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F1nn5ter Stream Index Page
VOD pages are listed below. Each page will include an embedded YouTube VOD or a link to a recent Twitch VOD. When available, additional content will be included on the VOD page. Additional content may include: YouTube Transcripts, Twitch Chat Logs, Blusau and Disnick screenshot sets, etc. and are indicated by Content Labels that are listed below each VOD title.
Content Labels are described here. View the bonus meta content here.
2019 10 11 12 – 2020 – 2021 – 2022 – 2023 – 2024
Date | Time | Title / Content Labels |
2019-10-06 | 01:34:22 |
🔴 i made a minecraft server pls look 🔴 YT VOD | Transcript |
2019-10-31 | 02:40:56 |
spooky scary Minecraft egirl with randoms YT VOD | Transcript |
2019-12-20 | 03:00:14 |
I Became an Egirl in Minecraft UHC (with A6D) YT VOD | Transcript |
Label | Description |
YT VOD | YouTube VOD. This is a link to the VOD located in the F1nn5ter Stream Archives channel on YouTube. |
Twitch VOD | This is a link to the Twitch VOD located in the F1nn5ter Twitch channel. These VODs age-out after 60 days after which they become available in the Finn5ter Stream Archive channel. |
Summary | Brief summary of what went on during the stream: Story beats, bits, Lore, etc.. |
Transcript Transcript (srt) |
This is the YouTube-generated transcript. This is a text file that can be viewed/searched in-browser and/or downloaded. It is the monologue of the streamer(s). This content is censored by YouTube. Note that for various reasons not every VOD will have a transcript. Transcripts identified as “Transcript (srt)” are in .srt format. If you are going to import the file you may need to change the extension to .srt depending on your software. |
Chat Log |
This is the Twitch Chat Log(s) from the stream. This is a text file that can be viewed/searched in-browser and/or downloaded. It is the plain-text version of the chat stream. This content is uncensored. |
Time-Codes Formerly “Time-Sheets” |
This is a PDF file of the Stream Time-Codes Sheets that are generated for the streams. They are lists of time-stamps and a brief description of the high-light or milestone that occurred on that time-stamp. When available, the viewer count at that time is also listed. Note that the Time-Codes are not an exhaustive list of high-lights/milestones during any given stream and the items noted reflect the bias of the note-taker. The Time Codes are more useful from July onwards based on the amount of time-stamps recorded. |
Stream Clip Markers |
This is a text file based on the Chat Log showing all the CLIP CLIP CLIP markers that were placed in Chat. The markers serve to both identify the time-stamp for clip-able content as well as annotate the stream. Note that the Stream Clip Markers are not an exhaustive list of high-lights/milestones during any given stream and the items noted reflect the bias of the note-taker(s). |
TwitchTracker |
This is a link to the TwitchTracker page for the original stream where various stream statistics are available. |
YT Clips | YouTube Clips. Link(s) to video clips posted on YouTube. |
Caps and Fits |
Caps – These are screen-shots taken by Amoya of scenes of particular interest. Fits – These are screen-shots taken by Amoya showing the outfit(s) worn during the stream. |
Disnicks / Puffalopes / Blusaus |
These are screen-shots taken by Disnick, Puffalopes, and Blusaus from the streams. Each person has their own Gallery page where all the albums are aggregated and each album appears on the VOD page for the corresponding VOD. |
Clips |
These are links to the YouTube of the clips from the live stream and/or the VOD (after the stream). |
Note: VODs are identified by their release date in the form YYYYMMDD-xxa.
YYMMDD-000 indicates that only one VOD was released for that day and that it had no parts or sub-parts. This is the most common identifier.
If a VOD was broadcast in multiple parts (due to technical issues or just the manner in which the content was streamed, e.g. inside vs IRL) then the -000 is interpreted as follows:
Note that because the last character is a “0” that each VOD has no sub-parts. If “sub-parts” exist, then the last character will be a letter, a through z, to indicate the sub-part.
YYYYMMDD-000 – VOD #1 complete in one part.
YYYYMMDD-01a – VOD #2 first of two sub-parts.
YYYYMMDD-01b – VOD #2 second of two sub-parts.
YYYYMMDD-020 – VOD #3 complete in one part.
This numbering scheme was built to accommodate certain streams from 2020 that had multiple parts as well as one or more parts that themselves had sub-parts. This scheme also accommodates streams that were interrupted and restarted and days where more than one stream was broadcast.
Going forward, since the YouTube VOD combines multi-part streams into a single VOD, the initial set of VOD pages will account for each part separately (i.e. one VOD per part or some non-standard combination of parts and only while the VOD is available on Twitch) but will be combined into a single VOD page after the VOD is made available on YouTube.
Item | Description |
Master Stream List. This is a list of all the VODs most of which are available on the YouTube F1nn5ter Stream Archive and includes meta-data used by the Site Maintainer to build the Stream Index. There are place-holder entries for streams where no VOD is available. |
This is a ZIP archive of all the Stream Clip Markers (in plain-text) available on this site for stream dates of 2023-01-13 through 2023-06-07. You can use these text files to research the content of the “CLIP CLIP CLIP” markers that I place in the Twitch Chat Logs during the streams. |
Stream Concordance Table. This is a table of the dates, titles, and the Twitch Chat Log IDs for all the streams. The table is needed in order to allow you to associate a particular Twitch Chat Log with a stream. Twitch Chat Logs are identified by a Stream ID which is a universally unique ID number on Twitch.tv that does not relate in any way to the name or date of any stream so it is not possible to determine which stream a Chat Log belongs to and vica-versa unless you know ahead of time a portion of the content (i.e. comments in Chat) so that you can search for it. There are place-holder entries for streams where no Twitch Chat Log is available. |
This is a ZIP archive of all the Twitch Chat Logs (in plain-text) available on this site for stream dates of 2021-03-30 through 2024-10-26. You can use these text files to research the content of the Twitch Chat Logs from the streams. |
This is a ZIP archive of all the YouTube Transcripts (in plain text) available on this site for stream dates of 2019-10-02 through 2023-08-25. These transcripts were harvested from the YouTube F1nn5ter Stream Archive. You can use these text files to research the content of the YouTube transcript from the streams. Note that not all transcripts within the date range were available from YouTube. The ZIP archive contains all the transcripts that could be found on YouTube. If a transcript was not found, a place-holder takes its place in the archive. |