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Disnick Galleries

Disnicks has kindly allowed me to post their photo galleries of the screen-shots that were taken during many of F1nn’s streams. Like the VOD pages, these galleries are primarily identified by the date of the stream from which they were taken. The rest of the name of each galleries is a unique descriptor that Disnick associated with the gallery.

Jump to the galleries.

A Word About Girl Month (“GM”) numbers

The Girl Month numbers were rebooted in May 2021 so the current series of Girl Months are 1 through 6. These are considered “Season 2” Girl Months. However, Disnick galleries are numbered from the first Girl Week and Girl Month and so they are 2 higher than the rebooted GM numbers.

As of December 2021 F1nn has told us Girl Months will restart in July 2022 but it is not yet known if the GM numbering will also restart. This is being discussed in S1mp Council as of this writing (Dec 2021).

Chronological Order of Photos

In about half of these photo galleries, the photos are presented in chronological order, i.e. the screen-shots progress in the same order as the scenes in the corresponding VOD. However, due to how some sets of screen-shots were prepared, it was found that the photos were not in chronological order.

The non-chronological order galleries were posted as-is so that the content could be made available to the community as soon as possible. Over time, the photos will be sorted and each gallery will be updated with the pictures in correct, chronological order.

You can tell if an photo is from an non-chronological order set by looking at the filename of the photo which will be in one of two forms:

Photos are in chronological order: YYYYMMDD-x-bbbb.[jpg|png]
Photos are not in chronological order: YYYYMMDD-x-bbbb-cccc.[jpg|png]

x is “subset index” and is hexadecimal value from 0-9 and a to f. The value is used to identify subset of photos within a given gallery.
bbbb and cccc are numerical counters from 0-9999.

Disnick - 2021-11-27 - GM6 - Day 33 - Berlin v1

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