5r1: i like it [00:12:25] RazzberriShadow: Nailed it tbh [00:12:26] ShipCaptainDJ: emeleaSH emeleaEE emeleaEE emeleaSH [00:12:27] TimABar: Cool [00:12:27] UnnamedTransGirl: So just Adam Sandler [00:12:28] insidecchaos: LMAO [00:12:28] ishii987: brand new sentences [00:12:29] bunnyyybrawler: Cute [00:12:30] johnpnicholls1122: Cute [00:12:31] autosoft6483: hell ya [00:12:31] Ephemeral_001: VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo [00:12:31] taeyukki: cuteee [00:12:32] Hedgy908: Adam Sandler is the pinnacle of drip [00:12:33] neingeben: combo works so nice [00:12:33] Y0rk5h1r3: Crop over shirt [00:12:33] miya_lovely: Looser does sit-ups or pushups [00:12:34] MrCookie_Floof: me like skirt [00:12:34] themcguy77: cuteeeee [00:12:34] V3t3r4n69: off the shoulder is cute [00:12:35] endanabanananana: an engraved trophy, like the kind you get for participating in baseball as a child [00:12:36] general_of_cm: isnt Adam Sandler already slutty [00:12:36] teagan_989: dam [00:12:37] funkeyaimes: shouldn’t it be winner has to take E? [00:12:37] GreenDaisy_: Adam sandler or lesbian [00:12:38] shadowflame73: mods beat you they choose outfit for future stream, you win they give you subs? [00:12:39] rev_yellow: um.....slutty..... [00:12:39] PanRojek: it's look like japanese Haori [00:12:39] imaprsn: so that’s regular Adam Sandler [00:12:40] olivia_1998_norway: Danm, you are so sexy 😍😍😍 [00:12:41] Jens_LN: OMG - Is that Slutty Adam Sandler ??? [00:12:42] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: melink3Popcat melink3Popcat [00:12:44] f0rrest_f1re: When was the last time you talk with vlad? [00:12:45] happybiscuitfr: You look like, if Jezus was a femboy, would repent [00:12:46] Vanimal2118: Who's going to tell her Adam Sandler is a dude? [00:12:46] NuggetFox16: tuned in a the wrong time, Adam sander!? [00:12:46] monkegainmg: f1nnJAM [00:12:47] quartark: quartark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! yay [00:12:47] f3mmbot: quartark subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [00:12:47] SchnuffelEU: gadam [00:12:49] leesa0802: Loving the shitt [00:12:51] theplayfuldead: Adam Sandler is already so slutty wym 🥵 [00:12:52] drake_j0sh: Im tryna fit 10 things in a 2 men wip [00:12:53] ashleyisidk: KappaPride [00:12:53] hwg_hannah: Wait? Isn't adam Sandler slutty anyway? [00:12:54] Jayden_Reiko: Its so rare when you start in under 4 min @F1NN5TER [00:12:54] MrCookie_Floof: skirt go spinny for chat??!!!! plz?? [00:12:55] VezraTV: VezraTV subscribed with Prime. [00:12:55] f3mmbot: vezratv subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang vezratv f1nnLezgang [00:12:55] atlasmars_: pyro colab when [00:12:57] brett54k: f1nn [00:12:57] Dreamsmasher410: good morning everyone [00:12:57] undead_bandit452: "Now is this Adam Sandler or a lesbian" If you have ever seen them videos [00:12:58] blueskydrinking: the worst reply to that tweet was form Cow tbf [00:13:06] leesa0802: Love the shirt. [00:13:08] MaybeEmmaline: Yeaaaa I respected you until I saw you in a fur suit. F1nn go see a shrink babe [00:13:08] adaf321: hi [00:13:08] fireman156b: Pyro the male lesbian? [00:13:09] a_heshvm: SeemsGood [00:13:14] MartiniSLO: not the furrys WutFace [00:13:14] teagan_989: hay this is my first time here [00:13:15] blissfinder: Hey everyone [00:13:18] endanabanananana: Pyro is a bigger flamer than me and I suck dick for a living hun [00:13:19] enbyvee: wekk] [00:13:20] Marcus_Rasaan: Marcus_Rasaan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months, currently on a 20 month streak! Woohoo! [00:13:20] ronin_5463: 1nn's dumb pow [00:13:20] f3mmbot: marcus_rasaan subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:13:23] SpawnInsane: oh no a powerpoint [00:13:24] ImYuki_san: F1nn Im a Femboy How Am I Supposed To Be Smarter Then Myself [00:13:25] dillon1380: SeemsGood [00:13:27] XENOMAN5: @teagan_989 welcome [00:13:27] blueskydrinking: Professional Streamer ™️ [00:13:28] ashleyisidk: L [00:13:28] Miltop1G: yeah that furry pick was surprising [00:13:29] hawkbigguy: OMEGALUL [00:13:30] enbyvee: such precise screensharing huh [00:13:30] bfredl: femboy computer skillz [00:13:33] Vanimal2118: Where's ur Furry head trophy? [00:13:33] Carmajinn: oh no [00:13:33] Lucasphpo: Don't mention Twitter... I'm brazilian cellNAAAO [00:13:35] zebrabbl396: f1nnLaff [00:13:35] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: EPIC POWERPOINT [00:13:36] ZFJinxed: Wait.. They're making powerpoints... [00:13:39] lordbagel42: Am late what i miss [00:13:40] distractedcreative: Professional bimbo [00:13:41] drake_j0sh: Life's switched, now Im young and rich [00:13:42] OstentatiousMongoose: scuffed as usual KEKW [00:13:43] HidingTheLight: LUL [00:13:45] ronin_5463: Vortex transition or Im unsubbing [00:13:46] leesa0802: Didn't think you needed a PowerPoint to prove you were dumb [00:13:46] ishii987: "are you smarter than a femboy" already am LuL [00:13:48] pikeplays69: All femboys are hackers [00:13:50] V3t3r4n69: KEKW [00:13:52] mystchevious1: questions about what? [00:13:52] MrCookie_Floof: thx Hitch! [00:13:54] autosoft6483: looks great [00:13:55] Ruglund6230: @ZFJinxed see how proffesional it can be [00:13:56] hwg_hannah: WHERES THE WORDART?! [00:13:57] endanabanananana: lololl [00:13:57] ShipCaptainDJ: You look more like white *** [00:13:57] johnkeiwo: EWWW [00:13:58] V3t3r4n69: crumpNotes question about fucking [00:13:59] awesome0733: awesome0733 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! 23 months pog [00:13:59] f3mmbot: awesome0733 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 23 months using Prime! PogU [00:14:00] mystchevious1: Chasiu would shool you soo hard [00:14:04] drake_j0sh: Redstone quizz stream plzzz [00:14:05] Marcus_Rasaan: Choo Chooo YouMissed [00:14:05] mystchevious1: Love you though [00:14:06] axe1970: axe1970 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months, currently on a 41 month streak! 41 months yey [00:14:06] f3mmbot: axe1970 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 41 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:14:07] Helen_Croft: Tell us about Python @F1NN5TER [00:14:07] LightOfCarla: Yes I am smarter than a femboy, I am the final form of one [00:14:08] ZFJinxed: @Ruglund6230 Don't you dare compare me to f1nn D:< [00:14:10] V3t3r4n69: I could’ve asked Minecraft question crumpGiggle [00:14:16] MartiniSLO: U know coding?! [00:14:24] VezraTV: say, what is your favorite clothing brand? [00:14:25] djsketch87: Cheer100 [00:14:25] dundiedoug: @MartiniSLO everyone knows, ai will do it [00:14:26] rev_yellow: I always when when the questions are about religion [00:14:30] NuggetFox16: Got my first thigh highs yesterday and I’m thriving [00:14:35] Razor_Edge84: Just because you got the socks, dont mean you can beat the mods in coding. [00:14:35] Dreamsmasher410: looking beautiful as always finn [00:14:35] hwg_hannah: Talk python to me F1nn Kreygasm [00:14:36] VezraTV: YouMissed [00:14:37] grandpaladin1701: Let’s Go! [00:14:37] hatredslasher: that is what you got down there finn [00:14:38] YumeNoZen: @ZFJinxed, You're both cute. [00:14:39] Lucridis: Golden Balls was the split or steal show [00:14:39] alex_5r1: yes [00:14:40] MrCookie_Floof: balls? [00:14:40] my_queues: That was my nickname in highschool [00:14:40] Vanimal2118: Balls of Gold? [00:14:40] ChasingSol: HI YOUTUBE [00:14:41] dillon1380: yep [00:14:41] dundiedoug: LET's go [00:14:42] Melxdyyxo: READYYYYYY [00:14:44] macyeeter07: watching this with my new Balham run [00:14:44] Ruglund6230: @ZFJinxed would not dare, we both now whos better [00:14:44] Jens_LN: Go go go [00:14:45] ashleyisidk: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:14:45] ZFJinxed: @YumeNoZen zfjinxPoag zfjinxPoag zfjinxPoag [00:14:45] Collarito: Collarito subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months! 40 months, loser has to play concord or dustborn for 2 hours [00:14:45] spookynemi: Hi, f1nn. wish I could watch the stream, but I'm busy at the moment but I hope you have a good night and I'll be in the next one. [00:14:45] f3mmbot: collarito subscribed to f1nn5ter for 40 months using Prime! PogU [00:14:46] drake_j0sh: YEAAAHHHH [00:14:48] Squirtally: Youtube time! [00:14:48] gibbon66: goooo [00:14:49] TMGSkeptic: HI YT [00:14:50] scarlettyg: HI YOUTOOB <3 [00:14:50] Helen_Croft: Hi YouTube [00:14:50] braddle172: f1nnCowjam [00:14:50] lillifer44: Hiii yt [00:14:50] letume: Hi YT! [00:14:51] imaprsn: YouTube Time!!!! 👏👏👏 [00:14:51] Y0rk5h1r3: Hey YouTube [00:14:51] testmecca: go go go [00:14:52] signefornow: hi yt [00:14:53] Vanimal2118: Balls YouTube! [00:14:53] Niekiip: ariannaJAM [00:14:53] lilygothdevil: wooo [00:14:53] Dekkia: i was here [00:14:54] funny_mayonnaise: Yay YouTube! [00:14:54] BlaireBearStare: Hi YT! [00:14:54] prince_ea_peel: HII YOUTUBE!!! [00:14:55] Valezifer: Hi Yt [00:14:56] V3t3r4n69: you know how to code? crumpNotes [00:14:56] LightOfCarla: epic [00:14:56] ZFJinxed: @Ruglund6230 ME zfjinxBongo [00:14:56] aaronmedic: hello [00:14:57] xXLonexWolfXxLw: @ZFJinxed You're right, We know who is better [00:14:57] aritheshadowqueen: HI YOUTUBEEEEE [00:14:57] Melxdyyxo: HIIIIII YT [00:14:57] canvaspainting: hi YT [00:14:57] zebrabbl396: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [00:14:58] signefornow: HIIIIIIII YT [00:14:58] XENOMAN5: hello YouTubers!! [00:14:58] mely_estradiol: Hi YT!!! [00:14:58] insidecchaos: HIII [00:14:58] Wombat_HUN: HIII [00:14:58] fireman156b: Shush [00:14:59] ashleyisidk: YOOOO [00:14:59] AviationAdri: OPMG HI YTTTT [00:14:59] Lucasphpo: Hey youtube! cellOI cellOI [00:15:00] surfers_: yooooooooo [00:15:00] lilygothdevil: HIYA YT [00:15:00] johnmichael91: let's go yt PogChamp [00:15:00] hollow_xar: Hi! [00:15:00] thunderstrike89: sup YT [00:15:00] LightOfCarla: three whole mods?!!? [00:15:01] phoenix_30998: Hi Yt [00:15:01] Ephemeral_001: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [00:15:02] Shiznita: Lets goooooooooooooo! [00:15:02] UnnamedTransGirl: TooYube [00:15:02] ChasingSol: yes [00:15:02] autosoft6483: heleo YT [00:15:02] tommy_1110: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:15:03] sunny_lilac12: hi yt!!! [00:15:03] lillifer44: Hi yt [00:15:03] RazzberriShadow: yocciSee yocciSee [00:15:03] teagan_989: o god [00:15:04] JamesGamesOfficial: HSCheers TwitchUnity TwitchLit [00:15:04] AmazingAspie: :D [00:15:04] Helen_Croft: Yes [00:15:04] SpawnInsane: LETS GOOO [00:15:04] MartiniSLO: lesgooo [00:15:04] hawkbigguy: hi YT :3 [00:15:04] V3t3r4n69: hi YouTube yeeWave [00:15:04] pianoismyforte_: Hey yt [00:15:05] Avaerus0: Hey YT [00:15:05] lilygothdevil: eeeee [00:15:05] n3bulahhh: The CHASE!!! LMAO [00:15:05] Chri55PBacon: hi YT [00:15:06] MrCookie_Floof: SUPPP [00:15:06] scarlettyg: I can see my house from here!!! [00:15:06] LightOfCarla: crazy [00:15:06] DarthDerpy_: HOI YOUTUBE! [00:15:07] ashleyisidk: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:15:07] regular_enbymoth: HII [00:15:07] kilikater: Hi :3 [00:15:07] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:15:07] lazyneji: hi yt [00:15:07] mintymazing: hi yt [00:15:07] f0rrest_f1re: Yo everything's [00:15:07] Helen_Croft: Hi YouTube [00:15:07] 0kamar: is this the chaser theme song loll [00:15:08] braddle172: Hi YT [00:15:09] Morphifer: hi future me [00:15:09] Ephemeral_001: I LOVE IT [00:15:09] varietia: !socials [00:15:09] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [00:15:10] LightOfCarla: hi yt [00:15:10] muddymudkip15: f1nnCowjam hi yt f1nnCowjam [00:15:11] sunny_lilac12: Hi YT!!! [00:15:11] V3t3r4n69: hi mom crumpWave [00:15:12] mortelsson: You're out of focus [00:15:12] teagan_989: hi yt [00:15:12] XENOMAN5: YT YT YT [00:15:12] lilygothdevil: UWU [00:15:13] Ruglund6230: @ZFJinxed no comment [00:15:13] drake_j0sh: YOUTUBEEEE [00:15:13] Sakurawtf: I hope we have some banger questions about XZ-calculus or Interaction combinators :P [00:15:14] blueskydrinking: youtuber shouting in my ear KEKW [00:15:14] undead_bandit452: Hello yt [00:15:14] taeyukki: hi yt!!!! [00:15:15] tommy_1110: vasimaExcite vasimaExcite vasimaExcite [00:15:16] krytanox: :3 [00:15:16] BlaireBearStare: Oh shit she’s choking [00:15:16] ashleyisidk: HI YOUTUBE MEEEEEE [00:15:17] blipblorpb: YOUTUBE DinoDance [00:15:17] Lana__Lane: @wardenboo <3 [00:15:18] Chri55PBacon: ight [00:15:18] Speederzzz: YOUTUBE HIIII [00:15:18] bearpaw1970: So good 👍😊 [00:15:18] glitchzinth: pfiveHype pfiveHype pfiveHype [00:15:18] thestream_stalker: NiceTry who else thought this emote was finn NiceTry NiceTry NiceTry NiceTry [00:15:21] ZFJinxed: What's Youtube [00:15:21] surfers_: YES YOU ARE [00:15:22] AstralRando: HI YT [00:15:22] NEOGIU: hewoo youtube! [00:15:22] MrCookie_Floof: HAI FUTURE MEEE [00:15:22] Y0rk5h1r3: Didn't Hitch make the questions? [00:15:22] blueskydrinking: TAKE TWO [00:15:23] hotteflotte_lol: :3 :3 :3 [00:15:24] teagan_989: ok [00:15:25] theorangepickmc: yo youtube fam [00:15:25] atlasmars_: EWWW [00:15:25] ChasingSol: hahahaha [00:15:26] V3t3r4n69: hey mom look I’m on the big screen crumpWave [00:15:26] general_of_cm: can we make bets [00:15:27] the_oracie: who isnt [00:15:27] ZFJinxed: THE FUCK [00:15:27] liz_8626: F1nn is gonna be last 100% [00:15:28] ssssmollpp: xd [00:15:28] aritheshadowqueen: aritheshadowqueen subscribed with Prime. [00:15:28] f3mmbot: aritheshadowqueen subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang aritheshadowqueen f1nnLezgang [00:15:29] YumeNoZen: John, flip his car. [00:15:29] Ephemeral_001: hi mom im on tv [00:15:29] ZFJinxed: CMON MATE [00:15:29] Marcus_Rasaan: youtube! wheeeeee [00:15:29] friendly_franci: hewwooo [00:15:30] blueskydrinking: X [00:15:30] imaprsn: Woo YouTube!!! [00:15:30] SpawnInsane: so u think [00:15:31] ShiroLee1029: eefinKissy [00:15:31] strangechef316: loser starts progesterone? [00:15:31] ZFJinxed: FUCK OFF [00:15:32] krytanox: :3 :3 [00:15:32] VezraTV: ew french [00:15:32] ogshaylahstone: the answer is one.... i win [00:15:33] atlasmars_: BOOOOOO [00:15:33] ronin_5463: Bar on the floor [00:15:34] hwg_hannah: *airhorn noises* *airhorn noises* [00:15:34] Merobiba_: f1nnHeadpat [00:15:34] rosabellewastaken: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 [00:15:34] krytanox: :3 [00:15:34] hawkbigguy: KEKW [00:15:35] UnnamedTransGirl: Wow, we got started in 15 minutes, this must be a record [00:15:35] rev_yellow: casual racism [00:15:35] mystchevious1: John is soo Smart you're in big trouble. [00:15:35] PassivelyAggressive: EZ POGGERS [00:15:36] Helen_Croft: Helen_Croft gifted 3 months of Tier 1 to Lana__Lane. They've gifted 803 months in the channel! [00:15:36] f3mmbot: helen_croft has gifted a subscription to lana__lane at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang lana__lane f1nnLezgang [00:15:36] mortelsson: No wait nevermind i was on 360p lol [00:15:37] ashleyisidk: RUSSIAN???? [00:15:38] macyeeter07: eeyyyy yt [00:15:39] djsketch87: I came put to my friends that I'm Bisexual Crossdresser [00:15:40] Razor_Edge84: Are u smarter then a femboy? Hopefully [00:15:40] Vanimal2118: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [00:15:40] theorangepickmc: hello future may [00:15:41] leesa0802: Most are smarter than a frenchman [00:15:41] teagan_989: your iq is 4 [00:15:42] LightOfCarla: idea?! [00:15:43] grandpaladin1701: Shots fired [00:15:44] drake_j0sh: Fimter LEGO building stream when? [00:15:45] hwg_hannah: Fuck the French! [00:15:45] zebrabbl396: f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye [00:15:45] MrCookie_Floof: Hi I’m French. (no I’m not) [00:15:46] LightOfCarla: you dont have ideas!? [00:15:48] notaboris: f1nnBingbong [00:15:51] atlasmars_: 🇫🇷🙅‍♀️ [00:15:52] VezraTV: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:15:52] blipblorpb: Easy [00:15:53] yahhav: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [00:15:53] f3mmbot: kalzir6969 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 13 months using Prime! PogU [00:15:54] gibbon66: Richer? No Hotter? No Smarter?........Maaaaybeeeee [00:15:57] MaybeEmmaline: PowerUpL MercyWing1 TransgenderPride MercyWing2 PowerUpR Let the BATTLE COMMENCE [00:16:00] lilygothdevil: I should be smarter than a femboy [00:16:01] VezraTV: f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile3 [00:16:05] imaprsn: very smart [00:16:05] MrCookie_Floof: screw up? huh? [00:16:07] f0rrest_f1re: Aren't french and brits equally the same? [00:16:08] taeyukki: almost there! [00:16:08] ZFJinxed: SEE @Ruglund6230 He's oubviously worst ... [00:16:09] LightOfCarla: clearly not as smart as a femboy [00:16:09] Farbse: Nearly worked well [00:16:16] Kolateak_: OMEGALUL [00:16:17] ChasingSol: ... [00:16:17] distractedcreative: Professional streamer 😂 [00:16:18] Curtismcc99: boy or girl? [00:16:23] ZFJinxed: @ChasingSol You chose him... [00:16:23] Alkno_93: Alkno_93 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months, currently on a 43 month streak! 46 months omg hello fin hope you and ashly are doing great [00:16:24] f3mmbot: alkno_93 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 46 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:16:24] mintymazing: W [00:16:24] Helen_Croft: @Curtismcc99 yes [00:16:25] YumeNoZen: @Curtismcc99 Yes and no. [00:16:25] Kolateak_: @Curtismcc99 Yes [00:16:26] the_oracie: there was a french guy who was walking round with 80% of his brain as liquid, and everyone thought he was just a little dull [00:16:27] varietia: Where do u get the 8 bit music playlist thing again wasn't there a link? [00:16:27] imaprsn: he’s smart, he promises [00:16:28] ashleyisidk: AAAAAAAAAA *poofs* [00:16:29] Vanimal2118: Kick her butt Mods! [00:16:29] Lana__Lane: @Helen_Croft Thanks for the gift sub! [00:16:30] hwg_hannah: You may now be smart, but you're pretty [00:16:31] AmazingAspie: you can see her brain turning so hard there [00:16:34] autosoft6483: MercyWing1 PowerUpR PartyHat PowerUpL MercyWing2 [00:16:37] Ruglund6230: @ZFJinxed its like watching a canadian im modding for [00:16:37] LightOfCarla: TAILS?! [00:16:37] Helen_Croft: @Lana__Lane f1nnHeart [00:16:37] liz_8626: @Curtismcc99, Yes [00:16:37] XENOMAN5: @curtismcc99 boy becoming girly [00:16:41] NuggetFox16: tech genius right here [00:16:42] yahhav: MercyWing1 PowerUpR PartyHat PowerUpL MercyWing2 [00:16:42] Valezifer: Gamble on Winner? [00:16:44] MrCookie_Floof: FACK!!! [00:16:45] KaijuPupper: I am listening to you within my motorcycle helmet lol [00:16:46] regular_enbymoth: @curtismcc99 depends [00:16:46] gibbon66: My boi is wicked smart......ish [00:16:47] Loelinverse: Loelinverse subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months, currently on a 21 month streak! I think for us are overdue with kids, and I think it’s time to name dogs. [00:16:47] Jens_LN: PREDICTION ? [00:16:48] f3mmbot: loelinverse subscribed to f1nn5ter for 35 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:16:52] Methosuu: why the quack you have man voice, this is deepfake or what [00:16:52] drake_j0sh: Womp womp fimter [00:16:52] YumeNoZen: F1nn, why would I be on your side? [00:16:52] ZFJinxed: Good point, How do we bet on this?" [00:16:52] fae_the_luna_moth: first time catching a stream may not be able to stay for long cuz calling gf in abit but good to see you [00:16:53] Falstaff1984: so the looser has to do what [00:16:54] f0rrest_f1re: LUL [00:16:54] zebrabbl396: f1nnCool f1nnCool [00:16:55] kitynh: welp [00:16:59] Curtismcc99: @xenoman5 slay queen [00:16:59] tommy_1110: Mods for the win [00:17:00] Razor_Edge84: We're on our points side [00:17:01] yahhav: f1nnCool f1nnCool [00:17:03] gibbon66: Poll time!!!!! [00:17:03] ChasingSol: Wait, we're supposed to be nice to you and stuff? [00:17:05] CaisemGreen: GO FINNN!!!!! [00:17:06] MrCookie_Floof: IM ON UR SIDE @f1nn5ter [00:17:07] ronin_5463: Your arms are looking especially muscle-less today f1nnHeart KEKW [00:17:07] blueskydrinking: no, those would be dogshit odds tbf. like the smart money is on the mods [00:17:07] enbyvee: loser has to go to Birmingham [00:17:07] mintymazing: the loser gets a trip to luton [00:17:08] Scrooge_McBong: ill bet on that booty [00:17:10] f1nnster01: ween [00:17:11] teagan_989: the mod are going to win [00:17:11] imaprsn: “why are you betting I’m not smart!?” as he closes everything [00:17:12] rev_yellow: I'm on everyone's side [00:17:13] pikeplays69: Birmingham Albama [00:17:16] Y0rk5h1r3: Chat isn't here for Femboy intellect LUL [00:17:16] Helen_Croft: !caps @ZFJinxed [00:17:17] f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! [00:17:20] Vanimal2118: Ewe Americans [00:17:21] ImYuki_san: im not smarter then myself f1nn [00:17:21] ZFJinxed: @Helen_Croft D:< [00:17:21] idesofjuno: HypeHai [00:17:22] imka1i: BALLS [00:17:24] hwg_hannah: *airhorn noises* [00:17:24] genderenjoyer666: currently starting a femboy yaoi play through in Stardew Valley [00:17:24] ssssmollpp: winner gets f1nn to be their maid for a day [00:17:26] LightOfCarla: finn is learning how to be a twitch streamer after over 3 years [00:17:27] leesa0802: I used to be a mod, still have my US Army parka [00:17:29] Varen_grey: Varen_grey subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! I love these streams [00:17:29] f3mmbot: varen_grey subscribed to f1nn5ter for 9 months using Prime! PogU [00:17:32] highforlife_: Brummies the best LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:17:34] Ruglund6230: @ZFJinxed tsk tsk tsk tabernac [00:17:36] enbyvee: good [00:17:36] Merobiba_: f1nnGremlin [00:17:37] drake_j0sh: Great [00:17:38] ZFJinxed: It's good [00:17:38] Kolateak_: Sound good [00:17:38] distractedcreative: Good [00:17:39] MartiniSLO: @rev_yellow ofc your neutral ResidentSleeper [00:17:39] enbyvee: tabernac! [00:17:39] Jens_LN: it's there [00:17:40] heyimf1dg3t: good so far [00:17:41] imaprsn: 👍👍👍 [00:17:42] gibbon66: ok [00:17:42] f0rrest_f1re: It's ok [00:17:42] izedbros: Yes [00:17:42] bearpaw1970: Good [00:17:42] Alkno_93: great [00:17:42] Smiling_Shelly: good [00:17:42] tommy_1110: good [00:17:42] Methosuu: e [00:17:43] leesa0802: Sounds OK 👍 [00:17:43] theamazingspidersoup: Were so back bitches [00:17:44] blueskydrinking: it's good [00:17:44] NuggetFox16: 👌👌 [00:17:44] rev_yellow: who is playing? [00:17:45] sunny_lilac12: good [00:17:45] ImYuki_san: u look sick today f1nn [00:17:46] phoenix_30998: good [00:17:46] mintymazing: theres defiantly sound [00:17:46] MrCookie_Floof: hello humans!!! [00:17:47] barrenchatt: sounds fine [00:17:47] abhishek_t87: Good [00:17:47] Vanimal2118: A+ Streamer [00:17:51] AstralRando: sound is good [00:17:51] Tinkergy: hai! [00:17:52] funny_mayonnaise: Good sound [00:17:52] Methosuu: why the heck you have man voice, this is deepfake or what [00:17:54] PEPEGAss__: veiSit [00:17:54] hwg_hannah: Well done [00:17:56] MrCookie_Floof: I can hear ppl [00:17:56] bigrigga234: hiii [00:18:01] Deoniced: yo [00:18:01] varietia: Is there an !music or something for the 8 bit stuff [00:18:02] theamazingspidersoup: this add is so weird istg [00:18:02] xXLonexWolfXxLw: F1nn is such a good streamer... [00:18:12] Stovamor: VOTE IN THE POLL [00:18:13] LazloNibble: this is like being employed again, every work meeting started with 10m of fiddling with the conferencing system [00:18:16] distractedcreative: F1nn trying so hard to look smart, but strugglin to get though the intro [00:18:17] Stovamor: VOTE IN THE POLL [00:18:17] LightOfCarla: this is intresting [00:18:17] Hyattmeister: moon2WUT [00:18:20] f0rrest_f1re: First!! l3wgGG [00:18:20] LightOfCarla: no one is ready [00:18:21] Sht1k: Sounds good but we don't know your mods by their voices [00:18:21] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:18:23] braddle172: lol [00:18:23] Chri55PBacon: okie [00:18:24] Jens_LN: Vote vote vote [00:18:25] leesa0802: Wtf... [00:18:26] idesofjuno: KEKW [00:18:27] Chri55PBacon: LUL [00:18:28] ChasingSol: haha [00:18:29] ZFJinxed: I wanted a Gambling poll Stov D:< [00:18:30] heyimf1dg3t: o7 [00:18:32] MrCookie_Floof: T?! [00:18:32] XENOMAN5: @methosuu genderfluid, born boy, looks like pretty girl, cusses like a sailor [00:18:32] andimax11: wooooo [00:18:33] teagan_989: lol [00:18:34] YumeNoZen: @Stovamor No betting points? [00:18:35] BlaireBearStare: *Que Hunger Games horn* [00:18:36] bananasandwich6969: mods should say who they are so we know their voice [00:18:37] Nitzkit8: the excitement is too MUCH [00:18:39] zombiii: winner picks your outfit for next stream? [00:18:40] theamazingspidersoup: bonjer [00:18:40] ChasingSol: professional streamer [00:18:42] ogshaylahstone: sharkn7Skel [00:18:44] gibbon66: u so smurt [00:18:45] kgober: so we're playing 20 questions then? [00:18:46] LightOfCarla: I killed them [00:18:46] hyrulianperson: ? [00:18:50] Vanimal2118: Vanimal2118 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jens_LN! They have given 95 Gift Subs in the channel! [00:18:50] f3mmbot: vanimal2118 has gifted a subscription to jens_ln at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang jens_ln f1nnLezgang [00:18:52] MapleLeafJake: T [00:18:53] distractedcreative: Feel better 😭 [00:18:53] Mikayla_Alexis: Lesss gooooo [00:18:54] HardyOrange: ooh I'm sick too! [00:18:55] liz_8626: @Sht1k Skill issue [00:18:57] MrCookie_Floof: Noooo!!!! [00:18:57] YumeNoZen: I will bet ALL of my points on the mods winning. [00:18:58] Ephemeral_001: g [00:18:58] ogshaylahstone: n [00:18:58] LightOfCarla: stov [00:19:02] leesa0802: I'm waxing my legs, bear with me... [00:19:04] gibbon66: turn donos off [00:19:04] Dethiccated: if answer is wrong, someone else gets a chance? [00:19:05] Agrena: stov is a MAN? [00:19:05] ZFJinxed: What is a stov [00:19:05] hyrulianperson: i have litteraly no clue wot is going on here [00:19:09] ogshaylahstone: telly tubby [00:19:10] AmazingAspie: hi stov! [00:19:11] AnAnonymousGifter: An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheMuteSingerTM! [00:19:11] f3mmbot: ananonymousgifter has gifted a subscription to themutesingertm at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang themutesingertm f1nnLezgang [00:19:11] quartark: stov and ? and ? [00:19:13] Jens_LN: @Vanimal2118 Thanks you Vanna, for the gift sub, it is appreciated. :) [00:19:14] legoboy2346: hi mods [00:19:16] kokayn01: @kalzir6969 spam [00:19:16] hwg_hannah: Sick subs get fired [00:19:18] Vanimal2118: F1nn infecting Chat [00:19:20] boboseklo: smolbu2Silly smolbu2Nikozoom smolbu2Nikozoom [00:19:21] djsketch87: Kick butt [00:19:21] ChasingSol: haha [00:19:22] mystchevious1: Shouldn't Warden introcue them and say something about them? [00:19:24] ChasingSol: LMAO [00:19:24] gibbon66: bjour [00:19:24] hwg_hannah: Fuck [00:19:27] LightOfCarla: storv [00:19:27] Y0rk5h1r3: Didn't sound very French [00:19:27] barrenchatt: Take zinc and D3 early in the day :P [00:19:28] hwg_hannah: Mods [00:19:28] acutecrimson: acutecrimson subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months! 45 Months, I still remember when there was about 200 people watching. [00:19:28] f3mmbot: acutecrimson subscribed to f1nn5ter for 45 months using Prime! PogU [00:19:29] imaprsn: John!! [00:19:30] leesa0802: Bonjour bellend [00:19:32] drake_j0sh: Ewwws french [00:19:33] OETiger: OETiger gifted a Tier 1 sub to Hitch! They have given 2 Gift Subs in the channel! [00:19:33] f3mmbot: oetiger has gifted a subscription to hitch at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang hitch f1nnLezgang [00:19:34] Methosuu: @XENOMAN5 damn, that's crazy, more rgb bbq garbage [00:19:34] theamazingspidersoup: bonee journey [00:19:35] medical_size9000: Hey John and stov [00:19:37] bfredl: 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 [00:19:37] ChasingSol: HI SARA [00:19:38] ogshaylahstone: wee wee [00:19:38] TheMuteSingerTM: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub! [00:19:38] ronin_5463: Wazzappp [00:19:38] mystchevious1: OMG SARA!!!! [00:19:40] teagan_989: dam [00:19:40] distractedcreative: Hi Sara! [00:19:41] Jens_LN: Sarah is cool ! [00:19:45] sportynathor: Hi F1nn best wishes from Germany ❤️ You are the Best ❤️ [00:19:45] Some_Awe: i vote for sara [00:19:49] theamazingspidersoup: Hello Shara [00:19:51] drake_j0sh: Mala notícia mi gente [00:19:51] glitchzinth: pfiveCleo pfiveCleo pfiveCleo [00:19:52] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "Will the mods kick Finn's butt?": Yes with 287 votes (88.04%) [00:19:53] urzu0119: urzu0119 subscribed with Prime. [00:19:54] f3mmbot: urzu0119 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang urzu0119 f1nnLezgang [00:19:57] kitynh: So now i believe John will easily beat f1nn [00:19:57] taeyukki: hiii! [00:19:58] vesahar: does anybody else hear a high pitched tone from the stream or am I cooked? [00:19:58] Jens_LN: yay Warden [00:19:59] distractedcreative: Editors let'sg [00:20:01] BlaireBearStare: Quite the crew hell yeah [00:20:02] teagan_989: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [00:20:03] loyroy: finn makes me question my sexuality [00:20:04] Loelinverse: Ayeeee. [00:20:06] distractedcreative: Let's gooo editors!! [00:20:07] blueskydrinking: It's nice to hear the voices behind the banhammers KEKW [00:20:07] Loelinverse: wardennnnn [00:20:09] YumeNoZen: Bet on F1nn winning? Please? [00:20:09] Kolateak_: (he will not) [00:20:10] ChasingSol: @vesahar it's you [00:20:10] Nitzkit8: tiny voices except for stov [00:20:12] alex_5r1: f1nn for the win [00:20:15] ronin_5463: F1nn's new title is now Mr. Bosswhateverthefuck KEKW [00:20:15] MartiniSLO: rip f1nn [00:20:16] Ephemeral_001: rip [00:20:18] YumeNoZen: MAKE it a bet please? [00:20:18] PEPEGAss__: PEPEGAss__ subscribed with Prime. [00:20:18] f3mmbot: pepegass__ subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang pepegass__ f1nnLezgang [00:20:19] glitchzinth: @vesahar i don't hear one [00:20:19] medical_size9000: 39 ppl said mods will lose Kappa NotLikeThis Kappa NotLikeThis Kappa NotLikeThis [00:20:19] Vanimal2118: Boss? Give Warden Hazard Pay! [00:20:23] UnnamedTransGirl: blind [00:20:24] theamazingspidersoup: Yes won [00:20:25] tommy_1110: Family feud better version [00:20:27] theamazingspidersoup: yes wonnn [00:20:28] vesahar: @ChasingSol oh damn, tinitus probably or smt [00:20:28] leesa0802: Did the French have mods...? [00:20:29] Jens_LN: PREDICTION ??? @F1NN5TER [00:20:29] snikiturtul: snikiturtul subscribed at Tier 1. [00:20:29] f3mmbot: snikiturtul subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang snikiturtul f1nnLezgang [00:20:39] mystchevious1: Stov is a physicist. [00:20:39] teagan_989: that is way you have 4 iq [00:20:39] drake_j0sh: F1nn stop justifying your stupidness [00:20:40] Helen_Croft: !age [00:20:41] f3mmbot: F1nn is 24 years old. [00:20:42] Agrena: he is autism Nodders [00:20:43] fanconvet: it's 7 [00:20:44] distractedcreative: F1nn, you have too much brain rot [00:20:44] zombiii: the internet makes you dumber [00:20:44] ZFJinxed: "wasting their time" [00:20:47] Helen_Croft: 7 years ago @F1NN5TER [00:20:47] gothmark666: F1inn you are so cute [00:20:47] ronin_5463: You brain is soup by now [00:20:48] LightOfCarla: @drake_j0sh OMD [00:20:49] blueskydrinking: 7 years. Jesus it's not looking good NotLikeThis [00:20:49] Scrooge_McBong: cant count…🤔 [00:20:50] stockie_uk: excuses already before question one [00:20:50] ZeroMoneyGang: ZeroMoneyGang subscribed at Tier 1. [00:20:51] f3mmbot: zeromoneygang subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang zeromoneygang f1nnLezgang [00:20:52] zasto_fr: !socials [00:20:52] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [00:20:56] Farbse: Internet is only brainrot vids [00:20:57] Some_Awe: sneaky for sure [00:20:59] Vanimal2118: Biology? [00:21:00] ogshaylahstone: 2+2=5 [00:21:01] hwg_hannah: Education questions suck [00:21:03] olivia_1998_norway: Come to norway babe❤️😇 [00:21:03] zebrabbl396: f1nnHands f1nnHands f1nnHands [00:21:05] LightOfCarla: finn is gonna lose [00:21:05] ZFJinxed: Pro tip... You're fucked [00:21:06] UnnamedTransGirl: and you have autism so you have the hyperfixation bonus [00:21:07] Ruglund6230: more copium than even @ZFJinxed could make [00:21:07] leesa0802: Didn't teach Finns generation snything [00:21:08] strangechef316: we know you don’t know anything finn. you don’t even know you are a girl [00:21:08] mintymazing: its over [00:21:10] mia_ophelia: mia_ophelia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! [00:21:10] f3mmbot: mia_ophelia subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:21:10] teagan_989: finn you have 4 iq [00:21:11] LightOfCarla: finn isnt very smart [00:21:14] theamazingspidersoup: f1nn playing into the trans girl doesnt under stand biology stereotype [00:21:15] kitynh: tell us how to make redstone again, f1nn [00:21:15] MrCookie_Floof: Fuck!!! [00:21:16] hyrulianperson: 7+7=15 [00:21:16] mystchevious1: Gatcha questions? [00:21:18] YumeNoZen: Genshin? [00:21:20] f0rrest_f1re: Are you really only 24 years old? LUL [00:21:20] Stovamor: BET YOUR POINTS [00:21:21] Stovamor: BET YOUR POINTS [00:21:21] Stovamor: BET YOUR POINTS [00:21:27] alex_5r1: you can do it f1nn [00:21:28] Kolateak_: Fingers on the butter? [00:21:29] Agrena: hitch could roast finns since the cage deal [00:21:30] hwg_hannah: Butter [00:21:35] bfredl: fingers on the bütt [00:21:36] distractedcreative: F1nn - we love you, but not for your brain 😂 [00:21:39] mystchevious1: @YumeNoZen LOL you were thinking the same thing? and It's Honkai star now isn't it? [00:21:40] Ruglund6230: butterfingers [00:21:40] PEPEGAss__: @TheMuteSingerTM hiii bestieee veiWave [00:21:41] soggyvector: butter [00:21:42] Jens_LN: BET in the prediction guys 'n' gals ! [00:21:43] mintymazing: GAMBLING!!! [00:21:45] ZFJinxed: YAAAAAAAY! [00:21:46] sapphicflame: T [00:21:47] Helen_Croft: T [00:21:47] ZFJinxed: Gambling! [00:21:48] johnkeiwo: tea [00:21:49] ZFJinxed: T [00:21:50] Y0rk5h1r3: T [00:21:50] enbyvee: T, or tea? [00:21:51] Darkstrikenet: T [00:21:51] lillifer44: T [00:21:51] Vanimal2118: T [00:21:52] Agrena: T [00:21:53] SpawnInsane: tes [00:21:54] TheMuteSingerTM: T [00:21:54] ZFJinxed: Tea [00:21:54] sunny_lilac12: T [00:21:54] Some_Awe: elisHmm [00:21:55] nyxsh_: T [00:21:55] MrMopps: T??? Why not E? [00:21:55] drake_j0sh: Lets go Gambling! [00:21:55] Lana__Lane: Stov is old, so he's obviously the smartest [00:21:55] LightOfCarla: T [00:21:55] gothmark666: T [00:21:56] leesa0802: Wish I knew wtf was going on...? [00:21:56] whatyoueggxxxstabshim: Tea [00:21:56] braddle172: T [00:21:57] EmmaaCrossingg: T [00:21:57] thepowerwashnerd: r [00:21:59] Scrooge_McBong: Tt [00:22:00] Ephemeral_001: T [00:22:01] vibrant41: T [00:22:02] Ruglund6230: tea for two [00:22:03] vesahar: boston harbor [00:22:03] jon_low: T [00:22:03] MapleLeafJake: T [00:22:04] Everrwinter: T [00:22:04] olivermb16: t [00:22:04] tttuffy: T [00:22:04] VezraTV: T [00:22:04] hyrulianperson: t [00:22:05] hopalongtommy: T [00:22:05] ZFJinxed: EZ [00:22:05] BlaireBearStare: T [00:22:06] hwg_hannah: Shouldn't it be E for estrogen? [00:22:06] purpelyyy: t [00:22:08] Y0rk5h1r3: Russia? [00:22:08] YumeNoZen: I now have 29 channel points. [00:22:09] Vegaxys: T [00:22:09] quartark: t [00:22:09] xygam1ng: T [00:22:10] lordbagel42: T [00:22:10] elliewp: t [00:22:10] that_one_garden: oh gos [00:22:11] ASSITED_SUICIDE: Russia [00:22:11] drake_j0sh: DAMN [00:22:12] Lunaticwannabe: Tit-T [00:22:12] tttuffy: indonesia [00:22:12] AmazingAspie: wouldnt it be better to use E for estrogen :D [00:22:12] MrCookie_Floof: T [00:22:13] ChasingSol: lol [00:22:13] xygam1ng: TT [00:22:13] Scrooge_McBong: TT🤪 [00:22:13] industrialstrengthmoon: t [00:22:14] Its_Holtzzy: hawaii [00:22:14] LightOfCarla: yessss [00:22:15] xygam1ng: T [00:22:16] EmmaaCrossingg: a [00:22:17] teagan_989: lol [00:22:17] mqokss: The Vatican [00:22:17] hwg_hannah: Obvs [00:22:18] Ephemeral_001: lol [00:22:18] whatyoueggxxxstabshim: Gambia [00:22:18] vesahar: t [00:22:19] Incubus_the_Fox: easy [00:22:22] endanabanananana: lollll [00:22:22] MrCookie_Floof: correct. I know [00:22:22] kumaman7: it has more landmass than pluto lol [00:22:23] AmazingAspie: russia [00:22:24] liz_8626: Stov 1 [00:22:24] Kolateak_: That's like elementary school knowledge [00:22:25] ZFJinxed: WTF [00:22:26] bfredl: because they keep expanding [00:22:27] endanabanananana: it's SO BIG [00:22:28] mystchevious1: lol [00:22:28] ronin_5463: Whyd F1nn have to think abt it? KEKW [00:22:29] mintymazing: that ones easy [00:22:29] ZFJinxed: CMON [00:22:29] sasaa_86: look at a map [00:22:30] drake_j0sh: Bro its on 2 continents [00:22:30] Gtadicto1: that one is easy [00:22:31] f0rrest_f1re: URAA l3wgRage [00:22:32] teagan_989: ? [00:22:32] gibbon66: Stov wicked smurt [00:22:32] Vanimal2118: Canada? [00:22:32] thunderstrike89: lol [00:22:33] BlaireBearStare: It's frigin Eurasia [00:22:33] ZFJinxed: I'm SO MAD [00:22:34] MartiniSLO: yeah but 80% is frozen lol [00:22:38] Incubus_the_Fox: seriously [00:22:39] zebrabbl396: f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka f1nnMonka [00:22:39] elliewp: merica geography [00:22:39] RazzberriShadow: Canada? No we're #3 [00:22:40] teagan_989: bro you dom [00:22:41] MrCookie_Floof: Russia Canada USA China top 4 [00:22:42] MapleLeafJake: T [00:22:43] thepowerwashnerd: pangea [00:22:45] medical_size9000: Is it average between all mods or separate [00:22:48] blueskydrinking: oh this is gonna be bad KEKW [00:22:48] infinate_love972: T [00:22:49] alexg6464: Yesterday ezeggCEASE [00:22:51] EmmaaCrossingg: T [00:22:51] LazloNibble: eleven time zones [00:22:52] blazingphoenex: I got all my points on this [00:22:53] ProfaneCreation: KEKW [00:22:54] Ruglund6230: canada more like nonada [00:22:54] hyrulianperson: T [00:22:54] axe1970: canada has the most coastline [00:22:56] medical_size9000: For the mods to win [00:22:56] Scrooge_McBong: Russian its “big” just ask vlad! [00:22:58] YumeNoZen: .... lol [00:22:58] ASSITED_SUICIDE: 2017 [00:23:00] LazloNibble: ELEVEN [00:23:02] strangechef316: easiest channel points i ever won [00:23:02] distractedcreative: KEKW [00:23:03] ZFJinxed: Stov is a freaking stalking... Confirmed. [00:23:03] melostack: jesus [00:23:04] Jens_LN: POG [00:23:08] LightOfCarla: BRO [00:23:08] ronin_5463: KEKW [00:23:10] MartiniSLO: ok Kappa [00:23:10] ogshaylahstone: to be fair the world maps are off [00:23:11] Some_Awe: LOL [00:23:11] LightOfCarla: FINN BEING STALKED [00:23:12] Kolateak_: 💀 [00:23:13] endanabanananana: GIRL [00:23:14] thunderstrike89: damnn [00:23:17] Bromopar: I was going to guess 2019 sometime. lol. [00:23:17] SpawnInsane: LuL [00:23:17] Vanimal2118: RIP [00:23:18] Ex0dia5: the man brings receipts. [00:23:18] Gtadicto1: O.o [00:23:20] mystchevious1: OMG [00:23:20] MrCookie_Floof: lol [00:23:20] Y0rk5h1r3: Damn, Stov wrong [00:23:23] mystchevious1: That's Prep [00:23:23] leesa0802: Who has verified the answers [00:23:23] blaxfruitgrinding: lol [00:23:24] Kolateak_: OMEGALUL [00:23:25] vesahar: big oof [00:23:25] YumeNoZen: Preparing is fair. [00:23:26] mintymazing: no revision [00:23:26] bearpaw1970: Well..well ..well [00:23:26] TheAfricanBattleMage: my bday?? lets gooo lol [00:23:26] bananasandwich6969: 25th july 2019 on twitchtracker... [00:23:27] mintymazing: study [00:23:27] lillifer44: Lol [00:23:28] gibbon66: research [00:23:29] hwg_hannah: Research [00:23:29] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:23:29] mystchevious1: They didn't know the question. [00:23:29] Y0rk5h1r3: Stov doing revision LUL [00:23:29] thunderstrike89: lmaoo [00:23:30] quartark: BRO WAS REVISING [00:23:30] ronin_5463: Bro studied [00:23:30] AmazingAspie: research baby [00:23:30] ZFJinxed: Stov being big brain and stuff [00:23:31] Melxdyyxo: preparation [00:23:31] imaprsn: prep time [00:23:31] liz_8626: Stov did his prep [00:23:33] BlaireBearStare: The authority tho [00:23:33] endanabanananana: not cheating, he was studying [00:23:36] Gtadicto1: Big brain [00:23:38] mystchevious1: That's just studying Stov has had me look it up too. [00:23:38] conradwithak: he studied [00:23:39] distractedcreative: Everyone mad at stov for doing his research! [00:23:39] tommy_1110: That’s so smart [00:23:45] MrCookie_Floof: Stov’s cheating [00:23:46] alex_5r1: you got this f1nn [00:23:47] Razor_Edge84: Stov did homework [00:23:47] Futura3: creepy [00:23:49] legion2814: isnt antartice bigger than russia [00:23:49] blaxfruitgrinding: whered donos go ? xd [00:23:53] leesa0802: Come o find, don't be dumb [00:23:54] mystchevious1: Exact date [00:23:56] foobar1192: 01/01/1669 [00:23:59] BlaireBearStare: He said it so confidently that time was retroactively changed I feel [00:24:00] blueskydrinking: Stove doing that Mastermind grind [00:24:00] Y0rk5h1r3: Rule changed for F1nn [00:24:02] glitchzinth: only that long? [00:24:03] Mikayla_Alexis: Othing wrong with studying [00:24:03] imaprsn: 1872 [00:24:05] endanabanananana: stovs smart be mad chat [00:24:06] sarathearcher1: T [00:24:07] ASSITED_SUICIDE: @legion2814 Antarctica isn't a country [00:24:08] drake_j0sh: Bro answer already ffs [00:24:10] Y0rk5h1r3: Stov needed the day [00:24:13] distractedcreative: Omg [00:24:13] XENOMAN5: @legion2814 yeah but not a country [00:24:14] cc_dies: 1945 [00:24:17] AmazingAspie: timer [00:24:18] Helen_Croft: https://www.reddit.com/r/F1NN5TER/comments/iivqf9/tracking_the_early_history_of_rose_from_shannon/ @F1NN5TER [00:24:18] ronin_5463: 1892 shes ancient [00:24:19] heyimf1dg3t: "Afterbirth Day" [00:24:20] ZFJinxed: Wait wait wait... You've online been streaming that short TIME!? I hate you [00:24:23] farmwithsarah: farmwiMEOWVEMENT farmwiMEOWVEMENT farmwiMEOWVEMENT farmwiMEOWVEMENT [00:24:23] Incubus_the_Fox: how do you not know your own information lady [00:24:24] Nitzkit8: DON'T FAIL ME Stov! [00:24:24] melostack: .... [00:24:25] ssssmollpp: closest wins [00:24:27] braddle172: ... [00:24:30] BlaireBearStare: Rip the editor for this vid [00:24:30] LightOfCarla: warden got killed [00:24:30] brendabrownstain0: bimbo brain cells fried [00:24:31] TheI3arracuda: o7 [00:24:32] Kolateak_: ... [00:24:32] m3talfirebreath2k21: 1940 [00:24:32] bearpaw1970: Nope [00:24:35] blaxfruitgrinding: RIP [00:24:36] harmlesshenanigans: Oooooooof [00:24:37] Avaerus0: Time stopped [00:24:37] Vanimal2118: Any other mods know? [00:24:38] MrCookie_Floof: May 2020? [00:24:39] ProfaneCreation: @ZFJinxed zfjinxWHUT [00:24:39] Gtadicto1: Warden died [00:24:41] magnus0811: hi f1nn how are you [00:24:41] MartiniSLO: @cc_dies NotLikeThis [00:24:41] zasto_fr: octomber?? [00:24:43] leesa0802: Oh ffs finn...🙄 [00:24:44] SonataOfTheEclipse: boooo [00:24:46] m3talfirebreath2k21: PogChamp [00:24:49] kumaman7: septober [00:24:50] distractedcreative: Did f1nn just really say "what's after March?" ... That's encouraging for those who voted for f1nn to win lmao [00:24:52] legion2814: @XENOMAN5 ohhh i somehow heard contient [00:24:54] crymson_vega: I swear the word after brother makes it sound like it's a title of a video game [00:24:56] Nitzkit8: french man! make it happen [00:24:57] medical_size9000: Ask hitch stov [00:24:59] gibbon66: what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen sparrow? [00:25:01] ChasingSol: professional streamer [00:25:03] crymson_vega: I meant to say after birth [00:25:06] MrCookie_Floof: sometime in 2020… [00:25:14] phoebe_rc: F1nn's first stream was in a nappy [00:25:17] SonataOfTheEclipse: @gibbon66 african or european :3 [00:25:18] f0rrest_f1re: See i knew it brits and french are equally the same LUL [00:25:23] Y0rk5h1r3: Can John try sounding more French? [00:25:23] XENOMAN5: @gibbon66 African or European swallow? [00:25:27] endanabanananana: stov wins [00:25:27] colin2976: colin2976 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months! 44 months [00:25:28] f3mmbot: colin2976 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 44 months using Prime! PogU [00:25:29] cc_dies: the silence 🤐 [00:25:30] m3talfirebreath2k21: Cheer100 [00:25:33] SadYiff: sup humans [00:25:47] gibbon66: @SonataOfTheEclipse ohh err.........aaaarrrrrggghhhhhhh [00:25:49] kitynh: f1nn with the long fingers [00:25:51] Vanimal2118: Can u turn @johnkeiwo volume up a bit? [00:25:57] BlaireBearStare: October 6th 2018 [00:26:00] Gtadicto1: the question is stream [00:26:01] johnkeiwo: i'm just gonna get closer [00:26:02] BlaireBearStare: Found unlisted vid [00:26:05] Jens_LN: According to TwitchTracker, the first Twitch stream was on the 25th of July, 2019 ... and since YouTube was before ... [00:26:05] mystchevious1: Wait is this the first time on any stream? [00:26:13] strahd05: Ask Natt, he should know [00:26:18] Jens_LN: @mystchevious1 yes [00:26:22] Y0rk5h1r3: The archives are incomplete [00:26:27] mystchevious1: Finn was on other minecrafter streams. [00:26:28] axing_: axing_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 14 month streak! cute [00:26:28] f3mmbot: axing_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 16 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:26:28] trans_toast07: Whys the chat so slow today [00:26:29] LightOfCarla: finn is called she in the wikitubia LMAO [00:26:32] endanabanananana: STOV WINS [00:26:32] trans_toast07: U [00:26:34] bearpaw1970: 2019 [00:26:35] olivia_1998_norway: Ocrober 6th 2018 [00:26:38] endanabanananana: :U [00:26:39] Nak3dSun: 👁️👁️ [00:26:44] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER According to TwitchTracker, the first Twitch stream was on the 25th of July, 2019 [00:26:45] zebrabbl396: f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [00:26:49] Bromopar: I got the year right. :) [00:26:50] BlaireBearStare: Found a Minecraft stream that far back [00:26:51] Nitzkit8: too specific [00:26:52] Desacator: @f1nn5ter first streamed long ago at that one time in that special place with computers and a bravado seen by no other [00:26:52] drake_j0sh: BAHAHAHHHHHAHAHAHAHA [00:26:52] MrCookie_Floof: October 2019 [00:26:53] Vanimal2118: Fun question [00:26:56] Y0rk5h1r3: Yeah, this is going well LUL [00:26:57] distractedcreative: We need receipts [00:26:57] bluj40: hello hello [00:26:59] taeyukki: the answer is on twitch ig? [00:27:00] homiethebear: 18 [00:27:02] XENOMAN5: @trans_toast07 mods are playing game so it’s probably set to slow [00:27:05] f0rrest_f1re: Icky's new hairstyle looks hot af [00:27:08] mystchevious1: Wait can't this be properly fact checked. Beause Finn was a guest on other minecrafters. [00:27:10] svirsji: !size [00:27:11] f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 69" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 28" / Hips : 31" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 9 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34B (usually) / Dress size 12 UK size / Skirt size 10 UK size, Medium usually. Last updated in April 2024 - Latest from Barbie [00:27:11] Y0rk5h1r3: So smooth, not scuffed at all LUL [00:27:15] bearpaw1970: I got the year [00:27:18] barrenchatt: Yes it was before my birthday, when I knew his [00:27:18] Helen_Croft: https://isitgirlmonth.com/ has stream date [00:27:23] endanabanananana: stovs homework alone deserves the W [00:27:24] BlaireBearStare: Titled "i made a server pls look" [00:27:35] xouree: when you still passed as male [00:27:39] bananasandwich6969: it's actually July 2017 on youtube [00:27:40] BlaireBearStare: Can't believe I had that in a friggin tab [00:27:43] Y0rk5h1r3: Nil Pwah [00:27:50] FrolickingLlama: Some of your OF stuff was leaked on twitter, pretty hot stuff [00:27:50] distractedcreative: @endanabanananana agree - stov should get 1/2 point for homework [00:27:52] blaxfruitgrinding: How would one make their way into talking to finn on discord? [00:27:53] anxyslender: anxyslender subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months, currently on a 19 month streak! hi all f1nnCowjam [00:27:53] f3mmbot: anxyslender subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:27:55] sarathearcher1: T [00:27:56] SadYiff: food [00:27:56] Arro_TV: Water [00:27:57] bearpaw1970: Tpaper [00:27:57] Helen_Croft: The first stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D43L2Dd2LYE [00:27:57] Vanimal2118: H2O [00:27:57] AmazingAspie: coke [00:27:58] YumeNoZen: toilet paper? [00:27:59] Some_Awe: cola [00:27:59] ronin_5463: Tp [00:27:59] Y0rk5h1r3: Coke [00:28:00] n3bulahhh: bog roll [00:28:00] ssssmollpp: zigs [00:28:00] mystchevious1: Water [00:28:00] gibbon66: F1NNs battlepass? [00:28:00] ZFJinxed: Water? [00:28:01] zebrabbl396: No points awarded [00:28:01] FirstFireKeeper: water [00:28:01] bfredl: bred [00:28:02] trans_toast07: YOO im the same size as finn?! [00:28:04] liz_8626: femboy milk [00:28:04] crolin812: coke [00:28:05] hwg_hannah: Bread [00:28:05] Loelinverse: lighters [00:28:06] attribute_randomize: !socials [00:28:06] olivia_1998_norway: Water [00:28:06] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [00:28:06] ogshaylahstone: water [00:28:07] Desacator: Food [00:28:08] ethereallizzy: Hiii F1NN!! 😊 [00:28:08] yogikhan: food [00:28:08] ChasingSol: bread [00:28:08] Steflours: Pen [00:28:09] drake_j0sh: Bic spherographics [00:28:09] lillifer44: Water [00:28:10] Y0rk5h1r3: Coke Cola [00:28:10] infinate_love972: water!! [00:28:10] Zdycopter: bic pencil [00:28:11] f0rrest_f1re: Vodka [00:28:11] Gtadicto1: pens [00:28:12] endanabanananana: soap [00:28:12] Scratch_Galaxy7189: thats your real hair right?my friend thinks a wig [00:28:13] tommy_1110: electricity [00:28:14] JustaBiiii: water [00:28:14] Smiling_Shelly: TEA [00:28:15] homiethebear: No [00:28:15] mystchevious1: That's throwing a question. [00:28:16] strangechef316: F1NN is going to need to update pronouns the way he’s she/it at this game [00:28:17] drake_j0sh: Bic pens [00:28:18] guybrush777: oilet paper [00:28:19] MrCookie_Floof: TP [00:28:19] XENOMAN5: food? [00:28:20] ronin_5463: Milk [00:28:20] hopalongtommy: Corn [00:28:22] ethanprince41: Coffee [00:28:23] YumeNoZen: Depends on quantity measurements? [00:28:23] SunIsLost: hello /) [00:28:24] nielle_hase: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:28:24] deathfoxx8072: Straws [00:28:26] mintymazing: bread? [00:28:27] Helen_Croft: drugs [00:28:28] bearpaw1970: Soap [00:28:28] axing_: @strangechef316 LMAO KEKW [00:28:28] blazingphoenex: it’s looking good for my points [00:28:29] varietia: How many femboys on the discord rn? [00:28:29] endanabanananana: soappp [00:28:29] mystchevious1: everyone NEEDS water. [00:28:30] cm1younggun: pens [00:28:30] FirstFireKeeper: its def water [00:28:31] stockie_uk: rice [00:28:31] paul360hd: tea [00:28:32] bfredl: alcohol [00:28:34] freshdelipickles: flour? [00:28:34] XENOMAN5: by mass? [00:28:34] guybrush777: the jade monkey [00:28:34] liz_8626: bread? [00:28:34] n3bulahhh: maybe not a lot of people use bidets [00:28:35] p0cket_banana: Bread [00:28:35] scissorsama: tea [00:28:35] trans_carolyn: Salt? [00:28:36] AstralRando: I think baby diapers? [00:28:37] Lana__Lane: Banana? [00:28:37] hopalongtommy: Salt [00:28:37] zebrabbl396: Coffee [00:28:39] lulu_bibii: clothes [00:28:39] djsketch87: Cheese is the answer [00:28:39] princess_mia03: water or food [00:28:41] trans_toast07: Ramen [00:28:41] pikeplays69: Lube? [00:28:41] Falstaff1984: milk [00:28:41] SunIsLost: @varietia so many [00:28:42] bearpaw1970: Or tooth paste [00:28:42] blueskydrinking: @axing_ LMAO [00:28:42] neinnein666: water bottle? [00:28:43] drake_j0sh: Bic blue spherographic pens [00:28:43] hwg_hannah: Waaaa [00:28:43] ogshaylahstone: escorts [00:28:44] treb35: rice [00:28:44] TaykenPlaysGames: cheese [00:28:45] whatyoueggxxxstabshim: Coke [00:28:46] Rockzit12: Clothing [00:28:46] princess_mia03: cheese [00:28:47] sunny_lilac12: coke [00:28:47] totottkaposzta69: Clothing? [00:28:47] nielle_hase: Wheat [00:28:49] gibbon66: 10mm sockets? [00:28:50] TrainedAttackSpork: Rice [00:28:50] grandpaladin1701: salt [00:28:50] SunIsLost: @SunIsLost isk [00:28:51] Vanimal2118: No bread or Water? [00:28:51] Exter_is_b: rice [00:28:51] phoebe_nyx: tyres? [00:28:52] imperialgold01: By volume, units sold or price? [00:28:53] ronin_5463: Fuque [00:28:53] Pizzapuntz: water or rice [00:28:56] pvdilla: tea [00:28:56] olivermb16: concrete? [00:28:56] taeyukki: water?? [00:28:58] Falstaff1984: beer [00:28:58] XENOMAN5: political influence [00:28:58] pikeplays69: Tissues? [00:28:58] lulu_bibii: clothing [00:28:59] SunIsLost: @SunIsLost *idk [00:28:59] TheGlowingHedgehog: coca-cola [00:28:59] Y0rk5h1r3: Coffee, such a French guess LUL [00:29:00] octoposucks: @gibbon66 real [00:29:00] FelxLampMusic: coffee?? [00:29:00] deathfoxx8072: Sugar [00:29:00] guybrush777: a sega dreamcast [00:29:03] 321vrmvrm: beer [00:29:03] OurVirtualTime: bananas [00:29:04] ChasingSol: rice [00:29:05] ChasingSol: yes [00:29:05] nielle_hase: Wheat? [00:29:06] CuteChaosGaming: clothing [00:29:06] Y0rk5h1r3: Coke Cola? [00:29:06] zavrenost: nails [00:29:07] YumeNoZen: Oh. Damn. Nails? [00:29:07] barrenchatt: Milk [00:29:08] ChasingSol: hm [00:29:09] GreenDaisy_: rice [00:29:09] strahd05: Deodorant [00:29:09] sunny_lilac12: Coca Cola [00:29:10] SunIsLost: Bible Book [00:29:10] Rockzit12: no there's a lot of places who don't drank [00:29:10] infinate_love972: CLOTHES!! [00:29:11] matix184: vodka [00:29:12] palb1n: Egg [00:29:12] totottkaposzta69: smartphones? [00:29:13] varietia: We love the femboys [00:29:14] mystchevious1: Define precious? [00:29:14] gothmark666: Eggs [00:29:14] IamZigge: wc paper [00:29:15] trans_toast07: Wood [00:29:15] Desacator: Weed [00:29:16] thunderstrike89: pen? [00:29:16] NyxGoneRogue: SHirts! [00:29:17] hmfff7: Finn battlepass [00:29:17] student0810: Bible [00:29:18] ogshaylahstone: real estate [00:29:18] XENOMAN5: I saw rice [00:29:19] malucious: gta5 [00:29:19] blueskydrinking: streamer bathwater? [00:29:19] olivia_1998_norway: Water 💧 [00:29:20] JustaBiiii: lottery tickets [00:29:21] lulu_bibii: gasoline [00:29:21] Vanimal2118: Clothes works [00:29:21] Scratch_Galaxy7189: cigs? [00:29:22] princess_mia03: milk [00:29:22] sunny_lilac12: coke [00:29:22] ronin_5463: Socks KEKW [00:29:22] pikeplays69: Pads? [00:29:24] thepowerwashnerd: car [00:29:24] SpawnInsane: clothing [00:29:24] axyl698: wood? [00:29:25] Jeffthermite: ear wick? [00:29:25] YumeNoZen: It depends on units. [00:29:25] DrDirewolf: Lube [00:29:25] ChasingSol: clothing [00:29:25] kitynh: sugar? [00:29:26] hwg_hannah: Ohhhhhh! [00:29:26] f0rrest_f1re: Salt water [00:29:26] gibbon66: @octoposucks I've bought at least 10,000 [00:29:27] barrenchatt: ohhhh Thigh Highs [00:29:27] zebrabbl396: PJSugar [00:29:27] nielle_hase: WHEEEEEAAAAAAT [00:29:28] hopalongtommy: Flour? [00:29:28] purpelyyy: peanut butter imo [00:29:28] ogshaylahstone: paper [00:29:29] IamZigge: its toilette paper [00:29:29] JustaBiiii: lottery [00:29:29] Ex0dia5: socks [00:29:31] chloel6x: cat ears [00:29:31] taeyukki: paper?? [00:29:32] Bromopar: Salt. [00:29:32] hwg_hannah: Clothing! [00:29:32] my_queues: Gotta be rice [00:29:33] drake_j0sh: Bic pens dumbass [00:29:33] ArtesQ: gasoline [00:29:33] alex_5r1: salt grains [00:29:34] general_of_cm: femboy thigh pics [00:29:34] brendabrownstain0: wig [00:29:34] guybrush777: socks [00:29:34] Nitzkit8: femboy bathwater [00:29:35] that_one_garden: clothes? [00:29:36] CuteChaosGaming: you buy multiple sets of clothes [00:29:36] NyxGoneRogue: tshirts [00:29:36] princess_mia03: rice [00:29:36] letume: knife [00:29:38] XENOMAN5: bread [00:29:39] Futura3: water [00:29:39] NichtzNeues: bible [00:29:40] drake_j0sh: Clothes [00:29:40] Jayden_Reiko: Clothes [00:29:41] mintymazing: skibidi slicers [00:29:41] f0rrest_f1re: Oil!! [00:29:41] nielle_hase: Electricity? [00:29:42] SpawnInsane: KEKW [00:29:42] bfredl: Estrogen [00:29:42] GoldenJoolz: Hey Finn what are your favorite bottom safe foods [00:29:42] ChasingSol: hahaha [00:29:42] Jeffthermite: LULW [00:29:43] student0810: clothes [00:29:43] sunny_lilac12: Coca Cola [00:29:43] Helen_Croft: socks [00:29:43] MartiniSLO: nahhh [00:29:43] gooseberry1ttv: Clothes [00:29:43] braddle172: KEKW [00:29:43] blueskydrinking: BRO [00:29:44] Silraa: kek [00:29:44] Kolateak_: OMEGALUL [00:29:44] ogshaylahstone: oil [00:29:44] xXNeroZashiXx: KEKW [00:29:44] Falstaff1984: makeup [00:29:45] ethanprince41: Ayo [00:29:45] melostack: KEKHeim [00:29:45] Royalbirhat: bullets [00:29:46] ChasingSol: AYO [00:29:46] Viker55: lmao [00:29:46] mintymazing: what [00:29:46] DrDirewolf: Coke [00:29:46] drake_j0sh: Clothes 100% [00:29:46] MizukiDaarin: eggs [00:29:46] sasaa_86: lol [00:29:46] gibbon66: kekw [00:29:47] YumeNoZen: lollll [00:29:47] fromthef1nn5ide: Clothes [00:29:47] Y0rk5h1r3: Butt Plugs LUL LUL LUL [00:29:47] melostack: OMEGALUL [00:29:47] SadgeSocks: CLOTHES [00:29:47] liz_8626: KEKW [00:29:48] giant_tess: cloths [00:29:48] ChasingSol: !john [00:29:48] Exter_is_b: NotLikeThis [00:29:48] f3mmbot: Their streamer is a whore... [00:29:48] kitynh: butt plugs...lol [00:29:49] 321vrmvrm: TP [00:29:49] gothmark666: Lol [00:29:50] lifaen__: KEKW [00:29:50] gooseberry1ttv: Clothing [00:29:50] Vanimal2118: Wow [00:29:50] MizukiDaarin: EGGS [00:29:50] cm1younggun: pens [00:29:51] SunIsLost: no lol [00:29:51] phoenix_30998: noodles? [00:29:51] tinylilhorse: lol [00:29:51] distractedcreative: KEKW [00:29:51] ronin_5463: Aware [00:29:52] alex_5r1: hair things [00:29:52] GreenDaisy_: clothing [00:29:52] muddymudkip15: Lol [00:29:53] Gwynbyn: DIAPERS [00:29:53] Vixrtv: 4 raiders from Vixrtv have joined! [00:29:54] distractedcreative: Omg [00:29:54] SpawnInsane: clothing [00:29:54] popcapgamers1: Clothes [00:29:54] drake_j0sh: Clothes bitch [00:29:54] Bromopar: Shoes. [00:29:55] hwg_hannah: f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare [00:29:55] ChasingSol: clothing [00:29:56] imaprsn: he said the thing! [00:29:57] NyxGoneRogue: clothes! [00:29:57] endanabanananana: clothes?? [00:29:57] theonlyscarlettxD: water [00:29:57] bearpaw1970: Eggs [00:29:57] simplejack42069: Femboy chow [00:29:58] autosoft6483: eh [00:29:58] chloel6x: estrogen??? [00:29:58] gooseberry1ttv: Clothes [00:29:59] Scratch_Galaxy7189: clothing!!! [00:29:59] TaykenPlaysGames: clothing [00:29:59] Kolateak_: Blahaj [00:29:59] Arro_TV: SALT [00:29:59] pikeplays69: KNIFES [00:30:00] Katwhisp3rer: clothessss [00:30:00] Jens_LN: nails ? [00:30:01] jules897_: CLOTHES [00:30:01] Scrooge_McBong: way! lol [00:30:01] teagan_989: guns [00:30:02] KanchidoShinokyoufu: knifes [00:30:02] whatyoueggxxxstabshim: Feet pics [00:30:02] hollow_xar: Knives!! [00:30:03] Everrwinter: yoooo [00:30:03] endanabanananana: clothesss [00:30:03] JustaBiiii: clothes [00:30:03] werapea: screws? [00:30:04] joey_556: CLOTHES [00:30:04] gibbon66: containment devices? [00:30:04] alex_5r1: makeup things [00:30:04] Roxa_six: blahaj [00:30:04] YumeNoZen: Oh, damn, that's dark. [00:30:06] that_one_garden: I feel like clothing \ [00:30:06] bfredl: murica fuck yeah [00:30:06] drake_j0sh: Clothing items [00:30:06] TopbitActual: Concrete? [00:30:07] XENOMAN5: lube? [00:30:07] Mikayla_Moon: Makeup? [00:30:07] guybrush777: the communist manifest [00:30:07] vaporferret: water [00:30:07] Gtadicto1: paper? [00:30:07] trans_carolyn: Clothesb [00:30:08] ethanprince41: Knife [00:30:09] frozensteams: gas [00:30:10] theonlyscarlettxD: water xD [00:30:10] simplejack42069: Pi k girl dresses! [00:30:11] LightOfCarla: House [00:30:11] Jens_LN: nails for wood ? [00:30:12] GreenDaisy_: CLOTHES [00:30:13] RariQuark: TP [00:30:13] Macliurigam: Oil [00:30:14] homiethebear: Clothes/toilet paper [00:30:14] ChasingSol: it's clothing [00:30:14] zoe2324124124: sugar [00:30:14] Plazye: chat is cheating😭 [00:30:15] alex_5r1: clothes [00:30:15] gooseberry1ttv: Its clothes AAA [00:30:15] hopalongtommy: Clothes [00:30:16] f0rrest_f1re: Nuclear bombs [00:30:16] joey_556: ITS CLOTHES F1NN CLOTHES [00:30:16] drake_j0sh: Its clothing fimter [00:30:16] Melxdyyxo: skirts [00:30:16] pikeplays69: knives [00:30:16] SpawnInsane: its what u are wearing [00:30:17] abhishek_t87: Knifves [00:30:18] KanchidoShinokyoufu: bras [00:30:18] Scratch_Galaxy7189: CLOTHING [00:30:18] werapea: $crews must be it [00:30:19] Lana__Lane: def butt plugs [00:30:20] Jeffthermite: so its butt plugs [00:30:20] Lucridis: Shoes [00:30:20] ronin_5463: Underwear [00:30:21] Rockzit12: Clothing [00:30:21] mystchevious1: Clothing? [00:30:21] LeelooGirl: Somthing F1nn has a lot of? Sharks. [00:30:22] brendabrownstain0: what type of bullet f1nn [00:30:22] pikeplays69: People! [00:30:22] LightOfCarla: is gotta be house [00:30:22] djsketch87: It's cheese [00:30:23] MizukiDaarin: EGGS [00:30:23] MartiniSLO: The US inst the whole world NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:30:23] KanchidoShinokyoufu: panties [00:30:24] joey_556: CLOTHES [00:30:24] hopalongtommy: Underwear?! [00:30:26] honeysquares: knifes [00:30:26] JustaBiiii: clothesssss [00:30:27] ChasingSol: clothing in general [00:30:28] XENOMAN5: clothes? [00:30:28] strahd05: Dildo? [00:30:29] gibbon66: def plugs [00:30:29] lulumuu: egg [00:30:29] JustaBiiii: shirtssss [00:30:30] Gtadicto1: clothes [00:30:31] liz_8626: bullets [00:30:31] NyxGoneRogue: Its clothing @F1NN5TER \ [00:30:31] le_betonnier: socks [00:30:31] drake_j0sh: She gave you the answer bro its clothes [00:30:32] sunny_lilac12: Coca Cola [00:30:32] JustaBiiii: underwear [00:30:33] kirpoop: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:30:33] XENOMAN5: shoes?👠 [00:30:34] gammalsvenska: shoes [00:30:34] Y0rk5h1r3: Knickers [00:30:35] bearpaw1970: Cheap consumption noodles [00:30:35] guybrush777: self pleasure items [00:30:35] Scrooge_McBong: and colos…. [00:30:36] Ex0dia5: shoes [00:30:37] mystchevious1: Underwear? [00:30:38] kitynh: underwear [00:30:39] honeysquares: knifes!!!!!!!!! [00:30:40] jules897_: KNIVES OR CLOTHES [00:30:40] Roxa_six: knives [00:30:40] mystchevious1: BOOOOO [00:30:41] joey_556: ITS CLOTHES GOD DAMN IT [00:30:41] liz_8626: its bullets cause USA [00:30:42] MnKoAviation2334: clothes or bullets [00:30:44] mystchevious1: These quetions are bad [00:30:45] mintymazing: something that brits like a lot [00:30:46] drake_j0sh: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA [00:30:46] mystchevious1: Booooo [00:30:46] Y0rk5h1r3: That's too generic [00:30:47] BlaireBearStare: Feels like a copout [00:30:47] kitynh: clothes lol [00:30:47] pikeplays69: Boo! [00:30:48] Melxdyyxo: thats so vague [00:30:48] vesahar: well this bet is easy [00:30:49] liz_8626: Lame answer [00:30:49] Nitzkit8: too generic [00:30:51] XENOMAN5: undies? [00:30:51] princess_mia03: clothes [00:30:51] popcapgamers1: Knew it [00:30:51] bluj40: nah that cant be it [00:30:53] barrenchatt: <--- I was right [00:30:54] neingeben: not an item [00:30:54] drake_j0sh: BRO LISTEN TO US [00:30:55] pikeplays69: bad quiz hot [00:30:55] axing_: nahh [00:30:55] liz_8626: thats a group of items [00:30:56] blueskydrinking: this has not been thought through!! KEKW [00:30:57] pikeplays69: host [00:30:58] endanabanananana: lmfaooo that is such a broad answered tho [00:30:58] ronin_5463: Vague af [00:30:58] whatyoueggxxxstabshim: lol [00:30:58] ogshaylahstone: a bullet is brass copper and led [00:30:58] mystchevious1: I demand a refund [00:30:58] zebrabbl396: f1nnBonk [00:30:58] NyxGoneRogue: I was right! [00:31:00] Macliurigam: Nuh uh [00:31:00] avroaustin: socks wins it [00:31:00] alexg6464: Well that SOCKS [00:31:01] Y0rk5h1r3: L Hitch [00:31:02] stockie_uk: that's a category [00:31:02] 71M073J: Copout [00:31:03] liz_8626: f1nnSCAM [00:31:04] Xirenec_: Smh Hitch [00:31:04] kirpoop: ChewyYAY spicycowAngy itspea13Blahajboba itspea13Awooga spicycowMuny itspea13Blahajhype Squid2 ChewyYAY spicycowAngy spicycowLurkies TransgenderPride Squid4 Squid3 Squid1 :( LesbianPride [00:31:05] Kolateak_: Questions are soo vague NotLikeThis [00:31:07] kitynh: L hitch [00:31:07] drake_j0sh: W HICTH [00:31:07] ChasingSol: @nothitch negative points for you [00:31:08] liz_8626: f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:31:09] LightOfCarla: BOOOO HITCH [00:31:09] Itz_RawsonXD: BOO HITCH [00:31:09] neingeben: booooo [00:31:09] pikeplays69: Boo bees! [00:31:09] guybrush777: not the jade ape? [00:31:10] mystchevious1: Booo Hitch [00:31:10] Xirenec_: Boo Hitch [00:31:10] ethanprince41: Soooo socks [00:31:10] kitynh: boooooo [00:31:10] fanconvet: chat with coaching [00:31:10] stockie_uk: boo hitch [00:31:10] avroaustin: boo hitch [00:31:10] PlatypusWithCheese: boo [00:31:11] blueskydrinking: L hitch [00:31:11] ronin_5463: BOO HITCH [00:31:11] endanabanananana: BOOOO [00:31:11] drake_j0sh: W HITCH [00:31:11] saint_r: boo hitch [00:31:11] quartark: boo hitch [00:31:12] ethereallizzy: Boo hitch [00:31:12] lunar_the_furry: BOO HITCH!!!!!!!!!!! [00:31:12] teagan_989: bro hich [00:31:12] f0rrest_f1re: 🥚 [00:31:13] Y0rk5h1r3: Boo Hitch [00:31:13] JustaBiiii: bOO HITCH [00:31:13] BlaireBearStare: From socks to onesies to thongs [00:31:13] twilightvalkyrie_96: booo [00:31:13] MrCookie_Floof: TP | Water | Bread | Coffee | Rice | Socks [00:31:13] hwg_hannah: Booooo hitch [00:31:13] family_toy: boo hitch [00:31:13] nielle_hase: How is that even more consumed than WATER [00:31:14] Coop9er: boo hitch [00:31:14] alex_5r1: boo hitch [00:31:14] MizukiDaarin: BOOOOOOO [00:31:14] theduke336: Boo hitch [00:31:14] elm_stump: Boooo [00:31:14] dashunde: boooo [00:31:14] Desacator: Clothing? Who needs that [00:31:15] braddle172: Boo hitch [00:31:15] Bromopar: Give F1nn the point! Boo Hitch! [00:31:15] lunar_the_furry: BOOOOOOOOO [00:31:16] drake_j0sh: L F1NN [00:31:16] Jayden_Reiko: boooo [00:31:16] DarrigoTR: BS, food has to be more [00:31:16] barrenchatt: Thigh highs FTW [00:31:16] Ex0dia5: boooo that man! [00:31:17] Kolateak_: BOOOO [00:31:17] itsjae3599: itsjae3599 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 3 month streak! 6 months let's go [00:31:17] SirBeanLord: Boo hitch [00:31:17] f3mmbot: itsjae3599 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:31:17] distractedcreative: Hearing John saying my streamer is a wh*re is so much funnier than seeing it typed 😂😂😂 @johnkeiwo [00:31:18] zasto_fr: boo hitch [00:31:18] lilithsspawn: I LOVE YOU HITCH [00:31:18] ethanprince41: Boooo [00:31:18] trans_carolyn: boo hitch [00:31:18] Jens_LN: Yay Hitch [00:31:18] lilygothdevil: boo hitch [00:31:18] 71M073J: Boo hitch [00:31:18] mintymazing: boo hitch [00:31:19] graceeeeeeeeeee_: boo hitch [00:31:19] endanabanananana: I LOVE U HITCH [00:31:19] bluj40: boo hitch [00:31:19] guybrush777: booo [00:31:19] garfsnooks: BOO HITCH [00:31:20] sunny_lilac12: BOO HITCH [00:31:20] autosoft6483: Booooooo [00:31:20] pikeplays69: Port [00:31:20] XENOMAN5: question too vague [00:31:20] JustaBiiii: BOO HITCH [00:31:20] PhorrestGaze: boo hitch [00:31:20] Scrooge_McBong: boo [00:31:21] NyxGoneRogue: BOOOOOO HITCH [00:31:21] MaybeEmmaline: boooooooo hitch bo [00:31:21] soggyvector: boo hitch [00:31:21] J0HNNYMAS0N: joe mama [00:31:21] ChasingSol: that's easy [00:31:21] Nitzkit8: portugueses [00:31:21] TheGlowingHedgehog: Portuguese [00:31:21] zasto_fr: l hitch [00:31:22] opensesame11: BOO HITCH [00:31:22] regular_enbymoth: :3 [00:31:22] ComputedBee: Boo hitch [00:31:23] sapphicflame: t [00:31:23] teagan_989: boo hitch [00:31:23] simplejack42069: Boopo urns [00:31:23] nielle_hase: Boooooo bitch [00:31:23] abhishek_t87: Boo hitch [00:31:23] Xirenec_: Brazilian, obviously [00:31:24] JustaBiiii: boo hitch [00:31:24] Vanimal2118: Yeah @nothitch [00:31:24] BlaireBearStare: Boo Hitch, you stil do a good job tho [00:31:25] Ephemeral_001: t [00:31:25] Y0rk5h1r3: Portregeese [00:31:26] AmazingAspie: spanish [00:31:26] XENOMAN5: boo [00:31:26] grandpaladin1701: boo hitch [00:31:26] chloel6x: PORTUGESE [00:31:26] MrCookie_Floof: aaaaaa bbbooooooooo MMOODDSS [00:31:26] whatyoueggxxxstabshim: german [00:31:26] rust_2switch: boo hitch [00:31:26] insidecchaos: Portugese [00:31:26] sulakeboxi: brazilian [00:31:26] AeitZean: Boo hitch LUL [00:31:26] YumeNoZen: F1nn, it's not spanish. [00:31:27] KanchidoShinokyoufu: Brazilian Portuguese [00:31:27] macyeeter07: boo hitch [00:31:28] Kolateak_: WHAT [00:31:28] ChasingSol: portuguese [00:31:28] bfredl: :b:ortuges [00:31:28] bearpaw1970: Latin [00:31:28] Desacator: French and Spanish [00:31:28] drake_j0sh: Portuguese [00:31:29] physweeb: t [00:31:29] princess_mia03: Portuguese [00:31:29] melostack: ????????? [00:31:30] sapphicflame: Portuguese [00:31:30] kitynh: portuguese [00:31:30] SpawnInsane: portugese [00:31:30] NyxGoneRogue: BOOOOOOOOOO HITCH! [00:31:30] heyimf1dg3t: Well done, Hitch, get 'em! [00:31:30] zasto_fr: portuguese [00:31:30] MrCookie_Floof: PORTUGUESE [00:31:30] alexg6464: Wuh [00:31:30] ethereallizzy: BOO HITCH BOOOOO [00:31:30] FischerOnline: DEAR GOD [00:31:31] YumeNoZen: ;.... [00:31:31] fatslowman: boo hitch [00:31:31] Nitzkit8: OMG [00:31:31] thunderstrike89: rip lmaooo [00:31:31] perfersserderg: LUL] [00:31:32] sasha_3251: Portuguese [00:31:32] jules897_: Brazilian [00:31:32] thejoker02469: boo [00:31:32] quartark: BibleThump [00:31:32] blueskydrinking: OMFG [00:31:33] guybrush777: portugese [00:31:33] XENOMAN5: boo hitch boo [00:31:33] taeyukki: dude [00:31:33] abhishek_t87: Portugues [00:31:34] phoenix_30998: portugese [00:31:34] Nitzkit8: wtf stov [00:31:34] enbyvee: LMAOOOO [00:31:34] drake_j0sh: Portuguese it is [00:31:35] melostack: bro [00:31:35] J0HNNYMAS0N: portogues [00:31:35] YumeNoZen: Stov, I'm disappointed. [00:31:35] Meowshhhh_: Portuguese [00:31:35] Gius_Julianus: Portuguese [00:31:35] zavrenost: booboo [00:31:35] NixxNightCat: OMG REALLY? [00:31:36] MnKoAviation2334: english [00:31:36] Anaboth: RIP [00:31:36] mintymazing: WHAT THE FCK [00:31:36] SunIsLost: yay Hitch (one of my favorite ponies from MLP G5) [00:31:36] beecher88: portugese [00:31:36] endanabanananana: SPANISH!?!?? [00:31:36] Scrooge_McBong: Portuguese [00:31:36] trans_carolyn: Portuguese! [00:31:36] dashunde: BRRRRRRRASIL [00:31:37] jaovitubr: Porraaaa brasil [00:31:37] f0rrest_f1re: Latina [00:31:37] zebrabbl396: Portuguese [00:31:38] endanabanananana: TF [00:31:38] GreenDaisy_: bruh [00:31:38] mintymazing: its portugese [00:31:38] JustaBiiii: BOO HITCH [00:31:39] soggyvector: BRUH [00:31:39] axing_: e n g l i s h [00:31:40] Y0rk5h1r3: Portuguese [00:31:40] rose_tea1812: boo hitch [00:31:41] JackWolf248: portuguese [00:31:42] drake_j0sh: It is portuguese [00:31:42] purpelyyy: brazilian portugese [00:31:42] freshdelipickles: lmao [00:31:43] sunny_lilac12: Portuguese [00:31:44] FischerOnline: I'm disapointed he said spanish dear god [00:31:44] delilah_derata: Citation needed on the clothing one [00:31:44] SunIsLost: goodnight /) [00:31:44] YumeNoZen: .... damnit Stov. [00:31:44] mystchevious1: Wait are we helping F1nn? [00:31:44] drake_j0sh: Bor pls [00:31:45] Meowshhhh_: PORTUGUESE [00:31:45] JustaBiiii: portugese [00:31:45] bearpaw1970: Portageese [00:31:47] mystchevious1: Boo [00:31:48] enbyvee: the pope split the world in half!!! [00:31:48] drake_j0sh: Portuguese [00:31:49] Chri55PBacon: portugese [00:31:49] nielle_hase: Carioques [00:31:49] theorangepickmc: justice for our brazilian fam [00:31:50] PhorrestGaze: someone there is speaking spanish [00:31:50] gibbon66: portugalese [00:31:50] whatyoueggxxxstabshim: brazilian [00:31:51] NyxGoneRogue: Portugueese [00:31:52] SpawnInsane: KEKW [00:31:52] ChasingSol: hahaha [00:31:52] Nitzkit8: JESUS CHRIST Stov [00:31:52] MartiniSLO: haha [00:31:53] XENOMAN5: Portuguese [00:31:55] Jens_LN: LOL [00:31:55] drake_j0sh: Portuguese bro [00:31:55] YumeNoZen: I actually put all of my points on this. [00:31:56] bfredl: in portugal they speak brazilian [00:31:56] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [00:31:57] thunderstrike89: woahh [00:31:57] strahd05: Portuguese [00:31:57] mintymazing: PORTUGESE [00:31:58] brendabrownstain0: cheating with chat [00:31:59] ronin_5463: Stov NotLikeThis [00:31:59] drake_j0sh: Portuguese [00:31:59] AmazingAspie: hahaha [00:31:59] Sunartv: true [00:32:00] enbyvee: stov is correct about that afaik [00:32:00] hwg_hannah: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 [00:32:00] distractedcreative: KEKW [00:32:01] kitynh: hahahahahahahahahaa [00:32:02] GreenDaisy_: lol [00:32:03] Meowshhhh_: Portuguese lol [00:32:03] strangechef316: Period [00:32:03] Kolateak_: Probablyat some point [00:32:03] thedanitone: Portuguese [00:32:04] freshdelipickles: KEKW [00:32:05] YumeNoZen: Brazil was Portugal. Which is why they speak it. [00:32:05] blueskydrinking: Imagine a Frenchman saying that KEKW [00:32:06] SpawnInsane: that was spain that invaded brazil [00:32:06] Sunartv: pillage [00:32:06] MartiniSLO: and the french too [00:32:06] thunderstrike89: 💀💀 [00:32:06] Xirenec_: Portugeese [00:32:07] Loelinverse: lmfaooo [00:32:08] Y0rk5h1r3: When did Britain invade Brazil? [00:32:08] liz_8626: Not to brazil [00:32:08] drake_j0sh: Portugal was the prime conqueror [00:32:09] itsJustNem: thats why they speak portugeuse [00:32:09] grandpaladin1701: Portuguese [00:32:10] PhorrestGaze: Portugal did that one [00:32:10] endanabanananana: omg this was a giveaway question [00:32:10] TheDoctorFlash: who gives a fuck XD [00:32:12] bobthe_shark623: whats up [00:32:12] bluj40: portugal got there first [00:32:12] zombiii: you did not. thats why they speak portogese [00:32:13] beecher88: they spoke english back then [00:32:13] drake_j0sh: Portuguese [00:32:14] Vanimal2118: RIP @yumenozen [00:32:14] simplejack42069: Portugal did [00:32:15] Kolateak_: Oh [00:32:15] freshdelipickles: whoa [00:32:17] nielle_hase: ludBR ludBR ludBR ludBR ludBR ludBR ludBR mentioned [00:32:17] NyxGoneRogue: @F1NN5TER Portuguese [00:32:18] homiethebear: Don't tell him that's cheating [00:32:19] ANightDweller: This has probably been answer before, and i can probably guess what it is, but does the the 'ban someone' include f1nn5ter? [00:32:19] ronin_5463: Your british is showing F1nn KEKW [00:32:19] ethereallizzy: Woah [00:32:19] Gutman_Floyd: We hate when you guys think we speak Spanish. [00:32:20] imka1i: brazil was colonised by portugal hence the language [00:32:23] pikeplays69: Portual wheeze [00:32:23] drake_j0sh: Portugal is best country [00:32:23] endanabanananana: Portugal is a country mate [00:32:24] sasha_3251: that's why they speak protugese [00:32:24] Ex0dia5: brazil and portugal have one of the oldest alliances because they both fought spain. [00:32:26] distractedcreative: I heard Portugal [00:32:27] SunIsLost: W [00:32:28] drake_j0sh: LETS GOOOOOOOO [00:32:28] elrazur: who tf just posted nsfw in dots [00:32:29] wulfy_hun: brazil is the only one who speaks portugese [00:32:29] alexg6464: 1 [00:32:29] YumeNoZen: @Vanimal2118, I think bettign against F1nn, I'm still safe. [00:32:29] Ex0dia5: the UK* [00:32:31] zebrabbl396: Woa [00:32:32] blueskydrinking: I don [00:32:32] alex_5r1: 1 [00:32:32] UnnamedTransGirl: technically Brittain didn't invaid brazil, Portugal did. that's why they speak portuguese [00:32:32] ogshaylahstone: spanglish! [00:32:33] brendabrownstain0: port them geese [00:32:33] xXNeroZashiXx: pog [00:32:33] Valezifer: W [00:32:34] ronin_5463: On the board lol [00:32:34] SpawnInsane: 1 [00:32:34] elrazur: xander207Cry [00:32:35] AmazingAspie: ah shit [00:32:36] Jens_LN: nice [00:32:36] J0HNNYMAS0N: falklands is argentina but close enough [00:32:37] olivia_1998_norway: Potogues [00:32:37] liz_8626: @F1NN5TER, stop looking at chat [00:32:37] ethanprince41: W [00:32:38] sunny_lilac12: W [00:32:39] SunIsLost: yay [00:32:39] SpawnInsane: 1-2 [00:32:41] imaprsn: porch of geese [00:32:42] distractedcreative: 2-1 [00:32:42] medical_size9000: This should be title : are you smarter than Finn [00:32:43] Coop9er: 2-1 [00:32:46] Jens_LN: even stevens [00:32:46] teagan_989: dam finn did something [00:32:47] glitchzinth: pfiveLurk [00:32:47] mystchevious1: No [00:32:48] general_of_cm: Hes doing already better than i expacted [00:32:48] Nitzkit8: WHOS keeping score? [00:32:49] fromthef1nn5ide: Why do they talk Portuguese, huh? If you guys invaded them, they'd be speaking English. [00:32:50] vesahar: last point Kappa [00:32:50] distractedcreative: 2-1 mods [00:32:51] WILL_IT_CRUNCH: StinkyGlitch StinkyGlitch StinkyGlitch StinkyGlitch StinkyGlitch [00:32:51] SpawnInsane: 2-1 mods [00:32:51] YumeNoZen: clothing [00:32:52] strangechef316: f1nn’s last point [00:32:53] kgober: first point, only point [00:32:53] strahd05: Buttplug for finn? Did I hear that right? [00:32:53] blueskydrinking: I don't know whether Brazil is unfortunate or lucky to lose access to twitter at this point [00:32:56] Y0rk5h1r3: Britain and Portugal have the oldest still active mutual defense pact in the world [00:32:56] zasto_fr: bro we told him if it weren't for us he'd be f-ed [00:32:58] MartiniSLO: colonialism FOR THE WIN [00:32:58] sherlock_norris: this is so scuffed lol [00:32:59] KanchidoShinokyoufu: it’s Brazilian Portuguese [00:33:02] ogshaylahstone: Porch i guess [00:33:06] mystchevious1: Finn - 1 Mods - 0 Hitch - (-2) [00:33:06] endanabanananana: I still think stov gets a consolation point [00:33:11] XENOMAN5: @strahd05 we wish [00:33:11] MrCookie_Floof: Dayummnnnnnn yeah no. the only places invaded by UK in South America are Guyana, Suriname, Argentina (Falklands), and Venezuela. [00:33:12] Nitzkit8: omg scuffed game show [00:33:12] drake_j0sh: 🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹 [00:33:14] YumeNoZen: Use a sticky note. [00:33:19] blueskydrinking: this is already a disaster LUL [00:33:27] distractedcreative: KEKW [00:33:28] pikeplays69: Pay this woman MORE [00:33:29] Vanimal2118: -2 @nothitch? [00:33:30] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:33:32] guybrush777: !socials [00:33:32] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [00:33:34] Loelinverse: yesss [00:33:35] charwalah: Hi [00:33:35] Helen_Croft: prioreties [00:33:45] Loelinverse: legenfary [00:33:46] imaprsn: it’s a really important pizza box [00:33:46] ChasingSol: hahaha [00:33:48] FirstFireKeeper: me aware [00:33:50] kitynh: lol [00:33:52] endanabanananana: no second monitor! persevere! [00:33:52] liz_8626: a lot of them [00:33:52] bluj40: xqc? [00:33:53] mintymazing: xqc srely [00:33:53] ogshaylahstone: *Port U Guess [00:33:55] Jayden_Reiko: Tectone? [00:33:55] gjump389: I like you [00:33:55] Gutman_Floyd: That is true, I cannot access Twitter anymore. [00:33:57] Y0rk5h1r3: Xqc [00:33:57] drake_j0sh: Stfu and listen to the question [00:33:58] VigilantSkar: JOHN [00:33:58] AmazingAspie: aqc [00:33:58] SpawnInsane: who [00:33:59] J0HNNYMAS0N: tectobe??? [00:33:59] jubjub221: i know and its a trick because it was a lie [00:33:59] MrCookie_Floof: damn. idk this one [00:34:00] abhishek_t87: Speed [00:34:02] jokit0n: I just entered, is this quality content? really? [00:34:03] saint_r: probably alot [00:34:04] ronin_5463: THROW [00:34:05] ogshaylahstone: Amaranth [00:34:06] VigilantSkar: JOHN TECTONE [00:34:07] Melxdyyxo: LUL [00:34:08] bearpaw1970: Xqc [00:34:09] Gtadicto1: Xqc [00:34:10] Loelinverse: Warden goated tbh [00:34:12] montyofessex: So very very cute [00:34:12] that_one_garden: OMG [00:34:14] Anaboth: gotta be tec [00:34:14] garfsnooks: F1 + NN5TER [00:34:16] linxonia: LUL [00:34:20] majocrit1966: what is happening [00:34:22] Nitzkit8: ask IS THAT YOUR FINAL ANSWER [00:34:24] YumeNoZen: .... [00:34:25] Jens_LN: NICE ! [00:34:28] Burbsi: if you used headphones we would have nice audio [00:34:28] jubjub221: its also a lie OMEGALUL [00:34:30] thunderstrike89: rip [00:34:31] YumeNoZen: Damnit John. [00:34:31] jubjub221: he spent about 20k [00:34:32] Kolateak_: Tutu [00:34:32] mintymazing: 2-2 [00:34:36] noahforsej123: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:34:36] NyxGoneRogue: @F1NN5TER Fubuki [00:34:37] OHMichelleOH: potty mouth need to get out more and assimilate to the humans [00:34:38] gjump389: can you marry me [00:34:38] MrCookie_Floof: @garfsnooks yessss. exactly what I was thinking [00:34:38] AmazingAspie: MODS how could you! [00:34:39] endanabanananana: even in joking, also flexing payroll feels gross [00:34:39] bearpaw1970: Big brain [00:34:40] frost177: Hi everyone emerym7Close emerym7Close [00:34:40] Y0rk5h1r3: Damn, Mods doing themselves dirty [00:34:41] drake_j0sh: Top tier loser [00:34:41] hmfff7: h0t [00:34:43] XENOMAN5: @majocrit1966 F1nn vs mods trivia [00:34:44] Codylox: "Yes Sir" is cray [00:34:46] teagan_989: dam [00:34:47] Vanimal2118: What did they spend it on? [00:34:48] alex_5r1: f1nn go [00:34:48] blueskydrinking: JOHN I have so many poitns riding on this [00:34:49] noahforsej123: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [00:34:54] taeyukki: that man is scary [00:34:55] guybrush777: whos tectone [00:34:58] majocrit1966: twitter haven’t heard that name in a while [00:35:00] johnkeiwo: Rule number one : Never believe John Jebaited ! [00:35:00] johnkeiwo: Rule number one : Never believe John Jebaited ! [00:35:00] mrfreeland1995: SeemsGood [00:35:02] teagan_989: dam finn have 8 iq [00:35:02] sunny_lilac12: W [00:35:04] lovehell79: how is it today/night [00:35:04] kgober: 2 points already, f1nn if you are going to cheat at least make it believable [00:35:06] varietia: COME ON MODS [00:35:07] tommy_1110: Come on mods you can do it [00:35:08] my_queues: Host said yes sir lol [00:35:08] lucia_rose_445: I made it in time lol [00:35:09] zombiii: dont let me down finn. i bet on you [00:35:10] MartiniSLO: @guybrush777 have u herd of google [00:35:11] kirpoop: e [00:35:11] frost177: [00:35:12] Y0rk5h1r3: 1958 [00:35:14] mystchevious1: F1nn - 2, Mods - 0, Hitch - (-2) [00:35:17] SpawnInsane: 1857 [00:35:18] mintymazing: 1862? [00:35:18] whatyoueggxxxstabshim: 1918 [00:35:19] fisky41: 1867 [00:35:20] liz_8626: 1969 [00:35:20] phos4us_: 195x [00:35:20] abhishek_t87: 1906 [00:35:21] endanabanananana: Pride100LOL [00:35:21] AmazingAspie: 20th century? [00:35:24] Jayden_Reiko: LUL mods gonna emote only if we keep feeding you answers @F1NN5TER [00:35:24] hollow_xar: during the cold war I think [00:35:24] AaronD12c: 1867 [00:35:25] purrplepaws: 2007 [00:35:26] homiethebear: Stop helping I want more points.... [00:35:26] teagan_989: LUL LUL [00:35:27] student0810: 1867 [00:35:27] Kolateak_: Bruh [00:35:27] gibbon66: 1868 [00:35:27] MrCookie_Floof: 18__ something I think [00:35:28] kirpoop: itspea13Awooga [00:35:30] tommy_1110: 1867 [00:35:31] PhorrestGaze: never, it still belongs to russia [00:35:31] blueskydrinking: stop telling f1nn the answer chat :D [00:35:33] kitynh: i have about 15k points riding on this mods [00:35:33] bluj40: 1924 idk [00:35:34] CorndogEsq: 1922 [00:35:35] garfsnooks: 1867 [00:35:35] Vanimal2118: None r American [00:35:35] Macliurigam: 2024 [00:35:36] itsJustNem: 2016 [00:35:36] trans_carolyn: 1867 [00:35:36] acutecrimson: 1951 [00:35:38] lovehell79: srre you doing any games? [00:35:38] soggyvector: Johnson administration [00:35:39] letume: 1868 [00:35:39] SpawnInsane: 1867 [00:35:39] mintymazing: 1867 [00:35:39] strangechef316: yesterday. trick question [00:35:39] Roxa_six: 1909 [00:35:40] garfsnooks: @F1NN5TER 1867 [00:35:40] MartiniSLO: It was sold for like 600 mil lol [00:35:42] guybrush777: @MartiniSLO i have a herd of gunnie pigs [00:35:44] ChasingSol: 1867 [00:35:44] NichtzNeues: 1895 [00:35:46] NyxGoneRogue: 1868 [00:35:47] FoxgloveM: 1867 [00:35:47] zasto_fr: DON'T TELL HIM [00:35:47] Gtadicto1: its surprisingly close [00:35:48] SpawnInsane: close [00:35:48] barrenchatt: 1867 [00:35:48] zebrabbl396: 1832 [00:35:48] phoenix_30998: 1860s [00:35:48] garfsnooks: 1867 IS THE ANSWER [00:35:49] deathfoxx8072: 1871 [00:35:50] zasto_fr: ITS 1999 [00:35:50] freshdelipickles: precise, not accurate [00:35:50] Gius_Julianus: May `15 1867 [00:35:50] drake_j0sh: Damn bruv [00:35:51] Y0rk5h1r3: Stov like; The second millennium AD LUL [00:35:51] Jens_LN: close [00:35:51] femboy_engineering: 1867 [00:35:52] cynastic_: Earlier than 3 weeks ago [00:35:54] fanconvet: 1867 [00:35:54] garfsnooks: 1867 [00:35:54] Helen_Croft: it was during the cold war [00:35:55] teagan_989: 1832 [00:35:55] ogshaylahstone: by the. french we we [00:35:56] alex_5r1: 1867 [00:35:56] sunny_lilac12: 1867 [00:35:56] ProfaneCreation: 1337 [00:35:57] YumeNoZen: How about closest out of everyone? [00:35:58] barrenchatt: FINN 1867 [00:36:00] NyxGoneRogue: 1867777777777777 [00:36:00] distractedcreative: Mods, what you doing? [00:36:01] strahd05: Who sold it? [00:36:01] standby4titan: 1999 [00:36:02] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:36:02] mintymazing: @Helen_Croft no it wasnt [00:36:02] zasto_fr: 1358 [00:36:02] sarathearcher1: T [00:36:03] perfersserderg: LUL [00:36:04] alex_5r1: 1867 < [00:36:04] liz_8626: @F1NN5TER, stop looking at chat [00:36:06] drake_j0sh: Oi F1NNSTER you takin da piss [00:36:07] NyxGoneRogue: 1867 [00:36:08] garfsnooks: 1867 is fr the answer lol [00:36:09] blueskydrinking: KEKW [00:36:10] mootie1: f1nnGremlin 💖 [00:36:10] MrCookie_Floof: I think 1867 [00:36:12] ronin_5463: Bimbo said 2006 [00:36:14] SpawnInsane: 1867 [00:36:15] mintymazing: 1867 [00:36:15] YumeNoZen: 1890 [00:36:15] imperialgold01: My brain is saying 1806, DK why [00:36:17] Sliedcbtw: 1867 for sure [00:36:18] sunny_lilac12: 1867? [00:36:18] Dekkia: @strahd05 russia [00:36:18] trans_carolyn: 1867! Believe your chat for once [00:36:18] SpicyFunky: 1867 [00:36:19] bfredl: it was purchased by jesus in 15 AD [00:36:21] alex_5r1: 1867 here <- [00:36:22] teagan_989: it was 1887 [00:36:22] grandpaladin1701: cheat! [00:36:22] StonedOrca: free alaska [00:36:23] GroovyMistress: I live in alaska [00:36:24] axing_: 26 B.C. [00:36:24] andimax11: lmao [00:36:25] vintagediino: who is he talking with ? [00:36:26] ogshaylahstone: 1789 [00:36:27] AaronD12c: 1867 [00:36:28] bmthjulian: 1957 [00:36:32] NyxGoneRogue: 1867!