VOD Page 20220808-000
20220808-120553 – 1556136241 – 1920×1080 – F1NN5TER – Mondays with the boys (you are the boys)
Sailor Moon outfit. Copyright strike drama. Ten sends application for Sugar Daddy. F1nn learns about the “Heat from Fire” meme. Platform heels. Looking at knives. PO Boxes. Someone asks what’s in the Box. F1nn says bodies. Impact play. First shork. F1nn expresses his displeasure. Misguided Chat member asks F1nn for advice for meeting women. Reddit Review. Goes through OG YT videos. Includes brief view of his old GF, Evie(?). Finds out his car is a Barbie Car. Deflects by going into Unban Requests. pp flick. Chat calculates Girl Decade to cost $184,000.000. Talks about the Gay Room (closet) he wants to build in the new house. Twitter-stalks Sneaky. Boy Boner is apparent.
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