- The VOD page for the 2023-02-18 stream 20230218-130519 – 1742189509 – F1NN5TER – 🚨A REAL MANS MAN💪NEW OUTFIT👗NEW NAILS💅 was added.
- 2023-02-15 stream 20230215-130545 – 1739188496 – F1NN5TER – ⚠️BIG NEWS💪CHAD HOURS💄DRESS UP TIME👗 was added.
- A new type of content has been added: Stream Clip Markers. Stream Clip Markers are text files based on the Chat Log but which contain the CLIP CLIP CLIP markers that I and others place in Chat to identify clip-able content or which memorialize what is currently happening on the stream. This complements the existing Stream Time-Code PDFs. These files have been generated since the 2023-01-13 stream and so will be back-filled on the corresponding VOD pages as time permits.
- Lightning Louise Stream Statistics pages are available from 2023-01-12 going forward.
- Re-listed VODs. Because of F1nn’s recent ban/un-ban, the VODs that were available pre-ban had to be re-listed. This has changed the VOD IDs which will break the Stream Concordance information. The affected VOD IDs will have to be corrected/reconciled to reflect the new values.
- The Twitch Chat Logs roll-up zip archive has been updated and now includes chat logs up to 2023-02-18.