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:36:32] YumeNoZen: hahahahahahaha [00:36:32] Sliedcbtw: Nope [00:36:33] ChasingSol: nope [00:36:35] gibbon66: F1NN thinks Alaska and Iceland are the same place [00:36:35] Gius_Julianus: May 15 1867 [00:36:35] ogshaylahstone: 69 [00:36:35] KanchidoShinokyoufu: October 18, 1867 [00:36:37] whatyoueggxxxstabshim: 2001 [00:36:37] cheetahcraft939: 1893 [00:36:38] sunny_lilac12: 1867! [00:36:38] alex_5r1: 1867 <<<<<<<<<<< [00:36:38] garfsnooks: 1867 is the answer f1nn5ter [00:36:39] MartiniSLO: rip [00:36:40] princess_mia03: 1867 [00:36:41] Stovamor: Stop telling Finn the answers, chat! [00:36:41] bearpaw1970: Nope [00:36:41] Stovamor: Stop telling Finn the answers, chat! [00:36:41] Stovamor: Stop telling Finn the answers, chat! [00:36:42] drake_j0sh: 189082? [00:36:44] teagan_989: 1887 [00:36:45] MrCookie_Floof: 1867 [00:36:46] GroovyMistress: Nope [00:36:47] avroaustin: 2001 [00:36:48] SpawnInsane: no [00:36:49] garfsnooks: @Stovamor ok [00:36:50] lilithsspawn: EMOJI ONLY PLEASE [00:36:51] regular_enbymoth: no [00:36:51] mootie1: 1912 [00:36:51] ogshaylahstone: 1888 [00:36:52] distractedcreative: 2020 [00:36:52] mintymazing: @Stovamor its just guesses [00:36:54] NyxGoneRogue: no!! [00:36:55] YumeNoZen: @Stovamor, I would only tell F1nn wrong answers, my points are on y'all. [00:36:58] drake_j0sh: Stop telling F1NN the answers [00:36:58] garfsnooks: @Stovamor can we say the wrong answer? [00:36:59] Y0rk5h1r3: @stovamor can F1nn trust chat? [00:37:00] 71M073J: Stov cheating LUL [00:37:00] Mikayla_Alexis: 1926? [00:37:02] varietia: Why do I not have a 1 thing a voted [00:37:02] andimax11: why are y’all trying to spoil the answer lol [00:37:02] purplepurpylon: Hi hello I'm here now \o/ [00:37:05] regular_enbymoth: A [00:37:05] ogshaylahstone: 1792 [00:37:06] drake_j0sh: I wanna win fembucks [00:37:07] inplega: 1990 [00:37:12] Jens_LN: close [00:37:14] ZeroPointAimGames: 1867 [00:37:14] Gtadicto1: 1867 [00:37:14] strahd05: @dekkia thank you comrade [00:37:16] bearpaw1970: Nope [00:37:16] Stovamor: @71M073J, stov is still modding! [00:37:18] teagan_989: 1887 [00:37:19] gibbon66: i got 5k on the mods [00:37:19] purplepurpylon: 1954 [00:37:20] sunny_lilac12: 1867 [00:37:24] NyxGoneRogue: @F1NN5TER Just use chat we are trying to help you f1nnSmile1 f1nnSmile2 f1nnSmile3 [00:37:25] ronin_5463: KEKW [00:37:26] drake_j0sh: Damn wth [00:37:26] kitynh: russia lol [00:37:27] endanabanananana: yass point should got to closes <3 [00:37:30] Kolateak_: OMEGALUL [00:37:30] 71M073J: KEKW [00:37:31] drake_j0sh: No way it was russia [00:37:32] Vanimal2118: Yes, quit telling her the answers. Chat! I have points on her losing! [00:37:33] GroovyMistress: 1867 for 7.2 million [00:37:33] charlstone1114: hi [00:37:34] sunny_lilac12: KEKW [00:37:39] bearpaw1970: 1867 [00:37:39] kitynh: the year of russia [00:37:40] mootie1: KEKW [00:37:42] garfsnooks: answer = RUSSIA [00:37:43] MartiniSLO: russia fulmled that [00:37:43] purplepurpylon: rip [00:37:45] YumeNoZen: lollll [00:37:46] ronin_5463: Boo Hitch [00:37:47] distractedcreative: Mods 3 - f1nn2 [00:37:49] HidingTheLight: emiruWICKED [00:37:51] zombiii: boo hitch :P [00:37:51] Kolateak_: When was Alaska purchased? Russia [00:37:52] drake_j0sh: W Hitch [00:37:54] mintymazing: hitch needs hiring [00:37:54] Y0rk5h1r3: Wait, F1nn has to beat the combined Mods? [00:37:55] zebrabbl396: f1nnEmbarrassed [00:37:55] mystchevious1: Yay Sarah [00:37:56] blueskydrinking: how late at night did hitch make this? LUL [00:37:58] drake_j0sh: Hitch is the best [00:38:03] imaprsn: boo hitch 💀 [00:38:07] ronin_5463: Cmon [00:38:07] YumeNoZen: redstone [00:38:08] ererlike973: catJAM [00:38:08] SpawnInsane: finn u should kno wthius [00:38:09] vesahar: when did russia become alcoholic? RUSSIA [00:38:09] princess_mia03: coming out [00:38:09] charlstone1114: hiiii [00:38:10] bluj40: omegle? [00:38:10] MaybeEmmaline: his comiong out video [00:38:15] JustaBiiii: out in public as a girl [00:38:16] GroovyMistress: .02$/Acre [00:38:19] strahd05: His video with Natt [00:38:20] gibbon66: walking [00:38:22] varietia: Finn such a sassy femboi [00:38:22] Ex0dia5: isnt it the video with natt? [00:38:26] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:38:27] bongdrinker1: IM CONFUSED [00:38:29] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [00:38:29] bearpaw1970: Donation 300k video [00:38:31] Y0rk5h1r3: John doing exposition LUL [00:38:33] MrCookie_Floof: John is slow [00:38:38] SpawnInsane: it almost is [00:38:43] endanabanananana: @Stovamor agreed! [00:38:47] mystchevious1: You have to give the title [00:38:51] JustaBiiii: in public as a girl [00:38:59] bluj40: the one with natt? [00:39:00] ChasingSol: it was the Natt one [00:39:02] JustaBiiii: 6th [00:39:07] heyimf1dg3t: @Y0rk5h1r3 He tried explaining the HELL outta that one LUL [00:39:08] thethetheride: thethetheride subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months! [00:39:08] f3mmbot: thethetheride subscribed to f1nn5ter for 20 months at Tier 1! PogU [00:39:14] ChasingSol: KEKW [00:39:15] bananasandwich6969: 9 million, wow [00:39:15] cheggsman459: Hi I'm new [00:39:15] Scrooge_McBong: with Natt? [00:39:18] distractedcreative: KEKW [00:39:19] endanabanananana: guess honestly! [00:39:20] cedric_callnight: Hello Femboiiiiiiis! [00:39:21] SuddenlyMia: what's going on [00:39:21] endanabanananana: ahaa [00:39:22] gibbon66: KEKW [00:39:25] Y0rk5h1r3: The Natt video? [00:39:29] zebrabbl396: f1nnLaff [00:39:32] Aedthryth: Proof this is a F1nn's sister [00:39:32] JustaBiiii: whatttt [00:39:34] bluj40: holy moly 9 mil [00:39:34] MrCookie_Floof: Fuck yeah [00:39:35] sunny_lilac12: W [00:39:36] bearpaw1970: Wow' [00:39:41] autosoft6483: TIED [00:39:43] DreadPirateDan: thats a lot of millions [00:39:43] alex_5r1: f1nn you got it [00:39:43] cedric_callnight: 9 million????? [00:39:43] teagan_989: w [00:39:46] drake_j0sh: BOOOOO [00:39:47] FirstFireKeeper: "pretend" [00:39:48] EkteUtemo: richhh [00:39:50] Vanimal2118: Imagine being a girl? [00:39:51] ChasingSol: lol [00:39:51] AmazingAspie: mods ive a whole 3000 bet on this [00:39:51] 404GooseNotFound: "pretended" lol [00:39:52] gibbon66: 9 milly [00:39:53] YumeNoZen: Lollll [00:39:53] bfredl: easy to pretend to be a girl when you are a girl [00:39:54] AmazingAspie: your gonna make me broke [00:39:54] teagan_989: lol [00:39:55] quartark: more geography questions please [00:39:55] MrCookie_Floof: 9m???? FUCK YEAH!!! [00:39:57] distractedcreative: Asking the real questions [00:39:58] ronin_5463: The read KEKW [00:39:58] 0redZero00: isn't that the one with Natt? [00:40:03] imaprsn: ooooof [00:40:05] drake_j0sh: Your final challenge, let the chat win a bet [00:40:06] zebrabbl396: f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye [00:40:07] endanabanananana: Cheer68 U RIGHT BB [00:40:07] Scrooge_McBong: the seed was planted [00:40:13] barrenchatt: my current reddit has 10k views lol, not this name haha [00:40:14] Taranis_EXE: ctvaOMEGALUL [00:40:15] bluj40: brazil [00:40:15] Y0rk5h1r3: Brazil [00:40:17] melostack: fifa cups? [00:40:17] cedric_callnight: Brazil! [00:40:17] hollow_xar: Brazik [00:40:18] Loelinverse: Warden introspection yesss [00:40:19] Aedthryth: Lithuania [00:40:19] agpiloto90: brasil [00:40:19] AmazingAspie: brazil [00:40:20] Gtadicto1: Warden doing the important questions [00:40:20] djsketch87: Spain [00:40:20] MrCookie_Floof: Brazil [00:40:20] abhishek_t87: Brazil [00:40:20] bearpaw1970: Brazil [00:40:21] The_logs: no the uk KEKW [00:40:21] SpawnInsane: im american i have know idea [00:40:21] drake_j0sh: Argentina or brazil [00:40:22] mintymazing: argentina? [00:40:22] strahd05: Brazil [00:40:23] Falstaff1984: Brazil [00:40:23] mystchevious1: Brazil [00:40:23] jordanpayne2007: hi ngl your hot can I get your snap [00:40:23] JustaBiiii: brazil [00:40:24] deathfoxx8072: Brazil [00:40:24] Lucridis: Italia [00:40:25] bfredl: saudi arabia [00:40:26] KanchidoShinokyoufu: Germany [00:40:27] Gius_Julianus: Brazil or Germany [00:40:27] alexandraluna13: uruguay [00:40:27] drake_j0sh: Brazil [00:40:27] agpiloto90: brasilllll [00:40:27] sunny_lilac12: Brazil [00:40:28] Macliurigam: Argentina? [00:40:29] endanabanananana: STHAP CHAT [00:40:29] djsketch87: SPAIN [00:40:29] glitchzinth: USA [00:40:29] blueskydrinking: eng ger land [00:40:29] Ex0dia5: brazil easy [00:40:30] agpiloto90: brasilll [00:40:31] endanabanananana: NO ANSWERS [00:40:33] Aedthryth: Uganda [00:40:36] lilygothdevil: Brazil [00:40:36] Bhavia357: Brazil [00:40:37] cedric_callnight: Switzerland of course [00:40:37] NyxGoneRogue: Brazil!!!! [00:40:38] kitynh: lol [00:40:38] rust_2switch: brazil [00:40:40] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:40:41] Bulldog85043: Mexico [00:40:41] teagan_989: brazil [00:40:42] jaimejjnij: BRASIL [00:40:42] sunny_lilac12: Brazil? [00:40:42] mintymazing: crazy [00:40:44] drake_j0sh: PORTUGAL [00:40:44] KanchidoShinokyoufu: Deutchland!!! [00:40:45] Zdycopter: france [00:40:47] m3talfirebreath2k21: Italia [00:40:48] alex_5r1: Brazil [00:40:48] im_up_to_something: Can't ask a girl sport questions lol [00:40:48] evericor000: Brazil [00:40:48] JustaBiiii: or maybe russia? [00:40:48] barrenchatt: Brazil... [00:40:49] 0redZero00: Luxemberg [00:40:51] MerleisAirdburneDF: @F1NN5TER thanks for unbanning me bro [00:40:53] garfsnooks: brazil [00:40:54] alex_5r1: brazil <<< [00:40:54] ogshaylahstone: most what? [00:40:56] mintymazing: @KanchidoShinokyoufu they dont even have one [00:40:57] NyxGoneRogue: @F1NN5TER Brazil! [00:40:58] ronin_5463: Chad [00:40:59] vesahar: 7:1 Kappa [00:40:59] drake_j0sh: PORTUGAL ITS PORTUGAL [00:40:59] agpiloto90: brasilllll [00:41:01] MrCookie_Floof: France Brazil or England [00:41:02] tommy_1110: Liechtenstein [00:41:03] endanabanananana: omg u need to do this again but in a zoom format, like legit game show bruh [00:41:03] alex_5r1: say brazil [00:41:06] Gutman_Floyd: The same dictatorship that banned Twitter. [00:41:07] drake_j0sh: Hahaha lmfao [00:41:10] cedric_callnight: Portugal has not won one FIFA world cup [00:41:12] randomgeneratedcea: vatican city [00:41:15] Gtadicto1: its brazil [00:41:17] AmazingAspie: germany? [00:41:18] Anaboth: brazil, we have 5 cups [00:41:19] MerleisAirdburneDF: @F1NN5TER thanks dude, you are the man for unbanning me [00:41:20] FloridianBeing: Brazil [00:41:21] mystchevious1: GO John!!! [00:41:22] Ex0dia5: portugal has never won it. and has never been in a final [00:41:23] Y0rk5h1r3: @mrcookie_floof we counting world cups, not world wars LUL [00:41:23] Monochrome90: where is brazil 2 [00:41:24] drake_j0sh: I got him yall [00:41:24] endanabanananana: this has got my puzzy snatched [00:41:25] mystchevious1: John is so smart [00:41:25] dmx908: Spain [00:41:26] ChasingSol: ffs [00:41:26] melostack: ??? [00:41:27] ChasingSol: lol [00:41:28] ProfaneCreation: KEKW [00:41:29] gibbon66: Litchenstein [00:41:30] MartiniSLO: huh?! [00:41:32] mystchevious1: Wooo! [00:41:33] distractedcreative: Bruh [00:41:34] MizukiDaarin: Argentina [00:41:34] mintymazing: have they even qualified [00:41:34] ChasingSol: Sara!! we're supposed to win [00:41:37] princess_mia03: Spain [00:41:37] Vanimal2118: Good guesses [00:41:37] cedric_callnight: Brazil has 5 [00:41:37] Kolateak_: h u h [00:41:39] drake_j0sh: WOOOOOOOOO YAY [00:41:41] mystchevious1: 5 cups [00:41:43] MrCookie_Floof: @y0rk5h1r3 I CRACKED HARD HERE [00:41:44] gammalsvenska: @gibbon66 Liechtenstein [00:41:44] ChasingSol: okay, I'm going to fix chat helping... [00:41:50] zebrabbl396: f1nnSmile2 [00:41:51] freshdelipickles: 7-1 [00:41:55] Vanimal2118: Football [00:41:59] bySkeelio: @freshdelipickles hahaha [00:42:03] alexg6464: Portugal is spiritually close to Brazil! [00:42:05] strahd05: Neymar! [00:42:08] Kolateak_: KEKW [00:42:08] gibbon66: @gammalsvenska sorry [00:42:09] drake_j0sh: Soccer is a disgusting word [00:42:11] AmazingAspie: go emote only sol [00:42:12] cedric_callnight: Germany and Italy have the same amount, btw. They both won 4. They share 2nd place [00:42:12] handscombchris: It's football not soccer! [00:42:13] Coop9er: emote only mode [00:42:16] alex_5r1: let chat help [00:42:17] ChasingSol: @AmazingAspie exactly [00:42:19] vesahar: @gammalsvenska flittchenstein Kappa [00:42:19] Gius_Julianus: Im american and I love soccer [00:42:19] strahd05: Never forget 7-1 [00:42:20] gammalsvenska: The Brasilians I know disagree. :-) [00:42:20] AmazingAspie: :D [00:42:20] Y0rk5h1r3: Femboy don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of football [00:42:21] mystchevious1: Finn you were talking to chat directly [00:42:25] Kolateak_: OMEGALUL [00:42:26] Aedthryth: John is using his CHEATER FRENCH skills to look at chat [00:42:27] endanabanananana: lmfaooo not france haaaa [00:42:27] blueskydrinking: You'd think they'd be better [00:42:27] Nitzkit8: WHAT!....john is lil jon [00:42:28] freshdelipickles: 7-1 Never Forget [00:42:28] Vanimal2118: @johnkeiwo is the greatest [00:42:28] tommy_1110: It’s not “soccer” it’s football [00:42:29] ChristinaGaymes: Love your outfit today. you look amazing! [00:42:31] handscombchris: List? [00:42:32] MartiniSLO: The UK guy fumbles the football question lol [00:42:33] bearpaw1970: It is football [00:42:34] ronin_5463: KEKW [00:42:36] Y0rk5h1r3: Did you see that ludicrous display last night? [00:42:37] hollow_xar: and another one to Argentina [00:42:38] SusanTheNerd: Lmao [00:42:41] strahd05: Mbape is not as good as you think [00:42:43] AmazingAspie: cut off f1nns lifeline :D [00:42:44] alex_5r1: chat adds nice dynamic to the thing [00:42:44] student0810: France loves Football so much they IMPORT all their players [00:42:47] drake_j0sh: F1nn stfu britain doesnt even know how to play [00:42:47] femboy_engineering: They be queer what do ya expect [00:42:48] bluj40: england are even lower [00:42:49] Ex0dia5: zizou is a goat, but he screwed himself. [00:42:51] endanabanananana: im ded [00:42:51] Taranis_EXE: Bra7il impressXdx [00:42:52] blueskydrinking: where is england on that list f1nn? KEKW [00:42:53] Driga_Agwyla: Driga_Agwyla subscribed with Prime. [00:42:53] f3mmbot: driga_agwyla subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang driga_agwyla f1nnLezgang [00:42:57] AmazingAspie: :D [00:43:03] JustaBiiii: glowypWave glowypWave glowypWave [00:43:04] tommy_1110: vasimaHuh [00:43:06] Helen_Croft: I think I know [00:43:13] Atrrox: PokPikachu PokPikachu PokPikachu [00:43:13] FlameingPanda: Hey mommy [00:43:14] mystchevious1: Likely [00:43:14] princess_mia03: Mr beast [00:43:14] endanabanananana: gangname style [00:43:15] jasha_seryy: sandyj92Daance [00:43:16] NyxGoneRogue: BABY SHARK Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:43:16] mystchevious1: Dang [00:43:16] gibbon66: baby shark dodododod [00:43:18] taeyukki: probably something bollywood related [00:43:19] vesahar: At the zoo [00:43:20] kitynh: baby shark lol [00:43:20] im_up_to_something: mikomi3Woa [00:43:21] Kolateak_: 14 BILLION [00:43:22] Jens_LN: a fluffy kutten ? [00:43:22] princess_mia03: baby shark [00:43:23] Kolateak_: Holy shit [00:43:23] Y0rk5h1r3: Baby Shark do doo do do do do [00:43:23] endanabanananana: ganaganamamae style [00:43:24] insidecchaos: <3 <3 [00:43:25] Mikayla_Alexis: Yessssss [00:43:26] gammalsvenska: Rick Astley... [00:43:27] NichtzNeues: gangnum style [00:43:29] Kolateak_: I did also just know that too [00:43:29] AmazingAspie: pure guess [00:43:30] mystchevious1: Kids watch baby shark [00:43:30] drake_j0sh: Yall mods be disgusting aint no one looking at the chat [00:43:30] mrfreeland1995: PogChamp [00:43:31] NyxGoneRogue: 14 billion views [00:43:31] ronin_5463: Humanity was a mistake [00:43:33] freshdelipickles: the screen [00:43:33] satsuma_28: despacito [00:43:34] Vanimal2118: itspea13Blahajboba itspea13Blahajboba itspea13Blahajboba itspea13Blahajboba [00:43:35] Avaerus0: Kids watch that on repeat [00:43:36] blueskydrinking: emote only mode is a good idea tbh [00:43:37] gibbon66: FootGoal FootGoal [00:43:37] Wingsteed: 14B views [00:43:39] MartiniSLO: noooooooooo, YT kids taking over [00:43:39] AmazingAspie: who turned emote off :P [00:43:41] handscombchris: Cos he likes sharks! 🤣 [00:43:42] imnotmilk_: i was gonna say the scary maze video LUL [00:43:43] YumeNoZen: That's horrifying. [00:43:43] tommy_1110: Children’s brain rot [00:43:44] tackoshark: It was Justin Bieber for a long time [00:43:46] blueskydrinking: PROFESSIONAL???? [00:43:47] bfredl: Proffesional femboy [00:43:48] Y0rk5h1r3: LMAO [00:43:51] endanabanananana: @ronin_5463 facts [00:43:52] drake_j0sh: @blueskydrinking stfu [00:43:57] bearpaw1970: Tied now [00:43:58] linxonia: Friday [00:43:58] BokiMenz: Fortnite [00:43:59] strahd05: Psy video is the only answer [00:44:00] handscombchris: Too late [00:44:01] Loelinverse: leemaaaooo [00:44:06] gibbon66: 4 v 4 [00:44:06] YumeNoZen: But F1nn forgets her shoe size. [00:44:08] freshdelipickles: fits where [00:44:10] Helen_Croft: !john [00:44:10] f3mmbot: Their streamer is a whore... [00:44:11] BokiMenz: Fortnite better [00:44:11] SusanTheNerd: Next is like some music video. I don't remember which one [00:44:11] fanconvet: underdog pulls even [00:44:11] CadenceOfLife: Dude, you gotta be careful bending forward like that. [00:44:15] Y0rk5h1r3: If the stiletto fits [00:44:18] Bromopar: If the high heel fits, wear it! [00:44:21] Avaerus0: Looks cool [00:44:24] Aedthryth: 1% represent [00:44:25] marvhus: Professional just means that it is youe profession (that you get paid to do it= [00:44:25] BokiMenz: Fortntie Better [00:44:27] drake_j0sh: I dont think f1nn has ever measured her feet [00:44:31] quartark: JAPAN THING! girl you mean kimono [00:44:32] ronin_5463: Big Lebowski [00:44:32] Vanimal2118: Horrifying F1nn knew the question or just baby shark most viewed? [00:44:33] Y0rk5h1r3: Over shirt should be cropped [00:44:34] ChasingSol: whoops [00:44:34] Dreamweaver_Kara: So cute! [00:44:35] maess_0: giving lesbian [00:44:38] LightOfCarla: EMOTE TROLL [00:44:39] alex_5r1: looks good [00:44:40] bongdrinker1: Like a baseball shirt [00:44:40] glitchzinth: 4v4 [00:44:40] Scrooge_McBong: boyfriend’s shirt like [00:44:40] student0810: Finn, give yourself the point...they are distracting you [00:44:42] drake_j0sh: Dw its aight [00:44:44] Ex0dia5: the word she looking for is Kimono. [00:44:44] blueskydrinking: @drake_j0sh why? [00:44:44] strahd05: Looks like a baseball jersey [00:44:45] BokiMenz: okee [00:44:53] bongdrinker1: GoldPLZ [00:44:56] alexg6464: ezeggStop [00:44:56] freshdelipickles: moon2EZ [00:44:58] quartark: f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods f1nnNomods [00:44:59] Jens_LN: spicycowHappy [00:45:00] LawlessClownShoes: cabybara [00:45:00] MartiniSLO: lesgo bowling [00:45:00] NyxGoneRogue: @F1NN5TER BLUE WHALE! [00:45:00] ProfaneCreation: 🐋 🐋 🐋 [00:45:01] Xirenec_: xireneCOrionWheezeHyper [00:45:01] glitchzinth: pfiveD [00:45:01] selfmd66: Is f1nn genderfluid? [00:45:02] guybrush777: a blue whale [00:45:02] X_Plastic_Star_X: whale [00:45:02] Scrooge_McBong: 🙄 [00:45:02] hwg_hannah: SeemsGood [00:45:03] Kolateak_: So easy [00:45:03] Vanimal2118: Need F1nn5ter embroidery on back [00:45:03] siro_9985: Blue whale [00:45:05] alexg6464: Meeeee :3 [00:45:06] Kibbysable: if you scream my ears will hurt [00:45:06] d3d9ex: happi [00:45:07] drake_j0sh: Easy af [00:45:07] frost177: The sperm wheel [00:45:09] bfredl: BLAHAJ but whale [00:45:09] brianknight_32: blue wale I think [00:45:10] ronin_5463: We all did bro [00:45:10] Avaerus0: It's the blue whale [00:45:11] Helen_Croft: @selfmd66 yes [00:45:12] jacob078753: hey f1nn did u break up with icky [00:45:14] drake_j0sh: AFRICAN ELEPHANT [00:45:14] chickenwithlargetalons: do you like jellied eels [00:45:14] strahd05: Finally [00:45:15] randomgeneratedcea: one of them whales but which one [00:45:15] MrCookie_Floof: Blue Whale or something. Yeah. [00:45:15] Taranis_EXE: annytfOk ban bao [00:45:17] Wingsteed: mega [00:45:17] NyxGoneRogue: It's definetly BLUE WHALE [00:45:19] kitynh: blue whale is right [00:45:21] guybrush777: its also the lagest mammal ever in the history of earth [00:45:22] grandpaladin1701: 🐳 [00:45:23] Y0rk5h1r3: I thought Stov grew up building Stone Henge LUL [00:45:23] Storm_Ryder: hey F1nn! thank you for following me on TikTok!! I think ima post a new vid this weekend, also great outfit!! [00:45:26] Aedthryth: I was gonna say F1nn if you include the balls. [00:45:31] MemorialWings: OOKS MUNASILLAA [00:45:33] elo_ween: 🐳🐳🐳🐳 [00:45:36] sdeadad: how does every one has such a bad mic :D [00:45:36] tommy_1110: W mods [00:45:37] kieranfl: F1nn is at 4, not 3 [00:45:40] endanabanananana: fight fight fight [00:45:40] distractedcreative: KEKW [00:45:40] student0810: Finn HAS 4 points [00:45:43] mystchevious1: Warden got that loyalty [00:45:46] Kolateak_: Did finn add baby shark point? [00:45:47] JamesGamesOfficial: @F1NN5TER you are at 4to 5 [00:45:48] ronin_5463: They do too well and get fired KEKW [00:45:52] glitchzinth: finn you forgor to give yourself a point [00:45:54] Ruglund6230: @F1NN5TER youre at 4 not 3 [00:45:54] Stovamor: @sdeadad, we're not streamers, and we're using Discord [00:45:54] bongdrinker1: ItsBoshyTime [00:45:58] grandpaladin1701: F1nn needs points updated [00:45:59] distractedcreative: Don't tell f1nmter [00:46:00] Gtadicto1: finn add the baby shak one [00:46:02] kieranfl: 13??? [00:46:02] 71M073J: Finn you are at 4 [00:46:02] sunny_lilac12: Finn you have 4 [00:46:04] Storm_Ryder: the score?! [00:46:04] Y0rk5h1r3: She fagor [00:46:05] Kolateak_: OMEGALUL [00:46:08] SusanTheNerd: O [00:46:09] JamesGamesOfficial: TwitchUnity HSCheers [00:46:13] Vanimal2118: Magic? [00:46:14] sunny_lilac12: KEKW [00:46:14] Aedthryth: HELL [00:46:14] Y0rk5h1r3: Jack's room [00:46:15] bearpaw1970: F1nn' 13 points 🤣 [00:46:15] Jayden_Reiko: Justin tv [00:46:15] wulfy_hun: f1nn, you didn't add the baby shark point [00:46:16] fanconvet: finn should 4 points [00:46:17] endanabanananana: twatch [00:46:17] yeetmast3r1: Stim [00:46:18] PerdyTang: justin tv [00:46:19] RoryRiviera: kekw [00:46:20] ronin_5463: She's hacking KEKW [00:46:20] gibbon66: witch? [00:46:21] AmazingAspie: justin tv [00:46:23] xLumieI: Twatch [00:46:27] griddy69lol: yo love the fit [00:46:27] simplejack42069: Minecraft only lightning round, five points per right answer [00:46:28] vesahar: justin tv [00:46:29] Scrooge_McBong: ditch [00:46:30] strahd05: Twit [00:46:31] MemorialWings: vityu seksimies [00:46:32] Y0rk5h1r3: Stov was there, 3000 years ago [00:46:36] SusanTheNerd: You didn't add to your score for the baby shark answer [00:46:39] Loelinverse: just in tv [00:46:42] freshdelipickles: KEKW [00:46:49] ronin_5463: Who's Justin? [00:46:50] MrCookie_Floof: Justin TV | *** [00:46:50] bongdrinker1: finn is cute [00:46:51] endanabanananana: @xLumieI samsies jokes [00:46:52] Y0rk5h1r3: Stovrond [00:46:54] CadenceOfLife: The good ol days [00:46:55] ChasingSol: "professional streamer" [00:46:56] zombiii: mods are old [00:46:57] AmazingAspie: cause old [00:46:58] endanabanananana: lolol [00:46:59] YumeNoZen: Being old in Twitch terms. [00:47:00] SpawnInsane: finn why thhe counter so small [00:47:01] freshdelipickles: way too online [00:47:02] zombiii: dont ban me pls [00:47:03] vesahar: I still don't know who justin is [00:47:06] grimyt23: Am I smarter than a femboy... but I am one? [00:47:10] Foot_Sandwich: f1nn5ter and chat5ters ravsHey ravsMarge [00:47:10] MrCookie_Floof: TF? [00:47:11] goldenthesaltmine: bokoenOoo thegoldenBrazil atrioc47 [00:47:12] tommy_1110: Stov was there when the world was created [00:47:14] BlaireBearStare: Back when the mascot was a gorilla, I remember those days [00:47:14] ChasingSol: @zombiii ... [00:47:16] strahd05: Don't recite old magic to me, I was there when it was written [00:47:17] LightOfCarla: MODS ARE YOUNH [00:47:17] 71M073J: 4 to 6 now [00:47:17] bluj40: lol they kinda right [00:47:18] LightOfCarla: VERY [00:47:19] xLumieI: @endanabanananana yeah lol [00:47:20] kenji173: Oldge [00:47:20] mystchevious1: A couple of the mods are cute. ~.0 [00:47:26] endanabanananana: same [00:47:36] Kibbysable: prince1733JazzuBonk [00:47:38] ShuitOnDiscord: DxCat [00:47:38] Foot_Sandwich: ravsMarge [00:47:39] Shinkyori: ciroenPride [00:47:42] jackthesack92: PogChamp [00:47:44] tommy_1110: vasimaHuh [00:47:44] hollow_xar: Ibai [00:47:45] ChristinaGaymes: amoranth [00:47:46] Aedthryth: Next cough plz don't mute bc funny [00:47:47] deathfoxx8072: SeemsGood [00:47:47] Farbse: Nice keyboard [00:47:49] guybrush777: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [00:47:50] endanabanananana: who is that i am old [00:47:51] Storm_Ryder: i gotta go to work now, have a great stream! [00:47:51] MrCookie_Floof: XQC | Kai Cenat [00:47:53] mintymazing: kai cenat [00:47:53] UnrealClinzz: vleesCindy vleesCindy vleesCindy [00:47:55] goldenthesaltmine: goldenthesaltmine gifted a Tier 1 sub to bokoen! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! [00:47:55] f3mmbot: goldenthesaltmine has gifted a subscription to bokoen at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang bokoen f1nnLezgang [00:47:57] soggyvector: gyatt [00:47:57] tommy_1110: Who? [00:47:58] endanabanananana: kaisana? [00:48:00] gammalsvenska: Then you are, by definition, not. :-) [00:48:01] mintymazing: kai cenat rizz [00:48:02] gaminggod1117: 10,000 bits if you smash an egg on your head [00:48:07] kenji173: fell off [00:48:10] ronin_5463: What the skibidi sigma ohio fanum tax??? [00:48:10] endanabanananana: im curious fr, never heard of em [00:48:18] mystchevious1: Stov Carry. [00:48:18] kenji173: what gambling does to you [00:48:19] pachepa1: pachepa1 subscribed with Prime. [00:48:19] f3mmbot: pachepa1 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang pachepa1 f1nnLezgang [00:48:22] sm0hzam: who are the guests? [00:48:26] Shinkyori: @gaminggod1117 grow up, go vegan and stop thinking about animal products [00:48:26] Nitzkit8: I'm surprised f1nn is close [00:48:28] LightOfCarla: UNICORN [00:48:29] SpawnInsane: huh\ [00:48:30] kitynh: easy [00:48:30] Y0rk5h1r3: Unicorn [00:48:30] AmazingAspie: ooo a mechanical keyboard [00:48:31] strahd05: Cau Senna? [00:48:31] LightOfCarla: I LIVE HERE [00:48:31] bongdrinker1: dragon [00:48:32] Decent_z: unicorn [00:48:32] Nhiki_Shugar: Nhiki_Shugar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [00:48:32] f3mmbot: nhiki_shugar subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:48:32] KanchidoShinokyoufu: unicorn [00:48:32] louiswho: haggis [00:48:34] Coop9er: redheads [00:48:34] pikeplays69: Horny horse [00:48:34] AmazingAspie: unicorn [00:48:34] deathfoxx8072: Goat [00:48:34] LightOfCarla: UNICORN [00:48:35] yeetmast3r1: Haggis [00:48:36] Zdycopter: unicorn [00:48:36] LightOfCarla: UNICROC [00:48:36] MrCookie_Floof: Unicorn [00:48:36] bfredl: loch ness monster [00:48:36] mystchevious1: Unicorn [00:48:36] endanabanananana: scotty dogsd [00:48:38] freshdelipickles: no [00:48:38] kieranfl: dragon [00:48:39] Lineally_Relied: unicorn [00:48:39] blueskydrinking: the wild haggis [00:48:40] ronin_5463: Unicorn [00:48:40] sunny_lilac12: Unicorn [00:48:40] ProfaneCreation: 🦄 [00:48:40] ibveon: peepoHappy unicorn [00:48:40] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: UNICORN [00:48:41] endanabanananana: lolol [00:48:41] katranas: unicorn 100% [00:48:41] sasha_3251: Unicorn [00:48:42] SpawnInsane: is it acually unicorn [00:48:42] NyxGoneRogue: @F1NN5TER Unicorn [00:48:42] Gtadicto1: Nessy XD [00:48:42] scarlettyg: I dunno but it definitely has one horn [00:48:43] Falstaff1984: Haggis [00:48:43] ComputedBee: Unicorn [00:48:43] Vanimal2118: The Mods are the guests [00:48:43] wellingtonfrogs: CoolCat [00:48:44] Scrooge_McBong: whiskey [00:48:44] tommy_1110: BRIB [00:48:44] trans_carolyn: Unicorn [00:48:44] my_queues: Griffin [00:48:45] MrCookie_Floof: UNICORN [00:48:45] liz_8626: The pig [00:48:45] YumeNoZen: Unladen swallow. [00:48:46] xLumieI: Whale [00:48:47] guybrush777: palyptus [00:48:47] grandpaladin1701: unicorn [00:48:47] vesahar: nessy? [00:48:47] brianknight_32: unicorn 🏴 [00:48:48] PassivelyAggressive: Falcon maybe? [00:48:48] Wingsteed: grouse [00:48:48] eli4yu: leprachaun [00:48:48] Y0rk5h1r3: Unicorn is Scotland's Animal [00:48:49] katranas: it’s crazy [00:48:50] MrCookie_Floof: UNICORNNNN [00:48:51] Ruglund6230: vole? [00:48:51] mintymazing: did u make a maro [00:48:51] PlatypusWithCheese: pig [00:48:51] Dreemurr2: unicorn [00:48:51] bongdrinker1: worm [00:48:52] autosoft6483: unicorn [00:48:52] DarthDerpy_: unicorn [00:48:54] Dethiccated: Beer [00:48:55] Collarito: the scottish [00:48:56] RowantheHollowrose: unicorn [00:48:56] princess_mia03: unicorn [00:48:56] thedanitone: sheep [00:48:56] mintymazing: uniorn [00:48:56] bongdrinker1: worm worm [00:48:56] NyxGoneRogue: @F1NN5TER LEGIT Unicorn dude [00:48:57] sm0hzam: the lochness monster [00:48:57] eli4yu: unicorn [00:48:57] sunny_lilac12: unicorn [00:48:58] grimyt23: UNICORN [00:48:58] freshdelipickles: it's a glaswegian [00:48:58] scarlettyg: Scotland's national animal is Margaret Thatcher [00:48:59] ronin_5463: @YumeNoZen African or European? [00:48:59] KanchidoShinokyoufu: UNICORN!!!! [00:48:59] abhishek_t87: Unicorn [00:48:59] AmazingAspie: its unironically a unicorn [00:49:00] Kolateak_: HUH [00:49:00] Avaerus0: It's a drunk Scotsman [00:49:00] bongdrinker1: its worm [00:49:01] lilygothdevil: unicorn [00:49:01] distractedcreative: !john [00:49:02] f3mmbot: Their streamer is a whore... [00:49:02] Endlessoul: Duck [00:49:02] ichmaglego123: Unicorn [00:49:03] Farbse: Just sow this animal on a bottle of wiskey which cost about 50k o.O [00:49:04] Vanimal2118: Sheep [00:49:04] CadenceOfLife: Human [00:49:04] Xirenec_: xireneCOrionWheeze [00:49:05] strahd05: Neasie [00:49:05] trikrite: i go downstairs for some water and i come back to the mods having almost double the points of the gremlin haha [00:49:07] bearpaw1970: Scottish terrier [00:49:07] bitboyvr: buddy, pal, ik you can do better [00:49:07] RowantheHollowrose: deadass a unicorn [00:49:09] 0redZero00: are lions native to Englang? [00:49:11] Y0rk5h1r3: U N I C O R N [00:49:11] kenji173: don‘t help chat WeirdDude [00:49:12] NichtzNeues: nessy [00:49:13] MrKafay: otter [00:49:13] sm0hzam: Nessie [00:49:15] merfielol: ITS A UNICORN [00:49:15] regular_enbymoth: huh [00:49:17] bongdrinker1: worm worm worm [00:49:18] Benz1971: Unicorn [00:49:21] mystchevious1: nope [00:49:22] Endlessoul: Ork [00:49:24] endanabanananana: its deadass unicorn [00:49:25] MrCookie_Floof: UNICORNNNN [00:49:25] guybrush777: unicorn [00:49:26] brianknight_32: unicorn 🏴🏴🏴 [00:49:27] eli4yu: unicorn [00:49:27] mystchevious1: It's a unicorn. [00:49:28] Endlessoul: Emu [00:49:28] andimax11: gotta be a sheep right? jkjk [00:49:28] dizzrock: Sheep [00:49:30] LightOfCarla: @0redZero00 and unicorns are? [00:49:30] trans_carolyn: A Unicorn can be a bird from a certain point of view 🤷 [00:49:31] NyxGoneRogue: U N I C O R N @F1NN5TER [00:49:34] katranas: it’s the horny horse! THE UNICORN [00:49:35] bearpaw1970: Unicorn [00:49:35] Endlessoul: Ostrich [00:49:35] Scrooge_McBong: Unicorn drinking a whiskey [00:49:38] Smiling_Shelly: unicorn because they could kill Lions [00:49:39] MrCookie_Floof: UNICORNNNNN [00:49:40] blueskydrinking: deer [00:49:40] Y0rk5h1r3: Fuck me, how they so dumb? [00:49:41] glitchzinth: sheep? [00:49:43] AmazingAspie: a bicorne :D [00:49:43] bongdrinker1: worm [00:49:43] KyleSmith11: unicorn [00:49:44] Lucridis: F1nn it's on coins [00:49:45] sunny_lilac12: unicorn [00:49:47] freshdelipickles: it's on the damn monarchy crest [00:49:49] bearpaw1970: Zombie unicorn [00:49:49] gibbon66: Badger [00:49:51] guybrush777: triplecorn [00:49:51] sm0hzam: peasant [00:49:52] Avaerus0: Europe used to have lions, a long time ago [00:49:53] bongdrinker1: worm never gets representation [00:49:53] regular_enbymoth: Noo [00:49:54] dizzrock: Lion [00:49:58] regular_enbymoth: Yay [00:49:58] Xirenec_: @dizzrock That's Wales or New Zealand, smh [00:49:59] ronin_5463: Lions arent real either [00:50:03] alexg6464: Wales' is a DRAGON what do you mean [00:50:04] kitynh: he's right [00:50:04] niato_1: Wolf [00:50:09] Apkallone: its a 30yo drunk in the corner [00:50:10] Y0rk5h1r3: Scotland also has the Griffin alongside the Unicorn [00:50:11] dkstandsfordonkeykong: Woo unbanned! [00:50:15] Shinkyori: @bongdrinker1 You should read KSBD [00:50:17] mystchevious1: Stov is smart [00:50:19] strahd05: Lion, Witch , and the Wardrobe [00:50:23] Aedthryth: I was going to say the kilt [00:50:23] elo_ween: Unicorn is the animal of UK [00:50:24] LightOfCarla: I live in scotland finn [00:50:26] LightOfCarla: im offended [00:50:27] MrCookie_Floof: Lion🏴 | Dragon🏴 | Unicorn🏴 [00:50:27] endanabanananana: stov is smart fr [00:50:28] eli4yu: chat was saying it [00:50:28] deathfoxx8072: I've been [00:50:30] LightOfCarla: IM NOT REAL?!!?!? [00:50:32] YumeNoZen: Stov sounds like someone who goes outside. [00:50:32] gibbon66: Stov is wicked smort [00:50:33] LightOfCarla: WHAT [00:50:37] AmazingAspie: im welsh and i know it [00:50:37] Tharrick: @Shinkyori reach heaven through violence! [00:50:37] ronin_5463: Everyone in scotland is a unicorn [00:50:39] grandpaladin1701: shots fired [00:50:40] dkstandsfordonkeykong: Official animal of Scotland? Also something with a make belief horn that does exist [00:50:40] Y0rk5h1r3: I've been to the bonnie bonnie banks of Loch Lommond [00:50:41] ChasingSol: John is right [00:50:42] Helen_Croft: I was to schotland years ago [00:50:44] Vanimal2118: Go touch grass F1nn! [00:50:46] katranas: yerp, it’s the horny horse, the unicorn [00:50:46] YumeNoZen: F1nn doesn't go outside. [00:50:47] reemillia: Why echo? [00:50:48] enbyvee: @YumeNoZen I can confirm he does go outside [00:50:49] strahd05: Sing 500 Miles [00:50:50] Jens_LN: BEARD !! [00:50:51] jackalias: Someone buy F1nnster a kilt [00:50:55] MrCookie_Floof: STOV [00:50:56] ChasingSol: @f1nn5ter okay [00:50:56] endanabanananana: stov is smart and HANDSOME?!?! [00:50:59] Fl0kiD0ki: ooo What kind of keyboard is that? [00:50:59] katranas: vampii6Wiggle vampii6Wiggle vampii6Wiggle vampii6Wiggle [00:51:00] endanabanananana: U said beard [00:51:07] regular_enbymoth: DinoDance [00:51:07] varietia: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [00:51:08] Jayden_Reiko: fillyJail [00:51:10] sparkvut: limbol2Pop [00:51:10] guybrush777: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:51:10] AmazingAspie: :D [00:51:10] xLumieI: NotLikeThis [00:51:12] Jens_LN: rynYAY [00:51:13] cheetahcraft939: VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo [00:51:13] bfredl: myrannMosa [00:51:14] bluj40: f1nnCowjam [00:51:14] spidersman27: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:51:15] Mikayla_Alexis: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [00:51:18] gibbon66: anitaWave anitaWave [00:51:19] BlaireBearStare: TransgenderPride [00:51:21] zebrabbl396: f1nnSmile3 [00:51:21] SpawnInsane: f1nnSad f1nnSad f1nnSad [00:51:21] Vanimal2118: itspea13Sideeye itspea13Sideeye itspea13Sideeye itspea13Sideeye itspea13Sideeye [00:51:23] trans_carolyn: FallCry [00:51:24] lucia_rose_445: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [00:51:24] kitynh: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:51:25] regular_enbymoth: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:51:25] xxdarksnipexx: VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo [00:51:26] dafdeddog: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [00:51:27] linxonia: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:51:28] braddle172: f1nnMonka [00:51:28] bfredl: myrannFrogroll myrannFrogroll [00:51:28] pianoismyforte_: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:51:29] scarlettyg: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [00:51:29] sunny_lilac12: shubbleBongo [00:51:29] simplejack42069: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [00:51:30] flame_x_baron: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:51:33] blueskydrinking: elnYIPPEE elnYIPPEE elnYIPPEE [00:51:33] lucia_rose_445: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:51:34] Nitzkit8: VoteYea [00:51:34] deathfoxx8072: f1nnMakeupcheck [00:51:35] guybrush777: guzuOld [00:51:37] bluj40: im gonna feed him wrong answers [00:51:37] JessieJaimy: WutFace WutFace [00:51:38] hwg_hannah: f1nnStare [00:51:38] Vanimal2118: vanima3DARTH vanima3DARTH vanima3DARTH [00:51:39] cheetahcraft939: LionOfYara VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo [00:51:40] RoryRiviera: f1nnSad [00:51:40] AmazingAspie: LUL LUL [00:51:41] lunarouge89: LUL [00:51:41] quartark: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa [00:51:42] l3m0r: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [00:51:44] freshdelipickles: PoroSad [00:51:44] Chri55PBacon: bnrBD [00:51:45] ProfaneCreation: hasel1337 [00:51:46] ChasingSol: NotLikeThis [00:51:46] wingerdoodlez: joebartLongneck joebartLongneck joebartLongneck joebartLongneck joebartLongneck [00:51:46] trans_carolyn: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [00:51:47] Helen_Croft: 8 [00:51:47] insidecchaos: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [00:51:47] macyeeter07: eefinKissy eefinKissy eefinKissy eefinKissy eefinKissy eefinKissy [00:51:47] quartark: f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare [00:51:47] simplejack42069: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 [00:51:48] flakeview: demeSad demeSad demeSad [00:51:48] glitchzinth: pfiveHmm [00:51:48] scarlettyg: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:51:49] tommy_1110: vasimaCrisis [00:51:50] kitynh: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:51:50] bluj40: 89 [00:51:50] alexg6464: ezeggBuhloon [00:51:51] Jens_LN: ResidentSleeper [00:51:51] perfersserderg: FBtouchdown [00:51:52] lucia_rose_445: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:51:53] Xirenec_: yarr7 [00:51:54] braddle172: f1nnHands [00:51:55] sm0hzam: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:51:55] lucia_rose_445: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:51:55] eli4yu: FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish [00:51:56] tommy_1110: vasimaCrisis vasimaCrisis vasimaCrisis vasimaCrisis [00:51:56] cheetahcraft939: VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo [00:51:57] simplejack42069: NotLikeThis [00:51:57] blueskydrinking: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:51:57] NyxGoneRogue: Squid1 Squid3 Squid4 [00:51:57] Mikayla_Alexis: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:51:58] Jens_LN: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper [00:51:59] xLumieI: FutureMan [00:52:01] lucia_rose_445: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:52:02] bfredl: conureDinkDonk [00:52:02] Nitzkit8: VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay [00:52:04] macyeeter07: eefinHALT eefinHALT eefinHALT eefinHALT eefinHALT [00:52:05] quartark: quarta2Quartark quarta2Quartark quarta2Quartark [00:52:07] deadRinger91: LUL [00:52:07] sparkvut: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:52:11] tommy_1110: PowerUpL vasimaHuh PowerUpR [00:52:11] simplejack42069: Squid1 Squid2 NotLikeThis Squid2 Squid4 [00:52:12] NyxGoneRogue: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [00:52:13] YumeNoZen: f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [00:52:13] l3m0r: Squid1 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:52:14] sunny_lilac12: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:52:14] kitynh: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:52:14] guybrush777: guzuNotes [00:52:15] ProfaneCreation: dinklebeanKEKW [00:52:16] ChasingSol: TOO SOON [00:52:16] sm0hzam: astra71Pop astra71Pop astra71Pop astra71Pop [00:52:17] Poptart83: whatifOhno [00:52:18] mystchevious1: F1NN!!! [00:52:18] macyeeter07: eefinBIRDO eefinSTOP eefinSTOP eefinSTOP eefinSTOP eefinBIRDO eefinBIRDO eefinBIRDO [00:52:19] lucia_rose_445: BOP BOP BOP BOP BOP [00:52:19] endanabanananana: hayeClap [00:52:20] m0n3y69: filly4K filly4K filly4K filly4K [00:52:21] varietia: ph1lPIG ph1lPIG [00:52:21] Kolateak_: NotLikeThis [00:52:21] Dethiccated: FortOne FortOne FortOne [00:52:26] varietia: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:52:26] EvanflowDDT: LUL [00:52:27] flakeview: HSWP [00:52:27] Kolateak_: f1nnCancelled [00:52:30] sm0hzam: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:52:30] guybrush777: MercyWing1 MercyWing2 [00:52:32] macyeeter07: eefinFireFACE eefinFireHAND [00:52:32] bluj40: not soon enough [00:52:32] varietia: ph1lPopza [00:52:33] soggyvector: LUL LUL LUL [00:52:34] Vanimal2118: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [00:52:37] ihamud__: ihamud__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Hii f1nn thx for giving me strengh to be myself <3 [00:52:38] f3mmbot: ihamud__ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [00:52:39] sm0hzam: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:52:39] Mikayla_Alexis: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:52:43] simplejack42069: Squid1 Squid2 BibleThump Squid2 Squid4 [00:52:44] kenji173: cspPogg [00:52:44] guybrush777: MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid [00:52:47] glitchzinth: pfiveCarp pfivePorgy [00:52:47] kitynh: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [00:52:50] bitboyvr: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:52:55] sm0hzam: astra71Cool astra71Cool astra71Cool astra71Cool [00:52:55] Farbse: SabaPing [00:53:01] charlotte2000006: hhh [00:53:01] deadRinger91: LUL LUL LUL [00:53:02] SonoEnzoMoretti: PutAFingerDown [00:53:03] gibbon66: like Jack in Titanic [00:53:03] strahd05: Kate Winslet for sure [00:53:03] bmw201228: Hello f1nn [00:53:06] ronin_5463: Womp Womp [00:53:06] olivia_1998_norway: 700 people [00:53:08] mintymazing: it was like 1500 [00:53:08] Nitzkit8: 705 [00:53:10] bobthe_shark623: its 2000 [00:53:12] guybrush777: 42 [00:53:14] sunny_lilac12: 702? [00:53:14] bluj40: damn [00:53:15] NyxGoneRogue: no 706 [00:53:16] SpawnInsane: more than i thought [00:53:17] kenji173: GivePLZ [00:53:17] Jens_LN: 706 [00:53:17] KanchidoShinokyoufu: 706 [00:53:29] Xirenec_: xireneCOrionWheezeHyper [00:53:29] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [00:53:31] ChasingSol: NotLikeThis [00:53:32] zebrabbl396: NotLikeThis [00:53:35] Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnSad f1nnHeart itspea13Blahajheart [00:53:35] bluj40: bing bong [00:53:37] Vanimal2118: f1nnBingbong f1nnTank f1nnTankhat vanima3PINK [00:53:38] braddle172: f1nnBingbong [00:53:39] bearpaw1970: Yup [00:53:39] SpawnInsane: KEKW [00:53:39] bfredl: 🤓 [00:53:40] tommy_1110: vasimaCrisis vasimaCrisis vasimaCrisis [00:53:40] Kolateak_: Bruh [00:53:40] scarlettyg: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [00:53:41] freshdelipickles: VoteYea [00:53:42] simplejack42069: SeemsGood [00:53:42] kitynh: good job stov [00:53:43] YumeNoZen: Duhhh. [00:53:44] drake_j0sh: Jonkler moment [00:53:45] ProfaneCreation: haselNerd [00:53:45] Jens_LN: should know that one [00:53:46] frost177: I redeemed a blow, a kiss and didn't get one. f1nnSCAM f1nnSCAM [00:53:48] LightOfCarla: mods have 3 more and they win [00:53:49] mystchevious1: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol [00:53:49] KanchidoShinokyoufu: hyper text markup language [00:53:50] blueskydrinking: pepeD [00:53:51] flame_x_baron: KEKW [00:53:51] xXNeroZashiXx: Bing Bong [00:53:51] bearpaw1970: Stov Quick [00:53:52] ChasingSol: he was right [00:53:53] strahd05: Hypertexttransferprotocol [00:53:53] Lucridis: Oof [00:53:54] tommy_1110: Good job [00:53:54] eli4yu: someone survived the titanic cuz they were drunk off their ass [00:53:54] SusanTheNerd: Lmao [00:53:55] guybrush777: hyper text transfer protocoll [00:53:56] Helen_Croft: Stov is right [00:53:58] RocketsNRedstone: yep] [00:54:00] bluj40: all the mods are computer nerds thats ez [00:54:00] Vanimal2118: Stov 4 the win [00:54:01] gibbon66: NEERD [00:54:01] Bulldog85043: Hyperlink text transfer protocol [00:54:02] Bobbikatt: f1nnGremlin f1nnHeadpat f1nnGremlin f1nnHeadpat f1nnGremlin f1nnHeart [00:54:02] xLumieI: 🤓 [00:54:03] bearpaw1970: It's correct [00:54:03] endanabanananana: STOVEEE [00:54:05] ImTens: its transmitting [00:54:06] Lucridis: 2nd T wrong [00:54:09] ChasingSol: hahaha [00:54:10] johnkeiwo: @bluj40, i'm an anatomy nerd [00:54:11] phoebe_nyx: its transport iirc [00:54:15] bfredl: huge tiny pee pee [00:54:15] SusanTheNerd: How you don't know? [00:54:18] the_inglorious_biohazard: transit tho [00:54:19] Mikayla_Alexis: Misty said it... [00:54:19] kenji173: KEKW [00:54:19] ronin_5463: Huge Tiny Tiny Pen- [00:54:22] SpawnInsane: KEKW [00:54:23] simplejack42069: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [00:54:24] Aedthryth: Huge Tiddy Tiny Penis [00:54:25] ChasingSol: LUL [00:54:27] endanabanananana: @bfredl IS ROIGHT [00:54:29] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [00:54:29] BlaireBearStare: KEKW [00:54:31] linxonia: LUL [00:54:34] andimax11: lmao [00:54:35] goblinishere: Cheer100 yt keeps suggesting your videos to me lately, and by god I keep watching them [00:54:36] YumeNoZen: Stov got it right. [00:54:41] simplejack42069: OhMyDog [00:54:42] Altephfour: Hypertext transfer preotocol [00:54:46] bluj40: @johnkeiwo tru tru, hopefully they ask how many bones humans have [00:54:48] Helen_Croft: we got that on school [00:54:49] princess_mia03: TransgenderPride [00:54:59] kousan30: HeyGuys [00:55:01] eli4yu: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump [00:55:01] Alice_Unchained: TransgenderPride [00:55:01] MaybeEmmaline: PowerUpL MercyWing1 TransgenderPride MercyWing2 PowerUpR [00:55:03] bfredl: myrannDinodans [00:55:04] simplejack42069: CoolStoryBob [00:55:07] ChasingSol: I do [00:55:08] blueskydrinking: elnMOOOOOOOON [00:55:09] mystchevious1: Trick Question!!!! [00:55:10] dafdeddog: HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer HypeCheer [00:55:12] alexg6464: ezeggRun [00:55:12] my_queues: NotLikeThis [00:55:13] Dethiccated: guzuArm1 guzuFlex guzuArm2 [00:55:16] ChasingSol: hahaha [00:55:16] Ozzyfailqueen: ozzyfa1Dancing ozzyfa1Dancing ozzyfa1Dancing ozzyfa1Dancing ozzyfa1Dancing ozzyfa1Dancing ozzyfa1Dancing ozzyfa1Dancing ozzyfa1Dancing ozzyfa1Dancing [00:55:16] perfersserderg: LUL [00:55:16] glitchzinth: pfiveNerdge [00:55:24] Ozzyfailqueen: tidalw9Yadontsay tidalw9Yadontsay tidalw9Yadontsay tidalw9Yadontsay tidalw9Yadontsay tidalw9Yadontsay tidalw9Yadontsay tidalw9Yadontsay tidalw9Yadontsay [00:55:27] simplejack42069: OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog [00:55:29] kousan30: BlackLivesMatter HeyGuys [00:55:31] bfredl: myrannKlipp myrannKlipp myrannKlipp [00:55:32] trans_carolyn: YouDontSay [00:55:32] Enderllama_: TransgenderPride [00:55:32] Ozzyfailqueen: texast30Rage texast30Rage texast30Rage texast30Rage texast30Rage texast30Rage texast30Rage texast30Rage [00:55:34] Taranis_EXE: SilverNerdge [00:55:37] dafdeddog: HypeAwww HypeAwww HypeAwww [00:55:38] mystchevious1: Movie answer has 2 answers [00:55:38] medical_size9000: LUL LUL LUL LUL [00:55:42] whatyoueggxxxstabshim: VoteYea [00:55:44] simplejack42069: CoolCat [00:55:44] Ozzyfailqueen: przcovBlushh przcovBlushh przcovBlushh przcovBlushh przcovBlushh przcovBlushh przcovBlushh przcovBlushh przcovBlushh [00:55:48] sapphicbernkastel: PogChamp [00:55:49] im_up_to_something: The redhead [00:55:49] melostack: 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 [00:55:50] thehost1234: hi fin!! [00:55:50] Kolateak_: The culk KEKW [00:55:50] Bobbikatt: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp [00:55:50] ronin_5463: Suns gettin real low [00:55:51] hwg_hannah: PrimeUWot [00:55:51] strahd05: Thor tried to calm him down [00:55:51] glitchzinth: pfiveCleo pfiveCleo pfiveCleo [00:55:51] garfsnooks: Hyper Text Trans Fur Protocol [00:55:52] guybrush777: latina mum with flipflop [00:55:52] endanabanananana: finn ftw [00:55:53] simplejack42069: Poooound [00:55:57] jackalias: I need that now [00:55:57] pianoismyforte_: Yes please! Do it! [00:55:57] abhishek_t87: Nerd!! [00:55:59] bifflewiff1: black widow [00:55:59] effthelf: HarleyWink HarleyWink HarleyWink HarleyWink [00:55:59] NEOGIU: neeeeeer [00:56:01] Alice_Unchained: Cosplay Hulk instead? [00:56:01] courtneyisaseagull: YES [00:56:02] thunderstrike89: yesss [00:56:04] ronin_5463: Redhead F1nn [00:56:04] Dethiccated: guzuArm1 guzuWeird guzuArm2 [00:56:04] olivia_1998_norway: Natasha Romanoff [00:56:05] kitynh: f1nn should cosplay black widow yes [00:56:06] SpawnInsane: if u lose u cosplay as black widow [00:56:07] YumeNoZen: F1nn might need more booba first. [00:56:07] BlaireBearStare: Hell yeah [00:56:07] wulfy_hun: YEEEEEES :D [00:56:09] mystchevious1: I can find the outfit for you! [00:56:10] toastedhamster_: gaming1739Snorlaxtwerk gaming1739Snorlaxtwerk gaming1739Snorlaxtwerk gaming1739Snorlaxtwerk gaming1739Snorlaxtwerk gaming1739Snorlaxtwerk gaming1739Snorlaxtwerk gaming1739Snorlaxtwerk gaming1739Snorlaxtwerk gaming1739Snorlaxtwerk gaming1739Snorlaxtwerk gaming1739Snorlaxtwerk [00:56:12] distractedcreative: roasted [00:56:13] Gtadicto1: he needs more assets for BW [00:56:14] grandpaladin1701: YAAAS [00:56:14] ronin_5463: Ashley can be the hulk, muscle mommmy [00:56:15] sapphicbernkastel: no [00:56:15] gibbon66: chat sees no pyoblem with that [00:56:15] my_queues: How many questions are left? [00:56:15] insidecchaos: Dayum [00:56:16] kieranfl: could do she hulk [00:56:16] Jayden_Reiko: cosplay as she hulk [00:56:16] c__r__j: Natt has Hulk; F1nn as Black Widow? [00:56:17] ChasingSol: ... [00:56:17] pikeplays69: Buy hulk hands [00:56:18] mintymazing: w recommendation [00:56:18] bearpaw1970: There is another and it's one of the spider gals [00:56:19] princess_mia03: f1nnHeart [00:56:20] sunny_lilac12: da,n [00:56:21] MrCookie_Floof: Ah! THE FUCK?! [00:56:22] Aedthryth: @garfsnooks Furries....dam them always making cool things [00:56:23] sunny_lilac12: damn [00:56:23] YumeNoZen: Have to get more than one muscle. [00:56:24] iki_master: i would love to see you as black widow [00:56:25] mintymazing: f1nns been hitting the gym not cool [00:56:25] hwg_hannah: Get swole [00:56:26] alexg6464: Who's Jim? [00:56:30] mystchevious1: Every day is butt day [00:56:31] Vanimal2118: Called out by Warden! RIP Streamer [00:56:32] bfredl: three days ago? pathetic. [00:56:34] bearpaw1970: Because she emits pheromones [00:56:35] chipmunkahi: I think Finn can play the hulk [00:56:35] endanabanananana: it was pelvic floor day <3 [00:56:37] Jens_LN: Butt Day ! [00:56:37] RaukkM: Do femboy hulk cosplay [00:56:39] Falstaff1984: every day is butt day now for Finn [00:56:41] RoryRiviera: finn becomming musclemommy [00:56:41] MadAmber06: need tiny ripped purple shorts finn [00:56:42] barrenchatt: sorry F1nn I only bid 140 for you to win [00:56:42] my_queues: At what point does this become a runway for the mods lol [00:56:43] MrCookie_Floof: @alexg6464 Jim Gaffigan [00:56:46] bfredl: do you even lift bro [00:56:48] chipmunkahi: seeing him shirtless would be fun [00:56:49] kenji173: om [00:56:50] ronin_5463: The hulk would do you [00:56:51] 3luefirephoenix: No [00:56:51] frost177: It's always but day LUL LUL [00:56:53] Jens_LN: SHE-HULK [00:56:54] gibbon66: tree [00:56:56] c__r__j: Let Natt be the Hulk. [00:56:57] distractedcreative: Male fail [00:56:59] 3luefirephoenix: om [00:57:00] Falstaff1984: LOL [00:57:00] PlatypusWithCheese: Femboy Hulk [00:57:01] mystchevious1: BTW the Movie is Tony Stark AND Natasha Rominov! [00:57:01] pikeplays69: She-hulk is smart [00:57:02] fightinire: A very ill Hulk [00:57:02] bifflewiff1: she hulk [00:57:02] flakeview: finn def has the physique. the first huk was just a dude [00:57:02] Aedthryth: @endanabanananana Kegel day [00:57:02] Gtadicto1: Maybe she-hulk [00:57:02] strahd05: You can do Bruce Banner [00:57:04] Kolateak_: HUH [00:57:05] bearpaw1970: Lmao [00:57:06] ChasingSol: f1nnSad [00:57:15] glitchzinth: pfiveTalk [00:57:16] zebrabbl396: f1nnRun f1nnRun [00:57:23] eli4yu: Squid1 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:57:25] Shinkyori: ciroenSad [00:57:27] kitynh: DinoDance [00:57:31] alexg6464: ezeggWow [00:57:41] Bisto_or_Alice: chesMath [00:57:43] simplejack42069: NomNom [00:57:47] c4rtersst4r: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:57:51] sunny_lilac12: Squid1 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [00:57:53] glitchzinth: celkitMewConfusion [00:58:03] dizzrock: viperusWTF viperusWTF viperusWTF [00:58:07] zombiekiller4402: SSSsssplode [00:58:07] im_up_to_something: napnidRip napnidRip [00:58:11] endanabanananana: rhicycDance [00:58:21] guybrush777: BrainSlug BrainSlug BrainSlug [00:58:25] flakeview: FortOne [00:58:31] SolisianTV: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [00:58:36] alexg6464: zentreBanana zentreBanana zentreBanana [00:58:37] princess_mia03: PopNemo [00:58:39] ronin_5463: f1nnCope [00:58:40] deathfoxx8072: f1nnAshbonk [00:58:46] bfredl: ptvlivKoggers [00:58:48] dalida23berry: ;p [00:58:48] sunny_lilac12: shubbleBongo [00:58:48] varietia: ph1lAmazeShake ph1lAmaze BibleThump [00:58:51] dizzrock: symfShrug symfShrug symfShrug [00:58:51] Benthrax: ferret69Hey ferret69Hey [00:58:51] zebrabbl396: f1nnGross [00:58:58] bfredl: ptvlivFrackis [00:59:00] guybrush777: TheIlluminati [00:59:01] Bisto_or_Alice: SUBtember [00:59:04] alex_5r1: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam DinoDance [00:59:06] xLumieI: VoteNay [00:59:07] Helen_Croft: banana equivalent dose [00:59:07] ChoeRage: payoWow [00:59:09] bfredl: ptvlivKoggers ptvlivKoggers [00:59:11] simplejack42069: HSWP [00:59:16] charlieokeefe420: 50 [00:59:18] Vanimal2118: Just eat the seeds, all the poison is in the seeds. [00:59:18] YumeNoZen: It'd be an LD50 anyways. [00:59:18] kitynh: 3000 seeds i think [00:59:20] alex_5r1: 40 [00:59:21] ronin_5463: 45 [00:59:25] Nitzkit8: 🔟 🔟 🔟 🔟 [00:59:27] R33STY: Potassium interferes with the heart, not radioactive [00:59:27] hopalongtommy: Has F1nn ever seen the Venture Bros? Could cosplay as Molotov Cockteaseoooo [00:59:29] charlieokeefe420: 50 apples I swear [00:59:29] princess_mia03: 10m [00:59:30] endanabanananana: PRICE IS RIGHT-ASS answer [00:59:31] dashunde: 30 [00:59:32] dizzrock: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [00:59:34] guybrush777: one from an old witch [00:59:35] sasha_3251: 500 [00:59:37] Bisto_or_Alice: 1 from a witch [00:59:38] gibbon66: 1-if you swallow it whole [00:59:40] flakeview: it's at east 1 [00:59:41] BearWithMi: that's a guy??? [00:59:43] KelloggsTacoBella: Ello F1nn [00:59:44] c__r__j: That's to POISON you, not to KILL you! [00:59:44] Helen_Croft: dont eat the seeds [00:59:44] endanabanananana: lololol [00:59:49] Alice_Unchained: KEKW [00:59:49] bearpaw1970: Woo 200 seeds [00:59:50] scatteredleaves: such a good outfit [00:59:51] alexg6464: @flakeview west [00:59:52] AmazingAspie: thats less then i would think [00:59:53] braddle172: Rip [00:59:54] Kolateak_: Rip FeelsBadMan [00:59:54] bluj40: damn thats totally doable [00:59:57] ronin_5463: I was righ (If you minus 360) KEKW [00:59:57] Enderllama_: Technically 2000 seeds would also kill you [00:59:58] sportynathor: Workout with Ashley in your Homegym. Ashley will give you a few boxing lessons [00:59:58] endanabanananana: BibleThump [01:00:03] LexzityTM: SO DOABLE [01:00:03] drake_j0sh: Whats the score? [01:00:04] migmigGG: @Enderllama_ KEKW [01:00:05] ChasingSol: MODS WIN [01:00:09] mintymazing: @sportynathor W stream idea [01:00:12] AmazingAspie: mods win!! [01:00:13] Dethiccated: @BearWithMi Nah, just sore throat. [01:00:14] t0mmn_: @bearwithmi yeah [01:00:21] c__r__j: INCORRECT! [01:00:23] Kolateak_: So 39's the limit [01:00:27] chipmunkahi: correct math wrong equation [01:00:30] kenji173: what kind of seeds [01:00:32] giant_tess: the seeds have to specifically be s0plit open [01:00:33] SpawnInsane: yeah mods win finn cant come back [01:00:33] mystchevious1: You haven't updated it [01:00:36] Amoyamoyamoya: One apple, properly positioned can kill you [01:00:36] gibbon66: @Kolateak_ ROFL [01:00:37] drake_j0sh: Haha lmao [01:00:40] Vanimal2118: 5 whole points [01:00:40] Aedthryth: L [01:00:41] TopbitActual: or 1 if you threw an apple really hard [01:00:42] dizzrock: Double down [01:00:42] simplejack42069: ResidentSleeper [01:00:42] flakeview: @alexg6464 my l key is broken. ctrl+v jail [01:00:43] Inasyah: lowest number is 1; if you are allergic [01:00:44] Amoyamoyamoya: PUT ME ON F1NN'S TEAM [01:00:46] thunderstrike89: rip finn [01:00:46] mystchevious1: Stov 100% [01:00:47] kitynh: mods win! [01:00:48] blazingphoenex: let’s gooo [01:00:48] bluj40: we win yay [01:00:49] c__r__j: 40 will poison you, but won't kill you. [01:00:49] kenji173: well [01:00:50] bmc118: its Stov [01:00:51] my_queues: LMAO it's a runaway [01:00:52] YumeNoZen: Donos paused. Darn. [01:00:54] blazingphoenex: my points are saved [01:00:56] bluj40: i helped somehow [01:00:57] dizzrock: Bet 3 points [01:00:58] Vanimal2118: No Amoya! [01:00:59] Gtadicto1: F1nn can't catch a win XD [01:01:01] ronin_5463: Its @Amoyamoyamoya FROM THE TOP ROPED [01:01:02] YumeNoZen: Oh well, off too dinner. <3 y'all. [01:01:02] Kolateak_: YES [01:01:05] Viker55: @Amoyamoyamoya O hii amoya <3 [01:01:06] distractedcreative: Nooo [01:01:08] AmazingAspie: no [01:01:09] Vanimal2118: No win! [01:01:10] ChasingSol: double points [01:01:10] YumeNoZen: No chance, nope. [01:01:10] DefaultySpartan: Finn makes me feel naughty 😈 [01:01:11] guybrush777: dabble [01:01:12] YumeNoZen: Fuck that. [01:01:12] drake_j0sh: Bro wtf is this bs [01:01:13] garfsnooks: F1NN5TER you forgot to link ALICEINWONDER1AND's video in your description [01:01:13] ChasingSol: oh shit [01:01:13] distractedcreative: I want my points back [01:01:14] ChasingSol: lol [01:01:14] gibbon66: sudden deaf [01:01:14] endanabanananana: good idea!!! [01:01:17] AmazingAspie: dont do it! [01:01:17] drake_j0sh: This is bs [01:01:17] grandpaladin1701: Yeah [01:01:19] acrashot567: not a chance [01:01:19] freshdelipickles: no [01:01:20] kitynh: whattttttt [01:01:20] distractedcreative: Scammmm [01:01:20] Spencer_rosaasen: yes to triple points [01:01:22] ronin_5463: Rigged [01:01:22] HidingTheLight: emiruWICKED [01:01:24] dizzrock: symfW symfW symfW symfW [01:01:27] LindseyMonroe: bbunsShakefellas [01:01:28] FemboyAllonsy: emiruDANCE [01:01:31] drzoron: drzoron subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months! [01:01:31] f3mmbot: drzoron subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:01:34] dizzrock: viperusW viperusW viperusW [01:01:35] Vanimal2118: f1nnCancelled f1nnCope f1nnCancelled f1nnCope f1nnCancelled f1nnCope f1nnCancelled [01:01:36] FemboyAllonsy: lykant3AstolfoLove [01:01:41] glitchzinth: pfiveHmm pfiveHmm pfiveHmm pfiveHmm [01:01:42] f0rrest_f1re: stefvaSideeye [01:01:45] simplejack42069: GoldPLZ [01:01:46] FemboyAllonsy: guywit21Spilled [01:01:46] jules897_: PinkMercy PinkMercy PinkMercy PinkMercy PinkMercy [01:01:49] SuchKittyMuchMeow: zizSHAKE [01:01:50] guybrush777: guzuGiggle guzuGiggle guzuGiggle [01:01:51] flakeview: PokPikachu PokPikachu PokPikachu [01:01:52] tinifairy: piranh19Finijam piranh19Finijam [01:01:53] cedric_callnight: PogBones Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 [01:01:53] bfredl: myrannFabbe [01:01:53] Brunie: brunieHeyhey [01:01:53] gibbon66: GoldPLZ GoldPLZ PikaRamen Lechonk [01:01:54] simplejack42069: TakeNRG [01:01:55] JVMagicman: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:01:55] HidingTheLight: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp [01:01:56] flufflesnugglez: TPFufun [01:01:57] sunny_lilac12: shubbleBongo [01:01:57] zebrabbl396: f1nnPegChamp f1nnPegChamp [01:01:57] freshdelipickles: moon2BIGGERM [01:01:58] HidingTheLight: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:01:59] bfredl: conureBOOMIES [01:01:59] mystchevious1: PrideShrug PrideShrug PrideShrug PrideShrug PrideShrug [01:01:59] Taranis_EXE: zentreThonk SilverThinks [01:02:00] ChoeRage: floabcScream [01:02:01] Macliurigam: NiceTry [01:02:02] Vanimal2118: astra71Monch [01:02:03] cedric_callnight: PikaRamen Lechonk [01:02:04] HidingTheLight: yarrCult yarrCult yarrCult [01:02:06] simplejack42069: SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss [01:02:06] dafdeddog: HypeLick HypePopcorn HypeLurk PrimeYouDontSay PrimeYouDontSay PokPikachu PokPikachu [01:02:06] DesertRed_TV: xderskDesertxd xderskDesertxd [01:02:06] gaminggiantlive: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [01:02:07] ねこじた1169 (nekojita1169): HypeNom [01:02:08] cjams2468: PopNemo PopNemo [01:02:08] guybrush777: guzuStop [01:02:09] bfredl: conureBOOMIES conureBOOMIES conureBOOMIES [01:02:09] effthelf: BangbooBounce BangbooBounce [01:02:11] dizzrock: viperusWeird viperusWeird viperusWeird [01:02:12] Spencer_rosaasen: EarthDay Squid3 [01:02:12] gaminggiantlive: tipste4Pan tipste4Pan tipste4Pan tipste4Pan [01:02:14] Nitzkit8: astra71Monch [01:02:14] blazingphoenex: BangbooBounce [01:02:15] cedric_callnight: PikaRamen PikaRamen [01:02:15] raddi_: aruLong1 aruLong2 aruLong3 aruLong4 [01:02:16] HidingTheLight: yarrOKBud [01:02:22] guybrush777: guzuY [01:02:24] gibbon66: GoldPLZ PikaRamen PikaRamen Lechonk [01:02:25] Xirenec_: OWL2019Tracer OWL2019Tracer OWL2019Tracer [01:02:28] SparklesSlayer: sparkl243Lurk sparkl243Lurk [01:02:29] FemboyAllonsy: emiruDANCE lykant3AstolfoLove emiruDANCE lykant3AstolfoLove emiruDANCE lykant3AstolfoLove emiruDANCE lykant3AstolfoLove [01:02:31] im_up_to_something: mikomi3NebiShock mikomi3NebiShock mikomi3NebiShock [01:02:32] simplejack42069: TwitchConHYPE [01:02:32] flufflesnugglez: ResidentSleeper [01:02:33] chipmunkahi: PowerUpL PowerUpR [01:02:33] SaberNyghts: CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk [01:02:33] tinifairy: tinifaCELEB tinifaCELEB tinifaCELEB [01:02:34] Macliurigam: SSSsss SSSsss [01:02:36] blazingphoenex: PowerUpL EntropyWins PowerUpR [01:02:38] princess_mia03: f1nnAshbonk [01:02:39] HidingTheLight: f1nnTank f1nnTank f1nnTank [01:02:41] Flip_Dingo: ResidentSleeper [01:02:43] Vanimal2118: f1nnCancelled vanima3Dance maddiArrive blondi135k willoLove itspea13Awooga avasliHI zfjinxLove nelleiBRRR astra71Dance KittyHype batsheCryin socosiWiggle [01:02:44] gibbon66: ChewyYAY ChewyYAY ChewyYAY [01:02:45] bfredl: conureSTEER conureHey [01:02:46] Scrooge_McBong: SingsNote GlitchCat TwitchSings [01:02:46] flakeview: PotFriend PotFriend PotFriend [01:02:47] HidingTheLight: f1nnBonk f1nnBonk f1nnBonk [01:02:48] effthelf: HarleyWink HarleyWink HarleyWink [01:02:48] nothitch: tracer lmaooo [01:02:48] dizzrock: symfClap symfClap symfClap [01:02:49] Xirenec_: OWL2019Tracer OWLMercy OWL2019Tracer OWLMercy [01:02:51] Spencer_rosaasen: NomNom NomNom Squid3 Squid1 [01:02:52] XENOMAN5: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:02:52] Chri55PBacon: bnrBwop [01:02:59] glitchzinth: SUBtember SUBtember SUBtember [01:03:01] cjams2468: TheIlluminati MingLee [01:03:02] bluj40: might be widowmaker [01:03:02] XENOMAN5: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [01:03:04] im_up_to_something: mikomi3Wat [01:03:04] bfredl: NewRecord HolidayTree [01:03:06] chipmunkahi: SUBtember SUBtember SUBtember [01:03:11] guybrush777: guzuHmm guzuHmm guzuHmm [01:03:19] dizzrock: viperusW symfW TwitchConHYPE symfSturdy viperusW symfW TwitchConHYPE symfSturdy [01:03:21] glitchzinth: pfiveDespair [01:03:26] Spencer_rosaasen: Squid1 [01:03:33] f0rrest_f1re: l3wgToxic l3wgToxic [01:03:40] endanabanananana: off still stole sarahs chance to change\ [01:03:40] Alice_Unchained: Tifa from FFVII? She made it to the Italian parliament after all [01:03:40] AmazingAspie: spinning bird kick! [01:03:41] Vanimal2118: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [01:03:42] strangechef316: Amicus erasure [01:03:42] Kolateak_: Oh right Tifa, forgot about her [01:03:42] ronin_5463: Damn I was acc gonna say Tifa nice [01:03:43] Macliurigam: NiceTry NiceTry [01:03:43] Scrooge_McBong: the asian fetish🤔 [01:03:44] vasanito: there is no difference between double or tripple points, either way if mods get one finn looses [01:03:44] varietia: TheIlluminati [01:03:44] gibbon66: thiiiiiik [01:03:47] zebrabbl396: f1nnEmbarrassed [01:03:48] SpawnInsane: KEKW [01:03:48] flufflesnugglez: Tifa [01:03:49] samjibro: PopNemo [01:03:51] YumeNoZen: Not Sonic? Lol [01:03:53] Nitzkit8: host is too scattered brain [01:03:54] dashunde: dont even know them lol [01:03:55] zasto_fr: RIGGED [01:03:56] ronin_5463: FFVII [01:03:56] fizzie_foame: yarr [01:03:56] bfredl: Keepo [01:03:56] XENOMAN5: Alice from resident evil [01:03:57] glitchzinth: where is this fact from lol [01:03:57] axe1970: link [01:03:59] andimax11: lmao self reporting [01:04:00] xxjoyeusexx: thought its gardevouir [01:04:00] Vanimal2118: F1nn must not win! [01:04:00] soggyvector: tracer isn’t even the most popular from her own game [01:04:00] AmazingAspie: ff7 [01:04:01] BlaireBearStare: Definite self out [01:04:01] mystchevious1: I'll find the cosplay [01:04:01] ChasingSol: !caps [01:04:01] f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! [01:04:02] barrenchatt: FFS lol [01:04:02] cedric_callnight: Isnt it Vaporeon? [01:04:04] liz_8626: Tifa is known by politicians in italy [01:04:06] f0rrest_f1re: Molotov - Ribbentrop pact [01:04:09] Gtadicto1: FF VII [01:04:18] simplejack42069: WHO'S TIFA?!?! [01:04:20] artofkhalil: all that time finally paid off, I knew the answer immediately [01:04:20] Darkstrikenet: Chung li has just gone up as everyone is now googling her lol [01:04:21] ronin_5463: KEKW [01:04:22] bonniemadleye: are you by ? [01:04:24] dizzrock: viperusElsa viperusElsa viperusElsa [01:04:35] sunny_lilac12: shubbleBongo shubbleBongo shubbleBongo [01:04:38] Enderllama_: PizzaTime PizzaTime PizzaTime [01:04:44] simplejack42069: DogFace DogFace DogFace [01:04:55] im_up_to_something: mikomi3AnnieLick mikomi3AnnieLick mikomi3AnnieLick [01:04:56] simplejack42069: BigPhish BigPhish BigPhish [01:04:57] guybrush777: guzuBonk [01:04:57] Spencer_rosaasen: Squid3 Squid1 NomNom EarthDay [01:04:57] Y0rk5h1r3: It was Britain 🇬🇧 [01:04:57] Kolateak_: OOOH [01:04:58] glitchzinth: pfiveHype [01:04:58] scarlettyg: Clap Clap Clap Clap [01:04:59] dizzrock: viperusW viperusW viperusW [01:04:59] SpawnInsane: NO [01:05:00] Valezifer: W [01:05:00] gibbon66: yorkshire [01:05:00] Vanimal2118: f1nnRotate vanima3Look1 maddiArrive blondi135k willoLove itspea13Awooga avasliHI zfjinxLove nelleiPOG astra71Dance batsheCryin socosiWiggle [01:05:00] olivia_1998_norway: China [01:05:01] zebrabbl396: f1nnMonka [01:05:02] simplejack42069: HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta [01:05:03] sunny_lilac12: W [01:05:03] dizzrock: symfW symfW symfW [01:05:04] guybrush777: rigged [01:05:04] flakeview: BigPhish [01:05:05] Spencer_rosaasen: @Y0rk5h1r3 100% [01:05:07] bfredl: TCHAINA [01:05:09] bearpaw1970: So noodles & tea [01:05:13] SpawnInsane: my point are agains finn he must lose [01:05:13] liz_8626: sara smh [01:05:16] simplejack42069: PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt [01:05:19] Farbse: As a british u have to know [01:05:21] strangechef316: Rigga morris girl…. [01:05:22] bearpaw1970: And fireworks [01:05:26] liz_8626: RIgged [01:05:27] gibbon66: Typhoo [01:05:30] perfersserderg: R I G G E D [01:05:30] alexg6464: Go by the game master's chat ye [01:05:30] quartark: individual clients see different ones XD [01:05:33] Valezifer: Pls [01:05:33] Mikayla_Alexis: Yay! [01:05:33] endanabanananana: uhm yall need to do this again, but all on group chat with buzzers [01:05:34] ronin_5463: Rigged smh [01:05:34] AmazingAspie: nooooooooo [01:05:35] Jens_LN: yeah, Discord isn't perfectly synced [01:05:35] endanabanananana: i love it [01:05:37] dizzrock: symfEZ symfEZ symfEZ [01:05:42] sunny_lilac12: shubbleBongo [01:05:43] Vanimal2118: f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled [01:05:44] cedric_callnight: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:05:49] Mikayla_Alexis: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:05:52] ChasingSol: wtf John, give us money [01:05:53] dizzrock: symfFlex symfFlex symfFlex [01:05:53] ChasingSol: lol [01:05:55] Vanimal2118: RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack [01:05:58] Macliurigam: BangbooBounce [01:05:58] Mikayla_Alexis: LUL LUL LUL LUL [01:06:04] dafdeddog: PokPikachu PokPikachu [01:06:04] liz_8626: free battlepass for a year EZ [01:06:06] ChasingSol: we ready? [01:06:06] jules897_: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [01:06:06] gibbon66: Mod choice fit [01:06:06] MrCookie_Floof: hai [01:06:09] barrenchatt: SUBtember SUBtember [01:06:10] bfredl: okeeee [01:06:10] Spencer_rosaasen: NomNom NomNom [01:06:12] zombiii: winners pick next streams outfit [01:06:16] Jens_LN: rynGiggle [01:06:17] dizzrock: viperusWowMan viperusWowMan viperusWowMan [01:06:19] mystchevious1: Oh dear [01:06:23] Macliurigam: SUBtember [01:06:24] guybrush777: guzuSUS [01:06:25] cedric_callnight: TransgenderPride [01:06:26] zebrabbl396: f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare [01:06:31] simplejack42069: Squid1 Squid2 TehePelo Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 [01:06:32] theduke336: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [01:06:32] ChasingSol: YES [01:06:34] trulysushi_: trulys15Dance trulys15Dance trulys15Dance trulys15Dance trulys15Dance trulys15Dance [01:06:35] bfredl: 🌌 [01:06:36] bluj40: wooo [01:06:37] freshdelipickles: KEKW [01:06:38] scarlettyg: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [01:06:38] Alice_Unchained: GET MILKY WAYED [01:06:38] pikeplays69: CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM CowJAM [01:06:39] blazingphoenex: YAY [01:06:39] xLumieI: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [01:06:39] bearpaw1970: Yup [01:06:40] liz_8626: GG [01:06:41] jules897_: YES [01:06:41] olivia_1998_norway: Milkyway [01:06:41] Valezifer: Hell nah [01:06:43] AmazingAspie: YEEEEEEEEEEES [01:06:43] ChasingSol: haha [01:06:43] Gtadicto1: XD [01:06:43] simplejack42069: StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese [01:06:44] courtneyisaseagull: oh Finn [01:06:44] alexg6464: Be ready to type T Finn ezeggCshake [01:06:45] guybrush777: guzuYump guzuYump guzuYump guzuYump [01:06:45] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:06:45] Vanimal2118: Winner! [01:06:45] idesofjuno: KEKW [01:06:46] cedric_callnight: Milky way [01:06:47] gibbon66: Mars Bar [01:06:47] trulysushi_: I am a sushi [01:06:47] scarlettyg: What a bimbo KEKW [01:06:47] SpawnInsane: KEKW [01:06:48] endanabanananana: MILKY YAAYYYY [01:06:48] trans_carolyn: yes 🙌 [01:06:49] im_up_to_something: GoldPLZ [01:06:49] kayjonsen: xD [01:06:50] jules897_: MODS WIN [01:06:50] JessieJaimy: Go Go POWER MorphinTime RANGERS [01:06:50] Jens_LN: Fantastic [01:06:51] Kinitawowi: 🌌 [01:06:52] DarthDerpy_: YAYY MODS [01:06:52] dizzrock: symfSad symfSad symfSad symfSad symfSad symfSad [01:06:53] Enderllama_: Andromeda [01:06:54] bluj40: well done team [01:06:54] Gtadicto1: of course he wasnt ready [01:06:54] bearpaw1970: Mods win [01:06:56] MrCookie_Floof: Milky Way Galaxy [01:06:56] flakeview: PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt [01:06:57] jules897_: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [01:06:57] Vanimal2118: vanima3YIPPIE2 vanima3YIPPIE2 vanima3YIPPIE2 vanima3YIPPIE2 [01:06:59] Falstaff1984: Finn like Brannon on gamechanger - he can't win [01:06:59] barrenchatt: Brain worms strike again [01:06:59] quartark: i was nervous bro that was all my channel points [01:07:00] YumeNoZen: F1nn went bottom noises? [01:07:02] simplejack42069: UnSane UnSane UnSane UnSane UnSane [01:07:02] zebrabbl396: Femboy milky way [01:07:03] grandpaladin1701: Goirl Brain [01:07:04] distractedcreative: F1nn rigs the game with double points but still loses KEKW [01:07:05] Mikayla_Alexis: 😥😥😥😥😥 [01:07:05] dizzrock: viperusWhy viperusWhy viperusWhy viperusWhy viperusWhy [01:07:05] Gius_Julianus: Fun Fact you can tell how Tea came to a country by what word they use for it. If it came by land they mostly use Chai or some variant of it, if by sea they will use Tea or some variant of it [01:07:06] xXLonexWolfXxLw: F1nn, the answer to the least apples that can kill you? It's technically 1 under the condition that the person is allergic [01:07:07] ChasingSol: give us extra 0 for September pay [01:07:09] sparklykitten5555: ooh you look cute today !! [01:07:09] kayjonsen: :( :( :( :( :( :( :( [01:07:10] braddle172: f1nnHands [01:07:11] Vanimal2118: Mods Win! [01:07:11] jugglaa: he needs some milk [01:07:11] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:07:12] guybrush777: we live in carb people galaxy [01:07:15] stephanie1701: double wages [01:07:15] Nitzkit8: gimme points! [01:07:20] princess_mia03: nene [01:07:20] endanabanananana: ENGRAVED TROPHIES [01:07:21] XENOMAN5: snickers galaxy [01:07:21] Spook1es: Should have asked the nearest galaxy [01:07:21] Jens_LN: Prediction done [01:07:21] freshdelipickles: raise [01:07:22] AmazingAspie: prize: actually pay your mods [01:07:22] mystchevious1: Finn Says nice things and pays the mods [01:07:25] MitkotoPrototo: $$$ [01:07:25] Helen_Croft: free blahay for the mods @F1NN5TER [01:07:25] hwg_hannah: Gimme my points!!! [01:07:26] handscombchris: A grand each! [01:07:26] gibbon66: Mods choice fit [01:07:27] dizzrock: viperusKanye viperusKanye viperusKanye viperusKanye viperusKanye [01:07:30] strangechef316: Finn has to start progesterone [01:07:31] MrCookie_Floof: …… [01:07:32] Spencer_rosaasen: @distractedcreative Wasn't is triple points?? [01:07:32] bigpatatosqueeze: pyros head [01:07:32] melostack: they probably want a bonus lmao [01:07:33] MitkotoPrototo: $$$ say 1k [01:07:33] scarlettyg: The rules are the rules, F1nn has to take 9 doses of E [01:07:33] eeveeveevee97: Girl month [01:07:34] grandpaladin1701: POLL [01:07:36] drake_j0sh: Who won [01:07:36] Darkstrikenet: £100 each [01:07:37] ChasingSol: @wardenboo we want $$$$ [01:07:37] flakeview: 5$ [01:07:38] ChasingSol: lol [01:07:40] SpawnInsane: POLL [01:07:40] princess_mia03: hehe [01:07:41] Jens_LN: @Stovamor end prediction ? [01:07:48] thedanitone: channel points [01:07:50] KanchidoShinokyoufu: Dream [01:07:50] mystchevious1: Dream Cosplay [01:07:51] Y0rk5h1r3: Dream [01:07:52] ronin_5463: Thats Dream KEKL [01:07:58] varietia: Gimme point yeahhh [01:08:01] alex_5r1: poll [01:08:01] taeyukki: didn't f1nn say the loser takes estrogen? [01:08:03] grandpaladin1701: F1NN walkabout!! [01:08:05] Macliurigam: SUBtember [01:08:05] Aedthryth: @strangechef316 Already has [01:08:07] dizzrock: viperusLebron viperusLebron viperusLebron [01:08:08] dafdeddog: woo hoo [01:08:12] effthelf: round of virtual drinks 50£ each mod [01:08:16] scarlettyg: A net profit of 10k, yaaaay [01:08:17] Vanimal2118: Awesome showing Mods! [01:08:17] blazingphoenex: yayyy my points [01:08:18] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:08:19] nothitch: It hurts me how dumb you are Finn. [01:08:19] bluj40: well they were right [01:08:19] SpawnInsane: KEKW [01:08:21] ronin_5463: Easy Claps Baybee [01:08:21] alexg6464: in fairness it is like 3 to 1 [01:08:21] heyimf1dg3t: hot damn, GG mods! [01:08:21] migmigGG: KEKW [01:08:24] drake_j0sh: Gg [01:08:24] Y0rk5h1r3: Chat was right LUL [01:08:24] perfersserderg: you literally did not [01:08:24] freshdelipickles: uhuh [01:08:25] trulysushi_: Finn lost ez win [01:08:25] ChasingSol: @nothitch KEKW [01:08:25] bfredl: Keepo [01:08:26] Valezifer: I believed in you [01:08:27] blackdevils521: LUL [01:08:27] eli4yu: aaayyy [01:08:27] RoryRiviera: mods win estrogen [01:08:29] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:08:29] Jens_LN: KEKW [01:08:29] d0br1BG: Hello sir [01:08:30] Lucridis: I voted F1nn since lots of points if he somehow won [01:08:30] LornDarken: hi [01:08:30] student0810: How is 3 people vs 1 person fair? [01:08:31] im_up_to_something: Close isn't winning lol [01:08:31] Nitzkit8: Chat is the real winner [01:08:31] acrashot567: 3v1 [01:08:31] quartark: it's just business [01:08:31] kayjonsen: chat was right!!! [01:08:32] gibbon66: i bet 5k and won 5.1k back [01:08:32] bearpaw1970: You did indeed [01:08:34] alex_5r1: it wasn't me [01:08:35] pianoismyforte_: I was a believer [01:08:36] Vanimal2118: Great Job @nothitch [01:08:40] AmazingAspie: i bet 3k and got 3k back... guess its based on the difference huh :D [01:08:40] Spencer_rosaasen: F1nn did get close, and I didn't know there was a bet. [01:08:43] Jens_LN: DED F1nn [01:08:44] my_queues: You needed triple points to win and still lost! [01:08:44] Y0rk5h1r3: Cake Kreygasm [01:08:46] bauimarturm: oh what is this? [01:08:47] melostack: GYAT [01:08:47] ChasingSol: @student0810 because that was what he wanted, sounds fair to me [01:08:47] n3bulahhh: I was away but i bac now [01:08:47] XENOMAN5: @student0810 it’s good content [01:08:49] nbrowser: Close only counts in Horseshoes F1nn! [01:08:50] fanconvet: Three against one still did pretty good [01:08:50] barrenchatt: Sorry Jude I only wagered 140 for you to win [01:08:52] zebrabbl396: Beautiful [01:08:52] drake_j0sh: GYAT [01:08:56] adamantite_forge: first chat!!! hi Finn!! [01:08:56] strangechef316: it’s okay you’re soooo pretty!!! [01:09:00] n3bulahhh: f1nn not winning [01:09:06] liz_8626: only a 5k point increase [01:09:08] Bobbikatt: f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet f1nnPet [01:09:11] ronin_5463: Mech Girl [01:09:12] NiaNal: Close only counts for horse shoes and hand gren*des TransgenderPride [01:09:12] drake_j0sh: Cmon [01:09:12] AmazingAspie: body suit [01:09:14] alexg6464: Dingus [01:09:15] ChoeRage: LUL [01:09:15] ChasingSol: NotLikeThis [01:09:17] MadAmber06: mods vote on a cosplay? [01:09:18] trulysushi_: Where Goomba Cosplay [01:09:18] mintymazing: the one with the robot [01:09:19] Kolateak_: OMEGALUL [01:09:21] Vanimal2118: Too late [01:09:21] atlasmars_: LMAOO [01:09:23] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:09:26] liz_8626: f1nnCope [01:09:26] pianoismyforte_: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [01:09:28] soggyvector: dingus [01:09:28] SpawnInsane: no they arnt [01:09:29] d0br1BG: I saw your balls :) [01:09:30] trulysushi_: Where da Goomba Mario cosplay [01:09:30] a_cipher12: a_cipher12 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! [01:09:30] f3mmbot: a_cipher12 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:09:30] Mikayla_Alexis: f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate [01:09:31] nothitch: the insults [01:09:31] FemboyAllonsy: f1nnChair [01:09:32] mintymazing: tracers the one with 2 guns [01:09:32] Vanimal2118: Bimbo Moment [01:09:32] freshdelipickles: ????? [01:09:33] ChasingSol: they look nothing like each other [01:09:35] Alice_Unchained: Finn is already Tracer? [01:09:36] flakeview: Tracer's the british one [01:09:36] whatyoueggxxxstabshim: Where roomba cosplay [01:09:36] blueskydrinking: such a pretty smooth brain KEKW [01:09:37] freshdelipickles: Dva has a robot?? [01:09:38] Tabering: @nothitch fr [01:09:38] Starlight6363: f1nn was really close, but five brains vs. one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [01:09:39] ChasingSol: and one is British ffs [01:09:39] ronin_5463: Im so glad to find out F1nn has nevver played overwatch KEKW [01:09:40] liz_8626: f1nnCope 󠀀 [01:09:41] gibbon66: so smort F1NN yeah [01:09:42] zombiii: finn sexist, thinks all women look the same [01:09:42] MaybeEmmaline: f1nn you did NOT [01:09:43] trulysushi_: Mario Goomba Cosplay when [01:09:44] Helen_Croft: hand in your gamer card @F1NN5TER [01:09:46] Gtadicto1: Tracer is the british one [01:09:48] endanabanananana: lmfaooo\ [01:09:51] Gtadicto1: *** is korean [01:09:52] macyeeter07: BULLY THE BIMBO [01:09:55] EternalLucia: I'm surprised the most drawn NSFW game character isn't a touhou character [01:09:56] 71M073J: F1nn being a bimbo? Surely not [01:10:00] DreadPirateDan: mei is the best [01:10:01] mintymazing: and dva is broken as shit [01:10:02] Vanimal2118: Never give F1nn a gun! [01:10:04] Taranis_EXE: pmelBruv dollblDerp bimbo hours [01:10:05] MaybeEmmaline: y=o f1nn since you cant tell the difference you should do an overwatch stream [01:10:07] natalie_w_r: natalie_w_r subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! 3 months so far... thanks for the inspiration f1nn [01:10:07] f3mmbot: natalie_w_r subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [01:10:08] cc_dies: no it’s not [01:10:08] Ex0dia5: tracer is british dva is south korean big difference [01:10:15] bauimarturm: and [01:10:17] n3bulahhh: zoro [01:10:17] gibbon66: F1nb0 [01:10:18] ronin_5463: Genji [01:10:18] glitchzinth: what's on the chair behind her [01:10:19] PokeyNBrown: watching you be so confident in yourself it gave me the courage to come out as transgender to my family and friends [01:10:26] strahd05: Mercy is the hottest of them all [01:10:26] Kolateak_: Genshin Genji [01:10:26] mintymazing: genji [01:10:28] cosmopock: geyshin [01:10:29] MrKafay: I need healing [01:10:29] freshdelipickles: gengi [01:10:31] BlaireBearStare: I almost had a stroke hearing "sword dude" [01:10:37] ChasingSol: yay us [01:10:38] bluj40: LETS GO [01:10:39] kitynh: way to go mods [01:10:40] KanchidoShinokyoufu: Cloud Strife [01:10:41] trulysushi_: Mod Team takes the W like Goombas [01:10:41] AmazingAspie: says the femboy who made minecraft vids [01:10:42] idyllicgeckos: i joined this stream to get a break from overwatch streams plss [01:10:42] eristarisis: minecraft nerd? definately. Nerd-nerd.... ehhhh.... no [01:10:42] 6Foot3Inches: you look like a mercy main ;) [01:10:43] drake_j0sh: Nerf Genji [01:10:43] ronin_5463: EZ no diff [01:10:44] bigpatatosqueeze: wel your a hot nerd [01:10:44] mintymazing: yeah ow is kinda mid [01:10:44] blueskydrinking: !modlove [01:10:45] f3mmbot: The mod team is awesome! They never ban people who don't deserve it and help keep the stream running. [01:10:45] gibbon66: @glitchzinth Blahaj [01:10:45] Vanimal2118: Congrats Mods [01:10:46] XENOMAN5: @glitchzinth that’s a blahaj shark [01:10:48] ChasingSol: that was too close [01:10:48] p0l3rb3ars: p0l3rb3ars subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! f1nnCool [01:10:48] f3mmbot: p0l3rb3ars subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:10:50] zebrabbl396: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [01:10:50] mintymazing: !modhate [01:10:53] macyeeter07: @pokeynbrown fking congratulations [01:10:53] Scrooge_McBong: 😯 ModLove [01:10:53] Starlight6363: 👏👏👏 [01:10:53] BlaireBearStare: Let's get a hell yeah for mod team! Hell yeah! [01:10:54] drake_j0sh: GG mods well played [01:10:54] ahmedepictwitch11: Hi [01:10:55] grandpaladin1701: WOOT WOOT Mods [01:10:56] jSane_: ez4mods [01:10:57] c__r__j: Discord soundboards. [01:10:59] gibbon66: gg [01:11:00] selfmd66: GenderFluidPride [01:11:03] adamantite_forge: gg mods [01:11:05] ssssmollpp: f1nn i beted 10 f1nbucks on you winning scam [01:11:06] Vanimal2118: Soundbar [01:11:06] ronin_5463: This is the Mod's channel now [01:11:06] scissorsama: did you ever get over your fear of sharks? [01:11:08] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:11:09] BlaireBearStare: KEKW [01:11:11] chicken4ever8: do you still play minecraft [01:11:11] HcePlayer: pdroDance [01:11:13] cosmopock: show the ass hole [01:11:19] trulysushi_: Can I get banned just to be banned to get unbanned while being banned to be unbanned [01:11:22] Jens_LN: byyeee [01:11:22] melostack: bai [01:11:23] ahmedepictwitch11: Yo [01:11:23] kitynh: bye mods [01:11:26] canvaspainting: bye [01:11:26] LightOfCarla: that was fun [01:11:27] BlaireBearStare: Bi mods [01:11:27] neingeben: byeee mods [01:11:27] peterjespersen1992: what is your favorite food? [01:11:27] bearpaw1970: Bye mods [01:11:28] HcePlayer: pdroME [01:11:30] sunny_lilac12: byee [01:11:31] agentstrawberry202: finn isnt actually trans irght [01:11:33] bmc118: yes [01:11:33] Vanimal2118: Need more of this! [01:11:35] melostack: yeah [01:11:35] Alice_Unchained: Some [01:11:35] kitynh: yes [01:11:36] deathfoxx8072: No [01:11:36] mystchevious1: Yep [01:11:37] jules897_: Nope [01:11:37] relyuu_: i got some [01:11:37] KanchidoShinokyoufu: BYE MODS!!!! [01:11:37] flakeview: bye mods [01:11:37] ronin_5463: o/ [01:11:37] mintymazing: bye but hi again [01:11:38] im_up_to_something: Of course [01:11:38] dododoey: yeah [01:11:38] Gtadicto1: the mods are nice [01:11:39] ssssmollpp: @stulejka_maerdzior some ppl do xd [01:11:39] BlaireBearStare: Only a few [01:11:39] lilithsspawn: Yeah [01:11:39] SpawnInsane: i got like 3 of them [01:11:39] ahmedepictwitch11: My name is Ahmed [01:11:40] LightOfCarla: I got the scotland one but thats cause im scottish [01:11:41] DarthDerpy_: yes [01:11:41] Kolateak_: Yeah, I somehow even knew the Alaska one [01:11:42] AmazingAspie: 75% [01:11:42] deathfoxx8072: Like 2 [01:11:42] stargap909: VoHiYo [01:11:43] pianoismyforte_: Yes [01:11:43] mystchevious1: Not sure why I knew any of them. [01:11:44] huskyl0v3r: I finally got on a live let’s goooooo [01:11:44] sunny_lilac12: no [01:11:44] Jens_LN: you did well [01:11:45] chicken4ever8: I just joined [01:11:47] TayTaetay: Yes [01:11:47] l3m0r: bye [01:11:48] mystchevious1: Stov 100% [01:11:48] blueskydrinking: a lot of first time chatters testing their luck while the mods were busy [01:11:48] fanconvet: I didn't get as many as Finn [01:11:49] n3bulahhh: i missed most of it unfortunately [01:11:49] pianoismyforte_: I got nearly all of them. [01:11:50] blaxfruitgrinding: yh also turn donos back on [01:11:51] nothitch: dumb. [01:11:51] kitynh: stov had most [01:11:52] Elosacle: hi finn, good to see you [01:11:53] Gtadicto1: some [01:11:53] TimABar: Some [01:11:54] Starlight6363: you did better then me c: [01:11:54] Kolateak_: Yes [01:11:55] gibbon66: you were.nt last [01:11:56] mintymazing: most of them where so random [01:11:57] bearpaw1970: Like some [01:11:58] ronin_5463: Yeah! [01:11:58] quartark: stov revising was so funny [01:12:00] mystchevious1: No I had no idea about the NSFW [01:12:00] deathfoxx8072: No [01:12:01] jules897_: Yep [01:12:02] Alice_Unchained: I would've guessed Tifa [01:12:02] grandpaladin1701: got 6/10 [01:12:02] zebrabbl396: f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat f1nnHeadpat [01:12:02] flakeview: I got all of them [01:12:03] Stovamor: I won! [01:12:07] Aedthryth: I wish it was a quiz on the power factor of AC circuits. [01:12:07] BlaireBearStare: I was riding the high was knowing your first stream [01:12:08] endanabanananana: STOV wins [01:12:09] Vanimal2118: Bot Attack? [01:12:14] mintymazing: @Stovamor well done [01:12:15] ChasingSol: pretty sure it was Stov [01:12:17] HcePlayer: vaansaTacita [01:12:17] bearpaw1970: Congratulations Stov! [01:12:23] ronin_5463: Typing first in chat woulda fucked me up tho lol [01:12:23] Aedthryth: Then I would seem smart. [01:12:23] christen3042: Wow, you look pretty hot today 💋 [01:12:23] Miltop1G: lumiichuLurk lumiichuTailSway [01:12:24] barrenchatt: Your hair is getting sexy AF [01:12:24] Eltrid_: the individual wins ? [01:12:25] endanabanananana: stov! stov! [01:12:30] chicken4ever8: show us your keyboard [01:12:33] CyborgCR: Crossdressed for the first time in public on a pride parade today, nicest experience ever :) [01:12:38] ChasingSol: @F1NN5TER you got the most [01:12:42] fabotond: Alice to whoom vid you reacted last stream made a community post about your reaction, maybe check it out [01:12:46] westyplayss: you lost me points :( [01:12:47] mystchevious1: John Answered 1 question correctly Sarah answered 0, Stov was fastest and answered the rest for the mod team. [01:12:50] ronin_5463: Is it clacky? [01:12:52] n3bulahhh: keyboard stream when [01:12:54] HcePlayer: jervalInHeart [01:12:56] johnkeiwo: !keyboard [01:12:57] f3mmbot: Finn has a new GMMK Pro keyboard from Glorious Gaming. Get your Glorious gear with 10% discount code F1NN at checkout! https://www.gloriousgaming.com/discount/F1nn [01:12:58] bearpaw1970: Mechanical bliss [01:12:58] mystchevious1: I think. [01:12:59] endanabanananana: its so cute [01:13:03] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, So, you maintain your losing streak against the mods in every game chosen [01:13:03] sportynathor: Please catgirl again 😻 you are the cutest catgirl in the world 😻 [01:13:03] johnkeiwo: !keyboard [01:13:03] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, So, you maintain your losing streak against the mods in every game chosen [01:13:04] f3mmbot: Finn has a new GMMK Pro keyboard from Glorious Gaming. Get your Glorious gear with 10% discount code F1NN at checkout! https://www.gloriousgaming.com/discount/F1nn [01:13:04] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, So, you maintain your losing streak against the mods in every game chosen [01:13:06] chicken4ever8: rich [01:13:09] Aedthryth: You're lucky it's cold. [01:13:11] Kolateak_: You have no hair [01:13:12] Falstaff1984: what arms? [01:13:12] Vanimal2118: @stovamor carried the team? [01:13:13] DarkPrincess61: wrist reveal [01:13:13] ronin_5463: For free? [01:13:15] Aedthryth: I'm on FIRE rn. [01:13:20] blueskydrinking: summertime in britain! [01:13:22] HcePlayer: cute [01:13:22] student0810: New Bracelet??? [01:13:24] endanabanananana: gooseys [01:13:25] undead_bandit452: I wonder who thought of the name goosebumps [01:13:27] HcePlayer: pdroDance [01:13:27] adamantite_forge: free!!! [01:13:28] kitynh: goosebumps [01:13:28] melostack: yeah we can see [01:13:29] Gtadicto1: use your shirt you bimbo [01:13:30] BeeBeeBumblin: "Don't grt banned~" A+ sign off [01:13:34] chicken4ever8: are your nails painted [01:13:36] rkanjl: Tts dono? [01:13:36] bearpaw1970: Petite [01:13:39] Jayden_Reiko: Its only 16c out.. thats not that cold. [01:13:41] distractedcreative: Very grabable [01:13:41] alex_5r1: gooseys [01:13:42] Kolateak_: 👉👈 [01:13:43] Vanimal2118: Take off clothes to warm up! vanima3EMPEROR [01:13:46] nightwing807: Where is the furry head at ??? [01:13:47] Eltrid_: foot fetish is over, wrist fetish is the new thing apparently [01:13:47] XENOMAN5: @chicken4ever8 acrylics [01:13:53] ChoeRage: Yes weak mhm [01:13:58] ChoeRage: smol [01:13:59] melostack: so you're telling me the muscle flexing is a bit?? KEKW [01:14:05] ronin_5463: "Let's compare" f1nnGross [01:14:08] endanabanananana: omg a hype train is gunna happen right? [01:14:10] okfemboyvr: Flex on b [01:14:13] XENOMAN5: @nightwing807 pyro took it back [01:14:15] Aedthryth: @Jayden_Reiko It's only 43 degrees out....that's not that hot. [01:14:16] Ben104072_: "I have no fucking" [01:14:16] LornDarken: hey f1n are you good at dancing ? [01:14:16] endanabanananana: T_T [01:14:17] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: its till zoomed in [01:14:18] grandpaladin1701: I’ve got smol wrists too for a guy8 [01:14:19] chicken4ever8: @xenoman5 are they the ones you glue in [01:14:22] okfemboyvr: Flex on me bro [01:14:25] zebrabbl396: 5.5 inch wrist [01:14:25] androdoes: Is this Minecraft? [01:14:29] bearpaw1970: Wow [01:14:29] johnkeiwo: smol [01:14:29] mintymazing: hit the jim [01:14:30] distractedcreative: KEKW [01:14:30] ChasingSol: you're tiny, and your wrist is too [01:14:30] deathfoxx8072: Some sent blow a kiss [01:14:33] ronin_5463: Dainty [01:14:33] grandpasauce: wrist for babies [01:14:33] olivermb16: wheres the cat ears? [01:14:34] relyuu_: i have tiny ass wrists too and i need to work on them [01:14:37] johnkeiwo: train wrist muscles [01:14:42] ronin_5463: Frail victorian woman wrists [01:14:42] Aedthryth: Be careful what you wish for. [01:14:43] f0rrest_f1re: Need to hit the gym bro sis [01:14:44] rkanjl: Tts dono? [01:14:44] chicken4ever8: go to gym lol [01:14:50] gracefully_insane74: If yo u start rock climbing you'll probably get bigger wrists [01:14:53] mintymazing: muscle mommy arc? [01:14:56] blaxfruitgrinding: Where The Donos at? [01:14:57] marbleguccihunter: [01:14:59] blaxfruitgrinding: yippe [01:15:00] Shockwavemecha: Cute5ter [01:15:02] Vanimal2118: U have a bodyguard Ashley, Miss F1nn. [01:15:03] BeeBeeBumblin: She hulk cosplay in the form of just working out enough :P [01:15:07] Shockwavemecha: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [01:15:08] Zdycopter: receding hairline [01:15:21] LaMale411: You have a gym at home :) [01:15:24] deathfoxx8072: Lost muscle me too [01:15:26] Shockwavemecha: Improving hairline [01:15:31] Xatonym: dechartBongoTheo [01:15:32] Lyoko_Is_Great: Lyoko_Is_Great subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Hype [01:15:32] f3mmbot: lyoko_is_great subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:15:33] Thwap_Daddy: Wow goodjob [01:15:38] Shockwavemecha: 1 pullup [01:15:39] PokeyNBrown: I can’t even do a pull up [01:15:42] Aedthryth: @Zdycopter Progressing hairline [01:15:45] ronin_5463: Proceeding Hairline KEKW [01:15:45] selfmd66: What are f1nns pronouns? [01:15:46] Shockwavemecha: Manly [01:15:46] adamantite_forge: nah it’s receding [01:15:46] n3bulahhh: my excuse for taking e its for my hairline [01:15:47] varietia: :D [01:15:48] chicken4ever8: same tbh [01:15:49] Alice_Unchained: Welcome to E [01:15:51] johnkeiwo: pull ups aren't that easy tbh [01:15:51] grandpasauce: wheres that cardigan thing from? [01:15:53] Eltrid_: 30 might be a stretch [01:15:54] Starlight6363: estrogen makes your muscles atrophy more then normal [01:15:54] Blaine8182: Fitness Stream when? [01:15:55] ChasingSol: !pronouns [01:15:55] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [01:15:55] BlaireBearStare: Hot [01:15:57] johnkeiwo: LUL [01:15:58] Shockwavemecha: Right to jail [01:15:59] Shockwavemecha: LUL [01:16:01] Jens_LN: Dominated ! [01:16:01] MrKafay: KEKW [01:16:03] mintymazing: gym stream when????? [01:16:04] ronin_5463: Ragdoll moment KEKW [01:16:05] johnkeiwo: Hey to welcome to the stream ! [01:16:06] courtneyisaseagull: Welcome to being a woman.... [01:16:06] Jamzieeeee: you do like it dont lie [01:16:06] Cylkiro94: lol [01:16:08] xLumieI: Huh [01:16:09] BlaireBearStare: But doesn’t Hitch already manhandle you? [01:16:09] distractedcreative: !john [01:16:09] f3mmbot: Their streamer is a whore... [01:16:10] varietia: KEKW [01:16:11] Vanimal2118: Good job @nothitch [01:16:11] Zdycopter: good girl [01:16:11] bbnb3: 10 gifted if you can do 10 pushups [01:16:12] JessicaCaraKasey: What did I miss? 😘 [01:16:13] mystchevious1: Hitch is a sweetheart [01:16:13] alex_5r1: did your arms shrink ? [01:16:16] BlaireBearStare: I’ve seen the photos [01:16:16] johnkeiwo: FeelsBadMan My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan [01:16:17] mystchevious1: You be nice to hitch [01:16:18] Aedthryth: You are a defenseless lady now. [01:16:18] real_money_mastermind: lol [01:16:19] Shockwavemecha: That's someone's Fantasy [01:16:21] PHANTOMFOX666: Suppp fin [01:16:24] grandpaladin1701: Good on ya Hitch [01:16:24] rkanjl: TTS dono? [01:16:24] pianoismyforte_: Yeah my gf used to like me doing that.... [01:16:24] real_money_mastermind: be nice to hitch [01:16:24] LaMale411: !pronouns [01:16:25] f3mmbot: Finn doesn't really care that much about pronouns, but most of the time her pronouns are He/Him. [01:16:25] ronin_5463: The Roadie lol [01:16:26] johnkeiwo: be nice to hitch ! [01:16:30] Shockwavemecha: Muscle Hitch [01:16:31] zebrabbl396: f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye [01:16:34] Aedthryth: You're gonna need to bring pepper spray while in public. [01:16:37] PHANTOMFOX666: Sup finnn [01:16:43] simplejack42069: BrokeBack [01:16:46] Shockwavemecha: Male Model's near you? [01:16:46] ronin_5463: Ayo? [01:16:48] deathfoxx8072: Ha ha [01:16:48] johnkeiwo: look in your dm's [01:16:49] l3m0r: hitch > finn [01:16:52] hollow_xar: The bodyguard genderfluid edition? [01:16:55] KanchidoShinokyoufu: you just need to do strength training [01:16:56] kgober: hitch is who you call when you need a man in the house [01:16:57] adamantite_forge: I’m the best model [01:16:57] numeanor: Freddi? [01:16:58] distractedcreative: I would volunteer [01:16:58] Starlight6363: 100% those types of streams had such good energy [01:17:00] deathfoxx8072: Vlad is awesome [01:17:01] Aedthryth: Johnny Sins collab confirmed? [01:17:01] Catboy_Snow: Catboy_Snow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [01:17:01] chicken4ever8: I’m a dude [01:17:01] f3mmbot: catboy_snow subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:17:04] c__r__j: F1nn wants to "collaborate" with a daddy dom. nanona1Nodders [01:17:05] BlaireBearStare: You so need a model, no offense to Hitch [01:17:05] kitynh: yes [01:17:07] Shockwavemecha: Stov is the new model [01:17:13] bigpatatosqueeze: vlad is kinda hot [01:17:16] JessicaCaraKasey: Erm... Hi. I'm muscular and dress as a girl. UK VLAD [01:17:18] mystchevious1: Yeah John Answered 1 and stov got the rest. [01:17:18] f0rrest_f1re: Say bro sis LUL [01:17:19] johnkeiwo: No I meant look in your twitter dm's for the collabs and all that ^^ ! [01:17:19] johnkeiwo: No I meant look in your twitter dm's for the collabs and all that ^^ ! [01:17:22] ronin_5463: o/ [01:17:22] XENOMAN5: maybe someday you’ll like being manhandled [01:17:22] Shockwavemecha: a Vlad Clone? [01:17:22] Eltrid_: the amount of DM applications you're going to receive [01:17:25] varietia: Why does rhe kee [01:17:28] varietia: Whoops [01:17:36] endanabanananana: honey, u got so many better vlads in uk [01:17:42] varietia: Why does the keyboard sounds so smooth? [01:17:43] Vanimal2118: I know male models, but they would end me. [01:17:44] BlaireBearStare: As awesome Hitch is he does look awkward in the photos; leaning his face out [01:17:47] thecavemandarts: I'm working on getting like Vlad [01:17:47] deathfoxx8072: I cross dress but I'm not in England [01:17:48] endanabanananana: he cool, but girl, u have no problem getting that [01:17:48] blueskydrinking: check your reddit DMs KEKW [01:17:50] FantasyPinky: boop [01:17:52] bigpatatosqueeze: vladie dadie [01:17:55] Shockwavemecha: Add that to your reddit [01:17:57] Jens_LN: oh yeah, Jessica is fairly buff [01:17:59] selfmd66: Can I get hrt if I'm not outed [01:18:01] johnkeiwo: you gonna get a model soon enough [01:18:04] arkayem: Hire Z9 Sneaky [01:18:08] msbricklayer: asks for male talent, feels heat.. [01:18:10] mintymazing: home gym stream when [01:18:15] alex_5r1: let's become vlads [01:18:19] Shockwavemecha: spicycowLovies spicycowLovies [01:18:25] Shockwavemecha: Get well soon Ashley [01:18:25] blueskydrinking: D: [01:18:25] johnkeiwo: You could make an official ask for it on twitter if you wish [01:18:28] JessicaCaraKasey: @jens_ln Thanks. Workout stuff soon, yeah? [01:18:33] ronin_5463: Icky is sicky [01:18:33] KanchidoShinokyoufu: ask your mum and sis [01:18:38] drake_j0sh: LEGO building stream when? [01:18:39] HardyOrange: nah America has it too, tons of my coworkers and me are all sick [01:18:43] student0810: Where is Tank? [01:18:43] Aedthryth: Get Jack Manifold to be your model [01:18:45] avroaustin: the wind is blowing in from france making us all sick [01:18:50] mystchevious1: @johnkeiwo I feel like hitch should have made a form so f1nn isn't just spambotted. [01:18:52] f0rrest_f1re: Do yoga on stream lol [01:18:54] Jens_LN: @JessicaCaraKasey oh that's cool :) [01:18:57] mystchevious1: YEP [01:18:59] sneaky_scr: me? [01:19:01] Y0rk5h1r3: Damn, now that's a man [01:19:01] glitchzinth: nah [01:19:04] ronin_5463: 2B is dom as fuck [01:19:05] mystchevious1: Sneaky is best for you :P [01:19:06] endanabanananana: OMG YES [01:19:06] distractedcreative: Hot [01:19:09] endanabanananana: GIRL [01:19:10] Shockwavemecha: Hmm [01:19:12] endanabanananana: GOIRL [01:19:13] Shockwavemecha: LUL [01:19:14] arkayem: Eh? EH? [01:19:14] mintymazing: who is this [01:19:16] chicken4ever8: what’s a vlad [01:19:16] BlaireBearStare: "Vlad archetype"? [01:19:20] solarianv69: supertf??? maybe ?? [01:19:26] Vanimal2118: Why ur voice getting higher? [01:19:26] NyxGoneRogue: Vill you vear vigs? MAYBE [01:19:28] Eltrid_: the OG crossdresser celebrity [01:19:30] grandpaladin1701: So you’re looking for some random dude to model adult situations with you… for money? Sus. [01:19:31] Shockwavemecha: Sneaky whiskers [01:19:31] Jayden_Reiko: Sneaky does not have a six pack... [01:19:35] sportynathor: I have been doing pull-ups on our spiral staircase for 1067 days in a row 💪🏻 Ask Ashley holding your Legs, so pull-ups work better ❤️👍🏻 [01:19:36] Alkno_93: dont know [01:19:37] fabotond: Alice, whose vid you reacted to in the last stream, made a community post about your reaction, maybe check it out [01:19:48] solarianv69: supertf does the same thing idk if he’s UK or US though [01:19:57] bananasandwich6969: go to finn5ter youtube, live tab - 2017 [01:19:59] Helen_Croft: The first stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D43L2Dd2LYE @F1NN5TER [01:20:00] Helen_Croft: The first stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D43L2Dd2LYE @F1NN5TER [01:20:15] bigcharlie1098: damn u look good [01:20:15] Fried_Pickles: The answer is obvious, I am not smarter than a femboy, I'm not smarter than... uh most [01:20:23] BlaireBearStare: What exactly are you looking for in a male model anyway? A lot of what Hitch does is functionally be a prop of a guy [01:20:25] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, for the Twitch side - https://twitchtracker.com/f1nn5ter/streams [01:20:26] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, for the Twitch side - https://twitchtracker.com/f1nn5ter/streams [01:20:30] BlaireBearStare: Hell yeah that's the one! [01:20:38] chicken4ever8: I loved the factions vids [01:20:39] Jayden_Reiko: Surely that is F1nn's brother. [01:20:45] AbbyMars12: Heya F1nnn o/ [01:20:47] heyimf1dg3t: HOLY Noel Fielding-ass voice [01:21:00] BlaireBearStare: Oh damn I was so confidently wrong then [01:21:12] Alice_Unchained: "over 30s long" okay buddy, chill with the stamina [01:21:12] distractedcreative: What's over 30 seconds? Lol [01:21:15] endanabanananana: lolol [01:21:17] CyanoticJam: Evening all, what's going on? [01:21:20] varietia: @Stovamor do u have a link to the 8 bit music thing? [01:21:24] Taranis_EXE: gotta give all the luvv to SuperTF man frfr ironmouseLOL [01:21:29] mystchevious1: Weren't you a guest on someone elses stream? [01:21:30] Stovamor: !music @varietia, [01:21:30] alexsau666: when are you going shopping in Girl mode Finn [01:21:30] f3mmbot: 8-Bit Universe https://www.youtube.com/c/8BitUniverse [01:21:32] thekingone10: Hallooo [01:21:32] Niiinaa: love when you write something wrong in your title on purpose [01:21:33] Aedthryth: Nice that your stream titles haven't changed a bit [01:21:35] YourGirlCeleste: :3 [01:21:38] eviii_99: Twink finn [01:21:41] Kolateak_: Liked the video [01:21:42] ronin_5463: Average Year 7 KEKW [01:21:42] varietia: Oh I tried that earlier it didn't work thx [01:21:43] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, for the Twitch side - https://twitchtracker.com/f1nn5ter/streams [01:21:43] endanabanananana: @CyanoticJam we all catching the silly-billies, how are youuu?? [01:21:46] scissorsama: damn [01:21:46] johnkeiwo: rip finn's brother [01:21:48] grandpaladin1701: Baby F1nn [01:21:49] JessicaCaraKasey: Gym tour...WHEN Finn? 💪😎 [01:21:50] blueskydrinking: awww look at that little guy!! [01:21:50] ChasingSol: yep [01:21:51] Fried_Pickles: pykNicky pykNicky pykNicky pykNicky [01:21:52] ChasingSol: same laugh [01:21:52] c1013081: hi Finn [01:21:53] Starlight6363: omg classic minecraft brings me back [01:21:53] Eltrid_: 2017 is not 7 years ag- oh, oh no... [01:21:54] scarlettyg: OMG he was so little KEKW [01:21:54] Wardenboo: is this your first stream? [01:21:55] bluj40: the laugh is identical lol [01:21:56] Jeddix: @Stovamor twitchtracker is not reliable as it can be missing streams. had that a few times already [01:21:57] Fried_Pickles: HAHA [01:21:59] Kayver_: XD [01:22:04] Stovamor: @Jeddix, it's close enough [01:22:04] Jens_LN: Well yeah ... you played Minecraft ... always weird [01:22:08] lethaldissonance: streaming from the bedroom [01:22:09] sherlock_norris: ooh, I did some statistics about streams a while ago on the reddit! [01:22:10] heyimf1dg3t: love that same, adorable laugh [01:22:13] Kolateak_: OMEGALUL [01:22:13] CyanoticJam: Cool [01:22:14] f0rrest_f1re: What about you walking around UK dressing as a girl when was that? [01:22:16] johnkeiwo: ewwww [01:22:16] ChoeRage: EZ [01:22:16] blueskydrinking: KEKW [01:22:17] bigpatatosqueeze: not the minecraft [01:22:18] scarlettyg: KEKW [01:22:18] ronin_5463: -2 [01:22:21] Gtadicto1: the dead brother kekw [01:22:22] Cylkiro94: f1nns identical cousin [01:22:22] Wardenboo: I was trying to help the mods [01:22:23] 0GM_: femboy fin the real girl?! [01:22:23] Helen_Croft: The first stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etfMMV01fwg [01:22:24] Fried_Pickles: Its engagement my friend [01:22:24] chicken4ever8: I loved that your changed a lot since then [01:22:25] Wardenboo: cof cof cof [01:22:26] Wardenboo: xD [01:22:26] BlaireBearStare: Cringe [01:22:28] n3bulahhh: lmao [01:22:29] AbbyMars12: @F1NN5TER how fucked is that you actually look older back then?! [01:22:30] Aedthryth: Such a pickme [01:22:34] blaxfruitgrinding: dem faction vids slapped thought icl [01:22:34] Fried_Pickles: I lkike some of MY own things [01:22:34] ChasingSol: @Wardenboo hope you feel better soon [01:22:35] endanabanananana: not cringe bb! [01:22:36] vampirelord1993: Hello [01:22:36] Bobbikatt: We don't discuss finns brother. Finn buried him in the backyard. [01:22:38] Fried_Pickles: but im cringe [01:22:40] ChoeRage: -500 aura [01:22:43] Helen_Croft: !ai [01:22:44] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [01:22:45] Vanimal2118: Love the voice Miss @wardenboo [01:22:45] BlaireBearStare: Bruh she do [01:22:45] glitchzinth: you don't [01:22:46] Kolateak_: Well you look like a boy back then [01:22:46] ronin_5463: E is a youth potion tbh [01:22:48] Eltrid_: its the smoother skin [01:22:48] Starlight6363: honestly you kinda froze your age hahaha [01:22:51] DawnProd_VT: its becuase male faces show age more is ways [01:22:52] zebrabbl396: Accidentally liked? [01:22:52] bluj40: i dont think so, he looked like a baby there [01:22:56] AbbyMars12: You really do! [01:22:56] cc_dies: hahahahahahah [01:22:58] Kolateak_: 13 or 30 [01:22:59] dashunde: nothin wrong with liking your own content :P [01:22:59] Cylkiro94: you got mad aura now [01:23:00] Wardenboo: @ChasingSol muah! I will c: [01:23:01] ChoeRage: pffffhtttt [01:23:04] selfmd66: When can I go on estrogen [01:23:04] ChoeRage: what LUL [01:23:05] cc_dies: likes own videos [01:23:06] BlaireBearStare: Prefemboy looks like your brother [01:23:07] ronin_5463: Thomas Brodie Sangster face [01:23:07] Aedthryth: Agebait face [01:23:09] cc_dies: world ends [01:23:09] bigsuave7: wait what [01:23:11] Helen_Croft: !ai tray the ai gain? @F1NN5TER [01:23:12] Shockwavemecha: 17 going on 40 [01:23:12] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [01:23:16] Wardenboo: @Vanimal2118 thank you!! I fked sick XD I hope I was understandable [01:23:18] lovelydriver23: When you turn into the hot sister haha [01:23:18] quartark: bro you look 12 [01:23:18] Marcus_Rasaan: Also your nose was wider then [01:23:18] Shockwavemecha: Aww [01:23:18] Helen_Croft: !ai try the ai gain? @F1NN5TER [01:23:19] Hayduke555: alot has happened lmao [01:23:19] Helen_Croft: !ai try the ai gain? @F1NN5TER [01:23:20] endanabanananana: you also had your lightsource from behind you!!! it is so unflattering to anyomne [01:23:20] Shockwavemecha: cute bb [01:23:21] alex_5r1: looking good [01:23:23] Wardenboo: yesss AI! [01:23:25] Shockwavemecha: spicycowLovies [01:23:26] cc_dies: GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit GlitchLit [01:23:26] Scrooge_McBong: wander of HRT [01:23:27] dhrubao: Ew [01:23:27] ComfyCozyFeral: hannah montanas brother vibes lol he was like 45 playing a teen [01:23:28] grandpaladin1701: You had chubbier cheeks [01:23:29] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:23:30] Marcus_Rasaan: But the estrogen tends to affect that [01:23:32] BlaireBearStare: Estrogen can make you look younger [01:23:33] AbbyMars12: Lmao!!! [01:23:38] bearpaw1970: Wait did you just say 🤣🫴Inbetwink [01:23:38] alex_5r1: yes [01:23:39] Shockwavemecha: story Time [01:23:40] HeyItsAvie: like hughie from the boys [01:23:41] Jens_LN: What happened ? [01:23:43] Vanimal2118: A+ Hostess @wardenboo [01:23:47] l3m0r: wow 17 year old boy, to 20 year old woman [01:23:47] maybeonlysometimes: Story time :D [01:23:47] eselgamer13: eselgamer13 subscribed with Prime. [01:23:47] f3mmbot: eselgamer13 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang eselgamer13 f1nnLezgang [01:23:48] Eltrid_: you looked the prime archetypical british youngster [01:24:03] medical_size9000: Your face was. [01:24:06] Wardenboo: @Vanimal2118 f1nnHeart [01:24:09] ejl1as: is it me or is the stream slightly asynchron [01:24:14] medical_size9000: Your face was more masculine back then [01:24:16] vampirelord1993: I'll b 31 on Monday [01:24:19] Shockwavemecha: Bro is in Chat [01:24:20] Shockwavemecha: LUL [01:24:20] f0rrest_f1re: Super Shamou [01:24:24] Jens_LN: Nice guy [01:24:24] Fried_Pickles: LMAO [01:24:24] Aedthryth: PC repair simp [01:24:26] alex_5r1: nice [01:24:26] KanchidoShinokyoufu: Finn, you actually look like my mum in the 1970’s [01:24:27] Fried_Pickles: wow what a nerd [01:24:28] ronin_5463: Connections fr [01:24:28] Cylkiro94: w [01:24:29] alexg6464: Of course they do LUL [01:24:30] iki_master: thats actually cuute [01:24:31] pilot_3835: What a G [01:24:32] mystchevious1: Hi That guy [01:24:32] Noobtellatoast: hi [01:24:32] Helen_Croft: Hi PC guy [01:24:32] bluj40: reveal yourself pc man [01:24:32] Shockwavemecha: Hi pc Guy [01:24:32] blueskydrinking: hi pc man [01:24:33] grandpasauce: hi [01:24:33] alex_5r1: hi [01:24:33] Qwaabza: hi! [01:24:33] Fried_Pickles: hi PC guy [01:24:33] itchite: hi to that guy [01:24:34] AbbyMars12: Ahhhhhhhhhhh [01:24:34] Jens_LN: hi repair guy ! [01:24:34] OstentatiousMongoose: yyjHey [01:24:34] saint_r: hi pc man [01:24:34] gob384: Hey that guy [01:24:34] distractedcreative: Hi dude [01:24:35] Alice_Unchained: HI PC GUY [01:24:35] maybeonlysometimes: Awww respeccful [01:24:35] glitchzinth: hi tech support guy [01:24:35] DawnProd_VT: hi pc man! [01:24:35] KanchidoShinokyoufu: hi [01:24:35] Eltrid_: HI PC repair guy [01:24:36] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: HEYA PCMAN [01:24:36] cdewoozy: hi pc guy [01:24:37] Cylkiro94: hi pc guy [01:24:38] chicken4ever8: hi [01:24:38] Bobbikatt: Hi pc guy [01:24:38] Ku2lu: hi [01:24:38] Starlight6363: 👋👋👋 [01:24:38] J0sephFrost: hello pc guy [01:24:38] pinbel1: Hii [01:24:39] endanabanananana: give pc man free shit! [01:24:39] mohamed_5500: Hi PC man [01:24:39] kaydensanxious: High PC man [01:24:39] theonelordshadow: do i have a hair implant ? [01:24:41] wulfy_hun: hi pc guy [01:24:42] l3m0r: hi pc man [01:24:42] Scrooge_McBong: hi [01:24:43] braddle172: itspea13BunnnWave [01:24:43] Shockwavemecha: EZ [01:24:43] alex_5r1: Hi pc man [01:24:43] AmazingAspie: you have great taste [01:24:44] Stovamor: @Wardenboo, f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart warden6Love warden6Love [01:24:44] Gtadicto1: hello mr pc man [01:24:45] c1013081: HIII PC GUY! [01:24:46] SadgeSocks: PC repair guys like f1nn [01:24:46] KanchidoShinokyoufu: HI PC Man [01:24:47] Aedthryth: @theonelordshadow nop [01:24:47] pianoismyforte_: Hi to that guy, nice to meet you [01:24:48] ThatCet: hello pc man [01:24:49] grandpaladin1701: Hi PC man [01:24:50] mystchevious1: Shouldn't you be being nice to him? [01:24:52] SadgeSocks: Take it from me, I am a PC repair man [01:24:52] Vanimal2118: Howdy PC person [01:24:52] bearpaw1970: Hello 👋 PC Guy Fan.. [01:24:53] alexg6464: @theonelordshadow idk do you? :3 [01:24:54] hwg_hannah: Hi pc man [01:24:56] zebrabbl396: Hi PC mannn [01:24:57] AbbyMars12: Help me pc repair guy im stuck in the mommy board again @F1NN5TER [01:25:00] Kolateak_: OMEGALUL [01:25:00] Shockwavemecha: LUL [01:25:01] ChasingSol: I wonder [01:25:01] rose_tea1812: hi pc man [01:25:01] Fried_Pickles: F1NN will now and forever be the basic bish who goes "Free PC?" :) [01:25:03] ronin_5463: Gee i wonder [01:25:04] Aedthryth: Yeah....wonder why [01:25:04] Shockwavemecha: Look in a mirror [01:25:04] Parscha: HELP PC MAN, I`M STUCK IN THE DRYER [01:25:05] distractedcreative: KEKW [01:25:08] vampirelord1993: Ya pc probably if intel lol [01:25:09] Wardenboo: @Stovamor f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:25:10] Mikayla_Alexis: Hi pc dude [01:25:11] kenji173: Susge [01:25:12] cc_dies: Hi 👋 [01:25:15] f0rrest_f1re: Try look a guy for a day LUL [01:25:18] scissorsama: i wanna see you put your hair in a claw clip youd look good with your hair up [01:25:21] macyeeter07: hello hello [01:25:22] undead_bandit452: Foreshadowing? [01:25:24] SnowwyAI: Hi, PC guy! itspea13BunnnWave [01:25:25] Aedthryth: Tuber face cringe [01:25:26] hopalongtommy: Gonna get lots of free internets [01:25:26] ronin_5463: The shitty thumbnail folder KEKW [01:25:28] ChasingSol: haha [01:25:28] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:25:29] Jens_LN: LOL [01:25:29] CarterTheRedhead: Woah [01:25:29] TekJansen01: KEKW [01:25:30] blueskydrinking: @Parscha what are you doign step-pc man? [01:25:30] Helen_Croft: !ai [01:25:31] Fried_Pickles: LKMAO [01:25:31] f3mmbot: F1nn determines his age and gender here: https://beauty.toolpie.com/ [01:25:31] Qwaabza: HAH [01:25:33] Mikayla_Alexis: KEKW [01:25:33] Aedthryth: Yeah....you look older [01:25:33] Shockwavemecha: Bro is Shook [01:25:34] Fried_Pickles: Try hard? [01:25:35] bearpaw1970: Lmao' [01:25:35] Stovamor: KEKW [01:25:35] braddle172: KEKW [01:25:35] ChasingSol: nice expression [01:25:36] Kolateak_: You look very British [01:25:36] Stovamor: KEKW [01:25:36] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: i am going to fucking die [01:25:36] muddymudkip15: Lol [01:25:37] chicken4ever8: no [01:25:38] bigpatatosqueeze: naaahhh [01:25:38] BlaireBearStare: Theres the video thumbnail [01:25:39] pival81: oh cute [01:25:39] J0sephFrost: Let us see them all lol [01:25:40] chicken4ever8: omg [01:25:41] alex_5r1: who is the other girl ? [01:25:41] Shockwavemecha: The WTF face [01:25:42] MaddziTV: WOAH [01:25:43] Kreisender_Igel: what a glowup [01:25:43] grandpaladin1701: HA [01:25:43] ronin_5463: you look like the geezer at the local pub KEKW [01:25:44] lamlott: so much acne [01:25:46] zaun195: New emote😭 [01:25:47] dj2226t: Bro was having a meltdown [01:25:49] blueskydrinking: Oh man, the 2010s were rough LUL [01:25:49] Gtadicto1: you look 12 in that pic [01:25:51] theonelordshadow: do u have a hair implant? [01:25:54] aleryon__: in first puberty [01:25:55] neingeben: meme template [01:25:57] endanabanananana: again the lightsource was always backlight [01:25:58] lethaldissonance: mikey mouse in the background [01:25:59] Shockwavemecha: Look at that Textured face [01:26:01] lovelydriver23: Chimney sweeper haha [01:26:01] Wardenboo: they look clean [01:26:01] Scrooge_McBong: hum…. 🤔 [01:26:02] endanabanananana: u leanred so much [01:26:03] ChasingSol: @theonelordshadow it's his hair [01:26:04] Wardenboo: hhahahha [01:26:05] AbbyMars12: Thumb nail "I come out of the closet in 7 years time!!!!!" [01:26:07] zebrabbl396: Before skincare [01:26:09] Eltrid_: you look like the default template for british young guys [01:26:09] Falstaff1984: he saw the future [01:26:11] Mikayla_Alexis: Nostalgie [01:26:12] BlaireBearStare: Never realized you do your eyebrows they're so natural damn [01:26:12] Bobbikatt: Your first time watching porrrn [01:26:13] adamantite_forge: lil gremlin 🥸🥸 [01:26:13] CarterTheRedhead: Mfw past self meets future self [01:26:15] Fried_Pickles: stop looking at my hair past f1nn [01:26:16] TheI3arracuda: who is this on the photo [01:26:17] he11sk1nght: I'm also British hello fellow tea enjoyer [01:26:18] Fried_Pickles: I know its bads [01:26:24] Vanimal2118: Bye @yumenozen [01:26:24] Kolateak_: NotLikeThis [01:26:25] CarterTheRedhead: LOL [01:26:27] niato_1: T_T [01:26:28] f0rrest_f1re: You look normal that time [01:26:29] Shockwavemecha: Facepalm [01:26:30] VerminTalks: Bro everytime you love it says Finster is Live and I read it is alive and I'm like oh lord I hope so [01:26:31] scarlettyg: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [01:26:31] Mikayla_Alexis: 💀💀💀 [01:26:32] ronin_5463: We should make these emotes lol [01:26:35] SilentCtrl_: DidIBreakIt [01:26:35] Shockwavemecha: xinaPALM [01:26:35] Helen_Croft: Ai says that pic is 24 years old @F1NN5TER [01:26:38] chicken4ever8: I didn’t see that one before [01:26:38] omazockt_jr: omazockt_jr subscribed with Prime. [01:26:39] f3mmbot: omazockt_jr subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang omazockt_jr f1nnLezgang [01:26:39] Helen_Croft: Ai says that pic is 24 years old @F1NN5TER [01:26:45] Shockwavemecha: 🤦🏻‍♂️ [01:26:45] Falstaff1984: the reaction is so sweet - he falls in love with his feminine look [01:26:48] lamlott: i see the baby girl inside of you in that one [01:26:48] Fried_Pickles: Dont worry I was just tryinng to make a joke that was kinda dumb >_> [01:26:48] ssssmollpp: how it was vs how its going [01:26:50] Shockwavemecha: Aww baby [01:26:53] ronin_5463: Cv ahh image [01:26:54] grandpaladin1701: How’d you loose hair thinkness? [01:26:54] Qwaabza: aww [01:26:56] chicken4ever8: cute [01:26:56] OnaMetaQuest: OnaMetaQuest subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Yay! [01:26:57] f3mmbot: onametaquest subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months using Prime! PogU [01:26:57] HcePlayer: pdroME [01:26:57] medical_size9000: Your face was more masculine [01:26:57] Vanimal2118: Handsome [01:26:58] scarlettyg: You look like a mid-30s lesbian on this one KEKW [01:27:00] BlaireBearStare: Baby [01:27:00] Starlight6363: cute!!! [01:27:02] ThatCet: ThatCet subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! yay, second month [01:27:02] f3mmbot: thatcet subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:27:05] llokkabr: @grandpaladin1701 estrogen does that [01:27:05] hwg_hannah: Awww baby [01:27:05] ronin_5463: Its giving textbook cover [01:27:14] bluj40: nailed the subtle half smirk [01:27:16] Amoyamoyamoya: Definitely looks like you drive a SubUwU Outback [01:27:17] Wardenboo: many cosplaus [01:27:18] Kolateak_: KEKW [01:27:19] Eltrid_: VISA photo with a headset ? [01:27:21] he11sk1nght: @f1nn5ter what's the best thing about being British [01:27:21] Wardenboo: cosplays xD [01:27:22] endanabanananana: "the headphones stay on, visa people!" [01:27:22] shanbananberry: rezoli2Love [01:27:22] Shockwavemecha: Cosplayer [01:27:22] Sudsik: old you looks like younger version of dupreeh [01:27:24] Tabering: @F1NN5TER Sent you a couple I had saved from snapchat from 2018 lmao [01:27:25] BlaireBearStare: Before the internet femmed you [01:27:26] oystershucker32: Hi f1nn, wanted to say hi, im leaving now bye [01:27:27] Tabering: forgot they existed [01:27:27] lillifer44: Aww [01:27:28] melostack: the dream one probably isnt very topical... [01:27:31] neingeben: visa with headphones right [01:27:31] maybeonlysometimes: Headphones for visa? No wonder America banned you LUL [01:27:32] Cylkiro94: 17 going on 30 fr [01:27:32] silasttr: Where you in amsterdam airport in december/november 2022? because if so my friend saw you [01:27:33] n3bulahhh: do a one piece cosplay [01:27:35] Helen_Croft: oef this is 25 years old @F1NN5TER [01:27:35] LaylaMcTavish: LaylaMcTavish subscribed with Prime. [01:27:35] f3mmbot: laylamctavish subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang laylamctavish f1nnLezgang [01:27:36] Helen_Croft: oef this is 25 years old @F1NN5TER [01:27:38] lamlott: When will fin come out as a furry? [01:27:40] n3bulahhh: bon clay [01:27:42] zebrabbl396: f1nnSmile2 [01:27:42] Vanimal2118: U forgot the 2B Cosplay [01:27:43] Shockwavemecha: Look at the hair Length Now [01:27:45] theonelordshadow: if u were a girl I would be in love ngl [01:27:49] grandpaladin1701: @llokkabr - thanks! [01:27:49] n3bulahhh: best character [01:27:51] nightwing807: Before finn had a glow up [01:27:52] Fried_Pickles: Before they were Femme? [01:27:57] Shockwavemecha: Furry Bean [01:27:57] mystchevious1: You were femmed before you were a streamer. [01:27:58] medical_size9000: Past Finn was like I had a dream that Im going to dress like Finn for life [01:28:01] endanabanananana: @oystershucker32 byeee i see u bb [01:28:02] Eltrid_: "it was for the bit" [01:28:02] BlaireBearStare: Also can we appreciate how pretty and fem Finn is right now? Feel like there's gonna be a post on a the reddit about tonights fit [01:28:07] Shockwavemecha: Enhance [01:28:09] medical_size9000: Girl* [01:28:10] Shockwavemecha: Zoom [01:28:12] softbonez: always wore cat ears but also not a furry [01:28:13] Fried_Pickles: Not a fury but wears the pyro head. [01:28:15] chicken4ever8: show us [01:28:19] blueskydrinking: the dog ears pic was the first time we'd seen alfred in weeks :( [01:28:19] kelseyhellfire: bye chair [01:28:20] Shockwavemecha: alfred on Night watch [01:28:20] ronin_5463: Nooooo bring back chair!! [01:28:22] Cylkiro94: ALFRED!!! [01:28:26] Jens_LN: yay Alfred ! [01:28:27] bakedbeans999: is alfred the fish? [01:28:28] chicken4ever8: get him [01:28:28] Aedthryth: I see a collar there [01:28:29] Shockwavemecha: Cute Fit [01:28:32] mintymazing: finally a good stream [01:28:34] Taranis_EXE: shibuy4Binoculars [01:28:35] Amoyamoyamoya: Gahd-ing [01:28:37] maybeonlysometimes: Cute outfit! [01:28:38] ronin_5463: Fit goes hard [01:28:39] SadgeSocks: Femboy casting couch [01:28:44] mystchevious1: MCC [01:28:44] Vanimal2118: Where Trophy Furry Head? [01:28:45] BlaireBearStare: Fit's fire [01:28:49] pachepa1: minecraft mondayssss [01:28:49] c__r__j: When new-chair emote? f1nnChair ? [01:28:49] Wardenboo: ohhh lets do a mc competition next! [01:28:50] melostack: mcc i assume [01:28:52] deathfoxx8072: Outfit where to buy [01:28:53] lillifer44: Mcc [01:28:53] HardyOrange: mcc? [01:28:55] Wardenboo: huehuehuhe [01:28:56] Stovamor: The MCC [01:28:56] Cylkiro94: w fit [01:28:57] blueskydrinking: @bakedbeans999 alfred is an alpaca plushie with a superhero cape in the trans colours [01:29:00] Shockwavemecha: MCU [01:29:07] Vanimal2118: Good question @c__r__j [01:29:11] christen3042: 💋 You look yummy today 💋 [01:29:12] bakedbeans999: @blueskydrinking ty :) [01:29:12] Amoyamoyamoya: The one where you clutched in Firebolt (or whatever it was called) [01:29:17] mister_kindness: Cosplay colab with Emiru [01:29:23] BlaireBearStare: That fit's showing your shoulders off in the best way [01:29:23] XENOMAN5: alfred the super llama guards the stream room [01:29:24] LaylaMcTavish: f1nnTank bring [01:29:25] blueskydrinking: @bakedbeans999 elnL [01:29:29] johnkeiwo: surelyyyyyyy [01:29:30] soon_cast: this top looks incredible on you imo [01:29:35] johnpnicholls1122: Finn do the high ponytail [01:29:35] ChasingSol: I still have it installed! [01:29:41] Starlight6363: i give him 10% against the mods hahaha [01:29:41] theonlyscarlettxD: wii tanks fire [01:29:42] Amoyamoyamoya: Let me play on F1nn's team. I'll "help" him [01:29:42] Vanimal2118: We Tanks? [01:29:46] Jens_LN: You lost a sink battleships once [01:29:47] endanabanananana: eh u kinda won at life though so u good bb [01:29:48] Stovamor: I bought and installed that fucking game cos you said that @F1NN5TER [01:29:51] theonlyscarlettxD: oop [01:29:53] Jeddix: didn't you do wii tanks? [01:29:56] pianoismyforte_: Yes [01:29:58] venomousrose13: hey girl hey [01:29:59] theonelordshadow: I am not sure what to say [01:30:01] Fried_Pickles: You tankks? no, WEE tanks [01:30:02] Amoyamoyamoya: I even practiced playing that game [01:30:04] thegreyghost7: Try world of tanks [01:30:05] graceeeeeeeeeee_: ITS ON STEAM?! [01:30:05] Amoyamoyamoya: I trusted you F1nn [01:30:12] ltflustered: the old wee tanks [01:30:12] XENOMAN5: @ [01:30:13] zebrabbl396: Sweet [01:30:21] lillifer44: Cool [01:30:22] f0rrest_f1re: How long did you have to grow that hair LUL [01:30:26] Stovamor: stovamGiga stovamGiga stovamGiga [01:30:30] XENOMAN5: @thegreyghost7 world of tanks rocks. my fav game [01:30:30] zebrabbl396: f1nnTankhat [01:30:36] Vanimal2118: (Add Wee Tanks to games) [01:30:37] mintymazing: cs2 case opening stream when? [01:30:37] Shockwavemecha: zooms into eye reflection [01:30:40] n3bulahhh: i believed in you f1nn smh my head lmao 333 [01:30:48] c__r__j: You nearly won. Mods came first, and you came second! [01:30:49] thegreyghost7: @xenoman5 it's so fun!!!! [01:30:50] medical_size9000: Never heard of it [01:30:54] Wardenboo: what is your hair/skin routine ouo [01:30:56] Fried_Pickles: Lots of covid girlies... [01:30:57] zebrabbl396: Wee f1nnTankhat f1nnTankhat [01:30:59] dafdeddog: How is Tank? [01:31:02] bakedbeans999: what kind of shampoo does host use? [01:31:05] Shockwavemecha: me 3 years into Lockdown [01:31:11] johnkeiwo: !skin [01:31:11] f3mmbot: Finn's skincare routine is Cerave hydrating cleanser, Cerave moisturiser and HRT. [01:31:13] c__r__j: !hair [01:31:13] f3mmbot: Finn's hair treatment is Olaplex shampoo and conditioner and then the Joico K-Pak Intense Hydrator hair mask. [01:31:13] SnowwyAI: Did the hair growth go off after you started HRT? [01:31:13] Jens_LN: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat f1nnTank f1nnTankhat [01:31:17] alex_5r1: covid initiated it [01:31:20] Itz_RawsonXD: did you win [01:31:21] lunarouge89: Please play MTG [01:31:22] Stovamor: Stovamor is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 1040 in the channel! [01:31:23] Stovamor: Stovamor gifted a Tier 1 sub to Codyyy_! [01:31:23] f3mmbot: stovamor has gifted a subscription to codyyy_ at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang codyyy_ f1nnLezgang [01:31:27] Fried_Pickles: Olaplex is expensive [01:31:29] Fried_Pickles: D: [01:31:30] medical_size9000: It's okay it's not your fault you were homeschool [01:31:35] Stovamor: I wanted my present box icon back [01:31:37] Shockwavemecha: Premium [01:31:41] Vanimal2118: Did Pyro get Spider Powers from the spider bite? [01:31:42] alexg6464: Skinnster [01:31:44] Shockwavemecha: Cera V [01:31:46] maybeonlysometimes: !hair [01:31:46] f3mmbot: Finn's hair treatment is Olaplex shampoo and conditioner and then the Joico K-Pak Intense Hydrator hair mask. [01:31:47] Fried_Pickles: THATS WHAT I USE [01:31:49] n3bulahhh: cerave goated [01:31:49] Fried_Pickles: damn girl [01:31:50] heyimf1dg3t: all of what thye grem just said it 100% accurate [01:31:51] SymhDG: in all the sephora i goes there no big bottle. the bigger one is 40 buck [01:31:52] Jens_LN: f1nnTank f1nnTankhat [01:31:53] Shockwavemecha: Michael cera V [01:31:53] johnkeiwo: CHAT : reminder to take your HRT and yoru meds ! [01:31:55] Wardenboo: you dont do vit c for skin anymore? [01:31:59] sparklykitten5555: Id love to see you with a nice haircut on those beautiful long hair [01:31:59] PokeyNBrown: @f1nn5ter your confidence in yourself gave me the confidence to tell everybody I’m trans [01:32:00] selfmd66: How do you deal with frizz [01:32:01] Helen_Croft: your forgetting the E @F1NN5TER [01:32:01] Fried_Pickles: A spider? [01:32:02] BlaireBearStare: Oleplex privilege [01:32:05] oystershucker32: same thing [01:32:05] Fried_Pickles: Oh. [01:32:11] Shockwavemecha: He came to get head? [01:32:12] c__r__j: "Just" three skincare products. Total girl. [01:32:14] eris_eryss: Yess [01:32:14] johnkeiwo: dew it [01:32:19] trulysushi_: Finn probably wears Gucci stuff [01:32:19] deathfoxx8072: Yes [01:32:22] Cylkiro94: dews it [01:32:23] endanabanananana: oh no, was the loui filled with MORE SPIDERS?@! [01:32:27] lillifer44: Yes [01:32:29] hopalongtommy: Olaplex is crazy expensive but it is good [01:32:31] f0rrest_f1re: Gilticus and F1nne5ter can stream together LUL [01:32:33] endanabanananana: :U [01:32:34] Shockwavemecha: astra71Monch [01:32:35] blaxfruitgrinding: how would one be able to make my way into your dc calls and that? [01:32:37] ronin_5463: Arent you supposed to use olaplex every 3 showers or smth? [01:32:39] maybeonlysometimes: !skincare [01:32:40] f3mmbot: Finn's skincare routine is Cerave hydrating cleanser, Cerave moisturiser and HRT. [01:32:43] Shockwavemecha: Show it [01:32:44] 616_lvcifer: I found you like last week and have been confused in the best way possible since. thank you for helping me get to know my preferences, has not been long since I realized I'm bi [01:32:48] bananasandwich6969: how about getting Aliceinwonder1and on stream to say hello? [01:32:53] Eltrid_: dont ask "this" chat if its a good idea to feminize someone, they have a track record [01:32:56] SymhDG: The only thing finn have from gucci is Ashley [01:33:02] Stovamor: !confused @616_lvcifer, [01:33:03] f3mmbot: To those confused in chat, this might help you make sense of what you're feeling - https://queerdom.fandom.com/wiki/Finsexual [01:33:07] trulysushi_: I only shower 1 day a week [01:33:12] trulysushi_: Kappa Kappa Kappa [01:33:13] splixir: Is it possible to get 4.2m points in my lifetime? [01:33:14] medical_size9000: I'm balding that's fine I'm following Brian shaw footsteps [01:33:21] alex_5r1: yes [01:33:21] blueskydrinking: the answer is always yes [01:33:22] Fried_Pickles: You're not supposed to use shampoo/conditoner every day [01:33:25] Jens_LN: Become F1nn ? [01:33:28] Vanimal2118: Plates are good. [01:33:28] Stovamor: @splixir, win big on the predictions [01:33:30] J0sephFrost: J0sephFrost subscribed with Prime. [01:33:30] f3mmbot: j0sephfrost subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang j0sephfrost f1nnLezgang [01:33:31] beerclaw99: don't do it [01:33:31] johnkeiwo: sure [01:33:31] oystershucker32: Reject society, become femboy [01:33:33] ronin_5463: Bad mathematics. Weed. And Cum KEKW [01:33:34] alex_5r1: become f1nn or vlad [01:33:36] BlaireBearStare: Hell ye [01:33:38] beerclaw99: the woke mind virus [01:33:42] kenji173: radical femme [01:33:44] hopalongtommy: Olaplex no3 is like a deep conditioner, says use every week but seems too regular to me. Depends on how often you wash your hair too [01:33:46] Vanimal2118: Ewe Girl stuff [01:33:49] undead_bandit452: Do you have any advice on growing hair out [01:33:51] bucksben: Gucci store London used to sell £300 leather paddles! [01:33:52] wiluwatch: In my never-ending quest to find my gender identity Im allowing my friends to do my make-up however none of them do their own make-up [01:33:52] Fried_Pickles: I'm past femmboy but not? Boymoding Transgirl who cant dress her own self (me) [01:34:03] johnkeiwo: i know what this is about ! [01:34:03] blissly1: oh the fake trans ppl [01:34:03] blueskydrinking: oh dont bully her about this! KEKW [01:34:04] trulysushi_: Master Oogway once said: if you are into guys just be a fembussy boy [01:34:08] blaxfruitgrinding: how did you grow out your hair without your fringe looking horrendous just wondering? [01:34:14] flakeview: @undead_bandit452 don't cut it [01:34:22] Vanimal2118: Notes? [01:34:25] blueskydrinking: oh I thought ti was the cuck thing lmao [01:34:26] Cyprohep: youtube watching act cool [01:34:28] mute7120: HUH [01:34:29] Fried_Pickles: I SAW THAT [01:34:30] saint_r: huh [01:34:33] Alice_Unchained: HUH? [01:34:33] scatcha04: fake being trans [01:34:34] Shockwavemecha: xinaPALM [01:34:35] TwinbeeMk2: Finn is genetically superior which is unfair lol [01:34:35] blueskydrinking: holy shit [01:34:36] Helen_Croft: I seen that [01:34:36] braddle172: Oh that [01:34:37] BlaireBearStare: wut [01:34:38] endanabanananana: wtf [01:34:39] mute7120: WTF [01:34:39] johnkeiwo: yeah I saw that, SPIT ON THEM ! [01:34:39] Shockwavemecha: haanCry1 haanCry2 haanCry3 [01:34:40] soggyvector: oh my god this [01:34:45] Vanimal2118: Why? [01:34:45] gnarlyvomit: Yeah i saw them I just immediately blocked them bc it's fucking gross [01:34:46] endanabanananana: omfg [01:34:46] kenji173: uh ok [01:34:47] grandpaladin1701: Damn, yeah. Dumb shit [01:34:50] Avocado11: This has been a long time CB racket. [01:34:51] BrothermanBiIl: mega cringe [01:34:51] beerclaw99: wtf lol [01:34:52] mute7120: disgusting [01:34:52] trulysushi_: I just saw that lol [01:34:53] TrueMezzo: lmaooo thats wild [01:34:54] Y0rk5h1r3: What's next, women are gonna pretend to be femboys? [01:34:56] Shockwavemecha: batsheBatgeholeup erm [01:34:57] Scrooge_McBong: boyh [01:34:57] Aedthryth: That's fucked [01:34:58] Alice_Unchained: Do we dislike that? [01:34:58] blueskydrinking: ??????????? [01:34:59] Gtadicto1: wild stuff XD [01:34:59] ronin_5463: They not like us [01:34:59] muddymudkip15: Such a shitty thing to do [01:35:00] sasha_3251: That's actually so vile omg [01:35:01] endanabanananana: big fucking yikes [01:35:03] Shockwavemecha: LUL [01:35:04] BlaireBearStare: I am captivated now yeah [01:35:04] neingeben: that's so weird [01:35:05] zebrabbl396: Fake pps [01:35:06] OnaMetaQuest: Wtf, that's insane... [01:35:07] selfmd66: How can I appear more feminine [01:35:08] Scrooge_McBong: please do! [01:35:11] f0rrest_f1re: Thought that was Gilticus LUL [01:35:11] eepy_lamby: !size [01:35:11] f3mmbot: Finn's Measurements: Height 69" / Shoulder width 18" / Bust 39" / Under bust 33" / waist 28" / Hips : 31" / Legs 35" / Shoes UK 9 / Bicep 12" / Wrist 6" / Ring 50mm / Bra 34B (usually) / Dress size 12 UK size / Skirt size 10 UK size, Medium usually. Last updated in April 2024 - Latest from Barbie [01:35:13] SnowwyAI: is... is that appropriation? [01:35:14] Eltrid_: that's... a weird thing to do lol [01:35:15] johnkeiwo: they spam accounts and all that, are also pretty transphobics [01:35:18] fae_the_luna_moth: That is disgusting [01:35:20] kenji173: what do they put down there [01:35:21] medical_size9000: I don't use Twitter [01:35:23] Fried_Pickles: is it purely [01:35:25] Alice_Unchained: Okay that's a shite bio [01:35:32] wellingtonfrogs: Thats so gross [01:35:36] c__r__j: You want to do a video on it? Is you coming out as cis-female next? [01:35:39] lunarouge89: They also use filter to have square jaw [01:35:39] Y0rk5h1r3: Imagine thinking you've pulled a femboy and it turns out to be some bird 🐦 [01:35:40] toolaenima: pattyNODDERS [01:35:40] TwinbeeMk2: Didn't know transtrenders were still a thing [01:35:40] Fried_Pickles: Like a packer? [01:35:42] OnaMetaQuest: So weird [01:35:42] Aedthryth: It's called a packer [01:35:43] c__r__j: A "packer". [01:35:48] NinjaCoch: late night finntster in the best :3 <3 [01:35:50] barrenchatt: I dont pretend to be trans only [01:35:50] kenji173: HUH [01:35:53] sparklykitten5555: how do you know they pretend? lol [01:35:54] Gtadicto1: is she pretending?? or is transmasc thing?? [01:35:55] TwoShakez: Wow you have quite the room now [01:35:56] varmac86: !donate [01:35:56] f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. [01:35:58] hwg_hannah: I hate that. [01:35:58] Vanimal2118: Interesting pitch @c__r__j [01:35:58] BlaireBearStare: Silver lining trans women in porn is now normalized to this point? [01:36:00] Sunartv: bait [01:36:00] Skylee1976: Heya everyone [01:36:02] sunnyAlii: idk its pretty weird [01:36:02] alex_5r1: why do they do it? [01:36:02] Loelinverse: gender affirming indeed [01:36:08] atlasmars_: its disgusting and very insulting [01:36:10] dododoey: how do we know that they are fake [01:36:12] Jens_LN: it's a bit weird. [01:36:12] atlasmars_: super transphobic [01:36:12] JToegi: Just be dom futa, no fake trans. hella cringe [01:36:14] BlaireBearStare: This feels weird tho [01:36:14] zebrabbl396: Interesting [01:36:16] Some_Awe: linksprout [01:36:16] heyimf1dg3t: Go Packers! (lmao, fellow 'mericans get it) [01:36:17] SymhDG: it kinda like Indigo White [01:36:17] AlexUsman: No dong? Not interested! [01:36:19] OnaMetaQuest: NGL I get why you want to look into it lol! [01:36:19] Bobbikatt: Kinda BS [01:36:21] OutbackJax49: LUL [01:36:22] Harper2020: you handsome little devil [01:36:24] kenji173: but how do you know they’re not trans Susge [01:36:25] perseus_codes: It's messed up. Just feels strange [01:36:26] Scrooge_McBong: im following! [01:36:28] Shinobi__Tactics: Its weird [01:36:29] endanabanananana: @atlasmars_ 100% agree, gross [01:36:30] scarlettyg: Well, it's twitter [01:36:31] strangechef316: I feel like this is reducing trans femininity to genitals which is inherently transphobic. Trans people face so much adversity and in many cases can ONLY make a living through sex work. So to throw on a packer and try to steal that income as well, on top of all other cisfeminine privilege?? Bad look. [01:36:32] blueskydrinking: all the spam accounts that follow me every time I like one of your tweets has that bio LUL [01:36:36] blaxfruitgrinding: how dis u grow ur hair out withought fringe looking weird? [01:36:39] Alice_Unchained: That other persons bio is just bad and harmful [01:36:41] d4nd4d: PopNemo [01:36:41] phoenix10341: Hiiiii :3 That's my first time here live and I love ur vids. They help me a bit with my mental health problems and to ignore my toxic mom :3 [01:36:41] oystershucker32: sherlock f1nn5ter [01:36:41] Shockwavemecha: spicy content [01:36:45] Jens_LN: @heyimf1dg3t I get it ... MT3K [01:36:47] Xirenec_: Dude, you already look like a girl and have a secret weapon KEKW [01:36:48] SnowwyAI: I did not have "trans identity appropriation" on my 2024 Bingo card. [01:36:48] zebrabbl396: f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye [01:36:49] barrenchatt: online trans individuals attract rather toxic responses, so NB Femboy is ok by me [01:36:49] sasha_3251: That's so insanely transphobic amd disgusting [01:36:54] Lineesa: they are making money on other people's pain? [01:36:56] 616_lvcifer: @strangechef316 word! [01:36:59] Fried_Pickles: I think it's interesting. Do they actually like fish for engagement? Nothing trans about it? [01:37:03] Vanimal2118: R u getting tips from them? [01:37:04] atlasmars_: they're using something than many trans woman suffer from even knowing they have as a costume [01:37:07] MatyPooh: the investigator [01:37:14] BlaireBearStare: It definitely feels like they're feeding into fetishization [01:37:15] medical_size9000: I have no opinion because I don't have a twitter and haven't seen it [01:37:23] Shockwavemecha: How is the Good boy [01:37:27] SciFiBrony: I kinda hate this. It's like.....trans black face [01:37:29] HardyOrange: @blaxfruitgrinding your fringe is gonna look weird for a bit no matter what, you just gotta push through and use lots of hair clips to keep it out of your face [01:37:30] maybeonlysometimes: Rip tank o7 [01:37:33] Eltrid_: remember that its 2000 likes, so that doesnt include all the subs that didnt like the comment, so its probably more money than that [01:37:35] Vanimal2118: f1nnTank Cam when? [01:37:36] oystershucker32: where is sin(k)/cos(k) [01:37:36] Avaerus0: Are there Tank conspiracies? [01:37:38] Wardenboo: wedding??? [01:37:39] BeeBeeBumblin: How far along is the garage gym? [01:37:41] Pillooow: Who's wedding [01:37:42] Jens_LN: Tank murdered an innocent Blåhaj not that long ago [01:37:42] Wardenboo: LEAKS [01:37:46] c__r__j: "A wedding going on?" nanona1Flushed [01:37:48] blueskydrinking: hey now, dont just dorp that and leave it? [01:37:48] kenji173: tankies in chat EWWW [01:37:48] ABitOLace: Inv4 Tank is now stuffed and on a shelf [01:37:50] AlexUsman: Whaaaat?! [01:37:50] atlasmars_: @scifibrony fully couldnt havw said it better myself [01:37:50] NinjaCoch: finnster getting married????????? [01:37:51] eris_eryss: Wedding ? [01:37:52] djsinnema: those woman also hit up all the porno subs on reddit. as well. They get alot of comments calling them out [01:37:52] watermeloneater789: whats ur fav song [01:37:52] sartanxar: sartanxar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months! Almost 4 years with this loveable himbo\bimbo [01:37:52] f3mmbot: sartanxar subscribed to f1nn5ter for 45 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:37:53] Mikayla_Alexis: Wait. Wedding !!!! [01:37:54] BlaireBearStare: Finn proposed after all confirmed! [01:37:54] Halkun: YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED??? [01:37:54] barrenchatt: I'm glad my doctors allowed me to feminize via HRT [01:37:54] handscombchris: Wedding??? [01:37:55] blaxfruitgrinding: @HardyOrange thx lad [01:37:57] bananasandwich6969: @Jens_LN remanded in custody [01:37:57] Vanimal2118: Ur getting Married? Congrats! [01:37:58] general_of_cm: Wedding?! [01:37:59] kenji173: HUH [01:38:00] ronin_5463: nahh we aint glossing over that [01:38:02] NinjaCoch: YOURE GETTING MARRIED [01:38:03] boom_and_alpha_yt: f1nnTank [01:38:03] Shockwavemecha: Hmm [01:38:04] p0l3rb3ars: ICKY N FIMTER WEDDING? [01:38:04] Wardenboo: congratz!! [01:38:04] blueskydrinking: BRO [01:38:05] mystchevious1: If they are open about being cis then it's all fun but if you are genuinely trying to fool people then it's majorly detrimental to trans people both potentially in terms of safety and mentally. So many Trans girls suffer from body dysmorphia this would be crushing. [01:38:09] eris_eryss: LUL LUL LUL [01:38:09] Alice_Unchained: wedding? [01:38:10] scarlettyg: Not his wedding, but it's Ashley's KEKW [01:38:10] ssssmollpp: weding? xhat gets invited [01:38:11] wiluwatch: nah get glossed over [01:38:12] neingeben: lol [01:38:13] mr_keksregen: Congratulations [01:38:14] oystershucker32: chat heard wedding and got way to excisted [01:38:15] quartark: WEDDING [01:38:16] hollow_xar: yet [01:38:16] Wardenboo: never?? [01:38:17] watermeloneater789: lol [01:38:18] Vanimal2118: Congrats! [01:38:18] Jens_LN: Ring not on fingers [01:38:20] Shockwavemecha: Are you trying to convince us or yourself? [01:38:21] XavienTC: always the last to know [01:38:21] zebrabbl396: f1nnAshbonk f1nnAshbonk f1nnAshbonk f1nnAshbonk f1nnAshbonk f1nnAshbonk f1nnAshbonk [01:38:22] venomousrose13: Icky and Fimter wedding confirmed? [01:38:23] ChasingSol: haha [01:38:24] Jens_LN: Congrats ! [01:38:27] NinjaCoch: YOURE NEVER GETTING MARRED? [01:38:27] aleryon__: poor ashley [01:38:28] SuchKittyMuchMeow: yet [01:38:28] Eltrid_: biggest slip up ever [01:38:28] dododoey: congrats [01:38:29] maybeonlysometimes: Icky wedding and you're invited? LUL [01:38:29] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [01:38:30] quartark: gride [01:38:30] slp35: congrats [01:38:31] NinjaCoch: YET [01:38:32] endanabanananana: never seen a measurement bot in my life, jw is this common for streamers? [01:38:32] distractedcreative: Congratulations f1nn! [01:38:32] eris_eryss: f1nnRotate f1nnRotate f1nnRotate [01:38:32] PokeyNBrown: who’s wedding is it? [01:38:32] neingeben: congrats on the WEDDING [01:38:33] Jens_LN: yay marriage ! [01:38:34] J0sephFrost: We know you wouldnt propose, it would be icky that would propose [01:38:34] tomandil789: yettt [01:38:34] BlaireBearStare: Congrats on the invite to a wedding! [01:38:34] HardyOrange: plz, Ashley would not have been able to keep that a secret [01:38:35] f0rrest_f1re: Not to be rude but that dog is dumb af stefvaSideeye [01:38:37] liz_8626: Can we go to the wedding? [01:38:41] Jens_LN: are you the Bride ? [01:38:45] BeeBeeBumblin: Boywife <3 [01:38:49] dmx908: When are you proposing to Ashley? [01:38:50] medical_size9000: Congrats I hope hitch planning your bachelor party invite John and stov [01:38:53] AtomicX360: ur the best [01:38:53] unbracingabyss: congratulations [01:38:55] watermeloneater789: can i get a hi? [01:38:56] ChasingSol: !caps [01:38:56] scarlettyg: Where were you at 13:49 on April 29th, 2021? [01:38:56] f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! [01:38:56] wiluwatch: Your not giving us grand streamer kids to spoil [01:38:58] mazapancitoouu: CONGRATULATIONS!! [01:38:59] clockingout: Finn the Blushing Bride [01:39:00] blueskydrinking: were you on the grassy knoll in 1963? [01:39:00] Jens_LN: You'd be a beautiful bride F1nn5ter [01:39:01] hotok_3: !socials [01:39:01] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [01:39:04] 616_lvcifer: spinning fish? Joel [01:39:12] 616_lvcifer: sad [01:39:17] sparklykitten5555: Id love to hear what trans women think about it? - I wouldnt care cis peopel taking the kink out of packing and binding [01:39:20] AtomicX360: ur the reason Im half gay [01:39:22] Bicbic09: Bicbic09 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! congrats on the wedding!! [01:39:22] f3mmbot: bicbic09 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [01:39:24] axe1970: always the bridesmaid never the bride [01:39:24] simplejack42069: Marry me F1NN5TER [01:39:24] Eltrid_: big assumption [01:39:34] mystchevious1: Most people on your page don't like your posts. [01:39:40] c__r__j: What percentage of subscribers DO like a post on that site, though? [01:39:41] Jens_LN: Congratulations [01:39:44] thatfinalknight: 20% cut [01:39:46] sportynathor: marry Ashley, this would be perfect 🥰❤️ [01:39:46] emily_destiny: Congratulations on getting married [01:39:48] Vanimal2118: Is everything to u just money? [01:39:54] tomandil789: money is money [01:39:55] f0rrest_f1re: Good job bro sis [01:39:55] ChasingSol: haha [01:39:57] distractedcreative: Wow [01:39:57] scarlettyg: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [01:40:00] Gtadicto1: not great numbers XD [01:40:01] eris_eryss: Haha LUL LUL [01:40:03] mazapancitoouu: LMAOOO [01:40:05] zebrabbl396: f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff f1nnLaff [01:40:05] Shinobi__Tactics: yet [01:40:05] Wardenboo: are we invited? [01:40:06] gibbon66: Wife month? [01:40:06] Avocado11: That's like 1/12 of a Finn. Likes to subs is at least closer to 1/4. [01:40:07] SciFiBrony: I mostly just hate it's basically trans black face [01:40:10] someweirdfish: omg congrats!! [01:40:10] BlaireBearStare: Can't wait for the actual wedding that'll be tits [01:40:13] endanabanananana: awww i love your channel, mods, and chat. have a lovely day everyone <3 i need to gtf to sleep <3 [01:40:14] bdew: $600 can get you some very comfortable life in some third world countries [01:40:16] Eltrid_: who's the maid of honor ? and who's the other maid of honor ? [01:40:16] mister_kindness: Who is wearing the dress at the wedding? Both of you? [01:40:17] oystershucker32: I think chat is just trying to say it until it becomes true [01:40:17] caskade187: as you say your not getting married. ash is crying in the room next door [01:40:21] BrothermanBiIl: free rent [01:40:22] 0redZero00: assuming this is the only grift, they probably have 5 or 10 runniung [01:40:23] thatfinalknight: dont you need ID verification [01:40:23] watermeloneater789: awwwwwwwwwww [01:40:24] scarlettyg: I hope you'll have wedding swords like a real lesbian wedding [01:40:27] hopalongtommy: That candle lit dinner Ashley came home to wasn't spontaneous then? [01:40:28] phoebe_rc: Congratulations on not getting married!!! [01:40:28] ChasingSol: weird grift [01:40:29] dafdeddog: BrainSlug [01:40:31] Vanimal2118: Mods r required at wedding? [01:40:32] Fried_Pickles: I haven't looked at their profile but are they like, doing it to phish? [01:40:32] Shockwavemecha: They might be getting more in Private messages [01:40:32] Falstaff1984: congrats - have you selected the cake yet [01:40:33] watermeloneater789: s [01:40:34] alex_5r1: what's the profile name? [01:40:36] sportynathor: Online Wedding with Ashley plz 🥰❤️ [01:40:37] formicus02: How do I know if I'm smarter than a femboy? [01:40:38] c__r__j: Maybe they're an exhibitionist sloot? [01:40:39] Alice_Unchained: It's harmful [01:40:39] simplejack42069: F1nn5ter marry me instead [01:40:41] Jeddix: fucked up [01:40:41] AtomicX360: I just wanna mawwy yuhhh🥺 [01:40:43] perseus_codes: Do we start a GoFundMe for the wedding now orrrrrr [01:40:44] watermeloneater789: Odd [01:40:46] scarlettyg: cringe [01:40:47] johnkeiwo: they post across multiple accounts too with the most transphobic shit [01:40:47] ronin_5463: gross [01:40:48] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "If finn did get married, you they be...": the Bride with 25 votes (92.59%) [01:40:48] mootleys: @sparklykitten5555 I mean, considering many of us are still afraid to do anything but boymode it's insulting at the very least, I'm pretty disgusted by them [01:40:51] DethCarp: why not get married [01:40:52] charliebruce123: rage-baiting to get exposure [01:40:52] SciFiBrony: It's trans black face and I hate it. [01:40:53] gob384: It is weird to put on a 'trans mask [01:40:54] djsinnema: are you and iccy the bridesmaid [01:40:54] lordgtafbi: supply and demand [01:40:54] neingeben: weird af [01:40:55] Helen_Croft: NotLikeThis [01:40:56] watermeloneater789: its fucked [01:40:56] f0rrest_f1re: Don't forget to Invite me to the wedding bro sis [01:40:56] Shinobi__Tactics: its weird and odd, grifting [01:40:56] oystershucker32: does It work???? [01:40:56] Jens_LN: no more weird, than a guy with fake booba [01:40:57] OnaMetaQuest: It's a cringe thing to do [01:40:57] Mikayla_Alexis: I think it's just going to do damage to our community [01:40:58] DarkPrincess61: transfake [01:40:58] avroaustin: transmasc femboy? [01:40:59] atlasmars_: its disgusting [01:41:00] Alice_Unchained: Especially claiming to "still be a man" is bad [01:41:00] Darktomato124: wack [01:41:00] tomandil789: pretty weird [01:41:01] Wardenboo: buy it [01:41:02] LilithC11: It’s really strange, it feels super exploitative but I can’t exactly explain why. [01:41:02] fluffytreehugger_: disgusting [01:41:02] Vanimal2118: Packer? [01:41:03] funny_mayonnaise: It's weird and gross [01:41:03] TrueMezzo: its just odd like why it cant be worth it right> [01:41:03] kingarchi12: !socials [01:41:04] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [01:41:04] atlasmars_: fucking gross [01:41:05] BlaireBearStare: This feels like appropriation at best, fetishization at worst [01:41:05] pianoismyforte_: Super weird [01:41:05] Wardenboo: do it [01:41:05] johnkeiwo: and tbh transwomen are demonized a lot as it is [01:41:06] stockie_uk: Honeytrap to blackmail chasers? [01:41:06] Kolateak_: Imagine a chaser looking for something, finding out they're not trans, and being disappointed [01:41:07] mazapancitoouu: That's crazyyy [01:41:07] Shockwavemecha: At least f1nn was honest and never claimed to be trans [01:41:07] Avocado11: This has been a common grift on many sites for a very long time. [01:41:08] atlasmars_: terrible [01:41:09] blueskydrinking: it seems a little gross tbh but I have no skin the game [01:41:09] bigsuave7: seems like exploitation [01:41:13] SnowwyAI: It seems like trans identity appropriation. [01:41:14] atlasmars_: as a trans woman is so insulting [01:41:15] ronin_5463: Transface [01:41:16] m0nim0nim0nim0: is that not what you used to do though with booba [01:41:16] acrashot567: makes me feel sucky [01:41:16] Fried_Pickles: Do they have other socials that claim otherwise? [01:41:19] HardyOrange: imo, if it's happening in adult content it doesn't indicate a wide ranging social trend or anything [01:41:20] lovelydriver23: Agreed feels very disrespectful [01:41:21] medical_size9000: I hope hitch planning your bachelor party invite to john and stov to bachelor party [01:41:21] Scrooge_McBong: maybe they just in to peg [01:41:21] phoebe_rc: Weird. [01:41:22] emily_destiny: f1nn5ter cute [01:41:22] Kolateak_: Peak capitalism [01:41:24] 420_blushed: Are they transphobic? [01:41:24] zebrabbl396: f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [01:41:25] simplejack42069: Do you think F1nn5ter will wear a white dress? [01:41:27] avavtar__: are ya sponsored by volvic or smth [01:41:29] johnkeiwo: because they are attractive white women, they do not realistically RISK ANYTHING [01:41:29] LylaHehe: what the hell have I just joined to?! [01:41:30] Stovamor: Vote, chat [01:41:30] Gtadicto1: i don't know it seems a lot of work for so little money [01:41:31] Vanimal2118: What r they packing? [01:41:32] 3lrd: 3lrd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months! Been subbed here longer than my longest relationship LUL [01:41:32] HardyOrange: how much hate must they be getting tho? [01:41:32] f3mmbot: 3lrd subscribed to f1nn5ter for 38 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:41:33] formicus02: OF is wrong in general, harmful to both actors and viewers [01:41:34] quinntayo: F1nn. i just joined… what an awesome fit?? Tell me you don’t have gender euphoria from your body fitting those clothes now 😶 [01:41:35] MajesticFvckingEagle: just woke up from a nap, what we talking about [01:41:36] undead_bandit452: Idk why they would I'm trans and don't really care tbh but probably shouldn't do it [01:41:37] Helen_Croft: check poll @F1NN5TER [01:41:37] Helen_Croft: check poll @F1NN5TER [01:41:37] dododoey: how do people know they are faking being trans [01:41:38] grandpaladin1701: Inverse transphobia [01:41:38] rychip_95: Have you seen the p hub statistics it trends high [01:41:38] p0l3rb3ars: Its not the first time its happened, but it is extremely weird and fairly disgusting [01:41:40] strangechef316: Super transphobic. Reducing trans femininity to genitals is inherently transphobic, it’s also fetishizing because the packers are so overt. [01:41:41] charlieokeefe420: to be honest as trans person I think it’s pretty horrible to impersonate trans women for gain. cis straight people can’t keep their nose out of other people’s business. [01:41:42] dj2226t: I step away for 10 seconds and come back to bulge. TF lol [01:41:42] caskade187: there not special enough to be just thems selfs so have to pretend [01:41:43] scarlettyg: It's a natural development from Twitter being owned by a bigoted weirdo [01:41:45] perseus_codes: I feel like its transphobic accidentally maybe but it feels that way [01:41:47] OnaMetaQuest: This is uncharted shit for sure... [01:41:51] sparklykitten5555: how do you know they are not trans ? [01:41:54] neingeben: stereotyping at the very least [01:41:57] Helen_Croft: check poll @F1NN5TER [01:41:57] GalaxyNina: ew [01:41:58] Alice_Unchained: That is turbo harmful [01:42:01] LazloNibble: seems like the grift would be kinda obvious once you actually SAW the OF [01:42:01] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER would a femboy with fake booba not be kinda the same ? [01:42:03] avroaustin: lliterally finnster [01:42:07] clockingout: Fraud! [01:42:08] hopalongtommy: It's interesting, cold argue appropriation but also argue it's a new angle on the blurring of gender [01:42:08] Vanimal2118: Vote [01:42:09] Gtadicto1: its uncharted territory [01:42:12] splixir: @f1nn5ter the grift doesn't go very far when they take off their pants. [01:42:15] Eltrid_: its weird, the guys they're grifting might be mad to realize that they've been tricked (even ignoring the insult to trans people by doing that) [01:42:18] gracefully_insane74: some of the stuff they've posted is rather transphobic [01:42:20] PokeyNBrown: 1 raiders from PokeyNBrown have joined! [01:42:24] f0rrest_f1re: Under cover geh [01:42:25] quartark: it also comes from a place of immense privledge [01:42:32] johnkeiwo: parasocial chatter [01:42:38] InfernoDelCielo: Chat did i miss something or where tdid the insta go? :/ [01:42:40] BeeBeeBumblin: I dislike it. But I don't care. More so if there's no hate from em [01:42:42] blueskydrinking: chat its none our business [01:42:44] Shockwavemecha: @Jens_LN Only if they claim they were trans while not being trans, f1nn was honest with chat [01:42:45] strangechef316: As a trans woman I’m literally petrified of my quote-unquote “male” genitals appearing literally ever, ESPECIALLY if it makes cis women uncomfortable. Highlighting that as a cis person to play into a “trap” fetish is literally violent. [01:42:52] oystershucker32: what the fuck [01:42:52] watermeloneater789: as a trans person its kinda offensive [01:42:56] deathfoxx8072: Lol [01:43:03] Vanimal2118: Total Boys [01:43:04] Jens_LN: @Shockwavemecha I agree [01:43:05] Fried_Pickles: it is [01:43:07] quartark: it twitter ofc it would get views [01:43:09] blueskydrinking: botted to hell for sure [01:43:10] BlaireBearStare: No this is definitely fetishistic [01:43:12] Alice_Unchained: Captions like this push a harmful rhetoric [01:43:13] johnkeiwo: probably botted tbh [01:43:15] Helen_Croft: it does not even look real [01:43:16] Stovamor: @InfernoDelCielo, got banned almost 2 months ago [01:43:18] deathfoxx8072: Wtf [01:43:19] formicus02: How do I know if I'm actually smarter than a femboy? [01:43:23] sartanxar: That is kinda fucked as hell [01:43:25] Galaspar: Hate views are still views [01:43:26] GaiusGoose: I’d guess it’s a thing about how in those communities being trans is a fetish, so they’re trying to capitalize off of that [01:43:27] BrothermanBiIl: they get recommended more because of the algorithm [01:43:27] medical_size9000: W mysti dono [01:43:28] charlieokeefe420: it’s an example of how majority groups see nothing wrong with capitalizing on marginalized groups. when there’s something to gain they steal and use for gain [01:43:31] maybeonlysometimes: Shit like ratio tho so probably bots [01:43:32] Shockwavemecha: 200k, POG [01:43:32] strangechef316: They’re trying to profit on transphobic cultural tropes. Cringe weird ass behavior [01:43:33] Jeddix: 3 mio. views and 2k likes .... yeah [01:43:35] fae_the_luna_moth: Its vile absolutely vile [01:43:35] Avocado11: Also congrats to Finn for closing in on the Top 5 liked trans posters on your OF. You just moved up to #6 this week. [01:43:38] blueskydrinking: HUH [01:43:38] Alice_Unchained: Wtf was that [01:43:39] organistfred: Im sorry for asking but what are your pronouns? [01:43:40] zebrabbl396: Pp envy [01:43:41] oystershucker32: yooo vlad [01:43:41] senhoritapoeira: I am so happy that we dont have twitter in Brazil anymore hahaha [01:43:41] Fried_Pickles: if you see the girl on the left, her (Package) looks like a wallet lmao [01:43:45] mazapancitoouu: Yoooo [01:43:45] AeitZean: My gock is not your costume LUL [01:43:45] Shockwavemecha: Bro is a Professional [01:43:47] mystchevious1: You soo crushed on Vlad. [01:43:48] f0rrest_f1re: What's going on with Twitter? [01:43:49] SciFiBrony: Considering twitter will randomly and automatically go to another vid after the one you're ACTUALLY watching, idk how much credit I'd give to the twitter view number [01:43:50] Wardenboo: when is Vlad coming back? [01:43:53] deathfoxx8072: Good laugh [01:43:55] LazloNibble: they are OBVIOUSLY packing just from that clip! so weird [01:43:57] Fried_Pickles: THE PEEPEE looks square in the left [01:44:00] BlaireBearStare: Yo that vlad shoot was fire you need to meet up with him again [01:44:01] johnkeiwo: engagement on twitter is so cooked [01:44:04] dj2226t: It's different and people like different. [01:44:04] Jens_LN: vote vote vote [01:44:09] Wardenboo: or Natt [01:44:11] Vanimal2118: Vlad getting married? [01:44:15] Stovamor: LAST FEW SECONDS FOR THE VOTE [01:44:16] bananasandwich6969: Vlad just replied on twitter lol [01:44:18] Wardenboo: : [01:50:28] alex_5r1: f1nnEgg [01:50:29] phoebe_rc: You dressing like a man might cause more of a stir than you in a dress [01:50:30] SnowwyAI: Nah, the Trans Prime Directive says he has to find his own way there. [01:50:33] hwg_hannah: Button up tailored shirt, undercut corset, palazzo pants [01:50:35] bearpaw1970: Pinky Tuscadero cos play [01:50:40] kayjonsen: Use Pinterest to search Outfits!! :D [01:50:43] CrystalKyd: syndicate? Like THEE Syndicate project?? [01:50:46] Fried_Pickles: LMAO [01:50:51] Fried_Pickles: It is neat. [01:50:51] nehnsi: get yourself one of these tuxedo-ish wests they look relly good on women too tbh [01:50:54] Halkun: "Put him on Egg_IRL o7 [01:50:58] Eltrid_: Finn on the path to feminize and crack every online celeb he can get his hands on [01:51:06] Fried_Pickles: I mean not even when someone doing mine but also me doing my own. [01:51:08] i_cant_even22: try K-pop makeup [01:51:08] hwg_hannah: *Underbust [01:51:10] deathfoxx8072: I know the feeling [01:51:20] barrenchatt: Hrt high check.. was 173 cm now I'm 169 cm [01:51:21] Bicbic09: any tips on how to do makeup as a guy? [01:51:27] BlaireBearStare: Phrasing? [01:51:30] SnowwyAI: You did a decent job on Jack Manifold's makeup. [01:51:30] Fried_Pickles: Makes sense [01:51:32] Bytebak: do the billy porter tuxedo dress [01:51:34] quartark: f1nnStare f1nnStare [01:51:36] bearpaw1970: On yourself , you have your mastery [01:51:36] i_cant_even22: try different styles of makeup, kop inspired even [01:51:36] perseus_codes: ... [01:51:38] BeeBeeBumblin: Alice responded to you watching her femboy video in her youtube community post btw! [01:51:50] Lazzeruz: Good question, title of the stream. Depends on which femboy and if they're smarter or not. [01:51:52] deathfoxx8072: Yeah I got some one tips [01:51:54] Jens_LN: @F1NN5TER is the "face-feel" similar to "mouth-feel" ??? [01:51:55] venomousrose13: “I don’t like things on my face unless I put them there” AAAYYYYOOOOO [01:51:58] Vanimal2118: Why not get a lovely gown and a tailored suit, u will be able to choose on the day of the event? [01:52:01] ronin_5463: Is your style being a cutie pie? [01:52:04] Eltrid_: you should still experiment with other styles on stream and chat will bully you for it. That'll make good content [01:52:12] moodasluht: just get ashley to dress you [01:52:12] Fried_Pickles: Maybe I just like the girl inside of me.... well outside of me.... [01:52:14] krovvy: okay [01:52:15] ChasingSol: @Jens_LN f1nnBonk [01:52:16] blueskydrinking: it depends on whether f1nn wants to catch the bouquet or not [01:52:19] Wardenboo: I sent you 3 outfits that look cute uwu but you do have Ashley [01:52:22] danae53: wear matching outfits with Ashley? [01:52:23] Wardenboo: for outfits [01:52:23] SymhDG: @F1NN5TER Why not the finance girl suit ? [01:52:27] ElfDestruct: cheongsam style blouse and trousers [01:52:27] krovvy: kethHiss she is [01:52:30] quartark: in terms of makeup, if you are older get a girl to do to superdrug with you holy shit they know everything [01:52:31] bearpaw1970: ronin I think that just may be it..🤣🫴💕 [01:52:37] grandpasauce: why dont u get an actual real stylist?\ [01:52:39] johnkeiwo: u were gonna say something [01:52:40] Wardenboo: but also Im bad at clothes xD [01:52:41] Jens_LN: @ChasingSol I'm just asking here .. wondering what it's like ! .... no bonk ! [01:52:41] endanabanananana: let her try [01:52:42] ronin_5463: Girl in finance 5'5 brown eyes [01:52:42] sollylyly: she suld try [01:52:43] endanabanananana: !!! [01:52:43] binkleofficial: fuffled women's dress shirt with suit jacket and trousers, you could rock heels, or regular dress shoes [01:52:43] Fried_Pickles: lmao [01:52:47] Fried_Pickles: wow [01:52:47] kelseyhellfire: sorry [01:52:53] SnowwyAI: Just wear one of the onesie uniforms from the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, lol. [01:52:54] hwg_hannah: Fun face, I am actually a birmingham stylist. Happy to help [01:53:03] grandpasauce: dont get a celebrity grade one just an average one lmao [01:53:05] i_cant_even22: try professional style clothing. [01:53:07] Vanimal2118: Invite stylest to provide u looks? [01:53:08] johnkeiwo: u were gonna say something about wether to appear masc or fem [01:53:24] Stovamor: @kelseyhellfire, it's cool, but advertising other streamers is basically a big faux pas in other people's chats [01:53:24] miruna_bu: hiiii howw are uu , uu look soo gorgeous [01:53:27] ShikyoNoTenshi: ShikyoNoTenshi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months! 48 months.... wow time sure flies. TransgenderPride [01:53:28] f3mmbot: shikyonotenshi subscribed to f1nn5ter for 48 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:53:28] thereturnofkingkong: hi Finn I’ve been watching you for awhile but this is my first time chatting just wanted to say thanks for helping come out as nonbinary. your content has made me laugh so much thank Finn [01:53:29] moodasluht: also you already have like at least 3 of those [01:53:29] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [01:53:29] silentkay1: silentkay1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 7 month streak! Gremlins dont need stylists [01:53:29] f3mmbot: silentkay1 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 15 months using Prime! PogU [01:53:29] Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnSad f1nnHeart itspea13Blahajheart [01:53:31] Fried_Pickles: yeah.,... not the most sound investment [01:53:31] BlaireBearStare: Jesu [01:53:34] ibbiTheHen: a floor length maxi skirt and button up shirt with some jewelry is what i wore to the last wedding i went to. [01:53:35] grandpasauce: a stylist can just be someone who is good at fashion you dont need to get a big name [01:53:39] bigdumbstella: ur cute enough, u don't need a stylist <3 [01:53:39] Vanimal2118: f1nnBingbong f1nnTank f1nnTankhat vanima3PINK [01:53:42] tinylilhorse: you are cute passable and thin wear a dress at least something fem [01:53:43] BlaireBearStare: Jesus for one shoot? [01:53:45] NoPulse: Where did you buy that Top? [01:53:47] Wardenboo: check my fits! >< [01:53:48] Fried_Pickles: That's why chat wins /s [01:53:51] hwg_hannah: Gods, I do not charge that for styling [01:53:52] kelseyhellfire: yeah my bad, didnt think before typing, just saw another message about it [01:53:53] evericor000: that’s what Ashley is for [01:53:53] SabrinaNyx: TransgenderPride [01:53:58] sapphicbernkastel: there's no way you can't afford that Kappa [01:53:58] sparklykitten5555: rich like crazy rich asian [01:54:05] butter_bb: who's getting married? [01:54:05] hwg_hannah: Wait, am I under charging? [01:54:10] phoenix10341: Sadly imma slowly have to go. Good night everybody TransgenderPride [01:54:12] Jens_LN: We are nice ! [01:54:13] krovvy: just show up in the sluttiest dress you have and get sloshed, be that person at the wedding lmao [01:54:18] SnowwyAI: Awww, Finn called us nice. <3 [01:54:18] handscombchris: Giving your mods ideas for how much they should be getting paid! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 [01:54:19] ronin_5463: Ha you like us [01:54:24] Vanimal2118: Chat Nice? vanima3EMPEROR [01:54:26] conradwithak: hasHi [01:54:28] naesong: naesong subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months! [01:54:29] f3mmbot: naesong subscribed to f1nn5ter for 29 months using Prime! PogU [01:54:29] Lucridis: So you want someone to just tell you what to wear. Sub behaviour [01:54:29] simplejack42069: I would dress you for free beautiful F1nn [01:54:29] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [01:54:29] johnkeiwo: That's yoru brain worms [01:54:29] Fried_Pickles: Ohhhhhkay [01:54:34] johnkeiwo: DUMB BITCH [01:54:34] Jens_LN: Go dress ! [01:54:34] bearpaw1970: She's so good for your Ego [01:54:37] ChristinaGaymes: christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love christ782Love [01:54:38] mystchevious1: Awwww. Finn likes us. [01:54:40] krovvy: @johnkeiwo KEKW [01:54:40] danae53: so, have her decide fully? [01:54:40] lamlott: My sister does professional boudoir photography, can I send you her information if you want classy photos that you could sell for a ton of money? [01:54:42] Jens_LN: Wait, you're getting married ? [01:54:45] Fried_Pickles: Two people are getting married [01:54:45] i_cant_even22: try flared pants [01:54:49] BlaireBearStare: So, are you going for fem, masc, or somewhere in the middle? [01:54:49] johnkeiwo: it is [01:54:49] HocksEvan: maybe ask ashley to make you options and then pick [01:54:50] Gtadicto1: we nice sometimes :3 [01:54:52] Onihara5: Onihara5 subscribed with Prime. [01:54:52] f3mmbot: onihara5 subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang onihara5 f1nnLezgang [01:54:52] goblineuthanizer: have you thought about doing a pantsuit? [01:54:55] ChasingSol: it's brain worms [01:54:58] hwg_hannah: !socials [01:54:58] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [01:54:59] xxwitttyxx: TableHere FortBush FortOne [01:55:00] nehnsi: tuxedo west or whatever its called, it looks good on anyone [01:55:00] krovvy: Just smile :) [01:55:02] johnkeiwo: finn, it is brain worms [01:55:08] Fried_Pickles: Its not brain worms it's wanting to be presentable without being risque. [01:55:11] Lord_Drad: how do you want to dress? [01:55:11] Shockwavemecha: squidinkSmiley You can do it [01:55:11] NinjaCoch: fimter i am the gayest sorry :3 [01:55:12] AmayaSchemata: AmayaSchemata subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! Here comes the bride [01:55:13] f3mmbot: amayaschemata subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [01:55:13] KatsuFM: Heres a question if someone asked yuou to be a bridesmade would you wear a bridesmade dress? [01:55:13] ronin_5463: Have they seen your battlepass? [01:55:15] vickyfisherman: g [01:55:18] krovvy: b r a i n 🪱🪱🪱 [01:55:18] Shockwavemecha: Dude bro [01:55:19] johnkeiwo: so ? [01:55:20] alex_5r1: it will be the president case [01:55:23] SnowwyAI: Are you worried about outing yourself as genderfluid/trans? [01:55:23] endanabanananana: weddings go by so fast, dont over think it [01:55:27] orchidiaparthenos: drop transition tutorial ASAP [01:55:27] Stelmack710: Manly dude bro [01:55:30] Bicbic09: you need a good first appearance [01:55:32] VioletMused: it's hard when people you knew before are around but you can do it!! we all go through it at some point [01:55:32] Stovamor: so? and? @F1NN5TER [01:55:33] BlaireBearStare: Phrasing?! [01:55:33] maybeonlysometimes: Why do you care about what other people think? Everyone knows you're a weird lil guy so will probably just accept that [01:55:33] Alice_Unchained: They know you without the clothes? [01:55:35] Shockwavemecha: Gremlin [01:55:37] Gtadicto1: then go as dudete XD [01:55:38] ABitOLace: F1nn you are overthinking this [01:55:39] blueskydrinking: oh, so they know your feminine girlish face? [01:55:41] scatteredleaves: the hat is nice [01:55:41] sherlock_norris: "dudebro" lol [01:55:42] ronin_5463: "man" [01:55:43] phoebe_rc: General rule do not wear white nor all black. Also avoid too bright colours and patterns. [01:55:43] johnkeiwo: so you want them to forever know you are someone you ain't really ? seems unhealthy [01:55:44] johnkeiwo: so you want them to forever know you are someone you ain't really ? seems unhealthy [01:55:49] Jens_LN: OOOHHH ... as the cute Mc Donalds barista [01:55:50] Alice_Unchained: Finn, mate, that's not very "man lookin" [01:55:50] AmayaSchemata: The dude bridezilla [01:55:50] mootleys: Oh shoot so you can even jumpscare them, nice [01:55:52] moodasluht: just introduce yourself as ashleys girlfriend [01:55:52] krovvy: boymode of the hot girl from a movie [01:55:52] Shockwavemecha: Manliest man [01:55:53] family_toy: what is the lesser evil: pretty dress, butch, or pantsuit? [01:55:54] Lexdaemon: im way less fem and im wearing a dress to a wedding it’ll be fine [01:55:55] dmx908: Just wear a dress woman just be the real you [01:55:55] Enigma_Six: wear whatever Ashley's second choice of outfit for the wedding is [01:55:55] silentkay1: overthinking, its their problem if threy have a problem [01:55:56] krovvy: lol [01:55:57] arc_mate: So you know how Bugs Bunny is a femboy? Do that. [01:55:58] sparklykitten5555: jsut bring the cap, chill lol [01:55:58] gracefully_insane74: failed boymode [01:55:59] Vanimal2118: Ewe talk to people? 3.4K SMH Make new friends dummy! [01:56:00] orchidiaparthenos: the boy mode is crazyy [01:56:00] melan_choly22: no difference 💀💀 [01:56:03] xenzu_: The Boyest of Modes [01:56:06] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: wear furrsuit [01:56:08] i_cant_even22: just own it, they won’t care [01:56:09] Shockwavemecha: Doll up Buttercup [01:56:10] alexx_net: So "manly" Disney girl pretending to be a boy [01:56:12] orchidiaparthenos: no balls [01:56:12] Aedthryth: Just be yourself....a bimbo [01:56:13] Shinobi__Tactics: own it finn, be yourself [01:56:13] SymhDG: @F1NN5TER Why not a fedora ? [01:56:15] sparklykitten5555: wasnt it to your neighbours that you mentioned, you changed a bit ? [01:56:18] PlatypusWithCheese: suit and ponytail [01:56:18] ronin_5463: Boyfailmode [01:56:19] johnkeiwo: finn your boymode is dogshit [01:56:21] CrystalKyd: just try not to steal the show yknow? youre too hot [01:56:21] medical_size9000: Talking is hard in Public for femboys [01:56:22] lamlott: go with the tilda swinton tux style you can find something fem [01:56:25] goblineuthanizer: who says you can’t? [01:56:26] scissorsama: do you wanna do a poll for suit or dress? [01:56:27] charlieokeefe420: f1nn tryna look masc ain’t workin [01:56:28] Eltrid_: Ignore the eyelashes, ignore the choker, ignore the skirt, ignore the woman underwear [01:56:28] MrsPandamber: you can always wear a top like the one youre wearing now, an oversized blazer and some nice black wide leg dress pants [01:56:28] i_cant_even22: you’d look great in a dressy dress [01:56:28] msbricklayer: Just say that this is you now<3 [01:56:30] BlaireBearStare: So it's a matter of committing to a presentation set? [01:56:35] perseus_codes: You should wear what makes you comfortable, not what makes them comfortable [01:56:38] Gtadicto1: the blue dress of Ash would be cool :3 [01:56:39] lamlott: Go in a coyboy outift! [01:56:41] orchidiaparthenos: go whimsy sundress [01:56:42] ChristinaGaymes: Finn shows up to someone elses wedding, and looks better than the bride [01:56:43] Vanimal2118: U r beautiful and handsome u fool! [01:56:45] MaMoon57: U can [01:56:52] orchidiaparthenos: NOOO NOT REDDIT [01:56:53] BeeBeeBumblin: Look for formal clothes you have already, then start trying things! [01:56:55] distractedcreative: distractedcreative subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! You should maybe try to go presenting fem this time since you said last wedding was a little awk [01:56:55] f3mmbot: distractedcreative subscribed to f1nn5ter for 7 months using Prime! PogU [01:56:57] lotatolily: FINNNN [01:57:10] Shockwavemecha: c u t e [01:57:12] wellingtonfrogs: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [01:57:12] grandpasauce: girl [01:57:13] orchidiaparthenos: finisher did u go to uni? [01:57:15] family_toy: girl f1nn, you look like a girl [01:57:15] Shockwavemecha: aww [01:57:16] Jens_LN: What a cute girl [01:57:19] Fried_Pickles: normal? [01:57:19] ronin_5463: timeout chair [01:57:19] Decent_z: that's a girl [01:57:20] Shockwavemecha: Home girl [01:57:23] MrKafay: still would [01:57:23] Avaerus0: Cute [01:57:23] BlaireBearStare: Gorl [01:57:23] MrsPandamber: I dont really see that as dude bro [01:57:23] bosu1983: Hello Chad [01:57:25] Shockwavemecha: Cap [01:57:26] softbonez: tomboy girl [01:57:26] Wardenboo: so cutge [01:57:26] Vanimal2118: So Girl [01:57:27] johnkeiwo: finn ... [01:57:28] Lucridis: "Male".... [01:57:28] mystchevious1: That's not male. [01:57:28] sartanxar: Still kinda femm [01:57:28] burgess_shale: BUT YOU NOT A MAN NOW [01:57:29] Kolateak_: f1nnCope [01:57:31] ghost_sheriff_: uhh [01:57:32] Jens_LN: very girl [01:57:32] ChesserGamer: thats hella fem [01:57:33] braddle172: f1nnCope [01:57:33] Stovamor: there are 2 girls on screen in that video @F1NN5TER [01:57:33] i_cant_even22: wear a dress, you’d look great [01:57:33] smart_donkey: Yeah kind of [01:57:35] Scrooge_McBong: no [01:57:36] AmayaSchemata: The other 1% total girlhood [01:57:36] general_of_cm: Male?! [01:57:36] endanabanananana: stfu ur so cute [01:57:37] moodasluht: sure "male" [01:57:38] Lexdaemon: Finn that looks so fem [01:57:38] family_toy: iron(fe)male [01:57:38] Reepham: sure you could Kappa [01:57:39] Scrooge_McBong: u cant [01:57:39] mintymazing: no [01:57:40] melan_choly22: woman [01:57:41] ShikyoNoTenshi: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [01:57:41] BlaireBearStare: Ain't no chance you look male wtf [01:57:42] Bicbic09: ive been to more funerals than weddings BibleThump BibleThump [01:57:42] johnkeiwo: your gender radar is fucked [01:57:43] Wardenboo: LMAO [01:57:44] 3mma_Playz: Much female vibes [01:57:44] Stovamor: there are 2 girls on screen in that video @F1NN5TER [01:57:45] Fried_Pickles: >_> [01:57:45] XENOMAN5: @orchidiaparthenos no, he dropped out of high school to do this [01:57:47] grandpaladin1701: HAHAHAHA [01:57:47] Gtadicto1: the copium is intense [01:57:48] mystchevious1: IF you wear white they will kill you [01:57:48] conradwithak: “male passing” [01:57:50] neingeben: lmao [01:57:52] blueskydrinking: NotLikeTHis [01:57:52] bosu1983: Kreygasm [01:57:53] Jens_LN: everyone have to please the bride [01:57:53] Shockwavemecha: Congrats [01:57:53] f0rrest_f1re: Happy birthday bro sis astra71SAD [01:57:53] Fried_Pickles: PLEASE the bride/ [01:57:53] simplejack42069: Orally [01:57:53] endanabanananana: ahahahaha [01:57:54] Aedthryth: You are the bride.... [01:57:58] softbonez: Finn is the bride so it isn't Finns job [01:57:58] melan_choly22: whos gonna tell em [01:57:59] quartark: guy named attending: [01:57:59] ChasingSol: ayo [01:58:00] AmayaSchemata: Double ceremony [01:58:00] bearpaw1970: Slacks , button up shirt with a bar clip and a embroidered vest [01:58:00] blueskydrinking: NotLikeThis [01:58:00] arc_mate: But if you HAD to... [01:58:01] mystchevious1: I'm not joking. [01:58:01] Fried_Pickles: That's on the battlepass [01:58:01] AmazingAspie: he doesnt know :D [01:58:02] BlaireBearStare: KEKW [01:58:03] ejl1as: that video was the most feminine pose [01:58:05] general_of_cm: U are the Wedding gift [01:58:07] simplejack42069: SeemsGood [01:58:07] msbricklayer: we're gonna have to have a funeral soon also.. for the gigachad in the gremlin [01:58:10] NyxGoneRogue: @F1NN5TER If you wear a dress, no one there will care. It's family and friends what's the worst that could happen with this groups of people? [01:58:11] zebrabbl396: f1nnPet f1nnPet [01:58:12] eris_eryss: Yes you do f1nnKnife [01:58:14] Vanimal2118: Please her? f1nnStare [01:58:15] heyimf1dg3t: Such an old man joke, lmao! [01:58:21] sapphicbernkastel: whose wedding is this again [01:58:28] Dreamsmasher410: finn you look great no matter what others say, its about how u feel inside, fuck those that cant understand [01:58:30] Jens_LN: you just want more butt ? [01:58:31] cc_dies: your projecting “female” vibes [01:58:31] MajesticFvckingEagle: congrats!! [01:58:33] alex_5r1: whose wedding? [01:58:35] Avaerus0: That would be fun [01:58:36] Eltrid_: are you going to pop out of the wedding cake F1nn ? [01:58:39] BlaireBearStare: Workout stream fucking hell yeah! [01:58:40] Gtadicto1: workout stream could go hard [01:58:42] heyimf1dg3t: yay, workout strem [01:58:43] f0rrest_f1re: What happened to yoga stream LUL [01:58:43] ChasingSol: yep [01:58:46] krovvy: f1nn is the new amouranth [01:58:46] bunnyyybrawler: I like that top [01:58:47] bosu1983: Bulk up Finn [01:58:50] watermeloneater789: can i get a hi [01:58:51] AmayaSchemata: Ass gonna be beefy [01:58:52] heyimf1dg3t: do yoga, seriously [01:58:53] Kirara__Bernstein: backseat workouting [01:58:54] J0sephFrost: If there is a workout stream is going to end in 10 minutes tho lol [01:58:58] Aedthryth: Yeah, arch your back more [01:58:58] BlaireBearStare: Also lord those shoulders [01:58:59] barrenchatt: Pics only silly [01:59:00] Scrooge_McBong: please show us your assets [01:59:01] XENOMAN5: @watermeloneater789 hi [01:59:01] SnowwyAI: Like a subathon or something where you do exercises for each sub or whatnot? [01:59:03] johnkeiwo: you need to work on your aversion to cringe [01:59:03] Gtadicto1: it wont [01:59:04] Stelmack710: Be the muscle mommy [01:59:05] JessicaCaraKasey: I would definitely critique you. 😆 [01:59:05] Vanimal2118: If ur having fun, who gives a shit! [01:59:05] kelseyhellfire: you did say that you had a good hip thrust [01:59:10] 3lrd: collab with Knut workout stream? [01:59:10] watermeloneater789: lol [01:59:11] grandpaladin1701: Those are brain worms worries [01:59:11] Jens_LN: because flexibility is good [01:59:12] Fried_Pickles: Yeah but flexiblility [01:59:13] alex_5r1: go full femme [01:59:13] KanchidoShinokyoufu: the wedding is the bride’s day & what you wear has to be approved by the bride [01:59:13] Avaerus0: Tell those people to stream themselves doing it right then [01:59:13] krovvy: omg you're so skinny now [01:59:14] f0rrest_f1re: LUL [01:59:14] AmayaSchemata: Core work [01:59:15] BlaireBearStare: Oh dayum [01:59:18] heyimf1dg3t: i mean...yoga makes for a good stream... [01:59:19] sartanxar: Yoga good for balance [01:59:20] i_cant_even22: pilates [01:59:20] Gtadicto1: do it with Ash [01:59:21] deathfoxx8072: Stability is key [01:59:24] AntonyJC1: @F1NN5TER just a nice pants suit / jump suit would ber best ask Peachybuns [01:59:24] XENOMAN5: embrace the cringe, conquer it [01:59:24] perseus_codes: asses come from squats [01:59:29] Stovamor: noone else will care if you wear a dress. The only person who will "mind" is your brain worms @F1NN5TER [01:59:30] Stovamor: noone else will care if you wear a dress. The only person who will "mind" is your brain worms @F1NN5TER [01:59:30] Vanimal2118: itspea13BunnnWave @3lrd [01:59:33] krovvy: you look very gurl tho 😭 [01:59:33] bosu1983: Work the pecks CoolStoryBob [01:59:36] Y0rk5h1r3: Weak [01:59:37] ronin_5463: Whats ur PB on abs? [01:59:38] felipere2: Oi [01:59:40] tinylilhorse: you got pink acrylics and show neener online you are brave enough to fem it up in public [01:59:41] AlexUsman: iirc youtube allows naked yoga [01:59:46] arc_mate: Gotta pivot to cardio, that's the girl tax [01:59:46] AmayaSchemata: You still have a biological advantage 😂 [01:59:48] simplejack42069: Wear a dress to the wedding and make the pictures a SFW Battle Pass exclusive! HolidaySanta [01:59:49] Aedthryth: You would look more normal in a dress NGL [01:59:49] johnkeiwo: stov is right [01:59:54] Vanimal2118: Brainworms seem strong today [01:59:59] phoebe_rc: Why do want to avoid wearing a dress at the wedding? Are you embarrassed? [02:00:01] gracefully_insane74: some people ddo [02:00:02] Techigo2: hello [02:00:07] JessicaCaraKasey: You don't NEED to workout abs. [02:00:08] mystchevious1: Stov is right. [02:00:08] f0rrest_f1re: Do some squats while your at it [02:00:11] bosu1983: Core training [02:00:12] Sunartv: yes [02:00:12] skyler1g: F1nn in Ashley’s latest video what was going on with you at 6:55? [02:00:16] Wardenboo: but youd look dashing [02:00:16] Vanimal2118: Good question @phoebe_rc [02:00:22] johnkeiwo: what's so embarassing ? [02:00:22] Fried_Pickles: Yeah... I get it [02:00:24] Sunartv: they grow like every other muscle [02:00:24] KanchidoShinokyoufu: wear whatever makes you feel comfortable for the wedding [02:00:25] alex_5r1: chat want's you to wear a dress [02:00:25] simplejack42069: DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS [02:00:27] i_cant_even22: you’d look great [02:00:27] TrueMezzo: def brain worms [02:00:29] bosu1983: Go to wedding Scottish style [02:00:30] smart_donkey: Would actually pick what you wear and that's it [02:00:31] AmayaSchemata: Buy a big dog chain and workout in it [02:00:33] Vanimal2118: True @wardenboo [02:00:37] Fried_Pickles: WHATS UP [02:00:38] Zonebiao: swap between outfits like one of those magic shows [02:00:40] mystchevious1: It does count. You really don't get how natural and beautiful you look. [02:00:41] Sunartv: that way they can show even if u don put out all t he +} [02:00:43] BlaireBearStare: Dude work your core, I can't believe you have your physique just from diet and genes [02:00:45] End3rpappy: I understand that. I went the a mall dressed some fem and I was a nervous wreck the entire time [02:00:53] Sunartv: all the fat* [02:00:56] family_toy: If you take the embarrassment out of both options, which outfit would you want? [02:00:56] 3lrd: @Vanimal2118 maddiPeak maddiHuggies [02:01:00] Vanimal2118: Facts @mystchevious1 [02:01:02] AmayaSchemata: Transgenders pronouns words [02:01:03] Aedthryth: Not a single thought [02:01:05] smart_donkey: Just let Ashley pick your clothes for the wedding whatever she picks is what you wear [02:01:08] AmazingAspie: said knife [02:01:11] AmazingAspie: f1nn perks up [02:01:12] ABitOLace: F1nn you will regret it if you don't wear a dress [02:01:12] Eltrid_: KEKW [02:01:13] Farbse: Brain rebooted [02:01:13] BlaireBearStare: KEKW [02:01:14] strangechef316: the way Finn isn’t subbed to Ashley [02:01:14] sherlock_norris: all 5 cis women watching that video were definitely scared by that intro [02:01:15] Jens_LN: "Grenade attachment" KEKW [02:01:18] mystchevious1: FAIR! [02:01:19] johnkeiwo: yeah VOUCH [02:01:20] Aedthryth: FAIR [02:01:20] skyler1g: you in the back ground twitching and your eyes [02:01:21] f0rrest_f1re: Icky's hair looks hot af l3wgRage [02:01:21] endanabanananana: AHHHHAHAHHHHH [02:01:21] Sunartv: my cta stepped on the keyboard KEKW [02:01:25] BlaireBearStare: That broke me when I heard it [02:01:26] Fried_Pickles: No [02:01:26] J0sephFrost: Everyone coming to the wedding has probably has seen your streams, so... There is just no difference [02:01:26] BeeBeeBumblin: I used to do situps with a 45lbs weight. People for sure do weight with em [02:01:26] bosu1983: Kilt [02:01:26] MrMopps: ProperCloth has really nice looking jackets, shirts, slacks for a masculine look. [02:01:33] Vanimal2118: @stovamor 4 the win! [02:01:35] eris_eryss: Do it [02:01:36] alex_5r1: do it [02:01:36] strangechef316: subscribe to your girlfriend on youtube challenge [02:01:39] orbxerr: hi pretty gal [02:01:40] blueskydrinking: dono goal? [02:01:40] MaMoon57: F1NN am sorry but u gave me too much envy I can't wT h u for today 😭😭😭 [02:01:41] moodasluht: best idea yet [02:01:44] andimax11: lmao were you smacking your lips [02:01:46] johnkeiwo: You do [02:01:48] Stovamor: DO it! Consider it a challenge [02:01:48] Eltrid_: A dress and blazer could work Finn [02:01:48] Stovamor: DO it! Consider it a challenge [02:01:49] goose_287: If you feel scared/nervous about wearing a dress I would recommend doing it to overcome the fears by showing yourself its not how you think [02:01:49] i_cant_even22: own it, you would look amazing in a dressy dress [02:01:49] TheUseOfWeapons: "I don't have a thing to wear!" [02:01:50] alex_5r1: it will be fun [02:01:50] olivia_1998_norway: You are so pretty ❤️❤️ [02:01:50] Lexdaemon: come on it’s a way to get pass it [02:01:51] RaukkM: Peer pressure [02:01:53] Aedthryth: Sounds like an excuse to me [02:01:54] mrbb_55: then you can just say you lst a bet, win win [02:01:57] eris_eryss: So buy it [02:01:57] aleryon__: good night finnians :3 [02:01:57] kayjonsen: Why can I hear a echo? Videos and donation gives a double sound :/ [02:01:59] Wardenboo: I SENT YOU PICS [02:02:00] Vanimal2118: Please? [02:02:00] QuartsKnight: QuartsKnight subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Damn, Comicon was 4 months ago.... [02:02:01] f3mmbot: quartsknight subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:02:01] Kolateak_: Clothes [02:02:01] bearpaw1970: Victorian style [02:02:02] Fried_Pickles: ill go in your place. Don't worry ill uh... mingle [02:02:02] MrsPandamber: what kind of outfit would you want to wear if it was just for you and no one would see you? [02:02:03] cc_dies: W [02:02:04] AmayaSchemata: Wear a top hat [02:02:07] mystchevious1: Not even super formal dresses. [02:02:07] msbricklayer: every wedding lacks one maid [02:02:08] SnowwyAI: Depends on whether you're a bridesmaid or a guest. [02:02:09] randallbeansttv: not white [02:02:10] twenty_yards: women wear white dresses to weddings [02:02:10] AmazingAspie: they wear clothes [02:02:11] alex_5r1: dresses [02:02:11] JaceBB: Oh my god its F1NN sup ! [02:02:11] bearpaw1970: Is your answer [02:02:12] venomousrose13: They wear dresses [02:02:12] AmazingAspie: duh [02:02:15] bosu1983: Go goth [02:02:15] Lord_Drad: time to pop off to Harrod's [02:02:20] Helen_Croft: if you don't have anything to wear then there is naked left over [02:02:21] surfers_: surfers_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! if you wear a dress to the wedding i will wear a dress to a band gig ( im a man) [02:02:21] f3mmbot: surfers_ subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [02:02:21] randallbeansttv: go nude [02:02:23] johnkeiwo: pantsuits [02:02:25] valeriiiedoll: wearing clothes is a good start [02:02:27] JessicaCaraKasey: Women wear whatever they want, men have one thing. 😵 [02:02:28] Bicbic09: how would you classify a femboy? [02:02:29] Vanimal2118: White bridal gown! LOL [02:02:29] SodaMello: i think if you dont want to wear a dress you should wear a skirt [02:02:29] Lord_Drad: they're the help [02:02:29] mootleys: Emberassed as in you don't think you pull it off or emberassed in the "I'm somewhat genderqueer and like these things but gender expression in certain settings is scary and I need time way"? [02:02:30] AmayaSchemata: Steam punk dress [02:02:32] bosu1983: @randallbeansttv Kreygasm ChewyYAY [02:02:34] johnpnicholls1122: Don't think you could pull off boy mode anymore 😃 [02:02:36] johnkeiwo: finn, do you wanna look good ? [02:02:39] i_cant_even22: dress please, have your hair up as well [02:02:40] New_Adventuree: finn wear a red drress [02:02:41] f0rrest_f1re: Go naked LUL [02:02:41] BeeBeeBumblin: Ashley would have something [02:02:42] macyeeter07: I’m getting fembucks like craft what the hell [02:02:43] Lucridis: Those guys don't have boobs or acryllics [02:02:44] Eltrid_: dresses and suits. that is generally what is considered formal yes [02:02:50] KatsuFM: You could jsut pretend to be scottish and wear a kilt [02:02:50] phoebe_rc: yes a long dress is traditional [02:02:51] Gtadicto1: we have seen you in quite embarrasing outfits you should be able to wear a quinda formal dress [02:02:57] watermeloneater789: @f0rrest_f1re wtf [02:02:59] cc_dies: what’s the color scheme???? [02:03:00] KanchidoShinokyoufu: wear a hoodie [02:03:03] kelseyhellfire: hair up like a pun rocker mohawk [02:03:03] endanabanananana: u can literally wear just a shirt and blazer, its not ur wedding. just dont look like u gave no effort [02:03:06] peacefulnight1: what the heck [02:03:10] simplejack42069: Pretty woman cosplay time. Go shopping [02:03:12] Fried_Pickles: ASK [02:03:12] AmayaSchemata: Coukd wear a Disney princess dress [02:03:13] randallbeansttv: maybe ask? [02:03:13] family_toy: F1nn, you do not look like a guy. I'm really sorry to break it to you, but you male fail 99.9% of the time [02:03:14] Avaerus0: Depends on how fancy the wedding is right? [02:03:15] Fried_Pickles: Ask for the dress code [02:03:15] phoebe_rc: You should also wear a hat [02:03:16] bosu1983: No gravy stains [02:03:16] deathfoxx8072: Just don't look better than the bride [02:03:21] randallbeansttv: ASK THE QUESTIONS [02:03:26] ejl1as: thats a lot of dresses eh [02:03:28] BlaireBearStare: Just Don't [02:03:30] Vanimal2118: Dresses can be very pretty! [02:03:31] BrothermanBiIl: formal tight highs [02:03:32] endanabanananana: stop over thinking it, just stahppp [02:03:34] IThinkImBritishYesIAm: stitch the genderfluid flag into a dress [02:03:35] AmayaSchemata: Just attend by zoom [02:03:35] valeriiiedoll: most weddings have a theme or color code or [02:03:37] Aedthryth: 9 is gonna kill you [02:03:37] thereturnofkingkong: hi Finn you helped me some much with my gender dysphoria and now I’ve come out as non binary thank you soooooo much finn idk what I would do with out you [02:03:41] Decent_z: look at the invite to see the dress code [02:03:42] bosu1983: Goth... [02:03:44] Gtadicto1: black is funeral [02:03:44] watermeloneater789: lol [02:03:44] jackalias: So much for my checkerboard jacket [02:03:46] MrsPandamber: if there was no one that was gonna see you what kind of formal outfit would you want to see yourself in? [02:03:52] bearpaw1970: Lighter pastel colours [02:03:54] randallbeansttv: Show us [02:03:56] alex_5r1: chat is a good advisor, listen to chat [02:03:57] jackalias: Would you wear a suit or a dress? [02:03:57] thegreyghost7: Get a women's tux [02:04:03] Bobbikatt: Baby blue leisure suit [02:04:04] heyimf1dg3t: One Suit Man [02:04:05] brendabrownstain0: is this a suit or dress moment [02:04:06] Vanimal2118: Let's c what u have? [02:04:10] AmayaSchemata: Thong song [02:04:10] QueenInBlack55: I wore a dress to a concert I was performing in a month into my transition before I was even close passing and no one cared, a dress would be fine for you [02:04:13] ABitOLace: F1nn don't be self-conscious and be confident, and wear what your heart tells you to wear [02:04:14] bunnyyybrawler: Let Ashley dress you ✨ [02:04:16] bosu1983: Fashion Show GenderFluidPride [02:04:24] Aedthryth: You always take all the attention [02:04:24] Avaerus0: Unless you're the mother-in-law! :p [02:04:24] i_cant_even22: please get Pinterest [02:04:25] BeeBeeBumblin: Blouse and suit jacket [02:04:27] blueskydrinking: dont be a whore! (for once) [02:04:27] KanchidoShinokyoufu: wear a suit jacket with a kilt [02:04:30] i_cant_even22: pinterest [02:04:31] Eltrid_: "modesty" its jover chat [02:04:33] AmayaSchemata: Yes let Ashley dress you [02:04:34] Fried_Pickles: F1nn maybe you should ask so you have a better idea of what to wear. [02:04:36] clitbeliever: @QueenInBlack55 ur everything no joke [02:04:38] OutbackJax49: <3 [02:04:40] Kolateak_: Real [02:04:43] Bobbikatt: Whatever you wear -wear the furry head! [02:04:44] Shockwavemecha: Femboy Kibble [02:04:44] tinylilhorse: modest maybe something sequined top to bottom [02:04:46] BlaireBearStare: Priorities [02:04:47] thegreyghost7: I think a women's tuxedo would look so cute [02:04:48] bosu1983: Pint of stout maybe? [02:04:49] alex_5r1: suit or dress [02:04:50] johnkeiwo: and it's also about respecting the bride and groom [02:04:55] kaydensanxious: I definitely looked better than my father at his wedding [02:04:55] Fried_Pickles: a little bevvy [02:04:59] kelseyhellfire: spicy juice? [02:05:00] AmayaSchemata: Cookies and kool-aid [02:05:01] Kinitawowi: i was at a wedding in ireland a few weeks back and there was one woman there who was... not about modesty, let's put it like that [02:05:03] randallbeansttv: Go in cosplay [02:05:03] olivia_1998_norway: Want to visit norway some time? [02:05:04] ComputedBee: I don't think they serve femboy kibble at weddings [02:05:10] bosu1983: woah [02:05:12] Vanimal2118: Being comfortable and having a good time = Priority #1 [02:05:13] family_toy: Try something. If it doesn't work, at least you'll know [02:05:16] mystchevious1: Didn't they send a wedding invite? Re Read it they often tell you the theme and location!!! [02:05:19] alex_5r1: you only have dresses [02:05:21] clitbeliever: @QueenInBlack55 like thats so fierce and i wont u LAWL [02:05:24] SnowwyAI: Imagine Finn wearing the baggy suit like a little kid wears to a wedding, sitting with Ashley and drinking a juice box. [02:05:25] ABitOLace: Maybe a pick an outfit stream may be required? [02:05:26] barbie_secretstanner: I recently ordered you like 6 new dresses you haven’t worn yet [02:05:26] randallbeansttv: Amazon cuh [02:05:27] bearpaw1970: Light charcoal shaded blazer [02:05:28] deathfoxx8072: Go to the mall [02:05:28] Y0rk5h1r3: Go to Primarni [02:05:30] bosu1983: its tomorrow chat [02:05:31] ejl1as: @Kinitawowi do u mind giving some more detail? [02:05:31] johnpnicholls1122: You got to go all out full make up the lot [02:05:32] PlushGirlSteph: How you doing finn? After Ashley saying she wouldn't date you if she met you today? 🥺 [02:05:36] cc_dies: aha! your the snac [02:05:37] Fried_Pickles: F1nn is it like tomorrow? lmaop [02:05:37] i_cant_even22: flared formal pants with a tight black crop top [02:05:37] MrsPandamber: I had to wear a suit to a wedding before coming out and those pictures still haunt me to this day [02:05:38] cc_dies: KAPOW [02:05:40] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, read Barbie's chat message [02:05:40] bertkrb: coast [02:05:40] jackalias: F1nnster should get a kilt, they'd look awesome in it. [02:05:40] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, read Barbie's chat message [02:05:40] Stovamor: @F1NN5TER, read Barbie's chat message [02:05:41] AmayaSchemata: You are screwed F1NN [02:05:42] Y0rk5h1r3: P R I M A R N I [02:05:43] BeeBeeBumblin: Search bridesmade suit [02:05:44] alexx_net: This isn't going to be the last wedding that you go to - so get a suit for the next one. [02:05:46] johnkeiwo: We know u ain't gonna go outside dress shopping so what do u want us to say !? [02:05:46] johnkeiwo: We know u ain't gonna go outside dress shopping so what do u want us to say !? [02:05:47] OutbackJax49: Finn is cute [02:05:50] Vanimal2118: Why must u wait until the last minute? SMH [02:05:51] BlaireBearStare: This is beginning to sound like it's tomorrow and Finn's getting ready last minute [02:05:52] bearpaw1970: Light pastel colour button up collar shirt [02:05:52] kelseyhellfire: "picking it up on the way to the wedding tomorrow morning" [02:05:53] randallbeansttv: the dark blue is so cute [02:05:53] blueskydrinking: Finest Primarni, get down to the bullring 9am and spend about £60 [02:05:54] medical_size9000: You can dance with Ashley [02:05:55] Bobbikatt: Don't they sell suits in stores there? Is England anti-suit? [02:05:59] Aedthryth: Wow....such excuses [02:06:00] alex_5r1: good point [02:06:00] AmayaSchemata: Decline the invitation [02:06:01] mystchevious1: BARBIE!!!! [02:06:01] moodasluht: maybe you could try them [02:06:03] eris_eryss: Dresss [02:06:03] simplejack42069: Pink dress. PINK DRESS! BABY SeemsGood [02:06:04] pianoismyforte_: If you want suits, Slaters in Birmingham is really good and helpful [02:06:06] johnpnicholls1122: Try them on [02:06:07] alex_5r1: Barbie !!! [02:06:09] i_cant_even22: look at zendeya’s interview outfits [02:06:14] n1charlie: F1NN barbie arc? [02:06:14] Vanimal2118: Get her on VC [02:06:15] eris_eryss: Try them [02:06:16] brendabrownstain0: she’s doing her job [02:06:19] MrsPandamber: you could totallly just get some dress pants and a nice blouse [02:06:20] krovvy: ooo [02:06:21] Fried_Pickles: damn [02:06:22] Y0rk5h1r3: I bet they have a Primarni in Brum [02:06:22] johnkeiwo: listen to barbie and stop being a stubborned bimbo :) [02:06:22] randallbeansttv: @i_cant_even22 THATS A PERFECT IDEA [02:06:24] alexx_net: Warden is wise! [02:06:24] barbie_secretstanner: I heard wear a dress to wedding and had to make it happen [02:06:24] bosu1983: The Maroon one [02:06:27] Avaerus0: Those look good [02:06:29] bearpaw1970: Barbie 😁✌️ [02:06:29] Eltrid_: go to the expensive part of town tomorrow and buy some expensive dress plus a matching blazer [02:06:30] zebrabbl396: Nice [02:06:31] mystchevious1: Listen to barbie [02:06:31] i_cant_even22: zendeya’s interview outfits [02:06:33] AmayaSchemata: Wear your pj's [02:06:33] blueskydrinking: the red 3 piece is great! [02:06:34] Vanimal2118: Why much? [02:06:35] Bobbikatt: The beige one is perfect [02:06:38] SnowwyAI: @i_cant_even22 That might be good. Finn does hav ea similar build to her. [02:06:39] tinylilhorse: those are a bit much? this girl [02:06:40] sparklykitten5555: some cool small designers offer alt wear for formal dress. Just highly fashionable ! [02:06:40] Fried_Pickles: wow [02:06:43] zebrabbl396: f1nnCool f1nnCool [02:06:46] NyxGoneRogue: @F1NN5TER Do a dress try on with us! Maybe you'll find something you'll feel comfortable in! [02:06:47] i_cant_even22: flared pants please [02:06:49] Gtadicto1: Full suit of plate armor [02:06:53] alex_5r1: enough to choose from [02:06:55] Vanimal2118: Show us? [02:06:57] Fried_Pickles: That sounds like an interesting problem [02:06:59] alexx_net: Try on a Barbie dress - take a photo and ask your invite if it is OK [02:06:59] phoebe_rc: F1nn a long modest dress with hat is traditional [02:06:59] barbie_secretstanner: maybe they are too slutty actually [02:07:01] i_cant_even22: zendeya’s interview outfits for inspo [02:07:07] AmayaSchemata: You are making me anxious [02:07:10] alex_5r1: get a dress and show us [02:07:13] watermeloneater789: BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [02:07:16] TheJ4CK: TheJ4CK subscribed with Prime. [02:07:16] f3mmbot: thej4ck subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang thej4ck f1nnLezgang [02:07:17] Y0rk5h1r3: Visit Primarni tomorrow [02:07:18] eris_eryss: Barbie is always right [02:07:24] Vanimal2118: Vanimal2118 gifted a Tier 1 sub to barbie_secretstanner! They have given 96 Gift Subs in the channel! [02:07:24] f3mmbot: vanimal2118 has gifted a subscription to barbie_secretstanner at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang barbie_secretstanner f1nnLezgang [02:07:32] i_cant_even22: long black flared pants [02:07:33] Fried_Pickles: Damn Barbie being on it [02:07:40] cookieeater212: chair [02:07:42] zebrabbl396: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [02:07:43] ronin_5463: Hey chair [02:07:45] SmutMoose: SmutMoose subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:07:45] f3mmbot: smutmoose subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:07:45] redfogul: chair! [02:07:50] Kinitawowi: @ejl1as a nearly transparent effort which showed off her underwear at the slightest breeze [02:07:51] Y0rk5h1r3: Chat will deffo pick a slooty dress LUL [02:07:51] alex_5r1: we know what is good [02:07:51] Eltrid_: definitely not pink [02:07:52] MrsPandamber: most of the dresses you wear on stream are too slutty for a wedding [02:07:52] bosu1983: Wear Frodo's sword Sting at the wedding [02:07:52] AmayaSchemata: Ask your fairy godmother [02:07:53] Vanimal2118: Nice 2 c u @barbie_secretstanner [02:07:54] sherlock_norris: donogoal - f1nn has to wear a dress (perhaps)? [02:07:56] SnowwyAI: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [02:07:57] valeriiiedoll: very demure, very mindful. hehehe [02:07:58] BlaireBearStare: It's almost like it's Barbies job as Finn's designer [02:08:11] watermeloneater789: I wont breath until f1nn says hi [02:08:15] alexx_net: White is ok if you cover it with a different colour jacket [02:08:20] johnkeiwo: pink is meh [02:08:21] TheUseOfWeapons: perfect [02:08:23] phoebe_rc: needs to be long [02:08:24] johnkeiwo: i'd say black [02:08:25] bluj40: lol [02:08:25] bosu1983: Baby doll [02:08:25] krovvy: yes [02:08:27] MrsPandamber: they are gonna have to at least cover your butt which most of your dresses dont [02:08:28] Neosaur: Wear it pussy [02:08:29] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:08:29] alex_5r1: to short [02:08:30] krovvy: that's the one [02:08:31] ABitOLace: Awww it's cuuuute [02:08:33] AmayaSchemata: Definitely gonna need a couple of drinks there [02:08:34] tuff_miata: tuff_miata subscribed at Tier 1. [02:08:34] valeriiiedoll: wear it don't be weird about it [02:08:35] f3mmbot: tuff_miata subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang tuff_miata f1nnLezgang [02:08:36] barbie_secretstanner: I DIDNT SAY THEM I DID [02:08:36] bluj40: these are not wedding fits [02:08:36] 0redZero00: it's perfect! [02:08:37] ronin_5463: What do u mean its clearly perfec [02:08:37] valeriiiedoll: you'll rock it [02:08:41] JadeSorcery: For a wedding? Too light colored imo super pastel seems questionable without asking the bride [02:08:41] family_toy: a blazer over the black? [02:08:41] Twice232: tooo short [02:08:41] johnkeiwo: yeah nah [02:08:41] Vanimal2118: No black [02:08:41] Eltrid_: the black one and wear a jacket [02:08:44] alex_5r1: you got no longer ones? [02:08:45] Skylee1976: Black [02:08:46] Fried_Pickles: if you wont, I wll /s [02:08:48] johnkeiwo: needs something longer [02:08:48] J0sephFrost: Definitely not those lol [02:08:49] Bobbikatt: Its formal, not a photo shoor [02:08:52] autumnrose123_: not appropriate for a wedding [02:08:52] ABitOLace: Pink! [02:08:56] NyxGoneRogue: skirt? [02:08:56] moodasluht: you have lots of sundresses [02:08:57] blueskydrinking: maybe if you're the stag do's 'entertainment' but not for the actual wedding [02:09:00] endanabanananana: slacks, heels , blazer [02:09:01] i_cant_even22: longer dress [02:09:03] NyxGoneRogue: Wear a skirt maybe? [02:09:05] barbie_secretstanner: no call I’m leaving [02:09:06] valeriiiedoll: what's the dress code for the wedding?? [02:09:06] MrsPandamber: your butt will need to be covered in a wedding [02:09:08] frechtoast22430: f1nn5ter my friends and family found out im a femboy and they're not very tolerant what should i do btw you have helped me through many dark time ily [02:09:10] sportynathor: Omg F1nn you are so beautiful 🥰❤️ Plz do us the catgirl again 😻 [02:09:10] valeriiiedoll: check with the planner [02:09:11] alex_5r1: get all your dresses out [02:09:12] MaxWattage: The cardinal rule of weddings, is don't dress to out-shine the bride. It is her day. [02:09:15] Gaetanfalcon: can't you borrow one of ashley's longer dresses? [02:09:15] f0rrest_f1re: Wear bathing suit [02:09:16] JustAnOrangeWaterBottle: You could wear the white courset thing with like a black skirt and suit jacket [02:09:17] stephanie1701: you want something knee length [02:09:20] NyxGoneRogue: DO you have any maxi skirts? I feel like that would work. @F1NN5TER [02:09:20] simplejack42069: Don't dress like a whore or the boys will all only want one thing. [02:09:22] AmayaSchemata: Wear a floral crown [02:09:26] ABitOLace: Wear the pink dress and own it [02:09:31] Fried_Pickles: you didnt? [02:09:32] alex_5r1: show us all your dresses [02:09:32] Angeliac_72: KonCha [02:09:35] Mikayla_Alexis: Wear the floral one ash didn't like but chat does [02:09:35] Svenpdb: Svenpdb subscribed with Prime. [02:09:36] f3mmbot: svenpdb subscribed to f1nn5ter using Prime! Welcome to the lez-gang svenpdb f1nnLezgang [02:09:37] rowil07: use the suit from the photoshoot where you were showing of your abs [02:09:38] johnkeiwo: at this point finn you are looking for excuses to either not go or not get dressed :), it's ok finn we get it [02:09:41] PlushGirlSteph: Hope you and Ashley are OK after the other day... [02:09:42] Vanimal2118: Bye @barbie_secretstanner [02:09:43] XENOMAN5: The dark sundress, I think it’s black or dark blue with flowers [02:09:43] Fried_Pickles: oh so you're a third wheel? [02:09:46] BlaireBearStare: Oh jeez [02:09:51] autumnrose123_: dress according to your role [02:09:56] xxl_anti_lxx: Just send a gift... [02:09:56] sherlock_norris: that's even less pressure then... [02:10:01] Twice232: Your hair is soooooo pretty! [02:10:02] mystchevious1: There is too much planning that goes into a wedding just willy nilly. [02:10:03] tinylilhorse: is ashley ready for a man to ask for hand during the slow dance [02:10:06] perseus_codes: Skin tight pink t-shirt dress [02:10:10] eris_eryss: @frechtoast22430 be you but only if it can be save [02:10:10] alex_5r1: show more dresses [02:10:12] deathfoxx8072: What's she wearing [02:10:12] BlaireBearStare: Making it sound like you're the plus one [02:10:12] valeriiiedoll: valeri287RaveEye valeri287RaveEye valeri287RaveEye valeri287RaveEye ask the wedding planner about the theme maybe [02:10:15] mystchevious1: Work off of what Ashley is wearing [02:10:16] ibbiTheHen: just ask the person who invited you about the dress code [02:10:19] Aedthryth: @tinylilhorse "man" [02:10:21] alexx_net: and if you had a proper girlhood you would have known to ask, "what do I wear?" [02:10:23] bearpaw1970: So wear something that compliments your girl [02:10:23] c1013081: match with Ashley! [02:10:24] Fried_Pickles: Collar and leash, of course [02:10:25] bosu1983: woah Kreygasm [02:10:26] Vanimal2118: Vanimal2118 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tinylilhorse! They have given 97 Gift Subs in the channel! [02:10:26] f3mmbot: vanimal2118 has gifted a subscription to tinylilhorse at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang tinylilhorse f1nnLezgang [02:10:28] zebrabbl396: f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare [02:10:29] BlaireBearStare: Indoor or outdoor? [02:10:30] alex_5r1: show us [02:10:31] perseus_codes: hah [02:10:31] venomousrose13: fishnet dress [02:10:32] ronin_5463: No bra since u think theyre cringe [02:10:33] MrsPandamber: youre prob gonna have to wear a bra of some sort tho [02:10:34] BlaireBearStare: Also yes that regardless [02:10:41] sportynathor: just completed my 1068th day of pull-ups in a row on our spiral staircase 👍🏻💪🏻😁🙈 [02:10:42] family_toy: A lil4big outfit [02:10:42] hopalongtommy: The summer flowery dress with some kind of shawl over the shoulders? [02:10:42] HardyOrange: they didn't hire him to jump out of the cake at the bachelor party, chat, jeez! [02:10:43] Eltrid_: with stockings and garter belt as well LUL [02:10:44] kelseyhellfire: go in a dressing gown [02:10:45] n1charlie: wear a dress that matches Ashley's [02:10:45] AmayaSchemata: Can you rent a dress [02:10:46] KanchidoShinokyoufu: wear a furry costume [02:10:49] johnkeiwo: Ashley is gonna have to deworm finn, chat isn't gonna do shit about this [02:10:50] bosu1983: Get drunk before hand? [02:10:50] mystchevious1: Wear a bra [02:10:51] PlatypusWithCheese: either you boymode maxx or just a long dress [02:10:51] fabotond: its probably still britain, so a rainjacket would be good [02:10:54] i_cant_even22: flared formal pants, use zendeya’s interview outfits for inspo [02:10:56] Stovamor: If in doubt, go with the black and red checked dress from your original photoshoot @F1NN5TER [02:10:56] Stovamor: If in doubt, go with the black and red checked dress from your original photoshoot @F1NN5TER [02:10:58] ssssmollpp: @c1013081 thats so gey that he should do it LUL [02:10:58] Aedthryth: Maid outfit and act like a real maid [02:11:01] family_toy: Lame [02:11:04] splixir: This reminds me of that scene in the Grinch where he can't decide what to wear [02:11:05] phoebe_rc: cop out [02:11:06] johnkeiwo: yep, I knew it [02:11:10] NyxGoneRogue: log dress or maxi skirt [02:11:13] alex_5r1: now you have the opportunity to show us dresses [02:11:13] simplejack42069: Long black dress and an ostrich feather hat. [02:11:15] perseus_codes: In all seriousness that sounds like the best idea [02:11:15] blaxfruitgrinding: Do u have a discord server for fans? [02:11:15] daxx6000: Shorts* [02:11:16] NyxGoneRogue: long dress lol [02:11:20] SnowwyAI: Now, will you have your hair down or in a ponytail? [02:11:25] zebrabbl396: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:11:28] XENOMAN5: birthday suit for the win [02:11:30] elm_stump: Just look for good blouses and pants and that'd be fine [02:11:31] bosu1983: Go as Robin Hood [02:11:32] theduke336: CHAIR!!!! [02:11:33] eris_eryss: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [02:11:34] Vanimal2118: vanima3PINK itspea13BunnnWave @f1nn5ter dad [02:11:35] Crunch4K: maid outfit [02:11:41] NyxGoneRogue: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam [02:11:43] muddymudkip15: f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnCowjam f1nnChair f1nnCowjam [02:11:52] unsafevolvoman: datesJams datesJams datesJams datesJams [02:11:52] tinylilhorse: @Vanimal2118 ily omg thank you are always way too nice [02:11:54] ChasingSol: f1nnCowjam yokasiWiggle yokasiRave stovamJam yokasiBlanket [02:11:54] NyxGoneRogue: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnPet f1nnHeadpat [02:11:55] Vanimal2118: Interesting life choices @crunch4k [02:11:55] Twice232: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance [02:11:56] ChristinaGaymes: @blaxfruitgrinding try doing !discord in chat? [02:11:57] SnowwyAI: @bosu1983 Or Peter Pan or Tinker Bell. [02:11:58] Stovamor: !discord [02:11:58] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn's community has a Discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:11:58] AmayaSchemata: With a lumberjack flannel shirt [02:11:58] Fried_Pickles: Such a bop [02:12:00] Skylee1976: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [02:12:02] Crunch4K: @Vanimal2118 LUL [02:12:03] unlikelygamer87: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE [02:12:05] ForsakenDeity_: hunibu1DANCE hunibu1DANCE hunibu1DANCE hunibu1DANCE [02:12:06] NyxGoneRogue: f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnCowjam f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnChair [02:12:08] miruna_bu: wrfff [02:12:09] Eltrid_: show the pants [02:12:09] valeriiiedoll: inkeds13Tw3rk valeri287LGBTQIAlove valeri287RaveEye valeri287LFGpulse valeri287HeartPulse valeri287TinaTheShark valeri287ValeriiieTrip valeri287GreenBlazed valeri287Hiii valeri287Hiii valeri287Hiii valeri287ValerieTV [02:12:10] baslak01: Wow [02:12:10] ABitOLace: Laaaame [02:12:11] ChristinaGaymes: NOOOOOO [02:12:12] airconditionerbrrr: erm [02:12:12] mystchevious1: I hate that shirt and tie combo [02:12:12] xXNeroZashiXx: catJAM catJAM [02:12:12] bosu1983: @SnowwyAI SeemsGood [02:12:13] Jens_LN: well, you don't need pants anyways [02:12:13] pachepa1: that but with a grey skirt would slay [02:12:14] NyxGoneRogue: NO [02:12:16] ChristinaGaymes: DRESS [02:12:16] MrsPandamber: rip [02:12:17] PlatypusWithCheese: that and a dress [02:12:18] servingslaychel: Boymoder >:3 [02:12:18] Twice232: noooooooor [02:12:19] BlaireBearStare: Look too big [02:12:20] whatyoueggxxxstabshim: VoteNay [02:12:21] MrMopps: that's a little too bland [02:12:21] AmayaSchemata: Borrow clothes from your dad [02:12:21] johnkeiwo: like I said, overzided shit is gonna look even more weird finn [02:12:22] miruna_bu: u are riich geet goof brand clooseee [02:12:22] johnkeiwo: like I said, overzided shit is gonna look even more weird finn [02:12:22] Helen_Croft: wedding outfit just dropped in the reddit @F1NN5TER [02:12:23] Helen_Croft: wedding outfit just dropped in the reddit @F1NN5TER [02:12:25] CJKDB: How bout a Femboy Hooters outfit? [02:12:26] NyxGoneRogue: Looks too big [02:12:26] bosu1983: Go as ChewyYAY [02:12:27] Aedthryth: Wear the baby blue dress that is shown on the wikipedia article for femboy. [02:12:27] BlaireBearStare: No way [02:12:28] OstentatiousMongoose: KEKW [02:12:30] neingeben: try on now? [02:12:30] MrsPandamber: those are like 10 sizes too big [02:12:30] bluj40: no way those are fitting [02:12:31] Jens_LN: WHOA [02:12:32] Fried_Pickles: Nice pants [02:12:32] DarthDerpy_: KEKW [02:12:32] family_toy: dress under the jacket [02:12:33] J0sephFrost: Those look way too big for you rn [02:12:34] xXNeroZashiXx: lol [02:12:35] xxl_anti_lxx: If you go fem that will be 2 chances to catch the bouquet. 💐 [02:12:36] muddymudkip15: Lol [02:12:37] medical_size9000: So basically gremlin mode [02:12:37] valeriiiedoll: valeri287RaveEye valeri287PinkEye valeri287GreenBlazed valeri287BlueEye valeri287RainbowEye valeri287CandyEye valeri287ValeriiieTrip valeri287TransEye [02:12:37] scarlettyg: KEWK [02:12:37] Alice_Unchained: Oh no [02:12:37] zebrabbl396: Wth [02:12:37] Twice232: nuh uh [02:12:38] scarlettyg: KEKW [02:12:39] Bobbikatt: You had to adjust thise before [02:12:39] MrsPandamber: wtf dude [02:12:40] BlaireBearStare: Damn girl you've lost weight [02:12:40] SnowwyAI: Just a weeeeee bit too big. [02:12:40] bearpaw1970: 😲 [02:12:41] Vanimal2118: Maybe substitute 4 a long skirt? [02:12:42] ronin_5463: KEKW [02:12:42] kelseyhellfire: only one way to find out [02:12:43] Fried_Pickles: you can sew them [02:12:45] MajesticFvckingEagle: Just measure your waist and get some pants that fit [02:12:47] AmayaSchemata: Whose pants are those [02:12:48] elo15_: blazer with skirt? [02:12:49] brielated: You look like someone with their old pants in a diet ad [02:12:50] Eltrid_: a belt is not going to fix that LUL [02:12:51] bigdumbstella: are we??? boying at the wedding [02:12:52] family_toy: wear a neutral dress under the jacket [02:12:53] GanjaJamaica420: Peak lesbian suit fit with the oversized pants [02:12:54] Helen_Croft: a wedding outfit just dropped in the reddit @F1NN5TER [02:12:55] pianoismyforte_: Genuinely if you want off the rack formal stuff, go to Slaters in brum [02:12:56] alex_5r1: show us dresses [02:12:56] bosu1983: ripped? [02:12:58] unlikelygamer87: I love that top! [02:12:59] SilentCtrl_: try theme [02:12:59] CJKDB: You'll freak everyone out in those pants. [02:13:01] MrsPandamber: womens dress pants.. wide legs [02:13:01] BlaireBearStare: Wait was this the suit stuff you wore in your one boymode post? [02:13:01] SnowwyAI: A short skirt and a looooooooooooooong jacket. [02:13:03] f0rrest_f1re: You were so fat LUL [02:13:07] MeYasKo: what kinda eyelashes do you get [02:13:09] Bobbikatt: Wear the shirt as a shirt dress and a belt [02:13:15] elm_stump: Go for like a blouse and skirt/ pants [02:13:16] sherlock_norris: ling skirt and shirt gives major school unifrom vibes [02:13:19] mystchevious1: Ow [02:13:21] Twice232: ooooooh [02:13:24] ronin_5463: Fire fit [02:13:28] CJKDB: Coat and tie and a nice skirt. Finito. [02:13:32] bluj40: cute but a bit casual [02:13:37] baslak01: Where is tank, is he safe, is he alright? [02:13:37] AmayaSchemata: Pinstripes pants white color shirt with suspenders [02:13:38] family_toy: long skirt is the way F1nn [02:13:42] grandpasauce: womens trousers and a nice fancy blouse [02:13:42] bosu1983: Go as a Sukeban? [02:13:42] Vanimal2118: More choices to choose from? [02:13:44] johnkeiwo: at this point finn you are looking for excuses to either not go or not get dressed :), it's ok finn we get it [02:13:46] alex_5r1: any dresses we can judge ? [02:13:46] Fried_Pickles: hmmmm [02:13:47] thelastoutlaw1291: Howdy [02:13:49] alexx_net: You could belt the trousers with a silk scarf - get that 2018 gathered top to the trousers [02:13:52] Alice_Unchained: Is that a problem? [02:13:58] phoebe_rc: Or office girl [02:14:00] JessicaCaraKasey: Or a secretary. 🤣 [02:14:05] ronin_5463: Britney Spears at the wedding KEKW [02:14:05] lizzyinnie: wait no feminine + masc fit = lesbian tho [02:14:06] schmitzuk: <3 [02:14:09] Jakethaghost: Yuh [02:14:11] jsdecouto: not really a thing in america [02:14:11] testmecca: you are looking amazing today F1NN f1nnHeart f1nnPegChamp f1nnPet [02:14:12] HocksEvan: long skirt nice shirt nice coat? [02:14:12] medical_size9000: What did you except you lost a substantial amount of weight [02:14:13] bosu1983: Japanese Sukeban CoolStoryBob [02:14:13] HardyOrange: ours are very casual [02:14:15] blaxfruitgrinding: What Does The Vip Power up do exactly xd? [02:14:17] Twice232: yea no [02:14:21] Y0rk5h1r3: Don't think Yanks wore uniforms [02:14:25] AmayaSchemata: Harry potter stuff [02:14:26] mystchevious1: Not at all. [02:14:26] Aedthryth: This isn't a thing in America [02:14:29] Kayver_: XD [02:14:31] rucbarr: a majority of schools do not have uniforms here. [02:14:31] family_toy: Ankle length skirt [02:14:31] Helen_Croft: I always see the kids in UK school unifor in Masterdam [02:14:32] neingeben: i feel like the tie is a large part of that tho [02:14:32] PlatypusWithCheese: just go hard whatever you do [02:14:33] MrsPandamber: is that what you think off when you see 'long' skirt? [02:14:33] kumba1421: @Y0rk5h1r3 I did for middle school [02:14:33] MothMaidd: Americans RARELY wear uniforms lmoa [02:14:33] jsdecouto: only private schools [02:14:34] ChristinaGaymes: NO. Americans go to school in thier pajamas [02:14:35] Lucridis: The private ones [02:14:35] Mikayla_Alexis: Depends on the district .. I didntnhave uniforms [02:14:35] HardyOrange: @Y0rk5h1r3 more public schools are doing it! [02:14:35] bluj40: only at preppy private schools [02:14:36] unlikelygamer87: Oops, a dress it is... [02:14:37] alexx_net: @blaxfruitgrinding almost nothing [02:14:38] theduke336: As an American... nope [02:14:38] Avaerus0: The rich ones [02:14:38] JustSomeData: rich kid schools [02:14:39] Y0rk5h1r3: Probably private ones [02:14:39] Fried_Pickles: kintPop kintPop kintPop kintPop kintPop [02:14:39] Crunch4K: only private schools not public [02:14:39] EcHoZ_EaGlE_EYE: mostly privet ones [02:14:40] SnowwyAI: Some schools here in the US have uniforms. None of mine did, but I graduated a looooong time ago. [02:14:40] Decent_z: private scools do [02:14:40] Eltrid_: "who let this kid at the wedding ?" [02:14:42] aerational: yes [02:14:42] MothMaidd: only like catholic schools [02:14:44] smart_donkey: Private schools mostly [02:14:44] venomousrose13: private schools have uniforms [02:14:44] zebrabbl396: Few [02:14:44] jackalias: Some fancy schools have uniforms, but they're like khakis. [02:14:44] Aedthryth: Private schools and charter schools make students wear polos [02:14:46] XENOMAN5: thankfully, very few American students wear school uniforms [02:14:48] Bobbikatt: Catholic school girls [02:14:48] Kaimellostar: Yeah most private schools do [02:14:48] Fried_Pickles: Time to secretary it up [02:14:48] tomandil789: the private ones probably [02:14:49] mystchevious1: We do have private schools but by and large no uniform. [02:14:49] Mikayla_Alexis: Catholic schools have uniform in usa [02:14:50] xxl_anti_lxx: We have uniforms, they come with Kevlar [02:14:52] ejl1as: private schools probaly [02:14:53] hopalongtommy: Pant suit with blouse. Formal with fem touch? [02:14:54] elliotmiller25: my school had a school uniform and I’m in America [02:14:54] AmayaSchemata: Librarian wear [02:14:56] elm_stump: Only private schools have uniforms in the us [02:14:56] HardyOrange: the public schools do like a polo shirt and khakis for everyone in the US [02:14:56] sarathearcher1: Privste schools ib US often have uniforms [02:14:56] PhorrestGaze: private schools do, like catholic schools [02:14:59] Twice232: I think private schools in America do? [02:15:02] binkleofficial: pretty much only some private schools and religious schools here in America have uniforms [02:15:04] Vanimal2118: I am old we were allowed to show our style without wearing a uniform. [02:15:07] kelseyhellfire: right proportions for a school kid [02:15:12] DarthDerpy_: us uniforms are just khakies and polo shirts [02:15:12] SnowwyAI: I feel like some public schools have uniforms. [02:15:12] thelastoutlaw1291: F1nn5ter can you be my stepsister [02:15:13] alexx_net: Private schools have uniforms on both sides of the pond [02:15:15] beskidtPas: I work in a bank in Denmark, and i wear baggy clothes and have hand tattoos etc xD [02:15:15] Y0rk5h1r3: Private Schools in UK have uniforms too [02:15:18] andimax11: very uncommon [02:15:18] Wardenboo: when will Ashley stream? [02:15:21] newt3k: your *parents* pay for it [02:15:21] binkleofficial: most public schools here are whatever [02:15:21] aerational: that explains a lot. [02:15:22] CJKDB: What you're wearing now but not all black. [02:15:22] kumba1421: My public middle school had uniforms [02:15:25] vickyfisherman: g [02:15:25] Mikayla_Alexis: Public in us doesn't have uniforms [02:15:27] Wardenboo: idk why I ask lmao but maybe [02:15:30] rkanjl: Posted a website on reddit for uou [02:15:31] NyxGoneRogue: Thta's not true there are some public schools but the uniform is a lil more casual no blazer [02:15:31] atlasmars_: nope [02:15:32] HardyOrange: those saying only private are wrong, public school uniforms are absolutely a thing and more and more common [02:15:32] alex_5r1: the people on the wedding know you anyway [02:15:34] SnowwyAI: Or if they're poor, too. [02:15:35] kieranfl: Yes, US private usually require uniforms, but absolutely none of our publics do. They've still got dress codes though [02:15:44] ronin_5463: Bullying happens anyway KEKW [02:15:52] Ethertine: No, we got to go to school wearing shorts and crop tops and never got in trouble for it even flip flops [02:15:55] SnowwyAI: That makes sense. [02:15:57] 1devenk: nah its explicitly for limiting the expression of ideas [02:15:57] HardyOrange: @kieranfl nope, I've worked for public schools with uniforms [02:15:58] bearpaw1970: Black dockers [02:16:00] splixir: We're legally required to wear cowboy boots and hats at school I'm America [02:16:02] monday5671: Private and charter schools usually require uniforms, public schools usually only have a specific dress code you have to abide by. [02:16:03] Twice232: ehhh true [02:16:04] elm_stump: Some dress codes for highschools in the US even allow crop tops [02:16:05] bosu1983: i agree [02:16:08] judyxcat: you look like my friend from college, samuela. like exactly like her. she moved away a year ago to germany and i am in the states and miss her sm [02:16:08] Nitzkit8: She should definitely stream [02:16:08] Fried_Pickles: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [02:16:11] manchesterunited_fanclub: everything bad [02:16:14] BlaireBearStare: Someone clip that please [02:16:15] blueskydrinking: adhd going brrrr [02:16:15] Vanimal2118: Simple wear all Icky fits! [02:16:17] theplayfuldead: What about a grey women's pantsuit? Neutral and simple enough to where you might find one pretty quickly [02:16:19] mystchevious1: I wanna be excited for her idea but I'm scared. [02:16:20] aerational: go formal on bottom party on top [02:16:24] eris_eryss: f1nnChair f1nnChair f1nnChair [02:16:26] BlaireBearStare: Peak ADHD idea [02:16:26] S1r3nT: Chair [02:16:28] NyxGoneRogue: Ive been to two public schools in the US that required uniforms no blazer though just like a polo and kakis [02:16:29] TheAwokenHero: aaand hes gone [02:16:29] SnowwyAI: @mystchevious1 Same. [02:16:30] johnkeiwo: no [02:16:31] f0rrest_f1re: astra71Monch [02:16:33] mystchevious1: NO! [02:16:33] bosu1983: Denim [02:16:35] bearpaw1970: Your button up shirt , with no tie , and blazer [02:16:35] mystchevious1: NONO NO [02:16:35] family_toy: no [02:16:37] Aedthryth: NO [02:16:37] alex_5r1: no [02:16:37] NyxGoneRogue: No [02:16:38] Vanimal2118: Why scared @mystchevious1 [02:16:38] ChasingSol: nope, those are cargo pants [02:16:38] KatsuFM: not to a wedding. [02:16:39] mystchevious1: No Denim [02:16:39] johnkeiwo: my excitement faded 30 minutes ago [02:16:39] twenty_yards: no [02:16:40] maxrebo13: you got to go shopping irl and try some shit on …. [02:16:40] NyxGoneRogue: NO [02:16:40] SnowwyAI: Finn... No. [02:16:41] OurSorrow: Bro those are cargo pants [02:16:41] blueskydrinking: JEANS [02:16:41] tomandil789: nope [02:16:41] stephanie1701: no [02:16:42] vickyfisherman: scatter [02:16:42] aritheshadowqueen: no [02:16:42] MrsPandamber: not for a wedding [02:16:42] aerational: those are horrible. [02:16:43] alex_5r1: na [02:16:44] Skylee1976: Nope [02:16:44] NyxGoneRogue: NO finn [02:16:44] ronin_5463: F1nn put them away [02:16:44] Stovamor: no [02:16:44] Aedthryth: Cargo pants are a big NO [02:16:45] loograt: cargo pants? [02:16:45] 1devenk: eugh [02:16:45] ABitOLace: No, not for a wedding! [02:16:45] Eltrid_: No, definitely not [02:16:46] alexx_net: Nope! Too many pockets [02:16:46] johnkeiwo: FINN THEY ARE CARGO [02:16:46] blaxfruitgrinding: Hello chair nice of u to visit [02:16:47] NyxGoneRogue: NO FInn [02:16:47] KatsuFM: Not for a wedding not formal enough [02:16:47] BlaireBearStare: Dude no they're cargo pants [02:16:48] mystchevious1: No Denim [02:16:48] New_Adventuree: nahghhhh [02:16:48] eris_eryss: No [02:16:48] 1devenk: brotha eugh [02:16:48] Stovamor: no [02:16:49] MrsPandamber: way too casual [02:16:49] acrashot567: no [02:16:49] NyxGoneRogue: NO [02:16:50] aerational: awful [02:16:50] CJKDB: They got rivets. [02:16:51] perfersserderg: no [02:16:51] bilki_123: NO JEANS [02:16:51] xxl_anti_lxx: Bad [02:16:51] gibbon66: no [02:16:51] binkleofficial: DEF NOT CARGOS [02:16:51] XENOMAN5: American schools are dedicated to the suppression of the spreading of ideas and suppressing self expression. robot worker factories [02:16:51] family_toy: Unless you live in rural US, no [02:16:52] lunarLarceny: nooo [02:16:52] bearpaw1970: Good 👍 [02:16:52] troublingdevelopment: Nope [02:16:52] vickyfisherman: no [02:16:53] hand_hook_car_door: lol no [02:16:53] NyxGoneRogue: Too many pockets [02:16:54] judyxcat: are you samuela [02:16:54] kieranfl: no [02:16:54] Helen_Croft: not formal [02:16:54] DanStreams23: I dont even get notifications anymore. I just see a post on tiktok or insta and be like. "oh f1nns live" [02:16:54] MajesticFvckingEagle: NOOOOOOOOO [02:16:54] Twice232: NOT FORMAL AT ALL [02:16:54] Bobbikatt: Formal?!? [02:16:54] Aedthryth: They're really bad [02:16:55] New_Adventuree: nio [02:16:55] Alice_Unchained: Not wedding made [02:16:55] DarthDerpy_: no [02:16:55] rkanjl: Reddit website link for suit [02:16:56] Skylee1976: Nooooooo [02:16:56] hand_hook_car_door: really bad [02:16:56] Ethertine: No [02:16:57] 1devenk: chat can i get a collective brotha eugh [02:16:57] JustAnOrangeWaterBottle: finn no [02:16:57] New_Adventuree: no [02:16:57] johnkeiwo: It's not for a marriage u fucking bimbo !!! [02:16:57] aerational: they're worse. [02:16:57] Stovamor: no [02:16:57] SnowwyAI: That's not gonna work at a wedding. [02:16:58] 414pseudo: Bad [02:16:58] theplayfuldead: No [02:16:58] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: YESSSSSSS [02:16:58] MajesticFvckingEagle: F1NN NOOOO [02:16:58] Avaerus0: Not bad, but not for a wedding [02:16:58] AmayaSchemata: Yes they are [02:16:59] Gtadicto1: eeeh not for a wedding my man [02:16:59] ABitOLace: Not smart enough [02:16:59] binkleofficial: BAD FOR WEDDING [02:16:59] ChristinaGaymes: BUY NEW DRESS TROUSERS [02:16:59] blueskydrinking: this is a WEDDING [02:16:59] bosu1983: wear skater shoes as well [02:17:00] mystchevious1: Even the article said No denim [02:17:00] BlaireBearStare: You're justifying cargo pants [02:17:00] sartanxar: They are bad [02:17:01] hopalongtommy: There's no hope chat [02:17:01] eristarisis: cargo pants =- NO SHOT for awedding [02:17:01] NyxGoneRogue: no Too many pockets Finn [02:17:01] New_Adventuree: nu uh [02:17:01] eris_eryss: Noo [02:17:02] elm_stump: They'll be fine [02:17:02] Gaetanfalcon: cargo pants to a wedding??? [02:17:02] ronin_5463: Put them back. [02:17:02] CJKDB: This isn't a kegger. [02:17:02] theduke336: NO MA'AM!!!! [02:17:03] ibbiTheHen: Maxi A line skirt and a button up shirt shirt. dew it [02:17:03] johnkeiwo: have some respect for your friends ! [02:17:04] AntonyJC1: NOPE [02:17:04] zombiii: they have a design on them. no way [02:17:04] NyxGoneRogue: NO [02:17:04] johnkeiwo: have some respect for your friends ! [02:17:04] SilentCtrl_: no [02:17:04] twenty_yards: they're not that bad, they're worse [02:17:04] MajesticFvckingEagle: NO. JUST NO. [02:17:05] johnkeiwo: have some respect for your friends ! [02:17:05] MrsPandamber: you are too used to casual dress [02:17:05] TheRolfgar: NO [02:17:06] ejl1as: pockes pockets pockets [02:17:07] i_cant_even22: please get some flared pants [02:17:07] Blaine8182: no, bad gremlin [02:17:08] KanchidoShinokyoufu: They will work [02:17:09] sherlock_norris: dude you're not *that* autistic [02:17:09] bearpaw1970: Those are muted , which is good [02:17:09] alex_5r1: these are no wedding trousers [02:17:09] SciFiBrony: they got a patch on the ass!!!! [02:17:09] alexx_net: No no !NO! as a bride I would cry if you show up in those [02:17:11] HugoFallen: I second doc martens [02:17:11] 0redZero00: go buy some cheap slacks [02:17:11] maxrebo13: no [02:17:12] vickyfisherman: no bad [02:17:12] SnowwyAI: You could wear those to a shotgun wedding. [02:17:14] ABitOLace: Must be more FORMAL [02:17:14] perfersserderg: jesus christ finn LUL [02:17:14] judyxcat: wait seriously you look like my friend from college [02:17:15] blueskydrinking: Just borrow some of ashley's clothes [02:17:16] MajesticFvckingEagle: JUST. BUY. PANTS. THAT. FIT. [02:17:17] unlikelygamer87: Mm-mhhh [02:17:18] Vanimal2118: Is the wedding casual? If so u will b fine. [02:17:18] alex_5r1: you own dresses [02:17:18] AntonyJC1: NOPE NOT FORMAL [02:17:19] msbricklayer: girl seriously [02:17:20] aerational: FOR A WEDDING?! [02:17:20] AmayaSchemata: Call fashion 988 [02:17:21] Avaerus0: He is [02:17:22] Bobbikatt: Go get Ashley's help!! Pronto! [02:17:22] bosu1983: I wear cargo trousers kek [02:17:22] Bytebak: Nope, not a wedding fit [02:17:23] lilithsspawn: no pamts for wedding [02:17:24] ejl1as: u need chinos or suit pants [02:17:24] bearpaw1970: Button up shirt and blazer is fine [02:17:24] Jens_LN: You just had to wait until the last day ? [02:17:25] BeeBeeBumblin: Thst shit is casual as hell. [02:17:25] Mikayla_Alexis: Wear a dress [02:17:25] alexx_net: Wrong [02:17:25] vickyfisherman: fat [02:17:27] KatsuFM: Just bite the bullet an go get a pair of trousers that fit. If you really want to wear trousers [02:17:29] atlasmars_: the difference between your clothing knowledge and ashleys is so funny [02:17:30] Helen_Croft: you not walked from a building site @F1NN5TER [02:17:30] Gtadicto1: wedding [02:17:30] alex_5r1: you got no longer dresses? [02:17:32] judyxcat: im literally tripping [02:17:33] luna_lolll: no [02:17:34] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: I THOUGHT IT SOUNDED GOOD [02:17:34] johnkeiwo: no [02:17:34] bosu1983: try it [02:17:35] NyxGoneRogue: You'll have to go more femme if you don't want to stand out [02:17:35] MajesticFvckingEagle: NO..\ [02:17:37] Eltrid_: We need Ashley to explain to you why its the worst fashion choice you've ever made [02:17:38] general_of_cm: No [02:17:39] BlaireBearStare: No! [02:17:39] MajesticFvckingEagle: JUST.. NOT [02:17:40] aerational: who's wedding is this? [02:17:40] unlikelygamer87: You can afford to buy pants! [02:17:40] blaxfruitgrinding: You Should Do Merch Or Something Sell Just Like F1NN themed clothes and that [02:17:41] neingeben: let's start trying some things on, yeah [02:17:41] ronin_5463: Youre gonna burn dinner [02:17:43] Vanimal2118: Try it [02:17:43] alexx_net: You can try it and we will still say "no" [02:17:43] CJKDB: You want to look classy. Not like the plumber. [02:17:44] XENOMAN5: cargo pants or a wedding!? no! [02:17:44] ndlus: What kind of car is this? [02:17:44] handscombchris: A longish straight skirt with the shirt and jacket! [02:17:45] bearpaw1970: Muted is good for guests at wedding's [02:17:45] Aedthryth: When in boy mode, you dress like I did when I was 15 [02:17:45] SnowwyAI: Fine, try it on, but it's not gonna work. [02:17:46] Avaerus0: F1nn needs proper trousers [02:17:47] ChasingSol: those are not appropriate for a wedding, [02:17:48] NyxGoneRogue: Bring in Ashley i swear [02:17:49] theplayfuldead: Go buy a grey women's pantsuit [02:17:49] vickyfisherman: no [02:17:49] judyxcat: straight up you are a doppleganger for my bestie from college [02:17:50] ABitOLace: *sigh* quit stalling and just wear a dress already [02:17:51] bosu1983: Try it out Finn [02:17:54] 1devenk: someone get ashley [02:17:57] AmayaSchemata: Doomed [02:17:59] undead_bandit452: I imagine f1nn in cargos and a tshirt on his phone in the corner with the hat [02:18:00] stephanie1701: no [02:18:01] aerational: bruh [02:18:01] bearpaw1970: It will work their docker's [02:18:01] johnkeiwo: finn ... [02:18:02] ronin_5463: Do NOT let her cook [02:18:02] MajesticFvckingEagle: DON'T. [02:18:03] loograt: look, even I know they are not good [02:18:03] hopalongtommy: No [02:18:03] BeeBeeBumblin: They can be hot and still not be good for a wedding [02:18:04] SciFiBrony: they have a patch on the ass!!!! they’re not formal [02:18:04] andimax11: nah [02:18:04] tomandil789: nuh uh [02:18:05] Aedthryth: And I'm tistic [02:18:05] family_toy: F1nn, you delulu [02:18:05] NyxGoneRogue: PLease get Ashley [02:18:05] xxl_anti_lxx: Cargo pants are worse then jeans [02:18:06] Gtadicto1: black dennim [02:18:08] BlaireBearStare: This fit is too good this is a betrayal to us and to fashion [02:18:09] eris_eryss: No [02:18:10] 414pseudo: F1NN gonna buy a dress on the way to the wedding and pull the tag off in the parking lot [02:18:10] WyldAntic: Icky eepy [02:18:10] lilithsspawn: NO [02:18:10] Bobbikatt: Don't be tacky, finnster!! [02:18:10] AmayaSchemata: Hire a F1NN stand in [02:18:11] whatyoueggxxxstabshim: I am a potato [02:18:11] Skyhunter442: bruh just wear normal clothes [02:18:13] alex_5r1: they are too casual [02:18:15] bosu1983: Stand out from the crowd [02:18:18] medical_size9000: Gremlin outfit 101 [02:18:18] bearpaw1970: Please try it on [02:18:19] theplayfuldead: It's a fashion emergency, she'll wake up [02:18:23] CJKDB: Gonna wear flip flops with those pants? [02:18:24] tinylilhorse: wear something egregiously loud like an elton john stage outfit and take the room by force [02:18:25] StormBrkrr: Denim has nothing to do with Canada. we don’t approve of the Canadian Tuxedo [02:18:26] kelseyhellfire: said no to all ideas from chat, says i dont care to the one thing chats saying no to [02:18:28] blaxfruitgrinding: Do F1NN Merch i think it would be cool [02:18:29] alex_5r1: chat has wisdom [02:18:30] Eltrid_: the outfit you're wearing rn is arguably better than the cargo pants [02:18:31] Hawkeyemn: you were in my dream last night, it was awkward [02:18:34] SnowwyAI: Isn't Ashley usually in bed by 10 PM? [02:18:39] lilithsspawn: In your Discord dumby [02:18:40] johnpnicholls1122: Just wear a just dress. And fem your cute and could pull it off [02:18:46] bearpaw1970: Please try the outfit on [02:18:47] ABitOLace: Put it to a vote and let us decide for you [02:18:53] Wingsteed: Wear the comfort approach & then go full ROYAL with an accessory HAT [02:18:57] bosu1983: SeemsGood [02:18:57] Vanimal2118: Ur next task will 2 b to find a gown that takes ur breath away, and a fitted suit! [02:18:59] NyxGoneRogue: NO [02:19:01] tomandil789: it wonttt [02:19:02] NyxGoneRogue: it won't work [02:19:02] Red_Sonnet: Red_Sonnet subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months! 49 Pog 49 Pog [02:19:02] f3mmbot: red_sonnet subscribed to f1nn5ter for 49 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:19:04] Bobbikatt: A longer version of a cocktail dress [02:19:08] bosu1983: YESH [02:19:12] NyxGoneRogue: STOP IT get some help [02:19:13] Aedthryth: This is painful to watch [02:19:13] alexx_net: You're going to wear those trousers with what? bright green crocks ? f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnLaff f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCancelled f1nnCope [02:19:13] kieranfl: *sighs* I guess let him cook [02:19:13] CJKDB: But we like that skirt! [02:19:14] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: IT WILL WORK [02:19:15] BrothermanBiIl: 😳 [02:19:19] bearpaw1970: Poll's will it work ? Any bets [02:19:19] AmayaSchemata: When you realize that you are screwed [02:19:20] Twice232: ehhhhh [02:19:20] NyxGoneRogue: NO [02:19:23] dippity_dab: Kreygasm [02:19:24] NyxGoneRogue: Too casual [02:19:24] alex_5r1: try it but the trousers won't work [02:19:26] baslak01: Saddd [02:19:27] Helen_Croft: rotate skirt 90 degrees [02:19:28] aerational: bend the metal piece so its flatter [02:19:30] BeeBeeBumblin: If they get attached to this, hell [02:19:34] Vanimal2118: Girl problem [02:19:35] softbonez: No. [02:19:35] bosu1983: Wear a belt with a Colt belt buckle to [02:19:39] ChasingSol: NO [02:19:41] ABitOLace: Delusional [02:19:41] kelseyhellfire: isnt the zip supposed to be on the side? [02:19:42] KatsuFM: No [02:19:43] alex_5r1: no [02:19:43] DarkStarArrives: No [02:19:44] ejl1as: @bearpaw1970 nah thats gotta be 95 % no [02:19:44] baslak01: @NyxGoneRogue That how u know she girl [02:19:44] aerational: push the little metal flap in [02:19:44] xxl_anti_lxx: Plenty of room for snacks [02:19:44] Skylee1976: Nope [02:19:44] MajesticFvckingEagle: no. [02:19:45] Ethertine: no [02:19:45] bosu1983: damn [02:19:45] airconditionerbrrr: NO. NO. NO. [02:19:45] Merobiba_: Thoise are not wedding pants. [02:19:45] softbonez: no [02:19:47] AbieCherry: did you lose even more weight ? [02:19:47] grandpasauce: noo [02:19:47] MajesticFvckingEagle: JUST NO. [02:19:48] BlaireBearStare: Too baggy bruh [02:19:48] tomandil789: nuh uh [02:19:48] keknik1337: nah [02:19:49] CJKDB: That's a hard no. [02:19:49] Twice232: skirts sound so uncomfort able [02:19:49] 3lrd: Hell no [02:19:49] oculasorbus: Try a belt? [02:19:50] Avaerus0: Wow, you really did lose weight [02:19:50] aerational: absolutely not [02:19:50] general_of_cm: No [02:19:51] ChasingSol: those look like cargo pants because they are [02:19:51] family_toy: I like the fit, but not formal [02:19:51] NyxGoneRogue: NO NO no Finn [02:19:51] ChristinaGaymes: NO [02:19:51] Netly1: no [02:19:51] Aedthryth: looks bad [02:19:51] Bobbikatt: No, no. And no [02:19:52] theduke336: No [02:19:52] HardyOrange: wayyyyy too casual [02:19:52] Vanimal2118: Get belt [02:19:52] bluj40: not for a wedding [02:19:53] luna_lolll: its alright [02:19:53] beskidtPas: Won't work [02:19:53] alex_5r1: definetelly no [02:19:53] gray_ish: nope [02:19:54] tinylilhorse: getting closer [02:19:54] Netly1: its so bad [02:19:54] alexx_net: No, and still no. How about no! [02:19:55] Aedthryth: GARBAGE [02:19:55] softbonez: its bax [02:19:55] Eltrid_: "you cant tell they're cargos" you can see the massive side pockets [02:19:55] Helen_Croft: nooo [02:19:56] IMMORTALTYPES: no [02:19:56] brielated: Just buy new pants [02:19:56] BlaireBearStare: Baggy yet tight wtf [02:19:56] neingeben: try this with suit jacket [02:19:56] bosu1983: look smart [02:19:57] SilentCtrl_: No [02:19:57] binkleofficial: do you not own a belt? [02:19:57] mystchevious1: I cry [02:19:57] bearpaw1970: Exactly perfect , muted [02:19:57] general_of_cm: No you cant [02:19:57] Twice232: NOOOOOOOR [02:19:58] NyxGoneRogue: It's bad [02:19:58] ronin_5463: You did NOT cook [02:19:58] 414pseudo: It's that bad beo [02:19:58] gibbon66: no [02:19:58] Shockwavemecha: F1nn.....NO!!!!!! [02:19:59] lethaldissonance: it's that bad [02:19:59] MajesticFvckingEagle: NO. NO. F1NN. [02:19:59] Skylee1976: Noooo [02:19:59] theduke336: They are that bad [02:19:59] rowil07: no [02:20:00] ejl1as: POCKETS [02:20:00] Pizzapuntz: not formal enough [02:20:00] oculasorbus: They look nice though [02:20:00] monday5671: No [02:20:00] NyxGoneRogue: NO [02:20:01] aerational: the pockets. no. [02:20:01] AmayaSchemata: Wear some vans with them [02:20:01] ashcampbell: need a belt [02:20:01] Nitzkit8: top doesnt match [02:20:01] unlikelygamer87: Nooo! [02:20:02] ZoeDoesMusic: no [02:20:02] BeeBeeBumblin: Bad hun [02:20:02] Alice_Unchained: It's a look, but not a wedding look [02:20:02] ABitOLace: No, F1nn it's TERRIBLE [02:20:02] eris_eryss: Noo [02:20:03] EcHoZ_EaGlE_EYE: Nope [02:20:03] baslak01: NO [02:20:03] alexx_net: It IS that bad. [02:20:03] wilssoni: maatuTrr maatuTrr [02:20:03] Etazin: be better on my bedroom floor [02:20:03] lunarLarceny: delusional [02:20:04] bigdumbstella: those would fuck hard with a button up [02:20:04] Gtadicto1: its awfull XD [02:20:04] CaisemGreen: BAD!!!!!!!! [02:20:04] blueskydrinking: I used to wear trousers like that when I worked in an Amazon warehouse KEKW [02:20:04] xxl_anti_lxx: Terrible for a wedding [02:20:05] baslak01: NONONO [02:20:06] baslak01: no [02:20:07] AntonyJC1: NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE [02:20:07] Shockwavemecha: Low effort [02:20:08] Wingsteed: Itz not the CARGO Style but the material isn't fine enough for a formal event [02:20:09] Merobiba_: Please just buy some wedding clothes [02:20:10] SciFiBrony: what about the patch on the ass? [02:20:10] CJKDB: You wear those to go bowling. [02:20:10] BeeBeeBumblin: Hot but bad [02:20:11] baslak01: BADDDDD [02:20:11] NyxGoneRogue: NOOO [02:20:12] bosu1983: Individual [02:20:12] monday5671: Just grab some slacks. [02:20:12] gruntbane: It's tragic [02:20:12] lucianlhgalaxy: It does look like cargo pants my dude [02:20:13] Fried_Pickles: F1nn lookin lowkey cute [02:20:13] handscombchris: NO BAD F1NN [02:20:14] beskidtPas: Dress and only dress!! [02:20:15] binkleofficial: yeah those pants are not it [02:20:15] Shockwavemecha: 👎🏻 [02:20:16] ronin_5463: Chat she's cooked [02:20:16] les_aurora: Get a belt and it works [02:20:18] bananasandwich6969: the weeding [02:20:19] mrmayham719: pass [02:20:19] mystchevious1: John is right [02:20:19] johnkeiwo: No u don't wanna go, clearly [02:20:21] f0rrest_f1re: Use a weirdest clothes you can find lol [02:20:24] ejl1as: Finn they have pockets on the side [02:20:27] DarkStarArrives: Get your Mum to help buy an outfit [02:20:28] JustSomeData: cargo pants would make you the raygun of going to weddings [02:20:28] Shockwavemecha: Make an EFFORT [02:20:28] aerational: SMALL PANTS FINN [02:20:28] medical_size9000: No one wears trousers at a wedding [02:20:29] Merobiba_: They look cute, but not for a wedding. [02:20:30] Falqun: just go without cloth KEKW [02:20:30] family_toy: The most "normal" thing you can wear is a dress [02:20:31] sartanxar: These pants are just no [02:20:31] bosu1983: Yes belt [02:20:31] alex_5r1: they are cargo pants [02:20:32] Aedthryth: Just end the stream....stop the torture....it's painful to watch [02:20:32] bearpaw1970: Guest's at a wedding that's the perfect type of outfits that blend in [02:20:34] tomandil789: just ask bri [02:20:34] unlikelygamer87: Just be cute! [02:20:34] maxrebo13: good casual fit … but not wedding [02:20:34] aerational: NORMAL SIZE FITTING PANTS [02:20:34] Netly1: I wear jeans like that every dawy I would not go formal with them [02:20:36] AmayaSchemata: Ask your mom for help [02:20:37] Twice232: ...maybe [02:20:37] Mikayla_Alexis: OK, [02:20:38] Bytebak: Those trousers will not work [02:20:39] bearpaw1970: Yes belt [02:20:40] johnkeiwo: cuz someone who wanted to go would not be so lazy abotu it, you know i'm right :P [02:20:42] 1devenk: look, cute fit in general, but definitely not for a wedding [02:20:42] NyxGoneRogue: Cute but not for a wedding [02:20:45] Stovamor: The cargo pants are a good fit. For a casual day. NOT for a wedding @F1NN5TER [02:20:46] NyxGoneRogue: NO [02:20:48] kelseyhellfire: someone close to you but you werent invited, you're just a plus 1 [02:20:48] msbricklayer: who getting married? the f'n DJ and the club manager? [02:20:49] Cifra_Onyx: You're your own worst critic, Finn. [02:20:49] CrystalKyd: looks good in literally everything smffhhhhh [02:20:50] simplejack42069: I luv you F1nn5ter, please just wear a dress. [02:20:50] mystchevious1: Yes [02:20:51] MajesticFvckingEagle: Ok if you really wanna go, then stop being dense and thinking those pants are acceptable [02:20:51] NyxGoneRogue: Still NO always no [02:20:51] les_aurora: Ooo see through [02:20:52] alex_5r1: lol [02:20:52] mrmayham719: see thru good [02:20:52] bosu1983: they are for summer [02:20:55] vickyfisherman: yes [02:20:56] Falqun: yes [02:20:57] ChristinaGaymes: white bra! [02:20:58] mystchevious1: YOU MUST wear a bra [02:20:58] Shockwavemecha: Wear a White T shirt under [02:20:59] Crunch4K: yes [02:21:00] BlaireBearStare: Yep [02:21:02] MrsPandamber: white shirts are always seethrough enough to see nipple [02:21:06] SnowwyAI: Finn... [02:21:08] family_toy: Honestly, at this point you need an intervention [02:21:09] alex_5r1: the nippels will show through [02:21:09] Gtadicto1: a bit riske [02:21:10] Gtadicto1: XD [02:21:12] Bytebak: need to wear a bra [02:21:13] blaxfruitgrinding: Will We Get A Wedding Vid Though? [02:21:13] Twice232: be carful first [02:21:17] andimax11: no no no, not for a WEDDING, unless specified that it’s a casual dress [02:21:20] xxl_anti_lxx: I stand corrected this could work [02:21:21] Avaerus0: That's what an undershirt is for [02:21:23] Stovamor: The cargo pants are a good fit. For a casual day. NOT for a wedding @F1NN5TER [02:21:26] johnkeiwo: it's not even chat being weird or pushing for fem shit, chat is actually just trying to help [02:21:26] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: i think the cargos are fine [02:21:26] AmayaSchemata: Looks like wait staff at a restaurant [02:21:29] blueskydrinking: can't be showing the girls off at another woman's wedding KEKW [02:21:29] Vanimal2118: U need a a bra Miss F1nn [02:21:30] bosu1983: I wear wear a sleeveless shirt underneath [02:21:32] ChristinaGaymes: White bra, and white satin tank top under it [02:21:32] maxrebo13: need bra [02:21:38] bearpaw1970: Cargo's especially black works for weddings for guest [02:21:39] Eltrid_: always wear 1 layer below a shirt, especially while, either a tank top or a T-shirt [02:21:41] Mikayla_Alexis: Def needs bra [02:21:42] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "The cargo trousers?": What is she thinking? with 99 votes (78.4%) [02:21:49] ABitOLace: F1nn If you don't go for a dress I will cry. Do you want that on your conscience? [02:21:49] f0rrest_f1re: Use a religious robe LUL [02:21:50] vickyfisherman: no balls [02:21:51] LilithC11: Bandaids are peak if you can’t be asked to use a bra. [02:21:51] barrenchatt: The sole reason all the guys ask me why they can't find any Febboys where they live.. their inside trying on clothing sill [02:21:51] Fried_Pickles: ashleyTap [02:21:52] Wingsteed: fem from the neck up with Hat [02:21:56] neingeben: i love how much chat hates the pants [02:21:57] tinylilhorse: no leave unbuttoned [02:21:57] MrsPandamber: its too big [02:22:01] alex_5r1: probably need something bra like below it [02:22:03] dippity_dab: too formal [02:22:04] Shockwavemecha: Read the MANUAl [02:22:05] softbonez: bro. [02:22:07] CJKDB: Nope. It's too white. [02:22:07] Aedthryth: it's a women's shirt. The buttons are on the opposite side [02:22:08] sartanxar: That is sciffed as hell [02:22:09] ronin_5463: My streamer's a bimbo [02:22:09] AmayaSchemata: Buttons are an enigma [02:22:10] theduke336: Shirts too big [02:22:10] johnkeiwo: If u showed up at my wedding looking like this i'd legit ask u to not bother to come and just go home [02:22:11] lucianlhgalaxy: oh my gods [02:22:12] Sovereign_00: zipper required [02:22:14] WyldAntic: LUL girls shirts have the buttons on the other side [02:22:15] blueskydrinking: NotLikeThis [02:22:15] UnnamedTransGirl: just wear a bra, it'd be fine [02:22:15] baslak01: Weak [02:22:18] OliWatchesYou: literally just now realized Finn can't show booba anymore [02:22:18] SilentCtrl_: radRIP [02:22:19] alexx_net: Start buttoning from the bottom up [02:22:20] OneTopic: hello☺️ [02:22:20] SammyGee63: just staple it closed [02:22:20] baslak01: Weakling [02:22:21] bosu1983: Can you tie a tie? [02:22:22] bearpaw1970: If F1nn' was best man or wedding party , sure not really appropriate, but as a guest yes [02:22:23] vickyfisherman: whose wedding? [02:22:23] ChristinaGaymes: HE CANT GET IT IN THE HOLE!! LUL LUL LUL [02:22:24] eris_eryss: Yes [02:22:25] bluj40: @johnkeiwo fr lol [02:22:26] Avaerus0: Muscle memory lost [02:22:27] Shockwavemecha: How to Button for Dumberinos [02:22:29] MrsPandamber: I was gonna say not used to the buttons being on that side lol [02:22:30] msbricklayer: button uppies [02:22:30] lucianlhgalaxy: Not the buttons [02:22:32] unlikelygamer87: Do you need some velcro? [02:22:32] sarathearcher1: Check what Ashley is wearing and match her level of formal/informal. If she is very dressed up and you are wearing cargos it would look pretty odd... [02:22:34] DarthDerpy_: just wear a womens shirt [02:22:34] tomandil789: yt tutorial [02:22:35] andimax11: jesus [02:22:37] SnowwyAI: I have a hard time buttoning things with my mostlly masc nails. I can just imagine trying to do it with your nails. [02:22:38] softbonez: trying to explain doesnt make it any better [02:22:41] Vanimal2118: @johnkeiwo getting Married? [02:22:42] AlexUsman: Just buy any men suit and wear it with high heels [02:22:45] tinylilhorse: 32 minutes later [02:22:45] Mikayla_Alexis: Buttons are hard with nails [02:22:45] alex_5r1: you need some undergarment with this for sure [02:22:45] OneTopic: it looks very nice! [02:22:46] xxl_anti_lxx: Wait until you try to the tie [02:22:49] Wingsteed: and you're worried about embarrassing at the wedding... [02:22:50] Shockwavemecha: The effort to button up 1 Button [02:22:53] AmayaSchemata: Would you like more bread sticks [02:22:55] loograt: Shirt 1 F1nn nil [02:22:56] BlaireBearStare: Lowkey though am starting to think Finn could look good in a button up [02:22:57] CJKDB: Turn in your guy card. [02:22:57] venomousrose13: match Ashley [02:22:58] andrew_unkillabe: Bruh how you struggling over a top 😭 [02:22:59] mrmayham719: get a pearl snap shirt [02:23:01] WyldAntic: LUL The buttons are on the other side because it's so your servant can button you up easier [02:23:05] medical_size9000: Not a child more like a bimbo [02:23:05] bearpaw1970: Tie Bar at top [02:23:06] alex_5r1: not that bad [02:23:07] Vanimal2118: I thought Cow was the toddler? SMH [02:23:07] ChasingSol: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [02:23:09] johnkeiwo: Finn, that's sort of the concept of going to a wedding as a couple, U MATCH YORU PARTNER !!! [02:23:09] johnkeiwo: Finn, that's sort of the concept of going to a wedding as a couple, U MATCH YORU PARTNER !!! [02:23:11] Eltrid_: look at the manly man, putting on the man's shirt so easily [02:23:13] SubstituteMyOwn: for a birthday party maybe, not a wedding [02:23:16] MajesticFvckingEagle: No. No secs needed. Just don't. [02:23:17] sartanxar: Lazy waiter fit [02:23:18] AmayaSchemata: Wear librarian glasses [02:23:19] Mikayla_Alexis: Have help lmao [02:23:20] Shockwavemecha: not too see through, wear bra [02:23:21] The_Horrible_Gamer: just let Ashley dress you for the event [02:23:21] MaxWattage: Fun fact: Ladies clothes button up on the other side so they are easier for their maid to do up. [02:23:21] ChasingSol: this is peak 'tism [02:23:22] bosu1983: Hey mercs wear cargo torusers [02:23:24] Stovamor: Chat - Finn is a lost cause [02:23:25] Vanimal2118: Facts @johnkeiwo [02:23:27] johnkeiwo: i reallyc an't tell if he being autistic or just very stupid [02:23:29] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:23:30] CJKDB: Pretend you're a guy. [02:23:31] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: weddings arent that important go in a tracksuit [02:23:31] Aedthryth: If she was here, you would be getting FLAMED. Your ass would be a salmon fillet. [02:23:33] baslak01: I am your mom, I am telling you, go other pants now. [02:23:35] ChasingSol: @johnkeiwo yes [02:23:37] ronin_5463: Cargos with this shirt is Tismaxxing [02:23:38] alex_5r1: i love this kind of streams [02:23:38] bosu1983: belt [02:23:38] Shockwavemecha: Manly [02:23:39] softbonez: No [02:23:40] NyxGoneRogue: No [02:23:41] AmayaSchemata: Not good [02:23:42] hand_hook_car_door: no [02:23:45] aerational: jesus god no. [02:23:46] medical_size9000: Can't get into a hole?? I bet that isn't the first time you said that [02:23:46] newt3k: literal child [02:23:47] BlaireBearStare: Boobs are boobing [02:23:47] ChristinaGaymes: NO [02:23:48] WyldAntic: The cargos really tie the shirt together [02:23:49] blueskydrinking: @johnkeiwo I think it's more the fact he's never left the house LUL [02:23:49] Jens_LN: fail [02:23:50] JadeSorcery: They sell a tool for doing buttons it's existed for a very long time I think [02:23:50] MajesticFvckingEagle: No. [02:23:50] luke10164: stick a belt on it! [02:23:52] NyxGoneRogue: Just No [02:23:53] theplayfuldead: Abhorrent [02:23:54] softbonez: just go to the store and buy pants [02:23:54] Nitzkit8: what is happening [02:23:54] Shockwavemecha: No jeans [02:23:55] msbricklayer: omg jesuss... [02:23:55] ChristinaGaymes: yes [02:23:56] bearpaw1970: Belt [02:23:56] bosu1983: Looking good Chad [02:23:56] lucianlhgalaxy: Finn the cargos must go [02:23:57] mystchevious1: Yes you do. [02:23:57] alex_5r1: the trousers a a no go [02:23:57] Mikayla_Alexis: It was in Narnia [02:23:58] Vanimal2118: Vanimal2118 gifted a Tier 1 sub to MaxWattage! They have given 98 Gift Subs in the channel! [02:23:58] SilentCtrl_: yes [02:23:58] f3mmbot: vanimal2118 has gifted a subscription to maxwattage at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang maxwattage f1nnLezgang [02:23:58] shakavalue: I gotta be real with you Finn, then is a definite no [02:23:58] MrsPandamber: tbh the dress pants might be large enought that they could maybe fit in a cool way if you belt them [02:23:59] Jens_LN: bad [02:23:59] krovvy: lol [02:23:59] Lucridis: He looks like a Drag King [02:23:59] monday5671: Noooooooooo! [02:23:59] Shockwavemecha: Gremlin [02:24:01] bearpaw1970: Yes [02:24:01] family_toy: I like this outfit, but not for a wedding! [02:24:01] ABitOLace: F1nn. Just... why? [02:24:02] SciFiBrony: yes. wtf [02:24:03] bluj40: yeah you do [02:24:03] maybeonlysometimes: Just go for dress pants bruv [02:24:04] J0sephFrost: You do tuck it in [02:24:04] AmayaSchemata: Fashion got murdered here [02:24:04] blueskydrinking: You are joking aren't you? [02:24:04] MrsPandamber: you look like a detective [02:24:06] msbricklayer: waiter at the wedding [02:24:06] eris_eryss: You do [02:24:06] Twice232: LesbianPride [02:24:07] Aedthryth: Actual autism fit [02:24:08] JessicaCaraKasey: Spidey pose! [02:24:08] maiaka_: looks like a carpenter that just realised hes going to a wedding after work [02:24:08] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: LOOKS FINE [02:24:08] braddle172: f1nnGremlin [02:24:10] scarlettyg: Lesbian Gremlin <3 <3 <3 [02:24:10] NyxGoneRogue: No [02:24:10] Eltrid_: peak gremlin [02:24:10] BlaireBearStare: Peak lesbian stance [02:24:11] mrmayham719: you might as well be a lesbian [02:24:11] andrew_unkillabe: Finns learning how to be formal [02:24:12] Ethertine: James bond halloween costume vibe [02:24:12] WyldAntic: LUL That's our gender gremlin [02:24:13] alex_5r1: trousers: no [02:24:13] shagaru_9: What came first the chicken or the egg, or more precisely your way of being or your content? Not that those questions are really equal, im just curious how much your content changed you if it did. [02:24:14] Shockwavemecha: G o b l i n [02:24:14] Avaerus0: Not sure I've seen dress shirt + cargo pants before [02:24:14] lilygothdevil: this doesn't look right [02:24:15] baslak01: BAD [02:24:16] TrueMezzo: ok wilem defoe [02:24:16] Gtadicto1: you look tiny inside that clothes XD [02:24:16] GanjaJamaica420: get some proper suit pants and it's a vibe [02:24:17] bearpaw1970: Wide brimmed hat [02:24:17] bluj40: if those were actual dress pants it would look fine [02:24:19] tomandil789: ehhh [02:24:19] theplayfuldead: No [02:24:20] The_Horrible_Gamer: it really is that bad [02:24:20] CJKDB: It's bad. [02:24:20] oculasorbus: Honestly add a belt [02:24:20] bigsuave7: what is wrong with this dude lol [02:24:21] obsidian__moon: Lesbian core [02:24:21] aerational: im leaving. [02:24:21] CrystalKyd: goblin [02:24:22] bosu1983: Its ok [02:24:22] softbonez: the pants are bad [02:24:23] queenstealer: this is NOT IT [02:24:23] OneTopic: tuck a shirt in at a wedding, yes ☺️ [02:24:23] JadeSorcery: Some accessories and heels would be better [02:24:24] sometimeafter1990: as a lesbian, oh my god [02:24:24] Ben104072_: Hello miss waitress [02:24:25] xxl_anti_lxx: Not that good [02:24:25] Jens_LN: it's bad [02:24:25] baslak01: Find BETTER pants [02:24:25] the_avocado_general: put on the blazer [02:24:26] ronin_5463: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [02:24:26] Lucridis: 90s Office Fit [02:24:27] alex_5r1: not that bad except the trousers [02:24:27] nielle_hase: thomeD thomeD thomeD thomeD thomeD [02:24:28] Nitzkit8: Street Fighters VEGA VIBES [02:24:28] rainfallwall: looks good [02:24:28] lucianlhgalaxy: It is [02:24:28] Shockwavemecha: Poll says NO [02:24:28] PlatypusWithCheese: jacket [02:24:28] ChasingSol: 0 [02:24:28] queenstealer: NOOO 3/10 [02:24:29] tomandil789: 4 [02:24:30] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: its good [02:24:30] Crunch4K: 5/10 [02:24:30] Ethertine: 5 [02:24:30] NyxGoneRogue: The pants are a no [02:24:30] MrsPandamber: you look like you work in an office for dude bros [02:24:30] mrmayham719: 6/10 [02:24:30] Aedthryth: 3 [02:24:30] bluj40: 3 [02:24:30] baslak01: 3/10 [02:24:31] Decent_z: 2 [02:24:31] MaxWattage: @Vanimal2118 Thank you PrideLove [02:24:31] Skylee1976: It's not that good [02:24:31] the_Boogeyman_42: 3 [02:24:31] MrMopps: Icky is gonna VETO this 100% [02:24:31] bearpaw1970: Put the blazer on [02:24:31] rage_fatigue: ) out of 100 [02:24:32] bosu1983: 11/10 [02:24:32] softbonez: 5 [02:24:32] The_Horrible_Gamer: 2 [02:24:32] TheItalianSquirtle: 6 [02:24:32] MajesticFvckingEagle: 1/10 [02:24:32] gibbon66: 2 [02:24:32] jsdecouto: 7 [02:24:32] mystchevious1: 0/10 [02:24:32] AmayaSchemata: Its worse than bad [02:24:32] scarlettyg: Lesbian out of 10 [02:24:32] sherlock_norris: 0 [02:24:32] IMMORTALTYPES: 3 [02:24:33] SnowwyAI: It's giving me Kristen Stewart vibes. [02:24:33] Netly1: with actual trousers sure [02:24:33] NyxGoneRogue: 3 [02:24:33] lilithsspawn: It's bad for a WEDDING [02:24:33] SciFiBrony: there’s a big logo on your ass!!! [02:24:33] SPDene: 3 [02:24:33] WyldAntic: F1nn? Boy? Girl? Neither. Gremlin [02:24:34] general_of_cm: 3/10 [02:24:34] sartanxar: 3/10 [02:24:34] Eltrid_: you desperately need fashion advice [02:24:34] family_toy: Different pants bare minimum [02:24:34] obsidian__moon: 9/10 [02:24:34] baslak01: 3 [02:24:35] EcHoZ_EaGlE_EYE: 0 [02:24:35] novamrose: 8 [02:24:35] gruntbane: 1/10 [02:24:35] rainfallwall: 6.5 [02:24:35] jasami: 1 [02:24:35] Poptart83: 3/10 [02:24:35] gray_ish: you need slacks [02:24:35] Shockwavemecha: -1000/10 [02:24:36] ABitOLace: Awful/10 [02:24:36] perseus_codes: Peak lesbian energy [02:24:36] GreenDaisy_: 5/10 [02:24:36] WrecklesFANG: 7 [02:24:36] Blaine8182: 4 [02:24:37] blueskydrinking: You look someone who's there to do the sound system [02:24:37] Alice_Unchained: Getting there [02:24:37] luna_lolll: 6.5 [02:24:37] lilithsspawn: 0 [02:24:37] SilentCtrl_: 4 [02:24:37] theplayfuldead: 2/10 [02:24:37] MrsPandamber: 3 [02:24:37] Mighty_Zote: I would ask you for a drink at the wedding [02:24:37] keknik1337: 6/10 [02:24:37] rawbecue: Needs a jacket and tie [02:24:37] Wingsteed: workable with belt [02:24:37] Slaydria118: 3 [02:24:37] funkeyaimes: -6 [02:24:37] AntonyJC1: 2/10 [02:24:38] 3lrd: this is awful [02:24:38] unlikelygamer87: Lose the pants [02:24:38] Gw1nd0: 4 [02:24:39] juurane: ironically, looks fairly bifauxnen [02:24:39] AmayaSchemata: 0 [02:24:39] Eltrid_: 2/10 [02:24:39] unsafevolvoman: 2/11 [02:24:39] pachepa1: maybe belt? 9/10 [02:24:39] f0rrest_f1re: Western spy [02:24:39] Helen_Croft: 2 [02:24:39] lucianlhgalaxy: Not bad but bad for a wedding [02:24:40] Twice232: the shirt is good pants are BAD [02:24:40] elo15_: its nice! [02:24:40] MizukiDaarin: 8/10 [02:24:40] Zonebiao: jan from the office out of 10 [02:24:41] Lexdaemon: Get dress pants and it works [02:24:41] dipandpip: Looks like you're going to a buisness meeting [02:24:42] CJKDB: -4 [02:24:42] stephanie1701: 4 [02:24:42] GanjaJamaica420: 5/10 [02:24:42] baslak01: only 3 [02:24:43] 414pseudo: Good for funeral bad for weeding [02:24:43] alexx_net: Rating 70% don't like it [02:24:44] neingeben: 6.5/10 [02:24:44] sometimeafter1990: lesbianism/10 [02:24:44] Avocado11: 4/10 [02:24:44] DarkStarArrives: Not those trousers [02:24:44] maybeonlysometimes: It could be worse but dress pants would make it so much better [02:24:45] Jens_LN: shirt is good, pants bad [02:24:46] baslak01: 3 [02:24:46] bosu1983: Cargo are comfy [02:24:46] Stovamor: 0/10 cargo pants are not wedding attire [02:24:47] Sunartv: 9999/10 [02:24:47] binkleofficial: add a black jacket and tie and it'd go very hard, but would be quite masc [02:24:48] Gtadicto1: are you going to work as a waitress in the weding??? [02:24:48] queenstealer: NO [02:24:48] DarthDerpy_: its good, but not good for a wedding [02:24:48] monday5671: -2/10 for a wedding. [02:24:48] Ben104072_: waitress fit [02:24:48] ejl1as: its fine, but the pants have to be more elegant [02:24:48] skyknight13: 2/10 [02:24:48] ronin_5463: Autism/10 [02:24:49] Mighty_Zote: 4 [02:24:49] rust_2switch: smaller pants and it's a good fit [02:24:49] Skylee1976: 2/10 [02:24:50] alex_5r1: not the trousers [02:24:52] wulfy_hun: the shirt is ok, the trousers are a big nope [02:24:52] AntonyJC1: 2/10 󠀀 [02:24:53] sportynathor: Looks great. all you wear looks great becauser you are beautiful enough to wear all u want =) [02:24:53] DarkStarArrives: 3/10 [02:24:53] JadeSorcery: Lol hard to hide such long hair [02:24:53] gray_ish: like some fun slacks could be good [02:24:54] Gaetanfalcon: you can take literally ANY other black trousers and you're good [02:24:54] dipandpip: Office wear not qedding [02:24:55] Avaerus0: Top: 9 Bottom: 4 [02:24:55] Shockwavemecha: I'd Lock you out LUL [02:24:55] Twice232: 3/10 [02:24:55] clockingout: 2/10 [02:24:56] MrsPandamber: you need to do a fancy updo with your hair [02:24:56] BlaireBearStare: 6.5/10 needs slacks [02:24:57] shakavalue: if you go for actual slacks rather than cargos it could be okay for a semi-masc look [02:24:57] shagaru_9: take out a guitar and its a 9/10 [02:24:58] aerational: dawg wear some nice formal woman's pants [02:24:58] schlorbinator: Women in dress shirt <3 [02:24:58] alex_5r1: 1/10 [02:24:59] azirapha1e: Lesbian Secretary lol [02:24:59] mystchevious1: IF you wore some good slacks and some heels that wouldn't be horrible. [02:24:59] Bytebak: You will be mistaken for staff [02:24:59] baslak01: 3/10 [02:25:00] Aedthryth: Your sexy face is making this trash fit look better than it normally would. [02:25:00] nielle_hase: lizzie54Lovey lizzie54Lovey lizzie54Lovey lizzie54Lovey [02:25:01] andrew_unkillabe: Why does it say vote 5000 HAVE I BEEN SCAMMED??? [02:25:02] skyknight13: This is a deeper level of tism [02:25:03] binkleofficial: still not great for a wedding [02:25:03] johnpnicholls1122: Dress would look better [02:25:04] bosu1983: Cargos are comfy [02:25:04] zombiii: @OneTopic Onetopic here. at this time of day, in this part of twitch [02:25:04] baslak01: 3 [02:25:04] Vanimal2118: U look acceptable if it is a casual wedding. [02:25:05] blaxfruitgrinding: blaxfruitgrinding subscribed at Tier 1. [02:25:05] f3mmbot: blaxfruitgrinding subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang blaxfruitgrinding f1nnLezgang [02:25:06] f3mmbot: Winning result of poll "Is this a wedding guest fit?": No with 120 votes (75.5%) [02:25:06] hopalongtommy: The cargo pants are borderline offensive wedding attire [02:25:07] XENOMAN5: 3.4/1000 [02:25:07] DarkPrincess61: shes serving! [02:25:07] cc_dies: not good for a wedding [02:25:07] Poptart83: it’s all too big dude [02:25:08] teethandhoney: get a blazer [02:25:10] Iamthedutchy: It's not bad, just NOT FOR A WEDDING!!!1! [02:25:10] ChristinaGaymes: Just stop trying to be a male already. [02:25:11] bearpaw1970: Embrace the lez gang vibe [02:25:12] Shockwavemecha: Business Casual [02:25:12] softbonez: stand up and show the pants [02:25:13] Helen_Croft: I hate it [02:25:13] andimax11: it’s a good look, not for wedding tho [02:25:13] les_aurora: Lowk fire ngl [02:25:13] Netly1: buy trousers please [02:25:14] alex_5r1: you'll need proper trousers [02:25:14] sometimeafter1990: femboy appreciators move over its hot tomboygirl time [02:25:14] OneTopic: @zombiii hello [02:25:15] tinylilhorse: the formal events just bring the butch out in you [02:25:16] unbracingabyss: for a spare wheel, it's passable [02:25:19] sometimeafter1990: yes belt [02:25:19] blueskydrinking: The shirt is good! [02:25:19] Wingsteed: strikes a balance bwtn universes [02:25:19] perseus_codes: Woman CEO [02:25:20] bosu1983: yes [02:25:20] CJKDB: Burn it! [02:25:21] SnowwyAI: How long would it take to have those trousers from the suit taken in? [02:25:21] mierkenis: it's not about what you like, it's about the dress code! [02:25:22] SammyGee63: still look like a girl [02:25:23] newt3k: 8 year old ass outfit [02:25:23] MajesticFvckingEagle: F1nn, please, you can't be this dense [02:25:23] grandpaladin1701: You need some color [02:25:24] thenoghri: Shirt is way too big [02:25:24] Shockwavemecha: Office party [02:25:24] TrueMezzo: it is tho for a wedding [02:25:24] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: ITS FINE FOR A WEDDING [02:25:24] stephanie1701: awful [02:25:25] softbonez: you need pants. [02:25:25] baslak01: THE PANT are BAD [02:25:25] tomandil789: nuh uh [02:25:25] MrsPandamber: is this giving gender euphoria? [02:25:25] ronin_5463: Permanently banned from the kitchen [02:25:25] aerational: you have no respect for the sanctity of marriage [02:25:26] gregorythethrd: its good but not for a wedding [02:25:27] SciFiBrony: YOU HAVE A PINK PATCH ON YOUR ASS!!!! [02:25:27] cc_dies: 7/10 casual [02:25:28] medical_size9000: 1.8 out 10 [02:25:28] mystchevious1: My heart hurts. [02:25:28] AmayaSchemata: I would like fish and chips please [02:25:29] CaisemGreen: Go In Dresss!!! [02:25:29] Twice232: NOOOOOOR [02:25:29] goose_287: more formal bottoms [02:25:30] ABitOLace: F1nn please you're killing us! [02:25:30] baslak01: Pants BAD [02:25:32] blaxfruitgrinding: Just Subbed Pog [02:25:32] pachepa1: the fit would be 10/10 with a belt trust [02:25:33] NyxGoneRogue: no too casual [02:25:33] perfersserderg: barbie please slap him into buying pants [02:25:35] softbonez: oh god the back is even worse for these pants [02:25:36] Netly1: you do also just need to check what the dress code for the wedding [02:25:37] dipandpip: Othar pants plus a blazer yeah [02:25:37] cc_dies: 3/10 weddings [02:25:38] bearpaw1970: Yup belt like a burgundy [02:25:38] aerational: omg bro the buttons. [02:25:38] gray_ish: it clashes so bad [02:25:38] msbricklayer: girl we just need to shake the male out of you for good and rock the dress [02:25:38] MrsPandamber: dude absolutely not [02:25:38] vampirelord1993: Great guy look f1nn [02:25:39] GingerArwan: why you look like a hot math teacher?? [02:25:39] alexx_net: If you came to an intervew like that you wouldn't get the job. At my wedding you would be bounced. [02:25:40] bosu1983: Colt buckle only [02:25:42] lurker_in_the_chat: Yea no cargos, absolutely not [02:25:42] les_aurora: Could be worse [02:25:43] NyxGoneRogue: Theres a stain on the back! [02:25:46] joyousmadman2: this is the bare minimum for a wedding, freshly moved out bachelor-can’t afford a suit kind of fit [02:25:47] XENOMAN5: top is okay, but pants are a NO [02:25:48] MrsPandamber: this is not formal dress [02:25:48] alex_5r1: belt won't help these trousers [02:25:53] AbieCherry: @F1NN5TER wear a dress not a suit :( [02:25:53] Eltrid_: the patch on the back pocket really sells it... [02:25:55] Kreisender_Igel: please take the pants off in a non sexual way [02:25:55] nielle_hase: Open one button down on the chest and it's a good improvement [02:25:56] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: chat so judgeful [02:25:57] f0rrest_f1re: Nah bro sis, it looks fine the way it is [02:25:57] 3lrd: I used to work for All Saints, this is completely inappropriate for a wedding [02:25:58] tomandil789: really...? [02:26:01] softbonez: the pants have some logo on the pocket [02:26:02] hemeroidson: Dumb dumb [02:26:02] SilentCtrl_: @F1NN5TER look at the poll [02:26:02] gracefully_insane74: at least wear some slacks [02:26:03] lucianlhgalaxy: Finn I know you're coping but the pants really must go, it's a wedding [02:26:03] Collarito: lies of p type twink outfit [02:26:03] johnkeiwo: i'm sure she is very nice and supportive but come on bro .. [02:26:04] eris_eryss: Different pants [02:26:04] BeeBeeBumblin: Such cope on that cargo bottom [02:26:05] AmayaSchemata: Its an emergency wake Ashley up [02:26:05] proxydem: You start to look good but i think you will look better with a blazer [02:26:05] VezraTV: Hello everyone how is it goi- GODDAMN?!!! [02:26:06] aerational: dude. [02:26:06] Bytebak: People will be asking you to serve them drinks [02:26:07] Aedthryth: We're not flaming you hard enough IMO [02:26:07] azirapha1e: lol [02:26:08] ChasingSol: okay, now it's turned in to a bit [02:26:10] Twice232: wher? [02:26:10] GanjaJamaica420: Ashley will bully f1nn into proper pants [02:26:10] canvaspainting: you look like a lesbian aunt, who drinks too much on the weekends [02:26:11] softbonez: yikes [02:26:11] hrdngjnsdkjhdkfb: That is exactly what I wore to school. [02:26:12] Vanimal2118: Getting some negative reactions if it is not a casual wedding? [02:26:12] elm_stump: I would wear that so I don't understand why everyone is being picky [02:26:13] alex_5r1: Ashley won't accept these trousers [02:26:15] Poptart83: the pants are NOT formal [02:26:15] mystchevious1: Oh Christ NO [02:26:16] hemeroidson: There is a stain on the floar as well [02:26:16] bosu1983: its ok [02:26:18] BlaireBearStare: Christ those jeans erase her ass [02:26:19] theplayfuldead: Shirt is too baggy, get a slim fit one, buy some flared formal pants, and maybe an ascot just as an accent [02:26:19] Shockwavemecha: NAH [02:26:21] Lexdaemon: you cant have that with that [02:26:21] Wingsteed: cyber punk cargo pants [02:26:21] sometimeafter1990: what kind of wedding is it? [02:26:21] bosu1983: REPRESENT [02:26:22] Neosaur: This outfit is not a wedding outfit [02:26:24] Shockwavemecha: Take em off [02:26:24] rkanjl: Copium [02:26:24] CJKDB: It's fine for going to Taco Bell. [02:26:25] unlikelygamer87: They're gone [02:26:26] Netly1: the logo saving the day [02:26:26] kelseyhellfire: you didnt notice that from the start? [02:26:27] mystchevious1: BUY NEW dress pants at least. [02:26:27] blueskydrinking: chat I'm crying [02:26:28] aerational: is the person who's wedding you are going to emo or goth or something? [02:26:29] andimax11: oh my god [02:26:30] Lexdaemon: thats not gonna work [02:26:30] NyxGoneRogue: NO Finn can't wear that [02:26:31] Eltrid_: the pants need to go, wear something else [02:26:31] Vanimal2118: Designer jeans look [02:26:32] johnkeiwo: i think i'm done actually trying to help [02:26:32] ComputedBee: Those trousers are not good for a wedding [02:26:33] Avaerus0: Yeah.... you need to just buy some new trousers [02:26:33] Shockwavemecha: SUs [02:26:34] Kreisender_Igel: just pick a dress :) [02:26:34] hemeroidson: bro [02:26:35] baslak01: This is NOT wedding outfit [02:26:35] SciFiBrony: I kept trying to tell you about the patch [02:26:36] ronin_5463: X [02:26:36] aerational: if they are a normal person this isn't acceptable. [02:26:36] CaisemGreen: Go in Dress!!!! JEJEJ [02:26:36] Lexdaemon: dress pants [02:26:37] perfersserderg: it keeps getting worse LUL [02:26:37] alex_5r1: KEKW [02:26:38] MajesticFvckingEagle: THAT's what convinced you it's a bad idea??? the LOGO?? [02:26:39] Lexdaemon: pls [02:26:39] bearpaw1970: Needs a vest [02:26:39] bosu1983: Rep the wedding [02:26:41] tinylilhorse: yeah tuck it in [02:26:42] BeeBeeBumblin: Finally a definitive no from finn on the cargos [02:26:44] hopalongtommy: Buy some, for the love of all that's good [02:26:44] GingerArwan: finn squirts confirmed? [02:26:45] loograt: unless it's a 90's skater themed wedding, NO [02:26:45] monday5671: That's a horrible outfit for a wedding. [02:26:45] zombiii: this only works if you are really close and they know your vibe. otherwise its disrespect [02:26:46] baslak01: NOT wedding OUTFIT [02:26:47] gibbon66: fitted shirt- smart trousers [02:26:48] AmayaSchemata: Raid your mom's clothes [02:26:48] johnkeiwo: finn is incapable of telling when people are actually annoyed with him [02:26:49] NyxGoneRogue: PLease god no [02:26:49] andimax11: F1nn ran out of sinks [02:26:51] wellingtonfrogs: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong [02:26:51] ejl1as: @blueskydrinking like laughing crying? [02:26:52] general_of_cm: No please dont [02:26:53] handscombchris: So you can tuck! 😉 [02:26:54] alex_5r1: You can't always wear cargo pants [02:26:57] XENOMAN5: wear a plain 👗 [02:26:57] Captain_Soren: Captain_Soren subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! [02:26:57] f3mmbot: captain_soren subscribed to f1nn5ter for 5 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:26:58] rkanjl: You will stick out like a sore thumb [02:26:59] TrueMezzo: what do u mean if its not working now [02:26:59] ChasingSol: @johnkeiwo peak 'tism [02:27:00] gracefully_insane74: you should be able to buy some nice women's trousers in, they'd be cute high wasited imo [02:27:00] hu_mon: CARGOS?!?!?!?!?! Be so FORREAL! madzmuThatsIT [02:27:00] maxrebo13: shops !!!! [02:27:00] blueskydrinking: @ejl1as partly.... [02:27:01] binkleofficial: not the fucking branded cargos [02:27:02] Softgerms: Naur get some pants without huge pockets o. the side pls [02:27:02] barrenchatt: ya F1nn pees in the sink :P [02:27:03] Aedthryth: OMG....I am dying RN. My entire body is going limp. [02:27:04] Gtadicto1: Cargo pants for a weding XD [02:27:04] CJKDB: People will point and laugh. [02:27:06] ronin_5463: I cannot stress how little you are cooking [02:27:07] ABitOLace: I'm crying, too 😭 [02:27:07] eris_eryss: Sut Buy a new pants [02:27:07] Neosaur: As someone planning a wedding this outfit is a no [02:27:07] BlaireBearStare: Finn my feminine mans gets some clothes that fit [02:27:09] loograt: even the camera can't focus [02:27:09] Skyhunter442: even the camera aint like it [02:27:09] dipandpip: Pls get other pants [02:27:11] BeeBeeBumblin: Hell no dude. Especially that logo [02:27:11] theplayfuldead: Bro this is only acceptable if you're 14 going to your uncle's backyard wedding [02:27:15] Aedthryth: This is so painful to watch....the cope is so massive. [02:27:16] ejl1as: @blueskydrinking he doesnt get it does he [02:27:16] alex_5r1: yes other pants [02:27:18] sarathearcher1: Shirts fine... go buy a pair of mens or womes slacks to fo with it... [02:27:18] Poptart83: time to take a trip to the store for some proper formal trousers [02:27:18] AmayaSchemata: Rip fashion [02:27:18] Netly1: nah youre actually not getting let in [02:27:19] LyssieXD: spersk forgot how to use belt [02:27:19] MajesticFvckingEagle: F1nn, we're not just bullying you for fun, this is genuinely not okay @F1NN5TER [02:27:19] SPDene: belt on wrong way round [02:27:21] ComputedBee: You can afford some actual trousers just buy some, it's a wedding [02:27:22] lurker_in_the_chat: Every day [02:27:23] bongdrinker1: look like a boy [02:27:23] bosu1983: At work [02:27:23] hemeroidson: I were belts [02:27:24] baslak01: alot [02:27:24] mystchevious1: I do daily [02:27:25] Alice_Unchained: Like last week [02:27:25] JSGonTwitch: Me [02:27:25] Devel_DSL: this morning [02:27:26] ronin_5463: Today [02:27:26] luna_lolll: dads [02:27:26] baslak01: ME [02:27:26] Eltrid_: I'm wearing one right now [02:27:26] blaxfruitgrinding: f1nnPet [02:27:26] kieranfl: daily my guy [02:27:26] tomandil789: todoy [02:27:26] RyanOneTwo: I wear a belt every day of my life [02:27:26] msbricklayer: i feel like screaming at my monitor [02:27:27] JessicaCaraKasey: Have you ever dressed yourself before? 🤣 [02:27:27] medical_size9000: The shirt looks wrinkle [02:27:27] Aedthryth: I am wearing a belt RIGHT FUCKING NOW [02:27:28] BlaireBearStare: Like daily [02:27:28] Ethertine: 2 weeks ago [02:27:28] alex_5r1: o7 fashion [02:27:28] moodasluht: right now [02:27:29] CJKDB: They will seat you at the kiddie table. [02:27:29] NyxGoneRogue: This is like a 14 year old's outfit [02:27:29] Avocado11: I wear one everyday [02:27:29] resurgenceguild: Every day at work [02:27:29] aerational: dont attention seek at someone else's wedding... wear real pants. [02:27:29] LyssieXD: i wear belts [02:27:30] hemeroidson: yea at worck [02:27:30] sparklykitten5555: I looked away, is this the matrix ? [02:27:30] family_toy: It too big [02:27:30] IzettaFox: I do, my pants are too big [02:27:30] mrbb_55: right now [02:27:31] NonsenseAndBS: Today [02:27:32] monday5671: I do [02:27:32] bearpaw1970: Revoked man card ' 🤣🫴💕 [02:27:32] grandpaladin1701: That belt is WAYY too long [02:27:32] ABitOLace: F1nn please put us out of our misery [02:27:33] softbonez: you should just buy some nice pants, you'll need them again eventually [02:27:33] elm_stump: I've seen people wearing that at a wedding, you're good [02:27:34] general_of_cm: F1nn should Not be alowed to Dress himself [02:27:35] mystchevious1: Belts is too big [02:27:35] feel_bad_inc__: me today [02:27:35] bluj40: its too big for you [02:27:36] Iamthedutchy: Why is he even asking for advice if he doesn't listen? [02:27:36] zombiii: me. i way 60kg, no pants fit me [02:27:36] pachepa1: lol the belt might be too big [02:27:36] Avaerus0: You shrunk [02:27:37] VezraTV: I wear belt cause everything fall off :'c [02:27:37] NyxGoneRogue: You're not 24 [02:27:37] hemeroidson: yes [02:27:38] OurSorrow: belt too small [02:27:38] AmayaSchemata: Belts an enigma [02:27:39] GanjaJamaica420: ngl being able to pull off this look while still coming off femme is peak gender envy [02:27:39] Lexdaemon: belt is too bug [02:27:40] The_Horrible_Gamer: I wear a belt every day, that belt is for someone a lot larger than you [02:27:40] gregorythethrd: belts too big [02:27:40] Gtadicto1: i wear belts every day my dude XD [02:27:40] MrsPandamber: do you seriously not know how to do up a belt? [02:27:40] tinylilhorse: this bottom [02:27:41] UnnamedTransGirl: it's too tiny for your waist [02:27:42] theduke336: YOU NEED A SMALLER BELT [02:27:42] mystchevious1: You lost too much weight [02:27:42] Netly1: nah [02:27:43] Silraa: That belt is way too big [02:27:44] moodasluht: oh thats a mens belt [02:27:44] Jayden_Reiko: Belt is too big [02:27:44] ChasingSol: everything is too big [02:27:45] NyxGoneRogue: You're not 14 [02:27:45] fabotond: i wear a belt every day [02:27:45] sherlock_norris: malefail, literally [02:27:46] DarkStarArrives: Im wearing a belt now [02:27:46] gray_ish: belt too big lol [02:27:46] Neosaur: The belt is too big [02:27:46] cdewoozy: you need to gain weight or get a new belt [02:27:47] JSGonTwitch: Smaller belt needed [02:27:47] alexx_net: f1nnEmbarrassed Good thing she's pretty f1nnHeadpat [02:27:47] lurker_in_the_chat: Belt to big, you are tiny [02:27:47] S1r3nT: Belt too big [02:27:47] kieranfl: You need to make a new hoke [02:27:47] stephanie1701: the belt is too big for you [02:27:48] J0sephFrost: Waay to big for u [02:27:48] AlexUsman: Me 8( [02:27:48] JustSomeData: just punch a new hole [02:27:48] MrsPandamber: this belt is waaay too big [02:27:49] mystchevious1: You are smoll [02:27:49] sometimeafter1990: it would be nice to see a pretty dress option [02:27:49] PlatypusWithCheese: you need more holes [02:27:50] hemeroidson: There is a thing that you missed that hold the rest of the belt [02:27:51] gracefully_insane74: Might need to find a leather punch [02:27:51] oimeee: make another hole [02:27:51] Poptart83: the belt is too big lmao [02:27:51] gray_ish: make a new hole [02:27:52] ChasingSol: omfg [02:27:52] x_Skars: different size of belt would help [02:27:52] bosu1983: If i did'nt wear a belt at work pants would fall down [02:27:53] johnpnicholls1122: Out off options lol 😂 dress 👗 [02:27:53] ChristinaGaymes: i have to wear 2 belts at 1 time [02:27:53] hu_mon: Belt is like 20kg too big [02:27:54] grandpaladin1701: Belt too long [02:27:54] SciFiBrony: I wore a belt yesterday!!! [02:27:54] baslak01: Make own holes [02:27:54] ronin_5463: Thank god she's pretty right chat? [02:27:55] sarathearcher1: Belt is way too big [02:27:55] burger_kek: haha you are so cutesy tiny [02:27:55] TheRolfgar: That belt it huge [02:27:55] NyxGoneRogue: 14 year old fit [02:27:56] kieranfl: You can make a hole [02:27:56] JSGonTwitch: Poke a new hole yourself [02:27:57] binkleofficial: you can make a new hole in the belt via a hammer and nail [02:27:58] mrbb_55: make hoel with knife [02:27:58] sometimeafter1990: oh that wont go well [02:27:58] Mortinho: lol, custom hole time [02:27:59] Gtadicto1: you are too small for that belt [02:27:59] AmayaSchemata: Thats belt is way too big [02:28:00] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: i agree [02:28:00] kieranfl: Don't do it on your body [02:28:00] HardyOrange: lmao waiste too grabbable [02:28:01] keknik1337: :) [02:28:01] Twice232: you can cut a new hole [02:28:01] aerational: to sell more belts. [02:28:01] fjano_: Make new holes [02:28:01] loograt: because humans have sizes [02:28:03] MrsPandamber: its like multiple sizes too big [02:28:03] kieranfl: Take it off first [02:28:04] Vanimal2118: F1nn, many don't like ur fit. If it is a casual wedding, u look acceptable. [02:28:04] blaxfruitgrinding: honestly without the nails and his head he fully looks like a dude rn [02:28:04] luna_lolll: every men after their 40s wear belts [02:28:05] willson117: fin you need more holes lol [02:28:05] maxrebo13: too big dummy [02:28:06] alex_5r1: the belt is way to large [02:28:06] hemeroidson: HAHAHAAAAAAA [02:28:07] BlaireBearStare: Thank you! [02:28:08] 414pseudo: Bro I'm twice your size and that's a belt too big for me lol [02:28:08] VezraTV: Get a skirt [02:28:08] msbricklayer: :D:D aaaaa [02:28:08] softbonez: no get new pants [02:28:12] binkleofficial: also the belt is too big [02:28:12] NyxGoneRogue: NO [02:28:16] evericor000: I wear a belt 70% of the time [02:28:21] hemeroidson: Tuck it in boy! [02:28:21] Mikayla_Alexis: Belt waaaaaaaay too big [02:28:21] ejl1as: truee [02:28:21] mystchevious1: worse [02:28:22] cookieeater212: oop [02:28:22] mierkenis: Stop provocing us! [02:28:22] msbricklayer: hahah this is unbelieveable [02:28:22] oculasorbus: For the love of god do not make belt holes with a knife! [02:28:23] hemeroidson: yes [02:28:23] rage_fatigue: DON'T USE A KNIFE TO PUT A HOLE IN YOUR BELT!!!! [02:28:23] MajesticFvckingEagle: NO. [02:28:24] hopalongtommy: Go shopping, please. Please, I'm begging you [02:28:25] stephanie1701: no [02:28:25] ChristinaGaymes: BLUE STRIPES !!! I SAW THEM [02:28:25] tomandil789: yuh [02:28:25] bosu1983: Tuck the belt into its self [02:28:25] alex_5r1: no [02:28:26] kelseyhellfire: just forgot how to man [02:28:26] CJKDB: Needs the femboy touch. [02:28:27] Neosaur: Those pants don't work [02:28:27] Vanimal2118: R u going 4 guy? [02:28:27] gracefully_insane74: wear them at your proper waist [02:28:28] mitchmyers: monkaS [02:28:28] VezraTV: What kind of giant belt is that??? [02:28:28] GanjaJamaica420: it looked better high [02:28:28] blueskydrinking: I thought the high waist was fine, its the TROUSERS that are the fuckin problem [02:28:29] johnkeiwo: it doesn't fit at all, like I said, it looks like overzied garbage which is gonna make you stand out even more [02:28:29] unlikelygamer87: The shirt doesn't fit well tho... [02:28:29] Crunch4K: god no [02:28:30] hemeroidson: Thats the way to go [02:28:30] NyxGoneRogue: NO it's not good [02:28:32] sarathearcher1: lol [02:28:33] jasami: lor [02:28:33] BlaireBearStare: f1nnStare [02:28:33] MrsPandamber: this is just weird to see you in more masc clothing [02:28:33] Mikayla_Alexis: Literally make new hiles [02:28:34] binkleofficial: JUST LET ASHLEY DRESS YOU FFS [02:28:34] Jens_LN: nip-nops [02:28:35] MajesticFvckingEagle: It's not good period [02:28:36] AlexUsman: High heels will fix everything [02:28:36] AmayaSchemata: Let's have a moment of silence for fashion [02:28:36] sometimeafter1990: wear them higher its more fashion [02:28:36] les_aurora: Drill a hole in it lowk [02:28:37] ComputedBee: Nothing is saving this look [02:28:38] Eltrid_: you're using a belt that you've put on holes yourself for a wedding !? [02:28:39] the_Boogeyman_42: It looks bad [02:28:42] medical_size9000: Tell me this first time putting on a belt without telling me this your first time [02:28:44] ChristinaGaymes: I SAW BLUE STRIPES!! [02:28:44] Crunch4K: summon ashley to dress you LUL [02:28:49] maxrebo13: baggy arse [02:28:50] grandpaladin1701: Need suit trousers [02:28:53] perfersserderg: ASHLEY [02:28:54] hemeroidson: NO! [02:28:55] softbonez: for the outfit or a plan on how to use a belt [02:28:56] Avaerus0: I think Ashley is gonna laugh at this fit [02:28:57] Neosaur: This ain't it [02:28:57] eris_eryss: Nooo [02:29:01] ronin_5463: Rebellious mormon kid [02:29:01] hemeroidson: ASHLEY COME HERE! [02:29:02] Mikayla_Alexis: More like new habbits [02:29:03] hemeroidson: HELP! [02:29:05] urzu0119: This is a terrible plan [02:29:05] MajesticFvckingEagle: The plan is to go to the store an get some pants and a shirt that fits [02:29:05] blueskydrinking: No one show this to Ashley, she'll have a panic attack [02:29:07] theplayfuldead: How do I send a dono message? I'm broke but this is so rough I NEED to get through to you [02:29:07] AmayaSchemata: Omg [02:29:08] ABitOLace: Ok F1nn needs turning off and on again [02:29:09] DutchGabber_Official: this is way to much manly Kappa LUL [02:29:11] alexx_net: You can do a sheetbend to tie the belt off [02:29:11] Mikayla_Alexis: 2/3 fit rule [02:29:11] hemeroidson: NO! [02:29:13] AmayaSchemata: 😱🤯 [02:29:14] mrbigt1990: Lol [02:29:14] SnowwyAI: I like that you're putting the belt on in the fashion that a woman does. [02:29:15] family_toy: Oh honey [02:29:15] NyxGoneRogue: NO [02:29:15] Neosaur: I think a dress is best option [02:29:17] softbonez: no [02:29:18] CaisemGreen: NO [02:29:19] bosu1983: looks great [02:29:20] DarthDerpy_: no [02:29:20] dafdeddog: what shoes? [02:29:20] eris_eryss: No [02:29:21] Aedthryth: You'll either think you don't stick out and look like GARBAGE, or think that you stick out in a dress but look absolutely gorgeous. [02:29:21] binkleofficial: NO [02:29:21] AshlaMortis: no [02:29:21] Ethertine: no [02:29:21] NyxGoneRogue: Bless your heart [02:29:21] sometimeafter1990: its giving kim jones dior a bit [02:29:21] Eltrid_: chat, this outfit is so scuffed [02:29:22] EcHoZ_EaGlE_EYE: no [02:29:22] ChasingSol: no [02:29:23] Lexdaemon: just wear a dress [02:29:23] Merobiba_: no [02:29:23] MrsPandamber: this is so weird [02:29:23] johnkeiwo: eww [02:29:24] neingeben: not better [02:29:24] msbricklayer: giiiiirrrllll [02:29:24] Devel_DSL: no way [02:29:24] Shockwavemecha: n o p e [02:29:25] gray_ish: nope [02:29:25] Wingsteed: MI5 agent [02:29:25] tomandil789: no [02:29:25] 414pseudo: It got worse:/ [02:29:26] Jayden_Reiko: eew [02:29:26] aritheshadowqueen: no [02:29:26] urzu0119: How do we restart Finn [02:29:27] braddle172: No [02:29:27] rage_fatigue: noooooooo [02:29:27] Skylee1976: Noooo [02:29:27] burger_kek: maybe let Ashley give it a try in front of chatt, maybe she has some inside knowlege on how to dress you propperly [02:29:28] mierkenis: Still no! [02:29:28] bearpaw1970: Yes with Blazer [02:29:28] barrenchatt: Lesbain Mode [02:29:28] baslak01: NO [02:29:29] GingerArwan: that is not a fit for a wedding [02:29:29] hemeroidson: NiceTry [02:29:29] MajesticFvckingEagle: No. [02:29:29] CaisemGreen: no [02:29:30] theplayfuldead: You look like you're a LARPer [02:29:30] NyxGoneRogue: nope [02:29:30] cdewoozy: no [02:29:30] softbonez: no dude [02:29:31] baslak01: NONONONO [02:29:31] Crunch4K: no [02:29:31] lunarLarceny: noo [02:29:31] SPDene: that looks like a restraint, not a normal belt [02:29:32] baslak01: no [02:29:33] Shockwavemecha: A fellow dude bro [02:29:33] muddymudkip15: No [02:29:33] Kaimellostar: Very proffesional [02:29:34] CJKDB: You look like a jehova's witness [02:29:34] bosu1983: Sepiroth vibes [02:29:34] Helen_Croft: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [02:29:35] monday5671: No!!!! [02:29:35] unlikelygamer87: NOPE [02:29:35] baslak01: BAD [02:29:36] binkleofficial: NO, NEIN, NYET [02:29:36] gibbon66: someone ctrl alt del F1NN [02:29:36] tinylilhorse: umm idk why dont you just throw a packer in it too while youre at it [02:29:36] The_Horrible_Gamer: @F1NN5TER Adding a belt doesn't make those not cargo pants. [02:29:37] shakavalue: what are you doing finn [02:29:37] mrbb_55: honsetly, not bad [02:29:37] scarlettyg: It's F1nn, a fellow lesbian [02:29:37] mystchevious1: ... ... ... [02:29:37] urzu0119: No NO NO NO NO [02:29:37] AmayaSchemata: , 😱🙏😔 [02:29:37] odinsdragon1701: you should sign business contracts wearing that [02:29:38] Alice_Unchained: The pants need to go [02:29:38] krovvy: lesbain [02:29:39] Neosaur: NOPE [02:29:40] f0rrest_f1re: Just buy a religious robe if you're going to a wedding lol [02:29:40] BlaireBearStare: Looking like a 14 year old transmasc lowkey [02:29:41] kelseyhellfire: doesnt seem right not seeing ur head when you stand [02:29:41] sometimeafter1990: god im gayyy [02:29:41] mensolata: sorry [02:29:42] baslak01: NOPIE NOPE NPE [02:29:43] BoogieRiley: no [02:29:43] BigDeath5: make a slit with your knife [02:29:44] ChasingSol: everything is too big [02:29:44] hopalongtommy: Please leave the reception, you are incorrectly dressed [02:29:44] bluj40: "bro why are you wearing cargo pants that dont fit?" [02:29:44] DarthDerpy_: bad pants [02:29:44] MrsPandamber: What timeline is this [02:29:44] Avaerus0: Is that Bowie? [02:29:45] Skylee1976: Not the pants [02:29:46] ronin_5463: F1nn this fucking sucjs [02:29:46] PlatypusWithCheese: put on jacket [02:29:46] Crunch4K: Ashley we need your help LUL [02:29:48] BeeBeeBumblin: How is f1nn still thinking the logo cargos are good? [02:29:49] loograt: looks like a 15yo who doesn't own dress pants [02:29:50] JSGonTwitch: You look adorable hun [02:29:51] NyxGoneRogue: The nails and eyelashs don't help the guy mode [02:29:51] sometimeafter1990: a dress would probably fit way better [02:29:51] splixir: 0/10 [02:29:51] MajesticFvckingEagle: F1nn, we're not just bullying you for fun, this is genuinely not okay [02:29:51] alexx_net: Miss the ladies is over there [02:29:52] evericor000: step back so we can see the full fit [02:29:52] Poptart83: all of it is wrong [02:29:52] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: its basic but fine [02:29:53] mrbigt1990: Go back to girl mode [02:29:53] Gtadicto1: those throusers arent your size [02:29:54] NichtzNeues: Pathetic [02:29:55] bosu1983: SEPIROTH?! [02:29:56] unlikelygamer87: New Shirt [02:29:56] baslak01: NOT IN WEDDING bad PANTS [02:29:56] bearpaw1970: Lez gang vibe unlocked [02:29:56] heyimf1dg3t: romance novel cover lookin-ass [02:29:56] rage_fatigue: SLACKS!!! [02:29:57] blueskydrinking: WHAT [02:29:57] johnkeiwo: yeah bro, just don't go at this point, say you're sick [02:29:58] gray_ish: shirt isn't as bad as pants [02:29:59] urzu0119: you have cargo pants on NO NO NO NO its a wedding [02:29:59] Aedthryth: Actual tomboy lesbian fit [02:29:59] Neosaur: All wrong [02:30:00] LFGJu1ian: you look like ur unemployed and live 30 years at your moms house [02:30:00] pachepa1: i think everything is just too big in general [02:30:01] ChristinaGaymes: Just stop pretending you are a guy. Embrase just being a female [02:30:01] krovvy: you look like a lesbian waiter [02:30:02] gracefully_insane74: does Ashley have a button up that's similar that might be better fitting? [02:30:03] Niiinaa: who's this handsome lesbian [02:30:03] eris_eryss: [02:30:06] BeeBeeBumblin: Bad pants [02:30:06] ivyhaven: stand further back [02:30:10] Mikayla_Alexis: Nope [02:30:11] Gtadicto1: nothing fits you right [02:30:11] CJKDB: Let's see it with high heels. [02:30:11] neingeben: giving a little construction worker [02:30:11] amfournda: F1nn, you are beautiful no matter what <3 [02:30:12] The_Horrible_Gamer: kinda looks like she is wearing her older brothers clothes [02:30:12] BlaireBearStare: This belongs in the box [02:30:13] AmayaSchemata: Ashley is gonna be rolling [02:30:14] unlikelygamer87: Gt the other shirt [02:30:15] SciFiBrony: the ass patch makes it an immediate no [02:30:15] barrenchatt: F1nn embraces his Lesbian side [02:30:17] ronin_5463: Banned from kitchen [02:30:18] mystchevious1: I cry [02:30:18] NyxGoneRogue: NO [02:30:19] XENOMAN5: everything about that fit is wrong. I just want you to know that. [02:30:20] monday5671: Pants are bad. [02:30:20] gibbon66: fitted shirt + smart trousers [02:30:22] grandpaladin1701: Slacks are terrible for wedding [02:30:22] bosu1983: Hugo Boss chefs kiss [02:30:23] ComputedBee: The shirt isn't the problem with the fit [02:30:23] Vanimal2118: Find a breathtaking gown and a fitted suit! [02:30:24] cc_dies: scuffed [02:30:24] ivyhaven: yea honestly chats wild its not that bad [02:30:25] NyxGoneRogue: I'm crying [02:30:26] Woodsilver: Love your nails! [02:30:27] Rambi_Cat: "It's just too baggy" as if that isn't how men's shirts fit [02:30:27] Poptart83: you look like a teenage boy who raided his fathers closet [02:30:28] tinylilhorse: lets see it with a lace thong [02:30:29] BeeBeeBumblin: It is bad for a wedding [02:30:31] Y0rk5h1r3: You know who else wore Hugo Boss? [02:30:32] Skyhunter442: damn bro you need a refund [02:30:33] sometimeafter1990: black pencil skirt? [02:30:35] azirapha1e: Secretary Finn [02:30:36] lethaldissonance: swap out the pants for a knee length black skirt [02:30:36] Eltrid_: the shirt is the least problematic part of the fit, of course its the item you like the least [02:30:37] Zachariasz455: Loose shirt gives vampire vibes [02:30:39] MajesticFvckingEagle: I can't tell if this is a bit or not. I'm too scared it's not a bit [02:30:39] NyxGoneRogue: Pencil skirt? [02:30:40] Aedthryth: @amfournda The fit on the other hand.....TRASH [02:30:40] rowil07: the shirt is fine, the pants are crap [02:30:41] bluj40: the cope is unreal [02:30:42] ABitOLace: This is hurting my soul [02:30:43] TwinbeeMk2: Not gonna lie Finn you look like a gay vampire :P [02:30:44] BlaireBearStare: How can you not get a shirt and trousers in a day? [02:30:45] AlexUsman: It will! [02:30:46] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: smart trousers are ugllyyyyyy [02:30:47] XENOMAN5: you look like a teenage girl who raided her dad‘s closet [02:30:49] CaisemGreen: go skinny jeans blackand woman blous [02:30:50] TrueMezzo: youre trolling [02:30:51] SmutMoose: F1nn looking like the CEO of Femboys [02:30:53] DarthDerpy_: just change the pants [02:30:54] sometimeafter1990: lets please see some dresses! [02:30:57] grandpaladin1701: The thought behind this isn’t bad [02:30:58] azirapha1e: needs gsome BIG Glasses [02:30:58] Ethertine: trousers is so much more fun than pants [02:30:59] schlorbinator: Pants are L you need formal pants [02:30:59] SnowwyAI: The outfit is scuffed. [02:31:00] theplayfuldead: What happened to the buckle good lord [02:31:01] joyousmadman2: swap the pants for slacks and it’ll be acceptable for the reception. You really ought to have a jacket for the ceremony [02:31:01] kelseyhellfire: finn just smol [02:31:01] zombiii: such bad pants [02:31:02] hemeroidson: its fine [02:31:03] Mikayla_Alexis: @xenoman5 do true [02:31:04] AmayaSchemata: Thats a unflattering outfit [02:31:04] grandpaladin1701: This execution is [02:31:05] pheebius: maybe finn too small [02:31:05] mystchevious1: Don't wear jeans [02:31:05] quartark: if ONLY you had a tailor [02:31:06] NyxGoneRogue: skirt please [02:31:07] ronin_5463: That thing muders your ass too [02:31:07] Avaerus0: You need smaller clothes [02:31:09] RyanOneTwo: If the clothes fit, it would be a good outfit [02:31:10] bosu1983: Wear flares [02:31:11] Rambi_Cat: That's how men's clothes fit [02:31:11] general_of_cm: Just get in a good Store tomorrow morning and let a Professional Dress u [02:31:12] tomb932: Where the suit you wore to the wedding?But don't wear white shirt wear a camasol [02:31:13] CJKDB: Hooters Femboy tee! [02:31:13] Vanimal2118: Option #2? [02:31:13] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: i wear skinny jeans [02:31:13] TwinbeeMk2: Finn trying out for the role of Lestat [02:31:14] mrbigt1990: Go back to girl mode silly [02:31:14] mystchevious1: Formal pants that fit. buy some tomorrow [02:31:14] Crunch4K: where is ashley when you need her LUL [02:31:14] filip_zd10: what estrogen does to a man [02:31:15] kamato_j: Like a lesbian but way more feminine [02:31:15] troublingdevelopment: pants bad, concept is fine. Cope levels exceeding accepted parameters BibleThump300 [02:31:15] UnnamedTransGirl: f you I'm wearing skinny jeans [02:31:16] family_toy: NotLikeThis [02:31:16] ChasingSol: ffs, buy some [02:31:16] baslak01: YES [02:31:17] msbricklayer: looking like someone from Marienhof [02:31:18] Neosaur: Why not a dress? [02:31:21] BeeBeeBumblin: Show logo again. Basically a skater [02:31:23] theplayfuldead: Flared trousers [02:31:23] b1up1n: get smaller pants [02:31:23] Poptart83: go physically buy new clothes please [02:31:24] NyxGoneRogue: try a skirt please [02:31:26] baslak01: Good f1nn [02:31:28] ABitOLace: I'm gonna need a drink after this [02:31:28] AmayaSchemata: Cancel at the last second [02:31:35] LittleLukeCrash: LittleLukeCrash subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! yippee [02:31:35] f3mmbot: littlelukecrash subscribed to f1nn5ter for 2 months using Prime! PogU [02:31:37] evericor000: just get it all tailored [02:31:37] bosu1983: Just look better than the Bride [02:31:38] softbonez: yea the logo was rough on the pants [02:31:38] bigsuave7: shrink the clothes in the dryer [02:31:46] ChasingSol: go to Selfridges and buy clothes ffs [02:31:51] binkleofficial: the copium is obscene today [02:31:51] hopalongtommy: If only there were places that sold clothes in various sizes [02:31:51] alexx_net: Actual men wear a morning coat to a wedding. Top hat, optional. [02:31:51] gray_ish: better [02:31:52] Netly1: now we all have to pretend the formal trousers go crazy [02:31:52] Crunch4K: no [02:31:53] Eltrid_: he needs to go shopping tomorrow urgently [02:31:53] unlikelygamer87: You have a chat full of advice and you choose not to listen. [02:31:55] Ethertine: better [02:31:56] Jayden_Reiko: OMG they are so large.. [02:31:57] Shockwavemecha: Baggy [02:31:58] sometimeafter1990: what about that drapey thing ashley wore to a party [02:31:58] Mayerling: those are huge too [02:31:58] alex_5r1: belt [02:31:59] Neosaur: Pants too big [02:31:59] edna_lol_basic: Panic at the disco AHH fit [02:31:59] NyxGoneRogue: Be so fr right now [02:32:00] baslak01: Much better [02:32:00] Avaerus0: Better than the cargo pants [02:32:03] Netly1: looking like a schoolboy [02:32:03] baslak01: Good [02:32:04] scarlettyg: Seriously just go buy smaller ones [02:32:05] alex_5r1: needs belt [02:32:05] Vanimal2118: Better [02:32:05] elm_stump: Blouses are formal women's shirts to describe it [02:32:06] softbonez: everythings too big, but the pants are better [02:32:06] mintymazing: school uniform [02:32:07] mrbigt1990: All the guy clothes are way too much on you [02:32:07] MajesticFvckingEagle: @F1NN5TER , please. Just measure your waist and get something that fits. Even if it's not tailored, just get some fucking fitted pants. Or wear the dress. [02:32:07] bluj40: i mean if they fit this would be fine [02:32:08] baslak01: GOODIE GOOD GOOD [02:32:09] AmayaSchemata: When you have to repeat these are not that bad.... It's beyond bad [02:32:10] New_Adventuree: better [02:32:11] mystchevious1: You have to go shopping [02:32:12] SPDene: right style; wrong size [02:32:13] BlaireBearStare: Better, really giving the impression it's actually tomorrow [02:32:13] ABitOLace: Better, but still no [02:32:15] SciFiBrony: IMMEDIATE improvement!!! [02:32:17] ronin_5463: Professional streamer chat [02:32:17] ChristinaGaymes: THAT is the fit you need, but... smaller pants and belt [02:32:17] CJKDB: WTF ... you look like a funeral director. [02:32:18] bosu1983: watch the hair lad [02:32:18] johnkeiwo: finn... stop coping like that and get actual clothes that fits ffs [02:32:19] tomb932: Lose the shirt and wear a camousel under the jacket [02:32:20] Neosaur: This is a fashion disaster [02:32:22] tomandil789: betterr [02:32:22] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: i prefered the cargos [02:32:24] softbonez: why is everything you're wearing way too big [02:32:24] baslak01: Amazing improvement [02:32:25] Crunch4K: Ashley help [02:32:26] CaisemGreen: its to big for you! [02:32:27] Jens_LN: better [02:32:28] johnkeiwo: it's not even funny anypmore [02:32:29] sartanxar: Better [02:32:33] monday5671: Better. [02:32:34] baslak01: You look handsome [02:32:34] RalinToriox: Embrace The Gremlin [02:32:34] ejl1as: way better [02:32:36] venomousrose13: shirt isn’t tight enough [02:32:38] Avaerus0: The wedding is tomorrow isn't it? [02:32:38] LilithC11: Get a variable length belt with a solid buckle. They’re great for fluctuating weight. [02:32:39] urzu0119: why is this watching someone like they’ve never worn clothes before [02:32:40] mystchevious1: Ironically I literally just left a wedding to be here lol. [02:32:40] hemeroidson: Wrong [02:32:42] Vanimal2118: There is no up 4 most men's belts. [02:32:45] ComputedBee: Probably a bit too big for you but it's so much better than cargoes at a wedding [02:32:45] unlikelygamer87: Getting warmer! [02:32:46] bosu1983: could do with a hole punch [02:32:47] tinylilhorse: you lived out your fantasy now lets get real put the dress and the heels on [02:32:48] NyxGoneRogue: Eylashes and nails betray you [02:32:49] XENOMAN5: @softbonez cause he lost a bunch of weight [02:32:52] AmayaSchemata: 1st world problems [02:32:52] BeeBeeBumblin: Pull em up more. And add a jacket [02:32:52] family_toy: It's important to remember, F1nn was the densest egg for a reason [02:32:53] hopalongtommy: Perfect. Ready for your appearance at the magistrates court NotLikeThis [02:32:54] stephanie1701: waist [02:32:54] Lucridis: This is too much cope [02:32:55] hemeroidson: The leather ring should be put on the end of the rest of the belt [02:32:55] alexx_net: @johnkeiwo remember to breath! f1nnCool [02:32:56] thenoghri: Jesus, how much weight have you lost? That belt is like 12in too long. [02:32:57] alex_5r1: and a tie? [02:32:58] hemeroidson: its fine [02:32:58] gracefully_insane74: it looks better wearing it at your waist [02:33:00] The_Horrible_Gamer: those pants are better, but it still looks like you raided your dads closet [02:33:00] tomandil789: betterrr [02:33:00] Poptart83: much better but too big [02:33:01] Netly1: its better [02:33:01] bosu1983: looks regular [02:33:03] Avaerus0: 👍 [02:33:04] alex_5r1: better [02:33:05] NyxGoneRogue: Gives lesbian [02:33:06] hemeroidson: Dance for us! [02:33:06] CJKDB: Do you not like these people? [02:33:07] ABitOLace: F1nn who are you fooling? [02:33:07] mrbigt1990: Lol [02:33:07] mierkenis: its better but the wrong size! [02:33:07] scarlettyg: Buy Clap Clothes Clap That Clap Fit [02:33:07] WrecklesFANG: looks boring [02:33:07] Alice_Unchained: Looks normal [02:33:08] Jens_LN: perfect [02:33:09] whiterabbitcatcher: maybe put hair up in a bun? [02:33:09] Shockwavemecha: LUL [02:33:09] Aedthryth: I can't keep watching this. It's too painful. I'm gonna have to leave bc it is causing me to physically reject the outfit. [02:33:10] Vanimal2118: U can wear higher if u want. [02:33:10] baslak01: No you look GOOD [02:33:11] thenoghri: Much better. Now just needs a jacket of some kind [02:33:12] neingeben: not actually THAT much better imo [02:33:13] BlaireBearStare: KEKW [02:33:13] binkleofficial: muuuch better' [02:33:13] sometimeafter1990: you look like youre gonna sell me something in a mall [02:33:14] softbonez: @XENOMAN5 okay thats fair, like if i think how often ive bought formal wear, it isnt often [02:33:14] bosu1983: its boring SeemsGood [02:33:14] GanjaJamaica420: It's much better [02:33:15] heyimf1dg3t: dayuuuuuuuuum [02:33:15] MajesticFvckingEagle: it is better, but just needds to fit [02:33:16] kieranfl: That look fine, nothing special, but certainly appropriate [02:33:16] HayleyxJeanne: lesbian coded fr [02:33:17] AmayaSchemata: Or a pickup artist [02:33:18] Stovamor: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis [02:33:18] baslak01: nO [02:33:18] mintymazing: jut need a tie now its fine [02:33:18] NichtzNeues: Go to a classy store and get a summer dress [02:33:19] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: school uniform core [02:33:19] joyousmadman2: someone get Ashley, the boy needs help [02:33:19] Jens_LN: it's good [02:33:20] kelseyhellfire: so much better though [02:33:20] sammich_9: i like thoes trow though [02:33:20] mrbb_55: manmoding! [02:33:21] oculasorbus: Any jacket to go with it? [02:33:21] Shockwavemecha: Jeremy Fragrance [02:33:21] MrsPandamber: you look like you just got out of lawschool [02:33:22] ronin_5463: You look like a waiter [02:33:22] binkleofficial: lmao get ur groove on [02:33:22] rowil07: much much better [02:33:23] XENOMAN5: better than cargos but still not good [02:33:23] baslak01: It looks GOOOD [02:33:24] alexx_net: That's going in the right direction [02:33:26] bearpaw1970: Boring is what you want [02:33:26] pachepa1: what abt with the jacketttt [02:33:26] mrbigt1990: Okay go back to the dress [02:33:26] rainfallwall: looks sharp. Mom approved [02:33:26] NyxGoneRogue: NO [02:33:27] TrueMezzo: someone called fabio or something [02:33:27] elm_stump: Just use a hold punch or a screwdriver and pierce the belt to size [02:33:27] CJKDB: "Would u like to buy insurance?" [02:33:30] hemeroidson: That is not a proper belt? [02:33:32] unabv2418: Are you that guy from the meme? [02:33:32] Gtadicto1: a bit better but the shirt fits you like a sack [02:33:33] gray_ish: could wear a fun overcoat/ blazer if you want some color / fun [02:33:33] Ethertine: And a shirt that fits [02:33:34] Vanimal2118: Yes, Dance with Ashley! [02:33:34] sparklykitten5555: formal = boring. That makes sense !!! [02:33:34] ejl1as: a dress would be soo good [02:33:35] Eltrid_: Did you know there was a different way to put your belt for men and women outfits ? [02:33:35] AmazingAspie: he looks like the office lesbian [02:33:36] Jayden_Reiko: it looks too big on you tho. [02:33:36] Neosaur: How you gonna do the hair? [02:33:37] handscombchris: JACKET [02:33:37] AmayaSchemata: Wear black boots [02:33:38] bosu1983: Dadz meanz beltz [02:33:39] bearpaw1970: With proper belt sizing [02:33:39] theplayfuldead: It's square but it passes [02:33:40] msbricklayer: just get high waist suit pants and tuck [02:33:40] Helen_Croft: just use the drill to make new holes [02:33:40] stephanie1701: tie and jacket [02:33:41] blueskydrinking: you could get away with wearing that if you were an anime character, sadly you're in real life [02:33:44] family_toy: Handsome woman [02:33:45] dafdeddog: looks ok [02:33:45] Alkno_93: try it then nick [02:33:45] urzu0119: They make different shirts and belts [02:33:45] LazloNibble: overall that works for a wedding but GO BUY CORRECTLY SIZED CLOTHES omg [02:33:45] BeeBeeBumblin: Jacket would do it good. Especially fem, but masc is cool [02:33:46] kieranfl: Belts are like $8, just go to a clothes shop and grab one [02:33:47] Mighty_Zote: would look better if any of it fit [02:33:48] alex_5r1: way better than cargos [02:33:49] sometimeafter1990: you need some like. normal womenswear that isnt for the other place [02:33:49] acrashot567: needs another layer [02:33:51] Avaerus0: Do you have dress shoes? [02:33:52] f0rrest_f1re: Huge belt, you were so fat LUL [02:33:52] loograt: needs some pop [02:33:53] bluj40: now you look like every other dude at a wedding, just with 2x clothes [02:33:53] thextoxicxone: Finn face it your meant to be in a skirt and stockings [02:33:54] binkleofficial: again, worse case, make a new hole in the belt via hammer and nail [02:33:54] dafdeddog: jacket and shoes [02:33:55] sometimeafter1990: nooo [02:33:55] SciFiBrony: try the belt [02:33:55] Alkno_93: try it then fin [02:33:55] Poptart83: at least just go get a smaller shirt [02:33:56] Mayerling: going where? [02:33:57] ChristinaGaymes: "Im here to talk to you about your cars extended warranty" [02:34:00] sammich_9: KOK [02:34:00] baslak01: Its good [02:34:01] ronin_5463: Simply wear this but with a harness KEKW [02:34:01] bosu1983: cool [02:34:01] Shockwavemecha: big [02:34:03] AmayaSchemata: 😂 😂 [02:34:06] hemeroidson: Coka? [02:34:07] pianoismyforte_: Go to a proper shop in Birmingham tomorrow [02:34:09] alexx_net: "looks like" f1nnHeadpat f1nnLaff [02:34:09] Nitzkit8: looks like Street Fighters VEGA VIBES [02:34:10] Vanimal2118: Need white bra [02:34:10] alex_5r1: KEKW [02:34:11] RyanOneTwo: A proper belt makes a big difference. That extra bit gets annoying quick [02:34:12] Skyhunter442: "I've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty" looking ass [02:34:12] urzu0119: You can do formal and not be boring [02:34:12] legendarybadplayer: Hey, fancy chick, what's with the getup? [02:34:12] baslak01: Coka good [02:34:12] theplayfuldead: "Looks like" [02:34:13] mayamoonvt: try it [02:34:14] hopalongtommy: Love this "first day at the call centre" cosplay [02:34:14] Crunch4K: bricked up LUL [02:34:15] NichtzNeues: I wager that you have enough money to go to a store and get a new well fitting outfit [02:34:16] alex_5r1: white bra [02:34:17] Waytoowhat: LUL [02:34:17] DandyAnd1: secretary glasses would pull this together [02:34:18] bearpaw1970: Fabio's prime [02:34:19] medical_size9000: That would be hilarious seeing Finn trying to dance [02:34:19] bosu1983: Plenty of room to breathe [02:34:20] softbonez: what are u saving the belt for? this is a wedding so would be good timing [02:34:21] sometimeafter1990: you’re too rich to wear ill fitting clothes [02:34:22] Neosaur: How are you going to do your hair? [02:34:22] johnkeiwo: you are gonna feel as uncomfy as you were the last time, congrats :) [02:34:22] unbracingabyss: Nice cock bro [02:34:23] Gtadicto1: you need a blazer i think [02:34:23] elo15_: unbox [02:34:23] gray_ish: or flesh tone bra [02:34:25] jaykumeiko: what a strong businesswoman [02:34:26] CinDaePawz: do you have a corset to go over your shirt maybe? @F1NN5TER [02:34:27] Vanimal2118: U look handsome [02:34:29] CJKDB: Fuck it ... put on a tie then. [02:34:33] MrsPandamber: not a white bra tho.. wear a nude bra [02:34:35] XENOMAN5: do you have a women’s jacket? [02:34:37] scarlettyg: What a cute, dainty, girly burp [02:34:38] melkorgoth: Just go to any store and buy slacks and a belt in your size.... I'm sure we as chat would give you money to do it.... this is getting sad [02:34:39] AmayaSchemata: Omgosh [02:34:41] handscombchris: Jacket no tie! [02:34:42] SmutMoose: Damn, F1nn looking like he'd go Christian Grey from 50 Shades of grey on us f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare [02:34:46] gustakirin: LOL [02:34:47] blueskydrinking: maybe you need a loose fitting shirt, off [02:34:47] LazloNibble: how much do you care about whoever’s wedding this is? [02:34:48] alexx_net: Wear a black bra under - dance with the best man. f1nnHeart [02:34:50] pianoismyforte_: Not white, wear nude or even red under a white shirt. [02:34:50] bosu1983: Looking good Finn [02:34:50] ronin_5463: "or something" [02:34:52] blueskydrinking: *ooof [02:34:53] CJKDB: The poor mans James Bond. [02:34:54] bearpaw1970: Jacket no tie exactly [02:34:54] selfmd66: how do i donate [02:34:56] Avaerus0: Heels = pain [02:34:58] medical_size9000: Giant cap [02:35:01] eris_eryss: [02:35:03] bosu1983: Wear pumps [02:35:06] lipinski34: are you interviewing a vampire? [02:35:07] CaisemGreen: Just As Your Self! [02:35:07] AmazingAspie: @CJKDB James Blonde :D [02:35:07] Eltrid_: go shopping tomorrow Finn I plead you [02:35:07] AmayaSchemata: This is jehova witness wear [02:35:07] sometimeafter1990: You should try wrap styling the shirt [02:35:08] legendarybadplayer: Get yourself a top hat to boot LUL [02:35:08] mrbigt1990: What is the outfit for? [02:35:10] Waytoowhat: at least LUL [02:35:11] XENOMAN5: message the bride and ask her [02:35:12] alex_5r1: try [02:35:18] sherlock_norris: yo that's dirty af [02:35:20] ronin_5463: We're really cooking today aren't we [02:35:23] NyxGoneRogue: It's got dust on the shoulder [02:35:24] Shockwavemecha: Business Meeting [02:35:24] BlaireBearStare: I feel like this fit would work way more if the articles were womens and the right size [02:35:27] bosu1983: Cracked it perfect [02:35:27] whatyoueggxxxstabshim: VoteNay [02:35:29] family_toy: Acceptable [02:35:29] Shockwavemecha: Boss [02:35:30] blueskydrinking: please wash it first.... [02:35:31] Gtadicto1: okey [02:35:33] elm_stump: Just needs a tie [02:35:33] stephanie1701: 8 / 10 [02:35:33] gray_ish: cute ! [02:35:33] baslak01: Yes you normally get the woman jacket when you guy woman jacket [02:35:34] sometimeafter1990: business finn [02:35:34] ChasingSol: agreed [02:35:35] AmayaSchemata: The grunting [02:35:35] MajesticFvckingEagle: Better [02:35:35] theonlyscarlettxD: pro lawyer [02:35:35] rainfallwall: perfect [02:35:37] Jens_LN: stand up, show outfit [02:35:37] bearpaw1970: Acceptable [02:35:38] theonlyscarlettxD: vibes [02:35:38] Mythtown: Business F1NN [02:35:38] eristarisis: this works. [02:35:38] bluj40: hello my fellow business people [02:35:38] neingeben: looks inoffensive [02:35:38] Gtadicto1: waaaaaaay better [02:35:39] softbonez: its good [02:35:39] Skylee1976: There you go [02:35:40] ronin_5463: passable [02:35:40] urzu0119: Cheer100 [02:35:41] unlikelygamer87: Ok, yeah that's betetr [02:35:41] Netly1: get as tie and youre gaming [02:35:41] Mikayla_Alexis: OK that's nice [02:35:41] ChristinaGaymes: WASH IT [02:35:41] Shockwavemecha: Manly [02:35:41] ejl1as: oohh [02:35:41] ComputedBee: Pretty good [02:35:42] gray_ish: i like it [02:35:42] BlaireBearStare: 8/10 not gonna lie [02:35:42] baslak01: GOOOD [02:35:42] kelseyhellfire: see thats good [02:35:43] rowil07: best [02:35:43] Zachariasz455: Trade offer meme [02:35:43] mystchevious1: I disagree with the shirt but that isn't horrible. [02:35:43] mrkennedy_kennedy: Now you look like Stephanie Mcmahon LOL [02:35:43] eristarisis: keep a hat in the backpocket [02:35:44] general_of_cm: Mafia boss [02:35:44] The_Horrible_Gamer: face it F1nn, you can't really boy mode anymore, you're just too pretty [02:35:44] zebrabbl396: Chad [02:35:45] theplayfuldead: Now stand a give us a spin [02:35:45] Crunch4K: you look like you are going to sell me something LUL [02:35:45] alexx_net: "The name's 5ter, F1nn 5ter ; shaken as a child - making a stir" [02:35:45] Nitzkit8: its good [02:35:45] mystchevious1: That's not soo bad [02:35:46] MajesticFvckingEagle: See how the belt looks [02:35:46] Avaerus0: You look like you're going to sell me insurance [02:35:46] binkleofficial: very nice !! [02:35:46] tomandil789: business wamen vibe [02:35:47] avavtar__: new miss premier [02:35:47] ABitOLace: It's... meh [02:35:47] handscombchris: Stand up [02:35:47] alex_5r1: now dress for comparison [02:35:47] ejl1as: nice [02:35:48] SciFiBrony: now just get a better belt! [02:35:48] the_avocado_general: good [02:35:48] blueskydrinking: you look like you're in court [02:35:48] bosu1983: Its done, look like a MP [02:35:49] CJKDB: hold on .... give us a look at u [02:35:50] SnowwyAI: If you did your hair up in a bun and put on some glasses. [02:35:51] SmutMoose: Nah, without the jacket looks better [02:35:51] Twice232: its still giving lesbian tho LesbianPride [02:35:51] blaxfruitgrinding: Have you ever thought of doing a fan meetup somewhere in the uk for like a weekend? [02:35:51] XENOMAN5: getting better [02:35:51] bearpaw1970: Shiny shows [02:35:51] kelseyhellfire: mcuh better than before [02:35:53] gibbon66: this is like a HR meeting....... [02:35:53] Shockwavemecha: Running for President [02:35:53] AlexUsman: Nah [02:35:53] softbonez: its okay! [02:35:54] sammich_9: very male normie [02:35:54] Eltrid_: get the tie in [02:35:54] Gtadicto1: walk around [02:35:55] Jens_LN: That can work [02:35:56] alexh1441: Best so far [02:35:58] mystchevious1: Don't button it up [02:35:58] LazloNibble: We wouldn’t be giving you this much shit if we didn’t care lol [02:35:58] baslak01: Very handsome [02:35:58] JadeSorcery: I think you look handsome/beautiful 😍 [02:35:59] joyousmadman2: Getting there, still should have a tie but you can probably get away with this [02:36:00] Nitzkit8: paper bag on head? [02:36:01] sometimeafter1990: needs an interesting shirt [02:36:01] hand_hook_car_door: it doesn't look like it fits [02:36:01] Shockwavemecha: Secret service [02:36:02] Jgrover110: Kim Wexler [02:36:02] msbricklayer: which mod getting sacked today [02:36:03] gray_ish: just keep it unbuttoned [02:36:03] mintymazing: now u just need a tie [02:36:03] alex_5r1: KEKW [02:36:04] evericor000: very nice [02:36:05] Ethertine: better but secretary [02:36:05] MajesticFvckingEagle: leave it unbuttoned [02:36:06] AlexUsman: Head too small [02:36:06] heyimf1dg3t: you genuinely look very good in that. o7 [02:36:07] Jens_LN: The boobs are making it better !! F1nn5ter [02:36:09] ChristinaGaymes: BLUE STRIPES [02:36:09] Mythtown: The boobs make it better [02:36:09] MrsPandamber: I think I just hate mens suiting [02:36:10] whiterabbitcatcher: intern. please make 50 copies of this [02:36:11] eristarisis: needs dark glasses [02:36:13] Gaetanfalcon: now it looks like you're going to a wedding [02:36:13] ChasingSol: @blaxfruitgrinding he goes to various conventions, best to catch him at one of those [02:36:14] XENOMAN5: undo a few shirt buttons [02:36:14] PR0fessorPewPew: Need a tie [02:36:14] Avocado11: Waiter we need more water at table 2. [02:36:15] dennysmtr: business woman [02:36:17] Lineally_Relied: Lineally_Relied subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months! gives strong HR recruiting manager vibes [02:36:17] f3mmbot: lineally_relied subscribed to f1nn5ter for 27 months using Prime! PogU [02:36:18] MrsPandamber: dont do the bottom button up [02:36:18] dafdeddog: looks low key [02:36:19] AmayaSchemata: Can't imagine that [02:36:19] hemeroidson: Mans [02:36:19] bluj40: only button the top one [02:36:20] Gtadicto1: nothing in this fit its your size XD [02:36:20] VezraTV: Idk finn [02:36:20] gray_ish: looks like a men's jacket [02:36:21] Neosaur: Keep one button [02:36:21] stephanie1701: tie and shoes [02:36:22] MrMopps: you never button the bottom button [02:36:23] bosu1983: Don't forget the right makeup [02:36:23] handscombchris: Belt is on wrong way (not actually joking) [02:36:24] HardyOrange: yeah, this is fine [02:36:24] theplayfuldead: You look like a conservative politician [02:36:27] bySkeelio: Bro got boy clothes for the first time in ages [02:36:28] The_Horrible_Gamer: don't button the bottom button, that isn't how the jackets are tailored [02:36:28] ronin_5463: You only do the top button [02:36:29] alexx_net: ok, you get past the bouncer in that. [02:36:29] hayleyxx_: Looking like you're gonna try sell me some insurance [02:36:29] gustakirin: Looks like a man's one [02:36:29] scarlettyg: Mid-70s Diane Keaton vibes [02:36:30] gracefully_insane74: looks to be mens based upon the length and cut [02:36:30] PaulGlitchard: please dont close both buttons [02:36:30] bearpaw1970: No tie [02:36:31] hopalongtommy: It's acceptable but I mean how hard would it be to go shopping tomorrow for stuff that fits? [02:36:34] proxydem: You look good now, at least for me [02:36:35] eristarisis: top button stays closed on the jacket [02:36:36] sometimeafter1990: tumblr dd vibes [02:36:37] Futura3: boy clothes wtf [02:36:37] monday5671: Unbutton the bottom button. [02:36:38] Ethertine: @theplayfuldead yes [02:36:39] AmazingAspie: The office lesbian [02:36:40] MajesticFvckingEagle: Find the belt too [02:36:41] AmayaSchemata: My insurance lady [02:36:42] blaxfruitgrinding: @ChasingSol prolly the best bet tbh thx [02:36:43] RyanOneTwo: If that all fit, it would be a very good look for a semi-formal wedding [02:36:44] JadeSorcery: They do not look like a conservative Dems wear suits too lmfao [02:36:46] moodasluht: bow ties...because they are cool [02:36:46] Gtadicto1: CIA agent coming in [02:36:46] Tsereg_: buttons on thr right -> woman jacket [02:36:48] ChristinaGaymes: @handscombchris Camera is backwards. [02:36:50] gray_ish: some heeled shoes would make it [02:36:51] Twice232: @AmazingAspie so true [02:36:54] alexx_net: Take the tie in your pocket! You can always put it on if needed. [02:36:54] blueskydrinking: It looks like the sort of suit a duty solicitor would get you before your trial LUL [02:36:55] family_toy: You have too many curves to look like a man [02:37:03] c__r__j: Will F1nn admit boobs are why the jacket doesn't fit right? f1nnCope [02:37:06] lethaldissonance: this is the kind of fit someone wears when they want to do an apology video [02:37:11] SammyGee63: that suit but with black patent pumps :) [02:37:11] AmayaSchemata: Needs black sunglasses for min vibe [02:37:12] bosu1983: Do the dance from The Office [02:37:13] EvanflowDDT: Might need to get Ashley involved [02:37:17] thextoxicxone: Hmm possible dom boss? [02:37:23] MaggieHeels: if the belt is too big, buy suspenders [02:37:33] mystchevious1: @alexx_net good advice. [02:37:33] handscombchris: I think the jacket fits fine [02:37:36] The_Horrible_Gamer: yeah definitely should just let Ashley dress him for this [02:37:39] mystchevious1: Wear it. [02:37:40] hemeroidson: BRO! [02:37:40] alex_5r1: a dress for comparison [02:37:40] AmayaSchemata: You look like Scott presser [02:37:43] Clandxy: hi [02:37:45] mrbigt1990: Fancy [02:37:46] Twice232: ooooh [02:37:50] ItsaMayDae: Oooooo [02:37:50] Neosaur: Top button closed on jacket [02:37:54] baslak01: oooo [02:37:55] Neosaur: Oooo [02:37:56] enbyvee: watch? [02:37:57] BlaireBearStare: oooo [02:37:57] binkleofficial: oooohhhh [02:37:57] LazloNibble: this kind of look would work great tailored, like this it’s a teenage boys first school dance [02:37:58] bosu1983: Titanium? [02:37:58] bearpaw1970: Yes!!! Perfect enough flash but not too much [02:37:59] filip_zd10: ooooo [02:38:00] combustiblelemons413: ooooo [02:38:00] gray_ish: ooo how fancy [02:38:02] Avaerus0: Don't poke holes with your knife in it [02:38:03] enbyvee: this is a watch outfit [02:38:05] Gtadicto1: it is fancy [02:38:06] boom_and_alpha_yt: Cartier make belts apparently [02:38:12] gray_ish: monkaS [02:38:12] f0rrest_f1re: Where's the neck tie? [02:38:14] undead_bandit452: Why is the belt like that? Everything is fine but the belt [02:38:16] bosu1983: Damn son [02:38:16] alex_5r1: omg [02:38:17] kelseyhellfire: thats what she didnt say [02:38:21] Twice232: maybe... [02:38:21] family_toy: oof [02:38:22] sometimeafter1990: tinyyyy [02:38:22] Futura3: thats fine [02:38:22] SciFiBrony: try it dammit [02:38:22] flavonius: power suit [02:38:22] Neosaur: Way too big [02:38:24] JadeSorcery: You could have maybe a shoe cobbler fix the belt length [02:38:26] alex_5r1: that's way to long [02:38:29] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [02:38:29] CJKDB: damn u so skinny [02:38:29] mrbigt1990: Damn [02:38:29] Twice232: nooooooo [02:38:31] moodasluht: if its a proper belt it can be cut to size [02:38:32] Avaerus0: They sell leather hole punches to add more holes [02:38:33] Neosaur: Add a hole [02:38:34] superrata: hi KonCha [02:38:34] AmayaSchemata: Oh wow 😱 [02:38:34] xouree: its not for your weist its for your pp [02:38:34] zombiii: putting and expensive belt on those pants feels offensive again [02:38:35] bosu1983: Youre too slim [02:38:37] blueskydrinking: get a drill [02:38:37] Neosaur: That's what I did [02:38:37] superrata: why so elegant? [02:38:38] temporaryautonomouszoo: punch holes lol [02:38:38] Netly1: its not difficult to put more holes in a belt [02:38:39] Shockwavemecha: use Chicken Wire [02:38:40] bearpaw1970: Double loops [02:38:40] MaxWattage: lol, that belt would go around you and icky at the same time. [02:38:41] Gtadicto1: you are too skinny [02:38:41] Poptart83: dude go buy one [02:38:43] DJcakeman: !socials [02:38:44] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:38:44] alexx_net: Join two belts together and go around you three times! [02:38:46] SnowwyAI: Your birthday was a few months ago, right? And you've lost some weight since then? Makes sense. [02:38:47] 3lrd: on your twitter, the dresses you posted on August 7th or February 7th would work if you wanted a dress [02:38:47] joyousmadman2: Go get a child's sized belt [02:38:47] MajesticFvckingEagle: That's unfortunate [02:38:48] NichtzNeues: thats a fat persons belt [02:38:48] Shockwavemecha: Ghetto [02:38:49] krovvy: new plan, START EATING [02:38:50] jackalias: "femboy frightened of men's clothing" [02:38:50] flavonius: need some scissor [02:38:51] VezraTV: They buy you a belt and you don't get the right size? [02:38:51] combustiblelemons413: idk why belts have so few size options [02:38:52] bosu1983: Nothing wrong with being slim [02:38:54] MrMopps: does the belt buckle come off? most belts can be trimmed to size [02:38:55] SnowwyAI: Belts are easy to modify. [02:38:55] superrata: I love you rocks both a suit and a dress [02:38:59] TrueMezzo: punch a hole in the one youre wearing [02:38:59] urzu0119: you should only button the top button on the jacket… if you don’t want to be formal wear a different shirt and look to accessorize with a pocket square or lapel pins Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [02:39:00] JadeSorcery: Do you have time to go buy a belt? [02:39:01] Avaerus0: F1nn's waist is tiny [02:39:02] flavonius: scissor me timbers [02:39:04] mrbigt1990: Most belts need to be 1 to 2 sizes bigger than your normal size. [02:39:04] Crunch4K: summon ashley LUL [02:39:04] Netly1: your dad probably has a belt puncher its the kinda thing every dad just hass [02:39:05] dafdeddog: put a hole in it [02:39:08] bosu1983: Use Sting to make a new hole [02:39:09] LazloNibble: this is why you try on gifted clothes immediately [02:39:11] lethaldissonance: need better pants for this suit to work [02:39:11] Mendacari: just punch a new hole with a knife [02:39:17] SnowwyAI: @Crunch4K Ashley is asleep. [02:39:18] jackalias: Just gotta gain a few dozen pounds [02:39:19] Xirenec_: @combustiblelemons413 Because they're incredibly easy to adjust to smaller size [02:39:19] f0rrest_f1re: Fat [02:39:21] kieranfl: @Mendacari in the Cartier belt??? [02:39:23] PlatypusWithCheese: you can shorten it or make new holes [02:39:25] Crunch4K: @SnowwyAI Sadge [02:39:27] MaggieHeels: buy red suspenders, the kind stockbrokers wear in the movies [02:39:28] RyanOneTwo: I missed the start, when is this wedding? Knowing Finn I'm assuming it's in about 4 hours? [02:39:28] flavonius: oh u betcha [02:39:31] bosu1983: Just wear a strap [02:39:33] macyeeter07: when this mfer going to sleep I’m tired [02:39:35] blaxfruitgrinding: the lil shark thingys in the corner are oddly terrorfying [02:39:36] BlaireBearStare: KEKW [02:39:36] Mendacari: @kieranfl yeah [02:39:37] elm_stump: See if someone you know has a leather puncher you can borrow to make an extra hole [02:39:37] Eltrid_: shopping spree before the wedding is the only solution [02:39:39] story_nerd: The only way to fix this is by buying things that actually fit [02:39:40] CJKDB: You better wear chick under ware if you're gonna go with this. [02:39:41] no1glaze: BopBop # [02:39:42] Mendacari: not hard [02:39:42] MajesticFvckingEagle: I just got an ad for tailored suits... I hate google sometimes [02:39:45] handscombchris: Belt feeds in on the left! [02:39:45] Helen_Croft: just use the drill to make new holes [02:39:45] gibbon66: @RyanOneTwo 20 minutes [02:39:46] The_Horrible_Gamer: @combustiblelemons413 in the US mens belts usually have a size range, like 28-32. So you just need to buy a belt that matches your pant size [02:39:47] filip_zd10: boy month!! [02:39:48] tomb932: embrace the horror, trust the ladies in your life and roll w/ it!!! [02:39:48] msbricklayer: proposal kneeling [02:39:51] evericor000: someone needs to wake Ashley and stop him [02:39:52] binkleofficial: hammer and nail = new hole, or a local hardwear store will have a leather hole-puncher [02:39:52] AmazingAspie: nice pants bro [02:39:55] gibbon66: we are going to petition Ashley to drag you out suit shopping [02:39:55] ABitOLace: This ain't working [02:39:57] boom_and_alpha_yt: my new belt came with a belt hole punch and a screwdriver to move the buckle [02:39:58] NiaNal: Shorten the belt... [02:39:59] 0redZero00: suspenders? [02:39:59] flavonius: secret agent [02:40:01] bosu1983: Use blade make hole [02:40:03] rainfallwall: maybe buy clothes? [02:40:05] tinylilhorse: finn you are too pretty for this [02:40:05] f0rrest_f1re: If you have nothing to wear just go naked lol [02:40:06] mrbigt1990: Boobs are a nice touch [02:40:07] sometimeafter1990: you’re gonna need a womens suit, mens aren’t gonna work with the boobs and hips [02:40:08] hopalongtommy: Ok new plan, F1nn goes as a yuru-kyara mascot for the wedding [02:40:09] blueskydrinking: I don't hate that, it's not total shit [02:40:09] mystchevious1: You have an idea just go buy the pieces tomorrow [02:40:10] PR0fessorPewPew: A lot of belts have buckles that can be taken off so you can cut it shorter yourself and put the buckle back on, idk if ur fancy belt has that though [02:40:10] Poptart83: go to the store and buy new clothes [02:40:12] Avaerus0: Good enough [02:40:16] secosse: President ! [02:40:17] Clandxy: first time In a f1nn5ter stream yippee [02:40:18] Gtadicto1: sitting looks right [02:40:18] dudeitsdanielfr: WHERES THE TIE?? [02:40:19] Collarito: corset iover the shirt [02:40:20] johnkeiwo: imagine having clothes that fits, crazyyyyy .... [02:40:24] ChristinaGaymes: are you wearing BLUE STRIPES??? [02:40:24] flavonius: caught in the Matrix [02:40:28] elm_stump: Puncture a hole, it'll be fine [02:40:31] bosu1983: Use a .22 airgun to make a hole [02:40:31] no1glaze: lower the pants a bit omg ResidentSleeper [02:40:33] Poptart83: this is painful [02:40:33] bilki_123: The top is fine [02:40:34] ejl1as: @Clandxy yaayy [02:40:35] macyeeter07: @clandxy wooooo welkom lesgooo [02:40:38] MajesticFvckingEagle: Measure waist, go to store, get new belt and pants [02:40:40] flavonius: so dumb [02:40:40] elo_ween: Wowowowow why is is F1NN all businessed up?? [02:40:43] stephanie1701: waist [02:40:43] Avaerus0: Depends, going for guy or girl? [02:40:45] SPDene: just go to asda/tesco/sainsburys and buy a shorter belt for £5-£10 [02:40:47] andimax11: at the waist [02:40:47] Neosaur: Wear them high [02:40:49] NiaNal: Poke hole. Trim the end with scissors [02:40:50] Gtadicto1: in the bone [02:40:52] alexx_net: @elo_ween prepping for a wedding [02:40:53] ChasingSol: do you own anything that isn't cargo pants, t-shirts and slutty dresses that actually fit? [02:40:54] mystchevious1: No Men are supposed to wear them on their hips. you're body type is different now. [02:40:56] tomb932: pretend its a photoshoot & go gorgeous! [02:40:56] moodasluht: dont just usen a knife. you need a proper hole punch [02:40:58] JessicaCaraKasey: Why is that belt so big? 🤣 [02:40:59] Eltrid_: depends on man or woman mode [02:40:59] theplayfuldead: F1nn, just go out and buy the same outfit but in a woman's cut [02:40:59] no1glaze: Just below your hip bones [02:41:00] macyeeter07: @elo_ween weeding ooitfit [02:41:02] neingeben: there's no way trouser height is that heavily regulated, right? [02:41:04] blueskydrinking: @johnkeiwo if only there were some easy way to find out his measurements... [02:41:05] LazloNibble: You can’t downsize a Cartier belt by a whole foot by punching a hole in it with a knife, you don’t have enough belt loops to hold the extras on the loose end [02:41:06] Mikayla_Alexis: @avaerus0 goin for guy and failing [02:41:06] sammich_9: you could always just fill up your pants with pillows [02:41:08] cookieeater212: accidental bottom surgery incoming [02:41:11] MajesticFvckingEagle: Also, you can still wear them at girl height if you want [02:41:13] Futura3: deth [02:41:13] 1958dino: You need a proper leather punch to alter the belts, the spacing is important.💐🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈💐 [02:41:14] tomb932: is he serious? [02:41:14] Futura3: deth inc [02:41:14] bosu1983: DIY [02:41:17] BlaireBearStare: Why can't you buy a shirt, slacks, and belt tomorrow? I can't stop imagining Ashley went to bed telling Finn not to forget about something relating to the wedding tomorrow [02:41:19] zombiii: use the sword [02:41:22] Helen_Croft: just use the drill to make new holes [02:41:22] Kirara__Bernstein: screwdriver? [02:41:24] f0rrest_f1re: Just because Fat problem solved [02:41:26] bosu1983: Sting [02:41:26] ItsaMayDae: I always just poke a hole in there [02:41:29] evericor000: Finn stabs her self on stream [02:41:31] bosu1983: yes [02:41:31] theplayfuldead: That's not the cartier belt you're damaging is it [02:41:32] Miner_Tech_: there are tools to make a hole don't use a knife [02:41:33] MajesticFvckingEagle: LUL [02:41:34] sometimeafter1990: whats a good beginner knife? [02:41:36] LazloNibble: oh. my. god. [02:41:38] bearpaw1970: Scissors [02:41:39] msbricklayer: nail [02:41:39] redfogul: why does Finn have a knife aimed at her crotch? [02:41:40] NiaNal: Use an awl to poke hole... [02:41:41] ArinasTilleli: use a screw [02:41:41] Countyfire914: hole punch [02:41:41] ABitOLace: Omg there is such a thing as a leather punch [02:41:41] AmazingAspie: corsets suck [02:41:41] mintymazing: is that a huntsman knife [02:41:43] loograt: tried that it never ends right [02:41:44] Shockwavemecha: Careful [02:41:44] mystchevious1: That would work but he'd be she would be soo uncomfortable. [02:41:46] LilithC11: I recommend getting a belt without holes, it’s a lot more adjustable and you don’t have to worry about it getting too big. [02:41:46] tomb932: the TISM is strong in this one!!!! [02:41:48] dmwm__: Nooo!! You suppose to shorten it from the other site [02:41:49] bosu1983: Leather Kreygasm [02:41:49] Shockwavemecha: S h a r p [02:41:51] Vanimal2118: no ice pick? [02:41:54] Eltrid_: nail, or screwdriver [02:41:55] mystchevious1: You got some brain rot there. [02:41:55] NodgePodge96: !lol [02:41:58] LazloNibble: is that a SIZE FIFTY belt [02:42:00] Shockwavemecha: yourlo57Knife 🔪 yourlo57Knife [02:42:00] blueskydrinking: I had this problem and had to make a new hole with a box cutter and a screwdriver. it was not pretty [02:42:00] mystchevious1: Not all corsets are fetish. [02:42:01] ABitOLace: Belt = ruined [02:42:02] PlatypusWithCheese: the fancy belt has a removable buckle and you cut off the excess length [02:42:03] ChasingSol: @tomb932 for real, omg [02:42:03] kelseyhellfire: asmr [02:42:03] Shockwavemecha: ASMR [02:42:04] Avaerus0: You're right forget the shirt just wear the corset [02:42:04] general_of_cm: Who needs all their Fingers anyways [02:42:05] Mikayla_Alexis: Use a Phillips screwdriver [02:42:05] lethaldissonance: try using a nail [02:42:07] johnkeiwo: I lose faith with finn years after years [02:42:08] story_nerd: someone needs to rescue this [02:42:08] ItsaMayDae: Have you tried male corsets [02:42:08] RaukkM: Get a croset-vest they look amazing [02:42:09] MaxWattage: Wrecking a perfectly good belt ☹️ Buy a leather hole-punch [02:42:09] VezraTV: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [02:42:10] Miner_Tech_: dont you have a punch plier? [02:42:11] CJKDB: Fine, wear all that ... and a tiny top hat. [02:42:11] sometimeafter1990: finnster leather k1nk arc unlocked [02:42:12] Mikayla_Alexis: Asmr ♡ [02:42:13] Helen_Croft: just use the drill to make new holes [02:42:14] venomousrose13: knife ASMR [02:42:14] Kirara__Bernstein: knife violence asmr [02:42:15] Meyla_Daedali: i need to get you some leatherworking tools for stuff like this, a polyurathane hammer and some leather punches so you dont dull your knives [02:42:15] bluj40: thats some good asmr right there [02:42:16] Gtaer222: Gtaer222 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! 10 months! thanks for making me question everything in life and giving me the inspiration to lose 60 pounds of wieght [02:42:16] f3mmbot: gtaer222 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 10 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:42:16] Gtadicto1: beware the table [02:42:17] bosu1983: turn over [02:42:18] hemeroidson: Bro cuting leather isent easy [02:42:18] minebros100: asmr [02:42:18] alex_5r1: knife sound [02:42:20] Bytebak: shortening a belt has to be done at the buckle end [02:42:20] boom_and_alpha_yt: f1nn is going to have a severe knife related incident [02:42:22] ronin_5463: *dark souls font* BELT RUINED [02:42:22] no1glaze: Screwdriver [02:42:23] medical_size9000: Safety tip use a knife towards the body [02:42:24] elm_stump: Try a fotk [02:42:24] 0kamar: trying to make a belt hole with a knife 😭 [02:42:25] maybeonlysometimes: Use your drill bruh [02:42:26] s0m30n33l53: Wot, no stilleto? [02:42:27] shintopinto42: love the knife asmr [02:42:28] moodasluht: also.. theres a desk undeneath that [02:42:29] gwica: dont destroy your desk! PunOko [02:42:32] XENOMAN5: is this the discount bottom surgery stream we’ve been waiting for? [02:42:33] moodasluht: DESK!!! [02:42:39] general_of_cm: Gg [02:42:40] Ethertine: deskkkkkk [02:42:40] bearpaw1970: It's hard boiled Leather [02:42:42] pilot_3835: This stream is a mess and I love it [02:42:43] johnkeiwo: bro could use a hammer and a screwdrive if he had brain [02:42:44] tinylilhorse: 60lbs is amazing let go [02:42:44] Gtaer222: hehe thanks! Started in feb [02:42:46] jollyoldbeans: use like a hole punch or somin [02:42:48] bosu1983: I got a Tod Stiletto 17th noce [02:42:49] XENOMAN5: use a drill [02:42:50] elo_ween: FINN THE WOODEN DESK 😭😭😭 [02:42:52] binkleofficial: 60lbs dude nice !!!! [02:42:53] Mikayla_Alexis: Nice job dono [02:42:55] alex_5r1: be carefull [02:43:00] Shockwavemecha: Huh [02:43:01] blueskydrinking: @Gtaer222 congrats! elnL [02:43:01] kosmosisy: !socials [02:43:02] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:43:02] f0rrest_f1re: The autocorrect made it sound messed up lol [02:43:04] ABitOLace: I'm slowly losing my sanity at this point [02:43:07] ChasingSol: small screwdriver [02:43:07] Miner_Tech_: God damit watching this feels so wrong [02:43:10] Teambou: or dont wear a shirt in a a slightly more tight jacked [02:43:10] LazloNibble: congrats 60 is huge [02:43:10] RyanOneTwo: This is how Braille went blind. Tried to punch a hole in leather and it slipped and stabbed himself in the eye. He was 5 [02:43:10] Helen_Croft: just use the drill to make new holes [02:43:11] Avaerus0: With a proper tool, that's how [02:43:11] tryobyte_: Chat when cant Finn use a belt [02:43:13] family_toy: Nail [02:43:13] hopalongtommy: Drill bit and power drill [02:43:13] Gtaer222: @blueskydrinking thanks f1nnHeart [02:43:13] CJKDB: A paper punch. [02:43:14] elm_stump: Use a fork [02:43:14] frechtoast22430: fin I have a photo of your feet in the background of your knife collection [02:43:15] s0m30n33l53: Yup, a drill [02:43:16] Gtadicto1: with proper tools [02:43:17] ThatCet: doesnt the buckle come off? you could adjust it that way then [02:43:17] Eltrid_: use a screwdriver [02:43:18] alexx_net: You have the pin in the belt itself to poke [02:43:20] ejl1as: half the chat is just concerned lol [02:43:21] student0810: People would use a LEATHER PUNCH [02:43:22] Vanimal2118: use a ice pick [02:43:23] honeysquares: thumbtacks [02:43:24] bearpaw1970: The belts post [02:43:24] Helen_Croft: just use the drill to make new holes [02:43:25] Gtaer222: HEHE [02:43:25] sometimeafter1990: just use the belt buckle [02:43:26] New_Adventuree: metal straw [02:43:26] ChasingSol: @alexx_net too obvious [02:43:27] Shockwavemecha: small & Pointy [02:43:29] bosu1983: Desk stab SMOrc [02:43:29] msbricklayer: i always thought i had trouble finding an outfit.. [02:43:30] binkleofficial: nail [02:43:30] PR0fessorPewPew: Yeah your dick [02:43:31] alexx_net: YES use the belt itself [02:43:32] Shockwavemecha: LUL [02:43:32] jasami: haha you got something [02:43:33] blueskydrinking: well I wasn't gonna mention it... [02:43:34] blurrmike9: blurrmike9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months, currently on a 45 month streak! I’ve watched my streamer go from boy mode to girl mode and back to boy mode [02:43:34] Gtadicto1: your dick [02:43:34] Miner_Tech_: small and pointi ... [02:43:34] f3mmbot: blurrmike9 subscribed to f1nn5ter for 46 months at Tier 1! PogU [02:43:34] johnkeiwo: i'm wathcing in disbelief [02:43:35] s0m30n33l53: Lol [02:43:35] alex_5r1: what? [02:43:35] Avaerus0: Ayoooo [02:43:36] blaxfruitgrinding: !socials [02:43:37] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [02:43:37] PR0fessorPewPew: LuL [02:43:38] tinylilhorse: oh shes got jokes [02:43:38] andimax11: hehehe [02:43:39] Mikayla_Alexis: Pointy like a screwdriver hahahaha [02:43:39] jollyoldbeans: lmao [02:43:39] Skylee1976: Wow [02:43:39] Vanimal2118: That was mean F1nn [02:43:41] honeysquares: thumbtack bro [02:43:41] mintymazing: hm [02:43:42] resurgenceguild: Hitch wrecked [02:43:42] Helen_Croft: just use the drill to make new holes [02:43:43] unbracingabyss: screwdriver 🪛 [02:43:43] alexx_net: @ChasingSol, I know f1nnEmbarrassed [02:43:43] captain_cokecan: Small and pointy *lip bite* [02:43:44] baslak01: Wholesome [02:43:45] ChristinaGaymes: USE A NAIL [02:43:45] evericor000: your peen [02:43:46] hopalongtommy: Nail and hammer [02:43:46] bearpaw1970: The belts metel post [02:43:46] elm_stump: Fork!!! [02:43:47] DarrigoTR: Safety pin? [02:43:48] bosu1983: Use Sting sword [02:43:49] ichmaglego123: Nail? [02:43:49] DanStreams23: no switz army knifes??? [02:43:52] f0rrest_f1re: 100 buck first [02:43:52] sp88k: little screwdriver [02:43:52] New_Adventuree: metal strawsw [02:43:53] elo_ween: Scewdriver [02:43:56] AntonyJC1: screwdriver [02:43:56] bosu1983: yesh [02:43:56] monday5671: Use a cheap fork. [02:43:56] zombiii: get yourself a stream that can do it all [02:43:57] ashcampbell: do you have a hole puncher? [02:44:04] rage_fatigue: drill bit? [02:44:05] Helen_Croft: Drilllll [02:44:06] alexx_net: Just put the belt back on! [02:44:06] bosu1983: SMOrc stab [02:44:06] avavtar__: use a shashlik stick [02:44:09] ABitOLace: Ashley will hit the sky if you've ruined that belt [02:44:10] gwica: kitchen? [02:44:10] monday5671: You should use a cheap fork. [02:44:10] XENOMAN5: I own three variable rotary size leather punches and two multi piece punch sets [02:44:13] medical_size9000: They buy a different belt that fits [02:44:13] unbracingabyss: screwdriver 🪛 or drill [02:44:14] ChasingSol: USE THE BELT BUCKLE [02:44:15] honeysquares: drill? [02:44:16] Vanimal2118: nail or screw will work [02:44:18] XENOMAN5: power drill? [02:44:18] Clandxy: MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 [02:44:18] grandpaladin1701: how about a nail? [02:44:18] alex_5r1: punch through it with the belt itself [02:44:19] ThatCet: usually the buckle comes off, most belts need adjusting [02:44:20] bearpaw1970: Push the belt post through [02:44:21] mierkenis: Just drive a nail through it [02:44:22] Ex0dia5: you have a sword behind you finn [02:44:24] bosu1983: yes [02:44:24] pilot_3835: Gn [02:44:26] monday5671: Get a cheap fork! [02:44:27] XENOMAN5: Phillips head screwdriver [02:44:27] kelseyhellfire: october=boy month??? [02:44:28] EvilPanda14_: ayy the ifixit kit [02:44:36] undead_bandit452: Our streamer isn't good with wood working tools [02:44:40] Xirenec_: @ABitOLace He's f-ing around with shitty belt [02:44:40] Gtadicto1: he will be mad if you loose it [02:44:42] LazloNibble: I have tried to do this and it cannot be improv’ed, you need a real leather punch [02:44:42] bosu1983: Torx bit [02:44:42] hemeroidson: That wont worck [02:44:43] ChasingSol: i have that kit [02:44:45] SnowwyAI: @pilot_3835 itspea13BunnnWave [02:44:48] Bloodcoatrain: all those knives but not 1 swiss army knife? [02:44:48] EvilPanda14_: it's REALLY good [02:44:53] gracefully_insane74: The iFixit kit is really good [02:44:55] macyeeter07: let me know how it ends I’m a go sleep gn everyone [02:44:55] hemeroidson: use a sharp razor [02:44:58] Gtadicto1: really good [02:45:00] Boozy1: heat up the tip of the screwdriver, f1nn [02:45:04] ubwabway: ello fin i used to watch your mincraft videos and your girl trolling videos and when i watched them you know what i immediately knew FEMBOY [02:45:05] ChasingSol: jfc [02:45:06] Vanimal2118: nice [02:45:08] EvilPanda14_: I TOLD you it was good [02:45:08] alex_5r1: well done [02:45:09] bosu1983: Pro job [02:45:11] gwica: dont ruin your hands and nails! CaitlynS [02:45:14] Alice_Unchained: HOLE [02:45:14] CaisemGreen: wwwwwwwwwwww [02:45:14] Tacoz4Evry1: GGs [02:45:14] scarlettyg: hoe made hole [02:45:14] ChasingSol: no W's, all F's [02:45:14] bluj40: elite DIY right here [02:45:15] Avaerus0: Clap [02:45:15] ABitOLace: F [02:45:16] elo_ween: W [02:45:16] insidecchaos: W [02:45:17] DarrigoTR: F [02:45:18] binkleofficial: W ifix it [02:45:20] elo15_: w [02:45:20] quartark: 'how good can it be' 'oh my god its the perfect tool' [02:45:20] Mikayla_Alexis: W [02:45:20] DanStreams23: CHAD MOVE [02:45:21] Neosaur: W [02:45:21] hemeroidson: The leather will shrinck back in... [02:45:21] Trans_Tahlia: Have you really lived if you've never made your own hole in a belt though? [02:45:23] shintopinto42: W [02:45:24] honeysquares: yay [02:45:31] sometimeafter1990: weak hands [02:45:40] Vanimal2118: fair? [02:45:40] willson117: let the its too big memes begin [02:45:41] Eltrid_: now you need to stretch that hole, find a bigger rod, no innuendos here [02:45:51] jasami: THEY HAD A KNIFE THE WHOLE TIME OMG [02:45:57] LazloNibble: I’m just imagining the inadvertent puncture wound and it’s ugly [02:45:59] bosu1983: that will work [02:46:01] ubwabway: how tf do you donate [02:46:01] blueskydrinking: KEKW [02:46:02] medical_size9000: Petite muscles [02:46:03] sollylyly: lamoo [02:46:05] hemeroidson: true [02:46:06] moodasluht: could use the driver itself as a hole punch [02:46:08] EvilPanda14_: this is why they make specialized tools to make holes in belts [02:46:11] Avaerus0: Bizarro stream [02:46:14] Vanimal2118: That could be sexual harassment F1nn? [02:46:16] keknik1337: LOL [02:46:17] MajesticFvckingEagle: you don't "have" to [02:46:19] superrata: why so elegant finn? [02:46:19] Foot_Sandwich: I haven’t seen yours… I’m at 240p [02:46:19] RemusMeow: Tomboy mode YEP [02:46:21] ChasingSol: why? [02:46:23] hand_hook_car_door: why [02:46:24] quartark: why am I in a link cosplay??? [02:46:25] johnkeiwo: Why ? [02:46:25] johnkeiwo: Why ? [02:46:25] ABitOLace: Lol the cope [02:46:27] mystchevious1: That's all in you're head. [02:46:28] NyxGoneRogue: You don't have too [02:46:28] gwica: and people wanna tell me that faux leather has the same stability. they lie to themself! [02:46:29] pianoismyforte_: You don't need to boymode [02:46:30] MajesticFvckingEagle: why? [02:46:30] tinylilhorse: we have fallen so far since the daddys girl onesie era [02:46:30] UnnamedTransGirl: por que? [02:46:30] WizurTV: why? [02:46:32] garfsnooks: f1nn you can make a straight line, only a gay line [02:46:34] shakavalue: Why? [02:46:34] Mikayla_Alexis: !donate [02:46:35] f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. [02:46:35] pianoismyforte_: Just wear a dress [02:46:35] VezraTV: Why? [02:46:35] n1charlie: "boymode" [02:46:36] tommy66699: sweetest femboy alive [02:46:38] NyxGoneRogue: Whyu [02:46:38] WizurTV: why??? [02:46:38] general_of_cm: Why [02:46:39] johnkeiwo: there is litteraly zero reason to [02:46:39] ghost_sheriff_: huh? [02:46:41] NyxGoneRogue: Why [02:46:43] bosu1983: Kreygasm [02:46:45] Margali53: Yeah, Why? [02:46:45] jollyoldbeans: y? [02:46:48] LazloNibble: “necessarily” [02:46:49] alex_5r1: Why? [02:46:50] kelseyhellfire: thats what she said? [02:46:53] NyxGoneRogue: Why? You don't HAVE to [02:46:56] just_nota: Clip it [02:46:57] johnkeiwo: chat is asking the good question, why finn ? [02:46:57] johnkeiwo: chat is asking the good question, why finn ? [02:46:58] bluj40: probably nervous going full fem at a wedding [02:47:00] xmidn1te: @F1NN5TER heat a nail :) [02:47:01] NyxGoneRogue: BUt why? [02:47:05] Shockwavemecha: S u s [02:47:05] shakavalue: Just because people know you as a guy doesn't mean you're forever forced to present as one [02:47:05] bosu1983: Go as a mime? [02:47:08] alex_5r1: go full femme [02:47:10] baslak01: True [02:47:10] NyxGoneRogue: Why Finn [02:47:10] medical_size9000: "boymode" [02:47:11] Shockwavemecha: astra71Confused Sus [02:47:12] VezraTV: Why finn [02:47:14] NyxGoneRogue: You don [02:47:14] mystchevious1: Wait is that an honest thought in your head? Do you really feel like you have to pass as a boy? [02:47:17] gibbon66: welcome to Alpha Femboi crypto investing channel..........Lesson 1 Dress to win. [02:47:18] xmidn1te: @F1NN5TER or heat screwdriver :) [02:47:18] VezraTV: Finn tell us why [02:47:20] BenoitOWN: sparkeySmug [02:47:21] handscombchris: Other way [02:47:22] NyxGoneRogue: Why tho? [02:47:25] LazloNibble: Tbf you don’t want to look like you’re trying to outshine the bride [02:47:26] alex_5r1: why? [02:47:26] triplefourjinx: gender envy [02:47:28] Neosaur: Why Finn you could go girl mode [02:47:29] ubwabway: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU DONATE [02:47:29] sometimeafter1990: stiletto nails and false lashes and gorgeous hair? very boy [02:47:30] SPDene: that's backwards [02:47:31] johnkeiwo: so you have to look like dude ? [02:47:32] ubwabway: someone help me [02:47:33] ChasingSol: but why do you have to be masculine? [02:47:33] EvilPanda14_: this look feels like you're about to tell me I'm not a good fit for the company [02:47:33] alex_5r1: why boy mode? [02:47:33] NyxGoneRogue: y tho [02:47:34] lookygamingtv: CONGRATS! [02:47:35] shakavalue: ?? [02:47:36] johnkeiwo: that's not a justification [02:47:36] Vanimal2118: Good question Mysti [02:47:37] johnkeiwo: that's not a justification [02:47:40] Mikayla_Alexis: !donate [02:47:40] f3mmbot: You can donate at https://streamlabs.com/f1nn5ter1/tip - $3+ USD!! and Brian (TTS) reads the message out. [02:47:41] mystchevious1: No one expects you to dress as anything. [02:47:42] superrata: wedding of who? [02:47:42] Neosaur: Why boy mode not why clothes [02:47:44] quartark: you are getting married?????? [02:47:45] blueskydrinking: Going to a wedding dressed as The Defendant [02:47:45] johnkeiwo: that's litteraly a non answer [02:47:45] f0rrest_f1re: Did the estrogen made you weaker? [02:47:47] ABitOLace: F1nn.exe has stopped working [02:47:47] mierkenis: Tomorrow, order a set of Knipex Revolving Punch Pliers, number 90 70 220! it is an essentiial tool! [02:47:49] XENOMAN5: !donate [02:47:49] Eltrid_: you could go as a girl [02:47:51] general_of_cm: But U dont need to Boy mode [02:47:52] BeardyWilly: I’m gonna get you ✋✋ [02:47:52] bosu1983: How drunk are you Finn? [02:47:53] pilix123: that's one hell of a nice fit [02:47:53] Mikayla_Alexis: Yea for now lmao [02:47:55] alex_5r1: we mean , why boy mode? [02:47:55] DarthDerpy_: but why boy when can girl [02:47:56] superrata: he mode anything he wants [02:47:57] BenoitOWN: sparkeyMeow [02:47:57] 1958dino: I never go to weddings,, [02:47:59] MajesticFvckingEagle: That's not what we're talking about. Why do you "have" to make an attempt to pass? [02:48:00] frechtoast22430: i only like wedding for free ford and an excuse to wear my suit [02:48:00] Vanimal2118: Yes F1nn is getting married! [02:48:01] avavtar__: you need to burn the hole or otherwise it’ll shrink back together [02:48:01] NyxGoneRogue: WHy boymode tho? [02:48:02] NinjaCoch: jelk [02:48:08] baslak01: COPE [02:48:09] XENOMAN5: why [02:48:12] SnowwyAI: If you want it to be a boymode belt, the end opposite the buckle should be to the left of the buckle once it's on. [02:48:13] johnkeiwo: is it fun ? [02:48:13] Nitzkit8: is f1nn deEvolving? [02:48:14] ChasingSol: appearances?! [02:48:16] MajesticFvckingEagle: Why? [02:48:17] Gtadicto1: it has all the numbers for not being in the right place [02:48:18] msbricklayer: tuck all [02:48:22] frechtoast22430: food* [02:48:23] elo_ween: Love the masc girl vibe [02:48:24] just_nota: Boymode with bra? [02:48:26] johnkeiwo: Why ? nobody cares over there ? [02:48:27] XENOMAN5: we mean why insist on going boy made to the wedding [02:48:28] bosu1983: Chad vibes [02:48:29] sometimeafter1990: is this one of those voice situations? [02:48:30] BenoitOWN: Strapping fella sparkeyFlowersip [02:48:31] blueskydrinking: boy-who-cant-dress-himself-moding [02:48:33] NyxGoneRogue: What appearances? [02:48:34] superrata: do you like to wear like that [02:48:34] jollyoldbeans: yay [02:48:39] ChasingSol: omg, someone put me out of my misery [02:48:39] hand_hook_car_door: I don't see the point, you're not going to look like a boy just because of the suit [02:48:42] Mikayla_Alexis: Strap on fella [02:48:43] superrata: imo you are cute in any mode [02:48:43] shakavalue: You pass as a woman, so there's no need to boymode [02:48:46] BenoitOWN: sparkeySpit [02:48:46] Vanimal2118: You look handsome [02:48:48] VezraTV: Big strapping fella f1nnLaff [02:48:48] jackalias: Good enough yay! [02:48:49] Neosaur: Pull pants higher [02:48:49] pilix123: GOD DAMN!!!! [02:48:51] themircleshot: About to steal some bride maids fin [02:48:53] Bytebak: No one is going to see you as a boy no matter what you do. Have the courage to present as yourself. [02:48:57] XENOMAN5: @mikayla_alexis lol [02:48:57] Neosaur: Pants higher and wear heels [02:48:59] Eltrid_: pants are way too big, they are baggy [02:49:00] BlaireBearStare: Looking handsome god damn [02:49:03] zombiii: launch of the new financial advise podcast [02:49:03] bearpaw1970: Shiny shoes [02:49:03] alexx_net: That's the best we can hope for, I guess f1nnHeadpat (Take a tie with you) [02:49:06] GanjaJamaica420: f1nn's boymode makes ashley shine so maybe this is for her [02:49:06] JadeSorcery: Looks nice. What shoes are we thinking? [02:49:07] BenoitOWN: sparkeyPASS [02:49:07] MrMopps: it'll do. but could be better if you just got slacks that fit [02:49:07] superrata: I think he doesn't indentify as a woman neither [02:49:07] sometimeafter1990: if it fit right it would be amazing [02:49:08] SPDene: ould be a lot worse [02:49:09] Vanimal2118: 10/10 [02:49:10] elm_stump: 👍👍👍👍👍 [02:49:11] BenoitOWN: sparkeyPASS sparkeyPASS sparkeyPASS [02:49:11] alex_5r1: not that bad [02:49:12] EvilPanda14_: you should do the "had to do it to em" pose [02:49:12] lethaldissonance: it's acceptable [02:49:12] afal: Dude you look like that one gif that gets shared on tumblr [02:49:12] Evers419: hair in a bunn? [02:49:12] keknik1337: W [02:49:12] sammich_9: boy cosplay [02:49:14] jollyoldbeans: 7/10 not bad [02:49:14] 414pseudo: It's nice [02:49:14] DarthDerpy_: could be worse [02:49:15] Gtadicto1: not bad [02:49:15] JadeSorcery: Some nice men's dress shoes? [02:49:15] just_nota: VoteYea [02:49:16] Avaerus0: NGL, looks hot [02:49:16] HeyItsJake_: goes hard 10/10 [02:49:16] johnkeiwo: and what shoes u got, yeezys ? [02:49:16] pilix123: W [02:49:16] mamkyman: tomboy [02:49:16] Neosaur: Meh [02:49:16] Bloodcoatrain: comfy twink [02:49:16] sometimeafter1990: i do love your tomboy mode 8/10 [02:49:16] ronin_5463: 7/10 [02:49:16] zebrabbl396: Succession F1nn5ter [02:49:16] johnkeiwo: and what shoes u got, yeezys ? [02:49:16] ABitOLace: 4/10 [02:49:18] bosu1983: Hair? [02:49:18] loograt: hankie or tie [02:49:18] tomb932: so sad [02:49:19] MajesticFvckingEagle: 7/10 [02:49:19] ItsaMayDae: not bad [02:49:19] mystchevious1: 5/10 I don't like it [02:49:19] gibbon66: 5 [02:49:19] tinyalison420: boy moding [02:49:20] baslak01: Its GOOD [02:49:20] Margali53: Nah [02:49:20] LazloNibble: Ashley will not agree about “good enough” I think [02:49:21] idesofjuno: 6/10 [02:49:21] unsafevolvoman: 6/11 [02:49:21] f0rrest_f1re: Just need a tie now [02:49:21] BlaireBearStare: 9/10 [02:49:22] tomb932: no [02:49:22] xCaylin: W [02:49:22] pilix123: absolute W [02:49:22] hudic64: hot [02:49:23] family_toy: Cute lesbian [02:49:23] bosu1983: pony [02:49:23] joyousmadman2: acceptable [02:49:24] ichmaglego123: Kinda gives care sales man [02:49:24] elo_ween: Well sized [02:49:25] watesigma0_0: 8 [02:49:25] NyxGoneRogue: Do you actually like the clothes tho? Or are you doing it for other people's approval? @F1NN5TER [02:49:25] honeysquares: not bad [02:49:26] superrata: very fine [02:49:26] lilithsspawn: -10 [02:49:26] RaukkM: Girl boss [02:49:26] de_geweldige: masc lesbian [02:49:26] alex_5r1: 7/10 [02:49:26] pilix123: 8/10 [02:49:27] evericor000: hair in bun [02:49:27] PlatypusWithCheese: pony [02:49:28] just_nota: SeemsGood [02:49:28] AntonyJC1: 3/10 [02:49:28] superrata: yes hot [02:49:28] TejoYtv: hair bun? [02:49:28] ItsaMayDae: 8/10 [02:49:28] Margali53: You look rediculous [02:49:29] grandpaladin1701: acceptable [02:49:29] MajesticFvckingEagle: Eren Jaeger bun [02:49:30] SnowwyAI: Whoever said woman HR manager, they were spot on. [02:49:30] gregorythethrd: 9/11 [02:49:31] EKANA_STONE: A bun LUL [02:49:31] IMMORTALTYPES: 4 [02:49:32] VezraTV: Looks lesbian [02:49:33] Teambou: in a manbun [02:49:35] lunarLarceny: 6/10 [02:49:36] evericor000: very nice [02:49:36] MrMopps: a low pony would work [02:49:39] bosu1983: Look Triad [02:49:39] acrashot567: bun [02:49:40] Gtadicto1: not battlepass worthy but not bad [02:49:41] keknik1337: @gregorythethrd bruh [02:49:41] just_nota: Butch ? [02:49:41] MaxWattage: Great page-boy outfit 😁 [02:49:41] jollyoldbeans: put it in a bun [02:49:41] dafdeddog: spot on low key 8/10 [02:49:43] baslak01: Laser on hair when?? [02:49:43] superrata: @VezraTV could be lol [02:49:43] rawbecue: Like a wedding planner [02:49:45] gwica: ''Why is there a woman in a men suit''? [02:49:45] Vanimal2118: Tight ponytail may work? [02:49:46] f0rrest_f1re: astra71Monch [02:49:47] boom_and_alpha_yt: 👍 [02:49:48] bearpaw1970: Good being able to blend in with a crowd [02:49:48] BenoitOWN: not a man bun omg [02:49:48] theonlyscarlettxD: @gregorythethrd wow [02:49:49] blueskydrinking: F1nn does actually suit a suit, he just needs a good one not one cobbled together from scraps [02:49:49] gwica: Keepo [02:49:51] mintymazing: 6/10 [02:49:51] XENOMAN5: now which 👠? a three inch heel or a little higher? like a court shoe [02:49:54] triplefourjinx: oh god ur so pretty [02:49:54] LazloNibble: conceptually sound but the implementation is…iffy [02:49:55] JessicaCaraKasey: That took a LONG time to get dressed in a suit! 🥴 [02:49:56] loograt: Iwent to a couple of weddings like the in the 2000s [02:49:56] alexx_net: "The lesbian that your gf told you not to worry about" vib 100% [02:49:57] SnowwyAI: This fit needs a bun and glasses. [02:49:58] odinsdragon1701: lose a button [02:50:03] Tanakoken: you look a bit like Tseng from Final Fantasy 7 [02:50:04] MrsPandamber: a hair stick would go kinda hard [02:50:05] evericor000: go check with Ashley and see what she says [02:50:06] Neosaur: Twist it then clip [02:50:06] TejoYtv: Eren hair bun [02:50:08] pilix123: bun [02:50:09] UnnamedTransGirl: get a hairpin [02:50:09] 1958dino: I think it needs cat ears 💐🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💐 [02:50:10] ABitOLace: Use a hair slip [02:50:11] sometimeafter1990: rolled bun [02:50:11] pilix123: that's how I do it [02:50:12] Eltrid_: guys with long hair usually go for a low ponytail, if you wanna go "guy mode" [02:50:12] general_of_cm: Bun [02:50:14] Hi_its_Tasca: get top hat, stuff hair inside [02:50:14] LineChu: 302 raiders from LineChu have joined! [02:50:14] EvilPanda14_: bun or ponytail [02:50:15] tinyalison420: bun [02:50:15] curtis_19__: RAID [02:50:16] bosu1983: Use a hairband [02:50:17] Mike_ortiz: Bun [02:50:17] themircleshot: Bun [02:50:17] Smokin_Fish: Bun [02:50:18] tomb932: didnt icky say she finds it cring when he tries to boy mode?? [02:50:18] alex_5r1: we need a dress for comparison then [02:50:19] ChasingSol: welcome raiders! [02:50:20] curtis_19__: RAAAIIIIDDD [02:50:20] sometimeafter1990: no part [02:50:20] KatsuFM: Man bun. [02:50:22] bluj40: welcome raiders o/ [02:50:25] curtis_19__: CHAARTGEE [02:50:27] ichmaglego123: Car sales man or realtor [02:50:28] bluj40: yo its linechu [02:50:28] quartark: f1nnRaid f1nnRaid f1nnRaid f1nnRaid f1nnRaid f1nnRaid [02:50:28] pilix123: man bun is the answer [02:50:33] curtis_19__: RAID RAID RAID [02:50:33] blueskydrinking: I went to a wedding last year and used a hair band, didn't tie it up [02:50:33] bearpaw1970: Let it hang natural [02:50:34] superrata: you look cute with loose hair [02:50:36] Stovamor: Welcome Raiders [02:50:36] XENOMAN5: @lazlonibble describes his whole streaming career [02:50:36] zay_is_bored08: RAID [02:50:37] DanStreams23: theres something called the internet. you're currently on it... Look it up! <3 [02:50:37] TheScrubway548: hallooo [02:50:37] Shockwavemecha: Get the weapons, we are being Raided [02:50:38] elo_ween: Put it together ponytail , turn it on itself then do a bun with a band [02:50:38] BenoitOWN: that laugh will be back [02:50:38] f1bmi: ello [02:50:41] Ramaj_A: looks like he wants to tell you about crypto, libertarianism, and weed. [02:50:41] boom_and_alpha_yt: f1nnRaid f1nnRaid f1nnRaid f1nnRaid [02:50:41] Deathlord_Ghaurn: YOOO [02:50:42] braddle172: f1nnRaid [02:50:43] MinisapXrose: Heyyooo [02:50:43] Lone_Wolf178305: catch [02:50:43] Shockwavemecha: Manly [02:50:44] curtis_19__: lol [02:50:45] BlaireBearStare: Rare sight for these raiders [02:50:45] theroyalknight059: hihi [02:50:47] RaD_d: free [02:50:48] square_banana_: how many times a week do you trim your beard? [02:50:48] Alice_Unchained: Finn got caught looking masc-ish [02:50:48] Shockwavemecha: Manly Dude Bro [02:50:49] VezraTV: f1nnRaid f1nnRaid f1nnRaid f1nnRaid f1nnRaid f1nnRaid f1nnRaid f1nnRaid [02:50:50] ABitOLace: Lies [02:50:51] johnkeiwo: You HAVE to ??? [02:50:52] johnkeiwo: You HAVE to ??? [02:50:52] bosu1983: You are a dude? [02:50:52] butter_bb: make a bun [02:50:52] boom_and_alpha_yt: f1nnBingbong f1nnBingbong f1nnRaid [02:50:52] LineChu: you look like your going to a wedding [02:50:53] NyxGoneRogue: Don't have to [02:50:53] sparklykitten5555: got your look for the public bathroom !! [02:50:53] pilix123: man bun fin [02:50:54] alexx_net: Google "how to do a messy bun" [02:50:54] kira_instinct: Just man bun it then [02:50:55] Neosaur: You dont have to you choose to look like a guy [02:50:55] curtis_19__: hair infront [02:50:56] unlikelygamer87: Mission Impossible [02:50:56] johnkeiwo: or u WANT to ? [02:50:57] frechtoast22430: man bun [02:50:58] RaD_d: bun [02:50:58] sometimeafter1990: all back [02:50:58] zebrabbl396: Sorta [02:50:59] pilix123: thats probably the only way [02:50:59] alex_5r1: raiders tell her she needs a dress [02:51:00] Mike_ortiz: Bun [02:51:00] MissDeeSnuts: manbun szwiorG [02:51:02] triplefourjinx: man bun? [02:51:04] NyxGoneRogue: NO [02:51:05] JessicaCaraKasey: Stick a beard on bro! 🤪 [02:51:05] family_toy: You look even more fem [02:51:05] don_t_care: looks like sephiroth in Final Fantasy$ [02:51:05] bosu1983: yeah [02:51:05] kumba1421: You can do masc fit and femme hairstyle [02:51:06] Gtadicto1: hair in front aint it chief [02:51:07] de_geweldige: no hair in back [02:51:07] Eltrid_: low ponytail [02:51:08] kira_instinct: Too feminine [02:51:09] GreenDaisy_: half up half down? [02:51:09] just_nota: 👗 [02:51:09] MintyDragonFire: bun? [02:51:10] NyxGoneRogue: It's giving femme [02:51:11] tinylilhorse: well ok i will give the hair [02:51:11] anniebannay16: hiii [02:51:11] Shockwavemecha: @square_banana_ What Beard LUL, [02:51:12] misiakqq: no hair in front of [02:51:15] GanjaJamaica420: middle part looks so prettyyyyy [02:51:16] bosu1983: leave some down the sides [02:51:16] VezraTV: The anime mother haircut [02:51:17] KyleSmith11: just wear a dress for it [02:51:17] tinyalison420: too femme [02:51:17] aAndrew3030: pmelNope You WANT to... not HAVE to [02:51:18] gibbon66: raiders- we are paying for a boy week [02:51:18] slenderxxxxx: you look very anime [02:51:19] Ameliyn: Lesbian Secretary Mode [02:51:19] laserapfel24: Naah just do a whole man bun or w/e [02:51:20] MintyDragonFire: twisty [02:51:20] MajesticFvckingEagle: Eren Jaeger type beat [02:51:22] NyxGoneRogue: Too femme might as well wear a dress [02:51:23] BenoitOWN: dress as an elve [02:51:23] TejoYtv: Geto hairstylew [02:51:24] LineChu: LMAO [02:51:25] Margali53: Not looking like a dude is how you make a living. [02:51:26] TheScrubway548: lose the part. push it all to the back of your head [02:51:26] andimax11: Ayy, that’s a nice look, not masculine tho [02:51:27] sometimeafter1990: you should do some hairstyling streams in the future [02:51:28] elm_stump: Omg it's linechu like the only other person I followed on twitch [02:51:29] tinyalison420: still female [02:51:29] MrsPandamber: have you ever actually put your hair up... [02:51:29] ChasingSol: @LineChu that's exactly what he's doing, but it's turned in to an hour long cope about trying to dress masc [02:51:30] family_toy: anime look [02:51:33] Neosaur: Pants higher [02:51:33] Shockwavemecha: Sandra Bullock in a suit [02:51:34] J0sephFrost: You look like the biggest lesbian ever [02:51:35] theduke336: That works.... now shoes? [02:51:35] curtis_19__: sigma [02:51:35] sasha_3251: Girlboss moment [02:51:35] afal: You look very force-femmable right now [02:51:37] ronin_5463: Give a spin [02:51:37] bosu1983: Looks martial artist [02:51:38] ejl1as: @slenderxxxxx oh truee [02:51:38] kira_instinct: I wish my hair was thay straight. [02:51:38] Eltrid_: that is more femme than loose hair [02:51:39] sometimeafter1990: you look like a fem anime man [02:51:39] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: i like the hair [02:51:39] Bytebak: turn around [02:51:39] Nitzkit8: looks like Street Fighters VEGA VIBES [02:51:41] Wardenboo: boyster its great [02:51:41] VezraTV: You look like a girl in a porn [02:51:41] mushy5535: Ooo where's the tie [02:51:42] BenoitOWN: Elf’! [02:51:42] jollyoldbeans: its pretty good [02:51:43] blueskydrinking: the slut strands are so long LUL [02:51:46] butter_bb: literal anime character LUL [02:51:46] MintyDragonFire: yep [02:51:46] EvilPanda14_: the loose hair is a bit much [02:51:48] tinyalison420: pants need to be higher [02:51:48] alexx_net: Half the whispies. All the ones longer than the opening of your shirt need to go [02:51:48] GanjaJamaica420: my gender envy knows no bounds [02:51:48] Shockwavemecha: Low effort [02:51:50] loograt: Is this Chainsaw man? [02:51:51] Futura3: you look like a girl icl [02:51:52] PhilosophiaBME: girl... [02:51:52] SPDene: now just need pointy ears to be a LOTR elf [02:51:53] ronin_5463: speen [02:51:54] stephanie1701: shoes [02:51:54] bosu1983: its good Finn [02:51:55] Vanimal2118: True @Wardenboo [02:51:55] PirateKingPOGO: Very anime villain. [02:51:55] tinyalison420: girl [02:51:55] UnnamedTransGirl: the hair pulls it together [02:51:56] LunaTheTuna: chainsaw man ahh character [02:51:56] moodasluht: add a cute necklace? [02:51:56] curtis_19__: smart business woman [02:51:56] NyxGoneRogue: Femme might as well wear a dress [02:51:57] anniebannay16: you’ll look better if you tie it all up [02:51:57] elm_stump: Absolutely love it😁👍 [02:51:57] lucyvi_: you look like an anime dude with long hair [02:51:57] alex_5r1: and all hair up? [02:51:59] sometimeafter1990: you look like a woman but like. a hot one [02:51:59] keknik1337: anime protagonist ahh hair lol [02:51:59] boingo_n: cute but not really boymode [02:51:59] MintyDragonFire: the hiarclip...... [02:51:59] Neosaur: Looks like femme girl trying on butch clothes [02:51:59] f0rrest_f1re: Are you going to a business meeting? [02:52:00] tinyalison420: very femme [02:52:00] Shockwavemecha: 👎🏻 [02:52:02] pilix123: why do we need to look like a guy again [02:52:02] SammyGee63: Anna Mae ? [02:52:02] bearpaw1970: Ashley's eye arm candy [02:52:03] Bloodcoatrain: K pop band member [02:52:05] pg420_: you look like a secretary [02:52:05] lunarLarceny: step back and do a 360 [02:52:06] Mike_ortiz: You can pull us 😏 [02:52:07] Shockwavemecha: VoteNay [02:52:08] Lone_Wolf178305: FeelsDankMan [02:52:08] abyssalevocator: chainsaw man ass fit [02:52:09] frechtoast22430: fin u can pull off anything# [02:52:10] mister_kindness: Fit is okay if you won't go in a dress...... [02:52:12] testmecca: I've had long hair my whole life and just pull back into ponytail, never up or in bun just too fem [02:52:12] superrata: you look very hot imo [02:52:13] square_banana_: lets cut your hair it will be better [02:52:13] zebrabbl396: Sward and it's anime [02:52:14] johnkeiwo: yeah that's not a man, that's a lady in an oversized suit [02:52:14] mystchevious1: The Bow would look good. [02:52:15] PirateKingPOGO: Looking like Maximilian Pegasus [02:52:16] MintyDragonFire: it's the lashes [02:52:16] mushy5535: Needs a tie [02:52:17] neonAbby: This is a beautiful lesbian [02:52:17] bingus_supreme: skib [02:52:18] bosu1983: Look better than me BibleThump [02:52:22] pg420_: secretary core [02:52:23] TamariBlake: Take off the Jacket and wear a black vest instead and you'll look like an anime bartender [02:52:24] Mikayla_Alexis: Girl in suit cute af [02:52:25] SnowwyAI: A low ponytail with one of those thick hair ties may work if you're committed to boymoding at the wedding. [02:52:25] sometimeafter1990: pin the front bits up into loopies [02:52:26] mystchevious1: Do them [02:52:28] alexx_net: Done up [02:52:28] ChasingSol: done up for formal [02:52:29] Neosaur: No [02:52:30] Shockwavemecha: Business F1nn [02:52:30] anniebannay16: undo [02:52:31] UnnamedTransGirl: formal is done up [02:52:31] mister_kindness: done up [02:52:31] hand_hook_car_door: no [02:52:31] tinyalison420: done up [02:52:32] Neosaur: Done up [02:52:32] ashcampbell: no [02:52:33] ronin_5463: done up always [02:52:33] jollyoldbeans: done up [02:52:34] DanStreams23: sometimes [02:52:35] MintyDragonFire: done [02:52:35] zay_is_bored08: D [02:52:36] shintopinto42: always done up [02:52:36] ichmaglego123: Why not the omega? [02:52:39] kira_instinct: You keeping the nails. [02:52:39] 8bit_george: done up [02:52:39] Georg4xl: Get a white glove with glitter and a black stetson - Michael Jackson [02:52:40] Vanimal2118: Keep done up (Formal part) [02:52:40] ABitOLace: Do them up. It's FORMAL [02:52:40] bosu1983: Wear a knuckle duster [02:52:40] graef42: cuffs done up! [02:52:41] OrlojMural: undone on watch side [02:52:41] Eltrid_: you dont undo the cuffs inside the jacket [02:52:42] triplefourjinx: just full ur eyebrows in darker [02:52:47] curtis_19__: WEAR A TOPHAT [02:52:48] MajesticFvckingEagle: Unless you're planning to wear a binder and cut the hair, you might as well embrace the higher pants height [02:52:50] superrata: maybe people will ask themself if you are a guy or a girl but everybody will be sure that you are cute [02:52:53] XENOMAN5: are you taking an alternate outfit in case you show up in the waiters address the same as you are? [02:52:54] UnnamedTransGirl: undone is for the afterparty when you're piss drunk [02:52:57] gibbon66: Elizabeth Holmes vibes.....but with girl voice [02:52:58] graef42: should be a little longer than jacket sleeves [02:52:58] ChristinaGaymes: WHY are you wearing a 1985 Casio watch ?? [02:53:03] curtis_19__: you need the businesswoman tophat [02:53:03] bosu1983: yes [02:53:03] Vanimal2118: Acceptable [02:53:03] MintyDragonFire: metla head cleande up [02:53:04] square_banana_: gay [02:53:05] Neosaur: Stick out [02:53:05] XENOMAN5: are dressed [02:53:06] superrata: you look chad [02:53:07] alexx_net: Watch should be hidden [02:53:07] bluj40: just add a fedora [02:53:08] bosu1983: Thats rught [02:53:09] SnowwyAI: @MajesticFvckingEagle The nails are gonna be a giveaway, too, unless Finn wears gloves. [02:53:10] anniebannay16: why do you need to look like a guy [02:53:12] zay_is_bored08: Stick out [02:53:12] kieranfl: Just a cm of the white should be visible [02:53:12] MrsPandamber: shirt should stick out a bit [02:53:13] mystchevious1: What shoes? [02:53:13] MintyDragonFire: a little sitck out [02:53:14] MrMopps: the shirt should stick out a little bit [02:53:16] ChasingSol: @bluj40 KEKW [02:53:16] kira_instinct: The short sleeves come beyond the suit jacket [02:53:18] baslak01: The upper bottom needs to be bottomed [02:53:19] curtis_19__: TOPHAT [02:53:19] mierkenis: It just looks like you borrowed it for the occation, which is OK. It is formal enough! Shirt sleeves should stick out! [02:53:21] lucyvi_: short black nails maybe? [02:53:21] testmecca: don't do that with you hair that is a girls look, just a ponytail low [02:53:21] bearpaw1970: There you go perfect cuff length jacket [02:53:22] graef42: cuffs should be longer than jacket [02:53:22] Jens_LN: Cute girl boss [02:53:24] kira_instinct: Shirt* [02:53:25] MajesticFvckingEagle: @SnowwyAI trueee [02:53:25] bosu1983: Bodyguard [02:53:25] Vanimal2118: No tennis shoes [02:53:26] tinyalison420: girl boss [02:53:26] lanaverina: Hi [02:53:28] RaD_d: 😳 [02:53:29] f3mmbot: Hey lesbian gang, It's a new hour! Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong [02:53:30] alex_5r1: if you paint on a stach then it's full girl in suit [02:53:30] XENOMAN5: @anniebannay16 copium overload [02:53:30] mystchevious1: My heart hurts still [02:53:32] xenzu_: @F1NN5TER You look like my Rabbi [02:53:32] johnkeiwo: he is gonna wear yeezys [02:53:33] Evers419: @F1NN5TER no watch or hide it. no watch at weddings is etiquette [02:53:33] joyousmadman2: yes the shirt sleeves should stick out just barely [02:53:35] graef42: cuffs linger by about 1-2cm [02:53:35] bluj40: bing bong [02:53:35] ashcampbell: also what socks [02:53:36] jollyoldbeans: its giving lesbian buisness woman [02:53:37] Eisblume_Ra2iN3o: queenc35BOSS [02:53:38] blueskydrinking: I would not take business advice off this obvious scammer KEKW [02:53:39] loograt: this meeting could have been an email [02:53:40] braddle172: f1nnBingbong [02:53:41] Mike_ortiz: High heels lol [02:53:42] APregnyantNun: ayo hewwo UwU kyoukeUWave taigsWave velkyWave [02:53:42] PhilosophiaBME: i missed it, is going to the store not an option? [02:53:42] ejl1as: black or brown [02:53:43] square_banana_: fix your hair [02:53:47] bananasandwich6969: tune [02:53:47] gregorythethrd: this but jorts [02:53:53] elo_ween: Knowing what is your job, what is this for? [02:53:55] sometimeafter1990: its a bunch of [02:53:55] crystaljadelynn: Hello from the uas F1nn [02:53:58] sometimeafter1990: *bun [02:53:59] bosu1983: Wear platform shoes [02:54:00] MintyDragonFire: fix the hair clip? the mess [02:54:00] mystchevious1: That's a lot of rolling. [02:54:02] f0rrest_f1re: Cut it [02:54:02] deadmandown666: oxfords not brox [02:54:05] anniebannay16: your hair looks messy [02:54:06] mystchevious1: You'll never do it but it is possible. [02:54:07] XENOMAN5: 👠 👠 [02:54:07] lanaverina: Hairclips [02:54:07] relyuu_: ok who are you cosplaying [02:54:07] urzu0119: Shirt cuffs should barely stick out… you’re good 🤙 [02:54:08] ichmaglego123: Why not the omega? would maybe look better with that fit [02:54:08] ghost_sheriff_: go to a hairdresser for that maybe [02:54:11] alex_5r1: somehow it even looks more femme [02:54:11] quartark: happy next day [02:54:13] venomousrose13: red patent leather heals with this [02:54:15] xenzu_: Extra Hold Hairspray [02:54:16] Vanimal2118: Lots of hair jell? [02:54:18] Neosaur: Oh god as a girl planning a wedding watching I wanna go over there and help so bad [02:54:19] bearpaw1970: Let your hair hang naturally [02:54:21] Helen_Croft: Bing Bong! f1nnBingbong f1nnLezgang f1nnSad f1nnHeart itspea13Blahajheart [02:54:23] tinylilhorse: like most things it will need to be tucked [02:54:23] JessicaCaraKasey: Why does it look like you're a drummer in an indie band? 🤣🤪🤪 [02:54:24] bosu1983: Put tie on [02:54:25] sometimeafter1990: i think you should have a hair dresser do a nice bun for you [02:54:26] MaggieHeels: the only choice for shoes is black patent 5" stiletto pumps [02:54:26] bluj40: @sgtpepperslonleyhearts_ thats so deep [02:54:26] Eltrid_: the hair is more femme than loose, the most masc you could do is a ponytail and the base of the neck, no front strands [02:54:28] ArdentSlacker: Google image search for "Women in Suits" can give multiple good ideas. [02:54:29] annju15: Hi [02:54:29] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [02:54:35] quartark: john wick [02:54:35] relyuu_: oh whoops [02:54:36] annju15: What is your job ? [02:54:38] elo_ween: Tight bun [02:54:39] Neosaur: Look up women in suits [02:54:39] Shinobi__Tactics: KEKW [02:54:40] SnowwyAI: Joanna Wick [02:54:41] mystchevious1: Finn IS a cospler! [02:54:41] miruna_bu: stoop bayoneeta is this uuuu? [02:54:43] ogrem_fanclan: KEKW [02:54:43] hydroponicmaple: KEKW [02:54:44] ssitnam_mantiss: my dad started watching and he was not happy lol [02:54:45] mystchevious1: Cosplayer. [02:54:45] bosu1983: Wear tie [02:54:47] MintyDragonFire: a dinner date? [02:54:48] ABitOLace: Braids [02:54:51] Coop9er: Coop9er subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! You look like your ready for business [02:54:51] misiakqq: what about the lashes? [02:54:51] sgtpepperslonleyhearts_: What could we do to improve life? [02:54:51] f3mmbot: coop9er subscribed to f1nn5ter for 4 months using Prime! PogU [02:54:53] Fried_Pickles: F1nn looking like REZZ in a suit [02:54:53] frechtoast22430: ngl u kinda look like kobene [02:54:54] Vanimal2118: f1nnBingbong f1nnTank f1nnTankhat vanima3PINK [02:54:54] eri_owo: Florence's hair is longer than yours [02:54:54] SammyGee63: John Wick's sister Joanna [02:54:55] testmecca: low tight ponytail 80's rockstar casual look [02:54:57] XENOMAN5: @annju15 you’re looking at it [02:54:58] relyuu_: sorry [02:54:58] loograt: get the sword and do Aki from CSM [02:54:59] ronin_5463: Patricia Bateman [02:55:00] just_nota: You interviewing for a actual job 😉 [02:55:00] boingo_n: draw a mustache on your face or something [02:55:03] Helen_Croft: f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope f1nnCope [02:55:03] kar_waffles: uneven hair part [02:55:03] alex_5r1: @ghost_sheriff_ better stay away from hairdressers they want to cut her hair [02:55:03] moodasluht: have you considered cat ears? [02:55:04] Smokin_Fish: Alanna Wake [02:55:05] RaukkM: Do you have a vest to go under the jacket? [02:55:11] theonlyscarlettxD: gives off pro lawyer [02:55:11] Ramaj_A: Finn looking like a Final Fantasy villain [02:55:11] Neosaur: TOP BUTTON DONE UP [02:55:15] gibbon66: got an interview at the o2 shop [02:55:15] gregorythethrd: @boingo_n this is a great idea [02:55:21] Teambou: bro the hair HAINT working harder then the belt [02:55:24] bearpaw1970: Exactly testmecca!! [02:55:28] escapisc: @Smokin_Fish F1nn now only needs a tie [02:55:29] zebrabbl396: Jane wick [02:55:30] SnowwyAI: You may need some shirt stays to keep that shirt tucked. [02:55:30] Lone_Wolf178305: Why the fit remind me of Steve Harvey in Family Fued, he always wears a suit [02:55:31] superrata: you almost ask us if we want to be our own boss Kappa [02:55:35] rainfallwall: you look hot [02:55:35] LazloNibble: skinny tie and it would be very “ “80s ska band” [02:55:36] sometimeafter1990: how long do you have to find something better? [02:55:36] Vanimal2118: What ties do you have? [02:55:36] graef42: only ever button the top button [02:55:36] Deafdude: No tie? [02:55:37] quartark: ACE attourney [02:55:37] mierkenis: pink bow tie with that [02:55:37] themircleshot: Sup bro [02:55:39] bosu1983: Get one of those mid scarves [02:55:39] Canard_Boiteux: These pants are 3 size too big, better go as a woman [02:55:39] Smokin_Fish: @escapisc and a flashlight [02:55:40] trulysushi_: Finn u wanna be my lawyer. I set fire to a TV station [02:55:43] tinylilhorse: coping? [02:55:43] Fried_Pickles: Whats up bruv. [02:55:43] jollyoldbeans: kinda looks like me old school uniform [02:55:44] stephanie1701: tie [02:55:46] anniebannay16: what [02:55:47] Fried_Pickles: I like BUISNESS [02:55:48] miruna_bu: pls stop ur cringeee [02:55:48] baslak01: Very handsome [02:55:49] tinyalison420: tie [02:55:49] QTsnitcherella: You look like you could be related to PaymoneyWUbby [02:55:50] Eltrid_: wear the tie and do all the buttons except the bottom one on the jacket [02:55:50] miruna_bu: pooo [02:55:50] EvilPanda14_: no, care to tell me about it? [02:55:50] Morthag: bidness [02:55:52] Georg4xl: Just add one white glittery glove and a stetson and you are crossplaying Michael Jackson [02:55:52] ronin_5463: Brummie Psycho [02:55:52] SciFiBrony: top button undone is one of many things that instantly undoes boy mode [02:55:52] graef42: don’t button jacket without a tie! [02:55:53] Netly1: bros aabout to tell us about dropshipping [02:55:57] aAndrew3030: Bro ready to accidentally expose himself at a wedding!!! [02:55:58] huskynzofficial: hi [02:55:58] sgtpepperslonleyhearts_: Why my colleagues Is this entertaining? What happend to the complex storytelling of stories of thousands of years? [02:55:59] maybeonlysometimes: Bzzzzness? Like bees? [02:55:59] MajesticFvckingEagle: You can wear the pants higher since you're not hiding the hair, nails, booba, etc. [02:55:59] ashcampbell: suspenders would help [02:56:00] bluj40: how many sales did you sell bro? [02:56:00] kelseyhellfire: never heard of it, is it a sandwich [02:56:00] Gtadicto1: Looks like Max Payne if he was a chick XD [02:56:02] bosu1983: Buy high sell low [02:56:02] elo_ween: Ya like business [02:56:02] Fried_Pickles: Can you give me business [02:56:03] elm_stump: Looks like you'll talk about the stock market [02:56:03] relyuu_: f1nn please stop [02:56:04] jasami: big business [02:56:06] RaD_d: BorpaBusiness [02:56:08] johnkeiwo: I would walk away so far [02:56:08] ABitOLace: Do your button up and wear a tie [02:56:11] boingo_n: Executive International Sales Marketing Analyst [02:56:12] student0810: No one will be looking at you anyway, they will be looking at Ashley [02:56:12] johnkeiwo: and fast [02:56:12] loograt: try it with a women's shirt [02:56:13] sgtpepperslonleyhearts_: 😔 [02:56:14] baslak01: Buisness woman [02:56:15] justfox11: Bud out here selling used RVs [02:56:16] handscombchris: Man? [02:56:17] venomousrose13: I’ll get all up in your business if you know what I mean [02:56:17] ronin_5463: Master Bateman [02:56:20] estra161: shut up and take my money, you’re the Bizzler [02:56:21] KyleSmith11: sell battlepass pics of urself u mean [02:56:21] Vanimal2118: Where man? [02:56:22] superrata: you are about to promote a shitcoin [02:56:23] LittleLukeCrash: it’s giving parental figure [02:56:23] elo_ween: Business they/them [02:56:23] bySkeelio: @baslak01 fr [02:56:23] LazloNibble: definitely not a cop [02:56:24] Avaerus0: Mergers and other things [02:56:24] HardyOrange: more like big buisiness cope [02:56:25] Fried_Pickles: Weapon of choice [02:56:26] Mikayla_Alexis: Business woman... sell pics [02:56:27] canvaspainting: 401K lesbian [02:56:27] SnFemme: boss babe [02:56:28] hopalongtommy: Good at biznizz [02:56:29] msbricklayer: go in at the bottom, finish on the top [02:56:31] frechtoast22430: fin u look like kobene from chainsaw man [02:56:31] lovelydriver23: Sell sell sell, buy buy buy lol [02:56:31] ronin_5463: gottem [02:56:31] Margali53: :( [02:56:32] keknik1337: ? [02:56:32] blueskydrinking: BUDDY [02:56:33] anniebannay16: business women not men [02:56:33] vartris: what about knives [02:56:34] MonsterOnTheMoon: literally patrick bateman [02:56:35] MajesticFvckingEagle: gotteeem [02:56:35] zebrabbl396: f1nnLaff [02:56:36] Craftybeetle: zoom meeting with the HR lady about my conduct vibes [02:56:36] Smokin_Fish: What's the odds on F1NN knowing how to tie a tie [02:56:36] shFt_shiFty: "5 things big business doesn't want you to know" [02:56:36] Avaerus0: Bowie [02:56:37] EvilPanda14_: TRUE [02:56:37] annju15: What happened to your sugar daddy [02:56:37] SnowwyAI: Now tell us how you'd sell us a pen. [02:56:38] sgtpepperslonleyhearts_: WHAT IS THIS CHAT? [02:56:39] PsillyCephalopod: Pog u work for Raytheon [02:56:41] Ratulf: childsized landmines Sadge [02:56:41] crownbred: can you make more cannons on minecraft please [02:56:42] trulysushi_: Wouldn't be surprised if you starting selling weapons to the Cartels [02:56:44] miruna_bu: a nussines man with a shyny and fluffy hair [02:56:44] kar_waffles: family court [02:56:46] MrsPandamber: you need a briefcase [02:56:47] SciFiBrony: rizzness!!! [02:56:47] duddy15: you gonna keep the nails? [02:56:51] sometimeafter1990: ace attorney ass look [02:56:51] bosu1983: Glam rock [02:56:52] Alice_Unchained: Johnny Depps sober brother [02:56:54] aritheshadowqueen: literally Reno from FF7 [02:56:55] lethaldissonance: used car salesman [02:56:56] zay_is_bored08: What would it be for? [02:57:00] fanconvet: lose the whispies if you want to look more like a dude [02:57:01] MrZombielike: damn you looking fine tho guddahSquirtle guddahSquirtle [02:57:03] keknik1337: bruhh [02:57:06] guerrerostiven: Wtf [02:57:08] Fried_Pickles: you are serving [02:57:09] blueskydrinking: you look like a rioter who's been given that suit by his solicitor for court KEKW [02:57:10] baslak01: YES [02:57:10] ArdentSlacker: Carry a clipboard, you'll get sent for coffee. [02:57:11] zebrabbl396: Wolf of Wallstreet [02:57:12] sgtpepperslonleyhearts_: Ugh [02:57:13] undead_bandit452: Wolf of Wall Street nah wolf of Birmingham [02:57:16] just_nota: Nails and eyelashes [02:57:18] sgtpepperslonleyhearts_: I quit [02:57:19] johnkeiwo: they won't see a guy here [02:57:20] sometimeafter1990: you just gotta embrace fruity dude mode [02:57:20] alex_5r1: now a dress for comparison [02:57:20] Gtadicto1: a lil fruity [02:57:21] JadeSorcery: Have Ashley style the hair maybe [02:57:21] trulysushi_: Stop selling weapons to the cartels Finn [02:57:22] bosu1983: Work around a car engine for a day [02:57:23] quillofgallows: Just got here, lady in suit??? 0///0 [02:57:24] jasami: the brows and lashes make you look more fem than anything [02:57:26] Teambou: high bun [02:57:28] Muvlon: hold on a minute this dude looks kinda fruity [02:57:28] gracefully_insane74: the pieces of it framing your face is cuter [02:57:30] Neosaur: WEAR PANTS HIGHER [02:57:31] grandpaladin1701: It’s a look. it’s good [02:57:32] sasha_3251: Literally just a girlboss [02:57:32] sarahj2020192: hi [02:57:32] ronin_5463: Braid maybe? [02:57:34] Jagi52: maybe braids? [02:57:36] Fried_Pickles: how tiny is too tiny [02:57:36] sometimeafter1990: maybe use a necklace instead of a tie [02:57:40] mystchevious1: Why don't you own up to liking that you look feminine? [02:57:41] aussieboi2005: this is my first time actually catching a finnster stream [02:57:42] KyleSmith11: its probably easier for you to pose as a woman [02:57:43] zay_is_bored08: As a lesbina I would hit in you, so atleast you look good [02:57:44] Crunch4K: just wear a maid dress [02:57:44] Georg4xl: Don't deny yourself [02:57:44] Ratulf: getting that neck of yours exposed makes it worse [02:57:45] superrata: Whose marriage is it? [02:57:45] ArdentSlacker: Embrace the look. ^_^ [02:57:46] joyousmadman2: You could probably go Bowie? [02:57:46] Crunch4K: LUL [02:57:49] CrystalKyd: Theyre just super duper femmy wemmy chat and nothing will ever change that [02:57:51] XENOMAN5: 👠 [02:57:52] trulysushi_: Ngl You look like you sell Weapons to needy countries [02:57:53] bosu1983: Get gold grills [02:57:55] Eltrid_: lose the whispies and do the ponytail lower [02:57:58] Fried_Pickles: I love the two strans in front [02:57:59] schlorbinator: Formal Lesbian [02:57:59] Quackathulhu: it’s really nice [02:58:00] sometimeafter1990: embrace the lesbian side, finn [02:58:04] Bytebak: Makeup for the wedding? [02:58:05] ssitnam_mantiss: smaller wispy bits [02:58:06] mushy5535: Pull it all back lose and tie it into a messy bun [02:58:07] mystchevious1: There is more hair [02:58:10] quillofgallows: My bisexuality is going crazy. [02:58:11] grandpaladin1701: Maybe a longer shirt [02:58:11] Avaerus0: lazy eye? [02:58:12] Enaio: I am actually kind of jealous at how you look. As someone who is enby, it would take me forever and a day to look that good. [02:58:12] SnowwyAI: @trulysushi_ Tonya Stark [02:58:13] maybeonlysometimes: Just wear a dress where you can see your dingdong and booba bulge - androgynous as frick Kappa [02:58:14] ronin_5463: prey eyes [02:58:14] sarkaas_: are you drunk ? [02:58:15] graef42: what make are you doing to wear with it? [02:58:17] blueskydrinking: The masculine clothes/feminine hair and face would work if the suit actually fit you! [02:58:19] enbyvee: chat i went to clean my vacuum is he wearing the watch [02:58:20] evericor000: compare to the photo of you in the suit again [02:58:21] mystchevious1: there is like 1/2 the ammount of hair on one side. [02:58:21] xouree: just cut the hair short itll grow back in no time [02:58:21] loograt: Adjust DoF [02:58:22] ArdentSlacker: I think I've seen anime characters with this hair/suit combo. [02:58:23] elo_ween: Business elf [02:58:25] trulysushi_: @snowwyai lmaoooo [02:58:25] SciFiBrony: At least he's finally doing better pants now [02:58:25] Fried_Pickles: Okay get F1nn on the right side [02:58:25] Shockwavemecha: add a mirror [02:58:26] anschofi: the wonky eye [02:58:26] alexx_net: @ssitnam_mantiss correct - hopefully she will listen to you [02:58:26] YumeNoZen: What the male fail did I come back to? [02:58:27] MsJeanJacket: That fit looks so fckin handsome yo!! [02:58:27] orange6plar: Lazy eye [02:58:30] ronin_5463: lazy [02:58:32] Blaine8182: Why do you want to look like a dude? [02:58:34] mystchevious1: Wait you can see worse on the lazy eye? [02:58:35] bosu1983: See smee [02:58:37] hazhas205: what? [02:58:38] unlikelygamer87: One eye is usually stronger [02:58:39] vampirelord1993: looking hot f1nn [02:58:39] Shockwavemecha: needs a rear view miror [02:58:39] crystaljadelynn: crystaljadelynn is gifting 3 Tier 1 Subs to F1NN5TER's community! They've gifted a total of 3 in the channel! [02:58:39] f3mmbot: crystaljadelynn has gifted a sub to 3 users in chat! [02:58:39] crystaljadelynn: crystaljadelynn gifted a Tier 1 sub to bananasandwich6969! [02:58:39] crystaljadelynn: crystaljadelynn gifted a Tier 1 sub to AstralAilurus! [02:58:39] crystaljadelynn: crystaljadelynn gifted a Tier 1 sub to ko_syndrome! [02:58:43] elo_ween: Boy month [02:58:44] Fried_Pickles: WONKY [02:58:44] XENOMAN5: you look like you’re going door to door preaching the gospel of femboy Jesus [02:58:45] johannsen_: what the f*ck why are you so damn beautiful, greetings from germany [02:58:45] ashcampbell: tie or bowtie [02:58:45] annju15: What is your hobbies? [02:58:48] alex_5r1: need comparsion [02:58:48] Vanimal2118: You look good Gremlin Queen [02:58:48] ChasingSol: strabismus [02:58:50] frechtoast22430: @F1NN5TER you look so much like kobene from chainsaw man im telling you [02:58:51] fizzie_foame: waow [02:58:51] l4zy_l1f3: beaLove [02:58:57] mystchevious1: Can you try that with some heels? please? [02:59:01] kaydensanxious: Bowtie [02:59:02] maddoggamerx: @frechtoast22430 word [02:59:02] msbricklayer: queer eye ..? [02:59:02] theduke336: So I have retinal cancer.... not too freak you out... but go get that checked... its how I found out [02:59:04] bosu1983: its good [02:59:04] johnkeiwo: the cope [02:59:06] miruna_bu: U CAN PU A KINDNESS [02:59:07] perplexingplaty: Shonk :3 [02:59:08] Fried_Pickles: it could improve but its beautifukl [02:59:09] themircleshot: The guy from gta 5 [02:59:09] ewar813: so uuh we simping now? [02:59:09] kar_waffles: u look like Muzan [02:59:09] androdoes: Poop fart [02:59:12] baslak01: It is the best u can do [02:59:14] MrsPandamber: the hair really needs work [02:59:15] Smokin_Fish: Yakuza 0 femboy Majima looking [02:59:15] vampirelord1993: looking hot f1nn5ter [02:59:18] Margali53: OK, if you must, wear the jacket and shirt, but ditch the pants for a sharp skirt and heals...please? [02:59:20] funny_mayonnaise: funny_mayonnaise subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! Yippee 😁 [02:59:20] f3mmbot: funny_mayonnaise subscribed to f1nn5ter for 6 months using Prime! PogU [02:59:24] ChasingSol: !caps [02:59:24] f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! [02:59:25] trulysushi_: Finn playing dress to impress irl [02:59:26] blueskydrinking: the strands need to be tied back, low ponytail [02:59:26] annju15: Me and my boyfriend i have fan of you [02:59:29] Quackathulhu: can’t wait for femtopia to join the EU [02:59:29] DigitalBath_: fridge body and wonky eye its so joever [02:59:29] MsJeanJacket: F1nn W1ck [02:59:30] mystchevious1: Can you try that with some heels? please? [02:59:30] bosu1983: Get a lapel pin [02:59:30] Bulldog85043: DAMN! Now THAT"S a FIT!!! [02:59:32] Gtadicto1: we can see your navel my guy XD [02:59:32] Clandxy: I love how the first stream I watch is the one where ur dressing like a guy [02:59:33] tinylilhorse: how about a female bow around collar and smokey eye plus heel [02:59:35] Shockwavemecha: sup [02:59:35] Coop9er: Shark plushie salesman [02:59:36] Vanimal2118: 3 hour stream nice [02:59:40] elo_ween: It's good, a tidy hairstyle and it's a 10 [02:59:44] fenris442: does the look need a tie? [02:59:44] KyleSmith11: 4/10 [02:59:45] ronin_5463: 7/10 [02:59:45] blueskydrinking: 7/10 [02:59:46] gibbon66: 6 [02:59:46] bosu1983: 10 [02:59:46] mystchevious1: 5/10 [02:59:46] alex_5r1: 7/10 [02:59:46] theonlyscarlettxD: yes/10 [02:59:46] boingo_n: 7 [02:59:47] kelseyhellfire: i still remember when you lowered your table onto your pc [02:59:47] Quackathulhu: 10 [02:59:47] watesigma0_0: 8 [02:59:48] baslak01: F1nnW1ck5ter [02:59:48] PokeyNBrown: 10/10 [02:59:48] Lucridis: 6 [02:59:48] handscombchris: 8 [02:59:48] Eltrid_: 6/10 [02:59:49] Bytebak: Makeup for wedding? [02:59:49] Bulldog85043: 9.5 [02:59:49] Shockwavemecha: 2.5/10 [02:59:49] Miss_CreepyCrawlie: 7 [02:59:49] joyousmadman2: 7/10 [02:59:49] zombiii: adequate/10 [02:59:49] Deafdude: 7/10 [02:59:50] Smokin_Fish: 7/10 [02:59:50] bluj40: 4, 9 if it fit [02:59:50] Fried_Pickles: 8/10 [02:59:50] perplexingplaty: VoteYea [02:59:50] SubliminalCorruption: Needs a colorful scrunchie. With the black one it looks like your are going to a funeral. [02:59:50] MajesticFvckingEagle: 8/10 [02:59:50] Skylee1976: 7 [02:59:51] schlorbinator: 7/10 [02:59:51] testmecca: 5. [02:59:51] jollyoldbeans: 6/10 [02:59:52] BlaireBearStare: 8/10 [02:59:52] theduke336: 8 [02:59:52] SnFemme: 6 [02:59:52] lethaldissonance: 8/10 [02:59:52] bearpaw1970: Exactly blueskdrinking [02:59:52] duddy15: 8/10 [02:59:53] cocoapaws: 5 [02:59:53] loograt: needs a chart in the backgrounbd [02:59:53] CashewJA: 8/10 [02:59:53] venomousrose13: would [02:59:53] Blaine8182: 7/10 [02:59:53] sasha_3251: 10 [02:59:54] LylaHehe: 7 [02:59:54] ThePastorVan: 9 [02:59:55] baslak01: 8/10 [02:59:55] DigitalBath_: 0/10 [02:59:55] Clandxy: 6 [02:59:56] zebrabbl396: 9.5 [02:59:56] bionicblackman: 7 [02:59:56] Coop9er: 8 [02:59:56] heyimf1dg3t: 9/10 [02:59:56] kieranfl: no tie [02:59:57] the_avocado_general: 7 [02:59:57] quillofgallows: @trulysushi_ FR DRESS TO IMPRESS FINN [02:59:57] PsillyCephalopod: 7/10 if it was tailored id give it a 9 [02:59:57] grandpaladin1701: 8/10 [02:59:58] Avaerus0: 9/10 [02:59:58] Osfolt: Yes, i am goodbye [02:59:58] TamariBlake: 5 [02:59:58] honeygay_: 8/10 [02:59:58] RyanOneTwo: 7 as is, 9 if it fit [02:59:58] MsJeanJacket: 8.6/10 [02:59:59] redfogul: 8/10 [02:59:59] Ramaj_A: a red tie? [02:59:59] SciFiBrony: I haven't seen F1nn in this much denial since before he came out [02:59:59] kieranfl: won't work [03:00:00] dudeitsdanielfr: tie needed [03:00:00] muddymudkip15: 8/10 [03:00:00] Nitzkit8: @johnkeiwo I have a url image that f1nn looks exactly like, where do I post it? [03:00:00] evericor000: 7 [03:00:01] Jagi52: 6/10 [03:00:01] Helen_Croft: 6 [03:00:02] RockhettSocks: 8.5/10 [03:00:02] Vanimal2118: Just 1 tie? [03:00:03] dizzrock: Shorter side hairs [03:00:03] Mighty_Zote: 4 [03:00:03] lanaverina: 7 [03:00:04] MistressOfRunes: 2 raiders from MistressOfRunes have joined! [03:00:04] moodasluht: no tie [03:00:05] elo_ween: Tie [03:00:05] Avaerus0: You don't need a tie [03:00:06] guitarbebop: 5.5 [03:00:07] bearpaw1970: 7/10 no tie [03:00:07] duddy15: no tie [03:00:07] ashcampbell: needs suspenders cause your shirt keeps popping out your pants [03:00:08] quillofgallows: YOOOOO [03:00:08] Neosaur: TRY HEELS AND PANTS HIGHER [03:00:09] rkanjl: Satin shirt would be next level [03:00:10] ronin_5463: needs a ring on the pinkie maybe [03:00:11] RaukkM: Bow tie? [03:00:11] migmigGG: finn looks like an anime main char [03:00:11] alexx_net: "able to pull the best man's younger brother" / 10 [03:00:12] dafdeddog: 8 [03:00:12] mierkenis: It's OK, whick is what i feel you are going for! [03:00:12] testmecca: lose the whispies that is superfem [03:00:12] PhilosophiaBME: It's a little brother fit, which ... is fine? [03:00:12] bosu1983: Use tie as bandana [03:00:13] elo_ween: Hair tie [03:00:13] Smokin_Fish: I knew it [03:00:16] MajesticFvckingEagle: I'm shocked [03:00:17] relyuu_: the shirt and jacket look very good but the pants are kinda oof [03:00:18] Ratulf: 10/10 chainsaw man cosplay [03:00:19] pianoismyforte_: Can you tie it [03:00:19] redfogul: can Finn tie a tie? [03:00:20] grandpaladin1701: There are videos [03:00:21] kaydensanxious: The 4 out of 10 was to quick🤣 [03:00:22] jollyoldbeans: over and through [03:00:28] ashcampbell: Shirt stays are good [03:00:29] MrMopps: look up 4 In Hand knot. it is the easiest to tie [03:00:33] ashcampbell: they work tho [03:00:33] XENOMAN5: 6.9/69 [03:00:34] MintyDragonFire: yep [03:00:36] Margali53: NO TIE!!!!! [03:00:37] EvilPanda14_: LUL [03:00:37] 1958dino: 8/10 [03:00:40] bySkeelio: FR [03:00:40] dizzrock: And wear a very loose tie [03:00:42] Ratulf: they're upside down [03:00:43] SciFiBrony: LUL LUL LUL [03:00:46] 8bit_george: ***. good tutorials on all the different ways to tie a tie [03:00:47] graef42: collar stays not shirt stays [03:00:48] XENOMAN5: no tie!! [03:00:50] Avaerus0: KEKW [03:00:51] daniel3521463fg: Lol [03:00:52] zebrabbl396: f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye f1nnSideeye [03:00:55] elo_ween: Garters for "men" [03:00:56] splixir: Pants could fit better 6.5/10 [03:00:56] Skylee1976: No tie, need heels [03:00:56] bearpaw1970: No tie unless it's a bolo [03:01:06] loograt: she rounder [03:01:10] f0rrest_f1re: Diane Morgan [03:01:12] Neosaur: Noooo [03:01:13] tomb932: just let Ashley dress you, pretend its a photoshoot [03:01:13] Avaerus0: And she's really pretty [03:01:14] sometimeafter1990: finn thats how you look [03:01:15] ronin_5463: Crypto bro fit [03:01:16] Neosaur: Looks good [03:01:16] family_toy: NotLikeThis [03:01:18] Wojo42: which means you could pull it off [03:01:18] cocoapaws: it would work on you [03:01:19] ashcampbell: dew it [03:01:20] blueskydrinking: it will work for you then [03:01:20] dizzrock: Loose tie [03:01:20] HardyOrange: she looks like how you're dressed [03:01:21] Vanimal2118: Your getting very close. [03:01:23] OurSorrow: bro I don't know how to tell you this [03:01:24] n1ghthwk77: whats cooking good looking [03:01:24] fenris442: loose tie [03:01:24] PsillyCephalopod: nailed it [03:01:25] alex_5r1: works on you too [03:01:25] Kosmoose: Spiderman 3 fit [03:01:25] daniel3521463fg: I am subscribe to your channel on YouTube [03:01:27] ChristinaGaymes: @elo_ween another name for them are Sock Garters [03:01:28] MajesticFvckingEagle: Funeral fit [03:01:30] annju15: It's the first Time i go to the Twitch [03:01:33] kaydensanxious: Look at yourself [03:01:34] vampirelord1993: you'd be a great hostest f1nn [03:01:35] Gtadicto1: she is kinda doucheish XD [03:01:36] Hi_its_Tasca: Is this "guy" in the room with us now [03:01:37] family_toy: F1nn, you do look very femme [03:01:38] MsJeanJacket: F1nnC01n scam when? [03:01:39] EvilPanda14_: I think the cryptobro fit would be just the shirt [03:01:41] JadeSorcery: I think I have a thing for suits tbh, fairly common for women [03:01:43] UnperfectOne: Dude, you look more fem that she does... [03:01:43] bosu1983: Bath time [03:01:45] Avaerus0: Smoking robe [03:01:46] daniel3521463fg: I follow you on YouTube you're awesome [03:01:47] bananasandwich6969: @f0rrest_f1re Finn could pull off Philomena Cunk with some of his bits [03:01:49] DarkPrincess61: you look like a succesful sufragette [03:01:51] jay_hayes: Hello [03:01:53] Nitzkit8: look at discord stream-talk @F1NN5TER .... you look like that post by me [03:01:53] Smokin_Fish: Stocks? No I trade in something with value Bored Apes [03:01:56] TrueMezzo: finn u look very femme dummy [03:01:56] alex_5r1: try [03:02:05] sometimeafter1990: finn proving dysmorphia is real af [03:02:05] annju15: It's the first Time i see you and my boyfriend follow you on YouTube [03:02:05] Margali53: NO! [03:02:05] Proximation: bring back factions [03:02:07] evericor000: a vest would look good [03:02:09] stephanie1701: windsor knot [03:02:10] Margali53: No tie! [03:02:11] alessandrodigiorgio: papillon [03:02:12] Alice_Unchained: HUH [03:02:13] sarathearcher1: I would skuo the tie... [03:02:13] ENTRACK: pop your collar before tying your tie [03:02:14] MintyDragonFire: yeo [03:02:15] f0rrest_f1re: @bananasandwich6969 that's what I thought LUL [03:02:18] blueskydrinking: One of them trhw herself under the King's horse at the derby [03:02:19] Georg4xl: Don't deny yourself, you are growing boobs for all that's worth [03:02:22] bosu1983: you do [03:02:24] sometimeafter1990: I MEAN YOU LOOK LIKE A GIRL [03:02:25] zoe2324124124: you look like a woman finn [03:02:26] sarathearcher1: *skip [03:02:27] mrbb_55: if tie, you should try to colour match with ashley [03:02:28] MrsPandamber: is this gender euphoria? :p [03:02:30] annju15: I love your stule [03:02:30] MintyDragonFire: the blue.... [03:02:30] SubliminalCorruption: close topmost shirt button [03:02:32] mierkenis: Colorful maching bow tie and handkerchief with that! [03:02:32] Vanimal2118: Button top button [03:02:33] ChasingSol: tie is bad, no tie [03:02:34] boom_and_alpha_yt: spatchcock f1nn [03:02:34] testmecca: good like a hot GF love [03:02:34] ronin_5463: case study on delulu [03:02:35] SnowwyAI: I think they meant dysphoria. [03:02:36] IMMORTALTYPES: bolo tie would be better [03:02:39] annju15: I love your style [03:02:40] tinylilhorse: you forgot how to put on a tie but learned how to put on a cage *tear in my eye* shes everything [03:02:41] Margali53: Fuck the tie! It's an RL slave collar [03:02:43] Kenn_Foxx: airplane hostess [03:02:45] ThePastorVan: UNTIED [03:02:45] family_toy: Honestly, this is more gender dysphoria than dysmorphia [03:02:46] NichtzNeues: you look like Tilda Swinden with long hair [03:02:47] jollyoldbeans: no [03:02:47] alessandrodigiorgio: bow tie [03:02:48] Ramaj_A: you could go real hard and get a Bolo tie instead of a regular tie. then you wouldn't have to tie it and could pretend you're a rancher at the same time. [03:02:49] bosu1983: make a loop [03:02:52] sammich_9: silicone g cups? [03:02:54] ABitOLace: Tie uppies [03:02:54] daniel3521463fg: 😎 [03:02:57] SnowwyAI: There are videos online for how tot tie a tie, lol. [03:02:57] lnsanecomett: She needs a pencil skirt on not trousers, it's not very lady like [03:02:58] ChasingSol: wow, got it right [03:03:00] bosu1983: got it [03:03:03] Photonicfab: Lost skill especially for you [03:03:06] frechtoast22430: kebene from chainsaw man foxySoCute [03:03:06] bosu1983: tahts it [03:03:07] bluj40: just knock out a quick half windsor [03:03:08] PsillyCephalopod: perfect [03:03:08] graef42: not a half Windsor! [03:03:09] End3rpappy: th3bea1Duckie [03:03:10] alexx_net: First try! Well done! [03:03:10] SnowwyAI: Kinda [03:03:11] venomousrose13: girl tries boymoding F1nn edition (impossible) [03:03:11] MrsPandamber: perfect [03:03:12] loograt: yep, thats the easy one but it's always crooked [03:03:14] MintyDragonFire: re-learning to tie a tie [03:03:16] JessicaCaraKasey: Look how confused he looks!!! 🤣 [03:03:17] Margali53: booooooo. [03:03:17] SciFiBrony: Eyyyyyyy!!!! The most successful thing done all stream!!! [03:03:17] duddy15: 3 piece suit all the way [03:03:18] EvilPanda14_: LUL [03:03:18] bluj40: little off bud [03:03:19] gamt11: KEKW Nailed it [03:03:20] sometimeafter1990: @snowwyai nah i meant dysmorphia. dysphoria is not liking how you look, dysmorphia is not perceiving how you look accurately [03:03:21] ENTRACK: a half decent half windsor [03:03:21] annju15: It's the first time i see the style [03:03:22] 8bit_george: learn how to do a half Windsor/windsor [03:03:22] Eltrid_: female politician [03:03:23] Mikayla_Alexis: YAU U DID IT. [03:03:23] Photonicfab: Flawless [03:03:24] bosu1983: no othe one needs to be long [03:03:24] ronin_5463: Alcoholic dad [03:03:24] Kosmoose: OMEGALUL [03:03:25] lnsanecomett: Payday vibes??? [03:03:25] KennuByte: kekw [03:03:26] Shockwavemecha: Dad? [03:03:26] SnowwyAI: That's not that bad, really. [03:03:26] Vanimal2118: Close dear [03:03:26] RonnieSxl: SSSsssplode LUL [03:03:27] SaiMorphX: yup, looks as good as I do [03:03:27] trulysushi_: Dad you brought back the wrong milk [03:03:28] ABitOLace: It's so short! [03:03:28] kelseyhellfire: almost perfect [03:03:29] fenris442: KEKW [03:03:30] Deafdude: it's 50/50 good job. [03:03:30] tomb932: CRING [03:03:30] Gtadicto1: XD [03:03:30] bearpaw1970: School boy 😂 [03:03:31] blueskydrinking: this is like watching a drunk man trying to figure out how his fornt door keys work [03:03:32] Shockwavemecha: Papa f1nn [03:03:34] ashcampbell: need a cig and a hat to complete the look [03:03:34] alexx_net: standard Brum school tie [03:03:34] canvaspainting: don´t know why, but I feel you look like Thom Yorke in a suit (minus the Beard) [03:03:34] sasha_3251: Chainsaw man ahh fit [03:03:35] zebrabbl396: f1nnCool f1nnCool f1nnCool f1nnCool [03:03:35] heyimf1dg3t: Rodney Dangerfield lookin-ass [03:03:36] OutbackJax49: lol Finn [03:03:36] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [03:03:36] graef42: you are not 10 years old. Full Windsor! [03:03:36] soucedapple: That's better than what I can do [03:03:37] HocksEvan: hungover teacher vibe [03:03:38] MintyDragonFire: office [03:03:39] Shockwavemecha: i'm 28 dad [03:03:39] alex_5r1: you need to tie the hair up [03:03:40] Cylkiro94: Lol [03:03:41] AmazingAspie: glad to see you back mom [03:03:42] idesofjuno: KEKW [03:03:42] daniel3521463fg: Can you bully your friend [03:03:42] EvilPanda14_: drunk secretary aunt vibes [03:03:43] loograt: bad day to stop sniffing glue [03:03:43] Mikayla_Alexis: Better than what I can do [03:03:45] SnowwyAI: @sometimeafter1990 Ahh, my bad, then. [03:03:47] jollyoldbeans: failed lawyer vibes [03:03:47] ekramhadidi: dad? you look better than i remember [03:03:48] Crunch4K: 500 cigarettes LUL [03:03:48] Vanimal2118: No smoking [03:03:50] quartark: 500 cigarettes!!! [03:03:50] Inasyah: PTSD BibleThump [03:03:52] MajesticFvckingEagle: @sasha_3251 I see it lmao [03:03:52] tinylilhorse: its honestly won me over i like it [03:03:52] zaun195: Deadbeat dad fit [03:03:52] vampirelord1993: Daddy F1nn5ter lol [03:03:53] AstralRando: Proper business man [03:03:53] RaD_d: it's 10th and 11th actually [03:03:54] ABitOLace: F1nn you are driving me to drink [03:03:54] goldengloryz: Door to door toaster salesman type of tie [03:03:55] trulysushi_: Dad I'm 62 years old where you for 65 years [03:03:56] Cylkiro94: Mom came back with the milk [03:03:57] ronin_5463: Dad you cant be here, mom got a restraining order [03:03:58] gibbon66: kids......I lost the house buying NFTs [03:03:59] alexx_net: Learn the Half-Windsor knot [03:04:00] Shockwavemecha: Dad5ter [03:04:01] lamlott: go get the Tom Waits voice! [03:04:06] sometimeafter1990: @snowwyai no worries 😅 definitely didn’t come across how i meant it [03:04:06] Mikayla_Alexis: When dad shows ***stody [03:04:07] Crunch4K: Daddy F1nn LUL [03:04:08] Shockwavemecha: Washed up Dad [03:04:09] alessandrodigiorgio: do you have a bow tie? [03:04:13] duddy15: yeah, no tie unless you go for a 3 piece. [03:04:15] blueskydrinking: old gill fromt he timpsons? [03:04:16] kelseyhellfire: i just never undid mine just lossened it till the next day [03:04:18] Kenn_Foxx: Airplane hostess but she drank all the boose on the plane [03:04:18] loograt: look up Lloyd bridges in Airplaine [03:04:19] Coop9er: Traveling Mormon on a mission vibe [03:04:19] dennysmtr: disco elysium [03:04:20] alex_5r1: now a dress [03:04:21] Vanimal2118: Let's hear your pitch? [03:04:22] ThePastorVan: OH OH! Use your GUY voice!!!!!! [03:04:23] Shockwavemecha: Dad coming home from an office part [03:04:27] PokeyNBrown: failure car salesman [03:04:28] meanmugdoug: wtf pants? [03:04:28] vampirelord1993: na your a secret assasin like john wick [03:04:29] dudeitsdanielfr: mid divorce father [03:04:29] jollyoldbeans: ditch the tie and wear necklace [03:04:30] Avaerus0: Door-to-door NFT salesman [03:04:30] heyimf1dg3t: @lamlott Yes! We'll put a bottle brush down 'is throat. [03:04:30] daniel3521463fg: You look better in the dress [03:04:30] mierkenis: late for a car salesman job interview type of look ;-) [03:04:31] graef42: tuck the thin side in… [03:04:31] eristarisis: drujnk japanese ssalry man vibes [03:04:32] venomousrose13: You do not give daddy vibes let’s be serious [03:04:34] XENOMAN5: half Windsor better [03:04:34] Mikayla_Alexis: Saul Breaking Bad [03:04:35] lovelydriver23: Look like a morman who's just run away from me haha [03:04:35] msbricklayer: the great fempression stock broker [03:04:36] ENTRACK: if you want a cheap solution on the long small part, double fold it behind the front [03:04:36] zebrabbl396: Women shoe salesman [03:04:37] Shockwavemecha: Bankrupt dad [03:04:40] evericor000: you’ll be the truck uncle at the wedding that wasn’t invited [03:04:42] trulysushi_: Finn was around when the Great Depression happened [03:04:51] blueskydrinking: do you even remember 2007? KEKW [03:04:51] tinylilhorse: she found the drawer(s) [03:04:52] Shockwavemecha: spicycowSad [03:04:54] MsJeanJacket: Yo this is a KFC. [03:04:56] Teambou: detroit ex businessman [03:04:56] ronin_5463: I miss mum [03:04:59] Fried_Pickles: posted a picture in #Streamchat [03:05:00] graef42: you do look good even with that knot so ☺️👍 [03:05:01] Fried_Pickles: i cant not see it [03:05:02] Shockwavemecha: 3 mortgages is Brutal [03:05:03] bosu1983: yep [03:05:08] alexx_net: Your mother left when my gender tanked f1nnHands [03:05:09] mystchevious1: no [03:05:09] JustSomeData: perfect [03:05:09] Teambou: more boobs Stonks [03:05:11] bosu1983: nice [03:05:12] Shockwavemecha: Professional [03:05:12] ThePastorVan: Do the GUY voice!!!!! [03:05:13] mystchevious1: Soo bad [03:05:15] Photonicfab: Went all in elons shitcoin look [03:05:15] frechtoast22430: fin you have made me put on my suit and thigh high [03:05:16] ronin_5463: This is so scuffed [03:05:16] Avaerus0: That's how the pros do it [03:05:18] Shockwavemecha: smol tie [03:05:20] Shockwavemecha: LUL [03:05:23] DJARUUN: its too short right!!!? [03:05:24] 1958dino: You were 8 in 2008💐🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈💐 [03:05:26] alex_5r1: all hair up [03:05:26] zebrabbl396: Enron [03:05:26] Gtadicto1: terryble [03:05:27] ABitOLace: Tie should be a little longer [03:05:27] scarlettyg: OMG this keeps getting worse KEKW [03:05:28] tinylilhorse: no its kinda cute [03:05:28] Mikayla_Alexis: Your inheritance is in bitcoin [03:05:29] Shockwavemecha: Prom date [03:05:30] OliveTentacle: Finally tied up LUL [03:05:32] SnowwyAI: Please tell us you'll look up a YouTube video on how to tie a tie before the wedding, lol. [03:05:33] stephanie1701: black tie [03:05:33] sammich_9: its giving door to door [03:05:35] NichtzNeues: you are different, be different , embrace the different even on official occasions . Don't just wear a fucking suit. At least leave the tie [03:05:36] zombiii: this is monday morning hungover office fit [03:05:36] bearpaw1970: Like a child's Tie [03:05:37] seraph_min: it's tied too short [03:05:37] NiaNal: Tie in highschool????? I only EVER wore jeans and a t-shirt other than gym class [03:05:38] EvilPanda14_: something's wrong with that tie [03:05:39] loograt: looks like it's your third divorce [03:05:40] Shockwavemecha: Baby trump [03:05:40] UnnamedTransGirl: hon, this is the same fit I wore to my year 7 formal and got rejected by the girl I liked [03:05:41] SciFiBrony: Gotta button the top button when doing a tie [03:05:41] Gtadicto1: awfull [03:05:41] ProfaneCreation: Hands too big [03:05:43] bosu1983: Black tie [03:05:44] alex_5r1: it's a bit to short [03:05:45] mystchevious1: You do look like orange man. [03:05:45] ronin_5463: Im here to pick up your daughter sir [03:05:45] daniel3521463fg: SirPrise SirUwU <3 SirSword [03:05:46] alexx_net: Tie is the wrong length. Needs to be longer [03:05:46] bluj40: ditch the tie completely [03:05:46] Avaerus0: Needs to be longer and redder [03:05:46] cheetahmouse: try a hair bun? [03:05:47] Fried_Pickles: Scissors [03:05:47] venomousrose13: definitely lesbian vibes PrideStrong [03:05:47] family_toy: Political F1nn [03:05:47] Lucridis: This is borderline masochism by this point [03:05:48] JadeSorcery: I feel like a nice necklace could be really nice but maybe just a different color of tie [03:05:48] Mikayla_Alexis: Grade 9 shool dance [03:05:48] mystchevious1: just in the tie [03:05:49] moodasluht: just lose the tie [03:05:49] zay_is_bored08: Trumps neice [03:05:51] bosu1983: use pen ink on tie [03:05:56] mystrippernameisbubbles: BARON TRUMP KEKW [03:05:56] miruna_bu: what happend? [03:05:57] IMMORTALTYPES: bolo tie [03:05:57] Shockwavemecha: Sultry [03:05:59] kr15t14n: untie sipsThink [03:06:00] MaxWattage: 🤣 [03:06:00] kitsunebii87: a Suit does not work for you any more [03:06:02] alex_5r1: that's not what men do [03:06:02] ronin_5463: Save it for the of [03:06:02] zebrabbl396: Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 [03:06:03] graef42: oh the tie is awful but you can learn to fix the knot! colour works 👍 [03:06:08] kelseyhellfire: wrong site for that [03:06:08] Mikayla_Alexis: Pull [03:06:10] 1battlepants: Hello. What a nice outfit [03:06:11] jollyoldbeans: wear a necklace [03:06:13] sometimeafter1990: @immortaltypes peak lesbian [03:06:13] anschofi: back in his element lol [03:06:16] daniel3521463fg: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey GoatEmotey [03:06:18] JadeSorcery: You might need to cut the pocket open [03:06:18] Fried_Pickles: Damn fake pockets [03:06:18] robinph72: @NiaNal F1nn is british - they wear school uniforms... [03:06:19] Elspyth: lose the tie, go for a gold necklace [03:06:20] ronin_5463: So it IS a womens jacket [03:06:20] Avaerus0: So it is a womans jacket [03:06:21] theduke336: You gotta cut it open [03:06:22] SnowwyAI: Well, we know it's a woman's jacket for sure, now. [03:06:23] alexx_net: No pockets for you! Girl now! [03:06:24] tuff_miata: cute [03:06:25] lethaldissonance: needs an American flag pin [03:06:28] blueskydrinking: you need to unstitch the pockets! [03:06:29] f0rrest_f1re: Definitely better without the tie lol [03:06:30] moodasluht: cat ears [03:06:30] baslak01: @ronin_5463 Yep [03:06:36] mrbb_55: fake pocket or just stiched? [03:06:37] bosu1983: nice lighter [03:06:38] JadeSorcery: Many suits come with sewed closed pockets that can be seam ripped open [03:06:41] venomousrose13: choker? I hardly know her? [03:06:41] kaydensanxious: Get a pocket square [03:06:42] bearpaw1970: The pendant [03:06:42] kelseyhellfire: the mystery of the which gender is this jacket has been sold [03:06:45] evericor000: the pocket is sewn shut [03:06:45] Helen_Croft: does it have any real pockets? [03:06:47] Fried_Pickles: Pocket watch /s [03:06:48] vampirelord1993: going to try and be sanji from one peice [03:06:50] mystchevious1: please try with heels? [03:06:51] kelseyhellfire: solvedc [03:06:51] NiaNal: @robinph72 I'm Canadian... Lol. Uniforms would suck [03:06:51] Vanimal2118: You can look very handsome or beautiful. The choice is up to you. Being Comfortable and having fun are the #1 task! [03:06:53] NobodyRecognizesMe: close you suit jacket looks so much better [03:06:55] Kiphea: The pockets are normally real, just stitched shut [03:06:55] Avaerus0: Catgirl buissnessman [03:06:57] blueskydrinking: buy a whole new suit! [03:06:58] Gtadicto1: okey max payne XD [03:06:59] 1battlepants: You are beautiful [03:07:00] daniel3521463fg: GoatEmotey GoatEmotey FlawlessVictory GoatEmotey FlawlessVictory GoatEmotey FlawlessVictory GoatEmotey FlawlessVictory GoatEmotey FlawlessVictory GoatEmotey FlawlessVictory FlawlessVictory GoatEmotey FlawlessVictory FlawlessVictory GoatEmotey FlawlessVictory GoatEmotey FlawlessVictory GoatEmotey FlawlessVictory GoatEmotey FlawlessVictory GoatEmotey FlawlessVictory GoatEmotey FlawlessVictory GoatEmotey FlawlessVictory FlawlessVictory GoatEmotey FlawlessVictory GoatEmotey [03:07:00] JustaDweeb007: hankerchief [03:07:01] Eltrid_: buys some pants too [03:07:01] lankyCRAIG: monacal when ? [03:07:01] zombiii: better pants [03:07:02] MaxWattage: It is a real pocket; Suits are sold with the top-pockets sealed with a thread you need to remove. [03:07:02] JadeSorcery: Do you already have nice masc dress shoes? [03:07:03] mystchevious1: New belt, New pants (those don't fit, SHIRT THAT FITS! [03:07:07] MatyPooh: A bow perhaps? [03:07:07] johnkeiwo: @mystchevious1, no shot, give it up, he'll never hear it [03:07:10] joyousmadman2: you need a vest for a pocket watch [03:07:14] grandpaladin1701: A cravat [03:07:15] bosu1983: tie second [03:07:15] kr15t14n: buy a monocle [03:07:16] SnowwyAI: It needs tailored so it hugs her waist properly. [03:07:16] alex_5r1: let us see a dress [03:07:18] orange6plar: Monacle [03:07:18] stephanie1701: buy pants that fit [03:07:20] XENOMAN5: Barbie necklace? [03:07:20] EricABlair: Pocket Flask, lots of Whisky [03:07:20] EvilPanda14_: hmm, if you leave it open shouldn't you need something on your chest [03:07:21] ronin_5463: top hat pocket watch combo [03:07:21] Fried_Pickles: Boy Cringe [03:07:21] Vanimal2118: Why cringe? [03:07:22] Photonicfab: Sunglasses would go hard [03:07:22] SubliminalCorruption: lacks bobs [03:07:22] BlaireBearStare: Buy a belt, slacks, and a shirt and you’ll have the fit. this one’s too I’ll fitted [03:07:24] escapisc: It's too tight [03:07:24] OliveTentacle: Get a new tailor! [03:07:25] bearpaw1970: Keep it unbuttoned [03:07:25] vampirelord1993: looks great F1nn [03:07:26] jollyoldbeans: f1nnGremlin [03:07:26] Joanna_Hart: it doesn't fit well enough imo [03:07:26] lucyvi_: pocket watch and wrist watch together? [03:07:26] daniel3521463fg: Lol [03:07:26] NobodyRecognizesMe: both [03:07:28] evericor000: IT NEEDS A VEST [03:07:28] johnkeiwo: you made it cringe finn [03:07:29] mystchevious1: @johnkeiwo You're not wrong but If I don't try there is 0% chance. [03:07:30] sometimeafter1990: tailor [03:07:30] baslak01: I think it's because of booba [03:07:31] vajcovec_: u trans gender? [03:07:31] bornsupremelegenddieyoung: im smarter than you [03:07:31] Skylee1976: Keep it open [03:07:33] splixir: The pants don't fit well imo [03:07:35] Joanna_Hart: it doesn't look *bad* it just looks ill-fitting [03:07:35] bosu1983: Flute suit [03:07:37] JadeSorcery: You could take the suit into a tailors maybe? [03:07:37] bearpaw1970: Needs a vest [03:07:39] alexx_net: Pocket-watch needs a wastecoat [03:07:40] daniel3521463fg: Good girl [03:07:40] zephyr_alba: So mean so accurate [03:07:41] SciFiBrony: @OliveTentacle Or ANY tailor [03:07:42] fenris442: go for a Von Lycaon look from Zenless Zone Zero [03:07:43] tinylilhorse: lose the top and jacket and go vest no shirt [03:07:44] ronin_5463: Buy some fashion sense [03:07:45] Teambou: or you could go with a bow tie it could attrack attention to that [03:07:47] ABitOLace: Better yet... get a dress! [03:07:47] mystchevious1: The vest would give needed color [03:07:47] zombiii: its ok [03:07:51] Avaerus0: It'll be fine [03:07:54] graef42: open jacket without a tie [03:07:55] vartris: so, technically, you can button up all of them as long as you are standing [03:07:55] Fried_Pickles: F1nn cant order a custom tailored suit its too soon [03:07:55] NobodyRecognizesMe: finn both buttons closed [03:07:55] RaD_d: xdxdxd [03:07:56] 1battlepants: I'm cringe. Just a normal Twitch User [03:07:56] grandpaladin1701: @stephanie1701 - approved name🖖🏼 [03:07:57] loograt: 3 piece suit KEKW [03:07:57] SnowwyAI: @vajcovec_ Finn is genderfluid. Her pronouns are he/him. [03:07:58] orange6plar: Gold monacle [03:08:00] static2b2t: get a tie [03:08:00] PhilosophiaBME: does all of your hair fit in a clip? maybe put all of it up? [03:08:02] ejl1as: a dress would go so fckn hard [03:08:02] blueskydrinking: 3 piece, dark blue suit. It will look incredible [03:08:05] MintyDragonFire: a wedding [03:08:09] Darrrington: sure.... but what's underneath???? [03:08:10] alex_5r1: let us compare [03:08:10] honeysquares: lol [03:08:17] New_Adventuree: atleast try a dress [03:08:20] bosu1983: Take a Tom Green brand flute to the wedding [03:08:25] ronin_5463: Half windsor [03:08:25] XENOMAN5: vest would cover booba too [03:08:27] ThePastorVan: someone restart Finn, they are t-posing again! [03:08:28] Shockwavemecha: aww [03:08:28] 1battlepants: I love you [03:08:28] MrsPandamber: a 3 piece lol [03:08:28] MintyDragonFire: you look like the uncle who would be drinking and partying on the dance floor with the tie around their head [03:08:29] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [03:08:30] mierkenis: Suit is only unbuttoned when you sit down. When you get up you button it! [03:08:30] johnkeiwo: so comfy looking [03:08:31] MrPink0000: who dis [03:08:33] jollyoldbeans: its giving f1nnGremlin f1nnGremlin [03:08:33] TrueMezzo: wild [03:08:34] honeysquares: ooooooo [03:08:34] fanconvet: May an ascot would help? [03:08:35] Vanimal2118: Your body will continue to change with the E. [03:08:35] loograt: befor/after [03:08:36] Shockwavemecha: Look at the Lil Bean [03:08:38] Shockwavemecha: LUL [03:08:40] TheBestMaidens: Why do you look like Bustin in that pic lol [03:08:40] Fried_Pickles: Wow the commebnt below urs [03:08:40] baslak01: So handsome [03:08:43] graef42: waistcoats will emphasis boobs so would avoid it [03:08:44] Fried_Pickles: LMAO [03:08:45] bearpaw1970: It will be fine , new belt exactly [03:08:47] RaD_d: your brother is handsome [03:08:48] bananasandwich6969: another timeline you can tweet [03:08:48] keknik1337: before and after [03:08:48] 1958dino: Wear a black sports bra and undo the shirt completely💐🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💐 [03:08:49] handscombchris: F1nn stop checking out dead people! [03:08:53] Gtadicto1: the dead brother XD [03:08:54] bosu1983: Get that suit [03:09:00] lethalchimken: "I see dead people" [03:09:01] gracefully_insane74: looks like a half windsor [03:09:02] ThePastorVan: @handscombchris LUL [03:09:03] zebrabbl396: Yea [03:09:05] TEMPEST_ggs: Tseng from FF7 [03:09:05] GhoulieGhoul_: mrow~ :3 [03:09:07] bosu1983: Sepiroth [03:09:08] baslak01: Yes u did [03:09:08] Mikayla_Alexis: 🥵🥵🥵 [03:09:09] RyanOneTwo: That second photo is fire [03:09:09] MrsPandamber: yeah never do up the last button [03:09:09] YumeNoZen: Was that your nephew earlier? [03:09:10] zephyr_alba: Multiclassed into woman since [03:09:10] frechtoast22430: fin speaking of prom can i take you to prom [03:09:10] Fried_Pickles: ngl, you look a lot better in the suit now [03:09:11] Vanimal2118: Where you on E in the pic? [03:09:11] transterra29: 🥵 [03:09:12] kieranfl: Schlatt's comment [03:09:12] johnkeiwo: you look way smaller [03:09:13] XENOMAN5: dead F1nn bro, 🪦 [03:09:13] Alice_Unchained: Don't think you looked that masc there either [03:09:15] BlaireBearStare: Surprising lot has changed [03:09:16] elitegamerxt: Are you trans now, or still a guy? i have to know [03:09:18] lilithsspawn: lots different you fool [03:09:18] Fried_Pickles: it's giving chad [03:09:19] blueskydrinking: it looked like you murdered a much taller man and stole his suit KEKW [03:09:20] ronin_5463: The two buttons is goofy [03:09:22] bearpaw1970: Let the hair hang naturally [03:09:23] bucksben: Lego man wants his hair back!! [03:09:24] SnowwyAI: I feel like you look smaller and more feminine now. [03:09:25] family_toy: your face is softer now [03:09:25] TEMPEST_ggs: total Tseng [03:09:29] bosu1983: FFVII [03:09:29] ABitOLace: Help! He's regressing! [03:09:30] NobodyRecognizesMe: both buttons closed [03:09:31] Mikayla_Alexis: Masc lez vibes [03:09:33] zephyr_alba: So needs tailor [03:09:35] cocoapaws: wear a sportsbra under to minimize booba [03:09:37] johnkeiwo: you absolute dumbass, you are unable to see the changes [03:09:38] zebrabbl396: More testosterone back then [03:09:38] CrystalKyd: @elitegamerxt they/them gender fluid [03:09:43] tinylilhorse: your shoulders shrunk and your face is cuter [03:09:44] RaD_d: xdxdxd [03:09:45] Darrrington: Need some glasses [03:09:49] RaukkM: Have you seen men's corset vests? They look amazing [03:09:50] Bulldog85043: Jacket is too short. Y'need to go the tall nerds shop [03:09:51] Fried_Pickles: Its the makeup? [03:09:51] family_toy: estrogen will do that [03:09:52] mystchevious1: E does that [03:09:54] Ex0dia5: its the angle [03:09:54] kitsunebii87: your face has gotten slighlty narrower and softer [03:09:55] fenris442: oooo glasses would go hard [03:09:55] MrsPandamber: E will do that yeah [03:09:55] Vanimal2118: True @johnkeiwo [03:09:56] alexx_net: It's a single-breasted suit - you aren't meant to do up both buttons on it. [03:09:57] baslak01: HRT does that [03:09:58] MajesticFvckingEagle: E [03:09:59] EvilPanda14_: is it the same camera lens [03:09:59] Aedthryth: Bimbo face [03:10:00] Mikayla_Alexis: Eeeeeeeeeeeee [03:10:00] professor_micron: Just tuned in why is Finn wearing a suit? [03:10:01] Fried_Pickles: @family_toy Im waiting fore it to do that to me >: [03:10:02] dialecticalboy: Have you thought about ditching black and going for navy? [03:10:02] the_avocado_general: e [03:10:02] unlikelygamer87: You're pretty! [03:10:03] krovvy: more gurly, weird [03:10:05] TrueMezzo: everything about u is so different [03:10:05] Gtadicto1: and your shoulders are smaller [03:10:06] Eltrid_: crumpled sleeve, bottom jacket buttoned [03:10:07] mystchevious1: plumper cheeks [03:10:12] baslak01: E [03:10:19] thenoghri: Honestly, that get up with your hair in a tight bun would be great. [03:10:20] XENOMAN5: wear a pretty dress [03:10:22] sometimeafter1990: nice!! [03:10:23] zephyr_alba: Estrogen a hell of a drug [03:10:24] MrsPandamber: that fucking clip is holding on for dear life [03:10:25] YumeNoZen: Do you STILL think you look masc? [03:10:27] NiaNal: Starting Estrogen when you are still young is cheating.... [03:10:28] ThePastorVan: @mystchevious1 makeup makes a difference too [03:10:28] dashark72: The outfit with heels would slap [03:10:31] sometimeafter1990: love the room decor [03:10:35] loograt: "and shit" [03:10:40] mystchevious1: @ThePastorVan true. [03:10:42] TEMPEST_ggs: 100% Tseng from FF7 [03:10:43] drinferno99: Gizz [03:10:48] Avaerus0: That is a very bright light [03:10:50] Vanimal2118: He is going male for the wedding @YumeNoZen [03:10:54] ejl1as: chat does finn always stream this late? [03:10:58] YumeNoZen: Male ish. [03:11:02] Teambou: the hair down the side looks very bad [03:11:06] baslak01: @ejl1as yes [03:11:06] maybeonlysometimes: !time [03:11:06] f3mmbot: The time in the UK is: 00:17 [03:11:08] BexxPlayz: Finn! my first stream and im wasted AF! [03:11:09] johnnyboy213th: u look hot [03:11:10] jollyoldbeans: ye [03:11:10] ThePastorVan: @Vanimal2118 they are going to try anyway [03:11:14] Ramaj_A: fr though.. a tailored suit just hits different than a non-tailored suit. even when you're wearing them you can feel the difference and the tailored one gives you so much more confidence. it's a worthwhile investment of a couple hundred dollars. [03:11:15] MajesticFvckingEagle: "She's pretty" [03:11:15] f0rrest_f1re: Why do you look shorter now? [03:11:17] NiaNal: @ejl1as it's 5 p.m. for me [03:11:21] alexx_net: What shoes ? https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41C6RxazduL.jpg ? [03:11:28] krovvy: smol [03:11:29] ronin_5463: You look a bit vampiric from the back [03:11:32] Lucridis: You are a smaller person [03:11:32] SnowwyAI: @CrystalKyd Did Finn change pronouns? Last I checked, he prefered he/him but was good with any. [03:11:33] ejl1as: @NiaNal oh god, where u from [03:11:34] mystchevious1: You are a smaller person. You've lost weight [03:11:35] fanconvet: Your bigger butt and hips makes your pants better proportioned [03:11:36] MrsPandamber: all of it [03:11:38] NobodyRecognizesMe: its 2 am for me [03:11:38] EvilPanda14_: LUL [03:11:41] PynkFryck: the everything bit [03:11:47] NiaNal: @ejl1as Alberta Canada [03:11:49] evericor000: Finn shrinking [03:11:58] ChasingSol: please just get some trousers and a shirt that fits [03:11:59] RaD_d: smol woman [03:12:00] Vanimal2118: Just have fun u goof! [03:12:00] Eltrid_: someone get this man some fashion snese [03:12:01] ejl1as: @ejl1as ah wait thats early right? imbad with english time words [03:12:02] PynkFryck: The trousers as well [03:12:05] thenoghri: The jacket size is fine. The pants and shirt are way too big. [03:12:10] mystchevious1: @ChasingSol IKR!!! [03:12:17] Bytebak: F1nn flies undone [03:12:19] DJARUUN: its completely fine guys [03:12:19] forever_harmony: hallo [03:12:24] ThePastorVan: except youre stretching out the top couple buttons on your shirt, with the jacket undone [03:12:30] theordinary443: g’day from Australia [03:12:34] ejl1as: @NiaNal ah for me its 1 am [03:12:36] Neisaneko: Heyyyy ur beautifull giiirl <3 GayPride [03:12:38] alexx_net: As long as Ashley can veto tomorrow, all will be fine. [03:12:40] cyberfoxx98: bit late to the party..yo finn [03:12:56] ABitOLace: Praying for an Ashley veto [03:12:57] vector_thinegoat: hello chat [03:12:58] alex_5r1: Ashley needs to help us [03:13:00] ronsalami228: usa #1 [03:13:02] Vanimal2118: True @alexx_net [03:13:03] vision_fze: how do i find out if im smarter than u [03:13:05] vector_thinegoat: Did I win [03:13:06] Eltrid_: trust in Ashley [03:13:07] TaZd1ng0: You need testosterone boosters [03:13:24] NiaNal: @ejl1as that's still early on a weekend... [03:13:28] ronin_5463: Books on fashion sense KEKW [03:13:29] SubliminalCorruption: he should try to curl the strands that frame his face [03:13:30] vampirelord1993: i went and followed your friend on twitter pyrocynical [03:13:30] scarlettyg: Sent him an ABCs book? KEKW [03:13:33] loograt: John sent fashion magazines [03:13:42] EndlesslyFlowering: fem as hell [03:13:44] mierkenis: Do you have shoes that match the belt? [03:13:45] cyberfoxx98: thats boss [03:13:46] scatteredleaves: the hair makes it really niice [03:13:46] sammich_9: yaoi hand [03:13:47] Jens_LN: test it in gender AI thingy ? [03:13:49] tehikohiko: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:13:51] Vanimal2118: The vains will go away with E [03:13:53] baslak01: U dont have vein anymore?? [03:13:53] DarrigoTR: Looks like this room [03:13:55] johnkeiwo: yeah that's a girl in a suit [03:13:56] family_toy: u a gurl [03:13:56] tinylilhorse: envious of your little girl hands [03:13:57] theordinary443: it gives off twink [03:13:57] Shockwavemecha: face rounder now [03:13:57] RaD_d: downsize the jacket [03:13:59] J0sephFrost: Lesbian vibes [03:14:00] ashcampbell: it gives i need it tailored [03:14:02] thenoghri: The oversize outfit makes your head look tiny. Lol [03:14:05] Avaerus0: What JoJo character is this? [03:14:06] kamikazelucy: <3 <3 <3 [03:14:07] alexx_net: You look pretty, but almost everything in that photo is every so slightly wrong. [03:14:12] ejl1as: @NiaNal true. but im tired af [03:14:14] Cylkiro94: Cloud from ff type beat [03:14:17] vision_fze: whats a femboy [03:14:18] family_toy: You just don't look masc anymore bro [03:14:22] luna_werewolfyt_og: 𝑯𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐 [03:14:22] Shockwavemecha: More girly now [03:14:22] NyxGoneRogue: No [03:14:27] bearpaw1970: Natural hanging hair [03:14:30] Gtadicto1: doesnt seem the same person XD [03:14:30] alexx_net: Yup, Before: man; now ... hmmm [03:14:30] BlaireBearStare: I think you sunk in your shoulders more in the old pic too [03:14:31] Deafdude: More girly now yeah [03:14:33] evericor000: the old one looks anime protagonist [03:14:33] staticspork: Look much smaller [03:14:33] baslak01: @ejl1as u can always watch it later [03:14:34] cyberfoxx98: you look like elle driver from kill bill [03:14:34] johnkeiwo: because you are actually smaller [03:14:37] cultist13: looks like a younger sister [03:14:37] HardyOrange: I mean, 5'9" now [03:14:37] rainfallwall: pretty girl [03:14:38] Kaimellostar: The first on3 for sure [03:14:38] UnnamedTransGirl: yeah hon, it's estrogen [03:14:38] alex_5r1: try to put all hair up [03:14:39] ejl1as: @vision_fze feminine boy, vwery feminine boy [03:14:40] Shockwavemecha: Honey i Shrunk the Femboy [03:14:41] SPDene: you don't look human; you look elf :) [03:14:41] CB4Logic: I think you look more feminine <3 [03:14:42] BlaireBearStare: Your posture is better now [03:14:44] NyxGoneRogue: NO [03:14:44] ronin_5463: It looks padded in the older photo lol [03:14:47] joyousmadman2: It's giving Hozier after a day at the spa [03:14:47] JustSomeData: those shoulders are *gone* [03:14:48] OliveTentacle: Who was your femboy fashion consultant then? [03:14:56] vision_fze: @ejl1as makes no sense [03:14:56] miss_higher: Is F1NN5TER shrinking???? [03:14:57] zebrabbl396: Not hourglass [03:14:58] moodasluht: it's almost as if you are a smaller human now [03:15:01] BlaireBearStare: Old photo has caved in shoulders, new has them pulled back [03:15:02] SnowwyAI: You look like you're the girlfriend and you put on your boyfriend's suit. [03:15:02] johnkeiwo: yes they are [03:15:08] pilix123: 1 [03:15:10] krovvy: this cope [03:15:13] family_toy: less muscle [03:15:14] azertyfun: ... surely [03:15:14] baslak01: COPE [03:15:15] kat_tomboy: 1 [03:15:15] johnkeiwo: finn, you ARE smaller, DUMB BITCH [03:15:15] Joanna_Hart: it's the posture [03:15:16] Eltrid_: shoulders look fake in the old pic [03:15:16] mystchevious1: Why would your shoulders be the same size? [03:15:20] tilt_central: What have I woken up to 😱😱 [03:15:20] Shockwavemecha: Lost ligament thickness [03:15:21] Vanimal2118: Sholders don't change just less muscles [03:15:22] johnkeiwo: finn, you ARE smaller, DUMB BITCH [03:15:22] johnkeiwo: finn, you ARE smaller, DUMB BITCH [03:15:27] cookieeater212: old you is currents yous dom [03:15:28] mierkenis: Button up the top button, never ever button up the bottom button! [03:15:30] Shockwavemecha: smaller shoulder [03:15:31] pilix123: thats the one [03:15:31] theordinary443: the new one is just a twink trying to hard [03:15:32] cyberfoxx98: 2nd photo looks better [03:15:37] Skylee1976: It's your hair in the first one [03:15:38] BlaireBearStare: You caved in your chest, rolling your shoulders forward to appear bigger [03:15:40] ChasingSol: haha [03:15:40] Shockwavemecha: LUL [03:15:40] sarkaas_: the og photo is way better in my opinion [03:15:41] ABitOLace: We're all having a 'moment' here [03:15:42] krovvy: lmaooo [03:15:42] mystchevious1: Weight distribution!!!! your but and hips are bigger!!! [03:15:44] azertyfun: LUL [03:15:45] bearpaw1970: You did loose shoulder thickness [03:15:45] ChasingSol: KEKW [03:15:47] ejl1as: @vision_fze dude that dresses girly and has thin figure i guess [03:15:50] general_of_cm: I wanted hot twink in suit Not "Hot twink in suit" we have at home [03:15:54] ltflustered: long neck [03:15:55] loograt: colder showers [03:15:59] RaincloudTheDragon: 2 raiders from RaincloudTheDragon have joined! [03:16:00] shakavalue: I think it's just the HRT distributing fat differently [03:16:02] Shockwavemecha: shoulder slimmed down now [03:16:04] NobodyRecognizesMe: make the web browser tabs side by side each other [03:16:05] mystchevious1: Weight distribution!!!! your but and hips are bigger!!! [03:16:05] staticspork: Agreed, OG looks more masc [03:16:10] sarkaas_: the hair does a lot too [03:16:10] baslak01: HRT [03:16:11] TrueMezzo: mf is realising he looks like a girl [03:16:11] vampirelord1993: whens your furry friend coming bck F1nn [03:16:12] MrMopps: the power of Estrogen [03:16:12] Shockwavemecha: Girly pop [03:16:12] mystchevious1: the fat is in better places. [03:16:13] f0rrest_f1re: Same weight different height [03:16:15] SnowwyAI: The magic of HRT, lol. [03:16:20] Eltrid_: its the hair [03:16:20] ronin_5463: Cheeks a lot less sallow as well [03:16:23] krovvy: the fat gains the muscle loss [03:16:25] baslak01: Person on E figures out they on E [03:16:27] YumeNoZen: Weight went to boobs? [03:16:27] SamIsHereNow: Neck looks narrower. Thicker neck looks masculine [03:16:28] thebrandam: never seen finn like this [03:16:30] meowriio: i might be crazy but its just a different angle of photo? [03:16:33] bearpaw1970: Your more feminine distribution of body fats [03:16:33] Mikayla_Alexis: HRT go brrrrrrrr [03:16:37] sammich_9: straight to birthing hips [03:16:37] EvilPanda14_: all your weight has gone to your lips [03:16:38] alex_5r1: to another location [03:16:38] OstentatiousMongoose: lost muscle [03:16:39] tinylilhorse: where is ashley she needs to kiss you rn for this [03:16:42] Shockwavemecha: Weight migrated [03:16:42] lunarLarceny: yeah it redistributes!! [03:16:43] moodasluht: also you just cant keep the happiness in anymore [03:16:43] alexx_net: 2nd puberty goes hard... or rather, soft f1nnHeart f1nnHeadpat f1nnLaff [03:16:46] mystchevious1: Also boobs count as weight now [03:16:51] miss_higher: Weight redistributed to booba n butt ;) [03:16:54] bosu1983: Started taking HRT? [03:16:55] sarkaas_: angle, lighting and hair [03:16:58] MrsPandamber: do you like that it moved or not [03:16:58] NyxGoneRogue: SHORTER NOW! [03:17:03] elm_stump: You just look happy in the second photo [03:17:04] ContingentCat: my ex started hrt when she was with me it was crazy the changes [03:17:04] ArdentSlacker: Yes, the weight moves. Biology changes. ^_^ [03:17:05] breadthecanadian: a [03:17:06] Eltrid_: The FOV maybe ? [03:17:07] family_toy: U smiling [03:17:08] NyxGoneRogue: @F1NN5TER You are shorter now! [03:17:09] CrystalKyd: so pretty [03:17:13] mystchevious1: You were taking it wrong at that point [03:17:15] paychatter: you sholdders [03:17:16] Coolcalcacol: YES @wardenboo! [03:17:16] blueskydrinking: or very consistently [03:17:21] Shockwavemecha: 6 months of hrt later [03:17:22] family_toy: so much happier [03:17:23] zebrabbl396: Chaditude when taking pictures [03:17:24] NobodyRecognizesMe: that hair looks more man like when over head from side [03:17:25] poppyhart69: Pretty finn [03:17:28] OliveTentacle: F1nn's body shape has been chnged this much by HRT? [03:17:31] staticspork: Interesting that the pants don't look more filled out if fat was going to hips [03:17:31] johnkeiwo: it is interesting to hear the internal monologue [03:17:33] lethaldissonance: eyebrows are different [03:17:35] crowgrammer: I think the hormone changes are super interesting actually [03:17:40] ronin_5463: nerrrrd [03:17:44] bearpaw1970: Olive' yup [03:17:48] elo15_: do hair the same way to compare [03:17:49] Shockwavemecha: round Face now [03:17:50] kaydensanxious: Lighting and body posture [03:17:50] hopalongtommy: Face position is very different, old more front facing and chin down. New chin up and turned to side [03:17:52] ArdentSlacker: Honestly, recognizing this kinda change and grinning about it? Gives vicarious joy. ^_^ [03:17:57] loograt: lighting coompletely differentt [03:18:00] Shockwavemecha: Mog [03:18:02] raycid74: Ur Girlfriend is Fine.! femukSmug [03:18:04] ronin_5463: youre mewing KEKW [03:18:05] blueskydrinking: you've always had nice hands tbf [03:18:06] Shockwavemecha: Mog5ter [03:18:10] BlaireBearStare: Definitely had a mood for boy mode posts [03:18:11] Eltrid_: the hair and facial expression change a lot I think [03:18:11] Cemon__: !socials [03:18:12] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [03:18:13] elm_stump: You just look like you're smiling in the second one [03:18:15] sarkaas_: looks maxxing finn [03:18:15] SnowwyAI: In the new photo, you look bored. [03:18:20] MrsPandamber: youre giving grumpy emo in the old photo and youre smiling in the new one [03:18:21] BeeBeeBumblin: Lighting and both are baggy anyhow [03:18:21] UnnamedTransGirl: perhaps I shouldn't ask, but have you considered wearing a dress? [03:18:23] alex_5r1: Listen to chat [03:18:28] SamIsHereNow: Torso looks broader in 1st picture. [03:18:30] BlaireBearStare: Was this the same fit from the pic with the abs? [03:18:32] NobodyRecognizesMe: hair same way than in older phone [03:18:40] meowriio: how long have u been on E? [03:18:40] BlaireBearStare: Recreate the one with the abs? [03:18:44] Shockwavemecha: You have EVOLVED [03:18:45] MrsPandamber: do you like the way it changed? [03:18:55] Silraa: Clearly a sign that you should try a dress for the wedding! [03:18:57] elm_stump: Two different flavors of gender envy [03:18:58] CrystalKyd: estrogen is the better hormone 5 real [03:19:00] loograt: Yo should tho the same with lesss clothes KAppa [03:19:01] crunchline84: what is changing the moment you take estrogen? [03:19:03] Shockwavemecha: carome2Smug [03:19:09] SamIsHereNow: Do you remember your suit measurements prior to HRT? [03:19:16] FlienFee: Can i ask in you ab Boy a Girl or some Else? [03:19:17] ogrem_fanclan: yeah, you pwetty f1nnEmbarrassed [03:19:23] sharkieluvverzz: FELLOW FEMBOIIIIIII ;333 [03:19:23] bearpaw1970: Yes glasses as well [03:19:33] alexx_net: When you are feeling your most femme... do you have a girlname? [03:19:34] mystchevious1: That right there makes me less tense. I'm gad you're happy with how you've changed. Sorry I've been nagging. [03:19:42] Avaerus0: Imagine what another year will do [03:19:50] alexx_net: !gender @FlienFee [03:19:50] f3mmbot: As a young girl, Rose was playing a game of football when she was hit in the throat. That's why she sounds so masculine. Also, Finn is gender fluid. [03:19:51] anotherdaizy: anotherdaizy subscribed at Tier 1. [03:19:52] f3mmbot: anotherdaizy subscribed to f1nn5ter at Tier 1! Welcome to the lez-gang anotherdaizy f1nnLezgang [03:19:53] poppyhart69: Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 [03:19:55] hazhas205: i missed whatever that was can someone recap [03:20:01] speerxo: oh hey i know u from twitter [03:20:04] Shockwavemecha: Bro got Cuter haanHeart haanHeart haanHeart haanHeart haanHeart haanHeart haanHeart haanHeart [03:20:15] sunnyisqhere: FINNNNN YOU LOOK GORGEOUS [03:20:20] grandpaladin1701: You’re lighter now and have redistributed mass [03:20:22] hemeroidson: why? [03:20:23] EndlesslyFlowering: @f3mmbot who is Rose (ootl) [03:20:23] SamIsHereNow: Right, but it doesn't fit now, would be cool to see where your measurements have changed. i.e shoulders [03:20:26] OliveTentacle: The suit is soaked with HRT. So it changed its form. [03:20:29] YumeNoZen: We know. [03:20:29] leatherboy29: Yes I am smarter than Femboy [03:20:31] sarkaas_: you look too cute now to be masc lol [03:20:33] MrsPandamber: you look like a dom woman now when you try [03:20:34] JVMagicman: not really, your notmissing much [03:20:37] Vanimal2118: Have fun at the Wedding! [03:20:39] alexx_net: @raycid74, They are monogamous [03:20:40] aventusblue: ooohhhh, Business Finn [03:20:46] ContingentCat: that face is too cute to be masc lol [03:20:51] Sorin__: are you sure you could look masculine masculine before? [03:20:53] FlienFee: may I ask if you are a boy or a girl or something else [03:20:56] Toby_HoneyBee: Ooh I like the suit [03:21:02] bosu1983: On the belly button [03:21:06] Shockwavemecha: Finn wick [03:21:09] poppyhart69: Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 [03:21:12] crowgrammer: I started HRT recently and I'm happy to see how much it changes you! [03:21:18] lunassolarsystem: Lol, yes [03:21:22] ChasingSol: @FlienFee genderfluid, it varies [03:21:27] poppyhart69: Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 [03:21:27] Vanimal2118: Belly button girl [03:21:27] Furious_C0okie: Stare exemFlushed [03:21:27] staticspork: Gender: Yes [03:21:27] graef42: No. Male waist is way bellow belly button [03:21:27] baslak01: Yes, male is under belly [03:21:28] Futura3: @FlienFee transitioning to girl [03:21:30] hrydo_fc: @FlienFee he is trans [03:21:31] alexx_net: @EndlesslyFlowering, Rose is what chat used to call F1nn when he was dressed as a girl [03:21:36] saltycomputer: <3 you look cute as hell [03:21:38] MrsPandamber: the answer is just yes lol [03:21:38] EndlesslyFlowering: @alexx_net thanks! [03:21:48] SamIsHereNow: Maybe I'm dumb, but I think you're not as broad in the shoulders anymore, which does a lot. [03:21:48] johnkeiwo: expand on this talk go ahead :) [03:21:49] Eltrid_: Finn, you have closets full of non-casual women's clothes and shoes, and you choose to go to the wedding in men's clothes of which you have like 3 of each item [03:21:51] raphael2347: Love the suit yooo [03:21:52] Furious_C0okie: Mhm exemNod exemNod [03:21:52] FlienFee: @chasingsol thank you [03:21:53] EvilPanda14_: "cool" LUL [03:21:56] MajesticFvckingEagle: You might as well wear pants higher tho since you're not hiding makeup, nails, etc. [03:22:05] alex_5r1: Why not compare it to a dress just for fun ? [03:22:05] Avaerus0: "Insert words of wisdom here" [03:22:05] bosu1983: Back in the 30's it was the belly button [03:22:05] poppyhart69: Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 Pride1 [03:22:07] tinylilhorse: no fr this e making me dumb [03:22:10] Futura3: Pog [03:22:12] Vanimal2118: Many affects with E [03:22:14] blueskydrinking: Yeah, that's what Ashley's for :D [03:22:15] Furious_C0okie: Suchi 😻😻😻😻😻😻 [03:22:17] J0sephFrost: On, or right under the belly button for males. Could even go lover but the lower you go the douchy you look lol [03:22:23] MrsPandamber: you dont always need to have a coherent answer... as long as the vibes are good its all good [03:22:23] doge_doodles: So pretty [03:22:25] SamIsHereNow: Do you think quads are smaller? [03:22:26] EvilPanda14_: "transition is pog" - F1nn5ter, 2024 [03:22:26] medical_size9000: I like how T makes me feel physically and mentally [03:22:27] baslak01: I see no problem with that [03:22:28] ChoeRage: Holy hot bankteller lady cosplay monkaS [03:22:29] ronin_5463: I dont think youll have that prolem big man [03:22:31] mystchevious1: Buy new trousers [03:22:32] n3bulahhh: officer balls [03:22:32] alex_5r1: dress [03:22:36] n3bulahhh: bwahahahha [03:22:42] daniel3521463fg: Hi [03:22:46] f0rrest_f1re: Ashley is taller than you now LUL [03:22:49] BeeBeeBumblin: Raid icky's closet? [03:22:51] bosu1983: Chat i'm 120 years old... [03:22:51] blueskydrinking: buy the new trousers. and shirt. and jacket [03:22:52] SamIsHereNow: I'd assume hamstrings and glutes are bigger. [03:22:59] melkkuuu: Your body is pretty [03:22:59] baslak01: @bosu1983 no [03:23:01] PandaZ8_: you go trans and then dress like a bloke make Ur mind up 😂 [03:23:02] MrsPandamber: dude my thighs... I dont fit into any pants anymore [03:23:04] poppyhart69: Hello Finn have you got any top tips for how to make yourself look more feminine [03:23:05] SnowwyAI: Finn's like, "Ugh, that's gonna be, like, a whole day." [03:23:06] BexxPlayz: finn ive not seen a live of you before, and im so drunk [03:23:07] livjpk78: You look better in a nice dress ir skirt and top. [03:23:07] Vanimal2118: So have you learned anything from this stream? [03:23:10] BexxPlayz: its great [03:23:10] mystchevious1: New shirt [03:23:11] grandpaladin1701: Seriously, you don’t have much time. [03:23:13] TEMPEST_ggs: @bosu1983 Happy Birthday [03:23:14] FlienFee: how tall are you? [03:23:14] mystchevious1: Very easy. [03:23:15] bosu1983: I feel 120 years old BibleThump [03:23:16] fanconvet: Supenders [03:23:17] ronin_5463: muscle atrophy + boob growth [03:23:19] ChoeRage: bro looking elvish [03:23:20] ChasingSol: go to Selfridges and buy trousers and a shirt that fits, the look overall is good [03:23:23] SamIsHereNow: No, lol. [03:23:25] mystchevious1: They can be. [03:23:25] MrsPandamber: not really [03:23:26] enbyvee: Yes [03:23:26] ArdentSlacker: Hormones do weird things to connective tissue as well as fat and muscles. [03:23:27] dclhistorick: cant you pierce the belt more? [03:23:27] MajesticFvckingEagle: No [03:23:27] unaffected95: Nah [03:23:28] Beaver__Raid: F1NN, have you noticed any breast tissue growth since on Estrogen? [03:23:29] f3mmbot: Hey, did you know that Finn has a discord? https://discord.gg/f1nn [03:23:30] baslak01: nop [03:23:30] blueskydrinking: sometimes [03:23:30] Eltrid_: definitely not [03:23:30] ContingentCat: Maybe [03:23:31] enbyvee: Hawes and Curtis have both [03:23:31] daniel3521463fg: 1 raiders from daniel3521463fg have joined! [03:23:32] baslak01: nooo [03:23:32] alexx_net: @PandaZ8_ iz genderfluid! So no choice. [03:23:33] grandpaladin1701: Not necessarily [03:23:34] loograt: I'd make it good and get a jacket too [03:23:35] mystchevious1: Tailors know how to sew. [03:23:37] bosu1983: Onsie [03:23:37] ibabywillow: @F1NN5TER a quick question what estrogen are you takeing tablets or cream ect [03:23:39] enbyvee: I rate Hawes and Curtis very highly [03:23:39] sometimeafter1990: i think the office of ashley scott does nice womens suits [03:23:39] BexxPlayz: go to matalan [03:23:40] Vanimal2118: A good tailor can make you look great! [03:23:41] ryagodR6: uh oh bots [03:23:41] sportynathor: not true, i ve seen a bicep pose of you before arm wrestling with ashley looks great [03:23:43] ronin_5463: Its so they know to add the pink tax [03:23:47] gr3y_dr3ams: Hey finny [03:23:50] blueskydrinking: eat shit bots [03:23:51] mystchevious1: You knew you wanted to wear this from the jump [03:23:51] MajesticFvckingEagle: Thanks mods SeemsGood [03:23:52] bosu1983: Wear a onesie to wedding [03:24:04] ryagodR6: ModLove [03:24:05] venomousrose13: how big of a donation to wear a dress to the party? [03:24:05] Sorin__: swift and efficient mod work [03:24:07] Beaver__Raid: Speaking of Ashley, is she there? [03:24:12] gibbon66: petthemods [03:24:14] medical_size9000: Bots ugghhhh [03:24:16] SnowwyAI: LOL, Yume.... [03:24:24] Futura3: @F1NN5TER how were the emotional hormonal changes with HRT now you're used to them? [03:24:28] Vanimal2118: Ashley is normal she sleeps [03:24:33] Coolcalcacol: I am a bot [03:24:33] zment: wait, it's syou... man you lookin pretty today. [03:24:34] graef42: King & Allen in Birmingham [03:24:35] medical_size9000: ModLove ModLove ModLove ModLove ModLove ModLove ModLove ModLove [03:24:36] loograt: I so wanna see Ashley's reaction to these [03:24:39] Gtaer222: YAS [03:24:40] Shockwavemecha: Cool [03:24:40] sarkaas_: 15 min gang [03:24:40] baslak01: ofc [03:24:41] CheweyZ: DinoDance [03:24:41] Ramaj_A: yay [03:24:42] sasha_3251: Yaaaaaay [03:24:43] blueskydrinking: Oh btw @YumeNoZen you won your points KEKW [03:24:43] BlaireBearStare: Hell ye [03:24:43] tilt_central: Let's gooo [03:24:43] UnnamedTransGirl: hell yeah [03:24:44] jollyoldbeans: :) [03:24:44] funny_mayonnaise: Yay [03:24:45] YumeNoZen: You're adorable, and if you wanna be masc, you might need a binder. [03:24:45] hydroponicmaple: DinoDance [03:24:46] Shinobi__Tactics: AYAYA [03:24:46] Avaerus0: CoolCat [03:24:46] watesigma0_0: yay [03:24:46] Shockwavemecha: astra71Cool [03:24:46] MrMopps: detuneV we cool [03:24:47] ronin_5463: Preciate it original gangster [03:24:48] lilithsspawn: Hiiiii [03:24:49] the_avocado_general: ye [03:24:50] SnowwyAI: We are the best, lol. [03:24:51] YumeNoZen: @blueskydrinking, I figured. lollll [03:24:51] Vanimal2118: <-- totally not cool [03:24:52] venomousrose13: bye bots [03:24:52] Mikayla_Alexis: itspea13Groove itspea13Groove itspea13Groove [03:24:52] kelseyhellfire: fair enough [03:24:53] ejl1as: yaay [03:24:53] honeygay_: yippii [03:24:53] AstralRando: bots eat shit [03:24:53] andimax11: hell yeah [03:24:53] eine_baum: ayo [03:24:54] PynkFryck: I'm cool or something [03:24:56] ChristinaGaymes: OnlyFollowers? ?? [03:24:58] medical_size9000: Modality bots [03:24:58] HarborPLA: avngrJam avngrJam avngrJam [03:25:00] acrashot567: ehh [03:25:01] staticspork: CoolCat [03:25:02] elm_stump: You're outfit is good 👍 [03:25:03] DarrigoTR: jboMods jboMods jboMods [03:25:11] summer_ohtoo: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:25:13] tilt_central: Finn getting emotional after being asked about emotional changes 🤣 [03:25:14] MsJeanJacket: Are you more vulnerable with yourself or others emotionally? [03:25:16] melkorgoth: I'm a follower and a subscriber, but I'm definitely not cooler than anyone lol [03:25:16] lanaverina: Hi [03:25:17] Avaerus0: You've mentioned being less angry [03:25:18] bosu1983: Euphoria [03:25:18] loograt: we played hard and believed in each other [03:25:18] alexx_net: @ChristinaGaymes we had a bot attack [03:25:23] undead_bandit452: Yay [03:25:26] ronin_5463: When u open the test an dont know the first question KEKW [03:25:26] Vanimal2118: How good are you at multi-tasking? [03:25:32] anschofi: autism boy hasn't prepared that answer yet [03:25:33] SamIsHereNow: What about anger specifically? I feel like people blame anger on hormones so much. [03:25:40] kelseyhellfire: i think thats why its a good question [03:25:43] andimax11: you kind of leveled out? [03:25:51] ronin_5463: How much do boobs hurt at the start? [03:25:58] AlexUsman: Oh, estrogen made me a waterfall lol [03:25:58] Eltrid_: you've gotten used to the new baseline of emotional ? [03:26:02] Sorin__: how did you approach starting hrt? [03:26:03] evericor000: well you are still emotional the difference is you are now emotionally stable [03:26:06] hopalongtommy: You mentioned before E having to psych yourself up to face the day before getting out of bed [03:26:08] madi_rayz: How long have you been on HRT [03:26:09] Vanimal2118: Bobs hurt when growing [03:26:11] mystchevious1: It's different for everyone [03:26:13] MrsPandamber: mine still hurt 1,5 years in [03:26:13] zment: ..wait you have boobs now!? [03:26:14] Alice_Unchained: Glands developping isn't fun [03:26:17] kelseyhellfire: growing pains [03:26:18] sometimeafter1990: i wish i got the boobs that stop hurting :( [03:26:18] hydroponicmaple: it passes thankfully [03:26:22] bosu1983: Take a double dose? [03:26:23] ronin_5463: Can you mitigate the boob pain? [03:26:23] NyxGoneRogue: I really don’t think anyone would care if you wore a dress. You’d stand out less [03:26:28] 3lrd: @F1NN5TER check your twitter posts Aug 7th and Feb 7th for dresses that could work at a wedding [03:26:34] ContingentCat: it's different for some people my ex found it a little sore but not too painful [03:26:38] UnnamedTransGirl: mine hurt to the point where just the fabric of my shirts were irritating them [03:26:40] kelseyhellfire: im 5 months in and it only hurts when i first move in the morning [03:26:42] Root_: yo same 10/10/22 [03:26:44] Alice_Unchained: They can feel sensitive once in a while [03:26:45] ronin_5463: Makes you piss blood [03:26:46] Mikayla_Alexis: Mine still hurt at 20 mo [03:26:55] tilt_central: This is giving Ted x talk 🤣🤣 here ny life here,how hrt do change how the world should take it too [03:26:58] SamIsHereNow: Unrelated, I've not visited in yoinks, but your voice sounds more feminine now. [03:27:12] saltycomputer: A-b cup? [03:27:16] Vanimal2118: Not smart to give medical advice even if trying to help. [03:27:16] Loelinverse: aye still streaming! [03:27:20] Joopbestdingus: SMALL SCREEN [03:27:21] ibabywillow: @F1NN5TER a quick question what estrogen are you takeing tablets or cream ect [03:27:24] bearpaw1970: Silver Dollar pancakes [03:27:24] blueskydrinking: some incredible first time chats [03:27:26] BlaireBearStare: They’re noticeable [03:27:26] Sorin__: would it still get you banned on twitch? [03:27:28] obsidian__moon: AA cup [03:27:28] loograt: tripple A [03:27:29] Avaerus0: They're cute [03:27:30] enbyvee: For a good women's suit - Hawes & Curtis or Walker Slater [03:27:30] bosu1983: Bear moobs are bigger? [03:27:31] grandpaladin1701: 🤨 [03:27:34] SamIsHereNow: *Rushes to battle pass* [03:27:34] YumeNoZen: What happened when someone told you you were showing? [03:27:35] MrsPandamber: do they not hurt at all anymore? they stopped growing pretty early on? [03:27:38] frank_the_great: Yoooo, Finn in a suit [03:27:39] SnowwyAI: Apparently they're enough that Ashley has had to tell you to put on a bra. [03:27:41] BlaireBearStare: Bruh you have side boob [03:27:43] Stev_27: do you shave arm hair? [03:27:44] alex_5r1: nice to have boobs [03:27:47] holomisan: relatable i started around the same time [03:27:53] gwica: @BlaireBearStare thats normal. [03:27:54] bySkeelio: wait u started HRT late 2022? O.o [03:27:54] SamIsHereNow: What does showing mean? [03:28:03] f0rrest_f1re: Booba [03:28:03] BlaireBearStare: Exactly like I’m thinking I saw [03:28:10] bosu1983: smooth Kreygasm [03:28:11] family_toy: The boobs are noticeable [03:28:11] YumeNoZen: Meh, I'd share the clip in chat, but I'm STILL not VIP. *pouts* [03:28:14] 416hobbit: What kind of outfit is this?? [03:28:20] hydroponicmaple: i feel like the hair going away takes the longest [03:28:24] ChasingSol: hiya Hobbit [03:28:30] 416hobbit: Holy crap [03:28:31] bosu1983: I shave my arm hair to test knife shrpness [03:28:31] ronin_5463: How much did your hair/hairline improve? [03:28:32] bearpaw1970: Hey Hobbit🤗 [03:28:32] Shockwavemecha: Cool guy [03:28:34] YumeNoZen: @416hobbit, MaleFailFormal. [03:28:35] Futura3: @F1NN5TER are you taking part in BRAT summer [03:28:37] SamIsHereNow: Is your hair thicker now? [03:28:39] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: heyooo [03:28:42] tilt_central: Do you think the la?er hair removal had halted hair growth on parts of your body or would that be hrt ? [03:28:42] Vanimal2118: No VIP @YumeNoZen you still get ignored with the VIP. [03:28:42] MrsPandamber: its giving that one teacher that has alcohol stashed in his desk [03:28:44] 416hobbit: Hello all [03:28:44] medical_size9000: Gremlin outfit of the year [03:28:45] keyzro: keyzro subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months! [03:28:46] f3mmbot: keyzro subscribed to f1nn5ter for 28 months at Tier 1! PogU [03:28:46] hopalongtommy: @416hobbit Executive Legolas LUL [03:28:47] kelseyhellfire: male coding a wedding [03:28:48] gracefully_insane74: the pants would do better if they were at your waist [03:28:49] baslak01: What will speach be about [03:28:50] Eltrid_: how has the HRT affected the facial hair and the chest hair if you were one of the people that grew chest hair ? [03:28:54] Futura3: ITS NOT A MEME [03:28:54] frank_the_great: Hair making the ears look elfy [03:28:56] schlorbinator: @Futura3 I'd say this is more of a demure outfit ngl [03:28:58] zment: What is it with soft glowy when on HRT? [03:28:58] loograt: kinda ironic for the femboy awards [03:28:58] gracefully_insane74: have you not listened to Brat? [03:28:59] unaffected95: It's not really considered a meme [03:29:00] ronin_5463: Hi its me youre all in danger [03:29:01] EvanflowDDT: You took Finasteride, right? [03:29:01] EvilPanda14_: I'm with you tbh, I know it's an album or something [03:29:03] YumeNoZen: @Vanimal2118, That's fair. And my Discord DMs get ignored often enough. [03:29:04] miss_higher: Gremlin guy mode outfit (joke) ;) [03:29:05] ContingentCat: brat is a way of life [03:29:07] bosu1983: Bloomer [03:29:11] alexx_net: You know that because you are one [03:29:13] TrueMezzo: its charlis album [03:29:14] MsJeanJacket: I noticed the hairs that stubbornly grow albeit thinner are facial some tummy and underarms. It's not annoying anymore, I just accept that I have to shave but way less frequently which is amazing. [03:29:14] bearpaw1970: Brat is good [03:29:17] Vanimal2118: Howdy @416hobbit [03:29:19] MrsPandamber: oh thats why everyone has a green background in their pic these days [03:29:23] HardyOrange: how??? how have you avoided it??? [03:29:23] loograt: Brat is the wurst [03:29:25] fanconvet: Hands in the pocket helps the bro look [03:29:27] medical_size9000: Never heard of it brat song [03:29:30] Futura3: its the new charli xcx album, is a cultural sensation, its just really good @F1NN5TER associated with lgbt [03:29:34] YumeNoZen: Ecco is way on it it apparently. [03:29:37] alexx_net: It's from Charli XCX [03:29:38] bosu1983: Fleischwurst [03:29:38] ronin_5463: Spring breakers is goated [03:29:39] gracefully_insane74: i like Crash a bit better, but Brat is great [03:29:43] EvilPanda14_: you use tiktok? [03:29:44] bySkeelio: @bosu1983 legga [03:29:45] UnnamedTransGirl: because it's fun [03:29:46] bananasandwich6969: where's ecco's blahaj tiktok [03:29:47] YumeNoZen: It's a little gay. [03:29:50] TrueMezzo: the album is really good thats all [03:29:54] sarathearcher1: @loograt Ouch... lol [03:29:54] Bobbikatt: you haven't heard the Apple song??? [03:29:55] unaffected95: I think you might like it. You like that kind of hyperpop sound [03:29:55] SamIsHereNow: What's the significance of the shark plushie for the trans community? [03:30:02] Alice_Unchained: It's just the cool thing of the year [03:30:03] bosu1983: @bySkeelio Sehrgut mit weiss [03:30:03] gracefully_insane74: It's hyperpop [03:30:04] Avaerus0: Because it's the song of the summerTM [03:30:04] blueskydrinking: every ecco post for two months has been all brat KEKW [03:30:06] elm_stump: It's a common gay joke honestly [03:30:06] Vanimal2118: Going to eat before I do something stupid. [03:30:07] neingeben: @ronin_5463 true [03:30:09] Strescicca: happy for you finn <3 [03:30:10] YumeNoZen: We need to get you a skirt suit. [03:30:14] MsJeanJacket: Jesus christ that looked like an epileptic trap [03:30:18] Bobbikatt: charlie xcx [03:30:21] BexxPlayz: ghosts [03:30:21] ChasingSol: @Vanimal2118 cya later [03:30:24] bearpaw1970: F1nn' is a "Good Bi" [03:30:26] charlieokeefe420: Kamala Harris the current vp of the states has something to do with it [03:30:27] SPDene: @SamIsHereNow light blue / white / pink : trans flag colours [03:30:32] blueskydrinking: charli xcx is carwling out of the speakers like the girl form the ring [03:30:33] MsJeanJacket: JESUS [03:30:34] medical_size9000: @vanimal2118 enjoy [03:30:34] notyour_waifu: it has a tiktok dance [03:30:37] bySkeelio: epileptic shit [03:30:39] charlieokeefe420: she’s related somehow [03:30:39] MrsPandamber: watch out with that [03:30:40] WhaleM1lker: epelips [03:30:45] Loelinverse: yes [03:30:47] bosu1983: Kreygasm [03:30:48] BexxPlayz: please dont flash screen when im pissed [03:30:49] 416hobbit: My EYES [03:30:50] Shockwavemecha: Huh [03:30:51] MsJeanJacket: f1nnJAM [03:30:55] Eltrid_: a totally normal club [03:30:56] keknik1337: ayo? [03:30:56] unaffected95: Definitely the gay clubs [03:30:57] charlieokeefe420: search Kamala Harris brat [03:30:57] Shockwavemecha: batsheBatge [03:31:00] YumeNoZen: Meh, you, in a club? lolll [03:31:01] DarrigoTR: epileptics [03:31:04] gracefully_insane74: @charlieokeefe420 her social media team just hopped on the meme bandwagon [03:31:07] ContingentCat: because tiktok [03:31:09] Futura3: still tryna deny hes not gonna go to a gay club ;( [03:31:09] alex_5r1: just hypothetically, what dress would you choose ? [03:31:11] BexxPlayz: first live stream for me here [03:31:13] WhaleM1lker: tiktok sound [03:31:14] SamIsHereNow: @SPDene Real? It's the colours? It's always Sharks [03:31:15] bosu1983: show it [03:31:17] YumeNoZen: Still sad you didn't make it in time for Karaoke in Rotterdam. *pouts* [03:31:25] labelenacha: Hellou [03:31:26] 416hobbit: It's KAmala [03:31:29] sometimeafter1990: comma-luh! [03:31:29] Bobbikatt: there was a tikity tokity dance trend with apple [03:31:32] madi_rayz: it’s a tiktok thing [03:31:34] scarlettyg: Pronounced KAH-mala [03:31:34] UnnamedTransGirl: I think it's bc Fantano gave it a 10 and then everyone lost their mind [03:31:39] unaffected95: Pronounced like comma-luh [03:31:40] ibabywillow: F1NN a quick question what estrogen are you takeing tablets or cream ect [03:31:41] ronin_5463: Pull up spring breakers if you still wanna listen [03:31:45] massivesalvo: Wearing a Suit doesn't make you look more Masculine F1nn. I went to gay clubs a lot as a boy [03:31:52] WhaleM1lker: but u trans u are polatic [03:31:53] CJKDB: Who's this dude? Where's F1nn? [03:31:55] bosu1983: Menpo? [03:31:57] YumeNoZen: Bitch, I tried to invite you to a bachelorette party for a head mod, and that was a fucking ordeal. [03:31:59] f0rrest_f1re: The sky is round [03:32:01] Gazzalinga: Just be careful, gay clubs are notorius for bartenders OVERLOADING alcohol into drinks LUL [03:32:03] andimax11: YOU have never been to a gay club? it’s chill af [03:32:12] kelseyhellfire: @CJKDB trying to get into the closet [03:32:12] enbyvee: This look for a gay club tbh [03:32:13] massivesalvo: Anyone notice Finn's voice is getting more girlie? [03:32:15] gwica: ''Why is there a woman in a gay club!? I am not a woman''. Keepo [03:32:15] SamIsHereNow: You'd just wear clubbing clothes, bo? lol [03:32:20] scarlettyg: As trans, our bodies are politicized, so we are indeed the body politic [03:32:20] Futura3: you are polatic [03:32:22] baslak01: Wo [03:32:22] browniebro1464: finn, you look like your about to give us a decent deal on a home loan [03:32:23] miss_higher: @Gazzalinga in the UK [03:32:23] baslak01: wow [03:32:23] Avaerus0: What gender are you? Politics. [03:32:24] zment: "in the gay bar, gaybar gaybar gaybar" [03:32:24] Sorin__: it checks out [03:32:27] ChasingSol: !caps [03:32:27] f3mmbot: Chat: Messages that are ALL CAPS will be auto-modded. STOP YELLING!!! [03:32:27] BexxPlayz: man vlad is hot, very much jealous of you [03:32:27] ronin_5463: I am all the Politik [03:32:28] hydroponicmaple: KEKW [03:32:29] queencorvus01: no polatic! [03:32:30] tinylilhorse: please go all out if you go to the club [03:32:31] Bobbikatt: finn would get roofeed at a bar [03:32:32] baslak01: Absurd [03:32:35] alessandrodigiorgio: rave outfit? [03:32:36] ThePastorVan: @zment LUL [03:32:37] EvilPanda14_: I'm the BEST politic [03:32:37] massivesalvo: Gay Bars are usually a bit cringe tho lots of meatings [03:32:38] UnnamedTransGirl: I am politik [03:32:39] Futura3: you are polatic stop denying it PrideShrug [03:32:42] RemusMeow: That's true, you're a cis straight white male or you're political! [03:32:43] Strescicca: i have a jack cimilar to that. i love to wear it [03:32:43] boosterflareon: IM POLITICS [03:32:47] Stev_27: Gay club? got it figured out, wedding? no idea, what is clothing [03:32:48] Eltrid_: you should do a photoshoot in a suit with the politician theme like with the whole stereotype of them being closeted [03:32:49] Strescicca: jacket* [03:32:49] SamIsHereNow: smol [03:32:50] fenris442: SMOL FINN [03:32:51] massivesalvo: I'd suggest a Coffee Shop plenty of Trans/LGBQT people there [03:32:52] browniebro1464: stop selling real estate [03:32:53] ChoeRage: Prime Minister [03:32:53] braddle172: Smol [03:32:53] miss_higher: @Gazzalinga not the case in the UK gay bars [03:32:54] charlieokeefe420: I met a girl who said she wouldn’t date trans people bc they’re too political [03:32:54] WhaleM1lker: im dysiexic :D [03:32:56] bosu1983: Cute laugh!!! [03:32:58] Shockwavemecha: smol [03:32:58] CJKDB: Is he selling vacuum cleaners door to door? [03:33:00] ronin_5463: Got games on ur phone [03:33:01] MajesticFvckingEagle: My pronouns are local/representative [03:33:02] funny_mayonnaise: I'm getting the big blahaj tomorrow 😁 [03:33:03] alexx_net: Stop "polatiking" the trans folks [03:33:05] UnnamedTransGirl: no I don't have games on my phone [03:33:07] massivesalvo: "Sir would you like to buy a Dyson?" [03:33:08] Shockwavemecha: aww, we want mc Deez? [03:33:09] miss_higher: Tiny F1NN lolololololol [03:33:09] blueskydrinking: "its my go on the 'puter!" [03:33:10] grandpaladin1701: Juice box/ [03:33:11] JadeSorcery: You earned a raise! [03:33:13] SamIsHereNow: boss, can I go toilet? [03:33:13] PlatypusWithCheese: the two genders, man and political [03:33:16] AstralRando: "take your femboy to work day" [03:33:19] Mikayla_Alexis: Awww tiny fimter [03:33:19] unaffected95: You got McDonald's money? [03:33:20] NyxGoneRogue: Can you try a dress just to humor us? @f1nn5ter [03:33:20] glitchzinth: pfiveShy [03:33:22] sometimeafter1990: you should get a coffee table for the couch [03:33:22] MrsPandamber: its giving boss baby [03:33:22] massivesalvo: "I'm the Lady Dyson Spokes Woman" [03:33:22] 416hobbit: "Don't bother the REAL office staff, son" [03:33:22] ronin_5463: uppies [03:33:22] SirTigTheGreat: that angle LMAO [03:33:25] kelseyhellfire: i typed pp a bunch of times can we pls get mcdonalds [03:33:25] Eltrid_: "uppies" [03:33:27] browniebro1464: @AstralRando YES [03:33:28] ThePastorVan: awwww, little F1nn wants to play minecraft! [03:33:30] massivesalvo: @F1NN5TER Where is your coffee girl? [03:33:30] loograt: Legally Trans [03:33:31] bosu1983: i would [03:33:33] TheAutoBoT1011: How goes it F1nn and chat [03:33:34] zombiii: asking for uppies instead of asking for a raise [03:33:35] mystchevious1: Please? [03:33:38] gibbon66: have you put the tps sheets on the reports [03:33:38] zebrabbl396: f1nnLaff [03:33:39] 416hobbit: Black pencil skirt [03:33:40] alex_5r1: please try [03:33:43] cyberfoxx98: smol [03:33:45] ronin_5463: Sicky Icky [03:33:45] theonlyscarlettxD: should I do HRT? [03:33:46] charlieokeefe420: it’s giving working from home smooth brain no wrinkles [03:33:46] EvilPanda14_: I think you should wear your sluttiest high heels with that fit [03:33:47] bearpaw1970: *In-Betwink [03:33:48] miss_higher: Go business girl mode please :) [03:33:52] ChoeRage: ASHLEY GET HER A COFFEE [03:33:52] JadeSorcery: That's a type of raise technically [03:33:53] Futura3: @F1NN5TER what questions are you tired of [03:33:58] sammich_9: gonna model the blk and pink 4 chat [03:34:00] 416hobbit: Ah... a wedding... [03:34:00] TheAutoBoT1011: Wearing a tie with it as well or no? [03:34:01] zombiii: if ashley lets you [03:34:01] AstralRando: "pwease boss? I NEED my uppiessss" [03:34:08] alex_5r1: yah [03:34:13] msbricklayer: cis people not realising them NOT having to be political is such a priviledge [03:34:16] alex_5r1: yippie [03:34:16] mystchevious1: There is NOTHING wrong with basic. [03:34:21] 416hobbit: I missed most of the stream... I'm chatting in the DARK [03:34:21] SamIsHereNow: This Wedding soon? Can sack the jacket tbh [03:34:22] johnkeiwo: now we send this to ashley and let her work [03:34:23] BexxPlayz: will you go to the wedding in girl face mode? [03:34:23] poppyhart69: Hey finn what is your advice for people trying to have Gender reassignment Surgery as it male to female [03:34:25] Shockwavemecha: 「 ✦ Basic ✦ 」 [03:34:29] alex_5r1: happy now [03:34:30] kaydensanxious: It's gonna be nicer isn't it [03:34:32] zment: oh man electric six such goofballs [03:34:36] massivesalvo: @msbricklayer You can always just be Conservative..deny the existence of anyone but yourself LUL [03:34:38] mystchevious1: @johnkeiwo Are you serious or meming? [03:34:39] miss_higher: @msbricklayer truuuuuuuue! [03:34:42] ronin_5463: I figured youd know all about Brat seeing as you are one KEKW [03:34:44] Bobbikatt: aren't we all just basic bishes deep down? [03:34:47] 416hobbit: Nice [03:34:49] CJKDB: Dress like a gyrl like a normal person. [03:34:49] massivesalvo: that's a bit tight [03:34:51] ABitOLace: Finally [03:34:51] Shockwavemecha: Brush off the dust [03:34:54] unaffected95: No that's not a wedding dress..... [03:34:54] hopalongtommy: The Brighton flowery dress would work for a wedding [03:34:54] Avaerus0: Good dress [03:34:56] blueskydrinking: @johnkeiwo I don't want to do that to her [03:35:00] Helen_Croft: put on now [03:35:00] glitchzinth: fhat needs a lint roller [03:35:01] Shockwavemecha: brush [03:35:02] BeeBeeBumblin: That plus cute belt <3 [03:35:02] gwica: @theonlyscarlettxD dont ask it in a chat. its a decision you have to deal with your own. [03:35:03] ChasingSol: @416hobbit Ashley was invited to a weddng, he's going as her +1. Chat has been trying to dress him for the past 1.5 hours. Finn has nothing that fits. [03:35:04] msbricklayer: :DD yeppp [03:35:04] bananasandwich6969: put it on then [03:35:04] sammich_9: girl mode!!!!!!!!! [03:35:07] Eltrid_: "basic" he says, wearing the most bland and uninspired outfit [03:35:07] baslak01: Y dont you wear it then [03:35:10] Coop9er: I would wear the icky. merch [03:35:13] SamIsHereNow: What time of year is this wedding? [03:35:19] TheAutoBoT1011: Are you gonna rock a tie with the suit or nah? [03:35:19] YumeNoZen: =P [03:35:20] alexx_net: @ronin_5463 she is too vanilla and ace to understand that [03:35:21] alex_5r1: can we see it [03:35:21] occamsrazorwit: Did someone say collar?! [03:35:22] 416hobbit: @ChasingSol Thank you!! [03:35:24] ThePastorVan: @msbricklayer really... [03:35:27] theonlyscarlettxD: @gwica crap my bad [03:35:29] bosu1983: Brigton [03:35:34] YumeNoZen: Fine, then I'd have to go over there again. *sigh* [03:35:42] WayneBoBrown: WayneBoBrown subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! never given a baby name, any suggestions? [03:35:42] f3mmbot: waynebobrown subscribed to f1nn5ter for 14 months using Prime! PogU [03:35:44] aventusblue: that keyboard [03:35:46] PumasDen: how do you know hmmm [03:35:50] aventusblue: so clickity [03:35:50] ChasingSol: oh god [03:35:54] baslak01: Ayo [03:35:54] Futura3: Brighton, more like Gayton am I right [03:35:54] sammich_9: huh [03:35:55] poppyhart69: Slayy [03:35:55] YumeNoZen: lolllll [03:35:56] ChoeRage: ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [03:35:57] ComputedBee: The suit looks good [03:35:57] johnkeiwo: FeelsBadMan My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan [03:35:58] ChoeRage: no pls [03:35:58] johnkeiwo: FeelsBadMan My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan [03:35:58] sachapotato: bro types like a middle gaed white woman [03:35:58] Tacoz4Evry1: f1nn vs buttons round 2 [03:36:00] massivesalvo: Finn's Future after Twitch fails [03:36:00] bearpaw1970: Ao' [03:36:01] alex_5r1: KEKW [03:36:01] ChoeRage: KEKW [03:36:01] SoupHuman_: i just came back to the stream, you look so gender rn [03:36:02] Zai_Rose: nikaLul [03:36:02] unaffected95: 💵💸💸💵💸 [03:36:02] Loelinverse: uh oh [03:36:02] tilt_central: what a tease xD [03:36:03] braddle172: lol [03:36:03] Avaerus0: Keep going.... [03:36:04] BlaireBearStare: Everyone that was looking away definitely tabbed back in [03:36:05] krovvy: kethHiss [03:36:05] zment: oooh [03:36:06] zebrabbl396: Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 [03:36:07] blueskydrinking: ashley can hear you play The Stripper KEKW [03:36:08] andimax11: wrong site [03:36:09] zment: oh [03:36:10] boosterflareon: hello? [03:36:11] krovvy: cniDetect [03:36:11] cyberfoxx98: oh god not the full monty [03:36:11] massivesalvo: :P [03:36:12] MrMopps: I actually have the perfect idea for a wedding outfit for you F1nn. Do you still have Pyro's head? whatifGiggle [03:36:12] hopalongtommy: One for the BP ppv [03:36:13] bosu1983: Ohh no i gotta go Kreygasm ChewyYAY [03:36:13] Eltrid_: this will be clipped for the youtube fan channels [03:36:14] zment: wow [03:36:14] CheweyZ: Which platform is this [03:36:15] RuthlessWelshy: good lord Kreygasm [03:36:16] krovvy: cniGIGA [03:36:16] ChasingSol: f1nnKnife KEEP BOTH HANDS ON YOUR KEYBOARD WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM f1nnKnife [03:36:20] Mikayla_Alexis: 💜💜💜💜💜 [03:36:20] ChasingSol: f1nnKnife KEEP BOTH HANDS ON YOUR KEYBOARD WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM f1nnKnife [03:36:20] BlaireBearStare: Hi yr [03:36:20] FallenAims: what am I joining to [03:36:20] braddle172: f1nnStare [03:36:20] sammich_9: hello bab [03:36:21] baslak01: Hell yeah [03:36:21] poppyhart69: LUL LUL LUL LUL [03:36:22] ChasingSol: f1nnKnife KEEP BOTH HANDS ON YOUR KEYBOARD WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM f1nnKnife [03:36:22] blueskydrinking: !john [03:36:23] f3mmbot: Their streamer is a whore... [03:36:23] sarkaas_: getting banned lmao [03:36:24] YumeNoZen: ... Well, Imma drink some more to deal with this shit. [03:36:25] enbyvee: AYO?!?!? [03:36:25] Zai_Rose: nikaPatA [03:36:25] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [03:36:25] krovvy: cniKEKW [03:36:26] Shockwavemecha: Ayo [03:36:26] fenris442: oh DAMN [03:36:27] gibbon66: tos [03:36:27] Sht1k: AWOOGA [03:36:28] Etazin: GAHT DAMN [03:36:28] tilt_central: is finn drunk ? [03:36:28] bosu1983: aarrgghh!! [03:36:29] massivesalvo: OMG she is skinnier than my Anorexic Ex GF [03:36:30] johnkeiwo: FeelsBadMan My streamer is a whore FeelsBadMan [03:36:30] BlaireBearStare: Hell yeah! [03:36:30] dudeitsdanielfr: ZOO WEE MAMA [03:36:30] scarlettyg: (audible gulp) [03:36:31] Gtadicto1: hands were we can see them chat [03:36:32] Sorin__: i dont know if thats true [03:36:32] aventusblue: oh this kind of stream DAMN [03:36:33] MsJeanJacket: rosewaltzStare rosewaltzStare rosewaltzStare rosewaltzStare rosewaltzStare rosewaltzStare rosewaltzStare rosewaltzStare rosewaltzStare rosewaltzStare rosewaltzStare [03:36:33] ABitOLace: *throws ££££s* [03:36:34] muddymudkip15: f1nnStare [03:36:34] tehikohiko: abiOlo abiOlo abiOlo abiOlo [03:36:34] lilithsspawn: MONKATOS [03:36:34] neingeben: i can't breathe [03:36:35] boosterflareon: girl [03:36:35] family_toy: rip vod [03:36:36] poppyhart69: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [03:36:36] alex_5r1: that was fun [03:36:36] zebrabbl396: PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo PopNemo [03:36:36] baslak01: So how do I pay [03:36:36] jasami: bussin [03:36:37] SamIsHereNow: Did more for me than you now xdd [03:36:37] AstralRando: HELLO?? [03:36:37] ronin_5463: f1nnAshbonk [03:36:37] YumeNoZen: That's as masculine as you get, apparently. [03:36:37] unaffected95: Idk I think I got a lot out of it tooo [03:36:37] vampirelord1993: you go f1nn [03:36:39] kelseyhellfire: imagine getting banned over that [03:36:39] EvilPanda14_: the music doesn't fit if you struggle to unbutton the shirt LUL [03:36:39] ComputedBee: All of this is getting clipped [03:36:40] msbricklayer: dammmmm yoo [03:36:41] transterra29: This muthaf 😂 [03:36:41] massivesalvo: Finn is getting a girl bod [03:36:43] cyberfoxx98: woah calm it [03:36:45] mystchevious1: THANK YOU! [03:36:46] ThePastorVan: is that a Kevlar bustier? [03:36:46] hazhas205: bru wtf ???????? [03:36:49] stephanie1701: more please [03:36:49] SamIsHereNow: Shirt could do with going down a size. [03:36:49] tinylilhorse: oh those abs [03:36:50] dilatata: costream with abom alien when [03:36:51] YumeNoZen: Blazer over a dress, maybe? [03:36:59] zment: oh wow you so pretty [03:37:00] loograt: Put on the JACKET NOW!!! [03:37:00] hopalongtommy: 🎶 You can leave your cage on 🎶 [03:37:01] massivesalvo: Those arms are smaller than my 10 year old Boy Arms [03:37:01] hazhas205: fin alowed to do this? [03:37:03] mystchevious1: I feel like asking you for clothing that fits you is what I'm reduced to. [03:37:04] msbricklayer: got my politics going [03:37:05] bearpaw1970: Ashley's just abruptly popped up tilter her head , listening intently [03:37:09] GingerArwan: they you go thats the wedding fit [03:37:11] gwica: @theonlyscarlettxD and ask yourself, if you are strong enough to deal with all the discrimination you will get as a trans person. [03:37:11] unaffected95: So gender [03:37:12] poppyhart69: Finn be a sigma [03:37:13] relyuu_: NICE ABS WOAH [03:37:13] Skyhunter442: inb4 random twitch ban [03:37:14] blueskydrinking: the brain rotted chuds on twitter are gona be raging at that clip KEKW [03:37:19] alex_5r1: you look amazing [03:37:19] BlaireBearStare: very gender [03:37:20] SamIsHereNow: Does my own count? [03:37:20] massivesalvo: Look at the Belly washboard abs [03:37:20] zment: YEAH belly button wheee! [03:37:20] 416hobbit: Hmmmm [03:37:22] loograt: Try the Jacket NOW!! [03:37:23] SirTigTheGreat: PrideLaugh [03:37:25] Mikayla_Alexis: Yep [03:37:26] kamikazelucy: Yes [03:37:26] Sorin__: throw on the jacket [03:37:26] Avaerus0: You should :D [03:37:27] mystchevious1: IF you put the jacket on that would work [03:37:27] lilithsspawn: licka [03:37:28] Eltrid_: Mid-riff is nice [03:37:28] funny_mayonnaise: Yeah I think never [03:37:28] gibbon66: jacket on [03:37:28] Sorin__: ezpz [03:37:28] alexx_net: Needs a jacket [03:37:29] johnkeiwo: too whorish !! [03:37:29] aventusblue: pff [03:37:30] massivesalvo: You can work it girl [03:37:31] andimax11: nice [03:37:32] family_toy: Do it, no balls [03:37:32] ItsEllorah: jacketttt [03:37:33] bearpaw1970: Wow' [03:37:33] hydroponicmaple: lmao [03:37:34] kelseyhellfire: def not [03:37:34] poppyhart69: Lol [03:37:34] frechtoast22430: thats bc none of us speak to woman [03:37:37] blueskydrinking: If you want start some scandal, then sure! [03:37:37] lilithsspawn: very lickable [03:37:38] neingeben: i've said it before, this plus jacket [03:37:39] AstralRando: Finn is very strong and masculine [03:37:39] 416hobbit: YES [03:37:39] johnkeiwo: very lesbian [03:37:40] DarrigoTR: Silence is permission [03:37:41] massivesalvo: You might be called a little bit of a show off [03:37:41] ronin_5463: !john [03:37:42] f3mmbot: Their streamer is a whore... [03:37:42] JingleBomber: Kreygasm [03:37:43] SirTigTheGreat: you tell chat finn, get em [03:37:43] fenris442: this fit goes hard [03:37:44] ssitnam_mantiss: DO IT [03:37:44] Alice_Unchained: OMG yeah [03:37:44] Futura3: thats so good [03:37:44] Shockwavemecha: Hot [03:37:45] tinylilhorse: yes [03:37:46] MajesticFvckingEagle: YO [03:37:46] staticspork: ngl goes kinda hard [03:37:46] zombiii: bisexuals eating good today [03:37:47] mystchevious1: Pull up the pants and that goes hard [03:37:47] zment: oh that's sexy [03:37:48] ChasingSol: not the worst [03:37:48] sometimeafter1990: awww [03:37:49] Skylee1976: a lot better [03:37:49] Mikayla_Alexis: Goes hard!! [03:37:51] Shockwavemecha: Boss a55 bish [03:37:51] cyberfoxx98: formal lara croft [03:37:52] RaukkM: Best fit sofar [03:37:52] MajesticFvckingEagle: Goes hard [03:37:52] Eltrid_: wow that is slutty [03:37:54] ElDuendeDeLaTuca: hii , grettings from argentina, sorry for mi "google" lvl of english [03:37:54] AlexUsman: Wait, a high corset with pants would look kinda cool @F1NN5TER [03:37:54] miss_higher: Yep outfit for wedding sorted now!!!! [03:37:54] hydroponicmaple: ok ok [03:37:54] JadeSorcery: Doesn't look bad tbh just not wedding attire [03:37:54] poppyhart69: TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride [03:37:54] loograt: YEP [03:37:55] SamIsHereNow: Get it fitted and it's a slay [03:37:55] massivesalvo: "Suzie look at her tummy she's a show off" [03:37:55] stephanie1701: that looks good [03:37:55] SnowwyAI: That is VERY lesbian. [03:37:55] boom_and_alpha_yt: f1nnMonka [03:37:55] unaffected95: Yes if there were more contrast [03:37:56] melkorgoth: That is nice [03:37:56] jackalias: Oh no, they're hot [03:37:56] Ameliyn: can i have a link to the top youre wearing? [03:37:56] gibbon66: pog [03:37:57] TheNeverShow: You need a wallet chain And a pocket watch [03:37:57] MrMopps: 10/10 jroc10 [03:37:58] skiewalkerr: nootieBinoculars nootieBinoculars nootieBinoculars [03:37:58] lunarLarceny: best outfit [03:37:58] kamikazelucy: Yesss <3 [03:37:59] Avaerus0: It looks really good actually [03:37:59] MrsPandamber: somehow better than the white shirt tho [03:38:00] ABitOLace: Ooof. That's... something [03:38:00] mystchevious1: And it even saves you money lol [03:38:01] grandpaladin1701: That’s cool [03:38:01] SamIsHereNow: Boss Bitch [03:38:02] johnkeiwo: half masc hald fem [03:38:03] aventusblue: that's if you don't wanna leave alone [03:38:03] RemusMeow: GTA 5 bank robber [03:38:04] pianoismyforte_: That's a good fit tbh [03:38:04] cocoapaws: you need a bellybutton ring [03:38:05] sometimeafter1990: kstew [03:38:05] Shockwavemecha: Bond Lady [03:38:05] ratatoskr1349: lesbian secratary vibes [03:38:05] ChasingSol: lesbian vibe [03:38:05] Brainfishes: French Lesbian vibes [03:38:06] lunarLarceny: ur cooking now [03:38:07] CJKDB: Madonna early 80's [03:38:07] alexx_net: Lesbian mafia vibe [03:38:08] Strescicca: 90's pop singer [03:38:08] Alice_Unchained: "Steal ya girl" [03:38:08] poppyhart69: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL [03:38:08] Frodofinger: bisexual vibes [03:38:09] mistiraines1: Pair it with some heels. [03:38:09] massivesalvo: I'm that kinda Valley Girl Brit Chic [03:38:09] ronin_5463: Homewrecker [03:38:09] sherlock_norris: business slutty [03:38:09] sammich_9: i think if you increase bulge [03:38:10] grandpaladin1701: Not for wedding, but cool [03:38:10] MrsPandamber: this with high waistet pants [03:38:11] OkayJeanist: The vibe is lesbian [03:38:11] johnkeiwo: TRY IT [03:38:11] bearpaw1970: Arm candy for Ashley [03:38:11] glitchzinth: vibe is lesbian [03:38:11] UnnamedTransGirl: the vibe is me [03:38:12] frechtoast22430: seductive buisness [03:38:14] massivesalvo: SluttY noooo [03:38:14] krovvy: yes [03:38:14] WhaleM1lker: LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride [03:38:15] imrmoon: you look like you would be one of those like half relevant anime protagonists, that are like in the story but why? [03:38:16] gwica: get a skirt and it wil fit perfectly. [03:38:18] TEMPEST_ggs: GTA RP vibe [03:38:18] anschofi: @alexx_net lol [03:38:18] ContingentCat: yesssss [03:38:19] zebrabbl396: Pop star [03:38:21] melkkuuu: Not good for wedding [03:38:22] 416hobbit: Need a splash of colour [03:38:23] fanconvet: More runway vibe [03:38:24] SubliminalCorruption: longer top and pants higher up [03:38:24] Shockwavemecha: eepy f1nn [03:38:24] perfersserderg: i went to shower and she STILL hasnt picked a wedding outfit [03:38:25] TheAutoBoT1011: Rich woman CEO who doesn't care about anything cause they have too much money vibe [03:38:26] redfogul: clothes stolen from the laundry vibe [03:38:27] massivesalvo: Slutty would be a mini skirt with your panties barely hidden [03:38:27] mystchevious1: That outfit goes very hard finn. [03:38:28] SirTigTheGreat: crawled out of bed and forgot to get fully dressed vibe [03:38:29] f3mmbot: Hydration Notification: Fight off Thirst! Remember to drink! [03:38:31] miss_higher: For the party after the boring bits of the wedding [03:38:32] ChristinaGaymes: take your shirt off for the reception and have that corset on to dance in [03:38:32] bigsadge: heyyy 😳 [03:38:32] ronin_5463: Steals the husband [03:38:32] Loelinverse: office siren rn [03:38:34] Shockwavemecha: Femboy Tummy [03:38:34] massivesalvo: We dare you to wear that [03:38:36] alex_5r1: can we see the dress [03:38:36] Gtadicto1: needs a smoke for the french lesbian [03:38:37] frechtoast22430: i will invest [03:38:41] alex_5r1: Yeah [03:38:43] bigsadge: looks great [03:38:46] professor_micron: i said this before in the comments on yt: whenever Finn tries to pass as a guy now, he just ends up looking like a lesbian [03:38:48] 1958dino: So you are buying a new shirt, a new belt and trousers... so a new outfit then!💐🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈💐 [03:38:50] alexx_net: I'm sure you know how to finish them f1nnEmbarrassed f1nnLaff f1nnHeadpat f1nnAshbonk f1nnBonk [03:38:52] 416hobbit: "Demure" [03:38:53] massivesalvo: Put a see through top over it it will be fine [03:38:57] boom_and_alpha_yt: French, ugh [03:38:58] msbricklayer: this person is roasting the brides mum with a cocktail and a ciggy in their hands [03:39:00] bigsadge: more modest you would just put a top over it [03:39:02] baslak01: Cuz u are one [03:39:04] johnkeiwo: " I look like a girl, so weird " [03:39:04] aventusblue: why so many sharks, damn [03:39:06] johnkeiwo: BROTHER [03:39:06] EvilPanda14_: trapped [03:39:08] MECHANIC8017: Hey F1NN! [03:39:08] massivesalvo: Manafique Macher [03:39:10] ThePastorVan: string underwear with the strings high up on the hips :P [03:39:12] ejl1as: @professor_micron yeah his face is just too feminine [03:39:13] johnkeiwo: my sister in chirst !!! [03:39:14] ElDuendeDeLaTuca: cmon, you can do it [03:39:17] massivesalvo: @ThePastorVan Don't encourage her [03:39:18] boosterflareon: bring Ashley [03:39:18] EvilPanda14_: LUL [03:39:19] Eltrid_: with that jacket you look like you're the stripper after the business bro meeting [03:39:19] ElDuendeDeLaTuca: offf [03:39:20] miss_higher: lol [03:39:20] baslak01: @johnkeiwo also: Takes E [03:39:25] sammich_9: awooga [03:39:27] ElDuendeDeLaTuca: mother of lord, have mercy of me [03:39:28] venomousrose13: lmao [03:39:29] aventusblue: just pants flying across cam [03:39:30] ThePastorVan: @massivesalvo lol, like she needs help :P [03:39:31] massivesalvo: Look at that chair folks [03:39:34] lunarLarceny: omg i count at least 5 blahaj sharks [03:39:36] CJKDB: Reminds me of prom night. [03:39:37] alexx_net: Fold the trousers! [03:39:38] zebrabbl396: BegWan BegWan BegWan [03:39:38] massivesalvo: That's like such a Chic Chair [03:39:40] TheAutoBoT1011: Inb4 Ashley rushes through the door KEKW [03:39:40] alex_5r1: this stream is fun [03:39:42] cyberfoxx98: tom cruise risky business [03:39:43] sammich_9: HARD YES [03:39:44] alex_5r1: nice [03:39:47] ItsEllorah: YES [03:39:47] VerminTalks: Wow fin nice casting couch [03:39:49] massivesalvo: @F1NN5TER Now you look like you're going to be a Secretary BORING [03:39:49] the_forgotten_shadowdemon: Hi f1nn [03:39:50] ABitOLace: Soooo much better! [03:39:51] MECHANIC8017: HEY F1NN! [03:39:51] poppyhart69: Slaayyyy [03:39:53] Sorin__: yeah the suit is better [03:39:53] vampirelord1993: flattering shirt [03:39:53] transterra29: 😍😍😍😍😍😍 [03:39:54] sometimeafter1990: cute! [03:39:54] boom_and_alpha_yt: @aventusblue why wouldn’t there be so many blahaj [03:39:55] mystchevious1: It's more funeraly. [03:39:57] SubliminalCorruption: not for a wedding [03:40:00] loograt: ta da!! [03:40:01] massivesalvo: That's to impress someone's MOM [03:40:01] ItsEllorah: needs a jewellery [03:40:03] johnkeiwo: but it's fine, it' classic, fit nicely [03:40:03] Loelinverse: yes mysti [03:40:06] blueskydrinking: Not for a wedding, maybe a wake [03:40:06] unaffected95: Not really for a wedding tho [03:40:07] frechtoast22430: U LOOK LIKE DEXTER [03:40:07] massivesalvo: nice tights [03:40:07] SynPhage: Lint Roller LUL <3 [03:40:10] Gtadicto1: works [03:40:11] alex_5r1: try another one [03:40:14] TheAutoBoT1011: Any accessories with it? [03:40:14] Avaerus0: A belt would work [03:40:15] hrdngjnsdkjhdkfb: Y e s [03:40:15] moodasluht: try the red ddress [03:40:17] cyberfoxx98: that outfit looks cool [03:40:17] aventusblue: those thigh highs are nice [03:40:17] 416hobbit: A splash of colour [03:40:17] zment: oh come on how you sexy [03:40:18] SamIsHereNow: Is it not a Summer wedding? [03:40:19] 414pseudo: That's funeral wear [03:40:20] vampirelord1993: nice a cocktail dress [03:40:20] gwica: that doesnt looks less girly?! [03:40:21] VerminTalks: U stealing ickys look [03:40:21] Deafdude: Hmm.. I wont lie this giving me Funeral vibes? The suit is better for wedding. [03:40:23] occamsrazorwit: funny that the thigh highs make it look sluttier [03:40:25] MissSharahzard: a belt deffs [03:40:26] jenna_rain: the lesbian fit fr [03:40:27] SnowwyAI: If you put black leggings on instead of the thigh highs, it could work. [03:40:27] Eltrid_: needs shorter sleeves [03:40:29] massivesalvo: Don't suggest Dexter she'll go get a Forensics License next [03:40:30] sammich_9: massive dog collar would go great with this! [03:40:30] NobodyRecognizesMe: what about jacket with that dress? [03:40:30] glitchzinth: collar is giving casual [03:40:32] johnkeiwo: You have any coat that goes with this ? [03:40:32] johnkeiwo: You have any coat that goes with this ? [03:40:34] h4rm0: do you do a feminine voice? [03:40:36] zebrabbl396: One thighs low [03:40:39] ThePastorVan: more for a funeral. i know, im an expert. [03:40:40] PlatypusWithCheese: put on the jacket [03:40:40] venomousrose13: wedding fit [03:40:41] epicoink: Wait did Finn cut his hair [03:40:42] cyberfoxx98: femme fatale [03:40:42] alex_5r1: something with a bit color? [03:40:45] massivesalvo: I like it down [03:40:45] fenris442: up 100 [03:40:46] blueskydrinking: down [03:40:47] tentaculo98s: Hi [03:40:47] VerminTalks: Icky wore this like 5 days ago [03:40:48] miss_higher: I wear thigh highs to formal events :) just plain black [03:40:49] zment: o_O [03:40:49] jasonryan2: permition to come aboard captain [03:40:50] johnkeiwo: Up I think works [03:40:51] UnnamedTransGirl: even more up [03:40:51] 416hobbit: Hair looks ok [03:40:52] massivesalvo: Down suites you [03:40:52] oofcomplex: you doin k treatment yet? [03:40:55] SubliminalCorruption: up [03:40:55] boosterflareon: down [03:40:55] bigsadge: looks nice [03:40:56] IMMORTALTYPES: down [03:40:57] Eltrid_: Up, with this [03:40:58] MissSharahzard: up [03:40:58] sammich_9: im living for the strands [03:40:58] unaffected95: Down w the dress [03:40:59] ItsEllorah: half up [03:40:59] Bobbikatt: some gold jewelry or accesories [03:41:00] charlieokeefe420: down [03:41:00] SimplyCassiopeia: Up [03:41:00] Sorin__: giving aerith vibes [03:41:01] MECHANIC8017: Throw on a pair of big frame glasses and you'll look like a librarian!! [03:41:02] vampirelord1993: clean up just a bit id say f1nn [03:41:06] jenna_rain: up with the front down is classic [03:41:08] loograt: needs the choker back [03:41:08] Gazzalinga: When are we seeing goth f1nn5ter? [03:41:08] SnowwyAI: Do you like it up or down for your own comfort? [03:41:09] 414pseudo: Down. It's nice up though [03:41:09] epicoink: ah nvm he didn’t cut his hair I’m blind [03:41:09] sometimeafter1990: down is good [03:41:10] mr_keksregen: Up [03:41:13] jasonryan2: that dress looks so cute on you [03:41:13] alex_5r1: nice [03:41:15] Vanimal2118: I thought no black 4 the wedding? [03:41:15] Futura3: hot [03:41:15] massivesalvo: She's the only I chic I know that gets 3100 people's suggestion on hair [03:41:16] 416hobbit: Yes the MUSIC [03:41:17] TheAutoBoT1011: Gotta do a peek-a-boo style with it KappaHD [03:41:17] Bobbikatt: def down [03:41:17] BexxPlayz: vampire, bite my neck [03:41:19] CJKDB: Needs a belt. [03:41:19] bigsuave7: Kreygasm [03:41:20] MajesticFvckingEagle: KEKW [03:41:21] tinylilhorse: well this is just unfair [03:41:21] massivesalvo: Shake that hair baby [03:41:21] ghost_sheriff_: lol [03:41:24] johnkeiwo: that's a classic look but fits nice, better than the suit sorry :P [03:41:25] Shockwavemecha: Shampoo [03:41:25] keknik1337: LMFAOOO [03:41:25] xXNeroZashiXx: So beautiful [03:41:27] unaffected95: It's a good bit [03:41:27] aventusblue: for us too [03:41:27] Eltrid_: !john [03:41:28] f3mmbot: Their streamer is a whore... [03:41:28] boosterflareon: girl [03:41:29] Jens_LN: Trying to attract the guys ? [03:41:31] zebrabbl396: Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 [03:41:32] boosterflareon: what [03:41:33] zment: ....wow [03:41:34] bearpaw1970: Sultry 😉 [03:41:34] VerminTalks: As I said for icky as for you, it gives intern that's gonna get someone into an affair vibes [03:41:35] miss_higher: borderline battle pass with that music lol [03:41:36] 416hobbit: Is the wedding at a strip club? Coz...... [03:41:36] alex_5r1: not just for you [03:41:37] Gtadicto1: XD [03:41:37] zment: just wow [03:41:41] msbricklayer: getting our moneys worth [03:41:41] Gtadicto1: so gofy XD [03:41:41] genodian: holy shit it's straight up baddie hours [03:41:43] autismocentral1: pretty af [03:41:43] Shockwavemecha: Bro is a BAbe [03:41:44] ItsEllorah: yeah thats it [03:41:45] alex_5r1: you look good [03:41:46] massivesalvo: you look classy girl [03:41:48] fanconvet: living out your fantasy now [03:41:52] Eltrid_: wear the jacket with this [03:41:55] massivesalvo: that's like a total British Hottie look [03:41:58] Shockwavemecha: Hot stuff [03:41:59] aventusblue: add a belt to that dress, it'd go well [03:42:01] glitchzinth: can you try the jacket with the dress [03:42:01] Loelinverse: fashion symbiosis thru icky [03:42:02] MECHANIC8017: Everything you do is cringe, but I'm a good way! [03:42:18] 416hobbit: The Mysti Wings [03:42:23] maybeonlysometimes: Wings! [03:42:25] massivesalvo: Umm hmm [03:42:25] ItsEllorah: omg [03:42:26] jasonryan2: why do we feel more cramped and pushed back from where we usually are? [03:42:27] Eltrid_: wtf ? [03:42:31] loograt: Gets to thwe wedding in wings KEKW [03:42:31] mystchevious1: I know. I'm a brat and terrible. I'm sorry [03:42:32] massivesalvo: Angelwings [03:42:36] TheAutoBoT1011: Gotta unfurl them [03:42:42] cyberfoxx98: dont they light ip [03:42:45] cyberfoxx98: up [03:42:48] SnowwyAI: Oh, yeah. I remember when you unboxed these. [03:42:51] mystchevious1: The do [03:42:51] MissSharahzard: victoria secret wings [03:42:53] MECHANIC8017: Oh shit, he's dusting off those bad boys! [03:42:53] ChasingSol: @cyberfoxx98 yes [03:42:54] CJKDB: Why didn't you get the big ones? [03:42:59] zebrabbl396: f1nnStare f1nnStare f1nnStare [03:42:59] 416hobbit: Just self-actualize them [03:43:02] CyanoticJam: Bin away for a while, what occurring? [03:43:03] msbricklayer: not sure the wings shadow the bride enough [03:43:03] alex_5r1: I think the dress should be slightly longer [03:43:04] Bobbikatt: how'd you get angel wings by being devilish? [03:43:08] buzzyboy: buzzyboy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! <3 [03:43:08] f3mmbot: buzzyboy subscribed to f1nn5ter for 3 months using Prime! PogU [03:43:08] Shockwavemecha: God of war Valkyrie [03:43:08] jasonryan2: bae save your wings for the bedroom LUL [03:43:10] unaffected95: @mystchevious1 no it's ok it's brat summer after all [03:43:13] ronin_5463: I could be your Angle or yuor Devil [03:43:14] cyberfoxx98: hallelujah [03:43:18] Shockwavemecha: Angel of LOVE [03:43:19] massivesalvo: Give me an ANGEL right nowwwww [03:43:19] gibbon66: angel wings are more of a funeral look tbh [03:43:19] BexxPlayz: im cis and you look more female that me [03:43:20] mystchevious1: I'm sorry. [03:43:20] Eltrid_: @416hobbit Nice reference [03:43:22] TEMPEST_ggs: wings with suit [03:43:24] redfogul: what in the…… [03:43:24] VerminTalks: Godddamn fin! That's HUGE, a first for you [03:43:25] Avaerus0: Angel of Death [03:43:26] medical_size9000: Remember Finn you can't fly with those [03:43:27] NyxGoneRogue: I feel like you may need to raid Ashley's closet to find a good dress. @F1NN5TER [03:43:30] fromthef1nn5ide: Mr Morningstar... [03:43:30] Loelinverse: another rkanjl [03:43:31] bigsadge: you look like you may actually be able to fly, those wings are so big [03:43:35] Vanimal2118: Very nice @mystchevious1 [03:43:36] UnnamedTransGirl: u can be my angle or ur devil [03:43:37] miss_higher: Anyone that invites F1NN5TER to their wedding knows what they are famous for wearing!!! I just hope F1NN5TER & Ashley and the people getting married have a lovely time <3 <3 [03:43:38] zombiii: now thats a wedding fit. just show up the bride [03:43:38] 416hobbit: Those are CLEARLY fake [03:43:42] MissSharahzard: cute ! [03:43:45] odinsdragon1701: V.S. vibe [03:43:48] f0rrest_f1re: The wings should have been black too [03:43:48] ronin_5463: Icarus stream [03:43:49] SamIsHereNow: Is this the femboy angel Gabriel? [03:43:50] VerminTalks: Clearly fake not real [03:43:50] lunarLarceny: its crazy that theres over 3000 of us and none of us can help u put it on lollll [03:43:51] DegenerateDaycare: Those are pretty insane. [03:43:53] glitchzinth: this with white lingerie pfiveShy [03:43:53] Shockwavemecha: Gabriel Angel of Mems [03:43:54] orange6plar: Nativity fit [03:43:54] Sorin__: don't get caught in the wind or you're GONE [03:43:54] ChasingSol: @416hobbit KEKW [03:43:56] Mr_Feebo: smash [03:43:56] unaffected95: Those are kinda cool [03:43:56] xtra_tori: nice VS wings [03:43:57] hydroponicmaple: D: [03:43:58] massivesalvo: Lingerie would be nice with that [03:43:59] ibveon: D: not real angels [03:44:00] bigsadge: no they're not chat THEY'RE REAL [03:44:01] Silraa: Angel or fallen angel? [03:44:02] TEMPEST_ggs: wings + suit [03:44:03] ContingentCat: WHAAAAAT??? [03:44:05] ItsEllorah: defo VS [03:44:06] scarlettyg: No way is he actually an angel [03:44:06] DegenerateDaycare: Subtle lol [03:44:06] ChoeRage: Nice :3 [03:44:07] massivesalvo: Do we get like a lingerie Patreon version? [03:44:07] funny_mayonnaise: No I think they might be real [03:44:08] zombiii: your wings are on backwards [03:44:09] moodasluht: could always try heels to gain a few inches [03:44:10] Hi_its_Tasca: Did your wings shrink on E? [03:44:10] poolboyjohn: F1NN5TER looks like an angel [03:44:11] alexx_net: Needs a cat-walk [03:44:11] mystchevious1: Thank you. I'm sorry to have been a bother. [03:44:11] cyberfoxx98: inflammable [03:44:11] MCKnowledge_: butt [03:44:13] zment: real boobs % speedrun? [03:44:13] sometimeafter1990: i think i missed some stuff [03:44:14] SynPhage: cosmov3EyeShake [03:44:14] NyxGoneRogue: Don't they light up? [03:44:15] redfogul: why do you own this?? [03:44:15] 416hobbit: Flap them [03:44:15] illiathedude: wings bigger than him KEKW [03:44:20] Skylee1976: that would make a statement at the wedding [03:44:20] VerminTalks: What look exactly are we doing here now [03:44:20] Stovamor: @DegenerateDaycare, Lo Kitty [03:44:20] Shockwavemecha: Cosplay [03:44:20] stayhydratedxx: They are long !!!! [03:44:21] epicoink: Bro look like an average school play fella Ngl [03:44:21] bearpaw1970: Angel of the X-Men style [03:44:21] mister_kindness: Would be good at the gay club!!! [03:44:23] zebrabbl396: Send me an angel 🎵 [03:44:23] zment: it looks nice yeah [03:44:23] crowgrammer: Those are really cute [03:44:23] olivia_1998_norway: My pretty angle❤️🥰 [03:44:24] DegenerateDaycare: @mystchevious1 Honestly, worth it they look cool. [03:44:24] shakavalue: Peak wedding outfit [03:44:25] blaxfruitgrinding: get ashley to come see [03:44:25] Vanimal2118: @416hobbit u ruined it! [03:44:26] alex_5r1: my angle , love it [03:44:26] venomousrose13: Hey Siri, play “Lips of an Angel” by Hinder [03:44:26] AlexUsman: where is a bow with heart arrows? [03:44:26] xXNeroZashiXx: Beautiful Angel [03:44:27] scarlettyg: The shape is more mothman than angel though KEKW [03:44:28] sometimeafter1990: anime girl [03:44:28] medical_size9000: Don't try to jump off your house trying to fly [03:44:28] stephanie1701: the halo must have slipped [03:44:29] massivesalvo: They're sweet looking [03:44:30] kelseyhellfire: they be dragging [03:44:30] Mikayla_Alexis: OMG [03:44:30] MrMopps: perfect wedding fit [03:44:31] Avaerus0: Super cool [03:44:32] unaffected95: Angel and Devil battlepass sets [03:44:33] ThePastorVan: heels would keep them off the ground...maybe [03:44:33] orange6plar: Year 5 nativity fit [03:44:33] Ex0dia5: turn on the lights in the wings [03:44:33] ComputedBee: What do you mean Finn isn't a real angel? [03:44:34] cyberfoxx98: hallelujah [03:44:34] blueskydrinking: they would look good in a cosplay [03:44:35] Loelinverse: cover yourself with the wings [03:44:35] DegenerateDaycare: @Stovamor Hey you! <3 You doing ok? [03:44:35] ronin_5463: test en [03:44:36] Quackathulhu: I need wings like that [03:44:38] gibbon66: fintorias secret [03:44:38] NobodyRecognizesMe: everything on internet is real ::// [03:44:40] hopalongtommy: Dark Angel Halloween outfit [03:44:40] MoodyJ1: ThankEgg [03:44:41] dennysmtr: Hey girl, you hurt when you fell [03:44:44] bigsadge: don't test if they work OMEGALUL [03:44:44] occamsrazorwit: I hear there are drugs you can take to transition to angel [03:44:46] flakeview: they look way too low for some reason [03:44:47] alex_5r1: is the dress long enough? [03:44:47] olivia_1998_norway: I Love you❤️❤️ [03:44:47] Shockwavemecha: Hot [03:44:52] xtra_tori: need a stool to sit on, so you don't mess em up [03:44:53] Stovamor: @DegenerateDaycare, yeah. I kicked Finn's arse in a quiz earlier on stream [03:44:55] grandpaladin1701: Talk about upstaging the bride! [03:44:56] massivesalvo: Girls blow the hair off their face [03:44:57] okayoctopus_: hellooo [03:44:58] sammich_9: they said no white clothes but they didnt say anything about white wings [03:45:01] SamIsHereNow: You could dress like Tilda Swinton in Constantine. [03:45:03] 416hobbit: Stand near the alter - an enby angel blessing the ceremony [03:45:03] alexx_net: Go to bless the wedding as an angel [03:45:04] CyanoticJam: I may have had many many drinks at this piont [03:45:06] DegenerateDaycare: @Stovamor Really? Good for you lolol [03:45:08] olivia_1998_norway: You are so pretty [03:45:09] EvilPanda14_: Imagine trying to get into a car with those [03:45:10] VerminTalks: CASTING COUCH MENTIONED!!! [03:45:11] miss_higher: F1NN looks like one of the winged guys from Flash Gordon [03:45:12] Nitzkit8: did f1nn die? [03:45:17] MajesticFvckingEagle: It's Angel from Chainsaw Man! [03:45:19] kamikazelucy: Pretty <3 [03:45:21] loograt: somethoing for BP? [03:45:21] okayoctopus_: oh yeah those are kinda large [03:45:21] Rawr_Im_Here: that what he said :) [03:45:22] unaffected95: But think about how worth it the pics would be [03:45:24] lunassolarsystem: Run around with them! [03:45:25] zebrabbl396: MercyWing1 f1nnGremlin MercyWing2 [03:45:25] TheAutoBoT1011: You'll have to buy a Range Rover just to transport the wings to and from shoots KappaHD [03:45:26] YumeNoZen: F1nn, not used to handling big things? Gotcha. [03:45:30] johnkeiwo: archangel Michael cosplay [03:45:31] sachapotato: biblically accurate angel is a femboy [03:45:31] ChasingSol: @mystchevious1 very pretty [03:45:34] alexx_net: @Nitzkit8 No, but also sort of yes [03:45:37] moodasluht: just can technically "work from home" [03:45:37] stayhydratedxx: Why do you own the wings [03:45:38] venomousrose13: just the wings while laying down [03:45:39] Bobbikatt: i wonder if you went out in a windy day if you'd fly off [03:45:39] cyberfoxx98: resonate [03:45:41] MajesticFvckingEagle: you can cosplay Angel from Chainsaw Man [03:45:42] acrashot567: just strap them to the roof [03:45:44] 1958dino: Do the shoot in your garden at night!💐🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💐 [03:45:48] Shockwavemecha: Buy a spotlight [03:45:51] illiathedude: Jesus Finn KEKW [03:45:52] 416hobbit: Yes - absolutely [03:45:53] hopalongtommy: Our Gendering Angel [03:45:54] Eltrid_: Did it hurt ? When you fell down from heaven ? [03:45:55] blueskydrinking: Maybe hang them up in the office in the background? [03:45:55] medical_size9000: Good outfit for Halloween [03:45:57] massivesalvo: Look at that thin girlie neck folks totally losing all masculinity [03:45:57] Eltrid_: LUL [03:46:04] msbricklayer: angels in america [03:46:08] CJKDB: You borrowed those from Elton John? [03:46:10] unaffected95: Sure why not [03:46:11] olivia_1998_norway: Danm girl ❤️😍 did it hurt?? When you fell down from heaven? 🫢😘😘❤️ [03:46:11] Loelinverse: f1nn got thick thighs [03:46:12] kelseyhellfire: sure [03:46:13] Shockwavemecha: Perfect [03:46:16] lunassolarsystem: Lmao, did it hurt? When you fell through heaven [03:46:17] scarlettyg: very suggestive pose KEKW [03:46:18] johnkeiwo: ahhhhhhhhhh !! [03:46:18] MajesticFvckingEagle: aghhhh [03:46:20] Shockwavemecha: Now wear the wings [03:46:20] Avaerus0: That'lll work [03:46:21] massivesalvo: @Loelinverse thick? Where you living Russia [03:46:21] ABitOLace: *hiss* [03:46:21] ChoeRage: LIGHTMODE LAMP [03:46:23] UnnamedTransGirl: ooh pretty [03:46:23] 416hobbit: I NEED one of those [03:46:24] krovvy: keth00 [03:46:26] miss_higher: My eyess!!!!!!!!! [03:46:26] Rawr_Im_Here: good ol feck off light [03:46:26] ItsEllorah: now stand in front with the wings [03:46:28] alex_5r1: cool [03:46:30] SnowwyAI: The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid! [03:46:31] Eyeguy64: Give us 100 [03:46:31] gibbon66: my eyyyyyyyyyyeeesssssssss [03:46:31] johnkeiwo: lightmode users be like : [03:46:32] Quackathulhu: lamp [03:46:34] DegenerateDaycare: bloody hell [03:46:34] kamikazelucy: XD [03:46:35] zebrabbl396: GlitchNRG [03:46:36] sachapotato: WHAT [03:46:37] massivesalvo: Is that your Porn Lighting? [03:46:39] Loelinverse: @massivesalvo relatively speaking KEKW [03:46:42] bigsadge: light mode irl [03:46:44] ImNotAPleb87: Is Finn flashing us? Kappa [03:46:45] medical_size9000: Why do you have that to spy on your neighbors [03:46:45] Root_: 170% [03:46:47] maybeonlysometimes: That's pretty cool [03:46:48] CyanoticJam: @f1nn5ter Why do you look sooooooo gorgeous!!! [03:46:51] alex_5r1: lites up your angel wings like in heaven [03:46:51] Vanimal2118: DarkKnight my eyes! [03:46:53] TheAutoBoT1011: That is pretty neat [03:46:55] bananasandwich6969: 100% burns a hole in the roof [03:46:57] Eltrid_: he's going to blind someone IRL with that [03:46:57] Lacotta__: Couch casting light [03:46:58] massivesalvo: We know what Finn's up to when we're not watching [03:46:59] Tacoz4Evry1: I didn't feel like seeing for the rest of my life anyways [03:47:02] poppyhart69: [03:47:03] massivesalvo: Secret Couch Casting [03:47:04] sp33db4LL: is he a femboy? [03:47:05] kelseyhellfire: make as smol and bright as possible and you have a death laser [03:47:10] occamsrazorwit: inb4 "streamer destroys webcam" [03:47:12] cyberfoxx98: an f tonne of ring lights and rgb bars...and your search light XD [03:47:12] massivesalvo: @sp33db4LL it's yet to be fully decided [03:47:12] VerminTalks: That hurt my eyes fang [03:47:12] Shockwavemecha: Stand in front of the light with the wings on MercyWing1 MercyWing2 💗 [03:47:13] ronin_5463: Thanks for flashing us bro [03:47:13] redfogul: I want to see 100% [03:47:16] Knikian: A light that strong is gonna burn this wings [03:47:19] UnnamedTransGirl: as someone who used to press flashlights against her eyes and turn them on as a kid, I approve [03:47:21] VerminTalks: Ow [03:47:23] ChristinaGaymes: @sp33db4LL yes [03:47:30] epicoink: put the big light into the trunk of a car or ultimate trolling [03:47:31] bigsadge: you could use the wings to become a super hero! *batman theme* da da dada dada dada FEMBOY [03:47:34] brycethepebble: @poppyhart69 a spotlight with a gunner on the side [03:47:34] xtra_tori: need to set up the spotlight and shine it at the pizza delivery guy [03:47:40] sachapotato: turn all lights off put spotlight behind you and stand with the wings [03:47:40] Eltrid_: you should try the jacket with this dress [03:47:42] ChasingSol: !uptime [03:47:42] Loelinverse: Ggs! [03:47:42] f3mmbot: Finn has been live for 3h 47m 52s [03:47:42] blueskydrinking: eepy, time for bed! [03:47:45] Shockwavemecha: aww [03:47:45] Dribblio: bye byeeeee [03:47:49] alex_5r1: only 4h [03:47:49] enbyvee: thanks for having us xoxo [03:47:49] meowriio: <3 [03:47:50] medical_size9000: What is the use to have that bright of a flashlight [03:47:50] VerminTalks: Byeee~ [03:47:51] sammich_9: okayyy i love you too!!! [03:47:51] helpthewaspsgotme: nooo i just joinneddd :( [03:47:53] YumeNoZen: Oh, I went to eat and back. [03:47:53] cyberfoxx98: i always join the party late [03:47:53] Shockwavemecha: Have fun at the wedding [03:47:53] crowgrammer: Yeah, it's always fun. [03:47:53] okayoctopus_: Byeeee [03:47:54] redfogul: byweeeeeee [03:47:54] Stovamor: GN @F1NN5TER [03:47:54] CheweyZ: Gn TakeNRG [03:47:55] Rawr_Im_Here: happy suday btw :) [03:47:57] blueskydrinking: you do???? [03:47:57] neingeben: it was fun [03:47:58] braddle172: GN [03:47:59] Gtadicto1: fun stream [03:48:00] okayoctopus_: gn fnn [03:48:00] muddymudkip15: Gn f1nnHeart [03:48:00] keknik1337: W STREAM [03:48:01] Shockwavemecha: VirtualHug VirtualHug VirtualHug [03:48:02] medical_size9000: Gn finn [03:48:02] Quackathulhu: byeeeee [03:48:03] acrashot567: lotsa fun [03:48:03] mystchevious1: Ironically I left a wedding to come here lol. [03:48:03] Avaerus0: It's fun "hanging out" [03:48:03] CyanoticJam: Wedding outfit!!!! [03:48:04] ComputedBee: Gn finn gn chat [03:48:04] avainnitpoggers: byeeeeeee [03:48:05] TheAutoBoT1011: The fits were nice [03:48:05] Bobbikatt: it was actually pretty chill [03:48:05] happyguy16407: byeee gn [03:48:05] hydroponicmaple: thanks for strim [03:48:06] ejl1as: wuuuu [03:48:06] ChasingSol: thanks for the stream [03:48:07] tinylilhorse: ty for being here f1nnHeart [03:48:07] miss_higher: Night all stay awesome <3 TransgenderPride NonbinaryPride GenderFluidPride [03:48:07] Shockwavemecha: haanHeart haanHeart haanHeart [03:48:08] ronin_5463: KEKW [03:48:11] GreenDaisy_: gn bye!!!!!! [03:48:12] scarlettyg: good night, Gremlynn <3 [03:48:12] mystchevious1: And now I have to go too. [03:48:13] wordwod: i just got here LMFAO [03:48:14] grandpaladin1701: Still need to figure out Mod prize [03:48:14] blaxfruitgrinding: been here since stream started xd [03:48:14] YumeNoZen: Just sent you some pictures for wedding idea vibes. lol [03:48:14] poppyhart69: Bye [03:48:14] Shockwavemecha: jaym0vUwu [03:48:16] zebrabbl396: Bye-bye 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 [03:48:18] frechtoast22430: do more shoots with blahaj [03:48:18] okayoctopus_: there are a few people here [03:48:21] kamikazelucy: Sweet dreams ❤️ 🌙 [03:48:21] Bobbikatt: nitey nite finn and chat!! [03:48:22] mr_keksregen: Gute nacht [03:48:26] Vanimal2118: Have fun @ wedding! Good Luck [03:48:26] Shockwavemecha: spicycowGun Be funny now [03:48:28] blaxfruitgrinding: W Stream [03:48:29] ki11er5ish: bye [03:48:30] sammich_9: @grandpaladin1701 1 month supply hrt [03:48:31] scarlettyg: f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:48:32] CyanoticJam: Are you getting married??? [03:48:36] SynPhage: <3 cosmov3Heart <3 [03:48:36] YumeNoZen: Well, no shit. [03:48:37] rainfallwall: Thanks Sweetie f1nnHeart f1nnHeart f1nnHeart [03:48:38] superrata: you just undressed you? [03:48:40] MsJeanJacket: umbraHey umbraHug [03:48:41] krovvy: okay flexing [03:48:42] poppyhart69: Bye finn LUL LUL LUL <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:48:43] Lacotta__: Finn is getting married [03:48:43] Sorin__: W [03:48:45] bigsadge: CowJAM bye fin! always enjoy the stream [03:48:46] alex_5r1: dressing up is nice [03:48:46] looeesz: Suffering from success [03:48:47] johnkeiwo: we just hanging out tbh [03:48:47] Shockwavemecha: blondi13Lol [03:48:48] superrata: and the marriage? [03:48:48] braddle172: f1nnHeadpat [03:48:48] Zai_Rose: nikaLul nikaLul [03:48:49] 416hobbit: We'll set up a stand up routine [03:48:49] blueskydrinking: @CyanoticJam its a friend's wedding [03:48:49] BlaireBearStare: Default [03:48:49] ronin_5463: Time for minecraft KEKW [03:48:50] SnowwyAI: Thanks for stream, Finn! This was fun! Good night! I hope you and Ashley have fun at the wedding! [03:48:51] YumeNoZen: Dono goal for guy week? [03:48:53] okayoctopus_: marriage> [03:48:54] Etazin: stupid sexy finnster. [03:48:54] Zai_Rose: nikaPatA [03:48:55] TheAutoBoT1011: F1nn just get a laugh-track soundbite and play then every now and then like the sitcoms do KEKW [03:48:55] zombiii: you have an outfit, if ashley permits [03:48:56] scarlettyg: Don't worry, we just joke at your expense [03:48:56] m6rxayl0r: yassss sister [03:48:56] Stovamor: YOu mean you have to actually think of content ideas now? @F1NN5TER [03:48:56] hopalongtommy: Cheers F1nn, hope you find something you're happy with. Bye chat [03:48:57] professor_micron: Now it's a challenge for you to look manly:) [03:48:57] cyberfoxx98: byyyyeee [03:48:57] neingeben: the funny has been pretty fine [03:48:57] Stovamor: YOu mean you have to actually think of content ideas now? @F1NN5TER [03:48:58] poppyhart69: Is this gonna go on youtube [03:49:00] zebrabbl396: New challenge [03:49:01] RonnieSxl: byeee <3 DinoDance CurseLit SSSsssplode [03:49:01] 416hobbit: Go to a open night [03:49:02] mystchevious1: You did say that the prettier you got the less funny you would become. [03:49:03] blueskydrinking: you're quite naturally funny tbh [03:49:03] CatBoi_Finnbjorn: cooking stream? [03:49:04] kelseyhellfire: night finn [03:49:05] tinylilhorse: i love your personality so damn cute [03:49:06] Vanimal2118: U told jokes? [03:49:07] braddle172: Bye bye [03:49:07] MaxWattage: Thanks for the fun stream PrideWingL PrideLove PrideWingR juicyg19PrideTrans [03:49:08] mystchevious1: And you're soo pertty [03:49:09] thean9ry9amer: goodnight [03:49:09] ItsEllorah: HypeWave [03:49:10] krovvy: horror game, when [03:49:10] shayla_bean: yoooo finnaly its my first finnster stream [03:49:12] maybeonlysometimes: You're a bimbo now, you don't need personality [03:49:12] medical_size9000: Finn the comedian that would be wild [03:49:12] Shockwavemecha: Stay Cute [03:49:13] OstentatiousMongoose: yyjHey [03:49:13] cdewoozy: good night [03:49:13] okayoctopus_: Good night sleepy [03:49:14] NyxGoneRogue: @F1NN5TER Congrats on the marriage Finn! Tell Ashley we're glad she proposed [03:49:14] sasha_3251: Byeeeeee [03:49:15] Shockwavemecha: Bya [03:49:16] 416hobbit: Good night, F1nn! [03:49:16] melkorgoth: You are pretty enough to not be funny [03:49:16] Nana2aX: <3 <3 <3 [03:49:16] enbyvee: been fun o7 [03:49:17] CyanoticJam: @blueskydrinking A friend? [03:49:17] Avaerus0: Have a good night everyone [03:49:17] 1958dino: You just need to be silly [03:49:17] superrata: Goodnight KonCha [03:49:17] keknik1337: W STREAM [03:49:17] gibbon66: fanks f1nn [03:49:18] looeesz: bye [03:49:19] Stovamor: Byee! [03:49:19] blaxfruitgrinding: cya finn [03:49:19] epicoink: gn [03:49:19] the_forgotten_shadowdemon: Night [03:49:19] kelseyhellfire: cant rely on your looks no more [03:49:19] TheAutoBoT1011: Thanks for the stream, have a good night [03:49:19] scarlettyg: gn <3 [03:49:19] poppyhart69: Bye [03:49:19] krovvy: byeee [03:49:20] Shockwavemecha: spicycowLovies spicycowLovies spicycowLovies [03:49:21] neingeben: gn byeee <3 [03:49:21] braddle172: f1nnHeart [03:49:21] ejl1as: very wholesome here [03:49:21] RuthlessWelshy: byeeeee [03:49:21] Frosty790: Good night F1nn f1nnHeart [03:49:22] ronin_5463: <3 f1nnHeart [03:49:22] YumeNoZen: Nini! [03:49:22] gibbon66: ba [03:49:22] Stovamor: !socials [03:49:22] OHMichelleOH: byeeeee [03:49:22] DarthDerpy_: byeee [03:49:23] johnkeiwo: gn gremlin ! [03:49:23] kamikazelucy: Good night ✨️❤️ [03:49:23] Stovamor: !socials [03:49:23] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [03:49:23] BlaireBearStare: Bye! [03:49:23] Stovamor: !socials [03:49:23] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [03:49:23] f3mmbot: Follow F1nn's Socials! - http://gigachad.gg [03:49:24] kieranfl: goodnight "3 [03:49:24] zombiii: bye, sleep well [03:49:24] aritheshadowqueen: goodnight everyoneeeee [03:49:24] Eyeguy64: <3 [03:49:24] lordgtafbi: gn [03:49:24] scarlettyg: byeeee <3 [03:49:24] medical_size9000: Bye [03:49:25] brycethepebble: byee [03:49:25] illiathedude: bye jesus [03:49:25] SnowwyAI: <3 [03:49:25] poppyhart69: Byeeeee [03:49:25] fritzschumacher: When bimbofication [03:49:26] k175uu: I just like to hear u talk [03:49:26] graef42: bye! [03:49:26] zebrabbl396: Byeeeeee [03:49:26] CyanoticJam: Night night [03:49:26] Gtadicto1: byeee [03:49:26] Shockwavemecha: haanHeart haanHeart haanHeart haanHeart haanHeart haanHeart haanHeart [03:49:27] blueskydrinking: Gn everyone, sleep tight <3 [03:49:27] okayoctopus_: ok bye bye bye bye [03:49:27] Mr_Gunny: HenloThere Byeeeee [03:49:27] family_toy: <3 [03:49:27] tinylilhorse: byeee [03:49:28] BeeBeeBumblin: Goodluck at wed [03:49:28] alexx_net: Night F1nn [03:49:29] Firelord_Redflames: nice princess @F1NN5TER [03:49:29] princess_mia03: Byers [03:49:29] HardyOrange: gnnn [03:49:29] alex_5r1: bye [03:49:29] happyguy16407: bye [03:49:29] gracefully_insane74: bye bye! [03:49:29] watesigma0_0: bye [03:49:29] krovvy: acieHEART [03:49:30] ejl1as: byeeeee [03:49:30] professor_micron: Goodnight [03:49:30] funny_mayonnaise: !Bye f1nn [03:49:30] lunassolarsystem: Bai [03:49:30] blaxfruitgrinding: BYEEEE [03:49:31] stephanie1701: great stream thank you [03:49:32] boom_and_alpha_yt: night chat [03:49:34] bearpaw1970: Good night sweetness [03:49:36] okayoctopus_: <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:49:36] MordorsElite: bye :) [03:49:36] johnkeiwo: !reset [03:49:36] rust_2switch: nighttttt [03:49:36] f3mmbot: Set the stream info to Unknown [03:49:38] the_avocado_general: KonCha [03:49:40] Avaerus0: So cute HarleyWink [03:49:41] f3mmbot: f1nn5ter just went offline! Welcome back offline gang FeelsGoodMan [03:49:41] ChasingSol: thank you, chat [03:49:42] alex_5r1: good night [03:49:43] maybeonlysometimes: Night night [03:49:46] shayla_bean: im cooked i justjoined [03:49:47] kaydensanxious: Night [03:49:47] dafdeddog: bye bye [03:49:49] tehikohiko: <3 <3 <3 <3 [03:49:50] BeeBeeBumblin: No raid, only limbo